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1) Observe as imagens e complete as lacunas com: in, on, under:

a) There is a key ________ the tablet.

b) There is a boy ________ the plane.

c) There is a boll ________ the box.


d) There are boys ________ the tree.

2) observe as imagens e responda


a) Where is the mouse?

It is ________ the box.

b) Where is the mouse?

It is ________ the box.

c) Where is the mouse?

It is ________ the box.

3) observe as imagens abaixo e assinale a opção correta:

a) in

b) on

c) under

2. Complete the sentences using THERE IS or THERE ARE. a) __________ a book on

the bookcase. b) __________ three students in the classroom. c) __________ some
pencils in the pencil case. d) __________ an eraser on the desk. e) __________ some
exercises to do.
8) Complete the sentences with THERE IS or THERE ARE according to the pictures:

a) _______________ books in the bag.

b) _______________ a man in the car.

c) _______________ two chopsticks in the rice.

a) in

b) on

c) under

a) in

b) on

c) under

a) in

b) on

c) under

a) in

b) on

c) under

3) Complete the sentences with the prepositions:

a) The pen is ________________ the notebook.

b) The brown dog is ________________ the box.

c) The panda is___________________ the lamps.

d) The presents are _________________ the table.

Write the number
eighteen  ……………….twelve………………fourteen……………….
thirty-one………………. forty-six……………  fifty-eight………………. sixty-

Escreva os números abaixo por extenso em Inglês:

a) 12________________________
b) 8________________________
c) 9__________________________ 
d) 2_________________________
e) 3_________________________
f) 6___________________________ 
g) 15________________________
h) 17 _______________________
i) 11 _________________________ 
l) 20 ________________________
m) 1 ________________________
n) 13 _________________________ 
o) 5_________________________
p) 14________________________
q) 18 __________________________ 

What’s the next number?

a. three, six, nine, _________________________
b. nineteen, sixteen, thirteen, _______________________
c. five, seven, nine, ___________________________
d. one, three, six, ten, _____________________
e. two, five, nine, fourteen, ______________________
f. four, eight, twelve, ______________________
scolham a opção que melhor traduz os termos sublinhados a seguir.

1. I'm going to buy a new notebook. School starts again next week.

A. Livro
B. Agenda
C. Caderno

2. Where's her pencil sharpener?

A. Lápis de cor
B. Caneta
C. Apontador

3. Can you lend me your eraser?

A. Caneta
B. Apontador
C. Borracha
4. We need glue. Could you go and buy it?

A. Cola
B. Régua
C. Agenda

5. Give me the ruler.

A. Régua
B. Caderno
C. Tinta

6. I lost my scissors.

A. Mochila
B. Régua
C. Tesoura

7. Children use crayons every day.

A. Giz de cera
B. Caneta
C. Mochila

8. The colored pencils are here.

A. Lápis de cor
B. Canetas
C. Livros

9. For most students, heavy backpacks are an inconvenience, not a source of injury. 

A. Livros
B. Estojos
C. Mochilas

10. I need to use a calculator.

A. Professor de matemática
B. Calculadora
C. Fichário

10) Read and complete.

I´m Rocco Neroni. I´m 16 years old and I´m from

Italy. My favorite school subjects are Math and

Computing. After school I like to ride a bike or play

Volleyball with my friends. I have three best

friends. They´re Tulio, Lamberto and Salvatore. We

play Volleyball on Fridays.

a) Favorite subjects: _________________________________________

b) Best friends: _____________________________________________

c) Hobbies: ________________________________________________

d) Nationality: ______________________________________________

3. Marlon Brando

    Hello! My name is Marlon Brando. I am twenty one years old, live

in an apartment with my parents and my two brothers, Peter and
Carol, wich is located in São Paulo, a city in which I live since my

    My favorite hobby is playing football with my friends on the village

in which I live. Working as a firefighter, it is a great recognition save

a. Qual é o nome do personagem da história?

b. Quantos anos esse personagem tem?

4. Quantos irmãos ele tem?

a. (   )one

b. (   )two

c. (   )four
d. (   )five

5. Em qual cidade está localizado o apartamento em que Marlon


6. Qual é o esporte favorito do personagem do texto?

7. Responda em inglês (escreva por extenso):

b. Seu animal preferido:

c. Sua cor preferida:

d. A sua idade:

8. Faça os cálculos e escreva o nome dos números em inglês:

a. 1+20=

b. 35-20=

c. 10+2=

d. 2 x 5=

e. 27+7=

f. 12+4=

9. Escreva os números em inglês por extenso:

33: _______________________________         27:


45: _______________________________         33:

24: _______________________________         18:

7: ________________________________         13:

35: _______________________________         12:


15: _______________________________         50:


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