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A List of Codewords from Book 3 - Over the Blood-Dark Sea

Ref. Codeword Notes

279 Cacogast Annoy the college cook in Dweomer. Charisma -1.
47 Calcium Get the ability to breathe in high-altitude air, but Charisma -1.
160 Callid Have no fresh water on the ship.
489 Cancel Pay 30 Shards to free one-time mutineer Gaspar Savaloy from slavery.
54 Catalyst Know about trade goods in Smogmaw and the Violet Ocean (also 572).
502 Cenotaph Get orders from undead pirate captain to seek the tomb of the necromancer Dawatsu Morituri.
309 Certain Get the quest of strength from the herald of Alvir and Valmir.
353 Cerumen Learn the song of the mermaids of the Violet Ocean (also 149).
472 Chance Learn the location of the Reaver King's fortress in the Unnumbered Isles (also 688).
383 Cheese Make a bitter enemy of Talanexor the Fire Weaver (also 568).
202 Cheops Learn about the statues that guard the Pyramid of Xinoc from an abandoned captain's log.
247 Chill Read a book of ghost stories in the college Library in Dweomer. Hair turns white (Charisma -1).
229 Church Mutiny! Marooned by crew on a desert island - lose both crew and ship, plus cargo.
617 Cithara Meet Alkeides the god-cursed warrior from the Atticalan city of Krateros.
95 Citrus Open the heart-shaped locket that contains the hidden soul of Kaschuf the Deathless.
459 Civil Sell Lauria the Housebreaker to an Uttakin slaver for 150 Shards.
707 Clanger Mistakenly accuse the sailmaster of your ship of murder (and toss him overboard).
273 Clutch Lose 6 months of your life! Wake up at Chard's Inn in Golnir. Scouting +1.
510 Colour Ship and crew impounded by the Reavers of the Unnumbered Isles (also 417 and 454).
289 Coracle Get the quest of life from the herald of Alvir and Valmir.
265 Cosy Take crew with you to explore the Sleeping Isle.
327 Covet Get the quest of ease from the herald of Alvir and Valmir.
560 Crag Learn the password to the Demon Door that guards the Tomb of Astrallus the Wizard King.
528 Crocus Sneak into the Reaver King's fortress without your crew.
543 Cruel Learn the steps of the spectral minuet after banishing the spectres from the Copper Island mines.
241 Cull Get quest from Tayang Khan to go to the Fane of the Four Winds, on the Great Steppes.
594 Curdle Succesfully prevent the mutiny of your ship's crew.
316 Cushat Return the winged idol to Glimbinki's shrine, in Smogmaw.
585 Cutlass Kill Amcha One-Eye and get Amcha's head.
551 Cyclops Have vision of an owl leading a battle against demons erupting from a lake of blood.
63 Cynosure Learn about mermaids to the south of the Ruby River estuary (also 608).

Abbreviations: Ref. = Reference number of the entry in Book 3 - Over the Blood-Dark Sea
where this codeword is acquired.

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