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Courage Just Wait a Bit; I'll Catch You

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
Character: Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin | Jin,
Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Taehyung | V, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Original
Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Lawyers, Prosecutor Park Jimin, Prosecutor Min
Yoongi, Lawyer Park Jimin (BTS), Lawyer Min Yoongi | Suga, Lawyer
Jeon Jungkook, Lawyer Kim Namjoon | RM, Lawyer Kim Taehyung | V,
Lawyer Kim Seokjin | Jin, Detective Jung Hoseok, This is Ace Attorney
but with Bangtan, Jimin has a Yoongi Kink, Yoongi has a competency
kink, Grinding, Mutual Masturbation, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, sexy
lawyer drama, Top Min Yoongi | Suga, Bottom Park Jimin (BTS),
Bickering during Sex, Gun Violence, it's brief though, Trauma, Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, it's described for a bit in chapter 5,
Min Yoongi | Suga Is Whipped, Soft Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
Series: Part 1 of The Adventures of Kim & Co. Law Offices
Stats: Published: 2020-09-10 Completed: 2020-09-19 Chapters: 5/5 Words:

Courage Just Wait a Bit; I'll Catch You

by jks_microwave


Park Jimin is a rookie Prosecutor with one goal in mind: to apprentice under famous
Prosecutor Min Yoongi, the best of the best. Easier said than done, though, when Yoongi
barely knows he exists. Or so he thinks.


The YoonMin Prosecutor/Lawyer AU no one asked for.

Chapter 1
Chapter Summary

Jimin has his sights set on working with Min Yoongi, the top Prosecutor in the City,
maybe even the Country. But before that, he’s got to get through a trial with Defence
Attorney Wonderkind Jeon Jungkook.

Chapter Notes

This is a prequel to my NaNoWriMo 2020 fic, which will be a Namkook extravaganza.

Please enjoy! :D

Min Yoongi was known throughout the country as the Demon Prosecutor. There were countless
stories backed up by court transcripts of the Prosecutor’s silver tongue, his sharp eyes and his
relentless pursuit of the truth. The last point was what intrigued people the most - Yoongi wasn’t
interested in a perfect record of pronouncing every single person he prosecuted as guilty but
instead, wanted to ensure that the culprit was caught regardless of who was brought to court as the
Defendant. Hell was brought down on anybody who tried to stand in his way of the truth, it didn’t
matter what side of the fence they were on.

Park Jimin had heard the stories all throughout law school, and they only intensified once he began
to work full time at the Prosecutor’s Office. Yoongi’s face-offs against legendary defence
attorneys like Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon were already the stuff of myth and they were all
relatively the same age. Jimin had one goal in mind when he walked through the doors each
morning, and that was to train under Yoongi. Not that the Prosecutor’s Office wasn’t teeming with
equally as qualified prosecutors that a rising star like Jimin could learn from, but they weren’t
Yoongi. Jimin wanted to be the best, and Yoongi, in his mind, was the best.

It didn’t hurt that Yoongi was very easy on the eyes. The paralegals and assistants would gossip
about catching a glimpse of Yoongi out in the wild, with some pretty thing on his arm. Jimin
wondered if the stories and gossip had gotten out of control as he was never seen with the same
person twice and it seemed to flip between men and women equally. He realized belatedly that it
was more that Yoongi was probably Bi than it was that the stories weren’t matching up.

Not that this was any of his business and he knew it wasn’t, but Jimin was a bit too nosy for his
own good and he was well aware of his skill in getting people to open up to him – it was easy to
get more stories from those in the Prosecutor’s Office. His pretty smile and wickedly sharp eyes
helped him get the only A+ in cross-examination in his class, after all. No, Park Jimin didn’t aim
low when it came to people he was interested in, but his path and Yoongi’s path never really
crossed, only brief glances in the hallway (well, the glances were from Jimin; Yoongi’s face was
almost always buried in a case file) and that was not nearly enough.

“Is the Prosecution ready?” the Judge asked, snapping Jimin out of his thoughts. Jimin realized
with rising horror that he wasn’t in the safety of his office going over the case file, but instead in
the court room and about ready to face off against the Defence attorney wonderkind Jeon
Jungkook, the newest hire at Kim & Co. Law Offices for the second day of a three day trial. The
first day had been nothing spectacular, but he knew that he shouldn’t be taking the rookie lightly;
he was being trained by the best.

Never mind that Jimin was a rookie himself.

The legendary Kim Seokjin was standing beside Jungkook, arms folded and with a bit of a smirk
on his full lips. “The Defence doesn’t mind if the Prosecution takes a minute to collect
themselves,” he said. “This is a pretty gruesome murder case and we wouldn’t want Prosecutor
Park to make a grave mistake that could have deadly serious consequences.”

Jungkook blinked slowly and tilted his head, nose crinkling adorably as if he was trying to figure
out how to respond to his senior’s joke. He turned and looked confusedly at Seokjin. “I don’t think
I should be here.”

Seokjin blinked. “What are you talking about?”

“This is a courtroom, right? I’m not a lawyer,” Jungkook said, rubbing the back of his head and
flinching slightly as he touched something sore. “Ow.”

Jimin stared, wondering if this was some sort of elaborate practical joke. Kim & Co. was known
for their unorthodox methods of defending their clients and pulling a joke like this in open court
was new, but Jimin wasn’t sure if it was out of the question. Something was bothering Jimin,
though, and it was the completely blank look in Jungkook’s eyes. A sinking feeling pooled in
Jimin’s stomach as he realized what it meant: Jungkook had no idea where he was, or who he was.
How did he even get cleared to appear?

The Judge raised an eyebrow. “While I am usually generous with Kim & Co.’s shenanigans, now
isn’t the time, Mr. Jeon. — Prosecutor Park, please give your opening statement.”

“—Yes, of course.” Jimin bowed deeply and regarded the Court, clearing his throat gently. “The
Victim is Kim Minjun, aged 28, and a fresh recruit to the Seoul Police Department. The
Prosecution has an airtight case as to why the Defendant, Choi Mandi, murdered him in cold blood
on the night of September 21.” He glanced down at his notes for a beat. “The Defendant is also a
police officer so this case is a matter of grave importance to the Police Department and the
Prosecutor’s Office.”

Jungkook’s eyes widened and he turned to the young woman in the Defendant’s chair, then back to
Seokjin. “This is a police murder case?” he hissed. “Why did you bring me here? I don’t know
what to do here!”

Seokjin’s brows furrowed and he turned to the Judge. “My apologies, Your Honour, a moment.”
He leaned down to Jungkook, expression severe. “I appreciate a joke as much as the next person,
but this isn’t the time, Jungkook.”

“Why do you keep calling me that?” Jungkook asked, distressed. “Who’s Jungkook? Who are

“Why …? — That’s your name. Are you telling me you don’t remember your name?” Seokjin’s
voice rose higher than a whisper, and his eyes widened. “What do you remember?”

Jungkook stared at him blankly. “I woke up on a couch with a pounding headache and you yelling
at me and dragging me out here. Honestly it was really a case of stranger danger but you said you
were my boss and I should listen to you or get fired and I don’t want to get fired. Even though I
don’t know what I do for you.”

Seokjin’s classically handsome face paled, and he looked over at the Judge, realizing quite quickly
that they were in hot water. “—Sorry, Your Honour, just clearing up a little sticking point in terms
of, uh, strategy. Please, continue.”

The Judge didn’t seem impressed but Seokjin seemed willing to take the L on the impression
points if it meant that he could have a bit of leniency going forward. Jimin’s hunch was proving to
be correct - something happened and Jungkook’s memory was gone.

“…The Prosecution calls Detective Jung Hoseok to the stand.” Jimin’s voice cut through the tense,
confused air inside Courtroom No. 301. “Detective Jung, can you walk us through the case?”

Detective Jung Hoseok was a young Detective but was already climbing the ranks at an alarming
rate, making Lead Detective within a couple of years. His sunny disposition and heart-shaped smile
got him everywhere with witnesses, and it helped that he was damn good at his job. No matter
what the outcome, Hoseok was determined to find justice, even if it meant going against the grain.
The higher ups didn’t like it, but he got results and that ultimately is what mattered. He was also a
PR godsend, with his bright smile and easy-going personality taking questions from the media with
ease and grace.

Jimin was well aware of the rumours that Hoseok and Yoongi were more than just old college
friends and one of the best Prosecutor/Detective teams on the force. He swallowed down the weird
sense of jealousy that was beginning to bubble up; there were more important matters that required
his full attention. Hoseok was standing behind the witness stand, clad in a finely pressed grey suit,
his hair immaculately styled.

“Your name and title for the record?” The Judge asked, knowing this was all a formality.

Hoseok nodded. “Detective Jung Hoseok, Lead Detective of the Homicide department.” He slid
his hands out of his pockets, one hand holding a remote that controlled the projector that had
whirred to life. “The murder occurred at a local park, not far from the precinct. The victim was
pushed from the upper level…” He clicked a button. “…down to the ground below, snapping his
neck. Because of the force of impact, his wristwatch stopped at the exact time of his death.”

Right on cue, Jimin presented a glossy, clear photograph and handed it to the Bailiff. “The
Prosecution submits the following as evidence. This is the scene of the murder as authorities

The Judge nodded. “The Court accepts it into evidence. — now, during the previous day, we had
come across some very important evidence. – Mr. Jeon was the one that found it. Please recap
what it was for the Court.”

“I did?” Jungkook asked, blinking. Seokjin slapped a hand to his head and hissed for Jungkook to
stop asking questions like that if he could be so kind. He blinked again and looked down as Seokjin
shoved the Court Record at him, determined to salvage this somehow. Taking the cue that he
needed to look at the list of evidence, Jungkook tilted his head as if staring at the Mona Lisa and
doing his best to figure out why she smiled. “—wait; the pair of glasses. They were found
underneath the body? Did… the victim didn’t wear glasses, did he?”

Hoseok shook his head. “No, we believe that they belong to Officer Kim’s killer.” He glanced over
at Mandi, who sat small and afraid in the Defendant’s chair. “They were the same style as the
“They’re not mine!” Mandi protested, biting her lip. “Th-These are my spare pair, yes, but they
broke way before I met Minjun on his birthday!”

The Judge banged his gavel, pulling the court under his control once more. “Detective Jung, please

Hoseok nodded. “There’s something more damning than the glasses, Your Honour.” He clicked
the button again, bringing up another photograph while Jimin handed the physical copy of the
photograph to the Bailiff. “The victim wrote the killer’s name.”

Jungkook’s brows furrowed as he looked at the photograph on the projection screen, looking very
much like a confused rabbit. He jumped out of his skin when the Judge gave him the opportunity
for a cross-examination. “What’s—?”

“Please don’t say that you don’t know what a cross-examination is,” Seokjin whispered, a hand
over his face. He sighed and slowly lowered his hand, realizing what he had to do. “The Detective
just gave you his testimony. You get to ask him questions based on what he said. Go through each
statement he made and ask him follow up questions.”

“Oh. Is that it?”


Jungkook nodded slowly. Jimin wondered if he really did understand but this was going to be
something to experience regardless. “There’s… only one thing I want to ask, actually. Everything
else was pretty straightforward.” He looked up at Hoseok and scratched his nose. “Are you sure
that the victim wrote this?”

Hoseok raised an eyebrow. “Who else would have?”

It was asked so bluntly that Jungkook blushed reflexively in embarrassment. “Just… it says
MANDY here.”

“Yes, that’s the name of the Defendant,” Jimin answered, raising an eyebrow himself. “I don’t
know what’s going on over there on the Defence’s bench, but it seems that Attorney Jeon isn’t fit
to appear in Court.”

Jungkook huffed, something familiar showing up in his eyes - determination. “The Defendant’s
name is Choi MANDI, with an I, not a Y! Wouldn’t her boyfriend know how to spell his own
girlfriend’s name? Like. It doesn’t seem right he’d spell it wrong, even if he was dying. That’s just,
like, something you know.”

Seokjin blinked as he peered at the enlarged image, his eye widening. He grinned and clapped
Jungkook on the back. “How do you feel about that, Prosecutor?”

Jimin felt like he had a migraine coming on. He shared a look with Hoseok, who seemed to be a bit
surprised that no one in the department caught that, but was otherwise unperturbed by the
development. “It seems that we need to explore more about what was known about this
relationship to the court, in the interest of getting the full picture. Detective Jung?”

“It seems warranted,” Hoseok agreed. “They were a well-known couple on the police force; seems
like they were even talking about marriage.” He cleared his throat and cast a short glance to Mandi.
“The day of the murder was Officer Kim’s birthday… only reason I know that is that the
Defendant asked me what she should get him since I trained him.”
Jungkook blinked. “That’s cute. What did she get him?”

Hoseok made a soft sound and gestured to the Bailiff who brought over a brightly coloured yellow
baseball glove in a thick, clear, plastic bag with a zip seal. “This. Officer Kim loved yellow, that’s
why the glove’s such a bright colour.”

“It took a long time for me to get it,” Mandi said softly, wringing her hands. “It had to be custom
made, not just because of the colour, though.”

(Custom made?) Jimin thought, frowning.

The Judge hummed. “That’s curious now. Did Officer Kim really write the Defendant’s name? It
doesn’t seem likely that he would misspell her name.”

“There was sand underneath his right fingernail,” Hoseok explained, sliding his hands back into his
pockets. “So while we can’t confirm it’s his handwriting, we concluded that because of the sand
underneath his fingernail, he wrote it with his right hand.”

Jungkook’s brows furrowed and his chin jutted out briefly. “Penny for your thoughts?” Seokjin
asked, perhaps more to see if his protégé was still as blank as a sheet of paper.

“There’s … this glove’s left handed,” Jungkook said, turning it around in his hands. “That’s …” he
trailed off, pouting slightly. “You said you had to custom order the glove?”

Mandi started, surprised to be spoken to. “Y-Yeah. You don’t really see left-handed gloves…”

Jimin raised an eyebrow. “Does the Defence need a minute to put together another wild tale?”

Jungkook huffed. “I don’t know who pissed in your cornflakes this morning but I’m talking about
the glove. If the Defendant got this left handed glove… why was there sand under Officer Kim’s
right finger?”

(Shit. I was hoping he wouldn’t notice that. Even with his memory wiped, this Jungkook is
something else,) Jimin thought, irritably. (Did everybody at Kim & Co. have to have this sixth
sense when it came to these things?) He took a deep breath and shook his head; it didn’t matter
which way this case went – Jimin’s only concern was making sure that the right person was
punished for murder.

“Hmm, perhaps this is not as straightforward as the Prosecution had presented. It doesn’t seem that
the victim would misspell his girlfriend’s name wrong, and with his off-hand. I think this means
that the Defendant—”

“Is not out of the woods yet,” Jimin interrupted politely. “There is still one more witness for the
Prosecution – the eye witness that found the body and saw the murder happen right before their
eyes. It would be remiss of us not to hear their testimony, your Honour.”

The Judge hummed. “That’s true. – We will resume after a 15 minute recess. Please prepare your
witness, Prosecutor Park.”


Inside the Prosecutor’s Lobby after preparing his difficult witness and handing them off to the
Bailiff, Jimin sat down heavily and raked a hand through his pale blond hair. He looked over as
Hoseok sat down beside him and gave the Detective a small smile. “It’s never a dull moment with
Kim & Co. is it?”
Hoseok laughed, a higher pitched sound than Jimin would have expected, but it lit up the lobby all
the same. “There was this one case that I was called in to testify about. It was Yoongi against
Namjoon from Kim & Co. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Objection volley that lasted ten minutes
before that one. There was just a constant tit-for-tat back and forth escalation of theory,
speculation, and evidence to back it up. The Judge was lost, and I could barely keep my shit
together. But in the end, they caught the right guy.” Hoseok leaned back on the couch and looked
up at the ceiling briefly. “They’re unorthodox, but Kim & Co. have this knack for finding the truth.
Yoon won’t admit it, but he loves working trials with them.”

“…really? I would’ve thought they’d drive him nuts.”

“They do, don’t get me wrong,” Hoseok laughed, slapping his knee. “But they’re all wanting the
same thing: to find the truth and make sure the right person answers for the crime that was
committed. That Jungkook kid, though, can’t believe Seokjin put him up there while he’s got

Jimin shook his head slightly. “I don’t think he knew. By the time he realized it, we were already
underway and the Judge was running a tight ship.”

“True enough,” Hoseok admitted. He gave Jimin a slight nudge. “But the training wheels seem to
be off for you. No babysitter?”

“I’d like to say it’s because they believe in me, but we’re short-staffed at the moment,” Jimin
admitted, smiling faintly. “The case… well, it was straight forward enough that I didn’t need
backup, but now I’m not so sure.”

Hoseok hummed. “Do you think she did it?”

Jimin looked down at his hands. “If I’m honest… I think someone set her up.” He idly fiddled with
one of the silver rings on his fingers, watching as the sterile light of the courthouse’s lobby
sparkled on one of the stones. “They’re not going to be happy if I ‘lose’ this.”

With a soft snort, Hoseok clapped a hand on Jimin’s shoulder. “What matters most is that the right
person answers for the crime. You don’t want to end up like Prosecutor Yang and his 40 year
perfect record and all the rumours that go along with how he got there.”

Frowning, Jimin slowly nodded. It was no secret that Yang Hyunki was the most prolific
Prosecutor never to have made it to the Chief Prosecutor position. The man boasted a perfect
record for the last 40 years, but in the shadows of such a great accomplishment were rumours of
backend deals, bribing witnesses and forging evidence.

While it wasn’t clear if the Prosecutor’s Office was turning a blind eye to that, they at least had
enough sense not to make him Chief Prosecutor. That honour had gone to Seol Rina, a young
woman with a frighteningly impressive record despite her age. Jimin had only met the Chief
Prosecutor once when he had his orientation at the Prosecutor’s Office, and he was sure that he
never wanted to be on her bad side.

“Please proceed to the courtroom,” The Bailiff requested, appearing before them. “Court will be
back in session shortly.”

Jimin nodded his thanks and rose, straightening out his suit. “Wish me luck, Detective.”

“Break a leg.”

Back inside Courtroom 301, Jimin was very much not looking forward to bringing his witness to
the stand, but it would be remiss of him not to. Yeom Danny was a thoroughly irritating person to
talk to, prone to fits of soliloquies that no one was interested to hear, and an inflated sense of
importance. “…Please provide your name and occupation for the Court.”

Danny was dressed in a flashy suit, and a long tapered scarf that had seen better days. “Yeom
Danny, and I suppose one could call me a journeyman on the path of higher enlightenment.”

Jimin sighed. “He’s a University student.” This was evidently the wrong thing to say as Danny
launched into a three minute tirade about how the label was unjustly given to him and how dare
this stuffed shirt Prosecutor call him so basic and lame. “Please tell the Court how you came upon
the victim.”

With a huff, Danny straightened up and tugged on his scarf. “There isn’t much to tell. I was taking
a stroll in the park as I ruminated on the workings of the universe and society, when I came upon a
body around 6 p.m. He fell from on high, from above me! Gave me such a fright, let me tell you!”
He huffed again. “I snapped my gaze up to the higher path and there was the Defendant!” He
pointed dramatically.

Jimin closed his eyes with a soft, almost inaudible sigh and when he opened them, he saw
Jungkook stare at the witness with ‘is this guy serious?’ written all over his face. Jimin could
relate. “Did you notice anything else?” he asked, hoping his voice didn’t sound as done with this
guy as he felt.

“Just a bushel of bananas.”

Silence hung in the courtroom and Jungkook tilted his head. “A bunch of bananas?” he echoed.

“Yes, bananas!” Danny repeated, irritated. “What don’t you understand, Mr. Attorney? I know I’m
smarter than you, but this is bordering on ridiculous. “Why would I lie about seeing a bunch of

“I think this testimony is bananas,” Seokjin muttered.

Jungkook held up his hands. “I don’t think you’d be lying about seeing bananas, but… there
weren’t any bananas found at the scene of the murder, right?” He paused and seemed to realize
something. “Do you … do you mean this?” he held up the baseball glove.

Danny huffed. “If you had it with you then why did you ask me?”

Jimin sighed and put a hand over his face as Seokjin snorted. “Because… it’s… uh. Well, Mr.
Yeom, it’s a baseball glove, not a bunch of bananas,” Jungkook answered, somehow managing to
find his voice.

“Where did you find this guy, Prosecutor Park?” Seokjin asked, folding his arms. “I don’t think
I’ve ever seen someone mistake a baseball glove for a bunch of bananas.”

Jimin sighed. He also wondered where he dug up this lunatic.

“Mr. Yeom, do you have bad eyesight?” Jungkook asked suddenly, leaning forward. “Like… so
bad that you need glasses?”

