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Endocrine Physiology

Constance R. Martin, Ph.D.

Professor of Biological SCiences
HlJIl!8r Co llege
City University 01 New YorI<.

New York Oxford

Oxford University Press

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To H.R.N.

The centraltberne of this book i. the application of ments 10 shorter lexts, and for physicians seeking
molecular ertdocrinology principl .. to lhe under- badground malerials not generally available in clin-
standing of whole animal in mammal" ical books and journals,
Hormones performing oommon or related functions Cerlain chapter's aSSume knowledge of material
arc grouped together in each of the subdiYisions. presented in Ihe earli.. OfICS. However. Ihe index
Human is emphasi?.cd, and ",fc«,nccs provides ready aCCess 10 lerminology and details that
to the clinical literature been included. Since might be nceded if the texl is read in a differenl
most basic research is conducted on laboratory ani- order,
mals. species ,a.iations and the relevance of the find- Most of Ihc references are la ken from the re<:ent
ings to human subjects arc oonsidel"<'d in some detail. lilcrature. Each of the papers supplies additional ei-
Nonmamm.lian vertebrate. and inverlcbrat•• ..,Ive tali"" •. and roview artide.s been .
.orne of their biological problems in different way •. I hope that authors whose works wOro omined will
They therefore can provide insights into differences recognize that it WaS not feasible to incorporate all
bctwe.:n "what is" and "what must be so." Despite of thc imporlant findings,
the advantages of limiting Ihe text to manageable Preparation of this book was made possible by the
size. selected a'peels of CQ!l1parative endocrinology scholarly approach and indulgence of Oxford Uni-
are presented in the chapters on calcium metabo- versity Press. The initial version of the manuscript
lism, Water balance, reproduction, and pituitary was begun in 1977, Because of rapid advances in the
gland functions_ field. earlier chapters were revised each lime a new
The texl's formal was de'igned for versa@ly. The one was completed. Changes and additions were also
section. in large type oover all of the major topics, made when a new journal arrived hours after a sec-
They should be easily oomprehended by students lion had been rewrilleo, during copy editi ng and ex·
who have oompleted elementary training in animal amination of Ihe galley proofs. and even after prep-
physiology and biochemistry. and they are therefore aralion of Ihe page proofs. Needless to say. Ihis has
appropriale for use in graduale and advanced un· taxed thc patience and endurance of many editors, [
dergradualc oourses. Some of Ihe sections in small am especially gralefullO Dr. William F. Cunis. who
Iype demand more advanced knowledge of biochem· good·naturedly bore the brunt of burden. I also wish
istry. Othe rs are concerned wilh unresolved oonl...,. 10 thank Mr. Jeffrey House. Mr, William Tilley. and
versies. or wilh delails Ihat will interest only limited Ihe copy edilors. Ms Susan Meigs and Ms Brenda
numbers of ,<,aders. These scetion. can be omitted Jones.
wilh no loss of continuity in the lext. From the beginning. my husband, "enning Nor-
Since thc index is liberally supplied with subhead- born. consislently provided inspiration and under.
ings and ero.,·references. the lexl Can also serve as standing. Without support. encouragement. and
n convenient sourcc of information for investigalors. scnse of humor. Ihe book oould nol have h«n
for graduate and medical sludents requiring ,upple- completed.


Positive Feedback Controls
Direct Metabolic Control of Hormone
Secrelion: Parathyroid HQ'm<)I\e and
Endocrine Functions of lhe Pancreatic "
Changing Concepts of the Nature and
Functions of Hormones
The Functions of Vertebrale Hormones ,3
Neuroondocrinc S)"llemS
Endocrine Functions of the
Endocrine System_Nervous System Gastrointestinal Tract 60
Hormonal Interactions wilh Enzymes
1 Brain Hormones
The i\PUD Hypothesis
Hormone Se\:rt'tion Cycles
and Coenzymes 1
Hormonal Intemclions wilh Nucleic The Pineal Gland 65
Acids 8 Circumventricular Organs
Growth factori ""
Interaclions wilh Minerals
Interaction. with Organic Nutrients "" Prostagla ndins and Related Regulators
Para hormones
Chalones "'"
The Thymu5 Gland
Rcfcr<:nC<'s "
Embryonic Inductors
"Growth Factors" '"'"

Biosynthesis of Amines and Related

Regulators 12
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM 32 Multiple Forms of Intermedi3tM.iud
What Is an Endocrine Gland? 32 Peptides 79
ldcntifica1ion of Hormone·secreting Largcr Pcptides 80
Structures ;J Pr()tein 83
Endocrine functions of the Biosynthesis ()f Polypeptide and Protein
Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
Ph)'$iological Importance of the " Hormones
Pr<:hormoncs and Prohormones
Endocrine Glands Regulated by the Pars
Distalis Hormones
Hormones Deriycd from Pro-
Glycoprotein Hormones
Negative Feedback Control or Hormone Secretion of Amine •. Peptides. Proteins.
Hypothalamic Cootrol Mechanisms "" and Glycoprotein.
The Biosynthesis ()f Thyroid Ilormones


Hormones Requiring Complex Post- Insulin Regulation of Cholesterol

Steroid Hormones and Calciferols "" Biosynthesi,
Insulin Regulation of Protein '"
Prostaglandins and Related Regulators
Hormone Interactions with Plasma "'OS Metabolism
Insulin Regulation of Carbohydrate '"
Hormone DegrJdation and
Meehanisms!}f I""ulin Action '"
"0 Insulin Innucnees On Carbohydrate '"
Metablism of Neurons
Glucose Transport and Metabolism in '"
the Intestine and Kidney
Metabolic Functions of Glucagon '"
Single vs. Multiple '·Primary'· Sites of
Hormone Acti!}n
Latent Periods
Pancreatic Polypeptide
Other Islct Cell Peptides '"
The Second Messenger Hypothesis
Cyclic Nucle<)tides ""
NS ILAS and Other Factors Affecting

Insulin Functions
Calcium Ions and Ca lmodulins
Mec-hanisms of Action of Steroid '" Biosynthesis and Metabolism of Insulin
Metabolism of Other Pancreatic
Current Status of lhe ·'Steroids In. '" Hormones
Pcptides Out"· Hypothesis
Regulation of Islet Cell Secretion
Insulin Se<:retion '"
Mechani sms of Action of Iodinated Regulation of Glucagon Secretion '"
Thyroid Hormones
'" Paracrine Controls 200
Hormonal Interactions
Regulation of Hormone Receptor '" EXjlCrimental Islet Cell Hormone
Deficiencies 20'
Numbers and Functions
Some Problem. Enwuntered jn Ihe '" Diabetes Mellitus
Desi$n of Experiments
Glucocorticoid Deficiency in Whole '"
Glucocorticoid E,cess
InAuenccs of Glucocorticoids on the
The Vital ImportallC<' of Maintaining '" Liver
Glucocorticoid. and Responses to

Adequate Blood Glucose Nonspecific Stress 220

Anti· lnflammatory and Anti·lmmune
COIlcentrations '50 Effects of Glucocorticoid. m
Metabolic Functions of Insulin: An
Glucocorticoid Influences on Skeletal
Skeletal Muscle Contributions to '" Muscle
Glucocorticoid InAuenccs on Bone.
Glucose Homeostasis
Insulin Regulation of Carbohydrate '" Cartilage, and Skin
Glucocorticoid Roles in Devolopment
Metabolism in Liver
Adipose Tissue Contributions to Glucose '" Anatomical Organization of Adrenal
Glands and Related Structures 230
Insulin and Glucose Regulation of '" Biosynthesis of Adrenocortical Steroids
Enzymatic n.rects of the Adrenal
Insulin Deficiency leads to the '" C!}rtex
Metabolism of Conicostercids
Development of Ketosis and Acidosis
Insulin Regulation of Fatty Acid '" Synthetic Conioosteroids 2"
'" References
ACTH Regulation ",
Roles of Cakiurn Ions, Membrane
PhOlipho/ipiw, and Pn:Istaglandins in 9. ALDOSTERONE AND THE
Regulation of Adrenocortical Cell
Physiological Functions of Na · . K' , and
Glueoconicoid Influerw;o:s on
'56 Related Ions
Functions of Aldosterone '"
Actions or ACTH .nd '" Biosynthesis and Metabolism or
Aldosterone J32
Related Molecules
Regulation or in tile '" Aidosterone Regulation of Sodium
Transport in the Kid ... y J32
f etus
RegulMion of ACTH Secretion '"
Regulation of K' Excretion
Aldosterone Influcnccs on Other Cen
Pars Intermcdia Hormones
Regulation of CRH Secretion
Neglltivc Feedback Control of the
Aldosterone Receptor Numbers
Aldosterone Secretion
Circadian Rhythms

The Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
Re nins '"
Rdererw;o:s Renin Substrates
BiOlynthesis and Metabolism or tIM: '"
Angioteru;in Regulation of Aldoslerone '"
Other Physiological Regulators or
Sitos of Biosynthesis and Storage
Extra_Adrenal Chroma"ln TII.sues
Aldosterone Se<:retion
Anaiotcnsin Influenccs on the '"
Cardiovascu lar System 3S2
Relationship of the Adrenal Gland to Direct Influences or Angioterl$ins on tile
the Central Nervous System
Hormonal vs. T!"lIrI$mitter functions '"'" Kidney
Tho: K.llikrei.... Kinin System
Adrenal Dcmcdullalion (Enucleation)
Immu n(IIi)'rnpa lhectomy '"
m Anaiotcnsin Inftuell«S on tile Nervous
S)"$tem and Adrenal Medulla m
Cllemic:al Sympathectomy m A·II Generation in Other Pam oftbe
Effoxl$ or E..ccssive Catecholamines 2n
Catecholamine Regulation of
Carbohydrate Mctabolism
The "Fight Qr Flight"" Concept
YO. Inhibitory Effects
Adrenergic Reecpton m 10. VASOPRESSIN AND OTW: R
of Actioo or Epinephrine
• nd Norepinephrine ,.. REGULATORS OF WATI3R AND
Dopamine Receptors
Dopamine fu nctions
8 ios.ynt!tesis of Catccholamines
DiaMIe5 IrI$ipidus
Effects of E..CC5Sivc AD ...
Chemical Nature of ADH and 0(
Alternate Pathways for Catecholamine
Biosyn thesis
Related Ne urohypophysial Pcptides
ADII Receptor Antagonists '"
Catecholamine Metabolism
Additional Mechanisms for '" Physiological Mechanisms for
Concentrating Urine 373
Pharmacological Manipulation of tile
Antidiuretic Actions of Vasopressin m
CA System
Serotonin 3<>,
ADI-I Regulation or Solute Transport
AD H Interactions with Adrenocoflial '"38'
Referenocs ""
Vucular Actiorl$ 0( ADH

Bi",ynth..i" Secretion. and Metabolism Calcife rol Regulalion of Parathyroid
of Vasopressin and Related Peplides 385 Hormone Secretion
Regulation of A VP Secretion 388 Calcifeml Actions On the Kid ney
InAuences of Vasopressin and of Related Calciferol Aetions on Skeletal Muscle

Peptide, on Learning and Behavior 390 and Olher Tissues
Other AClions of Vasopressin 392
Prolactin Regulation of Water and
Electrolyte Excretion 393


Other Hormones Affecting Sodium and CALCITON IN. AND OTHER
Comparative Physiology of Waler and
Electrolyte Metabolism
Parathyroid Hormone IXficicncy ,.,
Chronic Hyperparathyroidism
Individual Differences in Response to
Changes in Blood Calcium
The Parathyroid Glands 'M


Parathyroid Hormones
Regulation of f'arathymid Hormone '"
Parathyroid Hormone Actions on the '"
Functions of Calcium
Specificilyof Responses 10 Changes in
Parathyroid Actions on Bone
Mechanisms of Action of Paralhyroid
Calcium Ion Concentrations 410 Hormone
Some Physiological Roles of Phosphorus
Some Calcium·Phosphate Interactions
Calcium -Binding Prot.ins
Other Actions of Parathyroid Hormone
GO"t mi n1..1inal :CQ le;lon;n
Calmodulin' (CaMs)
Calcium Roles in Cell Motility
41 I
Calcilonin Actions on Bone '"
Calcium and Phosphate Influcnces on
Cell·to-Cell Communication
Calcitonin Actions on the Kidney
Additional Erre<:ts of Calcitonin in
Calcium Transpon Across Membranes: Calcitonin Functions in Birds
Mox:hanisms Calcitonin FunClions in Amphibians
Calcium Intaxe. DiSlribution. and Calcitonin Funclions in Fishes
'" Adrenocortical Hormone Regulation of
Phosphale Distribution a nd Metabolism
Inorganic and Organic ConSlituents of '" Calcium Homeostasis
Influences of Gonadal Steroids
, go
'" O ther Factors Affecting Bone '88
Bone Cells
'" References
Bone Extracellular Huid
Bone "Ground Substance" '"
Conversion of DJ to ""
Metabolism of 25-OH.Vitamin DJ
Renal 25-OII·D, ltt'-Hydroxy lase
Calciferol Melabolism in Fetuses and
Clinical Usc of Exogcnoos Calciferols REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
Calciferol Regulation of Calcium and Ascxual 'is. Sexual Reproduction:
Phosphorus Absorption
Calciferol AClions on Bone and '" Fundamental Dirrercnce,
Reproduction of tne Somatic '"
'" Cells of lIigher Animals
Perpetuation of the Species 500 The GonadQtropins, Biochemistry.
and Di ... of Biosynthesis. and Secretion 588
Asexual Reproduction 500 Gonadotropin Releasing Hormones 50>
Gametes. Gonads. and Gender 500 Modanisms of LRH Action 596
Gender Identity and Gender Role 501 £xtra-hypothalamic LRH 596
Sexual Reproduction that Does Not
In_olve Gamete FClI'mation SO,
Hormonal Regulation of Imerstitial Cen '"
ZygO!cs. Embryos. Larvae. and Fetuses 50> Functions 598
Hermaphroditism 502 Hormonal Regulation of
Sex Chromosomes. Autosomes. Genes, Spermatogenesis. Spermiogenesis, and
and Alleles 502 Spermiation WO
Chromosome Separation During Mitosis 503 Hormonal Regulation of Accessory
Chromosome Separation During MeiOSis SO) Reproductive Glands 601
Fcni]ization and Sex Determination
Chromosomal Sex in Nonmammalian
506 Other Androgen Target Organs
Mechanisms of Androgen Actions ""
Vertebrates 506 Age-Relatcd Changes in Tcsticular
ACI'essory Reproducti _e Structures
Secondary Sex Characteri'ties 5>0
Pseudohermaphroditism 5>0
Early Differentiation of Ihe Mammalian 15.· THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE
Reproductive Sy'tem: The SYSTEM 6>0

Ambisexual or "Indifferent" Stage Common Characteristics of Male and
Differentiation of the Testis 5>J Female Systems 620
Differentiation of the Male Structure of the Adult Ovary 62'
Rcproducti_e S}'stem Duets 5>8 Ovarian Cycles: Morphological Aspects 625
Differentiation of the Male Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis in the
Ovary 635
Diffel'<'ntiation of the Ovary
Determination in
5>0 Relationships Between Follicular F1uids
and Ptasma Gonadal Steroid, ..,
Vertebratcs 5" Plasma Gonadotropin Levels During thc
Sex Reversal m Menstrual Cydes 6"
Hormonal Regulatioo of Reproductive Hormonal Regulation of Ovarian Cycles
System Development in Ma le in Primates 6"
Mammals 526 Ilormonal Regulation of Ovuiation 6"
Control of Reproductive System Corpus Luteum Formation, Functions.
Development in Female Mammals 536 and Regression 65)
Disorders of Sex Differentiation 5" Regulation of Plasma Gonadotropin
Sex Di fferentiation of the Central Concentrations 6"
Nervous Systcm 55' Cyclical Change. in Accessory
Hormonal Regulation of Reproductive Reproductive Structures 6"
Hormonal Control of Reprodu ctive
558 Mechanisms of E'trogen Act ions
Progesterone Receptors
Rehavior in Primate, Gonadal Steroid Actions On Other
Refe...,nc ••
". Tissues
Pu hcrty Onsct in Females
SYSTEM References
Com]Xlnents of the Adult Testis
Production and Maturation of '" 16. CONCEPTION.
Seminal fluid. '"
Steroid Biosynthesis and Metabolism
Androgen Release and Distribution
Androgen Degradation and Excretion
Preparations for Fertili71!1ion
Dc<'clopment to the Blastocyst Stage
t>tcparalions for Impla ntation
De<:idual Reactions
Formation of 11K: PIICC1111
6" TIle Comple1 Nature ofSamalk
Chorionic Gonadotropins 69. Growth
Additional Peptide_type Trophoblastic
". Biosynthesis and 5e<.:relion or Growth

HormO)/\Cs 70s HypOthalamic Regulation of Growth
Maternal and Fctoplaccntal Synthesis Horrnorn: S«relion 790
.nd Metabolism of Steroids
Duration of tbe Geslalim Period
Some Special Problems in tbe
Sludy of Growth HOfltlOM Physiology ,.,
TIIc Somatomedin H)·potbc:!;iJ 79'
Conlrlccption 71l Somalomcdin Actions 802
Maternal Adjuitmc:nu During the Growth lIol'TnOllc Actions Not l inked
PoIilpanum Period 123 with Sonutomedins 803
Lactation 123 Nutrition- Related Changes in Growth
HQrm<)llcs and Bl't'asl Cancer 73 ' Hormone Funtlk,"$ 80s
References m Ref.rences 80s




A"alUlIIY ''""
Thyroid Glands and Their Hormones '"'" Blood S upply
Comparative Morpholosy of tbe
Obvious Manifestations of
ll ypcrth)'roidism 7"
Micl'05COpic Anatomy of the Pats
OlMout Manifestations 01 Thyroid
Distllis ."
H .... hlOiK Deficiency
The Biosynthesis of Thyroid Hormones
Caloriaenic Act ions of Thyroid '"
El«lron Microsoopy althc PI., Distalis
Micl'<1SC'Qpi<: Anatomy of the Pa.,
Hormones 7" Microscopic Anatomy of the Neural
Thyroid Hormone Receptots
Thyrotropin Regulation of Thyroid
liormorte Secretion
'" 1.0'"
The Hypothalamus
Hypothalami<: Regulation of food

Thyrotropin Rel<:asing Honnonc

TRH Actions on Otber Cell Types
Neuroendocrine: Control of the TRH-
Intake and Body Weight
References '"
TS H·Tbyroid SystCm 768 20. THE PI NEAL AND T H YMUS
I nnuenoes of Steroid Hormones 770
Interactions 771 Structu re and Innervation of PillCal
Effects of Iodine Deficiency and Exce$$ 772 Glands
GoitrogeN 773 Regul3lots Synthesized in Pineal Glands 8S3
liuman Thyroid System Dysfunctions 776 Pinea l Gland Peptide. 860
Additional Reasons for lmpl iclti", the Pinal G land Regulation of Senonal
ImmullC System 778 Changes in Reproduction
Pineal Gland lnfl ... ncu on '"
Ref_nccs Pi&mcmation "7
Pineal Gland InnuenC<'$ on Other Thymus Gland Innuences on Other
Physiological functions 8n Endocrine functions 8"
functional Anatomy of the Thymus References 886
Gland m
Thymus Gland Involution 8",
Thymus-Gonad·Adrenal Intcraclions 883 INDEX SO,
_ __ PART 1_ _ _

Introduction to the Endocrine

Systems of Vertebrates
What Are Hormones? What Do They Do?

Vertebrale hormone< are highly po1en1. special ized le .... d from. it. own 'pecial. morphologically
organic molecules that as regulators and co- reoogni;,able cell type. The secretory units are Or·
orrlinaloi'1 of the biological functions ()f Ihe animal. ganized into distinct, drcumocribed structures
in which they art: synthesized . They exert lheir ae· known as " Moeri"" glands whose aClivities are reg_
lion. 011 cells equipped with receplors thaI bind the ulatoo by blood·borne demieal signals. The hor-
hormones with high affinity and specificity and cou- mone is discharged in to the circulatory system.
ple thai binding 10 Ihe initiation of characteristic Ihroogh which it travels 10 a single Or limited num-
respon ..... ber of lorget orgom for the purpose of exerting "spc·
Dist inctions can be made between horlnOll<'S and cinc" .t imulatory or inhibi tory influcnces. The re-
certain other regulators, such as inorgank iom. sponses 13ke time to develop and are of Fonger
zymes (acling on subslrate. ralher than rccc:plOn;). duraUon Ihan Ih<»e eliciled by neurolransminers.
walcr-soluble vitamins (derived from the die! or Since each kind of endocrine gland seNC$ as the
from microorganismJ; ,",siding in the digestive tract), unique SOU rCe of ilS hormone, surgical ablation lead.
macr(mUiriem. utilized in subslantial quantit ies a, to the emergence of a characteristic deficiency syn·
eilher energy sources Qr protoplasmic building drome that can be alleviated by administering Ihe
blocks). parahormone$ (ubiqui tous SUb$t3oce, 1"<»- missing produc\.
duccd by m<,)S\ cdl type.). and pheromol1..s that act This neat. orderly arrangement distinguishes the
On other memb(m of the species. Hormoocs. how. endocrine ( .... h<»e regulators are synthesized
ever. interact with all of the preceding. in gland, and a re released into the blood.tream)
fro m the nervous system (which produces its mes-
sengcrs in neurons and releases them to synpascs or
neuromuscular junctions). h also impl ies thai hor-
moocs differ from locally aCling " autacoids" such a.
Recently developed methods have brought ncw in· hi.tamine and prostaglandins.
sights into the chemical nalU res of hormone. and re- T he picture presented in the precC<ling di scui>Sion
ceptors; their sites of biosynthesis. activation a nd was almost universally accepted until quite recently.
degradation; and their mechanisms of interaction a t When o'osc",ations that diverged from it first began
the molecular level. We now appreciate Ihe wide dis- 10 emerge, allemplS were made to pre,.",. t he
tribution of target cells. the rapid changes in the hor- dogma by suggesting that regulalors failing to cOn·
mOne concentrations presented 10 them. and the fac- form were unworthy of recognition as bona fide
IOns that modify the receptor numbens and functions . members of the endocrine system. In time. however.
Thcse advances have changed our undenstanding of it became necessary 10 acknowlC<lge that the clai>Si·
lhe endocrine system. cal views do not reflect biological reality.
The "classical"' conceplS are nonclheless worth ex· The endocrine system is powerf . versatile . and
amining since they have been widely diS5<'minated self-regulati ng. Hov.-ever. il is d ,dcdly 111)/ MOl;
and are sti ll being taught. According to the tradi- and it has little respecl for time- nored traditions .
lional view. each hormone is a defined chrmirol m- Its bounda ries merge impercep bly with those of
lilY that is synthesized exclusively within, and re- other r.gulatory a. ilS i fluences extend to

, :

all facelS of biological function. Exceptions to all of pancreas respond 10 changes in the glucose concen·
the traditional beliefs are cited in thi' dap!er, and tration of Ihe systemic blood. wbereas parathyroid
additional examples will be found throughout th. gland and calcitoni n·seereting e<:lIs are affected by
text. the levels of calciu m ions. On Ihe other band. eyen
the "typical" endocrine glands arc richly innervated.
Interrelationships betwecn thc endocrine and ner-
Chemical Nature ollhe Horm ones
vous systems permit the body to make adjuslments
Most hormones arc "families" of related molecule •. tbat avert. rather than correct. imbalances: and they
TWQ or mo,.., insulins and several kinds of glucagon, proyide for inleraclions with environmental factors.
can be made by a si ngle species. Gastrins seem to be The pineal gland. the endocrine components of the
universally present in multiple forms. Human pitu i- hypothalamus. and the adrenal medulla provide eX-
taries con lain many genes Iha! direct the biosyn. amples of hormone-secreting structures controlled
t hes;, of growth-promoting regulators. Testosterone pri marily by neurons.
actsdircetly on some ceil types. bUI it requires trans-
formation to dihydrOle,\osterone, estradiol or other
Hormone Tran8port
steroid. before it affects different ta'gets.
While many endocrine e<:lIs secrete into the systemic
blood yessels. those residing in the hypothalamus
Sites of Hormone Blosynthosi&
and exerting their influences on the anterior portioos
While it ;5 true that parathyroid glands serve as the or the pituitary gland pour most of their products
major sources of parathyroid hormones and Inal inlo a restricted part of the cireulatory system
pane""at;. bela cells make most of the insulins. most kllOwn as the hypothalarrn:..hypophysia! porta!
(and probably all) hormones are synthesized at mul- system.
tiple sites. T umor cells unrelated to parathyroid Hormones also gain acce$S to the target cells in
glands can make parathyroid hormone. insulin-like other wa)'s. for example, glucagon released by the
molecules are synthesized in the brain. and biologi- alpha ceils of a pancreatic islet can travel directly to
cally actiyc somatostatin originates (among other neighboring bela cells within lhe same islel (110). In
places) m the brain. paocuatic !Sleu. thyroId gland •• addi(lon. a hormone may aCt On the very cell that
and gastroinleslinal tracl. produces il.
Relat ively rew of the regulators are made in Slrue-
tures rwognizablc as endocrine glands. MOSt of the
Tha Spaclflclties of the Target Organs
angiotensin I is formed extracellularly wilhin the
bloodstT<:am. while most of Ihe angiotensin II origi. The largel organ concept is easily applied to e<:rtain
nates in the lungs. Some of lhe hormones Ihal reg- of the regulalors. For example , thyroid stimulating
ulate digestive sySlem functions aT<: synthesized in hormone (TSH) actS mostly On the foilicular cells of
e<:lls widely scattered in small clusters throughoul the thyroid gland, while adrenocoltiCOlropie hor·
the gUI. Neurons aT<: important sources of oxytocin. mone (ACTH) stimulates Ihc lOna fasciculata of the
yasopressin . and hypothalamic releasing hormones. adrenal cortex.
The kidney proyides uS wilh hormones thaI play On the other hand. insulin regulates hepatocytes.
major roles in the control of erythropoiesis a nd of adipocytes. skeletal muscle cell s. and some hypotha.
blood pres5U"'. and the liver COnverts a va riety of lamic neurons. while estrogens affect (among other
molecules into specialized produCIS. things) the oyaries. fallopian lUbes. ulerus. vagina,
We are now re<:ognizing Ihal many differenl kinds mammary gla nds. bone. bone marrow. liver. Ihymus
of e<:lls make substances chemically similar to (or gland. pituilary gland, and bra,n. It is difficult 10 find
identical wilh) the hormones lraditionally associaled a cell type Ihat docs IIOt contain receptors for glu·
wilh specific endocrine glands . Related molecules cocorticoids (17). and eYen TSH and ACTH acl al
have been idenlified in worms. proIO'.oo. and plants multiple si tes.
latent Period8 and Durations 01 Hormona
Mechanisms for Controlling Hormona Actions
The bel ief tha! the responses 10 hormones take more
It is Irue Ihat blood·borne signals ma ke substa ntial time 10 develop and last longer than those e lidted by
contributiom to the regu1alion of horm<.>n<: sec retion. neurotransm;uers is oot supported by the facts. Tar-
For example. the va rious e<:lItypes of tbe endocrine get cells canOOt distinguish between norepinephrine
released from sympathetic nerve endings (and there· Nutrition, Matabollsm, and Body
fore regarded as I neurotransmil\er) and norepi· Composition
nephrine into the by <.:<:lIs of
Hormones affect the of foods and "uids .. i.
the adrenlll medulla. Some of the hormonal .Ction$
the inHuellCCS they exen on olfactory and gustatory
of glucagon on the liver are detectable "'ithin sec-
r«<pton;. on the apprcei3tion of and rcspon5CS 10
onds aftcr thil regulator reaches its rc«pton. and
hunger and thiM. and on the locomotor IClivilie$ in-
there are efficient mc<:kanism$ for termination of tbe
wived in the acquisition and ingcstion of nUtncnts.
I'CSpoi e ",hen this become appropriate. Atetyl.
choline and Olher "classical'· neurotransmillers eIen Tbcy promote digestion and absorption, . nd they en·
haoce the blood flow (() the gut duri", times when
Iong·range. trophic actions 00 tells eq uipped with to-
no beayy demands are made upon the skclcu.1 mus-
ccpton for lhose relullton (112).
cle$. They regulate the distribution of essential rna·
Cum:ntly acceptable concepts of the endocrine
lerial$. and they encourage both the SlOfltge of nu·
system arc like beautifuny blufT"Cd wrsions; of the
IrienU following meal ingt!llion and the rce",itment
simple. 5harply drawn pittum made by ytStcn:by's
of rc5CI'"I'e during fasti", or when there is
endocri llOloaists. Ideas hav-e changed II(l rapidly
within the past few years that there are roollfOYcrsics n«d. They facilitate immediatc and Ione·ranle ad,
apt.uions lO changes in the qua lity, q\lllntity, and
coroccming ,,·hich of -'WI re,ulaton should be i....
liming of food intake. favorin& growth and repair
dudcd in the official list of hormones. III this
.. hen the supplies arc abunda nt . as ,,·ell as millimit,
teIt, all molecule$ meeting the criteria $0:1 fonh in
illl such processes when suI'"I';val can be prolonged
the opening paragraph a rc regarded IS components
by shunting very limited resources into pathways
of the cndocrine sy5lCm.
that support vital functions.
Hormones regulate the com.t:f'lation of water and
electrolytes and the ClIcrel;on of metabolic wlStes.
They modulate the generation, distribution. and dis-
sipation of body heat and thereby contribute to lhe
Cell and Survival maintenance of optimal internal temperatures. They
control the biosyn thesis and degradation bf struc·
Spedaliuttio!l$ permit each cell type to I'Crform
unique fu nctions Ihat roollribute to the versatility IUral and regu latory molecules and play important
roles in the al\ainment of Ihe body oomposition char·
and . ... vival of 'he or,ani.m '" • whole. Concom i·
aeteri .. ic ()f species.
tantly. they limit the abili ty of indi,iduai units 10
maintain autonomous existences. In ani·
the various cell types become highly dependent Activity and Rllt
on each other and on the rooltinuous presence of a
closely regulated internal environment. Hormones provide mechanisms for initiating and
"The endocrine system establishes the of <.:<:11- sustaining skeletal muscle aCli .. ity. for ."ping with
t<H:e1l ."mmunication that foster cooperation. and it stress. and for reversion to the I"CSling Slale when Ihis
thereby lCODUnu for many of the dilferellCe$ bc- bc«Imes appropriate. Influences are uerted 00 the
tween tell .ggregates and intcgrated indiyidua ls. It eardiovucular and nervous systems. and also di.
monitors Ind maintains the compositions of the body reetly on the s keletal muscle$. The IIonnoncs e ....
lIuids. Ind it favon spccialil;ltions by commandi", oourate the suspension of digestion and oll'O,...' He ....
cells of one type to suppan the Ictiyitict or l nother. lial anabolism during tinICS of excnion and the
Through inftijellCe$ on glQ'to,h. differentiation, mat· resumption of such functions and the institution of
uration. proliferation, and metabolism. it ellCOUrages repair during times or relaution. Theyoontribute in
each body component to il$ potenti.1 and \(I major Wll)'S to the regulation of eirehoral. diurnal,
assume iu appropriate .... and seosonal rhythms. Animals deprived olthe reg·
HOI"Jl"I/JIIoCS provide mcellani$nu whereby orpn- ulators are iDQIpable of sustained elron, and they
isms as a whole gn make adjustmenu to c"-ngin! readily succumb to conditions easily tolenued by i....
internal ntedland external environments. They ac- dividuals with healthy endocriroe systems.
complish this in part by PlohiOling maturation of the
nervous system and by regulating the activities and
Reproduction and Care 01 the YOIJn!l
sensitivities of neurons. HortllOilCS ,1$0 roollribute in
.....,otial ways to perpetuation of the species. since Tbc crucial roles of hormones in regulating the
they are n«ded for differentiation and maturation of expression of phenotypic sex are perhaps best dcm-
the TcproduCliVi: organs. for the production of ga' onstrated by ob5el'"l'ations ol the effeeu of hormone
metes, and for the nurturing of COfIC<:ptu$CS and deprivatit)ll. Mammals with male-type $e.1
neonates. somes develop into steri le indi .. iduals with female·

type external genitalia . while genelic females remain Prot ect ion agaloat Pradatora and Invader.
sexually infantile. Birds wilh female-type sex chr<> Through regulation of the dispersion and consper-
mooomes lake On masculine characteristics. sion of the pigment granules of poikilotherm cbro-
In addition to promoting the differentiation.
matophores and of melanin synthesis by pigment
gm"'lh. and maturation of the &<lnads and a=sory
cells of homeotherms. the hormones contribute to
r<:pr(l(luclive organs required to accomplish ferli1i1.a-
the acoompli'hment of camouAage. Influcnces on in-
lion, the hormones elic;! emergence: of Ihe secondary
Aammalory reaclions. on immune system fUnctiQ!\$,
sex characteristics thaI render the members of one
and on temperature-regulating mechani,ms confer
gender aurael;'" 10 those of the other. They alTec!
resiilanee \0 invasions by microorganisms and to the
the timing of puberty onset as well as sexual interest
growth of SOme kinds of tumor celts. Effe<:ts cxerted
and performance. Influences on I'(:<:cplivily in fe-
on the liver facilitate the of drugs and
males of subprimate spc<:ics and on Ihe secrelions of
oth.r poisons.
endometrial and cervical glands of humans provide
When the attack of a predator Seems imminent.
prOleclion against the formation of defective zygotes hormone-mediated "fight Or Aight" responses chan-
thaI could otherwise resuil from f •• (iliUllions ae-
nel the blood supply to skeletal muscles and other
oomplished by "overripe" gameles. Related fune·
structures nceded 10 cope with the ,ituation. Wid-
lions in nonmammalian venebrates include regula-
ening of thc airways facilitatC$ more rapid
tion of behavioral patterns that lead 10 the release of
of respiratory gases. as release of erythrocytcs from
spermatozoa and ()\Ia at the optimum times.
storage sites contributes to tbi s and provides
The hormones of eutherian mammal. prepare the
some protection if injury leads to blood loss. The
oviducts for nurturing zygOtes, for retaining young
blood also cl(>l.s more rapidly at such timcs. and su-
conceptuses during the cleavage stages. and for re-
perficial vessel, are constricted . There is temrorary
leasing blaslC)cysts into the uterus at the appropriate
elevation of the pain threshold and increased aware-
time. They prepare the endometrium for implanta-
ness of the environment. Piloerection can make some
tion. and they are required for the maintenance of
animals appear large and ferocious. while "frcele"
pregnancy. Afterward. they assist in parturition and
responses render Others less allractive to would be
then provide protection against the occurrence of
postpanum hcmorrha&c •.
hormonal inleractions contribute to the
maturation of the mammary glands, to initiation and
Self-Re gulation 01 th e Endocrine Sy.tem
maintenance of lactation. to release of preformed
milk in resporISt to a suckling stimulus. and to re- Hormones play im!X>rtant roles in the formation.
version of the glands to a reSling stale when lactation translocation. and functions of Iheir own re«ptOrl
is terminated. In some 'pecies. regulators associated (S8) . In $Orne cases. protection is provided against
with provision of milk for a large litter bring about overstimuiation. while in otherl the processes can
delays in implantation if there is a subsequent fenil- comribute to more elfective stimulation. Chronic el-
ization. In thi s way, the mother elfectively postpones evation of plasma insulin levels lead, 10 "down reg-
the burdens of a second pregnancy when the young ulation" of insulin receptors, whereas the secretion
make strong demands on her mctabolic res.Tlles. In of small quantities of estrogens by developing ovar-
giant kangaroos. lactational delays of implamation ian follicles leads to the acquisition of more estrogen
provide protection against the birth of more young receptors.
than can be acoommoda"ted in the pouches. In ham· Hormone, also alfett the biosynthesis and func-
Sters and other species, seasonal variations in the se- tions of receptors for other hormones. An outstand-
cretion of hormones affecting reproduction assure ing example is estrogen-mediatcd formation of pro-
Ihat the )'oung wi!! be born during the month. mCSt gesterone receptors in the uterus and mammary
COIlduciv.: to SUTllival. glands. Estrogens also ine,""ase the numbers of pi·
In birds. the regulators promote storage of nu- tuitary gland receptors for hypothalamic hormones,
trients within Ihe cgg yolks and the adjustments in and this makes possible the moonting of gonadotro-
mineral metabolism needed to make egg sheUs. They pin "surges" that promote ovulation. By contrast.
al so innuencc mating behavior and dev.:lopmem thyroid hormones decrease the numbers of pituitary
of the crop sac. In some amphibians, hormones receptors for thyrotropin-releasing hormone. and the
elicit the "water driv.:" that precede, fertili?.a_ process contributes to protection against excessive
tion in aqueous environments. In many animal stimulation of the thyroid gland.
types. influences on maternal behavior have been Each of the hormones additionally influence. the
described. biosynthesis. use. and mctabolism of others.
as well as the sensitivities to different kinds of for Iheir influences on carbohydrate. lipid, and pro-
regulators. lein metabolism. They also affecl mood and taste
pere<:plion (46) . Arginine vasotocin is a major reg-
ulator of watcr balane<: in submammalian vert.,..
brates. yet it exerts influene<:. on hypothalamic neu-
rons of mammals when it is present in low
While "typical" neurons that synthesize neurotrans· cone<:ntralions (86).
mitters and relcase them at synapse!; and myoneural Those who are less than fascinated by complexily
junction!; and "typical" endocrine glands that pour may wonder if somatostalin (SS) was created pri-
their secretion, imo the bloodstream are recognized. marily 10 confu$C cndocrinologists. The peptide wu
it is impossible to draw boundaries between the ncr· named for its ability to inhibit the secretion of
vous and endocrine systems. growth hormone (somatotropin). This action occurs
Hormone!; originating in endocrine glands help es- under phy>;iological conditions when hypothalamic
tablish the pathways of neural communication by neurons relea$C the hormone inlo the hypothalamo-
promoting growth and maturation of neuronal de- hypophysial portal blood vessels. In the gastrointes-
ments and by contributing to the regulation of mes- intal tract, neurons discharge SS at their sites of
sengu biosynthesis and release . They also serve as communication with largel organ,. whereas epithe-
neuromodulators thai aher the sensitivities to stim- lial cells secrete Ih. hormone imo thc systemic cir-
ulant!; and inhibitors. Neurons. in turn. affect hor· culation. [n the pancreatic islets. the cells that pro-
mone secretion in several ways that include control· due<: SS look like components of the endocrine
ling the calibers of blood ,,<,ssels that supply the !;y>;tem; butlhe actions are exerted locally On neigh-
glands. boring cells. withoul benefit of vascular transport.
Neuroendocrine cells a re properly classified as Within Ihe extrahypothalamie brain. SS functions
components of both systems. They store. as a neurotransmiller or neurom<.XIulator. II anlag-
and release oxytocin. vasopressin, and also a variety onizes some actions of TRI-!, and il also affects lo-
of hormones involved in regulation of the adenohy. comotor activity pallerns in laboratory animals. SS
pophysis (88). Many retain the morphological and is additionally made in thyroid gland cclls that se-
physiological characteristic, of the dements from crele calcitonin, and it is believed to act there as an
which they were duived. For example. they can de- intracellular regulator.
aClion ""Ienlial. and """""d 10 tran.mitter> H...... "'-"'o, a(f",,( ... It, ... r It""-
released by other neurons . rons in tWO different ways. During development.
Certain e<:lls that originate in the neural crests they '-condition'" the brain for ,eceptivity \0 regula-
and r"dated strUClureS of the embryo enter into Ihe tors that will subsequcntly be presented. I n older an-
formation of $Cnsory components of the centra! ner- imals, they eXert '"aclivationa)"' influences. They do
vous 'yslem and the sympathetic ganglia . Others mi- nol initiate behavior, but Ihey can faCilitate its onSOI
gmte long distances. become associated with endo- when they act on receptive cells.
crine glands. and de,'dop the ability to secrele As already noted. the traditional concept thaI
hormones such as calcitonin. neurotransmitters rapid. evan=ent actions.
Numerous examples can be ciled of substances whereas hormone.s mediate delayed. sustained regu-
that function in some parts of the body as neufO- lation_ is nm supported by the facts.
transmillers or neuromodulators and in others as
hormones (20, 43. 44). Norepinephrine is perhaps
the most obvious since it is released by neurons
within the brain. by sympalbclic nerve endings, and
by the e<:lls of the adrenal medulla. Thyrotropin-re· En,.ymcs interact directly with substrales. They ae-
leasing hormone (TRH) was named for its ability to celerate reaction rales by lowering activational ener-
promote lhe .«, mion of thyrotropin (thyroid-stim- gies. Many require organic cofacleTS (coenl.ymes),
ulating hormone). II acts in this way when it is re- inorganic activators (e.g. calcium or magnesium
leased imo the bypothalamo-hypophysial blood ves- ions). Or bolh. to function.
sels and travels to thc piluitary gland. TRH is also Cocnzymes allaeh to the enzymes and they $Crve
made in the cxtnthypothalamic brain, and it is a pa- as temporary carriers of intermediates such as hy·
lent nervous system stimulant. Luteinizing drogen ions, CO" and acyl groups. They can couple
hormone-releasing hormone ( LRH) is another hy- energy-yielding with energy-using reactions.
pothalamic hormone Ihat regulates pituitary gland Examples can be ciled of melabolic reactions that
functions. [t acts centrally as a modifier of reproduc· are regulaled primarily by the availabililY of sub-
live behavior in rats and other mammalian species strates Or by the rapidity with which the products are
(24, 71). Glucocorticoids are probably best known removed. More commonly. reaction rates are deter-

mined by the quantities of Ihal arc present possibility that &orne hormones act on plasma mem-
in activ.: form. In a t(lmpl¢x of the 1ype: branes 10 invokc rapid resPJnses and then enter the
A - 8 - C - 0 - E. there is usually (lncltep thai cells 10 bring about delay<:d reaclions has been con-

is catalyzed by an enzyme made in limited amounts. sidered (60) .
For the reaction A -
. 8, It, is the rate
al which A is conVC"C<iIO 8, while It, is the rale for
romu.lion of A from 8.
When the reaction ;•• . . in vitro. the values of Deoxyribonucleic acids ( DNAs) dctermille the
k, and k. al Iny 81...:" temperature arc determined chemical compositions of all body oollSlitucnlS. T1Ic
by the p/lysi<;Of;hcrnical propcllies and OOnttnU:a· ribonucleic acids (RNi\s) transcribed (TOOl lhem di-
lions of A anc! 8. The amounts of A and B rect lbe bicr;ynthesis of the proteins. includinl a ll of
will change until equilibrium i. , uDiAl'd. AI Hult the enzymes involved in production of lipids and
point, k, _ klo al'ld the B:A ratio assumes. QOOS\anl
value. The chemical makeup of Ihe DNA is established
En:rymcs Qln sIlortcn the limes required \0 auain al lbe of fertilization. T he zygotc conlains all
equilibrium. They cannot. haIo'eve •. alrect eilher the the information for making every kind of moIccuk
of the ractions or Ihc: prodliCi fiLm (If characterislic of Ihe individual. When alb d ivide by
B:A hs a low ..,.,Iu<;, cntymc canOOl raisc mitosis. oompktc copies are lransmillcd to the
it in a system ptrmiucd \0 SO 10 equilibrium .) progeny.
Reactions in living cells seldom (i f ever) proceed Cerlain genes (DNA base sequen<:es) code for the
to equilibrium. If very small amou nts of A arc pre- biosyntltesis of molecules that are _ilal. and Ihese
sented, or if B i$ rapidly rtrl'lOVtd. an enzyme can. in are in all cell types. Others direcllhe pro-
fact. accelerate the conversion of A to B. duction of more spcciali7.ed substances, During the
Many of the regulatory en7.ymcs arc present in ccurse of differentiation and maturation. the expres-
multiple (orms (i&Ozymes). All members of an iso- sion of cerlain of Ihe genes is seleclively inhibitcd
._yme group act on the same subs trates. However. (9). As a result. the mature indivi dual acquircs some
they Can dIffer from each Other 1n kinetIC properties. 0<>11 types .ha. are very differ.nt from Olnerl,
substrate affinities. and IU$Ceptibilities to re8ulation InflUences on DNA Biosynthe sis
by other eell oomponenu. The tendencies for actiV(:ly
oontracting skeletal muscle to convert large amou ntt The physiological functions of hormones do in· IlOl
of pyruvate to laclate. and for liver 10 easily convert volve alterations of the qwalilQliw nature of the
laclate to pyruvale. are auributed in part to the prCl- DN A. or of thc quantilies present pcr cell. Rother.
cnee of different lactate i&Ozymes in lhe regulators play major roles in determining ",hich
the two limle types. ponions of lhe geoornc are CXpll . ' ed. and 10 ",hal
Hormones do IIOt do no! $CfYe as oofacu:n ror cy· eXlent.
IQIOIic or nudear enlymes. The hormones Ire pre$o- eh"",ic .,...,.-.:Iosa1!C'l of '-"'ones <;O.ft ''',.'feU. In.
enl in exceedingly low COI'IQeJItrations. and they can chances tU. mutalions will occur by e"",lOciq Ihc..,11-
be effective .... hen they arc bound 10 receptors uso- Ioitintia ' 0 mutagen< lJId u.fections <w rcduci", .he _bil.
cialC<i wilh lhe plasma ( lOS). II is not ;ty to make DNA KPO-in. Some yin<$Q ir>l<rI foni,,,
unu$ual 10 achieY(! maximal Jlimulation when only DNA .ha. di$n&pu the ""'trol mc:e"'.........
5mall .... ,unugesoflhe receptors arc occupied(47). Q",,'ilatiYe chanJCS in .he relali"" po"p"" ions 01_·
Rapidly deY(!lopi", responscl to hormones are mal DNA «JmpontlllS(-",1IC amplificalions" "'V'C been
linked to the act ivation r:I enzymes. As de«:ribtd fot dev<:1opi1lJ Impltibian oocytcs (") •• nd
discussed in CUP. 4, Ibis tan be accomplished in duri"l Ihe <;OUr$!; olema,....., of dN I .tlisullK:C b)I
....... tUInot cells in cutlure (100)_
seV(:ral .....ys. HOfIl"ll)lleS tan abo affect reaction
rales by ucnilll influences on lhe availabilily w Replica tion requires allachmenu of
Wbslrllies.nd modillcrs and 011 lhe remcMl l of the 10 initialion sites of Jinglc-$.lrandcd
DNA lemplates. all """,nli.1 nucleoside-tri-phos-
Slowly develOping (adaptive) responses oommonly pltates, al least 20 proteins (unwinding and nicking-
involve regulation of biosynlbesis Of <kgra- dosing enzymes. factors affecling poIYlTM:rase
dation. Usually. such e ffeclJ are exerted on proteins binding. eIC.). polyamil'tCS. and spoxial RNA! that
wilh short biological half-lives. Hormones tan al&O function as iniliation or replicalion te rmi_
affecl Ihe formation. composilion, or destruclion of nators (A-2). DNA synthesis is 1101 directly linked
ribosomes. milochondria. I nd other organelles. T he wilh initialion of bul hormones can shorten
cdl cycle S phases and I"<'gul.le organelles involved The quantitative consequences vary with both the
in cdl division, regulator and the target tissue. When estrogens in-
The pl"<'paralions lake time. When immature duce mRNAs directing ovalbumin synthesis by pre-
uterus of a ral is exposed to eSlrogen. SOme 16 hours viously unslimulated cells of the chick oviduct. the
elapse before ac<:eierated uptake of thymidine into result is production of massive quantities of a protein
the nuclear DNA can be delecled. in Ihe inilially pl"<'scnt in minute or u"detect.ble amounts.
DNA contenl 31"<' not obvious until afler 24 hours Glucocorticoids selectively elevate liver cell concen-
(55). The synthesis of proteins Ihat include RNA trations of specific mRNA' and proteins thai are
and DNA pOlynterases is known 10 occur during the made in small but physiologically impOrlant
lalenl period (4). The stimulation of DNA synlhesis amounts by unslimulated hepatocytes. Long-range
can persist for days. eVen if tbe hormone is with_ inAuences of growth hormone arc characterized by
drawn several hours after it is pl"<'scnted, generalized increases in cell conlent of many differ-
can at.o indirectly aifeet DNA repli- ent kinds of RNAs, with relalively small changes in
cation by exening inAuonces On the uptake of DNA. the propOrtions of Ihe various molecular species,
RNA. and prolein precursors. Interactions with
Proou<tion of cylopla,m ic RNAs invol,.. , <omple>
chalones arc considered later in chapler.
pr"" ..... Ih.1 arc only partially understood, 11 hu been
propo«:d that cell. c<>ntain three classes of the mRNA'
Influences on Transcription ",h.,.. form.ti"". and conversion, 10 oytoplasmic .ffe<:·
IOrs are regula led in differenl ways (2).
Hormones function in diverie ways 10 accekrate the The mRNAo directing the ')'nlh"i' or ovalbumin be-
production of specific mCSSl'nger RNA (mRNA) long 10 Ihe "',uperproval,n)" group. A 'Ir<>ngly ,Iimu-
species (32. 49. 84, 118). They can aelivate preex- laled colloon ""ntain"p 10 150.000 c<>pie.lh.t account
isting RNA pOl)'merases. promole Ihe biosynthesis for 50% of the 101.1 nuclear mRNA (whertu hormon ..
of new cnzymes, increase the ra tes of uptake of dep'ived cell' conlain minute or undete<:tablo quanli-
RNA precursors. Or provide encrgy sourees. They tiles). The mRNAs in,oIv<d in Iho produclion of
also play roles in posuranscriptional processing and globin provide '<!(llher .,Umpl•. NOl all diff,rtnti. lod
c.Il, make molo<:ulo. of this kind. Hormones .. om to .f-
degradation of Iranscripts. in the formation of pro- foot Ibe production by .. rving a. "'inilialion Iriggers."
tei ns that associate with the RNAS. and in thc intra- All coil. c<> mRNA, of the olh er two type" "'mod_
cellular uanslocations of various kinds of macromol- eralely pre •• lonl" ones wilh 15 10 300 c<>pi., per ccll, and
uuIG'. The dTGel3 may be inilialed vi" dircel inlG .... '-complex-<:IU' mKNAS" with! 10 I) copi ... Tho rate.
actions with plasma and Iysowmal membranes (107) . of tranSCriplion m.y be .imil" for all memberSof Ibc lwo
groups. bUI Ih. numbers of mRNA molecule< Ih., ul1i_
When hormone. hind '0 and ohango Ihe proportie. of malely be<:omo associaled wilh Ihe ribosomes dopend on
Ihcir receptors. Ihey faoililale a"""ialion. "ith Ihe ge- tho mechani. m, for OQnlroiling processing. intranuolear
nome and Ihereby affeci inloroction. "ilh DNA b.$C $C- degr.dation, and lran'port . It hu bee. prop<><ed thai re-
'1"0..,<' involved in ini'i'lion and regulalion of g<netra".. petitiyo RNA sequence. within Ihe "UcleU' (1ranscribed
$C,iplion (A_) . Tho nuolo"r m.tri. p"",idcsauachmenl from repelilive DNA SC<lu,..,es Ihal Ort int.rspersed
,ile, for aotivel), Iran,cribed gene. and normon. rtCOp- amons Ihe muctural gene.) participale dire01ly in lhe
10rs. and il "", RNA poIym.rasc. (A_I, A-4), Re- regulalion.
«,ptors may bind dir<clly 10 hi"on .. or "'.ddic·· nuciear
protein. Ihal undergo phosphor), lation •. ac.t)'lalio .., and Certain influences can be expressed only during
Olher reacti"". which modify tho interaelion. wilh DNA specific phases of the 0<'11 cycle. In some cases, one
(54). 5<;.eral growlh_promoting hormone, and lumori- hormone promotes Ihe progression of Ihc cell, into
gen, may indirtc,ly aocelorale Iranscriplion via phoopilo- the phase in which another can act. A hormone that
'11,'ion of C),IOpla.mic prOlei ••. promotes cell proliferation can increase the numbers
The first detectable inHuence on mRNA produc- of targets for a second regulator.
tion is usually an accelerated rale of incorpOnl1ion of
precursors (e.g. uridine) into a high molecular
Developmental Changes
weight molccular species varioosly known as
"giant." "'heterogenous:' "DNA-like:' or "pre-mes- As cells diifel"<'ntialc and mature, they undergo
senger" RNA (50). The product must undergo ex_ change. in the properties of the chromatin. In some
tensive processing before it can cases. tbis leads to permanent blocking of specific
funclion as a messe nger Ihat directs protein synlhe- DNA sequences required for respOnsiveness to a hor-
sis. In at least wmc cell types, the formation of nu- mone, while in olhers it leads to increased transcrip-
cleolar (ribosomal) RNA is then augmented A SC\:- liOll of genes coding for receptors Or for enzymes in-
ondary devation of the giant type follows. Prolonged volved in the respOnse •.
presenlalion of the hormone can eventually lead to Some fetal cells that are insensitive to insulin ma-
inc"",-,ed cell content of all RNA Iypes. ture inlO ones highly dependent on the hormone for

regulation of their glucose uptake. The changes are tinal absorption and both renal and biliary
associated with acquisition of insulin ree<:ptQrs and on between cells and the surrounding
therefore. presumably, with "unmasking" of Ihc fluids, and 011 the sequestration within and release
DNA r<:quired for transcription of the associated from intracellular binding sites.
molecule:;. No·, K· , and cr are prescnt in high con<:<:ntra·
While certa in cell types can be "lurned on" a1 any tions. Their roles in the regulation of water and acid-
time, others are receptive only during reSlricted de- base of cardiovascular funetioM. and of the
velopmental slages. T,Hodothyroninc is onc of the secretions of several horll1Qnes are discussed in Part
hormones that aC\Son both kinds ofla rgc\s. Humans II I. along with the mechanisms whereby aldosterone
born without thyroid glands and denied replacement and other hormones control their metabolism.
therapy have infantile rcproductive organs and suf- Ca h may well be the most important mediator of
fer stunted growth and menIal retar<:lation. If treat- hormone aclioJlS. It i. directly involved in the gen-
ment is begun after many years, the skdctal and reo eration, use, and degradation of second messengers,
productive systems malure. bUI the brain remains and it can serve as a second or third messenger in its
pcrmanemly defective:. own right (see Chapters 4 and 11.). Small changes
in Ihe blood concenlrations ha.e profound innu.nees
on the heart and blood vessels. on neuromuscular ex-
Innuanc es o n Protei n Synth eel. Not Directly
citability, and on functions of the brain_Calcium di-
R.lated t o the mRNA,
rectly and indirectly regulates Ihe activities of a wide
Hormones affect the formation and functions Qf mi- variety of key enzymes, the assembly of microtu-
tocoondria, daboration of the cndQplasmic reticu - buIes, the generation and use of ATP energy, the
lum. and the a=mbly of polysomes. Ril>osomes biosynthesis of macromolecules, the release of hor-
taken from insulin- Or growth-honTIonMeprivc:d an- II1Qnes and neurotralUmitters, and the properties of
imals make proteins II1QTe .lowly than organelles the contractile (see Part IV).
taken from healthy controls. Hormones can also ac- In addition to performing roles of their own, phos-
celerate the uptake of certain of the amino acid •• phore ions interact in many ways with calcium ions.
inAuenees on postlranslalional processing (94), They determine the fraction of total calcium present
a nd alter sequestration and degradation of cyto- in ionic Form, combine with Ca" to accomplish se-
plasmic proteins. Some additionally augment food questration within the mitochondria, ",gulate tho
and water intake, modiFy renal excretion, and c0n- deposition of calcium into bone under normal con-
tribute to the regulation of the composition of body ditions, and contrihute to metastatic calcification.
fluids. Phosphoryla tion-<lephosphory lat ion mec ha nisms
rapidly affcct the activities of a variety of kcy met-
abolic enzymes (42) and contribute to the control of
membrane tran'port. Phosphorus is a component of
lnorganie ions a rC essential regulators Ihat arc tran ... phosphoprotein!, phospholipids, and numerous gly-
ported through the biological fluids and acrOSS cosaminoglycans, and it i. a major determinant of
plasma and organelle membranes. Somccombine re- their elcctrical charges. It is also an essen tial con-
versibly with ions of opposite charge to form poorly stilUentof ATP, A DP, AMP, GTP, and related lin-
dissociated and mhers become incorpo- ear nucleotides. of cyclic AMP (cAMP), cGMP,
rated into organic molecules that include enzymes. and Olher "'gulalors, of coentymes that include
Minerals can affect the biosynthesis. proc:<=ssing, NAD, NADP, FAD, pyridQxal phosphate, and thia-
release, and degradation of organic regulators, the mine pyrophosphate, and of RNAs and
binding of hormones to receptors, and all of tile The list of hormones contributing to the control of
events that follow hormone· receptor interaction •. calcium and phosphate concentrations in cells and
They play roles in the regulation of enzyme activi- biological Auids includes parathyroid hormone, cal-
ties, in the assembly and functions of organelles. in ciferol., calcitonin, norepinephrine, estrogens. an-
the generatiOll and use of energy, in membrane de- drogens, glucocorticoids, triiodothyronine, and
polari1.3tions and repolarizations, in the biosynthesis growth hormone.
of nonhormonal macromolecules, in cell-to-cell COm- Mogne$ium is an essential cofactor for many of
munication, in the exchanges of materials betwcen the phosphate-transferring enzymes, includins ones
cells and their environments, and in the functions of involved in ATP generation within the mitochondria.
contractile proteins. Hormones regulate the levels of ATPases that provide the cells with energy in usea·
Ihe inorganic molecules in the cell' and extracellular ble form, and the adenylale and guanylate cyelases.
fluids by exerting innuences on food intake, on intes- It is needed for protein synthesis, since it facilitates
activation of amino acids and attachment of RNA The lymphocyte count in the peripheral blood is low-
to ribosomes (45); and it is a component of bone ered and erythropoiesis is impaired. bUl the hema·
mineral. tocrit may be elevated, Growth retardation and some
Magnesium ions antagonize thc effccts of Cal< on other features of the zinc-<leficiency state have been
ske letal musele. neurons. and secretory C<'lIs. They allributed in part to defects imposed upon the ade·
exert generalized inAnence. on many endocrine nohypophysis (98).
glands, and more specific ones 011 the parathyroids Zinc interacts with prolactin, vitamin E. pT05ta·
(102). They modify thc calcium-mohilizing effects glandins. and other regulators to maintain vascular
of parathyroid hormone, the bone·mineralization functions (68), and in other ways with vitamins A.
functions of the calciferols, and the se<:retion as wen C, and Bll . Prolactin affects zinc uptake rates by
u the calorigenic actions of thyroid hormones. Cal. SOme cdltypes (96, 104) while glucocorticoids and
cifcrols promote intestinal absorption of dietary glucagon are more important at other sites. The very
magnesium; thyroid hormones affect the plasma high concentrations in thceye may be related to zinc
magnesium levels; and there i$ indirect evidence for participation in vitamin A metabolism. It is sus--
parathyroid hormone and calciferol regulation of the pected that the accumulations in human testes and
urinary of the metal (92). in rat lateral prostate glands are linked with innu-
MangaMSt is a trac¢ elemem whose specialiud ences on blood now to those organs and with 3S yet
roles in lipid metabolism extend 10 the biosynthesis undcfined roles in spermatogenesis. sperm viability.
of fauy acids and Cholesterol (45) , It is required for and fertilization.
normal development of the skeleton; and deficiencies Zinc also ooncentrates in thc pancreatic islets. Its
during fetal life affe<:tthe bones of the middle ear as ability to oomplex with insulin is not known to be of
well as those of the limbs and skull. Manganese4e-- physiological importance, but inAuenC<'$ of the cle-
prived fetuses also suffer abnormalities of the central ment on glucagon secretion and on glucose tolerance
nervOuS system and defective of glywsa- have been deseribed.
minoglycans (48). Postnatally, tho element is needed Steroid hormones and oral oontraceptive. stimu-
for maturation and maintcnanc¢ of the "'productive late hepatic production of plasma proteins that func·
system and for lactation (85), While Cal > can sub- tion in the transport of zinc. and they thereby affect
stitute for Mnl> as an activator of certain enzymes, the blood levels of Ihe metal. Ferrilin is best known
the roles of Mnl< in oontrolling succinic dehydro- for its roles in the binding of iron. but it also seems
genase. arginase. peptidascs. and prolidase are to be involved in the physiotogicat uptake and distri·
essential, bution of Metallothionein, on the other hand,
ZillC i, a component of numerous enzymes, in· i$ made in large amounts when the concentrations of
. eluding carbonic anhydrases. alkaline zinc and some other metals ri,e excessively. Its pri_
digestive of the pancreatic juice, lactic, al· mary function may be protection against toxicity
coho!. malic and glutamic dehydrogenases, and both (90).
RNA and DNA polymerascs, It is also an inhibitor Chromium is present in trace amounts. It supports
of ribonuclease (85) and a stabilizer of other en· insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and utili7.ation
zymes (90), and amino acid uptake. Links between chromium
Not surprisingly. therefore, zinc plays important deficiency and maturitY-<Jnset type diabetes mellitus
roles in cell growth, differentiation, and prolifera· have been proposed (85). Chromium interacts with
tion, in the estahlishment and maintenance of fertil· vanadium (83), and it is implicated in the regulation
ity and lactation, and in wound healing, The severe of blood cholesttrollevels.
malformations seen in the ovcrwholming majority of Iron and (opper are best known for their roles in
infants born to zinc-<leprived mothers, which include oxygen transport and utilization. Iron i. a compo-
defects of thc skeleton, nerVOus system. and lungs. nent of hemoglobin and myoglobin. or heme-
have been linked most closely with impairment of oontaining enzymes that include catalases. mito-
thymidine kinase activity (48), chondrial cytochromes, endoplasmic reticulum
loss of appetite is an manifestation of post. cytochrome P-450s, nonheme iron-sulfur ferrodoxins
natal zinc ddlciency thai has widespread conse- (needed, among other things. for the biosynthesis of
quences. It has been associated with deterioration of the steroid hormones), and of some of the flavopro-
the taste buds and olfactory epithelium, but abnor· lein,. Copper i$ a component Or oofactor for mito-
malitic::5 of the gastrointestinal tract and decrcas<:d chondrial cytochrome oxidases, for dopamine ti-<Jxi·
secretion of hormones affecting food intake make dase (required ror the biosynthesis of norepinephrine
their oontributions, The resuiting anorexia compli· and epinephrine). of tyrosinase (involved in the bio-
cates the problems of interpreting the more specific synthesis of melanin pigments). and of lysyl <>.<idase
roles of the zinc, Delayed innuences affect many (which participates in the Formation of collagen and
other body components. including the hair follicles. cialltin).
Traces of copper are ne<:ded for Ihe normal ab- conditions, Ih. sam. apoferritin molecule, ... ur. the
sorption and transport of iron and for the usc: of the mainl.nance of adequate lev.b of trall$ferrin, whil.
metal in hemoglobin formation. Ceruloplasmin is a pla,ma m.mbrane-associated apofe,rilin. regulate celiu-
plasma pr(llein that transpons copper. It possesses lar uplake of iron and reticuloendolh.lial.ystem pTOteill$
acti.ily and it regulates Ihe metabolism ,emo ••• x'.... Uular accumulation •. E.ce»i"" intake of
iron can lead to the deposilion or ferritin au,e",le. (he_
Qf both of Ihe melals. mosid.rill$) in the cell._ Apoferritin .ynthC$i. inere>.se$ al
['on is requ ired fOT the conversion of carolene \0 . uch times. and it alford, limit.d protecti"".
vitamin A. for the synthesis of purines, collagen. and
anli'oodies. for the clearance of blood lipids, and for /odjM is both an essential oonstitucnt of thyroid
Ihe hepatic detoxification of drugs (45). hormones and a regulalor of Ihe Ihyroid gland (see
Erythropoietin Ihe major I\orm<>nal regulator of Chap. 17). Iodine metabolism is. in lurn. oontrolled
rod blood cell prod uction and therefore (indirectly) by thyroid-stimulating hormone. Defeelive melabo-
of Ihe U$C of iron for hemogj()bin synthesis. Other lism of Iodotyrosines released from Ihe thyroid can
hormones that aCI in various ways to alfect erythro- impair the biosynlhesi, of (sec Chap.
poiesis include growth hormone. glucooortiooids, sex S).
5t.mids, and triiodothyronine. Vilamin E indirectly Selenium and sulfur are discussed in the section
contributes to iron conservation, since it stabilizes on lipid-soluble vitamins.
red blood cell membranes (85).
The uplake of dielary iron, Ihe lransfers to and
from sites, and the conservalion oflhe metal INTERACTIONS WITH ORGANIC NUTRIENTS
are all closely regulalcd. This i. essential sina: iron
is bolh nea:ssary for the support of vilal funclions The concepl that organic differ from hor-
and loxic when present in excessive concentralions. mones in that the former mUSI be provided by Ihe
diet, wherea, the Jailer are synthesized in the body,
hydrochloric rel.a",. mueh of th. food is simplistic. &sential amino acids go inlo Ihe for-
iron in Ihe ferrous form which i, dir«tly aboorbed. As· mation of the peptide_protein Iype hormOtlC$. essen-
corbic aeid. cy.t.ine. and olh.r components of intestinal tia! fany acids se",e a, the precursors of Ihe pros-
lumen fluid. miuce f."ie 10.... and O<OOfble acid .• mi.., tagl<tndins Dnd r"luted r.gulotors, and dietary
adds, and sugars additionally facilitat. ab>o<ption by cholesterol i. a substrate for the prodnclion of .te-
oombining with fe". roid hormones . Calciferols ar. needed in the diet
Apof. rrltln i. a widely dimibuled 460.000 dah"" pro- only under ""rlain conditions.
tein with 24 i'(I!'I-binding , ites per moleeule. It combine. It is somelimes useful to distinguish between rna-
wilh ferric hyd'OlIidc-fcrric pho>phate compk,e. to yield CrotlutritniS (e.g. glucose and amino acids). which
f"mln. the storage form of Ih. metal. Intestinal apofer.
rili. tak •• up (and thereby COI\$CrYes) di.tary iron that i. provide fuel or enter into the formalion of prolo-
no! directly .bsorbed. while hepatic apoferrilin r.tains plasmic constitnent', and Ihe miCn)tlUl,jtnlS, or vi·
iron that i, rel •••• d from detorior.ting erythr«ytes. R.,.. tamin, thaI perform regulatory functions.
ticulo.ndothelial cells contribute to lhe regul.tion of
plasma iron le.tls. and they. 100. contoin apoferritin. (),;_
idation·reducti"" pot.ntials determine Ih. rale, al which Mae ronutrlents
Ihe fe" i. con.erted 10 fe" and ... Ieas.d from the pra-
tein. The t .... n.f.r ra,O$ accelerlt. when p\J..m. f." Glucost is an essential fuel for neurons. and also for
declines. erythrocytes (which lack mitochondria). metab-
Apot,allSf. "ln i. a 6, glycoprotein wilh • moIecula, olism ATP energy for muscle contraction
weilh, of 76.000 thaI circulates in the blood. It ea n lake and NADPt1 for anabolic processes. It is a major
up iron from ferritin. When its two f e' · binding .i,••• ", precursor of muscle and liver glycogen, of ribose,
it is known as The lauer p,ovides galactose, glucuronic acid , and related
iron to ""II. by ;nte",eling with plMrna m.mbrane ......,. substances. and of fa ... choleslerol, and other lipid •.
eiated apoferritin. Ceru loplumin catalyze. th. oxidation Glucose is also a component of glycoproteins, gly-
or f." to f.". It thereby maw iron available for"p" col ipids, and glyCOtlaminoglycans .
take by both apoferrilin and apotra ..f.rrin.
Th. mechani.m. serve ...eral purposes. Sin(e iTOn i. Glucose stimu lales Ihe biosynlhesis and secretion
avidly con .. rved by inte. tin,1 and h.palic apoferritin>. of insulin and the formalion of panc reatic bela eell
only minute amounts of th. m.... l mu" be supplied by glucose receptors. It inhibil$ the secrelion of gluca-
the diel. (Mensl,ualion .lightly increaus Ih. rC(jui ...· gon. contributes 10 the control of somatostatin. pa..
m.nts, pregnaney makC$ greater demand •. and hemor_ creatic polypeptide, and growth hormone release.
rhages can hay •• ubotanlial inftue""",.) Und.r nom,,1 and plays roles in the regulation of food intake. The
extracellular concentrations may determine the cholesterol is the p=ursor of steroid hormones and
qualitative effects of somatostatin On the pancreatic the related calciferols.
islets (l08).
Glucose uptake by skeletal muscle. adipose tissue.
and some other body components is regulat«l by in- Water-Soluble Vitamins
sulin . glucoconicoids. and growtb hormone. These. Humans require milligram quantities of most of the
together with thyroid hormones, glucagon . a nd cat- members of the '"vitamin B complu" in their daily
echolamine!, determi ne the balances betw«n Car- diets. A noteable is the cobalt-containing
bohy<lrate storage and re<:ruitmcnt. vitamin B" (cyal1OCobalamin) which ;s needed in
AmiIW acids are the building blocks for body pro- microgram amoonts tha t are often adequately sup-
teins and for many of the hormones. There are no plied by bact:.ia of the colon. After conversion to
storage forms comparable to glycogen or fat; but it participates in nucleic
body proteins Can be broke n down to supply amino acid metabolism and thereby supports neuronal
acids during times of food depriVation . Some amino functions and hematopoiesis. DcficienciCli usually
acids are used as glucose precursors, and all can arise because the gastric glands do not produce
SCT\'e as energy sources. cnough of an "intrinsic factor"' that promotes intes-
Arginine and cortain other amino acids affect the tinal absorption of the vitamin.
secretion of insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone.
Glycine a nd are among the ones that Thiam in i$ a p=ursot of tbiamin_p)"rophosphat<, • co-
function di rectly as neuromodulaton.. Tyrosine is a faclOr for the decarboxylation of ,,·k.toacids ineludinll
precursor of catecbolamincs, thyroxine and mela- pyruvat •. Niacin (nicotinamid.) is u..d to make the
nins; trytopban is used to make serotonin and mola_ NAD and NAD P involved in ,,",idation'reduction rc,e-
tonin; and histidi ne is easily convened to histamine. tions requiffil fo, .teroid hormo ... biosynthesis, while ri-
boflavin i. a cOOlponent of FAD and of FMN.
The urea formed during amino acid catabolism can
Pyrido.ine form. pyrido..1 phosphat. and relat.d
function as a regulator. coenzymes that contribut. to Imino llrouP and
Growth hormone, somatomedins. insulin. gluca- arc needed to convert dopamine 10 nor.pinephrine. Pan-
gon, and glucocorticoids are among the many hor_ tothenic add i. tLIed for the form.tion of coenzyme A. I
moncs that modulate amino acid metabolism. key sub'tanc. involved in lipid m.tabolism. Folic .tid i.
Tria.;y/glyCf'roI. (fats) are the major storage • vitamin aWlCiOled with htmatOpOi",i •. It Rives rise to
fonns of fuel. Those found in adipose tissue differ t.trahydrofolie acid. a mediator fo, the transf.r of ,ingl.
from the kinds ta ken with food . but they arc dcrived ca,bon group'. It i. invol,ed in nucl.ic acid metaboli. m.
from them. Fats play essential roles in the regulation and it is a cofac,or for tyfO$ine hydroxyl ..e (a
of body temperature, since they are botb insulators i'ing fOf the biosynthesis of catecholamine. ). Bio-
and sources of body heat; and they form "cushions" tin giv •• rise to biocytin. and it i. involved in CO, t .... nsf.'
reaction. inctuding 0"<:$ in glu<>lncogcne,i, p. thw.ys.
for delicate tissues of the eye, adrenal gland. and
The vit.min ha. recently betn .ho"n to enhane. lluany·
other structures. Fatty acids are essential compo- lite eyela.. activity (l (3).
nents of phospholipids and other protoplasmic con-
stiWenlS. The ones with two or more double bonds Ascorbic acid is an essential vitamin for humans,
("'essential'" fatty acids) can be made into prosta- monkeys, and other specie!, but it can be synthesized
glandins and leukotrienes. by many of the vertebrates (ineiuding laboratory
Dietary lipids affect the secretion of gastrointes- It SCT\'es as a cofactor for sevcral important
tina l hormones. The also promote the How of bile eHymes classified as "mixed,function oxidases."· Its
and thereby inHuence cholesterol melabolism, the role in Ihe biosynthesis and maintenance of collagen
absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and the "entero- (a nd therefore its ability to promote wound healing
hepatic ci«:ula tion" of hormones such as thyroxine. and to maintain the integrity of capillary mem-
Fa\ly acids derived from them affect the properties branes) is directly related to its interactions with
of cell membranes and antagonize some of the infiu- prol ine hydroxylase. Vitamin C is also ne«led for
ences of insulin on glucose uptake. In at least a few normal metabolism of tyrosine, and especially for
sP""ies, they play physiological roles in the regula- the activity of dopamine .8-oxidase (which catalyzes
tion of gl uC3goo release. the conversion of dopam ine to norepinephrine). High
Phospholipids and cholwerol arc essential com- concentrations are found in the adrenal cortex, and
ponents of membranes. Small variations in the com- one method for the bioassay of ACTH depends on
position affect transport and other funclions. Phos- the ability of that hormone 10 rapidly lower ascorbic
plloHpids play roles in the mediation of hormone acid cone<:ntr3tions. Inhibitory infiuences On the ac-
actions. Lecithin (a phospholipid) is a major SOurce tivities of bydroxylases involved in steroid lIormone
of the choline needed to make acetylcbol ine, wbile biosynthesis have been described (57). The aliCOfbic

acid of adrenal is acids. and especially wilh palmilate. The esteTS are
high. hydrolyw.J shonly before Ihey are absorbed by in·
Ascorbic acid the intestinal absorption testinal mucosal cell$. The retinols arc Ihen reester·
ofiron and calcium. in part by augmcnting gut acid· ified. incorporated into chylomicrnns, and delivered
ity. [t is a major watcr-$Oluble physiological antiox- 10 Ihe Iymphalic vessels. Afler transfer to the bl<X>d·
idant, and it interacts with vitamin E (a major lipid· stream, the chylomicrons are taken up by the liver
$Oluble antioxidant). and vilamin derived from Ihem is slored in
The purported beneficial effects of pharmacologi· lipoproteins.
cal dosages that include increased resistance to in-
fections are JM)t supportod by controlled studies. It Hepatic 'Ionge permit. maintenance of ,ilamin A
function. dur;ng tim .. when the dietary supply i. inod.,..
has been speculated that inhibitnry on
quate. Ho"'e .. r. it also Iccoonts for the de,elopment of
glucocorticoid synthesis can be involved in $Orne t<)xicity wben targe amounts are repealedly ingested. Ac-
= cidental pOisoning has occurred in inra nt. whose mothc"
were unaware of lhe high potencies of vitam;n prepara-
Fat-Solubla Vitamins lion •. and in arclic explOfers who Ite lhe vilamin·rich li.·
e" of pOI., Toxicily i•• Iso. problem for pa lienls
VITAMIN A givcn pharmacological amounls for tbe lreatmenl of ",mc
form. of cancer, Un like the wat.r·",t"bte regulatOl"$. the
Twn major forms of vitamin A are recognized. Both lipid-soluble vitamins arc nol e.creted in appreciable
are alcohols (retinols): .mounts by the kidne)'.
MobiliUllion from the liver requi res the transfer

"" of the retinoltn a specific a, globulin called retinol·

binding protein (RBP). which is made in the liver,
Human RBP has 187 amino acid moielies, three di-
sulfide bonds, and one binding site for retinoid. (93).
other mammals are similar tn mucture.

RB P i plasma prea lbumin (trail$-

thyretin), and retinol stabilizes the complex. Unlike
the RBP alone (which has a mole.:ular weight of
" only around 20,000), the complex is not filtered by
the renal glomeruli . and therefnre its formation con·
PlanlS synlhesi7.c a variety of carolenoid pigments tributes to the conservation of the vitamin . However,
that can serve as vilamin precursors. At least 10 dif- the kidney is Ihe major site for RBP degradation .
ferent ones are present in edible fruits and vegeta_ Prcalbumins bind thyroxine, and in ralS and SQrne
bles. When acted upon by digestive tract enzymcs. other species they arC majnr for the trans-
each molecule yields eilher one or Iwo relinals (re- port nf the thyroid hormone. However, thyroxine
tinaldehyde, vitamin A-aldehydc, Fig. )-1). The al· binding is not essential for formation or .tabili •.ation
dehydes are reversibly convened by animal enzymes of Ihe complex.
to relinols. RBP the transfer of relinoids to the tar-
get The first step is combination with RBP re-
Small quantitieS of Ihe pigme nl$ ar. ab$orbed wilhOOI ceplors at the Following this, the reti-
hydrolysis. They can accumulate in Ihe ad,enal gland. noid the cell, while the RBP remains within
and adipose twue, of plan!..:.ti", animal •. In bird •. they the surrounding medium . The contain specific
.e",. as SOlI"''' of pigmenl$ for rtathe" .
proteins for the binding of the retinoid . A cellular
Higher animals do nQl seem capable of synthesiz- retinol·binding prolcin (CRBP) known to differ
ing molecules of this kind . They store them avidly, chemically and in other ways from a cellular retinoie
however, and several metabolites can be reCOllered acid-binding protein (CRABP) (38). The intracel-
from liver and from other lipid·rich lissues, lular proteins have been implicated in Ihe transfcr of
A bsorptinn dep"ndent nn salIS. Enzymes the retinoids to the loci of action.
within the intestine (and elsewhere) catalyze the reo Hepalic enlymcs al$O eata ly.", formation of
versible reductinn of retinals to retinols (Fig:. 1-2). reliny] a major excretory product that
The alcohols Illen form eslers with long·dain fally leaves via the bile.

r Carotene

A. Carotenes yi!lOing one molecule 01 Yilamin "


Retinol is irrewrsib!y oxidized to retinoic acid in glycosides and also glycosyl·relinyl-pbosphales,

largel organs Ihal respond 10 Ihal melabolile. (These Celt. of Ihe Ihyroid gland make similar molecules.
include inlestine, liver. kidney, bone, respiralory n1O· and lhyroid hormone deficiencies increase the di-
cooa, and skin.) The relinoic acid induces enzymes etary requi rements for vilamin A. Current research
Ihat calalyze ilS r3pid degr3dation. The acid has is direcled al idenlifying the molecular species in-
been called a "partial vitamin."' since il mimics Ihe volved in each kind of action and lhe degradation
actions of vitamin A on bone and on some of the ep- that are excreted via Ihe bile (28).
ilhelial muelures but does not corrCCl lhe effects of The roles of vitamin A in vision have been well
defieienq on the eye or reproduelive syslems of defined. and lhey are discussed ialer in this section.
males and femaks. Actions al olher sites vary from tissue to tissue.
Different melabolites are formed al various .ites. h hs been proposed lhal retinoids bind 10 intra·
and lhere is good reason 10 believe lhal many serve cellular receptors and function in lhe same way as
as the '"aetive" forms of Ihe regulalors. Retinyl phos- sleroid hormones for induction of interferon and
phales are produced in Ihe inlestine and liver. He- depr=ion of ornithine Other inAu·
addilionally make se,'eral kinds of retinyl enees on Ihe immune sySlem se<:m to depend on lao

A- C _ O
R- C - ()I-j
A- O- C-C" H.,
Aetir>al R elinyl p3l""tatc

large' cel
Rotinok _ __ RA·RBP·
, acO:j (RA) - Plealbumin - _ •• cell
complex RA_CRA6P

A.tiny! glyC<>$Ode. DfK;artJolCf/a,;oo pro(Juc"



biliution of ly5mQrnal membranes with oonsc:quent ment On the nerves (30). Such effects are accompa-
release of hydrolytic (8). nied by changes in the RNA and DNA content of
Vitamin A derivatives 3r" essential for promoting the tissues, and they probably involve interactions
IH)rrnal growth and differentiation of the epithelial with other regulators. InAuen<:cs on the binding of
ceUs of skin. rnuOOU5 membranes. reproductive or· epidermal growth factor to fibroblasts have b«n de-
gans. and some sensory structures; and they in- scribed (Sl).
nucnces on mucus secretion, kenHinization, and Other effects have been linked wilh roles in regu-
other processes. They deler the development of hy. lation of Ihe biOllynlhcsis of glyoosaminoglycans. gly-
perplasia, dysplasia, and metaplasia and have there- coprotcins, and maimoplipid •. Retinyl phOllphate
fore been tested for use in patients with some forms serves as a &ubstrate for mannosyltransferasc (51),
of canccr (8). They play roles in dirC<:1ing growth and il can the1"<'by exert inAuences on membrane
and remodeling of bone (82). and they protect components as well.
against overgrowth at sites of innervation. Deficien- It has also been suggested that retinoids exert "vi-
cies impair skeletal development, hut they a1"<' also tamin-like" actions by "",rving as coenzymes for re-
associated with periosteal proliferation in some "'- actions that promote the incorporation of sulfa te and
gions, with excessive OIlteoblastic activity, and with glucose into glycosaminoglycans.
neurological disturbances related to bone impinge- Laboratory mammals maintained on Vitamin A -
deficient diets stop growing, acquire numerOuS epi· mates; hard evidence for therapeutic crrcctiveness is
the]ial cell and connective tissue disorders. and be· indeed sparse.
come blind and sterile. Retinoic aeid can prevent or Some studies arc difficult to interpret because of
alleviate rn()St of the elfects. including Ihe keratini· the marked species variations in deficiency 'yn-
zali(l1l of the conjunctiva and fail· dromes and vitamin requirements. and the wide
ure to estab]i.h and mainlain estrous cycles. How· ranges of potencies of substances included in the vi·
ever. reliMI or a precursor is needed for lamin E calegory_ Other problems arise from only
spermatogenesis, for the ability to sustai n preg· recenlly apprecia ted interrelalionships with "poly.
nancy, and for the formation of vi,ual pigments. unsaturated" (i.e. essenlial) fauy acids, su]fur-{;()n·
The synthesis of rhodopsin (··visual purp]c·') in taining amino acid" selenium, vitamins A and C.
the rod cells invo]vcs the combination of a specific prostaglandins, inositol. metallic ions and other fae-
isomer of {.I·retinal (retinene) with the protein opsin. (101). and the influences exerted on the hepatic
metabolism of other agents (15).
The vila min derivalive that directly ente .. inlo the re- Severa] tocopherols and tocotrienols are produced
action 'eem, 10 be ll..,is·retinyl.phosph.tidylelhanot· in plants and are 510red in the seed,_ a-Tocopherol
ami"" (61) (Fig. 1-3). Upon exposure \0 ]ighl. the.1>o-
dopsin undergoes a .. ries of re.clio", culminating in Ihe (Fig. 1-4) is more potent than other naturally occur-
isomerization of th. retinal. This bdng, .OOt1\ rele .... 01 ring molecu]es, and it may be the active form. It i,
the prolein and the initiation of an action poten l;a] in Ihe concentrated in mcmbrane phospholipids, and at·
associated neuron. tempts have been madc 10 relate its functions to in·
The "o",·retina] resul!inj: from the isomerization i, fIuences c;<crtcd on the plasma, mitochondrial. ]yso-
then belie..d to combine with. phospholipid 10 form somal, and endoplasmic reticulum membranes (81).
m,,,,.retinyl-phoophatidylethanolamine. The laLler i, In chicks, vitamin E deficiency syndromes include
<",,",,"ned to the II·d, fo.m 10 starl Ihe n• • 1 visual cycle. encephalomalacia (a degenerative disorder of the
(In th. coo<s of mammalian eye,. retinals C()mbine with centra] nervous system) and exudative diat hesis
differen' proteins and parlieipate in C()lor perception. 3- (characteri,.ed by the accumulation of fluids under
Dehyd1'Ol'etinai h.. be"" idenlifiod a, a <omponcnt of the
the skin). Rats surrer liver degeneration. The male;
porphyropoins of r..h ... )
also display deterioration of the germinal epithelium
and cessation of spermatogenesis. Fema]es can Ovu·
late and conceive. but Ihcy resorb the fetuses when
VITAMIN E thc deficiency Is severe. When gIven sma ll but In·
The ·'speculation·to-faCI ratio" found in the litera· adequalc vitamin supplements. Ihey bear severely
ture on vitamin E is exceedingly high. and many is- malformed pups.
Sues related to the functions of the vitamin and its Muscular dy'lrophy is a term applied 10 a group
influences On the endocrine systcm remain unre- of diverse conditions characterized by degenerative
solved. The ingestion of high· potency preparations changes in and weakness of the voluntary muscles.
has been advocated for Ihe treatment of cardiovas- It can be invoked by vitamin E deficiency (alone. or
cular problems, muscular dystrophies, diabetes mel, when aggravat.d by other dietary manipulations) in
]ilus. infertility, menopausal distress, cystic mastitis, guinea pigs, rabbits. duckli ng!, lambs, turkeys, and
skin lesions, and malignancies of various kinds, and young rats . Cardiae muscle lesions in young pigs
for the prevention of 'ponlaneous abortion. In most have been attributed to related mechanisms (101).
cases suggestions that the vitamin can exert benefi· Vitamin E deficiency has nol been shown 10 cause
cial effects are based primarily on observations made muscular dystrophy in humans, and nnempts 10
in other species that have not been verified in pri- lreat the elinical disorder with large d(lSes of tocoph.

phoSp/1atic1ylclhanolamine + Opsin ) Rr-.QclOp$On


phospMli<!yIelMnoIIJmine Irans·Retinal
Fig. 1-3. Foonation. use. ond re.ynlhfl$i. of rho<:Iopsin.
'" I l:CH, i
'T,", '",

I I(CH, ;''",
"- Fig. 1-4. :so- .... MII,y ooo",'ing
'", T ° '", torm. ot v itam in E.


"0 V
(""CH, '",
CH , V '0' V
,,· TO<01 ''''not

erols have not been There has been sim- previously sympwm·free animals On minimal vita-
ilar failure 10 relate vitam in E to reproductive S)'S- min intake if fish liver oils are added to thc food. The
tern disorder. in humans. requiremenls for nUlrients Ihal arc casil)" oxidi,_cd .
Human adult. depr;""d of the vilamin have been for eJCample . vitamin A . arc incrca.ed in vitamin E
known 10 develop macrocytic anemias and rcd blood deficiency stalCS .
celt fragility, while hemolytic anemia has been ob- Since il is the major WQ/eMOlublc antioxidanl. as-
served in premature infams . oorbic acid sometimes can subslitule [or vitamin E.
Vitamin E is the most potent known physiological liowever. il does nol gain access 10 sileS requiring
lipid-soluble antioxidant. The bclid that it preserves lipid solubility_ Moreover. when ascorbic acid func·
essenlial fatly adds and some OIhcr biologically im. lions as a reducing agcnt, it becomes converted to
portant molecules, and in .hal way stabilizes mem- dehydroascorbatc. which is an oxidant. Gl utathione
brane phospholipids, is supported by severallinc. of (glulamykystcinyiglycinc) interacts wilh ascorbic
evidence (41). Diet. cxcC<'dingly rich in unsaturated acid and its oxidalion product. Vila min E reduces
faIt I' acids ;nc",asc the need for vitamin E (117). the need for dielary q-steine. while cysteine lowers
and some of the defociency clTeet. can be elicited in the vilamin E requirement .

Glu'a'_ {GS·SG)

Glutathoone 12 GSHI ,e<t""e<t fo<m

Glutathione peroxidase catalyzes Ihc removal of other cn'_ymes afTecl rdaled reuctions involving the
hydrogen pofOxide (another potent oxidant). and sulfur-<:nntaining amino acids. pe'o,,,,.. w
2 GSH . H,o, - - - - - - - -- - GS-SG · 2 H,O

Selenium deficiency is associated wilh synlptoms tathione peroxidase (97). It has been suggested Ihat
resembling those described for vila mine F. deli. the antioxidant properties of Ihe vilamin decrease
c icncy. and one of the agcnts can partially substitute the formalion of toxic peroxides from essenlial fatty
for Ihe olher_ It is li kely that such observalions arc acids, whereas seknium promotes removal or per·
related to the role of selenium as an aCliva tor of gin· oxides thaI do form. Conditions in which selenium
has been reported to confe r protection include eryth- imponant roles in calcium homWSWis (91). BGP
rocyte fragility, live r ne<;rosis. diathesis. a polent inhibitor of calcification. and it ",ems to be
SOme forms of muscular dystrophy. and the deposi- released from tht h)'droxyapatite during demin-
tion of brown pigments ("ceroid") in fatty tissues. eralization (89). In women. the levels rise progres-
in which the actions of vitamin E have sively with advancing age (25).
nol b«n linked with antioxidant properties (and in Vilamin K may act at other sites \0 promote the
which selenium is ineffective) include testicular de- synthesis of specific proteins. It functions as an el=
generation and fetal resorption. Iron transport carrier in baCICria. but a comparable
role has nol been demonstrated in higher animals
Many different substances with varying biological
activities are included in this group. All are chemi- VITAMIN 0
cally related to 2-methyl· I .4-naphthoquinone: Vitamin D completely obliterates the distinctions be·
tw«:n regulators that must be provided by the diet
o and ones that are synthesized within the body.
When mammals are deprived of sunlight. they de-
velop deficiency syndromes thai can be corrected by
I lhe administration of vitamin D. On the other hand,
the .itamin can be totally synthesized from the ubiq-
o uitous c.g. aeetyl-coA and the cholesterol
deri.-ed from it. As discussed in Chap. 3. intestinal
The vitamins are synthesized by microorganisms enzymes convert ehQlesterolto 1.dehydrocholesterol.
of the la rge intestine. Deficiencies usually result which is also known as provitamin O. The product
from Ihe use of cither antibiotics thai kill the bac· of lhe reaction travels to the s kin. Ultraviolet radia-
teria or agenls that inlerfere with bile production tion then promotes the formation of vitamin D)
and lipid absorption. The amagoniSlic influences of (choleca Icife ro 1).
high levell of vitamin A are believed to be exerted Once formed (or ingested), chOlecalciferol is sent
on the sma ll intestine (106). whereas dicoumarol (a to the liver. and then 10 the kidney for further pro-
component of spoiled clover) is an amimelaboll,e. cessing. II is C<)nverted to metabolites that include
A vilamin K.depcndent carboxylase Ihe 1.25.dihydroxy-vitamin D. The latter functions in
conversion of glutamic acid to ')'-carboxyglUlamic every way as a "true" hormone. It exerts its most
acid' (Gla). The latter is an essential componenl of obvious actions on the intestine. where it is nceded
prolhrombins and of several Other calcium-binding 10 promote the absorption of calcium and phospho-
proleins. In vilamin K deficiencystat.s. inability to supplied by the food. The hormone also acts at
make normal prothrombins and other clotting fac- several other sites 10 regulale minerali7.alion
tors leads 10 severe impairment of blood coagulation. and calcium and phosphorus home(lS\asis. It inlcT-
acts in many ways with parathyroid hormone. cal·
00<>< ,ooe citonin. and other regulators (26).
H,N - C-H
H:N -C-H In some of the fishes. there a rC indications that not
even sunlight is required for the biosynthesis of vi·
"'", tamin O.


Carbon dioxide is a ubiquitous, blood·borne regula-
Glut.m;c acid lOr that is synthesized by and released fronl all kinds
of cells. It differs from conventional hormones in the
A circulating vitamin K.dependenl. 10.000 dalton al1l<lumS formed. the generali7.ed sitts for biosyn-
"protein S" containing approximately 10 Gla resi- thesis. and its ability to serve as a substrate for en-
dues has been implicaled in complement activation zymes (espec ially carbonic anhydrase). It is widely
(22). Bone Gla prolein (SGP. ostooca!cin). which accepted as the most obvious example of a
contains 49 amino acids and three Gla Ihat parahormone.
bind dire.:tly to hydroxyapatite. is the most abun. There are concerning lhe inclusion
dant noncollagenous protein of lhe skeleton. ( In calf of other substances such as urea. histamine, and
bone. one I1l<lIe.:ule is made for each trOpOCOll agen.) prostaglandins in the category. The term autacoid
It also present in bl()<)(j. and it is believed to play has b«n applied to the last two. since they 1"'rform

"autocrinc" functions (i .e. thcy alTect the cell types hormones. since they act on the cdllypcs that make
that make them). However. the same molecules act them. As already noted. the distinction may not be
elsewhere as "truc" hormoncs, neurotransmitters. or useful. Chalones interact with regulators that are
neuromodulators. Histamine is discussed in Chap. 8 universally regarded as components of the endocriM
and prostaglandins in Chap. 3. syStem_ Thus, epinephrine and glucocorticoids are
A problem with the parahormone concept i. that .ilher for the functions of epidermal chal-
0/1 edl types seem to be capable of synthesi .. ing hor- ones Or serve as powerful potentiators of their ac-
II"IQne5 (59). Moreove r, the "typical" horm<>nes can tions. Hormones Ihal suppre.. cell proliferation may
aCt locally to regulate their Own ra tes of biosynthesis. do so in pari by enhancing chalone innnences. while
Such ohservalions weaken Ihe stipulation that hor- hormones that inc lease cel! populations may accom-
mones must be "specialized" molecu les. plish their missions by antagonizing chalone effecls.
There is a limit to the magnitude of cell proliferalion
that can be achieved by the chronic administration
of hormones that promote such processes, and chal-
Endocri!lOlogislS once believed Ihal blood-borne reg- ones have been implicated in the regulation.
ulalors could be classified imo substances Ihal slim-
Ulal! and ones Ihat inhibil cell activities. The former EMBRYONIC INDUCTORS
were called hormones, while Ihc term cha/OfU> was
Chemical messengers exchanged by neighboring
applied to th. inhibitors. cells of devdoping embryos were at one time ex-
The concept is not espe.:ially useful. sirlCe many cluded from the hormone classification. since many
metabolic processes a re leversible and requirc regu-
act before the cireulatory system is established.
lation in both directions. Thus. insulin can be said to Howe"er. celtain regulators (e.g_ MOlie rian duct in_
"stimulate" the production of liver glycogen. How-
hibitor and testosterone) exen some of their actions
ever. it can be elTective only when it simulta neously
following release into the bloodstream, while some
inhibits glycogenolysis. Similarly, glucagon "stimu-
adult hormones act on neighboring cells wilhout en-
lates" glycogenolysis as il inhibilS glycogenesis.
tering the circulation.
When insulin "inhibils" glycogen breakdown, it does A minor hi.toeompatibilily 'nligen pre"" nt on Ihe
so by increasing the aelivily of a phosphatase.
surfaces of somatic cells of mal. but not female
The lerm chalone is I>OW used 10 designate groups
mammals (Ihe H-Y antigen) directs testicu lar dif-
of tinu,","speeific (bUi oot species-specific) peptides
ferentiation (see Chapter 13). Since it combines with
Ihat regulate cell proliferation 06, 35). Separale specific receptors and functions in many ways as a
factors alTecting the mitoses of epidermal cells. fi- horll"lQne. il can be said to provide one of the major
broblasts. melanocytes. lymphocytes. granulocytes. linb between the immune and the endocrine
erythrocytic elements, hepatocytes. and kidney cells
have been identified_
Chalones are synthesi'.ed in Ihe tissue types in
which they aCI. They accumulate within the cells, " GROWTH FACTORS"
the immediate extracellular e nvironmenl, and the Somatomedins. epidermal groMb factor, and nerve
blood plasma in quantities that are propOrtional to growth factor are examples of species-specific regu_
the tissue masses. Thei r actions are re,.. rsible and lators that act within the body and on cells in culture
noneylotoxie. to promotc growth and affect cell differentiation and
The regulators have been directly implicated in prOJliferation. Their hiosynthesis is regulated hy mol-
the maintenance of optimum sizes of the liver, kid- ecules that have long been recognized as "typical"
ney, and other organs. permitting full regeneration h<}TlI"IQnes. Since Ihey are produced hy one cell type
when the edl populations are reduced following in- 10 aCt on another, are elTecti"e in low concentrations.
jury or surgical ablation while protecting against and bind 10 spe.:ific high-affinity receptors, they are
overgrowth. They to be imponant for Ihe now included all"lQng the hormones.
maintenance of appropriate skin thicl;nesses Over The peptides interact witb re<:ently identified
"arious pans of the body surface and of optimum "tumor-derived growtb faet()fl;" that can be re-
numbers of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the sys- covered from the urine of subjects bearing Ihe tu-
temic blood. They play {mpona"t roles in wound mors and from the media in whi,h such cells are
healing a nd are believ<:d to provide protection grown. Other peptides classified as growth factors
against tumor growth. are released from approprialely slimulated leuko-
According to some authors. thcy are nOl "true" cytes. It is suspected thai impaired regulation of
growth prOOuction and releasc to thai pheromones and hormones are components of a
the development of cancers. continuoos of substances used for chemical
Insect Pheromones
Pheromones ha'" been defined as regulators r.leased
by one member of the speci.. that aifectthe func- insects have been called "tightly controlled behav_
tions of other members of the same Since ioral machines." (74) d.pendent On ph.romones for
they can coordinate the of pairs or groups the coordination of highly sureoryfWd aetivily pat-
of individuals and thereby contribute to the estab- terns that eontribute to socicty maintenance and
lishment of rocial order. defense against predators. long-<;listance communication. Many observations
reproouetivc efficiency. and rearing of the young. consistent with the n<ltion have been made. Several
they have been '"rocial hormones:' small. lipid·soluble moleculcs of amazingly high po-
Th. term eclohormom: encompaSS<'s all regulators are known to be released from specialized
releascd including those that act on other glands and to function by interacting with ol-
kinds of animals. The allomonts are bencficialto thc factory or gustatory receptors of oth.r individuals.
animal that maKes thcm. but they can have noxious In many cases. the responses are predictable and
on the recipients. Kairomones are advanta_ invariable.
geous to the recipients. but not necessarily to thc do- On the other hand, cerlain reactions to those se-
nors (6). cretions are casily modified by the simultaneous pre-
There is universal agreement that insects and s.mation of olher kinds of stimuli (chemical. visual.
many other invertebrates make "true" pheromones. auditory. Or tactile). and a fe'" arc by past
Examples are cited. so that made by ver- Some authors believe that insects
tebrates can be compared with them. Many investi- '"learn:' while others deny this. The animals can ad-
gators extcnd the pheromone concept to "lower" ditionally display responses to other forms of
mammals. especially to nocturnal ones whose life- stimulation. for example. ones provided by food
styles place limitations On by visual sources.
and auditory means (13) . ElIensiv<: studies Not all of the chemicals released from Ihe exo-
been in mice and in olher rOOents, and crine glands are totally synthesized within the ani_
some of these are atso described. There are contro-- mals. It has becn suggested thai there ts a con-
concerning whether chemicals released by tinuous spect rum rangong from messengers
primates thaI afTect Ihe behavior and manufactured from simple precursors. through ones
functions of other individuals of the species should thai are melabolites of ingested 10 mer
be regarded as pheromones. sengeTS that are first ingested and then released in
Substance. that have be<:n said to be ectooor- the original form (103).
mones are appropriatc subjects for inclusion in en- It is very difficult to define the chemical natures
docrinology (3,62, 109). since (a) prOOuction of the media to"'. Many of the molecules are present
and release are controlled by hormones. (b) many of in minute amountS as minor components of complex
the actions are exened On the endocrine systcms of mixtures. Purification procedures bring about
the recipients. (c) hormones afTe<;t sensitivities modifications. The observation that a substance ex_
and responses to external chemical stimuli . and (d) tra"ed from an exocrine gland elici ts predictable re-
a molecular species Can serve as a hormone. a sponses does IKIt prove that Ihe is a phys-
pheromone, a pheromone precursor. a that iological mediator. or that it acts under natural
stabilizes or enhances the effectiveness of a phero- conditions.
mone. an allomone. or a kairomone (109. 115). For
example. the progest.rone made in a rabbit's ovaries tn IIoneybee cotonies. a .ingte qlletn la)1 .11 of the
supports ulerine functions within the animal but it egg •. Some 2O.()()()-6().OOO worker. (nonrepl"Oduclive fe-
also have deleterious eff""" on an male.) engage in ne" cofUtruction. care of the queen and
while the androgen. made in the lestes of some of tbe hi.·c. f"'aging. and the manufacture of a "toyat
mammals give rise to sex attractants that afTectlh. jclly" on wbich the yon08 arc nnrtured. Seve ... t bundred
dtone> (male.) are .1.., ...."dat.d with tbe colony. They
females of the same spe<;ies. Pheromone-like signals carry 001 mOling function> at oppropriate time •. but do
by simple organisms may be the evolu- IKII ..em to .""tribute to the hou.ckeepi08 chore. (36).
tionary forerunners of the hormones of higher ani_ The queen moinloin. her Slatu. by secreting phe,..,.
mals(115). mo .... inciudi", a "queen ,ubolan.e.··
While some authors speak of separate disciplines enoic acid (9-<uod..,enoie fig. 1_5) makes
of exocrinology and endocrinology. others suggest in her mandibular gtand. and spread, over her body sur-

"o . ""
H C - C-ICH,I. - C . C- COOI-1 "" "
Ii C - C - ICH,j,-C - C - COOH
H b

acid 9-Hydr0"l'-2."..,_ 0<0:1

Ii Ii, H
H,c, c C C 011
...... CV' 'c""'" . . . C::Y 'c""""
I H, I H,
CH, eH,
B. Gera ......

Form;c Fig . 1-5. Scm. In..." p.>.romontlS .


C. Some lUI' pI1 ••",mon...,

H,c - C - C-C - C- C- C-IOI>)o -C-OH

"" "
D. Bomby'"'' (melh ... . ltfactanl)

face. The pheromone i. distributed throughout tho .<>Iooy ,besi •• 'he 9-<lxn-2-<1.ce...,ic add. which t h.n funaion,
in .. ' .....1 ways. W<>rk ... 01011< to tho queen ing<'t it fi,st . . . . .x a'''aClanl. and loter (during lhe nU!'Ii.1
(along wilh Ollie, mO$$<ngcl'$). They I.,., regu'lIi,ate il. nigh,) as an aphrod isiac that "imul.t.. the drooe. ,
bUI can """spread il wilh ,h.i, body ,.,f.ces, Addition- B... also ...,rele "alarm ,ub$tancu" tha, ale" otbo"
ally. ",me pheromone may reach distant work... vi. air to danger. and 'hey exude a "hive odor"' ,hat aUraets =t
currents. Olro.\O,y ««pto", seem to be required for the mates . When they find. new soo,ce of food. ,h.y e",ago
re$pon$C._ in a "waggle d.",." lhat imp.m .i,ual informat ion on
The queen .ubslance bloch lhe ability of lhe worKers the location and qu.nlily. However. lh.y aho rei....
Ie cons.,uc' addilional "royal ""II," fo< t he rearing of aniol frQm th.i, abdominal gland. as th.y fan their wi", •.
",,'" q"«ns, and it 01.., p>r!ially inhibit. developmen' of Th. geraniol is a ",rail pher<>mone," It i. secreted by
, ova'; ... A related '"M,anCe, 9.bydrruydeecnoic o,her boes ,hat ,eceive th. ini,;.1 "imuli . and ,hi, contino
acid, complet .. ,he o"",ian inhibi'ion. It con bo made by ue. until the food supply bocome, exhau"ed.
boe. ingesting 'he qu<tn sub.t.nce. The effecl. or the Ant. and Other " ... wling insects are more d.pendent

cenlration •. It h.. boon .U"..

me ... nge .. on boh.vic, may dopend on lh. con·
led th., the bo ..
removed rrom ,h. qu<t. ar. Stimulated to foroge. while
lhan bo., on ,rail ph.r<>mo_. They, '00, el.oo,.t. sev.
eral specio'''pecific m.... "g.". ;",Iud;ng ala,m .ub-
and they use them in conjuocti.,.. with tlclile and
onel tha, are clos., groom and feed lhe que.n. auditory,ign.I"
If,h. qu •• n I.av •• '0'" up. ne,.. colony, Or if . he die •. The r.p,oducti.ely malure vi,gin ant queen ha, w;n&$
lh. loss Of h.r phOTomo ... perm itS the emergenot or ,h., are u.ed during the nuptial fti,ht. Mt., matin,g. the
,uCCCSS(Kl, queen .. ttle, down. break$ off her wirlp, .nd use. the ,e-
"" new .i'llin queen. Inai. ,exual maluri,y 'hey.yn. main. to nurture lh. fim or her offspring. A. the latte,
develop inlo workers, Ih. queen relea ... a pheromone change. in endocrine fun<:ti<>M. The queen bee mes-
Ihal inhibits Iheir s<> ..1 deydopmenl and wing forma· sengers that inhibit the maluration of Ihe ovaries of
lion, When Ih. colony enlarge •. SOme workers escape Ih. the workers are of this kind.
inhibilion. malur. inlo qu ...... rId I.aye Ihe colony to AuemplS have been made 10 apply similar term;.
male and 10 "'Iablish n..... mpir ••. nology 10 signa ls released by vertebrales , Some au·
Ant pheromones inciude formic acid. whieh repel. i...
Yaders. and undecane Ind dlronellal. which serve a. thors consider il appropriate to designate chemical
alarm pheromone. Ih., .an promole the moonli", of made by one animal Ihal affccl the be·
aUreuion againsl Ili.n he<: Fig. 1·5). (Xad Onts havior of anolher a. reltaser pheromones, Chemical
,150 .,ude. substance Ihat OIimulate. Ii_ing ones to carry communication is involved in the establishment of
tbem off for burial. (A living Inl covered with the .. me social rank. in Ihc elicitation of aggression and sub-
chemical i. similarly carried off (40).) mission. and in sexual arousal in mammals: and sig·
While chemical .ill"ls can direct an animal 10 ito own nals released by some fishes have been called alarm
colony, il h.. been pointed ou, Ihatlhi, does not n...,... subSlances (87). It is recogni,.cd. however, that the
... rily demonmate lhe IbililY 10 distingui.h belv.-""n its aClivilies of venebrales (and especially of those with
own and foreiln odor> (103). It i. likely Ihat Ihe highly devel<>ped brains) are complcx and variable •
•lance made by iii ne" mate, provides an appropriale Ihat they are modified by learning, and that chemi.
stimulus, ... he"o. olh.r chemic. l. may simply fail to do
cal signals are in conjunction with informa·
Speci.... pcdftc sex allractanlS pr<Wide rertil. male lion obtained in different ways. There ar. those who
flyi"3 inse." ,,·ilh information on Ihe ... hereaboulS <>f di$- prefer Ihc term signaling pheromone. since it implies
lanlly Iocaled female •. Sinee lhe male. are sensiliv. to Ihat Ihe recipient receives a message but does not
differences in oon«ntralion,. Ihey Ire guided to ,h. r.quire the animal 1<> Ilten engage in a totally pre-
source of the pheromone, Se. attrlctanlS of a Ie ... yolalile dictable. rigidly defin.d response (11). Others con·
nalur. are ulilized by crawlina i.... IS ,ucb a, cock· sider Ih. term bthavioral pheromone to be more ap-
...,..che •. In desert locust •. I ,ub"ance released by adult propriate (I \4). Vertebrate secretions thal aCI via
male. accelerat •• the maturation <>f Ihe )'<lung <>f bolh neuroendocrine mechanisms to regulale the func·
...... and it ",rves to ,ynchmnize reproductiv. liOllS (and somctimes also the structures) of repro-
funetion. (40).
Information derived from studio, of chemical commn · ductive organs have been caUed '·primer"
nicalion in in ..cts has been put 10 pra.lical use by hu· phcromones.
mans. Fertile males <>f unde.irable .pecie. are lUTed inlO
"of» ""itoo "ith 'l'<c;"'''I''''';r" ><A Do Vertebrates He ye " True " Pherom o nes ?
f,om female. or .ynthe,;""d by biochemi"" Th. males
can then be sterili,,ed by radiation and released to seek Vertebrates possess numerous specialized exocrine
OIlI f.nile fern. I.,.. Since nIOSl rem;tl. insec," mat. just structures whose primary functions appear to be the
<>n<:e. Ihe' pTocedure cln rapidly reduce population num· release of chemica! signals 10 the environment.
bers wilhout .lfcclinll olher animol, or pollutina the en· There are. for chin . inguinal. larsal. pre-
vironment. The aUractants .an also be u,ed 10 p'OYidc putial. vaginal. and anal glands that make aromatic
information On Ihe "Umberl of •• within lhe viein· subSlances. Vcrtebrates are a lso C<luipped with
ily. or to promote au,egalion of de.irable insects 10 a
locale . highly sensilive receplors. There is lillie dOUbt Ihat
Alarm 'UMtance. h",'e been incorporaled in'o ,kin I.,. One member of a species exudes chemicals Ihat in·
lio.. ,...:I •• ndle, 10 repel in$«l$. It i•• 1"" posSible 10 voke responses in aoolher, or thai Ihc communica·
disorient m>1c-seeking mal .. by .pra}'ina th.i, habitats lion can be accomplish.d when lite materials are
with perfume. and OIher ,ubstances thaI interfere ..-ilh present but Ihe animal is not. 11 i. also possible to
pheromone perctp'ion. present numerous in which effecls on the
endocrine systems of the recipients are predklable
and "producible. Studies On fishes. amphibians and
Pheromone Type s
repliles (10. III). and on many different kinds
Insecl pheromones have been divid.d into lWO catc· of mammal. (including mice. rats, guinea pigs.
gories on the basis of the eff.cls On Ihc recipients. hamsters. V{)\es. rabbits. cats, dogs. pigs, goalS,
Rele(;str pheromones aCI promplly to bring aboul sheep. deer. horses. caule. monkeys and humans
changes in behavior. in sensitivities to other stimuli. 139.111]) have dearly established Ihc innuences
or bolh. 11 is presumed Ihat Ihe signal picked up by of cnyironmental stimuli on reproductive system
Ihe receptor i, relayed direelly to th. central nervous funclions.
system , The sex attractants and alarm sUMlan<:es It has been argued. however. that the manner in
preYiously cited provide examples. The pFimu phcr· which Ihe stimuli ar. utilized by vertebrates. and the
omones iniliate more slowly deyeloping cvenlS, responses 10 Ihe chemicals. are quile different from
While they may aCI first on nervous system compo. th. ones deseribed for insects; and thai the term
nents. the sec<>ndary conscquen<:<:s usually inyolve not appropriate (5).

Chemical Signaling in Mice Boot effect contributes to the control of pofl<Ilation

Since mice ll'i: nocturnal. and they spend much of density is 00\ (lsy to aceept. sinee it can be demo...
their livC$ confined 10 small enclosures, they have strated only in the absence of males (93).
been favorite subjects for the study of chemical oom- A related obsoervalion is that the urinc of adull vir.
muniealion. Some of tbe be$t·kllOlOll respon$C$ arc gin females can illhib;t the matunotion of the "'pro-
cited. ductiv.: s)'$tems of youn,cr memben or the: group
(1 9). While ccmparisons alii be made with the inHu·
e!ICes exerted by queen bee substances on the ovaries
SUPPRESSION OF OVAR IAN CYCLES of workers, there are very Qbviou$ differences. The
mouse in hibition is tranlient and incomplete. It i$
Although animals living under nalural conditions slowly overridden when the stimulus is oontinuously
display sea_I varia tions in rcprodU<:live fU lIClions. pruent, and it is nopidly overcome if the )"011"8 fe-
singly C38(:d adu lt female mice un<krgo sponla· male moves ' ,"8Y rrom the croup or ir a male is i....
IlCOUS. regularly recurring ovarian (est roos) cycles in trod ... eed. Moreover, the experi.ncing the
the laboratory. ThdC arc lS5<Xiated wilh a period of inhibition does not contribute to the reproductive ef·
$Cxual re«ptivity (cs1rus) duri ng Ihe pcri()\l ulalOl)' ficiency 0( the mature female. except in sense
plwe. The durations of the cycles vary with the tMt she docs not immediately compete fot. newly
"rain. and al$o alOOll! individuab of the Nmc sttain illtroduced maJe.
(12), The cycleun: Ionge.. nd more i=gular when
odors emanating from the urine oI'mature mala arc
e, eluded (11) , THE ·' WH ITTEN EFFECT"
The cycles arc prolonged if the females are hou$Cd
in pairs.. Additional cffe<:u arc tftn if they arc kept When an adult male moose of the same stra in (or
in larger 1fOUp$. a nd mice of some m:ainll tend to his urine) is introdllCCd into I room in which femal ..
cn1",.. Slate of during which lhey hav.: been displayin, tbe lcc-Boot inhibition, the
fail 10 ov ... late (11 4). Similar inhibition or ovari.n ova rian .y<:I.. are lOOn MorC(W(: r, all ma-
cyclicity can be achic.ved if si ngly animals Ir. ture females .ntcr into $ynchroni'.cd ovari.n cycles.
•• posed to \>oddin, thal hn. boon .oiled by other 11 is believed that the si,nal p!"l)Yided by the male
adull fcmala Of SpB)-cd with urine (5 2). promptly augmenu the release: of LRII . That hy·
The suppl'"ssion or tbe ovarian fUnc1ion is known pothalamic re,ulatOf soon promotes the secretion of
as the tJJ«I. It has beell all ributed 10 i... lU from the pituitary alanlb. It is known tbat ovar-
fluences or I uri .... ry pheromone on the endocri ... iectomiw.! remales put OOt more LH when they are
S)'$tcm. The euct nature of the underlying endo- exposed to the urillC or adult mal .. (12).
Cline mechanism is difficult to define for several rca- Production of the urinary fac tor is androgcn-dc.
5OOS. Intact animals uDderao changing pe ndent. The stimulant is present in urines 0( in-
hormone levels. a nd are malked tact adult males and of Indrog .... inj«ted cw.not..
individual differences ill tbt- <:OIICCntnolions. Female of both SCXC$. It cannot be detected ill spcci .... ns
mice that been ovariectomized and maimaincd taken from UlltTCated castrated males.
on small dosages of estrogens respond to grouping [I was initially believed thaI the urinary phero-
by lowering tbeir serum concentrations of luteiniting mone was a steroid metabolite derived from testos.
hormone The pituitary hormone can incrcasoc: lerone (the major testicular hormone). More recenl
QlI"Og<'" secretion and ;t is essenlial for ovulation. wort. sus.scsu that it is a peptideusociated with
They also sIlow incrcll!lC:!l in the levels or prObClill urinary proteins.. Sites implicaled ill iu production
(PRl). It is likely that the or intact fe- illClude the liver and kidno:y. There a re .bo indica·
males 10 the urinary phemmO(H: involve similar tions that $Ccretions of the pr.putial ,lands (which
changes in LH and PRl ilCC rellon (12). The elTects may be lipids) ma ke some CQntributions to the stim_
urine lIe abol ished if olfactory bulbs are ulation (69).
destroyed. The si,nal tMt is must be a
complicated OIIC. sintt each mouse adapls to
odor of her own urine as she retains semitivity to lhe MALE INFLUEI'fCI:S ON REPAODUCTIVE
subslances made by h.r cage males. SYSTEM MATURATION IN FEMALES
It h .... been suggested Ihat the lee-Boot effe<:t is. (VANDENBERGH EFFECT)
laboralory Irtifact. since all·female ,roups totally The urino: of adult, intact males accelenotes matu-
removed from odon left behind by males are un- ration of the reprodllCtive s)'Slems of )'QUnt females.
likely to occur ill nature.. The notiollthat the leo- The elTccu are reminis«nt of the observations de-
scribed for locusts. However. the difference. are at the male is of a different strain. The signal presented
least as important as the similarities. First. chemical in the male urine seems 10 interfere with the female's
stimuli do oot the sole controlling innuenee. ability to release adequate amounts of prolactin. A
Whcn young females arc to adult males. recently inseminated female can be protected by the
they achieve higher blood level. of LH , maintain administration of exogenous prolactin . Females in
them for longer time periods. and secrete more es- advanced stages of pregnancy and ones that are lac-
trogen than females re<:eiving ju,t the urinary sig. tating make relatively large amounts of prolactin.
nals (14) . Tactile stimulation by the IfIlIles ,eemS to and they arc resistant to the pheromone. They also
be an important factor (19). Second, female mice re- release something that interferes with the ability of
spond to inhibitory signals from other females atthc the male to elicit the Bruce effect.
same time. The male innuence is most effectivc when It has been proposed that pregnancy Icrmination
the number of females in the group is sma ll. Third. in this way plays roles in maintaining the quality of
dominant males make mOre androgen and more of the DNA pools. sinC<: it facilitates transmission of
the pheromones than do subordiMte males (65). the characteristics of the dominant males. It has
Thereforc, Ihere can be preferential transmission of been pointed out. however. that the territorial be-
the genetic contributions of the strongest animals. haviors of mie.:: make it unlikely that an alien male
fourth. crowding leads 10 inhibition of androgen will come in coniact with a pregnant female . The
(and therefore of pheromone) secretion. especially in effect may therefore be an undesirable but in-
subordinate males (7J). Fifth. nutritional deficien. frequent phenomenon that occur.; because Ihe uri-
cies also depress pheromone formation. Thc last two nary pheromone that promotes female maturation
factors may protect against the production of more also causes abortion. The ability of a prcgnant fe-
young than can easily be reared . male to recognize the stud malc may thcrdore be
Some of the difficulties involved in delineating the part of a device, mediated via noradrencrgic path_
endocrine responses to urinary signals can be appre- ways and the vomeronasal organs described later.
ciatcd from attempts to mimic them with selective that permits the female to continue her pregnancy.
hormone administration. Injections of LH alone do
nOt accelerate puberty oruet, but they can increase
estrogen prodUction. Estradiol injections arc effec- Some Compari s ons with Rats
tive in young females deprived of thc urinary stimuli. The widespread use of mice to study mammalian
but they al.., lower the blood COI1centro.,icn. of LH. pheromone. carrie< the danger tht gene",lizalion<
Carefully timed injection $Chedules and more fre· will be applied to other rodents. It is therefore useful
quent determinations of hormone levels may provide to consider observations made on other species.
new insights. Only a few on rat. arc cited here.
Adult female rats tend to have quite regular ()\Iar-
ian cycles when housed in the abs..nee of males.
INFLUENCES OF FEMALE URINE ON MALES They are not known to exhibit either the Lee-Boot
or Whitten efreclS. and there is lillie evidence for
T he urine of adult. cycli ng females stimulates sex ual
consistcnt implantation failure in Ihe presence of for-
arousal in adult males. It is believed to augment LH
eign males. Although affecting behavior
release and to thereby promote testosterone secre-
have been described. ralS may be far morc depen_
tion. The female urine elicits only Iransitory aug-
dent than mie.:: on visual cues and audilory signals
mentation of LH release in immature males. and the
(espedally the emission of sounds too higb pitched
amounts are inadequate for acceleration of pUberty
to be perceived by humans) (2. 66).
onset. However, the physical presence of adult fe-
The ovarian cycles can be disrupted by maintain_
males can promote rapid sexual maturation (70).
ing the females in continuous light. The animals
then enter into a state of "persistent estrus." in
which they are sexually receptive but fail to ovulate.
Ll1 release and ovulalion can be accomplished by
mechanical stimulation of the vagina or uterine ccr-
When the stud male is permilled to remain with the vix. This can be acbieved in the laboratory with the
female he inseminates for two or more days. the in- use of a glass rod. as well as by introducing a sex-
cidence of pregnancy is increased. lloW<'ver. if he is ually active but sterile male. Females in persistent
removed and a different male (or his urine) is intro- estrus may alsoovulale whcn exposed to the urine of
duced within the first four days a fter conception. the an adult male. However. while female micc can re-
pregnancy is oflen promptly terminated. and the fe- spond to the od= of male urine that are presented
male soon resumes her ovarian cycles. Inhibition of via air currents Or when they are ,epa rated from
implantation occurs with even greatcr frcquency if soiled bedding by wire mesh. rats require direct COn-

tact with the pheromonal substances. This has becn mammals, and Observations that SOme to
attributed to the use of different kinds of receptors urinary components can be elicited upon close con-
by the tWO animal types (53) (see next section). taci but not when the signals are some distance from
A substance produced by lactating rats that at· Ihe re<:ipient. suggC$1 that the vomeronasal organs
traclS young pups is present in the feces of the play important roles. Some obsc",,1'$ believe that the
mother. and it has been called a pheromone by SOme "Hehman:' a grimace observed in deer and some
observers. Production of the signal depends on pro. other mammals when they sniff the secretions left by
lactin (a hormone essential for lactation). The cf· conspeeifies. contributes to transport of the chemi-
fe<:ts seem to be exerted on the liver and to involve cals 10 the sensilive sites_ It has also been demon_
influences on the composition of the bile. However, strated lhat lesions affe<:ting vomeronasal (but not
the actual synthesis of the attractant has been local· primary olfactory) structures aoolish the effects of
ized to the cecum. This form of communicatioo male urine On ovulation in rats with persislent estrus
seems to be important during the first t 6 days in the (52). It has been proposed that the two Iypes of 01·
lives of the neonales, after which visual cues assume factory organs "provide parallel. separate rOOteS of
dominance (7S). chemosensory influence into the hypothalamus'·
It is exceedingly difficult to sort out the specific
Ma mmali an Re eepto ra lo r P he ro mo nes
functions of the lWO systems (80). Destruction of the
Volatile substances that are effective when presented primary olfactory pathways is usually associated
at a distance probably act mostly on the "pri mary with damage to Ihe accessory pathways. Procedures
olfactory syslem." which receptors of the utili,-<:d to inflict the damage. and others involving.
nasal mucooa , the main olfactory bulbs. the first cra· for example. the use of nasal plugs. can cause seVere
nial nerve, and the central nervous system com]lO' discomfort and constitule a form of nonspecific
nentS with which these are associated (80). Pa th- stress.
ways of this system ntediate oonscious awareness of
odors. Problem s InVOlve d In Interpretatio n of th e
11 is recognilcd, however. that environmental
Re s po nses to Env iro nme ntal Chemicals
chemical. UM sensed by other structures. and thO!
olfaction additionally involves Ihe vomeronasal (Ja· The aforementioned responses of rodents can be fit_
cobson's) organ and its oonnections with the acces- ted 1005c1y inlO the pheromone concept. The effects
sory olfactory bulbs (116). Ihe septal organ of Mas- elicited are reproducible, and there are no indica-
era. portions of the trigeminal nerve. and terminal tion.. that they involve learni ng Or judgmenlS. How-
endings of the nervuS terminalis (53). A role for gus- ever, even in rodents. experience affecls the reaclions
tatory receptors has also been considered (I). Addi. to chemicals that influence behavior. Thu s, "naive"
tional putative receptor sites include Ihe cornea and male adult rats respond differently to urine from
internally located cells affecled by the bloodweam_ adult females than do males who have had previous
Most subhuman vertebrates rosS"" vomeronasal sexual oontaets.
organs. The !tructures are prucnt in human fetuses. Many large mammals leave territorial markings
but there are unresolved questions concerning that have been referred to as pheromoncs_ When an
whether Ihey function poslnatally (52). Usually, animal perceives the signal left by a conspecific. its
they lake the form OflUbular sacs Ihat open via min_ reactions may be of a very different nature. The re-
ute pore< inlo the nasal cavity. the oral cavit),. Or cipient is likely 10 lake note of the imensily of the
both. They make associations with the accessory rn- stim ulw and ilS loca tion. Both kinds of informalion
factory bulbs and with limbic and hypothalamic re- can provide insights into the size of the dooor. The
gions of the brain (99). These organs are not be- decision to avoid a staked-()\lt lerritory may be more
lieved 10 contribute 10 conscious pereeplion of odors. similar to the one of a human confronting a NO
They are generally not affected by the minute con- TRESPASSING sign than 10 that of an ant that
centrations of airborne sub:stances that travel long perceives an "alarm pheromone."
distances and act On the primary olfactory system.
but stimuli can reach them when animals sniff and
Monkey " Phero mo nes"
sometimes also when they ingest materials. Primary
olfactory receptors may play roles in directing ani. In contrast with ·'Iower·· mammal. that have estrOus
mals 10 resions in which Ihe stimulants can be found cycles in which receptivity is limited to the pcriovu·
(52) . lawry phase. monkeys have menstrual cycles and
The sniffing, nuzzling, and licking behaviors of can receplivityat all times. However. a male
given acceM to seV<'ral adult females will seek out before ovulation. The males show mnimum interest
and copulate with the ones in the fenile (periovula- at the time when fading begins. The color changes
tory) phases. When caged with a single female. he may be di«:ctly allraclive to the males. and they
undergoes cyclical changes in reproduclive behavior may additionally provide indicalions of olher
Ihat are synchroniZ<'d with her ovarian cycles. He;s changes (e.g. in the vagina). It is also known that a
likely to ignore invitations she extends during her male continuously housed with the same female
nonfertile periods (77) . eventually shows waning interest. but Ihat I1e can
Adult male monkeys will press bars many times readily be aroused by a different partner.
to elevale panilions that separate Ihem from intaCI
adult fcmales. Thcy show little or no intcrest in ovar-
Humeri " PherOmOI"l81"
iectomiled females, eVen when the animals have had
estrogen applied to the sexual skin. Th ey I"<'act to Attempts haV<' been made to apply pheromonal in-
castrales pl"<'tl"<'ated intravaginally with estrogens. terpretations to the pleasures of kissing (and of nose
and to animals that have had vaginal washings from rubbing in some cultures), to some of the unex-
estrogen-inje<:led animals applied to tile sexual skin plained aUractions betwcen individuals. to the high
(77). incidence of conception that follows rape during u<u-
Males lose interest when their nolles are plugged . ally infertile phases of the menstrual C)·clc. and 10
bul the responses to inlact and to suitably Irealed the high incidence of conception in previously child·
ovaricclomiled females are promptly reslored when less women who adopt infants (114).
Ihe plugs are I"<'moV<'d (76). Observations have been cited that are reminiscen t
It has therefore been proposed that estrogens pro- of ones described for rodents. Adolescents attending
mote the formation of a vaginal pheromone. ropulin. Summer camps and living in Ihe same quarters often
that acts on the olfactory receptors of males to stirn· have synchronized ovarian cycles. Close friends in
ulate sexual interest and performance (77). (A dif. all-female collcges can develop elongated, synchro-
ferent volatile substance has been identified for dogs nous cycles, and they experience shonening when
[39J.) they establish recurrent contaclS with males (72).
However, other studies were performed in which Some, but not all, women repon regularly recur-
formalin was applied to the olfaclory epithelium for ring changes in b·ds of sexual interest thai coincide
the purpose of destroying Ihe sensory epithelium with specific phases of nalural ovarian cycles. and
while avening the discomfon and breathing impaIr- changes in the paneTns when they take oral contra-
ment associated with the nasal plUgs. Allhough 1= ceptives. Volatile fatty adds similar to the monkey
of the sense of smell was confirmed by the inability copulins have been recovered from human vaginal
of the animals 10 discriminate between different non· secretions. They reach higbest concentrations close
pheromonal odors. the monkeys continued to display to the time of ovulation. The release pallerns arc dis-
cyclical changes in behavior when caged with nor· rupted by the oral contraceptives (75). Cyclical
mal females (3J). changes in olfactory perception Ihat are synchro-
Several different interpretations are consistent nized with the menstrual cycles have also ocen de-
with the observatioru;. First, eopulin is a pheromone scribed (34).
that aCts on vomeronasal receptors which are pre· On the other hand, nonpheromonal explanations
served when the primary olfactory system is dam· for all of Ihe phenomena are easy to flOd. Psycholog-
aged by formalin. However, the diSCllmfort associ· ical faclors that are not well understood underlie at-
ated with the nasal plugs ""eTls nonspecific effects Iractions between individuals. Attempls to rule out
on Ihe behavior of the monkeys. Second. copulin a lhe effe<:1S of physical activity patterns on cycle syn-
pheromone Ihat acts on olfactory receptors, and it chronizations may not have been 10lally successful.
contributes 10 the regulation of behavior under phys- Stress and the associated release of adrenocortical
iological conditions. However. when the primary 01- and other hormones probably account for rape·,....
faclory system is damaged by formalin. bUltbe an· lated conceptions, while changes in life·styles prob-
imals arc otherwise comfortable. it is possible 10 ably contribute 10 the conceptions that follow
maintain reproductive interest and performane<: by adoption .
using other Third. copulln is not a pheromone. The concept Ihat copulins function as human
It is an odorous substance that imparts information pheromones is questionable on several grounds. Th e
concerning the condition of a pOtential sexual part- behavioral responses of humans show marked indi-
ner. and it may additionally have effeclson monkeys vidual variations, and they are quite differenl in the
comparable to those of perfumes on humans. Sup- same individual at one time compared with another.
port rIJr the third concepl derives from al leasl two No consistent behavioral links with menstrual cycles
&/Jurces. Females undergo changes in the coloration have been established.
of the se:cual, thigh, and facial skin (21). which peak If pheromones could. in facl. funclion as at-

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Organization of the Endocrine System

WHAT IS AN ENDOCRINE GLAND? evidence for neural regulation of secretion; (e) the
difficulties invol.'ed in defining ·'the target organ'·
The term mdocrine gland is applied \0 all members since PTH roportedly acts On more than one kind of
of a group of anatomically discrete. but functionally bone cell, both proximal and distal tubular compo-
related organs Ihal synthes;,-<, hormones and release nentS of the kidney . renal cells conlributing to the
Ihern into Ihe bloodstream. An acceptable lisl could metabolic activation of vitamin D. mammary glands
inclUde Ihe pituitary> thyroid, parathyroid, and 3dI"<" of mammals and vertebral lime sacs of frogs, thy.
nal glands. the lestes and ovaries, the pancreatic is- mocytes. some bone marrow components, the
leiS. and perhaps also the thymus and pineal glands. smooth muscle of arterioles, and corneal cells; and
Howevu, more . hormones are produced ouuide (I) obse rvations Ihat PTH contribu tes to the regu·
such emitie. than within them . Many different cell latlon of funct ions primarily controlled by other hor-
types engage in synthesis of Ihe regulators. and SOme mones. The lisl indudes appetite a nd food intake.
hormones are made eX lracdlularly. Ii has become acid-base balance, the renal of sodium.
virtually impossible \0 formulale a definition of an water, and other substances. neuromuscular excita-
endocrine gland thaI accommodates aU the sites of bilityand brain neurOn activities. and the secretion
biosynthesis. of several other hormones.
If Ihe traditional criteria for membership in Ihe The endocrine components of Ihe pancreu pr0-
endocrine system were to be applied toda}', it i.likely duce major regulators of carbohyd!'3te, protein. and
that no vertebrate structure would meet the qualifi- lipid metabolism; and destruction of the islets has
catiens. The pararhyroid glands woul d fare bener fatal consequences if no replacement therapy is pro-
than 111051. They are morphologically re<:ognizable vided. Vet the islets weuld face certain rejection by
entities that secrete a well-defined honnone into the an admission. committee that adheres to traditiona l
systemic cireulat ion. The obvious target orga ns are criteria. Each islet of a typical mammal contains
bone and kidney. and the hormone acts upon them same cells that secrete insulin. others Ihat relea$C
to regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism. glucagon. and dilTerent ones that make somatostatin
Ablation of the glandi lead, to the emergence of a (55) (107). In addition. many islets have cell, that
characteristic deficienc)" syndrome that can be aIle· produce pancreatic polypeptide (PP) (24, 41) and
viated by injection of suitably prepared parathyroid some may also relea$C gastrin (8.123 ). Insulin , glu·
gland extracts. cagon and SS exert loculiu d comrols Over functions
Impeccable credential,? Perhaps. One w<lndcrs, of neighboring cells (witheut benefit of transport
however. whether the admissions commillee would through the bloodstream) (1 07. 109). Moreover, SS
be willing to overlook some of the following points: is made in Ihe hypothalamus. the thyroid gland. the
(a) the molecular heterogeneity of parathyroid hor- gastrointestinal tract . and elsewhere. Glucagon-like
mone (PTH); (b) the secretion of equimolecular molecules are sec reted into the bloodstream by cells
amounts of a parathyroid secre lory protein ( PSP) of the gastrointestinal tracI and they arc also found
Ihat may function as an additional hormOllC' (72); (cl in the brain. while peptides wilh insu lin,like activity
the release by certain tumOr celis of substances are present in the blood of pancreatectomized ani-
chemically a nd biologically related to PTH ; (d) the mals. In common with most (and probably all) hor-
mone-sox:reting ccll$, the islet$ are oontrollcd in pan dated with the endocrine sYStem but are now known
by Ihcir innervalions. w contribute 10 hormone production include the
The hypolhalamus is a component of the brain. It skin. liver and lungs. the .. Iivary glands of some spe-
oontains respe<:lable neurons Ihat commu· cies (9,12.34). the extrahypothalamie brain (21).
nicale wilh other neuron$, dcvelopaclion polentials. thc retina (10). and cv<:n the mammary glands (I 7).
and rclease (82). Yet it i. One of The importance of adipose ti ssue as a source of es-
Ihe richesl sources of bloo<H,orne regulato",. lIS rep- trogens has rcccntly lxcn re<;Ognized (sec Chapter
ertory includes vasopressin (VP. which travels 10 Ihe 15). The abili ty o( tumor cells to make a wide vari.
kidney but also actS on the pituitary). oxytocin (besl cly of regulawl"S contributes to a growing oclier that
known (or its .rreets on the uleruS and mammary all have the potential for synthesizing and
glands). and sc"eral hormones thaI Iravel throogh a releasing hormones.
restricted portion of the circulatory syslem to main-
tain the functions of the adenohypophysis. Mosl of
Ihe hypothalamic secretions act at onc site as her·
ll'IOIles and at others as neuromodulators Or neuro.
transmitters (27). For example. dopamine regulates Morphologicol studies of whol. organs provide few
both neuronal functions and Ihe secretion of some guidelines for Ihe identification of endocrine glands .
pituitary hormone. (124). Many molecular species The ceU. that engage in the biosynthesis and release
arc oommon to the hypolhalamus and the gut (38, of thyroxine (T.) and tri.iod01hyronine (TJ) are or-
18.93). ganized (Fig. 2.1). while {hose produc-
Structures thaI have nol ocen lraditionally asso- ing parathyroid hormone form cell cord5 (Fig. 2· 2).



, •
Fig. A. o! "'Y'oO;I gtaod. (1) 1001i<:1e. (2) .....,...; 10 foIli<:uIa, epit ..... 1"",10. (3)
LoOOIeS. (2) ""Pto, (3) l<>llicles. X23 . B. s.gmMlI 01 rol pe<il<>llieul.r ""pill.ries. (.) pooit<>lli(;ul. , _ s <>l
thyroid gl.od . .ttct,on mier_op'" ( I) L.,II'" loll"' .... (2) coltagenOUS (5) nuclei 01 IbrODIa.t •. X 1600.
"""'" l<>lti(:le'. (3) <;<>n<>tCt<vo 11 _ _ , " . (4) (RI>odin, ,e!. 67) D. .. ota;r>e<! C celli ...
pafal<>llicula, calli. (5) .rteriole , (6) (1) 11>00 thYI'<)M:! ot a rn ... ,.f.
C CtH •• ,. identified by
Iympholic capill...... (6) blood Cllpilla"*_C. <>l ,.t .rrOwS. X33. (\>tong end Go",,,,, rei . 79)
IhYfoO;l l<>ltiCle. """"ron mIcrOgraph. ( I) CollOid in con"" 01

Fig. 2· 2. Top: H..... n pa,all'lyroicl gland. ( I) Fat call •.

(2) cIIiet call •. (3) OX1Ph11cell •. blood ""pi""....
X200. Righi : mia__ ph survey 01 cords of calls
in paralhy'o-kI gtll.l. (I) Fal celt •• (2) chief celis.
(3) oxyphil celli. (_I blood ""pin.'... . cor.-"",!ive
II..... $81>1 •. (R_in. "f. 87)

Calcilonin i$ secreted by organized. innervated

struclu res in many of the vertebrates; bu t most of
the calcitonin in mammals originates in scattered
cells that lie between the thyroid follides Or are sit·
ualed alons lheir peripheries (FiS. 2·1). A peplide •
chemically rolaled 10 calcilonin may be prescnl
in pituilary cells thai are quite differenl in
appearance. Oxytocin and vasopressin originate in hypotha·
The endocrine lissue of Ihe pancreas is organized lamic neurons thaI have large perikarya grouped
into islets ne$lltd amons Ihe acina r components.lhal into easily rerosnizable nuclei and very long axons
manufacture digestive enzymes (FiS. 2·3) , However. thai travel in bundles to lhe neural lobe of the pitu·
PP is made by acinar regions as well (24). itary gland. Different hypothalamic hormones are
Three differenl arrangements of sleroid hormone- made in small ncurons. "Gastrointestinal" hormones
se<:reling cells can be found in Ihe adrenal cortices oome from celb Ihat are isolated Or collected into
of most mammals: whorb or glomeruli situaled be- small grouJl5. Some of the "gut endocrine lissue"
neath the capsule. cords or fascicles in the middle shares embryclosical oriSins with cenlral nervous
region, and a nelwork or reticulum closest to lhc me- system components (78).
dulla (Fig. 24A and B). The cellsofth. adrenal me- Cells thaI makc prolein. peptide. and amine·type
dulla that secrete norepinephrine and epinephrine hormones store their products in
relain some of Ihe characleristics of Ihe neuronal dosed granules. However. granules are also found in
elements from which they were derived (Fig. 2-5), nonendocrine cells. Moreover. steroid-sccreting cells
but they lack axons a nd dendrites. lack such orsanelles. They accumulale lipids in
Although the biochemical pathways for the syn· droplets bul do not build up substantial hormone
thesis of adrenocortical and sonadal steroids are reseT ......
sim ilar. Ihe cell arrangements of the organs are quile It ;s often pcMible to identify hormone«cr",i"g
different , Androgen-secreting cells of Ibe lestis lie in cells by adminiSlering specific anlilxxlies directed
dumps near tbe peripheries of Ihe seminiferous lU, against the regulators and ootinS Ihe attachment
buies (Fig. Hi). Most of the progesterone lhal en· siles (126). It is important to recognize. however.
lers Ihe bloodstream of females is made in well-de· that (3) Ihe anlilxxlies sometimes fail 10 gain access
fined C<lrpora IUlea cf Ihe ovary (Fig. 2·7). to Ihe binding si tes; (b) the antibodies can auach to
Granulosa cells of ovarian follicles lake up andro- other molecules thaI ha ve :;orne simi lar chemical
sens supplied by neighboring cells and conven those groups; and (e) hormones made by one cell Iype can
steroids 10 estrogens. be laken up by anolher. Microoisseclion procedures
, , T- •
." .
-,...-,.,... .
. ..


Fig. 2_3. EleC1ron ""''''9I.• pn oj edge of 1M! 01 (8) nucl_ 01 ( 9) nuclot 01 C coi l• .
l or>gertoanS. '., pane'.... (Pion. oj MICI"" jM;cale<l by. 01 "'" Iy,,"" II baSe<l on .Mly'" 01 Ih" fiOld
in io.., .) (1) lu"""" 01_ capin.ri4rs. (2) _ II 01 . , N\ll>er" "",gnificolion •. X .500. inN(." " '" oj l ll'lQ8'hons.
""",II>oli. , (3) nucleus oj peric)'ll. (.) noclei 01 homl n poner .... (I) Cord. 01 coi l. in _ , (2) c<>llapSe<l
(5) b<o>dIN 01 collagenous fiDrils. (6) r"tU<:IfIi 01 _ capill.,ie • • (3) .ciol oj peniotl 01p,I"""'.',
Ilphl (glo.>cogon) (1) nuclei 01 betl (;"suI"') e<oHo. (.) pt . ... 01HCliotI. X 1110. ( _ n. ,.1. 87)

haye CQntribUled to the ability 10 identify regions of ENDOCRINE FUNCTIONS OF THE

the brain thai contain regulators Or the enzymes reo HYPOTHALAMUS AND PITUITARY GLAND
quired for their biosynthesi s (II).
Fun ctional Anato my of tha Hypolhelamu8
Not all hormones are made in cells. Angiolensin I
is formed in Ihe bloodstream when renin (an en· The hypothalamus is a bilalerally symmwkal
zyme) is released from lhe kidney to on a plasma organ that forms the Aoor and lower walls of the
protein (renin substrate) made by Ihe her. The sub- third ventricle of Ihe brain . The portion of
strale has been called a hormoncgen. A different en- the Yenlricle Hoor (Iuher dlltreum) leads into the
zyme in Ihe lungs converts angiotensin I to angioten- funnel-shaped Jlalk. (infundibulum ) from which the
sin II. pitu itary gland is suspended (Fig. 2-8),
FlII.2""" "To,", $cooMing" " ""
............ """ 01 "",,,'iofl _ . " ...
,_.'M.... (Zl')ot" ....,_x.
:r<lftOI (lG) _."...,..

XS30. Bo"o ... , S"_01 .......

, .. iaoIario .. _
......... _ 01 .....
by _ . - ""'" 1Orm.
IIMIeuIat pIe'UI (AP) , (lI_
S K.,<Ion . '-'. S: CION _10001
_ . _ , 01_ 01.",...,. _'Y.
sI\o";nv di... _ 01 ,r.. cot! •• Inlo thr. .
.,.,.",..,tr;c .onet. )( 100. (Lor>g, ,.t.


axons. The two kind. of molecules are later relcased
into neural lobe capillari.s that lead inlO the sys-
temic blood vessel •. The neurophysin. are believed to
originale from precursor molecules Ihat also give rise
to lhe hormones. No physio1osical functions have as
yet ocen established fOf the neurophysins.
The impre .. i"" wu at one lime gained that att of the
VP i$ 'ynlht$i,ed in diserele. dearly demarcal.d su-
praoptic nuciei. ,nd th.t all of Ih. hormone act, primar_
ily on the kidney to promote water •• tion. Simi_
larly. il was thought that all of the oxytocin j, synthesized
in the p..... v.ntricul.r nudei. and that it acts extlu.ively
On the uteru, and mammary gland •.
It i, now recognized Ihat VP i, additionally made in
difl"use el."... of neuron, Iocaled bel" •• n the promi_
nent. bilateral . uprooplie nuctei (SON) and at.., in otbcr
part' of the brain (1 4). The hormone arreelS learni ng and
memo.y (t 6). and it probably acts cent .... tty a. wett a.
peripherally 10 inftuerote Wlller bol.nce (21). VP derived
ilS name from, high concent .... tion •• tim·
ulate the . mooth mu.cle of the blood v.... I•• and ;1 is
tikdy that phy.iotogicat level, perform $0"", rdated
funelion •. The non, of $Orne SON neuron> terminate in
Ibe vieinit)" of Ihe pars intermedi. of the pituitary gland.
of sped.. thal pOs'." such >lructur.,. Othe.. release VP
into blood """.1, of the "",dian eminence. and they con·
tr ibute to regutation of ACTH se<:rttion.
While Ih. parav.ntric").. nuclei (PVN) .upply much
of the oxytocin that ente .. the peripheral blood. $Orne of
,h .. peptide i. mad. in 'he SON. Oxytocin i. believed to
F ig. 2·5. Ro' , '''_, medullo •• ""tfOn microg,aph. ( I ) $C . . e .. a prohormone. ,;nee it <an be <le,,'cd to .m.tter
... ",1 .... M ... _.... CAli. (oJ 0' ""'..."...."....,...
peptidesthat atreellhe ..cretion of pars inter"",dia hor·
cell. (3) cor_ oj cOlI tlfIlOngi"ll to ,""" ,"'iCulari$. (4)
eapdlary lumen. (5) (6) monc1. l! , tOO, i. made in thc Ul .... hypoth.t.mic brain. in
_ h e l i . l ",,''''. (7) intercollu!ar spaco. (e) ....... which it ,eemS '0 f"rotti"" a. a neuromodutalor. The
..,dings. X.!5-00. (Rhoc!in. ",I. 61) PVN are also sources of .eg"lators that afTect pituitary
gland secret'On of fottict ... timutating hormone (FSH)
and of thyroid·stimutaling hormone (TSH).

In the region above Ihe infundibulum. Ihe large

cell bodies of specialized neurons an: grouped into
while clusters of smaller peri_ These are less well defined. and they contain mOre
karya enter into the formalion of parviullular (par- heterogeneous cell populations. Hormones synthe-
vocel1ular) nudei. (83) sized in the perikarya arc sent down relatively .hort,
fone that project to the eXlernal "lOne of the
median eminence and terminate close to the blood
vessels of a specialized compartment of Ihe circula-
The supraoptic nuclei (SO of Fig. 2·9) are localed lory system known as the hypothalamohypophysial
above the opLic chiasma (OC. the crossing of the flONal system (HHPS). The hormones (which are
optic ncrves). The parowmlricular nuclei (rV of Fig. sometimes called "release faclOrs") travel through
2-9) are dClSC to the third vent ride. Bundles of long the blood vessels to the pars distalis of the pituitary
axon. (the hypothalamrrh}"flOphysial tracts) gland. They play important roles in the maimenance
connect the nuclei with the neural lobe of the pilu· of the st ruclures as well as the secretory functions of
ilary gland . Ihe pituitary gland. The group ineludes thyrotropin-
I n mammals. the hormones syn thesized within the rdeasing hormone (TRH). corticotropin·releasing
nuclei include vasopressin (a nlidiuretic hormone) hormone (C RH) , luteinizing hormone-releasing hor-
and oxytocin . Those regulators are packaged. ' klng mone (L RH), and growth hormone·releasing hor-
with specific proleins (neurophysins [14.91. 97, mOne (G RH ). The arcuate and ventromedia l nudei
115]) into large granules that travd down the long (AR and VM of Fig. 2·9) are major sources. I\. sim-




ocgu in

S..,oIi Cell'j

Fig. 2-e. S<!c1iOn Of humIIn tesli. (ob1a;".,.a ., operation),

Tile Ira n_led WW •• $how v.'""'. Sla \lOS Qf
•. X 170. (AM_ .... A . Max/mow.) (81oom

plified version of the interrelationships between the to the outermost zone. which <:<lntains the ve!.sels of
hypothalamus and the pituitary gland is shown in the hypothalamohypophysial portal system . The
Fig.2·}0. cells (taneytes) have been implicated in the transfer
of materials between the cerebrospinal Auid and the
capillaries (43).
2. The ()f' fibrous zoN' <:<lmains the

The bulging upper end Qf the infundibulum is known axOnS that make up the hypolhalamohypophysial
as the median eminence (MEl. It surrQunds an ex- nerve tl'lleu. The term i'lj"ndibU!Q' Siern refers 10
tension of the third ventride (the infundibular .e- the exclusively neural portion of the infundibulum.
c<:ss) that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Three It includes the middle layer orthe median eminence
subdivisions are and the lower extensions of the nerve tracts.
l. zone or intll'r surrounds 3. The external/oyer ()f' palisade zane <:<lnlain! Ihe
the cavity. Specialized e<:Us of this region se nd pro- hypothalal1l()ohypopophysial portal and fine
cesses inlo the infundibular r = and others fibers thaI form the wbero-injlmdibular nnw !raelS.

0' ,.f."",

BI.od ......,

Fig. 2·1 . CfO •• S/lClion of .,..-ipMt.1I.y,", of h"",.n
oor"". Mourn or Plegnof"lC"l. st • .,., """ ,.,leul., ' ''"'"
rho 9ielsehowSf<y meIh<>d. X23S. t ...1t...... .... Ma x"""",. )
(Bloom a F. v.<ee1t. ,et. 7)

The laner conlain axOnS of parvicellular neuronS. dularis), is distinct from the hypothalamus but
They receive projections from the anterior pcriven· makes functional conne<:tions with i\ via the portal
tricular. relfochiasmalie. and posterior parts of the blood vessels. It contains cells that symh.siu and se·
hypothalamus. from the thalamus. and from the crete hormones. The neurohypophysis. is an exten·
amygdala, in addition to branches of the hypothal· sion of the hypothalamus . It does not produce hor·
am<rhypophysial nerve Iracts and ascending fIbers mones. but it MoreS regulators formed in the
from the midbrain (86). magnoce\\ular nuclei. and it releases those JlCptides
This zone is therefore rich in h)'po(ha/amic hor- into (he systemic circulation. In addit;oo to axon
mOMS. (from both parvkellular and magnoce!lular endings and capillaries, it oontains pituieytes that
nuclei). in (some of which originates in may be a sJlCcial kind of neuroglia (Fig. 2-11) .
the hypothalamus). and in (norepi. Pituitary gland morphology varies widely with the
neprhine as well as dopamine) arriving from the as· species (42). He descriptions that follow contain
cending fibers. In addition, tile region contains high generalizations that apply mostly to mammals.
oonccntration. of pituitary hormo""s. which appar·
ently ascend via the portal vessels (4).
Additional details a re presented in Part Vl1.
This portion of the pitui(ary gland ,j(ve\ops from
Rathke's pouch. a structure ini(ially associated wit h
The Pltultery Gland
the roof of the embryonic mouth (see Chap. 19).
The two major subdivisions differ from each other in Until recently. most investigators believed that (he
structure, functions. and embryological origins. The pouch was form ed "elusively by buccal ectoderm.
adeMnypophysis. Or gland ular portion (pars glan. A few. however. championed the concept that the se-

. Me<lian
.. eminence
_ _ _ _ InluMlb\Jlar

Fig. 2 -6. Top : Rough cj;aQlamm.tic
a n<!
p;luitary QI&n<!. Bonom :
• • nd
MUrohypop!1yl il .

, FIoo< 01 " , od . On1"C I.
hube, c,,,,,,ouml
... tube,ah •
• m",.nce

erctory cells derive (rom neural oomponents that mi·

grate to the at a very early The concept is
now strongly supported (see lalor discussion of
APUD cells) , The adenohypophysis bu Ihree sub-
divisions (Table 2·1). Par. ,0,
I. Tilt paF$ dis/alis by fa/ Ihe largesl comp<>-
nent. The lerm comes from Ihe location, since Ihis
part of Ihe pituitary is fa/(hest from (most dista l to)
Ihe brain. The cells that synthesize and release hor·
Fig. 2·g. Diagrammatic repre ... ta(!on oj hypolhlllOmie
mones associa ted with the "ante rior pilu itary" or Ali, a n'trior h)'lX>!hIIlami<: : AR. ,'"",,'e; DM.
"anterior lobe" reside in (his region, and each cell dOrIOm6CIial; OC, optic CIlia."..: PH, pc>olarior
type is named for its secretory product (see Fig. 2· I>ypotlralamie: PO. preoptic; pv. SCH,
12 and Table 2-2). ...",.. ChiII ..... lic; SO, suproroplic; VM, vonlr"","",i.. l.
'" ""

"""'" ,rae"

Fig . 2· to. .... sion 01 hylK"""'-"""

on ,1>1 gl_tld, (3M 101>10 2-310< t<.OlM ...... 01
hOrmono •• )

The cells were initially studied by light micros- meme administration were called thyrotrophs (since
COPY and classified as either "<:<Ilar·loving" chromo- horm()ne was then called thyro-
phils containing granules thai lake up dyC!5, or trophin). whereas the {J cell$ believed to se<:rete gon-
"color-fearing" chromophobes that lack such organ_ adotroph ins were called gonad()lrophs.
elles. On the basis of differences in morphology and More re<:ent studies with the electron mic!"OSCOp"
staining Characteristics. several kinds of chromophils have markedly advanced our insights into the rela·
were then defined, and a Gl"<'ek lelle' was assigned betw..,n nl()rphology and function. and
to each. they have made it possible to identify additional e<:11
Information on the associated hormones was ob- typ"s. Although thc findings support many of the
tained by observing lhe morphological changes thai cone<:pts developed by the light microscopists. it is
acoornpanied naturally occurring evenls such as oow recognizcd thai the formerly highly respocted
pregnancy, lactation. the phases of Ihe ovarian cy- "one cell type-one hormonc" hypothesis is no
cles, and Ihe seaonsal varialions in reproductive longer tenable. Two or three different regulators can
organ Functions. Additional data were derived from coexist within a e<:1I. and even within the same se·
animals subje<:led 10 thyroide<:tomy. adrenalectomy. cretory granule.
and other manipulations of the endocrine The suffix ""troph"" implies nourishment. It is !lOw
Since certain cell tYP"$ are clustered within defined regarded as inappropriate, and it has been replaced
regions of the pituitary. the glands of large mam· by ""lropo" which indicates "'attraction to". Thus. in
mals could also be sectioned, extracted, and used for the current literature, TSH is called thyrotropin.
hormone bioassays. A different nomenclature was and the cells of origin are known as thyrolropes.
then introdue<:d. For example. the {J e<:lIs most ob- The cell types of the pars distalis are described
viously affe<:led by thyr()idect()my and thyroid hor- briefly below and in greater delail in ChapteT 19.

., .. .,
.. -,; 1
r I 1 \,

FIg:. Z_l1. Deloil Ol the 1>0. ... ot ..,. f.' """,o/lypophyoll. ot ( .) nuclei of , _ ••,., (5) """'.
..... by intr....cu4ar peliusion, mier<>vrAp/I. ( 1) P«>OO ...... (6 ) Herring 1>OdiO • • X 1900. (_in. "'t. 6T)
Cop;llarIM ( ..... ooid.l. (2) (3) ...,..;

TOIIle 2· 1 Sut>dii.')(II OItI>e Hypophysio ond ThW ReIoIionstOps 10 tI>e..."._ 0tId _ _

NuitaIY GI.>da

M.d,," <min<n« Po" of hypolh.lomu.

No. roh),l"'ph),.i< H)'I"',no l. OIOhyJ>O¢),>I.1 r." oI" inrundibolum
no"", Ir.clS
:-: •• ,.1 lobe
""',<rio< pi,.ilO'),
= Po,. inte,med i.
P." ,ube ",l i.

Pu, di".li.
Fig . 2· 12.$&<:1;0" 01 '"t , n'orio< pituitlry gland. Arrows
poInl10 granulolo(llngcl., eell. w;lh .".,...,"ic
X600. (ForquNI, et al., 'el. 23)

C<l1 Typo: A$>O<,,,<d Uormont>(.) M"" Otw.,.. Fo",,';""

Thyr<>l1Op< ThyMd·"'mul ... ", 1Iormon< (TSH. Sem'"," of 'hyroid
I hyr<>l ropi n, I hyroll<>!'hi n) I'''''th of ,hy,oid ,I,nd
CorticotlOp< (oorti«>lroph. AdrcnooorliCOlropic horm<>n< Sec'<lion of .drcnooonk.1
oorticotipOllOp< ) (ACTH.oor,;COIrop;o. ho<mone/.; , ,""th
OOt,icotrophin,: .Iso lipolropins of.d", .. 1 oort .. , ... lQ
.nd pain and "'e>:>
Som>l"'rop;o!>or"","" (STH . G""'th of ;mmot"'" . n;"",!>
l-,"e,,,,1Op< (laCIQlrop-h, P,oI.c,in ( PRL. l.e'OI"",ie
mommOl,,,,,h) ho, mOn<. 1.01or rop; n.
FOil"," lo11opO (foll","101 roph) foll;cle->I;m ul.. i", hormortO (FSH. G,_h of "".. i.n fol l;el.... n"n«d
foll;'ropin) ""fO!On ,«,.,;0" in f<molo>;
matu,ation of Se"ot; coli •. VO"'th
of ",minif""",. ,ubule> in m, le.
L.,,,,,,ro,>C (Moo""ph. Lutein;,inl!>or"""", (LH, Promotes ""u l.. ion, formalion of
in'<r>li'''''roph) in,m,i,i.1 ,<II·,, ;mu I"i n, "'"I"" I.,,,um. "'OI",ion 01
1>o<m<>n<.ICSIt.I.'ropin) " '",,"0 ond p''''..,....... io
fem.le; Il"OWlh.nd «<t<><tcronc:
"" "'tion by ;n'm!;1 ;.1 «II. of
,..,i.i. "", I.
ChromopOOb< May be ;mm""n: p«oul$O<of ,he
.bo,. or , "",,,nulate<l «II 'hot
h.. di",h..,.d hor"""", Of b
""",,,,,""i ng
Follicular «II Id<n, ifi<d by doe,,,,,, m",_y: "" _bay"", dir<ot I1''''''I.d in
1Iortl'>MO: "" «I.. ion,hi? ,«ro 'i""
to follieu l"'""""
• •• •
"'., ,


,• •
• •
3 '\ .
3 • .'.....,
."/ "-

- .'

Fig. 2_14. tete: (AC) YIOwing RighT : Somo.If""" (ST) OhOwir>g """"""". "'<911 MCr.tOfy
NC,. tory gra"""" a lig..-l "'- pot_.",a membra ... granulU. X 7000. ( _ ..... a Marlin. ",I. 3)
" cy!opI"smic ,,",00&,' i• ..,.., IHttwMl> twO Othe, c.llo. X

CHROMOPH ILS physial hormones (36) . They also affect pain thresh-
olds. and they may be of pleasurable
Thyr()(ropes TS H in very small granules sensations (99). The term ·' lipotropin" implies a fat-
that are along 1:<'11 (Fig. 2- mobilizing funelion. but these peptides are believed
13). promotes growth of thyroid 10 serve primarily as precursors of other regulators.
gland follicles and secretion of T. and T J. SomalOlTOfMS are usually the most abu ndant of
COrliCOITOfMS are exceedingly difficullto identify the pars dislali, cdl •. are noted for their nu-
the light microscope. since they have highly merous and prominent secretory (Figs. 2-
irregular contours, long processes Iha t par- 13. 2-14, and 2-15). Their major product is !H)W
tially encircle ne ighboring cells. and conlain very called growth hormone (GH). but in the past il has
small granules (Figs. 2-13 and 2_14). They synthe- been as somatotropin (somatQtropic hor-
size large proleins (pro-opi<)]anOCQrtins) that arc mone. 5TH). The most obvious inn.cnces are ex·
subsequently cleaved to yield ACTH. erted on Ihe long bones of juvcniles. but GH also acts
and other biologically potent peptides. As its name di",c\ly on liver, skelelal muscle. adipo&C tissue. and
implies, ACTH stimulates the cell, of the adrenal other structures. It promotes Ihc ,ynthesis of soma-
but thc Same (or a chemically similar) pep- tomedin" that arc widely bclicvc<:l 10 me-
tide is found in Ihe brain. Endorphins diate many of the effects On skeleton .
morphine-like molccules) are released inlo lhe pe- LaCIOlropeJ are among largeSI of pituilary
ripheral blood along with ACTH during limes of cells. and their granules show the greatest variations
Slress. They. too, are made at OIher sittS. Endorphins in sizes and shapes (Fig. 2-13). They are numerous
are impliealc<:l as regulators of secretion of in the piluitaries of laetaling mammals. and the pro-
growth hormone, prolactin, and other adc!H)hyPCl"" lactin (PRL) they pmue. is best known for its

F!g. 2-13. Section oj ,ot &d«IotIypoptlysil, tIee1,.,... $Omoto""",,>. of martlrl'lOlr<>p8. (6) nUClei of
ml<>"oQo"oph. ( 1) NtIC""'. oj """ITat)' _ _ ;al cell. (2) lhyrot,"PM. (7) n""IOoi 01 o<I<ooooo<tiootropN. (8) nudfli
co.p;HOry rn..n. (3) int.. cOllular _co. (4) """IOoi of 01 chromophob/t pr"""_ collI. X5300. (Rhrxlln. ref. 87)

Fill. 2- 1 5 . ll'IrM oomalolrO!>H (ST) af'>d pa rt o! 1"-

cyloplaom o! • lhy,Wope (TT) Irom cell "'openoion.
'"""on mIcroOr'ph, X 10,000. (Farqohar. el .r., r. f. 23)

fe<:(s on (he mammary glands. lysosomcs rapidly and some other mammals. PR l i, ne.ded 10 main-
deplete the hormone contenl soon afler the infanls lain the corpora IUlea of pregnancy. It has therefor.
stop sudling (23). been called luteotropin, The term '-lutootropc" has
PR l performs many other functio!!S, including in· been applied 10 laetotropes_ bUI it can be misleading
duction of hormone receptors in the gonads, In rats (since no comparable PRL function has been dem-
f ig. L.fI: Pa,ts oj cytoplasm . nd 01 a (GT) . prUIJmol>ly oj LH type, wifl'lrorge oi ....n •• Ollhe
\IONI<I<>l,ope (GT), On FSH--=notiog cell. endopI"""'" , lOt""",,",. X to.2OO. ( _ .... & Martin, ,-'.
o<!iaooot to • ""pinory ium,"", X 1200. Right: Gona<l<>t'_
on'lrate<! for Roloo in the facilitation of CHROMOPHOBES
maternal behavior in rodents. and in thc regulation
of fetal salt and water balance in many of the mam- Electron microsoopy studies support thc belief that
mals have been proposed (48). cells identified in this way under the Hsht microscope
PRL stimulates the crop sacs of birds. and it in· comprise three subS roup'.
vokes the "watcr-<lrive" that precedes mating in am- Trllt rhro",ophobes shar<: many with
phibians. A related hormone (paralactin) permits but they totally lack granules. Some
some curyhalinc to adjust to low_saline may be chromophil precursors (stem cells) that have
environmcnts. not as yct acquired secrelOry granules. O thers are
produce fSH . which stimulates thought 10 he chromophils Ihal have been depleted
growth and maturation of the ovarian follicles. and of their hormone content or are undergoing
luteinizing hormone (LH). whiCh is needed for Ovu- degeneration.
lation and the formation of corpora latea, In males. may be hormonc-se-
fSlI aCIS on Ihc scrtoH cdb of the testi s. Since LH crcting cells whose granul.s do oot up under
promotes Icstosterone biosynthesi s when it acts on thc light microsoope bocause they are too fine. 100
Ihe interstitial cells. it is sometimes called interstilial reI" in number. or unable to bind the Siains (lOS).
cell stimulating hormone ( ICSH). Follicular n ils surround small. fluid_filled spa=
According to SOme observers. one kind of gona- (Fig. 2-17). Since Ihey lack secretory granules but
dotropc (the folliculotropc) makes fSH. while a dif- contain numerous their function may he
fcrent kind (the interstitiolropc) produces the LH . destruction of chromophils that are present in
Two cell types "'ilh different tnorpoological features sive numbers Or are undergoing degeneration .
have been deserihed (Fig. 2-16). However. it has also The adenohypophysis inHuences target organs in
been suggested thai a single type of gonadotropc can ways that cannot be attributed to the hormones cited
undergo both structural and functional changes and above. Some evidence has boen presented for the se-
produce either of the hormones. Some of the cells cretion of a regulator that actson the adrenal corlex
bind either anti-fSH Or anti-Ui. but othors take up to promote androgen production (76). and for the
both of the antibodies, The oomrovorsy is discussed release of a different stimulant that affects the
further in Part V. parathryoid gland (57). The cell types that

Fill. 2- 17. Ct..le< 01 f<>1Iicul." c.I. ( Fe), The c opill.ry som, '01r"PO' (ST) with;" a follicular cell.
pole of 0<>1 OJ1"" "rgo
C40n" eon1. in •• vacuole Only • thin ,.., of lOllicula, cel l C1'''''''''''' (Cy) ,",rounds
(PV ) w ith gr• ...,... <Ie<i.ed ltom • """, &lc>ry cell. t .... Prepo'.,"" .. to<' FiQ. 2' 15 . X 1I1.T00.
X 10 .200. In • • I: A ".cuoIo (pv) containing . ( Farquhar. 101 '1 .. ,ot. 23)
produce the prop:::.scd regulators have not putuiwy gland (15). but secretion inlO Ihe blood-
identified, stream has not been demonstrated. The VP found in
2. The pars tubera/is extends upward from the the pars intermedia may get there via the hypothal·
pars distalis toward the tuber cineream. and it usu· alOO-hypophsial OCf\le tracts. (Delivery by the portal
forms a collar around Ihc median eminence blood vessels is doublful . since this region is poorl)'
(Fig. 2·8B) . The portal blood V<'ssels pass through vascularized.)
this region. and it is n(lW koown that pituitary and Poikilothermic vertebrates have chromatophores
hypothalamic hormones trav'! within them in both with moveable pigment granUles. and in many of
directions (4). According to at lust SOme ohservers, thesc. MSH promotes granule dispersion . In certain
the pars tuberalis also contains ceUs that seercte of the fishes. amphibians. and repliles. the pars in-
hormones. termedia fuses with the neurohypophysis to form a
3, The pars imermedia forms at the points of con· ltf'ur();ntermedia1e lobe.
tact thc dcveloping pars distalis and the
neurohypophysis. but in the mature gland this por-
tion is usually separated from the neurohypophysis
by a cavity (the hypophysial or residual cleft) . Thcre This division of the piluitary gland develops from thc
is evidence for an inductivc inlluence of hypotha- noor of the cmbryonic brain. It is made up of Ihree
lamic anlage on the differenliation of Ihc glandular components. two of which are also parts of the
cells. (No pars intermedia is found al any slage of hypothalamus,
development in birds, or in whales, porpoises. and The neural lobe (infundibular proccss) is some-
other mammals in which the pars distalis fails to times referred to as the posterior pituilary or posle·
make early contact with the !loor of Ihe brain.) rior lobe. It is the bulbous enlargement of the distal
In many of thc mammals. the pars intermedia de- end of thc infundibulum that contain, the awn end-
velops into a large inlmnediate loIN, This parI of the ings and pituicytes, The prominent collections of se-
pituitary gland is especially prominenl in camels.lla· crelory granules that arriV<' from the hypothalamic
mas. and other animals noted for Iheir resistancc tu neurons have callcd He"in! bodin The infun-
dehydration in arid environments, dibular stem and median emineMt Were described
A pars inter media forms in human and other pri· above.
mate fetuses. It may play roles in the regulation of
water and electrolyte balance (32), and in develop-
"AnterIor" end " Posterior" Pituitary Glands
ment of the adrenal cortex. The structure later be·
comeS and it is represented in thc When the ventral surface of the pituitary gland of
mature gland by pars intermedia type cells that an experimental animal such as the rat is exposed.
are seattered within the pars distatis and and an attempt is made to separate the adenohy_
neurohypoph)'sis. pophysis from the neurohypophysis. the break occurs
In mammals that have inlcrmediate lobes. the se- at the wcakest point (i ,e. in the vicinity of the hy-
crelory cells are mcianotTOpeS. They make melano- pophysial cleft belween the pars i"lermedia a nd the
cyto-stimulaling hormones (MSHs. mclanotropins. neural The portion of Ihe gland closC.!t to the
intermedi!l$) thaI act on chromatocyles 10 promOle invC.!tigalor (and most casily removed) is the "an·
the production of melanins. The hormones thcreby lerior pituilary'· . It COnsiSlS of Ihe pars distalis plus
affect skin. hair. and fur coloration. some of the pars tuberalis. The ··posterior pituitary'"
ACTH Can be cleaved to yield .... MSII and a pep- which is comprised of the pars inter media, the
tide known as eLi P (cOrtiCOtTOpin·likc intermediate neural lobe, and the remainder of th. pars tuberalis.
peptide). Different regions of the protein precursor Can then exciscd.
of ACTH contain the amino acid sequences for /3. Although ··anterior" and "posterior" pituitary are
MS H and for other peptidcs Ihat affect pigmenta· cited in elementary textixx:lks. the term. are not es-
lion (63). The hormones thaI regulale this function pecially useful since the former includes only part of
in humans have nol been identified. It is known. tlte adenohypophysis. while Ihe latter is made up of
however. thaI Addison's disease and mher conditions tissues Ihat differ in structure. function. and embry-
associaled with excessive production of ACTH can ologic origin.
cause skin hyperpigmentation. Human fetuses make
MSHs and CUP. and roles in the regulation of the
fetal adrenal gland have been ,uggested (13). MSHs
are made in the brains of human aduhs, and they are
believed \0 function as neuromodulators (16, I 03). liypophysectomi,.d animals denied replacemen\
The pars inter media may also release endorphins. therapy can sUf\live under car.fuUy controlled labo-
Calcitonin is said to be preSCnt in all partS of the ratory conditions. However. their ability 10 adjust to

changing internal needs a nd external environ menl:l Glucocorticoids arc esse ntial for life. They accel-
is severely impaired and they rapid ly succumb to ad- erate the conversion of amino acids to glucose a nd
versities that ar<: easily t(lleratcd by cootrois with the""by maintain blood sugar level, during times of
healthy endocrine systems, They cannot cope with fasting. They contribute 10 digestive systcm and Car-
marked changes in environmental temperatures (or diovascular funclions by maintaining the lonc of
with smaller changes that are rapid ly imposed). smooth musele, and they act in several ways to suP'"
They do not withstand even brief periods of food or port the abilities to engage in demanding museular
water deprivation, the loss of small amounl:l of work and to cope with Slr<:SS. Glucocorticoids addi-
blood, or exposure to noxion They cannot tionally contribute 10 the regulation of wa ler bal-
perform that require muscle st"" ngt h ance, and they exen inAucnccs On higher brain ccn-
and endurance, and they are incapable of reproduc- ters and on the thymus gla nd,
tion and lactation. Young animals fail to grow a nd ACTH is nceded to maintain the rona fasciculata
matu"". Despite some re.:ent suggestions that hype>- of the adrena l cortex and the se<:relion of adequate
physectomy extends the life span of animals raised quantities of the glucocorticoid •.
under idcal conditions. most investigators find that Aldosterone is a "eroid hormone produccd by dif·
survival time is shortened. feret cell. of the adr<:nal cortex. It regulates water
and electrolyte metabolism and is therefore known
as a mineralOC<lTlicoid. The aldosterone-secreting
cells are affected by ACTH and by a pept ide of pi_
tuitary origin that augments the availability of the
ThyrOId Glands cholesterol precuroor necded to make Ihe steroids.
However. hypoph)' animals retain much
Thyroid gland follicular cells Sttrctc T" along with of their abili ty to control ele<:trolyte metabolism.
small quantities ofT j. Most of the target organs con- The renin-angiotcnsin sySlem (diseussed later) is the
vert T, to T j • which is probably thc active form. The
primary regula lor of Ihe ,ona glomcrulosa region in
hormone is essential for the development of the ner_
which the aldosterone is made.
vous system and for maturation of the skeletal and
The adrenal also ma kes some progesteronc,
reproductive system •. It ""lIulnte' metnbolic rate, androgens. and ACTIi can augment the
exerts important influences on protein . carbohy-
production of those steroids, but its abilily to do so
drate. and li pid metabolism. and affects the fu nc-
is of limited importance for animals with functioni ng
tions of the heart, kidney. and liver.
gonads. (Roles for adrenocortical ste roids in facili-
Humans deprived of thyroid hormones early in
tation of puberty onset have becn described ,)
li fe r<:main infantile and suffer permanent brain im-
pairment. Thyroid--deficient adults arc sluggish . in_
fert ile, and unable to adjust to changes in environ-
Hormones of the Testes and Ovarlas
mental tempc ralUres.
The thyroid cells undergo atrophy. and Ihey pro- The gonads seCrete steroids that are most obviously
duce inadequate quantities of hormones when they nceded for reproduction. However. all of Ihe hor-
are not st imulated by TSH. mones addi lionally affect other InAuences
Parafollicular cells of the thyroid glands of mam- on behavior are more obvious in rodents than in
make calcitonin. The need for r<:gulation of the primalCS.
secretory functions by pituitary hormones has not Tes(os(e'Wlt and related androgens secreted by
been demonstrated . the testis promote the biosyn lhesis of p1'<)\cins, and
Ihey contribute to the prepubertal "growth spurt"
seen in males. They inc""a.e appetite, hasten bone
Adrenal Cortex
mawration, enbanee red hlood cell production.
The cells of the adrenal COrtex most obviQusly af· strengthen skeletal muscles, and affect water and
fe<:ted by ACTH are those of the zOna faseiculata electrolyte metabolism.
t hat se.:rete glucorort icoids. Cortisol is the major Ovarian tSlrogens exerl influences on every known
glucocorticoid for humans, mon keys, guinea pigs. body cell type. They participate in Ihe control of
and some othe r mammals. Rats and mice a re among bone ma tu ration and calcium metabolism. affect the
the species Ihat make corlicosteronc (which lacks an sec«:tion of scveral pituilary gland hormones. pro-
OH group present in cortisol). Many othcr mam- mote Ihe of scverallivcr proteins (including
mal. (including dogs) se.:rete mixture, of tWO some that bind hormones). and contribute to the reg-
steroids. ulation of li pid metabolism and fat dislribut ion.
They aff«:t the texture of the skin art<! act directly The regulatory meChanisms provide for the main_
on brain ""urons. tenance of fairly constant leve ls of TSH and of T, in
Although ovarian progtslageru aff«:ts mostly re- Ihe blood plasma. When 100 much TSH is secreted.
productive structu.-.:s, they exen SOme inA nenees On the levels of T. rise transiently. The high levds of T.
body temperature art<! the secretion of other then suppress TSH secretion. This leads 10 a decline
hormones. in T, output. As the T, levels fall, the inhibition is
lifted and mOre TSH is secreted.
The processes have been compared with thel"ltl<)-
Slatic regulation of room temperature. When the
temperature rises above a predetermined set point.
Hormones funct ion properly only wben present in the thermostat arranges for tbe furnace to be shut
optimum concentrations. The target glands play im· olf. When the room cools to below that set point. the
portant loles in the regulation of the secretory activ- furnace again provides heat. The analogy is imper-
ities of the pituilary gland . fect but useful.
The eff""t. of thyroid hormone. on the pituitary gland
The TRH-TSH-Thyroid System afO more complcx th.n th. ,u&lIe't •. They tak.
time 10 develop. the produclion of specific pro-
In addition 10 promoting secretion of Ihyroid hor_ teins .• nd .a n be blocked by inhibitors of p(Qtein . ynth'"
mones. TSH aCIS on the thyroid glands to stimulate .i, (67). Thcr< is some evidence that T. affeet' th. quo/-
RNA and protein synthesis. and it sustains the abil· iloli", natufO <>fTSIl (I 25) and tnat chronically elevated
ity of the cells to r.pond 10 tbe pituitary .-.:gu lator blood T. a«em piluitary gla nd store. of TSH (7S).
It was onee fashionable to administer tbyroid hor-
TSH tlavels from the adenohypophysis to the thy·
mones to individuals wno wished to reduce body
raid glands via Ihe systemic bloodstream. Thyroid
weight, in the belief that the "'burning up" of body
hormones released into the blood "essels travel back
fat could tben be hastened. It is now that
to tbe pituitary gland to exert " negative feedback
small doses of the hormone inhibit TSII ",cretian.
control"' over TSH secretion. The interrelationships
Therefore. nothing more is acoomplished than suo.
arc shown in Fig. 2-18. Since T. is the most abun·
stitution of exogenous for endogenous thyroid hor.
dant of the ci.-.:ulating thyroid hormones. only T. is
mone. (Lighling a fireplace has comparable elf«:ts
TI,yrvlrup<:. I"""''''''' a Ihal 00,,·
on the thermostat and furnaee.) The metabolic rale
vertS T, to T). and it is believed that the T, aCls di·
can be elevated by very large docs ofT.. but the un-
rectly On the pituitary cells.
desirable consequences include over5timulation of
Inc heart.
The negative feedback controls just described are
useful for maintaining fairly constant levels of T. in
the circulatin8 blood. They cannot. however. provide
adjustments to changing needs. Ihbernalion. sea-
,, , sonal breeding. and exposure to vcry cold environ_
mentS are conditions that often involve changes in

,,, thc rates of thryoid hormone production.

The hypothalamus ",crctes T RIl, which is essen-
tial for maintaining the funetiolt$ of the thyrotropes.
When the amotlnt of TRH fOlea",d into the portal
i, blood vessels increases. the thyrotropcs rospond by
putting out more TSH. This in turn leads to the se-
,, cretion of more T •. Thus. the entire system can func-

,, FOIlicul3( eel. ¢j
tion at a higher level. TR H control of Ihc thy","
tropes is somewhat complex. however (81. 84). It is
, ,,
thyfOid glar>:i discussed in Chap. 17.
If the blood levels of T, rise t xctsslvtly. negatiye
feedback control m«:hanisms arc sct in molion_ The
,, T. seems to exen its inhibitory inAucnces primarily
" ,• yia .-.:duction of the sensitivities of the thyrotropes to
TRH stimulation . Tbis eff.ct is associated with di-
Ftg. 2-18. TSH Slim<ll&18S tflfl S<K:r..iOtI of T•. T. inhibi.. minished numbers of TRH receptors per thyrotrope
the S<K:r .. iOtI oj TSH. (55).

TSH can travel from the pituitary gland 10 the hy·

pothalamus (4). and reiati,-ely high concentrations
of thc hormonc arC detectable in the median emi· uti. 01 h1POThaia"""

,, ,
nenCe. The belicrthat TSH inhibits T RH =retion
is su pported by observations that exogellOus pilU'
ilary hormone injected into the hypothalamus has
such an effec!.
The inAucoces of T. on the hypothalamus a rC ,, ,
complex , Small amounts arc essential for maintain· ,
, ,,, Cortico'fOPI'S ol r

ing the functions of TR H«croIing neurons, and the {
intrahypothalamie administration of small d=s
, ,,
augments TR H seen':tion in thyroid..deficienl ani-
mals (84). Larger inuahypothalamic dosages have
,, ,, ,, ,
been reported 10 decrease TSH secretion. However. ,, , ,
, ,
thc possibility that Ihe T. traveled to the pituitary
gland to act thcre was 1101 ruled OUI in such studies.
Large increases in both hypothalamic TRH and pi-
,, ,
tuitary TSH have becn found in animals subjected ,, '' Zona lascieu!al' of
ad'""at COrte'

, , ,' ' ' ,,

to thyroidectomy. On thc other hand. the syslemir
injection of T. usua lly reduces TSH levels without
affecting the TRH (67).
, ..."
When a thermostat is u,ed to control room tem-
perature. wmeone muSt determine tnc appropriate Ftg. 2·20. The CRH·... CTH.g/uco<:ortieoi<l.ystem,
sett ing. (It will be different if the room is used for a
lecture than if it serves as a gymnasium.) Similarly,
information must be supplied to Ihc hypothalamic Thyroid and hormones affect those neurons ,
cdb that make TRH. It comes from neurons in Additional fine COntrols arc exertcd locally. T.
vllln I""'" vf ,lie l>n1in On , h. 'hyroid cell •. TSH On the ,hyrotropes .
nections with internal and and TRH 00 the hypothalamic neuronS, Figure 2-19
5ummarizes TRH-TSH· T. interrelationships.
Norcpineph,;ne i$ released; n resPQn'" 10 e'po$ure 10
CQ[d ...ironmenlallemper.IU ..... In at lea.t rome 'pe.
de •• il aculely iI;m. lales TRH releale, Dopamine (rc·
cell. 01 hypothaI3""'. lealed from diff<r<,n, no.ron$) inhibit< TRH rdease .nd
blun'$ some response, 10 cold. T. contributes 10 the reg·
ulatioo <>f cal.eholamine 'u"""er in the !>.. in.
A f",m of cont rol not shown in Fig. 2-19 involves the
, conversioo of T. 10 T,. Under condilion. in which a low·
, ,, ,, erinB of melabolic ra'e can ""nlri!>ute '0 sur.i •• 1 (e.g.
during sub$lantial ,mountS of T, con·
,, ""'Icd 10 .. rc ..... T," (rT,). I metabolite thot, lhe
stimula ,ory effect. of T, (62).
,, , hlrahypothalamic . ilO$ f"r TRH sy nthO$il ar. dis-
,, ,, , , ,, cur.scd in Ch.p, 17. They do nol seem 10 be invol.ed in
,, lh. ""n"{ll of 'hyroid hormone seerelion. Subst.n,;.1
,, , u
T$H:::::' '" ,
.mount. arc m.dc in Ihe'..I.. hypolhalamic brain (98.
110). in which they can .ffeet behavior and body lem_
,, ,, ,,, peralu re (71). In r11)g<. most of 'he TRH in the $ystemic
blood ",igin.te. in Ihe skin (44),
, ,, The CR H-ACTH -Glucocorllcold System
,, Similar feedback arc inVQlved in
of the CRH-ACT H-glucoconicoid system (Fig. 2-
_ -,_ ' $limul.,ion ";.;;", 20). ACTH maintains the structures and secretory
- - _ IMibiIio<>
functions of the cells of the zona fasciculata . and ;t
F!g. 2·ti. ot lhe TRH· TSH·T. $n'om. promotes secretion of glucocorticoids , The activit;""
"""I --- -
00Ib 01 htP<MI I I.......
the unall volume of blood in that system. only small
quantities of tbe regulators are needed. Pituitary
«"lis ta ke up the hormones. and they make enzymes

, ,, , , ,, that degrade them. Unokr normal oonditions. only

,, , - , ,,,
minule amounts gain access 10 the systemic circu-
Lation. The <;ooccntrations in peripheral blood rmy
be 1(1(1 low to be deteclable by available metllods.
,, ,, ,
, ,, If the pit uitary stal k through which the portal ves-
sels pjlss is severed . and 3 barrier is then imposed
, G_'OPOI <)I

between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus
,, ,, ,,, (10 prevent reestablishment of til<: circulation ). Ihe
,, «"lis arc deprived of the regula·
,, ,, ,,, LH::; ". . U)f$. The wrticotrupes, th)·roIropes.. aoo ganado-

,, ,, ,, trope$ (. 1Id also the somatOlropes) atrophy and be

the abilily to release substantial quantities of their
,, , , hormones. Comparable cell ular defeets are Sttn if

, ,, , I"*,,,ual celli the pituitary gland is ",moved from ilS usual location
and is transplanted to a peripheral site wilhin the
, ,,' ,, ,, sa me animal.

, "" Effecls 01 Ih. first procedure ca n be reversed by
removal of Ihe barrier. and .ffects of the sc:<:()nd by
",Iumi n, the pituitary glaoo to il$ OI"i&i03I location.
FI9. 2. 2 1. Tho lRIH.H·\eI_ ...... . , ....... Adcnohypophysial functions are a lso restored if the
pitu ita ry is implanted into a region of the hypochal-
Im us known as the hypopbyslotropic a rea (HTA ,
of the «>t'licotropes a re augmented by hypOthalamic IIA). It was formerly believed l!utt llCurons within
and they are by giuooconiCQid$. the HTA directly provided relnsin, hormones to tile
The CRH-s«reling neUr(l1IS are in functional com- Irans pl ant. There is !lOW good reason to conclude
municalion with other ne urons. Fine controls analo.- that upwMd llQworb lood from Ihe median emi nence
gous 10 the ones described for Lhe T. system also per- for much of the hormone delivery (27).
lain. A diffcrcoc<: bc\we.:n the tWO s)'Slems is seen in Adenohypophy$ial cells underlo simila r changes
the marked inhibition Ihal glUCQO()IlicQids exen O\Ier if hypot halami<: lesions that destroy tile 10 .....
CRH secrelion. Gh' COOOf1icoidJ a lso inhibit prolif. crete the re ..... ing hormones are made in animals
C'flIlion of adrenocortica l cells (94), with intact pituitary g lands. Inje<:tions of a ntibodies
ACTH has been idcnlificd in tile pars imcrmcdia directed against lhe hormones can . Iso disnopl the
of $OmC species. Wbile il may be re lused in rcsponse (unctions. Electrieal stimulation oIapproprialc hy_
\0 cerl. in forms of stress. il don not contribute 10 pothalamic sites in inlacl animals leads to aug·
pilrs distalis COlltrol Over giuooeonicoid secretion. menled rates of hormone sec retion .
Pituita ry celb can be maintained in Culture. When
deprived of hypolhalamic re&ulators. their ability to
The LRH·lH·r •• toaleron, Sytt'm release ACTH. TS H . FSH. and GH declines.
Superficially, II least, the panerns for C<NUro! of the It ean be restored selectively by direct in vitro pre-
secretion of testosterone by tellicula. <:ens rescmbk senlalion 01 tile appropriate hypochalamie hormone.
the ones described for the aluc:oronicoids (Fig. 2·
21). Faadback Loops
l RH a lso promotes the n: lease 01 FS H . A differ·
ent hormone (inhibin) is to be se<:!"Cted by Three types of feedback loops are reoognized:
Sertoli of the testis a nd cells of the I. l.oItg: These invol>'e ionl..:iiSlal"H:e travel via the
ovary a nd 10 pjlrticipjlte in negative f«dbac k control periphera l circulation. [nnuenees of TS H. ACTH ,
over this gonadotropin. and LH 00 the thyroid glands, adrenal glands. and
8Onads, respectively, and those of T •• glucocorti·
coids. and testQ!Otcrone on the adenohypophysis pr0-
Regulation of Ihe Adenohypophylls 2. Siron: hormones lravel
n:latively short distances throu,h tho; hypolhalamo-
The hypothalamic hormonc$ that act on the aden&- hypophysial portal system. Adenohypophysial hor-
hypophysis arc released into tbe bypoc balamobyP'>" mortCI affeet th. hypothalamic DCUr"On$ via upward
physi.1 blood vessels. Since there is lillie dilution by migrat ion through the !.arne vaseular system.

3. Vitro-short: Locali,ed inAucncc$ that hormones found in hypothalamic exlraCts from which dopa-
excn on thoi, Own synthesizing cells do not require mine has been excluded (I).
vascular lranspon. Concentrations of PR L in Ihe peripheral blood
rise during phases of the ovarian cycles in which the
eslrogen levels arC highest. The steroid aelS centrally
Re gulation of Growth Hormone Sec re tion and peripherally to neurotransmitter turn_
GH aelSon a wide variClyof c.llty""s, and;1 affects over and lower the sensitivities of laclotropes to do-
Ihe secretion of many other hormones. There is 00 pamine inhibition (54) ,
"specific" target gland with which ;1 interacts to es- A separale prolactin faClor (PR F) may ac·
tablish Ihc kinds of negative feedback control just count for the prompt "'lease of PRL during lacta-
described. Some of Ihc actions on the skeletal system tion. TRH C3n promote PRL secretion under some
have been attributed to induction of mediators (so- condilions (25). but il is 1101 believed to serve as the
SM,), and there is evidence for soma- PRF. Endorphins and other brain peplides affect
tomedin participation in the modulation ... f GH PRL as well as GH sc¢relion.
secrelion. The regulatory factors exert complex influences
The primary regulators arc hypothalamic growth On the lactotropes that include elTecls on the molec·
hormone releasing hormone (GRH. SRH). which ular form of the hormone. a nd possibly also on lhe
stimulates thc somalotropes of Ihc adcnohypophysi$. mechanisms for sequestration within the cells.
and somatostatin (55, somatotropin relnsc inhibit- The major hypothalamic hormones implicated in
ing faclor. SRIF. growth hormone inhibiting hor- regulation of Ihe adenohypophysial cells a", listed in
mone, GIH). Bolh peplidcs nave been identificd Table 2-3.
wilhin Inc ventromedial and arcuate (inrundibular)
nuclei. SS synthesized outside the hypothalamus
(III) does not seem to contribute substantially to
the rcgulation (102). While negative feedback control systems predomi-
The ventromedial nuclei make functional connec_ nale, thel"<' are special conditions under which it is
tions with other parts of the brain that include Ihe desirable for a hormone to eilher stimulate its o,,'n
hippocampus and amygdala. Eketrical slimulation production or enhance its own effectiveness,
of those I"<'gions alters GH release pallcms. Dopa· fSH and LH aCI togelheron Ihe ovary 10 promote
mine. norepinephrine, serotonin. P-<:ndorphin and estrogen production. In developing follicles, FSH
otner neurotransmitters contributc to the controls acts in conjunction with estrogens to augment the
(53.64) , GH acts centrally to promote SS release. numbers of FSH and LH receptors. Shortly before
and SS exerts inhibitory innuences over thc GRH- ovulation, estrogens stimulates lH release.
secreting neurons. In addition. the iCCl"<'tion of GH
is aff«:led by thyroid hormoncs, by TRH (65). by
steroid hormones, by circulating levcls of glucose
and certain amino acids, and by many other faclon;.
The feedback systems provide for fine·tuning of the
Regulati o n o f Prolac tin S acre tlon
endocrine system. However. the mechanisms are
By contrast wilh the adenohypophysial wntrols al. timc-consuming. They involve the sc¢retioo of two Or
ready cited, the secretion of proiaclin (PRl) is more hormones Ihat must I"<'ach the target organs in
mostly inhibited by Ihe hypothalamus (I, 96, 113). adequate concentrations. Once the regulating hor-
" substance found in hypolhaiamic extracts, kllOwn mones appear in the peripheral blood. lime is re·
as prolactin inhibiling factor (PI F). is believed to quired for their destruclion or inactivation.
exert tonic inhibitory control OVCr the lactOlropes. Some hormone functions cannot be regulated in
When vaSl'ular connections betwcen thc hypothala· this way.
mus and the pituitary gland are interrupted. the lac-
totropes enlarge and secrete more hormone than
Parath yroi d Hormo n e ( PTH, Perathormo ne)
they would under normal conditions. When pituitary
glands are maintained in culture. the amount of Calcium ion concentrations in the bloodsl",am must
PRL released into Ihe medium is reduced following be continuOllsly maintained within very narrow lim-
the addition of hypothalamic ewacls. its. Small reductions below the optimum levels in_
As discussed in Part V. strong evidence has been crease neuromuscular excitability , Somewhat largcr
presenled for the concept that PIF is, in fact. dopa· ones can lead to death because of spasm oflhe mus-
mine. On Ihe olher hand, PIF activity has been cle. of the larynx Or diaphragm. Sudden rapid elo-
1 01M 2·3 HypoIhOlamic I""manoa Ac\enoI'IypopIryoiol F,-""tions,k>

Th)',oltopio-,<I •• "", OOtrnone (TRH. M. in"i"" "fI"'.'" f."",ions of

. nd of .."OIi,O«I "",""r.; .1..
,hy,o<ropi. ,01, .." fo<,or. TRF. ,hyroid· ,hytOt rope" "h.""c, TS II • yo, 11<0,
"d "" ,h.
Sl,","I"'nl iI<><<nOtI< ",lea.. f.clOt. TSH· """,.";",,
Cor'ico'ropin ,eI .... lacto, (CRF. Mai.tai"" conico"Op<$. enh ..",,, 41..,,,,,,,,, .oid ide"'ified. Many
<Or1,C01ropio-,d" "'1 00t"""",. C RHl ACT Il ""',.";",, othe, qc." "haoce ACTII
Soou",., (SS. ""'"""otropi. ,eI..", So,,,.1 rOfm. incllllli"I'
inhihi,i.1 f«,or. SRlf. g_,h 110<_ '" ,II(> . y .,Ioco' "
"' ..... ,.nib'''o, foetor. OR lf. S''''''" I'Iln"",•." .....h. i.,,,,i ...
hot"""", inhibi'i", f«, ... OIF) "". hn""h.lamic br.;n, ma.y
othe, oel"'"
O_,h hot_rcl<"'nl iI<><"",o< (ORH. M".",,,, wo,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,nh,,,,,.. " .. m''''' •• io;! pePl"'" 'dcnt ifiod.
,,,,,,,,h hot""",. "I..", fwo<. ORr G il ",mOl;"" En<k>rphin,. «he, hypoth, l,mic
somalOt"'!'in ,01•• " r,etor. <:Omi>J"." p_e Gil .... "t;""
P"",cti. inhi biti Ill! f «,.. (PI F) $"",,",, not .."OI"hc<i. Son><
in"",'i",,,,, bc l;e,,, ,h., dopamill<
is ,ke PW ... ' UlC'" ,hat
dopamine is. >ocotHiory "'l "11Io.
Proia"" . " .. _ r.o' .. (PRF. prolactin. P,,,,,,,,,.. '<c"""," of prol.ctin Impor".' in may be ;mporlan'
"I, .,in, ""mott.) I.c",,,," i. TRII
"h''''''' PRL .. <, .. "" ... " , not
io;!.n,icol PRF
I."" i." .illl! i>o>"",oe " 1..,,., horm.... Main"i,.. ,....dou.".. .•• h. nc .. O' .... ptide of .."h!i,hc<l S(tu<'.",
(LRH. LH RH. L."ini,inl hormone ""e';"" of LII ,n<! FSH
,,1 .... lootor. LRF) . ..",.<I¢Iropi ...
tcl"".gllormott •. GnR Il
foiliclw,im.l .. inJ ""mono ",I.",. fo" .. Enhanc .. >c<""ion of FSH No r."'''' poIoi' i" Iy io;!,", ified, ""'"
(FSIl·Rf. FRI1 ""''''''''otS
';"'b, .. i"en« of
no< Ul

Promole ...,,«ion 0/ molo"""y'" l'e."pePl,d< o1e.y<d /r"", O,ytOC" ,

S(,","I.,illl! 1Ior"""", (MSIl) in Not oni"" .... lIy ••«plod ... lrt1<
".;mals ,h ..
Inh ib" «I .... 0/ MSH, ••• ,,,,.1. Two cI ..""d from O,y'ocin
'hat h... , I'll" in'ermedi, ro»<l> , .,k .Cli.;,y. Hor_
""• • not f.I I)' ..... bli.hed .

vations of the calcium ion concentration can bring cis of that ion. because previously sccrelcd PTH is
about systolic am:SI of Ihe hcart. slill present. Calcilonin is released in 10 hy·
PTH in several ways 10 elevate Ihc calcium percalem;a, and it acts on bone and OIher target' to
ion concentration. The ""lis of the parathyroid gland lower th. blood Cal> (Fig. 2·B). However. it
are directly sensitive to reductions in the COnCentra· doubtful thai CT contributes in this way to calcium
tion of Ihe ion. They respond by pUlling oot mOre homeoslasis under normal conditions. Mammals
hormone . When 'he Ca" rises ex=sivcly. Ihis in· ra rely sudden . dangerous elevalion of the
hibits furi her PTH release (Fig. 2·22). Direct effecls plasma Cal<. Moreover. Ihey easily maintain eu,al·
of magnesium ions on PTH have also been ""mia when they lose their CT-$ccreting ,ell'_ More
proposed (72). subtle functions for CT have been proposed. and
Ihese are discussed in Part IV . Neurons {68. 69).
g3slrointeslinal hormones. and other factors (30) are
Calcitonin (C T, Thyroca lcitoni n, TCT )
known to affect Ihe se<:re! ion rales. SS is a re<:og·
It has been argued that of PTH secretion niZed inhibitor (40, 60). and il is preSenl in thyroid
by high Cal> cannot very rapidly restore normal Ie.· glands.

FaII.,ea> · ......-.""" 0\0 the aCli...: hormooc. There arC indications thai
1.2S-HCC is involved in the negative fttdbllck <,:JOn.
lrol of PTH Sttre';';" (18).

Paol 'tIytoi(I
; Blood glucose C(llK'cntnuions must be continuously
; maintained at adeq\l.l.te k""ls because neurons and

; crythroc:Yll::S arc directly dependenl on the supply 10
rNlinuoin their functions. The hi,her CCntefS 0( the
brain arc ulremeiy sensitive \0 dcf>" -s;"n or lhe cir-
,, culalin"luoose ooncc:nlral wns. Small changes elicit
,, $ymplOOls of resll=nc:u.nd a nxiely, along .... ith an
, inability 10 perform demanding menIal work. Larger
Aiw in Ca'· ones can lead in short order to convul$ions followed
by coma.
Exeeui"" elevation of the plasma glucose COIlcen'
lratlon invokes d ilferenl problems. The sugar soon
appears in the uri ne, 'Iona wilh large qllanlitie$ of
.... Ier. The senous consequcnces include C(;llular de-
hydl1ltion and conll1lClIon or lhe circulating bk.M.>d
GlucalOfl aetS rapidly on live' edls 10 promote
alyeoaen breakdown arid the consequent discharge
Illteractloni with Calciferol. of ,jucose into the bloodstream . It is rdeal'Cd when
Vita min 0 nndergoc:s metabolic conversions in the the blood 81u= bo;gin 10 fall during the in·
Knd kidney, and II thereby becomes ,"'1\5. lervals between meats. arid the sec retlQn IS mhlt>ncd
formed into D. a polen! ste- by hi,h concenlr3tKms of ,Iucose.
roid·type horroone also kl>OWn as Insulin aelS on ske lttal muso:le arid adipoiSC lissue
cholCQIkiferol (1.25-IKC). 10 ", olllote rapid uptake or ,Iucose from lite bk.M.>d-
The steroid acts slowly on the intestine 10 promote stream. Ind on muscle a nd liver to loccier3le lhe
lhe absorption of dieta ry Qicium and pbospbonJ., convcrsioo\ of gluoose 10 gly<:ogen. It is KCrttcd in
and il acts on bone a nd elsewhere to build up stores response 10 elevation of pluml ,Iu<;osc concenll1l'
of Lho$.c: minerals. PTH elevates blood Ca" by rc- lions. I nd it ean r3pidly the levels.
c!'1.1iling the SIOrcS. PTH also oon lribu.cs 10 control The dual control system is similar 10 Ihe one
of the rate-limiti ng step in the c(l!1vcrsion of vitamin shown for PTH arid calcilOnin (see Fig. 2·24).
It is important 10 reoosni,.c:. however. thaI pan·
erC<l lic islet hormones perform many OIhe, fune-
\iorIt. They contribute 10 the regula lion of lipid, pra-
tein and nueleic acid mctabolism. balance.
and rood inUtke.. The: ttlls lhal sec;f"Ctc them require
mult iple control mechanisms.

/ , "

= -_
--::!": il'lC«l_ '"
DKrN.. '"
\.oW _
,.,.2-U. Po" ..... .-,,_Iot
' ....... 01 pIo_c. •• . '1,. 2·U . Dual con"'" 01 _ 111'< ... """"'Ut""".
Each pancreatic islet is a complex, in nervated PANCAEATIC
POLYPEPTIDE :::=======--:

organ that comains se,-eral kinds of se.:rctory cells
(Table 2-4). Gap junctions. desmosomes. tight junc-
tions. and the interstitial fluid that surrounds the
cells are all componenlS of a highly ordered com-
munication system (107-109) . Glucagon
, , , , ,
by alpha cells acts on neighboring beta cells to pro- ,, ,
mote insulin release . Insulin act" within the islel 10
inhibit Ihe
of (scc Fig. 2·25). The
is applied to locali1.oo controls of this
ki nd that do nOI involve hormone transport througb
- --- - -- - - INSULIN

blood vessels.
Fig. 2·25 . ESlatlliOl>ll<l aM propoO/:<l p.!l,aorine conl,OIs it>
When pancreatic SS is present in low COnCentra·
p.!lncteali<: is .. to. (Ioteracl it>1 bel_ ...... ., ond gfucagon,
tions. it aCls on thc alpha cells to inhibit glucagon or>d somatoOlal ;n iMibition of gl\.O;ogon _'etion. have
releas:. It is suspcctoo that some patients wilh dia· beer> <Iernor> .... ,0<1 wi,h p11Y'iOIOgi<:.!Il "",",""',olion. of "'"
betes mellitus (a condit ion associated "'ith rcialive Or flOrnIone • . )
absolute insulin deflcicncy) develop very high blood
glucose levels because Ihey fail 10 se.:rcte adequate
quantitics of SS. Potent long·aCling synthctic SS an· ferent SS analogs Ihal preferentially de.:rcasc insu·
alogs that selectively affcct Ibe alpha cells have lin release are useful research tools.
proven to be beneficial in SOme individuals (31). Animals that cat infrequently depend heavily
Vcry high concentrations of SS also inhibit insulin upon insulin·medialed of metabolic
release. This effect may be pharmacological. but dif· Their islets contain more PP than glucagon. PP re-
lease is Slimulaled by meals thaI are rich in protc{n
bUI poOr in carbohydralc. by falling blood glucose
levds, and by gastrin; and it Can be inhibiled wilh
Itormonc Remork> SS. While innuenees On the seer:tion of SOme gas--
1."lin lie". 8 Centr.lly toe. ,ed in man)" lroint:stinal burmon:s have been described, Ihc
or ,I>< ", . mm.I •. funel;.n< "f PP hAVC nn! hun 11 ...
",_.'i,,! for abou, lease may be controlled mostly by thc islct cdl in·
60% of ,lie i,l<1 cell nervation. since alropine (an acetylcholine re.:cptor
_<eo' anlagonist) blocks the secretion (41).
lI.lpo,.1I·2 U •• ally .tWl"I<l
of ;"1<1. of ma mma l•. Nour<)1en,;n (NT) is • small pep'ide found in broi.
00"",, 01iol for .b<>., . nd inleslill< thaI .lfect. the o.<:rction of SS. glucagon.

30% of i,l« «II """ent: .nd pp ... it i, prescnt in 1_ oono<",,,,tion>. T he glu.
al.., .)·.,M.i,o<I oo"i<le coso concentralion. in the fluid ••• ,rounding the i.lot. de-
termine ",hether NT u imular•• ,.. inhibit. (19). It i"u,"
Dolt •. A·I lhUo1 llr atWO<! peripllery pec!<d Ihal NT contributes 10 control •. bUI
of i.le" of .. the peptide has not as yet been iden,ified within the ;'Iets.
• e"",,0';'8 10, ._,
10$ of i,lel cell OOn'eOI: Paraerine controls have also been described for
' yn'1I«ited in Ihe central nerVOUS syslem. Substane.:s thaI aCI pe-
h)'po! ,,",I.m U'. ripherally as "true" hormones have been observ:d to
invoke the production of "pinpoint depolarization!"
.nd d""M..
Pane, .. ,ie F or X NOlI""od i. an i,I.." (microvolt potentials) in dendritcs and axons. (fhese
poiypepli<l< mos' . y",1I«i,o<I outside diffcr from thc minivolt cbanges lbat lead 10 propa·
i.Ie". in <_rill< li ... < galoo action polentials [38).) One consequence may
of .1.., be the release from Ihe neurons of enzymes that
.y.,k,""'d i. cleave brain peprides 10 smaller molecules with spe-
,."roinl<>'i..1 mu«>U cialized funclions.
Ga"';. G. '" varian' Id,n,ifi.d in 1".1 1"""....
of D 'Yl" . nd 'u"""" some
_.i",", P'=""< in
. duH mammal i,I.", The simplest possible neuroendocrine s)'stem COm·
moo' i..)·.'hai,o<I in prises a single speeiahed neuron (neurosecretory
,h, ,,,,,<Oj n<e,,in.1
m.e"", cell) that can dire.:tly respond to slimulali<ln by
releasing a hormone {Fig. 2·26Aj. Most ncuroen·

$'"",,1". .0 . . 0 ..0
Cell v.ith Graoules

, 00
, Inl""

Fill. 2 _26. N"'-"<>Mdocr ..... ...".01iOt1. A: Nouro$8Crtl'or.,.

" ..U Qi,oe!ty to stimulus and it. hOrmOoO.
6, N.... 'oseere!Ot'l un;1 ;,,.oMng • rKeptOO' ."" ;",6<_1<1
oeu,on .

docrine fUTlCtions involve more complex arrange- Hemorrhage leads directly to the loss of both salts
mentS. Receptors that are especially sensitive to one and water. Usually. waler is then r<:cruited from the
form of stimulation convey mCSoiagcs to neurosccr<:- extracellular spaces. The blood is diluted. but the
lory cells. either directly or via intermediate neurons plasma volumc may oot be totally r<:store\l, Under
(Fig. 2-268). sach condit;oons, baror«rplorS within the vaseular
Systems of this kind confer versatility on the or· system stimulate VP release. The same =PIOI1I can
ganism for "".eral ",,,,,,,no: be activated when water deprivation . weating
L Almos\ ;ru;tantaneous secre lion of the hormone lowers th. circulating blood volume.
can Ix achieved. Sweating and vasodilation can rid th. body of ex-
2. Receptors Ca n Ix located at body surfaces and cess heal. The processes are facilitated byaugmen-
olher sites removed from Ih. bloodstream. There- tation of the blood volume , ThermOfUtprors then
fore, "anticipatory" respon>es that avert. ralher than play important roles in stimu lation of VP secret ion.
oorrcct. changes in blood ooncenlralions arC possible. Painful and stimuli also increase VP se-
3. Several kinds of re<:eptors can affect the seere· cretion , The responses ar<: mediated via the central
tion of the same hormone. nervous sys tem. and some evidently depend upon ac·
4. A single kind of stirn ulus can elicit the secretion tivation of pIlln It has been suggestcd that
of two or moT<: hormones that work together for a VP release;s an appropriate response to some forms
common I'IIrpo:sc. of stress beca use water =1"II3tion could be useful
in the event of injury with hemorrhage.
However, the ability of VP to inercas<: ACTH secre-
The Secretion of Vasopressin
tion rna)' be more important under these condition"
The magllOCllllular neuronS of the hypOlhalamu, Caffeine, tobacco .• nd some other agents prob.bly
provide good examples of neurosecretory cells. The promote VP secretion by acting on chemoreceplors.
ones that synthesize and release VP make functional The responses may be pur<:ly pharmacologic. and
connoctions with several kinds of recepto" (89. 90. ther<:fore not necessarily beneficial. On the other
104). The hormone is released into neural lobe cap- hand. ethyl alcohol inhibits VP secretion. and one
illaries. It travel s to the kidney and promotes water notion is that more rapid 10&5 of water into the arine
conservation. Sine<: it thereby reduces urine volume. aoxelerates excretion of the alcohol and its
it is also known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH). metabolites.
Water deprivation, heavy sw..ating. and excessive All of the roceptors cited Can rccrnit different reg·
water loss from the respiratory tract can all deplete ulators that contribute to the physiological adjmt-
plasma water and invoke henlQConccmration. Or· mentS. The barorcceptors promOlc the r<:lea"" of
moreceplo--s then signal the need for more VP. Ac· norepinephrine, and thaI catecholamine counteracts
cording to some observers. "sodium sensors" affect· the hypotensive effects of plasma volume depletion
ing VP release are also stimulated. by stimulating thc heart a nd the smooth muscle of
the arterioles_ haroreeeptor.; addilionally pnr medulla. They are comparable 10 the preganglion ic
mote the releaS<' of renin by the kidney. Renin that ne:urons that serve Ihe sympathetic ganglia, and aco-
systemic circulation cleaves a plasma pnr tylcholine is the stimul us for Ihe I"<'lease of th. ad-
lein. and Ihis leads to the production of angiOlensin_ I"<'nomedullary hormones.
The angiotensin aCIS in S<'veral way. to rai,e blood The horrnOl1es are besl known for their participa-
pressure and incl"<'aS<' blood volume. For • • ample, it lion in the "fight or flight'· responses and for c0op-
is a highly poteN vaSOC<)nstriclor, and it stimulates eration with glucocorticoids in adaptations to stress.
Ihe cells of the adrenal cortex Ihal S<'erete aid(JSle- They stimulate Ihe heart. increase respiration, shunt
rolU'_ (AngiOlensin al"" act. on neurons to invoke blood from the vi.cera and skin to the skeletal mus-
thirst. However. the molecules ser.,.ing this function cles. and exert other actions that contribu te to the
are probably made within the brain In, 29).) AI- abilily to engage in sustained physical effort. Epi·
dosterone·s influences on Ihe kidney indirectly pro- nephrine promotes glycogenolysis in skeletal muscle.
mote waler retention. Potassium ions are physiolog· enhances museie contraction. and elevales blood glu-
ical depressants of Ihe myocardium . and aldosterone cose concentrations. Norepinephrine: contributes
lowers the plasma K ' concentrations. The described substantially to the mainlenance or bl<Xld preMure
mechanisms for coping with water deprivation arc and to the adjustments 10 cold tem_
summarized in Fig. 2·27. Addilional conlrol. arc peratures. Animal. deprived of the catecholamine
discussed in Part HI. hormones can SUT'live in protected environments, but
they have limited ability to cope ,,·jth stress. How·
ever. Ihe roles in emergency situations should not be
The Adrenal MedUlla
overemphasi7.ed. since the hormones also regulate
The innermost portions of mammalian adrenal blood pressure and other physiological proces,"s
glands are actually extensions of the central ne'"ous under nonstress conditions.
system. The cells that secrete norepinephrine and
epinephrinc originate from Ihe Io3me emhryonic pnr
Some Additional Examples of
genitOl'5 thaI give riS<' to Ihe sympalhelie ganglia.
Neuroendocrine Control
They relain some neuronal characlerislies. including
S<'nsilivity to acetylcholine and inabilit)· to prolifcr- Although pancreatic islel cells are regulated to a
ate. However. the cells do not possess axon. or great by chan.ll,es in Ihe blood coneentralions
dendrites. of gl ucose and Olher nutrients. and by the hormones
Ae<:tylcholine·secreting neuTOn' pass, Wilhoul described above. they are innervaled as well. Small
synapsing. from the intermediolaleral columns of Ihe amounts of insulin are secreted when food i. ingested
spinal cord, via Ihe splanchnic nerves. to the adrenal a nd even when the inta ke of food i. merely conlcm-

Wa'er <leprivation
I _ - - - - - - ....
_ _ _ _. Reduced H,o < ",
low t>IOOd
low tlIood p'essurc
I ___
Impai'ecI - -
"".110.. .... "

/ C )' )


" j •• //
\ ' consf>r"\<at<>n - _

, ' v a$OConstr<:tion RENIN . - -
.... Ca",,"c stimulation ____ t _ _ _ _ l hirslanil

ANG totENStN d''''1<ing

_ - - - - - - ALOOSTERONE
1( . Excretion •- j
N. · .nil Watet Re'cntion _ _

- _. Stimulation '" """ e"",

• _ __ IMitlition '" decrease

Ftg. 2·27. NouroendoCrioe m6Ch.nism. C<>ntoburing 10

aolju£tment. to wall< depti".t;oo.
plated. Such anticipatory control provides enough bladder sphincter is identical with the pancreozymin
insulin 10 a,'crt excessive blood glu= elevation thai promotes the syn thesis of pancreatic juice
during meal ingestion , The effects depend on the en/.ymes.
vagus nerve (which also controls anticipatory release CC K-PZ stimulates pepsin secrelion in the Slom·
of gaslr<)in\cs\inai hormones). Neurons of lhe ven- ach. increases the water and bicarbonale content of
tromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus (a region in· both pancreatic juice and bile, augments the release
volved in regulation of food intake) chronic in· of both lowlin and glucagon . a nd potentiates Ihe ac-
hibitory control over insulin secretion (5 ). tions of <ccrelin. Since it sha res common amino acid
Ne uronal regulation of calcitonin secrelion has al. seque nce. with gastrin. it mim ics some of the actions
ready been mentioned . Thyroid hormone secretion is of that hormone but competitively inhibils olhers. It
stimulated by sympathetic nerves and il is inhibited is a growth factor for Ihe exocrine pancreas, but it
by cholinergic ones (68). All of the releasing hor- depresses HC] production.
moneS of the hypothalamus arc made by neurosecre- Most of the I cell. in which the hormone is made
lory cells. It was noted earlier that their fUI)<;I;ons are in the jejunum. but a few a re scattered through·
arC regul aled by ncurons located elsewhere (as well OUI the ileum. The arrioal of partially digested rood
as by hormones that arrive via Ihe blood stream). seems to provide the major stimulus for secretion .
Milk release a nd ovulat ion a rc neuroendocrine The ··gastrin·· preoiously reported to be pre,ent in
reflexes. Ihe brain is now believed to be CC K-PZ or a chem-
The outpouring of gillcoconicoids in to ically related peptide (88. 100), Problems of iden ti-
stress is mediated by neurons that communicate with fication arise because the two hormones share some
cells . The endocrine rh)'thms de- immunological properties, produced
scribed later are dependem OIl neuron funCiions. The CC K. PZ is implicated as a ··satiely factor"· that lim·
activities of the gastrointestinal organs arc also reg- i.. food intake. Caerulein is a very similar peptide
ulated largely via neuroendocrine mechansims. made in frog . ki n poison glands thaI exerts CC K.
PZ·li ke a ctions in mammals.
The mucO&a of the gastrointeStinal tract contains at This hormone originales in Ihe S cells of the duo-
leaSt I kinds of hormonc-sccrcting cells denum and jejunum , There are good reasons to be-
(6). and it has been called ··the largest endocrine lieve thaI the acid products of gastric digeslion pro-
organ in tile body·· (45). Some of the regulators are vide Ihe secretory stimulus. This is difficult 10
identical with ones found io pancreatic islets. and demonstrate. because only minute quamities are
most a rc addilionally found in Ihe central nervous needed when Olher gastrointestinal hormoncs are
system . Each of Ihe regulators performs multiple present (35).
fUClions and interacts wilh other components of the Secretin promoles Ihe release of walcr and sodium
endocrine system (120). bicarbonate into Ihe pancreatic jllice and bile. and it several actions of gastrin. It ;s chemi-
cally and physiologically related to vasoaClive imes·
tinal peptide.
Allhough best known for its stimulalion of hydro-
chloric acid prOOllcl ion by parielal ,,<,lis of the Slom-
VS$Osclive Inlesl lna l Pepllde (VIP)
ach, gastrin affects intestinal motility. exer .. long-
range lrophie inH uences on Ihe gastrointest;nal This regulator was named for its vasodilator effects
mucosa . and <XImributcs 10 the cakitonin ,,"cretion on in testinal blood vessels. It is made in H cells of
associa ted with food ingestion , The G cells thaI the esophagus. duodenum . colon. and rectum , and ;t
make the hc>rmone arc under neural oontrol. butlhey is present in concentration! 40 times greater than
are also inhibited in a feedback manner by high con· those of secretin.
,,<,ntrat ions of stomach acid. In oommon wilh secretion and gilleagon (which it
resembles chemically), vl P promOleS insulin rekase.
It mimies glucagon inHnences on gJ)'oogenol)'l;is in
Cholecyalokinln-Pancreo zymi n (CCK-PZ)
the liver and secrelin effccts on the pan·
This rcgulator received its fancy name when it was creaS and gastric glands. 11 also relaxes the
recognized that the choleq-slokinin that stimulales muscle of the gut and increases Ihe formalion of in·
gall bladder wall smooth muscle and relaxes the gall tcstinal nnids.
VIP is widely distributed throughout Ihe brain. stomach and of Ihe ileum. but to promote reluation
whet<: it has implicated in numerous functions. of the duodenum . It can dir<:etly stimu late gastrin
11 is also present in spinal ganglia. in adrenal glands. secretion. whercas it antagoniles the influences of
in the genitourinary traCt. in the trachea. and in the that hormone on the production of HC!. High con-
salivary, sweat. lacrimal. and Harderian glands of at centrations stimulate bolh alpha and beta cells of the
least SOme species (93). endocrine pancreas (119).
The peptide is beller known for ils central aclions .
Somatostatin (SS) !t has bttn implicated in mediation of pain percep-
tion. and il can lower body lemperature. !t is also a
5S may well be Ihe most widely distributed of all known stimulant for several of the pituitary gland
hormones. Within the digestive system. it inhibits hormones (113). While much of the brain NT is
the sccr<:tion of gastrin, gastri<; HC!. pepsin, secre- probably made locally. some secms to originate in
tin. GU (see neXt section). mOlilin. pancreatic en· the pituitary gland (20).
7ymC">. saliva. and a""tylcholine. It reduces the fI1O-
tility of the stomach, small intestine. and gall
bladder, and it retards the absorption of sugars. It Other Gastrointestinal Hormones
has been proposed that S5 provides protection Additional peptides identified in the imestine (and
against the development of postprandial hypergly- also in Ihe brain) include subslance P (SP), enkeph·
cemia by retarding the entry of nutricnts into the alins. and a chemically uncharacterized molecule
bloodstream. thai exerts CRH·like activily. Putative hormones in-
clude motilin. chymodenin. and bulbogastrone.
Histamine inAuenees on gastric functions are dis_
cussed in Oap. S.
Enteroglucagon is a peptide (or group of reb ted
ones) made in the EG cells lhat arc sC"l\cred
throughout much of the gastrointe,'tinal tract. It af- BRAIN HORMONES
feclS gastric and intestinal motility and the intestinal The brain oontains an imprcssive array of peptide
absorption of sugars. and it may in this way contril:>- hormones that arc similar to or idenlical wilh oneS
ute 10 the rCJ\ulation of carbohydrate metabolism made elsewhere. Hormones oommon to the brain
during times of meal absorption. Production is in· and gastrointestinal lract indude SS. CCK·PZ. SP,
creased following pancreatectomy (I 09). G [P, V Ip. endorphins, and bombesin. Peptides com·
The term glucagon-like immunoreaclivilY (GLI) mon to Ihe hypothalamus and e'trahypothalamic
is applied 10 several peptides Ihat share immunolog· brain include TR H. LRH. SS. VP. oxytocin, and an·
ical properties with pancrealic glucagon but differ in giotensins. Small peptides made up of amino acid so--
biological activities and to some e,lent in amino acid quences contained within ACTH and other pituitary
composilion. regulato", are also found. and in SOme CaSe, enlymes
capable of cleaving 'pecific bonds of the larger mol-
ecules can be identified . Cerlain of the regulalo", a re
GastriC Inhibitory Peptide (GIP)
derived from the pituilary gland. while olhe'" may
As its name suggest. G IP is a potent inhibitor of gas· be synthesized in the pineal gland and other struc-
tric acid and pepsin r<:lease. and of gastroi ntestinal lUres. However, the con""ntrations of several are un·
motilily (but it enhances Ihe secrelion of intestinal affected by either hypophysectomy or pinealcetomy.
juice). !t seems to be the regulator responsible for The brain can function as neurotransrnit_
the greater release of insulin seen aftcr oral admin- le",or neuromadulators (33. J? ) that act clC>se to the
istralion of glucose than arter inlravenous injection sites of synthesis. A few may travel through the ce-
of an equivalenl quantity of susar. rebrospinal tluid to find Iheir targets.
Early physiologists observed tht the ingestion of Mosl of the research on brain peptides been
fau; lead. to inhibition of several gastrointestinal concerned with influences on behavior and thresh·
tract functions. They named thc as,;ociated compo- olds to other stimuli. or with regulatory roles in the
nenl of their eXiracU; "enterogastrone." GIl" may be release of hypothalamic hormones.
Ihe peptide that exerlS this kind of action.
Neurotensln (NT)
This hypothesis was formulated 10 explain the wide·
NT is a tridecapeplide that has been identified in tbe spread OCCurrence of similar molecules in the brain.
inlestine of humans and other mammals. !t has been brain-3ssociated 'truClures such as Ihe retina. Ihe
reported 10 promote contraction of tile fundus of the digestive traet. the adrenal medulla and elsewhere,

and for "ectopic" bormone production by tumor cells continuous darkness are imposed, 50me of the
(3&, 78). rhythms are abolished. while others become '"free·
It has long been known that the adrcnomC<luliary running."' Then. some individuals of a previously
the caici\(min,secreling ceUs of mammalian synchronized group acquire cydes with periodicities
thyroids and nonmamrnatian uhimobranchial bod· of less than 24 hours. while oth ers havc ones that
ies. and Ih. MSH'responsive pigment cells arC de- span 25 or more hours. Continuous light has been
rived from the embryonic neural c,ests thaI also give known to abolish cycles that can be maintained in
rise \0 Ihe sympathet ic gall$lia. darkness.
On Ibe basis of convincing evidence from embry- Ulrradian cycles are mort commonly lin ked with
ological and hislocy(Qchcmical studies, it has more specific metabolic pathways or changes in mem-
recently been proposed Ihal all cdl, synthesizing brane activities. Some found in neurons occupy frao-
and secreting bQrmones of the prolein. pcplide. and tions of a second. cardiac cydes are COmpleled in less
amine type, originate from neural componcnl.orlh" than I minute. and certa in of the secretory pan.rllS
embryo. Seven of the endocrine cdl types seem 10 for endocrine glands follow periodicit ies of I or more
oome from the neural crests. "'hile 29 others arc de- hours. (In many cases. the short '"bursts"' of glan·
rived from specialized neuroectoderm components of dular activity are superimposed on ci rcadian cycles.)
the neural lube. neural ridges, and neural placodes. Infrodian rhythms occupy morc than one day.
(Th. plawdes also give rise to optic. olfactory. and These includc ova rian cycles that reCur ev<:ry four to
auditory ,tructu res a nd cranial nerves). five days in 50me of the rodents a nd al interval, of
APUD refers to common properties of these celis closcr to 28 days for many of Ihe primates. Seasonal
and is an acronym for amine precursor uptake and! variations in reproductive functions. migratory aCliv-
or decarboxylation. The celis contain amines (e.g. ities, body weights, and melal.>olic rale, of some spe-
norepinephrine and scrotonin) along with decarbox· cics provide examples. a, do the alternating period,
ylase enzymes that catalyze conversion of amino of hibernalion Or lorpor and wakefulness.
acids to amines. Thcy also display similar staining
E)(ogenou8 Endogenous Rhythms
W hile the concept is useful, there is good reason
to believe that ali cell, originating from a COmmOn Exogenou, (or "'passivc'") rhythms arc driven byex-
lygote possess thc potential for producing every kind ternal cUeS that can include changes in humidity.
of molecule found in the individual. The ability to barometric pressure. and food availability as well as
produce a given regulator can therefore be indepen· environmcntallighling. Animals of the Same species
dently developW by more than one ceil type. tend to have cycles Ihat are ""in phase"" with thosc of
others housed in Ihe same room . witn maximum
crest. zenith) and minimum (trough. nadir)
values occurring almost simultaneously. Th e timing
Regularly recurring rhythms have been demon- is easily shifted by manipulating the environmenl.
strated fOT all level, of biological activity from indi· Cycles of this kind can persist for a time if tne driv.
vidual enzymes to ..... hole organisms. Cytoplasmic ing stimuli arc withdrawn. However, the oscillations
clocks have ocen described (39). while othcr forms are soon dampened and the panerns are eventually
of difC(:tioo havc been altributcd to nuclei. Endo- lOSt. Usually. thc rhythms are reinslaled when the
crine secretory rhythms coordinate physiological env ironmental cues a re provided again.
processes in complex animal,. and they. in turn. de· Endogenous (" 'aclive ") rhythms depend upon the
pend on other body systems for their establishment functioos of inlN",,1 oscilla tors or '"biological
and maintenance . cloc ks."' The timing can usually be "entrained" to
environmental fact01'5 just as an alarm
clock can be set for the desired hour. The internal
Durations of the Cyclas
clocks of groups of animals of the samc specie,
Thc endocrine cycles that have ocen most intensively housed under identical conditions are then synchro-
investigated arc approximately 24 hours long and nized. Within limits. thc durations of the cycle, Can
arc therefore called cirrodian (circa. appro,imaldy, be modified. HowevcT. if the imposed for
die •. day) (2). They arc usually synchroni1.oo with environmental cues have intervals that differ mark-
change, in environmental lighling. However. social edly from those of Ihe internal signals. the intrinsic
cue,. temperatu re changes. and recurring evenlS re· regulatory factors assume dominance. Within a spe·
laled to feeding·fasting and slcc p-waking palltrn. cics. individuals differ in their adaptability to the
can contribute. Wh en a rtificial conditions such as zeitgebers.
Phy , Jolog lcllllmportance o f the Endocr in e rats. mice, chimpanzees, and orher sp«ia (70, 11).
Cycle, Evidently, tbey do no! convey informalion related to
visual perception or eye rclkltcs. Animal.
Se'en: di ... uplion oI lhe cycles can bave serious con- that fail 10 display behavioral responscs to visual
sequences. Deliberate. repealed interference hu and have IOSI Iheir pupillary renexes foliow.
b«n reported 10 sborten the life spans of mice (2). ing destruction of the major optic tracu can retain
Minor forms of manipulalion can be tolerated . but lisht-<lependcnt rhythms. "Th<lsc rhylhms I", abol-
systems do flO1 then perform at OfKimum levels. ished.however, if the animals are blinded by damage
In humaM, muchoftlte d$:omfOl"t ("jet laS") u- to the relina, $evering of the optic nervu, or re_1
perien<;cd Ifter Ioog-distanc.:. air- of the e)'C$. Technical difficulties involved in selec-
plane trips is Duribnted to delays in adjustment of live destruction of juS! the retinohypothalamic tracts
Ihe endocrine rhythms 10 Ihc new tillt<' schedules. have not been overcome. [t ,s suspected tha t accom-
Pcrsoll!l unable 10 "'(lrk on nisht shifls plishment of tbal feat would provide uS with animals
scem to have difficuhics in copins with lIdrenooorH· that...: bul fail to maintain lighl-dependent cycles.
<:al rh)"lhms that an: imposed by environmental euCl. ("The n«d fOf an inlaCt lfllet does not imply tMt
other optic palhways cannot inHuence the rhythms
S o me Pro ble m a En countered In the Siudy 0 1 under physiologica l condilions.)
Endocrine Rhythm.
MOil hormones are released in "bursts" of "lIrY'na THE SUPRACHIASMATIC NlIClEI (SCN)
ma",ituck IMt recur at im=Sular intervals Ihrouah- Biblel'lll structures that undcrso circadian "lIna·
(lUt the day. The frequencies and amplitudes of Ihe lions in metabolic activities and are aifected by tight
discharges often peak at certain limes of the day und on the relina have been identifoed in a wide
5110 ..' minimum values at difJ"erenl hours. TIH.: pat· varielY of vertcbrntes. The SCN may be internal os-
terns <:an be fuliy defined only when then: is conlin- cillau:W1tllal PM' O/t b;oIoaical rhylhms or serve as
uous monilorina, U'lU.l.lly, thc)' diifer from one day pacemakers (47, 92). They receive inpul$ from lhe
to the next. II is often impossible 10 obtain sufi"ocicnt traCIS. a nd they make functional
numbers of blood samples 10 delermine Ihe pauern COIlnoclions with pam 01 the h)'poIhalamu$ engaged
for an individual. This is especially true when smatl in the secretion of hormones. (They arC not. however
whh limited bkx>J .,.oIurne. ,,'" .tudled. the only <)$Cil1alors present.)
Sinoce the members of a group are seldom in pcrfcct [)estfllction of Ihe SCN in rn\.!. is fol lowed by loss
phase. lhe poolina of samples can )'icld misleading of all known ei!'Cadian rhythms. LocomotOf aetivi·
data. ties. fccdina sleep-wake
The men: associa tion of a b;oIogical rh)1hm wilh of pineal aland enzymes. recurrent changes in blood
a recu rri", environmenta l change docs not establish conc.: ntralions of glucocort icoids and growth hor.
a relationship. Animals showing an ab- mones. and light-dependent componenls of O"ll rian
rupt rise in the conccnlrati01l of a horrnoroe h:tlf an cycles are ali afJ"ccted. Electrical ",imulalion of the
IIour after Ihe liahu arc turned on in the room o:ach SCN <:a u$C$ phase shiflS, and injections of !lCuro-
mominS may be rcspondina to noises al sllCh times, Irnnsmitten in lhe vicini ly affcci pineal gland
Of 10 the movcmcnlsor their C<lacs. rhythms (92).
Persisten<:e of a rbythm foliowing removal of a In primates, ovulation is cont rolled in different
usua l Cue docs nOt pro,.., that the cyde is endoge- ways, ",hile r..,ding, slccping, and locomotor aClivity
nously controlled, Animals dependin& upon one kind patlerns are affected mostly by $OCtal cucs. However,
of signal unckr ord inary conditions can "leam" 10 patients with lesions in Ihis pan of the brnin, and
11K a dIfferent one. MOfCO'ICr, internally "'!ulated tltose wilh IUmon exenin, pressure on the re,ions.
can provide Ihc dri\'a for passi'" onu. lose their circadian ,h>COCO<'licoid rhythms. Re-
The can be e"cecdinaly complex a nd moval of the tumors often restores normal patlerns.
involve multiple neurons, transmitters, and hor- Cireadian can also be when le-
mones. Attempts 10 \lUt the comp::.nents may sions block the lransmission of signals from tlH.: SCN
provide stimuli that are BJ1 used uOOcr pb)-»oIogical to other par\.!. of the hypothalamus. If the eiferent
conditions. pathways a nd the nudei are preserved. bUI the input
from the retina is destroyed, exogenous.lighl-dcpcn·
dent rhylhms are lost. \lowever, endogenous cycles
Neural Pa lhwey. lor Tren .ml"lo n 01 Ph o ll c persist They become "'re<:,running"' and can have
S l lmulilo Ihe End ocrine Sya tem periodicities of slightly more or slightly less than 24
Relinoltypochaiamic tracts Ihat link I'CCI:ptOfl in the hours. Groups of animals tre.ated in Ihis Wly are no
eyes a'llh Ihe h)·pothalamus have been i!ll:nlified for Ionser n<:C"f? rily in p/IUC wilh each other.

The Importance of Glucoc ortic oid Rhythms light

Glucoconicoids play essential roles in maintaining
blood glucose concentrations during limes of fasting. I
They accomplish Ihis largely by fadlitating the use Optic ReNe
of ami1l(l acids for gluconcogenesis. Activity of Ihis I
kind must be dosely regulated. If it i< inadequate, RetiO<lhyP<tIMlamic
the blood glucose falls to dangerous level,. If it is I
excessive. too much 1xxI)' protein (which supplies the'ic """Icus 01 hypOlhOtomuS
amino acids) is destroyed.
The hormones a rc mOSt needed around the time of
awakening. since glycogen reserves arc depleted dur-
i ) the, ",,",on'

.... u'''''$
ing slcep and glucose is required to fuellhe skelelal
muscles that ,,'ill be used 10 find In hu- I
manS a nd others that arc acti ve during daylight cor1k"I'.,.,.,.
hours. Ihe blood glucocorticoid levels arc highest in I
Zono lasOcvt.ta 01 adrenal corte'
the early morn ing. and the)' dedine to VCr)' low levels
in the late afternoon or carl)' eveni ng. In nocturnal 2_2S. P,<>po'Od plIlhway 1<>< . yn<:hrOni, alioo 01
animals such as rats . the larger meat. are taken at gIuCOOOI1icoid rhyt""" with ot>Ongel "' ..,oiront'r\wn181
night, and the gluCOC<lnicoid levds pcak shortly be- 1I\I1l\;"g.
fore the onset of darkness.
Individ uals who feel wide awa ke in the carly
morning but fatigued in the late afternoon have their tors other than C R H. and thcsc include 'asopressin
glucocorticoid pea ks at carlier hours than "cvening (",'hieh is prescnt "'ithin the SCN). Cydical changes
people" who takc longer to get started but arc more in the sensitivities of adrenocortical cells to a sped-
alert later in the day . When the choice i, available_ r,ed dose of ACT!! have been reponed for rats. The
adjustment of work and relaxation schedules to Ihe adrenal are dire<:tly innervated . and the impor-
natural body rhythm. 'can !'e<ult in Breater comfort tance of lhis r,nding for control of the rhythms re-
and efficiency. mains to be Adrenocortical cell, main-
Patients with C ushing'S syndrome (excessi ve Se- lained in culture show cyclical changes in
cretion of glucoconicoids) often have normal blood steroidogenesis. e'-Cn when the ACTH in Ihe me-
concentrations of the hormone when sample< are dium is kept at constant levcls.
taken in the morning. They may not. ho"·eoer. show Since they engage in negat i'e feedback control.
the afte rnoon and evening decline. Knowledge of the glucocorlicoids affect the secretions of both CR!!
cycles is useful for determining the hour:< al which and ACTH. The sensitivilies to glucocorticoids also
blood samples should be ta ken for diagnostic show cyclical 'arialions. Practical usc can be madc
of lhe observation that Ihe suppression of ACTH se-
crelion is greater in the evening than in the morning
f<>< human subject .. There are clinieal conditions in
",'hieh the di rect actions of exogenous glucocorticoid!
Pathways Involved In Mediation 01 the
are bener,cial but ACT!! suppression is nol. Morn-
Glucocorticoid Rhythm s
ing admin istration is then indicated. In other pa-
A proposed palt,way lead ing from Ihe light-sensitive tiems. inhibition of ACTH is desired . and evening
cells of Ihe retina to the adrenal glands shO"'n in treatmenl is more clfeetive.
Fig. 2-28. Some dctail$ are missing beeause we havc
ill3dequate information On the locations of the
Some Consequences of Experimental
CRH-sccrcting neurons. and because the roles of
many of the ncurotransmitlcrs involved (46) are
only partially understood. Moreover. nonphotie eues Rats maintained under natural lighling and gIven
are used to synchroni7.e thc rhythms. and the SCN con tinuous aCCeSS to food become most active in the
receive inputs from neurons that mediate different carll' even ing and eat the bulk of their food then .
fUfIClions. Their glucocorticoid, f""ding. and locomotor acti,ity
T he scheme is an oversimplifIcation. and a prob- palleTnS arc synchronized . (52.118).
lem with it is that ACTII rhythms do not show peak. If lhc animals are blinded or maintained in con-
that immediately precede the rises in blood gl uco- tinuous darkness they continue to have normal blood
corticoid leve ls. ACTH <ceretion is affected by fac_ glucose levels during their times or fasting. T he glu-
cocortiooid levels peak shortly before they ingest able distance into the stall:. Pineal gland regulators
their largest mcals. and the locomowr activity is are socreted into blood capillaries. but small
maximal at such times, Thc«:fore. the steroid. fcoo· amounts may be released to the cerebrospinal fluid
ing. and looomotor activities a«: in phase with each (see Chapter 20).
other. but the timing of the cydes is no longer linked Although the organ is a part of the brain. most of
with the hours when others see daylight. II is possi. the innervation is indirect. Axons from the SeN pro-
ble to shift the timing at will. if food is offeroo only ject to the retrochiasmatic nuclei of the
during certain hours of the day. mus. The neural pathway then passe, through the
Intact rat.s can be trained to cat soon arter the medial forcbrain bundles of the hypothalamus,
lights arc turned on in Ihe laboratory if food is of· through the midbrain reticular formation. to the
fered only at that lime. Then. the glucocorticoids rise upper intermediolateral cell columns, The laller pro-
'hortly before the meals. For rats. this means Ihat vide preganglionic inputs to the lYn'ical
the 'teroid hormone rhythms arc oot of phase with gonglin of the sympathetic s}'stem (located in the
the environmental lighting changcs, They a«: also neck region). Postganglionic f,bers then pass to the
Out of phase "'ith somc other biological rhythms, pineal gland (50).
The amino acid tryptophan is taken up from the
bloodst«:am by pineal gland cells (pinealocytes) and
Effects of $Iress
is converted to serotonin. An cnx}·me. N.... cetyltrans-
St«:&1 increases the need for glucocorticoid,. When ferase. catalyzes the formation of N.... cetylserolonin.
it is imposed during times of the day associated with T he en,yme undergoes circadian variations in activo
low glucocorticoid levels. the CRH·ACTH-adrenal ity. Since light perceived by the retina acts on the
system Can be stimulated. The magnilude of the rc· neural cireuit to reduce the activity. mOre N·acet}'l·
sponse. howcver. is smaller than if the stress is im· serotonin is made at night. while mOre serotonin ae·
posed during peak hours. cumulates during daylight !lours.
When hypothalamic lesions dc-'tmy Ihc sourees of The N.... cetylserotonin is the precursor of the pi·
ACTH and VP. animals subjoctoo 10 sevcre. chronic neal gland hormone. me/alonin. and of the chemi·
stress (e .g. prolongoo surgical manipu lation and cally related indole derivati"es that include 5-hy·
trauma) utilixe peripherally producoo regulalors 10 droxytryptophol and 5,mcthox)'tryptophol. The
increase their ACTH secretion (61). availability of N....cctylser(llonin can be a major de·
terminant for the rate of melatonin synthe£is. but the
activity of a!lOther enzyme. hydroxyindole·().meth,
Growlh Hormone Rhythms
yltransferase, is involved in the regulation. At least
Only SOme of the actions of GH are anabolic. The SOme of lhc mammals make mOre mdatonin during
effects on somatic growth arc most obvious shortly the winter months (when the da}'s arc short) than
after the onset of sleep in well'!IOurished juveniles. during the summer.
At such times. the opposing catabolic elfocts of glu· The synchronization of the pineal en7.yme
cocorticoids arc minimal. rhythms with changes in environmental lighting reo
While is released in short "bursts" through- quires all of the pathway just deseribed_ It is dis·
out the 24-hour period. secretion rales are great"'t rupted if mammals arc blinded. kept in continuous
soon after the onset of the nighttime sleep in humans darkness. or subjected to destruction of any of thc
(and daytime sleep in rats). following: «:tinohypothalamie tracts (which. a,
Children suffering growth retaMation because of !IOted. have not as yet been destroyed selectively).
inadequate endoge!lOus GH can rcspond only to SCN. pathways leading from the SeN 10 other parts
growth hormone preparations from primates. It is of the hypothalamus. the medial forebrain bundles.
therefore difficult (and expensive) to obtain ade- the superior cervical ganglia. or the connoctions the
quate amounts of the «=gulator for therapeutic pur. ganglia make with both the central nervous system
poses. When moderate amounts arc injected, they and the pineal gland. However. the N.... cctyltrans·
have quantitatively greater effects if the hormone is ferase rhylhm is cndogenously controlloo. It be-
given al bedtime than if it is gi"en in the morning. comes "free'running" when inputs from environ·
mental lighting arc lost (85. 122),
The pineal glands have been directly implicated in
the regulation of several functions associated with
The pineal gland develops from the neuroectoderm changes in envimnmental lighting. including most
of the roof of the third ventricle of the brain. In obviously the seasonal hr.eding panerns of many
mammals. it usually takes the form of a small. com· 'poeies. They also regulate looomotor patterns in
pact I:nob allaehed to the rest of the brain by a fine birds (in which the functions of the inncrvation
stall:. The cavity of the ventricle for a van· differ).

cell types have recently been added to Ihe list of bor-

Melatonin \0 mediate some of the effecls on
the reproductive systems and 10 perform several mones. They play important roles in development,
olher functions_ Its influen= are oomplcx (see ParI regeneralion, and wound hcal ing. Excessive amounts
VII). However, in addition 10 this horrn(>ne. the tryp- probably contribule 10 tumor growth.
toplophots, and sermonin. Ihe pineal gland C<lnlains Each of regulalors is produced at multiple
ma ny other biologically active com!X'nenls. some of sitcs, Both the synthesis and actions arc affected
which arC symhesized Ilte re. The list includes hista- by other hormones , The peptides have been found in
mine. T RH. and several peplides. There;< only lim- blood. urine, lymph, and olher nuids, Some have
ite<:! information on the functions of those been recovered from "conditioned media" in which
substances. cells have grown and proliferated (34) , Howcve r, the
11 has be<:n spe<:ulaled thaI lhe arginine vasotocin peptides are diflieul t 10 study because (a) they arc
(A VT) reported \0 be present in Ihe gland is of phys- released in very small quantilics, (b) their biological
iological importance. AVT is a major regulator of properties overlap with those of other regulators, (c)
water metabolism and sm<)Olh muscle CQntraction in m05t exist in mu lti ple forms, and (d) no storage sites
nonrnarnmalian venebratcs (lltal do 001 ma ke vaso- have been identified for most of Ihem .
pressin). Amazingly sman quantities of A YT can in- SommomedillS arc synthesized in the liver, and
fluene<: lite secretion of hypothalamic hormones in probably oIsewhere. in to growth hormone
mammals if the peptide is injoxted into the «rcbral (1 12). They are be lieved to mediate some of the ef-
ventricles. For example. g (fewer than 60 mol. fects of GH on bone and cartilage. The failure of
ecules) can diminish the «,lease of CRH, while GH to promote growlh in malnourished children ii
g can inhibit the releas.eof LRH (77). The of- attributed to effects of the food deprivation on he-
fects are attributed to actions on serotoninergic neu - patic synthesis of Ihe peptide.•.
rons, a nd it has been suggesled Ihat a single mole- The lerm lfOtl.fuppreuible itl.fu/in--lik( a(livily
euleof A VT can change the functions of one neuron. (NS ILA) designales substances in blood plasma
Melalonin promoleS Ihe conspersion of pigment that exert insulin-like actions On adipose and other
gra nules of poikilolherms, and its actions a rc op- tissues but differ from the panc reatic hormone in
posed by the mclal1OC)'tHtimulating ),ormones. In- that Iheir effects not blocked by antibodies di-
teracl ions involving melalonin. MSH. and i\ VT rected against insulin. Some NS ILAs arC similar 10
have been proposed. Melatonin and the MSHs are Or identical with some of the somatomed ins,
also involved in conlrol of Ihe fur color of mammal$ Epidermal gl'owlh factor (£GF) stimulates
Ihat change their coots during the winter. growth and proliferation of many types of epi thelial
cells. including ones found in the skin, mammary
gland, kidney, ovarian granul05a, lung, oral cavity,
CIRCUMVENTRICULAR ORGANS esophagus, stomach , and cornea. It also acts on glial
cells. but has no inHue nce on tissucsderived from the
The pineal gland and the median eminence of the
embryonic mesoderm (e.g. smooth muscle and adre-
hypothalamus are included among Ihc "Iructures
nal cortex) . When administered (O neonalal rats and
wilhin the central nervous system Ihat contain neu-
mice, it promoles eruption of the incisoTll
roglial elements lining the ventricles of Ihe brain and
and opening of the eyelids (12).
also making contact with the blood capillaries, They
Human EG F SetITlli to be identical with urogas-
have been implicated in pfOl'ision of funclionallinks
trone (3 peptide found in human urinc that inh ibits
between the blood circulation and the cercbrospinal
gastrin and gastric Hel secretion). Since it promotes
fluid , The group includes the subfornical orga/lS,
growth of the gastrointestinal mucosa, it offers
said to contain the angiotensin-sensitive "Ihirst re-
promise as an agent for the treatment of stomach
cePlors:' the organ vas(ulruu", of Ihe lamina Ie,.
"'i/fa/is (OVL n. which has a high LRH content_
ulce rs. High concentrations of EGF arc found in Ihe
salivary glands of male rodents. Production is in-
the subcommisural organ (SeO), the area poslrema,
c«'ased by test05terone.
the mammillary organ, and also the neurohypophy.
Nerve growrh fac/or (NG F) can also be: extracled
sis (101.1161
from rodent salivary gland,. but il is chemically and
biologically diuinct from EGF (58). h occurs in
even higher concentrations in some snake vcnom
glands. NGF is for the survival, matura-
Sevcral peptidcs exerting powerful in nucnces on lion, and functions of the neuroblasts of the embry-
growth , differentialion, and proliferation of specific onic neural Crests. It induces Iyrosine hydrox)'lase (a
rate-limiting eM.yme for the biosynthesis of dopa- prevalence of enzymes tha t rapidly degrade the
mine and othe r catecholam ine.), and it exe rts im_ «'gulalors.
portant influences on the accumulation of ncuroma- The PGs are a group of related spe-
ments and on growth ofaxons. The dfects on cialized fa tly acids that differ from each other in the
.ynthesis persist after differentiation numbers of double bonds and in the 1000tions of
has been completcd , Antisera d irectcd against NG F ygcn groups. In SOme cases, two differont PG. e xen
block development of the systems of im- similar actions on a target cell , while in otbers, the
animals_ and they bring about deterioration effects a re unrelated or an tagonistic. (For example,
of those: of adults. Roles in the physiology of sensory vascular smoolh muscle that rela xes in «,sponse to
neurons have also been suggestcd. Thyroid hormoncs PGs of the E type may rontract when exposed to
inc«'ase NGF concentrations in the brain (114) and PO Fs.) Species diffe«,nces in sensitivities to the reg-
some of their influences on neuron struclure a nd ulators are marked.
function may depend on this. The biosynthesis is depressed by glucocorticoids
Fibroblast g,awtn factor (FGF) is pre..,"t in pi_ and by a number of commonly used pharmacological
tuitary gland extracts. It supports proliferation of agents, induding aspirin. Functions of Ihese ..,gula.
adrcoocortical cells , As noted_ this action is opposed tors a.., discussed throughout the text.
by ACTH . which promotes growth and spc.:iali1-<l-
tion. FGF additionally acts on mammalian fibro- THE THYMUS GLAND
blasts and other embf)'onic mesoderm derivative.
that includc chondrocyte! and smooth muscle <:<:11 •. This gland is best known for il< roles in the devel-
Such innuences are not alfe,led by ACTH . T hese opment of cellular immunity. It provides a special-
and <JIher growth-promoting peptidcs arc discussc<.l iled cnvironment that supports the proliferation and
in Chapler 18. maturat ion of T lymphocytes (thymocytes), and it
releases thymosin! and other peptide hormones into
Ihe bloodstream.
The most obvious lnftucnces on tho immune sys-
tem arc exerted early in life. In ratS and mice, the
REGULATORS "critical period" terminates several days after birth
PrOl'ltaglandins (PG s), thromboxa nes (TXs), pros- (four weeks postconeeplion ). If the thymus gland is
tac)'Olin. (PG I.). and I.ukotrien., (L To) are .ynthe_ removed du ring that time, the ability 10 rce<>gni><
si>-ed from (polyunsatu rated) fatty acid and deal with foreign e<=lIs and to cope with most
p«,cursors supplied by the diet (56, 95). They arc viral infcctions is permanently impaired. If the gland
formed in every known coli typo, with the possible is retained until the sccond postnatal week. there arc
exeoption of the erythrocytes, and they ha,-e been more subtle effects on the immone system that can
implicated in every physiologica l function. For ex- be exaggerated by exposing the animals to X-irra-
ample, they affect platelet aggregation, ,,'ater bal- diation or by administering antilymphocytic sera. A
ance, blood p«'ssure, body temperature regUlation, similar critical period during prenatal life is proba-
bone demineralization, lipolysis, ovulation, pnrtori- bly in volved in maturation of the immune systcms of
tion, and appetite, as "'ell as the secretion of gastric humans and other large animals. Some of the defects
HCI and of many hormones . They mediate innam_ resulting from (or congenital abscne<=
matory reactions and pain sensations, Disturbances of the gland) can be alleviated by the administration
of their metabolism have been lin ked with a wide va- of thymic hormones, whereas others arc more effec-
riety of pathological conditions (12 1, I 27). tively corrected with compatible Ihymus gland
Precursors for their biosynthesis arc sequestered transplants.
as components of membrane phospholipids, and of The thymus gland continues to increase in abso-
trigl}"<:erides and cholesterol esters, while IUle si>-e until early adulthood. A process of "age in-
catalyzing their formation have been identified with volotion," which i, more obvious for SOme spc.:ies
the endoplasmic reliculum. The quantity of frc<: than for others, is thought to begin before the
(unesterified) fatty acid p«'cursor is the major de- imum gland weight is attained. The incidcnccsof ao-
terminant of the amount within the celL toimmune disorders and of e<=rtain other diseases
Many hormones, and a variety of nonhormonal stim_ with advancing age. Some observers link this with
uli (e.g. mechanical p«'ssure and trauma) aecelerate declining thymus gland functions (59). On the other
release of the fatly acids. Once formed , some of the hand , small amounts of tissue, especially the epithe-
regulators act locally wilbin the cell, while others arc lial components, persist throughout life.
mtDsportod through body fluids 10 their targets. The The thymus gland evide ntly plays important roles
actions are generally of short duralion bc<:ause of the in maturation of the ovaries, and il affects other en-
docr'n. funclions. Glucocorticoids. androge",. and

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_ _ ___ 3
Hormone Biosynthesis and Metabolism

On the basis of chemical makeup and the associated membranes; (c) participalion in the mechanisms for
pallcrns for biosynthesis. storage. release. and me- secretions; (d) reuPlake of molecules previously re-
tabolism, it is convenient to divide the hormones into leased (which permits rapid termination of thc hor·
the following groups: mOne actions. and also prcservalion of the hormone<
l. Ami1U's and related regulators. each syn the· for recycling); and (0) provision of a suitable cnvi· from a single amino acid ronment and appropriatc enzymes for transforma·
2. Small pep/ides comprising just a few amino lion of one molecular species into another.
acids that al"<' joined in peptide linkage
3. and prOleiru containing larger
numbers of amino acid, and peptide bonds Histamin e
4. Gl)'(Oproteins containing carbohydrate moieties Histamine is made directly from the amino acid his-
as e"emial oompOnCnlS (Fig. 3-1 ). 11 ;" syn the,i.od in substantia!
S. lodinarNf thyroid hortmJltf's. with lyl'()Syl moi- amounts by the mast cells of most species (!9). and
eties held together in ether linkage those account for the high histamine contenl of
6. Steroid hormones and calerJero/s. sy nthesized organs such as the liver. Histamine is also made by
from cholesterol neurons (9!) and by basophilic leukocytes_ It is pres-
7. Prru/aglandins and rdated molecules derived ent in parts of the hyp:Xhalamus and piluitary gland.
from essential fally acids This rcgulator se ...... as both a neurolransmiller
There been suggestion. thaI glyc=miooglycao, and a hormone_ II promoles Hel secretion by gastric
(GAG.) .nd other sugar derivali.e. pcrf<>rm cndocrine glands. contributes to Ihe regulalion of the adernr
funclions. The chem;cal mueture. of the pr<)p<l><d regu· hypophJlSis. and is in_olved in ovulation. 11 incre35Cs
lators. their mochani,m. of .ction. and the f.Olors that capillary permeabili\)" affects Ih •• mooth muscle of
controllheir rei ••,. have not as yet \>Con determined_ some blood Ve"5els, is a mediator of inflammatory
and allergic reactions. and is involved in thc sensa·
ti0T\5 of pain and itching.
BIOSYNTHESIS OF AMINES AND RELATED There markcd species variations in
REGULATORS In highly resistant animals, such as ralS. serotonin
small. waltr·soluble molecules are d«arbox- lakes OvCr some mast functions Ihat are
ylmed derivativcs of amino acids provided by food. by hislamine in others (19). In guinea pigs. minute
The enzymes Ihat catalyze the reactions are free in quamiti .. can invoke falal bronchoconwiClion.
the cywsol. associated with the endoplasmic reticu·
lum. or enclosed within organelles. When more than
Gamma-AmlnoButyr lc ACid ( GABA )
onc step is involved in the pathway. theT<' is a rate-
limiting enzyme_ GABA is made directly from glutamic acid. It is
The cells that make these regulators have mem· present in the hypolhatamu$ and in Ihe
branrxnclosed granules that serve some or aU of the thalamic brain, in which it Serves as a neurotrans-
following functions: (a) storage of the hormone; (b) mintr and It is an important reg·
protection of Ihe molox:ules againSI degradation by ulator of several kinds of endocrine cells and it is
cytoplasmic enzymes and leakage aCross the plasma believed by some to function as a hormone.
Serotonin droxytryptaminc). 5_hydroxyuyplophol. and 5-
met hox ylryplO phol.
The prcliminary oonvcrsion of tryplophan 10 S-hy-
droxylryplophan is Ihe rale-limiting step for the bio-
symhesis of serotonin (5-h)'droxytryptamine. 5- HT)
in the pineal gland . some brain ne urons. the mast
cells of many species. the enterochromaflin cells. and Tyrosine is directly takcn up from thc blood,u'cam
also the parafollieular cells of the thyroid glands by c3te<:hoiaminc-sccreting cells. bUI cn7.y mcs thai
(22). The amine is taken up by. stor<:d in. and re- catalyze the formalion of Iyrosine from phenyla la -
leased from blood platelets as well as mast cell s of nine are widely distributed_ (Therefore. phenyla la-
most vertebrates. nine can serve as an alternate precursor.)
Serolonin functions dire<:lly as a regulalor. and it The Tate-limiting step for Ih. biosynthesi, of do-
also It"C! as thc pre<:ursor for hormones of the pi_ pamine (DA) is thc conversion of \yro«ine \0 DO PA
neal gland. including melatonin (N-acct}'I-5-hy- (dihydroxyphenylalanine. Fig. 3-2) , A dccarboxyla·

,/ , ,
, ,-
, Histidine decOlbo)()'la... , ,,C-'
He C-C-C-H HC C--C-C--H
I I H I - 00, I I H


,,, Glutama'. d"""rbOx),!"'" , "

I' , - CO. •
I "
" "
Glut>.mic acOj
"''' ,
8 , <::,
- 00,
'" , ,I

ov-"-,, ,,
S-OH -Tf)'Plopha n

, i-Ii
,. ,....H;jjr.::cP
',00 8 "',r- HI"'HHO H H
, ,I
· CH, Ii


, ,
, ,

Fill. 3-1 . hi.ta""".
Bio. ynt!les<. of G,o,e,o" aoo a<;id """",bOxylasa. (3) .... acelylt'.n.l ....... (.1
melatonin , ( 1) T'yptophan hydroxyla ... ( 2) 'CO' ..... I.. .. a ... _


"C - C-H
" ,
D;/)yd,.,J<YpIHlnylalani"" (OOPA)

HO-(I \}-C - C- H
_ H


,0 -
Ji-o• .,ase

/" P t>enylelhanola m;ne'

y" --,,, H i'CH, N·CH .-T,onsle.-a.e
HO-( r C - C- H •
o, "

tion 'lep then provides the DA. which is laken up by dulla contain a ditTerent cnl.yme that catalYlcs
secrelory granules (10). methylation of norepinephrine to yield epinephrine.
Dopaminergic neurons directly release DA (Fig. Since the enzyme is in the cytoplasm. norepineph.
3·3). The amine serves important !lCul'I)lransmiltcr rine must lea"c the granule to be actoo upon.
functions. Among Olher things, it participates in Ihc
conlrol of skeletal muscle contraction. affects behav-
ior. and dilates ce,tain of thc peripheral blood vcs- Amino ACids
<;<:1 •. It is a major regulator of prolactin release and Amino acids that function directly as ncurotrans-
;1 inAuences the secretion of olher adcoohypophysial miltcrs and neuromodulators include glycine. glu-
horm<)lle$. tamic acid. and taurine. No true hormone functions
The $Ccretory granules of noradrcnergic neurOIlS have been establishoo.
and adrenomedullary cells contain an enzyme thai
oxidizes dopamine to norepinephrine (NE). Suo.
stantial amoun ts of NE accumulate in sympatheti· Acetylcholine
cally innervated organs such as the heart . Acetylcholine is mentioned he", because ;t exertS
Certain neurons and some cells of the adrenal me- long·range trophic aClions that arc hormone-li l e
Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH)
Although dipeptide, that affect behavior havc been
de!iCribed for the brain (15), TRH (a tripeptide) is
the smallest hormone of Ihis group with funy eSlab-
lished fu nCiions. As it. name indieale._ it promotes
th. sceretion of thyrotropin (Ihyroid-;<;timulating
hormone, TSH). II affects the release of prolaclin

and of other pituitary honnones. TRH is made in


.- ""'"aining
neurons outside of. as well as within the hypotha la-
mus, and it has been .hown to inOuence behavior and
other brain functions . It also present in the pineal
gland. in the gastrointestinal tract . and at many
other sites.
II ha, been proposed Inat TRH synthesis is aC-
( ) ( ) complished by cytoplasm ic en'.ymes; and a TRI-!_
symhetase bas beo n described. In support of
NOI'EPINEPHRINE NOREP INEPHRINE lhe cancepl, it has bee n demollStrated that labeled
S. Norad'"",,'gic glutamate is incorporated into TRH in cell-free
oeuron 0""
EP INEPHRINE tems cantaining hypothalamic componen ts, a nd that
the process is unaffected by agents that block ribo-
C.'gie somal assembly of peptide chains (63) ,
However. it has also been shown tha t the rate of
TRI-! production is more rapid than woul d be com-
pa tible with the gl utamate incarporation mecha-
Fig . 3·3 . - . 01 .... '.,oty go-ar\IJle. in nism . and that impair the symhesis
, 'orage, and of calecholamln • •. (50). This suggests thai a mechanism, involv-
ing cleavage of the tripeptide from a la rger precur-
sor. supplements (or is more important than) the cy-
(80) and it is p!"<'sent in nonneuronal tissues (10), toplasmic enzyme system.
Ahhough choline Can be obtained di!"<'ctly from food,
it is also synthesized along pathways that resemble
Melanocyte-InhibitIng Faetor ( MIF-I)
the Ones described for amine hormones. The amioo
acid serine is first dccarboxylatcd. S-adcnosylmc- Ce rtainly. cleavage of large pcptides is the major
thionine and acetyl..:oon7.ymc A are then used as mechanism for the formation of the small peptidcs ,
methyl and acetyl donors. re&jlC\:tivcly (52). The Melanocyte-inhibiti ng factor-J is a tripeptide impli-
same molecules are needed for the conversion of se- cated as a regulator of melanocyte-stimulating hor-
rotonin to melatonin (Fig. 3-4). mone (MSH) release (66). It i'l iden tical "'ith Inc

H H ....... H
--;;::-'- HQ - C- C-N
- co, H H "H

H H ,/"CH,
HO - C - C - N - CH,
H H "CH ,
Fig_ 3-4 . Bio' ynth§l. ot
" til H, ma kc ""ninc vasoprcuin (A VP), ..·hich is also
0-,\ 0 0 H If k _·n IS antidiu",lic hoiiiM1C (AD H) because of
I K H H II ...C-C 0
o-c I II its potent innllCnees on lhe kidney. Domeslic pigs
......... . / ' "C-C-C-NHr and al least one specic:sof mice make the biologically
N ?H' H H ",llled l)I$ine vasopressin (lVP), while hippopota-
PytogM.myI " He"
NIf ProIino_
muses and some of Ihcir relatives form both pep-
lides. The names are dcrived f!"(Om Ihe etTe<:ts of high
Iiil lidy1 concentralions on Ihe smooth muscle of the blood
vessels. Physiological amounts probably contribute
A. THYROTROPIN RELEASI'tG HORt.IONE (TflH) to lhe control of blood pre$!;u", aoo blood
" H Va$OJll"cssin (VP) can nament the secretion of
1 / ,0H H f { H
&luoocol1icoids by actin& on neurons. conicou0pc5.
0 H II0
H C_C_N--C-C-H_C_C_ NH, and Idrenocort ical cells. It affects leaming and
H CH, Rel ated peplide! implicated in regulation of blood
0- pressure and watcr metabolism in nonmammalian
PfC/y1 CH. eH, GIycN_ verte brates include arginine vasotocin (A
( whic h is also reported to be prucnt in mammalian
brain and pineal gland). mCSOloci n, and i5010Cin (I).
9. M£LMIOC'I I E INIiIBlTlNG FACT()R.I (MIF·I) A P=UIWI" protein is cleaved 10 yield vasoprcosin
plus In a»OCiated peptide variously b,o,",n as vaso-
Fig . 5,
prasin-ncurophysin. nicotinwtimulated neurophy-
sin. and pressoph)l$in. A ditTerent precursor gives
rise 10 oxytocin plus oxyltK:in-neuroph)l$;n (eslrogen·
side chain of o:<ytocin. and enzymes catalyzing 111P- slimulated neurophysin) (f"lg. Hi). While Ihere has
lure of the Cys· Pro peptide bond arc pr<:Knt in pi- been much spe.: ulalion coMcern;ng possible functions
\ILita ry extracts. (hg. 3· S). of the neu!"(Ophysin& the suggestion that
molecules of Ihis kind found in largct organs serve
as receptors), no definilive roles have been es\.ab-
O)l.ytocln, Vllopr...lnl, l od Re ,ated
Hued. An intrigui ng sUggc:$tiO!l Ihal a yel Larger
Peptlde. protein KfVCS as a coo"ll_ p=ursor of VP. Wl)·tG-
'J'hc5c I>ormclMs ring s1l'uewres held IQgClher cin and both neurophysins (604) is not e;uily recon-
by disulfide bridges. and sbon sido-<;hairu;. An CQn- ciled wilh some very re«nl studies discussed in
.. in tyrosine. proline. asparaaim:, glycinamide, a nd C hap. 10.
LWO cY$icines. Each of the peptides can be c leaved to yield
O xytocin was initially identified as a hormone smaller molecules that atTect brain functions. The
made in magl>OCellula r nuck:; or the hypothalamu5. rina su ucture of (Iocinoic acid) is also
stored in ,lie neural Lobe of the pituitary gland, and known 1$ MIF· [!, since il may contribute \0 regu-
released"into the peripheral blood 10 ael on myoepi. lation of MSH secretion. while a pcntapeplide coo-
thel ial cells of the mammary gland and on uterine sistina of or 11K: amino acids of lhe rina lias been
musele. n..: bonnone present in the cxlra hypot ha· called MRF (melaflOC)·IMlimulating
lami<; Inin, in which il can II'f'cc:t behavior. It hu leasing ractor) (Fig. 3-7) (66. 72).
also been found in the oval'ks (20, g2). In
nonmammalian venebrates. il on smooth mu ..
Spiel.. SpeclflcltL..
cle (including components of the oviducts of bird.).
Within the mammalian hypolhalamus. most of Some of the &malieSI peptides a ppea r 10 be idcntica l
the oxytocin is synthesized in neurons of Ihe para- in aU speci es. These incl ude TRH and LRli (71).
nudei. bUI some is made by Ihe supmop- Olhers a", ditTerent, but usually the molecules made
lie cells. by one animal type are bioIoaically active in others.
VlSOpreuins we", fi<$t shown 10 be synlhe5ized in All 01 the larger pcptides show species variations.
the supraoplic nllclei. but they I"' also made in and there are corresponding varia tions in the prop-
neurons Jnd in olher p,aru of lhe hy_ cnies of the hormone receplon.
potha llmus IS well as the Cltrahypotha1.tmic brain. Species specificilY for one regulator cannot be pre-
Production may be limited 10 mammals. MOiI'I dicted from knowledge of another. Thus. whereas
p",Iein P",curso< P rOl"" PrewlOO'

Vasopre • ..., VASOPRESSIN
N .... opnysin
NO .. c>phyS" /

S"",IIo<, BIologically
Acli"" Peplide. TOC INOIC

Fig. l-tI. Hypotl>eticl.l oe".""" lot

D'ner bioeyntl>e.I. 01 ' 0 __ .',;0,o.y_ .
It.RF PCplode. .nd 100o",d small peptKIM,

'" TYI,
·1 1e Cys
Gin Cys .P,o· Leu ·Gty·NH ,



"'T)"" .....
lie Cy'
Gin ........ ", NH,

" T'I" .....

lie Cyo
$c, "),.,( Cy$. P ro.I",.Gty.NH,
Fig. 3·7. N.....""ypopl>y.i.1 po&ptidlrs
ond ,"18tllod !'l>OlectJlM. •Pr.ssI". III ••
pl>enylatlni.... I t OIdicol"<l poSiti"",
ISQTOC IN IOCins III' . looIeuc;ne.
pip produce. different from Ihal of hu_ Thcy s«m 10 fUlKtlon mostly as !>Curocra,"milters
mans, Ihe two sptties synthesi« idcnlkal anglo/t .... Or neuromodulators. Their precursors arc a lso being
li",; bUI C<)WJ and human.s lhe oamc va· !iOU8bl.
sop«:ssin. whil<: their angiolen.sins arc slightly

A llhou8h ansiotensins a re synthesized II many siles.

Some Other Hypothalamic PeplJde. those formed when re nin is released from the kidney
Luteinizing hormone-releasi ng hormone (L RH ) arc Ihe t>cst known.
contairu; 10 Imi no add moieties. It promotes Ihe T he livc:r ..... a slycopMcin
lease of both rollicl<>-s(imulaling harmonc and h.- and delivers il to the bloodstrea.m. "The prefemxl
leinizing hormone by pituitary ,lands. is a s.imulant name for the prOIein is now rmin sutmrou. Older
of reproductive behavior, and ucrts other ones indude angiotensinogen, hypenensinogen. and
on the brain , Large doses of LRH can inhibit p
n.adal funcl lons, probably because they inlerael wilh The term refcrs to enzymes made in the kid·
=ptors for . different . bu1 chemically related pep. ocy and 1\ other sites that deave a dceapcptide. an-
tide. The IlJe of \ong-ac1ina synthetic analo&s for aiOleouin I. from til<: slycoprotein. While Ihat pcp-
conlra«pli()JI has been proposed. but prdiminary tide has _ bKIIogical .etions. much of it is aeted
ItslS indicate thai Ihey 100 effectively depre.os Ihe go. upon by an enzyme in Ihe lungs (convc:n,na en-
nads to be of pract ical U!-C. zyme). A dipeplide is Ihen rerncwed. and a ngiotensin
Somatostatin (SS) is the most ubiquitous of all II (A-II) ;1 formed, The anliotensins I and II found
peptide-type rcaulalOf'S. Amoog other things, il in- in humaou and many OIher IIUImma ls are sbown in
hibits the Sttrction of growth hormone by pituitary Fig. 3·9. Aminopcptid ascs an deave lhe A· II 10 a
cells. of glucagon by the palKfCaS. and gaMnn by heptapeptide. A· III .
stomach glands. The first re<:ognizcd form. which Among OIher Ihings. anaioxensins are major reg-
ball 14 amino acid and is therefore now ulators of aldosterone secretion. They are hiahly p0-
tent vasoconstrictors, and they slimulale the sym·
S5-14. i. shown in Fi., l.a. S5..28 and OIher
members of the aroup. alona with Ibe putative JlfC'" pathetic system. IJra in anSiOiensin is believcd to be
a N: diKUssc=d in Chap. 18. involved in Ihirst perception and in cenlral "'Iula-
Pcplides Ihal ACTll and GH have r(o lion of .... ter balaroce and eardiovascular f"nctions.
cenlly been identif,ed (see Chap$. 7100 18. fUJ!«- Bradykinin is a vasodilalor produced at several
lively). Dopamine is a major inhibitor of PRL sites. The an8i01eouin converting en1.yrt\(: also aets
tion. but prolactin.rdeuing factor (PRf') Bnd on this substrate. However. in thi' case it cleaves a
addilional prolacti ..... nh ibitins hormones ( PI Fs) are biokog ica lly potent molecule and Ihereby brings
still being sou,ht. aboot illtJNi<'Qlicn. (T herefore. conver! ins enzyme
Neurotensin Ind Substance P IN: found in the hy- aclS in more than one way 10 raise blood pl"essure.)
pochaLamus (IMI also in the ,ut and al OIher JitC!l). Inhibitors Ire Il0''0' used to lreat hypencnsion.

Pyro-G .. ·HOo. Trr .(l,ty·l ....... 'V' P,g..GI¥.N Ii,


N.·Gty·Cys.l \'I ........ Pho-""-- T'P"l.,.. Ttr·Phe· TIV' .s.r.Cys ll>c gtlSlrilJ5 are SpeCiCHpccific hormones present in
, I multiple forms within tlte $O rne individual (4. 81).
SQM",TQST ... TIN·14 The need for $0 many d ifferen t types is IlOI under_
stood , si nce molecule. Ihal are of sim ilar .ize do IIOt
GIu-Uu- Trr.Q.,.AsM. ,s.f'fo."'V"""lI.p...,.T1'1' ·/Ie·leu S«m 10 dilfer in biololieal activities.

NEUROTENSIN Type II pstrins have a sulfaled tyfO!;yl moielY.

