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Appendix: Some Source Codes

In VBA, (Visual Basic for Application) the code for a European call option
with the binomial model can be written as:

Function eCall(S, K, T, r, sigma, n)

u ¼ Exp(sigma*((T/n)^0.5))
d ¼ 1/u
r ¼ Exp(r*(T/n))
rp_u ¼ (r - d)/(r*(u - d))
rp_d ¼ 1/r - rp_u
eCall ¼ 0

For i ¼ 0 To n
eCall ¼ eCall + Application.Combin(n, i)*rp_u^i*rp_d^(n - i)* _
Application.Max(S*u^i*d^(n - i) - K, 0)
Next i
End Function

A more general binomial model, which also handles American-type options,

is given below. This code is written in VBA and handles some of the binomial
models such as Cox–Ross–Rubenstein (with and without Black–Scholes
smoothing) and the Leisen–Reimer model. The model also calculates the
Greeks, delta, gamma and theta. To calculate rho and vega, two trees must
be made with two different interest rates and volatilities, respectively

© The Author(s) 2017 461

J.R.M. Röman, Analytical Finance: Volume I,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-34027-2
462 Appendix: Some Source Codes

’ Input mBin ¼ Binomial model

’ mExe ¼ Put or Call (PUT_ or CALL_)
’ mTyp ¼ American or European

Function Binom(mBin As Long, mTyp As Long, mExe As Long, S As Double,

X As Double, T As Double, r As Double, v As Double, n As Long,
mDelta As Double, mGamma As Double, mTheta As Double)
Dim d1 As Double, d2 As Double, a As Double, b As Double
Dim aa As Double, vv As Double, U As Double, D As Double
Dim udd As Double, u_d As Double, p As Double, Dt As Double
Dim disc As Double, pe As Double, my As Double, m As Double
Dim q As Double, ermqdt As Double, pdash As Double, ans As Double
Dim idx As Long, i As Long, j As Long
Dim lSt1(0 To 2) As Double
Dim lC1(0 To 2) As Double
ReDim lSt(0 To n + 2) As Double
ReDim lC(0 To n + 2) As Double

d1 ¼ (Log(S / X) + (r + v * v / 2) * T) / (v * Sqr(T))
d2 ¼ d1 - v * Sqr(T)
Dt ¼ T / n
disc ¼ Exp(-r * Dt)

If (mBin ¼ CRR) Then

U ¼ Exp(v * Sqr(Dt))
udd ¼ U / D
u_d ¼ U - D
p ¼ (1 / disc - D) / u_d
ElseIf (mBin ¼ PEG) Then
pe ¼ (Log(X / S)) / n
U ¼ Exp(pe + v * Sqr(Dt))
D ¼ Exp(pe - v * Sqr(Dt))
udd ¼ U / D
u_d ¼ U - D
p ¼ (1 / disc - D) / u_d
ElseIf (mBin ¼ JR) Then
’ Remark pu ¼ pd ¼ 0.5!
’ In this method the calc. of delta and gamma (rho+) is more
’ difficult since S0 <> S0*u*d. Use ORC method in this case!
my ¼ r - 0.5 * v * v
U ¼ Exp(my * Dt + v * Sqr(Dt))
D ¼ Exp(my * Dt - v * Sqr(Dt))
p ¼ 0.5
udd ¼ U / D
u_d ¼ U - D
Appendix: Some Source Codes 463

ElseIf (mBin ¼ TIAN) Then

m ¼ Exp(r * Dt)
vv ¼ Exp(v * v * Dt)
U ¼ 0.5 * m * vv * (1 + vv + Sqr(vv * vv + 2 * vv - 3))
D ¼ 0.5 * m * vv * (1 + vv - Sqr(vv * vv + 2 * vv - 3))
udd ¼ U / D
u_d ¼ U - D
p ¼ (1 / disc - D) / u_d
ElseIf (mBin ¼ LR) Then
q¼0 ’ No yield
ermqdt ¼ Exp((r - q) * Dt)
d2 ¼ BSDTwo(S, X, r, q, T, v)
p ¼ PPNormInv(d2, n)
pdash ¼ PPNormInv(d2 + v * Sqr(T), n)
U ¼ ermqdt * pdash / p
D ¼ ermqdt * (1 - pdash) / (1 - p)
udd ¼ U / D
u_d ¼ U - D
End If

’ initialize stock prices at maturity log(a^b) ¼ b*log(a)

lSt(0) ¼ S * D ^ n

For i ¼ 1 To n
lSt(i) ¼ lSt(i - 1) * udd
Next i

’ initialize option prices at maturity n

For i ¼ 0 To n
lC(i) ¼ Max(0, bC(mExe, lSt(i), X))
Next i

idx ¼ find_opt_index(lSt, X, n)

’ step back through the tree

For j ¼ n - 1 To 2 Step -1
For i ¼ 0 To j
lC(i) ¼ disc * (p * lC(i + 1) + (1 - p) * lC(i))
lSt(i) ¼ lSt(i) / D
If (mTyp ¼ AMERICAN) Then
lC(i) ¼ Max(lC(i), bC(mExe, lSt(i), X))
End If
If (BS_Smoothing) Then
If (j ¼ n - 1) Then
If (i >¼ idx And i <¼ idx + 4) Then
464 Appendix: Some Source Codes

lC(i) ¼ GBlackScholes(mExe, lSt(i), X, T / n, r, r, v)

End If
End If
End If
Next i
Next j

’ save option value, used for calculating hedge parameters

mTheta ¼ lC(1) / Dt ’ For calculating Theta.

For i ¼ 0 To 1
lC1(i) ¼ disc * (p * lC(i + 1) + (1 - p) * lC(i))
lSt1(i) ¼ lSt(i) / D

If (mTyp ¼ AMERICAN) Then

lC1(i) ¼ Max(lC1(i), bC(mExe, lSt1(i), X))
End If
Next i

ans ¼ disc * (p * lC1(1) + (1 - p) * lC1(0))

If (mTyp ¼ AMERICAN) Then ans ¼ Max(ans, bC(mExe, S, X))

mGamma ¼ ((lC(2) - lC(1)) / (lSt(2) - lSt(1)) - _

(lC(1) - lC(0)) / (lSt(1) - lSt(0))) / (0.5 * (lSt(2) - lSt(0)))
mDelta ¼ (lC1(1) - lC1(0)) / (lSt1(1) - lSt1(0))
mTheta ¼ (mTheta - ans / Dt) / 2
If (mBin ¼ TIAN) Then mTheta ¼ mTheta / 2
Binom ¼ ans
End Function

