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Thermodynamic Aspects of Biopolymer Functionality in Biological Systems,

Foods, and Beverages

Article  in  Critical Reviews in Biotechnology · February 2002

DOI: 10.1080/07388550290789478 · Source: PubMed



1 author:

Vladimir Borissovitch Tolstoguzov



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Criticol Reviews in Biorechnology. 22(2):89-174 (2002)

Thermodynamic Aspects of Biopolymer
Functionality in Biological Systems, Foods, and
Vladimir Tolstoguzov
Nestlé Research Centre, P.O. Box 44, Vers-Chez-les-Blanc, CH-1O00 Lausanne 26 Switzerland

ABSTRACT: Molecular mimicry and molecular symbiosis are proposed to be the main factors
controlling thermodynamic activity and phase behavior of macromolecular compounds in foods,
beverages, and chyme. Molecular mimicry implies a chemical resemblance of hydrophilic surfaces of
globular proteins with their chemical information hidden in the hydrophobic interior and low excluded
volume of the globules. The molecular mimicry contributes to the efficiency of enzymes. Molecular
symbiosis means that interactions attraction or repulsion) between biopolymer molecules greatly
differing in conformation (globular and rod-like) favor the biological efficiency of one of them at least.
The symbiosis is based on excluded volume effects of macromolecules in mixed solutions. Association-
dissociation of rod-like macromolecules can dictate thermodynamic activity of an enzyme in the mixed
solution. Thermodynamic incompatibility is typical of food macromolecules, whose denaturation,
association, complexing, and chemical modification reduce their mimicry and co-solubility. Foods are
normally phase-separated systems with highly volume-occupied phases. The phase-separated nature of
the gel-like chyme is important to the efficiency of digestion of mixed diets. Phase separation of
biopolymer mixtures, presumably, underlies mechanisms of nonspecific immune defense. The phase
behavior-functionality relationships is presented through concrete examples of some foods (such as
milk products, low-fat spreads, ice cream, wheat and rye doughs, thermoplastic extrudates, etc.),
beverages (tea and coffee), and chyme.

KEY WORDS: molecular mimicry, molecular symbiosis, thermodynamic incompatibility,

interbiopolymer complexing, exopolysaccharides, chyme.

I. INTRODUCTION: FUNCTIONAL was not a coincidence that forbidden fruit was

PROPERTIES OF FOOD the first sin and regarded as a great pleasure.
MACROMOLECULES However, not only satiety and pleasure but
health and time become of increasing impor-
Historically, creativeness in food has been tance nowadays. The result is a new area of
a deep-rooted habit. Empirical searching of food scientific research and industrial competition,
for survival, pleasure, and health went through new trends in food science and technology.
the turns of the epochs, natural disasters, wars, The rapid development of formulated foods
epidemics, and other cataclysms. Both food has used an increasing number of individual
technology and biotechnology were empirically nutrients for food formulation, starting in the
developed, and nevertheless they became the 1950s. Later, from the 1980s this process has
first high technologies. Permanent experimen- begun to focus on functional, quality improved
tal findings fed into the selection of better pro- light, and instant foods. Continued success re-
cessing techniques and those food habits posi- quires a better understanding of functional prop-
tive for longer healthier life. Survival was not erties of individual food components and man-
the only driving force in food development. It aging of composition-propertyrelationships in
O 2002 by CRC Press LLC
foods, beverages, and chyme. Inasmuch as are multifunctional and fulfill several, similar
macromolecules are the main construction structural functions simultaneouslyI8 For in-
materials of formulated foods, the importance stance, they can simultaneously act as thicken-
of controlling structural functions of proteins ing, emulsifying, foaming, gelling, and water-
and polysaccharides resulted in a conception of binding agents. Functional properties of food
functional properties of food macromolecules proteins and polysaccharides could therefore
formulated in the 1950~l-~. A wide application be only arbitrarily discussed separately. The
of this concept during 30 years showed, how- second reason is that both proteins and polysac-
ever, that functional properties of a food charides change their functionality during food
biopolymer are only interpretable in systems formulation and processing due to conforma-
with artificially simplified compositions. The tional changes and complexing with one an-
need to revise this highly popular concept be- other and with other food components, such as
came obvious quite ra~idly.4-I~ lipids, surfactants, and metal ions. One more
Functionality prediction of food macromol- reason is that foods are usually nonequilibrium
ecules is limited for the following rea son^.^-'^ systems in which the functionality of macro-
Food processing implies a conversion of bio- molecules depends on kinetic factors and pro-
logical systems, whose functioning is based on cessing conditions. Foods usually contain con-
specific interactions of the components into centrated, highly viscous structural elements
food systems with properties based on the non- formed by macromolecules and colloidal par-
specific interactions of denatured components. ticles, whose functionality depends greatly on
In other words, food functionality implies an slow processes of structure-formation and re-
understanding of the physical properties of a laxation. Finally, the structural contributions of
multicomponent physical system with the com- a protein or a polysaccharide depend on its
ponents, interacting in a non-chemical way. place in the structural hierarchy of a food.I6-l8
Exceptions include the Maillard reaction and A specific Structural hierarchy is typical of every
some nondesirable chemical processes, for ex- food. By analogy to the structural hierarchy of
ample, oxidation of nutrients. Therefore, de- a globular protein, the four levels of food struc-
spite a lot of data available on the chemical and tures are submolecular, molecular, supermo-
physical properties of the best-studied food mac- lecular, and macroscopic.16The macroscopic
romolecules, such as soybean proteins, gluten, structural elements of a composite food are the
casein, m i k proteins, and starch, controlling most compelling concerning its structure-prop-
the functionality of the most traditional sys- erty relationship.16-22
tems, such as dough and milk, remains diffi- The objective of the article is to illustrate
cult. The reason for this difficulty is that prop- that understanding how to control food system
erties of a food system reflect more the functionality is, however, possible on the basis
interactions between its components than the of the interactions of macromolecular compo-
properties of the individual components them- nents and understanding their contributions to
selves. Because there are several structural lev- phase behavior and structural functions in foods.
els of nonspecific intermolecular interactions The two types of nonspecific interactions be-
in any food, there are several reasons for the tween proteins and polysaccharides: the repul-
low predictability of the structural contribu- sion and the attraction, underlie two opposite
tions of individual food corn ponent^.^^-'^ The phenomena occurring in their mixtures. They
f i s t important reason is the functional integra- are (1) thermodynamic incompatibility, that is,
tion of proteins with polysaccharides. Gener- the limited miscibility of biopolymers at the
ally, foods are mixed and multiple dispersed molecular level and (2) interbiopolymer
systems. Foods contain a complex mixture of complexing. These two phenomena correspond
proteins and polysaccharides, both of which to the two types of phase separation, both of

which usually result in two-phase liquid aque- structure and shape of this liquid system by its
ous systems, that is, water-in-water (W/W) heating, and mechanical treatment, and (3) to fix
emulsions.”~15~21-z3 Interbiopolymer complexing the food product’s structure and shape, for ex-
concentrates the biopolymers in one of the ample,by heating, and/or cooling, and/or chang-
phases, while incompatibilityleads to their sepa- ing pH. The first stage, food formulation, pro-
ration and concentration within the different vides both functional properties and nutritional
co-existing phases. These two phenomena are qualities of a processed food system. In the sec-
responsible for the functional integration of ond and third stages, a typical food system is
food biopolymers, their competition, antago- subjected to a shear flow and a heat treatment to
nism, and synergism.23Information related to provide the texture, flavor, and other important
biopolymer incompatibility in both food and qualities of a food. By understanding the causes
biological systems is still limited.23-26 The hy- of palatability and digestion efficiency of tradi-
pothesis on phase separation in cytoplasm was tional food, it becomes possible to develop truly
proposedz7in 1995, the fnst monograph on this novel functional foods.
subject has been published in 2000.28.29 Re- The thermodynamic similarity of food sys-
cently it has become clear that there is a great tems could, presumably, be extended to the
difference in phase behavior between foods chyme, that is, the mass of digesting food trans-
and biological systems.’9,30,31 Denatured pro- ported along the intestines. Actually, the chyme
teins, gelatinized starches, aggregated food pro- is produced by physical and physico-chemical
teins, and polysaccharides are miscible in all treatments of food, which are also based on
proportions at the molecular level only in very nonspecific interactions of macromolecules. In
dilute aqueous solutions.Most formulated foods other words, the processes that form structure
and chyme do not consist of dilute aqueous in foods and chyme can have most features in
solutions and, normally, are therefore phase- common. Both foods and chyme are phase-
separated sys tern^.'^-'^-^^ Biological systems are separated systems, whose mechanical treat-
of interest in this article because they are food ments form their structure, shape, and func-
raw materials and active elements of food bio- tionality. As in the formation of food structures,
technology. the formation of chyme includes the similar
The general character of nonspecific inter- three main treatments: (1) grinding and mixing
molecular interactions of food macromolecules of mixed diet ingredients, ( 2 )mechanical treat-
underlies one more feature of food systems, the ments and changes in pH, and (3) mixing of the
thermodynamic similarity of most foods, which comminuted food and digestive juices to form
is of applied importance for food formulation a composition and structure of the chyme.
and processing.” Actually, every cookery book Analogous to food processing, foods are con-
generally uses a very limited number of raw verted into chyme by three steps, except the
materials and basic operations to produce a wide denaturation of food components by thermal
variety of foods and dishes. An obvious reason treatment is replaced by treatments with a strong
is the thermodynamic similarity of foods, which acid, surfactants, and enzymes.
recently has become The thermody- Because the basic concept of paper is to
namic similarity underlies the common scien- illustrate the basic thermodynamic similarity
tific basis of food processing and results in a of foods, and food and the chyme, the first
high efficiency of food technologies developed section is devoted to nonspecific
empirically?’ Normally, most food technolo- intermacromolecular interaction and phase
gies consist of three main steps: food formula- separation as the factors involved in the struc-
tion, mechanical, and thermal tre at ment^.^^^^^.^^ ture formation processes. The objective of the
These steps are designed (1) to produce a liquid article is to consider thermodynamic aspects
system of desirable composition; (2) to form the of biopolymer functionality in biological sys-

tems, foods, beverages, and chyme. This in- fraction ratio) depends on the conformation
cludes probable structural functions of phase and net charges of the reactants. Owing to to-
separation in food and chyme. Thus, the ar- pological limitations, protein globules, and rigid
ticle is focused on (1) the complexing and anionic polysaccharide chains cannot achieve
thermodynamic compatibility of biopolymers contacts among all their charged groups. Un-
in different systems; (2) their possible role in like rigid protein globules, unfolded structure
phase behavior of food and chyme; ( 3 ) and in proteins, such as gelatin, casein, and seed stor-
formation of structure and quality of foods age globulins denatured in acid media, tend to
and drinks. form a maximum number of contacts with an
oppositely charged polysaccharide. Therefore,
proteins with an unfolded structure usually form
II. ELECTROSTATIC electrically neutral insoluble complexes where
INTERBIOPOLYMER COMPLEXES the charges of the components are completely
mutually neutralized. In other words, as shown
Formation of interbiopolymer complexes usu- in Figure 1, the weight fraction ratio (N) of an
aìly results from electrostaticinteractionsbetween unfolded structure protein to an anionic polysac-
oppositely charged macromolecules.11J5~23 At pHs charide in the insoluble complexes equals the
below the isoelectric points (IEP), protein mol- ratio of their charges (Z). This means that the
ecules have a net positive charge, that is, behave stoichiometry (N = Z polysaccharide@ pro-
as polycation. Typical food proteins, such as seed tein) of a complex depends on the pH value of
storage proteins, milk, and meat proteins, usually the system, but not on the initial ratio of mac-
have E P s from 4to 7. Proteins as polycations and romolecular reactant concentrations. At a given
anionic carboxyl-containing polysaccharides as pH the stoichiometry of the electrically neutral
polyanions form electrostatic interbiopolymer insoluble complexes is constant and is equal to
complexes at pHs varying from 2 to 5. the ratio of net charges of the macromolecular
Interbiopolymer complexes usually dissociate reactants, whose excess remains in solution
when the ionic strength exceeds 0.2 to 0.5, and over a wide range of their weight fraction ratio.
when the pH value is above the protein's E P . Figure 1 also shows that an insoluble complex
Oligomericproteins can still form complexes with is enriched in polysaccharide when pH is de-
anionic polysaccharides above the IEP, due to creased below IEP of the protein. This is due to
different charges of their subunits.11J5,23 Sulfated an increase in the net charge of the protein and
polysaccharidesmay form electrostatic complexes a decrease in the net charge of the polysaccha-
with proteins above the IEP, from a mild acid to ride.39-41,48-50
Soluble charged complexes are
a mild basic range of p H ' ~ , 3which
~ ~ ' is typical of usually formed when the ratio of the reagents is
both formulated foods and chyme. An additional far from equivalent. An equivalent ratio of
cross-linking of macromolecular reactants, for macromolecular reactants corresponds to a
example, by multivalent cations, such as Ca, Fe, maximum yield of insoluble electrically neu-
Cu, and by other bonds may increase the stability tral complex. Insoluble interbiopolymer com-
of protein-anionic polysaccharide com plexe^.^*-^ plexes are formed even in dilute solutions (less
The triple protein-multivalent cation-anionic than 0.01% wt) of macromolecular reactants.
polysaccharide complexes are of anonequdibrium The stoichiometry of insoluble electrostatic
nature!' The thermal denaturation of protein mol- complexes formed by globular proteins depend
ecules that are bound by an anionic polysaccha- on the ratio of macromolecular reactants. Thus,
ride promotes subsequent protein-protein interac- insoluble complexes formed by unfolded struc-
tions stabilizing the overall ~ o m p l e x e s . ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ture
" ~ 6proteins are electrically neutral, while those
The stoichiometry of an electrostatic com- of globular proteins are usually charged and of
plex (i.e., proteinhnionic polysaccharide weight variable c o m p o ~ i t i o n . ' ~ Well
, ~ ~ , below
~ ~ - ~ the

Protein tieight fraction in
the initial mixed solution,
w=c,,/c,, +cps

FIGURE 1. Weight ratio (N) of gelatin and pectin in an insoluble complex vs: (A)
gelatin weight fraction W ( W = C gelatinic gelatin + C pectin) in the initial mixed
solution, and (B)pH of the system. (From Ref. 35.)

Protein Solution
Polysaccharide Solution

f M-Complex Protein solution

! Solution

I c
Isoelectric pH
Point of
the Protein

FIGURE 2. M (mixing)-complex prepared by mixing biopolymer solutions at

a pH below the protein's IEP is insoluble. A mixture of the same biopolymer
solutions in the same proportion is stable, when is prepared at the pH above
IEP of the protein. Lowering its pH to the same value below the protein's IEP
leads to a soluble T(titration)-complex. Turbidity (arbitrary units) hysteresis
during nephelometric alkali and acid titration of an aqueous dispersion of the
M-complex. (From Ref. 15.)

IEP, that is, under conditions of strong protein- interbiopolymer complexes compared with the
polysaccharide interaction, interbiopolymer similar complexes of low-molecular-weight re-
complexes are of nonequilibrium nature. Un- agents, is more typical of proteins of unfolded
der these conditions the redistribution of pro- structures.This results from a low entropy change
tein molecules between oppositely charged accompanied the complexing between macro-
Figure 2 shows that prop-
chains is frozen.34.42,43 molecules. Weak intermacromolecular(e.g., van
erties of a nonequilibrium complex depend on der Waals) interactions therefore can stabilize
the way of its preparation. For example, com- complexes of unfolded macromolecules.23~36
plexes with the same overall composition but Interbiopolymer complexing controls the
differing greatly in their properties can be pre- functional properties of proteins and polysac-
pared by mixing the macromolecular reagents charides, the conformational stability of pro-
under two different conditions: ( I ) at a pH well teins and the pH dependence of enzymatic ac-
below the IEP of the protein (so-called com- t i ~ i t y . ~ Functional
- ~ ~ , ~ ~ properties
-~~ (such as
plexes of “Mixing”) or ( 2 ) at a neutral (or a solubility, emulsifying, foaming, and gel-form-
mild basic) pH following with titration to the ing) of interbiopolymer complexes depend on
same pH well below the IEP (so-called com- the stoichiometry and structure of com-
plex of “Titration”). These two types of (i.e., plexes’ 1,23,34-38 and differ greatly from those of
mixing and titration or M and T) complexes the initial macromolecular
can greatly differ in the size and structure of A gradual attachment of each successive pro-
their particles and their overall heterogene- tein macro-ion progressively neutralizes the
Normally, the complexes of mixing polysaccharide-anion,reducing the net charge,
are heterogeneous polynuclear nonequilibrium hydrophilicity, and solubility of the resultant
complexes. M-complexes can be regarded as ~ o m p l e ~ . 1 The ~ . ~neutralization
~ , ~ ~ - ~ ~ of charges
polysaccharide chains crosslinked by proteins. of anionic polysaccharide can also reduce the
In contrast, the complexes of titration are usu- rigidity of backbone chains due to a decrease in
ally mononuclear. Under pH values near the the charge-chargerepulsive interactions of like-
IEP and a sufficiently high ionic strength, equi- charged-groups and a “kinked” function (be-
librium T-complexing results in a uniform par- havior) of junction zones. Figure 3 illustrates
titioning of protein molecules among polysac- the consequence of the mutual neutralization of
charide On the contrary, an macromolecular segments and a decrease in
enhanced attraction between protein molecules hydrophilicity of junction zones formed. Com-
in the vicinity of the protein’s IEP may result in paction of the complex particles in solution
their nonuniform distribution on the polysac- decreases its viscosity, which does not depend
charide matrix. Some polysaccharide chains on the molecular weight of the reagents and
tend to be completely covered by protein mol- mainly obeys Einstein’s viscosity law?
ecules, while others tend to be almost free of The compact conformation with a hydro-
them.34.4*s43The cooperative binding of protein phobic interior and the reversibility of
molecules is due to the attraction between pro- interbiopolymer complexes (against pH and
tein molecules bound on the polysaccharide ionic strength) underlie their application for
matrix, which makes each free site near the site flavor binding and release, encapsulation of
already occupied by a protein molecule prefer- nonstable nutrients, and drug d e l i ~ e r y . 5Pro-
able for binding the next protein molecule. This tein-polysaccharide complexes and the com-
disproportionation of interbiopolymer com- plexes of oppositely charged proteins are also
p l e x e results
~ ~ ~ in two fractions of the complex used to recover proteins from dilute solu-
greatly differing in the proteirdpolysaccharide t i o n ~ , ~ to ~ control
, ~ ~ . rheological
~-~ properties
ratio. The cooperativity of biopolymer interac- of solutions, food fibers, and gels?-15,37s4849,59
tions, which reflects an increase in stability of These complexes are effective stabilizers of

ally- dissimiisrr polysacchaiides: ( 3 ) proteins
belonging to different classes accordkg to
Osborne' classification, that is? albumins (wa-
ter-soiubie), globulins (soluble vi sal: solutionj,
gintehes (solnble in alkali and acid solluiions),
and prolamines (sokbie in wats-alcohol mix-
tues); and (4) native and denamred forms and
aggregated and nonaggregated forms of the
same protein (Sable 1). Unlike synthetic poly-
mers, the incompatibility of biopolymers 5c-
Under conditions where interbiopolymer curs ody under cernin conditions:".2j.j"-36.e2-90
complexing is inhibited. incompatibility of which are typical of formulated foods. Xor-
biopolymers is rather a rule than an exception. mally, dissiniilar biopolymers are miscible only
'Fhe entropy of mixing of macromolecules is in sufficiently diluted solutions either below
smaller by several orders of magnitude than their co-solubility threshold or when soluble
that of monomers. This results in a highly pro- complexes are The phase separa-
nounced tendency for demixing polymer solu- tion threshold is itself sensitive to the excluded
A higher co-solubility is typical of volume of the macromolecules.
polyelectrolytes.81 Normally, however, poly-
mers differing in structure and composition have
very low co-solubility and tend to be com- A. Excluded Volume Effects
pletely separated into individual, nearly pure
phases. Recent advances showed that the co- Excluded-volume effects arise from the
solubility of many biopolymers with each other nonpenettable nature of molecules that cannot
is significantly higher,11J9*.30,31 than that of occupy the same solution volume. Figure 4 il-
synthetic polymers. Limited co-solubility is lustrates the principle of the excluded volume
typical of the following biopolymer mixtures: for the simplest case of a globular protehm The
(i)proteins and polysaccharides; (2) structur- h t molecule (A), present in a dilute solution,

Phase Diagram Parameters for Some Biopolymer Solution Mixtures

Siopolymer pair Conditions Critical point Sepa- References

Temperature," coordinates, % ration

C, pH, salt wt. thre-

concentration P o l p P o l p shold,

1 2 % wt.

