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(10a) Distinguish between strong armed robbery and armed robbery [1.

5 point]

Strong armed robbery is when the person doesn’t use a deadly weapon.

Armed robbery is when someone used a deadly weapon during a robbery or pretend to
used a deadly weapon to commit a robbery.

(10b) Yes or No: Is second degree murder as an instrumental crime? [1 point]

Yes because the intent is to cause bodily harm o the victim.

(10c) 3 ways by which exposure reduction theory has helped intimate-partner homicide are:

(I) Decline in domesticity

(II) Improved economic status of women
(III) Growth in domestic violence resources.

(10d) According to Schmalleger, one characteristic that appears to separate serial killers from
norm is that: [1 point]

Serial killers have a distinct appearance.

(10e) According to the integrated theory of rape, in what way does each of the following
affect the rate of rape in a society:

(i) Gender inequality: It challenges the the social control over women.
(ii) Social disorganization: it refers to the inability of communities sustaining the viable
social institutions. These institutions can provide a buffer to all sorts of social ills,
including criminal activity.
(iii) Support for legitimate violence: refers to norms and institutional arrangement that
serve to justify the expression of violence in certain context as normative.

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