To find the index closest to the strike for the Black–Scholes smoothing, we use
the following function:

Function find_opt_index(lSt() As Double, mX As Double, n As Long)

Dim idx As Long, i As Long

idx ¼ 0

For i ¼ 0 To n - 1
If (lSt(i) >¼ mX) Then Exit For
idx ¼ idx + 1
Next i
find_opt_index ¼ idx - 2
End Function
Appendix: Some Source Codes 465

The boundary for call and put, is given by:

Function bC(aIsCall As Long, S As Double, X As Double) As Double

If aIsCall Then
bC ¼ S - X
bC ¼ X - S
End If
End Function

We also use two functions from the Black–Scholes model:

Function BSDTwo(S As Double, X As Double, r As Double, q As Double, _

T As Double, v As Double) As Double
BSDTwo ¼ (Log(S / X) + (r - q - 0.5 * v * v) * T) / (v * Sqr(T))
End Function
double BSDTwo(double S, double X, double r, double q, double T,

Function BlackScholes(mCall As Long, S As Double, X As Double, _

T As Double, r As Double, b As Double, _
v As Double) As Double
Dim d1 As Double, d2 As Double

d1 ¼ (Log(S / X) + (b + v * v / 2) * T) / (v * Sqr(T))
d2 ¼ d1 - v * Sqr(T)

If (mCall) Then
BlackScholes ¼ S*Exp((b - r) * T)*CND(d1) - X*Exp(-r*T)*CND(d2)
BlackScholes ¼ X*Exp(-r*T)*CND(-d2) - S*Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(-d1)
End If
End Function

In the Leisen–Reimer model we use the Peizer–Pratt inversion formula:

Function PPNormInv(z As Double, n As Long) As Double

Dim c1 As Double

n ¼ 2 * Int(n / 2) + 1 ’ ¼¼ odd(n);
c1 ¼ Exp(-((z / (n + 1 / 3 + 0.1 / (n + 1))) * _
(z / (n + 1 / 3 + 0.1 / (n + 1)))) * (n + 1 / 6))
PPNormInv ¼ 0.5 + Sgn(z) * Sqr((0.25 * (1 - c1)))
End Function
466 Appendix: Some Source Codes

The function CND to calculate the cumulative normal eistribution is given

in VBA below. This function below gives the normal distribution function
with a maximum error of 108:

do Function CND(X As Double) As Double

Dim sign As Long
Dim x2, q0, q1, q2 As Double

If (X < 0) Then
X ¼ -X
sign ¼ -1
ElseIf (X > 0) Then
sign ¼ 1
Else ’ (x ¼ 0.0)
CND ¼ 0.5
Exit Function
End If

If (X > 20) Then

If (sign < 0) Then
CND ¼ 0
CND ¼ 1
End If
Exit Function
End If

X ¼ X*0.707106781186547
x2 ¼ X*X
If (X < 0.46875) Then
q1 ¼ 3209.37758913847 + x2*(377.485237685302 + x2* _
(113.86415415105 + x2*(3.16112374387057 + x2* _

q2 ¼ 2844.23683343917 + x2*(1282.61652607737 + x2* _

(244.024637934444 + x2*(23.6012909523441 + x2)))
CND ¼ 0.5*(1 + sign*X*q1/q2)
ElseIf (X < 4) Then
q1 ¼ X*(8.88314979438838 + X*(0.56418849698867 + X* _
q1 ¼ X*(881.952221241769 + X*(298.6351381974 + X* _
(66.1191906371416 + q1)))
q1 ¼ 1230.339354798 + X*(2051.07837782607 + X*(1712.04761263407 _
+ q1))
Appendix: Some Source Codes 467

q2 ¼ X*(117.693950891312 + X * (15.7449261107098 + X))

q2 ¼ X*(3290.79923573346 + X*(1621.38957456669 + X* _
(537.18110186201 + q2)))
q2 ¼ 1230.33935480375 + X*(3439.36767414372 + X* _
(4362.61909014325 + q2))

CND ¼ 0.5*(1 + sign*(1 - Exp(-x2)*q1/q2))

q0 ¼ 1/x2
q1 ¼ 6.58749161529838E-04 + q0*(1.60837851487423E-02 + q0* _
(0.125781726111229 + q0*(0.360344899949804 + q0* _
(0.305326634961232 + q0*1.63153871373021E-02))))

q2 ¼ 2.33520497626869E-03 + q0*(6.05183413124413E-02 + q0* _

(0.527905102951428 + q0*(1.87295284992346 + q0*´_
(2.56852019228982 + q0))))
CND ¼ 0.5*(1 + sign*(1 - Exp(-x2)/X*(0.564189583547756 - _
End If
End Function

Function nd(X As Double) As Double

nd ¼ 1/Sqr(2*3.141592654)*Exp(-X*X/2)
End Function

Below we give an example of how to write a C++ program to solve option

prices with the Crank–Nicholson method. The model also calculates the
Greeks, delta, gamma and theta. To calculate rho and vega, two grids must
be made with two different interest rates and volatilities, respectively, The
function bC is the same as for the binomial model.

double CrNi(double S, double K, double T, double sig, double r,

int N, int Nj, double div, int mIsCall,
int mIsAmerican, double D, double &mDelta,
double &mGamma, double &mTheta)
double dt ¼ T/N;
double dx ¼ sig*sqrt(D*dt);
double nu ¼ r - div - 0.5*sig*sig;
double edx ¼ exp(dx);
double pu ¼ -0.25*dt*((sig/dx)*(sig/dx) + nu/dx);
double pm ¼ 1.0 + 0.5*dt*(sig/dx)*(sig/dx) + 0.5*r*dt;
468 Appendix: Some Source Codes

double pd ¼ -0.25*dt*((sig/dx)*(sig/dx) - nu/dx);

double *St, *C[2], lambda_U, lambda_L;

St ¼ new double [2*Nj + 3];

C[0] ¼ new double [2*Nj + 3];
C[1] ¼ new double [2*Nj + 3];

// Initialize the asset prices at maturity.