Jelatin (MW. 170 35°C and 45°C (153) Grinberg,V.Ya.,

rD) + starch (freshly et al. (1968)

:elathized at 95°C for

!O min)

3elatin + starch 25-80°C. pH (1 54) Khornutov,L.I.,

5.82-6.5 et al. (1995)

3elatin-potato + 3OoC, 37T, (1 55) Doi, K. (1965)

mylopectin p H 5.2,7.0

3elatin-potato + 51°C (156) Durrani, C.M.,

mylopectin et al. (1993)

Qyrolysed waxy

naize starch)

Jelatin + maltodextrin 45°C (157, 158) Kasapis,S.,

P E 6 and 2) et ai. (1992)

TABLE 1 (contiued)

Gelatin (MW. 170 $ O T , 0.0 - (159) Grinberg,V.Ya.,

+ dextran (MW.
0) 3.60 M NaCl. et al. (1970)

65 kD) 3.0 - 4 M urea,

3.0 - 0.80 N


Gelatin (MW. 170 Q2S°C, pH (82, 11) Grinberg,

kD) + dextran (MW. Q.9; pH 4.6- V.Ya. et al. (1972

2000 kD) 5.4.

4O"C, pH 6.0,

3.2 M NaCI

Gelatin (MW.23 kD, 40°C - 60°C (160,ll) Grinberg,

IEP 4.9) + dextran V.Ya., et ai. (1970)

(MW. 83 kD)

Gelatin (80 kD, E P IOOC, 40-60°C (161,ll) Antonov,

4.75) + pectin (MW. p H 3.5; 6.0; Yu.A., et al. (1996)

21.5; 23.0; 23.6; 4.9; B.0; 0.5 M

33.1; 330 and 390 kD, NaCl

esterification degree

62.7%, 35%; 14.6 -

- -
Gelatin (80 kD, IEP QO"C,pH 6.0 l.6 1.o I .4

4.75) + pectin (MW. 40°C, pH 8.0 !.4 0.95 3.3

330 kD; DE=67.2%)

TABLE 1 (contiued)
3.25 r67
Gelatin (80 kD, IEP 4OoC, pH 6.0; 1.65

4.75) + alginate ( M W . 0.2 M NaCl

400kD; MG=50%)

Gelatin (80 kD, IEP 4O"C, pH 6.0; 1.25 1.36

4.75) + alginate (MW. 0.0-0.5 M

400kD; MG=20%) NaCI

Gelatin (MW. 170 40"C, pH 6.0;

kD) + alginate (MW. 0.2 M NaCl

400 kD;MG=20%)
- -
Gelatin (MW. 170 40°C, pH 6.0;

kü)+ methylcellulose 0.2 M NaCl

(70 w
- -
Gelatin (MW. 240 35"C, pH 3.0 3.43 0.57 1.98 (i62) Grishchenkova,

kD) + methyl 35"C, pH 4,75, -

1.86 0.26
E.V., et aL(1984)

cellulose (70 kD) - --

35°C pH 4.75, 2.06 0.42 1.49

0.5 M NaCl

70°C and (163) Michon, C., el

+ iota- 20"C, pH 6.5, al. (1995)

carrageenan (MW. 0.0 and 0.2 M

700 kD) NaCl

Gelatin (243 kD)- k- 40°C; pH 5.0: 0.75

- 0.84 -
1.24 (164) Antonov, Yu.A

carrageenan (MW. ionic strength et al. (1999)

356 kD) 0.35 NaCl

- --
TABLE 1 (contiued)
Gelatin alkaline (MW. 4OoC, pH 5.0;
1.47 165) Alves, M.M., et

243 kD) and locust ionic strength il. (1999)

bean gum 0.002

Locust bean

gum MW.

1510 kD
Locust bean 1.87

gum MW.

1470 kD)
Locust bean 2.25

gum Mw*
1770 kD)
Gelatin acid (EP 7.9) 18"C, pH 9.0. D.17 J66) Alves, M.M., et

[MW. 100 kD) + ionic strengîh il. (1 999)

locust bean gum 0.002

(Mw. 1500 kD) 18"C, pH 4.3; 0.57

ionic strength

18"C, pH 4.0; 0.59

ionic strength

1S0C, pH 5.0; 0.433

ionic strength

o. 1

TABLE 1 (contiued)

Gelatin alkaline (IEP ]BOC, pH 5.0; 0.64

0.11 0.29

4.9) (Mw. 100 kD) + ionic strength

locust bean gum 0.002M

(MW. 1500 kD)

Gelatin alkaline ( E P 40°C, pH 5.0; 2.67 0.51 3.13

5.4) (MW. 243 kD) + ionic strength

locust bean gum 0.1

(MW. 1500kD) 4OoC, pH 5.0; 1.66 0.35 1.47

ionic strength

18"C, pH 5.0; 0.92 0.015 0.18

ionic strength

Soybean globulins + 20°C, pH 9.0 7.7 0.2 4.3 (86) Antonov, et al..

pectin (MW. 40 kD) (1979)

Soybean globulins + 2OoC,pH 9.0 6.7 0.36 4.9 (85) Antonov, Yu. A.

sodium alginate (MW. et al. (1979).

150 !a)
Soybean globulins + 20°C, pH 9.0 3.5 0.32 4.5 :86) Antonov, et al.,

carboxymethyl J979)

cellulose (MW. 136

Soybean globulins + 20°C, pH 9.0 18.0. 0.35 7.2

arabic gum (MW. 497


TABLE 1 (contiued)
~ - --
12.63 D.37 5.6

dextran sulfate (MW.

500 kD)

2OoC, pH 9
dextran (MW. 500) 0.25 M NaCl
- -
I11s soybean globulin 25OC, pH 8,0

(glycinin) + sodium O.OlM, 0.1M

?.O 3.28 (98) Semenova, M.G.

et al. (1990)

pectinate (MW. 240 and 0.3M

kD, esterification NaC1

degree 58%) mercaptoethan


11s globulin k- looc,pH 7.8, 1.001 (99) Semenova, M.G.

carrageenan (470 kD) o. 1 M et aí. (1991)



40°C, pH 7.8,

o. 1 M


Broad bean (Vicia 55"C, pH 6.0, (167) Andersson, O. e'

faba) protein isolate 6.5,7.0. al. 1983

(acetylated and

nonacetylated + agar


TABLE 1 (contiued)
11s Vicia fabr 25"C, pH 7.8, 3.1
1.3 (100) Tsapkina, E.N.,

globulin (legumin) i 0.1 et al. (1 992)

dextran (MW. 48 kD M NaCI. (103) Semenova,

270 kD and 2500 kD) dextran: MW. M.G. et al. (1998)

270 kD
Milk whey proteins t 25°C (168) Syrbe, A., et al.

maltodextrin (DE 06) (1997)

Milk whey proteins 25°C


Milk whey proteins + 2S°C, 4"C, pH

methylcellulose 5-7, 0.5%

- -
Caseinate (sodium) t 25"C, pH 7.2 5.0 2.8 (169) Suchkov, V.V.,

alginate (sodium, rt al. (1981)

MW. 124 kD; content

3f MM,GG and MG

docks: 30%, 20%,

5 0%)
- -
laseinate (sodium) + 20°C; 0.1 M 5.24 3.0 3 8 ) Antonov, Yu.A.,

;odium alginate (MW. NaOH :tall (1975).

150 kD)

Zaseinate (sodium) + 20°C; 0.1 M

irabic gum (MW. YaOH


TABLE 1 (contiued)
-- -
laseinate (sodium) + 2OOC; 0.1 M 4.25 ! ,65

:arboxymethyl NaOH. 25"C,

:ellulose (MW. 135 3.15 M NaCl;

pH 6.5
Saseinate (sodium) + 20°C; 0.15 M 4.30 1.90 3.0 :87,170) Antonov,

mylopectin (MW. NaOH; 25"C, Yu.A., et all (1976,

38000 kD) 0.15 M NaCl; 1977)

pH 6.5
- -
Caseinate (sodium) + 20" - 40°C; pH 4.50 1.65 7.8

lextran (MW. 2000; 6.5; 0.15 M

184; 154 and 34.5 kD) NaCl;

20°C; 25°C;

O. 15 M NaOH;

0.0; 0.15; 0.30

and 0.5 M

Mik proteins 2OoC, pH 6.4 D.9 (171) Antonov, Yu.A.,

[micellar-casein and et al. (1982)

whey proteins) +
apple pectin (MW. 69

kD, Esterification

iegree 62.7)

TABLE 1 (contiued)
Milk proteins Z O T , pH 6.4 6.7

(micellar-casein and

whey proteins) + gum

arabic (MW. 219 kD).

Milk proteins 20°C, pH 6.4C 24

(micellar-casein and

whey proteins) +
arabinogalactan (MW.

29 kD)

Milk proteins + locust SOC, pH 6.8, [172) Schorsch, C., et

b a n gum ionic strength al. (1999)

0.08M +

20%, 30% or


Micellar-casein + 20°C, pH 7, 1.4 0.6 4.8 :173) Bourriot, S., et

dextran (MW. 519 0.25M NaCI il. (1997)

Micellar-casein +
- -
20°C, pH 7, '5.8

dextran sulphate 0.25M NaCl

(Mw.500 kD)
Micellar-casein + K- 5 0 T , pH 7, 1.o 0.12 3.4 :174) Bouniot, S., et
carrageenan (sodium) 0.25 M NaCl, il. (1 999)

0.05 M

NaCl+O.Ol M


TABLE 1 (contiued)
- -
I Micellar-casein + K- SOOC, pH 7,

0.25 M NaCl.

I (potassium)
- -
Micellar-casein + guar 2OoC, pH 7, 3.8 3.4 (175) Boumot, S., et

0.25 M NaCl ai. (1999)

Micellar-casein 20"C, pH 7, (176) Boumot, S., et

galactornannan (guar 0.25 M NaCl ai. (1999)

I gum and locust bean

Clover leaf protein + 2OoC,pH 6.2 (64) Antonov, Yu.A.

apple pectin et al. (1990)

Amylose (MW. 700 75°C 5 .O (177) Kalichevsky,

kû) + dexîran (MW. M.T., et al. (1986)

472 kD)

Amylose (from pea, 70°C and 90°C (178) Kalichevsky,

leached at 7OoC, MW. M.T. et al.

560 kD, 1100 kD, (1987)

fiom potato leached at

70-90°C) + waxy-

maize amylopectin

(MW. 65-400000 kD)

Maltodextrin (potato) 45°C. 0.1 M 5.3 (179) Annable, P., el

+ locust bean gum NaCl al.. (1994)

Maltodextrin (potato) 45"C, aqueous *7

+ gum arabic solution

TABLE 1 (contiued)

Maltodextrin (potato) 0.8

t carboxymethyl


Dextran (MW. 25,40, 80°C 180) Medin, A.S. ei

70 kD) + agarose 1. (1993)

Dextran (500 kD) + 20°C 181) Gamier, C., ei

locust bean gum (1700 1. (1 995)

Pectin (MW. 69 kD; 2O"C, pH 5.0, ).58 1.62 I .20 i 1 i) Antonov, Yu.A.

esterification degree 0.5 M NaCl :tal. (1987)

62.7%) + methyl

cellulose (MW. 70

-- -
Pectin (MW. 69 kD; 2OoC, pH 5.0, 1.42 0.45 3.86

esterification degree 0.5 M NaCl

62.7%) + locust bean

-- -
Pectin (MW.69 kD; 2OoC, pH 5.0, 3.26 4.10 3.10

esterification degree 0.0 - 0.5 M

62.7%) + arabic gum NaCl; pH 2.5 -

(MW. 219 kD) 7.0

TABLE 1 (contiued)
Pectin ( M W . 69 kD; 20°C, pH 5.0,

esterification degree 0.5 M NaCl

62.7%) + dextran


Pectin (MW. 69 kD; 20°C, pH 5.0,

esterification degree 0.5 M NaCl

62.7%) +
arabinogalactan (MW.

29 kD)

Methyl cellulose 20°C, pH 5.0,

(MW. 70 kD, 29.5% 0.5 M NaCI

methyl groups) +
arabinogaiactan (MW.

29 kD)

Alginate (sodium, 20°C, pH 5.0, '110) Antonov, Yu.A.,

MW. 150 kD) + 0.5 M NaCl :tal. (1987)

arabic gum (MW. 219


Alginate (sodium, 20°C, pH 5.0,

MW. 150 kD) + 0.5 M NaCl

dextran sulfate

TABLE 1 (contiued)

Alginate (sodium, 20"C, pH 5.0

- -
MW. 150 kD) + 0.5 M NaCI

methyl cellulose

(Mw. 70 kD, 29.5%

methyl groups )
- --
Gelatin (160 kD) + 40°C, pH 7.0 2.4 11.6 9.0 (182) Andersson, O.,

Vicia faba globulins et al. (1 985)

(280 kD)
Gelatin (160 kD) + 40°C, pH 7.0 2.0 12.0 7.6

11s vicia fabu

globulin (350 kD)

Gelatin (160 kD) + 40T, pH 6.0; 3.4 15.4 12.7

11s Vicia faba 0.5 M NaCI

globulin (350 kD)

Casein + ovalbumin 20°C, pH 6.6. 6.5 13.9 19.7 (1 07) Polyakov, V.I.,
Caseinate (sodium) + Z O T , pH 11 .O >10 3.8 et ai. (1985)


Casein + soybean seed 25T, 10°C

- 8.0 12.0 (106,108) Polyakov,
storage globulins (290 35°C. pH 6.9, V.I., et al.

3.0-0.1 M (1980,1985)


IH 6.0 - 8.0.
).O - 0.1%


TABLE 1 (contiued)

Ovalbumin + soybean pH 6.6, 2OoC >15 15,4 (107) Polyakov, V.I.,

seed storage globulins et al. (1985)

11s Vicia faba pH 7.0; 7.8, 19 (102) Wasserman,

globulin (legumin) + ionic strength L.A., et al. (1997)

ovalbumin O.l,25OC (103) Semenova,

M.G. et al. (1998)

Ovalbumin + 20°C, pH 6.6- 3.6 13.3 (108) Polyakov, V.I.,

themodenatured 6.8 et al. (1986)


Bovin serum 20°C, pH 6.6- 215 17.2

albumin+ 6.8


length -L
radius R
diameter D !!i diameter D -
FIGURE 4. Schematic representation of excluded volume for spherical globular
protein molecules and the rigid rod-like macromolecules. (From Ref. 20.)
diminishes the volume available for the second small repulsive interactions between macromol-
molecule for a certain volume, U, called the ecules. Excluded volume effects reflect mutual
excluded volume. In other words, the volume of spatial limitations and competition between mac-
a solution available for the second protein mol- romolecules for solution space.
ecule (B), u2 = A(V - U), for the third molecule, There are many manifestations of excluded
u3= A (V - 2U), and other molecules are less volume effects that influence the buik, the surface
than the entire volume V of the solvent. A is the properties, and the phase behavior of mixed
proportionality factor. The radius of the excluded biopolymer solutions.11,12,17-24.30,31,92-L04 For in-
volume, from which the centers of other protein stance, Figure 5 shows a steep increase in viscos-
molecules are expelled, equals a minimal dis- ity with concentxation of a biopolymer solution.
tance (D) between two adjacent protein mol- This increase occurs at the critical range of the
ecules (A and B), that is, equals the sum of their biopolymer concentration corresponding to the
radii. This means that the excluded volume (U) transition from a dilute solution, where macro-
around each spherical molecule in the solution is molecules are kinetically independent, to a
eight times greater than that of the protein mol- semiconcentrated solution, where the biopolymer
ecule itself. For a rigid Spherical molecule of molecules enter into physical contact. At higher
radius R, the excluded volume is U = (32/3) a R3 concentrations molecules forn a fluctuating net-
=8M2v2/N, where M2 is the molecular weight work that makes the change of the partners and
and v2 is the thermodynamic specific volume, the flow process slower and more difficult. This
which is close to the effective hydrodynamic critical range of concentration is usually below
specific volume and N is Avogadro's number. 1%for polysaccharides and varies from 10%to
For rigid rods the excluded volume is U = 1/2 a 40% for globular p r ~ t e i n s .At
~~a certain
. ~ ~ degree
DL2= 2L M2v2/DN according to T a n f ~ r dIn .~~ of higher occupancy of a mixed solution phase
dilute solution stiff rod-like macromolecules are separation normally occurs.
relatively independent when the distance be- The phase separation threshold reflects the
tween them equals to or is larger than their competition for space between macromolecules
length. High excluded volumes are especially and is about: (1) 1 to 3% for mixtures of rod-
typical of linear rigid polysa~charides?l-~~ A like polysaccharide molecules; (2) about 2 to
decrease in the excluded volume with the con- 4%for mixtures of gelatin or casein with linear
centration of macromolecular solutes results in polysaccharides, (3) about 4% or higher for



5 50

O 10 20 30 40
Concentration, ( w t %)

FIGURE 5. Schematic representation of the effect of concen-

tration on viscosity oi biopolymer solutions. (From Rel. 20.)

