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Positive Self Talk for Calming Down

Lesson 15
Day 1

Positive Self-Talk Negative

I can do it if I can’t do it!

I keep
I am

I am

I am always
trying my best!
Positive Self Talk for Calming Down
Lesson 15
Day 2
Freeze Dance

Review Positive Self Talk

Read the next part of

I Am Enough

Positive Self Talk Statements

I am

I am

I am always
trying my best!
Positive Self Talk for Calming Down
Lesson 15
Day 3

Review Positive Self Talk

Read the next part of

I Am Enough

Positive Self Talk Statements

I am

I am always
trying my best!
Positive Self Talk for Calming Down
Lesson 15
Day 4
Review Book/Video

Story and Discussion

Positive Self Talk Statements

Rita always finishes early in
math. Her work is always neat,
and she gets the right answers.
“Just once,” thinks Tiffany, “I’d
like to finish before Rita and get
to do a special project.” With all
those negative thoughts in her
head, Tiffany feels like putting
her head down. How is Tiffany
I am

I am

I am always
trying my best!
Positive Self Talk for Calming Down
Lesson 15
Day 5
Review Book/Video/Calming

Stories and Discussion

Positive Self Talk Statements

You are trying to finish some work at
your desk, but other kids around you are
making a lot of noise. You start to think
negative thoughts about how rude they
are and how you can’t concentrate. What
is something positive you can say to
yourself instead?
Someone cut in line in front of you for lunch. You
start to think negative thoughts about how mad it
makes you. What is something positive you can say
to yourself instead?
It’s almost your turn to read in front of
the class. You start to think negative
thoughts about being embarrassed or
messing up. What is something positive you
can say to yourself instead?
One of your friends got a cool new video
game and you feel jealous and a little angry
because you wish you had that game to play
too. How can you calm down?
I am

I am

I am always
trying my best!

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