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'iole: Thi• paper <"on:. in> fifty {50J "''"hipie- 4. T11o gooduote fenules are "'P"'"''ted by tbe
cf,.,cc 'l"e<tioos eacb quesuoo carrymg n"' (2) ""'" uUnlhered
m<rks _\nemn•_ aU oflh•on (aJ4 fh;'>
flire«iun.: aセGMB@ アセ\GN|BiwA@ .V"·' !. 2 "m/3 セB@ lc)6 fd;7
lho • lu" " ᄋセヲ@ ! he )i ,//, n '"11 w/,fc_ :;, The セュ\Qオ。ャG@ indu,<r>•h" feu"l"' " ' nr>t

uッュAGォ^セᄋイョ・@ Rare
BQGセ@ loy"'"'""'"'"'"']
j,·"· ....,..,,,., セ@ .... .ur. !iith'-'' •··1.11 fa) _; セA@ \
ANセMᄋ@ lew• f,fu<q!i(;l) Qᄋセ@ !c) r, (J) g

Dir..,liO<IM rh,· J:'"l'h gi••c.o I o•/,.-• · •ilmvs ヲAセᆳ
"'" "" "
QYセ\@ "" 12"' ' ;;
tualwn> on price.< tfPmuU>e.\', Onnll ..' セョ、@
0'""' n ー・イセnャ@ uf !me キセ・ォN@
Study 'h•' g• "',;, coctfiJly
und an> WIT Q .Vo; 6 aod 7.
"'" "" "'

" p
I o:.l
J. What " tbc o•nall "'""I "I Bュャセッケ・ョエ@
hn••• l%111o セPG@
/<'• h\Cr<a<Lilg
(b; d・」イNウュセ@
!II'''""'"" uor de<!"'Siog

(1'1 '<cLtttcr
!d! sッョjo\ャセ@ - "
!. Tnc lugae" ー・イ」ョエ。セ@
incre.oinb, '""'"'"""' do-

of uucmploymenl
'" "'
hom i%0 セ@ 1990 was" lh' ャセ・@ of '•

(n) Secc•nd.Hy o•rlu,a!ion

(b! hゥセィ」イ@
l'rlnl'-'l' oducaliun
(II) 'Jc·Lth•" of II."'"' >>

3. Tile rat!O Zオッョセ@ total unemployment figures

!rom 1960 ro 1990 fOT •lithe lhn·c le>d' • " ..
pn.:TI:I!""J, socondln) •nd ィゥセ「・イ@ education "

(a! 15·10.8 (b) 5:3 2

セMᄋ@ """""""")
(u セ@ 10:15 /ri; 2:.1 I
[)]r<<tl<>n• (Q•. 4 to 5): Study lhefi!t"r< gt>"" セMTN@ JO""'''"'""'"'

i>dD<> cal"l')illly rmri a"-<M·n" Q 1-'a.\. 4 ami J. 6. On which doy イャAセ@ price of on<on llild toiTIJio
FEM-\IEi ウィッB^セ、@ lht S>m< ri;o'
' Ia) Friday (bJ tセ・N\、。ケ@
Thursday iセス@
(d) S.turd.o)'
7. Oo whtch day d•d the peak" ns• on prioe uf
!"""''"" 01otch o.tth thai oftmnat<><<'!
M tオ・、。セ@ (b) Thur•day
(c, Frid•y (d) Sarurd•}·
8. llftho following fm1r セBGイᄋ@ "'
•h<e·e セイッオーウ@ [\'.Tho ァョオセ@ セuャ@ "'""do Ole uf:cn 「セュᄋ、@
OtlC mcmbcL <i<>« '\01 'I'"'" with ulh<r> ono wnh tltem wl><ll lite) We.
<:<mlmon propcrry, but '" OHc gwup •II 1ho 'a) tl, IDJ, (il. ]\'1 (.'!) 1;, IJ, Ill. JV1
rMmb<rS shoro • conunon propcrry. F1nci ""' 'd tl.ll. lVI (llll 1•11 (1. 111: 1111. :vo
thilt group. 14. Numbm in tho log"'"' セBG@ t:d,,• "'
'aj 1'>.4.7.L. ッイNョセ・\ゥ@ in >orne ordec. Fm.:i nut the BGセ@
10 '"1· U· Lf"· rl numb"' tn <he third f.gurc.
(c) イセー@ .....1416,n,hkr, I Iiiii
rd, [) Ttme. \{urorji D"" 4
9. li";ho thirJ セQオョ、ケ@ in a mO!nlh J> I "itb whl<:h

day "til occur fi•c ltm"" u: ih.JI r.wnth'
(o, Tuooday fb) Thu,-,d.iy
(c! Fricby ;<(J S.tuniay
QセN@ ·s · i• shonor tlt:m 'A·. bm tailor エA。セ@ ·v·: ·r
ts>huttet than ·o:.·. but エ。ャセ・イ@ tha11 ·s·: .,,, i•
tallet tltott T. but sbooer dtan 'R ·. S:md them

in t>nkr 。」ッイ、エオセ@ L<> th<ir heigh<>.
(o, ATRVS (hi K,\'J'YS '
rcJ RTASV (<I) kL|Gェセv@ (ll) 16