globular protein-polysaccharide mixtures; and values compared with those of polymers and
(4)usually exceeds 12% for mixtures of globu- unfolded chain proteins such as gelatin and
(Table 1). It should
larproteins11-16~24~34~75-8*~10s-111 casein30 (Table 1). Moreover, many globular
be stressed that denaturation, aggregation, and proteins belonging to the same class according
chemical modification of food macromolecules to Osborne are presumably co-soluble in all
during food processing usually decreases the proportions, despite great differences in amino
value of the phase separation threshold. Impor- acid composition. This feature is obviously of
tantly, phase separation threshold values are key importance for the biological functions of
below the biopolymer concentrations typical of proteins. To fulfill their catalytic role, enzymes
most foods, which are therefore normally phase- must be miscible at the molecular level with
separated systems11-21~89~105~106(Table I). their various macromolecular substrates.19.30,31
Both thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of However, how could protein avoid immiscibil-
phase separation are of great importance for ity typical of polymers?
the structure and stability of food~.~2JI4J*6 Coa-
lescence of the dispersed phase particles and
separation of the phases, that is, minimization 1. Macromolecular Mimicry
of the interfacial surface area, can be stopped
by an increase in viscosity and/or gelation of According to an hypothesis recently pro-
one or both phases of the system. The gel point posed, the unusually high co-solubility of pro-
(i.e., the critical biopolymer concentration re- teins with one another and other biopolymers is
quired to form a continuous gel network) var- due to a “molecularm i r n i ~ r y ” . ’The
~ . ~molecu-
ies greatly from less than 0.1 to 0.5% for many lar mimicry of proteins is their mutual camou-
anionic polysaccharides and 1% for gelatin and flage close resemblance or likeness (for the
to 2 to 15% (and higher) for heat-set globular viewpoint of interactions with each other and
proteins. Because of excluded volume effects, the medium). This molecular mimicry is pre-
the gel point decreases for mixed solutions with sumably a direct result of their globular confor-
concentration of an added biopolymer includ- mation. The latter is able to achieve effective
ing non-gel-forming b i ~ p o l y m e r s . ~ ~ J ~ . ~ * *molecular
~ ~ * ~ ~ * mimicry
- ’ ~ ~ via three principle reasons.
The fust reason is that the formation of densely
folded compact protein globules of quite sphen-
B. Phase State of Biological Systems cal shape effectively hides the chemical infor-
mation within the molecular interiors imper-
The phase behavior of processed biomate- meable to the solvent water. The second
rial systems is of importance for both food consequence of forming hydrophobic interiors
technology and biotechnology. Because the inaccessible to the medium is that the hydro-
phase behavior of polymers and biopolymers philic surfaces of the globules sufficiently
are markedly different, a wide experience of chemically similar to each other. The third
polymer physics is of limited application. The consequence of the globular conformation is a
chemical structure and molecular weight are reduction of the excluded volume and an in-
the most important characteristics determining crease in the phase separation threshold.
the physical properties of polymers. However, Globules with chemically similar surfaces
this is not the case with biopolymers. The most and shapes, and with their chemical differences
surprising feature of proteins compared with hidden in the interiors, mimic each other, and
all other types of macromolecules is their high therefore are better co-soluble. Globular pro-
co-solubility with each other and with other teins typically have quite similar physico-chemi-
bi0polymers.~~2~ Globular proteins have greater cal properties, such as viscosity, surface activ-
than tenfold-higher phase separation threshold ity, conformational stability, and gelation. The

polyelectrolyte nature of globular proteins and each other and with the aqueous medium is
most biopolymers enhances their co-solubility presumably functionally similar to the mimicry
due to the contribution of low-molecular-weight of color patterns (resemblance in coloration
counterions to an increase in mixing entropy. and shape) of some species of plants and ani-
One more benefit of a globular conformation is mals with their medium. Exploiting such a tool
an increase in the chemical stability of globular as mimicry would promote the development of
proteins, whose interior is inaccessible or of a complimentary tool for molecular recogni-
limited access to the solvent and solutes. In tion and protection of organisms against the
other words, the encapsulation of chemical in- mimicry of hosts. Mimicry makes it necessary
formation inside a densely packed rigid glassy to label similar globules by some side groups
globule provides the best chemical security to and/or facets to provide the living organism
proteins.I9Examples of a near complete mim- discrete functions. The signaling elements on
icry may be isomeric seed storage globulins. the globular surface specify intermolecular in-
These oligomeric proteins can form highly teractions. In other words, molecular mimicry
concentrated mesophases without crystalliza- makes the development of specific biopolymer
tion or semicrystalline protein bodies in interactions both possible and necessary. The
Moreover, the occurrence of mimicry and signaling domains are important
molecular mimicry seems to be typical of for specific interactions of the cells and the
biopolymers including those of helical confor- basis of evolution of multicellular organisms.
mations, that is, cylindrically shaped molecules.
The latter property provides control over the
hydrophilicity and wettability of biological 2. Molecular Symbiosis and Mutualism
structures. These effects could cause adsorp-
tion of hydrophobic compounds, for example, The efficiency of mimicry at the level of
fatty acids, within the helices of polysaccha- individual biopolymers and macromolecular
rides (i.e., the hydrophobic interiors) on the interactions is obviously accompanied by some
one hand and a great difference in wettability disadvantage at the level of the biopolymer
between the gel surfaces formed in the contact systems. The likeness of macromolecules im-
with air, oil, or with ate er.'^.^'^ poverishes properties of their mixtures, which
It was assumed that the ability to control thermodynamic properties become difficult to
the phase behavior of biopolymer mixtures is control by changing the system composition
one of the fascinating issues of the molecular and physical conditions. Therefore, the like-
evolution of protein^.^^^^' A large number of ness of macromolecular components was evi-
enzymes can be regarded as mimetic. This dently not sufficient for prebiotic molecular
mimicry achieves the co-solubility of enzymes evolution. An additional thermodynamic tool
with their substrates and inhibitors, for example, acting in the direction opposite to molecular
proteases with other proteins. The occurrence mimicry must have been involved in order to
of mimicry could provide a selective advantage control the properties of biopolymers in prebi-
to protein evolution in space-overloaded bio- otic systems. This supplementary principle
logical systems. Both host mimicry (including might be called “molecular This
aggressive mimicry of different parasites and term (symbiosis, Greek the state of living to-
viruses) and host defense against the mimicry gether) implies that interactions (an attraction
of foreign agents (as distinct factors) could or a repulsion) between biopolymer molecules
presumably have evolved competitively. In greatly differing in conformation (globular and
terms of mimicry, a specific interaction pattern rod-like) favor the biological efficiency of one
of chemically heterogeneous molecular surfaces of them, at least. In other words, molecular
(a “spectrum” of molecular interactions) with symbiosis implies a mutual influence of dis-

similar mutually dependent species of macro- vide for evolutionary improvement of protein
molecules (symbionts), which is (including mimicry.
incompatibility and complexing) beneficial to It can be assumed that molecular evolution
a thermodynamic and/or a biological activity was not entirely based on purely random events.
of either one or all of them (symbiosis, mutu- The principles of molecular mimicry, symbio-
alism) and the system as a whole.31 sis, and self-organization of macromolecules
A mixed solution of limitedly co-soluble in mixed solution would all provide potential
biopolymers is richer in properties compared selective advantage of more functional molecu-
with that of mutually mimic macromolecules. lar constructions and system compositions.
Moreover, the greater the difference between Macromolecules of high and controllable ex-
macromolecules in shape, size, and composi- cluded volume, such as DNA and RNA, could
tion, the stronger their mutual influence. Globu- determine functional efficiency of their mix-
lar and cylindrical conformations provide an tures with globular proteins. The evolution of
extremely large difference in excluded volume viruses was reviewed recently within the con-
of biopolymers (Figure 4).Molecular symbio- cepts of the evolution of the lipid membrane in
sis is suggested to underlie the predominance the prebiotic soup. In this context the formation
of these two extreme macromolecular confor- of lipid layers, lipid-covered dispersed particles
mations (globular and helical, rod-like) typical (e.g., encapsulated organic and inorganic mol-
of biological macromolecules, proteins, nucleic ecules by lipid layers), and other lipid-contain-
acids, and polysaccharides.19,30.3' ing structures in the prebiotic soup on the early
Molecular symbiosis is based OR excluded Earth125J26 are very important. By analogous
volume effects. Owing to these effects macro- arguments, one can propose that the phase sepa-
molecules behave as if they were in a more ration of RNA-protein mixtures with the for-
concentrated mixed solution. The contribution mation of phases enriched in RNA and in pro-
of rigid chains to macromolecular symbiosis is teins was followed by the adsorption of lipids
predominant, because the association-dissocia- between the immiscible aqueous phases (Sec-
tion of rod-like macromolecules can greatly tion V.F). The phase separation and adsorption
and rapidly change both the free volume in a processes could result in the formation of thin
mixed solution and the effective concentration lipid layers and partitioning of other compo-
of other macromolecules. For instance, the dis- nents of the environments between the immis-
sociation of supermolecular structures formed cible aqueous phases. These processes could
by rod-like macromolecules can increase the lead to prebiotic cell-like structures that would
effective concentration of an enzyme without compete for material exchange with the sur-
additional synthesis. Moreover, at concentra- roundings.
tions above the phase separation threshold,
spontaneousreversible transition to a two-phase
system is accompanied by an abrupt change in IV. MOLECULAR MIMICRY AND
both the concentration and the weight ratio of SYMBIOSIS IN FOOD DIGESTION
dissimilarmacromolecules in co-existing phases
(see Section V.A, V.A.1). The phase separa- The digestive system faces a great variety,
tion of biopolymer mixtures would contribute the greatest amount and concentration of for-
to: ( I ) collective transport of protein molecules eign biopolymers. As a large surface exposed
newly produced in the cell,19 (2) storage of to the environment, the gut is adapted to both
proteins in the cell, (3) natural selection of defend against, decompose (per hydrolysis),
macromolecules for nonspecific immune de- and reutilize host macromolecular species for
fense, and (4)d i g e s t i ~ n . ' Phase
~ , ~ ~ separation the needs of the organism. In effect, at the
caused by an insufficient mimicry would pro- earliest evolution stages both nonspecific im-

mune defense and nutrition were the same pro- interbiopolymer complexing. Both types of
c e s ~aimed~ ~ at:
~ precipitation
~ and hydroly- interactions of a protein could be fulfilled by
sis of foreign biopolymers to make them harm- the different segments of the same cell wall and
less, and (2) use of the hydrolysates as raw exopolysaccharides. Accordingly, exopolysac-
materials for the needs of the organism (nutri- charides are various copolymers, including pro-
tion). Figure 6 illustrates this idea. The tein-polysaccharideconjugates. Most published
exopolysaccharides secreted by bacteria to- data on phase separation thresholds for protein-
gether with the polysaccharides forming the polysaccharide mixtures (Table 1) relate to
vegetable cell walls constitute an exocellular vegetable food polysaccharides (e.g., pectins,
layer acting like a passive alimetary system alginates, etc.), that is, products of mechano-
(canal), that is, as both a universal nonspecific chemical and thermal decomposition of cell-
immune defense against foreigner proteins wall materials. Their molecular weight and
(from the environment) and the volume within excluded volume therefore are, lower than that
which hydrolysis and adsorption of hydroly- of native exopolysaccharides.The solution layer
sates occurs. The nonspecific immunological around the cell containing an exopolysaccharide
hurdles of cell protection could be formed by of high local concentration can be regarded as
the two mechanisms of (I) the rejection of a buik phase enriched in polysaccharide encap-
foreigner proteins due to incompatibility and sulating the cell. This phase or the solution
( 2 ) the seizure of foreigner proteins due to layer surrounding the, cell, presumably has a

Non- Specific Immunity

- Exopolysaccharide

Barrier solütion layer - a mimic

of polysaccharide-rich phase
FIGURE 6. Schematic representation of the barrier layer formed by the exopolysaccharide solution encircled the cell.
A schematic model for the alimentary and nonspecific immunity layer protecting the cell. (From Ref. 31.)

low co-solubility with some proteins and is polysaccharide complexes of bifidobacterium
immiscible with other proteins of both colloi- and some mushroom^.^^^-'^^ The biological pro-
dal and molecular degree of dispersity. The tective activity of polysaccharides has been
barrier solution layer formed by an exopolysac- recognized and exploited, for example, as
charide around the cell (acting as “alimentary” wound protection materials has been demon-
capsule) is penetrable by low-molecular-weight strated using a wide range of polysaccharide
substances and impenetrable for most protein sources.130In the intestine exopolysaccharides
molecules, and thus provides a universal de- can also contribute to the attachment of bacte-
fense of the cell during its n ~ t r i t i o n . ’ ~The
, ~ ~ , ~ rial
~ species to solid substrata and to the protec-
complexing of other foreign proteins with tion of intestinal walls.
exopolysaccharide segments can be accompa- Exomucopolysaccharide layers, as natural
nied by a cooperative cross-linking of protective coverings and alimentary capsules
exopolysaccharidechains by protein molecules of single-cell organisms, could have evolved
and by an increase in their local concentration. into the mucopolysaccharide membrane lining
The foreign-protein-exopolysaccharide com- the gut. Thermodynamic compatibility of
plexing leads to a loss of mimicry, a local exopolysaccharideswith mucopolysaccharides
decrease in solubility (of junction zones mac- of the mucosa could be of importance for the
romolecular complexes, like co-precipitation competitive selection of the microflora intesti-
of antigen-antibody complexes), and hydroly- nal. As in the case of microorganisms,
sis into low-molecular-weight substances. The interbiopolymer complexing and incompatibil-
latter can diffuse through the barrier solution ity could underlie the efficiency of both essen-
layer to be used for the needs of the cell. The tial processes within the alimentary canal, that
structure, composition, molecular weight, and is, the hydrolysis and the protection of the ali-
concentration of the exobiopolymers determine mentary canal against its own proteolytic en-
their excluded volume effects and their adhe- zymes and food macromolecules. The nonspe-
sion to proteins. Exomucopolysaccharides, pro- cific immune defense of the digestive system
tein-polysaccharidecomplexes bound to the cell must: destroy foreign proteins and other food
surface, could fulfill larger functions of con- macromolecules, viruses and cells, including
trolling the pH of the microsurroundings,enzy- pathogens. These properties could derive from
matic hydrolysis, and antimicrobialdefen~e.’~~-I~9the following principles: (1) the ability of an-
Exocellular polysaccharides are elaborated by ionic polysaccharides and other negatively
most or all bacterial species.’31Extracellular charged fractions of food fiber to precipitate
polysaccharides secreted by cells usually pro- proteins, viruses and cells; (2) the complexing
vide the cell-substratum and cell-to-cell adhe- with oppositely charged biopolymers, with lip-
sive and signalingfunctions.132Such molecules ids, surfactants; (3) a strong acid medium in the
can presumably act as thickening and gel-form- stomach and finally (4) gastric juices in the
ing agents, metal-chelators, modify the short stomach, and the digestive enzymes in the in-
distance environment, provide defense, nutri- testine. These techniques could form nonspe-
tion, and affect the fate of the ce11.131-137 For cific immunological protective hurdles and si-
instance, lactic acid bacteria are capable of produc- multaneously increase the extent of proteolysis.
ing exopolysaccharides,exomucopolysaccharides, Both biopolymer complexing and incompat-
proteases, and antimicrobial compounds, such ibility thus could contribute to efficient diges-
as the nisin-like bacteriocins. Their biosynthe- tion of mixed diets.
sis can be activated by changes in the environ- The phase-separated nature of chyme is
ment.’39It was shown that a wide rage of anti- likely of importance for the efficient decompo-
microbial, antitumor, and immunomodulatory sition of food macromolecules into substances,
activities are typical of extracellular protein- which the body can adsorb. Figure 7 shows that

the chyme phhases cm be regarbed as 'micro-

of the chyme.17J9.31h the inteshe, the greater

excluded volume m d higher affuuty for water
of polysacchides (eespecially food fi-
ented only in the colon) compared
proteins (de
acid medium m
may result in a chyme continuous phase en-
riched in polysacchazide (SectionV.A.1). This
could underfie protection of the
w d s against self-digestion because the pro-
teolytk enzymes would be concentrated in the

it was found that complexing with oppositely tein-polysaccharide phase separation threshold
charged macromolecules makes denaturation typical of casein-polysaccharidemixtures. Lip-
of the Kunitz trypsin inhibitor irreversib1e,"J3Ja ids therefore are the main source of energy in
that anionic polysaccharides accelerate the di- milk. Accordingly, newborn mammals achives
gestion rate of slow proteins,147and iron and effective phase separation via the enzyme ren-
copper ions bound by anionic polysaccharides nin, which causes casein precipitation. At later
decrease the solubility of protein-polysaccha- stages of life renneting is no longer necessary,
ride c0mplexes,4~contributing to an increased when mixed diets include polysaccharides pre-
rate of protein digestion.I4*Thus, interbiopoly- cipitating casein (due to both depletion and
mer complexing, in those examples tested, in- bridging flocculation). Again, this principle of
crease the hydrolysis rate of the protein.19J1 using polysaccharides to precipitate casein and
The mutual concentration of proteins and for the clotting of milk could replace its
polysaccharides by excluded volume effects, renneting, and thereby improve the cheese-mak-
their complexing and gelation of the chyme ing process.238
phases could also favor the efficient digestion Many questions related to the digestion
of mixed The co-precipitation of mechanism arise from the fact of the incompat-
food proteins and enzymes together with ibility of proteins and polysaccharides in solu-
charged polysaccharides leaving the stomach tion. First concerns are the partitioning of pro-
would contribute to their hydrolysis in the in- teolytic and amylolytic enzymes and the
testine. It has been shown that the main part of hydrolysis products between the coexisting
chyme is a dense gel-like f r a ~ t i o n . ' ~The
~,'~~ protein-rich and polysaccharide-rich phases of
remainder is dispersed particles of the initial the chyme. Partial protein hydrolysis in two-
foods. It has been proposed that the gel-like phase protein-polysaccharide (polymer)-water
chyme is formed by mixing the duodenum juice model systems offer the means to: (1) control
(pH about 7.2) with the acid (pH about 2.0) protein co-solubility with other biopolymers
products of stomach dige~ti0n.l~~ Morphologi- and (2) selectively limit enzymatic hydroly-
cal studies and chemical analysis of the chyme sis.LIJ51
dense phase formed during the change of the The gel state of chyme (due to formation
pH value of enteral milieu have shown that this complex and liotropic gels32) can also favor
chyme fraction contains mainly proteins, food digestion by additional mean^.'^.^^ The
polysaccharides, and lipids as well as enzymes protein-rich phase and the co-existing polysac-
concentrated and activated within this phase. charide-rich phase of the chyme are better sol-
This concentration (complexing and co-precipi- vents for the enzymes that catalyze the hy-
tation) results in an increased rate of protein drolysis of proteins and polysaccharides,
hydrolysis. respectively. The soluble hydrolysis products
Incompatibility would decrease the co-solu- continuously separate from the chyme phases.
bility of interbiopolymer complexes in the The concentration and the substrate-enzyme
mixed dispersion with other food biopolymers. ratio within the chyme micro-reactors would
For example, the general nature of biopolymer be preserved due to their gel state. The latter is
incompatibility and the low-phase separation the expected reason for the absence of any
threshold of polysaccharide-food protein mix- negative consequences of consuming liquids
tures could underlie a change in the mechanism during eating and the expected dilution of the
of phase separation in chyme, which occurs continuous phase of the chyme. Both complex-
(during maturation) when mammals become ing and gelation decrease the amount and mo-
mixed-diet consumers. Milk presumably could tion of the macromolecules, that is, reduce the
not contain dissolved polysaccharide as a ma- excluded volume effects and increase the solu-
jor source of energy, because of the low pro- bility of enzymes in the chyme. Therefore,

normally the dispersion medium of a biopoly- mixes, low-fat spreads, and be vera ge^.'^-^^-^'-
mer gel is a better solvent than the liquid sys- 33.71-73,112-114

tem before It should, however, be

noted that the increased free volume, diffusivity,
and miscibility of enzymes is mainly related to A. Phase Equilibrium
the presence of physical gels with extended
junction zones, which are more typical of food. The first feature of W/W emulsions to un-
On the contrary, the formation of chemical gels derstand (compared with O/W and W/O emul-
with local (covalent or coordinate) cross-links sions) is the nature of the equilibrium phases
is presumably not accompanied by an increase and the thermodynamic stability.'4J9,22-24 Phase
in free volume because the chain segment behavior and phase equilibrium in mixed
motion is usually preserved between knots of biopolymer solutions is quantitatively described
chemical networks. This would explain the rela- by the phase diagram shown in Figure 8. The
tively low digestion rate of casein and gluten binodal curve, DGFE, separates the composi-
proteins. tion regions of the single- and two-phase aque-
Thus, the general nature of biopolymer in- ous biopolymerl-biopolymer2-watersystems.
compatibility and interbiopolymer complexing, Compositions lying under the binodal curve
based on nonspecific interbiopolymer interac- correspond to single-phase solutions, whereas
tions, can achieve both nonspecific immune compositions of biphasic systems are above the
defense and the digestion efficiency of mixed binodal. For instance, on mixing of a protein
diets. These phenomena presumably underlie solution A with a polysaccharide solution B a
many digestion features, for example, the facts: mixture of composition C spontaneously breaks
(1) that hydrolysis of starch starts in the mouth down into two liquid phases, phase D and phase E.
during mixing food with saliva to control pro- The phase D is rich in protein and another, E,
tein digestion and provide lubrication for the is rich in the polysaccharide. The thin line DE
swallowing of food, ( 2 ) that peristalsis effi- is a tie-line connecting the compositions of the
ciency of the gel-like chyme is preserved for a co-existing phases. Maximal co-solubility of
wide range of diet compositions. biopolymers can be characterized by the phase
separation threshold F, which corresponds to
the minimal total concentration of biopolymers
V. FOOD FORMULATION AND required for phase separation. The critical point
PROCESSING. BEHAVIOR FEATURES G gives the composition of the system demixing
OF WATER-IN-WATER (WMI) into phases of the same volume and composi-
Figure 8 illustrates a typical mistake of
Because aqueous phase-separated systems food formulation, for example, at the design of
are typical of formulated foods,I1-l6their struc- a novel food. It is widely believed that mixing
tural and physico-chemical features are of great of solutions results in their mutual dilution.
importance for food p r o c e ~ s i n g . ' ~Struc-
, ~ ~ J ~ ~ Biopolymers are limitedly co-soluble, and, for
ture-property relationships in liquid phase-sepa- instance, a mixed solution of composition C is
rated aqueous systems (i.e., W/W emulsions) the biphasic system with the phases correspond-
has been studied mainly using model systems ing to point D and point E. The phase D to
containing proteins, polysaccharides, and their phase E volume ratio is estimated by the in-
The role of phase- verse lever rule, that is, by the ratio of the tie-
separated systems in food processing has been line segments: EC/CD. When the composition
mostly considered using as examples thermo- of the system C is shifted along tie-line DE, the
plastic extrudates, wheat flour dough, ice cream volume ratio of the co-existing phases D and E

