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Assessment for Learning

Instructions: Red the questions carefully. Analyze each question. Answer the questions based on
what you have understood supported by valid references or research.

1. What are the important roles of a pharmacist in an existing healthcare system in the community?

a. to the patients

b. to co-workers

c. in the healthcare facility

d. in the community

To the Patient - pharmacists hold the responsibility to deliver effective, safe, and quality medicines
and services to achieve optimal health outcomes. Competency in their discipline and up-to-date
knowledge, therefore, are pharmacists' core in tailoring information and advice to their patients.

To Co-Workers - Good communication in the workplace begins with respect for other co-workers
and a willingness to be team player. To help ensure that co-workers are communicating with one
another, regular staff meetings should be scheduled to bring up problems or issues in the workplace
in a non-confrontational or non-blaming way. A staff meeting is not the time to direct personal
attacks and all staff members should be reminded of that. Staff meetings should encourage
participation from all co-workers, from pharmacists to technicians to other support staff.

In the healthcare facility - Pharmacists help achieve the best possible medical outcomes from the
use of prescription medications through various types of medication-related services. These services
include working collaboratively with physicians and other healthcare providers in recommending
specific medications or changes in medications.

In the community - Pharmacists play a vital role connecting patients and medical professionals. ...
Community pharmacists offer a trusted environment in which to reduce medication errors and
improve safety, while reducing costs and improving the quality of care.

2. How your role as a pharmacist in a given situation varies when it comes to the following settings:

a. rural?

b. urban?’

In rural areas the they have different beliefs and tradition when it comes to medication. They have
these practices which the inherit from their ancestors some of them may work but most them are
not safe to use that’s when the role of pharmacist comes in, to correct those misconceptions and
educate them with right medication. While in the urban areas, boutiques are everywhere that is
why they have an easy access to drugs information.
3. Formulate a model showing the components/determinants of health focusing on pharmaceutical




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