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3 learning the key terms

1. J
2. D
3. R
4. O
5. I
6. B
7. K
8. F
9. P
10. C
11. N
12. T
13. H
14. Q
15. L
16. E
17. S
18. M
19. A
20. G

4.3 study questions

1. The appendicular skeleton consists of the limbs and other appendages of the body. The axial
skeleton is in the center of the body and consists of the spinal cord, the skull and more to name.
2. The names are scapula and clavicle. The left and right scapula. The left and right clavicle
They serve as points of various muscle attachments.
3. Where the medial end of the clavicle attaches to the sternum. It is responsible for shrugging,
raising the arms, and the swimming motion.
4. where scapula articulates with thoracic rib cage (where the scapula and underlying tissue meet).
5. The downside to the large amounts of mobility found in the shoulder complex are more
opportunity for injury.
6. The bones and joints are radius, ulna, humerus
-The humerus connects the shoulder to the arm
-The radius rotates around the ulna
-the ulna is a major contributor to elbow flexibility.
7. The common term is elbow.
8. The main function of the carpal bones are to provide a base for the bones of the hand
9. The skeletal bone capability is the opposable thumb
10. The four bones are two coxal bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx. Its primary role is to support
the weight of the upper body when sitting and to transfer this weight to the lower limbs when
11. Ischium supports a person’s upper body weight while sitting
12. Female is wider for childbirth
13. The bones for the legs are. bones: femur, tibia, fibula, patella
the joints are : iliac femoral joint(hip), tibiofemoral joint (knee), patellofemoral joint, and
proximal and distal tibiofibular joints.
14. Fibula s found in the leg
15. Femur is the longest and strongest bone in the body
16. both sets are connected lengthwise by an interosseous membrane
17. The purpose of the toes are to provide balance and stability
18. The three arches of the food are medial arch, transverse arch, lateral arch they all support and
distribute weight

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