11. Fill m tOe hlullk ur !he '<rtc.: (t'l fj4
procti<e, pa», ..... P""""" 1 セN@ Jf4j" :,• セョZ@ i7 • セT@ -<fi.>tu\Q4 • セ@ セᄋ@ -1r,
(a) P'"" (bi pt<Stlrt:Stl: What :< FA • '\fi ·;
(c) pa,.age (<II pasSJQll (,1) M (h, 4R
IZ. Fnlil mi<:n:nce> arc'""'''" from the •t•Mm<nl (c 1 54 (rl, Bセ@
gil·cn 'oclow. ""'htcb auo cau b' a co"""'
ra Whkh nf l:c ヲョャゥュGセBZ@
in rhe 'lm• セョャ・イ@
m .-hich thoy セHGッオイ@
when d,me
wrll nn•
St>!emen!: People '" Au•ualto genetally GセBi@ in the '"me ョᄋQセP」イ@ ᄋセゥエィ@ ·,,·Jt.:h n-te
<p<ak Engl!>ilr.
ャョヲ・イセGB@ (tj) MRLWTK\セQゥ@

(a) R"'Y >"Jl"'ak> EngLslc i:io sbe ts from t\us· QᄋセM@ 4•.' ... ヲゥBセMQGᄋ@ tn
rral!•. !<'! 3•4-R+2•Ht-1 R-7<

(b) Rahim lmow> Engli•b. lhat ;, •.vh:1 11e t> (dJ-11 ャア\TLWQNMrセ@

gning tu Aw.uollonext month. 11. Tho fn]ln' infnm>almn' A. R. C, D. E. F

(c) RaOul ha> been l1Viug lli Au5mtl"' >tnce and U ''"' "'Prlie<i ahm: ;he ri>.ycr. rn "
1q9o Mostpmb•bly t.e cou •peak Engli>h. co:lego. To a:!Sw,•r the quc,!lnn "Hnw m;rn::
(d) Rarne.h dncs nul kno"" セャエ^ィN@ lie can- play Hnckoy >nd vャ」ケ「ゥセB@ l'vl"."h

not 131k tn ony uue one tfhe 8""' to AU>· mfnnn>tinm "e "rpcrrltww.. thai i• "'"
tralia. essen<i•lly r<qnbi'>
[3, Four staternenL< A. B. C and [) ore セエキ@ Informations:

below Cla,.ify rhom in10 "'" セュオーL@ t'aru 1 40 player< in n c11lkgo p:•y hョ」セ[N@
and opinions Vo!leybll 。ョセ@ i'nn'h"ll
Zsエ。セュ・ョッ@ 11 I& of them pl•y IWU '" mnrc セッイョ・N@

l. The gッョセ・ウ@ is the 11ahc" mer rn Julii.c III 5 pi'Y all the thn" セッイョ・@
IJ. Jhe"',; many' slip hctwccn the cup auJ rv The n11mhrr n' pla;cr> "b" pia<·
rhc lip Volleyball '"d r.,,.,b.,ll cs holt' ,,:' the

lll. Ro'o by ony !l.lm< will 'mel\ <Wcct. nurnbtr wltn ーゥ。セ@ lin: key nnd rno·Oall

'< eN[セZ\@ I numb<r ul pl'Y'" pia)' ct>l)' IMI- nut whlt nukes thelll behav' th" ""'- ,,,1

bo:l Jnd I IocKey. what could hec,"ne oboul U"·"'
\'1 Fnu' ;Jiat· ヲャョLセ・カ@ oud Footb,IL 1<11 Ho 、セBG@ '"i"""
1l1<·m ln ·Oc l'nm·1pal
VII Ton pi•; nnly· h・NセML@ with " «w"'""'"''"'iun lu ャッセ・@ mong
1"1 I. V. VII 1-"·' II VI. VII ocJico11 。セゥQィエャ」Zj@
r,·J 1:1 IV Yll r./1 I Ill V lL lu 1iw AGョャ\キゥセ@ BセtiMG@ mdie>tc "hd.-oJ the
Dir,<tiou' (Q<. iセ@ ond 19): ,·;,."'" !.,·im·. "" c"'"lu,oon ,[,wn "

'""''"'""',__ ,/led MセLNᄋi@ II ..-!,ic·h"f"'!!-,..,,.,/
b_,. ''"'"'" r -""'''"'""' mild 'P:e.-. '"" '' (R! F.-, .. i .,,! I<'! l'louhtl11l i.IJ l オョセM」ャュ@ '"'-'
.,J.,·h '!I ib•· /;,!/m'"'!; ,_.,_,,.,.,.,_,.;,,..., ,., '''"•'''' セ[ュョ・\ャQN@ i, '"1],., lh<" Jl. fl 1> 'hu·M lh.Ln

.,. " .,.,. ' r,,,..