" 'hereas type I gastrins are devoid of su lfur. " Lillie"
A.r9· P,o-l\'l·Pro-GIn·Oln·"""·f>he.Gty·letl·""" gaslrins (with or without lhe S) have 17 amino acid
components. They arc rapidly released in substantial
quanlilies in response to the siahl. smell , and tasle
fl9 .3.... Some I>OJI'Wt lila, of food. and when food enters the stomach. Among
_ _ • to "" I I R _ _ 01 piluitary other functions. the)' p'OihOie lhe Sttretlon of hydro-
chloric acid.
... NG IOTENSIN Asp-Atg. II al· T yr ·11e·Hi$·Pr.,.Phe H;$' Lou

J ConvMiog en"Y"'"

ANGIOTENSIN Asp. Arg. II aI· Tyt ·110 ·Ift$· Pm· F'tIe

j "'mioopeplidase

A.NGIOTENSIN "''9.11 aI· Tyt ·11o·H;s.Pro·Phe

Fig. 3·g . Biosyntl"l<llil ol aogio""'lios.
"Big" gastrins arC found in higher concentralions leSiinal mucosa and On Ihe exocrine pancreas (81 I.
in Ihe secretory cells. but only small amounts are re- "Mini" gastrins laCk !he firsl Ihree amino aci ds of
leased at mealtimes . G-34s resist enlymalie degra· the G-17s. Their biological aClivi!ies are ., im ilar 10
dation and are oonsislently presenl in the plasma. those of Ihe G-l7s. and they may be either lrue hor-
They are only 20% as polenl as G- 17s for stimula- mones or degradation products thai rotain biological
tion of Hel. Since they are cleaved by panerealic aClivity (Fig. 3-10).
trypsin. thcy may be precursors of the sma llcr mol-
ecules. It has been proposed Ihat Ihey exert Iong- All of Ihe mammalian liule gawins ... similar in
range, growth·promoting innuences on Ihe gastroin· amino acid makeup and biological poIency. pro-

• • " • • '0" ...... .... "

T,p.l .. ,.m ,.m,.r.. .,.r..". AI •. Tyr .GIy. T .... .,,·"""


,, , , , , , •,
" ...."a· T"yr. GIy·
Pyro-Glu. Gty. Pro· T'P"leu·G ... ·GI<J·G ... -Giu ·Giu· " " "
" T"'p"Met·Asp.Pf\e



Fig. 3 ·10. SI,uctur. . of rrint. liWe. on(! big

gastrino. "'''0_ in<Iicoll oillO of .. vage by j,yp.....
duced by bog. differ from lho human 100100"1.. in the ecules. and this component alone exh ibits somewhat
substitution of a melhionine moiety for lh. i<uO;". com· more Ihan 10% the (lOlency of G·1 7s for stimulation
ponenl at pO$ition S. thO&< of the dog na". Ihc .... me me- of hydrochloric acid secretion. A highly active syn-
thionin. ,.Mli,",ion pius an .Ianin. group in pT."" of Ihelic analog. pemaga.<Ir;tl. is widely used in reo
glutamate at position 8, while the ones found in 'hocp and
CO"" ba'e. valine in Ihc fir,h position and an .Ian;"" in search studies and for clinical diagnoses. II is an N·
,h. 'enlh, terl-bUlyl ester of Ihc !clTapcptide amide that has an
N..:arboxy-P-alanyl group attached to tile trypto-
Most Q( lhc biological activity resides in Ihe car- pllan moiety.
boxy terminal tetrapeptide amide of lhc larger mol-

W ilile all of the hormoll<'s are formed from larger (16.77). "T rue" with 29 amino acids has
precursor proteins, the ·'big·big" gamins found in a molecular weight of 3485. and IRGs of this size
thc blood arc believed 10 be molecules of thc sir.cs are known as glucagon 3.sClO. They have been found
sllown above thai arc complexed wilh oonhormonal in Ihe fundus of the dog and in extracts of
proteins. Ihe small intestines and oolons of pigs. G lucagon
2000, which lacks biological activity. is be·
lieved 10 be a degradation product. Glucagon 9000
has been called Its ])0-
Pancreatic Glucagon tency is si milar 10 lhat of gl ucagon )SOO. Biologi·
cally active IRGs with weights of 29.000 and 70.000
Pancreatic glucagon. frOO1 mammals .$ divcrsc as
from human and rodent salivary glands may be ag-
the human. camel, and rat all have the same ar-
gregates. since they dissociate to yield "fragment$,"
rangement of 29 amioo acids. T his somewha t un-
one of which is similar to the 3500 form.
usual (but oot un ique) finding is probably relaled to
The pancreases of several species contain IRGs
the observation Ihal the entire moke"le is needed for
with molecular weights that range from 12.000 to
biological activity.
65.000. These. and a glucagon 4900 present in small
Guinea pig •• ynthesi2< an atypical l!lueagon. (They amounlS. have not i)e<,n shown 10 poSSess biological
also make iMulins. grOWlh hormones. and Ih)"roglobul ins activilY·
Ihat differ from those of most other man1mal .. ) The glu· Four lRGs have been identified in blood plasma.
cago,," of birds and amphibi'n$ di]fer from the mam· including 2000. 3.sClO_ and 9000 types. The fourth,
malian type •. Thi. may be related to speci.1 the referred 10 as "big plasma glucagon:' BPG. Or
hormone $trve. in those vertebrate •. "macro- IRG," seems to be true glucagon associated
In mammals the most important effccts are ex- with a circulaling protein.
erted on the liver. They incl ude stimulation Ilf gly- The name was given to the major G U
cogenolysis and of other metabolic processes that component of the intestines of several mammals. be·
contribute 10 thc maintenance of blood glucose cause it was initially believed to contain 100 amino
concentrations. acids. When purified by gel filtration. it has an ap-
parent molecular weight of 12.000. T he peptide has
recently been sequenced, and it is oow known to have
ImmUl10reactlve Gluca gon (IRG) and
60 amino acid moieties and a molecu lar weight of
Glucagon-Like Immunoreactivity (GLI )
8128. It contains the entire sequence for pancreatic
Molecules sharing immunological properties with glucagon, and it way well be thc proglucagon that is
pancreatic glucagon arc collectively koown as I RGs cleaved to yield the active hormone (22/\).
h bl& 3- 1 ... rnioo ... "'" 01 GIuCOQO<I 3500, creatic enzyme prrxluclion_ The best·known form .
SfJeretirt, YIP, a<><I GIP with 33 amioo acids. contain, the terminal penta·
peptide sequence found in gamins (Fig. J.! I). It is
G lo", '>1\ &<0,«;.
'" not surprisi ng. Ihcrefme, that CC K-PZ can act in
, II i. 0 0
,,0 J(l GI,
some ways as a ga,trin receptor agonist and in OIhc,",
as a C(Impetitive antagonist. How",'cr. unlike Ihe ,il·
2 s",
0 0

l (an ( I\'r A.p ) Glo "»

J2 GI)' uation described for gastrin. the runc,ions of CCK.
• GI)'
j Th ,


). L)'J
PZ are lost if the sulfate group is removed.
CCK-PZ has been implicalcd in the rcgulalion of
"'" 3S Se,
0 0 0
food in ta ke. since oxogenous adminiSlration leads 10
7 Th,
'" )6 Asp
0 0
ea rl y termination of meals wi,hom excrling obvious
Se, 0
M, 0
JJ T)"
9 Mp
10 Tp ,,,
Glu r,,"

39 !!"
t Is etfcct$. /\ smaller molecule sharing immune>-
logical and biological properties has been identified
HI, 40 I\,n in the brain. and il may inH"ene<: behavior. /\ higher
0 0

M, molccular weight CC K-PZ variant. with 39 amino

12 I.)"
11 Tp Leo '"' "
"4l4) Gin
Tn, acids. has been found in the gut.
.. Leu
16 s",


Caerulein. ewacle<.l from frog skin. is a decapop-
lide that chemically resembles Ihc terminal jXlrlion
,II. of CC K.PZ. and it mimics aClions of thai hormone
"'S 0
M, '"
0 when injectcd into mammals ,
,q AI, I.,," GI. The Slruclural similarities of the "gut" peptides
20 (; In
are consistent with sUggeSlions thai all mRNAs for
"IIJJ !'he "'g
l.0" Tl"
Ihis group were dcrived from common "ancestral"
V,I ( I.," I.,"
,,, I 0

14 (an 0
II Ttp G I)'

J6 1.<" 0

II Met Calcilonin, are by the parafollicula r "" Ils of

A," '"'__ :o'm ,
", mammalian thyroid glands. and in the ultimobran-
29 Th'

, • "",;.., . <id """,it- '" -«'<oi'

'".'" "or'"
or," '·W ,I,,,
chlal gla nds of vertebrale" They havc also
been found al (IIh"r sites. including the intermediate
lobes of mammalian pituitaries,
While all of Ihc molecules st udied thus far have
J2 amino acid moieties. a disulfide bridge lin king the
Secretin at positions 1 and 1. and a terminal proli·

This hormone has 21 amioo acids, 14 of which arc

idcntical with ,hose of glucagon JSQO (Table 3·1), II ly.·AI •. P,"'Se-r.Gry-... ,g. YoI.Se'-Met-IIe· .....
sharos some biological proporlios with glucagon, in-
cluding ,hc ability of high C(Inccntra,ions '0 stimn· Se,-IIe-.o.rg.His.St"P,o-",Sp-ltIJ.Ser-GIn-leu)
la,e insulin secretion (4). However. it is bellor
known for ils roles in augmenti ng ,he V<llumes and "'-AsP.""9.MP. T yt, -Met-<GIy' T,p.Mct.A.p.Pi;)
bicarbonatc C(Intents of panc reatic a nd bile. Se·
crelin also shows chemical simila rities to vasoactive
Gastric inhibilory poptide (G IPl is anothcr mcm·
ber of Ihis group. and il a highly potenl slimulant
for Fifteen of the first 29 amino acid
5·(>• .,. P,,,,GIn' ASp.. TY, -<lily-T'p.M't -Asp-pile>
are the same as those of glucagon J500. ,
Cholecystoklnln·Pancreozymln (CC K-PZ ) C... ER UlEIN
first pari of name of this peplidc rdc"" to FIg . 3 _1 1. "'mino lOCi<! C<>mp(ai'''''' 01 CCK·PZ·3(1 l lId
slimulatory inAucnce, on
gall bladdor bile; CYSI.
$mooth muscle ()f Ihe
kinin. actio
c.".,,,,,",,,Pon,ap*pti<le "_ nee wilh ;.
citcltod. Mt .... isl<. SI>Ow add it;onal Imino acid. common to
vator). while the seC(lnd deootes stimulation of pan· CCK·PZ ond ClonM<n_
" Ser· Trp-Ser ·Met ·G1u- His·PIle .Arg .T'!>"G1)i
(£) @
CyS_GIy_A.n.leu_Ser. ltv -Cys· Me1·l..,·G Iy. Thr· T)'t-Thr·8 In
, , )
(@ ® Ala -TN -Gin-Pro- Pile· Thr· Hi.·Pt>e·l y•. A",.Phe-A$j>
®@ ®@@ l
pt,e·Glu·Leu·Pro-Phe ·...... )
lie· GIy· GIy-AIo-P'<>-NH,
3-13. Amino aCid 10< hurnIon ACTH .
erE-) ® @ ( 1) (M". ...CTH hu (2)"''P. "'CTH 1>&0 Lou. (3)
"".....nd too,i,.. "'CHI ha. . Gin.
Fig. 3·12. An>ino aoid for humin calc;tonIn.
Ami"" acid moi.t;n oj salmon ""\<:it",,;,, lhal . r.
ohown In to. cOr ... o.

mans and other species making mostly conisol pr<r

duce the 4.5 K ACTH as Ihe predominant form (54).
namide, (here are marked varialions in the
However, suggestions of a cau......:ffect relationship
amino acid sequences (60) (Fig. 3·12). More than
have not been supported by observations of the re-
ORe ki nd il made in some of (he fishes.
sponses to administration of Ihe Iwo kinds of ACTH
(21 ).
"...Melaoocytc stimulating hormone (a- MSH) is
Adrenocortlcotroplns ( ACTHs) and an acclylated derivative of Ih. first 13 ami,..., acids
Melenocyte-Stl mulatlng Hormones ( MSHs)
of ACTH . It is made in substantial amounts in the
The "liltle" ACTH. of all studied thus pituitary glands of mammals that have brgc inte r·
far have 39 amino acids and identical scqucno:<:s for mediate lobes. and also in the glands of human fc-
po:;itiQns 1_24 and 34-39. Porcine and bovine lill1e IUseS. In addition to its actions on pigment cdls. this
ACTHs diff.r at One position. and ovine ACTH at peptide exerts innuences on water balance. repro-
\WQ (Fig. ).1). The hormone' from one animnl type duction, and other biological functions (76) ...·MSH
stimulate adrenocortical cells of another. and all of is also made in the brains of all adult mammal ••
the molecules (hus far isolated arc active in humans. where it serves as a neurotransmitter or
Since th. molecular weights are a11 close to 4500. neuromodulator.
"lillie"· ACTH is also known as 4.SK ACTH. '·I rt- Species-specific 18-amino acid ,8· MSHs that
tumediate·· (13 K) ACTHs (with apparent molecu· share a 7-amino acid sequence with the a·type hor·
lar weights close to 13.(lOO) contain the same amino mone (sec Fig. 3·14) are found in bovine pituitary
acids and. additiona11y. carbohydrate. Rats, mice. gland extracts. The belief thai humans makc a pep--
rabbits. and others make more of such molecules tide of this kind is no longer held . but ..,...MSH s (y.
than of the oonglycosylated type. It has been pointcd melanQtropins) wilh $Omc similar chemical and bi.
oot that these animal. also mostly oonicostc- ologieal charactcristics have been identified. All of
ronc as their primary gluCClOOrticoid. whereas hu· the ACTHs and MS Hs arc derivatives of pro-opi·

Fnl 13 .""no
acids of /lCnt: Ser· T.... ·S"' ",1 ·Glu ·His·Phe·Arg· T yr·G ys·Pr,,"Voi

CH,cO· Ser· T..... Ser et ·GIu· Kis·P he· ... rg. T .... ·G

Asp.$er.Gty· Pro· T..... l y. el·G/u·fI; .. Phe·Arg. Tyr.G r·Pro·Pro·lys·AW

Tyr.Val Me l

Fig. 3·14. Compo,ri"",.ol MSH. wiln lflii 13 amino

ae"" 01 "'CTK. Tho _nee".-.quire<llor .,imlJ lation 01
pigment cells ar • ..-.closed.
. ...--...

FIg. 3-15. St'UC1U'''' of ;nsulins ar>d ,erato<l ••. A. 'I'1it of <luting 100000tioo 01 &elive h<>rm(>ne. B.
1><0""" " _ acid sequence 01 hun,.n .... uI .... .... t<tri ... . iMicoI.
inoulin. EaCh
pr";noulin ond ,he A on<;! B chains of
rOflf'lOMlS 0"" amino .oicI ro"""-. T""
Diad< ",,010. belong to ,he C Chain 0< oonMCting
poli1l0n, lor which ..,..;u diW",,,,,,,,, • •
indiC/It" !lrst om; rtO aCid ot ... -<:hain;
r. kf><)wn . .... ,
B-t indat •• first
"'- e;rcle • • how the A "".In; arod e .,,"-in i, amino acid 01 B-e/Iain.
,,,,,, • ...,tOd by 01<'101 eire .... Ci<e!ft. X

Qmelan(lCQrtin. a large precursor protein that is dis- PROTEIN HORMO NES

cussed later in tbis chapler.
Authors disagree on where to draw the line between
large pcplides and small prolei ns. Some refer 10 in·
Insulin8 sulin as a peptide. while others call il a prole in. The
same can be said for the parathyroid hormones.
The insulins are sl"'cic<-S[lC<:if,c peplides Tbe {IOTOlltyroid hOTmoneS (rTH) are species·
A chaim linked by disulfide bridges to R chaiM(33). specific molecules. T he most prevalenl forms idenli-
They arC cleavage product. of larger prO;n.,ulins f,ed contain 84 amino acid componenlS. 1\ higher
that additionally have a ronn«ling (Fig. 3· molecular weight pro-hormone and smaller frag·
151\). T"'0 dipeplide, oontaining arginine and lysine menlS are also prescnt in the blood plasma (Fig. 3·
arc discarded when the molecules arc process.d. but 16). The parathyroid hormones are secreted by am-
some prolinsulin and oonllCcti ng peptide arc ,olea,.d phibi.ns. birds. and reptiles as well as mammals. hut
into the blood along with the hormone. The amino Ihey have not been found in fishes.
acid Fot human insulin ar<: shown in Fig. rTHs a rc major regulalors of calcium and phos-
3-158, along with the posit ions for wh ic h speci"" phorus melabolism. and of bone growlh and remod·
variations have demonstra led. eling. They also contribule to Ihe mainlena nce of
The A ehain; of caul. have an al.nyl moiety acid-base balance.
at po$ition 8 and a valyl al posilion 10. "..hile lhooc of Growth hOTm()lles (GH s. somatotropin,) exhibit
sheep. goals and eleph.nls diWer from hum.n in,ulin. al tne mOSt obvious species specificities. Thc hormones
po$ihons 8. 9 and 10. The 8 chain, are idenlical in hu· made by callie and sheep stim ulate growlh in ralS
man. and elephanls. Tho:« of co".. ... h«p. goats. and mice. but th cy are inclTeclive in humans. The
and dot' arc identi""l 10 mhor bUI .11 have . ler_ most oommon monomeric form in humans. oom·
min.1 al.nine. Gui""a pill insulins diW.. from the hum.n monl)' referred toas hCH, has 191 amino acid moi_
molecule, in 18 placo, . and these "n im.l, rc."""d poorly
elies (42) (Fig. 3·17). Different molocular species
10 hormon .. I.ken from moot ot her mammal •. MOSt of
are present in normal human pitu itary gla nds and
the fi,he. have an extra amino .cid in the " _1 0> po$ition
(i .e. preceding what COfrc'pondlto Ihe fnl t moiety of the blood plasma . The proteins share some common
mammalian forms of the hormone). amino add seq uences and biological properties with
R." and mi.e produce idenlical pepli de' .• 00 both prolac!ins. hCH is e.en more closely related 10 a pla-
make at le"1 tWO different kinds (i"-'ulin 1 and insu lin cental hormone. :;ornalomamrnotropin (human pla-
II) . Multiple for ms ha.e al'" been found in fishe •. cenlallaetogcn, h PL).

' ....
(-31 to _7) H,.N.MeI.""" )

cs:. .oJa.L)'S.ASP' MeI.VaI'Lys. VaI.Me"lie.v a l.Mel)

( - 6 10 -1)
.... r9'AI" lOU' P..... CY' -U.-Ala-Leu

L ys-s"r -V..·L ys-L YS-A'9)

(Ala -VaI-s..r-Glu-lle-G ln-P""-Met_H;s·"""·Leu

(1-&1) .'
( GJUov a'.Atg.GIU.Met.s..r.Ser. Leu. HiS. LYS.Gly
Trp.lOlJ·Ar9"Ly$.Ly ••

Fig . 3 · 111. Am;no aQd _ o o s tor
(!.eJ.(;,ly.OIO.Ala .... sp.L,s-Al ...... P.Val •.o.sp-V31 t>oYiOfl pre-propor. thyroid I>o<0'I0n&.
....'''';sIe. ShOw poSilionS on P TH 1-3.
HOOC·GIn,P'o-l ys-..... ·LYS.!I<I.lOU) lor wt>;ch spooc", ••,fllion. a ,. k oown.

• " ..

- ''' -


, --",
,.- . . .

Flo;! . 3 · 17 . Tile amino ocOd seq-.ce 01 hGH. All amino

ad<l1; . r. '*ogl • .., in , .... t form. (LI. re! o42 )
BIOSYNTHESIS OF POL YPEPTJDE AND cannot be detected in lh. Goigi reg",n until oftcr 2(} min.
PROTEIN HORMONES The proccs$ts evidently require A TP erl<rBY but not ne,.
protei", (.inco they can be disruptcd by agento that im·
Amioo acids supplie<! by the bloodstream are taken pIIir ATP formation but not by protein synthesis inhibi·
up. combined with the appropriate transfer RNAs. 10.. (71).
and sent to the ribQsomes for a"",mbly into peptide Somc inve'tigators envi.ion a "pe,;".1tic" type of pI'<>
dains. pulsion lhrough a <:Qntinu,,"S tubul .. network
The messenger RNAs (mRNAs) that direct the "".n,it"'nal dements" of the endopla.mic reticu1um
synthesis arc made in the nuclei . They code for per- ..-ith GolSi ,'.oiete •. Evidence in favor of direet partici.
tide chains considerably longer than the hormone patiOn of GolSi <:Qrnponents inc lud •• ob$crvatiOl1o that
amin •• and "'nophor<s blocking remov.1 of th. N·ter·
molecules. The hormone plus the additional amino
min.l amino acid "q ue"ce also cau" chang'" in th.
acid sequences eonstitUlo the pre-prMo'mone Or
Goigi memb .. nes (26). Othe .. h" 'e ,uu.sted that the
p,ehormone,•• enclosing lhe molecule, actua lly by!>"ss the
A "signal hypothesis" for the me<:hanisms of bio- Golgi, MicrOlul>ulu sum to be involved. , ince <X>ichicinc
synthesis of proteins destined to be from .nd vinblastine impair thc proceueo,
tbe cell has ocen formulated. and it is well supported
Not all of the prohormone is cleaved.
by experimental data (45) . It applies to albumins.
7. Finally. thc hormone. along "'ith some prohor-
coliagens. pancreatic enzymes. immunoglobulins.
mone, is enclosed in secrctory granules. It is stored
and other oonhormonal secretory products. as well
for subsequent release into thc bloodstream. The
a, to proteins incorporated into thc plasma
granules seem 10 CIl'iginate from the vesicles. Their
membranes ,
"maturation" includes a process by which the hor·
[)etaile<! studies of the biosynthesi s of parathyroid
mone is concentrated,
hormone (25. 26) are consistent with the following
PTH can be found in the granules
scheme. which depends on ",Ieetive protcol%is ,
I, An amioo tcrminal "signal sC<jucnce" contain·
30 min after the pre-prohormonc is formed . When
the PTH requirement. are low, much of lhe hor.
ing hydrophobic amino acids is assembled on frec rio
mone is degraded within the cell.
bQsomes. The chains proje<:t into the cytoplasmic
Following discharge into the bloodstream ,
undergoes furthcr cleavage. Some of the fragments
2, When the chain is long enough to span the large
(ones oontaining the f,rst 34 amino acids) are biolog-
<uhunit of the ribosome (20-30 moiet ies)' thc sianal
sequence promotes association of the ribosomc.pc!>,
lide chain complex with the membrane of the endo-
plasmic reticulum.
J. A methionyl peptidase catalY'.es removal of the
initiator componcnt. and Ihe nu<eent chin i. dis· While all polypeptide hormones seem to be derived
charge<! into the cisternal space. from p",horntones. some may OOt have the pro S(;.
4. Amino acid chain assembly continues within qucnccs (Fig , 3-18). None retain the prcscquences
the spae<:. Shortly before all of the amino acids have
been added. or imme<!iately afterward. an en1.yme
("clipase") associated with the endopb smic rcticu· PRE·PROHOAMONE RiMsome
lum catalyzes cleavage of the glysyl·lY1yl bond be·
tween the signal and the "pro" sequences. This 1'(:. )
suhs in shortening of Ihe initial gene product of II S EnOopIasmc
amino acids to a prohorrnone containing 90. ,eticYkJm
S. The signal sequence is probably mpidly dc·
graded. since it cannot be found in parathyroid gland
cells. (h has been recovered from e<:1l·frce s%lemS
used for translation of mRNAs extracted from .Ii PROHOAMONE
glands. Those syslems lack degrading enzymes.)
6. The prohormone is translocated to the Golgi reo

gion, in which a different, trypsin-like "prohormone.
converting enzyme" within the vesicles catalyzes re- 1' - PCp4ide 1"''''''lu'e
"",,' ctO<}'
moval of the prosequenc. to yield the active hormone
conlaining 84 amioo ac ids. ACTtVE HORMONE

The Iransl""ation is time..,.""uming, When labeled Fig . 3-18. BioS)'fIthosiS of prot..., aod peptKll> hOrmon..
• mill(l acid. are incorporated inlO thc peptide. Ihe label 1,,,... hig/le< moItoJIar .. preo..roorl.

(which are discarde<:l after the peptide has been di· HORMONES DERIVED FROM PRO-
re<:tcd to the endoplasmic reticulum). OPIOMELANOCORTIN
Pro-opiomdanocortins (POMCs. pro-cortieotropin·
lipotropins) are large glycoproteins made in pitu-
Proposed and Demonstrated Functions 01
itary glands and brain Ihat serve as prohormoncs for
Pro hormones ACTH s. me\anOlropins. endorphins (38, 39, 47 )
I. At least some of the prosequenccs arc needed (Fig. 3·19). and also for newly discovered peptides
to stabih>e the thre&dimensional configuration of that synergize wilh pituitary gland regulalors of ste-
the peptide chain. By maintaining proper align· roid hormone production (55). They were at one
menlS. they assure that the intramolecular bonds time referred to as ··big·big ACTHs··.
subsequently formed will be in the right places. This The primary u-anslalion product of the mRNA is
function may be especially important for hormones a protein with a molecular weight of around 2lI.®
such as insulin that have disulfide bridges, (28K ACTH) (Fig. 3·20). It has been recovered
2. Ribosomes synthesize only large peptides. from cell·f«,c systems in which the synthesis is di.
Many of the polypeptide hormones are too shart to rected by RNA extracted from piluilary glands.
be directly and rdease<!. Within the glands. the prolein undcrgoes rapid gly·
3, The prohormones seem to havc properties that cosylation to form prodUCIS namcd for Iheir appar·
suit them for intracellular transport and paebging ent molecular weights 29K, 12K. and J4K ACTH.
into vesicles. (In COntraSt. the finishe<:l hormones arc (All have approximately 240 amino acids. but they
spcciali7-C<1 for interactions with re«ptors.) differ in carbohydrate content. The exact weights
4. Since CQIlversion of a prohormone to a hormonc arc difficult to determine. because gcl separation
is accomplished rapidly. the larger molecules Can methods arc affecled by molecular sh ap<: and this
serve as readily recruitablc reserveS. often leads to overestimations.) The 31 K form ini.
5. Shortening of the proharmorn: requi«,s a special tially describe<! seems to be a mixture of glycosy·
en1.yme. Regulation of ilS activily can provide cells late<:l forms. Nongly=ylated ACTH precursors Can
wilh a control sile for hormone production Or be recovered from cell s troated wilh tunicarnycin.
,kgradati,"" Pul"" ... ha"" .t udi..,. """d to determine
6. Prohormones are gern:rally mal"<' resinan! to en- the arrangements of the hormone-yielding segmcnts
zymatic degradation and excretion than thc smaller wilhin the pl"<'cursor proteins. Adcnohypophysial
molecules, and they have longer half-lives when Ihey corticotropes oontain en1.ymeS that catalyze thc for.
enter the bloodstream. They could Iherefore serv<:, in malion of mostly ACTHs and ,lkndorphin (and Ihe
SOme cases. as trophic agents Ihat exert long.range IWO regulators are known to be «,leased from the
effe<:u. As noted earlier. the "big"' gastrins (which :lamc granules) (27. 46), Pars intermedia mclano-
can be cleave<:110 yield the smaller ones) exert such lropeS cleave ACTH and thereby make .,·MSH and
influences on the pancl"<'as and gastrointestinal tract. CLIP . may be arlifaetually derived from
7. Several of the prohormones have biological the lipotropi n sequence during
properties resembling tnose of Ihe hormones. but Ihe The .tructural gene coding for human POMC
potencies are low. Prohormones could therdore be been ,hown to be similar 10 Ihe oorrcsponding genes
«'leased during times when the need for Ihat of of other mammalS . Regulatory sites for glucocor-
regulator il; limited. ticoid con trol have also been identified (9). The
II hm; also been speculated that molecules used peptides Inat promote melanin synlhesi. in humans
earlier during Ihe Course of evolution in the form may be -y-melanotropios. Lipotropin· rich exlracts
arc now being processed in specific ..-a}'. of pituitary glands oonlain substa nces wilh such
to subsuve new funclions. aeti. ity,
The concept is compatible with suggestions thaI Pars distalis and pars intermcdia process the en-
"as one ascends the cvolulionary scalc·'. "'new uses dorphins in different ways (90), The della, gamma,
are made far old hormones". Thus, for example, thy· and alpha forms seem to arise from cleavage of tne
roid hormones affect reproouclive system malura- beta Iype at specific points.
tion in fishes and metamorphosis in amphibians. bUI Endorphins are present in both brain and pitu·
they take on the funclion of accelerating metabolic itary. The enkephalins predominale in most partS of
raleS in mammals. Similarly. prolactin-like proteins the brain (although there is considerable p.endor-
regulate water and eleclrolyte balance in fishes. phin in the hypothalamus). Although the amino acid
while their best known actioo in mammals is sequence for mel.enkephalin is conlained in the en·
wilh milk production. dorphin molecule (Fig. 3·21), it is certain Ihat mOSI
e" 16K
", A I _3& ", jHI?QTROPIN S<:l9rnen1
/11- 9 '


6 1_65

Fig . 3-1g , ,. 1.,0<1 pept;(\w, (II ",,'min. , P'lPli<Ie: NTP, amlno-l.,."";n,1 pePI;OO; W M,
I>os oot _ "..,'0'''''.'0<1
' hat tI·oodOq>/>in i. prO<:4'_ peplido UOOC1in1l c"",e .. "'YI "tor. .." ".M.
... _no '" '''''' FB aM Met.", made;" (hi. way.) Pro.,
CP. e<>n..c1;ng OP, "",'o<»:.y. oondorphin. FB. ACTH 1._ _ , oft"", ing _.ioI,
.... MSH; CLIP. OOO'licotrop;Mb ..I _ I e I'@!lIKle:END .

I N·Peplido !l-LIPOTROP IN

0<, ? Cart>o/'Ty<l<ale

, ,
'00 '00

Fill. 3 _20. F<>fflUltionOI"" il!ie" ACTH

* nongIyc<»yl.,od) . tId
"lntermedia t. " ACTf'! (13K ,
0<, gly<:osy\el00d), CPo OOM/JC1ing P'lPlido.
or all of it derives from precursors (32).

tides has been found. along with a prodynorphilf that

Oynorphin is a highly peltent heptadecapcplidc Can give rise \0 dynorphin 1-17 a nd several Olher bi-
includes the leu-enkephalin sequence (23) and is ologically polent peptides (64A, 1\·2).
known 10 be present in the magoocellular neurons of The small peptide,; identified in brain thaI afTect
Ihe hypo(halamus (83), Re«ntly. a proenkephalin bchaviar and contain ami"" add sequences found in
CQn taining Ihe sequences for both the met and leu ",·MSH and ACTH (e ,g. ACTH 4- 7) arc probably
pentapeptides and for related octa- and hcp\apep- fragments of precursors other than Acnl.
Tyr-Gly.(Jly.Phe-Leu-Arg-Arg· IIc-Arg· Pro-Ly ... Lcu_Lys·Trp-Asp-Asn.G ln
Dynorphin (Icu-en l cphali n sequence is undcrlined)

GLYCOPROTEIN HORMONES heterogeneities" within a 'JlC"ies al"<' attributed to

variations in the carbohydrate constitue nts_ These
While $Omc of the ACTHs contain carbohydrate
can influence potencies but do oot scem to affect the
components, only thc amino acids are required f()l"
qualitative nature of the biological actions.
biological activity. Synt hetic ACTH 1-39 is fully as
potent for stimulation of the adrena l cortex as
ACrH extracted from pituitary glands. Indced. Subunit Strueture
cven ACTH 1-24 elicits all biolosieal
Each molecule two dissimi lar slyC05ylated
peptide chains (subunits) held togethcr in noncova-
In contrast, scvcml hormones ha''C carbohydrate
Icnt linkage. Within a given species. all alpha suJ:>.-
components that arc tutntial for their functions.
units are almost identical in amino acid sequences.
These include follicl .... timulat ing hormone (FS H.
a nd homologous regions have boen demonstrated for
follitropin). lu teinizi ng hormone (LH. lutropin. in-
a lpha components derived from different mammals.
terstitia! cell-stimulating hormone. JCS H ). the do-
The human alpha subunits ha,'C 89-92 amino acids.
,ionic gonadotropins of the trophoblast and placenta
Those I"<'leased as oomponents of whole hormones
(e./!. human chorionic /!onadotropin . hCG). and the
pregnant marc's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) of ha1l\l molecular weight' of around 14.000.
The beta subunits al"<' dijferen/ for each of the bor-
ho=. mone types. and thcy determine the nature of the
All a re species specific. but thc hormones made by
biological mponscs. TS H, FSH, and UI betas have
one anima! type are effective in anothcr_ " Micro-
peptide ehaill$ similar in si,e 10 the alphas. but heG
and PS MG contain additional C·termina! peptide
, sequences.
When precautions are ta ken to avoid denat ura-
H-GkI·Leu· Tnr ,,·Gln·A1.· tion. the subunits can be rever.;ibly dissociated and
. .Io.··Ala.$er.GkI.AIa.GIn.Ala.Glu.p'O.GIY) recombined. Moroovcr. the alpha from one hormone
type can associate with the beta from another. Thc
C""9-Ala-Glu·Leu·G,,·TY" Gly-Leu· II"eAta) process<=s bring about re\'Crsible changes in molecu·
lar configurations tha t incl ude. for example, masking
\ - l ys.l ys·GkI·..... ·..... ·G" -""a-Giu
and reexposure of tyrosyl residues. The conforma·
/" tion of the molec ule as a wbole (3) and of th. alpha
...:-Ser-G ty·p,... Tyr·lys· Met.Gtn'HII)
subunit . a re determined by the nature of the beta
___ C"J>" l YI' p,,,.p ,o-Ser-G Iy. TrJ>"A rg.Phw component (75).
Neithc r the alpha nor the beta portion displays bi-
ological activity whcn presented alone in conce ntra-
, "
Or.Gty·GIy-P"he· MSD-ltv- .$e,·GItJ·l ys·Ser \
tions resembling those found in blood plasma_ Evi-
dently. the whole molecule is required for effective
pl'Csentation of appropriate groups to the hormone

1a -... ",-lys-Pl>e-l OlJ-Ttv-· II a'-Le u-P,o-Tn, -0'" receptor. The components must be associated before
tle·!Ie·l ys·Asn· Ala ·H$-L YS-Lys·GIy·Gln. 01'
they in teract with the ta rget cells. Injection of one
subunit. followed by the other. is ineffective (43).
Ftg. 3·21 . Amiooaei<l tor Reoonstituted glyooprotcins consisting of alphas
( _ Y . ,et. 6) is _n;n deri1l\ld from any of the hormones plus betas from
l>OI<I type. MOt_OI>NoIin sequence (6'-65) jl eirCl..:!. another display biological properties of the I'Cgulator
from .... hich bela was Thijs. for example. lbe mombtancs required for .ly«llyl.,;.,.,; (e) prcpa""
FSH alpiQI + TSH beta has actiyilY. 110", m.d. by cells eIpoMd 10 (an anlibiO!k
whefeu FSI-I beta + TSH a lph' is fS H-like. Spe· ,"'1 bIocklllle synlhc>is of
cies in affinities for lhe r«eplOfS aR: also phoryl-<101ichol ancllberefore the for .... 'ion of ,he man-
nooe-ricb oIilOl"-""harido: lha' compriKs the "con:" ar·
10 the beta QJmponcnt (H).
bohydrlle 1i..1 added \0 I'" pt"ptide chai",); (d)
is not. """"'ve•. • ". .... for tbe moIeouln .<:eonsliluled wilh he ..ily Ilyoo.syl • •ed alph.
"nill Ihal aft fOlln(! in lhe "'ftc(:"' form and differ from
limi6-copcc:,any if lhe ",In ""rmilille leslinB of mol.·
cul.s derived from one animollypc on tar.el p... pa.olion. Ih. alpha compon.nlS of ,h. eornpl(.ed alyc<>p.oteins;
."",IIe. and 1'1000 no I"¢Strielion. on 11K: cMccnl .l· and (e) hormone. rel.aoed from lumor cell •.
u.. d. llIe compoSi'ion< 01 hybtid molecule< made
from compone"I< okriv.d from div.,"" ,poei... or llIe . ,. The carbohydmles to facilitate ptp-
pc,i",.. lal tondition<. rid, thol" fold;"t p.ior 10 csllblishment of IhI: di-
Th ••• /lave beeo ... pons lhal very ooncetIlralioos sulfide bonds. and to pfOICCI tM Imi..o acid chains
01 bela IIIbunito.. and 01 frll-JmnlJ ok.iml from lhem.. from '".nJCtiiuior They alTeet the abil-
an .. imwlale sl.""dose .... is "'hen alone (H) ity of Ih. subunits to lUSOda't with ea,h other. and
.nd IMI I'" oddi,;"" olla.*" u«ISfI$ of betlS 10 "'IooIe lhey prolan, the of the hormones within
&,ycoprol.inl ;mpa;.. bindin, of Ihc wbole 100. ".,,'" mol· circulalory s)"Slem . Limiled deglYCXlSylation may
ecules'o Iheir ... ceplors. Ho .... vet. whil. some f.eo .Iph. im:rease homw"t'Hctp'OI" whe.eas cxten-
is fOllnd in no.m.1 blood (89). (.ee be,a 8e"" .. lIy sive loss impairs the interaction.
;s not. TSt! is a a:\ycop.ote in .... ith a molecular weighl of
The ... arc ma.k.d .pcd., dilf.rcl"l<:es in Ih. receplo ..
around 2\1.500. (Values ranlli", belween 26.000 and
for 'he .Iycoprolein hormMes. Some .nimals (•.•.
_ kes) ...... 'd '0 mIke ""Iy one killd or IOnadolr<>pin 36.000 have been dependina on tIM: ana·
(n). Morcov<:'. ilhas bc<n propoMd ,hal all or Ih. II,.. l)'1ic methods cmplo)'ed a nd lhe $pUies from which
OQ9.otcin _ .......'" .voIved from _ lhe hormotlCS .. derived (s-6].) The carboh)-drllIC
parenl molecular lypc(4)).. _ p l ..... il-I.'" wilh lhe contenl is appnnirnalely I for most species.
prac_ of I>oonoIocooas .mi..o acid 1«Iu<"r>e<:s in beta but dilTer.nces among IhI: animal Iypc:s have been< 01 diffe •• n, hormones (l4). It is lherdore..,. .., •. cnoounlercd. Some variations in carbohydrate <:(In-
prisinl .hal .he ....... ,.,.". .,... •• law'IIJ bioIockll P"'P" tenl associaled wilh endocrim: stalus may also Ottu.
c"iet. For example. TSIi can ef· .... ithin individuals. The oli,lO$.aecha.idcs comain ru·
feclS. Mammalian FSH bela is .1"" said 1<> be .. pO.en,
aI whole glyeop.",.in for lI;mulalion of 'po.million in
cose. mannosc.lIlucosamim:.lIalaeIOSaminc. and gao
Laclose (at leasl in SOme species). Human TSH i$
reL1tively rich in sialic acid.
Considerable progress has been rnade in defining A molecular .... eight of 17.000 has been .eponed
tM polypeptide sequcnces a nd Clrbolt)dratc c0m- for human FSH (62). butlhe hormone ca n undergo
ponents of fS H (35). Lit (36). and hCG (34). and dimeritations; and "'-eighu "'nain, from 29.000 10
in understanding lpecies varialiool (61). An inlcr· 33.000 have been ciled by variOlll inVC$ligalOfS (68).
csting ob5crvation is Ihe simila. location of tM di· The sialic Icid content may be especially imporunl
sulfide bonds (57). for Ihis gl)'<lOproicin. since .... uraminidase (.... hich
destroys il) very markedly reduces the potency. It
has also been reported that the ca rbohydrate content
Cllbohydrete Componentll and the Ilormone vary .... ilh endocrine
Subslantial variations in IlTI(lUnts and kinds. SlalU'. A "'lYoo-FSH" produ<;ed by adult remaic
foond .... Mn IX)mparison$ made bel ...·een alpha "'IS (Ind by castrated an;nI'" of eilher sex treated
and be" Subunits of the htli" ........ differenl .... ilh eslrogens) differsrrom the Mandro-FSU" made
forms of I honnonc ";Ihin I sinal. species. and lhe by adull males and testOSleA)O"lC-lreated cutnlles .
....\0&0II5 hormooes from anirnal t)·pes Unltcaled gonadectomized animals seCKte an inter·
(67). T he circulating forms ,150 differ from ones medialo-Iypc: M ....utcr_fSU .. (5).
found in pituitary glands ()7). Tumors often releaIC I...H eontains lillie or..o ,ialie acid. and ils activily
glycoproteins with larger amounts of carbohydrates is unalTected by ncu.aminidose. Molecular weights
than Ihc regulalOrs by oorma l pilu itary vary from 26.000 for humall$ to 44.500 for horses
glands (74). and rau. Carbohydrate contents or diffeKnt prepa·
ralions from a single species can be dilSimiLar.
Some illlilhi inlO the imporllnce of ,he carbohyd .... 'e
AllhOIlah many of iu actions m.cmble those of
compoMnl$ has been obutined from II""'" u.itiri"l (I)
,Iyalprold'" .. bjectcd in ';Iro \0 ,Ilq' ...... lIIeb as DCur· LH . heG contains 30% by .mahl of ca .boh)'d",IC
ilJIIinidaK (wbicb removes sialic acid).nd .. bOlOSid .... in eaeh of iu subunits. and.some 2-&eetamido-dcoxy·
prior '0 in vivo adonio .... n..ion; (b) prcpa ... tiom ""';oW &\ uc:oso: and 2-l1octamido--dcoxygaiaclOSC are amonK
from cell-free .ynlhelizinl O)'$IOil'l$ l\\al do ..,. OOOIlli. It... oomponcnu(2). PMSG. which differs somewhat

in biological propcnies, has the highest kllOWn Car- peripheries, while ntierofilamcnts prontote associa·
bohydrate content of the hormone group, estimated lions between the granules and the microtubules.
at 40%-45% by weight. Electron microscopy has nOI fully supported the
idea. Microtubules are neither consistently abundant
Biosynthesis nor invariably orientcd in the directions. A
different hypothesis that conlractions of mi·
While mort known of the mechanisms for biosyn' crofilaments a lter the cytoskeleton formed by the
ofTSH than for the other glycoproteins (79). microtubule, and thereby alTecl granule movements.
there are good indications that thc proccsses are Explanations olTered for the obscrvati<.>n that
ila rforall(13). Slrong stimulation promotes preferential release of
Evidently. pre-alpha and pre-beta chains are as- recently synthesi?.cd hormone include more periph.
sembled on separate ribowmes. each under the di· eral locations of newly formed granules and greater
rection of its own mRNA. Hybridi7.3tion studies in· sensi tivities of the immalure ones 10 the Mimuh.
dicate that the genes coding for the RNAs are {In 2. MembraMs of rhe granules fusr wirh the
different chromowmes. The possi bilit y thaI gene duo plasma membranes. This may be accomplished in
plication ac.:oums for the generally greater quan. tWO stages: fusion of tlle outer mcmbrane of the
tities of the alpha subunits has been wnsidered (79). granule with the inner pan of Ihe plasma membrane.
Suggesti<.>ns that separate controls are exened Over followed by fusion of the inner membrane of the
synthesis of the pcptides (S7) arc supported by the granule with the OUter pan of the plasma membmne
identification of gcnes ooding for hCG, LH. FS I., (7).
and TSH betas. and a single gene for the alpha com·
ponents (A·t). Obst,.ation. made on components of cell·free s)'Stem. in-
Mannose·rich "core" oligosacdaridcs 3re at· dicate (hat ;nteraet;"", ,'. «Il-$pedfie (but no' """CO-
tached to asparagine residues of lxlth subunits of sa,ily 'pee ie, .peeific). For example. membrane, from
hCG while the chains are still attached 10 the ribo- i,let «11. of One animal t)'pe w;1l fu.e with ;<I<t cell gran-
somes. but probably after cleavage of the "signal" ule. from another. but the ilranule. frOOl an cndocrine
sequence. Further processing involves the "trim- cell $Ccre,ing one ilormQne will I'IOt fu<c with membran ..
r",,,,, ",11 prOOuei"f.' di!ferent h»rmo",,_
ming" Of the oligosaccharides. with release of SOme
glucose and mannOSC. This is followed by sequential 3. The cOntmts oflhr granules discharged inta
additions of glucosamine. galactose. fuoose. and Ihe rXlractllular spact in the vicinity ora blood cap-
sialic acid. Much of the processing is accomplished illary. The substances released can include all of thc
in the Goigi region _ Glyoosylation for the other hor. granule wnlents thai are IIOt bound, for
mones of the group similar ATP. ions. enzymes. and nonhormonal proteins.
4. The .."ntnanU af Ihe granule menl-
SECRETION OF AMINES, PEPTIDES, bralif' Qre internalized. (If this did not occur. the
PROTEINS, AND Gl YCOPROTEINS plasma mcmbrane would enlarge excessively "nd
All horrnQ""s of this kind are packaged in to granules lose its normal composition.) S<lme granule rem-
for storage and subsequent release by nants are destroyed by Iysosomes. but others seem to
Limited quan tities do, however. "leak"' (\\It acro<s be recydcd_
the plasma membranes. Antines (which arc partially Calcium ions play important roles (65). S<lme cell
or tOlally synt hesized by cytoplasmic enzymes). a nd Iypes cannot discharge hormones when they are
Shorl pcptideslhat are cleaved from longer ones. Can ba thed in calcium-deficiem media. bUI others mobi-
do SO without ever entcring granules. S ince proteins lize sufficient mineral from imernal sequestration
and large peptides are packaged soon after the sites to adequately raise thc cytosol Ca". lone-
amino acid chains are assembled. re- phores that carry Cal> into the cell stimulate the se-
lease probably involves mostly molecules that have cretion of most hormone •.
escaped from their sequestration sites. -Calcium ions are implicated in regulali<.>n of the
acwmplished in several slepS: functi<.>ns of microfilamems and microtubulcs. It has
I. srcrewry granules m"'·e loward Ihe pltl.rma also been suggested that they facilitate fusi<.>n of the
membra"". Microtubules and mierof,laments are be- plasma and granule membranes by lowering repul·
licv<:d to play essentia l roles in the translocations. sive ncgative charges. (However, other divalent ions
and agents that disrupt their funetions also interfere such as Mg " canoot replace Ca".)
with hormone sccre\i{ln_ A more re«nt concept i, that .rynHin. a calcium·
According to one concept, the arc binding protein identified in "",relory cells. acts a
"trolley traeks" that guide Ihe granules 10 Inc cell receptor for Cal> that in itiates It pro-
moles a Ca"-sp«ifie associalion belw"",n granular (thyroglobulin) conlalmng the hormone in demi-
and plasma membranes (59). cally bound form provides a meChanism for main-
ATP $CCms to be consislently invo\...::d in hormone taining adequate reserves during times when Ihe diet
release, but it. roles have not been fully defined. is poor in iodine. Since thyroxine (T.) and triiode-
O ther high...,nergy phosphates (e.g. GTP) cannot thyronine (T,) are small molC{:ules, their retention
substitule. bul in some cell type .. AMP-PN P, an an- as oomponents of the Ihyroglobulin also provides
alog Ihat is nOI dephosphorylated . enhances thc ef- prolection against leakage into the bloodslream.
fects of physiological stimuli.
An eXlernally oriented Mgl> /ATPase has been
8iosynlhesls of Thyroglobu lin
identified for chromaffin granule •. It may function
as a proton pump that sends calions into Ihe granule. Peptide c"ains are assembled on multiple ribosomes,
Eleclroneulrality of Ihe interior is Ihcn maintained subjected to po5l1ranslational processing (including
by entry of anions (especially chloride) Ihal pas- the addition of carbohydrate oomponents). and oom-
sively follow a concentration gradient As a result. bincd to form a large glycoprolein precursor, pre-
thc osmotic pressure rises. an:! water uptake may be rnyrogloh"lin_ The lallCr is synt hesized in Ihe follic-
a major faclor for accomplishment of granule lysis ular cells of the thyroid gland and imo the
(59). Locally relei\l;ed fally acids (especially araen. lumen (where il is converted 10 thyroglobulin)_
idonic) have been implicated as agems Ihm wcaken The follic ular cells also engage in active up/ob of
portions of the gmnulc membrane and thereby fa- iodide from t1lc blood plasma. The iodide is concm-
cihtate discharge. They may also contribute 10 mem- troud. /rmupotted 10 the luminal border. oxidized.
brane fusion (II ). and incorporaled into lyros)1 components of Ihe
Many secrclagogue/; promote gener.llion of cyclic glycoprotein.
J',Y-adeoosinc monophosphale (cAMP), and the While still allached 10 the thyroglobulin. iodi-
nucleotide conlribules to hormone secretion in a va- nated tyrosyl moieties are '·coupled'·. A monoiodo-
riety of celllypcs. It may ils actions on mito- tyrosyl component combines with a di-iodolyrosyl 10
chondria and other organelles and thereby facililate form a T) pr..::ursor, while lwo di.iodotyrosyl s join
release of Ca" 10 Ihe cytOSOl, contribute 10 the func- to yield a T. precursor.
tions of microlubules, and aClivale protein kina",s
that calalyze phosphorylations of regulHtory mole-
Endncytosll. end the Secretion of ThyroId
cules which inClude memt>rnne component<.

Hormones hI 8100d Plasma Thyroid cells lake up the thyroglobulin from the
lumen by a phagocytic process known as mdocyro-
In addition to Iheir major secretory prodUCIS, endo- They incorporate Ihe glycoprolein inlo ·'conoid
crine cell. can release prohormones and also peptide.. droplcts" or vesicles, and the latter oombine with Iy-
Iht are formed during hormone processing and S<lS<lmcs to form phogolywsomes. Within Ihose or-
degradation . ganelles. proteolytic enlymes catalyze cleavage of
Proteolytic enzymes in blood plasma calalY7.c the specific peptide bonds 10 yield free T ) and T•. The
formation of smaller peptide!_ The '·mini'·l1ormones thyroid hormones diffuse out of Ihe thyroid cens and
are usually biologically active fragments. ·'Big·· enter the bloodstream.
hormones can be dimers or polymers of Ihe "lillIe"
hormones, or liltle forms associaled wilh other
Tumor cells are more likely than normal ones 10 TRANSLATIONAL PROCESSING
relea", incomplete ly proce=d peptide •. They also The biosynlhesis of nerve growlh factor (N GF) be-
somelimes $Ccrete molecules thai differ chemically gin. with the formation of two pro-NGF peptidcs
from Ihe hormones bUI contain components Ihal in- Ihat oombine 10 form a dimer. Each unit of the
leraCI with hormone reeeplors. dimer Ihcn combines wilh an enzyme molecule
(gam ma subunit) that conversion of the
pro-NGF peptide! to NG F peptides. Howeoer. the
dimeric form is retained. and Ihe gamma subunilS
mainlain their attachmenlS. Two "alpha subunits"
The thyroid gland i. unique in many resp«ts. It of dillerent composiliOll join \0 make a complex thaI
makes hormones thai contain a sp«ial clement. i0- ",rves as thc swrage form of the hormone Th. NGF
dine, and ones Ihat haoe the amino acids held 10- peplides must be liberated from the alpha and
gcther in finer (not peptide) linkage. The prelimi- gamma subunits before Ihey can combine wilh the
nary formation of a large storage glycoprolein recepwrs(see Figs . 3-21 and 3-22).

..- ,LA",'"
"". . ."
.AS.A"";"" 0, Glye ... . ,,-

' ",AR'IC >.COl
... """,
OtU' M"C AC",
'''.'' """"
lEU<: ...
• " ' H<lf<lNe
, ..",cc',,"'"

Fig. 3·22. Ptimary at<UCI",e of NGF 10 ohown' .... ct\I'ge<I ( ""- ). ".gotw.IY Charge<!
-'licolly . . . ne<;l<Iace of omino 0<;i<I unli •. Tfle cII ... (WIIH. ) , incorporo.ling u . ,,,,,,,,'ie ring ( . ,
it bri<lg6<l at thr .. points by ooval6n! bOn<Il t>etw,"", In. i<ICOrpOfating SUlfur 01""" (_ J, IOd _ rg.o<l
sulfur glOUpS of cYSI&ine "" ito. ". i. Iro. of all p<'Oltin •• , .. (wMo), Abo .. I coitic.1 cone.ot<ot;on. two
of am'" aekj . in Itlo choin g;",,' ,i" to a unique Chain. <>f NGI' . •• en •• ing • moI9cuIar 01 'J.2W
,h_..:l imMSiOOaI Sl'I.'Cture. wtNctI I. the result o! ...... k
int.. aetion. omong II,. amlno . cld un;", TI>o p<@Ci " lo1d"v
pIItt"'n 01 NGF fill. no! y.' _del .. _ , TM " .riow
wfI_ 8 • ...,;.t. l0 'Orm . Oi...,..
It iO...,t yot k"" .....
'he monomo' Of the " ' _ i. , he !<>rm of
1""1 i. &e,i .. , (Levi-Mont.ron &

co_;el of .mit><> a cld .r. lndico.l«I by o/Iod;"g: CeHosano. 01 )

Fig. 3·23. Monufact .... 01 NGf

r<lqUl!'fl • .......w ot · ' prQCeoslng··
".po, TflfI iniliol tom. ot the i•
• poro>cu,..,.. ct\Ii/I coiled poroNGF, _
101m•• d_. The p'oNGF cho i". . ..
Cle • • 0><:1 by an oozy"'" known o. the
gamma lubunill0 V4ld th. NGF_.
The twO go"..,.. """""its _ in
•• soci. lf>d with the dimer oHer n i.
oen ..... to><:l, I nd two , <XIltional p'otolnJ,
t1>o ' Iph, SUbunits, bind to the compl&x.
Th. associllion ot the alpl'lO . nd
gamma . _ . w;!h the NGF <limO,
PRECuRSOR "PP'lre"tIY protect. Item further
{i>'"NOF OtM€A) d9gra dation by "'her ""zy""", . (l ..... •
M"",alei,,;'\ ... no. rOI, .I)
" "
c ,
" "
, "
. Fig. 3·24. Cho ...,emlOIfUCtu,.
s.I>ow"'sl OUmDeo""'sI'y.tem k>f "",bon
atoms. "'now Ind.,.,••• 11. lor side·
chi;'" . . .... >hOw carbon
.'om, involved In to. o.idot;o.n. thaI
"'''''_ ClOava\l*.

STEROID HORMONE S AND CAlCIFEROLS the product. but they also produce scvera l melabo-
li tes. The reactions require twO cn'ymcs thul work
Cholestero! is the precurwr for the steroid hormones together to remOVe a hydrogen at position 3 and to
of thc adrenal oort ••. ovary. and testis. and for vi· shiftlhe double bond from position 5.{i to 4·5.
tamin D a nd its derivatives. The numbers assigned Progesterone is also a major intermediate far the
to each of its 27 carbons. and Ihe lelters Ihat desig· syn thesi s af several steroids in both the zona fas-
nate the ring structures are shown in Fig. 3-24. ciculata and the lestes of ralS. mie<:. and other oor-
Steroid hormone..eercling cells have plasma tioosleronc-sccrc ters. The adrenal glands and
mcmbr:lne receplors thai facilitate eholestero! up- lestes of humans and guinea pigs (which are oorli_
take from the blOCld. The supply is usually greater sol·secretors) make only limited amounts of pro-
than the demand. and some hormone prccurwr is gesterone. Muc h of Ihe p«:gnenolone is hydroxylated
stored in lipid droplets. The reserves arc mostly in at the 17 posilion. The 17 ,,-Oll-pregnenoione thus
the form of cholest •• yl .SleN wnkh must be hydro- formed is then COIlverled 10 17 «-Oll-proges/emne
lyzed before they can be used. f><,ptide hormones se- (Fig. 3·26).
creted by Ihe pituilary gla nd regulate thc formation Adrenocortical mineralocortiooids and glucocor·
of the receptors and thc activities of Ihe .",lcraSCS. ticoids have an alcoholic group at position 21. Con-
When the uptake rate does nat keep pace with the .. ersion of progesterone to II-deoxya)Tlicoste,olli'
requirements. the harmone-scc«:ting cells can syn· (DOC) and of 17 ,,-OH·progestcronc to II-drox}'"
thesize cnolesterol from acelyl A. cortisol are calalyzed by 21·hydroxylasc en7.ymcs
Produclion of all of the ste roid hormones begins (fig. 3·26). DOC can perform mineralocortiooid
with oxidation of carbons 20 and 22. and Inc subse· functions. but usually only small quantities arc reo
quent cleavage of Ihe cholesterol side-<:hain. Tne leased to the blOCldstream. Much of the DOC under.
products are pregnenolone and isocaproyl aldehyde goes a scCOlld hydroxylation al the II posilion to
(fig. 3·25). The cholesterol oxidation and deavage yield COTliros/rronr. Zona glomerulosa cells funher
reaction. are coupled. and they are rate-limiting for metabolize the product to Ihe major mineralooorli·
hormone •. ACTH acceleralC$ them in wid. a/dos/eralli' (structure G af Fig. 3-26).
the rona faseiculata of Ine adrenal comx, while UI In ra ts and mice. zona fasciculata cells large
does this in the gonads. The aldehyde undergoes amounlli of oortioosterone. and Ihis steroid is directly
spontaneous oxidation to isocaproie acid. afte r which sec reted a. the glucocortiooid characleristic of such
it is discarded. species. In humans. gluoooo"icoid, are made mo:stly
The fate of the p«:gnenolone depends on bolh the from I 7 a-OH ·pregncnolone. wilh ll-<lcaxyoortisol
e<:\l type and the species. Corpora lutea of Ihe ovary scrving as an intermediate. The final Slepof the mel·
oonven much of Ihe steroid to progfsre,one (Fig. 3· abolie pathway yields cortisol (which is also
25). They di«:etly sec rete substantial quamities of as hydrocortisone).
.. ,

" ,"
HHHH ..... CH. 2t CH.
, • O=C-C-C-C I

, • H H "cH. 00 =0
/ aldehyde

"+ •
'" "0

A. C/>QIeSlero!

21 CH,


" "
, -<',
• <0 '"

1"11· 3_'5. " .."",,""'" '" r><OQM""ono.


Naturally occurring androgens have only 19 car- whereas Ihe 21-hydroxylase and several other en-
bons. The precursors must be hy<lroxylaled al Ih. 17 zymes are associalcd with the endoplasmic reticu -
posilion before the twentieth and twenty-first Car- lum. precursors and intermedia tes must be shuttled
bons can be discarded. TrsloslerGMe is made in large baek and forth across the organelle membranes. The
quantities by the testes. and in smaHcr ones by ova- reactions do not always procee<i in the order de-
ries and adrenal glands. Corticoslerone-sttrc:tors usc scribed. It is possible. for e. ample. 10 go from pro-
Ihe pathway shown on Ihe lefl side of Fig. J-27. and gesterone to II ",.oH-progesterone. and from Ihere
t:.'·3.I7-<JnJroslenediQnt is an intermediale with an_ to conicosterone.
drogenic pOlency thai is also secreted. Cortisol-so-
crelOrs Can make small quantities of androgen in this
way. but the maj<lr pathway (see right side of Fig. Some Notes on Nomenclature
3-27) proceeds via 17 a-OH-pregnenolone and Sieroid hormones can be regarded as derivatives of
hydroepiolUiroslerone (DHA. DHEA). The latter is a bypotbetical substane<: formed by the fusion of a
a "weak"' androgen (a hormone thai tlCerts teSIO$- 5.a1rbon ring (cyelopentane) to a fully
aClions but is of low polency). Some (pcrhydro) phenanlhrc:ne. Cyclopcntanopcrhydro-
DH A is directly secreted. pbenanthrene (structure D. fig. )-29) is also known
Estrogens differ from androgens in tw<l ways: The as SUrQne (or gonane). All of Ihe naturally occurring
A ring is unsaturated (aromatic) and there is no hormones have a methyl group anac hed 10 Ihe thir-
19th carbon. Estradiol-I 7 fJ (structure N of Fig. 3- te<:nth earbon. The carbon of that mcthyl group has
28) is the most potent of the mole<;ules. It is inter- the number 18 (Fig. 3-29E). and the resulting struc-
convertible with estrone (0 of Fig. 3-28 ). ture is known as eJlrQtIt (sine<: the estrogens have 18
Since both Ihe pregnenolone synthelase (choles- carbons).
terol side..::hain cleavage .nlyme. scq
and th. II Androgens. progesterone. glucocorticoids. and
are located wilhin the milochondria. mineralocorticoids have a second methyl grt>llp at-

\ ,
21 C H,()H
/ , ,",

" 0 "0
o" '" 0 "

'""" ,
j "0 j "0
"' "

" o " "

'""" '"""
j "0

tached (0 Ihc tenth carbon (sce Fig. 3·29F). The di- in nature, it is convenient to regard them as having
methylated structure is called Qnr/rosrallt (sirlC<' Ihc ring structurCS that lie ftatlcnod (a. they arc drawn
androgens have! 9 carbons). OIl paper) . Substitutions that can be regarded as pro-
Progesterone , glucocortiCQids and mineralocorti· jecting downward from the paper arC said \0 be in
coids additionally have a t""O-Carbon "side chain" at· the trollS or alpha (a) position. and tlleir attach-
tached at position 17, The new carbons have the menlS a1"<' rep1"<'sented by brOKcn lines. Those Ihut
numbers 20 and 21, and the completed muctur" is project upward are d . or bela (P), and solid lincs a1"<'
pregnonr (Fig. 3·29G). used.
Since steroids have &everal asymme1ric carbons Tho suffix 01 can be used to dc.signate an alcoholic
(e_g. at positions 5. 8, 10. 13. 14, and 17 ofprcgnen- group (as in cholesterol). Dio/ and tr;oI arc used
olone), a system is needed for defining lhe spalial when there are t,,·o or three such groups. respec-
configurations when substitutions or additions a re lively. (For example. see $\ruCIU1"<'S N and P of Fig.
made. Ahhaugh lhc mo\e.:ules do not cxiSllhis way 3-28). Usually. the positions a1"<' also specified. e.8 .


I 0 I o
, + •

,/ o

I o"


Fig. 3-27. of •.

as in androstane-J«(7<Hliol. An ahcrnalc system One haYe Iherefore ocen introduced for many of the
names the position and with ·OH (see steroids. Substitutions can easily be shown when
Fig. 3-29H). Ketone groups arc signified by OM (as these are used. For example, I I-<leoxycortisol d iffers
in estrone). or as either oxo or O\y. Thus. the substi· from ronisoi in lhal it lacks an alooholic group al-
tutions on the androstane molecule found in testos- tachc:<l to the carbon at the II position.
terone (Fig. 3-28L) can be represented as either 3-
or as 3-one·1 7Q-<)I.
Steroid Hormones as Pro hormones
When the rings are fully I-aturaled. !his is indi·
catc:<l by aM (as in androsla nediol. ' t",cture P of Some of the steroids released from endocrine
Fig.,3-28). The su[Ji\es tM. ditnt. and IrieM are glands interact dire<:tly lhe rcceplol'li of their
used For one. Iwo. and thre<: double bonds. respec- target organs. Olhcrs are first acted upon by intra·
lively. Aecoroing 10 Ihi, system. androstenedione cellular enzymes thaI catalyote oonvcrsions to other
that has a double bond joining carbons 4 and 5 and steroids.
ketone groups at position, 3 and 17 can be called an· x..Reductases in prostate gland., seminal vesi-
drost-4-<:ne-3.11-<1ione. The symbol 11, followed by a cles, and other male accessory reproductive organs
superscript. is also used to designate unsaturated convert teStOSterOne 10 5<Hlihydrotestosterone
bonds. The steroid just cited can be called Il.·-an· (OHn. which is. by many criteria, far more potent
drostene-3.11-<1ione. than teslosterone. The OHT then combines with the
This nomenclature makes it possible to fully de- hormone re<:cplOrs 10 its characteristic actions.
fine the chemical structures. HoweYer. lhe names Certain of the neurons have aromatase enzymes that
generated can be long and cumbersome. Cortisol, for oonYerl lestosterone to estradiol. and many effects of
example. would be given the following designa- teSlosterone on the brain can be mimicked with es-
lion: 11·-pregnene· lid, 17«.2Q-trioi. Trivial tradiol (but nol with OHT, which docs not undergo
names such as oortisol. progesterone. and leStoster- aromatization). Adipose tissue also makes estrogens


,/ \ o" o
,, ,,• 0'


j o"
1 II 0

......,. ., "'-,/'"


from androgens. Thus. testosterone functions as a is exposed 10 ultraviolet radiation of suilable wave-
hormone at some silcs. bul as a prohormone at oth- lengths. provitamin 0 , is converted 10 pre-vitamin
ers (86). 0 ,. The product of the undergoes a spon-
taneous. rearrangement that
yields vilamin D) (cholecalciferol. D,) (29). The un-
Celclle rols fortunate IcrmirIQlogy results from the failure of
1-D<:hydrocholCitcrol. which is also koown as prov;- early investigators 10 rocogni,.c the of the
tamin D" is an intermediate in th. pathway from pre-vitamin. The laner is shown in IWO forms in Fig.
acctyl coc:nzymc A to cholesterol. It is prescnt in 3-30. to demonstrate its rdationships 10 both choles-
food , in hepatocytes and other ctlls thai synthesize lerol and D,.
cholesterol. a nd in the skin. Dietary cholesterol can D, can also be (Jbtained from the die\. fish (Jils are
be used \0 make the provitamin. since the small in- especially rich D, is in capsules for
testine conlains a choleslcrol_7-<lehydrogenase (Fig. usc: as a dielary supplement, bUI vitamin D, (D" er·
3-30). When epidermi. that hs ta ken up thc steroid gocalciferol) is widely used since it is cheap. Ergos-

,.. C,doj>e<>ta"" ". - MM

c """ "• ..
A B • • • •,
•• • •
" "

E. Eolta"" F. Dime1hy1cy<;loptnlarwlPtrhydrop/>ellafllhl_

01, 2'
CH, 2C
T ,
, o
H. 3a-Oti , 51l-CH,-slerane
o '"
I. l'-t7.8-QH·Androstene·3-one
Fig . 3-29. Cyche hyd'ocarboo1
str..clUl6S 1Q .retoO:l
flormone • .

lerol, which ;$ made by plants. is chemically ",Imod sent to the liver, where ;1 is acted HPJ" by a 25-hy·
10 cholesterol (Fig. 3-31). It is irradiated in vitro 10 droxylase enzyme. 25·Hydroxyvilamin DJ (2S-OH·
oblain 0 1_ Humans and many olher mammals ca n Dj • 25-h}'droxydlOlecalciferol, 2S-HCC) can aCCu-
usually substitute Dl for D,. Chickens arc among the mulate in blood plasma when it is formed in large
animal types that canoot (14). amounts. This ii fortunate. iince neither dietary DJ
oor sunlight i. continuously available to most ani-
mals. Pharmacological concentrations of 25·HCC
a rC biologically aClive. but il is !lOt kllQwn if this me·
Some vitamin is stored in lipid· rich (is,ues. espe- tabolite functions as a hormone under ph}'$ioIogieal
cially when the supply is abundant. Usua lly, most is conditions.
, ,
, " •
, A• " "-, •
"" "
7·d'" 'r<l'ogcoo.c ,
, . I',
, ." .. inc

, " /•
, "
, f, •"-
•, "I" , •
,• .h

C- L Pre·vitamin 0,
" ,
• • '
' 9CH,
Co2. Pre.vit.min D>


• •
, ,)J ,0 ..


The kidney oontains a la-hydroxylase that cata· PROSTAGLANDINS AND RELATED

Iyzes oonvcn;ion of 25·HCC to a vcry powerful hor· REGULATORS
mone, 1.15-dlhydroxyvitamin D, (U5-HCCj,
which promotes absorption of dietary calcium and All mcmbers of this group arc synthesized from
phosphorus and exe rts other important infiuences on "polyunsaturated" rany acids that must be supplied
mineral homeostasis. by the diet. From a quanlilati,·c standpoin t. arachi·
A dilfcrent renal enzyme oonverts 25-H CC \0 donic acid (AA) is lhe major precursor. The struc·
24.2X1ihydroxyvi(amin D,. Its activity rises when ture of this 2().carbon fany acid ",ith double bonds
the Ca" levds are high. $orne additional metabo- at positions 5. g. II . and 14. is shown in linear a nd
lites are shown in Fig. 3-32. folded forms (Fig. 3-33). MealS and peanuts contain
The cholecalciferol derivatives resemble steroid small amoun ts. but lhe liver forms most of;t from
hormones in their mechanisms of action and in their linoleic acid (Fig. 3-3 4). AA is the precursor of the
metabolism. They are called s<:co&lcroids, a term prostaglandins (PGs) with two double bonds. and of
thai indicatcs opening of {he Bring. scV<'ral other biologically polent thai

" "
"" - I




Fill. 3 · 31. Co,,. ...."" 01 ergootorolto .;,_" D, an(!

metabolit ••.

SOme authors classify as prostaglandins: proslacyclin l3·tranH:noic acid (73A). The Iwen; R, and R,
(PG I,), thromboxanes (TXA, and TXB,), and leu- designate thc fany acid side chains.
kotricnts (LTs). PGs differ from each other in the numbers and
Dihorno-gammalinoleic acid (DGLAI and ,j.·5. 8, locations or additional double bonds and alcohol or
11. 14. acid a", the precursors of ketone groups. The rapj[o/ /elltrs define the ring
PGs with one and three double bonds. respectively. structures . Thus. all proostaglandins of the c group
Although linoleic acid can be used 10 make those (PGEs) have a ketone at position 9 and an alcohol
fatty acids, the composition of the diet affects the at position II. All PGFs have alcohol groups at pos-
relative amounts of the various types of PGs synthe- tiom 9 and I I, while all PGAs. PGSs. and PGCs
s ized. Evening primro5e oil is a rich source of have unsaturated rin8'.
DGLA. and i( hu b«n prescribed for certain clini- The numbers designate the double bonds. Thus.
cal conditions (30). the PGE, has a double bond between carbons 13 and
14; PGE l has an additional one at position 5-6; and
PGE l has yet a third site of unsaturation at position
Chemistry and No menclature of the
Substitutions for either of the hydrogens at posi-
Prostag landins
tion 9 can lead to the formalion of slereoi""rne",.
AI! prostaglandins are 20-carbon fatty acids with a Groups projecting downward from the plane are des·
five-membered ring. a double bond linking carb<ms ignated a$ {to and they are represented by a broken
13-14. and an alcoholic group 3uached to carbon line. PGf,. (fig. 3-35) is the most abundant of the
15. T hey are named on the basis of their chcmical PGFs, but PGf ,. and PGf,. al"" occur natu rally.
relationship to the hypothetical prostall<)ic acid thai Groups projecting upward from the plane arc des-
is s hown in fig. 3·35. In aClXlrdancc with this n0- ignated as {J and arc represented by a wlid line.
menclature. PGE, is Il.1 Xlihydroxy-9-ketoprost_ While PGs of such kinds arc formed during $Orne
" •
" I

6 . 2S-oH·D,


C. I.2S-0'HYOFlOXY·(J,


I .... CH,

F. 25. 26·DihyOroxy·O,

extraction ;1 has not been demollSlr3tcd

Ihat they arc made by cells. blood ves.els in other regions and on plaleiel aggrc-
The relationships bet"'een chemical structures gatiQJI. High concentrations of a PG can inhibit pr()-
and biological aCli.ities are complex. Two different ce= stimulated by lower ones. Morro"" . thcre are
members of Ihc group can excrl similar influences in marked .pecies variations in sensitivities. These arc
one tissue and opposing ones in anolher. T hus. both easily demonstrated when the same PG is presented
PGE , and POE, promQ!e vasodilation in some vas- \0 corresponding organs in differenl kinds or ani.

& S'"
H H H H Ii Ii H Ii Ii H H H Ii Ii H H fl Ii H
H C -C - c- c c- C - C = C - C -C " C - C - c - c -C - C - C - COOH

" " " "

H H H H H H H H H H H H H Ii H H H H H
H C - C -c - c - C-C= c- C - C= C - C - C = C - c - c =c - c - C - C - COOH

S, ""ac_ 20;4 8. 11. 14

C . .IS. 8. 11. 14. 17 EicoI>ap"nle..,;c

Fig. 3 ·33. Fa lly acid preew.Ofl 01 pro. 1011Iar><lin • .

mals. Within a single cell type:, the pre"ailing con- 2-posilion wilhin phospholipids i$ lhe primary
ditions can affecilhe responses (17 ), soo rce. il is espc.;ially rich in arachidonalC
(61). Howe"er. triacylglycerols arc imponanl
sources of AA in lhe kidney. whereas lipoproleins
Biosynthesis end Metabolism are abundant in the blood plasma.
Phospholipases. cholC$terol esterases. lriglyceride
The major rate-limi ting factor for PG synthesis is lipase •• and li poprotein Jipases lhat calaIY'.e hydrol-
Ihe availability of the ratty acid precursor. Cells usu- ysis of lhe lipi ds can be activaled by numerous '·non.
aUy contain substantial quantities of enzymes in ae- spc.;ific·· faclors. T hese include mechanical pressu rc.
*e form. but they sequester the fatly acids in mem- lemperalurc c!lange<. and mi ld trauma.
brane phospoolipid s and in cholestc.y] esters. One proposed function of PG. is prolection of cclls
Iriacyiglycerols. and lipopr()\ein$. Al most siles, lhe againSl ovcrslimulation Or injury.

i\ cydooxygenasc enzyme system Ihal binds n heme

cofactor and additionally requires nonheme iron cal-
l.inoIo<'Ii<: ac .. alyzes the formation of PGG, from aradidonic acid
18:3 12. (69). The rate-limiting slep i< thc removal oflhe hy·
( y-lino1eiC add) drogen atl3cbed 10 carbon number 13 (13A). The
18:3 J6. 9. 12 subsequent events are summarized in Fig. 3·36.
Analogous reactions are involved in the biosynthesis
of PG ,s from DOLA and PG lS from eioosapentenoic
PGG, is a highly unstable endop.roxide that is
rapidly oonverted to PG H,. The eyclooxygenasc also
catalyzes the second reaction. and the enl.yme is
therefore also known as the prostaglandin $}"nthewse
system (69). (PGO, will, however. go to PG H,. even
( Atachdonic aci<I )
without the en7.yme 15Ij.) The cyclooxygenasc ad-
ditionally ill o""n destruction and thereby
20:4 ..IS. 8. n . 14 limits PGO production after a time (731\).

I '"
( 5. 8. 11 . 14. 17·E"ocosapentenoic acid )
Although ;1 has a very short biological halF-life.
PGH , exert. powerful inHuenees on platelet. and on
vascular and respiratory system smoolh muscle (69).
Before it was identified. some of its activities were
20:5 ..15. 8. 11.1 4. 17
allribulcd to the PGs derived from it.
Fill. 3·34. eiooyn,,,,,s" o! pro.,aglonclill p<ecl.<OOfS !tOm The fate of the PGH, dep.nds on the cell type. In
linoleic aCi<!. mOSt parts of the body. a PGE isomerase catalyzes
the formation of PGE,. or else Ihe PGH, goes to
PG F,.. (The existence of a PO F. reductasc has been
po5lUlatoo but not demonSlrated.) In platelet •• a Slu·
Tbcre are also specific oomrols. For example. talhione·S-transferase catalyzC$ the synthesis of
TSH activates phospholipase A, in thyroid gland PGD,. The PGA,. PGB" and PGC, shown in Fig.
cells: ACTH exerts similar effects On the J_36 are found in extracts. but in vivo formalion
cortex: LH acts on the ovary: and estrogens exert has not been cstablisboo. The molecules are biologi·
oomparable innuenccs on many cell types. Angioten· cally active when administered. PGA, is of pharma-
sin. bradykinin. and serotonin affect the enz,'mes at oologieal interelll because it is a vasOOilalor that
some target site,;. A oomplex system inl'Olving lowers blood pressure (18). Unlike PGEs. which
thrombin. Ca " , pbClSphohpase C. and a phospholi- are acted upon by reductases. oxidasell. decarbox·
pase A, that specifically affects phosphalidic acid ylases, and other enzymell. and are follow-
has been described for plalelets (4{1). Zinc i, said 10 ins a single passage through the lungs (througb
preferentially release DGLA (30) . which every drop of hlood paSSeIl en route from the
Glucooortiooids inhibit PG production in many right ventricle to the left atrium), PGAs arc quile
cells typC5. and tbeir anti·phospholipase effects con- stable.
tribute to the anti·inHnmmalOry properties of large The major degradation products of PGE, and
doses (8). as well as to estrogen antagoni sms. PGF). reoovered from urine are shown below:

" "o

7••·OH· 5. 11 -<1""'101" " a· :;. •. 7,,·dihydroxy· 11·ke:olwa·

flOfpt o>'aoe- l .16·do;c aciO flOfpt o>",,,,,·I .l lklioO; acid
(I'om PGE, ) l(rom PG F,..)

, , ",
• , .' •• • coo·

" . " "

" " " "
" " "
A. Prost.rOc adO' F. PGF fl Seties
o o
" \\ _A

.. '5
Q '
p "

• • • • • COO·

0 "'"
",, ,
" C. PGE,
" H. PGe Series

" •• • ,

,.r ,,
, " "

D. POE! I. PGC SerieS

• COO ·

",, ,
" , PGF ...
" J. PGD $",,,,

Fig . 3-35. StfuCluru Of prOO1anoic toiO. POE. PGE,.

!'Gr:" PGF... &00 rings 01 0"* pr""' oglandins .

Free ....


• En(Iope'o,idaS(l
PGE PGH, P'''''!acycr;" S)n1I11etase

Fig. 3·36. Sour"" 01 a,t<hidoMt. 8nd _18bo1it". 01 the

In blood platoiets (thromlxlcytcs). much of the A prostaeydin synthetase formation of
PGH, converted 10 thromboxane (TX) At, since a prostacyelins (PG Is) from PG Hs in Ihe endothoiia of
thromboxane synthetase is presen!. This highly un- aorta and coronary vessels. Prostacyclins are potem
stable metabolite is a potent stimulant of platelet ag- vasodilators and inhibitors of platelet aggregation.
gregation. It plays roles in anaphylaxis. and it is be- They can diminish thrombus formation and arc be-
lieved to account for at least somc of the activity of lieved to provide protection against excessive levels
rabbit aorta.conlracling substance (ReS). TXA, is of thromooxanes (48) by exerting opp"'ing inftu-
rapidly con,'crted 10 TXR,. which has a somewhat en= Over the accumulation of cAMP (24). How-
longer biological half_life. Its innnen""" on platelet ever. PGE h which is also made. is a more potent va-
and On thc wntraction of vaseular sodilator for some vascular beds. It opposes
smOOth muscle oontribute to physiological protection angiotensin 11 (88). and its actions are more sus-
against the loss of blood that would othcrwise result tained (18).
from the regularly recurring minute break s in Ihc In the vesscls. PGI , is rapidly metabolized 10 6-
vessel walls of normal animals. (Excessive produc- keto-PGF ,. (Fig. 3-37). The prolonged inhibition of
tion is believed to invoke pathological changes in Ihe platelet aggregation following administration of
vessels.) TXs have also been suspected to exert neg· PGI, is attributed to oonvers;on of the 6-kcto-
ative fC"dback control over AA but OOt DGlA re.- PGF ,. to 6-keto-PG E, . The laller is biologically p<>-
lease, and to thereby favor production of relatively lenl. and a 9·hydroxydehyrogenase that can catalY7.c
more PG, s than PG l • (30). TXs arc additionally the reaction has been identified in liver and kidney
formed in brain. spleen. kidney. leukocytes. and (88). Different metabolites are made in the kidney
granuloma tissue. and in other parts of the body in which PGI, is gen-


Fig . 3-37. ""0"ac1clin I" throml;>o • • ""S. ond oll>e< PGH,

.... tabolit ...

(kidney, lungs. siomach, uterus. seminal ves- (HET Es) from arachidonate. 5-HPETE is the pre-
iclo:s, and granuloma tissue). cursor of leukotrienc A. (LTA.). The laner. in turn.
can be hydrolyzed \0 Icuko"i.n. B. (5, I 2·DiH ETE,
LTB,). In Ihe prescnce of glutathione reductase and
HYDROXYHEPTADECENOIC ACID glutathione. A. is made into C. (LTC.).
Some of Ihe PGH1 is split into hydroxyheptadccen· Loss of the glutamate componem yields LTD,. and
oic acid (HHT) and malonyl dialdehydc (MDA). further deletion of glycine kads 10 formation of
This may he a degradation pathway. but MDA is LTE. (49) (Fig. 3-38).
chemically reactive. Among other things, it can The IcukOlricnes were named for their form"tion
cross-link proteins (73AJ. by leu kocytes and their content of three conjugated
double bars. They are extremely potent agenu that
exert diverse innuences (A·)). They interact with
The Llpoxygenose Pathway their precursors. with PCs. and with histamine (58).
in lung. liver. and platdets catalyze
Ihe formalion of hydroperoxycicosatclracnoic acids Ftg. 3_38. Ar&<:llidonllle l'f'Iftlat>olile. OllipoxygeM""

(HPETEs) and hydroxycioosaletracooic acids pall>waYI.
"" 12-HPHE

" ,,



"0 LTII.
, Gt<J'''hoooe

, ""


" "S-r H, H "

, "




H ETE is for leukocytes (73), and LTil, tion. Their effccts depend to a considerable ex(cnt on
promotes the release of lysozyme and other reduction of PG synthesis. but they also inhibit con·
from neutrophils as it attraCtS ooth these and cosin- version of HPETE to HETE (73). Their interference
ophilic (49). HPETE has been implicated as a with TX synthcsis can also be useful. but there is
regulator of prostacyciin biosynthesis (73). while simultaneous inhibition of prostacyc!in formation.
LTC, and LTD, may increase Ihromboxanc produc- These agents do nOt diminish (and may cven indi-
tion (49) . The "slow-reactive substancc of anaphy- rectly enhance) production of the regulators sy nthe-
laxis" (SRS-A) may consist of mixtures of leuko. si7.ed via the lipoxygenase pathways.
trienes. The SRS·A acting on rabbit aorta has been There is considerable clinical interest in acquisi·
identified with LTC, (731\). but the can tion of agents that specifically block thromboxane
be rapidly converted to LTD,; and the latter flOW synthesis. ImidalOlcs Can do this to some extcnt. and
reported to be the SRS cltl1aincd from basophilic leu· they are therefore useful investigative 1001$ for ani.
kemia cdls (26A). mal studies. A prostaglandin analog that strongly in·
The LTs are se.cral orders of magnitude more hibits thromboxane synthetase has been synthesized
powerful constrictors of bronchiolar muscle than (Fig. 3·39). and other analogs that diffcr from each
either histamine or the PGs. and (in contrast to the other in their effecls on TX receptors have been de-
others) they act on the smaI1est of the airways. LTC, scribed (24) .
is also an extremely potent stimulant of the smooth
muscle of arterioles. and it is suspeetcd of contrib-
uting to angina. LTB, additionally promotes adhe·
sion of leukocytes to the endothelium of postcapil_
lary venules.ln physiological amounts. these "':"''' Plasma bind hormones with varying amni·
probably make very important vascular lies and sPl"'ificities (S4). Albumins are prcsent in
tions to to noxious stimuli (I 2). highest concentrations (3.3-5.5 g/IOO ml of blO<X!
may be a regulator of i'G1, synthesis (73). and LTs for normal humans). and they have very large num·
of thromboxanc synthesis (49). bers of binding sites for thyroxine and steroid hor·
acid can be metabolized in othcr mones. Approximately I 5% of cortisol and 10% of
ways to yield iwmers of some of the LTs described tbyroxine travel with this protein through the
above. In addition, different fatty acid precursors bloodstream.
give rise to related substances that include leuk<l- Corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) auaches
trienes A), A1, C ), D). E,. and F, (26A). mostly to glucocorticoids bnt it also binds $Orne
progesterone. Although its concentrations are only
J / I000 those of CBG binds 75% of cortisol
in humans (44). Approximately 1000f that steroid
The glucocorticoid suppression of synthesis of PGs circulates in "free" form. A sex steroid·binding gloo.
and related regulators is allributed to induction of ulin (SSBG. testosteron«:strogen-binding globulin.
lipomOOulin. a phospholipase A , inhibilor thaI has TeBG) associates with most of the androgens and es-
been isolated from neutrophilic leukocytes ClCposcd trogens. although it is present in very small amounts.
to tbe steroi,d. Some rheumatic diseases have been Usually only 0.03% of thyroxine circulates in free
linked with production of an antibody directed form (35). Plasma Ihyronine binding globulin
against the enzyme (28). Since the steroids reduce rrBG) concentrations of only 2 m&llOO ml arC suf-
availability of Ihe precursor, they lessen formation of ficient to bind 75% of that hormone. Thyroxine-
products of both Ihe cyc!ooxygenase and lipoxygen- binding prealbumin (TBP A) associates with another
ase pathways. Pharmacological dosages Can also an_ 10%-15%. Calciferol-binding proteins are also
tagonize Ihe actions of previously released present.
molecules. Most of the peptide-protein type hormones asso-
5,8.II,I4-Eirosatetraynoic acid (ETYA, Fig. 3- ciate with albumins and to a lesser extent with glo!).
39) eompete. with the naturally occurring fally ulins. but no specific bindins proteins are known. So-
acids. and it thereby blocQ both the matomedins are among the exceptions 10 this
and lipoxygenase pathways. Aspirin. indomethacin general rule.
(indocin). mefenamic Aufenamic acid. and ibu- Se.eral have been altributcd to (hc pro.
profen (Mouin) are among the many agents thaI tein binding:
have been used for their analgesic. antipyretic, and I. For hormones that are fIOt very soluble in blood
anti-inflammatory actions. All are cyc!ooxygenase plasma in free forms (stcroids and thyroxine). the
inhibitors. and aspirin causes irreversible inactiva- proteins may facilitate transport.
r< }o

OOC - Ct1,
1 \)-"_ 1

5. 8.>1,1 4-Eeosaletlaynoteacic! 9. 1 H"'prost- ' 3'enoatc
(ETVA) (TM)tl'\D,,,.ne . yolhel . ...

Fig. 3·39. Som8 """

.. aehiGonic acid

2. The PfQIeins protect smaller molecules hormone do not risc rapidly. Similarl y, depletion of
from loss via the and they can mask the Siles the hormone leads to release of molecules previously
for attachment 10 degrading enzymes, They may bound loosely to the low·affinity proteins (since the
also slow uptake by the liver. binding is concentration dependent).
3. The hormone tbat is bound to protein is tran· S. The affinities of hormones for Ihe plasma pro-
siently inactivated. II is therefo", p<:>SSiblc to leins 3re lower than their affinities for larget cell re-
large amountS of rearlily recruitahle reserves in the ceptors. The proleins are believcd to play roles in
bloodstream while maintaining the ooncemratiorlS of regulating Ihe rates of hormone presentation to Ihe
free regulators at levels oons;S!cnt with good endo- receptors.
crine function. Hormones that do not bind apprecia- 6. Since nutritional and endocrine factors affect
bly. for example. aldos terone and T,. drculate in the bi(lSynthesis of the proteins in the liver, an ad.
concentrations much lower than those of glucocor- ditional sile for control is provided.
ticoids and To. and they a'" m01"<' rapidly deared Estrogens increase the production of steroid and
from the bloodstream . thyronine bi nding globulins. This makes it possible
4. Since Ihe plasma proteins (and especially ontS for pregnant women to have high levels of IOlal hor-
with high capacities and low affinities) usually have mone withoul disruption of their endocrine func·
most of binding siles unoccupied. a "buffer" lions. Some of the regulatOl"$ thaI circulate in Ihe
function is sct>"w . The sudden releasc of excess hor· maternal plasma are easily lramferred 10 Ihe fetus.
monc into the bloodstream is followed by occupation The proleins probably also confer physiological pro-
of some of the f",e sites. The",foxc, the levels of flU lection against the rapid transfu of biologically ao--

tive molecules from the fetoplacental unit to the poptides, including some Ihat are made within the
mother. kidney. Others (e .g. cholccaleiferoll<>-hydroxylase)
Similar elevations of plasma binding proteins are contribute to hormone activation.
seen in women taking oral contraceptives. Corn· Peplide hormones arc also broken down by circu-
monly used pharmaceuticals. including aspirin and lating enzymes: and enzymes relea sed by neurOOS af·
barbiturates, affect plasma protein symhesis and feCI regulalors released within Ihe cenlral neTVOUS
binding properties. systcm. Targel organs "internalize" proteins as well
as smaller molecuks, and lysosome, within Ihe C<'lIs
contribute substamially to hormone destruction.
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Mechanisms of Hormone Action and Interaction

inv<:sligators attempt to define the mecha- which a hormone exerts reproducible influences on a
n;.ms of action of a hormone. they must deal with target in one species but fails to have such elfcelS on
the diverse and complex roles of that regulator, the the related organs of other animal typel; .
idiosyncrasies of the larget preparation the The condition of the cell at the lime of hormone
limitations of the «,scarch looIs, and the dogma as- presentation modiflCs «,sponscs to thc regulator. G H
sembled by predecessors, markedly accelerates somatomcdin production when
Hormones can sCI within 'l"conds Or minutes 10 it is presented to hepatocytes of p«,viously wen·
alfecllransporl of molecules and ions across plasma nourished juveniles. hut it has lillie inAue"ce on the
and organelle membranes, activities of preexisting synthesis of those peptides during times of food de!,"
enzymes, production and usc: of ATP. polymcr;7.a· rivation (see Chapter 18). G H is also «,portod to act
(ion of microtubnles. contraction cf microfilamcnlS, mostly on th. be:ta cells of islots to pro-
assembly of peptide chains On preexisting ribosomes. mOle insulin release when the glucose concentrations
and pOSt-transiational modifications of macromole- of Ihc su rrounding Auids a«' high. but to stimulate
cules. They act over longer time-periods 10 promote mostly glucagon-scereting alpha cells when the glu·
the biosynthesis of nucleic acids. proteins. and Olher cose levels are low (135) . Tlte hormone can initiate
macromole.:ulcs. and the assembly or destruction ()f changes in :lCnsitivity. When ;1 is presented to skel·
organelles. Slowly developing influenccs can affect clal muscle taken from hypophyscctomi7.Cd animals.
0011 growlb. dilfcrentiation and proli feration. In in· GH acutely accelerates glucose uptake. After;t has
tact organisms. bormonC!l regulate Ille functions of acted for 20-30 minutes. it inhibits gluC<ll<C uptake
thc cireulalory, l"eipiralory, digestive. ex· by the sam. cells. (Only the inhibitory inAucnces are
cretory. reproductive, and immune systems; and they "",n when the hormone is tested on mUSl'le taken
mediate responses to environmental stimuli . In ad· from suhjects with intact pituitary glamh.) Each
dition. each regulator alfeclS tbc biosynthesis. rC- hormone additionally affects the formation. func-
leaie. metabolism. and use of many OthCTS. lions. and degradation of its Own rc«ptor5.
A hormone can act simultanwusly or sequentially Th. hormone concentration and its manner of pre·
at many sites. Thus. for e xample. insulin accelerates sontation introduce addilional variables. Acute in
glucose uptake. glucose oxidation. glycogen synthe· vitro responses of a single celltypc to high and low
sis. amino acid uptake. and protein synthesis. when levels of thc same regulalor can be: opposite in direc-
it is presented to skeletal musele. Since each cell type tion or qualitatively dilferent. In some cases. a re·
bearing receptors for Ihe hormone bas its unique sponse is dieted only when the upper physiological
repertory of response the effeelS 0b- ranges are approached. For example. dilute p«'pa·
served for one target preparation a«' not necessarily rations ofTSH have lillie influence on the fat me·
elicited in another. When insulin acts on hepat<>- tabolism of adipocytes, but more concentrated ones
cytes. it accelerates glycogen and protein synthesi,. accelerate lipolysis. Pharmacological dosages can
but it does not directly «'gulate glucose uptake. In activate receptors that arc not affected under phys'
adipose tissue. insulin accelerates glucose uptake iological conditions. Brief exposure. sustained pres-
and oxidation. but much mOre of Ihe sugar is used ence, and pulsatile presentation of the same hormone
there to synthesize fats. Examples can be cited in can each inVOke special efTects. Intact animals are
often affected in diffcrent ways by 0011. parenteral. response depends on j ust one prim/lry mechanism.
and Glher forms of admini$trat ion. Thus. cpinephrine Qtn enhance in adipo5C
A liingle kind of response o;an be elicited by more tissue (31. 144) and a lfe<:t &I)'COIenoiysis in li\'Cr
than one mechanism. Thus. the fat dcgradatioo that (63) in more lhan one way.
rapidly follo..-s norepinephrine bindilll to plasma
membra'lC rccc:ptors or adipoeyla <.::In be discin-
C• • ead • •
guished from the slowly developing lipolysis accom-
plished by glucocorticoids Ihat enter Ihe cytoplasm. Certain ph)"liol08ical adjuslment! demand rapid.
Thyroid hormones and GH act in yct difTcr<:nt ways massive changC'l in metabolism. For example, when
to affect fat metabolism in the same cell typcs, blood glucose concentrations fall to levels that can·
available research tool has i15 limitations. nol support brain funetiom. substa ntial
when investigators use several approaches 10 a quantities of liver glycogen must be immediately
probk:m, lhey generally find it 10 incor- broIo:cn down to replenish tile supply. Ii"""'''''r. if the
porale assumptions inlo the they associated ""re oonlinuously Jlfescnl in ac·
formulaIC. Each lime rKW technologial adval"l«S live forms. Ihc llepal<X)'les could lIl'\'Cr build up lhe
make il po$IIible to actually meaSure a parameter &I)'COIen reserves.
wl\os(: dimemion'l were previously estimated. III<: hy· Clueagon is released in response to Ihc fall in
potheses must be blood glucos.c. Wben only limiled numbers of the
An avalanche of new informmion has had (and hOfmonc molecules imeract with their recep tors. a
conlinues 10 have) far.reaching inHucnccs on the caseade that permits Ihe libcratiOlt 0( a million mol·
coocepts of mc:chanisms of ac tion al the molecular ecules of glucose "'ilhin I minulc is initiated. For·
leveL Since .." now can detect and purify wbstanccs mation or the rettptor is "coupled" 10 ac-
prcscnl in very \ow concentralions. "nc""" horrooncs tiVilion or a plasma membn.nMlssocialed
are being discovered on an a lmOin regular basis. as that Cll talyzes the gcncralioo 01 an inlracellula.
"old" ones and their receptors arc idenlifled in pre- messenger." Since each clI1.)·me molecule
viously unsuspttted plae= Each of the ",galalon " the production of m:lny moLe<:ules 01 the
now known to share ito reign oycr metabolic palh- messengcr. the hormone effe<:1 is ampl ified . Th.
wa ys with many subordinates. The mech,onisms for messengcr then activates a second cnzyme who5c
cooperalion with inorganic ions nod other nonhor· is )'CI a third en'.yme. This provides for
monal agcnls are being elucidaled. and there is [unher am pl'fica\1on . The third enzylTlC then cata·
growing awareness of Ihe impon an« or communi· Iyzcs glyoogcnoI)'$is and thereby the productiO<l of
Cluion with other ttlts and with the microcn";ron- &IIbsu.nlill.l amoun" of gluoosc pllosphate. (A f01lrth
ITloI:nls. Moreover. Ihe relalionship$ betwc:<:n sp«ift cnzyme. which iJ not pan of the Cllsc.adc. accom-
hormollli stim ulation and more gencflli7.e<! ttll pt"r· plishes ckphosploor)ialion 01 tho gll/C05C pho!;phate.)
11I.b3lion (134) an: Tttci";na appropn.te o;onsider· A simple eavack i, shown in Fig. .... Ie. It pr0b-
alion. In o;as(s, species varialions have demo ably doe$ not in naturc. liince all hormones
OA'llrated that a physiological objective can be seem to act at multiple sites. Whcn glucagon accel-
accomplished in more than one way. erates glycogenolysi,. il ,i nluhancou,ly decn:a..,.
Ihc activities of enzyme, that promote glycogen "IOr-
age. Only s lightly l'igher physiological conCcntra·
,i0<l5 additiona lly stimul",c gluconeogenesis. When
ACftl activales cnz)'mes that accelerate gluOOCOl'
Many I llempu hayc been made to ckfine a primal)' tiroi<\ production. it acts in other "'11)"1 to increase
site 0( actioo upon "'hich all subscqttent .vents de- blood IIow 10 thc adrellli &land and facilitate choles-
pend (Fig. 4-IA). It has been Pl'Opos..-d. for ICrol uptake. 11K somewhal more type or
that the inAuences of insulin 011 glYCOlen. protein. c1lKade is lhown in Fig. 4- 1D .
ar>d lipid synthesis all ruul\ from ae«lerated uptake .... ar. by no .... an. unique to the en-
of glucose. The concept is ael\hctieally a ppealing. doc.i'lC s)'Slcm. They . ", inV(>lvcd in blood coagulation
but il is 001 supported by experimenlal findings. AL - _rid In Ihe f01"mation or comp lement. II .,011 a. in nu_
though glucose uplake contributes substa nlilUy 10 other processes.
the alllboiie actions. insulin can increase Imino acid
uplake and th. efficiency or peptide chain formation
eycn "lien ttlls an: bathed in Dom ino .,•. Sustained Ac t ion.
media. It is li kely lhat 01/ hormones act al multiple Some hormone dftc\S are elicited when the n:gula·
siles "'hen they associate with thei. receptors (Fig. tor is pt"esc:nted for justa few moments, and thcy can
4-18). persist even if thc cells are Ihen washed . This holds
It cannot even be assumed that a single type or \rue for regulators Ihal an: known to eKen their im-

_ _ ,
B. Mullil'"C primary ... es
A. Single ",mary ..19

D. Comple. cascade

A __ 8 _ C ___ 0 _ _ £

E. '"[)omioo"' eH..ct ,-- _ ,

, - ----- •.., Fill. 4 ·1.M""" ........ wl>e'oby one
F. Suslan.<! ""lion ""'<leI hormone CIOn eliCit ....." '."""""".

mediale inHuenc.s on <xU membranes without cnlcr- LATENT PERIODS

ing the cytoplasm. The first oontact of lhe hormone
with its ro:eplor may slart a self-perpetuating chain The latent period is lhe "lag" (time interval elaps-
reaction (Fig. 4-1 E). ing) be(we<;:n the moment of horlTlOne-receptor com·
Other funclions "'<.juil"<' the hormone to be CQnlin- formation and the first dctectable change in cell
nowly prcS(:nt for ,.,,<,ral hours, Estrogen stimula- function. It can be subdivided into an absolute com·
lion of ulerine growlh provides an example (62, ponent (when no effect is obscr.ed) and a relative
\ 28). One poolibilily i, that the "domino effect" pr<>- phaS<'. duri ng which the builds 10 a plateau
gresses slowly . Another is thaI long-lerm OC(;upalion (= Fig. 174).
of the estrogen receptor invokes changes that cannol Something is obviously happening during the ab-
be aOOlmplished acutely (see Fig. 4·1 Fl. sol ute latent period. When cells are to the
hormone for just a short time. subsequent washing ATPase inhibitors and vcrapamil. as well as telro-
of the preparation usually docs I'IOt impair the pro- dotoxin and valinomycin (which affect 1"a ' and K'
gression of slowly developing events. Moreover. nei- transport, respectively). Some information on up-
ther continuous presentation of the regulator nor el- take can also be obtained from studies of the effects
evation of the concentration can shonen the time of hormones on the rates of accumulation of radio-
lag. active ions added to the media.
The duration of the latent period depends on the Actions that depend upon ATP generation are
parameter seloxted for measurement. When thyroid also sometimes seen after very Sholl tatent periods.
hormones are administered. two weeks may be rc- Oxygen and substrate deprivation. and agents thaI
quired to achieve marked elevation of the metabolic "uncouplc" oxidative phosphorylation all impair
rate. However. some innuences of the same hormone ATP synthesis, whereas ATPase inhibilors interfere
on RNA metabolism can be demonstrated within with the use of energy obta ined from ATP.
hours. and dfects on mitochondria have been de- Assembly of peptide chains on preexisting libo-
tected within minutes (127), somes can be accomplished within shorl latent pe-
The lengths of the lalCnt periods can pro_idc in- riods of one-half to I houl if the cells already C<lntain
formation on Ihe moxhanisms of action. especially the appropriate mRNAs, Puromycin is an antibiotic
when agents that inhibit specific metabolic processes chemically simil ar 10 aminoaeyl-tRNA. It stops
are available. chain elongation by forming a puromycin-peptidyl
Responses observed after ul/ra-shOT/ latent pe- complex that is discharged from the ribosome. (It is
riods (measurable in second. or fractions thereof) in- effoxlive in both eUkaryotcs and prokaryotes.) Cy-
variably involve hormo",,1 influences on pre/'x;sl;ng cloheximide (cyclohexamide, ac!idionc) binds to the
cell components. These include enzyme activation large subunit of eubryotic ribosomes (but not to mi-
and changes in membrane properties. In some cases. tochondrial ribosomes that resemble the ones found
the sites can be pinpoinled with the use of highly in prokaryotes). 11 bloch protein synthesis by inter-
specific en'yme inhibitors. or by comparing the fering with the formation of peptide bonds. Chlor-
physicochemical pr<Jperties of membranes of cells amphenicol. by contrast. associates with mitochon-
exposed to the hormone with those of cells taken drial and prokaryote ribosomes bUI not with the
from animals previously made deficient . If the hor_ cytoplasmic organelles of eukaryotes.
mone's effects can be mimicked with high extracel. If the actions of the hormone depend on induction
lular K' , this suggests (but docs nOl pro,'e) that the of specific proteins that wcre pre_,ously present in
h<'rmone promotes depolarization. inadequatc amounts, the inhibitors cited can be ex-
Vuy snorllatent period. (lasting Ito SI'"eral min· pc<:ted!O abolish the tlfecls. On the other hand, Ihe
u,es) are for enz)'me cascades. intracellular antibiotics have influences on protein
translocation. dependent upon assembly or depoly- synthesis. and they can disrupt unrelated cell activo
mcriz'lIion! of mierotubules, and event. that follow ities. In C<lmmon with all nonphysiological sut..
closely ul"ln changes in cytosolic concentrations of stances. they Can exert ".ide-effects." for example.
substances derived from organelles or surrounding by affe<:ting membrane properties. It is sometimes
fluids. Enzyrne inhibitors are also useful here. but helpful to use twO different kinds of inhibitOr>; of the
several other tools can be used. Colch icine and vin· same processes (such as puromycin and cyclohexi-
eristine are among the drugs used to disrupt micro- mide) to minimize the importance of those other
tubular funclions. Changes in cytosolic Ca" me- sites of action.
diale many hormone actions. If the hormone In some cases, mRNAs with long half.lives are
promotes Ca" uptake from the surrounding fluids. used. More commonly. protein induction depends on
its elfects may be mimicked with A 23 187. an iono- the forrnation of new messengers. Such actions re-
phore thaI carries calcium into the cell , They may quire long latent periods that are measured in hours.
be blocked by bathing the cell. in calcium-<lencient Actinomycin D blocb the effects, since it deforms
media. However, it is important to remember that DNA templates by intercalating between successive
calcium-<lcpleted media (and chelating agents used guaninoxytosine base pairs (74). Consequently.
to remove the ions from the fluids) can norupecifi- RNA polymerases cannot bind and catalyze nucleo-
cally impair cell membrane functions. whereas arti- tide chain elongation. Although il is widely used as
ficial elevation of cytosol Ca" can stimulale cells in an investigative tool. this antibiotic exerts nonspe-
ways not accomplished by the hormone. Aequorin is cifoc inAuences. Animals given repeated dosages suf-
somctimes used to estimate intracellular calc ium fer generalized ill health and loss of appetite . More-
concentrations. since it emilS photons when it binds o_cr, high concentrations can inhibit ribosomal
Ca. (It muSI. however. be injected into cells,) Other RNA symhesis and DNA replication. ""Amanitin is
agents that alfect calcium uptake directly Or indi- a mushroom pOison that mOre specifically affect!
rectly are cited in Chapter II. These include Ca" / RNA I"llymerases involved in mRNA produetion.

Wbile small increments in cell of The . tudies hav. boen on $Ovcral grounds
one or a rew speciali7-cd proteins can be acbicvcd (38. 134). includina failure to rute 0111 the possibility that
wilbin bours. true growlh does not beI:ome apparent some free hormone eould be liberated from Ihe prepara-
until after the very long latent periods (oe<:upying tion., They have atso yielded some intriguing findings,
day1) have ensued. Finally, some thyroid hormone When in.ulin was lin ke<!IO so/ubi, pOIyme ... such 0$
rerritin or dextran. the potency was diminishe<!. This
actions associated with ulrra-Iang latent periods last- could be explained on the ba,; s or aece$< of .he
ing WeeKS arc reccgni7.ed . They involve overhauling hormone molecule. to their receptor site" llo"'ever. when
of cdl machinery and the formation of new ribo- in, ulin was bound to iluolubl< polymers (.",rose b<ads).
somes, mitochondria. and otber organelles. the poIeney wa. actually augmented (24). Moreover. it
The latent periods and inhibitors Can be uscd to h.s b«n Observed IhOl there are cell typt. (e.a, ones in
determine wbether a metabolic process is rcgulatcd mammary gland <.plants) that rcspond to bound. but""t
in more than one way, Norepinephrine accdcratcs to free insulin presented in high eonccmrations.
lipol},.i. within minules by activating a pr<:<:xisting 11 i. likely that the increased potency is related to the
lipase. Protei n synthesis inhibitors do 001 affect the ability of Ihe preparatioll$ 10 promote
In C<lmrast. GH and glucocorlicoids pro- dusterina of laterally mobile hotmone receptors. (Non-
hormonal agent> .ueh as plant loolin . thaI promote clus-
mote the synthesis of substances tbat increase the terinB can mimic hormone actions,) Other possible intcr-
sensitivity to lI<)repinophrine . Their inAuenccs On li- pr.tation. hav. b<en . dvanced. The prepa,,"ion, wuld
polysis are manifested after I hour, and their actions JIJuxiuri"" of thc hormone-receptor complex.
are blocked by the inhibitors. Thyroid hormones aCI .nd in thaI way affoot actions of the rea"lator, Celt.
in yet d ifferent ways. and thcy have longer latent pe- could also stick to hormone-<:ooted bc:ad, in larBe num-
riods. In addition to inducing a specific prolein (31). bo", and thereby cngaBe in eelt_tQ-Cell inleractio". Ihal
Ihey oxen inAuences on calcium metabolism that af- do not occur when the hormon< i. free in solution .
fect th. actions of norepinephrine (45) ,
2. The actions oj peptide-type hornr<NU!s a" as-
soclatrti with challges In plasma nrmrbratu's. Many
THE SECOND MESSENGER HYPOTHESIS regulators depolari7.e. while a few (e.g. insulin in
Tbis hypothesis was formulated to explain the ability some cases) byperpolarize. Agents Ihat mildly dis-
of protein-peptide-amine type hormones 10 initiate turb the membrane Can mimic hormone action"
prompt response< in larget ""lis despite the fact Gentle treatmenl wilh Irypsin. phospholipases. and
thaI Ihey do not readily diffuse acl'QSS plasma organic solvents enhances hormone binding (per-
membranes. baps. in part. by exposing additional receptors). and
Accor<iing to the concept. I1ormones of this kind may even mimic SOm e hormone actions. On the
are first messengers. They bind to specific. high-af- other hand. more drastic trealment with the same
FInity receptors on the outer surfaces of lhe plasma lcads to loss of responsiveness.
membranes of the target cdls . This leads ,-ery rar- 3. /forme," aclions can be al!oli$hed by addilion
idly to activation of a membrane-as.wciated enzymc oj $pecific anlibodits against them. Presum-
that catalyzes ge neration of Ihe u<:Qnd mes.senger ably. the antibodies bind hormones allached to the
within the cytoplasm , The second messenger thcn cell surfaces.
medialeS Ihc hormone actions (130). The hypothesis 4. Specific. high-affinity w:eptors Jor (H'ptide
was developed soon after it was recognized that the hormelles have betn identified III Ihe plasma mem-
small molecules generated when glucagon activatcs brane Jractlons of target cell, (bul nol in fractions
the glycogen phosphorylase in the liver are from cells unresponsi<-e to Ihc regulators). The re-
identical wilh the ones made when epinephrine acts ceptors combine with hormones pre$Om in physiolog-
on sKeielal muscle. Afterward. wOrK in many other ical C<lnccmralions. with I1ormone agonislS (agents
laboratories led 10 extension or the ideas to a widc thaI mimic hormone actions). and with specific an-
variety of hormone actions (109. 110). tagonists (molecules chemically related to the regu-
lators Ihat eompele for binding sites).
None of the preceding ncgates lhc possibilily Ihat
Support for the Concept Thet Pept id e -Type hormones of Ihis exert other kinds or actions
Ho rmo nes Ac t at Ce ll S ur/ac es rollowing entry inlo Ihe cells (92).
1. have been made to ensun that hor-
mones C<lflllOl enter cell$ by covalently them
Specific Applica tion of the Hypothes is
to presumably inert polymers (e.g. agarosc and se-
pharose beads). Even when the diameters or the par- An)' molecule generated within the cytoplasm in re-
licles those of the cells. the hormones wcre sponse to hormone stimulation that affects cell func_
shown to rClain biological activities (25. n. 131). liorn; might be considered a :second messenger. The
ooncept oould be extended to small ions Or mole· Some of the cdl types in which cAM P has becn
cules that accumulate in the cytoplasm when the
hormone alters the properties of the plasma mem·
implicated as a second messenger are shown in Table

It is appropriate to preface a di5cussion of the

However. early applications of the hypothesis as· roles of cAMP by pointing oot that (a) not all pep.
sumed that hormone-receptor association is oouplcd tide hormones promote generation of the nucleotide:
specifically to activation of adl'nylau q(/a$l'. an en. and (b) cAM P is found in all nucleated animal cells
zyme that ca taly1cs tbe formation of cyclic aden<r that have been examined (including those of inver-
sine 3'.5'-monophosphatc (cAMP) from ATP. loor- lebrates), in the erythrocytes of mQS\ mammals. and
ganic pyrophosphate (r·P) is a by·product: in prokaryotes. h is generated by, and affects, the
functions of cells thai are insensitive to vertebrate
_ hormones.
AlP ____ .•_______ <•_ cAMP . p.p
Mec hanism of Action of cAMP ( 15 )
Prolein kinDses (P Ks) are rt'gulalOry enzymes. They
catalyze the transfer of Ihe terminal b"l phosphate
'" of ATP to a wide variety of mole<:ules whose prop.
erties are alfe<:ted by the phosphorylation. The sub-
strates include other enzymes. components of mem·
branes, and proteins associated with the ribosomes.
nucleus, mitochondria. microtubules. and olher cdl
$Qme of the protein are eA M P-dependent;
i.e. they arc relatively inactive in the absence of the
nucleotide because the catalyti, oomponents (C) are
masked by regulatory subunits ( R). Activation of
those teUamers can be repre"""tcd a. follows:
R,C. , + 2 cAMP _ R,{cAMP), + ), C.
(inactive (acti,·c
cn7,yme) enzyme)
Substrates for the activated catalytic subunits in·
elude regulatory enzymes.

T.bIe 4- 1 Some oIlhe largot Celli .. I'II'OctI II1teraet'" 01 thO 1100 .. """, with nl
p , :01'10< L_IO flevat'" o! CytoeoI eMAP ConoetI\,.tio<>l

Cdl Type St,mot>!in, HOt"""'" Elf."" of .A"-iP !;\o•• tioo

Hcpatocyte Gloc'loo Acti .. t;". or , ty""8oo

phoop horyl ... ,)'St.m
Adipoeyt. NOr<pi .. ph,i .. A.,i.>!;". or lip . ..
Folliool .. «It or ,h)·roHl Th)'md.-'imol .. in. S«r<lion of 'h)·roid

Zoo. f.,oioul ... ,dl of Ad" """""io«ropi< S«""ion of , IUOO<OT'iooid.
• d .....1 «J""
.\!.", f>OIlOot. .1.1'' ' ' ' 1 ,..,,' m. I., ,ng Oi.I'<"ioo of pi,,,,,",
Kid""y coItoc'in, d." V'",!"""i. W'IO'l""pot!
InI.",i,i.1 «11 or ""i. lotti.;,i., hor....",., $0."""", of "''''''Ct''''''
G.,,,i. m""""" colt I/i".m''''' S<o .. ,ion of ""jd

Kid .. y '.bo" «II P",.. hyroid loOt.,..,. t " ..... d 110 _ _ "<>"
Th)·""....,. 0011 of Th r)·' " ropi .... I•• ' i OJ: S<<<Ol"" 0/
p<'.i'>ry JI.od "' m.t""IOoo'_

Protein kinase
Regulatory enzyme + ATP , Phosphorylated cnlymc + ADP
(inactive. dephosph(),ylatcd) (ac(ivaw,l eozyme)

The activulcd regulatory enzyme can be a CQm· stream, and travel to ti .. ues lhat utilize them for the
ponen! of a cascade that then aCt. on yel a different production of ATP energy.
,"',ymc. 2. Glucagon is secreted during times of fasting
Phosphate acceptors for ..actions catalyzed di - when blood glucose levels begin to decline to subop-
1"<:olly by cAMP-<!ependent protein kinase! (or by timal concentrations , The hormone interacts with its
f<'gulalory enzymes activated by the prolein kinases) receptor On the surface of the hepatocyte, and this
can be membrane C(lrnponcnts inV<llvcd in control of leads to the generation of cAMP. A cAMP-depen-
permeability, microtubular proteins required for in- dent protein kinase is then activate<!. and it. in turn.
tracdlular traru;locations. ribosomal proteins affect- catalyzes the phosphorylation of a regulatory en-
ing peptide chain assembly_ mitochondrial conslilu- zyme. glycogen phosphoryla se kinase. (The e/fects
ents, or substances within the nuclei (46, 61. 115). of glucagon are amplified, since many molecules of
A generalized scheme for eAMP regulation is sum- protein kinase arc activated. and each of them cat·
marized in Fig. 4·2. Two examples are alyzes phosphorylation of many molecules of the gly-
shown in Fig, 4-3. cogen phosphorylase b kinase.)
1. Norepinephrine is released during and The regulatory en7.yme then promotes the transfer
when the environmental temperature fans below lev- of a phosphate from ATP to glycogen pnosphorylase
els at which body temperature can be maintained (which has very 10'" activity in Ihe deph<lSphoryl·
with the ongoing metabolic processes. One of the ated state). The reaction results in the conversion of
hormone functions under such conditions is mobili- the glycogen phosphorylase b to Ihe much more ac,
7.ation of fatty acid fucls from adipose tissue. tivc glycogen phosphorylase Q. (Amplification is
The hormone combines with its receptor on the again achieved.) The glycogen phosphorylase Q then
surface of the adipocyte, and this leads to thc gen- acts directly on the glycogen substrate to promote
eration of cAMP. The nucleotide then activates a the formation of glucose phosphate. In the hepato-
cAMI'-<lepcndent protein kinase. cyte, glucose phosphate is rapidly hydrolyzed to
The kinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of a hor- yield the free glucose Ihat is liberated to the
mone-sensitive lipase and thereby activatcs that en- bloodstream.
zyme. The lipase promotes hydrolysis of triglyecr- The glycogenolysis s)'stem is more complicated
ides to fatty acids and glycerol. The products of thc than the lipolytic one. and it involves more amplifi.
reaction diffuse out of Ihe adipocyte, enler Ihe blood- cation. This is physiologically appropriate. since

F«m.tion 01 HORMONE-Receptor complex ,," ,."

Act;."..., 01 adenylale eyc1a ...
Activation 01 cAMP..mpcn<\e(lt
prot",n kinase
r 1 PK'

j , • An> _ x_p· .. AOP

Enzyme aetivaf.on,
m<>mbrane tronspo<!.
protein synel1le'; $, 4-2. e./IMP medlOlion of
etc. . <:lions, • ""t;.,It!<! f(l<m ,

c",MP generation cAMP

j I
p/'IosphotyIase • AD P
(I kir\ao.Il.p'

Glycogen Gl"lcogen + AOP

p/Iosphorylaset> • ATP p/Iosp/'o<ylaS<l ,.
(p/IoS!>ho<yIate<l I

Glycogen • Pi ) Glcocose·p
phoopl'latl) I

Fig. Ro1<l. ot cAMP in octi.ation Of..,<l

QI)'OO9&II p/lCoophofyl ..... • ... cti • • ted 1.,."1 oj enzyme.

there is an urp;cnt to rapidly correct the blood (e) moleCules phosphorylated by cAMP are con-
glucose levels, trolled by other regulators (140),

Exper lmentel Support l o r the Conc epts 01 c AMP Cen Bring AbOut In hibiti o n as well as
cAMP Fun ct ions Activatio n of Enzym es
Protein kinases that Can be activated by cAMP are Although the hormone-sensitive lipase and the gly·
found in the cells (140) and sufficient cogen phO&phorylasc enqmes a'<' activated by bind·
cAMP is generated to bring about the activation. ing phosphate. other enzymes arc inoctivoted. Since
The cells also contain numerouS regulatory mol.,. many of the second group catalY7.. reactions that op-
eules whose: functions are affected by addition Or loss pose those: of the first. this provides for efficient con-
of pho&phate. The protein kinascs catalyze the pho$. trol over metabolic The following very
phorylations both in vivo and in vitro (46) . useful generali7.ation has been made: En1.ymes in
Many investigators believe that all of Ihe conse· biodegradativc pathways are activated by phospho-
quences of eA M P generation arc directly related to rylations. whereas enzyme.'; in biosynthetic path ... a)'s
the mechanisms just described. nowevcr, the fun so. arc inactivated (S6A). The best'Known example of
quenees of events initiated by hormone- receptor inactivation by phosphorylation is the glycogen-csyn·
binding and culminating in end rcsponSC5 have been thesizing system of liver and muscle cells.
traced for just a rew functions. The formation of glycogen from glucose phO&·
When assessing the importance of cAMP gener· phate is accomplished in twO steps. first . the glucose
ation, it should be '<'cogniZed that (a) whenever pho&phate reacts with uridine tripho&phate (UTI'. a
ATP i. used to make that nuclcotide.there is simul- molecule chemically related to ATP but containing
tane<lu! formation of 1'.1' which also affects meta- uracil in the place of adenine). The products of the
bolic processes; (b) cAMP degradation yields aden- reaction arc pyropho&phate plus uridine diphO&phate
osine, another biologically active substance: (c) glucose (UDPG).
steroid hormones and other regulators contribute to
cAMP generation and degradation (134). although Glucose phosphate + UTP - UDPG + P- P
mO&t of their elTects are exerted in dilTercnt ways: The UDPG then reacts with a preexisting glyco-
(d) many important pho&phoryiations are catalyzed gen chain. and the glucose moiety is addw to the end
by protein kinases that arc cAMP-inde"..ndenr; and of that chain.

Glycogcn syn thase

UDPG + Glycogen Glycogcn + UDP
(n glucose) (n + I glucose)

The second of the reaetio!l5 is rate·limiting for upon tbc presence of very high ooncentrJtions of glu·
glycogen sy nthesis. and it is catalyzed by the cn7-yme cose-6-phosphate) and glycogen synthase I (whose
glycogen synthase (glycogen synthetase. UDPG·gly· activity is independent of such substrate re-
cogen transphorylase). which binds to the glycogen quirements).
cbain. A glycogen synthase kinase catal)'7es inactivation
The en'_yme exists in two forms: glycogen syn. of the en,_ynte,
thase D (so !l3med its activity is dependent

Glycogen synthar.e
Glycogen synthase + A TP Glycogen synthase D + A DP
(active . dephosphorylated) (inaclive. phospho rylated)
Protein phosphorylate •. and it thcr<:by ae- k llQwn a, pbQ<phor)'lue kinase-kinase . and the >e<:<>nd a.
tiva tes the glyoogen synthase kinase. ThererOf<'. glycogen .ynthase ki nos<.
when cAMP promotes glycogen degradation. it si· T he described mechanism, for acedorating gly·
multaneously shuts do"'n the opposing prO<:eS$ of cogenolysis a rc mar<: complex than the ones inhibit·
glyoogen synthesis ( Fig. 4-4), ing glycogenesis, T his i, consistent with the urgent
Before it ..... thai a 'inale en'.)"me (protein need to rapidly OOrreCl low blood glucose levels.
kinase) catal)"><:< pbQ<phoryl.tion. of both pho<phoryiase Howe_cr. additional controls arc in the
kin .." and glycogen synthase. the first en,)'me was next section and in C hapter 5.


p,ot'"" kinase
(active bm)

GIyo<>gM syntflase phOSphoryIa ...

kmase (inactive) I> kina ... (inactive)

j j

Fig. 4·4. SimuIla"""". InM>ition <>I glYe<>g9n sYnthesis

and activation <>I g1yooge.-.01y.i.,
RegulatIon 01 cAMP Concentralion s crelion. f<.lr example. when glucagon restores blCKld
concenlflllions, Ihe alpha cells of the pan-
Since calalF.<:d by the cAMP..:Iepen- crealic islets decrea.\e lheir output of the hormone.
dent prolein bnases advanlageous al (The n:gulator must be continuously presenl to cxert
times but undesirable at olhers, cAMP levels must sustained actions [1121_)
be regulated, 2_ Targel ails JX>-l$tSS enzymes thai degradt her-
Cyclic nucleOlide phosphodiesterases calaly?.<: hy- nlOM previously secreted. Similar en?ymes are pres-
drolysis of to adenosine-5'-mooophosphate ent in blood and in other body fluids. Some hor·
(5'AMP), a product that lacks the biological moncs involved in processes that can require
enics of cAMP, especially mpid termination of Ihe clfe<:ts an: re-
moved in other ways_ For example. secn:tory gran·
Ph asphod iest erase
cAMP + BOH ( S'AMP) ules lake up and sequester catecholamines_
3. Correction of the condition thaI originally elic-
The en7.ymes are universally present in cells, and iled secretion of the hormone can provide Ihe stim-
Ihey play major roles in depr=ion of cAMP levels. ulus for Ihe release of amagoni,,'ie reglilalorS.
Their formalion and activities are controned by hor· (When glucagon excessively elevates blood glucose,
mones and also by cAMP ilself. insulin secretion increases.)
Other mechanisms contribute to lowering of Ihe 4. Pm/efT! kinases are itUleth·ated. As concentra_
cAMP conccmmtions. Small quantities of the nu- tions of free cAMP decline. some of the nucleotide
cleotide diffuse oul of cells. especially when the cy- bound to Ihe regulatory subunits of the protein ki_
tosol concentrations are high. cAMP is a normal nases is released. This permils the regulalory suo.
constituent of blCKld. urine , cerebro:spinal fluid, gas- units to re<:ombine with Ihe catalytic subunits.
Iric juice. and seminal Huid.
In addition. some cAMP is bound to macromole-
R,.(""MPj, 2R • 2 CAMP
cules or otherwise rendered tempOrarily inactive via
sequestration within organelles (fig. 4-S).

Terminstlon o f Effects 01 Hormon es Acting Actnoe ea"'lyIic lnacl;"" p'OIein

vIa cA MP $Coonit kin a ...

Mosl reSpOnses can be rapidly arrested.

I. Rmwval of the stimulus shuts off hormone Sf:-

In addition. cclls conlain inhifJirorr prolej'J5 that

combine directl y with (and then:by inactivate) Ihe
fro:<' catalytic subunilS_
High concentrati<>os of
I' e<! CylO$OI cAMP
c +. C-'
Active Inhibitory Inactivale
rIO/mor>es ar<l
olhcr 'e-gulaIOO'S
protein enzyme

t Adcnylate
P Msphorlie .. "" . ... 5. Pho.<phoqialtd molecule., re.erl II, Ihe del'hos-
aCI;"ity pho'Ylaled Slate. While the process can proceed
slowly without the benefil of en,)'mes, cells contain
phosphat"ses that speed up the reactions.

""- ,
ar<l a'he,
6. Changes in cell metabolism can reduce Ihe ef-
ftCliW' Ms., of phosphorylated regulatory molecules.

Roles of Phosp hoprotein Phos phatases
Phosphoprotein phosphatases catalyn: hydrolylic re-
moval of Ihe phosphale groups added by the kinase-
low concen"atior>. direcled n:actions. (No ATP is synlhc.'izoo.) The en-
of cytOSOl ""MP ?ymes aCI On molecules thaI arc either activated or
Fig . 4-5. of cyloool cA MP r;<>o<:enl,aliorl •. inactivated by the phosphorylations_
PrOlein phosphatase
Glyoogen phosphorylase b kinase + HOH Glycogen phosphorylase b kinasc + Pi
(aclive. phosphoryl ated) (inactive. dcphosphorylalcd)
Prolein phosphatase
Glycogen synthase D + HOH Glycogen synthase J + Pi
(inaclive, phosphorylated) (active, dcphosphorylaled)

Insulin. an amagonist of glucagon. brings about Regulation 01 Adenylate Cyclase Activity

activation of several of Ihe pllosphoprolcin
Most of the adenylale cydase activity of eukaryotic
cell. has been localized to the plasma membrane,
The interactions of lhe hormones and lhe enzymes
and only membrane-associated enzyme has been
they alfe<:\ permit the operation of elegant and
studied in detail.
highly cflicicnl mechanisms for fine control of
metabolic processes (set Fig. 4-{i). In addition, There i. evidence for aClivity in the .. r""plasmic relic-
(he'" arc substrate controls Ihal CQ/\fer spe<.:ial "tum of cardiac muscle (75). cAM P i. found in all Olher
advantages. High oonc<:ntralions of gluC«IC-6-phos- pam of Ihe ce ll . but dala , upporling the existence of the
phate increase the activity of glycogen synthase. enzyme in nuclear. miloch""driaL and mierosomat f ... c.
even when the enzyme is not liom have been que"ione<i by some on lhe ground. thaI
some glycogen will be i10red during contami""li"" wilh ptasma membrane components wa.
oot unequivocally ruled out .
times of substrate abundance, when insulin
levels are low_ Thi, i, especially fortunate for The enzyme systems arc and they vary
subjects who are insulin-defieient. Glucose con· from cell type to ceillype within the .. me individual.
tributes to the regulation of, among other things, Some generalized models for activalion have been
the activities of phosphoprotein phosphatBses proposed (102), but concepts of the organillltion are
(26). still evolving.
Sinc< the hormone binds at the cell surfatt. while un r,hration <:<>tum", (55). The regul.tory units (G. G /F
the Mg-ATP and tne cAMP are in thecy- or N) are complex protein, ,,·ith molecular wcil\htS of
tosol. it was from the outset that the sy!;- arou nd 1)0.000 th.t contain three diffe,ent kinds of S"b-
tem must span the width of thc plasma membrane unitS(93), They can be sepanucd from the cat.ly1ic ';te.
(Fig. 4·7 A). Hormone binding and catalytic activity when two diff<rtnt kinds of cell. art co-<:uh"rtd (20) ,
Moreove,. «lis that I,ck hormone reccptol'$ can bind rc·
can be affected by different regulators_
cept"" presented in pl.,ma mcmbr .... fraction. from
It soon became apparent that the iIornlQne-rec. othe r «lItyp<' in a mann", that permi,. hor-mOMI aeti.
ognition and catalytic clements arc separate prt>- • .,ion of the enzyme (121).
leinS. and that t!ley are physically and functionally
linked by a "coupler" or "transducer" (Fig. 4_7B) . In "resting" cdls. eaen component may be free 10
move laterally within the plasma membrane (25.
Hormone-recognition , rtgulato,y (If.nsduee,) .nd 102) (Fig. 4-7C) . The hormone evidently inV<lkcs
e.lalytie dem.nts nave been separated from eaeh o1her clustering of receptors and the linking of the three
oomponents. The ooncept is consistent wiln several
kinds of observations. I.«:tins and othcr agenu that
promote cluster ing of thc hormone receptors Can
often mimic hormQlle actions_ Electron microscopy
Sludies employing specialized techniques have pro-
vided morphological evidence for hormone-stimu-
lated rec<ptor clustering.

od I
The adenylate cyclase! of SOme eel! type; ean be
activated by twO or mOre hormones. Each bind, to
its own receptor. When very small dose! of twO or
• more of thc hormones are presented simu ltanoously •
pI •• ma "
the effects On cAMP generation Summate , However.
when one normonc invokes a maXimal response. a
seoond cannot further activate Ihc enzyme , It is
likely. therefore.lht different kinds of receptors in·
teract with oommon catalytic oomponents.


Tfllnsduccrs interact with both rc:<:eptor and cata·
lytic component< (3, 93) , The (f subunit binds GTP
(e ..,ential for ad.nylate cydasc aClivation). and its
GTPase terminates the response. Inhibilory (N;) and
stimulatory (N,) regulators have been identified (A·
7). bu t it has been suggested that Ihey are different
forms of the .ame peptide.
According to onc mood (13). the hormone inte,aet'
first with both its receptor and tne G protein to form an
",etivated oomplex."
Hormone - Rocep1or " G _ _••_ H·R·G
(""'mane (activ.te<l c<>ml)le<)
Then. GT P binds to the complex.

Only when thiS oceul'$ can the G protein effectively at·

Ftll. 4 ·7. Model. 01 eye/. . . . H, tach to and .ctivate the catalytic ';te.
""'mone: RH, _mono _ tor s ite, Rg " Rg •. Rg ••
,ogcotltOO'y s itel: C, CIltaly1ic
S. ilUbalra t.; T.
lor hormono I; RH" receptor for
hormane 2. _ indicat... pot..,lilt for interaction with H·R·G·GTP + Gatalytic unit
.. H·A·G·GTP
(;"act; •• ) (""waled adenylate cydasnl

The "li" i1y is of short duration. boca.« 'he OTPut m,

enzyme of th. G unil c.talyz., hyd,<>Iy.i. of lb. nude.,. 2,
tide and separ" lioo of the components of lhe C(lmplex. 1. C, - GTP + H - R - GTP - -- -_ ,

H_A·Q·GTP _ -••_ H_R·G·GDP _ _ _ ._ H • R • G + C
H - R - GTP-GTP - C ,
(fully active .den)'la te
cyda.. )

GTP ha. additionally be." implic.ted in pTOtoction of

The '· .. m<>del" ju" d=ribcd '"ggom .hal lhe the receptor again.t eon •• roion to a "d • ..,n.iti«d'" .Iat •.
hormone aClS sole ly to r.dlilate Ih. binding of GTP 10 When hormone concentrations are low. and Iher.
th. regulatory (G) oomponen,. probably via ".8mo",a- i. 110 GTP . • mall quantities of. hormone-rece ptor com·
lion of lh. "umbers of binding ,ile, (29). II i. con,;.(en1 pl.x are formed. Such bindi", doe, IIOt liter re"'ptor sen-
with the followi ng observ.tion" $itiv;ty. but the ""mpl.xes bind to catal ytiC comport.nt.
GTP an.1ogo that ca noot be dephosphorylat<:<l (e". in their "atc•• and the re.ulting prod uct> have little
, •• nosine (5'.[#. y-imido) triphosphate, Gpp[NH)p) or 110 enzymatic aClivity,
bring about pel'S;' len1 activation of adenylat. <)"<:1.""
when"" hormone is present. The effect i, pre«ded by a R. + H _ R, _ H
lag pe,;od. which i. pr<>bably ,.lated 10 Ih. mi .. ing bor· NoGTP
monal facilitation of the GTP binding. The hormone can R,- H + C. R, - H - C,
incre... th. dfec\i vc"""Of 'he analog. Different .nalog.. (low
that do 1101 " imul ate the .!fecl' of Ihe horlOOn ••. aot ivity)
pr<,umably l>ecause they form oomplexes th.t failtQ.e-
li.ale the cllalylic sil'. When the hormone concentration i. high. and there i.
A different. "equilibrium" model (I) ... to< Ihat the eilher "" GT P or .ery liul. of the nudeolido •• compared
ho,mone ca n prorn<>te bind ing of the G unil 10 the cata· wi th th. hormone. the receptor i. con,"t "od to • dnr"..
lytic one. to fo,m a ""mpl.x wilh low leli.ity (e.on when .ili:td .. ate as it binds tightly to the hormone. Ad.
110 GTP anache,). The 10w-acli.iW comple< can then dition of GT P can the n ..,"" .... the dosensiti,Olton . po$"
bind to GTP.• nd this in marked enhancement of .ibly by binding to th. receptor.
cOla I yl ie f U0<1 ioo,
HorlOOne only

"G, __ -"C'e''---_ •_G·GTP

"' '.
(receptor in
R.- H
G • basal or roceptor tightly
6 ! $Cnsiti""
.... e)
bound to hormone)

lhi9h ""t;'ityl Gn
R,H - R,-Il _ R, + H
In. reCCnt model (A.?)' H·R bind, G to form I high.
allinit)' II·R·G complex. When GTP attache, to th.
OTHER CONCEPTS OF GTP FUNCTIONS (2. alpha .unu nit of G. H-R and the bo,a , ununit ar. re-
11.110.111) leased. The alpha ,ubunit then bind. and act ivai" C. Fi-
By combining dir«lly ""ith the catalytio unit . GTP m.y nally. GTP dissociat., G from C, and the on·
fo,m an comple. Ih.t undergoe. lime- and '.)'me rever,. to it$ in.ctive "ote.
tempe,.ture-dependent.eti.ltton e.en whon 110 hormone Additional c:oncep" indud. hormone and GTP antag.
i, p, • ..,nt. (Thi, i, con.i"ent ""ith the existence of low onism of inhibilory regulato .... and GTP and/ or hor·
1..01. of .n,),me aeti.ity in "ro. ting" cell,. and with tho monal mediation of th. rei .... of.n .ubunit
direct activation by GTP analogs. The quant ilie, of from the adenylale cyclase complex ,
cAMP g.ncrat.d as a result of th i. kind of int • .,ction GTP io an establi,h.d po:Iitive mod ulator of glucagon-
would be eXpeCled to be lim;ted by the rapid Tate of GTP sen.iti ve O)"tem, of hepotQ(yt.s, .dipocyt< .. pa ncrea tio
de pbosp beryl.tion,) i.lel bet. cell •• and myocardium. of catecholami""...,n·
,iti.e .dipoeyle< and m)'oc.ordium. of ACTH-<o""itivo
Direci combin'l ion of additional GTP with the hOT'
""mplc. could thon lead to form. tion of adipoeytes and adrenocortical cell •. and of
the fully acti.e .iti.e frog bladder epithelium" HO""e'>'< r. adenylat. cy·
da ... ystem. can be Ictivlted in more than ono way. and
4 __ u_-_
GT P GTP hao been repOrted to ..en inhibil<Hy inn u.nees on
v."'p..... in- and oxytQ(in...,n,ili'e cell. of bovine kidney
medulla while faili ng to affect some other ceUtype •.
(enzym. in (inacti,. (parti.lly Certain of the celll)'peo .. irnulatcd by GTP ore inhib-
bu.l"ate) intermediate) activated ited. by GOP. while Oth .... are 1101. lnosin. triphosphate
(ITP). ATP. and ADP have also been obst,vcd \0 eith.r IYpe. of subunia. A,. A,. and B. The enlire molecule i,
.timulale .". inhibit en.yme ,)"S\em •. eith.r directly.". via required for .ction< on inlaCt oell •. The rlfSt Step i$ the
in\ ..... ctioo wilh GTP. bi..:ling of Ihe B ,ubuni" 10 8"nllliosides on lhe cell .ur·
face. The mo!eeul .. lhen dis.sociOl. and Ihe A, subunia
interact directl)' wilh the eyel . ...y.tem. (A, i. effecti..,
NUCLEOSIDES alo.,. in b,oken «II preparation •. ) The A .ubunit e.lo·
I)" .. Ihe tnn,fer of AOP·ribo<e from NAO' 10 an . mill(!
Adenosine. dewyadenosine. and OIh.r nu.lcosid .. in·
acid moielY of Ihe G oomponenl of lhe adenylale cycla..
......" .AMP concenlration. in lymphoC)'t ••. plal.l.t •. S}·stem. It dimini.he. Ihe GTP.", .etivity of the G com·
Skin. boO(, and myoc.o.rdium. and a lso in brain. adren<>-
ponenl and Ihe reby ,If.. " .ustain.d aClivalion of lhe ')"i-
cortical. and le'lieul., lu"""'. It de .. e'iC1lhem in fal
tern. In platelets. it blocks PGF. , $1 imulation of GTPa ..
cells. kidn<:y COrle •• li'-.r. and norm.1 b.. in .nd a,cite>
tumors (33). Mammalian fat coil. oonlain high adenooin.
Beca.", gl)'coprolein hormone. $haft: SOme amino . oid
de.minase activity. TIl< en.yme promot •• oonversion of
>«luenee .... ith choleragen. il ha. been ,uggest"d lhal gt>-
.denosine to inosine. and it. inhibilors e"ue .. te Ihe in· nadolropin. and TSH e, ert 'imib' innuenee. on lhei,
fl.cne .. of Ihe ad.nosine.
13'gCI cell •. Howe""r. dilf.... fICC. in Ihe mechanism, have
Theophylline and some other "gents u,"d 10 prolonS been found (I I 3).
the lif. of cAMP via inhibition of phosphodieslerase.
have been .hown to exert inHuence, on .denosine uptake
from Ihe e"noellul. r fluid. (31). FLUORIDE IO NS
F1uorid. ion ..... fIOl •• pecially u.eful f.". the study <>f
PHOSPHOLIPIDS .den )·I.I. eyclase .)'Stems of inlacI celi •.• ince they exorl
powerful inhibitory innuen... 00 enl)'mcs of the glyco-
Hormone receptors are a.socialcd wilh phospho- Iylic palhw.y. 11",.·ov.r. th.y are polenl stimulanl. of .d·
lipids of the plasma membrane. and Ihe associalion enylal< eycla...y"em, thaI have been ",Iub ililed (and
may be essential for maintaining adenylale cyclase have therefo ... become unrcsponsi,·. 10 hormone Slimu·
funclions. Hormones Ihal generalC cAM P can bring lotion). The mechani . m. of aClion differ from Ih"", 01
about very rapid melhylalion. and Olher changes in hormones; and F- can anl.gooi,.. the effects of both hor·
the phospholipids (5 1). mone. and chok,agen. Binding to G componcn" lhal
Membrane-bound adenylale cyclase system. of have associaled I<ith GOP ... m. 10 be .... nli.1 for nut>-
cell fractions relain lhe hormone responsi vcness of ,ide aClivalion (3). It hO$ also l>c<;n ,uuwcd th.1 nut>-
lhe tissues from which they were deri,·ed . lIowever. ;"'11' prumUL< ui ph"'''l'h''''''9'''0
or dis.socialion <>f an inhibitory compo.. nl rrom Ihe C)"
if ancmplS arc made to solul>ilize Ihe enzyme sys-
cia .. 'yOlem (9).
tcrns by homogeni7.ation in Ihe presenee of deter·
Forskolin is a ... cently introouced pharma.ologic. l lool
gents such as Lubrol·PX (and the detergenl is then that activa\ .. adenyb'e eyel .... in both intact and bro-
",moved). catalylic activily is p",sc"'ed while hor· kcn-ccll p... paralions. This dilerpenc ... m. to inleracl
mone sensitivilY is los\. wilh a previously unrcoogni,cd ..11 eomponenl Ihat i, no\
Highly specific cll'eets of phospllolipid addilion. ...dcd for hormonal or cholera lo,in >1imul'lioo. The ef·
can tnen be demonstraled . For phosphati- feel> are dimin i.hod ... ith inhibitors of prolcin. but not <>f
dylinositol ",.to"'-1 the responsiveness of myocardial RNA .yn lh.,is (II AI.
systems to calecholamines (57). whereas neil her
phosphatidylcholine nor phosphatidylserinc is effec-
Ii"". lly comrast. phosphatidylserinc (but nol 1be
others) rc.IO",. In: responsiveness of hel'alic en· Several hormones affect Ihc bitlSynlho.i, of catalytic
zymes 10 Ihe catecholamines. When exposure of the and C<'gulalory componems. GH promotes a delayed.
enzyme .ystem. of thyroid glands to phospholipase .ustained elevalion of "basal" activily in adipocylcS.
A Or C destroy. the sensitivity to TSH. IIormonc re- a nd it also increases the effectiveness of catechol-
sponsiveness is restored wilh phosphalidylcholinc amines. Early reports Ihal insulin decrease. basal
only (75). aelivilies in SOme cell types (24) weC<' regarded as
controversial. bu\ mare recent work suggcsi' Ihat
some effects of lhe hormone can be linked with
STUDIES WITH CHOLERA TOXIN depression of cAMP levels (3A).
Endorphins inhibit the aClivity of pr.. ad·
Chole,. loxin (choleragen) promote •• uStaincd. irrevcr·
.ibl. activation of the cyclase. of .11 euk' ryolic cdl Iype, enylate cyclas. syslems in a manner thai is anlag<>-
Ihu, far c.amined (87. I D). It i, a useful experimental ni1X:d by naloxone and related opiate antagonists.
100[ for 'Iudying the "If.." of persistanl "Iovalion of Long'lerm e,posur. of cultured glioma cells 10 en·
cAMP coneentr.lion< .nd for probing mechani<m, of ad· dorphins lead. 10 "addiction" because of compensa·
enylal" c)'cla", regula\ion. tory increases in en7.yme synthesis. Afler Ihis has oc·
Cholcrag.n i. an oligome, conlaining throe dill'crent curred. Ihe cells tend 10 exhibit "normal" cAM P

production when continuously exposed to the agents.

bUI excessive cAMP formation during times of
"withdrawal" (68). Cells of other types may "pro.
teCt themselvcs" against cxccs.sive elevation of
cA MP levels by increasing Ihcir synthesis of cn-
zymes that degrade Or inactivale thc nucleotide.

Pros ta g lan dins and the c AMP S yste m

Ccll perturbations by hormoflCJ;, neurotransmitters.
ions, and mechnical and other stimuli can lead to
rapid gcneration of the prostaglandins (PG.) and as-
sociated regulators (PGIs. TXs. etc.) (117). The
molecules exert effects on the cdls in which they arC
made. and they arC also potcnt stimulants for other
cdls (fibroblasts. platelet •. adipocyles. hepatocytes.
and comportems of kidney. pancreatic islets, thyroid
glands. for example) when they are released to the
surrounding nnids (43). They interact in complex
ways with other rcguahors (53). Sincc these include Other . /
cGMP. Ca" . calmodulin, phospholipids. neu",
trnnsmillers. growth·promoting hormones. and ki_ C. cAMP.lnclepenclent ,nHlJences on the response
nase C. eAMP-dcpcndcnce is not easily delineated.
Three different kinds of interaction have been
found (105):
I. Augm,malion: PG& ,ynthesized in response to
a hormone that also activatC$ adenylate cyclase can tions of isolated adipocyte:s by exerting direct
increase the quantity of cAMP generated and addi· ito'1 infiuen= on those cells (30).
tionally act in other ways to augment the response.
The cAMP may also eontribute 10 PGE synthesis
(Fig. 4·8A). Protein Kln a ses
2, NtgaliOit fudback: PGFs can lower cAMP lev- Animal cells contain a variety of en1.ymes that cat-
els by exerting inhibitory innucn= on adenylato cy- alyze transfers of the terminal phosphates of ATP.
clase and stimulatory ones on the phosphodiester- GTP. ITP. and other nucleotides to regulatory mol·
ases. At the same time, they can exert other acilons ecules (I 5. 132. 140). They can be divided into three
that are not mediated by the nucleotide (Fig. 4-88). groups on the basis of their activation requiremcnts:
3. aCliOlU: PGs generated either in (a) cydic nuclcotide,.jcpendcnt protein kinases; (b)
response 10 the hormone or in other way. can act via calcium-activated protein kinases; and (c) phospho;>-
separate mechanisms to either augment or lessen the protein kinase. that are not regulated by either
changes accomplished by cAMP (Fig. 4-8C). cyclic nucleotides Or calcium.
T he roles of Ihe PGs depend not only on their Most members of the cyclic nucleotide,.jepende nl
chemical nature, but also on the cell type and the group are obviously contr<>lled by cAMP but ,how
physiological oonditions. Moreover. high oonccntra· limited responsivenes.s to cG M P. In this chapter. the
tions can have effects that arc very different from term PK is applied to them , Others prcrer kinase A.
lower ones (53). They act on ves.sel walls to incrcase and use kinase G for en1.ymes affe<:ted pr;imarily by
or decrease the blood How: on plasma, lysosomal. cGMP.
and mitochondrial membranes; on en,-ymes; and in_ PKs are associated with the plasma membranes of
directly by altering cytosol Ca'+ concentrations, In· endocrine cell& (48) and erythrocytes. At least some
Auences on adipose tissue provide an example of the transport processes. Considerablc PK activ-
problems involved in interpreting their importance. ity is found in the cytosol of liver, heart. Skelctal
When acting alone on whole tissue . they tend to el· musclc. uterus. mammary gland. and other cell
evate the cAMP ooneentrations. The effects are ev· types. and the roles include phosphOf)'lations of met-
idently exmed on endothelial and fibroblast com· abolic enzymes and of ribosomal and other proteins.
poncnts. On the othcr hand. they reducc Ihe ability Catalytic subunits of PKs are translocated to nuclei,
of catocholamines to elevate the cAMP concentra- in which they act On histones and "acidic" nuclcar
prolein:;. Sub'llrale utilizalion ""ntrolled to a great r t pa!licipates in prOleCtiOn agai",l excessive celt protif.
by onzyntC ""ntpartmentali,.ation . eration (140). Many obse ..ation. ,upport the notion. but
Many of the are large macromolecular .orne (e.g. the high lovetsof PK 11 in . kcletat muscte) do
enzymes with dissimilar thaI bear numer· 00'.
ous phosphate_binding A single type of PK can
calalyze phosphorylations of serine or Ihre<lninc reS-
Pho s phodiestera s e s
idues at more Ihan one sp«ific locus. O nly some of
Ihe phosphate additions are directly linked with Each cell type contains its characteristic assortment
changeS in the activity of the substrate enzyme. Oth_ of cyclic nucle<ltide (PDE) iso-
ers Ca n affeci interactions with small cytosohc COm- zymes. Differences in amino acid S«juenc<:s account
ponents or with other enzymes. In many cases. dif· far some of the variations in substrate specir,eities
ferent sites on the SlIme molecule are phosphorylated and allinities. but the subcellular distributions and
by caleium-<lcpendent Or other prolein kinasc.s. dcgrees of association with membranes a!Tect both
Phosphate additions at one site can aff«t the ten- the availabilities of the substratcs and the suscepti-
dencies to gain Or \os( phosphates at another. More- bi lities to activalion or dcgradation by other cell con-
over. an enzyme that is activated by phosphorylation stituents (91. 141). All cell s additionally contain
may have a calcium requirement Or be capable of phosphodiesterases that dii!Tcrent kinds of
activation by calcium alone. To funher complicate reactions.
the situation. a single PK can phospllorylate two Or On the basis of their cAM P-binding properties.
more that contribute to a common meta- Ihe more common form. of PDE. have been divided
bolic function. into three categaries. However. ent-ymes performing
specialized functions that do not fit into any of Ihe
groups have been deseribed for some cell types.
PK ISOZY MES PDEs assume greatest importance when
Tile t"" major iTOuPS have .imila, or identical calalytic Ihe cells accumulale substantial quantities af cAM P.
. ubunits. but they ha'·e different regulatory ""mpencna but they bi nd cyclic guanosine 3.5-monophosphate
and Ihc,d"", diff.,cnt propenies (140. t 4 7). (cG MP) with fairly high allinity. As discussed later
Type I isozyme> are ,mailer. more addic molecute. in this chapter. Ihese PDEs are regulated by calcium
that can' be di."",iatcd inlo their subuni .. when ex· and by calmodulin (77). "Low· K.. •· PDEs can hy·
p<»od in vi,,,,.o O.S At N.C! . hol<><n7.ym¢. bind MS-
drolyze cAM P that is present in lower ooncenlra-
ATP when it is pr=m in physiologica l concentration •.
lions. and they act mostly on that nucleotide. They
Since Ihe .clivi.i. s arc inc 'eased or dee .... ed in
responselo .ma n changes in the cAMP Icvels. il ha, been arC contwlled primarily by hormones. A third type
proposed that Type r isozym., cataty>e mostty '·on-off" of PDE is activaled by low levels of eGMP. Once
reactions that shift metabolic palhway. in accordance this is accomplished, the enzymc evidently aelS
wilh rapidty changing need. (28). equally "'ell on cAMP and cOM Po(Therefore. vcry
Type II iso.tyme. do not bind Mg·A TP directly. They high levels of onc of the substrate. may prolong the
lend 10 undergo Ha ulophosphoryta.ion" and can pc"i" in life of thc other .)
ccll. in phosphorylated form. (140) . The binding of phos- Phosphatidylinositol and lysophosphatid}'lclloline
phate reduoes lbe tendenci., of separaled ,ubunit< '0 are among the additional known physiological PDE
...,,,,,, wilh cA Mp. and it Ihe ... by increase. ··appar- acti va tors. Pharmacological agents used in the lab-
enl activity·'. Dephosphorylation. are eatalyzed by cal·
oralory include imidazole and ammonium sul falc .
cium·<lcpcndeOi phosphatase •. Since Type II iso.ymes
are Ie .. euily affected by small change. in cAMP Hormones regulate PDE synthesis as well as aC-
they may be in,'olved in tho regulation of mctaboli< pro- ti vity, and changes in the relative quantities of the
cesses Ihat .... of long dur.tion. isozyme forms OC<:ur during cell differentiation and
The Type I:Typc 11 rali05 vory with Ihe cctt type. the maturation (126) . The ability of insulin to oppose
phy,i<>lOjlical.l.tus. and the species. Thu •. Type 11 pre- Ihe effects exerted by cAM P-generating Ilormones is
in rat adipose tiuue.nd Type I in rat t<Sti,. attribuled in part to insulin activation or induclion
The 1:11 ratio. arc higher for mouse and rat hea't than of PDEs (63). Glucocorticoid. can exaggerate or
for beef and iuin•• pig hear\. Type I is preSt". in lorg.. prolong some cA MP actions by interfering with
amounts in cardiac musdo undergoing hypcrtrophy than PDE induClion or aClivation. Long-range inhibitory
in adull li .. ue that i. main taining a conSt.n, si7.c. influences ar synthetic steroid analog. have been d.,.
Hormono, excn differential effect. on the bios),nthesis
scribed for cultured heptatoma cells and ftbwblasts
(36,73,8 4). For uample. estrogen, inorease PK I: PK II
ratios in the Uleru •• while FSH selectively activ.te. the (5. 119). PG regulation of renal cell sensilivity to
PK I in senoli cells of the (84). Although interre- parathyroid hormone has also been linked with
tationshipS between cAMP .nd ,rowlh processes .... only changes in the PDEs (10) .
parlially understood (34. 119). it h.s been p",posed Ihat In many cell types. cAMP ""ntributes to IKgativc
PK t affectS mostly cell si ... nd .t,ucture. where.. PK feedback control over ils own accumulation. espc-


X8t'I!hine IM IX. tBMX)

TheopIlyIIir>e & EtMylene<1ia....)

o " /"
" OH
"C -C-
y\"" C _ C_OH

" "

FIg. '-9. Some phosphodie.t ..... ..

cially when the COOlCentraliollS a", chronically ele- PDEs arc widely used to detect small increments
vated. Cultured fobroblasts ·'comp"".."te" for expo- in cAMP generation following the presentation of
sure to cAMP analogs or PDE inhibitors by hormones, and to increase the dTeetiveness of pharo
stepping up their rates of PDE production (2 7). macological agents that elevate intracellular cAMP.


xanthines (including eaffciOlC and amino- It is difficult to a rtificially elevate
phylline) arc highly elTcetive inhibitors, and another cAMP by adding the nucleotide to Auids surround-
member of thc group, theophylline, has becn espe- ing the cells, because the molecules do not rapidly
cially widely used for in vitro studies. I·Methyl·)· traverse: the plasma membranes. There are condi·
isobutyl xanthine (M IX, IBMX), a synt hetic ana- tions under which cAMP can be used in combination
log, is mo", potent. In adipocytcs, dipyridamole and with one of the PDE inhibitors.
papaverine are stronger inhibitors than the methyl Synthetic analogs accumulate in the cytOplasm
unthines, and the same agents arc highly effecti'e because they enter the o:<=l1s at reasonable rates and
in the heart (Fig. 4-9). resist enzymatic degradation. They directly activate
In co",,,,on with all pharmacological age nts. PDE protein kinases. and can additionally increase the ef·
inhibitors exert actions other than the ones for which fectiveness of endogenous cAMP by combining to
they ar<: used (125, 129). Several inhibit the uptah some extent with the PDEs. Dibutyryl cAMP (N",2'
of This increases their effcctivcn= in -O-dibutyryJ..cAMP, B1r<:AMP, [).cAMP) is the
adipocyt<;l; (in which the nucleoside inhibits adenyl- most widely used, but many others have been devel·
ate cyclase). [t also limits their actions in brain cells oped (86).
sino:<= adenosine can aCo:<=leratc <:AMP generation in It cannot be assumed, however, that the cAMP
neuronS. analogs faithfUlly mimic the effects (){ hormones that
activate adenylatc cyclase. The agents are presented trients delivered by the /luids, and me-
to cdl and it is common to use high con- tabolites formed in the cytoplasm. interact with the
centrations. Many undergo metabolic reactions that phosphatases. their inhibitors. and their substrates.
release biologkally active products. For D- As diso:;ussed earlier. the PK activated by gluca-
cAMP is degraded to butyrate and AMP. both of gon catalyzes phosphorylation of glycogen phosphlr
which affect cell lipids and enzymes. ryllUic kinase. It acts at two sites within the molecule.
When it phosphorylates the fj subun it of the enlyme .
it increases the activity. When it phosphorylatcs the
Phosphoprotein Phosphatases
'" subu nit, it changes SOffie properties of the protein
The&<: enzymes catalyze hydrolytic removal of the but does not inc,..,a,e the activity. Protein phospha ·
phosphate groups of regulatory molecules. They tase-I dcphosphorylates just the II $it(, The -"lime PK
comprise catalytic and inhibitory subunils thaI do phosphorylates glycogen ,ynthase; and protein phos-
not dissociate in the ways described for the protein phatase-I also dephosphorylates thaI enzymc. All
kina_. three inhibitors (inhibitor-I. inhibitor·2. and one
The enzymes are difficult to study for several rea- form of glycogen synthase) can decrease phospha-
sons (26). Four different types (I. 2A. 2B. and 2e) tase-! activity,
have been identified. each catalyzing the removal of The preceding complicate the work of biochemists
phosphate groups from ils own set of substratcs. and physiologists. but they provide the body with
However. some substrates are alfected by more than highly degant control m«hanism. (50. 74). A few
one phosphatase. Most are high molecular ,,'eight examples that apply to the glycogenolysis-glycoge-
polymers that are present in limited amounts. They nesis s)'stent summarized in Fig. 4-6 are cit cd,
arc not easily separated from other cell coru;tituents. I. The glucagon·regulated PK that acts on the
Each of the phoophatases can in active and glycogen phosphorylase cascade to provide for rapid
inactive forms tht differ from each other in associ· recruitment of carbohydrate fuel. and on the glyco-
ations with inhibitors. Three proteins that serve as gen syntba<e system \0 inhibit opposing reactions.
inhibitors have been found (S6A). These, tco, exist performs yet II Ihird function. It assures that the gly-
in aClive and inactive forms, but in this case the cogen synthase system will not be prematurdy reac-
changcs arc brought about by phosphate tran,fers. t;vated. It accomplishes this by activating an inhib-
Protein phosphatases can aClivate (and protein ki· itor of glycogen synthase phosphatase lsee (/) of
nases inactivate) the inh ibitors. Therefore. the e<:lIs Fig. 4-10. J [t does so by calalyzing phosphorylation
contain wha t amount to phosphatase cascades. Nu- of the inhibitor.

Pho6phc<yIase 1'. kjoase

pOOsphalase ;oI'»bito< "

I 1- ---/
Pl\oSpho<yIase..Q. k;naS(! "" Gtycog"" syntl\ase
p/'>MpI> ;m;tJ;lor


Ftll. 4_ 10 . ParticipatiOn 01 pIIo"",""""t"" p/>o$photues
in 11M oon1lot 0_

2. Wben tbe PK the phosphorylase b ki- [sec (9). Fig. 4-11] . Addilionally. it a he.-
nase. tbe product of the ..action further ensures that okinasc that conversion of glucose to glu-
glycogen syniha'" wilillOt be reactivated. since it in· cose-6-phosphate.
hibits the glycogen synthase phosphata", (s«: (2) of A further form of control (not shown in the dia_
Fig. 4-10). is exerted by glycogen. When large amounts
3. The phosphorylase b kinase converts phospho- glycogen synlhase activity dedin ...
rylase b to phosphorylase Q. The phosphmylase Q Skeletal muscle also contains a glycogen·sy nthe-
also inhibitory inHuenees over the glycogen sizing S}'lltem that is stimulated by insulin. liowever.
synthase ph osphatase [sec: (3) of Fig. 4·10]. since the functions of glycogen in the two s}'lltems
4. Insulin antagonizes the elfeetsof the PK on the are dissimilar. wmcwhat dilfe .. nt kinds of controls
phosphatase inhibitor (22) [sec (4) of Fig. 4-10] . are needed. Whereas glycogen Can account for 8%-
5. When carbohydrate-rieh food is absorbed from 10% of the weight of the of a well·nourished
the intestine. glucose rapidly in the individual. muscle rarely contains more than 1%.
liver. At such times. it bocomes appropriate to switch Moreover. there are only special condilions under
from glycogen brcakdown to new glycogen synthesis. which the 81)'CO{\en can accumulate. The muscle
The sugar itself arrestS the glycogenolysis by acting must bo at and exposed to adequale levels of
di ..ctly on a phosphatase to promote reversion of both insulin and glucose. (When insulin levels are
phosphorylasc a to phosphorylase b [sec: (5) of Fig. low. the plasma membran .. of .. muscle have
4-11]. a "barrier" Ibat sha rply limits glucose uptake.)
6. As a result of the preceding. phosphorylase Q When glucose can enter the cells. it is very rapidly
inhibition of glycogen synthase D phosphatase is phosphorylated.
lifted [sec (6) of Fig. 4-11]. Contracting shletal musele must almOSt inSlan·
7. The liver rapidly converts glucose to glucosc-6- tancously break down glycogen when its ATP sup-
phosphate. When high of the metab- plies dedin •. AM P is an important activator of phos-
olite build up. they can accelerate glycogen synthesis phorylase h. whereas ATP is an inhibitor. When the
even when the synlhase is in the D (phosphorylated) A MP :ATP ratio is high. phosphorylase b can cata-
form [see (7) of Fig. 4-11] . lyze glycogenolysis without prior conve rsion to phos-
8. Glucose in the bloodstream provides the stim· phorylase a. Additional controls are described in the
ulus for insulin see.. tion. The iIormone activates a sect ion on calcium ions.
phosphatasc that converts phospilorylase Q 10 phos- Glucocorticoids exert long·range innuences that
phorylase b [see (8). Fig. 4-1 1). contribute to the mainlenanCe of blood glucose Icv-
9. Insulin also activates the phosphatase that con- els. especially during limes of fasting. In add ilion to
verts glycogen synthase D to glycogen synt hase J promoting the conversion of amino acids 10 glucose.

Phospnoryt •• e.!! pMsphata$(>

__L I _ ••_

Glycogen 'j'fllha$l!
o pMspMata...

,---,1__ "'00'" Fig. 4-11 . Gluoose ta"mtales

glyoogero $yntl>olll by lr><:ro. U>.!
- .ynthase
, phoop/lorylase phMphatase a""viIy.
deCr<lftoirl(j inIIibilion oj i;I,OOQen
phospl1alo . • n<! prooOdlog
GlI.>cose·P Glycogen .
they activatc ,;orne pllQsphatases. The)" 31,;0 support mones that promote cAMP generation . However.
the ability of glucagon to activate the phosphorylase the sequence Ihnrmone - cAMP - PK ' - phos-
system (17). phorylated motCl:ule - response] has been demon-
mated for only a few functions. Usually. it is the
links between the phosphorylations and the re-
Examin ati on of t he Importance of cA MP as
sponses that have not becn established. cAMp·in-
the Second Messen ger f or Most Pepllde
depemienl protein kinases can affect substrates for
Hormones tile cAMp-<lependent ones.
In endocrinology. Ihe nolion ·· If you think Ihc COn· In some cases. (e.g. when ACTH acts on the adre·
trois al"<' sim pic, )'011 do nol have all of Ihc facls·' nal cortex), physiological levels of the hormone clicit
usually proves 10 be morc useful Ihan the tenet characteristic responses but no detectable elevation
"Neve. a"""pl a complicated explanation if a simple of cAMP, while high concentrations of the hormone
0'" seems to work.'· promote substantial cA M I' generation. Since the nu·
The formulation of the Second Messenger Hy- cleotide alone can rnirni c the hormone actions. one
pothesis, and the research il engendered. markedly suggestion is that the physiological doses brinS about
advaneed our underslanding of the mechanisms of localized changes in cAMP concentration< that are
hormone action. On tile other hand. uncritical appli- too small to be picked up by 3""),S. No hard evi.
calion has fostel"<'d confusion. while dogmatic accep- for such oompartmentali7.ation has as yet been
tance has delayed I"<'cognition of Ihe importance of presented. Another thought is that low levels of stim_
observations inconsistent with thc concepts. ulation accomplish their effects in other ways.
eAMP is generated in response 10 a variety of whereas st rons stimulation recruits acccs.sory.
stimuli. even when 00 hormonc is pr=nted. It can cAMP-<lepcndcnt mCl:hanisms.
exert numerous inHuences on cell funclions that are The recruitment concept has been applied to some
unrelated to hormone functions. Therefore, the con- different observations as wdl. Glucagon can invoke
clusion that it serves as the direct mediator can be muimal activation of the hepatic pllQsphorylasc sys-
drawn only when certain criteria arc met (118). tem when there arc just small cAMP inerements.
It should be possible to demonstrat e that (a) the Higher glucagon Icvcls and greater production of
plasma membrane has specific. high·affinity recep- cAMP bring forth gluconcogenic responses as ,..ell.
tors for the hormone and an adenylate cyclase sys· Slill stronger hormone stimulation (and more
tern Ihat can be aClIvated by the hormo...; (b) the cAMt'J addItionally augment ul"<'a production.
rise in cAMP prl'Ct'd.s manifestations of the re- The presenee of more adenylate cyclasc than
sponse; (c) cAM I' can dicil the same response when SCemS to be nceded oould also ensure that the ability
no hormone is presem; (d) phosphodiesterase inhib- to senerate cAMP never becomes rate-limiting.
itors exaggcrate the effects of subma,imal dosages Thel"<' are diffe rent situatioM in which cAMP is
of thc hormone; the has cAMP-dependent generated and is known \0 contribute \0 the re-
protein kinases that are activated when the hormone sponses. but for whiCh even hiSh levels are not. by
is presented; (I) regulatory molecules arc phospho- themselves. sufficient. In such cases. a search for
rylated following activation of the protein kinases; ··third messengers·' is indicated .
and (g) the phosphorylated molecules are directly The possibility that cAMP is generated as a con-
involved in eliciting the se<luence (rather than of the respons<: must
Usually. the f,rst requirement is easily satidicd. also be considered . When norepinephrine inleracts
The second is difficuh 10 demonstrate when the la- with a ·lype noradre ... rgic I"<'ceptors of smooth mus·
tent period is very short, when only small cAMP in- cle, cAMP generation follows the contractile reo
crements are sumcien t to achie ve the response. and sponse and plays a rnajor rolc in its termination.
when the nucleotide binds rapidly to protein kinases. Satisfactory demonstration that cAMP mediates
Problems with the third arise because thcre is no SOme effects of a horrnone docs not rule OUI addi·
satisfactory way !O artifICially elevate intracellular tional sites of action. It has long been known Ihat
cAMP withom perturbing the cdl in other ways. peptide hormones enter cells, but it was widely as-
Protein kinases 3re universally prestnt. They are sumed that such "internali7.ation" is soldy for the
easily activated by cAMP in vitro. However. Ihey purposes of degradation. Th e demonstration of high-
are usually studied with artificial substrates and affinily intracellular binding sites, trans locations of
hiSh cAMP concentrations. Thel"<'fol"<'. the in vitro the hormones to the nuclei (38. 92). and th e long la·
studies provide only limited information on PK ac· tent pe:riods for some inftuenccson protein and RNA
tivation in vivo. synthesis 31"<' consistent with the Ihat pep-
Ma ny molecules have been shown to underso tide-type: hormones exert actions inside the cells that
pllQsphorylalion when the cells are exposed to her- al"<' unrelated to cAMP generation (19. 42. 134).
treatin, mitochondria alone (122). Morcuver. ",boo
slano:u been identified within inwlin-stimu-
TM K<XI!Irl JI'1<F'"nger <:OII«pt cmbn.ccs all media- liled cells lhat mimic many of lhe actiUfl$..
ton generated in response In bormo",s. Although it For e.1lmple, they incrase the Ict ivilk$ uf Jlllruva le
is most oornmonly associaled wilh can be dch)'ilroacnase, glycogen synthase, a nd low K.. phos·
applied in dill"....' nl ways. phodiesterase. They also promote phosphorylaliun or
Ca lcium plays such importa nt roles in bolh a ribosomal prolein. increase RNA polymerase I I
cAMP.(\cpcndent and cAMP·independent fUrlClions activity. and inhibil cA MP-depc:ndent protein ki·
Ihal il is considered later in its own s pedal section. nases
IMUlin and prolactin provide examples of bar-
ITIOI>CS whose effects arc for the most part opposite
in direction 10 those e:tcncd by the cAMP-gcrw:ral-
inll regulators. l1>crc an: oondilioM ulldcr which Guanylate cyclase lhe of eydic
some inHucnc:c:s ca n be linked wilh actintion of the guaOOlinc J',5'·munophosphate (cGMP) from GTP
phosphodiesterases (136). Il owever, the hormones by' reaction analogous to Ihc one described for fOf·
are . 1$(/ polen! when administered \0 cells that a rc ma tion of c AMP from ATP. Both soluble and memo
in "basa l" Jlales and ha ve very low adenylatc cy- brane-bou nd guanylale cydases have been identified
clase activity. It i. unlikely thaI further inhibition ()f for a wide variety uf cell Iypc:$ (41. 91).
the enzyme is of primary important<:. Cellula r concentratioros of cG MP are generally
Pl'OI5la&b;ooiru can se"", IS se«>nd mcucngcn for lower than lho5e of cAMP. T his is allribu led in pan
some procwcs regulated by prolactin (S<!, 1(8) and to 8('ncn.lion of .... aller quantities; butlOITIC of Ihe
ceTla;n other hormones. Altlloo&h Ihey interact wilh nuelC(llide phosploodicsterases preferentially inael;"
cA MP or c(j MP in some « II types. they aloo neTt vate Ihi$ nucleotidc.
actions 01 their own. PGs and tile relaled lcuko-- cO M P-depcndcnl protein kinases ha", been iden-
triCIlCS liso inieraci in several ways wilh calcium ti6ed in lhe cells. Although they have re8111al0<)' a nd
ions (83), and PRL uses other media tor (A.I). cat alytic subunils. activation by Ihe nuclcQlide does
Since insulin opposes many actions of cAMP. il nul seem 10 involve dissoc ia tion uf Ihe en7.yme com-
obvtously ean""t ulilize Ihal Il$ a =<>nd pone nlS (t40). Roles for cO M f' In supporting hor·
messenger. While considerable in formation on the monal $limula tion of cell proliferalion and in media·
consequences of insulin bindillj to its receptor lias tion of .ctions of acetylcholinc that OppOSe the ones
b«n Ic:o:umulatcd. tlK: m«banisms ofletion arc sti ll obtliMd wilh catecholamines bocn described.
under inVUliplion. O ne hypot1le$i$ SlI.ICS tllal in- Small eicvations of cylOlOl Cal. art: IISUIlly re-
sutin invokes some of ;IS cally effCCls by relcasing quired for IClivalion of adenylale cydaoe. Somewhat
(a nd lhereby act ivalin,). pro- higher ones can be achieved Ihat in hibil that enzyme
le;n kinase tllal is sequestered in pluma membranes but Ictivate the guanylate cyclase:. Considerations of
of unstimulated largel cells (22). Another is Ihal Ihe Ihis kind led tu the formulation of an intriguing "yin.
insulin rec<:ptor i$ a PrQIein kinase tha i is aClivated yans·· hypothesis for reciproca l control of the direc·
by the hormone (57 A). (The reo;cptor t>ccomes phos- tions of melabolic reactions by the lWO nuclOOl idcs.
phorylated, but an alternale poss ibility ;' thai it The hypothesis is nul supported by expc:rimemal
serves u • substrate for an utrinsic prOtein kinase. fondillj:$- Although some pro«ssinp Ire senl in 0p-
Several inlracellular rnolc<:ulcs tlull undergo phos- posite d irections. otheR are affected in the same .... y
phorylations haye been identifl«l ( 12). These in- by Ihe cAM P and cOM P. MOI"CO'<'<:r, each can indio
clude phosphoprQIcin pbosplla\.lses thai oppose tIM: rectly en .... nce thc effects of the other, sina: lhe tWO
effe<:Uof cAMP. YCt a different ooncept of insulin n\ICleotidcs compc:le fQl" some of the same phospho-
action (which does not conflict .... ilh I.... preceding) dies/crases. cOM P also bind$ 10 kinase C.
is that lhe l\ormone unde'lOCs proteolytic cleavage T he funclions of cGMP nul su fficiently under·
afler it binds to ils receptor, and il then releases a stood. There are indicat ions Ihat low levels of some
fragment that enters the cytoplasm and function& as horrllOllCS (e.g. ACTII) act;vate Ihe guanylate cy·
a second rTlCS$Cnger (38). T he suggestion is CQ1I$is- dase. whereas only higher ones promote cAMP gen-
tenl with observations made on pyruvate dehydro- eration (9g).
8('- (I mitochond..u.1 ellllyme whose activity is
enhanced by phosphorylalion). The physiologiall d ·
f«ts of insulin on 11K: enzyme can be mimicl:ed by
adding the hormone Iu buth Cf;llnimulation ",,-y be univ<:rsally .ssociated with
plasma membranes and mitochondria, but I"0OI by eh.ngcs in eytosol Cal. o;on«ntrations (9. 103). In
most eascs. the ion interac ts with cK lcium·binding hormones and by other factors that elevate the cy_
protcins. the most importan t of wh ich arc the ca l- losol Cal<
modulins descri bed below. Many (but not an) of the
effects are linked .... ith the eAMP sytlcm. Some cal· Ca" Interaction. with Calmodulin.
ciullHlependent enzymes underao phospborylations
that lowe r the ooneentrations of Cal' required for Calnl<XMins (Ca Ms) arc lhe major calci um·binding
activation. proteins of non musele cells of vertebrales. and lhey
Cakium ion conccnttltions in blood pluma arc in parti<:ipate in a wide variety of calcium-mediated re-
the &cneral neighborhood of 2.1 - 2.6 X 10- 1 M. sponses (18. 141). They are also present in muscle
They arc 10- 1 M to 10-' M in the cytoplasm of cells, in which they interlct .. ilh troponins (a MI wilh
"resting" cells. and closer to 10- 1 M after most .... lIich Ihey share both chemical and biological
forms of stim ulation. propcnies).
Hormones can r.lpidly cle .... tc the cytoplasmic Each of tile molecules bas foor sites for bindina
conccntr.ltlons by chanaing the of the calcium. In restina cells. " 1111 low cylO5Ol Ca". lhe
plasma membr.lllCS and thell'b)/ aeecil:rating passive sites arc unoc:<:upied. and the CaM s an: ill3.ctive.
upta ke. Because of Ihe steep ooncc:nl ration gr.ldient. When cell stimulalion leads 10 elevalion of the cy.
a "simplc:" increase in pcrmc:abilily ....ould be tosol Ca'·. the ions bind 10 lhe CaM. This brin"
pected to aocomplish thi$. HO\Oo"l:ver. the hormone about conformat ioll3.l changes in the protein Ihat in.
seems to !TOO«: specifically bring about "opening of volve exposu re of sites apa bk of interaClina ",ilh a
calcium channels" and/or bcilitation of CO!r.losport "'ide va riety of proteins (including cAM P-dependent
mechanisms.. (Tllere are pharmacological a&cnls proIein kill3.SC5. cA MP·independent protein kinascs.
that can block the effects on calcium entry witbout and ot her rcaulatory enrymes).
changing the rates of upta ke of ,luCO$(: and other The gencrali seheme for activa tioo and usc of
sUbstanees.) Hormones can also promote the rckase the calmodulins is shown in Fig. 4-1 2. More calcium
of calc ium from sequeslration sites. Mit<x:hondria of ions bind per molecule of CaM as the Ca" conce n·
most cells contain $Ome .soo limes as much calcium tration rises. and the atlachmenl5 of some affect the
as the cyt05Ol. but endoplasmic retiCula seem to be affinities for others (66) . Some of the Ca·Ca M' -de-
the major sou rces (A -6). Smaller quantities can be pendent enzy mcs are more easi ly acti v"tcd than oth .
libera ted from plas ma membranes. ers when therc are only small increments in cytosol
Cytosol Ca" Ca n be rapi dly lowered by reuptake C.. ".
into seq uestration sit C$. CII'/MgI·.ATPase ca l- Calcineurin was fi rst identified as a calci um.bindin,
cium "pumps" actively lransport ions from the cells protein of that " "son;,,,, eff«,," of Ca·
to the su rl'Otlnding Huids. They ca n be stimU lated by CaM' on phosphodiesterase, (tJ9). l>ut protei .. with

A CaM • c.1- C.-ClM C. - CoM'

-. "Actiwe-

•• c..c..... ,
CUi ' .....
"""""""" Co·CaM-E· - -_, ........

, , . ....
...... = . ea.t
PC'''' ./
c.> . .........._
"" bindong 10 c.M


f tg . 1-12. 1.. """•• tion 01 C.M. B. 1.<I;'01ion 01 C.M·

....1"". C. inhibit'" _ . Co" _ D. IrIlibilor
bloCk. C.Mtctlonl.

"milar proper!i., ha •• been r(}llnd in the hea" and else- IwO messengcl"5 can interact in several ways (1 04).
"'here. 11 is a het'rOO,mc, .,jlh 6 1,000 and 19,000 dalton Some of Ihe mechanism. are summarized in Fig. 4-
. ubunits (caldncurin A and calcineurin B. r<:<",,<lively). 13. Calmodulin is involved in many Oflhe responses.
It dephosphQryl.t<s ,Ile " , ubuni, of , keletal muock but it is IIOt $hown in Ihe figure.
phosphoryl .s. kin .... and the Type J I regulatory . ubunit L When norepinephrine interacts wilh" ad","er.
of PK- Although $/lid 10 be: idemical with tbe phospho.
gic reccptol"5. il elevales the cylOSOI Ca". The ions
1.<c-2B d.>c,ibcd .arlier (S6A), it diffell from that en·
7.}'me in molecular we ight and ;mm"nolosi•• 1 propcrli ••. mediate Ihe responses via cAM P-indq>endeni mech-
h .trongly binds C." and tner<by mak., the ion un- anisms, and the hormone effec\!; can be mimicked by
... i!able for activation of el M . In addition. Ca-<:alci· artificially raising Ihe calcium ion concentrations
neurin form. comple... with C • .c. M th .. bl"". the (see Fig. 4-I JA). In Ihi. case. Ca" can be regarded
binding of Ihe activated C a M 10 enzyme. (66). In com· as Ihe second messenger.
moo with other C . ... limul.lcd cnzym ... calcine"rin can 2. CaCaM is a major activalor of ade nylate cy-
b< actiyated and made Ca M·independent by limitod pro- dase systems (64, 141). and calcium ion. may be
teolysi., The proteoly.i, afftolS the A subunit which universally required for Ihe generation of cAMP.
boIh CaM-binding and B subunil·imeracling ,i,o. (78A). Zona fa.deulal. cells of the ad"'nal cortex must
Caldosomon bind, ,nlOOlh muscle aClin. It may ",gu-
lake up some Ca" from the surround ing Auids to
late cell .hap" art<! adhe'''''' (A.S).
elevate the cyclic nucle<)tide levels and respond in
other ways to ACTH (1 43). Some other cell types
can recruit sufficient ion from intracellu la r seques-
Ca"/cAMP Interactions
tration sites when they are bathed in ealcium-<lefl-
It has been pointed out that moot hormone-respon- cicnl media . In either case. elevation of eytosol C. I.
sive cells ulilize both Ca" and cAMP. and thai the precedes <and is essential for) accumulation of


I Co' - - - i cAMP - -" Rc Sponse
, HORMONE J I CAMP - - _ , RC$po<'l$e
D. HORMONE - - , t cAMP - -- - -•• Rospon..,

t C... •
/' Response

, - •t ..


• I CAMP > -

I cAMP ---------..R...pon ...
,. HORMONE I Ca" Response

t/ cA MP -----•


Fig. 4· 13 . C. " -cAMP int....clion • .

" -. Inhibition Of rllld<lction.
cAMP. However. cAM P goes on to mediatc at least tiates elevation of the cytosol Ca". the calcium ions
some of thc response, and Ihe hormone effects can can bring about activation of adenylate cyclase. The
be mimicked with exogenous nucleotidc (Fig. 4- cAM P formed then becomes involved in a Iype
136). In a sense, therefore. Ca" functions as the of negative feedback control (Fig. 4-13H).
seCQnd messenger and cAMP as the third. 8. While moderate elevations of the cytosol Ca "
J. A somewhat different train of events has been invoke activalion of adenyl ale cyclase. vcry high
described for acetycholine aClivation of adl"<'nomed- ones innibit (Fig. 4-131) .
u11ary cells (104). The I"<'gulator may be capable of
activati ng adcnylate cyclase to a limiled exlent when
DistrIbution and Chemfcal Nature 01 the
Ihe..., is nO change in cytosol Ca'·. However. pnys·
iological stimulation also invokes elevation of thc
calcium ion CQncentration. and the Ca" enhances Ca Ms have been identified in all in,...,rtebrales stud-
the adenylate cyclase activation (fig. 4_13Cj. ied (including pn)t07.0aj . and in plant5, They arc bi-
4. In CQntrast. when epinephrine interacts wilh {J- ologically a ctive when lested on prokaryotcs_ and it
Iyp<: adrenergic receptors in the heart_ Ihe cAMP nas been suggcsled that structurally and function-
serves to the cylowlic Cal'. and tnc hormone ally rdated proteins will be identified in bacleria
effects can be mimicked with nigh calcium CQncen- (58).
lralions (see Fig. 4-13D). Wnile it can Inen be said
that cAMP is the seCQnd messenger and Ca" Ihe IntereSlingly . • lthough prokaryotc .dcnyl'lc oyol. ..
third. it is more appropriale to regard Ihe calcium Iystem. differ rrom those of "ukar)''''e, in th.t they are
00l regulolcd by nuclco.ide l1ipl>oophales and ate inhi b-
ions as roup/us Ihat link cAMP generation with the ited by "uoride ion.. . uk.ryetic ealmodulin$ c.n incre...
I"<'sponse, the aClivilie' of the .. (8),
5. Mosl I"<'sponses said to be mediated via cAMP
requil"<' tne participation of Ca". For example. Before il was re<:ognized thaI ..
when glucagon aClivales Ihe glycogenolytic cascade were sludying Ihe ",me proleins. CaM. werc kMw'n
in liver. phosphorylase b kinase requires adequate under olher names that include calcium-<iependcnt
Ca" levels to funclion. The hormone clevales the I"<'gulator (CDR) and calcium-activated prolein
cylosol coneentrations of both mediators. but cAM P (141).
can contribule 10 the changes in Ca". I'arathyroid The CaMs al"<' acidic. hydrophobic. heat-resislant
hormone is believed 10 acl via ""paTatc proteins with weights or 16,700. They
10 devatc cytosol Ca h and cAMP (Fig. 4-UE), contain 148 amino acid moieties. including a vcry
(Some elTeets of ACTH on the ad...,nal cortex are specia l one at position 115. trimethyllysinc. AI·
also Ca"-mcdialed [67A].) though species differenccs are known. variations
6. Two different hormones can act on the same secm to be limiled to seven point mutations. even
large t cell to invoke a common response (Fig. 4_ when the molecules from plan15 arc compared wi,h
UF.) Thcy may. however. be used under dilTerent those of animals (85).
When glucagon functions under The genes di=ting Ihe formation of thc m RN As
conditions 10 maintain the blood glu- have been partially sequenced (90). Since each mol-
cose levels during of fasting. its major media- ecule can be divided inlo four components bearing
tor is cAMP. Muimal levels of glucagon deplete one calcium_binding sile each. and since the amino
only of the liver glyCOgen. The ...,mainder can acid sequences are very similar for domains I and 3
be tapp<:d under emergency conditions. e.g. when a and domains 2 and 4. it nas been proposed thaI gene
fasted animal Ihat has used mOSI of ils Skeletal mas· duplicalions have occurred during the course of eV()·
ele as well as hepalic glYCQgcn reserves is confronted lution , Close biochemical and physiological similar_
by a pl"<'dalor. Ordinary concentralions of epineph- ities with muscle troponins suggest Ihal the tropen-
rine have lillIe di=1 influence On IIlycogenolysi. in ins evolved from ancient CaM molecules (90).
Ihe liver. The amounts released during stress operate The cnzyme attachment sites Can bind \0 phene-
via Ca" -mediated (cAMP-independent) meeha- thiazines (including chlorpromazine and triHuoper·
ni,m, 10 incl"<'3SC phosphorylase b kinllle activily nine) and 10 some other "antipsychotic" agents be-
withoul alTecting Ihe glucagon·regulated PK (sec lieved to act via suppression of excessive inHuences
Fig. 4- 13G). of dopamine. in particular. has been
7. Cal< and cAMP sometimes exert antagonislic used as an experimental tool to counteract calmo-
effects. Although cAMP elevates cytosolic Ca" in dulin functions. It is hignry potent. but it cannot be
many cell Iypes by facilitating its release from se- regarded specific for Ihe purpose since it also
questration sites. the nuclootide uecrellSts thc Ca" binds other hydrophobic cell constituents.
in skeletal muscle by promoting its uptake into the The subcellular location of the CaM is a major
sarcoplasmic I"<'liculum. When cell stimulation ini- determinant of ilS actions. Plasma-membrane-asso-

cialed prmein mediates at least some of Ihc slimu_ nerve. the cytosolic Cal< con<.:emration rises rapidly
lator)' cffe<:15 of dopamine on adenylale cyclase sys- because calcium ions arc extruded from the !;are<>-
tems of neuronS . Chronic elevation of the dopamine plasmic reticulum . To SOme extent. the magnitude of
lovd. leads 10 "desensitization" that is associated Cal. elevation is related to the amount of stimula-
wilh a shin of Ihe CaM 10 lhc cytosol. The CaM tion. When the calcium ion concentration is high.
then becomes a phosphodiesterase activator (47). phosphorylase kinase is activated by a ..cond mech·
CaMs hav. also been observed to bind to compo- anism. The enzyme mokeules bind calcium. and the
nents of submcmbranou$ aelin systems, and Ihc ITIQI· en1.yme can act on muscle phosphorylase b even
al such sites arc implicated in funclions as.- when it is in the nonphosphorylated form.
sociated with changes in the cytoskeleton (40), There is yet a third kind of control. The troponin-
C of the thin filaments i, a CaM ·like protein that
.. rves as the Ca" acceptor for the contractile mech-
HORMONAL REGULATION OF CaM anism. After it binds calcium. it too contribute; to
phosphorylase kinase activation. Thu" stimuli lead·
Generally, hormones $CI'm 10 have n<l innucnccs on
ing to conlraction simultaneously accelerate
Ihc \Ola\ <xII C<)nicnt of the CaMs. They do, how-
ever, bring about changes in ils distribution (and
Regulation of glycogen synthetase activity is in
therefore in il! funclions) (85). On the olher hand.
<orne wa)"$ even more complex. The s)"$tem comains
some viral transformations have been roporlcd to seven serine residues that serve as phosphate recep-
augment Ca.caM synthesis (90).
tors. and it is aifectcd by five different protein Ki·
nases. Phosphatase s)"$tems that include at least two
inhibitors contribute to the controls (22). Although
Some Roles of Calmodullns In Glycogen
calmodulins are involvcrl. insulin activation via
mechanisms that require Ca " but not CaM has also
Liver utilize mostly fatty fuels. The gly. described,
cogen they make is for "export". 1t is converted to
glucose and released to the bloodstream during times
of fa,,;ng. major conlT<)b OV"OT the
Other Functions of the Calmodulins
processes undcr physiological conditions. Very large
quamities of glyoogen can be broken down within 1- The list of enzymes reportcrl to be activated by Ca-
2 min utes. CaM ' includes Ca" /Mglo _AT?uscs involved in
In oontrast, muscles store glycogen for their Own export of Ca" from the cells (138). phospholirase.••
use. They break it down to and dehydrogenase. some methyl transferases.
send the into ATP·yiclding metabolic path· and guanylate cyclase (85). InAuenCel on prosta-
ways. The quantities of glycogen utihcd are small glandin metabolism have also been reported (145).
in muscle (as compared with liver). However. the Direct contributions to endocytosis have been dem-
need for ATP must be satisfied almost instanta· onstrated . However, although some involvement in
noously. Obviously. different control systems are reo- exocytosis is likely. diiferent calcium binding pro-
quired. Glucagon docs oot di=tly control the car- teins seem to be of greater (sec discu ...
bohydrate metabolism in muscle . Very little of the .ion of synexin, Chap. 3).
hermone gets to th()I'.C <.:ells. and muscle lach the
ki nds of receptors found in the liver.
Physical exercise aeederates epinephrine ""cre·
Membrane Phospholipid "Cycles"
tion. The IIormone activates skeletal mus<:le adenyl-
ate cyclase. and thereby initiates a cascade similar Several I'I'ptidc-type hormonel are known to bring
to the one des<;ribed earlier for the liver. In common about almost instantanoous activation of plasma
with the hepatic en?yme. the phosphoryla.>c kinase membrane enzymes involved in phospholipid metab-
requires Ca>- to function. olism. The reactions can change the properties of the
MUs<:le kinase has a subunit strue- membranes such as rates for Ca' - uptake_ abilities
lUre that can be represented as (nfj-y<i) •. The nand to engage in endocytosis. the nature of the ceil-tOo
fj comJlOnents hve serine groups that serve as phos- cell interactions, or the relea .. of enzymes and other
phate aceeptors, the ""( ,ubunit bears the catalytic membrane components. [n many case". the hormone
SIte. while the 0 constituent is identical with CaM exerts its influences selectively on one kind of en·
(22) . When the muscle is stimulated by its motor zyme and on one kind of phospholipid. (The prod·
F'hosphoIipne A,_

f !SJ, . · l • .
R,. filly _ , C_ _ , ; At. fally..a.s.
C.......I06.r.d' ; X. d>o" ... Iz ·..... ME. ;Zz_. _ _ ..
inoIil<ll pro, ,pilot"" p .

of the reactions may thcn the activities of Ca l' afllnity. Arachidonale (A·!), ill$ulin (22). and
other cn1.ymcs.) Phospholipids, their metabolites. tumor promoters (A·S) activate the Ja me kinas<:.
and C," also afl"oct the properties and of
mit<xl\ondrial membrane. {99).
The hormone-medi.tled reactions <:an transiently MECHANISMS OF ACTION OF STEROID
chan,e (a) the ratio; (b) HORMONES
the of a phosploolipid containing one ki nd
of alcoholic group rdali...:: 50 tho$o: conlaining a ... Sltr(lid honnonCJ; ob>riously differ from those of the
OIhcr (e.,. the phospllatidyicholine:phosphalM1yl. peptide Iype in ph)-,.ical and chemical properties.
Sl' riroc ralioj; (c) Ihe Cally acid composition (ex. l"heir mosl obviou. aClions are aCrer latent pe-
changes of an unsalurated for a s.aturatcd Cally acid riods of One or more hours. The Collowing mecha·
are CJ;peciall y to have biological conse- nism.! of action havc been proposed and shown 10 be
quences); and (d) Ihe availability of a wide variely with many kinds of observation. (59, 60).
of bioIojically active phospholipid derivalives, in· I. The her""",e traVel>OC$ the plasma membrane
duding 17"lItchidooale (which serv.:s as a precursor and il cnttrs the e)'ropJasm.
for pro5tlJlandins aJ>d other rc,ulalon but addition- 2. The hormone (5) IlIen combines " 'ith a cyto-
ally lias elfe<;l! of its _n). lysophosphalidic acids, plasmic fCCeplor ( R). 10 which ;1 binds wilh high af·
pllo5pllatidic .<:ilk. diaC)'lsJ)'ttrols. alcolzolic groups finilY and specificity \0 Corm a $teroid hormone-rc-
(choline. serine. elhanolamine. inositol), alcohol cepto. complex.
phosphates. and monoacylglyo;crols.
The typical mcmbrane phospholipid is sh<lwn in S+R - S·R
Fig. 4· 14. along with the .iles for cleavage by phos- ) , The complex undergocs a time·. tempemtu re·.
pholipase. A,. A,. C. and D. and calcium-dcpendcnt activa tion thaI affecls its
Phosphatidylinosilol cycles (Fig. 4-IS) (S7) me- oonCormarion and possibly a lso ils ,i1.<:.
diate effC(\$ of thrombin, collagen. hormones. neu·
and psyclzoaclivc agentS sucll as lith· $oR -S· R·
ium (A·2. A4) by activaling C. 1o «pendent kirwc 4. The activated oomplcs is translocated to thc nu·
C. C libe7"llttes inositol pOOspItates lhal cleus, whtre it binds to lites'" of Ow:
mobili>;<: Ca" . and diacy lglycerols Ihat aUlmtnt the chromatin.
o bH






Oif>e< moIc<ules

Fig . 4 _1S. cycle. E""iOMod

inl .... l1'I<!<li.t •• con be ,,",cycled 01 roplaoed 01.,..-.,
· cal.lyzod by pI>ospI>oIipa.. C.

5. A oonsequcncc of that binding is the "unmask- Many of the steroid hormones act without them·
ing" of p",.iously inactive com(XInems of the ge- selvC$ undergoing metabolic transformations; and la-
nome. This leads to the production of new mRNA. beled hormone can laler be reCQVered from the
6. Some of the rnRNA goes to the ribosomes to preparations.
direct the formation of hormone-induced proteins. It has been proposed that the lipid solubilities and
7. The new proteins mediate the hormone actions , the conccntration gradients permit passive diffusion
into the cells (78). The concepl is sup(XIrtcd by slud·
ies demonstrating very rapid enlry of estrogens into
Experimental Support l or the Hypot hesis dispersed Ulerine tclls, linear rates of uptake r.ia'ed
10 hormone concentrations, and failure to find a Car·
rier protein (89) . However, Ihe possibility of carrier-
medialed transport has been seriously co",idered
When the target cells are to hor· (44.65.78). If <;aTTier proteins exist. they could be
mones labeled with lrilium, it can be demonstrated inVQlved in with plasma proteins thai
with radioautography lhat the marker soon appears regulate the rate of hormone entry and facililale up.
in the cytoplasmic companment. The radioactivity ta ke when lhe plasma concentrations arc low. Con-
then inc,""ases for a time. and it generally pea ks in ceivably, thcy could promote prcferenlial uplake of
half an ilour for preparations maintained at 3rc. sleroids that ael on the cells. However. it is more
Some labeled hormone gets into the nudeus 5 min_ probable that all sleroids cnter. but only the OIlC$
uteS or longer after it appears in the cytoplasm. The Ihat find high-affinity binding sites are relaincd in
nuclear COntent graduall}' rises and can peak in an substantial amounls.
ilour, as the cytoplasmic radioactivity ,",'aneS. Neilher Ihe conccnlration gradienlS nor Ihe lipid_
solubilities explain the mechanisms for rapidly over- the nueleus. and to receptor replenishmcnt and
coming the barriers posed by hydrophilic g\ycoca- degradation.
Iycts on cdl surfaces. The importance of such bar-
riers cannot be determined when collagen is used to
prepare dispersed cells.
Thc nuclei of the target cells comain limited num·
bers of high.,.ffinity binding sites that may be di·
rectly invol""d in mediation of the hormone elfects.
along with larger numbers of 10w.,.fIinity sitcs. Aner
The receptors huve been rocovcred from target cells. exposure to the 5·R· s. some of the are
but 1101 from cell types thut arc unresponsivc to the easily extracted with KCI. but others arc not.
hormone. The receptors bind to the hormones. to The progesterone-receptor oomplex consists of two
hormone agonists. and to some highly specific hor· dissimilar sub units. each of whieh binds One mole·
mOne amagonists. They show little allinity for cule of the hormone. One of the subun its attaches
chemically related molecules such as cholesterol directly to the DNA. "'hile the other associates with
and steroid hormones that do not alfect the a nuclear protein implicated in directing the complex
functions. to the "correct"· nuclcotide sequences (120). The ae-
When labeled hormonc is used. a labeled steroid- ceptor sites can be dilferent for other complexes act·
receptor can be rec()\lered. Unlalx:led hor· ing On the ""me target cell, (65). with binding to one
mone can displace the labe led one. but biologically Or more of the following: DNA. nuclear Cn7.ymes
inaeti"e steroids cannot. (especially RNA polymerases). nuclear proteins that
Qucstions havc been raised concerning whether alfect the activities of the enzymes. nucleoplasm
the receptors of unstimulated cells are in free form components that regulate thc binding of the poly·
in the cytosol. since cannot be accom- mcrascs to the DNA. or nuclear membranes .
plished with mild procedures. One .,uSgcstion is that The nucleus contains basic histoncs and a variety
Ihe receplOrs are bound to macromolecules (94). An_ of "acidic" (nonhistone) proteins implicated in reg·
other is that they arc contained within organelles ulation of access to specific DNA sequenccs. The
tnat are disrupted during the extraction procedures. proteins undergo phosphorylations. acetylations.
The 5-R to S-R ' step is impaired by maima ln ing methylatlons, and other that affect their
the preparntions at low temperatures. Then. only the functions (61. 67). The protcins of the acidic group
initially formed complex is recoverable. According dilfer with the ccll type. and binding to 5-R com-
to some observers. the activation is needed for trans· plexes has been shown for some of the steroids. Sev.
location to the nucleus. According to others. the in· eral ways tnat the S-R ' interactions with nuclc.or
active complex does r nlfr that compartment. but it proteins can lead to formation of new RNAs nave
is not retained because il cannot bind with high af- been suggested (<)5).
finity to acceptor siles of Ihe chromatin.
On the olher hand. it is by no means certain that
complex activation exclu-
sively (or even preferentially) in the cytoplasm (65). Soon after the bioding been accomplished. Ihe
The complex formed "'ilh estrogen ha s a sed imen- rate of incorporation of labeled u'idinc into DNA-
tation constant of 45 prior to activation. and one of li ke. pre-messenger ("'siant:' "heterologous") RNA
5S afterward. It has been pointed OI.It that a smaller can be demonstrated . This is associated with aug-
molecule may bt: more: easily translocated (88). mented activity of RNA polymerase II. the enzyme
Moreover. utlO<Xl'l'ied have been found needed to form such RNA. For at least somc of the
within (he nuclei (123). steroids. this is followed aflCr a time by increased
According to onc hypothesis. Iysosomes conlain- activity of RNA polymerase I. which is involved in
ing the "cytoplasmic" receptors cngage in uptake of the syn(hes;s of ribosomal (nucloolar) RNA. The p0-
the steroid. formation and processing of the com· lymerase I is not sensitive to (\'-amanitin (a poison
plexes. and delivery of the product to (he nuclear derived from mushrooms) . However, when the agent
binding sites (133. 134). Both hormones and recep- is used to block the initial elevation of the polymer.
tors have been identified within such organelles. ase II activity. or when protein synthesis inhibitors
Moreover. in at least some cell (Ype5. Ihe Iysosomes are presented. the hormone cannol increase nucleo-
tend to accumulate near Ihe plasma membrane be- lar RNA. This susgesls that small a1t1Oltnts of a spe·
fore presentation of the steroid. and (hey migra(e to mRNA and of a protein whose syn(hesis it
the nuclear region afterward. The Iywsomes may directs, contribule to the mediation of those hormone
additicmally contribute to the inAuences exerted on ac(ions.

When chick oviduct is eXp<)$ed to gonadal ste- thymidine kinase activitie! and of glu cose utili7.ation.
roids, the respOnse includes massive increases in the If agents tbat block DNA syn thesis "re introd uced.
production of RNAs and proteins. Many other re- the cells slill engage in thc preparative activities.
sponses 10 steroid hormones involve mQl;\ly qualita- When aminopterin is used to block mitosis. the cells
live changes and the appearance of molecules that undergo hypertrapby (128).
were IKlI dele<:tablc in unstimulated cells. In some Estriol (E l ) binds to the receptors used by E l . and
cases. it has been po:s.siblc \0 extraci new mRNAs its early influences are indistinguishable from those
and to demonstrate thaI Ihey direct Ihe proouction of El . However. tbe E,receptor complex is retained
of hormone-induced prole ins in bacterial Or in cell- only briefly within the nucleus. When a single dose
frce systems. is given, no delayed !Iimulatian of cell proliferation
occurs. El can invoke tbe delayed responses if it is
given in repeated doses Or is continuously presented.
On. Or more hours aFter the hormone has been pre- STEROID HORMONE INFLUENCES ON
sented. it is usually possible to demon strate an ac- RECEPTOR RENEWAL
celerated rale of incorporation of labeled amino Estrogens arc among the hormones that play essen-
acids inlo proteins. T his is not necessarily associated tial roles in regulat ion of their own receptor num-
with subsuntial increases in Ihe prOiein cOntent pcr bers. Thrc<: different mechanisms for receptor main-
cell. Some of the newly formed protei"" have been tenance have been demonstrated.
identified and shown to be directly involved in me- I. New re«ptor is Thc proces.< goes
diation of the hormone actions. For example, cenain On in targets Ihat have not been cxposed to the hor-
of the aldosterone·induced proteins contribu te to mone. and il accounts for the ability of previously
stimulation of sod ium transport in the kidney. unstimulated cells to respond. When estrogen com-
whercas certa in of the glucocorticoid·induced pro- bines with some of the cytoplasmic receptor and sub-
teins facilitate gluroncogcl\CSis in the her. Not all sequently promotes tmnslocation to the nucleus. (he
<If the link< Mt ween, he newly <ynt mol"""I", eytopl.smie oon tentt ronsiently dedines. Thi, is soon
and the subseq uCnt hormone effects have been followed by estrogen-mediated actions on the nu-
defined. cieus that lead to accelera ted rates of new receptor
W hen steroid hormones promote eel! growth. the synthesis. The processes are blockcd in both unstim-
dfe<:ts are usually not seen for many hours afte r ulated and hormone-treated cells by "gents such as
stimulation . Time is requi red for, among other cycloheximide.
things. the formation of neW ribo!;omal RNAs and 2. S-R· that a\taches to low_affinity acceptor .it'"
for processing and translocation of new mRNAs, as in (he nucleus soon dissociates from those sites. The
well as for the assembly of the peptide chains. liberated receptor then becomes available for
3. S- R· that .naches to the high-aHinity binding
STIMULATION OF DNA SYNTHESIS AND CELL sites also di i>wciatcs after some lime . In Ihis case.
PROLIFERATION howe,.. r, the receptor is modified and is no longer
AClions of this kind are not manifested until at least able to combine witb new steroid molecules (sec R,
18 (and more commonly 24) haurs aftcr the initial in Fig. 4- 16). The modified receptor ca n then
exposure to the hormone. The)" evidently require ex- undergo ··aetivation·' that reStOreS affinity for the
tensive preliminary preparation of the cells that in- .teroid.
cludes production of ne"· proteins. Process,,, 2 and 3 can be accomplished in the pres-
Emogens can elicit such responscs only when Ihe ence of protein-synthesis inhibitors.
stcroi d-receptor complcx is retained within the nu-
cleus for several hours (see Cbap. 15). When uterine Nafo,idine is a pharm acological agent th . t mimies 1he
tissue is presenled with a singk. dose carty cffects of cstrogen. and it can Cven elici\ ··ooe
I"0Il00'· of DNA syn,hoois. It ,ubKquen\ly act. a. an ·'an-
of estradiol-17-fj (E,). all of the described cha<lges
1iem"gen:· an effect al1ribu,wto fai tu re to promme re-
in R NA synthesis can be demonstrated (21). While ceptor replenishment (21 ). Tamo'ifen mimics 'he effect.
very small increments in DNA may be detected car- of, .i ng1c dose <>f •• triol. but it th.n functions a, an an-
lier, quantitatively impressive changes first beoome tie'trogen. It moy in'erfeTe wi,h 'he ability of Er R' ,,>
apparent aftcr (he 18,hoor latcn( !'Criod. They arc form the kind, of '$$OI;i3liono with nuck,T 'C<;CP'OT , itc.
associated with stimulation of DNA polymerase and required for dela)·.d estrogen action •.

, "'.

$·R ·
!J!J I


Fit. 4·16. S<:h..... !Of ..,,""'. oj .... oiCI compMx; $.R·, mplex; 1\. recydMI ,,,,,,,,,,0<;
1'\O(fI'IOnK. S. "ttOid hot",.,.,.: R. <OoOeI>lor; S·R. "",oti•• R" .--ptor.

" Ac t ivation" of the Steroid Hormone. hypotheses for m«hanisms of hormone action. the
dichotomy may be more OStensible than real.
GluC<)C<)f1iocoids. mineralocoftiroids. and es1l'Olcns 1. In !XImmon with the steroids. peptide hormones
combine directly .... ith their and un- and their receptors enter their target cells. The
steroid can be rcooV<:fcd at a latcr lime. internaliuuiQn is accomplished by endocytosis.
Tcw'!Icron.c alSQ bind. directly in some of ils tar· Il>cre arc those "'00 bel ieve IlIat steroid
gets. HoYo"Cvcr. in OItK:r c.:lltypc$. the testosterone uptake rcqllires similar m«hanisms. Gro.... th
must first be mt"labolically 10 dihydrole$- hormone. insulin. and othcrs
lostcronc, 10 estradiol. or 10 5OII1C other product (4. invoke stimulation of RNA and protein
137). Dihyd!'01cS\OSlcronc is more polent than lei>- synthesis.
IOStcronc in the ce ll types in which it is formed. 2. Ro:ccptors for stcroid hormones have been iden·
However cSlradioi mimics Ib¢ "IfCCIS of andrOllcM tified al cell surfaces (100. LQ1). Estruscns elevate
wlw: .c the androgen is firs! arom,uized to the cAMP concentrations almost as soon as they
Other r«agniml me\abolic chaft&CS in re- <:OI1tact utcrine cdls. and the nucleotide is in'pl icatcd
sponses to steroid hormones intcrconv<:osiom in some fC$JXMlses to androsens as well . Estrosen!
of estradiol OSlronc and the formalio<1 of i'l)- art also potent generators of prostaglandins. while
duted metabolites of progecs\cronc. are several influences of glucocorticoid! arc linxed with
melaboli.-«i to catechol derivatives thai have inhibitory influences I:lIcned on cyc1OOJlyge!IaSC and
properties \Illi te di fferent from thole of the path""ll)'$(U. 124).
prttllrs0r5. 3. GluCl.IOO is ooc of several peptide! known to
aCI 00 lysosomal Gll>OOOJrlicQids are
stabi]i1.ers of the organelles in some cell types in
CURRENT STATUS OF THE " STEROIDS IN, which cstrogen exerts opposing effects.
PEPTLDES OUT" HYPOTHESIS 4. "ndrOlen re&Ulalion of carbohydrate metab<.>-
Although many asp«ts of $Ieroid and peptide hor- lism in.CCC$SOf)' reproduetiw= organs can pi'OU'lOd in
mone fu""ion can be filled to the two the prc:sentt of protein synthesis inbibiton.
MECHANISMS OF ACTION Of IODINATED slimu lation (35). ITIC5lly via induction of hormone
THYROID HORMONES receptors. The hermones made by lhe hypophysis. in
The follicular cells of {he thyroid gland secrete thy- turn, uert si milar influcnc.:s on the IhyrOid glands
roxine (T,) along with smaller amounts of triiodo- and gonads.
thyronine (T,l. The: hormones differ chcmkally 2. The stimulalion of horl1lQne prodUction docs
from peplides in (hal the amino acid moieties are not nCCCSArily involve tropic influences. f or exam·
held together in eilher linkage a nd ioxline i$ an es- pic. glucagon promotes insu lin secretion, but il is IlOl
senlial romponcm. koown to affect the Siructure of the beta cells of lhe
II is cerlain thai T, CQII1bincs direcily with the pancreatic islets.
hormone n:«pton, and lhat the T, ctn be d.iodi- J. The stimulation can be dependent on othcr fae·
nated to T, in both target <>rpM and in lhe IOrs. As ootcd. GH prOmOIes somatomcdin tenera·
The of whether T, fu lKtioos di .eclly as a lion wilen nutrition is good, but il does oot have this
hormone has not been adequBtely .nswcl«!. effect duri", times of food ckpriv;uion.
T, acts on virtually every known <xII Iype (97, 4. Negative feedback conlrols and other inhibitoty
127). II n':adily crosses plasma membranes, Iravcl'$C!l influences we re disculsed in detail in C hap, 3. In
the cytoplasm, enters Ihe nuclcu$, _nd binds direct!)' somc cases (e.g. when thyroid t on the
(Qchromatin. Many of the: 11\;11 .... pituitary gland thyrotl'Ope$). i can in.
bIc the: ones desnibcd for Slcroid """" ........... Labeled volve reduction in the numbers of receptors for p/I)"5-
undine is soon ITIOIl: rapidly iDWfp:>nlICd inLO ioIOCical stimulants.
RN/\S , Afte .....·ard. prolein synthesis aceelCntles.
The cytoplasm contains prOlei", that bind the Competitio n
hormone. but these do 001 funetion like steroid ,.".
They are believed to facilitate concenl Hormones that arc chemically similar can competc
of lhe hormone fOf' fu ture presenlalion 10 the accep- for lhe $lme bindi", siles. USILIllly. one of the reg-
lor siles. (TIM: do not tl'llnsk>catc to the nu· ulators binds with higher a ffinity. and the effects of
cleus in combination with the horl1lQnc.) thc simultaneous presence of both are concentration
Some of the of the thyroid hormonC$ dependen!.
be deteeted aflcr latent periods of I or more hours. AldoMerone i. a hiSh)y potent nlincralocortiwid
Others do not reach their peaks until days or e...:n tha! is effective in very low eoncentralionl. Proges.
" 'eeks ha...: elapSed. These ha...: been linked wilh • lerone binds wilh lesser affinity 10 mincraloooniooid
gellCralizc:d overhauling of the cellula r machinery n:ecplOfS. Therefore. when il is prcsc:nt alone. it can
that includes the formation of !lew organelles. Since serVe as a wnk mincralOClmicoid. On the Olher
organelle turnovcr proc..,ds slowly. Ihc delayed d· hand. high cQnccnlralions of progesterone Ca n im.
feelS pell'isl fot a considerable time afler Ihe hor· pair aldosterone functions by compeling with that
IOOIlC is witlldrawn. steroid for the: same recepton.
TJ may additionally interact dittttly wilh recep- ChemicaUy similar hormon.. can abo compete
Ion of tile milochondria and other organdies 10 " 'illl each other for binding sileson plasma proteins.
bring about effecls wilh very shaft latenl periods. If hormone A displaces some ofhormone B, thcn the:
concentrations of "frec" B risc and Ihe hormone
temporarily ""crts greater effects than it othc""i""
HOflMONAL INTERACTIONS """Id at tha t ooncentralioo. Hov.'Cver. reiease from
the plasma protein can a lso aCttlerale the: degnda·
EKh hormone .ffeclS the bio&ynl,,"is, release. me- lion and ucretion of B.
tabolism. and functiOfl$ of many others. Several
kinds of inleraclion are kllOwn.
and Potentiation

In" lIence. 01 One Hormone on the SeeretJon When tWO hormones (",eh as epinephrine and nor·
of other. epinephrine) bind to Ihe $lime receptors, the effectS
of simultaneously p' e$Cnting small dosaces of each
l. As discusscd earlier. hypothalamic hormones Can he additive. Similar effecls may be Obtained by
such as TR H Md LRH not only promote Ihe seere. combinina small amounl' of two hormones that act
lion of targel cell h",mones (TS H and gonadotro- on different receplors linko:<l to common cnlyrnes.
pins. respecti...:ly), but tlley also maintain lhe mor. f ot example. adipocyte lip.ilSO: can be stimulato:<l in
phologies and fu/OC1ions of lhose cells. Additionally. Ihis way wilh combinations oIl1Of'C]lincphrinc and
Ihe tropic regulat()nl augment lbe oensiliyilic$ 10 TSH.
It is possible For ineffective (subthreshold) dosages ature. pH . etc.) . It is independent of the speed of lhe
to summate and thereby achieve cell stimulation_ reaclion.
The effects of small dosages Ihal arc above the Hormones that activate Ihe en1_y me reduce the
threshold are almosl arithmelically additive. When time needed 10 attain equilibrium. Hormones Ihat
quantities of one horlTlOne arc sufficient to invoke a inactivate the en1_yme slow down the rcaclion, bUI
ncar-maximal re'ponse, lillie or no further stimula· they canoot affecllhe K value.
tion may bo accomplished by adding the other. In Dual controls are achieved when One pathway in-
fact, combinations generally inV<)kc 110 greater «:- volves reactions that faV<)r the formalion of B (high
actions Ihan Ihc ones achieved with Ihe weaker of value of K ), whereas a diffc«:nt pathway (c_g_ B -
Ihe two «:gulatOl"S_ C - A) favors the formalion of A. (It will be re·
Two hormones Can also utilize totally diffe«:nt called thaI glucagon facilitates glyCOgenolysis by ac-
mechanisms to achieve the same end result. for e._ tivating the phO$phorylase sYSlem. whereas irumlin
ample. anti-diuretic hormone directl)' promotes favors glycogen synthesis by activating the synthase
water conservation. Aldosterone stimulate.< sodium pathway.)
reabsorption . and a secondary consequence i. waler Tne effeetivencssof dual controls is enhanced if a
retemion. When large doses of both are given to- regulalor aClivating One of the pathways can simul·
gether. more water is retained than is the case fol· taneously inhibit the other
lowing administration of maximal dosages of cit I1cr
hormone alone. Tne response. are suP<',-.f1dd;/h·e.
Indirect Antagon ism
Authors differ in their use of terminology. Somc
apply s}'lif'rg;sm to all additive effects. but others re- liormones can Oppose each olher by acting on dif-
strict its uS<: to situations in which there is simple ferenl target cell,. Thus. paralnyroid hormone can
summation. Po/elll;a/;Otl has been used synony· increa,e urine volume by inhibiting sodium reab-
mously with synergism. but some resen'e tne term ""'ption. wnerea.1 norepinephrine can decrcase it via
for super-additiviIY. constriction of the afferent arterioles.
HorlTlOnes Can enhance each other's effects in dif·
ferent ways. For example. one may induce an en·
PermiSSive Actions
1.yme affected by the other. promote cell prolifera·
tion and thercby increase the numbo rs of responsivc When a hormone exeTlS no dircet effect on a rc-
01 alTccI ur ""4Ue'lraliun uf '1'<'1.,e. ual creale. Ih e ""mli1ion, Ullclcr w h ich an·
substance involved in the response. Thus. glUCOCQr. other ca n aCI. it is said to perform a permissive func-
ticoids induce gluconeogenie enzymes aClivated by tion. An example i. shown in Fig. 4-1 7.
glucagon . calciferols promole accumulation of cal· In intacI animals. norepinephrine invokes dCl'C--re-
cium Ihat can bo recruiled by paralnyroid normonc. laled elevation of the systolic blood pressure_ It can·
and estrogens incr.a'" the numbers of cells thaI not do this in thai are deprived of glucocor.
make progesterone receptors. tieoids(sce Fig. 4-17A).
Glucocorticoid. normalile blood vessel lone_
Wben adrenalectomiJed (glucoconicoid-deRcienl)
An tagon istic Influences
arc given maintenance dosages of tnc ste-
When One hormone sends a melabolie pathway in a roid . they «!spond li ke imact controls to norepineph-
certain dircction. and another revers." Ihe direction. rine administration (Fig. 4·178). However. in the
each of the regulators usually aCts On its own enzyme presence of unvarying levels of norepinephrine. Ine
system. glucoconicoids do 1101 dose-related influences
If an enzymatically controlled reaction is permit· on the blood pressure (Fig_ 4-17C).
ted 10 procced to equilibrium. a certain ratio of prod- G1UCQOOrticoids perform similar permissive func·
uct concentrations (K) will be attained. lions for glucagon stimulation of gl uconcogencsi. in
rate I the liver and for catecholamine stimulation of lipol-
ysis in adipoolc lissue. Growth hormone also
permissive influenccs that support norepinephrine-
rate 2
stimulated lipolysis.
Concentration of a Usually, the permissive effects inmlve biosyn-
Concentration of A thesis of some substance in\'(Ilved in the response. A
when rale I _ rate 2 protein made under Ihe influence of glucocorticoids
(SCA RP. steroid· and eAM P.regulated protein)
The value of K is determined by the chemical na· thai supports cAM P.mediated reactions i. discussed
tures of A and B, the bnds of bonds that arc formed in Chaplers 7 and 10.
and broken. and the prevailing conditions (temper. Occasionally. tne lerm P<'rm;"iVl' act iotl has

,.,., TCgulators. Yet. only those of lhe thyroid gland are

uniquely responsive \0 TSH. while rona fas<:icuiala
prenure ce lls of the adrenal respond most obviously to
ACfH. When the of rco:ptors for a hor-
mone dccline. there is usually an associated loss of
sensitivity to that regUlator.
Agents chemically different from the hormones.
such as antibodies directed against the re<;eptors. can
A Dose of nor,pineph,ine
mimic hormone action!;. Some have sugge<ted that
function by activating Iheir reccptors.
while others have speculated on the possibilily thai
hormones lifl a form of tonic inhibition Ihat is oth·
erwise by the receptor.
,.,., "Spare" Receptors
Quantitative inleraetions bclW""n hormones and re·
ceptors vary widely with the cclltype (14) . When
angiotensin II stimulates lOM glomerulosa cells of
, Dose Of norepinephrine
the adrenal the steroidogenic re<poll';c rises
in parallel with receptor occupancy until both pa-
rameters reach maximum. In contras!. most targel
cells for peptide-!Ype hormones respond muimally
when only a small fraction of Ihe receptor siles is
occupied. The term sf'O't receptor.r designales Ihe
remainder of Ihe populalion.
AI leasl some of Ihe "exira" rco:ptOTS bind wilh
low amnlty. and It is suspeclcd that they do not di-
reclly mediale the hormone aClions (82)_ Suggested
functions include th. following: (a) aceumulalion of
the hormone in Ihe vicinily of Ihe high-atnnity re·
ceplors, thereby increasing the probability that bind-
ing will be accomplished when the hormone conccn_
tralions are low; and (b) modificalion of membrane
properties in a manner lhal supports high-affinilY re·
c Dose 01 ad renocortical steroid
FIg. 4·17. P6rmiui • • ""'''''' of Idr..-.ooort""" .,.. oO:Is on Anolher Ihought is thllthe usua l physiological re·
P"I""'''' "'PQo"'" to ""'opInephI1 .... .... FieS9O"se
in !llueocortir;oid-deficien1 I """" ' . e.
sponses r"'luire occupation of limiled numbers of re·
ceplOrs, bUI hormone binding 10 "eXIra" receplors
RosponMIO OOf6piMphrino in thO preSMC<! 01 • """stant invokes supplementary reactions. It is known, for ex·
Ie" .. olldre"oco.ljcal " ",<>ids. C. Rllpoese to ample, that low dosages of glucagon affect mostly
adroonocor1collleroids "",opInepM". II ""in,o;ned
glycogenolysis in the her. Somewhat higher ones
0., • con,,,nl "'....
also accelerale gluconeogenesis. while concentra·
lions approaching Ihe upper phY5iologicallimil< ad.
ditionally faci lilale ureogene<is. Minimal levels of
r.ervcd as a ta\chall to coyer up the igllOranc<: of the insulin inhibil adipocYle lipase. Moderate one< also
investigator oonccrning [he mechanism. whereby increase gluCOlse oxidation. whereas high ones accel-
one supportS Ih. actions of another. erale amino acid uptake (132).
"Spare receptors" could also bc involved in initi·
alion of negative feedback controls that protect the
cells againSI Pr(llact;n and prosta-
glandins are among the regulators klIOwn to act in
In some respects. Ihe fe<:eplOrs are Ihe major deter- one direClion when the concentrations arc low and in
minants of cell responses. All somalic <xlls arc con- a reverse manner when Ihe pharmacological ranges
tinuously exposed 10 a cornucopia of btood-bornc are approoched.
A dilTerent point of view is that th: "extra" recep"- it is only slowly reversed after the hormone is
tor.. are "anticipant." and therefore spare only in a withdrawn.
sense (92). They could simply be waiting their For peptide·type hormones, the down regulation is
IUrn to serve as internali1.ation removes the others. evidently directly related to internalintion of the
The whole concept of spare receptors has becn hormOl*receptor (19). Receptor replcni.h.
qucstioned on th: grounds that the conditions used ment requires new protein ,ynthesi,. and it can be
to assess hormone bi nding are not necessarily opti- blocked with protein--synthesi, inhibitors. Chron ic
mal for measuring the associated innuences of the overstimulation by the hormone may disrupt the
hormones On the cells (116). normal cycles involved in
maintaining normal membrane structure •. However,
in addition to GH, catecholamines. and several oth·
Negetlve Cooperetivlty
ers. steroids .uch as progesterone can reduce the
The binding of limited numbers of some hormonc numbers of their own receptors. In such cases. the
molecules to their receptors decreases the affinitie. effects may be exerted on nuclear components and
of the receptors for additional hormone. Sucb "neg· involve changes in the rates of formation of the
ative COOlX'rativity" has been described for insulin. mRNAs that direct synthesis of the receptors,
GH. TSH, catecholamine•. and other regulators. 11 Hypothalamic releasing arc secreted in·
could provide protection against cxcessive acute termittently . Jfthe neurons that deliver LRH to the
stimulatiOll in respon.e to a .udden "burst" of hor· gonadotropes are destroyed. LH secretion can be
mone release while preserving the ",nsitivity to low maintained by delivering LRII at hourly
concentrations (16 )_ intervals. On thc other hand. continuous prc",nta·
Electron microscopy studies and measurements of tion of LRH invokes a transient elevation of LH se-
physical properties of the membranes suggest that cretion that is followed by a steep deeline. The loss
the initial binding alfocts thc locations. mobilities. of responsiveness has been lin ked with reductions in
and possibly also the configurations of the IMOCi'u- the numbers of LRH receptors (6).
piNi receptors. Agents that interact with the recep"- Maturity-<>nset diabetes mellitus is often first dc-
tors but fail to mimic the hormone actions can dicit tec ted after a period in which excessive f<X>d intake
similar changes. has led to overstimulation of the cells of the pan·
creatic islets. Typically, the patient has supcroormal
insulin concentrations in the blOCld plasma but shows
Pos itive Cooperatlvlty
symptoms of insu1in deficiency that have been linked
For some hormones. the bindins of limited numbers with reductions in the numbers of insulin receptors.
of molecules tnhancf'S the amnity for others. Phe· The condition may be exacerbated if exogenous in·
nomena of this kind have also been described for Slu· sulin is given. since this can further lower the recep-
cocorticoid bindins to chromatin (32). and for tro- lOr numbers. In many cases, restrict ion of f<X>d in·
ponin binding in skeletal muscle. Presumably. the ta ke leads to normalizalion of insulin requirements.
mechanisms provide for rapid mouming of respollSCS fall in blood insulin levels. and restoration of the in·
to low hormone concentratio", by target cell, previ· sulin receptors.
ously deprived of the regulators.
Desensitizati o n
" Down Regulation"
Thi, term designa tes gradual loss of sensitivity to a
Chronic of cell, to high concentration. of poten! regulator thaI is chronically prescnted in ex·
most hormones leads. in time, to reduction in the ces.sive amounts. In addition to the mechanisms dc-
numbers of available hormone receptors. Although scribed , it Can involve forma tion of "tight." nonfunc-
the phenomena have been linked with lowering of t;onal associations between hormone and receptor.
target cdl sensitivitie, and protection against over· the "uncoupling" of the processes that hormone
stimulation. they differ from negative cooperativity binding to the response , and cell changes that are not
in several respects: (a) usually receptor affinities are directly associated with hormone-reecptor inter·
not changed; (b) the responses are highly specific_ ac tion"
When chronic elevation of t he bl<X>d insulin le.'els d i· Desensi tization is observed for responses to neu·
minishes the numbers of insulin receptors on the ad;· rotransmitters as well. for example after Iong·term
pocytes, the same cells retain their sensitivi ty to cat· presentation of high levels of acctylcholirIC to cui·
echolamine,. Agents that bind to the receptors but tured heart cell, (37)_
do not mimic the effects of the hormone fail to affect An intereSting form of "adaptation" follows
the receptor numbers; and (c) tlte reduction in reo chronic administration of endorphins to cells COn·
ceptor number takes time to become manifested. a nd taining the appropriate receptors. When the peptide.
decrease the adenylatc cyclase aClI .. ly. the cells lH. FS H. and prolact;n re .. ptors in the rat te'ti, ( 14),
"compensate" by ,yothesiling more enzyme. In The effects on the prOlactin re.:eptors are believed to be
time, they can be said to be "addicted," since Ihey secondary COlloequence, of inhibition of prolactin , ecTC·
Ihen maintain normal ad.orlst. cydase activity only tion. where .. the chang.. in gon.d<>lropin receptOr> >«m
in Ihe prc:sc:ncc of the endorphins. "Withdra,,'al to rc •• it ffOOl lRH binding to . it.. in the goo.d, ph)',.
symptoms" associated with persistent ovcraClivi\y of iologie.lly re'pOn, ive to a different ,ogu lator.
Ihe adcnyla\e cyclase system arC sten when Ihe en- O ne hormone can also affoet Ihe fum:lion.<of an-
dorphins arc no longer p,e:scmcd (68) . other by exerting influences 011 nonreceptor proteins.
FSH acts on the te'lis to induce an androgen-bind-
" Up Regulation" ing protcin that concenlrates teslosterone and dihy-
drotcstosterone (84), Estrogen am on the liver 10 in-
Changes in ",ceptor numbers haY<' been .""wn \0 duce rcnin substrate and Ihe plasma proteins that
occur in 3$SOCiation wilh cell differentiation. maw- associate tightly with glucocorticoids. and
ration, and aging (114). Hormones contribute 10 Ihe other regulators. Prolactin augmenlS the effecti,"<:-
regulation. in nlany cases by promoting formation of ness of ACTH on Ihe adrenal in pari via in-
their own rctePlors (79). hibition of an en7.yme that degrades glucocorticoids
It has long been known thaI Ihe administration of (96). LH contributes to estrogen produclion in the
a "priming" d():$c of estrogen to immature tissues ovary by promoting the synthesis of androgens that
used for bioassay sharpens their sensitivily serve as estrogcn precursors,
10 a dose subsequentlyadminiSlered (146). II is
now re<:ognized Ihal eslrogen indU'lion of eSlrogen
reeeplors is an important componenl of the processes SOME PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED IN THE
in'olved in maturation of ovarian follides (106). DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS
thai androgens induce androgen re<:eptors in matur-
ing pl'05tale glands (88). and thai prolactin promotes Wholc-animal studies are generally the mOSt trou-
formalion of prola'tin re,eptors by some of its targel blesome 10 conduct because of the complexities of
cells (79). the systems. Inc individual variations alway. enCOun-
tered among animals of the same strain. age. sex,
and history. Ihe problems involved in duplicating en·
Heterore g ula tion vironmenlal conditions if the experiments arc to be
repeated or to be conducted in other laboratories.
MOoSI hormones affect the production of receptors for
and the ·'nonspecific" effects of the tesl procedures.
different honnonc:s (107). Estrogens facilitate Ihe
Such studies are essential. however. for investiga-
formalion of progesterone recepton in several differ-
tion, of development. maturation and somatic
ent kinds of cells. and most physiological function,
growth. of behavior and learning. of the influences of
of progesterone (including the cyclical changes in
dietary manipulations. of longevity, of long-term
the endometrium associated with ovarian functions)
functions of hormones and Ihei. interactions, and of
require prior of the cells to estrogens (72).
some aspects of hormone metabolism. Oflen. they
The processes are hormone and target cell spc-
are needed to determine the physiological relevance
ciric. Although thyroxine promotes the formation of
of in vitro findings. since the major influences ex-
prolactin TCceptOrs in the kidney. it does not regulate
erted by the hormones on the whole animal Can dif-
prolactin TCceptOrs in the adrenal cortex (80). Thy_
fer from tbose demonslrable in Ihe tesHuix:.
roxine additionally increases the numbers of cate-
In ITIOllI cases. the use of "sham"' controls permits
cholamine receptors in m)'ocardium.
assessment of the effeets of nonspecific intervention.
Hormones can also reduce the numbers of func_
If endocrine tissues are to be surgically excised. the
tional reoeptors for other regulaton. For example.
shams are subjoeled to the anesthesia. and auempl<
glucocorticoids exert this intluen« 011 prolactin re-
are made to intlict comparable trauma to the af-
ceptors in the kidney (80. gl). progesterone antago-
fected region while permiuing the tissue, to remain
nius the ability of estrogens to increase prolactin re-
intact. It may be necessary 10 use additional unop-
oeptors of the pituitary gland (49), and thyroid
crated controls. especially if Ihe tissues to be studied
hormones reduce the numbers of pituitary TRH
are innervated Or if the trauma affects other organs.
[f lesions are to be made with eleclrodes. Ihe same
Me.:hani.m. for .-.gul.tion of re.:eptor number c.n be kinds of electrodes are inserted into the controls but
complex. The chronic administration of lulCini,ing 00 .... no Curren! is used. When hormones arc adminis-
mooe-.-.leuing bQrmOn< (lRH) k.d,. in time. to loss or tered . the controls ,hould roeeive Ihe same volume of
material in the sam. region-preferably empty ve- ations in the secretion pallems (69). Environmemal
hicle or something that inmkes C<)m parabk faclors such as light and temperature can alfe<:t the
irritation. responses. and singly caged may respond dif-
If the test substances administered affect the ap- ferenlly from ones housed in groups. When females
pctite. it is difficult to determine what shou ld be donc are used. Ihe stages of the ovarian cycles sOOuld be
with the controls. Restriction of food in take intro- ta ken into consideration. !Xason can affect not only
duces the complications of undernutrition. At times, the hormone secretion pauerns, but also the condi_
even brief periods of food deprivation invoke changes lions of the target organs. Nutritional statu, at the
that can not be reversed by subsequent refeeding lime of testing and past nUlritional history are ad.
(39). The shams Can be "pair fed"\0 achicve a cOm- di tional important variables.
parable nutritional status. However. the expcrimen-
tal animals are then perm itted to cat as much as they
choose while the controls are subjectcd to the stress Routes of Administration
of arti ficially imjXISed hunger . Forc<:·fe<:ding intro- The sites of entry inlo the body affect the rates of
duces different kinds of unwanted stress. hormone absorption imo the extracellular fluids,
penetralion to targe t si tes. degradation, and exCre·
tion . They Can also have important influences on the
Determination of the "Corraet" Dosages of
secretions of other rcgulators.
For mosl regulalors. Iher. i. a limited range m'er
which Ihe magnitude of Ihe response increases wilh
the dosage. Less commonly, a sufficient quanlity Addition of the test to food or drinking
"triggers" a response. whereas larger ones have flO fluids averts thc stress associat«l with parenteral in·
further innuene<:. jection. Slow rates of absorption can accomplish
Since negative fmdings arC seldom as useful as gradua l elevation of the blood Icvels and long·term
jXlSitivc ones, Ihcre is a templation to administer a maintenance of the concentrations. They can also
more than ad<"quate dose ('"jusl 10 be surc·· ). When frce the invesligalor from dire<:t and frequent ad·
100 much is given. the OOrmone can interact with ministrations in experiments that arc of long
sites thai it never affecls under physiological eondi· duration.
tions. (This is oflen an eve n greater problem in in Oral administration has numerouS drawbacks .
vitro work.) Except when fe<:ding SChed ules are highly artificial.
Commonly, OOrmone derived from one species is the animal has considerable control OVer the dosage .
injected into another, despite kflOwn differene<:s in Foods Or fluids judged by the animal to be unpleas-
receplor properties. Largc slaughtered for am may be refused enlirely umil Severe hunger Or
food can be inexpensive and readily available sourCeS thi rst is cxpcriene<:d. W hen bitler substances arc
of largc quantitie, of the regulators. Smaller ones wilh po"dercd foods. small rodents will some-
are more convenient recipienlS , ince they arc easy to limes select out the usual nutrients and leave the test
maintain and handle. usually require only minute subslances in the cups. Tbe investigator Can get ex-
amounts of test materials. and have sOOrt gestation aClly Ihe quantity desired into the animal at c,actly
periods a nd life spans that facil itate the acquisition the right time by using a stomach tube. However,
of highly inbred strains. It cannot be assumed that the procedure;s traumatic for bolh the animal and
body we ight is an adequate parameter for judging thc invesligator who must struggle with it.
the appropria te dosage. Whcn calculated on a per Some of the (or their vehicles) irri_
gram basis. a rat can tole rate something li ke 1000 tate the gastrointestinalt""cl and Can there by affect
times as much histamine as a human. and a guinea Mood dist ribution or the of gastrointest inal
pig succumbs 10 a fraclion Oflhe dosage tolerated by OOrmones. Enzymes of the digestive tract degrade
man. most peptide-type hormones (but a fcw such as TRH
escape such destruction) . Blood drainins the gas-
trointestinal tract enters the hepatic portal vessels
Tha Importance of Timing
Ihal lead to the liver. ThaI organ is a major site for
As flOlCd, the effect of X grams of a hormone Can be hormone degradation .
very different if the regulator is given all at oncc
Ihan if presented in divided dosages.
A quanti ty of OOrmone that is highly effective
under e<:rtai n conditions may be totally inadequate Fairly largc volumes can be injected into the pt!ri-
at other times. The investigator muSt be aware ofin· and ml)l;t substances a rc rapidly air
teraclions with othe r regulalors and of diurnal vari- sorbed. However, the vessel. also lead into the he·

palic porlal syste m. Moreover. the method is not tion ean sometimes be averted by administering pre-
suitable for lipids, irritants. or vaso<xmstricto.s. cursors thai readily cross the barrier and arC after-
While moderate volumes of Auid Can be acCOl1l<r ward converted to the active hormones. Dopamine is
dated in the spalX'$ under the skin of the back. the a good example . since OO?A enters the central ner-
quantities lnal can be inje.:lcd subcuwneDus/y al vous system and is soon decarboxylaled. The effects
other siles a re sharply limited. Slow absorption rates of peripheral rormation of dopamine can be mini-
can be: advantageous. blood levels build up mized by giving the OOPA in combination with de-
gradually and they can be maintained for extended inhibitors that do not eros.. the barrier;
lime periods. Hormones presented in poorly soluble and the observations can be compared with on ....
forms are laken up even more slowly. Minipumps made on different animals receiving OOPA plus an
thai deliver the regulators at continuous, predeter. inhibitor thai gelS to Ihe brain.
mined rates can be implanted under the skin. T he
sites mUSI be chosen with care. (It mayor may not
be desirable. for example, 10 have the hormone go Organ Perfusion
directly to the liver, kidney, or some Olher organ.) Organ perfusion studies in whole animals make it
Strongly irritating malerials cannot be given in Ihis possible to study Ihe direct effects of a regulator on
way. Intradermal arc generally «,served a targel that retains its architecture and many of its
for special purposes. They are painful. are likely 10 associations with surrounding structures, and (0 col-
sel up allergic «,actions. and can be used only "'hen lect produced in response to its administra·
the vol umes a«' minute. tion. The hormone is not metaboli7.Cd by other cell
Intramuscular administration is oflen the method types before it reaches il5 destination. and it cannot
of choice for lipid-soluble materials, and for OneS act first on endocrine glands that regulate the organ
that are too irritating to be ;njeeled al other Siles. under invC'ltigation. The method has been used . e.g.
Absorplion rates are usually mOre rapid than from 10 eumine the of glucagon on Ihe ii'l<'r, the
skin sites. They can be controlled by varying the roles of sugars, ions. and other agents that
physiCOChemical properties of the hormone Or pancreatic islet functions, and the quantitative
vehicle. in the variou< producls relea<cd
The im,awnous route permils almost ;nslama· Following injections of ACTH, prOSlaglandins. and
neous elevalion of the blood concentrations. and olher agents into vesselS supplying the adrenal
most target organs are soon rcaehed. (So are the glands. It usually lakes CO/lsiderablc lime to prepare
degradation and excretion sites.) Great caution must lhe organs, and the effects of anesthesia. trauma,
be exerted when the test substances affec t cardiac brief periods of hypoxia, and Olher factors must be
func tion . and it is also important 10 avoid more than considered when as:o;essing the dala. The indiyidual
minimal disturbance of the osmotic pressure. Agents variations in responses arC likely to be greater than
that lyse erythrocyle membranes cannot be given in is the case for in vitro studies.
this way. Insertion of the needle requires skill. can
be and is likely to disturb the sub-
jec t. When il is especially important to avuid stress Specilll Advllntages lind Problems
at the time of hormone administration, a cannula ASSOCiated with In Vitro Studie&
can be inserted and the study delayed unti l after the In vilro syste ms remOlie some of the complexities
animal has recovered from the procedure. The can- that must be deah with in whole animals. The reg·
nula method is a lso useful when repeated injections ulators. syne rgists and antagonists can be directl y
must be given, or if the experiment calls For contin- presented 10 the target cells in controlled concentra·
uous or intermittent infusions. tions. and the cell environments can be manipulated.
In many cases, it is possible to observe early re-
sponses that cannot be mcasured in "'hole anima ls
Or in perfused organs. Relatively small quantities of
The "blood-brai n barrier"' exdudes most s ubstances lest substances Ihal a«' in short supply can suffice .
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wmponent under investigation is only one of several tions of hormones arc besl obtained by integrating
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_ __ PART 11 _ __

Hormonal Regulation of
Carbohydrate, Protein, and Lipid
_ ___ 5
The Endocrine Pancreas

The panc",as plays key in [hc provi< ion of nu- they. too. require glucose when the body engages in
trients 10 all body cells during times of fceding and slrenuous activity. Since all of lhose eells take up
fasting. The exocrine components se<:relc cn'.ymes glucose by facilitated diffusion, Ihe blood COnCCntra-
thal diges l proteins. fals, phosphQlipids, polysaccha- tions mU<1 be main tained at levels Ihal provide ade-
rides. and nudeic acids. The endocrine ti .. uc affects quate ooncentration grad iems.
Ihc appeti te, governs Ihc absorption. distribution. According 10 a popular misconception. glucose de·
and uS<: of fuels. establishes and recruils glycogen ficiency lead, to drowsiness. Fortunately. this is not
and rat reserves, regulates the forma lion of protO- the case. The eartiest signs of hypoglycemia (sub-
plasmic building blocks. rnain!a;n, (hc plasma 000· normal blood glucose oon..,ntration) include reSt-
cemralion! of glucose and olher important compo- lessness. irritability. and increased awarCneSS of Ihe
nems. and contributes to Ihc CQnlrol of acid·base a nd environmenl. as well as sensations of anxiety and
waler balance. hunger. These arc actually important for su[>ival.
The major hormone-producing cells are since they s;gnal the need loseek OUI nUlricnts. Con.
into "islets" 1h31 are scattered within (hc exocrine sider the fate of an animal mu't hunt for it'
tissue and comprise 1%--2% of the \ota l pane",a!;. b",akfasl, if failure to find food and consequent de-
mass. Most of the regulators arc released in Ihe vi- pIction of carbohydrate reserves could bring on
cinity of Ihal lead into the ponal drowsiness. The animal would gradually lase moti-
blood vessels. and many of t he actions are exerted On vation to chase. fall asleep. and soon Sla rve to dealh.
the liver. Each islet is a comple. microorgan that is The cries of a hungry infant (and the nap of oon-
richly ,upplied wilh blood. It receives <ympathetie. tentment thaI follows a feeding) are Hnked with re·
parasympathetic and pcptidcrgic innervat ion, and i1 latcd underlying mechanism,.
conlains at leasl three different kind, of functionally More severe hypoglycemia causes headache.
interrelated cell types (216) (see Fig. 2· 3 and Table lurban..,s in sensory perceplion (including blurred
2·4). Or double vision) . mOlOr incoordination, and sweal-
ing. and ils viclims descri\)c '"feelings of impending
If the blood glueQSe is pcrmilled 10 fall to even
lower levels. the consequences can be disastrous. In-
voluntary t",mors progr<:ss to mU$C lc spasms and
Under normal oondit ions. brain ncuron, depend al· convul,ion" as higher ccnters of the brain lose tllcir
mQSt . xclusively on glucose metabolism 10 SlIlisfy normal inhibitory influence, over lower ones. Ulti-
their energy requiremenls (I 26). Since the cells Can· mately. consciousness is lost and dy,funclions of the
not Slore subsla nl ial carbohydrate rese rves. Iheir lower. more vital pans of the brain ma ke it impos-
functions are disrupted by even brief periods of glu- sible to suslain life (45).
cose deprivation. ErylhrocYleS also require a slcady
supply of glucose. The)' lad mitochondria and i\ method ror the bioass.ay or insulin (which rapidly de-
Iherefore cannot fatty acid fuels. S keletal and 1>"'=_ th. glucose levol. ) i"volv"," determination or lh.
cardiac muscle usc fally acids IlIQSI of Ihe time. bUI quantity requi",d 10 invoke convul.ion. in rasted ra!>bits.


Higb dose_.,r i.,ulin have been u",d in the pas, ., ",hod meals. bUI glycosuria has other serious con-
therapy" rC>l psychiatric The effec,. inciudod sequences.
convul.ions and 10$$ of con<Ci""'n ..... fo>llo",.d by mental
<:<;>nf",ion and disorientation during lhe ,.."".cry period.
Glycosu ria Leads to Dehydration
Chronic hypoglycemia of a milder nature can be
the caus<: of "bizarre" or "psychotic" bc:ha.ior. It Thc glucose Ihat escapes into the urine osnt()/ically
has bun xtll,lwn to damage the neurons of aduhs and draw.• walfr from the body. The blood is
to impair brain development in Ihe yoong. transiently maintained with fluids recruited from the
Since there is compelling need for p'QIe<:tion. it is extracellular spaces, but it eventually falls. Massive
not sUrprising that several bormQnes a rc charged fluid depiction Can invoke hppottruiQf1 (low blood
wilh the T<;sponsibility of elevating Ihc blood glucose pressure). even when tile blood viscocity increases.
concentration, when this beCQrnes appropriate. The ReA.x vasoconstriclion counteracts some of the ef-
group indudes glucagon. gluCOC<lrlicoirls. epineph· fects of hypovolemia (low circulating blood volume),
rine. and growth hormone. but it causes other problems. Renal function can be
All cells funclion best when Ihe plasma cone<:nlra- compromised because of reduced renal blood Aow
lions of essential molecules are maintained at opti- and inadequate filtralion pressure.
mum 1.,,<=11. The quanlilies of glucose used by brain When the plasma lxeomes concentrated. water is
are determined by aClivities of Ihe inlracel- drawn from tile cells. The hypovolemia and vaSOCOn-
lular en7.ymes. and Ihere arc no advantage, to forc- striction impair delivery of oxygm and nmrienls and
ing glucose enlry. The .yntptOnt. of mild hypugJy- the removal of metabolic wastes.
u mia (excessively high blood glucose) include
drowsiness and impa ired ability to perform demand-
ing mcnlalla,ks. Eerly Symptoms of DIabetes Mellitus
Occa,ional. moderate elevalion.. of the blood glu-
The lerm diabele.• me/lil'" designates a group of dis-
cose concentration, are tolerated by otherwi,e
eases eharac\C,i'.ed by hyperglycemia. glycosuria .
healthy individuals. However. marked hypergly-
absolule Or ..elative insulin deficiency. "Diabe-
<:<omia Can have disastrous consequence<. e<pe<:ially
les" from a word that means syphon. and it is
if it recurs at frequent intervals Or i, chronically
applied to ,everal conditions in whicb the mte of
maintained. urine production is excessive. Mellitus (hone)') refers
to lhe sugar contenl of the urine. The early manifes-
tatiollS inelude (a) polyuda (increased urine vol-
Hyperglycemia Leed s to Glycos uria
ume); (b) thim and pol)'dYP${a (incrcased drink.
Under IlOTmal conditions. vinually all of the glucose ing): (c) hunger and h)'(lI!I'phagia (ingestion of large
filtered by the renal glomeruli is reclaimed by the quantilies of food): (d) wea kness and fatiglle: and
proximal tubules. The amounts that escape into the (e) some impairment of mental functions. including
urine are not detectable with ordinary technique,. "inability to concentrate".
Reabsorption is an active. energY·Q,lnsuming. sat- The polyuria is largely attributed to the osmotic
urable process. When hyperglycemia leads 10 the fil· effects of glucose. but th e condition is aggravated by
tration of supernormal amounts of glucose. Ihe kid. byperglycemic suppression of antidiuretic hormone
ney handle. whal it can and Ihe excess passe. on 10 .eer.tion (221). Osmoreeeptors stimulated by the
the urine. hemoconcentration C<lmmunicate wilh neurons Ihat
GlyC05uria (sugar in the is nOt necessarily mediate thirst sensations: but falling blood pressurc
an indication of kidney damage. The situation could and blood volume also promote Ihe production of an·
be compared with One in which a bricklayer does the giotensin Il (a highly potent dip:sogen). Usually,
!.ame amount of work each day. If he is provided drinking only panially compensate, for the water
with exactly the number of bricks thaI he ne<:ds. 10M. It can also exacerbate the polyuria and accel-
oonc arc left over at the end of Ihe shift. However. erate the "wasbing out" of essential electrolytes.
if he is given Iwice as many. the exIra ones will not The hunger and wcak/ICSs can resull from insulin
be used. def,ciency, since Ihe hormone regulates glucose: up-
Glycosuria is wo$leful. since potenlially useful nu- take in skeletal musele and probably also in pam of
IrienlS are forever lost . During a subsequen l period the brain that contain "glucoreceplors". Increased
of fasting, body proteins must be broken down to food intake replaces SOme of the lost nutrients. but it
provide fuels tbat would otberwise have come from exacerbates the hyperglycemia. glycosuria. and
glucose-derived glycogen and fat. It is possible to polyuria. rndividuals suffering from uncon(rolled di-
lessen the protein destruction by taking frequent abetes mellilus usually lose weighl rapidly.
Dlra ct Daia ta rioul Effect. 01 Hyperglycemia Although sorbilol can he very slovo-Iy conven ed to
Proteins undergo IIOnenzymatic glycosy)ations. and fruet+:lSC. it tcnds to ac.:umulale within the cells.
the fC3.ction ratcs rise in paralld with the gluCQSC Since it does not easily exit via the pluma memo
con«ntrations (22). Plasma albumin is heavily aly. braroes. il osmotially dr3ws water in"1lrd. In
cosylatcd in patienu "'itn hypcrgl)'ccmia (76). imenlal animals. sorb,tol has been sllown to aecu.
whefC3.s only around I 0( the moIeculcs bind sug. muiate in lens tibue and to cause catarnCI$.
a", under normal condilions (' 72). disruplions of arnillO acid uptake palle,os. and other
Suprs auneh 10 hemoglobins. and hemoglobin 1\ metabolie abl'lOrmalities. Sorbitol can also damagc
is o;Qfwerted to hemoglobin A" when glucose: at. neurons. Additionally, the aldose reductase rcaction
tacoo to Ihe N·tcrminal valine of Ihe chain. 'The re- lessens 11M: availability of NADPH. "'hieh would
suiting chansa in affinity arc I'I(lI physiolog. otherwise: be used fOf processes that include
ically important . but the reactions serve as markel'll ti$.Sue rcpair.
for OIher events (1 0 7). Determinalions at hcmogk>
bin provide a 0( the effective-
nel$ of hormone thernpy in patients "'ho h,wc /lOr. OVERVIEW
nu.1 glucose Ie.'cls but may upericncc
inlermillent (and otherwise: undetectC(i) boulS at Although irISUlin is the oni}' hormone kllOWn to lower
hyperglycemia. blood gluCC15C concentrations. it is important 10 rw.
Patients ... ilh diabeles of long standing almost in. 08 ni 7.C Ihal protection apinsl the dcvelopment of
variably suffer a of patholo£ical changcs that hyperal}'cemia and 1J1}'rosuria is but one of many
include thickenings of Ihe capillary oosemenl memo functiollS scO'VW. If Ihe blood glucose levels of a ni.
brancs. shortened erythrocyte life spans. deteriora. mals deprived at insulin ""ere to be artificially main.
tions or the blood "esscls and of renal cells. neufOP' tained by presenting very frequent. very small meai$,
athia. and ca laracts. It is suspeCted thai al leasl mosI of the $ubjccts "vuld soon slICCUmb to other
wmc of Ihc arc to eXO;:(5Sivc glycD- components of the deficiency syndrome.
sylalions. Lysine allaehments lower ... rum albumin Insulin regulates thc abi lity to store fol.
affinity for fallY acids (11.-4). glyCCll5ylalion of lysine Io... ina meal ingestion. and it lhereby provides lhe
residues of lellS proteillS is follo ... ed by 11M: formation n::scrvcs that can be called upon during times of fasi.
of disulfide bond. and the appcaran<:e of high.1ll()o ing. It controls Ihe transport of sugars and amino
leculu " 'eight aggregales thai cause adds me"""" plasrna membrane.. il direCI,' the
while glycosylation of lOme membrane prOlei", .f. uses of those molecules. Ie augments fuel OJ<idation
fect$ properties such as su rface and Ibe formation of ATP. It increaSC$
Hyperglycemia can disruPI the funclions of cells the efficiency of pcptide assembly on ribosomes
that do IlOl pO:!.SCs.s the kindl of barriers described (evcn ... hen cells are OOthed in
later for skeletal musele and adipose li"'lue. Under media). and it provides procection against excessive
lIO.mal oondilion$. glucose is phosphorylated as SOOfI dograda lio" of body li$sucs. II growl h, pro-
as il enter.; the cells. and the product is ... nt into gly- liferation. and at many cell Iypes. in
colytic and other major metabolic pathways. When part ';a influcnces on nucleic acids. It even
Ihe blood arc exceed ingly bigh. phos. aCtS On oocytes (al IeUt in amphibia). and promotes
phoryilitioo cannot keep pa« with the rale of glu. lheir entry into meiosis (43). TIM: roI"" in control of
CCI5C uptake. Substanti.1 quantilies of excess sugar glucose a nd fa t metabolism have profound cffcctson
are then sent inlO pathways that do IIOt ordinarily water. mineral. and acid·base oolance, While it
aooount fOf more than 2% of gluCC15C usage (229). stimulates Ihe appetile, insulin abo accelcr3tcs glu.
Neurons. kidney cells. blood vessel CXlnlponenu, cose trallSpOrC in cells providina tbe saliety sig ... ",
and lens lissue contain cm.ymes Ihal C3talyte the re. The hormone additionally aell in major ways to reg.
dUction of glucose to sorbitol. ulalC the secrctions a nd functions of sevefa l olher

, 0 ", Despile thc compelling ncc:d to avoid development

of bYflO8lycemia. masl mammals can survive under
1"C - QIi
.... w
, OH
tCI - Cti • N.o.oP ·
cootrol led conditions if they are deprived of a ny of
the hormoolC$ thai eleVllte the blood gl.""O$C levels;
I I yet few can ... itMlltnd insulin deficiency.
D-Q"COOfl " Hormonal regUlation of melabolic pathways is usc.
fu l only when cells "*n uMierJO pltysioiogiroJ
'" G_.1(1 )

changes in funClions. e.g. when Ihey can substitute

one kind of fuel for another ()' undergo allernating
cycles of anabolism and catabolism. As discussed
earHer, neurollS have quite rigid require-
ments. If honnoncs cuuld restrict the supply Or affect II"
glucose usc, Ihey would only impa ir the funclions. In
contrast, resting Skeletal muscle and
pn:wide good examples of targelS wilh uAcxible" re-
tissue t (3)
F,uctose· 1.6·biphosphate
quirements thaI can be manipuiated by borman.s.
Since it is well equipped to burn fauy ac ids. reSI- I (4) (50
ing skeletal muscle requires very linl. glurose. Dur- GIy< ...aldohy<le-3-P -
ing times of fasti ng, when plasma insulin levels arc
low, a "barrier" sharply limils glucose upta ke. When
plasma gluoose concentrations arc in the range of 1.3·Bi.P·glyce'a'o
80- 100 mg/dl (80-100 mg%), tile intracellular lev- j (7)
els rail to less Ihal 1 mg%. Sugar is lhen "spared"
for use by neuTOns and other cells that must have it
all the lime.
When a meal is eaten and the blood glucose levels Z·P-glyce,alu
rise. the beta cells of the pancreatic islets release in-
sulin. Some of it travels via the bloodstream to the I"
s keletal muscle, where it ·'lifts the barrier"· The 1(10)
muscle cells then la kc up glucose rapidly. and thcy
put it 10 good usc. At the same lime. Ihe uptake sub-
stantially reduces thc dangers of dcvcl<)fling post- Fig. 5-2. GI";OOIytie poth_y . ( T) H. xOl< ......: AlP -
prandial (after·meal) hyperglyccmia. because thc ADP + Pi. (2) PI>ospI1oMxose ;"0(_ _ • (3)
mass of the muscle is so greal. Phosphof,uctOl< ...... , AlP - AOP + Pi. ( .. ) A_se.
Under IIOTmal condhloos. the glucose Is phospho- t b) r,IOIl4'I ,_u.. t tI)
rylated as rapidly as it emers. The hexokinase reac- oehydIogena .. : NAD - NADH. + W + Pi. - HOH. ( 7)
tion irreversible under in vivo conditions. and the ADP - ATIl. (8)
glucose phO:sphate that is formed is retained within PhospI>oglyce'o<oo" .... (9) 10",,1... : - rtOH. ( 10)
Pyruvate k ina..: ADP _ Al P.
the cell.

Glucose + ATP
Glucose-6-phO$phate + AD P The glucose-phosphate is then uscd in several
ways (Fig. 5-1). Much of;1 goes inlO glycolysis. The
energy trapped each time a molecule of glucose is
converted to twn of pyruvate permits the formation
Gt""""" in biood of just tWO ATP from tWO A DP (Fig. 5·2). Howe"" r.

I MU$de glycogen the pyruvate can be made into acetyl coenzymc A

/ (acctyl.(:oA). Trieaholxy lic aeid cycle enzymes and

mitochondrial dectrnn transport chains then provide
for the acquisitinn of vcry substantial quantit ics of

Gluco ...·6·pho<;phate P"""", .. 'uga's
AT P energy.
Smaller amounts of pyruvate are used 10 makc al.
anine and olhcr amino acids (52) (Fig. 5·3). while
- - - Py'''''.'e some acctyl·CoA goes into lipid syn thesis.
1_'- - (AOP _ ATPj Cells have limited abili ly to store ATP. However.
muscle has crealinc. which functions as a "sronge··
to ·'soa k up'· some of the ene rgy. It Can later be
·'.<·· ,,·hen muscle contraction rapid ly con_
the ATP \0 AD P.
Creatine + ATP _ Crealinc-P + ADP
"1 ",
0- 0 • ,

Fig . 5 ·3. Co<Ivorslon of py,,,,oto to

. 1.......

Resling muscles abundantly with glucose ies. Al the same time, insulin scc retion decline"
also Slore glycogen reserves. They additionally send while glucagon secretion is stimulated. The liver
SQmc glu= imo the hex()SC monophosphalc path· then releases carbohydrale 10 Ihe hepalic ""ins.
way (H MP, JlCnlOSC shum) (Fig. 5-4) thaI pro.ides The rapid exchanges of glucose are facilitaled by
fivc-carhon sugars and NADPH for anabolic Ihe suslained high perm.abilities of the plasma
reactions. membranes. There is no need for hormonal accder-
In addition \0 facilitating gluoosc uptake. insulin ation of glucose transport in either direction: and in-
induces he xokinase and slycogcn synthase, and it suHn docs not affecI those processe., in the liver.
augments the activities of preexisting .n>-}'mcs in- (Some f,ne controls are. however, exerled by Olher
volved in glywlysi', glycogenesis and lipogenesis. It rcgulalol'$. For example. more glucose leaves thc
also accelerates conversion of p)'ruvatc to acetyl- liver afler meals in subjects who have recently ex-
CoA and the use of glu= in the HMP. ercised than in rested subjects r130).)
Although they use mostly fally acid fuel , (83), he·
palocytes need small quantilies of glucose for other
purposes. Their glycolytic pathways supply inter_
mediales for lipid and their HM P en·
G lucose is flOt an imlX'nanl fuel for hcpatocylcs. 1.ymes prov ide NADPH and pcmQSe sugars.
When the supply is abundant. mOSI of the sugar is
converted to glycogen. During times of fasting. the
glycogen is degraded, and the glucose derived from ADIPOSE TISSUE CONTRIBUTIONS TO
it is released to the bloodstream for use by other GLUCOSE HOMEOSTASIS
cells. In common w,th re,ting muscle. adipose tissue has
The livcr "knows" whcn it should Stor<: glycogcn insulin-regulated plasma membrane barriers and
because of Ihc special feature, of ils circulalory sys- "flexible" requirements for glucose. When nutrients
lem. During limes of meal absorption , the hepalic are abundant. gluCO$C is used 10 ma ke triaeylglyc-
porlal vessels deliver very large quamilies of the crols (falS). Insulin then accelerates uptake,
sugar, along wilh insulin roleascd from Ihc pan· glucose phosphorylation. and some of the SICPS in the
creatic islets. The hormone accderatcs glucose phos- anabolic path,,'a}"!;. Glucose upta ke by adipocytes
phorylation and glycogen synthcsis. It also inhibit' provides a third mechanism for averting p<l$lpran.
glycogenolysis. In addition to facilitating storage of dial hyperglyC<!mia.
carbohydrate reserves for future usc, the actions of During limes of fasting, insulin and glucose levels
insulin provide protcction against Ihe development are low. The plasma membrane barrier restricts glu-
of postprandial h)'pcrglycemia cose cntl)'. Fats are Ihcn degraded to fatty acids and
During times of fasling. gastrointestinal cells ex- glycerol. and the products aT<: releascd to the blood-
traci some sugar from the blood sent into Ihe hepalic 'Iream for use by other cell Iypes.
porlal vC&Sels, and the glucose concenlrations Iher<: The me<;hanisms whereby insulin integrates the
are actually lower than Ihe ones in peripheral arlcr· functions of skeletal musele, adip<l$e tissue and liver

NAOP · . HOt1
------,"""',,' ..,,..,,'--------
Gl"""",,·t>P dehydrogenase
• 6.P_GlUWfl31<l + NAOPH . H'

6-P·GluCOolate . NAOP '

Ftg. 5-4. Fa"".tion ot NAOPH a nd _p/lospIIo.le r,,,,,,

Ta ble 5-1 MjusI""">tS ......... s...o6on and eorbo/>yd-.,.l.\@tOboIism",5I<..."..M..,.., A<!WrJo .. T,""", and U- Nt
ConIrOblJ!<I to M:W>t .... """, ot Bioo<I ,"""",0. eoo<>Oi,I .. otiona Roquired by -..on.

