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Madyson Hall



12 April 2021

Technology Essay revision

How does technology affect you? In the article, It’s not you. Phones are designed to be

addicting and article, Have smartphones destroyed a generation? These two articles talk about

the negative effects technology has on people. To start off with some background information,

phones not only separate reality from expectations but also cause blurred vision, risks of brain

cancer, sleep disorders and so much more. The main point of this essay is to expose the truth

behind cell phones and their effects on our health.

To start off, cell phones revolve around your life in today’s generation from using your

phone as an alarm clock to scrolling through apps for hours on end. Youtube video, It’s not you.

Phones are designed to be addicting by Christopher Hausbursin, explains how phones have not

only become a source of communication but addiction. Hausbursin says, “Apps simulate a social

interaction” (Hausbursin). This quote discusses the importance of phones simulating interaction

and the bad effect it has on people. People will tend to only communicate over the phone but

never build real relationships in person, this can lead people to social anxiety, depression, and a

sense of false reality. Hausbursin also believes the appearance of phones keeps us engaged, he

states, “The bright colors are more attracting” (Hausbursin). This is completely true especially

for younger kids, all of the fun colorful cases and bright apps keep us attracted to our phones

even more. The different cases and colors attract our eyes which in return keep us addicted.

Eventually, our eyes will not be able to take the constant brightness and colors from our phones

and can result in blurred vision.

Secondly, sleep deprivation is a major problem for people with phones, with the bright

light keeping you awake and the algorithm of apps making you lose track of time. In the article,

Have smartphones destroyed a generation? By Jean M. Twenge, Twenge explains the daily

damage we do to our bodies by replacing our sleep with phone time. Twenge states, “Children

who use a media device right before bed are more likely to sleep less than they should, more

likely to sleep poorly, and more than twice as likely to be sleepy during the day” (Twenge).

Twenge only mentions children in this piece of evidence but it goes for all phone users, many

adults have these same effects and sleep problems from poor phone usage. With sleep

deprivation comes many other health issues such as depression, anxiety, narcolepsy, etc. Tieing

into the second claim, Twenge goes on to say, “The correlations between depression and

smartphone use are strong enough to suggest that more parents should be telling their kids to put

down their phone” (Twenge). Not only does just the sleep deprivation from smartphones cause

depression but the phone itself does, cyberbullying is the most common way kids get bullied

nowadays meaning that children can be getting bullied online and parents wouldn’t even know.

All in all, is your cell phone really worth all the problems it causes? Cell phones are

extremely damaging to your mental health and physical health. Phones keep us from building

real in person relationships and enjoying the little things in life. In order to have strong

meaningful relationships phones need to be taken out of the picture. Although I do not believe

phones will ever be taken out of the picture, maybe this essay can at least influence a few people

to put the phone down and go enjoy life.

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