"'"''" tl;,m' K, K -,'"'I"';'"-; セB@ セ@ ;, 1all,·,
"· ,, " "·"., ;, '''-"'
ヲBャセM b"'

U •.セ@ >IJ1t'T<l<'nl io fulluwcx1 by lwu >·c·> -_,'

•nd ·fl- ln<lic,.lc b•w the >nllcmcr., imp:lr>
'"' '"" ' '"
Bセ@ ""'I
c'pl•noLwn ol''<'
"c In"'
" ""' ra <1-c infcrcnn·, by >ch·ung or.c of tl1c
(II! Both 'A'
;;orr eel .-pion,. ion of ·A·
tn« onJ 'R ;, ''" ヲオャキゥョセ@
(•" Only 'A';, =plied

A>>eTtion ]A)o Tlrntb sho"l'i b, lhc nfiin"l ilo, Ooly '[)' " 1mplied
ャッᄋセB@ 1<) Ruih ᄋNセ@ "'"l'R oor i•npli«l
Rea•on {R): INエセlゥャス@ オヲーLャ」ゥョセ@ '" ul, Keith"' 'A' ltor ·!J'" implied
lr.d1a ""' Hmdus_ SJ:tteml'Tl!: All iJ,oh and nlm:s ore nol P"'-
1 Y. l•'l 'i\ · " uue 'our 'R · '-' fa IS<' neal

(b! ',\- '' fal'e btu -w """" Aョヲ・イュウZセNai@ Oum,· 1deab ar.c \'alec• >!O
I<• Bmh 'A ond ·f!.' ore :roe ;md •!(' lS om pra,]lco].
u ..· cw•cot ᄋセwョッキ@ of·.".· HiャセB@ 1deols Ol!a ;ah.c, セQP@
i<l! !Joili A- Oi>C 'K' are true a_'l([ 'R · " tl'" nm ッイNセキ」Z@
corroc: o:<plaaa<ion of 'A' n. Gi;cn hdow .tro '"'" ,t;llem:nl> I c.r.d [_

A>ocrlion /A); TI!cr< "populo'10n explosioo !ulle"-<J b)- two n•ncluswn> 'A JJHI Mセ@
in bd!a cッョ^ゥjュセ@ tho >t.:ttomt-r.t> to bo: ll uo ·oven Ll 1n
Coo:Ltraolictor> セェゥ「@ kJJo"n IOcts, odlCOIO \'OUl

fcrnlity rat< •r.>W<r by 」セッ^jァ@ oco< Df lh< ab:r.1att;o;

!r.d>Cote "'hJCb of !he エッャキ\ョセ@ aclions BQセ@ giY•n btlnw エ「セ@ conclu>ions how :llo} oon ·,.
moot •ppwpnnte "' tl1e •itulnon "iven bi]O\l: エMセヲ・イ、@

Situation: r"u-tlnec studcnl> '" :he class of Stat<monts: f!) I o b< a] tee oae netd>
o >J.-.;ere oud devoted エLM。セイ@ •ufflC!enl ッセケァ・ョN@
uBGᄋエャセ@ JJ&tutlo hillt in rhe oloss Ill) HJII}' ;Jallon• lu.e lc;,

