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Question 3. , as a online food delivery service in Bangladesh , could be a beat way of

purchasing food products using web based shipping service during this pandemic.But for this,
this company needs to ensure consumer's satisfaction for the online food shopping experience
with a high level of safety issue and also with economic behaviour.Creating more safety issue ,
this company needs more workers or deliver guy to make their services very active and delivery
time shorter.

Economic:- During this pandemic, people are dealing with the economic crisis badly.The
thought of ordering some food and hanging out with friends or family at home is no longer being
created nowadays.So if the company can adjust some great offer for their privileged card
holders,it may change the situation.

Social Influences/ Reference group: The new changes in safety issue and other advantages
for the consumers during this covid 19 must be promoted by social Influences like facebook,
adds,pages,food blogs or some food references groups.Cause the target consumers of are very connected with social media and those all sectors.

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