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International Journal of Pediatric Obesity.

2009; 4: 150159


Cardiovascular disease risk factor (CVDRF) associated waist

circumference patterns in obese-prone children


The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Objectives. The present study tested whether children born at high risk (HR) compared with low risk (LR) for obesity are
more likely to have a waist circumference (WC) associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors (CVDRF-WC) and tested
whether CVDRF-WC status tracks over time. Methods. This prospective cohort study involved 71 children, three to eight
years, who were divided into two groups, LR (n37) and HR (n34), based upon maternal prepregnancy body mass index
(BMI). HR subjects were subdivided into HR normal-weight (HRNW) and HR overweight (HROW) groups, based on
BMI ]85%. Children were classified as having or not having a CVDRF-WC at each year, using age- and gender-specific
WC cut-offs. Anthropometry was assessed annually. Results. Although HR children had a significantly greater mean WC
than LR children at years 58 (p B0.03), these differences became non-significant after adjusting for BMI. HROW were
more likely to have a CVDRF-WC status (p 50.0001) at age 4 years (10%, 5%, vs. 58%), 5 years (3%, 10%, vs. 60%), 6
years (0%, 0%, vs. 70%), 7 years (0%, 0%, vs. 50%) to 8 years (0%, 0%, vs. 55%) than LR and HRNW. Although 60100%
of the children tracked CVDRF-WC status, higher proportions of HROW children (040%) transitioned into having a
CVDRF-WC, compared with LR (06%) and HRNW (09%). Conclusions. HROW were more likely to have or develop a
CVDRF-WC. Although the effects of obesity risk on WC may be secondary to BMI, clinically assessing WC in obese-prone
children may help identify youth at risk for obesity-related complications.

Key words: Obesity, children, waist circumference, obesity predisposition, cardiovascular disease, BMI

Introduction BMI is the most appropriate screening measurement

in children for determining overweight status and
There is increasing interest in waist circumference
risk for obesity-related co-morbidities during child-
(WC) as a screening tool for central adiposity in
children (13) and potentially for identifying risk for hood and adulthood. First, BMI measures both fat
obesity-related complications, such as cardiovascular and fat free mass and thus may not be sensitive to the
disease (CVD) (47). WC was significantly asso- shifts in proportions of fat and fat free mass during
ciated with fat distribution in children (2,3) and, in growth (1316). Second, WC may be the better
adults, was more strongly associated with obesity- indicator of CVD risk as compared with BMI. Some
related health risk than body mass index (BMI, kg/ studies have found WC alone to be the better
m2) (810). predictor of adverse CVD risk profile (57,17),
In clinical settings, BMI percentiles or z-scores are while others suggest that WC and BMI combined
often used as a screening tool for identifying over- provide the best prediction model (5,18). However,
weight children, because it predicts adult weight it is questionable as to whether WC is uniquely
status and provides an estimate of total body fat informative in predicting disease risk beyond BMI in
(11,12). However, there are questions as to whether children. For example, an analysis of the Bogalusa

Correspondence: Karen L. Leibowitz, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 34th Street and Civic Center
Boulevard, 7th Floor Main Building, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399, USA. Fax: 1 732 325 9335. E-mail:

(Received 14 April 2008; accepted 7 October 2008)

ISSN Print 1747-7166 ISSN Online 1747-7174 # 2009 Informa UK Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/17477160802596130
CVDRF-waist circumference and obesity 151