Danny stiffened and huffed, glancing away. “I will admit that my vision is not perfect,” he said,
folding his arms.
The Judge raised an eyebrow. “If your eyesight is that bad that you’re mistaking a glove for
bananas, why aren’t you wearing your glasses?”

“Why are you interrogating me?! I lost them! That’s why I wasn’t wearing them!” Danny
exclaimed suddenly, his face turning red.

A sinking feeling started to appear in Jimin’s stomach and he tried to force it down as Jungkook
pressed his hands down on the Defence bench, fingers splayed out along the polished wood. “Were
you wearing them at the time of the murder?” When Danny sputtered and refused to answer,
Jungkook’s eyes narrowed slightly. “If you’re not going to answer, there’s no way we can trust you
when you say that you saw the Defendant from the upper level of the park.”

“I feel like I should mention that the difference in height from the upper level where the Defendant
was and where Mr. Yeom was is nine feet,” Jimin said, though it was clear he didn’t want to be
saying this, “it’s possible that Mr. Yeom was able to see the Defendant’s face well enough even
without his glasses. But the Prosecution will consent to further questioning; we believe that more
information from Mr. Yeom is required regarding his actions upon finding the body.”

The Judge nodded. “I agree. Mr. Yeom, if you would.”

The next set of testimony wasn’t anything particularly sensational: Danny had seen a woman on
the upper path push the victim off the ledge, but she ran away when she’d noticed Danny below.
He called the police at 6:43 p.m., and they’d arrived within ten minutes.

“—Hold on,” Jungkook interrupted, quickly thumbing through a thin folder. “The autopsy report
says that the time of death was 6:28 p.m. Why’d you wait 15 minutes to report this? If you saw him
fall and die then shouldn’t you have called right away?”

Danny stiffened again and Jimin’s eyes narrowed. “I was dazed! Have YOU ever seen someone
fall to their death in front of you?! Would you be super cool, calm and collected, idol boy!? NO.

Seokjin raised an eyebrow. “Sure, but no one’s dazed for fifteen minutes. What were you doing in
that time, Mr. Yeom?”

Chewing on his lip, Danny glanced away. “I was… looking for a phone booth. I’d lost my cell

“First your glasses, now your phone; young people sure are forgetful nowadays,” The Judge

Jungkook tilted his head as a thought came to him, and he pulled out a sleek flip phone from his
inside breast pocket. “My client said that she found this cell phone in the park while she was
walking with Officer Kim. – Mr. Yeom, is this your cell phone?” his voice sounded hopeful, like
he was on the precipice of a breakthrough.

Danny smirked and held up his phone, which looked identical to the one Jungkook was holding in
his hand. “Nope, I have it right here. I found it in the end after all. Aren’t happy endings

“It wasn’t a happy ending for Officer Kim you ding-dong,” Jungkook muttered. He shook his head
and pulled out the previously submitted photograph of the crime scene. “One more question: you
said you had to search 15 minutes for a phone booth. Why didn’t you use the one that’s right here?
It was right in front of Officer Kim’s body.”
Jimin didn’t like where this was going. “It’s possible that he was searching for his cellphone in that
time. Not many people have spare change on them nowadays to use a public phone booth.”

Jungkook sucked on his teeth. “Yeah, maybe. But I think there was something else he was
spending such a long time looking for that he also lost: his glasses.” He pointed to the picture of
the crime scene, to where the glasses were nestled underneath Minjun’s body. “You wanna know
what I think? I think that Mr. Yeom pushed Officer Kim off the upper level and when he fell,
Officer Kim grabbed Mr. Yeom’s glasses. When he hit the ground, the glasses shattered. But Mr.
Yeom didn’t know that. He was searching for his glasses and having a hard time of it because he
could barely see being nearsighted.”

“A nice little story, Mr. Jeon, but I hope you have something better than baseless conjecture,”
Jimin interrupted.

“It’s not baseless conjecture,” Jungkook returned, eyes alight with determination. “I’ll even start at
the beginning: my client advised me that on the day of the murder, she and Officer Kim were
walking in the park. She had found a cellphone and shortly after picking it up, received a call from
the owner. They asked her to meet them by the upper level. This is where she told them her name
so they would have it for their meeting – Mandi. If you had just heard Mandi and she didn’t spell it
out for you, would you assume that it was spelled with an I instead of a Y? Mr. Yeom would only
have known how her name sounded, not how it was spelled. He also would’ve had no idea that
Officer Kim was left-handed. That’s why there’s dirt under his right index finger. I think he needed
to get his phone back and got desperate.”

Jimin narrowed his eyes slightly. “That’s a lovely little yarn you’ve spun here, but you’re
forgetting motive. What reason would Mr. Yeom have to murder an officer? That’s not something
someone does lightly.”

Jungkook nodded and held up a piece of paper that had writing on it. Jimin recognized it as
Taehyung’s handwriting and his eyes narrowed. “I’ve got your motive right here! This is a list of
phone numbers and names of members of a group of con artists that have been terrorizing the area
recently. Where did I get these names, you ask? They were in this phone that my client had found,
the one that’s in my hand right now. Now… Ordinarily, this isn’t really a problem. All Mr. Yeom
would have had to do is meet up with the Defendant and get his phone. No muss, no fuss, right?
But there was a big problem. When the Defendant met up with Officer Kim, she was in plain
clothes and he had just come off duty. So he was in uniform.”

“Are you seriously insinuating that Mr. Yeom killed Officer Kim because he was in uniform?”
Jimin asked incredulously. “If he’s a part of this group of conmen like you’re asserting, he
would’ve bolted from an officer.”

“Ordinarily,” Jungkook agreed. “But he needed this phone. It has all his con artist buddies’ info in
it and it was in the hands of a woman with a police officer. What if the officer wanted to ask some
questions before returning the phone? He was sunk if he admitted anything.”

Jimin rubbed his forehead. “Let me get this straight. You want the Court to believe that Mr. Yeom
lost his cellphone and this is the phone that your client found. She had a conversation with the
owner of the phone, who you’re purporting to be Mr. Yeom, and was waiting to return it. Mr.
Yeom, seeing the Defendant with the Victim, thought that she had turned the phone in to the police
and he panicked, killing the victim so he wouldn’t get caught? She was right there; she would’ve
seen him.”

Jungkook shook his head. “Don’t you remember yesterday’s trial? My client was knocked out too;
she tripped while trying to catch Officer Kim’s hand and hit her head on the edge of the flower bed
on the upper level.”

Jimin raised an eyebrow. What the hell happened to Jungkook during the last recess? The
confused, blank and lost young man was no longer there, instead replaced by the superstar rookie
that Jimin had faced off with the day before. Jimin’s eyes narrowed slightly; now it was time to
really play ball. “And I maintain that it’s more plausible that she lied than the fact that Mr. Yeom
was the one that murdered Officer Kim because he’s a con man. Where’s your evidence, Mr. Jeon?
Your entire theory hinges on the fact that the phone in your hand is Mr. Yeom’s phone. But if I
recall correctly, Mr. Yeom has his phone on him. – isn’t that right, Mr. Yeom?”

With a smug smirk, Danny held up his phone. “Yep, it’s right here!”

Jungkook smirked. “You know, it’s funny… you’re not the only one that lost their phone recently.
When I came to in the Defendant’s lobby with nothing but a pounding headache and no memory of
who I was, I had this phone in my pocket. I thought it was my phone for the longest time, but it
wasn’t until the recess that I realized that it wasn’t. It had a bunch of names I didn’t recognize. I
didn’t even have the law firm I worked at in there. Weird, right? Then I met a coworker from my
firm who showed up during the recess and he said that I’d asked him to look up these numbers in
the phone my client gave me. That’s when it all came rushing back. So … if that’s really your
phone, then you won’t mind if I test something out?”

“I mind very much!” Danny exclaimed, his voice rising in pitch.

“Your Honour, the Defence requests the Court’s permission to place a phone call. I would like to
test whether the phone in Mr. Yeom’s hand is his. As you can see, our phones are the same model.
There might have been some kind of switcheroo going on here.”

The Judge hummed for a moment before nodding. “Yes, go ahead. I’m intrigued to see where this
is going.”

Jungkook bowed and nodded once he’d straightened up to Seokjin. “Hyung?” The senior lawyer
took out his sleek cellphone and dialled a number. A ringtone rang out in the courtroom of a
popular anime’s theme song. But it wasn’t coming from the phone in Jungkook’s hand. Instead, it
was coming from the one in Danny’s hand. He dropped it in shock and Jungkook smirked. “Seems
like you have my phone, Mr. Yeom. How did that happen, I wonder? I’m beginning to think that
the reason I woke up with a pounding headache and no memory was because someone was trying
to get back their phone.”

“Hold on a second,” Jimin interrupted, shaking his head. “This is all well and good—”

“Well and good?!” Danny screeched.

“—but all you proved is that is your phone is in Mr. Yeom’s hand. He might be a thief but that
doesn’t make him a murderer. You need to prove that the phone in your hand is his,” Jimin

To his annoyance, Jungkook’s smirk only widened. “That’s easy enough. Mr. Yeom must have
given you his contact information in order to be registered as a witness, right? Call the number he
gave you.”

Jimin had to admit, it was a solid suggestion. Dutifully he pulled up his witness list, and trailed a
slender finger down to where Danny’s name was. “With the permission of the Court…” he
murmured as he pulled up the phone app, inputting the number and triple checking it before
pressing the green call button. A strange, operatic and thoroughly obnoxious ringtone sounded
from the phone in Jungkook’s hand. Smoothly, Jimin pressed the ‘end call’ button and slipped his
phone back into the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

With a grin, Jungkook set the phone down on the Defence’s bench. “I think that’s that, don’t you
think?” He looked over at the Judge. “You can’t pronounce the Defendant guilty with this.”

“No, that much is true. As this trial is solely to determine whether or not the Defendant, Choi
Mandi had murdered Officer Kim Minjun, I can safely rule on that. We will reconvene to
determine Mr. Yeom’s involvement in the whole affair in another trial. I trust that the Prosecution
and the Police Department will take point on this.”

Jimin nodded. “Yes, your Honour.”

Satisfied, the Judge nodded and slammed his gavel down. “I declare that the Defendant, Choi
Mandi, is NOT GUILTY on the charge of murder and may be released immediately with her record

Seokjin let out a thoroughly inelegant whoop, grabbing Jungkook and swinging him heavily in a
circle – an impressive feat considering how much bigger Jungkook was than his senior. A faint
smile came to Jimin’s plush lips as he watched the relief wash over Mandi and a weight lifted from
his own shoulders.

This was the right outcome.

Chapter 2
Chapter Summary

After the whirlwind that was his first solo trial, Jimin returns to his office to find
Yoongi waiting for him. Yoongi comes with a surprising proposition to join him on an
intriguing and complicated murder case that involves some... *unorthodox* prep work.

Jimin sighed as he returned to the Prosecutor’s Office, his head swimming. He’d stayed back quite
a bit at Kim Seokjin’s request, and had been pulled along to a celebratory dinner - despite the fact
he was “on the enemy team”. It was the strangest experience of Jimin’s life, but not an unwelcome
one. He hadn’t seen Taehyung in months, and it was wonderful to be able to catch up with him and
see how he was doing. A part of Jimin was concerned that someone might think they were
colluding, a Prosecutor hanging out with a group of Defence Attorneys, but they were off hours and
not discussing work. There was no law against having a friendly dinner with people his age.

If there was one thing that Kim & Co. Law Offices knew how to do, it was to party after a Not
Guilty verdict.

“I just wanted to thank you for today, Jimin,” Jungkook said, smiling shyly at him over a pint of
beer. “This could have been a real shit show with my amnesia but you really held it together.”

Jimin blinked. It was a shit show, but not in the way Jungkook was insinuating. “I was just doing
my job.”

“Still, thank you,” Jungkook’s voice was soft, and Jimin felt a strange, fond feeling at hearing it.

Namjoon gave Jungkook a small smile as he slid into an empty spot, having joined the celebration
a bit late. “How’s your head, Jungkook? Are you feeling all right? I can’t believe you lost your
memory in the middle of a trial.”

A bright red blush spread across the youngest attorney’s face and he hid behind his giant pint
glass. “Yes! I’m okay now, hyung!”

“Gave us all a scare in court, but he’s fine,” Seokjin agreed, ruffling Jungkook’s hair. “You know,
he was excited to face-off against you.”

“He was?” Jimin blinked again.

“Oh, he’d just heard a lot of stories about the Siren of the Prosecutor’s office and was both
terrified and excited to face you,” Taehyung said with a smirk, his tanned cheeks flushed pink as
he’d been the first to slam back a whole pint. “The handsome young prosecutor with wicked good
looks and a sharp tongue… many a defence attorney has fallen victim to the siren song of Park

“How wasted are you?” Jimin asked, aghast. “Nobody calls me that.”

Seokjin snickered and clapped a hand on Jimin’s slender shoulder. “You’re a good kid, Park. You
remind me a lot of Min Yoongi.”
“P-Prosecutor Min?” Jimin stammered. “I’m nowhere near his level.

Seokjin gave him a small smile. “You both care about finding the truth. Keep that creed strong and
close to your chest; there’s a lot of people out there that only care about their reputation and how
many people they can pronounce guilty.”

Jimin’s brows furrowed. “The law only works if Attorneys and Prosecutors work together. There’s
nothing to gain from being adversarial.”

A light came to Seokjin’s eyes and he smiled. “I’m glad to hear you say that, Park.”

Feeling a bit lighter on his feet, Jimin continued his way down the hall to his office, and was
surprised to see that Yoongi was waiting for him. Yoongi was dressed in a beautifully pressed
black suit that was tailored beautifully to his thin frame, his Prosecutor’s pin affixed on his lapel
and shining in the fluorescent light of the floor. He had a case file shoved under his right arm, and
his phone in the other, the blue glow bathing his pale cheeks in a beautiful light.

“There you are.” Yoongi straightened up and slid his phone into his pocket.

“Prosecutor Min,” Jimin stammered out in greeting, inwardly cursing at himself for looking like a
total fool when he was finally talking to Yoongi face to face. “What brings you here at this hour?”

Yoongi raised an eyebrow and glanced at his watch - a Rolex Sky-Dweller with a sapphire blue
dial and a white gold and oyster steel bracelet. It was easily 16 million won, and Jimin’s mouth
went dry at the idea of dropping that much money on a watch. But his lower stomach also coiled
hotly at the idea that Yoongi had no issue dropping that much money on a watch. Maybe he could
swallow his pride enough to be a sugar baby.

“I’m a real night owl at … 8:57 p.m.,” Yoongi said, a slight smirk creasing his lips. It was just
wide enough that Jimin could see his gums, and his heart rate shot through the roof. “You’re,
what? 23, 24? Is 9:00 p.m. considered late now for the kids?”

“You’re not that much older than me,” Jimin protested, his cheeks flushing a bright red as he
fumbles with his keys. He jammed the right one into the lock, and turned it perhaps a bit rougher
than he should’ve. “Would you like to come inside and chat, Prosecutor Min?”

“Sure,” Yoongi agreed easily, pushing himself off the wall and following Jimin inside his modest

Jimin wondered what Yoongi’s office looked like, up on the High Prosecutor’s floor of the office.
“Would you like some tea? — Or coffee?”

“Coffee, if you have it. Thank you.” Yoongi nodded and sat down on the visitor’s chair that sat in
front of Jimin’s very modest desk. A part of him felt embarrassed that the person he’d been
wanting to talk to for so long was now in his embarrassingly small office. He was still a baby
prosecutor, so it was unsurprising that his office wasn’t fantastic and Yoongi would know that but
still. “So I hear that you went up against Kim Seokjin’s newest hire.”

Jimin nodded, struggling to keep his focus; Kim & Co. really knew how to sweep people up into
their fervour. “Jeon Jungkook, yes,” he confirmed, rubbing his forehead as he started up the coffee
maker. “I didn’t ‘win’ the case, because of him.” He wasn’t looking forward to the whispers that
he’d “lost” another case, that maybe Jimin shouldn’t be a Prosecutor if he couldn’t get someone
pronounced guilty…

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. “Was the right person caught?”

“Yes. Well… we’re fairly certain we have the real culprit; another trial will be scheduled to further
explore that.” Jimin ran a hand through his hair as he slipped a K-Cup into the instant coffee
maker. The machine whirred to life, bubbling as it made a quick cup of coffee. Jimin brought the
mug over, setting it down on a coaster for the senior Prosecutor.

“Then it was a win,” Yoongi replied simply. “You didn’t send an innocent person to prison. If you
had, that would be a real loss.”

Jimin gave him a thin smile. “I find it hard to believe that you came here to discuss a run of the
mill case, Prosecutor Min.” He sat down once he got his own cup of coffee, and warmed up his
cold hands by holding his mug tightly.

Yoongi hummed, a faint smirk curling his thin lips. He slid a case file forward, and gave the cover
a series of small taps with his index finger. “I have approval to add a junior Prosecutor to this file
and I was thinking that this would be a good case for you to sink your teeth into. Hearing about
how you handled yourself during the Kim/Choi case solidified my choice.”

Heat rose to Jimin’s cheeks and he pulled the case file forward, pulling off the secured cord.
Absently, Jimin pulled out his glasses and put them on, pushing them up a bit as he began to read
through the case file overview. The murder victim was Tak Jinho, a relatively well-known TV Star
who was most well known for staring in a show about a warrior who defeated his opponents with
slick dance moves. The Defendant was arguably the most popular actor in TV in Korea, Ri Kyong,
who currently starred in the longest running action series Steel Heartbeat.

The murder was purported to have occurred after a very highly contested awards show, where the
victim was hopeful to finally dethrone the Defendant, who had won for six straight years. There
was a lot of media attention on the case, and a lot of pressure to find out who the murderer was;
Jimin had heard a lot of talk about how the studio where both stars were signed to had finally had a
resurgence after another one of their stars was accused of murdering a fellow actor a couple of
years ago. They’d been proven innocent by Kim Namjoon of Kim & Co., but Jimin was beginning
to wonder if there was some sort of curse that followed that studio.

“This is a complicated one,” Jimin murmured, looking over at Yoongi. “The preliminary autopsy
report and the police report don’t really give much for anybody to go on one way or another. Why
did they arrest Mr. Ri? It seems like he had an alibi for the time of the murder.”

Yoongi took a long sip from his mug, and Jimin’s brain stuttered as he watched the elder
prosecutor’s lips gain a little bit of colour from the heat of the liquid. “Read a bit further. The
murder weapon was a steak knife that was taken from the Defendant’s dressing room and it was no
secret that Mr. Ri and Mr. Tak were heated rivals and certifiable children when it came to their
rivalry. They would one up each other and steal from each other in everything - roles, women, you
name it. There was even a rumour that Mr. Ri took Mr. Tak’s girlfriend/manager and strung her
along until he was bored and dumped her, telling her he was only dating her to make Tak jealous.
Things didn’t end well for her after that, to be delicate about it.”

Jimin’s jaw dropped. “That’s horrible.”

“It’s not all glitz and glam in the entertainment industry,” Yoongi agreed, taking another sip of
coffee. “Spotlights cast big shadows and all that. I want to take a look at The Grand, the hotel and
conference centre where the murder took place… but more than that, I want to take a look at what
Mr. Ri has been up to before his trial. He tends to frequent some rather … interesting venues of

Blinking, Jimin slowly pushed his glasses back up to rest on his slender nose. “Are you suggesting
that we go undercover and do surveillance on the Defendant? Isn’t that… what Private
Investigators or the Police Department is supposed to do?”

Yoongi smirked. “Sure, but I like to take a hands-on approach with my cases.” He gestured idly
with his hand. “Give me your phone.”


“So I can give you my number,” Yoongi explained, and Jimin nearly dropped his phone as he was
handing it over. “You seem jittery. Caffeine too much for you?”

“I don’t usually drink it this late,” Jimin lied as he handed his cellphone over once he’d opened the
lock screen.

Yoongi chuckled as he entered his phone number into Jimin’s contacts. “Cute dog. Is it yours?”

He’d forgotten that his home screen wallpaper was Yeontan, Taehyung’s tiny Pomeranian. “Ah,
no. He’s my friend Taehyung’s; I’d say that I think of him as my own son, but really, he’s just cute
and I like that picture of him.”

A soft chuckle escaped Yoongi’s lips, and it was so deep and so genuine that Jimin felt his heart
skip a beat. “Cute.”

Jimin cleared his throat. “You said something about following Mr. Ri?”

“Mm. I have it on good authority that he’s going to be going to one of these clubs tomorrow night;
would be a good chance to see what kind of character he is. We won’t talk to him, and he shouldn’t
know that we’re there,” Yoongi explained as he slowly pushed himself up, coffee finished. “I’ll
text you the address and time to meet me. Wear your best clubbing clothes - go all out. You should
look like a snack, as the kids say.”

