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If we speak of muestras, we have the Central Theorem of the Limit (be-

haviour of x).
x = N (µ, √ )
We just use this theorem when we speak of muestras.
The trust level defines as a percentage. If we have an N (0, 1), it is the
area centred on the graph. This level is defined as 1 − α. α/2 is what it
is outside the graph. The point when the level ends is called zα/2 . Now we
detipificate, so that X = µ + zα/2 · √σn
For example, if the trust interval is (x1 , x2 ),
x1 + x2
E = zα/2· √σn
A = 2E
Minimum size, despejar E with n redondeado al alza.
Proportion, (2018, model,
p Option A, 5.19.1). In proportions, this pro-
portion is our X → N (p, p · q/n)

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