Food intak< No from ,., Suppii«

,,,,. Iin «<,.,"" Inhi bi«d

low _0'1. 1 ""go: o)'f'OIl)'ccmi •• ..,;0«1 lIiSh "", ...1 "' "80:
in part ,i.
m«,m. cilN 001"", • .,oided ;" po"
vi. m«"ni. "", <',cd ..1ow

Sk,letal ","",k Bo,n« '0 <."y: l 'OCO« ", pam!" ,,,,,.'i, lif" 1>;0";,,, tlu,,,,,, <"'f)'
ro< "s< by "0"""'" pr<,",", ly >lored ""cr. ' )'n,k<>;,cd
m. ..<I
pI ..
,Iy<o&c" ' Ur>!">f" """".«ion . tot«! ['" I.,,," ..
Banier to , 1Il00>< <""yo , I. "",", ",,,,,,cd" In"'lin lifl. banier: 110""" '""1
(or UK by ",,"roni; fat !OW," pi .... > t'u"""" ro"
o>".",ds rat . )'nlh"i<: latty oc;d, . )'nth«i"d . .. , (0«<1 (or
p<O'IiO< r.d for mo><k>; il)'cerol ","I I.te, us<
10 1;><, for ,Iuoo>< . )'nlhe,;,

Liv<r V"Y liule l lo"""" "ien ur boca.", <II lor.. of glo«>« "ke.
10... pl •• .,. "",",en".,".n>; low ;",.I i" .p ""co.", of hic k
k ,·d . J><'m;' 11)""Il" <I<, ,.d,,;o...<I 1;Qn«""..ion< in 1",,,. 1
I I."""" • y., h.. 11"0<»< '" I.... d 10 """,I" prole<" .",in"
m.i."i. pl.,m. """".""ion. hyper, I)",<m;a: ,I)",,,,,,.
. "..'"
. )-.,h<>i=l.nd >I""d f",

cells to averl 'oolh postprandial hyperglycemia and predominates at any given time . Fat stores are built
faSling hYP<lgiycemia are summarized in Table 5-l. up when nutrients are abundant and insulin is sO?
The innuences exerted on mu,de cdl piasma mem- ereled, and Ih. reserveS are rolinquishcd during
branes make major contributions to protecli"" times of fasting.
against hyperglycemia because Ihe uptake is rapid Triglyceride lipases ca(alYle the first step of an
and the muscle mass is very great. The ones on gl)·. overall process that culminates in the complete hy-
cogen synthesis in the liver are the most imporlant dro!ysis of the fal molecules. (Other eel! (ypes have
for accumulation of (he carbohydrate reserves used similar enzymes. but they are used mos(ly for inte r-
by neurons during times of fasting. while (he ac<:el- nal functions.)
eration of fat ,yn(hesi! in adipose tissue assures that
alternale fuds will be stored for later use by ··glu- Lipase
cose-iparing" cells_ Triacylglyccrol + J HOH
J Fatt y acid + Glycerol
MOSI of the glycerol diffuses out of the cells and
!ravels to (he liver. It is (he only prodUct of fat hy-
drolysis that can be used (0 make glucose_ Glycerol
Although adipocyles stOre some glycogen and have can also enter into the formation of hepatic lipids, or
glycolytic, tricarboxylic acid. and hexose mOl>C>phos- be metabolized to yield energy for ATP synlhesis_
phate path,,·ay enzymes similar to the one>; described The rate at which glycerol leaves Ihe adipocyles pro-
for muscle. glucose metabolism in the cells is closely vides a measure of triglyceride lipase activity.
linked with lipid metabolism . During limes of faSli ng. much of the fally acid
Adipocytes con(inuously engage in lipolysis (fat also exits. 11 combines with plasma alhumin and
breakdown) and lipogenesis (fat synthesis). The nu· journeys with i( 10 Olher parts of the body. Some is
tritional status determines which of the pathways directly laken up by other cells and used in various
ways that include incorporation into phospholipids_ Thus . glucose ntetaoolism promotes the biosyn-
Since the molecules are almost all of the long-<.:hain thesis of fats from falty acids in three obvious ways:
saluraled or mono-unsalurated varieties (stearic, 1. It provides the ATP for activalion of the fally
palmilic, oleic, and palmiloleic), Ihcy are !lO1 suila- acids
ble for direcl usc by man)' cell types_ The liver lakes 2. It provides Ihe
Ihcm up rapidly, converls Ihem 10 shorler-<:hained precursor of glyccrol-3·phosphalc
moloculos, and releases products Ihal arc more easily 3. II provides Ihe NAPH for Ihe glycerophos-
oxidized. phate dehydrogenase reaction
When nutrients are abundant. mosl of Ihc fally In addition 10 supplying Ihe glucose by acting on
acids a rC relained in adipose tissue. and similar mol- the transport mechanisms, insulin ac""leratcs Ihe
ecules arc additionally taken up al thaI lime from formation of ATp. NAOH . phos-
the blood. phale, and acetyl-CoA. It also activate, whatever
The palhways for biosynthesis of large molecules glycerol kinase is present (134).
always differ from Ihose in degradation, and
they invariably require suoolantial atllOunlS of en- A form of gc"",i. obe'ity in roden .. ,.,u lls from the
combined effoct' of too much of the en,)"",o and hyper.
ergy 10 drive the reaClions. in, ulinemi •. The animals make targe q".n,ili .. of rats
In order for lipogenesis 10 be accomplished. each (31 Ihc .'pen", of body prllt.inll. ",en .. hen 'heir food
of the fany acids must first be "activatod." in,.ke. are limi'ed 10 Ihe amounts con,umed by nonobcsc
Fanyacid conlrol., (16).
activating enzyme A!lOther major innuenec of in<ulin is inhibilion of
3 R-COOI-I + 3 ATP + 3 CoA • a hormone-scmili"e triglyceride lipase. In hormone
Fallyacids defidency Slatcs. tho fat sloros arc deplct«l. This
3 R·C().CoA + 3 AMP + 3 pop limils the fue! supply for use during the intervals be-
"Activated" fally Iween meals. and onc consequence is increased de-
acyJ.cocnzyme A .truction of body proleins. The ability to adjust to
cold environmental temperalures is also impaired,
Glyccrol-3-phosphate (rather than glycerol) is partly because of loss of natural in,ulation. but
nccded to initiate the synthesis. The overall pathway moslly because of decreased ability of the cmedol-
in which it is used can be summariz«l as follows:
3 Faoty-Acyl-Co.A • Glyte,ol-3-P Tho release of large quantilies of free fally acids
• 4HOH
into the bloodstream. combined with impaired abil-
ily 10 take up and use fally acids from other «Iurces.
The Ii""r conlains considerable glyctrok;nau ac- crcates dilTerent kinds of problems. High fally add
tivity Ihat permits il to directly make glycerol-3_ concenlrations aggravale Ihe existing impairment of
phosphale from glycerol. glucose uplake by aCling direclly on Ihe plasma
membranes. (Artificial elcvation of Ihe concentra-
tions antagoni7.<:s Ihc elTcclS of in,ulin. even when
Adipocytcs have limited quantities of the enzyme. the endocrine system is functioning normally.)
They musl therefore derive mOSt of the glycerol-)- P There are, however. even more dire consequenccs
from glucose melaoo\ism. The that arc wilh the central role of the liver in
phosphate ob laine<.! when fructose 1.6-biphosphate is the regulation of lipid melabolism.
cleaved (Fig. 5-2) thcn reacts with NAOH (also ob-
tained during glycolysis).
"I Hepatic enzymes converl large quantities of long-
c =o G')'C<l'<)f>/>:>SpI\"o chain fally acids 10 shorl-<:hain fatly acids via reae-
HCI - OPO'!-h NAD+l .,. W .. tions that release successive lwo-caroon fragments in
Ihe form of acctyl-CoA (Fig. S-S)_ Under normal
();hydroxya<:elon. Phospllote condi tions, most of the shortened molecules 3re re-
leased inlo the bloodstream, while the acctyl-CoA is
eilher oxidized in the liver Or is use<.! to make other
HC - OH Skeletal musele continuously uscs the short-<.:hain
HC - OPO,H, • NAO ' fatty acids for fuol. and it becomes especially depen-
dent On them when Ihe glucose levels are 10w;Sxccp_1
Gtyr;e'ol-3·Pho.pMle undu cardiac musele

Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii H Ii Ii 11 Ii H H@
HC - C - C- C - C - C-C- C-C-C - C - c - C - C - c - C - Coll

--==-----'=-=-=---- -
NAO' FAD CoIl H,o Acetyl·eoA


:::_-'',''''''_• ___ _ Acelyl.coA


HC-C - C- C - C- C- C- C-C - C- C- C- CoA
.l __c":·:'C'_ --",-·o,_ _"OOw,'-------'"""'''--____ _ , GAcot;'.CoA
" , "
HC - C - C - C-Co.o.

l 0
1----------- -- Ace:j1-CoA

, .
HC - C - CoA

(ACeO)'l.CoII_' _ _ _ _ __
_____ • ChoIe.'ero! synthesis


"preferentially" uscs this form of fuel even when Iyrau . Or irreversibly dccarboxylated to aN'IOfIf. The
is abundant . Th. o.idat ion of Ih. molec ules lerm (ke tonemia) designales the aceumula·
to COl + HP pace with the rate of lion of exee",h·. quantilles of such molecules in the
their delivery from the liver. blood.
When the hepatic enzymes are presented with ex- Sinee it is volatilc. some acetone is excreted by the
cessive quantities of long-chain fatty acids. they pro- lungs. It imparts a '"flu;ty·· odor to the breath.
duce more molecules and more acetyl· The accumulat ion of acetoacetate and of p -OH.
CoA than can be diroctly used
poses. (This oc<:urs not only:,
'0; butyrate has several serious (a) Since
Ihe molecules are acids. they directly lower blood
slates. but also when pH. In Ihis way alone. they can invoke sufficient aci·
plelcs the sources of dosis to impair brain funClions . (b) These s mall.
lism beoomcsslrongly wate r-soluble molecules arc rapid ly cxcreled into the
I urine. They Ihcreby draw large volu mes of wa ter
ones it from the body. and the resulting dehydration is of
Much made into greater magnitude than the problems associated
ketones (Fig. 5-6). A celO<1Ulate is the firsl one with hyperglyccmi a_ Unfortunately. Ihe clTeels on
formed. It ,an be reversibly converted 10 {j·ON·bu· watc r balance a rc additive in patients wilh unCOn'
trolled diabetes mellitus. (c) TIle NaHCO,: H HCO, Previously well·fed subjects accumulate substan·
ratio is a major determinant of the blood pH. In ad- tial quantities of aceloacetate. but very ]illie I1-OH·
dition to dire<:tly furnishing the hydrogen ions to el- butyrate when Ihey are fasted. \-Iowever.long-Ierm
evate the denominator. acetoacetate and {J-OH·bu- food deprivation (stafl/ation) invokes up to IO-fold
tyrat. carry away ions. since they are elevations of the 11·0H·butyrate level s. The brains of
excreted as sodium salts. The acidQS;s and dehydra- experimental animals metabolize Ihal acid. and it
tion are major contributo,"" to the onset of diabel;c has been claimed that stafl/ing humans "learn" 10
coma . substitute the /t-OH-butyrate for glucose. It has fur·
Allempts have been made to apply Ihe observa- thcr been proposed that Ihe brains of well·fed sub-
tions to Ihe lrealment of gross obesity. It was as· jects would use such molecules if they were provided
sumed that fast ing can markedly accelerate lipolysis in substantial quantities by blood plasma Ihat also
and 1= of kelones. and si multaneously abolish the contained adequate glucose_
stimuli for insulin secretion. Therefore . fa t synthesis Accordingly. patients have been subjected 10 re-
as "'ell as degradation are affected _ It was also be- gimes that involve ingesting II()\hing bUI water. vi-
lieved that protection against the development ()f lamins. and minerals for weeks or months al a lime.
acidosis and dehydrali()n could be provided. More- Proponents of Ihe starvation methoo for reducing
over. it W3$ Slated that brain [unctions c()uld be body weight state that Ihe patients "feci well'" and
maintained for the following reasons: soon lose interest in food _This is difficult to roconcile

2 "
I-tC - C - CoA
" o

I-IC - C- C-C - CoA
o 0


C -0><

• ."""
, Acelyl-COII

" "'", "

H C-C - C-CoA
" oI " 3- jJ -01-1 -3-methylglutaryl. CoA
IHMG.CoA) _ Cl>clestctol

" oI "

with reports by hospital pcrson"ci (hat such individ- Indi vidualo diffe' in their "'pOnKS to high.fot die\>.
uals display "bil.arre. paranoid. and be- Some break down la'ile quantities of body prolein. and
havior or bcoomc extremely apa thetic. and thai mOl'll they usc Ihe gluoose they deri.e 10 support fat
oomplain of continuous preoccupation with rOC<! Thi, cln occur even when the food;, protdn·rich , Otll<rs
develOp mOre se •• ,.., ketosis and acidosis.• Iong "';Ih
both du ring waking and dreaming_ There arc good
headache. we.kness. fatigue Ind gastrointestinal dislress,
reasons \0 suspect that brain usc of /J-OH·htyratc The diel' are also counle rproductive. ,inc, corbohydratc
represents an adaptation in which suboptimal ncu- deprivation lend. to reduce the conversion of Ihyroxine 10
ronal functions arc accepted in the interests (If pro. triiodothyronine and to thereby depress thc
longing survi val. rale. Forlunately. mosl usc.. roon "cheat" on the diets
Long_range Sludies indicate that the W<'ight 1= i. and Ihereby a.oid the " -0Th1 of lhe pOlential
no more rapid than when 500-600 food caloriC!; pcr con .. qu.n ....
day are ta ken. and thai i1 is promptly regained after A wc.lth of firm evidenet .upporl' the COrIC.pllhal the
lhe fast is terminaled. M=vcr, there is consider. intake is the major determinanl of the balallCC 11<.
able iO)Sl; of body prolein (used to provide $Orne glu· tween fal .)"nlhesi. and f.1 degradati<.>n, and th.t high
and prolonged food deprivation ca rries with ;1 carbohydrate diet. of remictcl calor ic conlenl arc jusl
a. effective fo, "'oighl loss ., ones conlaining limited
the danger! of developing hepaiic dysfunctions, ane- quantiti •• of sugars (I 2.84).
mia, cardiac arrhythmias. and other disorders that
are superimp::.sed on the melaoolie acidosis (12).
The Concept That "Ca lories Don 't Count"
Carbohydrale·rich die" accelcrate thc synlhesis of
II has been ad",,,,ated Ihal individual. who wi,h losafely fally acids from a.etyl-CoA tx.eause they pro. ide
.nd rapidly to.c weight sllould take diet< high in fat bUI the substrate , the energy ""mces. mosl of the
seve,ely remioled in carbohydrale. Pre,umably. Ihen , aCli.alO", They also stimulale irt5u lin secre-
Ihey will deplete body fat by ,uppr."ing in,ulin =re- t ion. and thai hormone acts at transcripli<.>nal. trans·
lion, inle,fering wilh lipogenesi., and I",inll polenlio l en· laliona! and p<)Sllranslalional levels .
• molecule. in the form of urin.f)' kelone._ kinds of fotty acids. In hu
Some furthe, IhOl "polyunsalurated" fally acid
manS and many other species. the liver is Ihc major
,uppiclrK'nt' aid in "fat mobil i7.ation. " (Ther. are indio
sile for produClion of molecules Ihat are
calion. Ihal arachidonale Illenuales the 'limulalO!)' in-
on fat.ynthesis th.t .,.., ..en when .. 'mal. pre- raled into Ihe slorage depol IriacylglycieroJ., Adi·
viously deprived of carbohydrate .re given some ,ug" poeylcs of rats. mice. and several other species ma ke
1223).) subslan lial amounlS of thc faUy acids. but Ihese an·
The concepl. are appealinllto lbose wilh • fondne ... f", imals al"" utilizc lipids produced in Ihc her,
rich foods of the kind' Ihal ar¢ "forbidden" on Ihe usual Most of the fally acid mole.:u lcs madc in Ihe liver
low..:al",;. dieu. Moreover. the inge5lion of fal' pro- and destined ror export are incorporated inlo
moteS Ihe of ga$lrointestinal hormones Ihat re· prolein complexes. especially OneS of Ihe very low
duce ll"'lrointe'tinal motility ond may contribute 10 a den<ity (VL DL) type . Thc partides are then re-
.. nSe of " .. titty." In addition, aimOSI new Concepl
leased to the bloodstream. VLDl5 contain subst:m·
for weil\ht control is greeted with g,..,.t (if ev.nescent)
1;31 qUanlities of triacylglycerides, along with
proteins synthesized in the liver. and some
Som. weitht is. in fact. u,ually l""t at first. The mild
kelosis dra"" ,,'.Ic, from III< body. while Ihe restriclion< phospholipids and cholesterol (40). Lipoprotein Ii·
on intake I.... n the inge.tion of ' Ia",hy pases of the vascular system free some of the rauy
.naol«. • weel dO$$Crt •• and lhe kind. of fally food. Ihat acids ror uptake by many cell types. Insulin activates
are seldom ta k.n wilhout (e.g. salad dress· the phosphol ipases.
ings and bunor). Commonly, ><>m. nausea and gamoln. Adipoeytes additionally use d ietary lipids. Food
te.tinal discomfort contribute to the reduction of food rich in $aturate<! fany acids slows endogenous pra-
inta ke. duetion. since pa lmi tyl-CoA and other long..:hain
On a k'"8· .. nge basi$, the diets .rc both ;""ffoctive fally acyl·CoAs depress acetyl-CoA carboxylase ac-
and dangeroos. Hurr..ns ·.vith IIOrmal endocrine gland. do
tivity. They a rc bdieved to do SO by promoling de-
not ",erele more Ihan 100 food Calorie equivaion" .. ke-
polymerization of Ihe la rge complexes , Insulin Ie ....
IOnes. even when ta king carboh}'drale-poor food (75),
(On usual dielS. they exOrelc .round 0.1 g pcr day. Thi$ cns the inhibition by direcling the fatty
can rise to 20 g. although it approache, 100 g in palien" metabolites into palhways leading 10 produelion of
with severe, unlreated diall<les mellitu •. ) When ketones triaeylglycerols (14.223.228). Mosl dietary lipi ds
accumulate in til< blood. the high levels .ugment the ac· undergo preliminary processing before they gel 1<>
tivities of hep"tie proleirHiegrading enzymes, the liver and peripheral tissues. Intestinal cells in·
corporate the fally acids into chylomicrons and Oxal03eelale +
Vl Dls and deliver the products to the lymphatic condensing
vessels. From there. the particles enter the circulat- en'.ymc
ing blood. The liver takes up some of them and uses + HOft Ci,ralO + CoA
Ihe components to make VlDls of different COm·
The citrale Ihen leave, Ihe mi'ochond,ion a nd aCcu_
position ( 196). h also takes up chylomicron and
mul.'e$ in the cylopla,m. Only somc i, "".ded 10 oCli.ale
VlDl "remnants" (part ides lefl Over after Ihe Ii- Ihc en'.y me, Insulin aOO "u,ricnl' acoolerote. reaction
pases have acted on them). Additionally. hepalo- e.. aly,o<I by (citric cleo.age cn 'YOle) Ihat
cytes synthesize and secrete the albumins Ihal bind pfovide, aOOlyl_CoA:
and Iransport circulaling fally ac ids.
CiI"'le + ATP + CoA - Aeely t·CoA
Under mosl oondilions. Ihc ralc-limiling Slep in + oulMec,.te + ADP + P;
falty acid biosymhesis is Ihe formalion of malonyl-
Co-A: Insulin .Iso induct, Ihe enzyme, and il p","idcs f<>r Ihc
produclion of ATP. Tbe ace,yl-Co servCS a, an aCliva'or
Acelyl-CoA + HCO, a, wdl as a , ubslra'c fOf th.1 reaclion.
+ A TP - Malonyl·CoA + ADP + P; Somc of Ihe 51imulol",), cffecls of ;"sulin can be mim_
icked by provid ing large qu.nlilies of ,ubslralc (1681.
The reaction is catalyzed by a highly complex en- Fructose i. an exccllcnt source of acelyl-CoA when il i,
1.ynte known oollectively as aITly/-CoA ca,... presenlcd direclly 10 hepalocY'e5. It also or",ses .dip<>-
boxylase. Biotin is an essential c()-factOl". ey'e plasma membranes when low iRSulin I«'el' restrkl
Thc enzyme is ntade 'up of subunits wilh molec u- glucose up,ake.
lar weighls of 225.000. Dimeric forms have SOme ac- A tally .cid (,ynlheto.. ) comple. pmmoles
livily. whereas monomers do not. AClivily sec ms 10 "ansfel'S of .celyl and malonyl group< '0 aC),1 c.rr ier pro-
lein •. and. condens.a'ion ",.c,ion fc,ullS in Ihe fOrm"lion
be controlled to some extcnl by phosphj)r)'lalions
of ..etoocelyl-ACP.
ealalyzed by several kinase •. and by dephosphoryl_
alions; bUI local concentralions of cilrale alkl ;.orne Acetyl_AC P + Malooyl_ACP - Acc'0300\), I-ACP
other low molecular weighl substances arc believed + CO, + CoA + ACP
to be more important. The four-carbon dedval;"c Ihen undertlocs roaclions
Insulin activates preexisting enzyme in sevcral requiring ATP and NADPH Ihat prep.",;1 for ,ucccs·
ways. and il provides subslrates and sources. <j", tw<>-c.rhn" "'"'"V';"", n"",.11 1'-" h,,·.y for ,yo_
11 is also Ihe major inducer involved in long-Ierm ad- Ihesi'ing palmila'e can be $ummari'.cd a. follow",
aplalions 10 carbohydrale-rich diets. 0"" componenl 8 Aco'yl_CoA + 14NA DPH + 14H ' +7ATP
of Ihe aClivalion mechanism$ may be mediated by + HOI-! - Palmitale + 8CoA + 14 NADP '
Ihe phosphoprotein phosphalase-l thaI was dis- + 7 ADP +7 P,
cussed in Chapter 4. However, the hormone addi-
lionally calalyzed phosphorylation$ al Olher sites on Insulin i, . m.jQf de'erminanlof Ihe rate of NADPlI
Ihe molecules (224A). produclion. In well-nourished ralS, up '0 30% of .dipos<
tissue glucose is se nl inlO Ihe H M P. Glucoso-6-phosphale
CilratC.OO is<>citra,. are produced in mit<>chondfi' by dehydrogeno .. levels fall,harp!y in fa"cd .n imals. Thcy
Ihe tricarboxylic acid cyde enzymes , They aClivale Ihe can be devoted as much •• 1900% over lhe b• .,IIe.d,
om.ymc by pf<>m01ing its polymefi",tion to f,l,me nIOU ' aftcr fcfecdina (168),
fOfms Ihal weigh 5 10 10 million daltons (21St\),
Insulin can subs,anlially i""rease hepa,ic prodUClion of
cilrale in spet ial ways (150), (lIS effects in adipose lissue INSULIN REGULATION OF CHOLESTEROL
are . !>owever. variable . • nd tbe hormone can even lower
Ihe concenlralions in s\:.elelol musclc.) BIOSYNTHESIS
The hOfmooe induC¢' and • .,iva,e$ mali< Choleslerol is an essential constituent of cell mem-
which calalyzes Ibe reaclion .bown below. Insulin also branes and a major determinant of their fluidity. It
provides the NADPH . is the precursor of vitamin D and 'teroids hormones.
Pyruv.te + CO, + NADPH and of Ihe hile salts that arc needed for the absorp-
+ H' _ Malate + NADPH lion of fally acid,. fat-soluble vitamins. and OIher di-
clary lipids. It is present in free form in the bile.
Tbe malate is fOfmed in Ihe cylopla,m. It Orl)$," Ihe where il funelions as a lubricant (213). While it is
milochondriol membrane. and Ihe 1,,"'0 reaclion. ,h.,
fol- indiSl"'nsable for survival, eholeslerol is also a major
low COnvert it to eitralc; componenl of alherosclerotic plaques and of SOme
m.l.,. kinds of gallstones (74A).
dehydrogenase The liver plays key roles in cholesterol metabo-
Malale + NADP' , ' O •• loacol.le lism. It .ynlhesizes the lipid from acetyl-CoA for use
+ NADPH + II ' by Olher 0011. , [I also ta kes up cholesterol from Ihe

bl(>(>(btr<:am. uses some of il for spc<:ial purposes. lipoproteins (t Ols) are the major carriers in
and degrades or excretes the remainder. mans and many other mammals.
Under roormal condilions. something like 80% of
hepatic cholestcrol goes into the manufacture of bile
Cholesterol Bi osynthe sis
salts. The huma n adult produces around 0.5 g daily.
C(lnjugales the salts wilh taurine Or glycine. and The liver can synthesize enough cholesterol 10 salisfy
sends them t(> the gall bladder for Storage. COnCen· body requirements when the diet does not supply any
tration, and subsequent discharge into the duo. of the lipid. In humans eating ordinary foods. endog·
denum (91). Substantial quantities arc returned to enous produclion often provides 80% of the 100ai
liver wilen the lipids are absorbed. but Ihere is amount usc<i. The precursors are always available \0
also limited. regularly recurring excretion wilh well-nourished subjects. since all 27 of the carbons
feces. Around 0.8-1.2 g of free cholesterol also en- arc derived from acetyl..coA. Some of Ihe interme-
ters the bile (74A), and much of this is SOOn ex· diates in the melabolic pathway are shown in Fig.
creted. Loss via the gastrointestinal tract protects 5-7.
against c,ccssive accumulation of eholeslerol in the The synthesis begins with the formallon of 3{J-
bloodstream and in the tiSl;ues . hydroxy.J.melhylgl utaryl..coA (liMG·CoA). This
The diets of carnivores and omnivores often con- part of pathway resembles Ihe one deseribed for
tain considerable quantities of free and esterified ketogenesis. bul il utili7.cs enzymes associaled with
cholesterol. Intestinal celli have eholesteryl esler· the e ndoplasmic retiCulum.
ascs. and they package free chole,'terol inlO chylo- The ne xt step is catalyzed by liMG·CoA
microns and VLDLs. The liver up some of reductase'
lOOse particles from the blood. and it al50 gets
choleslerol from circulating high density lipopro- IiMG·CoA + 2 NAOPH + 2H' - Mevalonate
+2NADP' +CoA
leim (HDLs), chylomicron remnants. and VLDL
remnants. Th is is the major control Sile for cholesterol bio-
Intestinal uptake of die ta ry cholestcrol is incom· synthesis. since both the act ivity and the production
plete. and in mOSt mammals thc percentage "b- of the en7.yme are monitored in several ways.
"",b<:J val i"" >ely wiill III" !cvd in the fOCld. Ao- ,ellulali"" i. via
cording to somc observers. Ihe plasma cholestcrol phorylation-dephosphorylation rcactiom (8). A
concentrations of healthy humans rise in parallel cAMP-dcpendent cascade brings aboul rapid inac-
with the dietary coment of that lipid when the food tivation (Fig. 5-8). The nucleotide directly affects a
contains small to moderale amounts. but maximal HM reductase kina..,..kinase. Thai cnzyme. in
blood levels are attained when 400-500 ms/day arc lurn. activates H MG-CoA reduclase kinase. The ki-
ingested (74Al. However. othcr componems of the nase then the ph(lSphorylalion of Inc
diet alfcctlhe intestinal processes. and the blood lev- HMG..coA reductase. and it thereby .lhUIS down
els arc affccted by additional factors (74A). For ex-
ample. VLDL eholeslerol is transferred to low den-
sily lipoproteins (I-DL.). and many eelllypes take
up LDL cholesterol. They also give up eXcess
lesterolto H Dls. There are large individual varia-
lions in cholesterol absorption and metabolism
(131). Some subjects maintain normocholesterole-
mia when Ihcy cat heavily enriched food. Olhers de-
velop and sustain much hiS her levels when are
on restricted diets. In eontTast with humans. in
which tile levels ra rely rise above 300 mg/dl in in_
dividua ls free of cenain relatively rare genelic dis·
orders. rabbits arc among thc sp«ies Ihat develop
truly severe hypercholeslerolemia when they arc fed
very large quantities. ( It is probably worlh noting
thai the nalural diet of the rabbit contains very lillie
of the lipid.)
Most of the chOlesterol releascd from the liver is
imo lipoprotein particles. bul some eholes· Fill. 5·7. Shot! $1_ in the 110lI"l .... lyt-CoA 10
teryl eslers 3150 enter the bloodstream. 1.ow density 0 _1",<>1.

,, ,, -
i n7iP>

kinase _'--_ R"""Clase kinase·P·
,, ,,
_ ___ ' - -- ,,
HMGCoA I.......... • • ___ ,. fiMG.CoA reducIase-P I

I - -.-- _' -

5·S. 5t>orI'I"" 01 HMG.coA IflduCl...

ldMty, p. Iorm, • MIh«> lor ... , - .
S _.;or" " . _;or"

mcvalonatc production. One Of more plloo:tiphoprolcin lt$lCroIo)'nIMoi. d.di...... Ho-o"""r. coo"".....,.,.o. me·
opposes the: cffects by calal Y7jng de-- laboli,e rnay be ..... uired. In culiured cani .. inteslinal
phosphorylalioN lhat direclly activale Ihe HMG· nluC(ll.l, bile salt. ar. morc pOOcnllnhibiton than cbole.·
I.rol. 7·kelo-<:lIQlc"crol, or 2i-hydro.yc hol."crol. but all
CoA reductase and inactiV"Jte the roouclas.c kiM >e,
of the pr=dinl .how some "Iivily 163\.
The phosphalase 2C cited in Chuptcr 4 mu)" be Ihc
m..jar regulalor of Ihis I)"pe. The cells also contain a All anima ls seem 10 "lien at leasl some negative
phosphalase inhibitor thai is activated by cAMP. control H1>lG..coA reductase. Dogs
mediated pl>a!.phorylalion. can completely shut (\oo,o'n their llepatie s)'nt1lcsis of
When presenl in high cboleslerol .... lIen Ihey arc fr:d eholesterol-rich diets.
or of iUi metabolilC$ can activa tc the: cll.M p·rcg· T he H\/(CIS of rats respond prompt I)' and vigorously
Ulalcd cascade. In rats. the effects haY(: bttn denr 10 dietary manipulations. and al$O 10 the administ ra,
wilhin 1 hour afler a meal f;OflIa'n'ng 2% lin ot cholcstyramin-c ( .... hich dfilws cholesterol into
eholeslerol. and within just 20 minules afte r a pharo the bile) (I %). This partiall)' aC<XIun t$ for tbe abilit),
maC()logieal agent (mevalonolaelonc) is admin's-- of rats to maintain 10.... blood level s despite efficient
teredo Phosphoprotein phospl1atascs can rapidly re· intestinal absorption. Humans undergo meal· related
y(:1'IC the early etTecls of choles!crollooding. circadian variations in biosynlhetie rates. .... hich arc
II. second phase of inhibilion ..... hic h begins 2 bours rdkctr:d in the: changes in plasma eonecntrnlions at
afler a cholesterol meal (and I bour after mevalon· mevalonic acid (1 62).
oIaelone). is allribulcd 10 a different kind of cn>:yme
ClIok>t.roI n n be syn. hor;si,.ed in ... hol"nl ..1"""nlili ••
inaetivalion. It not oppQIICd b)' phos.phatMCS. The
in I"" inl... i",,; and lip;.! "'1....., rrom 'M'" ""'y make
mechanisms arc Evidently. Ihey do not i.... _ contribulion IQ IIw; lev. I•. Some ani mal>
voIve Iov."(r;ng of the cdlular coo«ntraiion .how poorer melabolic control in .Mn liver
(211.). ...Iw;n the diet i. nlanipulat.d.
A third form of inhibil;"n takes longer to develop.
It is linked "'ilh changes in enlymc levels, and it
probably depends on interfercoct with the synlhesis Roln 0 1 Ins ulin
of n-c .... enzyme. However. it may additionally involve Insulin dir«ll)' aClivates IIM G-CoA re'
facilitation of more rapid degradation. ducl ..... evidently by incrcuing pllasphoprotein
Theil' a", u...,u!ed conlnM:t"Sics O'ICr 1M chemical na· pho:sphalase act ivity. It indir«lly contributes to the
lu", of I"" ",P';YC focdboc k rel"lalor. When cholesrcrol ,clivOIY by facilitating tM provision or acctyl-CoA.
is .dded.o ..."".. 1kind. cell. i. cuit ure. and "'M" il
0( NAOPH. and AT P. High C(ItIttnlrntlons of oicate
is perfused .b,oorlb isoIa.ed li"" .... . M ral. of rw;,. c""" and of othe:r Iong-chain fally acids clio-

I.sterol synth",is. probably by forming esters and the intestinal ab<orption of dietary cholesterol. but
thereby lowering the f= cholesterol concentrations tncy scem to have limited therapeutic 6-Dc·
(81). As discus$Cd carlier. insulin promotes the syn_ mcthylmevinolin (compactin) is a jXltent compctiti"e
thesis of those fally acid" inhibitor of I1MG·CoA reductase that Can lower the
Insulin also induces the .""ymc. mcr;tly via inOu- total blood cholestcrol, and also the quantities
one", exerted on pl'Qlcin _,ymhcsis; and such action' carried by low density lipoproteins. A re<:ently
arc believed to ma ke major to the diur- described steroid. 5",·Cholest·8( 14 kn·3{J-<lI·1 5-<lne
nal cholesterol rhythms (38). Moreover. it stimulates is rejXlrtcd to additionally elevate the cholesterol
lh. appetite. It can thereby oountcracl1hc inhibitory content of HDLs. as it lowers both the amounts
effecls of undernutrition On H MG -CcA production . within LDLs and the total plasma content (l90A).
AI! of the preceding would suggest thai insulin-
deficiency states should be associated wilh subnor.
mal cholesterol production. Howeyer, Wille palients INSULIN REGULATION OF PROTEIN
with inadequately controlled diabetes melli tus have METABOLISM
high plasma concentrations. Many others have val- Insulin is a major anabolic hormone that is required
ues within the oormal rangc but develop pathologi- for growth and repair. It most obviously stimulates
cal conditions thal are associated with hypercholes- prolein synthesis by accelerating amino acid uptake
terolemia in individuals producing adequate and peptide chain assembly. Its indircet actions arc
quantities of insulin. Evidently. disturbances in cho- essential for supporting thc direct ones. since protein
lesterol use (ralher Ihan in ils produClion) prcdomi· synthesis can proceed only when there are adequate
nate in diabetic paticnts. Somc problems with trans- supplies of building blocks and energy sources. In-
jXlr! and distribution hu,'c been described (53A). .ulin facilitates their by sharpening the
The high incidence of atherosclerosis is probably ad- appetitc. by diverting amino acids away from deg·
ditionally linkcd with defects in the blood vessel radalivc path ..-a)·s. and by promoting the genernt;on
walls. of AT P. In addition. augments RNA synthe-
sis. and il contributes to the maintenance of normal
ribosomal structure and composition.
Pharmacological Manipulation 01 Chole sterol
The Importance of Maintaining Intrac ellular
Because of stati51ical associations betwcen high
Amino Acid Balan c es
blood eholC5terollevels and the incidences of alherc>-
sclerosis and myocardial infarction. there has been Proteins can be only wilen all of the
considerable interC5t in agents purported to lower amino acid "'building blocks" arc simultaneously
the levels. However. it has not be<:n demonstratcd present in proper within the ce lls. Young
that hypercholesterolemia. per se. causes the dam· rats do not grow at normal rales if they are fed a diet
age to the vascular system. There arc ind ications divided into aliquots that supply some of the amino
that lesions of the blood vessel walls precede the for· acids in thc morning and the others in the e,'(ning.
mation of cholesterol plaquC5. Morcover. the med· even if it is otherwise fully adequate. Moreover.
anisms for diS(ributing cholesterol may be more im- when the food satisfies caloric I"<'quil"<'ments and has
portanl Ihat the total plasma concentrations. HDLs a moderate or high tOlal protein content , but there
are beheved to carry into the liver. are deficiencies or gross excesses of certain amino
and good prog!IQSes ha"e been associated with high acids. the consequences are impaired protein synthc-
TlItios of IiDL: LDL cholesterol. On tile other hand. sis and aecderated protein degradation (23).
adrenocortical hormone-producing cells of many Some kinds of amino acids are easily
mammals obtain much of their cholesterol from from others. For tyrosine is made from
LDLs. Fibroblasts arc among the additiona l extra' phenylalanine. whi le alanine can be obtained by
hepatic cell types that have surface re<:eplors for transferring amino groups to pyruvate. Other amino
LDLs. They internalize the particles. and the lipo- acids are said to be "'essential"' because they must be
proteins al"<' imjXlrtant negative feedback regulators supplied by the diet. Thel"<' are species differences in
of Ii MG-CoA reductase biosynthesis. In at least the reqU;l"<'ments; and young, growing animals have
some kinds of cells maintained in culture , 25·hy· special needs for substant;al quantit ies of cena;n of
droxycholcsterol has greater on lowering them. Most mammals must eat histidine. methio-
thc cell enzyme content than on direct inhibition of nine. tryptophan. phenylalanine. lySine. threonine.
preexisting HMG-CoA (SIA). valine. leucine, isoleUCine. and arginine. Some of the
Some plant sterols and their analogs interfere with esssential amino acids al"<' pr=nt in low coru:entTll'
lions, Iheir availabilities can beoome ratc·limit- surface. this increases Ihe affinilY for the amino acid.
ing for prolein synlhesis. Each cell Iype uses amino Since extracellular Na+ is high, Ihe sodium ions
acids in unique ways to make ils own special pro- have a sirong tendency 10 enter Ihe cells and 10
teins. It maintains a characteriSlic intracellular mix- "drag" Ihe amino-acid-laden carriers with them .
lur<:, and il sequeslers the various molecular types The low intracellular Na+ facilitate. dissocialion of
into "pools" that dilTer from each other in the case bolh Na + and amino acid from the carrier. and this
wilh which they can be recruited. Thus. cardiac leaves the carrier free 10 return to lhe cell surface .
musele maintains free taurine levds Iwice as high as It is lechnieally diffICult \0 assess the elT<:<:ts of
the oncs in the diaphragm and up 10 11·fold grealer hormones on trampon. since each amino acid is used
than IhQ:I.c of thigh muscle. while ils gl)'cine Content at ils own rate. Insulin specifically alTecls the upla ke
is low i 133). of just certain ones. However. il acts in other ways
to promote protein synthesis. and it thereby indio
r<:<:tly acC(:ler3tes the uptake of Ihe others (23). Soon
Amino Acid Upteke
after il is administered 10 whole animals. Ihe 10lal
Since Ihe inlmcei1uiar levels arC higher than the amino acid ooncentralion of Ihe blood plasma falls.
ones in blood plasma. amino acids must be tmns· Insulin also accelerates the usc of all of the amioo
ported againsl their CQnC(:ntralion gradients. The acids for peptide chain assembly. Therefore. mea-
processes arc carrier mediatc<.! and cnergy-consum- sU'ements of changes in plasma Of intracellular oon·
ing. Howev<:r, Ihc participation of ATP is indirect centrations of Ihe various amino acid types cannol
(82). Although gluwse oxidation usuall)' supplies be used alone to obtain information on transport.
much of Ihc energy. Ihe uptake can proceed u'hen Protcin synthesis inhibitors can be used 10 block
cells are bathed in nuid, thai do not contain the amino add incorporalion into proleins, but they in-
sugar. lroduce variables of their own. Although Ihey do nOl
Ail ceils wntain oombinations of carriers with dirCClly alTeel operation of the transpon systems
overlapping properlies (176). These ha"e been clas- (23). they can interfere with Ihc production of thc
sitic<.! in sev<:ral ways (117) An "'A" type ("alanine- amino acid carriers and other protcins thaI support
preferring"') system. which is sodium-<lependcnt. is normal cell functions. Invesligators have thcreforc
widely diWibuted . It transports small neulral amino turncd 10 studies of amino acid analogs such as ami-
acids ,uch as glycine. and threonine (in ad- noisobutyrate (A I SA. AI B) and cyclolcucine. These
ditiulL tu alaILiILc). AIL "L" Iyp'; are Iransported b)' Ihc carrien;. bUI tho}' arc not
ring") $)-,;tem is Na1 >·independcnt. It carries phe- metabolized .
nylalanine. tryptophan. Iyrosine. methionine. valine. The data must be interpreled wilh c,ution. It w,s a..
and isoleucine. as well as louein •. It Can usually be .um<d for, long time Ihal AlB was transported by the
distinguished from an "L '''. which handles the basic "A" system in enclly the same way as alani"". Howev«.
amino acids argini ne. lysine . and histidine. At least more reOCol "udies ha,'e dernon;tr.. tcd ,h.1 some .I,nine
some cdls have a separatc carrier for acidic amino (but 001 A IB) moy be aC<XImpl i<hod by lho No >·
acids such as glulamie and asparlic, and a dilTcrent indopcodonl"L" 'Y'lom . Unlike the .rtiflcial analog. 0.1·
one for cystcine and proline. However, an "ASCP" anine competes wilh leuo ine. Mo.-Moor. in lhe presence
Syslem thai performs the functions of Ihe "A" Iype. ohmino-oxyacelale ("'hid perm ii' tran'port lo proceed
but addit ionally car'ies cY"eine and proline. has but block. sub,equent mClOboti$m). al,n inc aeeumolates
been deseribed for tumor cells. in cell< rou, limes as rapidly as AtB.
Two chemio:ally similar amino acids can compete Insulin is said to accdemte Ihc lransport of only
with each other for the s.ame carrier or engage in glycine. alanine. serine. histidine. and methionine in
cQunreriransporl phenomena. (For example. u'hen skelelal muscle (133). I-!owcver. the specific amino
Ihe Auid bathing Ihc cells is rich in Icucine but poor acids alTccled by insulin are not the same for all lis-
in methionine, the carrier Ihat brings in the leucine ,ueS Or for the same kinds under dilTercnt physiolog-
can take the methionine out .) ical conditions. Moreover. While findings wilh AlB
secm to be wnSi!tenl, data on upta ke of the natural

Sodium-<leflCient fluids. and Ihe administration of

Insulin lnl1uences on Peptide Chain
agents such as ouabain that interfere with function-
ing of the Na' / K+ ATPase "sodium pumps". im·
pair Ihe uptake of some of Ihc amino acids. The fol- Although Ihe hormone acede rates the uptake of
lowing mechanisms hav<: been proposed for sodium only eerlain of Ihe ami no acids. it enhances Ihe use
facilitation (117). of all nalurally occurring ones for peptide synthesis
When the amino acid binds with Na+ al lhe cell via mechanisms thaI arc not direclly linked wilh

transport. (It is effective. for example. "'hen cells arc protein degradalion result from actions on the Iyso-
bathed in media that do not contain sufficient amino somes (176). However. illSul in is one of Ihe hor-
acids 10 support protein synthesis. and alw when monCOi that accelerates amino ac id uptake (145).
amino acid concentrations can no longer be ratc_lim_ Although cffccls of insulin on nucleic acid melab-
iting because their levels are artificially elevated. olism arC well recognized (121.188).liuic is known
of the mechanisms. It is likely Ihat the hormone acts
Ribosomes i>O!aled from tho museloo of insutin-defi·
cienl animal ...semble I"'p'ide chain, more .Iowly than at multiple sites. Innuences exerted on Ihc plasma
or",nelle. ta ken from control •. Fewer art incorporaled membranes can increase the availability of RNA
inlo poly""mes.• nd fewe, in protein ,ynthesis. In· building blocks. nutrients. and ions. while ones on
.ulin does rM)1 directly Ih. funetion. when il is the ribosomes would be expectcd to augment pro-
added 10 such preparations, Howe"",. the defect. can be duction of RNA polymerases and other proleins that
correcled if the hQrmone-deficienl a nimals are pretrealed support RNA $ynlhesi$ more directly. "Se.:ond mes-
with insulin for only 5 minule. prior to ... ,rifie<:. senger!<"' that affcct nuclear functions may also be
The ribosom •• can be di."",ial.d inlo ,ubunits. and the released. It has observed Ihat phy$iologieal con-
large and small eomponent> from different a nimal, Can centrations can increasc Ihe aClivity of a nucleoside
be recombin.d. Peptide chain .... mbly pr<><:<:ed. al . im- tr iphosphatase of the nuclear membrane. even "'hen
iI.. in prep..,nion. containi ng .ither both ,ubunil<
insul in is dirCClly prcscnted 10 nuclear envelopes in
derived from eonlr<>1 animal •• or large subunil' from e<>n-
tr<>l' and . mall one. from in,ulin-dc{,cientanimals. Ho"'· vilro. The enzyme is implicated in provision of the
ever. onOO th.t eontain jmoll subunits from in.ulin-dcfi_ ATP energy for transport of mRNA$ from
cient animals .how ,ubnormal ra,es, e"<n ,,'hen combined the nucleus to the cytoplasm ( 176).
wilh large ,ubunits from the e<>ntrol, (2H).
Sinee Ihe ,mall . ubunits from diabelie rat ribosomes do
not ,hQw defect. in mRNA binding. pcpl idyllr.n,fcra", INSULIN REGULATION OF CARBOHYDRATE
activi,),. or prolein e<>mposil;on. il has been p"'l'O"'d th,u METABOLISM
in.ulin rapidly change. the chemical n.luro or e<>nfigu-
ration of ribisomal proteins involvcd in lhe: in;lialion of In addi lion \0 promoting glycogen and fat storage.
peptide chain formation (176.2)5). in,ulin aCtS at several sites to acccierute glucose ox-
idation. A major funClion i. p",oi.ion of ATP
·rhe effects may be related to insulin inftuenees on
energy .
depbosphorylations of regulatory proteins. Insulin is
known to oppose many cA MP actions. while phos-
phorylations of initiation factors ha"e been shown 10
impair protein syn thesis. On the other hand. al- Influences on Glucose Transport
though bigh cAMP levcis and insulin deficiency in- Under physiological C<lnditioos. glucose oxidation by
crease Ihe phosphorylation of ribosomal prote in S., skeletal muscle. cardiac musclc, adipocyle. and some
it has not been possible to link this with Ihe hor- other cdl t)'pes is limited by the ratc of sugar cnlry.
monal functions (234). Insulin acceleration of glucose transport begins very
Imulin Slimulation of protein synthesis has been soon aftcr the hormone is presented. All of the ob-
dcmonstrated for cultured s keletal and cardiac mus- servations are consiSlent with the helief thai the
cle (2). In long-tum studies. hormone deftciency ac- sugar enters via passive. facilitated diffusion, and
cderates protein degradation, and it also impairs that the hormone actions are exerted on glucose
pept ide chain elongalion (227). carriers.
fa l cells synthesize lipoprotcin lipase. and they The effects are srereospecific. Whilc insulin pro-
export il for transport to the capina.y endothelium. motes Ihe uptake of D-galaclose as well as D-glu-
Insulin accelera les Ihe sy nthesis, evidently by acting cose, it has no di,cernible effects On the transport of
3t both transcriptional and translational levels. Its Ihe L isomers of Ihose sugars. or on fructose and sev-
innuences can be partially bloc ked "'ilh agents Ihal era l pentoscs. The processes arc saturable , Thi, can
impair RNA synthesis. and totally abolished wi th be demonstraled only when the sugar conccntralion.<
cycloheximide. Insulin may additionally facililale are above Ibe physiological ranges, However. the af-
secretion of the enzyme, The efi"e<::u can be enhanced fected sugars compote with each othe. for transport .
with calcium ionophores and inhibile<l by chdalors IIISUlin also accderates countertransport (143).
thai interfere with the upta ke of Ca " from 'u.- The uptake rate increascs linearly over low con-
rounding Huids (223A). eent.alion ranges. and it tapers 01T when higher ones
In the liver, Ihe major inHucnees of insulin on pro- arc presented , The quant ities of glucose transported
tein synthesis are amibuted to augmenlation of in a given time period a.e diminished by Ihe simul,
RNA synthesis, whereas Ihe inhibitory effects on laneOuS presentation of gulactose.
34M.lhyl glucose (3·MG) c'"rIOl Ix mct.boliwi. tios are low in brain and they arc unaffected by
but il doe< cr«lS tbe plasma m.mb .... nes in bolh dire<:· insulin.
lions. It i, • useful tool. linco il apparently utiii'e> Iho lIexok;'wse III is present in small amoonts in
giuco«: ca"ier to CrOSS Ihe plasma membran.s. When most or all cell types. but it is mClSt easily identified
cells bathed in a ",Iulion containing J·MG hav<: been p"r- in the liver. It has an extremely high affinity for glu·
milled 10 accumulate •• bst •• tial <oo<e.ltalion. of the cose (K. 70--9.0 X 10-OM). but its activity is rap.
mol.eule •• addilion of glucose to the medium a<xcicrale<
3·MG .gr.... Thi, i. believed to occur beeau.., glucose idly inhibited by low inlracelluar concentrati<ms of
"an.(>Om Ibe carrier to thc cell interior. bUI SOOn disso- free glucose. This isozyme seem$ to be impoortant for
ciate< from it. The carrier is Ibc. frce 10 combine .,ith sustaining the minimal rales of glucose mttabolism
Ihe 3-MG and tran'porl il to Ihe membrane. In· that keep the cells viable during times of gluCOllC
IT.celiular glueo«: levels .re nc .. er high "rIOugh to clfee- deprivation. In the liver. it probably es""dally
liv<:ly e<)mpete witb th. J·MG for Ih. c;lrricr . • ince glu· netded when glucose release to the bloodstream de-
c,... is phospOOrylated almosl as soon 85 il cntcrs, pleles glycogen StOreS.
Howe ..... under the experimenlal condition, im!l'<"e<l. Hexokinase IV (glucokinase) functions best at
there i. more glucose Ih.n 3·MG "' the c",erior surfaces very hiSh glucose concentrations (Km ... 1.2-2.0 X
or the o<ib. In.u lin .ceeler'le. Ihe COunteHran.port
IO-IU) . for example. when large quantities of the
sugar are delivered to the liver via the hepatic portal
vessels. Since this iS07.yme is 100 times less ..,nshive
to gluc0sc-6-phosphate inhibition than the other
Insuli n Regulatio n 01 Hexokinases
he xokinase .. it is especially suitable for cells that
\Vhen hiSh level. of both insulin and Slucose pro- must rapidly synthesi ,.e glycogen. It has heen staled
mote rapid upta ke of the ,usur in cells with lIor· Ihat glucokinase is unique 10 the liver . but a similar
mone·resulated plasma membranes. and when mcal isozyme is present in the bela cells of the pancreatic
absorption leads to rapid delivery of Slucose to Ihe islets (79).
hepatocytes. thc hexokinase reaction becomes rate· Insulin induces hexokinase IV. and Ihis is one of
limiting for glucose use along all major metabolic Ihe mechanisms by which il aSSures that gl)'cogen
pathways. In most cell types. insulin augments will be synthesized rapidly during meal absorption.
hexokinase proouetion. In thc liver. it additionally High le.els of the cnz)'me build up in individuals
some influences on the activities of diets rich in carbohydrate. There is !lOme
enzymes. evidence poinling to insulin aetivalion of preexisting
Several ;sQzymesthat dilfer from each enzyme. as well.
other in amino acid oonlposilion. charge. af·
nnity for glueClSe, and susceptibility 10 inhibition by
In sulin Regulation of Glycogenesis
gluoose-6-phoophate and glu<;o<;e. have been identi·
fied in vertebrale tissues (98.189). Glycogen is synthesized from glu<;o<;e-6-phospha\e in
J is univer.;ally present. It is the dom. three steps (Fig. 5·9). The firs1 involves liuie enersy
inam form in neurons and in mOSI uther cell Iypes exchange and its direction is determined by sub-
thaI do nol have insulin·scnsitive glu= barrier.;. In strate levels. The glucose·l·phosphate formed dis-
sensitive cells. it maintains basal (Lc. unstimulated) places a pyrophosphate groop of "ridine triphos·
glucose mClabolism (150). The isozyme binds glu· phate (UTP) to yield uridine diphosphate glucose
cose with high affinity. but it has low activilY and is (UDPG) ,
easily inhibited by glucose-6-phClSphate. The third .. ep of the reaction. which is rale lim·
Hexok;nast /I predominates in muscle and other iling. involves the transfer of Ihe glucose of the
lissues with insulin·,ensitive transport systems. AI- UDPG to the end of a preexisting glycogen chain.
Ihough its activity is greater than that of hcxokinase The chain i. then elongated. and UDP is libcMed,
I. fairly hiSh glucose ooncentralions arc required Insulin acts rapidly to enhanC<' the activity of pnx:x.
(K., 2.1-4.1 X lO - 'M. oomparcd ""'ith 3.0-8,0 X isting enzyme, and it promoles the biClSynthesis of
IO - !M for hexokinase I). Insulin increases Ihe new enzyme. High levels are attained in individuals
hexokinase lI:hexokinase I ratios. and the values of ingeSling dietS rich in carbohydrates.
thooe ratiClS are positively correlated with insulin [nsulin al!lO facilitates gl)'cogen storage by inhib-
sensitivity, iting phoophorylase systems that promote gly<;:ogen.
The 11: 1 ratios are especially high in the fat pads olysis. In musele. effects on the plasma membranes
of well· nourished animals. The)' fall following either that augment glucQSC enlry oontribU1C substantially
insulin or food deprivation. and they can be restored 10 Ihe stimulalion of glycogen synthesis.
by insulin administration Or refceding. Glucose also The phosphorylnlion-<:lcphosphorylation meeha·
promotes hexokinase II synthesis in insulin .. ensitive nisms fOT regu laling the activities of both Ihe glyco:>-
cells maintained in culture, In oontrasl. the 11:1 fa· gen synthase and glycogen phClSphurylase systems.

GIJ<O ...·I·P - UTP -:: .

UOPG p.p
(U/ aciI·ribose-P·P -PI (uraciI·_· P 'gluCose)
Glycogen .ynthas:
(u<idine-<li.P·Gtuoose) (n moieties)

Fig . 5·g. Formalion 01 glycogen Jrom gioco..s·

pI\oophot •.

and the hetw".n insulin and the cA MP Phosphofructokinlsc (PF K) eatal}'?e. the ralC-
syStem, were discussed in detai l in Chapler 4. limiting ",action. Insulin activates PFK . regulates
Insulin further augmenls hepatic glycogenesis by t he functions of a physiological stabilizer that rc-
shunti ng glucose-phosphate away from lhe foliowing la rds PFK degradation (39). and promotes the for_
reaction (which is accelerated by gl ucagon): mation of new enzyme. The hormone al"" incrcascs
the availability of glucosc-6-phospha te.
G lucose-6-phosphate
PFK is an allosteric enzyme that is modified by
gl uco:sc-6-phosp ha lase
several factors. It has long been known that enzyme
+ HOH Glucose + P; aClivity is increased by high levels of fructose-IS-
In insulin-dcficicncy SlateS, glycogcn synthesi' in phosphate (the substrate ) and by high level, of AM P
the liver does not totally shut down. because enough (an indicator thaI mOre ATP shou ld be synthesized).
glu c0se-6-phosphatc accumulates to di'e<:dy aClivate It is lowered by AT P and by cil"dte (OOth of whiCh
glycogen syn thase in Ihe absence of the hormone. arc expected to risc when the rale of glycolysis ex·
In muscie.howe'-cr. glycogen storage is severely ceeds Ihe need). Recenl ly. it has been demonstrated
impaired because (0.) very little glueo<e enter< tho that fructa<e-2.6-bipho<phate is major phy<iologi_
cells: (b) there is not cnOllgh hexokinase [I 10 rapidly cal aCl ivalor that can syncrgizc wilh AMP (222).
phosphorylale the glucose that dotj ente r: (c ) gl}'- Glucagon. which anlagon;'.cs insulin innuonces On
cogen synt hase is not activated: and (d) hormo!'H:S glycolysis and on several other aspects of glucose
thaI promote glycogenolysis arc nOI opposed by metabolism. markedly decreases the levels of the
insul in. fructose--<.6-biphosphale: and Olher hormones that
inhibit can exen inAuences in lhe same di-
rection (86). Glucagon aClS in pari by promoting
Insulln Regulation 01 Glycolysis
eA M P-depc:ndent phosphorylat ion of lhe IS-phos-
Glycolysis directly providc;s some AT P. It converts phofrueto-2-kinasc needed to generate the regulator
glucose to pyruvate, whiCh is used for several pur- (Fig. 5-10). This reduces the aninity of the enzyme
(XlSes that illC lude formation of acetyl-eoA a nd gen· for its fructosc-6-phosphate substrate. It may addi-
era tion of much more ATP. Addilionally, it s upplies tionally aCli"ale a fructose-2,6-biphosphatase ( 44).
phosphoglycerate a nd othe r intermedia tes. A second mechanism for phosphorylation of the ki-

Fructose--l.6-l>ip!>osphate kinase
__ • Fructose-l.6-t,;phosphate kinase
(p/>osphorylate<l. inacIiYtI) (dephospllory1ate<l, active)

- - - -- - - - - - - - -,(, _ .

Phospholruc101<inase _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,r_-_
(inactr.-.) (act;"")

Fruelow.6.P _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jr,_"_-.. .6-t>iphosplla'Q

Ftll.5-10. F,_. ''''lu1o.100n of

glyOOly .... ( I) A<:CftIO<II6d by insulin. (2) ReverS6d I>y
cAMP an<! by phoophotylose·!>-kina"",
naSC (and therdore rwuction of the amount of frue- with liberation of a "scoond messenger"' that acts on
tose-2.6-biphosphatc) in the liver is via phosphoryl- the mitochondria (24.(94).
aSe b kinase and Ca" . It has been proposed that this The pyruvate dehydrogenase oomp\ex plays key
mechanism is especially useful when there is a strong metabolic roles. It may therefore be activated in dif·
need to elevate the blood glucose oonccntrations. fcrent ways as well. Alternate mechanisms have
Then . the glucose-phosphate formed during glyco- been described (164).
gen breakdown will be shunted away from glycolysis
and become available for conversion to free glucose
that is relea,ed imo the blood,tream (59). MECHANISMS OF INSULIN ACTION
I n>ulin augmentation of phosphoprotein phospha· Although the problem has intrigued for
tase aetivitics is (he most likely mechanism for in- several decadcs. definitive informalion on the mech·
creasing the fructose-2.6-biphosphale and thercfore anisms of insulin aClion is just beginning to emerge
for acceleration of glucose·phosphate entry into (28.I09A). We now know something about the rc-
glyoolysis. ceptor struetUTe and Ihe changes thaI occur when
The fructosc·I.6·biphosphatc cleavage is cata· the hormone binds.
Iyzed by aldolase. Although this is not gellCrally re- Insulin receptors are oligomer> of dissimilar gil"
garded as a oontrolling Slep (and thc reaclion can be copeptides. According to one modcl. there are IWO
sent in the opposite direction under some in ,·ivocon. large a subunits (M, 120.000-135.000) and two
ditions). ;1 has recently becn demon mated that he· smaller {J subunils (M, 90,000) arranged in series
patic aldolase le"cls fall during faSling (170). Roles and held together wilh disulfide bond,. QIIC or bolh
for insulin in regulation of the levels of Ihis en'.yme of the components can be cleaved 10 yield a /J, deriv·
have not been cstablished. alive "'jth a M, of 45.000:
It is sometimes stated that PFK "pushes" glycol·
ysis by facilitating the formation of fructose-1.t\· {J·s·s....·S-S-«-s·s·/J ./I·S·S.....S.s-a-S·S-./I ,
phosphate, whereas the reaclion catalyzed by pyru· uncleaved one small com]l(lnent
vate kinase (which is strongly exergonic) "pulls" the ./I,·S.s...... S·s..,.·S·S·/J I
pathway to completion. two small components
Insulin the biosynthcsis of Ihe pyruvate
kinase. It also promotcs dephosphorylation. and The" subunits bind insulin. The ./I sunbunits af·
thc",by aClivation. of Ihe liver enzyme (110). fcel the proc<:ss by either modifying the aninitics or
Insulin further accelerales gl)'oolysis by reducing associating with additional hormone molecules. Ev·
the at which intermediates are shunted to other idently. the plasma membrane, also contain regula·
palhways. for example. il lowers the activity of frue· tory comrollCnts thaI alTeet the binding aninities. A
tose- I .6-biphosphatasc. and therefore the conversion problem with the model is thc appmcnt molecular
of fructose-biphosphate to free fructose. This action weight of 300.000-350.000 obtained for assembled
also s«ms to be accompli'hed by an en1.yme de- complexes (29. 171).
phosphorylation (110). Rccent pholoaflinity labeling studies suggest Ihal
the insulin receplors exisl in multiple form" and thai
the one which predominatcs has a molecular weight
Insulin Regulation of Pyruvate Co nversion to
of 300.000. It appear. to be up of four dissim-
Acetyl·C oenzyme A
ilar components with molecular weighls of 130.000.
ado", il can enter Ihe tricarboxylic acid cycle. py- 90.000. 40.000. and 40.000. The Ia>t tWO differ
ruvate must be converted to acelyl·CoA. chemically from each Other. and neither is believed
to be a degradation product {236A). Diverse con·
Pyruvate + NAD ' + Coenzyme 1\ - -- - cepts have been presented (A·!. A·2. A-6).
Acetyl·CoA + NADH + H ' + CO, Insulin associates rapidly and rever.ibly with
The pyruvate dehydrogenase oomponent of Ihe high.."ffinity siles. Some observers state thaL Ihe
mitochondrial cnty,"c oomple x Ihal cataly1.cs Ihc binding shoW!; negalive coo]>Crativily. but others do
reaction provides one more sile for insulin activation not agrec (92). Hormone-receplor interactions may
via a deplK:>;phorylation mechanism. When insulin is lead 10 changes in Ihe rceeplor properties thai arc
incubated with preparations oon\aining bolh plasma essential for initiation of the hormone functions. [t
membranes and mitochondria derived from adipo- has been proposed Ihat the receptor can assume
cytes. Ihe phosphorylation of Ihe pyruvate dchydrt>- eilher of two configurations lhat are in equilibrium
genasc is decreased as the aetivily is increased. The with each other. and thaI inSUlin stabili,..s one of the
hormone does nOI affect Ihe enz)'me if it is presented forms. Insulin is also known 10 promote receptor
di",ctly to just mitochondria. Since surfacc-aeting clustering. Plant lectins (97). bivalent (bul nOI
agenlS such as concanavalin A. and also ATP. can monovalent) antibodics dir«ted against the receptor
exert similar influences. the findings arc consistent (92). and some other agenls chemically unrelaled to

that promote clustering. can elicit many of the inlernali,-"d receptors bind to a special kind of
Ihc aClions of the hormone. Those same agents may. vesiclc that possesses properties intermediatc be-
however. also change the configurations of individual tween those of lysosomes and golgi components
receptor moltcules or ael in yet different ways. (102).
There is good reason \0 believe that proleoly.•is oc- Some of the delayed innuene<:' of insulin on pro-
CUI"$ soon after hormone binding. Some of Ihc reac- tein synlhesis and cellgrowlh arc not mimiCked with
tions may accomplish receptor-mediated insulin deg- the surface·aeting agents menlioned earlier. The
radation, and perhaps protection of the cdls against possibility that thcy are mediated via binding of the
over_stimulation. However. olhers have ocen linked bormone to intrae<:lIualr organelles been eonsid.
wilh hormonal functions. er<:d (67,70,174). High-affinit)" binding siles for io-
Mild treatmenl of the target cells with trypsin can sulin have been idenlified in targel cell" and it has
inVQke respo"<cs similar to the ones thaI follow io- been suggested that at least some are involved in
sulin pre""ntation. Moreover. Ihe a subunit is re- hormone·regulated synthesis of thc receptors and in
poned \0 undergo proteolysis soon after insulin the transport of those molceules to the plasma mem-
binds: and cleavage,; of OIher membrane components branes (113). Insulin is chemically related to ocrve
have been described. Th. reaclions may be initiated growth factor. which also exerts long-range inHu_
by Ihe fr<:e energy released during the binding (29). ences that involve protein synthesis and receptor reg-
or as some direct conS<':quence of reccptor aggrega· ulation. Nerve growth factor must enter Ihe cells be-
tiOll( 113). fore it can act (15).
Prote<Jlysis could lead \0 (a) releaS<': of second Insulin-like growth factors arc discussed in Chal'"
messengers othcrwise S<':questered in thc plasma ter 18. Some hind to insulin receptors and mimic
membranes; (b) unmasking of the catalytic sitcs of many of th. insulin actions. They haoc be\:n shown
plasma membrane-associated en'.ymes that arc in- to affect the same glucose transport systems in adi-
active in unstimulated e<:l1s; (c) changes in pocytcsand in some other kinds of cdls (169). How·
membrane properties that affect transport: (d) func· ever, Ihey have receptors of own. and not all
tional alterations in the receptor: or (ej cleavage of targets ar<: sensitive to both regulator.;. Whcn pre-
the hormone to release fragments that enter the cy· sented in high concentrations for extended time pe-
toplasm to act as messengcrs. Substantial evidence riods, insulin binds 10 somc of the growth factor re-
for the lir.;t idca is pr<:sented below. Since so many ceptors. and cerlain long-range insulin inAucnces
agent! chemically unlike insulin can serve as ago- may be thus mediated . Insulin also regulates reccl'"
nists. the last concept is least likely 10 explain the lor numbers for some growth factors (A-I).
mechanisms whereby insulin invokes ils early
In s ulin Acti o ns Med iated by
Some time after the horl11<.lnc is first presented. a
Pho sphorylation-De ph osphorylatIon
dilfer<:nl kind of binding (which is nol easily revers·
Reactio ns
ible) can be demonstraled. It is believed to initiate
endoeytie inrerna/izalion of horl11<.lnt-re«ptor rom· Many examples of insulin regulation of the activities
plexes (II). Some reduction in surface receplor of preexisting cnlymes via phosphorylation Or de-
numbers Can soon be demonstrated. Prolonged ex· phosphorylation have been cited. Innuences exerted
posure of the targets to high insulin concenlralions on phosphoprotein pllosphatases ( I 8,27) at least par-
inV(lkes "down regulation" and cO!lS<':quenl loss of lially explain Ihe aClivation of glycogen synthase.
sensilivity to the horl11<.loc. glycogen pl>osphorylase. pyruvate dehydrogenase,
Allhough the insulin and ils reooptor seem 10 be HMG·CoA reductase. and some other enlymes . On
simultaneously internahed, the comple xes disso- thc other hand, insulin is known to increase the ac-
ciale; and the IWO components fOllow separate path- livilies of a variely of protein kinases. Some arc
ways (73). Most or all of the hormone may be dc- cAMP-<!epcndent, some are Ca " -<!ependent. and
graded. whereas some reccptor molecules are yct differenl ones are not controlled by either of
retained and later recycled to the pla,ma membrane . those regulalor<. Proteins phosphorylated in re_
Lysosomcs may be the primary sites for degrada- sponse to insulin include ribosomal components, as
tion . Chloroquine interferes with the actions of ly- well as acetyl·CoA and citrale lyase:
sosomal enzymes. In its presence. receptors are and it has been suggcsted Ihat activation of cyclic
translocated to the ecll inleriors, but they arc nOi de- nuclootidc phosphodieslerases is also accompli,hed
graded (65). The receptorsean be identified in crude via phosphorylation (l09A) .
0011 fractions ronlaining Iysosomes and golgi rom- A roncept that is gaining wide acceptance is that
ponenlS. It has ree<:ntly been reported. however, Ihat in.ulin-receptor binding leads to clcavagc of a
plasma membrane-<lssociated glycoprotein and the eration , provide substrate, or accelerate the removal
consequent releQ.'e oflWQ small glycopeptide media- of reaction products.
/()f'S of the early effects of the hormone. The larger When insulin invokes dephosphorylation, it can do
of the IWO, which is more basic, is implicaled in the SO by, among other things, activating phosphatases,
dephosphorylation.ll$SOCiated functions (113). The inhibiting phosphorylases, activating cyclic nucleo-
smaller glycopeptide. which has a molecular weight tide phosphodiesterases, Or impairing cAMP gen-
of 1(l(l(}-1500, is said to exert SOme opposing innu- eration.
enees. [n addition to probable involvement in protein Since most protein kinases and phosphatases act
kinase activation, it may participate in some form of on more than one substrate within a single celltypc,
negative feedback control and provide an explana· it is sometimes difficult to assess the consequeneesof
tion for the observed biphasic actions of the hor- their activation or inhibition. There are proteins that
mone. One possibility that has been considered is are phosphorylated by both insulin and glucagon, al.
that the larger glycopeptide gives rise to the smaller though the two hormones invoke opposing response.'
one (89). Other investigators have described differ· (202). In some (but not all) cases. it can be demon·
ent insulin-generated mediators (I09A. (93) . strated Ihat different sites on the same enzyme arc
Studies with pyruvate dehydrogenase lend strong affecloo. There are even proteins that are phospho-
supporl to the conoxpl. This mitochondrial en7.yme rylaloo by hormones in vitro, but not in vivo. Thi s
can be activated in -everal ways ( 164), one of which has been attributed to denaturation under the arti_
is dephosphorylation. rnsulin cannol increase the aC- ficial conditions (202).
livity if il is pre-entcd dircc;tly to isolated mitochon· The popularity of the concept that insulin exerts
dria. However, it is effcctive in vitro when thc prep- important inAuenees by changing cytosol Ca" levels
arations contain plasma membrane components as (28) has waxed and waned repeatedly Over the paSt
well. Agents Ihat act on the target oxll surfaces, 'uch few decades. it i5 oot necessarily in connict with
as concQrlavalin A, mimic the insulin actions. All of other findings. Changes in cytosol Cal> can affect,
the preceding arc consistent with the liberation of a among other things, the activities of adenylate cy-
·'second messenger" from the plasma membranes clase, cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, and the
(24,195). Low molecular weight substa"""s with binding affmities of siles for phosphate uptake. Some
pcptide-like propeni.. ha'·e been extracted from the major actions of i",;nlin On adipoc)"tes that were de-
plasma membranes of insulin-treated oxll •. They arc scribed earlier Can be augmented with ca!cium iono-
direelly implicated in mediating the hormone func- phores and Inhibited by chelator.; (22JA).
tions, and the quantities generated rise with increas- long-range, "adaptive" roles of insulin arc often
ing irn;utin dosage . Very high insulin levels invoke allributed to en1.yme induction. rn SOme cases, other
production of molecules with opposing effects (I 85). possibilities (tnat inetude interference with enl.yme
The receptor beta subunits catalyze tyrosine phos- degradation) musl be considered. As noted earlier,
phorylation of histones, angiotensins and other pcp- the hormone contributes to elcvalion of ?FK activity
tides. The activity is augmented by hormone bind· by controlling an cn7.yme stabilizer; and at !cast
ing, and the subunit undergoes autophosphorylation. ",me effects on citrate lyase arc accompli,hed in this
The modifioo pcptidc activates kinase C (which ar- way (39).
fects serine and threonine residues and may thereby
mediate some response.). Kinase A acu on either
Ins ulin Regulatio n 01 Glucose Tra ns p o rt
the receptor or a regulatory peptide to decrease .in-
sulin binding (A-I). If a prile were to be awarded for the topic in endo-
The relationships between phosphorylation-<le- crinology that has generated the largest number of
phopshorylation reactions and mechanisms of hor· hypotheses, it ..·ould surely go to mechanisms
mone action are not .Iways easy to interpret. There whereby insulin accelerates glucose uptake. A recent
are situations in which all of the data poim to an concept that seems to be more widely accepted than
influence of the hormone on a protein kinase, but the its predecessors is considered next. This is followed
affectoo regulatory molecules have not bc<:n identi· by a summary of carlier thoughts and observations
fied. There arc others in which molecules phospho- on thc subject. it is included here because (a) there
rylated under the innucnce of the hormone can be may be morc than one mechanism (4), and (b) the
found, but no links have been made with the ob- history of endocrinology is laden with description' of
servoo ccllular responses (166). hypotheses that went through the SlIme phases of en-
Even when hormone·regulated molecules clearly thusiastic, almost universal approval, transient rejec-
involved in the functions arc known, this docs not tion, and resurrection in somewhat modified form.
rule out other actions that arc quantitatively mOre h has been proposed that insulin promotes the
imponant. For example, the hormone may simulta- translocation of glucose carriers from an intracellu-
neously release other mediators, promote ATP gen- lar site to the pla,ma membrane (109A,207). The
resulting increase in the numbers of carriers then ac- ulalion of glucO$. lran.port are separable (149). Neur-
celerates the transporl. Substances capable or pro- aminida .. (roalment of adipoeyle, .ff.. t< iU' l lhc tra""
moting glucose transJIOrl ,,'hen incorporate{! inlO Ii· pon (4). Cooling Ihe cells 10 2 ' ' C permits binding. bu(
posomcs arC prescnt in concentrations in goIS;' tran' porl i. nol accderaled, If cell . Ife.wi in thi. w.y
rich cell fractions of unstimulated adipoc)'lcs. When arc wa'hed to remove unbound hormone. and lhey .ro
lhen ,,-. rmed. Ihe effc<:lS of lhe bound in, ulin on lfllnsport
the cells arc pretreated with insulin. the aClivity de-
are manifested. It c.nnol be argued lhal cooling " nd re-
clines in such preparations as it rises in plasma memo w.. ming exert their elfcclS by influencing glucI)SC melat..
brane fmotions. Insulin increases the V_ . value ali ..,. sinc. similar phenomena can be demonmaled with
without alfe<:ling the K.. (4.25), a f,nding consistent galaclose (which is "'" metaboli,ed by musele cells)
with the avai lability of mol"<' <.:arricrs of the kinds (14) ,
present in "resting" adip;:>eytes. Cywchalasin B at- A somewhat more sophi<!icated concepl. which Can
taches 10 glucose carriers. and insulin augments its be .ccommodated 10 lhe ,....d 10 'pecifically .lfcel glu·
binding 10 plasma membranes as it decreases it in cose carri .... is Ih.t in.ulin·in_Ok¢<! proteolysi, bring;
microsomal fmClions. Ho",cvcr, insulin may rotale about redistribulion of mcmbrane phospholipid, (I I 3).
the carriers so that sugar_binding siles face Changes in mcmbrane fluidil)· (165) that lead 10 reori·
enlation, of glucose corrie .. and consequcnt increa,e. in
cell surfaces (A-I).
lhe numbe .. c.pable of funclioning. coold .100 result
from hormone-invoked falty acid d.s:lluration. choles-
Stimul"i.,. <>f glucos. uptake ",Ust .tan with a cell lerol depletion. ph<><pholipid melhylalion. Or calcium
.u,face p!le1lOtt1enon, since (I) it begin. within minutes binding. In adipoe}'to$ from human, a. ,.-cli as from cer·
afler Ihe hor"'one i. presen",d, (b) il Can !Ie invoked lain other species. form ation of microviili and aceetetal¢<!
"'hen in, ulin is covalenlly linked 10 polyme .. thaI sub- pinocylOSi. arc reporlod 10 be a$$OCtaled V.-ilh in, ulin·in·
slantially (if nol lotally) block in, ulin enlr)' into the vo,od elevation of lh. V ... .
l<:>pla,m; (c) it can be mimickcd with planl leclins, biva- The mechani,m, for acceleraling glucose "anspor,
lenl antibod ies dirC<:led" Ihe f¢C<PlQf. and low may 11(11 bt lhe same fa, aU cell lypes. T, •• kinelics aro
concentrations of su,fa",""clivc agen,", inciuding phos- dilferenl for . k.klal musele comj>arod wilh adipose
pholi pases and Ifyp&in; (d) higb<r C(lncenlf31ion. of lho$<: lissuo. In ral epidid)'mal fat pad •. gt""""" is taken up
sam. agents are known 10 damage pla,,,,a membrancs more 'lowly lhan in some other depots. and in,ulin hO'
and 10 abolish insulin senSilivily; and (el in Ihc "'t n .o"""M 'n Inw" ,.., K_ i " n <.IT,et ",","<I"n,
,urface propenies of Ihe cell . have been observed . For e.- a chang. in c.rricr .ffinity) (4). Change. in aHinit)" have
ample. pi..",. memb .. ne hyperpolari,alion and m<>re also bten described for earoisc musele (143).
rapid uplake of pota .. ium ;Q!l$ have been reported f", M.inlenance of the hormone«n,ili, . barrier when in·
skelelal musete. even when the botmone is presented 10 .ulin I._cts a,e low i. ATP-<kpendenl. Agents such as di-
cell. bathc<l in gluCQ»derocienl media (1 43.238), nilrophenol (hat bloxk ATP .ynthe.i,. and hypo.ia. ae·
Both insutin molecules and Ih.i, receplo" h..e disul- c.terat. glucose uptah in cells tha, aro 001 e.poscd 10
fide bridges Ihal are nceded for roali>otion of biological Ihe hormones. The ob'CrVOlions spawned se,eral hy.
aetivily. It has been prop<l5Cd lhal disulrode inleraclions pothcse. linking ;n.ulin Slimutalion wilh ATP depriva·
belwcen l\'le lwo lead 10 ch.nges in plasma membrane lion. It ",-as suggcSted. for example. thaI iM"lin "diven, '
configurations lhat "open Ihe channels" for glucose entry. ATP from the pla,ma m.mbr. ne and send, it into ana-
O bservolioM lhal Ihiol blOCki ng agcnl • • uch IS N· bolic
ethylm.leimido (NEM) abolish in.ulin aClion if lhey are Re«nt re-e .. mination of Ihe roles of ATP (I09A)
presenled btfore (but 11(11 after) 'he hormo,.... lhal NEM provides more logical concepts. Cells ",ildty deprived <>f
alone can mimic >Ome insulin aClion •• and lhat o.ylocin o.ygen Or AT P hav. higber bo.<al (i _e. not botmone-slim·
has. disulf,de ring 'imilar in ,ize to <>ne on Ihe A "I.. ed) rates of glucose uplah , This mak.s good "sense''.
chain of insulin). a ugments the gluC<JSO uPlake <>f .dip<r since Ihe .hortagc. increase the dependcnce on gl}'C(liy,i$
cyle •• ha,e aU been cited as evidence for such S-S inler· fM fu.l , In contrast. ATP deprivalion and hypoxia le=n
.ction, (177), Howe,·er, il i'lI(Iw rCC(lgni1.. d thaI t"EM in'ulin .. imulation.
can ael inl .. c.llularly. Ihal oxylocin docs 1101 affccl glu" Two intriguing hypolhe"" linking in,ulin action, with
cose tran'pOrt in musele. and lhat tyrosy) and histidyl phosphorylalions arc WOrth menlioning, although lhe)-
(ralher th.n cy$linyl) m(lielies of the hormollC are in· aro 001 roadily recondl.d ,,"'ith 50me other f,ndings. It has
vol_ed in binding 10 Ihe r=pl"'. be.n proposed lhat lhe glucose carricr in aNi". (de·
Tilero have been related ,u"e$lions Ihat in.ulin pro- phosphorylal.d) and ;IUI("/;"e (pbospbotylat.d) form.
moles o. idalion of $ulfhydl)'l grou]l$ (28). lhal differ f,om each other in IIluc""" affinities (177). II
Hydrogen peroxide and some olher o. idanlS can accel- has be.n pro[>OS«l th .. in. ulin bring • • boul depbospho-
craIe glucose uptake. rylalion (and Inerefore oClivalion) of Iho ca .. ier. vi.
It i, OOvious. bowe_er, lh .. insulin does IIOl ,impty "en· moehani.m. opposed by ATP.
large lhe pores" of the pl3<ma membrane. A, di.eussed An al(ernate eoncepl i.lh .. in. ulin "aeli'alcs" lhe Car·
above. lhe effects of Ihc hormone are stcreospecific and rier by promoling oxidalion of its . ullltydr)'1 groups.
satu .. ble _ Moreove r. Ihe processes of binding and Slim· If Ihe "activo" form has ' ery low .mnil), fM glucose,
the "'p' is rapidl)' .. leucd Iu Ihe con inte,;'" ("'hofC thai part of the brain. and animals wilh lesions al
f... 11- le.els.", ,cry low dOle lu ..pic! certain loci an become hypo- or hyperp/lagi,. Al_
The a";e . is Ihno freed 10 u l al Ihe colls-doce: (where though human obesily is only linked wilh hy_
low .ll\fIily is no dioadnft..,e';""" u n_n"la. 11"""",, pothalamic dysfunction (1 2). some a Ulhors ha,..
<:<)ftC<fttralicms ... hi8h). drawn parallels bet"'ccn lhe behavior pattc.ns of
ovc:rwcighl humans aoo t hose of Iesioned animal.
INSULIN INFLUENCES ON CARBOHYDRATE A widely disseminated concept Ihat glucose·sen·
METABOLISM OF NEURONS silive hypolhal amie neurons Me g.ouped into ",eip-
rocally innervated ventromedial "$II ticty" centers
Most neurons do oot have insuliNegulaled plasma and more laIc rally Iocaled "fc«ling" OMS i. based
membrane ··barriers··. hclWkinaSd. or aly«lgen syn- on many kinds of obse ...... tions ( 16,155, 159). Al-
Ihases. I nsuli n activalcs tyrosine ( A.J), but though il <;a n no longc. be: ae«pled in ilS original
neurot rans.milltl"S wntrol CAs and form. the h)'pothcsis is still being presented in eic·
VU(IIct;ve intcstinal peptide a re beljco,ed \() stimu- menta ry biology te.tbooks.
late llIe PIOCCSS via. cA MP generation. histamine by When adult animal. of many mammalian (and
increasi ng Ca" upta ke. and serotonin through in- ""m e avian) species are subjected 10 extensive de--
te.lctions with receptors thatBfc coupled to eA MP- S\fuction of Ihe hypothalamus, includes the ven·
independent p. otoin kinases (175) . tromedial nuclei. Ihey .apidly develop ··bypotha·
E.ceptions to this gelll'.al rule illl'l ude limiled lamie obesity'·. They have been obse.ved to head for
numbe rs of «lis with in the amyg- 100 food cup while still .ecovering from 100
dala. and certai n Qlhe. pam of tile brain that If<' anesthetization. If pa.ialable food is readily availa·
implicated in tile wnlrol of food inlake.,amoinlC5- ble . llIey can soon double lhei. body weighls. h lias
tillal functions. and the !leCn:lion of carbo/l)'drnle-- been proposed lhal kM Qi tile &lucosenslli\I(C neuroJrS
regulali", hormones. The spoolanrous rates of .... ilhin the nuclei a bolishc$ 100 inhibitory inn\ICn<;Q
tiles\: neurons undergo rapM! c hangeJ when Ihc glu· normally exerted by the ventromedial "s.a(iety cen-
cose conc<:ntralloos of the «f<'brospinal fluid a", ler" on the laleral hypothalam ic "feeding ce:nter".
vari.d, and when they.", exposed to nonmctaoo1i7.- In con trast. animals with latem l hypothalamic Ie-
substances such as 2-dco.y,lucose that arc .ions ",fu$(: food and waler. eycn when mo;sl. pal·
by atable subslances Or liquids di.e,tl)' into
The .. ntral nervous system is protected against Iheir mouths. The)" soon rapidly Io5c weight and die nuetua lions of insulin levels. A of SIIn'8tion and dehyd.ation if they 8", not fon:e-
·':Iood·brain barrier" formed by spccial i7.Cd ClIpil. fed. Some suffer permanent loss of Ihe abilily to at-
!aries re$lricts con<;CIItrations of Ihe 1Iorrnooc to.....,. ccpl nourishmcnl. but others will in lime swallow
fourth lhose found in periphera l blood. Although tOmC foods directly A fcwean rqain self.
chroni<: hyperinsulinemia cvc:mually rai_ the lev· feeding functloos. One interpret.1tion is that I"CWY'
cis. s}l temie vein injections of insulin do not invoke cry is possible only when subslantial numbers of
aeule changes (233). The ",qui",ments for such pro- "feeding neuTO!I$" a'" spared. Another is thai "fC.
leetion may be linked wilh the fUn<:tions of the Sen· ca n ,""cu •.
, ilive neurons Of wilh ""me long·range ClTeCls of in·
sulin deficiency and Additional su pport for the ..oncepu comes from the fol·
Excbangcs of hormones and OIhe. kinds of Iow;n, obu .... t;..,.:
molecules between the blood and the cerebrospinal L. HunlJY animah lhat have elc:ClAldcs ;mpbnlod iRl0
fluid .'" accoillplisbcd by cin:umvcnu-;cular organs but.", OIhe ..... iH intaol. will promplly
(226), $peCializcd stroct ur<:S outside the blood-brain s.op fcedi., ir tbe unlr<)modial "'gion!.
barrier. The cells have ins\llin receptors (68.220) Fully fed ones "'ill take "",", food ifille 10leral region is
and very bigh gluIUC «XIuiremen1S, and (hey Slore stim"laltd (and fCpelIted t"'almenl 0( Ibis kind co.. l<;ad
substantial quanlilies of glycogen. to the deyelopmenl of ve but reversible abc';ty).
2. Anatomical evidence has bc:cn prosc:nlod for reeip-
,oxal\n"".vation of the two hypOt halamic . egions. More--
Hypo 'h"amlc "Feeding" and " S.lIely" over.spontaneous eleelfieal aetivilios ha .. e bc:cn obu,ved
Cenler, 10 unde'IO r«iprOC. l eha..os in rc>ponsc: 10 fcedinl-
fa"ina, slcop-a"",.. I. and acti.ity-rosl rhythms.
Many mecbanisms for assessi ng nutritional stalus Eleetri ..1 diJcha'l\C of ve,..,orncdi.1 ""ul"O<l$ is d.,..
and a pplyi", the information to ",gulatc food inta ke pressed by fpli"" by hypoclyccmia. _nod followi",.he
ha..., been ptopo:wsro (n. 105). The h)'llOlhalamus has a<!mh,;"ration '" 2-dcoxnl ....... (2·00), wbich com-
1orI& been rqardcd as llIe major wnlrol sitc petU for the Ilu"""" ca.rie. bUI ean"", be metab<tl;ffi!.
(16.1 55 ). since pa(iCnlS wilh tumors impinging on 11 acceleratcs in.-espome to fccdi"lar.d II ........ Lat.....1
hypothalami. neurOIlS are inhibited by glucose and reed· that are closer to the normal range if the second kind
ing, and they are stimulated by and 2·D(; . of ksion is subsequently inflicted.
The finding$ have been .. id l<} indicate that glucosc The hypothalamus surrounds (he third ventricle of
stimulate. _."lromedi., r.eunln$ and thaI 'hoot cells, in the brain. Studies inwlving long·term infn,ions of
,u,n, .,ert inhibitory inftuen ... 0".' the I.teral ones. nutrien15 into the ventricle have provided some
(The ini,;al ob",rvalion, were made On la rge neuron clus-
te ... When the technique, ,",'.r. refined. il lOa. discovered
plcmentary concepts (311), Greater sensitivities to in-
thaI bolh hypothalamic rcgion$ 00"\". limited n"mbcrs /ractrebral than to systemic administration have
of neuTOns that respond in opposing way •. The new dOla been interpreted to moan than Ihe neul"O/1.S respond
we ... not ",g..dod 0$ s<riou. contradiotion. of the directly 10 Ihe availability of fuel, for their Own use
hypothesis.) (rather than to changes in the plasma nutrient lev-
3. Some ob",'valions made with gold-lhi<>-glucosc els). Dose-rdatcd of body weight can be in-
(GTG) have also been dIed in $uppon. When the agt., voked when either glucose Or glycerol is given in this
is given to inl.OI a duh animal • . th. con'equence, inc lude way. Curiously. howe,-cr. although slycerol provides
damage to the ventromedia l hypothalamu •• 00 to the fewe r calories than an cquimolecular dose of glu-
fiber 'ro.I> that Ii. 1.' .....1 10 the region. 31008 ,",'ith de-
,.topment of the hypothalamic Qbesity .yndromc_ The
cose. il is more potent for appetite depression: and
its effects On body weight arc sustained for longcr
damagc is 1101 in,oked by gQld .. h. that do not ha"eglu-
cosc: componenl>, time periods. Both fuels are highly potent if thcy arc
administered during the niShl (when rats normally
consume their largest meals), but they have litt le in_
Roles of Insulin In Hypothalamic Feeding flucnce on daytime food ingestion_ Another interest-
Center Funcl10ns ing finding is that ,6.()H-butyrate can bring about
weight loss without affecting food intake
The concepts have been further utended to inel ude
roles for insulin, which is known to stimulate the at>-
(16,32). When given insulin depresses Some Problems with the Concepts
"sa tiety conter" However, it enhances glu- As diseussed in Chaptcr 19. the kinds of hypotheses
cose stimulation. Insulin..:leficien t animals, and pa- ju<! described nre inconsi.tent with currenl
tients with poorly controlled diabetcs mellitus often of the highly oomplex nature of hypothalamic func-
suffer from hunger, which has been at- tion. A few specific fmding' that suggest the need 10
tributed 10 impaired glucose uptake by the "saliety" the ideas (1,16,1 18) arc presented here.
cells. Animals fail to de"clop hypothalamic obesity It i, now that amyg-
when they are given GTG: and sensitivity to the daloid, and other brain regions oontribute to the reg-
toxin restored by hormone pretreatmcnt. ulation of food imake (178); that "hypolhabmic
obesity" can be invoked hy lesions that do not in-
dude the ventromedial nudei: and Ihat receptors in
Modified Forms of the Hypothesis
the liver, gastrointestinal tract. and elsewhere se nd
It has been proposed that ventromedial and lateral signals to the brain. Cholecystokinin. catechol-
hypothalamic neurons work together to regulate amines, a nd calcitonin are among the hormones thai
"scI-points" for body weight (99). Animals with ven- affeci food iutake by mechanisms not directly re-
tromediallesions do not continue to gain weight in· lated to glucose uptake by neurons_ The cffem of
definitely. After a time. they establish and maintain GTG are now attributed to damagc inmcted ()n
"plateaus". They develop less severe postoperalive brain blood vessels; protection against it can be pro-
hyperphagia if Ihey a re ove rfed for a time before the vided with anti-inflammatory drug<_ Some agcnts
surgery. They also "defend" their new sel·points that affect endothelial membrane permeabilitie<
when certain changes arc made in the caloric den- (but not gluc05e metabolism) can didt similar
sities of their food. symptoms. Insulio and glUC05e seem to exert wmc of
Similarly> animals Ihat "reoove r" from lateral hy- their effects on vascular endothelium . These proba·
pothalamic and resume feeding defend a bly include regulation of gluoo>e transport carrier in_
body weighl set-point that is very much lower than duction. (Patient, with diabetes mellitus often
the ones of u!lOperated controls. When animals have play signs of hypoglycemia when they first begin to
been deprived of food prior to surgery. many eal dur- establish normal gluC<l:'le in response to insu lin
ing the postoperative period before developing hy- therapy (66J.)
pophagia . Moreover. animals with one form of dam- Eating is a ootnplex I:>ehavior that in"oh-cs moti-
age have been known to establish new "set-points" vation and motor activity as well as perception of sig-
nais. Laboratory animals that maintain normal body esis. and the reaction rates accelerate during times
weights on stoc k diets can easily be persuaded to of food deprivation. However. although gluconeo-
overeat and b<:come obese when they are offered genesis in the liver contributes to glucose homeosta·
"more interesting" food. They will take exce.,ive sis. the processes in the kidney provide ammoni um
quantities of the stock diet if they arc subjected to iol1$ and contribute to the regulation of acid_base
some mild form of stress. such as tail pinching (144). balan<:<:. They are regulated by aldosterone and
Sectioning of the vagus ncrves Can abolish th. erreels parathyroid hormone .
of endogenous and exogenous peptide·typ" "satiet y Insulin does. however. exert some inlluene<:.< on
factors" (199) and also of pharmacological agents those organs. For example. it can affect the renal
widely believed to act centrally as hapP"tit. depres- tral1$port of phosphate (153) and the intestinal
sants" (2IS). transport of calcium.
"Hypothalamic obesity" in rodents is associated
with learning and behavioral changes that include
The Iesioned animals have exagger-
ated tendencies to refuse food that has ahered lIa· Glucagon protectS against hypoglycem ia when (a)
vors. (Whereas intact controls gradually lcarn to ac- the blood sugar level falls during the intervals be-
ccpt suffident quantities of diets tainted with bitler twcen meals; (b) food rich in protein but low in car-
substances to maintain their body weights. the Ie- bohydrate content is ingested; and (c) the demand
sioned animals do TIOI.) Lcsioned animals al>.o dis- for glucose rises, e.g. during exercise. Falling blood
play suboormal locomotor activity. and they are re- glucose concemrations provide the direct stimulus
luctant to press bars. lift heavy lids. or do other for glucagon secretion by the a cells of the pan·
forms of "work" to obtain their food . They suffer crealic islets. The hormone is transported by the he-
metabolic dcrangements that can iead to changes in patic portal blood vessels to its primary target. the
body composition. even when thc animals are pair. liver.
fed with in tact controls. Young animals subjected to Under resting conditions in wen'flOUrished ani-
ve ntromedial lesions eat the same quantities of food mals. glucagon functions primarily to ae<:elerate Ihe
as controls. bUlthcy acquire high fat:iean body mass conversion of glycogen to glucose. When these ac·
ratios. Human " hypothalamic obesities" usually in· tions do not effectively maintain c"glycemia. larger
yolye disturbances in the function s of several pitu_ quantities of glucagon arc secreted. The hormone
itary gland hormones (190). then additionally stimulates gluconeogcnesis. Sttll
The ventromedial nuclei are now sp"cifocally im· higher conccntrations within the physiological range
plieated in stimulation of glucagon secretion. inhi· promote lipolysis. fatly acid oxidation. ketogenesis.
bilion of insulin release. and regulation of growth and urcogenesis.
hormone levels. Hypolhalamk obesity is invariably
associated wilh hyperinsulinemia Both the hyper·
Conversion of Liver Glycogen 10 Glucose
phagia and the weight gain can be pre"cntcd by de-
stroying thc beta cells of the pancreatic islets or the The mechanisms whereby glucagon activates a
vagal inputs thcy rcceiYe from the hypothala mus cAMP-dependent cascade. and thereby simulta·
(::17). "'en when animalS arc given functioning islet neously accelerates glycogenolysis and inhibits new
cclltran,plant • . glycogen synthesis. were described in Chapter 4 .
Glycogenolysis results in the production of glucose-
I·phosphate (Fig. 5· 11). Phosphoglucomutase then
catalyzes a readily re"ersible reaction whose direc-
tion is dete rmined by the substmte concentrations.
Glucose \f"Jnspon acro&! the cells of the small intes- When glucagon act,. glucosc-6-phosphate is formed.
tine and proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney The final step in thc pathway is catalyzed by glu·
is accomplished by active. energy-consuming. Na ' - c0se-6-phosphatase. an enzyme whose activity is
and ATP4ependcnt processes that can oppose con· augmente<i by glucagon.
centration gradients. Under optimum conditions. all Glucagon-stimulated elevation of blood glucose
of the available glucose is scnt into the bloodmcam. levels requires the support of other hormones. Insu-
No additional transfers can be accom plished by hor_ lin acts most obyiou,ly to provide the glycogen
mones (and no useful purpose would b<: served if storts. G lucocorticoids play several roles. only some
tl10sc regulators could limit the transport rates). The of which arc cited here. They (a) synergize with glu-
hexokinases arc mostly type I. and their acti"itics cagon to increase glucose-6-phosphata .. activity; (b)
arc closely linked with the rates of glu= uptake. promote conversion of amino acids to glucose; (c)
The kidney is an important site for gluconeogen- antagoni?e insulin·stimulated glucose uptake by
,. Falling blOOd glucose

GlVCAaON secret<>n

Ac'ivation 01
I ...,.,•


i>I1<>SpI"Io<)ot .... easc_

Con'efl jon 01 gl ycogen 10

r phOSph<>\l lucomutase

glucose·6. phosphale

I gIucose.6.pho.pMl.<e
Ftg. 5_11. GIo.>ce.Qon
F,ee g1l.ocose <:0.,._ 01 live. glyCOlI"" to (/I"""",, ,

skeletal musde and adipo:se tissue; (d) aced.rale li- cAMP-mediated activat ion of phosphorylase b kinas<:
polysis and provide alternate fuels; and (el is aCC(lmplished by the binding of pho$phale gro"ps 10 the
act in Olher ways to facilitate glycogen st(lrage enzyme. SubK<juenlly, .ddil ion.l ph<»phate a",
(203). addoo at other . ite. on Ih... me enl)'m. molecules. The
In adrenoconical iTlSufficicncy Siaies. glucagon second addil;on perm;ls Ihe enzyme 10 serve as • sub-
can generale cA MP, but the effects of (he nucloolide ,Irate fur a ph<»phatase thaI brings .bout inor,;"",;"".
Thus. cAMP ;s involved in both iniliation and le ,m;n.-
a re severely bl unted. The steroids are said (0 per- tion of the re.ponse (225), It has 1)«n proposed that the
form "permissive" that arC for reali- need f'" Ine .. <ond phosphorylation "ssurn Ih.1 en,yme
zation of cAMP functions (71). These have been inaCtivation will 1)< delayed until at ka" a minimum
linked witb phosphorylation Of SCAR P (steroid and quantity of glucose i. made.
cAMP regulated phosphoprotein), which is also
phosphorylatod by glucagon. There are indicat ions Prolonged presentation of high glucagon concen-
that SCARP is the regulatory subunit of the cA M P- trations leads to "down regulation'" of Ihe receptor
activated protein kinase . GluCOC<lrticoids little numbers.
innucnec on adcnylate cyclase, but can dec",ase
phosphodiesterase activity somewhat.
Phosphorylase b kinase activation is calcium-dc-
Importance of Restricting Glycogenolytlc
pendent. and the steroids may contribule by mobi1i7.- Actions to the Liver
ing Cal<. Glucocorticoids also increase the produc-
tion of glYCQ8cn phosphorylase in <keletal muscle. The liver ma kes the glycogen primarily for "cxport."
and they may do the same in Ihe liver. II is Ihe",fo'" appropriale thai the glycogen be bro-
ken down when Ihe need for mo", glucose arises, In
contrast . muscle makes glyoogen for iu; own usc, and
il would be physiologically undesirable for the stores
10 be lost during limes of fasting.
Very lillie glucagon ever reaches Ihe muscle. It
Although both prompt and impressive in magnitude, g"", directly from the pancreas to the liver, and
the influences of gl ucagon 3re limited 10 recruitment much of it is degraded Ihere. Muscle cells a'" insen-
of (Only SOm e of the liver gly«lge n .Ior ••. Special silive to the hormone. Moreover, when muscle is
oonditions under which cate<:holamines. vasopressin, stimulaled to COntracI, Ihe glycogen Ihal is degraded
angiotensin, and other hormones utilile cA MP-in- is made into glucose-6-phosph'lo (whi ch cannol
dependent mechanisms to recruit much of Ihe rC- leave the cells). Muscle does nOi oonta in a gluOO!;e-
mainder (5,13,61) a re considered in Chapter 8. Min- 6-phosphatase. The glucose phosphate is senl into
quantilies mUSI always be retained . since the the glyoolytic pathway. and it Ihereby provides the
act ions of glyoogen synthase require attachment of ATP energy needed to support muscle work. $Qme
the enzyme 10 Ihe glycogen. diffe ren""s in mechanisms for regulation of glyco.
genol}"is and some differences in the propenie. of GLUCOSE SYNTHESIS FROM PYRUVATE AND
the enzymes (184) were discussed in Chapler 4. LACTATE
When muscle contracts. the rate of dcgradJlion of
glucose-phosphate to pyruvate excecds the rate al
Glucagon Stimulation of Glueoneogenesls which the product Can be converted to acctyl·CoA
W hen glyoogcn reserveS are inadequate for support- and senl into the tricarboxylic acid cycl e, Under
ing blood glucose levels. the influence. of glucagon such oonditions. much of the pyruva le formed is rap-
on the formation of glucose from otne. rrKllcculcsas- idly wnverted \0 lactic acid.
sume imporlane<:. The processes arc activated by
cA M P-<lcpcndcnl prolein kinase!. and they depend ,
'", '",,
on the "permissive" actions of lh. glucocorticoids.
II igh •• oonccmmtions of glucagon and grealer eI·
c- o • NADH ,coo- - NAD '

evations of the cAMP levels arc required than for

glycogenolysis. The actions are "IOS1 easily demon- PY'U'l3Ie
strated when glycogen slOres run down. There arc Although the reaction i. reversible, it tend. to go
both carly and laIC components. and the ianer can \0 the right in Ihc muscle because (a) large amounts
be continued for hQurs when this is required of NADH arc formed during glywly'is: (b) hydro-
(37.48). The effects arc potentiated by the glucocor- gen ions accumulate: (c) Ihe lactic dehydrogenase
ticoids (41 . 216), and they are diminis hcd by insulin. isozyme of muscle has high affinity for pyruvate: and
(d) lactate exits from the cells_
Studies on p<rfuscd li>cr< have s!town that glucagon
Laclate formation accomplishes several objec·
promotes BIYCOienoly,is when pre.. ntod in conoonlr._
tions of 5 X 10- " M. but al leait I X 10- 1• M i. needed lives. Firsl. it reduc<:s the acidity of Ihe cells. and
for glueoneogencsis. Further dc'O,ions to I X 10-' M thereby delays the onset of fatigue. Second. it is as·
and 5 X 10-' M promote "rOOilenOi;i and kClOgene,; •. sociated with oxidation of the NADH. and it there-
ft.pte lively. fore provides a coenzyme needC<.! to sustain the gly·
oolysis, Third. unli ke pyruvate. laclale can easily
Allhough carly clrcels are reialC<.! to aCl ivation of CrOSS the plasma membrane,.
preexisting enzymes. the later ones r.::quire cn7.yme Somc lactate is excreted in Ihe urine. but much of
(4"d tltey al "itlt plotei" >llltlt..,.. itt,a .. e), tu tlte li>er fa.o,,,blc
sis inhibilors). The glucocorticoids are believcd to for oonvcrsion of lactate to pyruvate. This is attrib-
act on the chromatin to accderatc transcription and uted to the presence in liver of a lactatc dehydroge-
to thereby increase the availability of specific nase isozyme with dilTerent properties. the hiSh lev-
mRNAs, cAMP has been implicated in facilitating els of lactate that accumulate in the liver during
the processing of m RNA prccursors. stabililing the muscular aetivily. and the rapid rate of pyruvate
promoting transloc3tions of the molecules cnlry into me labolic pathways ,
to the ribosomes. and aeeelera ling the Hanslation The pyruvate is ta ken up by liver mitochondria.
(46). and it is carboxylated to oxaloacetatc (Fig. 5-12).

, "'
c .. bo,ylase
c =o · CO,- ATP - AOP , Pi
boo ,


HC - QPO,H -
FIg. ,s., 2. Conv... ...,., of py,,,,,ate '0
coo- pttosphooonoli>'ft\Nale (F'EP) . ( 1).
( 2), I nd (3) if>dioate proposed siles
Phosphoenolpy'U'l3Ie for IUIl,,*,lOtior>,

This reaction is ratc limiting for pyruvate conversion cose-6--phosphate, and the glucose-6·phosphatase ac-
to phosphoenolpyru_ate (PEP). tivated by glucagon and glucocorticoid, catalyzc.s
Glucagon both activates and induces the pyruvate the final step in prodUction of free glucose.
carboxylase (36). It also hepatic levels of
acetyl-CoA (which activates the enzyme). and it
may additionally facilitate mitochondrial uptake of
the pyruvate substrate. lipOlysis is accelerated during both fa,ting and mus·
The oxaloacetate is decarboxylatcd in the pres· cu lar The fally acids that arc liberated can
ence of GTP to PEP via a reaction by PEP be utilized by many cell types for fue l. but only the
carboxykinase. E_idence has been presented for glycerol portion can engage in net synthesis of new
stimulatory influences of glucagon on a "f.rroacti. glucose.
vator" of PEP carboxykinase (37). In addition, the Hepatic glycerokinase acts first to catalyze phos-
hormone opposes insulin inhibition of both enzyme phorylation. The product of the reaction is then
activity and biosynthesis. made into dih)·droxyacctone phosphate. of
The formation of PEP .. ia an indirect pat hway is the aldolase step of glycolysis yields fructose-l.6--bi·
necessary because the pyruvate kinase reaction of phosphate (Fig. 5-13).
glycolysis is irreversible. Thus. glucagon hldirectly G lucagon acederates sugar production in this way
oppooses the stimulatory influences of insulin on the by (a) augmenting lipolysis in the liver (an action
pyruvate kinase (5g). attributed 10 influences exeTlC<:! on the lysosome,);
PEP is then used for the synthesis of fructose-l.6· (b) deereaiing the shunting of gl)·cerol-J-phospbate
biphosphate. via reversal of the reactions of the gly· into patbways for triaeylglycerol synthesis: a nd (c)
coIytic pathway {see Fig. 5·2). probably also increasing the activity of the glycerol
The key role of phosphofructokinase (PFK) in phosphate dehydrogenase.
regulation of glycolysis has been diseussed. The reo
action is not reversible in vivo. and a fruetosc bi·
phosphatase is needed to convert the fructosc bi·
phosphate to fructosc-6-phosphate (sec Fig. 5·10). Glucagon enhances gluconeogenesis from amino
Glu,",gQII illdu."," the .nzyme. and il also inhibits acid, by (al cooperating wi1h glucocorticoid 1",,.·
PFK activity. mones in induction of enzymes that catalyze deam·
Fructose-6-phosphate is rapidly made into glu- inalion (212): (b) shunting the amino groups liber.

Gi)'ce<oI • ATP ____________o,,""""·c·'"'·"·,·'-________ • GlycerQl-3·P + AOP

HOH ________-'0,..
" ..
• Glucoso ' Pi

Ftg. 5· 13_ Blosynthoor.ol gluco.. trom 11>"",01.

lIed inlo pal hwa)'S of urea synthesis (and therefore Glu cagon Stimulation of Fetty AcId
a way from ones in which derivW interme_ Degradat ion and Ketone Format ion
diales can bt made into new a m ino Kids): (c) labll-
and Ihercbyacceleraling Glucagon acu via cAM P 10 IClivate triglyceride li-
prQIcin d<:.radaliol!; (d) of .milK! acids pase Ind to affect the Iysosomcs in I manner thaI
ror protein synl hesis; and (e) aCling on lite: hepa ..... leads to either ",lease ollhe enzymes to the cylosol
cyte plasma mcmbrantS 10 accclcmlc the uptake or or augmentation of intra lysosomal enzyme activity
glucogenie (>ugar-yielding) amino acids. (31). II aelS on the mitochondria loacccicrate fatty
G lucogcnic amino acids Can be oblaiocd from the acid degradation (101) and in the cytoplasm to in-
die\. However. during times of fasling. the major hibil acctyl-CoA carhox)·lase. All of the preceding
$OUrccs are tissue proteins. Skelelal musde contrib- increase Ihe availability of Ihe acclyl-CoA substrate
Ults consid<:rable quantities of alanioc for lhe reae- for kelogenesis (sec Fi,. SoI4).
lions .... ilhoul suffering PrQIein desl",elion. Gluco-
«II1icoids make additional amino acid. by
dec:rcasinglhe rates at ... hieh they incorporated t f'ynN... ..,...., inIo " .........
inlo proccins in muscIt and seve".1 other ccll types. t catbo>;yIa ... 8CIWity
GllICagon has lillie inlluence on heP0lic uptake of
ketotcnlc amino acids. II docs. howevcr_ promote P-,oruva[C
conversion of fally add' 10 ketones. which $Crvc as
positive modu lalOrs of Ihe cn •.ymes that cataly'", I Pyruvat. <;OI1v.,sion 10 at ......
amino acid dcam inalions.

Ureogen ..ia
I C·.......·pbosphaQ. .
The potcntially toxic of ammonium ions
formed during glu<:vncog<:nesis arc averted by the
rapid incorpCllll.tion of the nitrogen groups into urea
(201). G lucagon induces of the pathway. us. 01
l,uCl""'·p.'>:><pha!O "' gI\'COIYM
When urea concentrations rise in the livcr. they aug-
ment the .et;v;lie. of glueonoogcnie ketogenic

o -c
The diversion of amino groups Inlo urooacnesis
also reduces lhe uSC of such Irou PS fIX 11M: s)'nthesis
of tleW amino acids from carbon formed
during the metabolism of glucOS<,: (Ind other ruels.
LipoIysi • . lormalion
Inflllencel on Glycoly,l,
cells ma ke only limiled IISC of gl)"a:lI)"sis. Glu·
cap tends 10 fu rther mluoc: th is by
the $1imulatory innuenct" or insu lin. Mec:hanisms I GIy<:efot use lor t.. oyn/>noI
wllcrcby il inhibits the formation or rfllCtoso-2.6--bi-
phosphatc (a positive modulator or Ihe rale-limiting 1 t t'('y<;'. Iorma"Oon ot Iroe tal!\' _ )
for entry of glucose phosphate into the gly-
colytic pathway ) have been disc u!l<ed. "0 SOme e x- 1 fatty acid oon_oion 10 acotyI-CoA
ICM. glucagon al"" indirectly relurds extrahcpatic I IIc.....>is
glycolysis. since it elevatcs the: con<;en t rJtions of frtt
fally acids within the blood . This sro...'S glucose up.
tate by muscle and other iMulin . artc"t (On Ihe
other hand. glucagon ravors lhe transpon by elevat-
inl blood Ilucose collOCnt rat ions ,nd 11)' promoting Fl!iI.'- '4. _""r "; ...... li(:rt..... _ ... gIr .. 'Y'"
insulin s«re.ion.) _ _ _ 01 gIr ...... produelion.

Acetyl·Co" carboxylase catalyzes the rate-limit- In some of thc poikiloth.rm •. glucagon has little innu·
ing in fally acid symhesis. and th is leads to the ence on blood . ugar levd •. but il antagon;,,,, the effects
formation of malonyl·Co". Carnityl transferase of in,ulin on water and elec trolyte bal.n« , It has been
transportS fally acids into Ihc mitochondria fot dcg- speculated th.t the incr .... d urinar)' excrelion of water
radation . Malonyl-CoA is an inhibitor of Ihc trans- and doctrol)'tes that folio"-. the admini.tration of larse
doses to mammal, repre.. n" nothi ng mort tha n an "eYG-
ferase (a nd therefore of fallY add o:\ida\;on)
lutionary carryover" dev<>id of physiological rclc,"nce ,
{138.231}. By interfering with Ihe formation of mal- Pharmacological doses ha". al'" been reported to co,-
onyl-CoA. glucagon indirc<:tly accelerates fally acid reCI h),pereatcemia in both intaCt and Ihyroparathyroid.
degradation. o<lomiud animals. and to inhibit bone ,e",rption (205) .
D<:SpilC the many sites of action, glucagon does
n()! seem to invoke sever. kelosis. except in insulin-
deficiency state, (53). Howe"er. ellOugh of the rrKll· Glucagon-like Immunorea ct ivity (O Ll )
ccules are made in the Ii....:, to SCrve as activators of The chemical and biological propertie, of peplides
gluconoogcrn:sis. thaI shar. immunological features ""ith "truc" glu-
cagon wcre diseussed in Chapter 3. GLI. haye been
Influences on Ch o lesterol Blo8ynthesls found in Ihc brain. salivaI)' glands. colon. thymu,
gland. and olher parts of Ihe body. Isle t cell. <Xlnlain
Glucagon lends to accelerate cholesterol syolnes;s by gly«ntin (O L-I) (37). which scems to be Ihe hor_
providing the precurwrs. The influcnces arc opposed mone P"'CUTSQt". The quanlilies of enterolucagon, ro-
10 some by inhibitory effects exerted on the leased into thc bloodstream vary wilh bolh the spe-
synlhesis and aClivalion of HMG-CoA reduclase cies and the physiological status. T hey are made in
(38). the gastrointe"inal traci. and Ihe plasma conCentra-
tions rise afler meal ingestion in
Extrahepatic Act ions of Glu cag on dog, and pigs (219).

At I.ast ,,'h.n pres<nt in high conc.ntration •. glucagon

can accderat. lipoly'i' in .diposc tissue. Phy.iologic.lly SOMAT OST ATIN S
"dev.n t infiuonce. of thi. kind boen domon",.tcd
for birds. but thtir importance in mammals ha. not ade_ SomatOSlali n (S5) was inilially identifted as a [4_
quately been assessed . Theoretic.lly, at I..". glucagon amino acid hypothalamic peptide Ihat inhibils Ihe
could act in this "'.y to provide ruel. during .xcrcise. =retion of growth hormone (somatotropin), II is
, ince the hormone levels are de>'atcd then, now called SS·14. sin"" longer molecules that con-
PharmaCQlogical d()SC. raise thc pla, rauy acid tain tlte sequen<;e, ,ueh as S5-28. arc widely distrib-
concenlrations. but Ihey lower the level, of ..,me olher uted to structures, induding the extra_hypothalnmic
lipid •. CI.i"" hO"e been made Ihal glucagon exer,. ben- brain and ncuropophysis, Ihe gastroinlestinal tract,
eficial .ffeea in pat ienl. with SOme lipid melOboli,m de- and the thyroid gland. (See Chapter 18).
feclS of go""tic origin (I (6), All pancrealic islets havc delta (il, 0 , A t) ""lis
Pharm.!X>logical d"", •• I.., inhibit p'lroint¢$tinal mo- that make lxuh S5-14 and SS.28. The receplors on
tility and depress the appetite (62). The hiSh glycerol b-
Ihe alpha (a. A. A:. glucagon-secreting) cells prob-
els r•• ulting from accelerated lipolys;s may 'CCOUnt for
the effecl$ QlI food inta\;e. Si""" palientS with glucagon- ably dilfer from lhose on Ihe beta!p. B. insulin-se-
secreting tumor> usually lose .... iSht. large doses of the creting) ones. sin« S5-14 appears 10 be more polenl
hormone hay. been to obe$( The "eal- for suppressing glucagon secretion. whercas 55-28
m.nt ho, proven to be both ineffective and dange",u" exe rlS prolonged inhibitory influcn«s on insulin re-
Glucagon promote, in,ulin ",.rellon. au .. v.t .. 'Iomach lease (21 0). Synlhclic analogs Ihat act preferentially
ule .... and "".,..timulat.. the heart. All of the preceding Q1l just one of thc cell types have boen madc and
haye been hnked wilh cAM P gt""ralion . lested fOT therapeutie usc (209). T he peptides exert
Although glucagon and cAMP labiliz. I)'oosomal m(lSt of their aClions close 10 their , ites of synthesis,
membra"", in the liver, ".bili,. the organdle. at Thus, hypothalamic SS acts primarily on Ihe hypo-
other .;tes, "llempts 10 toke advantage of the potentially
thalamus and pituilal)' gla nd ( 163). and islel cell SS
"anI i-inflammatory" action. of ,Iucagon ha"e not prov. n
•uccessfuL Other age nt. or. avail.ble Ihat arc more p<>- acts On the endocrine cells of Ihc pancreas .
tent and e..en fewer .. ts. The 55 Ihal accumulates in Ihe blood plasma fol-
[nfluerlCes exerted w;lhin the pancreat;e i,lets that af- lowi ng meal ingestion is said to origi nate in the
fect the s<c"'tion. of other hormone. are eonsidered lalc r. stomach (191). It is a potenl inhibitor of the secre-
Intera.tiQllI with thyroid horm""e' that .1f«1 fuol me-- lions of gastrin . motilin. I-iCI. and pancreatic en-
toboli.m hI .. boen dcscribed (160). zymes. II depresses gastroi ntestinal trael rnoIilily
and <klays slomach emptying. It al50 dimi nishes the ones that ""i!1 be d escribed for glueagon (31).
splanchnic blood 11010' and slows the ab§orption of di- n.. ingestion of mc:3 t provides a potent stimulus.
clary and and the plasma PP ",mains eleva ted for a t least 2
It has been proposed Ihal SS funclions as a major hours. The e/fcelS arc probably mediated via the
component of a lhat works in valUS nerves. Intravenous injectioo of ami"" acids
ronceTi with ins"lin to provide prOiectiQJI against Ihe only sH,ht ly slimulates PI" relcasc:. whereas dlOlin-
dcw:lopmenl of hyperglycemia al limes of meal ab- erlie stim ula tion e'vhs a brilk rcsponse. Hypergly_
sorption (217). Although lillie di",ct inAuenc., on cemin. exercise. and prolonged food deprivation all
"basa l"' glucose proouttion by the li""r i$ found. 55 increase: the blood levelS. Inhibitory e lfeet. are '-Cen
polentiates Ihe glycogeoolytic aelions of glucagon with hyperglye<=mia a nd high roocen tratioru; of frec
but 0JI1l0SCS 11>05<: 0( epincphrine (lg3). fally acids in the bloodstrea m (80). and wilh high
levels of 55 (167).
It lias been proposed lhat PP rontribules 10 the
regUlation of food intake and 10 the distribulion of
The insulilKCCreting cells of Ihe typical mammalia n body fuels. NZO (New Zuland obese) mice SIIffer
islel occupy the imlCnnosl paru oftltc organ and ae· gcnctie defect. lhal include the paucity or absence
count for around 65% of Ihe endocrinc population. of F cells in their pancreatic isleu. Their obesilY i<
Many in dose to the mo", periphcrally attribut able at least in part 10 h)'perphagia (3 pos.
located delta cells that make up an additional 10%. sible indication that Ihey do 110\ elfcet ively ut ili1e
The Other occupants of Ihe i.let peripheries differ their food). When injected into huma ns and other
wilh the panc",atic "'gions in wh ich they ",sidc. animals. PP depresses the Bppctilc, and it is said to
GlueatOn (n. A,) cells predominale in the tail ",. do 50 without in,ding malaise Of other Hnoosl»"
&ions and Ihey CO/lSIitulc some 25% of lhe endocrine H
eirlC effects. There are some prOblems wilh the . ug·
cells. "'hile pIlnercatic polypeptide (PP)-5ttrcting gcslion that it acts in coojunction " 'ith other peptides
(F) ccll$ ,Imost complelely replace Iltcm in the head as I Hs.:tticly factor:' As has been dise:ussc:d. CC K·
"'gions. Some species di /fe reoces ha" e been found . PZ okpresses the appelite. and it reduces intestinal
for the islets of ce rlain Strain< of normal motility when it;s injected into the brain (2! ). Sioce
mice have c lose 10 80% beta cells. while obese ani- PI' ac ts peripherally to antagoni7.c the effects of
mals can ha ve mo", than 90% of the insulin'so:<::"'t· CC K. I'Z on the release: of pHncrea tic enzymes. it be-
ing ones (19). comes necessary to consider that (he intcraction
Although blood from a ll of the islets passes mechanisms arc dilferent in the brain. Of that I'P
Ih rough the pancreas. head and tail organs p.omotcs the release of CCK·PZ by lICurons.
are dra irtcd by different Y(Cins. a nd they ma)' perform EKOIe nous PI" bas a lso been found to
slight ly d ifferent functions. Those wilh large num- lhe of FSH a nd L H b)' tlte I'ituilary gland
bers of F cells $CCfCte relatively more insulin. a l- (21 . ). It is not k"",,'n whether .weh OOsel"V;)tions
l/tough t he relati ve numbers of beta cell> a'" not haw: pbysioiOSical relevance.
greater (79) No obvio\ls inlluences of PI' on carbohydrate Of
Ma mma lian islets ma ke more insulin a nd PP than lipid have been found for mammals.
glucagon. Allhough glucagon performs important Some effects coosisten t with inhibition of lipolysis or
funclions. dc:.struction of Ihe organs lead$ 10 the de- acceleration of triacylglycerol s)'ntbC$is have been
' clopmcn t of hyperglycemia anti other symptoms of reponed for birds PP accelera tes hepalie glycogcn-
instllin defICiency. In COOtrast. bird islets make more oIysil wit/toul raising the blood glurose coocentra-
,Iucagon and PP tban insulin •• nd their 105$ is fol· lions. elevates circulating triacylgl)"CCroIlevcl.. and
lowed by lhe development of hypogl)'«mia. These Ic!wers tho5t: of free fatty acids and glycerol.
OOsef\\ltions u nderlie the beHe( lhat PI' perforlm recent findi ngs",ise lite th,U PP
SO/11C important funclions that are linked wi th those is I by·product released d uring synt hesis of a differ.
of the other e ndocrine ""lis of the paocreas. ent reg"lator. Of that it acts in conj ullCl ion with a....
PP is also made in the panerea. and in other peptide. (This has been contpared Ihe re-
pa rI! of the gastrointest inal lraet. a nd it is probably lease: of "connecting peplide" when proi n. uli n is
releaKd from Ihere into the bloodstrcam. Although converted to insulin.) A high molecu lar weight pre-
Species differences have been fountl (SS). all the c ursor of PP gi,'cs rise to cquimolu aRlOUnU of a
mammalian PPS thus far siud iod Ire sim ilar in siu pelMidc with the following amino acid SC<jl>Cnte
.ntI .mioo acid scque!lCel (T. ble 5-2). Avian PPS ( !92):
are somewhat different. both chemicll l'y a nd
biologically. Asp-A rg-Gly-Glu-Mcl_Arg_Asp- IIe-Leu-Glu·
Factors alfecting the sc:cretion of PP are simila r 10 T rp-G ly-Ser_f'ro. l l is-Ala-AIa-Ala· Pro- A rg

r_ S-2 .....,....., Acid 01 FO<.o' P8n0r...1ic PoIypep_

with Seqoonoo !or Porc;n. f"{Y

Il0)0,'' ' ' Potc i"" 0.,,,,, Chick," en
,, ,.
,, u, "' '" '"
, ,.", "'
", '"
•, '" T)',
", ", ,", G"

•• G',,,"._, '"

"" ,.
" G," ."
"" ",
u, ",
"" ''"
,'"'" "'
'" '"
'" '"
u, ", G" ", M,
"" '" ",
"'. G', Ili,

,."" '"
L," M,
'"" ""
'" ."
"" ,.'" IIi. ",
,."" '"

The large nombers of peptides made in exocrine, is the symbol for tyrosi ne.) It has 36 amioo acids and
endocrine. and neural components of Ihc gUi. the is chemically similar to avian p p (2 1!) Table 2-
overlapping chemica l structures. the abilities of OIlC 2). PYY inhibils Ihe release of secrelin and CC K-
regulator \0 oompclc with albers at some rec<:plOr PZ. deprcsses jejunal and colonic motility. and ele-
siles (and \0 thereby either mimic or anlagon;,_e), vates Ihe blood pressure by promoling vaSOC<lnstric-
and lhe activities of Ihc same or relmed mole.:ules lion (n?).
within Ihc nervous system. all contribute to
Ihc diflkuhics of defining the functions. The roles
may be even more oomplicated than has been antic- OTHER ISLET CELL PEPTIDES
ipated, and it is not known IIow many new regulators
,,<,main to be discovered.
A peptide first found in endocrine cells of the Gastrins arc produced mostly by glands of Ihe £10m-
tal portions of Ihe gul in pigs was gi,·cn Ihe name 3ch. and they exert Iheir mOSI obvious intluences On
pyy its silc or origin and the presence of the secretion of Hel and on the maimenanee of Ihe
a carboxy terminal tyrosinamide and an amioo ler· epithelial cells of Ihe gastrointestinal lraCI (Chaps. 2
minal tyrosine moiety. (In Ihe soon-hand sYSlem, Y and 3). Although they are found in felal pancreatic
islets and in islet tumors of adults. there are con· approximately 90((1) to insulin (monomeric weight
troveni .. concerning their consistent presence in the approximately 60(0) plus a connecting "C" peptide.
normal adult panereas (139). The peptides found in were diseussed in Chapter 3. Some proinsulin. along
adults may come from the nerve endings. Inhibitory with the enzymes that catalYle its cleavage. and
inHuenees on insulin secretion have been observed. some zinc. are packaged into tne secretory granu les .
but no physi(}logical role in regulation of beta cdl Equimolecular amounts of insu lin and of C peptide
functions has been established. are released into the bloodstream by normal individ·
uals. but the C peptide has a longer half·life in the
Currently available bioassays do oot distinguish
The islets contain small quamities of several pep- bet"",en exogenous and endogenous insulins. A spe-
tides implicated as either ncuromodulators Or partie· cial procedure for detecting C peptid.. (which are
ipants in the paraerine cOlltrol of hormone secretion. not contained in the insulin extract) is therefore use-
These include p-cndorphin (20). ga'IToim.stinal in· ful for assessing the islet cell functions of patients
hibitory peptide (GIP) (which also elsewhere receiving replacement therapy. It also can provide
and may comribute to meal·associated insulin r.,. information on tumor activities. since at least some
lease). thyrotropin-releasing hormone (37). and va· of the cells release large quantities of the C peptide.,.
_Clive intestinal peptide. High circulating C·peptidc levels have been found in
patients with hypokalemia. and th= are corrected
when the electrolyte balance rC!)lOred (182). The
C·peptides are not known 10 possess biological
Blood plasma contains peptides that exen insulin· Usually. proin\ulins constitute 15%-20% of the
like actions. but whose activities are nOt blocked with product of the ccll\. Some variations related to en·
antibodies that interfere with insulin. Two that were docrine status have been found. The molecules can
formerly known as NSI LA (nonsuppressib!c insulin· bind to insulin receptors and exert weak actions
like activity) have been characterized and arc now qualitatively similar to those of the hormone.
called insulin·like growth factors I and II (IGF·I The hormones associate with plasma proteins and
and IGF·II ). The liver=ms to be the pr imary site travel from the pane,""atie veins to the hepatic portal
of origin. The growth faClOrs are induced by pitu· blood ve.'<Se t<. The tiver. therefore. receives the high.
itary growth hormone. They are in Chap- est concentrations. Proteolytic enzymes. glutathione
ter 18. insulin dehydrogenase. and probably al50 glutathi.
T he blood of 'lOme patients sulTering from insulin· one n:duetase. contribute to intrahepatic degrada·
resistant diabetes mellitus contains substances that tion of approximately one·half of the insulin and a
reduC<' the elTectiveness of exogenous hormone . The smaller fraction of the proinsulin that enters. rnsulin
term .pm/bumin designatcs an uncharacteriled fac- that gets into tbc extrahepatic blood "essels is
tOr that associates with (but can be separated from) picked up by many kinds of cells. The kid ney
the plasma albumin (45). There arc those who be· degrades around one-third of the sec'""ted insulin.
lieve it is identical with Or is derived from the insulin along with a higher fraction of the proinsulin. Some
B chain. Antireccptor antibodies have been found in injccted insulin can find its way into the urine.
small numbers of patien1s. especially when the doses are large. but very little
M(lSt patients receiving insulin therapy develop of the bormone is found in the urine of healthy
some antibodies against both insulin and noninsulin subjects.
components of the preparations. It has therefore Plasma concentrations of radioimmunoassayable
been advocated that highly purified insulin. be hormone arc around 5-15 " Uj ml in fasted humans.
given. The laller are. however. expensive and in and 5%-30% of this is proinsulin. The levels rise
shon supply. MOSt pa1ients requiring exogert<)us hor- sharply soon after meal ingestion. When 100 g glu·
mone retain sufficient sensitivity to the cruder mix· = is taken orally. substantial elevations are seen
tures. despite the antibody proouction. Some benefi t within 15 minutes. and pea k concentrations of to
from switching to insulin. obta ined from a dilTerent eight times the basal levels are attained in l> to I
species. hour. It has been estimated that the basal output is
in the order of I UI hour (171).
The values are usually expressed in units. since
botb blood and therapeutic preparations comain
other substances that can alTectthc assays . One unit
The formation of proinsulin from a larger precursor. is approximately equivalent to 0.04 mg of purified
and the cleavage of the proinsulin (molecular weight peptide.

METABOLISM OF OTHER PAN CREATIC also a mino acids. fallY acids, circulating hormones.
HORMONES and inoraanic ions; (b) adrencrgic. cholinergic. and
Alpha cell "true" lllucagons of all kllOwn mammals pcptidcrgic innervation. and a wide variCly of ncu·
(except the auinea pial llav<: a mQlocular wdght of romodulalors; and (c) pamerine control s operating
3485. Ahhouah si milar pcplides arc ma<k in the locally. These probllbly involve both diTC(:t
stomach and intestine (and tile)' may be rckased in cell communicalion via &liP junctions. and lite seqe.
substamial qUMlilies when a lpha cell functions are lions thai onc cclltype releases in Ihe diTC(:1 vieinity
depressed), mOSI of Ihe circulaling glucagO!l 3SOO of another,
seems to come from Ihe islets under normal condi- Interrelationships among the regulators all' nu·
tions. Glucagon 2000 i$ probably a bioIogiully in- merous and complex. Glucose is a major stimulant
a<:liv.: degradat ion pl"Odocl . Since lite: ciml laling for tIM: insulin-sccll'tin& bul il the ac-
aJucagon 9000 can be dcaved \0 yield 1/w: JSOO "". tivilies of ,II of IIIe others. It also modifIeS the sen-
ricly. it may be a prccUI'$OI', Usu ally. only small sitivities to different Il'gulalors. Some amino acids
a mountS of "biS" a nd "big-big" glucagon. a rc pre,;.. stimulate both alpha and beta cells, but olhel':! arc
ent in the blood. They are believed \0 be either poly. more selcctive (50),
mers of the smaller molecules. or smaller peplidcs G lucose promotes CAMP generation. and some of
' WV';.aleO wilh nonbormonal Proteins wilh its actions an: mediated by that nucleotide. Ho,.,_
we ights or SO.OOO. 65,000, and 180,000 haV1) b«n ever. gl ucose stimu lation of the bela cells
found in salivary glands and SOffil: pans Qf the gul requires uII'lI""lIular Cal •. cA MP can be effective
(217). bul few arc rcleaud into the bloodstream. in its absence. Higb tontcn tratlon$ of Ca lo Can di.
The high potencies of glucagons are attributed in rectly promote imulin secreLion, They also act On the
part to low for the plasma protein!;. MOit alpha cells to both augment arginine stimulation and
of the islet cell glucap enlers lhe li.-cr. in which el<llucmte the glUOJlSC inhibi tion.
enZYrr>e$ that also act on insulin degrade around CholillerJ,ic slimulation directly augments both
I,...,..thirds of the quantity delivered. The kidney is a insulin and glllcagon secretion. It also promotes tIM:
major site for degradation of the hormone thaI en- release of gastroinleStinal hormones Ihat travel to
len the ex". "",-""I. high gl" <::1&"" Io.v_ the islet cells via the bloodstream. a,·Adrenergic re-
el$ can build up in palients with 5e.-cre renal insu f- ceptors mt(\'ate Insulin InhIbition. ,.'her.'" bela ad·
ficiency). Small amOu nts are into lhe bileor Il'ncrgic receptors all' involved in stimulat ion. In ad.
arc allaeked by eirculalin! dition 10 promoting the relcuc of catccholaminc:s
Since 5e.-cra1 varieties $hare immunolotical prop- thai act on both types. sympathetic nervous s)1tem
ertics with "truc" gluclgoM, the plasma levels re- stimulation affects the blood supply to tilt islel$ in
ported depend upon th e specificit;csof the amibodics special wayllhal do not paral lcllhe .ffectson Olher
employed in the a ssays. After an overnighl fut, hu- parts of Ihe pancTC3-1 (140) . Bombesin is a peptide
mans are said 10 have 50-1 SO pmol/ ml, but the val. formed in both lhe gUI and cenlnol nel'\lOUs system
ues tend 10 rise: during 11M: Ihird d<=dc of life (10). tha t can act via tile inno:rvation and also dirtttly 10
Although tIM: fall rapidly to around promote glucagon sccll'tion (19). Serotooin. d0pa-
15 pmol/ml afler the ingestion of 100 g of glucQ5C, mine. substance P,, TRI!. VIP. G IP,
there are only small diu rnal variations when bal. prostagland ins. endorphins. and cnko phalins are all
anced meals Ire taken al conventional intervals (53). found in the islets. and all are implicated in Il'gula-
Fasting ,Iucagon dellflldation. and this ac- lion of their functions. Hormoocs prodlKed else-
counts for much of lhe elevation during that lime. "'hell' additionally modulate both basal secrelion
"Basal" levels of somatostatin-like immuooreac_ and Ihe responses 10 $Iimuli.
livity (SLl) at(: in the general neighborllood of 150-
200 pg/mt. The diurnal variations follow thc pat-
terns described for inrolin. INSULIN SECRETION
Plasma con«ntrations of PP in heatthy humans Beta act' V11lion is associated ,.ilh plasma mem-
rise from around 54 pgjml in IIIe third decade LO brane dcpolariulion. forma tion of microvilli. uptake
mean values close r 10 297 pal mi in the seven th of CI '· and Na - from tile su rrounding fluids. intra-
do:eade. cellular redistribution of Ca". phosphate efflux
("'phosphate flush"), and phosphate binding to thc
REGULATION OF ISLET CELL SECRETIO N plasmalemma and (51). I-Iypoxia. fuel dep-
rivation, and agenll lhat impair A TP ,eneralion. all
TIle iskt arc Il'glilated by (a) constituents of blunl responses 10 p/lysiological and pharrrnleologi-
Ihe bl""'" plasma Ihat ir><:lude not only glucose. bUI cal stimul i.
Roles of Glucose lion of glyce .... tdehyd. phosphate PEP) f,om glu·
cose. but it doc. rIOl les .. n Ih. stimulalory .lfccts of th.
Glucose is by far the most important regulator. It glyceratdehyde phosphale.
stimulates both prompt and delayed insulin rdease. Other con,ideral;ons have led to the eliminati"" of 6·
new hormone synthesis. growth and proliferation of phosphogluconal' (of Ihe h..ose monophosphate path·
the beta and induttion of glucose receptors It way) "nd of dl .... le (oblained ..·hen PEP undergoes fur·
is also said to perform a "'memory function··. sincc thcr mctaboli,m (19).
brief 10 the sugar enhances the sensitivity
to glucose and other stimuli that are subsequcntl y An entirely different conccpt is that thc stimula·
pf<:sented . tion is not relaled at ali to thc formation of some
The secretion falls off sharply during overnight specific glucose mClabolite. Rather. thc u!'C of glu·
fasting, and minimal ('"basar·) ratcs of hormone re-- cose leads to changes in NADH:NAD' and
lease are established after three days of food depri_ NADPH:NA OP ratios. ,,·K etoisocaproic acid
vation. The quantities released by brings about similar changes. and it mimics both in_
tells vary with the endocrine status. (Even further s ulin·releasing and '·memory"· aClions of glucose.
reductions can be achieved with catecholarnincs. According to some authon; the resulting acceleration
whereas high estrogen levels $Iimulate !691.) of oxidative phosphorylation is then linked with the
Slimulation (74), but others believe the major cffects
arc changes in extramitochondrial redo. potentials
NATURE OF THE SIGNAL THAT INITIATES that affect membrane tltiol groups (1)2).
Somc obse,,·ers believe that the very prompt rC·
Roles 01 Cslelum Ions
sponse seen after glucose pf<:sentation invah.. s dire<:t
intemction with "glucof<:ceptors·· of the pla'rna The elfects of glucose are believed \0 be mediated via
membrane. and that sugars capable of mimicking elevation of the cytosol Ca". Although some early
glucose effects interact with the same or similar re-- effects may be accomplished by redistributing intra·
ceptors (151). A mOf<: widely held opinion is that all cellular calcium. the sustained ones absolutely re-
effect. of the sugar require entry into metabolic quire ions supplied by the environment (103). High
pathways. There seems to be universal agreement glucose ooncentrations increase total cellular cal-
that the delayed actions arc associated Wilh accel. cium while glu",""", deprivation (and Slar-
eraled glycolysis . vation) lower both the calcium <:antent and the sen·
Glucose is taken up by facililated diffusion . It is sitivilY to glucose stimulation.
rapidly phosphorylated and convened 10 trioses . Higb e,traceliular Ca" alone is an effox\ivc Slim·
Mannose. whith is similarly transported and metab- ulant. The calcium ionophore A 23187 promotes in·
olized, exerts effoxts not readily dist inguishable from sulin secretion when extraceliular Cal> is available
those of glucose . Mannuloheptose and deoxyglucose for transport into Ihe cell, bUI not when the Auids arc
interfere with glucose phosphorylation and they talcium depleled . Verapamil (a calcium channel
block the stimulation (237). Galaclose is takcn up blocker) obliterates the effects of high extracellular
but il cannot be metabolited. MOSI observers statc Cal>. DantNle"e sodium interferes with the recruit-
Ihat it docs not activate Ihc cells (60). bUI effeotson menl of Ca" from intracellular stares . It blocks the
electrical activity of a limited number of cell, have stimulatory effects of glucose. mannose. and glye-
been describe<! [161 J. erol-3·phosphatc. but it does not slow glycolysis
Anempts have been made to define a specifIC me- (MS).
tabolite that is directly responsible for thc stimula·
tion. Among many others tested. phosphoenolpyru- Afler prolonged gtucose Itimulalion. C." ,ff/ux ....
va te (PEP) has emerged as a candidate. cel ..... t••. It i, believed tha t •• c.... ive elevation of cylosol
C.'· aCli •• ,., ptum. m.mbrane C."/ATPase ··cal·
Glycerol-3·phosphate is rapidly oonvertcd to PEP,
cium pumps·· (232). Th. pumps ","ork 10 mainlain <>pli·
and it is a potent Sl imulant. ,,·hereas pyruvate is mum intr:lecllul3r catcium jon le""t,. but tbey do oot
ineffective. overcome the force, tha, tead to tOlal cell co.kium
Gluc0se-6-phosphalc has b«" ruled ou l for ,e.eral .coumul.tion.
re.","" (a) il;' nol made when manno:« i, phosphoryl. Ca" is needed to activate some enzymes and to
"ed and senl inlO glycol>"i'; (b) iodoace,.,e (1-<:11,·
COO-) i. a potenl inhibitor of th. glyccratdeh)·d... 3· maintain the funct ions of the microtubules and mi-
phosphate dehydrogenase n•• ded 10 make PEP from both erofilaments involved in transporting secretory gran-
glucose and gl)·coratdehyde·J·phosphal • . It does not in· ules to the cell peripheries (112). It also interacts
lerfere with the formation of bUI;1 with proteins that promole fusion of the granule and
btock, "imulotion by bolh glucose and gllc ..... ldehyde plasma membranes (see discussion of Chap-
phosphale; and (e) mannuloheptO$< prevenlO Ihe f",ma· ter 3). High intracellular Ca" facilitates the growth

and proliferation of many cell types (94). and it Sustained presentation of high glucose concentra·
probably has similar effeCls on the beta cells. tions leads to cell growth and proliferation. The pre-
Pharmacological agent. that impair microtubular cesses are ev idently separable from the one. inVQlvcd
functions block insulin 'ecretion. However, some mi- in hormone release. Dia1.oxide is one of the agents
crofilament poi5O!l$ have complex effects on the cells kn<;lwn to interfere with hormone secretion but not
(195). cell division. (It i. believed to act at the level of
cxocytosis [ 104] .)
The effects of the strong glucose stimulation may
Roles of Cyclic Nucleotldes
include calmodulin'mediated activation of phospho-
Glucose raises beta cdl cA MP concentrations (64) . diesterases. (Thcophyliine and dibutyryl cAMP in-
This is probably accomplished indirectly. via cleV3- hibit thymidine incorporation into beta celi DNA.
tion of the cytosol Ca2+ and activation of calmodulin and they are known to inhibit proliferation of othcr
(218) . TriAuoperazine (which binds 10 the cal"""" kinds of cells (104].)
dulin and prevents it from interacting with cnzymes) The "memory" effects seem to depend on stimu·
blunts glucose stimulation of insulin release and of lation of metabolism and the accum ulation of cal·
cA MP generation. cium. They are not affected by cAM P.
Exogenous cAMP and ils analogs. and cyclic nu' No involvement of cGM P in the stimulation by
clcotide phosphooieslera", inhibitors such as MIX. either or acetylcholine is known .
promote insulin retease. but only in the presence of
glucose . It has therefore been proposed th"t cAMP
contributes 10 glucose-depcndent stimulation but
that it is Mt. of itself. sufficient to activate thc se.:rc' When the beta celis arc exposed in vitro to concen·
tory process. One role seems to be redistribution of trations of glucose within the "physiological range,"
thc intracellular calcium StOres. (Unlike glucose, 2%-5% of the insulin contcnt is dischargcd within 2
cAMP can augment inSUlin secretion in cells previ· minutes. A "refractory perioo" then ensues in which
ously exposed to the sugar even when the surround· further insulin rcicase cannot be provoked by either
ing do not ""ntain Ca' · .) cAMP alto impli. <"Qntinucd exposure to the '"gar or the presentation
ca ted in activation of protein kinases that catalyze of dilTerent kinds of otherwise potent stimuli.
phosphorylations of regulatory molecules. ( Phospbo- If a !«Ond Slucose stimulus is prescnted (or if the
rylations have becn demonstrated, but thc proteins celis are continuously surrounded by sugar conce ....
h"ve not been identifoed. Kinase C activation is now trations of this magnitude), a dc1ayed. sustained
believed to contribute.) phase of secretion can deplete up to 20% of the islet
One function of ATP could therefore be provision insulin content. Vcry high glucose concentrations
of the substrate for the adenylate cyclase. Another can inVQke even 8reater and more sustained elcva-
would be participation in the phosphorylations cat- tions of the secretory ratcs (Fig. 5·15).
alyzed by both the cAM P-dependent protein kinases The acute response is belicved to contribute sub-
and the hexokinase and stantially to thc of normal "glucose tol-
Glucagon is a potent stimulator of the fJ cell adc· erance," and to provide immediate protection
nylate cyclase. It and some other peptides are be· against sudden bout. of hyperglycemia (e.g. when
lieved to promote insulin sccrction in this way. carbohydrate food is taken) (72). A brief "spurt" of
Only early effects have been linked with cAM P. insulin release can also ,erve in an "anticipatory" Ca-
The deeline in insulin se.:rction and the loss of sen· pacity when food intake i, contemplated but no glu-
sitivity to stimulants that result from fasting arc not cose has yet arrived. The endocrine system is pre·
associated with lowering of adenylate cyclase activo pared to aven (rather than correct) hyperglycemia.
ity. In fact, a brief discharge of insulin can stili be In somc forms of diabetcs mellitus, rapid ci·
accomplished with theophylline (but it is of much in blood glucose associated with food intake
smaller magnitude than when the agent is presented (or the diagnostic administration of glucose), but
to islet celis receiving gluCO!<e) (123). (On the other reasonably good control at other times. arc associ·
hand, the augmented ratc of insulin relcase by preg- ated with blunting of the rapid responses.
nant rats is associated with high cyclase activit)' It haS been suggested thaI the refractory phase
[122].) that follows provides proleetion against a "hypogly-
The whereby gluc= preferentially cemic overshoot," such as might OCCur if only a smali
accelerates proinsulin synthesis (as it exerts lesser in· amount of gluc= were ingested. or if the "cephalic
fluences on the formation of other proteins) are not phase" of vagal nerve activation in rcsponse to ant ic-
known. The effects are not mimicked with cA M P> its ipation of food .ntry stimulated some insulin rekase
analogs, or the phosphodiesterase inhibitor:;. but th e meal waS then not taken.


" ®
EHectS of


5 period

'ateQ) ®.

Fig . 5-15. l .... <:Ou,'" ot be.. ","I ","""'"" 10 gfoc<>S&


Thore has been <1"'OUlalion a. to. bUI no rully .. I· cretcd. API"'r. "tly the pmcc..",,, of packaging the
i,factory explanation of. thc me<:hanisms . One idea prohormone into granules and granulc maluration
that a limiled number of secretory granulcs is es· must f,rst take place (79).
pecially sensili.e to the Slimulation. or is located
close cnough to the plasma membrane for rapid fu·
sion . Time may be required 10 translocate other
granules to the <;:ell periphery or to accomplish actio Oral ingestion of glucose is more effe<:live than par-
.alion of the less acutdy sensiti.e insulin ·'pools_'" A entcral adminiSlralion of thc same quantity. The 0b-
similar release pattern is seen when insulin secretion servations that both the prompt and delayed re-
is augmented by addition of calcium 10 the extracel· sponses to glucose feeding are abolished by eilher
lular fluid. atropine or abdominal vagotomy arc consistent with
Another suggestion is that the <econdary phase is the belief Ihat the effects are mediated via choliner-
pre<:eded by redistribution of the intra""lIuiar cal. gic nerves.
eium StoreS. (The acute rise requires extracellular The "burst'· or
insulin discharge Ihat almosl im-
Ca". but the secondary one can be accomplished medimdy follows glucose ingeslion is attributed 10
withoUl il.) A third notion is that the early discharge the of ae<=tylcholine from nerve endings lhat
of small amounlS of hormone sctS up SOme kind of terminate On lhe beta e<=lIs (125). When isici cells
intracellular negative fe<=dback control. possibly as a a re transplanted to dilferenl sites within the same
result of signals received from Ihe plasma mem- animal. they retain the ability to cUrl long-range
brane. Yet another thought is that the fITst '·bum" conlrol over carbohydrate metabolism. but the rapid
of insulin rdease provokes localized discharge of so. insulin discharge following glucose ingestion is not
maloslalin. (This is difficull 10 rcconcile with obser-
vations lhat glyceraldehyde. which also elicits the bi -
=..Denervated islets do show the secondary re-
phasic response. Can inhibit somatostatin secretion sponses. These are believed 10 result from vagus-
[228J.) nerve-mediated slimulation of Ihe "'lease of gas_
The later ,tagC!l of insulin se<:rction depend On troinlestinal hormones thai tra.eI 10 the beta cells
new hormone syn(hesis. and the)" can be blocked via the bloodstream.
with cycloheximide_ Unlike lhe sitUalion described The term iw:relin de'lignates gut faclor medialors
for other kinds of :;ccretory cells, there is no evidene<: of lhe delayed increase in insulin :;ccretion that fol-
that newly synlhe'lizc:d hormonc is preferentially sc- lows glucose ingestion. There are conlroversies rC-

garding iI, nature. The lis\ of hormones '""wn 10 be Not all amino acids have thc same mechanisms of
released and to stimulate lhc isle! cells (at least action. Arginine Can stimulate only in the prcsence
when presented in high concentrations) includes gas- of glucose. [t is slowly metabolized. and it s deriva-
lTin. secrelin. CCK·I'Z. cmerogiucagon. and gas- tives arc ineffective. lysine and some nonmetabo-
uoimcslinal inhibitor}' peptide (GIl') (111); Hel hnble amino acids have similar effcets on the beta
may also have such ClTcCIS (50). CCK·PZ is highly cells , In contrast. leucine docs not require glucose to
potent. It has been suggested that it acts both di- stimulate. It is rapidly metabolized to o-keto-isoca-
reclly and via pronlotion of glucagon rclease proic acid (which is also potent). and the conversion
Several invcstigators have been impressed with the may be necessary for the effects on insulin release
promptness of G Il' release. and with ils mong stirn. (232) , Sulfonyl derivatives such as chlorpropamide
ulation of bela cells. Olhers have observed, ho"",,vcr. potentiate Icucine. but not arginine. stimulation
that i1 "ct,only in the prc$C1ICC of high glucose levels (SO). Mixtures of and glucose-in_
in thc blood. and that il has no innucnces on lhc dependent amino acidS exert greater effects than th.
alpha cells. A mechanism of aClion similar to that of sums of their individual potencies.
arginine has been proposed (42). Galactosc can be Unlike glUCQSe. amino acids a", bener ,timulants
slowly ronverted to glucose in the liver. It is a poor when they are given intra"cnously than orally. This
insulin stimulant when gi,'en in vivo. but it releases SUggCl;ts that their direct innuences on the islets 31"<'
as much GIP a, glucose (60). Evidence for se<:retion more important than the ones mediated by the vagal
of an incretin of different (but unknown) chemical nerves. In addition to interacting with beta cell rc-
ma keup thm ausmenls insulin relcase when nonnu· <;<:ptors, thcy indirectly ausment insulin secretion by
Irients arc ingcstoo ha. been pre<enlcd (119). promoting slucagon ",lease , Protein meals arc. how-
An altcrnate explanation for Ihc less vigorous rCo- evcr, mOre effeeti,'(: than amino acid miuures. prob-
sponses to intravenous, compared with oral. glucose ably because they arc good releasers of gastrointes-
administration has been offered. T he plasma glucose tinal hormones. The observation that mixed meals
rises mO«' rapidl y, and provides a Slimulus for arc even beller hs been explained on the basis of
thc rcleas<: of SS and of PP (both of which in- syncrsisms with carbohydrates.
hibitory innucnces on the beta <;<:lIs)_ A faclOr com -
plicating Ihc interpretation is that 55 also inhibits
Effeets of Fatty Aci ds
PP secretion (167).
Ruminants (cows. sheep. goats) derive most of their
energy from thc short-chain fatty acids produced by
Inftuenee& of Amino Acids
the microorganisrru; witni n their gastrointestinal
Insulin is needed to promote efficient utili7..ation of tracts. is a potent stimulant for insulin se-
dietary amino acids. even when the meal does not cretion in these animals, and at least some observers
contain carbohydrate. Carnivores and others eating find that propionate i. effective.
mostly prtXeins are e,o;pecially dependent on such Dogs usually ingest oonsiderablc amounts of fat.
stimulation. Their beta cells show some st imulation by both bu-
A rorm of negative feedback control has been pro- tyrate and the Iong..:hain fatty acids. In contrast.
posed: Dietary amino acids promote insulin secre- healthy humans On mixed diets fail to increase their
tion. The hormonc lowers the plasma concentrations insulin secretion when siven long-chain fatty acids,
of the amino acids, s ince it accelerates their uptake This is probably physiolosieally desirable. since the
and in protein synthesis. The fall in eircuiatins fatty acids accumulate in the blood during times of
levels of the amino acids then removes the stimulus fasting and too much insulin would then invoke hy-
for furth.r releasc_ Glucose indirectly oon- poglycemia. Some obese humans do not appropri-
tributes. When its plasma levels rise. insulin is se- ately lower theif rates of insulin .ec1"<'tion during
creted. This is SOOn followed by the lowering of the fasting or glucose depri.ation. and thcre have been
amino acid concentrations (50). suggestions that beta cell receptors resemble
Some species in the relative sensitivi- those of Other species.
ties to the types of amino acid, have been
described. [n humans. th. a1"<' reported to
Inftuences of Neurotransmitters and
be Arg > lys > leu> Ph. > Met Oil 11. Oil Trp
Circulating Catecholamlnes
Oil Tn T, All of these are "essential" amino acids. His-
tidine. which is also essential. has little effect. and no Acetylcholine aCts very much like glucose. but it is
stimulation has been found with the other dietary effective when the blood sugar levels arc not ele-
amino acids. It the plasma membranes and ae-
celerates Ca" uptake. Release in response to fe<:d· lipid metabolism: and ;t thereby increases thc need
ing has been ciled . for insulin (93).
The dominant effects of eatecholamines are ex· Insulin hypoglycemia augments GH se<:retion.
erted on ..,.... drenergie The inhibition in· GH can di rectly increase insulin release by isolated hyperpolarization of the membranes and in· pancreatic islets. and it elevatcs hepatic porlal insu-
terference with dcpoiari'.ation. lin concentrations when thc blood glucose level. arc
Since higher concentrations are needed to interfere high (198). GH also increases the se nsitiviliesofthe
with Cal' uplake or to depress adenylatc cyclase ae· beta cells to other stimuli via glucose·independent
ti_ity. it has bc<:n suggested that catecholamines act mechanisms: and it indirectly augments insulin se-
at sites beyond glucose-mediated Ca" uptake and cretion by elevating the blood glUCose . The insulin·
cAM P gcneration (232). The inhibit ion ocrvcS usef"1 otropic elTeets of estrogcns arc allributed in part to
functions during times of exercise. stress. and food their stimulation of G H secretion. Estrogens also
deprivalion. prol1l()te prolactin secretion. and that hormone ex-
There are SOme indications that the beta cells arc erts some G H·li ke actions. High prolaclin levels rna)"
kept unde r tonic inhibitory control that is lifted in account for the high levels of beta cell S1imulati()ll
Ihe presence of specifjc stimuli. The 'o<t'al nucleus during pregnancy in many species.
ambiguus of the brainstem (Amb) sends vagal f,bers Acromegaly is ",id 10 reduce the nurnbers of in-
to the pancreas and abdominal _iscera. Direct stirn. sulin ree<:ptors. but to inc rease th. affinities. This
ulation there (but not at other braimtem sites) lead' could result in apparently normal insulin binding
to prompt secretion of insulin. even when blood glu- when Ihc levels of that hormone are low. with blunt·
COSe levels arc low. Participation of GAB A in Ihe in· ing of the ciTe<:ts of high insulin concentrations
hibilion is indicated by fjndings that bicucullinc (a (146).
GADA antagonist) administered to the Amb pro- Glncocorticoid, elevate blood glncose concentra-
motes insulin se<:retion if the ,....adrenergic control is lion •. amagoni1e many insulin actions (84,146), af-
blClCked with phentolamine (9). fect insulin and elicit indireci effects on
In the presence of ,....adrenergic blocking agents. insulin secretion. The bela cell, generally show signs
the elTeets of catecholamines on /J.... drenergic re<:ep- of strong stimulation when glucocorticoid"'Sccreting
tors of the islet cells can be demonstrated . Insulin tumors arc present. or when high doses of Ihe Stc-
secretion is Ihen augmented. probably via activation roids arc repeatedly administered. Chronic eAcessive
of adenylalC cyclase. administration can exhaust the beta e<:lIs.
The ventromedial nuclei of Ihe hypothalamus arc Sustained high eSlrogen concentrations increase
10 tonically inhibit insulin se<:retion. but 10 both insulin requirements and insulin secrelion ( 11).
excrt stimulatory influences on glucagon and growth In addition to promoting Gil secrelion, direci pan·
horl1l()nc release. As already noted. thc "hypotha· creatolropic actions have been described (45). Al-
lamic obesity'· that develops after destruction of though pregnanc)" and the use of oral contracept;.c,
those neurons is associated with hyperinsu linemia. have been known 10 bring about earbohydrale imol-
While bolh the hyperphagia and wcighl gain arc crance and hyperinsulinemia. the belief that the COn·
blunted by abdominal vagotomy. More late ral parts tracepti'·es increase the risk of developing diabetes
of thc hypothalamus arc implkated in stimulation of mellitus has becn challengcd (230). Progestins op-
the insulin-sccreting cells. pose many actions of estrogens. Some a ulhors state
Several of the islel peptides are believed to origi- Ihal they tend 10 reduce insulin se<:relion (11). but
nate in neuronS. Their effects can vary wilh the e<:11 olhers find Ihat cerlain of them increase it . The
environments. Substance P seems 10 inhibit insulin numbers of insulin receptors have been shown to
secretion in the presence of glucose. Neurolcnsin vary with Ihe phases of the menSlrual cycles (33).
may 1101 exert direct influences. but it can potentiate Angiotensin II can decrease insulin .ecretion _ia
eholinergic stimulation (129). Endorphins are gen· several mechanisms that include vasoconstriction
erally regarded as facililators of other stimulants. and catecbolamine release . The plasma levels are el-
evated during some forms of st ress.
It is unlikely that either PTH or ealcilonin plays
impOrlant roles in regulation of i,let cell functions
Influences 01 Some Other Hormo nes
under normal conditions. Caleium infusioRS may
Intcrrelationship5 with growth hormone are multiple slimulate insulin secretion in paliems with insulino-
and complex. Some of the amino acids Ihat prol1l()te mas, but they seem 10 have lillIe effect in healt hy
insulin secretion also stimulate GH release. The twO humans. In dogs. amoums Ihat markedly augmented
horrnones work together to acromplish am ino acid glucagon secrelion were found to have lillie or no ef·
uptake and protein synthesis. but GH antagonizes fcci on insulin release (180) . It is not known why
many of the elTe<: ts of insulin on carbohydrate and infusions invoke changes opposite in direction to the

effects of bolus injeclions Or in vitro presentalions. palients have difficulties estimating thcir r<:quire-
Marked bypercalcemia augments. and marked by· ments. and hypoglycemic episodes ar<: not uncom-
pocalcemia depresse.. insulin secrelion. Palienls mon. Tl105e with visual and motor impairments have
wilh hypercalcemia lend 10 have high insulin special problems.
whereas ones wilh hyJXlparathyroidism generally For all of these reasons, it would be desirable 10
have poor carbohydrale tolerance and hypoinsulin. have orally effeclive agents for controlling the insu-
emia that can be corrected wilb vilamin D admin_ lin deficiency. Two kinds have been used to treat pa-
istration. The effects of the low Ca" are seen in suI>- lienlS, bUI problems have been encountered with
jects with otherwise normal pancreatic islets (51). both (124) (Fig, 5·16).
Insulin . in turn. is necessary for normal calcium mc-
tabolism . Reduced bone mass is a cOmmOn finding
in bolh juvenile and adult palienl.l with diabetcs
mellitus (51). These agents arc inclTective in palients Ihal cannot
An early clTeCt of insulin defIciency seems to be sc;cr<:tc insulin. and in pancreatectomilcd animals,
impa ired abil ity 10 vitamin D to 1,2S-di- The most obvious initial effect is augmentation of
vilamin D. and ther<:fon:: to absorb calcium the sensilivily to glucose stimulation. The mecha-
(187). The .lcvated PTH levels an:: attributed to the nisms include activation of adenylate cyclase (232).
resulting hypocalcemia_ There scems to be "app.., In common with cAMP, these agents fail \0 stimu-
priate" lowering of Ihe calcilonin concentrations. la\e insulin symhesi s or i.let cell growth and prolif-
After some time, ralS thai ar<: made insulin defi- eration (171).
cient with streptOlOlocin acqui re thc ability to After some time, other cffects become evident.
achieve a jlO&itivc calcium balance de.pite persistcnt Fasting hyperglycemia continues 10 be controlled.
impa irment of calciferol metabolism. T hey eal large bUI insulin levels decline to pretrcalment valucs_ At
quantilics of food. and the high calcium content of Ihe same time. target organ sensitivity to tile hor-
stock diets permits absorption of the mineral via ras- monc increasc;s. and it is i\.';sociaied with Ibe acqui.
sive (calcifcrol-independent) medanisms. They can sition of larger numbers of insulin r<:CCpIOrs. How_
ingest sufficienl calcium to develop hypercalcemia evcr. Ihe dangers of developing hypoglycemia are nO!
and hypercalciuria. Kena i excret,on of ca lCIum '$ cn_ as gr<:at as with insulin injections.
hanced by the 05motic diuresis resu lting from hyper.
The agents th.t have been devdoped differ
glycemia and kel05i$, and probably because the hy.
from .ad oth.r in their lim< cours« of action . Tolbtl'a-
percalcemia inhibits PHI s""relion (85). The
metabolic acid05is facilitalCl; both calcium absorp-
mi<!e (Orina.e) wa. among 'he finl to be tesled, It i, de·
graded in Ihe liver and Ih .... fote is rIO! .lfeetive for mOre
tion and calcium excrelion, Ihan 4-10 hour$. Acetohexamide and \(.I",.amide arc al$O
[n addition to Iheir influences on intestinal absorp- aCled upOn by hepatic enzyme •. bUI Inc metabolites bave
lion and plasma mincral content. calciferols promotc hypoglye.mic pOteneiO$. (Therefo,. ,ingle' dosc.
intracellular sequestration of calcium and phosplJo. u.ually .uffice.) Chlorpropamide h.,the longe" duration
TUS. The minerals can be recruited by physiological of aClion because it bind. 10 pla,ma protein •. uoderg""s
regulators tbat promote calcium redistrihution. It i. liUIe degrad.,ion, and i•• Iowly «.re,ed. Two ne
therefore no! surprising thai vitamin D deficiency agent. b.>e much gre ... r pOl.nci ...
impairs insulin .""retion (152). Receptors for 1.25- Co"ltoversie. have ari .. n concerning Ihe ",fety. since
Ihe ... bave been rCpOm Ih .. Ihe inciden«.s of death from
dihydroxy vitamin D, and a eakiferol..:lependcm cal- cardiov.ocular failure are g ... aler i" patient . ...
cium-binding protein, have been identified in the the 'ge"IS Ih.n in th"", I,e",ed by diel alone (lOS).
cells of chick pancr<:atic islets (18 1). The ... arc also numeroo. sidcxlfccts. Many patienlS de-
PP has bc.::n var iously r<:ported to inhibit (129) or velop gaslroi., problem. (nau .... diarrbea. >om·
to have no elTect OJ) on insulin release. Prostaglan- iting. and cramp.o) and ' kin ra.hO$. and a few ba>e more
dins may stimulate under some conditions, but they ..,iooo problem. ( damage, agr,nulocyl""i'l. Chlor_
can blunt the elTects of glucose_ propamide can act On the kidney in much Ihe ,.me way
as anlidiurelic hormone, The effeel' are amibuled 10 ac-
liv"K," of renal adenylale cycl .... Chlotpropamide also
Effe cts o f Pharmsc o logic a l Age nts inleract' wilh olher medication, frequently prescribed for
palienlS wilb di.bete. melli,",
Insulin musl be adminiSlered parenterally (since il is
degraded by gaslrointestinal en1ymes). In addition Preparalion, wilh Ihc dcs"ibed actions are of no
to the associated pain. inconv.nience. dangers of in- value in Ihe tr<:almenl of severe. insulin-<lepcndenl
fcetion, and formation of antibodies. ther<: ar<: usu- disorders Ibat arc associated with kel05i"
ally localiwl and occasional allergic r<:actions. Some The big.anides can lower blood glucose levels in
,,0 0
" 5-N
" Ii - C-N
H H,

,,0 0 H H IiH Ii
5- N - C- C - C - C -CH, C - C -H - C- H-C-NH.
o" H Ii Ii HH
II "
Ph..,lormin (OBI)
H,c-C "

ou H H H ' N
,,0 0
C- N-C - C - S-H-C-N-(

" " 8 \.-J

1--f0H /N=O
alit>u<ide (Glibenclamid)
\\ 0, S-N-C
, H,,0 - N....(
o" ' '---J

0"" NH

" o"

5-16. .o.g.nt. aclio1Q on beta cell. oj patlCfoatiC j....,.

ond .,wlin feI ge' 0<\lIl"'.

panc!"<'3tectom;zed anima ls and in palients unabk 10 Methyl .. nthine< ele,oto cAM P le_.I. ond acl in ot he,
PrOOuce much insulin . H(}w ••-••. they are IIOW gen- 10 ' Iimul .te in.ulin They are oot useful.
erally regarded as 100 IOxic for human Us.(!. In pa. ho'"" ..... r. fo, controlling hyperglycemia.
(icnlS with diabetes mellitus. pyruvate dehydroge- Di"""id. i.,encrally used 10 lower the blood pressure.
lt can decrease in,ulin .. eretion by promC>ling the relea,e
nase acliv;IY;5 subllQrmal, which probably accounts
of cat ccllolamine. and by ,cling d;,oetiy on lhe .Ipha ad-
for the tendency (0 ac<.:umulalC lacti, ac id. O ne con· reccpl<>rS of thc inlul in... crelin, cells, Its effect.
seq ue nce is exacerbation of the melabolic acidosis are enh.nced by beta bl",,' in, a,ent. , ueh as prop""""
invoked by Biguanidcs ;n,,,,sse the lac_ 101. S I,epIOW\ocin i•• widely use<lexpcrimenl.1 toollh.t
toacidosis. e'I"'cially when there is ooncurrcm renal damage> both ,Iuc.gon- and i",ulin«cfct;n, coli .. It ha,
insufficiency ( 49). been given 10, "ith in,ul iflOmas. AlIo .. n is • toxic

agent used to destroy the beta cell. of cq,.riment.1 cell depressants. and it has been suggested that they
animal •. engage in direct negative feedbac k control. Secretin
can synergize with mher regulators to inhibit glu·
eagon secretion, and thc levels are often elcvated fol.
lowing the ingestion of lipid·rich foods.
In .. well.nourishcd humans taking regular. Acctyleholine stimulation is probably important
glucagon secretion continues during times of meal intake . It does 001 secm to be
throughoul the 24-hour period al a fairly involved in alpha e<:11 responses 10 falling blood glu-
basal rate. The diurnal variations in plasma concen· cose levels (54).
trations are of limited magnitude when the diet COIl· The cells may receive tonic
tains moderate amounts of carbohydra te. The small sympathetic stimulation that inwlves both alpha-
changes observed are a(( ribuled moslly to Ihe inftu- and bela·type adrenergic receptors. Glueagon out-
ene.:: ofT) rhythms on glucagon rales (37). put diminishes when the splanchnic nerveS are cut.
If blood glucose levels rail below 50 mg/dl. the re- It can be increased by stimulating th e nerves of in-
sulting of release varies di· tacl animals (37).
rectly wilh the severity of hypoglycemia. Rising Hypothalamic ma nipulations that affect insulin
blood glucose concentrations inhibit glucagon secre· release generally extn opposing inAuences on glu-
tion. and maximum suppression is atlained at con· cagon secretion.
centrations of 150-200 mg/dl. Hyperglycemia also
increases the sensitivity to other depressants. Insulin
is a major inhibitor. but its aClions on the alpha cells PARACRINE CONTROLS
require the presen"" of some gluC<lSe . The specialized architecture of the isicls. and the
The roles of calcium ions vary with their eoneen· presence on each cell type of re""ptOTS for hormones
!rations in the ex tracellular flui d. and with the produced by the others. support the operation of
amounts a nd kinds of nutrients in cell environ- highly sophisticated, localized controls within each
ments (115,128). Some Ca" is absolutely required organ (216.21 7). Gap jWICIiOllS facilitate
to maintain secretion. probably because it plays roles of ions. cyclic nucleolides. nutrients. and small pep-
in exocytosis of the kinds described for mOSt other tides, while Ijgnt jlmclions Hmil or block such com-
cdltypes. Ca" is also needed 10 ,uppon stimulation munication as they favor release of horfl1()l\Cs to the
by other regulators. Glucagon release is blocked if adjacent environment.
the cells are bathed in Ca" -{\efieient Au ids, or if The beta cells arc clustered within the ""nters of
agents such as verapamil (which impair Ca" up"- the islets. and neighboring ones arc cou-
take) arc presented. On the other hand, moderatc pled. It has been demonstrated that fluoreseent dyes
of Cal. support glucose arc transported from one cell to the (lOti), and
inhibi tion. and very high ones directly interfere: with that number of gap junctions inc reases following
glucagon rei case. gl ucose While such arrangements
Allhough physiological concentrations of Ca" can enhance the effccti of stimuli. they probably
contribute to adenylatc cyclase activation, the en· function more to protect aga inst the discharge
zymes of the alpha cells share some special proper· of excessive amounts of the hormone. The rates of
ties with those of the cells of tbe insu lin release accelerate if the cells are a rtificially
thyroid glands. The adenylate eyda... are inhibited dispersed. and they return 10 control levels following
by small elevations of the Cal' cone<:ntrations above reaggregation (78).
the TC<Iuired for stimulation . 55 has a shen biological half·life thaI makes it
Glucogenic amino acids direclly stimulate the especially suitable for functioning over short dis·
alpha cells when they a'" to isolated islclS. tanees. Gastrointestinal 55 cells have long processes
They are Ifl()!"e elfcctive physiological condi. that terminate on the gastrin-secreting cells and con·
tions. since they enter the bloodstream along with tribute to their inhibition. The SS cells of th. islets
other components of protei n meals thaI invoke vagal may communicale in similar ways with alpha
stimulation and the ",lease of gastrointestinal hor- and beta ""Ils (11 4). As discussed in Chapter 2, 55
mones. CC K·PZ and VIP are among most p0- is a highly potent inhibitor of glucagon secretion.
tent of Ihe gastrointestinal stimulants. When present in high concentratioru;. it also de·
glucagon promotes ketoge""sis and lipoly- creases insulin release.
sis. il is physiologically appropriate that ketogenic The beta Cells situated along the peripheries of the
amino adds do nol stimulale secrelion of the hor· cl usters are contiguous with delta (SS), and also
mane. High free fally acid concentrations a rc alpha with either alpha (glucagon). Or F (PP) e.::lls: and
they can transport dyes to them (141). Some delta satisfactory method has been devised for replacing
""lis are always in direel contact with alpha Or f all but the One to be investigated. The net results of
""lis. the surgery are determined by the relative impor.
Hyperglycemia inc reases Ihe activities of beta a nd tance of the various peptides. Carnivores and olhcrs
delta cells. as it inhibits the alpha ones. It is then that usually ha'·. long intervals between meals suffer
appropriate to decrease the !'dte of gluo.gon s.ecre· most from insulin deprivalion. Ruminants also de·
tion. and the SS contributes to the response. .'clop insulin-defoeiency sym ptoms. but Ihey arc bet·
Very high glucose con""ntrations also increase the ler able to lo\erate the loss. (In contrast. bi rds gen-
numbers of functioning SS re""pton on the surfaces erally develop hypoglycemia and other sym ptoms of
of the beta ""lis, The process does not 1"<'quire protein glucagon deprivation.)
synthesis, and it is not associated wit h decreased A very $Crious problem in most verlebratcs is the
rales of receptor internalization . It has therefore removal of Ihe exocrine cells. The pan·
been propoSed that when insulin is released. the se- creatie juicc contains en7.ymes essential for Ihe
crelOry granules carry SS receptor.; from the edl in· digestion of most foods. II is also suspected Ihal Ihc
teriors to the plasma membranes (206). SS can then acinar cells release other physiological regulators.
more effecti vely \:ccp the bela ,,<,lis under control.
and •• ""rine compooents of the pancreas
Acelylcholine augments the seerelion of both in· ore >cpa rated in some of the fi,he" .t udiO' on
sulin and glucagon. The ,"".ponse is appropriate tbo$c . nima!> provide only Hm;ted in, illha into in,ulin
when protein-rich food eaten. since insulin then fa· functions in other vertebratcs.
cilitates diversion of ami"" acids into anabolic path.
Wa)'s. while glucagon protects against the develop-
ment of hypoglycemia. Cholinergic ne,"e endings Pharmacological Des tru ction of the Islet
a re most numerous in islet regions that permit dircct Cells
communication among alpha . beta. and delta cell Chemical techniques eliminate Ihe undesirable COn-
types. Some of the effeels of the neurotransmi tter sequences of surgery inelude pain. trauma. pro-
may be accomplished via inhibit ion of SS longed anesthetiration. loss of exocrine tissue. and
Insulin is believed to act loeall y to inhibil gluca- nonspecific slress. A major disadvantage is Ihat all
gon release. whereas glucagon acts within the islets a_ailable agents invoke unWllnted "side effeels".
to stimulate insulin secretion. Alloxan transiently stimulatcs. and ultimately de·
The role! of PP remain 10 be defined. It ha. been .troy•. th. beta cell" but the component. a re
noted. however. that islels in which F cclls replace preserved. It is difficull to determine appropriate
the alpha cells SCC1"<'te more insulin, dosages. Even when linermales of highly inbred
meals, acetylcholine. and CC K-PZ are among thc strains arc used. a quantity Ihat fails to accomplish
stinmli that affect both the alpha and F ccn •. This adequate destruction in one animal can be leI hal 10
raises the possihility that PP or a peptide associated another. Alloxan i. a lso toxic to Ihe bone marrow.
with it aSsu meS some spec ial importance when the Strept07.oloein is in SOme way. more useful. since
food contains ketogenic amino acids along with graded dosages can be given to achieve the desired
enough carbohydrate to maintai n cugl)'ccmia. degree of insulin deficiency. Howe\·er. effects are
The existe nce of islets with few alpha cells. and a lso exened on the alpha and delta cells. On the kid·
the inhibitory effects of "oth SS and insulin in the ncy. and often on Ihe immune s)'stcm.
islets in which alph edls are abundant. suggest that SS. long-lived SS analogs. mannu loheplose. and
mammals have a necd to prolect themselves against dia7.oxide arc among the agents used 10 transiently
glucagon release. suppress insulin sec1"<'tion . Some of thc analogs show
high spec ificities for just Ihe beta cells. bUI SS-14 is
a potent inhibitor of glucagon release. Since Ihe ef.
fects are 1"<',·ersible. the animals can be studied while
suffering aCute deficiencies, and also during the reo
Although much of the early work on insulin was per· covery period. They can be resled and subjected to
formc<J on pancreatectomized animals. the surgical different experimental conditions when they arc
procedure for crealing deficiencies has numerous given a second course of treatment. A disad"anlage
drawbackS, especia lly for 10ng_lerm studies. In many is that the su ppression is incomplete.
of the mammals, th. pan<:rea$ ;s a diffuse organ. It Agents used to "sclec ti vely" destroy the alpha
is therefore difficult to excise. Evcn skilled surgcons cells include cobalt chloride. neutra l red. and syn·
inflict considerable trauma to blood vessels thalin A (decmethylene-<iiguanide).
neighboring stmlu rcs. and il is often impossiblc to Excessive caloric or glucose inlakc and several
remove all of the endocrine cells. There is simulta_ hormones that increase insulin requirements can 0"-
neous I<:ISS of all of the islel cell regulators, and no erslimulatc and e_.nt uany "exhaust"' Ihe beta cells.

"Meta hypophysial diabetes" hu been invoked by re- bly because this is a time of increased insulin re-
peatedly administering large doses of growth hor. quirement. However. they can ()C¢ur ocfore the age
mone that elevate the blood glucose levels and of 2 years or during young adulthood. Some inves-
antagonize insulin actions on largel cells. Glucocor- tigators therefore prefer tbc designation
ticoids also elevate blood gluoosc and antagonize in- diobetes melli/us (100), or type r diabetes.
sulin effects. They additionally lower the numbers of Environmentally.imposed factors such as viral ill-
insulin receptors. Chronic overdosage leads to the fcetions can bring about beta cell destruction in in·
development of "steroid diabc:tes", Forced feeding dividuals with inherited immune system dysfunc-
and administration exacerbate the hormone tion, ( 154). Tbe genetic defect can involve impaired
effect •. ability to rid the body of viruses and cells damaged
Immature an imals are generally quite resistant \0 by them. exaggerated tendencies to mount autoim-
such treatments. This has b«n attributed 10 their mune attacks against previously healthy tissue. un-
high food intake under normal conditions. their re- usual susceptibility of the islets to invasion or de-
sponsiveness [0 growth normone, and Ihe "resil- struction. or combinations of the preceding.
iency" of young tissues. There arc marked species.
strain. and individual differences in susceptibilities.
All of Ihe hormone trealments are with EVIDENCE FOR INHERITED PREDISPOSITION
thanges not !dated to insuhn Although there is a highly variable age of onset in
unrel ated subjects. identical twins living in the same
household often acquire the symptoms of JOD
around the same time. Such concordance of onset is
Antibo dies less common among nonidentical twins.
Specific antibodies directed against of the hor- Certain combinations of histocompatibility alleles
mones have proV<'n useful for many kinds of inves- occur with high frequencey among patient.l with
tigatiom;. A problem is that the: proteins combine JOD. The patterns do, however. vary with race and
only with the hormone mole<:ules with which they gwgraphicallocalc (51). It is therefOr<: considered
COme in contact . and the deficiency is thus likely that the genes coding for those molecules can
incompl"c. inIN".' in .... e. ""'Y' with other dromo<om,,1
It is also pOSSible to get animals to mount autoim- components as well as with environmental factors.
mune attacks against their own islet cells. Usually. Autoimmune diseases occur with high frequencies
there are associated disruptions of other functions in some families, and hereditary pr<:dispositions have
that complicate interpretations of the data. been demonstrated for some of them. JODs and
their ,..,Iatives have greater incidences of Hashimo-
to's thyroidi tis, Gravcs· disease. rheumatic fever. and
DIABETES MELLITUS other disorders than populatiom; of nondiabetics
matched for age and other parameters (191).
This tum is applied to a heterogencous group of dis- Insulitis, lymphocytic inftltration of the beta cells.
orders with certain common features. Glucose tol· and other signs of immune system involvement have
crance ;s subnormal, ther<: are at leas t intermittent been found in some recently diagnosed cases. a nd
bout'; of hyperglycemia and glycosuria. and other autoantibodies directed against human pancreatic
symptoms of insulin dcficiency are manifested. M()St cell proteins that impair glucose·induced insulin re-
patients eventually s uffer pathological changes that lease in rats have been recoV<'re<i from diaoctic chil·
can include thickening of capillary basement mem- dren (6). There are strains of rats in which it is rei·
branes. microangiopathy. renal damage, arterioscle- atively easy to stimulate tbe immune system to
rosis. and cataract formation. Two major categories destroy the islets cclls. and others that are highly re·
and scveral subgroups are recognj'.ed (49). sistant to tht same forms of treatment.
Through selective br<:eding. colonies of rats have
been obtained in nearly 30% of the population
Juvenile Onset Dlebetes Mellitu s (JOD J
develops hyperglycemia. ketosis, and the other met·
This form is associated witb absolute insul in defi- abolic derangements SCen in JOD. Neonatal thy.
ciency, and with the development of severe hypergly· mectomy usually blocks development of the disorder
cemia. ketosis. and acidosis if the treatment is ( 120). while the injection of antilymphocytic sera
inadequate . ca n reverse the insulitis and reStOre euglycemia in
The first symptoms commonly appear soon after intact animals that have become ill. The insulin de-
initiation of the preadolescent growth spurt. proba· fICiency can be corrected with transpla nts from
healthy animals, but disease-prone rats mount au- from acting. Such individuals are especially ditlicult
toimmune attacks against the tissue within a few to treat.
days. The destruction differs from the usual types of In very limited numbers of patients, thc metabolic
foreign tissue rejection. The animals will remain cu- problems are allributed to the formation of abnor-
glycemic if they are given bone marrow cells from mal proinsulins and impaired ability to convert the
healthy rats along with the transplants (1 4S). molecules to insulins (157). Responses to exogellOlls
hormone may then be similar to those of healthy per_
sons (A·5).
Most viral infections OCCur more frequently at cer·
tain times of thc year than at others. There are sea·
sonal variations in the timing of the first onset of Some form of insulin therapy is essential for JOD.
JOD symptoms. In northern temperate wnes. the in· Often. it is uscfulto employ mixtures of preparations
cidences increase durinS the fall and winter. and with varying absorption rates. so that too frequent
they peak in December. Clusters of cases have been injections can be avoided. While most patients do
known 10 emerge in a geographically limited area at ,,·ell on the widely available extracts obtained from
defmed time intervals following epidemics of mumps bovine. ovine. and porcine sourees. some dinicians
and other infcctions. In many young patients. it has believe that those who will require lifelong treatment
been possible to identify antibodies directcd against can benefit from highly purifted insulins that contain
certain viruses. and there is sometimes of fcwer antigenic conlaminants. Thc purified hor·
hepatitis or Coxsackie virus B, inf""tion. Some mones are expensive and in short supply. Iluman in·
young patients not known to have suffered discases sulins Cotlld provide further advantages. and some
of this kind are victims of congenital rubella. progress is being made in techniques for synthesiling
When identical twins are reared apart. they do not them in bacterial systems (131). Devices that can
show the tendencies to aequire the laD at the same scose blood glucose changes and then deliver just the
time. In fact, one may beCQme severely ill while the amOunts of insulin nceded at that time 10 maintain
other shows no symptoms. metabolic balance arc currently being developed.
It has been possible to inV<lkc beta cell destruction There is also hope that islet cell transplants will one
in some strains of mice by exposing the animals to day replace injections and artificial devices.
enccphalomyocarditis virus and other agents. The
insulin deficiency that develops in experimental ani· Maturity On set Diabetes ( MOO, Type II
mals treated with streptol.otocin has been attributed
by SOme observers to changes in the {J cells that reno
der them mOre vulnerable to viral attack. and byoth· Disorders in this category are usually of a milder na-
ers to effects of the agent on the immune syslem that ture. The symptoms indude hyperglycemia, glyco-
facilitate the mounting of autoimmune re,"ctions. suria . and insulin resistance, but no ketosis or aci·
Recently. it been dcmonstrated that both strep- dosis. The plasma insulin levels are frequently
tozotocin and alloxan cause DNA strand breaks that supernormal (but inadequate for the exaggerated re_
lead to augmentation of the islet cell nudear poly quiremenlll). Although MOD has been diagnosed in
(ADP·ribose) synthetase activity with oonscquent adolescents. most patients have thcir first symptoms
dcpletion of intracellular NAD and impairment of after the age of 40. The incidence inc reases with ad·
proinsulin biosynthesis. Some viruses may de'troy vancing age.
islet cells in the same way (236). ([nf""tions can aloo Evidently. genetic and environmental factors in·
permit leahgc into the bloodstream of proteins that ternct . but thc hereditary pallerns and aggravating
are normally sequestered. Immune systems will conditions are different from the ones described for
reaCt to them if they are perceiv.d as ··foreign.'· Vi· 100. Autoimmunc problems can be involved.
ruses can also change cell proteins in ...ays that ren- they do not play the prominent rol es suspected for
der them more strongly antigenic.) insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
It is estimated that close to 90% of the victims are
obese at the time of onset. and thcre i. good reason
UNUSUAL FORMS OF INSULlN·DEPENDENT to believe that )·ears of eXC<'SIlivc food intake aggra·
DIABETES MELLITUS vate an underlying inherited def",,1. Obese identical
Some patients may have autoimmune problems un- twins living in different cities and engaging in differ_
related to viral infeclions th"t CauSC them to make ent kinds of activity have been known to come down
antibodies directed against their own insulin recep- with the symptoms at almost thc same time. Casc
tors (147). The receptors can show perfectly normal histories reveal MOD in obese relatives. When One
binding properties. but the hormone is pr<:vented identical twin remains lean and Ihe other becomes

obese and hyperglycemic. the lean sibling may retain provement OCCurs when only a small fraction of the
the ability to melabolize glucose in an app:lrcntly excess body weight is lost. Women who deposit most
normal manner. However. "chemical diabetes" (i.c. of their surplus rat on the upper parts of the body
defective response 10 hyperglycemic challenge) is arc mOre prone to development of MOD, and nwrc
of len dete<::table , In contrast. humans with healthy likely to benefit from "'eight reduction if they ac-
endocrine systems can remain obese for years wilh. quire the discasc. tlmn arc women who store mOSI of
OUt showing signs of insulin deficiency. their fat below the waist. This has been attributed 10
the much greater tendency for fal cells in the upper
part of the body 10 enlarge when food intake is ex·
THE HYPERPHAGIA HYPOTHESIS cessive. and 10 shrin k when the diet is more moder·
According 10 this hypothesis. the following 1rain of ale (135). Lower body obesity is more commonly
event!; lXX'urs in susceptible individuals: (a) Ih. di- linked with the presence of large numbers of adipc>-
clary habits ;nc...,ase insulin requirements and pro- eytes that arc normal in size and fat COntcnt.
vide potent stimuli for release of the hormone; (b)
lhe plasma insulin levels be<:ome chronically ele-
vated; (e) Ihis leads \0 "down regulation" of insulin PROBLEMS WITH THE HYPOTHES1S
receplor numbers and blunting of Ihe responses to T here arc findings that cannot be reconciled with the
the hormone; (d) therefore. there is a further in. preceding. It has been poinled QUI that maximal ef-
Crease in insulin requiremenls. and yet larger fects of insulin on normal adipocytes are achieved
amounts of the hormone are seeretoo: and (e) after when only 10% of the receptors are occupied by the
some time. even very high plasma insulin levels can· hormone (157) . (Other target cei ls have similar 1"\:'
nol maintain the hornwne funclions. In many of the quiremcnts.) It should therefore be possible for the
patients. dietary restrictions ameliorate Ihe condi_ high levels of circu lating hormone to interacl with
tions. As Ihey lower insulin requirements and the in- sufficient numbers of receptors even when the total
tensity of islet cell slimulation. plasma insulin levels population is low. The patienls should also display
retu rn slowly to value;s approaching the normal full responses to exogenous insulin if the dose is suf-
.... nge . The I'reel cell. 'hen er.,j".lly hn;!rl " I' ,h,.;r ficiently laree ;, n<l' c-""" ("",", tMN
hornwnc r=ptor numbers. However. in some indio discussion). Unimpaired carbohydrate metabolism
viduals the beta celi. become "exhausted". Or they has been described for some patients with a form of
undergo changes that rcnder them hypersuseeptible museular dystrophy, despite reduclions in receptor
to injury. numbers (34).
The concepts Can be supported by several kinds of In healthy persons. small increments in blood glu·
observations. The blood insulin levels of most MOD CQ$C concentra tions are rapidly corrected. mostly via
palients who have not received hormone therapy arC prompt suppression of hepalic oUlput of the sugar. "
high, and insulin resistance is easily demonstrated if stronger hyperglycemic challenge invokes acceler-
auempts are made to normali7.e the blood glucose ated inward transpon of glucose aC rOSS the insulin.
values by injecting insulin. Much larger doses are re- sensitive plasma membrane "barriers" of the hor-
quired than the ones given to patienlS with JOD and mOne target cells.
islet cell destruction. Some patients with MOD are unable to substan.
"Simple" obesity tends to elevate the blood insulin tially accelerate glucose transport when given
levels and to invoke insulin resistance (135). Previ- enough of Ihe hormone to correCI the hyperglycemia
ously oormal cells maintained in vitro undergo in· (224). The observations indicate that there arc
sulin receptor loss when they arc exposed to high poslreceptor defects thaI impair coupling of hor-
concentrations of the hormone. Adipocytes. lympho- mone binding to cellular responses. The defects may
cytes. and other cell types laken from obese MOD actually be caused by chronic insulin deficiency,
patients usually have subnormal numbers of insulin since they can sometimes be correcled with hornwne
receptors. therapy (158). S imilar postreceptor defects have
The increased insulin requirements imposed flrsl been described for streptozotocin-treated rodents
by 0"er-<'3ting and later by «,ceptor down-rtgulalion (95).
may not, however. tOlally alX'oum for the hyperin_ Ther. have been recent indications that high in·
sulinemia of obesity. Hepatic clearance rates of the sulin levols do nOt always bring aboul down regula·
hornwne are also tower than in normal subjects tion of the receptors in vivo. and thaI effect.s of the
(139A). hormone on receptor regulation vary with the car_
Dietary restriction alone is often effective for al· bohydrate and fal contents of the diet as wdl as with
leviating the symptoms of MOD. Interestingly, im- the caloric value (I 42.158). In fact. it has been sug·
gested that some of the "down regnlation" of insulin The "oral (s,", above) were
receptors in patients is related to cooditions imposed widely used for a time. Some have suggested that in
upon them during their stay in hospitals (142). addition to possibly aggravating the tendency to de-
POSlree<:plor defects probably account for Ihe fail· velop severe and even fatal cardiovaseular problems.
ure of some MOD 10 respond 10 dietary restriction. the agents can be harmful because tbey initially el-
There arc also limited numbers of MOD patients evate the insulin levels. This can nacerhat. the in-
who are of normal weighl Or even lean (224). sulin resistance and increase the appetite. Moreo''';:r.
Clearly. the "down regulation of receptors" concept insulin itself has been implicated in st imulating the
cannot be applied to them. proliferation of the smooth musele of arterioles and
A common defe\:t is within the islet cells. AI· of thereby increasing the tendencies to develop
though the ability to synthesize insulin is retained. atherosclerosis .
the cells do not release adequate amounts of hor. Somc clinicians defend the use of the sulfonyl urea
mone in response to a hyperglycemic stimulus. Pa· derivatives, both in conjunction with dietary thcrapy
tients with this kind of problem can have fasting in MOD patien\\, and for "stabiliunion" of glucose
blood gluoosc levels within the normal range but su f. tolerance in patients requiring insulin. They question
fer bouts of hyperglycemia when they eat the validity of statinical findings that point to larger
Hormones that antagoni?.e insulin actions and in· numbers of deaths from cardiovascular problems in
crease insulin requirements account for some fo,ms patients receiving the drugs and point oUi that oral
of diabetcs mellitus. Glucagon may be a particularly therapy is especially needed by who are
important offender. especially if the insulin sec relion very young, elderly. blind, or unable to give them-
rale is subnormal. When there is insuHicicnt insulin selves injections because of motOr impairments.
to support glUCQSe-mediated inhibilion of the alpha
cells, enough glucagon can be ",leased to invoke Se-
Relation ships between Insulin Deficien cy
Vere hyperglycemia and also ketosi s, It is suspected
and Patho logical Changes In the Tissues
thaI some individuals put Out tOO much glucagon be·
cause somatostatin depression is defective. Glucagon lnsulin-deprived animals do not develop the kinds of
receptor antagonists have been shown to very sub- pathology commonly seen in patients with diabetes
stantially ameliorate the metabolic problems of in· mellitus. It has tbcrefore been suggested that the ti,·
sulin-deficient rats (90). and long·acting somato- sue cbanges result from hereditary defects that arc
statin analogs have had beneficial in some acquired along with the beta cell problems, bUi that
humans. they are not dire<:tly rela ted to insulin deficiency,
Growth hormone. glucocorticoids. and thryoid
t.......... defic;eI>CY me'8b01i<: problems
hormones all raise blood glucose level s, increase in·

sulin requirements. and affe\:t receptor functions. Gcnelic
Chronic oversecretion aoxounts for limi ted numbers defects
of cases of diabetes mellitus. changes in 'he tinue.

A second CQncept is that the primary defect is

thickening of the capillary basement membranes.
This impairs both insulin release and the normal
It has been strongly adVQCated that oOcse patients processes of tissue repair. It may also account for
with MOO be treated by dietary means and exercise some of the insulin resista nce.
programs whenever possible. and that the limited
numbers of patients who do not respond adequately I"'U"" ooficieocy

Ge .... tic Thickening ot
should be given minimal amounts of insulin
defect - - basemen'
(136,137). There is a growing tendency to include membranes
substantial quantities of "complex carbohydrates" Disrupte<1 metabOlism,
and fiber in the calorie·restricted meak tissuo damaQc
Grains and vegelables are included because of some A third idea that has long been conside",d and is
evidene<: that carbohydrate deficiency and cxcessivc now widely is that insulin per se.
of fats contribute to the metabolic prob- along with the bouts of hypergl)'cemia it leads 10.
lems. It has been assum«l that starches do not rap- accounts for all of Ihe clinical fingings.
idly elevate the blOXld glucose because they arc ab-
sorbed slowly. This concept has recently been
challenged. but higl1-fiber diets may provide a dif_
ferent kind of advantage. They can supply traCe
metals (espceially zinc and chromium) that are
needed to maintain normal glucose tolerance.

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ical changes. Recent demonstrations that hypergly- Activily of 3-Hydro,y-3-Methylgl.laryl·Coen·
cemia leads \0 accelerated glycosylation of macnr ,}'me A P'IX. Nat'- Acad. Sri. USA
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_ _ __ 6
The Glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoid! support Ihc glycogenolytic, gluco- GLUCOCORTICOID DEFICIENCY IN WHOLE

neogenic. ketogenic. and ureagenic aClions of glu- ANIMALS
cagon. They also innucnees of the ir own on
carbohydrate. pMcin, and lipid metabolism. In ad- Glucoconicoid receptors have be<::n identified in vir_
dition, Ihey perform many funClions that aT<' 1101 di_ tually every known nucleated ceillype of the ,,,,rIC-
rectly related to such processes (29). brates (22). The importance of thc hormones can be
The steroids sharpen the appetite, mod ulate gus- demonstrat:d by performing adrenalectomies and
talOry and olfactory perception (62) . affect the providing protection against mineralocorticoid dep-
d igeslion and inleSlinal at>sorplion of nUlricnI'. and rivation ( IH).
promOte thc slorage of glycogen . Thcy induc<= glu· Even when all kinds of pr<:caulions arc taken.
cone<lgcnic enzymes. provide substrates for thcm by mortality rates arc high for most species, and this is
diverting a mi oo acids away from p;lthways for pro- :specially Irue for infants and juveniles. Rats arC
lein synlhesis, and excn "sugar-sparins" effects by among the hardicr Iypes tbat can survive for long
slowi ng glucose uptake into cells that hllve insulin- periods onder carefully controlled laboratory condi·
regulated plasma membrane barriers. tions_ They most be continuously supplied with
They also play important roles in the regulation of moist, palatable food and water. and they require en·
(a ) myocardial contraction. vascular permeability. vironmental temperatures that never deviate by
the tone of vascular smooth musc le. hematopoiesis. more than a few degrees from the optimum range.
and leukocyte translocation; (b) Water. monovalent They can not cngage in sustained phy<ical
ion, calcium, and phosphorus metabolism, and acid- and they havc poor resistance to infeClions. Rela·
ba$e balance; (c) clectrical activity in the nervOus tively mild forms of " nonspecific me,-.," c_g .• loud
system . t he biosynthesis and lurnover of neurotrans- noises. can cause death.
mi tters, learning. behavior. and mood; (d) immune The animals display low levels of motor activity.
system functions and inflammatory responses; (e) and they tend to havc subnormal body temperatures
the ability of skel etal muscles to engage in sustained when kept in rooms suitable for the housing of un·
effort: (0 the secretions of several hormones; (g) skin operated lil\ermatcs_The eleclroencephalogram pal-
pigmentation: (h) reproduction, lactation, embryo lern, and thresholds f()r stimulation are abnormal,
onic development. and both prenatal and postnatal the re arc i>Cnsory defects, learning a nd memory are
cell proliferalion. differen ti ation. and maturation, impaired, and there is reduced tendency to e ngage in
and (i) Ihe ability to cope with exploratory behavior.
Most oflh. actions are man ifested after latcnt pe. Circu latory system impairments include low blood
riods of I Or mOre hours . The re<:eptors havc be<::n pre.ssure, reduced blood volume. poor cardiac func_
characterized (A·) . and factoN; that alfe<:t their tion. inability to cope with water loads, inerea>cd
stabilizal ion (A·l) and activalion (A-4) have be<::n vascular pe rmeability. delayed coagulation. and dif·
identified. ficulties in adjusting to sudden postural changes Or


Ihc loss of small amounts (If blood . Anemia be often mild because of "compensatory" hyperinsulin.
",vere. and the plasma albumin levels arc inade_ emia). The "ruddy" appearanec r<:sults from poly-
quate: but the lymphocyte ooun\;s high and .osirl()- cythemia and elevated blood pressure.
philia may develop. The thymus gland is enlarged, The appetite is sharpened. and this sometimes
and ;\ fails to inVQlutc in response to stress. leads to the development of oocsi ty. l'lowever, oot a ll
Adrcna lC:<:l()mized animals usually cal only lim- of the fa! depots aro affected in the Same way. Li·
ited quamities of food . especially when offered stock polysis tends to deplete those of the append icular
laboratory diets. They further decrease their intakes structures (arm. and legs). whereas execs,ive 'tor_
if they 3re required 10 "work" for the food (e.g .. by age of falS On axial structures (abdomi nal region,
lifting heavy lids on fceders. crawling Ih rough lun- face. and back of the neck) accounts for designations
nels . Or pressing bars) , Gastric acidity. ,uch as "moon face" and "buffalo hump".
tina) motility. and ralCS of nulr;cnt absorption arc all Inhibition of protein synthesis is a major problem .
depressed , Although the sensitivity \0 Ihc hypogly_ This. too, is selective. Ther<: is usua lly "wasting" of
cemic effects of insulin is glYW&cn stor- skeletal muscle Ihat is aS$OCiatcd with weakness. The
age is inadequate, The limited num!>' .. of you ng an- dermis of the skin becomes and a depressed
imals thai survive .how poor groWlh rates. rate of fibroblast proliferation contributes to the for-
The problems Can be averted by instituting glu · malion of pink or purple striae ("stretch marks"),
co<xmiwid replacement therap)" soon after the sur_ delayed WQIInd healing. and defective walling off of
gery. They are less easily corrected after two Or more sites of inFection. Thinning of thc bones (osteopo-
days of deprivation. rosis) i. amibuted to both faulty collagen synthesis
Addison's disease is a clinical disorder in Which and influences of Ihe glucocorticoids On vitamin D
inade<juate amou nts of adrenocortical hormones are and calcium metabolism. Catabolic influences On the
secreted (78) . Usually. tl1c gluoocorticoid deficiency thymus gland and aS$OCiated lymphatic tissues in-
syndrome is aggravated by the simultaneous depri. crease the susceptibility to infections. On the other
vation of mineralocorticoids. hand. the synthesis of certain hepatic proleiM is ac-
Many of the symptoms resemble the ones just dc- celerated. and too many red blood cells are made.
scribed. Skelelal muscle wea kness is pronounced. Glucocort icoidscxert early influences on the brain
and sleep offers lillie relief from the chronic fatigue. that tend to elevate mood and increase the sense of
The patients are apathetic and ps)'chologically dc- "well-being". Larger amounlS can bring on tempo-
pressed. They suffer sensory impairnlents, and some rary euphoria. However. the se<:ondary effects in-
enga ge in what has been labeled "paranoid" or "psy- clude psychic depression. Patients with chronically
chotic" behavior. The gastrointcstinal symptoms in· elevated levels tend to have mood .wings. They have
clude anorexia . nausea. vomiting. abdominal pain. also been known to display bizarre behavior and to
and sometimes diarrhea. Inadequate food intake suffe r hallucinations . Before the dangers were fully
ac<:rbates the hypoglycemia caused by metabolic dc- appreciated . some individuals given very large doses
fe<:ts. In formerly fair·skinned individuals, there i, a became suicida l. Effe<:t s on the brain arc manifested
'bronzing" of the skin that is especially marked in by individuals with no previous history of psycholog·
normally pigmented regions (e.g .. Ihe nipples), attd ieal problems.
in parts that are exposed to sunlight. (Da rk ... kin'lCd The steroids reduce fever mostly by decreasing
patie nts may develop patches of poorly pigmented prostaglandin synthesis and inhibiting the release
skin. or vitiligo. This is probably related to autoim- pyrogens; but som<: innuences are also exerted on the
mune processes that are also responsible for the de_ brain.
struction of the adrenal cortex.)

Cushing's syndrome is a clinical disorder in which
Glycogen SyntheSiS
excessive quan tities of adrenocortkal hormones are
secreted. Similar problem. arise when pharmacolog· The dose-related augmenlation of glyoogen storage
ical dosages of synthetic steroids are given for their in fasted. adrenalectomized animals is the basis for
anti·inflammatory properties, or for other purposes one of the methods of bioassay.
unrelated to correction of a deficiency_ Glyoogenesis. glycogenolysis. and the roles of in·
Only some of the consequences Can be predicted sulin, glucagon, nutrients, and metabolites. in the
from krlOwledge of the defIciency problems. The .. regulation of glycogen metabolism, Were discussed in
inelude hyperglycemia and glycosuria (which is detail in Chapters 4 and 5.

1 Gluconeogenesis
j Glucose oxidat"'"
t Poripheral glUCOSe uptaKe

• Glyeog<>n
, synThase
! fiepaTic __
t Gly<:ogen _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ; G._d,...

Fig, 6- 1. O' .... H of glucoeott;ooO:Is or> glyoogen

Glucocortiwids promote Ihe produclion of glyCQ- conyersion of phosphorylase 1/ to phosphorylase b.

gen syntllase, and they aClivate preexisling en'.ymc. MOf<'Q\ler, when high glucose ICYels build up in Ihe
They provide the liver wilh glu=-phosphate by a,- li ver, the sugar binds 10 phospho')'lasc 1/ and thereby
,derating gluooneogencsis and by limiling extra_he_ f<'nde .. Ihe en,-yme morc yulnerable 10 auaek by Ihe
palic use of glucose. They also e.erl inhibilory inAu- phosphalase (Fig. 6-2).
enee!; over th. phosphorylase 'ystem. especially Glyoogen synthase aClivity is indirectly aug-
when glucose i. abundant (Fig. 6-1). mented by thc reactions. sillCe phosphorylase II is an
The actions require the support of in,ulin, and the inhibilor of that enzyme.
steroids indirectly augment insulin secretion. How- Newly fornted glyoogen granules associate with
ever. their metabolic effects can be acoomplished Ihe tubules and vesicles of the smooth endoplasmic
without rai.i"$ the blood in.ulin 1e",1•. reticulum. The hormone promote. proliferation of
The livers or glucocorticoid-treated animals oon- the membrants and accumulation of enl.ymes within
tain a phosphorylase: regulator that cannot be de- them (85). Some of the slowly developing influences
tected in the tissues of untreated adrenalectomized of the glucooorticoids may be on such
oontrols (140) . processes.
The induced pMcin gradually decreases the aCliv-
ity of phosphorylase b kinase. Consequently. phos-
phorylase II roYerts 10 phosphorylase II. and glycogen
degradation is slowed. Glucocorticoids may al so pro- During late felal stages, promOle Ihc
mote Ihe of thaI calalyze formation of gluooki nasc and of large amounts of


Fill. 6-2. 1'r<>PQM<l mechaniom.!<>I'

Aeli • • u"" o! glycogM syntha".

glycogen synlhsc (8). This is nec=ry for aCCu- ical life of Ihe cAM P, but these do not Seem to be of
mulation of the glycogen thai will be """de<! to .ub,tantial physiological imponance.
maintain Ihe blood sugar CQlICentraliollS during lhe Thc glycogcnolytic aClions of cateeholamines and
perinatal period. of certain Olher regulators on the liver arc largely
In ralS with 22...Jay geSlalion period" plasma glu- cAMP·independent. Glucocorticoids may support
cocorticoid levels rise during day, 18-20, while gly- Ihcm by providing glycogen, by promoting phosplHr
cogen accumulation rapidly during daY' 19 rylase synlhesis. and possibly also by facilitating el-
through 21.5. Precocious onset Qf glyoogen storage evation of Ihe cylosol Cal' concentrations.
can accomplished by injecting the steroids on day
16, whereas lh. normal processes are impaired in
hormone deficiency stalcs. The fctalli"., is insensi- Gluconeogenesis
tive 10 Ih. steroids berOT. day 16. probably because Adrcnale.:\omizcd animals can ulilize dietar), nU'
il Ihen has rew hormone «<.pIOrs. tricnts. but they soon become hypoglycemic when
The r<:sponses 10 glucocorticoid, decline rapidly food-deprived. One problem is that they cannot re·
after birth (140). This has be<:n variously auributcd cruit amino acids from extrahepatic sources for usc
to (a) cell differentiations thai aITe<:t post-receptor in gluconeogenesis.
events; (h) delivery of nutricnts via Ihe hepatic por- The glucocollicoids '"mobilize" Ihe lissue protein,
tal =sel, when the infants begin to feed; and (e) in several ways, (a) They inhibit the uptake of amino
influences by othcr hormones . {Changes in acids by skelctal muscle .nd other extrahepatic tis·
thyroid and growth hormone functions occur during sues. This leaves larger amounts for the her. (b)
the perinatal period; and thyroid hormone aCIS on They inhibil glucose uplake at those same .itc •. The
glucocorticoid-sensitive pituilary cdls (86J,) extrahepatic cells are Ihereby deprived of sources of
Although in. ulin i. tho major inducer of glyooson .yn· ATP and other substances needed to support the in-
Ih""" and glucokinase arter birlh. il doe. not ...,m 10 be: oorporation of amino acid, in to protein •. (e) By se·
"fprimary impOrtance during tht late fet. 1.lagtS, II o.n lect ively accelerating degradation of SOme rate·lim·
aocelor.t. gl)'cogen .ynlhesis by "oli\'3t'1\3 glycogen .)'n· iling aminQ acids, imbalances arc created that
th .... but il cannot roplace the gluCOCOrtiC(>id,. Insulin funher depress protein ,ynthesi •. Con..,qucntly.
may requiT. Ihe >yneTgi>lie elfee" "r Ihe hi$h glu<=<: le,- amino adds leave the cell, to enter Ihe blood'tream.
el.that are no! until .fter r«di1\3 bogin •. Skeletal mu",,\c i. an e.pecially rich SOurCC of aia·
nine and of branched-<:hain amino acids,
Blood gluwse-maintaining roles of glucoconicoid. INFLUENCES ON INDUCTION OF AMINO·ACID·
include support of glycogenolysis during times of DEGRADING ENZYMES
fasting. In addition to providing Ihe glycogen sut>.
'trate. the .teroids promote the biosynthesi, of gil" A lan ine a nd smaller amounts of serinc. proline, thre-
cogen phosphorylase (56). The livers of untreated onine. arginine. glutamate. and aspanate are the
rats comain subnorma l quantities major direct precursors of glucose in the liver (38),
of the inactive form of the cnzyme (phosphorylase Glucoconicoid, have liltle influence on the en"ymes
b). The levels are slowly restored by hormonc thaI directly promole dcaminalion of those .minQ
replacement. acids, The steroids aCI most obviou'ly on tyrosine
transaminase and on tryplophan oxidase .
Tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT, TA tyrosine
RELATIONSHIPS TO cAMP ketotransferase . TKD promotes Ihe transfer of
Slcroid.deficient animals secrete glucagon. They amino gr()Ups from tyrosine (and relaled moleeuk.
thereby build up high levels of cAM? in the liver. such as phenylalanine) 10 (t--kctoglutarate .
and thcy activ.te the cAM?.dependenl prolein Tyrosine + Ketoslularate-
kinascs. However. the)' C<lnnot e/foxtive ly usc + Glutamate
the cnlymes to accomplish The
mechanisms glucocorticoids may exert The hydroxyphenyl'pyruvale is further metabo-
'"pcrmissive'" influences at silcs beyond protein ki· lized to fumarate (which is glucogenic) + acetoace-
nase activation (56) werc discussed in Chapter 4. tyl-CoA. The glutamate can be used 10 make glu·
The glucocorticoid. do not exert important inllu- cose. to provide amino groups for the synlhesis of
ences on hepatic adenylate cyclase. Some small ef· amino acids from carbon ,keleton proxursors. or for
fects on phosphodiesterases may prolong the biolog· other metabolic purposes,
Tryptophan oxidase (TO, tryptophan pyrrolase, complished via generaliud of protein
TP, tryptophan dioxygenase) catalyzes the oxidation synthesis and slowing of the degradation, The effects
of tryptophan to formylkynurenine, which Can be can be seen within 6 minutes (SO)_
metabolized to alanine or used for the formation of In the glucocorticoids contribute to cell dif_
nicotinic acid, ferentiation and initiation of mRN A "
Glucocorticoids are potent inducers of both of the Early administration of Ihe steroids Can inV<lke pre-
enzymes when they are administered to either intact mature appearance of the en'.yme (8).
or adrenalectomized animals_The latcnt periods thai
precede accumulation of the and the aoo.
lition of the effects with «_amanitin or actinonlycin "DE INDUCTION ," "PSEUDOINDUCTlON," AND
D, are consistent with the belief that the hormones "SUPERINDUCTIO N"
act primarily 3t the level of transcription. Tbc Hormone wi1hQraw.( leads to "dcinduelion," Or roturn of
mRNAs that arc made have very Short biological the en,.yme conte.1 to basal leyOls. It is associated with
half-lives (only 1.5 hours for TAT mRNA). diminished rosponsiveoes' to cA ,\ lP and is attributed to
Only modest clTeets arc obtained in the absence of degradation of the induced mRNA •.
eA M P. This has been demonstrated by in vitro stud- When insulin " nd other serum components slow dei'
ies of isolated liver cells (and ,,-ith hormone-respon- rodalio. of thc protein •• the amounts of en'_ymCli
sive hepatomas thai arc more easily maintained in ,..ith Shorl h.lf·livcs tend 10 increase, Such "pseudoi •.
culture) (37, 38). ductioo" is not lin ked with ne'" cnzyme t;jooynlOcsi,
It has b.:cn proposed by various investigators that (141).
cAM P (a) facilitatcs the processing of m RNA pre- If the hormooc is permitted to . Cl and is t!>en with_
drawn. aC1inomyci. D bring> about i","a,,_r in h<>rmone
curSOrS into forms that can be used by the ribosomes:
synthC$i, (superinduction). T he elfects .re .bolished by
(b) accelerates thc transport of the mRNAs from c)'clohe.imide . Dne pos,ibility i, thaI lhe antibiotic intcr_
the nucleus to the cytoplasm: (e) st"biH,-e, the rere, wilh lhe formation of . hiihly labile inhibit<>r th. t
m R NAs and prote<:I' them again.t degradation: and aclS pos1lran. lotion.lly. Anothor is th.t aClinom),ein [) in
(d) augments ribosomal use of the mRNAs for Ihe ..,mc ,",'.)' acceleratC$ protein ' ynthesis via mechanism,
dire<;tion of en?)"me bio.;ynt he'is_ unrelated to it.' «peeled .frCCl! 00 the DNA

There is evide",e f<>r cA M P 3cede'. tioo of the rate of

etong."on ot the tAt n• .oCnt cha,", (t l t). ADDITIONAL INFLUENCES ON
elTcet' of cAM P on ,tabili,-,uion of the m RNA for PEP GLUCONEOGENESIS
c .. box)'kina<e haY< l><cn demoMlmtod (37)_ A cA.\lP_
depeodent pf<)tein kinase i, kno"'n to promote poo.pho- Glucocorticoids accelerate from
,)'l.lion of $CyOml kind, of molccule!. Thc... <x>uld in· glycerol, p)·ru.ate, lac(ale. and other substrates a.
dude an)". or a combination. of the following: clong"t ioo well. They increase the aClivi!)" of glucose-(,-phos-
f.ctorl. pol)'som. l.mRNA .... ssociated protein,.• nd nas· phatasc_ probably by promoting transloeation of the
cenl (121). cnl.yme from the rough to the smooth enoplasmie re-
ticulum and thereby changing either the ph)'sical
The cA ." !P is not effective by itself. (Small incre-
state of the protein or the microenvironment (8).
ments in en'_ymeconlcnt seen when dibutyryl cAMP
They induce PEP carboxykinase (Chap. 5). and they
and pho:;phodiestera.'iC inhibitors arc presented to increase thc a,'ailability of glycerol by contributing
preparations prc.iously exposed to thc are
to lipolysis.
attributed to interactions with the very limited
amOunts of mRNA, made under basal conditions.)
If the cAMP is presented firsl. and the glucocor-
Other Influences on the LiYer
ticoid i, added late r, the full latent period for the
steroid action muSt elapse (pre,umably because Although they do not promote increase.!
stimulation begins with Ihe mRNA symhesis). in protein synthesi,. the steroids accelerate the pro-
However. if (he glucocorticoid alorte is given. and Ihe duction of certain specific substances. e.g .. some of
cAMP is added at (he end of the latent period. the the plasma proteins. The mechanisms include ele-
clTects of the nucleotide become apparent alrtl(lSt vation of hepatic amino acid content_ ( 1I, glu-
immediately_ cocorticoids can decrease amino acid uptake by hep-
High eoneemrations of tyrosine. leucine. and cer- atoma e<:Us [49]).
(ain other amino acids Can increase hepatic TAT The fctal liver is an imror(anl site for hemato-
(141): and tryptophan has similar innuenecs on TD poiesis . Glucocorticoids promote transfer of the
(42). The eITec1s a'e attributed 10 stabiliwtion of 1he function to bone marrow under physiological condi_
enzymes_ Although insulin opp:1<Cs many glucocor- (ions_ T he maturation can be accelerated by inject_
ticoid aClions.;t increases hepatic TAT_ Thi5 is ac- ing fetuses Wi1h the steroid,.
Influences on Adipoc yte Plasma Membranes wise normal individ uals. since glucocorticoids also
ael indirectly 10 promole insulin release.
Glucocortiooids act on adipocy\c plasma membranes
10 inhibit glucose uptake. They thereby interfere Allbough the lipid-dcpleting effects arc extensive_
wilh production of the glycerol·3·phospha\c required they arC also selective. Most of the reserve, arc re_
for incorporation of fally acids into \riacyglycerols. cruiled from appendicular StruclureS (arms and
Since the effects develop slowly and can he blocked legs), while fat tends to QITumular.. on the axial Ones
by inhibitors of RNA or prolein synthesis, they may (fac ial, cervica l and abdominal regions). The
involve production of a labile prolein thaI inlerferes change. in fal distrihution may be related to the
richer sympathetic innervation of arm and leg mus-
with transport. (fructose utilizes a dilTercm
carrier (I I). and ils uptake is not affected .) cles. a nd to greater insulin sensilivity at other sites
(4 1).
Glucocorticoid! increase the sphingomyelin oon·
ten! of the plasma membranes of adipocyle5. skeletal
muscle. and other insulin targets. "'hile adrenalec- GLUCOCORTICOIDS AND RESPONSES TO
tomy decreases the adipocytc sphingomyelin and in_ NONSPECIFIC STRESS
creases Ihe cholesterol comcnt (107) . The quantita_
live correlations with changes in basal glucose (bUI Pe rhaps Ihe most inlriguing (but the !cast under-
not fructose) lransporl are attributed to influence.. stood) of all glucocorlicoid functions is the protec-
on membrane f1uid ily. Such effee\-' do not Ihe tion they afford during Ihe early rcsponse$ to non-
ability of high glucose conC<'ntralions plus insulin to specifIC stress (29. 12S).
sugar uplake (41). When healthy. inlacl animals arc exposed to any
of a wide variely of noxious or Ihrealening slimuli,
Ph armacolo,ical eoncentrali.,... of sever.1 '[e,<>ids they pour OU I IWo 10 Ihree times the quantilies of
•• erl rapid, non.pecifie "deterge nt_like" clfeeto <HI Ihe glucocorticoids rclease<l under mOre usual cittum-
membrane. that affee1 transpon funclion •. The obsc".- s ta nces. If the Slress is severe and prolonged. the gl u-
lion' are probably IIQt physiologically r.levant (103).
cocorticoid .... creti ng cells can be strongly stim ulated
Glucocorticoid, a lso decrease hexokinase II activ- for days Or weeks. The adre nal conices unde rgo hy-
ity Th •. reJ"re . i, incfficicnl ,,'" nf cV'.n lim_ I"'tlr<lphy, .mi Ihe <icmid chroni_
iled amount. of glucose that do entCr thc cells. cally elevated.
(Fruclose phwphorylation is 001 affectcd (13IJ.) Th e effeets of lhe high steroid levels on lhe ani -
GluCOC<lnicoids further impair glycerol -3-phosphatc ma ls include shrinkage ("stress in"olulion") of lhe
production by inhibiting PE P carboxyki nase in adi- thymus gland. some hyperglycemia and glycosuria.
pocy tes (altoough they increase lhe activity of Ihal increased renal eXcrelion of nitrogenous waste" in-
enzyme in li. cr and kidney). The effeclS on the en- creased glycogen deposition in the liver. some "wast_
zymes are separable from the ones on tran'port ing" of ti.,ue prolein" and possibly also mild hyper_
(123). tension . However, the metabolic effects arc far less
When glycerol-3-phosphale producliO!! is im- seve rt than would be the ea,e if the Same gl ucocor-
pai red , adipocyte, release large quamilie' of fatly ticoid leve ls we re II) be .ustained in nonmessed
acids !O Ihe bloodslream. Glucocorticoids can ac- animals.
complish this when acting alone. The effecls are aug- Whe n lh. offensive slimuli a re withdrawn. lhere
mented by epi nephri ne and other lipolytic hormones. is us ually rapid recovcry of Ihe norma l metabolic
The fally acids arc la ken up by the liver. and high status. (It is possible. howeve r. for animals
levels of lhc hormone can promote the a«umubtion to severe stress for long rcriods to evidence signs of
of execssi'o'<' quantities of lipids in that organ. Recovery then involve.< more
Ad ipose tissue release, mostly long-chain fally rcpair.)
acids. Hepalocyles conven them 10 short-chain fany In contra't, unprotected adrcna lectomi,ed ani_
acid" and they release the product, to Ihe blood- ma ls succumb rapidly if exposed to same slimuli.
stream for u .. by rest ing , kelelal mUScle, cardiac Death u.ually results from cardiovascular collapse,
musele . and some Ol hc r cdlIYPCS. T he processe, ",. but ..condary re na l failu re can develop if there is
Sume especial importan« during fasting, .ince high sufficient time. Hypoglycemia is COmmon in some
glUcocorticoid levels. decreased rates of insulin re- specie" a nd it can have fatal consequences. How-
lease. and blood glucose levels in the 10w-norm"1 when art ificial meaSures arc taken to keep up
range all limit the ava ilability of carbohydrate fuels. tho blood glucose levels, survival is prolonged only
The deli very of excessive quanlitics of fally acids brieny. The same animals can be fully protccled if
to hepalocyle. accelerates ketogenesis. However. they are given glucocorticoid, before imposition of
only mild ketonemia and ketonuria follow in other_ the stress.
Imerningly. animals ch ronicatty expOSed to a spe- the responses (74). Glucocorticoid deficiency
cific form of IIQxious stimulaHoo prior to adrenak;(:. a lso impairs A-II generation. The hormone induces
tomy In: much more <eswant than " umr.aincd" COft. the ewymc that catalyles con' l'rsion of angiotensin
trois to tllat pani<:ula. form of stn:s.s. They are. I to A, II (45). The same en1.)'1m iNJt;fil'(Jla
hovo'ev.:r. futty susceptible to unrelated da maging kinin. " 'hich (unctions as a vuodilator.
stimuli. Previously unlrained adrenalcctomized ani· Adrcnalectomiled a nimals are O'ICr-seru;;li"e to
mals can also grad"oll" a«ustomed tOSOIm vasodilators (73 ). They succumb to cardiovascular
adve rse conditions, when ai "en "" the dose of histaminc toler-
a ted by intact con trols (126). They Can be fully pro-
tected against this by pretreatment with glucocorti.
GIUCOCO r1 lcold Influen ce. o n the Cir c u lato ry
coids and catecbolami ncs.
Sy. tem
Left preS$ure during sys.tole is sub,..,r·
G lucooortiooid«l'icient aninutls ha\'t reduced car· ma l. This is associated with changes ;n the dtaro-
diac outpu t. very limited cardiac 1'CKm:. and i.... cardiogram ( .. hieh ca n procrc:ssivcly worsen) and
paired delivery of oxygen and nutricnts to with a ltered Na -/ K '_ATPase aet;vity. Doth the
tissues. The blood volume tends to be low. with tto.: cardiac " 'eight and its glycogen content d«line.
defect more obvious in some speci es than in otto.:rs. The heart has glucocorticoid rec<ptors (4 1). and
T he total hemoglobin and red cett content are re- injcctions of the hormone restore myo<:ardiai c0n-
duced (a lthough hemoconcentration mask this tractile force. normal electrical activity panems.
c!fcct if only <.juamities per mittiliter nre measu red). weight. and Illycogen content. However. all naturally
Cardiovucular reRcxes lead to some gc nc ralized va- QC<:urring g1ucorortiCXlids have some mineralocort i-
sooonstriction. but this is usually for pro- coid potency. Aldosterone (the major minera1oeor_
ttaioro agalMI development of hypotension. The va· tiCXlid) can impo ore the cardiac function. It probably
can aggra""'te elfeets 0( low card iac acts in pan by exening influences on tto.: ATPase.
QIItput a nd aroemia on delivery to some of lhe but it also 1o"A-ers plasma K ' and a lfcas the mi neral
tOSMIes. There is also impaired ability to content of the heart . (T he hearts of adrenaleeu)-
adjust the blood flow (via va:lOOOllstrlction miled a ni mals are $erGitivc to ouabain and
and vasodilation) to changing body needs. Capittary otber acting On the AT P-J$e ,)
permeability is usuatty increased (74).
"'<j,... i. k nown 'Q i"", ..... a od gt.""".,..,i ·
coid Idminimation 10 deereue. tOo numbe .. of e..,Ii.c
RESPONSES TO CATECHOlAMINES AND adrencr,ie receptors. The phj'$iol"licat .iPlifi·
RELA TEO PHYSIOLOGICAL STIMULANTS OF e.onte oftM observatio ... is 1101 clear (2).
I'.::rm issive innuenccs on cat«holamine functions. CARDIOINHIBITORY FACTOAS
were dis<.:usscd ea rlie r and in C hapter 4. GluCOCOl- Whu animal!; of di""rsc mamll'Ulliu species .n: .u\).
tiCXlid4efic icnt animals can mount brie f. limited re- jcelt<! to procedurC$that culminate in the onset of fatal
sponses to administered epinephrine or IIQrepincph· circulatory substance. thaI depress lhe my""'"
rine. T hey a re not only una ble to s usta in such dium ."umulatc in the blood. Some of tile lalter aOO act
activity. but they soon lapse into hypotension a nd on v..c u1 ...mQOth muscte 0011 inc, •• capillary
o;ardiovascular insufficieney. Prelre3tlmnt with glu- I bility. Tile I,ent. include myocardial depr . ..... nt factor
woonicoids restores the ahility to respond in a more (MOF. • peptide that ori,illlles in tbe ",,""rca'
pS.1201). p..sively tra ... f.rable leI""t f.ctor (PTLF. a
normal ma nner. tQfIK","'hat larger pqn;ru; tibetllt<! by el)'tll_ytcs pSI).
Although adn:naleclomi:eed animals laCk leuci"" (S I). I nd addit iona.l .. tha. """'" from
medullae. they release CQn$idel'll bk: <.jua lll ilies of .he intcst;"" (S8).
norepinephrinc from tto.:ir sympathetic !lCrve end- Thoe flClOr$' u eff«ti", when teslt<! in ';' ro. and wbe n
ings, Tto.:re ale reasons to believe that they succumb Injected into ani mIl. in which bl.e been taltn
to toxic clfects of endogcnous Ci t« holamines (29). to overt 10",.,; •• of the body t<mper.tu,,, a..:l tbe blood
T hey a re e xq uisite ly sensi tive to stimuli that pro- pU . (Correction of the a.idoli. docJ. !\o.... ""r. IlIcviate
mote diseba!"ie of the molecul es. and they can be .he Iccomp.iinyin, bradycardia {120). )
protected witb cate<::boIamine a ntagonists. More- It i. betieved thot Iocali.ed ischemia of the re,ions in
O'ICr. animals repeatedly inje.:ted with epinephrine wh ich th. &ienll . .. produced Iud. 10 labiliitltion oft}.
prior to are resi$tant to post- _ _ J membra".. wit h C<II' '"Q'''''Ol r,lea .. of h)"droly.
su rpeal sttuS. tie '"'ymes. The lauer caWl'« cleaoqc or bioIogicatly
i!\lClive prttunon to y;.,ld tbe tQ.lie Igent .. Prot«tion
Angiotensin II (A·I1) is an even more pOIent va- ........ development of the myocardial depression is .f·
that contributes to the physiological f<mk<l by I pn>l inin . nd retl ted inhibiICIn..
rrn.inlen.anee of vascular tane. Adrenalectomy abo!· tre.tmcm "'i1 h .ynthcti<: .hKoco"icoids tan p"'",nt
on,et of .hock, "nd lh;. i, .tt,i!)u!<;d 10 ".bili ....tion o>f lymphocytic compOnents. There is much speculation
lysosomal membrane •. The inuavenoo. inru,i<>n of p= but lil1le information on relationships of (he phe-
laglandin E, (PGE,) is benefic;al. probably beO"."'. in nomena to the resistance to stress. Hypotheses con-
addition to . l.bili. ing the membranc" it pron..,.e... _
cerning the physiological signiftcanee include the fol-
dilat;on and thereby ",duct. ;",hemia.
lowing: (a) The steroids aClivalt components of the
immunc system (despite the faClthat some cell, may
HYPOXIA be destroyed in the process). This enhances the re·
sistance to infections that might follow stress .itua-
Impaired o'ygen doli .. " 10 lhe coli. imposed by ca,di ••
in,ufficiency i. aggravated by inability to ,elec1ively COn- lions involving lis,ue trauma . (b) The glucocorti-
'lricl some blood vessel, while dil ating olhers .• nd by he- coids seircliveiy (/epff55 aC(lv,lt« of those
most.,;, thai e •• ctrbat.. the 10$1 of fluids via thynlOCytes capable of mounting altacb against
leaky c'pillarics (120). The", also s•• m !O be imbalance, ··seJr' or autologous (as opposed (0 "non-self." for-
in the n\ln of PfOOUClion of p'(> of the E and eign, or heterologous) antigens. Therefore, the)' pm-
I type. (whkh art vamil.,.,...) and those of the F 1)'1"" vide protection against the mounting of autoimmunc
,hal .timola,e the va",ul.r , mOOth mU$(;ic. I"<:actions that could destTO)l normal tissues. (Such
Severe ... mia contributes .ubolan(i.lly to the hypo.ia. prote<:tion could be espc<:ia1\y important if !iSj;oc in-
The causes include inadequate food in'3ke, dogencrati .. jury leads to the "leakage" of ecllular proteins that
ch ange, in tbe ",mointe.tin.1 mUC<>:'la tbat reduce Hel are normally sequestered (111), since the immune
and production and probably account f<lr dc-
pressed ratel of iron and .itamin B" absorption. and cells may treat them as '·foreign" sUhstances.) (e)
some direct elTects of Ibe borlll(lne deficiency on bon. The reticular ""lis play special roles that contribute
marrOw and erythropoietin "'lease (971. (WuCO\XIr- to stress I"<:sistance. They are usually under tonic in_
ticoid injection, promole "'ticulocytosi, [ 146 J.I hibition by the lymphocytic clements, and the thy_
Patients with Addison', disease oftcn have bout. of mocytes must be removed to permit them to accom-
vomiting and diarrbea that "Ura.. te the nU!ritianal de- plish their missions. (dl The lymphocytes that leave
ficicnci.,.nd disrupt Hcid_baSl: balance. In addition. au_ earry nutrients and I"<:gulators to peripheral cell<
toimmune damase 10 the bone marrow i, known to occur ( 132). (Thymocytes are rich in nucleic acids and
in some (141. protein •. They may transfer the molecules via '"CI"<:_
tory processes, direct cell-to-<:ell interactions, or
Thymus Gland Re sponees to Stree. when Ihey
Since has been supported
In "scnsilive'- species such as Ihe rat and mouse. the by experimental it may be premature to
oulpouring of glucocorlicoids leads 10 rapid and rule out the that the sIT=-associated
massive involution of the thymus gland. Up to 95% are i th"n exaggenllions of
reduclion in organ weight can occur within 24 hours. events tbat proceed under more usual circumslances
Consislenl. bUI less dramalic changes lake pl"ce in (and that they arc not nccessarily benertcial). Glu-
olher Iymphocyle-Iaden tissues. and Ihc blood Iy m- cocorticoids eAert tonic inhibilory innuences on thy-
phocyle counl falls. Resloralion commences soon mocytes (and Ihe thymus glands of adrenalecto-
afler I be blood glucocorticoid level, I"<:turn to control mi;reci animals enlarge). The tbymu, gland
values. In ·'resis\am" speci.. that include humans undergoes circadian variations in weight (129), and
and monkeys. smaller changes of a similar nature the timing i. related 10 the diurnal changes in glu-
occur. cocorticoid hormone secretion.
By COntrail, unprotected adl"<:nalectomi7.ed ani.
mals fail 10 undergo thymic involution when
stressed, and the blood lymphocyte COunt may even EFFECTS OF THYMECTOMY
riso(125) .
If thc thymus gland does. in faCl, play an impoT1ant
The thymus gland comprises mostly lymphocytic
elemenls (thymocytcs and prethymocytcs) tlmt arc role in Ihe resiSiance (0 SlI"<:S$. it is I"<:ao;onable to seck
associated with an epithelioid Somc roles evidence that animals deprived of that organ suc-
of the Ihymocytes in immune and innammatory rc- cumb morc I"<:adily than intact ones when exposed to
actions are considered latcr. The reticular cells arc noxious sti muli . This is not easily demonstrated,
believed to make hormones thaI regulate thymocyte since animals deprived of their thymus glands during
maturation and proliferalion, bUlthey probably syn- juvenile or adult Slages survive and cope with mOSI
thesize other regulators as well (98) (sec Chapter environmentally impascd problems.
20). Th)'mectomy ha, drastic elTec," jf it i, performed al
GluC<.>COrticoids selmively deplcte certain of the carl)', erilical ".ges of devtlopment. In rat>. mie,. and
oth.r ,peci.s born aft.r ,hort ge.tation period •• ""onal.1 u,ually comparable to those of uooperat.d oonlrol. t",o
thymeclomy permanemly cripple' the immune system. day< after Ihe procedure. Young animals ooon resume
Animal. that .urvive ha .. limit.d ability to cope "'ith normal growlh. (Th)'nlCCIOO1izod animals m.y cven
viral and ""rtain b.oterial infection .. or 10 reject lumor "'eigbt more rapidly th.n the others during lhe first few
cell. Ihal h... acquired ab"",mal •• rface Ch"raCleristic" po>(operati.e days ,) However. the crouched position . ..
flowevor, if the .urgery i. delayed for just a few da)", tit< ,umed by some of the operated animo l. durinE Ihe flrsl
• lfeelS on the immune 'y ..em are highl)' limit.d. (Some hour of reco"ery ,uU0sts thallhere i, considerable di..
dopre ... io. oflhc blood lymphocyte COUnt i, $Cen in time. comfon. and <ufiieal healing rcqui ••• several day'.
and ,ublle defo.," in re'pon,es to some antigen, can be When the . urgery i. perrormed at s{Wialllfm" during
demon'trated). T ho only major eon<C<1.uen= . eem 1(> be the tife of the " nimal, some <:free .. of thynlu, gland del'"
in.bility 10 restore the funOlion. exposure 10 X· ri.ation are ca. ily demOll>!rated.
'"yo or the .dministralion of antilymphoc)"lie sera (98). !n a s"ain of hooded rats that begins rapid growth of
No dirCOI relalionship' belween ,uch observati""" and aecc>SQry rCproduolive "ruetures ., ,i, and a half week>.
the rtspon$C' to non'pecifie stre .. ha.e been eslabli'hed. pe,formance of ,urgery just before Ihe ch.nges i. fol-
Role. of the gland at a later time may be associaled wilh lowed by a period in whiCh Ihe animal$ temporarily delay
Ih. markod growth th.t il underg<>c • • ftcr the immune reproductive maturation. When examin.d I g days .fter
funclion, have e" .bli,bd. The of Ihe Ihe operation. sham thymcot<lmi>ed rot. have .m.lIer
young adult i. ","erallinl'" la'ller and heavier than the proslate gland .. seminal "esides. and coagulaling glands
neonatal "ruOlur. (II It al<o display, exqui,ile ",nsi· than unoperatcd O"",'roi> of tbe age. The effects of
livity to ,everal hormonts, The", include e""'ien,. an- the , urgicol SIre .. are maximal 21 d.ys aflcr Ihe proce-
d"'i0n. , and growth hann'me. duro. The operated ooon "c.teh up" and
organ weights <:<>mparabl. to lhose of unoper.led control.
Sublle elTecl. of Ihymus gland deprivalion c.n. by 28 day. post<urgery. Simitar observations ho"e been
however. be demonstrated . made for alb ino rats of the Wi>!'r ' lrain Ihal undergo tbe
reproductive organ maturation wb.n th.), are one week
oIde,. Then . •urgery performed al ,,>V<n and a half (but
THYMUS, REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM, AND not at .ix .nd a halD wcoks ho> Ihe sa me (88).
STRESS The del.), in maluralion "'.nlS 10 makc "phYSiological
.. n'... ·, The melabelic energie, and ,"<Ource. are tem ·
The <x>n<cptlhat the thymu, gland pia)" role, in repro- I"lrarily directod loward the proc . .... of r.cover)' and
duction is not ""'" (27,108). for beth andro- rcpair.
Rcn. and emORen. arc pre",n!. and tho:;e . ' e,ert By contrast ..'ith .ham operaled "oim.I •. thost de-
CIf.ClS that are dilferent from the onc. from Elu· prive<J of Ihymus Sl.nd. fail W exhibit the maturational
COC()rlioOid,. Thero arc indication. that the Ihymu, is dol.y (88). (If organ weights are comparod wilh those of
ncedod for no'nlat dilf",olialioo or the ",·",ic' . • t l<a<1 unoperal.d control<. on<: mighl ga in the erroneou,
in ",mc 'pecies (S 1.99.1 ()\I), Females injected perinatally imprc .. ion Ihal thymeetomy wa. "'ilhout influenct.) l'he
with androgen, devetop a form of $torilit)". It has t>ccn defect in tbymectooti,ed animal • •ho"', up in del.yed
reported Ihat injeotion' of Ihymu$ cells provide protectioo "'ound healina, Dilference. belwccn lhe", and 'ham op-
'" thh (69). thymeCloot)" increa"" tho "'n· eraled animal. arc e.aggeratcd by admini<lerinE ¢.ose·
, ilivit)' to gonad al stcroids (156). (On the oth<r hand. nous gluco<orlico;d, 10 both (87).
neonalal lhymcclomy doc< not ..enl to impair testicular Whon yVl"'!'T animal. are ,ubjecled to 'levere (but not
dovelopment or .cqui.ition of tbe .b ili!}' 10 engago in overwhelm ing) <1re'$. they often undergo preeo<:iOU' pu·
II I J.) berty. Sham thymeelOmy provide, an effeclive .. im"lu,.
Surgkalth)'mcclon,y per '" constitute, • ' ''CS< al least If lbe Ih)'mu. gland is removed in the hooded animol.
comparable in stverily to any of tit< procedure. com- ,..hen thc}' arc 31-33 day. old. the growth of reproductive
monly utili led for lest purposes. In addition 10 elfee" of structU .... i, aceelerated 10 a grealer "'tont than in .ham
the general ".osthetio. the anim.l •• ulfer inci, i<Jn of tho operated OOOtrol' if the . urgery i. performed during the
sternum and e,,,,,,,u," of contonts of the lhoracic ca,·· late sprin\l. 'Ummer. or fall. but not when il is done
it)" to atmospheric pressure and room f\ , ;,. in the winter. Pas.ible implication' of Ihe •• a",nal dilfer_
.ble maS$ of ti .. ue i. removed (ot lea.>1 in ),oung "ni"'al. ). encos "re di",u>s<:d later in conjunction with con,idcr·
and the .ubjec" endure eitbcr a mechanic.1 <h.nge in the 'Iion of pineal function.,
thomcio cavit)· or pre'lencc of ",me (pre,umably Older rats display ,ubtle change. rel.l.d 10 long·tern>
i""rt) foreign malter. ElfccIS of Ihymu, gland depri"lion 'urviv.1 follo"'ing lhymu, gland deprivation, For ",.nI-
e. n Iherdor. be '>S<:.'led onl)' whon 'ham opcrated ani- pie. Itrey show dilferenee, in pa"ern$of ,ino UplOke by.
mols ar. u,.d for comparison . The . h"m coolrol, arc ,ub- • .,iely of body (i .. ue •. and in re'pon"" 10 e'''8enou, go-
jected 10 Ihe "nosthc.i. and Iraum •. but tho)' ore permit· n.d<>1ropin, (122) , They al<o h..e oon$idcrably large.
ted to rotoin thdr Ih)'nlu, gtand •. prost.te gl.nd. Ihan 'ham opcrated animal. ",verol
The .ninlal. rCOO"Cr r.pidl)' when th •• urge,y i. per- month, after Ihe ,ufie ry (92).
formed with ea,". Many drink W"ter wilhin 10 nlinute> Severat dilferenl "udie, indicating influenCe> of Ihy·
.ftor a .. from ttl<: an."hetie. and mO.l begin to nlectomy on function. of lhe piluitary gl.nd
food an hour or Iwo aflerward. Bod)' wcights of both ' Url"lrl the h)'pothesis that tho de'<ribe<! cbanE'" are rc·
thymeclomi,ed " nd sham thymcctomi,.od an imal' or. lated to altered seor.tion of hormones.

THY MECTOMY AND CALCIUM METABOLISM ..",.. ion in adr.naleclomize<! rats .• nd the re.ronses are
altered by thymeelomy (89).
The calcium ion concentration <>f the blood plasm •• IfOClS S<veral other observa,ion, SUMe" link' bet"'een hep-
g",""n and proliferation of many <:<:11111'<' _Chronic h}'. arin and lhe Ihymu, IIland. Thymec,omy markedly alters
pocrcale<;m i. lead, to dCjlOIIilion of calcium .. It. in ooft 'he tolerance to e.ogenous histamine (126), while hepa_
,issue •. The me,aSlatic ific.,;on and 'S$OOi31cd tissue rin bind, histamine and in combinati.,. with it in
clacerbated by .imult ...o", de .. ,ion of lhe rna" cell granules (43). Heparin bind. .al<:ium and i, be_
ioorganic phosphate level •. lie"ed 10 be a COraCIOr f'" Ih. hUm",al r.llulalion of bone
Dirt.l i.",h'ement of the thymus gland in lh. regula- r.sorp'ion (61) . It anlOSMi>.•• IIlucoconieoid innucnc",
lion of plasma calcium conce"lral;OnS is ,.ucSled by lhe on oosinophil movement out of the v.",ular oompar1mcnt
or cakitonin and olher hypocalcemic racl<>r$ Ln (while thymectomy .!fcclS blood eosinophil counlSl. Hep-
lhe thymus gland (83). (Til< ."i.. on"" of. ",ctan)'_pro- arin also aeli'ates lipoprOtein lipase. and the thymus ha.
dueini subslanco" in glands of salamander larvae "as hcen proposed to partic ipate in rcgulalioo of ,uch activilY
,ug8m"" half. centu,y .s<> [148 ). ) (39),
Whon .. IS are ,ubjected 10 ",na l ob,n.ucti.,.,. lflcy r.- In add ilion. lhe .. a .. indicalion. Ihat thc Ih}'mu, pMsph.,c and thi' leads 10 ..",,"dary h),perS<"",'i,," gland .ffee.. develOpment <>f Ihe adrenal c(>rte. (113)
of parathyroid hormone. A ,ub".nt;al percenlage of and also Ihe secretion of some of Ihe ste,oid !Iormone,
adult male, develops cardi"".",ula, ncc,,,,,i, in response (21). and ,hal some mineraloc(>rlicoid. promolC lh)'mu.
10 the hypt:re.leemi, and parathyroid hormone. The ten_ gland
dende, 10 develop exten,iv. doc direclly wilh the
ag'" of the r31, at Ihc lime of imposilion or Ihe All of Ihe preceding observalions arc consislcnl
renal obwuct ion . In young adult malo., th}'mo<lomy wilh (but do not eSlablish) roles for Ihc thymus
greatl)' increa"" both the incidence and severily of gland in mediation of gluCOCQrliwid innuenoxs dur-
,uch Io.ion, (91). Th}'nteclomi,,ed anim.l, al<o .how ing limes of stress.
abnormal ,espons", to tho injection <>f vilamin D,
(lJ_90) .
Actions of Glucocorticoid$ on Lymphocytes
Humans are among the mammals Ihal make cortisol
(hydrocortisone) as Ihcir major glucocorlicoid. They
SODIUM, POTASSIUM, CHLORIDE, AND ar<: .\aid 10 be "glucocorticoid r..,i"ant:· bccauo.<
WATER METABOLISM ,heir lymphocytes arc not easily kil led by high con-
Thymo<tomy .1<0 chan8e. renal eleclrolyte ",cretion centra,ions of Ihe sieroids. When the hormones (or
pallern. (in .nimal, withoul .. nal d.mage). Thc e!fcclS highly polent analogs) arc injccted inlo re-
are very much "'8&.rated if th. "nimals a .. additionally sistant species. mosl of the reduclion in Ihymus
.drenaleclomilCd or ..It loaded (66). Thymeclomi,.cd. gland .i7.e and weight resulls from Iranslocalion of
animal, ",c .. t. 'mailer amOun" of s0- lymphocytic componenls 10 olher siles wi,hin the
dium, po"",ium. chloride_ ond water than do .ham thy- body. Grossly pharmacological levels do. hoW<'ver.
moclomi,ed-ad .. nalcclOmi'.ed .... u d.rinll the wintcr
killlhe colis in _ilro.
moolhs (when all .nimal. have low value.), bUI excrete
Mice, ralS. rabbils and other species make moslly
)a'ger .mouna than the control, during Ihe 'prinBtime
(when all .. Iu •• are high) (g9). The finding< rna)' hc re- COrliCO$lerone. They arc said to be
lated to lho>< on caldum metaboli,m. ,inco it ha, been sensitive," since Iheir lymphocytes are much mOre
omcrved thaI parathyroidectomy ,nd injcct>On. of vila- vulnerable 10 anack by Ihe s'eroids.
min 0, increUt ch loride e.cretion (33), and marked in_ II is perhaps "n(Ortunale Ihal most of Ihe sludies
Aue ncc. of cakitonin on chloride .xcre-tion have hcen designed to elucidale Ihe mechanisms of glucocorl i-
known f(>r """e , ime ('ee Chapter 12). Thymoctomy.l", coid aclion have employed cortisol -hke analogs bul
alfcclS food and Huid intake and renal cxcrelion rhythm, cells from ",nsi,ive animals. Further confusion has
of ra .. maintained in continu"". IiBht (60). The findings arisen because Ihe steroid concentrations have usu-
sugge" th., gland deprivation re-mo ... <orne kind ally far exceeded those oblained in viv<) ."OCn when
of fi ne control.
pharmacological dosages arC injecled (I (l).
The thymus ,ynthe,i>... and $Urn. 10 a hepa_
rin-li ke ' ulra1<d mucopolysaecharide (26,28). The Ihy- Guinea pig. ma ke corlisol. and Ihey have betn u.ed 10
mu, also regUlates plasma heparin concon"Olion, .i. SOme e" enL Howe .. r. they are unu,ual in Ih.llhey gen-
m«,hani<m. alfocted by glUCOCQrlicoid. (40). erally Itave high cireuiating glUCOCOrtiCOid levels. and
When hepa,in and related substanee. arc iivcn in t heir receplors bind tho>< regulal<>r> wilh low amnily
pha rmacological dosages 10 palients (for protection (72).
against intrava",ula, clot formatioo). Ihe excrclions of
sodium and waler are increased (130). The elfects have Although there are indications Ihal Ihe g lucocor-
b<:<:n al!rii>uled to inhibitory innuence, on .Id""'eron.... licoids act mostly on only corlain kinds o( Iympho-
cre, >On. HO\>'.v.r. heparin promote, wa .. r and cyles, and Ihal immature cells may be more alfoeted
Ihan older ones (46). $Orne investigators have de- Acu te Inllamm ato ry React ion s
scribed inAuences on all groups of such cells ( 105)_
The mechanism. whereby glucocorticoid, kililhe Acute inflammatory reactions develop rapidly. and
they Can be maintained for a few da)"s, The four
cells are only partially understood (104), Sieroid-re-
signs sel forlh in the first cemury by thc Roman phy-
ceptor complexes Ihat enter the nucleus accelerate
Celsus are still ciled today: rubor (erythema).
the I}'nthesis of $Orne mRNAs and there is an aSso-
ciated rise in RNA polymerase II (RNA polymera,e calor (heat). tumor (swelling. localized edema). and
S) activity. Evidently. new prOlein, Ihen aceelerate dolor (pain).
the uptake or glucose. amino acids. and RNA pre- The reactions are usually initialed by SOnIc form
cursors. "Scnsitive" cells show changes in transport of locali7.ed injury such as skin puncture. Or by re-
lease of a bacterial They can be anificial!y in-
rateS within 15-20 minules. and this suggcsls that
lhe dd.cts are mediated in part via dilTerent mech- voked wilh irritants. They provide mechanisms for
ani.m .. (Resistant cclls require closer 10 an hour.) pre"eming dissemination of infections and toxins 10
Delayed changes include intraccllular accumulation other p<"IS of Ihe body. for extrusion or deslruction
of falty acids (pos$ibly because oxidation is im- of thc offensive agents. and for restoration of the nor·
paired). and signs of nuclear fragility. The elTects mal Stale of Ihe affeeted tissue.
arc blockcd by aClinom}'cin D added during the firsl Each component of the response alTecls others.
and Ihere is a "snowballing" or cascade during Ihe
15 minules. Or if cycloheximide is presented eilher
aCute phase. More than 50 different mediators have
along with the steroid Or 15 minUlc:S later.
According to SOmc observers. a prolein dilTercnt been implicated.
from Ihc ones invoh·.d in the plasma membrane d-
The number;' not known, The ,.,clions differ
fects is formed some 60-90 minutes after accelera- from Me locate to .OOlhe,. a nd they are affecled b),
lion of mRNA production. It has been called "lethal preexisting condition •. Sub'lanc", made in large quan-
prolein" (13). because its inhibitory elTeets on RNA titie, in tbe tungs arc differenl f,om the ones that aceu·
polymerase 11 have been linked wilh subsequenl mulate in gr.aleSI amounts in th. skin or 8UI, The agenls
chromatin disaggregalion and cytolysis. Steroid-in- o>ertapping prGP"nie. _A mediator ,,"died in " c<:r_
duced. dose-dependem increases in the ratcS of ""'Y in on. laboratory and giv<" a nante related to
RNA degradation are seen within I); hours aflcr in propcnie$ Can be identie.t ... ith anOthe, observed .... ith
hormone presentation (25). dilferenllechniques cl.. where. We 00"" '"0"" that. m. -
Other finding; suppo,t the cort"'pt that ",II death omphaie activ.till.ll fae,o, (MAf). which incre.""
is the final event when H serics of widepsread phagocytic . ct ivity. i. identical with inhib-
iting f.cto, ('>ltF). which retaro, "",>ement, of edt.
changes disrupt melabolism at multiple sites. and a.... y from the affe<:led . it. (t39). It diffcrs from
that the glucocorticoids aecelemtc ordinary aging cJt< inhibito,y faCIO' (Ltr). whieh reg"tate. Othe, Cclt
(104). t)'pcs (118).
Some changes thai occur when whole anim,d. are
given large doses of glu=rticoids cannot be repro- The earhest change is increased blood flow from
duced in vitro_ In the animals. inhibition of DNA usually .... armer. deeper regions. This partially ac·
synlhesis and of cell proliferalion have becn attrib- counts for the erythema and the rise in lemperature.
uted 10 interfer<:nce w;lh the production or uSC of Prostaglandins (PGs) and related molecules gcner·
growth slimulants that are normally pr<:scnl in thc ated by injured cell s are the first vasodilator •• but
blood plasma. Elevated protease activil y is a delayed other mediators soon join in.
phcnomenon that has becn lin kcd with secondary in· The blood brings in polymorphonuclear leuko-
vasion of damaged cells by lissuc macrophage' (95). cytes (PMNs). monocyles. lymphocYlcs. platelets.
some baso[lhilic leukocyles. and several proteins.
PMNs phagocytose .xrtain bacteria. and thcy can
immobilize others, PMNs also release chemotaxins
EFFECTS OF GLUCOCORTICOIDS that auract wandering tissue cells including macro-
Pharmacological dosages of cortisol. and high ly l»- phages and mast .xlls_ Thcy r<:lcase pyrogcns -and
tem. long·aeting synthelie analogs. are uscd in Ihc protcolytie cnzymes. and also agents that alTeet the
treatment of patients with allcrgies. bronChial aClivities of other cells (e.g., a neutrophil immobili·
asthma. aUloimmune disorders. and "inflammatory zation factor. NTf. that promotes adherence of Ihe
diseases" such as rheumaloid anhrilis. In conjunc· leukocytes to the alTecled r<:gion and reduces mn·
tion with other agems. the steroids provide protec· dom movements {II SJ). "Bursts" of o;o;idative me-
tion against Ihc rejeclion of lransplants. Patients r<:- tabolism. and the associated generalion of NADPH.
ceiving them for extended periods invariably develop arc involved in their bactericidal activilies (67).
signs of Cushing's disease. sinee all anti·th}'mic Slcr- Masl cells. basophilic leukocytes. and damaged
iods have high gluconeogenic potencies. cells of other kinds release histamine. and also en·
'" Chronic Infl llmmalion
zymes thaI let QII precurson prllSCnt in
blood plasma, Masl cells additionally release hepa- Acute inflammatory reactions progress to chronic
.in. which activa tes several of Ihe enzymes. and if the conditions a rc !IO\ cOTrected within a
Ihcf<'by promotes the formation of kinins (describ\:d few days. PG. may play important roles in accom-
in Chapler 9) and differenl media ton. plishing the trnnsitions (157). The region :soon be-
Histamine. PO$, and kinin$ all tile collle'lilcavily infihrated ""'th Iymphocytcs and. mac-
perrneabililM:s of small blood vessels. As a resu!!. "'IIhages. The lauer coalesce around p,articles too
proteins leak into Ihe perivascular spaces. AlbumiM large te be ;ngeoted by a single cell. The multinucle-
osmotically drJw wa ler from the vessels. as fibrino- ated "giant cells" thus formed Can aggregate and be-
gen pOlymerizes 10 f,brin and forms .loIs Ihal block corn<: major components of nodules or 8ranulomata.
lhe lymph drainage channels and " 'ca ken "",lis th.u "The macrophagcs ingest antigens. process the
enc:1oM: fluid·filled cavities. PGJ aClivate pblClclS molecules, and present the prod\ICIS 10 lymphocytCi
and accelerate 0( coagulation factors. in a manner that leads to lymphocyte activation
SerOionin released from blood pia Ie leIs is a pow- (119). The affected cells then release a varie ty of
erful stimulant of the smooth muscle of Ihe small Iymphokines. These include macrophage. neutrophil.
blood vessels ( 110). and it lett in oonjUlII:lion wilh and rosinophil c hemotactic faclors. MIF and L1 F.
some of the PGs 10 00", about SlDlM1ioo and which promote retcntion of cells at the site. phago-
JIO'lia. This leads 10 Ihe build-up 0( acid metabolites cytc enhancers, st,mulants of lymphocyte proMe,.,.·
Ihal directly kin $(N1lC of the bacleria and a«:e1en.IC tion. rubstanees affecting membrane pcrmcabiliti"".
leu kocytic release of other bactcricidal and interferon (which confcrs nonspecific rcsistance
PGs, histamine, kinins. thc pressurc buill up by the against 1'0111. viruses).
accumulated fluids. and the acid metabolites C()II- Different kinds of lymphocytes produce humoral
tribute to stimulation of nerve libers and pain per- antibodies. Some antibodies directly immobil i7.c bac-
ception (63.76,IH). teria. and others render lhem ""'"' suxtptiblc to
Interlcu\in I (\ L-I. Iympho<:ytc act i"luinS factor. pMBOCyt05is. Certain antige .... antibody complexes
LAf). 3 macrophage acts on the e<ntral serve as activators of blood components. collectively
nermus s)'stem 10 dcvatc body tcmperature and known .s complement. that destrcy foreign cells.
thcrt;loy .,,,, .. ide c,""i'<M,,,,,,m thm i, highly u"fn'
E;l)$i1tOphllJ usually associatcd "'ith
vorable for some micrOOO"ganisms. It also stimulates
reactions.. and with ddcnse against parasitcs. They
synthesis of Il·2 (T celt ,rowth factor) (A.o).
....'" implicate<! in ingestion of histamine. an-
PMNs form phaaolysosomcs. in which they d.igest tige .... ntibody combinations. and other components
some bacteria. and. the)" also main bacteria for sub- of the inflamma tory renction that could ot hcrwise
sequent destruction by macrophagcs. In the proccss. Cause tissue injury.
many PM Ns die. and pus pockelS or abscesses form
when they aIXumulate in the Auid·litlc4 cavitl«. Tile
weak "1I1Is aroulld tile eP<:lowIU first f0rrnc4 by Ii· Immun e Response.
brin are wilen fibroblasts in the vicinity By contrast wilh the nonspecific inflammatory re-
arc &timulatcd to proliferate. actions, immune responses arc by highly
Most of the macrophagcs derive from blood mon- sp«ir.c interactions between ly mphocytes a nd anti·
ocr tes. but some wander in from the surroondingtis- gcns. However. the pro«sses o"criap in III,lIIy "ays.
SllC. These cells pMBOCyt05C bacteria. lissue and they involve the same kinds of cells.
debris, alld PM Ns that have inaested bacteria or arc
They kilitulOOT cells. and lhey some- lYMPHOCYTE POf'ULATIONS (46,119)
limes allack healthy ones as well. Scvcralt)·pcs sub-
servi ng diverse functions have becn identifIed (I ij). "8" Iymphocylt.• originate in the bone marrow. In
Some of the "K" (killer) celts may be macrophagcs birds. a sma ll structure at the end of III<:
(64). pitroinlcstiflal tract (the bursa of Fabricius) sc-
When acute inflammatory re<lctions currecl the factors that promotc 1TIlIlUralion. and the «lis
conditions, healing begins. This involves .dditional arc ... med for thi$. Mammalian 8 cells probably
proliferation of fibroblas". and lhe formation of new also need maturation stimuli. but the equivalent of
blood vessels. Macrophages fibrinolysin. thin bursa has not been identified. Til<: candidates in·
digest fibrin (SS). and they ronlribu tc to the reestilb- c1ude the Pcyer"s patches of the intestine. the appen-
lishment of the circulation by Kercling other agents dix and other lyml'lIlnic tissue
( 138). "The blood flow Ihen away dcbl"is, as il (GAln. the tonsils. the spleen. and the bone
provide'l nutrients. fibrinolysins. marrow.
Once they anain maturation. the B cells travel via releasing lymphokincs that include Iymphotoxin
the bloodweam \0 the spleen. lymph nodes. and (LT) ,
other organ', to form colonies. Most do not re<:ir<:u, T" or '"helper" cells cooperate with B lymphocytes
late. and such lymphocytes account for onl)' a small and permit them to fCS!'Ond to T ccll-<lcpendenl.
fractiQn of the blood leukocytes (I). monomcric antibodics. (B cells are dir«rly aetivatcd
B lymphocytes have immunoglobulins on Iheir mostly by large. polymeric, T cell·independent anti-
surface. that function as receptors for specifIc anti_ gens.) The helper functions seem to include innu-
gen •. When they bind such molecules. thcy enlarge cnces on B cell maturation. Macrophage' simulta-
and become transformed into rapidly prolifcraling neously bind the Band T" cells and they thereby
"blast cells." S<lme of the progcny become "memory foster cooperation.
cells" that spring into aClion if the sa me antigen is T or "amplifier" cells augment immune re-
pr<:semed at a lalcr lime. Mosl develop into plasma sponses and seem to be especially important for pro-
cells that synlhesize large of immunoglob- motins ma1uration of tho&e of the Tc type.
ulins and release them into the bloodstream. Tho B T s or "'suppressor"' T cells have re<:eivcd consid-
cells are therefore said to be mediaton; of humoral erable altenlion in reccnt ycars. since they are im·
immunily , (Sera takcn from animal. p""viousiy cx- portant regulators of both T and B cell functions
posed to the speeific antigen can confer "passive im- (68). They have surface markers similar to those of
munily" on thc re<:ipients.) the Tc type (but different from ones found on the
Some B cells are known to release Iymphokincs. A hclper and amplifier cells). They arc believed to play
few. called "B suppressor cell<," contribute to regu_ critical roles in protection against de,'Clopmcnt of
lation of the immune re,!'Onscs and protection sutoimmuno disease. Their relati"e numbers decline
against the mouming of allacks againsl normal with advancing age (as thc incidence of autoimmune
tissue. disorders increases). and some clinical disorders
"T" lymphlXyles mature and proliferate within have been directly linked with inadequate numbers
the Ihymus gland. and thc)' emerge as cells "com· of Ts cells (137.152).
milted'" to perform "cellular immunity" functions. Yet another type. the Til cell. has been spc<:ifically
The substances made by reticular of the th)'mu s implicated in mediation of '"delayed hypersensitiv.
that r<:gulate the maturation and proliferation in- ity'" reactions. that is, the mounting of rapid re-
clude th),mosterin. and thymu, protein <ponses against cell antigens to which the individual
In addition 10 making the hormones. Ihe has oo<;ome previously sen'itized.
reticular cells ma), provide a microenvi·
ronment that supports the maturalion (98).
The T cells are oot belicved tosc<:rcte humoral an· CONTROL MECHANISMS
tibodies. The receptors on their surfaces interact It is obvious thm mechanisms are required for oolh
with amige", hound to membranes of other activation and suppression of innammatory and im·
cells. especially oncs thaI ha''C been changed by viral munc processes. Ddensc requires rapid and ",assive
infcctioltS Or have altered surface properties that reeruitmem. and much of tni s is accomplished by
permit them to enter into tumor formation. '"cascades" in which onc response leads 10 activation
T cells also bind to specific proleins. the " ,·mi· or amplification of the ncxt and via participation of
croglobulins that arc either ''''''ponent. of Or arc in_ "helper" cells. Conditions with generalinn
timately associated wilh hi stocompatibility (li LA) of cGMP lend to enhance the processcs. GH and
antigens on the surfaces or normal body cells. Such thyroid hormones promote grow1h of lymphatic tis·
binding is involved in aetivation or most. if not all. T sucs, and they prooobly play important roles in the
cells. The antigens expressed on the surfaces differ prcparation for subsequent acti"ation .
from individual to individual, and the Iymphocytc.' Protection against damage to normal tissuc de·
can recognize ones thaI arc "foreign". mands rapid subsidence of the response> at the car-
When activatcd (under natural conditions by an- liest appropriate moment and prevention of Over'
tigens Or artir,eially by some planl lectin.). T cells reaction to offending stimuli. "Built·in" controls
enlarge to form proliferating blast cclls. The progeny include the negative feedback influence, that high
mature imo activatcd Iymphocytcs that affect other concentra1ions of humoral antibodies exert Over pro-
cclltypcs by releasing Iymphokine. and I'O"sibl)' alS<) duction of morc molecules of the same kinds. Sub-
via di""ct interactions (17) . stantial quamities of cAM!' arC generated during
Several subclasscs have been deseribe<!. The oncs the active phases. and the nucleotide laler becomes
most obviously involved in the lysis of other cells arc involved in :lOme forms of inhibition, Substances rCo
Tc' (cytotoxic) or '"killer cells". (These differ from K leased b)' normal pituitary glands that antugoni1.c
cells. which may originate from macrophages Gli and thyroid hormone actions havc also been im·
[133] .) The)' attaek plasma membrane. ,;n part by plicated in limitation of the responses (32). Gcnetic

factors affect the ability \0 terminate as well as processcs. Young adrenalectomized animals that are
mollnt Ihc reactions (57). Serious well fed and kept in very sheltered environments can
problems arise when the me<:hanisms fail. grow. but they do oot to "training·· that
stimulates intact animals to gain in muscle strength
Influences of Ihe Glucocortlcolds and endurance. (Animals Ihat are ··trained·- forst
When given in pharmacological dosages. Ihc steroids and subsequently adrenalectomized IlCrform almo<t
can inhibit every known aspect of the reactions. as well as intact animals if they arc kept in good con-
Their inHucnces 31"<' on macrophages. Iym- dition.) It has been JXlinted out. howe,·er. tnat ,ub-
pllocyles, fibroblasts. neutrophils. and maSI <:<:115. jecting animals to in which they are
and also on Ihc capillary endothelium and basement forced to engage in dcmanding activity constitutes a
membranes. They alTee! cdl migration and adher. form of ··stress·· (116). The observation that Over-
ence. phagocytosis. cell proliferation. the production working limb muscles on one side of an ad'"<'Mlcc-
of certain antibodies. and the release of various me- tomized animal impairs subsequent performance of
diators (139). AnemplS have been made to formu_ muscles on the other side (125) is consistent with the
late a unifying hypothesis. but no satisfactory one release of humoral mediators. Glucocortiooid recep-
has bot n found. At least some effects are directly tor numbe .. are increased in .. veral oonditions as-
linked wilh stabilization of lysosomal membranes, sociated with redue<:d muscle maSS (A-2j.
and with inhibition of the rei case of fal1y acid pre-
cursors of prostaglandins and related lipids. Exces- GLUCOCORTICOID INFLUENCES ON aONE,
sive quantities of the steroids can markedly redue<: CARTILAGE, AND SKIN
Ihe resistance to infections. A recent hyjXIthesis
states that their primary rolc during mess is limi· High concentrations of glucocorticoid. exert both di·
tation of (he jXItemially deleterious consequences of rcct and indire.;t catabolic effccts on bone. skin and
the defense mechanisms (A-6). cartilage _ Chronic overdosage (or excessi,·c Secre-
tion) leads to "thinning·' of the bane (ostcopenia and
osteojXIrosis), and it impairs skeletal growth in ju-
veniles. Evidently, only twO \0 three times thc OOr-
SKELETAL MUSCLE mat ra le.< cxen inAuencc • .
Adrenoconical insufficiency is associatcd with sevcre The steroids have been reported to dircctly inhibit
muscle weakness and inability to cngagc in .us- enzymes that catalyze glycosaminoglycan biosyn-
tained. demanding physical activity. The functions thesis, and to bring about disruptions of the ultra-
can be restored within hours by treatment with structure of chondrocytes and of the utraedlular
gluCOCOf1icoids. matrix (lSI). They exert stimulalory inAuences on
Although the circulatory system problems, the bone-resorbing cells (144). and they may addition-
anemia, and the defects in gluoose metabolism Cer· ally depress th. activities of the osteoblasts (6). They
tainly contribute to the difficulties, they do OOt ac t in several ways (including suppression of phos-
provide adequate explanations for many of the ob- phodiesterase activity) to augment cAM P responses
.. rvations-inciuding impaired performance of to parathyroid hormone. They also slow intestinal
muscles studied in vit ro. Elcctrolyte imbalances can absorption of calcium and interfere in se'·eral ways
exae<:rbate the muscle weakness, but mineraloc<>rti- with both the metabolism of vitamin D and the ae-
ooids do not restore normal function. tions of the hormones derived from the vitamin.
Glucocortiooid-deficient animals have blunted re- On the other hand, they protect skeletal SlructureS
sjXInses to all koown C3tecbalamine inAuences on against destruction by medialors of inAammation
muscle. including lijXIlysis and glycogenolysis . They and immune reactions. They a<x:omplish thi, in part
cannot elfectively inc,"<,ase the blood supply to sit"" by inhibi ting thc release of proteases and other sub-
of active con traction, and they fail to mOUnt normal stances Ihat promote bone resorption. Physiological
shi 'ering and piloerection resjXlnses to cold environ- level s of the glucocorticoid, also contribu te to the
ments. Untreated hamsters made h)·pothermic be- control of G H ""cretion and to gastrointestinal fune-
come limp and unable 10 rewarm. whereas ones pre- tions that provide the essential nUITients.
treated with glueoconiooids prior to cold exposure The thinning of the skin . dola)·ed would heali ng.
retain muscle tOne and the ability 10 regain normal impaired ability to wall off sitos of infcction and in-
temperature (30). flammation. and some of the loss of bone mass ay
While excessive amounts of the hormoncs inhibit sociated with h)·pe radrenocorticalism, have all bet:n
protein synthesis and .. tissue "wasting." phys- lin ked with inhibition of growth. and
iological ones secm to be needed to support normal functions of fibroblasts (5).
By oontrast with the mostly catabolic effects on fold. Simultaneously. the ability to interprw the sen-
tissues of mesodermal origin (bone. cartilage, der- sations is seriously impaired (62). Patients recciving
mis. and muscle), high levels of glucocorticoids Sl;m- inadequate hormone Substitution therapy readily de-
ulalt many ectodcrmally dctived structutes. Some of teCt differences between pure water and extremely
the ioA uen""s on skin texture. sebaceous gland activ- low concentrations of sodium but they may
ity. and hair growtn involve interactions with and ..... statc that sodium chloride solutions taste biller (even
gens. The glucocorticoids can be metabolized to an· when the presented are within the
drogens. and this assumes importance when the range reoognized as salty by oomrols).
steroid le"els arc high. The defects have been allributed to a combination
The hyperpigmcntation characteristic of Addi. of rapid axonal transmission and p .....
son's disease is 3llributcd to loss of normal negative longoo synaptic delay. Consequently. the liming pal-
feedback control Over thc pituitary gland. and the lenu for arrival of the stimuli in the parts of the
consequent release into the bloodstream of peptides brain that process the information are disrupted.
that act on tne cclls of the skin. The oonditions are easily corrected witb exogenous
and there arc iO\'e= relationshi,
between the dosage and the time required for resto-
ration of normal function.
Patients with Addison's disease often suffer con-
Glucocorticoid receptors are widely distributed currently from mineralocorticoid deficiency. How·
throughout the brain. Especially high levels have ever, although aldosterone affec\., ",It appetite and
been found in thc amygdala. hippocampus. septum. bebavior. administering that steroid Or maintaining
and emorhinal cortex (96. 143). Neurons in those re- mineral balan"" in other ways fails to correCt the
gions arc implicated in regulation of the diurnal vari- sensory defects.
ations in glucocorticoid secretion. The changes in sensory perception may be·
The .tcroid, affect electrical activities of neurons, gera tioru; of glucocorticoid controls exerted in 001"
thresholds for stimuli that can cause convulsions. mal individuals. Circadian variations in perception
neurotransmiller biosynthesis and turnover rales. Ihat arc lin ked with the diurnal secretory rhythms
and sleep-waking rhythms. ney innuence mood and have been described .
behavior. and they contribute to the regulation of
hypothalamic IIormone secretion. T hey may act at
several sites to affect food inta ke (31). GLUCOCORTICOID ROLES IN
Innuences on learning and behavior depend. in DEVELOPMENT
part. on effects exerted on the hypothalamus and pi- InAuenees On matu ration of the liver were cited ear·
tuitary gland that affect the rekase of ACTH·ro- lier. The hormones also act on the developing cells
lated pcptides. of the stomach . intcstinc. skin. brain. retina. exocrine
There are reasons to believe that there are diverse and endocrine pancreas. and elsewhere (8). The ac·
rcceptor Iypes. Certain responses take time to de· tions arC exerted during "'critical," time·limited I»
velop. and they scorn to result from "'classical"' riods. and the dTeclS persist when the hormone is
mechanisms for steroid horlllQoc action that involve withdrawn.
entry into the formation of complexes with cy· Especially important roles in lung maturation
toplasmic proteins, and translocation of the com- have been deseribed. Glucocortiooids widen the air
plexes to the nuclei. Others arc seen after only brief spaces by causing flattening of the epithelial
latent periods. and direct interactions with neuron and thinning of the septa. They also induce .rur/ac--
plasma membranes have been suggested (96). Some tan/. which lowers surface tension in the alveoli and
of the effects on the release of oorticotropin·rcieasing thereby against collapse during
hormone (CRH) may depend on such direct Fai lure to aceomplish the changes is a major cause
interactions. of respiratory distress in premature infants.
The hypothalamo-hypophysial-adrcl\QOOrtical sys-
Sensory Pereeption lem itself may be influenced by ooncentratioru; of
steroid IIormones that cireulate early in life. There
Adrenalectomized animals, and patients suffering are indications that of animals 500n after
from uncontrolled adrenocortical insufficiency. have birth to "handling" or to relatively innocuous stimuli
mikingly lowcred thresholds for perception of odors. reduces reactivity of the system when the animal.
tastes. sound, heat. and pain . The olfactory sensitiv- a rc later e.poscd to novel environments or mild elec-
ity may be increased lOoo·fold Over Ihat seen in tric shocks (4). Responsivity is maintained for longer
healthy ind iv idual5 (or after gluCQCorticoid replace- times than is the case for most developmental
ment). and gustatory sensitivity can be elevated 100- changes with well-def,noo critical periods.

InAuellCe! On water. mineral and cltttrolytc bal· (glomeruli). and they contain the enlymcs requ ired
ane<:. On calcium and phosphorus metabolism. on se- for the biosynthesis of aldosleronc (Ihc major min·
crelo,y fUlIClions of the pituitary gland, and on lhc eralocorlicoid). The zona fosdctdata lie. just below
reproductive and lactation arc described in Ihe zona glomcrulosa. and it usually ma kes up the
other chaplers. bulk of the cortex. The cells arc grouped into cord,
Or fascicles. and they are lhe major sources of glu·
cocorticoid hormones. The region bordering the mc·
ANATOMICAL ORG ANIZATION OF ADRENAL dulla i< thc wno rfl;cularis. in which Ihc cell. form
GLANDS AND RELATED STRUCTURES a nclwork or reticulum.
The mammalian arlrenal (or suprarenal) glands de-
rive their name from the loca tion at the anterior (su- Fine Structure
perior) poles of Ihc kidneys. Each is surrounded by
a CQnncclivc ti .. ue cap$wle and C<lmpriscs ouler Large quantities of lipid precursors for hormone syn·
COrlH and an inner The CQrtex is broad. the,is are stored in droplets or Iipaooml'S Ihat are
and it varies in enlor from light brown 10 pinkish morc prominent in some specicsthan in OIhers (Fig.
beige 10 yellowish (depending on the lipid content), 6-3). An extensive smOOlh reliculum
It contains lhc cells that synthcs;1.C and release ste- providcs altachment site. for many important en·
roid hormones (35.36). The medulla. which is darker zymes . The milochondria (which contain dilferent
and smaller. OOnsiS1S mostly of modified symp;,tiletic enzymes required for hormone synthesis) arc nu·
ganglion cells Ihal makc and sc.:rcte catccholamine merous. and havc vesicular cristac. Small inmgino-
hormones. Steroids traveling in blood ,'cssels from ,ions of lilt surface membrane hvc becn linked with
Ihc cortex to Ihe medulla exert regulatory innucne.:s processes of choleslcrol uplake. The ly.w.<Qmt.' par.
on catecholamine biosynthcsis. ticipale in cholesterol metabolism. and they al'"
sccm (Q be involved in adjustments of secrelory fu nc·
The term. adrenal glomi and odrm<l/ eorU.' ar. I""",t)" tions to changing physiological nceds.
applied to of nonmamm.lian vertebrate< ,hal granule. are promincnt in some species. but lhe celts
.yn.hesilC related hormones. The de.ign","'" mighl be lack secretoT)' granules of the types that store lhe
considered appropri.,e in bird •.•1Itoougb 'be catecool· amine and peptidc hormones (84) .
• mine-secre,ini cell. are ",ually .... d within the
Illand.oo that no medull. i, defined . In poikilo,herm •.
cell, produei"3 the st.roid hormooC$ can occur anterior FunctIonal Significance of the Zonation
to. embedded within. Or belw""n ,he kidocys . C.,c<;IIoJ·
amine-secretini cells can be anatomically separ. te (a, in Thc zonation is more apparent in conain spec ic.
oome of Ihe fisbes). Or ,hey can ,u,round Ihe ' Ieroido- (c .g., humans, monk.}.... rat'. ra bbits. and guinea
ienie cell' (as in lizard.). In oome spede •. steroidogenic pigs) than in othe'" (hamsters. cows. sheep. and
cell. occur in S<:atlered elumps. ralher Ihan in organi,ed horses), and additional 70nes have been described
. lTuclure. (10). for a few. Since it is virtually impossible to com·
Teleost fi,he, have paired Corpu.eles of Sianniu•• ,. pletdy separate one region from anothcr, mosl of Ihe
SOCi".d wilh Ihe kidneys. The", ,.,or. Once believed to information on functional diffcrences has been ob-
make steroid hormones. bUI Ihey are 00"" implicated in
Ihe regulalion of calcium. mooo,"lenl ion and waler tained indirectly.
melaboli'm. ACT H adminislration promolcs hypertrophy of
the zona fasciculala . morphological changes in the
The term chromaffin refers 10 the brown color mitochondria and other organelles, and induction of
taken on by calechoiamin..,;ccrcti"3 cells when they enzymes thaI catalyze lhe synthesis of glucocorti ·
are exposed to chromale dyes. All vcnebrdtcs p0s- coids . Hypopltyseclomy Itas opposing clTccts. 8y
sess chromaflin cells thaI arc not associatcd with ste· oontrast. tlte zona glomerulosa retains its structure
roidogenic lissue. The)' also have gonads that make and functions afler hypophyseclomy. Tlte cclls Cn-
steroids chemically identical wilh somc produced in large and increase their rates of aldostcrone seCre-
adrenal cOnex. tion whcn animals arc saIHicprivc(\. and they
undergo atrophic changcs following chronic salt
Functional Zona tion o f the Mammalian
If both adrenal glands of a mammal are excised.
Adrenal Corte x
thc contcnlS of the glands scooped OUl. and tlte cap-
The cells are organized inlo oonccntric regions (sec sules returned to thc animal. only somc zana glom·
f ig. 2-4) (82). Those of Ihc z<»W glomeru/osa are c rulosa celts thaI adhere to tltc capsulc arc rctained .
closest 10 Ihc capsule. Thcy arranged in whorls Such "cnucleation" is followcd by a bricf period in
. '. - "".


_' 0

6·3. oj cell from ,at totN> •.• d ...... ' 6MOp1ll""" ,.tieu!"", '<lh&ring to interlace membra.. ot
corte' , eleclron mleto?Oph. ( 1) In' ...""I ...... ' SPlIce, (2) &;p;d (7) pI"""'I.,. glyoogM, (8) ,, ... ' ;00""""0.
ClIIIIlTl\HTlbr.".,. (3) rnitochoodri. with "".iclJl., e"o'n, (9) 01 OOI".n"'" . r><IopIa..".. '.Iieu!"", lr... in "'"
( 4) lipid' drople1' ... iIfI matrix won pre_, (5) intert"". cytOplum, X60.000. (ROOdin. 'ot. 117)
lipO:j dtople1 ICytoplasm, (6) p<olI l•• 01 ag,"",,'.'

which glu=rtiooid deficiency become< apparent. least, The c,'ent<Qf ""'lIcntration'" rna}' not be ,dated 10
However. Ihc con, returned to the animal r-Jpidly procc.... lhalgo on in normal glands. Mor.:ove,. rlCu,a l
undergo hypertrophy. hyperplasia. and in influc"" ... r< not ,cost.bli,hed. Sec<.>nd. milose. oo:;cu, in
organelle content: and glucocorticoid function. arc all of thc ",nes. and they seem to proc<>ed .1 ",pocially
gradually regained. It is therefore widely believed high , ..e. at the glomc,"""",.r.seieuiot. and at 111< fa ..
eieulata·rcticula,i. borders. Third. OOrne .. 'oue'"
(hat both zona giomeruiosa and fa,ciculata ing thaI mitotic rate, of the inn", ",nc, arc insuftieienl to
cells originate in the subcapsular region. The con- ",'Cou nl f", physiological cell renewal have been per·
cept is supJX)rlcd by obse rvations (hal (a) thc zona forme<! du,ing daylight hours on fIOClu,nal ao;m.l. (io
glomcrulosa oonlains whal appear 10 be young. un- wbich po. x milOtic ratC, OCCur dur ing the timo. of da, k·
differentiated celh; (b) cens in thai regi(ln undergo ness), Fourth. observation. made by I,beling outer cell'
mitoses under r.ormal conditions; (e) >.ona glomeru- witb dyes alld ,ubseque nl ly following migr.tion of the
I_ e<:1I. cuhul"<'d in thc of ACTH undergo label do not fully support lbe glomerulo.. 1origin for the
ro",,;"ont with transformation into ZOna bulk of the cell' of lhe inner '-On"'.
fasciculata_typc cells (t (0): and (d) wna fas<:iculata Since complete separation of '.ona fascicul'ta
e<:lIs given alono fail to support the hormonal needs from zona I"<'ticularis cell' has not been accom-
of adrenalcctomizcd animal., plished . and since there arc indication. that disrup.-
The conccpt has been challenged on se.eral g,,,"o,k tion of normal fasciculata·reticularis interactions af·
First. Iud den 10$< of all (or rnOSI) of lhe inntr regions of fects functions of bolh cell types. there is
ltlc adl"<'nai corle, and bolh vascula, alld neu,al connce· considerable controversy concerning the roles of the
tion. of fernaining ",III i. to sa)' the innermost of the adrenal conex.