Heart Study found that BMI-for-age and waist-to- N’s at each year), no subjects formally dropped out
height ratio did not differ in their ability to predict of the study during this period. Of the original 41 LR
children with adverse cardiovascular risk profiles families, 85%, 73%, 88%, 88%, 90% and 90% were
(19). assessed at years 38, respectively, in this report. Of
CVD risk factor associated WC (CVDRF-WC) the original 41 HR families, 76%, 80%, 78%, 80%,
refers to a WC that is associated with increased CVD 83%, and 71% were assessed at years 38, respec-
risks, such as dyslipidemia, hypertension and meta- tively. Children were designated as being HR or LR
bolic syndrome. Various studies proposed pediatric for obesity based on their mothers’ pre-pregnancy
CVDRF-WC cut-offs in order to identify the chil- BMI status. Specifically, mothers of the HR children
dren who need evaluation and management for had a BMI 66% and those of the LR children had
obesity and its co-morbidities (17,2025). While a BMI B33% based on nationally normative cut-
there have been different approaches in determining offs from the NHANES sample (34); mothers with
cut-offs, one noteworthy study developed age- and BMI between 3366% were not enrolled during the
gender-specific cut-offs for CVDRF-WC using data initial recruitment. Out of the 34 HR mothers
from the National Health and Nutrition Examina- assessed in this report, 32 mothers had a prepreg-
tion Survey (NHANES) cohort (21), a nationally nancy BMI greater than 25 (94.1%), whereas all 37
representative sample. LR mothers had BMI below 25. Thus, although
The main objective of the present study was to test mothers’ overweight/obesity status per se was not
whether children born with a familial predisposition used to define child risk group, the vast majority of
to obesity compared with those without are more HR mothers were overweight/obese and none of the
likely to have a CVDRF-WC. Although a familial LR mothers were overweight/obese.
predisposition to obesity is an established risk factor Independent of obesity risk status (i.e., HR or LR),
for an elevated weight and BMI status in children which was based on mothers’ prepregnancy BMI,
(2629), few studies have tested this association to children’s overweight status was determined based on
the child’s WC (1,30). In the present investigation, the children’s BMI percentiles from CDC growth
infants born at low risk (LR) or high risk (HR) for charts. Children’s height and weight were measured
obesity based on maternal pre-pregnancy BMI were at each year, thereby allowing for computation of
enrolled and followed until eight years of age. The BMI, BMI z-score, and BMI percentiles from CDC
main aim of the study was to compare the WC values growth charts. Children with a BMI percentile ]
of HR and LR children at ages three to eight years, 85th were considered overweight or obese (‘‘over-
thereby testing the hypothesis that the HR group will weight’’ for the purpose of this report). We com-
have higher mean WC levels than the LR group. As bined all children above the 85th percentile in order
part of this main aim, we compared the proportion to capture both overweight and obese children; the
of HR and LR children having a CVDRF-WC, BMI cut-off of 85% for HROW children was chosen
testing the hypothesis that a higher percentage of based on the current recommendations from the
HR than LR children will have a CVDRF-WC. An Expert Committee Recommendations Regarding the
exploratory aim was to test whether CVDRF-WC Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Child
status tracks, or remains at the same status, over and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity: Summary
time. Report (35).
HR subjects were sub-classified into high risk
normal weight (HRNW) and high risk overweight
Methods (HROW) at each year based upon child overweight
status (i.e., BMI below or above the 85% percentile),
because only a subset of HR children showed the
The Infant Growth Study (31,32) is an ongoing overweight phenotype at each respective year (31).
longitudinal investigation that was designed to assess Because the LR group only had 1 or 2 subjects with a
anthropometric, behavioral and metabolic determi- BMI ]85% at certain ages, subdividing the LR
nants of growth and development in children with group would have yielded an insufficient number of
and without maternal risk for obesity. Eighty-two cases to analyze appropriately. Thus, we retained a
healthy full-term Caucasian infants were initially full LR group.
enrolled in the Infant Growth Study (33), after Maternal and infant enrollment criteria included:
which there was no further recruitment of additional 1) infants born between 36 and 42 weeks gestational
families. Thus, the families analyzed in the present age; 2) infants not small- or large- for gestational age;
study were part of the initial enrollment cohort. 3) mothers without history of gestational diabetes;
Although not all children attended each of the and 4) maternal age greater than 18 years. Anthro-
annual assessments from years 38 (see Table II for pometry was assessed annually on the subjects that
152 K. L. Leibowitz et al.

