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When it comes to criminal investigations, discuss any one variable that may reduce erroneous arrests,

prosecutions or convictions.

One variable that may reduce erroneous arrests, prosecutions or convictions is the arrest for the bulk of
non criminal behavior, drug violations, and low-level offenses. These type of arrest are taking over in the
police department and are not being thoroughly investigated as to why. Arrest should be more friendlier
and or more professional.

Unfortunately, police don’t usually arrest the right person. We have seen a lot of documentaries about it
and the investigation never makes sense. In my opinion 32% chance they caught the right person, and
reported by the reading 64% of cases were reported without there actually being a suspect. A lot of the
times they arrest without a full investigation nor do they use real evidence to convict.

Respond also to the post of one other classmate, your responses to this forum are DUE by Friday April
24 (End of Day)

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