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2 Discussion
Media Ecology

Introduction and Alignment

During this discussion forum you will look at media ecology. This is the study of different personal and social environments created by the use of
different communication technologies. Marshall McLuhan summed up this theory with the phrase, “the medium is the message”.

You are encouraged to be honest and forthcoming while sharing information. To participate in this discussion, make sure that you first read
Chapter Twenty-five in the textbook.

Upon successful completion of this assignment you will be able to:

 Define the global village.

 Discuss the impact of electronic technology on social connectedness.


1. Read Chapter Twenty-five of the textbook.

2. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following discussion prompts:

a. What would McLuhan say about the impact of the Internet on the global village?

b. Consider the fact that civic, political, and religious participation are declining in America.

c. Has electronic technology increased social connectedness? Explain and be specific.

According to the text, the global village is our world interconnected by electronic media

which has now become a popular part of our culture (2015). Technology and social media

allows people to be in touch with friends and family instantly anywhere in the world. I think

McLuhan would be absolutely fascinated that our global village gives people access 24/7 of the

global world and more particularly how the younger generations are more engaged in it

constantly. I call this younger generation “screenagers” instead of teenagers. Privacy is a thing

of the past and as Griffin states, “Constant contact with the world becomes a daily reality

(Griffin, 2015).”

It would be valid to affirm that electronic technology increased social connectedness.

This assertion rests on the fact that the electronic technology has enhanced socialization and

interaction of social aspects of people. For example, the electronic technology has promoted the
social connectedness of various groups of people in society such as students and co-workers.

Also, being able to connect with someone across the world makes is easy to engage in civic,

political, and religious involvement.


Griffin, E. M. (2015). A First Look at Communication Theory. (9th. ed.). Boston, MA:

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