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The Silent Crisis

In the words of psychologist Adam Alter,

"Our devices are changing us, inside and
out." Which is true in today's society, where
smartphones and social media play a
central role in our lives. In the next few
lines, you are going to know more about
phone and social media addiction.

As we call it addiction, it might have some

impacts on us. To begin with, mobile and social
media addiction can have a significant impact
on our mental health, relationships, and overall
well-being. In addition, constantly checking
notifications, scrolling through endless feeds,
and feeling the need to always be online can
lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and even
loneliness. Moreover, This constant need for
validation and approval from our online peers
can also lower self-esteem and trigger feelings
of inadequacy.

As you read, mostly the impact of the social

media and mobile is negatively affecting us in
different ways , so we must know them. One of
the most concerning aspects of mobile and
social media addiction is its impact on our
productivity and focus. Apart from this, Studies
have shown that excessive use of these
technologies can lead to shorter attention
spans, decreased cognitive function, and even
poor sleep habits. To end with, social media
addiction can make it difficult to concentrate on
important tasks and lead to a decrease in your
overall performance.
After knowing all its negative effects on us, we
should know how to decrease this addiction. To
combat mobile and social media addiction, it’s
essential to set boundaries and establish
healthy habits. Besides, limiting screen time,
setting specific times for social media usage,
and taking regular breaks from your devices can
help reduce the impact of these technologies
on your mental health. Finally, Spending time
engaging in offline activities, such as exercise,
hobbies, and face-to-face interactions, can also
help break the cycle of dependency on mobile
devices and social media.

In conclusion, I think that social media and

phone addiction are real problems affecting
many people today. It's important for everyone
to recognize this and take steps to use
technology more responsibly. By being mindful
of our usage, setting boundaries, and
promoting digital well-being, we can enjoy a
healthier relationship with our devices and
improve our overall well-being.

Made by: Rana Hamza

Supervised by: Miss Mona Taha
Nile Egyptian International School

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