Protein, YOwt.
FIGURE 8. Phase diagram for protein-polysaccharide-water system.

is changed, but their compositions remain con- the coordinates of critical point, and phase
stant. The line passing through the mid-tie- separation threshold for studied biopolymer
lines and the critical point G is the rectilinear mixed solutions.
diameter. It gives the composition of systems
splitting into phases of the same volume. Phase
inversion usually occurs in the vicinity of the 1. Phase Diagram Asymmetry:
mid-tie-lines and greatly changes the system Membraneless Osmosis Process
For instance, phase
inversion can have either synergistic or antago- The relative competition of dissimilar mac-
nistic effects on food texture.22The reasons are romolecules for space in the mixed solution
the pronounced difference in composition be- can be characterized by the critical point G
tween the coexisting phases and the fact that coordinates or the angle made by the tie-lines
the continuous phase is typically responsible with the concentration axis of one of the
for the properties of a dispersed system, that is, biopolymers. 124,71,89The greater the difference
the properties of composite foods. in biopolymer molecular weight, the greater
Figure 9 presents examples of phase dia- the shift of the binodal toward the concentra-
grams for several model food systems. Phase tion axis of the biopolymer of lower excluded
diagrams are also used to describe the volume. The tie-lines on a phase diagram can
effects of other food components and pro- be nonparallel to each other because of struc-
cessing variables on the phase equilib- tural changes of the biopolymer solutions with
rium.'1~24~105~'06 Generally, incompatibility concentration. For instance, the self-associa-
increases with polysaccharide molecular tion of proteins changes the excluded volume
weight, salt concentration, and tempera- and their affinity for the solvent. The asymme-
t ~ r e . ~ ~ Adding
, ~ ~ J salt,
~ ~ fatty
- ' ~ and
~ amino try of a phase diagram describes the method of
acids, surfactants, sucrose, and other sugars biopolymer concentration called membraneless
controls the co-solubility of many biopoly- F i p y 10 illus-

mers. Phase behavior and equilibrium in trates the principle of membraneless osmosis
mixed biopolymer solutions have been con- and specific features of liquid-liquid phase sepa-
sidered in several reviews.24~34~105~106~110
Table ration that follows the gelation of one of them.
1 shows the phase separation conditions, Diffusion is the process of the mixing of a

s 4)

g 10

Ê 5
h 5 10 20
Sodium Caseinate, Y*w t
5 15
Sodium Caseinate, % wt

5 10 20 O 5 10 15
Ovalbumin, % Gelatin, %

O 5 10 20 30 3
rn O 10 25
Legumin, 'XO Glycinin, %

8 3 10 20
Skimmed m i k proteins, % Skimmed milk proteins, YO
FIGURE 9. Phase diagram for systems: A - amylopectin-sodium caseinate-water; B - sodium
caseinatesodium alginate-water; C -casein-ovalbumin-water; D - legumin (i1 S Broad bean globu-
lin)-gelatin-water: E - dextran-legumin-water; F -sodium pectinate-glycinin (1 1S Soybean globulin)-
water: G - skimmed milk-pectin high ester (65%)-water; H - skimmed milk-gum arabic-water.

Q Diffusion


I Cenírifupation:
Two immiscible
aqueous phases I

~ Solution
Gei swelling

FIGURE 10. Schematic representation of diffusion, osmosis, membranelessosmosis, and elasto-osmometry. (From
Ref. 20.)

solvent with a solution (or of two miscible stopped and the separation of the phases cannot
solutions) by the random Brownian motion of be accomplished (Figure 9H) when the con-
the molecules until mixture becomes uniform tinuous phase or both system phases are rap-
(throughout the whole volume). Osmosis is the idly gelled.21-24,112,17I,l84.185
passage of a solvent through a semipermeable
membrane from a solvent or a dilute solution to
a more concentrated solution until equilibrium 2. Fractionation of Components
is established. The osmotic pressure is the pres- Between Coexisting Phases
sure that has to be applied to the solution to
stop the movement of the solvent through the Phase separation of a mixed biopolymer
membrane. Being a colligative property, os- solution is caused by its less-compatible
motic pressure depends only on the concentra- biopolymer components. Separation results in
tion of the solution and not on the nature of the the partitioning of other components between
solute. A semipermeable membrane is one the two immiscible aqueous phases as between
through which the molecules of a solvent can two complex solvents. This usually leads to an
pass but the macromolecules cannot. In uneven distribution of the components between
membraneless osmosis two macromolecular the coexisting phases, that is, leads to the frac-
solutions are immiscible, so that a semiperme- tionation of system components. For instance,
able membrane is no longer necessary. The a preferential concentration of flavor and gel-
membrane in effect is replaced by an interface forming agents in the continuous phase is im-
between solutions. Water passes through the portant for flavor release and texture of the
interfacial surface from a solution to another system. Because both the bulk and the surface
immiscible solution until the osmotic pressure properties of a food system are dependent on
of both solutions (co-existing phases) becomes its content of functional macromolecules, their
e q ~ a 1 . ~ ~Owing- ~ ~to, a~great
~ , difference
~ ~ , ~ ~in~ partitioning between the phases is an important
the concentration dependence of osmotic pres- aspect of food formulation.19-21 Fractionation
sure between dispersions of different biopoly- between the separate phases and the interfacial
mers, phase separation of their mixtures can be layers can cover all food components and in-
accompanied by a severalfold increase in the gredients of molecular and colloidal dispersity,
concentration of one of them and the dilution such as lipids, insoluble proteins, starch gran-
of another. For instance, Figures 9 A, 9B, 9G, ules, food fibers, pigments, metal cations, and
9H, and 11 show that systems containing about macromolecules differing in molecular weight
2.5% milk proteins and 0.9% pectin (molecular and structure, etc.22-24~71~83,183-185
Actually, most
weight 69 kDa, degree of esterification about foods are filled composites where fillers affect
62.7%) obtained by mixing skimmed milk with the nutritional, structural, and physical proper-
pectin solution (2OoC, pH 6.4) break down into ties, including turbidity, color, and mechanical
two phases: phase D-rich in protein and E-rich properties. Fractionation is of great importance
in polysaccharide. Phase D contains 24% casein for the structure formation in foods. Partition-
(which corresponds to a IO-fold concentration ing of colloidal particles depends on the rela-
degree) and about 0.01% pectin. Phase E con- tive wettability by the aqueous phases and in-
tains about 1% pectin and about 0.3% milk terparticle interactions and is still very poorly
whey proteins. Assets to the membraneless studied. The first systematic investigation in
osmosis technique for biopolymer concentra- the field was not related to food. Albertsson
tion include a high efficiency and low energy and Walter studied the partitioning of cells and
The passage of a solvent
requirement~.~*5.*~*~~~~ cell organelles between two aqueous polymer
through the interface separating the two solu- phases.25.28,201,209
They showed that cells and
tions of immiscible biopolymers is, however, organelles are concentrated within the volume


of either one of the phases or the interfacial effective concentration of gel-forming macro-
layer between the aqueous phases. It was found molecules due to an added biopolymer, can
that lipid droplets can be concentrated and coa- result in a few-fold increase in the elastic modu-
lesce within the interfacial layer separating lus of the gel. For instance, at the bulk biopoly-
aqueous biopolymer phases. This lipid adsorp- mer concentration below phase separation
tion increases the rheological interaction be- threshold, a small additive of dextran to a gela-
tween the aqueous phases and replaces aque- tin solution increases the elastic modulus of
ous continuous phases by a newly formed gelatin gel by 2- to 5-fold and strongly acceler-
continuous lipid phases. This phenomenon was ates gelation process.15.32,3~,115,117.191,192
An in-
used to form low-fat spreads, to control the crease in the crystallization rate of polysaccha-
consistency of a caviar analog, and to manufac- rides (e.g., amylose, amylopectin, and dextran)
ture many other foods'8J9~21322~200
(Section V.F). is one more example. Doi first studied crystal-
lization of amylopectin in highly concentrated
gelatin gels'ssJ93as a model of the starch pre-
3. Excluded Volume Effects on cipitation in plastids of plant cells. Later
Structure Formation Kasapis, Moms, and Norton described the crys-
tallization of maltodextrin in mixed solutions
The main question concerning food formu- with gelatin.'57J58It can be assumed that the
lation therefore is what is the structural reac- crystallization of amylopectin in gelatin solu-
tion of highly volume occupied biological and tions and gels is of interest as a model of amy-
food systems on the additional increase in ex- lopectin retrogradation in the process of bread
cluded volume? In other words, what is the staling.20 Such a model system is useful for
structural result of an increase in the concentra- studying the effect of gluten, added polysac-
tion of a biopolymer, which is added to (or charides, surfactants, and lipids on the staling
synthesized in) a system? The consequences, the bread. Any additional increase in the con-
presumably, correspond to Le Chatelier's prin- centration of such a highly volume-occupied
ciple that states that any system in equilibrium system as dough favors the crystallization of
shifts the equilibrium when subjected to any the starchy polysaccharides.20.2'Presumably,
constraint, in the direction that tends to nullify this is the reason for the increased staling rate
the effect of the constraint. According to Le of Chinese steamed bread, a dough contain-
Chatelier's principle, the reaction of a system ing less water. One more example is the for-
to a decrease in free volume is to reduce the mation of crystalline-resistant starches in
excluded volume. This result can be achieved pasta p r o d u ~ t s . ' ~It~ was
J ~ ~found that heat-
by several physico-chemical processes. Such ing a concentrated aqueous suspension of high
processes include the self-association of mac- amylose starches favored crystallization of
romolecules,interbiopolymercomplexing, crys- the starch. Thermodynamic incompatibility
tallization, and g e l a t i ~ n . ' ~An
- ~ increase
~ in between the amylose and amylopectin in
biopolymer concentration favors these pro- aqueous media underlies this technique178and
cesses. For instance, at the buik biopolymer provides higher crystalline-resistant starches
concentration below the phase separation thresh- for manufacturing low-fat speads.196Decreas-
old, the addition of a polysaccharide, dextran, ing the rate of hydrolysis of amylopectin in
to a solution of the 11S broad bean globulins the small intestine, which is of nutritional
increases protein adsorption at the oil/water and pharmaceutical interest, for example, for
Other examples are syner- a slow release of the active compounds, would
gistic gels. Because the shear modulus of a gel also be achieved by a special thermal treat-
is typically proportional to the square of the gel ment (temperature cycling) of starchy
concentration, a relatively small increase in f0ods.l9~

The last question concerning structural con- free volume of a space-overloaded system.
sequences of excluded volume effects is how Accordingly, it was found that both the addi-
can immiscible food biopolymers (e.g., in bread) tion of a polysaccharide and an increase in the
form mixed gels with interpenetrated networks? concentration of the protein have no effect on
Gels containing several networks can be formed the denaturation equilibrium of both oligomeric
within both composition areas lying below and and small globular proteins.11.13-53 Although the
above the binodal of the gel-forming agent conformational stability of proteins is quite
mixture. The reason is that gelation always sensitive to the environment of low-molecular-
reduces the amount and mobility of space-fill- weight solutes, including salts, fatty acids, al-
ing particles (i.e., their excluded volume) in- cohol, and ~ r e a , l l .it* ~is not typical of macro-
creases the co-solubility of biopolymers at the molecular co-solutes. It was shown that a high
gel state of one of them, and forms interpen- increase in the local biopolymer concentration,
etrated networks.'5,22The increased co-solubil- even the adsorption of a protein on an oppo-
ity of enzymes with biopolymer gels (more sitely charged polysaccharide (protein-polysac-
precisely, with physical gels as it was men- charide complexing) or the covalent binding of
tioned in Section IV) underlies the importance a protein with a polysaccharide (a protein-
of the gel state of chyme. polysaccharide conjugate) does not decrease
Gelation of phase-separated systems can the conformational stability of the bound pro-
lead to gels filled with liquid or gel-like dis- tein.'1J3,53
On the contrary, both the addition of
persed particles. Features of phase separated a polysaccharide and the increase in concentra-
gels are ( I ) a low adhesion between two coex- tion of a protein favor the aggregation of dena-
isting phases because of their immiscibility and tured protein molecules. The aggregation re-
( 2 ) a great difference in the weight ratio of the duces the excluded volume of solute particles.
gel-forming agents between the l7 This is typical of both macromolecules and
colloidal p a r t i ~ l e s . ' ~ ~ J ~ ~

4. Excluded Volume Effects on

Thermal Denaturation of Globular 5. Effect of Temperature
The phase behavior of mixed biopolymer
According to Le Chatelier's principle, an solutions is sensitive to temperature. Biopoly-
increase in the concentration of biopolymers mer solution mixtures can exhibit an upper
does not affect those processes that are not (superior) or a lower (inferior) critical tempera-
accompanied by changes in excluded volume. ture of demixing. A lower critical temperature
For instance, thermal denaturation does not implies that the co-solubility of dissimilar
markedly change the volume of globular pro- biopolymer decreases with an increase in tem-
tein molecules. A tight packaging of globular perature. On the contrary, the co-solubility of
protein molecules and the ''dry'' state of their macromolecular solutes increases with increas-
interior correspond to the glassy state of native ing temperature in biopolymer mixtures with
and denatured protein molecules in solutions an upper critical temperature. Normally, poly-
and gels.19,33,186-188
The compact stable native mer mixtures with positive values of both en-
molecules are transformed into the compact thalpy (endothermic effect) and entropy of
denatured molecules and their aggregates. The mixing have an upper critical temperature, while
loss of entropy associated with an increased mixtures with negative values of both enthalpy
packaging density and positional ordering of (exothermic effect) and entropy of mixing have
macromolecular segments is compensated by a lower critical point of mixing. In systems
the gain in entropy due to an increase in the with a lower critical temperature, its value nor-

mally decreases with an increase in the mo- pH 8.0 and 5OoC, which, after separation from
lecular weight of macromolecules. In contrast, starch and other insoluble ingredients, is di-
in a system with an upper critical point, the luted to 0.3 M and 0.15 M NaCl and cooled
critical temperature increases with an increase down to 25°C and 5°C to separate legumin and
in molecular weight. Mixtures with a lower vicilin, respectively.1LJ22
critical temperature seem to be more typical of
Figure 12 illustrates phase diagrams for 6. Effect of Shearing
systems with a low critical point1IJm(A and C)
and an upper critical point (B and D).
11~12,1233124 Figure 12B shows that on the right-hand
The reversible phase separation shown in Fig- side of the rectilinear diameter, W/W emul-
ure 12B and 12D takes place in the vicinity of sions have a concentrated continuous phase
IEP of 11s seed storage globulins. The phase and a diluted dispersed phase. Such phase con-
diagram is symmetric. The concentration of centration ratios are typical of many food sys-
dispersed phase generally varies from 18% to tems, such as doughs and extruded products.
40 to 50%, that is, approaches concentrations Both co-existing phases of the system (Figures
characteristic of protein crystals. Figure 13 12B and D) contain the same individual protein
shows the phase diagrams for the broad bean but in different concentrations. It may be as-
globulin-NaCl-watersystem and illustrates the sumed that this reflects an incompatibility of
difference between seed storage proteins in a associated and nonassociated forms of the same
critical phase separation temperature and its seed storage globulin. Accordingly, Figure 12D
dependence on the salt concentration used for shows that with the mechanical destruction of
their fractionation and isolation.LLJ22
This fig- protein associates at a sufficiently high shear
ure presents the stages of the broad bean (and rate gradient in a rotational rheometer, the two-
peas) globulin (1 IS and 7s globulins, i.e., le- phase system undergoes a reversible transition
gumin and vicilin) isolation process yielding a into a single-phase state.11Jz.89JM This transi-
degree of purity greater than 95%. According tion is presumably due to shear-induced dis-
to this method, seed storage proteins are ex- ruption of protein associates at temperatures
tracted with an aqueous, 0.6 M NaCl solution at below the critical temperature of phase separa-

Geiatin + Dextran Gelatin + pectin (MW 23 kD, DE=57%)

pH 6.5, 0.15 M NaCI
pH 6.0,0.5 M NaCI
40 A
0.2 8.4 cIG+D

Legumio NaCl H,O -

FIGURE 12. Phase diagrams: (A) for gelatidextran-water, (B and D) legu-
min-NaCI-water and (C) gelatin-pectin-water. (From Refs. 11,124,160.)