St[0] ¼ S*exp(-Nj*dx);
for (int j ¼ 1; j <¼ 2*Nj; j++) {
St[j] ¼ edx*St[j-1];

// Initialize the option values at maturity.

for (int j ¼ 0; j <¼ 2*Nj; j++)
C[0][j] ¼ max(0.0, bC(mIsCall, St[j], K));

// Compute derivative boundary condition

if (mIsCall) {
lambda_U ¼ St[2*Nj] - St[2*Nj-1];
lambda_L ¼ 0.0;
else {
lambda_L ¼ -(St[1] - St[0]);
lambda_U ¼ 0.0;

// Step backwards through the lattice

for (int i ¼ N - 1; i >¼ 0; i--) {
solve_CN(C, pu, pm, pd, lambda_L, lambda_U, Nj);
if (i ¼¼ 0) mTheta ¼ (C[0][Nj] - C[1][Nj])/dt;

// Apply early exercise condition

for (int j ¼ 0; j <¼ 2*Nj; j++) {
if (mIsAmerican)
C[0][j] ¼ max(C[1][j], bC(mIsCall, St[j], K));
C[0][j] ¼ C[1][j];
Appendix: Some Source Codes 469

mDelta ¼ (C[1][Nj+1] - C[1][Nj-1])/(St[Nj+1] - St[Nj-1]);

mGamma ¼ ((C[0][Nj+2] - C[0][Nj]) /(St[Nj+2] - St[Nj]) -
(C[0][Nj] - C[0][Nj-2])/(St[Nj] - St[Nj-2]))/
(0.5*(St[Nj+2] - St[Nj-2]));

return C[0][Nj];

double solve_CN(double **C, double pu, double pm, double pd,

double lambda_L, double lambda_U, int Nj)
double *pmp; // ¼ array();
double *pp; // ¼ array();

pp ¼ new double [2*Nj + 3];

pmp ¼ new double [2*Nj + 3];

// Substitute boundary condition at j ¼ -Nj into j ¼ -Nj + 1

pmp[1] ¼ pm + pd;
pp [1] ¼ -pu*C[0][2] - (pm - 2.0)*C[0][1] –
pd*C[0][0] + pd*lambda_L;

// Eliminate the upper diagonal

for (int j ¼ 2; j < 2*Nj; j++) {
pmp[j] ¼ pm - pu*pd/pmp[j-1];
pp [j] ¼ - pu*C[0][j+1] - (pm - 2.0)*C[0][j]
- pd*C[0][j-1] - pp[j-1]*pd/pmp[j-1];

// Use boundary condition at j ¼ Nj and equation at j ¼ Nj - 1

C[1][2*Nj] ¼ (pp[2*Nj-1] + pmp[2*Nj-1]*lambda_U)/
(pu + pmp[2*Nj-1]);
C[1][2*Nj-1] ¼ C[1][2*Nj] - lambda_U;

// Back substitution
for (int j ¼ 2*Nj - 2; j >¼ 1; j--)
C[1][j] ¼ (pp[j] - pu*C[1][j+1])/pmp[j];

C[1][0] ¼ C[1][1] - lambda_L;

delete [] pp;
delete [] pmp;
A VBA code for the Black–Scholes model (i.e., with continuous dividends)
and the Greeks are given below:
470 Appendix: Some Source Codes

Function BlackScholes(mCall As Integer, s As Double, x As Double, _

T As Double, r As Double, b As Double, _
v As Double) As Double
Dim d1 As Double, d2 As Double

d1 ¼ (Log(s/x) + (b + v*v/2)* T)/(v*Sqr(T))

d2 ¼ d1 - v * Sqr(T)

if (mCall) Then
if (T > 0.0)
BlackScholes ¼ s*Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(d1)
- x*Exp(-r * T)*CND(d2)
BlackScholes ¼ WorksheetFunction.Max(s - x, 0)
if (T > 0.0)
BlackScholes ¼ x*Exp(-r*T)*CND(-d2)
- s*Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(-d1)
BlackScholes ¼ WorksheetFunction.Max(x - s, 0)
End Function

Function Delta(mCall As Integer, s As Double, x As Double, _

T As Double, r As Double, b As Double, _
v As Double) As Double
Dim d1 As Double

If (T > 0) Then
d1 ¼ (Log(s/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
d1 ¼ (Log(s/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))

If (mCall) Then
Delta ¼ Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(d1)
Delta ¼ Exp((b - r)*T)*(CND(d1) - 1)
End If
End Function

Function Gamma(s As Double, x As Double, T As Double, _

r As Double, b As Double, v As Double) As Double
Dim d1 As Double

d1 ¼ (Log(s/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
Gamma ¼ nd(d1)*Exp((b - r)*T)/(s*v*Sqr(T))
End Function
Appendix: Some Source Codes 471

Function Vega(s As Double, x As Double, T As Double, r As Double,_

b As Double, v As Double) As Double
Dim d1 As Double

d1 ¼ (Log(s/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
Vega ¼ s*Exp((b - r)*T)*nd(d1)*Sqr(T)
End Function

Function Theta(mCall As Integer, s As Double, x As Double, _

T As Double, r As Double, b As Double, _
v As Double) As Double
Dim d1 As Double
Dim d2 As Double

d1 ¼ (Log(s/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
d2 ¼ d1 - v*Sqr(T)

If (mCall) Then
Theta ¼ -s*Exp((b - r)*T)*nd(d1)*v/(2*Sqr(T)) – _
(b - r)*s*Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(d1) - r*x*Exp(-r*T)*CND(d2)
Theta ¼ -s*Exp((r - b)*T)*nd(d1)*v/(2*Sqr(T)) + _
(b - r)*s*Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(-d1) + r*x*Exp(-r*T)*CND(-d2)
End If
End Function

Function Rho(mCall As Integer, s As Double, x As Double, _

T As Double, r As Double, b As Double, _
v As Double) As Double
Dim d1 As Double
Dim d2 As Double

d1 ¼ (Log(s/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
d2 ¼ d1 - v*Sqr(T)

If (mCall) Then
If (b ¼ 0) Then
Rho ¼ -T*BlackScholes(1, s, x, T, r, b, v)
Rho ¼ T*x*Exp(-r*T)*CND(d2)
End If
If (b ¼ 0) Then
Rho ¼ -T*BlackScholes(0, s, x, T, r, b, v)
472 Appendix: Some Source Codes

Rho ¼ -T*x*Exp(-r*T)*CND(-d2)
End If
End If
End Function

A VBA implementation of the RollGeske–Whaley model is given below

Public Const BIGNUM As Long ¼ 100000000

Public Const EPSILON As Double ¼ 0.00001

Function RollGeskeWhaley(s As Double, x As Double, v As Double, _

r As Double, T As Double, D As Double, _
TD As Double) As Double
Dim SX As Double, ci As Double, HighS As Double, LowS As Double
Dim a1 As Double, a2 As Double, b1 As Double, b2 As Double,
Dim c As Double, i As Double

SX ¼ s - D * Exp(-r * TD)

’ Not optimal to exercise.....

