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Varicose vein is a condition caused by permanent damage to

the veins of the thighs, leg or feet. The valves functioned to

control the flow of blood back from the legs to the heart and
lungs are damaged forever leaving them abnormal and
dysfunctional. No proven natural or medicinal solutions to
correct the damaged valves is presently available.
Why need varicose vein treatment ?
The appearance of large, swollen, dark bluish-green veins
commonly seen on the legs or feet are called varicose veins.
Symptoms of varicose veins when left untreated, could lead to
complications such as leg ulcers, painful swelling, formation
of blood clots called phlebitis and bleeding within the skin.
Signs that indicate need for varicose vein treatment are:
- Pain with swelling
- Discolouration of skin
- Pain increased on standing or sitti ng for long
- Heavy feeling in the legs
- Itchy or burning sensation around the abnormal vein
- The affected area feels tender
Diagnosis of varicose vein in Chennai
Varicose veins can be diagnosed by a doctor with
physical examination. To determine the cause of
the varicose vein, the use of Doppler (Duplex) ultrasound
is needed. This is a painless test that assesses the valve
function in the groin and also know how much blood is
flowing back into the legs.
Types of varicose vein treatment
 Conservative varicose vein treatment
- Use of compression stockings is often the first
approach as treatment for mild varicose veins.
Wearing compression stockings throughout the day
steadily squeezes leg muscles helping veins to move
up blood more efficiently. Prescription-strength
stockings are suggested according to the severity of
the symptoms caused by varicose veins.
- Exercising, losing weight, wearing loose clothes,
elevating the legs and avoiding standing or sitting
position for long periods are recommended as self-
care measures to relieve pain and prevent varicose
veins from getting worse.
 Varicose vein surgeries - to permanently relieve the
pain, discomfort and long term problems caused by
the dysfunctional veins, surgeries are suggested.
Employing latest procedures as specialized
treatment of damaged veins enable return to active
Non-invasive treatment for varicose veins – How it
works ?
Varicose veins can be easily treated on an outpatient
basis. Varied types of non-invasive treatment usually
does not require hospital stay or a long, uncomfortable
recovery. Contrary to the traditional stripping of the vein,
the best treatment for varicose vein involves using
substances such as laser, radiofrequency or medical glue
to close and collapse the vein. When the damaged vein is
closed, the function of transporting deoxygenated blood
back to the heart and lungs is taken over by the
neighbouring healthy veins. The closed and dead veins
naturally get absorbed by surrounding tissues and
disappear over a period of weeks. The overall circulation
improves as one way of the blood flow is restored with
the removal of varicose veins in a safer way.
Methods of non-invasive varicose vein treatment
All non-invasive procedures available for treating
varicose veins achieve the same goal, that is to destroy
the damaged, dysfunctional veins. The substance used to
collapse or close the vein may vary from one method to
Sclerotherapy - The sclerosant injected in to the vein,
scars the vein and causes it to collapse, forcing blood to
reroute through healthy veins. Small varicose veins
located close to the surface of the skin can be treated
using this procedure to improve the appearance of the
leg. Larger veins are treated using foam sclerotherapy
where the sclerosant is converted in to a foam before
Laser treatment – This is the latest technology to close
off varicose veins and spider veins without incisions or
use of needles. Strong bursts of light are sent onto the
vein, making the vein slowly fade and disappear.
Radiofrequency Ablation – Radio waves transmitted through
the vein wall by passing a wire catheter along the vein, heats
up, thickens and contracts the vein wall that disappears later.
Deeper veins of the leg are best treated with this procedure
but the disappearance of the vein may take some time.
Endo venous Laser Ablation - Uses laser energy transmitted
through a Laser fibre inserted into the catheter, moved to the
necessary location, causing the vessel to close by heat and
disappear over time. This procedure is the preferred
treatment for larger varicose veins.
Vena seal - The most recent innovation in the treatment
of varicose veins is to physically seal and close the main
defective vein with the use of medical glue known as
vena seal. Vena seal does not require a regional nerve
block or anaesthesia. The biggest advantage is that,
there is no post-treatment pain medication or
uncomfortable compression stockings required.
Which procedure may be best treatment for varicose
veins ?
To decide which procedure is the best choice, several
factors will have to be weighed in making that decision.
Some of the important factors include:
- Age and overall health condition
- Severity of varicose veins
- Symptoms causing distress
- Efficiency of recovery with specific procedures
- Goals and opinions about the look and feel
- Doctor’s expectation on the prognosis of the
Varicose vein specialist in Chennai
Concern about getting the right diagnosis and treatment
for varicose vein is right and understood. Vein health is
incredibly important for overall wellbeing and having an
experienced doctor can be the relief. Results of the
varicose vein treatment procedure depends largely on the
person performing the leg vein treatment. Doctor
specialised in varicose vein treatment offers a
comprehensive treatment program to treat varicose veins
which includes non-surgical laser treatment techniques.
Advances that give safer, less invasive treatments for leg
veins are best employed by the vein specialist in
Advantages of varicose vein treatment in Chennai
- Painless and minimally invasive
- Out-patient procedure
- No hospitalisation
- Return to normal activities within a day or two after
the procedure.
- High success rates
- Qualified vein specialists
- Affordable cost
- Improve the appearance of the skin on the legs or
- Leaves no signs of scarring or bruising
- No risks of infection or complications.

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