“I really only go all out like that for dates,” Jimin said before his brain could catch up with what
his mouth was saying. He froze, his eyes briefly widening as his fingers curled in on his desk.


When the younger prosecutor finally got enough courage to look up at Yoongi, the other man was
looking at him with an amused look. An amused look with a dark and heavy gaze that had a tinge
of something dangerous… and sexy. “Then consider it and play it like a date. We’re going to have
to be convincing in case anybody is watching us.”


Yoongi smirked as he slipped his hands into his pockets. “See you tomorrow.”

“Have a good night, Prosecutor Min.”

“You too, Prosecutor Park.”

Jimin waited until the door closed before exhaling deeply and putting a hand over his face. The
first time he’d ever had a face-to-face conversation with Min Yoongi and he made a complete ass
out of himself. But on the positive side, Yoongi had offered him a chance of a lifetime to work a
case with him - one with a ton of media attention and fascinating in terms of the case itself.

It was everything he’d hoped for when he began to work at the Prosector’s Office. Now, he just
had to make sure not to fuck it up.


In between University, Law School, and his Articles, Jimin didn’t really have a lot of time to go out
and party but for the good of his sanity, he and Taehyung always found a way. Since he started
working at the Prosecutor’s Office, however, he hadn’t been anywhere that wasn’t the office or the
court house and sometimes his apartment. And if he was honest with himself, this still didn’t
qualify as “going out” but it was as close as he’d gotten in months so he was going to take it.

Jimin looked at himself in the mirror of his bathroom, dressed in his ‘fuck me’ jeans (Taehyung
continued to keep score well past University and currently had the jeans at a 90% closure rate)
paired with a transparent silk shirt that was hanging off his slender shoulders and caging in a tight
black tank top with wide mouth and fashionable cut-outs in the fabric. His neck, fingers and ears
were draped in stylish silver jewellery, standing out against his flawlessly smooth skin. Carefully,
Jimin put in coloured contacts (steely blue, his favourite) and ran a hand through his styled hair.

JIMIN: <Tae, I need your opinion. How do I look?> [Image Attached]

TAEHYUNG: <Like you’re a man on a mission and that mission is dick. What’s the occasion?>

JIMIN: <Some extra-credit for work with Prosecutor Min.>

TAEHYUNG: <I would call you out on that, but I’m doing something similar with Jin-hyung.>

JIMIN: <Tapping that yet?>

TAEHYUNG: <God willing, it’ll be soon. Good luck, Jiminie.>

JIMIN: <Thanks, Tae. You too.>

He slipped his phone into his back pocket, and a thin bifold into his other back pocket, fastening
the button. Jimin straightened up and lightly plucked at the shoulders of his shirt, getting it to settle
properly again. Taehyung was right: Jimin looked like a whole meal, let alone a snack. He sucked
on his teeth and smacked his lips, lightly shimmering from a good swipe from lip balm and pulled
on a sleek gunmetal grey leather jacket with an asymmetrical zipper.

Yoongi had texted him the details early that afternoon, with a Google Maps link to a Hong Kong
style dessert place that was open until 2:00 a.m. and a time to meet at - 9:00 p.m. Jimin was fifteen
minutes early, and was fooling around on his phone when he noticed Yoongi approaching out of
the corner of his eye. Thankfully, he had enough presence of mind not to have his jaw drop:
Yoongi looked completely different than Jimin was used to seeing him at the Prosecutor’s Office.

Tight, dark-washed jeans hugged the older man’s slender body, a distressed t-shirt with some rap
group on it that Jimin didn’t recognize (he made a note to look up “Cerberus” when he got home)
that was framed beautifully by a Rick Owens Black Acid Tecuatl Stooges jacket that was
somewhere in the ballpark of 3 million won. His black hair was styled to perfection, and Jimin was
sure he saw multiple piercings going up along the shell of his right ear.

It was becoming harder and harder not to throw caution to the wind and ask to be a sugar baby.

As he approached, Jimin’s eyes caught sight of Yoongi’s sneakers, a pair of Air Jordan 1’s, red,
black and white. While he didn’t know much about sneakers, he knew enough about Yoongi’s
style that they were probably as pricey as the rest of him. “You’re early,” Yoongi noted, sliding his
phone into the inside pocket of his leather jacket. “You clean up nice, Park.”

“I should be saying that to you, Mr. Min,” Jimin replied, straightening himself up as he’d been
leaning against a streetlight. “I didn’t think that was something you wore in your off hours.”

Yoongi smirked, his lips curling in such a way that Jimin was able to see just enough of his gums.
The duality between his distant, cool and polished professional persona and looking like an
underground rapper that could fuck Jimin six ways to Sunday while whispering a level of dirty talk
that would put a porn star to shame was doing a number on Jimin’s composure. “Call me hyung.
We’ll be getting pretty close in there so best to act accordingly, ahn?”

Jimin felt his throat dry up. Forcing himself to regain his composure, he smirked and leaned
forward, hooking a finger in between a link in Yoongi’s gold necklace. “Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin
murmured, licking his plush lips.

It was brief, but Jimin was positive he heard a hitch in Yoongi’s breath, the exhale of breath
puffing out against Jimin’s lips. “Quite a tease, Jimin-ssi,” Yoongi murmured, his voice low and
rough. The timbre was just enough to send shivers down Jimin’s spine; he had no idea he had an
ASMR kink.

Maybe it was just a Yoongi kink.

“Pull your jaw off the floor, we’ve got work to do.” Yoongi tapped Jimin’s chin and headed across
the street to Moondust, the club and their destination. “Though if you keep your mouth open like
that, I might put something in it.”

(Jesus Christ,) Jimin thought, reeling. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, hyung,” he muttered,
shoving his hands into his pockets as he followed Yoongi into the club. It was as loud, raucous and
filled with unfairly attractive people as Jimin thought. The bouncer didn’t even blink twice as
Yoongi entered, even giving him something of a greeting. Jimin could have sworn that the bouncer
referred to Yoongi as ‘Yunki’ which was… new.

It wasn’t difficult at all to find Kyong. If he was told to keep a low profile if he went out, he wasn’t
listening: he was in a VIP booth, surrounded by scantily clad women and a seemingly endless
bottle service. Before Jimin could ask what their plan was, he was pulled out onto the dance floor a
couple of feet away from Kyong, and was pulled tightly against Yoongi.

The air punched out of Jimin’s lungs and his eyes widened; he wasn’t expecting Yoongi to be
strong, too. Not to be outdone, however, Jimin placed one hand on Yoongi’s shoulder and another
at his waist, giving a cursory roll of his hips to test the waters. “So that’s how you want to play it?”
Yoongi murmured.

“You said we had to sell it…” Jimin replied softly, feeling the press and sway of the sweaty bodies
that filled the club. “I don’t like to do anything halfway.”

“Good to know.” Experimentally, Yoongi’s hands mirrored Jimin’s, slotting his thigh between the
younger prosecutor’s legs. His eyes were trained on Jimin’s, but Jimin knew that his attention was
on hearing what was going on behind him at Kyong’s lounge. An impressive feet, considering that
Yoongi’s lips were now fastened to Jimin’s flushed neck. “Keep your eyes on the prize,” he

Jimin bit his lip and spared a glance to Kyong, who was busily feeling up two of the girls that were
seated on his lap. He wasn’t terribly unconvinced that he wasn’t fucking one of them; the girl’s
skirt was just long enough to mask it if so. He swallowed, closing his eyes and trying to focus on
their target’s voice.

“Ohh, Kyong-ssi, it feels really good.”

“I could do this all night, baby.”

“A-Aren’t you worried about the trial?”

“What do I care if Tak’s dead? Idiot threw his life away trying to be better than me. Talk about a
hopeless goal, am I right?”

“Yeah! You’re the best, baby. Can we do a little more? I’ve been good.”

She moaned breathily, shamelessly, at the same time Yoongi pinched a hint of Jimin’s skin
between his teeth, his breath hot against his junior’s neck. Jimin’s eyes flew open and his hands
tightened around Yoongi’s shoulder and waist, a rush of arousal coursing through his veins.
Absently, Jimin slid a ring-adorned hand up the back of Yoongi’s sweat-slicked neck and anchored
his fingers into his hair. A pleased hiss escaped the older man, and he raised his thigh, grinding
upwards with such purposeful intent that Jimin’s brain short-circuited.

“It’s a celebration today; that idiot’s dead in the dirt and I’m on top of the world.” Jimin could hear
the toothy grin on what had to be the smarmiest asshole on the planet. Kyong’s PR team must be
worth their weight in gold. “And on top of other things. Can you believe my attorneys told me to
keep a low profile? Those idiots at Kim & Co. are honestly adorable. But if anybody can get me
off a murder rap it’s them.”

Jimin’s startled exclamation was muffled by Yoongi sliding two fingers past Jimin’s plush lips,
slowly melting into a desperate whimper as the music swelled. Grunts, groans and other filthy
sounds were reverberating all around them, only adding to his crumbling composure.

“T-They just want the best for you, so you can be proven innocent. — because you are, baby,

“Of course I am. This is a damn slam dunk. If they can’t do the job, I’ve got insurance lined up. I
don’t even think those two fucking idiots I hired are even lawyers; they look like idol rejects. One
of them’s only done two trials and I fuckin’ heard he had amnesia during a whole trial. Can you
believe it? I wanted Seokjin or Namjoon but they were tied up. Oh well. Even a baby could win
this case. If they don’t, they’ll be taken care of.”

Jimin gasped as Yoongi bit down harder on his collarbone, sucking with such purpose that Jimin
felt his soul leave his body. The older man’s hands slid underneath the flimsy fabric of Jimin’s
shirt and looped through the holes in his tank top, digging his fingers in. “Hyung,” he breathed. His
grip tightened on Yoongi’s hair, hooking a long leg around his elder’s waist. “Please, stop teasing

A soft growl tumbled past Yoongi’s lips as he guided Jimin’s hips to a slow ebb and flow rhythm, a
contrast to the high tempo EDM beat that pounded through the scratchy speakers. “We got what
we needed,” he said lowly.

“Then give me what I need,” Jimin demanded, yanking Yoongi up from his chest by the hair
(perhaps a bit rougher than he should given that this was his superior at work, but he was horny
and all his late night law school fantasies were coming true).

They stared at each other for a long, tense moment, undisturbed by the constant swell of the
partiers around them. In the end, Jimin wasn’t sure which one of them moved first but soon their
lips smashed together, their first kiss all lust, spit and tongue. A low grunt passed Yoongi’s throat
and pressed against Jimin’s jaw as his hands slid down to cup his ass, squeezing harder than would
be necessary for their cover story.

Jimin broke away first and wrapped his fingers around Yoongi’s wrist, pulling him towards the
washrooms, single-mindedly pushing his way through the throngs of drunk club goers. He kicked
a stall door open and tugged Yoongi inside, turning around and locking it so smoothly that at any
other moment, he’d be extremely pleased with himself. But now, the only thing that he was
concerned with was pushing Yoongi up against the stall door and kissing him with a hunger of a
man possessed.

It was a dangerous move, especially considering what they were supposed to be there for and the
fact that this was his senior he was doing this with, but any doubts that Yoongi wasn’t into it were
wiped as soon as he heard the sound of his belt buckle being unlatched and the sound of Yoongi
shoving up his sleeves. It sounded entirely too loud in the stall, despite the heavy, muffled sound of
EDM music pulsating outside.

A low, throaty groan was pulled from Jimin’s lips as long, bony fingers palmed him through his
boxers, and Jimin allowed himself a moment to savour the fact that Min Yoongi was touching him
like this. His gaze trailed down to Yoongi’s hand, watching deliriously as he palmed him, firmer
and harder. Was that… a tattoo on his wrist? Looked like some kind of gothic dog. A sudden jerk
upwards from the older man caused Jimin to dig his blunt fingernails into Yoongi’s scalp, jolting
his thoughts back to reality. Jimin tensed, loosening his grip with a mumbled “sorry. I wasn’t… I
wasn’t thinking. Fuck, that feels really good.”

Yoongi huffed out a laugh against his neck, and gave him a slight nip to his earlobe, tongue sliding
across the multitude of piercings. “Do it. I like it rough.”

“Fucking hell,” Jimin cursed, reflexively tightening his fingers back into Yoongi’s sweat-slicked
hair. “Demon Prosecutor is right.” He swallowed another moan and tucked his chin, staring down
at Yoongi’s waist; there was something he could do to get back on even footing. He licked his lips
with a wicked smile, deftly unbuttoning Yoongi’s jeans and slipping his hand inside but going one
step further and pulling out the older man’s rapidly hardening cock. “Oh.”

A gummy smirk curled Yoongi’s lips and he slowly rolled his hips up, a low groan leaving him as
he fucked up into Jimin’s hand. “Surprised?”

“Little bit,” Jimin admitted, not trusting his voice to go higher than a breathy whisper.

“Been wanting to do this with you for a while,” Yoongi murmured, pressing a palm to Jimin’s
mouth, a pleased smirk crossing his lips when Jimin obediently licked a stripe. “Never could get
the stars to align…”

Jimin’s mind, if it wasn’t reeling before, definitely was now. Yoongi admitted, with Jimin’s dick in
his hand, that he’d been thinking about doing this with Jimin… for a while. Part of him wondered
if this was some sort of hallucination and he was still in the courthouse library, his nose stuck in a
book. Another, more prevailing part of him decided that he’d better take advantage of the situation;
it wouldn’t come up again.

The younger of the two groaned and moved his wrist with a sinfully smooth motion, drinking in
the mounting pleasure that was starting to break through Yoongi’s carefully constructed
composure. Jimin’s confidence surged as he could feel how much he was affecting the normally
cool and distant prosecutor, both in his hand and how Yoongi’s own hand’s rhythm was beginning
to falter.
Licking his lips, Jimin moved backwards and deftly pulled down the toilet seat lid, sitting back
down with his legs spread and a quickly crumbling Yoongi on his lap. Briefly, Jimin removed his
hand that had been anchored in Yoongi’s hair so he could instead push up the older man’s shirt and
fasten his lips to one of his nipples. He maintained a steady pace with his other hand, getting drunk
off the quiet moans he was able to pull from the other man. “Thought about this so much,” Jimin
whispered, increasing the speed of his hand. “Come on, be louder.”

“We’re in a bathroom,” Yoongi countered, his hiss being drowned out by a choked moan as the
cool metal of Jimin’s rings pressed down on his leaking tip. “Fuck.” He shook his head with a
smirk, doubling up his efforts in getting Jimin off. Evidently, this also included pressing close
enough that their cocks were dragging against one another while pressing his lips to Jimin’s flushed
ear. “But you thought about this, Jimin-ssi? One hand down your pants while you were studying at
2 a.m. in your little apartment, daydreaming about getting fucked by me? Or were we in the
courtroom itself, just before the judge and the clerk gets there… before the attorneys show up …
and you’re bent over the bench with your shirt open, nipples hard, getting railed to within an inch
of your life? Bet you came untouched, too.”

“Jesus fuck,” Jimin breathed, throwing his head back with a heady groan as his cock pulsed,
sending streams of white all over Yoongi’s chest and stomach. He breathed heavily, raising his
half-lidded gaze to the other man who was now languidly stroking himself off as Jimin’s fingers
slid off during his orgasm. “—Yeah, I thought about that,” he admitted recklessly, pulling the older
prosecutor into a searingly hungry kiss, “thought about getting fucked in the courtroom, but also in
your office … right up against those big windows… maybe riding you until your dick broke.
Wouldn’t stop unless you begged.” Jimin licked his lips as he swirled a finger in the come that
lined Yoongi’s chest, smearing a bit on the prosecutor’s cheek, “maybe I also thought about
fucking you so hard that your good buddy Hoseok could hear you screaming my name while
briefing the Chief Prosecutor…”

Yoongi hissed, very clearly affected by the imagery as he bucked his hips up, hand shoving up
Jimin’s shirt to rub and press against his one of his hardened nipples. “Jimin,” he growled, surging
forward for another kiss as he came, all hands and growls that were muffled against Jimin’s

Music shook the walls, muffled by the piss-stained concrete of the washrooms, barely registering
to the two men as they stayed pressed against one another in the cramped stall. Jimin absently
pawed at the toilet paper roll, yanking off an obscenely long ribbon and lazily cleaning himself and
Yoongi up. They moved silently after that, tucking themselves back into their pants and
straightening out their clothes as they stumbled out of the stall. The club was continuing as it was,
thoroughly ignorant to what had just happened in its filthy washroom.

Jimin felt like he was having an out of body experience as he left the club with Yoongi walking
slightly ahead of him and he almost didn’t hear the older man thanking him for coming out with
him and getting what he needed from Kyong. “Don’t mention it, it was good experience,” Jimin
said dazedly.

Yoongi gave him a slight nod and headed down the street. Jimin’s tongue lay heavy in his mouth
when he realized that Yoongi had stopped, and was swinging his leg over a sleek motorcycle and
putting on a silver helmet. The motorcycle roared to life and zipped down the street and out of
sight. Jimin leaned against a streetlight, and pulled out his phone. There was only one person he
could call at a time like this.

“What’s up, Jimin?” came Taehyung’s voice; it sounded like he was back at his apartment,
Yeontan barking in the background. “How’d it go with Prosecutor Min?”
“You’re never going to believe this, Tae.”
Chapter 3
Chapter Summary

Jimin and Yoongi talk about what happened and the club the night before and Yoongi
brings Jimin with him for a "field trip" to the crime scene where they find some very
interesting information... and get caught up in each other again.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It had taken Jimin a long time to come down from the high that was the clandestine surveillance
that he’d done with Yoongi at Moondust, and as he walked into the Prosecutor’s Office the next
morning, he wondered if he looked as rough as he felt. He paused by a mirror in the hallway,
touching the bags underneath his eyes. Not great, but not as bad as he thought.

“Long night?”

Jimin jumped and turned his head, seeing Hoseok standing behind him. The Detective was leaning
over his shoulder, almost close enough to hook his chin on Jimin’s sloped shoulder. “Ah,
Prosecutor Min asked me to go with him to do some prep work for the Tak case. Went pretty late.
— Sorry, I tried to tell him that investigations were for the police department to do but he was
pretty insistent.”

Hoseok hummed in acknowledgment and moved back as Jimin turned around fully, making Jimin
wonder how much he knew. “I stopped being offended at him doing his own investigations a long
time ago. He likes to get on the ground level and see how all the players in the case are behaving,
from witnesses, to the Defendant, even to the officers that attended the scene. He doesn’t leave a
stone unturned. First time he’s taken someone along with him, though.”

“—he’s never taken junior counsel with him before?”

“No, and not for lack of trying on the Chief Prosecutor’s part,” Hoseok replied, running a hand
through his hair. Jimin’s eyes caught sight of a tattoo on his wrist as his sleeve shifted down from
the movement, the same kind of gothic, stylistic dog that Yoongi had. Did they get them together?
“She’s been trying for years to get him to mentor some of the rookies but he’s avoided it every
single time. I’m pretty surprised that he took you, to be honest.”

“Me too,” Jimin admitted, adjusting his grip on his briefcase. “But I’m not going to squander this
chance to work with Prosecutor Min; this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance.” Even though Jimin was
pretty sure that he’d, at the very least, made it very weird with what happened in the dingy
washrooms at Moondust. He bowed quickly. “Sorry to cut this short; I should go and find him.”

Hoseok chuckled and waved a hand with a smile. “It’s all good; I think Yoongi’s been here since
early this morning, so he should be in his office.” He paused. “Take a detour and bring some coffee
with you. Black, no sugar.”

Jimin blinked. “Okay.” He bowed deeply. “Thank you, Detective. Have a good day.” He bowed
again and hurried off, making a pitstop at the coffee shop on the main floor (and getting a free
pastry from the bashful girl at the counter) before making his way to the High Prosecutor floors,
where the best of the best had their offices. The highest office, of course, was where the Chief
Prosecutor was and entry there was by invitation only.

Yoongi’s office was at the end of the hall, a corner office that signified his rank and importance in
the Prosecutor’s Office. Jimin chewed on his lip and straightened himself out as he neared the
door, seemingly feeling like the hallway was beginning to stretch endlessly out ahead of him.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), Jimin soon found himself in front of the door and a decision to

His fist hovered over the dark mahogany and his eyes flitted up towards the engraved nameplate:
Min Yoongi / 1307. Exhaling deeply, Jimin gathered all his courage and knocked firmly three times
in quick succession on the door.


Then, “come in.”