If (D <¼ x*(1 - Exp(-r*(T - TD)))) Then
RollGeskeWhaley ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, SX, x, T, r, r, v)
Exit Function
End If
ci ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, SX, x, T - TD, r, r, v)
HighS ¼ s

Do While ((ci - HighS - D + x) > 0 And (HighS < BIGNUM))

HighS ¼ 2*HighS
ci ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, HighS, x, T - TD, r, r, v)

If (HighS < BIGNUM) Then

RollGeskeWhaley ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, SX, x, T, r, r, v)
Exit Function
End If

LowS ¼ 0
i ¼ HighS * 0.5
ci ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, i, x, T - TD, r, r, v)

’ Find the critical Stock Price with Bisection.

Do While (Abs(ci - i - D + x) > EPSILON And _
(HighS - LowS) > EPSILON)
Appendix: Some Source Codes 473

If ((ci - i - D + x) < 0) Then

HighS ¼ i
LowS ¼ i
End If

i ¼ (HighS + LowS)/2
ci ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, i, x, T - TD, r, r, v)

a1 ¼ (Log(SX/x) + (r + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
a2 ¼ a1 - v*Sqr(T)
b1 ¼ (Log(SX/i) + (r + v*v/2)*TD)/(v*Sqr(TD))
b2 ¼ b1 - v*Sqr(TD)

c ¼ SX*(CND(b1) + M(a1, -b1, Sqr(TD / T))) - _

x*Exp(-r*T)*M(a2, -b2, -Sqr(TD/T)) – _
(x - D)*Exp(-r*TD)*CND(b2)
RollGeskeWhaley ¼ c
End Function

Where the function for the bivariate normal distribution is given below.
The bivariate normal distribution is defined as:
(    2 )
1 ðx  μx Þ2 2λðx  μx Þ y  μy y  μy
Mðx; y; λÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi exp  þ ;
2πσ x σ y 1  λ2 σ 2x σxσy σ 2y

where μx and μy is the mean of x and y, σ x and σ y the standard deviations. The
correlation function λ is defined by
σ xy
λ ¼ corrðx; yÞ ¼ :

Hereby, the probability measure p(x, y) is given by

ðx ðy
pðx; yÞ ¼ f ðξ; ζ; λÞdξdζ:
1 1

A VBA implementation is given below

474 Appendix: Some Source Codes

’ Calculates the Cumulative Probability in Bivariate Normal dist.

’ with |e(x)| < 1.0e-7

Function M(a As Double, b As Double, c As Double) As Double

Dim sa As Double, sb As Double, r1 As Double, r2 As Double
Dim D As Double

sa ¼ 1
sb ¼ 1

If (a <¼ 0 And b <¼ 0 And c <¼ 0) Then

M ¼ MM(a, b, c)
ElseIf (a*b*c <¼ 0) Then
If (b > 0 And c > 0) Then
M ¼ CND(a) - MM(a, -b, -c)
ElseIf (a > 0 And c > 0) Then
M ¼ CND(b) - MM(-a, b, -c)
ElseIf (a > 0 And b > 0) Then
M ¼ CND(a) + CND(b) - 1 - MM(-a, -b, c)
End If
If (a < 0) Then sa ¼ -1
If (b < 0) Then sb ¼ -1
r1 ¼ (c*a - b)*sa/Sqr(a*a - 2*a*b*c + b*b)
r2 ¼ (c*b - a)*sb/Sqr(a*a - 2*a*b*c + b*b)
D ¼ (1 - sa*sb)/4
M ¼ MM(a, 0, r1) + MM(b, 0, r2) - D
End If
End Function

Function MM(a As Double, b As Double, c As Double) As Double

Dim aa As Double, bb As Double
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim am(4) As Double
Dim bm(4) As Double

am(0) ¼ 0.325303
am(1) ¼ 0.4211071
am(2) ¼ 0.1334425
am(3) ¼ 0.006374323

bm(0) ¼ 0.1337764
bm(1) ¼ 0.6243247
bm(2) ¼ 1.3425378
bm(3) ¼ 2.2626645
Appendix: Some Source Codes 475

MM ¼ 0
aa ¼ a/Sqr(2*(1 - c*c))
bb ¼ b/Sqr(2*(1 - c*c))

For i ¼ 0 To 4
For j ¼ 0 To 4
MM ¼ MM + am(i)*am(j)*f(bm(i), bm(j), aa, bb, c)
Next j
Next i
MM ¼ MM*Sqr(1 - c*c)/3.121592654
End Function

Function f(x As Double, y As Double, a As Double, b As Double, _

c As Double) As Double
f ¼ Exp(a*(2*x - a) + b*(2*y - b) + 2*c*(x - a)*(y - b))
End Function

A VBA implementation of Barone–Adesi–Whaley is given below:

Function BaroneAdesiWhaleyCall(s As Double, x As Double, _

v As Double, r As Double, _
T As Double, b As Double) As Double
Dim sk As Double, n As Double, K As Double, d1 As Double
Dim q2 As Double, a2 As Double

If (b >¼ r) Then
BaroneAdesiWhaleyCall ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, s, x, T, r, b, v)
Exit Function
End If

sk ¼ kc(x, T, r, b, v)
n ¼ 2*b/(v*v)
K ¼ 2*r/(v*v*(1 - Exp(-r*T)))
d1 ¼ (Log(sk/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
q2 ¼ (-(n - 1) + Sqr((n - 1)*(n - 1) + 4*K))/2
a2 ¼ (sk/q2)*(1 - Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(d1))

If (s < sk) Then

BaroneAdesiWhaleyCall ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, s, x, T, r, b, v)_
+ a2*(s/sk) ^ q2
Exit Function
End If

BaroneAdesiWhaleyCall ¼ s - x
End Function
476 Appendix: Some Source Codes

Function BaroneAdesiWhaleyPut(s As Double, x As Double, _

v As Double, r As Double, _
T As Double, b As Double) As Double
Dim sk As Double, n As Double, K As Double, d1 As Double
Dim q1 As Double, a1 As Double

sk ¼ kp(x, T, r, b, v)
n ¼ 2*b/(v*v)
K ¼ 2*r/(v*v*(1 - Exp(-r*T)))
d1 ¼ (Log(sk/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
q1 ¼ (-(n - 1) - Sqr((n - 1)*(n - 1) + 4*K))/2
a1 ¼ -(sk/q1)*(1 - Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(-d1))

If (s > sk) Then

BaroneAdesiWhaleyPut ¼ BlackScholes(mPUT, s, x, T, r, b, v) _
+ a1*(s/sk) ^ q1
Exit Function
End If

