Psy06-m3-Activity (Aradillos Ma. Belinda)

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Answer the learning activity: CASE ANALYSIS

there are 5 related cases regarding the topic on the functions in endocrine.
Analyze the case and identify which parts of the endocrine or hormones were involved. Justify or explain your

Case 1
Anna Marie is a third-year education student, 25 years old and came from a rich family. She has a condition
called dwarfism, and her height is far beyond the normal size as of her classmates. It causes insecurities and
gives low self-esteem due to her physical condition.

Anna is a 25 years old student that has a condition of Dwarfism is associated with the hypothalamus and the
pituitary endocrine gland. The deficiency of her growth hormone and the thyroid hormone leads to Cretinism. a
medical condition with stunted growth (dwarfism) and mental retardation.

Case 2
Anita is a 16-year-old from the province of Cagayan who can eat up to 4 cup of rice every meal (breakfast, lunch,
and dinner). Her metabolism is very active that is why even she is eating a lot she does not gain weight and
maintain her body weight. She loves biking everyday and mountain climbing as her hobbies.

Thyroid gland is a key part of the human endocrine system and works together with your nervous and immune
systems to regulate your body’s metabolism. In this case number thyroid gland is responsible for this because
her thyroid controls the chemical metabolic processes constantly taking place inside her body. This process of
metabolism is how her body gets the energy it needs to survive and has a vital function.

Case 3
Carla is a senior high school student; she went to an OB-Gynecology doctor one day for a check-up. She is
complaining of an irregular menstrual cycle. She is experiencing almost 3 months of no menstruation and will
have after such. She became irritable with her situation.

The average menstrual cycle takes about 28 days and occurs in phases: the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase
and the lacteal phase which has four major hormones involved in the menstrual cycle: follicle-stimulating
hormone, luteinizing hormone, estrogen, and progesterone? In this case number 3 Carla is experiencing almost 3
months delay of her menstruation cycle which the hypothalamus triggers the pituitary gland to make hormones
that trigger the ovaries to make estrogens and progesterone.
Case 4
Martin is a 4th year IT student, part of his internal organ that secretes hormones that regulate blood sugar levels
malfunctioned that is why he has unstable level of blood sugar. After a year he was diagnosed with diabetes and
needed to take insulin for continuous medication. Martin became overly conscious with the food intake upon
noticing that he is diabetic.

There are 2 type in diabetes type 1 is the Type 1 diabetes occurs when your immune system, the body's system for
fighting infection, attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. And other type is the
type 2 diabetes which is involved in this case 4. Martine is type 2 diabetes, which is the most common type of
diabetes; it is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high.

Case 5
Larry and Claire are hiking on a trail in the Rocky Mountains. As they walk, the trail becomes less
distinguishable and is overgrown with brush. Suddenly, a man holding an axe jumps in front of them. This scares
both; their hearts begin to pump faster and their breathing increases. They begin
running in the opposite direction to get away from the man. They ran very fast
which is higher than their usual ability.

Adrenaline is the name of the hormone in this case. Everyone experiences racing heartbeats from time to time.
Stress, exercise, and even consuming too much alcohol or caffeine can cause your heart to beat faster than
usual. However, in this case, Larry and Claire run much faster than usual because their adrenaline is released.
When adrenaline is suddenly released, it is commonly referred to as an adrenaline rush.

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