Jimin took a deep breath and turned the door’s handle, pushing the door in and stepping inside. His
breath stopped as he took in the sight of Yoongi’s gorgeous, expansive corner office. Strangely, the
room was divided in half - one half was the quintessential lawyer’s office, with high shelves filled
with books and case files and the other half looking like a famous musician’s studio. A sign hung
above an impressive computer set up, white with black lettering in English - GENIUS LAB.

Maybe Jimin wasn’t far off when he thought that Yoongi looked like a rapper that night at the

“Good Morning,” Jimin offered, forcing his voice to even itself out. “I brought you a coffee. I
thought, we could, ah, get started with the case review…” Quickly, he placed the covered paper
cup on the desk as some sort of offering, thinking belatedly to add the free pastry in its little paper

Yoongi raised an eyebrow as he appraised the paper bag. “What’s in there?”

“Muffin,” Jimin replied, perhaps a bit too quickly. “Um, chocolate and raspberry. — if you’re
allergic or something, I can take it.”

“No, it’s all right. I’m not a huge muffin person, so … hn. Take half.” Yoongi tugged the bag
towards him and plucked the muffin out of the bag, and with one hand, flattened and folded the
bag nice and flat. Jimin felt mesmerized by the simple gesture, wondering if there was anything he
couldn’t do. “…take a seat, Park. I’m not going to bite.”

Face flushed with embarrassment, Jimin nodded quickly and took a seat directly across from
Yoongi, on the other side of his desk. “I, uh …” He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry if I went too far
last night. We were there for reconnaissance purposes and I feel like I caused things to get out of
hand. I apologize.” He bowed. Deeply. Perhaps too deeply, but Jimin was too flexible for his own

The silence stretched longer and more uncomfortably than he had hoped, but Mrs. Park didn’t raise
a coward and as much as Jimin didn’t want to deal with the night before, he had to. This might
mean that he would get booted off the case, but he had to clear the air. He honestly didn’t think he
would be able to go on if he didn’t get an answer one way or another. He’d even take a no, if he
was honest.
“You didn’t,” Yoongi said finally, lowering the two halves of the muffin back onto the bag.
Gently, he dusted the crumbs off his fingers and adjusted his slim, black-framed glasses. “I don’t
regret what happened but we should discuss what to do going forward so there isn’t any

It was bizarrely clinical, the way Yoongi talked about what they did, but … Jimin supposed that it
was better to be blunt and clear than to have any sort of assumptions be made. They were lawyers;
to operate on an assumption would be disastrous no matter what the context.

Slowly, Jimin nodded and placed his hands on his lap and steeled himself. Realistically there were
two outcomes: Yoongi would say that the night before was not going to happen again and they
were going to continue as colleagues and nothing more, or … he would say that he’d like to
continue… whatever it was they were doing. Maybe even add a label to it. “I agree.”

“Do you regret what happened last night?” Yoongi asked, and Jimin quite quickly felt like he was
being cross-examined.

Jimin shook his head. “No, I don’t.” He turned a bit pink and looked away, mumbling, “I meant
everything I said.”

Yoongi’s eyebrows raised briefly, but otherwise his expression seemed to be a stoic mask.

“Everything,” Jimin repeated, clearing his throat. “But I can keep things professional here and
elsewhere. But … I wouldn’t be opposed to …” He cleared his throat again, making himself meet
Yoongi’s dark eyes, “continuing what we were doing last night. Doesn’t have to be … anything
serious, casual’s fine with me.”

“Casual,” Yoongi tested the word on his tongue, a little bit of his Daegu accent seeping into his
soft drawl, “let’s try casual first. When we’re here, it’s business. Off hours, anything goes.”

Jimin felt his throat dry out. “Sounds good to me. So … business, then …”

Yoongi smirked slightly and turned his computer monitor over so Jimin could see. “How do you
feel about taking a field trip? I want to take a look at The Grand, where the murder took place.
Hoseok is in charge of the crime scene; we can go and take a look as long as we like so long as we
don’t disturb any evidence.”

The younger of the two furrowed his brows. “What are you expecting to find that the Police

“I don’t expect to find anything, but I like to walk through everything myself so I don’t make any
assumptions. We aren’t going to be influencing any witnesses or the sort; but I do want to see just
what kind of place this is.” Yoongi glanced down at his watch, and Jimin could see a glimpse of
the tattoo from the night before. “Do you have anything else on the go today?”

Jimin shook his head. “No, I’m free.”

Yoongi smirked. “Let’s go.”


The Grand wasn’t particularly spectacular, very middle of the pack and very much like any other
hotel that Jimin had been in. There was a strange air as they entered, however, and it wasn’t a
surprise - a murder had occurred there, after all. It was empty, devoid of any activity save for the
officers that were standing guard and the forensics teams that were doing another sweep in case
something was missed.

Jimin was silent as he followed Yoongi, watching as the older Prosecutor retraced the night -
starting from hotel room where the victim had been found. He looked with a frown to another
room, just across the hall. “Suspect’s Room?” He read in disbelief, raising an eyebrow. “Wait, they
were this close to each other? That seems like it was ripe for disaster.”

“And it was,” Yoongi murmured, slipping out a handkerchief and opening the door to the Victim’s
hotel room. “Get in here. Quick. We’re not supposed to be here.”

Jimin swallowed his exclamation and followed Yoongi quickly, slipping into the room and letting
his senior close the door silently behind them. A heavier air greeted them, a strange snapshot in
time to when someone’s life ended mere days ago and Jimin shuddered, rubbing his arms. He
watched as Yoongi pulled out a pair of latex gloves, slipping them on and quietly going through the
room and inspecting everything, lining it up with the case file that he insisted Jimin have open.

“…anything new?”

“No,” Yoongi replied simply, shaking his head. “But I wanted to see what the room was like.
Photographs don’t do it justice. It’s easier to picture movement and think about how people would
move when you’re in the space yourself.” He glanced over at Jimin. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, this is just… weird,” Jimin admitted. “Should we go to the Defendant’s room next?”

“Good idea,” Yoongi agreed. “We’ll have to be quick - the hotel security still does their rounds and
we aren’t on the guest list.”

Jimin sighed softly and followed close behind him. “It’s a miracle that Detective Jung isn’t
offended by this.”

Yoongi smirked as they slipped out of the hotel room. Kyong’s hotel room was equally as
cordoned off, and was a short walk down the hall. Unlike the Victim’s room which was
understandably a mess, Kyong’s hotel room was barely touched. The only thing that seemed out of
place was an opened case that Jimin realized held the costume that the Defendant was known for.

Jimin quietly looked around the room, at the rumpled bed, the dishes left from room service, and
frowned thinly. “Something is so weird about all of this,” he said to no one in particular.

“Why do you say that?” Yoongi asked, surprising him.

“It seems … lopsided?” Jimin replied, rubbing his neck. “I don’t know. This whole thing is weird
when you look at it: Ri won the award, but Tak ended up dead. I can’t figure out what his motive
would’ve been; Tak was always second place to Ri. If anything, it’d make more sense if Tak was
going to kill Ri. Then there’s this note from Detective Jung’s questioning of Ri’s manager that
there was supposed to be some kind of press conference Ri was supposed to make at the end of the
award show, but no one else seems to know anything about it and Ri himself seems confused as to
why he’d even hold one.” He looked down at the case file, annotated with findings from the
Police’s investigation. “There also seems to be … too much evidence that Ri is innocent.”

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. “Too much?” He came over to Jimin and looked at the case file.

Jimin made a soft sound and shifted, turning the file over towards the evidence list, each item
noted where it was found and what it meant. “It’s probably nothing, but … usually there’s half as
much collected one way or the other, right? There’s a normal amount that he might have been the
one to do it but there’s an overwhelming amount that says he didn’t. The sceptical part of me is
wondering why there’d be this much proving his innocence.”

The other man’s brows furrowed and he turned the evidence list to get a better look, his expression
shifting as if he hadn’t made the connection before. “Something’s up,” Yoongi agreed finally. “But
there’s nothing concrete here. Just a gut feeling and a larger than normal amount of evidence. We’ll
have to be thorough during the trial and push the point on every single thing to be sure.”

Jimin smiled faintly. “Seokjin-ssi was right.”

That got him a side-eye that he wasn’t prepared for. “Seokjin was right about what?” he asked
lowly, eyes sharp but with a strange glint of playfulness that Jimin wasn’t expecting.

“That you want to find the truth, no matter what it is,” Jimin explained, despite the heat rushing to
his face. He looked down at his watch and felt his breath stop. “We should get going, I think the
guards are going to make their rounds soon.”

Yoongi smirked and nodded, waiting for Jimin to secure the file closed before they slipped out of
the Defendant’s hotel room. Yoongi closes the door quietly and slips off his gloves in his pockets
as they start to walk. Things are going well, he hadn’t made a complete ass of himself and even
earned a point of praise. His shoulders relaxed; maybe he could do this.

“Hey! What do you think you two are doing?”

Jimin cursed under his breath; of course there would be an overachieving security guard that would
take his rounds during a police-authorized lockdown way too seriously. He had to go and jinx them
for thinking that things were going well. “Standing in a hallway,” Jimin replied evenly, determined
to make this go away as fast as possible.

The security guard narrowed his eyes. “You’re not supposed to be here.”

“I am Prosecutor Park Jimin and this is Prosecutor Min Yoongi,” Jimin continued, pushing
forward. He could see the security guard flinch slightly at his tone, and knew he had him. “If
anything, I would be a bit worried that you didn’t see us here. But you might be exactly what we
needed. Were you on call the day of the murder?”

The security guard blinked at being questioned so suddenly, and seemed to be shellshocked upon
getting a closer look at Jimin. The younger prosecutor really wanted to look beside him to see
Yoongi’s expression but his senior hadn’t stopped him yet, so he was going to keep going. “Of
course I was. Head of Security doesn’t take a night off.” He puffed his chest out a bit, proud.

(Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself,) Jimin thought blankly. “And is this floor your usual area
to do your rounds?”

“If you’re going to ask if I saw the murder, I didn’t,” the security guard replied testily, as if he’s
been grilled on this relentlessly every hour on the hour since the murder happened. “Everyone
keeps asking me about this specific instance and I keep telling them I didn’t. But that doesn’t mean
I wasn’t doing my job.”

Jimin shook his head. “I believe you,” he said softly, giving the security guard a sweet smile. He
could see the guard’s body language shift, and he knew he had him. “Did you see anything out of
the ordinary? It doesn’t matter if it was the Defendant, the Victim, or anybody. If you saw
anything strange, we’d like to know. We want to make sure that the right person is caught. If you
didn’t see anything, that’s all right too. We just want to make sure we’ve talked to everybody and
seeing as how you’re the Head of Security, it’s important we hear you out too.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Yoongi’s eyebrows raise in question, but he still
remained silent. Jimin wasn’t sure if Yoongi was giving him enough rope to hang himself with or
if he was on the right track. Regardless, Jimin was pushing forward until someone told him to

The security guard looked thoughtful for a little too long, so long that Jimin was about to say never
mind when suddenly the guard’s eyes lit up and he slammed his fist into his open palm. “I forgot
about this! All anybody ever wanted to know about was Ri Kyong.”

“Please, continue,” Jimin said gently with a slight nod and a faint smile. “You never know how
much a little thing could help and if it comes from the Head of Security, that has an even greater
weight to it.”

Emboldened by the gentle words, the security guard nodded quickly. “I don’t know if this is what
you’re looking for, but I saw this woman - she’s Ri Kyong’s manager, I think - I saw her coming
out of the dead guy’s room before the murder, I wanna say a couple of hours before, like, before
the awards show even. She was looking around like she was keeping an eye out. Didn’t see me at

Jimin blinked. “Did you see where she went?”

“Into Ri Kyong’s room,” the security guard replied, nodding firmly. “I thought it was weird, but no
one ever asked about it so I forgot about it until now. No one … ever asked me what else I saw
except for you, Prosecutor Park.”

Now Yoongi stepped forward and held out a business card. “I need you to take what you just said
to us right here and talk to Detective Jung Hoseok and only Detective Jung Hoseok. He should be
around here but if not, call that number. I want you to go and tell him right now. Thank you. This
has helped us out a lot.”

With wide eyes and a renewed sense of purpose, the security guard nodded and hurried away.
Jimin exhaled sharply and put a hand over his face with a hushed curse. What pulled his hand away
was not of his own power, but Yoongi’s long fingers curling around his own and giving a gentle
tug. When he saw his co-counsel’s face, Yoongi’s eyes had that same dark, dangerous and
unbelievably sexy look to them that he’d seen at Moondust, and his grip was tightening on Jimin’s
wrist. “Yoongi-hyung?”

“Come with me,” was all he said before pulling Jimin along with a surprising amount of force, but
never hard enough that it hurt. Jimin’s eyes widened as they moved all the way down the hall to an
empty hotel room, the younger of the two stumbling as Yoongi all but sling-shotted him into the
room with a pull, releasing his hand to close and lock the door.

Jimin’s throat dried out as he turned around, calves hitting the edge of the pristinely made bed.
Yoongi was staring a hole through him, and with a deft pull, loosened and yanked off his tie and
tossed it aside carelessly. It was the single hottest thing Jimin had seen and that included Yoongi
on his lap mere hours before. “Hyung?” he croaked, falling back to a seated position on the bed’s
edge as Yoongi approached, looking more like a jungle cat on the hunt than his cool and
unaffected senior at the Prosecutor’s Office.

“No talking,” Yoongi murmured, smoothly closing the gap and pulling Jimin into a blisteringly hot
kiss by a firm yank of his junior’s tie. Jimin’s lips parted almost instantly as he moaned softly, a
hiss escaping him as Yoongi tightened his grip on Jimin’s tie. “That guy’s been giving everyone
trouble, won’t say shit to them,” he said between kisses, barely giving Jimin time to breathe, “and
you just got him wrapped around your finger in an instant.”

Reflexively, Jimin bit his bottom lip as Yoongi’s lips fastened themselves to his neck, his long,
bony fingers making quick work of his tie and the first few buttons of his crisp white shirt. “Got a
competency kink, hyung?” he asked breathlessly, forcing himself to stand up so he could get out of
his increasingly uncomfortable suit. Yoongi was more than happy to help, all but ripping it off him.
“Oh, fuck, you’re really … — wait.”

It was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room when Yoongi’s fingers and lips stopped, and
Jimin nearly kicked himself for how it sounded. “Too much?” Yoongi asked, his breathing heavy.
“Sorry, I just—”

“—No, no, this is … I want this,” Jimin explained hastily, cheeks flushed and heart rate
skyrocketing. “Fuck, do I want it. But, uh… I don’t know about you, but I didn’t bring along
anything for … that on a work trip.”

To his surprise, Yoongi returned his admission with a smirk. “Look around, Jimin-ssi. Tell me
what you notice about this room.”

(The fuck?) He wasn’t expecting a pop quiz. Slowly, Jimin turned his head and looked around the
hotel room: it was distressingly pink and red, with accents of white and gold with a heart-shaped
bedside table that proudly displayed a sealed condom box and a capped bottle of lubrication. As he
looked behind him, he saw that he had been sitting on a garish, heart-shaped bed. “This is the
honeymoon suite,” he said numbly. “—wait, how did you know where the honeymoon suite

Yoongi smirked. “It’s not hard when you memorize the hotel layout from the blueprints provided
as evidence. Didn’t think they’d leave it unlocked but I guess with the police investigation every
room is opened. Better for us.”

Something snapped in Jimin’s restraint and his insecurity about the situation vanished. He reached
out for his senior, grabbing him by the lapels and pulling him in for a bruising, hard kiss. “We’re
going to get caught,” he hissed, the protest hypocritical when he was the one that was pulling
Yoongi back onto the bed.

“If you don’t want to do this here, we can wait,” Yoongi murmured, easily letting himself be
pulled back, moving smoothly so that he was looming over Jimin’s lithe body, caging him in with
his elbows resting on either side of his junior’s head. “Would you like me to wait, Jimin-ssi?” His
lips found their place again at Jimin’s flushed neck, littering his collarbone with small, blooming
red bites.

“Fuck you for asking that when you’re using your mouth like that,” Jimin groaned, inadvertently
bucking his chest up, wanting to feel more. “You know exactly what you’re doing and I hate it,
but… fuck.” He hissed and bucked his hips up as Yoongi found a sensitive spot just behind his ear
to nip and suck at.

Yoongi chuckled, the sound deep and low, reverberating off Jimin’s increasingly warming skin.
“How do you want to do this, Jimin-ssi?” he purred, fingers dancing along Jimin’s chest, deftly
opening up his junior’s button-down shirt and exposing more flushed skin. “You’ve had so many
fantasies about this…”

“Like you haven’t!” Jimin countered, gasping as Yoongi bit at his lower earlobe. “I haven’t
forgotten what you told me last night.”
“Touché,” Yoongi chuckled, voice raspy.

Something in Jimin wanted to preen at being able to affect the normally calm and collected
Prosecutor like this, and so he opted for one of his best ‘tricks’ to get what he wanted: he leaned up
and pressed his plush lips to Yoongi’s right ear and let out a soft, needy moan. For added effect, he
tacked on a whiny “hyung,” at the end of it. Perhaps it was a dirty trick, and maybe it wasn’t
needed, but Jimin was feeling greedy.

Victory surged through Jimin’s veins as he felt Yoongi’s breath hitch, felt his hips stutter against
his own. “You really are a siren,” Yoongi muttered, giving Jimin’s neck a harder than usual nip. “I
wanna fuck you. Is that okay?”

“It won’t be okay if you don’t hurry up,” Jimin hissed, throwing his head back as his eyes fluttered
shut. He could feel the laugh that Yoongi pressed against his neck, but soon cool, recycled hair hit
his skin as his clothes were quick to be stripped off him and tossed aside. “You better not have
ripped my suit! I’m not rich enough to get another one.”

“I’ll buy you another one,” Yoongi growled, boldly palming Jimin through his rapidly dampening
boxers and earning himself another high-pitched whine. “Probably a better fitting one. Where the
hell did you get the other one tailored?”

“I didn’t,” Jimin gasped out, writhing beneath the older man. “Not all of us can afford 16 million
won watches or — oh, fuck, keep doing that — 3 million won jackets…”

Yoongi laughed against his skin again, but this time he was low enough past Jimin’s flat stomach
that Jimin wanted to cry from desperation. “Been calculating the cost of my wardrobe, Jimin-ssi?”
He tugged at Jimin’s boxers, sliding them off with ease when Jimin raised his hips.

There had been a perfectly witty retort on his lips, Jimin would swear it on the heavens, but as soon
as he felt Yoongi’s tongue slide up his painfully hard cock, it flew right out of his head. He willed
his lips to open, to try and say something, but it was lost again as Yoongi swirled his tongue around
the swollen head of Jimin’s dick in a way that was nothing short of demonic. Dazedly, Jimin
realized that Yoongi’s tongue was definitely skilled in something other than oral arguments.

“C-Close,” Jimin croaked out, skin flushed and sweat beading at his temples. Despite the warning,
he still hissed as Yoongi pulled off with a wet pop. “Hyung…”

Yoongi cursed under his breath, low and primal, straightening up just enough that he could strip
out of his own suit. Jimin watched numbly, absently licking his drying lips as he took in the sight
of a completely naked Min Yoongi. He was lean, with a little muscle definition and pale, almost
flawless skin save for where Jimin had scratched and sucked at. Pride rocketed through the
younger man as he realized he got Yoongi like this.

“We don’t have a lot of time,” Yoongi said, his voice gravelly and rough as he snatched the bottle
of lube from the table, tearing off the sealed plastic wrap around the cap and flicking it open with a
thumb. “As much as I want you to fall apart with just my fingers and my tongue, I wanna wreck

“Do it, coward,” Jimin challenged, delirious with lust.

His courage wavered a bit when the box of condoms landed on his chest, something dirty and
addictive about being used like that. He kept his lips firmly pressed shut lest he actually say that
out loud, though, instead reaching up with a trembling hand to open the box and fish out a strip.
Jimin held Yoongi’s gaze as he tore a packet off using his teeth, holding up the foiled wrapper and
showing that it was all still intact.

“Hellion,” Yoongi whispered lowly as he finally settled properly between Jimin’s long, lean legs.
He shifted down lower, smirking at the high pitched keens and whines that he received as he trailed
a line of hickeys down Jimin’s thick right thigh. Despite being the one to mention the time restraint
they were on, Yoongi seemed to be ignoring it quite handily in favour of riling Jimin up further,
only getting a move on when Jimin gripped his hair in his fist and pulled. “Feisty.”

“I’m… s-sure you didn’t want to fuck me because of how demure I am,” Jimin breathed, letting
out a relieved moan when Yoongi finally began to stretch him, his long, skilled and slicked up
fingers feeling heavenly.