キィQセ・@ <eaohtll$. He " !,..;! up wt:b OX)'O<Il Jl\ tile a,J,

tlJC[JJ, \NZッョャセゥLaj@ Uno •lwuld '"k' uxn;m
Cours<• nf Action: plom WJth hw; "bde vLSJILng
(•il H:· 1<:11' laC >'-udcnl> c>f tht d""' thOl he· lhc llllly >laliun
will r.ot hold the· cla»<c> i[tllc ill,,,,bmg Hbセ@ '-fu Ulll' •h·JU]t! セu@ IO inC
srud•"-" con:inue domg lh>t h'lly stmon
ib! Be sU>pc'Il<l' lht· JJ>tmbius '''"'''"'·' f""'l '"' ヲャᄋケHaゥエセBィG@
ャエ」Gi\ィョセ@ hi> ,.,, 111 II"' ""''"'' nf J!Je ,1., o,,[y (R) "'" h•· illft·n•·d
whok cia" i<'l lA) •nt! {IJ) bolb c:m b·: :nbn·d
(CI He !8lks W the dBll'rbmg >illd.·"'' '" fin,! !d. Jo.:cilhc·r IAj "'" IBI t·an bo mfmcd
Diroetium (Qs.24. 2S and QセIZ@ 0/I'CR belawar< (/J) Oni; inference tll)" correct
'"'" ,\/alemenh 'A a"d '8 'fci.'Gwod by''"' inJa- H\セ@ !;oth infc·rcTicc> (AJ ond (lJ 1 ore em rw'
""'.,.s (I) and ({/) dt·an-n o• rlw Oa.m ofprinqnio• of (<I) "'cilhl'f inf,-er.oo ],\\not infore:lCc 1R1 ;,
.form alloiJi c I" dt ca:e whidl of1il • エッャオキゥセァ@ a11' wor-
clwn·eo ;s correel 111 eac/1 qu•mo" "'"""''
28. Sta!omcnh l{""l!y • coltlo lay <ggs.
!4. sエ。・ュセョャ^Z@ t.A) G:!ly gudua<es a.r< el!g!ble lnlcrcooo: lA) .\few HGセョャ@ :o1• ・セBG@
for <Ius P""'· I B) セッ@ CJ!Li< lav egg'
{BI Mo>t ,iohbaw-pLdk;, urc l9. sエ。A・ュセZ@ /\.lllhose 」ョュャZイゥセL@ 」セュ@ , "til
grndill:L!C>. ho pum>h<d.
Inferences: 1IJ Some 'icb],.,..p,llu> ""' Inference; {AJ r\c cnmmai "Ill l;c ""'"'"I
chgih:c ti-11 AィゥウセB@

">n}' 0051.
•.llJ All !lw'< eligible fur this (l:l) ,\ f•w ol lilo•o '' ltu cum miL

I"'""'"<'""""'"'· onn•• l!e lial>lo 10 セBG@

Ia) Only inference I is oomxL men I.
tl!! Only mleronce n ,. corr<" would you hke ;u •ppoml""" 1eachn
ic) !loth mferen..:es l ond ll ar< cone" ill your •ci>OOl.

rd/ l'enher mference J no1 lllieren-:c ll " IW h good solwlad:.- per>OH cr >uhmhm<
CU<!e<l pe<SOt>O!L<}'
25 . .;;tatcmont" (A) All セBGp@ Jre oranges. ゥセj@ ,\ discJple IOI''ng teoohcr ul OcliL<ln'<rJ<n
(B) Some opples a1e ョッイQPセ・ウN@ ormude

lnfor<nccs: (I) All appb 01e gupes. rc'! All eothu>l:l<(J. pC<>un ul' "'"""""
(!l) Some apples 01e セBGᄋ@ lurowledge
ral oョャセ@ mlt1<IIOC I li 'aHect rdJ Oue wbo pose; to be o gotJd >chula: セ@ 'he
{h) oョAセ@ mfm::ucc III> cセョ\ャ@
ra ,;.,;
(c) B<Jth lllkicncc I aad II '" c'Oue,t Complole the <euc> b:1 」「ッオNZイLセ@ lh' hN
idl 1\<ilher mferouco I llO! rnterenco ll " nlte!Olli!V< g•veu
ourrool .S.ri"': li, 12, 20_ 30 p.
RセN@ sエッ」ュセ^Z@ lA) All horS<5 nte do<lk<;-•.
(B) All doukoy• Ole monkey•. (c! 42 •d, 4J
lnfenm""": [I) All hm ..;c1 arc IlKmkcy>. 32. JrBHJ 120.1'.1B-756o!ltil'AP-14C·h,·n
t_ll) AI! monkey• ace hmi<L_, MAP"

(a) Only mferonoc I is cnriT!:l

(b) Only Inference ll "e<.>m:ct (c! l" .'<1, 323
(c) Both mfereru:e 1 md J! are correct ヲセᄋ@ .. al セpGB@
The of •tud<:ms re.ot< w
(:!) Neither inference I nor >nf<ronce ll ;s wh1ch clement of the communl<>Mn セM j・\ウᄋセ@
"""oct (a1 m・ウセ@ '"' セN」ッキ・イ@

Dir<Oiious (Qs. No. 27, 28 セョ、@ 29): Gi"''" (<'/ Ch3nnel id, セッョ、・イ@
「、セキ@ i; one キュセョA@ fitll<meti I>)' Aセ\^@ i"{;,W!COS 34. Tlte ;osyohologtcal a.<pe:l< ol !h<: dumoom ore
(A) "!!<liB! r/mwn "" lh" /n,-i, <ifJ!ri""4-'ie.< u!Jm- bo>t=m>god by

mu//og•c /mlic;rte ,.)uoh <1{ the following •111.>\'>CF· (a) the cUm tea<iler
cho1ces 1> cwrec/ m .>w: I! 1'"'.1'/iol! 1bJ th' subject teaoh""
27. Stalemnl: 1'1<> man;, L!lfullible (c) m.

