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Yak! v2.1.

Designed & programmed by Andrew Leigh

Program information:
Yak! is a serverless, text-based, chat application for use on Microsoft
Windows networks.
Yak! supports:
- A simple, easy to use chat interface.
- Customized playback of sounds on message receipt.
- URL & email highlighting.
- File transfer.
- Encryption of messages.
- Various customizable user interface settings.
- Icon tray placement.
- User grouping.
- Smilies in messages.
- Customizable background.
- Popup message alerts.
- Blocking of users.
Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2k/XP/2003 compatible.
Please view "License.txt" for license details.

18-Aug-2004 2.1.2 Fixed stability issue with Yak! running on new Dell hyper-
threaded PCs. Fixed Ctrl-R keyboard shortcut not
triggering an urgent message. Improved some file
transfer security issues. Added "Restart Yak!" menu item
to popup system menu.
12-Feb-2004 2.1.1 Installation will no longer overwrite the groups file.
Fixed error when sending message starting with a new line.
Shareware reminder message can no longer be skipped before
time has finished. Fixed access violation when exiting
immediately after startup. Improved the appearance of some
button bitmaps and the smilies. Fixed errors that
occasionally appeared when receiving a message whilst
editing a group.
13-Nov-2003 2.1.0 Application now has Windows XP styling. Altered about
window. Added option to turn on/off user info hints. Fixed
file transfer security problems. Added ability to refresh
the users list. Added ability to block users in users list
popup menu. Fixed problem detecting if screen saver is
running. Fixed registration name printing problem in about
window. Altered incoming files folder dialog in
configuration. The mouse wheel now effects the scrolling
of the users list. Snapping to the screen edges now works
as you drag window. Yak! is now distributed with a
different style of installation. Fixed a list error in
the Workgroup/Domain selection dialog.
01-Oct-2002 2.0.2 Added option to enable/disable graphic smilies in
messages. If a user is selected and they are renamed, they
now remain selected. Added ability to insert a license
file from the user count exceeded dialog. Made the Add
Computers/Users dialog resizable. Smilie drop down now has
03-Sep-2002 2.0.1 The current date can now be added to message headers.
Fixed restart problem that occured if Yak! was installed
into a folder that contained a space character. Altered
about window slightly. Fixed problem with empty editor
losing its style when clicked on. Fixed Ctrl-R not working
for urgent messages.
01-Sep-2002 2.0.0 Users can now be inserted into groups. Messages can now
contain bold, italic and underlined text. Messages can now
contain smilie graphics. A selected bitmap can be mapped
onto the background of the main window. Tabs can now be
entered into messages. A different font style can be used
for messages only. Clicking on message headers will now
automatically select users. A speedbutton toolbar has been
introduced. All styles of hyperlinks are now highlighted.
Hints can now be displayed for usernames, showing all the
users details. Attaching files to a message will now show
a paperclip bitmap. Urgent messages will no longer display
in a different color, but a "!" bitmap will preceed the
message instead. Encryption of messages now uses the
TwoFish algorithm for increased security. Sliding popup
message alerts have been added. The "To <users>:" panel
will now display a hint showing all selected users. The IP
address setting can now be altered. Changed versioning
format to X.X.X. The time in message headers can now be
switched off. Fixed various regional settings problems.
Fixed access violation when Workgroup/Domain selection
dialog is showing. Shareware nag message added for trial
version. Removed Urgent button from statusbar. When a
configuration option that requires restart is altered,
Yak! will automatically restart for the user. Fixed index
error that sometimes occured when files could not be sent
to multiple users. Reduced maximum length of messages to
600 characters.
08-Jan-2002 1.14 Username and description fields will now not allow large
chunks of text to be copied into them. The main window
will now properly snap to edges of new Windows XP style
taskbar. Pressing delete on an attached file will remove
it from the file view. Received files can now be forwarded
on to other users using the file view popup menu. Domain
names and workgroups will be properly displayed in the
Startup dialog under Windows XP. Fixed more various URL
highlighting issues.
21-Oct-2001 1.13 Link to FAQ on about window will now take you to the FAQ
instead of the main web page. Fixed problem with 'A
message is sent to you exclusively' option not being
remembered. When sending files, an abort button and a
progress bar will appear. The last directory where files
were saved to is now remembered. Fixed problem with text
drawing over the file browse button when multiple users
are selected. If an old version is running when installing
a new version, the old version will now be shutdown before
new file is copied. Fixed problems with username and
description text causing serious parsing errors. Fixed
problem with Yak! informing you that your username is
already in use when you log on. Fixed problem with URLs
not being highlighted if at the beginning of a new line.
12-Aug-2001 1.12 Fixed problems starting up Yak! on a machine that has two
or more network devices - user can select IP address to
use. Fixed control focus error after username conflict
message appears. Added an attachment browse button to the
main window. When the sending to everyone warning appears,
the default button will now be 'No'. Fixed problem with
attached or received files header appearing below the file
list. Wrote a Yak! FAQ. Fixed problem with some NT 4
machines giving an 'unknown exception' error on startup.
Fixed various problems displaying URLs. Improved network
traffic efficency.
07-Mar-2001 1.11 Fixed spelling errors in configuration. Fixed list error
that sometimes occured when a user logged off whilst
sending a large file. When adding files to the file view,
the last directory where files were uploaded from is
remembered. Fixed 'unknown exception' error when starting
up. The users list can now be placed on the left side of
the window. If a user now receives no files with a
message, due to errors, the message will not be sent at
all. Fixed Cancel button not working on directory
selection. Fixed bug with displaying a '&' character as a
username or description. Fixed problem with inappropriate
error occuring when attempting to send a file that can't
be read.
10-Feb-2001 1.1 Fixed problem with ctrl-enter adding a new line in the
message entry text box after sending. If an 'unable to
bind socket' error occurs on startup, an appropriate error
message will be shown and Yak! will be shutdown cleanly.
Altered configuration dialog - is tab based now. Fixed
some small memory leaks. Changed messaging engine so that
less redundant information is being transfered over
network. Reverted back to original ICS socket components
because of some various unknown networking problems with
WinShoes. Limited text entry to 900 characters. Sped up
initialization logon process so it will startup quicker
for some machines. Added ability to save messages to an
external text file. Added file transfer functionality
where by users can attach files to their messages either
by dragging files into the message entry box or right
clicking on the user. When files are received they can be
saved temperarily in the temp system folder or in chosen
folder. Added ability to open & display application when a
message is received that was sent to you exclusively. UDP
and FTP port number can now be changed. Fixed problem with
sometimes receiving message sending errors when sending to
everyone. Added ability to change the main font size.
30-Sep-2000 1.03 Fixed access violation when cancelling workgroup selection
dialog under 98/NT4. Username entry will now ignore
character #255. Added 'ctrl-enter to send message'
functionality. It will now tell the user if the screen
saver, on a machine they have sent a message to, is
active. For ICQ users, Alt+s will now send as well.
Limited text entry to 8000 characters. Changed underlying
UDP components to Internet Direct - WinShoes 8.006B. Tray
icon will notify user if an awaiting message is unread.
Workgroup/domain can now be chosen from a drop-down in the
configuration dialog.
23-Jul-2000 1.02 Fixed the problem with browser sometimes not opening after
an URL was clicked. No longer flickers when cursor is
moved over an URL. Added email address highlighting.
Version checking will now warn user of latest version.
09-Jul-2000 1.01 Fixed problem with text on status-bar not changing font
style. Also fixed problem with colors only being displayed
in 256 mode under 95/98 when high or true color settings
are active.
03-Jul-2000 1.0 Initial release.

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