Yoongi smirked, pressing a kiss to Jimin’s leaking length. “Definitely not,” he agreed, his eyes
hungry as he continued to stretch Jimin open, a devilish glint in his eyes as he leaned down to use
his tongue as well. The jolt and sharp moan that tumbled past Jimin’s swollen lips was like music
to his ears. Stretching back up, Yoongi licked his lips and plucked the sealed condom packet from
beside Jimin where his fingers had dropped it, and tore it open seamlessly with his teeth. “Eyes on
me, Jimin-ssi.” Emboldened by his junior’s heated gaze on him, Yoongi rolled the condom on and
slicked himself up with another generous application of lube. He paused, then grabbed a second
condom, rolling it onto Jimin’s straining cock, making sure it was securely rolled on. “You want it

“Hard,” Jimin confirmed, breathless. His brain scrambled to stitch a coherent thought together,
having an increasingly difficult time as Yoongi teased the head of his cock against Jimin’s hole. “If
it’s… If I … hit your side three times in a row, stop. Okay?”

Yoongi nodded and leaned over Jimin’s writhing form to steal a surprisingly tender kiss. “Three
hits in a row to my side. Got it. — hold on tight.” He waited until he got a firm, coherent nod from
Jimin before pushing in strongly.

The stretch was a welcome and delicious burn, causing Jimin to gasp loudly and grip Yoongi’s
shoulder, digging his blunt nails into his senior’s pale skin. His nails dragged down past the older
man’s shoulder blades, holding on as tightly as he could as Yoongi bottomed out. “Fuck,” Jimin
groaned, squirming as he adjusted to the feeling. It had been longer than he would ever admit since
he’d been fucked, and it was more overwhelming than he remembered.

Or maybe it was because of just who it was that was filling him to his limit that was

With a grunt, Yoongi hiked one of Jimin’s long legs over his shoulder and leaned forward,
snapping his hips forward with enough force to pull a sharp moan from Jimin each time. The
sweet, rough drag of Yoongi’s cock was sending Jimin into a tailspin, utterly embarrassing moans
falling out of him like raindrops sliding off a leaf. With a breathless grunt, Jimin pushed himself up
a bit on his elbows, pushing back against Yoongi’s thrusts; he refused to be a passive participant.

Jimin licked his lips in triumph when Yoongi choked back a moan, his pace stuttering briefly.
They caught each other’s lust-filled gazes and smirked as the silent challenge was thrown down
between them: who was going to come first?

Park Jimin was competitive, and he was petty. He was not above using every trick in his book to
make Yoongi come first. The only problem was that for every trick Jimin had, Yoongi had a
counter. If Jimin rolled his hips in a sinful manner, Yoongi whispered absolute filth into his ear
that easily succeeded in riling Jimin up further. If Jimin licked and sucked at Yoongi’s ear, Yoongi
retaliated with a wicked twist of his hand around Jimin’s cock.
The intoxicating game of one-upmanship wholly consumed them, twin groans of intense relief
filling the room as their climaxes hit within seconds of each other. Jimin wasn’t sure which one of
them came first, but he was sure that he saw stars when he did. His vision whited out briefly, and
when it cleared he could see Yoongi’s face mere inches away form his own. His lips were parted,
kiss-bitten and swollen, cheeks flushed and eyes unfocused.

“Jimin,” he breathed, lowering his head enough to press his sweat-slicked forehead against his
junior’s. “That was incredible. Fuck.”

“Told you,” Jimin laughed breathlessly, groaning weakly when he got a sharp bite to the neck in
retaliation. “God, I’m fucking pissed. Your stroke game is … fuck. It’s better than I thought.”

Yoongi huffed out a laugh against Jimin’s neck and slowly pulled out, tying off and tossing the
condom into the wastebasket. Despite wanting more time to relax, both Jimin and Yoongi knew
that they were already cutting it close. Roughly, Yoongi grabbed the nearby tissue box, cleaning
them both up as best he could. With a grunt, Yoongi pushed himself off the bed, gathering up his
clothes and Jimin’s, sorting out the pieces while Jimin finally pushed himself up.

“We smell like sex,” Jimin pointed out as he barely caught the clothes that were thrown at him. He
blinked as Yoongi tossed a tiny cylindrical bottle at him - a cologne sample. “Are you serious?”

“I don’t see you coming up with anything better,” Yoongi retorted, already applying his own to his
neck before pulling his clothes back on, straightening himself out. He made another sweep of the
room, even making sure to wrap up the used condoms in tissue and tossed them into an unused
evidence bag he shoved in his briefcase to dispose of privately.

Jimin huffed as he got himself in order, taking a bit longer as his muscles screamed for rest,
already feeling the burn of soreness. Shockingly, most of the mess had ended up on Jimin or
Yoongi, and not on the bed itself, making their cleanup a mercifully simple affair. “I think that’s
about as good as it’s going to get. We better go before someone catches us.”

“One sec,” Yoongi murmured, giving the bed a slower once-over, only moving once he was
satisfied. “Let’s go.”

With a sigh of relief, Jimin nodded and followed Yoongi out of the honeymoon suite. Their escape
from the hotel itself was without incident, and Jimin felt a wave of relief crash over him once they
were free and clear of the crime scene. “Jesus Christ,” he cursed under his breath. “I thought we
were goners. I thought you said you wanted to be professional in our work hours.”

“Ye of little faith, Jimin-ssi,” Yoongi chuckled, raking a hand through his hair. “I wouldn’t have
taken you for such a worrywart.”

Jimin narrowed his eyes. “You—”

“Yoongi-hyung, what are you doing out here? Usually you’re holed up in your office,” said a deep
voice, one that Jimin recognized instantly as he turned around. Kim Namjoon, dressed in a finely
pressed navy suit with his ashen blond hair styled perfectly, gave a warm smile as he walked over,
briefcase in hand.

Yoongi scoffed. “I was taking junior counsel out on a little field trip to see the crime scene.”

Namjoon smiled, as if he expected it and adjusted his glasses, the sleeve of his suit sliding down at
the motion. Jimin blinked as he caught sight of a stylistic black tattoo peeking out from the edge of
Namjoon’s right sleeve. Seemed to be the head of some sort of animal. A dog? His brows furrowed
as a nagging thought flew uselessly through his head, like a balloon released to the sky.

“Really? That’s a first,” Namjoon said, laughing slightly. “Ah, Prosecutor Park! I had a feeling
you’d be the one to finally get Yoongi-hyung to take on a mentee.”

“Mr. Kim,” Jimin greeted, bowing respectfully. “It’s good to see you again.”

Leaning in and pretending to whisper in a conspiratorial manner, Namjoon winked. “If you really
want to get into Yoongi-hyung’s good books, he’s a sucker for historical novels —”

“So I hear that Jeon Jungkook is the newest hire at Kim & Co,” Yoongi interrupted smoothly, eyes
sharpening like a shark that caught sight of easy prey. “I seem to recall you telling me that you’d
never seen someone who had the literal stars in their eyes before. Have you made a move yet?”

Namjoon’s face paled and his grip loosened on his briefcase to the point that he had to scramble to
catch it before it fell. “That’s…” he stammered, clearing his throat. Yoongi smirked and slid his
hands into his pockets. “—Speaking of Jungkook, he and Taehyung are heading up the defence on
the Tak case.”

Jimin blinked. “That’s a big case for the two of them to take on alone.” Suddenly, he remembered
what Kyong said in the club of Namjoon and Seokjin being taken up already on other cases and
that he was “stuck” with two “idol rejects” and his brows furrowed.

“It is,” Namjoon admitted. “This is unorthodox, hyung, but would you consider meeting with
them? There’s something off about this entire case and I think a coordinated effort to get to the
bottom of this would be warranted.”

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. “You know I can’t give them more than what’s provided during normal
disclosure, Joon-ah.”

Namjoon shook his head. “No, of course not. But there’s something bothering me about this entire
case and while Taehyung and Jungkook are brilliant attorneys in their own right, I would
appreciate it if you could help guide them, hyung.”

“You too, Joon-ah?” Yoongi murmured. “There’s definitely something about this case that’s
setting off alarm bells for everyone.”

“There is,” Namjoon said, sighing. “So will you?”

“…There’s no harm in a meeting; there’s been a bigger push as of late for more transparency
between the defence and prosecution,” Yoongi finally agreed.

Namjoon smiled. “The law only works if attorneys and prosecutors work together,” he said, and
Jimin started; that’s what he had said a couple days ago when he had met up with Kim & Co. for a
post-trial celebration. “Right, Prosecutor Park?”

“Right,” Jimin agreed, nodding.

Even though they were on “opposite sides”, Jimin was growing more and more excited with the
realization that he was going to be able to be involved in a trial that Taehyung was also involved in.
Working alongside Yoongi, “facing off” against his oldest friend, and getting a rematch against
Jeon Jungkook?

Jimin had a feeling that this was going to be one hell of a trial.
He just didn’t now how much.

Chapter End Notes

Hey it's Joon! Hi Namjoon~

Chapter 4
Chapter Summary

Jimin and Yoongi meet with Taehyung and Jungkook before the trial, hoping to make
some sense of the bizarre case. However, the trial of Ri Kyong has a lot of twists and
turns, and Jimin finds out first hand just how many things are in play.

The most neutral ground that Jimin could think of to hold an unorthodox meeting with Taehyung
and Jungkook was the courthouse itself. The courthouse library was expansive and had enough
corners that they could find a table in the back no problem, and at this hour of the day, there
weren’t many trials, hearings or appearances going on as most of them were taken care of in the

Jungkook gave a small smile as he came over from the cafeteria with a recyclable tray that held
four coffees - well, three coffees and one hot chocolate as Taehyung felt coffee tasted like dirt.
Never mind that Jimin distinctly remembers all nighters in University and law school that they
both pulled, inhaling coffee like it was the elixir of life. “Thank you for meeting with us,” he said,
bowing respectfully. “I know this is really… out of the ordinary.”

Yoongi shook his head slightly. “Joon’s right about one thing; even though we won’t be sharing
strategy or additional disclosure that wasn’t already provided through the normal course, I think
it’s important that we discuss the case as a whole. Something is very off about this case. Everyone
who has reviewed it has said so.”

After giving a cursory sniff to his hot chocolate and popping the lid to see if there was, in fact,
whipped cream as he’d asked Jungkook for, Taehyung nodded. “I want to believe in our client’s
innocence,” he started, staring down at the brown liquid which did not, in fact, have whipped
cream on top of it, “that’s where we begin in our defence at Kim & Co.”

“We should be happy that there’s so much evidence that proves our client’s alibi,” Jungkook added
softly, keeping his voice below a whisper. “But there’s… I don’t want to say this, but…”

“There’s too much?” Jimin finished quietly, curling his fingers around his own cup of coffee.

Jungkook nodded and bit his bottom lip. “That’s bad to say, isn’t it?”

Yoongi shook his head. “It means that your senses are sharp.” He took a long sip of his coffee and
set his cup down gently. He was silent for a long moment as he fell into deep thought, and Jimin
realized he must be doing the same thing Jimin was: trying to figure out what they could say and
what they couldn’t to the “other side”. There were solicitor/client privileges to be wary of, the rules
and protocols in place for trials, and the code of ethics. “Let me ask you two kids something: what
would you do if your client was guilty?”

Silence hung in the air as Taehyung and Jungkook stared at each other for a long moment, as if
trying to communicate telepathically. “It would suck,” Jungkook answered truthfully, “but… the
whole point of the justice system is to ensure everyone gets a fair trial and that the truth is heard.
Sometimes… the truth isn’t that our client is not guilty.”
“Tae?” Jimin prompted gently.

His best friend didn’t answer right away, instead opting to take another long sip from his hot
chocolate. “I always want to believe that our client is innocent,” he started softly, eyes downcast.
“That’s the whole foundation of how we approach cases at Kim & Co. It’s what Jin-hyung taught
me, it’s what Joon-hyung taught me. A defence attorney always believes in their client until the
end. Don’t give up on them until the end.” Taehyung’s frown deepened and he tapped his fingers
against the cardboard of his cup. “But what do we do when the end is at the beginning?”

“Tae-hyung,” Jungkook whispered, putting a hand over his and giving it a squeeze. “You’re not a
bad person for wanting to believe in our client… that might be guilty. I want to believe it too. And
he might be! But… we can’t ignore our instincts.”

“Jungkook is right,” Jimin interjected, his voice bringing Taehyung’s gaze away from its staring
contest with his half-drunk hot chocolate. “The law is black and white and the world is shades of
gray. Attorneys and Prosecutors… are the ones that interpret the law and apply it to the chaos that
is the world. The only thing we can do is try and find the truth of what happened.”

With a heavy sigh, Taehyung ran a hand through his wavy black hair, briefly gripping some of it.
“We live and die on our reputation, Kook,” he said finally, raising his head. “What happens to us if
we get the highest profile client we’ve ever had convicted of murder?” He leaned back and stared
up at the ceiling. “Then again, it would be worse if he committed murder and we were complicit in
a murderer getting off.” Suddenly, Taehyung groaned and put his head in his hands.
Sympathetically, Jungkook rubbed his hyung’s shoulder.

Yoongi lightly tapped Taehyung’s cheek, prompting the younger man to raise his head and look at
the Prosecutor with a confused expression. “There’s no need to get into an existential crisis,” he
said. “Continue to believe that your client is innocent and pursue the truth; they’re not mutually
exclusive actions. We will press as if we believe he’s guilty, and you press as if he’s not. That is
how we arrive at the truth. Whatever the truth is, is whatever it is; but don’t rest until you’re sure
you’ve done everything you can to turn over every single stone.”

Taehyung’s eyes widened as if the scattered thoughts throughout his mind suddenly clicked into
place. He turned his gaze to Jimin, wordlessly asking for assurance. “Yoongi-hyung is right,”
Jimin agreed, a small smile coming to his plush lips. “Push your way, and we’ll push our way. If
we both strive for the truth, we’ll find it.” He glanced at Yoongi and bit his lip, leaning forward.
“Just… please be careful, both of you. This is a really high profile suspect; he’s used to getting his
way.” He hoped that it was enough of a warning without giving away too much.

His best friend’s eyebrows furrowed briefly, searching Jimin’s eyes with a curious gaze. Slowly, he
nodded and straightened up. “We’ll do our best,” Taehyung replied evenly, sharing a quick glance
with Jungkook. “Thanks for talking with us. I think… we have a better idea of how to approach this

Yoongi gave a slight nod. “I don’t want to make a habit of this, but I owe Joon.” He finished off
his cup of coffee and rose to his feet. “But we’re squared away now, so don’t expect a pep talk the
next time you have a difficult trial.” Glancing at Jimin, Yoongi cracked his neck. “I’m going back
to the office to prep. Swing by when you’re done here and we’ll finalize the case with Detective

Taehyung shook his head and rose to his feet, Jungkook scrambling to do the same. “We better get
going too; visiting hours are almost over and we have to see our client one more time before the
trial starts.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know how much good it’s going to
do, the guy’s as cooperative as a biscuit raft in a sea of milk.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook exclaimed softly, his eyes darting around anxiously. “Be careful; you don’t
know who’s hanging around here.”

“A little late to be worrying about that,” Taehyung muttered. He straightened out his suit, and gave
a polite bow to Yoongi and Jimin. “See you two tomorrow. It’s going to be… an experience.”

“It always is with Kim & Co.,” Yoongi replied, chuckling.


Jimin’s nerves were on fire, scrambled and frayed all at once as he stood in courtroom 310, the
largest courtroom with the biggest gallery. The din was incredible and it almost was a curtain of
white noise; he could barely hear himself think, let alone anything else. He looked over at Yoongi,
who had his hands slipped into his suit pockets and seemed to be inconvenienced by the whole
thing. Across from the Prosecution’s bench were Taehyung and Jungkook, locked into a deep
conversation as they looked over their notes. Taehyung was leaned in close due to the din of the
gallery, and Jungkook was biting his lip as he listened.

“Keep on your toes,” Yoongi said, breaking Jimin’s train of thought. “I don’t like this case one

“Yes sir,” Jimin said with a nod, straightening up. “The Judge is going to have his hands full
controlling this gallery; it seems like there’s more media here than I’ve ever seen for a trial.”

Yoongi nodded slightly. “This is bigger than the Beon Seungri case. Beon was signed to Starlight
Studios - the same studio that Ri Kyong is signed to.” He scoffed. “Kim Namjoon headed up the
defence on that case and somehow managed to not only get Beon declared not guilty, but found out
that the victim had been trying to kill Beon so he’d be the star again. Turned out the head of the
studio had been blackmailing him for an accident that happened a handful of years prior.” He
shook his head. “Starlight somehow managed to get back on top with Steel Heartbeat, and Ri
Kyong is their biggest star. There’s way more media attention because of how he’s cornered the
heartthrob market across three demographics.”

Jimin felt faint and turned his attention to their record, which contained their notes, the witness list,
the disclosed evidence list, and evidence that they were going to bring up during the trial. It was
easier to focus on the case than it was the utter circus that was going on in the gallery.

Suddenly, the Judge’ gavel slammed down, bolstered by being connected to a microphone and the
speakers in the courtroom. “Order!” he bellowed, bringing the cacophony of din in the courtroom
to a halt. “Order in the Court! The trial of Ri Kyong in the murder of Tak Jinho will now
commence. There is significant media attention on this trial and we will be running this one
completely by the book. Let me be clear: if there are any interruptions, any one who does not heed
my warning will be held in contempt of court and I will levy the most severe punishment. This is a
court of law, not a media circus. Govern yourselves accordingly. — Prosecutor Min, your opening

With no hint of anxiousness, or any place of nerves that Jimin could see, Yoongi slipped his hands
out of his pockets and smoothly straightened up. “This murder trial involves some very salacious
things: the entertainment industry, it’s dark and ugly underbelly, and the people that get caught up
in it. The spotlight burns bright, and casts a very big, very dark shadow. Tak Jinho was an up and
coming actor, consumed in a rivalry that concluded with the loss of his life. The Prosecution
believes that the Defendant, Ri Kyong, is guilty of the crime of murder and will prove its case with
witness testimony alongside concrete evidence.”
It was one of the most bizarrely poetic opening statements that Jimin had heard, but there was no
mistaking the seriousness in Yoongi’s tone. Quickly, Jimin glanced over to the Defence’s bench,
where Jungkook and Taehyung were watching with unreadable expressions. Ri Kyong snorted
from where he sat in the Defendant’s chair, leaning back as if he was being mildly inconvenienced
by the whole affair.

“The Prosecution calls Detective Jung Hoseok to the stand. Please give the Court an overview of
the case,” Yoongi said firmly, unflappable despite the wave of murmuring erupting from the

If Hoseok was worried, or even a little bit nervous, it didn’t show. Jimin had to admire his
composure; it must have come with years of experience. “To understand this case, I’ll give a brief
overview of the agenda for the evening. The Grand hotel was hosting an awards show for
television actors. Not just any awards show, but the biggest one of the year - I believe they call it
the Silver Screen Grand Prix Mach III.” He paused. “I make no statements on the naming of this
awards show.”

Yoongi snorted softly from beside Jimin. “Hoba,” he muttered, a smirk on his lips. “He’s doing it
to ease the tension in the gallery.”

Jimin blinked, then smiled. There was a noticeable difference in the tension in the air, not much,
but it was still noticeable. “The name is … something else, though.”

“No comment.”

Hoseok cleared his throat. “The awards show would run from 5:00 -8:00 p.m., and there was to be a
press conference held by Ri Kyong afterwards at around 9:00 p.m. that was supposed to be some
kind of blockbuster announcement.”

“That’s such horse shit,” Kyong said loudly from where he was sitting. “What the hell would I
have to make a press conference about?”

The Judge banged his gavel, and affixed the Defendant with a stern look. “Please do not speak
unless you are requested to give testimony, Mr. Ri.” Kyong snorted in response and Jungkook
looked like he was about to faint.

“This was the general plan for the evening,” Hoseok said, bringing the attention back to himself.
“The awards show went off without a hitch, and Mr. Ri won the top award for best actor in a
series. There was to be a one hour break before the press conference… however, the press
conference never got off the ground as the victim, Mr. Tak Jinho, was found dead in his hotel
room. The autopsy report states that he died at 8:15 p.m. Initially it was thought that he died from a
knife wound, but it turns out that he was strangled first, then stabbed with a knife.”

Taehyung raised an eyebrow and shared a look with Jungkook. “So he died from strangulation, not
the knife wound?” He flipped through his case file and flipped through to the evidence received
through disclosure, stopping at a picture of the crime scene.

Hoseok nodded. “He was stabbed after he was strangled, after he’d died.”