Because necrotic cells have been found in this re- males_ In at least a rew spe<:ies. adrenoconical secre-
gion (but not in the others), it has been PfOIXISCd tion of that steroid is ",gulated by other hormones
that adrenoc<Jrtical cells arise from periphcral sites, (114). and roles in reproduction h3\'c been demon-
migrate inward, and finally die in the zona retieu- strated. Progestcrone can bind to aldosterone
laris_ This "graveyard" concept is difficult to recon- tors and function as a wea k mineralocorticoid. De-
cile with observations that the cells undergo mitoses, oxycorticosterone (DOC) is a much more potent
and that they grow and accumulate lipids when ex- mineralocorticoid than progestcrone. and the
p<)SCd to ACTH (12)_ amounlS se.crcted can vary with the I\CTH levels.
T he fetal adrenal gland contain5 a large inner re- 18·0H-corticosteronc ;s an intermediate in the path-
gion that produces considerable quantities of sul_ way to aldosterone. It is not usually released in large
fated steroids, and especially ones with androgenic amounts by mammals. but it is present in the blood
properties (94). The fetal zOne involutes rapidly of amphibians and reptiles. II_o.,oxycorti""l is an
aFter birth in most species. and the Wna reticularis aldosterone precursor secreted in substantial quan-
may represent its remnant. The reticularis has been tities by marsupials. Cortisone ;" a major fetal ste-
reported to be enlarged in some patients who make roid. It must be redu""d to cortisol before it can act
excessive quantities of adrenal androgens. (How- on ITIC)St target cells.
ever, interpretations of the findings arc complkated. In all. some 50 different steroids have been found
since such patients also have other endocrine in ad"'noc<Jrtical extracts . Several are artifacts
imbalances.) formed in vitro. A few othcrs are degradation prod-
Diffe rent views include the following: (a) Optimal ucts that are present in normal glands.
ad renocortical function depends on interactions be- Some aspects of steroid hormone chcmistry. n0-
tween the various "'gions of the adrena l cortex, and menclature. and biosynthesis we", discussed in
(b) all adrenocortical ""l\s have similar potentials, Chapter 3. 1\ few of the molecules commonly called
but their morphologies and secretory activities are by their trivial names. along with some older desig·
affected by their microenvironments. (The reticu- nations. arc shown in Fig_ 6-4.
laris ceUs border the cateeholamin,...;ccreting ones of
the adrenal medulla. the fascieulala cells make con-
Pree urtlore
tacts with those of both the Wna reticularis and zona
glomcrulosa. whereas some zona glomcrulosal e<:lIs The hormones are made mostly from cholesterol
arc in direct contact with the capsule.) supplied by the blood. The glands contain en"yrn.!
that catalyze biosynthesis of cholesterol from acetyl-
CoA, but in most species the pathways arc employed
only when uptake from the plasma docs not mcet the
needs. (The hamster is One of the few animal types
T here arc two major glucocorticoids. Rats. mice. known to synthesize la11\e quantities of cholestcrol in
rabbits, birds, and make mostly corticoste- the adrenal cortcx.) Fetal adrenal. use considerable
rone. Humans. mon keys. hamsters. guinea pigs, and amounts of cholesterol-sulfate. and small quantities
fishes seerete mostly COrtisol. Dogs. ferrets , <XlWS, sea are hormone precursors in postnatal glands.
lions. and many other species make varying propor- The liver makes low-density lipoproteins (LDts)
tions of both . Cortisol is. by several critcria . the more and releases them into the bloodmearn. The parti-
potent hormone. It is made along with corticosterone cles have inner "cores" filled with cholesterol held in
by the cyclostomcs. The fishes have ester linkage with long-chain fally acids (mostly lin_
l",hydroxycorticosterooc. which may be unique to oleate. along with smaller quantities of palmitate
that group of vertebrates (10,1 27). and oleatc)_ The cores arc surrounded by rings con-
Aldosterone is an eX!remety potent mineralocor_ taining apoprotein B, phcspholipids. and SOme free
ticoid that seems to be uniw=rsally prese.nt. Small cholesterol.
quantities of a variety of androgens. and lesser ones Adrenocortical plasma membranes have specific.
of estrogens. a", found in adrenal venous effiuentsof high-affinity LDL receptors that bind thc apoprotein
mammals. (10). These. are located within "coated pits" that
T he amounts of pathway intermediates and of open to the surfaces. By a process involving invagin-
degradation products relcase.d vary with the species ation. vesicles containing the LDLs arc formed. in-
and with the physiological Stalus. Some arc biologi- ternalized. and transported to lysosomes. Thcre. en-
cally active di",etly, and certain others can be me- 7.ymeS catalyze separation of the protcin and
tabolized to hormones . hydrolysis of the esters. The liberated cholesterol can
Progesterone released by both males and fe- be incorporated into membranes, rccsterifed
, ,c=o
CH,oH ,
C=O C =O
1 1 -- 1 1 ""
"" 0,
, ,
o '" o '" o" '"

o ,
C =O
"'", <

0' 0'

, ,c =o
c=o c=o
1 -1 -1-- - 0«

, -./
o '" o" '" o,

'" Ftg. &-<t.

(0. DOC! (5. 17,..OH·OOC)
idenlified", ad,e-nooorlic.1 e,IfaOI •.

and stoT<'d in lipid droplels. or sent direelly into (HMG·CoA reductase); (b) it activates microsomal
pathways for hormollO biosynthesis (20). acyl·CoA:cholesteryltra ns fc rase (ACA T), which cat-
Cdls cultuT<'d without LDu have low basal rales alylCs recsterification of the free cholesterol; a nd (e)
of steroi d biosynthesis (although Ihey ma ke choles- it suppresses the forma tion of LDL receptors. The
terol from acetyl·CoA). They also display markedly control mechanism.! permit storage of some hormone
blunted responses to simulant.< such as ACTH. The precursor. but they protect against excessive lipid ac-
glands of animals given 4-aminopyrawlopyrimidinc cumulation and against un necessary diversion of
(which blocks hepatic lipoprotein secretion) show melabolic resourees inlO production of cholesterol.
sim ilar characteristics (11). Cells exposed to chlor· Controls by ACTH and other pituitary horm<Jnes
oquine (which imerfe"'s with lysosomal functions) that are superimposed over these and other aspcclS
cannot utilize the cholesterol that is taken up. Rats of sleroidogenesis aT<' considel"<'d in Chapter 7.
dilfcr from most other mammals in that they can
utilize high-<lensity lipoproteins (HDu) as wen as
Free cholesterol (or one of its metabolites) regu· Conversion of Cho lest e rol to Pregne nolone
la tes cltQ!esterol synthesis. storage. and uSC in thrce A Cholesterol-binding protein facilitates transport of
ways: (a) It indirectly reduces activity of the Tatc- the pre<:ursor to the mitochondrial matrix in prepa-
limiting enzyme of thc biosynlhetic pathway ration for wha l is usually the rate-limiting slep of

steroid hofmonc: and the major .ile for BIOSYNTHESIS OF CORTICOSTERONE FROM
The side-chain deavage (IKe, pregncnolonc: syn-
Ihelase, desmolnc) is a The progesterone i. then usually acted upon by a mi·
oxidase s)'stem" Ioc:aled 0f1 lhe inner mitochondrial crosomal 21 ·hydroxylasc. and it ;s thereb)' madc into
(2),24). It Qlalyzcs <)):.idalion of QrOOns DOC. The reaction requires NADPH and a cyto-
2(1 and 22 of tIM;: cholo$lCroi. TIM;: molceulc is tllen
plasmic.• ubslratMpc:cific cytochrome P450.
The fiul slep in the palhway mitochon_
split inlO and (sec
Figs. l-23. )-24). The ddehydc i$ $OOCI 10 drial I IP-hydrox)"lase. molecular oxygen. NAOI'H.
isocaproie acid. and anotl>cr subsualOHpeciflC P-450. Addition vi
the Ol-! g.roup confers g1ucoconicoid potency.
The complex comp.isa .....'heme ;fOOI- .ulfu.·
COI'Illininl .. (a4,enod,»;n). on NADPII· Birds make use of an alter ..... path .... y. in " 'bich th.
spocific ftavoprolrin (ad •• lIOdc>Jin ,eductase) aftd .... b- """....ronc: is 6n. h)""""'yllnc<i positiol'l It. The
""""Hp«ifi<: heme: proiIcin (C}wc:hromc 1'""50...). is then actod upon by the 21·
AI""",,, ....... 2().bj'dfWr- .... 2O.21-dih)d_ydll). hydrmylasc. Small a"-,, .. 01" II/J-hyd"")"pn::!lCSt.ronc
Ies,.rd an be ioobltd fTOm . t;'n,,101cd cclh ulOde, ""'- "'" also found in mammalian glands.
la in condit ...... JllCh mol ,ut.. ""'y no! be formed """",
....... h """ b«n pt<lpOS«Itha, functional
unil> .... d. up of subo1fa,c and ."'ymc complc>.. intlan. BIOSY NTHESIS OF CORTISOL
la"""".ly "o,,,.rl inte.medi.l.. 10 pr.lncl'l<>lonc. (Cho-
lestcrol '111101" Ihal II ••• 1M " •• bon at p<:IIIilion 22 In .... e;es ma king this pt"egrw:noionc
blocked $(l ,hal it '."!'IOt .".(h o.o.Ylicn arc .Iso el....d serve .. a SUbslrJte lor mic rosomal 17.... hydrt)xyl.
]6S] .) asc. When il docs. the product (!7a-OlI-prcgncno-
Very ,mall amou nts or 17,...QH.pre,n."",kmc may b< lone) is then oonvert.d 10 17",-OH·progestcronc. AI_
form.d >;. o.;dot;<)I\.t POO;lion> 17 and 20. ternativel)". pregncr.olone can form
Calcium cyclic nucltolidcs. prostaglandins. which then undergocs 17.... hydroxylation. The 2 1_
and Olher regulators contribute to ACTI-! control h)'dro,ylase acts on \ 7",·OU -progc_teronc rormed in
ovcr the reaction' (124). either way to yield I I-<lwxycorl''''1. The f,nal ,top
in produc tion of cortiSOl is an \ Iff·hydroxyla tion
(Fig. 60S).
The adrena l gland. of cortiCCl'ller<>nC-<ICercters
Metabolic Fate 0 1 the Pregnenolone
ha'"C a 17C\"-hydrox)"I ... enzyme. IxIt it docs not uCI
Ahhough minUle amounu exit from Ihe gland. moll on the 21-carbon intermediates.
of Ihe ;s made inlO biologically acti""
molecules. Sine<: some of the en7.ymcs for
furtl>cr melabolism are on the inner mitochondrial BiosyntheSis 01 Aldoele ro"e
membrane. and otl>crs ore "socialed ..ith II>c
smooth endoplaunic ret;culum. il boen .. idely This hormone derives il5 name from the aldehyde
assu med tbat the inlermediatcs are freely $hulIkd g ....... p at p<J5ition 18. A hc:mi''"tal forms when it in-
across the mitochondrial membranes in bach dim:· tenclll "';th the alcoholic glOOp Of! carbon II (SCI::
lions. HOIO"CVCr. some sludies of ullrastructure and of Fig. 6-4). Huma .... se<:l"Qte only L as much aldoste-
adrenal VCIlOU$ dfllKnts. Ind ocnain """,id- rone as Normal blood 1e,"CI. arc only around
erations. support the SUagesiton thll rca<;lions are 0.01 "g/m l (compared "ith 10 "g/ ml vi f;Of\oo).
a<;l;Olllplished by substtliular p;lrticlcs lhat function The minule 'luanlilies "",ke it dillku!tto ckfinc Ihe
35 Un;IS (SO. A-S).
palh.... ys.
While il is like ly tltal 18.QII<o<tico.ucrone is the
major intermed;ale. rat adn::na l glands are known to
(sc. I'is. 6-6). An lS·h)·dro:cylase io roond in the
ProgC§!crone;s the major intermediate . The convu- mit<:<.:hondria or all WAC' of the adrenal cor-
sion ;nvolves two "micT05Ol!\al"' cn7.ymC$ that func- tex. IxIt only glomcrulosa oxlls contain the I 8-hydrox-
tion togethe r. A 3t1·hydroxystcroid dchydroscnase )·steroid dehyd rogenase that Ihe nn;:tl
catalyzes oxidation of the alcoholic gTOUp at position ",ep in the palhway. Recently rcvio.c:d hypotheseo
3 to a ketOl\C. A pyridine nucleotide cor.cter is for the path,,·a).. arc described in Chap-
qu in::d. and NAO ' is prden"Cd over NAD!' -. ter 9.
CHOI.ESTEAOL - -- - - - - - - -- - -_


o• '" A

PROGeST EAONe,....- - - - - -..... 0<, d'

' -0
L - 00

, I

L -00

CORTICOSTeRONE - - - - - , ' - - - -_ ._
, d'


no. u . PI_fYt 10< _ . ' ....... 01 (Ih' ,.'"w.

... _ ....... 1nGicI,,,,, by .... '-"<J ....Ows.

• T
" '" " '"

"0 CH,oH
", CH,oH

"0"t 1"0 "0"'1=0


,, .I

o" '"
o' l

o 0"","
, o 0".0><
I c=o I c=o
- - - - - -----

" '" '"

l'·OEOXYALOOSTERONE ALDOSTERONE!. Biosynl"<o. i. ot . 'cIo$le,one.

Bi osynthesis of Adrenal Androgens bly to by a l7-kel(lSlcroid de-

hydrogenase-<;alaly,.d reaction (Fig 6-7).
are made along palhways idenlieallO the Species ma king oorli$Ol secrete substantial quan-
ones seen in Ihe gonads. (Tho leSles and ovaries, titie. of several 19..:arbon steroids. In these, the
however. lack the 21·hydrmylasc needed 10 make major pathway begins with l7a -OH-prcgnenolone.
gluCOC<lrticoids and mineraIOC<lrticoids.) This !t.riotl is directly shortened 10 dehydrocpian-
The precursors are molecules. dr<l:$lerone (DHEA, DHA), a "weak'" androgen that
Corticoste rone secrelcrs begin wilh l7a-OH·proges- is secreted. It and its sulfated derivative (de hydro-
Icrone. When a cn. C20 lyase (dcsm<>iase) cala· epiandrostc rone sulfa te (DHEAS. DHAS) are
Iyow; cleavage of Ihc carbons al po5ilions 20 and 21. major products.
product i5 ,., 17-<1ione. This mole- DHEA can be oonvcrted. both in the adrenal
cule po5sesscs and il is «,vcrs;- oortcx and oUlside the gland, to lestosterone.


j C=O
><0 I -'--


A' ,

I Jl
o 0
, 0

,, '+

, '/!·OH·.l'·ANDROSTENE·3 , ".DIONE

6 5 ·ANOAOSTENE-J.l1·0 10NE

j "
o "
"0 -'
, A' ,
o• A'


Flg. &-1. Biosyntt>e.i. 01 odr"",,' . ndrOQliMlo. Double

. "OWI """" ""i.O<I
by cc>rtiSOlMCreror._

Some <l'-andrOSlcncdione is also made by oortiSOI (he androgens rcleasW arc in liver. adi.
sccr<:tors. pose tissue, and elsewhere 10 estrogens. In paslrne""
pausal women. and,oslene-dionc: is the major pre-
(Fig. 6-8).
Adre nal Es trogen s
All nalUrally occurring estrogens have 18 carbons
Under ordina ry conditions. the adrenal glands are and an unsaturated A ring. The biocbemical path.
not importa nt direct SOurCeS of estrogens. However, way involves firs! hydroxylation and then remova l of


"' j o"
0"" HO, II


0 " "'

" '"
17{J-OH -ANDFlOSTA-l,4 -0IENE. 3-0NE


o "


FlO . 6-8. """enol e.tfog&n'. Pfecursor •. a oo ",O!><>Wd

int"' .

carbon 19. An aromalase system then acts on the A adequate. ACTH lowers the DHEAS:DHEA ratio
ring. The details of the aromala5e reactions arc only in the ""'<>Qus emUCn!. possibly by augmenting sui·
partially known. fatase activity.
The glands also contain sulfOlransferaus thai in-
crease the production of sulfated h(mnones. In ad-
Sulle ted Steroid s
dition to DHEAS. they secrete pregnenolone-S.
Different enzymes conve't limited amounts of cho- DOCS. testosterone-S and SOme estrogen sulfates.
Icstcrohulfatc to sulfated steroid hormones. It has The enzymes have only recently been rcoove red from
been suggcslcd that the processes assume especial adrenooortiealtissue for study by affinity chroma-
importance when the supply of free cholesterol is in- tography (3). and there is limited information on
their functions. The activities rise whcn large quan- mors wilh abnormal enlyme make·ups de"clop, and
tities of cholesterol and of certain other steroids ac- when Olher kinds of tumors relea", 100 much
cumulate within the adrenal glands. Sulfated hor- ACTH. They can be mimic ked wilh pharmacologi-
mones released to the bloodstream are rapidly cal agems Ihat selectively inhibit certain of the en·
degraded by hepatic microsomal reduetases (I 36), zyme. (Fig. 6-9). 11I<;to;e agem, are sometimes used
GluCOC<lrticoids, estrogens, and pituitary gland hor. for diagnosis of the disorders. and there are condi·
mones all regulate production of the liver enzymes tions under which SOme Ca n provide eifective
(134, (35). T he observations are consistent with sug- Iherapy.
geSlions that sulfotransferases contribute to mecha_ Cenain of the inherited disea>eS aifect steroido-
nisms that prevent excessivc elevation of the hlood senesis in gonads as well. Adreoocon ical tumors
steroid hormone levels. have also been known to impair reproductive s}'!ltem
r.tal adrenal ,land. a,. very larg. relative to body
si"". and Ih.y relea,e .ubstanl;'] <lu.nlilie. of ,ulf.. ed
I'\o,mon ... The possibilily thal lhes. "' rV. 'peeial func·
lion. i. COI1.idercd in Chapler 16. The mOlhe r m.)' lhen Deficiency o f C-20 Hydro)(ylase
require proleclion ag.inst the dev.lopm.nt of hyperad · This is Ihe mosl ",rious of the genetic defecls, since
rcflO<OI'ticali,m. ,inee lhe steroid. enler Ihe malernal cir·
il rctards formation of pregnenolone and Iherefore of
culalion, Shc rapidly degrades sulfaled 'I.roids. becau",
her hitlh e.l<og.n level. invoke marked ele,"I;OO of Ihe
01/ steroid hormones, Life can be suslained only
hepatiC micr<>eoomal en,),me ,clivilie •. The adrenal when glucocorticoid and mineraloconicoid therapy
gland, of noonale. undergo "involution" a, Ihc)' gradu. i. instituted soon afler birth. Male fetuses unable to
ally .cquire more malure melabolic, ma ke testicular androgens fail to undergo differen-
Somc observation. on ,uinca pig. ar. of intete.t in thi' tiation of the reproductive organs, and they acquire
conneclion, Thooe animal, have e ...edingl)' high drcu, anatomical structures similar 10 those of females
IO ling gluCOCOrlicoid concenlr.lion. . Their .drona! (Chapter 13). The eifects cannot be reversed lalcr.
gland, arc .ery large relative to Iheir bod)' ,i",. bUI Ibe Females may appear normal al flrsl. bUllhey
,ulfot ... n,fer ... activity i. v.ry low (1]6). It has been estrogens at the time of puberty for devdopment of
.uggcsled tha1 those condition, are required 10 ,uslain
tile secondary characteristics.
normal end<>erine function. becau.e the glucocorticoid
Aminoglutethimide (AG. Eliplen) is an anticon'
r.'""plon bind Iho hormone. wi1h vcr)' low .flinil)' (72),
Howe""r, it hos also been .peculated Iha1 lOe gland' are vul""n( Ihal !la. be<:" u""l in p-4.1 rur Ito" (",al-
SO large becau,e fOlal remnanls arc retained poslnalally ment of epilepsy. It inhibits activity,
(142). Thi. raises Ih. possibility that the ,«-- and thereby promotes a<xumulalion of cholesterol
acquir. low aflinili .. ,,'hen the .ulfotransfc ras< within adrenal slands as il halts the use of Ihe cho-' declines aft.r birth, lesterol for sleroid hormone synlhesis, W hen given 10
The 'ignificance of Ih. high circulating I<vel. of ,ul· intac. animals. it also increases ACTH secretion
fa1ed .teroid, in patient. "ith mineralOCOrticoid·rel.led (,ince il impairs negative feedback conlrol by Slu-
h),perten,ion i. lIOt kllOwn . It could rCfieel un,u,""e .. ful cocorticoid,). AG is useful in several ways for inves-
.n.mpts to limi1thc Prod"C1ion of hormoncs Ih.1 elevale tigalion of mechanisms of action of ACTH (sec
Ih. blood pressure. Abnormal sulfo,.a"sferase activily
Chapler 7). and it has also been tried in regulated
ha, be.n demon'lraled in palien1' ,,·ilh some forms of
dosages in patient' ",c'"'ting quantities of
•• ncer.
steroids (79). I n high dosaS.... it additionally inhibits
11.8.hydroxylase aClivity. the peripheral mela'oolism
ENZYMATIC DEFECTS OF THE ADRENAL or steroid hormones. a nd possibly also hypothalamic
CORTEX regulation of ACTH ",eretion (48),
Under normal conditions, s lucocorticoids act on the
hypothalamus and pi(Ui'ary sland to limit the secre-
Deficiency o f C-21 Hydro)(y lase
lion of ACTH. When enzymatic defeclS impair Slu-
cocorlicoid synthesis, ACTH levels rise This is Ihc most common of the spontaneously 0c-
Then, the adrenal glands undergo hypertrophy, and curring clinical disorders. If the cnzyme defect is se·
large quanlities of cholesterol are made inlO pres· vere. neither slucocorticoids nor mineralocorticoids
nenolone. Since the pregnenolone cannot be used to can be synthesized. However. pregnenolone forma·
ma);;e glucocorticoids, il is shunted into olher me.a- tion is augmented. and much of it is converted to
'oolic pathways. The consequences can indude ex- DHEA. Smaller amou ntS of tcstooterone. and also
cessive prodUClion of androgens or mineralocorti· some estrogens are made. The high cireulating levels
coids, as well as glucocorticoid insUllieiency. of androsens cause masculinization of female fctuses
Problems of this kind arise when genetic defects (and the infants look like males with poorly devel-
impair the functions of the adrenal glands. "'hen tu· oped reproductive organs al the time of birth).


l' '\ ,-, r "'\
" I
,", -

-;/?';yl f
l' '\ , 'I \:>--CI

" SU·905S "" 0



MEA -29
,", I I I

I /
CuD \==/
I h

FI'l. 6 ·9. PIIIrmaoological IQ81110 d..,ting .,nll,..i5 <>f

-.I'.nocorIlal ho<mor>e$.

Latcr, the androgeru; pr(lll'lote premature onSCI of lions. Since;\ also negative fccdback conlrols
puberty in male children and virili>:alion of the over ACTH, it 1eSS<'1l$ androgen producliQn.
fcmaks. There arc mild form5 of the disorde r, in which
Mineralocorticoid therapy is required 10 correct limilc<J amoun(.S of are made. Fe-
the aldosterone deficiency. GlucocortiCOid replace· males with this ",(,"dition usually rC$pond faVQrably
ment must be provided to maintain metabolic fune- to early administration of glucocorticoids. Although
they commonly undergo precocious puberty. many ticoids. The usual consequences arc salt ",tent ion
achieve fertility. and hypertension in addition to the glucocorticoid
No specific antagonist of this enzymc is known. and gonadal steroid deficiency problems. SU·9055
17,,·hydroxylase deficienC)' can coexist. When it and SU-8000 arc inhibitors.
docs. only minute quantities of androgens and estro-
gens are synthesized. There are also individuals in
Daflc1encles of Enzymes Affecting Oxidation
whom the lIP-hydroxylase and IS·hydroxylase lev-
of Carbon 18
els are subnormal.
SU-8000 and SU·9055 also inhibit IS-hydroxylase.
Patients with I Ip·hydroxy lase defIciencies some·
3p-Hydroxysterold Dehydroge nase times make inadequate amounts of thi, en7_yme as
Defic Ienc y well , Aldosterone synthesis is impaired, but usually
In this disorder. the large amounts of pregnenolone there is enough £XX: to support mineralocorticoid
made are converted mostly to DHEA and rc1atoo functions_ Since £XX: synthesis is not regulated in
tJ,' "weak" androgens. liowe\w. since progesterone the same way, fine control' are lost.
and its dcrivatives cannot be synthesized. there is When the IS·hydroxylase functions but there is a
both glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid def,_ deficiency of the l8-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
ciency. The androgens promote masculini7<1tion of aldosterone cannot be made, but large quantities of
female fetuses and of female children and theyac- 18.QH-£XX: and of 18-0H-oorticosteronc may be
celerate puberty onsct in boys; but they arc not ef- released , The consequences are sodium and wa ter re-
fective for supporting normal differentiation of the tention. potassium depletion. and hypertension.
reproductive organs of male [etu",s. (See also adre- An analog of I g.QH·DOC (I g.2O-cycio-20.21-di·
nogenital syndrome. Chapter 13)_ hydroxy+pregnen·3·(lne) has been usoo to decrease
Cyanoketone and WIN 24,450 "s[>Cciflcally" hy[>Crtcnsion in rats undergoing ·'adrenal regenera·
block the enzyme (78) . When given to rats, thcy in· tion" (77) (sec latcr discussion).
VQke glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid deficien·
des. The masculinization is minimal because ratS
Other Agents Affect ing SterOidogen esis
make "cry liule DHEA .
Amphenone B cau... fairly selective nec""i. of the
wna fascieulata and zona rctieularis. but permits
11p·Hydroxylase Delfclen cy
the ..ona glomerulosa to mainain its functions. It has
This disorder permits the biosynthesis of progester- been largely replaoxd by DOD (dichlorodiphenyldi·
one, and it can increa", androgen (and sometimes chlorocthane) and its mote active isomer. o.p'·000.
estrogen) prOOuction. Much of the progesterone is Thc agents have been used in patients making ex·
converted 10 DOC, IS.QH -DOC, hydroxylaloo do. cessive quantities of corticosteroids, but they have
rivative:!' of progesterone, and also to II-<!eoxycorti· numerous undesirable sidc-cffects. Testonolactone
sol in humaN and others_ inhibits conversion of androgens to estrogens and has
Metyrapone (metopironc, mepyrapone. SU-4885) been used for this purpose in patients with breast
inhibi!l; thc en7_yme. [t is a u",ful diagnostic agent. cancer (9).
sin"" it is sMrt-acting, In individuals with normal
ACTH-adrenocortical "reserve." glucocorticoid
Zo na Fa sclculata Stero id s Implicated In th e
suppression leads to increased secretion of ACTIi.
Et io logy of HypertenSio n
and this is followed by proouction of largc amoun ts
of Il-<!eoxycortisol. (Patients with cxtrapituitary tu· $Qme patients with hypertension and associated salt
mors that release ACTIi and ACTH·like peptides and water retention have low aldosterone levels
do not display such responses.) However, the agem (since the condition invokes inhibitory inAuences on
also inhibits that catalyze hydroxylations at the ZOna glornerulosa). The problems are often ag-
carbons IS and 19. and it therefore does not have the gravated by high ACTH coneentrations.
same effects as "pure" IIp·hydroxylase deficiency It is therefore believed that the", individual, se-
(48). crete excessive quantities of mineralocorticoids from
the zona faseiculata. In some cases. sterioos made by
normal glands may be involved. but in others differ-
17,.-HydroxylaBe Deficiency
em steroids Seem to aCcount for the sodium retention
[.QSSof this enzyme blocks the formation of cortisol. (44) (sec Fig. 6-10).
androgens. and C!itrogens. In humans. larger Cortisol has only the mincralocortiooid po-
amounts of ACT['I are then secreted. and this leads tcncy of aldosterone. However. hypertension is com-
secondarily to ....""ssive production of mincralocor- monly associated with high cortisol and low aldoste-

c =o
1 '"""
H C: O
o 1 oJ-

'" o" '"
c=o c=o
J- L -0<;

o" '" o"

c'- 1


17". , 6/j·hy<ltoxy·Dt1EA

Fig. 8 - 10. Som& <otIIlascicula ta oorticosto..,ids .truc1ur&a o! DOC. 111-OH DOC . • oo 111-OH CorticostOfOM,
impicIled;" In. e1io1ogy 01 (3M a loo

rone concentrations in patien ts wilb Cushing's Some patients may also make large amounts of
syndrome. Repeated inje\:lions of pharmacological steroid . In others. high levels of IS-OH·DOC,
dosages of cortisol can also lead 10 clevation of the IS-OH-corti<;OSterone, hydroxylatcd derivatives of
blood pressure. Corticosterone is 15 limes more p0.- progesterone. or hydroxylated derivatives of OHEA
tent than cortisol. DOC (a wna fascicuiala m iner- have been found (?7). Stress (which augments
alooorticoid) has 100 limes the sail-retaining effects ACfH secretion) usually aggra vates the oonditions.
Qf an equimolocular quanti ty of oort;soI.
When previously healthy rats are subjected \0 bi-
lateral adrenal enucleation (removal of all glandular METABOLISM OF CORTICOSTEROIDS
tissue except the few cells that adhere to the capsule)
or to adrenal compression. they develop "ad renal re- A88oclati ons with t he Plasma Proteins
generation hypertension" during the time when they Glucocortiooids. 11-<1ooxyeortiooi&. steroid sulfates.
form new adrenocortical cells. The condition is ag- and the gonadal steroids travel through the blood
gravated by unilateral adrcnal«tomy and by salt plasma in oombination with proteins secre ted by thc
loading, The steroid implicated in etiology of the hy· liver (1.154).
pertension is 19· nor·DOC (54.59). Around 76% of the oortisol in human blood
plasma i. associated with Iral1SCQrthl (corticosteroid toplasm (34). They may serve as buffers that protect
bindi ng globulin, C BG). T he protein present in the against rapid changes in blood hormone
low concentrations (7 X 1O-' M), but it binds with concentrations. The binding affinities arc lower than
high affinity. It has similar affinity for cortieo&te- those of the receptors. and this fac ilitates transfer.
rone. and it binds progestero"" even more avidly (7).
Limited amounts of testOSterone and sma Ucr ones of
Metabolic " Activation "
estrogens associate with CBG. but most of the cit·
eulaling gonadal steroids travel with a different pro- Gonadal steroids are known 10 undergo several kinds
lein, TeBG (Iestosterone-eslrogen binding globulin. of metabolic conversions that are essential for inter-
SSW. sex steroid binding globulin). action with their receptors at somc sites. For
Albumins have low affinily for hormones. pIc, testosterone is made into dihydrotcstostelOllc in
However. concentrations of around 5.5 X 1O- 'M Ihe prostate glands. and into estradiol in certain of
explain the high capacity. 13% to 15% of plasma the neurons.
cortisol is bound 10 them. An additional 2% aUachcs Sleroids with II·keto groups are convcrted to ones
to .. ,-acidic glycoprotein (AAG), which is present in with II.()II groups before they Can act. (For cx-
COncenlTations 20 times those of CBG . ample, cortisone and II-dehydroconicosteronc are
Glucocorticoid. are pOtent stimulants for produc- made into cortisol and corticosterone. respectively.)
tion of CBG. When large quantities of the steroids Some low_potency steroids released from thc adrenal
are se.:reted, elevated CBG levels it possiblc to a rc changed into ones with greater activity in the
have high circulating glucocorticoids with(>nt ineur. liver.
ring loxicity (since only unbound hormoncs rapidly At least some of t he cortiC<t\terone. cortisol. and
gain access to the target cdl recepton;) . Adrenalec- aldosterone seem to bind directly to Ihe receptors.
tomir.<:d animals are exquisitely sensitive 10 exoge- The 10 which metabolic transformations at
nous steroids. and One reaSOn is their subnormal pro- other sites are of physiological imporlallC( is not
duction of CBG , known. Numerous metabolic products have been
Estrogens arc also pOtent stimulants. In most spe- identified. and at least a rew have demonstrated
cies. females have high IOtal circulating glucocorti- pharmacological activity.
coid and CBG levels. and Ihere are further increases
during pregnancy. Since fetuses have low CSG, ,te.
roid hormones are easily transferred 10 the maternal
blood. In some spe<:ies. glucocorticoids play major The li""r is the major site of degradation. but the
roles in thc initiation of parturition, and the CBG kidneys and other organs participate. Hepatic en-
levels fall pre<:ipitously shortly before that time. "ymes that catalyzc reductions of lhc A ring and b ·
In rats. there arc only small increru;es in CBG pro- tone groups, and promote side<hain cleavages, arc
duction during pregnancy. but very substantial the most widely The products arc for the
quantities of glucocorticoids arc nceded to suppOrt most part neutral steroids that have tittle Or no biG-
lactation. The CRG levels in these animals fall soon logical activity and greater water solubility than Ihc
after parturition. and both the magnitudes and du- parent mole.:ules , Some cleavage products are. how·
rations of the respOnses vary with the numbers of ever. androgenic. and SOme reduction products (e.g .•
pups (156). Thyroid hormones stimulate S-<lihydrOCOTtiso1) have mineralocorticoid potency
glucocorticoid and ACTH sceretion and CBG pro- (149) . Conjugations with sulfate. glucuronate. ace-
duction in rats. In humans, th)·roid hormones ha,·e tatc. and OIher small anions further increase the
lilt le influence on the levels of either ACTH Or CBG water solubilities.
( 19). Different enzymes catalyze oxidations and the for·
In guinea pigs. production of a CBG that only mation of acid metabolites (10 I). Some of the prod·
loosely associatcs with glucocorticoids. along with a ucts have demonst rated pharmacological activity
separate protein OOt found in most other mammals (e.g .. they inhibit infiammatory respOnses). The pos.
that 10 progcsteronc (36) may be adapta· sibility that they $Cr"" physiological functions re-
tions to the low·affinity glucocorticoid receptors of mains to be invcstigated.
this species. The better known metabolites of cortisol are
shown in Fig. 6-11. More recently discovered deriv-
atives are shown in Fig. 6-12.
Androgen, estrogen. and progesterone metabolism
TranSfer of Glucoco rtlco lds from Bloo d to
are diseussed in Pan V. The include ca-
Target Cells
techol estrogens that are present in brain as well as
Several proteins that lake up glucocorticoids but do liver and blood plasma (112), Such molcculesaffe.:t
not function as rec<:ptors are prescnt within the cy- neurolransmitter turnover. and they ha,'e been im-


"0 k - -l- - -0"

, ,

laRTISOL "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-, COR t iSONE - - _ ,

1 I CH,oH
c =o C=O
.1 0>< .1- - 00 1 " 0

, , •

CH,oH CH,.o1i
c =o
-l-- -QH HO
c =o
- --OH

- - •

- - - OH




"'" 1_.
Fig. e· ,!.
,&dUC!ion "
Produc!. of c<>rtiOOI """abolism reOlJIt;ng from
'<:1iono oftectitl; ca,bons 3, 4 . S. 0 0<1 20. Cory
pr_noting ;" humans .... sIIown. Some
$peCiM mok. I"' ge """nlilies 01
2'(l/,l.oH 01_ •.
_ i,.li.....""
I1C - 0 11 C=Q C=Q
.h-- 1-_ - - - 01-1
"' 00

"' , "'

, .
", ,
HC-OI1 "
eo -- -- -'" - - -OH
,• .,
,,"-,," CH,OH
He - 011
C= O
+1_ "'

,, , "'
" "


e· 12. Add;t;""'" cortiSOl mfllab<>liles.


plicate<! as "'Sulmors of brain funclicns and of go- topical applications in the form of creamS. Absorp-
nadotropin secretion (93). tion raleS can he comrolled by conjugating steroids
AlthQugh all mammals release the metabolic with acetate, pivalatc. cipionato. succinate. and
product!; into both the bile and urine, there are spe- other substances. and by modifying the .. chicles.
cies differences in the relative amounts sen. 10 each Naturally occurring hormones are not suitable for
of the excretory Outlets. Hormone. contribute to reg_ oral administration because they are rapidly de-
ulation of the biliary excretion of hormones and their graded by enzymes in the liver. Small changes in
metabolites (102). molecular structure can provide protection against
attack by hepatic enzymes and in olher ways prolong
Ihe biological half·li,'e$ . Different modifications have
been allernptcd to sele<:tivciy increase the binding to
Natu!'l\l1y occurring corticosteroids have only lim· certain of the targets. Only SOme have proven sue·
ited usc in therapy. especially when large dosages cessful. (For example. there are synthetic steroids
arc ne.:ded or when the molecules must be retained thai can SOflie as potent anti·inflammatory agents
at a localized sile. without invoking se rious salt retention: but satisfae-
Agems that are to be administered intravenously tory IiCpa ration of anti.inflammatory from·
to invoke prompt responses must be water-soluble. mune or glucocorticoid polencies has 001 been
Lipid solubility is required for prolonged actions and achieved (128).

I '""'"

0, I k- -0" "0 k-

o -J' ""
C=o C=O
r ,
, A'



*-- "0
- --
,, ,,
r , r

o -J' o


I '""'"
),- .1.- -
'" , ,, A'


Some of {he more widely usW synthetic steroids markedly rcrlUIX'S minc,alOC<)rticoid potency. Thus.
ar<: shown in Fig. 6-1 3 prednisolone has four limes {he glucoconicoid and
Insenion of a second dooblc bond in the A ring anti.inflammatory effectiveness of an cquimolccular
carbons 1 a nd 2 leads 10 enhanced gluco- dose of corti$Ol. bUI only 0.4 limes ils sah'r<:taining
corticoid and a nti-i nflammatory activities bUI it actions. It binds wilh only half the affinity 10 CBG.
This may aoxount in small part for ils greater p0:>- Women with Bre.. t Cancer ':"Te'lOnol.c·
tency, but more binding to glucocorticoid recep- t1>l1e, J. C!in. Erul"",/noi. M,"'I>. f 9: 612_6. 1979.
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Adrenocorticotropin and Corticotropin-Releasing Hormones

Adrcnocortkotropin (ACTH) promotes growth and cium uptake from the surrounding Auids. Some in·
spec iali zation of Ihe cells oflhe wna fa%icula\3 and creases in steroidogenesis follow.
wna reticularis of the adrenal cortex . It is needed on ACTH stimulation of R NA and protein synthesis
a regular to maintain the si,.c. finc slruclure, become apparent after approximately 3 hours. The
cn'.ymc components. and ",<,cr"tory funclions of neW molecules indude enzymes nse<! for Ihc produc-
those regions. When presented in high dosages. il tion of glucocorticoid, and new hormone receptors.
acutely augments glucororliooid secretion byaccel- One consequence is sharpened sensitivity to ACTU
erating steroidogenesis. blll il probabl y docs no! presented at a later time.
exert important influences on the discharge of pre- After prolonged exposure to ACTH. 1.ona faseic-
formed hormone. Although the cells have :1eclron- ulata-reticularis cells undergo morphological
dense ori3nelles (95). they lack "true" secretory The mitochondria and the tubular
granules and they therefore store very liUle of the cristae of the unstimulated cells aSSume vesicular
final prooucls. forms as the enzyme oontem increases. The effects
ACTH also transiently stimulates the zona glom- Can be bloc ke<! wilb chlorampbenicol (an antibiotic
erulosa. but the long-range efTeCtS are mostly inhib- that impairs protein synthesis in mitochondria but
itory ( I,S,39). In fact. studies of cultured e<:lIs sur>- does OOt act On cytoplasmic ribosomes). Lipids aC-
(Xlrt the concept that ACTH can promote cumulate in cytoplasmic droplets, and the smooth
transformation of glomerulooa cells into ones resem- endoplasmic reticulum becomes more elaborate.
bling the kinds found in the fasciculaUHeticularis Since the ACTH-sensitive regions normally acoount
zones (72). Animals chronically depri.e<! of ACTH for the bulk of thc structures. the gland as a whole
can maintain reasonably good electrolyte balance. increases in size and weight when Ihe cells undergo
The physiological im(Xlrtance of can be growlh. T he enlargement is evident within one day
appreciated from oi.«rvati()lls of the effects of hy_ after the first exposure to ACTH.
(XlphySCCtomy. It should be (Xlimed out.,
that adrenocortical functions are affected by several
regulators. Some are produced by the pituitary
glands. and the secretions of others are controlled by The production of.glucocorticoid, requires the c0-
pituitary hormones other than ACTH. The pituitary operation of several cell oom(Xlnents. Certain of the
gland also contributes to the maintenance of nutri- dfeets of ACTH can be demonwated for iSOlated
tiOMI status. Therefore. hY(Xlphyscctomy cannot be mitochondria. but only when the membranes are in-
equated with simple deprivation of ACTI-!. tact (l07) . Supernatant fractions taken from stim-
The adrenal cortices of untreated hY(Xlphysecto- ulated cells can act in vitro to accelerate hormone
mize<! animals undergo involution. loss of the ability production (75A).
to secrete glucocorticoids in quantities that sustain
metabolic balancc. and reductions in the numbers of
Acq uis ition snd Binding of the Precursor
ACTH receptors. W hen ACTH is then presented.
the forst detectable effect is augmented blood now to Cholesterol that is delivered by li(Xlprotein particles
the adrenal gland. Soon a fterwa rd. the cell' begin to of the blood plasma serveS as thc major hormone
aceelerate their rate, of cholesterol, glucose . and cal_ precursor (52). ACTH facilitates precursor upta ke
by ae<.:eierating blood flQ'" to the gland. and by e,- iron CQmpOn<ont of th•• CQmp\e. (n), When mi-
erting inftuenco:.s on the plasma membranes thaI af- t()Chond,;", taken from zona fasciculatl cells of I\CTH·
fect transport. On a long.ra nge basis. It increases the deprived "nim.t. are prc<cntcd with .holesterol. they do
formation of lipoprotein receplon (34). When the not .how th. rapid changos choracter;'tic 0( O<lanelics

bIo<.ld dQeS not supply adequate amounts of eholC$- from <XlIItrol:s. and . hey do I'lOl rapidty
deave the chol .. tcrQ\ .
t.rol. ACTH also induccs enzymes that
production of the molecules from aeety!-CoA. Under
normal conditions. much of tile cholesterol is used
for steroidogenesis. and OIlly limited quantities arc ROLes OF CALCIUM IONS, MEMBRANE
stored. Prolonged. Io.... intensity 5limulation by PHOSPHOLIPIOS ANO PROSTAGLANDINS IN
ACTH can augment lipid a«umulation: acute. STeROl OOGeNeSIS
SlronJ slimuloltion uwally dcpl¢les the 1'CS(:fYeS. Extracellular Ca l - docs not SCCm to be absolutely
Aminoslutelhimide permitS the cens to take up or c:ssc:nlial fOf ACTH bindi", to IIIe rt«plOfS on Ihe
synlhesize ehOleslerol, bul it blocks the to plasma membranes (48.1 18). bUI Ihe prcsc:ncc of
hormones. In ils pl'CS(:I\CC, ACTH promotC:S choles- chelatOT'S in the utracellular fluids ean impair t he
terol acwmulltion (66). process wilen the hormone ronccnlralions are low
The lipoprolei ll$ deliver mosdy cholesteryl csters. (8).
bUI the mitochondria can use ooly frtt cholcstcrol. Afler the binding hiS oc/':urred. utracellular Cal-
ACTH may somewhat increase the activities of cho- is for Ihe stimulation of steroidogenesi5. If
Iestc,)'1 cstcrascs. but a different hormone made by the iort$ are'd after ACTH stimulation has
Ihe same pituitary gland ceUs is a more impol1anl begun, glucocorticoid productioo falls oft' sharply. 11
lctivllor (6.8JA). can be rcslOfed by replacing th. Ca" only if ACT H
The cholesterol muSI be tralllOporlo:d to tile inner is concomi tantly (presumably because lhe
membrane of Ihe mitochondrion (13), and it is be· hormone is to promoIe uptake). Supra-
lieved that ACTI I aeccle ratu the process by in· physiological concentrations of extracellular Ca",
creasing the Icvcl s of a carrier protein (107), and calcium ionophores such as A 23187 8iven in
Although long'Tllng. influenco:.s can inV(llve induc· combination ",ilh physiological oonce ntrations. C(In
lion. the aCute effects of ACTH on mitochondrial accelera te stcroidogcfIC!is in the absencc of ACTH .
accumulation of cholesterol ore oot alTcctcd by ac· Some of Ca ' - an> oMrtcd on tho
tinomycin D. Therefore. the hormone probably ac· membranes (26.95). One of thc earliest is dosc.<Jeo
livales preexisling molecules. pendent activalion of a ealcium.<Jependent
W ilhin minutes after ACTH is presented to ceUs lipase A,. Although il can affecl Other membrane
previously deprivo:d of Ihe hormone. the binding of lipids. the enzy!TIC acts preferenlially On arachidon-
cllolesterollo the mitochondrial c)·tochron><: alNieh phosphalidylinositols (P Is). and it
cnzyn><: syslcm accelerates. Tile pl'OC\:$! is lheir cleavage 10 lysophosphatidylinositol and free
TIlle-limiting for cholesterol cl¢avage, and thercrore arachidonate. Some of IIIe libo.:ratcd fa\l)' acid is
for sieroidogenc:sis. ACTI I drectS the en1.yn><: .ctiv_ used to ma ke proslaglandirt$ ( PGs ). bUI much of it
il)' only illdi",etl),. by faeilitat;n, the: bind· is ",incorporated inlO ne'" PI (94). Tile Ca' - c0n-
ing( l lO). centrations influences tile rates of PC s)·ntllcsis.
The rapidity with which the bindinll occurs. and A , facilita tcs lranslocalion of
lhe obscmot;on Ihal tile r<:SJlOIIK can be blocko:d or membrane-bound ki""", C to the cytosol. aetivalion
";th cydohuimide (bul not "'ilh aClino. of that enzyme. and general ion of its calal)'tie prod.
mycin D). are cons;stenl with the propoKd 5limula· UCI. kinase M (A·IO). L)'SOIipids and arachidonatc
lion of lhe produelion of a labil¢ prote;n differenl a ffect membrane Huidily. and both may be inYOlved
from the cholesterol carrio:r. wl'Klse synthesis is di. in the opening of calcium channels and in the f\lsion
rected by a siable mR NA . A basic peptide ",ith a processes associated ",ilh sleroid hormone
molecular weight of 2200 that build, up in the cy_ The vasodilator activities of PCE, and PC I, proba-
toplasm and aC1$ directly on isolated mitochondria if bly contribute to ACTH augment.ation of ad",n.1
NADPH iJ prc$Cnt, meetS tile q\LI.liflCation! of the blood flow. but many Olher vasodilator'S do IlOl I.e-
hypothetical medialor (83). It can be: distinau isho:d eelerale hormone: synlhesis. ACTH also increases
on the basis of size and heal stability from a previ· prodUClion of pc; F:.. which is a vasoconstrictor.
ously described peptide of 3500 daltons that accu- When ACTH is prcscnlcd 10 adrenocortical cells.
mulates in stim ulalo:d cells. PCE,and PGF,. production raleS Can increase up to
Th. bindin, cln be monitored in both intact c:etu and IHoid within minuto:.s (63). Although they alTcct
isolated mitochondria. since it i ••• Klcilled with chan80S membrane permeabilitics. Ihe PGs probably exerl
in uhn.ioIettightabforption panernslnd in the electron their important actions inside the cens. Exogenous
parama,nenlie reSOnance (EPR) ,i,nat gener. ttd by th. PGs ean directly a=lerate steroidogenesis in th e

absence of ACTK (2\). Indomethacin. ETYA (oi· treated animals are much less affccted by the addi_
cosalctrayooic acid). and other inhibitors of PC tion of Ca'· . probably because they already have
synlhelase blun! the resroniC!; to ACTK . Chlor- high calcium contents. However. even for these. it i.
promazine. p-bromophenyl acylbromido. and other possible to demonstrate calcium<holesterol s),ner-
inhibiwrs of the phospholipase A, simultanoously gi sm (110).
depress PI arachidonate \Urnover and the steroido- Calcium ions also increase the rates of mitochon.
genic responses to ACTK (104) . drial oxidation of substrates other than cholesterol.
Cyclic nucleotides Can stimulate steroidogenesi, in and they have potent influences On mitochondrial
the absence of ACTH. and they promote PG syn· IIJl-hydroxylase aClivity. It has been proposed thaI
thesis. It has been reported that PGE , elevales Ca" promotes dissociation of reduced adrenodoxin
cGMP levels promptly. and cAMP concentrations from adrenodoxin reductase and reassociation of Ihc
after 15-30 minutes (34). The nucleotides and PCs oxidized form with that enzyme (60).
may W<lrk together to support ACTH stimulation. Unrelaled effcels exerled on plasma mcmbranes
but neither seems to be absolutely essential. NPS- may be essential for u/eo5t' of the steroids . When
ACTH is an a-nitrophenylsulfonyl derivative of isolated glands arc perfused with ealcium-deficient
ACTH that imitates the actions of thc pituitury hor- media that contaiM ACTH, Ihe hormone conlent of
mone on PG production and steroidogenesis. but it the cells increases (41 ).
doe>; not increase the cAMP levels. Its effects on glu-
cocorticoid secretion are only partially blunted by
Roles of Cyclic Nl,lcleotldes
PC synthetase inhibitors (63). Moreover. thc ability
of PGs to promote cAMP generation may be rC- In many cell types. moderate concentrations of Ca'-
stricted to the 7_ona glomerulosa (108) . act in conjunction with calmodulins to increase ad-
usually either lowers cAM P levels or has enylate cyclase activilY. Higner ones interact with
00 cffcct on them. Sevcral "growth factors" that pra- the same protein to augmenl cyclic nucleotide phos-
mote proliferation of cultured cells (including insulin phodiesterase activity. and sometimes also to innibit
and fibroblast growth factor) promote PGFt, gen- the cyclase.
erntion mol""ule< pby ""me Similar proc",,,,, seem 10 o!",r"e in .drctlO<"OTli_
roles in adreoocortical cell renewal. can Con- cal cells. Within the low-ta-moderate rangc of Ca"
tribute to maintenance of cell size after hypophysec- concentrations. cAMP generation is accelerated _Su-
tomy. but it docs 001 promote growth [93J .) praphysiological levels of the ion depress cAMP
Although PGs affect the secretions of other pitu- accumulation.
itary hormones. theydo not seem to function as stim- cAMP probably exertS SOme of its effects by pro-
ulants for ACTH . Contribution. to the regulation of moting mobilization of Ca l< from intracellular se-
cortiootropic releasing bormone nave been ,uggested questration sites. It can accelerate steroidogenesis in
(58). tne absence of extracell ular ion . Interactions "'ilh
It is virtually certain that calcium ions act intra- Ca H may be needed for its roles in promoting hor-
eellularly. ACHI aceclerates Ca' - uptake across mone release from tne cells.
plasma membranes (91) and aCross the membranes Several findings arc eonsisten! with the COIlcept
of microsomal vesicles taken from the adrenul glands that cAMP functions as the "seeond messenger-' for
of hypophysectomized animals (62). It facilitates in- ACT H. First . the need for a second mcs.<;enger is
traceHular translocations of the ions. and it increases consislCnt with observations that ACTH exeTlS its
Ihc calcium content of the mitochondria. It also pro- characteristic effects when it is prevented from en--
motes localization of calmodulin (a major calcium- tering the cells (e .g .• when it is diazotil_cd 10 p-ami·
regulating protein) to the nucleolar regions of the ooben7.O)·1 cellulose [!03J. Second. when presented
cells in a manner consistent with influences on RNA in high concentrations . ACTH exerts dose-rc1atcd
biosynthesis (37) . Since chlorproma1.ine binds to cal- stimulation of cAMP generation. and the binding
modulins and thereby impairs their functioIlS, it. in· curves for a labeled analog rarat\cl Ihose of adenyl-
hibitory influences on steroidogenesis may be ex· ate cyclase stimulation (9). Third. cAM P. its ana-
eTled at mu!tiple sitos. logs. and phosphodicsterase inhibitors all mimic
Ca" alone can acederalc cholesterol side-chain many of the act ions of ACTH_ Fourth . adrenocorti-
cleavage when il is presented to mitochondria laken cal cells COIltain cAMP.,jependent protein kinases
from ACTH-deprived animals. High cholesterol thaI are activated by thc hormone_ Fifth. mutant
concentrations also stimulate. and the ion s enhance cells maintained in culture show parallel losses of
their cffeelS. The mitochondria from ACTH-pre- prolein kinase activation and of steroidogenic re-
sponses to ACT li (88). Si11h, phosphofylations of cbservllions lhal (a) cortiCO$leroid secrelion 'all. 10 u""
cdl components follow ACTli presentation. ThCiC dclccuoblc 10...11 during certain lime. of 1M day in inlaCl
include ribo&omal protei'" that may cootribute lO i""ivid".I .. and (b) " _ In 'rell ...."I Mor 1M cells (c.&..
tM formation of Ihe labile proIein already men- llu.. ·;ng) 10.... 10 .=ko;IIed steroidoce<te-
tioned ('.II). lbe cytochrome P-45Qs (88) needed for .... Prqncnolonc .... i.bibi. ,ide-elu.i. e .......p: ",b ... il
steroiqenesis. and po:!Sibly also ellolcsleryl ester- is I"$C'" in hilh roneenlnllions. 0 .. 1M t>asis or .uch ob-
ases. finally. ACTH promotes glycoge nolysis in Ihe $Crvalions. il h.. bet .. prGpOlltd lhal ACTII .timul"IOS
110<_ producl ion by Pt<>rn<)linl P«l""""ionc ..
ad renocortical cells of al leasl some spc:cics. from Ihe mi lOChondria. Arsunlenls 18. in'l the hyp<>lhe-
Ol her fin dings are less convincing. Physiologica l ,i, inelude Ihc somewh.1 ""Cak inhibilory c!feets 01 pre,.
concen lrations of ACTH can steroidoge n- ncnolont. and the r.i lure of eyanckelone 10 block . ide-
esis .... ilhoul bringing abou l deleclable increases in eha;. elu •• ,c . hboulh il '"el1illlOS pregn.noiooc ac-
cA MP When adenylale cyclase;s obviously cumuillion by inhibi'i., il$ oonvcrsion 10 ptOge$1O<onc
act iva led. accu mulation of the does not (I J).
0"lC0' nrily pre«de (and often follows) 0Mc\ of the
steroiqenic response. Moreover. as noted. N PS- ACTH Inth,e nee. on Adrenal A, eorble Acid
ACTH is sierotdogenic but it has lillie intlucnce On Content
adenylate cyclase.
Since only high concentra tions of ACT H seem to Thc concen lration5 of ascorbic acid a rc highcr in the
promote cAM P genc ra lion. il oce n proposed adrcm,1 gland tha n in a ll othe r tissues in vestigated.
that the hormone m oSt interact .... ith "spa re" recep- and amounts in the region ex-
tors 10 e licil Ihe effects. Therefore. Ihc nuclco!idc o;eed those of Ihe ZOna glomcrulosa. ACT I! invokes
may be involved only during limes of stress and prom!". dosc-related deplelion, and Ihis effect is
olher ronditions associaled ...·ith Slrong stimu- lhe basis of widely used bioassay procedures
lalion of the adrenal glands. (11 . 24.122). Yet. liuk: is known of ascorbic acid
loIo"Cr conccnu-atio", promote Ca-dcpc:ndcnl ae- fu/tCIions in 1M adrelt31 cortex (33).
tivalion of guanylarr C)·clase . Thc edb contain eA M r simila , ly promotes ascorbic acid depiction.
eG MP.(\epc:ndent kinases implicated in production blocks the responses to both cA MP
of the labile prolein req uired to s limulate ste roido- and ACT. !. but it has 00 effcc i on the vitamin con·
genesis H igh concen lralions of ACTII ca n centrations under basal cond it ions (24). Aminoglu-
lower the cG MP le,·els. probably via augmenta tion lethimidc docs nol change or stimulated levels
of the phosphodieslerasc activily (86). (66).
Since ascorbie acid can decrea:;c the rates of re-
actions catalyzed by miet"O$Ofllltl P-45Qs ( I I).
THE GL YCOGENOl. YSIS HYPOTHESIS ACTH could be: lifting an inhibilion othc ....ise pres-
eA MP-depe"""'" kin ......, e impona." .e. i",,· enl. The very lIigh glllcocOtticoid t;l1C$ of
Ion or llrcosenoiylic in liver. musck. and ...". scorbutic gU;l\\:a pip has b«n ciled in support.
I. in Olhe, pam all he body. The IluC«otlicoO:!·..,.relinc On lhe other hand. it bas been proposed Ihal a,..
cell. of some .pecie. w .... •ub$lanlial 1100II"10 or glyco- corbie acid is needed to maintain physiological se·
gen. Ind Ih. p<>1Y""cch. ,id. level. dcdine "'hen ACT H erelory function$.l'roponents of th is notion a m ibute
"rongl)' l1im ulale •. Since the liber.led glueo>e-P can Ihe augmented glucocotl ieoid outpul af scorbUlic
prO'Iide Ik. ATP. NADH. and NADP H nced<:<l rer . Ie- guinea pip 10 the Stress imposed by the dietary rc-
il hI. been provad lhal phosphoryta"" ae- Slriction. They suggest Ihat tl>c animals ordinarily
li •• lioft is • majot eompone'" of CA M P "im.. lal;oo.
U$C the vilamin. bUllhey ma nage 10 s)'nlhcsilC SOme
SUgeo.I lhal Ikis ,ile of ac'ion is
or limiled im"",tan«. ACTH does IlOl , .. bsllnlially au*, kind of substitute .... """ of;1.
menl ,IYCOlenolYsU;n .... ny.pecies., Ind il .. n promote Another concept i.thalthe adrel\lll cortex st0rc5
.le'oidoat .... i. in gl)'COtCn-dcpkled •• n.. M<lR:O<'er. ascorbic acid for lranspotl 10 the adrena l medulla
major eontrot. over slycogc n dc'nldalion in lite adrenal during I;mes of stress. Blood vesscls draining Ihe fa,..
COtI • • arc ..etled <HI pho<ph<>rylase pho<ph.,ascs . .... ' her ciculala·reticulari. cout":SC Ihrough thc medulla and
Ih. n on Ihe phosphorylase (l8). It h .. a"o bc<:n they are known 10 rolease regula tors. The calcchol·
pOinled 001 Ihal Ihe NADPH lenerat«! wilhin Ike cyto- anline-RC reti ng ""II. a rc ga n·
pl •• m docs nol pin a"" ... 101h. milocllondria (1 J). glion cells. They ascorbic acid a. a cofaclOf
fOf 01\\: 0( the steps in the biO$)'nthcsis of norepi·
THE PREGNENOLONE EGRESS HYPOTHESIS nephrine. They also incorpol"luc the vitamin into so-
granules and tMy rekuc il along witb the
Tlte _ p l lhal Mrcsli ..MMlrenoxonial cell< bormone (18). A ncuromodu lalory fullClion for as-
endo::os<_ inhibitors or ".roidosenesi. is ... pporlo«! by corbic acid has b«n proposed.

ACTH Influences on Protei n S ynthesis protein syntbesis. and growth. DNA synthesis and
cdl proliferation are inbibited undcr tl10sc conditions
Ea rly effects on formation of a labile pl"Qlcin thaI
mediales stimulation of steroidogenesis have been
Delayed effecls indude generalized incrca.e. in Fibro blas t Gro wth Fa c tor
R NA and protein synthesis, alcmg with preferential
The anabolic actions of growth hormone. insulin.
induction of several cn7.ymc •. Accumulation of a
prolactin, and other hormones arc believed to play
protein wilh a IllQlccular weight of 54.500 has been
roles in adrenocortical cdl renewal ( 16). I·!o",<:ver.
demonstrated for \xlvine adrenocortical cells incu-
their combined actions do not explain the magnitude
baled with ACTH, It is believed 10 be a precursor of
of adrenal gland growth under oondition, associated
the dalton (23). There is also acecl -
with accdcratcd release of ACTH. This suggests
",",Hed synlhcsi$ of mitochondrial I Iii-hydroxylase.
that SOme other pituitary factor is involved.
and of extramitochondrial cnlyme. thaI calalYlc the
Fibroblast gro ..·th factor (FGF) is a polypeptide
synthesi' of cholesterol from acelyl-CoA. The de-
with an apparent molecular weight of 13.400 that
layed elfects have all be. n linked with influences on
has been identified in pituitary glands (32). It is a
R N A .ynthesi•. They can be elicited with cAMP_
powerful stimulant of DNA synthcsis and for
certain eelltypcs derived from the embryonic mes-
oderm. Elfcels on the adrenal cortex can be demon-
REG UL ATION OF ADRENOCORTI CAL CELL strated both in vivo and in vitro.
Adrenocortical cells have high-llmnity receptors
Glucocortiooids exert '"'&ativc feedback controls for FGF, but not for certain of the other milogens
Ovcr ACTH secretion. When large dooc! arc repeat· present in blood sera. for example. epidermal grow1h
edly injected into intact animals. the ACTH scere· factor (31). The mitogenic responsc, to FGF arc an_
tion declines and the adrenal glands undergo tagonized by concentrations of ACTH that promote
atrophic changes that involve reductions in both cell steroidogenesis.
sizes and cell numbers. While roles of FGF in adrenal glaod growth "",m
Unilateral adrenalectomy transientl)· de<:reascs to be established. some in vivo observations require
the glucocortiooid concentrations of Ihe blood. and explanation. ACTH can bring about some cel l pro-
the ACTH levels rise. The gland that in the liferation in whole animals. Since it is secreted in
body undergoes "compensatory hypertrophy" in· accordance with circadian patterns. it has been
volving cell growth and proliferation. proposed Ihat ACTI! "prepares" cells for respon-
Hy pophysc<:tomi7ed animals show only limited in· siveness to FGf during certain times of the day by
creases in tbe Sil.c and ..·eight of the untOUChed adre- promoting growth and protcin sy nthesis. FGF can
nal gland after unilateral adrenalectomy. However. then act on the prepared cells at times when ACTH
the gland grows in response to injections of an levels The inability of hypophysectomized
ACTH-cnriched piwitary gland extract (76)_ animals to renew adrenocortical cell populations is
Considerations of this kind account for the for- probably attributable in part to loss of the prepara·
merly popular belief that ACTH promotes prolifer- tiveeffeclS of ACTH. When the hormone is
ation of the fasciculata-retiularis cells. It is now rec- cells may provide FGF. A peptide
ognized Ihal Ihere are problems wilh the ooncept. similar 10 (or identical with) pituitary FGF has been
and it is inlerC!lting to nOie thai some astute observ- found in brain tissue ( 119).
ers were aware of them three decades ago (11 I). The inhibitory influences of ACTH on cell prolif-
Generally. when cells be<:omc high I)· specialized eration may contribute 10 maintenance of optimum
they their ability to engage in DNA synthesis cell numbers and glucocorticoid secretory responses .
and mitosis_ ACTH actson immature adrenocortical A problem with this ooneept is that the adrenal
cells to change their fine structure and cn7.ymc con- glands enlarge when ACTH levels are elevated by
tent. SO that they become especially adept at manu- stress and !;Ome olher oonditions.
facturing large quanlitiC!l of glucocorticoids. After
oompleting their spccialil-l1tions. the edls flO longer
divide (36). Therefore> there i, reason to suspect that
ACTH cell prolifcration. The prediction is
borne out by 'lUdies of fasciculata-retitularis prep-
arations maintained in culture and exposed to oon- Felal adrenocortical cells do not display prompl ste-
ccntrations of ACTH that promOte steroidogenesis. roidogenic responses to ACTH when studied in cui-
lUf<'. The pituitary hormone promotes growth and l. Unilateral adrenalectomy kad. to almost in-
d ifferentiation during the f,rst few days. and it tran· stantaneous release of corticotropin·releasing hor-
sientl y increases DNA synthesis and ecll prolifera· mone. The response is morc rapid than those toother
tion (99). ACTI! may therefore have different ef- form$ of stress, and it OCcurs long before the blood
fect. (preparative ones") when the glucocorticoid gluCOCQrticoid concentrations dedinc.
levclsare very low. (ACTI-J is not the major mitogen 2. "Manipulation" of one adrenal gland (brief
in thc fetus. Its effect' are small compared with ones clamping of the pedicle) doc, 00\ obviously impair
exerted by other components of fetal serum.) glucocorticoid secre tion by the alTected struCture.
The concept that glucocorticoids mediate the in· HOwever. the undisturbed gland on the opposite side
hibition is consistent with the existence of glucocor. undergoes a growth response while the manipulated
ticoid receptors within the adrenal COrtex (96). and one docs not.
with the hypertrophic responses of adrenal glands to J. Pretrealment of the pedicle with a local anes·
ACTH in thc presene<: of aminoglutethimide (97). thetic block..! the growth responses to manipulation.
Glucocorti<:Oids ha"<' also been soown to suppress 4. Unilateral adrenalectomy is followed by in·
the proliferation of some cell types. (However. the)' creases in nucleolar volume. nuclear size, and rale of
can syncrgize with FGF to e"hane<: growth of others uptake of labeled leucine by cells of the ,,<,ntromedi"l
[321·) nucieus of the hypothalamus on the side of the un·
disturbed gland.
S. Unilateral lesions of th. ventromedial nuclei
INFLUENCES OF cAMP impair compensatory hypertrophy of the adrenal
The influences of ACTH on cAMP generation (27), gland on the same .ide.
and the effects of cAMP on Sleroidogencsis and cdl The findings are consistent with the transmis$ion
growth (16) have been cited. High concentrations of of information from alTerent nerve. of the manipu'
the nucleotide inhibit the proliferation of many cdl lated or excised adrenal to the hypothalamus. fol.
types. including tbose of adrel\OCorticaltumors (28). lowed by neural sti mulation of the gland that sub-
However. NPS-ACTH inhibits cdl proliferat ion al- sequently undergoes "comperu.atory" growth.
though it has linle or 00 innuencc on cA MP accu· Related slUd ies suggest that humoral factors other
mulation (90). tha n ACTH arc inV<lh'ed in the proliferative aspects
of compensatory hypertrophy. When hypophysecto-
mized animals arc subjected to unilateral
EFFECTS OF ANTI·ACTH SERA eetomy. the undisturbed glands are larger during the
first few days than the corresponding ones of hy_
Intact animal$ injected with antibodies directed poph)'sectomizc:d controls that are sham adrenalec-
against ACTH suITer a decline in blood glucocorti_ Morea_cr, injections of ACTH blunt the
coid concentrations. alterations in the protein cOm· rise in DNA tonteot of the undisturhcd glands. and
position of thc adrenocortical cells. and loss of the they lower DNA, R NA ratios (16).
ability to markedly augment glucocorticoid secretion
du ring times of stress. However, their glands do oot
show the reductions in size and weight that follow GLUCOCORTI CO ID INFLUENCES ON
hypophysectomy. and they retain the ab ility to STEROIDOGENESIS
undergo compensatory hypertrophy when unilateral In intact animals. glucocorticoid! limit their own se·
adrcnalectomy i, performed (89). eretion mostly by exerting influences on thc hypo-
thalamus and pituitary gland that alTett the secre·
tion of ACTH and of other adre nal gland stimu lants.
It has been proposed that they additionally actio-
When otherwise intact animals arc su bjected to bi· cally, after combining with glucocorticoid receptors .
lateral adrenalectomy. and a small portion of one The anti-innammatory clTects of high concentrations
adrenal is reinsuted. the fragment grows and SOOn of the hormones arc att ributed in part \0 inhibition
becomes competent to secrcte sufficient glucocorti- of prostaglandin synthesis (96) (sec Chap. 6), and
coids to sustain metabolic functions. It is obvious. simila r clTeclS may be exerted on the membranes of
therefore. that humoral factors alone can promote adrenocortical cells.
growth and proliferation. Some in _itro evidence for localized inhibitory
Neverthelcss, observations of the kind cited below actions of the glucocorticoids has been presented
indica ted that both afferent and efferent nerves. and (10.99). The findings have been
their connections with components of the hypothal. supra physiological concentrations werc used (121).
amus. arC involved in at least early events of the pm- On the other hand. thc cone<:ntratioos may 00\ have
liferative processes in whole animals (16.25). exceeded those achieved within the adrenal cortex.
EXTRA-ADRENAL ACTIONS OF ACTH AND ing their injection into animals include implOved vi-
RELATEO MOLECULES sual attention. memory and maze perfor-
mance. delayed extinction of condilioned reHexes_
Supraphysiological dosages of ACTH act di=t ly on exaggerated responsivity 10 some forms of
several cell types, but it is not known whether the lion. stretching and yawning. al{lng with certain
findings 3rC related in any "'3y \0 normal funClions. forms of behavior generally attributed t{l other reg-
It has been observed. for thai ACTH can ulators (106) (c.g" the ar.sumpti{ln of unusual p0s-
accelerate lipolysis (probably via aClivmion (If adc- tures. "wet dog shakes:' squealing. grooming. and
nylate cydase) and thai i( can lower the blood 81U- teeth chattering [42l). The .ffects have been linked
C05C concentrations of adrenalC:ClOrni7.<:d animals. with changes in brain adenylate cyclase activity.
Palient.s with Addison's disease and certain other Some may result from interactions of ACTH frag-
disorders in which large quantities of ACTH are s.c- ments with re<:eplOrs for opiate peptides (50). (Op--
crete<! often have skin hypcrpigmcnlation. Supra- iates potent inHuences on the gut. and both
physiological amounts of the hormone can stimulate ACTH and mclanotropins have been identified thcre
the melanocytes. but il is believed thai other pcp- as welL) A few of the responses are modified by ad-
tides produc<:d by the same cells UC<Xlunt for the renalectomy. but most are 1I{lt.
symptom. As discussed in Chapler 3. pro-opiomclan-
ocorlin (POMC) serVes as the pre<:ursor of numer-
ous peptides in addition 10 ACTH_ includillll some
mcian{ltropins. II is II{lt as yel known which assume
grealesl importance in humans (4,61) . Peplidcs Ihat The fctal adrenal COrlex is diseur.sed in Chapters 6
bind antibOOies directed against -y,-mclall{ltr{lpin and 16. It utilizes plasma lipoproteins as substrates
have been detected in human tir.sues. bm linle (lr II{l f{lr Il{lrm{lne prodUCli{ln ( 109). bUi it also takes up
1',-mclanOlropin-like activity(which is present in tJo. substanlial amounts of cholesteryl sulfate; and
vine tissues) ac<:umulates (113,1.). DHEAS is a major secretory product. Some observ-
",-MSH. a peptide amide with 13 amino acid e", believe thai ACTH is a major regulalor (11 7).
moieties that are identical with the first 13 of Otbers find insensitivity to ACTH durini some de-
ACTH , is a major pigment cdl stimulant in mam- velopmental slageS. However, maternal stres> ele-
mals with well developed intermediate lobes. It acts vates the ACTH levels (A-II).
on sebacCQus glands as well as on mcianocytes. and The fetus Ilas a pars intermedia thaI can cleave
it several other actions when it is inje<:led into CUP and ",-M SH from POMC. and the maternal
animals (1 14) . Pharmaool{lgical doses blood plasma alw then contains a-MSH (36). B<lth
given f{lr st"eral day< reversibly darken human skin prolactin and n-MSH have been reported 10 promote
and hair, butlinle (if any) of that P"Plide is present cortiwl production. However. ACTH ' - 1' (whid
in human blood plasma. acts like the natural ACTH ' " ) promotes proges-
tI-MSH is a somewhat larger p"ptide made up of terone release as well (30). It;s possible Ihat ACTH
amino acid sequences nf thc tI-lipotropin . It shows performs certain functions during fetal life, whereas
species specificity and is present in almost 50 times {lthers arc subscrved by thc ,,-MSH (49). The
Ihe ooncemration of ",-MSH in human pituitary ex- adrenal glands of fctal sheep show steroidogenic
IraCtS (gO). However. SOme investigators doubt thaI response. 10 a_MSH at an early developmental
il is synthesized (4). stage and {lnly later beoome seo.,ilive to ACTH
",-MSH is made in Ihe extrapiluitary brain. and it (64).
may function as a neuromodulator. When inje<:ted CLI P is also implicated in the regulation of ste-
intracerebrally inl{l experimenta l animals, il affects roidogenesis in fetuses. and il may additionally stim-
learning, memory, electrical activity in Ihe brain. ulate insulin release (67 ). n-MSH probably plays
neurotmnsminer release. and some forms of behav- roles in the regulation of fetal water balance.
ior. Sylltemie injections have been reported to influ- Prolactin and growth hormonc are believed to pro-
ence gonadotropin secretion in humans (114). mote growth {If the adrenal glands. ney also evi-
Several peptides that share immunological prop-- dently function after maturation has been com-
erties with ACTH have been identificd in various pleted. Tbe zona fascieulata has prolactin receptors
parts of the brain (79) . S<lme travel upward from tbe (77). PRL enhances glucocorticoid responses to
pituitary gland (5). and their levels are affectcd by ACTH. probably to a great e<tent via inhibition of
hypophySC<;tomy: bUI others are evidently made in the activity of a 5",-reductase that eataly7.<::s COnver-
neurons (55). Most arc small molecules made up of s ion of glucocorticoids to biologically ineffe<:live 5a-
segments of ACTH (20) . Changes reported folk>w- dihydro derivatives (! 5.78).
Chorionic gonadotropin doe, not exert known in- promote ACTH rolease (115. I (6); (d) tho p'Oo
fluences on glucocorticoid secretion_ When added to «d"res are not wholly Oltti.faeIOl")'. and the e.tracts con-
preparations of human felal adrenal corte._ it does_ tain substances ,hat interfere wi th on.. that have b<;en
however, stimulate the release of dchydrocpiandros- widely used; and (e) ;1 is not known how many ··true'·
terone (30). CRlls arc made. Some 01»<:",." b<;lieve ,h.. Ihe "high
Arginine vasopressin (A V P) is a peptide made in molecular "'eight form,·' are either precursors (102) or
large quamities by the neurohypophysis. In phar- peptide oligome" (68). It h.. be.n both proposed (82)
and denied (105) th.l. coflClot '"'lu;red for Ibe aClivity
macological amounts. it exerts ACTH-like effe<:ts on is ..,para'ed f,,,m 'he hormo .. du,ing the •• "action WOo
the adrenal cortex (121). and it may play some re- «dures, Several imp"",ement' in the techniques have
lated roles during limes of stress. Arginine vasotoci n bcen mado (29).
(A VT) is a chemically related neurohypophysial
hormone of nonmammalian vertebrates that has Recentl y, a 41 amino acid peplide wilh the se-
been stated to be made in human fetuses and to eon- quence shown below has been identified , It meets all
tribute to the regulation of their adrenal glands. The Ihe crileria ror a "true'· CRH, and il promoteS the
findings have been questioned. Minute amounts of release of .8-endorphin as wcll as of ACTH (116).
A VT made by neurons in adult brain are said to (The .tarting malerial required 490.000 hypotha-
exert indirect (but highly potent) inhibitory influ- lamic fragments. Only pieomole quantities Can be
ences on ACTH release (81). obtained from each animal [liSA].) A further dif-
ficulty involved in ;t, isolation was when
the <1rllclllf<' WlIS since the similar sizes
of C RH and ACTH hamper separation of Ihe twO
Cir<:ulaling ACTH originales moslly in Ihe piluitary Some CRH-likc act;vity Wa& found. however. in
gland eorlicotropes. The various forms found in discarded fractions. and other CRHs have been de-
blood plasma were described in Chapter 3, ACTH- scr;bed (29).
secrcling cells also release .8 ... ndorphin a nd other The peptide promoles almost instantaneous gen-
PCPlidcs. eration of cAM P (I 00% incf<'ases within 60 seconds
for rat corticolropes. and 400% within 4 minutes).
Gastrins haY<: different amino acid seq uene<:,. but they This. plus observations cAMP mimics the
hAY<> ban idcn,ifoed in eo"ieOt.-op<" ,.bile hCTIl and mone actions. prOvides "'Idence tbattbe nllcleo\lde
a--MSH are pre..,nl in s.. trin .... crcting e<:\I, of tho stom- serves as a mediator of CRH_Slimulaled ACTH re_
ach (61). lease (58.59). Some obscrV<'rs rind that
The major posilive control. over ACTH ..,crct;on coid antagonism of CRH aClion, on tbe cortico-
are exerted by hypothalamic eorlit:Qlropin· tropes involves inhibition of CRH-medialcd cAMP
hormone. (CRHs). whereas major negative modu- generation (liSA). Many peplide hormones that
lators are lhe glucocorticoid •. promole cAM P generation also exert other effects on
the plasma membranes, It has been demonstraled
that CRH accelerates phospholipid mClilylalion and
Corticotropin-Releasin g Ho rmone s Ihal inhibitors of the reaction impair do fIOt to-
is oe<:ded 00 a regular basis 10 maintain the lallyabolish) Ihe CRH influences on ACTH secre_
struclUres and secretory activities of the corlica- lion (38A). Extracellular Ca" is required to invoke
tropes. The kinds of studies Iht the ACTH secretory resjXlnse ( 115A).
of Ihis kind were ciled in Chapter 2. Although no effcclS on thc release of other pilu -
itary gland hormones ha.-e been described, CRH
It h.. Ion, I>c<:n known ,h.. the contain' prompily behavioral changes whcn
cortieotro"" 'Iim" ' whose aCI;,itie. arc demo)"ed cenlrally (but not peripherally) into rats , The re-
with proteolytic enzyme' ( I02. 115). P,og,,$$ in defining sponses differ from tlK: ones seen after administra-
lite chemic.l nature wa, hampered for many years be_ lion of endorphins and ACTH fragments, The rals
CaUS< (a) Ihe peptides seem to be unslable "'hen sub-
jecled 10 the kind, of procedure, u'cd to purify Other hy_ are said to show locomotor aCI;valion and "increased
pothalamic horm" .., (43); (b) only minu'e amount. of emotionality," both of which could contribule to
Ihe hormone are made (100): (c) CLIP. ,,·MSI!. """'" their immediate responses to imposition of stress
pre""in, norepinephrine. f'a8men" of hemo81obi n and <>f (112).
myelin ba.ic protein. and some amino acid. are among The mechanisms whereby CRH promotes ACT H
the component. of hlpOlhalam ie .,"aCI' ,ha, c.n .Iso synthesis may differ from those involved in hormone

Ser-Gln-Glu-Pro-Pro-Ile-Scr-Lcu-Asp-Leu-Thr-Phe-His-Leu· Leu_Arg-Glu_ v al-Leu·Glu-M cl-Thr)

N H TAla-l ie-Asp-Leu -Leu- Lys-A rg-Asn-Ser· H i,_AI a -G In-G In-A la-Leu _G In·As p-A la- Lys

discharge. Only the ones on synthesis 31"<' blocked by inhibitor of ACTII release. When injected into the
cydohe ximidc. third ventricle of the brain in extremely minule
amounts. it invokes a very rapid decline in cortiC\»
sterone conccntrations in rats. It also com-
Arginine Vasopressin (>Cnsatory hypertrophy of the remaining adrenal
Although beSt known for its influences on the kid· gland following unilateral adrenalectomy. It is be-
ney, arginine yasopressin probably makes substan- licvcd to act indirectly. via serotonin-secreting ncu-
tial contributions 10 the regulation of Ihe "CTH· rons (5 1).
glucocanicoid system (29.121). It is released in rc-
spon..>c to several kinds of siress. it directly stimulates
tlte cortiootropeS.;1 has some direct influences on the " Ti ssue CRF"
adrenal cortex. and i\ potentiates Ihe cffccls of Ventral hypothalamic lesions abolish the ACTH re-
CRH. sponses to aeute <1ress, presumably because they de-
There were early suggestions that A Vi> might, in stroy the CRH-secreting neurons. However, if ani-
facl. be Ihe CRH. The concept bas been abandoned mals with such lesions arc given time to reCOver from
for several reasons: (a) Brattleboro ralS Canll<)i make the procedure. and they are then exposed to p"'"
A VP. but stress elevates the ACTH levels; (b) longc<:l stressful procedures that invoke tissue dam·
water·loading inhibits A VP release in healthy ra(,. age, (e,g" laparotomy Or hypoxia). thcy exhibit a
but Ihe ACTIi response 10 stress is no1 impaired sustained elevation of thc plasma ACTH and glu-
(98): (c) hypothalamic extractS devoid of A VP pro- cocorticoid levels starting 4-6 hours after imposition
mote ACTH release: and (d) the dose·response of the insult,
curves for the two hormones differ. A VP is a potent The delayed response is associated with the ap-
stimulant when it is presented in very low concentra· pearance of a circulating "tissue CRF", If the sub-
tions, but only lim ited stimulation of ACTH release StanCe is administered to recipients with hypotha-
is ach ievcd at any dosage , Very high concentrations lamic lesions but intact pituitary glands. it invokes
of AVP may be totally ineffective. In contrast. the sustained elevation of the ACTH levels_ Sint<' re-
amounts of ACTH released in reSlX'nse to CR H rise fractoriness to CRII develops rapidly, il has been
in parallel with the concentration of the hypotha· proposed that tissue CRF functions
lamic hormone (115) , On the other hand. addition under C<.lnditions that demand continuous stimula·
of A VP to CRH invokes greater ACTH release than tion of the ACTI-I-glucocorticoid system for long
a maximal dose of C RH alone (115A). time periods (7.8)_
Some of the A VP synthesized in the paraventric- Liver. cerebral cortex. and thymus gland arc
ular nudei of the hypothalamus is released ncar cap. among the proposed sources of tissue CRF. but other
illaries of the median eminence . and it can travel .ia cell types probably contribute. Unfavorable condi·
the portal blood vessels to the adenohypophysis. Thc tions in volving tissue damage ar(: known to lead to
pituitary gland may. in turn. send as yet unidentified labilization of lysosomal membranes and consequent
growth factors to the hypothalamus (2.3). When rat release of proteolytic enzymes. The may
para.enlrieular nuclei and adenohypophysial cells then deave the regulator from inactive
are c<xultured. much more ACTH and AV P are Tissue CRF is not released in detectablc amounts if
m"de than when either of the t<'lItypes is cultured the animals are subjected to different forms of stress.
alone , Glucocorticoids inhibit AVP release. CRH such as immobilizat ion. that do not involve tissue
stimulates (A-8), but moderate dosages do not affect damage. Such procedures do. however. aU8ment
posterior piluilary gland function, (1\-1 ), ACTII release in inlacl animals.
G lucooorticoids stabilize the lysosomal mem·
branes of many cell types. ACTH or glucocorlicoid
Influences of other Peptl des pretreatment of animals with hypothalamic lesions
Angiotensin I[ is synthesi7ed in the hypothalamus. blocks CRF release in response to laparotomy
It is a sympathetic system stimulant that or hypoxia,
can promote AVP release. It seems to act directly on
the pituitary gland (69). (The observation that an-
giotensinogen and CRH contain a common 4-amino
sequent<' (116) is probably not physiologically T he intermedia persisls Ihroughout life in m30y
relevant. since only One of the moielies goes to an· of the mammals , The melanotropes within it process
giotensin when the gly<:oprOtcin i, cleaved.) POMC in special ways. Li potropios and endorphins
Unlike A VP, arginine vasotocin is a highly potent identical with the oncs present in corticotropes are
fTIllde. but much of Ihe ACTII clea.ed to ""MSH ably cholinergic neuron .. H IT agon;.ts
and C LI P. (As diK\lS$Cd in Chapler 1. the amino ekVllle plasma ACT H in humam (A-7).
acid for mctenkepllal in .;an be fOlioo in
endorpllins. but tlM:K pC1Itapeplides evidemly The effects or S--HT a,. blocked ..itb InCthYSC:'aide."
formed from prcCUf'SOl'S (40.51l- S--tlT r«CptO< .",.,...;.t.
The melhysc'p!e docs not in-
The pars intermedi. lias few capilluic:s. bul it is 1II'lh acclykholillC .timulolion. IIcUmel"""ium
richly suppl ied with nerve cndings. release blocks S· IIT $lim.l.t;on.
seems 10 be controlled predominantly by catc<:hoI- In animals. agents Ihat impair HiT synthesis dis·
amines (22.75). In mts. it hs been obser"cd thal ,upt tht .irc.adian rhythms. but they do not block the
ACTH is released in response 10 "neurogenic SlresS" C RI! response. 10 SIre... It is likely. Iherefore. Iha\
(1 4). but noI following of man)' of the C RH cells synapse: ,,-ith IWO kinds of cholinergic
stimuli Ihal a!fOCl tbe: CVTticoh'opcs. Neilbe:. adre- llCurons. only OTIC of which is affctled by serotonin.
naleclomy nor glucocorticoid 5U,,"
Norepinephrine Clertsonly minimal depressant ef·
Mantially innuences the pars inlermedi. of fect$ on basal C RH secrelion in vitro. HO"'..,vcr. il
ACTH. abolishes Ihe stimulalOf)' of 3CClylcholi ....
IlallO depresses CR H sccn:tion in vivo. T he dala are
REGULATION OF CRH SECRETION C(lnsisten! ,..ilh direct influenees on the CRH neu·
rons thaI impair lhe ability to respond 10
CR. II secrelion undergoes diurnal cycles Ihat COn- acetyleholine_
Iribute 10 lhe mainlenance of glucocorticoid Nore pinephrine evidently acts on ,,·type noradrc-
rhythms. Neurolrammilters Ihal can aCI direclly. nergic Its effects arC abolished ,,·il h pbe:T>-
via synapses., or as neuromOOulatOTS, major reg- lolamine (an ""blocker). bul noc the: prOpranolol (a
ulaton of Ihe c)..:les. Neuroh'ansm;lIers aloo mediale /kc«PIQr .antagonist).
sl .esHelated stimulation. Hormones inlo Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA ) is a highly
Ihe $YSlemic bIoodsueamnn bind directly to neuron polenl inhibitor " '00sc elTws blocked "" Ih a
re«pton. or affcct neurolransmillcr lurOO>· • •. GABA·r«Cplor anlagonist. picrotoxin. Since it im-
C RH o$CCfeling neurons diffusely distribuled pairs nim ulatory of both acetylcholine
within the hypothalamus. and Ihey are intermingled and ,erolonin. GABA probably also acts direcll y on
with olhcr cell Iypes in Ihc magnocc1lu lar nudei. Ih. C RH $"c"'ting no" rons.
Only minule quantilies of the hormone arc presenl equipped wilh collaleral uons that re·
within the variou, loci . many of the re- kaK GABA have been identified in the hypothala·
lease studies involve of , tSp<JllMS to mP$ (45.92). They believed 10 lhe GA BA
CR H. All of the pre«ding f;Ofllpikale tbe: problems "'hen slrongly amino acid Ihcn e.-
of delinin, the physiological medt.ani$JnS. em a kind of Iocaliud negalive f«dbaek conlrol
Knowledge in this field was ",bs!.lnlially ad- oYer ntUfOf\$ thaI prOduce il.
vanced by the inlrooiu"ion of Icchniques for lTI.:lin- neurons may have .imilu CQllatcrals.
!.lining hypothalamic fragments in media closely ro-
cerebrospinal l1uid. since the cdls can be Phonlol.mine doc. nol affcci GAai\ Influ.nces. and
directly 10 purponed regulators and 10 phr- pieroto,in doe, not lcuen the nor<:pinephrioe in hibilion .
maeolollieal agents (44). !t must be r.cognized. Pineal ,lands 'ynthesi>c melatQnin (Ml T) f'om .. ro-
thai syste ms of Ihis kind do rKlI provide all lon;n . They p'.bly ",lea.. nIOfl 01 il 10 lhe blood·
of the controls that opcnue in .. ,111m. bul MLT is also p ..... nt in nrebro<pi .... l fluid.
Acetykholine seems 10 be Ihe major slimulanl. Ahhoolsh Ihis bofmone hat liltle effect on bo,..l CRH TO-
There good reasons to believe Ihat il is released leaK. It ,,"," diminish the tomc: "'mulants.
by IlCUrons lhat synapse wilh the CRH«<:reting and modify Ihe rf:SpoMC$lO inhibitors. T10c observalm
cells. 100 that il aeu; directly. .... oonsislenl wilh direct inHueneetOOII Ihe CRH "'u..-.
ML T may also COIIl,ibute 10 feedback oontrois.
The ,_ptOtS r« lcelykholi ... Ire evidently ()( Ihe ni· Ii ..,. repealed injeC1ion. into ani"",11 havehe:cn obse".d
cotinic Iypo. bloclu lhe nicot<H11c (SI ... to invoke ,ro,,·,h of Ihe .dren.1 corto. and to augmen,
i"a p1ic) actions of a""lyleholine. "nd it 0PPOS<' gluCOO<)'tieoid secrelion_
acetylcholine·<! . Iimulotion ()( CRH ,clusc_
Alropj ....ffeclS """'Ily mu","rinle (pa, •• ympalhelic) IHnaminc may stimulate in part .ia its vasodila-
Ictm of lhe: "'.'01,.",mill". but il hn limilcd effects tor aClivity. However. it also promotes cA MP gen-
"'" sy.. p1 ie tno ...... iu;.,.,. It impairs """tylc",," enllon in Ihe hypothalamus. and its effecls arc.n-
IllIt .. i","lItioft. Iklh.....chol is • •. m...a.rinic taaoniud by his!.lminc r«CptOf antagonists.
block.... It is illtff... in Ibis ')'Ile",. Substance P has been proposed lOaffcct CR II secre-
Serotonin (S--hydroxylryp!.lmine. S--HT) .Iso pr0- lion indirectly. via interactions ,..ilh histaminergic
motes dosc-depcnd.nt CRH reluse in vitro. It pro\>- neurons (54).

Accty\chol ... _ _ __

PGF •• - - - -- CRH tffluton

,, ,,
! ,,
"" ,,

- - - - -_ IMIt>tioft

Fig . 7- 1. . genl$ "' tn. reguIob""

oJ CRH HCl'etion .

Other vasodilators thai either promote CRH re. NEGATIVE FEEOBACK CONTROL OF THE
tease Or cnhance ils effectiveness include bradykinin, CRH ·ACTH-GLUCOCORTICOIO SYSTEM
epincphrioc and PG Es. Epinephrine stimulates bolh
CRH neurons and corliCQIropes (1\-9). POEs and GluC(>C<lrticoids inhibit the at several levels.
epinephrine activate adenylate cyclase. Morphine in_ Their effects seem to invotve interactions with a va·
hibits {he cn1ymc and antagonizes Ihe effects of riety of receptors that differ in steroid amnities and
PGEs (58) . However. POFI. stimula te, without el- specificities (70) and in the consequences of the
evating the cAMP levels , binding. Two general kinds of responses have been
Somatostatin is a major regulalor of pituitary described (101): (3) rapid. ·· rate·sensitive·· OIleS that
gland hormone secretion. h seems 10 have 1'10 influ- arc invoked by sudden changes in steroid concentra·
ence On CRH. 31 least when tested in vitro. Dopa- tion even when the absolute levels do no! markedly
mine is another imporlant pituitary regulator found deviate from prestimulatory ranges. and (b) dctayed,
to be inactive in the in vitro system. sustained '·proportional" reactions to high concen·
A diagram consistent wilh rn<):'j\ of the preceding trations (34.121).
observations, and especially wi th the in vitro Rapid responses arc $Ccn in both pituitary and hy·
is (Fig. 7·1). pothalamus. The glucocorticoids may exert stabiliz·
ing effects On the plasma membranes of the CRH- to dexamethasone lhan to cOftiOO:lterone (in both
secreting neuron' and tbereby clevate their tbresh- corticosterone and cortisol se<.:retors). sys'
old, for st imulation (44). (The time course rules out tcmatically injected dexamethasone soon enteTS the
the "dassica l" kinds of steroid hormone actions that conicotropes, but it does not rapidly cross blood-
involve translocations of receptor to thc brain barriers (A-6). Pituitary cdls have a Iransoor-
nudeus.) lin-like protein that may serve as a "bulfcr" to pro-
The addition of glucocorticoids to the aforemen- tect the ce\ls against sudden changes in plasma glu-
tioned acetykholillMlimulated hypothalamic prep. cocorticoid levels (70).
arations leads to almost immediate mppression of
CRH release. Corticosterone is an eSjlCcially potent
in vivo inhibitor, even in cortisol seCretors. Cortisol
and dexamethasone arc: also effeclive in both corti- Under normal conditions. the plasma glUcocorticoid
costerone and cortisol prooucers. However. SOme levels peak around the lime of awakening. They arc
synthetic steroids that act on peripheral glucocorti_ hig:ltest in thc morning for daylight"",ctive species,
coid receptors are inelfeetive. DOC_ I S.QH-DOC, and highest at the onset of darkness in nocturnal
and ll-deoxycortisol arc adrenocortical secretory ones. Evidence for involvement of the suprachias-
products that interfere "'ith glucocorticoid suppres- matic nuclei of the hypothalamus in regulation of
sionofCRH release. the rhythms (45,73) was presented in Chapler 2, and
"I ntermediate type" feedbac k develops in 45-120 the proposed neural palhway< are discussed in Chap.
min. It "ffects ACTIi rele3S<:. but hormone ter 20.
is OOt inhibited. The effects probably depend on pro- If the timing of "lights on'" and "lights off"' is
duction of a short-lived prOlein. They are easily sh ifted in the laboratory. but the lotal cycles have
blocked by aelinom)'ein D in adrenalectomized ani- periodicities not tOO different from 24 hours. thc glu-
m"ls and in cultures (A-6). The responscs probably cocorticoid rhythms adapt 10 the ncw
require ent ry of the steroids into the C(:II, and trans- Peak glucocorticoid secrelion can be invoked at any
locations of the hormone-receptor complexes to Ibe boor of the day, and most animals easily maintain
nuclei . 23 or 25 hour cycles. However, althougb thcy arc
When the steroids arc injected 4 hours before re- usually "entrained" to external signals. gl ucocorti-
moving thc hypothalami. DOC_ I I-deoxycortisol . coid rhythms are They occur in animals
corticosterone. and cortisol afc "II cllective inhibi- $ubJectcd to orbital enucleation «JOn after birth
tors. In 24-hour tests. deumethasone and progester- (113). in humans who have alwa)'s been blind. and
one also inhibit, in animals maintained in continuous darkness. Inter_
Adrenalectomized animals receiving no steroids nal factors will be the major determinants of cycle
are extremely sensitive to CRH-releasing stim- lengths if light and dark periods alternate with fre-
ulants. quencies that arc nol physiologically compatible
At least some influences are on neurons (e.g" if shifts are made at 8 or 15 hour interval,).
that communicale with thc CR H_producing cells, Continuous cXp<J6ure to bright light ean abolish the
Certain forms of slress markedly stimulate ACTH rhythms. espedally in albino animals. (This is anril>-
secrction when thc blood glucocorticoid levcl s are el- uted to destruction of parts of the relina a nd hrain
evated. but othe rs do not. [53],)
CR H stimulates the release of ,B.. ndorphin as well Animals tend to eat and drink soon after awak-
as of ACTH (34), In humans and monkcys. small ening. Feeding-fasting and slecp-activity rhythms
doses of dexamethasone lower plasma and play important roles in entrainment to the cnviron-
,B-lipopotropin without affecting the ,B...::ndorphin I..• ment (87). Light-deprivcd animals can adjust Iheir
cis (46). but la rge OneS also suppress ,B.., ndorphin r.. glucocorticoid rhythms to feeding pancrns. If ani-
lease. (Endorphins contribute to the responses to mals that are nocturnal by nature arc .. posed to the
stresS [19], but thcir differ from those of :he usual day-night alterations in lighting but are pre-
glucocorticoids.) sented with food only in morning. they can have
Delayed responses at the pituitary le,'cI evidentl y peak glucocorticoid levels during the morning.
depend on formalion of a peptide Or protein that re- (However, it Can be demon'trated in several ways
duces ACTli biosynthesis. Structural genes that that they retain re'pon,;v;t)' to pootic stimuli
code for the biosynthesis of POMC and DNA se- [120]. )
quences and arc repressed by glucocorticoids. have The nature of Ihe driving signal is not known. It
been identified (1 4). cannot be a component of the food or a gastrointe.;-
Pituitary gland involved in inhibition of tinal hormone releas<:d in response to eating. because
ACTH biosynthesis dilfer from the hypothalamic the plasma glucoc:orticoid concentrations rise shortly
It has been staled that they are more se nsitive /Hjort thc meal is presented. The elevations are ex-

aggerated if animals accustomed to frequem meals Several hormones outside the CR li·ACTH·glu-
are provided with food JUSl 2 hours per day. cocorticoid system may contributions in intact
The mechanisms underlying meal-invoked phase animals. Thyroxine seems to be nceded in hypoph)'-
shift, dilTcr from the oneS associated with cbanges in seetomized animals (71). The effects arc blocked
lighHlark stim uli. Adaptations to fceding schedules with atropine, and they have therelore been attrib-
persis! if the suprachiasmatic nudei arc destroyed. uted to influences of the thy roid hormone5 on cholin_
but they can be abolished by lcsioning the ''Cnlro- ergic neurons. Adrcnomedullary POMC-like pcp-
medial nudei of the hypothalamus. TIle observations tides may contribute to early m()rning elevationi of
support the bel ier that the brain C<lnlains more than glucocorticoid levels (A,2j.
One "biological clock" (55). The adrenal glands of lemale rats arc larger than
those of maics. This may result in part from estrogen
CRH Cyc les stimulation of both prolactin and ACTH secretion
(78) , Castration can disrupt the glucocorticoid
Under normal conditions, the timing of CRH cycle., rhythms (12).
follows the paHerns thai WQuld be predicted from Although a prompt increase in CRH release me·
measurements of the blood glucocorticoid levels diates the effects of acute stress on the adrenal cor·
(56). However, there 3r<: no obvious relationships be- (57), the magnitude of change in thc glucocor·
(ween CRH rhythms and Ihe changes in blood ticoid levels varies with the time of day.
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Catecholamines, Serotonin, and Related Regulators

The major catecholamine! arc norepinephrine (N, ncrves release substantial quantities of N into the
nomdrcnaline). epinephrine (E. adrenaline), and do- sj"'Jtcmic circulation. and the nerve endings also take
pamine (DA). The minor OI1CS include cpinine. oc- up N from the blood . However. much of the plasma
lopaminc:. and related "false transmitters." All have N originates in distinct populations of adrenal med-
a dihydr01)'phcnyl (catechol) group and an amine ullary c<:lIs (63). The concentrations vary widciy
CQmponem, wilh Ihc following common structural with the physiological status. Under "resting" con-
features. ditions they arc in the gencral neighborhood of 0.3

, ,," nglm l in many species (26).

Epinephrine has long been regarded as a "proper"'
',7 ' ,
C-C-N / hormone, since most of it is made in the adrenal

."'-, I, I I "- glands and released into the bloodstream. h was the
first humoral regulator to have its chemical nalUre
defined (81). The plasma concentrations under
"'resting" conditions are approximately 0.05 n8lm in
Same calechol. Ihal are not amines (c.g. dihy- humans. The levels vary markedly with the species
droxyestrogens) interact with receptors for thc as well as with the ph)'1iologieal state.
amines and wilh the enzymes catalyzing their Epinephrine is prescnt in the hypothalamus and in
the medulla oblongata. It acoounts for only 5%-17%
of the total brain CA (33), but imporlance is
greater than the relative concentration suggests
(51). In frop,$ and e<:rtain other species. E (rather
SITES OF BIOSYNTHESIS AND STORAGE than N) is thc major sympathctic system neuro-
In mammals. most of the N is made in sympathetic transmitter (133).
neurOnS. The fibers arc distributed to blood vessels, DA i. a precursor of both Nand E. and a very
and to a wide variety of organs thai include lite liver. important regulator. It is re1ea..d from
kidney. and pancreatic isicls. The heMt. spleen, and adrenal slands and peripheral nerves (A-Il). The
vas deferens receive rich innervations (33). Human plasma ooncemrations a rc usually higher than those
lu ngs and skeletal musele arc major sources of blood nf Nand E (26). It is present in substantial amountS
N (A-3). in the small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells of thc
N is made in discrete regions of the brain. and it superior cervical ganglia. in the carotid a nd aortic
accounts for approximately one·third the catechol· bodies. and in the intestines. kidneys. and lung.< (33).
amine (CA) content of that organ. Thc highest oon- DA distribution in the brain differs from that of
centrations arc found in the paravcntricu!ar. peri- Nand E, and it accounts for a good half of thc total
ventricular. dorsomedial. arcuate. and supraoptic CA content . Especially high concentrations are
nuclei of the hypothalamus and in the prooptic re- found in the caudate nucleus. in the nucleu, aCCum_
gion. The amine gets there from cell bodies in the bens. in the hypothalamic tuberoinfundibular sys-
locus e<:rulcus and neighboring regions of the brain tcm. and in the mcdian eminence. Some DA is also
stem (25). present in the midbrain and amygdala. and in re-
Brain N is used and degraded locally. Peripheral strietcd fIelds of the frontal cerebral Small
quantities are additionally found in parasympathet· Acetylcholine-releasing splanchnic nerves serve as
ic ganglia (106). in the spinal cord. and in both cen· the preganglionic clements. They originate in the
tral and peripherally located mast cells of most thoracic region of the spinal cord and COurse through
Sf"X'I<:S. (but do not synapse within) thc celiac ganglia. Sep-
Melanin pigments art: made from DA. and the do- arate terminate on N- and E-se<: reting cells of
pamine precursor accumulates;n the pigmented re· the adrenal medulla. The gland cells haw: acetyleho--
gions of the nigra, the retina, the iri ., and line receptors that resemble those of " truc·· postgan-
the middle ear, as well as in skin and hair (112). glionic sympathetic neuron, (4).


Fetuses ha'"C widely distributed dump. of cells CQI- The adrenal medullae release small quantities of CA
lectively known as ·'chromaffin tissue'· in which CAs on a regular basis (8, 89, 149). The hormone con-
are made. The name derives from the brown oolor tribute, to the maintenaoce of autonomic balance.
that develops when the cells are exposed to diehm· mostly by opposing effects of exees.,;ve acetyicholine.
mates Or chromic acid (10). Beeause of Iheir ap- Exercise, exposure to cold environments, and stress
pearance and locations, the tissue groups have also lead to the release of much grealer quantitie:;. High
been called paraganglia . The cells originate in. and hormone Ityels invoh coordinated responses that in-
migrate from the embryonic neural crests and ncural volve many target organs.
tube. The mammalian adrenal medullae seem to In contrast. each of the sympathetic nerves has ils
form via coalescence of such cell groups. As the djscTelt targets (120). Thus. for cumple. if N is re·
glands mature in neonates, much of the chromaffin leased by cardiac nerves. there is 00 obligatory con-
tissue degenerates (144). Glucocorticoids play im. comitant release of the amine into the gut. Con-
portant roles in the maintenaoce of the fetal cens certed responses are seen only under conditions in
and in organi7.3lion of the adrenal gland, I3xogellO\l$ which there is simultaneoos activation of widely dis-
stcroids retard the involution and they may increase tributcd s)'mpathctic componcnts. Thcn. tne CAs re-
the total coli numbers (18). leased postsynaptically and postjunctionally act sy-
Clusters that persist in adults include aggrega- nergisti,ally with the ones secreted by the
tions found near the aorta (the para-{lortic bodies or adrenomedullary cclls.
organs of ZUcXerlandl), the enterochromanin li,- The sensitiyities of the targets vary inversely with
sues of the gut, and clumpl; of ce1l, in the skin. kid- the distances from the souree, of the amines (20).
ne)"ll', heart. prostate glands. and gonads. The postsynaptic and postjun<;:1ionaltar8Cts respond
The .ites of CA accumulation Can be identifIed in only when the concentrations are fairly high. Therc-
chromatographic fractions, and by radioimmunoas- fore, they are not affected by the Clls in the blood
say. The amines nuoresce when they arC treated in plasma under '-resting" CQnditio/lS, T he lower sensi·
suita ble way' with formaldehyde. Minute portions of tivi ties are allribUied in pan to some ··down regu·
the brain have bc.:n punched out and used for anal- lation" of receptor that follows repeated ex·
ysis by bioassay. Agents that interfere with CA pro- posure to the regulators and 10 other mechanisms
duction can be inje<:tcd into thc brain. and compar· described later. Injection of CAs into the blood·
isons can then be made wilh control tissues. The ,ites stream therefore cannot wholly mimic the effects of
for CA biosynthesis arc studied with antibodies di· sympathetic nerve stimulation , D<:nervated organs
re<;ted against en7.ymc.. needed to male the be<;omc hypersensitive to exogenous CAs.
molccuics. Same apprc<oiation of the relative importance of
slandular compared with neural control can be ob-
tained from experiments in whiCh one component is
selectiyely affected. The proc<:dures include (a) sur·
TO THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM gical interventions; (b) administration of cytotoxins
The adrenal medu1la is, in fact , a modified sy mpa- that impair <xII growth a"d survival. or interfere
thetic ganglion. and it is therefore an extension of with the biosynthesis, release. and mctabolism of the
the «mral nervous sy,tem (82). The cell' rctain sev- CAs; and (c) presentation of antibodies directed
eral neuron-like properties that include loss of ability against either nerve growth Factor or specifIC
to divide. They do not haye axon, or dendrites, but en7.ymes.
they can be persuaded to acquire them if nerve
growth factor (NGF) is administered during early
developmental stages (64). The CAs arc stored in se-
cretory granules that art: in many ways similar to thc If both adrenal glands arc excised , the soft materials
synaptic vesides of the sympathcie nerve endings. within the capsules are scooped oUi and discarded,

and Ihe emply capsules are "'turned to thc animals. vascula, system. but the abilities \0 adapt to oold en-
a slate of permanent ad"'lI\Imedullary deficiency de- vironments and to engage in sustained motOr activi-
_elolX_ The'" is no "'generation of the inner com- ties a re also affected. I nnuences on the kidneys havc
ponents of the glands. However. thc few cortical cells addi tionally ocen demonstrated (39).
that adhere to Ihc capsule soon grow. proli ferate. A milder. more rapidly reversible form of ··im·
and undergo maturalion. Within less than twO munosympathectomy" can oc inV<)kcd by adminis-
weeks, the animals reacquire almost II\Irmal adr.· tering antibodies di,«:ted against dopamine /I-hy.
noconical functions. droxylase. the enzyme needed 10 conven DA 10 N
The animals ",main in reasonably good health and E. The antibodics do not jot.rfc", with the syn-
when kept under the usual laboratory conditions. thcsis of new
They compensate in pan for loss of the medullary
cells by increasing the release of N from sympathetic
neuron5 (67). and the consequences of the depriva_ CHEMICAL SYMPATHECTOMY
tion become apparent only when special demands An especially useful agent for the study of CA dep-
arc made . Loss of the adrenal medull a impairs the rivalion is 6-hydroxydopamine (),4.6·trihydroxy_
abilities to engage in strenuOUs physical activity. to phenylethylamine.6.QH_DA).
adapt to exposure to cold environments. \0 cope with
the injection of moderate doses of insulin. to sustain
blood loss, and to make the necessary cardiovascular
adjustments to sudden changes in posture. The ani-
mals show tendencies to develop hypoglycemia
under St"''' conditions. although they can still rc'
lease and utili ze glucagon.

It select ivdy promotes acute degeneration of nor-

adrenergic nerve lerminals (39) and cau<;cs almost
Ne,,,,, growth fQctor (NGF) WQ. described in ChQP. total depiction of N in sympnlhetieally inncn'atcd
2 (43.86). It is essential for the growth and differ_ tissues. but has lillie effect on the ad renal medulla.
entiation of oomponents of the embryonic neural It does not CrOSS the blood-brain barrie r when given
C"'SIS and cspecially the sympathetic system and systemically, but it can bo administered intracere-
dorsal root ganglion neuronS (I3S). Although it has bra\!y to accomplish destruction of brain neurons.
been suggested that NGF promotes proliferation of Compensatory increases in the activity of tyrosine
very you ng neuroblast!. the major functions are pro- hydroxylase (a rate-limiting cn'.ym. for CA biosyn·
lcmgation of ce ll survival. stimulation of neurite OUt· thesis) usually occur in surviving neurons (2). In
growth. and induction of en,.ymes and other very young animals, 6-O H· DA can dcstroy thc sym-
proteins. pathctic system: but in olde' oncs it tcnds to affect
When antisera to NGF are gi"cn to very young mostly ncrve terminals.
animals. thc development of the sympathctic system 6.QH_DQPA does cross the barrier. and it is rap-
permanently impaired. Transmi$$ion in the gan· idly oonvenerl to 6-OH_DA both centrally and pe-
glia is affected wi th in hours after presentat ion, and ripherally. The",fore. brain ne urons a'" affected if
the longer-range effccts incl ude destruction of the the age nt is administe",d syste mically.
neuron •.
In older animals, impa irment is serious bUi at
least partially rc""rsible. Since the a ntibodies can
act only On structures they reach (21.33), the dam·
age is oonfined mostly to Ihe peripheral nervous sys·
tern. The "blood-brain barrie'" proteCtS centrally 10-
catcd cells. The anlibodies do not enter malure
ad",nal In faci. thc adrenal medullae engage
in "oompensatory" hyperfunction after the sympa_ Guanethidine i5 one of se_eral agents that block
thetic neuron, havc boen damaged (64: A.I). the release of CAs from ncr"" endings. It more tran-
The animals suffer disruptions of funetions depen. siently interferes with the functions of
dent on reHex discharge of N from the sympathetic neurons. and it has been used to t"'at Ihe hypenen.
neurOnS. These a", especially marked for the ca,d i(>- sion of patients with N-secrcting tumors (70l_
membrane impede sugar entry. Feeding leads to the
release of insulin . The hormone aclS On the plasma
membranes to facilitate glucose uptake. It a lso pro-
moteS thc storage of glycogen reserves in both muS-
cle and liver.
Guane\hOj;ne (Oclal"""n)
When the blood glucose and insulin levels are in
the low-normal range. ""sting skeietal muscle de-
rives its energy from oxidation of fally acids that a rC
delivered by the bloodst""am . I r the blood sugar COn-
centrations fall, glucagon is released. and this leads
Pheochromocytomas are spontancoosly developing to the conversion of liver glycogen to gluOO5e. Mus-
tumors that pour out massive quantities of N. The cle glycogen is not used to maintain the blood glu-
symptoms invariably include either persistent or in_ CQ6e levels for several reasons. The <xlIs are insensi_
termittent hypertension, and usually also ti.,.e to the glycogenolytic actions of glucagon.
mal tachycardia (37). Headache, sweating, elevated Morcover. they lack a glucose-6-phosphatase.
metabolic rate. decreased gastrointestinal motility. Therefore, when glucose-phosphate forms in the
mild hyperglycemia. weight loss. and poor appetite muselc. much of that metabolite is sent into the gly-
are other common findings. colytic pathway. (Unli ke free glu= , the phosphate
Special techniques must be used to invoke cxper- doe. not CrOSS the plasma memhranes and enter the
imental excesses. because CAs injected into the bloodstream.) Growth hormone further facilitates
bloodstream arC taken up by nerve endings. Or are preserva tion of the glycogen reserves of resting mus-
deslroyed by enzymes in the bloodstream and tis- cle. since it exerts "glycostatie" innucnces on muscle
SueS. Usually, the heart is the most obviously af- when it facilitates glycogenolysis in the liver.
fected. and eardiotoxicity limits the ability to study In contrast with resting cells. vigorously contract-
effects of CA overdosage on other organs. ing musele requires a very rich supply of ATP. Fally
Systcmically administered CAs do not get to the acid oxidation can no longer meet the demands, and
brain. Thc central effects Can be obtained by admirt- glycolysis muSt be accelerated. This i. especially true
istcring the CAs into cerebral ventriCles, or by giving for the "white" or "fas!" fibers thai contain smaller
DOPA or dihydroxyphenylserine (OOPS). both of amounts of m}'Olllobin and fewer mitochondria than
which are metabolized to norepinephrine. the "red" or "'low" fibers (131.147).
At such limes, the muscle glycogen StOrCS assume
major importance. The need for the reserves is es-
pecially obvious after an overnight fast when the
time comes to scek out breakfast.
Neuronal stimulation of thc muscle cells leads to
the elevation of cytosol ea", which directly acti_
vates glycogen phosphorylase (32). Therefore, the
fuel supply automatically inc reases.
The adrenal medulla accelerates its rate of E re·
Many of the consequences of E overdosage or hy_ lease. not only during exereise, but also when vigor-
persee""tion resemble the Ones described for N . ous activity is anticipated (151). Relatively small in-
However, the"" arc SOme important differences in crements promote cAM P generation. The nucleotide
the biological actions of the tWO amioes that are COIl- stimulates glycogenolysis in musde in much the
sidered later. same way that it docs in liver.
DA alfects the heart. dilates blood vessels that When the glucose-phosphate goes into the glyro-
supply the viseera. plays major roles in central ner- lytic pathway. pyrUVa\e is formcd more rapidly than
vous syStem regulation of motor functions. and ex- it can be converlCd to acetyl-CoA and used in the
erts in Huenee. on behavior that arc very different acid cycle. Much of the exCeSs is OOn·
from the effects of Nand E. verted to lactate:
cm- coo-
HC - OH + NAO -
As discussed in detail in Chapter S. resting skeietal "C"
muscle cannot always ta ke glucose from the blood-
stream, because speeial properties of the plasma "
PynNate "

The reaction tends to go 10 the right because: of the individual for effeetiw: responses to threatening
the low pH of vigorously conlracting muscle. the situations (27.2 8).
high levels of NADH. the high levels of pyruvate, The CAs improve the blood flow to the brain
the special properties of Ihe muscle-type lactale de- (I02)-and thereby facilitate arousal-via influ,
hydrogenase. and the exil of lactate via Ihe plasma ences on neuron metabolism (139) a nd on the ear·
membrane. diovascular system. Dinx:t effects on the eyes (114)
Several purposes are S<:1'V<'d. First, the acidity of aid visual perception. These include stimulation of
Ihe cell s is lowered. Thi. delays the onset of fatigue, the radial muscles (and therefore dilation of the
Second. Ihe NADH is oxidized to NAD', which can pupil to admit more light), and relaxation of the cil-
be reutilized in the glyCQlytic pathway. Third. unlike iary muscie. to aeoommodatethe eyes to distance vi-
pyruvate, lactale readily nosses the plasma mem_ .ion at a time when a search for escape routes and
branes. FOIITlh, although SOme of the lactate is lost awareneSS of other dangers is surely more relevant
into the urine. much of it is laken up by the liver and than fine detail. In SOme species (e.g. cats and ral>-
is used 10 make new glucose. bits). there is also retraction of the nictitating mem-
In addition to raising circulating lactate concen- brane (Ihe '·third eyelid'·),
trations. E augments blood now \0 the liver. It Direct effeels on the heart include inc",ase<! rate
thereby provides hepatocytes wilh a glucose precur- and force of contraction. and more rapid conduction
SOr. Ordinary levels of E do not 3e<:elerate cAMP (102). The effectiveness of tho ·'push·' on the circu_
generation or glycogenolysis in the liver. However, latory .ystem provided by the rise in s)'Stolic blood
very high hormone concentrations can recruit a frac- pressure is augmented by selective influences On the
tion of the liver glycogen that is not affected by glu- smooth muscle of the vascular system. VaSOOOllStric-
cagon. The mechanisms. which arc cAMP-indepen- tion on the arterial side limits the blood supply 10 the
dent. are linked with elevation of the cytosol Ca". skin. viscera. and mucous membranes. thereby per·
N has little inHuenee on the phosphorylase s)'Stem of milling the shunling of the blood to the heart, brain,
muscle. but it is more potent than E in the liver. liver. and skeletal museles. Venoconstriction hastens
The sympathetic system can elevate bkx>d glucose return of blood to the right atrium. One consequence
in additional ways. N and E act on the pancreatic is distension of the ventricles and therefore further
islets to ,timulate glucagon release and 10 inhibit in- augmentation of cardiac contractile force,
sulin secretion. N released from sympathetic nerve Ga. exchange is improved in several wa)'S (73).
endings augment' triglyceride lipase activity in adi- The respiratory center is stimUlated, and there is a
pose tissue. It thereby "spares" glucose by providing consequent increase in the rate and depth of breath·
fany acid fuels for cens that do nOl require the ing. Relaxation of the 'mooth muscle of the trachea
,ugar. It also accelerates the release of glycerol. and bronchioles dilates the air passages, and venti-
a glucose precursor. E opposes insulin-mediate<! glu· lation is further benefited by constriction of the pul-
C01<C use (A-S). monary venule •. Blood Hows through the capillarie.
Stimuli other Ihan the Ones directly related to ex- al a faster rate because of the effecls exerted on the
ereise can trigger additional CA release, Brain glu· heart , In SOme species. oontraction of the spleen re-
ooreeeptors that make functional connections with lcases substantial numbers of erythrocytes to the cir·
the adrenal medulla are activated by falling glucose eulating blood . Influences on platelet aggregation
levels and by the administration of agcnts such as 2- and on blood can be useful if the emer·
deoxygluOO5e that interfere with glucose metabolism gency leads to trauma, as vasoconstriction further
(127). lessens the dangers of hemorrhage.
When oxygen and nut rients arc diverted to the
Fasting augments adrenal. but dopres.c< $ympathetic skeletal muscles for a fight or night response. it
CA (A· I J). The rogulat"'" .dju.t mctabolic pro- makes ··physiological sense"" to tcmporarily suspend
ce .... to food int3ke (15t). and there are conditions activities that need not be continued at that time. In
which CA, can pronJOlO insulin release.
general. the elfects of the CAs on the viscera are in·
hibitory. Blood flow to the gut, especially to the mu·
00&31 lining, is diminished. This indirectly reduces
the secretory of the gastrointestinal glands.
The provision of carbohydrate fuel for mu,cle con- In most species, the tont and motility of the stomach
tmction is but one of an almost bewildering array of and intesline are depressed via both direct actions of
actions of tlle CAs. Most of the effects of rapid and the CAs On the smooth muscle and inhibition of do--
massive adrenomedullary discharge of E and N can lincrgic neuron act ivities. There are, however. '1-""
be fille<! into the concept ,hat the regulators prepare eies variations in the responses of the gut \0 CAs. In
some cases. sphincter mUs<:les are oontracted. bUI in The Continuous Need lor Catecholamlnes
othcrs they are nOi. The preferential slowing of blood
CAs are nceded on a regular basis to perform less
flow to thc mucosa may play some role in the ulcer-
dramatic bu t equally imponant roles. Many of the
ation that occurs in chronically stressed animals of
actions oppose those of acetylchol ine. and fine ad-
some specics (53).
justments of the sympathetic:parasympathetic ra-
Urine formation is transiently depressed . partly
tios are made many times each day ( 120), Unop-
be<:ausc of sympathctically controllcd changes in the
posed actions of acctylcholine would [cad to
hemodynamics. but also becausc of more dirc:<:t ef_
problems such as bradycardia. hypotension, ovcrae-
fects On the kidney (39,60.151). Reduced water loss
tivity of the gastrointestinal tract. and accommoda-
via this route facilitates augmentation of Ihe cireu·
tion of the eyes for near vision.
lating blood volume and the of thc tlnra
A sudden change from supine to upright position
hea t generated by actively contracting mus<:lcs. [n
calls for the release of norepinephrine. The conse-
dogs and ..orne other species. the CAs are major reg-
que nces of a delay in such adjustment are apparent
ulators of Ihe sweat glands. [n different mammals.
to anyone who has jumped out of bed to answer a
including primates. the sweat glands involved in
telephone located some distance away. A return to
thermoregUlation are stimulatcd by acetylcholinc,
th. supine position requires increased vagal (acclyl·
but they are innervated by the sympathetic systcm
choline) activity to avoid "O'o'Crioading" the hcad re-
(108). (Despite the adjustments. the body tempera-
gion with blood.
ture tends \0 rise somewhat. Small elevations arc fa-
vorab[e for muscle contraction [67. 68) .)
More blood is shunted into the actively contract·
ing muscles. This is accomplished in part by con-
stricting the vessels of the skin and viscera. However, CAs stimulate smooth muscle in some parts of the
epinephrine also dilates thc vessels of contracting body (e.g. the blood vessels supplying tbe skin), bu t
muscles. and thus facilitates thc presentation of ox· they inhibit it in the broncbioles and in mOS! of the
ygen and fuels as it removes thc excess heat and mct- gut. It was at one time proposed that the "cxcit·
abolic waSteS. Small amounts of lactic acid do ac· atory" effects are mediated by onc type of regulator.
cumulate, and this is useful (since the lactic acid is "sympathin E." whereas thc inhibitory oncs result
a vasodilator) . Some of the lactic acid that leaves the from release of "sympathin I" (99). The "dual me-
muscle scr.·es as a vcry acceptable fuel for the hean. diator" hypothesis implies that the nature of the re-
CAs also directly affect the skeleta[ mus<:[e (\ J 1). sponse depends on the chemical makeup of the
They facilitate neuromuscular transmission. in part regulator.
via inOucnces cxerted on the cholinergic When some informat ion on differenccs in rCaC-
(125). Relaxation of the "slow" fibers is useful to tions to norepinephrine and epinephine began 10 ac-
some species in situations that call for cumulate, altcmplS were made to equate norepi·
responses. nephrine with sympathin E and epinephrine with
Piloerection can makc animals appear larger and sympathin I. This seemed to make sen$C, since nor-
more ferocious to would·be predators. In animals epinephrine cxens only stimulatory influences on
with long fur. it may additionally provide some pro- vascular smooth muscle. whereas pro-
tection against injury to the body surface. (It is dilation of $Ome blood and it. alone.
doubtful . however. that the "gooseflesh" response of relaxes thc bronchioles.
humans has any value.) It soon became appa rent that the concept did not
Slight modifications of Ihe reaction pallerns Can "work." Bolh Nand E stimulate the heart . and bolh
provide for effec tive responses to emergency situa- cootribute to relaxation of the gul. Morcover. me/-
tions that do not call for rapid locomotion (e.g. sud- abo/if" effects are not easily put into cxcitatory and
de n exposure to cold environments), inhibitory categories. (It is illogical. for examplc, to
Since Iher<: is considerable "anticipatory" r<:lea"" apply one of the terms to glycogenol}'sis and the
of tho CAs, difficulties may be created if the Ihreat other to gl)'eogenesis.) Table 8·[ summarizes ..orne
does oot materialize (e.g. if a potential predator sim- of the established differences in responses to the two
ply cro»cs Ihe path). Some of the feelings experi- CAs. (Effects on thc hypothalamus and on Ihe se·
enced when the dentist announces "No drilling will cretions of pituitary gland hormoncs are discussed in
be necessary" can be allributed to releasc of CAs in the chapters devoted to those subjects.)
amounts that thcn prove to be inappropr iate, In A much more useful idea is that thc target organs
some humans. excessivc adrenomcdullary discharsc for the CAs arc equipped witb two or more different
in respons<: to persons or situations pereeivcd as kinds of receptors. and that thc nature of thc ro-
threatening may contribute to the ctiology of spo11sc is related to the kind of receptor affected.
vascular di..orders. This concept is oonsidered in detail later in this

Tabla 11-1 Coo'r9arison 01 Soma EWocts 01 wiIh _ 01 .....

Elfe« of Epinephrine

For<c "f ",)v<.tdi., loc, • ...,d

S),""';< blood I"=. ,e In<'eased
lle.rl .. ,< DeOf"oed b«,.", of .. lie,"" Inc",.oed
Di.stolic pr=ure In<r<>><d llsu.lIy littl< ""I,rreOl
Cordi.oout"", Moy..,. be .1f<C!<d Inc ... >«1
Blood 0.,.,.
S ki" Decruoed
Mu<"", mcmbran<. Decr.. oed D« ..... d

Deore, oed
Deo ... oed
\.Iou.,ty "'" ''''"",0<1
loc" ... d
O.. in M . y to< ,,,hlly i"",....d loc' ....
Skclot. 1m"",1< lilli. or no elfeol Inc, .... d
Som<wh .. ;""".>«1 Inc, .... d

l."n&, V..oco",triolion bul ropid Co"'tri,,""'. ropid I\ow

Pupil of <)'e Dil .. e<I Oil.,ed

CiI;.,), n,.",k of 'ye Rei .. e<I (S<OmC ..) .. ed ("""" 'p«i<s)
lI,oochiol., mu",1e No elfcct .. ed
Venli l...", Incr,.",d Inc". ",d
Slom"h. i""'lill< . .. ,I bl.dder
MOIilily. ' .... D«"as<d De.",_
Sph;n<t<r> S,im.lated S,im.l>led
5e<,clion D«rc..ed D«,e..ed
Urinary BI,dd"
DeINiIOT ",.",'e liHI«rr'<1 Rei .....
Sphioc,er Slim.I.,«I S,imuloted
UI«.' Nonp", ... I.,",lIy Pt",n'.1 "",,,Uy ",..«1
Pik>o:'<Clor muscl .. Conl .. clcd Conlrocl<d
S"","inl Inc .. _
Mel. 1>01>/>0«'
S kole,., m.",k
Con'roe"ion Pi'PC"'''''
","romuocul.. transmi .. ion Facilil>l«I Some f""iIi"lion
C""''''<lion of ··f." m..... •· E.""n«<I Enhonc'"
Fali,ue Reduced
.. ion of ··,Iow f,l:>< ..•• Li!H. ,lfoe! Fa.ili"" ...
Blood compone""
GI.=< Uttle .1f«1
I.oolio .dd Slightly inc ... oed Markedly inc,caoed
ooids Iner .... d Somcwh>1 inc ... ",d
E')'throc)"le< May l:>< little ,If.."
F.QS; """h;
O,)'",n "",,""mplion
No elfoe!
Inc, ..",d '''''' ....
O' .... oed

"_ l""" of ' n,""y No .If..,t
F•• ilil.,«1
I'•• ili .. t«l

chapler. To avoid Ihe problems of classiFying al1 re· MaJOf Dlfferencea between Epinephrine and
sponses inlo slimula tory or inhibitory types, Greek Norepinephrine
Ittlers were (4.99). Norepinephrine was E is Far more potent For elevation of the blood glu-
Ihen shown \0 interact mostly with adre nergic recep- cose. Its effects on glycogellOlysis in muscle and on
tors of \he a type in thc heart). whereas epi- dilat ion of the blood vessels of Ihe liver hay. been
""phrine can affect both {J and a receptors. described. This am ine also exerts long-range inftu-
ences On hepalocyle membranes Ihal lead 10 accel. tance and bradycardia are suflicient to prevent a rise
eraled rales of amino acid uplake from Ihe blood in cardiac output despite tbe increased stroke vol·
plasma (83). The processes provide subl;trotes for ume. The heart then works efficiently and has ade-
gluconeogenesi'l in the liver. E acts on the plasma quate time to rest and fill belween the beats. (The
membranes of other cell types to limit the uptake reflex nature of the bradycardia is easily demon-
and "none=ntial" of glucose, especially strated. [t is not seen when N is presented to iSOlated
during limes of stress (123) . (Glucagon also does or denervated hearts, and il Can be blochd with
this. and the effects of the two hormones are super- atropine.)
additive [461.) A hypoglycemic stimulus preferen· By contr3llt , E dilates l'Qrne vessels as it constricts
tially augments the rdease of E from the adrenal others. The receplors Ihat mediate vasodilatioo re-
medulla . spond to small elevations of the CA concentrations.
Hypoxia also preferentially promotes E release. Although there are times when E eilher lowers or
The hormone is thcn useful be<:ause il provides glu- elevates the diaslo[ic pressure, usually the vasocon-
cose (which ean be melabolized anaerobically). and strictor and vasodilator effects are balanced and
because it dilates the respiratory tract muscle (146) . there is no net change. Therefore, reflex bradycardia
(E is used as an emergency treatment during al\ack s is nol invoked, and the cardiae OUlput is generally
of bronchial asthma. 1'1 is ineffective.) often increased.
leads to increased se<::retion of glucagon ( 11). Epi-
nephrine contributes 10 thi s, but N i. also a good
stimulant for the pancreatic glucagon-;;ecrcting ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS
cells. There arc times when it is useful to distinguish be-
Humans subjected to anxiety-provoking stimuli
lween adrenergic (E) and noradrenergic (N) recep-
secrele more Ethan 1'1 , and E is put out in larger
tors. In this section, the term adrenergic refers to all
amounts during times when mental (rather than receptors responsive to E. N, Or both.
physical) tasks arc performed (89). Systemic injoo-
The "dua[ receptor" hypothesis developed
tions of E (but nol of 1'1) elicit restlessness and sen·
during the course of studies of the relative potencies
satioru; of anxi .. y. It is not known bow they act. since
of epinephrine. norepinephrine. and some synthetic
the amine does not readily gel 10 Ihe brain (139).
analogs for stimulation or inhibition of the contrac-
[n contrast. norepinephrine is much more potent tion of .moolh lllu",lc laken fr<llll variou> site> of the
for elevation of the diastolic blood pressure (since all
body. It was obl;erved that the target organs could
effecls on vascular smooth muscle are stimulatory).
be grouped into two categories on thc basis of their
It Iherefore provides belter protection against the
responses to the various agents (4) (Fig. 8·1).
development of hypotension. and it is preferentially
The <r receptor was defoned as the cell component
released after a hemorrhage.
most responsive to phenylephrine (an amine chemi_
Both of the CAs promote, bUI N is more
cally related to N that stimulates) and to phentola-
potent. Much of this activity is elicited when the mine (a receptor amagonist). A[though many of the
amine is released from sympathetic nerve endings.
of phenylephrine Can be oblaincd with both
Localized impairment of fat mobilization Can result N and E, N is usually far more potent when mod-
from destruction of the nerve endings at specific
erate conc.ntrations are used (3).
siles. Adipose tissue plays major roles in the adjust- The p receptor was defoned as the componcnt most
ments 10 cold environmentallemperalures. and N is responsive to isoproterenol (which is chemically re-
Ihe more important CA for this purpose (68).
rated 10 E) and most easily blocked with proprano[oI .
Both of the CAs exert positive inotropic, chrono- The pharmacological agents initially used were
tropic, and dromotropic actions on the heart . These
found (0 have limited specificities. Furtllcr work Icd
[cad, respectively, to increased contractile force, ac-
to the development of better receptor agonists and
celeraled heart rate, and more rapid electrical con-
antagonists. The are all chemically related
duction (102) . The elTeets arc easily demonstrated to thc naturally occurring CAs. has
for isolated hearts. In intact animals, both increase
been called a "purc" <r stimulant (16).
the systolic blood pressure . Epinephrine also in-
creases the heart rate and cardiac output of intact
Both of the CAs also promote vasoconslriction in H,c - O "oI H /H
the skin, mucuous membranes, and viscera. Since all C-C-N
H [ 'H
of the actions of 1'1 On blood vessels are stimulatory.
the diastolic blood pressure is consistently e[evaled.
This invokes Ihal lead 10 slowing of the Car- 0><
diac rale. Usually, Ihe increased peripheral resi s-
'" ,, ,,
I fl .... CH .. , ,
,C-C-N-C H..-CH,

H Ii 'H H 'CHI

'" l$Oproterer»l
(Isop<enaline, ISuproQ
Ii agorrist

,, ,,
,, "
,, ..... CH,
" " , , -,
C _ C_N
" " I , , -,
C-C _ N

" "" Nort!pinephriroe "' '" Epineph<ine

Il'IyNHI ,,
H I H H H ...... eH,
H 1"1 Ii 'CH,
'"I "'-
" ,r
" I
"" ""
Phentolamine (Ae<jIine)

Fig. 8·1. SI""'i"'" 01" agon;. t and " ant&go<'li.1

compar.d "'ill> no<ep;nepM.... (lo ll). a r>d 01 lQOf'IO' arod
J compo,"'; with ep;oep/'If;"" (r\gI>I) .

The {J blocking agenu exert mostly competitive fieilics. These include dobutamioc. "'hich is a sele<:-
type actions, and they chemically resemble epineph- tive p, agonist; pmetolol and aleoolol. which are se·
rioe (Fig. 8-2). By COW.,!, '" blockers act dir· lective P, antagonists; salbulamol. a selective P,
ferem mechanisms. and they generally sbow lesser agonisl; and whkh is a selectiv<: P,
specificities. antagonist.
The "specificities" are. however, limited, espe-
cially when the agents are presented in high coneen·
Subclasses 01 Receptors lrations_ Thus. acebulolol is classified as a selective
The rec<:plors of the myocardium were initially clas- P, bloc ker, but it can some effccts on lhe liver.
sified as {J, sinc<: Ihcy arc stimulated wilh isoproter-
onol (but not phenylephrine) and they are blocked
wjlh propranolol. E is as effective as N for thc
stimulation. ,,
However, E and isoproteronol also bronchiQ- H I H H H C H,
o - C-C-C - N-C/
lar muscle. whereas N does no!. It was therefore pro- HHH .... CH,
posed that Ihe heart has an adrenergic receptor of a
special kind. now called P,. whereM the bronchiolar
musele has a different. P,. type. This idea gained
wide aCe<:ptance when newer pharmaoological By COntraSI, Del. pronethalol. and limolol .."
agents were synthesi>.ed that showed greater speci- "nonspecific." i.e. Ihey block both p, and P, aCliorIS.
DoI>ut.mine: (I, agonts, ($\;mulales 11'10 !lean)

o "
" "
H,c-C-N O-
H I H H H .... CH,
C-C-C -N __ C

Pr8 Ciolot
(Eral,,",,) II, onla9O";SO

H t
H H H .... CH,
O- C-C-C-N-C
II H H H '"- CH,

IJ. M'ag<n,st

"o CH, CH,
C - C-N - C-Ot,
II H H 'cH,

Sabulamol: I" ogoni.. (brOIlChocIilato<)

(AltlulCfol. Sulla""'l

while isopMerenol is a "nonspecific" fJ receptor ag- were called a, receptors. and the OneS initiaily
onist. (Fig. 8-3). known simply as a were renamed a, (15.12S).
Further investigation re"ealcd that the binding
"", and "", TYPES properties cannot alway-, be predicted from the an-
atomical location (36). Now. the lerm a, is applied
Some adrenergic agonisls aCI,v,tles that to rc<:<:ptors that are mostly (but nOI exclusively) a t
have been associated with sympalhe tic system stim- the presynaptic sites and have the binding charae-
ulalion. Evidcnlly> they exert their innucnces on pre- Icristics of the ones initially designated as «"
synaplic receplOl'S involved in negative fecdback
control over neurotransmitter releasc.
Phenyicphrine and methoxamine are a,
When administered in the usual dosages. they mimic
the conventional effects of N at the postsynaptic and
postjunctional sites. Their actions are blocked wilh
phentolamine. tolazoline. and prazosin.
Clonidine and a--methylnorepinephrine are "1 ag-
onists. They bind to presynaptic sites and they in-
hibit release of catc<:holamines. Yohimbine is an a 1
receptor blocker (Fig. 8-4).
Additiona l a, receptors have been found On SOme
cholinergic and serotonin terminals. It is known that
The carli.. t ol.>:servations indicated that the pre- long-term administration of the presynaptic agcnisto;
synaptic receptors had binding propertics dilfcrent can bring about increases in Ihe numbers of )XIStsyn-
from the poiStsynaptic and poiStjunctional ones. The)" artie receptors (36).

CH, - CH, - CI
H C- N-C-O'''-O
E. OichloriSO!>'OC."'noI

A. F'I>eno' VOOnUlmi""
I "-
C-C "-<,",

C- N
o H H CH,

"' F. P'ooel .... 101

,0';-- ' 0
"'/'--.<<""'H 'eH, H I "
-'" -'" 1 " C-C - N - C

",- -' o I H f1 'eH.

G. $Qtalol

C . Tolazol ....

I ""
O. ....apel;""

Fig. 8·3. Some CA. B. C,.nd O) and 8

(E. F. G, and H) adronorg;c _;ng agent•.

The existence of presynaptic re<:eptors of Ihe p, malodcndritically on central nervous system neurons
type has b«n described for lhe brain (87). These inh ibit fIring. Non.neUl1l1 0:, receptors a"" foond on
exert jtJdlilalil'l! inftuences on CA release (125). platelets. adipocytes. and pancreatic Ixta cells. Neu·
Both fJ types pronlQte adenylat. cyclase aCI;_a_ romuscular junctions arc depolarized by CAs but in·
lion. whereas cr, ..,COplOrs mediate inhibition. a, re- sensitive to both a and (J antagonists and may I'<"'"
ceptors invoke phosphatidylillOi'litoi hydrolysis and sess yet different ("() type re<:eptors (A..t;).
changes in cytosol ca' · . It should Ix pointed out that, although the oon·
The term autore.:eptor nOw designatcs a, !"(X:Cp. cepts are very widely accepted. some investigators
tors that inhibit N release (A-2) . The ones on sym- doubt that neurons are regulated by presynaptic
pathetic ganglia hyperpolaritc. Tlt<:IM: located so- receptors.
" "
LY " , ",

". an",(/O<'Ii'"

Ii Ii Ii Ii/CH,
O- C- C- C- N
H I H 'eH,
" ."""thylnorellinephrine
h ag<>!lis" AJp<enoiol "

C- C- C-N- C
O/H H H 'eH,

,, ""
... Yoh<'n\>ine
('" lIntagonOSlI
Fig. 8-.. Adc!it;onal ageot. tha t _
to a"'_g;c recep1ors.

Down Regulation 01 Receptors Receptor Induction

Proiooged of larget cells to {J agonis(s such One kind of adrenergic agent can affect the recep-
as isoproterenol leads in time to reductions in the tors for another. It has been shown, for example,
numbers of fJ receptors and diminution of scnsiti_ily that fJ agonists increase the numbers of (t', receptors
to sub:>equcn( Similarly. prolonged ex- in th. ce",bral cortex (93, A-12) , The drects are
posure to '" agonist. to "down regulation" of rapid in onset. and they can be blocked with sotalol.
tho '" Pharmacologica l 1M! affect Interactions with cholinergic neurons do not al -
the rales of CA upta ke into nCurons and their ways inv<>ive changes in ",ccptOT numbers. For ex-
qucslration into synaptic vesicles or socrelory gran- ample. a influences on gut smooth muscle contrac-
ules can also affect roccplor numbers. The time tion. and on neurotransmission in skeletal muselc,
courses are very different from the cffe<:\s of presy- have been linked withfunclional (rapidly reversible)
naptically drugs. Prolonged administration of changes in the rateS of acctylcholine release (131).
anlag()nists has effects (84). a, and fJ, types In some of the sympathetic ganglia. acctyicho]ine
do not down regulate (A-(i). stimulates OA interneurons, and the consequent rc-

lease of dGpaminc lead, to hyperpolarization of cho. Problems ASSOCiated with Attempts to Apply
lincrgic neurons (16). GluCOC<lrtiooids can induce (J the alp Concept to All Adrenergic
receptors and alter affinities (A-9). Responses
Difficulties arise because (a) pharmacological agents
Classification of Metabolic Responses (109) do not exert "pure" ctTocts. In many cases. unwar-
ranted as£umptions concerning their actions have
GL YCOGENOL YSIS botn made. and the assumptions have then been
Uscxllo draw conclusions. (b) Cells, which are under
The CAMP·mediated activation of Ih. phosphoryl- no obligation to function in an orderly manner, oflen
ase system of skeletal muscle by E is mediated by respOnd in ways that defy simple interpretations.
the {J, type receptors (and it Can be opJlOSed by both
"oonspedfic" (J and mor. specific p, antagonists bul Propranolol is a potent local aneslhetic, "nd some of ilS
not with the", blockers). However. the Ca" ."jcpcn- elfe.t,.re re'al.d 10 Ihis, The property is oot , by
dent clTecls of N on Ihe li,,<,, involve "'I rcc<:ptors, some olh.. "bet. block ....... for • .,"'pl•. sot.lel. Phenyl·
ephri"" was OnCe cMsidered to represent Ihe prolotype
for .,...reec]>Ior ' Iimulanl" It is a tso a ..... k (!l aIlOni.t (t 3).
(Thi, should have been suspected from the presence of.
LlPOL Y$IS methyl group auaehed to Ihe nitrollen (16J .) Phonlol .·
Similarly, E {l, receptors when it gcncratcg mi"" faih to block some of lhe "ctio"" that .re "ron&ly
anlagonized by phenox)'ben,"min. (t44). It inhibits
cAMP and thereby activates lrigiyceridolipascs in
some to ser<)1onin. e,cTt S hi""mi",,·likc aOliollS
adipose tissue. N accomplishes the same end via 00 Ih. stomach . nd blood vessel •. and h•• sonle "para-
cAMP.independent mechanisms when ;1 bindS 10 <W I . ympathomimetiC" properlies that aro bl<;.cke<l by
receptors, pine, Phonoxyben23mine is one of several "llont, aCling
on" roccpt<)r$ that at$O releases CA from . ynoptic ve.<i·
cl •• (tH), Erllo>t.mine ,Iim"'ate. smooth musele vi.
CALORIGENESIS u"rdoted to lhe "",droner,ic fCceptOr<. La·
belolol i•• re.sonably good blocke r of bolh" and (!l re-
Both N and E rale . Th< mecha.
nisms. which involve accelerated ATP degradation
and intcractions with ,B,-t)'pe receptors, are only par-
tially understood (67).


C-C - C-N-C-C - -f' ' ,- 0"
a, type receptoN predominate on the plasma mem- HH I H I
CIi, 0 - /
branCl< of insulin-secreting cells, and E with
them to inhibit hormone sec",tion. Stimulatory in- "
fluences mediated via ,B, reeeptON are difficult to
demonstrate except in the presence of blockers.
F"rther compli.ali"", becau.e In end re.ull Can
Sympathetic system stimulation activatcs " , recep- be accompli.hed in moT< than one woy. Dilation of a
toTS on the glucagon-secreting cells to promote hor- struelure conlrolled by ,mOOlh muscle ¢.In re.uit from in·
mone release. hibit;on of COntraction of lh. circular muscle, .Iimulation
Secondary changes in islet cell functions mediated of the radial fibe .... '" interference wilh tM influences e,·
by paraerin. mechanisms were described in Chapter med by other StimutanlS and depressant" The activit)' of
5. These include glucagon stimulation of insulin re- an .o'yme ean be affected by allosteric modift¢.ltion •. • d·
lease. and insulin inhibition of glucagon secretion . ditiOn' or ddtliOIl$ of pbo<phate group:! in ways Ih.1 .f-
Regulation of gastrin secretion by stomach glands fect affinities for .ubslrates. pr•• ent.tion Gf differenl con·
follows the patlern deseribod for insulin, The /'I_type centr"tions of substrates or cofactOr<. ehange. in Ihe N. ·
concentration' (A·I!) or ,ale, of product removal.
receptors mediate stimulation and the "'-ty]l'C inhi_
bition (116). Both ki nds of adrenergic receptors e<.II>- Some peri Iou. of "circular reasoning" have
tribute to the control of gastric motility. been indulged in (lOO). The scenario can proceed as
There are controversies concerning the as£ign_ follows: (a) A respOnse is attributed to activation of
mentS of ",ceptor type! in some cells. A "majority /l·type receptors boeause it can be inhibited with
opinion" clas£ifieation is presented in Table S·2 . "beta blockers." (b) A new agent is found to hlock
StruOtu,o St'mul.tod by (."ehol,m'''' «-11.«"""",

Va""ul" """""h m"",k

S);,n C""'''itt'''
M"""", .,.,mb<one, C"",tri""",
Sal",,)' ,land. C""'triction
Moo;t ,I>dom'n.1 ""'''' C""'trio<'"
1.,,<, C.",. .. ic,'" Oil""'"
S);OI01.1 mu,1e (C"",trict"",) Oil",'"
Lun8 C""'trie, ion
Otlte, "oo"t h m",de
Sph ;oct, ...: i"'troi .,," iflli. ",i no,)' C",,".c,ion
Pih>root .. (.);in) C"",,,<,ion
l(.di,1 ",u", lo of i,i, C"",,,, .. ,,,,,
Ci l,,,), m.,,,lo (0)'0)
S">nl1ch K<I ..""",
Inte<1,n< (Rei.","",)
SillO.u,"( nOOc (S"mul .. ion) Rate i"''''l<d
Atria J""",ued oond ..,,,.,. " "
""",raOt ion
V,n" ick; S>.,., .s .tri.
Skel<1.1 ",u",k
White IF..!) F."c,. compl...
>10 ... "I.... "'"
Rcd ISIooo') Oppoo"c '" "hi"
;o.;curomu",.Io, ",n,m",,,,,, Incr",«d
I. ""I' hoJre, OJ,pe ... ion
5. 'i...". V i",,,,, ..«,,,,"," Growth, .m)W< ... ',,,.,.,
E.""""cr.,, , Eo,)'m, «<,et"'"
P''''''''';'; "k" (1",.1,. ,,:0,,'''''')
Pi ....1 SetolQnio. mol""",. ')'n''''''i'
Kid",,) R,nin .)' nlh ..i•. "''',...
1.,.l.oc)',<> An"son·indurnl h'".mi""
"'I.... inhit>;"d
C.lori,enc,i, loc",.",d
G 1)'''''1;' "",,"i' (Ioc'e>sod) loc" ... d
UfIOI),>" (Inc" ... d) 1"""• .00
Tood 'bdJc, Redu«d water permeability
Tood , );i. I"",."ed sodium, '..,"

Ih( r(Sponsc. It IherdOr<: dassifted as a "beta responses are affected by the physiQiogieal SIalu, of Ihe
bl(lCkcr." Tit. new agent is now lesled in a dif· .ubject from which Ihe coU. are They vary with
ferent "Y'tem. The secondary rc.'ponse i, assumed 10 'be microcnvironmenl.the pa.t n"trilk'nal and endocrine
be medialed via fJ receplOrs . (d) Totally differenl history. the environmental lemperature. and often w,th
substances tlml elicil the second response are now ,he ,ime of d.y_&'.•ge. ".d . pecie. difference. are teC-
cla!.Sified as fJ agonislS. ognized. and .arialions have beon encounl<ted .mong
., .. in. of laboratory rodenl .. The p"r it ie •• conecnlta·
When $Cveral agents of a pharmacologic.1 8muP are I'ons. and "obiel.. f.". Ihe pharmaclog;cal agents must
tested. .".de" of poleney for one cell tyl'< differ f rum .Iso be cOMidcred.
lhose fo' anotner. Such finding> h.we prompled ""me 01>- The presence of more Ihan <HIe kind of re<epICr per 0011
.. rver> to suggesl thaI aro as many dirTeron, kinds ma), be the rule rather Ihan the oxccpt'on. The existence
of receptors as Ihere are cell Iype, (4), The of both <> and IJ «ccP'Of$ in Ihe pancreatic i,lel oolls.

li.or, and adiP"'< tissue ha •• been cited. Th. intestinal specificiti« include I' H l-aminoclonidine. I' H l-dih)'d,al_
mu",I.,. til< coronary blood .e$$<I$. the brain. and the prenolol. 1''' 11 J-hydroxybenl.ylpindolol, and also I' H J-i,-
beart arC among the other ,it.. the phe""me""n oproter<:noIand 1' 1l1-dihydroe,gocryptine (52.84), E•• n
h.. been enwuntcr<d. more re .. ntly develOped plletnaffinity prob<:< (tWA) ore
providing .dditional tool. f'" solving the problem •.

Can One Kind of Adrenergic Receptor be

In many spoci.,. CAs stimu lat. the ,mooth mu",le of tbe
.irgin uteruS but rtlax the m"",le during pr<gtlllncy. Vir· tI-Receptor agonists usually activate adenylale cy-
gin uteri wilh estrogen. beha.e like the those <>f clase. and many of the efff«1S (including do ... n reg-
pregnant animal. D). Studi", with phorm.cok>gic.1 ulation of Lhe receplor numbers) have been linked
agentS are ",,",i... nt ... ith th. concept tbal « receptCKS wilh Ihe functions of the cAMP-depcndem protein
medi ... Slimulotion, and P typos relaxation. The kinases, Most Can be mimicked with cAMP and its
ins four interpr.tation, of the findi"iS have be.n analogs and exaggerated with phosphodiesterase
ad.anced. inhibitors ,
I. There is. singlt o[ whose pwporti., Howe<'cr. as di.cussed in Chapter 4. difficulties
ar< a lfected by the e,troson . (Differen.e. in roccpt'"
arc encountcred when attempts arc made to estab-
function have be.n .bown f'" other .y"em,. FO)!" ... mple.
wdium ion conc<:ntralio", affect the affi niti.. of opi... lish that cAMP is an obligalory seeond messenger.
receptors. dcn.rvation chans'" DA rtteptors IA-4J.) Scveral apply to the actions of CAs. For cxample.
2. Hormones .nd other r<S"I.tort control til< rat« of myocardial responses to E seem to prt cede elevation
[ortMlion and JtJlruction of . podfic receptor t)'po'. or of the levels. and some effeclS of Lhe CA,
affect their acccS$ibihtieo. (In ,hi. .•Slrogen COUld be cannot be mimicked with the nuc!ootide .• ven when
f..",ing formation of tbe ll·typo receptors Or conferring PDE inh ibitors a rc also used (23. 93) .
... bilily upon them. as it ' uppr ...., the f",mation <>f u' Attempts have been made 10 explain,. receptor
Lypo rec.ptors Or ace. I. rate. thei, degradation rat ... ) responses on the basis of lowering of cAMP levcls Or
). Th.r< ar< '''''' kind. of .... ptors. of which Con of eAMP/cGMP ratios, The oon«pt that they work
undergo chang.s in sen.itivity 10 the CA, wh.n llerman., in thi. way i•• impli"ic, and it i. not univon:aUy
arc administerod. (Estrogen< coold increase the
fU"'tions <>f the II receplors. dep", .. those of the «'. or applicable.
both.) Thc belief that hormones c. n act in this w;>y i. 11 is diffieull to definc relationships betwcen a-rC-
. upported by some unrelated studies. h ho. be.n re- eeptor activation and the cyclic nucleotides for slud-
ported. for ."mple, that thyroid hormones enhance <> ies conducted in vivo. Choline rgic neuronS can ele-
Lypo respon.ivity in Lhc myocardium and depresoll sen- Vate cAMP or oGM P le<.. is in the nondrenerg ie
.itivity. witbout ehangins the tissue CA conlent (II I). neuron, with which Ihey form synapses.
Problems C<lmpliCaLing the interpretation .r<: possible di- Calcium ions have been implicated in several ways
reel effects of the thyroid llermoncs and innuen... <>f in mediation of a-adreMrgic responses (23.44). CAs
fUn<lional st.tu. of the tiss ue on reactions to the 1Ior- and receptor-active phannacological agents exert ef-
mOne. Cardiovascular insufficicncy may faeihtato eo",cr- fecls on plasma membranes Ihat include meLhyl-
$ion of triiodOthyronine to Irii¢dOthyraminc. a n agent
alion. and other changes in the pho:spholipids. This
tbat lead . 10 II re .. ptor dominance and possibly also to
increases in tb. numbers of dopami ne r«eplors (65). can lead 10 alteralions of membrane fluidity and
4, On. kind of receptor con be conv.rted into thc other permeabi lity and in the funcrions of membrane""s--
(10). A related idea i, that a ,ingle receptor has lwo (or sociated ion "pumps'" Some effects of <>-r.ceplor
more) binding .it ... only on. <>f which is ••• ilable at any stimulation can be mimicked by artificial elevation
given time, Hormone, could Lben be ehanginll the aeee,- of cytosol Ca" • and Ih.,. have been li nked with ac-
sibiliti ... (Frog hea rts ,h.".. Lempor. tu.-...lependcnt tiValion of calmodulins and Ca-depc ndem protein ki-
change, in ""pOnseslo CA. and related "Ilents, One in- nases (30) , (Sevenl of the interactions between
terpretation hos been th.t cold environmen.. 1 tempe .. _ membrane phospholipid., Ca" . and cyclic nucleo-
Lures "Iock"" cardioreceptors in lhe u state; this tides were considered in Chapters 4. 5. and 7.)
notion bas n<>t been universally accepted 1131.) A variely of other mechanisms of action have been
Some of til< questions raised will probably be an,,,.-eN<i
... hen it becomes possible to ioolat. and f""y cbaract.,i.e propos<:d. including inHuences exerted on the Na ' l
the ""ptors. The technical problem. en"",-, in K ' / ATPases. Much more information will be re-
,ucb ...o,k include the •• ry bigh rates of nonspecific bind_ q uired to formulate definitive hypotheoes. There i,
ing of labeled r..,eptor agoni,,, and .nlagonim, and the no reaSOn 10 assume, however, that a unifying COl}-
chemical in'labili tie. of the comple.eo formed , Recently «pi applicable to all adrenergic functions win
•ynthuiu:d .,en" that bind with vuy high ,ff,niti.' and emerge from the new knowledge .
DOPAMINE RECE PTORS tions with acetylcholine, histamine. N. Or E rece!>,
IOl'S, or combinations of these. Some agents add ition-
Dopamine rec<:ptors are widely distributed . They
ally affect the metabolism of DA and of other
mediate the direct actions of DA on vascular smooth
catecholamines. They can also mooify rcccptor for·
musde. endocrine glands. and kidney. as well as on
mation and degradation in ways that ca nnOt be pre-
the brain and peripheral nervous syStem. Epinene. a
dicted from their other properlies. It has been ,e--
chemically related tyr<tsine metabolite that is di.'-
ported, for example, (hat haloperidol increases the
cussed later, exerts actions that are dilTocult to dis·
numbers of DA receptors in the rat corpus striatum
tinguish from those of DA . Apomorphine is a phar-
a nd decreases them in the pituitary gland (115).
macological agonist that is highly potent at most
Sovcral recently introduced tools hold promi,e of
receptor sites. Se.eral other agems used to study DA
rapidly advancing our knowledge in field. it ha,
functions have more ,elecli.e effects (Fig. 8-5).
been reportcd that quinazolooine effectively bloch
On the basis of (a) the kinds of responses invoked.
the binding of tri(ium.labeled spiperon. to serotonin
(b) lhe mechanisms whereby these are achieved. and
receptors (91). that L Y·I 4 1865 binds to just the D,
(c) the interactions "'ith antagonists and with ago- types ( 130), and that dioxyphenylamine-imizado--
oislS other than Ihe ones cited above. allempts ha.e
lamine ( DPJ) is specifi c for the D, receptors.
been madc to divide thcm inlO Ihc lWO groups dc·
DA invokes changes in i(s target cells that arc
scribed below (23,74).
only indirectly linked with cAM P. It can affect thc
I. D,. D,. or txdlOlory types arc coupled to ade· composition of membrane the func-
nylate cyciascs; Ihe responses have been linked with
tions of calmodulil1S. and the activities of calcium·
aelivation of cAMP-dependenl kinases. Fluophena-
dependent protein kinases. Mooulation of C3"·ae--
zinc and trifluoperazine are often highly elTective an-
tivaled potassium conductance has bc<:n described in
tagonists. Some responses are also blocked by ergot
the hippocampus (14).
derivatives such as bromocriptine and !ergotrile.
2. 0 ,. Do. or inhibilory types either lower cAMP
levels or act in other ways that remain to be defined.
DA Interactions with Other Ragulato rs
A-6,7·DTN (2-amin0-6,7-dihydroxy·I.2.3.4·tetra·
hydronapthalene) mimics the actions at some sites, DA binds to both CI and {J adrenergic receptors in
and bromocriptine is an agonist at others. many parts of the body. and it then mimics the ac-
Ahhough thc classification ""rves some u""rut tions "f th06c CAs. When it is taken up by nccvc to<-
purposes. it has limitations. Evidently there a re D1I\ minals. DA can be converted to N. It also releases
a nd 0," subtype (A·19) receptors with o'-crlapping N from sequestration sites (125). MOl"<Xlver. it inter-
properties. Each subtype display$ its own character. acts with muscarinic rcccptors of sympathetic gan·
istic response pa{(erns when pharmacological agents glia and it thereby alTects (55).
arc presented. Some of the receptol'S are presynaptic Noradrcnergic neurons. in turn, contribute to the
(34). and others preju nctional (56). All of the pe- regulation of DA rec<:ptor numbers and adenylate
ripheral ones have properties that distinguish them cyclase activity in some parts of the brain (I 23).
from lhe brain types. Certain receptors in the een(ral DA exerts some histamine--like actions. Certain of
nervOuS s}'Stem bind agonists and anUtgon;sts with them arc antagonized by histamine receptor block.
low alTonilies. There arc others for which tight bind· ers. whereas others are not. Agcnts regarded as spe-
ing can be demonstrated. but (he responses are only cific for histamine rcccptors can also indirectly mod-
poorly correlated with the alTonities. It is IIOt known ify some responses to DA.
whether several dilTerent molecular types coexist in DA is a substrate for a variety of enzymes, and
the brain. or whether a single kind of receptor can some of the prooucts have biological activities differ·
be reversibly converted to multiple forms (52). Drug ent from those of the parent CA. Such metabolism
tolerance may require autoreccptors (A. I0). Can cause serious problems in patient$ receiving
The three major problems encountered in at· long·term treatment with l·DOPA.
tempts \0 characterize Ihe rec<:ptor types arc the The central elTects are especially diftkult to define
IIQnspccific natures of the available ligands. the mul· because of the of thc DA neuronal sys-
tiple consequences of DA receptor aclivation Or an· tems (98). In studies on kittens, it ha$ been demon·
tagon;";m, and the interactions between DA and stra ted that DA and cholinergic neurons arc concen·
other regulators. trated in the same brain regions du ring early
All of the pharmacological DA agonists and an· development (61). Later, DA retards acetylcholine
are lipid·soluble substances that can exert turnover and antagonizes some actions of that neu-
inAuences on the plasma membranes of virtually all rotransmitter. Nerve growth factor affects both ace-
cell typeS. Binding to serotonin rec<:ptors has been tycholinesterases and CA secretion in pheochromo--
especially troublesome. but there arC also interae-- cytoma <xlis (71). It is suspected of exerting similar
" I
, .. ..
" "--/"
N c-c><.
, ...." !.
. "-
,!." " , 'L
I "fi
"'1,,0;,"'" l I •
• c ....

.. ir - \'l.-c-c-
" "
... _.F ...." "" ..
_ _ ""4 ..

"o -.,'- c-,

, '"
i "'''n-''l .... ......

- .
.0 "". ...."0-. -
I';"'," 441
\ c--.:·c--<: .... """-""'I""
"- I h

" " -"" 'L", ..

.- ""
, ;' b .) Po . 0.

'0' L4
influenoes on Iympullctic neurons a nd on the adre- Dop.mlne Regul8tlon o f Pro lactin Sec retio n
nal medulla, DA is concentl'llted in the dendrites of DA is. bighly potent inhibitor of prolactin ( PRL)
GABA and $ubstanee P neurons.. and it aifC(tS the secretion (79.12 1). It is present in biah concentra-
rales of relcue of tbo$e transmiuen;, NGf al$O reg- tions in 1m: pOrtal blood. and it aCtS on both h)"po>-
ulates substance P ru:urons (110). Serotonin indi- thalami.: neurons and pituitary gland lactOiropcs .
•ecllyoppose$ many actions or
DA_ and some sero- Afler bindin& to Ihe surfaoc ICOCpton oIlaaOl• • s.
tonin agoniSI5 alter the resp<lllSC5 10 DA r«eptor it is and incorpOrated into PRL sec ....
activation. tory gran ules. Many inV6tigatOl'$ belic"" DA is the
Opiate re«pton are located on DA neurons. They pri mary PI F (prolactin inllibilOry factor). but others
an: to mediate enkepllaliner,ic control over suggeSlthat it functions as a PIF releaser. (See Pari
DA release in the brain (34.113). En keph.lin all'O V for additional diseussion.) PRL that travels from
.egulates acet)'kholine in sympathetic gan- the pituitary ,\.and to tm: h)'lXllha.lamu$ uerU 5OIT1e
glia (7g). and il may modify the effeels or DA at negative feedback cont.oI over its own sec.etion. a t
tllose sites. Actions of DA on the cbemore- least in pari by affecting DA turllOYCr in the tubero-
ccptor trigger Z01X of the medulla oblonp\.l that infundibular syslem (38)_ (The piluitary honnooe il
controls the \IOmitin, relkxes may involve interac- not known to affect DA turnove. in other brain
tions with opioid receptors, (Morphine is a potent regions.)
emetic. but it docs not ""crt generaliled DA-like ac- PRlsecrction invoh"CS at leUt tWO separable: pro-
tiollll.) Adrer.omedullary cells contain and release cesses.1 "depiction_transforma tion" th.1 Io.... ers th.
cnkephalins. and the peptides play roles in stress an- rndioimmulIOa5sayablc hormone content of the
algesia (90), DA is . 11'0 koown to affect the gland. and a " release" plOOtS$ that elevates plasma
of endorphins and brain VIP. but separale neurons PRL (91). DA ."idently affects only the first of
control adrenal CAl and enkephalins (A-7). lhese (62).
It has been stated that lactot. cop :5 do not contain
a DA-sensiti ve adenylate cyclase (liS). Since VA
DOPAMINe FUNCTIONS aClions on pituitary cells are mimicked with brom<)-
Influe nce. on I" Vatcul.r S r-le m cripline. thef<' are reasons to classify the .eceptors as
0 ;. The pharmacological .gonists include A-6.7-
DA invokes dClSC_related vasodilation in the .enal. (which i. ,.. effeclive.' DA). bromocrip.ine.
mesenteric. coronary. and ce.ebral vascular beds.. krgotrile. piribcde1. and A_S.6- DTN. Tho: concept
but it does not innuence blood flow elsc ...'here (e.,. that DA actions involve IO'<>"tring of cA MP levels is
in skeletal muscle) (S8). DA. o. dobutamine (which supported by obscrV3tions made ·... ith V IP. That pep-
ueflS similar actions). is therefore used in the treat· lide actiY<lte5 adenyllte cyclase. and it stimulales
ment of suffering cardiogenic. hopo\IOIemie. PRL secr.tion, OA CO\Interacts the effects of VIP.
or traumatic circulato.y shock. but it does not int(rfef<' with prostaglandin f timu-
The: vascular functions DA are attributed to ac- lation ('04).
tivation of I special group of 0; re«pton."The)" per· p<:rphenazir>e is an ellf<'mcly potent antagonist
sist in the presence of agcnl5 that bloc k acetylcho- is used to maintain hyperproiactinemia and
line. E. N. and histamine: re«ptOl'S. and "'hen thcf<'by support the growth of PRl-<1ependcnt
",ng'ionic blockers such as hexamethonium af<' ad. gland tumors in rodents. 11 prob;lbly ad-
Influences on renal blood flow. glomer. ditionall}' acts at othcr ,i tes.
ular filtra tion. and sodium excretion do 1>01 mjuire &trogcnsaugment PRl secretion in several ways.
interactions with .. adf<'nergic mecha nisms (39). Thcy Io,,'(:r \lIe sensitivities or laClotrope OA rceep-
The actions arC mimicked with A.(,,7_DTN. but tOl1O (80). and thcy affect DA turnover in the brain .
001 with its isomer. A-S.6-0TN. ApomorpItine ;$ lon&..ange effeets include stimulation of eell
said to 1><: a "panial agonist-. butlOmcofits analop proliferation.
(•. g. N_n-propy lnorapOlTIOf"Phinc) are more
Sulpiride is. very potent a nUlgonist . Auopho ... - Innuenee. o n the Secretion of Othe r
zine and halOperidol (which strongly oppOSe DA aC- Pituitary Gla nd Hormone.
tions at other sites) a.e very ....a k blockers. In this DA can elevate the plasma &nl"'Ih hor-
system. bromoc:riptlne.lergotri1c. and related agents mone levell in humans and many other mammals
arc totally devoid of activity. (94.14S). and il is used to assess pituitary gland
runctions. The actions arc at leasl pilnially allrib-

- --------
f ig. Dopa ........ ag<:<"Iitl.and
uted to conversion to N. Of to di.eet interaetionJ witll
alpha adrenergic receptors. (Sec also Chapter 18.)

DA ;s 1101 an imp<mam regulator of ACTH re- be anributed solely to affliction with a progressive.
lease from the par< distalis. However, in animal, debilitating disease.
wilh intermediate IQt;",s, <Onte ACTH is rdeased in Although the eoncepl that DA deficiency fully ex·
response 10 cerlain forms of Slress (101). and both plain' the etiology may be simplistic. it ;5 supported
/i'..::nrlorphin and DA arc implicated in the stimula- by obje<:!iV<' findings. Anticholinergic agents have
tion. DA has al:;o b«n observed to depress electrical relieved the symptoms in some palients. l-DOPA is
activity in the pars intermedia, and to inhibit the re- now widely used, and it is highly effective in of
lease of ",MSH (42) . The .lfeclsare associated with Ihe subjocts. often for lime periods.
GTP-depenrlent inhibition of the adenyl!l. cyclase Autopsy data commonly reveal depigmentalion of
(W). p.cndorphin is secreted by both pars distalis the substantia nigra (a region of the brain involved
conico\ropcs and pars intermedin rnelanotropes. DA in regulation of motor functions which binds DA, its
is reponed 10 depress circulati ng /'I..::ndorphin con- agonists, and its Similar findings have
centrations, and to antagonize the stimulatory ef- been reported for psychiatric patients chronically
fects of dompcridonc. rnelocloprnmirlc and cerlain treated with phenothiazines (Ill). The drugs are
Olher DA receptor amagonists. It may function as a DA re«ptor antagonists that can invoke a parkin·
Ionic inhibilOr for the release of this hormone (1(8). sonian syndrome.
The secr<:tion of LRH is affected by DA. and Aging rats develop mOlOr disorders anributed to
LRH contributes to thc regulation of DA synthesis DA neurOn degeneration. They. too, respond to
in the hypothalamus (1 43). The innuences on the se- treatment with DA agonists (22).
eretion of gonadotropins arC complex (see Part V). L-DOPA transiently relieves all of the described
problems. The lifting of the psychological deprossion
can . howe'·er. be followed by Ihe appearancc of
Other Influences on t he Endocrine System '"schiwphrcnia-like" symptoms. Correction of IIIe
DA and A_6,7_DTN activate parathyroid gland ad· motor system impairments can be accompanied by
enylale cydase. and they promote tnc secretion of onSCI of other disorders. such as tics. In lluencos of L-
parathyroid hormone (5) . In this system. fluophcn· DOPA on the ehemotrigger ZOne of Ihc medulla o!>-
azine and trifluoperazine are hillhly pOtent antallt>- longata lead to nausea . (l.astric upsets. and some-
nislS, whereas bromocriptine and related agents are times vomiting.
only weak inhibitors. DO PA is metabolized to 30-40 other amines.
DA 18-hydroxlase activity in the 7.ona many of which arc biologically active . Some of the
of the adrenal cortex . It thereby slows products may be the rapeutically desirable . whereas
the formation of 18.()H-<:Orticosteronc and the se- others are suspected of contributing to the unwanted
cretion of aldosterone (124). ·'side-effcclS'". Haloperidol is one of the DA antag·
DA also promotes the secrelion of both glucagon onists used to lreat nausea and vomiling from other
and insulin. causes. It is not given to patients wilh Parkinson's
disease because it opposes Ihe beneficial aelions of L·
Influences on the Central Norvoul System
Apomorphine is a mOre potent emetic. It therofore
DA is a major regulalor of Ihe utrapyramidal sys- cannot be used in place of L-DOPA. (It has. how.
tem. It is present in high concentrations in Ihe basal ever. saved the lives of persons who have ingested
ganglia . where ils roles arc interrelated with some of noncorrosive poisons. It is incorporaled into poten·
its behavioral effocls. tially dangerous medicalions to protect patients
Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder Ihal againsl inadverlant overdosage.)
has been attributed to degeneralion of dopaminergie Whcn given to laboratory animals. apomorphine
neurons. lowering of DA concentrations in the cere- invokes stereotyped forms of behavior such as snilf-
bral ganglia. and disruption of Ihe nonnal halane<: ing.lic king. gnawing, and repetitive limb movements
belwe<:n 3e<:tylcholine stimulalion and DA inhibi· (17,95). Rats housed in groups will also with
tion. Its victims suffer muscular rigidity, poslural de- each other (134). Amphetamine releases DA, and it
fecls. involunlary movements that include tremors has similar effects Ihat are diminished by prior CA
and "pill_rolling", and oflen salivation. Muscle c0- depletion. DA receptor blockers oppose Ihe behav·
ordination is impaired. and loss of some mOlor func- ioral manifestalions.
tions leads to. among other things, "masking" of the Apomorphine administration into one side of the
facial expression. Faligue is common, and many pa. brain causes animals to rotate in the dil"<'etion of the
tients suffer mol"<' severe psychic depression Ihan can inject ion site. Destruction of the nigrostriatal path-
ways On One side leads to development of hypersen- Conversion of Tyrosine to
si tivity on the other. Systemic injection of large Dlhydroxyphenylalanlne
dQSCs of DA agonists then promotes rotation towards
This is a major rate-limiting step for the production
the unlesioncd side (1 7).
of all of Ihe CAs. It utilizes molecular oxygen and a
Some of the anoreclic of amphetamines arc
pteridine cofactor. BH. (L-erythro-S.6.7,S-tctrahy-
attributed to DA l'alient, taking ·'anti-psy,
drobioptcrin) combines directly with the tyrosine hy-
chotic·' DA reeepter antagonists f rcquem!y increase
droxylase cn7.ymc, and it donates twO hydrogens. A
their food intake and gain weight. A virally induced
second enzyme, bihydroptcridine reductase. then
form of hyperphagia and obesity in ralS has
catalyzes Ihc lransfcr ofhydrogcns from NADPH to
linked with DA deplet ion (92).
Ihc oxidilCd form of the coraetor (Fig. 8-6).
In rats, the nucleus accumbens (which contributes
to the regulation of mOtOr function,) is said to he a
component of a '·gratification'· syste m. When the
an imals are provided with electrodes that permit
self-stimulation, their behavior can be manipulated Tyrosine is Ihc major precursor. It is oblained from
with apomorphine a nd amphemmines (134) . food and il is delivered via the bloodslream. The cells
aClively trarISport the amino acid. O nly the naturally
occurring 1 form is recognized by the enlymC .
Some phenylalanine can alio be used. since li,·er. brain.
The formalion of 0,1" N, and E from tyrosine was and other lis.u"," contain 3 phenyl.lon;ne hydroxyt .." .
discussW brieAy in Cl1apter 3 (sec Fig. 3-2). The ell- £ , ccS1i,c quanliti •• of phenylalanine in Ihe blood can.
1.ymes, Ihe cofaclors, and the control si les (76) are however. ,"usc problems. , ince this amino acid compet'"
considered here. with lyrosine f<>r transport into lh. cells. It can al"" com_

Ty"",;oo • 0, ,", NAOP '


TyrO$'" BinyOro-plcri"e
hydroxylase reductase

H H /H
"0 C-C- N
Ii I 'H

" , ;
H ?H'

- H I \ H
, '"
" 000"

Ftg.8-6. Tyrosine ")'<!<Oxyt .... r6llClion. rO<luc«t 1,,""" 01

P,.. ;<f;r,e cofoct<>r. oom. ;n/oibif«l . .... tori.'" indicole
sit. . to< ad.Mion of H .. cOlw"sion 01 BH, 10 BH •.
1M.. in I _ ' u..... iooI.l "",n,... wilh Ihe \yrooi"" h)dr(D.. ( 141). Scyer;r.l pharmocolO&ical . .enrs thaI affecl
ylue. Phuj'lketonllri. (PKU) if a conSCni",! dioorde. in DA synlhesis redistribu.e boain CI M . Some: tarboot·
... hicll phuyl•.!.";",, accumul•• es beQr..., Ih= is _ ymelhylale Ca M . K · depolarization inWlkes Ca'· .
ellOll,1I ol.1Ie plIcnyl.I..,,,,, hy<l .... dependent phosphorylal ion of T H at I diffen:nt
Normal.hytOid gland •• elusc 11l'1li11 amounU ol J.k>-
locus (A-4).
docuyrOloi ne. bu •• h. molecule' I.e !lOOn Icltd upon by a
d.lodinlsc. If ,hi t en.yme is ddC(:li •• , Ihe mo •• bolil. ENZY ME SY NTHESIS
Cln a«umu llte Ind in •• rfer. w;lh 1M re•• tion. (l. lado-
.ytOlline if. pOtent competi.Of ... ben in In the pn:$Cnce of adequa te amounls of sul;;lr3le
Thy.oidc<:lom;zed animal. h."" hi,h lytOlli"" hydroxyl. and cofactor, lyl'lJSine hydrox)·laK (Ti l ) levels can
ase act;.ily. bul;. is 1>01 k........ if .hit it .. llled.o lheir bc:comc rale-limiling. The enzyme ha5 been purified
.."Iow levels of lbe Joiodoryrosi .... Ind shown 10 have a molecular of 60.000.
Strong, repealed slimulation 0( lhe splanchnic
Plasma tyn:.ine leve ls underao circadian nna· ncr.u probably provides.he II\lljor stimullll for new
lions that an: affecled not only by the OOII\enl and
timing of the mc.als. but also by .he carbohydrate enzym<> syn.hesis. Tne effccu In: believed to be me-
intake. the hepatic metabolic rhylhms (41), and the dilled via a specific receplor (which may be cholin·
sec retion of iniulin (which promotes the upla ke of e rgic) (96). They do not IICem to be cAMP-depen·
acids by muscle. liver, and othe r organs) dent ( 129). a nd they .", not diminished by high CA
concentrations (144). Protein synlhcsis inhibi.Of'S
block Ihe responses.
(... MPT) if. compe.ili..
inhibitor lha. is used in lhe In:lltnt'" of pheoch'''''''''r
tomI. An es'e. of Ibif lytOll;"" .""10& if oned in the lab- Rolea 01 MGF and G tueoeortlc:old a
«IIOf)' 10 block CA ;n . he !>noin ....
T he biosynthesis of "'GF (ICe Frgs. 3·22 and JoB)
/o4 elhyl·S-hy<l .... )'tl)'ptopll.ln inbibil! by for
wa5 discussed in Chap'er). The hormone is
eau... hey I'<)mbinc direc tly wi.h .h.
.M OCIllctClt. Iron cbcl.. o;,r, in, •• len: ... i.h the n:aClion be-
cuy""'. for survival and differenliation of ct:lIs derived from
Ihe e mbryonic neural creslS and associa.ed struc·
Since only around 2% of blood Iyrosine goes into ture'. Exnienow; NGF inj ecled durin(l "",rly devel.
the production of CAs, ordinary yariations in plasma opmental Siages promoles re.ention of "Um·
.mino acid conlenl h.ave lillIe (33). E;o. ben; of cells wwld otherwise die. The influences
Ireme malnulrilion can Clu$C problems, especially are on sc:nwry neurons, preganglionic and
.. hen il is imposed ea rly in li fe (49). po5lganalioni, sympuhelic system neurons. non·
neuronal of gangli.a. and 00 adrc:nornc-
dullary «lis. Under physiological condi.ions.• he
hormone promoles gencralited le<:elcration of pro-
Since Ihe of pl eridine cofactor a'" low lein and RNA synlhcsis and .:ell growl h (hal is as-
when compared with the enzyme levels. they can be· socialed ",ith indUClion or ornithine decarboxylase.
come rale·limiling. Guanosine triphosphate cyclo- T hese clTects diminish with advancins mawrily. bUI
hyd ro!a .. catalyzes cofaclor biosynthesis, The activo Ihoy are 001 totally Iosl . NGF also promol.. differ.
ily of lhe adn:oomeduUa ry en1.yme is augm<>nled by entialion of sympalhetie neurons. It aug ..... nts OUI·
il\$ulin. and also by reserpine (which affecrs CA stor· afO'lllh of nons a nd il increases Ihe prodlK:lion of
age) ( 138). 11 is reduoed by denervalion of Ihe ad",.. T H Ind ofdopamine ( O BH). The d0-
nal medulla. (Insulin a nd n:$Crpinc act in vivo ';a pamine dccarbootylasc COIIlcnt also rises, but only in
diffe",nl mc<:hanisms '0 increase Slimutalion by lhe prop:orlion (0 Ihe gencralited aecumulation of ct:1I
splanchnic """""5.) Diff.n:n\ regulalOf'S con(rui pter· proteins (64).
idine synt hesis in other ccll.ypes, ACTH exerts Ih.
Cell. respon.iy. 10 NOF ,.·v" both 10... · and hi,b.
major inftuences in the adrenal cortex (I).
amnity .... p.lH'S for tbe hormone, Tbe comple. formed
Since bih)'dwpleridine ana1oa' Inhibit the reacti"". it by the binding 10 iow-affini'y li .es anache. to a memo
hIS been luU«.td that the BU, .. duc •..., provides a bra",," $$OO;:i.ted ··e/fC(:tClt protein" that invok .. conlor·
_troJ lite 0(4). A dihydrofola .e reduct..., i. II", ","Ioonal ch.angcs in .he receptor (119). NOF is .ben
needed 10 "",i"!lin cofac:lor le.els. Howe.. r. ""i,her of ,"ken in.o ,he .. n. by endoc)'iOPt. TIM: i."erl"lltiutioft
is alf«ted by IplanehftM; """'" stimdatioft. may be liftked with COII.-no.ion 0( Jow. 10 hilh-affinily
n:lCrpi ..... or the hor""lill« eiled (! )I). ..plotS, ,he phenomena ... lemporatly tda.ed.
NOF and it> receptor I .. IraMloarted ' 0 the """lear
CAMP increases Ihe a ffinily 0( the enzyme for m.mbra .... Some of the "",I ,cules Ire .hen traMpOTled
BII , (I). and il promoles phosphpOrylation .i. micro/ilamcnHlependen, meehlni.m. to .he Iyso-
$Om"'. Thi •• IOp i. lin ked with "down regulalion" of re" more sensilive to ACTH·glucocorticoid system reg·
ceplor .. (119). ulatOTS than others (145). Adrenaleclomy reduces
The inleraelioos wilh Ih. plasma membrane may lead T H activity in the median eminence, arcuale. and
10 Ihe se""rali<HI of a second me .. cnger lhal modi ..", dorwmedial nuclei of Ihe hypolhalamus but does not
bonno"al e]feelS (66) . NGF injecled inlo lhe eyl<>pl.. m affe.:1 it in other parts of the hypothalamus.
of phea<hro!llO"Ylom. cells do<:s ""Ielie;I the r•• pon ...
oblained by presenling the hormone in Ihe extracellular
When admini.tered very early during the course High concentrations of fr<:e (cytoplasmic) N inhibit
of development. NGF promotes lransformation of TH by acting diroctly on the enzyme. Agents that
adrenomedullary cell pre<:urwrs to cells Ihal resem- permit N to enter the neuron cytoplasm but block
ble sympathctic neurons. Axons a"" formed. and the the sequestration into secretory granules lo".r TH
ele<:trical excitabilily is enhanced. Similar effe<:IS arc activity. Oncs that block neuronal uplake of N from
obscrved when pheochromocytoma cells in culture Ihe environment lend to increase it.
are exposed to high levels of NG F. When presented Acute slimulation of the splanchnic nerves brings
soon afterwa rd. the glucocorlicoid. antagonin Ihe ef- about tran,ienl inhibition. possibly via elevalion of
fects of NGF on axon growth. and they reslore the Ihe free N. This is soon followed by more rapid se·
chromaffin cell charaCleristics (64). cretion of Ihe N. Chronic splanchnic nerve stimula-
Afler the adrenal medulla has fully formed, glu· lion elevates the TH aclivity. despite the presence of
COC<lrtiooids enhance NGr induction of TH and high N. DA inhibiton i. receptor-mediated (A4).
DBH. They are not absolUlely required, but in Iheir
prescnce Ihe latent period is shortcncd and more en·
zyme is synthesized (129). DcxamelhaSOlle similarly ADDITIONAL CONTROL SITES
stimulates pheochromocyloma cells. The steroids arc Chronic nerve stimulation accelerales produclion of
believed 10 act moslly on the genomc 10 accelerale storage vesicle membranes. It the reby prepares the
the production of mRNAs They may addilionally glands and neurOnS 10 secrete larger quantities of
activate ribonucleoprOlein particles or bring about CA when this is required. Serolonin and other lrans-
siructural modiflcalions of Ihe mRNAs Ihat slabi. mitters in the brain affect the T H by exerting influ·
he Ih<:>se mole<:ules or incr<:ase their lranslalional ef· ences at synap>es Or by SCT"ing as ncuromodulators.
ficiencies (9).
The synergisms can be demonSlrated in vivo only
Bi ological Actions 01 DOPA
after animals have acquired their diurnal glucocor.
liooid rhythms. Cold stress promoleS the release of No dire<:1 actions are known. and very lillIe DOPA
both gluCOOOTliooids and CAs. Maximal augmenta· gelS into the bloodslream under normal condilions.
lion of adrenomedullary TH occurs when the ani. When given systemically. it soon crosses the blood -
mals ar<: in Ihe morning. wher<:as peak brain barrier. and il is rapidly oonverled bolh cen-
changes in superior cervical ganglia enzyme follow lrally and peripherally to DA, which can accamulale
afternoon trealmenl (129). in large amounts in synaptic vesicles and about
also enhance Ihe effe<:ts of displacement of Nand E.
splanchnic nerve stimulation. PrClrealmenl of ralS
with a large dose of synt helie steroid "supports" Ihe
ConversIon 01 DOPA to Dopamine
inductive effecls of carbaminochQlinc (a cholinomi-
melic) altimes of the day when that agent would not DOPA decarboxylase (D OC) is also known as l-JI r-
otherwise affect the enzymes. omatie amino acid since it acts on
The glucocorliooid concentrations r<:quired for in- tryptopban. hislidine . and other amino a,ids with
duclion exce<:d the ones usually found in the blood ring Slru,tures. (Histidine decarboxylase is a differ_
plasma. They are attained in vivo because hormones ent enzyme.) in the adrenal corlex enter a spec ial por· The reaclion requires pyridoxal phosphale as a co-
lal system that directly 10 the medulla factor. Only severe B,; deficiency affe<:ls DA produc-
(35.144). During limes of Slress, adr<:norncdullary tion. However. the ingestion of vitamin tablelS con_
cells can be strongly stimulated when plasma glu" taining only maderate amounts ca n bla<k the
COC<lrtiooid levels ar<: only 'lightly elevated. In ad- therapeutic cffects of l-DOPA. Faclors Ihal affect
dition to accelerating steroidogenesis. ACT\i aug· TH biosynthesis exert similar (but minor)
menl, T H by promoting generation of on DOC.
cA MP (which acoompanies the steroids to the portal Inhibitors of DOC include ",methyl-DOPA (AI.
vessels.) domel). FLA-{iJ, NSD lO IS, carbidopa. and
Some CA·secreling neurons within the brain are bcnserazide.
Aldomel gCls ;nlO Ihc central nervous system. Disulfiram (disulfuram, Creales melabolic
where it elevates Inc ooncenlrations or both DA and dislurbances in which lhe ingeslioo of •• ry small quan-
scrolonin. However. its usc in the treatment of hy· lilie' of ethyl .kohol precipitate.lh. onsel of grO<$ly u....
pertension is auribuled \0 wnversiQn 10 ".methyl. ple... nl .ym plom •. It is laken by alcoholics who can ben-
norepinephrine (an agent that aelS as a "false trans- efil from the u.e of .uch a dele .. enl. Although lhe
hypolensioo and ."sodil.tioo th.1 follow alCOhol intah
mitte," and as an «-adrenergic receptor inhibitor are related in part 10 diminished N biO$ynl hesi .. di. ulfi·
(70) .) FLA-63 [(bi sj-l ·methy l-4-hornopipera,jnyl ram •• crts oth., clTeets th.t inciud. inhibi lion of hep'lic
lniocaroonyl-disulfidc], and NSD 1015 ()_hydroxy. alcohot dehyd roge na.e.
have been used to study DA ac-
cumulation at specific brain sites (38). Asoorbic acid is an obligatory cofactor (144). It is
Carbidopa and bcnscra>-ide do not croos Ihc blood· reduced to dehydroascorbate, and it a lso plays a role
brain barrier in cither dir<:Clion . They can be used as in stabi lization of the enzyme . Severe deficiency of
adjuvants in I.·DOPA therapy, By blocking peri· thc vitamin impairs CA biosynthesis. ACTH regu ·
pherhal decarboxylation, they increase Ihc quantity lation of the transporl of ascorbic add from the cor·
of adminiSlcrw DOPA that enters the brain, and tex to the medulia and some aspectS of the functions
they simultaneously protect against system ic toxic- of the vitamin were discussed in Chap. 7.
ity. However, in hibition of the decarboxylase also The cn.ym. i. ava ilable in pure form . and ant ibodi ",
limits N biosynthesis. Animals given large d=s directed" it are u",d for immunochemicallocali-
have impaired ability to oope with cold environ- ution of the sites of N (or E) biO$ynlhcsis within lhe cen·
ments. Their urines oonlain high le .. els of OA me· tral nervOlls $)"Stem (69). The anlibodi.s can also be used
tabolites formed in Ihe brain . Bcnseruide has also to produce . form of " immUlIOSympolheetomy" that i,
be. n adm inistered intrae<:rebrally to lower ccntral Ie and more readily r...... ibl. than the type ob-
but not periphcral OA Icvels. tlinc<! with anti·NGI'.
A conlro ..... ial hypothe.i. attribute. ""me forms of
mental illness 10 lhc D8 H defic iency 'od the <»nS«(
ele.ation of DA:N le.el, in lhe br.;n (H).
OA is en"centTated in the ,ec"'lory gra nul<>< of .. d_
renomed uliary celis and in thc synapt ic vesicies of
neurons (sec Fig. 3·3). Amine that fails to e nter the Noradrenergie neurons and somc ad renomed uliary
sequestration silcs (or leaks OUt of them) is vulner· celis accurTiUlate N in their secretory granules. N i.
able to attac\.: by degradative e nzymes. released along with OBI 1 a nd other granule com-
Doparninergic neurons discharge the OA, along pone nts when the e<:lis are stimulated (89,137) .
with other secretory components, when stimulated. Sympathetic nerve endings avid ly ta\.:e up N from
Some aXOplasmie OA may a lso be "'leased, and OA synaptic clefts and myoneural junctions, reincorpor·
is found in adrenal effluents. ate it into vesicles, and can release it when again
However, the granu les and vesicles of celis that stimulated. The sequestration protects the N from
synthesize Nand E contain the enzyme that cata- intracellular degradation, and it protects the TH
the next step in thc pathway. Agents that in- against negative fe<:dback inhibition .
terfe re with the upta ke of OA into the granules re-
There a re indication. lbat N i$ ' tored in "pools," some
duce the Nand E production and aCe<:lera te DA of which are more readily reeruilable than others. Some
loss. free N may also be released rrom lh. cell. A,oplasmic N
is acted upon by enzymes that arc describe<! lale, in lhis
chapter. Aients Ihat permil neu",,,,, {o lake up the amine
Conversion of DA to Norepinephrine but not incorporalC il inlO the granutes tcnd 10 uttim"ety
The reaction is catalyzed by dopamine /1-hydroxyl- deplete nor'pinephrine conten!.
ase (OBH , dopamine oxidase). The factors that en· Celis that produe<: epinephrine must release the N
hance TH biosynthesis (including NGf, nerve to the cytOplasm, since the enZ)'me that catalyze, the
stim ulation, and glucocorticoids) also increase pro- final step in the biosynthetic path way is located
duction of OBH. there.
The oxidase contains copper. Glutathione, cys·
teine, mercaptoethanol, coenzyme A, and other chc·
lators in hibit the acti .. ity (fig. g·7). The cells ,e<:m Conyerslon of Norepinephrine 10 Epnephrlne
to contain an endogenous inhibitor that is chemically Pheny let hanolamine·,y-transferase (PNMT) cata-
related to but not identical with glutathione (76). lyzes replacement of one of the hydrogen atoms of
o NH,
"0 C- N- N- C-C- C- OH

" " "

A. 101t.!>itOfS 01 DOPA dec.,boxylase

"'-C - " "C- OH

"' - C- C-
° H
Ii I
" "


HS --C--- I
" "


N- C - S- S- C- N

Oi $ulilram

flV_ 8·7. Inh;!>itor. 01 """" decorboxy'''. (A) Mel 01

dopominO Ii-hydroxyl". (8).

(he amine moiety with a methyl group derived from medullary cells. System ic injection of glucocorti-
S-adcnosylmclhioninc. The product is E. which is coids has SOme stimulatory effect. on adrene rgic
laken inlO Ihe secretory granules ror storage and neuronS (possibly because the neurons are high ly
subsequent release. sensitive 10 Ihe steroid . Or have mechanisms for COn-
ccntraling it) . Usually the glucooorticoid concentra-
PNMT . clS on octopamine ""d on other . ubstral<:S
chemically ,elated 10 N. It i. found in highest concentra- tions attained in the blood plasma of hypophysecto-
tion, in the adrenal medutl. and in certain parl5 of Ih. mized animals during steroid treatment arc
broin (t'p<cially those implicated in olfaclion) (33). inadequate for restoration of the PNMT levels in tbe
Small amoun" ar. pre$Cnl in lb. he." and in some of adrenal medulla.
lh. chromaffin tissue •. The product' exert negalive reed· In some spe<:ics. Ihe epinephrine-secreting cells of
back conlrQl 01'<" PNMT aCli. ily (144). Ihe adrenal medulla are closer to the blood vessels
GluCOC<lrtiooids are major of the enzyme Ihan the cells tha t release N (144).
(29). ACTH restore the in hypophy- Antibod ies direcled again$l the en7.yme are us<d for 10-
since it causes the adrena! cor· calizalion of the .ile. of E biosynlhesis within lhe brain.
to send very large quantities of stcl"Qids to tbe T he E conlcnl of specific rtgion$ par3I1e1$ Ihe .. ain ing r<::-

, ",
?" I
I ',/ I ""
'" '" '"00

" " OCM'

(I. Y 76:)35)

'j' "M
" '"M ?"
'"'" 64139
'" LY 1340'6

H H /H
?" "- C_C_N

"" lV 87 ' 30
"M M
Fig. 8-6. PNMT Onnleit"....

action$, and it can b< selecli,ely lowered "'ilh PNMT in- DBH. adenine nucleotides. ions. granule proteins
hibitors Ihal have OQ discernible dree"o" the N .OOOOn- (chromogranins) and other soluble substances pres-
tration; ($9) (FiB. g.8). cnl in secretory granules are discharged along with
Observation. lhal SKF 7698 rMuttl blood the CAs. but insolu ble chromomembrins and cyto-
pressure .. it lowe .... E "ithin lbe medulla have been cited
plasmic enzymes are nOI (I 37). The evacuated gran-
.. evidence ror .ok. of Ihis amine in 'he cenlral regula.
tioo of cardiovascular function. (12). It may inhibit N ulc., tu m.... '
,elease (2SI. of the molc<:ules are destroyed, but $Orne are
The cells may be equipped with several kinds of
Secret!on 01 the Catecholamlnes spox:ialir.<:d receptors and feedback control mecha-
Acetylcholine from the splanchnic nerves provide, nisms. When histamine, serotonin, angiotensin. glu_
Ihc major slimu lus for the cells of the adrenal me. cagon, and other stimulants promote release. loss of
dulla. The neurotransmitter promote, dcpolarizali"" sen.itivity to anyone of them is oot consiSlcmly a.-
of the cell membranes. and Ihi. is associated with sociated with chang,," in responsiveness to
increased uptake of calcium ion. from the s urrourt<!- The responsivity Can undergo modifications during
ing fluids. Other agents that depolarir.<: (e.g. potas- maturation. Thus. for example. fetal celts are di-
sium ions) can also stimulate release. but depolari- rectly stimulated by hypoxia. whereas adult cells are
rotion (by whatever means) is !lOt effective when only indirectly affected .
cells are bathed in calcium_free Auid._ The calcium PG. are believed to C<)nfer protection against over-
iollS have been implicated in ""eml processes. in- stimulation by limiting Ca" uptake . Acet}'lcholine
cluding the fusion of granule membranes with the accelerates PG gencration. and exogenous PG. op-
plasma membranes (41). (See discussion of synexin pose the effect. of both acetylcholine and nerve
in Chapter 3.) stimulation.
The effects of acetylcholine have been linked with
generation of cyclic nucleotides, activation of protein
kinases. art<! phosphoryl at ions of plasma membrane
components (16) .
The quantities of CAs released are determi ned by
both the numbec5 of fibec5 activa ted and the fre_ There are also adapti"e mechanisms for mhallu"
quencies of the firings. They Can be lOO-fold greatcr mem of responses to chronic stimulation that supple-
Ihan the basal amounts following strong stimulation. ment the described inAuences on enl.yme synthesis.
As is the case with most cells that engage in exocy- Repeated bouts of fighting promote enlargement of
losis_ total depletion of granules does nO! occur. the adrenal glands of experimental and rc-
peated "psycho;.wcial stimulation" Iuds to elevation seem to elicil elevation$ of blood E levels in a ll per·
of tM choline acetyltransrel"lse activi ty ( S1). $Oft/Ility lypes. whereas ones eallin, for physical ef·
fon the N conc:cntrations (26). It Iw also been
Relatlve Quanlltie. 01 N and E Releaeed l lil ted lbat individual!; ,,'100 se<:rcte bi&hcr E per·
centagc5 when required to perform mernal tasks that
1\$ aln:ady noted. tenain kinds of "imuli (e.g. hy- ha.e 00 strong emotional auocia tioru work mOre ef·
pOglycemia. hypoxia. and psychic mes.s) promote ficiently. Stress diseharges mort: DA tha n N Or E
prefere ntia l rtlease of E. wllen:as othcrs (sucb as hy. (11· 11).
potension) evokc mostly N secretion . Spe<.:ifiei ty de-
pends 00 the dicnccphalic innervation (11·8). and on
se lective rtiease of CRI! , TRH . SS. and FOR
OIMr pc:ptides(A-l).
CAs Cln be: synthesilCd in different \OJ.YS from II'"
OEVELOPMENTALOHANGES fOIine and phenylala mine. Some of the intermroi_
I tes in the bioc he mical pathway an: "false trans mit.
fe tuses of many spe<.:i.. (ine:luding humans) put out ters". They an: ta ken up by t he kCretOTy granules.
norepinephrine: exclusively. The amine n:leased from and they are discharged whe n the cells are lI imu.
the developing adrena l medull a has been implicated Ialed. However. when they bind to ell receptors.
in the regula tion of blood pressure up to the time they arc either incffc<:tive or less poIent than the
when sympathet ic nerves develop suAic iemly to major e lls. can further depress sympathetic
ow: r the function. II gr.IduII ine:n:ase in E produc- system funetions by inhibitin, TH .
tion ao;eompanics ma turation in many of the
T'ltam in.
Tyramine is formro by deamination oftYfOIine. It is
consistently found in low concen tra tions in the cau-
The N;E ratios vary widel y. and dilTcrenc:cs in ab- da te nucleus. hypothalamus. and othe r pans of the
qu antities reieased may be ew:n gr.ater ( 140). brain, and in the spinal o;on!. T he heart. kidneys, and
Two ,enera liza tions 11..·• been made. but Iller. arc small blood vessels also conta in minute quantities.
exceptions to both; (a) Animals high on tlte evolu- It can be: synthesized in the intestine. a nd it is a
tionary Kale tend to put OtIt more ep-inc:phrine; and o;omponent of chocolate. some e heeses. red wines.
(b) Qmi .-ores and all8reuive animals put OUt and It is usually rapidly degraded. btlt it can
N than the more timid herbivora.. Thus. lions se- a«umula. e in individua 1s with mmbolie defects
lOme SS% of their adrcnomedulla ry CAs as and in those ta ki.., rnonoIImine oxidase inhibitors.
norepinep/lrinc:. " 'he reas the values for rabbits.. Although tyramine is ta ken up by sympathelic
guinea pip. and hams!e ", are in the :N,- I I % range. nerve endings and incorporated into secretory vesi.
Diffen:nees in uperimenta l eondi1ions may account cles, it does not qualify as a false ttlnsmiucr because
for $Orne conflicting data in the literature. it is not disc harged when the neurons arc stim ulated.
The very large amounts or N reieased by chickens and it docs not act on postsynaptic receptors. It is.
wuld be explained on the basis of the 1\"'1 general_ howe'Cr. biologically polent. since it displacei N. Its
iution. Some popular rootions o;onceming the per- e ffoxts arc a bolished by agents 1hat deplete C As. and
$Ona litles or those birds are dilflCult 10 reconcile with e.u8lera1ed by oocs that slow N degradation (16,
the K<OJId idea. On the ot her hard. lhose who have 95 ). Tyramine also serves as a precursor of pheny_
worked "'ilh chickens do oot fird them esp:cially Ieth)'lamine and ocu"",mine (w hich I n: f.l<;I: trans-
passive. Wha les have the hi,hcsl known N percent- mine rs). and it can be: made into dopamine ( Fl!. 3-
ages (d ose to 88'1». perhap!l beause of the need for 9).
some to survive in cold wate rs.
Phenyl e th'll e m lne ( PE )
INDIVIDUAL VARIATIONS AMONG HUMANS The concen trations of PE in normal b".in arc similar
h has s uggested that persons rc$p<.>nd ing to 10 those of enkephalins. Phenylalanine is the major
st1"CS5 with aggression put O1It relalively mon: N. precur$(ll", and PE accumulation in individuals with
whereas those who become a nxiou$ or fearful are E PKU bat been implicated as a cause or menta l n:.
se<:rclOl"$ (89). The CA o;onccntrations in blood and lardation. motor impainnents. and be:1IavWf"a1 dis-
urine do DOt $ubsw.ntiate the conc:cpt. but such mea- orders (107).
sun:mentS teilliule of tht brain leW:ls. In humans.. When injec ted into Ini .... " prWul04 with m<>n<>-
anxietY'pl"O>'okin g and generally unpleasant stimuli ImiM o_idlse PE eticiu ..I"crated Iocx>m<>
e ... ... ND RE ..... TED REGU ..... TORS

Tyro ...... _._ _ _ _ __ PhenVI.I.";"" _ _ __ •

H H 'H



H H /CH,
"0 C-C-N
H H 'H



Fig. O.g. PalllwAy' leading 10 formalion of '"f.f..

Iransminea, '"

tor activity and ' tcre«ypic behavior of tbe kind $CCn It is a major neurolransmiller in lobsters. crabs,
foliowing adminimalion of thc chemically related grasshoppers. and cenain olher animals. No phys-
amphetaminC$. iological rolcs have been established for venebratcs
T he etrect' are anribuled to direct binding of PE to (in which it qualifies as a False transmitter).
DA and to stimulatiOn or DA release,
It is possible that the ,mali amounts of PE generated
serve as neur<)modulators, and that they .et on special.
ized recepto,.. of their OWn. Retated Amlnes
Oct<>pamine can be methylated to r",m sy...pItTi.... an-
Oetopamlne otbe, fatse lran,mille'. A S<C<lnd m<thylalion yidds epi.
nephrirl<:. and. thir<!.
Octopamine is another constituent of normal brain Ep;n;ne i •• rnQr>I)methytated derivative of DA. and it
a nd is additionally found in the hean and in Ihe pi· ...,ts DA·like actions. It can be metabolized to E and to
neal, adrenal. and salivary glands. N-met hy lc pineph'i nc .
CATECHOLA MINE METABO LISM Most of Ihe agen15 exert numerous side..::ffects,
The effeeu of both acute stimul31ioco or tile sympa- Bennropinc mimics some actions of acetylcholine
lhetie nem:s and inua\'(C1!OUS injcclioco of CAs are of and also hu some and antihistaminie
s hort duntion, because the amines In: vt"ry rapidly propenies. Cocaine is a loca l ancslhetic. Amphet_
from the vidnity of the Tl:CCplOfS. CAs amines a nd ccnain OI hen I re mo_mine ""ida..
taken up by nerve terminals can be incorporaled inlo inhibitors.
synaplic vesicles and reeyelOO. MoIeeulCli Ihat enler Transfers from the axoplasm to the syna ptic Ve$"-
the axoplasm but are nOl $Cquestercd in way ides also require energy, However. they are driven
(and those Ihal ka l from the vesicles) unde rgo en- by a Ca'- / Mg"_A TPase und the rates arc affected
degradation. CAslhal circulate in the blood by ehanlcs in e xt racellular Ca " and Ma" (but not
ud CAs that a re taken up by other cell types are K · orN. ' ).
actOO on by different enz)·mes. CAt taken up by vesidesan: protected against en-
zymatic de,radatioco. Agenls (hal the rcgu.
talon 10 enler Ihe uopbsm bUI block vesicle uptake
Upt.k . bri", a bou t depletion. Reserpine is especially potenl.
CA uplake by neurons on be dis(inaulshed in scv- since il sains access to the adrenal medulla and
eral ways from the relatOO in OIher cell brain and is Iong-aeting. ( It also affects other pro-
Iypes. ceS$(:s, e.l, seroton in entry into Iranuies.)
Uplakt J is Iransport from eXlTaceliulM nuids to Uplokt ] is by 5nl00lll musde. cardiac
axoplasm. It requires AT P ene rgy •• nd;t is impaired SlIlivary glands. ki dneys. and OIher nOn·ncu·
by metabolic poiS<.>m and inhibilon of Na- / K'- rons. The syslem preferenlially .lfcel5 E.
ATPase (e.g. ouabain). The ralC is 1 1110 atreclOO by Uptake 2 inhibitors include prcnylaminc and a va_
brae changes in utnccllubr 1"a ' .nd K - . riety of naturally occurrin, 5u bstanca s""h as me-
tancpltrinc and oormetnnephrinc. Estradiol, u::stos-
In .... m ....l .. tIM: n<uronat .... mbra ... ")'I'om teronc:. and corticosterone can 100a ily bioek the:
e.I;'Uy trampons N (b.1I likes up some E). 8yconuI". tramper' when presented in thai arc
llIe neurons 01" (roes (in E il llIe major Iympalhetic hialler Ihan the oocs usually found in the circulation
IrallSmilur) E wilh ,rc.ler .mekn<:y. but inadequate fer exerting influences on upta ke I.
Metaraminol (Fia. g·IO) is a "pump" inhibitor DOC is quilc e ffcctive. wherea s dielhylstilbestrol
that competcs with tile CM and thereby devates the (which interacl5 slTOngly with c.trosen = ptors) is
peripheral N il i. effeclivt" f. r less potent. Phenoxyben7.amine has ,realer ef·
when laken orally. is resiStanl to degradation. a nd f«1S on uptake 2 lhan On IIptake I.
canno)l ero5lllbc blood-brain barrkr. il is used in the CAt ta ken into 100sc ttlls an: npidly degraded by
trealment of hypotension. Amphetamine, ephedrine, enzymes. The livt"r also conjupte5 the
and axaine.n: among the a,enu lilat do cross the CAs and their metaboli u:s with l utrale and glu-
barrier and ilimulate the centl1l.l nervous system cul"OlUtte. Small quanti ties of N and to oonjupte5 can
(16,33) . be found in Ihe blood, and laraer ones in the
The "tricyclic antideprcmlnls" are powerful UrIne, Circ ulating DA is 95-99% conj"p ted (A.
pu mp inhibilors Ihat act en the brain, Some{e, g. im_ I I).
ipramine). howevcr. are mon: potent for inhibitin,
$Crotonin than 1" uplake. Phenoxybl:nznminc. DCI. C.I.ehol-o· Melhyllr.n.,.r •••• ( COMT.)
and Olher receptor blockers already described are
weak inhibilors. These eytO$Olic al)-wprotdn are abundant
is an especially Itroog inhibitor of in brain. and kidney. but a re . 1so found in a
DI\ uptake that affccts the extrapyramidal neurons.. wide varkty of OIher structures (includ in, intClline,
Amphetamine and cocaine also inlerfen: with DA Iplcen, skin, blood VCS$CI walls. erythrocytes. adipose
uptake. lisne. $.II!ivary glands. piluitary ,lands. and periph-
eral nerves). They inactivate CAs injected inlo Ihe
bloodstream and somc of the molecules rcleased at
synapses (6).
CO MTs catalyze tile transfer 01" methyl groups
from S-adeoos)"lmethionine to E. N. and 01\. "The
prodLIC15 of lhe reactions an: mel.nephrine. 001"-
meta ... pbri"". and l-methoxy-DA. The

...... - enzymes a lso act on deamination melabolites of

lhoic CAs. a nd on catechol esll'Ot!ens 10 form 2_ and

C- O-C- C-C - N
"o HC-C-CH
o ....-CH,
;/' C-C-N
Ii H.../ / I H
C - C- N
....-CH.! - "
..... 11
,", , ",

C - OCH.
l Cocair>o

\" I " "
flC - " "

HC-C -
H 'H
I-fC-C -
H 'Cli.
Amilri pt)'lirle

A. A(I(lnts tlIOCI<ing CA I<ans.port across """,onal .... s


-o - CH ,

\ , ",

COMT inhibitor> include pyrogallol. acetamide. The inhibition somewhat prolongs the actions of
guanethidine:. bretylium. and some tropalone and injected E. but the catCl:holamines are eventually de-
papaverine derivatives. AU have additional effects. graded by ami ne oxidases.
Conisol inhibition may be physiologically imponant.

{7 "
HC-C-N /" {7 " II "
C- N- C-CH,

" '" " ce,"

" Acelamide
ce, "" e,


Monoam ine
H,c ....O

( MAOs)
"" pap3'Orirle

absent from erythrocytes 11301). There a,.., con tro-

versies concerning whether all are mitochondrial;
Although the MAOs on the Oilier mitochondrial and associations with endoplasmic reticulum have
membrane. of neuron. have reeei",d the rrtO$t atten· been suggested. Within the nerYOu' 'ystem, MAO,
tion. the quanti ties of such distributed to arc fQund in glial cells as well as in axOn endings and
other parts of the body exceed those of the ncrv<lUs dendrites.
system. MAOs have been identified in all glarKIs MAOs catalyze oxidati,'e dcaminat;ons. The
studied to date. including both the adrenal concx prod ucts are aldehydes. mOSt of which a,.., subse-
and medulla. Salivary glands a"" an e<pecially rich quently further oxidi7..d to acids or reduced to
source. T he enzymes are abundant in liver. kidney, alcohols , 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-glycoaldchyde is
smooth and cardiac muscle. fibrous connective tis- formed when MAO. act On either N Or E. It is con-
sues. bone, and blood platelets (but they seem to be vened peripherally to 3,4-dihydroxymandclie acid.

"o "
H /H
H H .... H ,
NOREPINEPHR INE 3.' _<j;hy<jro.ypnenyt_ EP INEPHR IN E



____ ..
C - C-N
-"CH ,
......... H


3,4.Dihydf<l<ymandelic ocid _ _ _" '' ' ' ' -_ _ ._ "





H _ H,c,
C-CClCl'" _ • °

Fill. 8· " . Formation of m..... Uf;"ary ",.,.bo!;!e8 01

ptoriptler., N. E. and D.o.. (Conjugates .... not tOOwn.)

add is acted upon by sequently undergo oxidative dcamination ( 117) (Fig.

COMT to yield vaniliylmandclic aci d (VMA. 3· g·ll) .
methoxy, 4·hydroxymandelic acid). This is the SQmewhal different pathways predominate in the
major urinary metabolite of both Nand E. It is alSQ central nervoos system (Figs. &'12 and 8·13). Alde-
formed when COMT acts first and the prod ucts sub- hydes formed in reactions catalyzed by MAO. are
3 .• ·00000000fO<ymandel;" 3.••
oed (OOMA.. DM"') (OOPEG) <6

3.•. o;I1Yd'O'TCO;Ok\eh Yde ..



;P 3.M('li"oo")'.'-hytlro"l'Q1yc<>aIdeItyde .MAO Norm".n"pl'.-ine

3-MctflQ,y, "i>yd'o,ym .<"Idel;" MH PG - 3· McthO"l'. HlytlfO<yp/>(myl·
acd (VI.'.AI elhylglyCOllMOPEG)


Fig. 8· 12.
Mojor pathways 10< degradat;oo Of E aoo N in
"""".1 system.

OOPA • 3.O-Metnyt.DQPA

DOP!MINE ___ "'OMO!''--____'_ 3-0-Melhyl.DOPAM INE

13' Mel hOxytYfamine I

"'0 ""
--,, , , ",<,,-._,",,,,,,.1.:'0",,","_

Oihydro<ypheny1aootic acid

HVA'Su!l ate

Fig. 8· 13. Mojo< palhways 10< degradatiOn 0 1 OA in the

"""ir.' Mr.""s I Yltem.
mostly to alcohol., sin"" aldehyde reduc_ clorgyline, harmine, and harmaline are effeclive in-
ta,e. are mOre active than Ihc dehydrogenascs. hibitors thai elevate both Nand serolonin level,
(Fig. 8·14).
Type B predominates in dopaminergic neuron,. It
ISOZYMES (33, 95 )
aclS mOre effcclivciyon phcnylcthylaminc than does
A" predominates in sympathetic nerve end- thc A lype: , but it has liule influence On serotonin.
ings a nd in Ihc superior cervical ganglia . It is also (Dopamine, tyramine. and tryptamine can. however,
present in seroloninergic ncuronS. The preferential SCrve as substrates ror both of the iso7.ymcs.) Di·
substrates are N and serotonin . Ethyltryptaminc, prenyl is an especiall y polent inhibitor.

H H K /OH,
O-C-C -C- N
" ' ' ' ,_ _ C- H
C- N"H

'" " """,



"'" ',";-v"",/'0P
CI-I, 1-1


Depo-e"l'1 Ipron;azid
H H 1-1 ,...-H

I C-C-N - N


4-°1-1 H H H H H -

I Nialamide

Flg.8-14. Monoami.. o.;cJe.. WIibiIors.

A different inhibitor, catron acts directly On smooth muscle and endocrine cells
has been usC<! to study pineal gland that are responsive to CA! ,
en,.ymes. since it affects parenchymal but OOt the $erOtoni n-synthesi,,ing neurons within the central
ncuronal nerliOUs system are concentrated in the raphe and re-
Moot other MAO antagonists affect both A and B ticular regions of the brain stem, but the axons pro-
iSO,.ymcs. The antidepressants increase brain levels ject extensively to other regions. These inelude the
of DA. N. E. and serotonin. and their interference cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum. and the spinal
with the usual metabolic pathways leads to the ae- cord , Concentrations within parts of the bypothala-
mulation of false transmillers. They exen other ef- muS are also high (25), and the amine plays impor-
fects as weU, For example. I110St disrupt Or delay tant roles in the regulation of pitUitary hormone se-
transmission in the sympathetic ganglia and a com- cretion (136). It is implicated in promoting prolactin
mon consequence is orthostatic hypotension. How· release in response to a suckling stimulus (31), and
in the presence of tyramine. they can elevate it affects the secretions of growth bormone. ACTH .
the blood pressure. The h}'drozine derivatives arc TSH. and gonadotropin•.
also hepatotoxic. They prolong or exacerbate the in. Serotonin is a major regulator of circadian
Ouenees of a wide variety of pharmacological and rhythms (48). and many obserllations are wnsistent
naturaUy occurring agenu. with roles in facilitating relaxation and slecp onset .
It coexists with 1'1 in the suprachiasmatic nuclei. and
it mostly <lPPOSCS Ihe actions of N. 5-HT is also the
ADDITIONAL MECHANISMS FOR precursor of melatonin and other indoleamines se-
PHARMACOLOGICAL MANIPULATION OF creted by the pineal gland. The pineal is located
THE CA SYSTEM within the brain. but the activities of several of its
Acetylcholincsterase inhibitors such as physostig- Cntymes arc controlled by the postganglionic neu-
mine prolong and acetylcholine actions rons of Ihe cervical sympathetic ganglia.
at ali target sites (neuromuscular junctions of skel-
Labeled .ntibodie. direcled against tryptophan hy_
etal muscle. autonomic ganglia. a nd parasympa- (Ihe rale.limiting e"'-yme for synthe,i. )
thetic sy1tem target organs), Inlow concentrations. have been used to the .ite. of .. rOlonin formation
atropine blocks mostly the parasympatbetic (mus- in the brain , The neurons can be deSlroyed with neuro-
carinic) effects. but in hill her Ones it also acts at the t""i,. '" ch a. 5.(,.(Iihydro,ytrypumino (5.6-DHT) and
ganglia . Pilocarpine is an example of a muscarinic 6.7-DHl'. which are taken up by axOn cndings (Fig. 8-
agonist. It affects One component of neural control IS). It is are oxidized 10 metal>--
Over the adrenal medulla and tends to increase epi- olite> tha! directly mediate the de.truction (95). Para-
nephrine secretion . Hexamethonium is a ganglionic ohloroamphetamino (PCA) is also taken up. The mech_
blocker that affects both parasympathetic and sym- anism. "' it deplete. serPlonin are only partially
functions and reduees the N release from unde"tood. Somt inhibilion of tryptophan hydroxyta,. i.
the adrenal medulla , Guanethidine and bretylium
interfere with postganglionic transmission in the Approximately 98% of total 5_HT is found outside
sympathetic s}'stem and therefore the release of N tbe central nervous system. The blood platelets and
from sympathetic nerve endings. Enkephalins arc gaSlroimcstinal tract account for around 95%. and
implicated in presynaptic inhibition of the choliner- serotonin is a component of both central and periph_
gic neurons of sympathetic ganglia. Naloxone. an eral mast ceUs. Smaller amountS are found in many
opioid receptor antagonis!. overcomes the inhibition endocrine and exocrine glands. induding the thy-
(78). roid. the pancreatic and the salivary glands.
Enterochromaffin cells of the gaStrointestinal tract
make substantial amounts. Serotonin is <H)W known
to be identical with a regulator initially called enter-
S<:rotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine. 5-HD interacts amine that is released from the «lis. It stimulates
with the catecholamine system in many ways. It can the contraction of intestinal smooth muscle and in-
c1icit eA-like responses by displacing N when it i. creases thc tone.
ta ken up by noradrenergic nerlle endings and incor· Blood platelets do not synthesize 5-HT. but they
porated into synaptic vesicles (!O5). and when it it up from the cells of the gut and they StOre il.
competes with N as a substrate for monoamine They release it when small breaks appear in the
dases . Howe>'er. although it is released in response blood vessels. and the consequent stimulation of the
to stress. most of its influen""s oppose those of the smooth muscle of the vaseular system contributes to
sympathetic system. Some serotoninergic neurons hemostasis. 5-HT also has limited platelet-aggrega-
tonically inhibit adrenergic ones. 5_HT modulates ting polency. The term v(JSOlonin was initially used
acetylcholine rclease in sympathetic ganglia. and iI for the serotonin released by the platelets.

H H ..... H
H H 'H

'" "'-V"-,

I /H
, "

o" 0 Nfl>
, .... ?' C-N-C-C-C - O><
H ,1 H H

Bensenuide "
Fig. 8·15. Some agMI. 1....1 inI"",,", wilh _"'onin

Effe<:ts on Ihe vascular system vary with location Biosynthesis

and physiological Acute responses differ from
The formation of serotonin from tryptophan and the
delayed ones, 'and species differ<:nces haY<: also
use of the product to make pineal gland hormones
enCOuntered. The vessels of the lungs. and those of
Were described briefly in Chapter 3 (sec Fig. 3-1).
the renal and mesenteric beds that are dilated by
Since mOSt proteins contain only small amOUnts of
DA, are constricted by 5·HT. Vasodilatioo predom·
tryptophan. the availability of Ihe substrate Can be-
inates in lhe skin. It is attributed mostly to di rect
come rate limiting. This is especially true during cer-
interactions with both histamine and serotonin re-
Utin times of the day. because the plasma concentra·
ceptors. but 5·HT also decreases N release and in-
tions of Ihe amino acid undergo marked circadian
vokes reflues. In common with histamine. it causes variat ions tl1al arc with feeding. hcpatocyte,
itching sensations. glucocorticoid. and insulin rhythms (47).
The most obvious effe<:ts on the hean are me-
diate<! via chemoreceptors and baroreccptors of the Since 5-HT has betn implicaled .. . physiological me-
respiratory and cardiovascular s)'Stems. Vagal stirn. dialor of rclaxal ion .I«p. il hU been recommendod
ulation and sympathetic inhibilion can be of suffi- Ihat iruomniacs lake tryptophan-rich food. and avoid
cient severily to markedly dep"'ss the m}'OCardium. carbohydratcs_ augmenl inlulin relea.., and
However, 5·HT also "'leases N locally, and direct the..,by diverl amino acids from blood to skeletal mu""le
influences on isolated heans are mostly stimulatory. and alh.r li».e,). A problem w;lh Ihe lIO\;on i.lhatlryl'"
Effects on peripj,eral glands include inhibition tophan·rich food. and the very act of eating provide p<>-
lent <l imuli for lho bota coli, of th. ptnert.lie ;,lel'.
of insulin. gastrin. and HCI secrelion. Additional
targets arc the parafollicular cells of the thyroid Tryptophan is actively transported into Ihe sere-
and the MSH.secreling oneS of the pars imermedia tonin.synlhcsizing u:U •. Phenylalanine and tyrosine
(42). compete for the carrier, and high concentrations of
those amino adds interfere with tryptophan uptake. ylase. The enzyme closely rescmbles (and mayevcn
Thcy can therefore exacerbate the effects of trypu>- be idenlical with) DOPA decarboxylase. High COn-
phan deficiency. centrations of 5-HTP inhibit Ihe decarboxylation of
both substra tes. but agents such as benscrazidc more
Tryptophan defioiency has been observed to lo"'er Ihe
brain 5-HT tevol, of rats and imp,ir their ,bitit), '0 run obviously impair DOPA metabolism.
maze •. The effects can be reversed by uypt<>phan .dmin- Tryptophan can be decarboxyla\ed to tryptamine.
i'tration (lOS). On 'he "'her hand, although pationlS with Thai metabolite is formed in excessive quantities
PKU have .ubnormal <:<lncentralion, of and ilS when either tryptophan hydroxlasc or monoamine
metaboli'o< in 'heir btood and urine. tryptophan feedinll oxidase activity is low, Tryptamine can take up
uaccrba,e, the symptom,. In the .. individuals. phenyl- methyl groups from S-adenosylmethione. One prod-
alanine acc umula'ion probably lead, '0 direc, inhibi'ion uct of the ruclions is which is
or trypt<>phan hydroxyl..c. Phenylalanine r..uietion i, a pOtent hallucinogen. It nas been suggesled thai di_, at loast in part beoau$<: it ""torts ,he en',yme melhyltryptamine contributes to Ihc symplOnts of
function •. mental illness in some patients (75). but Ihere is no
conclusive proof that its levels in blood or cerebro-
Trypto pha n Hydro xylase spinal Huid arC ekvated.
This enzyme catalyzes the conversion of tryplophan
to 5_hydroxytryptophn (5-HTP) , The reaclion. Sero tonin St o rage
which is sim ilar to the one dC!;cribed for tyrosine hy-
droxylase. utilizes molecular oxygen and requires a Studies with labeled 5-HT suggest that serotonin
pteridine cofactor. When the substrate levels are ad- takcn up by synaptic vesicles of unslimulated neu-
equate, this stcp becomes ratc limiting. rons can be stored for extended time periods. How-
ever. different kinds of data are consistent wilh IOlal
High oxygen tensions accelerate ,erotonin ,ynth •• i. in turnover of body 5-HT cvery 24 hours.
vilro, and .nimal. breathing pure nta ke I.rger Axonal upta ke of previously released 5_HT is ac-
amounts than controls, On th. oth.r hand .• nimal. living complished by processes resembling the ones de-
at high altitude. do not .. em to exporience serious
scribed ror CAs. It is similarly depressed by ouabain
difficulti •• ,
and metabolic poisons thai interrere with ATP syn-
normally contain tryptophan hydrox· thesis. Some differences in responses to "pump" in_
ylase lhan thcy nct:d, and they maintain scrotonin hibitors have been described (Fig. 8-16). Whereas
reserves that are large compared with the re\e(1)e imipramine is equipotent for transport of Nand 5-
rates. The organism a whole is therehy prOlected HT, desipramine aCls preferentially on N. Nortrip.
against i"termillent depression of the cireulating tiline and clomipramine more effectively block se-
tryptophan concentrations, rotonin uptake, and fiuoxetine is said to be "spoeific"
Chronic nerve stimulation increases enzyme syn- for serotonin.
thesis. hut dovcnervation only slightly diminishes it Reserpine and tetrabenazine block 5-HT uptake
(95) . Neither 3·HT nor 5-HTP seemS to exert neg- into synaptic vesicles, Sine.: amine retained in the
ative feedback control. and no effects of thyroid or axoplasm is rapidly degraded, these agents slowly
glucocorticoid hormone \evels have been found. deplete the body of serotonin as well as
Agents thai retard tryptophan uplakc usually de- catccholamine,.
Crease the activity of the enzyme. Lithium. wnieh
accelerates uptake. transiently increases il; but ils
Metab Oli s m
long_range effects are opposite in direction.
concenlrations of phenylalanine dire.:tly in- MAOs catalyze oxidativc dcamination , Most of the
hibit the enzyme. Parachlorophcnylalanine (PCPi\). 5-hydroxyindole-llcctaldehyde thai is formed is soon
e.:rtain other phenylalanine analogs. and propylacc- oxidized to 5-OII -indo1c-llcetic acid (5-HIAA). but
lamide exert cffe.:ts that can be OVerCOme only by small amounts arc reduced in the central nervous
synthesizing neW en1.yme molecules, These agents 'ystem to 5-0H -tryptophol (Fig. 8-17).
addilionally act on phenylalanine hydroxylase,
The MAO. of neurons .re mostly of the
whereas 6-fluorotryp\ophan is specific for trypto- A t)'po. Thcy are inhibited by dot"·
phan hydroxylase, gyline. harmaline. and the "broad .poctrum" agents .ueh
as "an)'lcypromine, Since deprenyl preferentially acts on
HTP Dec arb o xylase B typo MAO, it has linle inHuenee on strot""in level.
when it alone i. given. However, when 1\ typo enzyme.
5-HTP is immediately converted to serotonin, since are tota lly inactivated. some effects can be demonstrated.
the cells contain large quanlilies of HTP decarbox- This i, explained by the prestnec of B 'ype e.,yme in

\ '" h-
I '"h-
HC -
/CH, "
H H H "CH,

" . Floo. etine

I '"
I '"
,", -0I
I "


H "H
C. Nonryptyhnc
D. Fenllu,,,,,,""

Flg. 8-UI. Some "","';t"". of _01"","", uptake aero ..

-""""I pia""" membtane. (". B. 00(1 C) . Fenfll.ff1Im'"
(OJ inh ib its uplllke into ",,,,,ali/> grenut••.

neuroglial cell •. and tho or 5· HT by noradfcncrgic Tit< """,ibility thai nutrilion.1 'CC<>llnt for
axon,. defective tryptophan metaboli.m ,",'; lh",,, ""cessar;ly
l:lram $ultatU<$ .alalzy" tormallon 01 "'rOton,n eau''"g lh •• ymptoms. ha, nol been ,,...,,ed.
,ulfale e"e .., The", a", "an'ported oul of Ih. brain neu-
ron •. alont with 5_H IAA. Probenecid non.!'<eifically Serotonin thai enters Ihe blood is taken up by Ihc
'lows the transport of these and othe, acidic maleculei. liver and by pulmonary endothelium. MAOs. alde-
hyde rcduclasc., and aldehyde dehydrogena$<s cal-
aly'-" reaclions of Ih. kinds described for ncuron•.
There art some interesting inlCr.letions wilh <thyl al·
"" N- S-O cohol, When large quanlitie, are inge"ed, more trypte-
phol and less 5-H IAA are made. Thi, h., been ",ribuled
" "/ 0II
H,c - C-C to suo."31e competili"" for Ihe dehydfOjlena"" in liver
(but nol in b.. in) (3)) . On the other hand. infusion of
" " Probene<;id minute amounts of ethyl alcohol into the brdil13 of ralS
invokes . dose-depondenl "craving" for .Ieol\ollha. can
N·a«tyhransfefa,o. (NAT,) catalY7.c coo.e .. i"" of
be relieved wilh PC PA (lOS),
.erlon;n to N... cetyl"rQt",,;n. Small quantiti .. of tit<
tabolite art found in the ce rebellum and other parts of
Ihe brain. Serotonin Metab ollam in t he Plnaal Gland
As its name ' UU.. ts. bufolenin WI. firsl identified in
amphibian . kin. 11 i. a melhylat<d derivative of The pineal gland i. a major ",gula\or of endocrine,
that may be made in vcry .mall amount. by mammalian loromolor. and sleep-waking cyele, (see Chaplcr
b,ains. hs phosphate ."ef. ps;locybin. is a mu.hroom poi· 20), and it may also play roles in hibernalion (142).
son. Bolh are POlenl hallucinogen, ,uspocled of inl'Oki", AI least some of its functions are medialed by hor_
Iheir effects b)' acti", on ,erot""in re«ptors, mones made from tryptophan.
Bolstered by thal lit< uri"". of some p.- Large quantities of "roIonin arc synlhesized
lien .. diagnosed as .... hi'ophrenie·· contain .mall quan'
litie. of bufOienin. whilo their cerebrospinal fluid, have along metabolic pathways identical with Ihe one de-
$uboormal 5-H1AA concent""ions.;t ha. been propooed .. ribed for serOlonine'gic neuron •. Some 5-HT gocs
Ihal the ill"" .. re.ults from deranged tryptophan "",,,b- to S-I·I IAA. but mOre i. converted to N-acelylscro-
oIism and the con>equent accumulalion of meth),laled $<. tonin. especially during the hours of darkFICss. Thc
rotonin metabol ites Howev.r, such patienlS often product is Ihen acted upon by hydroxyindole·O-
hav. poor 'ppeliles and lend 10 ",Ie" unbalanced die ... melhyl-transfera.e to yield melaronin (M LT). The
0/ I C-C-N Ii ,..Ii

• H 6 ' H
"'-v""" "
" Tryptophan

_ _ "1_1IiC-C-N
Ii "eli,
It Ii 'eH,



SOf""',.,!,., 0" 1(3 '0 eo

N -Acetyl$!)rotonin


" ""
5·0H·lndoleacebc Acid
"" (5·HlAAl

hormone is released to the blood stream. and it i, 5-mcthoxY·lr}'ptophoL It also OOnvcrlS S·H IAA to 5·
taken up by peripheral organs. Hepa!ic cn"ymcs mcthoxy·indoleacetic acid . ML T. 5-OH-tryptopbol.
convert ML T to 6-OH·ML T. which is excreted inlo and 5-methoxytryplophol afC aU biologically aClive.
lhe urine either directly or after CQnjuga!ion Some has also been
sulfate or glucuronide. identified in pineal gland extracts (122) (Fig. 8-18).
Some of thc serotonin is oxidatively dcamina(cd T he pinealocy\ts ha vc Jl-adrenergic receptors. and
by MAas. A substantial percentage of thc 5.()H. they al"<' innervated by postganglionic fibers from thc
indolc-acclaldcnydc lhus formed i, reduced \0 5- superior e<:rvical ganglia_ DestrUClion of the ganglia
OH-lryploph()l. HIOMT methyla! .. 'Omc of it 10 or severing of Ihc postganglionic fibers aboli'hes thc

..,d..... A<",
__ "·.«'",
""'" ISHIAA)

r --'"OW
" "
C C Oli
I, H- H-


"'ELATON ' "

",c..O J "H
'O:- .-C-C-OH
, , /" H H

"''''0 _'

"" p
, / H CH,

"'."'O,""_So"", O-A«','" ..,.,.., •• .


Fig, 8- 18. FormllliOn Ol mfl18100;0 , 00 rflla"'" l\'IOkICul8 • .

rhythms. It alSQ increases Ihe sensilivity 10 steps Ihal arc blocke<J with protein synthesis inhibi.
nous N (7). tors (1).
Norepinephrine released from the nerve endings In mammals. Ihe pineal gland rhythms are con-
increases the rale of gland uptake of tryplo- trolled by the supraehiasmatic nuclei of the hypo-
phan, the tryptophan activity. and the thalamus. Synchronization with changes in environ-
NAT activity_ The enzyme effects (but nol the up. mental lighting depends upon mClSages that trave l
are evidently acwmpl;she<l in part via activa- from the retina along rctinohypothalamie tracts to
tion of cAMP.dcpendcnl kinases, and Ihey involve the hypothalam ic nuclei (?7). The neuronal path-
ways were described briefly in Chapter 2, and they tent histamine (H,) blocker as welt. Additional
arC considered in greater detail in Chapter 20, smooth muscle response antagonists includ" <>-adre-
Pineal gland functions are modulated by several nergic blockers. such as phcnoxyben7.amine. and
hormones, N increases the numbers of rcceptors for chlorpromazine (which affc<:ts DA receptors). Phen·
eslTadiol , testosterone, progesterone, and prolactin, ylbiguanide and indoleacelamidine are among the
steroids and gonadotropins, in tum, affcct N mOSt potent antagonists at the nerve endings. but
turnover in the superior cervical ganglia, and they they also directly stimu late at those sites (40). Qui·
act in other ways as ",elL For example, estrogens in- zapine may be the drug of choice for opposing effects
crease, whereas progesterone decreascs M LT syn- on Ihe brain (Fig. 8·19).
thesis _ia mechanisms that do not involve interac- Spiperone has been used 10 idcntify the brain reo
tions with catecholamines (29), c<:ptor sites because il bindS wilh very high affinity_
Since it also attaches to OA receptors. it is not uscful
by itself. However. R 43448 is said 10 selectively in·
Serotonin Receptors
terfere with spiperone binding to 5·HT receptors,
Serotonin receptors are even mOre difficult to classify and information on brain sites can be obtained by
than the ones for dopamine, and it is not yet known using the two in combination.
how many types there are, The numerous sites of aC- Much remains to be learned concerning the na·
tion (hrain neurons. peripheral nerves.. peripheral tures of the actions of the various receptor binding
ganglia, smooth muscle. and endocrine cells). the agents_ LSD allaehe. more strongly than serotonin
ability of 5·HT to promote release of acetylcholine. itself to putative hrain 5·HT receptors. and it seems
histamine. CAs. and other regulators. the coexis- to function at times as a weak agonist.
tence of substance P in scroloninergic nerve termi-
nals (69), the many different ways that serotonin
target organs can be affccted. and the nonspecific
natu«:s of the antagonists, all contribute to the con- Histamine is best known for its roles in mediation of
fusion. The peripheral rc<:eptor antagonists enter the inflammatory and allergic reactions (Chapter 6).
brain. and they exert numerous influences. However. and for its ability to stimulate HCI secretion in th.
the effects on the brain do not resemble the conse- stomach. It is released in response to "nonspecific'"
quences of destruction of the known serotoninergic injury Or the presence of certain antige n-antibody
neurons. or of administration of pharmacological complexes.
that impair 5-HT biosynthesis. This amine is widely distributed throughout the
The r«eptors scem to be confined to Ihe cell Sur- body (88). It is especially abundant in the lungs . the
Some of Ihe «:sponses have been linked with intestinal mucosa. and the dermis of the skin. Mast
generation of cyclic nuclcotides and with Ihe phos- celts account for much of the contcnt in thc brain
phorylation of specifIC neuronal proteins (85). Oth· and peripheral tissues . However. there is SOme evi-
ers invol_ing changes in membrane phospholipids. dence for the presence of histamine in vascular en·
Cal' entry. and ion conductances may be cAMP- dothelium and smooth muscle. Circulating hista-
independent_ It is likely that Slrong slimulation of 5- mine is found primarily in the basophilic leukocytes
HT-secreting neurons is associated with some cyctic in most species. but rabbit platelets take up consid·
nucleotide «:Iease in the _itinity of neighboring cells. crable quantities.
and that 5-HT can also "nonspecificaUy" affect In mOSt mammals. the blood vessels display the
membranes of cells that do not have serotonin mosl obvious responses 10 a syslemie injection. Small
receptors. arterioles and capillaries usually dilate. whereas the
Anempts bave been made to classify the periph· venules constrict. The throbbing headaches experi-
eral receptors into ganglionic and postganglionic enced by humans have been attributed 10 hypoten-
types. Morphine is said to block just the ganglionic sion and changes in ce«:bral blood Ilow. Delayed of-
effects, but the "classical'" ganglionic blockers such fe.:ts on the vaseulalure may result from release of
as hexamethonium do not aff«t the «:sponses. CAs.
An alternate suggestion is that the peripheral re- The vessels of the skin dilate. and Hushing is a
ceptors Can be divided into "musculotropic" and usual consequence_ fl inamine also causes itching
"neurotropic" types_ LSD, methysergide, and ROL sensations (pruritis) and skin (urticaria). In·
(BOL·148, bromo-LSD. 2-bromo-N.N-dimethyl-D· tradermal administration leads to the formation of
Iysergide) are among the most effecti_e blockers of wheals because of inc«:ased capillary permeability.
the smooth muscle eff«ts. but they also exert DA. hemostasis. leakage of proteins into the perivascular
like actions. Cyprophcpladine strongly antagonizes spaces. and the osmotic drawing or ",ater.
5-HT slimulation of smooth muscle, but it is a po- The «:sponses of smooth muscle vary widely witb

," , °,

"W , "
, Mcthysergide
, ,
C- CH,
H " II H "C-NH,

0" / ,
: I N- C- N -




F-0 -e-e-e- N NJ
j C

b -
H He ,; F

I H H ---"" N
R 4344S
Fig. 8· 111. S,'''''''''•• ot som<I -"'onin ,,,,,.ptor
... 'allQl>;';t. . (Dark_ pariS of LSD 000 I.'81""...,.it<:UeS
ind;C&I. sitM of similarity with ... rolon;.. )

the localion and wilh the species . They are 31'10 af. (no"',,".', as discussed in Chapter 3. it is now rec-
rected by physiological $tatU$. a nd by some patho- ognized Ihal leukotriene. a rc much more polent
logical cond itions . In guinea pigs, sma ll dCtit$ inyoke stimulants. They are believed to play major roles in
imense bronchoconstriction Ihal can lead to death Ihe elkllogy of Ihe clinical disorder.) Slimulalion <or
rrom asphyxia. In humans who suffer from bronchial Ihe smooth muscle of the gaslroinlcslinal lraCI can
asthma, a small dQ:$c Can precipitate an a\tack. cause cramps. V<lmiling. a nd diarrhea.
The chid and parietal cells of the stomach arc Ihe concentrations accumulalc in Ihe median eminence.
most ,esponsi,-. of the exocrine glands. The influ- and Ihese conlribute to regulation of the secretion of
ences On both hydrochloric acid and enzyme secre· prolactin and other hormones (24). Histamine is also
lion arc enhanced by acetylcholine. and gastrin is es- found in regions involvcd in the control of circadian
pecially potent for augmenting tile He!. However. rhythms (tl\e suprachiasmatic and supraoptic hypo-
SOme .!focl. Can be demonstrated in Ihe absence of thalamic nuclei. the raphe nuclei. and the pincal
those regulators. Small doses of histamine can slim- gland). Low conCentrations are present in the mam-
ulate the salivary. lacrimal. bronchial. pancreatic. millary bodies and in the ventromedial hypothala mic
and intestinal glands. and larger OneS increase bile nuclei.
Heparin coexists wilh histamine in mast celis. Pharmacologic.1 Oan Ix used to determine Ihe
Bmh regulators alfect bone mineralization. and both rel'live conlribulions of ma,1 cell and neuron hi'l.mine
in Ihe bra;n, Polymyx;n Band 48{80 rdea .. hi'lamine
are believed to participate in tissue rcpair. The roles from rna .. colis but not from neurons, ",hereas reserpine
of histamine in ovulation (se<: Chapter 15) may also
seleclively .lfoci. Ih. nerve lerminab. Since ""UTOIlS .yn·
involve interactions with heparin-like mucopoly· thcsin Ihe amine (whore .. rna .. cell. la kc it up from the
saccharides. exl,.".llular fluid,). markeT$ for hi,tidine decarboxylase
Early in life. almost all of Ihe brain histamine Can identif), hi".mincrgic neurons, Some IUfn()V<r Slud-
contained within maSt cells (95). Somewhat latcr, ies ore based on obscrvatioo, Ihat long'lerm .tor.$e ""_
neuron, acquire small amOUntS (25). Fairly high ou" onl}' in Ihe ma,1 cell<.

HC -
" "C_ C
HN ......... ;;::::-N
HN, /- N
Imicl.wle acell<;

3·Melnylhislami .. tll __ "

......-N,C y.-i'I
Imod.a,Oie acetic

"1 c- "
c- CCl()M
...... N......... ;;::::-N
"< 0
N ·>le
aceli<; ac<i

N' - O-C 0'-,/,,,-,, /,0y ' 0 '-.-,C--o-N.

" " "

O - C-C-C-O
" o, "

C,OItlQIVn sod ... ",
(inM'15 hi'13mi"., ,cle • ..,)

H H . H

H H ..... CH,
H 'CH,

H H .... CH.
H,c - o _ f "c-" C-O-C-C-N
IHH .... CH,
" "

H H ....CH.
C- C-C-N
IHH .... CH.


, .... CH, H H H H ....CH,

Fig. 8·21. f'hII,mocological IhIII onlaQOl1i.&

H H , H
C-C - C - N
I H H 'H
I 1/
"" "
C -C-C-N'"
H H 'H
fiN, ",'I
'C r HC."

c", "
2·Mothy1hiotami"" H H /H 2 (2.Thia,oIy1)-ethy1ami""

I """,
/"'" /C-C-N
H H " H

2 (2-PyIidyl)·elhylamine

HN, H H H / CH,
C-S-C -C--C- N
Hli'· H H H ' CH,
4' '''01 hylhi.t.m"", Oim.ptit

HG C- C- C-N

"' ' ,<"

H, Raceptor "110";0"

f ig. 8'22. _ hi.tom'"

action •.

Biosynthesis end Metabolism labeled histidine (95) . Ae<=lylhislamine is formed in

Histamine is in a single step from tlK: some iovenebrales. but it is 1101 known to be a nor·
mal metabolite in venebratcs.
amino acid histidine. via a reaclion catalyzed by hi ...
tidine decarboxylase (Fig. 8·20). The quantities of
histidine in the die! can alfet! the amounts formed
in the central nervous system. sine<: there is a relative
abundanC<' of the enzyme under most conditions. Two types ()f ree<=ptors are recognized. H , receplOts
The d=rboxylasc requ ires a cofactor. are Iocaled on blood vessels and on the smooth mus-
It can be inhibited by hydrazill()-hislidine (whicb is cle of Ihe bronchi()les and gut. They arc mediators
used as an anti-histaminic), and by a-methylhiiti- of vasoconst ricli()n, endothelial cell contraction.
dine (Fig. 8·21). changes in capillary permeabi lity, bronchooonmic-
The major mechanism for inactivation in the tion. and incTUtscs in intestinal motilit y_The effects
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Additional references added in proof will be found on page 893 .


Hormones Regulating Water and

Monovalent Ion Metabolism
Aldosterone and the Renin-Angiotensin System

M;ncral(lcortiooid, an:: hormones lhal I"<'gu- amploihia .... lhe ph llands or """" hi,.,. .ad reptiles.
late the nel transfer of monovalent ions from """ ,ad'lie ,ill. of certain 0I1bo r"heo (16).
fluid oompartmenllo another. In mammals they ael Sodium deprivation. dehydration ....... l.1.oolic aci-
mOSt obviously on the kidneys 10 pr()mOlC sodium dosis, potassium retention. and hypotension all lead
and water conservation and hydroscn and potassium to augmented mineralocortiooid secretion. Most (but
ucrction. They thereby play essential roles in the 1101 all) of the stimuli inV<lh-e Ihe Knin .... ngiotensin
regulation of extracellular and inU"IIc<:lIular fluid vol- sySlem . Aldosterone. in lurn. exerts inhibitory innu·
ume •. systemic blood pressure, and acid-ba5<: bal. ences on that system a nd il additionally a!f«:ls the
arn:c. InnuencCl on the roIon. the salivary Md Iweal secretion of antidiuretic hormone.
glands. and elsewhere oomplemcnt those on RtnirlS are protoolytic enzymes produced spc·
the kIdney p,ll,6Q). Receptors have also been Iden- cialiw:i cells of the kidneys and al Olher .ites. When
tified in Ihe duelS of laclaling mammary glands. in released into the bloodstream, Ihey do:llv. a ngioten'
Ihe pituitary (116). and in the brain. Addi1ional lar- sin I (a dccapcplitk) from a glyoopl"Q1cin substrate
gels may include skeletal mU$Clc. heart. and liver. that is seeTeted by the liver. Angiotensin r nens
Zona glom<:rulolla cctlsoflhe adrenal COfIU make $0/11< diKct actions and it also SCfllCS as the precur-
oldruul'OM. lhe major of Ihe lI'OIIP. Deo.y- _ of the more potent angio/rtlSilf fI (A·II). I n ad-
cortieosler()TII: (DOC) and other hormones of lcucT dition to p romoting aldOl5tcrone secretion. A-II is a
potencies arc ,ynttle$i1ed in bach tile 7.OI\a fascicu- powerful diprogen and vasoconstrictor. It stimulatts
lata and zona g!omerulosa. They can assume spc.;ial the sympathetic neTVOOI $}"Mcm. aCtS both dir-ectly
imponantt under patbolo&iC1Il cooditions. during and indir-ectly on the myocardium. affects sodium
times of acute SIre5$, and when they a. appetite. influences kidney runclions in ways.
sterone p=UI"SOfS. and contributes to the regulation of s«relion of va-
When pRSCnl in high COII«IIIn11ions. pooacster· sopressin, ACTH. prostaglandins. 100
one can impair a ldosterone functions by compeli", honnolles.
with it for '-mone: re«ptOl$. It lICI"Ves as I weak
in aldOliterone def\ciency stales. and il is a lso
oonvefl<:d to in 1M kidney Ind PHYSIOl.OGICAl. FUNCTIONS OF Na ' , K · ,
aoru. (H). AND REl.ATED IONS
Gh.cocollicoids interlct 10 $OI1l<: CAtCnt with 1.1_
dosteronc reccpton ($). and tlley a!fect $&It Ind Dli lrib-ution of SOdium lon,
water metabolism in other ways. AldQliteronc CIOn. in Na' is by fa r the most abundant of the
tum. bind to aluCOCOftic:oid re«pton. Some dfo:cts cations. acooonling For some 90% of the poositivc
of very hiah concentrations Ire attributed to stich charge. Conocnlrations of meq/litcr arc
me;;:hanisms (49). maintained in the Mbul k·· interstitial fluids at>d blood
In .Idoslerone. eoniJO!. plasma despite marked variations in lhe rales of
eonkosto...,nc. Ind rol alC<! .. oroid...."llle ph and dium intake and eXCretion. Sudden changes in
.... t .. I»tlnce by aClinl OIl 1",.1 orp'" Ihl l includo lhe pluma Na' are usually immediately countered by
. kiM of amphibian •• lhe urinary bladdors of .. ptiles and oompcnsatory transfers of ...aler. SO thaI plasma vol·

ume (rather than concentration) is altered. The kid- in Ihe H+ concentr.tion when metabolic
ney conserves water "'hen too :;alt i.< ingeSled, wastes are taken up from Ihe tissues and when . 1·
and it excretes larger than usual amoonu when Ihe kaline foods enler. Sodi um deprivation lowers the
eXlTacellular Na ' COnc<:ntration fans below opti- ralio and invokes a metabolic acidosis thaI can only
mum levels. Animals that are water deprived COm· parlially be compensa ted for by excreting larger
pen:;ate by more sodium (13M). quantities of CO: in the expired air. The xi dney ad·
juS\!; blood pH by vary ing the urinary Na-
Altbouih Ihey deri .. lheir cMotit ue." from the same
H, PO. :Na, HPO. ratios. by absorbing HCO, along
$0\1"""a(ld ha.e Na ' IS the major <cveral .pc.
with Na ' . and by utilizing NH , /Na ' exchanges_
ciali ..d extracellut .. ""mp.rlmenl$ mainlain ..,mowh.t
different ionic composition •. The group include. the 'yn- Sodium loading can invoke metabolic alkalosis
ovial Auid. of the joinu , the aqueous hum<>r of thc cye. under some conditions.
and the .m.n quantiti •• of liquid. found in the bursae. The extracellular Na · concentrations affect the
the e.... ond the perieardial. peritoneal. and pleural metabolism of several OIhcr inorganic ions. Thcy
"spaces." Cerebrospinal fluid Na ' coneenWIlion i. only contribute to thc maintenance of both plasma and
slightly Iow.r than that of plasma. bUI bone ewacellular intracellular Cal< (166). and they affect the renal
fluid has relalively more K ' ond 1= Na ·. excretion of ealcium and of phosphate. &>-
Bones hold approximately 43% of total body <0- dium-<lependen t electrochemical gradicnts within
dium. Moot is extrncc:Uular. and half of it can cx_ the kidney facilita te renal of excessive K' .
change with blood Na. Cartilage and dense fibrous When supranorma l numbers of Na· ions accu·
connective tissue also conside rable quanl ities mulate within the othc r cations are
of exchangeable Na ' . Wea ke ning of skeletal and myocardial muscle has
Sodium is an essential component of all xnown se- been allributed to losses of K ' and Ca", respec·
cretions. including sweat. tears. saliva. bile. and Ihe tively. Intracellular Na ' also d raws
gastric, intestinal. and palll'reat1c juices_ water into the cells.
In contrast with nlracellular levels. Cells utilize Na ' /K ' -flTPases to extrude sodium
Na ' concentrations arc low. An average value for ions and establish resting potentials that maimain ir-
water" is 10 meqjliter. T he high eXlracellu- ritability. Dcpolari7.ations that follow Slimula-
lar:intracellular ralios are maintained via re.triction tion involve rapid inward move menu of Na +, while
of Ihe rales of Na ' uptake acrOSS the plasma mem- repolarizations require somewhat slower Na' extru-
b",nes and th rough the operation of "sodium sions. The aci vities of Ihe "pu mp" .re regula ted by
pumps" that extrude the ions. the Na - : K ' concent ral ion r.tios.
Na ' deficiency symptom s include wea kn=. las-
situde, nausea. anorexia. and vomiting. Muscle
Importance 01 Melntalnlng Appropriate
cramps develop upon exertion. Prolonged deficiency.
El(tracallutar: Intracellular Concentration
and the associa tcd of eXlracd lular fluid
vol ume. c.n impair menial functions and
The extracellular Na' coIII'en trat iom affect the sen- lead to the onset of coma ( 183).
.itivities of vascular smooth muscle cells \0 stim uli
thaI promote vasoconwiction, and they act in olhe r
wayS to affect the systemic blood pressuft. Since Ihe Sodium Balance
ions do nol readily diffusc across the plasma memo The average mixed diet ta ken by human adults in
branes of mOSI eel! types. they also make substantia l urban sellings supplies approximately 3-7 g (130-
contri but ions 10 Ihe pressure of the 300 mcq) of sodium daily. When the kidneys. en-
blood plasma and interstitial Aui ds. When prescnt in docrine. nervous. and cardiovascular systems al"<'
adequale .mounts, Ihey proteCI against "wa lcr functioning normally. and thel"<' is no heavy sweal-
logging." ing, inlakes of lcss than I g arc weillolcratcd. Diets
Extracellular Na ' is directly involved in cotrans- containing less than 200 mg have been prescribed for
port mechanisms for taking up amino acids and patients suffering from ct: rtain forms of hyperten-
othe r nutrients against concentralion gradicnt< sion. They are designed to depletc body sodium •• nd
(120.201). It supports intestinal absorption of foods they al"<' generally regarded as unpal.table.
and the establishment of appropriate pHs within the Many apparently perfectly healthy persons taxe
digestive tract (6 1). 12 g or more each day on a regular basis. and the l"<'
Under normal conditions. the NaHCOj :HHCO, arc .eacoast locales in which the values m.y be
ratio in blood plasma is around 20:1. The salt and higher. In times paSI . heavy salting was Ihe major
add work together as a bulfer system to resist method for preservation of fish and meals, and thel"<'
good ruson 10 believe Ihal members of$(lme com· Ihis as undesirable. Others p<.lint out tha t imporlant
mUnilies QJIlSumed even quan tit ies (39). protection is provided against the otherwise disas·
lrous consequences of hemorrhage. diarrheal d is-
Foods vary widely in SQ<iium 03ntenl. 0"" hund .. d·
eases, forced hea")' sweating. or periods of unavoid·
Jr.lm ponions of many rrllill a nd II(;lclablcs <;OII"in I...
able sodium and " a ter deprivat ion (67).
Ihan I ms, "''''''''IIh< same ..."hll of
all. ba<;Oll.and oIi_ Can IlIpply 1M.. 1000. 1700. The notiolllhal il is ··he;llthy"· for all humans 10
and 2400 m8. re<pe<:lively tiS). sharply restriCI sodium intake, and lhe re laled idu
thaI infants should be protecled againsl de"eloping
Moderately aelive healthy adults lose around 23 "salt addiction·· by fcedillg Ihem unsalted mCllI and
mg of Na daily Ihrough ill$tR$ible perspiralioll. and vegeubles. have been widely promulgaled in r«Cnt
an addi lional 23 rna in the Yisible sweal . Ilta")' work yc:aT5- Proponents suggest that we have acquired the
in hot en";rooments can illCTUSe loss via Ihe lW<at habit of uking tOIl much salt because il is too readily
glanoh fivo- losevenfold. (It is usually then available and boca...., a greal deal of NaCI is un-
to ingest NaG tablets to avert dcfi"erw;y Iyn- knowill8ty ingested wilh plCpared foods.
dromes.) Some support wmcs fn:.>m statistical SUTVC:)"$ in-
A<:a)fd inl to some authOl'S. f«al u<:«"tion 01 s0- d iCliting higbcr incidences of hypenensioll in $(lei·
dium does not change: from day to day, even when eties in wbieh large quanlities of sallS ar<: ingested
there are large >'Jriations in salt intake (80). Others (and 0( lower incidenccs ..'here it is customary local
report lhal adjuslmenlS are made 10 body need$. and lill ie NaCI). It is aLso known Ihat pa tients wilh cer·
tbill he daily oulpUI can range from 10 10 12S mg lain forln5 of hypenension sbow improvement when
(8S). In nonpregnanl adults, lhe kidney maintaiM lhe intake is sharpl y restricled. M oreover. ther<: ar<:
sodium bala occ by Ihe «juivalent of the dif· stra ins of highly inbred laboralO<)l animals wilh ge-
ference belwccn inta ke and \o$se$ by OIher r()Ules. netic defects in which hypertension dcyelops only
During prokmged fasting, urinary sodium ¢O<\cen· when the salt inla ke is high.
tralions approach lero. The desirabilily of severely limi lin& thc salt intake
A positive balance is «=quired 10 support normal of the population as a whote ha< been on
growlh. During and lacta tion. Ihe dietary It haSlher<:forc been suggCSted
requireme nt s ar<: also incr<:ase<i. T he s ha rpen ing of measures be ta ken 10 ident ify sa tl-scn.itivc individ.
51lt appelite observed in mosl pregnant iabora tory uals. so thaI others can continue to cal well ·balanced
onimnl. con be mimicked in .irlin femates bl' ud · d,e\5 The genc rahzed phYSlotoglcal pnnClple
miniSlering the appropria te hormones. Even larger Ihal oplimum leyds of all body constiluentS should
quantilies of dietary sodium i rc required in aldosle- be mainlained seem. 10 apply to sodium . Some ob-
rone deficiency Slales because of loss inlO servations illCOll!liotenl with the ·· Everybody shou ld
Ihe urine. "Salt craving'· is a c haracleristic s)'mp- cat I.,.. salt" idea arc cited.
tom. Prior 10 diagnosis and inslilulion of r<:piace- I. There a re societies in ,..hic h salt is regularly
men! the rapy. children have been known to salt consumed in la rge quantities. but in which lhe", is
by the handful and 10 add lllge quantities to iee no evidence for a high incidence of hypertension.
CrUm and other foods. Unlrealed Moreover. 00 discerni ble inHuenccs on s)"$lemic
anima ls fed ordinary diels rapidly weeumb to de· blood pressure CIIn bc demonstra ted ror pn:viously
hydration and cardiovaKllIa. failure . Rats and some healthy human subjects voIunlari ly ill8c:stiTil 20--23
other mammals un be maintained in JOOd healtb g of salt daily for severa l Wttlls.
wilhou l hormones if the drinkin8 water is replaced 2. Patients put on severely restricted d iets usua lly
by 1'-' NaC\. lose weight-in part becausc Ihe foods are U"'"'PPC-
When ".-.:" lhe choice. he;lhhy animab of many lizin&- but aLso bcca.usc lhey are often el>COU""ed 10
species preferenlially drink dilute salillC fluher than do to. Simple loss of body wl'ighl without red uction
la p water. Herbivores subsist on sah-poor diets. and in sodium inlake an be as effCCli"" as sodium de-
remarkable lIones have told of the lenglhs 10 plctioll (59) .
...·hich they will gO to find ··salt licks·' (39). 1. In rats with dcfo=<:ts diff"",m from lhe
ones described. NaO intake plays no obvious role in
either the establishment or the malnlenance of spon-
Optimum Dlet,ry Sodium Inl, ke, lor taneou sly developing hypcr1cnsion. In ones lha t are
Hum,n ,
sail sensitive. ;t il often necessary to force quanti' ics
Humans regularly ingcsling diets of NaO greatly in excess 0( l hose: taken by normal
mainlaining good health lend to have largcr extra· animals.
celMar fluid voIu!llCsthan ar<: needed 10 i USlain nor· 4. J n population. ingesling vcry s mall q uantities of
mal blood pressun:. It has been CSlimatotl thai the NaCl, many nondietary reasons can be found ror lhe
reserves ca n exceed 2 lite rs. Some observers reaard low incidences of hypertension.

S. In urban scttings. hypertensivc:s do no1, as a Most secretions have higher K: Na ratios than
group, lend 10 cal mOre salt than their normol.n,j"" blood plasma (but much lower K ' concentrations
connterparts (132). In fact. they often lake less be· than intrace llular fluids). The ra tios in saliva vary
for. they seek out treatmen t. and they generally with the secretory rate. but each of the fluids pro-
have blood and extracellular fluid volume values in duced by g .... trointestinal glands has its
Ihe low-oormal range. The severest of salt restriction tic ionic makeup.
lowers the mC3.n arterial blood pressure in not more Dietary intake tends to parallel caloric intake. An
than 30% of patients with "essential" hypertension "average" human adult eats 2-8 g (50 -200 meq)
(59). daily. Dried apricots are cspc<:ially rich sou rces.
6. There are many indications that when Nael while cantaloupes and beans contain several times as
oonlribu(es 10 blood pressun: problems. it does so much K per gram as eggs. checsc. and bread . How-
only indirectly in the majority of cases. Simple ex- ever. the variations among foods are small by com-
pansion of the extracellular Ruid volume (and of the parison wilh those of sodium_
lotal sodium oontent) does not elevate the systemic Growth and tissue repair arc a!SOCiated with pos-
bl<X>d preS'ill"<' of healthy subj«:ts. it ive potassiu m balance. whereas catabolic processes
Sodium ions afTect Ihe rales of Cal> Iransporl hasten loss_ Heavy sweating. vomiting. and dia rrheal
ac""," cell membranes. Soon after the NaCI intake disease are a mong Ihe conditions that lead 10
is increased. mo,. calcium lost to the urine. Under depletion.
normal oonditions. is followed by oompensatory The kidney is the major regul ator of the K- con·
changes in vitamin D so that a larger tent of the bul k eXlracdlular fluids. It rapidly ad-
fraction of the dietary calcium is absorbed (26). justs excretion ratC! to changes in intake and use. In
Some hypertensive palients are unable to accomplish contrast. fecal excetion removes a fairly COnStant
such compensation. Caldum deficiency may cause 10% of the intake.
human hypertension ( 132). and calcium supple· Although they tra vel through restricted channels.
ments can improve low-renin (A-3). K+ ions readily cross plasma membranes in both di-
7. Sodium reWiction and the associated reduction reelions. They accumulate cells mostly be-
in ex tracellular fluid volume provide potent stimuli cause they are attracloo to large. negativel y cha rged
for generation of A- II. That peptide dirCClly stimu· proteins and other anions. Thc electri-
lates the smooth musele of the blood vessels. and it cal gradient is opposed by a concentration gradient
is, in fact, the most potent vasoconstrictor known. that favors oulward diffusion.
Moreover. A-II activates thc sympathetic nervous K ' exchanges are essential for polari ,.ation. de-
system. and it promotes the secret ion of salt-retain- polarization . and r.polarization of excitable cells.
ing aldosterone and of antidiuretic Extracellular K ' ;s a physiological depressant of
hormonc. Sodium depletion may additionally invoke the cardiovaseular system, Excessive concentrations
secondary hyperte nsion by inhibiting thc ka llikrein- invoke marked vasodilation. They decrease the force
kinin system. which discussed la ter. There are of myocardial contraction, slow oonduction in the
forms of human hypertension in which sodium re- heart. and can cause diastolic arTell!. Pharmacologi_
striedon exacerbates the problems and can evcn have cal concentrations promote inappropriate secretion
fatal oonscquences. of many hormones. Subnormal leve ls also exert del-
eterious influences on the hcart. They weaken and
can even paralyze skeletal muscle. Thcy additionally
Potass ium Distribut ion and Balan ce
inhibit smooth and bring about inlestinal di-
K + i$ the major intr<l(e/lular cation. It regulates the lalion (145).
activities of enzymes involved in glucose metabolism
and ATP generation, peptide chain assembly on tbe
Na+I K +·ATPases
ribosomes, and DNA biosynthesis (85). It supports
cell growth. differentiation. proliferation. and repair These plasma membrane-associated enzymes regu-
(104). late ion exchanges. In many cell types, three Na '
Concentralions of ISO meq/liter in "cell water'" ions are extruded and one to three K ' are ta ken up
oontrasl wilh Ihose of 3.0-5.0 meq /l iter in the major for each ATP molecule oonverted to ADP + p;.
exlracellular "nids. Cerebrospinal "uid K ' levels are Since the is Mg-A TP. the reactions addi-
slighlly lower than those of blood plasma. In con- tionally affect the availa bililies of magnesium and
lrast. bone extracellular fluid contains around 25 phosphate ions. Thyroid and catecholamine st imu-
meq/liter in ad ults and as much as 75-100 mcq/ lalion of thermogenesis have been linked with acti-
liter in rapidly growing ju veni les. valion of Ihe "sodium pumps" (122), a nd many of
the effects of mineralocorticoids. glucocorticoids. in· centratio", rise when there is Na ' retention or CI -
sulin. and calciferols involve influences on depletion.
the enzymes. Most of the chloride enters the body as a compo.
Optimum activity re<;juires the appropriate extra- nent of dietary NaCi. and much of it leaves (via
cellular and intracellular Na: K ralios and ion urine, sweat, saliva, and feces) in combination with
concentrations. sodium. When "loop diuretics·' impair CI - transport
Ouabain is one of the pharmacological agents in tbe kidney, they aceelerate urinary excretion of
widely used to inhibit the Na ' jK ' ·ATPaS<'s. It low. sodium and water a, well. However. many cell types
ers the excitability of many cell types by interfering Can independently regulate the movements of the
with the establishment of resting potentials. impairs two kind, of ions A spedfic chloride stimulatory
some transport processes. has deleterious effe<:1S on factor has been described and implicated in adjust-
cell growth. differentiation. and proliferation. and ments to excessive 0- retention. Evidently. it is a
can bring aoout cell swelling consequent to Na ' up- lipid that either originates in the adrenal gland or is
take and osmotic drawing of water. Actions on the dependent upon the adrenal for production (II). Hy-
kidney lead to excessive urinary loss of water. and of pcrchloremic acidosis is a condition in which too
Na · and other ions. much 0 - replaccs the plasma HCOj .
CI - diffuses easily across plasma membranes. T hc
Agent' of tbi. kind (including digitali. and re laled gly-
coside,) have Iiltle effe<:t On norma l hearts wbon given in intracellular concentrations rarely exceed 15 meqj
minute amounts. They are u..d in c.refully controlled liter be<:ause of the electronegativity of the nondif-
dosase. 10 improve cardi.c outpUI in patient .• wi lh my,," fusible anions.
eardial insufficiency. Evidently. they accomplish tbi. by Most of the HCOj of the blood arises from the
permilling th. mu,d. to accumul ... a small e...SS of CO, generated by metabolic reactions. "substantial
Na ' . The ions are 'hen exchanged for extracollu1ar Ca " . fraclion i, reconverted to CO, for release into the
The calcium that ente ... interaca directly with the con- expired air. The quantities that are excreted into the
l .. otil., ms (94). (Additional ,herape",ic bene- urine vary with the sodium intake and the plasma
('I' derive from influence. c.ened on tbe autonomic ncr- HCO l ·
Harmaline i. another u..,ful tool. It impairs sodium-
dependent tranSpOrt proce\$CS by competing with the Role s of Na+, CI- , K +, and HCO, In
Na' ions f'" enlty (8). Rog ulatlon o f Acld -Basa Bala n c a
o Most cellular enzymes function a\ optimum rates
"0,, ,", / only when the H+ concentration is maintained
within a very narrow range. Intracellular pH is
, \
"0 "0I 0 markedly affected hy changes in the H ' content of
tbe extracellular fluids.
'", The metaoo!ism of nutrients leads to continuous
0 release of acids and acid precursors that must be first
bulfered and then eliminated. In human adulus. re-
o " actions that generate CO, (and thcrefore caroonic
o acid) lead to the daily production of around 26 cq of
H· . The acid is formed spontaneously when (he CO,
" Icvels are high. bUI the reaction is accelerated by
widely distributed caroonic anhydraS<'s (A"(;).
Ouabain carbonic
o 0 anhydraS<'
" " CO, + H,O B,CO) ... H ' + HCO l

An additional 60 meq of sulfuric acid arise from

Chloride and Bic arbonate Ions the methionine and cysteine moieties of Ihe 100 g of
Electroneutrality of the extracellular fluids is main· protein metabolized. and 20 meq of phosphoric acid
tained primarily by CI - ions that arc present in con· are formed from phosphoproteins. phospholipids.
centrations of 100. 113. I IS, and 130 mcqjliter in and nucleic acids. Healthy persons make small
the blood plasma, ce"'brospinal, bulk interslitial. amounts of t1-OH-butyric. uric. and other organic
and oone fluids. "'spectively. Bicaroonate ions ac- acids, but tbose with insulin deficiency and conse-
count for only 26-29 mcq/liter under normal con- quent impairment of lipid metaoolism produce up to
ditions, but they play important roles since the con- 500 mcq per day.

Many mechanisms provide protection against the H ' ions that entcr the mitoch<lndria react with
buildup oftoxic levels of H ' (183): ealcium phosphate to form diffusible eakium and bi·
I. The lungs continuously remove carbonic acid in phosphate enter the cytopla,m:
the form of CO) + Hp. 2H' + Ca )(PO.), = 3 Ca' - + 2 HP01-
2. Negatively charged proteins combine with H '
10 form poorly ionized acids. This provides protec- Large numbers of hydrogen ions can be buffered
tion against a rapid fall in blood pH. in this way. However, the reactions elevate the cy-
3. The kidney retains enough Na ' and HCO, \Q tosol calcium and phosphalc ion cone<:ntrations. The
maintain the NaHCO):HHCO, ratio of the blood ct:lls compensate 10 some because Ihe Ca'-
plasma, and il excretes rnQ:Sl of the "fixod" acids. activales pla,ma membrane-a,sociated Ca" IMg" -
A TPascs that extrude calcium. The mitochondrial
Roles of Erythroc ytes In Maintaining Acl d- ,tores are very large when compared with the cytosol
8816 Balance content. but repeatoo recruilment of the reserves
must evenlually be followed by replenishment.
By carrying "",piratory ga •• s, rcd bl(>:)d cells faoilitate
o,;dalion of some IH"B"nic acid, 10 CO, + H,D. and elim·
ination of th. CO, in the .. pir«! air. The hemoglObin Renal Mechanisms f o r Regulation of ACid-
also "'Ye' os. buffer. sinC(: il' affinity for H ' ;ncre.... Baae Balance
wilen oxygen i. gi",," up. The exch,nge, that OC<:Ur as lhe
erythrocytes " .... 1 through lhe systemic capillarics can To maintain Ihe proper eompooition of the blood
be represenled a. follows: plasma. Ihe kidney must excrete H· ion, in quan-
litie, equivalent to Ihe total amount, inge,ted and
K_Hl>-O , + H ' - IJ-Hb + K' + 0,
generated. minus the ones by alkaline
hemoglobin from hemoglobin 10 10
leaving lungs li.. ues relurnins 10 plasma ti"u.s foods or eliminated as CO, + Hp. It mu,t also con-
serve HCO; and Na · .
Al Ihe .. me lime. Ih. erylhrocyle. take up CO,. The
gas is rapidly <:on •• rled to H ' + HCOi . ,inc. red blood BICARBONATE REABSORPTION
",II. rontain "arronic anhydra.e. Th< lIeO, 1"" '« inlO
thc pla,ma.• nd CI i, laken up. Therefore.lhe celt ' trav_ The proxImal lubules rceover much of Ihe hltered
elling loward, the lungs con lain KCI and H·Hb. In the bicarbonale, especially when the diel is addic. They
pulmonary capillarie,. exchange. occur in lhe opposite acwmphsh thi, indirectly. sine<: the brush border
direction. The erythrocytes laXe up Hea" and Ihey does not readily admit the ion,. The major mecha-
form Ih. CO, Ihal enle .. Ihe expired air. ni,m' involve Na +IH ' exehange at the luminal ,ur-
fae<: (9,179), carbonic anhydra ... Ihat ealaly1.c bolh
Bulferlng By Plasma Proteins CO, production in the luminal nuid and HCO, for-
mation in Ihe e<:ll" and activ<: lransport of Na · on
NonV<llatile substances cannot be diiJlOlSCd of in the the serosal side that i, "coupled"' to bicarbonate
expired air. Howev<:r, prolcin anions aswciatcd with reabsorption . The "sodium pump"' thaI Iransfcrs
plasma Na ' combine with Slrong acids to yield ions to the peritubular capillarie, requires a ouabain-
poorly ionized and nCUlral ..Its: sen,itive (109) and mitochondrial enzymes
Na-Proteinatc + HA - H-Protcinatc + NaA Ihat promotc ATP generation (84).
T he border cells secrete hydrogen ions into
The NaHCO, of the blood pla,ma can also neu- Ihe lumen. These combine with filtered HCOr to
tralize $Orne of the acid,. Thc immediale effcet is form carbonic acid . The acid i, soon converted to
proteelion again't a fall in the blood pH. Howev<:r. CO, + H,o. and Ihe gas rapidly diffuse, into the
the NaHCO, i, depleted by such reactions and it e<:lIs. One<: inside. the CO, again entcrs into the for-
muSt be re,tored. malion of carbonic acid. but this time the acid ion-
HA + NaHCO , - HHCO, + NaA i,£s. T he nel'dy formed H ' is secreted. as the
IICO, is tfansported. along with Na · . to the blood
Intracellular Mechani sms f or Adjust ment 01
The net effects arc recovery of filtered Na · .
HCO; . and waler, and acidification of the urine.
Cell, contain K-proteinatcs Ihal neutrali7.c some of Since diet, rich in Na · facilitate waler and bicar-
the and form potassium salts. Much more acid bonatc reabsorption. they mighl be expected to in-
can be buffered by calling upon mitochondrial stores V<lke metabolic alkalosi, as well a, overexpan,ion of
of Ca,(PO.),. the ECF. Fonunately, although the "tightness of
coupling" ""ries .. i, h the species (2(6). all heaLtlly OIa lal Tubull r MeelwllIIll m a fo r Mainta in ing
kidneys hne some ability to dissociale Plasm. N. -
1",- a nd HCOj movements (201). so- Althoulh Ihey lra nspon only limi ted quanti ties of
dium·rich diels usually conlain subslan lial q ua n· sod ium ;on5. Ihe dislal tubules play major roles in
li lksof Cl - . II is possible 10 reabsorb Na ' in com- adj ustment of EC F volume. pH . and elcetrol}' le
bination wilh CI - , and 10 lhe A map mechanism for <:ambatling
nuid (EC F) volume ... it houl cle""I;"1 the blood pH. melabolie acidosis is the of ammonium
On lbe Olher hand. $Odium.odkienl dielS oflen ions that can be exchanged for sodium ions.
eau$C meta bolic aeidosis:ali they conlract Ih. EC F. Distal nephron cells an: ric h in glutamine. glu·
Proximal tubu le. ut ili/.• carbonic uhydr . .. (CA) 10 taminase, and I IUla mie dehydroge nase. S kelelal
Ic<»mpl i, h 80% or the IICO, Srush border muscle n:leases glUlamine inlo the bloodstream (97).
CA also"illS ",n,1 H ' ,radienll. A«lawll",idc bul the kidney cells Qtn generale the amino acid
and . d.,ed CA inhibi'Ort "" .. I"'ally block .he rcabootp- "'hen lhe supply is ina4equale.
,loa (A_2) .rod I .. ,menl IICO,. NA · . and .....1" UC* G IUlaminue is a miloc:hondrial rozyrnc t haI cal·
. ion in ",lien" ( 77), U""",VC1'. lhe high IICO; Ic:"els alyzes tile cOllYersion of alutamine 10 .Iutamate +
....'.I.d in lumi .. , Huid. f"cHime blek..:li!fuoioot of Ih.
ion. in more di't.1 pa rts of lhe .. eph,OIIS. NOI all elrects
N H) iFig. 9-1). II qua nl ila li vely less imporlanl
or th••,ents a,. a"ri b"led 10 earbonie Inhyd,ase pa lhway Ihat ulilizes keloocids such as pyrUYIIIC can
provide additional N H, (Fia. 9·2).
bilion. 1M diurcsis ;,. of sbon duration. and ae.towl,
Imide Iw been ,o.!feet NI ' ud a . but,.,. The N H I difl'U5C!i inlo the tubular Huid, in whieb
b;carbon:n. """"''''''! in !he jeju .... m (I.S). il combine$ w;lb H ' to form I mmonium ions. Two
purposes are served: (a) urine acidily 1$ lowered. and
.0 (b) Ihe posili"cly , har.ed N 11: is inlo Ihe
H,c-C S 0 )I urinc wilh anions, and this frees some Na' for

'nl iri-''><
Healthy adult humans engaging in ord inary Ictiy·
itles and taking the ltSual diets ap-
15-50 meq of N H; da il)'. They adjust
Ihe amou nl$ 10 changing nteds by rapi dly a lteri ng
th. aetiy;tie. and b)' ulili zins
Normal indiYiduals do 001 ma rkedly expand Ihe sensitive processes for regulating the s},nthcsi5 of lhe
ECF voIurnc "'hcn Ibcy coosurnc $Odium.rn:h dieu. cP1.ymes. There are ronlrovcrsies o;onc;c rninl lhe
sinc:e t""'lSiellt of 5lIit and "'lllcr leads 10 conlrol mechanisms (19). H ilh c:onc:enttalioos of
IUlrnenlation of the Ii0meI'\Llar fi ltralion rale. Con. glutamate are 5lIid to redu<=<: glutamiltllsc actiyily.
scquently. $lI11$ and waler arc more rapidly when:as hi gh concen lrations or slow
wit h the urino (9). Heah hy subjecI' a lso have do;. Ihe entry of glutamate inlo the mitochond ria.
vices Iht protect againSI the development of III<:la- Change' in NA DH:NAD' ralios resulting from the
boIic whcn lhe diet i$ $Odium--deficient. second reaction sho... n in Fi.. 9·2 can also a lfcctthe
Small quantit ies of carbonk aeid accumulate. and reaction tates (78). Acid urine h.u a s.rong tcndency
these servc as Stimula nts for Na ' and to lrap Ibc am:! 10 form the
reabsorplion. N H.i ions (97).
It has beon claimed that diels de fIcient in K ' or N H; can be u ercled in combinalion wi th phos-
Cl - \Qwer slomerula r filtration rales and then:by fa· phate and wit h Olher anions. Ellchange of
cililale waler and ion H","'evcr. wme slud- lhe following kind 100 ronlribule 10 Na '
ies designed 10 demooslrale this difficult to in. consoel'Yation.
le rpn:t. sinc:e tbc regimes usually also conlracl the
EC F i2(6). Na ,HPO. + H- - Na H , PO. + Na '
There is li miled information on hormonal o;onlrol (lu men) (tu bule) (excreted) (reabsorbed)
over Ihis part of the kid ney. TriiodothytOl'inc has ce ll )
IKen implicaled as a relublOt of the IITPaK aCliy-
;Iy (49). It is unlikely lhal .ldosterone: din:ctly a f·
(ectsth< bl'\L,h borckr cell$(60. 177), sine.: no high, INFLUENCES OF PlASMA. K '
affinily reccplOfS for Ihe hormone have been idenli- CONCENTRATIONS ON ACID- BASE BALANCE
ned in Ihe proximal segmenlS of the ne phron. On the
ot her hand. by aCling 1110«' dislally to promote SO> Some K ' can Ix exc!t.ansed for Na '. bUI hype rka.
dium and waler aldOSlerone can indi r«tly lemia ICnds 10 promote the dcvelopmr:m of
a lf«1 ion moverncnts ( It alw a ffects erythroc)·te CA acidosis in ways (74 ,99). High cooc:enlrn-
[A-4].) lions of K ' depress both N H; excUlion a nd

, "o,

H-C-H .. HOH • H-C-H
H-C - H
H-C-H .. NH.