Jnl<rcnec: (A) AU men arc fallible (J) the S!uden!S ti1emseh·•s

(U) No infallible pmun• orr SセN@ Rnoh oan be po"erlill source of oonum.noc>
Uun, provided

(") Only mfercoce (AI "correct (a/ content i' ab>tracl

(h) cuulcnl i> illu>lr•li,·c Direttiono: Read rhe fol/&k'!l<g l"'·""!t"

(<) MeJium i> lliruli a"d ッセ^キ・」@ !he quosoioor 1/mr are £11'''' heiuw
(d) comem » p1e•eu1ed lluough sood punl !Qo. fio>. 4:J w 46!
31>. r.n>od Leaduns ,. beSl tetlec<ed by A「ッセァャ@ tbe tap lead"'' ol the n.ttonall><
(a! セョ・、ッ」@ ofsrudenu mo,·emem were <il< ーッャォセ@ lromeJS. !110 ュャイセ^Nil。」@
M muubOT uf ili>lmcuun> W.o·-lu-illoy lcadcrohrp w"' provided by lhc ュッイャセ@
(c1 mrarnngful 4lit:.olluru. 。^セ」、@ by "u<knl> c!L£S> rnlclkcrWlb. The rum! ッョセゥ@ 11ftho indu,nial

(rl) pm-iliup >ilonoc m !he cia" l•bour IOn:e ャオセ」ィイ@ with rampant J!htcracy >nd
37. The main aim of clll.'l.«rlmm leach in:; io thw < tluCIILiy o\\raclctl ><oc:.l wmkm
(a) to g1vc inform•lloo mamly dnown from !he m1tldk da"" mlcl:cclu••'-
(b) to d<"·elop •nquirmg minrl Thc)' illid an uhvwu< 。、Nョャセ」M "'lnt ィッュセ@

lcJ to dc,·ciiTfl pcrwnahty 11f >lulli:nt. cmpluyeco. Hre lcatlor> worr free frum f:ar :of
rrtJ to help 'tudcnt' P"'" cx.o.mmoUun> ^セ」ャゥョュ@ and immune limn n'h oi lcatlcr>hlp
.18. Studmtx 'hnuld prt:rcr lhu>c tcochcr> whu Fゥョセ@ gcm:ndly wdl-cduL.akd, the)' haLl • hcllcL
roJ rl10"te note< m the '""' pcr.pc"Ctivc and .<cnS<: ul- U!J!a.n!Saliun uceLlcd Tiley
lb) g1vc trnportanl
bd01e unold >ee lhe '"""" in u bO<>a<Jer ョュャセᄋ@
ィ」ャッセM、@ lu a ャオセィ」イ@ ""'-''"1 plane than lhc· o,orkt'J>.

'cJ can cka; tbcir llifficultlcs rcg.rdmg and "llh セオ、@ educ•lion •nd intclkciu•l
subject-matter dc'·dopmont o:>:>rnparablo lo the b<S< 。イョッセ@
id} are tberruelves d!!iciplmod cmpk>ycr.;, tl!cy could meet lhc cmpluyc·r. on :ircir
J\1. The t.nnogs ofl<lecast of U.G.C. educanonal own plane, and carry on negotoanon• on an equol
prOg:rrutUll<!< ore footing. Accordl!lg 10 lh< Royal cセュッNLョ@ on

Ia) t'rom I p.m. rn 2 p.m. Labo>ur 1n jョ、セ。N@ "the effect ol ''"' ourge """
(b! from 12 noon to I p.m. elihanced by the polilt:;a[ mrmotl wluch sdded m Lh'
(c) !rom 6 10 7 a.m. ーイ・カ。エャョセ@ feolmgs of unrest and asOls<ed 10 pmvtd:
(dj megular wtlllllg loaders ol a trade uruon movemenr.· Uur.
40. Whtch one of tbe followmg is an ODD oUISide le>dersh•p hod led rn polii!OtS.OTLOn of the

... temetO!' ntovemonL

(aj Majority of teacher< w;e lectures method Politici>mior. ot the lobour movemrnt m lndJ>
(b! Mosl of lhe classrooms are pe>orly h.,; contnbuted both to 1t.< strength and w. wo>kn"'-'-

