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Rules and Mechanics

 It needed 2 teams.(Fighters and Front liners Team)

 Teams must have an Actor (Individual player) and a Guesser

(Team Player).

 All words are taken from the book of Matthew which

categorized into: Place, Person and Phrase.

 Your own team then tries to guess what you are acting out.

 Without speaking, that player must act as clear and

understandable out the word or phrase on the Bible Charades
Card while his or her teammates try to guess the correct answer
within a given time. (50sec. for Person and Place category;
1min. for phrase category)
Person Phrase
Person Phrase
“God Peter
is Jesus
with us” the “Upon
“Eli, Eli lamaJoseph
tis rock I willofbuild”
sabachthani “Repent
I will
King of the Jews myArimathea
church” of heaven
make is atof
you fishers hand”

Place Place Place

Heaven Jordan River Hell

Place Place Person

Wise Men
Temple Egypt

Person Person Person

Mary Mother of Judas Iscariot
Jesus Jesus Christ

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