H-C- NI1..

o", o"
H-C-H ,
H-C-H .. NAOH + H . .. NH,

H-C-H .. NH,

H-C- NI1..

Glulamate ,,-Ketoglutarate

Fill. \1.1. General ion 01 NH, Irom glulamine .

,, Iransaminase

, ,,
H-C-H • • H-C-H

- a-KeIOgiutoran>OIe acid

,, C=O

H - C-H
HC- NII> • ,
H-C-H • ,
H-C - H

.-.. ,



Fig. 11-2 . Allomal e I", I""",,hon 01 NH •.

1Ii,ourine -------1
;"to lOSs • ECF VOlume



'----... ,,.
\ Further
K' r.tent"'"
, exc,ot"'"

,.,. Hyperkalemia poomote. loss 01 ECF II<.ri<I and d,welopment 01 melaboli< oc_.

6IOO<l N• .
- _ __ • •_ BIoo<l HeQ,

low NI-1.O Plod""' .... - --_._ Ie " ,cretiOn

B. " 100<''''0'"' correct"", 01 metabolic itnbal,,,,,,,s

Fig . 9-3. of on ECF .oIlJIT1OI aM

IlCO j reabsorptioo. As hydrogen ions ac.:umulalc. Since urea i. not ionized. an ",ceSS of nogatively
they uacerbate (he problems by facilita ting potas- charged chloride ion. accumulate< in the blood'tream.
sium relention (Fig. 9·3A). On the oth.r hand. the The ions are "",n e"cretod into the u ri ne. in combination
low ammonia levels attc1erale K' excretion . More- with .qui,,,I'nt quantitie< of oalion (mo<tl y No ') . 90th
Ihc ureo and lhe NaCI osmotioo ll), dr.,.. water into lbe
over. both hyperkalemia and acidosis provide polent
tubular fluid, and one conscqucn« i, copiou' diur«i •.
slimuli for the se<;rclion of aldosterone. The hormone
(For thi , re.."". NI I.CI i. rometim .. gi'en 10 palients
acts in several ways to corrC<:l Ihe metabolic defects who ,eta;n e.« .. iv. amounts of ..It and ","c,-)
(Fig. 9·36). The .ffcct< are transient. Who. the diure.i. invokco
metaoolic acidosi •. tho kidney ... ps up ilS p,oduction ""
ADJUSTMENTS TO AATlFICI AlL Y IMPOSED ammonium ions . Within 2 to 3 daY'. endog.nou, l"H:
accompani • • CI inlo tho uri ... and .sodium ;OIU are
again .. ab.orbed in I.rgt qu"ntiti.,. Aldo<lerone .tero·
Some appreciation of lhe ability of healthy ".; to .d- tion is ;ndireClly augmented (183). and thi' furthtr fa-
ju,t lheir acid·bas< balance, to changing noed. can be 00- vol'$ !\Odium .nd ,,"I. r relention.
tain¢d from ohsef"alions of Ihe ,esponSt. 10 .dminim.· On Ihe othe, hand. if sodium i. aiven in combination
tion of NH.CI. "nd of Na ' in combinalion with "ith a melaboliublc ion , uob a$ oilr.1C, • • co'" oation
metabolizable a nion •. (Na ' ) i. left 0"'" when Ihe an ion i. o,idized 10 CO , +
Ammonium ions are toxie 10 Ihe b,ain and heal1. Ii, O. Then. more of lht Na - that enter> the glorne,ul'r
Th<)$(: produced ... ilhin Ihe nephron. pooe no danger filtrate i$ reabsorbed in combination "ilh IiCO; and the
(.ince Ihey immediatc1Y d iffu$e into the lubular fluid fo, consequ.nce, ore sodium and water rel.ntiOn along with
excretion), but l ny that onler the blood"'.am mu .. b< some metabolic aikalo<i,. Compe ..... to'y adjustments in·
,apidly removed. ciud. ,uppr.",ion of NHt ,ynt hesi, and aoeoleroted u,i·
When N H,C1 is inge ... d. Ihe ammonium ion. are nary ""c",ion Na HCO" Na,IIPO•. a nd othe, sodium
promplly takon up by the liver and Ihoy are incotpor.t.d .. It,. The urine becom« alkaline. The a ppc... n« of car·
into the relatively innocUOll' ..... t. product. urea . oonato ion. i. auribUI¢d to the following reaotion thaI
oan ta ke place in the collecting dUCI' (9).

lIeo, + IICO, - 1I0H + cOl- + CO,


FUNCTIONS OF ALDOSTERONE mineralacorticaid an"lonisu 10 inlacl animals. Triom-

' e tCIIC (filJ. 9-<1) ..... """" ' ''''''Ihl 10 leI in Ihis _yo
Effec t, 0 1 " Ido,terone Deficiency: Owert
Howe<u. it ean exen d f« u in uRtruled. ad •• "" I.., ...
Symptom' m;>.eel animals.
MMy mammalian species ca n withstand the defI- Spirono/ are chemically ",llled 10 aido>lcrone.
ciencies of glucocorticoids and catec holaminCii im· ..d Ihey rorm complexes "j.h mineralocorticoid "'''p-
p05(:d by adre nalectomy. if they an: mainlained in lOtt. Since !he complexe.I'" IlOl<:aled 10 lhe nu-
Clei. 'hese .,c nts do not mimic lhe a.t;<>IIS ollhc hot-
eomforlable. strCiis-free environments and are given n><>r>e. AId,laelone (SC.9<l20) 10 u,ctu l ror 11I•• i.,inl
conlinuous access to water and carbohydrate-rich lIOme fomu of hyptncll$ion in lIumlM. bul it does more
pa lal.lble foods. The effecu of mineralocorticoid than I;Ompt' < for .Idosl ....... "'"PIon. It KeeI ..... I.. H '
d<priva tion then become appartnt. n etCtion in ",be< ""')"$. , no! i, .11'..10 the bioo)"lllhc!.is of
Within boors after the surgery, the animals bl:gin aldOl' e""'" as "",U as the mcubolism ofoevcral otetoiod
to ucrete volumes murine: high ill .sodium bUI ...... " ......... (III). InlCra.,ionJ IndrQICn rtcCplorue·
low in potassium. hydrogen, and ammon ium ion con- COUnl fOIl d.. reased libido. impolen<1:. I nd Iynccoo"aslia
lent . This soon leads to lowering of the In , lid for b",.., ."IOII8< .... nt • ..::I diOlurbar.ces of
fluid volume and the Na HCO): HHCO, ralio of the 11«l ovarian eycl.s in women (40). Som. olhet I,e nl< 11"1111
blood plasma. Blood pressure falls in pari because of a", .elaled show Irealet anlim in.raiocorti·
coid, and I...., affi nilies for alldrog.n r."plO<$
Ihe reduced plasma volume. but also b«ause K· ac- ()6. 40).
cumulates and acu as a m)'OClllrdia l dcpress.ant.
Moreover. the subnormal Na ' diminishes the sensi-
tivity of the vascula. smooth muS(:le to na turaUy oc- SfI(:ondary Consequence. of the
curri", vasoconstrictors such as Aldosterone Deficiency
The arliCS! overt symptoms are wcakntsS and
let ha ray. Ind these progrcssivcty worsen. Distur- Each of Ihe effects of aldoslerone defieicDCy agg""
bances of gamoi mesinal functions arc manifested by yates the problems caused by the others. The kidncy
loss of intercst in food. In doas and some other spe- is alT«led flrsl, and the loss of u lts a nd waler inlO
cies. diarrhea and vomiting often occur. The fall in the urine reduces Ihe volume of Ih e "bul k" inte rsli.
s)'$tcmic blood pressure eventually ImpaIrs rena l liwl Ouid•. pla.llla <ulullle i. rur
functions, and urca a nd other metabolic wasles ac- short lime. but he: rnoconecMration develops when
cumu llte ;n the blood. In lime. unlreated animals 11K: salt , nd fluid resc ..... es.'" d<plelcd. Since mort
succu mb 10 a I;Ombina tion of cardiovucular <,:01. Na ' Ihln waler ;s lost. lhe 05motic pr=ure of the
lap$C. acidofi5, renal failure . and hypoglycemia. I.... u t"'«llu blr fluids falls. Then. the: cells become
malUrt ono:s are more vulnerable than adul1$, and "wa ter·logged- as the hernoconccntration wooscns..
da th;s hastened by unfavorable environmenlal c0n- Hyponatremia (low plasma Na ') impairs the
ditions or lhe imposilion or SlrtsS. functions of the plasma membra ne ATl'ltscs. Na '
There are spc<::ies variatiON ;n the order of onset then in the .:.::1Is. and Ihis uacerbates
of sym ploms and in the surviva l limCll. Previously the hypona l",mia. T hc Na ' ions in Ihe cellsdisplaoo
vigorous .dull rats oflcn cent;nue to cal and drink some K ' ions. and the.e is • furl her fa ll in the
lhe usual amounts roc a day Of IW(!. They remain plasma Na: K ralio. Thc amounts of K ' that emer
Ilert and pl\)'$ica tty active. and they have normal lhe plasma cannot restore the 05motie pressure. The
body temperat ures. The ph)'$iolo&ical functions hyperblemia docs. however. depress the
aradua lty dcl.:line over the: next few days. oot some myocardium.
untreated animals survive as IonS as 2 wecks. In aN1- Blood pressu.c illitillly begins to fa U becausc of
lrlSl, dogs tend 10 lose their appetites wi thi n hours the mccllanical e ffects of lhe low ci rculating volume.
after the surgery. T hey rapidly become lethargic and T he wakened hean heal fun her Io"ers the prc5'
often die within 2 10 J days. Moreover. the hemoeonot:nlra lion elevates the
blood viscos ity. SO Ihal Ihe pumping action of the
It i. IlOl lX>O>i ble \0 .tudy Ihc elfe.1I of "pure" mi""r.
hcan becomes less effective. ll ypotcnsion is further
alooonicoid deficiency by adrcl"IIl«:lomili", an,mali and
admlnll1«i nl /IIlurally OCCtIrrinllh><ocooli<:oid .. since cucerbated by thc hyponatremia, since Na' 10m in
even "",plleemc:nt" """-I" inleracl w;l h miD<raio<:oni- the plasma arc needed to mIt;nlain l 1«l sensitivity of
cold fC«plon(S). Deum.ll\uooIec Iw bocn used in ....... the smoot h muscle of lhe vasculature to nalural
"'ptrimont> bcca ..... ;t is uid \0 cuM ' IMOtI "pu"," .... vasoconstrictors.
OIICOflic:oid • .,ionJ (18). 8ind,,,, 10 mineralocorticoid ro- Aldoslerone: also dit«lly alTccll lhe ATPases.
""pton h... ho.... vet. been delnOflllrated (I IS). m)'OClllrdill funclions, and vascula r s mooth musclc
Another approa. h is the prutnlalion of "spceilie" tOflC . The hormone can act wil hin a n hour to im-

" ;;



, ,

o --/ '0 , C/1-0 CH,

sc 25152
Fig. 9·4. Some 8Ido. le,.",., "r>1"goniOis.

P'<lV¢ circu lation and el""'trolyle composition if it i. Ih. blood pre",ure .. '00 low to support gto
administered alone to animals thaI have lost some merular filtration. and eVen more aci ds are retained
sails and waler but are 001 yel moribund. in thc plasma. Additional problems arise because of
The skeletal muscle weakness of aldosterone defi- the ]XIOf appetite. Carbohydrate deficiency acceler·
ciency states is allribulcd to intracellular electrolyte atcs the Usc of falty acid fuels, and it in.
imbalanc.:. abnormal neuronal functions imposed by sulin sccretion. As discussed in Chapter 5. ketones
the altered plasma romposilion . and failing circula- then fonn. In addition to dire<:tly lowering blood pH .
lion that impairs both oxygen and nulr;cnt delivery ketones draw water and sodium into the urinc. Fast-
and waste removal. The muscle wea kness. in (urn. ing also leads to elevation of thc circulaling glucagon
slows return of blood to the hearl. h also lowers Ihc levels (41). and thai hormone further augments the
OOdy temperature a nd lhu cby depresses the ketosis.
myocard ium . Concurrent glu cocorticoid dcnciency exaggerates
Aldosterone deficiency additionally impairs mag- a ll of the problems, since glucocorticoids ,..,gu la te
nesi um melabolism (60.205). The plasma levels of ca rbohydrate metabolism. water balance, a nd mus-
Mg" risc because less of the ion is SCnt into the ele tOne. Physiological levels stimulate NH ) produc-
urine and mo,.., is transferred from the muscles to tion (98). and this both al kalin izcs the blood and
the blOCld plasma. Hypcrmagnesiumemia depres,cs provides some glucose (lOlA).
neuronal functions, while the los., of muscle ion
wea kens contractions.
Prolongation of Surviva.l Without Hormone
The dep,..,ssed lOne and =,..,lOry funetio", of the
gastointestinal tract account for the nausea and an·
orexia. FOCld and water fan off sharply. and Most adrenalectomized animals consume large
the salts and water lOSt to the urine arc oot ,..,placed. quantities of salt if giv:n thc opportunity. Adult
The metabolic acidosis that began with Na ' and ad renalcctomized ratS Can survive ror months in
HCO, loss exacerbates when circulatory impair· strcss-f,..,e environments ir they dri nk 0.9% Or 1% sa-
ment permits th. accumulation of acidic metabolite.! line inst:ad of tap water. They also scleet the opti-
and th. development of hypoxia. The hyperkalemia mum quantities of Nael when thcy are presented
a lso depresses ammonium ion production. In tim•. with both water and a mucb stronger salt solution.

The underlying are not corrected. but plasma Although aldosterone exerts its major actions On
and EC F volumes and composition are maintained lhe distal portions of the nephron. the secondary in-
within oormal rnnges despite the excretion of ex- creases in sodium and water excretion arc aCCom·
c<::cdingly large quantities of sodium-rich u,ine. plished by accelerating glomerular filtration and
Humans with mincralooortiooid deficiencies also limiting sodium reabsorption in the proximal COn-
ingest large quantities of sa il. The practice prolongs voluted tubules (205). According to observers.
su,vival for a time. but only hormone replacement Ihe initiated by the expanded EC f volume
can COrrecl most of the metabolic defcc!s. are perpetuated by autorcgulatory mechanisms
within the kidney that do oot depend on hormones
Aldosterone Replacement dc!ivered by the s)'Stemic circulation. Olhers believe
that the secrelion of natriuretic hormones is of pri-
When mineralocorticoid therapy is begun afler mary imponance (16.80). The kallikrein and pros-
adrenalC<:lomy, 00 olh. r special trealment is reo taglandin systems may make contributions_ The pro-
quired. Aldosterone fully maintains lhe health of ih. posed mechanisms are discuss.d later in this
animals. but it is expensive , DOC is often substi- chapter.
luted, since i1 mimics most of the aClions.
If treatment is delayed until after some deficiency
symptoms a rC manifested. it is usually necessary 10 BIOSYNTHESIS AND METABOLISM OF
additionally provide saline. nutrients. and sometimes ALDOSTERONE
also small doses of glucoconicoids. until electrolyte It is widely assumed that aldQ';terone biosynthesis
balance is re-established. Even these measures will proceeds along the pathways deseribed in Chapter 6
not Save a moribund animaL In health)' subj ects. (see fig. 6-6) . According to this concept. a hydro-
mOSt steroid hormones actions require one or more genase presem in both the zona glomcrulosa and
hours to develop. Circulatory system impairment 7.Ona fasciculala catalyzes the conversion ()f DOC
can substantially kngthen the latent period. and corticosterone to IS-OH -DOC and lS-OH-cor-
ticOSlerone, respectively_ Then, a dchydrogenase
Effects 01 Aldosterone Excess present only in {he glomerulosa promotes formation
of an atdehyde group at position !8.
Only some of the of overdosage can be On thc basis of observati<:>ns that (a) DOC and
predicted from the deficiency syndrome. These in- CQrticostcrone arc more rapidly converted to aldoste-
clude hypokalemic alkalosis and expansion of the rone than either of the IS-hydroxylated steroids. (b)
ECF volume. Sodium-rich. pOtasllium_poor diets ex- IS.QH-corticosterone can inhibit aldostcrone pro-
acerbate lhc problem.. and carbohydrate-rich food duction. and (c) some other en7.yme systems arc
can augment sodium retention (41,183). Systemic present within the zona glomerulosa . it has been pro-
blood pressure tends to rise, but healthy animals uti- posed that a different pathway predominates (144)_
lize CQmpensatory mechanisms to limit its magni- Accordi ng to this scheme. tWO CQrtiC<)Sterone meth-
tude (19,38) . yloxidases (CMO [ and CMO II) are used to form
Skeletal muscle weakness is a frequent finding. II a steroid-metalloenzyme intermediate that gives rise
is auribUled 10 electrolyte imbalances that differ to aldosterone (Fig. 9-5). It has additionally heen
from those seen in deficiency states. Paradoxically. proposed that aldosterone functions at some sites as
salt appetite and thirst can b<: exaggerated . This 3 prohormone, i.c .• it is CQnvened to metabolites b<>-
probably results from c..llular dehydration and s tim- fore it acts on th. target c..lls.
ulation of osmoreceptors.


Sodium retention and ECF volume expansion in-
crease progressively for a time. After several days. Mineralocorticoid Receptors
however, the animals regain the ability to cxcrcte Studies On rabbits have the existence of
more salt and water, even when mineralocorticoid high-affinity ,"CeptOTS in the renal conex and me-
overdosage is continued. The fluid and electrolyte dulla. and !ow... ffinity binding sites in Ihe papillae
balance then stabiti>.e at levels only moderately (129). The most obvious effects of the hormone arc
higher than those of uninjected. intact controls . The uerted on the Collecling (connecting) tubules of the
"eseape" does not extend to all mineralocorticoid ac- nephrons. A previously held concept that the hor-
tions. For example, hypokalemia and kaliurcsis per- mone acts on the distal convoluted tubules has fallen
sist (14). and sweat glands arc not affected (A-I). into disfavor ( 110,129). hecause of the receptor dis-

11.HY<ltOXYIa,.. 1 Hfl'dtoxy1'"


CMicosterone Melhy\:).<k!a$e t



Fi gi. Alt ...... t. coocepts 01 bloo'Iemiclt I>I'th ... ys tor

ot "Idosterone. (The 19.. commonty d;:seussed
patnway i. indicote<i by <IooJble 8ffO'NO.)

tribotion and the observation that neither aldoste- sone (56). Interpretations of the physiological
rone nor spirooolaetoll<' alfects cleetropotential dif· implications of the dilfen::nces in binding must ta ke
fer<:nces across Ihc membranes (83). (On the other into account the high levels of naturally occurring
hand. Ihere are indicalions lhat aldosterone can ac- glucocorticoids in blood plasma (144). the very low
celerate Na ' transport at those sitCl; withoul chang· concentrations of aldosterone and OOC. and the n::.
ing the IranSlubuiar potential [56].) siSlance of dexamethasone to degradation.
The kinds of molecules extraCled from cells pre-
lreale<:! wilh labeled steroids. and studies with pron·
Aldosterone Regulation of Sodium Transport
ase. RNases. and other enlymCl;. ar<: consistent with
Ih" belier Ihal Ihe receplo,.,. ar<l prol.i"" with molec- The glom.rular filt,nte underg<>&< eXlen,ive process-
ular weights of 75.000-100.000 (49). ing before it becomes the tubular fluid of thc distal
Four binding proteins that differ from each other nephron. The Na o concent ration is much higher
in the relative affinities for the various steroids have than thai of thc collecting tubule cell cytoplasm. The
been deseribed. Type I is said to be the "true" al· ion, dilfuse pas.sively down the concentration gra·
dosterone receptor because its binding aflinitie, are. dient, cross Ihe luminal (mucosal. apical) plasma
in decreasing order of magnitude. aldosterone > membrane. and lravel toward the serosal (basal)
DOC > corticosterone> progCl;terone > dexa· surface of Ihe cell . A "sodi um pump" then actively
methasone. (Although dexamethasone i, regarded transports the Na ' ions to extracellular fluid that
by some as a "pun::" glucocorticoid. the binding to communicates with the pcritubular capillaries (Fig.
the type I protein is substantial. The failure of thai 9-6).
steroid to display antinatriurelic elTects has been at- Aldosterone a«cleratcs Na' transport. Its elTccts
tributed to opposing inAuences r<:sulting from sim ul· are manifested OnC or mOrc hours a fter the hormone
tancous binding to type If proteins .) is presented to the serosal surface. Raising Ihe al ·
Type I] is sa id to be the glucocorticoid receptor. dosterone concentration doos not affect thc latent pe-
since its relative alTinities are dexamelhasone > cor- riod. but il increases the magnit ude of response.
ticosterone > DOC S aldoslerone :s; cortisol. II Aldosterone is believed 10 act in three ways; It fa·
also binds some progesterone. Type III receptors cilitatcs pas.sive uptake of Na *; it increases the ae·
have S1rangCl;t affinitiCl; for corticosterone (cortico- tivity of the sodium pump; and it exerts influences
sterone > cortisol> DOC > progCl;terone > al- on cell metabolism Ihat augment ATP production.
dosterone > dexamethason<:). Their funct ional sig· The processes are inlerrelated. More rapid entry
nificance is debated. Similariti.. to corticosterone- of Na ' elevates the cytosol Na' concentration. Thi s
binding globulin have been pointed OUI. but some of increases the sodium pump act ivity and the use of
the type ][I receptor is translocatcd in combination ATP. Stimulation of thc pump also incrcases ATP
with corticosterone to the nucleus. Type IV has use, and it facilitates pas.sive uptake by augmenting
lower affinitiCl; for all of the stcroids. but it bind, Ihe concentration gradient . As ATP is converted to
DOC most strongly (DOC > progesterone> aldo- ADP + Pi, the products of the reaction ercate Ihe
sterone > corticosterone> cortisol). and fails toas· conditions for mOre rapid production of ATP. Acti-
sociatc to any appreciable with dexamctha- vation of metabolic enzymes that provide energy for


, ". , ".
Passage Acti.e

'"'" Ihrough

(I"min,( apic,l)
, , (ba$lll, cap illal'/l
surface su rface

Fig. 9·6. o;rOCl;o., of $Odium;o., Ir.nspor1 mftUftOO/lod by


ATP .ynthesis permits the pump to work elliei· over the mamm.lian kidney. It can be studied .1 room
emly. lemperature. and i. hao relatively limple struclure . The
epilhelium comprises a .ingle layer of mucosal cell'thal
i. ,upported by a b.. emenl membrooo. underl)·ing con·
SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON neelive ti"ue. and .mootb mu,cle , Milochondri ... ich
ALDOSTERONE ACTIONS ( 167,187) (MR) eells .pan tho width of the epilhelium. aCCounl fo.
15%--20% of Ihe population. and make coniaci witb the
The lechnical p.oblem. in defining tho siles and u,inary Huid. Ihe b... menl membrane. and the mOre nu·
mechani,,,,, of in any OrIC 'peci ... ore formidable. merou' gr.nula, (Gl ceil.,
Mosl of OIIr hypothese. hove boen pieced logether from AldoslerOne fCCeptors $Cern 10 bo confined to th. MR
bil$ of informal ion acquired from several animallypc •. A cells. and aldoslerone.induced protei", (described 1.ler)
unified picture can Ihen bo drown. bUlthe approoch ob-- hove been identified "';Ihin Ihem (161), It has been pro-
.cu[¢' impOrlant speci....,iotio",. pOSCd by some that the MR cell$ are countc.pan. of tbe
The rabbit kidney bas boen used to Iocali,e hormone "dark cell'" of Ihe rabbil collecling lubule •. However .
•eceptor .it.... since it i. relatively easy tQ dis.s«t. The <)th ••• have asserted Ihat aldo.lerone action, in mammals
Munich ...1 i. good for micropunclure 5Iudie. because it requi,e Ibe coopt.. lion of several cellt)'pe' and have ob-
ha. nephron. poSilioned dose 10 the ouler .urfae<: of the .... ed thai the in,ulin regulation of N. ' tra"'port in the
kidney, Lar,e mammal. are best fo. projects involving MR i. no. paraUeled in the rabbi!.
long'lerm perfusion. and Ihe eoUoeli01U of numelOu$.
c.refully limed sample •.
Some work on the mechanism. of .Idosterone action Me chanism of Aldosterone Stimulation 01
have boen condueltd with mammalian kidney prepara· Ns ' Tran6port
lion •. The associaled diffieultie. inciude tfte presence of
.. veral differenl ceillypes that are not .a,ily separaled The mechanisms whereby "typical" steroid hor•
from each olher and lbe need 10 maintain temperature< mones e:tert their actions were di,cu'Ied in Chapter
close to those fQund in intact an imal •. 4. Problems with Ihe concepts. and components of
Toad bladder$port. Na ' in • • imil., manner. and the hypothesis that are not adequately supported by
it i. aldoslerone-re'poo,;ve. It offers several evidence were also discussed. and Ihese have recently
been reviewed (83A). Indications that aldosterone quantities that do enter do not obviously alTe<:t RNA
stimulation of Na ' transport is largely 3cwmplished synthesis. The aldosterone-receptor cornpcx does
in the dassical manner (167.187) arc summarized not bind tightly to purified DNA ta ken from target
below (sec fig. 9-7). cells. When an activa ted complex binds to the chro-
I. Tritium-lal1eled hormone crosSes Ihe serosal matin, evidence for the production of new mRNAs
plasma membrane. enters the cytoplasm. and forms ineludes mOfe rapi d rates of incorporation of labeled
comp/exn "'iln high-affinity reup/ors. When aldo- uridine into mRNA precursors. and the later accu-
sterone mrgct cells are presented with labeled ste- mulation in e<:lIsofspeci!lc mRNAs that can be used
roid. the i,;010pe marker soon accumulates in the cy· to dire<:t protein synthesis in cell-free systems. Inhib-
toplasm. Proteins thHt bind aldosterone (and also itors of RNA synthesis block the hormone actions.
other mineralooon iC<lids such as DOC) with high af- 4. The IItW mRNAs dir«t Ihe production of a/-
fmity have been identified in aldosterone target cells doslero_inducro {A/Psllhat mediate the
but not in cell> unresponsive to the hormone. AI· auioltS. New proleins have been idontified
though aldosterone enters nontarget cel ls, it docs not in the cytoplasm of target colis exposed to the hor-
accumulate within them. mone, and in some cases links have been made with
2. The hormone-receptor complex undergots a transporl. Inh ibitors of protein synthesis
lime and lemperOlure-aependent '"oClivOIioo" or block the hormone actions. The latent period is con-
transformOlion. after ...hich Ihe coo'plrx Irans/ocates sistent with the need to produce new mRNAs and
to Ihe nudt us. The C<lnccntration of radioactive proteins.
marker increases in the nudeu s as il de<:reases in the The AlPs evidently include (a) either "pcr-
cytoplasm. Labeled hormone-receptor complexes meawl" that directly facilitate passive dilTusion of
have been re<:overed from the cyloplasm. Changes in Nu + across the luminal membanes. Of membrane
the properties of the C<lmpicxes arc seen when Ihe components that modulate the functions of preexist-
cells arc incubated at n ' c (but not at O· C). ing permeasc!; (b) componenls of the "sodium
3. The aClivOIIolt or trall..formation step is be- pump"; and (e) enzymes that facilitate the produc-
{IeVl'd 10 Ix required for binding afthe hornWlU'- re- tion of ATP.
uptor complex to the chrommin. The prime candi-
datu for nuclear acceptor molecu/es are nonhistoM
proteins (NlfPs). The binding in some way loads to INFLUENCES OF ALDOSTERONE ON THE
the production of mR NAs. 1'lormo"C-recep- LUMINAL MEMBRANE::;
tor complexes do not accumulate in the nucleus if AlP, have been found wilhin 'he mcmbrant$. Tho dTcoI$
the cells arc maintained at O' c. and no changes in of aldO$t.",,,,, can be mimicked to $Orne e>tenl with am-
RNA synthesis arc then observed. The steroid itself photericin B. • polyene antibiot ic obtained from
also fail s 10 ae<:umulate in the nucleus, and the sma ll "''''Fl"t5 ood()Jus. When applied 10 the luminal surface. it

I. ALDOSTERONE ent"" eel via seroSa! .....

2. ALDOSTERONE <:ombioes with 10 fCH"m oomplex -+ A.R

4. Actrva!ed compje. tr""SlOCa'e, to nucleus.

bin<ls to ,,,,,,,,is!,,,,,, Pl0\(lin. ot CNomatin
5. New mRNAs 8'" $ynthesize<l
/ ' '"'1"'-
6. mRNA. <Ii""'t formM"" of
\ t I
7. AlPs stimtJiate Na . transport
'" '"

Fig. 11·7 . ··Ct""'a,·· conc&pt for me<:lW>iom 01 "",,;<10 Ir.. C<tIr: A. aldOst_ _ Ir.. C&fl: R.
'!dO""''''''' s ti"",,"IOon or SOdium (fansport. A.. SIdOSI....,.,. NH f>. nonhistCH"ll Plota in.
'"."".Ierate, pa..ive of Na ' mue",.1 membrane and thereby interfere< with passi,-.
(187). This lead. se.-
""datil)" to increased us< of energy-providing , u\>$trale< uptake of N.' . h block.< lhe aClion. of amphotericin B.
and more rapid l'O"'port of N. · acrQSS the serosal ,u,- possibly by interfering with the binding of the N.' to;1S
race. (How",'or. unlike ald"".ro" •. the antibiotic can in_ carrier. Aldo:\tcrMC incroa$CS the numberS of .milorid...
• "'ase passive N. · transport in (""d bladder rendered in- binding sites (in a manner ,.",.ptiblo to inlerf.... "".
sen,itive u> the hormone via substrate deplct;on.) with ac\in(lmycin D) .• nd pretrCltment with the hormone
Arniloride is an atylgu.old. antibiotic .hat binds to the prtvents the .miloridc block.


o o o o
" " "

Some lindings are nol e.sily Foiled inlo Ihe aldoslerone sugg'" Ih.t the steroid pm"""es biO$ynthesis of pump
_ mRNA - Al P concept. The ho,mone prom"'''' elon· pmteins. but most .lIempl. \0 demonstrale Jir«1 effects
galion and "'Iuralion of Ihe fally .dd. of pl.sma mem- h"e yielded negal ive data (187). The res pen ... may de-
brane phO$pholipid. ud il .cceleral.. incorpo""ion of pend in pan on interactions wilh glucoconicoid "'''''pIOrs
labeled acelyl-CoA inlo new fall y add •. II has been pro- (49). AldO$temne does., contribu te to ATP gen-
pos«! Ih.1 Ihese changes faCilitate i."",poralion of AlPs eration by inducing citrate syntha",. i""'itrk deh)·dro-
into Ihe membranes (l81). Fally acid synthe,i, inhibit"" genase, malate dehyd rogen . ... and other tn'.ym.. (167).
block the antinatriuretic actions of aldosterone. arid i..... It also accelorale. production of Ifa""fer and ribosomal
hibiton of RNA and of prolein synthesis interfere with RNAs. bol tllese eifeets are no! detected unlil a/IY No '
Ihe hon"one·irlduced changcs ,n lipid metaboli .m. On transporl b.s bee n affected.
Ihe other hand. rome of the effects on lipid metaboli,m
are delectable within 30 minutes aftcr ho,mone pres<n-
lation, wh., ... AlPs are not delectable unt,1 1 hoor has Reguletlon of Sodium Transport In the Colon
elapsed . AldO$lerone mel.boli, .. implica,ed in the e.rly
T he colon conse rves wa ler. and il ma kes somc con·
aClions ha>. b«n .hown to be formed during the 100.n,
period ( 144). Rapid methylation of apkal membrane: tributions 10 the ma intenance or eleclrolyte bala nce.
pho.pholipid •• rId prolein, (A·5) i, one: pOSsibili ,y Ih.1 i. Sodium iom diffuse passivdy into the mUCO!.aI cells.
110101 serio"sly considered . I n load bladder. changes in lhe and they are actively extruded on the serosal side .
aCli>it y of • phO$ pnatase .ffceling m.mbrane <»mpO- Aldosterone acccleratc$lbe transrers. but the me.:h-
ne.1S and implicated in transpon ha .. b«n observed . an isms differ from the ones desc ribed ror mamma-
lian kidney a nd load bladder. The stimu lation in-
creases slowly Over a period or several days (208).
ALDOSTERONE INFLUENCES ON THE whereas maximal cha nges in the renal tubules a re
" SODIUM PU Mp ·· attained wi lhin 4 hours.
Renal Na+/ K' ·AT Pas< oeli> ;l y gradually declines in The transport involves both amiloride-scnsitive
rats de priv.d of adren<>C01lical hormones. and it ca. be and amiloride-resistant components. Some pans or
slowly restored with m;neral.xQrliCQid •. The obse".tions the lower gut a rc more semitive than others to the
inhibitor, and spcci", differences arc also recognized by the pcrmeabilities or the renal cell membranes.
(33). Chronic aldosterone overdosage. and long·term the glomerular filtration rate (which afTects the flow
sodium depletion (which oIevatcs the endogenous of fluids through the tubUles). the concentrations of
levels of the hormone). increase both Na ' j K · · K'. and some anions in the tubular Huid. and
ATPase activily and amiloridc sensitivity (208). the aClivities of "potassium pumps" (72.88). K' reg-
Glucocorticoids stimulate Na ' transport in the colon ulates a phosphatase lhat aCtS on the Na ' j K --
(and also in Ihe small inlesline). bul Ihey do not ATPase complex, and it actl; more slowly to increase
mimic aldosterone aClions on the kidney. Sugges· the numbers of potassium pumps (173).
lions that the tWO kinds of steroid hormones act on Hormonal rootrols are superimposed Over other
the gut via common mechanisms (14) are consistent processes. Hyperkalemia stimulates aldosterone rc·
with observations thaI they similarly affect amilor- lease. and that steroid is widely regarded as the
ide·sensitive and amiloride·resistant components of major humoral regulator (211). Glucocorticoids
the transport processcs (33 ). They are not easily rec· (92). PG •. CAs. insulin (l80). and olher endocrine
onciled with demonstrations that methylprednisone secretions play additional roles.
(a potent synthetic glucocorticoid) bind.' to nx:cptors Kidney collecting tubules display remarkable abil-
different from the ones that take up ities to adjusl their rates of K' transport to body
stemnc acetate (a "pure" mineralocorticoid) and needs . The activity is accelerated in response to the
s pironolactone. ingestion of potassium· rid foods. thc intravenous in·
jeetion of potassium salts. the administration or sev-
eral hormones. when exhausting exercise lead, to the
Hydrogen Transport
transfer oftargc number of ion, from skeletal muscle
Aldosterone accelerates H ' sc<:retion in both mam- cells to surrounding Auids. and when renal dis·
malian kidney and toad urinary bladder. The major orders limit the numbers of funclioning nephrons.
mechanisms may be augmentation of glutamate de- Urinary K' concentrations approach zero in animal.
hydrogenase levels and stimulation of NH , produe- on poIassium.<Jeficiem diets.
tion (although Na'jH' exchanges arC known to The mechanisms whereby mineralocorticoid. ae·
occnr) . They arC blocked by inhibitors of protein. but celerate K' excretion arc only partially understood .
not of RNA symhesis (144). Carbonic anhydrase- The effects on mammalian kidneys arc enhanced by
dependent bieMbon ate tranoport p","""cd. in the di.· high N.' levck but the and bli_
tal as well as segments of t he nephron. and nretic actions can be dissociated . Aldosterone can
inhibilOrs of the enzyme impair the ability of aldo- ae<:eierate K' excretion when it is administe red to
sterone to promote urinary acidiflcalion. However. sodium·replete animals ",'ith good endocrioc balance
aldQl;terone seems to play no role in caroonic anhy- in dosages too low to promote Na ' retcntion. The
drase induction (I 67). hormone is also efTective in animals displaying min-
eralocorticoid "escapc". and when the inftuence, on
sodium transport are blocked by actinomycin D. pu·
romyein . and other inhibitors. Under ordinary con-
Since hyperkalemia can have dire consequences. il is ditions. no stoichiometric relationships betwcen hor·
not surprising thaI many mechanisms arc used to mone-stimulated Na' and K' transport can be
averl il. The acute responses 10 potassium loading demonstrated. and aldosterone fails 10 affect K'
aT<: accompli,hed largely via ion redistribution. transport in toad bladder. In mammals. males re-
These include accelerated uptake or the ion. by liver. spond to a greater extent than females. probably be--
inlestine. mu,cle. and other cell typcs (17) . It has cause of differenees in steroid metabolism (1 44).
been demonstrated in humans and other mammal. [n addition to .timulating K' tran'port, aldoste-
that only half of the excess is into the urinc rone is needed to support SOme of the cfTeets or high
during the first 4-6 hours when the necessary ad· K ' concen trations. The "perm;ss;ve" roles can be
jUStmentS of the plasma concentrations are made. demonstrated in studies of isolated. perfused kid-
The mtes of K ' transport across plasma mem- neys. and in adrenalectomized animals maintained
branes are affccted in many parts of the body not on unvarying dosages of mineralocorticoids . They
only by the K' concentrations of the cells and probably depend in part on the creation of electro-
cellular Auids, but a lso by Na ' concent rations. Na · · Chemical gradients that facilitate potassium
dependent electrochemical gradients, and intracel- excretion.
lular and extracellular acidity. Mineralocorticoids are reported to increase the
Chronic adaptations include accelerated lQl;s of activities of potassium pumps by augmenting base-
K - into the feces. but they depend heavily on renal lateral membrane surface areas and thereby provid-
mechanisms. some of which are hormone-indepcn. ing additional attachment sites for Na'/K'_
dent (45). The delivery of K' to the urine is affected AT Pases (88). They elevate the phospholipid COn-

tent of the membranes, and and a proposed function present in growth hormone-secreting pituitary tumor
is insulation of one pump from the oIe<:trical activi- cells, and they may also be present in normal so-
ties of others. matotropcs. Interestingly, however, they have not
Hyperkalemia stimulates insulin secl"<'tion, and been found in the corticotropts, altbough those <xlls
studies with somatostatin indicate that at least basal release a peptide that affects a ldosterone biosyn-
levels of that hormone arc r"'luil"<'d to support nor- thesis (\16). The findings may be related to obser-
mal rates of K + transfer acr()SS plasma membranes. vations that patients with disturbances of GH SCc .....
Epinephrine accelerates uptake of the iOlls by skel· tion oftcn show aldosterone (202).
etal and cardiac muscle. Erythrocytes "learn" to Much of tbe aldosterone tbat cnters the liver is
take up mol"<' K+ when the plasma levds Qf the ion converted to other steroids, conjugated, and sent On
are chronically elevated, but they arc not believed to to the bile or urine. It not known whether some
play important roles ;n acute responses to potassium effects al"<' directly on hepatocyte., Or
loading. whether some of the metabolite. made in the liver
POlassium loading invokes aldosterone-indcpen- perform special physiological functions elsewhere.
dent adaptations (45). It promptly affects the activ-
ity of a phosphatase that controls phosphorylation of
a component of thc renal tubule Na ' /K ' ·ATPase,
and it mol"<' slowly increases the numbers of potas· Aldosterone receptor numbe ... increase in untreated
sium pumps (173). More rapid K ' entry across the adrenalectom ized animals, and the eff..:ts arc .....
luminal mcmbranes has been observed for colonic versed by aldosterone administration . Chronic oVer·
mucosa, and similar effects may be invoked in the dosage diminishes the numbers, and there is rapid
kidney. The ions may be acting on potassium car· restoration when the hormone i. withdrawn. Accord-
riers or on the operation of an "absorption pump" ing to SOme observers, aldosterone is the primary
( 144). AldClSterone action$ on Ihe colon are similar regulator of the receptors (83). Evidence prescnted
in many other ways to the ones established for the by others for influenee. exerted by A- II and sodium
renal mbules. ions is discussed in the next section. There are con-
dition. under which binding change, and
this provides an explanation for nonparallel changes
ALDOSTERONE INFLUENCES ON OTHER in sensitivities and receptor numbers.
The ability of one kind of hormone to bind to .....
Proteins resembling the mineralocorticoid receptors ceptors for another can a ssume physiological impor-
have been identified in the small intestine and esoph· tance in some harmone dcficiency Stalcs, and when
agus, but no functions for them are known (88). AI- tumors release large quantities of biologically aClive
dQSterone is taken up rapidly by skeletal and cardiac products to the bloodstream .
muscle, and it inAuences Na ' and K' transport Glucocorticoids utilize their own receptors to
across the plasma membranes (50). Curiously, how- maintain K ' balance in otherwise untreated adre-
ever, no I"<'ceptors have been identified tbere, and al· animals. Thcy do this without increas·
dQSterone is not translocated to the nudei of those: ing Na ' (18). (In fact, they can exert an-
<xUs. AldQSterone also affects ion transport across tinatriul"<'tic influences under some conditions.)
erythrocyte membranes. It cannot act tbere in the Low dosages directly modulate Ihe Na' / K ' _
"classical" manner, since those cells lack nuclei. ATPases of thc kidney . They also accelerale K ' ex_
Salivary and SWeat glands arc generally regarded crelion by the gaMrointestinal tract. Unlike aldoste-
all ·'propcr" target organs, sin<x there is evidenec for rone, they aCt on both the small and large intestine.
the existence of receptors. and the mineralocorti_ 1·lighcr concentrations increase glomerular filtra'
coids are known to decrease the Na ' :K ' ratios of tion rates, in part by improving cardiovascular fune-
the Measurements of the electrolyte com· tions and supporting Ihe actions of catecholamine..
position of saliva al"<' sometimes used in tbe diagnosis They tend to elevate plasma K ' by accelerating ca-
of adrenocortical disorders. tabolism and by promoting translocations of K '
Aldosterone-binding proteins arc present in the from intracellular to extracellular sites. They also
brain, but they have not been extensively studied and enhance scnsitiyity to potassium loading (88).
the functions have not been delineated. The likeli- Glucocorticoids affect aldostcrone sccrction in
hood that the proteins are receptors is supported by scveral ways. They accelerate production of angi·
of the effects of other s teroids on the binding Olcnsinogcn, and this leads to the formation of A-II
(5). (a major stimulant of 7.ona glomerulosa cells.) The
PrOteins with aldosteronc·«:ceptor properties al"<' inAuenccs they exert on Na ' and K ' metabolism
contribute to the regula tion of renin release, and and a n additional 47% associates loosely wlh albu·
this, too, affects A· II production. min. O nly 17% binds to CRG (214).
Glucocorticoids exert negative feedback control In recumbent subjects. the circadian variation' in
Over ACTH secretion. This slows production of cor· hormone secretion tend to parallel those of ACTH .
ticosterone. which serves as an aldosterone precur· The levels risc rapidly after the subjects assume an
sor. As discussed later. ACTH additionally acts in upright posture (l9).
other ways to either increase or decrease aldosterone Sodium depletion markedly augmen ts aldOSlerone
release. Moreover. giucocorticoids deprc§s PG syn· secretion. but il does so indire<:tly. As discussed ea r-
thesis. They can in this way affect the functions of lier in Ihis chapter. plasma Na' concenlralions are
ADH (an inhibitor of renin release). jea lously guarded . a nd hyponatremia only
when Ihe usual regulatory S)'stcms fail. Therofore,
changes in plasma Na · ca nnot provide appropriate
physiological stimuli for the glomcrul= cell s.
Since glucOCQrticoid deficiency imp.irs the abilit), \0 (O nly grossly pharmacological variatioru; in extra-
excrete a " .. tcr load within time periods established cellular Na' have direct effects.)
for healthy subjects. water tolerance teslS have bttn The rcnin-angiotensin system is the major regu·
uscd as a diagnostic tool. lator of aldoslerone secretion. It is affecled b)' body
Adrenalectomi7.Cd animals given large quantities sodium content . ECF volume. system ic blood pres·
of water by stomach tube absorb the nuid vcr)' sure . potassium levels. acid-base balance. renal
slowly. They therefore suffer for a time from me- blood How. signals received from the central nerv<JUS
chanical pressure on the surrounding structures. "00 system. hormones and other phy>iologieal faclors.
from Ihe effects of luminal hypotonicity on the gas·
trointestinal muc=. When the "'aler enters the
bloodstream. it is retained too long, The resulting he·
modilulion and hyponatremia lead to water·logging The juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) is a complex
of the cells. Some erythrocyles hcmolyze. and the organ situaled wilhin the hilus of the glomerulus. II
hemoglobin that is released can clog renal tubules. eontains e<:1i types derived from both vascular and
More direCI effoxts of hormone deficiency on Ihe kid· tubular componenls of Ihe kidney. and it funclions
ney impair Ihe ability to appropriately acccierate in both pereeption and see«:tion (12.117. IIS). A
waler excrelion . simplified diagram is shown in fig. 9·8.
Adrenaleclomi •.cd animals given glucoconicoids
some hours prior to the lest display normal " .. ICr 101·
The Grenuler Cella
crance. Thc hormones exert bcneiicial effe<: ts on the
gastroinleSlinal Iract. on the mechan isms for c.· Close 10 its point of entry into Ihe glomerulus. Ihe
changing Ouids betwecn Ihc blood and the imersti· affcrent arteriole contains within its medial coa l
tial spaces. on the plasma membranes of cells and
the associatcd resistancc to water·logging. On gl.,.
mcrular filtration ralCS. and on renal tubular func·
lion •. They also the waler·«:taining cf·
reen or anlidiuretic hormone. and it has bttn
proposed thaI they decrease ADH release. (go-anu!3t) cells
Although mineralocorticoid. act most obviously 10 Alle 'en!
promole walcr and sa lt retcnlion. Ihey can hasten
the excretion of a water 1000d in adrenalectomized
animals, They are les. effoxlive than glucocorticoids
and require more lime to confcr proloxtion, Na · /
K· .ATPases arc the mOSI li kely site. of action.

Hea lt hy human adults secrete 40-200 I'g of aldosle· Me,,,,,
rone daily to mainlain plasma level. of 2-10 ng/mL
Cone<:nlration, no higher than 20 ng/ml invoke so--
dium and waler retent ion and kaliuresis , Thc high
potency and rapid clcarane<: are allributed 10 the
very limiled affinilies for plasma proteins. Close 10 fI g. g-8. [);'"9'a.,.."oli<: repro.....lal"" 0110' ' ' 0 _ ' ' ' '
36% of circulaling aldosterone is in the free form. appa'.'u,.

groups of specialized cells that replace (and proba- tained within the tubular fluid . a nd the talal ionic
bly are derived from) lhe usual smooth mUs<:lc. T he composition. may be imporlant.
term .. l(1r (JG) is most commonly used
to designate the specialized cells. Other te rms (gran-
Neural Components
ular JG, rny<>cndocrinc. myoepithelial, and epithe-
lioid ) have been applied. however. Adrenergic neuronS supply some of the granular
J G cells synlhesi7.c and slore renin . T he granulc.s cells and also the smooth muscle of Ihe blood vc
may contain precun;ors as well as active forms of Ihe walls. Catechola mines released from the terminals
enzyme. Corti cal JG cells contain ITIQre granules affe<:t both renin s.e.:rction and arleriolar tone. There
Ihan medullary ones, and there is a direct relation_ arc functional connections with several pariS of the
ship between gra nularity and renin cantcn!. brain (159.17 I ).
Myafibrils are also pres..nt. These are believed to
function as "stretch" receptors that SCnse cha nges in
the diameter of (or the pressure within) Ihe afferent RENINS
arteriole (42). Morphologically similar cells ()C<:nr ir- Renins are highly spc<:ifie peptidase! that act on an·
regularly in mOre proximal portions of the afferent giotensinogens to release the deeapeptide angioten·
arte rioles and in the efferent arterioles. sin t (A·I). They are not known to perform any other
functions(1S S,159) (Fig. 9-9).
Lacla Cells Although the enzyme' are made in many parts of
the body. Ihe rapid decline in pla ,m a concentrations
Phagocytic components interposed between the en· that follows nephre<:tom)' support' the belief Ihat
dothelium of the glomerulus and the basement mem- plasma renins originate primarily in the kidneys.
brane are known as mfSangia/ cells. Those that ex- The molecules evidently undergo processing before
tend imo the reg ion bounded by the afferent and they arc releascd. since the acti"e form that predom·
efferem arterioles comprise the "extraglomerular inates in human plasma is a glycoprotei n with an ap-
mesangium:' The term /M"i5 (network ) refers to the parent molecular weight of 48.000. whereas enzymes
numerous inte rtwining cytoplasmic processes that purified from kidneys ha"e wci&hts closer to 40.000
provide for oontac\ with other oomponents of the (182). Cireulating cn'.yme, arc degraded in the
JGA. Other names applied to these ce lls include liver. and patients with hepatic diseases OflC n hve
agranu/ar. agranu/ar JG. pseudQ-M eisserian. and elevated levels. The plasma in hea lthy hu·
GOOI"maghligh (although Goormaghtigh described mans has been variously estimated at between 10
the other components of the JGA as Well). and 65 minu les.
Together with the granular cells, they make up
the "vascular component'" of the JGA. and enler Numerou. isozym.. lhat dilfer from each olher in size.
into the formation of an arteriolar cuff (polar cush. i:KItcctric pOi nu. and cat.tytic activities hay. been iden·
ion. Po/kissen). Renin has been iden tifted in the lacis tified from body tissue •. The ooe. of renal origin all seem
cells, but it has not been established that the enzyme to be glyeoprateillS (17t). but tt.ose obtained from rodenl
mandibular gland. can be frcc of carboh)·drate (182).
is there.
The apparent molecular ••eights range from 36.000-
63.000. with mool form, dose'tto 40.000 dalton •. It i.
The Macula Densa not koown whethcr the product ion of multiple iso>-ymes
has ph)"ioIosical ,igni fieance . It has. 1Io..·..·e'. t>ccn
At the point where it merges with the distal tubule. , how. that p·adr.""rgic .gooi,to profcrontially rele"""
the uppermost portion of the thick asce nding limb of just certain on.. in rat, {t(6). Evidently. tbcsc are mol.
the Henle loop lies againsl thc hilus of Ihe same eeules that have been .torcd for a time within the cell'
nephron. The clcar, columnar epithelial cells of thi, (t07).
region differ in appearance from other tubular ceils,
and they are known collectively as the macula densa
(bc<:ause of their closely packed nuclei). They make Prorenlns
oonlaCI with the afferen t and efferent arterioles. and Proren;ns lack catalytic activity, but they can be
also with the extra glomerular mesangium. The cell. converted in vitro to potent enlymes. In normal
are believed to function as sen,itive to human blood plasma, the prorenin:renin ratio is
changes in either the composition of the tubular fluid around 9.
Or the rales of prescnt3lion of specific ions that ar· Studies of amino acid incorporation by isolated
rive from the Henle loops. Na ' and Cl - have re· glomeruli, eDNA obtained from rodent salivary
ceived the most attention. but other substances con· glands. and coli-free translation . all su pporl the be·
(A1h9-"... . T"'_-.. ' _ _ £..o-<oo )

lief Ihat renin is cleaved from large preeu""rs that Prorenln Activation
have pre-pro sequenCl'S (1 82A), However, the rela_
The two procedures commonly used in the labora-
tionships between those high-molecula r weight renin
and the circulating pron:nin' a rc not lOry arc "acid activation."' i.e. incubation of Ihe pru-
leins at a pi I of al"Qllnd 3.3. and "cryooct;vat;on:' or
dear. Prorenin declines somewhat, but it doc. not
Slorage of the proteins a t lemperalures of - 2' 10 -
disappear from the blood plasma after nephrectomy.
Salt depletion clevates both prorcnin and renin in
healthy subjects. and there is no indication that pro- Botb procedure. deptnd on the pr ... ""e of endogenous
renin concentrations fall as renin activity rises, protease. in the preparal;ons. The}' seem to involve one
Morwver. some species (e.g. dogs) do not seem to Or mOre of the following: (a) changes in moleclar config_
have circulating prorenins (182). It has been sug- uralion that lead to exposure of the c"alytic ,ite.; these
gested that prorenin made in the kidney contributes ore not n""essaril)" a.oociatc<! with subst.ntial¢$ in
directly to localir.ed hormonal control. and that mol- the and woights: (b) ",parat;""" of the en,.yme from
ecules released to the bloodstre..m represenl tmn.<- cndogel'lOll' inhibitors: (c) blocking of the action. of en_
dogenous inhibitors: (d) remov.1 of ,ubot.. te., thot com-
port forms of thc ptte with renin for catalytic ,itcs; and (e) limited proto-
Plasma prorenin is usually not measured directly. oI)", i. 1hat r.,uh. in the 'emoval of pc ptid .. maSki n!! th.
The concenlrations are estima ted from comparisons eatalytic ,itc< bu, has lin lc effect on the molecular
of enzyme activities before and after in vitro pro- weight.
cessing. The value' obla ined depend on the tech- The acid aC1 ivation permits only partial conversion of
niques used. Average levels for healthy humans are p,,,,enin to renin . It rend ef$ the molecules '""".ptible 10
in general neighborhood of ISO pg prorenin pcr further cieaV3.$e as soon as the pH i. ra ised.
milliliter. Factors implicated in physiological activation in-
clude cathepsin> (known to be present in t he Iyso-
SOmes of JG cells). kal1ikrcins (43.52) (lysosomal en-
"Big Renlns "
zymes that affect othe r components of the system
Big and "big-big'" renin-li ke proteins wilh molecular discussed laler). plasmin (89), and Hageman factor
weights that can go as high as 140.000 show widely (52). Trypsin is probably not important in vivo. Low
varying propertie,. Some possess catalytic activity conce ntrations activate prorenin but high ones de-
and may consist of aggregates of sma ller proteins. stroy the .n1.yme. T he roles of sodium ions a rC con-
Others are believed to be active enzymes associated troversial , The effects of varying the concentrations
with inhibitors that block the catalytic sites in the extracellular nuids of the kidney differ from
those invokcd by cllanging the plasma lewis, Plasma Enzyme, Re leted t o Re n in
rcni n levels prom pt ly follo wing tile assumption h oreni"! nCI on the Io:lme substrates. but they d ilfer
of upright post ure. a nd generalized sodium depic tion from lhe ",rue'· .coins in ways tha t include
exaggeratcs tile responses (175). Hov.'Cvcr. depriva· pH optima (159). They promote IcK:alized g(lICra.
tion of suli"lCient magnitude to elevate pla$ma !'Cnin tion of angiotensin. The: $itCS in ,,·hie h tlw:y have
activity to 12 times the bf.sal values does not o bvi- been identified ;nc;lude the adrenal ,he sub-
ously a li"ect !'enin status within the kidneys of rats maxillary. pituitary. and pillCa] glands. scwral pam
(1 43) , of the br.;n. the wall l of la rge aner;cs and yeins. the
gastrointesti na l tract and Ihe preg nan t uterus.
Renin Inh ibito r.
TOfIiftS ...... ;nitially fou nd in hilh concentrations in
Aproliain (Truylol) is • peptide found in kith 00fICC ... rodent .. Iivlry JlttndL N"C $ince been icklltificd in
,rations in 10"", spleen. Ind ....11 cen. (..,. Chajlle. 6). kid ... )... , plcens. '''''01. Ind olher <><P"" <:I ""'''Y mam-
It i. a poIent inhibitor of ,he ","e,ion in wb;ch prchlli- mal. (159). They directly rele.", A_II fl"Qm lhe renin
hein i. eOl1","ed ' 0 kallikrei n (68). and ;, hI. been im· subst'ato. and they abo calalyze the Ihottenin& or A-I 10
plica 'ed IS • phy.iol0Il;CiI1 Iuppr<...". or prorcnin A.I I. Therefor •. tbey I"""ide meChanisms fOl"
ac\ivltiQrl. 01 A·II ,hal <10 not Iho conwrti", cn'l·me de-
When mlift clea ..... il.... bo'nt'(.'he &llcop< po<- scribed later.
tlool oI'M ...iot.""i_en ,ha. ",mai"" i. aloo I pOlen, A I...... mi.., add peptide identical "'ilk 1M oomponc:n.
inhibilor (Il). A role in ne,a,ive feedbad """,,,,, of 1\. of a",iotc ... illOl. n tlu.t i. cleaved by renin il oflen used
I produelion hu been $Uucw;<I . 10 mUSUro ,.nin . eli. ily. PuudOl"n,;ns re leaso A· I from
Normal blood plasma contain! stveral lipidlthat may ,h. peplide. but thoy do ...ot oCt on .",loten,iOOSen.
oct",e IS pb)'$ioloaicII inbibilOt$. One compon<nt '1'I:ot i. These: cn>.ymCi aro not belio.. <llo be physiolo$","ny te-
(or reoc:mblCl) pbofpllali<ll'loctrillC .. quir .. 1<1;""ior! by la,ed to the ··true" '.ni .... C.,hep$;n P .• 1)'SQIOOU1.n-
phosphdipaK A (17). zyme. rnay be Ihe ma;or pselLdoronin found in tts.1>CS.
Pbarmaeolotie.1 .,enn illdude ....., ... t phospholIpidS.
lyoopbo$pholipid. and I .. toel. peps"'in (I. til·
lyme irolated (rom mic roorpnilmll nd for i, •• f. Speclea Dltlerence,
(<<:11 on pCPlin aClivity) ( Fill. 9-10). pe pslalin aMIoi-<
(156). peplidCl roll'ed to ,eni" ,.botrale. and pejllide .... Human rcnins contain Il1O!'C polar amioo acids than
Ilop """... i.i", .,.Ioucine (86..81.llS). R.nin an1ibodko tile onzymes or atlM:. mammal. t ha I have been stud-
.'" also .... ied thus f. r ( 155). They cleave as ,,'Cn as

His-.-"'>o-H;s-leu-leu-Vat-T ty_ Ser--lw--l-eu_ Va1-Tyr-<l--CH,

FI9.9- 10 . Soma (_sol_

..,.,.; ..... , ..... _ Fio. 9-9. ,
Leu·Leu bonds, and can gcnerate A.J from human Renin secretion ca n be increased with afferent ar-
reni n substrate. They also act on the substrates from teriole vasoconstrictiors, and with age nts that lower
other .pecics. In cont rast . the other known renin. the systemic blood pressu re sufficie nt ly to impair
cleave only Le u·Leu bonds. and thcy are inelTective renal blood flow. h is also augmented when diet-
when incubated with human sub$trate (1 g2). ary deficiencies. heavy sweating. hemorrhage . or
othcr conditions lead 10 reduction of the ECF
Widcly used techn iques for accelerating renin se·
Usually. plasma renin ac tivity. rather than enzyme eretion in laboratory animals include clamping of
concentration. is measured: When pla<ma is ta ken the abdominal aona above the kidney and clamping
from normal human subje<:ts, 100- of Ihe renal arteries . It is now recognized that the
gOO ng of angiotensin 1 is gcnerated during a 3-hour effects are achieved by the conseq uent fait in afferent
incubation carried OUI undcr standardized condi_ a rteriolar pressure. A previously held belief Ihatthe
tions. The PRA is higher in the morning than at techniques a rc effcc tive because Ihey invoke hypoxia
night (and a cessation of renin release coinciding has ocen discarded . All hough long-tum oxygen dep-
with the onset of REM sleep has ocen obsen·ed rivalion ultimalely leads to chronic elevation of Ihe
[146]). The mean values aT"<: also higher in individ_ plasma renin 1e,"<:ls. acute hypoxia does not obviously
uals ingesting Iow-salt diets. affect renin secretion when measures arC laken to
PRA is obviously relaled 10 faclOfS other Ihan maintain adequate pressure within thc alTerent ar·
renin concenlralions. The enzyme :substrale ralios in le rioles (142).
blood plasma are in ranges Ihat permit elevation of
the PRA ,,·hen either Ihe sU!>slrate or Ihe enzyme
levcls arc increased. Bolh factors con vary under
physiological cond itions. Exercise evidently leads There is universal agreement that the macula densa
mastly to a""derated ren in release. whereas the ( MD) cells play role< in the supppress;on of renin
higher P RA associated with the luteal phases of secr<:lion when the ECF contains large quantities of
human ovarian cycles. wilh pregnancy (159). and NaCI. They perform such funclions cven when the
in SOme women taking oral contraceptives. involves pressure within alferent arterioles is maintained
the production of la!'icr amounts of substrate (g9). "I con"""t ""lue
Cytological studies support the concept that MD
Ano1her parameler. pl.sma renin (PRR) ;,
"mea,u,. of tbe role ofangiotcnsin gener.t;"n when cells ma ke funClional conncct;""s wilh the gl""Jnular
Qg<'ll(ms renin i, added 10 plasm'. Ek •• I;on of Ih. PRR JG componenlS via cytoplasmic projcctions and
in palienlS wilh ehronic renal failure h.. been anribuled plasma membrane speciali'.lllions that permit direCI
10 deficiency of a lipid pre..,nl in nQrmat blood 'ha' in· eleclrochemical comm unication. MD cells probably
hibi" renin aClivity (t95). also exert mechanical influences on Ihe JG cells
when they undergo osmolie s","<:lIing Or shri nking.
Re n)n Sec retion There are contro"e rsies 0'''' the nature of the sig·
nals perceived by macu la densa ce lls. T he adminis-
Many kinds of ,t imu li affecI the .Iec,.,./ion of reni n tration of large quantite., of saline leads (0 all of Ihe
into the blood,tream (21.114.11 7). The mechansms following: (a) Ihe glomerular filtral ion rate (G FR )
dilTcr from those alfceting Itxaliud of Ihe increases; (b) a larger volume of lubular Auid is
en1.yme within the kidney (42). made: (c) Ihe Aui d Aows more rapi d ly. and it pre-
senlS Ihe M D cells with Na + ions and Olher filtrale
components at a faster rale: (d) since the brush bor-
der cells reahsorb a smaller fraction of Ihe filtered
The JG (granular) cells within the afferent solutes. the concentra tions of Na -. CI - , and other
of the glomeruli arc believed to tonic. dissolved substances the 10lal osmolality of the tu·
lory control over renin secretion. They are aCli valed fluid and rise.
,,'hen they are sl\'Ctched. Elevation of the sySlemic It is possible therefore thaI MD cell, are respond-
blood pressure. expansion of the ECF. and physi()- ing to the raleS of :-1a + presentation, the rat .. of pre-
logical as well as agents that dilale sentation of other solu tes. and/or the changes in so-
the renal arteries, can all accelerate blood fiow 10 tbe lUie concen trations . The cells may also respond to
afferent arterioles of Ihc glomeruli, widen Ihe ,·e ..",1 changes in turgor or cytosolic composition that result
diamelers. and thereby inlensify inhibilion. Pa· from loss of water to hyperlonie e nvironmenls or
paverine is sometimes used to inhihit renin secrelion. from the entry of solutes crossing Ihe plasma
It is a vasodilator. but it add itionally acts in other membranes .
ways. It is dintcul! \0 determine the importance of each

kind of since every form or activity that follow the assumption of upright poll-
manipulation has secondary consequences. Further ture a re greater in human subjects consuming high·
problems of interpretation arise from indications sodium. low-chloride foods than in those ingesting
thal sodium ion concentrations can affcct aetiva/ioil high·sodium . high-chloride diets (112). (However.
as well as se<:rclion of renin (42), and from the cf· varying the chloride intake has lillie influence in so-
fox\! of Ihe various oonditi(ms on inlrarcnal release dium-depleted subjects.)
of Ihe enzyme. . The Henle loops actively transport cr .
and they
Indications that o.<molality of the tubular fluids is excrt this effcct on the tubular fluid before it rcaches
imponant come from oooervalion, thaI infusions of the MD cells. The kidneys of most mammals oontain
hypertonic solutions of glucose. mannitol, urea, and <;omc nehprons wi th short Henlc loops and other.<
electrolytes other than Na' or 0 - . Can all depT.", with long ones, and the long ones extract more CI - .
Ihe renin secretion rale. However. Ihe infusion'S alw Inverse relationships between the lengths of Ihe
affect tubular fluid flow rales. and they osmotically loops and the granuation of the JG cclls have bc<:n
draw waler from the cells. described for mouse nephrons (42)
Under physiological C<lndi lions, increases in ECF
volume and Na' concentration, and in tubular flow FUro<Cmidc . nd cthaerynit acid are da"if,ed .. ""loop
rates. are almost invariably ac.:ompanied by accel- diuretics·· lJcc,u"" tbey i""rea ... urine v<ltumc by inhib-
erated mOvementS of ;OIlS. Chronic CI -
iting CI - ","aelion along Ihe a,ce nding ftenle loops.
loading by infusions of solutions containing cations The)· grcalcr off""" On renin « crelion lhan diuret-
ics .cting at olher .ilcs. The observation has been ci lcd
such as choline also decreascs renin secretion . Chlo- 10 ,upport (he notion t h.. Cl i, a majOl" regulator of
ride solutions containing Na'. K' . Or Ca". are sim- renin «erelion. Ho,,·ever, Na ' ow'·ement, through the
ilarly effective, whereas ones containing those cat· loops lend to follow lno.e of Cl . Moreover. lhe diuret;cs
ions in combinations with other anions arc oo\. excrt olher .elioo<. They .her reMI blood IIow pallCrn,.
Further indications that CI - can act directly come prom<)(e ,.. of renat vessels. and .,:<derate lhe
from observations that thc increases in plasma renin urinary e"erelion of K ' . Ca' · . • nd Mg' · (1 4 S).



(Diural. u..,,) II •
C-C-C - CH.

o '"
Elha<;<)'niC acid
IRCM"I3J<. Ulegil)

Diurelics of this kind ... Iso su'pc<:tc<l of exerting di- elevation of cytosolic Na:K ratios. Oua-
T«l influences on Ih. pla,m. membranes of JGA cell .. bain (a Na · / K ' ·A TPase inhibitor) also usually cI-
and Ihey are said 10 promote renin activation (89) . More- evates the Na: K ralio within the cells. and il. too,
over, 01lC$ that act more distally can $<Wndarily affcol depresses reni n rdease (158).
lhe How or lubutar ftuid in Ih. MD region. I n intact animals. polassium loading quite consis-
tently decreases renin seertion. Some of the e!feets
Chronic potassium loading leads to lowering of probably result =ndarily from the of
the plasma angiotensin levels (46). while direct KCI aldosleronc secretion and (he con:;equcnt sodium
infusion into distal tubules suppresses renin re- and water retention.
(42). Relalively high con""n trations of K · High concentrations of O:lracel/u/ar Ca" can de-
have been used in most of studies (amounts suf- press renin secretion (114). an effcct allributed by
ficient 10 inv<lke and sc:c· some 10 high cytosolic Cal' per sc. and by to
ondary changes in the cytosolic contcnt of other secondary effects on Ca"INa' across Ihe
ions) . Depolarizalion is generally associated with plasma membranes (158.198). is a concenlra-
tion range over an inverse rc:lationship be- Ca2+ . fi-adrenergie agonists bring about changes
tween Ca" levels and rates of rc:nin release be that lead 10 mOre rapid Cal. extrusion from the
demonstrated for i,olated. perfused kid ney., (64). cell,. One interpretalion is lhat lhe eXlrusion has the
When media are perfu,ed. renin re- secondary effeel of lowering the cytQ50lic Cal ' , A
lease increases and thc inhibitory effects of high K ' , problem with this inlerpr<:talon is that a different ....
of ouabain. and of angtiotensin II and vasopressin quence of events has been established for most ccll
are blocked. Verapamil, which interferes with Ca l + typos lhat engage in exocytosis. Slimulation and
uptake by the blunts (but docs not totally abol- membrane depOlarizalion lead to elevation of the cy-
ish) the inhibition by the .arne agents when extra· tosolic Cal<. This. in turn, activate, the ca lcium
cellular Cal . is present (157). All of the preceding pumps. Ca" extrustion follows. Moreover. p·ago--
findings lend <upport to the hypothesis that extra' nists promote cAMP generation. In many cell types,
cellular Ca l. i< a physiological inhibitor. that nucleotide elevates cytosolic Ca" by releasing
On the other hand. lhe physiological relevance of the ions from intracellular sequestration sites.
observations made with isolated perfused kidneys Therefore, it remains to be determined whether
and with ionic concentrations that deviate markedly cell' utili7.e mechanisms for release
from the in vivo values has been questioned (200). of the en,yme that a«' very different from those secn
Final evaluation must take inlo account (a) the p0- in most other parts of the body (64). or whether the
tentially damaging effects of calcium·free media on indications for Ca h inhibition a«' related to the sf'C'
plasma membranes that can lead to nonSf'Ceific Ic'lk- cial kinds of experimental conditions under ",hich
age of from the cell. (b) the fact that the the effecls have been demonstrated,
measurements made in the isolated kidney studies
a«' of renin activity (rather than concentrJtion) in
the fluids. (c) the nced for supraphysiological con-
The Importance 01 the Renallnnervalion
centrations of K ' to demonstra te" consistent Ca l-
inhibition. (d) reports that release of renin by kidney Although denervated kidneys can make adjustmem,
slices requires extracellular Ca l '. and (e) the nu · 10 large changes in blood pressure. ECF
merous indications that renin release (measured by "olume. and the ionic composition of Ihe extracellu-
the perfusion studies) is different from physiological lar fluids, there is little doubt thaI the renal nerves
.<tcrttion of renin into the bloodstream. play important roIcs. Sectioning of the nerveS abol-
In studIes on rats, It has been found lhat chronic Ishes circadian PRi\ rhythms. and it blunlS Or abol -
calcium chloride loading does not affect the PRA ac· ishes responses of the rcnin'angiotensin system 10
tivity of animals oonsuming diets with the usual nonhypotensive hemorrhage . hypoglycemia, hy-
quanlit ies of sodium. athough it can suppress the poxia. assumption of upright posture, cervical vagOl-
renin secretion rCSpOnses to sodium deprivation omy. cervical cooling. intracerebral administration
(114) . interestingly. equivalent amounts of calcium of angiotensin (27,123), intracerebral administra-
given in lhe form of calcium gluconate failed to in- lion of inorganic ions. neurotransmitters. and pharo
voke oomparable suppression. Calcium gluconatc is macolosica l asents, and adminiSlration of
also less effective than calcium chloride for reducing a wide variety of nonphysiolosical substances, Dc-
lhe rate of renin release, when the salts arc perfused nervation also blunts the effects of experimemal ;(}-
diroctly into the renal arteries of dogs. There have terveotions affecting the sinuses. the aortic
been reparls that calcium chloride can sl;muiale and pulmonary baroreceptors. and the arterial
renin secretion from denervaled kidneys of anesthe- baroreceptors,
tized doss. Moreover. neither acute nor chronic hy_ When lhc nerves are intact, renin secretion usu-
pocalcemia has delectable effects on the PRA of hu- ally increases following stimulation of specific sitcs
mans. An additional observation dinicuh to reconcile within the medulla oblongata. pons. mesencephalon,
with the Ca l + inhibition hypothesis is the stimula- and posterior hypothalamus , It is decreased by stim-
tion of renin release in doss by parathyroid hormone ulation of the ante,ior hypothalamus (21).
(a «'gulato' known to inc«,ase cytosolic Ca" in a Stimulation of the sympathelic nervous system
wide variety of eel! types including ones within lhc leads to the diseharge of adrenomedullary hormones.
kidney). Since both calcium loading and parathyroid In addition to direct ly affecting JG cells and renal
hormone signiftcanlly affect potassium metabolism . vaseular muse Ie. CAs can change the K' concemra·
some effects of calcium ions on renin secretion in lions of blood plasma and renal tubular fluids byaf.
intact ani mals may be indirectly medialed fecting transport of the ions across plasma memo
(114). branes. In many spoei.s, they invoke massive release
According to al least some observers. epinephrine of erythrocytes from the spleen and lhereby elevate
sti mulation of renin release requires extracellular hemalocrit values. When mCaSu,""s are taken to

avoid ele.:lrolyle and ,'olome changes. dosages of Effect s of Hormones

CAs too small to directly aife<:t the JG cells and af-
ferent arterioles accelerate renin secretion. It has Since are released from the adrenal medulla.
been proposed thai they aCI on extrarenal re<:CplOrs certain of their actions arc properly cla..ified as
10 stimulate lhc release: of other mediators, Re- hormonal.
sponses of this kind 3rC 001 blocked by Angiotensin-II bel ieved to participate in phys-
lomy or the administration of PG synthesis inhibi· iological ncgative feedbac k control of renin secre-
10rs (103) . tion. Some observers believe that the peplide acts di·
When connections bet ..,•• n the renal nerveS and rectly on the JGA (65), since it i. effeclive whcn
Olher P"'(l; of Ihc nervOllS system are severed. elec- presenled directly 10 the kidney. Howe ve r, A-II
trical stimulation of Ihe cut ends of Ih. nerve, ac- stimulates the secrelion of antidiuretic
celerales 1'<'o;n seCN:tion. Three mechanism' have (ADH). Exogeoous ADH lowers plasma renin and
been suggesled (171): A-I I ooncentrat;on$ in ;nlacl animals. Homozygous
!. Activation of JG cen /'I-adrenergic receplOrs Bralliebom rats cannol ma ke AOH. and they lack
and generation of cAMP, (Such clTe<;\S arc mim- ncurohypophysial A-II receptors. They have high
icked with cAMP analogs and thcy can be blocked renin and A-II levels.
with P. but 00\ a, receptor antagonists.) ADH i, a lso implicated as a regulator of angio-
2. C<>nslricl;on of (hc affcren( ar(erioles. with con- tensin converting The activity;s very high
sequen( lifting of (he wni, inhibitory influcnces oth- in the neurohypophysis (but oot at other sites) in
erwise exertcd by the stretch receptors. (",-type ad- Brallicboro rals (35) .
renergic reccptors arc implicatcd hcre: e_idently. AD H additionally interacls with A_ II in Olher
they are ana.wmical\y associatcd with ncrvc tcrmi- W3)"1 . A- II is a potent dirsogen . II can therefore in-
nals different from the ones that go (0 the It-type re- directly expand Ihe ECF volume by stimulating an-
ceptors [S?].) imals to drink. AOH increases wa ler retention. and
3. Depression of the GFR. with consequent slow- il can in this way Ihe d ipsogenic effecIS. The
ing of the delivery of ions to thc luminal .urfaces of actions of A- li on both Ihe adrenal cortex and kid-
MD cells. (This elTeel woold he: w asSume ney facilitale Na ' relention. whereas ADH some-
speCial imporlance when Ihe brush border cells ,e- limes Invokes m,ld hyponalremla. !'GEs antagonize
roove high ..."cemages of Ihe filtered Na - .J ADH actions on Ihe kidney, and angiotensins pro-
The receplor Iypes arc nol easily defined (93). mOle PG generalion. Although some investigators
Species varialions are encoumered. Moreover, each are less convinced than others of the magnitude and
of the pharmacological agents acts at ur.onspecif,c" physiological importance of the observations ([00),
sitcs. For erample, some of the elTeels of propranolol AD]·I as well as A_JJ arc released in larger quanti ties
on cell membranes are unrelated 10 It·receptor block. when animals are stressed.
ing potency. Prostaglandins of Ihe E I)"(lCS. prostacydins, and
In humans, dogs. and rats, p, recept<m may he: thromboxanes_ have been observed 10 increase renin
directly involved in stimulation of renin se<;retion. se<;retion both in vivo and in vim). [n common w;th
whereas fj, Iypes seem to be more importanl in con- CAs. the PG Es promote cAMP generalion in many
scious rabbilS and in cal$ (2(0). Somc cell types. and the nucle<ltide may be a mediator.
central effeCls have been lin ked wilh presynaplic However. thc effects can be demonstrated in Ihe
sites (95) and with a, =eptors. presence of adrcnergic blocking agent •. PGs also af-
Serotonin and tryplophan (its precursor) act «n- feCI urinary excretion of Na' and water. bUI at least
trally to eleva le plasma renin activity (142). The ef- some elTects On renin secrelion do nol depend upon
fects may be related 10 roles in the maimenance of Ihe sodium balance of the subjects (63 .1 14). Indo-
circadian PRA rhYlhms. (Serotonin does 1101 stimu · melhacin a nd eenain other PG synlhesi< inhibitors
late when it is injecled into renal arteries.) depress bolh basal renin secrelion ralc.! and the re-
Not all neumtransminer actiom; can be linked 'Ix>nses 10 >limuli such SQlHum depiction and
with Ihe renin-angiOlen,in system. and oot all arc af- heroorrhagc.
fected by A·I[ receplOr antagonists {SI). Unilaleral Growrh hormone (Gil) is a prorosed slimulant of
renal is comroonly followed by acceler- renin secretion (105). Observations thaI humans se-
aled water and iiOdium excretion (but decreased creling too much Gil tend to relain salt nnd .... aler
chloride excretion) on the affected side . ·'Dener_a_ and to have high systemic blood pressure . and that
lion diuresis and nre allribUled 10 ,,-{Od- exogenous G H reSlores Ihe suboormal ren;n levels in
re ncrgic =eptor mediated inAuen«s on Ihe proxi- hypophysectomized miS. are consiSlent with Ihis no-
mal conV<,lluted lubules. lion . On the olher hand. physiological roles for GH
f'",u", ,. of "oio =",1""
V..oco",,,k,;"" of ",.,1 .rr".", '''oriol<1
D«",.S«I doli,..,..,. of blood '0 ,II< orr«tnt ."oriole>
S«hum dopl<l;""
COl",".';"" of ,II< . ,"o«lIul.. n... voIu_'ion of the " ... ) "",oe<
S,imuloti"" of ..., ,,,,," of 'ho mod.lI. obloo,at., pon$. midb ..i., POO'"io< hypoth.lomu,
C...d,ol.mi ... octi., "" lI.. d",,,,,ic ""!'Ion
POI'.<. POI •• ",d ,hrornbo"lI<>
Seroton;n .c';n, .. ""lIy
Grow,h lY.>tmoo<
",,.,h)'mid "",100II<

fO(",,,,, ''''plicaud I. of "iii. ,«,,11011

I""", ..ed di.motcrS or .ffercn' "tC"""
"'pan'ion of c,,, ... II.I., nuid ""."'"
Hilh ,,,,,,cell.l., K '
/lntioto",in II
Hith """",n',,'ions of CI
Hiih <",.cell.l.. N. '
",,,,«lIul., c."
(.1", i.,pilcored b)' some in inh itM'ion)
fllc"", l",pI/NlI'" i. ,.him""" "f ,"n'
Pho<p!>oli IY"'I'l\o;»pllolipid,
GI)'C<)pt<I,.in cleaved rrom "'nin ,.1»,,.,,
FaclOl"' io .1."",,0'1 of pi",,,,. ".i. ,.Im' au
G I.""""",;coi<ls
"""<"<>tI cn •
s.,-". kid",,), di ..."

have been qucslion.d (171 ). G1-I nol raise lhe 100.000 share physicochemical wilh
renin levels of inlaCt ralS. and the PRA is not con· 57.QOO.dalton glycoproleins obtaincd from hogs.
sistently cleyatcd in patients wilh acromegaly, Ad· The renins of most mammals act On subst rates
ditional proposed hormonal regulators include 5{)- madc by others. bUI the catalytic potencies arc usu-
marosralin (which inhibits GH secretion) (114). and ally greatest when the entyme and subslrate come
g/uragon. which promotes cAMP generation in from lhe same species. Human angiolcnsinogens
many ceil types. have unique N-lcrminal amino acid sequences
(182). and lhey arc effectively cleavoo only by
human reni ns.
Undcr in vilro condilions, trypsin rcleascs tetra·
decapc:ptides from human and other angiotcnsino-
The circulating renin subslrates "re in gens. These serve as g<X:>d Substrales for all of the
and rcleasc:d from hepatocytes. They arc known mammalian enzymes. and also for the pscudore-
under a variety of appellalions. includi ng angiOlen' nins described earlier (Fig, 9-9). The reaction is not
and preangiotensins. (Hyperlensinogen. physiologically relevanl. but the peptide widely
prehypertcnsin. and preangiolonin arc older names used in renin assays. There are species variations ;n
thai arc now seldom usoo.) All arC species·specific A-I amino acid sequences. For example. bovine mol.
glycoprotein. lhat vary in glucosamine. s.alie acid. ecules haye a valine at position 5. Howev.:r. all
and hexose conlent (159). Most at"(; <,<,globulins. but mammalian angiotensins are metabolized along
lhose of a few 'pecies migrate with Ihe idemical pathways. and all have similar biological
lIuman forms with molecular ""'ights of 66,000- potencies.

Reg ulati on of Pl asma Renin Substret e BIO SYNTH ESIS AND METABOLISM OF THE
Co nce ntrations ANGIOTEN SIN S
Since the Ii"", produces the circulating renin sub- Mosl of the ci rculating A·I is formed directly within
statc. it is !IO! surprising that the level. arc low in the bloodstream. Allhough the l(}.amino-acid pcp-
patients with severe hepatic diseases. and in animals tide Can exert some direct actions. it is usually VOl)'
subjected to paniul hcpa1e<:\omy. The conccnlra- ra pidly converted to A-II (an octapeptide).
1;{lnS rise aflcr nephrectomy for several rcasons. The
k;d'lq.< Ish up a nd degrade the gi}'coprolcins. and
they ,elea$< renin. It has also ocen thaI a Converting Enzymes
faClor accumulates in the blood of nephrcc\omil,cd
Angiotensin converting entymes (ACEs) arc memo
animals thaI act. on liver slices to accclcrJlc aog;·
olensincgen production (171). brane-bound.<ontaining peptidyl dipeptide hy·
drolases that cleave substrates with free earboxyl
Glucororliroids and esrroge1!s .timulatc the p""
groups. They promote the conversion of A·I to A·II.
duction of several plasma proleins. and the effecls on
angiatensioogcn can be demonstrated both in viV<) of des·asp-A·r to A·111. and of kinins (d=rib.:d
la ter) to biologically inactive peptidcs. Their ability
and in vitro. Stress leads \0 the release of glucocor-
to degrade the B chain of insulin (95) is of some in·
ticoids, and ;1 raises the circulating substra te con-
le1"<'st because of known interactions between insulin
centmtiolt5. Since nephrectomy is a form of severe
and the bradykinins. Enkcphalin is another of Ihe bi·
wess. the steroids probably acoount for some of thc ological substrates (53).
elevations seon in animals subjected to such proce-
At least three different fC)fms of the enzyme arc
du1"<'s (171). The glycoprotein concentrations risc
fou nd in the lungs (39). One is a glycoprotein ",'ith
during p1"<'gnancy and in women taking oral contra·
a molecular weight of 129.000. II has been estimaled
ceptives. Jn conditions. high PRA is attributcd
that 40% of the A-I that cnters the pulmonary cir·
to accelerated production of the substrate. The low
cuit is cleaved to A-II in a single passage.
angiOtcnsinogen levels of hypophysectomized ani-
Converting enzymes at other sitcs have molecubr
mals arc attributed mostly to ACTH and gonadotro-
weights that range up to 480.000. High activities arc
pin deprivat ion. but GH deficiency. nutritional sta·
pre"""t at lite LI u,1t of lite ""nyu-
tus. and generalized depression of protein synthesis
tubules. and within vascular epithelium. Can·
verting is also found in the blood plasma. the
When presented in high oonecntrations. A-IJ ac·
liver. the heart. the brain. and the uterus.
celerates angiotensioogen production. It has been
Several factors (including ADH) afTect the aet iv·
proposed that the peptide engages in positive feed·
ilies of the en7.ymes. However. the ACE COIlcent·
back control that protects against substrate deple-
rations are usually so great (relative to tbose of
tion when renin secretion is augmcn tcd . A· II a lso
substrate) thai the rates of A·J I produclion
promOtes ACTH release. and it can stimulate glu·
cocorticoid secretion directly (at least in cattle). do not generally parallcl the changes in activity.
Chloride ions are essen tial. and sodium ions may
Moreov<:r. glucocorticoid. play permissive roles that
support A-JI effects On the liver. However. A·(I
stimulation of angiotensinogen production can be
demonstrated when glucocorticoid concentrations do
fIO\ rise above basal levels (16g).
The importance of A- II positive feedback has All of the physiological substrates mentionc.:l above
been questioned. Salt deprivation accelera tes renin can compete with A·I for the catalytic site of the
secretion and it elevates the plasma A·II. but under ACE . There has been strong interest in the devel·
those conditions A-II does not correct the substrate opment of more potent and highl y specific agents
depiction (91). for the trcatment of patients with "high renin
Insulin nerts numerOuS 1"<'gulatol)' influences on hypertension."
hepatic protein production. A role in maintaining the The first agents found useful as laboratory tools
secretion of renin substrate is oonsistent with obser· were obtained from snake Vel10mS (1 28.153). Some
vations that the levels are low in patients with inad· have been synthesi7.ed. and tcprotide (SQ 20881) is
equately controlled diabetes mellitus (148). Gluca· probably the best known oflhe group. Deliberate at ·
gon is released under some conditions associated tempts to find better agents suitable for administra-
with stimulation of renin-angiotensin system. but tion to patients have led to the development of cap-
it d<:l<'s not to have significant effects on thc topril (which is effective when taken orall)') and to
substrate levels. some chemically related substances (7).
I'-;,o-G"'· T,p-P,o-... rg.Pr<>-G .... -lIe· Pro-Pro
SO 2()6Il1
H eli,
(Te-proM... "BPP-..)
so 14225

Pharmaoological effects oonsistent with ACE in_ increase the Special ternt$ have been uti.
hibition include lessening of peripheral resistance to designate enzymes that act on specific bonds.
(with lillie Or no change in cardiac output), and (For example. angiotensinase C is a proly1carboxy-
depression of the plasma A-II and aldosterone levels. peptidase (154) identified in leu kOC)'tes. kidney. and
PRA usually rises. Thi. is allribUled to «,flex stim_ elsewhe«,.) All aCt on a wide variety of peptides that
ulation of the sympathetic system and lowering of include components of lhe kinin sysle m. and some
circulating A-I! . with consequent acceleration of angiotensin receptor antagonists_
renin secretion.
Th. amihypertonsive actions im'olve additional
mechanisms (7). Captopril affects I"<'nal blood now Angioten sin Receptor Antagon ists
and distribu tion, and it ScemS to blunt pressor re-
Some A-I I analogs compete with the hormone for
sponses to CAs. ADH is a vasoconstrictor_ and its
«,coptor sites, and they can therefore be used to treat
secretion is inhibitcd. This may be an indirect effect
patients making excessive amounts of angiotensins.
of A-II depletion. usually develops
The best known of the group is saralasin. I t derives
hocause of the low aldosterone IC""h. and it oontrib-
its namc from the replacement orthe first two amino
utes to the vasodilation . Influences on the kallikrein_
acid moieties with sarcosine and alanine:
kinin system, and on PG production, vary "'i th the
oondition. under which lhe agent is presented_ Sar-Ala-Val-Tyr-Val·His·PrO-Ala
Captopril exaggerates th irst and salt appetite.
Other analogs with diffcrent substitutions (e.g .•
This has hocn allributed to lhe effects on ADH se-
lsar'.ile·-A- II]) have also been tested (1 52 ). The
cretion. However. in rats unable to make ADIl.
agenls can lower the blood pressore of ind ividuals
ACE inhibitors orten dec«'ase drinkil\i.
with high "·1 1 levels and c.ln also inhibit aldosterone
Inte resti ngly, captopril can accolerale both the
secretion under sud oonditions. However. thcy arc
biosynthesis and release of t he converting en>.ymc at
partial "- II agonists as weI! (46) . They can raise the
the very time when it is therapeutically cffeclive
s)'Stcmic blood pressure by stimulating the sympa·
(70). It doc:s not completely block A·J1 produ ction,
thetic s)'Stcm. and by acting directly on vaseular
si nce toni n. directly cleave the peptide from reni n
smooth muselc-cven when A·l1 levels are low.
Moroovcr. they have been known to stimulate aldo-
sterone secretion when NaCl ·rich diets inhibit A-II
Sa ralasin a ntagonizes some effects of A·I I I. but a
These cnzymcs cleave the bond between aspa ragine hcptapeptide. [lle'1·,,·Il!. is more potent.
and arginine at positions I and 2. They thereby pro-
mote the conversion of A-II to a heptapcptidc. des-
asp-A·H. The product of the «'action is also known ANGIOTENSIN REG ULATION OF
as angiotensin !II (A· ll l). The same enzymes ALDOSTERONE SECRETION
shorten A·I to a oonapcptide. des-asp-A·l. Convert-
Direct stim ulation of >.ona glomerulosa cells by A- II
ing enzyme can then catalyze the formation of A-Il l
has been demonstrated in whole anima ls. in isolated
from Ihe nonapcptide. Removal of the asparagine
renders all of Ihe molecules more suseeptible to a t_ perfused adrenal glands, in tissue slices. a nd in cul-
tured dispersed cells. A· I has simi la r actions. bu t
tack by the angiolensinases.
these are blocked by converting enzyme inhibitors.
A· III is found in 'he adrenat """"'. 'he kidney, ud
ANGIOTENSINASES blood plasm •. It ha. been reported to be .. potent as A·
t I for stimutation of . terQidogellCsi. in mQ$I .p<:Cics (in.
This term is applied to any of the ubiquitous en- cluding healthy . •• It-reple te dogs .1Id rats). and it eon
1.ymes (amiooPCPlidases. carboxypeptidases. endo- .Iw effectivety inhibit renin secretion. Early .uggcstio",
peptidases. and dipeptidylaminopeptidases) that cat· that A·II mu,t be con""rted to A·1l 1 before it can aet ""
alyze degradation of A·I and its biologically active the ad",nal corte, have fIOt been ,uinto"1iated (1.124.
prodUcts. High concentrations of sodium ions tend to ISS). The heptapeptide i. more .... pidly deg,aded than A·

II by rat adrenal gland, (138). and it i, less cortioosterone to aldosterone. The actions of sub-
"imulant (If .dren.1 gland, <>f dogs thaI have been muimal dosages of the two rcgulators are additive,
nephrectomized or . ubjecled 10 chronic angioten,in injec- bUI neither can further augment the steroidogenic ef_
tion in C<,lmbination with .. It dopletion (1ll). On Ihe fects of maximal amounts of the other (69). Ouabain
other hand. dose, of A·III that promote aldosterone "" lowers intracellular K ' and it dccreases aldosterone
crelion have negligible influone .. on syslemic blood pre,'
.ure. whereu comparable augmenlation of "e roidogen. production. These and certain othcr observations are
e,i, with A·JI i, associated with marked stimulalion of consistent with the conc.:pt that A- II acts via eleva·
vasc"lor ,moolh muscle. Thorefo'e, it i. that A· lion of the cytosol K ' (55).
III play. 'pecial role, unde, <XIndilion. in which .alt re-- However, very high extracellular K ° decreases
tention butllOt vuocon",iClion i. cequiTO<!. A· 11I i. evi· Ihe rate of cort icosterone conversion to aldosterone.
dently a more potent stimulant ofCA biosynthe.i,. bUI il although it acc.:lerates side-chain cleavagc (136) .
blunts some A-II effccts On the .ympathetic ne'l'¢U' 'Y$- Chronic elevation of the extracellular K ' lessens the
tern (Ill). affinity of Ihe rec.:ptors for A-I! and it thereby di·
The nonapeplide formed b), removal of the N·ltrminal minishes the sensitivity of the zona glomerulosa cells
asparagine ha. thus far exhibited only ver), "'eak A_Jl_ to low Icvels of the peptide. On Ihe other hand,
like act ivity. Ahhough ;t can serve as a precursor of A·
II. doubl ha. been up'e$<cd that il f"nction, .. a phy$- chronic hyperkalemia leads to the formation of
iological re,ulotor (11)) , Some A-I J!·lik. activity ha, larger numbers of A·II receptors. and il thereby en·
been ,eponed for an octapeptide obtaincd by removal of hances responses to high doses of A·II (46). Potas·
both the N·telmina! Asp and the Alg thaI fGllow> (29). sium ions additionally increase the effecliveness of
ft is likely thai differenlial function. of the members of ACTH.
thi' family of peptide. will be bener appreciated when High ooncentrations of extracellular Na o act at
more u.e ha, been made of higbly .pe;oific antagonist' &omc sites late in the steroidogenic patbway to de·
(128). At prosentlim., ilseems reason.blelo believe aldosterone release (24). They 31&0 exert long·
lhat A·I I is Ihe major hormo"". and that tbe may range inhibitory influences On the sy nthesis of A·I!
p<rform special functions when ' t;m"lotion al receptors without affecling receptor aftinities (46).
""me . itcs (withoul generalized activation of a/l angio-
At kast &Orne ofth. changes in sodium balancc exert ,eceptors) i. phy.iGlOSically app,opriato,
A-If independent influences on aldQ<teronc
A-II inleracIS will! other regula lOrs 10 control al- ",;to",';"",.
dosterone secretion , It exem additional influencos on
water and declrolyte balance outside the adrenal RELATIONSHIPS TO cAMP
gland (see next section). Zona fasciculata cells do
not respond directy 10 th. P<'ptidc. There are condi- Neither A-II nOr K' stimulation is mediated via
tions under which they conlribute to aldooterone pro- cAM P. In fact. A-I [ increases phosphooicslcrase aC-
duction. since they synthesi7.e cort icosterone (an al_ tivity (55). These regulators do not block the effects
dosterone precursor). of ACTII . .. rotonin. and other hormones that aCI
via cAMP. A·I I augments guanylate eyela.. ac tivity
in aorta , heart, and kidney. and cGMP has been im·
Effects of A-I! on the Adrenal Co rtex plicated in the growth-promoting effects in
The rateS of conversion of cholesterol to pregneno- COrtex and in actions 0[ the peptide on Ihe kidney
lone and of corticosterone to aldostero.. are accel - tubules (203). (Some reports that A- II elevates
erated witbin minutes (23). A pathway kading from cAMP have been becau.. Ibe dosages of
DOC to aldosterone may additionally be alTected. at the peptides were several orders of magnitude
Icut in rats (2). greater Ihan the physiologiealleveis.)
StimulatiQrt of protein synthesis can be detected
within half an hour, and a pea k is allstned in 90
minutes. There is evidence for accelerated produc-
tion of one or more proteins alTecting Extracellular Ca" is nceded to maintain basallevels
sid""hain cleavage (159) . All of these effects are 0[ aldosteronc secret ion , Both K' and A·lI acceler-
blocked with prolein .ymhesis inhibitors but not a te Ca" uptake, Their steroidogenic inAuenecs can
with aCtinomycin D. bc mimicked to some e.tent with Ihe calcium iono.
phore A23187 (54). and they are blunted by moth-
INTERACTIONS WITH K' AND Na ' oxyverapamil (a calcium channel blocker) (55.62) .
(A·lI has also been shown to exert calcium-<Jepen.
Moderately high concentrations of e xt racellular K' dent influenc.:s on smOOth muscle and liver [73 J,)
similarly accelerate conversiQrt of pregnenolone and However. the maximal effects attainabic wilh
.( 161) 01 jO UO!$JJAUro 11 I! UNI'''' SU!BIUOO lu.w'ilEJj )[91 0411E41
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and that at least $Orne of the innuenc:esof ciCClrolyle docs 0101 seem 10 depend on th is action. 7..ona glom-
imbalances on secrelion are acoom- erulosa cells have $Omat(l$talin receplors. aoo the
plishW by Iowerins the DA levels. Neilher S<lralnsin peptide decreases Ihe respomc:s 10 A·r r (4).
nor direcled againsl ,' -II block Ihe re·
Spol'les 10 f.lIlt deplelion.
MClodopramKk (a DA anlapisl) invokes Me tenkephalln
prompt elevalions of plasma aldoslerone wilhoul Enkepha lins aCI cenlrally to inhibll ACT. I
cha1li;1Ii Ihe $\eroid clearance rales in humans. They compete wilh A- I u a substrale for convert in,
monkeys. sheep. and rats (119). 11 tIoesso in dosages enzyme. and Ihey may also act directly on lhe:_
Ihal do not a lfCCI blood pressure. n:nln se<:relion. or slomerulosa. Concenlralions of m<:lenkephalin a$
elearol)1e This agent a lso raises 18-0H <;Of. low as to- 11 M dircclly inhibit aldos",ronc. DOC.
liooslerono: ooncenlnllion$. bUI IIIcte are /10 associ- and cortiOOSleloliC from human tumor cells.
lied changcs in corticosterone. cortisol. DOC. or IS· and dooe-depcndent rc:spomcs .... ve: been obiained
OH-oortiooslerone. AItOOugh il p' .... ,IOICS PRL se- wilh higher concentrations ( 164).
crelion. Ihe innuenttS on do /101
on Ihis. On Ihe <Mller hand. meloclopramide can acl
as a pa"ial DA agonisl in vilro. ANGIOTENSIN INFLUENCES ON THE
Bromocriplinc. a DA anlagonisl. tippOICI Ike ac- CARDIOVASCULAR S YSTEM
lions of melociopramide bul il does not alter Ihe
basal niles of aldoslerone secrelion. In humans. il The direa effeels of angiotcnsins on vascutar smoolh
aclS vi, mechanisms indepeooenl of Ihe renin-angio- muscle arC as imporlanl as lheir inHucnccs 00 lhe
tensin syslem 10 bl unl Ihe slimulalory effects of peG- adrenal cortex (159). A. single large do5c of A· II ad-
tural changcs and of diurelics. pc$Sibly by decreas- minislered inlravenously transiently elevales both
ins CA secn:lion (192). sys lolic and diastol ic blood pressures. Conlinuous in-
The kidney avidly laKes up endogenous DA and fusions of Ihe peplide cao sustain the hyperlension
its r<:ceplor agcmisls a nd and Ihe urinary for hours. but lachyphylaxi s develops wilh chrooie
DA ConCCn1T1dion< .ooium in. trealmenl.
creascs (30). Innuences of dopamine on renal blood Although Ihe vasoconstrictor polency of A· II is 40
lkiw were discussed in Chapler 8. limes Ihal of an cquimolecular do5c of
rine. i\ is also selective. The mesenteric and cUla·
neous ve:ssels 3rc highly sensilive:. lllosc of Ihe "",I·
Serotonin monary bed ar<: rc:sistant. and effecls on skek:lal
muscle vary wilh Ihe CA Cerebrnl blood flow
Scrolonin activale! adenyllle cyclase in zona glom- is usually diminished. Coronary vessels diiOlt for
erulosa (bul not lOna fuciculala) cells ( 147). It ev· seve:ral reasons thaI include the localized release of
idenlly increases sleroid08cnes i$ via mechanisms dif· PG s. The renal vessels also dilale when angiotensins
ferenl from lhose au ribuled 10 A· II. Serotonin also prOmOle PG release in II.. kidney. but effeclS on the
atlS cenlrally 10 affea renin releue ( 142). and il kidney Ire more dfcclively oppascd by sYSlemic
promotcs se<:relion. Roles in A:gulalion of Illan by inlra-renal administration of converting Cit-
the cl1Q.dian PRA rhythms have: proposcd. zyme inhibitors (21)).

Growth Hormone Interactlona w ith Sodium lona

GH may be more imponanl for I"ooolOlin& growlh In conU'aSl wilh their inHuenccs on Ike >(IN. ,lomeI"
of adrenocoxtical cells aoo for SlruC- uba. high exlracellular 1'o.'a ' c;onCCntrations en-
lural inleg:rily lhan for stimullllingllormoo'loc produc- hance A-II "imulalion of vucular ! on(l(lIh mU$(:1c.
lion. some limiled onerc-litcs in aldO$lerone The acute responses have: been linked with clfcets (WI
and in renin secrelion Ita... been otIsctved. Piluitary cytosolic Cal<. and on PG met.boIism. C hron ic hy·
somalOlr0pc:5 have aldosterone rcccl"ors implicaled pemalremia lends 10 increuc !Ii<: numbers of A.l1
in resulation of GH 5CCf<lion (116) . receplors in Ihe blood = I" (altOOugh il\owers
lhem in the adrenal COrtex). Repealed injections of
aldOSlerOIl(! invoke sim ilar mpo<lSCS. whcr<:as salt
Somatottatln depletion brings abou t changes thaI arc oppOSile in
Although it is the major inhibilor of G i l secretion. direclion.
$OIl131os131in suppression of aldosterone sccretion AngliOI"nsin II docs no! affect Ihe numbers of ils
Own receptors . However. chronically administered the ",me nephron . 11 is often possible \0 demonstrate
peptide increases re<:eptor ajJinitieJ in the blood ves- seoondary changes in 1\'a ' lransport. but vascular ef-
sels as it lowers them in the adrenal cortex (47). fects can be elicited without modifications of reab-
sorption rates. The mechanisms involved in the auto-
regulation may differ from those invoked in response
Effects of A-I and A-Ill 10 variations in plasma and inteMitial fluid volume
A-I has only weak dTects on most of the blood ves- and ion content (210).
sels that respond to A-II. However. there may be Acrording to one concept. rapid presentation of
unique A- I receptors in the kid ney. The decapeptide water and ions to the macula den", region faci litates
se lectively decreases blood flow to the inner Corlex MD cell uptake of ions and osmotic swelling. Pres-
and medulla. whereas_A- II usually decreases flow to sure is thcreby on the neighboring granular
the OUler «Irlex but unpredictable influences on JG cells. and renin is released within the immediate
medullary vessels (10). Doses of A_I II that substan- vicinity . Angiotensin II is then generated. a nd the
tially augment aldosterone secretion are almost de- peptide oonstriction of the alTerent arteri-
void of vasoconstrictor potency. ole of the affceted nephron.
Observations with this scheme include
the presence of both renin substrate and «Inverting
Effects on Ceplllaries end on the Heart enzyme within the kidney. the vasoconstrictor pe-
tency of A-I I. and the blunting of tubulogtomerular
A- II usually increases capillary permeability. prob-
(eedback following ",It loading. mineralocorticoid
ably I:>ceause of both PG generation and the elfC<:ts
administration. and the administration of ACE in-
on thc arterioles.
hibitors (162). (&tit loading and exogeTlOus aldasH'-
The heart sc<:ms to have specific receptors. In-
rone both lower kidney renin content.)
creased contractile force can be demonstrated for
A major problem with the hypothesis is that it re-
isolated atria and papillary muscles as well as in
quires accelerated (localized) renin ",lease when
vivo. even in the presence of j':I-'Jdrcncrgie reccptor
more water and ions impinge On the MD. This may
inhibitors. Chronic increases ventricular
be difficult \0 reconcile with the knowledge that ECF
mass via mechanisms dependent on new DNA.
expansion leads to more rapid presentation of the
RNA. and protein synthesis. These influences may
he relaled to elevation o( cGMP 1" "..,ls (203). In in_
fluids to the distallUbule. and the inhibition of renin
Stcr-elion (,nto the bloodstream) (21). /\ proposed
tact animals. A-][ stimulated re lease of catechol-
solution \0 the dilemma is that high localized con·
amines contributes substantially to the rcsponses.
Usually. cardiac output docs not increase because
centrations of Na - .cr . or some other tubular fluid
component activate (rather than release) renin that
reflex bradycardia is invoked .
is already present Therefore. sumcient A_II to pro--
mote constriction of the afferent anoriole within the
DIRECT INFUENCES OF ANGIOTENSINS ON vicinity car. be produced withou\ affecting en7yme
THE KIDNEY levels in the systemic blood.
On the other hand. the notion that angiotensin is
Systemic infusion of moderate amounts of A- II de- the sole (or even major) mediator of wbuloglomer-
CreaseS sodium excretion (110.114). Studies of the ular feedback has been questioned for several rea-
effects on renal blood pressure and flow (22). and sons (21.210): Undcr conditions other than miner-
others involving perfusion of rena l iUbules. are oon- alocorticoid administration and ",It deprivation.
siSlent with a vaseular action that leads to more ef- tbere are no consistent relationships between t he kid-
ficient proximal tubu lar reabsorption of the ions ney renin content and the magnitude of the autoreg-
(21). Roles in maintaining sodium balance during ulatory responses (149). In fact. the feedback is
dehydration nave been propo:sed (215). Observations more efficient for juxtamedullary nephrons (in which
that very high doses can act on more parts of the renin «Intent is low) than for the cortica l ones.
the nephron to inVOke natriuresis {I 10) are probably Neither angiotensin-receptOr antagonists nor con-
!lOI physiologically relevant. inhibitors impair the autoregulation.
(Severing of the renal nerves is also without effect.)
A different concept that A- II acts inlrarenally
AutoregulatIon with In the Kidney
to maintain vascular tone and the responsiveness to
Single nephrons engage in localized hemodynamic other stim ul i. Adenosine increases V3.sooonstriction
adjustments termed lubuloglomerular i«dba(k. An within the kidney. and it has been proposed a me-
increased rate of deli very of urinary fluid to the dis- diator ( lSI). Prostaglandins have also been
talmbule is promptly countered by reduction in the gested to play imporlam roles. but inhibitors of their
rates of blood flow and glomerular filtration within biosynthesis do not block the autoregulation.

THE KALLIKREIN-KININ SYSTEM Prostaglandins scem 10 be major regulalOrs of

prekallihein to kallikrei n conversion. Enzyme aCli-
Kinins arc small peptides that are generated when
vation is easily accomplished in vitro if renal lubular
catalYlc cleavage of glycoprotein sui:>- membranes are incubated wilh arachidonate (the
strales. They oppose most of the biological effects of
PG I precurSQr). or wilh phospholipase Al (which re-
the angiolcnsins. There is good evidence thaI the kal.
leases araehidonate from membrane phospholipid.).
likrein-kinin and renin·angiotensin systems interaci
Renal tubules alSQ contain kallikrein inhibitors.
in complex ways 10 achie"" appropriate va.".
Several proteolylic enzymes present in biological
d ila lor / vaSOCOnstr iel or, a nt i hypen ens; ve / hypenc n-
lissues calalyze both prekallikrein and prorenin aC-
.iye. natriuretic/scxlium_retaining, and diuretic/an-
livation. Aprolinin inhibition of renin acti vation was
tidiuretic balances. The two systems share common
described earlier. The peptide nonspeeifically 'tabi-
enzymcs. and they arc also linked via the PO •. 5<Jrnc
lizC$ prckallikre;n. Amiloride (an antibiotic Ihal op-
forms of human (135) and experimental ( 108) hy·
poses aldOSlerone stimulalion of Na ' trans[101"t) alSQ
pertension have been 3nributed 10 kallikrein system
interferes with preka llikrein activation (3 1).
ddec\s. MincralOCOrliC(lid "escape" is also believed
\Q involve activation of the kinin system (139) . It
should be pointed OUI, however. thaI Ihere i. not uni- Kallikrein SUbstrate
versal agreement on the physiological impOrtance of
Kininogens are ",-globulins thaI are made in the
the regulators. liver and released into the bloodstream. The one. af-
fecting renal functions arc filtered by the glomeruli.
They arc found in proximal as well as distal seg-
Renal Kallikrein, and Prekalllkrelns
ments of thc ncphrons. and alSQ in Ihe urine. The
Renal kallikrein. arc plasma membra",,·bound substrale eontains a !3.amino-acid SC<juence that
serine proleasc.. They are initially synthesized serves as the precursor of the kinins (Figs. 9_11 and
wilhin the kidney as 9·12). Additional kini nogens may be made in the
Both prekallikreins and kallikrei n, are present kidneys.
along the ent ire luminal border of Ihc nephron from
the region of the macula densa to or into the colltet·
ing ducl.'l (31). They are reka.ed into tlle tubular
fluid and they appear in the urine. T he quantitiC!i n· Renal kallikreins release a decapcptide. Iys-brady-
creted give SQmc indicalion of kinin activity under kin in or Aminopcplidases within the kidney
ordinary condition •• but faclors affecting activation can Ihen promote conversion of kallidin to brad,-";-
of Ihe enzymes and degradation of the kinin. con- nin (a nonapcptide with similar or identical biologi-
sequently formed can disrupt such relationships. cal activity). The same enzy me shortens the
Since Ihey do nOI enter Ihe circulation. kallikrei ns decapeplide angiolensin I to Ihc nonapcptidc. des-
have been called (3 1). asp-A-I. and alSQ A-II to A-III . (Fig . 9-13).


t k.l>:.rein






Fig. 9- 1 1. Formlltoo And degrOdot>on of IUIliidin And

KirW>o .. If _ .....,..."..
Fig. 9·12 lor arTWno . cld •. )
C MC· Te'm .... pcp,jde
N _ N· Te'minal ",,!>,ode




Inoc,;"'e heplape!>'ide

"'",,' ;_e oo'apepli<\e

(k"'" koli:lin)

In"",;"" oo'apepOi<\e
(ff"'" bra<tykfnin)

Fig. 12. Amino.Cid S6Q-.::M 01 pep'itUI. in Fig_ 9·' '-

r\ differenl presumably of renal ong,n. stream also promote PG generation in blood vessel
deaves met-Iys-bradykinin from the substrate. The walls. and Ihey aClivate PGE 9-ketoreduclase in the
peplide is present in bladder urine. along wilh an en- veins. The enzyme catalyzes Ihe oonvcrsion of PGE l
zyme known as uropep,in (31) , to PGF,.. nnd il has been proposed that ii' activity
Ki nins are polent generalors of prostaglandins i, regulaled by Na ' ooneenlrations (134).
(133). When administered. they increase Ihe for- S ti mulation of pre>staglandin gcncmtion is attrib-
mation of mostly PGI , in thc renal artcrioles. and uted \0 activation of acid hydrolases and espc.:iaUy
mostly PG E, in the collecting ducts. Kinins syml1e- phopholipases of Ihe A Iype (134). Mosi. bul not aiL
outside the kidney and deli_cred to the blood- of Ihe kinin aClions can be blocked wilh mep.lcrinc

/ _ - -- - Protwlyli:: ""':ymeo - - -_ _,

----- _ _ __ _ ____ - - AptOl;"in - __ _ _ __ _ _ _

" '__ RENIN


' \ Converting ANGIO)ENSIN II


Atnino""P'o;l3se _ _ _ _ _ ...-


Fig . g..13 . En.yrnes oneeting lIO,h tflfI ' .... n-.nvi<>'... oin
0<><1 k.n;k' ...·kl,.;n IHlem,




O! Il'10$1 AClion. of kinins
Fig. g·t4. Pfo.taglandint provid<>
Iri.. the " aIHk' ein·k""" lOCI
Antagonism 01 most ""lion of angiolerain II ,en;n·a og;o,..,.in Oy,t.",o.

(8 phospholipase A inhibitor) and with indometha- zyme has been localized to the brush border surfaces
cin and related agents thaI act on the prostaglandin of the proxima l tubules (31). [t has high activity
synthase system . In the of inhibitors of this within the kidney (13S).
ki nd, or when agents affecting the .i n;nases de- Since Ihc aflinity for kinins is greater than for A·
scrib<:d lalcr arc given. the urinary levds of kalli- II. enzyme inhibilOrs exert their most obvious eifects
krein no longer reflect the funclional SlalUS of lhe on prolongation of the kinin activities within thc kid·
kallikrein synem . When phospholipase. release Ihe ney. (By contrast . systemically administered con·
fally acid substrates for PG sy nthesis. calcium ions vening enl.yme inhibitors usually have greater ef-
SCent to be c=mial mediators. Calcium ionophores fects on A·II.)
mimic the cffcctsof both A- II and kinins on PG gen- Kinina .. I is a different enzyme that deaves the
.",uion PI2). phenyla laninc.."rginin" bond of th" kinin •. The prod.
Some of the interrelationships with the PGs arc uctS arc also biologically inactive. en-
shown in fig. 9·14. In addition to activating pre- zymes thai allac k the peptides are widely distrib-
kallikrein and mediating kinin aclions. PGs (indud· Kinins generated by kallikreins outside Ihe
ing PGI : [141]) stim ulate ftnin relcase. The A- II kidney are cleaved to a variety of small peptide •.
subsequently generated promotes additional PG pro-
duction. Glucocorticoids inhibit phospholipases in Extrarellal Kaltlkreill-Klnin Systems
many cell types. and they also exert numerous influ-
ences on calcium metabolism . Such effects may be Renal kallikrein is one of several "'glandular typo""
related 10 the glucocorticoid depression of urinary enzymes that act on the substrates to release kalli·
kallikrein \cvels (I 37). din. The enzymes have re latively low molecular
weights (24.OOO-W.OOO). and they aCI on low me>-
Iccular weight forms of kininogen •. They are presenl
CH, "C-CH , in many organs, including ehe colon, Ihe exocrine
H I H H H /H pancreas. the sweal glands. and Ih. ISalivary glands.
N-C - C - C-C - N
HHHH\H The generated contribute 10 secretory func_
tions. mostly via locali,.. d vasodilaeion .
O-CH ,
Blood plasma kallikreins are larger molecules
(with weights of around 100.000), and they act on
bigh molecular weighl ",.globulins secreted by the
Mepac";". liver. They releas. mostly bradykinin. Although
there is the potential for generati ng enormous quan-
tieies of th. nonapeptide. the plasma levels rardy ex·
2.5 ngJm!. This is attributed 10 both the pres·
ence of most plasma kallikrein in proenzyme form
Kininase II is identical with angiotensin converting and the bradyki nin half-life of something under 15
enzyme. It cleaves thc C-termi nal dipeptide from seconds (4S). 60-90% of the circulating peptide is
arg·lys·bradykinin. kallidin. and bradykinin. The degraded 10 a variety of biologically inactive frag·
products are biologically inactive peptides. The en- ments during a sinsk pas.sagc throuSh the lungs
There are numerous interactions with the blood- Some observers slale Ihat high sodium inla ke has
coagulating Hageman factor can yield linle or no influence on the kalli krein system. They
pre kal!ikirc;in acHvltors. and plasmin (formed from rc:port that expansion of the ECF volume with salt-
piasmioogen) has similar activity_ f rcc solutions is as effective a stimulant as sali ne ad_
The peptides are implicated as mediat<m of in- ministration ( 139). Proponents of t his view attribute
flammat ion and of pa in sensations_ When injected the increase, in kinin activity that follow mineralo-
into a nimals. they exert a wide var iety of pharma- corticoid administration to expansion of the EC F
cological actions (48) that seem to be related to volume and elevation of Ihe systemic blood pressure.
physiological functions. Othcrs believe thaI mineralocorticoids and posi-
The kinins arc th e most potent of the physiological tive sodium balance direClly the
vasodilators. They aCI direcily on arteriolar smooth (a) mineralocorticoids aCI on isolaled rcnal cells 10
muscle. promole the release of both histamine and increase kinin (3 1); (b) palients "'ilh hy-
PG E,. a nd inhibit norep inephrine disc harge from pe raldosleronism and animals displaying mineralo-
sympathelic nerve endings. Cardiac outpul is usually oorticoid "escape" have high urinary concentrations
indireClly increased becausc of both barore<:eptor re- of kalli krc:ins (50) ; (c) the levels aT<' low in
sponses to the fan in blood pressure and untreated adrenalectomized animals; and (d) :\0-
kinin-Slimulaled T<'lea<e of epincphrine from Ihe dium depletion promotes both aldosterone secretion
adrenal mcdulla. and kinin production.
By contrast with the cffects on arterioles, the ki- Sodium may exert some mineralocorticoid-inde-
nins the smooth musclc of ",,,,t vein, and pe ndent effects. For example. it is said to affect the
large arteries. High aClivity of an enl.yme that cat- activity of the enzyme that oonverts PG E, (which in-
alyzcs conversion of PG E1 to PG Flo may acC<)unt for fl uences sodium exerction) to f'G F,. (""h ieh lacks
the in responses (34). such potcncy) .
Edema commonly develops. 11 is altributed to Rcnal denervatio n docs I10t affect kinin inn"encc.
changes in hydrostatic pressure. 10 histamine re- on natriuresis. On th. other hand. acetylcholine and
lease . and to di rect effects of kinins on the permea- substance P have been implicated in the regulation
bilit ies of the small venules. (57).
Although exogel1Ous kinins dilate renal vc5.'\Cls. it
is unlikely that circulating peptides have much inllu- Direct Effects 01 Prostaglandins On Sodium
on renal hemodynamics. There are indirect ef_
fcct.1 relaled to the changes in cardiac output and
vasodi la tion outside the kid ney. Although it is established that PGs diT<'etly alTeel
Both tissue and spedes "ariations in the responses Na ' transport across lOad bladder (110.134). there
of extravascular smOOI h muscle are known. Tracheo- are cOnlroYersies OVer possible related functions in
bronchial constriction ;s most obvious for guinea the mammalian kidney. In addition to species vari-
pigs. but humans amicted with asthma often show ations. SOme obvious SOurces of confusion ca n be
this . Rats arc: resistant. They more oommonly dis- cited.
I. PGs are made in the kidneys. and they
play uterine conlraction but duodenal relaxation
(48). differ in biological activities as well as in dinribu·
tions along the nephron. PGf1• is a vasoconstrictor .
PG I, is a vasodilator. and PGE, Can ha"e yariable
In!luenees of Klnlns on Water and Sodium
influenees on the blood Yessels. Vasodilators tend to
increase Na' sodium excretion, whereas vasocon·
The kalli krein system is stimulated by strictors a rc often antina triuretic. One segment of
wate r inta ke and by ECF vol ume expansion. The ki_ Ihe nephron can respond different ly than another to
nins produced then acederalO water excretion, prob- Ihe same mole<:ular species. Moreover. it is possible
ably via PG ge neration. Urinary PG tha t certain of the f'Gs affcct tubular transporl.
increase under the same conditions. PG E, alone pro- whereas others do not.
motes waler diuresis (at least in part it an- 2. Some parts of the kidney arc: in 9-keto-
tagonizes A DH). Indomethacin blocks Ihe effect.! of PGE1T<'duclase. an enzyme Ihat ealalyzes conVe r_
both the kinin. and the PGE,(139). sion of PGE, to PGF,., and the affecled
Under ordi nary oonditions, kinins tend to incT<'ase by cle<:trolyte balance.
sodium excretion. This is allributed to the vasodila- 3. Salt restriction has one effecl on PG
tion and the increased blood How to the rc:nal me- in t he glomerula r region and a Ycry differc:nt one in
dulla. PG synlhesis inhibitors ,,,,",east the natri- tbe renal papilla (34).
uresis. (T he inhibitors do nol seriously impair kinin- 4. Responses 10 luminal presentalion of PGs can
mediated vasodilalion, since only around 30% of this be opposile in direction to ones seen after periwbular
aClivily is PG-dercndcnl.) admin istration (73A).

5. Manipulation of the electrolyte balance affeet. sion, potentiales the effe<:ts of by

A-ll production. A·II acts on blood ,,<,=Is, and it is slowing its reuptakt, and innuences on protein
also said to directly affe<:l Na ' transport. Morea"",. metabolism Ihat lead to accelerated production of
A- II is a regulator of PG synthesis. and PC. can in_ the catecholamines.
promote A-ll generalion. Although A-II does not readily cross the bl<XXI-
6. Both angiotensins and PC. inleraci wilh Ihe brain barrier. it several effe<:ts on the brain
kallikrein-kinin system. when it is infused into the sys temic veins. Saralasin
When PCs arc injected into Ihe renal arteries of blunts Or blOCKS most of the responses (190). It is
intact animals, large quantities of the hormone arc !i kcly that the peptide gains ae<:ess to the neurOnS via
delivered \0 the renal corux. The usual response is the circurnvcntricular organs.
nalriuresis, and it is reasonable \0 att ribute Ih is \0
vasodilation. The thaI PGs 3rC natriuretic
Brain Renin-AngiotensIn Systems
derives mostly from such observations. However,
under physiological conditions. Ihis pa rt of Ihe kid- Although it has been known for mOre than two dee-
ney generales very limited quantities of PCs, and it ades that A-ll exuts C<:nt ral aClions, definitive evi_
is rkhly supplied wilh en7.yrncs that degrade endog- dence for the existence of angiotensin-generating
enous hormone. Glomerular and vascular cells systems within the brain has only recently been pre·
the primary SQIlr<:eS of the PGs (34), and much sented (161).
POI, than POE,;s made_ Minute quantities of A-I [ invoke reprodudble reo
Much larger amounts of PGE are synthesized in sponses when Ihey are injecled into the cerebral ven-
the renal medulla. and the function here may wen Iricles, and these Can be blocked with saralasin. The
be sodium ron5etvation. In rats, salt leads sa me dosagcs given systemically are ineff..:tive (27).
10 PGE ae<:umulalion. and salt loading 10 depletion Since converting is present. A- I mimics the
(193,199) . PG synthesis inhibitors impair ad- effects of A_ [1. Its actions are abolished by ACE
a ptations to salt restriction, but they do not seem to
have important innuences in salt·loaded animals A-I and A-II are present in high concentrations at
(118). There 3re studies on kidney slices from other brain sites believed to contain hormone rtcrplorS.
species that are consistent with the ooncept that (A ·1 1I and angiotensin-degrading enzymes have also
PGE, is antinatriuretic. but not all investigators been found [711.) The high-affinity binding altllosc
3gm: that POs perform such functions (73A). At sites is affected by the physiological status in a man·
least some find no effects on either the thick ascend- nCr consistent with roles in the regulation of bl<XXI
ing l'lenle loops or the distal tubu les of rabbit neph· pressure and electrolyte balance_ In some spc<;ies, ce-
rons (58). rebrospinal Auid concentrations of A·[ I exce<:d those
of blood plasma. and the levels are maintained after
Kallikrein Influences on Systemic Blood
The angiOieruin<>gens of brain and cerebro&pinal
nuid a re probably not derived from the bl<XXI, since
It has been that renal kallikreins play phys- they are present in high concentrations and possess
iological roles in the regulation of systemic bl<XXI properties different from those of plasma renin sub-
pressure. Urinary kallikrei ns are low in patients with strates. The brain a lso contains renin-like en7.ymCS.
essential hypertension associated with low aldoste· The major objections to the concept that brain
rone levels(I27). They are also low in laboratory an· its own angiotensins (165.!69.170) seem
imals with genetic defects that lead to cievation of to have been reITIQved. II has been suggested. for ex·
the systemic bl<XXI In Dahl salHensitive ample, that the "renin-li ke" enzymes are actuaily Iy-
rats, the decrease precedes the onset of hypertension SQSQmal cathepsins (169). However. although the Iy-
(31 ). SQSQmal enzymes can exert such actions, some of the
renin-generating activity is blocked by antirenin a n·
tibodies (161) . [t has a lso been proposed that cen-
traily acting angiotensins are made by ceils of the
NERVOUS SYSTEM AND ADRENAL MEDULLA blood vessels wails, but generating systems have
Angiotensins are powerful stimulants of the sympa· been identified for neuroblastoma cells and for cul-
theticsystcm (114.159). A- [ and A-II appear to be tured neurons from neonatal rat brain •.
equally potent for promoting the release of catechol- Since many effects of central and perip heral A-JI
amines from the adrenal medulla and sympathetic administration are similar in direction . and inverse
nerve endings. A-II also facilitates neu rolransrni,- relalionships plasma A-II and t he rates of
A- I r generation within the brain have been observed A-II is tne most potent dipsogen known. Central
(71), it is likely that regulation of some physiological administration of minUie amounts invokes drinking
functions is accomplished by interactions lxtw..en behavior in well_hydrated animals. (Similar re-
the two systems. sponses can be elicited by intracerebral injection of
When the systemic blood pressure falls, peripher. renin substrate. and such effects arc blocked with
ally released A-I I can correct the condition by acting ACE inhibitors [1611. While several regions of the
directly on the arterioics and by increasing catechol- brain. inCluding the organum vasculosum of the lam-
amine discharge from the adrenal medulla and the ina terminalis (OVLT), have been implicated (27).
sympathetic ncrve endings. A· I[ within the brain many investigaton; have the importance
probably increases systemic blood pre...,ure by pro- of the subfornical organ (SFO) (140). A- II accu·
moting catecholamine release in regions affecting mulates there after peripheral adnlinistration, and
the cardiovascular reflexes. The central effects are local presentation of the peptide elicits prompt
not impaired by adrenalectomy, but they are blocked changes in the firing activitiC!i of the neurons. Drink·
with hexamethonium and other agents affecting ing responses to A·II are blocked when the organs
gang!i(mic ncurotransmission (27). Some forms of are damaged. The lesions invoke transient adipsi a.
hypertension are allributed to impaired functions of and they permanently impair drinking responses to
central mechan isms invol,'cd in the protecti"e car- cellular dehydration and to intracarotid injections of
diovascular reflexes. In very young rats, the bloOO· hypertonic sa line . Projections to the supraoptic nu·
brain barrier is inwmplete, and it has been proposed clei (in which ADH is madel have bet:n demon-
that peripherally generated A_II acts centrally to strated(140).
maimain the systemic pressure unlilthe sympathetic There are conditions under which the central con·
systcm has completed its maturation (15). trois over blood pressure Can be separated from th e
A·]] regulation of the pituitary gland probably in- ones affecting water balance. and the time courses
volves both central and peripheral components. In for the responses differ in animals subjected to ex-
addition to influences on ADI!. A·ll affects th. re_ perimental manipUlations (44). On the other hand.
lease of ACTH and also of GH. PRL. and LH in there are good physiological reasons for coordinating
e$\rogen'primed ovariectomiled rats; but it does not responses. It has been ,<,ported that peri ventricular
change TSH level s (194). The elfects are blocked cells located in the anteroventral region of the third
with sa ralasin. Some of the responses are obtained ventricle of the brain (the AY,Y) contain recepton;
following both peripherat and centrat administration for perception of both OOmOtlC and pressor stimuli.
of the A_II. and they are amiooted to direct inter_ Yery small lesions of this region (which also alfect
actions with pituitary gland receptors. However. oth- the OYL T but n(lt the SFO) lead to abrupt abolition
ers appear to be mediated via central actions involv_ of drinking responses to dehydration. but they do not
ing dopaminergie and possibly somatostatin neurons. affect eating and other activities and do not totally
Both central and peripherally administered (or se- block some other aspects of drinking behavior (e.g ..
creted) A·II Can invoke thirst and the secretion of ones associated with ealing) in rats. The lesions abol-
ADH. The rolease of ACHI and of cortisol (125) ish thc sti mulatory effects of A· II and of hypertonic
may be indirect of the stimulation of saline on drinking. a nd they addi tionally impair
ADH. On the other hand . somc ,,<,ntral clfects differ ADH secretion, reduce salt intake in response to s0-
from the peripheral oneS. for example, natriuresis dium depletion. and have important influences on
can be observed when the renal nerves are intact blood pressure. However. baroreceptor_mediated
(44). and the secretion of aldosterone is supprcsscd stimuli for thirst are retaincd (27). There is also ev-
(2g) . idence for impairment of the release of natriuretic
hormone following NaCI infusion.
Extracellular dehydration provides a major stim·
A-II Re gula ti on of Wat er an d Salt Intake
ulus for elevation of thc plasma A- II. and mueh of
It is appropriate to increase water intake when there the renin secretion is mediatcd via barorcccptors.
is contraction of the extracellular fluid volume. low_ However. ingestion of dry food can also raise the
ering of plasma volume, dcpression of systemic blood plasma A·11 in previously well·hydrated animals
pressure, and elevation of the extracellular fluid s0- (27) . Peripherally generated A·II probably plays
dium content 10 the point where ceUs become dehy. physiological roles in stimulation of drinking. The
dratcd. Since the control of water balance is vital, it levels alla ined when animals are subjected to water
is n(lt surprising that the regulatory mechanisms in_ deprivation are in the ranges used to demonstrate ef-
volve multiple, widely distributed receptors, the '<'_ feclS of injected peptide on thc responses (126).
lease of diverse humoral agents. and the ability to When ra" arc subjected to cold for several days and
respond differentially to changes in electrolyte con· are then returned to warm environments. they suffer
centrations and in fluid volumes (6.174) . dehydration. decreased ability to concentrate urine.

and impressive "thermogenic drinking" that persists The functions of the receptors can be re-
for a long time. Drinking responses of this kind are stored wilh glucocorticoids but not with mineralo-
blocked with Pr re«ptor antagonists. A·II re<;eptors (90).
and sympathetic system stimulation of thc rcnal an- Adrenocortical insufficiency lcad$ to changes in
giotensin system arc evidently involved in thcrmo- the levels of seoeral nonsteroid hormones implicated
genic drinki ng. The PRA rises before large increases in the responses. ACTH se<;retion is augmented. and
in water inlakc become apparent. and r<:. that pituilary hormone is kl)(lwn to increase salt ap-
dulX's the volumes ingested (66) . pelite in many species (20). Prolactin is believed to
Salt appetite control also involves many hormones participate in several ways in the regulation of ciec·
and several kinds of receptors. Healthy mammals of trolyte and water balan... and it too may be inoolved
most species prefer dilutc sodium chloride to tap in modulation of the thirsl and salt appetilc .
water. They will ingest large volumes of fluid for Blood angiotensin levels rise soon afler adrenal-
days at a time if solutions containing 0.2%-2.0% ectomy. and there is good evidence that the peptide
NaCI are substitutw for the usual tap watcr. even stimulates salt appetite under those conditions (51.
when they have healthy endocrine systems and are 159.174). However. chronic adrenocortical insuffi·
in water and electrolyte balance at the time of the ciency impairs the abilily 10 synthesi'", angiotensin
switc h. However. they show aversions to higher precursors. Moreover. some changes in Ihe salt ap-
NaCI concentrations and to fluids containing mQSt petites of adrenalectomized animalS are not me-
other electrolytes (51). dialed by angiotensins. Intraventrieular injections of
The taste preferences can be regarded as compo- NaCI solutions reduce salt intake in sodium-depleted
nentS of "anticipatory control"' systems. The "extra" sheep. wher<:as intravcntricular presentation of
saline is stored as interstitial fluid that can be reo either A·I! or its receptor antagonists affects water
in the event of hemorrhage or sal t and waler (but not salt) intake. Some in"estigalors believe Ihat
deprivation. (On the other hand. when animals are the effects of A- li on salt intake arc either pharma·
forced to take 5/rong salt solutions. Ihcy soon develop cological or indirect (37) .
a diuresis thaI depletes the body of "'aler-l Paradoxically. animals overdosed wilh aldoste·
MQSI animals possess remarkable abilities to rone. dwxycorticosterone (DOC), and r<:lalOO ste·
gauge the magnitudes of salt depletion when Ihey roids tend to drink large amonts of saline or 10 select
are subjected 10 dietary deprivation. saliva drainage. salted foods. In this case. Ihe response is detrimental.
blood loss. and other conditions: and they will drink since it leads to overexpansion of Ihe extracellular
quantilies of saline Ihat are appropriate for replen· fluid volume and it can enhance the tendencies to de-
ishment. Receptors within the moulh. or velop hypertension. The drive probably arises be-
esophagus seem to play primary roles in assessment cause hypernatr<:mia leads to cellular dehydration.
of the needs, since the consumption best matches the Some of the sensors are located within the brain. le-
deprivation when the saline is taken orally (21). sions of the medial anterior hypothalamic regions
However, baroreccptors of thc arterial Syslem pro- and a-adrenergic agonists exacerbate the salt appe-
vide additional informa tion. These may be less effec- lite. whereas lesions of the laleral hypotha la mus or
tive sensing devices than ones located in the gaslroin- amygdala can suppress it. Interestingly. however.
teslinal tract and/or hepatic portal vessels, since prior experience with the IlISte of sa lty solutions af·
animals given intravenous saline infusiorrs following fects subseq uent responses to brain lC$ioni in ani·
deprivation often drink more than they need to re- mals overdosed wilh mirn:ralocorticoids. whereas tbe
piaIX' the losses, and more than a nimals given the salt appetite of adrenocortical insufficioncy is an un·
Auids intragastrically. lcarned rl:$PO= (51).
The adrenal glands inf\uenlX' salt intake in scv<:ral The problems of defining inf\uenlX'S of hormonal
ways. Animals deprived of mineraloe<.>rticoids ingest imbalances on salt intake are complicated by Ihe nu_
more saline than intact controls. The drinking is nut merous factors that can aifectthirsl, and by tbe ten_
affected by intragastric or parenteral administration dency for animals to accept saline when Ihey sense
of NaCI solutions. fluid (rather than ele<:trolyle) deficits.
Glucocorticoids play roles in the maimenanre of
gustatory receptor functions. Adrenalectomi7.<:d an·
imals can detect the presence of salt in solutions too
dilute to be distinguished from water by intact con- Regulalion of ADH secretion is diseussed in delail
trols. However. their ability to discriminate betwcen In Chapter 10. Ccntrally administered A·II
NaCI and other solutes is impaired when COnCe ntra- promptly elevates plasma ADH, as it promotes
tions above the laste threshold range a re presented. water corrservalion. The actions of ADH on Ibe kid-
ney complement Other angiotensin. mediated mech_ found to vary with the phase of the estrous cycle in
anisms for expansion of the ECF volume. Additional rats a nd rabbits (176).
indications that A- II and ADH interact to maintain Neurohypophysial explants sy nthesize A·I I (189).
Auid balance come from observations that the SFO It has been suggested that special. Iocali7.ed, inde-
send projections to the supraoptic nuclei (1 40). and pendent angiOlensin-tenerating systems within the
tha t A V)V lesions abolish ADH release in response brain oomribute to ADH control. A-I] receptors
to dehydration (27 ). Since A_ II influence< on the ha,,,, additionally been identi fied in the intestine. and
neurohypophysis are diminished by indomethacin. the peptide has been shown to alTeet transport via
they may depend on PG generation ( 186). mechanisms that require protein synthesis ([ 21).
Enough ADH can be released to augment the hy_
penensive clTcctS of A·[I. (The blood
changes invoked by A·I! are blunted in Bral1[eboro
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ulation is, howeyer, limited in scope. The peptide is Haumge r. R.. and Can. K . J. Metaboli,m and Bi-
not an effecti,,,, stimulant when ADH leve[s arc oth- ological Aetivitie.of Angiotensin 1t and de. ·A.p'.
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onstrated that this has functional significance.lllood 4. Agui[era. G .. Park. D. S .• and C.I1. K. J. Char_
vessels synthesi>.. substantial quantitics of A·I I. and acteri zat ion of Somatostalin Receplors in the Ral
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A. Mooulalion by Dopami ne and EstradiOl of tbe ton. D.C .. 1973.
Central Effe<:t.of Angioten, in 11 on Anterior Pi- 206. Warnock. D. G .. and Rector. r. c., Jr, Prolon Se-
tuitary Hormon< Relea", I:.'ndO("r;"o/, III: 722-9. eretion by ,he Kidncy. Ann. R",. nyJiIJI. 41:
1982. 197-210,1979.
195 . R, T .. Kotchen, T. A., Wolch, W. J ., 207. WaShburn. D. D.. Kern. D. C .. Orth. D. N.. Ni-
Curtil , J. J., and Galla, J. H. Different Meeha- ehol""n, W. E .. Chretien. M .. and Mount. C. D.
nisms for the In<reased Enzym31ic Acti . ity of Elfect of /:I.Lipo,ropin on Aldoste rone P.-ooU01Lon
Rcnin in Plasm> of Patients witn Chronic Ren.1 in the Isolated Ral Adrenal Cell Preparation .
Failure and Patients Re<:< Glucocorticoid J. Clin. /:·ndouino/. Mrrah. 54: 613- 18. J. Clin. EndocriMl. 50: 989_93. I 982 .
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1%. Tan. S, y ,. and Mu lrow. P. J. L",",' Renin 8,en- lion of Amik>r ide-Sen<itive Sodium Tran.port in
ti.1 Hypertension : railure to DemOlmrate Ex""" the Rat Colon by Mineralocorticoid •. Alii"'. J.
II·Deoxycorticosterone Proouetion. J, Clin, En- Phy,io/. 138: f26 1-F268, 1980.
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197. Tannen. R, L. Ammonia Metabol ism , Amu. J . S., and J. P. The EIf.. t of Medium Com-
Phys;oI, 13$: F265_F277, 1978- position and in vitro Stimuli on the Conve" io" of
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"Na ' Transport by in on losa Ti"ue. End""ri""f. 91: 948_60,1972.
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199. Tobian. L. Ren.1 Prostaglandin, in Relation to tion Rate. Phy, ;oI. R.v. 59: 9S8-1006, 1979.
Sodium Reiulation. Re nal Blood Flow and Hy- 211. Yoong. D. B., and McCu. R. E.. Role of the
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.i ty Pa rk Prc". B.ltimore. 1976. 2 12. Zen ..., T. V.. lierman, C. A.. " nd O.-i,. B. B.
200. Torrel1i, J. Sympathetic Control of Renin Re- EIf""t, of C.lCium a n<.l A23187 On Renal Inner
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1982. Phyj;oI. n8: E371-E376, 1980,
201. Ullrich. K. J, Sugor. Amino Acid and Na ' Co- 213. Zimmerman. B. G .. Wonll. P. c.. Koonensi,. G,
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nyJial. __ 181_95, 179. Com,""ing En,yme JnbiJ:)i,ion on Canine Renol
202. Veldhu;,. J. D.. and Melby. J. C. liolatcd Ald<)- Blood Fklw. Amer. J . PhYJio/, 24J .. H277-H28l.
sterOn¢ [)cfidency in Man : Acquired and Inborn 1982.
Errors in the Biosynthesis or Action of Aldoste· 21 4. Zipler, R. D.. Meidar. V ., and Hortoo. R. Char-
ron'. Endrxr. R",. 2: 495-S17, 1981. acter;"ie, of Aldosteron< Binding in Hum.n
203 . Vesley. 0 , L. Angiotensin II Stimulates Guany. J. CUn. End""rinoJ. Mnab. 50: 158- 62.
late Cyclase Activity in Aorta. Heart and Kidney. 1980 ,
Amer. J. Physiol. 241); E391_E393. 1981. 21S . Zucker, II., Gleason, S , D.. and Schn<ider. E, G.
21)4. C. J" and Prin".. M. p, Adren.l Reiula. Renol and Endocrine Re' ponle to Water o.:pri·
tion of ROiional Angioten.inogcn Content. >ation in Dog. J, PhYJio/, 242: R296_
EndocriMl. 106' 337-42.19 80. R302. 1982.

Additional references added in proof will be on page 893 .

Vasopressin and Other Regulators of Water and
Electrolyte Metabolism

make major contributions \0 the of as li llie as O. 15 liler of urine in the bladder. There-
of body waler con1cnt . Since they ao- fore ...verely afflicted subjects cannot steep for ex·
oomphsh this indirectly, m<!:Slly by promoting s0- tended periods or cngage in activities far removed
dium conservation, chronic overdosage can invoke from the required facilities,
hypcrnatrcmia and cdl dehydration despite expan_ Water deprivation can reduce the urine volume.
sion of the ECF. However, the CQnscquenccs include persistently un·
The mammalian hypothalamus synthesizes hor- satisfied thirst, weight loss. and hypernatrcmia. Se-
moneS that facilitate water reabsorption and reduce vere water restriction lead, inevitably to dehydration
urine volume. The peptides can lower Ihe osmotic and inability to maintain normal blood volume and
pressure and Na ' concentration of Ihc bl<'XXl . The body temperature. Although the CQmpensalory
beSI known and m<;ISl widely distributed of the reg- mechanisms described in Chapter 9 provide some
ulators is arginini' vasoprt'ssin (A VP). It derives its protection, Ihey cannot CQrrcct the problems.
name from its arginine cantom and its ability 10
When H,..DI mts are w.tor dep,i ..d. they display
stimu late vascular smooth muscle, bUI it is also
some limited .bility to concentrate urinc. In one study.
called omidiww;c hormone (ADH). the plasma,u,ine osmol.Ii,)· ratio '(JSC from 0.47 to 1.68
within 48 hours. and the urine "0W de<:lined from 90.5 to
DIABETES INSIPIDUS 8.3 pl/min/ pe, tOO g bod)" "'eigbl. Glomeruta, filtra'ion
rate fell. urea accumulate<! "'ithin the bloOO plasma. and
Diabetes insipidus (DI) develops in animals deprived tess Auid wu delive,ed to the oOlleo,ing duotS of the kid·
of either the hormone Or the ability to respond to it. ney. How.ver. the animal, !osl ,ubstantial fractions of
DiaMles inereased urine flow. The term in- thei' body weights .nd tbey su!f.ftd <:Ievation. of the he-
sipidus (tasteless) r:fers to the hypotonic, glucose- matocriu (SI).
free character of the fluid.
The pOlyuria Can be massive. Healthy humans ex·
Etio l09 Y of Human 01 (3, 129 )
crete liters of urine daily under ordinary
conditions. Thos: amic t:d with mild ADH defi- T he terms h}'pothalamk and D I are applied
ciency liters. bUI individuals totally to oonditions of absolute Or relative A DH deficiency.
lacking the hormonc have been known to excrete up T he disorders are also known as pituitary and vasil-
to 47 liters (96). pres"i"",etUirive Di. neurohypophysial bor·
fluid volume depletion invokes se· mone concentrations arc subnormal but the symp-
vere thirst and polydipsia. Humans totally lac king loms can be alleviated with exogenous A VP and its
ADH may ingest 50 Or more liters of fluid per day. analogs.
sinc<: they muSt also replace water lost via the respi· Genelic defects, head injuries. infe<:tions. surgical
ratory and gastrointestinal tracts and the skin . AI· trauma. and pressure by brain tumors can
though the aCme eff:cts of the hormone deficiency affect synthesis and/or re leaS(: of A VP. Production
do not threaten survival. they seriously impair the of excessiv.: quantities of "oxytocinascs" and other
quality of life. Most beverage cups hold 0.2 liters or e.>.ymes can promote excessively rapid honnont
less. and the desire to void is invoked by the presence degradation. $Qme individuals make antibodies di·


reeled against cither Ihe peptide Or its receptors. but ADH stimulalion of .denylate cycl .... Cbronic... vere
the ability 10 respond 10 high ooncentrations of lbc hypercalcemia can lead to the depos ition of ealcium salt.
pcptides is retained. within lhe Henle loops and distal lubul ...
Nephrogenic 01 (42) results from inability of lhc The lerm '"neurogenic [W' is applied to Ihe rare
kidneys \0 respond to ADH because (a) the recep- U:;e$ in which Ibe primary problem is polydipsia .
tors ar. abnQ,mal Or present in \00 few numbers: (b) (:Qmpulsive walcr drinking can t>c ··psychogenic". or
hormone-receptor binding is not coupled to e"ents a wnsequence of impaired meehanisms for regula-
that should follow; (c) the Henle loops are damaged, lion of thirs .. "Beer polOmania" is an o.'erdcyeloped
or lhe kidney centa;ns 100 few of the long type (Ihc laSle for Ihal i. coupled wilh fa ilure 10 ingest
loops ar. IIOt lhc direct hormone largets. but Ihey su fficient food 10 mainlain electrolyle balun..: (44).
support lhe water<onscrving actions): (d) ureteral High a lcohol inlake exa..:rbales the problem'. since
obstruction exerts back pressur(: On the kidney. and ;1 inhibilS AO H release (5).
;1 thereby interferes with ADH aClions; or (e) phar-
macological agents. electrolyte imbalances. and
some bo.monal disorders antagon;,e ADH actions T re a tme nt ( 96 , 13 1 )
on the kidney. When the primary problem;, inabilily 10 'ynlhe.i?c
AOH. subSlilUlion Iherapy is obviQUs solUlion.
Animal modd$ used for lh. study of neph'Oilcnk DI
include a suain of mice wjlh undersi,ed kidne)" and 100 A VP and lysine;n (L VP. a chemically and
few nephron._ and anolhe< ,'rain with ",=.ioel)' .horl- biologically related hormone made by <;ome mam_
e""d Henle loops (161). The ",ion. of ADH on Ihe kid· mals) can be la ke n inlranasally_ bUI Ihey mU'1 t>c
ney ar<: believed to be medialed via cA).1P. pe . anlago- adminislere<:l al frequenl inlervals. He sidoxlfeCI S
ni'" ADH. since they inlerfere with .Mn),late eycl.,e include elevalion of the s}'1lemic blood pressure and
aCtivalion .•lfecl r<:nat blood now. and exert aClion. on irrilation of Ihe nasal mucosa. Synlhetic ana·
Ihe Henle 1001'$ lhal dimini.h A DH elfecl i' .. ne'" (I logs. and especially l-deanlino.8-[)..arginine-A V P
Lilhium and lelracyelin. reduce cAM P generation. Lith· (DDA VP. desmopressin) provide Ihe advanlages of
ium addilion.lIy .her, PG metaboli.m (19). in,... ke. higher amidiuretic jXllcncy. longer duration of ac-
IhiNI.and inh ibits ADH sccr<:lion POI ... ium dcple. tion, and minimal effcc.. on smooth mu<cle. Neither
lion depre"., mil<>cbondri.1 generolion of Ihe ATP ,..,.
the natural nor synlhelic peplides find much use in
quire<! to ,upporl aClive tran'pDfl and the maintenance
of ion gr.d> wilhin the kidne), (42). SuueSlioR'that Ihe lreatment of nephrogenic DJ.
h)'po'.lemia antagonizes ADH by promoting PC ge""r· Patients who make ADH bul do nOI release it in
alion 'r<: I'IOt eon.istent with observations made wilh pe suffieienl amounts often respond to agenls such as
synt he,i. inhibitors (13). clofibrale (Atromid) and carbama7.epinc (Tegrelol).
High con.:en1ralions of caleium ion, in terfere wjlh These drugs are nol effeclive in Df fllIS,
, ",
'", '" \ ,I

Chlorpropamide is one of the sulfonylureas dis- EFFECTS OF EXC ESSIVE ADH

cussed in conjunclion wilh Ihe trealment of malu-
rityo()nset diat>ctes mellilus (Chapler 5). It seems \0 The syndrome of inappropriale antidiurelic hormone
slimulale ADH r.lcase and 10 also exert peripheral (SIADH). in which Ihe levels of A VP arc
aclions Ihat synergi?.e wilh those of Ihe hormone. for the Slale or hydralion. can develop a' a consc-
Both inhibilion of cyclic nucioolide phosphodiester- quen..: of ..:nlral ncrvQUs system disorders. and in
ase and direCI intcraClion wilh ADH receplors have suffering from lung diseases affecting
been proposed (47). This agem is effeclive when chemoTCe<:ptors (pneumonia, tut>crculosis. abscesses.
taken orally. bUI;1 lowers Ihe blood glucose wncen- carcinoma) Or from leukemia or pancrealic Iumol'<
lralions in some palienl', Tolbutamidc ;s anolher (44). The excessi"e ""aler relention of some palienlS
memt>cr of Ihis pharmawlogical group wilh similar wilh hepalic cirrhosis may also t>c rclale<:llo elevaled
biological aclivity. (However. glyburide is hypogly· levels of circulal ing ADH, During pregnanCy . 100
cemic and diuretic.) much ADH may t>c released along wilh

4 /s:;,e -P7" - Ar:__ -NH,

Fig . 10-1. Sl<u<tu,. 01 8'QitW>e
va"",' •• sin.

When large doses of ADH arC '.p"'aledly admin· identify Ihc ninc amino acid oom]l<lnc nts. (Some au-
istered to experimental animal.. thcre is transient thors regard the two cysleine moietics as oomponcms
water retenlion and lhc blood pressure oflcn ri,<!S. of a single cystine and therefore refer to the struc-
After chronic (realment. thc animals may display tures as octapeptides.)
"=3PC" from the effecls that is associa ted with na· A VI' is the major antidiuretic hormone of mam-
triu resis (106). Large doses of the hormone addiliOl1- ma Is. The domcstic pig produces Iys; ne vasopressin
ally stimulate the smooth muS(1c of the gUI and (L v r . Fig. 10-2). while some of its relatives (wan-
uterus. and abdominal and vulval pain arc s« n in hogs. hippopotamuses) makc LVI'. A vr.
patients lakin, replacement therapy. The plasma or both. LVP has also been identif,cd in a slrain of
gluC<liSC levels may be raised by ADH. Peruvian mice. The lysine varianl has biological
Some re<:ently developed ADH antagonists thaI properties almOISt identical with those of AVP but its
have been tested in experimental animals are dis- antidiuretic polency is only tw"thirds as great even
cumd later. Agents of thi' kind are IlOt yet available in the animals thai nlake il . The difference probably
for dinical use. has no physiological importam;e. since AOH $Ccre-
tion can be increased severnl fold when more is rc-
quired to mainlain hydration .
Vasopressins have been fouod only in mammal,.
and only Ihese vertebrates produce urea-rich. hyper_
The structure of arginine vasopres,in is shown in tonic urine in ils presence. In addilion It> effects on
Fig. 10-1. along with the numbering S)'stcm u'I'd to water reaboorpt;on . the peptides affeet other aspect<

Cyo- TY' ·Phe _Gln_A..,.eys. Pro· Arg- GIy- NH,

Cyo-TV" Phe-Gln-A.,.·cr.· P,"·lYS.GIy.N fl,

0,..- TY' ·lio·GIn- P10' Ar<;l -Gty-NH,

Cy •. TY,·lie.GIn_A"".ey..Pm.leu_Gly_NH>
Cy.· Ty' -II;" ·''In_Asn_ 010' Pro- "". (;ly_Nrh

CY'-TY' -Pe- se,.A.,.·Cy.· Pro-II"· GIy-N K,

Cy.· Tyr.Iie·s;,,· PM_Cy,_P'o-G"In-Gly _N H,
• FIg. 10-2. NOIJ,O/"Iypofltlylill
Valltocin CY'-Ty,. De·GIn·Asn.o,..- Pro-Vat· Gty-NH..

. . .
.As<>. Asn'Cy,' Pro· Leu· my_Nfl>
poptKSoS, " .. ",is'" incIicate _""'" acid
moieli. . lhl>' ct;fIet (,om tho one. ;n
.<9....... va$Opt"",,in,

Tyr ·1Ie·Gln· A,.,·Cy.·Pro·Leu·Gty·
. NH,


, Tyr· k·GIn ·A"'·Cys-OH
Cys· Plo·leu·Gly.Nfb
PLG (me'a"".,.,". MIF·II
F ig. 10-3. dew_'iOn
pcntapepti<\e ptodu<:t. of o.ytOCin II\IIt hOY. _
Toc," IM IF-III in>plicale<j . . bioIogicol regu!OI"'O .

of kidney function, systemic blood pressure. !he se- of contraction of the smoo!h mmcle of the uterus
cretion of some learning and behavior. and myoepithelial edls of lhe mamma'}' gland. aT
and probably also extrarenal water metabolism. ha. al'iQ been identified in the ratfosh. bUI ilS func·
Arginine vasotocin (A VT) watcr a nd tion. are not known. In birds and SOme other non-
electrolyte balance blood pressure in all 11(",' mammalian vertebrales, A VT exertS innucnce, On
mammalian vertebrates. Thc kidneys of reptiles. am· the female reproductive tracl that are comparable in
phibians. and fishes lack the Henle loops needed to many ways to aT stimulation in the mammaL
produec hypertonic urinc, but A VT can Mill promotc
conservation of water by affecting renal blood flow, Mesotocin (MT) occurs in bird" replile •• amphibian.,
and lungfish.s, II share, 'Om. biologicat prOflCrtit< ",ilh
glomerular filtration. and (in some species) tubular Ih. mammoti •• Putali •• rolo. in Ih. '.8"lation of
\ransport (48) . Since AVT h, been identified in water metabotism are Ciled laoer, lsolocin (IT). iethyQto-
every cia" of vertebrates. including the cyclOSlomes. ein and alumilocin (GT) have been identifie<l in ray·
it has been speculated that it represents the eYUln· nnncd fishes. and .atitocin and .. pargtocin in the dogfish.
tionary precursor of all the neurohypophysial nona· II. peptide of a. yet ,tructure moy be pro-
peptides (12). It is antidiuretic in mammals. but il duced by tb. st urgeon.
would be less u'eful for this purjlO5e if secreted inm There arC indications that lhe nonapeptides func-
the systemic circulalion. since il also strongly con·
tion as pffhorm<mes. Enzymes that catalyze their
tracts uterine muscle.
cleavage into smaller molecules are present in sev·
Thc neurohypophyses of mammalian fetu .... se-
eral parIS of the brain (137), and innuences of the
crete considerable quantities of A VT, Laler. A VP products on behavior and on the release of other hor·
replaces that peptide in thc hypothalamus. (Some
mones ha"e becn demonstrated. It is not certain,
A VT is made in the pineal gland and other circum·
however, that all of the small, biologically active
vemricular organs.) According 10 One concept, A VT
peptides related to the nonapeptides are derived
plays special roles in regulation of water balance in
from them in vivo. There are aloo controversies con·
lhe fetus (which is regarded as an aquatic animal),
cerning their potcncie.. and thc possibility that the
and the "switch" is associated with maturalion.
functions as\:ribed to them are. in fact. performed by
Some investigators cite the change an eumple of
other regulators.
the now notion that "ontogeny re-
capitulates phylogeny." Hypothalamic A VT has O,ylo<in can be cle •• e<l in .;1r0 to yield to<inoie acid
also been implicated in the regulation of pituitary ,ing mucture with no ,ido and. lripeplide.
functions such as gonadotropin release (I 39). (PLG. Fi" 10-3). Since PLG can in·
The three hormones just cite<.! all e<,ntain a basic hibit reka .. of melanoc}'te 'timulaling ho'mone (MSH)
from the piluitary gland il has been called MIF·1 (mel.
amino acid at position 8. With the exception of the
aOOC}'lc·inhibiiOry faclor t) (139) .nd md,lIO$lal;n
cyclosmmcs. most or all vertebrates secm to produce (\ (9). The co,respoo ding peptide from AVP (pro-Argo
at least one additional peptide with a neutral amino Giy·NI t,) h.., .,imita< bioto,;c.t propen;e$ (62).
acid at lhe 8 posilion. Mammals make oxytocin h has been by some thaI locinaic acid (which
(aT), which has SOme effecl.! On blood pressure and can be Oblaincd from II. VT.oo MT", well as from OT)
water balance but functions primarily as a regulalor posse'''' melanocyte·stimulating hormone r.te ..;ng ac-
livil)". arkl II>< mokcule h.o, boen <.nod MRf. A ponla" Ihe various segm<:nl$ of the lIenle loops. pres-
poplickd.. i",d i, (fi,. I().l) .... y inbi bil'hc: "",re. enee of subilanlia l numbers of nephrom "" th long
lion. anod i, i< k..... IS M If -II. loops is known 10 be essenlial for prodl,lC\ion of con-
AVT i'""lf. in qlOa1l' i'Ocs" k>w IS 0.001 PI- c;on do- «nlrl,ed urine_ However. as d iseussed laler, it is
ClUse IIIe: pi, uitary &land MS H O:O,II<n' of mia:. if i, is now recognized thaI lIi1Tas,,"c/ I"" featuf'CS of
injec,ed direnly inlO Iiw: 'hlrd .enlrick of lbe brain Ihe rerutl cells. the bel","«:n
(119). and i, <;an b!od 'he inc", ... ,hat OIM ........ follows
<<Il10 .....1 oflM pine.1 gland_ 11 also ""e ...... Ih. incre"",
in bypothalamic PLG conl.nt Iblt rollo,", pine.loc,omy.
PtG. in lu,n. promotes r.leaK or AVT into lb. «rebr<>-
spina l ftuid or •• ". Ii Ii If
A ... u-ted observation is thaI duri", the nilhl (...·h.n
s - c - c -c - T)'f. Phe·G!n·A$<I·eys·PI'QoO·"'9-G!y-NIi.!
seve. al .nl)·.... aClivi,ic$ a.e hiJh). lbe rlU pi> I Ii Ii I
AVT bill $IOta AVP. ... pi ......1
&land pcptid .... and ,he MSH alrcctcd by ' bern. are all O(MVP. .. inQ.e.[).Ar$-'\VP:
CIi'lQIIy use!uI .... -.retic .... n ....... pessor octMIy
implicated in "'Iuu-tion of «nlral ftC"""" system fune-
lions Illal show lOCI ob.ioou. n:ialionships 101M of""",nJI


T h< $Carch for clTeelive r.ceplor anlagonists has
been frouShl wi,h numerOUS difficullies. M any oflhe
peplide!; Lack specifICity or show agonisl
activi ty, and il has thus br not been pmsiblc to to-
tally 5I:p:ilmu: the anlHtnlid iuretic. anti·pros.5Of. and
oxyllxi ... likc pnlpeni"".
Evidenlly, the ",eeptOl"S thai mediale pressor rc-
IponSCJ(lilTcr from Ihe ones thaI conlrol antidiuresis.
They arc al$Q more readily an by availa ble
mel hods. possi bly becau5c Ihere are fewer ' ·<pare'·
1)11 muscle than on kidney
,\n A VP analog """"c;"lIy elTecti...:: for anlagonir.-
the pRUOI' respo' "1 10 lhe hormone (99) and
shoWn to affect blood pressure
dogs to (150) iuhovo'n in MS. 1().4_ The
effects 0( vari0u.5 on diuretic rcsponilCS
ha...:: becn described (140), and the Slruelures of pa-
I<nl. flirly se\e<:livc anlasonisls of the ADH ....
sponse (98) arc also prcsenled in fig. 104. Sludies o (Cli.!,,· [).I ...· PhQ· Val· A..,·Cy.· Pro .A'g. GIy·
on ralS raise the hope Ihat clinica lly clTcelive
will soon be available . ,O_E,
Some substances unrdaled 10 A VP (e.g.. an· o (Ct-I.,).. T)'f -PM -Val-Asn·C,.. P .... Atg. GI)'.1>IIi.!
tibiotic dcmcelo<::yc\inc) can aRI*gonizc 1\ DH effects
on kidney, bUllhe mechani$ms are different_ The
side-clfeclS p..-c\udc Iheir use for treatment at waler
relcnlion. Fisure 104 includes an I.V P analog that
clcvatcs blood prc50Sure (68). o "
o "•• "·•• •
,:l- ;C •

Functional Anatomy 01 the Kidney T
o o"
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To some utenl, il hall been possible \0 relale eerUtin
of Ihe ",uelural features of lhe kidney to abililY
" " "
10 eomcrve ...... Ier. MO&I mamma ls have Ihree kinds
of ncphrom lhat can be dis\inIUi$hed on the basis of '19. 10-<1. _M .. ·>+"".t ago .If .1I9c1io ..... '1 ....,0
thei, locations wilhin Ihe kidney and 'he kngths of

nephron ""smcnts and blood (27,87), but the a nd straight portions of distal tubules (thick
distributions of AVP receptors (lOS) are major de- ascending portions of the Henle loops) are in the
terminants of the functions. OUler stripe. A ,cry shOrt. Ihin descending :;egment
Grossly. lhe kidney can be di.jdcd inl0 a superf,· of the loop reaches as far as the inner stripe (Fig. II).
cial rot/u and a mor<: internally located medulla. 5). Each afferent arteriole that from a cor-
The cortex contains Ihe glomeruli. the convoluted lical nephron breaks up imo peritubu-
portions of the and distal tubules, the lar capillaries thai suppl y the proximal. di'lal. and
upper parIS of the straight tubules (wbula recta). collecting tubule of Ihe same nephron and commu-
and the cortical origins of Ihe coikcling ducts. Col· nicate with pcritubular eapill"ries of neighboring
lecting (wone<.:ling) tubules interposed between the nephron' via a cortical plexus.
distal convoluted tubules and lhe beginnings of the 2. Juxtamedullary: The glomeru li and convoluted
coilecting due\s arc more prominent and more portions reside within the inner third of lhc renal
arched in some species Iha n in others. A single renal cortex. The He nlt loops are long and they have well-
artery thaI comes dirC\:11y from the abdominal aOna developed, thin ascendi ng. as well as descending.
cnlers Ihe hilus of Ihe kidney. In the larger animals. limbs that pcnetrale deeply imo Ihe inner medulla.
it breaks up into interlobar arteries Ihal cour.;e \()- (Some lur n within lhc papilla.) The collecting lu ·
warothe periphery. The interlobar arteries give ri", buies join Ihe collecting duct.! tha t descend from
10 arcuate (arciform) arteries within the cortex. and above.
Ihese give off inlc rlobular branches. Some of the lat- The efferent arte rioles arc large compared with
ler directly supply the more superfic ial parts of the those of the conical-type nephron •. They give off
kidney. Others provide the afferent arterioles 10 the small branches that provide a capillary supply 10 the
glomeruli. Thus. the cortex receives its anerial blood convoluted tubule •. However, Ihe main portions of
directly. the vessels div ide in the ou ter wipe a nd Ihey become
The renal medulla is highly developed in all mam· the de ..ending vasa reCla thai travel in ,·ucular
mals that make strongly hypertonic urincs. It com- bundles toward lhe papilla. At various le'·cls. some
prises OUler and inner and it relX'ivcs its blood vessels leave the bundles to feed capillary networks
supply from the efferent arteriole> of Ihe glomeruli . of the rcnal medulla. The are especially
The outer 7.on. is subdivided into ouler and mIWr dense in the inner stripe. Btood teaving the capillar.
Slripes. The forst of these comains the straight part. ies COUISCS upward in a ..ending vasa reCla . Some of
(pars recta) of the proximal and distal tubules. The the ase<:nding veSliels travel alongsidc the descending
same nephron segmenls arc known, respectively. as ones in the bundles. bUI others do not.
the thick descending and thick a=nding limbs of Some sj>Ccies differences in Ihe organi7.ation of Ihe
the He nle loops. No direct relation,hips belween the vascular bundles have been linked with urine con-
width of the outer stripe and the ability to wnser\'C eentralion . In sand rats. mice. and others able 10 pro-
water have been demonstrated. (The region is wide duce highly concentrated urines. thin de>e<:nding
in ra ts with quite good resistance to water depriva· limbs of the shorl loops of the nephrons arc incor·
tion), bul it is narrow in both Ihe sand ral that lives porated into the bundles. Evidently. urea is trans-
in thc desert and the human capable of producing ferred from lhe blood vessels to the cortical nephron
only moderalely conccnlrated urine 187).) Collect· tubules via this rOUle (172) . (Some urea is belie\'Cd
ing ducts that originate in the cortex widen as Ihey to be Iransferred from vasa recta to corlicaltubules
paslthrough the outer stripe, and the)" receive fluid in olher species as well. although the bundles conlain
from the collecling tubules of this region. only blood vessels.) There is no mingJiIl{l of cortical
The inner stripe is universally prescnt. Jt houses and medullary capillary blood .
the thick a ..ending and thin descending limbs of Ihc 3. Midrorlical nephroru: These have long. thin as-
longcr Henle loops. The inner 7.onc of Ihe mcdulla cending Henle loops bUI no thin de ..ending
forms Ihe renal papilla that protrudes inlO the pcl'is. segme nts.
The following Ihree types of nephrons have been The kidney receives 15%-25% of Ihe cardiac out·
described (14): put. and cortica l blood now is around 3-5 ml/min/
I. Corlirol or superficial: The glomeruli. t he con· g. Although mcdullary flow is only one·lenth as
voluttd ponions of Ihe and distal tubules. greal. thc supply i, good when compared with Ihat
and Ihe wlle<;ting duct.! are in the OUler Ihird of Ihc of most other organs. Blood How redistribulions
The 1·lenle loops. which arc very shorl. can cause Ihe GFR ro range from 5 to 100
extend only u far (he outer Slripe and they lack ml/min in humans. but Ihe rowl blood flow seldom
Ihin 3licending segments. The slraight portions of Ihe varies by more Ihan 50% under physiological condi·
proximal (the thick de ..ending Henle loops) tions (6).

A. Q;all'amrnat<: 'epresenlalion 01 neph".ns glQmcruli in $\Jpcrficil>l.

m«ortical. 300 ju,lamedun.t)' reiJion. 011hc kidney JU<lame<lull.t)'

B. ConcenlraliQn lI'_nt c. Osmotic cl\anges in tuoo lar

,"""oundi"9 thin Henle lOOPS fluid passing tfvough the Henle IQO;>

j t

D. ""',ernen,. 01 Oons
aOd wa'er conlril><ot"'9
Fig . 10·5 . Wat ... and el6OtfOly'• • xc!>anveo IOCI"O$S long
H<tnie loops.
Func tio ns 01 the Henle Loo ps Fluid Vo lumes Entering and Leav ing the
Henle Loops
The collecting ducts arC the major siles for adjust-
ment of urinary water excrctian \0 body needs. and Healthy human adults in good endocrine and elec-
they contain most of the ADH receptors. Their func- trolyte balance produce around 120-125 ml of glo.
tions require the establishment and maintenance of mcrular filtrate per minutc (170-180 liters per day),
a highly hypertonic within the renal As the proximal tubules reabsorb gluc()SC, amioo
medulla. The Henle loops play major roles in acids. cieetrolytes. and other esscntial componeRe, of
taining Ihal environment. Some of the COntro.-crsies the filtrate. around 65% of the filtered waler i, ta ken
over Ihc mechanisms arC attributed 10 marked 'P"" back. Therefore, thc Henle loops receive more than
<;ies variations in .\rutlu"" as well as functions 60 liters of tubular nuid in a typical day.
(108,125). but Olhers result from lhc need 10 make As they perform tneir functions. the loops reclaim
assumptions about Pl"QCc"""s thai haY<' not as yel an additional 17-27 liters Thu s. 35-40 liters remain
been directly m()!litored. to be processed by the distal portions of the nephron.
The ability to CQncentrate urine varies widely
among the mammals. Mountain beavers and musk_
Passive Movements 01 Water end Ions
rats arc alone end of Ihc spectrum, since Ihcy sel.
Across the De scending Thin Segments
dam need 10 oonscrvc water. and they have minimal
resistance to dehydration. They usually excrete hy- The uppermost portions of the descending limbs arc
potonic urine. and they cannot achieve concentra· surrounded by interstitial fluid that is isotonic with
tions greater than twice those of the blood plasma . both the blood and the fluid within the tubular
Close to the other end of the continuum. "'"C find lumcn. As they into the deeper portiollS of
sand rats that seldom encounter drinking water, the mcdulla . the surfaces of the loop cells
They happily consume plants with hypertonic sap. come into contac t with progressively more concen·
and they can produce urine 14 times as concenlruted trated interstitial fluids (Fig. 10.5B). Since thc
as blood plasma (125) , Australian mice arc even pla,ma membranc, are highly permeable to water.
more remarkable. They Can safely drink sea water. fluid is osmotically drawn into the hypertonic envi-
since their kidneys produce nuids wilh osmotic prcs- ronment. The luminal contents thereby become pro.
surcs as high as 9000 mOs/liter (compared with 300 gressively more concentrated as thcy approach the
mOs/litcr for blood plasma), hairpin turn _Some Na + and CI - diffuse into thc de-
A formerly held oonceptthat the ability to con· scending limb cells and thcn the tubular lumen. and
centrate urine varies directly with the relative num· this further concentrates the luminal fluid , A four·
bers of long Henle loops was based on observations fold rise in osmolality (from around 300 mOsJlitcr
made in several species. The beavers and muskrats at the top to 1200 mOs/litcr at the bottom) is usual.
have only short loops (87A). Humans do not cope
wdt with water deprivation, and only 14%-15% of
Ac tive Transport of lona
the nephrons arc of the juxtamedullary type. lJrine
four times as concentrated as plasma can be made. The fine structure of the cells of the ascending limbs
but this is accomplished in part by sdcctive shunting dilTers from that of the desce nding components. The
of blood to the medullary regions of the kidney when cells are impermeable to water. They actively ex-
the ECF volume is low. trude chloride ions. and sodium ions follow to main-
I! was once believed that sand rats have only long ta in clectroneutrality. Ion pumping brings about
loops. but this misconception has been corn:cu:d progressive dilution of the ascending tubular fluid_
(87A). In fact. these and other rodents with well- The product finally delivered to the distal convoluted
developed abilities to conserve water have mOre short tubuk is reduced in volume. but it i. actually hyt»
than long loops (87). Such arrangements ""em to be tonic to the blood plasma_
necessary. because the maintenance of a strongly hy·
pertonie medullary interstitium evidently depends in
Countercurrent Multlpl1catlon
part on cortical nephron transfer of urea and other
solutes from the vasa recta to the long·loopcd neph_ Highly effective countercurrent multiplication is
rons (167). Cats and dogs. which are not especially achieved by the elose proximity of thc ascending and
good concentrators. have only long loops. Howcver. descending limbs. the parallel flows in opposite di·
the fine of SOme resemble those of the rcctions, and thc active extrusion of chloride ions.
short loops of other species. Countcrcurrent exchangcs also occur in the blood
vessel5, The plasma in the uppermOSI parIS of Ihe pa.. ive uptake of lubular fluid at Ihe luminal surface
vasa reCla is isolonie "'ilh Ihe fluid in the upper parIs (Fig. 1().6). The quanlity of water Iransferred from
of Ihe dCKending Iknle loop, It is, however, SOme- the lumen of Ihc collceling ducl to the interslilium
what hypertonic wilh respect to in Ihe gen- (and ultintalely 10 the blood plasma) is delermined
eral syslemic cireulation. The change i, acquired primarily by Ihe rale of passage of waler across Ihe
during passage Ihrough the glomerulus , Since mOSI luminal membrane (3).
plasma proteins arc not filtered. Ihey become con- Although il has other effeCls on the kidney. ADH
cenlrated in that blood. aClS mOSt obviously to increase Ihe ....·a/er permeabil-
A5 it descends lowards Ihe deeper ",,,,,I medulla, ity of the luminal (apical) plasma membranes of the
the blood picks up sailS from the surrounding fluids. collecting duct cells (83). It is belicved to increase
The salts arc not carried awa)". because they arc losl the numbers of "porcs" or "channels" for passive dif·
again as Ihe blood ascends. Special propenics of the fu.ion (4.141). Tight junctions al Ihe luminal Sur-
blood ves.. 1walls may additionally contribute 10 salt face block lranseellular (bcl"'ecn-ccll) waler movc·
conser.alion (8S). ments. However (at leasl in amphibian urinary
All invesligators evidently agree Ihat (a) Ihe pro- bladder. which responds simila rly 10 Ihe hormone).
ccs,ses just described are essential for maintaining a waler that has enlered the cells may Ihen crOSS the
hypenonic fluid in Ihe renal medulla; (b) urc:t is al>o laleral membranes and pass bet",een cells 10 Ihe ser-
concenlraled in the renal medulla. Thi s further CQn· osal side (46) , The funclions of apical and wrosal
Iribules 10 Ihe m:,intenancc of Ihe osmolic gradients membranes are inlerrciatcd [45).
(at leasl some of Ihe urca is CQntribuled by Ihe col- ADH arrives via the blood capillaries. and it COm-
lecting duct cells which lie close 10 Ihe Henle loops); bines wilh receptors Ihal are associaled wilh Ihe ser·
and (c) other proccs<cs arc probably neoded to ae· osal plasma membrane. II is effc<;live in vilro when
complish and maintain Ihe steep osmolic gradients. added 10 Ihe balh (bul nol when perfused Ihrough
Thcre arc CQntro,·ersi., o,'er the nalures and comri- Ihe collecling ducliumen). The responses can be de-
bulion' of the olher mechanisms , leeled within minules after presentation of ADH in
It has been suggested, for example. Ihal Ihe ar· concenlrations of 1O- lo M. and Ihey are dose related,
rangements of blood vessels in the more superfIcial
parIS of the medulla contribute to lrapping of elec-
Use of AmphIbian Tilllluell to Study ADH
trolytes in the deep regions. Ihal the upper parIS of
the k>ng de..:ending l1enle loop limb. ,clively <c. Aetione
c""te NaCi . and thaI parallel arrangemenls of "short Some of Ihc technical problems involyed in thc study
long loops'" "intermediale long loops". and "long of mammalian kidneys and SOme of Ihe advantages
long loops" eSlablish a cascade Ihat carries saIl afforded by amphibian preparalion5 Were cited in
downwards (87A) , Another concept is thaI short· Chapter 9. The inaccessibility of decp nephrons of
looped nephrons wnd urea into the long-looped ones. mammalian kidneys is not easily dcall with. and
and thai the urea passively drives NaCI oul of Ihe many studies in mammals ha"c involved CQrlical
lubular nuid (158A) , A third concepl is Ihat Ihe ure· (ralher Ihan juxlamedullary) preparations.
ters ma ke major conlribUlions 10 urinary concentra- Amphibian skins and urinary bladders haye re-
lion (74A). ceplors Ihat interJct with ADH in a manner Ihat
leads 10 acceleration of waler transporl. Since they
also have Olher fealUres Ihal resemble those of lXII-
lecling duct Ihey have boen ",idely used to
The hypotonic fluid that the aseending limb delivers Ihc mechanisms of ADH actions.
10 Ihe distal convoluted lubule undergoes Further di- It should be pointed out. however, that amphibi_
lution as aClive transpon processes return relalively do nol make AVP or L VP. Water transport
more solute Ihan water to thc bloodstcam. T he urine conlrolled physiologically by arginine vasotocin and
that arrives at the collccting dUCIS can have an os.- by other regulators, Some of the ",sponses of the
molalily as low as 70 mOs/hler. Substantial wmer amphibian preparations 10 A VP differ from those of
reabsorption then occurs in the remainder of the mammalian collecting ducts. and applications of Ihe
nephron. Usually, only around 0 .7% of Ihe filtered findings to mammals must be made wilh caulion .
waler ends up in Ihe final urine. Frogs need to control the rale of waler uplake
The plasma membranes on the serosal surfaces of Ihe skin. Arginine vawtocin can accelerate
the collecting ducts are permeable to water. buI nOl Ihe process and thereby hasten rehydration of ani-
10 NaCi. Since they are COntinuously exposed to a mals that haye returned to waler after a Slay on
hypertonic environment. water is osmotically drawn land. However. excessive ratc!; of uptake Can wri-
from the cells. This creates a gradienlthat facilitatcs ously disrupl Ihe balance. (Animals kepI in fresh



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Fig. 10-6. ColleCting tubul8 _ n t_ ""'''ont.,

""US .r.
arrows show dif6Ction 01 water mew........,1. 1M CIlifII

Water and injected with large d()SCS of ADH become membrane. It has been proposed that the fusion of
Water logged. a phenomenon referred to as the the vacuoles or tubules with lhe plasma membrane
"Brunn effect,"') The urinary bladders cf amphibi· increases the surfa,e area and provides the cell with
ans serve as reservoirs for water and electrolytes that large numbers of ,hannel. lha( admit water. The
can be used to replenish the blood plasma. new arrangeme nt persists throughoul the lime pe-
riod during which ADH continues !() aC<:clcratc
waler uptake. Howeyer. there may bo cycles of in·
sertion and relrieval of the organelles. Aftcr hor·
Cytological Changes Associated with
monc withdrawal, (he aggregates return to (he intra·
Responses to ADH
eytoplasmk location.
Unstimulated cells contain particulate aggregales Thc lranslocations a re evidently linked with A DH
enclosed within the ntembranes cf cytcplasmic vac· actions, rather (han with watcr movements per ""
uoles or tubules. In antphibian urinary bladder gmn· (64 ). They arc seen when artificial manipulation of
ular cells. the structures arc highly organized, and the osmOlie pressure of the luminal Auid prevents
Ihe aggregates seem !() form ribbon·li ke right· water upta ke. lanthanum has lillie effect on the
handed helices that spiral around the tubule> (171). water uplake ra le in the basal condition. but it a n-
The crganellts of collecting duct cells differ in ap- tagoni1-C< ADH stimulation. It interferes with the
pearance. bU I they are bolieved to function in Ihe accumulation of lhe aggregates wilhin the apical
same way (66). plasma membrane, possibly by displacing the cal·
W ithin I minute after the hormone is pr=nted 10 cium required for (he fu'ion (19) . (Lanlhanum can.
its target cell, the aggregates mOve towa rd the apical howcvcr, accelera(e transcellular movementS of
water and ions, possibly by disrupting the tight Microfilaments arc implicated in the anchoring of
junctions.) intracellular components to microtubulesand in reg-
In SOme ADH-scnsitive cells, cytoplasmic gran- ulation of the properties and functions of plasma
ules (which may be unrelated \0 the aggregates juSt membranes. Cytochalasin B (CB) is One of several
described) move toward the plasma membrane and substances derived from molds that disorganize the
are btruded. The cxocytosis leads to increased microfilaments. It intcrferes with the parlicle-aggre-
thickness of the glycocalyx on the apical side. and il gating elfects of ADH and thc innuences on water
is associated with apical endocytosis and wilh pino- transport. Its clfeets can be additive with those of
cytosis al Ihe serosal side (31). Some observers be- colchicine when the twO agents are presented early .
lieve thai the granules are involved in a second pro- However. CB also antagonizes "slab/ished ADH aC-
cess thai facilitates. water uptake. tiOllS. Therefore . the microfilaments arC probably reo
The serosal surface is exposed to a NaG·rieh hy- quired for maintenance as well as initialion of the
pertonic environment. and sodium ions seem \0 be water trarupon response (71). They may play roles
essential for the pinocytosis. Pinocytic vesicles eon· in orientation of the aggregates and associated water
taining uh may be shuttled to the apical membrane channels .
to provide a h)·pcrlooic intracellular microenviron- CD and related substances can increase Ihe num_
ment that facilitates water uptake. l.>crs of muliivesicular vacuolC!l within the c)"toplasm.
possibly by interfering with microfilamenHle!",n-
dent migration of pillOC)"tic vesicles. Giant vacuoles
Ro le s of Mic rolu bu le s and Mlc ro fil a ments can then form as the hypertonic contents of the ves-
icles osmotically draw water. Aleian blue, which
The evidence fOf direct participation of these organ- stimulates pinocytosis. brings about s;milar morpho-
elles in the responses to ADH is ··circumstantial'· logical changes (31).
but impressi'"<: (160). Microtubules mediale intra·
cellular and they may be nceded for
the mo'"<:ments of the vacuoles or tubules. Thc evi·
Effects o f S e rosal-Side Sodium Chlo rid e
dencc for cAMP mediation of the ADH actions is
discussed later. In at least some spccies. tubulin! In homozygous Brattleboro rats (which do nOt make
(Ihe major of the micrOlUbules) are as· ADH ). the interstitial nuids that bathe the serosal
sociated with protein kinases. cA M P is implicated as surfaces of the collecting duct cells contain sub nor·
a of the asscmbled microtubules. mal quantities of NaC!, and responses to exogenous
Colchicine is a plant derivative that binds to tub- A VP arC impaired. Repeated administration of the
ulins with high affinity and thereby interferes with hormone (or its agonists) restores sensitivity as it eI·
microtubule assembly. It has no known effoct on evateslhe osmotic pressure and NaCl concentration.
bao;al ratcs of water uptake. but it blocks Ihe anli- Na · ions have been implicated in augmentation of
diuretic action! of AVP and the associated accu· A VP binding 10 its roceplon and in the coupling of
mulation of the aggregates in the apical membrane. the interaction to cAMP generation (134). A post-
It loW<'rs microtubule densitiC!l in both "resting·· and cAMP site of action has recently been proposed for
stimulated ""lis. but it doe.s not counteract the ef- toad urinary bladder (40). Continuously high NaC!
fects of ADH once Ihey have become established. concentrations at the scrosal surfaces can block Ihe
The findings are consistent with the suggestion that desensitization of target cells that would otherwise
microtubule! are essential for itri/iatioll but not folio",· chronic presentation of A VP. possibly by uf·
maintenance of the a"tidiuresis (77). focting receptOr configuration.


- 0
o,,<, <, o
CytochJlasm 8
Roles 01 cAMP plieated in the functions of microlubulcs and
Several kinds of evidence support (he belief thai Ihe
aClions of ADH depend on gencraliQn of cAMP. io-
uaedl"'ar translocation of the nucleotide. aelivaliOll Roles of C a lCiu m Ions
of eAMP4cpcndcnl protein kinase •. and phO$pho-
Some extracellular calcium is needed to achieve
rylalions of regulatory (15,83). The hor·
A VP stimulation or waler transport. Calcium iooo-
IlIOno invokes dose-depcndcn\ dc'-aljon, of adenyl-
phorcs mimic Ihc hormone actions, and they en-
ale cyclase and protein kina,e aClivilies. and i1
hance Ihe eifectiveness of low AVP concentrations
elevates both intracellular and urinary cAM P levels.
(143). In addition to supporting tne functions of thc
The cyclase system differs in SOme ways from OIlCS
mierotubules and microfilaments and the activation
found in Olher herml,me target cells. GTP evidently
of adenylate cyclase. the ions may be nCedcd for vac-
has liltle influence on the activily. bUI high serosal
uole or tubule fusion to the apical membranes. Very
conoxWalions of ATP Can inhibit. ADH aClions can
high Ca" exerts inhibitory influences.
be mimicked or exaggerated wilh cAMP analogs
All or the preceding are consistcnt with calmodu-
and with phosphodiesterase inhibitors. They arc an-
lin mediation of the cffects of cakium ions. How·
tagonized by mcthohexital (a barbiturJ1C thai inter-
ever. studies "'ith trifluoperazine (which combines
feres wilh cyclase activation). Somatostalin blocks a wi1h cakium<almodu lin and thereby impairs its
variety of cAMf>-dcpcndem hormone actions.
functions). have yielded data thaI are difficult to in-
and it ADH (20). It is present in am·
terpret. When presented alone to toad bladder. tri·
phibian urinary bladder and may serve there as a
fluoperazine has no influence On aden}'I-
physiological regulator (46). It antagooi7.cs low dos-
ate cyclase activity (po'lsibly because basal levels of
of A VP (and a lso theophylline). but high hor·
en7.yme activity arc maintained without stimulants).
mOne concentrations can overcomc its eifects. It may
It docs, how..ver, elevate lhe cytosol cAMP and tbe
act by lowering adenylatc cyclase activity. but "post·
protein kina", activity. This is .Uribuled to inhibi-
cAMP" mechanisms have also bc<:n proposed.
tion of the cAM P'phosphodieslcrasc. The agenl may
additionally exert some calmodulin-independent in·

fluenees on the plasma membrancs that affect water
transport. It can anlagonile CAMP-mediated
HC - C - C

" Interact ions w ith Pro staglandins

H,c - C- ClEC- C " ADH promotes Ihc generation of prostaglandins (es-
" I
CH, Mell>o/lc<ifaJ pecially PGE, and PGE,. but alwsomc PGF,..). The
effects of both th. nalural hormone and syn1hctie
Cultured pig kidney ""II, that 'hare many properti., agonislS are dose dependent. (TIley are not linked
witb renal medullary ooUs have been ... d to 'tudy the with cA MP generalion (65).)
effeell of LVP (I 34). The hormone ma.imally Slimulate. Homozygous Brallieboro rats PUt OUt vcry limited
adenyl ... cyelase when only limited numbers of the re· quanlities of PGs in Ihcir daily urines. quan-
ooptOf1; aft occupied (64), and it also .etivate. type II tities are markedly increased when ADH is used to
cA MP-dcpendent protein kina«. Higb c"""enlfations in_ promolc amidiurcsis (8). The changes persist For a
I'Qke de.en,iti'.. tion <>f the bofmone-dc""ndont eyela.. time afler hormone withdrawal and r<:lUrn of the
system . Evidently. this does not require internalization of
the LVP. but il may invol •• cndocytOSi,of the receptors. urine osmolalities to preinjection levels_
Indomethacin, meclofenamate, aspirin, and other
The mechanisms whereby the protein kinascs inhibitors of c}'c\ooxygenase can further depress the
bring about permeability changes arc not known. low levels of PG production in Brauleboro rats not
Phosphorylations of membrane components have receiving the IIormonc. and they thc
been linked with changes in permeability in othcr stimulalory eifects of low dosages of A v P. How..ver.
cdl typeS. and ADH known to change several al>- high doses of DDAVP can still invoke some stimu,
ical membrane properties . Moreo,·cr. membr-Jne lation of PG production .
preparations contain components that can servc as The rtndings are consistent with the belief that
substratcs for both tbc kinases and the phosphatases A I) H induces cyc1ooxygenasc . but thaI it Can also to
thai becn identified in thc (36). On the somc extent increase PG production by acting on
olher hand. Ihe prolein kinase! ha,'c also been im- phospholipases (84) .
PGE, is a poten! inhibitor of the antidiuretic ac_ targer motecute. i, nO' 'imuh'tIC""liy .ccder.tcd. It ....
lions of A VP in bolh mammalian and amphibian li$- sume. Ihal all of Ihc sub'lances Iraverse 110< same
sues. II has therefo:"<' been suggested that the PCs palhway"
participate in physioiugical conlrol of water diurcsis The nuid. are said 10 r,rsl encounler" hormone-insen-
by exerling negalive feedback inhibit ion . silive "m<>iecu lar .ieve"· lhal .ereen' QUt large ""tulC'.
They lhen p." lhrough Ihe ADH_respon' ive barrier
(Fig. to-7). When no hormone i. prestnl. waler move-
pc; tlO:>synttlcsis

AOH ..
menU arc imp<de<l by adhe.ion 10 lhe inner ."rface, of
lhe por•• and by h)'drogen bond •. When 1\ VP lhe
Anlidiuresis - - - - lMibit;on pores:' bulk flow i. faei titalcd.
The difficuli 10 reconcile wilh obscrvalioo.
PGs are believed 10 anlagoni7.e AD!! mostly by that CQkhicine. eytOChalasin B. and SOme .ncslhcl ics 'e-
interfering with hormonal activation of adenylatc ret.rd "'aler lransporl .cross amphibian li"u"".
cyclase. (Cyclic nucleotides can invoke antidiurcsis lha, verapamil and amilot id. selectively .ffecl Na·
in thc presence of thc PGs.) Howc.'cr. prostaglan- movcmonl$,. nd lhal phlorelin and lo nnie acid .ffecl only
urea tran.port (4.t4t).
dins exen several other elfcctson thc kidncys (159).
More widel)' hdd opi nions . rc th.l lhe •• riuul sulU1C!
They inhibit dloride transport across thc thick as- lfaverse parallel bUlscparalo palhw"Y". and Ih.llhc ef-
cending limbs of the Henle loops. and thcy the reby fect. of "011 are linked with incro..", in lhe numbus of
lower the salt concentrations of the interstitial Huids waler channel •.
that bat hc thc serosal mcmbrancs (173). Further re-
ductions in osmolality Can result from depression or
urea reabsorption by the kidney tubules (84).
In at leasl SOme spe¢ies. the pressor elfccls of
ADH seem to makc substantial contributions 10 PG
generation. When DDA VP is given to humans in
""jules '8'
dosages that invoke antidiuresis bUI fail 10 elevate
the blood the PG levels do 001 rise (182).
The responses may be dilferent in rats. DDA VP
hUl; been observed 10 accelerale PG generation in 1_IIOH.sensi"'O
Brattleboro homozygOics. PG production can also be ba"",'
stimulaled in Olher ways. c.g., by acidification of the
serosal Huids, Under these condition., rcsponsivc"",ss I
to ADH is blunted, Cyelooxygenase inhibitors coun· I
teract the effeclS of acidification. bUI ADH docs not
The fael thaI indomethacin can invoke amidi-
uresis in Braltleboro ralS has been ciled as evidence
that PGs exert some inHuenees unrelaled 10 ADH
antagonism, However, high concentrations of Ihe
drug additionally lower phosphodieSlerase activity,
and Ihis complicales the inlerpr<:tations (148),
A VP 3e<:<:leratcs Na · transport across amphibian
skin and urinary bladder. The elfeels arc separable
I .. EnIO'!l'"d pore
from Ihose on water uptake (40.141). It has been
proposed that dilferent adenylate eydases a rc acti-
vated. but the same cclltypcs a rc involved in thc r<:-
sponses (64). Apical permeability 10 urca is also in-

Fill . 10_7. Du.1 borr;er hypo!_ •. Top, no AOH: water
creased. Yet another adenylale eydase has been and $mil" ""M"
limit@<! a"""",to
lMou\IIllhe molecular $ ;0. ... but onty
'he ""''''''''''·....,si!l.. I)jJorr;e,.
solul•• cannol tflfough 1lle sie ••. W010f
moIeo.JIes . _ . 10 the .... 11. oJlhe portIS of .he
The " Dual Barrier" HypotheSiS sen.;!;" bart..... BOllom. wllh AOH: Walo< and .",IM
SoMe... p;dt)' pa .. belW"" the now poo-e. oj the
Thi, hypothesis was formu lale<llo reconcile Ihe concepl rIOrmone-."" .. I.... barr;e,. large "".,"e • • r. I,m excluded
that ADH increasel pore li7.o1 lhrough which walor and by the moIIlCutar ...... , Wa lo< and _ II """" . _ fto w
Imall ""lute. p. .. wilh observa,ion'lh'l Ihe diffu,ioo of Iflfough enfoo"Qe<l pot •••
Solute Transp ort In Memmall an Co ll ec llng urnes of watu w<luld be expected to be accompanied
Du el by IIQnspecific "washout"· or ele<:tro!ytcs, the
hypoka lemia thaI develops appears to be rTlOfC di·
When ADH promotes water conservation, only
rectly related 10 lhe hormone deficiency .
small cllan,es in N.+ tral\$port an: Ken. Tile elfet"lS When A VP is over a period or sc:vcral day!,
of Il<.>rrrIonc on solute movements may be real
Ille potas.ium stores are built up, and the,e are
and 1)\11 IlIey an: counteracted by
quantitMivc relalionships between the magnillKics of
other mcchanislTl$. they have ti n le overall
potassi um retention and lhe effeets (In WIle, conser-
inlluence on sodium balance in huhhy a nimals.
vation. If large d05CS are used. the a nimals eventu-
Mop. observers find no challtes in utea uplakt
ally display an reaction lhat inoolve$ lhe
across tile apkal mcmbnnes. Small increases in tile
excretion of large quantities of potassium. sodium.
rates of IIIOY<:mcnl 0( 5OfI\e "mocienncly lipophilic" and water. li O'A"C"VCr, even long-term lreall1'lent docs
substances such as isobul)'11lminc: and a nlip)"rinc
not Jo,vcr the pot31Sium 1e\"C1$ 10 prei'liection v.:roll1C$
have b«.n attributcG 10 reorpnizlli0n5 of mem-
bnme components a!feel'!!i the phospllolipids ( 147).
The mechanisms for regulalion of potassium m.,..
tabolism not fully understood. There are reasons
ADH Innuene• • on the Henle Loops 10 believe that ADH inftueno;c:s are exerted on ...
te,calaled·· cells of the QOIle<;ting dUCL... These cel ls
In at least some species, AOH acoelcn.u,s chloride: differ in appearance from Iltosc inVQIvcd in the a...
ion transport across the thick :lelmenls of the 110 tid iurelic response. and such cells appaI"Cnlly do 001
ccnding limbs. ADH r«C:plOrs have b«n identifK:d display the changes in watcr permeability estab-
in the $Crosal membranes (13), AV P in· lished for the ··chier· ce lls of tlK: ducis.
vokes a dosc-dcpcndenl ele vation of cAM P (l9), and
the nuclo:otide sc<:m$ \0 med iate the effects (64) .
Marked acceleration of fUfascmide«nsi!ive ADH Infl uence. on Glo m. ,ullir FIII,II Uo n Rllt e
NaC l uplake across the thic k segments of medullary The hormone stimu latcs of Ihe
(but nOl cortica l) ase<:nd ing loops has been dcseribed gial cells of lhe renal glome ruli (27). It in lhis
fur i>ulal<d kid""y lubul"",. The entry way alte r Ihc arCa of the filtration surface. The re·
nels in the apical membranes $ellm to be !odium se· ceptors evidcntly resemble the oncs found in smoolh
Icctivc. with transl'(11"l linked to Na · / K ' -AT Pase- m usc le . The responses do IIQt invol ve cA MP or
powcred Na' cxtrusion via the basola teral mem- cG MP (64). and they are not achieved with dosesQf
branes. The hormone would be expected 10 ODAVP tMt promote ma rked Hor·
promote sodi\Lm COIISCrvlltton. and to the <lI- monal influcnces cn uril\ary flow rotes and on rcnal
molality of the interslitial nuids lhal bathe the ser· blood ve5SC1s tnat change transcapillary hydraulic
osal surfaces or the rcnallubulcs. I lowever, although prcssurc differences also affect the filtrllion rale.
A VP promotes some sodium in rats ....ith Glomerulllr function can be further inftuenccd by
diabetes insipidus. il has lillie e!Ted on sodium bal- changes in systemic blood pn:ssure. in cxtraellilular
ance in animals thai II<'Crele the Several fluid volul1'le and comp<l5ition. and in the ratcs of 5C.
CJlplanations have been offered. crclion of other hormones.
When AO H (or OIher factors) the os-
moIalily of lhe interslili.1 Auids. Ihis leads to ae«l·
erau:d baet ftux (pa$$ivc= retu, n leak".) of Naa Nat, lur • • 1s
aerou the buoialCril surfaces.. High extrlccllula, Natriuresis is a pn.wnincnl fcalUn: of the aforemen-
Na ' can aJ,o interfere wilh A VP Ictivalion of ade- lioned "escape" =ponsc. AOH may directly c0n-
nyiale c)'Cla$( in the Henle loops (70). tribu te ( 158). since pharmaCQlogical dosages inhibit
AVP conccnlrallon$ I S low IS IO ' '' M promote proximal tubule reabsorption of waler and salts
coIIStriction of the renal blood _ I s (175). o..e ( 115). invote hemodynamic; ehanscs. and , ffeet
wllSequcocc can be slowing of blood flow through mcsangial cells in ways lhal lead to Ie«!eraltd
the reul medulla and decreased of interstitial GFR. PRA lends 10 decline because of oo.h direcl
Auid sailS 10 the and indirect actions of ADiI. An cxpcctod oonse-
quence is decreased aldosterone II<'Crelion. However,
ODAV P. wilh only"'" the pressor potency and no
Influene.e o n Po te . .lum Exc retio n measurable effects on PRA, also invokes natriuresis
A nimllis with diabetes insipidus suffer potassium de· and di uresis if large quanlities a rc repealedly admin.
pletion. Although lhe excretion of very large vol· istered. Moreove r. escape can be demonslrated in
adrenalectomized animals. (Therefore. neither Ihe Glucagon i$ some 3.5 time. larger. Since it i. se-
pressor nor the aldosterone effects would seem 10 be creled in response to some forms of manipulalion of
essential.) Ihe elcctrolyle and waler balance and Can promole
Many invesligalors allribUle sewndary in· marked diuresis and natriuresis. it 100 has been im-
creases in sodium excretion 10 Ihe «,lease of one or plicated (113). A protein with a molecular weight of
more hormones" (86). The same «,gu· 45.000 been reported 10 possess bigh potency
lat()f"$ have been in Ihe "escape" thaI fol. (56), but some investigators belie>"C that Ihe larger
lows chronic overdosage with minentlocorticoids or contained in extracts arc either hormone
the expansion of body salt and water stores by other P«'CUTSOrs or regulators associated with other pro-
meall5. W hen one kidncy is removed, the organ that lein>;. Different observers suggest Ihat natriuretic
rcmains vt:ry ntpidly begill5 to assume the sodium· hormone is an amine (25). or a sugar deri.ativ<:
excreting functions of two kidneys. and this too may (102).
depend upon uch hormones (69). The proposed siles of orisin include the ct:rebral
The CQnceptlhat a "third factor" (i.e., some thing hemispheres. the hypot halamus or pituilary gland
other than ADH or aldosterone) plays important (93). a nd the kidney (56). At leas! some of the re-
roles in monvalent deetrolyte homeostasis w'" fi rst ceptors mediating release are in the brain (106).
introduc<:d several decades ago. Support for it comes
from observations that preparations derived from 00- Several reaoon. nO'·. been sugge.ted for tne .1",.' prog.
dium-loaded expermentai animals (and from pa· reSS in identifying the hormone •. Thete are indications
that Ihe molecu le, are cbemieally u", .. ble . • !Id that di_
liems with some forms of sodium retention) display lution by the blood and tissue fluid. of the recipients ac-
natriuretic or natriferic (sodium transporling) aCliv. celerate. degradation. Heahhy animal. probably posse ..
ities when lested in a variely of ways. highly efficient mechanism. for eithe r 'he
The preparation, te"ed indude blood plasma ur in<. hormone, or rde antagOnist$. It i. ' u,pCeted th.t pi.
v<l'o." effluent. of several orga n•. tissue extrae". media tuitary gland. eitber promote natriuretic hormone rclc.",
i. which kidne}" and other organ. have be<:n incubated. or ,"erel. substance. that p<rform "pCrmi" ivc" func-
and purified fraction. derived from these preparation •. tion •. Structure< that the moloeules may Jlo"
The test obje<:t. include whole animab perfused with but no! o}·nthe,i7.c ,hem. from sodium·loo.ded ones. isolated perfused (de· Some allribute Ihe natriuretic clfccls
nervaled) kidneyS. euitured kidney and tu· to inhibtion of proximal tubulM N,,'/ K ' ·A Tl'a ....
bular fragment'. frog skin. and tood urinary bladder. Ef·
fcc" on intestin.1 sodium ,ran'port ha.e been described (25.57). but have been unable to demonstrate
for """e of the p"p"",ioo.. Inte ..stingly. salHooded changes in the activities of Ihose enlymes (169). The
.nim.l, ,how greater se nSitivity than one, in good wat.r elTeels may be exe rted before IhC filtrate is affcc!ed
and electrol)·te halanee prior to receipl of the material •. by the ATPases. since there are oonsistent increases
de. pile the expectation that Such animol. Wlluld have in K ' and CI - as well (169). Alternati.cly.
high level, of endogotlOUo (Ill). Ihe major could be exerted on Ihe diSlal por-
The elTeets are nOI mimicked by kallikreins. ste· lions of the nephrons Ihat include the collccting tu-
roid •. angiotensin •. DA . or PG,. Peptides recovered bules (69).
from atria can in''Oke nalriuresis by alTecting renal A difrcrent eoncepl i. thai the hypolha lamu, .'<e-
(A·2). or by inhibiting .Idos!crone c«'tes a PG ·releasing faclor (169). However. il ha,
production (A_I). Some are for ACE. not establiShed Ihat PGs accelerate sodium excretion
(sec Chapter 9).
Majority opinion favors the notion that natriuretic
Choliners;. agonists elevate eGMP concentra-
hormones arc small peptidcs . perhaps with molecu·
tions in mammalian kidneys and toad bladder.
lar weights of 10Cl0 or less (57 . 68). Oxytocin and
Morcover. inlrarenal infusion of acctyleholine is
related peptides are among the candidates, but they
promptly followed by natriuresis. and the carbachol
may function indirectly by promoting the release of
natriuretic factors. Two undecapeptidcs, Ala..(Jly- brings about inhibilion of Na ' transport in toad
AVP a nd Val-A.p-AVP. have been identified in b0- bladder. However. cGM P alone is IIOt effecti.e
vine neurohypophysial extracts (54). They exert na· (138).
triuretie effects when presented in oonccntralions of
50 X 10 " M. they lack Ihe pressor activity of
both AD H and some of the proposed as
"true" natriuretic honnones. The possibility that the
undccapcptides serve as ADH precursors has becn Mineralocorticoids indirectly inereasc the clT.ctive·
oonsidered. since enzymes that removal of ness of ADH in several ways. They promote COnser-
the first two amino are also presenl in the valion of sodium (and secondarily of water) and oon·
tribule 10 thc maintenance of systemic blood

pressure. They can in this way increase GFR and the AOH aCtS directly on the kidney to inhibit renin
rate of delivery of Na · and 0 - to Ihe Henle loops. release. It thereby teMs to lower PRA and depress
Reductions in PO gencmtion have been allributed to aldosterone secretion. DDA VP docs not mimic these
inhibitory inA uences on phospholipascs and on renin actions. One ]XlSsibility is that a spc.:ir,c kind of re·
release. Aldosterone can also lowcr the activity of ccptor is involved in renin regulation (86). Another
cyclic nucleotide phosphodiestemses. is that the hormone accomplishes the functions by
Toad bladder conlains a steroid· and cAMP·reg- acting On the blood vessels (177).
ulated protein (SCARP) that may provide a direct The effects of ADH on fluid volume
site of intemction. Aldosterone promotes dcphos- reduce the need for A-II and aldOl'terone. On the
pborylaton of phospbo-SCARP. and the effects have other hand. physiological amounts of the hormone
been linked with inAuenccs on sodium traTlSporl. tend to promote retention of reiati,·ely mol"<' water
They are cAMP independent. but can be antago-- than sodium. and they can elevate the plasma potas-
ni>.cd by spirooolactones. cAMP also promote. de- sium concentrations. 80th hyponatrcmia and hyper_
phosphorylation. The are thought 10 kalemia can facilitate aldosterone secretion. How.
either activate a phosphatase or affect ever, the former also favors renin release. whcl"<'a'
strate binding (65). hyperkalemia has an opposing effect.
On th. other hand. aldosterone promotes potas- AVP contributions to regulation of the CRH·
sium excretion. Overdosage can invoke a hypokale- ACTH.adrenocortical system WCre diseussed in
mia that impairs the functions of ADH. Chapter 7. Although the peptide can increase both
CRIi and glucocorticoid secretion by acting on the
brain and adrenal glaM. respectively. the most im·
Hormone Seeretlon
jIOrtant inAuences arc exerted on the adenohypoph-
Mechan isms controlling secretion of the two kinds of ysis. Electrical stimulation of hyjIOthalamie regions
hormones arc interrelated in complex ways (177) involved in A VP synthesis leads to elevation of
(Fig. to-8). plasma ACTIi levels in normal (but not in Brattle-
Angiotensin II is regarded a. the major stimulant boro homozygous) rats (7). Exogenous AV P raises
for aldosterone secretion. It also acts ecntrally to blood corticosterone in intact animals and in
promote ADH l"<'lease (9,22). Direct effects can be ones bearing multiple pituitary transplants that
demonstrated when the peptide i. incubated with hy· do not receive hypothalamo-hypophysial blood
pothalamic fragments. but mOSt investigators find no (180).
influences on isolated neural lobes (59). Other inAu· ACTH exerts trophic influences On thc adrenal
ences may include augmentation of the sensitivities oortex. It acutely increases aldosterone sec retion,
to osmotic stimuli (157). The e!fectS of A-II are an· promotes the release of some less potent mineralo-
tagonized by saralasin . but not byacetylcholine·re- corticoid. from the zona fasciculata, and (at least in
ceptOT blockers. some species) increases progesterone release. The
progesterone interacts to a limited extent with min-
eralocorticoid receptors. It can also be converted to
the mOl"<' potent mineralocorticoid DOC (178).
However. long-range effects include limitation of al-
dosterone secretion.
Brattleboro hom07.ygotes have subnormal gluco-
corticoid and mineralocorticoid concentrations that
can oocorrccted with exogenous A VP (106), aM the
renin levels tend to be high. The animals also have
gluCOCOrtiOOid binding defects that l"<',poM to A VP
ACTIi acts most obviously to stimulate glucocor-
ticoid secretion. Since glucocorticoid. possess min·
eralOCOrliooid potencies. enhance tht effectiveness of
vasoconstrictors. and inhibit PG formation. they
would be expected to augment the responses to
ADH. However. glucocorticoids also suppress ADB
release (153). and they antagoni,.c A DH actions on
Ftll. to-o. Some interrelot_pl omong AOH. A·II. the kidneys of both normal and 01 animals
ond ad«mocor!ical •. (148,183).
The term YtJsoprnsin was initially used 10 designate Very small can increase renal blood How. prob-
component of (crude "iXlSterior pitu- ably because they facilitate shunting from other
ita ry gland" extract) that elevates systemic blood . ite •. Somewhat larger ones "imulate vasoconstric·
pressure . The concentrations used in carly studies tion in both Ihe COnex and medulla (6). By retarding
contained 1000 times the quantity of AVP nccded to How rales through the medulla. and by affecting glo-
invoke antidiuresis. It "'as soon TC<Xlgnizcd that such merular filtration. Ihe larger doses Can contribute to
pharmacological dosages indiscriminately stimulate antidiurcsis.
vascular smooth muscle. and that the errccts include The quantities found JUSt adequate to promote
consaktion of the vesscl$ that supply Ihe heart and water conservation do not usually have much influ·
brain. It was therefore COIIdudcd that such actions ence on the renal blood now in normal individuals.
could not serve physiological purposes. However. thc dosages requircd to correcl diabetes
With refinements of the techniques, subsequent insipidus in dogs invoke vasoo:.ln'lriction. The find·
investigations dcmonstrated that concentrations ings underlie specu lations Ihal eithe r 0 1 is associ·
within the physiological range have limiled pressor ated with development of superscnsitivity to the vas·
activity (161) that is st lWive (28). and that ADH- cular actions of the hormone (107). OT that DI
deficient animals show abnormal vascular responses animals are deprived of a tonic. physiologi ca l e!Tect
to cxogeoous hormone (19 ). Morcover. baroreccp- of AVP. A problem "'ith such concepts is that ani-
tors of thc vascular sy'tem and blood pressure-reg_ mals that haw been deprived of AVP for
ulating hormones contribute to the control of AOH period, need relatively large amounts of ADH to
release. while water-retaining cffects of AOH aug· promote water conservation. They tend to develop
mem the scnsitivities of thc blood vessels to sti mu· hypokalemia when they do not receive the hormone.
lants (100) . and this impairs
When previously healthy dogs arc subjected 10 AVP also slimulate. the smooth muscle of the gut
limited blood loss. they maintain normal blood pres· and uteru •. Pharmacological doses restore intestinal
sures. If they are pretreated wilh ADH antagonists. muscle lone in patients subj«ted to prolonged sur-
they cannot do this (although their glucOCQrticoid gical manipulation. AVP release prior to parturition
and angiotcnsin levels are higher than those of dogs is believed to contribute to uterine contraelion.
that arc only bled). doses of A VP elevate the AVI' action< nn liver cell< ore known t<> he
hlood pressure even in the presence of reserpine and diated via elevation of cytosolic Ca" . and to be in·
anesthetics. and following sectioning of the vagus dependenl of cAM P generation (49). Similar mech·
and sinus nerves ( 150). The findings arc all consis_ anisms may be involved in A VP stimulation of
tent with the concept that AO H is a physiological smooth muscle. «-Adrenergic blocking agents do nol
regulator of the blood pressure. affcct AVP actions at either si te.
On th e other hand. SOme haY<: been linked
with the rclease of natriuretic hormones. As dis·
Selecllve Vasoconatrlctlo n
cussed in Chapter 9. it has been proposed that Ihe
Venuk. are more sensitive than arterioles to AOH hormones inhibit Na ' / K' -/l.TPases. and thereby
stimulation, and small vessels are generally affocted cause cells to accumulate excessive numbers of s0-
to a greater eXlenl than large r ones. VaSQConstric_ dium ions. Na exchanges Can then second·
tion is easily achieved in the mesenteric, cutaneous. arily elevate the calcium ion concentrations within
and skeletal muscle bed., whereas components of the the cells and facilitate smooth mu.cie comraction
circuit are resistant. (102). Humoral factors that inhibit Na ' /K'·
The overall effect i. restriction of blood How to ATPases have recently been implicated in the etiol-
certain regions. The arterial blood pressure docs OOt ogy of low renin hypertension in both patients and
risc ma rkedly with physiological concentrations. animals (61 A) .
probably be<:ausc of a combination of limitcd ven·
ous return and the operation of cardiovascular
Animals ,ubjeet<d 10 prolonged. decp an<:$the,i. and to
exten,ive ,urgieal manipUlations of the visceral organs The Mugnocellular Secretory System of the
often display severe hypot¢n<ion with pooling of the blood Hypothalamus ( 3 2)
in the mesenteric bed. Large doses of vasopr ... in can im·
prove the condition. Pharmacologicat amOUnl$ arc in· The suprMplic nuclei (SO N) of mammalian hypo-
jeCte<! I<>cally into patient> !O control bleedif\3 from thalami arc made up primarily of perikarya of large
esophageal varices duri ng .urgery. (magnocdlular). multipolar n<:urons. In most spc-

cies. the clusters straddle the 1'<l!ltral and lateral sur- T he hormollC$ and their associated proteins are
fae<:s of the optic tracts_ Vcry long axon' extending transported down the 1000g axons in secrelory gran·
from the e<:lls travel in bundles (lhe supra<lptico-hy- ules. Thcy arc di-leharged into the sy'temic blood
pophysial nervc tracls) that descend through the in- vessels when the neurons ree<:ive lhe appropriate
fundibulum, Many of the axOns terminatc within Ihe Slimuli.
vicinily of blood capillaries that supply the neural Approximately 10% of magnoccllular neurOnS
lobe of the neurohypophysis, but others end in the synthesi7.c leu-enkepbalin (133). The penta peptide is
median eminence or on the pars intermedia. present in both SON and PV and it has been iden-
The paraventricular nuclei (PVN) are medial. tified along the perimeter of the neural lobe. It may
dorsal. and cauda l to the SON. They line and may play roles in regulation of hormone release. Gastrin·
bulge into the third ventrideofthe brain. In addition like molecules and dyoorphin have also been found
to magnocellular components. they comain consid· within the nuclei (146). Cholecystokinin and gluca-
crable numbers of cen bodies of smaller (parvicel· gon·li ke molecules have becn described
lular, paTV<)Cellular) neurOnS. The hypothalamo-hy- (24).
pophysial nerve tracts are formed by the joining of
PVN and SON axon bundles ,
The SON are the major sites for biosynthesis of
vasopressin, but some of the hormone is made in the Ncurophysins are cysteine-rich protcins wilh molec-
PV N and in groups of magnoceHular neurons that ular weights of around 10.000 Ihat bind covalently
reside between the primary cluslers. AVP is also to the neurohypophysial peptides (21.132.1 S2). ac-
found in high conccntrations in hypothalamo-hypo- cumulate in the secretory granules. and appear in
physial portal blood, It is present in Ihe cerebrospi- the blood plasma at the time the hormones arc dis·
nal fluid. in the vieinit), of the choroid pbus of the charged. They are species specif,e but all have com·
lateral ventriclcs. in pineal glands. and in the supra- mon features tht include the presence of con_'ider_
chiasmatic nuclei. $omeof Ihe AVP found in the ex_ able numbers of glycine and proline moielic<.
trahypothalamic brain undoubtedly ase<:nds from a 'ingle tyrosine. and no tryptophan. Chemically
the pituitary gland. but small amounlS ar<: made identical corCS have two potential binding sites
elsewhere and can be detected long afler for the hormones. only one of which may be
hypophysc<:tomy ,
It has been proposed that the SON originate in Two types seem 10 be universally present in the
the embryo as paircd. well-defined neuron clusters. normal neurohypophysis: an oxylocin.related prolein
but that growth of the optic lTaelS leads to "Orne di ... Ibat is also known as eslrogen-slimulaled ncurophy·
persal of the cells (67), Small differences in devel- sin (ESN). and a vasopressin_related onc thaI has
opmental pallcrns may aecounl for species varia· been called nicolinc-stimulalcd neurophysin (NSN)
tions in the cell distributions of adults. because it is r<:leased in humans after cigarette
M05t of thc oxytocin is synthesized in tlte PVN. smoking as well as during stales of water
but some is also made in Ihe SON and o1sewhere. deprivation.
There have been controversies concerning whether a When investigators first purified the mole.:ules in
single neuron can produce both A VI' and OT (181). different laboratories, they assigned TOman numerals
Regional differences in the distributions of the two or capital letters to the proteins. The original no-
peptide. (32), observations that most ph)'siological mendature is confusing, The A VP·r<:latcd NP of b0-
stimu li affect ju_st one of the hormones. and other vine was called Np· ll . It is to the
findings ar<: consistent with Ihe existence of separate NP_ II of pigs and rodents. Bovine N P·l and rodenl
cell types (24.89). Np· II are both associated with oxytocin. A third NP
Populations of neurons within the magnocellular described in SOme early studies appears to be a deg·
nudei lhal differ from eaeb other in electrical prop- radation produ ct of one of the others. Bralllcboro
erties have been identified, However, it ha, TIQ\ been ratS make an ESN comparable to the protein of
possible 10 relale the hormone COntent to the firing healthy animals of the same specics. but no NSN.
pallerns (179). Differentiation has been aCCOm- Neurons located at comparable sites do havc dyoor-
plished wilh antibodies directed against a protcin phin. A neurophysin unique to Ihose rats may also
synthcsized along with each of the peptide hor· be present (24).
mones. Brallieboro rat neurons do OOt make anti· Several kinds of studies indicate thatlhe NPs and
bodies to AVP·relatcd peptides. but their sympa· neurohypophysial hormones arc cleaved from com·
thetic systems. ovaries. and adrenals have AVP-li ke mon bigh mole.:ular weight prc<:ursors . dc-
peptides (A·3) , rived from hypothalami have been used in
systems to synthesize larger p"'pides that C<Jntain the from the neurohypophysis into the systemic capillar-
products. The base sequence of a mRNA from b0- i.. (122).
vine extraCtS that codes for a protein giving risc to
thrce products has been defined (89). One of the
Neurophysln Functions
produets is a large peptide that undergoes glyoosy l_
ation. The arrangement of translation products has The N Pc. may play roles in protection of the peptide
bttn identified as follows: honnon .. against leakage from the storage granules.
H,N-Signal sequenee_ degradation by proteolytic ... and the forma_
tion of intermolecular linkages. Since they
A VP-A VP neurophysin- Glycopeptidc
dissocate from the nonapeptides within the blood
The 17.3K product has 19 amino acids in the signal plasma. it is unli kely that they contribute to hor.
sequence. n in the NP, and 39 in the glyC<Jpeptide mOne transport. Although they travel to the hor_
portion. mOne target organ,. suggestions that they arc in_
The molecules that give rise to oxytocin are volved in binding to the receptors have not been
smaller. They evidently are not glycosylated (1 23), substantiated. Responses to exogenous AVP and OT
The precu"",,, are beli eved to undergo a prelimi_ do not differ from respon",,, to the hormones given
nary processing that leads to the formation of more along with the corresponding NI'li.
acidic intermediates known as proprcssophysin (Pro;>- Pharmacological C<JnC(:ntrations of NPs can p,..,.
PP)' and pr(KIxyphysin (f'lxrOP). These have ap- mOte glycogenolysis and lipolysis and exert other
parent molecular weights in the general neighbor· metabolicactionl; (174). It is unlikely that the find·
hood of IS.{l()(} Giycosy1ation of the P,..,.PP ings have physiological relevance. Very large quan-
then !iCCms to culminate in the formation of a yet tities must be admini,tered. and the same functions
higher molecular .... eight derivative of approximately are handled by smaller amounts of other regulators.
23.000 dalloM. The prohormones are packaged Some special influences on nitrogen metabolism
along with prote<;>lytie en7.ymes ("converting en- have been (52). It is not known whether
zymes") (24). According to ob$crvers, the pro- the binding of NPs to ACTH is related to AVP ,tim-
cessing is completed during axonal transport ulation of CRH-ACTH-glucocortiooid system.
(60.61 .110.136). The possibility that re"'ptors and specific fUflCtion.
Stimuli that promote AVP release also ",em to ae- will be identified not been ruled OUi (24).
p,,,,,.,,..i,,g. Rat> given 2% .. tine
in pia.., of drinking water release very large quan-
AVP Bnd Neurophysln Concentrations
tities of the hormone. and this is as.wciated with at
least transient depiction of neurohypophysial stores In early st udies. A VP activity was expressed in units.
(24). (I !lU is C<juivalent to 0.4 pg.) The pla'ma AVP lev-
Many questions regarding the precn""'rs remain els of adults are usually low during sleep. but tho:se
to Ix: answered. Several very large molecules (in. of the spinal fluid tend to rise during the REM pe.
cluding 80K and 140K types) have bttn found in the riods (176). Adrenocortical insufficicncy elevates the
hypothalamus. They contain sequences that bind an· plasma concentrations but the pituitary re-
tibodies directed against ACTH and p..,ndorphin. ServeS. Glucocorticoids normali? both parameters
and biologically active ACTH Cnn be from (154).
them. It is not known .... heth.r those proteins are yet Blood concentrations ri,e abruptly in response to
larger precursors Or products of posttran'lational tlte assumption of upright posture or other condi·
processing. Some of the large molecules may be hor- tions that suddenly lower the systemic blood pres-
mone precursors that have become linked to memo Sure. Basal secretory rates of normal human adults
bmne proteins (123). vary throughout the day. but the plasma levels usu-
The jXlSSibility that pinta! glands make arginine ally remain within the range or 0.S-O.8 p8lml (16).
vasotocin and a related neuroph)'sin is discussed in Water deprivation is a potent stimulus. and elien
Chapter 20. A neurophysin·tike lactoglandin hu mild conditions can cievate the concentrations to SO
been described for lactating mou", mammary glands pgj ml Or more (81).
(89) , Since the molecu lar weights of neurophysins are
It has been demonstrated in monkeys that the con- 1000 times those or the peptide hormones. the blood
centrations of oxytocin. arginine vasopressin. and plasma usually contains a few nanogmms per millil-
ESN in cerebrospinal Auid undergo circadian iter. The levels arc alTccted by both secretion and
changes that arc unrelated to the variations in the degradation rates, and the", differ for the peptides
blood plasma levels. The activities of the neurons in· and NPs. Hepatic re"'ptoTS with saturable binding
volved in the relca", are evident ly controlled by properties are beli..'ed to regulate the degradation
mechanisms dilTerent from those regulating release (175).

REGULATION OF AVP SECRETION more is released. the "olume and pressure

The Need lor Complex Co ntrol Systems Changes in the electrical activities of individual
A VP contributes to physiological regulut ion of hypothalamic neuronS indicate that a single ADH-
water. sodium. and pootassium metabolism. systemic secreting cell can be affected by changes in eithcr
blOCld pressure and blood distribution. body temper- osmolality or pressure of the syste mic blood. This
ature. and thc r<:sponses to OOme forms of stress. Sc,· suggests that it receives inputs from mOre than One
eral different kinds of r.""ptors are needed \0 sense kind of receptor (148). Each kind of message may
changes in body ph)'si(l\ogy and to assess the ade- in,,"olvc its own special neurotransmiller.
quacy of the response •.
There are conditions under which an increased
rate of AOH secretion ameliorates some problems
bUI exacerbates olhers. It then beC<lmcs necessary \0 The locus cerule"s and pontomedullary reticular for-
rely upon "compromises": small impairments of one mation richly supply the magnocellular nuclei with
function are "accepted" in thc interests of partially noradrcncrgie inneryation. The densest accumula-
correcting anolher. tions of terminals are in the ,,<,ntral regions of the
The co=quenccs of water dcpri.a\ion can in_ SON that contain cells. CAs are
dude contraction of the intcrsliliaillujd and plasma believed to play major roles in the r<:gulation of hor·
VQlumes, hypotension. hypernatremia , cellular de_ mone release . The targct organs, in turn, contribute
hydration. and hyperthermia. The deprivation teads to the establishment of the innervation patterns
to activation of volume and pressure =Cp!ors. os· (146).
moreceptors. thermorcceptors. possibly also <0- Studies with pharmacological agents su pport the
dium sensors. When mare ADH is released. the ac· concept that It·type adrenergic r<:ceptoes mediate
tions On the kidney facilitate water conscrvation. If stimulation. wher<:as <>'-type receptors are involved in
even limited quantities of Auid arc ingested. the hy. inhibit ion (147). The distributions of ncurons affect·
povolemia and hypernatremia arc corrected. and ing the two kinds of receptors may be discretc. De-
conditions arc more favorable for accomplishing struction of A·I cells of thc medulla oblongata leads
heat loss . ADH actions on the blood vC$SCtsatso hetp to development of vasopressin .... ssociated hyperten_
10 restore the blood prCSSUT<:. At the same time. cu- sion in rabbits (18). There are controversies COrK;Crn·
taneOus vasoconstriction impairs thermoregulatory ing possib le roles for dopamine (and also for seroto-
responscs. and potassium retention leads to myocar· nin) (162).
dial depression. The SON oontain large amounts of acetylcholin.
Hemorrhage depletes the body of salts as well as esterase and of choline acetyhra""ferase (94). Direct
water. Usually. sufficient nuid is tra""ferred from application of acetylcholine to hypothalamic prepa-
extravascular oompartments to the blM plasma 10 rations and injections of the neurotransmitter into
partially oomct the fall in blco:xl volume and pres- the carotid artery can invoke ADH release. Pharo
sure. but one oonscquence can be dilution of the macological studies indicate a nicotinic (synaptic)
blooo:! electrolytes. Pressoreceptors an: then stimu- site of action.
lated. but the activities of the osmorcceptOl"S decline. The neurons are equipped with uon collaterals
Some ADH is reteased. and this oomributes to res- implicated in feedback control. and they
toration of blood volume and pressure. It can simul· oommunicate with other cell, that release
taneeusly worsen the hyponatremia. rlCuromodulators (126). They display regularly re-
When environmental temperatures rise. the curring changes in firing patter"" and sensitivities 10
water-conserving effects of ADH facilitate expan- ,timulants (162). GABA depresse, electrical activ-
sion of the plasma volume. They thereby suppon cu· ity. whereas glutamate Can enhnce it. However,
tancous vasodilation and sweating. Vasoconstriction physiological roles for those sub:stances have not
of thc subcutaneous vessels at this time is been established.
CQUn terprod uct ive. Systemically administered ".J[ reaches the neu·
bcessive salt intake invokes expansion of the rons via the cir<:umventricular organs. and it stimu-
ECF volume. In some individuals. it ean raise the lates ADH release. Wa(er-<ieprived dogs are far
systemic blM pressure. Therefore, pressoreceptor more sensitive than well·hydrated animal. (124). h
signals for ADH !;Ceretion are inhibited. However. has been proposed that the cells pos-
when carried 10 extremes. lah loading can invoke sess A-II receptors. bnt interactions with catechola·
hypernatremia and activate the osmorcceptors. If minergie neurons have not been ruled out. Some in·
vcstigatQrs find direct iQntQphorctic applicatiQn EX!",riments of this kind have beon critiCized on
of A- II increases AOH release. Others report that many grounds (2), It has been pointed out that uni-
injel'tions in\() the subfornical organs stimulate. lateral infus;nns Can inVOke behavioral responses.
whereas dir«:t injox:tiQllS into the SON arc inelfec- and the elfccts on hormone release have been ami1>-
tive(124). med to streSS.
It is now recogni,cd that SuCrOSe is an irritant that
Can invnke vomiting (129.130). It may therefore
Osmoreceptors and Sodium Sensors
stimulate nociceptors rather than osmnrcccptors
The A OH s«:retory system is exquisitely sensitive tn (16). Urea studies are difficult to interpret for sev-
small choges in plasma osmolality and soclium enn- eral reaSOnS. Intravenous injections of hyperosmolar
centrat;on. A 1% elcvatinn nf oomotie pressure ab(),'e solminns Can cause SCvere cerebral dehydration.
the normal range is sufficient tn in,'Oke subs tantial They Can also damage the blood·brain barrier.
augmentation of AOH release. and a 2% reduction Moreover. when urea penetratcs Ihe cclls. it draws
can totally shut off hormone .<ccretion. The s)'Stem in water. and the extracellular fluid Na ' rises. To
also "defends" the Na ' concentration c"en when further complicate mailers. thcre arc indications
this involves elevation of blood pressure and blood tha t brain celts protect themselves against hyper-
volume to su!"'rnormal levels (63.129.1 47). In COn- tonic environmcnts by generating small molecules
trast. some hypovolemia and hypotension a rc "tol- (S).
erated." Blood pressure and ECF volume Can de- It C3nnm be assumed that substanccs injected into
viate from optimal values by as much as I S% before the carntid arteries exert their effects on hypotha-
thc disturbances nverride the contrnls linked lamic neurons. In fact. most observers believe Ihat
with the solute effects. On the other hand . hy»> dchydmtion clicits AOH secretion by acting upon
volemia the responses to osmotic osmoreceptor.; associatcd with circumventricular or-
stimuli (177). gans (which arC outside the blood-brain barrier) and
Although many allempts have been made tQ ad- also on receptors outside the brnin. Neurons pro-
dress the question (164.165). contrnversies concern_ tected by the vascular barrier may not be dil'<'ctly
ing whether there are sodium sensors separate from affectcd. Small lesions Ihat destroy just the organum
the receptors alfeeted by osmolality have not as yet vasculosum of the lamina terminals (OVL n seri-
fully resolved (2). ously impair elfects of dehydrat ion on AOH release
Under most conditions. high plasma osmolality is in dogs (166).
associated with hypernatremia . Wheo substances The roles of the periperal rox:eptors can be studied
other than NaCI are deliberately addcd to thc blood by depleting the ECF volume or elevating ils Na '
of previously animals. the conditions created content. while avoiding central dehydration by in-
may be too artificial to permit simple interpl'<'tations jecting water or hypotonic solutions ioto the carotid
nf the consequences, arteries. Evidence for the presence of Cl'moreceptors
Close relationshps between plasma Na + and or sodium sensors in either the liver or the hep:,tic
plasma AOH levels. and impairment of the abil ity to portal vessels comes frnm observations that inf usio",
respond to watu dcprivation Na ' concentra' of hypertonic not iSOI(lnic) saline into those ve.._
tions are elevated. have been cited as support for the sels invokes AOH S«:l'<'tion. The effects al'<' blocked
existence of specific sodium sensors (2) . MorC(lver. by transs«:tion of the hepatic vagal afferent nbers
high concentrations of glucose do not directly in- (29) . Comparable quantities of hy!",rtonic saline in-
crease AOH secretion. Howevcr. it has been pointed jel'ted into systemic veins do not stimulatc ADH se-
out that Na ' can affect OSmOl'<'ceptor.; (since the cretion. Osmorcceptors may also be present in the
ions do oot readily cross the plasma membran",,). mouth. throat. and stomach. since drinki ng inhibits
whereas glucose is ta ken up and it draws water intn ADH release in monke)'S (!56).
the cell'! Severe potassium depletion dehydrates cells. and
Observations that hypertonic &aline and hyper- it augme nts the sensitivities to other stimulants.
tonic sucrose infusions into the carotid arteries pro- However. as noted carlier. hypokalemia impairs
mote AOI-I release. whel'<'as hypertonic urea or glu- renall'<'sponses to the hormone.
cose do not. have been interpreted by some to Fina! l'<'solution of the problems involved in defin-
indicate that the hypothalamus contains osmore<:<:p- ing the ree<: ptors will have to include examination of
tOT$. Supposedly. Ul'<'a is not effective beeausc it apparent s!",cies differences ia responses tn experi-
crosses the plasma membranes. In some of the ex- menta l manipulations. It is reasonable to cxpectthat
periments. the useof anesthesia has been avoided be- sh""p, goots. cats. dogs. and rodents each have their
causc of indications that the drugs prom(lte AOH special forms of adaptation to disturbances in water
releasc_ and electmlyte homeostasis.

Barorecepto r a nd Volume Receptor Contro ls vical vagotomy, but the responses are abolished if
the glossopharyngeal nerves are also severed (14S).
Since ADH can devate systemic blood pres,ure, il is
The cervical vagus carries affeN"m fibers from the
physiologically appropriate for baroreceplors 10 reg-
aortic baroreceptors. When these nerves are severed,
ulate hormone secretion. When other faclOrs are
neither a-adrenergic agonists nor high aorlic pres-
controlled. stretching of the _essel wall$ and cleva-
sures inhibit ADH release.
tian of luminal prcssure inhibit AOH relea,e (104).
The roles of cardiopulmonary receptors with vagal
Di uresis plasma volume expansion. inflalion
afferents are controversial. The failure of sinoaorlic
of balloon, inserted into the left alrium, pumping of
denervation to appreciably affect ADI·I release when
blood into the left atrium. or the damping of certain
the vagus is left intaCI. and the marked increases in
blood vesstls. The antidiuretic responses to hypoten-
hormone secretion that follow subsequent vagotomy,
sion-invoking hemorrhage. contraction of the ECF
have be<:n citcd as evidenC<' for Ihe operation of
by other mea ns. and the placcment of clamps at sites
chronic inhibitory conlrol (161). On Ihe other hand,
thaI cause the blood pressure to fall can all be me-
evidence against participation of pulmonary 'ystem
d iated via baroreceptors. In primates. ADH secre-
receptors comes from studies in which occlusions of
tion is more profoundly affected by blood pressure
pulmonary vessels. or the inse rtion of inflated bal-
than by ECF volume changc, (53).
loons into Ihe right atria. did nol Substantially affecl
The system is extremely difficult to study for
hormone secretion ( 149).
many reasons. Under physiological conditions. baro-
The ability of nicotine to promote ADH release is
receptors engage in tonic conlrol that is both stimu-
amibuled 10 effects exerled on the carotid sinuses.
latory and inhihitory. Axons mediating both kinds of
Hypoxia is said 10 alter ADH rcle""e in the same
responses lravel side by side within the same nerve
way (rather than via activalion of the dcmorecep-
trunks (161), and they are accompanied by fibers
10rs involved in cardio"ascular and respiralory re-
that indirectly affcct ADH release. Differenccs in
sponses). Ethyl alcohol inhibition of AOH release is
sensitivities \0 messages arriving along sinoaortic, as
allributed 10 C<'ntral OCfllOUS system depression. Caf-
compared with atrial receplOrs. have been described
feine slimulation of Ihe brain augments ADH secre·
(100). There are also ,!",cies variations in the se,,"i·
tion. (Its diurelic actions are exerted on thc kidncy.
tivil;"". In IIOmc animaltypc., "'IDOI"CCCP'Or cont",1
and caffeine also stimulates Ihe urinary bladder.)
dominalCS. and in these it has even been suggesled
Ihat their function primarily to adjust
the sensiti vities to changes in osmolality. When C<'r·
lain of the receptors are blocked, others can assume
greater imlX'rtanC<'. All of Ihese faclors must be con·
sidered when allemptS are made to dissecL Lhe sys-
Lem by CUlling one Or more neflleS. Vasoprcssin,oxytocin. endorphins,ACTH,andchemi-
Very Slrong stimulation at one site can override cally rdated !",plides are prescnl in several regions
physiological controls a t a nother. Mooerate amounts of Ihe brain and in the cerebrospinal fluid (34,82).
of A-U aCI on hypothalamic neurons to sl imulale All seem to be capable of functionins as neuretrans·
AD H release. High doses can invoke sufficient dc· millers. ncuremodulalors. or both. Minute quan-
va tion of the arterial pressure to inhibit the seerelion lities injected direelly inlo Ihe brain can affect ccre-
(148). Manipulations designed 10 affect JUSt certain bral funclions when there are no changes in Ihe
of Ihe receptors invariably have indi rect influences. concentralions within Ihe systcmic blood.
Thus, for example, if a balloon inserled inlo Ihe left
atrium is inflaled, the pressure in the chamber rises.
Animal ModelS Used for the Study of
baroreceptors respond to the stretch. and ADH se-
Learning and Memory ( 92 )
cretion is inhibited. However.lhe manCuver impairs
ddivery of blood to the ,ystemic arteries. Barorecep- Ral'S ha"" been placed in situations in which thcy
10rs of Ihe carotid sinus and aorta Ihen send signals must "shuttle" from one box to allOl her 1<> avoid rc-
that accelera teADH release. C<'iving electric shocks to Ihe fcct. Brain pcptidcs af-
Carotid sinus baroreceptors evidently play impor- fect the time required to acquire "active avoidancc
lant roles in reflex control of ADH secretion. When \>chavior"', and also the magniludes of concomitant
Ihe blood pressure in their vicinity falls. ADH SCcre- changes in autonomic funclions such as Ihe cardiac
tion increases . .B·ldrenerg ic agonist stimuialion evi- rates. Some invcstigators find Ihal "cxtinclion" (loss
dently depends upon the functions of those receptors. of the responses following removal of thc is
The agents continue to exerl their cffects aflcr Ccr- mort obviously affected by the !"'ptides. Thc regu-
lators been administered before, during, or treat human subjecl' suffering from amnesia follow.
after presentation of the external and ing automobile accidents, and for counteracting ef·
have been studied in the presen"" of metabolic in_ fects of protein synthesi$ inhibitors on memory pro-
hibitors. In SOme specific regions of the brain cesses in laboratory The actions of Ihe
ha"" been lesioned. peplide depend on tlK: exislence of an intact dorsal
upassive 3voidanct'·· is tested by requiring animals adunergic path,,·ay susceptible to damage with 6-
to suppress their usual behaviors in order to avoid OH-<:Iopamine.
pIIinful stimuli. For rats can be trained to It has been proposed that the de,·elopmem of both
remain within a small enclosure. when they would tolerance and addiction to opiates invol""s processes
otherwise enler a larger. adjoining one. rdated to long-Iem memory. Vasopressin exagger·
Since the conditions imposed a rc highly artificial. ates both
allempts have been made to provide the animals some actions that arC antagonistic
with situations they might encounter outside the lab- to lhose of vasap", .. in on both learning
oratory. Adult males have becn confronled wilh ago and caleeholamine turnover in the brain. Brallieboro
gre:l'sive male.' of the same species. or with rats have higher brain oxytocin than controls. and
receptive females; and hungry animals have been some of their "learning problems·· could be related
placed in mnes that contain food. 10 this . (However. the Iwo peptides sometimes act in
the same direction. For example, in the presence of
high eStrogen liters. o.)"tocin contrihutes 10 the onset
Some Observatio ns and Inte rpreta ti ons (33, of umalernal behavior" in rodents and A VP exerts

Hypophysectomy impllirs the ability 10 acquire ae-
qualitativdy similar. albeit weaker, effects [120].)
NO!. surprisingly, reactions of animals to one kind
of test differ from those 10 another. For ..ample. en·
livc avoidance responses. Thc ·'Iearning defeeI'· can
be reversed by the administralion of ACTH and of kephalins seem to facilitate acquisition of passive
some of ils fragmenls. One interpretation is that avoidance respolL= bUI they inhihit acquisition of
ACTH faei litalcs involved in short·term an active avoidance of foot Shock!; (127). lnterac·
mcmory. The concept is supported by observatioru; tions wilh peripheral systems can also vary. Thus,
that the peplides can delay exlinclion in intact ani- hypophysectomy and corticosterone treatment can
m"l. "n<l "1<0 I'm,"c, <levelnl'm"nt nf thr. augment avoidance of anack by another animal
amnesia Ihat would otherwise fol low the administrd- while decreasing Ihe avoidance of fOOl shocks (92) .
tion of strong eleclric shocks Or exposure to high
CO, C<lnccntrations. There are debates. however,
Evidence that t ile Peptlde& Act Centrally
concerning how much of the effcets au rdated to
changes in "molivation'·. ··generalized arousal", and Th. conceplth"t the peptides act as neurotransmitters or
the proce= involved in the acquisition. C<lnsolida- ncuromodul.torS wi,hin the brnin. wi,hou' dep¢nd.n<;e
tion. retention. and retrieval of information. The ef- 0f1 peripheral systems. i. supported by several kinds of
fects of peplides of this kind are of short duration . o""'r • ., ,,>M:
They arc abolished by lesioning the parafascicular 1. Dosage. th.t are eff«"i"" when inj •• 'e<! directly into
nuclei of the thalamus or Ihe septohippocampal com_ brnin li .. ue or into the cerebrospinal fluid arc
plex (34). but not by ad renalectomy. ",ually wi,huu, demonstrable infiuenee if givcn in" •••· (Some rna)· reach ,uffieient concentroliun, in the
Some of the effects of enkephalins on teaming re-
brnin when into th ••• rOlid .rlcries.)
semble the ones described for ACT H. Moreover. 2. Lesion. wilhin specific pam of the brain Can block
ACTH compeles with opiates for certain of the re- the ••;oral'· effect, withOut impairing peripherat
ceptors. diminishes morphine analgesia. and :;orne· fu!\C,ion •. The hippocampus i.<! to be the larget
limes invokes withdrawal sym ploms. On the OIher ,ite for AVP influences On tearning and behavior. The'"
hand. the specificities of Ihe interactions a", ques- .'" PVN proj.ctions to Ihat pari of the bra in. and lesion.
lioned . ACTH binds ,,·ith low affinity. and it$ actions of the hippocampus aboli'h the effect< of 'he peptide. An·
cannot be blocked with naloxone. .Iogs of AVP ,ha, hay. diuretic effects. and relat.d pep-
Rats ,uhjecled to removal of Ihe ··pOSlerior pitu· tid.s lhat do not. re.tore lhe ,uboormat binding of corti.
itary gland· · or Ihe injection of anti-A VI> sera can .o<,eron. of Bral1 teboro homolYiotes in hi ppocampal but
not in olh.r bro in regions ( 168).
a(quif"l! active avoida nce ,..,;ponses, but Ihey havc
3. Hormone ·'fragments· · have been prepared that .f·
rapid Brattleboro rats (which lack AVI' fect bro,n funClions but not other tarse' OfpnS. For ••.
in Iheir ct'rebrospinal Auid as well as hypothalamus ampl •. DG_A VP and DG.lVP. the peptid.. derived by
[35]) behave in a similar manner. Vasopressin im- r.mO'o,,1 of Ihc 'ermin.1gtyeinamide from AYP and l VP.
proves ",tent ion. and the effects are of long duration. respectively. ha.e .e n,ral .ctions but no i"nuenees on thc
The peptide has also been used with some succcss to kidn.)·. Similarty. fragments COOlmon 10 ACTli aod

MSH (e.,. ACTIl, 10) affeCI 10.rnin8 but nOl porI acro&s felal skin. urinary bladder. and rena11u,
steroidogenesis, bul.. (121).
4. Some of tbe peptide< affect the '"'""".r of cate- Mammalian fetuses secrete AVT. and Ihe peptide
chol.mine> and Olhor tran'milters in lho brain. AgenlS exens influences lhat arc qualitatively similar. It is.
lhal inlorfere " 'j lh e/fcclS OIl the ncumtr"n'm;tt.'" do not
however • less potenl lhat A VP. Larger quanlilies are
alfecl "",iphe'al [unclion •.
On ,he (lIh., hand. <ompl<t< <cparal;o" of roles in re8-
released into amniotic fluid in response 10 hemor.
ulalion.,r Waler balance from those on learning may rtoI rhage and other forms of Sire... Prolactin is also
be ",.list;e. Va..,p'«';" .!fcc" waler balance in lhe present in amniotic fluid, and il is said to augment
brain a. well as in the periphery. and this contribute lhe effects of AVT. Conisol antagonizes lhe aClions
to it$ .en".1 action. (75). Lesion, ,h.l ,ffect fI VP re- of both AVT and PRL.
lease in th. brain a lso .ffect cardiovascul.. reHexc1 and In fetal lambs. surgical Iruuma, hypoxia. hemor·
(hirs, (22). Peripheral hormones (e.g. giuC<>Corlicoid.) rhage. and temperature stress can bring aboul up 10
play. role in lhe regulatioo of peptide CO"CO"tralion. 50-fold elevations <)f the A VP levels. bUI the PRL
wilhin lhe brain. Some of lhe "brain horm"""'" ar. di· conccntrali<ms do 001 rise (37). One interprelalion is
rectly taken up from the blood' . tho eirc"mven· that PRL is already present in the quantitie. reo
lricul.. 'ITuC\UreS Ihat a re "ou15ide Ihe blood·brain bar· quired 10 suppon f\ VP function' . Another is that
ricr'" Morco'·cr. <"cry one <>f Ihe neuropcj>lido. e.en.
$Orne influcnCC$ On ""ripheral mCI.boli,m <>f waler and PRL is not a major regulalor of felal water balance
clcclrol)·le •. For exam pic. cnd.".phins ""n"ibule to Ihe in all species.
regulalion <>f bolh v.sopreSSin rde.", (94) and electrolYle Thc preceding suppon the concept Ihal hypolha.
Iranspor! in Ihe gut (78). and oX)"lo<in can oppose f\ VP lamic pcptides regulale felal water balancc. How.
innuen<:<:$. <>II waler bal.nce and blood pre .. ure . MSll i. ever, since only high eoncentralions are known t<) af.
implicalcd ti. resulalor <>f " and tlC<:lrolyle melal>- feet lhe transporl. it has been proposed Ihat the
"H,m (I 15). and ilS aCli"", on pigmcnl <:<;11. in_ol_e """ hormones ael on rcceptors for a different regulator.
dium ,ransporl. i)opam ino inhibi .. lhc rele ... of prolac-
lin (0 purporlcd regulator of waler bal."".). e,en.
influencc, on Ihe caroio,·ascula. s)'Slcm. and dep ...... ThermoregulatI on
pa", imcrmcdi. sccreli,," of lI..,ndorphin (154).
ADH Can lower melabolie rale and antagonize the
calorigenic effects of CAs (52). The responses ha_c
OTHER ACTIONS OF VASOPRESSIN bc<:n demonstraled in animals with anterior hypo.-
thalamic lesions, and thcy may be relaled 10 inhibi·
Extrarenal Water MetabOlis m
tion of lipolysis. Many of thc stimuli for ADH re·
The watcr-wnscrving functions of ADH may be ac· lease invoke thirst. and water intakc facililat ..
complished in pari by actiOIl$ exerlcd on thc skin, cutaneous vasodilation and swealing. In goalS. hy·
salivary glands, biliary trael, and endocrinc pan. pothalamic cooling diminishes drinking. Palicnts
creas. Pharmacological dosages dimin ish with uncontrolled Dl often Slate lhal ice or very cold
walcr loss in both hcahhy and ancphric humans. and waleT quenches lhirst more effeclively lhan waler
Ihey counteraCI lhe dehydraling effecls of elhyl al. taken at room lemperature (96 ). All ofthc prceeding
cobol (142). Anephric palients secrete quan. suggesl that ADH plays roles in protection against
tities of ADH when they accumulale osm<xically aC' the development of h}·pcrlhcrmia.
live metabolileS in their blood plasma. They suffer On the other hand. ADH also decreases swcaling,
night sweau; following hemodialysis, po5.Sibly be- and il oonstricls skin blood vessels. Moreovcr. pharo
cause lhe pr(l<:wure [(,wetS Ihe AOH levels. As dis- macological doses augmem lipolysis.
cussed earlier, the syndrome of inappropriately high
ADH (SIADH) commonly occurs in palients with
Influences on the Endocrine System
tuberculosis. certain other lung diseases. and some
forms of carcinoma. Nighl .weats in these patients The cffectsof exogcnous A VP include slimuiation of
may be relaled 10 Ihe fall in plasma hormonc lcvels GH and TRH secretion. In many species, S<lmc of
that accompanies bed res!. the uons of magnocellular neuro!lS lerminale in Ihe
vieinily of the pars intermedia, and rolcs in the reg·
ulation of MSH secrelion have been proposed.
Water Metabolism In the Fetus
High concentrations of AVP arc found in the SUo
Waler usually flows pa.. ively across the amnion prachiasmalic nuclei (181) and in hypOlhalamo-hy·
from lhe fetus to the mother. In at leaS! some spe- pophysial portal blood. A VP can increase ACTH
cies, AVP reduces Ihc flow rate and can reverse its and glucoconicoid secretion, and A VP levels rise in
direction. AVP also affects waler and sodium Irans- the R1<lrning. These observations raise lhe possibilily
that AVI' contributes to the of gluco- often contaminated with AVP. which j, difficult to
corticoid rhythms. rerTlO>'e or inaclivate (1,110); (b) animals obscrvcd
to release PRL in response to dehydration or the in-
jection of hypertonic solutions are actually respond-
Carbohydrate Metabolism
ing to S lrl'SS (rather than to of water bal-
When present in high concentrations. A VI' acts on ance); and (c) prolaclin aCts primarily to modify the
the Jiver to accelerate glycogenoly,o;is. The action' are innuences of olher hormones. and its effects Can only
cAM P-independcnt. and arc believed to be mediated be demonstratcd under appropriate circumstances.
via elevation of cytosol Cal. (49). It can. for example. potentiate the sodium -retaining
innuences of aldosterone (12).
While the presence of PR L in the kid ney has been
Growth Stimulation
cited as evidenee in favor of a role in regulation of
AVI' 3e<:elcrates DNA synth esis and mitosis whcn it renal functions. il has been pointed OOt that the kid-
is presented to several kinds of cells cultured without ney is a major site for disposal of circulating hor·
serum (135). The hormone levels are often elevatcd mone (8). It is also that PRL is involved in
in patients with lung and pancreatic tumors. and it control of kidney growth and repair (80). r"thcr
has been proposed that ADH facilitates the growth than in urine formation. (However. a reootropic f"e-
of some tumors in vivo. The effects may be li nkcd tor other than PRL is present in pituitary gland ex·
with elevation of cytosol Ca' · . traCtS [114].)


Roles for PRL and related adcnohypoph}'siul hor· Melanocyte Stimulating Hormones
mones in osmoregulation have been established for
nonmamnlalian vertebrate, (10.11). and some estab- The pars intermedia is large in camels. llamas. and
lished functions of PRL on nonrenal strucwres of other mammals that excrete highl)· concentrated ur·
mammals suggcst tht influences are cxerted on <alt ines; it is intermcdiate in in rodenlS and other
and water transport. For example. the complcx ef- species that . how good resistance to watcr depri'<l-
fects on mammary glands (128) evidently involve s0- 110n; and II IS small or totally ab'lcnt In some an,mat.
dium tran$port (17). and PR L is reported to affect that easily succumb to dehydration (see fig, 19·3).
blood pressure in rats (105) . It undergoes histologically demonstrable changes
Thcre are controversies concerning I"\r- following the administration of hyp.monic NaC!,
ticipation in regulation of renal excretion in mam- but it is not similarly affected by hypertonic KCI or
malian adults (80) , Lactogenic hormone" havc becn glucose. Exogenous MSHs arc natriuretic (but n<.>t
,<,ported to incroasc renal blood Ilow and GFR in kaliuretic) in ratS,
mammalian heart-lung_kidney preparations and to Indications that th. pineal gland affects water and
promote transient diuresis and natriurcsi' followed electrolyte metabolism arc citcd in Chapter 20, and
by persistent antidiuresis and <;Odium retention (48), there are reasons to suggest that it imeraets with tbe
PK L receptors have been identified in the kidney pars intermedia and neurohypophysis to exert fone
(12). and SOme investigators find that the hormone controls. Melanocyte inhibitory factors (M IFs) are
invokes whon it is given to whole ani- small peptides deaved from oxytocin , They arc prob-
mals. Inhibition of both water and <;Odium excretion ably released from the axon endings of magnocdlu·
has been described for rats. and the animals arc said lar that terminate in thc vicinity of thc pars
to show elevations of plasma I'KL when they arc intermedia. It has been reponed that intracarotid in·
subjected to waler deprivation. It has also been jections of M1 Fs promote AVP secretion and also
stated that human release more PRL when the release of pineal gland A VT into the cerebrospi-
they are given hypertonic saline. and that hypOtonic nal Auid , animals accumulate more
""lutions depress hormone reloase (26). MSH in thoir pituitary glands than intact controls.
Other investigators have presented conAicting AVT injec tions into the third ventricle of the brain
data , In one series of experiments. PRJ. kvcls did reverse this effect . and they also lower the MSH lev·
not rise in response to several procedures that inVOke els in intact animals (119).
dehydration (103). In another. chronic h)"perprolac-
linemia failed to improve urinary osmolality of rats
Gtu cagon
with Dl (1) ,
Three nplanations have been advanced to explain Animals in fused with large volumes of saline release
the discrepancies: (a) Prolactin preparations are glucagon. and the peptide undoubtedly contributes

to the diuresis. However. Ihe na· accounts for the reduction in circulating blood
triuretic fa<;:lors, ;1 promotes the of calcium voiume.
and Qf magnesium as well. The effects of hormone deficiency Can be COr-
A physiQlogical role in control of electrolyte ex_ rected with T. or T" but glucocorticoids are only
cretion has not been cstablished for mammals. In partially effective_High dosages of thryoid hormones
fishes, there are actions antagonized by insulin thai invoke and dehydration. They elevate met·
se<:nt 10 be physiologically important (411. abolic rate and body temperature. and they accel-
erate loss of water via the sweat glands and rcspi·
ratory trac\. Since the hormones sharpen the
Calcitonin and Parathyroid Hormone
appetite and stimulate gastrointestinal motility,
Exogenous CT is a potent diuretic that can markedly moro water is also lost with the The diuresis is
loW<'. Ihe blood volume, invoke hemoconcentration, explained in part by the improved renal blood Aow
and promote sodium excretion. However. sugges- and GFR. and also the production of larger quan·
tions thai i( is a natriuretic hormone are difficult to tities of urea and other osmotically active metabo-
rCC<lnciic with observations thai it accelerates the ex- lites. Normalization of hyaluronic acid metabolism
cretion of several olher ions. and thai plasma CT leads to resorption of the substances that contri bute
d()CS not rise following salt looding. to the myxedema.
Parathyroid hormone inhibits sodium reabsorp--
tion in Ihe proximaitubules. However, it docs n01
Gonadal Slaroid s
C<lnSiSlcmly cause natriuresis. oceause its effects are
C(lunteracted by those of aldosterone (which acts On Es/'ogtn.< tend to promote sodium and water reten·
the distal portions of the nephron). tion. but the effects arc variable even within a single
species. Increased renin ""cretion and accelerated
prodUction of renin substra te Can elevate the aldo-
Thyroid Hormones
sterone levels. but estrogens are effective in animals
Thyroxine (T.) and triiodothyronine (T,) deficien- displaying mineralocorticoid escape. The retention
cies are associated with water retcntion and electro- can jX)SC problems in susceptible individuals during
lyte metabolism defects. Alth(mgh the sodium and pregnancy or following the ingestion of oral
chloride concentrations of the interstitial ftuids are contraceptives.
orten within the normal range. plasma Na- tends to Estrogens stimulate the secretion of growth hor·
dC(:line_ Overall potassium balance is negative. but mone and prolactin. They also exert localized inftu-
this has b«n linked with reduction of lean body cnees. the most prominent of which is rapidly devel·
mass. Some of the problems arc directly related to oping retention of water in the uterus. This is
subnormal Na 'J K--ATPase activities. and these attributed to the release of histamine and
arc e:<acerbated by the low levels of glucocorticoid. prostaglandins.
and certain other hormones_ Since it is chemically similar to deoxycorticoster-
The severely impaired ability to e xcrete a water one. progesterone can interact with mineralocorti-
load can be explained in several ways. The renal re- coid receptors. It is al50 converted in the kidney and
sponses to ADH arc retained . but the plasma levels at other sites to tbat steroid (118). When aldosterone
of the hormone can be inappropriately dc.'ated. This levels are low, progcsterone tends to promote salt
is attributed to poor sensitivities of hypothalamic and water retention, When they are high. progester·
neurom to inhibitors. Myocard;al weakness and one can antagonize aldosterone actions since;t com-
bradycardia C<)mbine with other hemod)'namic fac- petes for the receptors but has lower flOtcncy. Some
tors to lower the GFR. and Chronic T , deficieney also observers haY<' linked '·premenstrual syndrome"
leads to roduction of kidney mass. water retention with direct actions of progesterone.
The "puff}-" appearance of th e skin (myxedema) whereas others have suggested that the condition is
in severe hypothyroidism is rdated to defccts in hy_ related to inadequate progesterone secretion during
aluronic acid and protein metabolism, and the con· the luteal phasc of the ovarian q-c1e. Progestagcn
sequent accumulation of mucopolysaccharidcs, pro- therapy is effective in limited numbers of patients.
te;ns. and water ;n the subcutaneous spaces. poe.sibly becausc it inhibits PG generation.
Capillary permeability defects exacerbate the prob- Androgens arc anabolic hormon<;.' that promote
lem by permitting leakage of Auid. and proteins into conservation of sodium . chloride, potassium. sulfate.
the perivascular spaces. Poor appeti te and gastroin. calcium. and phosphate, as well as nitrogen. They
testinal functiom contribute to diminished plasma also stimulate the appetite and thereby tne ingestion
protein concentrations. and this probably partially of electrolyte-containing foods. Water and salt r.,.
lenlion have b«n dIed undesirable the blOXld pluma (43). Hepar;n injeclion. ··oo,m.I;,o"
of androgen therapy for reproductive disor· Ihe electrolyte ..c"'tion pa11ern, or thymectomized rat.
ders, but these eannOI be .eparated from Ihe (10 1), Thymectomy aloo atTeetS calcium m<laboli'm and
funclions. (The anabolic aClion. of growth hormone the responses to both endogenous .nd ;njecled vit.min 0
similarly affect dectrolyte butlhey arc ($Ce Chap. II), and heparin has be.n implicated in the
,egulation ofoome bone minerali .. tion functions.
generally associaled wilh less severe water These .nd olh.. observation. point to oome rolc or the
relent ion.) thymus in fine control of eleclrolyte metaboli,m, and es·
ptcially in the adjustment$ a»Q<ia\c<j with $Ca$onal
Heparin cbanges. Some may be telated to Ihe more rapid synlhe,is
of vitamin 0 during thc .um mcr month•.
Heparin i. a ,ulfated acid mucopolysaccharide .ynlhe.
• i,.cd in many parts of lhc boody. including lhe lunS" h,'or.
heart. 'plccn. and conneeli'e tissues. It has been impli. COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY OF WATER
Cated in lbe regulation or bone calcificalion. lipid tron .. AND ELECTROLYTE METABOLISM
port and metaboli,m. most cell function,. and <>Iher pro- Vertebrates ulili7.C a variely of mechanisms 10 cope
=«. Although pharmacological dose, arc often u",d to wilh environmental factors Ihat aife<:t waler and
protect against the formation of intra'","ul.. clots. lhc ele<:lrolyte (10) . Some of the adapta·
fael lhat it aCtS latc in the coagulalion c.",.de rai""
question, conce,ni", iii physiological importa""e in con· tions are described below. because th ey provide in·
lrol of the reaelion sequencc . sighls into the and limitations of hormones.