'quiPJ"'<l \%rle economi: ィ。イ、ゥエセ@ w:r< ptesenc >II along"-'>

(,IKno,.·]edge is otatic latent force, tho ma_tor unpe!us fQJ gtowlh of
(d! One way iuteractJon pr•O'·ails 1n rho llmonism was pnnoanly pro,·•dod by !loo ma1or

dossrooons puhhc•l ourr<nl>, p•rticul•rly nur•·emcnl> i'ot

41. Tho quality of rosrorch i> judgod by lh' notionol inJepomlenO<. Dul for the <e•l onJ 'h<
(a! relevance ofresoarch uijZNュャL[ョセ@ •bilily which ihe hJero of Ihe natiumli>l

(b) l!ll'thodology followed in \ッセ、オ「ョァ@ tbe moV<ment 「イッョセィエ@ lu bo•r upon tho lndion Tr•d•
reseorch l'!L!On セッカ・ュゥ@ 11 would not have gamed. the d.L-
(c; &plhol"lheiesearcb Ill<llSlOO> and lhe ーッ。ウイョセ@ n h<ld t>y l セオ@ 101rhm セョャケ@
(d! exJl"nence of the reseaicb:r a do:oade of it> formal >lart.
41. Tho objective• uf a rcscorol! con be "'men 43. Leadetslup lu Ttade Uniun ""' pruHJcJ by
(a) only in quesrlnn form lho middle da"" intell<otuals in Tndoa hocause
(b) セョャケ@ in su.rement fonn (a) they were the aorive pmicipam< ill the
HャNセ@ b<>lh qw:ation and >lal<:lll<ll< lomr nationahst movcmcn;
(dJ in hypothetical form (b) Ul<y were lhe hlcnuc' amrmg the workers
(() :hey "ere oble to ""3"""k with cTIJploy- mng ョ。Zセッャ@ tr<edom. an<1 11 f•c'li"'ic·d tho { ommu-
ers on equal "'"''< n15tl'arcy oJ Jnd" to'""'"''" dom,um pD>JHOr. on
(d_! ""' 1'.-orkeiS did nnt '"""' "")' one· •m•>ng the ."'1!-lnd!a Tr>dc t:nJoll C'"'t' '"' "'""rds 1he eod
rl>em to be tru,u loader 11f rhc tw<nt:es t.:unously ・イLッオセィN@ t:>e ィッセNャ@ "f l;ll'
44. l!nr1r.g tile セ^Aャケ@ ャBセイウMヲ@ rad< l:mon \fnl''""""' C'ummuni>l Pa:-ty over tl:• AlHT kc' .,.,,incJ
gat ned gre,er di:monso= because エュ」ャNLセ、@ " " " then, ・セーエ@ for a hrief •rcll ";.,..,
(a1 the セッイォ・LN[@ occeprc,l oul>tdo bdc" tho nauonallsL' ralhed ilndor rile lc•o.;,.,r_,p of
rh1 l1 <t.r:ed 。ゥョオセ@ wi1h ihc inJcpondonoc Subha5 L'llandta llo<e In !be el.,enth _,..,,;.," oflbc·
ri'.U\'\'nl\T.'. AJIUL' tn QセSN@ ond the Cu:ru.ou,.i<t r;.,,p オョセ」イ@
lcJ 1he lc•dc-r5 v.cro wdl ,duoa;d »ich b'oad <11< ャセ^、\イウNョ@ ッセM ll.T. Rlndi•·e at:d セ@ V !},..,IT''"J.·

pcr>p::ou' c; can>< out 10 rorm the All !nd!a Red Tmde 11,,,,.
Ia) tho lcadm "'""' ci,••c«:C to d1e welfJre of (or.pes., <I'Oil \「ッオセ@ llod boe" 5poll' ,,-ll""
w<>rkor. ^Qセ@ ッセ「@ Jl', the po>IIJM of <he ,\JHT "' t:·>c· IJ.,,,
45. sッセᄋB@ • sun;oblo <:tle w エィセ@ pGBセ\@ mn,·ement "' o キィセャ・N@ The A In ;r 1'"<1 b,·,·"
'"-' I イウ、セ@ uセゥッョ@ .\1ovem""r'" lndta 。、^ーQlョセ@ 11< ーッャQセケ@ to tho pohcies "fthc (',-,,,, ''""
''" Royal Comm"""n on 'lhde Union party. the 、セイ・」Aャッョ@ ol who'c pohcies "" ,j,.,·,]c-,1

moiGセョゥ\ャ@ cpon on tho bam of the J<nJlJediote go"l' a11ol
Bセ@ Oumde leadership ro H•d• Union• ob_te:ILV" ohbe "·orld セッョャゥBG@ "'"''"''"'- Ti"'-
id! l'egouat:on \\'llh employers " \\'Oil" l、・\jャッーセZ@ ond personal ッ「セ\」ョカ・@ of the