I Broad Bean Flour
Extraction of proteins I


u 4 ’ I
O 1



i p i m n of 7s fracrim (viaiia)

Protein. %wt
FIGURE 13. Phase diagrams for the broad bean (pea) globulins-NaCl-water system at
different salt concentrations and temperatures. General scheme of the 1IS and 7s seed
globulin isolation.

tion. Accordingly, stopping shear flow rein- cipitating protein from solution. The deforma-
duces the self-association of protein molecules tion of such W/W emulsions at relatively low
and phase separation. This means that shear shear rates could lead to anisotropic systems
conditions during extrusion affect both the stnic- with two continuous phases104J12-114,200
(the next
tural homogeneity and the anisotropic structure section). Thus, the two most common food
of the extrudates. Because shear forces can processing operations, that is, thermal and
counteract the aggregation of proteins, the mechanical treatments, affect phase state and
“shear dissolving” effect is important for pre- structural properties of foods.’04.200

B. Low Interfacial Tension: Spinneret- tion behavior, for example, splitting and lump-
less Spinning of the Dispersed ing of the dispersed particles, their swelling,
Particles and dissolving rateszw

A low interfacial tension varying from

0.0001 to O. 1 dyn/cm is typical of W/W emul- C. Gelation: Elasto-osmometry
sions.201For instance, the maximum value of
the interfacial tension for gelatin-dextran-wa- An increase in the concentration (Figure
ter systems equals 0.027 dyn/cm and decreases 9H) of one of the system phases can result in its
when the system approaches the boundary con- gelation. A gel-dispersed particle formed in the
ditions.’16To measure interfacial tension in W/ bulk of the coexistent phase behaves as an
W emulsions, because of the low values and osmometric cell with elastic walls (Figures 10
opaqueness of the emulsions, two techniques and 11). Its swelling-deswelling behavior de-
have usually been used: the horizontal rotating pends on the osmotic pressure of the surround-
tube methodzo2and the capillary method.203The ing biopolymer solution and the elastic proper-
low interfacial tension in W/W emulsions re- ties of the gel. The latter therefore can be used
flects the close compositions of the coexisting to measure the osmotic pressure of the sur-
aqueous phases that are composed mainly of rounding solution. The pressure applied to the
water and contain the same limitedly co-solu- gel to stop its swelling, that is. the passage of
bility biopolymers but in different proportions. the solvent into the gel, equals the osmotic
The low interfacial tension contributes to the pressure. Figure 11 illustrates the principle of
easy deformability of the dispersed particles the method called elasto-osmometry that was
and a highly developed interfacial surface of developed by Hermanc and Pnns with co-work-
W/W emulsions in flow. Figure 14 illustrates ers to determine polymer molecular
how the deformability of the dispersed par- The authors used an elasto-osmometer con-
ticles affect the morphology and texture of many sisted essentially of a glass cell filled with poly-
foods. The stresses developed in a dispersion mer solutions of different concentration. In the
medium of a flowing W/w emulsion can de- cell a gel strip was fixed between two clamps
form and orient the liquid dispersed particles. in which the upper was connected to a balance
This occurs if the viscosity of the dispersed arm and the lower clamp was attached to the
particles is lower than that of the dispersion base plate by a micrometer moving this lower
medium. Under such conditions in a flowing clamp in order to adjust and keep the length of
emulsion, dispersed particles take the shape of the strip constant. The balance-type device was
liquid fibrils, can then disrupt into smaller to measure the retractive force resulted from
spherical droplets, and coalesce in larger spheri- the deswelling of the gel at a constant length.
cal drops and liquid filaments. The formation Figure 11 shows that the change in retractive
mechanism of fibers and anisotropic materials force of the gel with an increase in concentra-
in the processing of such two-phase liquid sys- tion of the surrounding polymer solution is
tems has been called spinneretless spin- proportional to the activity of this solution and
ning.33,34”,*9This mechanism affects the mi- inversely proportional to the number average
crostructure and quality of thermoplastic molecular weight of the polymer, which cannot
extrusion products,LL2-114
and protein isolateszm penetrate into the gel. The instrument (elasto-
in particular. In the latter case, filamentous osmometer) was calibrated for both the solvent
particles of a precipitated protein can be sepa- used and the dissolved polymer of known
rated easily from the supernatant, dewatered molecular ~ e i g h t . ~ OThe
5 strips of poly-
under pressure, and dried. The capillarity of dimethylsiloxane or polycisisoprene gel were
dry fibrous instant foods affects their rehydra- used to determine the molecular weight of poly-

0 W
5 0

styrenes and polyvinylacetates.The results were ecules have an affinity for both polar and non-
in good agreement with the independently de- polar phases of O/W emulsions.
termined molecular weights. The close corre- Protein molecules contain hydrophilic and
spondence between the values of molecular hydrophobic groups and have an affinity for
weight obtained by the elasto-osmometer and both water and oil phases. The accessibility of
an independent method means that there is no hydrophobic side groups to the medium prob-
penetration of the solute into the gel. Elasto- ably increases within the series of albumin,
osmometry effects therefore are of interest for globulins, glutelines, and prolamines. Unlike
many processed food systems and composite low-molecular-weight surfactants, the emulsi-
foods with liquid and solid aqueous phases. For fying properties of proteins can be improved
instance, it would be useful for assessing the without chemical modifications. Several tech-
quality of a barrier separating the dough and niques that are usually used for controlling
the sauce and preventing the penetration of surface activity of proteins are based on changes
low- and/or high-molecular-weight substances either in conformation (to decrease the mim-
into gel-like doughs. Such food barrier films icry) or in the medium (to increase the ex-
are usually responsible for both the mechanical cluded volume). These techniques include:
properties of the gel and the stability and rhe- (1) the formation of interbiopolymer complexes
ology of the sauce. and conjugates, ( 2 )the conformational changes,
for example, due to thermal denaturation and
aggregation of the protein, and (3) complexing
D. Incompatibility and Surface Activity with lipophilic molecules. The latter method
Control of Biopolymers changes the chemical composition of a protein,
for example, by the adsorption of the oil phase
Lipids are the third (after proteins and components, to improve its hydrophobicby-
polysaccharides) structure forming food com- drophilic balance. Lipids form complexes with
ponents and macronutrients. Stabilization of oil- both proteins and polysaccharides, usually re-
in-water (Om)emulsions and the structure- ducing their solubility, decreasing the confor-
forming behavior of lipid-dispersed particles in mational stability of proteins and provoking
W/W emulsions therefore are of great impor- phase separation.11J2However, unlike low-
tance for structure-property relationships in molecular-weight surfactants, the efficiency of
foods.18-21 There is a great difference in the proteins as food emulsion stabilizers can be
emulsion stabilizing mechanism between low- controlled more simply by the addition of an
and high-molecular-weight s ~ r f a c t a n t s . ~ ~ - ~ *incompatible
J~ biopolymer, that is, without any
Chemical molecular design is the main tool for chemical or enzymatic modifications whatso-
designing low-molecular-weight surfactants. In ever. 10-12.14,18.21,53
contrast,for biopolymers the most adequatetech- It has been proposedI1J2J4that the incom-
nique is to design the patibility of the native and denatured, that is,
and physically modify the biopolymers, includ- structurally dissimilar forms of the same pro-
ing changing their conformation and promoting tein, is the reason for an extended plateau on
interbiopolymer ~ o m p l e x i n gFor
. ~ ~instance,
~ ~ ~ it the adsorption isotherm of a globular protein
is well known that both acetic acid and ethanol on oiywater interfaces. This plateau corresponds
are miscible with water in any proportions. Their to the formation of a monolayer around dis-
miscibility with water, however, decreases with persed particles and covers a large range of
an increase in the length of the hydrocarbon concentrations of the protein where the amount
chain of the molecules. This increase in the adsorbed per unit area is not changed. It was
length of the hydrocarbon chain leads to surfac- argued that this is a result of the incompatibil-
tants, fatty acids, and fatty alcohols, which mol- ity between adsorbed and dissolved protein

molecules. Adsorption of protein molecules ticles, that is, their mimicry. Thus, the two
usually leads to their concentration, orienta- universal techniques for improving the effi-
tion, and partial unfolding. The protein mol- ciency of biopolymers as stabilizers of oil-in-
ecules dissolved in the dispersion medium and water emulsions are based on incompatibility
adsorbed on the dispersed particles cannot, pre- and complexing of biopolymers. Both methods
sumably, recognize each other as being the achieve the encapsulation of lipid droplets by
same. Adsorbed protein molecules forming a highly viscous or gel-like biopolymer lay-
monomolecular adsorption layer therefore can ers.11,I2,14
inhibit further adsorption.”J2J4 It has been
shown that adding dextran to a protein solution
(1 1s globulin from Vicia juba) increases the E. Interfacial Layer Between
surface activity of the protein at the non-polar Immiscible Aqueous Phases:
phase/water interfaces. When the amount of a Depletion Flocculation of Liquid and
polysaccharide added to a protein solution ex- Solid Dispersed Particles
ceeds the phase separation threshold, phase
separation of the aqueous dispersion media Figure 15 shows that phase separation re-
results in the encapsulation of the dispersed sults in the formation of a thick, low-viscosity
particles of the O/W emulsion. Thus, demixing interfacial (depletion) layer between the two
probably causes the formation of protein immiscible phases of W/W emulsions. This
multilayers at the interface.11,12,14,100,101
Due to layer is the direct result of mutual depletion of
the excluded volume effect the addition of one biopolymers from the interfacial area. The
biopolymer to a solution of another reduces the depletion layers around dispersed particles are
protein concentration required for its multi- responsible for an association of dispersed par-
layer adsorption at the O/W interface. Compar- ticles. The self-association (or depletion floc-
ing the phase diagram with the protein adsorp- culationj of dispersed particles, that is, destabi-
tion isotherm shows that the formation of protein lization of a W/W emulsion, is counteracted by
multilayers is due to phase separation in the an adsorption within the interfacial layer (i.e.,
aqueous emulsion phase.11J2.14The formation between the aqueous phases) of dispersed par-
of protein multilayers can be regarded as a ticles of different mainly hydrophobic species
transition from the O/W emulsion to the W/W/ (e.g., lipids, denatured proteins, and
O emulsion with very low interfacial tension. Two large-scale industrial applications illus-
Additional factors improving the activity of trate the importance of the latter phenomenon.
biopolymers as O/W emulsion stabilizers is The adsorption of hydrophobic particles within
biopolymer-lipid complexing. Complexing of the interfacial layers between immiscible aque-
linear anionic polysaccharides with oppositely ous phases are used for: (I) manufacturing low-
charged micelle-forming lipids could lead to and (2) fractionating cells,
fat spreads10-12.2’~200
intramacromolecular lipid-microphasemicelles, cell organelles, and macromolecules using W/
which is similar to synthetic polymer-colloidal W emulsions based on synthetic water-soluble
com plexe^.^^^^^^^ Interbiopolymer casein-Ca- polymers.20’~209-212
pectin complexes were used to stabilize a thixo- The basic difference between the phenom-
tropic oil-in-water emulsion applied as meat ena of depletion flocculation and limited ther-
extender for the manufacture of “cooked sau- modynamic incompatibility is that the former
sages”.21 Owing to complexing, an anionic is of a nonequilibrium nature. Unlike molecu-
polysaccharide can act either as a flocculating lar dispersions (biopolymer solutions), colloi-
agent increasing the particle size (bridging floc- dal dispersions are thermodynamicallyunstable.
culation) or as a protective colloid increasing Therefore, the transition from molecular to
the surface hydrophilicity of the dispersed par- colloidal biopolymer dispersions makes, the

Ea a


C .-K
O o


e;p PI
I $cu

phase separation even more pronounced. Deple- mixed solution, which usually occurs at a total
tion flocculation can also be treated as a par- biopolymer concentration exceeding 4%, deple-
ticular case of flocculation and coagulation of tion flocculationof larger dispersed particles of
colloidal particles in a nonwettable medium. m i k casein or chloroplasts can occur at con-
Depletion flocculation causes a rapid coales- centrations of less than 1%. An example of
cence of water-in-water emulsion droplets. Fig- depletion flocculation coinciding with the phase
ures 9B and 9G show phase diagrams for mix- separation of an infant formula containing casein
tures of casein and sodium caseinate with pectin and maltodextrin occurs when the product is
and sodium alginate, respectively. The phase sterili~ed.~'~ Because a low co-solubility and
diagrams illustrate the similarity between phase its reduction with temperature are typical of
separation of biopolymers (Figure 9B) and mixtures of polysaccharides with unordered
depletion flocculation (Figures 9G and 9H) of structure proteins, such as casein, adding
large-ize casein particles. The dissociation of polysaccharides (maltodextrin) reduces the heat
casein micelles increases both the phase sepa- stability of this infant formula as a casein-sta-
ration threshold and the co-solubility of the bilized oil-in-water emulsion. This effect is due
biopolymers, and also involves the fraction- to depletion flocculation.2w~2'l
ation of the casein chains. An excess of Ca- The important rheological role of interfa-
ions in milk is likely to prevent the incompat- cial layers between the two immiscible (liquid
ibility of casein chains with each other. Unlike or solid) phases is preserved during geletion of
phase separation of a protein-polysaccharide one or both of the p h a s e ~ . ' ~ Figure
. ~ ~ J ~16

FIGURE 16. Schematic representation of interfacial layers around dispersed

particles filling the gel. Gelatin gel network disrupted by granules of maltodextrin
droplets. (From Ref. 117.)

illustrates the result of electron microscopic foods. The spherical gel granules separated by
investigations of gelatin gels filled with dis- thin lipid films (honeycomb-like structure) have
a low adhesion to each other and can rotate in
persed particles of d e ~ t r a n . ”It~has shown that
the fibrils of the gelatin gel trend to minimizeshear flow. It was also proposed that the rota-
contact with the dispersed particles filling thetion of solid granules results in so-called “ball-
gel. Within the area around the dispersed par- bearing” e f f e ~ t , ’which
~ . ~ ~ is probably respon-
sible for the fluidity of many food systems and
ticles the fibrils of the gei network are oriented
by their free ends normally to the surface of fat mimetic behavior of non-fat material, cos-
these particles. The ruptures and imperfections metics, and foods (Figure 21). Examples in-
of the gel network within the interfacial layer clude ice-cream mixtures, wheat flour doughs,
decrease the elastic modulus of the gel with low-fat spreads, fat replacers, and even extend
increasing volume fraction of the dispersed to cosmetics based on starch and talc powders,
phase. which have been used since time immemo-
To produce low-fat butter replacers, W/W
F. Lipids as Component of Water-in- emulsions based on gelatin-maltodextrin and
Water Emulsions: Fat Replacement gelatin-amylopectin mixtures are the most
widely applied.214-220 Other biphasic biopoly-
Figure 15 shows the two types of behavior mer mixtures can also be used for producing
of dispersed lipid droplets added to a W/W small gel granules of proteins, polysaccharides
emulsion. Normally, lipid droplets would be and low-fat spreads.221-228 For instance, to re-
either encapsulated by the protein-rich phase place a part or all of the fat in such foods as ice
and/or adsorbed within the interfacial layer cream, salt dressing, spreads, and sauce^,*^^-*^^
between immiscible aqueous phases. Adsorbed small gel granules of amylose,196geiatin,229-231
lipid droplets can coalesce within the interfa- thermosetting proteins,232gelling polysaccha-
cial layer and form thin lipid layers. These rides, and Ca-alginate (containing gum-arabic
layers can also coalescence (in their turn) and as surface active p o l y s a c ~ h a r i d e )and
form a three-dimensional lipid network, so- microparticulated protein and protein-polysac-
called “honeycomb-like” structure.18-21J18.200 charide complex gels have been proposed.
The formation of this new lipid continuous
phase is favored by surfactants stabilizing wa-
ter-in-oil emulsions. This phenomenon of ad- VI. CONCEPTUAL APPROACH TO
sorption and coalescence of lipids around aque- SKIMMED MILK PROCESSING. ICE
ous dispersed particles can be applied to CREAM MIXES
significant advantage in processed food mate-
rials, for example, less than 30% wt of added Figures 9G, 1 1 , and Figure 15 show that a
lipids form the continuous phase encapsulating mixture C of skimmed milk with 2% high-ester
more than 70% aqueous phase. This principle pectin solution separates into two phases: D
underlies a number of low-fat spreads (butter containing from 20% to 30% casein and a small
replacers) based on different biopolymer mix- amount of whey proteins and E containing about
tures.1s.21Gelation of both aqueous phases and 1 % pectin and most of the milk whey proteins.
solidification of the lipid continuous phase on Figure 17 shows that the two operations: (1)
cooling yields a solid composite with abutter- the addition of a polysaccharide to skimmed
like texture. This composite material formed milk and (2) the heating (pasteurization) of the
by a lipid phase filled with thermoreversible mixture result in two consecutive phase separa-
gel globules is a good model for obtaining tions. Both yield small spherical gel granules
insights into the fat-like mouthfeel of many consisting of Ca-caseinate and of whey pro-

Dispesed Phase: ispersion Medium:
1540% Casein Whey proteins,
Milk Curd
Separation-1 4
~ 9-- Whey
Dispesed Phase:
protein gei
0 0 Ik
Fat Replacer,
o Q- Dispersion Medium: USE
Protein gel granules

FIGURE 17. Schematic representation of flow diagram for processing skimmed milk into “full-fat”
milk foods. (From Ref. 21 .)

teins, respectively. Mixing these two fractions separation. The separated mass of small gel
underlies the manufacturing of “full-fat”-type granules (Figure 15) has a fat-like texture. Mix-
m i k products based on skimmed m i k z 1The tures of the whey protein gel granules with the
process is based on the difference in both phase casein-rich phase produced by the fust phase
behavior and gelation conditions between separation leads to a “full-fat”-milk curd pro-
casein-polysaccharide and whey protein- duced from skimmed milk. The pectin-rich liq-
polysaccharide mixtures. The first phase sepa- uid continuous phase can be separated, puri-
ration of skimmed milk-polysaccharide mix- fied, concentrated, and reused.240These
tures occurs at room temperature and gives the principles can be further expanded for addi-
dispersed phase (Figures 9G and 9H, point G), tional processing advantages. For example, an
which is Ca-caseinate gel granules. The Ca/ anionic polysaccharide used in this process acts
protein ratio depends on partitioning the Ca- as liquid ion-exchangers binding heavy metal
ions between the casein-rich and the polysac- cations.239This selective binding provides the
charide-rich phase and is controlled by the means to extract possible pollutants from the
degree of esterification of the pectin. The latter milk into the polysaccharide-rich phase L. The
can be separated, purified, and reused. The use phase behavior of skimmed milk-polysaccha-
of polysaccharides for clotting milk casein pro- ride mixtures presented on Figure 17 is a viable
vides a new generation of cheese-making with- model for a wide variety of foods, from ice
out rennin and equally simplify the production cream mixes to bread doughs.
of dry cheese p0wders.2~~ The heat pasteuriza- Figures 9G and 15 illustrate the possible
tion of the phase L (point L in Figure 9H) activity mechanism of structural stabilizers of
containing pectin and milk whey proteins re- ice c r e a r n ~ ,which
~ ~ . ~are
~ usually polysaccha-
sults in the denaturation and a decreased co- rides or gelatin. The amount of polysaccharide
solubility of the proteins with pectin and phase stabilizers in commercial ice cream varies from

0.25% (for sodium alginate and carboxymethyl concentration. During ice formation the long
cellulose) to 0.1% and below (for locust bean hydrated chains and their aggregates filling the
gum and carrageenan). These values are pro- solution space, can rapidly be bound (coopera-
portional to the excluded volume of the polysac- tively adsorbed by many H-bonds) onto, and
charide macromolecules and below the phase modify the growing faces of small ice crystals.
separation threshold of their mixtures with Cooperative adsorption of hydrophilic side
skimmed milk. Due to the pronounced phase groups of an amphiphilic macromolecule cov-
diagram asymmetry of casein-polysaccharide ers the ice surface by hydrophobic side groups.
mixtures,20.200 the first phase separation of ice This “antifreezing” activity obviously rises with
cream mixes (Figure 17) rcsults in a strong the degree of water crystallizationthat increases
concentration of the phase rich in casein (Fig- the concentration of the macromolecular stabi-
ure 11). Freezing of about 50% of the water lizer.
leads to an additional concentration, coales- Figure 18 shows the thermodynamic simi-
cence, and gelation of the dispersed Ca-casein- larity between low-fat spreads and ice cream
ate phase. The melting characteristics of this mixes. Their similar composition, phase be-
gel-network determine the heat shock stability havior, and possible formation of honeycomb-
of ice creams. For instance, Figure 9G shows like structure should be noted. Because ice
that less than 0.5% pectin or alginate added to cream mixes contain less lipids, which are partly
skimmed milk provokes phase separation. The adsorbed by gas bubbles, a continuous lipid
homogenization and pasteurization conditions phase cannot be formed. It should also be noted
of the ice cream mixes correspond to those of that both types of phase separation (due to
both types of phase separation mentioned above. interbiopolymer complexing and incompatibil-
The first phase separation occurs during the ity) encapsulate the food ingredients dispersed
homogenization of the ice cream mixes and in the lipid phase?41-245 This technique using
yields the casein-rich phase and the biopoly- lipids as a dispersion medium for encapsulated
mer-stabilizer-rich phase containing milk whey nutrients and flavours decreases the rate of many
proteins. The latter liquid phase can be phase chemical reactions when compared with the
separated during pasteurization of the ice cream rate in aqueous media. This principle is impor-
mixes. These two phase separations result in tant for controlling nutrient delivery, flavor
the two specific structures (Figure 15):protein release, and shelf-life stability of foods con-
gel granules and thin lipid layers separating taining biologically active and chemically un-
aqueous phases, both contributing to fat-like stable compounds. The phase separation tech-
texture. Lipid layers forming honeycomb-like nique has been used widely for encapsulating
structures would also be responsible for a de- nutrients, flavors, and for producing granular
crease in ice crystal size. Air bubbles covered functional and decorative foods, such as ana-
by lipids are also a possible factor, reducing ice logues of caviar, grains, berries, and dry
crystal size. One more mechanism of reducing rehydratable berries, drinks, fat-replacers, etc.
ice crystal size appears to be a nonspecific and for controlling food texture.11-19s22.233.246,247
adsorption of hydrated macromolecules to the
surface of the growing crystal, that is, an
encapsulation of ice crystals by food VII. PHASE STATE OF DOUGHS: A
hydrocolloids.21Unlike low-molecular-weight CONCEPTUAL MODEL
cryoprotectants such as salts, sugars, glycerin,
and ethanol, the activity of hydrocolloids Recently, a model was proposed to under-
(polysaccharidesand proteins of unfolded struc- stand the functional properties of wheat flour
ture) depends on the excluded volume of mac- doughs is based on the assumed thermody-
romolecules and is not proportional to their namic similarity between milk protein-polysac-