Cardiac patients gi"en anlicoogulanl dosages of

heparin a nd relaled glycos.amiooglycans of len in· Dssert Mammals (97 , 144,145)
crease Iheir waler and salt excrelion 10 a degree Ihat T he of mammali an brain must be
permi\.S discontinuation of diuretic therapy. Chronic mainlained within a very narrow range. Elevalion..
treatment e"entually affecls the >.ona glomerulosa of of more than 1'- 3' above optimum va lue, impair
tho adrenal cortex. Usually. this leads to compensa· and e.treme heat ca uses permanent dam-
lory stimulation of tlte renin.angiotensin·aidosterooc age, Animals living in deserts must usc special
system. but it can in.uke mineralocorticoid insulli. mechanisms to avoid overheat ing. bocause (a) strong
cioncy in patients wilh diabete, mellitus and in Olh. and warm air Can rapidly devate body tem-
> with I (I 14A). perature. and (b) most mechanisms for cooling the
Suggestion. that acule influences on body use water. which is a SCarce commodity. More·
metabolism result from direct inhibition of aldosle- over. dry en,ironmcnls facilitate evapor:tli'e loss
rone secrotion are oot easily reconciled with the fail· from thc respira tory tract and the ski n surfaces. e,en
urc 10 observe such effecls when heparin is presenled whe n the temperature is in the moderate range.
10 ad renal glands studied in vi tro (55). MorC<l\'er. Small animals arc especially vulnerable to O,er-
heparin has been shown 10 ae«lerate water and elec· hea ling. They ha,e large surface,,·olume ratios Ihal
lrolyle excretion in adrenaleetomilcd ralS (101). permit rapid penetration of hea l to Ihe body rore and
faeilita le ,,'ater loss via the skin. They also ha,e mct·
Thymu s Gland Influences on Electrolyte abolic raleS Ihat arc high whcn compared wilh thcir
MetabOlism weights.
Terrestrial rodents have lillie or 00 opportunilY to
ROIS di$play ",..onal 'adation, io water and drin k. Most cannol ta ke ad'antage of Ihe few .uc·
ele<:trol)'IC excretion palle rn,. They put 0111 m(lfe sodium. eulCnl plants in their environment. the
rmaS$ ium. chlo'idc. and water in February th.n in Jan· leaves and blossoms are above the ground in places
uary. and mote in March th.n in Feb,uar)' . even
where Ihe an imals can be spotted by predators.
lhe urin.ry , alue. ate compated with the dietory inta ke,
(JOI). Chloride e.ctelion ri",s Sharply during thc 'um· These animals subsist mOSlly on .eeds Ihat are high
mer monlh •. "od inver><: rel.t ion,hips between urino,y in fat con lent. When metabolil.ed. rats yield more
chloride and u,ina,y phosphate can be demonSlratod waler per gram than carbohydr-JICS or proteins, and
under a variety of condition" there are rew osmolica lly acti"e waSle products.
Thymectomy teduces renal e>crclion of sodium. pota.· Foods of this kind also contain 1;l\le undigestible res-
.ium. and chlorid. during tim •• when intact animal. h",'e idue. Thcrefore, only minimal quantities of water
low and il enhance, the excrelions during lh. lost via Ihe urinary and
ptak perieds . Thymectom)· al.., imp.i" the .bilil)' to ex· There is a limil to the amount of moisture thaI Can
.tete .. 1t loads. ,ia mechani'm' lhal ar. exaggerated if b<: derived. If the food consumption is increased,
the animal. are also adrenalectomiled (74). more must be supplied and more COl must
The thymo, ,ynthesizes and retea"'. mol·
ecule. (30). and il ",gu latesthe heparin co"""nt,ation of be eliminaled. and such processes increase rcspira·
lory loss. Moreover. oxidation of food gener·

ates heal. Obviously, survival 'tralegics mu_,{ be di· The camel does not "waste" water by swealing at
recled at waler const'r.·alion. such high rates if it cannot ddn k. Instead. il permits
The heav)' fur provide, insulation against e"ces- its body to accumu late heat during the afternoon. It
sive uptake of heal from the environment during can tolerale corc as high as 41 · C. be·
lime. of exposure lO lhe sun, and ab..,r>ee of ,"'eal cause the blood that supplies Ihe brain no,,", through
gland reduces waler loss. strUClures that ha ve been cooled by evaporalion
Special fealures of the respiratQry tract minimil. rrom the l'<'spiratory passagewa)'$.
Ihc evaporative losses. Air leaving lhe lunp is as Since the desert nights arc cool. the accumulated
warm as Ihc blood. and it is saturated wilh waler heat is dissipated without water loss. The tempera-
vapor. As il traverses thc long tOrtuOUS pasagcways. ture of much of the bod)' Can fall to 34 ' C, but the
Ihal lead 10 the nose. SOme cooling is accomplished brain i, again protecled. It docs not receive blood
because tbe StruCtureS encountered ha,·c a lower Ihat has passed Ihrough the skin. and there is lin1c
temperature. Since cool air holds less moisture than cooling of the respiratory passageways at nighl. The
warm. some waler condenses on the mucosal Sur- core temperature is low in the morning. and substan-
faces. Progress;". changes take plae.:, and Ihc ex" tial quantities of heat Can be taken up before it rises
pired air thaI finally emerges is substantially re- above optimum levels.
duced in both temperature and moisture conlcnt. Camels eal plants that arc high in prOlein contem
Inspired air tra,·erse. lhe same passageways. Sinee but low in cellulose. Their gastrointestinal tracts
it is very dry at the point of entry. it promotes evap- contain bacteria that convert urea to ammonia plus
oration of the condensed moistul'<'. This accounl' for carbon dioxide . and enzymes Ihal facilitale Ihe use
Ihe cooling of the airways. The inspired air gradually of ammonia for prolein synthesis. T hererore. very lit-
picks up moisture as it travel. toward the alveoli of tle urea is len over to draw water into the urine (SO) .
the The kidneys efficiently remove sa lts. and under ex-
Nasal glands provide additional benefits. Water treme conditions the daily urine volume docs 001 ex-
that evapOrates from Ihe secrelions cools the nose . ceed 1.1 lilers. Its osmolality can be Iwke that of
The salts form CruSls thaI are shed from the surfaces seawater.
withoU! appreciable quantilies of moisture. In addition to influences exerted on the kidneys.
The kidneys arc analomically equipped to make hormones contribule 10 the ability to form extremely
highly concentraled urine, and they "'spond vigor. dry feces wilh daily volumes of a' little as 1.3
ously to the large amounts of aldosterone and ADH as well as Ihe highly concentrated saliva Ihat ac-
that a", s«:reled. AldOSlerone also exert, influences counts for the "breath of Ihe camel".
on the gastroi nteslinal traCt and nasal gland, that Unlike most mammals. camel' lolerate substan.
contribu te to waler conservation. Some of the ani· tial ",d uClions in plasma water. This is andbuted in
mals Can 10""r their metabolic rates during limes of part to special properties of the membranes of Iheir
the day when they arc inaclive . e lliptical erylhrocytes (95).
Behavioral adapta tions are at least as im!X>rtant In common with most dosen the ani ·
as any of the preced ing. Most desert rodents ,pe nd mals seek shade during the afternoons. The mosl "'-
the warmest and driest pariS of the day in cool. moist ma rkable of their adaptations. however. may be
burrows. A few alternale bouts of activity (during their ability to very rapidly ingest truly remarkable
which the body temperature rises) with longer pc- quantities of water. It is oot unusual for a camel
riods or res\. emerging from a trip on the desert 10 drink 100-135
The ability of Ihe dromedary to survive under ad· liters in a few minutes. and SOmC animals ha,'C been
verse conditions is even more remar kable. This ani· observed to take 200 liters. Waler reservCS equiva-
mal does not burrow. and it is often exposed to direct lent to one-third the body weight can be
sunlight for extended time periods. Since it is large. lated. Some i. relained in the stomach . and addi·
it has a low surface:volume ratio. and it absorbs less tional fluids are stored in "water sacs" located at the
per gram than the small rodents. Heavy fur on sides of Ihe rumen .
back provides insula tion, and glands Nonpiacental mammals such as Ihe kangaroo find
are located OIl und ersurface of the body. where different solutions to Ihe problems . Although they
they are pr(l1eeted against direct exposure to the 'un. possess thermoregulatory systems. they
When fully hydrated, Ihe camel mainlains an op- ma inlain body temperatures lower than those of eu-
tim um body temperature. It Can produce several therians. Less rood is required 10 sup!X>rt the lower
ti mes as much sweat per meter of body surface per metabolic rates. less heat is generated. and smalle r
hour as merino sheep (which arc considered well quantities of metabolic wastes arc rormed. Water
adapted to desert environments). loss via Ihe respiratory tract is limited because the
expired air has a relatively low temperature and water when they Oy. Many minimi'.c the dangers of
moisture oontent . and only limited quamities of CO, predation by drinking very rapidly.
must be removed. Tbid fur protects against exces-
sive uptake of heat from the environment. Some spe-
cies lick scrotal and other limited regions of the body
to achieve heat loss b}' evaporation. Since the ani· Varying degrees of poikilothermy are enoountered.
mals can travel rapidly. the}' often manage to fmd Low metabolic ratCS slow tbe production of meta-
sbade and succulent foods. bolic wastes and keep the body temperatures from
rising excessively. as impermeable skins minimize
evaporation of water from body,uffaces.
Bird s
Altbougb they depend heavily on succu lent foods.
Birds that long distances do not drink for many most desert reptiles drink when tbey can. Many spe_
hours. They cannot alford to wcigh down their bod- cies have large urinary bladders that serve as reser-
ies with ucess water. but the}' must dissi]XItc the voirs. T hey uSC salt glands at the base of the tongue.
large quantities of heat generated by the Oight muS' the orbits of the eyes. or in the nose. to excretc p0.-
des. They cut down the need for evaporativc Waler tassium and mher electrol),tes,
loss b}' maintaining bod}' temperatures 3 ' _ 4 ' Unli ke the kidne)'s of birds and mammals. those
higher than those of placental mammals. At most of reptiles lack Hcnle loops and they arc incapable
ambient temperatures. this facilitates transfer of of producing hypertonic urin •. Most species exCrete
heat to thc environment. a product that is isotonic with th. blood plasma,
Most birds pant. Air current. promote rapid evap- Some can vary the relative quantities of uric acid
oration of the limited quantities of water th'll arc and urea in accordance with bod}' needs. A major
used, The blood that supplie. the brain can be ,;cnt adaptat ion is the ability to go for long time periods
througb the cool regions. and it is unaffected by the without excreting urine. Electrolytes can be stored
high temperatures that develop in other pan, of the during times of and excreted when
body (145). The muscular effort involved in panting water be<:omes available.
is minimzed by synchronization of tbe rate with the A VT reduces urine now by lowering the GFR and
natural oscillation frequency of the respirator}, sys- accelerating tubular reabsorption. When Water is
tem. (Birds adjust the time periods durin ... which abundant, mesotocin antagonistic inOuences.
they engage in such activities to body needs. but they Aldosterone is not a major of the reptilian
maintain constant panting rates.) Sin<:e they have kidney, but it, DOC. and other steroids regulate thc
air sacs. the)' can move large volumes of air with- sal! glands (155). and also the fu!>Ctions of the
Out losing mucb carbon dioxide. In thi s respect. doaca and urinary bladder. An osmoregulatory role
tn ey navc an advantage over mammals that ]XI"!. for PRL has also been suggestcd (97).
Some birds do devdop mild al kalosis. but they Many reptiles pant. and they ha"e air ""c< that
are more tolerant than mammals to small pH resemble those of birds (52) . Some talc advantage
elevations. of bormonally regulated changes in skin pigmenta_
Aldosterone and AVT act on the kidneys to limit tion to exchanges of heat with the environ_
water loss. A VT is less potent tban AVP for aug· ment (see Chapter 20). In many cases, behavioral
menting water reabsorption by the tU- adaptations are even more important. The animals
buies. but it additionally affects electrol),te transport bask in the sun to raise their body temcpratures. and
in other ]XIrts of the nephron and can lower the they seek to avoid overheating.
GFR. At least in cbickelUi. the overall antidiuretic Crocodiles and aquatic reptiles do not face
effect of A VT ten times that of AVP (12). the problems of overheating and dehydration . They
Since ureters arc fine tubes. the urine passing do II(It have urinary bladders. but the)' possscss hor-
through them must <;<lntain sufficient water to avoid monally regulated mechanisms for adjusting urine
the formation of precipitates. However. bird ureters production when they spend time On land.
lead into a cloaca in which much of the water is
reabsorbed , Tbelarg. orifice eliminates the "plumb--
Amphibians (1 5 5 )
ing" problems. The major nitrogenous "'aste is uric
acid. which Can be removed in semisolid form. Amphibians living in fresb water mu.t cope with hy-
Aldosterone promotes water reabsorption in the potonic environments. They do lillie Or no drinking,
gut. In marine forms. it also ac<:clerates nasal gland but the highly permeable skin (which perForms ro-
concentration of electrolytes. Some species can .piratory functions that supplement tilosc of Iungs or
therefore drink sea water and remove the excess salts gilts) provides an avenue for uptake of ,,'atCr and s0-
as powders that blow olf the surfaces of the fea thers. lu tes. The low elcctroly tc content of the blood
Angiotcnsin stimulates thirst (112). Birds search for plasma (the equivalent of 0.7% Nael for grass frogs

cl)mpared with 0.85% for 3 typical mammal) lesscns fill several volumes . Some reprcscntative obscrva-
the problems of coping with saIl balance. The urine lioll'l are presented here.
is hypotonic and (A l().g alpine newt has Much of the wster and eleelrolyte exchange lakes
been obser,-ed 10 put out 16 ml of urine pcr day.) place across which have surfaces many limes
High protein diets. consisling largely of inseclS, sup- grcater Ihan Ihose of Ihe skin. Steroid hormones af-
pon the formation of urca and of anlm<)l1ium .alts fect moslly chloride-secreting cells. bUI they also
that augment solule coneentralions. Slimulate electrolyte transpon across gastrointes-
When pond-dwelling amphibian. leave their tinal epithelia.
aqueous environments. the urinary bladdel"$ serve a, Paralactin is an adenohypophysial hormone r.,.
salt and waler reservoil"$. Moisture Can al oo be ab- lated to the PRLs of other vertebrates. It controls
sorbed inlo the lower pans of the body fr<m"J wet soil bolh struCtures and funclions of Ihe mucous cells of
and from very s hallow puddles. Some animals have Ihe skin and il can aCI on ionic pumps. Euryhaline
capillary channels thai draw water upward IOward species rcquirc Ihe hormone when Ihey gl) from sail
the mouth (23). Dew, and fog thai condenses on Ihe 10 fresh water. The adaplations arc linked with
skin. provide additional wureeS. Somc speci.s toler- changes in piluilary gland and skin morphology. An-
ate l=cs of up 10 50% of Ihe optimum water COn- imals thaI are hypophyscelomi1cd rapidly succumb
tent. A few have adapted 10 marine environments 10 sodium loss when placed in fresh water. They can
and to brackish water. be prolecled b)' pretreatment with eilher fish pitu-
In anurall'l, A VT aeceleratcs waler and sodium ilary gland extracts Or mammalian proiactins.
uptake aCross the 'kin and urinary bbddcr. and it PRL 3ffcels cyclic nucleolide generation and
probably also acts on the gawoimestinal trael. The Na ' / K ' -ATPase activities in gills. rectal glands.
skin becomes incrcasingly sensitive to the hormone and kidocys (71). and ;1 may in Ihis way conlribute
as dehydralion progrcsscs. The innuenees On sodium to osmorcgulalion. The effects on the A TPascs are
and water transport are supported by aldostcrone. opposed by Ihose of thyroxine (which protects some
corliCQSterone. and related stcroids. In wads. epi- euryhaline fishes against the effects of transfer from
nephrine contribute., to the controls by increa sing fresh II) seawaler).
the pcrmcobility of the . kin and "imut.ling chlo- Fi.h A VT and other f'Cplide' >hQwn in
ride"""xcreting glands. fig. 10-2. Freshwater species have no known necd 10
A VT also rcduces urine produclion. In addition to COnServe w3ler. and in Ihese A VT seems to prommc
affecting tubular reabsorption. it constrin, the affer_ diuresis. There arc SOme in which neurohypophysial
ent arterioles of the kidney and thereby lowers the pcplides augment branchial blood ftow and elCClro-
GfR. It probably also contributes to the control of Iyte exchanges aCrOSS Ihc gills. The hormones also
s)'slemic blood prcssure. T he aClions arc opposed by play roles in the rcgulalion of blood pressure.
mcsotocin. which conslriets the dJerml anerioles Marine fishes seawater. and they exCrelc
(116). electrolytes via the gills. Some maintain blood plas-
Prolaclin affects sod ium and water transport mas wilh very high solute contcnlS by accumulating
across the toad bladder and contributcs to the main- urca or trimethylaminc The hagfish (a cycl<:>-
tenance of plasma electrolyte contenl. It also plays Slome) scems to be unique among the vertebr-Jle. in
some very special roles. Newts spend much of Iheir thai il lends \"lOt 10 osmorcgulale in a comparable
lime awa)' from watcr. but they must rcturn 10 it for manner . lIS adaplations resemble lhose of marine
reproduction. The PRL Ic,'<:I< rise as the brceding inverlebrates.
season approaches. and the hormone influ-
ences on Ihc slin Ihat cause the animals to seck
water (10) . "Water drive" can be invoked in Ihe lab- THE UROPHYSIS (90)
oralory by injecting the animals with PRL. The pi-
The urophys is is found al the caudal end of the
tuitary hormone also antagoni1.cs
spinal cord of somc of Ihe bony fi shes. Its morphol-
laled metamorphosis. while thyroxine blocks PRL
ogy rcsembles that of the neuroh)·pophys is. and it
effects on Ihe skin .
seems 10 perform .imilar fUnelions. It secrctes uro-
Not surprisingly. the totally aquatic mud puppy
ten,ins Ihat affecl blood prcssure and waler b.1Iance.
doc.! not usc "'stcr-conserving hormone •.
along wilh urophysins Ihat a1'<: neurophy' in-like pro-
te iM. Fully developed organs arc prc<;cnt only in te-
lcosl.l. but related sccretl)ry structure., have been de-
scribed for cartilaginous fishes.
A comprehensive survey of the diverse mechanisms Uroten'in I Slimulates smOOlh muscle in fish. and
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_ __ PART IV _ __

Hormonal Regulation of Calcium and

Phosphate Metabolism
Functions of Calcium, Phosphorus, and Calciferols

It is Yirtually impossible 10 overstate the iml'Ortancc ferols, and other regulators. and the generation of
of calcium and phosphorus in the initiation, ma;n- prostaglandins and steroid hormones.
lenance, regulation. and coor<:lination of physiologi- Since thcy link cell excitation with the events that
cal functions (202,215). The mineral, interact in follow, calcium ions have been called " universal cou-
many ways, bul.sch is additionally involved in pro- plers" (204)_ They arc indispensa ble for the commo-
ce"., that arc only indirectly affected by lhe other. tion of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle
Calciferols control the intestinal absorption of cal· (77.192.206) and for the motility of nonmusele cclls.
cium a nd phosphorus. They cooperate with para thy- Influences on microtubular a nd micromament sys-
roid hQrrnonc. ,aleilon;n. and other regulators 10 temS (65) contribute to endocytosis. the
the Ca" and H J>Ql- concentralion< of mo""mem. of chromosome. during cell divi.ion, the
both intracellular and extracellular fluids. and lhey dispersion of chromatophore<, the establ ishment of
ma ke major contribu tions to bone growth and cell contours. the outgrowth of neurites,
remodeling . Irans""rt, and Ihe actions of A OH and other hor-
mones (93).
Calci um-<lependent functions include the secre-
lion of cn7ym es and ions l"C<luired for the digestion
maimain vcry low o),looollc ea}. concentra- of food: the intestinal absorption of "itamins, phos-
lions when they arc "at rcst." They aCCQmplish this phate. and other nutrients (105): thermogenesis (7)
by limiting the nile of uplake from the environn'ent. and thermoregulation (72); photoreceptor activalion
by pumping ou t and by seq uestering the in the eye (277): fertili,,a tion (129) and the cortical
calcium in tem""rarily inacli"" (but recruitable) reaclion that follows: and oo<:yte maturation (134).
form in mitodondria and other organelles (35.40)_ The transport of Cal. acl"QS.' intracellular mem-
Most physiological stimulants rapidly elevate the branes involves movements of other ions. some of
cytosol Ca'+. Th ey can do this by acce lerating up. which contribute to the maintenance of ccll pH and
take of the ions from the cxtracellular fluids. or by water content, Certain of the transport processes re-
recruiting the calcium. It is often !"'>Si_ qui re AT P energy, others affect ilS generation, and
ble to mimic their act ions by artificially raising the ye t dilfcrem kind. of interaclions been de-
concentrations (203). Many cell ty(lC< transiently scribed for bone.
lose the abil ity to res""nd when they a re bathed in Cylosolic Cal> affe<;ts several propert ies of the
calci um-deficicnt media. plasma membranes_ It regulates Ihe actiyitic.' of
Calcium ions ",gulate the activit ies of en7.yme< "calcium pumps", modifies the phosphol ipid con-
that control intermediate metabolism (93) and thc tent. and influence< cell-to--cell communication
bi%ymhesis of proteins. and ONAs (212). (159).
They affect cell growth . differentiation. and prolif- The tXI,ocellulo' calcium ion concentration con-
eration (190), the secretion of hormones. trols the eXlcrnal:internal concentration sradienl<.
millers. and exocrine gland products (52.233), the a nd thereby the rates of (a) ca lcium uptake from the
metabol ic processing of parathyroid hormone, calci- e nvironment: (b) calcium eje<;lion from the cell; and

(c) catransport and amiporl processes utilized in the is releas.d. Glucose also .cl5 no alpha cell receptors. b.t
acquisit ion of nutrients. Extracellular Ca" modifies in thi' ca .. it lowers the cytosol C.". and gl.o.gon ..·
membrane structure and surface charge. and (her<:- crdian i. inhibit.d (28). Pancr.atie i.lots .dditionally
forc cell excitability and the ac\j,jlies of several comain F ce\l,th" SCCrete pa""'eatie pOlypeptido (PPl.
membrane-bound {I 59). It is a major de- All of th. «lIlype' recei"e cbolinergic innervatino. and
acetylcholine acts on them to cle,... t. the c)'toool Ca".
terminant of cell adhesion. aggregation and agglu- The neurotransmiu.r can therefore . und.r the 'ight dr·
tination. OOnlaC\ inhibition of proliferation, and cumSlances. promOte the secretion of in.ulin. Slucagon.
phagocytosis_ It inllucllC<:S the lensile wenglh. de- and PP. When th. glucose: concentration. are close: to of>"
formability. and repair of membranes. and thereby ,imum Ie,el,. but the "'raceilular Ca" i.low. tho "" •.
(among other things) leukocyte diapedesis and the rottansmilt., invok •• just PP rei ..... Tho alpha and beta
ability of erythrocytes to sn ..... ;vc by nar· c.lls re,pond when extracellular Ca" i, higher. and thoi,
row capillaries. Extracellular Cal< is also essential abilities to do so are modifocd by )'et anothe, pancreatie
for blood coagulation and the activation of islet h(>fmono. somatostatin (lS8).
Even the ability of some \0 bring about cell
death depends on the uptake of excessi .. , numbers of
calcium ions (217). Defective regulation of transport
has been as a cause of undisciplined pro- As a n essential component at ATP. ADP. creatine
of tumor (16). phosphate, NAD. FAD. coenzyme A. pyridoxal
A suddcn. marked risc in the blood Ca lo in· phosphate. thiamine pyrophosphate. glucos0>6-phOlS-
voke arrest of the hearl. Small er. more grad· phate, glyceraldehyde-J·phosphate. and large num·
ual elevations impair and brain func· bers of related molecule', phosphorus is directly in·
tions , Chronic hypercalcemia (high blood calcium) volved in processes that provide cells with energy in
leads to the deposition of minerals in soft tissues. usable form. Phosphate also participates in the reg·
Thc of hypocale<:mia arc equally ulation of the associated metabolic reactions .• ince it
grave. since neuromuscular is exagger- is an indispensable part of p. of cGM P and re-
atOO . Tre .......... pmgre<.< 10 convul<ion<. and dM lh con lated cyclic nucleotides. of GTP and Olher adenylate
resnh from spasm of respiratory tract muscles. (Stt cyclase modulators. and of all RNAs. D NA •. and
discussilm of tetany in Chapter 12.) phospbolipi&.
A. discussed in Chapter 4. eydic nucleotides ae-
tivale protein kinases that catsl)"'e of phos-
SPECIFICITY OF RESPONSES TO CHANGES phate groups from high..,ncrgy nucleotide. such as
IN CALCIUM ION CONCENTRATIONS ATP to enzymes and other regulatory molecules.
They thereby exert profound innuenees over cell me-
In contrast with cytosolic Cal . concentrations of
tabolism. Cyclic nuclcotid .. ind.pendcnt protein ki-
10- ' -10 - 7 M. the plasma le\'<'ls exceed 10- 1 M.
nases utili7-c similar meChanisms.
When a specific hormone or neurotransmiuer
The kidney eXCT<:les much of the excess Na· and
"opens the caleium gates" of the plasma membrane.
K' in thc form of phosphate 51111$ , It can vary the
the intcrnal concentrations can rapidly risc to or
Na: HPO :NaH,po. ratios of the urine in accor-
cVen above 10- ' M. Some stimulants ra ise the cy-
dance with body needs. and it can substitute NH;
tosol Ca" by recruiting the ions from intracellular
for Na ' when this becomes appropriate.
seq uestration sites or by utilizing both mechanisms.
Certain regulators lowe, cytosolic Ca" by block-
ing the entry channels and promoting transfer oftne SOME CALCIUM-PHOSPHATE
ions to organelles. It is also possible 10 activate the INTERACTIONS
plasma membrane pumps. but the high con·
centration gradients limit the effectiveness of Calcium ion, are modulators of enzymes affecting
processes. A singlc regulator can raise the cytosolic thc phosphorylation! of protei ns. phospholipids, and
Ca l, in one cell type and lower it in a nother. OIher molecules. The lisl includes adeny late cyclases,
guanylate cyclases, phosphodiesterases. and
The endocrine panero.. contain, .. v... kind. nucleotide·independent protein kinasc<. Many of the
of cell •. and it can be .sed to iilu"'''te SOme of the pro· inRuences exerted On glycogonolysis. lipolysi,. glu_
e.dinS oI>$<:",.tion$. Who. the blood ,Iucose concent ...· coneogenesis. and other facets of intermediate me--
tion. ri,e. the ,uiar bind, to receptors no the beta coli,. tabolism. as well as On protein . RNA. and DNA syn-
The r•• ultins change, in tho plasma m.mbrane prope" thesis. aT<: linked wilh roles in regulation of the
tie, permit more rapid uptake of ium ion,. and in,ulin cyclic nuel.olides , Calcium ions also interact with
Mg", which is involved in facets of phos- with phospholipids (103.213) Or wilh proteins (135).
phate metabolism. At least some metabolic and transport functions re-
Cakiunl pumps and Na'/K '-ATPases contain quire interactions with calcium-binding protein,.
CQIllponents whooc activities arc regulated by phos- The most important of those mole.:ules may well be
phorylation-dephosphorylation reactions. In many the calmodulins (132.163), but roles for synexin in
cell types, the Na' and K - concentrations affect the CMlCytosis, for troponin in muscle comraction. and
rateS of Ca" transport. High cytosolk Ca '" facili- for intestinal calcium-binding proteins in absorption
tates HPOl - uptake, and both intracellular and ex- of dietary calcium are described elsewhere.
tracellular phosphate regulate calcium transport.
Calcium and phosphate are s<:questered together
in mitochondria as Ca,(PO,b In bone. dentin, and
enamel. the matrix that confers rigidity These proteins .iere discussed in Chapter 4, and only
is comprised largel y of crystals containing large some observations are cited here (56.1 32.272). Older
quantilies of calcium and phosphate. In blood designations include cakium-<iependent regulator
plasma. some of the Ca" binds to HP01- to form (CDR). calcium regulator protein (CRP), and cal-
poorly ionil.ed CaH PO,. Therefore. high plasma cimedin. The molecules are chemically similar to
phosphate levels reduce the rraetion of IOtal calcium troponin C of skeletal muscle. and they arc related
that is present in the form of free calcium ion. Since in some ways to the intestinal calcium-binding pro-
only the free ion is biologically active. phosphate lev, teins (243). (1Io"'ever. their synthesis ;s not con-
els can profoundly alfect runctions controlled by trolled by calciferols [441.)
Ca'" . CaMs are present in inactive forms in "resting'"
Hypocalcemia is the primary stimulant for the re- cells. When the cy tosol Ca" rises. they combine
lease of parathyroid hormone. PTH facilita tes the with the ions. undergo configurational cha nges. and
transfer of both Ca" and HPO! - from other sites thcn serve as intermediates for many of the intracel·
to the blood plasma. The direct consequences are el- lular actions of Ca" (190). CaMs arC directly in-
evation of the plasma content of both iollS. However, volved in (a) regulations of the activities of adcnylate
PTH is a potent phospha turetic. As phosphatc is cyclases, cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases. phos-
transfcrred from the blood to the urine, the pla!ima phorylase kinas<:s. myosin ligh t-<:hain kinases. and
phosphate concentrations fall, and the fraction of other (b) initiation of DNA biosynthesis;
pla,ma calcium pre,ent in ionic form i""rca",'. (e) ncurotran. mil1cr biosynthc.i,; (d) phospholipid
Therefore. the nct elfe.:ts of PTH on the blood are turnover; (e) active transport of Ca" across mcm-
(a) elevation of total caleium; (b) elevation of the branes; and (f) depolymerization of microtubules.
calcium:phosphale ratio; (c) elevation of the cal- Specific proteins that modulate CaM functions have
cium ion:total calcium ratio; and (d) depression of been identified (l31).
tOial phosphate.
Vitamin D must be converted 10 a hormone. 1.25-
dihydrox),vitamin D. before it can intes- CALCIUM ROLES IN CELL MOTILITY
tinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Major Calcium ions play indispensable roles in thc contrac-
regulators of the rate-limiting for the con- tions of skeletal. smooth. and cardiac muscle (4). In
version include PTH. calcium ions, and phosphate some kinds of nonmusde celis. the ions acti vate
levels. aetin-containing myofilament systems. In others.
The multifaceted roles of calcium about Ca" affects protoplasmic viscosity. cytolasmic
its ability to combine with protoplasmic constituents stream ing, and Ihe ability to send OUt pseudopods.
that include proleins. lipids. and carbohydrates
(255). Since it is divalent . Ca" Can enter inlO the
formation of "phosphate bridges". It binds to anions
Skeletel Muscle
such as citratc 10 yield poorly diffusiblc The thick (myosin) r.lamcnt' have p.ojection. th aI COn
and it regulates the metabolism of some bindlO ,pecific actin . ita. and acti •• table
of those ions. Ca" additionally neutralizes negative When the musele i, al ... t .• ttopooin_t.opomy<:<>in CQtJI.
charges and forms chelates. pie. physically btocks Ihc . ctin ,itc •.
Stimulation invokes depolarization and relea« of oat-
cium ion, from lhc $.l'wpla,mic reticulum. According to
CALCIUM-BINDING PROTEINS widely held hypotheses. tropenin undergoes a conforma_
tion.1 ch'llAc when il bind. calcium. Thi' affects the
There are controversies concern ing whcther the tropomyosin in a manntr that cutminates in u"m .. king
major innuenccs exerted on membrane, that alfect of Ihc .. tin-binding . ites. Cross-brid,a form between Ihe
structure. electrical properties. permeability, and en- thick and thin filament •. Contraclion i••c<:Qmpli.he<I
zyme activities depend primarily On interactions when ATP energy i, u><:d 10 brillA about bending or .hort-

ening nf the: cross-bridge •. so tha, lh. Ihin filaments are CALCIUM AND PHOSPHATE INFLUENCES
moved acr¢SS lh. I hid ones. Ther. ar< direct relation_ ON MICROTUBULES
ships bel"'ceo lb. '!uantilie. of Ca" relc.. od and the tcn·
'ions lbat ean be generated in 'he muscle r,bers. Duting Tho func tions o f and Aagella. the movements of
the rela",ioo pha •• , ATP energy i. used 10 pump cal· chrom()SOmo:s d u ring milosis, axonal transport. Ihe
cium ions back into t he »rooplasmic reticutum (88). secretion of al least some hormones. and some olher
Calcium ion, . lso cont ribute ind irectly to ATP gener- intracellular Iranslocations a re all dependenl on mi-
ation by aClivating the glycogen phosphorylue b kina .. erolllbules. Assembly and disas", m bly of the organ-
i •• <>I.ed in oonvcrsion or muscle glycogen to glucose- . nes arc associated with phosplJOrylatiort
ph(l$phate. Calmodulin is Me of the subunits of Ihe and the hydrolysis of GTP. Ca-CaM promotes de-
enzyme. polymerization (65,251).
hcrni .. ly high Ca" imped .. the No '
and K ' roov,menlO involved in ",,11 dcpolaril.lOlion$ and
,.pola,i",,';on._ HypOCalcemia con markedly .ugment CELL-TO·CELL COMMUNICATION
nc"mmuK.lar •• citabilily.
Closure of intercellular channels uliH'.cd for Irans-
j UrlCtional has 1:>«:n l inked wilh elevalion
Cardiac Muscle of c)'I()S01 Ca", It has been proposed Ihal Ihe
changes invoked in'IQlve in pore size."
Cardiac musck also has a sarcopl •• mic retkulum from misalign m.n l. of the aperture;s of neighboring cells.
which calcium ion. are dis.charged following depot.ri",,_
or both (150), Although nonjunctional portions of
I;on. and Ihe ion •• re .imil.,ly inVQlved in Ihe eonlfae-
lion., H",,'e>'er. Ca" i•• dd ilionally laken up fmm lhe the membrane usually undergo dcpolari'.lltion, Ihe
envimnmenl. AT P energy i. uled duri ng con' ''¢lion. and process docs nOl seem to be .ilher ncccosary or suf-
it i, .Iso needed for bol h pumping Ca' · back into III< ,.,_ ficient. Calcium is also inV{)lved in l he scaling off of
cop l.. m;. miculum and lhe <>pcration of pluma mem_ membrane ehaMels belwecn healthy and damaged
brane pumps lhat eXlrude the ioos. Since cardiac mu,cie cells.
use, moslly fatly acid fuci .. lhere i. leu dopenderICC on
Ca" for ATP gonoration lhan i. III< for •• el01.1
Hyper<.lcemia the Ca" uptake f",m the MEMBRANES, MECHANISMS
environmenl. It Ihereby .. o, the for« of The mechanisms are complex. and Ihey vary from
tion. and il impai" relnalion, Extremely high concen_ one cell Iype to anolher ( 162,203). High cXlrnccllu -
tration. can .y'lolic .. .. , High eXlfaedtular
N.· "eaken. myoca rdial contractile fo.-«. evidenlly by
lar:imracellular coneenlral ion gradicnl$ and the
electronegalivity of Ihe cell interiors facilitale pa<--
di'placing ellcium, (O n Iho othor hand. therap"Ulic doo-
age. of diaitoli. are believo<llo impro,'e oOlllractilo foree siv. uptake. Al lea" three differem processes CQn_
by ;nh;bitins the No '/ K - -ATPa"" The ;"If.«lI ular ac- tribute to inward "calcium lca k" (\97). H ormones
cumulal ion of No - acti.ate. Na ' /Ca" ",change< lhat and neu rolran.miucrs can affce l Ihe emry Channels.
may involve milochondrl... woll a. pl.,m. membranes A calci u m -specific palhway functions indepen-
{SOl. and cylosolie Ca" i. ",eo"da,ily dovated,) dently of changes in membrane polarilY and involves
Pota .. ium ion. ",.dily <ross Ihe membra no •. COlransporl of Na ·. A $Ocond channel is -indc-
HYP" rbJemi. lowe" resting potential...10"" oonduc- pende nl but becomes more imponanl when acelyl-
lion. woaken. myocardial con\taclile force. and choli ne 0' o ther .. gulators bring aboul dcpolaril"-
cardiae d ilalalion. It. effool. are exaccrb .. ed by lion. In SOmO cell types. such Ca" entry invokes
aCliva l ion of a polal.Sium pump involved in K ' ex-
\tusion. This Can provide proleclion againsl exces-
Smooth Muscle sive prolongalion of tbe depolarization. (T he p«:<--
ence of high cylosolic Ca'" at t be time o f Stimula l ion
Smooth m"$Ole l.ck5 highly doveloped. c.ldum ..loring can, howeve r, have secondary consequences on K·
saccopl.,mie rotieula and orderly arransement< of thick movemenls [78J and on the activilies of Na ' / K ' -
and Ihin filament<. When Stimulated. il 10k.. up Ca" ATPases.)
from t he o"raeollular Huid •. and form. Co-CaM com_
Enlty requires specific ca rriers. Evidently, it is
plex"" This lead. to aet ivalion of my.,.;n ki-
limiled by Iheir availabilily. a nd by special proper·
n..... pho\.phorylation. of specific .it.. on the myo<in
nlOiceul ... m}'osin binding 10 .etin. and .<Iivaticn of tics of the plasma membranes.
ATPa"I. In SOme cell lyPO>. Ca·CaM stimul.lel Many regulalOtS elic;1 mpid changes in plasma
membrane pumps thaI extrude C. '· . It may fU!!<:lion in membrane phosplJOlipids. a nd Ihc consequences irl-
thi, ''''l to bring aboul smooth musclo relaxalion , Hy_ clude .horations of membrane Huidilies, lJsually.
percalcemia can invoke ,mooth mUIcle .pa<m_ there is an associaled acceleration of Ca" uptake.
The COIl"<Opt that hydrolysis of phOSphatidylinositol liporl i. Iherefore indirectly driven by energy r.,.
(P I) results in rapid opening of the calcium channel, ha. leased from ATP.
been sefiously considered by many inve$ligatofi, but;t i,
now challenged (III) , It has been pointed OUt th.t (a)
the phospholip.... implicated are in the cytosol rather Mitochondrial Uptake and Relea se
than in th. pla,m. membrane: (b) cycle. or ph"'ph.,i.
d),linosi,o! breakdown and rcs)'n,h.,is are cumbe,.,.,mc, In nonmuscle cells, the mitochondria can ta ke up the
and thcy are "SSOcialed ",ilh Ihe uso or large quanti tics of equivalent of 500 timcs as much calcium as is pres-
ATP energy: (e) en>;ymc' ",quire<! for thc re,ynthe,i. are ent in the cylosoL There arc separate cantrols for up-
on the endopl •• mic relic.lum. and Iherefore the mecha_ lake and release. and the differ from
nism. must ;m'olv" "'me exchange problem>;.nd (d) in lhose invol_ed in endoplasmic reticulum (27) and
..,me edt types. phospholip.uo activation can be second- plasma membrane sequeslralion. Some invesligators
ary to Ca" entry. h i, ,I.., known that membrane phos_ belicve Ihal Ihe mitochondria play major roles in
pholipid cyde, differ from One cell 'ypc to another (even regulation of eylosol Ca" , II has been pointed out.
when 'hey inv<>lve 'he same kind. of molee"I«). The .. however, thai Ihe Ca'" concenlrations within Ihc
. re re. __ to beli... that the cone<:p1S w;1I eventually be
modified, ($ce Chapter 4 and A-2). affeel the aClivilies of several en7.ymes, and
the mitochondria must therefore adjuSlthdr uptakes
When cytOSQlic Cal . excessively (or when to internal n""ds, It is also recognized Ihal Ihe very
the cell is returning to its "resling" state). il beoomes high external Ca" concenlrations widely used for in
necessary to rapidly dispose of some of Ihe ions. In- vilro studics Can irreversibly damage the organelles
tracellular sequestration is Ihe first line of defen<e. (49). and thereby provide data thai are not physio-
The processes are promptly initiated and tbey can logically relevant.
deal with subStantial numbcrs or ions, However. Ihey The uplake is electrophoretic (49) a nd carricr-
cannot alone maintain low cytosolic Cal ' over mediated (83). A glycoprolein with a molecular
lended time periods (218). Plasma membrane weight of around 30.000 has been identified in both
"pumps" Ihal ulilize ATP energy to the ions inner and Outer membranes bUI not in the matrix. It
are present in mOSt (and possibly all) ceillypes. may be inv<llved in initial binding of the Ca'·. (An-
The pumps ha_e been most intensively studied in tibodies direcled against it impair encrgy·li nked
mammalian erythrocyles (257), They contain one or Ca" uplake without affoeting Olher mitochondrial
more proleins Ihal undergo calcium-medialed phes- functions,) A different prolein with a molecular
pborylations, The rcaClions precede Ca" weight of arou nd 3000 (ealciphorin) may then act in
and they are associated wilh Ihe oonversion af ATP series with the glycoprotein to deliver the ions to the
to ADP. Magnesium ions are necded to bring "bout matrix .
phClSphorylation (although somc phos- Calcium enlry inlo the mitochondria is a.'>SOCiated
phate transfer can occur in their absence). Mg" has with aceelcrd ted electron transport and H' ejection,
additionally been implica led in promoling COn_cr_ The energy lransfers arc di,·crled from ATP synth ·
sion or Ihe phosphorylaled protein 10 a more activc sis. and they Can be ha rnessed 10 promote Ca" up-
form Ihat is direclly invol_ed in the transporl. De- take. Agents Ihat interfere with electron lransporl
phosphorylalion af the activaled protein also r.,. block the uplake. bUI oligomycin (which inhibilS
quires ATP energy. The extrusion of Ca" may be ADP phosphorylalion) doc, 1101. Extramilochondrial
linked with either Ihe aetivalion Slcp or Ihc sub,.,. ATP may also be used.
quenl dephosphorylation (218). Usually. Ihere is simultaneous enlry or phosphate
Calmodulins aClivate the erylhrocyle pumps. ions inlo the milochondria. The procc!oS i, not essen-
Membrane phospholipids playas )'et undefined roles lial for calcium uptake. bUI much more calcium can
Ihal may include orienlation of Ihe proteins. (The bc internalized when this occurs.
pump docs not operale when these molecules are MitOChondrial sequeslration involves the forma-
rcmo,·ed.) tion of an inaclive (but recrUitable) oomp1cx and the
Mg" ICa'" -A T Pases are distincl from Na +I K ' _ release of H ' ions,
ATPascs. but the two interacl. Sodium pumps con-
tain phosphoproteins, and both high eXlcrnal Na '
3Cal + + 2HPOj-". Ca,(PO.h + 2H '
and high eytosolie K+ facilitate Ca" extrusion. In Precipilation permits Ihe accumulation of large
some cell types. Ca" ejeclion is linked with Na ' quantili« of ions withaul corresponding cievation of
entry. Since steep concentration gradienlS fadlitale Ihe free ion ooncenlralions within Ihe matrix. The
rapid uptake or Na +. a carrier with amni ties for both milochondria! Slores of amorphous calcium
Cal< and Na+ can pas.,ive\y draw Na ' into Ihe cell phosphale. Subslances wilh in Ihc mitochondria pre.
and return to the membrane with Ca " , However, venl the rormalion of hydroxyapalite crystals. l'hos-
such a sYSlem can function only when Na' I K' - phocilrale 10 be the mosl important of them.
ATPases maintain low cytosolic Na +, Caldum an- Magncsium ions arc believed 10 bc physiological in·

hibitor.; of ion uptake that oontribute 10 Ihe main- feelS Mg'- tran']XIrt_ The sodium .. 11 (N.,-EDT". di-
tenance of homeostasis. wdium edetlte) Cln invoke hypocalemic lot."y when it
MQSI of the hydrogen ions liberated by the precip- i,.dminister.d intrave""".ly_ t.·GTA (ethylencglycol bi.
itation reaction enter the cytosol. ThC1"<'forc, the se- N.N -Ielraatetate) m<>re specifically bind. c.lcium.
At'qU(}l";n HUO'05C" in Ihe presence ofCa". There are
questration lowers cytosolic pH.
wndilion, under which il can be used to estimate the f,tC
Release of calcium from Ihe mitochondria is a
cllcium ion wntent of cen. Or o,ganelle,. bu t Ihe tech_
separate affe<:led by agents that do nOI aher nical difficulti wilh mic,..,.injectiono limit its
the uplake. In many cdl types, ;\ depends upon
Na '/Ca" exchanges. e12 and C14 fally acids can
.".TtlrOOOIOxin interferes with N. ' uptake across
act via Na' -independent me<:hanisms to aCCI'lcralC plasma membrane •. and therefore with Ca'-/Na' co-
Ihe release . They may do this by binding and di- transport . Vrrapamil block, sodium-independont. mem-
rectly transporting Ihe calcium. The physiological brane de]XIlarization·lin ked calcium uptake.
significance of the observations has no1 been defined. VaUtl<Jm}"ein r.eilitate. K' entry Ind slows Ca" up-
Steroids. insulin. and glucagon are among the hor- take when the Huid. bathing the cells are rich in K ', It
mones reponed \0 regulale mitochondrial transport accelerate. K ' extru,ion and incre ..... CI" entry in th.
pre,ence of high extracellular No' _ is.n
Qf C3". cA MP can promote release under some
uncoupler of o.idoti.e ph<>spboryJalioo thai cln block
oondi\ions, but not enough is as yet known concern· Ca" /i l ' .nti]XI". Rurhmium ted and lan/han,,", im_
ing ils phy>io\ogical roles in this oonneclioo _ pli, the binding ¢f c.lcium to it< mitochondrial carrier.
bUlthey do not .ffect electron Iran.pon. RUlhenium red
Some Agents Used to Study Calcium is an e.pec;atly ullool . • ince it selectively blocks CI"
Exchanges enlry bUI n<)t egress, Sulfbydryl "g.nI •• uclt •• N..,thyl-
malcimide (NEM) •• idently affect ",,\cium tran.port in_
Ca/dum iOllOpho;es ,uch "' 1\23181 elo.ate the cytosol directly by ... rting inHucnces "" phosphate ion
Ca" by e.tracellul., ions a<ross the pla,m. movemcnl$ ,
membran .., They the,eby mimic thc aClions of many Vanadau (penta.ale nt .anadium) inhibits both basal
h<>1mortes. Howev,,, > high concemt.tion. of these agcnts and CaM·>Iimulated caldunl pump .cti.ili.s , It mlY
can also aecelerate t"ns]XI" acrOlS orp.ncllc m.m- al$O be a physiological regulator of No ' / K' e..hange
broR< •. Som. .!feel protein ,yn,hui, (256). Zine iom c,"rl .imilor innuc"",.
other proctsSe$_ Cells handle Sr" and Co" in .imilar w'y$. and radio-
EDTA (.thyl .... diami ... t.t"'ac.t.te) i, • chelator active form. of both etement> can be "oed a, ma,kef$_
that bind, divalent "nd lfi.alent cation,. It is added to Some Mg" is n«:dod to SUp]XIrt calcium metabolism. but
e.u.cellul.. Huid, 10 impede C." uptake. but it.lso af- high ooncentratm can interfe,e ... ith C." uplake (83)_

Calcium mium _,ate (versenat,,)

(di,c>dium$On o! EDTA .roe' Ca tlinding)

If cmN CH ,
H,cO-< } --C- C - C - C -N- C - ' OCH,
'-"='-'>H,- C- CH
'", V..-apomil
CALCI UM INTAKE, DISTRIBUTION, AND to increue amounts during pregnucy Of lacta-
TURN OVER tion. the inla kes are much lower in many
other countncs in whKh calciu m-dcficiclloC)' disor-
Dl,ttlb utlon
ders Ire l1(li widespread.
MOfe Ihan of the toul calcium of Ihc human Calcium from the food mingles wilh some 600 mg
adult body is found in the matri<:es of hard Hssues. secreted by the gastroinlestinal alands. Therefore.
Depending on the age. and of lhe individual. an individual ingesling goo m8 Iccumulates 1400
this can smountlO lOOO-1 400g. Most of it is in the mg wjlhin Ihe intestinal lumen ovcr the COUI'iC of a
bones. but dentin and enamel haV<l high mineral CQn. day. Typically. 700 mg passes OIIt wilh the feces.
ccntrations. This is a mixture of food · and secretion-dcrived min-
Cbc to 90% of the remain<kr is intracellular. eraI. Thc remainder is ab$orbed into the blood·
Some is bou.nd to plasma mcmbnne components. S1ream. II Ihcn with and to some extcnl re-
cytoplumie and other Ofganie rnoIc:cules places the <;aieium already pn:$Cnt in 5totage sites
(""",lIy protein Of lipid). Much more is contained thaI ineludc bone. ulracell ular and intracellular
with in and especially 11M: larcoplumic re- fluids, and Ofpnelles such as mitO::hondria and sar·
ticula of the' muscles and the mitochondria. coplasmic reticula. Only traces or calcium appear in
Th is leaves only 1.0-1.5 (or 0. 1% of total OOdy Ihe 5wUt. arid balance is maintained by sending 100
calcium) to be distributed 10 ull of thc ex tracellular mg into thc urine. Some net retention is re_
lIuid s. Blood plasma concentrations are rigid ly main· quired to su pport skelctal growth and repair. and to
tained wilhin narrow limits that do not go mueh replenish SIOres that ha vc berome depleted durin8 an
below 9 .4 Of mud above 10.6 ma/ dl (4.6-5.2 mcq/ illness.
liler) under normal conditions. Intcstinalabsorption rales Irc controlled by hor·
Approximately 46.5% of plu .... glcium is avail· mones, and especially caieiferob. Healthy hu·
able as the t»oIogically active fre<: ion. Another 6.5'i(, mans ingestinl 1000 mgjday lost the C<{uiva1ent of
fOfms diffusible but poorly ionizw complues with 9()'i(, of the intake 10 the f«es. When the diel sup-
inorganic phospha le. citrate. bicarbonate. and Oth. r plies only 400 mg. fecal loss represents 75% or the
sntall components of the blood. Plasma proteins. cs- inta ke. Fecal values fall to the equivalent or on ly
pecially elbumin, bind Ihc rest in roondilTusible form 35'i(, when the food provides 150 mg. In each case.
(200). Large variations in phosphate. citrate, Q' pro- ca lcium bala nce is maintained if 100 mg is se nt into
tein oonccntrations can alTecl the fraction of cakium Ihc urmc. Yel smaller intakes Ire associa tcd with re-
present as Cal<. duct ions in urinary caleium. However. 8rossly defi·
cient diets lead incvilabl y to depletion.
Pb)"lates. o..alatcs. and some olher vegetable com-
Turnoyer ponenl$ bind calcium and lhereby intcrrcrc with at.-
IQrption 01 the mineral. Diets that a n:: highlyalh·
Studies wilh "Ca support Ihc belief tha t all of the
line or uCCS5ively rich in phosphates also retard
utracellular nuid calcium is renewed 40-50 times a
calcium absorption . but some phosphate and sOOium
day, that the calcium comentS of heart and liver are
arc newed. Lactate and $everal other small organic
exchanged every 4 hours. and that 5keletal muscle
anions enhance calci um Ordinary varia·
replacement ta kes 8-12 hOllI"$.
tioni in the quantit it cs of $uch $ubstances do not
Calcium turoover in bone varies with physiologi-
markedly impair alta inmcnt or calcium balance.
cal statuS and wilh season and time of da y. Although
only a small fraction of total bode mineral is ,vail·
able for rapid exchange with the bulk RENAL EXCRETION OF CALCIUM
fluid, the absolute qua ntity is very lIrse when c0m-
Calcium that associates with small. di ffusible anions
pared wit h the mineral ronl.nt or the fluid. It lias
such.t citrate, bica rbonale, and phosphate. and free
b«n estimated tilat some 600-700 ml or bone cal-
Ca l ' , can rapidly enle r the 810merular filt ra!e. Usu·
cium is resorbed a nd replaced dai ly, and that 20% of
a lly, SOme 10.000 mg is filtered daily. 99(10-9950 mg
the bone sa lts turns Over in a yea r (105). The rates
of which is reabsorbed . The cells of the proximal
of exchange are su bjec t to regulation by hormones
convoluted lubules reclaim 55%, the He nle loops a n
and ot her faclors..
additiona l 2O'Ir-30%. a nd the di$lal convolutw tu·
buies 10%-15'" of the filtered load. Final adjust_
Inlake e nd ExcreUon ments 01 the uritUllY calciu m are made in lhe w -
lectina lubules. in which the uptake va ries from 2%
NUlril ionist5 in the Unitw SillIes advise human to 8'1... Pa rathyroid bormonc. <;aldferols. and other
Idull! 10 ingest 600- [000 mg of calcium daily. and re8ulatOl"$ .ITeet mostly d islaltubular portions of the

ntphrons. but $011lC oonlrols are exerted more INORGANI C AND ORGANI C CO NS IT UENTS
proximally. OF BON E
Na " and C." reabsorption rllel paralld each
Bone is a complex. metabolically aCl ive tilo!;lIC that
other in the prollimal $eament (98), A similar rt=la·
undergoes oontinuous changes in oompOSilion (20 I).
tionship often pertains in the Henle loops. but thore
It is affected by nUlritional stat\L5, mechanical fac-
an:: conditions under ""hieh Il'I<M:mcnlS of t he tWl)
tors, numerous bIood-borne and Ioxal regulalOfS, and
kinds of ions an be diuoci.Jled. Dislal tubular rub-
by aging. The struelure Yaries with location and with
sorption usually p.ocecds ataillSt a _ntn.lion
gradient in a Na ' .illdepc:lldent manner. chall&es in bod>" chemistry. The vast millCTll ro-
$C!'VC$ make major contributions to calcium and
phosphonos homeostasis, but many other body o;:om.
ponenu participate.
Bone Mlne,,1
On a weight basis. 1110: ,ollh hum"n body <,:()IIuins
half as much phosphor\lS U ealcium (500- 1OOg). 65'10-70% of the dry "'eight of adult, compact bone
Around 85% is wilhin the skcleloo and ha lf llle rOo consists of orpnic salu that been depo!'ited
minder is in skeletal mUKIe. Ihe maSKS of inlo an otganic matrix. TIle ratio of Ca to P in ne ... ly
ti$lIes a.e 8:nel1l.lIy Il'(:aler in ma les lhan in forming bone is close to I . It rapidly rises to 1.3 and
females, 100al body aml.n! averages 8% morc in eventually attains a value of 2.0 in old. stable bone.
males. The first association of tile calcium and phosphate
A typical mi1cd diet supplies 900 mg. A quantity evidently leads to tM fotmation of arnorpllolLs
c.. uivalcnt 10 7()%"'90% of lhe intake i1 Iosl via lite brushite. CaHPO.· 2H:O (174). This is follo"'ed by
feces. Urinary cxcrctloo varies widely in accordance convel")ion 10 a morphous calcium phOOlph31c and
with needs and accounts for 10%-30% of intake on then to octacalcium phosphale. Ca,H,( PO,),' SII:O.
a long-range basis. Furlher maturation =\Llts in 1M production of crys-
_ Although renal phosphate is indireclly lalline h)'droxyapatitc. which has va,iously been rep-
linked wilh lhc of ca lciunl. >Odium. aod •.
OIher ion5, the tubule is the major site for or Ca,,,,(H,Oh,·(PO,).'(OIl),. Some calcium car·
I'<'absorption . Some 40% of the filtered load is re- bonate (CaCO,), along witb small amounlS of mag·
claimed by the tirsl convolutions (It leut in dogs), nesium. potassi um, sodium. citralc. chloride. Huo-
Reabsorption there is not strongly Na'.<Jependent, ride. and bicarbonate. a re also present in ol der bone
but the 2O'l.-10% taken bact in the remaining por· mineral.
tiORS of the oonvolu ted tubule t ... along It has been estima ted by IIOrI'M: thai 10lt-4O% of
with Na'. Some phosphate $Cern! to be sn;!rtlfd by the mineral;s in amotphou.s fotm, Only around 1%
the distal nephron. Parathyroid honnofIe is a major of the total is readil>" solubilized for e xchange ... ith
of phosphate excretion. but ulci fe rolsand the blood plasma (113). The Labile portion CIIidcnlly
othe, hormones significant inH..ena:s. comes from both newly forming bone and (rom older
Plasma al'<' more variable than those of ul· tissue that is de.5troycd during remodeling. Sponay
cium. Huma n adults 2.S-<4.S mg/dl. ,,'hile bone eonUlin5 less mineral by than compact
growing children nuintain Yalues doser to 6.0 mgt bone. but iu disproportioflately large su rface sug·
dl. Then: arc obvious species differences. and c0n- gests that it plays greater roles in <:alcium and p/loI-
centrations in CJ.CUfof IOmg/ dl .re considered """. pilate homeostasis.
ma l for some StOlins of ralS. Most or our information on the crystalline struc-
Approximately 70% of plasma phorphorus is c0- ture comes from X·ray diffraction and electron mi·
valently linked to proIeins and lipids. Smaller croscopy Studies. Some cu rrent controversies ari$C
amounu are lIOfoCV>'alcntly bound 10 such molecule:. alternate interpretations of tile: same data.
ot arc com)'lO!M:nu of diffu.i blc complexes. The am- whereas others arc rdated 10 differena:s in sample
centrations of IlPOI· and of II ,PO; have been es- sel«tion.
timated II aoo 0. 11 mM. respectively.... hile
pol· lcvcl$ may IlOt exceed 8 X 10·' m M . Py.., Orga nic Matrix
phosphate (P. P) attain. 50--80 mM concentrations
in adult bone matrix. and there are small 30%-33% of the dry weigbt of tbe bone (')()$ of lhe
in cells and tilo!;ue Ouids. organic comem) is col/agtn. TM most abundant of
the noncollagenoo. prote in, (NCP) i. os/weald". a acid makeup na_e been identified (63) . Same lissue.
vitamin K-dependcnt compOnent whose formation in contain mixtures or undergo developmental changes
bone cells is alfected by calciferols (173). The cells in which one type is roplaced by another. Bone con.
also make OSloonectin (a phosphoprolein), and Ihey tain, type I. A closely related prolein is found in den-
at least 10 proteins thaI include tin. tendon, 'kin, blood vesse l walls, and gastrointes-
albumin and immunoglobulins (165). Some gly<:<:& tinal Iracl. but the ntolecules in osseous tissue may
aminoglycans. lipids. and small diffusible organic undergo special post-translational modifications thaI
anions are also present. The lerm ground subs/allCt' affect minerali7.alion. Type II predominates in car-
dcsignales oompOnenlS that arc not incorpOraled into tilage. Iype ][I is present in skin. blood vessel •. and
the oollagcn phase. gUI, while type IV may be confined to basement
membranes (36),
The rdative contribution. of organic vs. inorganic com·
ponen .. to strUCIU,..,. ten,ile Strength. and rigidity Can be
demon.lrated .. tectivdy removing one of them, A STRUCTURE: (l CHAINS
long bone soaked in acid or in EDTA ooIutio" I..... min·
ral' and rig idity but ,etain. its eOnt""N and len,ile The", chains are lincar proteins with molecular
'lrenglh. (It can Ihen be twisled i"toa knol_) [fbigh tern· weights of around 95.000 conlaining approximately
peraturo, arc used 10 burn <>If Ihe organic mallcr. Ihe 1050 amino acid moietie'. Each has a long helical
mineral ro,idue is reduccd to a brittle rna<$._ (With care· =tion in which every Ihird compOnent is glycine.
fut handli ng. Ihe COntout'S ore pre....ed. but burned bone Short. straighl telopcplide, near both amino and
,hatters if louched even Iighlly.) carboxy lerminal' direCt conformalional changes
tlC<'ded for subSe<]uent formation of fibrils (96):
Co llagen s
30% of lotal body protein is of Ihi, kind_ Skin. len_
T eIopeptide COOH
don . dentin. carti lage. blood vessel wans. and the
various basemcnt membranes comain substantial
amounts. The proteins perform "Orne nonstructural
functions. For example. they affect cell adhesion and Nonpolar segments within the helix approxi-
platelet aggregalion (36). mately 15 residues long ha'C the following se-
Although all varielies , halO common fea ture,. quences. in which X and Y are usually hydroxypr<:>-
sc'Cral Iypes Ihat differ from each other in amino line Or alanine (184).

-G Iy-X -Y -G Iy-Pr<:>- Y-G Iy-X -H yd rox yprtrG Iy-Pr<:>- H yd rOx yp""

",-Chain coils ha'C three amino acids per turn. sl ightly from each Olher in amino acid makeup
The high contcnt of glycinc. proline. and hydroxy- (201), (eartil'lge collagens contain three more basic
proline (around 330. 100. and 100 moieties, respe¢" ",1 [11] components.)
livcly) pre"cnts formation o f thc 3.6 amino acid
turns thaI charactcrir.e most other linear protcins ,
The glycinc-rich <egments arc separated from MICRQFlBRILS AND FIBERS
each Olher by ones containing polar amino acid,_ Ly-
Tropocollagens joi n end to end in long strand. that
.ine and hydroxyproline are present in bolh regions. associale with others to form cylindrical microftla_
Small quantitie, of other amino acids arc also found. menl. (microfthril.) with varying lengths and 44_11.
but completed molecules lack deteelable amounlS of
diameters , Each """m. to compri.. five imerwined
cYSleine, cystine. and tryptophan. Tclopeptides fill the approximately 4(i().i\.
gapll betwcen Ihe helical pOrtions (Fig. II-I).
The gaps are staggered in adjacent tropocollagen
strands. The spacing is said 10 be essential for sub.
Threc lY chains wind aboul each other 10 form a rod- sequent minerali7.alion, hut similar arrangements
s haped superhelix 2800---3000 A long with a diame- can be found in noncalcifying tissu e•.
ler of 136-16 A. The resulting tropocollagcn i. sa id Microfibri l. polymerize to form highly ordered fi-
to be rigid by some and semirigid by others ( 100). brils (fibers) 150- 1500 A in diameter wilh repeating
T ypc [ collagcn of bone has mostly twO a I( [) chains units 640 A long (Fig. II-IC). Advantage is taken
and one of Ihe ",2 kind. A form with three al( l ) of Ihe ahility of polar group,; within the gaps to bind
chains has also been identified. In at least SOme col- chromium, SO that a banded appearance becomes ev-
lagen" Ihe"," arc ",I. a2 and "') chains that dilfer ident in electron micrographs (Fig. 11-2).

= )
'"001"-''-'-'- ,,'
S. MiOfolibril lor FormoHon •

. ..... .

C. Fibril Formoli""

.... Oz • It-C .... NH. - R'CHO + N":

• •
+ CHOC""" -",-C><- CHzI'

R,'CHO+ ""'Y'I'. :;:ORCH.tKI<o'¥- .... O
Fill. 11 · 1.Formatioe oj COllagen • . (Rep<inted with
pOormihiOn I,om RasmoSM/I. '.1..."""" ZOO.)

BIo synthesis of Collagen (82, 168 ) The initial 1500-amioo.acid gene products have
signal sequences that arc cleaved when the nascent
chains are into the cisternae of the endo-
plasmic reticulum. An amino terminal peptide is rc;.
Each Chain is synthesized on ils own ri- moved duri ng intracdlular po6Hransiationai pro-
bosomal component of a pOlycislron complex. It has cessing, while a carboxy terminal peptide is retained
been suggested Ihat Ihe cells oon\ain Iwice as much until after the protein is extruded from the cell. The
mRNA for the production of 0:1(1) as fQr ,,2. How_ pre--p"'"'" chain that would be obtained if the
ever, there are indications thai only a single gene component persisted until completion of the molculc
oopy exists for nch and Ihat regulatory mechanisms w()IJld have the following sequence.
aSSure the formation of Iwice as much of lhe 0:1(1) He prQ" chain (which lacks the signal sequence)
type. The hereditary oondition osteogenesis imper. is an intermediate oontaining some 1200 amiJl() acid
fecta Iype I is associated wi th Ihe production of moieties.
equal arnoonts of Pro« I (I) and Pro «2(1). Here. the Since pro-chains associate very early, it is
ra te of collagen synthesis is limiled by the amounts likely thallhe NH,lerminal peptides play roles in
of the Pro 0:1(1). and the clinically demonstrable de- recognition. The Cterminal components contain Ihe
fe<:ts include bone fragililY. The palients may not
H,N-Signal sequence-Amino lerminal pcptide--aChain-Carboxy te rminal peplide-COOH
have a gene Ihal normally coordinates Ihe synthesis
of the IWO types of pro 0: chains (22). Substantial cysleine groups thai form the interchain disulfide
amounts of the 0:2 Iype chains are degraded. possibly bonds of procollagen, and they also have some tryp-
because they lack a conformational deteminant re- tophan. Those amino acids are not found in the final
quired for extrusion from the cell. products.
Fig. 11·2 . Edge oj . 'ts<I<p1ion ""nol &1'-<1;" by u.......... liz"'" ••• ood It t'" low .. t\gtIt il t'" dense
I. mell. , bono . A, ' ''"' uPPw Iolt I. a porIion 01 an 0",00101 ... minorati,"", boNt. (Alt .. R. R. Coope< at 01.. J. -..t >d
"""'A"""" • ",,,,,,,,,-, ("""<Ii ,""" """ ... """n' ."... "", .Jo;n, &Jro 48A ' " .. ) ( """"" . "" I'AW,,"," •
.... ,0cuIum, SUblaCer>1 !<> . '. ,''' COI'agen 111><,. oj lwo ,el ..""".32)

HYDROXYLATION cialized requi rements may be related to mechanism,

for Ih. regulation of collagen biosynthesis.
During Ihc normal course of evenlS. each of Ihe
II ha, becn proposed Ihat Ihe ascorbate activates
chains is hydroxylaled al specific silC.l prior to for-
thc hydroxylases. It i, also believed to accelerale col-
mation of the superhC\ix. (All of the hydroxyproline
lagen biosynthesis by facilitat ing assembly of poly-
and hydroxylysinc arises in this way; no hydroxy-
ribosomes directing the translalion (231). and it can
laled amino acids are incorporaled into the init ial
additionally affCCl laclale production. Cells cultured
gene product .)
in ascorbic acid-deficient media rel.ase <>-chain
II was formerly b<lie>cd 'hI' Ih. hydroxyl. led amino fragments and proteins thai are rapidly
acid, are unique 10 oollagen, lbe gi)'eoprOlein. degraded. The skeletal dcfe.:ts. impaired wound
of bone grou nd substance and of el.Slin hIt.e ""me healing, and other oollagcn-del"'ndent disorders
hydr<>llylysine, linked with vita min C defiieney have been a tt ribuled
10 impaired hydroxylalion.
Hydroxylalions normally proc=d wbile the chains Coppe r is required for induction of Ihe Iysyl hy·
are still auached 10 Ihe ribosome;s. and Ihey are rap- droxylase. The bone fragility of ooPl"'r-deficient an·
idly followed by glycosylalions. Th. processed chains imals is associated with impaired cross-linking. High
then wi nd about each other 10 form Ihe prorol/(1gen concentrations of thc mineral retard collagen de-
that is ex truded. (When hydroxylalions cannol struction. probably beca use they activate an endo-
occur. pro a chai ns form proux;ol/(1gen helices.) peroxidase that catalYl.e5 the oonversion of PeE to
Peplidyl proli ne and peplidyllysinc hydroxylascs PGF",. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ac·
a rC mixed-function oxidases associated with thc en· celeraled bone resorption have elevated copper levels
doplasmic reticulu m. The reactions they calalyze re- (271). This may be related to compensatory mech·
quire molecular oxygen. ferrous ions, coPl"'r. and air anisms for limiting the bone dcstruction.
corbate. as well as an energy SOurCe deri""d from the Roles for calciferols in t hc regulation are sug-
oonversion of a-kctoglutarate to succinate, Th. spc- gested by the presence of poorly hydroxylatcd 00\'

lagen in the matrices of rachitic bones. The effects .;an tben combine with a hydroxylysine of the helix
of the hormones are discussed later in the chapter, to form a hydroxyl,'sino-norleudne bridge. The lat-
High lactate levels facilitate hydl"QxylaliollS, and ter may also be deriyed from interaction of a (cio-
hormones acting on bone aTC known to affeci lactatc peptide hydroxyallysine with a lysine from the
production. A is rormed by
Some forms of osteogenesis imperfects have been eombina(ion of a (elopeptide hydrQxyallysine with a
linhd with derangements in enzyme functions. but hydroxylysine of the
translational defects Ihal bring about replacement of Intramolecular bonds (between components of the
a port ion of the type [ collagen by the Iype 111 col· same chain) onen involye aldol condensations that
lagen have been described (21). link allysines and hydroxyallysines.
The hydroxylation, are believed 10 involve for- Disulfide linkages are formed between cysteine
malion of intermc<iiate peroxyglutaratcs (184) (Fig . ITHlieties of carboxy-terminal telopeptides of neigh-
11 -3). Lysine hydroxylase' -Gly·X-Lys- boring chain<.
Gly· moiet ies of the hdix and also lysine residues
present a1 specific silcs within the tclopeptidcs. Only
around 20% of the lysine moielies become hydroxy·
laled in bono. whereas the values are dose, \0 60% Amino-terminal segments arc probably cleaved after
for cartilage , Both hydroxylated and nonhydroxy- (he hydroxylation. Slyeosylation, and cross-linkage
lated Iysyl groups cn ter into the formation of crOS&- reactions have been completed. The resuiting prod-
bridges. uct is a triple helix consisting of Ihr.., pro ('< chains
Prolyl hydroxylases attach specifically \0 -Gly-X- entwined aboul each other (with the carboxy-ter-
Pr<rGly- moieti ... The OH groups arc found mostly minal telopc ptides st ill anaehed, see FiS_ II-Ii\).
at thc 4 ]X)Silion but very small omounts of 3-OH- Extrusion of procollasen into the extracellular space
proline have been detected in bone (and larger ones evidently involyes functions of thc GaiSi apparatus
in collagens of other tissue types). The percentages and of microtubules, Colchicine (which impaiT'S mi_
of proline groups affected similar for the various crotubule function) blocks the secretion. Sinee tuni_
kinds of collagen-around 45% for bone and caTli- cam),ein ("0 inhibitor of glycosylation) also inter-
lage (types I and II) and 55% for type III. feres with release. it has becn proposed Ihat the
carbobydrate groups are involved in the s<x:rctory
processes. Howeyer. as has been noted. unhydroxy_
lated chains can be extruded. Tunicamycin may
Certain of the hydroxyl)'s)'1 residu es Ihal do nOI therefore interfere by causing hydroxylated residues
cnter into thc formation of cross-bridges are ;003 to anach fITmly \0 the glycosylase enzyme,.
glycosylated. The major product in adult mamma_
lian bone is a galactosyl-h)'droxylysyl ITHlici\y (fig.
11-4). In the skin. a sccond reaction leads to the for_
mation of substantial quantities of gluoosyl-galac\o-
syl-Iysyl moieties. Some collagens also COIltain man· This process involves limited, controlled proteolysis
nose. amino sugars. and other carbohydrate that resulis in shortening of each of the pro '" chains
components. to subunits of around 1050 amino acids each (lhc '"
II has been suggcsted that glyoosylation i. an im- chains) and removal of the sulfur- and tryptophan·
portant determinant of the st ru cture of the finis hed containing carbox),-terminal peptides , In addi tion.
collagen, a nd that it affeclS the sizes and locations of deayage of rcsidual components of the am ino-ter-
the spaces into which mineral c2 n be deposited , Sug- minal peptides seemS \0 "unmask" the sites involved
ars may also bind phosphopc:ptidcs that have been in JIOlymerization of tropocollagen 10 form the mi·
implicated in the calcification process ... The Slruc- crofibrils. It has been suggested that the process is
lUre of dentin differs from tbat of bone. and the dis- delayed unti l after ext rusion of thc protein, 10 pr<>-
tribution of dihydroxylysino-norleucine also differs tcct against intracellular forma tion of collagen
in the two tissue types (136). (201) ,


Lysine oxidase the conversion of lysine and The polymerization appears to be accomplished
of hydroxylysine to allysine and hydroxyallysi ne. re- spon taneously (i.e. without thc need for enzymes).
spectively (Fig. 11-5). An allysine of the tclopcptide The microfibrils formed then associate to make mi·


0- 0
0 -0
' -OH -P ro.tyl

Fig . 11 ·a. PtopQM<j ' NC!;on Hq<J..-.oe lot ptOiyl

hyd ro xyl,'ion.

ly.yl hydroxyla..

.. . Kclogiuuuato _
Suc6na,c ' CO. -
HO- Cii
C, ",0
'N / H C,


UDP-GILlCOse _____ UDP _ galaclosyl.
h ""'''''ytysyl


Fill. 11-4. HY<!toxylalion and o l lyo.l

resi<l""s oj •.

O= C- C- C- R

·0, HH,
-............ Ii Ii
"" O= C-C- C- A
15<, -OH-... NH,·odipie "" ., seml,lklel'lyde)
A. O.<lal"e .... ''''''

H1N- C-C -A ____
H Ii
R - C- C = N- C - C - R

" o' H H 0
" .,te,me<jiale "
Ly.'"" R-C-C-N - C - C - R
(","jx) (lelopeptQc )
H H H b
, O "
H,N- C - R
H Ii H H H
- - - -••_ R-C-C - N- C- C-R
o b o' I I II'
Hydro'yallys"e " "
Hydro,yIy<"""y<lrO'Y<>orleocine "
(telopept'del 1r.,J1.)

8 . In'crehain cross-linkage

A-C-C = O • O= C - C - R "" --'"'"""'----
• R-C - C= C - R

" o 6=0
,\I1y . ...
Hydro'yallysine "
AI<IoI """""",,,hon t>ri<!ge

Fill. 11·5. FOtmatk>n of cro ..

crofibcrs (collagen fibers). Finally. a "maturation" pre.:ipitate at "nucleation sites" provided by the
process, which may involve a combination of hydro- gaps within Ihe collagen complexes. The initial bind·
gcn bonding. dehydration. and the formation of new ing of minerals to specific amino acid siles leads to
cov.lent linkages, scrves to stabilize the fibers. the deposition of amorphous aggregations. Soon af·
te rward. tiny crystals form and then grow (ll.
This nalion has oot been completely abandoned,
but it is incompatible with indications thaI bone ceil,
According to the epitaxy concept, min...alimtion is play active roles in mineralimtion.
a passive process in which calcium arK! phosphate In many species, considerable time elapses be·
tween collagen formation and calcification. The in· tain actin and myosin, and microfilaments are im-
terval averages 8-10 days for human adults. but it plicated in the maintenance of structure and JXI5'Iibly
is not uniform at all sites. It is shorter during periods also in migration (172). The vesides may undergo
of rapid skeletal growth. (NO! surprisingly. rodent' maturational processes after detachment from Ihc
attaining adult Si70t in three months fail to show the oslcoblasts.
delays characteri stic of humans requiring two dec- 2. Fully formed vesides are made within Ihe cells
ades.) According to the epitaxy concept, the lime is and they are then byexotytosis.
needed for the collagen to ··mature." However, a 3. Cells givin8 rise to the vesicles die. and the
more li kely explanation is Ihat osteoblasts rnodulate structures are the remnants.
to osteocytes, or that osteocytes allain appropriale 4. Cells extrude macromolecular cornJXIncnts Ihat
phases of their rnetabolic cydes during the intcrvab. undergo assembly within the matrix .
HistochentiCal and electron micrograph data 11 has been suggested Ihat bone and cartilage a ils
consistent with accumulation of calcium at sites of do nol themsel"es undergo calcification when they
new bone formation via pl"QCesses that are indcpcn- participate in malrix mineralization. because the
dent of ntechanisms for phosphate deposition (II. vesides Ihey form inilially contain only minute
and with the formation of a continuous mineral quantities of the inorganic substancCiS. There are his-
phase that involves Ihe insertion of inorganic salts tological findings compatible wilh the COnCepl that
into the "'lumina"' of the collagen as well as chondrocytcs accumulate calcium and phosphate
into the gaps betw«:n the helices. within mitochondria. and that the minerals are
Membrane-bound vesides have been identified in subsequently transferred to extracellular vesicles
all kinds of calcifying tissues-not only bone. but (9.41 ).
also cartilage. dentin. deer antler, and structures ATP docs nOl provide energy for the active trans-
such as arteriole u'alls and skin that can undergo port of the calcium (214). In fact, ATP and pyre--
metastatic calcification (10). The vesicles contain al- phosphate block crystallization. Deoxycholate. an
kaline phosphatase!. ATPases, and other ent-ymes. inhibitor of vesicle ATPase activity, and beryllium,
The surface membranes resemble the plasma mem- an alkaline phosphalase inhibitor, both interfere
branes of bone and carlilage cells. The vesicles are with matrix mineralization (10). The ATPase is be-
small (around 1000 A in diameler) and Ihcy differ lieved to function as a nonspecific triphosphatase
in other ways from lysosomCiS and mitochondria whose major role is ATP removal. The enzyme may
(5.196). Several kinds of observations support the additionally indireClly promote the aocumulation of
belief thaI these structures direclly contribute t{l mi- NADH and phosphoenolpyru.alc. It is known Ihat
nerali'.ation (5, I0): (a) The vesides appt"ar in Ihe di- the concentration! of those substances rise when
rect vicinity of tissue that is about to cakify: (b) Ihe minerals. (On the Olher
first idenlifiable apatite crystals form within or in hand, matrix formation separates the cens from the
cl{ISC appOSition t{l the surfaces of the vesicles: (c) capillaries. and the re!iuhing hypoxia may account
the ve,icles contain substantial quantities of lipid, for the higher NADH and PEP levels.)
that include cholesterol, glycolipid" sphingomyelin, The lipids bind calcium. and they may in this way
and also phosphatidylserine (a substance known to contribute 10 mincrali7.ation. The "esides of healthy
have a high affinity for calcium, especially in the animals bind sudan hlaek, a reaction attributed to
presence (If phosphate) (276). Therefore, they have the presencc of phosphatid}"lserine linked to calcium.
pmperties consistent with a m\c in mineral accu- The cartilage of vilamin D-dcficient animals COn-
mulation; and (d) the activities of Ihc phosphatases tains vesicles tbat do not stain. pmbably because the
have been directly linked with mineralization in two calcium content of the tissue is very low. The reac-
ways (81). They destroy known inhibitors of miner- lions can bo restored by administering Ihe .ilamin.
alization that include ATP, "D P, pllo5phoglycerate. Staining is also reversibly losl when bone formation
and pyrophosphate (269). and Ihe)' provide high.lo- is irnpaired by ascorbic acid deficiency (124). The
calized concentralions of orthophosphale (which not lipids probably do more than accumulate calcium
only serves as a hydroxyapatite component but also (275). They adhere tenaciously 10 newly formed
has stirnulatory effects on calcium deposition) rnineral, and their ability 10 accumulate calcium is
(167.249). Phoophatase activilY is present at the enhanced by orthophosphate.
OUler surfaces. and ;1 increases bofore the onset of 11 has been proposed that the vCiSicles also either
mineralization (10). At least One of the bone pho&- produce a ··mineral_forrning agent'" or remove an in_
may be regulated by ascorbic acid (11). hibitor. A substance with such activity has been iso-
Four hYJXItheses for the ongins of the vesicles lated from healing rachitic cartilage (I 21). Morpho-
have been considered (196). genetic functions have additionally been suggested
I. The most widely held hypothesis is that Ihe (230).
structures bud olf from osteoblaSl.s. The vesiclCiS con- The role of vitamin K in the biooynthesis of ",{<3r-
, -,


... .." .•

, ,•

• • •

. '" • .,
' ..' • •
, •

., ",. •
• •

• •

• •

.., ,0 ,., ••
- ,
," • •

l l .e. A. Cm...... t.... at the .."'" 01 the d",phy'is bonfI matrix "';_01. pa'tly ,erne_eel durl"ll
oJlIHI n.d;"'. 1... .,..,.y-ol<l ral. e l.o1<"" m."ogo-oph. (I) pr0i>l,atln pro<en). (7) 0$1"",bI.ot in the proee .. 01 bU>o
Periosltum. (2) prlm. ry swngy bono. (3) oinII" layer 01 compielery our,<><>r'Ide<I by minerali,"" bonfI mal,lx , (8)
OO1O<>b1a.,slorming endo$teum. (') ""t"""yt .... (5) OOl"""yt& in bone locuno, X S&OO. (RI>od in. ,of",,,,,,,,, 20.)
.on""'. <>1 t>Miosteal oprout. (6) o.pillar"'". (1) C. DiagrorM>O'" ",pre",o"1;"'" 01 . Met"", 01 bono, TPIe
primo,y _ marro'" 0.111 . X 600. 8. P...."'"leum. diaphysis dropilOll ,__ ..'u "'bulk"' exlra".Uula, nuid: _ dots, boo.
oj ,adlus. e "''''_ ' 01.,... simlla, 10 'octa"llle" A, lWO' e xl'ocellula, ftu;d, Sileo <>1 c.k:iklll;"'" . ,. SItOwn by IIHI
day-ol<l,.t, &l6Ctron lI'Iicfog<oph. (1) "ucr.; 01 fibrObiaots, da,konoid ' ... ;.,... •. e. 0$1_,,; 0 .. , O$leoeyte, Arr"",.
(2) ooIlaQOf>OUs fiber., (3) _ oj OSleoprogeollor 0011., Incl;cot. propMod '"""y of bulk ECF barw""" ,he celt. or><!
(0) _ <>1 0$1001II . .,•. (5) oot.oi<l. (6) _ a'l,ed , ......... of luOds f,om OSleobl.Sls to the bulk ECF.

.,- ------------------------------------
box)' glUlamic acid (Cia) and of pMein, conlaining the noncollagenou, prolein content of bone. The b0-
\hi' $ubstance was discu"cd in Chapter I. Bone Cia vine form has 49 amillO acid, with the fo11ol>o'ing se-
protein (HG P. osteoca1cin) accounl, for some 15% of quence (195).
Try-Lcu·Asp-H i.··Gly·Ala· Hyp-Ala-Pr<}-Tyr- Pro-Asp-
Pr<}- Leu·G la· Pro- L 'fl- Arg·G Ia· Va I-C ys·G la- Lc U·As n· Pr<}-Asp-C ys· Asp-
(;lu-Lcu·Ala·A'p-His- lle·Gl y·Phe-G ln-Glu·Ala_T)'r·Arg_Arg_Phe·
Tyr-Gly_Pr<}- Val
The prolcin is made by bUI il does !lOt and innerYated. and it contains fibro-
appear until afler is well under "'ay. blasts that make collagenoos and clast ic A
The Gl a chains bind directly 10 h)'droxyapatile. and oonlinuoos ring of cell. silnated between the fibro-
Ihc prOlein can retard cryslal accu l11u la lion, liow_ blaSIS and the tissue separate. the "bulk"
ever. the funclions arc not kllOwn. Roles in bolh r"" extracellular nuid from the nuid comparlmem
modeling and regulation of the PTH-calcitonin sys- within th. bone. Most of Ih. cells are of the "ostc<>-
tem have been proposed. The high levels found in progenitor" lype. Thcy are thc of oswo-
palienls wilh several kinds of bone disease tend to blasts and Ihe only "'true" bone cells capable of cn-
dedine with effCClivc treatment (66). gaging in mil()sis and the renewal of populalions.
Acoording to SOme the cell ring includes
"'surface osteocytcs" or "resting ostooblasts" Ihat
pump minerals from bone to Ihe bulk ECF. Olhers
Although lhey account for only a minUle fraction of allributc the funclion to ost e(lprogcnitor cells.
the weight. bone cells arc essenlial for the maint"" The bone nuid is derived from the blood plasma,
nance of structural imegrit y and f of the tis· but il differs from it in electrolyte composition. It
SUe (75.197). AtioaSI four distinct type.< are recog· cireulalcs around the oslcoblasts and osteocytcs
nizcd, each with ils own characteristic (Fig. 11-6C). Its makeup is described later in this
morphological a nd biochemical fealures (1 52). chapter and ils role in maintenance of calcium h<}-
moostasi, is discussed in Cha pter 12.
Em/rummr line. the marrow cavities and the
Cells o f the Periosteu m a nd Endosteu m
larger of the Haversian canals (through ""hich bone
The periosteum is a oont;nuoos membrane that 00.· cells dcrive nourishment), It contains the om'(xias/s
all bon""forming (Fig. 11-6). It is richly involvcd in bone resorption a nd remodeling.

O, teobla, t, appa ralus·' invokes a swi tch from mi neral accumu·

lal ion to mineral secretion (I). S inee ca lcium 'P-
The oslcobla&lS are lhe txJnf-/orming cells thaI $yn-
lhc:si ,.c and ext rude ooIlagen and manufaclurc lhe pe.ll.r1 in Ihe ma trix earlier than phosphate, a nd since
collagen has phosphokinase lctivi ty. it is li kely thaI
glycQproteins and othe r matrix oomponenls. They lie
mineralization involves much more than .impk P«'"
bet .... een 1he OSloopr<l8cni\OI' celli and the OS\eocyles.
cipitalion into prepa red siles.
In actively IfOwing liswe. lhey are cuboidal and
Osteocylcs are by far lhe most numcl'()U.S of the
have a ,,·ell.dcvcJoped rough clldoplasmic reticulum
cells of malure bone. Together ... ilh the OiSltQblasu.
.... i1h numel'l)ll$ ribosomes, buophilic: cytoplasm rich
Ihcy acc:ount for 95% of the populalion. It is widely
in RNA and a1blille phosphaw¢. and &1)'WItn
granules. The nuclei arc prominent and _tain believed thaI the OStcocytcs play major roles in cal-
cium homeostasis..
Ihn::c Of more nucleoli. The GoI&i vesidcs an: large.
bUllhcre are only limited nu mbt:n 01 mitochondria.
The membnncs show pinocylic.nd O s leoclas ls
vesicles. Since Oltcobla$U KOO prorc$$('$ to ne;,.
bori ng cells of lhe umc type and 10 ,1>1: undo.:rlyi"l These are Ihc largest and least numcrousoflhe bone
oste<.>cyles,thcy may be components of &ianl syncy- cells. MOSt eonta;n lour 10 five nucle;. but !lOme
tia. Conditions lhal inle. 'ere with coIlaten symhesis as many as 300 and are visible 10 lhe naked eye.
(e.g. vitamin C def,dcrlCY) can lead II) di$Ol'sani,,a. Mononuclear precursors <:an luse 10 form mul·
lion of the endoplasmic r.["ular structures (15). tilobed cells. Fragments connectcd to the main por.
T he 1erm "pre<)l;leobluf' is 50mClimes used \0 des- tion by na rrow cytoplasmic strands can also pinch
ignate cens that have: not yel fully developed th.i, off 10 form smallcr units.
potentia l, whereas tile Icrm Nume rous tiny cytoplasmic processes eXlcnded
" resting QlttQblast" hu been applied to celis of this toward sites 01 a ctive bone resorplion give the cells
type tha t have become fla ttened and less activ<:o their charactcristic " ruffled:' '·brus h,'" or "Strialed"
borders. At such times. the mitochond ria become
ladcn "'ith d ectron-densc, amorphous calcium 1'1105-
OsteocytOl phatc "'hile Ihc lysosome. can be 10 be filled
",ilh proteolyllc cnzymes. T he Gotg ' a re ... etl-<levct·
Whe n surrounded by coll agenous matri 1. the Qlte<)-
oped. but no endoplasmic ret icu lum;s vis ible.
blam are transformed in to OiSteocytes. The conver·
sion is referred 10 as modulatiOtl (ratller I han differ-
en tiation). sinc;c one Iype of high ly specia lized ceil is Relationships among Ihe Cell Typa.
changed inlO anot her.
The endopla.mie reticulum 01 lhe cell bcwmes l! is eslablished Ihat osteoblast. develop from OiSlto-
disorganized and lhe cytoplasm more .:krISe, IS lit- progen ilor a nd that rise 10 0iS-
crnl e Xlensions 10 neiahboring 0:(: 11, show up moR leocytes. "There are con tfOV'Crsics. eonccr ....
dislinctly. Numerous milocholldr;' with well-<lcv<:l· iog Ihe origins of OiStoodaslS lnd the relationships
oped cristae and many clcctron-dcnso:: gnn ulc:l rich between lloose cells a nd the OiSlcOOlasU; ( Fi&- 11_7 ).
in calcium pltOiSphate appear •• lons with l}'SOSQmcs Normal boo: undergoes conlinoous remodelina in
that contain acid hydrolUCI but not collqenases. ",·hieh 'dOIption is coupled to aceret;o". Accordin,
Fully mature osteocytcs becom.: trapped Wl hin to One concept. oucoc:)"Ics first panially
small Qlvilics (lacunae) surTOtmded by matri1. the ma trix and thereby render the ti$sue more vul-
Small qua ntities of bone EC F <:imllate around the nerable 10osteOClastie au ack. An OppOSing vie"'JlOint
cells and lhe p.. );t$SC$ by whiCh Ihey communicate is thaI endosteal osteoclasts initiale the re$OrpIion.
wilh neishbori", celli. Hormones and ions can i... One hypolllcsis s ta tes Ihat OiSleoclasu lorm di·
voke rapid so that the fill the rect ly from osleoprogenitOl" eells.and Ihat they later
laCliMc at ocnain times and lj)PQr shrunken It moduLale to OiSteoblasts (201). Anot he r i, lhat_
other1. oslcoprogcnilors are prcoslcoblaslS. ",lIerU$ OIhcrf
The interval thai ela pses between roIlagcn mltri1 are pt'CQ$lcoclasts (75). A belief mote widely held
formation and mineraliulion has been rdated 10 Ihc lhan dIller of the prcced ina is that blood.nd lissue
need for mod ulation of ostcoblasts to OiSleocylC5. mono<:ytes serve as Ihe major OiSteoclast prec ursor
There a rc also indications Ihal OiSlcoc:ylcs go Ihrough "" lis.
recurring cyclcs thaI begin with accumu lation of cal· When o'S "" , issue is c.posed bricfty to Ui t;llcd thy.
cium in the cytoplas m. The minera l ;1 neXI tra ns- midine. llIe .. di.,.ctivily be, ins 10 build up in OII«IClult
lerred to the nucleus. after ",hich a "ju xtanuclear wilhin \ 2 hours .nd reach .. ma. im um 01 Ioou ...
Osteoclasts , Ostoobl"l$

Mast cell.

liss.,.. aM

Fig. 1 1·1. PropoMd

.mong trw. various ty,," of _'.

o.le<>l>I.", do no1 have delOctabk 'mQ\In" until after J6 lrations. For mature bone. 25 mM is average, but
hours, and the radioacli.ily within them poal:< .1 120 values in excess of 100 mM ar<: found during times
hours. Tho findi.", arc oQn<istent with the $C4ucn<c: 0$- of rapid skdemlgrowlh. (By contraSI. blood pbsm.
le<>pfogcnilOf - ""<",,Ia.t - 001.001." (201). Ho"'t"'r. K' is doser to 4 m M.)
the", Ire 1,,"'0 ah.fnale interpretations: (a) some "'''M- Ph""pitatc co"ox"tral;ons arc usually ,;",;10' ill
progtnitor cell$ rapidly develop intO ",,<,«Iam. whilo
the IWO compartmenls, wherea' the calcium conoxn·
others '//7I>-/Y mature into osteoblast,. and (b) ""tc""lam
.Iready pre<en1 whon the thymidine i. pJC$tnlod take up !ration in bone ECF is only around half that of the
the label from ostooprogon;lOr ceUs. The possibi lity ,h.l blood. It tends to rise when the phoophatc c<mcentra·
ct.lain of the ""tobla.l. modula'e 10 ha. a l", tion increases_ Bone ECI' contains relalively mOt"<'
b«n (198), 0- but less Mg" and Na ' than the blood plasma.
pi I seems 10 Ix only 0.1 unit lowcr (173), but thi,
may have physiological significance.
Other Ce ll Types Found In 80ne The exchange rtl(:chanisms not fully under-
Small numbers of mast cells migrate in from (he Sur- stood. [t ba' Ixen proposed that the "bulk" ECF en-
rounding Since they contain hCp;lrio and ters the bonc moslly via extracdlular pathways,
other regulators implicated in bone resorption, they whereas surface cells scerete Huids across their
may play physiological roles. Sinusoidal epithelial plasma membranes.
cells have also been suspected of releasing biol<>gi.
cally active m<>iecules that affect bone formation and
Noncollagenous molecules make up around 1% of
the organic malter of bone. The ostcocalcin previ.
ously cited is the major prOlein in Ihis group. The
Allhough il is ultimately derived from the bloo:l mixture also contains glycoproteins that arc taken
plasma, bone ECF maintains a unique composition from the bloo:l and concentraled, glycosaminogly.
Ihat may be essential for bone formation and r<:mod· cans (the most abundant of which is chondroitin-4-
cling as well a$ for bone participation in overall mi .... sulfate), and small quantities of phosphatid}'lserine
.ral homeostasis. and of phosphatidylinosilol. Moot of the components
The K+ concentration varies wilh Ihc melabolic bind calcium. One suggestiOll is that such molecules
activities and wilh honnonal Status. However. it can concentrale calcium for thc purpose of "presenting"
be held al constant levels when dietary deprivalion it 10 bone surfaces. On Ihe oth.r hand. il has bc<:n
is of sufficient severity 10 lower Ihe plasma coneen· observed Ihat the levels arc higher in oollagens Ihat

dQ not calcify than in bone. They fall in cartilage just Dietar!f Sources
prior 1<.> the onset of calcification. Moreover. hor-
mones thaI accelerate bone resorption bring 300m Humans who live mostly indoors or in regions that
depolymerization of the glyoosaminoglycans. Such do oot rec<:ive adequate 501ar radiation require ex·
findings are consistent with roles in inhibition of ogeoous vitamin. Since marine teleosls StOre large
quantities in their livers, the oils derived from those
orgalli arc among the best sources. (A single gram
1\ is likely Ihal each component will hn"" 10 be
of oil e'traCled from tuna or mackerel can supply
studied individually 10 determine the relationships 10
more than 1000 times the daily human require-
hone functions.
ment .) Bird embryos developing within arc
shielded from the sun. and they obta in the vitamin
from egg yolks, ",hich comain moderate amounts_
CALCIFEROLS Nursing infants get the vitamin from milk . and dairy
Vitamin OJ (cholecalciferol) is a scoostcroid that Can produclScomain SOmC vitamin D. However. it is now
be 101ally synthesized from endogenou s prt<:u,sors or the custom to supplement Ihe milk taken by children
obtained as such from the die! (68), The pathway ",ilh artificially derived D,.
shown in Fig. 3·28 has been presented by several au- Humans. rats. and mClSI other ulilizc 0 ,
thors. but it is now f<l«lgni7-OO that vitamin 0 and a s well as DJ • and the mOre rapid degradation of Ihc
ils mClabolilics are prescnt in solution as pairs of hormones derived from 0 , may le'!en the chances of
equilibrating conformational forms (181 AJ. Vitamin developing toxicities. Chickens a nd ""mc of the mon-
0, (ergocakifcrol) is produced arlinciall y from a keys cannot the SUb'litution. probabl)' because
plam or fungal derivative. ergosterol (Fig. 3-30). they rapidly degrade mOISt of the 0 , and much
The term "itamin f) , has obsolete. since sub- of the remainder imo the bile (6?).
stances formerly so designated are now to
consist of mixtures of steroid radiation products.
Although SOme of the fishes Can make the vitamin Vitamin Absorption and Trans port
without benefit of sunlight. mammals require a
source of ultraviolet radiation. The photolytic reac· When large doses 01 0 , or OJ arc adminIstered,
tions were first studied in vitro (26.117). and they 60%-90% enters the lacteals, becomes incorporated
were subsequently shown to procecd within the epi· inlO lipoprotein complexes of chylomicrons. and en-
dermis (119.220). ters the lymphatic vcs.scls (15.68) . The absorption
requires other lipid, in the intestinal lumen nnd bile
salts. It i. impaired when there is biliary oostruclion.
Biosynthesis hepatic diseasc that alTeet, bile formation. or intes·
tinal dysfunction of the kind associated with celiac
Since it as the direct precursor of vitamin OJ discase Or sprut. Re<:cm studics with smallcr doses
(OJ), 7...:1ehydrocholesterol (7-DC) is also called indicate that substantial fractions enter the hepatic
provitamin D. It can be obtained directly from some portal bloooJ {and that _Iuch absorption is unalTected
foods. or synthesized from acetyl-CoA. 11owcver. by biliary obstruction (228). 2S-Hydrox),vitamin D
much of it is formed from cholesterol. A cholesterol. is more efficiently absorbed than the vitamin itself.
is abundant in the small intestine_ Small quantities of thc vitamin and the 2S..()H de-
u,sser amounts arc present in the skin, but skin ac- rivative circulate in association with tran,calciferin.
cumulates large quantities of the provitamin. The an cr globulin. Yet smaller oneS combine with fatty
conjugated double bonds are essential, since they acids. but the sites of esterification arc not known.
pennit the molecules to absorb radiation. Vitamin 0 in the blood pla,ma is 19-25
Ultraviolet radiation of suitable wavelengths hours ( I IO.lll).
(295-300 nm) promotes conversion of substantial DJ made in the skin travels along with the same
quantities of 7_DC to previtamin 0 (prcchokcalci· protciru;. and much of it enters the liver. When the
ferol). The lauer then undergoes a spontaneous. caleiferols are inj ected intravenously. the plasma
heat...:lcpendcnt isomcri7.ation to D,. Natural sun· concentrations rise transiently. but much of the
light provides radiation of somewhat longer "'ave· .oid is taken up by skeletal muscles, bones. adipose
lengths as well. and it Can promote reversible i50m- tissue. and other lipid. rich sites. Stored vitamin is
ui7.ation of the previtamin 10 or 10 only slowly released into the bloodstream. and it tan
tachyslerol (156) (Fig. 11·8). be found in the tissues long after the administration.

7· Dc hydroc!'<>leSlerOi

> •
h d
'0 Y

I /

> 'A

Fig . 1 '-8. by irra<;liation of 7·

deeydtoclloleotOfOI ,

Transport Proteins humans ho," an add;!;"",,1 prOlein [h", bind,

wjth high affinity (0 only lho vila min •. Chicken, and
Speci., differe""", are ' "",m. MOSt mammal' h"c " .i· <orne ,,'hc r birds 'f...
id to have ooe protei n l ha. bind<
,.min D binding protein (DBP) lh.l wit h (he" iU'1 D, and a different One 1hat al<ooi .. ol ,,·ith bolh lho
globulin fraclion and bind, "'ilh high affinity to D,. D,. vi tamin and ito mClaboli,i.,.. Avian DDP. include (J glo\>.
25-01I-<.kifcrols, and ¢lho, mOI.bolites lh.l indudo 24, ulin, 3"d albumin-like moleculcl, Elcph"nlS and kille'
25·di.() H and 25. 26-d i-01I calciferolS (142. 182). In hu- ,,'hal.. arc among lhe m.mmall believcd to also u(ili7.<
m.n,. protein, identifIed "'llh im mu oological techniques albumin-like proleins (142). The DDPs of bony fi.hc, ife
• .,j the name "group-ipc<;ifi o protein'" (Gc pro- of lhe ,,_globulin type .... herea, tho« of cart ilaginou,
lein) .. om 10 be chemically idemical ,,';!h lhc ORPs . fi,h.,. and of am phibians are lipoproteins (182).
Thoy may <c"'. Olher fU",,1ions. A<_ding l<} <orne ob- TI>< concentration< in human blll<>Cl plasma ar<: in 11><
ronge of 250-SOO ",/ml. They Ire eleV'I(d durin, preg_ ClInl"Klt keep pace with chronic ingestion of ve ry la rge
,",..,y.nd follow;., the in,.,Lion 01 oral CQIItrluplivCl quant ities. Radioactively labeled 0 , has been de-
(60). Ho pol;" production il ;nft •• ...::.d by Other steroid., I«ted six months afler injeelion \If a single la rge
and by ph.. macolo,i •• II,<nLl ,"", affcct prole;. melab- 6c6c in u""ri"",ntal a nima l5. ar.d adipose tissue
oIism. Si"". lbe bindi., >ila I rc IlOl mot. lllan 2'l>-1 0% concenlralions comparable 1\1 lhose of cod liver oil
oc<"pi«! by III 01 11K cII.i fef<)!$. i. has becft q>CCulaLed
,hal lilt pr«.illS perform lunclions un•• lllt<! to .itamin
have been found in a patienl IWI> )'eaJS a fter ccsu-
D mCllboIism. N.;,IM:, .;''''';. 0 delici.ocrlX"' ,h. pr .... tion of ca lciferol therapy ( 236).
cr><:e 01 e>.ce»ivc 1.",,1s of II>< cakil.roI•• rrea.,hc ..on- On Ihe other hand. toxicilY rarely OC<:uJS under
cefI, ra,ioM oIlhe pl'Ol ci", (J.8), more natural amdillons. e.g. in li feguards and fa rm-
C"JS receiving intense and prolonged CJCpasure to sun-
The transport play roles in regulation of light. ( Excessi,.. solar radia tion can. however. have
the rales of transfer 01 cakifl'rols 10 IBrlei or",ns other delelcrious cffccts..) Protective facton include
and degradation si les (31). In birds. the)' abo «Nt- lhe following. (a) The q uantities of pre-O, formed in
tribule \0 tile ability \0 ,he: villm;. in the a!l' limiled by the a vaila bility of the 7-OC
egg yolk. and in ma rn rnal$ll1cy may si mi)arl}' fac il- precurwrs. (b) f'rc.D, to D, <;(Inversion plo<:«ds
itale tra MlI" oI lhl' v;lImin 10 mil k. dowly. Somc prcvila min can be S1orc<l ( 119). and
unall a mou ntS are isomcri7.ed 10 Other steroids. (e)
Metabolle Ahhougb Ihere are debates oonccming Ihc magni·
tudes of the effects. it is cccTtain that suntanning re-
The liver avidly takes up 0 , from the bloodstream. duces uhravioici rar penetration into the skin. (d)
and;\ thereby pla)1 roles in rcaubl ion of [be plasma Blood and lissue rcservcsof D, that are built up dur-
concen1 ra lioos. (65%- 85% of II moderate dose of la- ing the summer months are dcpleled during the win·
beled vitamin can be delected in Iha t organ ter. (11 has been estimated that hea lthy human
afler injection into the bloodSI!l'am .) According 10 ad ult. require 10 Or 400 IU of 0 , da il y. a nd Ihat
some observers, only the vilamin is taken up ( liS). the blcod concccnt rations can vary between 80 a nd 450
bUI others state Ih a t Ihe liver a lso <Xlncenlmtes me- ;og [105]). (c) The first slep in metabolic act ivation
tabolites (137 ,220). of the vitamin )'ields a product of low potency that
Mosl of the vitamin is eon vcrted to de- can be stored in substa ntial '1ua ntitie •. The ratC at
rivative th at i$ subsequently used 10 make molecules which il i. formed declines as the stores build up. In
of high bi<)lQgica l polency. The palhways are de · higher an ima l,. every cdl type except the eryth ro-
$Cribed later. Small amounts are me taboliled in cyle <cems to be capable of binding some of the me·
OIhe. ways. tabolile, and both normal bone slructure and min-
The li ver conjugate.! D, with glucuronic aeid and e",1 homeostasis Can be ma inlainci as the pla!mIt
sends the product into the bile. Some of tl!< conju- concentrations of tbe metabolite vary over a 6-1().
gale is eliminaled wil h the fe<;e5, but an enterolle- fold range . Lifeguards do not seem 10 suffer ill of·
patic ci rc ulation pc rmilllbe body to redaim a frae- fe<;lS when lhe concenlrations rise to SO IliJml d uro
tion of il (1J7). Sulfate conjugate.! appear in both
the bile and urine. and some D,su lfate can be found
ina the summer months. whik adults Ii"''''
in winter do not develop dcfociency symptoms if the

in Ihe milk oI laClati ng u imlt\s. The i$ abo a concentrations a re ItS low as 8-10 na/ml. (f) The:
sile for ,idc-chain clava&< 01 Ql1ei fcrol metabolite.!. rate of OOIlvc",ion of lhe intermed iale 10 lhe bioIog.
Some of the deriva tives rNly have biolockal func- ically potent produCl$ is rigidly reguilled by lhe sec-
tions. but Others a re d egndation products (220 ). ondary e ffects of the mctabolitf:1;. (Toxiciy develops
rapidl)' if large: doses of the acti"" hormone are in-
jected). (g) The ratc!! or calc iferol dclll'dalion and
Vltaml" D Toaieity
excretion accelera te .. hen Ihe raises the
Although the yitamin il5t"lf i$ said to be devoid of blood concentrations, and (b) ch ronically ele-
bioIosical Ictiyity ( 181), long-term overdosage can vated hormone levels invoke limiled tarsel 0(:11
invole This OC<:urs be<:ausc I he usual mtth- resistan<.:e.
anisml; for li milill& lhe ra lCI 01 <;(Inversion to hor- The: consequences of e x"""urc 10 >OIar radiation
IIl(lfIq a re impai red a nd be<:ause ve ry high OJIIttn· $how some interesting species variations. Heavily
lrations of 2S-hydroxyllled ca lci ferol! can exert furred anima ls and 0"'" Ihal buTTQW during the day-
pharmacolotliCII I actions. The 2S.() H· D may ae- liSht hours do not readily develop dcfic icn<.:ie$, de-
CQUnl fO\" lo. icity Iha t O<:CUrI in Pilliont! unable: to spite faCtlhal some continue t\l grow throughout
synthC!!ilC 1.25·0 (122). Metabolic degradation m<l'lt of aduhhood. 11 is \\"ell known that rats given
rachitogenic diets acquire ""vere deficiencies only ACCIDENTAL P01SONING
when they are maintained in darkne)S.
Poisoning in humans usually results from faulty
judgments concerning the requirements for exoge-
TOXICITY SYMPTOMS nous vi tamin O. It has occurred in adults unaw'arc
Since vitamin 0 mctabolities accelerate inteslinal of thc dangers of regularly ingesting high potency
absorption of ca ldum and of phosphorus. and since pills supplying 50-200 times the required dosagc_
high levels can also markedly increase thc ratcs of Parents familiar with lower·potency fish oil. have in_
transfer of the minerals from bone to blood. advertently poisoned Iheir infants by fccding spoon·
is associated with the development of hypercalcemia fuls of concentrate. designed for adminislralion by
and hyperphosphatemia, the drop. Overdosages of the vitamin and ils syn-
Some of the problems that r",ult from hypercal- thetic analogs have been prescribed for patients with
cemia have been Ciled. Im pairment of neuromuscu- parathyroid hormone deficicnc)' when plasma cal-
lar and cerebral functions accounts for the serum- cium levds did not riso as promptly as cxpeclcd fol-
tions of weakne)S. lassitude. and fatiguc. and for lowing ingestion of smallcr amounts. There was a
headache. irritabilily. shorl a((enlion and loss Hrne when patients wilh certain forms of arthrili.
of memory_ ( In eXlreme cases. individuals experi- were given grossly pharmacological dosages. Fonu.
enCe hallucinations and delusions. and thcy may dis- nately, this practicc has been discontinued.
play aberrant behavior.) Excessi"e stimulalion of Ihe The leaves of So/l1t1"'" gIJ'Cophyll"", (malacoxy-
smoolh muscle of Ihe gasiroinleslinal tract invokes Ion), of Cis/,um diwtl(l"'. and of Trisleum j/(lvis-
emS contain biologically potenl glycoside,; I)f 1,25-0,
nausea, aoorexia. and sometimes vomiting. along
with either diarrhea or C<lnstipation, The effects on and of Ia-OH-O, (which can be rapidly 2S·hydrox-
cardiac muscle result in elevalion of the systolic ylatcd) (68). The roles of the steroids in Ihe plants
blood pre)Sure. Interference with actions of antidi_ are not known, Cattle gra,,ing on them have devel-
uretic hormone leads to polyuria. nocturia . dehydra_ oped hypervitami!lO'lis D (110.258), in some ca<es
tion, and elevation of Ihe body lemperaturc. with fatal consequences. The plant products fond
Most of Ihe preceding effects can be rapidly re- some use in the treatment of human disease. but il
''<'rscd by appropriate treatment. However, the is nc=ry to exert caution in judging the dosages.
chronic ekvation of plasrna calcium and phosphate
concentrations also prorrKlles deposilion of calcium
Vltarnln D DeficIency
sahs in sofllissucs (melaslalic calcificalion). and the
damage inflicted is permanent. The kidneys arc the Children deprived of both adequate cxposu", to sun-
SileS m(lSl commonly affected. The calcium salts light and dietary vitamin 0 supplemcnts develop
usually appear firsl in Ihe ascending Henle loops. As rickelS. The)' canOOI absorb enough calcium and
nephrocalcinosis progresses. other parIS of Ihe organ phosphorus to support normal bone rnincrali'.ation .
are involved and sovere necrosis can follow. Accu· Since skeletal structures lack the usual rigidity and
mulalions of calcium deposits in the walls of the ar- resistance to pre.sure, C<lmmon findings arc bowing
terioles result ;n sliffening of Ihe vessels and there- of the legs and malformalions of the Ihoracic cage
fore loss of abilily 10 contraCI and dilatc in response and pelvis_
10 changing needs. When the aorla is affected. il IJe. Congenital rickets is a more severe form of the
comes inciaslic. Since il cann(lt "gi.'e" during sys- disorder Iha t arises in children born to vitamin D-
101e, the internal pressure rises excossively , Eventu- defIcient mOlhers. When vitamin deprivation comin-
ally, the walls becomed thinned and aneurysms UC$ throughout infancy, additional features can in-
devdop, In exlremc cases. Ihey ruplure. Calcium clude widening of the cranial sutures, posterior nat-
salts are also dejXISited into the myocardium and tening of thc skull, bulging of the costochondral
into the smooth musde of the gastroi ntostinaltracl. junctions, and enlargement of the wrists. Dental
When hypervitaminosis D C<lntinuos for prolongcd eruption is delayed and the tccth are defective. Usu-
periods, the saits sometimes accumulate in the skin, ally, therc is skeletal muscle "'<'akness as well (15).
Ibe lungs, and the brain. Osteomalacia is the adult counterpart. Whcn the
The influences on bone are variable, and they de- vitamin deficiency is imposed after the growth pe-
pend to SOme extent On the calcium intake. In addi· riod, bone deformities are less common and less ob-
lion 10 the demineralizing effecls of toxic levels of vious, However, the victims suffer bonc pain, in-
1.25-<1i.oH-0). the depression of paralhyroid hor- creased lendencies to develop fractures. and musele
mOne secretion impairs renewal of bone cell popu- weakness.
lations. The hyperphosphatemia invokes aboormal Parathyroid hormone sec"'tion is usually aug-
mi neralization and in some cases osleopetrosis. mented. It provides some prote<:tion against the de-

velopment of hypocalcemia, but it exacerbates the because the vitamin Serves as a substrate for "non-
bone problems. specific" enzymes that include hepatic cholesterol_
Most of the cholecalciferol 25-hydroxylase is found PROBLEMS WITH THE CONCEPT
in the liver. Animals subjected 10 ligalion of Ihe he- Under in vivo CQnditions. the liver may never aCCu-
palic arteries Qr to hepatectomy do not convert sig· mulate sufficient 2S.QH·O, to exert negative foed·
nificant quantities of 0 , to 2S.QH-D,. Low levels of back CQnlrOr. Usually. the metabolite is promptly re-
enzyme activity have !xcn found in the kidney, small leased into the bloodstream (89). Morcover. in vivo
intestine, and ds<:whc"" regulation may involve substrate rather than prod-
The reactions utili,.e molecular oxygcn and they uct. It was found in one study that mts pretreated
requi", NAOPH. Although most aUlhors state that with vitamin 0 had low rates of 25·hydroxylation
the enzyme is associated with the endoplasmic "'lic· when the livers were excised and studied in vitro. In
ulum (220), others have identified activity in mite>- CQntrast. those given 2S.QH-D, failed to show the
ehondrial fractions. The hepatic cn'.yme can accept depression. In another study, a I S·fold of the
alternate substrates that include 0,. I",·OH_O,. and
2S-hydroxylalcd metabolite only slightly aflccted
SOme vitamin analogs. the activity of the en'.y me in chickens (89).
According to some observers. vitamin 0 is usually
Regulation of 2S·Hydroxyla8a Activity in short supply. and Ihe 2S·hydroxylase enr.yme
It is generally agrecd that physiological factors functions at a high but constanl rate as substrate
some controb over the activity of the enzyme (liS). concentralions are varied o,.. r a limited range. If too
However, there arc CQnlroversics concerning the much 0 , is p",sented to the liver. either the vitamin
mechanisms involved and Ihe efTeClivcncs.. of the itself or a protein related to it exerts supprcs.'ive in_
regulation (89). fluences (po:ssibly by slTecting af-
finities). The influences of substrate concentrations
on en?yme activity are much more obvious when the
livers arc taken from [).deficient Ihan rrom vitamin
replete animals (89.117).
II has been suggested that high con""ntrations of 2S- The failure to achieve acute. stecp elevations of
OH·O) within the liver exorl direct product inhibi· the plasma 25.QH ·O, following administration of
tion over activity of the enzyme. and that such con· large doses of the vitamin to ",pletc subjec1s could
Irol provides substantial protection against vitamin be related to the binding of 0 ) to proteins that would
D toxicilY. otherwise facilitate transport of the 2S-hydroxylated
The rollowing observations support the CQncep" metabolite from the liver to the bloodst",am.
(a) Healthy subjects tolerate long-term ingcslion of Extrahepatic tissues probably CQntributc to regu'
four to five times the daily dose of the vitamin lation of the plasma 2S.QH. D,. When a mooerate
needed to support physiological (b) vita· amount of D) is taken orally, the vitamin i$ delivered
min !)..deficient individual. form 2S.QH· O, mOre \0 the liver at a controlled rate. The plasma 2S.QH·
rapidly than ones in good nutritional balance when 0 ) levci, rise transiently. but many dilTcrent cell
a mooeratOHized dose of the vitamin is adminis- types then ta ke up the metabolite and <tore it . If the
tered; (c) when the dosages are va ried over a 25-fold vitamin is injected into a vein. the rise in plasma 25-
range. an wen·nourished subjects "how similar aCult OH·O) is delayed bUi sustained. This is altributed
ineremenls in plasma 25-011·0,; and (d ) when ani· to rapid uptake of the vitamin by extrahepatic cells
mals are pretreated with D" livers subsequcntly ex· and subsequent slow release of it to the liver.
cised and stud ied in vitro only slowly convert added The plasma halr·life of 25·0H-D, is I S-30 days
vitamin 0 to 25.QH-O,. under normal conditions (89). The presence of polar
It has been stated that only the hepatic levels of groups at both ends of the molecule is believed to
25.QH·O, are involved in the controls . No efTeclSof aeCQunt for mOre rapid bindins to cell proteill$ than
varying plasma 2S.QH-D J on the enzyme activity is the cas<: for the vitamin,
have been found.
If the oontrols do operme as suggested. Ihey pro-
vide prote<:tion only under certain conditions. Seasonal Variations In Plasma 2S-oH-O,
Chronic vitamin overdosage leads to the accumula- The plasma C<lnc<:mrations for individuals liv ing in
tion of quantities of 2S.QH · D" po:ssibly temperate zones arC highest during the summer and
autumn and loweSt during winter and S ince the product (also known as calcitriol) is a
spring. In humans. the high and low ranges are 25- highly potent hormone that acts on intestine, bone.
50 ng/ ml and 9-16 ng/ml, respectively (60,166, kidney, and other targets. it has been widely and in.
IS 7.261). The seasonal variations have been dirc<:tly tensively studied. A growing body of new evidence
oorrelated with the number of hours of daylight raises the possibility that other potent physiological
(239). However, because of local differences in pat- regulators arc derived from 2S-QH·D) (lSI A. A·I).
terns of exposure to sunlight and in use of food sup- 1,2S· D is effective in picornolar concentratiom.
plements. si x·fold variations have been enoountered $ome of its actions involve hinding to a cytosolic re·
in studies comparing subjects in one geographical 10- ceptor. translOCation of the hormone-reccptor oom-
calc with those in another (235). There are also plex to the and subsequent acceleration of
striking differencc5 among individuals within each RNA synthesis. In oommon with glucocorticoids,
group. Evidently. levels of more than 80 ng/ ml dur- mineralocorticoids, androgens, and 1,2S·
ing the summer and of less than 6 nglml in th. win- D is more polar than its biologically less active pre-
ter do not in'·oke abnormal symptoms. Values re- cursors. The increased polarity augmcnts the affini-
corded for populations in which the incidences of ties and specificiticsof binding to the rc<:eptors (89).
rickets and ootoomalacia are high ate closer to 3-4 The calciferol may additionally have special prop-
ng/ml. Adults chronically overdosed Can have mOre erties not shared with other steroid hormones be·
than 1000 ng/ml. cause ftexibility is oonferred on the molecules by
It has been s tated that the seaSQllal variations opening of the Bring (178,182).
have lillie innuenee on physiological functions. since Only minute of 1.25-D are made hy
2S-QIi·D) has low biological potency and the re- well_fed individuals. The plasma levels are then in
serves built up at onc time are Ulilized 3t another. the range of 20--4S pgfml (X_ to those of 25-
On the Olher hand. the changes may be dirc<:tly OH · D,). They can several fold ,,·hen the diet is
linked ,,·ith certain drcumannual rhythms. Some calcium-d.r,cient but contains adequate vitamin D.
species undergo reproductive system involution dur- The hormone binds 10 plasma proteins. and those
ing thc winter. and others produce smaller litters proteins are believed to play roles in regulation of thc
with lower birth wcights and slower growth. Rats rates of 1.2S·D uptake by the target cells (31). Since
maintaincd in temperature-<:Qntrolled laboratorie. the half-life in the blood plasma is only around 5-14
but exposed to natural photoperiod changes cxCrete hours. it is likely that small quantities are madc
smaller percentages or dietary sodium. potassium. either continuousty or at short. resutarty rc<:urring
and chloride during the winter months (161). as they intervals.
retain less calcium. The excretion pallcrns can be The proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney
markedly altered by administering vitamin D. and contain most of the enzyme (118). but SOme is pres-
the responses differ in summer compared with win- ent in the glomeruli of at least certain species (191).
ter (13) . All of the known symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
Seasonal variations in calciferol functions that develop in subjects Ihat havc been nephrectomized
favor mOre rapid bone growth during th. spri ng and or have renal damage that involves cells making the
summer could be advantageous to animals that de- cnzyme. even when large amounts of D or 2S-OH-D
pend (directly or indirectly) on plants for food. Veg- are gi,·en. The deficiency cffocts can be oorrected
etation becomes more plentiful in mOSt locales dur- with exogcnous 1,2S-D. Some la·hydroxylase is
ing the warmer The climate permits present in placenta and in embryonic bone. The
existence outside protected burrows for longer time quantities in adult bone arc too low to support min·
periods. and less cnergy is expended for maintaining eral
body temperature. The hormone is directly secreted into the bile. and
Although 25-QII.D, binds with high affinity to much of it is lost via the fcces. Although recovery
cellubr proteins and Can thereby be ooncentrated in via the enterohepatic circulation is limitcd. it has
many tissuos. it evidently docs oot form oompll:.1lcs been susgested that enough returns \0 excrt some
that are translocated 10 the nuclei of calciferol hor- negative feedback control over the 2S·hydroxylase
mOne target cells. (ISA). Small quantities of 1.2S-0 also appear in the
In calcium· and vitamin D-repletc subjects. much
larger amounts of 2S.QH-D arc acted on by 24·hy-
The kidneys contain a 25·01 1..::holecalciferol I".hy_ dro. ylascs that promote the formation of 24R.25-di·
droxylase that catalyzes the conversion of 2S-QH_D, hydroxy vitamin 0 (19 1). The plasma levels of that
to 1.25-dihydroxy vitamin D, (1.25-0). The reaction metabolite are typically 100 times those of the 1.25-
is controlled by parathyroid hormone, hy phosphate O. They vary with vitamin D intake and they show
and calcium level s. and by several other regulators. seasonal changes in individuals exposed to more nat_

ural sunlight during tlle summer months. Both 1,25_ The liver is a major site for disposal of 25-OH-D
D and 24.25-0 can Ix converted in the kidney 10 as well as 1.25-0. Substantial quantities arc directly
1,24,25-tribydroxyv;lamin D. The laueT has some senl into the bile for excretion via the gastroiotes-
biological activity of the kinds shown by 1.25-0. but tinallracl. Only small amounts are rcwvered by lbe
it is less polent. 24·H ydroxylascs OUlSide Ihc kidney enterohepatic circuit (94). Calciferols arc also con-
may perform spc<:ial functions_ The inlC!)\inal cn- jugated in the liver. or converte<! to other metabolites
1,ymc seems \0 provide limited protection against ov- that may be degradation products.
cractivityof 1.25-D by catalyzing its conversion \0 Some 25-OH·D is made into vi-
the 1.24,25 metabolite. Some observers believe Ihal tamin D in the kidney. The derivative possesses bi-
24.25-dh)'droxyvilamin D plays special rolC!i in skel- ological activity. but its functions have not been de-
etal structure growth. and a 24-hydroxylase has fined. It was formerly believed that the 25.26
been identified in cartilage. derivative is an interntediate in the pathway for for-



, » /

! ,);

, 000<
\ .24.25·tn·OH -O,
, '" 25-0H·O, ·26.23·ladone

• .
Fill_ I 109 M"'aboiic de<iva,;vH 01 , '!em;" D., " oter''''.
mdica!. s" ""lures Shown in F;g_ 3-3 t_
malion of a major vilamin m<.:lIboiile. 23.()H-0,.
26,2J-.bclont (67). bul il is now known Ihal Ihe lao-
10IlC is formc:d much more I'lIpidly from 2l.25-dihy-
dl'Olly vilamin 0 (248). Allhou&h 11(1 .ctions of lhe
IaclOfIC as yel been do:scribed. tM possibilily
Ihal il performs some special funclions has not been
ruled out.
Calcilroic acid is a watcr-wluble deriva tive of vi·
0 pl'<'5Cm in both liver and intCSline (220). It
is the main biliary cxcl'<'lion product derived from
1.2300. On Ihe OIher hand. it may also be Ihe poi-
lulalei! metabolile that ronlribules to regliialion or
inlC$till/l l absorption of calo;ium. Yet anolMr melab-
oIite. eholccalcioieacid. arises in 1M kidncy (Fig. I I·
9). Many addilioNl m<.:taboliles ha...: rttCnlly been
idcntined (18IA). These inch.&: 24-o:to-2WH·D,
and (l30A).


11 _10 . In
TlIc rate of formalion of 1.23oD from 25'()H· O, in ' . . ..", 01 ,.,. 01 1.25-di-OH-D, prOduCtion. - . _ ....
well·nourished human adults is wimatcd al 0.3- ot t I _ I ..... _. 0.0-.... ot 1tIIIi_.

1.0-1<8 per day. It can vary widely in re$JIOnsc to di-

etary manipulations .nd .bo undcr palhological
o;ond'tionJ. rich in calcium.nd mode .... l. in phofpl>orul conI.'" (ll
Thc 2WH-D, la-hydl'Ollylase stTOngly resembles (""....,.cr. ,n both O«!inll')' di<t •• ..., likely 10 i_vote
enzymes of Ihe adl'<'nal corte1 involved in the bio- m;neral!»la..,. problem.): (b) >Om. timited adjustm.n"
S)'nlhesis of glucocorticoids and mincmlocoliooids It in miner.1 metaboi i,m can be made w;lhouI Ih. hor·
is a mixed function Ihal r<:qllir<:s mole<:ular mone.: and (c) wh.n Ibe hormone i. provided.
O);ygcn. Mg", an protein s;m- I","" <14P>< ber.... " adju.'''''''' 1,.;"""", """"al i,..,!.
ilar 10 .drC!IOCOflical I reductase: Ihal is bola led perfuscd kidneys taken from calcium-dc-
probably a flavoprotein. and B CYlochrome P-4.50. animals produce lalge quanlities of
The S)'$lem binds inhibilOf'$ discussed in Chapter 6 1.25_0 (210). and high lo-hydtolCylase activily can
Illat incl ude aminoglulethimide and metyrapone be: demonstrated for kidneys studied in vitro.
(I 5). When such olll ""Ilons ""'''' initia lly made. tltere
wer<: SUIIC!itions lhal the rontrots involved simplc.
direct interactions (sec Fig. 11-10). 11 has sin« be-
R. gul.llon by Calcium
come obvious Ihal this is not the ease.
It is possible 10 ada pt 10 diets that differ widely in Sma ll quanti lies of Ca" ar<: cSSe nl ial fer epera·
calcium conlcnl by making compensalory adjust· tion of the enzyme. If mitochondria al'<' uwrdy de-
ments of the la-hydroxylase activity. Usually. the picted of the ions (e.g. by te calcium-dc-
o;irculatinl 1.2300 vary invef$Cly with tile cal- plclcd media containing ehelatins 1gents). there if a
o;ium supply. Hllmans slIbj«te4 10 condilions in limited range over ...-hkh small inen:ments in l
- e.
which lile plasma Ca" is Io..-.:I'<:d by )<J,-5'1. roncc:nlrations elkit .ugmenlation of lhe
been I'<'JIOn e4 10 illCfUSC Ihe hormone up 10 Ia-hydroxyasc: activity (Ftg. II-II). Parathyroidcc-
(3). Animals mainllline4 on D-deficient diets lomized uimalf show sever<:ly blunted re$ponSCl; 10
or wbj«te4 to r<:nal injury become hypocaJ«:mi<.: dietary calcium deprivat icn. and their kidneys hmve
when they are g;ven ordinary food. If they r<:ceiV<' low la·hydroxylase
constanl dosagcs of 1.23oD. Iheir blood On the other hand. animals totally deprived of
calcium levels vary directly with the mineral content PTH do make limi/til adjustment! te their diets
of the food. (1$3) that ineludc some increases in 1,2.5-0 levels
wilen tile food is calcium poor. It is JXlUibic thaI
The role in calcium fOIISCrvlI'1on has been
PTH deficiency inY<lkes mechanisms thaI
liko"e<!'o Ibe role or in lOdium COIIK ...... ';o"
(19): (.) JuSl as lnimlls deprived or ,lie mi"" ....1ocnoti- do not IInder normal condilions. Some direct
coid can 011"";"" wben pven ""'Y I..... qllanti,ia oJ di_ stimulatory effects of hypocalccmi. on tile la-hy-
ctary sodium, p.,,,iously bealtby ora can .urvive for a droxylase have been docribed in parathyroidcclo-
time without ealdkrols if .i •• " food e>lremely humans (134).

Cai<:ium· Secret"'" 01
oef.,ient • • more par.thyroi<;l

, 2S·QH·D,

j ,,,
, .2S-(I;.()H· Q, Bone, Kklney, ere.

I rate 01
from s,,,"11 "'""Ii"",,I
) ,
f ig. 1 1· 1 1 .
"""'i,'ion of
Par.thytOid _
oJ C.' · on l,2S-(I;·
No<mocalcem<a OH·D, production .

Infl uences 0' l norgarde Ph osph ate malely inVQkcs hypopllQSphatcmia and secondary el·
Co ncentratlons evation of the circulating 1.25·0. Since the 1,25·0
promotes intcslinal absorption of phosphate as well
AhlKlugh quantitative differences reb led 10 age "nd as of calcium. it is easy to visualize a negalive fced·
sex have boen demonstrated for tenain species bacK relationship similar to (he one for cal.
(IOI), severe restriction of dietary phosphorus ulti· cium in fig. 11·10.

c.. absorption
lJ;et aty P _ __ ._ Hypophospllalomia _ _ <._ """
,",ric'K>n \ "",ivi!)' \.
" .... '''''' .... o<l.
-------------- - - - - P absorplOO<'l

In inIaC! animal. (including humans), blood cal- on 1,25-D levels arc dearly IlQt depe ndent on stim-
cium levels usually riS". This has been allribUled to ulation of PTH secretion. The change. in calciferol
,he inAuenC<'sexerlcd by Ihe 1.25·0 on intestinal aD- b·els in the blood and the secondary clevation of
sorpt ion of Ihe calcium (102). However. low phos· plasma Ca" can be invoked by phosphate depletion
phate levels Can act in other ways. Thcy lead to more in parathyroidectomized a nimals. (Hypercalcemia
effect ive concentration of both endogenous and CA· inhibit' PTH scerelion, and PTH levels arc gener-
ogcllQus 1.25-D by intestinal cells. and therefore to ally subnormal in hypopllospha lemic stales.) It is
sharpening of the sensitivity to the hormone (60). also worth IlQting thaI high PTH wou ld be un-
Thcy also facili tate calcium absorption when the desirable when the food is phosphate [l'OOr, Since
1,25-0 leves do IlQt risco Moreove r. since thcy impair the oormonc tends 10 further deplete body
bone mineralization, more calcium is made availablc pho<phate
to the extracellular fluids (Fig 11·12). The concept of direct negative feedback control of
The possibility that PTI-! acts via changes in ex_ la-hydroxylase by extracellular phosphate is incon-
tracellular phosphale to increase la.hydroxylase ac- sistent with numerou s observations. In studies in
tivity has been considered for two reasons: The hor- which other factors were maintained at constant lev-
ITKIne inhibits renal tubular reabsortion of phosphate els. no inverse relationships between plasma
and it thereby lowers blood phosphate levels. It also HPO;- and plasma 1.25-D leyels were found. More·
sccms to bring about localized depression of pb06- over. ,'cO)· high concentralions of illQrganic pb06-
phalc conC<'ntration. in the vicinity of kidney ccll. phate do nol depress U5·D synthesis (229). They
thaI have thc en7.yme (153). may fail to do so for secondary rcasons. High phos-
On the OIher hand, hypophosphatemic influences phate levels in Ihc blood lend to lower plasma Cal .
"anSI&< 01 ea""",, all(l phospll.ate " ' ,
,,,' bone

--- ,
" - - ,
.. 0"",,- at II.,..",

oIl .2M) syrn/"IrItit

- - - - - _____ r _____ __ ___ _


Fig. 11· 12. Poaiblo inlu . · 01 pI>osphIr .. Cllj:1 " "", ""
_ . . . . , 111" I......... """'1>' .. ;' ._ .r. 0..:........
_IKIM:In. (a) they intestinal absorption of cal. EFFECTS OF METABOLIC ACIDOSIS

dum: ( b) ;hey facilitate ptWipitation of ca lcium
in bone: (c) they flei.iwte mitochondrial S1e- lo,,"Cring of the plasma pi .. leads to aUlmentation
qu(:Stration of calcium: (d) by P!"()ll1()l5ina the for· or the pla$l1la calcium that i.
mation of un·ioniud calcium·phosphate as Ca1+. In ra t.. acidosis im pairs conversion of 25-
they lower the fraction of 10tai circula ting calcium OH·O, to 1.25_0. and it a l$Q seems to invoke some
that is present rts free calcium ion: and (c) they seem target organ to 1.25· 0 (1 43). It may ad.
to I _n the Knsitivity of intC$1inal mUCC!5a1 cells to ditionally 1.25-0 clearance ( II) . A l-
1,25- D. lbe resultin, hypocal«mia can thcn over. though related ctfecu in humalJ!i have been ques-
ride any in hibitory ctfe<:1$ of phosphate on thc la- tiorled (1)1). child!"Cn ,"ith renal tuhlar acidosis
hydroxylase. develop rickets a nd show growth retardation that ;s
Direct stud ies 01" the dfects or Va!)'ina ex traccl. effecti vely tr<:ated by alkalinization ( Ill).
lular phosphate on cll7.)me sy$tcms in vitro 8r<: dif.
fieull to conduct because of the presence or
o..bind. Parathy.old Ho.moll, A'gu latlon olth,
irlJ! proteins that inhibit t he activi ty The A,nal l ..-Hydrollylaa,
e nzyme canPlOl runction when thc extracellular
Auids <;QfIta in no phosphate. probably because ptJos.. There secms to be uni"rsal agreement that PTH is
pilate atf«ts thc flow of protons and elecu'oos and the major regulalor (60.39). Pluma 1.25-0 is ele-
the mitochondrial uptake or calcium. Thcr<: is II. vated by hype. porath)·roidism even when ther<: is
ran,e over whi.:h small incremenlS in phosphate concurrent hypercalcemia . The 1.25· 0 falls arter
inVOke dose· rela ted augmema tion of In-hyd roxy- para thyroidectomy despite the hypocalcem ia. AI.
lase activi ty. ' IOVo·cver. lhe effe<:u of the additioru though parathyroidectomized ( PX) an imals can
depend hea vily On the availa bil ity of both Cal ' s(pmc,"hat accelerate 1.2j·[) synthesis .... hen they ar<:
and H -. fcd calcium.poor diets. they cannel mailltain 1IOf".
It was noted that a nima" give n unva!)',n, dosages mocalcemia. in pan because of tbe deprt"$SCd 1,25-
of exogenous 1.25·0 lose the ir ability to adjust to o level s.
changes in dietary calcium. Thcy retain thei r ability
to adapt to cl\allga in the phosphate contcnt of the
I'isbes and do not p< 'I ,. I'lrathyl"Oid
,lands.. ar>d I",")·.", .. id '0 IKk l .... h)'TO'ylue acti.ily
rood. (89) (ol'hough lhe)' sy"'hcf.i", ClrlciferOll). Neil"", ,.;.
tam;n D <lOr its 25_h}'d'{lxylatcd deri>a!;' .... ms to ole· iwation of a large dose of OJ (87). and it provides
,.,.th. plasma Ca " in the .. animals (186)_ limited prolection against thc development of vita_
min D le)xicity (20.87). It is also secretcd when cal·
cium-depeleled animals ingest calcium-rich food.
Under physiological conditions. the blood levels risc
At least some of the effects of PTH are rne<;liated via shortly before meals. and its major function at thai
cAMP. The hormone activates adenylate cydase in time seems te) be postprandial conservation of the
par(l; {If the kidney, and both the nucleotide and its mineral (244). CT also alfects appetite. phoophate
analogs accelerate 1,25·D production in Ibe absence metabolism. and the functions of certain bone cells,
of PTH. More<lvcr. cydic nucleotide phosphodiester- Some observers believe that it simultaneously accel.
ase inhibitors synergi7.e wilh low levol. of PTH. It erates production of 1.25-D and protects against the
has been proposed that a cAMP-dcpcndem protein bone-resorbing elfects of thc stcroid during the
kinase calalY7'<=s phosphorylation of the cytochrome natal period (221).
1'-450 (89). [nnucnees on the mitochondria may be large doses can elevate plasma 1.25-0 in intact.
similar to those described fOT ACTH and LH On the but not in PK animals (151). The effeels of pre-
adrenal cortex and gonads. respectively (89). In both .. nting CT to kidney pl'<'parations are inconsistent.
cases, there seems to be a need for formalion of a
labile protein whose synthesis is dire<:led by a slable
mRNA. (However. unlike observations made for tho
Effects of 1,25-0 on Ita own Biosynthesis
pituitary hormones. acute effects of cAMP are not
blocked by cycloheximide. and some acceleralion of High levels of extracellular 1,25·D depress I",·hy.
1.25-D synthesis can be oblained without the droxylase activity bolh in vivo and in vitro. The en·
prolein.) 1.ymc activity is greater in animals that are D defi-
cAMP is to ..erl numerous influences on cient and hypocalcemic than in OTICS with similar
Iranscriplion and tranSlalion (209). The possibility calcium levels that are oot deficient in the vitamin.
Ihat il indu= the renal enzyme is consislent wilh Thc kidney possesses high-affinity receptors for 1.25·
Ihe of high plasma 1,25·D in Ihe pres- D. and translocation of the hormone·receptor com-
enCC of hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia. plex to the nucleus is foHowed by accelerated syn·
and with the 14-48 hours animals with parathryoid thesis of some mRNi\s. Influences on thc la-hy-
glands require to fully adapl 10 calcium·poor diets , droxylase activity can be blocked with transcription
A renal 24-hydroxylase competes wilh Ihe la-hy- inhibitors (3).
droxylase for the 25-OH·D substrale. cAMP may All of the preceding observations suggest that
decrease Ihc activity of Ihe 24-hydroxylase, since I ,25-D panicipates in negative fcedback control over
PTH is known to do Ihis. its own synthesis in a manner reminiscent of gluco-
PTH can also exert indirect effects. High levels corticoid inhibition of steroidogenesis in the adrenal
invoke metabolic acidosis (199), since Ihey inhibil cortex , On thc other hand. the relationships an:
hydrogen exc retion as well as sodium and bicarbon- probably much more complex. 1.25·D induces renal
ate reabsorption. PTH also the cytosol Ca" 25-0H-D,·24·hydroxylase (an enr.yme diseui\sed
in many cell types. and it can in that way alfect pr<>- later that can divert substrate away from the I«-hy.
tein synthesis. droxylase). Some observers find that 24.25-di-OH-
The effects of PTH and of parathyroidectomy on DJ inhibits PTH secrelion. but the effects of both
I",·hydroxylase and on 24·hydroxylase are easily this metabolite and 1.25·D on Ihe parathryoid gland
demonmated in young rats. Oldcr ones retain the are controversial (1 8 IAI·
24-hydroxylase responses. but they become refrae- A rapidly growing body of evidence suggests that
tory to those on the I·hydroxylase even when cAMP 1,25-D plays a more gelU'ra/iud role in Ihe regula·
generatiQII is accomplished (12). tion of mitochoodrial uptake of Cal<. It could in this
way alfect both the renal enzymes and the parathy.
roid gland. Mitochondria within the kidneys of D-
CalCitonIn Regulaton of 1<>-Hydroxylase
deficient animals al'<' elongated and heavy when
compared with those of controls. and they have im·
Although calcitonin (C11 activates some renal ade- paired ability to both accumulate and release cal·
nylale cyclases, there al'<' controversies concerning cium iollS. (89). 1.25·0 lowers la-hydroxylase activo
possible roles in regulation of the hydroxylase. Ex- ity only in Ihe pl'<'sence of adequate Ca". [t can
ogenous hormone can correct hypen:alcemia, but restore the appearance and functions of the mito-
reasonable amounts do not invoke hypocalcemia in chondria via mechanisms susceptible to block by in·
healthy animals. CT is released following the admin· hibitors of RNA transcription.
Insulin Influences on 1a -HydrolCylss8 Pancreatic polypeptide release not show such
Activity calcium concentration dependence (1 I 3).
Insulin dcf,ciency is associated with hypertrophy of
the intestinal mucosa. impaired calcium absorption. Glucocortlcolds
and suboormallcvcls of 1.25-D in both the blood and
GluCQCQrticoid level. arc typically elevated in insu-
thc intestine. despite unaltered hormollC clearance
lin-<loficiency stales. The steroids oppose most of the
ratCs. Parathyroid hormone secretion is augmented.
anabolic actions of insulin. and they have been im-
but it fails to correct the low al'livity .
plicated as mediators of the mineral metabolism
Experimental animals maintain plasma calcium and
phosphate concentrations when fed. but they tend to
Glucocorticoids acutely dcvate plasma Ca' -.
become hypocalcemic if fasted .
probably because they stimulate PTH secretion and
Children with juvenile onset type diabetes mellitus
thereby accelerate production of \.25-0 (30). They
suffer 05tcopcnia but not ostcomalacia (223). Losses
inhibit collagen synthesis. and this makcs more cal-
of calcium and phosphate into the urine ha" e been
cium available for transport to the extracellular
directly corrdated with the magnitude of glycosuria .
lIuids. Glucocorticoid, also depress calcitonin s«:rt:-
Exogenous 1.25-D can improve calcium absorption.
tion (149).
but neither vitamin D nor 25-OH·0 is effcctive
Delayed. sustained deprcssion of the calcium Icv-
ds evidently involves multiple mechanisms.
Insutin alone cOrreCts the cakium absorption rate.
I. According 10 some ob'-Crvers. the adrcfIQCQrtical
the intcstinal mucosa morphology. and the abilit)" to
hormones compete with 1.25-0 for the same recep-
synthesize and conc.:ntrate 1.25-D. !t promotcs tors (245). The notion is eonsistcnt wilh thc estab-
renal conservation of calcium and it can accelerate
lished use of glucocorticoids for trt:atment of vitamin
calcium transport across intestinal sacs studied in o poisoning and wilh the prOlcction afforded by
vitro. It also increases calcium uptake by several
l.25-0 against glucocorticoid-invoked o:ncoporosis.
kinds of cells (40). In childrcn with diabetcs melli-
Others have failcd to find such competition (II 5),
tus. it maintains the blood calcium and phosphate
Moreover. 1.25-D can only partially correct the bone
concentrations. However. although it support<
problems of patients receiving pharmacological
growth and the altainment of normal 'talUre. it fails
doses of glucocorticoids ( 147).
to cono<t the <»teoj>C"ia. Phy.;.,togicat lcvelo a re ev_
2. Glucocorticoids are reported to dc.:rease 1.25-
idently needed for health)' bone formation. but phar_
o rec.:ptor numbers in the intcst;nes of mice
macologkal accelerate resorption .
(whereas adrenaleC!omy increases the numbers). On
the OIhe r hand, although the adrenal hormones
In birds. nonhypogly"mic dosages of in,u tin ..
'he pt:um3 Ca" (t85). The etl"tcts are blunted bu, not lower calcium levels in rats. they seem to actu ally
aboli.hed by pa'alhyroidtc'OITly. A ditl"ercn' pep' ide increase the receptor numbers (11 5).
made in bird pancreatic i,I<I' is believed to ""ntribute 10 3. Glucocordicoids may antagonize the cffects of
c.lcium 1.25-0 on both bone and kidney via mechanisms un-
related to changes in rec.:ptor numbers (?9.1 79) or
Chronic vitamin 0 deftciency impairs insulin (but 1.25-D binding. Interfercnce with production of cal-
not glucagon) secretion. The defect cannot be COr- cium·binding prOleins and al kalinc phosphatase has
rected with calc iu m-rich fluids (180). but it may be been suggested (80).
rdated to chronic failure to maintain adequate cy- 4. By accelerating the conversion of 1.25-0 to
10$0/ Ca , • • with consequent impairment of stimulus- more polar metabolites. glucocorticoids may facili-
secretion coupling, Observations made on a slrain of tate both inactivation and excrction 01" the calcife rols
diabetic mice are consistent with thc concept. Glu- (I 87).
cose stimulates beta cell uptake of Ca " in a !lOlmal 5. Although they interfere with bone matrix syn-
manner, but this is not followed by insulin lelcase thesis. glucocorticoids can provide some protection
and th. associated calcium egress (225). Prcgnant againn bone resorption by stabilizing Iy-
diabotic women display stimulus-secrction SOSOme5 and thereby retard ing thc release of proteo-
coupling defects. It is nol known whether their fail_ lytic enzymes and other hydrolases.
ure to acquire the high PTH levels characleristic of 6. Influences on pTOtein synthes is in the
normal pregnancy is a!lOther manifestation of lhe liver include SOme effecls on production of calciferol
same problem. since the parathryoid glands arc transporters.
probably affectcd by their subnormal plasma mag- 7. Gl ucocorticoid! imeract with several other reg-
nesium levell; (64), ulators. and they have been implicatcd as mediators
In animals with nonnal beta cells. acule elevation of estrogen influenccs on the renewal of bone cell
of the extracellular Ca lo slimulates insu lin secre- populations. They may thereby affect calcium me-
tion. but persistcnt hypercalcemia depr= it (208). tabol ism indi rectly (79).

Pro lactin Growth Ho rm one

Egg-laying birds must markedly accelerate their cal- Although growth hormone (GH) and I>RL share
cium abSQrption rales as they prepare \0 make min- COmmOn chemical and bio[ogical propcnies. GH
erai_rich shells and yolks. When injected into chicks. does nol affect the I-hydroxylase activity of prepa·
PRL accelerate. calcium and phosphate absorption. rations of chick kidney sensitive to PRL. GH can.
and it invokes hype=lccmia and hypercaiciuria. [n however. enhance 1.25·D production if it is injecled
D-replele animals, ;1 probably aciS p,im3rily on the into birds. The possibi[ily that it acts via somato.
I".hydroxylase. PRL derived from lUrkeys increases medins or other intermediates has been considered
the enzyme activity wilhin 1 hour afler it is pre-- (102).
sented 10 chick kidney slices. Mammalian PRL is Hypophysectomy depresses the plasma 1.25-D
also effective. but it mU!l\ be used in higher omeen- kvels in ralS, and il impairs responses to phosphate
lrations (29). PRL can also. however. elevate the deprivation. Unlike intact controls given similar
plasma Ca" of vilamin-deficient chicks (89). food, piluitary-<leprivcd rats aClually show further
PRL affects calcium melalK.>lism differently in depression of Ih. 1.25-0 coneentralions and Ihey fail
rals. During the early stages of lactation. circulating to elevate their plasma Ca". (Hypophy5e<:tomized
PRL is high. calcium absorption is accelerated. and animals can, howe""r. increase 1.2S·0 production in
plasma 1.25.]) can be elevated as much as four-fold. response to either calcium deprivation Or PTH
Bromocriptine (an inhibitor of PRL se<:retion) re- administration.)
turns the 1.25-D to prelactational levels. but it does GH can normalize 1.25- D levels in hypophysce'
not affect the calciferol concentrations in age- u)mized animals eating ordinary food (1SS). How·
matched nonlactating controls. However. PRL does ever, it probably does not contribute to adjustments
not seem to directly augment I<t'-hydroxlasc activity of imaci animals to phosphatc deprivation. Thc GH
(155). It accelerates calcium abi>Qrption in [).defi- [evels are not elevatoo when Ihe diet i5 dcflcient in
cient rats (108). Pregnant and lactating females that that mineral. When children of short stature 5how
arC [).deficient utiliu calciferol.independent nlech- growth relponses 10 GH. changes in cal·
anisms to mobili1-c bone calcium (169), and PRL cium and phospbate metabolism can be demon·
may contribute to this. It is poosible thaI PRL inter- stratoo. but there is 110 corresponding elevation of
acts with calciferols to increase the calcium content I.25-D [evels (97) . Chronic Gil deficiency in hu·
of milk under normal condilions, sin"" there is recent mans is not consistently associated with low 1.25·0
evidencc for thc presence of 1.25·0 ...:cptors in (137). Some aeromegalics ha"" high calcifcrollevcls
mammary tissuc (181 A). but others do IIOt.
T hc likelihood that PRL supports metabolic ad- GH more effectively restores 1.25·D levels in hy-
justments to lactation in humans has been ques- pophysectomized animals when the parathyroid
tioned (108). [t is worth noting in thi5 connccti<Jn, glands are present. bUI it is nOI totally devoid of such
that a 25(1.g ral may be called upon 10 feoo up 10 19 polency in their absence. G H al so nt>rma[izcs Ihe aT>"
pups Ihat increase from 4 to 40 g each over a three- pearanccs of paralhyroid glands that haY<: under·
week period. By contrast. a [3Q..pound woman gone postnypophyseclomy atrophy . On the other
who docs 001 offer other food to her infanl sup- hand, the anabolic effects of GH in subjects previ·
ports a weight gain of some 6-8 pounds over six ous[y deficient in that hormone are not associated
months. with elevation of the plasma J>TH (95).
Eslrogen levels undergo substantial changes dur· It has been projX)Sed that Ihe pituitary gland se·
ing the course of ovarian cyeles. The steroids arc po. crete. parathyroid gland regulators unrelaled to G H
lent stimulants for PRl release. and cor..spond· Or PRL (85 .139). GH may inleract ,,·ith such stirn·
ing changes in plasma PRL have described. u[ants. [t is also possible Ihal impure GH prepara-
The,"" are no known associated 1,25·0 rhylhms lions contain such contaminants.
( 19).
PRllevels can be lowered wilh calcitonin (125)
and clevated with PTH (126). Dopamine is a phys-
iologica[ inhibitor of PRL secretion and il can an- Somatostati n
tagonize the effects of PTH. The relevance of such SS is a recognized inhibitor of GH secretion, and at
observations is not clear. since patients with hyper- least pharmacological concentrations insulin
prolaetinemia usua lly have oormal PTH arK! 1,25-D release. The peptide has been shown to directly ar·
concentl"lltions, whereas oncs with hyperparathy. feet bone cell differentiation via mechanisms susee!>"
roidism tend to havc normal PRL (2). tible to anlagon;sm by eilher GH or insulin (265).
Gonadal Sleroids also suggested. The slcroids affect Ihe activilies of
mitochondrial enzymes and they may contribute 10
Dil"<'cl inRuen""s of eslrogens on I a-hydroxylase ac- Ihc control of calcium uplake by the organelles. Es-
livity in mammals al"<' unlikely. As noled prcviously. trogens also bind 10 Ihe proximal tubule siles wilhin
no cyclical varialions in plasma 1.25-D accompany Ihc kidney Ihat regulalc [.25-D syn thesis (240),
menslrual cyeles in women (19).
Plasm. l.H-D are much hiEher in l.yinE hen.
than in I"<'productivtly inactive fern. Ie •. and tbey '1"<' very Conversion of 25 -0 H-D 10 24,2S-Dlhydroxy
low in <a<lr.ted . dull>of either sex, Est radiol alo"" par- Vitamin D
tially .estor« the <:(Incentmlion, in ..."ales, Neitb«
PlXllle51erone nor t«lOSterone alone is effective. buttbosc [n animals tha t I"<'ceive adequate amounts of cal·
>! ••oids augment til< stimulatory innuenec. of the estro- cium. phosphorus. and vilamin D. n"IOSl of the 25·
gen (246) , On tbe other b.nd. the "croid, do IIOt elevate OH-D is converted to 24.25-dihydroxy Vilamin D
l.2S- D in vitamin_' .pl... animal. fed calcium_rich diets. (24.25-D). Renal 24-hydroxylase activity Can be in-
nor do they .ffect I-hydroxylase activity when te. ted in creased by high eXlracd lu lar concentra tions of cal·
vitro (17). E.trogen. promote formation of medullary eium a nd phosphate. PT H also slimulates. but it is
bone;n boIb m.le, and remale, (SI). and they do <0 in
• itamin-def,eient a. ,",'ell as in ... ell·nourished .n;, nol absolulely required .
Tbe incl"<'.sed I-hydroxylase activ ity probably re.ult, Since hypophyseClom ized a nimals ma ke re latively
from upta ke of large quantities of calcium by such bone. large amoun lS of 24.25-D. and Ihis is correclCd by
[n fem.["". estrogens ,1<0 e.lcium use by tbe GH adminislralion. it has been suggested thai G H
'hell gland •. retard. induclion of Ihe 24-hydroxy lase . The hor-
Mammals do not posse", .hell g[ands_ and III< forma- mone may. however. aCI indirectly.
tion of a .imi[.r form of .""ngy bone in ,<>dent' ch.oni_ Kidneys tahn from animals deprived of calcium .
".11)' ovcrd= d with ca[ciferol. is mt)Stly of pharmacolo- vitamin D. or both have low 24- and high la-hy-
,ical interest . On the otll<r hand. tbe OOse"ed estroge. droxylase aClivilies. Normalization is read ily lccom-
inn"en«. on endoste.1 cell proliferation and on coo •• r- plishcd with appropriale replacemenl thcrapy (21 0) .
•ion of OSlcoprogcn itO< cell. to osteoblast. may be .cle- is reported to enhance accumulation of
v.nt. since cell. lining endosteal .u,faces of ad ult bum.n
2S.()H -D, and of ilS 24-hydroxylated derivative in
trabecular bone . how .imila. chara.teristics {13 8) .
blood and lissues. but 10 decl"<'ase inleStinal and
Malerna[ estrogen and progestogen le.ds rise renal 1.25-D. (263). T,. T. and TSH very rapidly
... ben fela[ growlh require. large quanlilies of cal- acce[erale 24,25·D prod"Clion by isola tcd. perfused
ciu m. and plasma [.25-0 is usually high during ral bdney' (130A). 24-H ydroxylases arc present in
pregnancy (108). Ho"'ever, calciferols may not be intestine. cartilage. and elsewhere.
major regulators of mineral homeostasis al .uch
limes (13J).
are both di rect and indirecl indications that
gonadal steroids a re involved in the formation and
main lenance of bone . During adolescencc. lh. hor-
mones a re implicated in calcification of lhe epiphy- The placenta cOnlains 3 I·hydroxylase Ih3t provides
ses, T hey alfect muscle strenglh and growlh. and ncph pregnant females with 1.25-D whe n
these indirectly regulale bone mass and remodeling. vitamin D is administered (247.264) . Its activ ity
Normal aging i. associated wi lh gradual loss of bone seems 10 be regu[atcd by faclors al ready ciled. but
mass. with increased susceptibili ly to fracturc. and placen la[ [aclogen may contribute ([ 37.221 ),
wilh depressed rales of bone healing. Short-lerm ad- The enzyme i. ncedcd primarily to aSSu re Ihat Ihc
minimation of eSlrogen. and androgens can delay mother absorbs sufficient calcium and phosphorus to
the mineral loss and hasten heali ng. [I has also been support fetal growlh. Neither the fCla[ inte.line nor
observed that estradiol and teStosterone inhibil cal- the fetal kidneyscems to respond 10 [.25-0 ([76)_
cium release from felal bones mai ntained in c ulture ( [n rats. receptors for the hormone first appear clQlie
(198). T he transient nalU re of the beneFtcial effects to the time of wea ning [70] .)
of estrogens in patients wilh postmenopausal Qliteo- [n fact. concept uses may require proteclion
porosi, may result from ste roid inhibition of the pro- again't aceumulalion of [.25-D. Choleealcifero[ rap-
liferalion of Qliteoprogcnitor cell' (sec Chapler 12), idly crosses the placenta. and <Orne 2S.QH-D enters.
In young, c)'cling fe male rats. the rate of new bone but onl), minule quanlilies of 1.2S-D Ca n be detected
,ynthesis fa lls periodically during the phases of ovar- in fetal blood when thc mother is give n a moderale
ian activity associated with high plasma estrogen dose of labelcd hormone. Moreover. mOSI of Ihe
(266). 1.25-D Iha l is taken up is soon inactivaled by esle r-
Indi rect inAuenccs On calciferol met abolism are ificalion . [f pregnanl ralS are given very large doses

of 1.25-0. the consequences indude mluced line, ble effects of sugar C<>/ltent on mineral melabolism should
size and impaired growth of Ihe surviving f.IUses. be .I$<;$$ed ( t 44).
The failure of feluses to conV<Ort vitamin 0 to
I ,25-D is explained in several ways. I mmatnre livers There are also indicalion' that vitamin {).deficient
have very lilli. of the cholecalciferol-25-hydroxyla", mothers of at least some 'train. cannot produce ad-
enzyme. Placental "pumps" maintain high levels of equate quantities of milk. evon when the infant' re-
ceive etlOUgh calcium to maintain normal plasma
calcium in retal blood, and this may account for Ihe
very low levols of PTH. Fetal bl<XXI is also high in Ca" . The pups then stop growing after the first
phosphate and in calci\()!lin. Ail of lhe prC<'eding week (43).
would be eXpeI'led 10 limit la-hydroxylase aClivi\y
(219). Some 24.25-0 accumulates in the fetal skel-
elan, but the conccnlralioru; arc low when
with \hO$C of juveniles.
5<'xm arter birth, loss of the ioHn.nces of the cal- In otherwise healthy patients. calciferol defidendes
cium pumps leads to a decline in plasma Ca". PTH are most easily corrected by oral administration of
secretion Ihen increases. The liver also gradually ac- either DJ or 0,. Patients with intestinal disorders
quires more 25-hydroxylase activity. The matura- thaI impair the absorption of fat-wlublc molc<;ules
tional changes would be expected to elevate 1.25·D. usuall y respond to injection. of the vitamins.
but some observers believe that other regulators con· 1,25-D has recently become availab!e for individ_
tribute. at least in human infants (221). uals with hepatic disorders that lower 25·hydroxyl.
NUr$ing infants of mOSt species are kept OIlt of di- ase activity, and with renal diseases that interfere
rect sunlight. They receive mostly sulfocanjugates of with canversion of 25-OH·D, to 1,25-D. It is now
0) in Ihe milk . Hydrolysis by intesti",,1 enzymes is being used almost routinely in hemodialysis patients
evidently efficient. since the sulfocanjugatcs do no! to oorrect hYfKlCaiccmia and the secretion of exces·
accumulate in the pups. The bones acquire sive amounts of PTH. Some beneficial effects in
tial amounts of 24.25-di.QH·D . Plasma concenlra· WOmen with postmenopausal ostooporosis bave been
tions of that metabolite are high up 10 day 14 in ra ts described .
(when milk is Ihe only food). They fall through day la·hydroxylase was more widely used in the paSt
25 as increasing quantities of solid food are taken, for trealment of palients with good liver function
whereas Ihe 1,25_D levels rise (106). (and therefore adequate 25·hydroxylase activity).
Calciferol. may play special roles in nUl"$ing in- There have been claims that it is superior to 1.25oD
fants. During Ihe first 18 days after birth. the intes- for some purposes (25).
tines of rat pups are insensiti"" to 1,25·D. The hor_ PTH would seem 10 be the agent of choice for
mone is evidently not n""ded for stimulation of treatment of postsurgical, idiopalhic, or congenital
calcium uptake because absorption i. accomplished hypoparathyroidism. Howe""r, the hormone is ex·
at fir$t largely by pinocytosis, and the calcium con· pensive. difficult to obtain, and unsuitable for oral
centration of milk is high. When the mother receives administration. Moreover, refractoriness often de·
adequate vitamin D. the infants undergo gradual velops when from olher species are re-
maturation of the intcstinal mucosa that is rcHceted peatedly injected.
in ability to take up large quantities of dietary cal· Dihydrotachysterol (OHT) is an artificial steroid
dum after weaning. Pups fed by vitamin4eficient that can maintain normocalcemia in such patients,
mothers do nOl develop in this way (107). After and in ones with pseudohypoparathyroidism. II is
weaning, they become hypocalcemic, develop severe mOre effective than the natural vitamin for mobili.
rickets, and are unable to respond to PTH . In con- zation of bone calcium (112). (It i. nol useful for the
trast. pups fed by vitamin-replete mothel"$ can with_ Ireatmem of rickets.)
stand vitamin D deficiency after weaning without DHT can be regarded as a reduction prodUCI of
becaming hypocalcemic Or losing responsiven .... to D" and it has been referred to as DHT,. However.
PTH. This occurs despite total disappearance of the position of Ihe OH group on carbon 3 aecaunts
1.25oD from the blood and severely impaired bone for its abilily to interact with the 1.25-D receptor.
development (144). The corresponding reduction product of D, (DHT, )
has been given \0 experimental animals.
A problem with interpretation of the obscrvatiOll$ jUlt The tachysterols undergo 25ohydl"Oltylation in the
cited i. that the vitamin D4.fieient diet given to the liver. They do not require l-h)'droxylalion to aCI on
weanling' was devoid of lllu""",,. Sinee """t C(lml1'l(:r· nephrtaomized animals, and they are
.ially prepared rachitogeniC diel> (:<;Intoin ,Iu""",,. passi- when taken orally .
bra ne . Each cantains a canntttive lissue core pene-
, traled by blood vessels and lymph capillaries (lac-
teals). and some smooth muscle ( Fig. II-D), The
vi ll i are longer and mOre numerous in Ihe duodenum
" I than in the jejunum. They assumc a club-like shape
in Ih. ileum (207).
Two kinds of epilhelial cells have idcmified.
The OneS directly involved in absorption arc most nu_
merous in the duodenum. They arc columnar. and

) each is equipped with some 2000 hair-li ke microvilli

Ihat project into Ihe lumen and account for thc

I "brush border"· appearancc (Fig. 11_14). Fine. non·

branching filaments course through thc microvilli to
Icrminale at the apical (luminal) in a trilam-
inar plasma membrane. The term " fu7.zy coat"· has
, been applied to the extracellular bordcr. but thc sur-
, , 0"
face layer is also known as the glyoocalYI< because
Oi hyd'OIi1<01>Y'ton"
of Ihe presence of glyoosaminoglycans Al kalinc
(DHT,I phosphatases and other enzymes have been locali7.ed
10 th is region. The opposite ends of the filaments
Since the calciferols numerous it penetrate into the cells where they terminale in
could be advantagoous to develop agents that are se- "rootlets'· that are embe<Jdcd in a terminal ",·cb of
lective. for example. ones that accelerate intcstinal fibrils. Scattered. mucus-secrcting goblet cells arc
absorption of calcium and phosphorus without pre>- also present at Ihe duodenal surface. They are ITH)re
moting excessive mobilization of bone minerals_This numerous in the lower porlions of Ihe lract that in-
may nOI be accomplished until after the controver· clude the jejunum.
sies concerning the differences in activities of natu- The presence of tight junctions between Ihe epi-
rally occurring molecules have been resolved, As will thelial cells is consistent with the belief that most (if
be discussed. there arc some unanswered questions not all) mineral translocalion is trsnsceUular. Move-
ooncerni ng the specific roles for 24.25-di-OH-D and ments of calcium and phosphorus arc accomplished
other metaoolities. by separale processes(IIO). but both arc affected by
the luminal Ca: P ralios. the blood minerals. and thc
AND PHOSPHORUS ABSORPTION Calcium Absorption: Slles Bnd Mechani sms
Within the small intestine, cakium and phosphorus In hcalthy. well-nourished animals. calcium absorp-
derived from food mingle with minerals secreted by tion proceeds at a maximum rate in the duodenum.
the glands of the digestive system. Calciferols can However. this segment of (he intestine is short (20
increase the rates at which calcium and phospho",' em for the human adult). and il aCCOUntS for jusl a
are takc n upand Ihe percentages of those suootanCC& small fraction of (he total calcium uptake. (The
absorbed. They affect the formation, structures, and human jejunum is around 275 em long and the ileum
properties of the cells Ihat border Ihe lumen (179). closer 10 425 cm.)
Calcium traverses several morphologically defined In calcium- and vitamin D-rcplele rats. the lrans-
struClures as it journeys from the intestinal lumen to port rate in the duodenum is five times greater than
the bloodstream, and calciferols are known 10 act at in the ilcum. When labeled calcium is presented in
mUltiple sites (69). The horITH)nes also play roles in solution. 7%. 17%, and 63% of the absorption occurs
regulalion of gastrointeslinaltract motility (24), but in the duodenum, jejunum. and ileum. respectively.
no inAuenCC& on glandular secretion have becn de- while colon and stomach account for 8% and 2%
scribcd(179). (261). Calcium presented as a component of solid
food is preferentially taken up by the ileum. with up
to 89% absorption from that region.
The Absorptive Surface 01 the Intestine
Young rats fed calcium-rleficient diets respond to
Shelf-li ke folds (plicae circulares) and villi increase vitamin 0 administration by rapidly accelerating
the area of the inlestine thai is exposed to the lu- duodenal uptake, and the bulk of the mineral is ab-
minal contents, The villi af<' finger_li ke projcclions sorbed there. Gradually. Ihe transport rates in lower
cove",d by epithelium thai reSI on a basement mem- ponions of the tract increase (60).
.. .
...1 .

, I
, '
, • ,

, .

. -," .,.
", ,
., - ,
.. ,

. ..,
.. ...
, I

..,. . . ,.
Fig. 1 '· 14 . A . Surf."" ep<thelUn Of rat "" • .,inal villus,
<Iuodenum . elec,'"" mictOll'ai>/'l. ( 1) Intestmai """...,. (2)
r>I.>O je; of aboorpti .... cells, (3) ba .... 1par! .,. muc.,.,. cell.
••. (5) (6) m;T«I>o<\c!,j• • ( 1)
in""""Uul. r Spa"". (8) bIoo<I capi llar;e. in .. _ . proptl. ,
(9) ,>,mpM'Oc oapillary, (10) mIIny c e lIO in "'" conno;;,;ve
' i$SW c.nnot ". _ tifit<lo, thi . magnitocotion. X '830. B.
Enl"""",,on, oj or•• _10, 10 rect.<lQle ... A. ,ot dLlOdenun\,
eloetron mOc'09faph. ( t) u.n.n. (2) m;';'Q'I;a!i, (3)
toOlI., .... 'ar",; .....1wOb. mitoclloOOtia , (5) 11'" ""1,,,
endopIasm;c 'e1icu1L11'11, (e) 1" "'81 borde<$, (7)

, secondary X 6000. (RI>odin. ",,"'...,., 207)

Fig. 11- 13. Int""liM, villu, from r.l <luoden<Im. tip region, (9) po.'C.pill'f"/ . _. (10) ,ymp/lalie c;>pill." y
Io<9ludO"1aluctior> tr.ough I'" mi<lclle 01 "'" ""'., eleelron (la o,,,,,,) . (11) SI\"'IoOlh ( 12) the cor. ot the
mi<:rograph. ( 1 ) Inl&$linall...,.,n, (2) nude; oj absorpti.... ,.ll ul ('omma ptopt"ia) ;s made up of IOOS& """"""ti.e
cell. in 1M ""tace OI>'fleIOlm. (3) b. ...II. - ' , (.) ,; _ "';1h • ot 81SO<ted cel l ( 13 )
rTIUOO\J. (goDIet) ""II', ( 5 ) " ''''",,lIular .pace . (6) rwelol lytnpIwx:yt.... e n tlwough the ..... r• .,. opit"-I;um. ( , . l
01 aDoorpli". cells, oppa,,,,,,ly Doeing s hed into thO inl ••lin. 1 """"",ine cell (argy,OphiI """l . X 660. (Rlw>din, .......c.
I....,..,. (7) ClOSS o"".;or, oj _ _ Ole , (8) bIoocI CllpiliariftS. ron

Ca ldum firs! comes inlO contact with the glycQ- tinal sacs studied in vit ro_ but only massive amounts
Here, negatively charged su lfate groups and 2S-OH-D have demonstrable effects.
other ions iniliale the uptake. The neU step seems 10 When large doses are given to an imals, 24.25-0
be transfer of the mineral to calcium-binding com- accelerates calcium absorption. It probably must
ponents of the plasma membrane. The low-affinity undergo I-hydroxylation_ since it is ineffcctive in no-
.iles a'" believed to be phosphate g!'()llp:! of mem- phrectomiz,:d anima ls. 1.24. 2S-Trihydroxyvitamin
brane pbQspholipids. whereas the high-affinity oncs D is appro:<imately one-third as potent as 1.25-0.
arc proteins. The uptake rale, can vary with changes and it is rapidly degraded .
in phospholipid ma ke up and with ins"'li,m of cer_ An intestinal 24-h)'droxytase catalyzes convcrsion
lain prole ins into the brush horder membran ... D if_ of 1.2S-0 to 1,24,2S-trihyd roxy vitamin O. The en-
ferent kind, of proteins are implicated in transfer of 'yme may confer SOme protection against
the ions 10 the cell interior. outsidc of as well as within the gut. It has been ob-
The eiecln)negalivity and low free Ca" CQntcnt of served that a single la rge dose of 1.2S-0 is equally
lh. cytosol are bel ieved 10 faci litate calion entry. 0.- potent for stimulation of bone resorption when given
gancll.. and intracellular membra nes have been im- orally or parenterally. However. chronic overdosage
plicated in protection of the cell against ucessive cI· has greater effects if the pa renteral routc is used
cvations of the Ca " concentrations (46) and in (179).
facilitation of transcellular mOvements of the ion •. Plasma concentra tions of
Extrusion a t the serosal side is an active. energy_ o risc and fall in parallel with those of 2S-OH- D.
requiring process. It may depend primarily on oper- The twO metabolites are said to exert similar actions
ation of a ouabain-insensitive Ca ' (Mg' · -ATPase . on intestine and bone, but the functions of the 26-
Some extracellular Na ' is needed to anain maxi- hydroxy derivative are nOt known.
mum extrusion rates (119). but exc=ively bigh wn- It has becn widely assumed that 1.25-D is de-
eentrations impair rather than facilitate Na ' (Ca' - graded Or prepared for excKtion by enzymes of the
excbange. target tissues. There has been ,"cent speculation
that SOme of the steroids derived from it subserve
specialized functions (181 ).
VItamIn D-Ind .. p .. nd .. nl Calcium Uptak ..
Animals fe<! calcium_rich food build up high intra-
1,25-0 Actions on the Intestine
luminal Ca" concentrations. T he ions move down
tbe ir concentration gradients, enter the cells. and A rapidly growing body of evidence supports the be-
exit at the serosal s urfaces. A nonsalUrable transport lief that 1.25-D acts in several different ways to ac-
process that is calciferol_independent has been iden_ celera te absorption of calcium (181.252). Responses
tified. It is unaffected by age or previous calci um in_ to administration of the hormone are multiphasic.
take (46). It may assume specia l importance in nurs- They a rc affected by the agcs of the test subje<:ts and
ing infants that have not yet developed sensitivity to by past nutritional and endocrine history (45). Some
1,2S-0, and in vitamin D-deficient animals given are bloc ked by inhibitors of R N A synthesis, and oth-
diets with high Ca: P ratios. However. it cannot sup- ens by inhibitors of protein but not RNA synthesis.
port ca lcium homeostasis in vitamin D-deficient an- Vet different ones involve ehanges in membrane
imals fed ordinary food. lipids.

Calciferol Hormones Allecting Transport INDUCTION OF SPECIFIC mRNAs AND

[t is believe<! that vi tamin 0 must be converted to PROTEINS
1,25·0 before it Ca n stimulate calcium uptake. The 1.2.5- D crosses the plasma membranes and enters
vitamin itself is inactive when stud ied in vitro, and it the cytoplasm. Receptors that bind with high affinity
fails to accelerate ca lcium absorption when it is and specificity have been identified in the brush bor-
given to nephrectomized animals. In intact animals, der cells ( Contrary to earlier re-
many hours elapse from the time of vitamin 0 ad- pons that the receptors have molecular .... cights of
minist ration to t he onset of the first detectable re- 47.000-70,000 and sedimentation constants of
sponse. The latent pe riod is substantially shortened around 3.7. it is now believed that unoccupied rccep-
when 1,25-0 is used , Intermediate values arc found tors have weights of 90.000-100.000 (ISlA). Some
with 25-0H-O. authors state that the hormone-receptor complex
Very low concentrations of 1,25-0 elicit maximal unde rgoes an "activation" step before it translocates
increases in calcium transport across inverted intcs- \0 the nucleus, but others attribute the delay in nu-
clear binding to slow association of tho steroid and Some slim ulation of calcium transport precedes
protein molecu les. Maximum binding of the complex the appeamne<: of the CaBPs. and SOme Can be ac-
10 the chromalin is achieved wilhin 2-4 hours at complished in the presence of inhibilOrs of prolein
37' C. Tho complex can be rcleased from the nucleus and of RNA synthesis. The dedine of tile lranspon
by DNases. but not by RNases Or prOlcolytic response many hours after injection of a si ngle dose
enzymes. of 1.25·0 is more rapid than the loss of CaBP. and
Accelo raled incorporation of labeled uridine Or Or- the effects of other regulators (e.g. glucocorticoids)
otic aeid into mRNA precursors can be demon· on calcium uptake are oot well correlated with
strated soon afterward. and the effect peab within changes in CaBP levels. Moreover. there are agMe-
3-4 hours after Iht initial presentation of the hor- pendent differences in the magnitudes of calcium
mone 10 the target cell. Laler. the rate of incorpo- transport acceleration associated with a
ration of labeled leucine into proteins increases. increment of CaBP (13). Induction of the proleins
mRNAs that code for Ihe proteins have been re- may require some prior elevation of tile cytosol Ca"
covered from e<:lIs and used to direct synthesis in for reasons OIller than generalized influences of tile
cell·free systems (53). Severnl vilamin D..;Jepcndent ions on protein synthesis. In parathyroidectomized
proteins have been isolate<:! and shown 10 affect cal- animals, 1.25-D is effective only when the diet is rich
cium uptake. in calcium (250).
Actinomycin D and <MIma nitin block several of CaBPs do not appear to influence the permeability
the actions of 1.25·D. This is taken as evidence that of the luminal membrane to calcium. Once the cal·
the bormone acts via induction of new mRNAs. dum enters. the cell requires protection against ex·
(However. when given to animals. aClioomycin 0 cessive elevation of the cylQWI ion conlent (44).
can also interfere with the conversion of vilamin 0 Some observers believe that the proteins act primar-
to 1,25-D.) ily as "buffers" thai bind tile ions a nd later deliver
Although high concentrations of 25-01-1-0 can af. Ihem to the serosal surfaces. Others suggest that
feci calcium transport in vitro. it is believed Ihat this component. of Ibe Golgi and endoplasmic reticular
melabolite docs not form hormone-rcceptor com· membranes perform such functions (sinC<' binding
plexes Ihal lranslocate to the nucleu •. Ihere is affected by vitamin D). They link the pro.
tein. with the function. of the Cal+_ATPase at the
serosal side (46).
CALCIUM·BINDING PROTEI NS (CaBPs) Tile faclOrs affecling the produclion of a CaBP
wilh a molecular weight of9000 that bind. 200 nmol
Cells contain a variety of cytosolic Ca per mg were studied in several groups of rats
proteins that bind tightly to calcium. They also take (46). Animals maintained On high-calcium diets
up some Sr" and Bah . but they Ilave little affinity supplemented with viTamin D accumulated SOmo 2S
for Mg " and other biologically important cations nmol of CaBP per gram of intestinal muCOSa . When
given a single dose of 1.25-0. their CaRP levels
Certain members of the group are called vitamin began to rise within half an hour. and they doubled
I).dependem CaBPs. because they are presenl only in an hour. ne high levels persisted for the next 24
in cells that possess U5·0 receplors. and they are hours. Since Ihe described changes in CuBP could be
induced by Ibe hormone. Ther. are severnl reasons blocked with cycloheximide but not wilh actinomy.
for linking the Ones in the intesline with calcium ab- cin D. it Illal the hormone acted al the level
sorption. The prolein conccntralions fall to unde- of translation. One possibility i. thai newly formed
tectable levels in D-deficient animals. and they ar. labile protein activatcd a mRNA coding
restored by vilamin administration. Although some for the CaBP. Anolher is thatille new protein cat-
effects of 1.25·0 have short latent periods. it has con,-ersion of a pre-CaBP to CaBP.
been observed that the major. sustained stimulation Rals on low-calcium diets su pplemented with vi-
of calcium uplake is preceded by Ihe appearance of lamin D accumulated 50 nmol of CaBP per gram .
the mRNAs thaI direcl the synthesis of the proteins
Presumably. they already had high 1.25·0 levels,
(142). There are dosage ranges over which 1·25·D si ncc low-<:alcium diets are associated wilh high I<r-
and CaBP levels. and also CaBP cooe<:ntrnlions and activity. When additional 1.25-D was
calcium transport rates. rise in parallel (47).
adminislered CaBP rose substantially. but only afler
On the other hand. it has become apparent Ihat 7 hours. Peak values were attained at 9-10 hours.
Ihe following simple sequence fails 10 the ac· and they then declined rapidly. In these: animals. the
tions of tile calciferols (259). changes in CaRP could be blocked wilh actinomycin
O. The high initial levels of CuB P, the long latent
DJ - 1.25-D - mRNA for CaBP - period, and the effects of actinomycin O. are all con·
CaBP production - Increased calcium uptake siSlent with Ihe suggcslion thai all of the mRNA

coding for Ca BP was in active form before the 1.2S- membrane and latcr delivery of the ions to the cell
D supplement waS given. and thl CaRP levclscould interior.
not risc (0 yet higher levels unlil Ihe hormone pro- Calciferols increase the brush border actin content
moted thc synthesis of new mRNA. The rapid re- (1 20). and it has been ob:$erved that cytochalasin in-
lurn of thc CaBP 10 pre-inje<:li(m values terferes with both actin assembly and calcium up-
further thai thc cells possess mechanisms for pro- take (l28). The binding of calmodulin to the memo
tecting themselves against ae<:umulatiQn of excessive branes and the phosphorylation of proteins are also
quantities of the calcium binding protein. reduced. However. the effects are not associated
Rats maintained on diets deficient in both calcium with subl;tantial changes in morphological features
and vitamin D did not have deleCtable leveb of that can be detected in electron micrographs (120).
CaBP until ancr they were given Ih. 1,25·D. 8 hours Other cell constituents affected are components of
aflcr Ihc hormone was injected, the CaBP levels the Goigi membranes (which bind more calcium in
began \0 rise. hours were required to attain vitamin-replete than in deficient cells). Entymcs in-
pea k kvels. and the effects wCre sustained. When creaJled by 1.25·D indude Cal> I Mg' · ·A TPase and
oompa",d with the low..:alcium. vilamin D supple- alka li ne phospha tase .
menled animals. the members of this group required The hormone is ta ken up and bound by cells
longer latent period. and they achieved lower final withi n the intestinal crypts. It is likely that some of
CaRP concentrations. Therefore. in addition to lack· the actions with long latent periods are related to in-
ing stores of aetivatablc mRNA. they seemed to suf· fiuences that can Ix: exerted only on immature cells
fer other kinds of defects that impaired responses to that later migrate up"'ards (130). I.25·D is addi-
the hormone. tionally implicated in acceleration of cell prolifera-
Changes in rateS of c.1lcium uptake aCr05S intes- tion. elongation of the microvilli. and augmentation
tinal saCS prepared from the rats showed some time- of the absorptive surface.
course relationships to the of the CaSP.
The mOSt prompt responses were found for the vita-
min D- and calcium·replcte group. and the most de-
for Ih e vit.min D-ddicient group. MEMBRANES THAT DO NOT INVOLVE
Interestingly. however. whereas 1.25-D is the cal- ACTIONS ON TH E NUCU:US
ciferol obviously required to maintain normal rates The membranes of vitamin· replete animals have
of mineral absorption. other naturally occurring higher permcabilities to calcium than those of vita-
molecules can induce the CaBPs when presented to min-defic ient animals (250). It has been demon-
em bryonic chick duodenum in culture. 1. 25-D Wa5 strated that changes in phospholipid content
found to be effcctive in 10_'1 M concentration •• but can affect calcium uptake without exerting simulta·
vitamin D and 25..()H -D can promote the formation neous influences on other functions such as gluco:sc
of the protein in concentrations of 10 • M and 10- 1• transport (84). The influences exerted by I ,25·D af_
M . respectively. The levels are lower than the ones fect membrane nuidity. They include aCCeleration of
found in the circulation. 24,25-0 15 less potent than phosphatidylcholinc synthesis and of phosphat idyl-
25·D. 1.24.25-D fully imitates 1,25· D's influences cholinc acylation-dcaeylation cycles (205). The
on CaB P production, but it is a less effective stimu· phosphatidy\ :eholine ratios and the quantities of un·
lant of calcium uptake (62). saturated rally acids contained within the phospha·
tidylcholinc are incr<:ased. The effects .w em to be
specific. No changes in cholesterol content or in
phosphatid)'linositol have been found.
It is IIOt yet known how many kinds of proteins are The inAuencC!i on membrane phospholipids Can
induced by 1.25_D. A brush border protein with a procce<J in the presence of inhibitors of protein i)·n·
molecular weight of around 18500 that binds 350 They are easily linked wilh acceleration of
nmol Ca/mg has been implicated in the initial as· calcium uptake. and it has been proposed that they
socia tions of the ions with the plasma mcmhrane serve to convert latent calcium channels to active
(46). A much larger protein with a molecular weight ones. Animals suffe ring essential fatty acid deficien-
of 200.000 and 20.45(}.daiton subunits that avidly cies do not show increased passive uptake of calcium
bind calcium has been given the name IMCal (in- in response to 1,25-D.
testinal membrane calcium-binding protein) (216). The addition of methyl esters of cis-vacccnie acid
Its propenies and location ma ke it sui tablc for par- can enhance calcium uptake across membranes
ticipation in transport of the calcium aCrOSS the taken from [).deficient animals in a manner com·
parable to 1.2>-0. whereas tile: addi tion of esters of CaBPs IN OTHER TISSUES
Ir<l/IJ·ya«eni<: acid leads to reduction in mcmbr.lroc In "itami. (}.deficient chieks. proteins that bind a ....
fluidily Ind slowing of the tn.nsporl in mcmbnnes tibodies directed againsl inteslinal Ca BP ha"" been
from yitami'H'epkte Inimals (lOS). Filipin is a p0- found in numerous organs tlult include ).:idney. a:re-
lyene a nt ibiotic that inten.CI$ with plasma mem- bral cona. hypolhalamul. adrenal. thy·
llfane lipids and elicits changes in transpoft charac· rOO. and paralhyroid glands. lC$lis, and bone. Fol·
teristics reminiscent of the (HIC$ obtained .... ith lowing administration of calciferols. the prolcin at...,
caleircrols (181). appears in Ihe seru m. while Ih. eoncen lralions in lhe
It hal becn pointed oul. howcyer, Ihat on inlcStine increase more than at ot her sites. IncreasC$
upta ke of calcium aCross brush border membrane followin, hormone treatment have a lso been round
vesides studied in vitro mUSI be intcrpreled .... ilh for kidney. pancreas. bone. adrenal. and oomc other
Qlution. since intra«llular f«tors may be: major de- , iS$\lei (57).
tcnninants of the in vivo rates. In $Iudic:s wilh <:<)1"' The findings are conWslcnt wilh a growing belief
tito!, il was observed that marked 6c:pression of in Ihal calciferol! act on 01 ,II kinds of cells. La-
vivo calcium uptake could be: eliciled wilhout chang- be:le!! 1.2>-0 has bc<:n obsc"",d 10 bind wilh high
inlthe rates of uptake across vesidcs deri ved from affini ty to the nuclei of epidcrmis. renal epilhelium .
the anima ls (224). lactating mammary gland. pituilary gla nd cells. and
The mox:hanisms whereby hiah <XH\Centrations of p<lNllhryoid gland cells. as well a5 al some olher ,ilcS
2S-OH-D affect calcium Iranspon arc not known. 11 (241 ). It has also been repof1cd Ihat vilamin D ilself
has b«n reported by ...,me thai the metabolile pref- acts directly on Ihe epidermis 10 alfeet the synthesis
erentially binds 10 the nuclea. envelope. T he binding of calcium.binding protei'" (18g). Tile roles in most
to mitoc:hondrilll membranes could al..., facilitate of the are as yel uJ>dcfined. It is kno.... n lilal
nlcium cnlry and IlIe:reby play roles in regulation of the stimulate production of numerous
cyI010I Ca" 01 in the lransfer of calcium 10 tile ser· proteins Other than Ca BP outsidc the: intestine (58).
osal border.

Cale ,rerols 'ncrease the nile of phosphorus absorp- Contin uous remodeling of bone 1....0
lion. and they can do Ihis even in IIIe: absence of cal- object ives: (3) Bone ctll popUlations are renewed.
cium (60,7 1). While the mnimal lransport rate is Ihe S;:teS and shpes of skelelal struCtures an:
said to be: in the jejunum. pbosphate is taken up O"ol'r adapted to prevailing needl. and appropriate repairs
tile lenglh of tile small imestillC. As was noted. Ille are made: and (b) controlled uptake and release of
proc ." is OOIIlroIled by facton {)Iller than 1.2>- mincrab. especially in nc ...·ly rormed bone. make
UCC. major conlribulions 10 tile mainlenance of CJClracel·
Rclali\<Cly little is known of the mechanilJl'l:i lular calcium and phosphalC oonc.:ntr.llioos. When
(1 46). It has been poinledoul thaI Ihcy diffe r insev. nutritiO<\ is adequate. Ihe!wo functions complemenl
eral respee ls from th(ll;e affC;:Iing calcium upla).:c. each other. When calcium is in 'hort supply. homeo-
For one thing. phosphale goes againt! Ihe eleClrical StB lie lake p'ecedence. even when \be ske!·
gradient as it enlers the bonier membrane. A is ad"ersely affected (198 ).
specifie carrier has been (110).
The slimulation lias b«n linked wilh induclion of
both Ca BP 111011 alkaline phoJpNlll$II: (90). II re-
quires luminal Na ·. and it Kern' to in vol"" Na -·P; In well·fed infants and juveniles. 11(:10" bone fOlma-
ootranspon (114) lion procttds more rapidly than resorption. and Ihis
leads to nel accumulalion of skelelal lissuc. Thc re-
The pos.ibi li,y calcifcro!$ OIhu Ihan 1.25·D con· sorption is essent ial for allainmenl of normal bone
"ibule 10 Ihe regulalion i •• uUcsled by "udie. of "IS con lours. mainlenance of the marrow pro-
with. ,ene,ie def"'" ,h. , iml"in phooph.te ai>sorplioo .ision of channels for passage of ne rves and blood
Ind ,h. ",by invoke. hYP"Phoophalcmia e. cn ,,·h<n vesse ls, and release of caleium to thc ext racellular
pI:; 1.2$-D Ie"els.", in lhe _mal "nl'. II ,... ob-
Ruids. Ph)'SioIogical concentrations of 1.25·0 are =-
..,,,,,d lhal Ihh<>ulh lho(: ...d boroes of U.c "'''
responded '0 eJI",enous 1.25·0. only I...oH·O nbsl .... sent;al for normal growth bul pllumaoological ones
, ilily impanel ,Ile .... of diet:ory (2S). On impair m.JlrU production (116).
, he {)Iher haod. I...oH·D con main'.'n hiBh pluma Young go through a pha$c during .. hich
l.n.D in "'" ,.;,h Knll .,.'oodYSltOl'hy (92). bone mass and mi...,ral contCnl teoo to $Iab,li..,. and

remodeling seems to be imporlant primarily for the ciency seems to preferentially intpair production of
mineral exchange and the healing of fraclures , How- cartilaginous and bony matrix (at least the
ever. there are conditions under which marked I()- early stages), whereas pholiphate deficiency m(H"e di·
calizcd or generali1.ed changes in bone mass can rectly retards mineralization. Rats generally havc
occur. Ind ividuals who leave desk jobs to enler oc- higher plasma phosphale Icvel, than most other spe·
cupations that req uire standing and walking acquire tics. They do not us ually develop rickets when de-
heavier leg bones. and racket-wielding armS of avid prived of calciferols but provided with diets contain-
lennis players have Ihicker bones than their counler- ing ordinary Ca:P ratios , They acquire the disorder
parts. whercas bones confined to casts during the if the Ca :P ratio is high. Calcium-<leprived ratS arc
healing of fractures undergo transient atrophy. Bcd- hypocalcemic and they tend 10 develop osleoporosis.
ridden patients. and astronauts deprived of the usual Dogs and several other animal types studied in the
gravitalional forces, can lose very substantial quan- laboratory do develop rickets when calciferol d.-.
tilies of bone minerals to the urine. privod. even if the diel contains substantial quan-
Normal aging is associaled wilh more rapid re- tities of phosphorus (68). It should be pointed OUt.
sorption than new bone formation (164), and also however. Ihat both genetic factors and microenviron-
wilh changes in the physical properties of Ihe cry:;. ments contribute 10 species variations in response to
tals that can lessen tensile strength (54). Osteoid as mineral levels. Moreover. hypocalcemia exerts indi_
"'ell as mineral content declines. Although some im_ rect inHuences, since il provides the stimulu, for
pairmenl of calciferol metabolism can occur (39), PTH secretiOl\.
excessive bone loss in palienlS on ordinary diets usu-
ally leads to Ihe dC\'elopmem of osteoporosis rather
Calciferol Accumulation In Bone
than osteomalacia.
When a single dose of labeled OJ is given \0 rachitic
It has b«" "a,ed Ihat he.hhy postmenopaused women
lose bone al con,tan, rat .... 0<1 th.t those with initially rats. much of the radioactivity can SOOn be found in
•malt bono ma .. are the ones most lil:oly to suITer debil_ the skeleton. Some is still present after 48 hours .
it.ting osteopOr<t<is and tendencies to devetop fraolures Initially. the vitamin itself is taken up. and as
lato in life (6). However accelerated booe loss followiflil much as 21% of the dose enters the bonos. OJ is then
",coopaUK or ovariectomy h•• bocn tinked with declinin& .scnl \0 the liver for 25-hydroxylation, and bone con-
estrogen level •. Some observers believe that estrogen d.-. centralions 0[" 25-O H-D build up OvU a 6-S-hour
licicncy e,aUcralos the $<;nsitivity to parathyroid hor- period, Two proleins Ihat specifically bind thai m.-.
mone (59). bUI others qu .. tion this (148). A, discussed tabolile have been idenlifiod (2l). Afler some time,
in rart V, adipose ti ..."o converi. othor sieroid. to estro- mOre than 50% of bone calciferol content is in this
gen,. and .Iender women have been reported to lose bone form, while 0, accounts for an additional 35%. Skd-
rna... and minel'lll, al more rapid I'lIle, than individual.
etal tissue posseses some 24-hydroxylase activity,
with larger "(}rC$ of ,ubcutaneous fat (9t). EX08<"0.'
estrogen< can alleast tran,iently slow the Io<scs. and they and it also takes up 24.2S.QH-O from Ihe blood.
may under ",me "'mdilion, accompti,h reversal of Ihe There is little la-hydroxylaK activity. and only min_
negali" balance (59.9t). There are claims that calciferot ute amounts of I-hydro.ylated cakiferols are found
, upplcmenu are beneficial. Howe"r . • ltbongh 1,25_D in- in the Skeleton.
cre.",s c.lcium absorption. it also tend. to bring abou t The findings suggest that 25.QH-O and metabo-
porallel increases in bon" resorplion rIIte. and urinary lites made front it in osseous tissue perform special
c.lcium excretion. functions. On the other hand, bone SC<:ntS to contain
specific high_affinity rece ptor.s for 1.25_D but not for
either 25.QH-O or 24.25.QH -D. Therefore, only Ihe
la-hydroxylated metabolite would be expected to
Minerals during bone degradalion emer engage in processes requiring the binding of hor-
lxxIy pools that are replenished from dietary sources mone-receptor complexes to the nuclei ( 160). (The
and by renal losses. The pools provide tho findings do 1101 rul e Out inHuenees exened in other
ions that circulate and the ones taken up by newly ways, e.g, on membranes or on Ihe binding of 1,25-
formi ng bone and other lxxIy tissues. [n rapidly D to its receptor.)
growing chicks and puppies, some 60%-64% of the
plasma calcium is of direct dietary origin whcreas
" Anabolic " Ac tions of Calclferols
30%-34% previously resided in bone (133).
The mineral content of the extracellu lar fluids Abnormal findings in rickets and osteomalacia !n_
profoundly affects bone physiology. Calcium deft_ clude low mineral:osteoid ratio. low alka line phos-
phatase activity, impaircd lysyl oxidase function., Speciel Functlone of Certain Calclfarol
and morphologically demonstrable lesions. Calcifer· Metabolltee
ols can all of the problems (except in rare
There are conditions under which exogenous 25·
individuals unable to respond to the hormones).
OH·O improves bone mineroli'.alion, elevatcs serum
Calciferols are also said to promote bone miner·
phosphate and al kaline and is senerally
al;'-"tion indepl'ndenlly of their ability to oorrcct
beneficial 10 patients with osteomalacia. whereas
blood <:alcium and phosphorus leve\s(34). and to fa·
neither 1.25·0 nor 24,25-0 brings about similar im·
cilitiale bone maturation (76).
provement (33). Since sugge'lions that 25-0H·0 is
anabolic while the l· hydroxylated derivative is not,
" Catabolic" Effects have not been supported by oomparisons of aClions
of the in vitro (237). other explanations
1,25·0 acts;n vilro to rcduce both ostooid and min·
have been offered. For one thing. 25"() H·0 aCI. on
eral oomponent. of bone. Its ability to increase the
the kidney to increase renal conservation of phos-
numbers of multinucleatc osteoclasts has lik·
phate (33). and elevation of the extracellular pllos-
encd to the influences exerted by PTH (238), but re·
phate alone should have beneficial effeels. For
cent findings indicate that it acts dire<:tly On Icub·
another, exogenous 25..()H·0 may aSSure the main·
cylic receptors to promote oonversion of mono-
tenance of optimum levels of 1.25·0 in the blood.
cyles to large. phagocytic cells (195A). 1.25·0 also
The metabolite is efficiently absorbed (228).
augments the acid phosphtase activity of the
and it <:an bring about su,tained. moderate elevation
cell' (237). Such findin8" have been inlerpreted 10
of circulaling 1,25·0 (140). (By contrast. 1.25·0 is
mean Ihat the hormone accelerate, bone resorption
rapidly degraded. When taken orally. it is likely to
provoke transient rises to toxic levels followed by
However. studies on calcium IUrrl()ller in chicks
depression 10 suboptimum ooncentrations.)
suggest that neither vitamin 0 deficiency nor calci· Most in vitro obse rvalions are consistent with ac-
ferol replaCemenl affe<:ts boll(: resorption rotes
tions of 25..()H·0 similar in direction to those of
(133). It has also poinled out that osteoclasts
1,25·D (237), or with lillie or no acti vity when mod·
cannOI directly destroy mature. calcified bone rna· erale concentralions arc used (42). 25..()H·O may
trix. One component of the hypl'realcemic action
therefor. serve the function of protecting bone cens
may be stimulation of production by osteoblast. of agai"", exce.. ive effecto of Ihe powe,ful hormone by
mineral-solubilizing factors (232) . Therc are several
interfering wilh binding to the receptor.
findings consistent with 1.25·0 inhibition of new
bone fOrmalion. and this could increase the 4uan·
tities of minerals available for release to the
cellular fluids. Newly formed brushite is used to re-
plc nish blood calcium, and l.25·D may slow its Bone oonlains substantial quantities of 24.25..() H·D.
oonversion to lcss acccssible bone mineral. and there have been suggestions that il plays SOme
special role in bone ph%iology (71,157 .177) wbicb
may be relaled to promoting mineralization (39).
When laying hens arc given either 25'()H·D or
24,25·0 as their sole source of calciferol. fertility is
1,25·0 inAuences on resorption or inhibilion of maintained and Ihe embryos go through normal de·
new matrix synthe,is are said 10 against pro- velopment and hatching. If just 1.25·0 is given in-
duction of excessive quantities of osteoid (157). They stead, large numbers of embryos are los\. The sug·
may also assure provision of ade4uate oon· g.,;t;on that 24,25·0 is specifically needed (and that
cent rations in the direct vicinity of new matrix 25..()H·0 i. effecti ve because it is converted 10 thaI
does form. metabolite) has been questioned. Calclferols fluori·
A different concept is thai 1.25-0 i. primarily all- naled at the 24 position cannot undergo 24-hydrox·
abolic when Ihe mineral supplies are adequate, and ylation bUI they can substitute in vivo for 24,25..()H·
thai the catabolic actions are invoked only when o in chicks (8) and also in rats (170). In most in
there is a need to elevate Ihe blood calcium levels. vitro studios, 24,25..()H· O either aCls weakly 3$ a
The notion is supported by observations that only os- 1,25·0 agonist or fails 10 display biological aetivilY.
leoblasts are stimulated when the supplies are good, It may aceelenlte ONA synthesis (A·I).
whereas osleoclasts as well are affected in mineral Altbough 1,25·0 receptors in bone show some
deficiency slales (39). Catabolism may require cbaracleriSI;cs resembling those described for tbe
higher 1.25·0 ooneenlrations thaI are achieved only small intestine, differences have also been described.
in hypocalcemic stales. 1,24,25·D i, an ext remely wea k agonist in the gu t,

and dihydrotachysterol (which promotes calcium ab- fcctively control the activilY of the parathyroid cells
sorption) has no known effects (237). than just the changes in Ihc plasma calcium.
It is evident from the preceding ob.ervations that However, although paralhyroid cells do nOt COn·
much remains to be learned calciferol lain specific. high-affinilY receptors for cenain other
regulation of bone physiology. calciferol melabolites. there arC good rCaSOnS for be·
lieving Ihat somcthing other than 1.25-D serves as
the major regulator (171).
CALCIFEROL REGULATI ON OF In hyperealcemic states. 1.25-D levds arc usually
PARATHYROID HORMONE SECRETION well below Ihe concentration range associated with-
inhibition. AI such times. the C<lncentrations of 25-
PTII secretion is usually augmented by calciferol de-
OH-O. 24.2S-OH·D. and 25 .26-D may be adequate
ficiency. This is attributed at least in part to the hy_
for regulation of PTH secretion by bovine parathy·
pocalcemia that results from impaired intestinal ab-
roid cells. It has also been reported that although
sorption and bone metabolism, and possibly also
1.25·D only partially reduces thc si7.c of parathyroid
from 1= of calciferol regulation of renal functions.
glands of kidney-damaged rats (92). combinations of
PTH then provides SOme protection against devel_
1.25 and 24.25 metabolites totally suppress the hy-
opment of severe hypocal«mia. However. the effects
perplasia. Similar influences of 24.25-OH·D on cn-
of that hormone are blunted in {).deficient animal,.
larged parathyroid glands of ca1cifcrol-<leprived
PTH secretion also increases when renal disorders
chicks have been described. A synthetic analog, lcr-
depress or abolish Ia-hydroxylase activity.
2<k1ihydroxy vitamin D is reporled to be highly ef-
Some actions of PTH are exened on bone cells re-
fective for controlling the hyperparathyroidism of
sponsive 10 1.25·D. but the two Itormones act on dif-
rats with immobili7.ation ostC<lporosis, and it has
ferent receptors (273). PTH can bone re·
becn suggested that this agenl is safer Ihan 1.25-D
sorption. but it also exerts some influences on cell
in such conditions (127). 2S,26-Dihydroxyvilamin D
proliferation that are I10t mimicked with 1.25-D.
(137) and 2S.oH . D are also effeetivedepre>S:lnts of
The most common bone disorder of hyperparathy·
PTH secrelion. and Ihey can accomplish this wilhout
roidism is osteitis fibrosa cystica. a condition in
which .ome of the bone matrix i. replaced by fibrous elevating the blood Ca l - (171 I.
I! will be nccessary to explain controversial find·
connective tissue. It is likely. howe''Cr. that PTH
ings regarding the effects of 1.25,0 and 24.25,D on
makes sub.tantial contributions to the bone patltol·
parathyroid function (39) before definitivc conclu-
ogy associated with calciferol deficiency. The sever·
sions concerning the control mechanism$ can be
ity of the 05tC<lporosis that follows immobili7.ation in
rats is diminished by parathyroidectomy (127).
1.25-D indirectly suppresses PTH secretion. since
it elevates the Ca1+. Direct effecls of the cal-
ciferol on parathyroid gland cdls arc complex. Spe·
cific, high-affinily re«ptors for 1.25-D have been Specific, high-affinity receptors for 1.25-0 are pres-
identified in the glands. and hormone·receptor com- ent in the kidney. and Ihey bear close
plexes translocate to the nuclei (123). I! has bttn 10 the proteins found in the intcstine. The Itormone
proposed that minute amounts of the calciferol are excrts scveral influences unrelated to its roles in the
required to maintain !Klrmal cell functions (74,183). regulation of la-hydroxylase activity (241). These
and concentrations of 10 II M can increase PTH se- are difficuh to definc because (a) the effects of the
crelion. According to some observers. concentrations hormonc on induction of CaBP and othcr
of 10 ,. M directly inhibit. and ones of 10- 1 M 3re are nOI the same 31 (211). (b) specicsdiffcr-
even mOre effective (55) . Others have I10t observed enCeS in renal responses to 1.2S·D have been ob-
acute inhibition (99). but some long·range in"uenees served (14S), (c) there arc numerous interactions
on PTH relcase or on the sensitivity to calcium ion with other regulators that control elcctrolyte excre·
inhibition have I10t been ruled out (183). lion. (d) the eXira-renal effects of 1.25·1) contribute
The preceding findings can be easily fitted into a 10 the roles of the hormone in the regulation of elcc·
concept for homeostatic adjustments. When the lrolyte excrelion. and (e) 25·0H·D binds to the hor,
1.25·D levels arc vcry low. PTH is ncedcd to supple- monc receplON. The affinily is lower. but the con-
ment thc infiuences of the calciferol on life-suslain· centrations of that metabolite arc of sumeient
ing maintenance of the plasma Ca l - . When 1.25·D magnitude 10 affect Ihe biological functions (61) .
levels rise, normocal«mia can be achievcd in the Calciferols may faeili1ate renal conservation of
presence of low PTH. Perhaps some direct inhibitory calcium and phosphorus. especially during times of
inHuences of 1.25-D on PTH secrelion can more ef. skeletal growth and repair and when the dietary sup'
ply of lhe minerals is limited. HO,",'tver ..... hen 1.2S- 2. ... d. m•. N. D.. G •• 'h .... ,I •• T. L.. G ray. R. W.•
o deVltes Ihe plasma Ca'*. it a u,ments calciuria. H...,n. T. C. and Leman". J .• Jr. TlIe Inlo""l;1·
MOiIt 01 the actions of PTIi on lhe kidncy have . ioMhips ''''''''1 Proiaelin. 1.2S-Dihyd fUlyvi·
' -n linked .... it h cAM P ,cnc: ralion (86.214). Calc;' Ilm;n D. Ind P:oralhynlid Hormone in ll umanJ.
ferols anl.lgOnize the effects. but lhey do flO! consis- J. eli... £NlrxrflfDi. oNI: 62\1.-30. 1979.
tently .ffect t he plK.>lp!>odieste rasc activity. 2S-OH· 1. Adam ... N. 0 .. Gray. R. W.. IIId l emonll. J .• J •.
o has been re ported 10 Oppo$C the plK.>lphalurie ac· The El'fo<lS <>f O ral CaCO, Lo.4in. and Diel• •)'
Cllci um Dr:privalion on I.2S-Dihyd."xy.
lions of glucagon (which a . c a lso thoughl 10 be vii. min D Concentrations in HOllthy I\dull<. J. iated) (194 ). On the olher ha nd. a l· Clln. EndoerillOl. #8: 1008- 16, 1919.
t housh CT is yel another hormone Ihat promotes • . Adeblein, R. S .. Rc.ula l'Ofl and Kioclies of Ihe
cA M P generation, o;a k:iferol in leractions can vary I\ctin-Myosin-ATP Inlcraction. Ann. R.....
.... ith tIM: upcrirncntal QOIlditions. 921-S6. 1980.
All hormones cxcning major innuellCC$ on cal· S. Ali. S. Y. Analysi. 0( "hln. Vesicles and Thcir
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Parathyroid Hormone, Calcitonin, and Other Regulators of
Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism

Parathyroid hormone (PTH, parathromonc, para- range deleterious inAuenee, On the skeleton are is best known for ils roles in maintaining des ibc:d later.
plasma calcium and phosphate wncentrations. It di- The blood-brain barrier provides some protection
rectly regulates bone cell functions. calciferol melal,). against rapid depression of cc rebrospinal "uid Ca"
olism, electrolyte excretion. and scYeral olher phys.- during the early stages of hypocalcemia (67). How_
iological processes. ever, permeability is ultimately affected . and this
probably acooun\s for the rise in intracranial pres-
,u re, the changes in clectrocnccphalcsram pallerns.
and the paresthesias that include prickling and tin-
In,"lI y deprived nf PTH .. ,,,,,,,rnh In hyf>C>- eli ne ",,".. ,inn< in •• nd lip re-
calccmie teta ny. Th. first signs are euggerated gions. Patients with long-standing PTH deficiency
neuromuscular responses 10 stimulation. Soon oflen experience irritability and psychic depression.
afterward. tremors and muscle 'pasms become spon-
laooous. and Ih. inadvertent slamming of a door can
precipitate con vulsi ons. Ultimately, spasm of th.
muscle, of Ihc larynx or diaphragm lead, 10 When a moderate·sized dose is administered to
stra ngu lation. parathyroidcctomizw animals, some of the earliest
Heightened neuromuscular excitability is easily effects are exerted on the kidney. Phosphaturia. na-
demonstrated in patients secreting subnormal quan- and bicarbonate ilOOn lead to the
tities of PTH. Percussion of the facial nerves invokes development of hypophosphatemia and mild meta-
oontractions of the associated muscles. and applica- bolic Since the fraction of blood calcium
tion of a tourniquet that impairs oxygen delivery to present in ionic form increases. of tetany
the a rms elicits carpopedal spasms. Hyperventilation can Ix alleviated Ixfore elevation of total blood ca l-
reduces the fraction of total blood calcium that is cium ii achieved.
present in the form of free (biologically active) ion. Restoration of norrnocalcem ia requires more time.
and the oonsequences include tremors of the fingers. PTII facilitates transfers of minerals from bonc and
tongue, and regions aTOllnd the lips. other tinues to the extracellular fluids. It promotes
In chronic hypoparathyroidism. overactivity of renal coll$Crvation of calcium. and its influences on
muscles of the gastrointestinallraet often blunts the calciferol metabol ism lead to more rapid absorption
appet ite. In severe cases. vomiting a nd diarrhea in- of dietary calcium.
voke dehydration and loss of the abili ty to regulate True hypercalcemia devdops if large doses a rC re-
body temperature. while biliary oolic results from peatedly injected . The toxic effects inClude excessive
spasm of the sphincter museles. Contracti011$ of the stimulation of the myocardium and interfere nce
Jaw museles impede speech, and drying of the with relaxation. In extreme cru;cs, the end·result is
skin increases the susceptibility to infection. Hair systolic arrest. (In previously healthy a nimals, the
and fingernail growth are defective, and chil_ heart is easily arrested by intravenous injection of

dren additionally suffer delayed dentition. Long- calcium sa lts.)

CHRONIC HYPERPARATHYR01DISM concentrations fall 10 8.0 Or rise above 12.0. Olh·

ers tolerate wider fluclualions. possibly be<:ausc the
During the early stages. hypertension develops be·
calcium ion content varies less tban Ihe tOlal cal·
cause of the increased cardiac output and the con-
cium. The liming of samples may be imp::.rtanl.
striction of systemic blood v=ls. (Coronary and
since diurnal varialions in plasma calcium have been
cenain othe r blood vessels. do, howe>cr. dilate in re-
described (144).
sponse 10 the hormone [41J.) The effe<:!s of hyper-
calcemia on the gastrointestinal tract Can cause an-
orexia and oonstipation. High calcium levels also THE PARATHYROID GLANDS
imerfere with the actions of antidiuretic hormone
(79), and impairoo waler conservation can exacer- Most adult humans have lWO pairs of parathyroid
glands embeddcd wi thin Ihe jXlSterior s urfaces of Ihe
bate Ihc natriuresis. and bicarbonate
thyroid capsule. The 10lal weights arc a round 120
loss . Thirst. dehydration. and fever are common
mg for males and 140 for females (7) . Addit ional
Hypercalcemia probably aeCQants for some of the bits of tissue Ihal can undergo hY!"'rtrophy when Ihe
main strUClUres are removed arc commonly fOJnd
disturbances in mental functions, but PTH may ad_
associated wilh the Ihymus gland or situated along
ditionally directly facilitate brain cell upta ke of cal_
esophageal and Irachea l surfalXs. Mammals show
cium ions. Some relief has been obtained with dO&-
marked species variations in numbers and locations
ages of calciferols that dep«,ss PTH levels without
of Ihc gland$ (171),
lowering the plasma calci um ion CQIICCntratiom
(66). Guinea piS$ all<) usually a.quiro lWO pairs .,r gland •.
The manifcstatioll$ include headache, weakness, wheroas raU and mice typically develop a . ingle pair
las'litude, and memory loss. Severely affected indio weighing around 2 mg embedde<l along the late ral . ur·
viduals ca n beCQmc delirious. experience hallucina· faces of Ihe thyroid, Cow •. goat •. and sheep often have
tions, and paranoid behavior. The encephal- on. pair >"""i.ttd with, a nd another «pa ratcd from. the
ogram pattcrll$ a rc abnormal . and the erroncous thyroid glands. In pigs. the pamh)'roids can be located
diagnosis ()f "psychosis" has been applied. However, wilhin tht thymus Or attached to Ihe common ClITOIid
CQrrcction of Ihe hormonal imb.lance us ually Embryologicat stud ies pro.iM elue$ 10 Ihe ...;at;o", in
promptly alleviates the sym plOms. numbe rs and arrange menU. The parathyroid cell. origi ·
Chronic hypercalcemia leads eventually to the de· nate in the pharyngeal pOuches. and IhOile slruClure. also
position of calcium salts in soft tissues. The problem contain Ihe forerunners of the th)'mus gland. aortic bod·
is exacerbated when 1,25-dihydroxyvilamin D (1.25- ie$. and uhimobranehial tissue (39), The major comp<>-
D) levels a re also elevated, since Ihe calciferol lends n<nts of Ihe thyroid glands originate in neighboring . Iruo-
to inc«'ase Ihc plasma phosphate as well as calcium ture., bUI some Ihyroid cells may . 11<) be present within
concentralions. The kidney is a common si te for met- Ihe pouches (102). Evidentl}'. the paue rR$ <>f mi&"'liQn
astat ic calcifIcation . The res ult ing nephrocalcinosis 10 the r,nal ,it., are tI()( rigidly controlled , Recenl demo
is irreversible. and impairmenl of renal functions in- on.tration that .blation of neu .. 1 crest cell, Ca n impair
dcvelopment.,r Ihe thymus and Ihyroid gland. (l6A).
vokes hypertension via me<::hanisms 001 dire<::tly re- alOllg with the .,tab lished origin of <;Ilei-
lated to the calcium levels. W hen calcium salts are lonin-sccroting cell •. r.ise the pouibilily that ""me .ari·
deposiled into blood vessel walls. arterioles bcwme al ion. occur prior to pharyngeal pouch differentiation.
stiffened and unable to engage in the dilations and It has been '"U'51ed that the widespread oceurrCnce
constriClions needed 10 effectively redistribute the .,r "accessory tissue'· confers a .utvi.. 1advantage . since
flow. Sliffening of Ihe a()rta is even more dangerous. the main glands . re located a l ,i t.. susctpl iblc 10 injury.
since the walls Can no longer "give" in respOnse t() Such lissue complicates the problems of su r,ical
pressure. The s}'l'lolic pressure is elevaled, whereas correction of hyperparathyroidism in patientS and of
Ihc diaslolic p«'Ssure may be lowered. The myocar. studying lIormone deficiency in the laboratory ,
dium and Ihe smOOlh muscle of Ihc gastroinlestinal Paralhyroid glands seem to be unive ..... lIy pre«nl in
terrestrial .ertebrates ( 11 1), It i. widely believed Ihal
traCI arc additional si tes for metastalic calcificalion.
bony fishes do not ueh endocrin< tissue. It has
been .taled that eartil.gino•• fish •• coold ha.e no usc for
PTH si nce Ihey do nOt pO$SC<s Irue bone.>·
INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN RESPONSES seou, tissue has recenlly been foond in them (78), and
TO CHANGES IN BLOOD CALCIUM SOme ohsor.e" describe parathYn) ke "ruetures in
cl •• mobranch. (111 ).
Unde r normal condili()n •. plasma calcium levels for
adult humans arc in the range of 9.5-10.5 mg/d!. All parathyroid glands contain cells" thaI
Some individuals ex!",rience severe symploms when synthesi?.e and release PTH . They are generally a r-
ranged in cords (Fig. 2-2). and they seem to undergo Blo8ynthe8is
cycles of and ··rcst'· that are out of phase
with th e activit ies of neighboring cells. The darker In common wit h other proteins destined for export.
ones have morphological characteristics consislent PTHs originale as components of larger precursors
wilh direct participat ion in the secrelion, numerous (72). When mRNAs coding for them are extracted
gra nules. well..:leveloped endoplasmic reticulum and from bovine glands and are used to direct protein
in cell-free systems. a pre·pro-paralhyroid
Golgi vesicles. and low glycoge n COnten!. The light
hormone containing an initiator peptide. a "signal"'
<;<:lIs. which are sometimes said to be "resting." arc
(leader) sequence. a nd a pr<KOmponent can be re-
rich in glycogen. They contain few granules . a nd the
covered 12-1 and 12·2).
Golgi regions are less prominent than in the dark
The emire 1)5 amino acid is never
Oxyphil cell. idenlified in many species may be
formed in (he para thyroid co1b. A methionyl pepti-
Chief cells that undergone degcnerati(m. They
dase removes the in itiator peptide when the naSCent
do 00\ appear in humans until after puberty.
chain contains 20-30 am ino a cid moieties. Thc sig-
na! s.eq uence facilitates (Tampon of the growing
chain (0 the cistcrna of (he rough endoplasmic retic-
ulum. An enzyme associated with the membrane
PTHs are single·<:hained peptides cOnlaining 84 catalyzes rupture of the glycy\·lysyl bond between
amino acid moieties (71). Small variations in com- the signal and prosequencesjust before or soon after
position are encoun tered among individuals as well the translation is completed. The signal componen t
as among species. and a single subjeci ca n have two probably undergoes rapid degradation. since it can·
dilferent types (73) . However. PTH taken from one oot be found in the parathyroid gland.
kind of mammal is biologically potent when it i. ad. The 9O-amioo acid Pro-PTH remaining after re·
ministered to another. The amioo acids al positions moval of thc signal sequence is transloeatC<:i to the
15-30 seem to be involved in binding to receptors. Golgi region for further processing. and it ean be de·
but molecules containing jU5t Ihe first 29 moieties tected there around 15 minutes after initiation of the
arc fully active. The amino acid. at positions 1-3 peptide chain assem bly. The prohormone exertS
seem to be required for receptor activation (74). SOme PTH·like actions. but it has very low potency.
Fragments consisling of amino acids 3-34 a rc potcnt A trypsin·like "prohormone-convcrting en7.}·me'·
PTH inhibitors (l IS). catalyzes conversion of Pro-PTH 10 the 84 amino


IP Amino ••
·a1. ·30

0< more

Fig. 12-1. Me1abolic ptoce •• ing of pt""P'Of>lrathyroid
1>0<_. IP. '";1;.to< poop1;de; SS. signal_a; PS. pro

s." -A1a·Lyo·Asp· Met_" al-ly.-val-Me')

( J
leu- f>he·Cy.·!Ie· ...... -Leu- Met· Val·1Ie

l y'-Se" Val-Ly.·lys-Arg Pro ""'l""nce

\23 •• 61Sg
•. GIy.Leu.
" ,. " ,. '3 12 11 10
Glu ·Arg. Vol..(3lo-T rp-le u 'Ar9.L)'S. LY• . LeU)
,g 20 " 2> OJ . . 2. '" 27 ,. Fig. 12-2.
, __ - - - -- ---- PIle·A",,· Hi._ VaI •.o...p.GIn " signal peptid. ·.. "I)I"Q" peptide. and
r, :I< '" 32 31 >0 '1\1 PTIi 10< !he malo< Io<m of !he bovine
' -- -- - --- --- - ----- - ---- GIn·COOH po'atn1'<>!d hormone. Tho c ir<:led IminO
• ae« vary willi I!Je opeciM .

acid PTH . At least some of the product is inc()rp<)- Amino-terminal fragments are also produced
rated inw granules for storage and subsequent secre- within the parathyroid cell •. Those possessing al
tkln . 1t i. "(II \::nown whethc< a ny Pro.PTH is ta\::en lea.t the fin! 29 am ino CJfcrt action,
into Ille or whether some PTH (and p0s- (Synthetic peptides consisting of amino adds 1_34
sibly Pro-PTH) exils (he plasma membranes. are widely used to study the functions of the har-
No prohormone is belie_cd 10 be se<:relcd by cxocy- mone. In m(lSt studies their dfe<:ts are indistinguish-
tosis (71). able from the ones obtained with equimolecular
Microlubules probably play roles in Pro-PTH pro- quantities of PTH I-S4.)
cessing and transport (7). When c()lchicine or vin- The amino-terminal fragments formed within the
blastine is presented directly 10 parathyroid cells. glands evidently undergo rapid intracellular degra·
some changes in microstructure occur and the rate dation . They cannot be found in apprt\:iablc
of removal of the pro--sequence is depressed . (How- amounts in the efflucnts Or in culture media.
ever, the cells retain the ability to increase hormone In addition to inhibiting PTH release. high ron·
se.:retion in response to hypocalcemia [30].) Centr31ions of calcium ions accelerate hormone deg·
Up to 70% of newly synthesized hormone is re- radation. Calcium-activatcd protuses have bec n
leased to the cytoplasm. where it becomes vulnerable identified (7 1).
to attack by proteolytic enLYmes (1 26). The bond at PTH thai enters the circulation is tahn up by
position 33-34 is the most frequently affected (71). many cel l types. The liver cleaves th: hormone, and
bill cleavages OCCur at many sites. The resulting pel>- hepatic enzymes a lso attack oxidized (inactivated)
tides can then undergo funher degradation. peptides. Both li ver and kidney are known to release
Parathyroid gland, contain a cathepsin B that C-terminal and N_terminal fragments 10 Ih. blood·
cleaves PTH \>(,twcen amino acids 36 a nd 37, and a stream. Sone cells d egrade only acti ve hormont", p0s-
cathepsin D that separates moieties 34 and 35 s ibly because the cleavage is in some way related to
(BA). When blood calcium levels are high. the the hormont" actions (58). However, rupture of pel>-
major secretory products are carboxy-termina l frag- tide bonds does not seem to be essential for hormonal
ments that include 34-84 and 37-84 peptides. The actions. The slow and incomplete deSradation of
molecules do not possess PTH potency, but the p0s- PTH in osseous tissue may be related to tight bind-
sibil ity that they perform regu latory roles has been ing to the re<:eptors.
COI!sidered (126). Something like one-half the car· N-terminal fragments that entcr the bloodstream
boxy·terminal fragments formed end up in the ve- disappear rapidly. They arc both filtcred by the glo-
I>OUS effluent. meruli and acted upon by renal tubular epithelium
enzymes. Cterminal oomponents have longer half- RoIs8 01 CalCium Ions
lives . They are jusl filtered. and plasma proteins
Calcium ion concentrations of the extracdlular
seem 10 relard Ihe degradation (126). Under normal
fluids are the major regula tors. Hype rcalcemia rap-
oonditions. liule Or no intact PTH appears in Ihc
idly lowers the rates of PTH and PSP release (20.
urine. I 25) . whercas hypocalcemia stimulates.
Blood plasma contains of PTH and its
products. Since the older immunoassays rccogni7.ed The mechanisms of action are II i. widely
inactive fragments. the hormone levds were overes- .<lumcd Ihal irICrtases in eXl racellul.. Ca" wneenlra·
timated . Antisera thai detect just Ihc active oompo- lions lead 10 corre.ponding elev.lions of eylosolic C."
nents have recently been developed (III). Conccn· According to One pOinl of view. lhe cen. have "cateium
trnticns seem to be not much greater than 1O- 1l M. recepIO"'" that mcdiatethe rcs""ns"", (A·7).
Allhough hyperealcomia invoke< dose-dependent
The half·lifc for PTH is "ery shon (1.2-2.g minutes depression of Ihe plasma memb,"nc pOlenlial. it is un-
for the dog (165]). li kely Ihal hyperpotari,"'tion $Iimulole<. Supraph)'>iot.
ogica] tcyel. of K' depolari,e Ihe membra .... bUI Ihcy
PTH <eOrelion. Moreover. Ih. crfcc1S of high K •
Parathyroid Secretory Proleln and low Ca l' arc addilive (45).
AB t 87 facititale. calcium entry inlO many •.
Parathyroid secretory protcin (PSI', secretory pro· II inhibits PTH secretion when Ihe cells aro bathed in
lein I. SP-I) is a glycoprotcin wilh a molecular fluid. wnl.ining Ca". bUI it doc. not h.". Ihi, .ffect
weighl of around 150.000 (125) oonlaining 70,000 when the calcium i. omilled. Taken IOsether. Ihe Endings
dalton subunits (33). It cl()SCly resembles the chrom o 'U(!.gO'1 In.t A23187 inhibilion depends On elevation of
ogranin A Ihal is released along wilh calecholamines lhe cytosol Ca l -. Ho,,·over. thc ionophore opposes Ihe
from Ihe adrenal medulla (35). Calcium ions and .timulatory elfecl' of D adrenergic agoni.t< a nd of IIOme
other rogulalors exerl parallel innuenccs on PSP and Other agenl •. e"en ",hen tho olt racellular Co'" i, low
PTH release, bUllhe molar ratios oflhe proleins can (60). M=vor. it accelerate. Ca" emux bUI h.. lillle
vary. All AI'UO cells may make PSP (A·2). effcct on calcium uplako (20). Since Ant a7 is k"""" 10
The functions of PSP aro nOt known (15). Rol "" influonce Ihe introcelluta, di$llihUlion or catcium. it i.
in intraedlular lransport of PTH have been pro- tikety Ihat it aeli in Ihi. way 10 .harpen the sen.ili"ity 10
ch.nges in extracellular ion wncontrot ians.
posed. bUI there have been suggestions Ihal psp is a
A. di:;cus.sed later. cAMP and it. analog. slimulalc
<Wlgi veside wmponcnl who .. cXlnt,ion from para- PTII se<:retion. In m.ny colt Iype •. high cylo<olic Ca"
Ihyroid cells is ooincidental to PTII release . te.d. 10 Ihe formation of ealcium",almooulin. and the
consequcnce. indude both inhibition 01 adcnyt3tc cyclase
and activ. tion of cyclic nucleotide poo.phodiestorase •.
Hormones Related to PTH Paralhyroid gland coli. conta;n both calntooutin and Id·
enylate cyclase thaI art exqui,iloly sensilive to
The pituitary glands of SOme fish"" and amphibian., calcium inhibition (140). Hyperealcomia and A21tS7
and (XlSSi bly also some mammals. comain an as yel lower Ihc cAMP levels. They can .tso clici, change, in
inwmplelely characterized "hypercakemic faclor" phosphodic",era", activit)·. A major oWcct of high C)'lo-
(hyperealcin). Possible evolutionary links belween IIOlic Ca" in Ihese celts m.y be interrerence wilh Ihe
such molecules and Ihe peplides produccd by vertc· binding of cAMP '0 protein ki nase •.
bralc paralhyroid glands have been proposed (34). Studio< of celt. laken from palienli wilh para lhyroid
,land lumors provide e"idenco Ihal al le.'1 SOme effoolS
of calcium are unrelated 10 cilher cAMP gencralion or
activ'liOll of protein kina,e' (t9). Ca" <lim"lales PG
REGULATION OF PTH SECRETION ,)·nt he.i. and phospholipid lurnover (1\.1) in normal coli.
Parathyroid glands seem to continuously engage in a, ",·ell. The ch.nge. in PTH se<:re,ion . re q"anlitalively
the partial degradation. and release of much more imp",ssi"c than Ihc effect. on cA MP kvel.
PTH . By comparison wilh other peptide·secreling (lOl). and hypereatcomi. can inhibil hormonc release
when cAMP concentrations are high.
organs, Ihey store vcr)' little active product.
(Healthy individual'S have enough insulin to satisfy It i. universally agreed that hypercalcemia leads
requirements for several whereas PTH re· 10 accelerated degradation of PTH within Ihc para·
serves could not support nceds for more than 6-7 Ihyroid cell, (117). Although some observers believe
hours.) Ihal Ca" depresses Ihe synth""is or postlransla·
Biological regulalors probably never totally ShUI lional processing of Pre-Pro-PTH (123), others do
off the secroticn. The high plasma PTH or newborn nol (33A). Prolonged hyperealcemia ultimately im-
calves and of palienlS wilh parathyroid adenomas is pairs DNA synthcsis and it thereby reduces Ihe
allribUlcd to the prosencc of large numbers of cells numbers of cells lhat engage in hormone production.
engaging in basal level activity (91). Cal. changes (Chronic hypocalcemia Icads to parathyroid gland
do nol rapidly afTect mRNA levels (A4). hyperplasia.)

Role of cAMP Other Factors Affecting PTH Secretion

Epinephrine. dopamine, isoproterenol . and other I nfluences of calciferols and of some other regulators
agents that activate adenylate cyclase bring about were disclLSSoo in Chap. II. High concentrations of
dos.,.rdated increases in PTH secretion that parallel phQ!Ophale in the euracellular fluids can accelerate
the e1evatioos of cAM? (21,140). Prostaglandin E, PTH secretion in several ways: (a) They lowcr
and secretin have similar effects (71). Phosphodies- plasma calcium by facilitating bone mineral;Ulian:
terase inhibitors such as theophylline and MIX re- (b) they can lower plasma Ca" by affecting calci-
tard cAM? degradation, and these. too, enhance ferol metabolism and thereby the intestinal absorp-
hormone relcase. tion of minerals; and (c) they a.sso<:iale with caldum
Norepinephrine and a-a,drenergic agonists depress ions in the blood and thereby reduce the fraction
both cAMP levels and PTH release . i'OF2a inhibi- that is present in the form of free Cal<. Mineralo-
tion has been altribUled 10 both lowering of adenyl- corticoids also lower Ihe ionized oomponent when
ale cyclase aetivily and aClivation of phosphodi"l;ler- they elevate blood pH.
ases. Ho",'ever, this regulator problably exerts There arc conditions under which CT lowers the
addilional influences, since it is effective in the pres, plasma Ca>+ and therefore indirectly augments
ence of both cAMP and high Cal . (6O,6t). PTH secretion. However. CT additionally stimulates
Two endogenous substrates for the cAMP.{!epen_ even when the plasma Ca" is high. It may do so by
denl protein kinase,>; have identified, and their interfering with calcium uptake.
phosphorylalions have been linked with cAMP gen- Gastrointestinal hormones Ihat promote ealci-
eralion. However, no influences of calcium ions on tooin release can also ac t directly on parathyroid
either the associated prolein kinase activity or on gland to accelerate both cAM P generation and
protein phosphatase activity have been found (103 ). PTH secretion. Secretin is highly effeclive (195) .
There are indications Ihat cAMP promot"l; rdease Glucagon acts in some species but not in others. In-
of only previously synthesized PTII. whereas hypo- Auenccs of cholecystokinin are difficult to assess.
calcemia affects both stored and freshly syn\hesizoo since the preparations are often contaminated with
hormone (3M). secretin .
GluCC<lrtiC<lid. affect calcium metaboli,m in many
ways. and they can augmenl PTH secrelion when
Ma gnesium lon8 they lower the blood Ca '·. There is some evidence
Some Mg" is nccdw to maintain parathyroid cell for calcium-independent C<lntro! of the paralhyroid
functions and the sensitivty to Ca" inhibilion . In cells (71).
addition to their roles in adenylale cyclase activa - Stimulatory innuences of prolactin on secrc-
lion, the ions are believed 10 perform special func- tion and of PTH on prolactin release have been dc-
tions and to ac t at sites distinct from the ones af- scribed in patients (161). However. although prolac-
fected by Cal> (125). Humans seve rely depleted of tin levels are high during normal human pregnancy,
magnesium tend to dcvelop hypoparathyroidism. some recent studies have failed to confirm earlier
In at least some spc<:ies. high concentrations of suggestions that plasma PTH is at that lime
Mgl> are inhibilory. Some observers do 001 believe (63.187).
that the findings arC relevant to physiological con- Growth hormone increases PTH secretion. and it
trol . the concen trations used in the studies were may exe rt both direct and indirect innuences. find-
twice as great as Ihose found under normal condi- ings with somatostatin have been inconsistent.
tions. Others point out that much lower concentra-
tions influence thc release of both PTH and PSP
when the Ca '" is moderately elevated. Neuroendoc rine Control
The parathyroid glands arc innervated. Separate r.,.
ccptors for a- and ,8--adrenergic agonists have been
Monovale nt Callons
identified. and these may be distinct from the Ones
Parathyroid utilize Na ' jCa'" exchange me<:h- affected by dopamine (140). Although at least somc
anisms to removc numbers of calcium of the effects of cate<:holamine agonists and antago-
ions (\72). Low Na ' . and Na ' j K ' nists can be dissociated from innuences exerted on
-ATPase inhibitors. impair of the system. Ca" concentrations (120). the physiological signifi-
They permit intracellular of Ca" , and cance of the innervation has not been defined. Since
depress PTH release. K ' may stimulate byactivat- CT and PTH exert opposing effe<:tson bone. and the
ing the pump. neurotransmitters can stimulate the soc retion of
both of the hormones. it has been suggeste<:! that Animals fed excessive quant ities of phospha te Can
CAs cannot be important regulators. On the other lower proximal tubular reabsorption to half the fil-
hand, some kidney functions secm to require coor- tered load. Renal adaptations may add itionally in-
dinate<:! actions of PTH and CT. volve some tubular secret ion of the ions.
Most duirnal secretory rhythms are regulated by Phosphate and sodium transport are linked in sev-
neuroendocrine systems. Diurnal variations in PTH eral ways. In isolated systems. tw() sodium ions are
levels that include nocturnal peaks have been de- usually transported for each one of phosphate. Oua-
scribed for some species (55), but no obvious pat- bain and other Na · jK · -AT Pasc inhibitors impair
terns were detected in a recent study of normal and phosphate reabsorption. It is believed that sodium
hyperparathyroid human subjects ( 165). ions are needed to establish electrical gradients that
facilitate movements of phosphate. and it has also
been proposc<i that brush border membranes contain
components that interact with both Na · and
HPOl- .
When moderate dosages of PTH are in.ic<;ted into interre lationships bet"-een thc ions arc . however,
parathyroidectomi1.ed animals. the responses include complex. Proximal tubules reabsorb many times
increased uri nary excrction of sodium, phosphate, more Na· than phospha te. When they are presented
bicarbonate, and amino acids, along with decreas<XI witb high roncentrations of either glurosc or amino
eKretion of calcium and hydrogen . Pharmacological acids. the tubules accelerate sodium reabsorption
amounts also lower glomerular filtration rates. These but they take up less phosphate.
effects can be dernonstrated for isolated. perfused Phosphate reabsorption is augmented by acidifi-
kidneys, as well as when PTH is injected into one cation of the filtrate and by increases in CO, ronten\.
renal artery and ureteral cannulas are used to coilect It was at one time believed that hydrogen ions ac-
specimens from treated and control sides. celerate the uptake by promoting conversion of
Observations that patients with hyperparathyroid- IIPO!- to H H po., but it is now known that the di-
ism develop hyperehloremie acidosis (I 54), and that valent anion is preferentially transpaned.
parathyroidectomy can increase chloride excretion
(41). suggest roles in chloride ronservation. The ef-
PTH Regulation of Phosphate Excration
fects probably contribute to PTH lunctions. and to
the toxic elTects of overdosage. Acidosis per sc aug- Parathyroidectomized animals excrete subnormal
rnents the responses of bone to PTH. and it Can in- quantities of phosphate, and they soon develop hy-
terfere with renal reabsorption of cakium (114) . perphosphaternia. PTII can correct the problems
within minutes.
When plasma inorganic phosphate concentration
Renal Excretion of Phosphate
falls, the fraction of total calcium prestnt as free ion
The kidneys play major roles in regulation 01 blood Therefore, symptoms of tetany can be alle-
phosphate concentrations. They rapidly adjust ex- viated. Only later does PT H increase tbe absolute
cretion rates to changes in diet. romposition of the concentrations of calcium in the blood.
blood plasma. and hormonal status (32. 46) . Considerations 01 this kind underlie the concepts
rn healthy, well-fed animals. 70%-80% of filtered tbat PTH acts tonically on the kidney to maintain
phosphate is reabsorbed in the proximal coovolute<:! phospbate excretion rat",. and that hormone-stimu-
tubule$. Virtually all of the remainder ends up in the lated phosphaturia secondarily facilitates solubili-
urine. Under special conditions (e.g. PTH depriva- 7.ation of bone mineral.
tion or phosphate IClading). the Henle loops may ab- It has rcccntly been demonstrated, however, that
sorb an additional 5% of the filtered load. concentrations of PTH just adequate for promoting
When only phosphate-free food is given, almost all transfer of minerals from bone to blood do not elicit
of the filtered phosphate is reabsorbed. Renal ad- changes in renal excretion (28). 11 is also hown that
justments reach maxirna within one day alter the the major, sustained influences On blood calc ium are
diet is first presented, and they persist when the an- linked with the biosynthesis of new mRNAs and
ions are administere<:! parenterally. It has therefore proteins.
been suggested that the gastrointestinal tract pro- Thercfore. it now appears that phosphaturic ef-
vides some signal to the kidney (32). leets assume importance only under special circum-
PT H receptors have been identified in the proxi- stances. PT H corrects the effects of long-term PTH
mal tubules (I). Although the hormone ordinarily deprivation. It normalizes the plasma phosphate lev-
inhibits phosphate reabsorption when it is present in els when adjustments 10 calcium deprivation include
sufficient quantities, PTH cannot oppose the conser- strong stimulation of the parathyroid glands and the
vation associate<:! with dietary deprivation. transfer of substantia! quantities of minerals from

bone to blood. The phosphaturic cffects are also use- special importanee when inadequate diets or calei-
ful when large quantities of 1.25-0 are made and ferol limit th e ability to maintain nor·
these promote intcstinal absorption of cllOugh phos- mocalccmia . They are easily masked by other ac-
phate to affect the plasma levels. lions of the hormone. When PT H accelerates
In hypercalcemic states. the dangers of metastatic transfer of calcium from bone to blood, the rise in
calcification are diminished by lowering the phos- plasma Ca l - and consequent augmentation of gl<r
phate conl:<'ntf3.tions. Since hypcrvitarnillQSis D merular filtrate Ca l - invoke hypercalciuria.
lcads to simultancous clevalion of bolh calcium a nd Calcium and <odium io"" move together in the
phosphate lovcis, il more onen invokes sc,·ere mela- proximal portion. of lhe nephron. and Na ' / K ' _AT_
static calcification. However. chronic hyperparath)"- Pase inhibitors affect both. More distally, the trans-
even tually brings about the pathological ports can be dissociated (65).
When bone i, cxpooed in vitro 10 fluid, ""nl.ining low Influences o n Acld-Baso Balance
calcium, ph()$phatc ··solubility product .... it rele.",. PTH incrcases bicarbonate loss into the urine (119)
",me of iii mineral. Acc<>rd ing 10 an early hypothesis. and decreases hydrogen The effectSCan be
PTH .eU in thi, way to elevate the pla,ma calcium. accompanied by some loweri ng of carbonic anhy-
However. although hypopilo>phatemia retard. borIC min·
drase activity. and inhibitors such .. aceta1.OIamide
er.lization. we "",w know th.t lhe sol"bilit)· product i.
nc,·cr lowered s"!liciently to promote calcium rele",' in mimic the hormone actions (94). However. no direct
vivo. cffecls of PTH on the enl.yrne have been found
(154). In (he distal portions of the nephron. alkal-
ini1.alion of Ihc tubular fluid facilitates calcium con·
PTH Regulation of Ca lcium Excretion servalion (7). Whon sunicient bicarbonate is lost to
Although a substantial fraction of the dielary cal. result in lowered blood pH. aldosterone secretion aC-
cium is eliminated via lhe feces, the kidney is re- celerates (10).
sponsible for the major adjustments of to
body needs. Calcium Ihat is nol bound to plasrna PARATHYROID HORMONE ACTIONS ON
macromolecules is fillered by the glomeruli . Some BONE
11.000 mg is handled in this way each day by Parathyroid hormone resulates the functions of all
healthy. well·fed human adults (65). 50%-55% of known bone cell types (159). Although the hyper·
the filtered load is reabsorbed by the 1:<'11, of the calcemic actions arC often linked with stimulation of
proximal tubule . and mOISt of the remainder is (aken resorption. it is importanl to point oUlthat low level.
up more distally. Usually. on ly around 100 mg ap- of PTH are essential for rnaintaining healthy bone
pears in Ihe final urine in each 24-hour period (177). structu re and normal remodeling. Young animals
Calcium rca bsorplion sites have been identified chronically deprived of the hormone grow at slower
for the Henle loops. the distal convoluted tubules. rates than controls and thcy suffer , kele(al defects.
and the medu llary collecting duClS (12). The loops Some osteoclast functions rersis1 ;n the defIciency
can account for uptake of as much as 30% of the states (166), but osteoblast activities are impaired.
filtcred load (65). and they may be major regulatory
Influences on Osteoprogenltor Celie
Parathyroidectomy is soon followed by acccler-
ated of calcium into the urine. evCn when the PTH exerts mostly anabolic effects when it is present
plasma Ca' · is s ubnonnal. The acute cffects are in the usual amounts. It accelerates cell proliferalion
more marked in oldcr than in young animals (g9). and thereby eontributcs to renewal of the popula·
Some observers believe that PTH influences On the tiol\$. There is more rapid incorporation of labeled
kidney that lead to calcium conservation make thymidine into DNA. uridine inlo RNA. and amino
major contribut ions to mineral homeostasis (131 ). acids into proteins. The effects are exerted directly
PTH increases calcium reabsorption by acting on on cells, bUI the vasodi lator aClions may make some
the Ihick ascending loops of the renal cortex (lg) contribution.
and possibly also on the distal convoluted lubules (in Osteoprogc nitor cells differenl;ate into bone-form·
which re<:eptors havc been idenlified). No effects ing osteoblasts. They probably do no1 require hor-
have been found for Ihe medullary ascending loops monal support to do this. High PTH concentrations
(12). In Ihe proximal convoluted tubules. PTH ac- retaro the maturation. and the long·range conse-
celerates calcium loss. quences include lessening of mineral upta ke.
The calcium-oonserving aclions probably assurne Chronic. severe hyperparat hyroidism also leads to
proliferation of fibroblastS and the rep lace- tion 10 playing some role in attraction of osteoclast
ment of normal bone witn fibrou s ronnective tissue prccursors and existing osteoclasts to bone !'Csorption
(wteiti' fibl"Q:$a cystica). sitcs, PTH facilitates fusion of mononuclear cclls
into multinucleate Oncs (54) . and it augments phag-
Inlluences on Osteoblssts ocytic activity that is associatcd with changes in the
cell surfaces. The osteoclasts arc then said to present
PTH limits growth of the cells and the synthesis of ··r uffled borders·· to resorplion sites.
bone It lowers alkaline phosphatase. proline Actions On Iysosomes leading to release of p·glu-
hydroxylase. and isocitric dehydrogenase activities curonidasc. giucosaminidase, acid phosphatases.
(196). and it retards formation of the mRNAs that cathepsins. and olher matrix-<legrading enzymes
direct oollagen synthesis (31). OCCur early (52). and these can be blocked with
Chronic overdosage reduces osteoblast :osteoclast memhrane· agents. Sustained clTects that
ratios. probably by decreasing t ne modulation of os· involve funher dcgradation of bone and thc appear·
teoprogenitor cells to osteoblam and accelerating ance of hydroxyproline and other products in the
tne modulation of Q<teoblasts to osteocytes as well as urine arc linked with induclion of new proteins
increasing the numbers of multinucleate osteoclasts. ( 150). Synthesis of hyaluronatc is accelerated (196).
The oonecpt tbat PTH facilitates conversion of os-- Inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis di minish
teporogenitor cdl, to osteoclasts is not widely ac· thc sustained hypercalcemic elTecls.
cepted. PTH may auract prcastroclasts to absorp- PTH may also in som e way prolong Ihe li,·es of
tion sites (1 27). but it probably docs this indirectly. the osteoclasts. However. thc hypothesis that OSteo-
Acrording 10 a recently presented hypothesis clasts found at remodeling siles evcntually modulatc
(166). VrH diso rgani,es a proteclive laye r of ostro- to ost""blasts via processes \hat can be relarded by
blasts lhat separales bone surfaces from bone extm· PTH (I 59) is not widely accepted (152).
cellular fluid (possibly by promoting reduction in cell
size ). This permits osteoclasts to gain acceSS to the
underlying tissue. MECHANISMS OF ACTION OF
Influences on Osteocytes There is substantial support for the concept that
The osteocyt .. are tnc """,t nurnerou< and probably most Or all of thc actions of PTH are lin ked with
tne most versatile of the bone cell<. They reside in elevation of the cytosol Ca" (196). When the hor-
lacunae, and they are bathed in bone extracellular mone is presented in vitro to bonc and ki dney prep-
fluid. The matrix su rrounding young osteocytes is ara tions. there is a prompt incrcase in the rate of
relatively low in collagen content. and there are in· Ca" uptake. This is attributed to changes in plasma
dications th t some (If the mineral is in the form of membrane permeability. When PTH is injected inlo
readily re<:ruitablc brushite. Soon after PTH is pre- animals, an early fall in blood calcium ooneentration
sented. the spaces octween the cells a nd thc walls of precedes Ihe sustai ned rise (24).
the lacunae enlarge. These and olher findings are Most of the actions Can be blOCked by bathing the
consistent with thc idea that the early phases of cclis in calcium-free Auid s, by exposing them to ve-
PT II.invoked hypercalcemia arc linkcd with con'..,- rapamil (49), and with membrane-!ltabihing agents
sion of ·'osteogenic osteocyte," to ··ostcolytic oste(\- that presumably interfere with dcpolarizatiolWl5S0-
cytes." The hormonc accelerates glywlysis and it cia ted calcium upta ke (50). Most a re mimicked with
lowers isocitric dehydrogenase activity. The result- ionophores and other agents that artificially elevate
ing accumulation of lactate and citrate contributes the e)"tosol Ca" (51).
to transport of calcium from bone to blood plasma Higb c)"tosol Ca" aClivatcs several bone and kid·
(108). Chronically elevated PTH levels ultimalely ney cnlymes . O ne consequence is stimulation of
kill osteocytcs. ··calcium pumps·· Ihat transfer n'inerals from bone
Techniques have been dcvised for separating to blood. Aceelerated calcium egress has been demo
PTH-sensit;ve osteoblasts from PTH and calcitonin- onstrated in vitro. A23187 also increases calcium re-
sensitive ostcoclasts (19 7). It is likely that many of lease from the ce lls if the fluids rontain calcium.
thc effe<:ts describ«! for osteoblast! are alw appli- PTH exerts some inAuenccs On nucleic acid me-
cable to osteogenic QSteocytes. tabolism that arc not obtained with the ionophore.
O ne interpretation is that the hormone additionally
acts in other ways. Another is that A23187 influ-
Influences on Osteoclasts
e ncoson calciu m mOvements aCross both plasma a nd
Although the early hype!'Calcemic aClions may result organelle membranes cannot oc rontrolled by the
from actions on the OSteocytes. thc delayed. sus- cells and the toxic effe.:ts of the agent limil i1S ability
tained effects require osteoclast aClivation. In addi· to mimic PTH (43).

Calcium release depends at least in part on Na ' i cAMP generation are augmemed by high cylosolic
Ca" exchange and on the presence of a steep eon· Ca l + (141). In human subjects, calcium infusions
gradiem that facilitates rapid Na ' entry. have been observed to augment both cAMP gener·
II is impaired by R1000valent ionophores that elevate ation and phosphaturic responses to PTH in
eytosol Na ' (98). by ouabain (which docs not block hypoparathyroid but not hyperparathyroid states
PTH stimulation of adenyl ale cyclase 176]). and by (15).
bathing cells in sodium..:lefieient fluids. Mechanical stress is a physiologically important
Although the initial effects of the hormone are e.- stimulus for bone growth. The stress promotes the
ened on the plasma membranes. influences on or- release of POs (lSI), and the effecls are supported
ganelles may funher elevate the cytosol Ca". PTH by PTH. "fh<, anabolic responses probably depend on
enters proximal convoluted tubule cells of the kid- the coupling of bone-resorbing actions to new bone
ney, and it localizes in the mitochondria (132). formation .
When presented to isolated mitochondria. it affeets
both respiration and calcium egress.
Ph osphstUrlc Actions 01 PTH
This seems to involve multiple mechanisms (I).
Roles of cAMP
High cytosolic Cal< reduces the permeability of lu·
PT. l activates adcnylate cyclase in all of its known minal surfaces of proximal tubular cells to Na".
target cells. It can do this when it is presented to the and this secondarily slows phosphate reabsorption.
kidney in concentrations as low as 10- " M (82). In PTH eXertS some influences on the tight junctions
intact animals. ;t elicits dose..:lcpcndcnt increases in betwe<:n the cells that lead to accelerated backnuxes
urinary cAMP. Protein kinases are activatcd. and of reabsorbed ion. Aecderaled Na ' / H ' exdange
conain proteins undergo phosphorylations (8). alS<l seems to take place.
cAMP. it! analogs. and agents thai promote cAMP A peptide consisting of amino acids 3-34 of PTH
generation mimic many of the PTH actions. Phos- amagoni7.cs several actions of the hormone. includ-
phodiesterase inhibitors augmcnt them. ing the ability to acti""tc adenylate cyclase. Obser-
The nucleotide activales several enlymes. inelud· vations that it fails to impair Ihe phosphaturic re-
ing those in\'(llved in renal gluconeogenesis (I). sporules raise the possibility tbat cA MP does not
When it binds to ser(>lll) surfaces of renal epithe· se ..." as an obligatory mediator for this function
lium. protein kinases on thc luminal side arc affected (1Ig).
and the changes have b«n linked with roles in reg-
ulalion of permeability cbaracteristies (I 24).
Interac tio ns with Calc lferols
In at least S<lme celltypcs, cAMP f.cilitates trans·
fer of calcium from the mitochondria to the cytosol PTH indirectly facililates intestinal absorption of
(17). Such actions may amplify the effe<:ts exerted calcium and phosphorus, ,ince it activates the en-
On the plasma membranes that lead to elevation of '-yme needed to make l,25·0. The calciferol evi·
the cytosolic Ca" . Cakium ionophores also raise the dcndy supports PTH actions in ,everal ways. It can
cAMP levels. inerease cellular as well as plasma calcium and phos-
While the pr«eding findings are consistent with phate content, and it may be needed to keep SOme of
roles for cAMP in mediation of PTH actions. and the bone calcium in readily reeruitable form. Calci-
with positive feedback mechanisms involving Ca" ferols also contribute to the ability of PTH to elevate
and the nucleotide. it has also been observed that intracellular cAMP. 24.25·Dihydro.yvitamin D is
PTH can accomplish many of its missions when a reported to raise both basal and PTH·stimubted
rise in cellular cAMP is prevented. cAMP levcls in the kidney. possibly via inhibition of
cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (113). 1.25·D
can act alone on PTH-sensitive cells 10 accelerate
Interactions with Prostagtand lns
bone resorption.
PTH promotes generation of pr<.>Staglaooins. POEs Severe, chronic vilamin D deficiency blocb the
mimic many PTH aCliom;, including oncs leading to hypercalcemic actions of PTH and it blunts the
accelerated bone resorption. They augment the cf- phosphaturic ones_ This is explained in part of the
feelS of low concentrations of PTH on the adenylate basis of depletion of intracellular mineral stores.
cyclase of renal tubules. Although they seem to be However, when Ihe deficiency impairs intestinal ab-
acting on the same enzyme. PTH and PGs utilize sorption of calcium, the resulting hypocalcemia
different receptors (14). The effects of POs on stimulate. the secretion of PTH. The high levels of
PTH may also be related to lifting the inhibitory in- urans do not acquire them before entry into meta-
nuences normally exerted on parathyroid gland cdl$ morphosis (40). tho calcitonins are said 10 be "more
by 24,ZS-dihydroxyvitamin O. Some Io$.s of sensitiv- ancient" regulators than PTH.
ity to PTH is then allributcd to "down regulation"'
of hormone receptor numbers because of chronically
Cheml etry
elevatcd plasma levels (92). PTH .ensilivit y returns
slowly when the vitamin 0 dcfitiency is corrected . All of the molecules contain 32 amino acid moieties
Some of the delay probably invol""s gradual resto- and include a C·termillal pro!inamide. The cysteines
ration of receptor numbers. at poo:;itions I and 7 are linked by a disulfido bridge.
The various form, differ from oach other in both
chemical compositions and isoelcctrie points (148).
OTHER ACTIONS OF PARATHYROID At least some species make more than one CT.
HORMONE and two or more varieties can be present in the sa me
animal. The distributions among ,ertebmtc groups
In addition to regulating the functions of all born:
support the notion that an ancestral gene underwent
cell types. att<:lerating production of 1.25·0. affect-
duplication early during the course of evolution. It is
ing urinary excretion of ions. dilating some blood
known, for examp!e> that ungulates make hormone.
vessels. and contributing to control of mineral me-
very different from the OntS found in either humans
tabolism within the e<:nlral nervou s system. PTH is
or ftshes.
implicated in other processes (95) .
When PTH is given to animal, previously de- The amino acid sequence for human CT is com-
pared with the most prevalent of the salmon hor-
prived of the hormone. the quantities of phosphate
mones (SCT·!) in Fig. 12-3. Sixteen of the mClictics
excreted into the urine far exceed tlte amounts lost
are identical. Human CT shares 19 identities with
from the blood plasma . Evidently. PTH accelerates
SCT-Ill. but only 14 with the poreine regulator and
(and parathyroidectomy diminishes) the rates of
13 with ovine CT.
phosphate relcase from liver. skeletal muscles. lungs.
The hormone extracted from one animal group is
and erythrocytes. The innuene<:s do not exceed to all
biologically acti"e when administered to another. [n
cell types. They cannot be demonstrated. for exam·
fact. fish calcitonins often elicit responses of greater
pie. for spleen or intestine (121).
PTH promote. regeneration of the livcr followin8 magnitude and longer duration than the mammalian
molecules. The higher potellCies are attributed
partial hepatectomy (ISO). The effects have been
linked with inAuenees exerted on nucleic acid metal>- m(lStly to tightcr binding to the receptors. but SOme
of the peptides are also highly resistant to degrada-
olism. (However, ahhough the hormone affects
tion by hepatic enzymes. E.idently. there has been
RNA methylation in bone it docs not seem to do this
greater "'e.olutionary conser.ation·· of receptor
in liver [159).)
structure than of the mRNAs that direct the
The ability of PTH to promote calcium uptake
may account for the stimulatory elfects on prolifer-
Mammals produce many nlOTC hormone
ation of thymocytes (146) and precur-
cules than fishes. and the lower potencies may con-
sors (95). on secretion of gastrin and gastric acid
tribute to attainment of finer control over the func_
(37). and on the release of gonado\Topins (36). PTH
tions. On the hand. some
also increases calcium uptake by the .kin. and it af-
that CT i, a mOre important hormone in the non·
fects the electrolyte composition of milk (180) . It
mammalian vertebrates.
can accelerate migration of phagocytic leukocytes
(93). and it rna)' play special regulatory roles in the
bmin (66). Bioeynthesle of Ca lcitonin and Re lated
A mRNA coding for the formation of a calcitonin
precursor was first obtained from rats. and it was
Calcitonins are species·speeific peptides that con- used to directlhc $ynthesis of a IJ6-amino acid pre-
tribute in special ways to the regulation of minc .. 1 pro-caicitonin. The prediction that additional biolog-
metabolism . They are made by fishes (including ones ically active peptides could be deaved from the same
with cartilaginous skeletons and acellular bone). as primary transcript (88) was SOOn realized. Tho
well as by amphibians> reptiles. birds. and mammals. 17.500 dalton human CT procursor was shown to re-
but they are probably not present in eyclostomes. loase a C·tcrminal peptide to the bloodSlream in
Since fishes and urodcle amphibians are not equimolecular quantities with CT. The newly dis-
known 10 possess parathyroid glands (135). and an- covered peptide lowers plasma calcium levels when

H,N.Cys.GIy-Asn-Leu-s", -Tn,.Cys.Met _Le u_Gly_ Thr·TYJ
GIn.P'O. Ph<>-lhr· His· Pile· Ly.·Asn·P!le· .... p.-GIn. Til<
2< 2J 22 2. :10 19 IS 11 ,8 '" ,. "
Thr ·Ala·" .Oly. V8f.GIy.Ala·P",. CON Ii.>
25 2& 27 2' 30 " !Ii

A. Hunan cak;ilor'lin

, ,
H,N-Cys-@Asn- Leu- St,,-Thr - Cy.-@-lcu-Gt,'
1 2 .! e

Fig. 12·3. Amino .oK! _ ... ..,.s,O<

""man arid I"" salmOn
6. Salmon calci,."...., 1 ce lcilon;n I.

given alone. a nd ;1 markedly enhances the effe<;\s of basi. of its amill<) acid oom(Xl<ition. the peptide was
CT. H<>wcvcr. it doc> not affect the pla. rna >Od ium . ini,ially called PDN-ll. It 0.... the following .Irue-
polassium. Or phosphate ooncemralions. On the ture (I lOA)


The peplide is also known as kmacaidl!. II has b«n Ce llula r O rigi n s o f Ille Calello n ln s
identified in the C <xlls of normal thyroid glands.
and in medullary carcinomas (2A). as well as in CT-secreling cells are belie",<,d to arise in the embry·
blood plasma. onic neural creslS (139). In .ubmam malian verte-
Recent in"'<'Sligations have revealed that the RNA brates. they migrale to the mosl posterior (flflh pair)
lranscribed from the calcitonin gene is processed in of the branchial pouchos (39) (fig. 12-4). There,
a differenl way in neural tissue:' 11 gives risc to a they associate with thyroid gland and thymus gland
mRNA that directs the symhosis of a 16.000 dalton prccursors. In air-breathing forms. they also mingle
prOlein which shares identical N-terminal amino with cells that will later be incorporated into che-
acid sequences with pro-ca!citonin. A 37·arnino acid moreceplOrs and parathyroid glands,
carnponem cleaved from ils carboxy·tcrminal re· The portions of the pouchcs containing the largest
gional has been given the uarm calcitonin gene numbers of CT cells became organi7.ed into discrete
lalM (CGRP). The neuropcplidc has a ultimobranchial bodies (UBs. ultimobranchial
unique distribution within the brain. and it has also glands). Th= are rich in cholinosterase, and they
been found in the adrenal medulla. The proposed are innervated in al least some The UB,
funclions include contributions to Ihe regulation of often aS.ume morphological similar
systemic blood pressure. ingestive behavior. and 10 Ihose of Ihyroid gland,. For example. they may
some endocrine functions (170A). contain follicle, and colloid,
II is possible that pro.<:alcilonins are secreted in Mosl of the CT cells of marsupial and placental
some species_ A protein that filS the description has mammalian embr)'os migrate to the fourth pair of
been idenlified in the trout (167). branchial pouehes and associate with the developing
Derivatives of Branchlol Pouches

Elasmobranchs :0000e

Parathyroids Aortic

,_ ,.,
vu(Q I
,,_ , .
Parathyroids .....,r IC
Fig. 12·4. Diag<ammalic
_____ th ads 'o-pt"&s... ,.tior> 01 I"" em",yc>nic
and gtor>dula, <!er;YOI;ve. ot ,"-
l><arlCltiat pOUC"-.;n va,.,.,"
"as..... (Cow. O. H.
Endoc,ine con,roI of calc.....,
Ultimabronchia! J. Endocrir>Qi. 43: 131-

thyroid gland •. In humans and some Olher Other Sites of Synthesis

they become lh. "parafollicu lar", "inlcrfollicular".
Neural crest contributions to and
Or "C' cells scallored along the peripheries of lhe adrenal gland differentialion may pania!!y explain
Ibyroid follicles. CT cell distribu(ion.
Differenc.. in Ihe .it.... hapes. and l()Cation, of the
«lis have boen described. CT «Ils can occur in clu'ters
(e.,. in ral') or .ingly (in mice). Some at< incorpor.ted
inlO foUid., that produ« the iodinated thyroid hor· Calcitonin celts often migrate to Ihe Ihymus gland.
mone •• and others form follicles of their own within th. This is OOmmOn in humans. in which bolh
thyroid gland'. The cell, aro concentrated in the .;cinity celt Iypc. and caiciionins have been identified
orth. parathyroid ,land, in some anim.1 type. but II{)t in
(59). The Ihymusesof at least some species also con-
lain peplide, of dilferent chemical makeups and me>-
When it was first established thallhyroid glands lecular weights contribule to calcium homeosta-
conlain CT cells. the hormone waS named thyrneal. sis (109.122). There are conditions in which
eitonin (TCT). The term calcitonin (CT) is !lOW pre- thymectomy the effects of ncising (hy-
ferred, since it can be: applied to peptide made al roid CT celts.
other siles.
The term C cell rdeTS 10 the hormone oontcnt.
while light, a'gyrophil, and granula, d..ignate Ihe
ways in which calcilonin-secreting cells differ in ap- CT-like immunoreactivity has been demonstrated
pc.ranee and staining propenies from components For pituitary gland and mmor ,,<,lls that make
of the thyroid gland that synthesile thyroxine and ACTHs and MSHs (29,44). and it is known lhat
Iriiodothyronine. ACTH -like peplidcs are made by some Ihyroid

gland tumors (69). There has been specu lat ion On tide when they are secreting limited amounts. Strong
Ihe possibility that CT a nd ACTH arise from a com· stimulation can then rapidly clevate the plasma oon-
mOn pre.:ursor. However. it is mort: widely believed cenlrations to 7000 pg/ml. The levels arc consis-
thaI the molecules dcte<:\cd in pi tuitary glands, and lently high in patients with hypercalcemia or med·
also in the hypothalamus, are either different pe ... ullary car(:illOma of the lh}Toid gland.
tides Ihal cross-react wilh CT-antiscra or CT thai Very high basal levels in laboratory ra lS have been
has been taken up from blood plasma by circumv.n- attributed to Ihe continuation of skelelal growth dur-
tricular organs (170M· Differences belwC<'" pitu- ing adulthood. It should be pointed OUI, however.
iUlry and thyroid CTs can be detected wilh some an· Ihat the animals are routinely maintained in un·
tibodies (38), and glands lack CT mRNAs s haded cages in brighlly Iii rooms. and Ihey arc fed
(87), MOfeQver. ACTH and CT rdease arc .vi· vitamin Ikupplemented, cakium·rich diets. Under
dondy independently C<lntrollcd (101), and both pi- more nalural conditions, rats spend mOSt of their
tuitary gland and hypothalamic CT content are low· time in darkness or dim light. and they then manage
ered by thyroidectomy. (It has also been rC(Xlrtcd to symhcsi2c adequate amounts of Ihe vitamin.
Ihal somatostatin and CT coexist within [hc same There i, such a high incidence of CT--<:en hyperpla·
thyroid gland cells. and that the two hormones 3re sia in laboralory animals pcrmined to approach Ihe
often released together (13) . No biosymhetic links ends of their lifHpans (3) that tumors are easily col·
have be<ln established.) leCled for the study of CT functions ( I 70). It is likely
Observations thaI circumvcntricular <Jt&ans ]Xl5- that chronically elcvaled calciferol and calcium con·
sess hi&h-affinily binding sites f<Jr CT. and that centrations overstimulale the gla nds (56).
normal quantities <Jf CT are laken up by Bmulebor<J The high CT levels in gra7,ing a nimals lIa"e becn
ralS, SUpporl SUsgeSli<Jns Ihal CT plays roles in Ihe altribuled 10 Ihe ronsumption of diels.
cenlral re&U lali<Jo <Jf clCX:lrolyle balance and in Ihe However. selective breeding for milK production has
release <Jf some piluilary gland h<Jrm<Jnes (57). Brain providcd us with populati(Kls showing special min.
CT <Jr relaled peplides may also oonlribUle \<J appe- eral requirements. The calcium concentration of
lite ronlroL Ek>lh inlracerebral injecli<Jns of the hor· cow·s milk is rIVe limes that of Ihe blood plasma. and
rn<Ine (57) and chani!C!i in the brain Cal . INa' ra· a laclaling animal can lose 50 i! of calcium pcr day.
ti<.lS can reduce food intake withOut invoking iUness, Cows rekasc very large quantities of CT around Ihe
and tho brains of SOme strains of genetically obese time of parturition (25), and many become severely
rats have be<:n reported 10 show impaired CT hypocalcemic at thai time. Bulls fed cakium·rich
binding. diets commonly develop CT cell nC<)plasms and os-
leopetrosis (99) ,
Although half·lives in Ihc blood plasma are mea·
sured in minute•. CT. can elic il responses of long
A CT·like substance has been identified in pig adre- duration. The hormone is avidly taken up by larget
nal &lands (90). Thc finding may be relaled 10 (a) tissues. It binds tightly to receptors. but it;s also rap.
Ihe known influences of adrenaleClomy on blood cal· idly degraded.
dum levels, and (b) the recogni'.cd effects of ste--
roids. PTH and CT on mineral homeQ5tasis
Influences of Ple$ ma ea"
Acule elevation of plasma Cal- invoKcs prompt re·
lease of preformed CT. This is associated wilh cen
Plasms C o ncentrat ion s
degranulat ion and depleti(Kl of Olher in_
M<.lSt measurements are made with immunoassays. cluding acetylcholinesterase (27). Rats repeatedly
because oommonly used bioassays cannot dctectlcss overdosed wilh vitamin D show seVere depl etion of
than the equivalent of 0.5-5 ng of porcine CT (128) . thyroid gland CT oonlenl (56). The release i$ not af·
It is not certain Ihat all of Ihe peplide measured is fected by prolein synthesis inhibitors.
biolo&ically potenl . Chronic hypercalcemia prolongs the degranula·
At leasl some hormone seems to be oontinuously tion. The ability to make CT improves. but there is
present in normal human adults (3) . Values "my little horrn<lnc storage. lnerea= in cell silcs. nu·
widely among healthy individuals of thc same spe· elear:cytoplasmic ratios. and mitotic raleS have been
ciesand at different times of the day wilhin the same described for dogs (\39). Patients wilh parathyroid
subject. Mean ooncentrations of 20 pg/ml (range 5- adenomas usually have CT<ell hyperplasia (149)
100) are typkal, although values of up to 450 pg/ ml and persistently high cireulatin& CT. Simila r re-
have bttn reported (128). CT cells '\Qte up Ihe pep- sponses to hyperv itami nosis D have been observed.
When calcium salts are ingested in quantities too observa tions were obta ined from animals exposed to
small to elevate thc blood Cal<. influences unusual conditions. the concept has been questioned.
on gastrointestinal glands can stimulate CT Some of the controversies C<lncerning CT functions
secret ion. are cited.
Hypocalcemia suppresses CT release. but thc cells I. Since nonmammalian venebratcs have discrete.
continue to make and store hormone. A subseq uent highly organized. usually innervated uhimobran-
hypercalcemic stimulus can Ihen elicit rekase of chial glands. whereas mammals have just scallered
vcry large a mount' of the reserves. CT cells within the thyroids. il has been argued that
the mammal;an c<:lls are nothing mOre than "cvolu-
Paralhyroidectomiud .... , $ go thrO<lgh. phase during tionary carry"Overs" thaI wCr. never lost because
which they ,ulfer hypocalcemia.nd ,(0", up CT. FOT un- they have no harmful effects.
'nown ",ason,. <J'IO$t ",establish normocalcemia within This view is not easily reconciled with the follow-
Ihree months. (The adaplat;on cannot be .,plain<:d on iog. (a ) CT-se.:rcting cells are universally found in
Ihe basi, of hype rtrophy of paralhyroid ",mnanlS.) As
the circulating Ca" ri .... gradually inc",asing quanlitie> all mammalian spee;es stud ied to date. (b) On a
of CT arc rc!ca$e<llo lhc bl<) Thi> is all ributed body weight basis. mammals have more lotal CT
10 both lifting of thc hypocalcemic inhibition .0<1 leakage than other vertebrates. and they release larger quan-
of CT from ··o>.rloaded·· coli,. Par.thyroidectomi,ed.n- lilies when stimulated. (c) The CT levels are af-
imals aflificially protect¢<! against th. hypoc.lcomia do fected by other factors. e.g. Ihey arc higher in older
not .hQw comparable change. in CT cell .Iru"u"" and than ;n younger animals. and higher in females than
funclion. (142). in ma les. and they arc also higher in animal' secret-
ing large amounts of PTH or ingesting Substantial
Influences of Plasma Phosphate quantities of vitamin O. (d) Elfecls of both CT in-
jection and hormone deprivati01l Can be demon-
Plasma inorganic phosphate concenlrations do nol strated. (e) Mammals pOSscss elaborate mechanisms
seem to d;,n:r/y alfect CT secretion. High concen- for regulating CT releasc and for mai ntnining diur-
Iration, do, howe>er, lower the fraction of blood cal· nal plasma concentralion rhythms.
cium that is present as free ion. PTH stimulation of 2. A need for CT is apparent in marine fishes liv-
CT c<:lIs probably involves hypophosphatcmic as ing in calcium-rich environments. and in birds that
well as hypercalcemic actions of that hormone. must et\l.age in massive rales of calcium turno,"er
when they produce eggs and eggshells. It has been
stated that mammals do not have comparable needs
Effects of CT on Plasma CalCium and
for hormones Ihat low." the blood calcium, since
Phosphate Concentrations
bone avidly takes up the mineral and PTH defi-
Moderate dosages of CT eorrcet hypercalcemia. ciency soon invokes hypocalcemia.
However, although aCUte lowering of the Ca" to Such notions fail to explain the presence of well-
subnormal levels can be demonstrated (168). peNis- developed ultimobranchial bodies in freshwater
tent hypocalcemia is usually not invoked in intact fishes and in male and juvenile birds , Thcy cannot
animals. By contra". the ,arne amounts of exoge- be reconcilcd with the production of more CT hor-
nous CT ca n bring about sustained mone per gram body weight in mammals than in
phospnarem;Q (84). The observations arc consistent fishes. MOl"QCver. as will be discussed later. there are
with the belief that CT decreases the rates of cal- condition, under which CT-deprivcd animals de-
cium and phosphate release from bone. but that it velop hypercalcemia.
additionally accelerates phosphate uplake by othcr ). T he need for CT in humans has been ques-
kinds of cells (121). tioned because many patients rcmain normocal-
Antisera directed against CT can raisc the plasma cemie following thyroidectomy. On the other hand.
Ca" and impair homeostatic adjustments to injec- SOme become intermittently hypercalcemic, and re-
tions of hypercalcemic agents. There arc C<lnditions pealed bouts can lead to nephrocalcinosis (85). An-
under which thyroide<:tomy has similar effeelS imals chronically deprived of CT have been known
(169). to develop cataracts (138). Usually. there is compen-
satory dcpression of the PTH levels. and this impairs
bone remodeling. In some individuals, thymus
Physiological Relevance ojlhe Preceding
gla nds may supply limiled amounts of CT (59).
4. Patients with parathyroid adenonlas develop
It was for a time bc lievcdthat plasma Cal. is main- hypercalcemia despite Ihe presence of CT cells. This
tained within a very narrow range because small el- is partially explained on thc basis of inability of CT
evation, stim ulate CT release. wherea, ,ma ll depres- to override the effects of persistently elevated PTH
sions call forth PTH . Since the underlying and some down regulation of CT re<:eptor numbers.

On the other hand, CT levels a re characteristically small to diroxtly raise the blood Ca" also leads to
elevated, and they can be espe.;ially high in cr secretion, The are attributed to stimula-
(137). It is likely that the elfoxts of PTH would tion of gastroinlestinal traCI glands. including Qnes
be exacerbated if the CT were oot present. thai secrete gastrin.
5. Patients with CT«creting medullary carcino- Meal-related CT secretion has severa!
mas do not often soifer hypocalcemia. They do. how- quenees. At leaSt part of the fall in plasma Ca 1+ is
ever, se<: rete large quantities of PTH, and many sec- attributed to the hormone. CT may also be a regu-
ondarily a<:qu ire parathyroid gland adenomas (149). latOr of digestive system glands. It inhibits basal Se_
Moroover, even whcn they maintain normoca1cemia. cretion of HCl in humans. and it antagonizes the ef_
they may sulfcr bone disorders and other problems fects of pentagastrin, histamine, and calcium (128).
relatcd to hypeT$eCretion of PTH (158). As has been Under at least some conditions. it also retards intes-
noted. cows releasing large amounts of CT a round tinal absorption of calcium in vitamin-replete but
the time of parturition become hypocalcemic (25). nol in calciferol-<lepleted tau. Many observers be-
It seems reasonable to conclude that CT performs lieve that it is an appetite depressant.
physiological functions in mammals, but the idea hat Secretin is released by the S cells of the duodenum
it directly interacts with PTH on a tonic basis is and jejunum whcn acidic chymc leaves the stomac h.
simplistie. It opposes many actions of gastrin. including ones
exened on thc parietal of the stomach. When
given alone. secretin does not have deu:ctable influ_
ene<:s on CT secrelion. but it opposes gastrin stimu_
lalion. S""retin can ind'r«I/y accelerate CT release,
The sight, smell, laSle. and even thought of food can it promotes PTH secretion . PTH stimulates
initiate a "cephalic" or "anticipatory" phase of gas- both the gastrin and the CT cells. The eff",ts of se-
tric secretion. When food enters the stomach, disten· e«'lin on the parathryoid glands are opposed by cal_
sion of the wall$, vagal impulses. and certain dietary citonin (Fig. 12-5).
oomponenlS, slimulate the release of gaslrin from In "gastrin-insensitive" species. such as rau, gas-
the C. cell •. Gastrin acU on the parietal cells to in- trin is a pOOr stimulant of HCI secretion. Althou£h
crease HCI production, and it performs Olher func>- moderate dosagcs of the hormone enhance CT re-
tions in the digestive tract (see Part I). AI least some lease in su ckling infants and lactating mothers (37).
of its eff""u are mediated by histamine. and hista- only very largc doses have such effoxt! in adult COn_
mine alone invokes HCI secretion. Pentagastrin trols (168). On the other hand, both gastrin and his-
(PG) is a sy nthetic peptide that interacts with gas- tamine lower the plasma (a/dum, even in thyroid-
trin reCeptOTS. e<:tomizcd animls. Metiamidc (a histaminc receptor
In humans, pigs, and other "gastrin-sensitive" antagonist) blocks the actions of both gastrin and
species, gastrin is a potent stimulator of CT release. histamine.
II is effective even when the plasma Cal > concentra- Gastre<:tomy abolishes the hypocalcemia invoked
tion is in the low-normal range. and it can sensiti'.e by gastrin and hislamine. whereas removal of sub-
the CT cells to a hypercale<:mic The Slantial segments of Ihe intestine is wilhout effeci. It
of pentagastrin are dose related, and they are addi- has therefore been suggested Ihat some other regu-
tive with those Qf hypercalcemia (37). The quantities lator is «'leased by the stomach. However, pentagas-
of gastrin required to activate lhe CT cells are in a trin promotes CT «,lease in gastre<:tom;1.ed rats
range consistent with roles in regula- (96).
tion of the CT cells. and there is an associated faU It seems. therefore. that factors associated with
in plasma Ca1 +. both food intake and HCI production contribute to a
Cholec)'Stokinin-pancre<lzymin (CC K·PZ) isa dif- "paradoxical" fall in plasma Ca" at times when the
ferent peptide released during digestion. It shares mincra! is being absorbed from the intestine, and
chemical and biological properties with gastrin. and that something other than CT is involved in the over·
its ability to promote CT release may involve inter- all responses.
actions with gastrin ree<:ptors. Glucagon or a hor-
mOne closely related to it (enteroglueagon) is also se-
Diurn al Caleium and CT Rhythm s
creted during digestion, especially when the meal is
ricb in protein and poor in carbohydratc. At least in The pallerns have been studied most intensively in
humans, glucagon promotes cr release (136). raiS. They are said to occur in other but not
Ingestion of quantities of calcium-rich food too all investigators find Ihem in humans (165).


,, , I,
, Olge$tion

,,, ,I
...I ,/
,, /
, FOO<! cale"..",

Fill. 12·5. Guttin. Hel an<!

pa ,alnyroO:j 1>0<,...,.... In' .... Olion •. - . St;mu1.Ik>n .•.- . _,

When food .I,,·ars available. the rat ta\.:es If thyroidectomized animals arc faMed for many
largest meal soon afler Ille onset of darkness. The hours and are then fed a calcium· rich meal. Ihey de·
calcium rhythms can be exaggeraled by oITering velop marked poslprandial hype rcalcemia and hy-
food on ly al this lime. pe=lciuria. By Olmrast. intact animal. (and thy·
Plasma calcium concentrations begin 10 ran 2-4 roidectomized ones pretreated wilh en
hours before the usual lime of feed ing. The trend much smaller elevations of the plasma calcium. and
continues for an additional 2-4 hours. whether or Inc), retain more of the absorbed mineral.
not food is provided. The calcium then rises gradu·
ally over a 12·l1Our period. The morning peak is 0.6-
0.7 mgfd! higher lhan lhe evening low point when
Proposed Functions of the CT Rhythms
lhe diet contains ordinary amounts of calcium and
phosphorus (144). Plasma inorganic phosphate con· CT may act in the following ways to ,uppon cflitien!
centrations show parallel changes. utili7.l11ion of dielary calcium (178). CT rises around Ihc lime Ihal Ihc calcium I. The rise in plasma CT Ihat p",ccdes food intake
Olnc.:nlralion begins 10 fall. and il probably ac· and Olntinue. for 50me time afterward decreases the
OlUnl. for much of Ihe calcium change (169). If an- rates at which minerals a", transferred from bone to
tisera directed againsl CT a", given, the magnitude blood plasma.
of hypercalcemia elcited i. directly ",Ialed 10 Ihe 2. Th.",fore. plasma calcium is maintained at low
prevailing CT Olncen lration. If thyroideclomy is bel. as food is absorbed from the intestinc.
performed JUSt bofore Ihe usual feeding time, Ihe 3. Plasma calcium Olncentralion is the major de-
calcium in the blood rises sharply (169). The same terminant of thc calcium Olnlent of Ihe glomerular
surgery bas effecl if it is done at other timcs. filtrate ( 193). When CT averts hypercalcemia. it
Howcver, although eilhcr Ihyroidectomy or parathy. pT<lteCIS against excessive loss of calcium into the
roidectomy can alter the liming of the diurnal filtrate.
rhythm and the magnilude of Olncentration chnge, 4. The low plasma calcium permits PTH to be se-
neither of the procedures IOlally abolishes Ihe pal. creled at optimal rates. CT docs not antogonize Ih.
lerns {1 45 ). influcnces of PTH on renal conservation of calcium.

