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For more than a year of battling COVID 19 Pandemic, it is really frustrating.

It is really hard to
cope up and adjust to what they call the “new normal.” Especially, as a nursing student, we need
to learn not only from books, from teachers’ discussions, and videos on the internet. We also
need to learn new set of skills that can only be learned through direct observations, and
integrating ourselves for us to experience what we need to learn. I have difficulties in
understanding and learning the lessons, plus, the poor internet connection that hinders me to
understand the discussions very well. I am also not at peace, because procrastination has been
part of my every day life. In the rating scale, my score is 5.5. I feel like I can no longer survive
another semester of online classes. But despite that, I see how my parents work so hard to
provide our needs and wants, and that makes me move and do my responsibilities as a student
and a daughter.

On the other side of battling covid 19 pandemic, you see people suffer from sickness, loss of
loved ones, loss of work and source of income, hunger, and many more. When you look on the
other side, you see corrupt people with their selfish acts. Even though I am just an ordinary
student and a citizen of this country, I am not at peace. The only thing I can offer is prayer, and
staying at home.

In this time of Pandemic, it taught us to see the importance of time we spent with our love ones.
COVID tears us apart physically, but it brings us closer with the bonds and connections of our
hearts. For me, the significant people in my life are my family, and real friends that stayed no
matter what I’ve been through. I learned to choose people wisely who brings out the best in me,
and helps me to grow. I learned to appreciate little things, and value the time we spent together. I
also learned how to express my love for them. So why not optimize and take advantage of the
time that we are closer together? Because you will never know what tomorrow may bring.

During the time I cannot be with my loved ones, the only one that made me feel safe, secured,
and loved was Jesus. The feelings cannot be explained, but somehow I can feel Him protecting
me, and my loved ones. He is there. He knows how to listen even though words come from tears.
He consoles me and give me peace whenever I am burdened. This pandemic brought me closer
to Him. That even though my faith is as little as the mustard’s seed, He is there, He listens, He
works, and He has plans.

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