BaroneAdesiWhaleyPut ¼ x - s
End Function

Function kc(x As Double, T As Double, r As Double, b As Double, _

v As Double) As Double
’ Calculation of seed value, Si
Dim M As Double, q2u As Double, Su As Double, h2 As Double
Dim Si As Double, d1 As Double, q2 As Double, LHS As Double
Dim RHS As Double, bi As Double, E As Double, K As Double

M ¼ 2*r/(v*v)
q2u ¼ 1 + 2*M
Su ¼ x/(1 - 1/q2u)
h2 ¼ -(b*T + 2*v*Sqr(T))*x/(Su - x)
Si ¼ x + (Su - x)*(1 - Exp(h2))

If (T ¼ 0) Then T ¼ 0.000000001
K ¼ 2*r/(v*v*(1 - Exp(-r*T)))
d1 ¼ (Log(Si/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
q2 ¼ 1 + 2*K
LHS ¼ Si - x
RHS ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, Si, x, T, r, b, v) + _
(1 - Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(d1))*Si/q2
bi ¼ Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(d1)*(1 - 1/q2)
bi ¼ bi + (1 - Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(d1)/(v*Sqr(T)))/q2
E ¼ 0.000001
Appendix: Some Source Codes 477

’ Newton-Raphson algorithm for finding critical price Si

Do While (Abs(LHS - RHS)/x > E)
Si ¼ (x + RHS - bi*Si)/(1 - bi)
d1 ¼ (Log(Si/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
LHS ¼ Si - x
RHS ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, Si, x, T, r, b, v) + _
(1 - Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(d1))*Si/q2
bi ¼ Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(d1)*(1 - 1/q2)
bi ¼ bi + (1 - Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(d1)/(v*Sqr(T)))/q2
kc ¼ Si
End Function

Function kp(x As Double, T As Double, r As Double, b As Double, _

v As Double) As Double
’ Calculation of seed value, Si
Dim M As Double, q1u As Double, Su As Double, h1 As Double
Dim Si As Double, d1 As Double, q1 As Double, LHS As Double
Dim RHS As Double, bi As Double
Dim E As Double, K As Double, n As Double

n ¼ 2*b/(v*v)
M ¼ 2*r/(v*v)
q1u ¼ (-(n - 1) - Sqr((n - 1)*(n - 1) + 4*M))/2
Su ¼ x/(1 - 1/q1u)
h1 ¼ (b*T - 2*v*Sqr(T))*x/(x - Su)
Si ¼ Su + (x - Su)*Exp(h1)

If (T ¼ 0) Then T ¼ 0.000000001
K ¼ 2*r/(v*v*(1 - Exp(-r*T)))
d1 ¼ (Log(Si/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
q1 ¼ (-(n - 1) - Sqr((n - 1)*(n - 1) + 4*K))/2
LHS ¼ x - Si
RHS ¼ BlackScholes(mPUT, Si, x, T, r, b, v) - _
(1 - Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(-d1))*Si/q1
bi ¼ -Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(-d1)*(1 - 1/q1)
bi ¼ bi - (1 + Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(-d1)/(v*Sqr(T)))/q1
E ¼ 0.000001

’ Newton Raphson algorithm for finding critical price Si

Do While (Abs(LHS - RHS)/x > E)
Si ¼ (x - RHS + bi*Si)/(1 + bi)
d1 ¼ (Log(Si/x) + (b + v*v/2)*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
LHS ¼ x - Si
478 Appendix: Some Source Codes

RHS ¼ BlackScholes(mPUT, Si, x, T, r, b, v) - _

(1 - Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(-d1))*Si/q1
bi ¼ -Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(-d1)*(1 - 1/q1)
bi ¼ bi - (1 + Exp((b - r)*T)*CND(-d1)/(v*Sqr(T)))/q1
kp ¼ Si
End Function

A VBA implementation of the Bjerksund-Stensland model is given below:

Function BjerksundStenslandCall(s As Double, x As Double, _

v As Double, r As Double, _
T As Double, b As Double) _
As Double
Dim Beta As Double, BInfinity As Double, B0 As Double
Dim ht As Double, i As Double
Dim alpha As Double, ss As Double

If (b >¼ r) Then // Never optimal to exersice before maturity

BjerksundStenslandCall ¼ BlackScholes(mCall, s, x, T, r, b, v)
Beta ¼ (0.5 - b/(v*v)) + Sqr((b/(v*v) - 0.5)*(b/(v*v) - 0.5)_
+ 2*r/(v*v))
BInfinity ¼ Beta/(Beta - 1)*x
B0 ¼ Max(x, r/(r - b)*x)
ht ¼ -(b*T + 2*v*Sqr(T))*B0/(BInfinity - B0)
i ¼ B0 + (BInfinity - B0)*(1 - Exp(ht))
alpha ¼ (i - x)*(i ^ (-Beta))

If (s >¼ i) Then
BjerksundStenslandCall ¼ s - x
Exit Function
End If

ss ¼ alpha*(s^Beta) - alpha*phi(s, T, Beta, i, i, r, b, v)

ss ¼ ss + (phi(s, T, 1, i, i, r, b, v) _
- phi(s, T, 1, x, i, r, b, v))
ss ¼ ss - (x*phi(s, T, 0, i, i, r, b, v) _
- x*phi(s, T, 0, x, i, r, b, v))
BjerksundStenslandCall ¼ ss
End If
End Function
Appendix: Some Source Codes 479

Function BjerksundStenslandPut(s As Double, x As Double,

v As Double, r As Double, _
T As Double, b As Double) As Double
BjerksundStenslandPut ¼ _
BjerksundStenslandCall(x, s, v, r - b, T, -b)
End Function

Function phi(s As Double, T As Double, gamma As Double, _

h As Double,_i As Double, r As Double, b As Double,_
v As Double) As Double
Dim lambda As Double, D As Double, kappa As Double, f As Double

lambda ¼ (-r + gamma*b + 0.5*gamma*(gamma - 1)*(v*v))*T

D ¼ -(Log(s/h) + (b + (gamma - 0.5)*(v*v))*T)/(v*Sqr(T))
kappa ¼ 2*b/((v*v)) + (2*gamma - 1)
f ¼ CND(D) - ((i/s)^kappa)*CND(D - 2*Log(i/s)/(v*Sqr(T)))
phi ¼ Exp(lambda)*(s^gamma)*f
End Function