-:h -phase
systems D

Protein, Yo wt.
FIGURE 18. Schematic representationof the composition areas of low-fat spreads and ice cream mixes. (From Ref.

charide mixtures and wheat flour doughs.20 (1) consist of associated heterogeneous sub-
There are several reasons for this assump- units; (2) contain polypeptide chains of un-
tion.''J0 It is proposed that the distinct struc- folded structure; (3) are relatively poorly soluble
tural properties of these biopolymers are not at physiological pH, (4) are insensitive to heat-
coincidental but relate to a common basis of ing; and (5) form very large particles that are
physiological function arising from biological incompatible with polysaccharides. Covalent
selection. There is a common physiological disulfide bonds and coordination bonds (via
function of milk and wheat proteins. Both glu- Ca-ions) and hydrophobic interactions contrib-
ten and milk casein are storage proteins, that is, ute to the formation of the large-size particles
sources of amino acids, short peptides, and and prevent the incompatibility of the polypep-
nitrogen for use during germination and the tide chains of both casein and gluten. The next
early stages of growth. This common physi- thermodynamically important issue related to
ological function underlies the similar thermo- their common physiological function is that
dynamic and structural features of these pro- mik and wheat flour dough contain nearly the
teins. Actually, both gluten and casein: same proportion of the main protein classes

defined according to Osborne's classification. 9G and 11 illustrate the phase behavior of
Wheat flour contains about 85% seed storage skimmed milk protein-pectin m i x t u r e ~ , ' ~ ~ J ~ ~
glutenins and gliadins and about 15% albumins where the pectin content corresponds to the
and globulins. Milk proteins comprise about concentration range of soluble polysaccharides
80% of casein (i.e., glutelin) and about 20% typical of wheat doughs. Figure 19 and Table 2
milk whey proteins, albumins, and globulins. show that the concentration of both the gluten
The next common feature is that gel networks and casein-phases reaches 20 to 30%, at equi-
of both casein and gluten are formed using librium with a solution containing about 1%
covalent (gluten), coordination (with Ca-ions), polysaccharides, soluble pentosans, or pectin,
H-bonds, and hydrophobic interactions. Both respectively. According to this model, on mix-
are notable for high critical concentrations of ing wheat flour with water two immiscible
gelation, the syneresis and structural changes continuous aqueous phases must be formed.
of the gels during mixing (the peak time, the The first is a viscous continuous phase contain-
mixing peak, the maximum consistency of ing soluble polysaccharides and most of the
doughs, and the ripening of rennet coagulated soluble proteins, that is, albumins and globu-
milk curd in cheese making). The chain mobil- lins. This liquid phase as an unwettable me-
ity and high excluded volume of gluten and dium causes an aggregation of the dispersed
milk casein gels would make the hydrolysis of phase particles containing the gliadin and glu-
these proteins slower, matching the rate of the telin fractions. The aggregation of gluten-dis-
biosynthetic reuse of the amino acids. persed particles minimizes contacts with the
Because wheat flour always contains some unwettable medium and leads to the second
amount of soluble pentosans and starchy continuous phase. Both continuous dough
polysaccharides (from granules damaged dur- phases are filled with several types of dispersed
ing milling), the model system proposed is a particles: intact and damaged starch granules,
milk protein-polysaccharide mixture.20Figures insoluble pentosanes, other food fibers, lipid

6 12 18 24 30

FIGURE 19. Schematic phase diagram of wheat flour dough

based on the data (Table 2) about the compositions of the
dough phases separated by ultracentrifugation. (From Ref. 20.)

Experimental Studies on Separation of Wheat Flour Dough Phases

Mixing, Baker, Parker, Mauritzen, Stewart, MacRitchie, Larsson, Eliasson,

:entrifugation Mize, 1946, 1965 1976 1996

:onditions and ~481 WJI 12501 [251,252]

:omposition of a

iough and ih 3 Layers: 5-7 Layers: 3 Layers: 4 Layers:

Fractions, wt % (i) (i) lipids, (0 (i) liquid phase,

viscous liquor; (ii) liquid phase, viscous (ii) pentosan gel,

(ii) (iii) pentosan gei, liquor; (iii) giuten gel,

giuten+starch (iv) gluten gel, [ii) (iv) starch

intermediate and (v) starch and gluten+cta Cchemical

(iii) starch (vi) and (vii) two rch analysis of the

intermediate layers phases did noi

containing damage made

starch granules

Dough composition 73% H20; 2% 63.4% H20; (52.0- 46% H20, 38 - 50% H2O;

NaCl; 69.5% 0.5M NaCl 7.Y? 6 flour:8.8+16.7?4

25 flours: 9 . 8 ~solution) at 30"C, protein, proteins,

14.9 % protein, 7 flo~n:8.2+ 11.4% 2% NaCl, 76.6+84.7%

average 12.2 %; protein flOW starch anc

fermented and 13.4% 2.3+8.6%

non-fermented protein damaged starch.

Mixing and 65 rpm, > 1.5 7+210 min at 30°C; 25 OOO+ 60 rpm, 5 min, a

:enîrifugation min., 40 O00 g, 105 O00 g for 70 407 O00 g, 30°C; 100 O00 j

TABLE 2 (continued)
:onditions 20 min, 29.4 min. at 30°C 50 min or 1 hour.


iquid Quantity 23.8 (8.8 G37.5) 9.5 + 20.6; 19.0 50th overmixing

>hase ûvermixing: 20.60 results in a loss

11.3; if water binding

19.2 010.7 :apacity) and an

Solids 13.1 (10.1+18.0) 14.5+15.5 13.7 :xcess water

Proteins 2.61 (1.99+2.4) Aibuminíglobulin 3.4 uided to dough

ratio: 3 . 4 4 . 0 ncreases the

Pentosans 1.53 (1.09+2.4) 7.0 iquid phase

sugars 6.6 (4.1û+10.98) iolume and

increases due to iough stickiness


hydrolysis of the


H20 87 84.5i85.5 86.0 38

Fu~c- High foaming A highly viscous Good

tionai properties, liquid. The viscosity foaming

features increases the is greatly reduced properties

dough over during 36 h. The (defetted

spring and reducing sugar doughs)

improves color content rises during

of the crust 6 h.

TABLE 2 (continued)

Solid byer- 1, Ouantity 1.6+9.7, &antity U% H20;

(Pentosangel) ovennixing reduces: 31%H20; 4 large amount of

4.5 00; 3.9 3 o. Protein imaged starch

Solids 2e22.8; 3.9%; )y microscopy)

1.9+3.8% protein. Pentosans IS at the bottom of

+ starch rhe gel phase

Solid Layer-3, Ouantity 9.8i36.1, 55%; 50~55% H20;

(Gluten gel) overmixing NaCl Addition of

increases: 9.8022.3; 3.8%; lecithin leads to

11.8+2 1.9; H20 an increase in the

Solids 52~54; 34.5%. water content of

17+22.3% protein;. the gluten phase

(Starch Layer) Ouantity 42+65, about 30% H2O.


increases: 62065;




Lipid (upper) Layer 1-2 d450 g dough A thin oil film is

on the top of the

liquid phase

droplets and air bubbles. Because in the solvent dough phases using high-speed centrifugation
medium a gel-like dispersed particle behaves are presented in Table 2. Figure 20 illustrates
similarly to an osmometric cell with elastic the result of dough ultracetrifugation. Baker
walls (Figures 9H, 10, and 1 I), the degree of et al. first demonstrated the heterophasic na-
swelling at equilibrium of gluten gel particle in ture of Their results were then con-
a polysaccharide solution under standard con- firmed and developed by Mauritzen and Stew-
ditions (including mixing) could be used to ard,249Ma~Ritchie,*~O and Larsson and
assess the bread-making quality of wheat flour. Elia~son~~~,~ a number
~ ~ u s i of
n gdifferent wheat
Because starch is more hydrophilic than gluten cultivars and dough compositions. Table 2
proteins, its gelatinization on baking provokes shows a varying number of the phases ob-
dewatering of the continuous dough phases. tained by the authors, as the separation effi-
Other factors contributing to the gelation of the ciency of dough phases increases with water
gluten phase are (I) a decrease in water binding content and depends on ultracentrifugation
capacity due to protein denaturation, (2) water conditions. The detailed chemical analysis of
evaporation from an exterior loaf layer; (3) the dough fractions camed out by Mauritzen and
Maillard reaction and other cross-linking reac- Steward249 and MacR~tchie~~O (Table 2) showed
tions of the macromolecules; and (4) glass tran- that the composition of dough phases is quite
sitions in the gel networks and within the exte- consistent for different wheat flours.
rior layer of the loaf that fix its shape, structure,
and retarding staling.20J86
B. Thixotropy of Dough and Its
Foaming and Gas-Holding Properties
A. Ultracetrifugational Separation of
Dough Phases Thixotropy (i.e., a reversible liquid-solid
transformation under loading-unloading condi-
There is considerable experimental evi- tions, respectively) seems to be a specific fea-
dence supporting the proposed thermodynamic ture of the gluten phase of doughs that is of key
model and its pre di ct ion^.'^.^^ The direct ex- importance for dough processing.I7Thixotropy
perimental data248-252
on the separation of wheat (during kneading when dough phases becom-

Ultracentrifugational fractionation of
wheat flour dough

FIGURE 20. Wheat flour dough fractions separated by ultracentrifugation.

ing liquid) removes the “gel sieving” effect of teinaceous fraction of rye was proposed to
the gel network and ensures mixing of colloi- improve loaf volume and crumb q ~ a l i t y . ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~
dal and coarser dough ingredients. Also, the It was also that a small addition of
effect of washing starch granules out of mixing pumpkin powder markedly increases the vol-
dough reflects the thixotropy of the gluten phase. ume of wheat bread loaves. The authors be-
Finally, the thixotropic solidification of the lieved that this unexpected effect was due to
gluten phase at rest contributes to the high gas- the surface activity of the highly acetylated
holding capacity and structural stability of the pectin as a major component (about 30% of the
dough as a solid foam and emulsion. total dry-matter content) of pumpkin tissue. It
The liquid aqueous phase containing globu- is important, however, that the effect of addi-
lar proteins, soluble pentosans, and starch is tives on the specific volume of the bread went
presumably responsible for the high foaming through a maximum at about 5 to 10%concen-
properties of doughs. The bulk biopolymer tration of pumpkin powder (g/kg flour). This
concentration of this phase is close to the phase would reflect the phase separation threshold of
separation threshold (4% and higher) typical of the mixtures. Phase separation results in the
protein-polysaccharide r n i ~ t u r e s . ~ ~ , ’ ~ ~ .precipitation
‘ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ of interbiopolymer protein-pectin
Phase separation could be caused by additional and/or protein-pentosan complexes at the gas-
polysaccharides dissolved during kneading and water interfaces and stabilizes foam and emul-
their interactions with the lipids and other dough sion structures.18-z1 The proposed role of the
components. Owing to phase separation,denser liquid fraction in the stickiness of dough was
membranes around gas bubbles and oil drop- also recently shown e~perimentally.’~~
lets can be formed.9-12~18~21~46~52~53Thixotrophy
solidifies the gluten phase of the dough foam
and emulsion structures. In other words, thixot- C. Thermodynamic and
ropy provides dough foaming and prevents the Microrheological Aspects of Dough
separation of the phases at rest. Thus, two Functionality
membranes are formed around gas bubbles in
doughs. The first is formed by the precipitation Thermodynamic and microrheological ap-
of the liquid phase components and the second proaches are important in practice to interpret
by the gluten phase due to its thixotropic gela- the relationships of dough processing function-
tion.17 ality.17,20For instance, such approached help to
The proposed responsibility of water- understand why mechanical treatment is so
soluble fractions of wheat flour for the high important to dough functionality? Why does
foaming capacity and foam stability of doughs20 the extractibility of lipids decrease with the
is in agreement with experimentai data.248-2M,253-259intensity of mechanical dough treatment? Why
Baker et Mauritzen, and can pasta be dried without cracks? Why are
Ma~Ritchie~~O showed good foaming proper- doughs and cooked pasta products opaque, but
ties of the water-soluble fraction of wheat flour. dry pasta and breadcrumb are transparent?
Therefore, this flour fraction could find various Mechanical handling greatly affects dough
applications in foods and biomaterial products. structure at the molecular, supermolecular, and
These extracts could be used as “natural” low- colloidal levels. The stress gradient arising
price dough improvers,20and for encapsulating during dough mixing and sheeting can deform
nutrients and flavors. Aqueous extracts of flour and orient flexible molecular chains, macro-
of winter wheat and rye cultivars could be molecular aggregates, gas bubbles, and dis-
sources of biological antifreeze, and could im- persed liquid drop let^.'^.^^ An increase in the
prove the structural stability of frozen doughs degree of orientation of protein chains can in-
and ice cream An alkaline pro- tensify hydrophobic interactions and H-bond-

ing between oriented polypeptide chains. En- thixotropic gluten gelation at rest. Slow dough
hanced hydrophobic interchain interactions may mixing can shift the equilibrium toward coales-
form gluten aggregates with a hydrophobic cence of droplets and increase the heterogeneity
central core and hydrophilic side groups on the of porous structures. The liquid phase can be
surface. Because the hydrophobic core acts as squeezed from the capillary structures onto the
a solvent for lipids, mechanical treatment usu- surface of the dough during mixing and sheeting
ally decreases the amount of lipids that are and affect dough stickiness. High-energy mix-
extractable from the dough. This effect is simi- ing can shift the equilibrium toward smaller
lar to that of globular protein denaturation, dispersed particles and more homogeneous pore
which enhances protein-lipid interactions and structures. The reinforcement of gluten strips
encapsulated lipids. Lipids and flavors are usu- due to orientation of gluten macromolecules in
ally bound more strongly by denatured globu- an intensive shear flow normally leads to a de-
lar proteins than by native ones. Mechanical crease in gluten network thixotropy and reduces
treatment also contributes to the chemical sta- loaf volume. An elastic deformation of the cap-
bility of lipids, due to the antioxidative activity illary dough structures oriented in flow can cause
of gluten. The molecular encapsulation of lip- its anisotropic shrinking. Destabilization of glu-
ids within the hydrophobic core of the gluten ten networks may be due to the hydration of
aggregates and crumb encapsulationby the crust non-polar groups. An intensive mixing and heat-
of the loaf seem to be responsible for the less ing can also cause the collapse of overmixed
pronounced rancidity of baked products than ~~~g~s~20,112-114,117
that of most other foods. Taking into account The liquid phase particles and starch gran-
the previously mentioned ability of lipids to ules act as a lubricant in doughs (Figures 16
form honeycomb-like structures between im- and 21). This lubrication effect is due to the
miscible aqueous phases (Figure 15), it can be previously mentioned ball bearing effect.
assumed that similar layered lipid structures Starchy polysaccharide-proteinincompatibility
form between the phases of chemically differ- corresponds to a negative mutual affinity be-
ent insoluble food fibers. This adsorption of tween starch granules and gluten protein phase.
lipids within the bulk of the insoluble fibers However, because of biopolymer incompatibil-
favor the reduced mobility, dispersibility, and ity, the interfacial layers around starch gran-
absorption of lipids.18J9This effect could un- ules can adsorb other components of flour or
derlie the well-documented effect of food fi- dough (e.g., specific proteins and/or lipids de-
bers on the digestion, absorption, and subse- pending on cultivars) and stick to the gluten
quent metabolism of lipids and protein^.^^"'^^ phase. This adsorption increases the interac-
Deformation and orientation of dispersed tion between immiscible aqueous phases (Fig-
particles can form an anisotropiccapillary dough ure 14). The mechanism of lipid adsorption
structure, presumably by the mechanism of seems to be similar to the formation of honey-
spinneretless spinning (Figure 14).33,7L-73,84.*9,L'2- comb-like structures (Figure 15). Weak inter-
116,260-266 The continuous gluten phase between actions between the granules and the gluten
oriented capillaries therefore could consist of phase are ruptured when the shear stress in-
noncylindrical strips. Shear conditions affect the creases and exceeds the friction force. The
size of these gluten network elements. Because dough becomes fluidized above a certain criti-
the liquid particles deformed in flowing dough cal shear rate. When the shear stress decreases
are not stable, a dynamic equilibrium between sufficiently, sticking is restored again. Figure
droplet deformation,break down of liquid cylin- 21 illustrates the principle underlying the ball
ders, and droplet coalescence may establish it- bearing effect. The revolving of starch gran-
self (Figure 14). The dynamic equilibrium can ules, which creates the ball bearing effect, de-
be established during kneading, and fixed by creases the friction between adjacent gluten

Thixotropy and high fluidity of a dough

Ball-bearing effect am’ Revolution of starch granules

decreases the friction between
adjacent giuted layers
undergoing a shear flow

Homogeneous structure and thixotropy of the bulk of a dough

Revolving starch granules are

“roliing-pins“ for r o l l i out the
Rolling-pin effect
structural elements of the gluten
! Gluten strips i network

“Starch-empty’’ surface layers and a “starch-full” central layer

R towards faster layers, e.g. a faster

FIGURE 21. Schematic representationof microrheoiogical effects governing structural and physical
features of wheat flour doughs. (From Refs. 17 and 20.)