“The knife, I should point out, came from Mr. Ri’s hotel room,” Yoongi interjected, one hand
resting on the Prosecution’s bench. “Mr. Tak was strangled using his iconic necklace - a feature of
his character on Lock Up. The knife is exhibit TJ-1, and the necklace TJ-2.”

Jungkook cleared his throat and steeled his nerves as Hoseok glanced over at him. “Detective, can I
just ask something for clarification’s sake?”

“Sure, what is it?” Hoseok prompted, as cool as a cucumber.

“This is just to get a clear idea of the crime scene and why we are where we are,” Jungkook
prefaced, stalling for time in an attempt to quell his nerves. “But the victim’s case… from what I
understand, usually has the key shaped sword his character wields in Locked Up. But … it’s not
listed anywhere in the evidence.”

Hoseok hummed softly in acknowledgment and nodded. “We weren’t able to find the sword at the
scene of the crime. However, an investigation at World Star Studios, where the Victim was
employed, we did find it there.”

“That’s… that’s really weird. This was his big appearance for the year,” Jungkook said, blinking.
“Why wouldn’t he bring the one thing that was synonymous with his character?”

“We also thought it was strange,” Hoseok agreed. “We thought that this had something to do with
the murder, but we haven’t found anything to connect it so it’s been ruled as irrelevant for now.”

“To summarize what we’ve learned so far…” Yoongi started, adjusting his glasses. “The Victim
was found before the press conference, murdered via strangulation and the murder weapon, if you
will, is his necklace. However, the Victim was also stabbed after his death with a steak knife… a
knife that has the Defendant’s fingerprints on it.”

Taehyung slammed his hand down on the bench. “Hold on!” he exclaimed, eyes sharp and
expression severe. “That knife was taken from the Defendant’s room and the autopsy report,
Detective Jung and yourself all say that the knife wound was after the Victim died. But there’s
something that the Prosecution has failed to mention.”

Jimin raised an eyebrow. “The Prosecution requests that the Defence stop dancing around the issue
and make their point. We don’t have time for theatrics.”

A brief hint of surprise crossed Taehyung’s handsome features, but he soon smirked. “The
Prosecution needs to hold its horses before you run away to a false conviction. The Defendant was
in costume the entire night… and not once was he seen without it in public. Why is this significant?
His costume has gloves.”

Yoongi’s eyes flashed, and his lips curled into a slight scowl. Jimin glanced from his co-counsel to
his best friend and opposing counsel before it clicked.


“To be clear for the Court,” Jungkook jumped in, “the Defence is positing that this knife was taken
with the clear intention of casting suspicion on the Defendant. The Prosecution asserts that the
fingerprints were placed on this knife when the Victim was stabbed, but we counter that this was
when he had lunch with his manager hours before the awards show. Moreover, he was stabbed
after he died, so what would make the Defendant do that?” He shook his head and looked over at
Jimin and Yoongi, eyes shining and determined. “We challenge the Prosecution to give us motive -
Mr. Ri won the award, was supremely successful and on top of the industry. What reason would he
have to murder Mr. Tak?”

“I’m glad you asked, superstar rookie Jeon Jungkook,” Yoongi said, a small smirk creasing his
lips. “Detective Jung, if you would.”

“I don’t like this,” Taehyung muttered.

Jungkook sighed. “Did we just walk into a trap?”

“This whole case is a trap,” Taehyung sighed.

Hoseok cleared his throat, bringing everyone’s attention back to him. “Mr. Ri and Mr. Tak were
rivals, ever since they came onto the action tv show scene together. The rivalry between Starlight
and World Star Studios was great media fodder, but there was something darker bubbling beneath
the glitzy surface. Both men were in a constant game of oneupmanship; they were competing with
each other over everything from roles, sponsorships, commercial opportunities and everything in
between. This also extended into their private lives.”

“Could you expand on that a bit further, Detective Jung?” Jimin asked, forcing himself to talk.
“There seems to be a bit of confusion on the Defence’s side as to how this would amount to

Hoseok nodded slightly. “Of course. To understand why Mr. Ri would murder Mr. Tak, we have to
go back in time a bit. Two years ago, the victim was engaged to his manager, a woman by the
name of Du Haeun. Things seemed to be going well until the Defendant informed the Victim that
he had dated Ms. Du first, knowing that it would drive the Victim up the wall. The Victim was
predictably incensed and broke up with Ms. Du; the ensuing scandal tarnished her name and
reputation, and she passed away not too long afterwards because of it.”

The Judge frowned. “Detective Jung, this sounds like more motive for the Victim to want the
Defendant dead. I’m not seeing a motive for Mr. Ri to have killed the Victim.”

“We have a witness to speak to this further, your Honour,” Yoongi interrupted. “To speak on this
toxic love triangle, and how it ties in with Mr. Ri, the Prosecution calls Ms. Nam Iseul to the stand.
Ms. Nam, please state your full name and profession to the Court.”

A beautiful young woman dressed in a sharp pantsuit with her hair tied into a tight bun stood at the
witness stand, holding her hands tightly in front of her. “My name is Nam Iseul, and I am Ri
Kyong’s manager.”

Suddenly, Kyong shot to his feet and gripped the bannister of the Defendant’s barricade tight
enough that the wood cracked. “Iseul!” He barked, jaw clenched. “What the hell are you doing
being a witness for the Prosecution?!”

“This is something I can’t keep quiet about anymore,” Iseul said quietly.

“No! Forget it! There’s no way that you’re going to be talking to anybody about anything! Don’t
think that you can! Your contract’s ironclad!” Kyong snarled, ignoring the slamming of the
Judge’s gavel. “You say a goddamn word outside your duty and you’re sunk! Don’t think that
you’re innocent, woman! The dirt that you’ve kicked over is even worse than anything I could’ve

Taehyung put a hand over his face as the courtroom erupted into chaos. Kyong’s outburst set off
the gallery, which spun everything out of control within seconds. The Judge ordered the trial to
reconvene the next day, and for Kyong to spend the night in a cell to cool off rather than under the
supervision of his employer with some police enforcement. Jungkook looked over at Yoongi and
Jimin for a long moment before turning back to Taehyung, rubbing his shoulders.

In the Prosecution’s Lobby, Jimin could feel the tension rise through the roof as the cacophony of
chaos continued outside. “What the fuck was that?” he murmured, raking a hand through his hair.
“Practically an admission of guilt,” Hoseok replied tiredly, flopping down on one of the worn
couches. “Whatever the manager knows, it’s something that Kyong was willing to risk contempt of
court over.”

Yoongi snorted. “That idiot wouldn’t think that he was going to be punished over that outburst.”
He shook his head and looked out the window, waiting for the insanity out front to die down. “I
knew that calling Ms. Nam was going to cause a ruckus, but I wasn’t expecting having to shut
down the whole first day of trial.”

Jimin frowned. “This is not how I was expecting this trial to go.” He sighed. “I hope Tae and
Jungkook are all right. They’re going to get so much shit for their client’s outburst.”

“I’ve got some uniforms sticking with them,” Hoseok said, placing a hand on Jimin’s shoulder.
“They’ll be okay.”

Relieved, Jimin nodded and gave the Detective a grateful smile. “Thank you, Detective.”

From the window, Yoongi watched them quietly. “Might be a good idea to have everybody
involved have some sort of supervision on them, Hoba. There are a lot of people who aren’t on our
side for daring to prosecute Korea’s heartthrob.”

“Good point,” Hoseok sighed. “We’re a little stretched thin right now, so I’ll take you both home
at the same time. I would recommend taking a different route to Court tomorrow, just to throw off
the media and any psycho fans that want to get revenge for their idol.”

Yoongi sighed himself, and rubbed his forehead. “Let’s hope they don’t destroy my car while it’s
parked here.”

Hoseok smirked. “Isn’t it a lease anyway?”

“No. And fuck you.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m not the one you want to fuck.” Hoseok smirked and tossed a glance towards
Jimin, who wanted nothing more than to sink into the ground and disappear. He was really looking
forward to sinking into his tiny bathtub with a cheap bath bomb and a glass of wine that he
should’ve finished off a week ago. “How are you feeling, Jimin-ssi?”

“Leave him alone,” Yoongi groused. “And you’re not one to talk about secret relationships. How is
the Chief Prosecutor these days?”

Hoseok sputtered and nearly choked on his spit, staring at his old friend with a look of pure
betrayal. Jimin, quite wisely, remained silent.



Jimin pulled on his coat, struggling to get it pulled on properly as he slammed on his shoes and
grabbed his briefcase. He snatched up his house keys and shoved them into his pocket as he
hurried out of his apartment, cursing under his breath. Today was not the day to sleep in, but as he
had spent hours after returning home and warming up a pathetic bachelor’s dinner, Jimin was
unable to sleep until 3:00 a.m.

And subsequently, missed his alarm. All three of them that he’d set so that this exact instance
would not happen.
An errant thought crossed his mind to call Hoseok and see if there was a way to get a police escort
to the court house, but being as late as he was, Jimin decided he had to risk the Subway. He pulled
out his cell phone and started to type out a text to Yoongi, ignoring the litany of messages that were
in his notification centre.

JIMIN: <I’m on my way! I’m taking another route!>

YOONGI: <You’ll have to go around the back; the front is a shit show. Be careful.>

Shoving his phone into his pocket, Jimin sighed in relief as he ducked into an alley, hoping to cut
precious minutes off his time. The cool, dark air inside the alley was a welcome change from the
stuffy, humid air of the city that didn’t go away until late fall. Jimin exhaled, flicking his eyes up to
gauge how much of the alley was left before he could see the station in the distance.

What he saw instead, was a pair of cold eyes and a flash of steel. With a gasp, Jimin just barely
missed an introduction of the blade to his face, and he stumbled backwards. Standing in front of
him was a lanky, tall man dressed in a finely tailored suit with his face obscured by what appeared
to be costume makeup. A line of stitches went down the direct middle of his face, and Jimin
wondered if it was delirium to see that he had a monocle over his right eye.

“If you’re here to rob me, I have some bad news; you just held up a broke post-grad,” Jimin
explained, holding his hands up.

The man shook his head. “You are exactly who I am looking for, Park Jimin. My client has very
specific instructions in our contract. Due to the distraction of the day before, it is in my best interest
to give him a present. My work is my reputation.”

“Your client?” Jimin echoed, his eyes wide. “Who are you?”

“Apologies, but it would be quite reckless for me to tell you that,” the man replied evenly. “Be a
dear and stay still? It would be a shame for me to miss and hit something important.” Jimin’s eyes
widened further when the man reached behind his waist to pull out a thin revolver with a silencer
attached. “A car will backfire in exactly two minutes and that will mask the sound quite nicely.”

“There’s no way in hell I’m going to stay still, you lunatic!” Jimin hissed. “And you really made a
risky move coming here to try and off a Prosecutor. All this does is show how guilty your client

The man didn’t respond, instead moving forward with abnormally fast speed with one hand
outstretched. Jimin’s mouth fell open and he ducked, moving on instinct as his balled fist slammed
hard into the man’s side where his kidney would be - those boxing classes he took to work off
steam during law school was coming in handy. The man stiffened but otherwise didn’t move.
Jimin’s blood ran cold; on anybody else that would have been a solid body shot that would’ve sent
them crumpling to the floor. This man was frightening on a level that Jimin was just beginning to

“You are quite annoying,” the man murmured as he straightened up. With lightning speed, he
grasped Jimin’s shoulder and slammed him into the nearest wall, ‘pinning’ him there with a sharp
shot to the jaw. Dazed, Jimin couldn’t even bring a hand to touch his jaw where the mysterious
man’s fist hit him. He seemed to be moving and watching himself move at the same time, weaving
away as the man tried to pin him down again and growling when Jimin proved to be too slippery.
“Stay still!”

“Fucking make me!” Jimin countered, and cursed inwardly; he shouldn’t be making challenges to
what had to be a fucking hitman. He let out a strangled choking sound as the man’s gloved hand
wrapped around his slender neck, fingers digging into his reddening flesh. Scrambling to get
purchase, Jimin struggled against the man and cursed as he ended up getting pushed back against
the wall again, his head bouncing off the brick.

A car backfired and his shoulder felt like it had been split apart.

The reality of what had happened didn’t sink in until he saw the man walk away, pressing a phone
to his ear. “It’s done. I hope you enjoy your defence counsel enjoys the present today.”

(I’ve… been shot?) Jimin thought absently, sliding down the wall until he hit the dirtied pavement.
Something tumbled out of his hands and landed distantly. His hands didn’t want to listen, his body
seemed frozen in place. (He’s … a good shot … he didn’t even… hit somewhere super… no! I’ve
gotta…) He grunted, vision swimming as he moved his off hand into his pocket. Bloodied fingers
made it nigh impossible to navigate his touch screen and Jimin let out a pained sob as he struggled
to wipe his fingers off enough to open his phone.

His vision swam and doubled, the pain shooting through every synapse in his body. Jimin forced
himself to swallow down a whimper as he pressed down on a contact, hoping that it was the right

“Detective Jung Hoseok. What’s up, Jimin-ssi? You better hurry up; Yoongi’s losing his mind.”

“D-Detective…” Jimin rasped out, forcing himself to talk, “I … I’ve been shot… I’m … I’m s-
sending you m-my location …p-please, help…” He fumbled with his phone, barely hearing
Hoseok’s startled exclamation as he tried to find the ‘share location with contact’ option. As he
began to sway and his eyes began to close, he hoped that he was able to hit the button instead of
thinking of it.

Fuck, his shoulder really hurt.


With a soft groan, Jimin opened his eyes and his brows furrowed dazedly as his vision began to
slowly focus. The room was blindingly white, he could hear the faint sound of something beeping,
rhythmic and constant. Fabric rustled thickly, almost scratchily as he shifted and immediately, he
regretted it.

“Take it easy.”

Stiffening, Jimin turned and saw a young woman a bit older than him sitting in the visitor’s chair
beside his hospital bed, dressed in a sharp slate gray suit. “C-Chief Prosecutor Seol,” Jimin
stammered, his mouth feeling as if it was filled with moth balls. “W-What are you…”

She smiled, raising a hand. “At ease. I came to keep an eye on you so Prosecutor Min wouldn’t
have a panic attack while heading up a trial on his own. He’s quite fond of you.”

There was a lot to unpack in the Chief Prosecutor’s statement, and Jimin’s head was fuzzy from
what had to be painkillers and his lengthy bout of unconsciousness. “How … how long was I out

“You’ve been here about two days now, though you’ve been in and out of consciousness the whole
time,” Rina answered, placing a hand over his. “I must say, I’m impressed with the wherewithal
you had to not only contact Detective Jung, but to pull evidence off your attacker.”
“Evidence?” Jimin echoed blankly.

Rina nodded, which only served to confuse Jimin further. “When Detective Jung found you, you
had a little notebook beside your fallen phone. That little notebook ended up being case breaking

“Oh,” Jimin replied dumbly, leaning back against the flimsy pillow of his hospital bed. “— wait!”
He sat up suddenly. “The trial! Prosecutor Min! T-Tae and Jungkook! Are they…??”

“Easy!” Rina scolded, placing her hands on Jimin’s uninjured shoulder and his waist, gently
pressing him back against the bed. “You don’t want to aggravate your stitches.”

Wincing, Jimin frowned and let himself be laid back. “But the trial? What happened?”

“The trial should have just concluded,” Rina murmured, scrolling through her phone as she
checked her messages. “It was a bit of a mess after the first day, as you know. The second day was
entirely the cross-examination of Mr. Ri’s manager … it turned out she was the apprentice of the
victim’s deceased fiancé, and knew a lot more than she was letting on. The gist of it is that the
victim was intending on announcing to the world what Mr. Ri did to his fiancé … and that was the
real reason behind the press conference that was to occur after the awards show. The prop case for
his character's weapon was empty because Ms. Nam had prepared a spare costume of Mr. Ri's so
Mr. Tak could use it for the press conference.”

Jimin’s eyes widened. “So the victim was the one that was aiming to ruin Mr. Ri, for what he did to
his fiancé and everything else… I knew it was backwards.”

Rina gave a soft chuckle, almost fondly so. “That was his plan. But it appears that Mr. Ri caught
on to something going on and hired a contract killer to take out Mr. Tak, and any complications
that would arise from the subsequent criminal trial. This was the man that attacked you before the
second day of the trial.”

His blood ran cold and he felt faint. “He… you’re serious? Who … who hires a hitman these

“The world of the rich and powerful plays with different rules,” Rina replied simply, shaking her
head. “He needed Tak to be taken out, so he took measures to do it, people are like playthings to a
guy like that. There wasn’t a hint of remorse for the actual action, only that he got caught.” A faint
quirk of a smile creased her lips. “But, you may find solace in the fact that he’s incurred the wrath
of the very killer he contracted.”


“Seems like our Mr. Ri was in the habit of having information on everyone, so they’d bend to his
will,” Rina explained, shaking her head. “It came out during the trial that he had blackmail on his
own hitman and broke their contract by doing so. The safest place for him is in custody, but I
wouldn’t be surprised if this caught up with him sooner or later.”

Jimin’s brows furrowed as he struggled to process what he was being told. “T-Taehyung, Jungkook
… are they okay?”

“They’re fine,” Rina confirmed, smiling. “Your friends really are something else, Jimin-ssi. They
handled the crowd of reporters brilliantly. What did he say, that Kim Taehyung…? Ah, here it is.”

Jimin blinked as the Chief Prosecutor turned her phone towards him, playing a clip from the media
scrum that took place outside the courthouse.
REPORTER: Your client was pronounced guilty! What does this mean for Kim & Co.?

TAEHYUNG: We always want to believe in our client, but our job as Attorneys is to ensure that
everybody gets a fair trial, no matter who they are. A fair trial in which the truth of the matter
comes out. Sometimes… that truth isn’t that our client is not guilty. What’s more important to us is
that the right person answers for the crime.

REPORTER 2: But your client was pronounced guilty . What will Mr. Kim Seokjin and Mr. Kim
Namjoon think? Their defence records are near perfect! It looks like you’ve ruined the perfect run
of Kim & Co.

JUNGKOOK: They’d be way more upset if we allowed a murderer to get off scot free. They taught
us to find the truth and make sure the law protects those that need to be protected.

Jimin smiled, watching as his best friend easily charmed the reporters getting them on his side
within a couple more questions. “Tae,” he said softly. “Thank you for showing this to me, Chief
Prosecutor. And … for staying here with me. I’m sorry … I know you must be very busy.”

“My Prosecutors are my top priority,” Rina replied gently. She looked down at her watch, and
Jimin felt faint as he noticed it was a Pasha de Cartier watch, somewhere in the realm of 160
million won. Maybe he should become a sugar baby to one of the High Prosecutors. What the hell
were they making here while he was barely breaking even? “Ten, nine, eight…”

“Uh… what are you doing, Chief Prosecutor?” Jimin asked quietly, confusedly.

Rina held up her other hand. “Six, five, four…three, two…one.”

The door to the hospital room opened soundly, with Yoongi looking flushed, and out of breath, his
cheeks a dark pink. Behind him was Hoseok, also out of breath but it appeared to be more that he
had been chasing after Yoongi. “Jimin!” Yoongi breathed, gripping the doorframe so tightly that it
might have cracked a little.

“He’s still alive, like I told you,” Rina said teasingly, rising from her seat and straightening out her
suit. “I know your boyfriend is cute, but it wouldn’t kill you to exercise some restraint. This is a
hospital, after all.”

Briefly embarrassed, Yoongi ducked his head and bowed before entering the room, mumbling a
thank you. Rina placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze before leaving the room with
Hoseok, the two of them sharing a little laugh together as they closed the door behind them.

“You… didn’t run here from Court, did you?” Jimin asked quietly.

“No, just… from the elevator,” Yoongi admitted, quickly sitting down beside him. “You were so
out of it when I came to see you after Day 2 of the trial. It was hard to focus.” He frowned,
reaching over to touch Jimin’s hand almost hesitantly as if doing so would cause Jimin to shatter.

Jimin stared at him. “What are you sorry for?”

“I should’ve picked you up,” Yoongi muttered, his brows furrowed and his stare intensely focused
on Jimin’s fingers. “With what was going on in the trial, I should’ve picked you up when I was
leaving for Court and Hoba could have been tailing us both.” He shook his head. “You got shot
because I thought it was better we go separately.”

“Hyung,” Jimin started, shaking his head. “You wouldn’t have known something batshit insane
like that was going to happen.”

“Still!” Yoongi pressed.

“Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin countered, shaking his head. “I don’t blame you for this. — But, if you
really want to make it up to me, I wouldn’t say no to being pampered.” Maybe it was the
painkillers, the relief at being alive and seeing Yoongi, but Jimin was feeling brave. “Let me stay
at your apartment, maybe.” Yoongi’s expression was wide-eyed, with his lips parting in surprise.
“I’m just kidding.”