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A arbitrage strategy, 39, 271, 277

absolute continuous, 118 ARCH. See autoregressive conditional
adapted, 96–100, 112, 205, 245, 249, heteroskedasticity (ARCH)
261, 268, 276–9 Arrow-Debreu, 360
all-or-nothing options, 293 Asian options, 29, 289, 312–19
American call option, 37, 48, 51, 229–35 asset-linked FX option, 334
American contract, 113, 233–5 asset-or-nothing options, 294, 296
American double-no-touch option, 301 atom, 95, 117
American knock-in option, 303 autocorrelation, 184
American knock-out option, 303 autoregression, 184
American no-touch option, 301, 302 autoregressive conditional
American option, vii, viii, 29, 56, 62, heteroskedasticity (ARCH), 184–7
77, 113–17, 188, 212, 228–39, average price options, 312, 313, 315
296, 369 average strike options, 312
American put option, 48, 54–6, 61, 77,
218, 228–31
American style digital, 296 B
arbitrage, vii, 21–3, 31–43, 92, 158, backwardation, 199
160–2, 196, 204, 211–15, 230–3, backward differences, 67, 69, 72
249, 255, 267–78, 282, 313, 329, Barone Adesi, Whaley, 236–8, 475–8
337, 340, 359, 372, 380 barrier options, 289, 297–311
arbitrage condition, 38, 92, 211, 215 basket options, 327–32, 343
arbitrage portfolio, 31 benign barrier, 310

Note: Page numbers followed by “n” denote footnotes.

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DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-34027-2
486 Index

bet options, 293 caps, 15–18, 212, 342–4

better of options, 327 cash-or-nothing digital options, 297
big figure, 204 cash-or-nothing option(s), 289–94
binary options, 218, 292–8 Cauchy problem, 146
binomial distribution, 28, 48 CBOE SKEW Index, 454–8
binomial model(s), vii, 24, 29–39, CBOE Volatility Index® (VIX® Index),
43–64, 77, 91–3, 106–17, 265, 182, 452–9
308, 358, 461, 467 central limit theorem, 9, 25–6, 28, 59,
bivariate normal distribution, 473 76, 97, 130, 267
Bjerksund, Stensland, 238–9, 478 CFD. See contract for difference (CFD)
Black, 17, 18, 163, 218, 238 change of numeraire, 203
Black-Scholes, vii, viii, 15n1, 33, 43, 48, charm, 225, 226
51, 60–8, 73–7, 121, 131–3, 145, chooser option, 289, 316–18
154–77, 182, 189, 197–200, clearing, 1–7, 11, 161, 292, 366, 368,
205–19, 228–36, 245–88, 308, 451
326, 352–5, 451, 465–9 cliquets, 319
Black-Scholes deflator, 352–6 coherent risk measures, 88–9
Black-Scholes formula, 34, 49, 173, 197, collar(s), 298
212–18, 237, 274, 281, 284, 294, colour, 226, 332
320, 386, 451 commodity options, 209
Black-Scholes smoothing, 49–52, 54, complete, 35, 72, 96–8, 124, 226,
464 255–6, 266, 272–3, 297
bond(s), 6, 10–18, 21, 30, 38, 83–4, complete market(s), 250, 265–7
155, 161, 212–14, 230, 252, 307, complex chooser option, 316
340–4, 356, 366, 452 compliance risk, 8
bonus knock-out option, 304 compound options, 324–6
Borel algebra, 103 conditional value at risk (CVaR), 85–8,
Borel measurable, 103 88n3
Borel set(s), 103 conditioned contract(s), 270, 271
box algebra, 138 conditioned expectation, 106–8
Boyle, 239–40 confidence level(s), 78, 85–8
Brownian motion, 33, 43, 97, 113, consumption, 115
128–33, 155–7, 182, 189–98, contango, 199
249, 328, 337, 348 contingent claim(s), viii, 35–41, 70, 93,
buck, 203 164, 255, 272, 275–7, 337, 344,
bull spread, 402–4 351–61
butterfly spread, 324 continuous compounding, viii, 33, 73,
161, 353
contract for difference (CFD), 290–2,
C 373–4
cable, 203 control variance, 77
calendar spread, 323, 399, 438–41 conversion ratio, 327
capped option, 308, 340–2 correlation function, 184, 473
Index 487

correlation option(s), 327–8, 332 drift, 29, 33, 96, 125, 128, 141, 148,
counterparty risk, 8, 10–11, 292 155, 212, 242, 247, 249–51, 262,
co-variance, 83, 84 268
covered call, 383, 429, 440–3
Cox-Ross-Rubenstein, 461
Crank-Nicholson, 69–70, 72, 467 E
credit risk, 3, 7–12, 78 early exercise premium, 228, 236
cross, 203 equity price risk, 8
currency-linked options, 333–9 ES. See expected shortfall (ES)
currency options, 197–235, 289 Eurodollar, 199
currency-protected option, 334 European call option(s), 37, 54, 59, 73,
currency risk, 8, 197, 334, 339 92, 111, 164, 171, 173–6, 188,
CUSIP, 6 196, 214, 231, 283, 299, 342, 461
CVaR. See conditional value at risk (CVaR) European digital FX option, 302
European knock-in option, 304
European knock-out option, 304
D European option(s), 29, 48, 56, 77, 115,
deflators, 351–64 139, 158, 168, 180, 204, 212,
delayed-start options, 318 228–31, 236, 313, 322, 368
delta, 77, 82–4, 169, 173–4, 199–208, European option style, 207, 314–20,
219–25, 284, 294, 308–10, 379, 334, 365, 453
400, 440, 461, 467, 470 European put option, 187
delta decay, 225 exchange option(s), 197, 327, 332–3
delta-gamma-hedging, 285–8 exercise region, 230
delta hedge, 77, 158, 161, 200, 204, exotic options, viii, 35, 289–350
205, 219, 285, 294 expectation value(s), viii, 23, 43, 100,
delta-symmetric strike, 201 105–9, 141, 142, 147–51, 153,
density function, 9, 105, 121–4, 165–7, 164, 172, 190–2, 195, 314, 358
172, 193, 283 expected payoff, viii, 22, 247, 345,
diffusion, 29, 96, 141, 171, 240–3, 351–4
245–88 expected shortfall (ES), 85–9
diffusion process, viii, 28, 146, 147, 242, expected tail loss (ETL), 85
245, 337 explicit finite difference method, 67–8
digital option(s), 216–18, 292–8, 308, exploding spread option, 308
344–5 exponentially weighted moving average
Dirac delta function, 169 model (EWMA), 187
distribution function, 98, 99, 236, 466 exponential weighted VaR, 83
distribution measure, 98 extensible option, 336–7
dividend yield, 174, 214, 273–9
double no touch options, 300–1
Dow Jones Industrial Average, 182, 454 F
down-and-out calls, 307 F-adapted, 96, 109, 142, 247
down-and-out put option, 308 fair game, 23, 24, 37, 109, 246, 247
488 Index