layers flowing at different rates. The ball bear- increase in the concentration of starch granules
ing effe~t’~<*Owould explain why dough fluid- implies a decrease in water content in the cen-
ity is so unexpectedly high for such highly tral layer of extruded dough and can be inter-
concentrated dispersions. The ball bearing ef- preted as an “extrusion drying” Be-
fect may, as a consequence, prevent the forma- cause of the relatively large size and volume
tion and propagation of cracks in the gluten fraction of starch granules compared with those
matrix during bread and pasta drying. Thus, of gluten strips, starch granules roll out the
starch granule dynamics, and the stick-slip ra- latter. This “rolling-pin effect” is important to
tio, are changed by both shearing and adsorp- the formation of three-dimensional homoge-
tion of lipids and/or proteins on the surface of neous dough structures during mechanical treat-
the granules. The slipping-sticking behavior of ment.” The rolling-pin effect also underlies the
starch granules affects the thixotropy of wheat homogeneous aeration, gas retention, and thixo-
flour doughs and the fat-like texture of starch tropic solidification of the dough. Thus, me-
based fat replacers and cosmetic powders. chanical handling is an important aspect of the
In a flowing dough the difference in rela- design and overall relationship of the structure
tive velocities between gluten layers on both properties of doughs and fimal baked products.
sides of each starch granule corresponds to a An important rheological feature of many
difference in pressure. This pressure varies baked foods is caused by their composite na-
according to Bemouilli’sprinciple, which states ture. The attractiveness of many layered com-
that when the flow velocity is greatest, the posite foods, such as pizza, cakes, waffle-based
pressure is least. This principle results in the chocolate bars, baked and fried potatoes, pre-
migration of revolving starch granules toward sumably results from the spreading of flavored
the central layers of a flowing d o ~ g h . ‘ An
~,~~ layers during chewing in the mouth. The spread-

ing increases the surface area of the contacts second factor is the partitioning feature of amy-
between flavored layers and the taste buds on lolytic enzymes in pasta products because the
the tongue surface. The spreading reflects the continuous gluten phase, which encapsulated
difference in mechanical properties between starch granules, is a good solvent for proteases
the layers, where the stronger layer acts as a but a poor solvent for amylases. The third fac-
“knife”. When the effort created by this knife tor is the high excluded volume in the gluten
exceeds the yield stress (or the elastic limit, gel phase due to the chemical nature of gluten
beyond which the solid is no longer elastic), gels. The latter may be a reason for the slow
the coverage layer should change into the liq- hydrolysis rates of unfolded structure proteins,
uid state, that is, melts under pressure. As two such as gluten and casein. However, the first
kinds of plastic deformation are typical of factor, that is, an increase in concentration of
spreading: (1) the elongation flow (within the incompatible macromolecules under conditions
spread layer along the knife) and (2) shear flow favoring the crystallization of some of them, is
(within the spread layer between the knife the most important because it explains many
and the surface), the yield stress and thermo- other experimental observations. For instance,
mechanical properties are the main textural it was found that the content of the enzyme-
characteristics of baked and fried composite resistant starch increases in pasta dried at high
foods. Flavor encapsulation between extended and ultrahigh temperatures compared with that
rigid layers (nonpenetrable to flavor), their of products dried under low tern pera tu re^.^^^
gradual destruction and flavor release during According to excluded volume effects, both
mastication are key factors contributing to the the soluble and insoluble polysaccharides added
palatability of layered composite foods. to dough increase the efficient concentration of
the soluble proteins and thus improve crumb
texture, porosity, oven spring, crust color, bread
D. Some Aspects of Dough break, and shred properties and loaf vol-
Formulation A reduction in the rate of
metabolism of starch (i.e., an increase in the
According to Le Chatelier’s principle, as amount of resistant starch) could be achieved
mentioned previously, an increase in the con- by adding an incompatible polysaccharide, for
centration of food macromolecules stimulates example, guar gum, cereal brans and dough
their aggregation, gelation, crystallization and heating. These effects are well d0c~mented.l~~-
adsorption to interfaces. The rate of these pro- 199,265-275 Guar gum and other food fiber are used
cesses can, however, be reduced because an for producing wheat bread for d i a b e t i ~ s .For
increase in the concentration of macromolecules instance, it was shown that in guar-containing
usually increases the viscosity of the system. wheat bread, guar gum acts as a physical bar-
The relative role of the thermodynamic and rier to starch digestion.278It was also shown
kinetic factors depends on the dough composi- that guar gum is thermodynamically incompat-
tion and the time-temperature and shearing ible with amylopectin in aqueous media.198J99
conditions of the dough making. For instance, Based on these observations, it was possible to
several factors underlie the slow hydrolysis of conclude21 that the addition of guar gum to
starch in pasta products, which are considered wheat flour dough provokes phase separation
as a source of slow-released carbohydrates. The in the liquid dough phase containing soluble
first factor is the increased crystallization rate starch from damaged starch granules. Heating
of starch (an increased amount of resistant concentrated aqueous starch-guar gum mixtures
starch) in cooked pasta due both to its higher during baking results in the gelatinization of
concentration compared with that of bread and starch granules, phase separation, and encapsu-
to a memory effect of gluten networks. The lation of starchy phase by the guar gum-en-

riched phase. This can favor crystallization of Another application of the thermody-
the starch and the formation of resistant starch namic similarity between milk protein-
particles encapsulated by dense layers of the polysaccharide mixtures and dough is that
guar gum-enrichedphase. The net result of these exopolysaccharides and cell wall polysac-
modifications explains therapeutic efficiency of charides of lactic acid bacteria control the
guar gum supplement, that is, a reduction in the texture of yogurt and other dairy products
digestion rate of the wheat bread starch to a level and may also contribute to the texture of
required for people with diabetes.l9Z1 non-yeast sour doughs and breads. These
The idea of the thermodynamic similarity functions of polysaccharides as dough im-
between milk protein-polysaccharide mixtures provers could be due to their ability to com-
and wheat flour doughs helps to understand the plex with grain proteins at acid pH. It should
wide application of milk ingredients as the be stressed that the structure and rheologi-
means to improve many dough functional prop- cal properties of yogurt obviously do not
Whey and skimmed milk have been only depend on its pH, but also on the con-
used in bread making since antiq~ity.**~ An centration of exopolysaccharides, their in-
opposite approach, that is, applications of dough teractions (incompatibility and complexing)
ingredients to improve dairy food functional- with milk proteins, and the degree of pro-
ity, has perhaps a greater potentiaL20Aqueous teolysis. For instance, it was shown that the
extracts of many seeds have been processed exopolysaccharide xanthan (0.05 to O. 1%)
into milk analogues (vegetable milk products) decreases the solubility of gluten in acid
from time immemorial. Aqueous extracts of media and has a strengthening effect on both
wheat flour, which have good foaming, emul- gluten and the dough. This aspect is prob-
sifying, gel-forming properties, and are com- ably due to complexing with the proteins.275
patible with milk proteins, would find a num- It can be assumed that antifreezing activity
ber of applications. For instance, such would be biologically necessary for some
components would be thickening and structure exopolysaccharides and exocellular
stabilizing agents for ice cream, frozen yogurt, protein-polysaccharide complexes, thus con-
and “light food” formulations,replacers of egg- trolling the cellular microenvironment. Such
white in whipped foods, including cakes and antifreezing defense of the cell could be
biscuits, for edible films, etc. It should be noted based on ice nucleating and antifreezing
that similar textural properties of doughs and agents. These exocellular biopolymers would
ice cream mixes reflect their structural similar- be of interest for controlling the texture of
ity. These are simultaneously thixotropic emul- ice creams, frozen yogurts, and some other
sions, suspensions, and foams. As discussed frozen foods.253,254.286-289
previously, the structural features of these com- Other applications of the milk protein-
posite materials are the consequence of altering polysaccharide-water system would be model-
thermodynamic conditions during processing. ing of: (1) the structure of chyme, ( 2 )the mecha-
Products and processes that may at first appear nisms of food digestion, and (3) cereal-milk
to be entirely different are driven by the same food compositions. Much as the hydrophobic
underlying principle. The increase in concen- aggregation of casein particles within an
tration promotes the gelation of the continuous exopolysaccharide-rich phase forms thixotro-
protein phase in the final products. Dewatering pic gel networks in yogurt and the hydrophobic
the wheat gluten phase is the result of starch aggregation of gluten phase particles forms
gelatinization during baking, while the separa- dough networks, the dispersed particles of de-
tion of water is achieved by freezing, which natured proteins, and protein-polysaccharideco-
leads to the formation of the Ca-caseinate gel precipitates tend to form the gel-like properties
of ice creams. of intestinal chyme.

E. Rye Flour Dough: Sour Dough the latter reduces the solubility and the gelation
threshold of the interbiopolymer complexes and
Rye sourdough produces bread with a rela- the degree of swelling of their gel-like phase.
tively low loaf volume, but is important for These trends are due to the excluded volume
quality improvement of crust, shelf life and fla- effects of macromolecules and elastoosmotic
vor of mixed rye-wheat breads, fabrication of interactions between the structural elements of
edible films, and containers. The content of gel network and the dispersion medium. In
nonstarch polysaccharides is the main differ- other words, the mechanisms underlying the
ence between wheat flour and rye flour. De- formation of rye dough seem to be similar to
pending on cultivars and the harvest year, the those of wheat flour dough. Actually, as is true
content of rye pentosan varies from 6.5 to 10.5%, for the gluten phase network, the formation of
of which 16 to 25% is water soluble. In contrast a gel network in rye dough could be due to the
to wheat flour, rye flour contains from 6 to 11% hydrophobic aggregation of individual particles
proteins, 35% of which are water dispersible. of insoluble interbiopolymer complex within
Soured rye dough contains up to 85% proteins the unwettable liquid phase. This aggregation
dispersible in The information about and the gelation of insoluble complex particles
rye polysaccharides and proteins,268,z90-295 is sig- minimize contacts with the unwettable medium
nificantly richer than that about their interac- and lead to the second continuous phase of
tions in sour dough. For instance, it was shown protein-polysaccharide complex in the rye
that the digestibility of rye proteins is increased dough. However, unlike protein continuous
considerably by pretreating grains with phases of wheat dough, protein-polysaccharide
p e n t o ~ a n a s eIt. ~was
~ ~ also shown that rye pro- complexes in rye sourdoughs can have a higher
teins are precipitated from alkaline extracts after affinity for insoluble polysaccharides. The gel
the addition of a polyanion and an acid to adjust network of rye dough therefore may be filled
the pH to 3-5.”6 It was found by Schneider et and reinforced by several types of dispersed
al.296-298 that rye pentosans are incompatible with particles, such as starch granules, insoluble
some globular proteins (bovine serum albumin, pentosanes, and other food fibers. This means
ß-lactoglobulin, and ovalbumin) at their IEP, that an additional difference between wheat
while below the IEP rye pentosans form electro- and rye doughs is that the gluten phase contains
static complexes with the same individual pro- protein-proteincomplexes and co-soluble mac-
teins and with wheat gliadin. It was also found romolecules whereas the rye gel network is
that electrostatic protein-polysaccharide formed by protein-polysaccharide complexes,
complexing can greatly decrease the conforma- co-soluble macromolecules and dispersed par-
tional stability of globular proteins, makes their ticles as active (reinforcing) filler. Both doughs
denaturation irreversible, and presumably con- have sufficiently high gelation thresholds, be-
verts globular proteins into unfolded (gluten- low which their heterogeneous networks are
l i e ) proteins.11,13,36.44.53 Protein-polysaccharide converted into liquid dispersions, for example,
complexes can form gels under conditions where pancake doughs or batters. It should also be
their macromolecular components taken indi- noted that high-molecular-weight,good hydra-
vidually do not ge1.35,48-51 tion properties and oxidative gelation of
Based on these observations, it is possible polysaccharide components could also be im-
to assume that the mechanism of rye dough portant for composition-property relationships
making is based on the formation and gelation in rye doughs. Exopolysaccharides of lactic
of protein-polysaccharide complexes. These acid bacteria in traditional sour doughs pre-
complexes are formed in the acid medium and sumably reduce the solubility and enhance the
are probably incompatible with other macro- gelation of interbiopolymer protein-polysaccha-
molecular dough components. The presence of ride complexes in acid pHs. Because there is,

however, no information on thermodynamic pasta dough provides an additional thermostable
compatibility between exopolysaccharides with gel network.15.20 For instance, it was shown that
soluble non-starchy flour polysaccharides or a small amount of an anionic polysaccharide
on exopolysaccharide-rye protein complexing, added to pasta dough based on wheat flour
any discussion of the exopolysaccharide func- remarkably improved the product q ~ a l i t y . ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~
tions in the formation of dough structures must Both demixing of biopolymers and the sub-
be speculative. However, the assumptions men- sequent partitioning of other components be-
tioned agree with the experimental data on rye tween the biopolymer phases decrease the prob-
dough making. The assumed thermodynamic ability that they will interact chemical during
and structural similarity of wheat and rye doughs heating, for example, the Maillard reaction.
is proposed to underly the functional efficiency The intensive mechanical mixing of the macro-
of rye flour and soluble rye polysaccharides as molecular components and their mechano-
improvers of wheat d o ~ g h s . ~ The ~ ~ -high
*~~ chemical destruction during thermoplastic ex-
dispersibility of interbiopolymer complexes in trusion provoke the Maillard reaction and
aqueous media?15.34,37,38,53 presumably deter- produce the colored extrudates. On the con-
mines the remarkably higher dispersibility of trary, in the absence of mechanical mixing, the
rye flour and rye dough components compared incompatibility of these biopolymers (i.e., the
with those of wheat flour doughs. It has been absence of miscibility on a molecular scale)
shown that modified highly expanded starch was presumably the reason that heating bovine
granules together with dispersed particles of serum albumin-starch and gluten-starch model
endosperm walls participate in the formation of mixtures at 23% water level did not show (DSC
the continuous (protein-polysaccharide) phase within the temperature range from 20°C to
of the rye dough n e t w ~ r k . ~ ~ - ~ O ~ 180°C) any evidence of interactions between
components.308Accordingly, a so-called “dry
heating” method is used to synthesize protein-
F. Glassy Foods and Their polysaccharide c o n j ~ g a t e s . ~ O
An~ -optimum
Rehydration: Thermoplastic temperature of heating the biopolymer mix-
Extrudates, Edible Films tures prepared by lyophilization of their dilute
mixed solutions, providing protein-polysaccha-
Generally, if two synthetic polymers are ride conjugates,presumably corresponds to the
not mixible in dilute solution, they are also interval between the denaturation and the glass
incompatible in bulk.77,304 Biopolymers, espe- transition temperatures of the protein.l3J4JI8
cially globular proteins, usually exhibit higher Both the denaturation and the glass transition
co-solubility than polymers. 19,24,30,31,105.106,I10 temperatures of a protein are constant within a
However, with an increase in their concentra- wide concentration range of its dilute and
tion in common solvents the phase behaviors semiconcentrated systems. Both temperatures
of biopolymer mixtures come closer to those of rise with the decrease in water content below
synthetic polymers. In other words, as poly- 30%. The latter value is usually regarded as the
mers biopolymer incompatibility in solutions level of complete primary hydration of the pro-
presumably implies the incompatibility of a tein. An increase in the stability of proteins in
given biopolymer pair in concentrated systems low-moisture systems is possibly due to the
at low moistures.11,33J13J14 Normally, two (or glassy state of the polypeptide segments and a
muitiple) glass transitions of a macromolecular decrease in the amount of piacticizer, water.19J8G’88
mixture can be regarded as a criterion of their As a result, the dry heating method used to
in~ompatibility.3~J~~-~** synthesize protein-polysaccharide conjugates
Due to the high excluded volume effects of provides the molecular dynamics and preserves
anionic polysaccharides, their small addition to the conformational stability of reagents.I3

An interesting aspect of phase separation in metry and the phase volume ratio govern the
low-moisture foods is the thermodynamic com- porosity of thermoplastic extrudates and dry
patibility of different polypeptide chains of the foods in particular. Generally, a higher water
same protein. Most food proteins, for example, content of the dispersed phase results in porous
the 1IS and the 7s storage globulins of legume dry products. On the contrary, a lower water
seeds and oil seeds, are oligomeric heteroge- content of dispersed phase leads to dry materi-
neous-type proteins. Their molecules consist of ais with increased density.
several (usually 12 and 3) polypeptide chains In the shear and elongation flow (e.g., on
differing in the composition and molecular taking up the extrudate) long polysaccharide
weight. The polypeptide chains constituting a chains can be stretched and oriented. Presum-
protein molecule form structuraldomains of ther- ably, unlike polysaccharides, globular proteins
modynamically equivalent stability. This means cannot be unfolded by shear forces under the
that they are characterized by the same values of flow conditions of thermoplastic extrusion,
the temperature, enthalpy, increment of specific which are likely to be the most severe of food
heat, and free energy of d e n a t u r a t i ~ n . ~ ~ , ~processing
~ ~ J ~ ~ technologies. Globular proteins can
However,after thermal denaturationthese chains unfold and align in flow only in a special sol-
are not compatible in solution and plasticized vent, such as aqueous urea and sodium
melt.'1,33J14Their incompatibility and self-asso- dode~ylsulfate.~~~ Unfolding and orientation of
ciation are important for both the critical con- polysaccharide chains and low-rate relaxation
centration of the protein gelation and the forma- processes in highly viscous polysaccharide-
tion of anisotropic fibrous structures of enriched phases contribute to the nonequilib-
thermoplastic extrudates." Unlike polypeptide rium nature of extruded foods.11.33.112-1L4,259-262
chains of oligomeric seed storage proteins, those The deformation/relaxationand the solidifica-
of gluten seem to be compatible due to lower tiodrelaxation rate ratios of the extrudatephases
hydrophilicity and contributions of disulfide and during extrusion affect the internal stresses,
coordinative interchain bonds. propagation of cracks, porosity, and densities
Both molecular and supermolecular struc- of the products. The ratio between the extru-
tures affect the overall properties of extrudates. sion temperature and the temperature of the
Deformation of dispersed phase particles in glass transition of the phases, the rate of drying
flow leads to fibrous (fibrilla) and lamella struc- and cooling, influence the bulk structure of
tures due to the mechanism of spinneretless extruded and dried food materials.33J12-114,259-262
spinning (Figure 14). Phase diagram asymme- It should be noted that glassy biopolymer
try is important for phase inversion and the components are not only limited by low mois-
structure-property relationships in foods pro- ture and frozen foods. The high concentration of
duced by thermoplastic extrusion, drying, and the chain segments in native and denatured pro-
solidification. It was shown that the expansion tein molecules and the macromolecular associ-
volume of a cereal starch jet leaving the extru- ates forming biopolymer gels determine the
sion die (which depends on the barrel and the glassy state of structural elements of most
nozzle temperatures, extrusion rate, other ex- foods.186The glassy state of biopolymer gel
trusion conditions, moisture level, and amylose networks, low moisture, and frozen foods deter-
content) goes through a maximum in the vicin- mine their memory effects relative the history of
ity of 50% amylose content.318These results preparation con dit ion^.'^.^^.^^ For instance, the
could reflect the incompatibility of amylose memory effects include accumulation of me-
and amylopectin178and the phase inversion of chanical energy by drying under loading and
the extruded system.33 In low-moisture food during extrusion depending on the extrusion-
systems, separation of the phases is counteract- cooling-drying conditions (Figure 22) and swell-
ing by their high viscosity. Phase diagram asym- ing behavior of the dried gels.Is6Memory of dry

Viscoelastic Recover

avisco- Rehydration
material (hot water)
Tg < T < Tm T g < T < Tm
FIGURE 22. Schematic representation of memory effects of low-moisture foods.
Accumulation of mechanical energy and self-stirring effects due to viscoelastic recov-
ery during rehydration. (From Ref. 186.)