Jimin was pretty sure he was still very loopy from the painkillers and that he did not hear Yoongi
mutter, “I would let you.”
Chapter 5
Chapter Summary

Jimin struggles in the aftermath of the Ri Kyong trial, but takes it one day at a time -
helped by a fuzzy little nurse named Yeontan. As the calendar turns to December, a
call from Yoongi gives Jimin the holiday plans he wasn’t expecting but sorely needed.

Chapter Notes

Jimin deals a bit with PTSD in the beginning and he’s continuing to work through it. If
this is hard to read, please use CTRL/CMD+F for “Chief Prosecutor Seol wants me to
advise you” and you’ll be past it.

It was difficult to adjust to being on leave following the Ri Kyong trial. Jimin had spent a good
portion of his late teens and early twenties hustling to get his foot into the door, and to suddenly
find himself with a lot of time on his hands was maddening. At first, he decided to get through his
backlog of books he’d bought on impulse when making his way through the subway station after
leaving the office, but that took no time at all. Taehyung and Jungkook very kindly let him borrow
one of their game consoles and a stack of games, which lasted for a bit longer and Jimin found that
he had a talent for fighting games. It felt really good to get a win (somehow) over Jungkook.

A month passed without much incident, and Jimin was relieved to be cleared to return to work. He
had been good to go after two and a half weeks, but the Chief Prosecutor was adamant that he take
the extra time to mentally recover as well, having set Jimin up with appointments to speak to a
therapist that specialized in this type of trauma to decompress and process what had happened to
him. As much as Jimin had been initially hesitant, it was far more helpful than he had imagined.

The first time he attempted to head into work, he froze as soon as he passed the first alley (not even
going anywhere near it) and nearly fainted. He had to call Taehyung, who brought Jungkook along
and made it look like Jimin was first to arrive at an agreed upon meeting spot before taking him
back to his apartment. They stayed with him until they had leave for work, receiving a loaded call
from Kim Seokjin that was barely comprehensible. The call turned apologetic in a hurry when
Jungkook heatedly explained that they were helping poor Jimin who was having panic attacks
being near alleys after getting shot in one and if he could hold his goddamn horses before he gave
himself a heart attack since he was 80 not 28.

Jimin received the largest and most uniquely curated gift basket in apology after that, courtesy of
the Kim & Co. Law Office.

Throughout November, Jimin tried with varying levels of success to get into work, wondering how
he still had a job if he couldn’t get his act together. A part of him knew it wasn’t his fault, that he
was doing his best and that overcoming a traumatic experience like the one he went through was
going to take time, but a prevailing part of him was frustrated. He was stronger than this. He felt he
was, anyway. But here he was at the onset of December, curled up on his couch and wrapped in a
fuzzy blanket with Yeontan in his lap as Taehyung insisted that someone from Kim & Co. should
be keeping him company.

YOONGI: <Chief Prosecutor Seol wants me to advise you that you will still have a job when
you’re ready to come back. Please don’t worry.>

YOONGI: <…If you wish to talk, please don’t hesitate to call me. I’m in the office all day

Jimin smiled down at his phone, the smile widening when Yeontan licked his cheek. “Do you
think I should call him, Tannie?” Yeontan almost appeared to be thinking about it, tilting his little
head and watching Jimin with the softest brown eyes attached to the judgiest little pair of eyebrows
Jimin had ever seen on a dog.

JIMIN: <Yeontan says hello.> [img attached]

YOONGI: <You’ll need to send me his nursing credentials. And tell him to work on his bedside
manner. He’s giving me the evil eye. I’m just trying to help.>

Jimin laughed, a bit harder than he should have and curled in on himself a bit, hugging Yeontan
close to his chest. “He’s ridiculous,” Jimin whispered to the little Pomeranian, kissing the top of his
furry head. “Let’s call him, Tannie.”

He bit his lip as he sent the FaceTime request, only belatedly wondering if Yoongi even had an
iPhone to do this with. It was too late to go back and check their messages to see if they were in
iMessage or not. He was startled when the call connected and he was greeted to a scene of Yoongi
on the music studio side of his office, suit jacket off and the top two buttons of his crisp, white
button-down unbuttoned. His sleeves were neatly rolled up, and Jimin caught sight of the tattoo on
his right wrist properly - a stylistic, gothic styled head of a dog, highlighted with white on its
armoured scales, with a yellow eye.

“Let me see this dog,” Yoongi said, turning his gaze to the camera. It appeared he had it anchored
on a holder, as there was barely any movement when he turned. Jimin gave a thin smile and held
up Yeontan, who barked in greeting. “I understand that you’re Kim Taehyung’s dog. Are you
taking proper care of your other father?” Yeontan huffed. “Don’t give me attitude.”

Jimin laughed and put a hand over his mouth, almost beside himself at being witness to Yoongi
having a serious conversation with a Pomeranian. “Hyung, he’s the best nurse I’ve ever had.”

“That’s distressing,” Yoongi flatly replied, though his lips were curled into a smirk. His expression
shifted to one of soft concern. “…how have you been doing, Jimin?”

The laughter left Jimin’s eyes and he settled down, rubbing Yeontan’s furry head. “It changes day
to day,” Jimin admitted quietly. “I try every once in a while to go to the office, see if I can make it,
but … it’s tough.” He looked over at the calendar. “By this rate, the winter recess will be
happening and there’s going to be no reason to go in at all.”

Yoongi hummed softly. “Are you going to go home, visit your family? It might be good to see

Jimin glanced down at Yeontan, who looked back up at him curiously. “They’re going on a trip
somewhere warm for the holidays. Bahamas, I think. They were hesitant to go, because of me, but
… I told them to go. They’ve been through a lot lately, and they sacrificed a lot to get me to law
school. They should enjoy themselves.”
“…what about Yeontan’s father? How’s the custody arrangement?”

A faint smile creased Jimin’s plush lips; it was nice of Yoongi to play along. “He’s going to visit
his family in Daegu. I don’t even know why I know this, but Jungkook is going to visit his family
in Busan, and Seokjin-ssi is taking Namjoon-ssi to spend it with his family in Gwacheon as a
tradition they’ve had for the last five years. They’re not even dating. It’s just stupidly bromantic.”
Jimin rubbed his face. “Somehow I know the entirety of Kim & Co.’s Christmas plans and it
bothers me.”

Yoongi gave a faint smile. “Maybe I should tell the Chief Prosecutor that you’re in danger of being
poached. Or we can use you as a spy.”

“Hardly,” Jimin said flatly, rolling his eyes. “What about you, Yoongi-hyung?”

Giving a non-committal hum, Yoongi tilted his head from side to side as a soft beat played in the
background. “Hoba is finally meeting his girlfriend’s parents; they’re coming in from overseas. I
cut my family off years ago, so I’ll be working here throughout the break.”

Jimin’s brows furrowed as that casual bombshell was dropped with all the grace of someone
mentioning that they didn’t like bananas. “You shouldn’t be spending Christmas alone, hyung.”

“You’re spending it alone too, you know.”

“I have Yeontan.”

“My apologies to the fuzzy nurse with dubious qualifications.”

Jimin rolled his eyes. “Let’s spend it together, hyung. I didn’t think I needed to spell it out for

There was a pregnant pause and Yoongi’s dark eyes flitted back to the camera, his eyebrows
knitting together in confusion. “…I thought we were casual,” he said softly. It wasn’t defensive,
and it wasn’t a no.

“I’m asking to spend Christmas together, not get married,” Jimin replied, struggling to keep his
own voice steady. “We can get smashed and watch terrible Christmas specials on TV. Or… maybe
you can show me just what you do with that giant music studio in your office. We can just spend
some time together so we don’t go crazy with the holiday blues and tell everybody who coos at us
that we’re spending Christmas alone that they can ho-ho-hop off our dicks.”

Silence stretched for an uncomfortably long time and Jimin was beginning to feel increasingly like
that was the wrong move. Yoongi was just checking on him to be nice, see if his coworker/fuck-
buddy who got himself shot was feeling well enough to be something resembling a human being
and Jimin had to go and suggest they spend Christmas together of all things. He was the one that
suggested they be casual first to begin with!

He had stopped taking his heavy-duty painkillers a month ago, so he didn’t even have that excuse.
He’d been cooped up in his apartment for too long.

“Sorry,” Jimin mumbled. “That was too far. I didn’t mean anything by it, just… it would be nice to
spend it with you, that’s all. No pressure.”

“That sounds like a plan,” Yoongi replied, surprising him. Jimin’s eyes snapped up to his phone’s
screen, where the older Prosecutor was staring fixedly at his computer and very much not at his
phone. Jimin’s camera wasn’t that good, but he could definitely see a light pink dusting Yoongi’s
round cheeks, his pouty lips turning a bit red with out much he was anxiously chewing on his lower
lip. “…I’ll pick you up on the 24th.”

The call suddenly disconnected, and Jimin was left staring at a blank screen. He lowered his head
and looked down at Yeontan. “Did he really just accept?”

Yeontan barked, and licked his cheek.

“Thank you, my tiny adoptive son. You were always my favourite.”


When Yoongi told him that he was picking him up on December 24th, Jimin was positive that
meant sometime in the evening, not midday. So when Jimin pressed the shitty intercom to his
shitty apartment, he was expecting to hear literally anybody else other than Yoongi. He was still in
a bit of a daze when Yoongi came up, too confused to even be embarrassed about his shoebox of an

Yoongi looked, as Jimin expected, out of place when in his apartment. Dressed casually but still
like ten million won, Yoongi’s black hair was un-styled, but Jimin could faintly see an undercut as
sharp as his eyes. Heat rushed to his cheeks as he thought about running his hands through it.
“Where’s your fuzzy little nurse?”

It took Jimin a few seconds before he realized what Yoongi asked him. “He’s with Taehyung,” he
explained dazedly. “Gotta take the son to see the grandparents. Tannie was only staying with me
while Tae was at work.”

The other man gave a non-committal hum of an answer, idly looking around the apartment. “Are
you ready to go?”

“I’m… going to be honest,” Jimin started, slowly coming back to himself. “I wasn’t expecting you
until later.”

“Are you packed?”


“Finish up; I can wait.”

“…do you want some coffee first?”

Yoongi gave him a slight smirk. “Is it better than your office coffee?”

If he wasn’t so thrown by the whole situation, Jimin was positive he’d be more offended. “Not all
of us can afford coffee beans picked by monkeys in South America, you know. I didn’t realize you
were such a coffee snob.”

“Go pack, Jimin. Consider it a request from your hyung.”

Muttering under his breath about formalities and abuses of power as he shuffled to his tiny
bedroom where a small roller suitcase lay opened and mostly packed, Jimin raked a hand through
his hair. Realistically, he didn’t need to add too much more but tossed in another sweater and pair
of sweatpants, zipping up the suitcase and locking it neatly. With a soft grunt, Jimin pulled his old
university backpack up and dutifully filled it with a zipped travel back that contained his chargers,
his laptop, and one of his books that he wanted to read again if time permitted.
Jimin paused and opened his suitcase again, taking out half of what he packed, then re-zipped it up.
He re-appeared at the ‘living room’ area of his apartment, and nodded slightly to Yoongi.

Yoongi gave a slight incline of his head. “Let’s go.”

When they reached Yoongi’s car, Jimin felt his head spin; the other man had driven there in a
fucking Mercedes AMG painted gunmetal gray. He tried not to make too much of a show of his
surprise, but it was difficult with his jaw on the floor. Yoongi smirked and took his things,
somehow managing to fit them in the comically small trunk. He gave Jimin a gentle push towards
the passenger seat, the younger of the two at least remembering to pull his seatbelt on.

Whatever he was expecting for Yoongi’s apartment building complex to look like, didn’t prepare
him at all for the reality: the building was new, gorgeous, and even had a goddamn concierge.
Jimin was flabbergasted and dumbfounded as he followed his senior to one of the top floors. “I
really should just quit and become a sugar baby,” he muttered.

Yoongi paused and turned to look at him quizzically. “What?”

“—Nothing,” Jimin said quickly, heat rushing to his face.

“You know,” Yoongi started as he ushered Jimin into his spacious apartment, “I’ve noticed that
you seem rather… fixated on brands and prices.” He smirked. “Are you a little bit of a brand slut,
Park Jimin?”

Jimin groaned and put a hand over his face. A hole in the ground could not open up fast enough to
pull him in and put him out of his misery. “I can’t help it,” he admitted finally. “When I was in
University and Law School, it was a goal I could keep changing so I didn’t lose my will to live. It
was like The Price is Right, just guess how much something cost, if I could figure out what brand
it was… it was like a brain exercise.” He huffed, looking extremely put out about the ‘Park Jimin
embarrasses the hell out of himself power hour’. “Then I just started noticing how fucking loaded
all the high prosecutors are and wondered if it was a smarter career choice to be a sugar baby.”

Amused, Yoongi closed the space between them and tilted Jimin’s sharp jaw up. “An interesting
little habit … did it give you the excuse you needed to look me over like you wanted to devour

Suddenly feeling quite brave, Jimin flicked his tongue out over Yoongi’s thumb that pressed
against his plush bottom lip. “I didn’t need an excuse for that.”

Surprise coloured Yoongi’s usually unflappable features, and Jimin mentally flinched - it was
apparently deep dark secret honesty hour, too. He then remembered that not only had he jerked off
with Yoongi in a dirty club washroom, but they’d also fucked at a crime scene, there really wasn’t
any reason for him to be embarrassed around Yoongi.

But there was just something about the man in front of him that threw all of Jimin’s constructs out
the window.

“Here, let me show you where you can put your things,” Yoongi said, pulling away from Jimin as
if they hadn’t been eye-fucking mere seconds before. Spiralling, Jimin shook his head to ground
himself. The spare room that Yoongi brought him to was almost the size of Jimin’s entire
apartment, pristinely decorated but strangely… sterile at the same time. It made sense, he
supposed; Yoongi was always at the office and his apartment was merely a place to sleep.
Dinner was awkward at first, as Yoongi wouldn’t let Jimin into the kitchen and didn’t really talk to
him but with an express instruction not to wander the apartment, leaving him to sit awkwardly at
the kitchen table. Jimin busied himself by trying to figure out by sight if the bowl of fruit in the
middle of the table was fake or not and handily ignored any strange looks that he was getting from
his host.

“…are you having a staring contest with the fruit bowl?”

“Oh, is the almighty Min Yoongi finally talking to me now?”

Yoongi snorted. “I’m not much of a talker while I cook. Usually there’s nobody here but me.”

Jimin rolled his eyes. “There’s someone here right now.” He blinked as Yoongi came over,
expertly balancing several dishes filled with food and set them down like he’d spent his formative
years as a waiter. “That… was hot.”

“Who has the competency kink now?” Yoongi retorted, smirking as he sat down.

They settled into a strangely comfortable rhythm for the rest of the day. Jimin was surprised to see
that Yoongi had a stack of old Christmas special DVDs alongside liquor that combined would be
more than his tuition for both law school and university. “I used to have a drinking game with Tae
when we did this in University,” Jimin said, giving a cursory sniff at the spiced rum that laced his
coca-cola. “We got blasted on AppleJack, though because we were poor University students, not
this stuff.”

Yoongi looked pained. “Everything I hear about what you and Kim Taehyung got up to is not
surprising but is still very distressing.” He smirked, though, as he took a sip of his own glass that
contained a peaty whiskey. “I see where the dog is the level headed one.”

“Rude. — what kind of traditions do you have, then?”

“In University?” Yoongi asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jimin waved a hand. “In general. Christmas.”

Yoongi made a soft sound, and shook his head. “Not much. Would take a walk, see what shops
were open and buy something from each of them if I could. Depending on who was around, I’d
hang out with Hoba or Joon. Make some dinner, crash out.”

A small smile came to Jimin’s lips. “That’s really nice of you. I don’t know where you got the
name Demon Prosecutor from. You’re just a giant softy.”

Yoongi grunted.

It didn’t take long before their Christmas Special marathon devolved into an increasingly tipsy
MST3K parody, but with more satoori and more slang. Jimin hadn’t let his Busan accent come out
in a while, having worked very hard on his Seoul dialect, but sitting there with Yoongi whose
Daegu drawl sounded rougher and rougher the longer their marathon went … Jimin felt

He was at a comfortable level of tipsy when he put his last glass of alcohol down, tilting his head
as Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer played on Yoongi’s 40 inch flatscreen. “What are they
harassing the elf for? Nothing wrong with wanting to become a dentist.”

“Mob mentality,” Yoongi explained idly, his eyes dark and half-lidded. “Society pushes a path on
people and forces them into lanes through school and it’s like mass peer pressure. Kid wants to be
something other than a cookie cutter worker and he’s gettin’ lambasted. Same with Rudolph.”

Jimin looked down at his glass, then over at Yoongi. “You get pretty philosophical when you

Yoongi snorted softly as he set his empty glass down on the table, having been resting it on his
thigh. “And that’s about the time I should turn in, before I start nattering your head off about
fucking Nietzsche.”

“If you want to talk to me about how you want to fuck Friedrich Nietzsche, then I will agree that I
don’t want that to happen either,” Jimin said blithely, smirking as he shifted into a more
comfortable position on the couch. Fuck, the couch was so soft Jimin wondered if he could ask
Yoongi if he could marry it.

Jimin blinked slowly as soon the older prosecutor’s face came into his increasingly sleepy vision,
bony fingers tipping his chin up. “Go to sleep, Jimin,” Yoongi murmured, his breath dancing along
his junior’s cheeks. “Or else Santa isn’t going to be able to bring you the coal you deserved this

“Eh—” it took a minute before Jimin realized what Yoongi had said and suddenly, Jimin was on
his feet and he clumsily reached out for Yoongi, only to be thwarted by a deft dodge and was left to
grasp at air. “Asshole!”

“Merry Christmas to you too.”


Jimin was going to marry Yoongi’s spare bed and take the couch as a mistress. The bed had been
sinfully soft when he finally laid down in it, but waking up in it was absolutely heavenly.
Regretfully, Jimin slowly pushed himself up and grabbed his change of clothes, shuffling to the
washroom in a daze. A soft groan escaped him as he turned on the shower, the pressure hitting him
just right, and despite the convoluted control panel, was surprisingly easy to use. Why did
everything in this apartment have to be amazing?

Slowly, Jimin pulled himself together and got dressed. He pulled on an ugly christmas sweater that
his mother got him as a gag gift one year and although she said it was just a joke gift, he wore it
every year and loved how her eyes lit up when he did. It was the stereotypical ugly sweater that
was ugly on purpose, with a googly eyed cat with a garishly patterned Santa hat and ‘Meowy
Christmas!’ stitched in horribly bright yellow thread over its head.

“What the hell are you wearing.”

A sheepish smile came to his lips and Jimin rubbed the back of his neck. “My mom got this for me
a couple years ago and I kind of … wear it on Christmas to make her happy. I guess… I grabbed it
out of habit.”

Yoongi’s eyes softened and he gave a quiet scoff, looking back at the breakfast he was making.
“Cute.” He paused and smirked slightly. “Meowy Christmas, Jimin.”

A furious blush coloured Jimin’s cheeks and he folded his arms, pretending to be put upon. “Merry
Christmas, Yoongi-hyung.”

Breakfast was decidedly less awkward than dinner the night before, with Yoongi actually making
some attempt at small talk - though it was mainly trying to figure out whether or not Jimin’s
sweater would be considered an ocular war crime. The cross-examination/counter-argument tete-a-
tete was occasionally interrupted by calls from his parents, some cousins he was fairly close with
back in Busan, or from Taehyung and strangely enough, Jungkook as well.

Jimin adjusted his scarf as he followed Yoongi, the two of them now well into their walk along
Yoongi’s traditional path through a line of shops that were open on Christmas Day. “Thank you for
taking me along on this walk of yours,” Jimin said softly once they’d stopped at a crosswalk.

Yoongi glanced over at him, face buried in his own silver and green scarf as a particularly cold
breeze curled past them. “It’s a lot better with someone else here,” he said simply. He looked up at
the crosswalk light, as if trying to time when the light would change from a red hand to a white
walking figure.

Surprised, Jimin tilted his head. “You never took Detective Jung or Mr. Kim with you?”

“No, they were always busy on Christmas,” Yoongi mumbled, though Jimin wasn’t sure how true
that was from the tone in his voice. “This is just something I do.” He gestured with his head as the
light changed, leading Jimin across the street and into a small, family-owned candy shop.

A strange rush of fondness washed over Jimin as he watched Yoongi talk with the elderly lady that
ran the shop, the two of them exchanging stories and anecdotes while the lady filled two little
cardboard boxes with various sweets. She gave him a pair of bonus candy canes - one for him, and
one for “his cute boyfriend” to which Jimin blushed furiously.