returned for a given study year. If triplicate measures showing that children with a WC ]90% were more
of weight, height and WC were not obtained or likely to have two or more of the CVD risk factors
reported, these subjects were not included in the compared with children with a WC B90% (25). In
analyses, in order to ensure the accuracy of the data. this previous study, the CVD risk factors that were
Additionally, subjects were required to have complete used to establish the CVDRF-WC criteria included
data for at least two years, in order to be included in total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol,
the tracking analyses of CVDRF-WC status over high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, ApoA1/ApoB
time. The number of children analyzed in the present and blood pressure.
investigation by risk group and age are provided. WC was coded as either zero (no CVDRF-WC) or
one (presence of CVDRF-WC) at each year, de-
pending on whether the WC value fell above or
Procedures below the WC threshold. As this criterion used age-
Anthropometric assessments were performed at the and gender-specific thresholds for CVDRF-WC, age
Growth and Nutrition Laboratory and the General and gender were not adjusted for via inclusion as
Clinical Research Center at the Children’s Hospital independent covariates in these statistical analyses.
of Philadelphia, starting in May 1996 and ending in
March 2003. During these visits, height, weight and
WC were obtained in triplicate by trained assistants, Data analysis
using standardized techniques (36). Height and At each year (ages three to eight), mean differences
weight were measured by a stadiometer (Holtain, in height, weight, BMI, and BMI z-score between
Crymych, United Kingdom) and digital scale the two groups were examined using t-tests or the
(model 6002; Scaletronix, Carol Strea, IL), respec- non-parametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test. To test the
tively. BMI (kg/m2) was calculated from the mean WC differences between the HR and LR subjects, a
height and mean weight. A trained anthropometrist two (Risk Groups)six (Years) repeated measures
measured the WC with an inelastic tape that was mixed model analysis was employed (37,38). This
placed around the subjects at the level of the natural procedure allows for the comparison of risk groups
waist, the narrowest portion of the torso, at the end while examining WC as a continuous measure and
of expiration. The intra-measurer reliability of waist adjusting for the correlation among repeated mea-
circumference measures was 0.99 at each of the surements. We then re-ran this analysis controlling
assessment years. for child BMI z-score (at each year) and the
Written informed consent was obtained from the interaction between child BMI z-score and year.
parents. The protocol was approved by the institu- This analysis allowed us to examine the extent to
tional review boards of the University of Pennsylva- which any effect of risk group on child waist
nia and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. All circumference may be secondary to child BMI z-
applicable institutional and governmental regula- score.
tions concerning the ethical use of human volunteers A three (Risk Groups) six (Years) repeated
were followed during this research. measures analysis also was conducted to test for
differences in WC when classifying children accord-
ing to the three risk groups (LR, HRNW, HROW).
CVDRF-WC status
Due to the collinearity between the two variables,
CVDRF-WC status (i.e., have vs. not have CVDRF- maternal BMI and child risk status were not
WC) of the subjects was determined at years 38 included in the same model simultaneously as
using the WC threshold values established by Li et predictors. Least squares means and standard errors
al. (21). Using the NHANES data that were were generated at each time point for both mixed
obtained over four cycles between 1988 and 2004, models.
Li et al. (21) established age- and gender-specific To test whether the proportion of children with a
WC thresholds at the 90th percentile to define CVDRF-WC differed by risk group, generalized
CVDRF-WC values. Because this study was based estimating equations (GEE) (38) and Fishers Exact
on a large sample of children from the United Sates Test (39) were used. As GEE uses all available data
and was one of the few studies that had age- and and takes into account the correlation among long-
gender-specific WC cut-off values, Li et al. was itudinal repeated measurements, it is the preferred
applied to this cohort. Furthermore, because appro- method to analyze the proportion of children with a
priate WC cut-offs to identify a child at increased CVDRF-WC. When GEE did not provide stable
risk for CVD have not been established from estimates (e.g., small sample sizes), Fisher’s Exact
national data, the WC cut-off of 90th percentile Tests were utilized. In addition to testing the main
was used from Li et al. based on prior research comparison of HR and LR children at each year,
CVDRF-waist circumference and obesity 153

additional analyses were conducted comparing the All analyses were performed using the statistical
three risk groups (LR, HRNW, HROW) in terms of software package SAS, version 9.1. Significant alpha
proportions with a CVDRF-WC. level was considered to be B0.05 for all analyses.
To test whether the presence of CVDRF-WC
tracks over time, the percent of children who
remained in the same CVDRF-WC status versus Results
transitioned to the other status at later years was
Sample characteristics
computed. Specifically, long-term tracking was de-
fined as maintaining the same CVDRF-WC status at Table I provides the general characteristics and
each respective year prior to year 8 (i.e., ages three, anthropometric measurements for the two risk
four, five, six, and seven) to the CVDRF-WC status groups at each study year. LR and HR mothers
at year 8. The number and percentage of children had significantly different mean9standard deviation
who transitioned from not having a CVDRF-WC to (SD) BMIs of 19.591.1 and 30.594.4, respectively.
having a CVDRF-WC (‘‘No Tracking  UP’’) or vice Weight and BMI did not significantly differ between
versa (‘‘No Tracking  DOWN’’) were also com- groups at year three. However, at year four and all
puted. Analyses were conducted by the three risk subsequent years, the HR group had significantly
groups (LR, HRNW and HROW). higher mean BMI and mean weight measurements