fair value, 38, 358, 454 GARCH, 183, 185–7

fear gauge, 454 Garman Kohlhagen model, 197–235
fence, 401–6 Gaussian distributions, 348
Fenics, 205 geometric random walk, 159
Feynman–Kac, 131, 148–50, 195, 198, Geske Johnson, 239
256 Girsanov, viii, 246–73, 281, 282, 353
filtration, 95–100, 109, 112, 116, 119, Girsanov kernel, 248, 253, 257, 264,
233, 249–52, 261–7, 279 282, 353
finer, 94, 99, 109, 119, 128 Girsanov theorem, 249, 253–9, 263,
first in first out (FIFO), 369 269, 281
fixed domestic strike options, 335 Girsanov transformation, 246–73
fixed exchange rate option, 334 Greeks, vii, 57, 70, 173, 219, 224–8,
F–measurable, 96 294, 308, 324, 379, 461–9
Fokker Planck, 29, 154 Green function, 170–1
foreign exchange risk, 13
forward(s), 12–15, 27, 43, 66–77, 87,
135, 142, 153, 158–63, 184–7, H
199–202, 212, 218, 273, 289, hedge parameters, 57, 173, 219
300, 318–24, 333, 338, 348, 360, hedging portfolio, 36
367–9, 371–4, 382, 393, Herstatt risk, 12
398–401, 406–23, 430–6, 442–54 heteroscedasticity, 184
forward differences, 68, 142 Hopscotch, 70–2
forward options, 289, 318–24, 333
forward price, 43, 199, 367, 454
forward-start options, 318, 320 I
forward volatility, 322–4 implicit finite difference method, 68–9
future(s), viii, 6, 8–10, 13–16, 21–3, 34, implied volatility, 17, 33, 177, 178, 182,
38, 43, 68, 69, 82, 135, 154, 183, 205–7, 320–2, 380, 451
161–3, 177, 182–6, 209, 215, independent, 26–8, 65, 97, 100, 106,
218, 230, 241, 265, 273, 278–80, 107, 128, 130, 136–9, 157, 175,
290, 316–21, 324, 333, 338, 340, 212, 231, 241, 253, 265, 266,
346, 358–62, 367–74, 380, 383, 273, 320, 337, 343, 362, 447
387, 401, 406, 410, 416–19, independent σ-algebras, 106
430–3, 438, 451–4, 459 index linked bond, 356
F-Wiener process, 100 indicated, 102
FX options, 197, 201–3, 209, 301, 334 indicator function, 102–5, 124, 153,
inflation linked claims, 355–6
G information generated by, 96
gain process, 275, 278–81 information set, 23, 24
gamma (γ), 84, 220–1, 224, 285, 379, initial margin, 292, 366
461, 467 integration schemas, 70
gap options, 297–8 integration theory, 103–4
Index 489

interest rate(s), viii, xi, 7–18, 21–3, log-normal distribution, 19, 44, 45, 73,
29–43, 57–9, 73–5, 83, 92, 98, 121, 133, 167
115, 128, 157–64, 174, 189, long butterfly, 436–9, 449
195–223, 233, 247–56, 278–86, long call, 294, 309, 373, 379, 397,
325, 337–44, 352–467 415–20, 425, 459
interest rate risk, 8, 13, 251 long put, 318, 374, 379–89, 429, 459
International Swaps and Derivatives long sloping synthetic forward, 416–19
Association (ISDA), 6, 7 long straddle, 378, 379, 443–6, 459
intrinsic value, 56, 117, 215, 216, 296, long strangle, 300, 444–9, 459
334, 376, 377 long synthetic forward, 415
ISIN code, 5, 6 Long-term capital management
Itô formula, 140, 147–51, 195, 210, 247 (LTCM), 18
Itô integral, 126, 135 lookback options, 110, 289, 311
Itô lemma, 125–33, 150, 156, 165

J marked to the market, 4
Jarrow-Rudd, 46, 47 market indexes, 451–9
Jensen’s unlikeness, 108 market price of risk, 40, 41, 249–52,
Jones, Dow, 182, 291, 454 267, 352, 452
jump diffusion, 240–3, 266 market price of volatility risk, 267, 353
market risk, 7, 8, 12–19, 78
marking-to-model, 14
K Markov, 27, 97, 110–13, 241, 242
kappa, 222 Markov process, 110–13
Knock-out and knock-in options, 289, martingale, vii, viii, 23–8, 31, 37, 62, 93,
298–311 97, 109, 115, 120, 135, 171, 188,
Kolmogorov, 131, 153 233–5, 245–8, 252–9, 266,
kurtosis, 83, 122 269–79, 281, 337, 345, 363
martingale approach, 171–3
martingale measure, 24, 31, 37, 93,
L 233–5, 248, 254, 256–9, 266,
lambda, 224 269–78, 281, 338, 345, 363
least square, 177, 180–2 martingale representation, viii, 245, 255,
Lebesgue integrals, 103 279
legal risk, 8 maximum likelihood, 261–5
Leisen–Reimer model, 48–54, 461–5 maximum likelihood estimator, 187, 264
likelihood process, 252–9, 262–4 measurable, 9, 34, 95–103, 107–9,
Lipschitz, 100 119–20, 143, 255, 261, 271
liquidity risk, 7 measurable space, 95, 107, 261
log-normal, 19, 44, 73, 121–5, 132, model risk, 8, 13–20
167, 198, 212, 247, 266, 315, mollification, 49
323, 344 Monte Carlo, 11, 77, 138
490 Index

