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100 Lines to
By Superman



Hello My friend

Thanks for downloading this book I really appreciate it

Three things before we start :

1. We'll not gonna talk about toxic Masculinity, Hustle mentality, 9-5 culture, or being
an entrepreneur.

You are getting bombarded by this type of dumb information all-day

I am not here to share the same bullshit crap with you.

2. So what we ll gonna talk about?

While writing this book my goal was simple

To give you something which is true from its core & immensely useful for you

If you find any line disqualifying the above 2 conditions

feel free to dm me @Onesupermann

Fact: I wrote this E-book in 20 minutes


3. All the 100 lines which you'll be reading are part of me

Some of them came from life-changing experiences

Some from great authors & philosophers

Some from failures

They helped me in unfucking myself

I am sure they’ll help you too

I will advise you to not go through these 100 lines all at once

If something resonates with you

Stop for a moment

Reflect on that thought for a moment or two

Think How you could apply that in your life?

If any of these lines

Takes you closer to your PURPOSE

Increases your CLARITY or

Gave you more Power

My job is Done


Enough of this boring stuff



1. You can leave life right now let that determine what you do & what you say

2. If it saves time do it

3. When overpowered by emotions seek logic

4. If you are eating well sleeping right & training hard you can't feel be depressed

5. You will fail at your first 100 attempts

6. Say no to average emotions literally scream NO

7. Don't underestimate nature it can heal everything

8. Accept people for who they are not for what they can become

9. You don't want money you just want to brag about having enough of it

10. If money can solve it Its not a problem you are just poor

11. Invest in speed


12. Find cheat codes for x

13. Have you given enough love to your parents?

14. Love More

15. Take everything on your chest be it heartbreaks, failures, or any other loss

16. Look at the sky more often

17. Do things that make you feel more alive

18. Get cheated by someone

19. Do it for the kid inside you

20. Impress yourself

21. Accept your fears that’s how you become a man

22. Be vulnerable

23. Find the maximum leverage point

24. People connect with humans not with brands

25. Fail miserably & get back up

26. If you are still breathing you can build it again

27. Invest in Bitcoin & relationships

28. Be the hero of your 10-year-old self

29. Don't prove your worth just be worthy

30. Give genuine compliments

31. Just be you people will resonate

32. Ask for more from people from god from yourself

33. Give even more

34. Men have to create their value Women have to protect them

35. Die slowly

36. Have a beer with your friends often

37. Hug more

38. Books are the most underpriced assets

39. Give more before asking for more

40. Lose for love

41. Either you die or you keep on trying

42. Look in the people's eye you ll see their soul

43. Heal someone's trauma

44. Life is short

45. Nothing hurt as bad as regret

46. Don't be a loser for your future self take that chance

47. If you can risk it all you can build it all again

48. Do it to make someone smile

49. Be good at suffering

50. You are a seed

51. Don't be like everyone but be for everyone

52. Your birthday is special for your Mom too

53. Know your limits & don't fake them

54. Be strong enough to protect your inner child & your family

55. Play like a Man Win like a Man Lose like a Man

56. Paper is more patient than people

57. On-time is late reach early

58. Be present

59. Breathe In

60. Breathe out

61. Don't be a loser in your own eyes

62. Be a man of your words

63. Have values & live by them

64. Dogs Mom & grass are underrated

65. If you are going to bed with peace you are living a happy life

66. Happiness is a skill -@naval

67. No hurry No pause

68. Slow is Smooth & smooth is fast

69. If a human has done it before you can do better

70. Believe in the God Karma Universe but believe in something


71. No one owes you a shit

72. You were born alone

73. You’ll die alone

74. Don't die with regrets Die with a smile

75. Understand Art

76. Your life shrinks or expands in proportion to your courage

77. Simplify your life

78. Cut the bullshit

79. Understand the matrix

80. The ultimate form of complexity is simplicity

81. Know yourself

82. Love yourself


83. Don't cheat the Man in the glass

84. Your only asset is time

85. Be Impatient with action & patient with results -@naval

86. You only got your dreams

87. Be willing to die for them

88. Letting go is a skill

89. If it resonates with your heart you don't need anyone's permission

90. Give yourself the validation you need

91. Be the first one in & the last one out

92. Someone in this world has your version of success learn from him

93. There are no How tos?

94. Real things can’t be taught


95. Discipline helps you in doing more

96. Either it is a “Hell yes” or “Hell no”

97. Provide value money will be a side effect

98. Its just about reps , reps & some more reps

99. Don't forget to make this world a better place before you die

100. In the End Nothing matters


If you have made it till here you are an awesome reader

Here is my twitter feel free to dm me

I would love to hear from you


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