Table I. Anthropometric measures of children by risk group and age (year).

Variable Low Risk: Mean (SD) High Risk: Mean (SD) p-value

Year 3
N 35 31
Height (cm) 94.4 (2.9) 95.20 (3.1) 0.325
Weight (kg) 14.0 (1.2) 15.80 (1.3) 0.313
BMI (kg/m2) 15.7 (0.9) 15.90 (1.5) 0.473
BMI Z-score 0.23 (0.8) 0.12 (1.3) 0.675
Year 4
N 30 33
Height (cm) 101.3 (3.4) 102.50 (3.9) 0.206
Weight (kg) 15.8 (1.3) 17.40 (2.8) 0.010
BMI (kg/m2) 15.6 (0.9) 16.50 (2.0) 0.036
BMI Z-score 0.01 (0.7) 0.54 (1.4) 0.082
Year 5
N 36 32
Height (cm) 108.5 (3.8) 109.80 (4.5) 0.221
Weight (kg) 18.2 (1.7) 20.40 (4.5) 0.009
BMI (kg/m2) 15.5 (0.9) 16.80 (3.0) 0.016
BMI Z-score 0.05 (0.7) 0.58 (1.4) 0.057
Year 6
N 36 33
Height (cm) 115.7 (4.3) 117.40 (5.2) 0.155
Weight (kg) 20.1 (1.9) 23.40 (6.4) 0.005
BMI (kg/m2) 15.0 (1.0) 16.80 (3.5) 0.006
BMI Z-score 0.33 (0.9) 0.37 (1.4) 0.016
Year 7
N 37 34
Height (cm) 121.8 (4.8) 122.90 (5.4) 0.354
Weight (kg) 22.9 (2.5) 27.40 (7.9) 0.002
BMI (kg/m2) 15.5 (1.1) 18.00 (4.2) 0.002
BMI Z-score 0.08 (0.8) 0.68 (1.2) 0.004
Year 8
N 37 29
Height (cm) 128.0 (5.0) 130.60 (5.3) 0.050
Weight (kg) 26.3 (3.2) 32.40(10.2) 0.002
BMI (kg/m2) 16.0 (1.3) 18.90 (5.0) 0.002
BMI Z-score 0.01 (0.8) 0.71 (1.2) 0.005

Note: BMIBody mass index; SD Standard deviation.

154 K. L. Leibowitz et al.
than the LR group (p B0.05). Height was higher in

Waist Circumference (cm)