The other shops were more of the same, little locally owned stores that had to stay open in order to
survive, and Jimin was continually surprised and endeared to see that Yoongi knew each
shopkeeper by name. The last stop, Yoongi explained, was an antique shop run by an old man who
always had interesting items coming in through his extensive contacts in Korea and overseas.

“I’m convinced he used to be a part of the NIS back in the day,” Yoongi said as he opened the
door. “But this old battle-axe keeps dodging the question.”

The old man behind the counter laughed heartily. “Min Yoongi!” He said, slapping his leg. “Still
an ornery little pup. — oh! You brought a friend. Hello, hello. I’m Baek Yongsun.”

Jimin bowed politely. “Park Jimin; it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

Recognition dawned in the old man’s eyes and Yoongi’s eyes widened as he realized what was
about to happen. Yoongi opened his mouth, but Yongsun beat him to the punch. “Oh, you’re Park
Jimin! Yoongi mentions you quite a bit. I was beginning to think he made you up.”

“He… you’ve talked about me?” Jimin asked, his voice beginning to fail him.

Yongsun waved a hand, smiling kindly. “I’ve said too much already. Come, take a look at my
wares! Maybe you’ll find something drawn to you by fate! Some wedding bands, perhaps?”

“You’re getting senile old man,” Yoongi muttered. “I’m sorry, Jimin-ssi.”

“No apology needed, hyung,” Jimin said blankly, wondering what kind of alternate universe he had
wandered into. Deciding it was better to focus on the antique and vintage items that lined the
shelves in the store. Bending over slightly, his earrings jingling softly at the movement, Jimin
curiously looked at the various pieces of jewellery and accessories that were behind protective
glass cases. “Oh shit. — sorry.” He looked up suddenly. “Sir, is that a 1930’s Rolex?”

Yongsun’s eyes shined at the question and he nodded. “That’s been here for a while. Not many
takers, though. Would you like to take a closer look?”

Jimin bit his lip and looked up at him. “Can I?” Yongsun nodded and grunted softly as he got off
his stool, opening up the case from the back and carefully pulling the watch out. He placed it on a
soft velvet cushion, handing Jimin a soft cloth so he could pick it up without putting fingerprints
on it. Reverently, Jimin picked up the watch, his gaze softening. “My dad had one of these,” he
started softly, “got it from grandfather. He always said he’d give it to me one day.”

“…did something happen to it?” Yoongi’s voice was quiet, as he came to stand beside him.

Jimin’s eyes darkened briefly and he closed them for a long moment. “I told him not to do it, but
my dad sold it to help cover my law school tuition. I was livid; I told him that I was going to be
able to pay off my loans eventually and he didn’t need to, that I would make it but … he said that
grandfather would’ve been proud I was going to law school and it was just a silly watch.” He
frowned. “I always felt guilty; I knew how much he loved that watch… how much I loved that
watch.” Shifting on his feet, and holding the watch a bit tighter than he should’ve, Jimin looked up
at Yongsun. “How much is it?”

Yongsun hummed softly. “I’d part with it for 5 million won.”

At that, Jimin’s heart sank. It wasn’t an unreasonable price for a vintage Rolex, especially one that
was this old, and in this good of a condition. To be honest, it was surprising that it was even there
to begin with. “It’s worth the price,” Jimin said quietly as he placed the watch down on the
cushion. “Thank you for letting me see it.” Yongsun nodded with a sad smile, placing the watch
back into the case as Jimin turned to Yoongi. “I’m going to wait outside, I just need a minute.”

“Yeah, of course,” Yoongi said, nodding. Jimin pulled up his scarf and left the store, shoulders
hunched and eyes stinging with tears. If the younger prosecutor had turned back to look over his
shoulder before he left the store, he would have seen Yoongi turning to Yongsun and asking him to
ring up the watch and wrap it.

It was a while later before Jimin realized that Yoongi was standing beside him, just outside the
antique shop. “Sorry,” Jimin apologized again, shaking his head. “I just threw the world’s biggest
bummer party for myself on a day that’s supposed to be happy. It’d be fine if it was just my
Christmas that sucked, but I ruined yours too.”

“Jimin,” Yoongi interrupted gently, “you didn’t ruin anything.” To Jimin’s surprise, he reached out
with a leather gloved hand and took Jimin’s hand in his. “Let’s go back. We have a lot more shitty
christmas specials to get through and enough booze to bring down a moose.”

Whatever protests that Jimin had died in his throat as Yoongi tugged him along back to the car.
Yoongi drove back with one hand on the steering wheel, and it would have been one of the hottest
things Jimin experienced in his short life if he wasn’t so distracted by the fact that Yoongi’s other
hand was holding his like it was second nature. He raised his eyes from their hands to Yoongi’s
face, the usual mask of stoic coolness still in place and perhaps it was wishful thinking, but Jimin
could swear he could see the older man swallow nervously.

What could Min Yoongi have to be nervous about?

He’d seen so many recordings of Yoongi’s trials from over the years and even when his back was
against the wall, and things were looking dire, even when his reputation and credibility were taking
a beating, Yoongi never once looked flustered or lost his composure. He could have Kim Namjoon
or Kim Seokjin breathing down his neck but he still remained calm, cool, and collected. Min
Yoongi of the Courtroom, the Demon Prosecutor with the Silver Tongue, was unflappable.
The Min Yoongi sitting beside him right now, however, was a man who seemed to be as nervous
about the situation as Jimin was. The holidays seemed ripe for old memories and buried feelings to
come back up under the garish bright lights and promise of rewards for behaving well all year.
Spending time with those that mean the most to you, an unwritten/written rule that’s plastered all
throughout Christmas specials that aired relentlessly as soon as Halloween ended.

“Hyung,” Jimin started when they entered Yoongi’s beautifully decorated apartment, stopping
short after the door’s closed. “Are you—”

He didn’t get to finish his sentence as Yoongi’s lips were on his, his hands left as Yoongi brought
both hands to cup Jimin’s cheeks. It was different that their other kisses that were all desperation,
lust and under the pressure of being caught. This kiss was soft and warm, and Jimin felt like he was
being wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. When the kiss broke and Jimin instinctively chased Yoongi’s
lips for more, the older man gave him a thin smile and shook his head, moving to remove Jimin’s
heavy coat alongside his own. He put away the fruits of their walk, carefully removing his leather
gloves off, doing the same for Jimin who seemed frozen to his spot.

“Let me take care of you tonight,” Yoongi murmured, his words ghosting along Jimin’s plush lips.
“Mm? Let hyung take care of you.”

Something stirred inside Jimin as he stared into Yoongi’s dark eyes, now warm with fondness
instead of their usual aloofness. Was it really so bad to give in? He’d already done so with Yoongi
before, but this was different. This was all … very different than what he’d gone into this weird
arrangement of theirs with, and Jimin wasn’t entirely sure that he hated it. If he was honest with
himself, he was beginning to crave it. Whatever morsel of reciprocation that Yoongi gave him,
Jimin was starving for it. He knew he should play harder to get, that he should make a little joke,
be a little sexy, but he was tired. Tired of always holding himself together, of pushing forward and
refusing to stay still.

“Okay,” Jimin whispered, his voice cracking. Yoongi gave him a soft smile, and pressed a kiss to
his forehead - another startlingly domestic gesture that sent a swoop through Jimin’s stomach.

“Go and take a bath,” Yoongi gently instructed, brushing Jimin’s hair away from his eyes with his
cold fingers, “there’s a small chest of drawers in there… pick whatever bath bomb you want and
have a nice soak. I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”

“Shouldn’t I help?” Jimin asked quietly, not trusting his voice to go any higher. “It’s not really fair
for you to do all the work alone.”

Yoongi chuckled and shook his head, pressing his forehead against Jimin’s for a brief moment.
“It’s just dinner, not fighting on the front lines. Go and take a bath and relax, I’ll let you know
when everything’s ready.”

“…Okay,” Jimin said finally, giving in. A bath really did sound good, and he was having a hard
enough time keeping it together as it was. The last thing he wanted to do was start crying in his
maybe-fuck-buddy-but-very-much-his-senior’s arms on Christmas Day. Carefully, Jimin extricated
himself from Yoongi’s arms and straightened himself out before stiffly walking towards the master
bathroom. In addition to the heaven-sent shower, there was a beautiful marble tub and a chest of
drawers nearby that was unlocked and contained a surprising amount of bath bombs. Out of the
entire apartment, the bathroom seemed the most used, and Jimin smiled to himself; Yoongi was
letting him in, bit by bit.

He was not proud of the soft groan he let out when he sunk into his drawn bath, the pink and purple
bath bomb dissolving elegantly to fill the room with the scents of lavender and rose petals. Slowly,
Jimin raised a hand from under the water and placed it on his face, letting the warm water slide
down his skin as he exhaled heavily. He sank down until he was submerged up to his neck, staring
up at the ceiling until the water began to cool. His muscles were sore, now loosened up and
realizing they had been tense for nearly the entire day.

As Jimin redressed in his ugly sweater and into a warm pair of sweatpants, he paused and looked at
himself in the mirror. Aside from his trip down pity lane, he was looking a lot better. Felt a lot
better. Maybe spoiling himself at Yoongi’s apartment wasn’t such a bad idea after all. He
swallowed, knowing that this was temporary, and forced himself to stand up and walk out of the
Master Bathroom, depositing his snow soaked jeans in the guest hamper.

“…Do you need any help?”

“No, I’m almost done. Have a seat.”

Truth be told, Jimin both remembered everything about his Christmas Dinner with Yoongi and
none of it. The food was delicious, and he almost let out his sex groan when the beef fell apart in
his mouth, but he couldn’t remember for the life of him what the beef dish was. Yoongi carried the
conversation, telling him a story about another murder trial he had that had occurred over
Christmas, where he and Namjoon argued relentlessly about oranges as the delivery of said
oranges was intrinsic to figuring out the real timeline of the crime.

“Are you trying to tell me that this entire case was solved because Kim Namjoon figured out who
the real murderer was during the trial because of a delivery manifest for satsuma oranges?” Jimin
was in disbelief.

Yoongi nodded with an exaggerated sigh. “Satsumas are softer in terms of texture and easier to peel
because of how loose the skin is. Joon figured out the timing based on how bad the oranges had
gotten and how it connected to the delivery manifest times.”

Jimin sat back, dumbfounded. “That’s insane.”

“That’s Kim & Co. for you,” Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head. “All their cases are like that. You
experienced it firsthand with Jeon.”

“Don’t remind me,” Jimin groaned, putting a hand over his eyes. “I can’t believe he pulled that
defence out of his ass while suffering from amnesia. What does that say about me, though?”

Yoongi’s long, bony fingers rested overtop of Jimin’s, curling in slightly so he was loosely holding
his hand. “It says that trial wouldn’t have gone nearly as smoothly if you weren’t good at your job.
Seokjin was there, yes, but as the Prosecution, it’s our unspoken duty to ensure the trial runs
smoothly. We’re the ones that guide the trial, we call the witnesses, we curate the evidence list,
and we are the ones that frame the narrative of the case. Jeon was able to reach his conclusion in
his state because you kept the trial on the tracks.”

The silence stretched as Jimin stared, rendered speechless. Heat rushed to his cheeks and he ducked
his head, a soft whine escaping his lips. “You can’t just say things like that,” Jimin complained, his
lips curling into a defeated smile.

“I want to say it,” Yoongi replied simply. “Why can’t I?”

“Because it’s hitting all the right buttons and I’m dangerously close to asking you to fuck me,”
Jimin replied, his tone tinged with faux dismay. He paused and sighed, hanging his head deeply
before raising it. “Although I just said it…”
Yoongi’s eyebrows quirked up, and his lips split to form a rare, wide smile that showed off his
gums as he laughed. “I’ve never seen someone so upset with their feelings,” he said, shaking his
head. “What do you want, Park Jimin? Be honest.”

Jimin huffed. “Kiss me.”

“Was that so hard?”

“I won’t be if you don’t hurry up.”

Yoongi merely laughed and leaned over the table to capture Jimin’s mouth in a deceptively deep
kiss. Jimin moaned softly against the older man’s lips, cutlery and plates clattering slightly as they
moved. “Bed,” Yoongi murmured as the kiss broke, lightly running his tongue along Jimin’s plush
lower lip. “I can’t wait to get this ugly sweater off you.”

Jimin huffed, his breath dancing along Yoongi’s cheeks. “You monster, my mother gave this to

“Let’s not talk about your mother now,” Yoongi deadpanned, standing up and tugging Jimin along
behind him.

The master bedroom put everything else in the apartment to shame, having more of a personal
touch that screamed Min Yoongi; effortlessly cool, but surprisingly soft beneath the carefully
constructed surface. He didn’t have much time to admire his new surroundings, as Yoongi’s hands
were on him again and they had the intent of getting Jimin naked as quickly as possible behind

“I’m going to go slow…” Yoongi whispered, his lips trailing down from Jimin’s to his neck.

“Not too slow,” Jimin protested.

“Slow enough,” Yoongi countered firmly, backing Jimin onto the bed once his clothes had been
tossed to the wayside. “I don’t want to rush this with you. There’s nowhere we need to be, no one
coming in to stop us…”

But there was all the time in the world for him to lose himself to his thoughts, and that’s what
Jimin was afraid of. It had been easier, to push his thoughts away while he walked through the
snowy city alongside Yoongi, focus on the older prosecutor’s round cheeks, his sharp eyes, the
snowflakes on his expertly styled hair. His chest was tight, and a shiver ran through him as Yoongi
pressed a soft kiss to the faint scarring on his shoulder.


“You’re beautiful, you know that?” Yoongi replied, as if answering the unspoken question in
Jimin’s hesitant tone. “And strong.” Another kiss. “So strong.” Another kiss, this time softer,
moving along the scar. “Do you remember what you told me, when I came to visit you after day
two of the trial?”

Jimin’s head was spinning and a frown creased his lips. He wasn’t sure where this conversation
was going, and he wasn’t sure he was completely ready for it. But something in Yoongi’s tone was
so soft, so sweet, so open, that Jimin … felt safe. “No,” he answered honestly. “I don’t remember
anything until I saw the Chief Prosecutor…”

Yoongi hummed softly as he pressed his lips again to Jimin’s slowly warming neck, the soft pads
of his bony fingers sliding down his junior’s bare skin. His touches were light, but purposeful,
accented by kisses that were something more than just foreplay. “I thought so,” Yoongi said
quietly, his words disappearing against Jimin’s collarbone. “You said that just once, you wanted
someone to be strong for you. You were so tired, so wrapped up in the sweet embrace of painkillers
that you dozed right out as soon as you said it. You slapped my hand, told me I had to take care of
you, and passed out immediately afterwards.”

Fresh embarrassment coloured Jimin’s cheeks and he let out a soft groan - a mix between shame
and pleasure as Yoongi’s hand continued their gentle caresses. “Why are you telling me this?
That’s something that should’ve… should’ve stayed forgotten,” Jimin whined, anxiousness and
embarrassment colouring his beautiful features.

“I’m telling you because that’s what I’m going to do,” Yoongi explained, flicking open a bottle of
lube that Jimin didn’t remember him grabbing. A flash of foil caught his eye, a sealed condom
spotted just over Yoongi’s shoulder on the nightstand. “I’m going to take care of you, Jimin. Will
you trust me?”

It was a heavy question, and Yoongi stopped in his ministrations to gauge Jimin’s reaction. “It’s a
lot,” Jimin admitted.

“I know.” Yoongi touched his cheek, startlingly intimate as he held his gaze. “I’m not asking for
all your trust right away. But just a little … for tonight?”

This wasn’t where Jimin ever expected his … whatever this was with Min Yoongi to end up,
underneath an expensive blanket, being treated with more care and respect than he’d ever
experienced. He swallowed thickly, trying in vain to moisten his dry throat. “A little,” Jimin
agreed, nodding. “For tonight.” And maybe… beyond that.

Warmth washed over Yoongi’s face and he leaned in to steal a soft kiss - one that Jimin was eager
to return. The thick rustle of fabric pounded in his ears as Yoongi shifted, plucking the bottle of
lubrication from where he’d last placed it. The familiar squelch of clear liquid was almost
comforting to Jimin - he could do this, he was used to this. What he wasn’t used to, however, was
the care and time that Yoongi subsequently spent getting him ready.

It wasn’t often, if at all, that fingering and soft kisses could get him hot, but there was just
something about the way that Yoongi worked him open that made Jimin feel he could fall apart
underneath the older man … and it would be okay. He was afraid, but maybe … maybe one day he
wouldn’t be. And it would be okay.

“Please…” Jimin begged quietly, his voice choked with need.

“I’ve got you,” Yoongi said, and Jimin believed him.

It was so different than the other times they’d had sex, slower and deeper, more intense. Jimin
never felt a stretch that was so welcomed, that was so electrifying and comforting all at once. It
was basic missionary, nothing extreme or wild, but the moment that he locked gazes with Yoongi
once he’d bottomed out was unlike anything the young prosecutor had experienced before.

Wordlessly they agreed upon a pace, an ebb and flow that was deep and slow, like waves crashing
on a shoreline deep into the evening. Yoongi’s breath was hot against Jimin’s neck, his face buried
against it as he moved deep and sure. Jimin’s hips moved in time with Yoongi’s, his moans getting
louder and more needy the closer he got to his climax. It was quicker than usual, or maybe it was
longer. He had no earthly idea how long Yoongi had spent getting him warmed up, but it was
paying off in spades now.
“You’re so beautiful Jimin,” Yoongi breathed against his junior’s ear, his thrust beginning to speed
up as he chased his own release, “you want me to help you? Or do you want to come on your

“Please,” Jimin whispered, not sure what he was agreeing to as there were two questions in
Yoongi’s statement, and he bit his lip as Yoongi was finally hitting that spot deep within that
caused him to see stars. “Yoongi, please!”

“I’ve got you,” Yoongi echoed, his voice raspier, with more of a rough edge. Sweat beaded at his
temples, his hair dampening with the exertion. It took some shifting, some fighting with the heavy
blanket that wrapped obsessively around their bodies. “I’ve got you, Jimin…fuck, I’m close.”

Jimin whined, similar to the high pitched, needy whine that sent Yoongi over the edge in
Moondust’s washroom months earlier. “Come,” he breathlessly urged, so close to release himself.

His vision whited, only vaguely aware of Yoongi’s strangled groan alongside his own, and
eventually very aware of a heavy weight on top of him. His hands moved on their own and he
cupped Yoongi’s round cheeks, stroking them with his thumbs as he struggled to catch his breath.

Maybe this was more than okay.


He was slow to stir the next morning, body heavy and strangely at peace. His hips and ass were
sore, but that was unsurprising. What was surprising that was when he opened his eyes, he caught
Yoongi’s quiet gaze on him. Embarrassed, Yoongi looked away as his cheeks turned pink.

“Morning,” he muttered.

“Morning?” Jimin echoed, confused. The heavy haze of sleep was beginning to fade as the
realization dawned on him and a wicked smile came to his plush lips. “Were you watching me
sleep, Min Yoongi?”

“No, that would be creepy,” Yoongi mumbled, keeping his gaze firmly planted away.

Jimin smiled, allowing himself to smile warmer than he would have dared otherwise, turning
Yoongi’s face back towards him. “Thank you. Last night … the last … the last two days, they’ve
been wonderful.”

Embarrassed, Yoongi’s cheeks burned bright red, but gave a gummy, sincere smile that caused
Jimin’s stomach to swoop again. “You’re welcome,” he replied softly, leaning down to capture
Jimin’s soft lips in a slow, light kiss. “Jimin, there’s something I want to give you. I wanted to do
this yesterday, but the time didn’t seem right.” He shifted, getting up to a sitting position and
rummaging around in the nightstand’s drawer for something.

Jimin’s eyebrows raised as Yoongi took out a small square box, wrapped in garish Christmas
paper. “What is —”

An alarmingly standard ringtone broke through the warm air, and Yoongi’s eyes immediately
snapped to his cellphone. Quickly, he picked up his phone and accepted the call, pressing the
phone to his ear. “Hoba, what is it? Shouldn’t you be — what. No. You’re fucking with me.” In an
instant, Yoongi was out of the bed and moving like a man possessed as he threw open his closet
and walked inside. “Where is he? Do you have him in custody? All right. I’ll be there inside an
hour.” Yoongi slammed his thumb down on the ‘end call’ icon, tossing his phone aside as he
pulled on a sleek brown suit.
“W-What’s wrong?” Jimin asked, finally getting his voice to work as he too got off the bed.

Yoongi paused as he straightened his tie, his expression grim. “Joon’s been arrested for murder.”

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