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Department of Biochemistry & Microbiology

Course Outline
BIO Laboratory (BIO103L)
1 Credit Hour Course
Total Marks: 25 X 4 =100 (Four experiments)

Course Description

The course has been designed to introduce the students with basic biology experiments.
Students are expected to submit the quizzes and lab assessments within the class time;
otherwise they will be penalized.

Students are expected to come with tide hairs and wear lab coat and closed shoes. Any
student found copying another person’s work, cheating on an exam or quiz will either be
given zero or “F” in the course.

Evaluation Criteria

Total 25 marks for each experiment are broken into the following sections:

Components Marks

Lab assessment
(writing interpretations on answer book)

Quiz 5

Lab performance

(Lab coats, cleanliness, group 5


Attendance 5

Total (for one experiment): 25

Name of the Experiments

1. Handling of a Light Microscope and Visualization of Prepared Slides

2. Benedict's test for Reducing Sugars.
3. Biuret test for determining the presence of milk proteins.
4. Isolation of plant genomic DNA from spinach.
NB: Detail protocols of the experiments will be provided in the class.

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