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Corey Sakkinen Page |1

ART 396

Visual Literacy Questions

1.) After you’ve completed your first string pull, what does the design on your paper remind
you of?
The design on the paper reminds me of a flower with a stem, leaves, and petals.

2.) After your second string pull what does the design on your paper remind you of?
The design on the paper after the second pull looks very similar to the first pull. It still reminds me of a

3.) What elements and principles do you see in this piece so far and how are they affecting it?
Elements of Art:
Color (Compliments) – Used blue and orange
Analogous – The colors should evoke emotion when viewed. Warm color (orange), Cool color (blue).
Should combine to make people feel happy and relaxed.
Principles of Art:
Contrast – The blue and the orange make each other brighter and stand out more.
Variation – The different shapes and colors move the eye and make the piece interesting to look at.

** Now that your string art has dried use the materials at your table to help decorate and finish
your piece of artwork. Add any designs that help me understand what you might want it to be. Or
if you’d like it to remain an abstract piece add any other decoration that you feel complements
the imagery in the work.

4.) After you have finished the art piece, I want you to explain why you chose to add the
imagery that you did?
I added green for the stem and outlined the different petals. I wanted to bring out the image of a flower
that I see. Its possible that someone else could look at my string art and see something different. My
additions will help any observer to see what I see when I look at it.

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