セ「N@ Whi would be the reason for workers no1 leoder< or' tbo movement. :1ad ofieo Jed '" <pel[, ,f
セッョオLNM@ forw>rd to mk< up th• ャ・ッセィエー@ '" >pll1<.
T rode ャイオッセ@ Moven"'"·' tn the ・。イャセᄋ@ }'<lrs'.' 47. lbe C"rnmnmst P"1V of Indio g,.,,,l "
(a) L>ek O:'llnl< m
domtn>.nl po;,11on the AmJC a.< a"""" of
rll; Aャョ・イNッセ@ Ia) tho inliuence of the 'ucoe" nflhe R""'""
(c.' 1-oor o: Vlt:'lmi»nan
id! Risk in loadorsh1p
ra R""oluoioo
ib) tho leadw; m !'.111'(' devoting "'""I' \セi@
L>Jro<tlons: ヲャN・セ、@ ,;,,. /o.'lo·,inr; paJ>age and their nme lor the n<Honol freet1om
\'''"·"i""·' riM,,,. gf,,m
"""'''' the be.'ow/{). ,v,_,-_ tnowmen<
4C ,., 51)_, It! the bnngmg tn ol エ、・ッャセァjc@ ch.,:g« '"
oオイセBァ@ tile r..-st decade cf tho mol''"'""'· the <he movement
NセiャMBG@ T "'de t 'nion Congrm "'"' non11n"ed Oy rd) <he ArtlJC rdte"'":l llself nt '"

tlw 'H\Iinu.>li<t セ。、・LウN@ and '""'equentl\' tl" rel:u"""h'p ,,,rh tLO

jッセQゥュl@ f""''"'' "'" the Jlnl iri,·ol セBi@ nf 」ィBャGゥセ@ TセN@ The ,\m!C inoke 1t< l1·1k wlth fl<itl<h I";'""'
L:.·c·dnrn l'mm HLNセ@ n•lc ll<>wc'"'· ,,]e,],.g<<>l Pa!ty bec>use
c·on>iJ,.,,;.,,, S<•ou iu<'l<lerlthe "' ea セ」ッ・B@ of the /!!} <he leader< :omed tl-.o ョセihjゥオャ\Z@

rッh\iセゥオョ@ ir, 1hc ti.S.S.R. ;n,·nu.,ged rhe folhr.l'- movemont and were oppos•J to the
"" c·Jior, ir. bJlli lo p·!tcllate """ 1he ;ahnur Bnn<h
movcmonl. lncy pcrcoiv"J ェセ^ャ@ "' lhe ico<i<•' or lhe il,! there ''"' a •pht 1!1 tho notion>il>'
nalwelali't mo'l·mcn' cli<l ' ,]ecat1e Bセ@ • <ery movement "'"If

po"orful "cupon in the· prole'"''"' ;MV'"""" whkh (c) the prolo-rrmon mo•=•""' '"" ッイセ\ャᄋj^、@
could sub;Hl..セGMBZQI@ BセGZャュ\@ 1l1cio nhjeerile' nf by the Commumst Pony
lead11;g the AITITC 。キセ@ from ihc· it 0 fr<ur ,... _ 1'-'-' AI: lnd10 Re.l T10de Jlnioo Congress'·'"'

opor->llon w<th the Olltilh Laboac Party and ヲッイ」ゥセ@ ' fo"'"'d to """'l'"'e セ@ ,,h AtH-'l
spl11 m tho 11Jttonal!$r movom<nl sゥュオョ」\ャセ^[MN@ The'" were no% alld ebh< ,,. lhe ,\1n:1·
tho loadm of the nononoliS! ntovem<nt bec·amc bocall;o.:

mor< en>:rossed wtth エャ・セイ@ pnmary obJe<III'C of win (<i! tho.· CoiJ'.mun1>t Pmy cntcr.-tl in LC.c TmllL

llmM MtWO:nent ᄋキャセ@ nn All UC
(M ltnc· wore JlQ 」ャヲセゥカᄋ@ k"dcrobp .'a) !rum lhc 「」jュョセ@ of :he セBイエG@
cuャGセB@ \0 lh<· AffiT rhJ sino•c Llc Rum•n Rc•oiuuotl
rc, Qヲ「イセォ\ᄋ@ ils rd>twrublp with !LO td from rhe 「・セュョ@ of the Prol01an"n
,.,I.' """ unton• "'"'" mne<i by peorle ュッLᄋ・セ^\ョZ@

bel.,.ngtng ro ""''""' poltn:al partt:s rd! whel\ AI 1 LIC lt•;t '" lmk '·"']: Rriti<l,

