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Lesson #1– D stands for Decide and Define.

So right off the bat, there two big problems that get in our way of following through. First, most

of us are working on way too many things at once. We allow ourselves to be pulled in too many

directions. Instead of making meaningful progress on a single project that really, really matters,

we wind up feeling constantly overloaded and overstretched.

Now the second problem? Often times we are fuzzy about our outcome. Meaning, most of the

time, we’re just working hard and trying to keep our heads above water and we don’t have a clearly

defined, achievable result that we’re working towards. The good news here is, we have the power

to fix both of these problems. And when we do, we gain some serious momentum and we train

ourselves to become masters of follow-through.

So the very first step is this: we must Decide. Meaning, DECIDE what’s truly most important.

And, to be clear — I’m not talking about several things here, I’m talking about choosing just ONE

thing. One TOP priority. One single goal.

Look. I know that we all have a lot going on right? We have a lot going in terms of our personal

lives and professional responsibilities and lots of things that really matter to us in every area of

our life.

But for the purpose of this program – for the purpose of training you to develop the habit of

finishing what you start – you’ve got to be willing to choose ONE important goal or ONE project

that you want to get done.

Did you know that the word “decide” comes from the Latin word, “decidere,” which means “to cut

off ?” So when you decide your one thing, you cut yourself off from everything else except from

that which you’ve said is most important.

So in terms of completing step one in this program, I want you think about this question. And

then in a few minutes, you’re going to write down your answer:

What’s one thing you could focus on (a single project or goal) that, if you finished it, it would make a

tremendous positive impact on your business and life?

Now if you’re having trouble figuring out what that should be, just use the Fun Sheet right below

this video for some help. But if you’re having trouble committing to JUST one thing, I want you to

remember this:

Pg. 1 Follow-Through Formula © M ar ie Forl e o I ntern at ion al m arieforleobsc h o o l .c om

If you’re unwilling to commit to one thing, you’re gonna likely be distracted by everything.
Now once you’ve decided on your goal, you’re ready to ...

Define It. Which means, define what success will look like when you get this done. You’ve got to

make sure that your goal is specific and measurable and achievable. You should be able to say,

without a doubt — “Yes, I am done and I followed through!”

For example, let’s say you’ve decided your goal is to reboot your health and you say to yourself,

“Yeah, ya know what. I really do … I wanna feel better and I wanna to feel better by the summer.”

That my friend is vague and a fairly useless goal because it’s not well defined. Now on the other

hand if you said to yourself “You know what, I really need to reset my health and here’s my goal:

for the next 30 days I’m going to eliminate gluten and alcohol and dairy and caffeine.” That’s WAY

better right? Of course it is — because it is specific and measurable and achievable.

Or try this one out. Let’s say giving your all to B-School is the goal that you’ve decided on. Rather

than saying “You know what, I really want to complete this program over the next few months,”

how about this for a better approach ...

“For the next 2 months, I’m going to invest at least 5 non-negotiable hours per week to complete

the program.” Again, that’s way better right? Of course it is -- because you’ve defined your goal

and you’ve made it specific, measurable and achievable.

And that’s it my friend! D stands for “Decide and Define” is the very first step in the Follow-

Through Formula. Your mission is to decide on ONE SINGLE goal and to define it in specific,

measurable and achievable terms.

Do This Now: Download your Fun Sheet below, work through the prompts, and then leave a

comment and let us know the SINGLE goal that you’ve decided on and why. Thank you so much

for watching and I’ll see you in the next session!

Pg. 2 Follow-Through Formula © M ar ie Forl e o I ntern at ion al m arieforleobsc h o o l .c om

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