E. cessive kan,ler (II Decreased intestinal

calcium Irom tlOnfr absorp'''''' 01 calc.....,
an<! phosphorus

Oeplel"'" 01
boM calcium

Fig. EWflCts Of calCit ....... "",,,,"ivalion on Cf.1cium


Therefore, muclt of the filtered calcium IS However. they lend to take smaHer meal •. Some
reabsorbed. forms of genetic obesity arc attributed 10 subnormal
S. PTH increases the activity of 25·hydroxyvi_ numhers of CT in the brain.
tamin D la·hydroxylase. 1.25·Dihydroxyvitamin D
is then made al an optimum rate. The calciferol pro;>-
" Milk Factors" Affecting Calcitonin
motes intestinal absorption (If dielary calcium.
Sacr.. Uon
6. CT facililales transfer of phasphale from blood
to bone and other tissues. The tissue phosphale in- Suckling infants probably especially conlpel.
Creases cdlular calcium uplake . ling needs to conserve minerals. The CT levels rise
7. Since mineral reServes arc built up during meal mOre steeply hefore f""ding Ihan is the ease for older
absorplion, the body does not suffer mineral deple- animals, and hormone sensitivity is high. The neural
tion during times of fasling. crest origin of CT cells (I 3'1). the presenee of .s·ad·
The consequences of calcitonin deficiency are renergic re<:eptors. and the inhibitory innuences of
shown in Fig. 12-6. p-rcceptor antagonists ( I 20) are all consistent with
The described concepts are consistent "'ith many neuroendocrine mediation of the "antieipalory" ele_
experimental findings. It has been observed. for ex- vation of CT.
ample. that (a) bones of CT4eprived animals fed Pups that are permitted to feed show a se<XIndary
calcium·rich food conlain less recruitable mineral elevation of the CT. whereas ones denied the oppor·
than bones from healthy controls (1'11). and (b) tunity to suckle do not. It has heen sug-
whereas the urinary calcium of intact animals is re- gested that mil k contains secretagogues (62) .
lated to the quantity of mineral consumed on Ihe Ral milk i. rich in lipids, and Ihese may contrib-
previous day. Ihe urinary calcium of thyroidccto;>- ute 10 the CT elevation. Exogenous triglycerides in-
mized animals is determined by the quamity con· voke rapid and sustained CT sccretion without alTec·
sumed on the day of measurement (182). tig the blood calcium le,cls. They probably act via
It hs been further suggested thai when CT low- release of gastrointestinal hormones. Some innu-
e"i Ihe plasma calcium before the time of food in- ences of lactose and of other milk components have
take. there are favorable effecls on the neuromus- also been described.
cular system Ihat facililatc food searching. Soon after weaning. young ralS have very low cir-
gathering. and ingestion (182). CT may play addi- culating CT levels (143). The change in diet may
tional roles in appetite regulation (57). possibly by account for this to some extent. Howe>'cr. juveniles
Ihe calcium content of Ihe cerebrospinal are especially sensitive to CT. and they probably re-
fluid. Animals injected intraccrebrally with small quire only small amounts. secretion of
amounts of CT food in ta kc al the usual limc. growth hormone is believed to contribute to the ad-
aptations. G H enhances the target organ sen· coW'S. However. the ability to reestablish normocal-
sitivityjI28)_ cemia following infusion of salls is retained
Some observers report higher CT levels in men
CT Secretion during Pregnancy and
than in women (3). Others find 00 differences under
lactati on
basal and they attribute tbe mol'<' pro-
Circulating CT rises during pregnancy. This is be- nounced I'<'sponses to stimuli for CT release in men
lieved to provide the motber with some prmection to storage of larger quantities of reserves (136).
against bone demineraliw,tion. as largc There are probably some important species differ.
quantit ies of calcium and phosphate al'<' transferC<'d since adult female rats evidently have higher
to the fetuSC$. The osseous ti$Sue mineral content i$ CT and more vigorous resJlOI\$CS to slim-
suboormal in pregnant ewes and gOOtS deprived of ulation than adult males (143).
CT (II). Attempts havc been made to link declining CT se-
Further elevation of the CT occurs during lacta· with a high inddence of osteoporosis in aging
tion. The change is csl"'cially marked in 'I"'cies in ..... omen. Ho ..... ever. the most rapid age-related reduc-
which the infants make heavy demands for minerals_ tions occur during the third decade.
A rat mother Can be uJlOn to release tbe equiv-
alem of five timcs hcr plasma CQI1tent of calcium into
Influences of Somatostatin (SS) on
the milk in a single day (189). Even when fed a cal·
Calcitonin Secretion
ci um-rich diet. her plasma calcium cone<:ntrntion is
10% lower than that of a female of the The presence of SS in some CT-secreting cells (13.
same age. Smaller in CT and me- 120). and the esmblished inAuences of SS in some
tabolism ha,-e been described for lactating WOmen. othcr I'<'gions, raise the poossibility that Ihe peptide
CT lowers prolactin in lactating animals (133). and participates in paracrine eontrol of hormone seCre-
it may in this way provide SOme protec tion again" tion. !t has been observed that large doses of SS in-
bone loss. hibit CT release in rats even in the presence of hy·
percalcemia. and thaI SS antagonizes the
stimulatory influences of caleinm. PTH. and food in·
CT Function s during Fetal Llle
take (37).
C can be found in the thyroid glands of human !t has been proposed that SS in neg·
fetuses as early as II ....-eeks (before ative control in some Food intake
the thyroid gland follicles have formed). Although and Olher stimulams of CT secretion elevate the
the fetus is (by postnatal standards). plasma SS (70). and SS infusions lower the plasma
the cells undergo rapid differentiation and they pro. CT ( 106) . Some regulation may addilionally be
due<: measurable amounts of CT by the 14t h week. complished indirectly. SS inhibits the se<:retion
T he CT levelselimb steadily thereafter unt il close to of gastrin. IIlucagon. secretin. and PTII. Morcover.
the time of birth. Premature infants have higher food deprivation is reported to augment SS se<:retion
blood levels of the hormone than full·term infanu. (183). Sine<: both CT and arc implicated
The involved in promoting the cell matura· as appetite depressants. SS inhibition of Ihe se<:re·
tion arc not known. but hypothalamic regulation is tion could encourage eating.
unlikely (104)_ Problems with Ihc concepts inelude caldum-de.
CT may perform special functions during devel· pressing influences of SS that ..... ould be to
opmental stages in which bone formation proceeds secondarily augment CT sCl:rctiQn. and the failul'<' of
mueh more rapidly than bone I'<'sorption. It is p0s- SOme investigators to find substantial of
sible that normal fetal gro..... th requires the mainte- SS on in humans and somc other
of low plasma calcium levels. mammals (120).
As term PT]; is secreted in larger
amounts, and the blood levels rise (147.
Influences of Prostaglandlna
163). The changes may re/loxt the need for more
tensivc bone C<'modeling at this time_ PG E1 infusions invoke hypercalcemia in intact ani-
mals. probably be<:ausc of actions exerted on bont
(184). Some cells may be responsivc to both PTIl
CT Changes with Advancing Age
and PGs. and others just to PGs (112). It is imer-
Progressive declines in both basal levels of plasma esting to oote. howeyer. that whereas PGs ca n acti·
CT and the CT responses to a chal- vate o.steoclasts and aceelerate bone resportion in
lenge have been described for women and also for par(Jlh)"oideelomiud animals. they do OOt invoke

hypercalcemia (190) . The observations support the of calcium (153). Ihe changes in bone do not depend
thai calcium mobilization is a pr<IUSS dis- on those largets .
linct from bone resorption, a nd that PT H inA ue nces At least SOme of the e ffects are exerted on cells
on (he blood calcium 1"'eis involve actions exerted identified on the basis of morphological appearance
on O$lwcytc • . or enzyme activities as osleoclaSlS. Hormone recep-
Since only massive dosages invoke hypcrcalcemia. tors have been ident ified, and within minutes after
il is unl ikely that PGs are physiological regulators of CT presemation the cells retract their microvilli
CT :\Ccretion (27). On the other hand, since SQme from resorption surfaces. T he cells then appea r
tumors release vcry large qua ntities, and the blood smaller and more widely spaced . After some hours.
levels can be elevated in conditions associated with fewer osteoclasts can be counted. and the ones that
antibody activation of complement (156). PGs arc persist have nuclei. CT may also reta rd the fu·
implicated in pathQlogical Pl"QCcsses (80) . sion of monocytic prec ursors into new giant cell s
(54) .
The rapidity with which early responses are man·
Effects of Dietary Phosphate ifested. and the failure of either RNA or protein syn-
CT facilita tes the transport of phosphate from blood thesis inhibitors to affect those changes. are oonsis-
plasma 10 cells. Animals fed diets excessively rich in- tent wit h actions on the plasma membranes. These
ph"'phalc usua lly manage to ma intain oormopho&- probably include mechanisms leading to depression
phalemia. but their hypocalcemic responses to CT of the cytosol C a". It was noted that bone·resorbing
are euggerated. Phosphate deprivation the re- agents p romote calci um uptake. The secondary ron-
verse effect ( 1?9). seq ue nces include accelerated calcium emux and
cha nges in the activities of Iyso&omai en7.ymCS in·
volved in bone degradation. CT rapidly in·
CT Functi ons In Hibern at ing Mammals hibi ts calc ium and it later retards calcium re-
lease. The influences on bone resorption are
CT may con tribute to the ability to mainta in min-
evidently closely lin ked with the intcrference with
erai homeostasis during times of prolonged fasting. calc iu m upta ke (17 5). Calcium stores prior to pre-
"C-cell Gyele," involving degranulation during the
senta tion of the CT may not be major de terminants
wi nter months. regranulation during the spring. and
of the responses. since the hormone is effcctive in
en la rgement of the granules during the summer. parathyroidectomized animals and in ones made cal-
have been described for some sP<X'ies (139).
ciferol deficient.
W he n CT is injected in travenously in to intact an·
Thyroc alcito nin Rel ease Fact or imals. plasma calcium begins to fall within IS min-
utes. a nd a effcct is achieved in around
Cont iguous endocrine structures ean engage in phys- one hour.
iologica lly relevant interactions. For example. glu- Bone ce lls are said to display "escape"" phenom-
cocorticoids affect the biosyn thesis of epinephrine. ena. since the eifects of CT on resorption are tran-
glucagon st imulates insulin release . a nd testoste ron<: sient . T he persistence of large numbers of receptors
made by one ovarian cclltype is converted 10 estro- indicates thai down regulation cannot fu lly explain
gen in another. the cha nges. It has becn proposed that differentia·
Since parathyroidectomy impairs the ability to re- tion and recruitme m lead to the aceumulation of
establish normocalcemia following the injection of large numbers of CT·insensitive osteoclasIS. The 00-
large doses of PTH . it has been proposed that nor· tion is supJXlrted by observations that irradiation of
mal parathyroid cells secrete a "'thyrocalci toni n reo bone cells prior to exposure to CT averts Ihe escape.
lease factor" (64). The concept has aesthetic appea l. The trea tment does not blunt PTH st imulation of
but it has not received support (85). bone resorption. but it can block PTH fac ilitation of
the differentiation of CT·insensiti ve osteoc laSIS (97).
DNA synthesis inhibitors do not mimic the efTeclSof
CT opposes the bone-resorbi ng effeclsof PTH, pm;- Allcmpts have been made to reconcile CT st imu-
taglandins. vitamin A, ealciferols. cA MP analogs. lation of adenylate cyclase with PTH a ntagonism
calciu m ionophores. a nd other agents (128). II also (since PTH increases cA M P levels in t he same kinds
less impressively inhibits spontaneous resorption (7). of cells). The nucleotide is not a likely med ia tor of
Allhough CT aifects the renal excretion of several CT actions. and the following suggestions have been
ions. and it is also said to retard intcslinal absorption made: (a) There are subJXlpulations of osteoclasts.
Only some of the cells increase their bone-resorbing phosphate may be secondary consequences (129). It
activity when the cAMP IC"els rise; (b) each hor- is also possible that CT regulates chloride metabo-
mone increases cAMP concentrations in its own sub- lism. Bone nuid is rich in 0 - . and CT. PTH. and
cellular compartment. and the locus determines the all affect chloride excretion (47). More-
cell response; (c) small increases in cAMP levels in over, gastric 1-10 is a regulator of CT secretion.
response to PTH lead to ac",,1cmted bone resorption. CT has been given to patients with osteoporosis in
Larger ones resulting from CT stimulation inhibit the hope that benent would be derived from the in-
the responses; (d) both of the hormones elevate hibitory effeclS on bone resorption. No long-range ef-
cAMP. However. each its speciali7.ed inHu- fects have been achieved, probably because of the es-
ences on cytosol chemistry that determine the con- cape phenomenon and some interference with
sC{juences of the rise (6,68); and (c) PTH directly normal renewal of bone cell POpUlalions.
activates adenylate cyclase and it utili7es cAMP as Paget's disease (osteitis deformans) is a disordef
a mediator. When CT brings about different involving overactivity of both bone_forming and
chan8es in the cells, cAMP generation occun bone-resorbing cells. phcl$phalase activity
secondarily. and hydroxyproline excretion are both high. and de-
fourth idea is consistent with some nndings. formities Can result from replacement of normalti ..
In addition to retarding calcium inAux. CT promotes sue with bone of different structure. Severe cases are
phosphate entry. High cytosolic HPol facilitates associated with bone pain. Sodium etidronate may
mitochondrial uptake of calcium in the presen"" of provide better therap)·than cr (A-i).
cAMP. whereas low cytosolic HPOl faVQrs mito- The actions of CT and PTH on bone are com-
chondrial release of minerals (17,160) . PTH pro- pared in Table 12_1.
motes phosphate The bluming of PTH ae-
tions in vitamin 0 deficiency states may result from
depletion of intracellular stores of cakium phos-
phate. CT continues to inhibit bo"" rc.wrption in cal- Specific, high·affmity CT reCeptors have been iden-
eiferol-dcprived tissues (40,84). tified in mammalian kidneys. The hormone aCtivales
Although direct inAuenc.. of CT on other bone adenylatc cyclases in certain parts of the nephrons ,
cel! types have not demonstrated, it is and amounts too small to affect plasma calcium or
that the hOfmone affects multiple targets in osseous phosphate dilate renal blood vessels (4). At lea"1
tissues. The magnitudes of change in calcium and pharmacclogieal dosages or potent preparalions in-
phosphate melabolism seem to be too great to be ex_ crease renal excretion of sodium, potassium, sulfate.
plained totally on the basis of osteoclasl inhibilion. chloride , and water. Piseine hormones may also de-
Osleocytes present very large surfaces to bone ex- crease magnesium seerction in rats (2.124).
tracellular Ruid, and thes.:. eeUs are also believed to Species diiTcrences in locali711tions of the CT -sen-
possess "cakium pumps" Ihal bone min_ si tive adenylate cyclases, in binding affinities. in
erals to extracellular Ruids. When CT is adminis- amounts of cAMP generated (68), in responses to
tered, the cells enlarge to fill Ihe lacunae and their both cAMP and CT. and in interactions with PTH
cytoplasmic:nudcar ratios rise . Bo"" Auid cakium (128). all ccmplieate Ihe problems of determining
and phosphate concentrations Can increase within 15 the physiological importance of calcitonin actions on
( 179). Therefore. CT may affeci OSteocytCS, the kidneys . Nanomolar concentrations of CT ele-
either directly or by modifying the microenviron- vate cGMP in human renal cortical cells. Higher
ment. Observations that CT ean increase alkaline ones are needed to achieve delayed activation of ad-
phosphatase activity arc oonsistcnt with inAuences enylate cyclase (A-3).
on osteoblasts or OSteocytes that engage in matrix In most species. PTH and CT affect adenylate cy-
formation. CT may oppose PTH inhibition of such clascs in different segments of the How_
cells, as effects on cakium uptake blunt PTH fa- ever, in rat cortical aseending loops effects of the
dlitation of osteoprogenitor ""II proliferation and dif- two regulators are nonadditive and the actions may
ferentiation . It is li kely that CT interacts with PTH be exerted on the same enzymes (124).
and other regulators to maintain oormal bone StrUC- Parathyroidectomy increases the numbers of CT re-
ture and functions (84). ceptors, at least in rats (I).
According to some observers. the primary influ- Dogs may be less responsive Ihan most olher
ences of CT are exerted OIl potassium ion transport. mammals to CT. Natriuresis is of such magnitude in
As in Chapter II, bone Auid has very high ralS that CT ha5 been proposed 10 function as a na-
K' concentrations that va ry with the metabolie triuretic hormone. Increased Na ' is also
functions (rather than with plasma K ' ). CT rapidly easily demonstrated for humans. sheep, and rabbits.
affects sodium, hydrogen and citmle, as well as p0- but it is an inconsistent finding in dogs. Phosphaturic
tassium levels. and its inAuen"". on calcium and effects are seen in bolh parathyroidectomized and

Err.... O(PTH EIr.."ofCT

T.... I.. of ""I<;i • ., I""" boo< ECF ro """"Ie"'ted R.'onl<d

bkrod pi""'"
of by 'oone otHl <>rh« In hibited"d
Prolileration of .",_,ni'"" ""II. "ced,rated Ddo"d
Mod.l .. ion of pm • ....,. «II. '0 0<1. )'0<1 """,,! ... ,ed
Lif,.p"" 01 .,.,eobl.." Shortened L .... 'h.n<d
CoI l.!<n . y.,.." i, " ""<001.." Dop"""d Stim.I."d
Modulation of ""«>1>1..,, 10 ""_)10' ".""kfOted Dolo),<d

o.",oly'" ,"' i,i'y of "" co<y'" Stim.l ..od Inhibited

"«.m"laiion or lactooe. <i" ... , OM 10<,,»«1
h)'drug<. or """""y'"
o.''''''')'t< . i•• Rod.c<d.l.eunar .pa« Enl"i<d. ",cu .. r .poc<
"I..,ed ,m,1I
I.or". mul,i,.d,,, •. Sm.n. f'OI".ded. mi<rQVil li
micro,illi ",.oded ... '""c,,d
O,e .. 11 r... or """" "'''''1'''''" 1""",>0<1 n.:: ..."ed
on C)"""," c," Inc=>O<I
C.leilorot d<pe""""". M"" .rrw. dimi.i,hed Err..,,, pc"i<l in pm<n« of
c.lcilerol "" r,e"'''''1 cakif.rot d.l"i."",

intact rats and sheep and also in human subjecls Ihal effccts. CT can also inhibit contraclion of the gall
are healthy, hypoparthyroid. or afflicted with Pagel's bladder and depress functions of the exocrine pan·
disease (128). Phosphaturia in dogs is abolished by CreaS (128).
pa ra th yroideetom y. cr opposes PTH al many siles. It depresses Ihe
Adrenalectomy reverses the nalTiurosis. bUI il mitogenic influenes on thymocyles and some Olhor
does nol impair kidney responses to some pharma- kinds "r cells (116), and il interferes with PTH·i".
cological agenls that augment sodium elcretion (I). voxed dilation of hepatic blood vessels.
By contrast. PTH-invoked natriuresis is counter·
acted by mineralocorticoids.
Species differences in calciuric responses
(177,193) may be related to Ihe segment of the kid· Chick embryos begin to transfer large quantities of
ney most affected by cr. Hypercalciuria has treen eggshell calcium to Ihe blood plasma around the
described for humans and shecp but not for ralS. IOlh to 11th day, and they ac.:umulatc bone mineral
soon afterward (9). The ullimobranchial bodies
undergo rapid growth around the same time. Pbsma
cr first reaches delectable levels (equivalent to
Exogenous cr exert.! selective influenc<:s on water 1000 mU/liter by rat bioassay) on day 17 (186).
and electrolyte transport in the various segmenls of The concentrations risc steadily to 2700 mUlliter by
the intestine. Water. sodium. polassium, and chlo. the 20th day (when the birds arc Slill brealhing
ride excretion are increased in Ihe jejunum, whereas through the shell). CT may aCI at this stage to reg-
bicarbonate is relained. In the ileum. water. sodium. ulate the plasma concentralions and support rapid
potassium, and chloride excretion are also increased, bone growth .
but bicarbonate excretion is increased as well, Cal· Shortly before the time of hatching. CT levels
cium absorption is. however. inhibited. The high in· elimb steep ly. and they roach 11.000 mU/liter by
cidence of diarrhea in patients with medullary Car· the "pipping'" Slagc. The rapid release has been al-
cinomas of the thyroid gland may be related 10 such tribuled to development of hypoxia and respiratory
acidosis that lead secondarily to discharge of cate- free water. CTs proteet against the devc:l<>pment of
cholamincs (9). Whcn tbe chicks breathe air. the CT fatal hypocalcemia.
concentrations fall precipitously. No hormonc is de- Human PTH ' - )4 can accelerate Cal . egress
tectable in the plasma after the first day post- across the gills and thereby lower blood levels. Es-
hatching. trogens elevate the plasma calcum (and the steroids
The dramatic changes in the conc<:ntrations sug- can do this in birds and SOme amphibians as well).
gest that CT plays somc role in supporting adjust- Pitu itary factors also raise the plasma calcium. The
to life oulside the shell. active components include ACTH and prolactin in
When chicks arc fcd calcium-rich diets. the ulti- a t least some spe¢ies (US). Corpuscles of Stannius
mobranchial bodies undergo hypertrophy and the in teleost. and holosteans secrete a PTH·like peptide
plasma CT levels risco UltimobranchialeClomized (A·5) . Relationships to hypocalcin (135) or tcleo-
chicks grow and mature, but they ingC$1 1= food cakin (a glycopeptide) arc unclcar.
than intact controls. When Ihey atlain adulthood, The following observations suggest that CT inter-
Ihe females also lay eggs that are small and thin- acts with Olher endocrine glands 10 protect against
shelled (39). Normal mature females gi"en the usual hypercalccmia in cels: (a) W hen the animals arc
kinds of food have larger glands and higher plasma maintained in fresh waler. CT can lower Ihe plasma
CT than mature males. calcium; (b) when th. fish are trallSferred 10 salt
evidently utili1.e insulin to maintain their walOr, the ultimobranehial glands enlarge and the
calcium concentrations. Nonhypoglyccmic dosages plasma CT levds rise; {c) the glands also enlarge if
exen effects. and thcy can raisc the the corpuseles of Stannius are excised; and (d) In
plasma calcium even in thc prescnce of vitamin 0 One study. sham operated controls had plasma cal-
deficiency (134). cium concentrations of 13.6 mg/dl. Th.levels in an-
imals subjected 10 ultimobranchialectomy. stann icc-
IOmy. and combined ultimobranchialectomy·
CALCITONIN FUNCTIONS IN AMPHIBIANS slannicctomy averaged 15.7. 18.9. and 30.4 mg/dl.
The "Iypical"' anuran begins life in a pond. spends rcspeeti"cly (39).
In mammals, calcitonin.. usually lo.... er the plasma
moot of its adulthood in or near watcr of low calcium
phosphate. They may also do so in catfish (85). In
content. and cntcrs the water for brecding. It utilizes
paravenebrai time .ac< to store calcium. and it ro>- eels. they are reported to elevate the levels.
Utile is known of calcium regulation in elasmo-
cruits the mineral as needed.
branehs. The meehanisms differ from those of le-
Ultimobranchialcctomy impairs the buildup of
leoots. sinc<: thc skelelon is mostly cartilaginous. Es-
Ihe calcium reserves. bone mineralization and the
trogen is not hypercalccmie in these fishes (135).
abilily to heal fractures. Calcium_rich diets in"oke
uitimobranchial gland hypenrophy . These observa·
CT levels risc with advancing age in some of the
teleosts. The changes may be related to hypercal·
tions al"<' consistent with roles for CT in calcium con-
cemic effects of gonadal hormones. Especially high
servation and control of plasma of thc mineral.
hormone concentrations have been found in salmon
!-Iowever. repeated injection of CT el<'l'l1leJ the
around the time of ,pawning. They may provide
plalima calcium. The hormone may also contribule
to regulation of reproductive system function,. Pro-
transient protection against excessively rapid bone
resorption when vcry large amounts of glucoconi-
lactin invokes the "water drive" during the brc<:ding
coids arc released.
Season. It can additionally raise the plasma calcium
Several indications that CT secretion is undcr
and promote uhimobrancbial gland hypertrophy
neuroendocrine control hve been cited. and it was
also noted thaI CT levels rise in mammals Ihal hi·
Some urodclcs lack parathyroid glands. and in
bernate. It is interesting to note in this connection
cenain others paralhyroide.:tomy has no dfeets on
the blood calcium levels. Prolactin invokes hypercal-
that the uhimobranchial glands of cave fish
undergo hype rtrophy if the animals are kept in dark-
cemia in a few species (135) .
ness for extended time periods.


Although piseine calcilonins arc highly potent OF CALCIUM HOMEOSTASIS
agents for correcting hypercalcemia in mammals. Adrenalectomy leads to the development of hyper-
Ihcy do not lower the plasma ca";ium in salmon. calcemia in cats. dogs. rabbits, and rats. Similar cf-
trout. killifish, and some other species. (They do, fecu havc becn described for patients wilh Addison's
howcver. have influences On thc skelcton.) When disease and for those undergoing subtotal adrenal.
some of the marine teleost> are placed in calcium_ e.:tomy (90.157). G\ucoeortiooid deprivation blunts

Or abolishes Ihc hypocalcemia Iha! olher"-;se follows trast sharply with preceding observations. Col.
parathyroidectomy. It can also relieve tetany (85). lagen synthc.sis accelerate>< within 3 hours. and tbe
since both 10lal calcium and Cal ' levels arc in- persists for 2 days (22.23). There are
creased (157). smaller increases in the production of noncollagcn·
The natriuretic and some other rcsponS"s to CT ous but no effects on DNA Or RNA have
are losl in adrcnalectorni7.ed animal. (2). However, been found.
pharmacological diuretics are stili drec!;v •. Since Physiological l.vels of glucocorticoid. arc belicved
neilher glucocorticoid. nor mineralocorticoid. fully to maintain the functions of preexisting ostcobla.ts
«'Store the sensitivity to CT. other regulator.; may be and to support the anabolic actions of insulin and 5<)-
involved. A IIQnsteroidal PTH amagonist has been matomedins (153) and also of a bonc-<lerived growth
reCQvered from pig adrenal glands (90). can be recovered from bone cui·
In intact glucocorticoid injccti<>ns ture media The steroids may additionally an·
lower plasma calcium and phosphate levels. They tagonize i it influences of epidermal
mitigate calciferol toxicity symptoms. but they can- growth factor on collagen synthesis (23).
nol corrC<'1 Ihe hypercalcemia of hyperparathyroid· Low levels of PTH arc needed to support osteo-
ism (157). genesis. Glucocorticoids:IC<:m \0 play roles in main·
The $(croids increase the calcium conlcnt of the taining the responsiveness to PTR possibly by low.
gl()rnerular filtrate (193), and th ey inhibit tubular ering cyclic nucleotide phoophodic.steras<: acti'ity
reabsorption (I 57). However. gluCQCQrticoid, also (130). Higher concentrations of PTH facilitate bone
deereas<: intestinal absorption of the mineral. resorption. Moderate amount5 of glucocorticoid. arc
Some authors State that C<lrtisone docs not affect believed to oppose the resorbing influences of both
CT influences on blood calcium (85). Others report PTH and of 1.25·0. Since the steroids lower the
blunting of the responses and attribute this to steroid plasma citrate levels (lSI), they probably cxert
influences exerted On bone (188). Since repeated some of their on ostcocyte,. In ad·
doses of synthetic gluCQCQrtiC<lids decrease CT secre- dition, they can delay onset of CT "escape."
tion (107). thcy would be expc<:ted to minimizc the Prostagiandilllj are potent stim"lant5 of bone re-
calcium-<lepressing effects. The inhibition is not of sorption. increas<: collagenase activity (MO) and
sufficient magnitude to overcome the renal and in· retard collagen Glucocorticoids depress
testinal respons<:s. PC in many cell types. It i, that
Although cortisone also lowcrs blood phosphate, anabolic actions are re lated to thi., since
CT can .till increas<: urinary excretion of phosphate the of glucocorticoids Can be demonstrated in
(8S). presence of inhibitors of PO (48). On
the other hand. glucocorticoids arc useful agents
under pathological conditions in which excessivo
Influences on Bone
amounts of POE, are made . PCs arc relcas<:d in
The pharmacological actions arc beller known than large quantities in inflammatory disorders and by
thc physiological ones. Repeated administration of some kinds of cells. In addition to acting di·
high doses of glucocorticoid. lead. to the develop- rectly. the molecule. releas<:d by monocytes promote
ment of oste<Jporosis. Thi. has been obs<:rved in ex· generation of osteoclast.activating factor (OAF)
perimental animalS and in patients taking thc ste- (199) . The lymphokine is a highly potent bonc·re-
roid. for anti-inflammatory and other properties. sorbing agent.
Several mechanisrm; are involved. The most im·
portant may be inhibition of ostcoprogenitor cell pro-
liferation and therdore interference with the re-
ru:wal of bone cell populations. Glucocorticoid. H is easier to dtseribe the ovorall efTects of gonadal
antagonize the effects of epidermal growth factor .t.roids on minoral metabolism and bone than it is
and other regulators on DNA synthesis and mitosis to define the mechanisms of action. The hormones
(22.23). They diminish production of somatomedins. act at several sites. and most of the influences are
and they oppose the efTects of both SM. and insulin indirect. There are species differences in the re-
on protein synthesis. The hypocalcemic actions lead sponses. and some confusion roles of go-
to s<:condary augmentation of PTH s<:erction. and nadal steroids in humans has resulted from the use
the steroids can exacerbate the bone-resorbing influ· of inappropriate animal moods (173).
ences of high PTH levels. Unde r physiological conditions. estrogen. testos-
The early effects of presenting moderate amountS terone, and adrenal androgens promote closure of
of glucocorticoids to cultures of fetal calvariae con- the epiphyses of the long bones of most mammalian
SpeClCS (16.81). Juveniles secreting excessivc and this may explain the lowering of fecal calcium
amounts suITer premature termination of bone elon- content, The intestinal absorption may, in fael, be
gation, Androgcm stimulate the appet ite. promote roouced . Suggestions that promote renal
growth and of skeletal musde. and conservation of calcium ha "e not been supported by
exert othcr anabolic a<:1ions. They also modulate re- studi", involving infusiom of the steroids iOIO renal
sponses to CT (176). Boys secreting too much te!;- arteries (53). Inhibitory influences on intestinal at>-
tosterone arc usually taller than other y<lungstcrs of sorption, with consequent lowering of plasma cal.
the same age. but they never altain full adult stat· cium may account for some decrease in urinary cal-
ure. Estrogen, can retard growth of bone and carti- cium . Observations that 1.25-D levels can rise with
lage. and girls producing too much estrogen often suf· estrogen therapy u nderlie the notion that the steroid
fer severe stunting (gl). Problem. also ari'e when renal 25·hydroxyvitamin D I",·hydroxyl-
immature adolescents take oral contraceptive,. Hy_ ase activity. Here. the effect may be better explained
pogonadal conditions early in life can extend the on th. basi, of slower degradation of the 1.25·D
growing period and invoke mild forms of gigantism, (lOS). Observations that parathyroidectomy does
Gonadal steroids are sometimes gh'en to elderly not prevent the bone loss that follows ovariectomy
pat ienl S to hasten the healing of fraclUres. They and that parathyroid extracts do not increase the os·
haY<' also been used 10 terminate growth in juveniles teopen ia (105) arc difficult to reconcile with Ihe idea
secreting exe<:ssive amounlS of growth hormone, that estrogens diminish sensitivity 10 PHI. Morc-
Sine<: bone cells are not believed to contain estro. over, no influences of estrogens gi ven in dosages
gen receptors (153), al least some of the gro,,· ranging from 2.5 I'g to 5,0 mg on PTH-mediated
hibiting actions have been attributed to inhibition of cAMP accumulation wero found in one studyon rats
somatomedin generation. The steroids also exert in· (113).
Auenee. On calciferol and calcium metabolism and Only grossly pharmacological concentrations of
On responses to glucocorticoid •. estrogens have been shown to affcct thc metabolic
interactions wilh glucocorticoid, may be espc_ activities of bone studied in culture (26). Some ro-
daUy important in rats. In young adult female:;. versa! of ovariectomy·invoked depression of bone re-
there arc cyclical changes in bone growth rates. wilh sorption and new formation rateS has been dc>cribed
the 101'1 points occurring at times when plasma estro. for rats (42). but there are &Cveral reasons for ques-
gens peak. Estrogens stimulate glucocorticoid secre- tioning the relevance to bo'ne problems of aging
tion. and the glucocortiCOid concentrations are high wOmen. lonuenees of estTOgens on bone cell differ-
during those phases of the estrous c)·cle., Adrenal. entiation in birds (100) arc prohahly even more dis-
ectomy abolishes the cyclic decline in bone forma· tantly related.
tion rate (194). Additiona! problems complicate interpretations of
Physiological rol", of estrogens in adu lt women the relationships between estrogens and bone func·
are difficult to assess, Normal aging i. associated tions. The ag!>-3ssocialed reduction in bone mass Can
with gradual reduction of bone mass. and Ihe rate of be demonstrated in the fourth decade. when most
loss is said to acederate foUowing menopause and women are still menstruating. !n WOmen who even·
after ovariectomy, The term pos/menopiJu$al OJ/fQ-- tually develop osteoporosis. the interval between the
p<>rosi., is applied when bone 10:ss is of sufficient mag_ beginning of mcnopaU$l: and the on&ct of skeletal
nitude to markedly increase susceptibility to frac- system symptoms is much longer for individuals in
lure. It has been reported that 25% of white women whom there is early ce.sation of the ovarian cycles
suffer One Or mOre fractures by the age of 65 (II 5). Ihan in those in whom this occur! laler. Some
Wrists, pelvic bones. and vertehrae are the most women continue to make substantiai quantities of es-
commonly affected. Decl ining estrogen levels aT< im- trogens long after they have stopped ovulating, Sev-
plicated, and Ihere have been numerous studies SUjr eral non hormonal factors Ihat predispose to devel·
porting the concept that estrogen therapy slow. bone opment of the osteopoT05is have been identified (7).
loss. In SOme cases. estrogens alone Or in combina· but others are un known.
tion with other agents have been found to partially Studies of the rates of bone resorption must take
re verse Ihe condition. Usually, however, the benefits into account the probability that women who see k
a re transient (42.115). treatment for osteopoT05i s may have already gone
Several explanations for the beneficial effeCis of through a period of rapid reduction in bone mass.
estrogens have been offered. but there arc problems The very fact that less bone is ava ilable could ac·
with most of them. The coneept that estrogens im- count for failure to find greater reabsorption:new
prove the absorption of dietary calcium is based on bone formation ratios than in healthy age-matched
observations that the hormone diminishes fecal controls.
losses. Howe,'cr. it has been demonstrated that es- Osteoporosis progresses intermillently. Periods in
trogens reduce intestinal stat/ion of calcium (16). which there is rapid bone loss alternate with ones of

relative stability. Patients are most likely 10 seek out 10 accelerate bone resorption and hydroxyproline ex·
IrcalmcnllQward Ihe end of an "active" pha>;e. They cretion. Plasma calcium concentrations are usually
may therefore show "improvement" during the en- elevated . and this probably accounts for the
suing WI:<'U, whether or IIO! treatment is given. caleiuria (! 93) . I nnucnces on gastrointestinal motil·
Some indi viduals even respond well to placdXl/l ity can affect calcium absorption from the small in·
(164). Initiation of a oourse of treatment Can gen- testine (77).
craIe nol only optimism, but also motivation for in- hormone does not seem to af·
creasing activity. In sedentary individuals, the very feet the biosynthesis of calcitonins, but there are in·
act of going regularly 10 a phJSician can affect the dications thaI iodine accumulation by thyroid cells
lifestyle. Use and strengthening of Skeletal muscles in some way facilitates cr secretion (84).
facilitiates accumulation of new bone ( I 51), and the Epidermal growth factor is believed to be a phys-
effects may be enhanced if the appetite is improved. iological regulator that promotes proliferation of os-
11 is probably also ne<:essary to determine the 0p- tooprogenitor cells but inhibits oollagen synthesis
timum amounts of calcium and vitamin D that and stimulates bone resorption (155).
should be offered 31 lhe time of institution of hor- Vitamin A supports bone remodeling. In defi·
mone treatment. Small increments in vitamin Din· ciency states. the passageways for nerves and blood
take would be eXpC<:ted to improve calcium asorp- vessels do not enlarge sufficiently. Infants deprived
tion, whereas larger ones can accelerate bone of the vitamin have detective loolh formation_Toxic
resorption. Moderate incrcases in calcium intake can doses increase bone resorption, probably via labili·
provide minerals for new bone formation. Larger 7.alion of lysosomal membranes and release of pro-
ones depress 1.25-0 formation. Both the vitamin and leolytic The cffects are opposed by cr.
the calcium can alfect the rates of PTH secretion. oontribute to bone remodeling (A-6.
A·8. 1\·9). Nonhormonal factors affect Ca' · and
OTHER FACTORS AFFECTING BONE For example, metabolic acidosis lcads to
negative caleium balano;. This can occur in para·
In addition to promoting generation of somatome- thyroidectomiled animals, but it is exacerbaled by
dins (86). growlh hormone exerts trophic influences PTH (114).
on the gastrointestinal tracl. and il alfects Ihe seCre-
tion of digeslive system hormones and related regu·
lators (198). It increases the and it mayac-
celerale tbe formation of 1,25-D ( 110).
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elevate the plasma calcium level. and invoke hyper· f>TH. Calcitonin. Nudeotideu nd the Kid·
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synthesis of oollagen and other bone oompon.nts. Katacllcin. a Calcium_Loweri"3 Hormone
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_ __ PART V _ __

Hormones and Reproduction

Sex Determination and Differentiation of the Reproductive

The term "scx" is used in very different by ge- of progeny that possess cambiliOlion.r of hereditary
netecis!s, cytologists. endocrinologists. immunolo>- entities donated by both of the parents. In most
gists. embryologists, psychologists. cases. the offspring differ. at least in small ways.
sociologists. lawyers, clothing designers. and adver- from the progenitors.
tising agems. While an of thc meanings arc related Most higher animals Ul ili?e asexual methods for
in some way loa form ofrcproduction. lhc vagueness rcnewal of somalic cells and sexual ones for the for-
of Ihc association beoomcs apparent when One hears mation of new individuals. whereas simple unicellu_
high school biology students describe Ihc proccs.c. lar organisms widely employ asexual reproduction
of gamete formation and fertili7.ation in dam. and For perpetuation of the species. Exc<:ptioos 10 this
plants as "001 vcry sew" ""hile applying the adjcc- rule are discussed later.
tive "sexy"" to inanimate objects.
T his chapter examines the interrelationships
among Ihc following "forms" of sex: chromosomal
(or genetic). gonadal, hormonal, phenotypic, psycho-
logic, behavioral, and legal. II surveys me<:hanisms MOSI of the tissues of animals undergo oon-
whereby cell, and complex organisms produce morc tinuous (or regularly recurring cycles (1) cell re-
of their kind and considers the humoral regulato" newal. Usually, Ihis is accomplished via the highly
that provide direction. Sections are also devoted to Or<:kred p=ss of mitosis.
the problem, that can ari", whcn wmething disrupts
the usual course of events. (al The Ihat f«m protective on external
and intern.1 body ."rfa"...Iough ofT and must be re-
Then: is. for example. regular rene".. al of Ihe ep-
ASEXUAL VS. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION : idermis of the epithelial component' of thc gawoi.-
FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCES te'liMI and respiraIM)' mucosae; (b) erythrocyte. have
limited life .pans, in pIIrt bec,usc of the puni.hment in_
Reproouction is thc formation of new biological en· meted on Ihem during cardiac s)'5lole and passage
tities (cells or whole organisms) that closely resem- through MrrOw eapillarie,. Rapidty protife"'ting precur_
blc the parent specics. The asexual mechanisms uli- sors "'ithin the bone mar"",' keep pace wilb the fotc'" of
a $!lIgle $ouret of heredilory !nmtriol that is destruCtion , (e) " new utorine lining forms in '''''ju nction
replicated and then apportioned eqllol/y among the with each nonferlile ovarian eycle of the adult mammal;
progeny. As a result. the new individuals tha t (d) the mounting of ....... ful immune ,"ponsc. re-
emerge arc genetically idenlical with each other quire. the rapid formation of ,pecifie type. of I)'mph"..
(and wilh Ihe original parenl) , Thus. population ho- qte" (e) wOllnd healin,.1Id lbe watling olf of inre<:tion,
usually involve proliferation of fLbrobla ...; (I) .perm .."..
mogeneity is maintained. exccpt when something gonia form new cells for .3eh ",ave: of ,permot",e.e.i •.
goes amiss during replication or distribution of the while follicular cells of Ihe ovary grow and divide during
macromolecules. the prepllration. f01' ovulation; (g) when endocrine gland,
By contraSI. Ihe lerm ,exuol implies nolhing mOre are ,",lied upon 10 markedly inere."" their ,at'" of hor_
(or less) Ihan lhe imerminglillg of nucleic acid com- mone ... retion. newly fo>rmed cells usuall)' provide Ihe
ponents derived from IWO 'ouren and Ihe production ne ..... ry machinery; (h) normal bon<; undergoes a ""n_

linu".. process "f remodding which i""ludes of tion and extinction. In some (but not all) cases, such
Ihe ".Iooprogcnilot cell. Ihat give rise 10 collagcn-f",,,,- reproduction is asexual.
ing ".10<>1>10,1.; (i)"Clion of portions of vital organs There are Ihree obvious disadvantage.: (a) no 0t>-
,uch a, lbe liver and kidney i. counlored by rapid "oom- portunily is afforded for the DNA recombinations
pen,""ory" formatiM of new tissu.; and (j) proliferalini thaI comribule 10 versatilily, evolution, and the
cell. 80 through cydo. of =t. gro"'lh. DNA synlhtsi •.
and division lhal .re aWlCialed wilh sequenlial change. emergcnce of charactcristics that faeililate adapta-
in lhe seMilivilie. 10 e.lernol r.gulol<><$. C.".in kind. of tion 10 environmcmal changes; (b) undesirable mu-
,peciali711t\on can be accomplished ooly when cell. are in lations can be passed On to all of Ihe progeny; and
Ihe appropriate ph... , (c) a form of Slagnalion is built inlo Ihe s)lSlems,
This last factor scems 10 have been "recogni7.ed" by
Neurons and skelelal muscle fibers arc cxamples even very simple organisms. Many have developed
of body oomponents Ibal have losl thc abilily to en- "stralegics" such as conjugalion that provide for ex-
gage in changes of genelic material between individuals.


reproduelion in multicellular organisms typ-
Unicellular organisms rapidly increase Iheir num_ ically involves Ihe formation of specialiud eclls or
bers by dividing asexually. In addilion 10 providing gametes. Usually. each comain, one-half Ihe chro-
for oonlinuily of Ihe species_ Ibe processes serve mosomc number Ihal characlerizes the somatic cell.
otber purposes. By inCl'<'asing the .urface:volume of the same species.
ratio. cach division facililates adequale excbange 1» When all of Ihe cell, are morphologically sim·
lWeen Ihc cells a nd their environments of respiralOry ilar, they are known as isogamnes. Higher plants
gases. nulrienlS, and waSle malerials. In mosl cascs. and animals make heler<>gamelts, The OneS pro-
Ihe daughler cens are of equal size, but Ibe "bud- duced by animals thai arC smaller and marc mOlile
ding" of yeasl involves uneven apportionment of Ihe arc sperm cells Or spermil/Oz(}(J. whereas Ihe larger,
cylOpl.,m , usually nonmolile counterpart. arc the ",,11. or
Coelenlerates and SOme other simpic mClazoons
split olf groups of cells. and cach clump (or bud) can Gonads are organs specialized for Ihe produclion
give rise to a whole new individual, en- of gameles. (The term is also applied to immature
gage in Iransw rse binary fission. following which the siruelures that will later develop the capabilily.)
"head" portion grows a new "Iail" while the caudal Those Ihal make only spermat01.oa are /estes. while
fragment acquil'<'s a new head. Some wormS also ones producing only egg cells arc ovaries.
split longitudinally. S.Hlars (.larflSh) usually re- In higher animals, the gonads also sccrete hu-
produce .e.ually. Howeve r, if an adull is cut into moral regulators thaI dil'<'ci the developmenl and
large pieces, each f ragmenl can "regenerate" into a mainlain the funClions of acuJSory reprod,,(/ive
whole animal. The vegetalive propagation of plants structures. i.e._ organs involved in Ihe protection,
is a relaled form of ase.ual reproduclion. nurturing, stOl'llge, and transpon of the gametes and
Social inse<:ls may make yet a1lOlher uSC of this oonceplUses. Although tbey ar<: di'inguishable from
Iype of division. Honeybees, for example, produce the primary repradu,riw .Iructures or gonad" Ibey
large numbers of genetically identical males via par- arc oflen essenlial for realization of gamete function.
thenogenesis (which is whereas their fe- Gonadal hormones may additionally promote
arise from fertilized eggs. emergence of secom/ary chaf'llcltrislics. These
Parlhenogenesis and related forms of a,nual 1'<'- are body eomponems nol diTeClly involved in Ihe re-
production also proceed in verlebrates, as discussed productive processcs per SO, Ihal play imporlant roles
later. in Ihe :selcclion of males . In some species_ Ihe indi-
viduals Ihal possess ICSICS are markedly dilTcrent in
cXlernal appearance from lhose endowed with ova-
ries. As win be discussed, Ihere i. 00 dil'<'ct relation-
ship oolwccn "reproductive efficiency" (Ihe ability to
The ability of a .i ngle member of a species 10 pro- produce adequale numbers of offspring) and the
more of it. kind bypasses Ihe need 10 seek out magnilude of "scxual dimorphism".
other individuals of ils group, In times of isolalion, Gonadal bormones arc further capable of bringing
this can spell OUI Ihe differences bc:twecn perpelUa- about "sex dilTercnlialion" of the brain in a manner
thai affe<:ls behavior. and they Can dicil sex-relaled reserved for males. Similarly, a male can defy pre-
differences in metabolic funclions and in the serrsi. vailing customs by expressing interests in cooking
tivities of certain types of rtteptors. and the Care of children wh ile accepting other com-
The term, male and masculitll! are applied to ponents of the imposed gender role. Most aspects of
'permalOzoa, to te,tes. 10 Ihe associated accessory gender role are culturally determined. and behavior
",pnxiuctivestructures and secondary sex characler- regarded as deviant by one group may be perfe<::tly
istic, of dimorphic species. and to the lestieular hor- acceptable in another. There arc controversies con-
mone,. They are also used to designate rdated forms cerning whether gelUfer preferew::e (sexua l interest in
of behavior. Traditionally, aggression, lerrilorial de- one's own Or the opposite gender) is oonditioned by
fense. courtship, and copulalion have been included the hormonal milieus present early in life.
in Ihis calegory. More modern concepts are consid-
ered later in Ihe chapter , The whole individual pos-
scssing the described features is also known as male. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION THAT DOES NOT
Similarly. Ihe lermS and a rc used INVOLVE GAMETE FORMATION
for egg celis, ovaries. the associaled accessory organs Tesl<s, ovaries, and gametes are not .... ntiat for .""uat
and phenotypic characteristies. the ovarian hor· r.production, Th. only rcquiromento ... mechanism. for
mones. forms of behavior tha t include Ihe assump- the uChang. of h.reditary materials from t"'o sources
tion of eharacterislic postures when slim ulated by prior to the formation of new individuats.
males. and the whole indi vidual. IJ.clerial cell' .... 001 partners for ,ueh ..change.. In
a .. n... Ihe entire organi,m funcli(m, temporarity ., bolh
gonad and gam.le. Parnmecia eng"3e in ronjugaliOl!, a
GENDER IDENTITY AND GENDER ROLE p = that in",l_ excb.nge of mic ronuete i. Filamen_
IOU' ptan" , uch as 'pirogyra line up and form conjuga-
At a very early age. humans come to rccogni7-e their tion tube$lhrough whith genelie intcrmingling is aCCOm·
membership in one of the two Sex groups , The ac- pli'hed. Following the eneounIO.... the individual,
e<:ptance of "gender identity" usually docs not pose s' parale . reorgani"" inlr.lcet\utar components. and elUlgc
problems. but conditions under which it can are con- in milosis,
sidered later, Allhough it is possible 10 distinguish "mating Iype,"
The phenotype imposes e<:rtain components of the (oom<times designated plus and minus). lhe coneepls of
"gender role" (i,e., Ihe behavior expected of the male "nd female (or of sperma lozoa and egs c.II.) cannot
of the group), Obviously, for example. only be applied 10 such species, A singte paramecium ean al$O
those endowed with uteri Can support pregnancies, rcorganil. its o"'n stores of DNA a nd Ihen produce prog-
only female birds can lay eggs; and only individuals en), Ihal are stightty differenl from lhe t),pe OIbcrw i..
possessing copulatory organs and testes can
Among nonhuman animal!, SOme sex-related sep- ZYGOTES , EMBRYOS , LARVAE , AND
arations of activities are common. In mOSt (but not
all) cases. the female assumes the major responsibil·
ity for care of the young whereas the male is the pri· True gamete.< unite during fertilization to form a zy-
mary defender of ihe territory. The males of some gote. The lauer soon begins cleavage, and an embryo
,pecies are also the major providers of food. How- emerges as newly formed cells engage in migration
ever, female hyenas hunt in packs along with ihe and in specializations that invol_e selcctive expres-
males, while lionesses a re more likely tllan their sion of specific DNA component s.
mates to bring home dinner for the immature The embryos of many oviparous spo:des develop
offspring. into /afWle that fr. e themselves of the prote<::tive
Human societies impose different kind, of expec- cootings of the egg as soon as Ihey capable
tations. but these vary widely from one culture to an- of independent The larvae are usually very
other. A child's acceptance of gender identity docs different from mature individuals. and they must go
not necessarily carry with it total conformit}' with through a process of mttarnorphosis that can involve
the behavior normS. Thus, a young female growing substantial changes in structure and functions. Rep-
up in a "dc_eloped country" may not question ihe tilian and avian embryos generally undergo mOrC ex-
appropriateness of lining up with the girls at school. tensive development prior to hatching.
using the assigned washroom. or entertaining In eutherian mammals. the young arc retained
thoughts of eventually bearing and caring for an in- within the ulerus for widdy varying time periods
fant. At the Same time, she may engage in form, of (ranging from 16 days for hamsters to as many as
play considered more appropriate for boys and look 641 for elephants). Once the embryos have aC<juired
forward to assumption of an occupation traditionally features clearly recognized as species characleristie.

they 3rC asfelUses. The developmental siage of the genital duelS preclude the simultaneou s re·
is attained by the cnd of the second week in many of lease of sperm and ova by one individuaL &If_fenil.
lhe rodents, and at around eight weeks pootCOllC<'P- i7.alion is avoided in differenl ways by some of Ihe
lion for humans. While thc term melOmOfphosi" i. synchronous marine leleostS. Those animals engage
not applied (0 mammals. juveniles undergo very in spawning behavior that encourages discharge of
marked changes in appearance during pu\>crtal male gametes by one partner and of female ones by
maturation. theolher(119).
All of the cell replications thai follow ,_ygote for- A different arrangement is needed by the lape-
mation 3f<' accomplished On occasion, worm. since the adult has no opportunity whatever
cells formed during early cleavage slagcs $Cpam!c, 10 inleract wilh ils conspecifics. Fortunately for this
and each component develops into a whole new ;n- beast (if not for the future hoom). self-fertili7.ation is
dividual. Twinning of Ihis kind is aCluall)' a form of the rule. Here, some of the advantagC!i of genetic
asexual reproduction. An interesting variation On Ihc mixing nnd the ability to minimize the consequences
theme is the regular production by armadillos of of undesirable mutations are traded ofT in the inter.
identical quadruplets. ests of perpetuation of the species in the only manner
of sexual reproduction that is available . Self-fertil.
ization also contributes to tlte survival of some of Ihe
fishes that find themselves trapped alone in puddles
during water shortages. It has additionally been de-
MO!iI animal species arc diotcious (or gonochorist); scribed for fish species that could theoretically re·
Ihal is, they rumprise two kinds of individual., male produce in other ways (139).
and female. The term monoecious i. applied when Two kinds of asynchronous hermaphrodites arc
the formalion of both spermal07.03 and OVa within recognized. The prof(mdrous ones funclion firsl as
the same animal is the rule. "males" and laler as ··females."' while prOlogynous
A trut po!'Sesses lissucs of both forms begin their ",productive1ivcs as '"females."
testicular and ovarian types. either in separalc and 0yslers.• Iugs, and some of lhe fi,hes and frogs
distineuish.hle OTg;ln< or in complex structures '''But.''y fun"'ion in "' A, ,h.,
known as (In some cases, thcrc is an ovo- time, they produce spermatozoa and also engage in
teslis on one side and either an ovary or tcslis on Ihe '·male-type" behavior. Afterward. they develop the
other.) ability to release fenilizable ova. A transitional state
Hcrmaphroditism (hermaphrodism) regu- has been described for some. There are also fish spe·
larl in some species. It can arise under pathological cies in which an individual maintains female func·
condilion$ or following intervenlion in hOM throughout the life span undcr normal circum-
stances but retains the potemial to become
Sym;hr(m()us hermaphrodites produce spermato- transformed into a '"male" under adverse environ·
zoa and ova al the same lime. The arrangement mental conditions such as total isolation from males.
markedly facilitates the ability of cerlain animal
types to engage in sexual reproduction. The earth-
worm provides a good example, since it is a solitary SEX CHROMOSOMES, AUTOSOMES,
cl"<'alUl"<' that only se ldom makes contael with GENES, AND ALLELES
of its kind. Any two adults that happen to meet can The hereditary material of higher animals is orga-
engage in the formation of zygotes. via a process of ni,cd into discrcte structures or chromosomes. each
cross-ftrtiU·w tion in which spermatozoa from each of which conlains DNA segments (· ·genes") thaI
partner combine with Ova produced by the other. It cod. for specific functions. The nucleus of a typical
is nol neeessary for a "boy worm·· to seck out a "girt "resting" (i.e., nondividing) somatic cdl of the
worm" (or vice versa), since clearly Ihere are IKl boys human contains 46 chromosomes that arc present in
Or girls in sueh a setup. the form of homologous pairJ. Wilh the exception of
Tunicates (sea squim) are unable to make evcn the sex chromosomes described later. each member
limited of sexual since each of a homologous pair resembles ils eounlerpan in
adult lives alone anchored 10 thcccean noor. The ga- morphology and gene conlent. Thus. for example,
metes arc released directly inlo the surrounding both members can bear a DNA sequence that spec·
water. Since they lravel only short distances and ifies eye color. Corresponding genes of this kind are
haY<' brief life spans, it is obvious that only neigh- aI/drs. Since one is derived from the male parent
boring animals can cooperate in 7.ygOte formation. and Ihe olher from the female. the are often
Cross-futilization i$ the rule. because arrangemcnts nonidentical. For example. one can specify brown
whereas the other dictatcs blue. The phcnoty[lC thai such entily enjoy normal vision (although they retain
eme rgcs in the presence of diffe"'n( alleles depends the ability to pass on the defecI to their wns). The
on the kind5 of interaction" In some C35es one form defective X is ofte n (but not consistently) the one
dominant, whereas in others both contri bute, Ihat undergoes inactivation.
One pair of chromosomes is mo.., d irectly con-
cerned with sex differences than the others, a nd its
components are called ux •. Female
mammals have tWQ morphologically and function·
ally similar X chromosomes, whereas males have One Since resting somatic contain pairs of chromo-
X a nd one usually much smaller Y sex chromosome. somes. they a re said to be diploid. As they gel ready
All of the other pairs ar<: autOSOmeS. It cannot be for division. Ihc thread·like chromosomes condense.
emphasized tOO strongly tha t "sex" chromosomes af· When prepared wilh suitable I""hniques, they ap-
fect soma tic functions. while autosomes play eSSen· pear as banded ro,k The chromosomes then repli·
tial roles in reproduction. Th us. the human X chro- cate, and the sister dromatids thus formed remain
mosOme contains SOme 91 separate genetic loci joined at the centromeres as they become al igned
(116). and it codes for several vital functions. "'hile along Ihe equatorial plate (Figs. \3·1) When separa·
autosomcs di rcctly regulate the biosynthesis of en· tions occur. each daughter cell acquires one copy of
zymes controlling the formation of gonadal every chromosome that was present in Ihe
hormones. parem ,
Since the single X chromosome of males is ade-
qua te for maintaining somatic functions. the female
requ ires special mechanisms for acq uisition of ge·
netic balance. This is ac<:ompiished through "inae·
tivation'" of mos t of one of the X chromosomes in A different mechanism for separalion of genetic rna·
somatic cells. In SOme respects, the female has an terial is obviously needed for the formation of 8'"
advantage. The presence of one healthy X Can often metes. In this case. reducriOfl division leads to pro-
"dil ute out" or "compensatc for" ' the existence of a d uction of cells that contain just one
def""tive one. Control of color vision provides a fa· representati'-c of each homologou_' pair. The fusion
miliar example. Males with one type of X mutation or gametes during rertilirution re'tores the diploid
suffer a form of "oolor blindn"'-,_" Females with one oondition in Ihe 1.ygole_(I f gamele' were diploid, the

, , XK
, , , ,
1l, 1\, II, iji
qa, X3
, , !I
, II

!X I'
'"" I! t. ,. '""
"" ••"
"" "
" "
"" . . .
" " "
.- ,. II

•• .." "
" "
I " " I," "
FIV. 13·1. M etApI>II'" mitOlic 01 • I>umtIn
10m. " (") arid A mole (9) .rrArl(/6d in 1'Iom<>Iogou'
(Reprinted wllh ,*"",,',,,
Irom V. ", Humlln
P,""tic. Hall. EngIe .. OO<I Ctills. N.J" 1964 . )


f\J LCl'lole n..

! Proph«:>e II

Melaph"s " i",.e I Melaphase II Anap hase [l

Telophase I Telophas e IT
FlO. 13-3. PtcphtJH I. LOj)lot_: The oNOtI'Osomes oj the t>omoIogou. OilrOmOoom8S ""'y 0,00' 0 . ... 00&
bee"....,. 1pj)8.' on' as ,lWlllnear o"l>C/uru. Zy;ol_: or>Otl>e/. lorming I 0/1;0"""' . OiplOt_: The
Hornotooou. Chromosomes I.... up .nd willi 00& Iurtht< shorlon and broaden: they 1100 coil. I tomoiogoIJ.
MOl .... point to point Plc:Ioy'_: Wilh poirOlg bOogjn to moW! _ .. 001 1' . hetd 1<>geti>Of .t
completed. ,he ch,omooom8' b9oom4o short ... .... 1M chil""". Dll ki"" .. " The chromosomes .. broad....
and ea ch OpIits ",10 chromalic! •. Ih/I trNck.... more tigl1tty cooed ; they mo • • lurn- .PI".
"""',0I'Mfe _ining ling ... TM 10<11" c:Ioromotic!. 01 tM IwO I. The <:t.-omooom8u,e on the equatoria l
c:Ioromo&Otl\K OOI'st;!Uf<t • !);.... nt. CI>romotic!. Ir¢m eac:lo plat •.
P'imary spe,malOCyte

"I"'nnalOCylM " W
FilSI polar body

, Third and
poIa' bodies


Fig. 13·4. Me;ot;c divisk>ns 01 _ ...... Iocytes and

oocytes. Only to. sex or. shown.

zygote formoo during the first fertilization woold be yields IWO daughter cell •. each of which oomains
tetraploid. If tetraploid individuals could .urvi,·. to double oopies of OtW homologous chromQ:lOme of
produce gametes in a similar manner. the next gen- cach type. (The oopies are nol identical Ixcausc of
eration would hav. four limes the chromosome num- the cr=ing over.) The daughler cells divide again to
ber. Continuation of the pr<.>cess WQuld eventually form haploid gameles.
lead to the appearance of cells as large as calS.)

Telraploidy io lnlorated by ",me of the amphibian,. Spermatogenesis

T he aSS<Xlated ,o<< In ce llo",:" oot oompaHblc >l"Llh
The diploid primary sfH'rmawcyle contai", one X
central .. ,vou, 'yOlcm dc"Clopmcnt in mammals. When
and one Y sex chromosome. Both are replicated.
it oceu". the ,.,uitin& emb,yo i, .",," aborled (18S).
Rare e.ampl.. of human triploid)' a,e menlioned laler. alO11g wilh Ihe autosome,. The first division yic1ds
SfCondary spermatocyte•. One oontains l\<"O X
Reduction divisicn is acoomplishcd by meiosis chromosomes. while Ihe mh.r haslWQ orthc Y type.
which re4uircs IwO stages. The homclogous chro- Division cf Ihe !Coondary spermatocy tes results in
mosomes first associate with each other. and dupli- Ihe formaticn of four spt'rmatids. each conlaining
cation of the DNA leads to the formation cf bi..a- eilher an X or a Y (Fig. 13-4). Thc spermatids sub-
lems (double sets of homologous p;!irs. Fig. 13·3). malure into spermatozoa.
Some "crossing over"" of gcnctic material OC\:urs at
this Slage. so that Ihe chromosomes that evcntually
Oogenesis (8)
form arc different from the oncs present in thc par-
cnl cell. Unlike the process for mitosis. separation Although sperma lOzoa contribute mostly DNA to
docs not occur at the centromeres. T he first division the 1.ygote. Ihe egg cells must also furnish cyto-

I. TO. Chrom<;>SOme. di_ge . e xCl>aoginQ II. Each <>! the chom.tid. i. now in a do. .... h' ...
chromosomal _ I s at ,he .. te <>! {he Chia ......
TtIIOpMSit I. eac:fl ""'<>mlltid pai'. joj...., Dy • Too •. in the COurMI of 1 _ two di.ision. lhe fOur
'*""'.... 'rv.1iH in. <laUQl"tt ... cell . TO. ""'omalid. LlIlCOi1 ""'''''''''lids lorming 10. bOYlleol of prophall8 I I r.
and lengthtn to ....,.. . xleo\. $&paroloc!. first inlO two daogill'" cells of leIop/1 ... I. ""on
Chromatid. in theloll·hand <lauvht.f cd pass llvough the coota.,iIIg two ch<oma'id' (.n - 2n). and ,'- into 'WO
100Iowing suoges in mIIiO ... II: <laug/1tOf cell. again in loIophaS. II. each cootairing one
PropMSit II. Thi. Sloge is {fan"""" and aD...,I. c"'''''''''lid (2n - In) . IOlai of I.,... doughter cells is
..""" lhe chromalids may move d;,ectly '0 ...... Iapha .. H. produotd. Nch to. haploid (In) '"""'*' 01
II. Chr<>mll'ids ohon.... t."0adG<. and chromooomu. In a malo indivldu.all.,... """""" "'"
ooil8<l. The CMI,,,,,,,,,"" di.idM. p<oduced; in. I_alft. one Ovum a Tld Ihr.... pOIa, bOdies. On

". .. II. ChI"Om8lids separat8 and mo •• 10 1",{ili",,{OO tlHl dipolOid (20) .........- is resto/oc!. (W"; ... "-
Gteep. ,.r. (87)

plasmic componcnt$ that support early cleavage. hardier, and 10 have the advantage when gamete<
The diploid primary o<xpie replicates its chrom<>- musl survive for many hours before accomplishing
somes. When it divides. half of the gcnelic material fertili7.3tion, However, couples altcmpling to use
of the nudeus (including IwO copies of one of the X timing to predetermine the sexes of their offspring
chromosomes) is passed on 10 a oocyle. have nOt been uniformly It is lherefore
which also receives mosl of the cytoplasm. The other likely that other faclors aSSume importance in vivo.
half goes into the firSI ""lor body. a very small cell These can include Ihe compOSitions of uterine and
that can degenerate directly Or give rise 10 the Ihird tubular Auids and of cervical gland secretions.
and fourth polar bodies which deleriorate. The sec- A Sex ratio of 106 boy to 100 girl births is widely
ondary oocyte divides. and il passes half of its ch"'" qUOted. but the proportions vary wilh geographical
mosomc complement (including One X) to the ovum loca le and with parental ages. The popular nolions
or egg cell, along with most of Ihc cytoplasm. The Ihal "boys run in SOme families", and Ihal "young
remaining chromosomes arc sent into the uconJ mothers are more likely to bear sons than older
polar body, which also deteriorates. Thus. oogenesis ones" hve not been supported by exacting "Iatistical
culminates in the formation of a single. large ovum studies.
from each initial diploid cell. whereas spermatogen· ACC<lrding to some authors. XX and XY
esis yidds four spermatozoa from each primary arc formed in equal numbers, but fewer of Ihe for-
spermau)Cyle. mer Iype survive the gestation period (146). Limited
support for Ihe idea i. provided by SOme karyotype
determinations made on spontaneously awrted fe-
FERTILIZATION ANO SEX OETERMINATIO N tuses. On the other hand, other investigators have
Fertilizalion (syngamy) is the fusion of genetic rna· ob:.erved that thcre arc mOre males among chromo-
terial. of Ihe egg and sperm that results in Ihe for· somally oormal abortuses, and that more males Ihan
mation of a diploid zygote. The chrOt>WSomal sex of females suceumb during the perinatal period (107).
the 7.ygOic is determined at that time, The exaCI numbers are difficult tn estimale. si ncc as
many as 50%0f conceptuses may die too early in Ibe
of development to be included in the aborted


------- 0 Male
Since male mammals produce both X· and Y·type

Since thc
arc of two kinds, it i. some-
spcrmat071)O., they are said to be the he/eragamttic.
Analagous chromosome pallerns are Sten in many of
the amphibians and ftshes, and Ihe term Y is also
times said that genetic (chromosomal) sex is deter- applied 10 the special chromosomes in males of those
mined exclusively by the male. There is the unex- groups. It has been found, however, that the Y chro-
plored possiblity that the ovum is endowed with mosomes of such exotherms (poikilotherms) are con-
some ability 10 preferentially accept One type of siderably larger: Ihey can even closely resemble the
sperm, X chromosomes of the same species.
In birds and many of the reptiles, and in some of
the amphibians and fishes, the is heteroga-
Sex Rat io s
metic . Her sex chromosomes are designated Wand
As spermatids mature inlo spermat07.0a, the head Z, wher= males pOSsess IWO of the Z type. The dif-
portions become highly condensed and ultimately ferences in chromosome patlerns profoundly alTect
consist of httle more than pachges of genetic rna· the mechanisms for differentiation of thc reproduc-
teriaL Those of the Y type are slightly smaner. tive structures,
they swim more rapidly through dense media. thcy
can Ix concentrated in the laboratory. Y-spermato-
zoo may gain access to oocytes in greater numlxrs.
and it has been suggestcd that the more XY zygotcs The development of new from unfertil-
wit! form when insemination occurs dose to Ihe time ized egg (parthenogenesis) is a form of
of ovulation. The X-sperma tmoo are believed to be Male wasps and honcybcCl; arise in
this way. and the pi'QCC:SS is regularly by a ACESSORY REPRODUCTIVE STRUCTURES
few of the vertebrates. I n some of the fi shes and li1.-
acds, the: entire population;s said to be "female." "n Gooads are primary roprnductive organs. T he <l«rJ -
interesti", variation 00 the theme iI presented by the SOf')' struCtures increase: reproductive efficiency and
Amawn mollie. T he: fema les "mate" with males of they ma ke it jIO:\Ilibie for animals to breed on land.
a clo5ely re lated sp'"ics. However. the sf'C rmaI01.D1 Spee ics dilT.r widely in needs for .ueh
simply provide the stimulus for egg develupment Sltuet urcs.
witOOuI contribuling to the genetic make up of tl>c: J a wlc:ss vertebrates (cyd:)stornes) rclease both ova
offspring ( 12 1). and spermat07.03 into Iheir body cavities. from
It ha.< bc:cn c5timaled thaI more lhan 40% of the which the cell. migrate through pores in the body
eggs laid by .irgin turkeys (1 0) a nd a subslantial wall to the surrounding .nvironment ( 156). They
perccnlage of a rtificia ll y incuba ted hen eggs (119) have no ne<d for accessory reproducti ve: Ofga ns. but
undergo spontUlcous pa rthenogencsa.. n.cell cells they pay a high price for Ihe simplification of body
of ma ny invertebrates and oomc: e_hermie vene- form. Enormous of pmetes onUS! be pr0-
brates respond to nonsp«ific "'mul i Ihat alTeet lhe: duced .• ince oomc: arc: lost wit hin the body ClIvity and
cell sur(accs. "ctivation has been achieved by prick. m051 of th. others SUCCumb SQ()n aftcr they escape to
ina thc cc:lIs with sharp needles or bY"' pOSing lhem the w rrounding water.
In !.all solut ions. heat, cold . acids. alhlies. ultravi. Some of the fishes get around the fi rst problem
olel radiation, lipid solvems. or ca lcium ionophorcs with tubular 0( the gonads that direct the
(1 0, 190). In.orne cafeS. adulu posscssingthe phe- sex cells 10 openings. Ilowc vc:r. the: gametes
notypic characteristics or thc parent have developed arc still CIItapulted into a less than ideal environ-
from the e£l$. ment. Relat;vo:ly few find parlncrs for (.reili1.11tioo.
Ma mmal ian <IOC)·tCS arc rna«: T he birth There is also of the limited numbers
of live young following Ihe impla nw.tioo 0( partllo> or
o( delicate l)'&O!cs that do form. and most ehe em.
genetically-derived rabbit blastot:ysts into normal fo- bryOS that survive carly de."Ciopmeneal staacs KTVC
males has been described . but numerous a llempts to as f()(X.! for prcdaw ....
reproduce: the have been unsut:a:»(ul Fishes ;nctcaSC the cbano.:cs that fertilization will
( 190). OCCur when they enwe in <:oorting and spawning
Studies o( artif,cial induct ion of pa rthenogenesis beha viors Ihat sy ncht<lnilC tbe rclea", or spermat'"
have been utilized to obIain information on mocha. WOI and "" •. Tu acoompti.h lhi •• men, be .. or bolh

nisms 0( fertililllllion and on the functions of tbe sexes req uire structures for temporary storage or the
ch romosomes. gametes in viable form and meehan;srm for regulae_
When an ovum undergoes cleavlles, the resu lting ing their releaK . Some am pllibia ns further improve
individuals a rc baploid. Fusioo of an ovum with I the efficiency with Qmplrxus. in which the male
second pOiar body. or ae tivati01l of a secondary ex>- graspslhe female 300 discharges his spermatozoa as
tyte, Cln lead to the development of diploid a nimal •. she releas.s her egg Cell s. In such species, very large
Triploid parthenogcnomes arc obtained from the: thumbs on the: ma le are included among the ICCCS-
union of an ovum with a first pOiar body. 90ry reproducei'" structures.
snmal studi ... rcvealed that parthenogenesis in Some of the: "'rtebnlICSIhal depend upOn extern al
hens a nd turkeys that culminates in the deveiopmt:nt fertilizalion have alS<) developed s trategies (or pro-
of living birds a lmost always involves cell fusion!: tecting the devo:lopin& embryos a nd newly hatched
(119). progeny.
"nimals tha t reproduce on la nd provide
ZZ /Nics an be obtall\Cd from fusion of a z,tyI'C
OVUm .. ith a Z-iYI'C SC<lOiod poIa. body. ZZW 1M.... reo
moi$1 sitcs (or fert il ization (usually partsor the J'(:.
productive trael that a re pro!ccted against the exter-
luhins from 1"" union of a W.ty,," OVU m .nd a ZZ ('rsl
nal environment and removed from the ovary) . The
polar body uuaity acquir. OVOl." ... WW Z)'JOtCS a.n"'"<;<: the Z fDr" vj,.1 fu,"",ionJ. (emale then requires oomc: kind o( flVidurf for recep-
Sin« the "",urn and th. scwnd poLar body have 11M: same tion of the: male gametes. for the f. rtilization. and
$<;. chromosome: m. keup. it i. 001 $u .pri$ing thll no ZW for su b$c:quent utrusion of the conceptuses. whcreas
IMrds "-",, •••••n """"'.rcd. the male need s an organ for tlflivtry of the sperma .
tozoa. By increasing the probability tbat the female
TlIc:rc has bc:cn considerable OVer the gametes will be exposed to sperma tozoa. interna l
possibility lhal spontaneous parthenogenesis Can (e"mution sub$tantia lly reduces thc need to pro-
lead to the birth of viable )"OO"g in mammals. but ducc large numbers of egg cells. E ffICiency is furt"",
lhere is 00 CYi!kncc: 10 Mlppoo1 it$ occurrence. Since: inereased if there: a re mechanisms for assuring that
lhe germinal cells have only X chromosomes. all or copUlation will oceur close 10 the time of ovulalion.
the progeny would be expected to be (emale. When Ihe femal. traet ad ditio<ut lly has uructurcs

thai nurture and protect thc young conceptuses. evcn pick up sperm packets deposited on rocks or twigs by
fewcr egg cells are require{!. IXlicate cmbryos and the male (IS6).
felUses can be shielded if there is a u/rruJ to suppon
their growth and then participate in thcir expulsion
Structures Specialized for Sperm Maturetlon
when Ihe appropriate stage of maturity has been al·
end Sto rage
tained. Strategies of this kind are employed by
sharh, some leo!eosts and snakes, and certain other Spermatozoa ejected from Ihe mammalian tC5tis
ectotherms. Eutherian mammals have acquired undergo a prolonged period of maturation and stor·
elaborate mechanisms for nourishing and reta ining age in Ihe epididymiJ. where they acquire Ihe ability
intrauterine young. Under such oonditions. the prog· to become independenlly motile. In humans and in
cny can slowly develop oomplex cenlral nervous sys- many Others, both the testes and epididymides are
tems. However, the mother must carry around housed in JCf'0I0/ sacs which mainlain a temperatuTC
heavy. bul ky fetuses. make numerous metabolic ad· considerably cooler than thaI of Ihe abdominal cav-
justments. and undergo painful panurilion that can ity. The scrotum is equipped with a special set of
involve oonsiderable loss of blood. Marsupials over· blood vessels (Ihe pampinlform plrxus) that converts
come these problems by delivering immature young the arterial now from pulsalile to continuous. and
which are. in most species. carrie{! in pouches. Both also provides for cooling of Ihe blood as il leaves the
eutherian! and marsupials oontribute further to the abdomen and rewarming as it returns. The scrotum
survival of their young by producing milk in spe<:ial. has sweat glands that are activated by high external
ized mammary glands. temperatures. and contractile elemenls that afford
Birds Ihat Ay must maintain low body weights. some protection against exce",ive cooling. The testes
They enclose Iheir zygotes in yol k.laden. shell...,.,v- of humans remain permanently within lhe scrotal
ered eggs, and they warm and protect the eggs sacs. However. the relatively large and vulnerable
throughout the incubalion period. Both males and organs of the rat can be temporarily retracted when
females of some species provide special nutrients for Ihe animal engages in combat or is exposed 10 cold
the hatchlings. MOllOlremes. which are regarded as environments. A more prolonged period of retemion
the mosl primitive of mammals. also lay and prolect wilhin Ihe abdominal cavity is the rule durilli pe-
ew. and they posse'" primitive mammary gland_ riods of sexual quiescence in many of the seasonal
like struCtures. Mosl of the reptiles produce eggs breeders.
with leathery coverings Ihat are resista nt to mechan- C'yptorchism is the failure to accomplish normal
ical injury and dehydration. However. although the descent of the testis aud epididymis into the scrotal
females make allemptS to shield the ew from pred- sac. It can result from blockage of the inguinal canal
ators, e.g. by laying them in seclude{! places or bury- (Ihrough which the testes migrale) or from other deo
ing them in soil. the mortality rale is high. velopmenlal problems. Cryptorchism thaI OCcurs
spontaneously or is accomplished experimentally.
and excessive warming of the sacs oontaining the
Copula to ry Organs
leslCS. are associated with failure of spermatoroa to
Structures spe<:ialized for the delivery of spermata. malure and survive.
zoa to the female tract come in many forms. Thc It is widely believed that heat damages the ger-
human peniS is very short by comparison with the minal cells. and some evidence h(U; been presented
analogous organs of zebras and elephants (even for additional deleterious on the Serloli
when allowance is made for body (33). and it cells (15). Moreover, local faclors released by the
lach the bony support seen in carnivores and ro. damaged li",ue may adversely affect the formation
dents. The opossum has a bifurcated penis. snakes of gonadotropin receptors by testosterone-sccroting
and li7.amS have two copulalory organs (hemipenes), cells (143). However, since whales. dugongs. cle·
while fishes can have paired claspers or a single gon- phant., rhil>OCerQ!;es. and other mammals lack sera.
opodium. In some of the bims. an extension of Ihe tal saCS (29) and yet manage to produce fertile
fem(1le tract direct.! Ihe transfer of spermatozoa spe rm at relatively high temperatures within Ihe ab-
from the male to Ihe female cloaca (I S). dominal cavity(14), it has ocen speculated that the
The cloaca is a common receplacle for the lermi- scrotum is needed primarily by the species that !/OF(
nations of the genital. urinary. and digestive tracts spermalozoa for relatively long time periods and en·
of nonmammalian vertebrates and of egg-laying gage in repeated ejaculations when the opporlUnitiC$
mammals. It houses Ihe penis of SOme eClotherms presenl themselves.
(e.g. lUrtles). Some salamauders have no need for a The female lracts of many a nimals also contain
copulatory organ, since Ihe female uSeS her cloaca 10 devices for sperm Storage. In some, a single iosemi-
nation for fertilization of female gametes mall;, the right oviduct (and ovary) of the bird usu-
that mature during subsequently recurring ovarian ally regresses. as the lower part of the left one
cycles. enlarges and bouSC$ the shell gland.
The mammalian uterus provides an e nvironment
that favors sperm survival and capacitation during
Glanda of the Male Tract the preovulatory phase of the ovarian cycle, and it
Prostate glands provide nutrients. !Iuids. buffers. becomes receptive for blastocyst implantation to-
and other components of seminal !Iuid that support ward the end of the luteal phase. It grows to accom-
su rvival and transport of lhe: spermatozoa. They vary modate the developing embryo and fetus. and it
widely in appearance. bul some kind of Ihe gland is plays an active role in partutition. The glands of the
presenl in all male mammals (189). (A few females ulerine ct/'liix secrete a watery nuid tbal facilitates
have similar struclures. but no functions have been sperm entry into the body of the uterus around the
ascribed to them.) MCllt eutherian mammals also time of ovulation. and a one that retards
have seminal wSldes that make different conslitu· sperm motility some days later (when there is danger
enlS of the seminal !Iuid, bUI no such organs have that an "overripe" OVum will be fertilir.W). In some
been found in whales and carniYOn'S (180). or in species. the cervi. provides a site for sperm storage
marsupials and monotremes (189). Wilen present. and controlloo release.
the more distally locatoo bulbouwhral (Cowper's) A large, single< hambered uterus is charaeterinic
glands provide lubricants for copulation. There are of females that carry One Or two young for relati""ly
controversies concerning the function, of the prepu- long gestation periods. whereas double-horned uter;
tia/ glands that Can OC<:ur in females as well as in a rc beller suitoo to the nurturing of large lilters for
males. It has been suggested that they seCTCte sex shorter times. The bicornate uterus of tatS and of
attractants Or phero!l1()nes. many of the domesticated mammals leads into a sin-
The accessory structures of a "typical" eutherian gle cervix. but the duplex uterus of the rabbit has
male mammal are sbown diagrammatically in Fig. tWO cervical openings into a single vagina. Marsu·
I 3-5. pials have separate uteri ne openings into blind ends
of vaginae that are joined more caudally (156).
Eutherian mammals utilize the same passageways
Major Accenory Organa In Females
for sperm entry and fetal e>tpulsion. Some marsupi-
The OI#UClS (fallopian lUbes) of female eutherian als have a separate birth canal that clClles after each
mammals facilitate both the upward transport of parturition.
spermatOlOO prior to ovulation and the downward The clitoris i, a sensory struCture derived from an-
passage of young conceptuses. They also provide a lagen similar to thOOie giving rise to pans of the penis.
favorable environment at appropriate times of the It is more prominent in some animal types than in
ovarian cycle for sperm capacitation (the final stage others.
of maturation required for fertilization). Soon after- The general appearance of the ovaries. fallopian
ward, the secretions support fertilization and the tubes. uterus, and vagina of primates is show n in
survival of young oocytes. r.ygOtes. and developing fig. 13·6.
blastocysts. In some vertebrates. however. oviducts Highly specialized accessory organs. depend on go-
are liltle mOre than passageways for the ova. By con- nadal hormones for maturation and function. In a
trast with the bilateral arrangements of most ani· sense. some also perform as endocrine glands. They

50",,,,.1 .t

V.. f
" glorw:l

Pon ..
IProPUI,. 1
twhon P", . . ot) t3·5. :scr-atic
epododym •• ,,,,""_t&fion of str"""_",,. IhrO<flll1
... ni<fllll* It.... &rw:I gl"l'KIs
conlr;b\Jling to _allluid.
few diffe",nces that can be detected by visual recep-
tors. Thus, the male mouse looks very much like th.
female, and he is often the same size or smaller.
However, the male pheromolU's that pro-
voke aggr=ion in other males_ contribute to terri-
torial defense. Or affect the ability of fcmales to sus-
tain a pregnancy.
Human males are generally larger than females.
have broader shoulders. narrower hips. stronger skel-
etal muscles, deeper voices. and characteristic pat-
terns of body hair distribution. Females usua\\y have
softer skins, more rounded contours, and breast com-
ponents that are not essential for lactation. There
have been inte",sting discussions oonccrmng
whether such dimorphism provides support for the
notion that humans are "basically" polygamous
(1 19). A more widely acc<:pted concept is that the
lake up regulatory molecules of one type and convert distinguishing features contribute to "pair bonding"
them to others with different biological properties. in a speeies that mOre effectively accomplishes long-
For example. the prostate glands reduce ICSIQSICI'On<' term nurturing of offspring when both parents
to dihydrotcstostcronc. Much of the produ,\ is u,cd participate.
directly "'ilh;n Ihe prostate, bUI some is released intQ
lhe blco:lstrcam 10 aCI on the kidney and other lar-
gel organs.
During the normal course of cvenlS. the mammal ian
XY conceptus eventually forms testes and a full set
of malMype
Males can of'lcn be distinguished from femal.s by socondary se;o: characteristics, while the XX zygote
Iheir seCQ/\dary sex charaCleristics. The Structures becomes a fully rcoognizable female.
are not essential for formation of gametes, fenili,,;!- Since Ihe factors governing the development of
lion, or nu"uring of the young. However. they play the gonads. the accessory structures. and the second-
roles in "Stxual allraclion" and the choice Gf maling ary characteristics are aU different, il is possible for
partners. The mane of the lion and the elaborate an individual to acquire cerlain features associated
adornments of t he peacock provide striking exam· with female syStems and others considered male.
pies. Olhers, such as Ihe spurs of the rOOSler and the The condition is distinguishable from true hermaph-
anllers of the stag, contribute to Ihe ability of a male roditism by the presence of just one type of gonad.
to fight with others of for re«plive mates. The cireumstanCC$ under whieh it occurs in mam-
Sexual diMOTphism oorrdates wilh lifestyle. mals (including humans) are considered later in Ibis
rnlher Ihan wilh reproductive "success" (Ihc num· cbapter.
bers of offspring sired) (119). and it i'l the InOIit For legal and social purposes_ it is customary to
highly developed in spedes in which polygamous assign a gender at the time of birth. The decision is
males establish harems. Al!hough male competition usually made on the basis of the appea"''''''' of the
for limited numbers of females i'l said to accomplish cxternal geni talia. a neonate properly classi-
trnnsmission of the "fittest" genetic chracteri!tics. fied as a malt pseudohermaphrodite because of Ihe
success in CQItlbat is not necessarily associated with presence of an X Y chromosome pane rn and testCS
genes that enhance adaptability to changing may be assumed to be a girl if "her" external fea-
environments. tures a", feminine. A form of the disorder in which
Sexual dimorphism is vinually nonexistent among the individual undergoes pubenal maturation and
species in which reproductive success ",quires long- acquires female-type breasts and other secondary
term cooperation between members of monogamous characteristics is described later. The abnormal-
pairs, Or in which there arc very marked specializa- ity may be detected only after failure to establish
tions for survival. Even zookeepers cannot distin- menstrual cycles. Similarly. a female pseudoher-
guish the sexes of harpy eagles (highly specialized maphrodi te (with ovaries) can show very marked
for predation) or of hyenas (in which the fema le signs of prenatal virilil.3tion, present tlte appearance
hunts alongside the ma le). of, and be classified as a boy.
It is not surprising that nocturnal animals display Interestingly_ the subje<:ts usually adapt nicely to
Ihe assigned gender role. Femini'",d childll'n wilh Ihat is be lieved \0 direCI differentialion of lhe gonads
XY chrolnOiSOmes regard as girls. and inlO leSles.
many laler enjoy happy wilh normal
males. There are indications that gonads de"ined to become
t.. te' mOre rapid growth than presumptive ova·
Assignmenl of gender is WI always a simplc maI-
rics of the same age. and that they acquire larger num·
ler, since pseudoh ermaphrodiles can hvc eXlernal
bers of ge rminal cells (110). However, thi S pha", <>ceurs
featuI"CS Ihal arc besl described as "ambiguous." An just prior to the onset of cell speciali'.3tion and its detec-
auempl may Ihen be made 10 delermine Ihe genelie lion require. accurate timing. The female gonad ",main.
sex and 10 tll'al Ihe infanl with Ihe appropriate hor- undifferentiated for a longer period and il e,-entualiy Sur_
mones and surgical Usually. however, p''''' Ihe male counterpart in overall .i.e.
major consideralion is given 10 Ihc analomical po.
lenlial of Ihe exlernal organs_ Neither hormoncs nOr The descriptions thl follow apply moslly 10 hu-
surgical procedures can elfect formation of a normal mans. IXve\opmcn1al paucrns for olher euthe rian
penis in an individ ual wilh severely impa ired phallus mamma ls arc qualitatively similar, bUI species va ri·
development. alions are encounlered.

The time cou""s are condcn,ed for many of the sul>-

EARLY DIFFERENTIATION OF THE primates. Thus. whe",.s the gonad of a t4-<la)"..,td male
rat fetu, . hows . ign, of organizing into . testis. and the
bios)'nthesi, of st"'Oid hormones ca n be det<x:ted two daY"
AMBISEXUAL OR "INDIFFERENT " STAGE later (101). analogou, changes in the human are seen
Mammalian embryos are said 10 go through a "sex- . round day. 42 and r.speCl ivcly . Ra" are .1.., known
ually indilfcrenl slagc:' since Ihc forerunners of the to accomplish certain 'SptCIS of reproductive sy<tem dif-
f ulurC re produclive organs are morphologically sim- ferenliation during the first postn".1 week (which f<>l-
IO"'S a gestalion period of 21_23 da)". ), whereas compa·
ilar in XX and X V individuals and Ihcy possess the
rable evenls tran.pire during the third trime>tCT in
potenlial for acquiring either maseuline Or feminine
humans, Speeies 'ariation. in the dot. ii, of testicular and
cha racteristics (9 ,77). ovarian differenl;ation. in Ihe development of Ihe parts of
AI Ihat lime, each embryo posse$SCs; (a) the be- the hypothalamus inv<>lvtd in control of reproouetion.
ginnings of a pair of gonads; (b) One pair of ducts and in some chromosome·related evcnts have also been
capable of forming the inlernal male-Iype accessory described,
reprod uclive organ.: (c) a second pair of ducls lha,
can differentiate imo a uteruS and fallopian lubeS;
(d) the undeveloped precursors of Ihe f ulurc exlernal Formation of the " Indifferent Gonads"
genitalia; and (e) pituilary. hypolhaiamic. and Wilhin four weeh afler conception, a genital ridge
higher brain.. enler components whose: maluralion forms on each side of the embryo. It is medial and
can be condilioned by gonadal hormones. "cntralto the mesonephros (Iemporary kidney. Wolf_
The lighl microscope cannot be used \0 reveal dif· fian body) and close 10 Ihe developing adrenal gland.
ferences between gonads of young XX and X V em_ It al firsl comprises and under_
bryos. It is possible. however, 10 idenlify Ihe kary(>- lying mesenchyme. bUI it soon becomespopulaled by
types and t- demonslrale Ihe presence on Ihe germinal elemenrs Iha t migra te in from the yol \': sac
surfaces of male (bul 1\01 of female) cdls of a prolein entoderm (Figs. I J- 7A and 13-SA). and it is invaded

o o
Fill. 1 J - 7 . A. OieIl"fM"IO.t;e tron•• _ _ tion tlv-o<Jg/l _B. Similar MC1ion, as In A. 01 • " .-w_-oId
fT ....... lJh!"o.
t"" t"",bar r8giOn of OI"",_-oId flmb<yo. $IIowintI flmb<yo. snowing I"" incIin ...,,, I/f)nad Itle ",;mitl.o ...
rOdge. Iocatflod bo!_ !"" _ ... f "'f"'' n1f1fy or.:! Itle cords (mo<Hlied .tt... (Longman. rel .."""" a6J


B. Earty 01a\lO ot male din.",n';",ion

--"., ""ie'"".

- - Ute,",
Dla<I<Ie, -
!-- vagona

E. lalnr stago oltemate d&WtIOp""""

F ig . 1:HI. o;R ...nt;ollon 01 lho ""' ........1;00 _ . 00<1

duCts .

13·9. .... SchMnatic<l<ewing 01 a U',,_ _-oI<l oell. olo<>g the w811 oj tile I\indgut and t. .
""'"""Y<> _wing IfIfI prImordial lje,m cells ;" tile .... 11 oj tile _ sal _sentery intQ the geoit81 ridge. Not. the potoltior1 oj
sac. 010 .. 10 I.. anao",""", 01 the (. !lor the genital ridge and rM""""p/lrOS. (Langman . ret.rena
Wi,,,,,,). 8. Dr .... ing '0 .. _ , . . m'WatiOn p"th 01 t . .

by mesoncphric cclls. Thc resulling structure is said portions undergo further development only in males.
to be an "indifferent gonad:' Under normal circum· In response to hormones secreted by the testes of Ihe
stances. it dc"clops into a leslis in XV fetuses and embryo and young fetus, thc steroid·sensitive parts
into an ovary in XX individuals: however, it JXlS- become the forerunners of the epididymides and of
selSe. some polcntial for assuming the charactcris- other internal accessory reproductive StruclUres. The
tics of the gonad aSSOCiated with the opposite sex. relaled portions undergo atrophy in normal femalcs.
The uppermOllt parts of the MilIlerion (para meso-
nephric) ducts arC derived from the coelomic epithe·
lium. while the lower regions eilher separatc from
The g<l'kX"y te., all: diploid ""II.will ._<musHy tl,e Wolman duel> 0, ,equi,c thc p,c"""",,, of Wolf-
mature into gamete precursors. They can be idemi_ fian duelS for differentiation ( 192). In females. Ihese
lied in the region ofth. sac epithdium when the give rise to the fallopian lubes (oviducts), ulerus.
embr)'Q is I.,... than I mm in length and barely two and parIS of Ihe vagina . In males. the MUllerian
wC"ks postconccptkln. Because of their large si,.c duelS undcrgo regression and all bul completely
and eharacleristic staining propenies, they Can be disappear.
traced in animal embryos as they proliferate by mi-
losis and utili,c pseudopods to migrate through the
External Features
hindgut to the gonadal region (Fig. 13·9).
The gonocylcs reach Iheir destination by the Toward the end of Ihe "indifferent Slage·'. Ihc em-
day. It is believed that they Rre attracted bryo has s genital t"Mrcle with Ihe potential for de·
by a chemotaClic subslanc. (Ielopheron [9.20): but velopment into either a clitoris or the antcrior port
it is possible that they accumulate selectivdy within of Ihe The tuberde is eonlinuous with thc "'I)-
the fulur. gonads because Ihe cells that wander clse· geniraljolds that will be involved in developmcnt of
where fail to survi,·c. Autosomal defects can impair the ,.re/hra and (in the female) thc labia mirwra.
both the proliferation and Ihe migration (62). The surrounding genital swellings will becomc either
Mitotic division continues for some time after the the scrotum or the labia majora (fig. lJ_ll). At
migration is completed. Eventually. ho"",,ver, the first. a urogenital membrane covers the external sur-
germinal cells associate with somatic components of face of the urogenital sinus. The sinu, serves as the
the gonad that exert inhibitory innutnces (fig. 13- foreruner of the prostate gland of the male, mOllt of
lOA). Ihe vagina of the female, and parts of the urinary
bladder of both sexcs.
The Duc ts (194)
Bilateral WoIffian (mesonephric) ducts develop in DIFFERENTIATION OF THE TESTI S
conjunction wilh th. lemporary kidney (mesone· In human XY embryos. Ihe gonad, show signs of or-
phros. Wolffian body). They provide components of ganiling into te,les before the end of the sixth week.
the future urinary systems in both sexes. but some AI thai time, the embryo has attained a crown-rump

PI ....... ...

o •

FIg. n - I o . • • _ _ _

, EOIIy ...,-..
,.1... '.., ... ,t ol .... ooy,
...... 1. C . e.""

length of around 10 mm (193), and the IOtal gollO- DISCOVERY OF THE H·Y ANTIGEN (119)
cyte population is estimated \0 be belween 300 and The e. ist.l\Ce of a maiM.p«tftc minor histocompatibility
1000 (57). The developme nt invohu inlcl'lI"ions InliS"ft w;l$ dcrn<)n$Ir1I,cd .fLer il ..... oboerved lhal
-mont the various gonadal oomponcnlS (gc-rmina1. .dull fem." miff 01 hi, hly inbr«! ..... i.. reject st.ift
epithelial, and rnesench)'mal cells), .... flj from miles of Iheurne .... in. whereas ani.... b of
booh oe.CI "cuP! anfts from fe"",lo$. TlIe protein wu
IPI'"'f.riald y ... med H·Y anlil<n (II for hi.u)c:ompal;·
Role ol l he H·Y Antigen bililY. Y for Ih. chl'OlllOOOme ",ilh .. hich i15 appea .. nce
The following hypothesis for regulation of gonadal i. . ."",i"ed). The moIeeul. oo<uo;.. fe,.·., l ban 200
differentiation in mammals has gained wide ac.:cp- .ml"" lcid ••. [I , •• m. 10 I•• k . peei •• 'peeificily
Ind may"" idenlical for human. Ind I wide variety of
tarn.:c: T he Y chrol1105Omc directs the formation of a
o.htr ••• Ieb.ales .... ilh XY so . chromosome pallern •.
malc-spccific cell surface proIein (the tl . Y antigen). Some: of 1"" findin&, wilh I major role in
Inttraction of the prOIein with its rc« ptoI'$ leads 10 di reclion of JOfI3da[ difref(:nlillion 'f(: C;led ""r•. Ind
organi7..ttlion <.If the "indifferent gonad- inlO a lC$li$. ot""" Ire po_,ued Iller in llIe chlp'e •.
When no H-Y a ntigen is present (Ill! in XX em- 1. II· Y Inl1gcn is pra<nl 011 ,be .... f . ... of .1Ie <;<:Ib of
bryos), the &Onad malum into an ovary-like Idull mak$ bu. not Oft lh. «[bof f. .... .Ies (unde • ..,...,.1
5\l\Ietll'<:. oondilioM).
Genil. I .....11ing
Ij \1c Cloacal membt.""
C<>acal l<>Id
3 Wee • •
4 Wee ••

A. -'-";I!ereni" S139"


\ Glans penis


I scrotal !old.
' . 0 ,..,

4 Month.

B . DiHer"r>l;;'hon 0 1 male eXlernal

, ,
l a bial lOld


C. Diffe renliation of lema" \II'flilalia

Fig. 13·1 I . For""'tOn of mo'" And 1......1• • • teI ....1

peJ1it. li• .

2. The .nli,on Can bo d<tccted long btrore [o,lkul., STRUCTURA L GENES COD)NG FOR THE H·Y
dilf.",nli.lion begin" It i. p", .. nl 00 moo .. embr)'''' .1 ANTIGEN PRODUCTION
!he 8-cell ,tago (prior 10 the tim. of ;mplantalioo) (62).
Laler. il build. up in highe't concentrations in dovtloping It proven technically difficult to determine the
lts'tS ( 119). location of the DNA that codes for production of the
3. Antibodies directed ogain'l lhe an!igon con block H·Y antigen (51). The concept that multiple copics
,<,lieul'r diff....:n\;alion of gooad. taken from very yoonS of the structural Ilene are present on either the shorl
XV .mb.},,," thai ar. majntained in culture.
arm or the pericontne region of the Y chromosome
4. When tho gonad. of very Y<'U"g XX embryos a,.
is consisten t with ",veral observations (5 2). The an·
pm.mod in vilro with lh. Intigen. tbey begin [0 .«urn.
testicular form .
tigen i. not pre",nt in normal mammals lacking Ihe
S. The molecule, are reversibly .nchore<! to coli ' .r_ Y (I.e. in XX females). It is made in relatively large
f."". by fJ·2 microglQbuiin, (121). A condition th at quantities by individuals "'ith s upernumerary Ys
sometimes occur> in cattle is attributed to transfer of the (XY Y. XXYY . XXYYY. and ol her patterns) .
.ntigen from l m.le retU. 10. remale twin. The female Another possibility is that the Y ch romosome oon·
is then virilized ("'. p_ 550) , tains rtgulolOry genes Ihat direct the transcription
." sex TION ANO

of DNA segments on X No ce ll type to another both directly a nd via Ihe

quanlitali>'c r<:lad()lI$hips bel ween the numbers of X bloodstream.
chrOl\'lOlSOmCS and tile amounts of H. Y an ligen have Receptors have been idcntiAo:<! un Ihe cells su r·
been established fQl" mtmmals wilh muhiple Xs, but facc:s of Ihe "indiffe rent gonads" of bolh XX and
some X 6dc:cts llavc been linked ,,-jth XY em bryos. However. Ihey may remain nonfunc-
male in fertility. lional in lhe female. sinee neither Ihe embryoi nor
Yel a different is Iha1 the Y chl'Orl'106Olllc pro- lheir mothers produce Ihe anlilen. (Sec the _lion
moces trans<:rip1ion of autosomal gCne$, while nor- 00 ovarian differentialion fOf addilional discussion of
mal X chl'lJRlOl$Orr>O; o:JIcn inhibitory ( 16). Ihis poi nt. )
In panicliLar. a gene: on the short Irm of Ihe X chro- Evidenlly, som:uic cel l$ lack specific r-.:teplM,
mo5OOIC 1Il001 ordinarily escapes inactivation is im- The abilily of adult females to rejecl skin &nof"
plK:alcd (51). Th is I'l0l;011 can be rttOIICilcd wilh 11K: from males l"QIui= mechanisms ""'Y different from
prtUn<;C of small amounl$ of H-Y a"li&e" in some Ihe ones involved in gonadal difJC"rt1Ilial ion.
XO female$. II is alw known lllal XXV. XXXV.
and XXYY males usually suffer gonadal dysgenesis.
excessive numbers 0( X chromosomes <:an Differentiation of the Gonadal Epithelial
imerfe'" wilh spermatogenesis in OIlier ways. It Cent
$eCITI$ II) be necessary 10 achieve IrallSienl X inacli·
The epithelial cells of Ihe gonad are im-
vation in primary spcrm:lloc:ylCS, al>d the mecha-
portant sourcc:s of H· Y antilen. They may also pro-
nisms utilized may 001 be capable of coping wilh
vide Ihe primary largel5. In lhe presence of lhe an·
more lhan one such cnlily.
tigen. thc)' proliferale rapidly. penttnle the
FaClO<S 1hal have delayed progress in Ihis arca of
mesenchyme. and advaoce toward Ihe inocr (med·
invtstigation include (I) tht facl Ihal anima ls can·
ullary) regions. These or mesonephric oclls malure
not survivt without at least ant X chl"Oll'lQ:lQll1e; (b)
inlo young Smo/i cells Ihal cocirclc Ihe gono<.:ylcs
tht neo:<! for regulatory genes tha I are nol directly
and enter inlo Ihe formalion of primary sex ronIs
involvo:<! in H·Y synthesis; (e) the absence of known
(Fig. 13·12B). The laller arc soli d struClures in Inc
spoc ics-spcci fic differences in 1-1. Y chcmiwy; (d) the
f""". "flcr Ihe onsel of pUberty. they undera<! fur.
slrong lendency for Y chromosomes to unde rgo dele-
Iher growlh. develop lumina, incorporale myoid cle-
tions. Iransloca lions. and inversions; (c) une<:rtain.
menlS. and become Ihe seminiferous tubules of Ihe
tics rega rding Ihe rdalionship$ bell'o'cen molecules
malure lest is.
sludied wilh serological methods and ones involved
Fine s lrands of epilhelium also from II!c
in CrIOlo, icily: (0 the low antibody tilers obtained
cords 10 the cenlers of the gonads. The" or,ani1.e
when attempts are mack 10 immuni .. e animal.
into the relio leSltS Ihat make dircclwnlaci with Ibc
againsl the H·Y; (I) difficulties el>OO\lntcrod in
tubules of the temporary kid ney of Ihe young felus
bioassays: and (h) somc problems of Sludyinglhe an-
(Fig. 13· 12A). The mesonephric lubules gi"" risot: 10
tigens Ihat have been linko:<! wilh o;arbohydrJte o;om.
the epididymides as the permanenl kidney form$.
The teslis functions as an endocrioc ,land even
It is unlikely that the: II.Y ,nlia<:n mercly $Crves bdOJ-.: the morphological Ch,naClen.t1cs al'<: fully de-
as a marker for OIher Y faclOfS fined. Sertal; cells a.>nCCnlrale II·Y anligen. They
IlIat direct leslicular difi"el'<:nlialion. the relell" it ;nlO cullure media and are thel'<:fore be-
po5Sibilily will not be ruled OUI unlilthcre bttn licYo:d 10 provide Ihe glyWjiiOlein 10 OIher cclllypcs.
suca'ss in puriflCalion of the si ructural gene. Re«nl Soon arterward, production of. hormone Ihat ar·
studies or nonropctili"" DNA 5Cquenecs from fecu Ihe Mollenan duct.s can be demonslralo:<! •• nd
mou5«lcrived « 11$ OQnt.ini na ' human Y chTOll'llJ.. Ihe effecls of tllal hormone are Ijlpilrenl by the Sih
some ( I!JA) nisc hopes liull this will soon be ",-.:ek. They 1100 ""en localized inftucnecs Ihal pro-
accoollplishc:d. long survival of the germinal ccll$ bUI inhibil mitO$is
and enll")' inln reduction division.
If il is 10 fur.ction as lhe: inducer or lesticular differ·
entiation. Ihe H· Y antigen mUSI combine wilh spe. Differentiation of the Germinal Cells
cific receptors on Ihe surflces of t ile largtl OriOl n•. The gonocytes malure inlO noomotile
In this and other respecls. ils mechanism of lei ion thaI a rc smaller Ihan Iheir precurson. Th e sperma· The antigen can also pass from one togonia divide by mitosis up 10 Ihe lime they come
Fig. , 3· ,2. A. Trans ...... """,;on 10r0ugh lhe in 'he _;10 1 d uel. in t ... ,..... lh mon1h oI_.Iopmen1. 1he
1M eigtllh week 01
'''' 1.00is e<><ds. _r>d the ,"'.
NOI& tll<t
,u tis. T'"
. nd
""'_"""fled t ... tis COlds a ,e conti"""". with lhe ' e l.
,e.ti. co-ds. Note t'" ductul; """,.."teo ( •• "'.to<)'
Bowman's cop ...... oj , ... -.p!vic . XCfoto<y lUbe Of. ", mosoneph,ic '''''''''0). which ..""" "'" WoIl&an duel
'OQ",»ion. B. ,_asent.,ion 01 ,he , • .,;••r>d a lt'" GilOUO). (Langman. , e l..."""" 86)

under {he influence of (he devek'ping Scnoli cells. mammals. Ihe connective tissue forms pan i·
Their accumulalion within the medullary region lions Ihal of developing seminifer·
portends future functions (ha( involve transpon of ous tuhules from each other.
gameles 10 Ihe relia teSteS. The peripheral (conical) regions of the gonads be·
After Ihe primilive sex cords have formed. spcr· C<tme depleted of both epilhelial and germinal com·
malogonia remain un(il the onset of pu· and a dense connective lissue memb,"nc.
berty. No new germinal cells arc formed in Ihe fetus. 'he tunica albugim"a. nppoar< . It i. lined by 'he ,,,,,.
It is often stated (hal (he germinal cells play es· iea .asculosa. and it is soon surrounded by another
sential roles in dircction of epithelial cell dilTcren(i,,· membrane of pcritoneal origin. the tunicu l"aginalis
lion (86.164). and SOme studies of mouse chimeras (fig. 13-IOB).
(animals lhat develop following fusion of cells from The imeractions be(ween meseflChymal and epi·
Iwo different sources) provide support for (he con· Ihelial C<tmponen(s are not well understood. Some·
cept of an ··orga"-I}·pc action (62). They do nOlo Ihing wilhin the environment (possibly supplied by
however. supply H·Y antigen (since lhe prolein docs Ihe Senoli cells) facilitates induelion of an enzyme
nol appear on the surfaecs of eilher gonocyles or dehyd rogenase) that ca(alyles
spermatogonia and has not been found prior 10 the Ihe C<tnvcrsion of steroid precursors to tCl;tOS(Crone .
postpubertal spermalOC}'lc 'Iage). It is unlikely that the H-Y antigen plays a direct role
nifcrOlls luhules made up primarily of Ser(oli cclls in the induction process. since embryonic and fetal
Can form under spceial circumstances (44). and Ser- U:}'d ig cells do not bind the antigen (although rna-
toli c.:lIs undergo maturation in mice wilh autosomal Ime ones do) (62). The factor seems 10 be missing
defects that impair gonocyte proliferalion and mi- from XX gonads. si nce (he latter ma ke de·
gration (59) . lecmbk amountS of lestosterone.
Mesenchymal cells arc known (0 play essential
roles in direction of (he dilTcrenlia(ion of ep ilhelial
Mesenchymal Cells
C<tmponems of (he urogenilal sinus ("'hich conlrib-
Some of the mesenchymal cells differcn(iate into iff- utes (0 (he Formation of the pl"05tatc gland and the
Itrs/i/ial (Leydig) cells (hal and secrete external genitalia) (32). It is possible thai Ihey per·
the steroid hormone /tS/OSlrront (115). The efTec(s form analogous funttions in (he de"eloping lo.,les.
of (hat on (he gonadal ducls are demon- 1n(eractions with epithelial may in parI
strable by Ihe end of (he 8th week. Other mesenchy· for the failure of the XX-(ype gonocyles of humans
mal cells beoome oonnceti"e tissue oomponems that and of many olher mammals to survive and malure
direct the invasion of blood and lympha(ie ve;scls in the testicular environmenl.
and of nerve endings. In humans and in some other Thue arc indications Ihat steroid hormoflCS ro-
leased by lh. cells promote growth of Ihc Maturation 01 t he Wolffian Ducts and
wrds (19J). After puberty onset. lhey are known WOlfflan Bodies
\0 contribute to maturalioo of Ihe semin ircrous Unlike Ihe M!1l1erian ducts. which develop only in
tubules. [emales. Ihc Wolman ducts have dual functions.
They are required for formation of Ihe urinary sys·
tems of embryos of both sexes. bUi Ihe)' also contain
androgen·responsive components Ihat develop only
in males. T he excretory ponions are considered first.
The major work of thc H-Y antigen seems to be
completed when Ihc lesti. has assumed ils eharac-
leristic felal arehileclUre. Humoral faclors released RELATIONSHIPS TO THE URINARY SYSTEM
by the embryonic and f.taltestis direct funher de- The mammalian kidney develops in Ihree stagcs_ A
velopment of Ihc ,eproductive system . The regula· small. primitive pronephros form, by the end of the
tors are C;IOO briefly in Ihis sec1ion. and they arc di,- Ihird wee k. It somewhal resembles the permanent
cussed in moT<: delaillsl •• in the chapler. excretory organ of jawle", verlebrates. but it
never funclions in mammals (and it fails to make as·
sociations with the gonads that devolop laler). The
Regression 01 the MOlierlan Duetl pronephros is SOOn replaced by lhe mesotu>phro.
By thc end of the 71h wcd, lhc SerloH cells begin 10 (Wolffian body). which acquires glomeruli. IUbules.
secrete a hormone that was initially called medul- and also collecting ducts thai empty into Ihe Wolf·
laria (or meduliarin.). sine<: it is made in lhe inner fian duct.
portions of lhc gonad (77). The regulator is now At first, the Wolffian duelS terminale in Ihe parI
common ly known under names that describe its of the cloaca Ihat becomes the urogenital ,inus (Fig.
function: Millierian duct regression factor (MRF). 13oS). The sinus interaels wilh the caudal portions
MUllerian duct inhibitor (MO l). MUllerian Inhibi_ of the duelS 10 form the urinary bladder and part. of
tory Substance (MIS). or anti-Milllerian hormone the urf/hra.
(A MH). II h.. Ihe propcrti"" uf a glywprotcin with A. the permanent kidney (mera""phro.<! emerecs
a molecular "'eight of something li ke 200.000 (76). on each side. Ihc lower end of Ihe Wolman duel ex·
Although the chemicalstrUClUre has not been deter- tends a ureteric (ureteral) bud loward it. The buds
mined. the existence and fUllClions have been dem- Ihen give rise to Ihe u",Urs and rollffting ducts of
onstratoo in sc"eral ways. Steroid hormones cannot Ihe metanephros_
s ubstitute for M DI (77). The permanent kidney enlarges. migrale. crani-
As the name implics. MOl promotcs degeneration ally. and assumes excretory functions. as pariS of the
of structures thai would otherwise form fcm ale ac- mesonephros undergo atrophy. Certain ponions a",
cessory reproductive organs. The process begins dur- retained in males, bUI the mesonephros is almost to-
ing the second monlh. and it requires about 2:\ weeks lally lost in female feluses .
for complelion_ SinC<' the MUllerian ducts almost to.
lally disappear, the effects are irreversible_
Evidently. Ihe distance over which MO l diffuses
is limiled. If Ihe gonad of a very young XY embryo
i. removoo on one side. the MUllerian d uel persists Under Ihe influence of the testosterone sccreled by
and develops on thaI side. the felal teslis. some <If the tubules of Ihe mesone·
Congenital defects have been described in which phros persist. grow loward Ihe relia lestes and be-
failure to release or to r.. pond 10 M Ol permilS pcr- come the ejJeren/ due/ults Ihal drain into Ihe col-
sistence of Ihe MUllerian duelS in males. This can lecling dUCls. The laller join 10 form a coiled
occur even when Ihe leSI.. assume a normal mor· epididymis Ihal lead s inlO a Wolffian duel.
phological appearance and retain the ability 10 se_ Most of Ihc original Wolffian duct develop< into a
crete steroid hormones (44). highly muscular vas deferens (Ihe most prom;nenl
The MUllerian duelS of females have Ihe potential component of Ihe plumbing system ). Near ils caudal
for responding 10 M Ol. and tissues ta ken from end . each vas deferens sends out an ampulla that
young XX fetuses s how the effects when they are co. gives rise to a glandular seminol vesicle. Ducts
cultured wilh felal testes. However. nO MOl is syn_ draining that organ fuse with the vasa deferentia to
thesized by normal female feluses. form Ihe ejacula/ory duCls. The laller penelrate Ihe
C<'ntrally located pl'Qj/ale gland and join up with the nal genitalia , even when tho test"" and reproductive
prostatic un:thra . Although most of the prostate de. ducts have developed in the usual mannor.
from the urogenital sinus, the Wolman ducts Under the influence of DHT. the genilal tuberclc
may make a CQIltribution. matures into Ihe anterior part of the {lfnis, thc uro-
The roic of testosterone in promoting vi,ilil.ation gcnital sinus gives risc to lhe prOJ/tlle and bulbour-
of the Wolman structul"<'S is easily demonstraled. Ir ethral glands and parts of Ihe r.relhr(J, the urogenital
the gonads are removed jusl after MUllerian duct folds make a contribution to the urethra and penis.
regression has started, the aCl'cssory struclures de- and Ihe genital swellings fuse to form the .<rrO/llm
scribed in the preceding two paragraphs fail 10 de- (Fig. 13-1 1B). (There are controversies conc<:rning
velop. Unilateral gonadectomy usually blocks dc,·c!· whether the caudal ends of Ihe Wolman dUet,< are
opmcm on the affected side only. involved in formation of the prostate,)
The ducts of XX embryos have the potenlial to Similar changes can occur in XX embryos when
repond to tcstostcrone. bUI they do IlQt recci"e malfunctioning adrenal glands secrete large quan·
enough of the stcroid to be stimulated under normal tit ies of androgenic steroids. and in experimental an-
conditions, The emerges imals given test"'terone or DHT at an early stage.
when a genetically defective adrena l gland n:iease. of the external genitalia has also
excessive quantities of gonadal steroids. If large been observed in human fetuses whose mothers fe'
amounts of androgen are secreted early in fetal life, ceived synthetic progestogens that can be metaboli·
the Wolman struclul"<'s of XX embryos al"<' virihe<! cally con.'erled to androgens.
(even when Ihe ovaries have formed in a normal Although the phallus is still very small and the
manner). Female embryos injected with testosterone and urethra "re incomplete. the few.1 be-
also undergo maseulini7.ation of the Wolffian struc' COmeS externally rceogninblc as mate as early as the
tures. (Ho\\'ever. the MO llerian duct. al"<' not af· 12th wee k po:<tconception. After that. androgenic
fected.) In normal fcmale embry", and fetuses, the steroids are needed to promote continuc<:l growth of
Wolman st ructures not involved in development of the external genitalia and descent of Ihe testes into
the urinary s)"ltem degenerate, the scrotum. The descent begins during the 7th week
and it is usually completed close to the time of birth
Althouih there are indications tha t androstancdio/s
GENITALIA released from the fetal testis play role, in stimulation
The eloaca is a common receptade for the terminal of prostate gland cell prol iferation (95), DHT is t hc
ends of the digestive, urinary. and genital tracts. A major hormone required For virilization of the exter·
permanent structure of this kind is found in egg_lay. nal genitalia (12. 119).
ing mammals and in hirds. reptiles. and fishes. The Individuals with genetic defects that impair the
beginnings of one appear brieAy in mammalian conversion of teStOSterone to DHT but permit testos-
embryos. terone synthesis to proceed at a normal rate undergo
At threc weeks po:<tconC<'ption. the sur- Wolman duet development bUI fail to accomplish
face of the cloaca is covered by a membrane. and it maseulini,.ation of the urogenital sinus and related
is Aanked by r/I)(l(tli ftlld5 (Fig. 1).11). T he anterior 5lruelUres. Infants with severely impaired DHT for_
portion' of the fold, fu,c 10 form the mation are the n born with fomale-typ< external or·
An anal plate soon separates the cloaca into a p0s- gans. while XY fetuscs with limited ability to ma ke
terior anus and the anterior urogenital sinus (which the regulator form incompletely masculinized or
receives the Wolman ducts and is continuous with "ambiguous" slructures,
thc externally urogenital folds), T he folds are It has been proposed thaI DHT .stimulated mes-
Aankcd by urogeni/rll swelling5. enchymal cells provide the epithelium with morpho-
Both XX and XY embr)'", advance to genelic signals. When mesenchyme and urinary
What happ<ns afterward depends upon secretions bladder epitheli um from normal miC<' are cocu lt ured
from the gonads. in the presence of androgens, prostalHypc differ-
entiation occurs. Moreover, the quantity of differ·
entiated epi thel iu m varies directly with the amOunt
Masculinization of the External Genitalia of mesenchyme. I n the absence of androgen, vaginal·
The urogenital sinus and its associatcd struelu res type epithelium forms. Epithelium ta ken from Tfm
contain an enzyme that converts test"'tcrone to di- mutants that lack androgen receptors also differen_
hydrotest"'terone (DHT ). Genetic defec ts that im· tiates into prostate-li ke tissue, if normal mese n-
pair the formation of the enzyme or the ability to chyme and hormone are provided. However. mes-
respond to DHT can block virilization of the enchyme from Tfm mutants ca nnot support the

male-type differentimion of bladder epithelium tain around 1- 2 million primary oocytes. of which
taken from normal mice (32). only 300,000-400,000 make it to Inc time of pu-
berty. Ultimately. $Omcthing like 400 fi nally attain
a of maluration tnal permits fcrlili7.ation.
II will be re<:alled thaI the of XV embryos There are individual as """II a•• pecie. di!fere""" •.
begin 10 organize inlO testes by the end of the 6th Som" WOmen are 101.l1y deplcled of """yle. by lhe end
week afler conception. By contrast, lhe p,..,surnpt;ve of Iheir 40th year. whereas OIhe ... till have some cells
ovaries are said 10 ""lain their "indifferent" appear- when 'hey arc ,wo decade, <>Ider, The lime_honored con_
ance for al l.aSl 14 additional days, and to be mor- cept Ihal germinal cell proliferali"" lerminales during
Ihe felal period has rce<:nlly been queslioned for hum.n •.
phologically identifiable as female-type gonads only tn .nim.t, wi,h .herl geSlaliQn period •. the de<:line in cell
by their failure to undergo obvious change. The populalion usually commence, postnatally. A few,peei ...
"donnancy'" may. however. be superficial. There is •. g. dom."i. ea, •. evidently r<lain a popul.'ion of "",0-
an early tendency for the germinal components \0 ni •• s adult •.
accumulate in the periphrry of Ihe gonads (as con· The iniliat ropid reduclion of germin.t coil populalion
trasted with the medullary buildup of gonocytes in during felal life i, attribuled in port 10 the .xlru.ion of
the embryonic testis). and. as discussed later, steroid oogoni. 10 the ,u,fae<: of Ihe developing ov,rie" Late,. a
hormone biosynthesis commences in XX and XV go. process of alreJia (which begin. in hum.n felu,"" arournl
nads a1 about the same lime. lhc 51h monih and inc ludes opi,heli.1 cell,) .cenunlo for
During weeks 6-8, the gonads of XX embryos most of the 100•.
Germinal cell maluralion in",,"'es ,peeiat conlrols OVOr
tend to lag behind IhO&<: of their XY contemporaries
function, of ,he X chromClSOmes. In the .omalic cell' of
in size, weighl, and germinal cel l population, proJ:>. XX embryos. one of the ehrorr>050mes is ,aid '0 be "in_
ably because Ihey fail to oome under the stimulalory a.tiva ted" pri", to the lime of implanlalion (62). and lhc
influences of Ihe 11-Y antigen. 1I0we''Cr. growth and lrophoblasl i. belie,,,d 10 play 0 role in dir«IHln of Ihe
cell proliferalion oontinue for a longer lime in the phenomenon. (Evidently. howeyer. I . mall porlioo of the
pr<:sumptive ovaries. and the lauer soon surpass the genome continue. 10 be Inl ,) Gonoe)"le' ,",em
tesles in the parametel'l ciled . 10 be to 'he ,arne influences. but lhe ,",cond X
i. reaclivated won afler the cells hove tak"n up re,idence
in lb. gonadat ,idges. tn human. and in man)" olher
Germinal Cell Maturation ( 6) mammals. both of Ihe X chrorr>050me. ar<: rcquir<:d f",
Ihe prodUClion of f.rtiliUlble Ovo. Female, ooe of
The gonocytes first differentiate inlo nonmolile 00-
Ihem (lhose with Ihe XO genetic ddccI' described 1.I.r)
gonia with large nuclei. Unli ke the spermatogonia .r. sterile although Ibey $Orne ovarian ditfcr<ntia_
that come under early inhibilory innuenccs exerted lion. Mice and $Om"olher mammal. wilh the XO pallero
by the Serloli cells. Ihe oogonia actively engage in have. limiled obit it), to produce mature Ova, It is possble
mitosis, The rate of proliferalion is bet wcen thai Ihe chrorr>050me that is relained in mice conl.i", ,.-
Ihe 81h and 20th weeks (66). and the cortical regions netic inf"'mation Ih.1 i. unavailable in XO wOmen. but
soon beCllme "stuffed" with germinal cell s. the .hort in,o rv:o.l between ovarian di!fcrentiation and Ihe
Around the 15th week. some of Ihe oogonia ad- fo ..1 appearance of gamete. may .«:ounl for lit< .biti'y
vance 10 primary oocyrts (primary ovocylcs). The of the mie<: 10 become tran,iently fertile.
process begins slowly and seems to peak around
week 28 (66). Many oocytes Ihen initi3te the pro-
phase of meiosis [ and complele the diplotene stage. Epithelial Cel[ Maturat[on and Follicle
Faclors re [eased by the epithelial cel[s (discussed Formation
laler) evident[y inhibit further progression of cell di- Around Ihe 8th "'Cek, there is some indicatiQn Ihal
vision. The oocytes COler a resting Or "d iely"tc" Ihe epithelial celis will form medullary cords of Ihe
slase that seems to be compatible with long-term kind described for the embryonic testis. Howe'·er.
survival (39). Some resume the meiosis shortly after Ihe cell ciuslers are soon broken up by me<cnch}'mc
the onset of puberty. others go into diakinesis follow- Ihal invades the medulla, commences formation of
ing a lag period of up 10 50 years. while the majority Ihe ovarian Siroma. and advances 10 Ihe (Fig.
die off without eomp[eting the division. [3-13).
Germina[ cell proliferation [cads 10 Inc aCCum u·
[alion of some 6-7 million cells by the lime Ihe felus Medullary cord formation i. more obvi"", in the
is 25-28 we<:1:s old , The population Ihen begins a nads of ",me of 'he subprimale •. However. Ihc pr"'ump-
lifelong decline that is vcry mpid at first and slo,,"er live ovary never a"um •• the appea,anee of Ihe embry-
during the later ycars. At birth, the two ovaries COn· onic le.ti.,
, ,

o ill
13·1 3. A. T,an._.. sec,"" U"""'Ilh "'" ovary.t Note ''''' lhel'M<lul l.'Y 0<1<<1 •• ThO
. he ,ov""th ... HI< ot development. ohowing the I xer. lory meoonoophrle IUb<oIe. efI ...<>ntes) <Ie not
d<!geMf.tiQn <)1 thO primitive (mfldull'ry) sex C<>f<l' and the commoJniCat. witll tn. ,et._
Tne cortat ,one oj the o..ry-
10<""";",, o. ,... 0001",., <:<>«Is. B. df. .... iog Of the <:on'''''o groop" 01 <>ogoni .. ...-,ounded by t",,",ula' cell._
of\d gee;' " """.. ... the mo'''" 01 eM ,"I I _ 1 . (La_n. ,et .......,. 86)

The oogonia congregate in the regions. 10). Oocytes that escape inoorporation are less likely
and by the 12th ",<,ok it is possible to the 10 survive.
beginnings of cortical cord' wmposed of irregular Limitcd numbers of primordial follicles undergo
rows of epithelial and germinal cells that "re sepa- maturation into primary jollities. involves en-
,.,ed from each other by strand. of mesenchyme largemen t (but not division) of the oocyte. as well as
{f ig. 13_14). growth and prolifenuion of the follicular cells. The
Certain of the epithelial cells mature into nat- more advanced follicles have a highcr mtc of alTNia.
lened pregr(1nulWI1 (folliwlnr) cells that make inti- which in death of the oocyte.10l'S of epi-
mate associalion, with the oocyte •. Gradually, (hey thelial cells. and replacement of the follicle with SCar
enter into the formation of primordial jollidt." each ti!Sue.
made up of an O<X}'tc surrounded by a single layer The follicular cells seem to release an oocyte mat-
of Aaltcncli pr.granulosa cells (fig. 13·15 and 13· uration inhibitor (OM I) lhal maintains the germinal

Fig . 13- 14 . Corlical cord. bol",.

Ilurnan lelUs, 3 """" liS.
The oogonia a""""r clear. X '00.
(T.cfIma",,-Oupl . ..i• • , al .. ,el..-....,.

Fill. ' 3· IS. f'rimordiallolliele •.

IIumon o.ary, letu". 9 """,thi. X775.
(<1 et at .. 1111..""""

cells in the dictyate stage. A peptide with a moloo- applied to the finding of estrogen receplors in Ihe
ular weight of less than 2000 has bet:n recooered mammary glands of males and of Olher apparently
from the fluids of small (bul not of more nonfunctional molecules in dilTcrent ceillypes.
follicles of the pig (30.173). and it is known that 00- A second suggestion is thaI XX embryos make a
eytes artificially remove<! from the influences of the faclor dilTerenl from Ihe H-Y antigen thaI interaets
epithelial cclls and ma;ntainoo in culture soon re· with Ihe surface molecules. No such faClor has
sume reduction division. identified, bUI Ihe,., is evidence for the formalinn of
Controlled atresia seems to a physiological pro- a diffusible SUb'l18nce that inhibilS the bindi ng of H-
cess that is e=ntial for maintaining normal ovarian Y 10 Ihe ovary (62). A third idea is thaI differentia-
function. poosibly because the ovary cannot support lion is direcled by ullOtXupied H·Y ,.,e.ptors (183).
more than an optimum number of germinal cclls. Observations that gonads of XY embryos tend to de-
Factors that interfere with normal atresia seem to velop ovarian-type archileclure in the presence of
bring about ultimatc impairment of fertility. Ullie antibodies di,.,cled against th. H-Y have Ilccn cited
is knQwn about the mechanisms for "selection." It in support of the first and third ootions. They dn 001
hu been suggestOO that large numbers of germinal necessarily rule OUt the second. sinee tissues of males
cdls with chromusumal defects a'" formed, and Ihat may synthesi7.c ovarian organi?.crs that do oot fune-
the'" are the ones preferentially excluded. tion in the presene. of Ihe H-Y antigen ,
The situation could more complicaled. The
thymus gland is known to play key roles in dilTer-
Regulation 01 Ovarian Dlffarentlatlon
enlialion of Ihe immune s)lStem. and il is dearly in-
Conflicting interp,.,tatiom have attached 10 OD- volvoo in the rejection by females of highly inbred
.ervlltions that the presumptive ovaries possess sur· strains of sxin grafts from malcs of the same strain
face components that bind the H-Y antigen . One (119). As discussed later. Ihymus gland deprivation
coneept is Ihal Ihe formalion of reeeplo", is fortui_ at an early age impairs maturation of the ovary .
IOUS (and no purpose is served). Similar thinking is Thymeclomy does oot seem to interfere with testie--
ular maturation. but ;t alTcct dcYclopmcm of culture utili}'c serum that conlains an as-
<ome androgen.<!cpendent accessory reproductive sortment of IX'gulators.
structulX'S in oomplex (63.97.109). The term CQl'ticiM a hypothetical fac-
tor formcd in diffclX'ntialing ovaries that pcrforms
analogous to those deseribed for medullar.
Mesenchymsl Cells
inc in males (77). Insulin. EGf. and ATP promote
Although epithelial and germinal cell different iation tyrO'Sinc phosphorylation of membrane proteins and
begin later in the ovary than in the the mes- stimulale growth (A·2).
enchymal acquire the ability to secrete steroid The fallopian tubes and utCrus arC formed before
hormones at the same age in both sexes (a round the the end of the third month (prior to th. appearance
8th week). In the developing ovaries. the amounts of of ovarian follicles). Vaginal development begins
testOSlerone produced are minute when compared SOOn after the initiation of steroid hormone synthesis
with those formed by the testes, The present<: within in lhe gonad. but it is IIOt completed until the middle
the ovary of sharply limited amounts of of lhe second trimester (193).
sleroid dehydrogenase 3e<:ounts in pmt for the dif·
ference. but thc cells also contain aromatase en-
zymes that rJpidly convcrt the androgens that a,." Fate 01 the Wolfflan Siructure s in Females
formed to estrogens, The oomponents of the Wolflian Struclures that give
Thc role of cstrogens in ovarian dilTcremiation is rise to essential parts of lhe urinary systems 01 both
diflicult to determine. since thc steroids arc '''ential sexes have been described.
for sustaining the lives of both XX and XV fetuses. The androgen-sensitive portions of lhe Wolman
In males. the estrogens are formed mostly by lhe structures deteriorate and almost totally di sappear
placental system. They never reach high OOncentra· in normal XX fetuses. The process commence, at an
tions within the gonads. This implies that high le.'cls age when lhe ducts of XV fetuses hayc almost com-
within the developing ovary perform SOme function. pleted their early differentiation (around 7S-80 day,
The XV ge rminal cells of most mammals do not posteaneeption). At this stage. the oyary has only
form gametes in the oyarian environment , begun morphologically yisiblc differentiation but it is
producing estrogens.
It is not known whether estrogens facilitate Wol f-
Development of the MUllerisn Ducts
nan due! IX'grcssion. Explants from both XX and
In lhe absence of the MUllerian dUCI inhibitory fac· XV embryos undergo virilization when androgcn.
lor (secreted by lhe embryonic testis). the M ullcrian arc presenled and atropby when they are withheld ,
ducts persist and give ri", to the fallopian I14beS.
uterl/S. and upptr vagina. The cranial end. of the
Differentiation of the Female Externsl
acquilX' fonger-like projections (fimbriae) lhat
will later enYelop the ,urlace of th. ovary and dir.ct
oocytes to the ostium (the entry into the tubular Although the ovary dilTerentiates later than the tes-
lumen). ThclX' is. howe,·er. no di,."ct oonncction be- tis. the extcrnal genitalia of XX embryO!; .how dis-
twecn the ovary and the tube. and lhe ostium ac· tinct tendencies to develop alo ng female lines al
tually communicates with the abdominal cavity. The about the same time thc analogous structures of
caudal ends of the MUllerian ducts fuse in lhe mid· males begin to rcspond to DHT. The maturation
line 10 form a uttrQ"uginal canal. Init ia lly. there is a process continues Over a period o f months. but the
uterovaginal septum_ but thi' disappears by lhe 9th fetus is reoognizable as a female toward the end of
weck. Thc canal enlarges anteriorly to form the body the first trimester.
of the uterus (which is continuous with the fallopian The uterovaginal canal that arises from the Mol-
tubes). as the more caudal portions interact with the ducts makes contact with the urogenital sinus.
urogenital sinus in the formation of the vagina and A vaginal plate forms and then develops a lumen.
related structures. There are unsettled questions concerning the relative
It is widely believed that MUllerian duct dilfer- cont ributions of the M nllerian duets and uroge nital
entiation proceed. without the benefit of hormonal sinus to the vagina. A membrane (the hymen) ini·
stimulation (120). Th. changes occur in XY fetuses tially ",als the external open ing. but an orifice de-
dcpriVt:d vcry carly of MOl and also in gonadecta. velops within it before th. time of birth.
mized XX animals. of ductal tis- In mal.s, the urogenital membrane disappears.
sUe undergo simi la r deYelopmcnt in vitro. but the opening is SOOn ooVt:red by the growing and
However. all mammalian embryos develop in an converging urethral folds. In lemales. an ciongated
environment that rich in hormones supplied by the urogenital slit (open to the extcrior) is soon Aan ked
placeta and the maternal system. and most in vitro by the labia minora that form from the urogeni tal
folds. The: genital swellings fuse po$leriorly. as the len gonad is removed "'ry early in the C<lOINC of
anlerior pam enlarge into the labia mojO'a. The opment. 'he righ' one be<:ome< a les,i. or ovoteslis..nd
urogenital sinus contributes \0 the and pam li>c bird acquires I male pber.otype (49). If ti>c .ursery
or the urinary bladder. ;,; delaye<l for a ro-... day<. tbe rilh, conad beCCO".1 an
OVOIesti. or ovary·like orpn (179). The obKrvl1ioM lug·
l1le tubercle uoderg<Je$ very limi":d
&CSI lhal tbe rith' conad <:(HItai", a very timiled number
growth. WIns Qludally. and beC()lIOC$ the: or H·Y reooeptors. and ,hat;1 is Iffected by li>c ant;,. ..
(Fit- ] )·1 1). For a brief lime. the phallus is equal in only .. ·bcn lhe til.1S build 10.
size 10 lilal or an XY fet u$, but t he <>rpn soon is """';ble thaI tbe len ovary Iw already sccreled ."M.
rommcncc:s a prolonged pI'OC" IS of enlargemcm. eieRI ""mg'''' 10 V'CSlieial ao ... d. In ZZ
The tissues Irt: believed to pon=u In Minnat,," po- birds. two functioooinllesles or «lui oj", ... ually clcvclop.
lentialto develop along female exttpl "'hen di- The germi ...1 «lis Df lbe VCSt;,;a1 (nlhl) ovary .Io>oly
[0 doOlhc:rwisc by regulators by the deler;"""I • . If the orpns removed from )'0'1'"
testis. XY fetuses deprive of either InlO$ICI'Of>C or Ire ""mplanted ;,,.0 10 day old eatlra,.d maiO$. the 10"-
the ability to rnpond [0 the steroid acquirc female- oq"tes malure inlO """rmal"l""la. When Ihe fCcipioo ....
type external genilalia (even when the testCS have ai- ..... Ie .. ith _mal ' .....1... birds .. i,b WZ and Zl SC>.
chromosomes from the Z)"JOI ....
tained their "hal1lelenslw; morphology and the M Ul-
.. ,hootkl form i" 1 , I : 1 ra'iotr..
lerian !Ia_"
regruKd). Normal females poos-
WZ. Zz. aDd WW
lI(1\O'Cvcr. al lea.! one Z i ...... ntial for 'UN;""I.)
SCM both sensitivity to testosterone and lhe
u'<Jgcni\al sinus enzyme that promotes conversion of
testosterone \0 OliT. Oeve1opment 01 the Avian Reproductive
Oucts (133)
VERTEBRATeS Tbc mesonephros of the bird funClions as a urinary
By providing the means for distinguishing organ aim()St to the time Df hatching (al-
what is from what must necessarily be. «Imparative though Ihe metanephros begins dilTerenliatiOl1 by
studies «Intribu te substantially to our understandina Ihe l1 1h day afler fertilization and gradually devel·
of the specia l fUnctions of regulators. Tbc com parl- op' in'D the permanenl kidney). It i. IherdDr< no!
§Ons arc especially illum inating in the field of repro- su rprising thaI the embryonic Wolffian structures of
ductive endocrinology. birds arc hormone-independent in both sens. and
thaI adult females us ually retain Wolnian remnants.
later. <Xlmponen\5. of the WDIIf,an structures be·
WZ Chromosomes end the H-Y Antigen come respoosive 10 testosterone. In ZZ birds (with
In birds. many of the repliles. and iOtTK: 0( the am- testes) these portions develop intD mile acrcssory re-
phibians and fishes. the female IIln W and Z 5cx prodUctive structures the metanephros begins tD
ehromcl5ClmC$, a nd 5he produo:s en cdl5containina take over the urinary fu netions. In fema les. the an-
either. W (W a z.. n.c male has two Z chromosomes drogcn-scnsitive portions undergo atrophy that is not
and therefore makes only Z-IYpe always compkte.
n.c /mwlr bird the: H· Y antigen. and WoIfftan duC!. regression in femaks seems to re-
in animals the antigen promoles dfferentia tioo sult from the absence: Df testosterone. The persis-
of the indilfcn:nt gonad into a n O>'/lry. n.c antigen tenee of the ducu in females deprived of the left
SCCms 10 be idcnHcal with t he Dne made by male ovary could be CJlplained in pan by the prc:$Cnce: of
mammal!. If. developing avian ovary is cocu lturcd an DVQ\CSt;" lhal rci",,_ the androgen.
with an indifferent gonad taken from a mammal. the ovarian nlrogrru evidently contribute 101 the reves-
ovary rcla iflS its form as the mammalian gonad or· sion in normal females. since bilaterally gOll3dcc:to-
gani •.C$ inlD a test;'!ike Jlructu n: . TIle effeets a n: at· WZ birds reta in W oIffian ducts that do not
tributed tD pam,e or the antiacn from the avian complele masculine·type development. (It is 1150
DVlIry to the mammalian indiffe rent aonad. If the possible lhat the Dvaries secrete 1 Wolman reves-
embryonic mammalian lesl;s (with H·Y anligen) ;" sion prOlein or peptide. but 110 M:h regulator has
cocuhured with an avian indifferent aonad. the test;" been found.)
retains its male character;"tics while the avian gOl1ad
organi1.c5 inlD an ovary·li ke AVI AN MOLLERIAN DUCTS
In moll of Ih. birds. only Ihe left do",loj"l$, The Chick gonads diffcn:nliatc during days 7-9 of Ihe
l<Ha.d on Ihe righl .ide pcrsllll in v., li/li.1 form. If Ih. Ihrce·week incubation period. In males. the MOller-
ian duets begin to regress around tnc 9th day. and pendence. and development are closely lin ked wi th
they complete the process by day ] 3 or 14. Since ex- the roles of Ihe Wolffian slructures in maintaining
ogenous androgens aceelerate tne atrophy. and gon· urinary system functions; however. formalion of the
adcetomy leads 10 MOlierian duct persistence. it male accessory reproductive structures is androgen·
scerns reasonable \0 conclude that the testis prOOuces dependenl; (e) although MOllerian duel regression is
a steroid duct inhibitor. regulaled by gonadal hormones, only mammals have
However. Ihcre is also evidence for extra·gonadal been shown 10 produce a specific regulator that is 1101
produclion of a resression factor that is under inhib- known 10 affect other reproductive functions; and (0
itory control by the pituitary s land (133). unlike the Situalion for eutherian mammals.
In females, the righl MOllerian duct stops srowing gens by WZ nonmammalian vertebrale
al an early stase (around day II in chick embryos). ovaries play obvious roles in early development of
but il does nol lotally deteriorale. Since IW{) ducls the female phenotype.
persisl in ovariectomized birds. Ihe gonad probably
seCreles a regr=ion factor.
The extensive development of the left dUCI, which SEX REVERSAL
includes formation of a shell gland. i$ probably es· Eutherian mammalian embryos and of both
trogen-<lependen\. Intere.<tingly, removal sexes develop in an estrogen-rich environmenl. It is
of just the left ovary perm its development of the left therefore forlunate thaI gonadal differentiation is
duel. controlled by the presence (or absence) of Ihe H-Y
antisen. and that it is independent of the concentra-
tions of estrogens .
Studies on Viviparou s Repliles
Mosl of Ihe other ,'erlcbmtes do nO! require such
Although Ihe described speeializations suppon pr()- freedom from hormonal control Although sex chro-
duction of nutrient-laden. shell·protected eggs and mosomes and H_Y antigens are involved in devel·
mechanisms for de.lins with cenain metabolic prob- opment of the phenotype. the processes are innu·
lems during Ihe incubation period. sex determination enced by environmental factors. The phenomena
in avian vertebmtes can be viewed as a "step back- described nexl are most easily demonstrated in bony
ward" in evolution. since (3) the Wolnian strueures fishes. but all classes of vertebrates respond in vary-
are retained for a relatively long time and they show ing degrees 10 external stimuli.
only limiled hormone dependene<:. and (b) steroId Under ordinary circumstances. X X IishC!i devetop
hormones. rather than specific peptide-type faclors. into females that prOOuc.: X-type egg cells. while
secm to be primary resulators. XY fishes become males that ma ke both X· and Y-
The limited information available Ihal type spermatoma. However, in many leleost species.
viviparous are lower ye( on Ihe evolu(ionary of very young embryos to cold environmen-
scale. The mesonephros conlinues 10 func(ion until tal temperatures, In very shorl photoperiods. or 10
aner binh. MUllerian ducIs persist and undergo hor- androgenic steroids. leads 10 Ihe emersence of Ihe
mone-independent differentialion in Ixuh and male phenotype regardless of chromosomal makeup.
(he Wolffian Slructures of both males and females whereas warm lemperatures. food deprivation . and
develop without benefil of hormones durins Ihe pre- C!llrogcnie steroids favor different iation along female
natal period. Later. SOme teSlosterone is needed to pallcrns(1)9).
promole formalion of Ihe epididymis and vas defcr· When XX animals become "males:' they develop
ens, and a testicular regulator (which SCems to be an leSles. prOOuce spermat07.03 of the X type. and may
androgenic steroid) promoles partial regression of acquire sc x characteristic.< and behavioral
Ihe MUtteria n ducts in males. pallerns usually expressed by XY malc.<_Similarly.
XY "females" form ovaries that produce egg cells
containing either an X or a Y chromosome.
Conc lUSions from the Preceding Findings
The environmental factors affect only thc phen()-
The observations indicate that (a) the H·Y antigen Iype (not Ihe chromosomes) _Thus all of Ihe progeny
is formed by the members of tne species that have of an XX "male" and a normal female have XX sex
two differenl kinds of chromosomes (male mam· chromosomes_ Under most condilions. all develop
mals. bul female birds and some female r<:ptilcs); (b) into females . When an XY "female" males wilh a
the H· Y antigen dir<:cts differentiation of (he type of normal male. Ihe ralios for XV. XX. and YY off·
gonad that produces two kinds of gameles (Ihe lesti, sprins approach 2: I; I. Un like mammals. fishes wi th
of the mammal. but the ovary of the bird): (c) reo YY patterns survi.·c. Their unions with IIOrmal fe-
gardless of the role played by the H-Y antigen. Ihe males yield all XY progeny.
lestis prOOuces IClltOSlcrone while the ovary secreles Since Ihe aceessory rcprOOuclive organs of most
estrogens; (d) Wolflian duel relention. hormone de· fishC$ are simple. adults can undergo sex reversal.
Damsdfi ,h regularly function first as males and Eerly Influences of Serloil Cells on Germinal
later as females, whereas clownfosh arc among Ihc Components of the Emerging Testis
SpeCIes thaI begin ""proouclive ac(ivil)' as males
II is not known whether epithelial ceils of the ger·
( 139),
minal ridge (or the Serloli cells that SOOn dilTeren·
tialc from them) play roles in the armurion of gon-
"SOCIAL" CONTROL OF SEX INVERSION to the emerging embryonic testis. in
facilita tion of germinal cell accumu/ariOl! within the
When large numbers of female coral rcef fish live in
regions. or in the mall/ralion of thos.c
the presence of males Ihc adult population is slable.
componen ts to spermatogonia , It is clear that very
Howe,-er. if all Ihc males arc removed. some of Ih.
young Sertol; cells encircle the spermatogonia . and
females become "transformed," In some cases, on.
new "male" emerges for each one Iha\ is removed that they inhibit both spermatogonial rrolifcration
and the advancement of the cells to the primary
(15 4). II has been suggested 1hal females have a
spermatocyte slage They may additionally contrib-
"na lural tendcIlCY" 10 change sex, but that lhc pm.
Ule to long·term survival of spermatogonia.
cess is ;n"ibiled by the presence of males. Another
idea is thaI removal of the males provides a special Fotlicutar ceUs of Ihc ovary arc derivcl from the &ame
"stimulus" fn, sex reversal. Responses of the kind components of the indHk .. nt gooad thatli"e rise to thc
described arc elicited in only c"nain of Ihc fishes. Sertot; cell •. An oocylc ma'uration inhibilor has been
Sex reversals can be acoomplishcd wilh hormones identified in small ovorian follicles (173). It blocks dcvcl·
and other agems in amphibia ns. reptiles. and birds oprfltnl of primary """),Ies. but favors oocylc ,u"iv.t.
manipulated during time·limited "sen,itive" 'tages Since no analog,,", Senoli coil peptide has been identi-
of devclopmenl. fied, it i. poo.sible that eontrol in the emerging ,""is i.
exerted in dilTercnt "'ay,. for via e' trogens th.t
I n mammals. steroid hormon"" aIT<:<:t soma/k but are discussed later.
not germinal cells , Estrogens cannot promote the
formation of ovaries in XY embryos of any age. Tes-
tooterone interfere, with ovarian development. but it Mllllerien Duct Inhibllor
cannot bring about testicie formation in XX em· The sec retion of MUllerian duct inhibitor (MO [;
bryos , Mamma lia n germ cells have very ,peclal re- MUllerian inhibitory substance. M[S; anti-Maller-
quirements (183). XY ty""s will not emer into sper- ian hormone. AM H) begins even before morpholog-
matogenesis if they are surrounded by XX somatic ical differentiation of the Sertoli cells is completed .
ails. and XX germinal :lements fail to yield OVa in
XY somatic environments,
HORMONAL REGULATION OF The ducts involute undcr the influence of MOl duro
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT IN ing a sharply limited time period that extends from
MALE MAMMALS the 7th to 10th week after conception in the human.
Duct.< ""rrnil(ed to develop for a time without the
"'8ulator soon become refractory to its influences.
Sertoll Cell Funcllone: An Overview
The pos$ibililY that MOl .ct< on the mesonephros even
After differentiating from the epithelial components e.,t;e! i, rai,ed by observations that mouse undifferen·
of the "indifferent gonad'" the Sertoli cells undergo tiated gonad. oocuhured with mesonephros fail to
a seri"" of 3ge-dependcnt changcs in structure and undergo the u,ual masculinization (26). MOl ma)' there-
fun.tions. During the embryonic and early fetal fore inhibit the release 0< oppo:st the . etion, of. me<o-
stag"". thc cells prOtect the germinal components nephric celt product. However. it h.. oot been demon·
against premature maturation. and they promote in- strated that 'nch • ,ubstance is made. MOI'W"er. the
volution of the MUllerian ducts, T he protective fune- po;«ibility th., mesoocphric cell. in cuhure aUTOct H-Y
tions continue through the late felnl and the post_ "nligen "nd thereby deprive the Sertoli cells of il5 inHu·
natal juvenile ""riods. After the onset of puberty, cnces has not been ruled out.
MDl i. secreted for a considerable time peri<>d after
Sertoli cells mature and aSSume major roles in the Mullerian duct re8ression has been a<:eompli,hed (44). h
support of spermatogenesis. They a lso produce reg· has been dete<:ted in ehild",n up to ''''0 years of ag" and
ulators that contribute to ,,,,,rm maturation in the in ral5 of 2t day. (I"" u. u.t time of we.ning), Ex"aet.
epididymis and to the control of gonadotropin oontaining the motecules inhibit the growth of o"arian tu·
secretion. mors. and roles in differentiation of . trUCIUTe, "'her than
tho MUlleri"n hov. b«n p""","d. An i"Ouenee on lragens directly retard Sc:rloli cd l maturation: <lnd
Se rloli «11 mOlu ... l;"n hos .Iso been ccnsider.d (172). esuosens directly suppress lestosterone:
I'crh.p$. bow.""r. Senoli «11 •• imply conlinuo 10 mo ke lion by neighboring inte!""Stitial cells (93). and Ihey
MOl unl;l Ihey ad.anto 10 lheir I\C'U Ilase of diminish sensitivity to gonadotropins (13).
de ••
In adult ... al$(J inhibil Ih. occr<:lion of IUI.i ...
i';1IA hormone (,"" major stimulanl f.,.. 1..,.,.le' OtIC pro-
CHEMISTRY AN D ACTIONS d.... ion). Bo...."'-.:r. ,h,,,. is "" e.ideroc<: f.,.. felal cell re-
T he: bas JlyCOptOleln·llke proper- leaK 01 ... fficicn, ..eroid to.el in Ibis _y.
lia (16). may consist of a mixlure of ehemically re-
lated suMtaD«!. cstirmued moI.:.:ular " 'eights
arc in the ranges 01120.001>-195.000 and 200.001>- SERTOU CELL Sa-REDUCTASE
395.000. rap:<;tivcly. whell density Adult SenGlI cells contain a Sa-redu= Ihat eat·
and gellil\ration tcchniques arc use4 (IJ 1). al)"':cs formaiion of OHT from leslOSlerone. Since
Oo:.:aUK or the la'l. $il')(: and watCf soIubilily. DlIT is by many eritena far more poIent than its
a "KOJIld m<:5oKnger"" c:oncept has been illvoked . pr-.:cursor. lhe presence of lite en1O)''''''' in fetal cells
M [)I rna)' actlvale Mill' -der.ndelll fIOOsphalasc. mighl appear 10 be: counterproduclive. However.
eAMP (43). MIX. ATP. Zn ' . and \l;lrudale 0p- D HT proba.bly acU vel}' dilTerenlly in lhe ret us:
pose. whereas EOTA and F par1lally mimic lhe d- 1. Some Icslosteror.e-tcsponsive edb insensi-
reCII (A.2). live to OHT (115). and immalure Sertol; cell. may
fan inln Ihi. calegory.
REGULATION OF MOl FORMATION 2. Androstanediols ba"" biological propenies very
Til<: c.rly appe .... "". of lhe mokeul.,.lh. riel thaI 'hey differenl from lhose of OHT. They exen some eslro-
arc foond in the lUlU of m.mmall and t"" oyarieo of gel>-l ike actions, and Ihe large quanlilie. made by
bird •.• nd observalion. Ih.1 lhey ..crt inhibitory in"u, ralS during t he juvenil. period c.n dola)' puberly
."" •• <>II ovari.n """,pOnents of ma mmals. afC all COMi ... onsel (al leasl in females) (84). DHT as Ihc
lenl ... ilh ,It<: pouibilil)" that MOl producliQn is dopen. pr-.:curror (Fig. 13-1 8).
dent upon lit<: II·Y anti,en. It il .nlikol)· Ih.1 '0."1'''0'' 3. DHT and olher or reaclions catalY1.ed
from di". "1 , ile •• r<: InVQlved in inili.lion of
MOl .yn,hesl •. ,Ince the e!fecl> of 1M IIOrmone arc * by the Me rnpidTy
lerone, a molccule that lacks androgeniC poleney
" n<l ... ",_
ali,ed before dirrcr<: "lialiQn of the piluitary aland. tho
steroidogenic tissuos. and ""mponcnlJ or lhe vascul.r .yl- (Fig. 13-19). Therefore. Ihe cnzymc may play an im-
le m is compleled. porlant role in slercid ltormonc degradalioo.

SteroId Hormone Mete boll, m In th e Sertotl ANDROGEN BIOSYNTHESIS AND FUNCTIONS

Adult SertQ/i cells uli!ilC androgen-dependcnt ....... h. Adull Sc:noli "" lis 3"'1uire lhe abili ly 10 ma ke small
a nisms u) support Tbcy re«:ivc 01 teslOSlerone from bolh progc:stet(N)C aoo
lheir hormone supply from Mighborlng prcgncnnlone (72). The quantities formed arc min-
cells lbal synlhcsilC trslMerone from choleslcrol Ule when compared ",ilb the eornribulions of Ihe in-
aoo other precufSOfS (Fig. IJ.l6). lerstitial cells (39). bUI they probably par1ielpa le
Felal So:r101i cells perform vcry fullCllon5 .i8"if..:antly in localized buildup nf the high andro- include protection 01 the spcrmalOSOflia against gen concenlralions tCqui, ed 10 su pport spormatoscn-
premalure enlry into meiosis. They mUll limir lheir ali The cells also pos.m receptors thaI
eJlpolure 10 lestosterone. Tbc «lis poocss bind OH T "'ilh hi'" affinity. The Sa-reduelasc
IMt rapidly convert androgens released in their .i- serYCS as a ll androgen amplifier (as il conlin ucs In
einily 10 ocher meUlbolitcs. r.ciliulle formalion nf androslanediols). JII addilion.
Sc:n o11 ceHs synlhesize and secrete a spceialiw:l pro-
lein tbat enncentrates androgens ",ithin both the tes-
lis and tile epididymis.
Arornal1l$e$ "Ialyle the OI)IIversion of androgens to The: inlenlitial cells conlinue to be the major pro-
cstrogens (Fig. 13-17). Tbc reactions $ern: $everal vmen nf androgens. They beeome highly dependent
(I) they prevenl accum ulation of testoste r· on hormone stimuillion. and Sc:noli cells
one within Ihe Sc: rloli cell$.• nd thereby block the In some ... ay faci litate their aeeumulation 01 LH
maturalion-Ind ucing effeclS of Iha l steroid: (b) es. r<:ccptors.

"0 , ,'"
, ",
,C.: O
I ,I-
, T
" '" P'OO"Sleron<>
17,, ·OH.P'egnonolone

L -0" o

" '"
Oehydtocp;."",o".,,,,,,, (DHA)
I(0) 0

" I



" I

T."oOle,,,,,,, /
" Testosterone

Fig . 13' 16 . .l.' ( fell ) a M.l.' ( right ) po.lh"'. YSlor IS) '7h ·hycko.yl.... Ie) C I T, CZO ....... ( D) lTfJ-
01 les' ''''' '''''''''. (A) .I' ,"mid hydroXY"Ofoi<l <l&l>ydr"""",,". ( Btok.., ."OWI sI>ow
... + ",', ;,.' , 3-U tO£leroid i_ .... .11 ...."'''e palhwoyS. )
• ;co"

- . I



j 1

0 "0
9 , »
'9-0H· T COlO'''' r<,,,,,
o' l '" "
o j o
"00 "
17/I·QH.Andr""a. 'A-die ..... 3-one
o'l -J

\ "

\ o' l '"


7 -
Fig. 13-17. Co,,, .....,., of 8nd,o.ttnedione and
1••toolet¢ne 10 Propose<! int"'m«Ii8tes in
pothwa y. are shown in 1ig/1t ...



o ,,
(DHT )


, I'"
,, 00"/

3/l,!;<,·ANDAOSTAN E0 tOl "
3<. ,S<. ·"N DROST "'HE DIOL
«i<.- Andro"a".,·3,17/I·cIioI) (5wAndrOSla"".J", ,7/I-<fuI)

Fig. 13· 18. Me1.boIie 00<1 . .... ..", o' ,,,.te.,..,,,,,, to Sa·

Fo ilitro pin ( FSH ) Regulation 01 Sertoll Cell to conclude that thcir earliest functions (M DI secre·
Functions tion and some estrogen biosynthesis) do not require
stimulation by that regulator, FSH docs induce am-
Follitropin (follicle stimulating hormone. FSH) is an matase enzymes. and it increases 5a·reductase and
adcoohypophysial hormone that derives ils name dehydrogenase activities.
from functions performed in the female. Its g1yco- Within the testis. only the Sertoli cells respond to
prolein com(XlSition and physicochemical and bio- FSH . The sensitivities and reactivities change with
logical properties are described in Chapters 14 and age. and they are: modified by other regulators, Be·
15, havior of the cells in culture: s uggests that either
FSH can first be dcte<:lcd within the pituitary there: are subpopulations that differ from each other
gland of the human fetus around day 70. and se<:re· in functions. or else cells undergo asynchronous
lion into the bloodstream becomes evident by day 90 changes in responsivity (39).
(41), Since Sertol; cdls begin to rorm fOCCplors FSH st imulates growth. proliferation. and malu·
toward the end of the third m(lnth. it is reasonable ration during the prepubertal period. The cells don·

.l.· ·ANDR05TENE-3, \ 7-01ONE

3<, 'Hydro xyS'.foi<!
(3<,.Kel <>tteroicl
, .? ,educt •


s,,·R!)duClase l "o

• •

o •



"eroid "0

• · •

5"."" DROSTANE -3.,. 1711.0101.
Fig. 13-19. Oegr.<Io.'ion 01 Aooroven> to .""'''S'tiotlfl,

gale. and they establish light junctions that form a Because of the diflicuhies involved in studying
"blood-testis barrier". [n Ihis way. a compartment large mammals , much nf ()ur knowledge derives
thaI docs not communicate with Ihe bulk interstitial from laborat()ry rodcnts, A 15.700 M, peptide
nuid is crealed. 1\ provides a highly specialized en- (SGF) believed to act "ia paracrine or autocrine
.. ironment thaI supports gamete development (42), mechanisms to regulate mitosis. and \0 be FSH_in_
and it pmt«:ls lhe haplQid gametes against attacks dependent, has becn obtained from the cells
by the immune system (152). (Spermatozoa ha,'c of juvenile mice (A_I). Rats are widely used. since
unique surface CQmponents that may be needed for they are born after a gestation period of only three
fertilization {5SA]. The cells are antigenic when in- weeks, S<:veral aspects of their reproducti" system
jected ;n\o Ih. bloodstream.) maturation that go on during the forst postnatal days
'"are oomparable 10 processes in human fe- time. mice synthesil.<l less SGF. a mitogenic peptide
tuses. Development during the ensuing weeks pro- implicaled in germinal cell proliferation (45).
vides insights into roles of FSH during the prepu-
bertal period,
In these rodents. FSH stimulation of testicular FSH Stimulation of ESlrogen Biosynthesis
growth is most obvious during Ihe sc<:ond postnatal
week. DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis are mark- Exogenous FSH markedly increases estrogen pro-
duction in 5-1 ().day-<>Id rats. Thc cffecu fall off rap-
edly augmented at first. Sert()ii coli, proliferate rap-
idly by day 18 (In), and they are no longer delect·
idly for a time. comple!e thi, phase SOme tim.
able by da)' 30 (39) (after spermatogenesis has
octween day 15 (103) and day 20 (137) of postnatal
begun bu t the accessory reproductive structu res are
life. Once maturity is auained. they no longer divide
still infantile). Observations con,istent with the con-
under normal conditions.
Hemic,mralion performed during the first few cept that FSH ind uces aromalase include
days after birth does not choge the time schedule. the long latent period that elapses beforc
However. the remaining tcsticle undergoes "wm- synthesis increases. and the inhibition of
stimula tion by actinomycin D or puromycin (39). In
pcnsalory hypertrophy" that is a$OCiated wilh in-
addition to functions cited earlier, estrogens may fa.
creases in <;ell nurnbors. FSH secrelion is also aug-
cilitate FSH induction of FSH receptors.
mented . If the surgery is delayed tothe 20th day. the
Although such responscs to the pituitary hormone
cell' can no longer engage in mitosis. and the co m-
pensatory growth docs not oc<:ur (103) despite the stimula tion are lost in adults. some e,trogen biosyn·
elevated plasma FSH levels, thesis continucs, probably on a constitutive basis,
FSH aetivatcs Serloli cell adenylate eyelase, and There are controversies concerning whether Se rtoli
cells release sufficient quantities into the blood-
it promotes the formation of at least seven different
Stream to contribute to negative feedback control of
proteins (37). It stimulate< secretion of some of the
prod ucts and inc reasc< the phosphorylation of sev- gonadotropin secret ion .
eral protcins (at least OIle of which is implicated in
the morphological specializations). Most carly re-
Androge n alndlng Proteins
sponses to Fsn decline with age. and maximal 105-'
of sc:nsitivity coincides with the appearance of the Undcr the inlluence of FSH (and of other regulators
tight junctions a nd the in itiation of meiosis (104). cited la ter). Senoli cells synthesize a cytoplasmic
The changes Jre permanent in intact animals, but protcin that Can be distinguished from the androgen
hypophysectomy performed during the 4th postnatal receptor by ilS molecu lar weight of 85,000-90,000
week partially restores the sc:nsitivity to exogenou, (60), its c1e<:trophoretic mobility, and other proper·
FSH. ties. It is similar to but also distinguishable from the
Thc numbers of FS!-I receptors increase progres- testosterone..,strogen binding globul in (TeBG .
sively from birth to day 15 (during the phase of SSBG) found in the blood plasma of humans and
rapid Scrtoli cell proliferation ). Re<:cptor numbers some other species (but not rats) (113). Rat andro-
then decline to adult levels and remain gen binding prote in (ABP) seems to be a
thereafter. According to some authors, the a )location helerod imer.
per cell docs not change after day 20 (132), but oth- ABP accumulates within SOme of the Senoli cells.
ers describe the emergence of a new popu lation of The protein is secreted in substantial amounts into
surface components and some secondary inerea"es in testicular nuid. in whic h it travels to the epididymis
receptor numbers up 10 day 60 (80) (when the ani· (129). Small amounts also enter the blood plasma.
mals assume adult reproductive functions). FSH is Functions attributed to ASP includc concentration
known to play an important role in induction of its of testosterone and DHT within mature Sertoli cells.
own rece ptors in the ovary (127 ), and it may per_ transport of androgens from the lestis to the epidid-
form comparable functions in the maturing testis of ym is. and facilitation of androgen and con·
the juvenile. centration by the capUI e pididymis (191 ). Since il
The dec reased binding of FSH to &noH cell s of binds to epididymal 'permat02oa, it may also play
older animals may depend on both synthesis of a role.. in gamete mat uration ,
substance tha t inhibits hormone-receptor association When presented in vitro to young Se rtoli cells.
and increao;ed production of en7ymes that promote FS H stimulates dosc-dcpcndenl buildup of AB P. In
FSII degradation (124). Desensitization involves intact rats. formation of the prolein begins around
1= of phosphodiestcrases , A cAMP-<lependent pro- day 15 after birth, Androgen binding probably com·
tein kinase inhibitor also made (37). At the same mences immediately aFterward. since Ihe sc:minifer·
ous tubules grow and develop lumina during days trations do not affccI LH secretion. but some inves-
16-11. The protein concentration falls to undctect- tigators state that Ihe effecl.'i arc not thaI specific.
able levels in thc testes of animals that are hypoph_ The regulator may be more important in immature
ysectomized, but it ean be restored with exogenous tha n in adult animals. since the peptide evidently has
FSH. a longer half-life and binds with higher affinity to
T cstosterone evidently contributes to main/mana pituitary gonadotropcs of Ihe young (177). On the
of established ABP biosynthesis, and it stabilizes the OIher hand. larger amounts arc produced hy older
androgen·binding sites of the molecules (l02) . Al- animals. and Sertoli cell defects in adults a re asso-
though the steroid alone is elfective when it is given ciated with augmented FSH (but nOi LI-I) levels
to recently hypophysectomized rats. it cannot il1;ll- (150).
ale ASP production or promote its .<f"crelion into the Tlte pineal gland mediates many effects of cnvi·
lesticular Auids of FSH-deprived animals. Both ronmental lighting and other external signal. on the
DHT and 5a-androstanediol mimic testOSterone ae- reproductive system, and it suppres.... s gonadal fune·
tions (137). (FSH also to be needed to pro- tions during certain times of the year in seasonal
mote the secretion of SOme olher proleins whose syn- broeder:; (lg6). h. too. contains high·affinity recep-
thesis can be accomplished with cAMP and its tor:; or inhibin (177).
analogs as well as with FSH (36].) Although FSH may be the major stimulant for in-
hibin production. testosteronc probably makes an
Th)',oid stimutating IIorrnon< can promote the biosyn-
the, i, of flOP. but it. mode of .etion diffe ... from th.t of important contribution. The "'inhibin hypothcsis" for
FSIi (12) . However. purified preparation. of LH .nd of FSH regulation is not universally accepted. 11 has
OIhtr pituitary re8ul.10", Stem to be in<ffcclive. Peritu· been pointed Out that testOSter01te can. under lile
bul.. (myoid) componen\$of the testi, cnho""c ABP ac- right circumstances. inhibit FSH secrelion (34) and
cumulati.", via mcchanisms differenl from lho« «crted tllat testostcronc:estrogen rntios Can be important
by thc other hormonel (71). dClermioams of tile relative amOUntS of FSH and
LH Found in Ihe blood plasma (159).
Other Effects of FSH ( 104 )
Plasma FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels
risc after castration. Exogenous androgens or estro- Some effccts of the gonadotropin pcrsi't into adult·
gens usually lowcr the LH but have little errect on hood. The hormone continues to stimulate Ihc pr(l-
the FSH. Tltese and OIher considerations led \0 for- duetion and secretion of ABP. plasmiTlOgcn activa·
mulation of the concept that the testi! produces i".. tor. transferrin. !Omatomcdin. and twO Sertoli cell·
hibin. a hormone Ihat suppresse, FSH sccretion. specific intracellular proteins with molecular weights
Peptides with such biological activity have been of around 25.000 It also promotes gcncralit.ed
found. The ones recovered from Sertoli cell cultures inc reases in protein and RNA synthesis.
are al!O known as Smoll cell jacror (SCF). and In addition, FSH regulales tile mo"cmcnts of cal-
those from sem inal plasma a! un/inal plasma inhi_ cium ions. and it affects calmodulin-related pro-
bin The term jolliruhmatin has been applied to a cc$scs. microtubule polymer;7.3tion. microfilamcnt
related regulator made in ovaries. functions. and the establishment of tight junctions.
At least one form of the hormone is a water·sol- It evidently acts indirectly to increase the numbers
uble heat-Iahile, 19.000 dalton peptide that inhibits of inlc ... titial cell L H recepto ... (74). since testicular
FSH symhesis as well as release (117). However. fSH receptors arc confined to Ihe Sertoli cells.
molecular weights ranging from 5.000 to over
100,000 have been reponed by other investigato ...
Mec hanism 0 1 Action Of FSH ( 13, 169 )
(135). Some of the larger entities may be hormones
bound to other proleins. It has al!O been suggested FSH combines with plasma membrane-associated
that the testis makes a lipid inhihin (165). Bioassays r.ceptors and it elicits prompt. dose-related elevation
arc dimcult to perform because gonadal extracts of the cellular cAMP. The nucleotide stems to se,,'e
contain an LRH·like peptide (75) and substances as 3 mediator of many of the action. of the pituitary
that nonspccifocally inhibit the pituitary gonado- hormone. including induction of specifIC Scrtoli cell
tropcs. Some recent progress wi th radioimmunoas- protein •. However. morphological responsc' to FSH
says may soon resolve queslions regarding tile struc· arc more transient than one, \0 cAMP. ils analogs,
ture and function5. or combinations of FSI! with phosphodieslerase io·
Inhibin acl.'i on piluitary glands both in vivo and ibitor:; (36). Moreover, although the nUclcotide pro-
in vitro. and possibly also on the hypothalamus (35. motes protein synthesis. only the hormone has been
90). Several hour:; are required to achieve shown 10 invoke protein secretion (39).
errccts (151) . It has been claimed that low conccn· FSH is the only hormone kno ..·o to aClivate SeT'
wi; <;:ell cAMP-dcpcndent protein kinasc,s. Its ability ment of fairly constant adult rates of hormone
\0 increase the RNA polymerase activity (85) may production.
be rdated 10 elevation of intracellular cAMP. How- According to SOme observe",. the felal and fICC)-
ever. direct links between protein kinase activation. natal interstitial cells die off. to be rcplac<:d after pu ·
phosphorylations of specific cell camponenlS, and Ihc berly onset by whole new populations, Othe", belicve
apJI"3rJnce of FSH-spccif,c proteins have 001 yet that fctal cells survive. go through a prolonged pe-
been satisfactorily established( 102). riod of quiescence, and are then reactivated (134).
The age.associaled decline in ",,"sitiv;ty to FSI-! is
In human fetalte<te •. most of Ihe androgen i. formed
acoompllnied by diminished rates of cAMP ae<:um- from J,-' intermc,)i,t.s_ Prognenoton. is hydroxylated to
131ion. Changes in re""plOr-<:yclasc coupling could t7".oH'pregncoolone. and the laller i. sMrtened to de·
partially aCcoum for lhe cffe<ots. but lhc catalytic hp:l roepia ndro:<tcronc (OHEA. OHA). Allhough 3p·hy·
properie. of Ihc enzyme may also be lessened (103). dro. y.leroid dchyrogena", accept' .. veral .ubstra tes
An as }'Cl uncharactcrir.<:d "unooup]ing faclor" has (fig. 13· (6). much of 'he PHA i. rcduocd to ",'.. ndroo-
been found in preparations of adult Serlo]; cells Icn.-<Iiol. which <cr...... he prOOUr$Or of t.. t",terone.
(104). Ther. arc indications that all of the intermediate< can
More rapid cA M P degrGdation may be even more k ••• the eclt., Some ,.tf. te> of pr<:gi\enolonc. it. t7<>-
important. Although infantile and adult Serlol; cells 011 derival;.e .• nd of OIlA arc a lso f"'mcd. and adult
cantain simila r lotal quantilies of cyclic nucleotide 'e, te, ar. Known to release ,.bstanlial .mount, of PHA·
.utfate_ Dog. and $Om<: Other mammab ma ke their .n·
phosphodiesterases (PDE). part of thc of
droge n, in" 'imilar manner, lIy contrast. raU arc repre·
immature (FSH,scnsitive) cdls is present as a cal·
sentat ive of groups .ha' "prefer" .he ",' path,,·.y .• t leas!
cium-dependcnt isozyme , FSH affccts calcium ion ., adult •. Such an imals con.crl pregn<no\one to proge,·
distribution and and it can lo"'<:r the activity terone. "nd they tht" use the product to,_" ,...
of that iso7.ymc. tosteroll< via 17.-.-0H-progcSl.rone and J,'.. n<lrQOtene.
dion. (t65)_
Pro leln Klnes e InhIb itor ( 169 )
Gon adotropin Contro l 0 1 Androg en
Blo"y nUn,,, I,,
l uteinizing hormone (lH) is the major regubtor of
when the cells arc exposed to testosterone biO<iynlbesis in the adult tcstis, Its ac-
cAMP analogs or agents such as isoproterenol that tions resemble tbose decribcd for ACnl control of
increase cAMP gencratioo. In older SertoH eells. glucocorticoid production by Ihe 7.0113 fasciculata
FSH alone fails to induce the PKI. butlhe combi· cell. of the adrenal cortex (Chapter 7). Although
nation of FSH plus a phosphodiesterase inhibitor is both piluitary hormones affect other enzymes. they
effective. Neither lestoslerone nor thc pituitary hor. most obviously accelerate sleroid .ynthesi. by en·
mo""s other than FSI-! lhat have been tesled affect hancing the rale of conversion of chole.terol to
formation of the prolein. Presumably. only cAMp· pregnenolone.
dependent functions are antagonized by thc PKI. Several kinds of observations support the concc:pt
that very young interstitial cells begin to f unclion be·
fore they are presented wilh substantial amounts of
Interstitial Cell Ho rm o nes
lH. and that they later respond to a gonadotropin
I nterstilial (Leydig) cells differentiatc from the mes- of placental origin (165). Evidently.lH does not as·
enchyme of the indiffcT<:Ol gonad (180). They rap- sume importance untillale in fetal life.
idly acquire 3/l·hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. and When testosterone biosynthesis is forst
they make detectable 3mot1nts of testO<iterone (Fig. (around eight weeks postconception), the cclls utilize
13· 16) by the end of the 81h wee k after conception preg""nolone und progesterone supplied by Ihe pia·
(192), Steroid hormone production then accelerates centa and maternal S)'Slem_ They arc unable 10
for a time and it peaks around week I 5 (168). The cleave the cholesterol side chain. They soon acquire
secretory rate declines thereafter. but SOme testos· gonadotropin recepto"" and the rapidly accelera ting
terone is made throughoul the second and third rate of androgen biO<iynthesis during weeks 10 to 16
tr;mesters; and neonatal blood plasma contains mod· is associated with testicular accumulation of proges-
erate amounts of the steroi d. A few perinatal tero"", Similar changes occur in anencephalic fe·
"bursts" of aClivity are followed by prolonged juve· IU>CS (which lack pituitary glands)_ A ""ed for UI
nile quiescence. finally. testOSlerone levels rise of pituitary origin bas been demonstrated for only
shonly before tho onset ofpubeny and the establish. some of Ihe mammals.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a gly- the superior and inferior portions. respe<:liveiy. of lhe
coprotein thaI shares many propertics "'ith LH. in_ Wolffian dUCI, TestOSlerone promotes lhe pubertal
cluding abilily 10 interacI wilh tne same reccp- maturation .of lh<lSCorgan,. and it;s needed to mnin-
10rs, It is secreled by the preimplantation lain adult structure and The mature- epi-
trophoblasl. and levels of the "'gulalor build up dur- didymis convens substantial amounts of teslosterone
ing lhe lime whcn Ihe chorion form, and Ihe inter_ 10 DHT and 10 By compariwn with
slilial cells acquire lhc abilily 10 cleave choiesleroL other reproductive s)'Stem slructures, the epididymis
In common wilh Ihe piluilary hormone. hCG pro- requires high .Ieroid concentralions
males lhe conversion of eooleslerollo p"'grICnolone (60). Accumulation of lhe androgen i. facilitated by
and il also augmenls 3j1-h)'droAy5teroid dehydroge_ andrOllen binding protein lhat is supplied by the Ser-
nase aClivity (132). toli cell,

Hiih concentrations of heG (and of UI) promot. the

g... ration of cAM P. and. role fOf the nucleotide in thc Virilizatio n of the Extern al Genitalia
"iulation of androgen production i. sugge. ted by obser- By contrasl wilh the Wolffian duct cells. those of lhe
vatOn$\Ml exogenous nucleotides .nd pho;pbodiesterase urogenital sinus and related strUClures oontain sub-
inhibitors mimic some of th. act ions. However. rcl.tion-
, hipS belwccn lhe gl),coprOtein. and cAMP arc not as stantial amounls of 5«-reduclasc. and the develop-
Slr. ightfor,,"'ard as 11>= d.",ribed for FSH ment is dependent on DHT. Very high levels of lhe
Gonadotropins evidently participate in lin,i/alion a. enzyme are also found in the prostate gland (which
,,"'ell as >t;mulation .of . teroid production . They is dcri,-ed from lhe urogenilal sinus).
induo< arom.l ... enz)'m.. in lhe inlerslilia l cell., and lhe Interestingly. androgens acting on lhe prostate
emogen th.t i. formed rna)' contribUle l<' locali,ed gland promole the formalion of proteins specific for
inhibition, thaI organ. whcrea. androgen .timuation of the ""m_
Some addit;.onal po$itiv. and nega,ive controls are ex_ inal vesieles involves more generali7ed increases in
ertod indrtclly. a. FSH act. 00 lhe Serloli cell. , The". RNA and protein synthesis (68). There arc indica-
fClic.ll)·_.,le'''. FSH can enh.nce androgen prodUClion
tion. that DHT is of major importance for the pro-
in 1"'.0 "'ayo: (a) it does not combine with reo
on interstiti.1 cdl •. FSH in some .... y lilat..
motion of cell growth and secretoT)' funclions.
lhe formation of lH and (b) by promOling Ser- different teS1OSterone melabolitcs (andros-
loli c<ll uptalc and utili'-,,-tion of andrQi:ens, FSII de_ tanediols) mediate cell proliferalion (95) ,
creases the conc.nn.,ion, of "eroid. "'ithin th. in·
t.rstitial cell microenvironment . It m.)' lhoref.ore Importance of Conversion of Te sto sterone
diminish steroid inhibition. ( inhibition of glu. to OHT ( 12,74, 119)
cocooicoid p,<><\uetion by glucocorticoid, w.' dcs.cibed in
Chaplor 7.) On the olher hand. Sertoli cell. m.y rcle.", Individuals with genetic defecls th"t permil le.tos-
enou&h estrogen '0 dimini, h inlerslitial cell ,esponsive_ ,erOOe to be produced bUl impair lhc conversion of
ness to heG and lit (lit t. the steroid 10 OHT undergo normal Wolman duct
developmen\ while failing to acoomplish masculini-
Role of Testostero ne in Mascu linltaUon of 7.3tion of the cxcrnal genilalia, XY infants with sc-
vere forms of the d isorder arc born wilh female-type
the Wolfflan Du cts
genitalia . whereas those with limited ability to make
Some aspect. of testosterone action are considered DHT usualiy have ex'ernal organs described as
here. and others are presented in Chapter 14. "ambiguous", DefeclSimpairing the abilil)' to uliliu
The U"U. of thc Wolffian duelS possess leSloster- DHT elicit similar symploms.
one receplors, The sieroid is believed to act upon To explain findings. il was at one time sug-
them in a manncr regarded as "Iypical" for hor- gesled lhat the urogenital struclures contain
mones .of Ihis kind, Traditionally. this means for- DHT receplors that differ qualitatively from lhe /e5-
mation of a cytosolie complex, IOS/frone receplors of tne Wolffian ducts. Certain
processing of thaI oomplex. and transport of Ihe observations made on mature tissues seem to provide
prodUCI 10 the nucleus for auachment 10 acceptor support for the ooneept. Kidney and ,kcletal muscle
This is followed by effects on RNA transcrip- cells do not oontain measurahle amOunt. of Ihe 5«-
tion thaI \cad 10 the biosynthesis .of proteins nceded reductase. and they are highly responsive to teSIOS-
for growlh and differentialion of Ihe androgen-scn- lerone. In contrast . cells of the skin Ihat do possess
silive componenl' of the ducts, The U"lls do not oon- the enzyme can be stimulated with low concentra-
lain measurable amounl. of Ihe 5«-reduclasc en- tions .of DIIT (but not with equimoiar quantities of
zyme, and it is believed lhat teStOSterone aelS testOSlerone).
directly. I.e. with.out prior metabolic lransformalion, Closer scrUliny reveals the inadequacy of lhe hy-
The epididymis and seminal ve.icle develop from PJlhesis. The androsen receptors of lhe kidncy av-

idly bind DHT. and thc cells arc achieved in the larger experimental animals by ad·
\() DHT. Morrover. high concentrations ministering pharmacological doses of testosterone:
of testosterone inleraC! directly with the "DHT re· and children with androgcn-secreting tumors have
ceptors" Qf the and urogenital sinus-<lcrivcd been kllQwn to produce spermatozoa before the age
organs. of tbrec years.
A different kind of explanation for the DHT re· Not surprisingly. however, attempts to reproduce
quirement of the urogenital sinus into account the phellQmena in rats and related small mammals
Ihc anatomical localions of lhe androgen largel cells have been unsucceS$ful. S uch species produce their
and thc fact that steroid, arrive at their destinations first spermatozoa as early as 45 days postoonccption
via diffusion in Ihc embryo and young fetus. Since (122) (barely 3)0 weeks after the usual time of
the Wolman d uelS are close 10 Ihc leSles. they are weaning).
exposed to relatively high concentrations of le,IOS- Testosterone alone can maintain spe rmatogenesis
tcrone-evidently sufficient for stimulation. The in rats thai are subjected to hypophyseclomy after
more distantly located urogenital sinus probably re- attaining adulthood. provided Ireatment is instituted
ceives much lower concentrations. The ability to promptly after the surgery. However. FSH replace-
ronyen testosterone 10 the more potent DHT may ment is required if tbe testes are permitted to
therefore serve as an amplir.cation mechanism There arc indications that humans
(119). A concept of tbis kind does not rule Out co- to maintain fer(ility.
existence of factors that affe<:t ccll sensitivities. for leave the testis in an immature state.
example. (a) differences in tbe plasma membrane Or undergo further mslUratl<m in the cpidid-
the cytosolic receptor that determine the concentm· 14). Androgens are needed to maintain
tion of steroid required to elicit a response: or (b) structure and functions. They arc also
dilTerences in the cytosolic receptor or nuclear ac- sustaining thc activities of the seminal
ceptor site that affect the retemion tinle of Ihc ste- vesicles and other accessory reproductive organs.
roid complex within the nucleus (11).
The "testosterone-sensitive" cells may employ
Other Actions 01 Testosterone (94 )
supplementary st ••ilegies to obtain sulrLcient andnr
gen . Those that lack Ih. Sa-reductase take up SOme In addition to the already cited testis. accessory re-
of Ihe minute amountS of OHT present within blood productive structures. kidney. skin. skdetal muscles.
plasma. They Can also utilize androstanediols. since and pituitary gland. the targe t organs for tcst():$ter-
they pOSsess the enzymes nceded to eonven those one and its metabolites indudc the liver, the thymus
steroids to DHT. gland. the bones and bone marrow. and the brain.
Studies of androgen'responsivenes' arc compli. The steroid plays major roles in the regulation of LH
cated by the fact that testosterone promotes the bic- se<:retion. and in the emergence of secondary sex
synthesis of 5a·reductase in some of its target cdls. characteristies. its anabolic actions alTe<:t appetite
Therefore. if testosterone secretion proceeds at a and electrolyte balance as well as RNA and protein
suboptimal rate. OHT deficiency is exaggerated. synthesis. Some innuenccs on the brain are consid-
Testosterone also serves as the precursor of estrogens ered later in tbis chapter. and metabolic effects are
in some of its target ,,<,Ils. and in those it interacts treated in Chap. 14.
with estrogen receptors. Altbough the release of MO l probably precedes
the establiShment of steroidogenesis within tbe fetal
Testosterone Regulation of testis. there is some evidence for androgen synergism
SpermatogeneSiS, Spermio genesis, and with that regulator.
Sperm Maturation
Although some evidence for androgen binding has CONTROL OF REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
been presented (148). most authors state that ger- DEVELOPMENT IN FEMALE MAMMALS
minal cells do IIQI p<>S.,eS$ steroid hormone re<:eptors Many of the techniques used to define control sys-
(74). Testosterone and its metabolites arc essential tems in the male cannot be applied 10 the female. h
for spermatogenesis , but (hey exert their effects in· is not I'O'sible. for example. to study animals that
directly by acting On the Sertoli cells. The)" synergi"lC lac k an X chromosome (since at least one is essential
with FSH to promote both structural malUration for SUfi/ivai). There is also no way toeliminate estnr
and the maimenance of adC<juate level s of androgen gens from an;mal systems. since large amounts of
binding protei"". lhe steroid arC produced by the placenta. Moreover.
Prccociou, Onset of spermatogeno,i. can be there are strong indications that estrogens are abso-
lutely by b<)lh XY and XX glands and other putative regulatory organs ha vc as-
Amibodics directed against the hormone can impair sumed their functions, The germi nal cell popu lation
implamation. fetal devciopment . and parturition in beoomes stabilized soon after the Sertoli cclls begin
at least species (96). It has been pointed out . to encirde the spermatogonia. Only later docs the
in this connection. that many kinds of congenital de- show signs of coming under the influence of
fccts diminish or bl<x:k the ability to secrete or utilizc gonadotropins. In oontrast. presumpti"e ovaries re-
androgens. whereas no neonate., lacking the ma- tain their "indiffer<:nt" appea rance until after the
chioc!)' for cstrogen biosynthesis or uSC have ever end of the 8th They then undergo a protracted
been found (192). period of development that rcquir<:s many month •.
The testis is reoognized as a source of at leaS! two The observations imply (but do not prove) that ovar-
important of sex differentiation (M DI ian differem iation;s dependem on influences exerted
and testosterone). and castration imposes clearly de· by blood·borne chemical regulators that are pro-
fined, reproducible consequences. Factors of duccd elsewhere within the organism.
Ihc ovary may be of major importance for oontro] of The germinal cell population of the ovary under·
female development. goes changes throughout gestation and the juvenile
Much of the information on female systems is ob- period thaI follows. At first. there is an eXlended
ta ined indirectly , Accordingly. the literature on hu- time during which cell proliferalion lead, to the ac·
moral regulation of reproductive sys tem dcvelop- cumulation of vcry large numbers of oogonia and of
ment oonl3ins a relativciy high "speeulation: faet primary <x>cytcs , The maximum numbers are al'
ratio." tained around the end of the 6th prenatal month. Be-
fore the period of rapid proliferation is oomplcted.
mechanisms for red uction of germinal cd l numbers
Is There an Ovarian Inducer Comparable to
become operative. Oogonia that are I>Ot intimately
the H·Y Antigen ?
associated with epithelial cells are cxt!1lded from the
As has been discussed. it is widciy believed that the ovarian surface. and primary <x>cytes endosed in pri-
"indifferent" gonads of eutherian mammals have an mordial follicles succumb during follicular atresia ,
"inherent tendency" to develop into ovar ies. ucept The factors controlling atrcsia are only pmtially un·
when the H·Y antigen dirccts otherwise. The IlOtion derstood. There are indications that gonadotropins
is supported by observations made on explants grown promote advanccment of primordial follicles to the
in cuhure. and in studies employing either a ntibodies primary follicle slage. and that the more mature
directed agai nst the H-Y or pl'QCedures devised for oomponents are preferentially destl'Q)'ed.
"stripping" H·Y from cell surfaces (119). Ooqte loss and follicular alresia continue post·
A problem wi th the ooncept is that it fails to ex· natally. albeit at a slol'o'er rate. There are (, million
plain why the gonadal precursor develops into an germinal cells at the cnd of the second trimester. but
ovary (rather than into an adrena l gland. splcen. Or only around I million around the time of birth. A
some other ki nd of internal organ). Obviously. some further reduction to something like 400.000 is ac·
form of i""truction is r<:quircd. complished during the juvenile period. Studies made
One suggestion h3:i been that XX embryos pro- after therapeutic gonadc.:tomy and at autopsy indio
duce an organi,-er lhal combines with lhe "H·Y re- cate that most women ha ve lost all of their germinal
ceptors" on the surfaces of the cells of the pre,ump- cells bofore the end of the fifth decade .
tive ova ry. No such inducer has been identified , A Atresia appears to be a phy,io/ogiml pl'QCess that
second thought is that. si nce only gonadal cell, of is eJun/ial for IlOrmal ovarian dc,'Clopmcnt and
both sexes ar<: equipped with the appropriate recep- function. At least some conditions that retard the
tors. it is the rc.:eptor itself that provides ecilloss arc associated with delayed onset of ovarian
the needed information . The idea rece ive.' some sup- dysgenesi s (89) .
port from ot>scrvations that ovarian extracts oontain There has bocn much specula tion about what is
somcthing that impairs lhe specific binding of the J.!. accomplishd by atrcsia: (a) it may provide a mech.
Y an1igen (162). On the other hand. the differences anism for elimination of germ cells wi th air
in time COUrses for d"'elopmem of ovaries as com· normal Chromosomal ma keu ps. Or of ones that have
pared with testcs raise the possibility that very dif· begun to deteriorate: (b) since more germinal than
ferent kinds of oontro! mechan isms arc inV<llvcd, fOllicular cells are lost. it may cstablish a favorable
The embryonic testis assumcs recogni13ble form ("til ratio; (c) follic ular cells take
very soon after the emergence of the genital ridge up androgens produccd by the stromal cells. and
and the accumulat ion within it of the migra ting gon· they oonvert the steroids to cstrogens. In the adult.
ocytes. The f,rst stages of differentiation become ev· the Follicular cells bring about regularly recurring
ident before format ion of the circulatory system is cyclic changes in blood "'tradiol concentrations.
completed. and prior to the time when Ihe pituilary Some follicular atresia may be needed to achieve an
optimal hormonal (d) the quantities of go- vide protection 'gai nst Ih. mounting of all.d. on
nadotropins available 10 lhe adult follicle. arc lim- h•• llhy li"u •• ,
iled. Loss of some ovarian cells may iocr.ase the S.x diffe,ences in immune funclions havc becn de-
chances that Ihe survivors receive odequarr pituitary scribed . Fem.les have higher incidence. of .utoimmune
hart/writ slimulation: (0) it is important for ovaries and the r.. ulting dam.,. can be more seVerC.
C.stration e.acerbates the problem. in when il i,
\0 release numbers of fertilizable cell, thaI arc ap-
performed prepubertally. Testo".",,,,, administration i.
propriate for Ihe species during each 9'de. Atresia ,uppressi•• (I (5),
may reduce the incidences of supernumerary ooncep- The rejeclion by fem.1e rodents of highl)' inbred
lions. (The human ute,u, d"", 001 easily accommo- stra ins of .kin grafts from male (but OOt female) mem·
date more than onc fClus at a lime. and ",ually only ber< of the "me e.idently invol ... lhymocytes that
one germinal cell allain, maturity each month): and are activat.d in the prescnce of It-Y .ntig.n. The obser·
(I) programmed reduction of follicle and oocyte vations bear some rclati(>nshi", to phy'iologic.1
numbers can tessen and eventually eliminate the pro<:.sse> in fem.I., related 10 the rr=nce of H-Y
likelihood thaI females who have grown too old \0 receptor< ,
provide adequale prenatal and postnatal care will RooenlS .ubjee led to thymectom}' during the first few
postna tal da)'. later develop ovarian dy'genesi. (117)
become pregnant.
Ihat is associated wilh lymphOCYlic i"fil"'lion of the pi-
A quite different thought is that atl"<'sia is an tuitary and thyroid il.nd. (63). m• .,i.e Iymphocytie aC·
obligatory, but II<)t ne","s.'larily desirable COIl""quencc cumulation. in.ide and around the ovarian follicle •. and
of the influences uerted by the intraovarian andro- the pre.ence of autoantibodies again" oocyte. (I (6). The
gens , T he 'teroids Serve other functions (e.g. they findings are con.istenl with some impairmenl of the func·
arc substrate, for estrogen biosynthesis). tion. of ",uppr.,sor"·type T cells,
Since atresia f'TSt becomes apparent afler most
other organs have undergone differentiation. it may
be controlled by humoral factors that 31"<' synthe-
sized outside the gonad5. In addition to ovarian dygene,is. animals th.t are Ih)'.
mectomized n""""tally (and tbose suffering genetic de-
f«" thaI blo<' "«lui.ilion of a Ihymu, gland) have mor·
Possltlle tnvolve ment of t ne Tnymus Gtana phologically demon..... ble pituiEa,y gland .bnormali·
In Ovarian Development tioo(I7 ). The ",matOln)pe$ are the cell' moot obviously
Several different reaSOnS for suspecting that the thy_ .ffected. and growth hormone secretion is suboormal.
Thc pituitary hormone is implicated a, a I"<',ul.tew of
mus gland plays important roles in ovarian differ_
oo.rian development and function (106). 11 also stimu·
entiation and maturation arc cited. late. thymus gland and som3tic growth. Although they
The gtand begins to diffel"<'nt iate bef.,.. the are re<ponsivc to o.og.oou. G H (160). athymic .nim3ls
pre,umptive gonad, show .ign, of organi zina into testes suffer growth retardation. Since hypophysectomy olows
Or o... i... It $lIOn become. colonized with lymphocytes. fet.1 growth in """"ey< (58) ao well as in rodents (167).
Ind it then provid.. a micl'OCn-ironment sui tattle few pr<). somatotropin deficiency is implicated. On Ihe OIher hand.
liferat ion of those cell, .nd for their maturation into thy- of animal. io more .asily ac-
mocytcl (T cell.). I.. crueill role, in the establi,hment of «ieratcd with a-MSH.
cellular immunity involve both the of thymocytCS
a nd the rei .... of humoral ractOl'5 into the dr<ulation.
The concept that the thymus i. especially during
an .arly. "eritieal" phase of d.velopm.nt .. ise, from ob- Both th. pituitary gland and the blood concentration. of
servltion, that rats and mice . ubjected to th)'mcclOmy gonadotropins are lowered by neonatallhymCCtomy in r0-
during tbe firs, postnatal ...... ,uffer permanent dents. and tbe concentrationo can be restored by implant·
of Ihe immune .yst.m. wherea, those permincd to retain ing Ihymu, glands from OIhcr animals (136). The dcoel· ,land. for an additional ",cek display only mioor opm.nt of ovarian dy".n .. is has been allributed to
imp.irment. Thero arc indication, that a comparable pi,uilary ho,mon. ill$uff,cieney (89). On. possible COn·
crilkal pha .. octurs durin, the last trim .. t., <>f lCstation '"'IUene. of the<l gonadotropin levels may be Ihe
in humans and in many other large mammals , failure of foil ides to attain full maturation and to ovulate.
The immune .yst.m is involved. among oth.r thing •. in Th;. could lower the .S1rogen:androgcn ralios within the
the recognition and destruction of thaI -do not be- 0.. " (I 16) and al'" a<:<:O\lnt for Ih. f.ilu,. to form cor-
long" (e.g. foreign One. introduced artificially. ,h<>«: of pora lut •• Ind 10 achicve _mal level, of pla'm.
inf.cting mic,oor... nisnu. eel" thaI have bt<:Qme tran,· prog.sterone and of I (63). (A.
formed by vir ..... a nd tum"" cells wilh abnormal mah· discussed in Chap. 16. prog«togcn. seem to be regulator<
ups). 11 also promot.. acceptance (toleranc.) of normal of Ih. immune 'y<tom.)
body compo""nl$. and il "built·in" control. that pro- Som. effects of Ihyme<:tomy may be indirect, ,,-MSII
• rreclS l""ad<>lropin ",crelion ( In). II inleracI' wilh Ihe As noted . Senoli cells also proieci germinal cells .
pineal gland 10 affCCI ,ep,oou,'i.. sy.. em funcli"", Howe,'er, Ihe male gamele precursors do not pro-
(181) •• nd il is al"" beH.,·ed 10 inieraci in ",veral wa)·s gress beyond Ihc spermalogonia slage in feluses Or
wilh Ihe Ihymus lland . Thymus·pine.1 i", .. relalionship; juveniles.
h..e been described by se....l in"e'ligalo". A peptide of low molecular weight (oocyle matu-
ration inhibilor. OMI) has been idenlified in Ihe
THYMUS INTERACTIONS WITH GONADAL nuid of small follicles of the pig (173). and a sub-
STEROIDS stance of this kind may be produced by fetal cells.
Oocyles thai are removed artificially from Iheir fol·
The Ihymus acquires 'pecific. hikh .... mnily reccplors for licles are said to undergo ··sponlaneous·· resumption
bolh and,ogen, and e'trogen. at an , of de.d·
opmen, and it relains them Ihroughout life. The glands of meiOllis, and the proee.. can be blocked wilh cx-
of females contain larger numbers of ,ee<:pt"" than those lracts containing the OMI. A probtcm "'ith inler-
of m.le$. Orchiectomy augments the numberS (112). preling tnis finding is that Ihc procedures requirW
Pharmacological cone<:nlralions of either androgens or 10 remove Ihe oocyles may also <timulate cell
e'trogens invoke ra pid reduclion in lbe , i>c. we ighl. and division.
cell c<>IInlS of Ihymu, gland •. There is u.uaily prompI re.· In aduli ovaries. follicular cells providc nutrients.
lor.,i"" of Ihc initi.1 coodilion follo,"ing .. ilhd,.",. 1 of protection. regulators. and a microenvironmenl th'lI
Ih. "c""d •. Phy.iological afll()um. lower thymus gland suppons oocyte maluralion. Follicular Auids also fa·
•• eightS in .uuatl)' malure adullS. {The gland, of ea,· cililate IranSporl of Ihe secondary oocyte 10 Ihe fal·
trales enlarge .) Th)'mu>C$ a l"" eootain estrogen.indueible lopian lubes afler ovulalion has occurred.
progeSlcrone rc<:eplOl'l' (A·)),
When female ra" arc injecled wilh androgens during
Ihe firSt day or tw<> afler birth. Ihey fail to 1.lcr establish STEROID HORMONE METABOLISM
normal ovarian cycles. II ha$ been repOned Ihallhe)" can
bc protecled against the consequences of androgeni'"tion In common wilh the Sorloli cells. follicular onos ac·
wilh ,u.pen.ion. of thymocyte. (81 J. quire aroma/au Ihal promole conversion of
Prolactin and th)'roid hormone. exert influence. on go- androgens 10 estrogens. a needed 10
nadal " c,,"d hormone formatioo and functions, They transform teSloslerone to DHT, dehy-
al"" ael on the thymus gland. but Ihe secondary C<>nSO- rogenases that calalyze Ihe fOrmalion of androsla·
quencos have not been investigated. It is not known
whether Ihe Ihymu. innervation (24) i. relaled 10 nediols and androslerone from andrOgen precursors.
influences .'."ed on e;ther the Or gonadutropin and a /lJj-hyd'oxySltrOid (I 7-keto-
.e.relion. steroid reduelase) thai is necdC<i for lile inlerconver-
sion of lesl<lerone and androstenedione (see Figs. 13.
16. 17-19).
Follicular Cell Functions Ho",'evcr_ as tne follicles malure, Ihey also ma ke
Follicular cells differenliale from analo- substanlial amounts of cnolesterol side-chain eleav.
gous to the OneS Ihat give rise 10 the Serloli cells. age enzymes and some 3p..hydroxysleroid dehydro-
Some of Ihe functions arc similar. genase, Therefore. Ihey can synlhesize pregnenolone
and oonveri some of il 10 progesterone. However.
they conlinue 10 depend on the surrounding slroma
INFLUENCES EXERTED ON GERMINAL CELLS to supply Ihe teSlOliterone prec ursor of eslrad iol,
Gonocytes migrate to the genita l ridges, proliferate
rapidly, and (hen mature into oogonia. The latter
also proliferate for a time. but they soon advane<: to
the primary oocy te slage and enter inlo Ihe propbase Foilicular cells acqui re FSH. lestOSlerollC, and eslro-
of moiosis I. Follicular cens surround many of the gen receptors. FSH promoles growth, proliferalion,
oocylcs and Ihereby form Ihe primordial follicles. and maluralion of Ihe follicular cells. and il aug·
This has twO consequences: (a) The germinal celts ments the conversion of androgen< 10 eSlrogcns , As
are protecled (relalively large numbers of free 00- in Ihe leslis. the aClions are aswcialcd wilh genera·
gonia and oocyte> are extruded from the ovarian sur· tion of cAMP, and Ihe responses decline with age
fae<:s. but only small numbers of germinal cells en- (142).
closed in follicles are losl al this stage); and (b) Estrogens induce Iheir own receplOI'S in follicular
meiosis is arre.ted al th e "diclyate'· stage in many cells. T hey support FS H inAuences on cAMP accu·
spec ies. Cerlain of the oocytes resume meiosis muialion and also on induction of LH rtteptors
shortly afler the onset of puberly, olhers do SO dur- (137). They may addilionally be needed 10 create
ing Ihe ensuing four decades in humans, and Ihe rCo. Ihe environmenl essenlial for progression of gono-
mainder deleriorale. eytes to oogonia (157) .

aoccleralcs follicular atresia, and in n.nolone and then progesterone. By the time Ihe
this scnse it can be said 10 cxcrl inhibilory infiucnccs. stroma l cells can synthesize signifocant quanlities of
On Ihe olher hand. leslostcrone sy"ergiles with FSH lestoslerone. the follicular ones are ready to CQnvcrt
in augmcntaling the S)'nlhesis of cholesterol side- thc androgen to estrogens.
chain eleavage en?yme,. It thereby accderatcs pro- Neonatal rat ovaries go through a phase in which
geslerone biosynthc<.is (39). Iheyare insensitive to exogenous gonadotropiTlS and
only mimimal quantities of steroids are synthesized.
A comparable event may not oem, during late ges-
FOLLICULOSTA TIN lalion in humans. sincc much higher CQncentrations
FSH increases Ihe formalion of substances Ihal in- of progesterone and of its I 7",-hydroxy derivative are
hibit FSH release but have limiled or negligiblc in- found in the am niotic fluids of than of males
fluences on LH release when prescnt in low cOnccn- (44). I n both animal types. steroid production during
lrations. Relalionships belween Ihe chcmical the juvenile period is low.
struCIUrcs of foll iculoslalins and the inhibins al ready Stromal cells of adult ovaries make large quan-
described remain to be defined. tities of androgens. Throughout the reproductively
competent years. thcy are mostly converted to estro-
gens by Ihe follicular cells. After the menopause, an-
FOLLICULAR CELL INFLUENCES ON drogens are released into the bloodstream in largcr
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM DUCT MATU RATION amounts. They are laken up by several of lis·
sues for CQnvc!'l;ion to other steroids. Adipose tissue
The folliclcs do not. of COOrs<:. make MO L There is
is rich in Ihc aromalaso system needed to ma ke
no evidence for production of an inhibitor of Wol f_
nan duct virilil.ation. but there arc controversies con·
The fetal uterus has receptors for androgens as
cerning whcther cstrogens contribute to MUllerian
wcll as for estrogens. It is not known whether both
duct differentiation.
hormone lypeS CQntribute to it, development.
Since estrogens arc dTectivc in low CQnccntra-
tions. there may be no nttd for a protein that facil-
itate, Ihe accumulation of thc stcroid (compa'J.ble Other Aetions of Steroid Ho. mone ..
to thc AB P thaI binds androgcns in mal",,). An ('(.
felOprOlci" that binds estrogcns with high am nity In addition to the uterus. oviduct. mammary sland.
and performs special funclions in female rodems is and other structures aSSOCiated with reproduction.
described later. Humans. monkeys. and many other cells equipped with estrogen receptors are found
mammals ma ke proteins Ihat are chemically related. (among OIhor places) within the pituitary gland.
but these do not strongly bind the cstrogens Or per- brain. liver. skin, and ske\ctal syste m. Some elTeet.
form similar funclions. On the central nervOuS system will be cited later in
this chapter, and additional rol.s are considered in
Cnapter 15.
Stromal Celt Horm ones
Same dilTercntiation from Ihe mcscnch)'mc. along
with the beginning of steroid hormonc production. is
evident by thc cnd of the 8th prenata l wcek (157. The processes involved in sex dilTcrenliation arc
192). At n!'l;t. the cells utilize pregnenolone (from highly complex. and they therefore offer numerous
the placenla) 10 which for disruption. Often. the resulting conditions
erts some aclions (11 2). Since thcre are are totally compatible with long-term survival.
only limited of dehydro- Many of the anatomical and functional abnormali-
genase. very littie testos«<>oc is synthesized. (There- ties are apparent to who lack scie nti fic
fore. no stimu lant is a"ailable for virHirution of the lraining. and mOSt are of a kind thaI molivates the
Wolman ducts or external genitalia .) victim to scc k professional help. It is therefor. oot
Steroidogenesis begins withoul bener.t of gonado- surprising Ihat the clinical literalure abounds with
tropic .timulation. Latcr, Ille cclls accumulatc re- descriptions of a wide variety of CQnditions.
ccptors for glycoprotein hormones, and they proba- The problems that arise arc conveniently divided
bly respond to hCG before coming under Ihe imo three general categorie.: (a) aneuploidy. or the
inAuencc of fetal pituitary LH . The hCG is impli - acquisition of wrong """,be,s of chromosome.
cated in induction of cho\csterol eleavage en?ymes. (this can occur during gamctogenesis. fcrtili7.mion.
and therefore in promoting the formation of preg· or cleavagc): (b) chromosomal deJms Ihat resuit
from lranslocalions. delelions. or mu- spermatocyte can acquire any of following com-
lalions: and (c) conditions in which external ja(/l}f".r binalions: XXYY. XXV. XYY. XV. X. Y. or 0
(hormones sccreled by nonreproductiyc system (Fig. 13-20). Spermalid, wilh abnormal sex chro-
or \Urnors. yiral agents. mosome numbers can form from secondary
autoimmune diwrders. and nutritional deficiencies) spermatocyles. and il is also possible for Ihem 10 ac-
interfere with the funclions of normal chromosomes. quire any Oflhe following combinations when Ihe in-
The categorics arc not mutually exclusive. They cut termediate cellsare XX or YY: XX. YY. Or O. Sim-
clinical classifications Ihat are bascd On ilarly. ddectiv. ,cpa ration during oogenesis can lead
symptomatology. to the [ormation of ova containing XXXX. XXX.
XX. or O.
Chromosomal/ag is the term applied ,,·hen sepa-
Alleuploldy Ilivolving the Sex Chromoso mes ration dots occur. but one or more of the chromo-
Du ring Ihe normal course of evenlS. thc primary somes fails to migrate in the u,ual manncr. If an X
spermatocyle its aUtosome.' and bolh X or Y is alTccted in this way. it is oftcn extruded from
and Y as it prepares for the nrst "'- thc The resulting gamete i, deprived of its sex
dUClion division. It then donates one sct Ihal includes chromosome.
a pai r of XS 10 a seCQndary spermatocyte and the
remainder of Ihc genetic material (including a pair
of V,) 10 the other secondary spermatocyte. Dur-
ing meiosis II. each of the secondary . permato. Obviously. 'ygmes wilh abnormal chromosome pat_
cytes gives rise to two haploid spermatids. each COn- lerM Can be produced when [enili,ation is accom-
laining. either a singlc X or a singlc Y (Fig. plished by defcclive gametes. Only lypeS resuiting
13-4). from panieipation of One healthy sex cdl and one
The primary oocyle sends two of its four X chro- with an unusual chromosome ma keup are sllown in
mosomcs to a secondary oocyte. while the remaining fig. 13-21.
two are discarded with the first polar body. Meiosis Abnormal conceptuses can also form from the
II in the female sy'tem culminates in the formation union of gametes with conventional numbers of
of an ovum containing one X. plus a second polar chromosomes. Two distinct mechanism' arc
body thai ..:rves to remove Ihe excess DNA. recognized.
Evidently. the process of meiosis is fraught ,,'ith 1. Following of a spermatozoan. a sec_
hazards that do not apply to mitosis. Chromosomes ondary oocytc soon undergoes a wno renClion that
thai enter into the formation of telr:lds during the allcrs the properties of the plasma membrane in a
first phase do not always sep<or3te in a normal man- manner that preclude. the entry of addilional male
ner. Problems can also arise during meiosis II. gametes (sec Chapter 15). It then compiele. meiosis
Nondisj"m:tioll is the failure o[ the chromosomes II . extrudes the second polar body. and underg"".
to separate properly. When it alTects the sex chom- changes preliminary to cnlfy into cleavage.
osomes during meiosis I in the testis. a secondary If a second spermatozoan dOt's gain access to the

Primary spermatocyte XXVY

with reP"ca:ed
chromosome. // \ ......

.perm.tOC)1es /
+0 XXY\- Y x +; m
XY . Xy



XY ·' ., •
• o _ Xy o
'",• '" ,
• ,

". " , ,
• ,•
"m Fig. 13-20.
o! rooodisjuncr;on <II.o"ino
'" No<mal Ocl",,,,,,, Normal Abnoml.1
,,,,,,m,fO'O. zyqotes 'pe,maloz<>a
0 , " -- ,
• 0

" ,

, '" •

" '" "
m • XXVy

, . .-- ,, '"
XXXX .-- '"
Fig. 13·21,
01 partcip.t ..... QI one defeetw. gl rMle
XXXXY • XXXX in 1000''''0Iion.

oocyte. the product will a1 least transiently contain PROBlEMS THAT CAN ARISE DURING
the triploid number of chromosomes. CLEAVAGE
2. aU of the polar bodies formed during
oogenesis deteriorate. I{ is possible, however. for One The normal (diploid) zygote divides by mitoois and
\0 persist and 10 r<:lain its allachmern to Ihe oocyte. starts to form an embryo in "'hich each cell oontains
The polar body may even be fcrhli?ed . In Ih. ex- a complete copy or the chromosomes derived rrom
treme case the conceptus will camain Sromple!c sets both the spermatozoan and the ovum. Separation of
of chrorno:s<>mes (two from a first polar body. one the two daughter cells that arise from the first cleav-
from each of the spermatozoa. and onc age, or of small groups of cells that are formed soon
from Ih. oocyte). Tctraploids can arise when the afterward, can be followed by the development of
double fertilization involV<'s a sewnd polar body, or normal identical (homozygotic) twins and more
when a flfs! one escapes sperm penetration, but ad- rarely of larger numbers of identical s iblingS. Sepa-
heres to the fertilized ovum. ration.s of this kind seem to be partially under ge-
Events of this kind may not be as unCOmmOn as netic oontrol, since they occur with greater fre·
was once believed . Rare CaseS of ITiploidy have bttn quency in some families than in others. regular
described for living humans (25). They display a va- formation of identical quadruplicate armadill()S waS
riety of somatic defects, and moot succumb soon mentioned carlier.) The mechanism is obviously dif·
after birth (146). Triploidy has been found in around ferent from the one in which separate fertilizations
4% of spontaneously abortcd embryos and lead 10 the developmenl of nonidentical siblings.
that have been examined. It has been estimated that Nondisjunction . chromooomal lag. duplications.
50%-80% of all conceptuses die within the first and uneven distributions of the genetic material can
month, many at a stage so immature that their for- occur during cleavage The "inactivated" X chro-
mation is not detected by the mother (185). and it is mosomcs (all in exce.. of OIle) replicale later thn
likely that the majority of them have chromooomal others, and they are the ones most often affected.
aberrations. Telraploidy is encountered Ie .. often The end of abnormal chromosome distribu·
among aborted This has been attributed to tions during cleavage depends in part on the slage at
loss of most of the affected during early whiCh the problem arises. One possibility is that the
cleavage stages. 1.ygote loses an X, and all subseq uently produced
Polyploidy impairs the of chromosome «lis of the oonceptus are of Ihe XO type. Another
duplication and Deletions and redistri- is that the X is duplicated and the progeny are XXV
butions of the retained oomponcnts lead to Ihe ap- or XXX. When two or more different kinds of c<:lIs
pearanCe of different kinds of anomalies during the arc formed during cleavage. the resulting individual
mitotic divisions. becomes a gtnelic mosaic possessing SOme cells of
Mosa'" XX/XO

Fig. 13·22. Some tYp<Kot genetic
mo..;c;sm t""t can "' .... t from
(luplico!ion or deletion of ...
xX/xxx x O/XVV
""''''''''»Orne'<luring e..... ge.

one kind and some of the other. for example. 45X/ of tbe total genome. tbis is not surprising. Mamma-
46 XX. 45X/4?XXY. and so forth (fig. 13-22). lian YO zygotes that form do not survi"e beyond the
Polyspermy and the retention of polar t..:.dies lead first cleavage ,
to formation of conceptuses that aT<: chimera•. that
is. indiyiduals possessing cells with genetic oompo. YO and YY fi'hes can de>clop into ftflile ,d ult . (119) ,
Thoir ability to do SO is amibuled primarily 10 the pres-
nents derived from diverse sourccs . The usual oon- ence of relalively iafie Y ehromo«lmcs that bear genetic
'iCquene<: of chromosomal redistributions during compo"""" I""forming function. "nalogou. to ones rei·
deavage is the appearance of 'iCveral different cell egatt:<! to the mammali.n X,
lypes (Fig. \3-2]). Since the events occur long be-
fore maturation ofth. immune system. all of the cell 4. Somatic defects usually arise in individuals
types are tolerated. with only one sex chromosome (45 X. or XO pat-
lern) that arc not seen in either XX Or XY s. This
suggests that cerlain essenlial kinds of genetic infor-
Some Generallullons Concerning the
mation affecting Ihe structures aT<: oontributcd by
Presence of Abnormal Sex Chromosome
either the second X or the Y.
5. Further indication. that the y .ffcc" >omatie
1. Any kind of chromosomal aberration can lead 10 Slructures come from the observations of Ihe tall
dysfunction of both reproductive and somatic pro- of most individ"al s possessing more than onc
cesscs. Usually, there is a diT<:ct T<:lationship bet ween such entity (X YY. XXYYY . and related pattcrns),
the extent of the deviation from the XX or XY pat- 6. The Y chromosome is sa id to confer "male·
tern and the 'iCverity of the symptoms. ness." In its presence, there is usually some testicular
2. The mOSt cOmmOn finding is mental retarda- differentiation and release of both MDI and teStOS-
tion. However. there is a high incidence of gonadal terone. Al least certain features of the male pheno-
d)'Sgencsis and sterility. and some of the defects are type emerge in all possessing a complete Y> includ·
associated wilh characteristic types of somatic struc_ ing those with supernumerary Xs (XXY. XXXV.
ture malformation. XXXXY. and others).
]. Mammals require tbe presence of at least one 7. Spermatogenesis evidently invoh-cs trans ient in-
X chromosome. Since the X aCOJunts for about 5% activation of the X chromosome. possibly because a

,--, Zygote

So"", pos. ible mosiao forms
x X/XC Xx/XC xX/xx XX/XO
XXXX XXiXX xxX/xx xxX/xx
, , ", XXiXV XOlXV
, , '" xX/xv XXVIXX xx X/xv
,., , " xxxv

'" XX/XO XX/XO xX/xx

,., , m xX/xv xX/xv XYIXO
, ., , m XV(YO XVIXO

ftg, 13-2J. Some poO$lbleconsequenonol _m.tow. ore shown in bo!d type tor pUrposes of
irwO"'iog _ . And pOly_my. Oniy ideotific.tion. )
.... s!Iowrt. (X mromoO<>fl1Hdonotlod by

fully active X interferes with transcription of DNA off"· Olherwise healthy DNA segments al just the
present on the Y. The inactivation proeess may not right limes mu,t also be considered .
be capable of dealing with supernumerary Xs. XXV
individualS usually fail to undergo normal pubertal
Relation ship s between Age of the Gamet es
malUralion. They suffer gonadal dysgenesis and 100s
and Incidence of Chrom osoma l
of ferlility. and Ihe problems are when
Abnorma1lt les
more than twO Xs are present.
8. Oogenesis in humans and in many of the Olher It has long bc:<:n recognized that young mothers bear
large mammals requires the lemporary panicipation relatively few infants wilh chromosomal derects.
of IWO X chromosomes. XO women often s uffer whereas the incidence of such problems riscs dra-
ovarian dysgenesis and sterility. matically with advancing age in Ihose ITI(Ire than 35
XO members of some of Ihe smaU.. species with years old at the lime of conception. Th rcc explana-
short life SpallS, e.g. mice, can develop into tran- lions have been advanced , Fim, oocyte, that even-
siently f.nile females. It is possible Ihat thc diffc- lually mature ha,.., undergone a phase of "arrested
ences are rdated 10 the shon interval thaI clap«e< development" that was initiated during fetal life. By
between the appcarancc of the ovarian follicles and Ihe time meiosis I is rCl;umoo. the oocyte can be
the onset of puberty . XO mice produce fewer ferti- Ihree months older than the recorded age of the
lizable oocytell_ and they terminale their reproduc- mother. There mu)' be an upper limit to the time
tive functions earlier Ihan XX indiyiduals of the that primary oocytC& can remain in good condition.
sa me species (183). Second. it has been proposed that a se lection proces..
9. The consequences of gcneac mosaicism depend favors the maturalion of heal/h" oocytes during
on the kinds of cells presenl, the relmiVl' numbers of ovarian cycles_ If this is true, the chances lhal a de-
thc various types, and the dis/ribu/ion ""lIerltS. fective oocyle will mature late in li fe arc increased
At one end of the 'pectrum, one finds symptom- (since the total numbers availahle for selection are
free adults that have. for example. mostly XX cclls low and the proportion of unhealthy on.s may be
and a small number of the XO type, Or mostly XY higher.) Third . changes in the microenvironment
XXV. When the XO nr XXV .."",,,ntling wi'hin
cells are confined 10 lhe gonads. the consequences the sensitivities of follicles to ovulalion-indueing hor-
are gonadal dysgencsis with linle impairment or s0- mones, Or the ahility of the hypQthalamohypophysial
matic funclion. Sevcrt: problems arise if. for exam- s)'stem \0 present a sufficient and optimally tim«l
ple, XX cells appear mostly on the left side of the prcovulatory "surge·· can affecI Ihe condilion of 00-
body whereas XY types predominale on the right. In eytcs re1eastd, Changes in the secretions of fallopian
such cases, an ovary and MUllerian ducts develop on tube Ruids may adverscly innucncc the proccs<cs of
the lefl side as androgen.,.,n,ilive compQnents of Ihe sperm capacilation and fertilization.
Wolffian ducts atrophy, and a testis and masculine- It is likely, however, that aging impai", postfertil-
Iype internal organs differentiate on Ihe right. It is ization events as well, The observation that chro-
poSSible, bowever. for XY ceUs to release sufficient mosomal aberrations in neonales are more common
H-Y anligen to affeci th. gonad on the XX side. T he when older mOlhers have nOI previously borne sib-
appearance of the eXlernal gcnitalia depends mostly lings suppQrts thi, concept. It is pOSSible. for exam-
on the quantities of testosterone sent 10 the urogen- ple. that altered respQnses of oviduclal muscle retard
ital sinus region. The structures arc usually (but not Or aecelerale the passage of the conceptus to thc
always) incompletely viril ized in XX/X V mosaics. uteruS for implantation. and that an inadequately
10. Chromosomes interaci in ways to preparoo endometrium presents less tlmn oplimal
achieve oormal differentialion. It is therefore nOI conditions for implantalion,
logical to conclude that the association of tOO few or Since spermatogonia renew themselves by mitosi"
tOO many of anyone type with a specific s)'m ptom and the cells that mature into primary spermate-
demonslrales that the chromosome in question di· cytes can be formoo only days before the wave of
rertly controls Ihc related functions. M(lreover, lhe spermalogencsis commences, little attention was a t
detection or an abnormal sex chromClWffie panern first directed al the possible innuence. of paternal
does nOI cSlablish Ihe finding as Ihe of Ihe as- age. However. in most cases thc falhers arc atleasl
sociatoo abl1Ormality_ The concomitant presence of as old as the mOl hers, and il has reccnlly been shown
aUlosomes with normal morphological characleris- that offspring with XXV chromosome palle,"s usu-
tics that bear defectivegcnes Or deletions is not eas- ally acquire the second X from the male parent.
ily ruled out, and Ihe failure to "Iurn on·· Or to "turn Gamelc age may also be a factor for children born
to younger oouplcs. Wherea s arresled al Ihe Those with XXX and XXXX palterns ha"" Iwo and
dictyate stage (and spermatogonia formed during three. respectively. In contrast. normal (XY) males
f.tallife) can survive for decades. the ]ife span of do nol inactivate the X in somatic cells. and they arc
matuff g.rminal cells ii sharply limited. Spermato- therefore said to bc "chromatin negati",," (since no
zoa that arrive in the femak tract lWO days before such bodies are present). On thc other hand. the cells
the time of ovulation. and oocyle! thai reside in the of XXV and of XXXV males have one and twO, re-
oviduct for mOrC than 20 hours Ixforc engaging in spectively, and such males arc dromatin positive. X
fertilization. are far more likdy Ihan "fresh" ga- chromosomes in e xcess of one can also be detected
metes to enter into the formalion of defective zy- by examining ncutrophilie (polymorphonuclear) leu·
gotes . "Overripencss" of oocytcs can also result from kocytes of the cireulating blood. Many such cells of
eXlernally imposed factors that delay their reica<;e normal females. and those of males with more than
from the follicles . one X. possess "drumsticks" tht are absenl from
The importance of gamete age has been demon- Ihe nuclei of normal male leukocytes (Fig. 13-24).
straled in Siudies utilizing in "itro cultures of sex The short arm of the Y chromosome exhibits in-
cells prior to fertilillltion, and in others in which ovu- lense Auorescencc when cell preparations arc treated
lation has becn delayed by artificial mean. (20.196). with quinacrine hydrochloride. S killed observers can
It is also Ixli.,'ed that couples employing the determine the numbers of Y chromosomes per cell
"rhythm method of contraception". in which coitus by counting thc Auoreseenl points within Ihe nuclei.
is avoided during the days immediately preccding The techniques have obvioul' limitations: (a) Only
and immedialely fol1owing the predicted time of of Ihe cells show Barr bodies or drumsticks.
ovulation. have a higher than otherwise expected e""n in individuals with uniform presence of more
number of children with chromosomal defects. Evi· than one X chromosome: (b) in genetic mosaics. it is
denl ly. practices of this kind increase thc chances possible to have extra X chromosomes in SOme parts
Ihal zygoles will form from aging spermalol.Oa or of Ihe body (e.g. just Ihe gonads). while eclls of the
ova (sec Chapter 16), In subprimates. there are safe- buccal mucosa and circulating blood are normal in
guards againM fertilization< al inappropri"tc limes. appearance: and (cJ Ihe methods cannot pick up chi·
since female sexual receplivity hormonally linked merism associated with normal chromosomc mlln-
with the ovarian cycles. Humans have less cffecli,·c lx" and they fail to detect mUlations and related
mecoh, "i.m. (.e<: Charter I S) chrorno<omal (22).

S o me Diag nos tic Proced u re s Sp o nta neous ly Oc c urri ng Chro mosoma l

Ano ma lies in Huma ne
Information on the nature of the sex chromOSJmes
Can be useful for determining the causes of infertil· A brief survey of the more widely rccosnized disor-
ity. and when decisions concerning assignment of dcrs follow$. No allempt is made to present compre-
gender and Ihe institution of surgical or hormonal hcnsive treatment of the subject.
treatmcnt mu>! be made for infants born wilh "am-
biguous" external genitalia. Separation. visuali7.a-
tion. and counting of chromosomes are of greatesl
value, and reccntly de,'eloped techniques make it In the "classical form." a phenotypic male with 47
possible to diagTlOSC abnormalities of Ihe individual XX Y chromosomes undergoes le'licular differentia-
entities. Unfortuna tely. the processes are time-con· tion and seCreleS sufficient MD I and testOSlerone to
suming and expensive. The)' require special equip- bring aboul masculinization of the dUClS and virili_
ment available to JUSt a few laboratories and cxpcr- 7lItion of th. urogenital ,inu, and genilal tubcrele_
tise possessed by only limited numbers of However. the phallus is . mall. descent of the testes
investigalors. is dela}'ed. and subseq uent pulxrtal maturation is in·
Simpler teslS can Ix used ,,'hen dctermination of complete. The su bnormal teStOSlerOne level, proba-
the numlxrs of X and Y chromosomcs is sufficient. bly account for the failure of the penis and SCrotum
Thcy can bc performed on readily accessible cells. 10 achieve adult proportions. the pc:x:>r developmcnt
such as ones scraped from the inside of the check. of the skeletal muscles. the sparseness of facial. ax-
Inactivation of X chromosomes in cxcess of one is illary and pulxrtal hair. the high gonadotropin lev-
reAecled in the presence of chromatin condensations cis. and the delayed calcification of the epiphyses.
or "Barr bodies" Ihal arc visible within Ihe nuclei of Additional factors mJY contribute to the tall stature.
Ihe epithelial cells of the buccal murosa . Normal since the leg bones a re elongaled in juveniles.
(XX) femal es. wilh one inaClivated X have one sueh Gonadal dysgenesis and inability to produce ma-
body. and Ihey are said to be "chromatin positivc." ture spermatozoa are the most common findings.

" -"

, , "

t Fig. 1344 . Sex ""roml !ln in humanl. " , Sa" body in

"""_ of • sq"""""'s epil!lftlio l ".11 from the t>uccol
muooMI. 01 I lfImale. 8. 1.... "'omst"" in I
poiymorp/>onljclMr !eukocyt. oj • I........ , C.
Polymorphonuclear 1.....c<>cY'. of • more. (Courtesy ot
Ca rGl,"" Supply Cotnpony.)

Underdevelopment of the SenoH cells probably ac- They have fu lly developed external genitalia and
oounts for the elevated plasma FSH. 11 also contrib- abundant body hair. but the testes are atrophied and
utes to the azoospermia, but the CXII'lI X chrom(>- the breaslS are enlarged.
SOme in the germinal cells further impairs gamete Although most XXV males auain normal intelli.
production. gence (87), the incidence of mild forms of menial
Small percentages of patients with Kleinfelter', retardation is higher than in XY men . There arc
syndrome seCrete normal quantities of androgens. controversies over the etiologies of "antisocial behav.
ior" and psychiatric Some allribute them logically anributed (at least in pan) to Ihe higher
to the deleterious influences of supernumerary X teslOSlerOne levels in males. The concept is sup-
on brain developmen\. Others suggest ported by observa tions that dominant members of
that the subjoxtive reactions during the ea rl y )'ears animal societies oflen ha." plasma concentrations of
arc of primary importance. Amicled children can the sieroid that are greater than Ihose of the subor.
the differences in body fealures thai SCI dinates. and also by studies in which and rogen injec-
them apart from eonlemporaries, and their poor tions ha." increased aggressive behavior. The Y
skeletal muscle development lmpall'S athlelic chromosome may also exert androgen-independent
performance. inAuences on central nervOUS sySlem development.
Many variant forms are recognized , Some XY I The greater tendency of XYY than XY fishes to
XXV mosaics with mostly normal cells a re symp- fight sc<:ms to be related to this.
tom-fr<:<= and fertiic. Others accumulate Ihe XXV The notion that humans with morc than one Y
cells almosl exclusively within the gonad. They can chromosome tend to engage in violent behavior prob-
Ihcn have normal somatic features and only chro- ably grew OUi of considerations of this kind . An a t-
matin-negative cells in the blood and buccal mucosa. torney contended that his client could not he held
In XXXV subjects, Ihe symptoms are qualilatively accountable for criminal behavior because he suf-
similar but pronounced. Most of Ihe individu· fered the defect. Soon afterward. there werc reports
als a re over 6 f..llall, have espoxially long legs of high incidences of XYY pallern. among individ-
in proportion 10 Ihe arms), and breast enlargement uals confined to penal institulions.
that in.elves intraductal tissue. (In different disor_ The findings wCre put into mOre realistic perspec-
ders secretion of too much estrogen affeclS mostly tive when it was demonstrated that a fair number of
the ducts ,) The rare individuals with XXXXY and "upright citiuns" harDored the ddec\. Attempts
some olher pallern! suffer severe mental retardation, were then made to conserve the hypothesis by sug·
more pronounced skelelal system I.,ions. and gesting that the XYY men who appeared to be nOr-
"st reak" gonads that consist mostly of connective mal were able to inaeth-ate the extra chromowmc.
tissue , (Some subhuman mammals can eliminate a Y chro-
Approximately 0.2% of newly born male infants mosome from the germ cells [1191,)
have extra X chromosomes. Since Ihe incidence is More exacting studies on large numbers of sub-
similar in men. the condition evidently does not af· jects led to different ronclusioos (ahhoueh it should
feCI survival during perinatal and juvenile periods be mentioned that because funds were limited only
(12S). The chromosomal aberra tions arc present in tall men were examined [70. 1951). The incidence of
0.5%-2.4% of mentally relarded males (128) but in XYY was indeed high in penal institution popula·
mOre tha n half the patients also suffering from go- but the affiicted individuals failed to display
nadal dysgenesis tI76). All subjocts have a predom· increased tendencies to engage in violent behavior.
inantly male phenotype. evcn when there are many Most members of the group had been apprehcnded
X chromosomes, for then and related infringements. The o.'erwhclm_
ing majority were of subnormal intelligence. and the
incidence of criminality was no grealer than among
others with similar mental equipmen!. The obvious
conclusion is that the XYY males were not Skillful
Humans with more Ihan one Y chromowme tend to al cvadins capture (125.195). (It shOUld be pointed
be tall. It has been estimaled thai about 0.02% of out, in this connection. Ihat the XYY condilion is
adult males have an XYY palieTn, but that lhe fig- often associated wilh low rates of teslosterone secre-
ure is closer to 0.3% when only those wen ovor 6 f"" t tion. and that human Y chromosomes arc quite dif-
in height are examined . The condition is associated ferent from fIsh Y chromosomes.)
with varying desrees of testicular dysfunction (rang- When Ihe numbers of X as well as Y chromo-
ing from undetectable to <evere) and wilh a moder- somes are excessive (XXYY. XXXYY. and related
ate incidence of subnormal intelligence. Many pa· patterns), the individual, usualty have sign, of Kline-
tients have acne (12S), and at least some male more felter's diwrder (57),
of the H·Y antisen Ihan XY males (52.183). The
discussion that follows demonstrates OUr need to
learn more about the consequences of having tOO
many Y Chromosomes. It also illustra tes the case In XO fetuses that survive the gestation period. the
with which it is possible to draw erroneouS conclu- chromosome deletion can usually be linked with a
sions from limiled data. defeetivespenn cell (161). The typical subject is a
The males of many vertebrate species display poorly developed of short stature. The char-
more aggression than the females. The effccls are acteristic features include rudimentary ("streak")

conads lhal cannot SIIppon ""ebbing of He lmaphrodit lc MOfS.8le.

1M n«k, chest ",ilh incomplctely ma- Around onc-thinl ofhuman INC hermaphroditeure
tured mammary glands and "'idely spaced nipples. XX/ XV mosaics. When the XV cells accumulalcon
facial deformities involving Ihe jaws, earl. and e)"e' one side of Ille body. a leslis forms Ihere and il \LIU'
lids. 10", nuch31 hairline. oUI "'aro bendi", of tile ally secretes suffIcient MOl and testostcrone 10 viril·
forearms (cubilus valgus). shorlcning of one Or morc izc the ipsilateral ducts. The contralatera l gonad can
melacarpa ls, and hypopl asia or malformation of the becomc a n ovary if il is PQPulalcd predom inantly by
fi",crnails. There a!"C hiah il1l;idences of coarctation XX cells and is shielded from H·V anl igen and tes-
of Ihe IOTUI. !"Cnal syste m dc fects (c.,. ··Itorscshoc licular hormones. More commonly. t he second
kidney" and duplication of the urctcrs). and of visual tonad rccciVC5 wmc H-V aoo il clcvclop< into an
and l uditOO')' sensory defta$. Additiona l common ovoteslis. In lhe uternal genilalia arc at
findings induck pigmenled nevi, and mental retar· least partially virili""d. Tlw:y sometimes a5.$umc
dalion that is associaled "";th "Ipace-form blind- fully masculine forlfl5. HO"'Cver, 5i nc;e gonadal duct
ness." Varianl forms include XX/ XO mosaics de,'elopmcnl begiM befon: Ihe circulalory syslem is
($()rne of which escope al! of the prc«ding), and oom plcl cd. the WoIffia n and Mall.rian ducts Can be
women with onc norma l and one defeclive X "remi" on Ihe XX s ide. An ovotestis does not
chromosome. ofte n provide an environment tbat supports oocyte
The incidence among live births is around I in maturation. It can, ho",ever. secrcle suflicicm estro-
2000 (7). It approach"'l $% in aborted feluses thaI gen 10 prom<.lIe subslant;al mamm:l f)" gland grO'<l·th.
come to a utop$y. It is bclit-ved Ihal very few XO em· When XX cells predominale, Ihe conse-
bfyos surviYC 10 the fetalilage. The!"C is also high quence is development of a n oval')' on one side. an
neonalal a nd infant monalit y among humans suffer. OI'OIcstis on lite otller. and mostly female·type dif·
ing lhe defcet (St. ). ferenlia tion of tilt duclS and ellcrnal genitalia. Hcr·
Sin« males "";th just one X ehrorn(l8OmC do not maj'lhrod ism tan al$() arise in XV / XO, XXV / XO,
have rdated problems. il is possible that two 5cx .nd ot he r forms of mosaicism. nnd when an XXV
chromosonles ael in conce rt \ 0 accomplish certain individua l loses V during embryogen·
aSpeCls of normal female differentia tion. esls. Other causes are OXlMldercd
" s al ready noted. XO micr ca n beQ}flle fert ile fe-
males. [t is not known "'oct he r they suffer menIal
dcfccu. " curious varialion on the tocrne is secn in DI' Ofd e r. Re.u ltln g fro m Chromosomal
ereeping..oles. Female somalie cells a rc XO. bUllhe Dele ct.
X undergoes du pliution du ring
"'lis. Normal somatic cells of some marsupials a re all "tlealt 19 different genes contribute to normal
XO. diffcrentiation (1 9 3). Some are on autosomcs.
"'''''rcal othcrs are 00 the X. " normal X is essent;al
A "mole form of Turner'. Iyndromc" is ottributed 10 for ",,,Ie as wcll as femalc development .
trl.aiocalion to Ihe . i",le X ehromO$Omc of genetic mo· Two ex pbnatioo. have been offcred for Ihe wide-
leri.1 normolly f"" n<! on Ihc Y. The vklim, ma ke H·Y spread occurre nce of sex chrOln()$()llle defects: (a)
I nliscn Ind form lesl"'l. bUI lhey l ulTer IQnU.lic dcfecl$ MOSt o f the disorders arc compatible with s urvival;
lItCh I t ,.bil.' ...18. '- ""rdiOO'a..,ular anomalies. and fa· 100 (b) the su chromosomes are more li kel y 10 be-
eial dcformilies. llonl wllh 'f)"plorchism. pOOr l cydi& come altered lhan lhe autOl!Oll>CS. (The second X of
« II f.""IOon.. imp;airc<i spennalOlCnoesis, and ..... nl.1 rc- femalc:s replicatcs laiC. while the Y ehro"""""",,c
tardaliool. CMriously ...... ny have tyll«()ma<lia. ca nnot synapse complelely with Ihe X and is often
altered du ring the "crossing<lver" pIIasc of meiosis).
Techniques are availabl e for detection of chn:.>-
"SUPERFEM ALES" I\lO$OmD I duplication •. delctions. in,'crsions, lra"",lo-
Th is lerm is applied when tbere are three or more X ca tions. n nd fragmentations. and w "'e individuals
c hromosomes but no Vs. It a misnomer. XXX harbor "rini··type However. suc h
women can have regular fea tures, but most mel!>Ods eanoot usually pick up mU lalKmS a ..... i·
are menIally retarded and $Ieril •. Some XXXX ated with normal chrolTlOSOllUl ,i7.t or s hape. Cer·
women whoappcar normal Mvcal$o been described. tain mUIDtions affect the bios)'nthcsis of enzymes
The fe'" kflO\>ll 10 have In XXXXX pallern are se- ...:cded to make eillM:r gonadal hormones or Ihc re-
verely retarded. a nd lite)' 11$0 s t.o... cireulatOO')' sys.- «ptors for those: regula tors. Otocrs tan impair the
tem defeclS. ability of genital ridges to accv.mu1ate adequat e
numbers of gonocytes. Or the differentiation of the lerminating in a "blind" vagina). When somewhat
epithelial and mesenchymal components of the in- more of the enzyme is made. tbe external structures
diffen:nt gonads. undergo incomplete _irili7.ation and they arC "am-
biguous" in the infant. An interesting variant is the
"penis at twel'e" syndromc (130). The infants arc
" XV Females" and "XX Males " ( 16)
often judged 10 be females at Ihc time of birth, de-
The H_ Y antigen (rather than the Y chromosome) spite a somewhat enlarged phallus and partially
seems to be the major determinant of the emcrgence fused labia. At puberty. LH secretion increases. and
of "maleness" (22). An mutatioo that sup- this stimulates production of enough testosterone to
presses 1.j_Y synthesis ha' bc<:n found in XY fertile accomplish inductiCKl of subslantial quanlities of the
femak wood lemmings (119). Iluman 46 XY fe- 5<>-reductase. The consequenc.s include growt h of
males that do not ma le H-Y an tigen may have a the pen is. enlargement of the larynx. full develop-
rdated mutation . but anmher possibility is thatthcir ment of the musculature. and thc appear-
Y chromosomes have lost a camponent that is pres- ane<: of abundant facial. axi\!ary. and pubic hair.
ent in norma! males. Most of the affected individuals then make satisfac-
"XX males" may have an X chromosome or au· tory adjustments to male gender roles . The disorder
tosome thaI has acquired DNA sequences normally is prcvalcnt in some geographical locales, and at·
located on Y chromosomes, or a mutatiol1that per· tempts arc now made to rccognile the eondilion at
mits H-Y antigen synthesis in some other way. the time of binh. The children are Ihen raised from
In "XO males" one possibililY is Ihat the sinsle infancy boys and they are given appropriate hor·
sex ch romosome comains Y determinants. Another mone
is that the zygote and young embryo were XV, but
the Y chromosome was 1001 during fetal life.
!n a species of mongoose. "XO males" make H-Y
amigen. whereas "XO females" do no!. In SOme XX Three of defects that impair respo/lSN to DHT
male and XX hermaphroditic goats. a defective au· are recogniu:d (SS): (a) failure 10 maxe hormone re-
tosomal recessive gene is held responsible for the ""ptors: (b) formation of !"<'ceptors that do not bind
anomalies. whereas an aUlosomal dominant gene has the stcroid wilh high affinilY and translocate il to lbe
heM linlocl wi, h eme'eenc. of XX m, I. mice ( t 19) nndell" (e) iMhility to m'r<mrl rn hn,m<mrr''''
c<:ptor complexes that translocate.
In human "complete testicular feminil.ation," the
Problems Relaled 10 Oelectlve Synthesis
testes form and they promote regression of the MUl-
and / or Use 01 Oihydrotestosterone
lerian However. there is no virili7.ation of
It will be recalled thaI lestosterone directl)' on either the Wolman or urogenital organs. Infants
the Wolman duct •• but ,·iri!i7.3tion of thc urogenital born wilh tbe condition look like perfectly norOlal fe-
and tubercle can OCCur only when a 5a·redue· males al birth. Gonadotropin seerelion increases at
tase con"crsion of that steroid to DHT. In puberty. and estrogen is released in quantities suffi·
and also in rats and mice. genetic defects cient to support maturation of the breasts and othe r
Iht impair Ihe following have been detected: (a) female secondary sex characteristics. The only ex·
production of adequate quantities of the cnl.yme: (b) ternal indicalions that somelhing is wrong arc the
formation of an cnl.),me with normal prop- failures to grow axillary and pubic hair and 10 eslab.-
erties: (c) both of the preceding; and (d) syn thesis of lish menstrual cydes. At such times. the individual
DHT receptors (193). may cansu\! an endocrinologist and soon learn that
"she" nas a 46 XY chromooome pattern. In other
cases, the diagnosis made because Ihc patient de-
velops an inguinal hernia. There is cancern oV<'r the
Three different single·gene mutalions that lead 10 delayed deteclion of Ihe problem, since thc incidence
partial or completc deficiency are of testicular neoplasia is much higher in pseudoher·
(193). None alfects H·Y synthesis. testicular dilfer· maphrodites than in XY males.
cmialion. 11.1 DI release. testostcrone secrelion. or in- When there arc limited numbers of OHT re«p-
terstilial cell responsiveness 10 LH . tors. defects recognizable at birth can include hypo.
In XY males producing the usual amounts of tcs- spadias (in which tbe urethral o,ifi<;:e is located on
tosterone. the testes and ae«ssory reproduclive or- the undersurface of a poorly de,cloped penis) and
gans develop and the Mullerian ducts regress. How· incomplete fusion of the SCrotum (55. lOa). Breast
ever. when Ihe enl.)'me defect is severe. the developmenl may be extensive at puberty. The term
genitalia a,"ume fcmale form (with Wolman duclS '"Rein/ensleit':r syndrome" is applied to the clinical
picture. but it can also designate problems arising male marsupials (28). but they probably do not exert
From inability 10 ","crete sufficient testosterone. important infl uences in normal eutherian fetuses.
Related disorders OCCur spontanoously in labora- 21-hydroxylase deficiency impair< the coovcnoion
lory animals. Tfm (testicular femini'.al;on m"tan(j of pregnenolone to glucocorticoids> diminishes the
a'nimal! are phenotypic but sterile females that are glucocorticoid inhibilion of ACfl-1 ,""erelion . and ac-
resistant!O exogenous androgens. M ice evidently .uf· celerates ACTH ,""cretion. Pregnenolone then accu -
fer more complete defects than lhe ralS (12). Previ- mulates in the adrenal glands. and most of it is made
ously healthy XY rodents treated wi th androgen re- into androgens that travel 10 thc reproductive organs
ceptor antagonists a1 a very carly devdopmcn lal (145). Afflicted XX fetuses dcvelop ovarics (sincc
stage acquire similar characteristics. they do oot make H_Y antigen). and they retain
their MUllerian ducts there are no testes).
However. if the androgens are released early in the
Mutations Affecting Steroid Hormone
gestation period. the Wolffian ducts are stim ulate<:!
and the external genilalia undergo virili,.ation .
The steps leading from cholesterol 10 pregnenolone Therefore, the individual becomes a female
and [0 17a-hydroxyprogeslcrone 31"<' similar in the pseudo he r rna ph rod ite.
adrenal cortex and gonads. Some genetic defects im- An "adrenogcnilal syndrome" can also develop
pa ir steroidogenesis in both. whereas others afTect latcr in life . if adreflOCOrtical tumor!> Or adrenal
only the 1cstts and ovaries. Deficiencies of either the glands overstimulated by ACTH begin to make
C 17 .C20 lyase Or the 17,8-hydroxy.teroid dehydrog- cessive androgen. Boys then undergo precociou< pu-
enase (17-<>xokctore<:!uctase) lead to incomplete vi_ berty. whereas girls become Female repro-
rilization of the Wolffian ducts and "feminization" ductive structures cannot be totaliy
of the external geni talia. XY individuals form teSte. aftcr a "cri tical slage" of development i. completed ,
and Mllilerian duct TCg ression. However. However, Ihe androgens promotc growth of the cli-
testosterone deficiency precludes sperm maturation. toris. enlargement of the larynx> and hypertrophy of
and pubertal maturatioo proceeds along "female" the skeletal muscles. They also Slimulate the ,""ba-
lin .... glands of the ' ki n and C'In hir<" i.i,m
There are no known eases in which testosterone They aCI on Ihe pitUitary gland to interfere with es-
can be made. but its ar(lmati7.ation i. bkx:kcd (192). tablishment of menslrual cycles. and they promote
This has led 10 speculation that estrogens a re essen· premature closure of the cpiphyses of Ihc long bones.
tial for su .. iva!. (Aromatasc enzyme inhibitors have
been given to experimental animals, but they do not
lotally abolish estrogen production.)
Ra re cases of 17a-hydroxylase deficiency have Sieroids made by ovarian Or adrenal gland tumors of
been found. They a re associated wilh sexual infan- the mot her can cross the placenta. Female fctuses
lil ism. and with inability to make the have also been adversely affected by synthetic pro-
lated glucocorticoids. Therefore, replacement ther· gestogens Ihat interact wilh androgen reccptor< or
apy must be inSl iluted $OOn after birth. Exogenous are metabolized to such steroids. Fortuna tely, it is no
cortisol and SOme of the synthetic glucocort icoids longer the custom to adminisler the progestogens to
ca n be util ized for testoslerone syn thesis. wonten with a history of spontaneous abortions.
The devasta ting consequences of failure 10 ma kc
3/t· hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase or pregnenokme
synthase were considered in Chapter 6. Sieroids sup-
pl ied by Ihe mate rnal system support su ..ival but fc- When mu lti ple fertilizalions OCcur in humans. each
luses with XY chromosomes and testes cannot ac· conce ptus establiShes its own private placental ar·
complish different iation of the Wolflian duc\$_ rangemcn\$. It is therefore possible for male and fe-
I ofants succumb to adrenocortical insufficiency if reo male sibling fCluses to simultaneously undergo nor·
placement Iherapy is not soon afler birth. mal development_
In catt le, vascular anastomoses conn""ling the
placentas aro often eSlablished. and these permil
Extragonadal Hormonel Affecting Sex
fetal exchanges of cells as well as of molecules. An
DifferentIation XX twin can accomplish normal preliminary devcl.
The adrenal glands devclop io dose proximity to the opment of the ovaries. gonadal ducts, and urogenita l
The they release may be major reg- sinu before coming under the inAuencc of H-Y an-
ulaton; of re product ive S)'stem diff.reotiation in tigen and germinal cells releascd by a male sibling.
Afterward, one or both ovaries arc transformed into tral nervOus system and establish germinomas (162).
testosterone-secreting OV(llestes and the external They then impili r gonadotropin secretion during the
genitalia become virilized. The affected calf is second decade. (By wntrast with humans. rabbits
known as ajrunmrlin. Depending ullOn the Stage at and some other small mammals require pituitary
which the exchanges begin, she becomes either a lH during the gestation period (381.)
true or a pseudohermaphrodite. The observations Maternal diets that are calorically inadequate im_
demonstrate that even a partially differentiated pose generalized problems that can include interfer_
ovary Can be markedly altered by the antigen (119). ence with normal differentiation of the r<:productive
In ralS and mice. the placentas remain separated, organs. Caloric dcficicnciesduring infancy delay tes-
but androgens made by XY fetuses can travel to XX ticular and seminal vesicle growth and the onset of
siblings. Females that develop in close proximity to spermatogenesis (152) . In rodents. the pineal gland
males show mild virili7.ation of the external geni. mediates some of the cffeclS (I 86). The concept tht
talia. At binh. the anogenital spacings arc greatcr females must acquire an adequate fat:lean body
than in unaffected females. latcr. there are differ. mar.s ratio before they establish ovarian cycles is dis-
enttS in Ihe timing of puberty onset and in the cussed in Chapter 15.
lengtns of the ovarian cycles. Howe,·cr. the .Iightly Zinc is needed in relatively large amounts during females arc fcrtile (182). early development. and it is known \0 affect proper-
tie.< of androgen receptors (79, I 75). Infants born to
zinc-<ieprived mothers ar<: likely to .uffer a ,,'ide va-
riety of somatic disorders as well. Iodine deficiency
impairs maternal a nd fetal production of the thyroid
The '"persistent MUllerian duct syndrome" is a rare hormones needed for central nervous system matu·
condition seen in XY individual. with testosterone· ration early in life and for de,'clopment of other or·
secreting testes (108). Presumably. it is caused by gans. Prostaglandins arc from
either inadequate or delayed secretion of MOL or a jally acids. Since they play numerous role< in repro-
receptor defect. The wmmon a"ociation wilh asper. duction (69.157) it is safe to assume that maternal
matogenesis suggests thaI the mutation simulla· diets lacking such molecules are harmful. However.
neously affects several Sertoli cell functions. Al_ it is diffIcult to study the problem since dietary ma·
though there arc indications that pituitary hormones nipulations have yielded a bewildering array of
affect MO l secretion (153). the developmental stage wnsequenees.
during which duct regrc$ ion normally OCCUrs is not Testosterone production in felUses ,an be de-
wnsistem with pituitary etiology of thc disorder. pressed by maternal st,us (21) . and males subjected
Tbe syndrome is distinguishable from one in which to stress·invoking procedures after birth show simi·
the genital ridge fails \0 form and hormonc secretion lar effects (152).
is never established. Autoimmune disorders and viral infections are as·
When the interstitial cells do not acquire normal SQ<;iated with tissue destruction and a variety of hor·
gonadotropin the testes makc sufficient mone receptor problems (149). They n<>1 uncom-
androgen to promote Wolffian duct maturation but monly affeet both adrenoconical and reproductive
the external genitalia arc 001 fully virilized. In proce!.S" within the same individual (73).
human infants. the can include hypo.-
spadias and microphallus. Postnatal androgen injec·
tions alleviate the metabolic consequences of testos·
terone deficiency. but they cannot normali7.c the
malformed structures. Much of Our knowlcdge of reproductive system de-
In humans and in some other large mammals. velopment is wnsistent with the wneeptthal mam-
chorionic gonadotropins act on the t H receptors. mals have an '"inherently female" body makeup.
Therefore, inability to secr<:te adequate amounts of upon which testicular can impose maSCu-
pituitary LEI n""d not impair early differentiation. linity. The notion can be applied only with reserva-
Some lH seems to be nceded during the third tions to sex differentiation of the central nervous
trimester to achieve adequate testOSterone produc- system.
lion. Dcficiencies impair the later stages of gonadal The most obvious gender·related differences in
and phallus growth. and they delay or block descen t neuron-controlled processes arc jun("lional (rather
of tbe t .. t .. (153). Androgen administration can than morphological) and quantillllivt (rather than
wrrect some of the problems that arise postnatally. qualitative). Males secrete more androgen and less
but gonadotropins are usually given (since they pro- estrogen and progesterone than females. but the
mote interstitial cell proliferation and maturation) members of both sexes have central nervous system
(3g.58). Sometimes. gOllOC}1CS migrate to the een- receptors for all of those hormones. The sensitivities

Fig. 13·25. TIIiooi...,ained hi. ' <>IOQi<:a1wetion. ( 00 OIienlal;on, . <>d _,,,,,, C arod 0 pro."" gr..".r
1"'0<41 ,he oexoally _phic """""'" (a rrow,) 01 r.;.toloQic1>1 AbI;>r ....lions: AC, ant..ior commissure ,
,.,. medi.ol preoptic . ' . . 0' the po;nl 01 itl ""' • ...,urn OC. <>ptic Chi .. Ufltum; 00 , ouprtehiosma,ie no.ocr.u •.
d ,."eI<>prneol in twO gonIIdeClom;zed ma r. ( A. C).nd (Reprinted I,,,,,, 1978, r.'"""", s.4)
1.....,. (B. 0) ed"" rals. SeotOon. " aM B Pf""ido _ . ,
of certa in neuron groups IQ endogenQU$ and admin- daloid CQmplexe:o; modulate ",productive Ix:hav ior,
istered regulators also differ. but the ranges ove rlap. and sex-linked differences in electrical activity fol-
Certain forms of behavior have been classified as lowing stimulation have bee n described (21).
masculine or feminine. a nd those related to copula- The mast obvious morphological differences have
tion are similar aCro" the various vertebrate species. been found in a part of the brain whose functions
Yet. populations of normal animals con tain fully fer- have nQt been defined. The medial prwptie area on
tile females that are motivated to mOUnt conspeciflcs each side contains a neuron group tilat has been
of ei ther sex. and also males that display "rcceptiv- named the sexually dimorphi( nucleus (SON) (5 4)
iW'· The tendencies of both males and females to beeause it is some 8 times greater in sile in castrated
engage in either form of behavior can be enhanced males than in female rats (4) (Fig.
by manipulating social as well as oormonal factors. 13-25). The nucleus enlarges during the first IOdays
Morcover. testostcrQne is an aroosal stimulant for fe- after birth in the males (92). Neonatal orch iectomy
males. while estrogens bring OUt ma.<culinc·type re- diminishes. ,,"hile neonatal ovariectomy augments
sponses in both males and females (I). the SON: however, the sex differences are not abol_
Even greater difficulties are enrountered in delin- ished by .uch surgery. It seems. therefore, that
eating sexual dimorphism when forms of beha vior either the ncuronS that go into it are established be-
thaI an: 00\ directly related to reproduction arc stud- fore the time of bi rth, or factors other than gonadal
ied. It is ge nerally expected that males will be IIlQI"C hormones direct S ON maturation.
aggressive . eSJlCc ially when they are defending ha·
rems or territory: yet aggression is regarded as "nor·
Mascu linization vs. Dalamlnlzatlon
mal" for females whose lilters are threatened . Sub-
missiveness has been c1assifi«l as a female trait, but The "'()ros ma.«IllinizQtiQtl and viriliwtiQtl were
most animal societies contain subordinate males. used to deseribe t he effects of Y chromosom"811S<>-
The gender roles vary widely with the spe<:ies. In eiated regulators (H .Y antigen. testosterone , MDI,
some groups, the females assume full care of the etc.) on the gonads. gonadal ducts, accessory repro-
young, whereas the males are the predators. In oth· ductive structures, and secondary sex char·
ers, males participa te in "maternal" activities. and acteristics.
females either join them in the hunt or serve as the More complex terminology i. applied 10 neuron-
major food providers. regulated functions. Here, mas(ulinizariM desig-
nale. androgen-linked establishment and augmen-
tation of the inclination to engage in copulatory and
Morphological Differences in the Central
related behaviors. Dejemini;;aNQtI refers to supprcs·
Nervous System
sion of "inherently" female gonadotropin relea ..
Since behavioral responses can Ix: unpredictable and pallerns as well as tendencies to display sexual re-
dillicult to quantitate, "objectively verifiable" mor· ceptivity. Investigators who believe that fcmale-type
phological sex differenccs have Ix:en eagerly sought. development is inherent seldom usc the term
In some cases, relationships bet,,"cen jeminiwliM.
characteristics of some neuron clusters and repro- Under normal conditions. most male nonprimate
ductive functions have been demonstrated. mammals undergo both masculini7-'!tion a nd defem_
The spinal nucleus of the cave'no&u< is nccded ror inization. However, the processes can be separately
the motor activities inVQived in intromission manipulated in rats, mice and other spe<:ies. Males
and ejaculation. It undergoes androgen-<lependent and females subjected to certain carefully timed hor-
development in male (but not in normal female) ratS mOne treatments will engage in mounting, intromis-
(92). Females castrated soon after birth and then sion, and ejaculation , and also in lordosis (assump..
gi,·en repeated testosterone injections acquire large tion of the posture assumed by rec<:ptivc
phalluses and male-type nuclei that support their females when stimulated by ma les). They arc some-
ability to engage in intromission. times said to be bisexual (21). Primates show maS·
Spinal cord motor neurons of male animals accu· culini7.8tion but they are not believed to undergo de·
mulate amOuntS of teStOSterone and of feminization (100).
DHT. Intraspinal administration of thc androgens
has sti mulatory effects on penile Estrogens
OrganlzetlQnel VB. Aetlvetlonel Effects of
inereasc the of sensory neurons that innervate
perineal regions (3 ). Normal adult female rJlS tend
to have larger ventrom«lial hypothalamic neuron Organizational (cond it ioning, imprinting) influer>CeS
clusters than adult males. and the synapo;c patterns are exerted duri ng an early "critical" phase of dc-
in the preoptic regions also show sexual dimorphism . velQpment . The major consequences arc oot ma ni-
Both regions facilitate ovulatory reftexes . T he amyg- fested until long afterward. For example, androgens

secreted Or administered perinatally in nus affect g.,. protein (but not RNA) ProgCSlerone fa-
nadolropin secretion pallern! and behavioral re. cilitation of estrogen-invoked lordosis has such a
sponses that emerge after the onset of puberty. time course. Its effects are blocked with anisomyein
The effe<:ls take time 10 develop. and Ihey are usu· (a protein s)'nthesis inhibitor) (100.126). but not
ally permanent. Since Ihey involve induction of spe· with actinomycin D. (d) Changes resulting from
eif,c macromolecules, Ihey can be bloeked with pr.,. "classical"' mechanisms of action of hor-
lein and RNA synthesis inhibi tOr!. Usually. mones require alleast One hou r to develop. These are
preexisting arc affected. Certain neuron dus· susceplible to actinomycin D block. (e) Estrogen·in-
lers within the brain of the rat fe tus that regulate duced lordosis in ovarie<:tomizcd animals peaks after
reproductive functions complete mitosis by day 14. several days. and the effects persist long afterward.
and some Olhers continue to divide until day 16 or Stimulation of this kind may require complex alter-
17 (10 1), whereas organi7.ational influences arc ations of Ihe cellular machinery,
known to be exerted after day 18. However, the jXI<I' The need for activational hormones is modified by
sibility thai estrogens exert some very early influ· teaming and experience. Thus, normal bUI "narvc"
ences on mitosis has not been ruled out . adult male rats initiate copulatory behavior when
The survival of developing neurons determined they arc presented with receptive females, whereas
to a great extent by the kinds of cell-to-eell com· androgetH!cfident ones do 1101. Ho....,ver. sexually
munications established . Gonadal steroids addoo to experienced males copulate long afler has
culture systems affect the outgrowth of axonal and lowered the androgen levels, cues Can
dendritic processes (170.171). Sinec only some of trigger the release of hormones regulating both
the cells respond, the hormones can prolong (or learning and bebavior (78). Aetivational hormones
shorten) the live,s of neurons wilhin brain alYcet lhe responses elicited (38,61).
hormones can also affeci cell
growlh, nuclear and nucleolar volumes, a nd lhe The TImIng of " CrItical Slages" for
CQmpOSitions of membranes, They exen influences Responses 10 OrganlzaUonallnfluenees
on mechanisms for regulating lhc uptakc of inor·
The .se a' which.n "'""1";."0 O<Vni,., ....... l
gank as well as organiC components of Ihe microen-
hormoRC$ depend. on Ihe slage <>f central ne .. oo. ')'Slem
vironment. and they Can in this way affect sponta- development, The'. ar •• pe.iel difference,. and each
neOuS firing rates and electrical activity responses to form of response has ils own time·table , In r.i •. maseu·
st imu lation. In addition, they modulate the ma- lini,.ing influences On ,,,".al beha.ior lxgin as earty as 18
chine ry involved in the synthesis. storage. degrada- day< poslconception. hormones mooulalel.e meehani,ms
tion. and release of neurotransmitter and hormones. conI rolling son..d<>lropin "cr<'ion . ho<tly b<for< and f<>r
Their long-range effects include differences in the • few d.y. following binh on day< 20-22. but .. x differ·
numbers of hormone receptors in region. of enec. in tUt. preference «(84) can be condilioned after
the brain, Sex differences in the binding of serotonin Vieaning (1 Sl), H.m.le .... wilh ge.,al;on period, of only
(45A), as well as of gonadal steroids are known . 16 day$, ,how sensilivities during 'he first lwo week. after
AClivaliOtWI stimulation is more proximally re- birth Ihat .r< comparable to ones found perin.tally in
rat,. Guinu pigs seem 10 unde'go '""'.euli ni.... ,io. during
lated to overt responses , Can act on fully d.y< 30-)7 of a 63-70 day ges'ation period (92) . Since
developed brains to reversibly modulate the func- thyroid h<>rmones are major usulolors of central ne1"OOS
lions , The regulators do not actually elicit Ihe be- .y<lem rnaluralion. Ihe "crilical period."' can be length.
havior, bUllhey facilitate its expression . ened by e .... ling def,ciencies. and Ihey can be ,h"'tened
Several forms of aetivational stimulation arC rec- by imposing hyperthyroidi.m (48.tOl)_
ognized. (a) Those with brief latencics and durations Evidenlly. neuronat CQmponents of Ihe b.. in and .pin.1
seem to involve direct infiucnccs of hormones on cord go IhfOllah • brief 'Iage during which mi,osi. OCcurS
plasma membranes. Estrogens can alter the firing but Ihere i. lillie Or no response 10 agem, thai promote
rates of some preoptic neurons within milli<eCQnds .... lion or cell groMh. If barmone. affccI prolifer_
(100). The meehanisms must differ from ones in- a'ion. ,hey mu,' acl a, ,ha, ' ime . Somewh .. later. Ihe
voked by ncurotransmillers. since the responses per· eclls enlarge and acquire Iheir specialized ",uclural and
furt(:tionat fU'ures Ih., indude .."",iatio", wilh OIhor
sist for a time after withdrawal of the Slimulus_ (b)
cell •. Thi, i, probably the .,age <>f maximal "n';livi,y 10
Reactions seen after somewhat longer latent periods <>rganialional hormQne •. Onty later dou il be<Xlmc p0s-
can involve hormonal inftuences on rates of uplake sible to demonstrale ;n/luenec, of activalionalhorm""" •.
or release of secondary regulators. (c) Some behav- In rats .• uch rc.pon.ivity begi •• 10 emerge a, the end of
ioral changes OCCur within half an hour after hor· Ihe first pOItnllll week (99),
presentation. Thcy probably depend on new Some pla'licily may be uI.ined . It ha, bun observed
tbat cenain 0<11$ <>f the ral bypotbalamu< 1= tbeir $t n- gen to '·sensitile" the prroptie me<:hanisms
. iti.iti •• to organizational df«" onc •• du1!hood i, at· leading to rapid discharge ofGn RH are sct in mo-
tained. How".r. if the connection, between them and tion. The lH surge and ovulation follow .
other neuro .. are .... red. is regained (54). If the arcuate nuclei and their connections wilh
the hypothalamo-hypophysial portal eirculalion are
Maturation of Mechanisms for Regulating left intaci. but connections betw«'n the nuclei and
Gonadotropin Secretion other pans of Ihe brain are severed. sufficient GnR H
is released to sUpp::>r1 limited maturation of Ihc ovar-
Th. hypothalamus of the adult male send. Out reg- ian follicles. However. ovulation does not occur since
ularly recurring ··pulses·· of luteinizing hormone·re· there are no lH surges. (Ovulation can also be dis-
leasing hormone (LR H). Pituitary gland gonado- rupted if are made in the preoptic region,
tropes resp::>nd by emitting tcmporally relatcd pulses when pharmacological agents sueh as
of luteinizing hormonc. The LH. in turn. provides impair neuron f"nctions. following destruction of
physiological stimulation for the testOStCrOnMCcrct- GnRU·secreting cells. and wilh eSlrogen =ptor
ing cells of the testis. In humans and othcr mammals antagonists.)
that maintain reproductive functions throughout the
year. the n«,d for LH docs not cbange very much The hormonal meeh.nisms compte,. When e>!ro-
from day to day or from wed to week (sec Chapter Ben, arc first released by the o... i.n follicle •. tllcy act
14). mOStly on tile pituitary gl.nd to inbibit LH rde.",. Ho...·
Ad"lt female. require more elaborate mecha_ ever. they also increa.e lhe sen. itivities of tile pituitary
coils 10 LRI I. and L11 . yntb ..i. continue •. Thoref<>r<:. pi·
nisms for oontrolling of gOJl3.dotropin secretion. and tuitary $tOres of LH huild up for. 'ime. Continued rc·
they rapidly discharge massive quantities shortly be· lea.. of .'''OS"ns lead. ultimately to ..erotion <>f I.rger
fore ovulation (Chapter IS) . Gonadal steroids regu- quantiti<1ofGnRH and thiS i. followed by lhe LH $Urge.
late LH release in all eutherian mammals. bUI there GnRI! i. pr.sent in th. preoplic as well •• '.n"omedial
are ma rked variations in Ihe for brain relions (3). It seems to function as botb a neuro-
acoomplishing the LH "surges"'. The control systems tran,mitter and a hormon •.
wcre first studied intensively in rats. and it was oncc
believed Ihat Ihe findings could be applied to mam- The concept that Ihe rat brain has an ·'inherent"'
mals in general. It has recenlly been recognized that tcndency to develop along female lines i$ supported
although penatn In many 01 thc by lhe "bI;.rvalion that neonatal o •• ,iectomy
(21). humans and most mon kcys solve nol prevent establishment of the machinery required
their biological problems in dilTerent ways. 10 mOunt LH surges. If Ibe ,}Varies of .!lOlh.r animal
are subsequently implanted. Ihe hypothalamus and
pituitary gland support ils cyclic functions. females
GONADOTROPlN CONTROL IN AATS Irea ted in this way can ovulale. oonceivc. and bear
young. On the othcr hand. if a previously normal fc·
Ncurons wilhin thc arCuate and yentromedial hy·
malc is given a single. moderatl>-Sized dose of testos-
p::>thalamic nudei synthesize and ((,.ically rolease
terone soon after birth. the hyp::>thalamus be<:omes
peptides that stimula te the LH-secreting cells of the ···· After the onset of puberty. a paltern
pituitary gland. The term gonodorropin "leasing for GnRH and LH release resembling that of nor-
hormone (GnRH) is used to designate Ihc hypotha-
mal males emerges, and the abililY to mount LH
lamic regulator. The Guestion of its idcntity with lu-
surges in r(l;ponse to physiological slimuli i$ lost.
hormone releasing hormone (LRH) is con-
The time period during which the system is suscep-
sidered in Chaplers 14 and 15. Gn RH mUSt be
tible to such manipulation is limi ted . I f the androgen
presented on a ...,gular basis 10 maintain Ihe struc-
administration is delayed for two Or three days, a
tures, secretory funcliollS, and s'''lSil;vilies of the pi-
dose is required . The sensitivity is totally lost
lUitary cells.
by the end of the 6th TKlSlnata\ day.
In female rats, Ihe arcuale nuclei eslablish func_
lional relationships wilh neurons of Ihe preoptic reo If dooe. too .mall to invoke lotal d.femini ... tion arc:
gions of the brain. The conne<:tions arc essential for used. the females develop. ··del.yed anovulatory . yn_
acoomplishing preovulatory LH ··surges:· and they drom.:· They bav. several cy<:le. soon after puberty
synchroni?.c the events with environmental c ues that onsel before becoming anovul. tory. and they the
indude diurnal variations in lighting. Rats exposed ability to accomplisb LH , urge, in responK 10 .kClrical
\0 natural illumination have 4 or 5 (but never 4"') ' limullli"n of tbe,. The defemin ization
,"""" to invol ••• ndrogen influenc...,ert.d on both the
ovarian cycles. EXTKlSure to contin uous brighl pituitary gland and the goo.d. (21).
light ean block ovulation.
Ovarian follicles ··ripen·· during the first phase of Whe n males arc castrated on the first or second
the est rous cycle. When they release sufficienl estro- day after birth. the hypothalamus develops along re-
male lincs. Ovaries that are laler implantoo display control of GnRH. By binding estrogens. they
activity. The effccts of orchiectomy are casily sharply limit the ability nr those steroids to gain ac-
reversoo by administering a single dose of testoster- cess to cells equipped with receptors. The lauer in·
one, Both cailTation and androgen "replacement" clude brain neurons affecling defem inization, as well
responSCli are lost after the first postnatal week. as accessory reproductive structure components.
During the juocnile period (after thc hypolhalamus
has become "",\"'). AFP levels decline rapidly. The
THE AROMATIZATION HYPOTHESIS uterus Ihen undergoes maturation.
When thc effects of perinatal gonadectomy and hor- Since the proteins do IlQI bind appreciable
mone injection were first observed. it seemed reawn- amounts of testosterone, tney do not imerfere wilh
able to conclude that testosterone interacts with an· lestosterone uptake and aromatization in the
drogen in the brain to bring about neurons,
defeminization , However. Ihe concepl nad to be re- Most of the srmMlic e'trogen, and the non'teroidal
vised when it was found Ihal tslrOgellS mimic leslo<- aClivatorS of estrogen receptors do not bind to AFP ,,·ith
lerone. whereas does nOI. high affi nity, Therefore. minute dose, aro highly crf«:ti""
II was soon revealed that estrogen receplors begin ... hen admini,t.r.d systemically. Th. naturally occu"in,
to appear in the around tne time of gOnadal will defeminize only when given in
birth, and that they increase in numbers during the amounts that exceed 1he bindin, copacity of AFP.
first few postnatal days (99) . MOre<l''Cr. neurons in· It is likely that some AFP i. synthesiz.d extrah.pati_
volved in defeminization contain aromatasc enzymcs cally (99). Sm.1I amount. are found in the e<:rebrospinal
that convert tCS!C)Sterone (bul nol DHD to eSlrogen. fluid, and in neuron, of th. brain that are not in·
vol.ed in the ddemini,.ation . It has been propOSed th.,
The conclusion Ihat tJll"OgtllS are Ihe
'hey provide for accumulation of e>trogens in
agents is supporled by several finding$ (SS). certain regions (92). Uterine AFPs may .1"" di •• rt ""me
The effect' '" testosterone e.n be blocked with oro- e;rc"13til\& estrogens away from\& of
m.ta", en'.ymc inhibitors such IS 1.3.5-0ndr""t.t.i.... the central nervou. syStem.
3.17-<1ion. (A TO. Fia. I 3-26). :l,'.Andr.. tene-)-<)ne e.r· Th< pl.sma concentration, of AFP roll rapidl}' towaN
• ..-I,iet, .. i,l, ""'"0'';''''' uf .. U>- the end of the first week and more , lowly thereaft." The
torOne to DIIT. is ineffecti.e. Nonsteroidal .gen .. such I•• el. are barely detectable by day 20. and the prote in
as di.thylstilbestrol (DES) that interact with e'trogen re· m.y tOlally disappear from the cir<:ulation by th •• nd of
«pt"'" mimic the teSt",terone. Estrogen ,eceptor ant.g. the first mooth.
oniS!.< (e ,g. M£R_25) abolish the effects of both teltO$-
terOne and the naturally occurrinjl e,t,ogens. APPLICABILITY OF THE AROMATIZATIO N
Cyprot.rone acetate (CPA) competes ,,·i,h both teSlO$- HYPOTHESIS
leron. and DHT for androgen binding $ite •. It> too. im·
pai .. the defeminizing influence, of the <teroid (88). It is important to point out Ihat many influences of
flow ••••. CPA eannot be regarded .. a "pure"' andre,en androgens On neurons do /WI depend upon aromati-
ant.gOl1ist. si"".;t exem some aClions za tion . Only limited numbers of .. lis contain estro-
.nd it inhibits lrom.t.", en>.ymeo (98). gen ree<:ptors. and only some of lhose possess aro-
matase enzymes. (The ones lading the enzyme are
not stimulated by estrogens.) Rat brain contains dif-
Estro gen-Slndlng Proteins ( 88 ,99 )
fe rent neurons with androgm receptors. Some are
The obvious question raised by the preceding obser· equipped with Sa-reduelases. In guinea pigs and sev-
vations is "What prolects Ihe young female against eral other spe.:ies. androgen receptors mediate some
estrogens secreted by her own ovaries and by the r<:sponses that require estrogens in the rat (1.99) ,
Young rodents produce ..,Ialively large quanlilies
nr a protein (or a group of closely related ones) Ihat
binds estrogen. with high affinity. The molecules.r.
known under several names. including alpha-foto- Since the testis sy nthesi"", androgens and releases
protein. AFP. "...FP. fetonconatal cstrogen-binding them in to Ihe bloodstream. whereas the immature
protein> and FEBP. They are formed first in the yolk ovary has very (i mited ability to ma ke those steroids.
sac. Later. Ihey are made in tne liver. from which it nas been widely assumed that the male:female dif-
they are released into the bloodstream. The concen· ferences in hypothalamic differentiation in ratS and
trations of circulating AFP are especially high dur- related species can be explainoo on the basis of
ing the "critical period" for org.niution of hypotha- higner circulating testosterone concenlrations in
c=o o
o .1. ___
"- "
O- C - Cfl,

0 0 /- /-
(81""""a .. ;"hi bOOf)
CYP"""r""" """,a,e
(OHT "",cpt"" anlag""" ' )

4-Ar><lro"" ""-3_,",,,. 2O-e a rbO<y1ic ocod

(S... ,edu<'.se _ bi'or)

,I - ," --,--?'

