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Elizabeth Arias

Sociology 251

Professor Mercogliano

February 21, 2020

Excessive force

Using force to apprehend is usually likely to result in indefensible serious injuries. Force

that is resisted is usually in defense and should be taken into consideration. We have seen so

many unjustifiable cases where an officer has used brutal force when detaining someone, which

has led to serious injuries and even sometimes death. Such as in the case of Eric Gardner. Police

overstepped their boundaries and used excessive force to apprehend him for selling loose

cigarettes. Even after he repeatedly said he could not breathe. They were not persecuted and

suffered no consequences for their behavior. Unwarranted force can be prevented in several

different ways.

Usually the amount of force used in defense is equivalent to the amount of excess force

used by the officer. If the police officer stop’s using excessive force, then the person being

apprehended will or should resisting. Police need more training and should be encouraged to

go to classes or seminars. Where they are constantly talked to or taught ways in how to arrest

someone whiteout injury. Condoning excessive force should also be stopped, police officers are

not prosecuted often enough, leading towards animosity from the public. Lastly, Police officers

should be trained in communication, teaching them ways in how to respond and talk to

minorities or anyone being arrested can lead to uncalled for force.

Police officers are pressured everyone month to produce an insanely amount of tickets

for the state. This has warranted many unjustifiable and careless incidents where police officers

must -use force because the person believes the ticket might be unwarranted. Because of this

the community has been more aggressive towards police officers which can then lead to

excessive force when being arrested.

In conclusion, there should be ways in which the police officers are controlled and

stopped from using excessive force. Excessive force can lead to various injuries not only for the

person being apprehended but for the police as well. There has been so many tragedies and

police brutality because of expressive force, it should be taken seriously.

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