gels can be illustrated by the fact that the de- food ingredients. The diffusion rates of water,
gree of swelling of dry gelatin powders pre- air, and other gases through a film depend on
pared by drying the gels of different initial the composition, the volume fraction ratio, and
concentrations is inversely proportional to the the difference in properties between its con-
initial concentration of the gel before drying. In tinuous and dispersed phases. Therefore, the
other words, the maximum degree of swelling biphasic nature of food films (e.g., casing ma-
is shown by the powder obtained from the gel terials and moisture barriers), packaging mate-
with the lowest concentration. Memory effects rials, and three-dimensional foods opens the
can also be illustrated by the dependence of way to controlling permeability, mechanical
wetting behavior of gels on the medium in properties, and rehydration behavior of low-
which the gel was formed.I9 Figure 22 shows moisture and dried foods.lI~33~~12-~14.186-188
that glassy structural elements of foods pre-
serve the mechanical energy accumulated dur-
ing deformation and its release above the glass VIII. PHASE SEPARATION IN
transition temperature. For instance, cooling a BEVERAGES
loaded gel or liquid viscoelastic food system
results in its vitrification and an accumulation Foods and beverages differ greatly in their
of mechanical energy, which can be released composition and the phase behavior of their
(elastic recovery) due to heating and/or addi- macromolecular components. The main rea-
tion of a plasticizer, water. Memory effects are sons underlying this diversity are the low vis-
important for rehydration of instant foods and cosity of beverages and the water dispersibility
drinks, the swelling capacity (swelling behav- of macromolecular components, their associ-
ior) of dry particles, agglomeration, and the ates, aggregates, and complexes. Generally,
preservation or changing the initial shape, in- macromolecular components of drinks cover
cluding self-stimng effects during food rehy- proteins, polypeptides, polysaccharides,
dration and The phase state, the polyphenols, complexes of these macromol-
composition, and the glass transition tempera- ecules and products of their cross-linking,ther-
ture of the phases are the factors affecting the mai decomposition, and chemical modification.
rehydration of dry foods and macromolecular For instance, polysaccharides and phenolic

compounds affect the rheological properties, prove the stability of many drinks. An adsorp-
“body” and mouthfeel of many beverages.320 tion of ions, surfactants, lipids, and flavors by
These macromolecules contribute to the astrin- dispersed particles within the interfacial layers
gency of coffee, tea (green and black), and to results in a local increase in their concentration
the clarity and color of red wines and l i q u o ~ s ? ~ ~ ~and
* ~ enhances their perception. Flavor binding
Besides processing conditions (e.g., drying, by macromolecular components, partitioning
roasting, infusion, and extraction), some en- of individual flavors between co-existing phases
zymes are important to the formation of phe- and interfacial layers, and their volatility from
nolic and other polymers. The composition and the continuous phase are important to the qual-
concentration of macromolecules are impor- ity of many be vera ge^.^^,'^,^^.^^
tant for the phase state, colloidal stability, vis-
cosity, turbidity, and flavor of most beverages
and liquid foods. Phase separation can occur A. Tea
both during processing and storage. Phase sepa-
ration induced by interpolymer complexing, Formation of so-called “tea cream” is one
for example, the limited co-solubility of pro- of the most studied examples of phase separa-
tein-polyphenol complexes, is the most fre- tion in beverages (Figure 23). A strong aque-
quent cause of haze in beer, wine, and clear ous infusion of black tea leaf becomes turbid
fruit juices.323
Phase separation techniques based on cooling. Phase separation of tea with the
on denaturation and coagulation of proteins, formation of a dispersed phase, called tea cream,
interbiopolymer complexing, and incompatibil- results in a loss of transparency, and, typically,
ity (bridging and depletion flocculation) are changes in color and flavor. The formation of
widely used to reduce the cloudiness and im- tea cream is also a technologically negative

Formation of Tea Cream

Hot (%O°C) Cold (<40°C)
Homogeneous Biphasic Infusion
Cooling Water-in-Water Emulsion

Phase separatiolfjj

Heatin g

Partitioning Flavours
between the Phases
FIGURE 23. Schematic representation of tea cream formation.

phenomenon hindering the application of many including the partitioning of polyphenols and
techniques that could concentrate tea extracts, multivalent cations335between the tea phases,
for example, low-temperature freeze-drying and is in agreement with the assumed dominant
membrane filtration. Factors influencing the role of the tea proteins in cream f ~ r m a t i o n . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~
formation of tea cream include the concentra- The detailed chemical analysis of tea infu-
tion, pH, and time-temperature history of the sion phases has been carried out by Chao and
tea i n f ~ s i o n .The
~ ~majority
~ - ~ ~ ~of the tea cream Chia11g.3~'They showed that the semifermented
phase formed in a normal brew (the total solids tea infusion (prepared at a 10% tea leaf/water
content 30 g.1-I) dissolves on heating above ratio, at 90°C and 20 min extraction) containing
40"C, whereas complete dissolving occurs only 3.81 g total soiids/100 ml breaks down on cool-
at 90°C. Tea cream is not dissolved in clarified ing to 30°C into two phases: tea cream and
tea Supernatant, but can be dissolved in water clarified infusion, with concentrations 0.57 and
or dilute tea infusion on heating.330The mor- 3.24 g total solids/100 ml, respectively. The tea
phology of tea cream depends on the concen- cream phase contains 30% catechins, 20% caf-
tration of tea solids. Spherical liquid droplets feine, 16% protein, 2% pectin, and 4.98 ppm Ca
are formed in sufficiently concentrated (above cations. The clarified infusion contains 40%
5% wt) infusions. An increase in tea concentra- catechins, 2.8% pectin, 0.154% protein, 8.3%
tion raises both the amount of the tea cream caffeine, 5.14 ppm Fe, and 0.92 ppm Zn cations.
and the rate of its formation. At a concentration Aging leads to solidification of the separated tea
above 40%, phase inversion occurs. Both the cream phase. Chao and Chiang337reported that
spherical form of the dispersed phase particles an increase in the tea leaf/water ratio from 1.25
and the phase inversion provide evidence of to 15% increases the total solids in the infusions
the liquid-liquid phase separation,which makes and the amount of tea cream, but does not change
an equilibrium between the phases possible. the concentration of each component in the tea
Black tea infusions have an upper critical tem- cream. These data are in good agreement with
perature, about 60°C, on cooling below which the principle that tea creaming is a phase sepa-
phase separation The phase dia- ration caused by both interpolymer complexing
gram for the tea cream formation has been and limited co-solubility of these heterogeneous
determined by light scattering3;; complexes with one another and other macro-
The creaming properties of teas differ molecules?' Pectin is the main polysaccharide
greatly depending on the content of the macro- of leaves, while the most important green leaf
molecular components, first of all proteins and protein (about 25% of water-soluble proteins) is
phenolic polymers. Black tea can contain more ribulosediphosphate carboxylase, an oligomeric
than 100 polyphenols formed mainly due to protein, containing 16 subunits of two types.
oxidation and condensation processes.;% The Complexing with pectin decreases their confor-
first data describing high-molecular-weight(up mational stability.' l s 4 A different affinity of
to 40,000) polymer phenols were obtained by nbulosediphosphate carboxylase and pectin to
Vuataz and B r a n d e n b ~ g e rMolecular
. ~ ~ ~ weight polyphenols, lipids, and multivalent cations in-
and solubility of phenolic polymers are changed creases the chemical difference between them
due to the formation of complexes with other due to the formation of pectin-polyphenol and
components, for example, proteins, polysac- protein-polyphenol complexes. The latter com-
charides, lipids, and metal ati ion s.^^^,^^^ The plexes are presumably limitedly co-soluble and
kinetics of infusion of tea leaf is dependent on concentrated in the different phases. The dis-
the tea leaf/water ratio, the temperature, and persed phase, that is, the tea cream, contains
hydrodynamic ~ o n d i t i o n s . Caffeine
~ ~ ~ , ~ ~and
~ mainly polyphenol-protein complexes, while
epigallocatechin gallate are preferentially in the pectin-polyphenol complexes are in the clarified
cream phase.334The tea cream composition, tea infusion phase. Both complexes are prob-

ably highly heterogeneous triple complexes: increase the compatibility of tea macromolecu-
pectin-Fe-polyphenols and protein-ca-polyphe- lar components. It can be assumed that the
nols stabilized by coordinative interactions with initial incompatibility reflects the great chemi-
cations, hydrogen bonds, and hydrophobic in- cai difference between tea proteins, polysac-
teractions. Tea lipids presumably also form com- charides, and phenolic polymers. Casein cov-
plexes with proteins and polyphenolic compo- erage would make complex particles chemically
nents of tea. A significantchemical difference of similar, that is, achieving molecular mimicry at
the complexes determines the remarkable asym- the colloidal level, presumably contributing to
metry of the phase diagram of teas. The pectin- an increase in co-solubility of the c~mplexes.~'
Fe-polyphenolcomplexeshave a higher excluded
volume, hydrophilicity, and are more competi-
tive for water than the protein-Ca-polyphenol B. Coffee
complexes forming the dispersed tea cream
phase. In the latter, protein molecules can be Unlike macromolecular components of
cross-linked by polyphenols by hydrogen bonds green leaves and grasses, which usually have a
and hydrophobic interactions that presumably quite similar chemical composition because of
determine the reversibility of the phase separa- the same fundamental functions: photosynthe-
tion on heating. Owing to the higher hydropho- sis and transpiration, seeds differ markedly in
bicity of its various components, the tea cream their chemical composition because germina-
phase is a better solvent for flavors and caffeine. tion yields greatly different plants. Neverthe-
These assumptions are in agreement with less, the macromolecular ingredients of black
experimental results, particularly those that tea and coffee extracts, their content, heteroge-
concern the applications of tea creams requir- neity, and phase behavior seem to have many
ing preconcentration of tea components338and common features. Dry coffee beans contain ca.
the methods proposed for overcoming cream- 40 to 65.5% carbohydrates, including 3 to 4%
ing in manufacturing soluble These soluble polysaccharides, 6.7 to 12.1% chloro-
methods include: (1) separation of the phases genic acids, and 1 to 3% lignin, 7.9 to 12%
under cooling, their separate drying, and dry proteins, 25 to 40%of which are water-soluble
mixing; (2) tea cream dissolving in the second proteins, and 8 to 18% lipids.352A specific
aqueous extract of leaves on heating;339 feature of roasted cafe is a pronounced hetero-
(3) drying at above 75°C; (4) separation and geneity of macromolecular components. Cof-
oxidation of the tea cream phase to increase fee proteins with the IEPs in the ranges 4.4 to
solubility;340and (5) the addition of catechin 4.7 and 5.7 to 6.3 have a high proportion of
extracted from green tea leaves to improve the storage proteins, about 45% of which are legu-
solubility of the tea components in cold wa- min-like 11s g l o b ~ l i n . 3The
~ ~ -macroscopic
ter;341(6) the addition of O. l % beta-cyclodextrin structure of coffee beans is the result of com-
(which is a cream inhibitory agent) to tea infu- plex processes and interactions that occur post-
; ~ (7)
s i o n ~and ~ an application of tannase, which harvest. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and car-
can be (8) used to treat green tea before fer- bon monoxide formed at the roasting due to
~ ~(9)
m e n t a t i ~ nand ~ .immobilized
~~ to treat an pyrolysis and condensation are mainly respon-
aqueous tea extract at 50 to 65°C.345Manufac- sible for the puffing and porous structure of
turing stable tea extracts and instant teas with- roasted coffee beans. The glassy state of the
out forming tea cream on cooling and freeze roasted porous beans encapsulatesand preserves
concentration is also possible when a sufficient coffee aroma during storage. Grinding roasted
amount of milk or a caseinate solution is added beans releases the aroma compounds from the
before and/or after cooling and tea creaming.349-351 porous glassy matrix. Accordingly, coffee fla-
The effect of casein is interpreted to be to vor enhancers are produced by grinding fresh

roasted coffee beans heated at a temperature of formed by thermal decompositionof chlorogenic,
85 to 105”C, adsorbing the flavors on solid caffeic, and other polyphenolic a ~ i d s .Phenolic
adsorbents and extracting them into organic polymers form complexes and condensationprod-
solvent/water mixtures. The coffee lipids, for ucts with polysaccharides, proteins, and with
example, produced from pressed roasted cof- multivalent cations. The hydrophobicity and sur-
fee, are also used as a good solvent for coffee face activity of modified polysaccharides are most
aroma compounds. Volatile aroma compounds responsible for the foaming of both coffee and
(collected from grinding gas, steaming of tea.
ground roasted coffee before extraction) can be The extract used for manufacturing instant
dispersed subsequently in the coffee oil and coffee is typically concentrated up to 35 to
~ ~ ~ , ~ ~60%
added to the final coffee p o ~ d e r .Depend- ~ wt solids by either water evaporation or
ing on the roasting and extraction conditions, freezing and separation of ice crystals.362These
soluble coffee contains variable amounts of highly concentrated coffee liquors containing
melanoidins, polysaccharides, phenolic poly- chemically and physically heterogeneous mix-
mers, and their complexes. Macromolecular ture of macromolecular components obviously
components of soluble cafe include: about 15 cannot be thermodynamically stable. However,
to 35% melanoidins, 1 to 21%“proteins”, and unlike in tea cream formation, the phase sepa-
18 to 50% polysaccharide^.^^^-^^^ ration of coffee extracts and coffee liquors re-
The chemistry of coffee bean roasting re- mains practically unstudied. Phase separation
mains poorly understood. The roasting results in in concentrated coffee extracts on cooling was
chemical modification of macromolecular com- only considered in specific patents, whose ob-
ponents due to pyrolysis, oxidation, depolymer- jectives were (1) freeze concentration of coffee
ization, cross-linking, polymerization, polycon- extracts; (2) manufacturing coffee concentrates,
densation,the Maillard reaction, etc. The Maillard which can be stored at room temperature; and
reaction, with participation of free amino acids, (3) fortificationof coffee with bioavailable iron.
peptides, proteins, monosaccharides, sucrose, Freeze concentration of a coffee extract re-
polysaccharides, chlorogenic acid, and lipids, is quires that it is stable on cooling. Therefore, it
responsible for color, flavor, cross-linking of was proposed to cool a Concentrated coffee
proteins, and the formation of partially soluble extract up to 20 to 45°C to precipitate tars and
(acid-precipitated) me la no id in^.^^^,^^^ The mac- waxes and remove them by filtration prior to
romolecular products of the Maillard reaction freeze concentration, to be able to separate the
aiso include protein-polysaccharide conjugates concentrate from the ice by c e n t r i f ~ g a t i o n . 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
and modified polysaccharide~.3~~-~~ A similar method was proposed for producing
A iimited number of publications are devoted liquid coffee concentrates that can be stored.
to the transformations of coffee proteins, polysac- The dispersed particles and bacteria are re-
charides, and phenolic polymers. Heterogeneous moved by filtering the concentrate before bot-
high-molecular-weight galactomannans and tling.373
arabinogalactansare the main polysaccharides in The fist unique patent on the phase separa-
coffee extracts?“ Arabinogaiactomannans be- tion of coffee liquor was aimed at the problem of
tween 5000 to 50,000 molecular weight were iron fortificationof c0ffee.3’~Because iron-defi-
found in coffee brews.367In the hot water extracts cient anemia takes place in some developing
of dark roasted Coffea arabica,two fractions with countries, such as Costa Rica, where coffee is
10,900Da and 270,000 Da were An widely consumed, iron fortification of coffee
important role of the high-molecular-weight was of practical importance. The direct addition
polysaccharide fractions (about 70,000 Da and of iron compounds to coffee is impossible be-
2000 kDa) was also shown in the foam stability cause phenolic polymers and polyphenolic acids
of espresso coffeem Phenolic polymers can be as multidentate ligands form insoluble chelate

complexes with iron ions. Actually, a more re- charides modified by the Maillard reaction, can
cent study showed that polymeric phenols are form the continuous phase of coffee extracts due
responsible for formating metal (iron and zinc) to the higher co-solubility with each other than
coordination complexes in instant coffee.375 with polymeric phenols. The stability of coffee
Therefore, phase separation of coffee liquor on extracts after adding iron means a complete sepa-
cooling was used to separate phenolcontaining ration of phenolic ingredients into the dispersed
fractions374and to avoid precipitation of added phase. Phenolic polymers and polysaccharides
iron. The authors found that polyhydroxyphenols chemically modified by polyphenolic acids (of
and polyhydroxyphenol-polysaccharide com- low and high molecular weights) can be concen-
plexes are precipitated when liquid coffee ex- trated in the dispersed phase of coffee brew. A
tracts with concentrations above 15 wt.% are higher concentration, density, and viscosity of
cooled below 35°C. After separating the pre- the dispersed phase and a relatively lower vis-
cipitated material, an assimilable Fe compound cous dispersion medium favor the separation of
can be added to the extract before drying. The the coffee extract phases by centrifugation. Like
efficiency of this technique374in isolating phe- in the case of tea, the content of phenolic acids,
nolic compounds proves that coffee extracts iron, and other polyvalent cations, which may
break down into two phases on cooling and that change with the coffee cultivar and growing
macromolecular components are concentrated conditions, thus could affect the phase behavior
in the different phases and have a very low co- and viscosity of coffee liquor.
solubility. Like black tea infusions, a coffee Phase separation of coffee extract on cool-
extract has an upper critical point. Figure 24 ing is more important than previously be-
illustrates the phase separation of coffee extracts l i e ~ e to ~ ~quality of soluble coffee. An
d ~the
on cooling. Polysaccharides, including polysac- important role of phase separation in coffee

Coffee Extract
as Biphasic Polymer System

Phase separation Encapsulation

Water-in-Water Emulsion

Hot ( > 600C) BIPHASIC

Soluble Coffee
Coffee Extract Coffee Extract
(>lo% wt) Cold (< 4OOC)
FIGURE 24. Phase separation of coffee liquor. Schematic representation of soluble coffee powder as a biphasic

manufacturing is evidenced by the well-known trol, for new cross-linking agents for food
difference in flavor quality and intensity of macromolecules to control the permeability and
flavor between a soluble coffee and a classic texture of food membranes, and finally for
freshly prepared expresso or a roasted coffee encapsulating nutrients for functional foods,
during milling. This great difference in flavor drinks, etc.
is preserved even when the original quality of
coffee beans, their roasting, and storage condi-
tions are changed. This shows (Figure 24) that IX. CONCLUSION
the flavor of instant coffee is not a chemical but
physicochemical problem. Actually, the dis- Although pursued for many thousands of
persed phase containing phenolic compounds years, the search and development of formulated
could be a better solvent for coffee flavors. The foods is still in the bloom of its youth. Several
drying of concentrated phase separated liquors thousand food products and beverages are devel-
is accompanied by nonequivalent losses of fla- oped every year. Comparable dynamism is only
vors from both phases. The phase separation typical of some other areas of the arts, in music
and nonuniform partitioning of flavor compo- and Ijterature. There is an increasing interest in
nents between the dispersed and the continuous functional and instant palatable foods with con-
coffee phases can decrease the flavor intensity trollable compositions. Because phase state, stnic-
and change the flavor profile. Because poly- mal, and physical properties of conventional and
mers, which are incompatible in solution, are novel foods are determined mainly by the protein
also incompatible in a melt, dry coffee powders and polysaccharide components, food formula-
are biphasic in nature (Figure 24). This phase tion and processing require attention to the physi-
separated nonequilibrium nature and glassy state cal chemistry of food macromolecules in order to
of dry foods and drinks are important for rehy- control their functionality in biological systems,
dration, swelling, and dissolving of dehydrated in food systems, and in chyme.
par tic le^.'^,^^ A marked difference between the Due to molecular mimicry, native globular
chemical compositions of the phases corre- proteins as food components (e.g., milk whey,
sponds to a different rate of their swelling, egg white, seed storage proteins) are signifi-
dissolution in water, and their different affinity cantly co-soluble with other ingredients, add-
for flavors. The phase separationtechnique used ing minimal contributions to the viscosity of
for isolating the phenolic components is impor- food systems and maximum reproducibility in
tant for improving coffee drying technology their properties. Physical and chemical modifi-
and the quality Characteristics of soluble coffees. cations of proteins and polysaccharides during
For instance, this can include a decrease in food processing usually reduce molecular mim-
viscosity and an increase in concentration and icry and the co-solubility of macromolecules.
stability of coffee liquors before drying. The Phase separation therefore is more typical of
separation of phenolic coffee components would foods than biological systems and are impor-
control pH, which is an important parameter of tant for designing specific food structures. The
As the functions of polyphe-
the final drink.376*377 main advantages of long-chain charged polysac-
nolic acids in seeds presumably include de- charides are the low-phase separation thresh-
fense against digestive enzymes, viruses, and old with proteins, low critical concentration
infections, the phenol-rich phase isolated from needed for gelation, high viscosity, and
coffee liquors could find various novel applica- complexing ability with proteins. Symbiosis in
tions. This phenolic material and its fractions mixtures of globular proteins, polysaccharides,
could be used for extracting coffee flavors, for and protein-polysaccharide mixtures, which is
coating packaging materials used for perish- usually called functional “synergy”, is widely
able foods, for food designed for weight con- used in the food indusiry.

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Bruce German and Dr. Robert Redgwell for all
their help in preparing the manuscript. 12. Tolstoguzov, V., Functional properties of food
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Wedlock, D.J., Eds. Gums and Stabilisers for
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