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‘To See The Seed of Life: An Odyssey of An Intelligent Life seeking another of its own’

A creative story on seed germination by Art Hallazgo

An advanced and highly intelligent species of life, called "Abetarians," has set a mission to explore other
living organisms in the vast cosmos. Being an advanced species, their technological advances has allowed
them to traverse the vast expanse of the universe. Searching for extra-terrestrial life is not an easy task as
the universe is ever expanding thus its sheer magnitude is immeasurable. As they set on their journey,
with a stroke of luck, they were able to encounter a pale blue dot in a that is a part of a solar system in a
relatively young galaxy – the Abetarians have discovered the Earth. Curious with their discovery, they have
immediately landed on its surface and finding themselves in a place where they are surrounded by what
it seems like tall buildings of brown and green. These structures seemed to tower over the area. Amazed
by these structures, they began to analyze it and found out that these structures are organisms
themselves able to do the necessities of life – it can take resources and make it as its own, it is capable of
growth and capable of multiplying itself. Their further research and tinkering have allowed them to
discover how these tall structures begin its life. The origin of these towering structures starts with a mere
humble seed that dwarfs in size as compared to what they would ought to become.

Through their experiments and observations, the Abetarians has laid out how these minute structures
develop. Firstly, they have discovered that during the beginning stage, these minute structures take up
water at such a fast rate and which causes their covering to swell and soften at a given optimum
temperature. Secondly, the Abetarians have observed a proceeding process in which the growth process
of the minute structure is furthered through activating certain necessary catalysts needed by the minute
structure – these catalysts were involved in the production of various building blocks that the future
organism needs (amylases, lipases, proteases and of the like). The Abetarians have discovered that these
minute structures have energy reserves in which it uses to undergo a cellular process which they termed
‘respiration’ and this process is even more pronounced as the minute structure begins its journey of
becoming the bigger organism. With increased rate of respiration, the minute structure also increases its
rate of producing the necessary building blocks it needs (nucleic acid and proteins). Next, the Abeterians
have also found out that in the next process a certain molecule which aids in the signaling for the
organism’s growth is synthesized at an expanded rate (synthesis of growth hormones). And with such, the
minute’s structure increases its ability division of cells, and the cell enlarges. Another significant
phenomenon in which the Arbetarians have discovered is that a certain cylinder-like structure emerges
from the minute structure (radicle) followed by another protrusion of similar nature but projects at the
opposite side of the preceding emerging structure (shoot).

With such a great discovery, the Abetarians have decided to study this organism a little bit more at their
home planet. The Abetarians bid goodbye to the extra-terrestrial planet and all the lush green structures
it has. The Abetarians have taken home with them a souvenir that plays a vital role on how life and its
diversity was made possible by the organism that they have just discovered.

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