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Florily Parada

FYS 002C
Reflection On Diversity Dialogue

After acquiring more about Feminism and discussing it with my fellow peers on the subject, I

feel more empowered to be a female who embraces feminism ideology. I hold each gender

deserves to be respected as well as having equal opportunities. I found it interesting to learn how

everyone has their own belief of what they think Feminism is and how it plays a role in our

society. I learned how most women who classify as "feminist women" are just seeking some

sovereignty in their society. I genuinely found this particular activity intriguing had a good time.

I realized Feminism could be seen as the movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and

oppression and achieve full gender equality in law and practice. I brace Feminism is the idea of

full social, economic, and political equality for women. I found it intriguing to learn how around

the world, Feminism is often interpreted from a different perspective. What I found alarming was

that Feminism seemed to carry a negative stigma within particular societies. I additionally

acquired how Feminist women are doing a fascinating job in advocating for a change within their


Yes, Feminsism is very important to me, and I believe as a young woman, I'm held accountable

for making a positive transformation in our society. I believe we have come along the way to

achieving remarkable change, but I believe there is still work to be done. I suppose a key to

Feminist success is awareness within the subject itself; many times, people misinterpret the term.

It's my responsibility to eliminate the negative stigma tide around Feminsism ideology by

informing those who lack the term's consciousness.

Florily Parada
FYS 002C
Reflection On Diversity Dialogue

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