50. rho Conun1uast l'art:1 con•.tnue> to r.ave "' L>MUr P"IY


1-3.: NGセ・」@ prc>ioLJ> "'"m roper Dcccmhcr QセE@ !li.ldl: Wt· \\·ill'·''' Hc'l ;.:mill np1111n ゥャIMセG@ rr F
•1. (b): tWTCCI セtiMGwcヲ@
5. (o): Number 6" r.!oted :G 1'ri:>3n only ! 7. 11>1: RF an:l [i mf<trm>llinn are "'" neede:t W
6. (b): llunng r.!Mriay anO ihッG\セ^ケ@ BGセ@ '·' \:'-
·1•-'-1.>) for totmto >-n<' tht.< "'ngc for"""'"
ra QセM\IZ@ HinO· md hゥョセBG@
tho quw·on.
,,. "'" dlfferent.;or-
,; ?"-JU 10). ccpl<
'1, (b): Bo&.the ltne< "' p:rrallel fmn: Worlne<ola} I セMャ、}Z@ Here R "II-.: Colrn.:CI C")'bnar;on ,,fA
エセ@ I ィQB、セケ@ 20. I<): ThN i> ll:c he;t aclilln ln't a teacher ,:,mriO
セM (tl): ll01e end mne Bセエカ・ョ@ here wkc
9. (d): If thtrd Monday " on t}e I: lhcn fr'l 21.{•): A >B
\1ond")' wrth be on l'i-1-1 Jrd and the sセkMb@

montl1 wiU have mrt«J Aイセュ@ '>>nm<ay It P"m"" "- h:!.' Xon 1i1vWcci imn I'" hnth
'"""'" Five Slturda)S sョセ、。スG\@ >•ld ore 1mplled
\1<>,day< o1e poss1bie. B. ャセAG@ Condu<inn A nn セN@ val1dly mferod
I Q_ (ol): ,.,_s,.v Z4. (c): BeC.lll<t of 'A II syllog<Sm c.-.rdd<>nn I ts

R:-T:·S (2) Cl'>m'("l, IJ 1< ,1,.-, C011'ecl b'CO'l" セヲ@ 1:1e

r^tZᄋセjャ@ word 'only· used 1n rhe tnolJOr prenmc
R >A> T
Il I zs. (<It: "Some appl" "' 1101 セイNAーBG@
I< 1ne :orrec:

II. (d): Prnoucc i> rcffilcd to p;o,;iu"
J:l. (c): The v,od "g•:ncr"lly'' illu"''""" thot ,,];er
2(,, (d): "-AA " not o •·ahd <} ZPセQ^ョ@
エャセ・@ r,gllrc g"'<n be'<lw
B」ッイ、ョセ@ lo

ャ^ョセオ。・ウ@ are al•o •pokes m _Au•lr>ili' If ? -------;:;>" \1


Kamesh ktwwsla.nguage otlm tbm Eng I 1>h ML__ セ@

<yokou. Thor< he :an clk to thorn. The• Gセ@
opnon (dt " wrong. l!ut option lei "com:cl 27.jb): lnleren:• A IS not correot b<eau« :<>e

""'"""' ""Y one can loarn a ian_;uagc tn 9 11egatn-e of t:OIIrhle LS not int3Jhbl< tn lo;o:c.
yea" 2R. (b): Harcll:, to logtc Ill.• ncga11ve >en«.
13. (c): A. R amll'l are <>pin1ort; bu! C ;, ''-"· 29. (•l: n,;, ioforence doe< not fullv ヲッャゥᄋセ@ ャッセQ」。@
ャTNHセI[@ 10-r.' 2anol3x2,.1=12 rub bui in P""OJ!rialle•n• it i> OOI'CCI.
12 セ@ :t- .>mH • ';' 1 - n +" 30. 1<):
QUKSセTッョjG}@ 75 31.(<):2! RNjᄋGiャL\|QTsUセ@ ('""
l5. (11): 4 ' ] + 5. 7- 4? JZ, (aj: 2 " ; x 4 ,U]Ophed by J :Ire Ih< F,L]el
5•6+7•4 セX@ 33. (al: lnlcrnal nprc<>iurt< \'on!<· nul thrm•gl,
9>2+·1•7-46 fociol cxprc,>run
s^ッjエVクNセTF@ 34. (a I: ll" 'he d'-'' <eocber who dr<·id" rho clo;, ,, セイッオー@ and >rrang<:> セGB@ 'oat<. 41. (>)'
e.g., disturlltng srudents arc ••ked to >tt in 42. (o):
the frolll roo.. 43. (o):
セUN@ (b): llhl>lr"i"n ;, the pte-requisite of o good 44. (b):
cumrnur.icatiun 45. l•l'
jセN@(<): 4b. (b):
J7. (b): 47. (o):
J8. (<): 48. (o):
39. (<): 49. (o):

4il. (•): It " the ッオャセ@ co. 1001 smtonlt:lll ill tho セイoGjー@ 50. (d):


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