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Name: Julián David Contreras Pinilla

Why Diets Don’t Usually Work by Sandra Aamodt (Neuroscientist)

1.- Before watching the video, answer the following questions:

- Are you worried about your weight?

Not really, I’m not worried about my weight.

- Have you ever gone on a diet? Or Are you on a diet at the moment?

No, I have never been on a diet before or right now.

- If yes, What was/is it like?

- Do you think it worked?

2.- What’s the meaning of the following words or expressions?


GO / BE ON A DIET: Estar en dieta

STARVATION: Morir de hambre

HUNGER: Hambre

OVERREACTING: Reaccionar exageradamente

GIVE UP: Rendirse

GAIN WEIGHT / LOSE WEIGHT: Ganar peso/Perder peso

BLAME: Culpar o culpa

BINGE (To binge on chocolate): Consumir mucho o demasiado

TO BE LIKELY / UNLIKELY: Ser propenso/ No ser propenso

BURN CALORIES: Quemar calorías


AVAILABLE: Disponible

THERMOSTAT: Termostato

OBESITY: Obesidad

TEASE SOMEONE: Molestar a alguien

DAMAGE: Dañar o daño

WILLPOWER: Fuerza de voluntad

OUTCOME: Resultado

3.- While watching the video, answer the following questions:

- What was the best decision of her life? What was her New Year’s Resolution?

The best decision of her life was to quit her diet. Her New Year’s Resolution was to stop worrying about
her weight and learn to eat

- How long was she on a diet?

She was on a diet for about 3 decades but her first diet was at age of 13.

- What would happen each time she went on a diet?

That each time she was on a diet, she would gain it back, no matter what she did.

- What is a “set point”?

A “set point” is the brain regulation of how much you should weigh normally.

- Why does a dieter need to eat less calories than a person of the same weight who does not diet?

Because the people on diet have their metabolism suppressed, however the people that aren’t on diet
don't have their metabolism suppressed.

- What is the difference between intuitive eaters and controlled eaters?

The difference between intuitive eaters and controlled eaters is that intuitive eaters only eat and think of
food when they are hungry, while controlled eaters have to control themselves when eating.

- Describe the cycle of “dieting and binging.”

The cycle of “dieting and binging” is that if you are a controlled eater and you eat a candy or something
you aren’t supposed to be eating, you are most likely to break the diet and start over again, making a cycle.

- If someone diets in their early teenage years, are they more likely or less likely to be overweight five
years later?

They are 3 times more likely to be overweight five years later.

- What is the typical outcome of dieting? Are you more likely to gain weight or lose weight in the end?

The most typical outcome is to gain weight in the end. You are likely to gain weight in the end.

- What is her alternative or solution to dieting?

Her alternative or solution to dieting is mindful eating. That means to stop if you are full.
- According to the speaker, if dieting worked, what would be the outcome?

The outcome would be that all the people would be skinny already.

- Are there any benefits to dieting? Are there any risks? If so, what are they?

There aren’t any benefits to dieting. Yes, there are risks like you may gain 40% weight five years later and
that you will have problem in your health if you are on a diet for a long time.

- What percentage of 10-year-old girls say they have been on a diet?

She says that 80% of 10-years-old girls have been on a diet.

- Does it make sense to diet?

It doesn’t make sense to diet because you will most likely gain more weight again.

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