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I AM STRONG: The Art of Keeping on the Go!

-Module -

Team POSITIVE+ (Walang Aayaw)

Being positive means being productive and optimistic in everything we say and do. Being positive
depicts a strong feeling of not surrendering and staying motivated despite the trials that may come our
way. Thus, our group, Team Positive+ (Walang Aayaw) will help motivate you to keep on the go.

Poster Design


At the end of the training, the participants will be able to:

a. apply the tips to stay motivated guided by the Autonomy Mastery Purpose Framework by
Daniel Pink;
b. see the importance of staying motivated in everything we do; and
c. create an artwork that would remind you to stay motivated.

- Ma’am Sopphia Faye Chloe Calope
- Sir Robert Mendoza

- Ma’am Kimberly Ann Solano
- Sir Darwin Dave Durban
- Sir Rustom Eleria

Pre-Work: Aspire to Inspire

- The facilitator will send a Padlet link to the participants.

- They will write or attach their favorite motivational quote/ Bible verse on the pad.
- The facilitator will select 3 persons to share the quotes they have chosen during the training.

Questions for Processing

- How did the quote you have chosen make you feel every time you read it?
- Does it help you maintain your energy/ eagerness to do or accomplish something?

Ice Breaker: Clue Ko, Hula Mo!

_______ ___


1. The participants are given clues – cunningly disguised words, phrases, and sayings that are
turned around upside-down, sideways, or jumbled up or pictures combined with a word or a
number. The participants will guess the word/phrases using the given clue.
2. The game consists of two (2) rounds with points: EASY round – 1 pt., and DIFFICULT round
– 2 pts.
3. For the Easy Round, the participants are given 5 seconds to answer each item; for the Difficult
Round, 10 seconds. They will send their answers to T. Charlotte.
4. The first person who can guess the correct answer will get 1 point for the easy round and 2
points for the difficult round.
5. The player who will get the highest point will be the winner.

For Easy Round (1 point): 3 items

Pose _______
_______ _________
Answer: Answer: Answer:

For Difficult Round (2 points): 3 items

Activity: Get-Up-And-Go

 The facilitator will present different shapes on the screen.

 Each participant will be given a sheet of clean paper. Using the presented shapes, the
participants will construct anything – house, gadget, people, things, etc. – using only the given
shapes in the clean paper.
 The participants can adjust the size of the given shapes.
 They have 5 minutes to create their artwork.
 All participants must present their work in the camera and the facilitators will ask 4 volunteers
to share their works and how they do it.
Follow-up questions:

Did you believe that you can finish the task?

Did you believe that you have the time, and knowledge to do what you are tasked to do?
What did you feel when the activity was given to you? How about the feeling when you
accomplished the task?
What drives you to finish the task?

Group Activity: What Moves Us to Act?

 The facilitator will present the image of a wheel.

 The participants will be grouped into four (4) breakout rooms. Each group will list down the
internal factors that move them to complete the task inside the wheel; the external factors
outside the wheel.
 The groups are given 10 minutes to complete the task.
 Each group will select a member to present their work.

The facilitator will ask the common answers. Each group will provide a short explanation or share
their experiences based on the common answers they acquired.


Motivation Theory
by Daniel Pink
1. Autonomy
Our self-direction is a natural inclination. Autonomy  is the need to direct your own life and work. To
be fully motivated, you must be able to control what you do and when you do it.

3 tips for Self-autonomy in a workplace

 Set goals and build a plan to achieve each goal – clarify what your objectives are and focus
on them being your end result.
 Find work that interests you - doing work that is interesting and fulfilling is one of the best
ways to ensure you’re staying engaged and motivated day in and day out.
 Take a Break - a mental time out can trigger the “resting brain” effect, and that space
increases productivity.

2. Mastery
It is our urge to get better and better at something that matters, to learn and create new things.
3 tips for Mastery in a workplace

 Never stop learning – attend webinars, watch videos that can be helpful to your assigned
tasks, play educational app or sites.
 Challenge yourself to learn new things - your brain may become motivated more easily if
you're constantly challenging it.
 Push yourself outside your comfort zone - one of the best ways to increase motivation is to
push yourself to achieve new goals and opportunities.
3. Purpose
It is the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves, to do better by
ourselves and our world.

3 tips for Purpose in a workplace

 Solidify your sense of Self-Promotion- you were hired for a reason, and now it is your duty to
perform that role at its utmost ability. 
 Look at the bigger and better picture - think about why you are doing this and what you are
working towards.
 Remind yourself of your “WHY” - find a way to remind yourself often how you are
contributing to the greater good through your work.
People may become disengaged and demotivated at work if they don't understand, or can't invest in,
the "bigger picture."But those who believe that they are working toward something larger and more
important than themselves are often the most hard-working, productive and engaged.

Application: My Art of Keeping on the Go!

1. Get a clean sheet of paper.
2. Think of a symbol that whenever you see can inspire you to be motivated.
3. You are given 5 minutes to finish the task.
4. Take a photo of your artwork and post it on our STM-Rise Together FB page with

Giving of Souvenir


Feedback (Process Observers)

- end-

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