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Visual Literacy Questions

1.) After you’ve completed your first string pull, what does the design on
your paper remind you of?
It reminds me of an angel with the yellow color but then it also reminds
me of a bear with the little loops at the top reminding me of the ears
and its hand raised in anger.
2.) After your second string pull what does the design on your paper
remind you of?
Now it looks like flowers, like a calla lily because of the yellow coming up
from the inside.
3.) What elements and principles do you see in this piece so far and how
are they affecting it?
I see color, the complementary colors help the piece stand out. Line, this
helps the picture have shape. It creates the form and the curved lines
make the shape look like it has something inside we could look at.
Texture, I can see the layering of the colors and that makes the shape
feel complex and interesting. Proportion, both of the colors seem
proportionate to each other and that they go together. Balance, the
equal symmetry of the shapes makes it feel completed to me. Form, you
can see the way the lines curve to give it that shape of the flower.
Shape, the way it is bigger and wider at the top and then pulls down to
skinnier gave it the flower shape. Value, you can see where the string
started it was darker and then got lighter as I pulled. This really gave it
some neat dimension and movement. Rhythm, the way the line swirls
from side to side and then down draws your eye all around the piece.
** Now that your string art has dried use the materials at your table to help
decorate and finish your piece of artwork. Add any designs that help me
understand what you might want it to be. Or if you’d like it to remain an
abstract piece add any other decoration that you feel complements the
imagery in the work.

4.) After you have finished the art piece I want you to explain why you
chose to add the imagery that you did?
I added the light green colored pencil to the bottom to add realism to
look more like a calla lily flower. I added a line at the top to complete
the enclosed shape to give the flower the circular shape it has. I didn’t
want to add anything else because I felt like where the string started, it
gave such a bold outline, I didn’t think anything else would stand out
and do it justice. I used a tall and wide portion of my paper so I thought
the piece looked finished.

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