the HR group only at year eight. Mean BMI z-score 70 LR HRNW HROW

differed at years four, six, seven, and eight. The 65

number of male and female subjects in the three risk 60

groups at each year is presented in Table II. 55

Risk Group differences in WC by age Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7 Yr 8
Age (Years)
The two (Risk Groups) six (Years) mixed model
analysis showed a significant main effect of risk Figure 1. Means with standard errors of waist circumference (cm)
by risk group and age.
group (P B0.01) and a significant age-by-risk group
Notes: LRLow Risk, HRNWHigh Risk Normal Weight,
interaction (p 0.024). This indicates that the HROWHigh Risk Overweight. The means with their standard
increase in WC over time was greater for the HR error bars were estimated from the mixed-model analysis. The
than the LR children. The mean WC of the HR effects of risk, age, and the risk*age interaction were all significant
children was significantly greater than that of the LR in the mixed-model analyses, each having a p-value B0.0001.
While there was no significant difference of the mean WC between
children at ages five (56.6 cm vs. 53.9 cm, p B0.03),
LR and HRNW groups, there was a significant difference of the
six (59 cm vs. 55.2 cm, pB0.02), seven (61.8 cm vs. mean WC between HRNW and HROW groups (pB0.04).
56.6 cm, pB0.005), and eight years (64.7 cm vs.
58.2 cm, pB0.002). Results did not change when
including gender as a covariate in the model. This 7 years (p B0.0001) and 8 years (p B0.0001)
divergent WC trend between the two risk groups (Figure 1).
began after a significantly steeper slope from year
three to four for HR WC compared with LR WC
(p 0.03). However, when re-running the full 2 6 Risk Group differences in CVDRF-WC status by age
mixed model adjusting for BMI z-score and its The proportion of children with a CVDRF-WC in
interaction with year, the risk group main effect the three risk groups at each age is presented in
(p 0.12) and age-by-risk group interaction (p  Figure 2. Because of the large number of cells having
0.25) for WC were no longer statistically significant. no children with a CVDRF-WC, the Fisher Exact
Additionally, BMI z-score was found to have a Test was used for the two and the three risk group
stronger correlation with WC than with risk group comparisons. When comparing the two risk groups,
status. the proportion of CVDRF-WC children was signifi-
The three (Risk Groups)six (Years) mixed cantly higher in the HR group than the LR group at
model analysis indicated significant main effects ages five to eight (p B0.01 for each year). The three
and interaction terms (all p B0.0001). The mean risk group comparison revealed significant differ-
WC of the LR and HRNW children did not ences in the proportion of children with a CVDRF-
significantly differ at any year (p 0.16); however, WC at ages four to eight (p-value 50.0001 for each
the mean WC of the HROW children was signifi- year), with the proportions consistently highest
cantly greater than that of the LR and HRNW among HROW children (50 to 70% across years).
children at ages 3 years (p 0.04), 4 years (p  At age three, all three groups had a relatively small
0.006), 5 years (p 0.0002), 6 years (p B0.0001), proportion of children with CVDRF-WC (0 to 13%),

Table II. Total number of subjects by risk group and gender at each year.

Number of Subjects

3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years

Risk group M F M F M F M F M F M F

LR 18 17 13 17 17 19 17 19 18 19 18 19
HR 14 17 16 17 15 17 16 17 16 18 15 14
HRNW 10 13 9 11 11 9 14 9 10 10 11 7
HROW 2 3 6 6 3 7 5 7 5 7 4 7

Notes: LRLow Risk; HRHigh Risk; HRNWHigh Risk Normal Weight; HROWHigh Risk Overweight. MMales, FFemales.
HR was determined based on the maternal prepregnancy BMI, while HRNW and HROW groups were established based on the subject’s
BMI at a given year. If a HR subject was missing weight or height for a particular year, that participant would not be able to be used in the
HRNW or HROW analyses. Therefore, the HRNW and HROW will not always add up to the total number of HR group in this Table.
CVDRF-waist circumference and obesity 155
% with CVDRF-WC 70
LR HRNW HROW Tracking of CVDRF-WC status.
The proportion of children showing long-term
40 tracking of their CVDRF-WC status is presented
30 in Table III. The majority of the LR and HRNW
20 children tracked well, ranging from 84 to 100%
10 (Table III), with later years (i.e., closer to age 8)
0 tracking at higher percentages compared with earlier
Yrs 3 Yrs 4 Yrs 5 Yrs 6 Yrs 7 Yrs 8
Ages (Years) years (i.e., further away from age 8). For the HROW
group, the majority of children tracked across years
Figure 2. Proportion (%) of children with a cardiovascular disease (60 to 100%), although the proportion of tracking
risk factor associated waist circumference (CVDRF-WC) by age
and risk group. was generally smaller compared with LR and
Notes: CVDRF-WC cut-offs were age- and gender-specific that HROW. Once again, the proportion of HROW
corresponded to 90th percentile for WC using NHANES data children who showed tracking increased in later
(21). LRLow Risk, HRNWHigh Risk Normal Weight, years.
HROWHigh Risk Overweight. For years 3, 6, 7 and 8, the
missing bar indicates that there were no subjects with CVDRF-
Figure 3 displays the changes in raw WC levels,
WC in that specific risk group. from initial to follow-up assessment, for each HROW
child in each tracking analysis. The figures help to
and there were no differences among the three groups put these findings in context, as a change in only a
(p 0.38). However, from age three to four the few subjects can yield a relatively large percentage of
proportion of children with a CVDRF-WC in the children who do not track given the sample size.
HROW group jumped from 0% to 58% and subse-
quently ranged from 50 to 70% for ages five to eight Discussion
years. The LR and HRNW groups, by contrast, had
low proportions of CVDRF-WC at each of the years, Our main finding was that HROW children were
ranging from 013%. more likely to have an elevated WC and a WC that

Table III. Number (proportion) of children tracking and not tracking of cardiovascular disease risk factor associated waist circumference
(CVDRF-WC) status comparing age 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to age 8 years.