Monte-Carlo simulations, vii, 72–82, partition(s), 95–100

138, 308, 315, 328, 344, 355–8 path-dependent options, 202, 298
moving strike options, 319, 321 pay-later option, 335–6
multi-asset options, 326–8, 335, 339 PDE. See partial differential equation (PDE)
Peizer–Pratt, 48, 465
perpetual American put, 231–3
N pip(s), 204, 292, 299
Nasdaq, 182, 213, 291, 365–8, 454 P-martingale, 120
natural filtration, 96, 252, 267 P–measurable, 99
negative back-spread, 391–5 Poisson distribution, 241
negative price spread, 382–7, 395–9 Poisson process, viii, 240–3
negative three-leg position, 394–6 portfolio strategy(ies), 32, 254, 270–7
negative time spread, 387–9 Portfolio VaR, 84–5
neutral time spread, 438–40, 459, 460 positive back spread, 411–14
normal distribution, 10, 19, 25, 26, positive price spread(s), 384–6, 401–7,
43–7, 73, 79–83, 121, 133, 167, 419, 427, 459
187, 199, 236, 352–7, 455–8, positive stair, 417–21
466, 473 positive three leg, 424–31
normal random variable, 172, 352 positive time spread, 406–10
no-touch currency option, 299 premium-included delta, 199
NYSE, 182, 454 pre-settlement risk, 11
probability density function, 9, 122–4,
165, 172, 193
O probability distribution(s), 26–8, 60–2,
ODE, 151, 191–5, 231, 280 97, 119–21, 132, 165, 184, 193,
OEX, 452–3 261
OMXS index, 367–8 probability measure, 22–5, 31, 37, 93,
one-touch currency option, 299 104, 105, 118–20, 196, 247–62,
operational risk, 8 269, 275, 353, 358, 473
optimal exercise boundary, 230 probability space, 93–121, 252, 274, 358
options on commodities, 209 protective put, 400–2, 459
options on options, 289, 324–6 put-call parity, 60
outcomes, 9, 21–7, 36–8, 82, 86–8, put-call symmetry, 202, 203
92–4, 104, 107, 119, 124, 133, Put Hedge, 400
139, 140, 246, 320, 325, 334, 348
outperformance option, 327
quadratic integrable, 110, 271
P quantity-adjusted option, 334
parity relations, 187–8 quanto option, 339
partial differential equation (PDE), vii, quanto, quantos, 334–9, 344–6
29, 65–70, 145–68, 175, 198, quid, 203
211, 228, 256, 273, 283 Q-Wiener process, 249–55, 279–81
Index 491

R sharpe ratio, 250, 356–7

Radon–Nikodym, 105, 118–21, 248, short butterfly, 448–51
268 short call, 371–4
rainbow option, 327–32, 336 short straddle, 431–5
random walk, 27–9, 96, 158, 159, 250, short strangle, 433–7
251, 266 Siegel’s Exchange Rate Paradox, 259–61
ranking the trades, 369 σ-algebra, 94, 108
ratchet options, 321–22 σ-algebra generated, 96
ratchets, 319–22 simple, 14, 21, 27–9, 34, 36, 39, 61, 79,
ratio spread with call options, 412, 83, 102–5, 125, 133, 142, 146,
420–4 160–1, 171, 180, 185, 189–92,
ratio-spread with put options, 389–92 214–15, 230, 235, 251, 262–6,
ratio spread with underlyings, 410–11 292, 313–19, 340, 352, 358
reachable, 36, 255, 273, 277–8 skewness, 83, 122, 206, 457
rebate clause, 307 soft call provision, 307
relative portfolio, 156 Standard & Poor’s (S&P), 6, 182, 183,
replicating portfolio, 36, 62, 188, 338 291, 332, 452–5, 457, 458
resetting options, 319 splitting index S(E), 95
rho, 57, 223–8, 380, 451, 461, 467 spread betting, 291
Richardson extrapolation, 48–55, 63 spread option, 308, 327
RIC-name, 368 SPX, 452, 453
Riemann integral, 126 standard deviation, 9, 10, 74, 81–3, 139,
risk averse, 38, 39, 290 155, 177, 249, 349–52, 454–7,
risk neutral drift of volatility, 212 473
risk-neutral probabilities, 24, 33–5, 40, standard error, 75–6
93, 119, 353 state prices, 358–64
risk neutral valuation, 31, 38–43, 98, stochastic differential equation (SDE),
351–62 100, 127, 146–51, 165, 210, 243,
risk-neutral valuation formula, 31 349
risk premium, 23, 41, 158, 249, 352–4 stochastic integral, 135, 142, 147
Roll, Geske, 236, 472 stochastic integration, 133–43
stochastic process, 23, 27, 33, 43, 73, 96,
97, 107–9, 125, 131, 140, 146,
S 155, 210, 254, 276, 348, 353
sample space, 21, 22, 91–3, 104, 119 stochastic variable, 30, 36, 43, 91, 96, 99,
Scandies, 203 105–7, 109, 116, 212, 255, 270
SDE. See stochastic differential equation stochastic volatility, 16, 20, 72, 210–12,
SEDOL. See Stock Exchange Daily 250, 267
Official List Stock Exchange Daily Official List
self financed, 156, 254–6, 270–2, 274–7 (SEDOL), 6
self-financing, 32, 271, 280 stopping times, 113–17, 234–5
settlement, 1–7, 11, 12, 322, 367 straddle, 201, 300, 316–18, 324, 378,
Settlement risk, 12 379, 431–5, 443–7
492 Index

strangle, 206, 300, 324, 433–7, 444–6 Vanna, 225

structured products, 340, 344 VaR. See Value-at-Risk (VaR)
sub martingale, 24, 109, 235 variance, ix, 10, 26–9, 43, 47, 73, 76–8,
super martingale, 24, 109, 115 81–4, 87, 97, 101, 121–3,
SWIFT, 2, 7 128–30, 133, 137–9, 155, 172,
Synthetic Call, 400–2 183, 184, 186, 198, 207, 329,
synthetic contracts, 372–4 352, 356
Synthetic sold put, 440–3 variance reduction, 76–7
variation margin, 4, 292
vega, 57, 222–4, 227, 295, 309, 322–4,
T 380, 461, 467
tau, 223 VIX futures, 452, 454
Taylor series expansion, 243 VIX volatility index, 182
theta, 221–6, 295, 309, 379, 461, 467 VKN number, 5
Tian, 47 volatility, viii, 8, 33, 125, 148, 247, 300,
Tigori, 47 353, 376
time value, 50, 215, 220, 229–31, 296, volatility heat map, 454, 456
376–9, 383, 386, 399, 403, 442 volatility surface, 177–82, 206
touch options, 308 volga, 224
Tower property, 101 VVIX, 454, 455
transition probabilities, 152–3
trinomial tree, 67, 239–40
20/20 Option, 332 W
2X, 99 weather derivative, viii, 346–50
Whaley, R. E., 236, 472
Wiener process, 33, 96–100, 113, 129,
U 136, 140, 147, 155, 190, 210,
Uhlenback process, 348–50 245, 249, 253–8, 262–81, 348
up-and-out puts, 307–8 window barrier knock-in option, 305
window barrier knock-out option, 305
WKN, 6
Value-at-Risk (VaR), 13, 18–20, 27,
value process, value processes, 30, 32, 35, Y
62, 92, 113, 115, 155, 156, 255, yard, 203
270, 272, 280

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