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23/03/2021 Boolean operators

Boolean operators
Orbis uses Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT, AND NOT or FROM) to control how the
search steps are to be combined.
The default setting in Orbis is that of an AND relationship, so that your search result
matches all the criteria of the search steps together.
You may want to use search steps to exclude certain companies from your results or you
could be looking for a list of companies meeting either criterion A or criterion B, but they
do not have to meet both criteria at the same time. Use Boolean operators to help you
with this.
Modify your Boolean search by adding the correct relations in the Boolean search box.
Use parenthesis to ensure your operators are combined as intended.

Orbis uses the following Boolean operators:

Operator De nition

AND View companies that comply with both criteria

Companies active in the UK (criteria 1) AND active in the publishing and printing
sector (criteria 2)
Boolean expression: 1 and 2

OR View companies that comply with either of the criteria.

Companies active in the UK (criteria 1) OR the publishing and printing sector
(criteria 2)
Boolean expression: 1 or 2 1/2
23/03/2021 Boolean operators

Operator De nition

AND NOT View companies that comply with one search step but that do not comply with
the other.
Companies active in the UK (criteria 1), but not active in the printing and
publishing sector (criteria 2)
Boolean expression: 1 and not 2

FROM This is a special operator that must be used when you perform a search by "Top"
available in searches based on financials.
It means you are taking the top N entities from the results of your previous
search steps.
The top 10 in terms of revenue (Top N) active in the UK (criteria 1) but not active
in the printing and publishing sector (criteria 2)
Boolean expression: N FROM (1 and not 2)

In a Boolean expressions, the following priority is applied:

1. Expression included in parenthesis

4. OR 2/2

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