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Antispasticity druges


Baclofen is used to treat muscle spasms caused by certain conditions (such as multiple

sclerosis, spinal cord injury/disease). It works by helping to relax the muscles. usually 3
times a dathis medication, you may also have withdrawal symptoms (such
as hallucinations and seizures)

Side Effects

Drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, tiredness, headache, trouble sleeping, nausea,

increased urination, or constipation may occur. 

Symptoms of overdose may include: vomiting, severe drowsiness,

slow/shallow breathing, seizures.

May Reduce Bruxism and Associated
Temporomandibular Joint Pain
Tiagabine is an anticonvulsantcommonly used as an add-on treatment of
refractory partial seizures in persons over 12 years old

 indicate that tiagabine might also be remarkably effective in suppressing

nocturnal bruxism, trismus, and consequent morning pain in the teeth,
masticatory musculature, jaw, and temporomandibular joint areas

The doses used to suppress nocturnal bruxism at bedtime (4–8 mg) are
lower than those used to treat seizures.


Dantrolenehydantoin derivative, is well established in clinical practice, being

of greatest value for the reduction of clonus and involuntary muscle spasms [ 
Dantrolene [] is the agent of choice for treatment of malignant
hyperthermia and greatly reduces the mortality to under 10% if given in time [
Dantrolene differs from the centrally acting muscle relaxants in that its site of
action is beyond the muscle cell membrane.
The most common adverse reactions, seen in up to 75% of patients,
are weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, and dizziness. Nausea, vomiting,
and diarrhea or constipation are also common, but all these adverse
reactions tend to disappear as treatment continues. In general, by
adjusting the dose a satisfactory effect can be achieved with
acceptable adverse effects.

Rare, but occasionally very serious, adverse effects include

hepatotoxicity, respiratory depression, seizures, pleuropericardial
reaction, and lymphocytic lymphoma [

Dantrolene is used in the treatment of malignant hyperpyrexia, a

condition occasionally triggered by anesthetic agents and in which
intense muscle spasm is a predominant feature

Dantrolene is strongly contraindicated in amyotrophic lateral

sclerosis because the muscular weakness associated with this condition,
when exacerbated by the drug, can lead to respiratory difficulty.
Adverse effects of dantrolene include muscle weakness and hepatotoxicity.
Hepatotoxicity of varying degrees has been reported in approximately 1% of
patients taking dantrolene for 60 days or longer.

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