CVDRF-WC Tracking status

Years Risk group N Tracking* No tracking- UP** No tracking- DOWN***

LR 35 34 (97%) 0 ( 0%) 1 ( 3%)
HRNW 19 16 (84%) 2 (11%) 1 ( 5%)
HROW 5 3 (60%) 2 (40%) 0 ( 0%)
LR 30 27 (90%) 0 ( 0%) 3 (10%)
HRNW 18 16 (89%) 1 ( 6%) 1 ( 6%)
HROW 10 7 (70%) 1 (10%) 2 (20%)
LR 36 35 (97%) 0 ( 0%) 1 (3%)
HRNW 17 16 (94%) 0 ( 0%) 1 (6%)
HROW 9 7 (78%) 1 (11%) 1 (11%)
LR 36 36 (100%) 0 ( 0%) 0 ( 0%)
HRNW 20 20 (100%) 0 ( 0%) 0 ( 0%)
HROW 8 8 (100%) 0 ( 0%) 0 ( 0%)
LR 37 37 (100%) 0 ( 0%) 0 ( 0%)
HRNW 17 17 (100%) 0 ( 0%) 0 ( 0%)
HROW 10 9 (90%) 1 (10%) 0 ( 0%)

Notes: *Number and percent (%) of children who maintain the same CVDRF-WC status each respective age prior to age 8 years compared
with the status at age 8. ** Number and percent (%) of children who do not maintain the same CVDRF-WC status, transitioning from not
having a CVDRF-WC to having a CVDRF-WC. *** Number and percent (%) of children who do not maintain the same CVDRF-WC
status, transitioning from having a CVDRF-WC to not having a CVDRF-WC. LR Low Risk; HRNWHigh Risk Normal Weight;
HROWHigh Risk Overweight; WCWaist Circumference.
156 K. L. Leibowitz et al.

Waist Circumference (cm)

Waist Circumference (cm)

75 95

60 75

55 65

40 45
Year 3 Year 8 Year 4 Year 8

C 105 D 105
100 100
Waist Circumference (cm)

Waist Circumference (cm)

95 95
90 90
85 85
80 80
75 75
70 70
65 65
60 60
55 55
Year 5 Year 8 Year 6 Year 8

E 105
Waist Circumference (cm)

Year 7 Year 8

Figure 3. Tracking of cardiovascular disease risk factor associated waist circumference CVDRF-WC (cm) for high risk overweight (HROW)
children at each year to year 8.
Notes: Panel A reflects tracking from year 3 to 8; Panel B reflects tracking from year 4 to 8; Panel C reflects tracking from year 5 to 8; Panel
D reflects tracking from year 6 to 8; Panel E reflects tracking from year 7 to 8. Each line represents one HROW subject. The thin straight
line indicates that that particular subject remained in the same CVDRF-WC status (either above or below the cut-off) for both that given
year and year 8. The dotted line represents a subject that transitioned up from below the CVDRF-WC cut-off at a given year to above the
cut-off at year 8. The bolded line indicates that a subject transitioned down from above the cut-off at a given year to below it at year 8.

was associated with an increased risk for CVD group mixed model analysis revealing that the
compared with LR and HRNW children. This HROW group had the greatest WC values, as well
significant divergence of WC patterns among risk as categorical analyses showing that HROW group
groups started as early as four years of age. While was most likely to have a CVDRF-WC. Thus, the
previous studies have shown that maternal prepreg- effects of risk group on WC per se may be secondary
nancy BMI or early pregnancy body weight was to child BMI z-score. Future research needs to
associated with an increased risk of overweight in the establish the extent to which there are independent
offspring (28,4042), limited information on this genetic and environmental influences on child waist
relationship with the WC of children has been circumference independent of BMI. The findings
published (1). The significant finding in the WC of also underscore and reflect the high multicollinearity
the HROW group suggests that a familial predis- that exists among BMI and WC in children.
position to obesity in conjunction with a higher BMI The divergence of the mean WC between the risk
may lead to an increased risk for an elevated WC. groups followed a significantly steeper WC slope of
A noteworthy finding was that the effect of risk the HR group from three to four years of age. This
group on WC became non-significant when control- significant transition is similar to the concept of
ling for BMI z-score. This was consistent with the 3- ‘‘adiposity rebound’’ for BMI, defined as BMI
CVDRF-waist circumference and obesity 157

declining and reaching a minimum level around 56 reliability were provided, data on inter-rater relia-
years of age prior to gradually increasing to adult bility were not collected. Due to the small sample,
BMI status. Furthermore, early adiposity rebound, when subjects transitioned from one CVDRF-WC
where the BMI nadir occurs before 5 years of age, status to another, a small number of subjects
may be a marker or precursor to the onset of adult transitioning could lead to a relatively large change
obesity (4346) although this issue remains contro- as a percentage. To further examine the relationship
versial (47). The transition in WC from year three to between WC and CVDRF-WC, biomarkers are
four, observed in the HROW youth, may reflect a currently being collected in this cohort for future
similar phenomenon, such that this subgroup may analyses. Additionally, the inconsistencies in the
be more likely to develop adult obesity than the LR literature, including the use of different types of
or HRNW children. Future research examining measuring tapes and various locations on the body to
longer term tracking of WC should address this measure the waist circumference, are important
issue. limitations to this field. Further research is necessary
To characterize the CVD risk status of the present to establish a consistent method of measuring waist
sample, CVDRF-WC cut-offs established from circumference. Strengths of this study include use of
NHANES were applied. The proportions of the a longitudinal, prospective cohort study whose body
HROW children with a CVDRF-WC (50 to 70%) habitus has been carefully measured since three
were significantly higher than those in the LR (0 to months of age.
10%) and HRNW (0 to 10%) groups at ages four to In conclusion, children who are at risk for
eight years. Moreover, the exploratory long-term becoming overweight or obese, based upon familial
tracking analyses indicated that HROW children predisposition for obesity, were more likely to have
were more likely to transition into having a an increased WC, which may be associated with
CVDRF-WC when compared with the other risk CVD risk factors. This divergence of WC began
groups, particularly during the transition from ages between three to four years of age, following a
three to four. The HROW group increased more in significantly steeper slope of increasing WC from
the proportions of children with CVDRF-WC, from ages three to four years between HR than LR
0% at age three to 58% at age four. This further children. The effect of family risk on WC may be
supports the suggestion that this may be a critical secondary to BMI, and future research needs to
period for differentiation of WC in this sample of establish whether there are unique effects of WC on
high-risk children. disease risk independent of BMI. Still, WC may be
Most children tracked within a CVDRF-WC an important health screening measurement, in
status, which is similar to the tracking of BMI in conjunction with BMI, to identify children who are
children in the literature (48,49). These results also at risk for obesity and CVD risk factors and who may
are consistent with two other studies that reported be in need of further evaluation and management.
moderate to strong tracking of WC in children over a
two and five year period (30,50), although these Acknowledgements
studies utilized different approaches to analyze
tracking. When a child was above the CVDRF-WC This work was funded by a National Institute of
cut-off, even as early as four years of age, the Health grant DK068899, General Clinical Research
CVDRF-WC status tends to persist over a four- Center grant RR00240, General Clinical Research
year period. While it has been demonstrated that Center/Clinical Translational Research Center grant
childhood BMI is associated with BMI in young UL1-RR-024134, and the Nutrition and Growth
adults (48,51,52), minimal data have addressed the Laboratory of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
issue of body composition tracking during childhood
and adolescence (53). This topic warrants more Declaration of interest: The authors report no
research. The tracking of CVDRF-WC suggests that conflicts of interest. The authors alone are respon-
early intervention efforts may be important in sible for the content and writing of the paper.
preventing the onset of elevated WC, especially
given the likelihood of CVDRF-WC status persisting
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