ME A·25 (",ha mo'ylfiphc'oIl
(O'''''9<'n ,,,,,,,p(O, .",' ago.n;ot)

H,c, Ii
N- C- C- O
" "
H,c' Ii H


I '"
H,c,- H H
N_C_ C_N Nalo' '''irlc
10HT roc<:plOr antagonist)

Fig. 13·26. 5o<M pIoormooologicll l ogeo,s used Ie

$'udy otIfeets 011."0$' ...0<>1 "" the bla 'n .

males during the first postnatal wcd. The dala 001- nave higher , •• ,os,.rOOe k .. I. ,han females during da)'s
Iccted by some investigators support the 11 through 27 .r'er concept;"" has b«n f<>und. ,h.
plasma ore cie>.,ed only on
How.,.r, ,tudi., on large numbers <>f relal and peri· day 18 (the tim. ""hen ro, al androgen p,<>ductioo pea k.
nalal animal, Ihal Ihe m«hani, m, m(lre and neurons wilhi" speCialized brain regions hay. jU.1
Although lendency r<>r male fel use, 10 completed mi'osi.). It has tx:on proposed Ihat dcfcmini_
Ziltion o<cu" in lwO nagc$. On day' 18-19, ,,,,,,>s,e,,,ne

regulated primarily by the ()varies. and that Ihe

JtMilius lhe neurons in males. Ao. resuh. only moder- GnRH plays the "pcrmissivc" role of mainlaining
ate CQIIcc.u'lioll$ an: required for perinol.1 defemini_ Ihe strueturCS and secretory capabililies of Ihe gon·
"'tion (188). Neonalal ca.tration depri ••• male, of the adotropcs (82,83).
$mall a<nOll"" needed.
The blood pl .. ma of fetal and neonatal female< OOn- II " ... recon tly demonstrated that rem.l. monkeY'
.. in<'0_ 'e,tosterone. However .• ince the le,'.I. arc not have fewer dendrilic bifurtation. and .pine. in the preop-
high on days 18-19. Ihe .. n,;\;""tion does no\ o<cur. Tho tic region than male. Thi. contr.. ts with the greater
animal. therefon: remain un'''pon,;ye,o thei, OW" small numbe .. in female than in male rats. The preoplie rcgion
amount. of androgen._ Tho)' .r<;, how',"e' .• rr«'cd by i. evidently required f.". normal sexual behavior in male
la ' ge d""es that ar. injecled. (Souren of and"".n, in fc- monkey., bUlllOl for oY"talioo in fern. I...
male reI""" ha, . I'IOt b«n dct<rmined. T he >toroid; do
Since hypolhalamic mecbanisms for GnRH re-
not .. om to originate in eithe, ,n . maternal sy'tem or the
r... lo>ar;e$.) lease are similar in males and females. it is not Sur-
T W<>-sICP mechan;,m. ha"" beon propo>od by oth." prising thaI no evidence has bc<:n presented for "de-
(48), Androgen. can in'ok. seque ntial ch"nses in the in male primatcs . .". for a protective
"umbe .. of 't<r<>id re<:eptO« in ,;><oi(,o brain and influence of AFPs in the females.
in arQmatue and .sc....od"ct... activities (21.9')). The}'
may contral the duration of the critical period. AFPs are made and secreted, but the pr<llein' do rIOt
Although sen.itization requires ooly limited 'moIInt, bind sub$l.ntial quantiti" of emegens. Rei .. in immu_
of androgen. there i, a Ihr<'$I>old oon<:ontration b<low norellulotion and in e<>ntroi of Ihe rate< of grOWth of ....
which it cannot occur. Female rat fetuses devcio>pi"3 in tr<lgen .... nsitive nellroos have been proposed from some
close pro,imily 10 male sibling.< bave bigher blood and of Ihe mammals (163.166). PrimatO$ hove plasm. pro-
amniOlic fluid testosterone colI<entratioo. than """'" lo- teins not flHlnd in rodents Ihat bind testoslerone and es-
c.. ed b<lween t;v(l fem.le< (182). trogen •. It i. Iherefore li kely th.1 AFPs perform fllOC-
tioos unrtl.ted to the reproduclive system. (Even in mi<:o.
Ihey may have multiple role<. Quantitative relation,hips
SEX DIFFERENTIATION OF THE PRI MATE bct""een AFP levels and r.l .. of felal growth have been
HYPOTHALAMUS de.eribed [641-)

The menstrual cycles of most primates dilfer in ob- r Uflner indications Ihal gonadal , tcroid •• '" not
vious ways from the estrous cycles of rodents (23). important "'gulalors of hypotha la mic , ex differen-
The former arc usually longer (avcraging around 28 tialion in primales come from observ31iollS made on
days for humans and some of the monkeys. com· human infants cxpo:sed prenatally to high androgcn
pared with 4 or 5 days for Ihe rat), Ihey include a concentralions. Female infants born with moder-
protracled luteal phase during which the ovary .... alely virilized eXlernal genilalia often undergo flOr·
CreleS substantial amoums of protesterone. and Ihe mal pubertal development. and they subsequently
preovulatory surges show no obvious links "ith diur- establish menstrual cycles (40).
nal changes in environmenlal lighting. Moreover.
Ihere is no primate equivalent of Ihe "behavioral es-
trus" Ihat is discussed later.
Unlike Ihe situation deseribed for rodents. pri_
mates mainlain ova rian cycles when connectlom be- In species Ihat display stereotypcd behavioral re-
Iween the areuale nuclei and Ihe Olhe r pans of Ihe sponses 10 naturally occurring s timuli. it is easy to
brain are seve,""d, or when lesions .'" made in demonSlrate regulatory roles for the hormones.
the preoplie regions (118). Gn R H sli mulation of Ihe However. eve n in these. environmental cues and s0-
gonadOlropes is requi,""d, but amoun ts dolivcrcd cial factors contribute to the aClivities (78). Male r0-
to the adenohypophysis need not increase on a pcri- dents emit high-frequency sounds Ihal encourage Ihe
odic basis 10 elicit the LH surges. When the arCuate display of sexual receptivily by females (47). The
nuclei of adult female monkeys are destroyed, the sight and odor of females in can promote re-
animals can conlinue to ovulale in a seemingly nor- lease of hypolhalamic and gonada l hormones in
mal manner if hourly pulses of synthetic LRH are males. and these arouse sexual interesl (61). Lll lcv-
provided in dosages that do not vary from day to cis rise in males jusl prior 10 and during coitus (3S).
day. (A similar pattern of LR H administration while vaSinocervical Sl imulation alfeets metabolic
maintains lesticular function in males with lesions activities in the brains of females (2). Hormones re-
Ihat impair endogenous Gn RH secretion.) It seem$, leased in ,""sponse to social and environmental cues
Iherefo,"", that Ihe LH surges in Ihese mammals a", conlribute 10 the behaviors. (Androgens prepare
males for the precopulatory vocaliT.ations, wherews mones are obtained from comparisons of caesarian-
estrogellli and progestogen. are important determi- delivered fewses developing in close proximity to
nants of female reactivity.) sib lings of the same sex with those exposed to sib-
Monkey. have more highly developed cerebral lings of the opposite sex. The amniotic Auids of fe-
cartice. than rodenlS. and social stimuli a nd learning rnales cantiguous with other females contain mOre
are at least as imponant as hormones for de termin_ estrogen and less testosterone than those of males
ing behaviors. Although men release GnR li, LH. implanted nex t to males. The steroids can dilfuse
and testosterone in anticipation of sexual activity from One fclus to the neXI. and the eoocentration<
(61), behavior in humans is controlled mOStly on a are somewhat modified in this way. Female rnice oc-
canscious levd cupying uterine sites between twa males have been
reportcd to develop into ad ults thaI arc aggressive
and less allrac tive to males than females developing
Hormonal Control of Reproductive Behavior
belween t "'0 females. However. despite mild urogcn -
In the Rat
ital virilizalion. they relain full fcrtility. Males de·
Adull females undergo regularly recurring changes veloping between Iwo females mature into adults
in sensitivities 10 stimuli thaI are clearly linked with Ihat are sexually more active than controls develop-
the phases of Ihe estrous cycles. The animals beoome ing between males. but less agg ressive toward olher
"proceptive" when the foUides and oocytes arc ma- males(182A).
turing and the estrogen tite rs in the blood begin 10 Prenatal additionally affecl the central
rise. As the time for ovulation approaches. Ihey i!l- runclions of se rotonin. a neuroVansmiller thaI can-
crease Iheir motor activitie •. (If an exercise wheel is tributes to the regulation of lH surges as wen as re-
provided, they use it more often at this time.) As the productive behavior. Gonadal steroids regulalc thc
blood estrogen levels reach their pcaks. tile females activities in adult animals. but sex differences in
darl about and orten wiggle their cars. They become binding have been demonstrated for gonadectomized
highly receptive to males. and they will assume a rats (4SA).
posture that faeililales insertion of the penis into the OrganiT.ational influences cantinue to be mani_
vagina if they arc stimulaled. The lordosis response fested after binh. The medial preoptic area of Ihe
involves dorsa"ection of the spine . elevation of the rat plays esse ntial roles in the expression of male sex_
head and rump. extension of the hind leiS. and ual behavior. It is pOOrI}' differentiated durin£ the
movement of the tail away from the vaginal orifice, first 5 postnatal da),s, and it makes fewsynaptie can-
It can be elieiled by artificial lactile sl imulation of ncctions at that time. Infant females receiving intra-
the vulva l region (21). cerebral transplants of medial preoptic tissue from
The of females to enter into "behav- males mature inlo females with responsiv-
ioral estms" (beeorne ma,imally rcsponsi"e 10 males ity to estrogens and greater tendencies to display lor-
during Ihe periovulatory period). and to fight off lhe dosis. Progesterone-facililated behavior is not. how-
at OIller limes. asSure that oopulalion will ever. affectoo. Tlte females also have
OC<:ur only during times optimal for oocyte tendencies 10 engage in copUlation. The effecls are
fertilization , at least partially allributed to the formation of large
[n contrast. healthy adult males mainta in conlin- numbers of estrogen receplors (2A).
uous motivalion to engage in reproductive behavior. The behavioral responses require aClivational hor-
There have been suggestions that their uninler- mones. They subside in untreated gonadectomized
rupted prodUction of very large numbers of spe r- females. and they Can be restored by administration
matoroa is "wasteful." but il has been pointed OUI of the appropriate chemical regulators.
thaI a sustained state of readiness a vcrts the need for When given alone. only large doses of estrogen a rc
highly camplcx mechanisms that synchroni1-c sper- effective in ovariectomized females. Much smaller
in one anima l wilh ovulation in aoother amoo.mts are needed if progesterone is also provided.
(114). Progesterone alone: Can invoke proceptivity. and it is
The behavioral cycles of females depend on the es- believed to cantribute to the physiological onset of
tablishment of neural circuilS. the acquisition of behavioral estrus. h is also implicaled in termination
highly sensilive receptors for CStrogc ns and otller of that phase. Both effects seem 10 depend on Ihe
stimuli. and til. development of camplcx hypotha· induction of spec ific proteins (126). GnRH promotcs
lamic. pituitary. and gonadal mechanisms for hor- secretion of gonadotropins and thereby of ovarian
mOne release. The processes are initiated before steroids. It (or a closely related peplide) additionally
birth. bUI Ihey arC susceptible to manipulation dur· aclS directly on neurons involved in behavior, (lnjcc-
ing Ihe early postnatal period. tions of synthetic LRH can invoke sexual rec<:ptivity
Some insighlS inlo the .lfeelS of prenatal hor- even in hypophysectomized females.) An LRH -li\.:c

wilhin the ovary affc<:u lhe responses 10 g0- venlromedial hypOthalamic areas involved in
nadotropin slimulalion (75). ACli>'alienal hormones stimulation.
can also inhibit Ihe rcspJNeS. Molecules wilh coni-
cocropin relu si ng hor!TlOnC-like prol'C'nic:s di"..
tribulrotO discrete brain sites. and ;t hal been shown
thai microin fu sion of C RH in to Ihe arcu.le-ventro- Preoptic regions of Ihe brain media te mounl ing. in·
medi.l regions of the hypOthalamus si multaneousl y trom ission. and ejacul alory behaviors. The aClivilies
suppresses sexual rceeptivity and invokes aggr<:Sl!ion B'" bU I il has 001 been eslai).
(16 IA ). lishcd tlLat the steroids mllst be during lhe
TIle concept lhal the lendency 10 accomplish the felal period. In addition 10 aifeeti", Ihe brain. male
deyclopment is "inhercnt" is. e asily conadal hormones increase the taetile sensitivily of
sUpPOl1ed. Neonatally gonadeetomittd males and the penis..
females retti¥ing no steroid I'<:plaament ..apon<! 10 Ma ny normal females in mount ing behav-
hormonal and mechanical slimulation when thcy al'<: iors. T he aetivily is increa$Cd if androgens an: i...
ad ulls. Even inlaCI males display fOOlC lordotic 1'<:- jecled . The Ircatments are especially elfoc\ive wben
SpOnses when they arc kepi in observation "arcna'" females arc ovaric<:lomi1.ed soon afte r birth and a rc
in the compa ny of olher males for protracted pe- Ilten give n "conditioning" dosagcs of tC'5IOSlerone,
riods. Eslroge n injections the inlensi lies and Electrica l of the preoptic brain also
fl'<:qucneies of the activilies. brings out Ihe teoocl>Cics.
TeslOSterone has defem ini1';nl inlluern;es on the Some effects I\a .,c been linked with a romali711tion.
behuior. females given small a mounts soon afler Reccnt ly castrated males that an:
binh af(: laler less rcspJfISive to males. even when seldom a u empt OIlplllation. They can be encouraged
It.eyare injected with estrogens IS adults. Although 10 do so if thcy an: trealed ..·;th eslrogens. HO....,YCr.
at leasl some or the effeets del'C'nd on aromati711lion. an estrogen·DHT <.:Qmbination is more effeeti,.., (I).
is more effective than ewogen in noo-
nalnl anima ls of both species Ihal have been
Males with androgen receptor defc<:ts but lestus- SOME COMPARISONS
le!'OM secretion show liule lendency to engage in lordosis is elicited in a nima h only
lordOISis. even when Ihey art injected wilh estroge ns when the dosages of eslrogens given arc in lhe range
dllrina adulthood. The obscmltion has been cited as required for mainlenana of ulerine weight Tbe J ...
support for Ihe conr.:ept lhat estrogen reeeplOl$ imllb respond wilhin 1&-24 IloIIrs each lime lhe
(wh ic h are flll>Clional in these rats) mcdi.ale ddtm- trcllmenl is inslituted ( 100). The behavior lhen sui).
inization. It should be pOinled OIIC. however. that sides unlil the next injocllons are given. The intervals
hleh .ninuJ. a", also deprived of anJrovn influ· between injeclions do nOt nffc<:1 Ihe dosage
cnces on Ihe brain. Th.y also fail 10 copulate . f(:Q,ui",ments.
SY C<Jntrast with Iheir effec ls in nconalCs. low dos- In contrast. dosages tllal restore copulatory be·
agcs of f"dlii"it estrogen_medialed be- havior in recently castrated male adUlts arc insuffi.
havior in adults. Intact malcs are much"""" likely eienl 10 promote growt h of Ihe aecCMOry reproduc-
to display lordosis tban caslratcs (118). tive OTgans. HO\fI..,ver. if Ihe .nimab a", deprived of
Ahhough normal male rats lotally Iooc the abil ilY androgens for a protracled I'C'riod. the behavioral cr-
to mou nl U I surges. tbeir dcfeminiz;a· fects can be clicited only after repealed injections of
lioo" is incomplete. InlaCt ad u1t$ respond 10 both es- larse d05C$_ Inle..atingly. however. sexually experi-
lrogen injections a nd manWil slimulallon. They enced males that al'<: CaStraled late in life continue
quire larger doses of Ihe steroid tban females. a nd 10 mounl females for monlhs al'ler the surgery. The
Ihey display lower "lurdosis quOtients" (33) (lor· lime period during which Ihe activilY I'C'rsists i$ im·
dosit:mount ratiOlS), Some authors $laiC Ihat intac t pressive. since Ihe average li fe-span in the laboratory
ma les fail 10 show progeslcrone facilitalion (33). but is some thing li ke 2)1 years,
OIhers disagrc<: (178 ). differenlialion of the rodent brain is rr>OI"C
f emales are generally more sensilive 10 estrogcns. <.:Qmplex than the prcecdinl discussion suggestS.
Uowever. members of . pOplllation differ ...·idcly in Some of the faclors Ihal modify beha"ioral respOllSCS
behavioral respon5C$ 10 o:1O$enous and rndogcnoos II'<: eiled.
Stcroids. Some r<:Spond only when given dosages Ihat
.'" effec:tiv.: in males. HorrTlOflCS can act on prwplic I . NOI .11 ............ ' ions I'" wholly coouisIon, wi. h lhe
"'gions 10 invoke inh ibition (171). as wcll as on lhe arom.tiU.lion hypOlhnil, AnlicstfQg .... do not oons;$'
lenlly block le,'oslerone-in"Ol:ed behavior. even in cas· and ,ndrogen' promOte Ihymic involution. 8y cont,"st.
traled mal< ralo. 19·oo.leslO:;le,,,,,e evidently .xeno prog.sterone.OO prolaclin administration c.n O'Ust en·
grealer influenceo Ihan would be expected solely on the largement of the gland , Su.pens ion.of Ihymu, Iland ceil.
basis of iI, a'omatiubilily. DHT (which is nol conY. ni· are reporl.d 10 protecl neonat.1 female. againsl th. dc-
bl. to estrog.ns) has som. aClivity in castrated male<. E.· feminiUlion th.t WOuld otherwise <>ccur follOwing andro- implanted inlO the preOplic area. of castrat.d Ben injeclion (81).
mal. rats stimulate ..,ual behavior only when som. 6. The oondition. undcr which repTOduetive beh.1vior is
DHT i. given .y<lemically , J<>.reduced DHT melabolites studied in Ihe laboratory .r•• niftcial. and Ih.", arc se-
can act .1"". to stimulat...,ual behavior in ca,tr.,.d. riou. qu'"ion, coneerning the applicability of the ob>cr·
st <ually in.. pe,ieneed male mic •. It i. likely. Iher.for •. ,,"lions 10 Ihe und .... I.nding of nalurally <>ccurring
thaI occupalion of bolh eSlrogen and androg.n rec.plo", evonlS. Animal, are often taken from the ir oages and
i. rtquired for run ",pre»ion of male behavior (971\). placed in an unf.miliar setting. Members of one sex oom.
2, Progest.rone bind. with 10'" .ffInily 10 androgen .... in Oontact ""ilh those of thc othe r when the inve"igalor
ceptor.. Depending upon the ooncenlration. relative 10 chooses to make ,uch .rrangements. The numbe .. wilhin
tesloster""e. proge".rone can funelion a, .ith.r an 'g'" each group are arbitr;ttily $Clected. and u.ually th, par·
Or antag<>niR It can also .treel le.tosle,one metab- licipants of the have no opportunily to ....,a1'"
oIi.m by compelinll with Ihat steroid for Sa·reductases. from the '"a",na:· Nocturnal ani mals .ueh as ralS arc
The 5a-dih)'droprogestuone that is formed may e<crt di· commonly studied du,ing d.)i ight hou ... (",'he n Ihey
rect influence. of its own (122) , would olhcrwi.e be relatively inaotive). and they .re
It has botn prQj)OO<d Ihat prOg<Slerone protce .. the mainlained under lighling cood ition. determine<! by con-
brains of felal primales against potentially deloteriou. in· unrelated to ones eneountered by f"al ani.
ftuencos of androgen. (141). Since progeSterone mal>. (··Light> on" at 8 A.M .• nd ·' Iillht' 011". ot 6 P.M.
higher in female Ihan in male rat felu,"s (40). Ih. hor- or 8 P.M. du,ing both summer and winter are f"'quently
mono may play comparable roto. in rodcn". A report emplo),.d.) The pineal gland exert. a variety or influences
Ihal progesle,,,,,,, injection. protecI't Ihe d.f.min- on the reproducli'" syst.m. and il i. profoundly affected
i,ing effects of neonatal androgen ad min i"'ation in fe· by the photoperiod. There i. little unde"tanding of Ihe
male .... i. oon,i"cot wilh (hi. notion (40), differene.s bet"' •• n ··,ummer" vs. "wintor·· .nimals
3. In add ition to acting on own receptors lind in· maintained under COn.tant temperature. humidity. di·
ducing progeslerone r.ccpto ... estrollcns .ffectlh. secre· etary and tillhtinll condilions. t>t of the importance of por·
tions and f"nction. of prol.ctin. ,r",... h hormone. o'yto- millinll animals to inter.. t ",ith Changing cnvironmenl'.
cin. LH. prO$laglandin.. and hi".mine. Prolactin
mooul.". t .. ticul.r.nd ovori.n ."'roidogcno.i•• nd e,.
erlS neurotran.mit1er·likc aCI;"". in Ihe brain (100). Ox- HORMONAL CONTROL OF REPRODUC TIVE
ytocin. LH. and prostaglandin, '100 aot at multiple , ite. BEHAVIOR IN PRIMATES
to affecl both reproduction and beh.vior •• OO GH con-
tribut.s 10 Ih. regulation of gonod.1 funetions. Techniques used 10 rodents are IIQI easily ap-
ESlradiol i. by many crit.ria Ihe most potenl 01 tho plied 10 Ihe inveSligation of organizational and aCli.
naturally occurring estrogen •. It i. interoonvcrlibl. with vational hormones in primate •. Although yoong in·
estrone in many t.rgCI cell •. and it ",rve. a,. precursor fam male have higher leslOSlerone level.
of estriol . We hav. only limited informalion on Ihe spe' Ihan females of the same ages (144). Ihe long ges--
cific role. of some of the metabolite •. lalion periods and Ihe oomplcxities of the noonale
4. Norepin.phrine stimulates pulsalile GnRH .. cre· brains suggest Ihal ··condilioning" OCcurs long be-
lion. [}<)pamine somc of ilS effcetS. and it i, fore birth. The mechanism. dilfer from those of ro-
al"" a major inhibitor of prolactin rele ..e. Estrogen, in· dems. and both Ihe distribulions and funclions of re·
leract with Ihe oatecholamines in se,'eral w.)" (127) that
include modulation of Ihe luncti"". of catecholamincrgk CeplOrs for progesterone and olher hormones arc
ncurOn' (AOOrogens have been .hown to act at somc dissimilar (91). Surgical and pharmacological ma-
of Ihe sam •• il •• ,) Substantial quantities 01 e"rogcn, are nipulations of young fetuses arC Icchnically difficult
convcrted to catechol derivativ .. in the h),pot ha lamu. to accomplish. and they invariably traumalil.c both
(Fig. 13·27). and al least some products of Ihe ,eaction, the mother and the young. Androgens. estrogens.
$C",e .. nourotran.mi llers. It ha. be.n report.d that 2- a nd proge'logen! Can be injecled into pregnanl fe-
hydrox)·.stradiol .. cultured gonadotropos to males. but affect much more than fetal brain
LRH, and th.t il enhances GnRH in .dult animals (75), development. They are also converted
However. bolh 2·hydroxye"radiol , od 2·hydro<yCII'""" '" a varie(y of biologieally aelive wilh prop-
&tern to inh ibil gonadotropin "c""ion in newborn female enies unlike those of the prccursors. Moroover. tlte
rats (21). and 2·h)'droxye".. diol can ouppre" proiaclin amounts that enler the fc(os can only be roughly
$Cerotion in women (46). Cateehol estrogen. compote
with epinephrine. norepinephrine .00 dopamine for the cs(imated,
oatechol.()..meth)'itransfera.e (COMT) Ihat ",as dc· Postnalal behavior ean be modified wilh exoge-
,cribed in Chapler 8. nouS hormones. but it is strongly influcnced by social
S, Interrelation.hip. bet",ccn tho Ihymus gl.OO aOO the cues. learning. psychological conditioning. and other
gonads wcre cilcd earlier. and it "''''" notcd that cstroge", factors that are nol casily defined or conI rolled. An·

o "
A J..

• c7

"0 "
o "o
OO"' •

o o
" "
-+ '"
"0 '"
Fig. 13-21. Some .." """", """ a bo!;I•• l¢<med in lhe
c,","'., n.,IIOUS sy&lem.
deprived of ordinary substi tute aller- 10 be "appropriate" for young females is un-
nate cues. are also numerous species and in- related to hormonal status. Since androgens arc an-
dividual difference •. abolic. girls exposed to thcm tend to be larger and
Although ddeminization probably does not occur. stronger Ihan other children of the same age. They
males are believed 10 undergo behavioral masculin- may therefore be belter equipped 10 perform athleti.
i1.alion . The are. however. mostly quantita- fealS and 10 resi.t attempts by adults to persuade
Juvenile males tend to be more activc than fe- Ihem 10 be satisfied with dolls and other toys,
males of the s.ame but some females are The re arc controversies concerning the elTecls of
friskier. The lendency 10 mount Qlher animals i. re- prenatal exposure to excessive amount-I of progester-
garded as a male attribu te. bUI SOme females do this one. This may be rela ted to observations that natu-
more frequently than their male counterparts. More- rally occurring progestins comJlC'le weakly with an-
over. Ih. behavior Can be invoked by slimuli unre- drogens for receptors. They Can serve a,
la ted to reproduction. It is used by both sexcs 10 ex- either agonislS or anlagonists. Synthetic steroids
press dominance. and all healthy juveniles may aCI directly as potent agoni'" or be melaboli7.ed
frequently jump on the backs of their parents. "Psy· 10 products Ihat do so.
chosocial deprivalion" during infancy blunts Or abol· Some authors state th"t progestcrone protects fe-
ishes overlly interactions wilh other ntent· male fetuses against androgens (141). and reports
bers of the species. even when Ihe animals are gi"en that both male and female iofanl s born to progesto.
exogenous hormones. gen-treated mothers have reduced activity levels and
T he effects of activational hormones dilTer from la ck aggressive tendencies (40) have been cited in
those described for rodents. even when rescm blane<:s support, Others fInd elTects of this kind in Sirls but
in end resulls are observed. Thus, for example. fe- not in boys (7). Yet dilferent studies indicate that
male monkeys living under natural conditions. and aggression i. increased (140). It should be pointed
ones maintained out of doors in large colonies. usu- oul that androgen levels are not closely correlated
ally engage in copulation only during the follicular with behavior in humans. and only devia·
or periovulatory phases of their menstrual cycles tions from the norm have been as<ociated wilh con-
(53). They terminate Iheir displays of inlerest in sistent conscquencc.l, Plasma tcstosterone levels vary
males as the progesterone le"els rise during the lu- "'idely among Olen wilh similar personality charac-
teat phue •. 11owever. there i. no lrue "behavioral leri"j"" ( (47).
estrus". Unlike rodents. female rhe,u, mon keys The ac""ptanc. of gender identity seems 10 deter-
maintained in laboratories display ., cxual "recep!i,·, mined mostly by learning during infancy and child-
ity" and extend invitalions during all phase' of their hood. and by th. anatomical fealures of Ih. geni-
ovarian cycles , A previously isolated healthy male lalia. It may not be subslantially influenced by either
given aeee" 10 an adult will copulate without chrolllOWme palleros or hormones. XY individual,
regard to the phase of Ihe cycle. On the other hand . with androgen receptor defcctsare usually raised as
when given the choie<:. male, select periovulalory fe- girls. and man)" go On to marry and adopt children.
males. The cone<:pt that female, with high Strongly virili,ed XX persons have often assumed
levels are attractive to males because they release male roles wilhout difficulty. It can be argued. how-
pheromones i010 their vaginal fluids wa, discu.scd in ever. tnat XY "females" arC androgen-<leprived.
Chapter 1. It has been widely promulgated by SOme whereas XX "malcs" have been conditioned by their
investigators and refuted by others (50) , sex hormones.
The factors that wntribute to gender identity
problems and homosexual preferences in anatomi-
Organl:Ultlonal and Actlvatlonal Hormones in
cally normal humans are unknown. Attempts to
"correct" the condilions with exogenous hormones
Most of our informalion has been oblained indi- have been. almosl uniformly U,ually.
rectly. Girls exposed prenatally 10 high androgen androseos exaggerate (while blunt) preex-
levels are said to display more "tomboyism" and isting tendencies wilhout changing their directions.
strong interest in physically demanding sports (7). Human brains probably remain highly plastic
They do OOt seem to have ,pecial "gender identity" (147). A. noled. children with XY chromosomes
problems. As children. Ihey regard themselves as and limited ahility to Convert tCStOSlerone to Dl·IT
girls. When they altain adulthood, Ihey marry and have been observed 10 adjust well 10 childhood rolcs
bear children in ,uflkient numbers 10 refule the con- as girls and to assume masculine behavior patterns
eepttna t prenatal androgen;zalion is a major deter_ whe n hormonal ehanges during puberty bring about
minant of postnalal behavior. It has been suggested vi ri Iiz.a t ion.
Ihat tne lessened tendeneies of prenatally androgen_ Sex diffe rentiation of nonreproductive struclures
ized girls to engage in forms of play considered by is considered in Chapters 14 and 15.

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S ., and BuMik. G. P. Mechani.m of
The Male Reproductive System

The mammalian testes profoundly affcct "v<:'y as- " Ihick. connective tissue layer, the luniM Illb,,·
peCI of the ph)'sioiogy of lh. individuals in which ginea. encloses the testis as a whole, It is lined by the
they reside. and they do 50 from carly embryoni. life mniCIl vll$cuiosa. which provides the site for enlry of
\0 the lime of death. Th ey pro,-ide the spcrmalQ7.00 branches of the imernal spormalic artery and Ihe in·
that are =cntial for perpetuation of the specics. and lernal spermalic nerve plexus. The tuniM vaginali,
lhey lleerc\o hormones thaI (a) promote development is a double serous membrane. thc visceral ponion of
and maimain the f ""clions of ac.:cssory reproductive ",hich covers the tunica albuginea. The pmiclal
organs nceded for reali7.alion of Ihe roles of lhe ga- layer of the tunica vaginalis lines Ihe scrotum. A
metes; (b) bring 001 lhe phcOOlypic features thal shcath of smooth muscle (the lunica dartos). and Ihe
"'nrlM "tr.ctive tn the fern. Ie; (e) <en,iti,,, <t,iMed rr'mll.fler mu.<r/" on,,,,]op the ,,,,,,matic
the organism as a whole 10 slimuli that spark and cord as "'ell as the teslis.
sustain sexual intcres! and support Ihe performance;
(d) contribute to control of gonadotropin synthesis Minor sptcico .. rialioo,;n t.. tieular ,trueture arc de·
and release; and (e) CAC'I in"ucnoes on a wide vari- ",ribed for Ihe mammal •. Human organ, 8re 4_5 em in
cly of " nonreproductive" body components that in· length and 2- 3 em in diameter. bUI one ;, ge ....11)'
clude the liver. kidneys. skin, skeletal muscles. thy. larger than the other (126). The tubule. are 0 . 12-0.3 mm
mw; gland. bone and bone marrow. and of the in diameter, and they , how «tens;.. aMSlOlTlO<C<. Con.
nective tiM"" "'ptulae "'parate the parench)'nt. inlo
brain that modulate food intake. mood. and the in· ",me 250 lobul ... each .oot.;ning 4_ 10 Iubul¢<. Th.
clination to engage in motor activity. teSt .. of rat •• nd other ,mall lack seplulac and
an.,lomose •.
lubules containing the germinal ele-
mentS and the Sertoli cells that nurlure them. make PRODUC TION AND MATURATION OF
up the bulk of the adult gonad , The long. hollow, SPERMATOZOA
convoluted. looped portions originate and terminate
The migralion of primordial germ cells (gonocytes)
in straight lubuli rteli, Spermatozoa leaving the tub-
10 the genilal that later enters into formation
uli recti pass through a fine network of channels (the
of the leSlis, Ihe maturation of the gonocytes 10 spor·
retia testes) into efferenl duclU{ts as they journe)' to
matogonia, and Ihe early differentialion of the male
the epididymis (Fig. 14·1).
gonad were described in detail in Chap. 13.
The tubules are envclopc<J by a basal lamina. just
beyond which there are fusiform (myoid) cells that Most investigators believe that Ih •• perm.log",,;.
resemble smooth muscle fibers, The latter are. in formed during fetal life remain dormant throughout tbe
turn, invested wjth the juvenile pcriGd and tben become the prallenitors of the
The surrounding interstitium carries the Icstoster· mature gamol.. (179). bUI OQrne oay th .t gonocyte. arid
one-producing Leydig (interstitial) cells, blood and their early ,"c"...sors dio off, to be replaced by I\CW .per·
lymphatic capillaries. finc nerve ending>;, callagen- malOgonia that differenliate from th. "germinal
ous fibers. macrophage •. and some fibroblasts (179). epithelium ."

- •
.- ." ,

- ••
... • •

• ••
• \

,• 1
·"i:. ..
, ..,
o • ,.•

,• .
. ': - •.
. '
Spermatogonia 01 the Mature Te stl.
All mammals have two classes of spermatogonia. ", ___ A, ___ ", ___ A. / "
along wilh subtypes (hat show spedes variations (33. " A, __ 8_ _ Primary
Thus. A, celt •• re of the succeS$iveiy more
TYPE A SPERMATOGONIA differentiated t)'pes. but they al5<1 iodirc<:tly form new A,
These somewhat oblong cells are fouM in Ihe basal cell •.
A problcm ... ilh lhe hypothesi, is Ihal il '«Iuire. an
rcgions of the tubules. allaehed broadly to the basal ad>a nced cell type (A,) 10 .. rve a. Ihe prc<:UfSO( of ""e
lamina. They are said to be ··dust·like"· because the Ih" i, Ie .. well differcnli"ed (3J.52). Another concepl i.
chromatin appears finely granulated (33). Ihal A. (stem cell.) proliferate dirc<:tty and al"" se",e.,
Primates have darkly staining A. cells that do not Iho progcn;tOf1, of $C.eral other Iypc< of ,pe rmalogoni.
divide or take up labeled thymidine under ord inary Ihal include form. (A,,) more "primili"'" Ih.n Ihe A,.
conditions. They arc believed to be r tserW Slem Cf'lIs
that can renew the populations when infections.
11..-- 11.,-11.,,-11.,,-11.,,-11.,- A,- A,- A.-A,- B
drugs. radiation. or nutritional defocieneies damage
the pa ler Iype A spermatogonia. Thcy a rc almost de- TYPE 8 SPERMATOGONIA
void of cytoplasmic organelles olhu than limited
numbers of mitochondria. They also may lac k These germinal arc "committed" to entry in to
nucleoli . spermatoge nesi,. They arc S<t id \0 be "crust-like" be·
Less intensely s\a ining pale (A.) cell, are cause of the Aaky appearance of chromatin ,\\lached
rounde<:!. contain numerous organelies. and ofte n to the nuclear membrane (33). They are spherical.
jXl5Scss one oT two nucleoli close to the nuclear en- possess more org.nelles that Ihe ty pe A spermalO-
velope (Fig. 14-2). They divide on a regular basis gonia. and usually show small dumps of ehromalin
(every 16 hours in the monkey and every 12 in the elose \0 Ihe nuclear envelope in addition \0 one or
rat [33]) to support the recurring wa.·cs of sperma- two cent rally located nuelcoli. There is only limiled
logenesis. These are, therefore. /'f>newing stem (ells altachmem 10 the basal lamina .
thatgiv. rise: 10 B type spermatogonia. Usually. they Monkeys may have fewer kinds of type A cells
occur in groups Of four. Ihan «It •. Four .ucce.. ive gonemllon. of B sperma-
Th. A, are believed to release a (halane that togonia have been described. the last of which gives
inhibits division of th. dar k cells , (Extracts of nor- rise to primary
mal testes diminish proliferative activity of lhe dark B,-B,- B,-B,-P,im'rY'pe,matocyte
of a radiated testis 1144).) It is 001 known if
mitot ic slimulanls arc also made (16).
The very la rge numbers of germinal cells wilhin CYTOPLASMIC BRIDGES
each tubule. and SOffIe overlapping morphological All but the mast primitive of the germinal
features. make it difficult to follow the stages of cell undergo incomplete cytoplasmic separation. and
division and specialization. It is koown that several spermatogonia in chains of as many as 80 have been
generatiom; of type A spermatogonia must be found (55). The c}'loplasmic bridges contain organ-
formed 10 provide adequale number1; of gamete elles. and they may be siles for inlercellular com·
precu rsors. munica lion (55) , The concept is supported by obse r-
Si, A .ubt)'pes havo beon described for the r.' (179). valions that all compone nls of a "clonc" undergo
According to. widely .ccoplcd .c hcmo. the cell. aro synchronous developmenl according to a time scale
lhe «/ui.alenl. orth. primate A. cell. , Thc A, 'XlIsgive that can be different from the one governing neigh-
rise 10 progeny in the follo"'i", ordcr. (Only one d,ughler boring groups. Spermatogenesis is also accompan ied
tttl from each divi.ion i •• hown.) by a rate of deterioration and dea(h Ihal is spc-

.- -------------------------------
FIg. 14·1. A . Sec1ion ot (a bblt le.ti • . (') Te .ti •• (2) """"nil"""'" tubule. (2) S8rtQl; celiS. (3)
oft"'""1 ductulM. (3) hOOd of epi<t<lymi •. (4) 'un>eo type B c< ve<y .arty primary _IOOY'''. (4)
.,buQi........X 5. B. Enl'''gemenl 01 a,u simi .., l<> '''''ta""", S!>O' "",loeyt.... lhe pac""" _ . ,age of cllromosomal
., A. Soction 01 fO<)( _"..",, of """,;";f... oo.oo 'ubuIes. ,..,-rangement {IOta prOphase ot meiotic dO,'sion}.
human IMli• . ( I ) l u,,*,ot _ il"O\I$I_. (2) O&fly _,malido. (6) inte'stiti.1 coli. of l e yd;O. (1)
WOlified ""ilhelium 01 spermatogenic 00II1• • (3) inl ... ..1 poti'ubu\a' capilloo';o, . n<! ,,,,,"1<'1'. (8 ) on ... _. (9 )
I; ••"". (4) cello of l e y<;l;g. X 168. C. Ento'oen,""1 01 a, ... tympMlic "",ce. X 580, (Rrtodin. ,ele ,"""o
10 'ecla"" l. in B. Cro •• section of oeminife'"". 150 )
Iubull. ,al fe ' lis. oleCtron mi<:<ogo-aph, (1) l"""'" of
Fig. 14· 2. Er.e1rOtl m;c,ogr_pI\S Oily.,. A da",. type A <Iepi<;t cmoma,in clumps II "'" 01 t .... nuoIt;r • . N.
pate . and IypO B Inset. or. light """"","",s. X 3900. In.." X 9SO . (Dym ond C..IocNI .
micrograp/1' 01 tM ..."'" ""R • . 1M . "owhead. in (3) reference .9)
des characteristic. The signa ls for destruction ""em plasm contains numerou_. mitochondria, a compact
to pass from one member of a chain to another. It Golgi close to the nucleus. some free ribosonlcs, N'O
been estimated that anywhere from 25% (55) to clearly visible centrioles. and a chromatoid body_
61% (16) fe",<:r are produced thHn The remarkable transformation that follows has
would otheN·ise be expected from the rate of prolif- been referred 10 as a metamorphosis. Figure 14_3
eration of the preeul1lQl"S. The e<:11 destruction may provides a si mplified representmion.
serve to selectively eliminate defe<:ti\"e ··clones" as
well as to provide appropriate numbers of new ga-
mete precursors. The bridges may also account for TI ME REQUIRED FOR SPERMATOGENESIS
the IIOt infrequent formation of with
Each change in acrosome structure is called a 5lOge,
IwO heads or two tails (154).
As a spermatid matures. it makes repeated associa-
tions with s pecific kinds of less advanced germinal
Spe rma togen esis ceils. The timc required for a particu lar type of as·
sociation to reappear within One region of a scminif-
This lerm usually designates the scries of events in·
erouS tubule is called a cycle. S.<'eral cycles must
volved in Ihe transformation of spermatogonia to im-
recur before a spermato?Oan attains the status that
mature spermatozoa. It can be divided into thre<:
it to be: extruded from the tubul. (55),
stages: (formation of the pri-
In rats. 19 stages arc recognil.d. Depending on
mary spermatocytcs). meiosis (two-stage reduction
the st rain . it Can take 4g-53 days for a type B spcr·
division that culminalc.. in the production of spero
matid,). a nd spermiogell("_. f. (maturation of sper- matogonium to be Imns[urmcd into a spe rmato,-<"n .
matids into spermatozoa). Some authors regard The intcrval for mice is 34.5 days. and it is 49 dHYs
for bulls and rams (179). Human spermatO?01I arc
spermiogene'is as a prOC<'s< distinct from the firsl
said to require 74 + 5 days. The timing is geneti-
twO stages.
cally detcrmined, Hormones affect the numbers of
gametes formed but not the rates at which they pa'"
$PERMATOCYTOGE NESIS through the maturation stages.
When first formed. primary spermatocyte. arc indis-
tinguishable from type B spermatogonia. Gradual S ertnll C"ll Rn leR tn Sperm a togeneSiS
increases in nuclear and cytoplasm,c volumes and
preparations for entry into meiosis take several days_ In the fetus, Sertoli and germinal e<:lIs aggregate
to.:>sely to form scx cords_ The latter are plate·like at
first, but they soon thicken into c)·linders. Toward
the end of the gestation period. they elongate and
The cells undcrgo a prolongcd period of DNA rep- I><comc canalized_ Fell'll Sertoli C<'lls do IIOt have
lication and chromosome pairing, during which nu- specialized ccll-to-cell interactions. They protect the
cleic acid chains arc broken and repaired and CA- spe rmatogonia and block premature entry into
changes between the segments (,·crossing over··) meiosis.
OC<'ur. The term "seA vesicle" designates a chromo- As tlle time of puberly approaches. tlle Sertoli
philic mass allached to Ihe nuclear envelope thai C<'lIs proliferate rapidly for a time. and they increase
contains the X and Y chromosomes. (It is not appm- 1D-20-fold in volume (16). Although their numbers
priatc, sine<: there is 110 enclosing membrane.) A arc small when compared with the germinal elc·
dark-staining chromatoid body is also ments, they occupy one-fourth to one·third of the tu·
in primary spermatocyteS and their progeny. Bio- buies (49). At this stuge. they can be removed and
chemical preparations for spe rmiogenesis occur dur_ slimulated to continue proliferalion. As they become
ing meiosis (16). more specialilcd , they lose the ability \0 divide, [n
Each primary spermatocyte divides to form two of time. the sex cords become the long. hollow, tortuous
the secondary type, Each secondary spermatocyte convoluted seminiferous tubules of the adult lestis.
then yiel ds two spermatids (see Chapter I 3 and Figs. SertOli cells are remarkably resistant to high tcm-
I).J and 13-4), peratures. radiation. and other that destroy
germinal cells. (It is therefore possible to obtain Ser-
toli cell preparations for investigative purposes.) Se-
vere vitamin A deficiency and some pharmacological
When first formed. the spermatid is a small. round agents disrupt the functions (57). Evidently. rcti-
cdl with a spherical. centrally located nudeus that tIOids interact with F'SI-I, stimulate milosis, and pm-
houses granular chromatin. The pale·staining cyto- mote germinal cell differentiation (A.4).

0;..,.,_ P,o.oe'osomal STRUCT URE OF MATURE $ERTOU CELLS

golgi ..
The fully difJel"<'nlialed extends from lhe basal
lamina 10 the tubular lumen (Fig. 14.4). It has
highly irregular contours. wilh processes eXlending
around the germinal elements. The cytoplasm is
richly supplied wilh organelles that include tubular
mitochondria, primary and seoondary IY'iOSOntcs.
lipid droplets. microtubules. and scancred groups of
Golg; vesicles. Pigment particles are generally
ent, but crystalline inclusions have been described
only for human testes. The smooth endoplasmic re-
ticulum is well developed. and SOme free ribosomes
as well as rough endoplasmic reticulum a re also
present. However. although Sonoli cells release sev-
eral products. there are no secretory granules. The
multilobulatcd nudeus contains a prominent nuelca.
lUI, but the heterochromatin seems to be confmcd to
tWO paranuclear inclusions (57).

D. Cop ph...
Contiguous Senoli cells form tight junctions thai ef-
fccti.'ely separa te a "basal compartment" in which
spermatogonia nestle. proliferate. and give rise to the
prclcptotcnc primary spermatocytes. from an "ad·
luminal wmpanmcm" that houses germinal cens in
mO .... odvonced stag", of development. A. a resuh,
substances broughl in by Ihe bl<X>d capillaries can
gain access 10 the regiom; oc<:upicd by spermalC>-
gonia. bUI they must pass through lhe Sertoli cell q-
I p""e loplasm to reach the dividing spermatocytes. sper-
matids. and spermatozoa.
The lransfer is actually made between tile Sertoli cells
" and the lymph th.t bathes their b...1surf.= . • nd there_
Acrosom., !>hO.. fore it is probably more appropriate to usc the term "tes-
lis-lymph barri,r" (61). The cffcctiven... of the 'TranSe-
ment i. demonstrated by the exclusion of acridine dyes.
jlCTQJ;.idascs, lanlhanum, and other molc<:ulC$ from Ih.
adluminal compartment. when .uch subslances arc pr.-
:le nted in a ma nn", that p<rmil< tbem 10 enler the "'lie-
ular lymph and come in c""tacl with the 'p<rmatog""ia.
The selectiveness of the Iransport processes is re-
flected in differences in the ionic composition or the
luminal, compared with Ihe bul k interstitial Auids.
However. testicula r Auid also contains components
that a re secreled by Ihe Se rtoli cells.
The barrier makes it possible for Ihe Sertoli cells
p;o,oo to maintain a highly specialized microenvironment
P'ifI<;p.l." " thaI supports meiosis and the maturalion of sper-
, lOl. matids. Since the lalter are sma ll when first formed
and undergo s ubstantial loss of Ihe remaining allot-
Fig. 14-3. (CyloplasmOc bricltal ment of cytoplasm as they become transformed 10
connecting tOe _molid •• (. 1'>01 ShOwn .)
spermatozoa. the Senoli cel ls must provide both sup-
, ;.,
" ..


Fig. 14·4. D;aQrammatio '6P'0ser>1at"" 01 potIioe. 01 lwO oompie' bet"'....., two IdIaet<>t s.rtoH c.lts: ll. I;po:!
OO<I.;guou. e.!Is ar>d "*'
aS$OC;ated dfO\lleto , ly •. lysosome: M. m;to<:hondr;,,, MI, micfo,ubulM;
_ _ to, Tho bold _ . show .he contours o11he Serto1i
c.ll • . TIM cytopl" '" i.
s.......1 opeormotozoo .t.
t ..... projeeti"lllnlO 11><0 lublJ l... 1<0,,-. Go,
N. ....,(@u. con'airliog8nucIeOlU •• "" Iw<l pa!IOUCi<l8'
"w' ogation. 01 REIl, 'Old> ' ''''oplum;c
,.'k>JI<Jm: Seyt. _""'!OCYIo: Sgm, """",,,,'01IO"ium:
GoIgi , . ""'les, IS. inter<al!LJla, """e.o: JC. iun<1iona1 SmEA , smoolh endopI.omi<; reliculum: Std , _m.tjd.

port and nutrients. (They have therefore been called O1her possibilitie, arc Ihal Ihe cell. do not require X
"sustentacular" or "nurse" cells.) Serlol; cells also ehromowme, .,Ihose .tages. or lhal X.IYpe gamete. "'"
ingest and dispose of lhe germinal cytoplasm. ,.in 'heir chromosomal fUn<:lion. and I""'mit Ihe ,",c-
and (hey are believed to provide prole<:\ion against essary molecule, a.,..,.. C)'lopla,mic bridge,.
(he mounting of imm une reactions against dC"elop- Spermatogonia and preleplolcnc 'permalocytcs
ing gameles. It is nOt known whether haploid gene< are confined to the basal portions of the tubules (Out·
are transcribed or whether the <:ells support such a side the bl<X>d-testis barrier). Germinal cell, in mere
process (52A). advanced reside above the junctions, The ul>"
Half the ""conda.)" 'pcrmo'''''yl« and 'p<nnalid. lac k ward migration of maturing spermalocytCS must in-
an X chromosome. and the .. i. some evidence for X in· volY(: opening and closing of galeS. A "zipper-unzil>"
aCtivalion in the (61). Senoli ceil. may provide per"' mechanism (52A) with reduction s in
sub>ton«.th .. V-type g.metes need but <aonot ma ke . adhesiveness. di sengagemen t. and subsequent clo-

Sure of the same passagewlI)'$ has been proposed. [t

is also possible that some junct i01l$ are totally de-
stroyed as new ones form (44 ).
Bundles of thick (100-,\ diameter), aClin-ronlain-
ing filaments within the junctional regions probably
I "
contribute to formation of the barrier. Thinner ones
(60_70 A) in other parts of the cell are said to in-
teract with microtubules to redistribute cylOpla'm_ )
bring about regularly recurring changes in contou rs.
aid in upward uanspon of thc germinal cells. pro-
vide support for the spermato7.oa. and contribute to
spermiation (33). Contractions of peritubular myoid
cells. and fluid "currents" generate<! by absorption
and secretion. add it ionally facili tate ceU migrations. ,
, 0

Ftg . 14-5. SUoc.w•••t8l/<1.1n _m 'fl ... _.l ,

ElOnQat&d 'pMffilltid. dHflly . . . . - .. lhO' SerlOli cell
SpermIatIon w;tfIcytoptu.m Cludal to lhO' middte pi..,., B. bttu ....... of
uiol oomponents of ",*"",11d. wI1i" 10/)'"'' of eyt<>p!asm
As imratesticular maturation approaches comple- " 0 in thO' o pilhO'lium. C. Conlir>t>O<l oxtru ....... 01 Sperm
lion, the spermalO7.0a become positioned with their l><Iad roOtJlt1ng in attonuotior1 01 .lenda.- 'laII, connocling
acrosome, and nuclei deeply embedded within r0- cyl<>p!Osm to necI< ' OQioo, D. o10!Ooik wiV,
cesses of the apical portions of the Scrtoli celh , Mo.t 'et'action Qf 110 proxlmol PQ(1ioo to n<JCk fo<,.,;"g tl><l
of the remaining cytoplasmic masses are displaced to cytoplasmic <lrople1 and Iea.iog _ rounded ",sidu.ilt

the bases of the flageUae that project into the lumen. bOd;"" ot ilt hekl in l/Ie opitr>elium. (F.wce1l. ",t""""" 57)
Since each syncytial duster now spans the uppe r
portions of several Serlol; o.:U,. the latter must co-
operate to accomplish gamete eXlrusion.
The Senoli cell, take up fluid . elongate. Jnd swell. SerlOli 0.:111 a vidly take up waler a nd sol utes. and
Widening of the cisternae and channels of the en- they make copious quant ities of a fluid
doplasmic reticulum is attributed to lowering of that bathes germinal cells and facilitates their deliv-
ATPase (and therefore of sodium pump) activity. ery to the epididymis. The hypero<motic secretion i,
As spermiation proc.:e<!s, Ihe acrosome,. nuclei. rich in K ' and 0 - but low in Na '. It contains sub-
middle pieces. and tails move toward the lumen. but stantia[ quantities of myoinosi to[, testOSterOne and
mo.t of Ihe cytoplasm is held within the Sertol; cell other steroids. along with androgen binding protein
recesscs (Fig_ [4_5B). With continued displacement and other described in Chapter [3 _
of the ends of the tails, the cytoplasm constric ts and
each sperma(W03n is connecte<! to its cytoplasmic
Sperm Maturation wlth[n the Epididymis
mass by a slender ned (f ig. !4-5C). When Ihe
brea k occurs. the cytoplasmic bulk is retained by the The young spermatozoa now have condensed nuclei,
Sertoli 0.:11 as a r..sidual body. bu t a small cyto- weU.,jevdoped tai ls, and other morphological fea-
plasmiC drople/ adheres to the middle piece of the tures of mature gametes. However. they ca nnot as
spermatozoan (fig. 14-50). yet either swim or fertilize. They embark upon a
Germinal cells may play active roles in spermia- long, tortuous journey through the caput (head).
tion. The regular rcCurrenCe of spermatogenic cycles upper (proximal) and lower (distal) corpus. and
suggests that they communicate with one another. proximal and distal cauda of the epididymis. during
Spermatozoa scem to initiate destruction of their whiCh they undergo "ripening." Spermatozoa taken
own residual bodies and contribute to aetivalion of from the caput Or upper corpus of experimental an-
the phagocytic and [ywsomal functions of the Sertoli imal, engage in random circular movements if they
ecU,. The [ipofusein pigment that ao.:umulatcs in the are placed in aqueous m«lia. Ones ta ken from the
laner is probably made up of indige;uible residues cauda can swim ;n a forward direction. Acquisition
(33,122)_ It may also contain material salvaged from of motility is essential but nOl sufficient for (lOCyte
One wave of spe rmatogenesis that can be re- penetrat ion ,
n1ilized for the next (140). It has been suggested Epididymal transit time varies with lhc species.
that residual bodies release regulators that initiale Human spermatozoa complete (he journey in [2
the next wave of spermatogenesis. days (15). but (hey can be stored in the cauda for
several ,,"eeks. Afterward, they may be catapulted of dead and degenerating cells. There may be se lec-
through the deferens during ejaculation. or re- tive destruction of abnormal gametes, Far fewer
leased during reHex nocturnal emission •. spermatoroa appear in ejaculates and emissions than
in lhe caput. and lower percenlages of gametes with
swollen heads and other defcets cnler the ca uda , Ep-
ididymal contains spermatozoal fragments
Contractions of the myoid cells al Ihe base. of the (15). and fewer polyploid cmbryos form from ga-
seminiferous tubules. and of Ihc muscular wall. of meles thaI have spent the usual times in the epidid-
Ihe efferent ductule •. iniliate movements of sper_ ymis than from ones coll ected prematurely.
matOloo Ihrough the epididymis. Muscles of Ihe Large quantities of glyccrylpholSphorylcholine
scrolal ",·all. also promote oontraction of the testis. (GPC) a", synthesized and discharged inlO the
Large quantilies of lesticuiar Auid arc injected into lumen, G PC contrihutes 10 the high osmotic pressure
Ihe CapUI. and both progressive absorplion of more and il stabilizes Ihe plasma membranes of thc sper_
Ihan 90'% of il and the bealing of cilia on epidid)'mal matOzoa. It probably also inhibits capa,ilalion (a
cell s Ihat border the lumen facilitate the passage. process thaI prepares gamel.. for fertili'.ation bUI
Muscles of the epididymal walls engage in bolh pen- rende rs them highly susceplible 10 delerioralion
dular movementS thul mix the Auidsand increase ex_ [28]). Capacilation normally occurs ... ithin Ihe fr:>-
]JOSure of Ihe spermalOzoa 10 Ihcir oontents. and male tract (Chapter 16). and oviductal Auids acquire
peristaltic oontractions. Their aClivitie. are under high of G PC esterase clos.c to the time of ovu-
adrenergic oontrol (15). Since radiopaque ioon par- lalion (99). GPC has additionally been implicaled in
ticles inserted into Ihe caput arc sent 10 Ihc cauda. removal of phospholipids discarded by Ihe
active participation of Ihc spermat07.oo is probably spermatozoa.
not needed. Carniti ne is also released. Spermatozoa absorb
the molecules. and they utilize them for mitochon_
drial uptake of fatty acid fuels. The cells have high
carnityl trans ferase activity.
Much of thc sialic acid-rich carbohydrale made
The cytological features of the epididymal cells have by epithelial cells is protein bound. It may play roles
been described in detail (71), but we have only li m- in reducing friction bet"'oxn Ihc closely crowded
ited information on the functions. The "cry large spermalOloo. The high rale of glycoprotein synthesis
surfaces presented by microvilli. the oxll speciali711- has been linked with supporl or the acquisilion of
lions that differ from one oompartmcnt to thc next. fertilizability (194). A 37.QOO.dalton glyooprOlcin
and the many biochemical processes identified. cast attaches firmly to the sperm plasma membranes in
doubt on the va lidity of suggestions thaI the epidid- the cauda (where ability to fertilize is acquired)
ymis simply provides a Suilable enviro"ment fot re- (128). Epididymal cells also provide Ihe spe rmnto-
alizalion of Ihe "inherenl" polential of the spcrma_ 1.oa with surface antigens. These replace some gly-
1O'.oa. Normal development may require a period of ooproteins acquired in the lestis , T hey affcct the Sur-
residence within the capul region beFore more ad- fa.., charges and may also inhibit capacitation (93).
vanced stages of maturation can be accomplished. The epid idymis requires higher androgcn ooncen-
(Cells placed direclly in lO Ih. cauda becomc defec- trations lhan other "'prodUctive organs
tive [37),) (122). Considerable quantities enter with testicular
Auid, along wilh androgen binding proteins. Addi_
Sp<rmOlozoa. laken from the rete Icsli, Can undergo tional steroid may be supplied by testicular blOXKl
maturllion in defined media, However. and lymphatic vessels . I n some species. androgen can
tltere i. a high dealh .... ,e and m.ny of lhe , urvivors have also be syn thes;,.ed from ,holesterol (100). The cells
morphologic. 1 abnormalili ... Th. fertili7.3lioo ....1. i. have a 5a--reduclase that promotes conversion of tes-
very low.• nd fOTma lion of lhe pronucku' i. delayed
when il;, aC<Xlmpli,hcd. MOOI of the embr)'", do 1101 at- tosterone to DHT. and other en>:ymes Ihat ,ataly".
tain malurily (t5). The possibili ly lh.l impro"emonl' in Ihe formation of androstanediols and related regu-
the cuit.", media can inc",= lh. producti"'" of IIOrmal lators. Some of thc products are transferred 10 Ihe
game Ie. has 1101 been fully e<plOTed. prostale gland and sem inal vesicles (129).

Epididymal cells sho,," eXlensive pinocyl;c acti vity.

This accomplishes Auid absorption, and there i, an
associaled bidireclional transport of t>oth inorganic
ions (86) and large molecules. Phagocylosis and ly- These involvc alteralions and redistributions of sur-
sosomal digestion dispose of sub:\.tances by face charges. changes in the kinds of carbohydrate
Ihe maturing spermatOlOO. and they rid Ihe lumina groups that are exposed on the surfaces. a nd internal

modifications (I 28). The most obvious morphologi· As the gametes progress toward the ITII,}I"e distal re-
cal change is caudal migration of Ihe cytoplasmic gions of the epididyrnis, they IO$C SOme of their phos-
drople! (70). The structure contains iysosom,,1 cn· pholipids and cholesterol, show increased tendencies
zymes thai dispose of cerlain spcrmatoroal oompo- to take up dyes, and become mOre susceptible to heat
nem• . bUI a nutrilive function has also been consid- and oold shock.
ered (15). Relationships 10 acquisition of moti lity The spermat07.03 gradually acquire the ability to
arc controversial. Rabbit spermatozoa swim before ntihc a wider variety of nutrients , The higher Tate
Ihe process is accomplished. In humans and many of glycolysis shown by gamctes taken from the distal
olhers. the droplet is eventually discarded. but there epididymis has been allributed to the synthesis of
are species in which il persi$\s (I 5). en?yrnes of the glycolytic pathway (but other factors
AC<juisition of motility has been linked with in_ within the epididymis may account for the low rate
creased ability to generale cAMP. with rising of sugar utilization in the more proximal regions).
cAMP-<lepcndcnl kinase activity. and with
olher responses to Ihe nucleotide. SperrnalQ7.Qa
laKen from Ihe rCiC lestis engage in Ihrashing move-
menlS when phO$phodieSlcrase inhibil<N'S are added The cauda is the only oompartment that can main-
10 the fluids. They rna)' require exposure to a "for. tain the sperm in good oondition, In addition to pr(>-
ward mobility (F MP) idemified in epidi- viding a receptacle for cells p=ssed in the upper
dymal fluid to achieve more mature locomotor aCliv- parts of the epididymis, it can ",,,,,ive spcrmat01.03
ity FMP binds tightly to thc spcrmato7.()3 , that have enter«! the vas deferens but have not been
and cells eXpO$Cd to it respond in an all-<lNlOne fash- ewuded during ejaculation (146). The life spans are
ion (1). The lail must be stiffened, Mat uration in- limited. Cells that deteriorate are destroyed, and this
volves Ihe formation of intramolecular disulfide provides protection against release of "overripe"' ga-
bonds between the OUter dense-fiber proteins, along metes that can still engage in fenili7.ation but are
with reductions in thc numbers of f= sulfhydryl likely to cause formation of defective 7.ygote5.
groups (15,74). Sperrnatozoa that leave the cauda of the human
Even after aequiring the potential for indepe ndent epididyrn is pass successively through the muS-
motil ity. spe rmatozoa remain quieseent throughout cular V05 the somewhat dilated ampulla
their oonfinement within the epididymis. (This is just (in which some shon-term storage can occur). the
as well. sinee it eonserves encrgy.) Allhaugh it has inch_long eja(u/orary duer. and the prosrori( and pe-
been speeulated that steroid hormones within the nile poniom of the On the way. they oome
lumen inhibit motility. it seems mOT<: liKcly that cdl in oontaet with the fluids released from accessory re-
crowding. low oxygen tension. low sugar content. low productive glands.
pH, and the ionic makeup of the epididymal fluids The ejaculatory duct is formed by the union of the
are more important. Cells bcwme motile as """n as ampulla and the seminal vesicie duets. and it there-
they leave the cauda and oome into OOI1taet with fore receives Auid from the seminal vesicles. Numer-
fluids from the other accessory reproductive organs ous small tubules carry the prostatic fluid into the
or wi,h culture media. urethra. and spermut01.03 leaving this region are
Acquisition of the ability to fcrtilize is associated with tWO kinds of secretions. The bulboureth-
with changes in the nucleus and aCl"O'lome. The head ral (Cowpers) glands discharge their product into
becomes more oondensed and cell specific gravity in- the penile urethra.
creaSCS. More disulfide bonds form between nuclear Although substantial nurnbers of sperrnatozoa arc
histone Conversion of proo,rosin 10 ac- lost along the way. the ejaculate of a healthy
rosin (74). and the appearance of hyaluronidase and adult contains SOme 20-100 million cells in each of
othe r en7.ymes may occur at this time (56). the 2-6 rnl of semen released (51),
The gametes of rau and sorne other species p0s-
sess "perferatoria" (dense structures that devclop in
the subacrosomal space). and in these obviou, aher-
ations in the sizes. shapes. and internal structures of The accessory reproductive glands provide most of
the acrosome! can be demonstrated (56). Prirnate the seminal fluid (seminal plasma) that, togcther
spermat01.Oa lack such speeial i711tions, but there is wilh the spcrmatowa. makes up the sernen. The
considerable for acrosomal mooi- Auids contain nutrients. butTers, and other sut>.
flcation. There arc progr:ssivc changes in the light stances that contribute to the transport and .urvival
se311cring pallerns. in electrophoretic mobility, in of the garneles. Species variation' in the structures
agglutination behavior, and in protein composition. were cited in Chapter 13 (..e Fig. 13-5),
THE SEM INAL VES ICLES amounts of zinc may actually find their way into the
Semen , Very high conC{:ntrations arc correlated with
Although the human glands are small relative to low fertility and the presence of large numbers of
body weight when compa red with those of rodems.
spermatozoa with coiled tails (51).
they supply around two-thirds of the seminal
Prostatic ftuid also contains antigens. SOme of
plasma. An obsolete that they store spero
which adhere to spe rmat07.03. and many en1.y mes
matowa has been discarded.
(lOS). There are a lso substances that affect sperm
The secretions are especially rkh in [rue/ow (with
motility. "Decopacitation factors" have been said to
CQncentrations in the neighborhood of 315 mg/iOO
origi nate in the epididymis (28). the prostate gland.
ml). while inositol and sorbitol are found in
or both.
amounts (26) . The is utilized by spero
matowa as a major energy souree. and reductions in
the rate of its metabolism have been correlated "'ith THE BULBOURETHRAL GLANDS
dege nerati ve danges in the ,,<,lis (IOS) _ Seminal
plasma CQntaill$ exceedingly large quantities of These small structures rdease a somewhat alkaline
proslagfandillS. and at least 13 different varieties fiuid that is rich in glyeosaminoglyeans. The primary
have been identified (64). 5<lmc are smooth muscle function seems to be lubrication of the tip of thc
stimulants believed to facilitate transport of sper_ pen" .
ma toloa through the female
The enzymes include acid and alkaline phospha- OTHER CO MPO NENTS OF SEMEN
tascs and nuclcotidases. The presence of large num-
bers of Iysosomes supports the belief that seminal Sub'itan,,<,s that have not been to a specific
vesicles cont ribute to of abnormal and gland include phosphate and bicarbonate buJJtFS
deteriorating spcrmatozoo. that provide protection against the low pH of the fe·
mate Iract. phlNpholipids and cholesuml that ac-
COunt for the opalescent appearance and in part for
THE PROSTATE GLANDS the high viscosity, (w hich is probably re-
leased from deteriorati ng spermatozoa and serves as
Although prostaglandiru were first identir,ed in a useful ma rler for detection of semen). and an as-
semen and named for their purported origin in the sortment of amino ocids and "ilomi/lj.
p"»la'" glalLd. 111" "pi,hdial rolease onl)' min·
ute quantities of these fauy acids. Human secretions
comain components analogous to those of the STEROID BIOSYNTHESIS AND METABOLISM
uiating glands of rodents.
Sites of Androgen Production
Prostatic Auid is slightly al l aline. and it is rich in
cilrate and acid phosphalau . The citrate is impli. The lestes of healthy young human adults release
cated in the binding of calcium ions and therefore in around? mg of testosterone to the cireulation each
regu lation of coagulation and subsequent lique. day. along with smaller amountS of tcstosterone-sul·
faction of the seme n. It may a lso be an activator of fate, androstened ione. dehydrocpiandrosterone
phosphatases and of hyaluronidase. COliA). (D II AS).
for prostate gland accumulation of dihydrotestQSterone and related sleroids
very la rge amoums of zinc not been deter- (Fig. 14·6) (50, I 04 , 145). All of the molecules in the
mined. Positive correlations among the eOnC{:ntta- pathways be)'ood D H A ha.'e potency,
in seminal plasma. the prolactin content of the a nd some of the others Can be con.erted peripherally
nuid. and spe rm count and Jll<)\ility have been to biologically active regulators. Most of the andro-
reported. but the fmdings are cont roversial (II) , gens a re produC{:d by the ;mer!1itinl cells.
Zinc enhances testQl;terone within the tes- The steroids arc sent into the extracellular spaecs.
tis. and this has linked with a delaying effect and a substamial fraction finds its way into the tes-
on receptor degradat ion (88). The metal is a cof"c- ticular lymph that b.1thes the basal portions of the
tor or constituent of prostatic but seminiferous tubules. Some androgen is ta ken up by
the amounts n""dod for are small by comparison ScrtoH but the rich network di,'crts
with the quantitiC$ accumulated. much of the hormone to the systemic btood .-essels.
The possibility that released into the female Sertoli C{:lls metabolize 'he androgens supplied to
is by young is consi,tent them. and they transport large amounts of testos,er-
with knowledge that embryos avidly take up the one and DHT to the rete testis Auid. T hey do not
mineral. and that fetuse.< developing in zinc.defocient se<:m to have choleslcrol si dc-chain en-
environment' have high incidences of severe somatic zyme.' (44 ,4 5.104). androgen can be made
abnormalities_ On the other hand. only limited from pregnenolone . but the production rale is c.'ti-

Plasma CMleS!e' oI $oo«.s

I ,


Fig . 14-&. Alldrogen biosyrttnesil in """'." tdlJlt

...t ... 0.11 1. Malo< paTnw. y snown ... bold A"ows
pointing outwa ,d show product.

mated at K.. thai of Ihe interstitial cells (119). Tu· Reserves arc stored in lipid droplets Ihat increase
bular myoid cells engage in androgen metaboli5m. in sizes and numbers during times of reduced andro-
and thcy affect transport. Accordi ng 10 some gen output but become depleled following mong
observcrs. free-noating spcrmatoloa Can make somo stimulation of the cells. At least some of the droplet
androgcn (104) and convert leStOllterone to DHT content is in the form of cholesleryl esters that can·
(190). not be used until esterases liberate free choleslerol.
Adrenocortical cells share embryological heritage the case for the adrenal cortex. however.
with the interstitial cells. They are not believed to much of the stored lipid seem. to serve purposes
make significant contributions to reproductive func· otheTlhan hormone synthesis (I22J.)
tions of unstressed. healthy male adults. Adrenal an· Until re.:ently. it was generally staled thaI the in_
drogens are. however. implicated in the timing of pu- terstitial cells make their cholesterol from acetyl-
berty onset. Thcy Slimulate libido and the growth of coenzyme A (50.190). Pathways for the conversion,
axillary and pubic hair in women, are major regu· and the negative inAuenees exerted on the
lators after menopause. and assume imporlltnce rate·timiting cntyme (HMG-COA reductaSe) were
under pathological conditions. Some low·potency described in Chapler 5 (= Figs. 5-1 and 5-8). A
steroids regularly released can be converted periph· problem with lhe concept is lhat interstitial cells do
erally \0 molecules that have high biological activi. not seem 10 have that en1.ymc (52) . However.
lies (133). cells have a HMG-CoA reductase. They may. there-
fore, synthesize cholesterol and pass it on to the in·
terstitial cells. (As noted. Serloli cells cannot use
Blosyothet lc Palhways 10 Iha lolerslltls l
cholesterol to ma ke pregnenolone.) If the concept i.
valid. then we have one more example of cooperation
Cholesterol is the major precursor. Most of it is de- between neighboring cells of differcnl types within
livered by the circulating blood as a component of gonads. Cholesterol synthesis could serve as a '·baek·
lipoprotein complexes. Cholesteryl esters and choles· up" mechanism for coping with ,ubstrate shortage.
terol that is free Or loosely a<sociated wilh Ihe There are sprxies variations in the ratios of
plasma proteins can also be taken up (52). frce:eslerified cholesterol aoxumulated and in the
quantitative impOrtance of the various metabolic a p,rlicula,., rnut,i-<:n'yme e<>mpte. that ,hull Ie, the
pathways leading to androgen production (52 .122). produe, of One r•• c,iQn di=tty '0 the enzyme ,h.,
.IYles Ihe ne ,t on. (104), Tto. ... f_. the oompo ... nts of
In human adult testes. up to 95% of the cholesterol
is in the free form . the particle< de,ermi ... the fatei of 'he various me'abo-
lites. Th. secretion of large quami'ie, of tesl<><te,,,,,,, but
only minute amounts of .. veral other lipid.soluble , teo
CONVERSION OF CHOLESTEROL TO roid< b«n ciled in . upporl. Ho",._er, some C21 and
PREG NENOLONE 01' intermedi.tes .,e also ... Ie ..ed on ••• sula. basi •. and
it has been suggested thaI both prot.ins and Ser·
Although thc possibility of ahernate pathways has 'oti cell, rtmove Other I'eroidl .
bcen considered. it is now ge nemlly agreed that rTlOl;t
or all of the cholesterol used for androgen biClSyn·
thesi s is oonverted directly to pregnenolone. Sinec SULFATE CONJUGATES
the reactions take place within the mitochondria.
The cells take up .ulfat., and the molecute<
cholesterol recruited from cytoplasmic "pools" must
f'rst be tranSpOrted across the membranes of the or- see m to be proc .... d by en,_}'me. ,h., differ from the one,
ganelles_ The required protein carrier (cholesterol "ting on UnCOniu8ated 'teroids (104) , Since the ,e'ti.
. tso con,.in, .ut fa,ase; th., froe >leroid. i, i, poS-
binding protein, CBP) is distinguishable from a dif· ,ible Ih.t the I"'th ...'ays permit the ... of ,hernale ,ul>-
ferent substance that facilitates pregenolone egress . lrates ... hen 'he .Itolcst.r<>\ .upply i. timitcd (501_ Ac_
(52), cording 10 Ihi' concept. the ' teroid <.Ifates regularly
The sidc--chain cleavage is si milar 10 Or identical found in int .... titial .ell incubate ••,e byproduct' of
with the reaction described fo r the adrenal COrtex
(122). Moreover, the comrols exerted Over it by lu· However. <teroid. conjugated at poIIition t 7 and son><
tropin resemble the infiuenees of ACTtl on the anuros'enedi<>\_3.17..:1isulfate or•• tso pr•• en, in 'he in·
fascieulata. cub'les (50). h i, therefore ti kely that t«tieular ,u lfo-
kina ... and .ulfa t.d <teroid. perform . pe.iat functiono.
0 ... possibilily i'th.t the Itormone. protect SpermatOlAl
CONVERSION OF PREGNENOLONE TO again't prema,ure cop.citation_a process tha' ",u,lIy
occurs in the oviduct ,ince il .hone", the life·span, of lhe
gametes. The ,.Ifo"" activity of the o_idu., is ctos.I}'
The fate of the pregnenolone varies with both tne regul.led, and it ri .., around Ihe lime of ovulolioo (99),
species and the stage of reproductive system devel - The remov.1 of .ulfate i'''''PS could 'hen .. rve to provide
opment (145). Some uncertainties concerning the f""h ly c.pacitated '""rm at the optimum time for f.rtil·
events are difficult to resolve. si nce steroidogenic tis· i,.atiQn (and low <ulfota .. activit)" during other ph ..., of
sues oontain enzymes that can catalyze tra nsforma· 'he ovarian cycle may alf¢fd protection '8ainst fenih>.. -
lion of "overri",," oo<ytes).
lions along more thn one pathway. Much of OUr un·
Th. acquisi,ion ¢f sutfokin ... ae'ivi'y in 'he adrenat
derstanding of the bi(l<;hemislry oomes from studies cortex during the p... puben.1 ""riod and th.
involving the administralion of labeled precursors secretion of . ubst"n,ial .moun" of DHAS may II<: re-
and the measurement of labeled prodUCIS_ The ad- lated to reproduclive .y<tem maluration (",e end of thi'
dition of supraphysiological concentrations of pre- chapter). and possibly al.., to the initi.. ion and mainte-
cursors, the "xlracellw/ar presentation of intermedi- nant<: of .",,'malogcnc, i,. tn fet .t .dIC•• b. te. tos'erone
ates. and SOme of the conditions required for inhibits the , ulfokina ... whe,e •• DHAS (but not DHA)
ma intaining in vilro systems. may cause interslitial reduc<$th. aClivity of the ltl-h}'dro'Y'teroid deh}'d ' OS",
cells to demonstrate what thcy ("1m do. ralher than na .. (t 33). Fetal ,u lfot ..., rna}' .Iso oonlribule to Ih.
how they ope rate in the healthy, intact animal. con"ot of e"'adiol forma'ion {I 81_
It has been suggesled Ihat the tI' palhway, whiCh
predominaleS in human adult male testes. is highu
on the evolulionary scale than Ihe tI' used by rats. other SterOid s Produced by Interstitial Celis
motl keys. and mosl other mammals (sec Figs. I 3-17 The blood plasma of human male adults oontains
and 14{i). Orangutans resemble humans in many somelhing like SO pg/dl of estrogens. According 10
respecls, and Ihey make some tI' intermediales various C$timates. the teste! deliver one-fourlh (I 3)
{122). However, rabbil' and some other nonpri- to one-third (104) of Ihe sleroid. or up 10 50 ug/day
mateS a lso usc the.;l' syslem (52)_ (In)_ The remainder oomC$ from liver, Ihe adipose
Acoording to one h)'pothe,i., Ihe kind. of intermedi"<$ tissue, and other sites tbat take up and aromali'e
formed arc determined by thc rel ati_e affinities of the sleroids relea ..d from the adrenal g lands and
l1",hydroxylase and C17, C20 I)"ase en'ymes for ,h. gonads.
,ubstrate._ Another pOint of view i, that intormediales The Serloli cells of very young TaIS have high aro-
.... ne_er free within the ceU •. The ,ubstrale allad,e, to matase aClivity. and FSH can further augmcnt il.

Some obsem:rs believe that older S<:rLoIi <:<:11$ <.>Jfl- ANOROGEN RELEASE ANO OIS TRIBUTIO N
(;nue to make substantial fractions 0( the LC$!icular
cells laek the kinds of mcmbrane-(:n-
estrogen (I ().t). O llie,.., suggCSt Iha1 maturat;"n il as-
Iranu1<:$ found in cells that store.
lIOCialcd wilh I shift 0( most of the aroffiluasc activ-
and secrete the horntones. T hey lecU'
ity to the inlc,,(ilial «lis LH and hen can
mulate very li1l1e finished product. Stimuli Ihal au,-
;""""11<: 11'QnI.I1UC in tile Leydig cells of older tCStes
ment androgen release aCCllmplish this by a«dcr·
( 188), and Lerdia cell lumen oFten very
ating biosynthesis (122).
large amounts 01 estrogen (190). Subpopula tions 0{
The concept that the steroids dilfU$C out of Ihe
mature interstitial cells of ral testes lhal respond 10
cells is consistent with the high inside:ouuidc wn-
gooadolropinsand alSOlocAM P analop by increas-
ccntration gradient and " 'ith the lipid solubili.y of
ing lr0nt3Wot: production haY<: been dcKribed
the molceules (190). Microlubules may di«:C1 the
stcroids 10 the cell peripltoeries (104).
Estrogens can aCI locally 10 dccrca$e andl'08cn
The IIormoncs arc CXlruded inlO Ihe cxlracellular
biosynlhesis(42.12S). Someoflhc
spllca, from which Ihey a", laken up by Iymphalic
discusse<l in Chaple r 13. Under baS31 conditions. lil-
ves5C1s. Since 1M /low rate is only ,," Ihal of lhe blood
lie e:urogcn is made, 300 estrogen rttepl<ln '"' ca pillaries. it is not ... rpmin,that leslicula' lymph
II'IOJlly ullOOXupied. When JOIIadOiropill5 Slimulalc
concentralions arc 10 lirrtoC$ g1"<:3 Ie. Ihan tho sys-
tesl(ll'ltcronc produ ction, estrogen symhesis also
temic blood level. (I 22). However, concentralions in
t he testicular Qrlnin are al.o very high. This is al·
Iributed to COUnter...:u rn::nt u c hanges\>ctwccn sper-
Small al'!>O!.lnll of 16o>-OH.p"".. tcfOllC ent.. the
matic vei"", and contiguous arteries (104).
, pe,malic •• in •. l&"hydffl.O)'luc is an impol'1'nI r.tal
cnlyme. but no ' u"c lioll$ rOf 1M metabolite produced
have b«n for Idults. A •• se in the ,esti.
al", .. 'he formo ' ion or minute . ,nount. 01" .te- Varlatlona In Blood Androgen
roids wi,h double bond, " ' 'he po$itlon (SO). Concentrations
con"a,1 with 'he in,crSt;t;al «II. of hum. n. and
Thc Icvels vary with aae. lime of day. and !Cason of
most other$. tMSe or ,he s,"\\lon >cere,. lariC
the year (52). Secretory ra tes peak in men 25-30
amount. or "Irosen-like 18-(:'rOOn stcroid . "ilh Un""
ur.. A rin• •. These inc lude emiol (m.d. by nlO$' pre.·
yeaI'$ old. The plasma levels do not rail off as rapidly
nln, fe","le.) Ind equilin . ftC1cquilcnin. not known be '0 u the synt hesis. since m.,ta'oolic clearance 31.0 slows
in older . ubjects. Young adults have highest concen·
secreted by oth<r mammll, (F1,. 1• •7).
Ri ll ma ke more 7..... 'han tco.too- trations in the moming$. Mean daily values during
lerone I 190). Their "'tU 1110 syn,heai.., '",-OI I·and.os- Ihe rail approach goo ngjdl, but they arc closc:r to
,<<One. al in _itro. The steroid •• re de"o'Oid 01" In' 600 ngjdl in the spring.
d""enic pote",,)'. bII. .... y be "'• • 1.'.... (a.) . Rhesus mon keys OIIt of doors in coIonie$
l a-OH· ...,os,c""", • .la•• nd usually mate in tM fall. and lhey lIaY<: their hiJJ,hest
dehy<l""elWC$ I nd S<>·reduClasc .• nd t.. tos'e""", low· androgen levels at IMt time. HO\O·cver. unlike hu,
erS activi.y. 7...oIl ... nd..,.,ett«l""," de-
mans. they secrele mort during the nighl than dur-
creases . he ..,;"i.i« of ,he dehyd....
ing <bylighl boors. The diffcrences may be related
ICfWC and 01" ,he l-ketOlI.nlid dehydf'Oll'fWC.
ioomcrase coonpIel: (190). to social interactions lbat indude copulalion d uri",
With , he u«ption of birds ( 1-tO) ......t _ ...."'..... ,. Seasonal brccderscan have
ian ",,"cbrat.. ha.-e hi,hCf''''OI'Crortoe than ........ 1_ levels during lheir periods.
mals. Some 01" ,he lis,," produco ... .. 01" TeslOilterone is n::1casc:d in "bursu spaced 2 to 4

II /1-OH·' ...., ,bey a n .... ke _ I I·k ..... hours apart. Tbe amplitudes an:: g.r<:alcr in the morn-
tCSlOSterone , .... ' ..'01 ....".. IS2). ing in humans. Concenlralions "ilhin a single sub-
Phc'Oi'K .t Ire importut reluLalOtf 01" «producti"" jecl can §pan the range ol200- 1000 ngjdl durina a
bchayioo Ind 01" endot;.i ... systems .Irce. in, P"'I""IIC)' in 24-Il00. pe.iod. The patterns aK conlrolled moslly
mict Ind _ OIher noe,., ... l ln'mal .. A'oma'" rnoIc·
by the changes in L11 levels.
cui.. thaI exe" circe" ... made by a
.... r..,y 01" othe, speci.. (sec Chapter I). The t ..t<$ ar. Sllttial anatomical arrange menls assure a contino
impot'tantlotl'ces ol ci'lIe. the rca.Lat .... tllemsel ... ot uously rich supply 10 Ihe epididymis at all times. 100
of pn::cur>QoS that ... "'.eti'·lIed"' clsc",'IIen:: . and,Qll' 'ooth seminal vesicles and prOlt3te glands enjoy some
lk ....:k>nc formed by tile In'trS,it;"l «II! olt he boa, protection against wide ftuctuations. O the r androgen
secm. to pc.rorm luch fun.,km •. (It is devoid 01 .nd..,. targell . re more directly affected by systemic blood
ICnic potency.) levels of androgens.
.< ,
, o• • ,,
o 0 '"

],,·OH· Testosterone
'" '" "OH o

I 6-.",,·3..,....,

o "1o

o , o•
11jl-OH·TCSIOilcrone 11 . Kc'o,eSloste""'"

o o"
" (" -

" / I
'" Equilenio
" '"

Fig . 14·7. Somo "",oid. """,.,ed by inl",sti'ial cell. o!

.e<!eb<,'. lute• .
Plasma Proteins Thai Bind Ste roid mates bind (cstostcrollC. DHT. andr()Stcncdiol, and
Hormones androstancdiol (but I\Q! u·... ndroslcncdiOllc) wilh
Sex steroid binding g]obul;t\S (SSBG. testosterone-
high afllnity (47) .
estrogen binding proteins. TcBG) are glycoprote ins !:orlier suggestions ,h., C"", dogs. rodent'. and some
originate in the liver. The oneS made by pri- <>Iho, speci.. do no1 make such pro,e;n, oro irlCO",j'len'

with the k...,,,,n pfesence of mol<:"ule. ,hat bind gonadal called upon to release larger amounts of the hor-
".roid, "'i'h mode"'tcly high .mnity. Th ... do...,t cr".,· mones, reductions in TcBG increasc the availability
fcact with .n'ibodies dif<:",e<l" primate TellO. of the stcroids to thc targets. When physiological
(9). oondilions require lowering of androgen production.
Microhoterose"eities within each 'peci •• oro .ttril>. increases in the TeBG retard steroid entry.
uted to vori .. ion. in ,ial ic acid CQntenl. Largo molecular
weight difference, probably re,ult from .... mbly and Serloli cells ma ke androgen binding proteins
di ...... mbly of .ubunit compOnen', (9). (ASPs) and seerete them into testicular nuid (185)
(see Chapter I 3). The proteins arc believed to con-
tribu te substantially to the maintenance of '"Cry high
ROLES IN TESTOSTERONE SECRETION androgen concentrations within the epididymis.
CeUs of the eaput region ta ke up ABP by pinocyto-
By binding androgcns. the plasma proteins lower Ihc
sis. Since the sites on the stcroid molecules that bind
concen trations of fret in thc blood. They
to ABP differ from thc oncs that associate with thc
thereby create a steep intcrstitial cell:plasmu con-
hormone receptors, it is li kely that transfcr.< of OHT
centl'lttion gradient that facilitates testootcronc
from ASP to receptor are easily made. Conforma_
egreSii (52). Plasma albumins contributc to this.
tional changcs in the receptor protein that follow
They bind wit h lower affinity. but t hey present vcry
hormone binding block reassociation of thc steroid
large numbers of anac hment 'ites.
wit h ABP. Arrangements of thi' kind protect epidi_
dymal cells when plasma androgen levels are tran_
·'BUFFER" FUNCTIONS siently lowered,
In health)' adult men, some 44% of thc circulating
testosterone is bound to TcBG. Another 50% asso- Sertoll Cell Metabolism 01 Steroid Hormones
ciates with and an additkmal 3.6% at- Serloli cells avidly take up steroids from the lymph
taches to COfticooteroid binding globulin, Therefore. tha t bathes their basal su rfaces (185). They contain
only a lillIe over 2% is present in the "free"' form. If a .x..reductase tbat oonverts testosterone to DHT
a large dose of Witooterone is injected, moot of it is and accepts other substrates sueh as PrQicsterooc. 3-
ta kcn up by the albumins. Consequently. only rna ... Ketosteroid reductascs (3a- and
sive doses can substant ially rai", the fre<: hormone dehydrogenascs) catalyze both eonvcr.<ion of DHT
level (47). Under physkllogical conditions. the bind- to androstanediols and thc formation of androstcr-
ing of testOSterone to album ins increases during one (Figs. 13-19 and 13-20). The CCIIS have andro-
times of the day when the sec retory rate peaks. gen receptors and androgen binding proteins, and
When the IOlal testooteronc falls, albumins release they ne<:d thc steroid. to support spermatogenesis.
some of thc steroid. However. they alw release large quamitie, of andro-
gens into the testicula r Auid and send them on to the
CLEARANCE Aromstasc activity and the "imulatory inAuence.
of FSH are Substanlial in fetuse, and you ng juve·
Protein binding retards steroid uptake by hepa to- niles. They decline markedly as tbc cells mature.
cytes and othcrcells that degrade the hormc)nes. The However. as noted, some believe that Serloli celiS
rapid clearance of androotenedione is attributed to conti nue to produce most of the testicular estrogen
low affinity for the proteins. in mature tCSteS (104).
Progesterone is metaboli7.<:d to several steroids
that includc testosterone and the androgen deriva-
tives previously cited (184). 20a_Hyd roxysteroid de-
Only frec stcroids can rapidly enter target cells and hydrogenases catalyze the formation of 2CJa.<lihy-
interact with receptors. Te BG has higher affinity for dropregneoolone. 2CJa.<lihydroprogeSlerone. and
teSIOOteronc and DHT tban for estrogens. In males, 17a.2Qa..dihydroxyprogestcrone from pregneoolone.
wi th high tC$tootcrone:estrogcn ratios, the selectivity progesterone, and 17"'progesterone, respectively
uptake of tbe small quantities of estro- (Fig. 14-8), Questions have been rai",d about Ihe
gen that are available. In females, the binding pro- importanee of the high rate of activity. sincc malUre
vides protection agaiTlSt entry of cxccSiiive amounts Serloli cells neither make oor receive large quan-
of the circulating androgens. tities of the substrates (190). It is known. however.
Androgens retard produetkln of TcBGs, whereas that Ihe steroids can regulate androgen biosynthesis
estrogcns enhance it (42.132). When the testes arc (84. 145). and they probably "avelto the nearby in-

. 1--'-

P'eg<>o!lOiOOe - - - - - - - -- _._
ZO<, .QH·p'''9neOOIO<le
(ZOo,· I


P'OQo""" ooe • .I

0' ,.,;c
ZO<, ·OH· P!09'"'1&,o<>e
(ZO<, I

, ",
1. . ' "
- - - - - - -. ,_

o. " ,.,;c

Fig. 1.·8. R• • catalyzed s.rto1i ""II 2(1<,.

hyd cox y51<. ,,,", deIIyd,ogena ....

tcrstitial ccll •. The enzyme itself compete. with 17a gcn activator i, a protease implicatcd in opening of
hydroxylase for substrate. within the Serloli cells, the tight junctions between Sertoli ceils during spero
and it the«,by retards con version of pregn<:nolonc malogo"",i, (158). and it may also be involved in
and progesterone to their 17a--hydroxylated deri- spermiation. Inhibin Can indirectly arreet ste roid me-
vate •. The 20a-hydroxy metabolites arc inhihitors of tabolism. since it participates in «'8ulation of folli-
the 17a--hydrox}·lasc. In ralS. 17a.20a--dihydroxy· tropin secrct;on in the adult.
progesterone can inhibit the C 11. C20 lyase. hut th is
does rIOt seem to OCcur in the human testis (145).
Peptide-type regulators produced by Sertoli cells
were described in Chapter 13. These include MUl- are claims that germinal cells (especially sper-
lerian duct inhibitory factor. w'hich i. rcleased in matocytes) produce testosterone (104) and that they
largest amounts during weeks 7-9 aftcr conception. possess dehydrogenase activity
It is detectable up to the time of wcaning in rats and (52). Progesterone-binding prOleins have been iden·
up to the end of the second I""lnatal year in humans tified in both Sertoli and germinal cells. and proges-
(43). but it has not been shown to perform functions terone is reported to affect DHT binding (168).
aftcr the MUllerian duelS have atrophied. Plasmill{>- M)'oid cells of the seminiferous tubules seem to

differentiate from p",curwr.; that alro give rise \0 have almost identical amino acid sequences. Homol-
the inle.Slitial cells. Thcy may be sources or new ogous resions have also been found for alpha com-
Leydig cell populations that appear during Ihe pre- ponents of dilTcrent types_The human alphas
pubertal period (193) . They are hormone r<:SlXlnsi,'C derive from a si ngle gene (A-I). The ones found in
(61) and capable of engaging in steroid hormone largeS! amounts in the circulation have molecular
metabolism. but they do nol aroma!asc ac- weights of around 14.000.
tivity (45). It has been proposed Ihat they produce Each of the hormones has its kind of beta
regulators of Serlol; <;<;11 functions (52). subunit. The chain lengths in lH. FSH. and TSH
are similar to those of the alpha compone nls. but
hCG and PMSG beta subunits contain additional C-
terminal sequences_
Hepatocyte> avidly remOve androgens from the When precautions are taken to avoid denatura-
blood. Some of the molecules arC sent directly into tion. the subunits can be reversibly dissoci"ted and
lhe bile, from which Ihey tnwd 10 the intestine to be recombined. Morcover. alpha components from one
either or reabsorbed. Others 31"<' conjugated kind of hormollC ean be united with beta, from an_
with sulfate or glue"ronal. prior 10 excretion. Most other. and subunits f",m dilTcre nt species also asso-
arC converted \0 st eroids thaI poss ... lillie or no an- ciate. The processes bring about changc.' in molec·
drogenic potency. The products include cpiand!'C6- ular configurations that involve, for example.
[crone, epitestosterone. 5a·and",.taoolone and masking and reexposure of tho samo tyrosyl resi-
J«.17t1.... ndmstanediol (fig. 14-9) . Etiochola nolone dues. The conformation of a re<:onstitutod hormone
is usuall y a minor metabolite. but there are patho- is determined by the nature of the beta component
logical conditions under which it accumulates and ( 19).
acts centfJlly to elevate the body temperature. Fecal When presented in "physiological"' oonccntra-
steroids include produet.1 into the bile that tions. neither the alpha nor the beta alone displa}'s
are acted on by bacterial biological activity , The whole molecule seem, to be
The urinary "1 7.ketooteroids" include mostly me- nceded for functional binding to the receptor, Tho
tabolites formed in the liver. but also small quan· associa tion must be made before administering the
lities of hormones that arc directly filtered by the glycopephdcs. Injection of first one subunit and then
glomeruli. the other is not elTectivc (l02).
Biological properties and speeics dilTerenccs in re-
ceptor affinity ar<: alwa)'S dctermined by the beta
(139). Thus. for example. rat fSH alpha
plus bovine lH beta behaves like t>ovine lH.
Follicle stimulatins hormone (FSH, follit",pin) and
s.c,'en differenl gono:< or pseudoge"", coding for heG
hormone (lH. lutropin) are species-spe- bolO. but just one for hlH beta been identified
cific pituitary gland hormones. Chorionic gonadotro- (A-t). Rats f!O>,<:«a retated ge"" for rLH beta. but 00
pins arc chemically r<:lated regulators produced in DNA codi"8 for • comparable cllo'ionie
largest amounts by the ("'phoblast and placenta. (A-9), Somc subunil properties .'cre """"ribed in Chap-
The forms found in humans (hCGs) exert mostly ter 3_ There have bo<n 'oporlS that vcry high <onCenlr.,
LH-likc activity. Glycoproteins with similar biolog· tions <>f beta subunilS and of lheir fragmen .. can act
ical and immunological properties have been idemi· aiM< lQ slimutale . t"roidollenosis (119). and lhat mam-
fied in several cell types of healthy. ,..,npregnant fe- ma lian FSIl bela is as potent os "'holo IIon""ne' for in,
males. and also in males. Morwver, certain kinds of "oking spe rmialion i" ti'ard, ( 102)_ On the other h.nd.
tumor cells secrete large quantities (23). Pregnant lhe addit ion of excessive numbers of beta ,ubunit< 10
mare's ser um gonadotropin (PMSG) is yet another ",hole Can impair bi"ding to receptors
member of this group. It interacts almost equally
with FSH and UI reccptors. Substantial numbers of homolog ies among lhe
"unique" beta subunils have been fou nd (83.139).
and these probably aCCOUnt for o,-erlapping p"'per-
He tero dlmeric Structure
tics. Thus. for TSH has somc gonadotro-
Each molecule comprises t"t> dissimilar Sl)'cosyiated pin-like activity whereas hCG can stimulate thyroid
peptides (subunits) held together in ooncovalem Species differences in receptor properties are
linkage. Thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating OOrrnonc. koown. and snaxc:s are among the vertebrates be-
TSH) has a similar makeup (139)_ lieved to make only one form of gonadotropin. Ob-
Within a giV<'n species. all of the alpha .ubunits servat;ons of such kinds ha>-c been cited in support
o o
'-I- " "

. ,, ,,

, o

, o•

D. Dehydtoepianclroslerone (DHEA)

o "J.

, ,
o" " ' - . /
E. 5)j·Ar>d,,,,,aoolone

. I A

, h

G. Epilesto$le'"""
Fill. 14-11. products of " ..Io",,,,one. A. 8, C,
o<>d D are 17-Xe'o"oroi<l.: G i. a stereoisonw of
..""". en. iog t" aoclrostoned_ . s an

of Ihc m:uion thai all of Ihc gl}'coprotcin hormones Biosynthesis

evolved from One kind of parcrn molecule ( I 02. \31) .
Progress has been made in defi ning thc amino acid All hormones of the group scem to be made in Ihc
sequences and carbohydmlc com]XIncnts of FS I1 SlIme way (29A,41) . More is known about thymI...,.
(195). I.H (291\. 91). and heG (83). and the species ihan about gonadotropin biosyn\hcsi5 (189).
variations (161). Disulfide bonds have similar loca- Proxr and pre-p chains at<: assembled on separate
tions in all of Ihc mole<: ulcs wjlh COmmOn biological ribosomcs. each under the direction of its own RNA.
activities (1 39). Hybridi7.a(ion studies indicatc that the genes cOOing

for the RNAs are on different (8). "Functional pleomorphism" has a lso been de·
Translations in cell·free systems scribed. It has been observed adult male ratS
confo.mance with the "signal sequence" a nd androgen-treated gonadectomized animals of
(105) (Chapte. 3). bolh sexes secrete FSHs with molecular
Mannos<:·.ich "core" oligosacchuridCl; arc at- weights. sialic aeid contcnts. and bioassay:im·
tached to asparagine re.iduCI; of both subunits while munoasS3y ratios than the FSHs made by aduh fe-
the are still u\\achcd to their ribosomes. but males or estrogen-treated castnl1es. Untreated cas-
probably after removal of signal sequence (83). Irates make FSHs with intermediate propenies. The
processing i",'OI"s the '"trimming"' of the m,mes andm... g)'tW-. and have been
oligosaccharide •. release of 'Onle gluc<>sc and given to thc threc variant forms (24. 25).
mannosc. This is followed by sequential additions of
glucosarnine, galactosamine, gaiactos<:, fucose. and Some in.igba into the importance of tbe carbohydrate
sialic acid. CQmponenu bave been obtained rrom studies of (a) mol·
eculcs reconstituted from tho ricbly gIYCOS)'lated free
Pre" and prc /J chain, or" , hortcncd.nd thcrcby coo· alpha subuni" ptus beta subuni's Obtained from whole
'''rlcd to the" and {J cMlponent •. Most oboe ..... beli..·• hormone,: (b) tumor cell 800adot"'pin.: (cl hormone,
that 110 intcrmC<lialc ··prohormon •• ·• arc madc. High m<>- pr.treated ",ith en.yme. suoh .. galactosidase and ncur-
kcui>r weighl mol«ule< ha.e been iMntified in gon.d<>- aminidase ("'hieb remo"" .ialic acid groupsI: (dl prep-
trope'. including nonglycosylatcd on« of S2.000 and or.tion. obtained rrom cell' expOsed to tunicam)'cin (an
21.000 daltoo. and glycosy!ated form. with app"ent .ntibiotic that block> the . ynth ..i. or N·.cetyl$lucosa·
weigh" of 2t.OOO a nd Ii .000. Although it has been , ug· min)'I'phosphor)'I-dolichol cOOlponenl of the m.nnose·
ge<ted thaI 1.1-1 is an immature CQrnponent rormed ricb oligos.ccharide "oore"): and (01 mRNA-diroeled
before the . ubunit. an ocilt •. the possibility that it i. proteins ,ynthe, il.e<I by cclt-rrce s)·'tems that lack
"immature lH" Or "immature beta .ubunit·· al1achcd to the membrane. required accompli,h the glye<>-
Other p"'teill$ ho. b«n oon. idered (1061. Some large cn· ,yl.tion •.
titie. may be aggregate, or hcavily gl)'cosylated peptide<.
(The high we ight of hCG is rel.ted to th. The carbohydrates evidently facilitate
presence or a 30 amino acid Cte,minal peptide glycosy· chain/aIding prior to establ;shment of the disulfide
On ,h. <c rioe moictios ,hat is not p",,,nt ;n Lit bond., and they affcct the obilit;c> or >ubullit> tu us-
[831 ·) socialr with each other. Carbohydratcs also protect
The final .tep is usociation or the alpha and beta sub-
unit •. Some ",cess alpha is evidently r",med on • regular the amiltO acid chains against intracellular drgro-
bui., to addition.1 gly<:osyl.tions. and daliOll and prolong the half-liws of circulating hor·
secreted. mones. LH. Which contains only around 16% Car-
Gene duplic3lion. m.y account for 'he production or bohydratc by "'cight (5. I 39). has a shorter duration
h",mone. with •• rying amino acid CQmposition. within of action that hCG (in which carbohydrates that in·
th. samc 'pecie<. and r", the ,)·nthesi. of more alpha Ihan clude 2-acetamidt>-2-dcoxyglucosc and 2-acetamidt>-
beta subunit. (I 89). Howe",r. nonunirorm posHran, la· 2-deoxygaiaclo.c aCC<lunt for 30% of the weights of
tional p"",essing can have .imilar consequence<. both and bela subunilsl. PMSG is also long·
Altemp', ha •• been made to determine the receptor· acting, and it contains closer 10 40% carbohydrate.
binding e<>mpon.nt •. Acylation. guanidation, and carba· Lim;ted deglycosylation can augment hormone-re-
mylation of Iy.ine residUe<. ni!r.tion or iodination or th. ceptor binding. but cxtens;,·. carbohydrdte loss im-
t)·l"Q$ine$. Ind carbo.ymethyl.tion or the methionine. are
among tbe amino acid 31ter.tlol\$ ,ho ... n '0 reduce the or· pairs the interactions. This has dearly been demon·
finitie< (139). The C·termi""1 peptide or hCG doc. not strated from comparisons of the properties of natiYe.
oompete with the LH bet ••"bunit for $ites (119). desialized. and more extens;vely deglycosylatcd
preparations of hCGs.
Sites 01 Biosynthesis
Variations are encountered when Ihe following are
compared: (a) the alpha and beta subunits of the gonadotropcs arc the major
same hormonc; (b) the analogous hormones of dif· sources in nonpregnant animals. The question of
ferent specie< (161); and (c) piluitary gland and cir· whether thc pituitary gland contain. separate FSH ·
culating hormones. Some free alpha subunits are secreting folliculotropes and ime .. ti·
prescnt in blood plasma. and t hese are tiotropos does not yet have a satisfactory ans..-e.
more glycosylated than Ihe subunits of (153). (The term Ittleotl'OfW is not used for LH cells.
the whole hormone. Gonadotropins made by lumOr because prolactin and some othcr hormones are lu·
cells can be •• ceedinaly sugar content (177). tcotropic in cenain species.)
In B pituitaI'}' gland prepara tKln . some ce lls Gonad otropin Storege and SeeTeUo n
bind a ntibodies di r<:<:led agai nst the I;S He. In pituitary aonadotropes. the hormone COOlent is
up anti.L.HP. al'd )'et differenl ones bind both dosely correbted ";Ih lhe nllmbers of so:cretOf)'
Iypes.of antibodies ( 121). TM two kinds of ,Iyeo- glllnule •. There are findings consistenl wilh Ille e.·
protetns \:lin wilhin the sam<: see retory Ira n· ;,teoct of an easily recruited hormone "pool" . a
ule (67). One is lhat there are three second. less easily ''aClivated '' $lore of both <)\dcr
kinds of gonadOlropes. An(lIher ;s (hal a singk; <:<:11 and freshly sy nthesi7.ed IlywpfOteins (41 ).
type undergoC!o junrl/()tW./ c hanges in biosynthelic Hypothala mk hormones act in different ways to
and secrelory aclivilic$. synlhcsis as com pared with release. They
Eleetron micrographs p TC$CnC<: of a cell mcrease 10lal bormone production. but thei r stimu'
type with special morpholOSical features and 1'<" lation of beta sllbunit synt hesis _ms tOl be rale-l;m-
$flOIISCS 10 hormones th31 earncd il the ""me ' ling for ;onadotropin seeretion, f.xo&enous L.R II e\..
folliru/o(ro(>t. and the of. separale kind evales the circlliating free alpha subunit :LH rat;o.
of intcrstil!Olrope. In the lar,e mammals il is pOSSi· in hll ......n adults. The le"el.of frec alpha a re hi.h in
bIe to e1el5e gland scgmenls that Qtllllain just one ...-.xncn (ISO). and ther<: are patho-
gonadotrope type and just one of the horrnonc:s. logiCal cond.\tOns under ""hich they become mark·
Ho",'ever. th<:1'<' are other «lis wilh tWO d,fferent edly elevated (20). Since both piluitary a nd plasma
ki nds or granules ... it h e)'loI08;';"1 fcal Ur0:5 of an 'm.
Ilea"" )' 8'yO)l5),latOO (83. il
in(ermcdille t)·pe. MlXCO"Cr. hypothalamic hor· tS v\ftually certa.n tha t the changes result from in·
mOneS prese nted in vitro alTee t the appea rances and nuellCes CJlerted on 1M release of Ihe moloculcs.
aetivitics of cultu red gonadotropc:s (S4). high glucose eon«:ntralioM used in some in
The problems of interpretat ion al'<' furlher rom- v!lro can bring about artifactu al glycosyla·
plica ted by the prese nce of go nadotropc·like cel ls in tK)fl (83). bul tMre is no reason to bcc!levc that lhe
Ihe pars lulKralis (I S3). along wilh J.l I in lhe blood effects are exerted preferentially on alpha compo-
draining thai region. and the demonstralion that nents Ihat delach from LH ·1
some adenohypophysial types bind a ntibodies di· Gonadotropcs ha\'e hormone rcceptors.
rO:<:led agaill$l both ACTH and FS II (117). High eooccntnilionsof p13dalloor, , _ are almost
An of lhe prcwding challenge the consistcntly inhibitory. Ones in the
fQrmerly highly respected "one cell·<.me hormone" Innucn«S tbat !lICludc " pre-
hypolhesiJ. l! is I'eUOnabk: 10 bcclic\'e Ihat ccns with sens.ttzatlons a nd synergisms as well as 'nMMtion.
cQmm<Jn genetic huitage5 c an aC<juire overlapping The steroids also ael on hypo. haiamic ceil, th" t se-
when develop wilhin the $p<.:c Cl'<'tc releasing hormones and on neurons tlUll mod·
prov.ded by the pillliUtI'}' gbnd. ulllle tM functions of lhose «lis.
ce lls that produce IICG do not po5SCSS
secrcl tO:n granules. Ux:al factOlS with in tM placenta
Brain Gonadotropins
arc believed IG regulate so:crction of Ihe hormone.
Substances Ihal bind antibodies dirwed agaillSl all The pluma membranes pia)' roles in the secrelion
of the pituitary gland hormones are present in var· lhat differ from ones described for piluitary gona·
ioIIs parlS of Ihe bnlin. and al$O in ccl'<'brospinal fluid dotropes (U).
(90). Each Iype of antibody has ,1$ charaCteristic
distribulion pauern . lH·like molecules have been
fOlind in lhe lIyposhabmus. amYldaloid complu GonadotropIn Receptors
hippocampus. thBbm lls. caudate nuc\cus. and High.affinity associated with the plasma
cerebell um. membranes of testicular and ovarian cells ha\'e the
The hypothabmo-hypophyMal blood IniOSpor1$ p. .n ics of g1ycoproteins (1l9), The hormone
hormones in t ..'O directions ( 14 1). and regulat"" specificities al'<' .n(lI absolute. When fS H is pl'<"
Iha t travel from Ihe pituituy gland to the hypothal · $tnled .n very cooeemrat1ons. it binds to U!
amus participate in "short·loop" neptive feed back receptors (Ind pharmaoological . mounl$ of L.H
oontflll of hormone $CCrelion ( 10). Ho....cver. at lea$l elicit !'S1I·I"e responses). The biological actions of
some of Ihe brain hormoneS are in the (emllli hCG mosl c1e»ely resemble 11\0$( of LH , bUI the !>or.
ntrwus system. and these a re belkved 10 perform m<Jnc can tOl some Ulenl mimic FSH and slimulate
ntulomo(l\tIatofy functions ( I7 S). The molecules the thyroid glands. PMSG inlelllcts to appro.i·
persist in brain and cerebrospinal auid lonl afle r hy· Ihe same extent with fSH and l H receplors.
The wncc:nlratio!ts do 001 vary in <XIIlCCnualions of TSti slimu late Ihe gonads
parallel ,"Ith 11\0$( of the systemic: blood .• nd Ihe (119).
"blood-brain barrie," restricls enlry of !>ormones lH elic;!J half·muimal sleroidogenesis "'hen
wilhin the o;apilla rics.

only 1% of the interstitial cdl receptors is occupied, also regulated at levels. Hypothalamic hor-
The large numbers of "spare" r",eptors and the mones affect receptor numbers in ways.
abundant low-aflinity binding sites enhance the sen· Although chronically elevated of LH bring
sitivity to low concentrations of gonadotropill5. since about down regulation. some of the hormone is
they facilitate concentration of the regulators in the nceded to maimain normal numbcrsof LH receptors
immediate vicinity , (82). Similarly. fSH o.'erdosage down ",gulates
Ovarian luteal cells evidently have t,,·o kinds of FSH reccptors. but some of the hormone is needed
high-affinity receptors. only one of which couples to relain sensitivity to FSH . The testes of untreatcd
hormone binding to activation of adcnylatc cyclase hypophysectomized animals rapidly lose their re-
(119). The possibility that interstitial cells have mul- sponsiveness to gonadotropins. and rogain it
tiple types. including one for LH and another for slowly aftcr rc-e.posure.
hCG. lias bc<:n considered. (The t we hormones excrt FSlI also induces LH receptors. At least in the
similar actions. but hCG binds more tightly. disso- ovary. the actions are facilitatcd by estrogens. Pro-
dates m<}l". slowly. and brings about resport<es of lactin and growth horITlO!le increase the numbers of
longer duration.) gonadotropin receptors (79). and prolactin addition·
The early effects of gonadotropins seem to be e._ ally potentiates tlte cfTeets of gonadotropin stimula·
erted directly On the target cdl plasma membranes. tion, Estrogens and androgens act in indirect "'llYS to
The hormonc-",ceptor arc subsequently afTc.:t thc numbers of receptors. PlateleHlerived
internalized. The processes have been linked with gro,,·th factor (PDGF) potentiates. while epidermal
physiological limitation of the responses and with gro"'th factor (EGF) antagonizes FSH induction of
"down regulation" of hormone rec.:ptor numbers. At UI receptors ( 115).
leasl some of the molecules are laken inlo lysosomes Stress and the associated increases in ACTH and
and degraded there. Chloroquine and other lysoso- 81uCQCortiooid secretion can have biphasic cffeets.
mal inhibitors do not affect gonadotropin actions There is usually a transien1 increase in LH and tes-
with shorl latent periods . tosterone ( I 12). and it has bc<:n suggested that this
Some observers belicve tliat delared innuence! of contribU1es to the ability to cope with certain forms
the ,onadotmpins on protein synthesis. cell differ· of stress (e ., . r.,htin, an auressor). The carli,,-'t <te-
cntiation . and cell proliferation «,quire the binding roid ,<,sponse is evidently dependent on the testicular
of (or fragments derived from them) to innervation (although nervous inpU1 is not known to
cytoplasmic organelles. The fragmcnts may also be afTeet basal ralcs of testosteronc sccretion) (59).
involved in mechanisms that arc Continued release of the "St'<',," hormones leads to
not associated with reductions of «,ccplor numbers. a decline in LRH ,ec'<'tion (68,166). Glucocorti·
A different oolioo ;s that some portion of the glyco- coids also decrease the rclease of prolactin and they
protein must pcnctrJte the plasma membrane to ae- can Ll1 receptor numbers (6).
tivate the adenylatc cyclase. The amioo acid se-
quences shared in commoo by LHiJ and cholerJ (which is cleaved it activates the en- GONADOTROPIN RELEASING HORMON ES
zyme). and the blunting of .denylate cyclase actio
valion by serinc protease inhibitors. are consistent Hormones synthesiled in the hypothalamus and re-
leased into the hypothaiamo-hypophysial blood ves-
with a need to dissociate the subunits and internahe
sels arc major «'gulators of the adenohypophysis
the beta One. On the other hand. carbOOiimide and
(sec Chapter 2). If the neurons ma king the peptides
some other agents that establish covalent linkages do
not abolish the hormone actions (119. 139). Studies arc destroycd. or if the vaseular oonnections are in·
heG preparations labeled on JUSt the alpha terrupted. pituitary cells producing gonadotropins.
or just the bela show that nondissociated TSH. ACTH, and GH undergo atrophy and the hor·
hormone is internalized. However. dissociation mone secretion rates rapidly (30.110). In in·
within the cells may precede degradation. The beta taCt animals. electrical stimulation of restriCled loci
within the hypothalamus affects the release of spe-
components of the preparations are more rapidly de-
stroyed than the alphas (4). cific pituitary gland hormones. Cenain
dependent eventS (e.g, ovulation) changc the electri-
cal activities of the neurons (110).
Regulation of Gonadotropin Receptor
Numbers The belief that the .,on ending. di,eh"ge the hypo-
tbal,mic rcgutatorS to the direct vicinity of the poTlal ,ys_
The numbers of receptors pcr cell affect the sen,itiv· tem capillaries ha$ been qu .. tioned because of r.ilure 10
ity to gonadotropin stimulation. but response> arc iden!if), hormone. "'ithin ",on. by immuooc)'tochcmical
technique •. The ho!"mo"", ore pr.,.,nt in tane)',es (oeu· sec retion, whereas stimulation of the arCuate nudei
rOSli.1 cell. that communicate with both the blood and increases the release of both FSH and LH. (The
the ccrebrO$pin.1 nuid), Ta ne)' te. of the medi.n emi· finding' do not rule 001 the possibility that the dorsal
ncn"" rna)' therefore tak up the reg"llIon and transfer anterior neurons make an FSH.RH.)
them to the blood ,...,.,1. (199). 2. of changing UI release pat-
Under physiological conditions. LRH i, re·
Luteinizing Hormone-ReleaSing Hormone leased "episodically." Concentrations in the pOrtal
( LRH , LHRH, Lullberln) blood can vary Over the range of20-800 pM in a 24·
hour period (30). LRH exerts "priming cffects:'
A decapeptidc "'ith the following amino acid se- Wnen the levels have been low for a time. a small
quence ha' been identified in hypothalamic curacts dose elicits the release of SOme gonadotropin. A see-
prcp",ed from numerou, vertebrale species: ond dose of the same size presen1ed an hour later
pyro-Glu·His-Trp-Scr.Tyr-Glu-Leu·Arg·Pro-Gly·NH, invokes a quantitalively grcater response.
Gonadolropes arc affected by the frequencics and
It is a potent Slimulant ror the release of both ampli tudes of Ihe pulse •. by Ihe mean LRH concen·
FSH and LH when it is prcsenlcd to either whole tratiorrs over an extended time period. and by extra-
animals or pituilary gland prcparalions, and anti. hypothalamic factors that alter Ihe sensitivities. The
bodies direcled against the peplide innibit rclease of re.pon.e paller", of folliculotropes differ from Ihose
those hormones (159). Becau se of its dual effeclS. of interstil;olroJ'C'! (58).
some .utho", prefer the name f'Slf/UI-Rdcasi/lg Rapid intravenous injection of LRH into adult'
homkJl!e (FSH-LH·RH). There arc those who be- elicits just I.H release. whereas slow. sus-
lieve that the hypothalamu. additionally makcs an tained infusion or subcutaneou, injection increases
FSH·RH (68.197)_ Component, of hypothalamic FSH levels as well (3 .164). Long·term administra.
extract, have been reported to p<>5SC" such activity, lion of LRH tends to elevate the blood FSH:LlI
bUl no peptide has been identified {I 10). The exis- ratio. One inlerprclation is Inat intefStiliotrope' are
tence of yet a third hormone affecting just LH is "rapid responders" that easily become "exhausted"
doubtful. bUlthe possibility has not been ruled oul. (3). Prepubertal animals re'pond differently. In
Plasma FSH: LH ratios vary with physiological Ihese. rapid LRH injection elicits mostly FSH rc·
.tatu<. and there are conditions under which just one le.s<: , Other 'ind. of manipulat;Qn. that alter re·
of the gonadtropins is released. Juvenile rats secrete sponses 10 LRH have been described (198)_
mostly FSIi. As they mature . the LH levels rise and Whcn pituitary gland preparations arc main-
FSII conccntratiQns fall (149). Cycling femalC!> tained in vitro without LRH. the rate of LH release
undergo regularly recurring change. in the FSH 'LlI into Ihc mcdium soon declines to undetectable Icveb.
ratiQS(198). FSH rclea'e off mOre .Iowly and Ie,s com·
pletely, 11 has therefore been ,uggested th at SOme
component of FS I-l secretion is "autooomous" (i .• ,
Arguments in Favor 01 the Secrellon of Just
hypothalamic hormone-independent) (171). On the
One Gonadotropin-ReleaSing Hormone
other hand. when I. RH is con1inuously prc.<ent for
Proponents of the concept thaI LRH i, the only hI" long time periods. LH release is 8reater under SOme
pothalamic hormone needed to regulate both F$H conditions (54) and relca5.c undcrothcrs
and LH secretion have suggested several ways in Estrogens affect the responses to LRH. In a study
which differential control Can be accomplished. of cultured pituitary gland cells, il I'o'aS observed thaI
I. trallSport of LR 1/ to just ct'rtain of the LRH.invoked FSH release ,oon declined and stim-
pilUitaryalls: In at 1ea,t some species. certain of the ulatory inAucnces of e'trogen were lost within six
LRH·secreting neurOnS discharge their products days. By contrast. LH release persisted for at least
into blood vessels supplying one part or the pituitary 20 days and thc responses to cst rosen were ret<lincd
gland. "'hercas other neuron' establish chemical during that time (97).
wmmunicatiQns "'ith different parts of the pituitary 3. !::x/rahypolnalamic regularor5 .decrively alur
(3.143)_ The neuron dusteN can differ from each gonado/rGp<! rcsponst.t: Selective inAuences of inhi·
other in the kinds of ..ceplors tne), JlO5-SC5S and in bin (folliculostatin) on fSH secretion have been dis·
their syna ptic relalionships with olher neurons of the cU'iSCd. GonadOlTOpeS seem to wntain insulin re<"p"
brain. Tnerefore. it may be possibl . al any given IOrs. and the hormone is .aid to be: a physiological
tim. to stimulate just fol1ieulotropcs (or just inter· stimulant (2). However. seleclivit y remains to be
stitiotropcs). and at other limes 10 affect both kind, demOnstraled.
or gonadotropes. Electrical stimulation of the do"",1 LH acts via short·loop f«:dhack to innibit just LH
anteriQr portions of Ihe hypolhalamu, (10.198) (und sec retion. whereas FSH dccr<:ases the secrelion of
of the paraventricular nudei) can in''(Ike just FSH just FSH. It is possible thaI each of the hormones

accumulates within its own special region of the hy· The blood androgens of normal females never at·
pothalamus and thereby selectively affects LRH tain the concentrations required to suppress gona·
stimulation of one kind of gonadotrope (see item I dQ1ropin secretion in castrate.<. They do. however,
in this list). Alternatively. FSH may aCt on neurons play facilitatory roles in the regulation of FSH <c-
that ma);e an FSH·RH. erction. By contrast with the LR H-<:omrolled preo-
The pineal gland exerts diverse innuences on the vulatory gonadQ1ropin "sur8es'· that involve dis-
rcproductiY<' system (152) . There are conditions charge of both FSI-! and LH and can be blocked
under which it inhibits FSH and LH secretion. and with ami·LRH sera. the follicular phase FSH ele-
others in which it acts at ewapituitary sites to pro- vations in rats are belie,'ed to be androscn-dcpen·
mote gonadal involution without lowering the dent (75). They arc not ntither blunted by the same
plasma gonadotropins. Differential effects of both pi. antibodies. nor associated with substantial LI-I
nealoctomy and melatonin adminimation on FSH elevations.
and LIl ",cretion have been cited by SOme as mech - Facilitatory innuences of gonadal steroid. on LH
anisms for changing respon",s of the tWQ cdl types release occur in females but not in males. The sex
to LRH. but othe", believe that Ihcy irtdieate the differences are attributed to neuron-neuron inter·
presence of a distincl FSH·RH. a"ions acquired durin8 an early developmcntal
Gonadal stcroids are major regulators of gQnado- stage and possibly also to the distributions of estro-
tropin se<:retion (30) . They directly affect LRH-sc· gen receptors. The effccts of estrogen alone arc com·
crcting neuro"" the functiono; of different neurons plex and triphasic (10). Durin8 thc follicular phase
that synapse with them. 300 the turnover ratc., of of the ovarian estrogen., inhibit LH release,
neurotrano;miuo",. They also act directly on the pi. They may do so by actin8 on one "pool" of pi.
tuitary glands tQ control hormone biosynthesis. hor· tuitary 81and stores (41). Since they do not diminish
mone release. receptor numbers. and r<>Stre<:eptor LH synthesis, the hormone accumulates for a time
",nsitivities (58). Some effects arc cited here. and in Ihe 80nadotropes. Shortly before the time of ovu·
others in Chaps, I 5 and 16, lation, estr08ens promote LH discharge. possibly by
Responses to the steroids vary wilh the chemical synergizing with LRH to activatc a different LH
nature of the hormone . the pool. The estrogen< also facilitmc formation of LRH
the concentration relative to (hat or other regulators, receptors (165). and they act on brain neurons in.
the eXr<>Surc time. and the endocrine history of 'he volved in initiation of tne H I sur8e.
Some of thc obscrv«l effects of androgens depend
In adults, in<;reases plasma and pitu- on aromati7.lttions. DHT (which cannot be aroma-
itary 81and gonadotropin concentrations and the tized) r«luces thc frcquencies of LH pnlses. whereas
numbe", of pituitary gland LR 1-1 receptors (30). At testostcrone and eslrogen can both lower the ampli·
least SOme of the effects are exerted directly on thc wdes(42).
pituitary 8land, and androgens can act directly to re· Althou8h it has been implicated in facilitation of
duce the receptor numbers (62). Sex differences in LR 1/ receptor induction in fcmales (165), progester.
quantitative responses to androgens are known, but one aets On thc c.:ntral nervous system to suppress
in both males and females it i. easier to block the LRH release. Progesterone may also compete with
elevations by instituting steroid re· LRH for actions on the pituitary 8lands. (In its pres-
placement soon after surgery than it is to restore the ence.low concentrations of LRH are ineffective but
levels at a later time (164). larger ones stimulate the gQnadotropes 13].) S,,-{!i·
In intact adult male rats. LH turnover time in the hydroprogesterone and 17""OH·pro8eSterone are
pituitary gland is around 22 days. It falls to 4 after more potent inhibitors than progesterone. and they
castration. By contrast, there is a decline of from 4 haY<' greater effects on FSH than on LH release
to 2 days for FSH. "Physiolo8ical"· doses of testos· (161).
terone lower the plasma lH of castrates to the nor·
mal ran8e, but only ma$.Sive amounts inhibit FS H G<>nodotropin secrelion in .udling inf.nts rna)' be ,ut>-
release. If small amounts of e.trogen arc added to to impOrl.nt controls. tn addition 10 lhe
the low tcstosterone dose. both FSH and LH levds pituitar)" gland hormone, kn""n to be present in milk. on
LRH·like peptide has becn found. tn humans. concentra·
deeline (110.164). In intact animals. 80nadal ste· tion. ,"crage 107 ps/ml (compared with only 17
roids also show stimulatory effects Qn FSH M:erct;on for blood ptasm') The SQuree i. unknown. Sinee
(3.46) . Mixtures containing high estrogen :androgen LRII;' effe"i"e when given orally. the peptide nlay ptay
ratios usually elevate plasma FSH but not LH phy.iological roles. It seems to be • more pOlent FSI1
(164). Ihan LH .. im"lanl (7).
4. Differencu in metabolic uff« 1 mating seoon<lary <lischarge of serownin or by aCling
plasma FSH:LH rmio.,: FSH has a plasma on gonadotrores to decrease the sensitivity to LRH
of around 110 minutes in rats. while Ihe 1)1 for LH (123).
is closer 10 22 minutes (110). If both hormones are Norepillt'pkrine is implicaled in me<liation of the
simultaneously released. an obvious consequence is LH elevation Ihal fOllows castrat ion. Median emi_
aeeumulalion of more fSH Ihan LH. Ilowever. if nenCe concentralions of th. ne"rolransminer rise
Ihis continues for an extended time period. Ihe seC- SOOn aftcr castralion. and this Can be reversed by giv-
ondary events can include feedback inhibilion of ing teslOSterone (123). In females. inlraventricular
FSH secrelion and down regulation of FSH adminislralion of norepinephrine increases Ihe LH
levels. whereas norepinephrine reccptor a nlagonisls
When healthy human adu lls ale given addilional block lhe postcastration elevation. The I.H reiease
hOlmones. similar diffe rences in clearance rales arc associaled with COilus in males may in,"Olv. bolh
found ( 199). The LH concentrations rise wilhin 2 norepinephrine and dopamine.
minutes afler intravenous injection of LRH. the Proslaglandins of E type (especially PGE l )
peak is attained at 25 minutes. and the plasma III is act direclly on the hypolhalamu, (3 .64) . They may
around 92 minutes. FS H concentrations ri se slowly. be more effecti"e for increasing FSH than LH levels
rea l: at 45 minutes. and have a III of minutes. (68). bUI direct on the gonadOlropes arc
nOI apparent. PGs may be mediator:; of catecllol-
amine aClions.
Ce ntral Nervous Sy stem Co ntrol 01 LRH Su'''''' promO/es pituitary gland secrelion of
Release do'phin. The peptide . and enkephalin,. seem 10 exert
Olfactory. visual. tactile. thermal. ps)·chological. and tonic inhibilOry COntrols o,'er gonadotropin secretion
other stimuli modify LRII release rates. A bewildcr· and mediate some of Ihe effects of Slr= on the re-
ing array of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators productive sySlem ( 14. 150.1 92). Roles in protection
becomes involved. against tho premalur" Onsel of pubcny have been
propOSed (l27).
Explanation, can be f<>r ,he "umerOu, conflict· lIistamirw is present in high concentralions in COr-
ing rep:)I"\S <les<ribing the COn1ro! mechanisms. tn many lain parIS of the hypothalamus. In humans. exoge-
cases. LRII has 1101 been <liree,ly meMured. and tho nous amine inte racts wilh H,·type receplOTS 10 in·
ehan8<' in 1.11 or I<"<»'.'on< "><d '0 "'Iill"« LRII 3fC Crease LH release in mCn bul 10 decrease il in
alfcctod by factors acting al ,ites "'her Ih.n Ihe hormQn.. women (1 42). It docs not seem to directly affecI gon·
",ereling neUrQnS (58) . The re'pon ... of whole .nimals
to pharmacological and phy,iologic.1 .genl. can .. ry adolropes. but it may dilate the bl<XXl vessels Ihat
wilh Ihe .pteios. age. "'x, hormonal .n<l "ullilional ,to, supply Ihem. T he difference in response is op-
tu •. ,ime of day. and ",aron of the year. The)" . re alfecled posilc in direclion for ralS.
by sl ...... nd anelt hetie •. MO<l acl a' mulliplo ct-MSIf is found in both the pituilaty gland and
• ites. and only high coneenll.tions .lfecl the Ie" .. n,ilive hypothalamus of many species. including humans.
ones. The of adminiStration i. imparl •• t bc<:ause il Inlravcnous injeclion promptly augments FSH and
determine. thc rate 01 which the regulalOr g.ins ..CO'-$ LH release in but nOI in females (151). Me-
10 Ihe largel ' iteS and Ihe kind. of «II. alfccled . (Inlr" Iolonln antagoni7.cs n-MS n inHuences on the pig.
«,..,bral injoe'ion. of Ion elic;1 elfeel. ver)' dilferen, from men! cellsof exothcrms. It is I>Ot known whether me·
ptripheral ones.) When i. stud ied in vilro. Ihe influ· latonin inh ibilion of LRH seerelion (68) involves
enees on isolaled cannot be a"umed to mimic Ihe
on cell. making Iheir full complemen' of ,yMp'ic sim ilar antagonism. The pineal glands of hamslers
conneelion,. Moreover. incubation mcdi. are nevcr iden· and other seasonal breeders rclcase large quantilies
tical wilh the physi<>logieal fluid •. when the days become shorter in autumn. and it is
suspected that melalonin conlributes 10 prolaetin·as-
Thel<' is general agreement Ihat calecholamillts socialed regression of the reproductive organs al Ihat
.rc major regulatora (3, 123). They may act on tan- time (65) . (However. as discussed in Chapter 20.
eyt.s of the median eminence (199). as "'ell as al melalonin affects much more than LR H.)
synapses. [ntraventricular (bul not syslemic) admin- is a melalonin precursor. but it is also
istralion of either dopamine or apomorphine (a do:>- produced 31 olher sites. Altllough """'t reports in.
pami ne agonist) lead, to rapid clevalion of plasma dicale inhibitory effects on LRH secretion. the data
LH (123). The dire<:! effeCls are probably all Slim_ are conflicting (123) (possibly because the amine
ulatory and medialed by a receplor type dilfercnl acts at several brain loci).
from the kind in"olved in inhibition of prolactin re- Alroplm (an acclylcholinc antagonist) i. said 10
lease (109) (see Cbap. 8). When DA decreases LH lower both basal and stimulaled LRH secrelion.
I<'lease (3.68.199). il probably docs SO either by pro- However, both stimulatory and biphasic clTeels have

been deseribed for Additional pro- release. However_ LR H is said 10 bind to eyler
po$od include gamma-aminobutyric acid plasmic components other than lysosomes.
and glycine (which stimulate) and Ihe acidic amino Low levels of LRH may preferentially arrcet go-
acids (especia lly glutamic and aspartic). which in- nadotropin bi()l;ynthesis (107). Concentrations too
hibit {12l). low 10 invoke LH release accelerate glycooylation of
the pituitary gland peptides. cAMP is said to exert
effect •.
LRH Bi osynthe sis and Metaboli sm
LRH is probably cleaved from a larger peptide. but EXTRA-HYPOTHALAMIC LRH
the precursors are oot known. Since it tra,'<:ls rapidly
through a very restricted portion of the cireulatory Molecules that bind LRH antibodies wilh high allin-
it does oot require protection against hepatic ity are present in several parts of the cxtra-hypotha-
or renal degradation and excretion (199). Therefore. lamie brain. and they arc believed to be synthesized
no plasma binding proteins may be needed. and oone in neurons that do nol directly regulate the pituitary
has been identified. The pituitary gland docs. how- gland (173). LRH can elicit of
ever, contain proteascs. reproductive behavior when it is injected into intact
When LRH is injected intravenously. m()l;t of it or animals. Endogenous peptide
rapidly disappears from the bl<.>Jdstream {I)! = 4 released from the brain neurons in response to psy-
minutes), but the fraction that remains has a half- chosexual stimulation may amplify the effects of hy-
life closer to 50 minutes. The hormone is taken up pothalamic LRH.
by liver, kidney. pineal gland, and neurohypophysis.
as well as by adenohypophysial cells (199).
Go nadal " LRH "
Exogenous LRH binds wilh high allinity to the in-
lerstitial cells of the tcstis (31). It decreases testos-
The target cells have low-affinity binding sitC$ terone synthesis and reduces Ihe numbers of LH and
that concenlrate the hormone. as well as spectnc. prolactin receptors in both intact and hypophysec-
high-allinity receptors. Ca" is needed for LRH tomi7ed rat, when given in large doses. It Can also
stimulation of LH release. but oot for either 00.. decrease 17 ,.,-hydroxylase activity (79). Some ef-
mone_receptor binding or the inlluences exerted 011 fects of the peptide on extra-gonadal structures can
gonadotropin bi()l;ynthesis. The binding in some way be prevented with exogeoous testosterone (3). Ho .....
opens a "calcium channel" that permits the ions to ever, LRH and its agonist! interfere wilh lhe actions
enter and to alfeet microtubular and othcr intracel- of that steroid on prostate glands. seminal vesieles.
lular functions (36). and it brings about calmodulin and the kidneys of male (but not of female) mice
redistribution (35). Calcium iooopltores mimic the (9S).
effects on gonadotropin release. When the observations were first made. there
Although LRH increases the cAMP. and cAMP wCre two reaSOnS for sospeeti ng tha( the LRH was
analogs can some"'hat augment LH secretion. lhe interacting wi(h receptors For some other hormonc:
nuclcotide probably docs not serve as an obligllWY (a) The quantities of hypothalamic LR H thaI eseape
second messenger. Low concentrations of LRI1 Can into thc circulation arc too small to directly
promote LI1 release without bringing about detect- affcct the reproductive structures; and (b) numerous
able elevalion of the cAMP le,·els. Innuences of examples can be cited of molecules of one chemical
higher concentrations of LR H on cAM P generation makeup binding wilh high affinity to receptors for a
hvc been shown for hemipiluilaries of male {but nOl. hormone of very different composilion (200). (Mor-
of female) animals. When the rise occurs, it oflen phine has a struCture very different from the endog-
follows (rather than prccedes) initiation of LH re- enous opioids. and diethylstilbestrol is dissimilar
lea .... Phosphodiesterase inhibilors have nOi been from estradioL) Ther. is now g<.>Jd evidence for the
shown to affect the rale of LH secretion (36). On the production within the gonads of a peptide that Can
Olher hand, cAMP Can potentiale the errcets of be distinguished immuoologieally from LRH (169) .
LRH. possibly hy interacting with SOme other regu- It evidently has similar biological activity. i\ related
lator made in the hypothalamus (107). peptide has been found in reproductive tract st rue-
Internalization of LRH has been lin\.:ed with hor- lures of males (8). The name has been
mone degradation. Agents that block the uptah do siven to a n analogous regulator in females (Chapter
not abolish the stimulatory errect' on gonadotropin 15). Luteal cells of the ovary interact with LRH,
and the hormone decreases progesterone seer<:tion The laetotropes of the adenohypophysis are the
(80), major sites for bio&ynthesis. storage, and release. At
It waS initially proposed that testo:nerone-stimu- least some of the PRL in the hypothalamus origi-
bted Sertoli cells excrt negative fe.::dback control natcs in the pituitary gland. but additional molecules
o,-er steroidogenesis by releasing the peptide (169). are probably made in the brain. The hormone fune-
Ne"-er studies indicate the gonadal LRII interacts lions there M a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator,
with LH and other to regulate capillary Among other things. it affe.::ts behavior.
permeability. testicular fluid volume. and steriod
concentrations within localized regions of the testis.
It augments testosterone secretion when LH le",,1$ Reguletlon of Secretion
JrC low to moderate (A-8). Other regulators made
in the tcstis include roMC (A-6). Unli ke gonadotropcs. thyrotropcs. corti cot ropes. and
somatotropeS, the laetotrope, retain their morpho-
logical features a nd secretory functions without ben-
PROLACTIN efit of hypothalamic hormones. In the hy·
While the term gonadOlrOf1ill is usually applied to polhalamus exertS mostly inhibitory controls.
just the glycoplotein hormones that intel'llct with fol- (Pituitary glands removed from the ponal vessels re-
litropin and lutropin receptors, there is ample justi- lease supe rnormal quantities or PRL.) In birds. how-
fication for inclusion of prolactin (PRL) in the ever. hypothalamic hormones stimulate.
group. The hormone derives its name from its roles
in lactation (Chapler 16). but it ;s needed to main-
tain the corpora lutea of pregnancy in rodents and is PROLACTIN INH IBITORY FACTOR (PIF)
therefore also known as l!IItO/Top;II. Hypothalamic extracts and portal blood contain
PRL is an important regulator of reproducti"e something that inhibits PR L synthesis and secretion.
functions in males. and it affects much more than Dopamine (OA) is widely believed to be the major
the corpora lutea and mammary glands of females regulator. However. there have been reports that in-
(175, 176). It modulates steroidogenesis in the go- hibitors other than OA are present. and the possibil-
nads of both sexes and also in the adrenal cortex. and ity that the hypothalamus produces a specific PJF
it affects both the rdease of and the responses to the has not been ruled OUI (32). OA may even facilitate
gonadotropins. It Is Involved In rotal development the release of PIF. Prolactin secretion is a complex
and ;n the timing of puberty onset It is also evi_ process. and OA evident ly affects just one aspect of
dently an important mediator of the effects of stress it (sec Chapter 16).
on the reproductive system. In seasonal breeders it Portal blood CQIltains OA in concentratioltS that
contributes in major ways to the "reawakening" of are adequate for suppressing PRL rdease (32). The
the dormant gonads (152), and in cycling females its pituitary gland has high-affinity I)A and
concentrations in the blood rise and fatl with the var- the neurotransmitter is effective when it is presented
ious stages of the ovarian cycles. to the cells in vitro, In intact animals. exogenous OA
Unlike the glycoprotein hormones. PRLs have and its agonists reduce PRL secretion. while DA re-
high-affmity receptors in liver. kidney. accessory re- ceptor antagonists and agents that impair OA syn-
productive glands, and other tissues. Influences on thesis increase i\. Some of the DA that acts under
water and e\cctrolyte metabolism were cited in Part physiological conditions may originate in the neuro-
III and on calcium metabolism in Pan IV. The hor- hypophysis (1JS).
mone exerts SO many different kinds of actions (85
ci ted by one author [156]) that the name .",.rSalilill
has been proposed (I 24),
Although dire<t effects on the kidney and some PROLACTIN RELEASING FACTOR (PRF)
other targets haV<' been described. PR Ls usually During the early stages of lactation, blood PRL lev-
serve as modulators of the actions of other hormones els rise rapidly in response to a suckling stimulu s,
(60.78). The responses vary with the spec ies. the cell This may be One condition under which the hypo-
type. and the physiological StatuS. High concentra- Ihalamus releases a PRF. There is SOmc cvidence for
tions invoke changes very different from low ones. the presence of such a factor in hypothalamic ex-
and even triphasic responses have been described. tracts. but 110 peptide has been identified, Thyrotro-
PRLs are species-specific proteins that exist in pin releasing hormone (TRH) can stimulate the lac-
multiple forms within the same individual , They arc tot ropes. However. PRL and T$1I Ie"els do not
devoid of carbohydrate. and they are chemically re- usually rise in parallel and there are several other
lated to growth hormones and placemal lactogens rea.>OltS for believing that something other than
(somatomammotropins). TRH is invol>-ed in PRL release (32.199).


Plasma PRL concentrations undergo diurnal _arm·
lions that include sle<:p-associalcd elevations. The The interstitial cells arc dependent on tonic stimu-
levels also rise in response 10 demanding ac- lation by IUlropin to maintain St rUCture. numbers.
tivity and some forms of stress, and sharp peaks have functions. and the ability to respond to other regu-
been obse ..... ed following food ingestion (147). Em.,. lators. They undergo atrophy if the hormone is with·
gens are pote nt stimulants that affecl DA turllQvcr drawn. and they regain com!"'tency if it replaced.
in Ih. brain. In cycli ng females. plasma PRL Cell, tbat ha vc established their secretory capac-
reaches its highesl levels during thc times of rna,i- ities under the influence of LH relcase "'basa l" '
mal estrogen secretion. amountS of testosterone when the)" are tran,iently
Endogenous opioid peptidcs may mediate both Ihc deprived of the stimulation. When LH is again pre-
stress and estrogen efTecls by inleracling wilh Ihc sented. increase.:! androgen output becomes obvious
DA system. Ii·Endorphin and opiates arc polent within 15 minutes (122). Over a limited range. the
rRL releaser< (and met-enkephalin sho,,", similar response is dose related.
aClivity but lower polency) (48). They probably The most obvious short·range influences are ex·
oombinc direct ly with their own receptors, si ne<: thc erted over the enzymes that promote the conversion
stimulation is prevented "' il h receptor antagonists. of cl1olesterol to pregneoolone. The mechanisms for
Those alone also lower the plasma PRL of ACTH control Over the sid<xha in cleavage in the
intact subje\:ts. adrenal cortex have been described in detail (Chap.
ter 7). and they appear to be similar for LH regu-
OA promotes ,coum"lotion of acolyloholine in "'me
lation in the testis. The stimulation IS depende nt
parIS of lhe brain. Pa"'}'mpalhomimClic .gen" admin· upon the
i$lerod to region, in which they can act on dopom inergic The steroidogenic
ncur.,." bloxk the opiale Ilimutati.,., (I 70). The .ndoge· of plotein (but oot DNA) biosynthesis. Fairly
noo, opioids mooulatc DA turn<I'"et in the brain (192). high concentrations of LH promote the generation of
and apOm(Kj>hillC (a OA a gooiil) abolishes lh. effcclS of cAM P. and the nucleotide mimics the inft uenees on
morphine ,.Ifate on PRL ...1•• ", (170). Em<>jlen, affect protein formation and cholesterol cloavage. There is
the mOI-<:nkeph.lin conten, o>f brain "'gion, lhat conlrol an associated activation of cA M P..:!c!"' ndent prote in
gonadotropin and prol,clin sec"'lion ( 48). S, ..... can in· kinase and phosphorylation of ",veral proteins.
crea", endorphin ... Iease. The roles of the phosphorylaled proteins a re still
being debated. as are other purported functions of
Serotonin probably contributes to PRL releasc cAMP.
during lactation (32) and sleep. It dOl'S not act di- LH supports steroidogenesis in scyeral other ways.
rectly on the pituitary gland. but ex!"'rimental rna· It enhances cholesterol Uptake. the activities of eho-
nipulation, affecti ng brain serotonin can increase lesteryl esterases. the rale of cholesterol entry into
PRL release even when changes in DA arc a\'Oided. the mitochondria. and the activities of 3iJ·hydroxy-
Prostaglandins scem to both mediate PRL action, steroid dehydrogenase. C17 ,C20 lyase, 17a.hydrox_
and regulate hormone reloase (64). ylase. and Sa-reductase (179). It may also hasten
In intact . ubjects. PR L exerts negative feedback pregnenolone egress from the mitochondria. The re-
control over its own secretion. h probably acts on the lease of 17,... :l'-androstene-
hypothalamus, ,ince intracel"<'bral ad ministration of dione. S,,·reduced molecules and steroid sulfates is
J> RL is When multiple pitUitary implants accelerated (S2 A) . LH add itionally promotes proJ-
arc made at extrahypothalamic sites. the plasma I"g/aruiin generation. PGs amplify LH stimulation,
PR L concentrations vary directly with the numbers. mediate prolactin effects (156). and contribute to
Th is suggests that lactot ropos are not directly sensi - the regulation of LH receptor numbe rs.
tive to PRL The long·range effects of Ul include
Norepinephrine seems to exert mostly stimu latory of cell growth, elaboration of the smooth endo-
effects. These arc d ifficult 10 study. because natu· plasmic rcticulum, biosynthesis of steroidogenic en-
rally occurring and pharmacological agents in teract zymes. and production of new prolactin and LH re-
with both presyna ptic and poStsynaptic receptors. ceplors (89). The influences on the smooth
Other regulators implicated in PR L control indude endoplasmic reticulum may be especially important .
histamine. vasoactive imestinal peptide.neurotensin. since they affect the poSit ioning of the steroidogenic
gamma-aminobutyric acid. and melatonin (32). enzymes. Within a s!",cies. the extent to which this
structure is dcveloped determines the quantitative ef- Influences 01 Other Regulators
fectsof an LH dose. Across the species. variatiOlls in
the amounts of smooth (but 001 rough) endoplasmic LRlf agonim decrease LH receptor numbers. an-
reticulum closely correlated "'ith the quantities tagonize the effects of Olher hormones on receptor
of testosterone released. Guinea pig testes have induction. lower the numbers of testicular PRL re-
highly developed membranes. and they produc<: un· ceptors (175), and decreasc 17a·ltydroxylasc activo
usually large quantities of the hormone. ity. T hey do not. however. mimic the elTeclS of ex·
ma ke smaller amounts than most Olher mammal •• cessive bCG or LH On lite C 17.C20 dcsmolase (19).
and they have low smooth:rough endoplasmic relic- The changes in steroidogenesis can secondarily innu·
ulum ralios (52) . cnce FSH receptor induction in the testis.
Chronicallyelevaled LH levels inV{)kc very dilTcr· TeslOSltrOlW can act locally to inhibit steroidoge n·
ent changes that include ""down regulation" of LH esis if it accumulates in substantial amountS (S2). It
receptor numbers and ""biochemieallcsions" thai di· also inhibits LH release. but;t can accelerate pRL
minish steroidogenic responses to both gonadou<>- secretion (76) ,
pins and c AMP. The elTeets arc complex and dose· Prolac/in interacts directly with high·affinity re-
rdated. At least some are believed to be mediated ceptors on the interslilial cells. It has negligible in_
via estrogens and prostaglandins. nuenees on steroidogene,i, when it is administered
When interstitial cells from alone to hypophyscctomi1.ed a nimals deprived of
rats are exposed to the already subnormal LH. I-Iowe,·er. even in ratS trea ted this wa)". il in-
rates of I"'tostemm: produclion fun her decline. Th;, creases Ihe numbers of LH receptors. In the pres-
is associated with lowering of tlte activities of 17<>- cnce of il augments androgen produelion. In in·
hydroxylase and C I 7.C20 desmolase. and of the cy· lact animals. PRL promotes the accumulation of
tochrome P-4S0 content. but enzymes that conven esterified cholesterol stores. and it increases lhe ac-
pregnenolone to progeslerone are not affected (12S). tivities of dehydrogena.'<C and of
When hypophysectom; anima" are treated with dchydrogeMsc (12.175). (Al_
moderate amounts of hCG (which acceleralesestl"O- though il regulates adrenocortical 5".. hydroxylasc
gen produclion), testosterone wtput risc. (ransiently [133] , no comparable effect on the ICSI;, is known.)
and then declines 10 levels below Ihose initiall)' GH mimics some PRL effeclS on steroidogenesis
found. The ch.nge< in enzyme act ivitic> and P.450 (127).
content are 'im ilar 10 Ihe Ones observed in cells ex· Nocturnal elevations of plasma pRL in primates
posed 10 estrogen in vitro. Two proteins with molec- contribute to diurnal varialions in tlte testosterone
ular weight. of 27.000 and 40.000 are induced. S ince level, (120) , Copulation promotes pRL secrelion.
lamoxifen (an estrogen amagonist) blocks formation and the hormone may impro"e perFormance. PRL
of the one w;t h the lower molecular weighl and s;· and consequent testosterone release du ring stress arc
multaneously prevenls the cn>.yme and 1'-450 sai d to increase the ability to cope .
changes. it has b«n thai descnsitization to In hamsters, Ihe lesticular regression in response
hCG (a nd to LH) results from estrogen induction of toslton photoperiods is associaled with low PRL lev-
that prOlein, High doses of ItCG additionally impair els (I 20). while tlte recrudescence seems to be me-
cholesterol conversion to but Ihi, ef· dialed in pan by risinS le.'cls.
fect is not blocked by estrogen antagonisls. pltarmacologicai amounts inhibil LRH release.
Tlte enzyme changes precede LH receptor down probably by exerting effects on dopamine turnOver
regulation. Receptor numbers tend to increase (II ,116). In men. prolactin-sccreting tumors a re as-
aculely before undergoing sustained redUClion. The sociated with loss of libido, su bnormal plasma tes-
concentration, of PGE, and PGF", rise around the tOSlerone , and infertility, PRL aelS either directly or
time that rec<:ptor numbers begin to decline, and the via LRH to affect neuron funclions. When the hy-
high levels persist until receptor recove ry begins. It perprolaetinemia is corrected. libido can be restored
has bttn suggesled Iltat PCs mediale receptor deple- before Ihe testOSlerone concentrations risc (12). In
tion via meeltanisms nOt directly linked willt testos- women. the tumors eausc amenorrhea that oflen re-
terone production. si nce indomethacin blocks PG sponds to pRL secretion inhibitors.
generalion without affeeling testosterone secretion , [t has been stated th at PRL lowers gonadotrope
However. although Ihe inhibitor delays down regu· 5cnsilivity 10 LRH (12), Tltis may hold true only for
lalion, il docs not prevent il . PGs may interael "' ith males and for estrogen-deprived females (176). In
vitamin C, The early effects of vitam in E deficiency women wilh PRlAeereting tumors. unstimulated
;nclude accelerated generation of PGs, but also im· gonadotropin le,'cis tend to be low and estrogen p0s-
paired testosterone syntltesis. Chronic deprivalion itive feedback is impaired (I 16). but pituitary gland
leads 10 cell deterioration (73). responses to exosenous LRH are either normal or

exaggerated. PRL is implicated in the delayed rees- HORMONAL REGULATION OF

tabliShment of ovarian cycles following parturition SPERMATOGENESIS, SPERMIOGENESIS.
seen in lactating women, but it cannot wholly ac- AND SPERMIATION
oount for the effects (176) ,
The Impo rts nee 0 1 Androge ns
Some of the inhibition is evidently mediated via
the adrenal oortex. since adrenalectomy can lessen it Spermatogonia prolifemte and advance to pl'(:lept(l-
(12.1 75). Glucocorticoid secretion increases in hy- tene primary spermatocytes within the basal por-
perprolactinemic states and during stress. High oon- tions of the seminiferous tubules (outside the "blood·
centrations of the steroids depress testicu lar func- testis barrier"). They can continue such activity
tions. and reproduction is impaired by se"ere forms without benefit of androgens. gonadotropins. Or
of stress. other known hormones. Processes beyond this stage
Although some authors speak of FSH actions OIl are accomplished within the "privileged" environ-
interstitial cells (149). it is widely believe..:! that only ment provided by the SerlO)i cells. and these are
Sertoli c.:lls have receptors for the hormone. FSH blocked by androgen deprivation,
cannot act alone to measurnbly stimulate androgen Although therc have been reports that some of the
production. but it enhances responses to LH and in· germinal cells directly bind androgens and oonvert
duces LH roccplors (122). The actions may be me· small amounts of testosterone to DHT (190). and
dia ted by estrogens. FSH additionally accelerates that androgens Can act alone to facilitate complction
Sertoli ceil uptake of testosterone. It can in this way of meiosis and some parts of spermiogenesis (S2A).
blunt the inhibitor), actions of the androgen that it is widely agrc.:d that testosterone acts indirectly
arc exerted both locally and on the pituitary gland (i.e. on the Sertoli cells). Most observers do not find
(as it elevatcs both testi<;ular and epididymal high_aninilY receptors on the germinal cells or an-
testosterone). drogen transl<)(;ation to the nuelei (52A). In Tfm r0-
The importance of FSH acc.:leration of estrogen dents. inability to make effective androgen receptors
production is oomro"ersiaL If large amounts of the scems to account for failure to complete s1"'rmat<r
steroid are. in fact, made. they would be expected to genesis, The germinal cells of such animals undergo
aCt 1<)(;:llIy u> .Iow tcuo< terone produc,ion, and to normal maturation if Ihey come under the inHuen".,.
also lower LH The possibili ty tht they of Sertoli c.:lIs from healthy members of the same
promote release of inhibitory amounts of prolactin strain (SIA) , also been suggested (187). High "tr<r LH is nceded to maintain testosterone production.
gen:androgen levds may also disrupt other intersti- (A proposed role in stimulation of Serloli cell growth
tial cell functions. (Chronic estrogen overdosage in- has been questioned. since the cells evidently lack
vokes formation of Leydig cell tumors in some LH receptors [178].) [n rec.:ntly hypophy=to-
mOuse strains [163].) animals. alone can support sper-
Denervated testes produce ba&al amounts of tes- matogenesis if it is given in very large doses. If
tosterone and they respond (0 hormonal stimulants, tesles of hypophysectomilcd animals :II'(: permitted
However, it been obscflled that adreaergic to regress. testosterone injections do not reestablish
ulation increases testosterone se<:retion (179). and the functions (158.179). FSH is then needed to re-
this may be important during responses to SOme store the Sertoli cells.
forms of Stress, The roles of FSH in promoting growth. prolifera-
Reproductive system functions are impaired by tion. and maturation of Sertoli cells have been de-
both hyptr and Thyroid hormones scribed. FSH accelerates the production of 3a-an·
are not known to act dirC<:tly On the gonads. They drostanediol in at least some species. and the steroid
do. however. affect androgen metabolism in the li .. er is implicated as an initiator of the r,rsl waVe of spero
(179) and the rdease of both TR H and PR L matogenesis (127).
(11.116). The possibility that Sertoli cells make I'(:g' Some in"cstigators state thaI FSH binds diroctly
ulat= (IIhe, than the ones cited is raised by obser. to germinal c.:l1s (127,1]0) and that it (alone) pro-
vations (hat Leydig c.:lls situated close (0 atrophic motes advancement of spermatogonia to pachytene
tubules undergo hyperlrophy (S2A). The pul&atile primary spermatocytes. The hormone has also been
I'(:iease of LH can bring about changes of up to 50% implicated in maintaining optimum numbers of type
in consecutive plasma samples drawn from the same " sperma togonia by prolonging the lives of the c.:11s.
individual (173). The reasons for failure of lestoster- hastening their entry into mitosis. or both (179). "
One levels 10 vary in parallel (113) arc only partially nced for FSH to complcte the late stages of spe r-
understood. miogenesis has also been proposed. However. a morC
widespt"<'ad belief is thai FSH acts only on Serloli The mature epididymis, seminal ","siele, and pros·
cells (44 ,45)_ tate ha"," some common features (103). All possess
Altltough mature Sertoli cells do not respond to a secretory epithelium. high-affinity OHT receptors.
FSH in the same ways as younger cells (94), SOme prolactin receptors. and Sa-reductase. that calaly,..
of Ih. hormone may be ne<:ded Ihroughout adult· the metabolism of testosterone. (There have been
hood to maintain optimum functions_ One role may claims that DIH promotes cell proliferation,
be acceleration of the production of 5a--reduced ste- whereas androotanediols stimulate secretory func-
roid,. Interstitial cdl androgen is the usual preeur. tions, but the concept is not universally accepted
sor, but Sertoli cdls can uSc other substrates. Preg· {196].) Androgen requirements are very much
nenolone, 17a--hydroxYPt"<'gnenolone. progesterone. greater than those of nonreproducti"e organs such as
or ! 7a--hydroxyprogesterone can maintain sperma· the liver. thymus gland, and brain_ The epithelium is
togenesis in hypophysectomi'.cd rats e"en when the supporled by a fibrovascular stroma that contains
circulaling androgens are inadequate for achieving myoid elements and estrogen receptors. The eslro-
normal stimulation of the accessory reproductive gens exerl mostly stimulatory influences on the
gland, (178). The observations may be related in stroma. and androgens in some CM'" antagoniz"
some way to the presence of high·aflinity progester· this. In contrast. estrogens are mostly inhibitory for
one binding sites (168). the epithelium. Some of their effects seem to be ae-
complishoo "ia binding to androgen receptors, (Oth·
ers result from inhibition of LH and therefore of te<-
Contro l of Sp ermiation 100terone produclion.)
The "frog" test for human pregnancy was initially The organs differ from each other in hormone re'
based on the coneepl that hCG promotes spermia· quirements, receptor affinities. epithelial·stromal in·
tion in non mammalian vertebrates because it e.enS teractions. and properties of the chromatin that de-
LlI-like elfeclS (191). However, we now Know that termine the responses to the hormones (8,77). A
FSH can act alone to stimulate spermiation in sev· recently formulalcd hypothesis may explain obser·
eral of the amphibians (102). an<lthat hCG exerts vations that testosterone invokes one kind of re-
some FSH·]jke actions (22). lIypophysectomi,ed sponse in some of its largets and different effects in
animals totally deprived of LH release spermatozoa. other cells pos=ing simi lar or identical steroid re-
if testosterone treatment is immediately after ceptors. It has been proposed that de,,<:loping cells
acqUire '" maSking protciru;" tllat specific ac-
the surge,)'. Since spermiation is a function of Ser-
toli cells (which lack LH receptors). it seems reason· ceptor site. within the nudeus. In their presence,
able to conclude that FSH control$ the proces.•. only certain DNA segments can be activated by ste-
roid-receptor complcxes (177 A).


The caput has the highest known androgen require-
For each of the aceessory reproductive organs, there ments. In monkeys, concentrations that rully support
is a "critical period" early in life during which pre- the functions of the seminal vesicles and prostate
liminary development proceeds. 1n males. androgens gland arc only SO'll) effective for the caput region
are needed during that lime. The changes they pro- (129), and mice seem to need four limes as much
mote are for the most part irt"<'versiblc_ They persist androgen here as in the other organs (77). Andro-
even if the ICSies at"<' removOO . No amount of hor· geru; and ABP are secreled into the testicular Ouid
presentoo latcr can make up for deficieneies that is delivered to the capul. Countercurrent c.-
during the critical phase. When the changes arc changes provide additional androgen from the inter·
completed, the organs arc small and immature, but nal spermatic artery_ The epithelial cells also sy nthe-
Ihey have receptors for hormones that will later pre- , i'.e androgens from aectale . cholesterol, and other
pare them to assume adult functions, precursors.
The maturation thaI begins close to the time of
puberty is qualitati"ely dilfet"<'nt . Hormones thcn In elderl)' men. """"e,-':mc eoncenlrOlion. (nS/ml
serum or n,/g weI li"uo) ... ""rlcd." test i•. 669:
promote cell growth. proliferation and speciali,..• spermatic "ein. 448; epididym; •. 37; and per ipheral vein.
tion_ The androgens arc neooed on a regular basis \0 3_7 (100) , In Ihe ... me . epididymal c.)Mcn'",·
maintain the structures and functions_ When the tions of pregne nolone were almost .. high a. the testos-
hormones arc withdrawn. the organs regress. If the ,crone . and 'here ... a. half as much lIa-bydroxyproge.-
hormones an: again administered. restoration tcrorIC •• pregrICnoIonc_ Peripberal blood had only O_S
occurs. "i/ml of pl"<'snenolone. The data are ron';otent ",ith ,h.

belie( th31 the epididymis deptnd, mostly on Prostate Gland s

.ynth.,i, and ,..,icular Ouid (whe, ••• pcri!, ..... 1 blood
contribute< 001)' minima l amounts). In rabbi, •. ret. t.,,;. Although early differentiation of the prostate gland
nuid contoinc<l 69 nglml of te,tQSlerone. but the blood is androgen-<lepe ndent. most of the DHT receptors
level "'as 1.9 "g/ ml (129), Te.licular nuld i. a lso rich in arc acquired during prepubertal Stages. at least in
fniA . ratio The critieal time for development into mature
structures occurs long after weaning. The ree.:ptor
The high »rc:ductasc activity and DHT content numbers rise in parallel wi th plasma teslosterune
(9.7 ng/g oomparcd wilh 0.4 ng/ml in human pe- concentrations. and maximum levels arc attained
ripheral blood) indicale (hal DHT is the majQr hQr-
during early adulthood. Tho receptors continue to be
mQne. However, other regulators arc alro needed androgen-<lependem. but the numbers decl ine some·
(70,103). what after spe rmatogenesi s is fully established. It
The cells make 5a-androslanc-.J.a,17a-diol and es- has becn proposed that the rec<:ptor proteins of the
trogens_Some arc: transferred 10 spcrma lo7.oo.. which adult gland exert negative feedback influences over
bind (but do IIOl wncemrate) lhe molecules. The Own production (148). Unlike the influences
diol is 3. effective,," DHT for maintaining epididy_
exerted On the scmiMI "",ides (in which there i,
mal SlruClure and sperm viability. hUI it may generalized stimu lalion of protein synthesis). andro-
undergo conversion to DHT. Some of the epidid}'mal gcns preferentially promote Ihc formation of
steroid is passed \0 the prostate gland and seminal prostate gland secretory products (77).
vesicles .
The glands tend to enlarge late in life. At thaI
There are limiled numbers of estradiol re.:eptoo>. time. androgen production slows. but rising TeBG
but the hormone is tightly bound (13). Estrogens arc
le"els minimize the in blood androgen levels.
believed to promote stromal growth. but binding
It has been estimated that 50% of human males de-
to androgen receptors can affect the responses to
velop benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) by the
age of 50, and that the incidencc of prostatic cancer
approaches 100% in elderly white males {SI). Most
prostatic cancers are metastat;e when first diaa·
Semtnal Ve51c185
nosed, and close to 80% of them are androgen de-
These g lands arc very large in rodents. small in hu- pendant (6IA). The neoplasms vary widely in his-
mans. and nonexistent in canines. When present. tological appearances.
they empty their products into ampullary glands in PRJ. contributes to tumorigenisis in several kinds
some animal types and into the urethra in OIhers. of tissue. and androgens induce PR l receptors (29) .
There are species differences in the secretory However. although increased sensitivities to prolac-
products. tin. insulin. growth hormone. PDGF. and other
Steroid dependency is marked. DHT seems to be growth st imu lants may be importanl, it is likely that
the major regulator, but can convert it to a bener understanding of the causes of prostatic dis-
other molecules. If the cell. are androgen deprived. ease will derive from current research on Ihe rela-
reductions in epithelial cell height and impairment tionship to androgens. As discussed in Chap. 13. em·
of functions can be detected within 6 hours (26). bryonic mesenchyme may be the primary target for
Androgens affect the appearances of the cells and DHT. Testosterone induces the 5a-reduetase en-
the rates of release of secretory products. They bring 1.yme_ and it is probably the major stimulant for the
about generaliud stimulation of protein and R NA formation of androgen receptors during the prepu-
and D NA and the quantities of seminal bertal period. In the adult, androgens evidently
vesicle specific proteins formed vary with total pro- maintain optimum numbers of cystolic and nuclear
tein content (77). androgen "'''''ptOTS by regu lating receptor synthesis.
Aging (which is associated with reduced rates of the "activat;on" required for translocation to the nu-
androgcn delivery) and estrogen administration in· clei_ and degradation (20A). as they oontinue to in-
crease the IY!0050mal activities, and they depress se- duce the reductase. The clinical responses of patients
cretory functions in most species. In hamsters, estro- with prostatic cancer to hormonal therapy seem to
gens have been observed to invoke degeneration and be most closely related to tissue DHT levels (61 A).
the accumulation of lipooromal pigments (26) . (In Enzyme inhibitors markedly diminish prostate si:ee
oontrast, cmadiol-17(j and diethylstilbestrol have in experimental ani mals (I93A).
been reported 10 exert weak androgen·like actions in H ighly differentiated human tumor tisiue retains
guinea pigs [!O3!.) its responsiveness to androgens and estrogens . Ex-
ogenous c:strogens sometimes provide tmnsicnt ame- S econdsry So)!. Chsra cte rl s t lca
liormion when sensi tivity is retained. but they may
act mostly via suppression of LH secretion (13). The These st ructures do not mature before puberty.
stcroids arC not effective on a long-range basis. and Many show reversible effects of androgen,_ For ex-
they may not be useful at all when mOSt of the cells ample. hair growth increases in some part, of the
have limitoo numbers of receptors. body as the androgen le,.. ls rise. and it becomes
more sparse if the hormones are withdrawn. Seba-
Dos' arid lion, are among the rew nonprimate. koown ccous gland activities rise and fall with changing
'0 undergo prostatic hypertrophy late in life. In <lop. the hormone levels. The malc-type fat distribution pat-
gland, arc moK easily maintained with tern and the skeletal muscle developmcnt are not
diol than with either te.tosterone <>r DHT. Al1cmpt' have
been made to understand the eoodition. under which fully maintained in deficiency states.
prostate glands enlarge in rodents. but those anim.l. do Other changes arc more permanent. Once growth
not <>rdinarily ,how the hypertrophy. The ,iuue, of )'oong of the larynx has been accomplished. the voicc re-
mice regress more rapidly than those from older .n imal. mains deep. The effects on bone structure persist,
",hen .ndrogen, aTe withheld. wherea. gland, of older and some androgen-invoked influenc"" on skin re<:cp-
mice arc more .. nsitive to .ubseq ucnt hormone presen_ tors are stabilized (118).
t.tion . E.trone il reponed to invoke epithelial hypcrpla-
.i. and metapla.ia in " lings. but epithelial .trophy
and . tromal hypertrophy arc $«n in older animal. (103). Ne rvo u s Syste m
Insulin olone provide, ",me support for epithelial ce ll, in
culture. and it moy be needed to accompli.h .ndr<.>gen- Androgen. contribute to maintenanc.:: of libido.
stimulated cell proliferation, Similar age-related chang"" Physiological amOunts invoke a "sense of well
do not seem to occur in r.t •. Hydr<K:<lrtisone e.n pre$<fY<' being." and they can increase the inclination to Cn-
<pithdi.1 cdl height and .uppr= stromal i\rowth. gage in athletic activities.
whereas ""trone and ""t,adi<>l invoke epitheli.1 cell Influences on the secretion of hypothalamic hor-
"gr.";",,. Low "'ncentration, of PR L exert weak andr<>-
gen·like oction, when presented alone. and they .ync'lIi,c
mones have been cited. Some of the seX differences
with .ubthre.hold dOlago. of androgeni (possibly by in· in brain functions unrelated to reproduction (85) a1'(:
c.... ing androgen uptake and binding). High CQIICCntra- androgen-linked. but others seem to be more closely
tion, of PRl inhibiL Although .U 5a·,.ducod metabo- related to the chromosomal pallerns.
li,o. t .... d mimic ,h. eifec" of and DHT On
coli growth .nd secretory .ctivity. only DHT itimulat<>
cell proliferation. The rat prostate ha. higher *redue- The Kidne ys
ta.e activity thon any <>ther .pccie •• tudied_ It. r.ilure,o
undergo age-related hypertrophy may be related to the In most species. males have larger kidneys Ihan fe-
observation that the rate of .ndrogen uptake declines males. The activities of certain of Ihe enzymes arc
wilhage(16O). higher, the mtes of RNA and protein synthe'is are
greater. and (at leallt in rodents) some male-.;pecific
proleins are released into the urine when the andr<>-
Mat uration of the Pen is
gen levels are in the physiological range.
Since Ihe peni, i, made up mostly of nonglandular The di fferences have been swdied most inten-
tissue. it is not surprising that Ihe responses to an- sively in mice. The cell, of the proximal tubular ep-
drogens differ from Ihe ones described for the acces- ithelium are larger. th. mitochondria have greater
sory glands. The organ undergoes preliminary dif_ dimensions and electron lucidity. and the lysosome,
ferentialion early in felal life. h continues 10 grow are more numerous in males. While the most anen-
during the remainder of the gestation period and in tion has been dircctoo at the the ae-
young juveniles. Androgen...Iealled much later pr<>- tivities of p -galaetosidase. cyt<>-
mOle further growth and maturation, and they are chrome oxidase, and alcohol dehydrogenase arC also
needed to maintain Ihe functions , However. OnCe affected_ Castration leads to "feminization" in
adult status is attainoo. high androgen levels do not males, ... lteren Ihe administration of testosterone
bring about greater enlargement. I'lormon. deficien- propionate to fema\c, brings all parameters into or
cie, impair the function,. but they exert only limitoo above Ihe ranges for untreated adull males (92)_
influences on the si"" of the relaxoo organ, Tlte effects of androgens are blunted in hypophy-
sectomized animals, and only partial restoration of
the sensitivity can be achieved with Ihc following
hormones presented alone or in combinations: Pf{)-
Virtually every cell type ;. affected directly or indi_ lac tin. glucocorticoid" thyroxine. and growth hor-
rectly by androgens (196), mOne (8). 11 has therefore been suggested that SOme

pituitary gland factor of a d illerent nature contril>- droxyste roid oxoreductase activities. Therefore, very
utes 10 Ihe oonlrob. little testosterone is convened to DH T, whi le the
The kidney receives its androgen from the circu- DHT in Ihe cells is rapidly made into an·
lating blood, and it is one of thc few targcts that can drostanediols.
utilize te,tOSterone di=tly (i.c. witbout prior oon-
Since the met.bolism oomplicate, Ihe problems of
version tc DHT). The kidney also converts DH T Sl udying small numberS of androgen reetpt"",. studies
presented to it to androstanediols. Ho,,·evcr. sugges· are usually condUtled wilh s)'nthetic androgens (e.j!.
tions that the androgen receptors arc different from methytlr itl'lOlon<) which .re "'" acted"" by the cn.ym ...
the ones in most other targets are difficuh to recon· The agents been used 10 distinguish between andro-
cile with Ihe tighter binding of Din (con, pared with gen and glucocorticoid reccpt""'. but they are "'" wholly
testosterone) to Ihe receptors. The horntone. do not ,alisfactory. Methyltrienotone binds to a greater exlen'
promote cdl proliferation in the kid ney. in ftmalethan in male Sprague-Dawley rals. The bindinj!
incre.",' after Iong.term eamation. and i, is al"" .ffected
by ,dren.leclomy. Muscle li",ue i. reporled to c"" .. in
Skeletal Mu scle eSlrog<n roe<ptol"$ (40). and the ,,<.
Mature musele fibers do nOI proliferate. In most roid. may interact wilh them.
parts of the body. androgens stimulate RNA and Androgens may exert special influences on im-
protein synthesis and cell growth. The effeel. on in- mature cells. They myoblasts in several
dividual fibers are small, but overall inAuence. on anima l types. and they oon tinuc to have effects on
the body acoount for most of the sex differences in species that grow after attaining sexual maturity. In
muscle and strength. at least some strains of rats, the androgen receptors
The numbers of eytsolic receptors per gram of of the quadriceps femoris are more numerous in
DNA are the smallest of all known androgen targets adult males than in equal weigh ts of the muscle of
(112), and there are indications that they arc quol- eilher adult females Or immature animals of both
ilaliwly different. Artificial steroids that exert sexes. Castration has been ,..ported to decrease
mostly "anabolic" actions without invoking marked (112) or increase (1\-7) Ihe reeeptor numbers.
virili7.ation have been synthesized and shown to act Some of the muscles in the perinea! regions arc
On the museles (sec Fig. 14-10). The molecules differ related to the reproductive system. and these show
from the natural hormones in that they have substi- unique hormone responsiveness. The levator an i
lUtions at the I 7 positioo. lack a C-I" methyl group. muse les of rodents have large numbers of receptors
or both. The agents ha'.. been used with some suc· a nd they are highly sensitive to androgen adminis-
cess to hasten oonvalescence following debilitating tration. Estrogens are also anabolic at these sites (8).
illness and to accelerate growth in prema ture in- It is perhaps unfortunate that thcse muscle groups
fants. They have been given to young athletes to im· have been widely used to study the "anabolic" or
prove performance. and this has created legal prob- "myotropic" actions of androgens.
lems. High dosages have mru;culinizing ellects on
fe males. and they can disrupt ovarian cycles. Muscle
Cardiae Muscle
tissue is !lOt strongly affected by cyproterone acetate.
an agent that antagonizes androgcn inAuenees on ac- Androge n receptors have bee n identified in both
cessory reproductive structures (112). atrial and ventricular myocardial celis (I I I). The
It has been proposed tbat many of the effects on steroids a re reported to augment the right ventrieu·
skeletal muscle are accomplished indirect ly. The lar hypertrophy that occurs in rats exposed to high
possibilities include influences exerted 00 oonnecti ve altitudes, to diminish Ihe pressor effects of arachi-
tissue components. induction of a "m)'otropic hor. donic acid in ralS. and to potentiate the pressor ef-
mone,"' stimulation of the appetite along with effects feets of norepinephrine in F.strogen rCC<'ptors
on the liver that bring aoout a "positive nitrogen bal- ha"e been found only in the atria. h has been spec·
ance." and behavioral effects involving muscle ulated that the fmdings arc related to sex differences
strengthening through exercise. The concept tnat the in the incidences of 'lOme forms of heart disease and
androgens the catabolic ellects of glucocorti- to the deleterious effects of oral contraccptivC5 ob-
coids is !lOt easily reconciled with demonstrations of served in SOme women.
the nistence of distinct receptor types for the twO
kinds of steroids and the failurc of one to affect the
binding of the other ( 112).
The liver
Testosterone binds directly 10 the receptors. Mu s- Hepatocytcs secrete plasma proteins. includ ing al-
cle has low 5a-reductasc but high Ja- and JiJ-hy- bumins and mokeules that bind hormonC5 wilh high
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o , ,

(Te •• t>oI;nl

Fig. 14-1 0 . Synlhel;C .""boIic 01..<>O:Is ,elated to

I..l<>s'''''''' .

affinity (TcBG. eBG. thyronine binding prolein and maintenance of the dimorphism are complex. Some
others). They also ma ke subslanc;e< '!uch as glQb. «"" aspects dcpend on gonadal steroid interactions with
ulins in rats and major urinary prolei", (M UPs) in billh.affinity receptors of tbe hepatocytes. These arc
mke lhal appear in Ihc urincs of adult males bU11I(I1 usually affected by gonadectomy in both sexes. and
females or juveniles of either $eX. by exogenous androgens and estrogens. Others re.
The liver is a major site for coojugation and deg· quire "pr iming" that is accomplished early in devel·
radation of the steroid hormones and for "detoxifi· opment . and these can involve hormonal innucnces
cation" of pharmacological agents. The processes in- excrted on pituitary gland cells and neurons.
v<llvc a wide assortment of enzymes whose levels and Tfm ralS and mice do not have physiologically ef-
substrate affinilies differ in adult males oompar<:d fcelive androgen receptors. The males form testes
with adull females. The sexual dimorphism is re- and they :;eercte testostcrone. Ilowevcr. they fail to
flected in dissimilar dearan.e rale!;. II is kno,,·n. for undergo androgcn-<lependent development of tbe ac-
•• ample. that the cffects of barbiturates persist cessory reprodUctive organs and cxternal genitalia .
longer in females. whereas glucocorticoid. are de. do IIOt display androgcn·stim ulated behavior. and
graded more slowly in males. arc unable to respond in a normal mannCr to even
The mecbanisms involved in establishment and large doses of testosterone Or DHT. Sexual dimorph-

ism of the liver is not established (8). The most ob- for its own binding sites. but the other steroids cited
vious interpretation is Ihat Ihe changes in the li"cr do not.
are mediated via androgen receplors. However. Ihc AndrogefLS do not induce the protein in juveniles,
possibilily tnal the genetic defect impairs funclions and a very long lalenl period precedes the effects in
other than androgen receplor formalion be adult males subjected to either long·term castration
coru;iderod. or long_term e.strogen treatment. Evidently, a sub-
Explanations are needed for the ability of andro- stantial time period is required for androgen induc-
gens to stimulate growth of the liver and clevate thc lion of new androgen receptors (160). The estrogens
microsomal protein contcnt . One possibili ty is that suppress formation of the roceptors as well as induc-
Tfm rodents make a protein that can function as an tion of the liver protein when they arC present. No
androgen roceplor in liver but nol ;n reproductive or- preliminary '"priming" effects during early develop-
gans. [The animals make a renal androgen binding ment seem 10 be invol"ed, since neonatally castratcd
prolein (40)]. Another;s Ihatlhe stimulatory effects animal s can later respond to androgens.
of androgens on the liver are not mediatcd via a Although all of the proccding findings point to di-
"true" androgen reeeptor, even in normal animals rocl control by gonadal steroids. the regulation is
(8). more complicated. Androgens cannot induce the
proteins in hypophysectomized or thyroidectomized
rodent5. and they have only limited effects in adro_
RAT "' •• MICROGLOBULIN nalectomized animals. Thyroid hormones fully re-
The protein is discussed hero because thc control store the responses of thyroidectomized animals. and
mechanisms may shed light On the ways in which they stimulate production of the globulin when pre-
sexual dimorphism of the liver is controlled in other scnted in vitro to liver tumor cells that retain hor-
species. monal sell$itivities. They are believed to interact di_
a ",Microgiobulin has a molecular weighl of rectly witb their own receptors in lhe liver. Growth
21 .000. The liver of the young male produces 25- 30 hormone alone and glucocorticoid. alone each pro-
mg daily. At least 80% of it is e"croted inlO the urine vide some stimulation for cultured cells. and the ef-
(where it for h,tf The. fect< of thc fOHr hormone type< are additive. All arc
functions are not known, but a role in protcction needed to fully restore pMein production ;n hypo-
against estrogen-mediated inhibition of spermato- physectomired animals (96.160). Insulin is llso re-
genesis has been proposed (96). Small amounts of quired. (Alloxan tro3tment scverely impairs this
the globulin are also made by salivary glands (160). liver function.)
The protein first appears around the time of pu· As they approach the ends of their life spans, un-
berty onset (six weds after birth). It is oot found in troated adult males stop making the "2 globulin and
younger animals of either se x, in normal females, or they lose the responsiveness \() androgell$,
in ovariectomized animals. CaM ration markedly
lowers Ihe output in males, Injection. of DHT or tes·
tosterone restore the protein, and the androgen. Can
induce it in ovariectomized females. Androsterone is The conlrol of steroid-metabolizing enlymes de-
also effective. if less potent (altbough that steroid pends on "priming" as well as on Ihe presence of ap-
does not mimic testosterone aClioll$ on reproductive propriate hormone levels in the adult (34,69).
organs), The lIormonal manipulations affect the lev- The activiti.. of several hydroxylases that affect
els of the a&sociated mRNA, InAuences on transcrip- the metabolism of pharmacological agems and most
tion are likely. but it i'l not known whether Ihe ste· endogenous hormones are higber in males than in fe-
roids the RNA processing (96). males. However, the 5a-rcductase tbat aCtS on glu·
Cyproterone acetate blocks DHT actions. proba· cocorticoids is lower, and this accounts ror the longer
bly by competing with it for lhe receptor. Estradiol· half-life of that hormone in the males.
is a potent suppressor in intact males. Estrone. Some invesligators use the term '"femin;,.ation·· to
estriol, diethylstilbestrol. and eslradiol-17a arc also describe increases in ratiOIS.
effeclive, although eSlradiol-17", docl; not mimic the In this sense, it can be stated that (a) IIC()natal cas·
actions of thc others on female reproductive organs tration feminizes males (it prevents the gradual
(160). While some effects of estrogens invol ve inhi- onset of "masculinization" that becomes apparent al
bition of LH secrelion. they persist in the presence puberty); (b) neonatal androgen treatment blocks
of androgens. Estrogens aro believed to interact with thc poslcastration fem inization , Animals treated this
their own rocoplors to impair formation of androgen way become rully responsive to hormones presented
",ceptors. also competes with DHT during adulthood. When neonatal animals arC per-
mined 10 go for a time wilhout hormone replace- males. hut others have been linlcd wilh the gonadal
memo injeclion of androgens al a later time is far less steroids.
effe<:tive; (c) when males arc pcrmi(ted to develop Erythropoielin is koown to play key roles. and
into normal adults. subsequent gonadC<:lomy brings both tcslOIllerone and DHT can augment the eryth-
about limited femini1.ation that can be reversed wilh ropoietin influences via mechani.mS lhat arc blocked
androgens; and (d) estrogens given in dosages that wilh antibodies direcled against Ihat regulator .
inhibil LH release can feminize adult males. (Among other things. androgens increase erythro-
In females advancing from juvenile to adult poietin se<:;retion.)
stages. 110 marked changes in the steroid-metaboh,.- Sone marrow may have special steroid re<:eplors
ing enzymes are seen. Neither ovariectomy nor es- oot present in other ··androgen targelii" (8). These
trogen injec tion ha, much effect. interact with Se·redueed steroid, (and 5t1-<lihydro-
It ""ems. Iherefore. Ihal this of sexual di- testosterone is at least 20 times as potent as OUT
morphism depends on androgen "priming" during for the actions). The hormones induce porphyrins
the prenatal period plus exposure a t a later lime to and o.amioolevulinic acid synthetasc. and they ac-
physiological level s of androgens. The priming has celerate iron utili7.alion by the erythrocytes of poly-
no diseernible direct innuence on juvenile" but it is cythemic mice. The effects persist under conditions
manifesled in Ih. form of increased sensitivity 10 an- in which the usual androgens arc not effective . They
drogens after puberty. Normal female neOMleS do are se<:n in Tfm rodents and in the presence of an-
not unde rgo priming. and they do not require estro- drogen receptor antagonists that block DHT effects.
gens to eslablish Ihe usual enzyme ralios. The mechanisms are unrelated to the one.. depen-
Since the sex differences do not emerge in hy- dent upon erythropoietin. and they are unaffected by
pophysectomized animals. it has been proposed that either antibodies directed against that regulator or
pituitary glands re\case aftmirtinotrorirt (feminizing high oxygen tensions thaI de<:reasc erythropoietin
factor. FF). and that androgens prevent this during production_ tI·Redueed progestogcns and eliocllobn-
tne neonalal period. Pituitary glands removed from olone are amCKlg Ihe additional agcnts thai act on
thei. usual sites and transplanted into the same an- bone marrow but not on male accessory reproductive
imals release Ihe factor. and glands cocultured wilh organs (87).
hepatoma cells feminize coil •.
Since transplanted pituilary glands aloo make
substantial amounts or protaeltn. allempts have been "'N'
made to idenlify Ihe FF with that hormone . How- Androgen' exert anabolic actions on bone. and the)"
ever. a lthough hepatocytes have PR L receplOrs. the contribute to the preadolescent growth spun. They
hormone canoot mimic the effects of tbe pituitary also interact with thyroid Ilormoncs to promote cal-
gland transplan15 . (PR L has been found to exert cifIcation of the epiphyses. Infiuences on food intake,
very limited inHuences on 5a-reductase activity in mineral and vitamin ntetaboHsnt. nilrogen balance.
some studies. bUI to havc 00 innuence on thc hy_ sensilivities to olher regulators. and on behav ior con_
droxylases [34].) Another notion is Ihal FF differs tribute to the anabolic actions.
from PRL but is made hy the laetotropcs (69). Ac-
cording to one hYl'Othesis. androgens act on the een-
Skin and Ralatad Strucluraa
lral nervous sySlem 10 promole secretion of a factor
that inhibils FF release. Androgens bring about coarsening of the skin tex-
There arc sex differences in the pallerns for ture. activation of Ihe sebaCC<lUS glands. and hor-
gro"'th hormone release in rats. Males have peaks monc-specific pallernS of hair growln. The effects
spaced 3-4 hours apart. wilh very low levels between are evidently ntedialed via specific. high-affinity rc-
the pea ks. whereas femaks release the hormone e<:plOrs thai interact primarily wilh DI·I T. The re-
more irregularly and tend to have high lrough values ceplor concentrations vary from one part of the body
(114) . It has recent ly been demonstrated thai to,.. to aoother. They arc especially high ill Ihe genital
IInuQus of GH alone brings about femini- regions, and »redUClase activity builds up there
zat;on of the li vers of animals before puberty. The receptor numbers arc not known
(114A). to be affected by age. sex. Or gonadal hormoncs. bUI
androgens increase the enzyme activity and there-
fore the responsivcness to tcstostcrone. Hair growth
Bone and Bone Marro w
in mOSI parts of Ihe body (pubertal regions. face.
Males usually have higher hemoglobin conccntra· chest. uilla. and parts of the scalp) is strongly de-
tions and erylhrocyle countS than females. Some of pendent On both androgens and Ihe ability 10 reduce
the differences are undoubtedly related 10 physical testoslerone 10 DHT. In some OIher locations (e.g.
aClivity pallerns lhat increase oxygen need in the eyebrows and eyelashes). it is unaffected by the stc-

roids. Male-type baldness ha; been lllributed to ge- uptake. sine<: it towers Ihe intracellular COIle<:ntra-
netic factors that require thc permissive actions of tions of that steroid.
androgens. Skeletal muscle has lillie 5a-reductase activity. It
COIlverlS testosterone to cpittstoslcronc. and the
small amoums of DHT Ihal enter the cells arc
Other Androgen Targe ts mostly transformcd to androsta nediols. Testosterone
These include several oomponents of the immune binds directly to the rc<:eptors. and it may be thc
system (/\·3). the salivary glands of rodents. and the major androgen in skeletal muscle.
scent glands of some species. The embryonic Wolffian ducts also bind lestOSler-
one directly. They do not make DHT. and tbey de-
velop normally in animals with senctic defects that
In bone marrow. the principlc androgell$ may be
Many of the actions can be fItted into the "classical"'
5,6·reduccd steroids. Unlike the reproducti.·c organs.
concept for steroid hormones. The androgens can
Ihe e<:lIs have an aClive 5.6-rcduetase. and the cells
cross plasma membranes. and they sc<:umu!ate in
respond to exogenous steroids of this kind.
cells that conlain high-affinity binding .ites. Hor- Many of the neurons that respond to Icslosterone
mone-,""ceplOr complexes form. undcrgo time- and
have aromatasc enzymes and "Strogcn receplors.
temperaturc-<:lependent ··activation." and translo.
Animals with impaired responses to DHT mainlain
eatc to the nuclei. Their associations wilh the chro.
functions that depend upon aromati71uion of
matin lead to accelerated production of RNAs that
di,""ct protein synthesis. Many of the actions Can be
blocked wilh agents that interfere with hormone-rc-
e<:ptor binding (c.g . cyproterone and Ilutamide, Fig. Intracellular Binding Sites lor Steroid
13-27) and with inhibitors of RNA and protein syn- Hormones
thesis (87). When low concentrations of DHT arc pres<:nted to
Some of the unanswered questions regarding an- ventral prostate glands of species that depend di-
drogen actio", pertain to . teroid hormone. in gen-
re<:tlyon the steroid. there is rapid and tight associ-
erat (177AJ82) (se<: Chapter 4). Others apply 10
alion with a ,6 prolein or androphilin. AS a result. a
androgens in particular.
'"complex II " is formed tnal SOXIn becomes '"acti-
valed'" and translocaled tl} the nucleus. Therefore.
Relationships between Q uantitie s o f Steroid the.6 seems to serve the funct ions of the spc-
Retained and Responses Elicited cinc receptor.
HO"iever. proslatc glands rce<:ivc much of thcir
Whcn radioaclively labeled andragert' are injecled
androgen supply from tbe syslemic blood. TCSloster_
into whole animals. target organs that do nOI prolif-
one docs not bind wi th high affi nity to the.6 protein.
erate in response to the hormones (kidncy. skeletal Rather, it attaches to an a protein with quite diffcr-
muscle . skin. pituitary gland. neurons) ta ke up very
ent properties 10 form Hcomplex I" . When DHT is
limited quantilies of the steroid. the ac<:es-
presenled in moderate amounts. some of il. 100. com-
sory reprodUClive glands accumulatc largc amOUnts bin.. with the <"< prOiein; and tstradiol-17,6 can a lso
( 101 . 196). Some maximal responses require oc<:u- ma ke Ihe 3113chmcm. It is not known whether COm-
1'-1tion of only small numboc" of nuclear ree<:ptors.
plex I mediates some special actions of lhe steroids
High d"""s increase nuclear relcntion times and (101). II could serve in a '"rc.<ervoir capacity."' that
,hortcn laterlCies (A-S) . Perhaps proliferJtivc re-
is, as a means for relaining a recruitable supply of
sponscs requi re conversion of testosterone 10 other
DHT rrc<:ursor to be used when blood Icstosterone
steroids . levels arc low.
Some androgen actions evidently do OOt require
Active Forms 01 the Ho rmone
translocations of hormone-receptor complexes to the
TestOSlerone is Ihe major d rmlaling androgen in nuclei. Effects on protein synlhesis that are blocked
male adults. Reproductive organs rapidly convert with q"Cioheximide but nol with actinomycin D may
the hormone to DHT. and there i; lillie doubt that be exerted at the level of trimslation. Certain OneS
is thc most important hormone in such organs. are apparent within to minutes after hormone pre-
It binds with high affinilY 10 Ihe receptors. and 5<<- sentation. Dilfcrenl mecbanism' mu,t be involved in
reductase inhibitors impair the response, to te,ta.-- Ihe innuene<:s on cytoplasmic proleins that ,upporl
terone. The conversion also facil itates testoste rone the binding of mcthionyl-tRNA to ribosomes. Pros-
tate gland initiation factor actIvity declines after AGE-RELATED CHANGES IN TESTICULAR
castration. and it can be restored with fairly high FUNCTIONS
DHT ooneentrations. but the changes are not af-
Interstitial Cells
fected by cycloheximide (101). A few androgen aC-
tions have been linked to steroid associations with Soon aflcr differentialing from the mesenchyme, Ihe
nude", membraTICS or nucleoplasm. cells begin 10 synthesize toSlOSlerone from pr<:gnen-
There are also some as yet undefined interrela· olone. LUlropin receplors are acquired early in felal
tionships with the cydic nUc/f'Olid.s. Ahhough nei- life. and Ihere is SOme cvidence Ihatlhey are induced
ther castration nOr the in vivo adminislration of by Ihe H-Y antigen (119) . Felal receptors interacl
moderale amounts of DHT has been observed 10 with chorionic gonadolropin before the pituitary
substanlially alfc<ol cAMP levels in proslate glands gland is sufficienlly developed to secrete LH . In hu-
of rats. injeClions of large amounts of DHT into cas- mans. malernal plasma heG ri""s rapidly during
lrated rats have elevaled Ihe levels within one hoor early pregnane)' and il peaks during weeks 8-10.
in SOme upc:riments. and the prolein kinase activity FClal blood Icvels rise more slowly and Ihe)' peak
within Ihe nuclei is 'imillrly affecled (101). during weeks 11-14 (53) (Ihree Or mOre weeks after
Andlogens can exen cAMP-like innuences on Ihc lestes secrele sufficienllestosterone 10 masculin-
carbohydrate metabolism. They Can also affeel ca- ize the Wolman duclS). The interslitial cells respond
lion transport. and in Ihat way affect Ihe adenylale 10 Ihe stimulation by undergoing growlh and prolif_
cyclase and phosphodiestcrase eration. and they acquire Ihc ability 10 usc choles-
Icrol. TestOSlerone biosynthesis a<X'elerales and the
felal blood IC"ds show peaks around Ihe 13lh wee k
The Co ns equ e nce s 01 Hormon e-Re cepto r
(when the hormone is needed to virilize Ihe exlernal
Co mplell Bind ing 10 Nuc lear " Accepto r
genitalia.) Concentrations can Ihen reach lev-
els of WO ngjml (53).
AI least some observations ar<: Consislenl wilh Ihe Soon afterward, hCG secretion declines. It
OOnccpl Ihal Ihc steroid_r<:ccptor oomplex brings reaches a low point during ..-eeks I 7-1 9 and r<:mains
aboul "unmasking" of tranSCriplion inilialion silCS. there for the rest of the geslalion period. Felal teS-
The proposed mc<:hanisms include direcI inlcrac- tosterone secrelion also falls oif 10 around 40 n8lm!.
lions wilh specific DNA segments. removal of re· {Evidenll}, Ihe ooncenlralions are adequalc for sup-
pressors. and interactions wilh nudear proleins that porting c-onlinued reproduelive system maturation.)
would OIherwise maintain the DNA segment' in a The felal pituilary and hypothalamus malure
superooiled stale. The rna)' also aifcet Ihe laler Ihan Ihe tcstis. Although tissue lakcn fronl 5-
processing of "gianl" RNA or stabili>.. the mRNA 7-wcek-old embryos and mainlained in culture can
products. respond to LRH by releasing SOme gonadotropin. Ihe
Temporal pallerns for augmentation of RNA p0.:>- basophilic C(!lIs thaI make the hormone are said 10
lymerase I and II have been worked Out for estro- be morpoolQ8ically dislinguishable only after ..-C(!ks
gens. but the)' arc less well defined for the andro- S (63) or !0-13 (127), and the gland docs not take
gens. Early effects of Ihe hormones seem 10 be on ilS charaelerislic form unlillhc 141h wcck . Go-
exerted on pr<:formed "reserve" enzymes, and One nadotropins have been dctected in fctal blood as
idea is Ihal Ihe complexes bring about con- carly as days. and LRH appears in lhe hypothal-
formalional changes in Ihc proteins thaI faeililate amus 31aboullhe same lime (127). Some LRH may
binding to DNA sites (101). Delayed effects include reach the pituitary cells via diifusion. bUI il is un-
synthesis of new enlyme. Androgen_receptor com- likely that the gonadotropes receive SUbstanlial Slim-
plexes have also been observed to allach 10 ribono_ ulation until after the portal blood system compleles
clear parlicles (196) and to travel wilh lhem 10 Ihe formation (belween weeks 20 and 28). The felal pi.
e)'loplasm. It has addilionally been reporled Ihat luilary undergoes a Jl).fold incr<:ase in si"e bel..-c<on
DHT exerts some direel aClions on Ihe nudei (wilh- Ihe 141h week and Ihe time of birth (63). These ob-
OUI prior binding 10 Ihe hormone receptor). servalions. plus evidence thaI the gonadotropes
The influences of DHT on cell proliferation take "learn" to make «-subunits before Ihey can produce
days to develop. Long-tcrm relention of Ihe hor- LH {I 53). suggesl thaI only heG is an important
monc-r<:ceptor complex wilhin Ihe nucleus. cell stimulanl before midgestation .
growlh, and lhe formation of several proteins occur Ncverlheless. Ihere arc clear indicntions thaI Ihe
during Ihe lalenl period, It is possible Ihal the hor- older felus needs some LH (127). The blood levcls
mone aclS indireelly. by "pr<:paring" Ihe cell for rc- are quite high during days 120-150. and anence-
a]i7.ation of its "innale" ability 10 cnler into mitosis. phalic feluscs display a speCtrum of developmental
Anolher sUgjlcstion is Ihal Ihe oomplex indu<X's ami- defects that Can include micropenis. reduced si'.e of
100ie stimulant Or remOveS a chalone . the Icstes and seminal vesicles. paocity of inlerstitial

cells. and failure of Ihe testes to undergo normal de- gland begins to release increasing amounts f>f LII.
scent into the scrotum. mostly in the form of nocturnal "bursts" of gradu·
There is a need 10 limif as well as 10 stimulate ally rising amplitudes. It has been demonstrated in
androgen production. so that Serlol; do 1>01 rats that the numbers of LRH receptors peak during
undergo precocious maturation. Negalive fe<:dback the period in which the gonadotropin Icvelsare max·
control is established after midge!51alion. The lower imany elevated (27). Many factors may account for
blood oonc.::nlrations of gonadotropins in male than Ihe changes. One ]KISsibility is the hypothalatn(>-hy-
in female fetuses (53, 63) wilh 00 concomitant low. poph)'sial system becomes less sensitive I<l the neg·
ering of pituitary COntent (127) is attributed to an- ative feedback influences of gonadal steroid •. 1\ rCoo
drogen inhibition of LH release but not synthesi,_ lated event may be LRH induction of its own
Tne rising prolactin levels may contribute \0 the receptors. In addition 10 "reselling of the gonado.
controls. SIal", there may be a reduction in the release of in--
During the final prenatal weeks. the hYJIOlhalalTlO- hibitory factors by extf3·hypothalamic neurons
hypophysial system becomes ,-cry scruli!;ve to the in- (l80). Or accelerated presentation of stimulants.
hibitory effects of the steroids. Pituitary secretion of Norepinephrine is believed to be a major stimulant.
gonadotropins is minimal. and the interstitial cdls and its turOOver in the brain ac<:elerales short ly be·
arc probably stimulated rn<)Sliy by thc low heG fore the onset of nocturnallH surges ( 18 1).
levels, I\s Ihe UI concentrations rise. the interstitial cells
With loss of the placental influences. the testOIS' incl"<'ase in $i,.e. number. and steroidogenic capabil -
teronc concentrations in the blood of thc neonate fall ity. I\dult hormone conC<:ntrations are allained dur-
rapidly to bal"<'ly dclcctable level •. LH rises Iran· ing years 14-16. There arc controversies concerning
sienlly during the second Or third ]KIStnatal month. whether lH brings arout differentiation of new cells
possibly becau,,", of the lifting of inhibitory influ- from the lesticular stroma or activales quiescent
enCCS. (An lRH·likc factor in milk was cited. earlier ones belonging to Ihc population that was prescnt in
and it may contribute to Ihe lH change.) There is the fetus, It is ]KISsible Ihal bolh processes (Ire in·
an associated brief "bur1I" of androstenedi011e and volved. The ,ec ret;on of relativ<:ly large amounts of
te<t""temne <ecrelion. Afterward. bolh LH and an_ androstenedione prior I<l establi.hment of the ma-
drogen secrelion fall off, and the levels of bolh rCoo ture pallerns for steroid hormone secretion has been
main very low Ihrough(}llt childhood. The decline cited a. evidence thaI the cells are newly differen-
probably explains the marked reduclion in the si7.cs tiated. However. it may be equally reasonable to
and number1 of interstitial cells. The .... trahypotha- suggesl that cells Ihat remain quiescenl for many
lamic brain is believed to make importanl contribu- year1 regress and must undergo maturation befol"<'
tions \0 sUPPl"<'ssion of LRH (and Iherefore of LH) they can produce substantial quantities of
-ecretion. Pl"<'mature infants have _SQmewhat differ- testosterone.
ent hormone patterns during the first few ]KIStnatal The timing of puberty onset is affe<:ted by genetic
weeks. bUI they SOOn make the necessa ry adjust· factors. nutritional status. and environmental inputs.
mcnlS (I g3). ScaSQnal variations 31"<' obvious for many species
Similar agNdated change.. in testOISterone sec!"C- (136), and SQITle influences are secn in humans. En-
lion have been described for other mammals. How. vironmentallighting is probably a major controlling
eVer. in ones with very short juvenile period., there component. (Blind males often have abnormal LH
is 00 obvious loss of interstitial c<:11 populations. (The and testosterone secretory patterns. and blind girls
period during which testosteronele,.. ls arc very low tend 10 enter puberty earlier than sighttd one..
in mlS and mice is measured in days. whereas such 11SI].)
changes last for a de<:ade or more in humans.) Once the adult levels arc attained. the plasma tes-
The operation of negative feedback controls is eas- tosteronc is usually stabilized for several decades.
ily demonstrated in v<:ry )'QUog rat$. If castration is Ultimately. lestosterone =retion de<:lincs. but in·
performed. the plasma gonadotropin rises. Devdop- dividuals show very marked diffcl"<'nccs in the ages
mental changes in pituitary gland sensitivities to the at whicb this happens. The numbers or interstitial
steroids are demonstrated by determining Quan· cells alSQ decrease (52). Since the metaoolie clear·
tities of steroids required tG lower lH levels. Roles ance rate also becomes prolonged. plasma steroid
of thc extra-hypothalamic brain in determining the concenlrations fall more slowly than the =retory
duration of the juvenile period are indicated by 00. rates. In aging mice. evidence ltas been prescnted for
servatiGns that lesioM placed at cerlain sites advance a slowing of the neural "gonadotropin releasing hor-
puberty onset. whereas lesions at Gtber loci can delay mOne generator" and co ... equent reduction in the
i\. numbers of LH pulses (38). It is likely that similar
As Ihe time of puberty approaches. the pituitary changes occur in olher mammals.
SertoU Cells acteristies as well as prima ry and accessory repro-
duct ive organs have b\:on known to mature as early
Embryonic SenoH cells begin (O ,function before the
as Ihe third ycar after birth, and even behavioral
"indifferent gonad" bewmos recogni1.ablo as an im- changes have been observed ,
mature testi., They associate with the germinal cell' Considerations of Ihis kind underlie lite "trigger"
to form the "sex wrds". II has been suggested that
concept of pUbert y onset. aocording to which fully
there are twO types: dark cells that promote prol if·
prepared components of Ihe system a"'3 it reception
eration and preliminary maturation. and light ones of tlte appropriate signa l,
that block the entry of prespermatogonia into
More modern views state that reprod uctive mat-
meiosis (193). The cells acquire aromatase enlymcs,
uration involves a gradual progression of complex.
When the interstitial cells begin to ,<,lease testoster· intricately rela ted events. S tep by step. the individ-
they ta ke up some of the ste roid and cOnvert it
ual begins to function less and less like a juvenile and
to estrogen., They in thi s way dircctl y protect them·
mOre like an adult. until finally the abilities to en-
sci ..." against premature exposure to high androgen
gage in mature patterns of hormone sec ret ion and
levols. Estrogens released to the surroundi ng ftuids produce a nd diseharge fe rtilizable germinal cells are
also exe rt inhibitory influences O,'er testostc rone pro-
reahed (1 49.18 1).
duction by the interstitial cells. 1\ common feature of the preparation is a "'<'set-
The Sertoli cells acquire FSH ,<,c<:ptors. Around
ting of the gonadostat." The Itypothalamus a nd pi-
midgcstation. cnough of the pitUitary hormone is re-
tuitary gland bowme gradually less sensitive to ncg-
leased to promote $Orne growth and maturation . T he ative fe<:<lbaek inftuenees of the steroid hormones. In
""" cords dongate. become canali7.ed. and begin to at teast some species. Ihe earliest change occurs in
look like immat ure seminiferous tubules. At somc the central nervOuS system. Some of the inhibition
stago , the Sertoli cells begin to secrete inhibin. and over lRH release is lifted. More of the hypotha-
the peptide may comribute to the fall in FSH leveis
lamic hormone is secreted. and this soon leads 10 in-
that occurs later in gestation,
ereascd 'iecretion of LH, The pituitary gonadotrupcs
During the late juvenile period, plasma FSH lev_
acquire larger numbers of lRH rccepto['l; when they
els rise before the increases in Lli arc marked. fS11
are stimulated. and they therefore become mOrt sen-
promotes growth. proliferation. and speciali7.ation of sitive as well as more productive. Gonadal hormones
the sem iniferous tubules. After al1aining maturity. Can accelerate maturation of the central st ruclU,<,s.
Scrtoli cells no longer proliferate and they lose many but accelerated LH release is also demonstrated in
of their earlier responses to the pituitary hormone. castrated animals lhat attain the age a t which the
M(lS1 of the functions can thcn be maintained byan-
events normally occur. LH additionally acts on neu·
drogens from the interstitial cells. but $Ome FSH
rons to promote further development (I 81).
may be needed to promote the production of andro-
The prepubertal adenohypophysis secretes much
gen binding proteins. inhibin. and other regulators. more fS H than LH. As it matures. the LH:FS II
The seminiferous tubules continue to support sper-
ratio rises. One effect o f the FSH is induClion of UI
matogenesis for s",-eral decades. but the functions
receptors. When the plasma LI'! wncentrations in-
deeline when testosterone production falls .ub-
c'<'ase . the sonads put out more steroid hormones
stantially. and changes in their enzyme complements bring
about maturation of tlte secretory capabilities. Al-
though immat ure interstitial cells release substantial
The Timing 01 Puberty Onset
quantities of androstencdiorlC and androstancdiols.
Long before the usual time of puberty onset. the adult tcstes secrete mostly testosterone. Some 5,,-re-
testcs acqu ire the ability to mature in response to go- duc tase activity is acquired carly. but the rising lev·
nadotropins and testosterone. the pituitary gland has els of testosteronc lead to of mOre of the
the machinery for secreting ilS hormones and react- enzyme and therefore to production of more DII T.
ing to hypothalamic stimulation. and the hypotha_ In central factors Seem to be the major
lamic neurOnS can release lRH. initiators of the events under normal cond itions, A
tn laboratory animals with long juvenile periods. reduc tion in the rate of release of endogenous opiate-
it is easy to invoke precocious development. Even in like peptidcs that tend to depress LRH secretion has
rodents that bewrnc reproductively wmpete nt in been implicated (127). In rats and other mammals
less than a month after weaning, the testcs and ae- with less highly developed brains. gonadal matura-
cessory reproductive organs can be made to grow t;on may be of primary importance ( 181). However.
rapidly. and a pituitary gland taken from a recently even Itere. changing pallerns of neuron fu nction arC
wea ned animal will support gonadal functions if it is known to occur during the peri pubertal period. Le-
transplanted to a site within an adult where it is ex· sions placed in diserete brain regions can cLther ad-
posed to hypothalamic hormones. In human children vanC<: Or delay the maturation (149).
with hormone-se<;reting tumors. seconda ry sex char- The developmental pallerns are inAuenced by a

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The Female Reproductive System

Tht reproductive system of the female is. of oeces- When the fetus is prepared for independenl exis·
sity. more elaborate Ihan thaI of Ihe male. In addi· tcnce, the birth canal softens and the uterus assumes
tion 10 contributing its share of chr<)ll105Omes to Ihe active roles in delivery of the infant, disposal of the
'-ygotc, Ihe egg cell must provide mOM of the sut>- placenta and avoidance of postpartum hemorrhage.
stance. th.1 sustain the conceptus during ia first rew In anticipation of future functions, thc mammary
days of life. Acoordingly. oocytes have larger diam- glands undergo speciali'lIlions during the
elers Ihan all other cells of the body. period . Theile include acquisition of the ability 10 re-
Since malure germinal cells have limited life- spond rapidly to suckling stimuli. ReflexC!i associ-
spans. arrangements must be made for rontaet with ated with lactation pro_ide for release of preformed
Op"rmaIO>.<la a\ Ihe optimum lime. In moot mam- m;lk. sy nlhesis or Ihe componenls of the noxl menl,
mals. the brain and ovary cooperale 10 assure syn_ and conlractions of the uterus Ihat hclp 10 restore it
chronization of ovulation wilh behavioral manifes- to iI, proper size. When lactalion makes heavy de-
tations of sexual rc<:cplivity. Primates are nO! mands on the metabolic resources of Ihe mother,
protected in Ihis way. but ovarian lIormones act on mechanisms for transiently suppressing ovarian cy_
the glands of the uterine cervix to promote the se- des Or delaying implantation avert premature C!itab-
cre,ion of substances favorable to sperm survival and lishment of a new pregnancy.
transport during the periovulatory period . In all
mammal" the uteri a nd fallopian tubcs provide en-
vironments that support 'perm capacitation during
thc of tlte cycles. The fEMALE SYSTEMS
lUbes also assist in upward transport of spermatozoa Despite the obvious differences in form and function.
10 Ihe fertilization sile, carly development ('f Ihe zy- the male and female systems are st rik ingly similar in
gote, and delivery of Ihe blawJCyst 10 Ihe Ulerus. man)' respects.
An elaboralely prepared endometrium then in- In very young embry()!j of both sexes, a genital
vites implantalion. It soon actS in conjunclion with ridge that forms On each side of the body serves as
the myometrium to support, nourish. and protect thc forerunner of the gonad. Germinal cells (goll<'>-
embryos and fetuses . If implantation docs not occur. cytes) Ihat are diploid originate in the yolk sac . They
the endometrium sloughs off and later renews itself proliferate rapidly by mitosis. migrate to Ihe genital
for another try. ridge, and continue 10 divide. Thc cells then advance
The numbers of implanlations that occur alone 10 the next .tage of development as Ihcy continue 10
lime must bc appropriate for Ihe reproductive strat- proliferate. In lime, milosis is arrested. ( It is later
egy of the species. In a large mammal with. long re,umed in the male. but nO! in the female.)
gestation period, the uleruS cannot properly accom- The genital ridge become.. organized into an "in-
adate more than One or two fetuses. In a small onc different gonad" that contaiM epithelial mes-
with a short life-span. perpetuation of the species de- enchymal components. In the carly slages, it is im_
pends upon the production of large litters. (This is possible to dis tinguish the presumplive ovary from
especially true if predators conlribute to the control the prcsunlptive testi, on the basis of morphological
of the population.) criteria (see Chapter 13).

The epithelial cells make intimate associations and they interact with receplors present in ma le and
with (he germinal elements, and they affect (he sur· female organs.
vival and maturation of the gamc(e precursors. At Follitropin and lutropin are chemically sim ilar in
first, (hey provide protection against premature ini· both sexes. and they are produced by til< same kinds
tiation of gametogenesis. After the onset of puberty. of pituitary gland cells. The secretion is regu lated by
they play essential roles in the support of spermato- the identical hypothalamic LRH. and the laller is.
genesis and oogenesis. Among other (hings. they cre- in turn. afTe<:ted by the same kinds of ncufo-
ate an environment suitable for the progress of t,"nsmitters.
meiosis and dilTerentiation. They arc also directly in· Young male and femaleembry05 possess two pairs
volved in the processes of ovulation (in which cells of ducts thaI give rise (0 the acccssol)' reproductive
that will become ova are extruded from the gonad structures. Although gonadal steroids SlX'm to be es-
and sent into fluid-containing oviducts) and of spero sential for early dc,'elopment only in the male. the
miation (in which immature spcrmatolOa l.a,,, the female organs arc equipped with the same kinds of
testis to enter fluid filled ductules that lead into the receptors and they have th. potential for "maseulin·
epididymis) , i'-'ltion." P05tpubenal matu ration requires gonadal
The epithelial cells take up and metabolize steTOid steroids in botb sexes.
hormones providoo by the neighboring interstitial The forerunners of the external genitalia arc at
cells, They also produce peptides that, among other first indistinguishable;n male compared ... ith female
things. contribute to the regulation of follilTOpin se- embl)·os. All are equipped with the same ki nds of
cretion. There are developmental stages during rce<:ptors and steroid-metabolizing e""ymes. The
which the epi thelial cells first function ... ithout ben· full potential for virilization is prescnt in the female.
efit of pituitary hormones. then become highly re- whereas the male Can assume a female form if spe-
sponsive to follitTOpin. and eventually show loss of cial hormonal environments are not provided ,
to the regulator. In at least some spe<:ies. gonadal steroids ac( duro
At about Ihe same time pootconception. the mes- ins a sUige of devclopmcntto "condition'"
enchymal derivatives of developing ovaries and the brain so tha( it is prepared for expression of $Orne
test.s aequire the ability to make steroid hormones forms of reproductive behavior. The effects seem to
from precursors supplied by the placenta and mater· be quantitative rather than qualitative. and experi·
nal 'y".m , Although the very young oelb poMCM lu- mental animal; of 0"" >ox can engage in a(;tivitie,
tropin receptors. they function independently of the traditionally assigned to the other.
pituitary hormone for some lime. Later. they re- The emerge nce of sexual dimorphi sm is altributoo
spond 10 a placental hormone and becomccapable of to the ability of the Y chromosome to direc( (he for_
utilizing cholesterol as the precursor, Afterward, mation of organi'.ers. (The concept that
they become dependent OIl lutropin. Ihe H·Y antigen serves ;n this capacity was dis-
The gonadal steroids arc synthesi7.ed along similar cussed in detail in Chapter 13.) If the gonadal pre-
pathways in both sexes. The hormones arC neooed to cursor is deprived of the influences of such molecules
support gametogenesis. the growth. development. in the male. the gonad aSSumeS an o,'ary-like af>"
and funetions of the aeeessory reproductive organs. pcarancc. The gonad of the XX cmbryopossesses re-
and the emergence of Ihe sccondary sex character· ceptOIS for the and has (he potential for
istics. They are major regulators of hypothalamic acquisition of testicular featurcs. The maturation of
and pituitary gland functions. and they exert impor_ the germinal elements into spermato1.oa or ova has
tant inHuences over a wide variety of other structures been linked with til< possession of XY or XX sex
that include the bones. the liver. the kidney. the skin. chromosomes, respeeti.ely. Other male vs. female
the thymus gland. and the differences may be directly related to lhe production
brain. The mature testis seeretes m05lly teS(05terone. of relatively larger amounts of androgens by the
but it also releases SOme estr0sens and progestogens. males,
and additional eSlrogen is formed peripherally. The
mature ovary .secretes mostly estrogen. and proges-
togens. but it makes considerable amounts of andro-
gen and secretes SOme of it; additional androgen is The ovary of the human ad ult has been li kened in
formed peripherally. Sa-reduced steroids and steroid sile and shape to a shelled almond, a good-sized
sulfate conjugates are made in both types of gonads. olive. Or the stone of a peach. Since the organ under·
and androgens s(imulate sexual interest in both goes cyeiical variations in form. and since individual
males and females. Many aspects of the control sys- differences are encountered among normal women.
tems (both internal and external to the gonads) are perhaps each of the descriptions is as appropriate as
similar. Androgens. estrogens. a nd progestins Iheothers.
undergo metabolic transformations in target cells In II<althy women. each ovary measures 2.5-5 cm


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in lengln. 1.5-3 em in widtn. and 0.6-1.5 in scribed la ter. The smallest arc made up of a primar)'
thickness (21). oocyte surrounded by a sinile layer of epithelial
A dense but narrow capsule CQn· cells. Somewhat larger one< have ,,'all, of <tralifled
taining collagenQUs fibers and fibroblast_like epi thelium. As maluralion portions of lhe
(the albughlM) tne outer boundary. It ovarian stroma become organized CQncentrically
is enveloped by a fold of peritoneum (mesothelium) around the periphery of the epithelium. Thc corpora
CQnsisting of a single layer of squamous to low cu- atresia of the ovarian CQrtex form when follides
boidal epilhelial cells. the muomdum. The lalter undergo incomplele maluration and then deterio-
rests on a thin basal lamina (Fig. 15·1). The lerm rate. At certain phasc. of the ovarian cyclc. one or
"germinal Cpilnclium" nas been applied to Inc mes· more large rorpor<J luua can be readily distin-
ovarium. It i, unfortunate. since no germinal cells guished. Several may be prescnt in .pecies that reg·
are present in Ihis region. ularly produce litters (Fig. IS· IA). whereas the
human ovary often has just one. Corpora albicanlia
are scar-like slructureS derived from CQrpora lutea.
The tunica alhuginea is actually a CQmpact. con·
One sidc of the me<ovariai ,urface projccts frcely linuous ring of siromal tissue. The term "intemitial
into the peritoneal cavity. and cell, in thi, region arc gland"" is sometimes applied \{l clumps or cords of
equipped with microvilli. Tne 0pp06ite of the epithelioid cells of the stroma that are not obviously
mesovarium joins up with tnc po6terior portion of Ihe associated with oocyte-GQntaining fol licl es.
bro<Jd ligamml. a large fold of periloneum that an·
chors Ihe uteruS 10 the hody wan (!'ig. 15·2). A thin.
fibrous cord within that membrane (the ovarian lig- The Ovarian Medulla
amtm) hinds the medial pori ion of the ovary to the This region (the wna vasculosa) is almost spongy in
fundus of the Ulerus. appearance. It carries thc larger blood and Iym-
The suspensory (infundibulopelvic) lIgament runs vessels and ovarian nen·eS. and it conlain,
laterally bet"'Cen the layers of the broad ligament true smooth muscle cells. epithelioid and fibroblast·
em to thc fallopian tube . It altaches Ihe hilu, of like and elaslic fibers. ctumpll of epilhelioid
the ovary 10 the peritoneal wall and il provides the cells may be loosely organized into a hilar gland.
passagewa'l1' for the large blood vessels and nerves. Nonfunetioning remnants of a ductu le system
AI ils medial cnd. the ova rian ligament becomes (the rete ovarii) arc often present. The.. are the
CQntinuQUs with the round ligament thai extends homolog. of the retia testes of Ihe male (220).
from Ihe uleruS toward the inguinal canal.
The round and ovarian ligaments are the female
BlOOd and Lymphatic Venels
CQunlerpart of the gubernaculum of tbe ICSli, that
undergoes extensi''C elongation as the male gonad The circulatory system is rich and complex. Blood
descends into the scrot um. Since the ovary migrates ""ssels that supply other parts of the pelvis and
just a Shorl distance downward from its original site. undergo eXlensive anastomoses enter Ibe ovary from
the membranes remain short in the female. two directions. The OI'Qrian artery Qn each side
arises directly from the abdominal aorta. and it
sends 10 the fallopian tube. The main uter-
The Ovarian Cortex
ine artery originates in the nypogastric (internal
The cortical region parencbymatosa) is larger iliac) artery. Somc of the Iributaries pass throuih
Ihan and is often poorly demarcaled from Ihe inner the hroad ligament 10 make functional conneclions
medulla. It contains all of tbe gl'rminal cells (each wilh branches of the ovarian artery, while olhers go
enclosed within its private follicle). the products of to tnc vagina and componentsof Ihe urinary system.
follicular development and degeneration. and a The term gemlaf vascular (168) describes the
closely packed interstilial tissue or Jlroma composed interlwinings of the vessel. Ihat supply the
of myoid. epithelioid. and ftbroblast-like cells. CQlla- gonad, fallopian tube. Ulerus. and related structures.
ienous fibers. and intercellular subslance. Blood from both the ovarian a nd uterine arteries
The whiclr vary ireatly in size. are de- passes Ihrough Ihc mesovarium in the region of the

Fig. IS-I. A. Ca l "". 'y. Con.,.
oI«:t<O<I micrograph . ( t) co.ity. (2) gemtio/It &j>iU.elium. (3) l"'icI otbuginea ... ith
(2) """"un•. (3) f<>11icI.'. corpor. Jutea. X 1 1. B. intorslitial (') piimotdial toIic ... . (5) ooeyr. oI
Enla,_t of 'ocI"nule in A . ( ') Pr;mo.dla l 1<)\1",,". (2) secondary lolliele (nI>or"". i. ""' in pi""" of .... liO<l). (6)
second ..... I<)\IiCle. (3) Otromll. corPUS Meum. (5) .0<'18. pellu<;:ido. (7) totlicuto, eolls. (S) basal tlmina. (9)
inl ... glaOd. X Ie. C. e ... rgemont 01 a,1O& simila, to theca I<)\JiouIi (;"I.. nol. (10) theca foIic<Jll (extema ).
.-.cla ng" ;" B. 'ot. eloctfOl"l micrograph. ( 1) P.. i\O<lHt (11) c.apilla,IN. X 860. (Rhodin. ",I .."""" t69)
hilus in helical arltrie$ thaI OVARIAN CYCLES: MORPHOLOGICAL
the stroma of the medulla and send branches ASPECTS
(spiral arteries) toward the cortex. Coiled arteriolar
extensions of Ihe spiral arteries provide a rich capil- For lhe purpOSes of discussion, il is convenient to di·
lary circulation 10 the cortical stroma. including Ihe vide Ihe ovarian cycles into three pha'iCs:follicular,
portions of it Ihat make up the theca follkuli. The ovulatory. and lureal. Each phase is associated wilh
arterioles undergo when the corpora changes in the appearance of the ovary and with a
IUlea form, and the vasculature b<:comes evcn mo,e distinct pallern of steroid hormone accumulation
eXlcnsive if conception occurs. Uncoiling of the ves- within both the ovary and the blO<"Xl plasma.
sels permits maintenance of an even blO<"Xl flow to the [n humans. the activitics of a single follicle can
most active components of the ovary. and it supportS dominate the evenlS for a limited time period, while
the increased needs of the follicles that are preparing some support is provided by "cohons" that mature
for ovulation. Simultaneously. 11 is important to reCOgnize, how-
The blO<"Xl drains into a venou s genital arcade. On ever, that Ihe organ does not function as a synchro-
the right side of the body, the uterine components of nized uni\. The growth and of follicles
Ihe 'ystem unite to form the central conducting veins and their germinal components proceed continu-
Ihal emply into the hypogaSlric veins, while the ously. Cells in one part of the cortex are very differ-
ovarian OneS lead into the vena Cava. On the left side, ent in appearance from those in another (Fig. lS-
the ovarian vein joins up with the left renal vein. The I A).
venous ')'"ltem includes a network of thin·walled ves-
sels. Ihe pampiniform plel"'$. Mechanisms for CO''''-
lucurrenl exchange Ihe ovarian artery and
Preliminary Pre paration of the Ovary
vein facilitate the accumulation of high concentra·
tions of steroid hormones within the ovary (50). The gonocytes that migrale into Ihe embryonic
The cortex comains numerous lymphatic capillar· gonad soon mature into oogonia thaI actively engage
ies that un ite to form the larger vessels of the me- in milO!iis (Sec Chapter 13). T he proliferation peaks
dulla . The laller send Ihe lymph to nodes in the pel· aroond the 20th week, al which time the oogonia are
vic and lumbar regions, and eventually to the aortic present as C<lrds of cells crowded into the C<lrtex. Be·
fore the process is completed (starting around week
In common with the blO<"Xl capillaries, the finer IS), many of the germinal cells malUre into primary
Iymphtic vessels undergo continuous roorganization oocyres and b<:come inlimately associated with cpi·
to provide for the needs of growing follicles. oorpora thelial components of the stroma. Germinal cell
IUlea. and glandular edls of the stroma. and for the changes include lhe lo:ss of rioonucleoprotein, gly-
orderly transport of ovarian hormones. cogen, and alkaline phosphatase {84}. The oocytes
enter the prophru;e of meiosis. but the division SOOn
becomes arrested at Ihe '·dictyate" stage. Some cells
compiele meiosis 1 during the interval b<:twecn the
Allhough Sludies with pharmacological agents pro- first onset of adult functions and Ihe time of meno-
vide evidence for a neural contribution to the regu. pause. Most others deteriorate b<:forc Ihis i5
lation of steroidogenesis (77). and cholinergic pro- accomplished.
jections have been idenlified. it was believed until A maximal germinal cell population of 6-7 mil-
quile =ntly that the ovarian and uterine lion is anaincd in the two ovaries when the fetus is
neflles supply mO!itly unmyelinated sympathelic fi· around months of age . Meanwhile. mechanisms
b<:rs to the blood ''esse/s and 10 the OOI1lraclile com· for reduction of the eelt are set in motion.
of the Stroma. It is now that the Oogonial disappearance results mostly from
ovary contains sensory endings, and that the neurons sion al the ovarian surface during the final monlhs
play importam roles in the regulation of divcrse of the gestation period (203). bUI some oocytes and
functions that include the "compensatory·· hypertro- Iheir surrounding cells deteriorate within the gonad.
phy of one gonad when the other is removed. They The lo:ss of germinal cen.continues into middle age .
contribute 10 the feedback control of piluitary and Neonatal ovaries have some 1-2 million oocytes.
hypothalamic functions. Stimulation of cerlain loci The population declines to 300-400.000 by pUb<:rty
wilhin the brain augments (whereas stimulation of onsel. Fewer Ihan 500 of those ever reach the preo-
others suppresses) some processes. even in females vulatory stage. [n some women, gonads are totally
that have been hypophysectomi1.ed and adrenalcc- depleted of germinal cells by the time or menopause.
tomi1.ed (98) . Certain of the ovary-uterus interrela- In others, a few sUfllivon; persist for one or mOre ad-
lionships also seem to depend on the innefll3tion. ditional decades.
!lasal lamOn'
.. ... /
. ", Cytopla .... Of oocyle

'.. .. ..
8. UniI.<Y\irnIr pr"",,\, 1000icie

C Mullllan'rMr 1>''''"')' !'"''''''

Fig. 15-3. <>I folli<:le mII,,,,ot",,,.

Formation of the simplest follicles begins around Prim ord ial Follicle s
(he fourth month ahcr corn;eplion. Very limited
numbers of the structures undergo malurat;on dur- Each of these liny structures is oomposed of one pri-
ing fClal life and childbood, and th= seem 10 be mary oocyte surrounded by a single layer of ftat-
preferentially des\royed. l"ned epithelial (pregranulosa) The enlire
By pubcny. most of lhe oocyles are contained structure rest.! on a thin. acellular basal lamina
within primordial follicles, and structures of this (Figs. 15-3A and 15-4A). The germinal cell has a
kind can be detected at all times during the period large and prominent nucleolus. Many small
or reproductive competence. ribosomes, and some small rounded mitochondria

Fill. 15-4. ". f.1 ovary. """'1fOO 1000iC .... ,al o.ory. eleCI,<>n mi<:rcgroph. (') N""""", 01

( I) N...:leu& 01 g«m oell. (2) """IooIUI in prima'Y oocyto (Ine oueIec4uo 10 not in ' Ile plano 01
'81.,.,1.,I""". (3) ooplasm. (') mitocI>or>cIOa. (5) GoI9i _ lien). (2) (3) oopl ...... (')
complex. (6) oort;cal g",.ul... (7) sligh'ly rl,Jflled surf."" ""'ochOnd,i •. ( 5) 00<tic&1 g,ranulH. (6) ... rlo.,., 01 000)'' '.
01 ptin>O<di.1 {I«nt cell . (8) ......,..,; oIIOI"""'.f <*IS. (9) (7) _ of _ . llo/lieu!o,coUo. (8) ""..11.-.... (9)
_ eytoplaorrio _ ' n oilolOeulo' ombraQng tile f"IOOIo; 01 .t,omal 0011. (I!>wo i. no IIWICIII000000i f",mIId . .
g«m cell. (10) s lrom&l ceIll. (11) _ 01 capillary. yltt). (10) 00II0_ 01 o .. ria. '''orna. X '400. (Ahodin.
( 12) n"" ..... 0/ oncIc1l>e1i1l cell. X 5_00. B. Prirnlry ,otItftf>OO 169 )

and lipid droplets <:an be identifiw in Ihe narrow ide-molecules of this region are secreted by the
ring of cytoplasm. n." Golg; apparatus i$ a t first granulosa cells. the Golgi of the oocyte. or both
small, but it .oon undergoes elaW,sl;';'rr. (21,220).
The stroma immediately surrounding the granu-
Prior to folliCle formation. the 008011'. resuhing from
losa commences organization inlo a theca
a milotic division coonccle<llo each olher vi.
topl .. mic bridg<,_ It i. pOSSible 10 find on 0<""';0"01 [<>I.
that contain$ capillaries.
lid. lhal has end=d ,wo
connected germi .. 1<:<:11 •.
Ther. are e<,>ntroverSi •• <Xlllcerning lhe ilage at which SoUd Secondary Follicles
me;"'i. of the human """ylc bc<omcs o"esled (84). In
some species with short ""a';on period,.oogoni. can With further maturation. thc 1.ona pellucida
pe"i$l.nd continue to divide .her the lime of birth. ens and the cellular processes extending into ;t be-
come longer and more numerous. According to some
observcrs, direct cytoplasmic communications bo-
Unllamlnar Primary Follicles
t,,'ccn the two cell types are established (220).
Limited numbers of primary follicles are formed in The oocyte continues 10 enlarge and to urnkrgo
Ihe felUS, and olhers appear during childhood . The cytoplasm ic speciali7.ation. The mitochondria elon-
ovaries of young aduhs always conlain structures of gate and increase in number. They migrate toward
this kind. Ihe periphery of the ce ll. as small. rounded organ-
The most obvious changes occur in lhe epithelial dIes aeeumulale ncar Ihe nucieus-
oomponenu. The pregranulosa cells proliferate, and The theca acquires more cell. and begins to sep-
they gradually become transformed inlO cuboidal arate into a vascularized. glandular Ih«o ImertW
granulosa cells that form a C(lminuQU$ ring (Fig. 15- and a more peripherally located Ihtco eXlerlUJ com-
38 and 15-48). ColiageTlQus fibers occupy much of poscd mostly of connectivc tissue. The term gia...y
basal lamina. membrane describes the now wdl.deveiopcd. trans-
The oocyte grows and there is an increase in the parent basal lamina Ihat contains collagenou s and
cytoplasmie:nuclear ratio. The mitochondria clon- reticular nbers (Fig. 15-5).
,ate ",mewho t and Ihey more ,,-, it emw<, .in k, rl""l"'r int" oor_
The endoplasmic reticulum undergoes spttiali7.a- tex. Howc'"Cr. a wedge-shaped protru,ion (the thecal
lion, and microvilli soon project from the plasma cone) extends toward the tunica albuginea.
Veeicular Secondery Follicles
Multilamlnar Primary Follicles
Spaces that appear between group< of granulosa
The granulosa cells continue to proliferate, and they cells !iOOn become Auid-fined vesicle' (Call-Exner
eventually form a multilayered 5lrQ/um granulosum bodies). The liquOI" folliculi within Ihem is dear and
(Fig. 15-3C), Since the legion is avascular. the ger- rich in hyaluronic acid. It later aceumulates steroids.
minal cell cannol communicate with the capillaries foninopin. protease.. dchydrogenases. carbohy-
of the conical stroma and it is therefore more de- drases and other enzymes. proteins derived from the
pendent upon the granulosa cells. Gradually, a clcar. bl()()Oj plasma. and SOme peptide. pro-
noncellular gel-like ZOna pel/ucida (mucoid ooloma) duced by the follicular cells or released when the
forms between it and the surrounding cell •. As the cells deteriorate to be replaced by olhers.
oocyte matures. il sends microvillar projections into As the vesicles enlarge, they coalesce. Eventually.
the layer, and these interdigitate with processes em- a single large cavity. the amrum. is formed (Figs.
anating from the granulosa cells. There are conlrl>- 15·5 and IHi).
versies concerning whether the protein-pol)'saeehar- T he Ihcca inlerna now contains epithelioid cells.

Fig . 15-5. A. ,at ""O'Y, (1) Nocl.olus. (2) nucleus 01 WOOtId.,y oocyte. (3)
e,-"""" micrOlJ'Oph. ( 1) Nucleus. (2) oocy,o, OOI1;cot g'."""'". (_I ....,.laC41 oocyte. (5) .ono p.Ullc;"a.
(3) l orn. pelf"";,, •. (4) """"'" 'adiato. (51 ,n'"'''' (5) nucte; 01 'Ile loIIiCuf ... cell. mIIke "" COftH\O
(e) eflil. 01 _ana g,anulo". many 01 whiCh ,adi.'a , (7) SIeMer celll'fOC"s .... j,,,,,, tM oocyte atld Ille
a,. in ItOge. of mitooil (ci'cles). (n bu." I.minll oorOnll ,adi." C411I1 _ " Ole ' Ile ..,.... pelloc;"o. (8)
rMftIb.-a",,). (8) theca. 1011iCuIi. (9) perifoflicular with l'f&Cipila"'" liQuor 1<>lhcul i. X 1\1(1(l.
(10) ova,ion st,oma. X B. PO" 01 (AOOdin. ,et"'tnee 169)
""""""_f"1 ""oicuI.' '., ""o'y. eleci,,,,, ,,,icrograph.
·" THE FE ....... lE I!EFliiOCNClrvE$Y$TEM

•• terna

FID. 1S·6. p,."....,..,.. y matu<.tiQn Of fOIliO'.. ,

and ils morpllological cha racteristics arc T he oocyte is pushed to one side of the follicle. It
", jlh I role in steroid hormone biosynthesis. II ae- IIllIinlains ilS associalion wilh Ihe grnnulooa via a
qui'Q' rich blood aocl lympb:uK capilhl'1' network. narrow longue of epit hel ium 1....1 i$ conl;nuOWl wilh
The theca UICrna is romposc<l primarily of con- • ring of (:ells immed ialely $Urroundi", Ihe OOtyte
«nl.ical1y amnged bands 01 fibroblasts thai aR" and f;QV1:ri", ilS lumi nal surfatt ( Flg. 1S-6).
held together by ooIlage_s fibrils embedded in a The term cumulu! oophorw i$ gencrall)' applio:d
muoopolysa«haridc grvund $ubstarKe (111). 10 lhe longue 0( epithelium by which the ooc)'!e is
suspended. "'hcrell the roroIIQ rodiota designates
the cell ring Ihat is eioo:ly associated with Ihe gcr·
Preovulatory (Graafian) Foltlclel
minal cell. However. some aUlhol"$ use the IWO terms
Allhough many follicles a pproach this stage. usually inle rchangeably.
only one completes full development during tach As the follicle prepa res for ovula tion. il 10-
human ovarian cydc. WliI rd 11M: tunica albuginea II • slle devoid of capil·
Wilen maturation is completed. (he structure . , a l.ries. The nllCleus of Ihe OOtyte enlarges and apo
whole typically b3s a diameter of 20-25 mm proe.chc:s lhe plasma membrane (oolemma). AI thi$
wilh 0.05 10m for primordial follicles ( 1281). lillge. it is sometimes ""ferred \0 as the germinal VC$o
The oocyte has grown from In initial 25-30 ,. in di- ide (or vesicular nucle us). The chromalin undergoes
ameter 10 approximatc\y 125-1){) ,.. The ZOna pel· rcorganiution. and the nuclear membrane disap-
lucid. is 5-10 !' in thickness, and lhe basal!amin. Meiosis I is soon com pleted. This culminates
;1 1-2 ,.,.;d •. in Ihe Formalion of a serondory oorytt that is almost
The ant rum accumulates additiona l fluid. As il as large as the primary one from which il is derived
enla rgcs, i1 p.m againll the follicular walls and
and contains olle·half the ch romosollllli OJmplemcnt .
this " U$CS some: s\r(:tchilll Ind th;nn;", of the gra ... A small cytoplasmic bleb and lhe relllllinilli chro-
ulosa .nd lbeea. The stralitio:d epilhelium now ap- mosomes Ire inoorpol. ted inlO lhejim poilU body.
11"<$ u • relatively narrow rim (Ihe membrana Eltccpl for the width of Ihe CI'IOJilasmic rim. the cell
&ra nulosa ). resembles a min;"'ture oocyte. It f(IOO il"iOYCS into the
zona pcllucida. Under oormal conditions. it deterio-
rates rapidly after performing ;t5 function of renlQV_
ing (he excess chromatin. (On occasion. il divides
r"'sl 10 form even .maUer. shon·ii""d Ihird and
fourth polar bodies.)
The :;ccondary oocyle almosl immediately enters
into meiosis II. It ad"ances 10 Ihc melJpha:;c stage.
in which division is again arrested unlil after

The flrsl indicalion Ihal ovulalion will OCCur :;cern,
to be a rapid and substantial increase in (he blood
How \0 Ihc ovary. ne vessels supplying the fully pre- A . FOIoCIe '" 1_ of <>vIlla 1i<:<>
pared follicle dilate. and Ih. capillarie, become more
permeable. Gmnular leukocYles (including baso-
phils) and Ihrombocyles accumulate within thc fol·
licle,;. and erylhrOCYles may gain entr)" (59) . Tissue
macrophage, and masl cells soon add to Ihe
A secondary pha'e of follicular fluid secrelion pro-
motes edema formation. augmenlalion of thc follic.
ular volume. and Hallening of thc walls. Osmolic
factors may be of primary importallC<:. prolein,
formerly relained by Ihe capillaries can now rcadily
pass into the anlrum. Morcover. hydrola.e. are a..
Uvated . and large molecules are converted to
S. FOIICltla f' e< 0 ......"' 1"",
smaUer. soluble ones within Ih. cavit)·. The cells of
the oorOna radiala loosen Iheir associations with Ihc
neighboring epilhelium. but they maintain oonlacl
wilh Ihe oocyte via the processes that penetrate Ihe
rona pellucida.
Since there are concomilant changes in thc follicle
walls, the fluid accumulation does nol raise the hy·
drostatic pressure within the antrum (117). Muoo-
polys.a<xharidcs of Ihe ground substance confer elas-
ticity and permil movement of Ihe collagen fibrils, as
proloolylic enzymes degrade Ihat
previously conferred rigidity. Granulosal cells in Ihe
vicinity of (he oocyte either move apart Or undergo
degeneration (Fig. 15-7 A). and the lunica
becomes W<'a kened in Ihat region. Locali7.ed necrosis Fig. 15·7. 0vII10I.,..1Id IOtmat;oo 01
probably results from the rapidly developing hypo>:ia Ihe co<pu. lutoum .
(since thero are n(l capillaries in the part of Ihe wall
(hat eventually ruplures).
A small. blister-like bulge (the stigma or macula
pellucidum) forms on the ovarian surface. When the Finger-like projections (fimbriae) of Ihe oviduct
wall is sum';enll)" weakened, nuid from the close 10 Ihe site of ovaria n wall rupture direct Ihc
follicle. The secondary oocyte Ihen leaves through oocyte and its surrounding celts \0 the lubular
the opening. and mOre fluid is extruded. Myoid cle- lumen. and cilia that line the surfaces move the cells
menlS of the Iheca and surrounding slroma contract. downward .
and Ihis aids in both oocyte extrusion and oolla)l5\' Meiosis 11 is nol usually compleled unlil afler a
of thc follicle. sperrna\07.oon penetrates (he oocyte. When ;t occurs.

the division culminates in the formation of a single rious" oorpuslUleum of ovulation is transformed intO
large Ovum and the second polar body. The latcr a more elaborate "true" corpus iuteum of pregnancy
soon deteriorates. (Fig. 15·8D). In some species. the oorpus lutcum is
needed throughout the gestation period. In humans
the placenta ta kes over most of the function arter the
Formation of the Co rpus Luteu m
second month.
Corpus luteurn means yellow body. In humans and The corpus luleum "'g""""s during "",nfertile cy,
some OIhcrs. lipofuscin granules thai accumulate in d es. Signs of delerioralion arc apparent in the
the cells provide the color. (However. Ihe structure human ovary within 10-12 days arter ovulalion. and
is not yellow in all mammals.) Ihe hormone secretion declines. During the next two
Afler ovulation, the follicular walls continue 10 days. the ilfueture begins its transformation in to a
contrac\. Most of the Huid that is nol extruded is'1>- sear-like ClYpliS albicalU that can persisl for months
sorbed. Blood vessels and connective lissue then in- or even years (Fig. 15-l!E), Eventually. the corpus
vade the granulosa as the basement membrane de- albicaos 5inks into Ihe ovarian medulla. where il is
teriorates. B10Cld released from ruptured capillaries destroyed.
forms a clOi that occludes whal liule is left of the The lerm I!ileal phast designates the lime period
lumen. (Residual antral Auid also contains coagula- during which hormones sec reted by Ihc corpus lu-
lion proleins, and ;1 win dot if it is extracted.) tcum exert major oootrois over the reproductive sys-
The granul0S3 cells are now exposed for the [,rst tcm functions . However. many follicles undergo p"'-
lime to a capillary circulalion , They undergo hyper- liminary maturation at that time, and some advance
trophy along ""ith spe.:ializations that include clon- to the antral stage.
gation of th e mitochondria, development of the
Golgi apparatus, proliferation of the endoplasmic re-
ticulum wilh Irandormalion of Ihe mostly smOOlh to
a moslly rough Iype, augmentalion of Ihc nudear Follicles in all stagcs of development undergo atresia
volume, and acquisition of a "cell wall " (172). Lipid (degeneration that indudes loss of the OOCYle). The
droplets and piament ar3nuics accum ulate in the pr""es.' heain. durilli fetal life, and it continues until
cytoplasm. all the remaining germinal die olf.
An elaborate blood vessel networ k supported by a
fine reticulum 500n permeates the entire structure
-(Fig.1 5-7C). It has been suUe.<!ed Ihal Ihe produclion of millions of
Such "luleinization" oceul'S in all species, In hu- oocY'''' by mammal. is.n "ovolu'iQnary •• "yo""r" from
aneo.l0.. tltal engaged in <"ernal fcrlilizalioo, Anolhe,
mans and $OIn<' others. thecal cells contribute, They
lhoughl is lhal l.rg< numbe .. of oocyle< "i,h ahoorm.1
enlarge only slightly, as they fo rm wedges along the ehrQlllOSOmc •• fOfm<:<i during meiosis and . .. /«1;""
periphery . Stromal cells from the surrounding region P'''''"" favors Ihe maluration of only Ih. heal,hi." of Ihe
may also be incorporated (I 28). I n many mammals. coil •. $om. proponenlS of llIe S«<lnd hypolhc<i, .t1ribule
only granulosal cells fonn the active components of thc high incidence of defecls in children b<>rn 10 older
the oorpora lutea. moth .... to progressive reduetion in Ihc pool of
If fertilization and implantation occur, the "spu- ""'mal coils.

1'1';1. 15-8. A. Co<pu6 Iut...." oj Pf_ f'IC)'. """"'n ovary.

( 1) F<>IdO<l 1o.)'tII" oj granulou ... ,...., celli. (2) for..,...
electron mi<:n>grOph. ( I) Nu::I<!i 01 granulOsa lIJtein cen •.
(2) lipid dr<>plOIS. (3) capillat .... (' I nucJe; oj _helill
fOll",utal (3) of If>eCI ""III . (.) ", eells, .'YlIvOCyt ••. (6) (no' . ll\ot tf>eCI lutein
. "&rna celli, (51 ova'ian surface, X 5,5. B. eeli. 01. mi&$in; in "'to). (1) inlorcel""a, s paces, X
01 al •• $imilol 10 ,..,ta nglo In II. Corws lot..." 01 1700, E. CotPIJ$ albican$, n..n.n O'Iary, (' I CotP<lO
Pf""nancy ......... n ova'y . (') Cord. 01 granulosa lulein mode up Of . xllocellulll, hyalinft I1'IIIOSM _
cell •. (21 of tf>eCI ...1..... celtl, (3) tl\oca ••160'.. """'" lMiduOi celt. oj me lOt_ oorpus lu!eum, (2)
cen • . (.) Cllpillary. fibrobla.ts arK! 100M conoor;t;ve oV"ian WOtT\I. (3) border toword ovanan 0I10tT\I ;.
ti.sue in 1.,..",., fO/lic\Jta, ant"'"" X 100. C. Ental_nt 01 ""alp on<) tho 110"'il;oo abrupt. X 43. F. Corpu> .'r.'i<:um.
alea .. mila' to IOClang" in B. Corpu.loteum, fa' ovary, human o •• ry. (1) o.a,ia" "roms. (21 loIcIed, thic<OMd
elee""" mk:rograph. (I) Cord> 01 granulo .. eell$, I_nl 01 11>0 ol. .. y membr.".. (3) fOt."., . _ona
(2) eapilla,iH, (3) 1If";Je venous CIIp;IIa'ie'. (.) lhee. granulo ... now l"OghIy d isorg."_ , (.) ",.;00., Of
. " &rna (!nI.1y _ I . (5) int..cellul., spaces, X D. cOi lapM<l ,ono pelluCid •. X a5. ( _in. "I&renee '69)
EnItIl_m of "'" Simila, to lectangle in C. Ral ova,y.

-' -
,.,' - ,


• ""'. -

'" , ,
'. ,-,


- •

.-. ..


Atresia can begin in lb. chromosomes Or spindle first seven years .fter menarche (the first menstrual
fibers of the oocyte (I S). or in the follicular cells. period) and again during the seven years preceding
Substances released during the deterioration SlimY- menopause ( 192).
late phagocytic cells. Although many small mammals have vcry short
All components of primordial and primary folli. cydes. there are no oonsi"cn! rel ationships between
des se<:m \0 be resorbed. The remnantS of vesicular body si?e and the duration of the ovarian events. For
follicles become corpora airt,ia that resemble. but example oows ovulate at 21-day while
can be distinguished from the corpora albicantia fo,es require 90 days. The 4 or 5 day cycles of rats
(Fig. IS·SF). Follicular waU cells thaI remain viable and mice havc brief luteal ph$Cs. but the luteal
can enter in10 the formation of hormQoc·SC<'rcting stage is prolonged in the dog. In "'reflex ovulators"
"interstitial glands." ,uch as the cat. ma ting stimuli shorten the follicular
phase. Thc rhesus monkey is a favorite subject for
investigation because its 2S-day cycle is similar in
somc respects to that of the human. Other primates
Fluid-filled degenerating structures often form have longer or shorter phases. Chimpan7-""S require
within the ovaries when the androgen levels risc around 35 days.
above optimum values. Cym arc COrnmOO in older
women. but they appear in younger oneS that are fer.
Humbe" o f Follicles That Undergo
tile. Those derived from the rete ovari; do n01 seem
Simu ltaneous Ovulation
to <;{lnlain hormone_secreting cell •. Others develop
from follicles that attain the GraafIan stage but do Women usually produce one fertilizable ,"",yte at a
nO! extrude their oocytes (157). When hormone lev· time . (This is just well, since the human uterus
cis in ratS are manipulated to encouragc cyst for- not easily acoom modate more than One felus.)
mation. tbe capillaries of the thoca dilate and the The incidences of of nonidentical twins, trif>"
basal lamina deteriorates. This is soon followed by lets. and larger numbers of infants provide some in·
macrophage invasion and the appearance of auto- dication of the frequencies for multiple ovulations.
pha:ic vesicles within the membrane l!ranulosa. The However. it i. possible for one oocyte 10 und.r:o fer_
epithelial cells bordering the amra persist and form tili7.ation as others deteriorate. On rare o<xasions. a
the walls. Most cysts are evemua lly resorbed. Very polar body is fertili,ed and the 'ygote beoomes a
large ones call for surgical intervcmion. healthy fetus.
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) administered
carly in the follicular phase can increase the num·
Time Required to Complete the Ovarian
bers of ,"",ytes that mature. SUbsequent inje<:tion of
lH (or hCG) can then invoke multiple ovulations.
It is oonvenient to pretend that human ovarian cycles It is relatively C3l;Y to achieve "'superovulation" if
are 2S days long and to tailor diagrams to the modcl. the ovary contains large numbers of follicles (44). It
!lowever, the interval. for healthy, fenile subjects is much mOre difficult to estimate the a ppropriate
range from fewer than 24 to mOre than 42 da)·s. with dosages of "'fertility drugs" for wOmen who would
mean values close to 30 (91). The cycles are espe- like to conceive but do 001 ovulate regularly. Quan·
cially irregular during the first year after they be- tities that just barely support establishment of a sin-
come established and again as the time of meno- gle pregnancy in some subjects have been known to
pause approaches. The follicular phase accounts for invoke multiple implantations in others. Excessive
much of the variation it' duration depends on amounts defeat the purposes for which the agents
the devdopmental stages of th. follides at the time are used, since it is unusual for more than three COn·
of cycle initiation. Since it is innuenced by hormone ceptuses to survive the gestation and neQnatal pe-
levels, it can be manipulated in experimental ani- riods. gonadotropins Can cause other
mals. The length of the luteal phase varies unde r problems. as well. Sinee they disrupt endogenous
pathological conditions. and inadequate develof>" hormonal balance, they can inlcrfere with implan-
ment of the corpus luteum is a major cause of tation. it has been shown in
steri lity. animals that there is substan(ial danser of producing
Nutritional and genetic factors affect many as- embryQS with chromo:somal defects (I 31). One p0s-
pects of ovarian function. including the cyel. sibility is that the hormones encourage maturation
lengths. Subjects who were obese at age 18 and of unhealthy ,"",ytes that would not have survi,-ed
gained 5 or more pounds afterward arc reponed to under normal conditions. Another is that incom-
have longer 9cles and more irregularity during the pletely prepared germinal « lis will be released for
fertilization. BellOr control i, oflen achieved by ad- The chcmimies. biosynthesis. and some as!,«,1S of
mini$lering agen ts that aCI on hypothalamo-hy- their mechanisms of aClion and secretory control
pophysial system 10 promole secretion of endogellO\ls wcre discussed in Chapters 13 and 14.
Breeder. of large .n;mal, sometimes i;ve g<>nadolro- Subs tra tes
pin> to ioere'$<: Ibe inc idence of twinnins. Or to acqu ire In common with Olher steroidogenic lissue<. the ova-
oocyte, from fema l.. wilh ·'good·· genelic eharacter;st;c.
for external feniliz.alion by 'p<rmalO'03 frQm sclocted ries usually uSe eholel;lerollbat is delivered by Ihe
male •. Embryos of the de,;rod sex can then be ;mplanted blood vessels (56). The lipoprotein particles are Ihe
into ,u rrogate mol he" Ihat are healthy but Ie .. valuable major sources. bot cholesterol bound to other mole-
(1 $8). Reccntly devclop<d t""hniqu .. ha.e ev.n made it cules or loosely associated with albumin is also taken
possible to nurture embryos of endangered 'pe<:ie, in ol<>- up_ Gonadotropins increase substrate availabilily by
mestie anim.l, of. relatcd typ< , augmenting the blood ,upply. inducing lipoprotein
receplors. and aClivating cholesteryi esterases and
MOSI small animal, ha,·e reproductive strategics olher en,ymcs.
different from Ihose of larger oneS, Since Iheir lim_ When the cell, are presented wilh more choles-
iled life span' arc often further shomned by preda- lerol than they need for immediale use. the exce.. is
lors. surv ival of Ihe species depends On Ihe produc· esterified and stored in lipid droplets. The intraccl·
tion of large lillers. A\though 8-12 pups a rc usually lular cholesterol stores are lhe major regulalors of
born at one time, rals hav<: been known to carry 20 the conlrolling miCfOilomal cn'.yme (coenzyme A
Ihrough lactalion . Mice are almosl as prolific, and acyhran,ferase, ACAT) ( 183). According (0 some
lillers of 8 and 6 are C\)mmon for foxes and ham_ (bul nol all) observers, progesterone lowers the ac-
sters. res!,«,livdy. Large numbers of oocyte< are 1'<'. livity and it thereby makes morc substrate available
leased each ovulatory period . If fertilization for steroidogenesis.
does nOl occur. it is only a matler of days before ralS. When Ih. demands exceed the ,upply. the cells
mice. hamsters. and olher species produce a new utilize palhways described in Chapler 1 to make
crop. fealures oflh. uteri account in par! for cholesterol from acelyl..coenlymc A. The activily of
Ihe abili!y 10 nurture many fctusc!. Probably mOre Ihe rate-limiting enzyme A reductase) is
important. the geslation periods are short. and the decrca<Cd when cho!e.,(effil OR) . It
tiny young grow rapidly afler birth. has been proposed that progesterone increases thc
Some inleresling , ..ialion, on the themes have b«n aCli_ily, possibly by promOling phosphorylation of
di.cove,ed (135). The PrQng-hor ..d .nttlope. the ele_ Ihe enzyme (70). An action of Ihis kind could ac·
phant $h,ew. and tl>< South Ame,ican Vi,cacha .11 reg· count for Ihe abilily of progesterone to accelerale its deliver two full-term infa.I<. Yet the numl><,. <>f own synthesis in corpora lutea.
ooo)'t.. ,ele.sed during One 5. 120, and 300- Gonadotropins promote the generalion of prosta-
700. reope<:lively_ The Ma lag.oyan hedgehog differs from glandins. and .slrogens invoxe histamine rcleasc.
most mammal, in th.t its follicle. do not form .nt,o. and Both products are _asodilators. Prolactin increases
fertiliulion is "cwmpli,hed with in the ovary. the effectiveness of gonadotropins in several ways
that include activation of cholesteryl
OVARY Side-Cha in Cleavago
The ovaries make progeslogen .. androgcns. and es- There are many condilions under which conversion
trogens that are chemically identical with hormones of choleslerol to pregnenolone becomes rale-limiting
made by the lesles. and they ulili,.., similar biochem- for steroidogenesis. LH inHuenccs on Ihc side.o;hain
ical pathways (see Chapter 13, and especially f igs. cleavage enzymes of interstilial cells are sim ilar 10
I 3-16 and 13-17), However. Ihe relalive of Ihose: deseribed for the same hormone in the lesli.
each thaI are formed, Ihe blood co"","nlralions at- and for ACfH in Ihe adrenal eortex (40). The hor·
tained, and the major pathways for degradalion al'<' mones promote formalion of One Or mOre labile pra-
all differenl in Ihe female. Moreover. complex. time- leins required for delivery of cholcslerolto Ihe mi-
dependenl secretory patterns are required to main- tochondrial cytochrome P-450 systcm. LH also
tain the reproductive funclions. stimulates production of mitochondrial proteins
The pituilary gland gonadotropins. lutropin (lu- whose aprearance correlates well wilh Ihe accelera·
teinizing hormone, LH, inlerstilial cell-slimolating tion of progesterone formalion (173). In addition, it
hormone, ICSH), and follitropin (follicle-stimulal- markedly enhances the rate al which phosphate is
ing hormone. FSH) are major regulalors, but they incorporated inlO membrane phosphalidylinositols.
act in conjunction wilh a variety of other faelOrs. Those phospholipids contribute 10 stimulation of
sicriodogenesis (40). and they a rC implicated in 30:- hibition may utili,e EGF a, a mediator, since andro-
cderation of Ca" uptake. LH additionally acts on gens promote EGF generation in some cell types.
lysosomal membranes in a manner Ihl culminatts A, diseussed in Chapter 13. hypothalamic gona.
in augmentation of gonadal hormone production dotropin releasing hormone (lRH ) probably affects
(52). Emogen, also act on Ihe Iysosomcs (1)8). and reproduction mostly by regulating the secretion of
they may on Ihis way .yncrgize with Ihe FSH and LR Concenlrations in the peripheral
gonadmropins. blood rarely exceed 10-" M (123). lRH
W hen present in sufficiently high cooC<:n1rations, and its agonislS interact with receptors in the go-
U1 accelerates the generation of cAMP. The action nads, and they Can depress both and
has been linked with inHuences exerted on mierofil· cytodilTerentiation responses to the pituitary hor-
aments (42) as well as with activation of plasma mones (7). However, concentrations of at least 10-'
membrane-associated proteases that regulate Ihe ad- M are required (158). For this and other reasons, it
cnylal. cyclase. In common wilh LH, cAMP eo- is believed that exogenous LRH intcmels with re-
hances steroidogenesis via cakium-<lependcnl mech. ceptors for a different peptide made in the reproduc-
anisms that can be blocked by inhibitors of prolein tive system_Al\hough responses have been deseribed
(but 001 RNA) biOllynlhesis (46). The nucleotide for many mammalian species, they differ in rodents
probably amplifies gonadotropin effects. but it docs and primate, ( II).
nol seem to be an obligalory medialor. 11 does 001
mimic all aelions of lH (e.g. on phosphate incor-
Steroidogenesis in the Fetus
poration into plasma membrane phosphalidylinooi-
tols), but it can affect the phospholipid composition The presumplive ovaries of female human fetuses
of that membrane [40J. make measurable amounts of eSlrogcns from C21
Prostaglandin, of the E type are believed to me- by the end of the 8th week po5tcoTICCption.
diate certain lH actions (e.g. Ones exerted on ovu- (They cannot at this stage utili,e cholesterol.) The
lation). They increase the cAMP levels and stimu· oteroid, probably play localized roles. Thel"<' is no ev-
late sleroid hormone production. However, lH still idence that the hormone is secreted. (Male fetal go-
i the presence of nads make mostly t.. tosterone. but no sex differ-
ences in the estradiol concentrations of fetal blood or
amniotic naids havc been found [63].)
At the 8-we<lk stagc, the gonad of the fema le fetus
Additional Mechanis m s lor Regulstlon of is not yet as an ovary. As dc.elopmem
Steroidogenesis procc<:ds, the mesenchymal (steroid-scereting) cells
ente r into the formation of the ovarian stroma. The
In addition 10 exerting acu te inftuences, gonadotro-
cells acquire lH I"<'coptors and the ability to
pins promote cell growth and speciali7.ation, and
progesterone from cholesterol. Concomitantly, the
they induce enoymcs . They regulate their own recep-
Cl? C20 lyase activity decliTlCS (190)_ Therefore,
tOr numbers and also the receptors for other hor-
the progesterone is not converted to CI7 'teroids.
mones. Product s of their actions contribute to the
The potential for eSlrogens from androgens
controls. For example. there arc conditions under is retained, bullittle aromatase substrate is available
which androgens depress eSirogen formation and
to the cells. A role for prolactin in induction of the
others in whi.h Ihey syoersize with FSH to increase LH receptors has been demonslrated for immature
rat ovaries (90,142). but no requil"<'ment for PRL
Growth factors in blood plasma interact with both
has been established for human fetuses.
and steroids_ When Ihey increase cell
It is difficult to determine whether the fetal ovary
Ii numbers of .ells makes a contribution to the plasma progestogen lev-
hormones. Both
els. since the quantities of steroid provided by th.
and fibrobla't placcnta are so greal. Higher amniotic fluid concen-
have been demonstrated to
trations of progesterone have been described for fe-
i FSH i of LH I"<'ceptors (and EGF
male than for male of some species. but thc
also =ms to accelerate los.s of I"<'CCptors Ihat have
findings for humans al"<' conlroversial (197).
already been made). In contrast, platclet-derived
growth factor (PDGF) potentiates thc FS li clTecl5 Simil" dc.clopmenlal ch,nge< ha.e been de;cril><d
(134). EGF i, also reported to depress FSI I stima- for other mamm.I,. O""i.. ukn from ca lf fotu", up to
lation of cstrogen production by acting at somc sile 8 cm in crown·rump I.ngth r.I .....,trog.ns inlo culture
distal to cAMP generation (89). The androgen in- media when they are pro.ided with progo'lerone or ilO
11a-hydro.<y derivative. and they also make somt tost",,· Steroidogenic ability emerges as the granulosa
ttrone. The rateS of ,yntb«i. can be augmented with cells grow. proliferate, and specialize. Vesicles form
either lutropin 0<' dibutyrykAMP. In contrast. ovaries within the layer, and the theca becomes organized
from f.tu<csiQ"ge, th'n 10 em do IIl>l sponta neouSly ,e. and vascular. The rale of hormonc scc"'tion in·
least .ndrogen. Qr estrogen. (althougb Ihey can arom.,
creases in direct proportion 10 the follicle si'.e (a po.
li,e androge".lhat are added to Ihe media). In the llfier
gon.d •. lutropin and cyclic nucleotidc, can still rameler directly linked with the numbers of cells
progesterone .ynthesi. (1 90). that form the walls) (129). Maximal rates of eslr<r
gen produt:tion are attained shortly before Ihe time
of ovulalion. There: are: sequential changes in the rel-
SterOid Hormone Secretion In Juvenile s ative proportions of the various types of steroid mol-
Infants and children sterete only minute quantiti<$ ecule, produced (23.129).
of gonadal steroids. Ho",..,ver, the blood levels stem The hormones are released into the follicular Auid,
to be sufficient for negative feedback oontrol Over the the ovarian lymph, and the blood capillaries that are
pituitary gland , (When laboratory animals at a oom· drained by the ovarian veins. There is also a pcri.,.
parable developmenlal slage are: ovarieclomized. Ihe vulatory discharge inlo the abdominal cavily and
plasma gonadOlropin concenlrations risco Moreover, probably into the fallopian tubes as well (205).
one gonad undergO<$ compensatory hypertrophy if The ftuid of the smaller human follicles conlains
tbe Olher is removed.) Since follicular development m()Stly 17",bydroxypregllCnolone, dehydrocpian-
is minimal, Ihe stromal cells are probably the 50IIrces drosterone. testosterone, and
of the steroids. The aromatization activity steadily increases as tbe
follicle matures. Soon. estradiol·17(J is made in large
The ... ,umplion lhat estrogen, mediate gon.d<>iropin amounts. along wilh some estrone. The Auid also
inhibition ha' betn qu«liooed. Stud ie' in ,.1, indie.te oonlains progeslerone. 17a-hydroxyprogeslcrone
that the imm.ture pituitary i, ",gulatod mostly by the (118), and small quantities of both Icstoslcrone and
minule 'mounts of androllens in lhe eire.I'lioo. and thai DHT {I 29). Since il appears in the ovarian veins. it
puberty OnKt il alSOCiattd with a Shift to eStrogen dopen. is believed tha t 2(la-hydroxyprogestcrone is also syn·
denee (8).
thesized (210). Although conjugates have been iden-
tified (29). much of Ihe steroid is in the frce form.
Stromal Cells of the Adult Overy
The from 'nO rosen to «trogcn bio>yn-
Wben the follicks begin to mature, some of the the,;, has been "'porled fO<' a "'ide variet)' of mammali.n
stromal cells form the thecal layers. A considerable 'peei", Ho,.e.e,_ considtr.ble variation in the compOSi.
malS of stromal tissue not directly associated with tion of the follieul.r fluid II encoontered. FO<' example.
the foil ides persists. Many of the cells make andro- Ihe mart a.. umutatts \ia.hydrO>.yestradiol·t1/:1. Ihe
gen, and pus them On to the follicles for conversion guinea pi!. t \ia..,piestriot and e>tr.diol·17a. and the ra\>.
bit some .. tradiol-I 7-« (Fig. t5·9).
10 estrogens. There is limited progesterone synthesis,
and small amounts of estrogens may also be released In humans and mOSI olher primates_ just One of
during the fertile years_ Ihe maluring follicles Ihen compleles maturalion. It
After tht: menopause, the ovaries stop ma king «. ma kes much more estrogen than tbe others and be-
trogens. (Postmenopausal ovariectomy does not af- comes the major contributor to Ihe circulating pool
fect the plasma estrogen [210].) The stromal cells of eStradiol. Shortly before ovulation (when follicu_
release androstenedione and other androgens to the lar size and estradiol secretion arc maximal), the
bloodstream. The molecules are: aromatized byadi- granulosal cell mitotic index declines, Estradiol pro.
pose lissue. in the liver. and al other eXlragonadal duct ion falls off, and a rapid increase in 3(J·hydroxy-
sites, (Estrone then becomes the major circulating sleroid dehydrogenase activity coincides wilh a rise
estrogen.) Stromal celb that form ovarian tumors in Ihe rale of progesterone synthesi s.
sometimes secrete very large quantities of Follicles thai begin maturation at the same time
androgens. but are not '-selected -' to go On to ()lInlation. aCCu-
mulate androgens and become alretic.
Stero ido genesis In the Ovarian Follicles
Cell Types Engaged In Estrogen Producti on
The squamous epithelium Ihat comprises the pre-
granulosa of prlmOtdlai follicles is obviously not It is generally agreed that granulosa cells ma ke pr<r
equipped for the biosynlhesis and secrelion of steroid gesterone and that they convert androgens 10 estr.,.
hormones. and it is virtually certain that even mul. gens. whereas the theca inlerna can usc both cllOles-
tilaminar primary follicles are not signiftcant sources terol and progesterone 10 make androgens.
of the hormones , Controversies concerning whetber the thecal cell.

-' C'

'" I '" I
"" ESTRADlOl·Hi<

'-J'" C' -, '" -0"



(""OH· ESTF1AOK)l· 171l
Fig. 15-9. .,..,'i..... in lollioularlruid. 01
• • riOO. mam""";'. sptoCiH .

have a romatase activity remain unresolved, and fOllr .lfec.. Ih .... ullS. I forgan suuetur' is pre ..... d and ....
different hypotheses have heen advanced to explain roid. are collected from lhe veins, linle informalion i, ob-
lhe very high rateS of estrogen production by the I.ined on even" occurrins inside the follicles.
large follicles. I. Tlte 'l'W(>-Cell Hypmltt sis": Majority opinion
seem, 10 favor this concept. at least for some of Ihe
Unoena;n,;., arise becau", (al ,he .. are
species mOSt widely studied in laboratories. It ,tates
quanti,.'iv. 'pecies va,iatiQns in follicula, l'hysiology:
(b) 'he ovaries undergo ",que"'ial change. in . ,croido- lbal Ihecal cells make androgen, and that tbey
sonesi., and data collected., 00. "aae arc different from Ihereby supply the substtott. The granulosa cells
,hose o b.. incd .,anothe" and Ie) each of lhe technique. lake up the androgens and conven them 10 QlrQgellS
used imroduce, il' spedal problem. (30). Cell' isola\w (47 . 114). The prodUCI' (mostly Qlradiol·17p, but up
rrom mho. type$ with which they "$".lIy intenct. and to 15% estrone) would Ihen have 10 be Iransported
mointalncd in culture. may nol beh."" in a "physi<>logi· back to the theca for secrelion into the b loodslream.
cal" manner. This i•• specially t'ue for long_term stud i•• since tbe granulosa is d evoid of capillaries (Fig. 15·
in whicb the cell, underg<> change$.. CO<:ulturing different lOA).
cell typel may oot pre.., ... the ulual kind. of relatton·
.bips. e'pecia liy if tb. medium i. more f,vorable f'" one The hypothesi, is supported by obse,vation. thai
of Ihem. W he n anemp\ made to .electively de$.troy cell. of many specie. pOS$Cl<.1l of the enzym.. required
certain ceillype< in the intact ovary. the injury inHicled rOf lhe con .... ion of ehol.,t.,'" to testosterone and
Cf"cIestcroi C"''''Sle,oI"", /


A. Two·cell hypo" .,.,.: 011."'09"" II made by granulo$a

C"""'"erol A N DROGEN , ,- - ANDROGEN

AN02GEN )r--I I

S. Thecal eSlf<>ge" g<>e$ ", \>Ioo<;I"",am: granulos" "'' 09<'" 90<" 10 an"",,,





"- /
C. Theca i. ""'i'" Oite 01 cs"ogen Ciosy'IIeSi$
....... .
CfloIe","OI ChoIe.Ie'" .---, A ND ROGEN , , -. ANDROGEN
, ,
'- . , !
, '

O. SterOId synlt>es,. inllOives oomplex ;"t.fact<>n.

t>et .. ,en dol!.ren' 00" I)'pes

Fig . 15-1 0. Proposed 0;1 •• tor

of .strogeno by pr_'ory 1_._
indicates .,.gnitudll, Brol<.., arrOw' indicll18 C. . .. r
ond ""'"'tion
Arrow ttHelo._

intO<t<t;ona Oll>et tl>an storoid uonsport


..I.'-androsleneoione, When eullurro alone and provided Serloli_inlerstitial cell interaeti"", weore described in
,.-ilb prcour$Of, Ihey Telea"" and,ogen inlO Ihe .urround_ Chapter 14. It i. pos$ib1e that granulosal coli. borderins
ing fluid., The ..... of androgen ""eretion can be aug- Ihe theca engose in 1M scheme summarize<! in Fig, 15-
menled ",ith ionadolropin,. 11. Estradiol also appears to .limulate prosesterone bio-
In cont,.>I. granulosa cell. of r.". ham.teT). sheep. synthesis during Ihe f<>llicular ph...., (217).
CO'"'. and some olh., mammals have lillIe Or no Cli. Although the author i. unaware of ,eports that gran-
C20 Iyo", ,clivity. and they do nol relnse dete<:tabl. ulO$ll cell. do, in fact. ,yn,hO$i:te more cbQlww:>l Ihan
amOunts of arldroge n' even when e.posed 10 lhe gona_ they require 10 maintain theiT own o<ganeU.., 1M scheme
dOlropin'. ThO)' ,OC rete $ub$,anlial amount< of e"rogen' i, eonsi"enl wilb ,everal otber findings, (0) ChoIe"ero(
only when ..orogen, are provided .• nd thcir abilily 10 do accumul),.s within the antrum (128); (b) "eroidogenesi,
SQ increases "ilh maturalion of Ibe follicle from whieb accelerlle, in cuilure wben Ibec, .nd granu losa cells are
'hey were derived. Fu rther indical ion ,hal .ndrogcn i, ,imultanc"",ly preoenl. even in species in ,",'hieh Ihe Ibeca
loken up (ralb" Iban synthe,ized) derive, from obler· alone Can make estrogen or when Ihe sranulosa cell. are
vation, that lc<tQOlerone anlise ... orre" ."radiol biooy._ supplied with optimum amoun" of androgen substrate:
th.,i, when Ih ..,1 cell' aT. pr.",nt, (Pre.umably. Ih. (c) eXlracellular androgen enhanc.. P'Of'''''1.'JN bjooyn_
sera would be ineffeclive if Ihe Indrogen Ind estrogen the,i, by , .. nul= cell. (30): (d) progesterone inhibi"
weor. made with in Ih. confines of Ihe .. me coli II 18).) its o"n if it .ceumul.tes in ..ce .. ive
.m""nl, (30): and (e) anlral nuid contain. progestcrone
2. SRrond HYf'OIhesis: Granu/Q5al cells metabolite.,
Ihm mleF IhR an/ra. bUllh«a/ cells Additional synergism, may involve the germinal cells,
eSlrogens into the ovaFian "eins; It has been argued The foll icle' do nQl develop without Ihem. and a"esia
that making androgens in the theca. transporting usually begins wilh oocyte deteri"'"lion. Oocyle, proba·
Ihem to lhe granulosa for aromati1.8tion_ and then bly do OOt possess steroid hormone recepton. but they
transporting the estrogens to the theca for re- oebieve run maluralion .,.Iy in follicle, whost anlr. are
lease into the blood.ueam is "physiologically ineffi- ricb in e"rogen and 10'" in androgen contenl.
dent" PO). Thcrc is poor correlation between anlTal
Auid and plasma estrogen coocentrations. and it has Ho rmone Production by the Co rpus Luteum
been reported Ihat the s tcroid composition of o'arian
"cin blood is not affected by inje<:ting steroids into A< the granulosa cell. undergo luteinization. Ihey
thc liquor follicUli. KeffiO\lal of JUSt granulosal cells v<;ry Iheir rato:> uf
docs not rapidly affect th. plasma androgen le,.ls, produclion, while (hc ability to make eSlrogens de-
whereas excising jusl thecal cells docs (30). More- dines. A small rise in progestcrone biosynthesis pre-
over. thecal cells obtained from humans and mon- cedes ovulation , After extrusion of the oocytc and its
keys can estrogens when cultured alone, The oorona. the progesterone level, in thc o'ary and
se<:ond hypolbesis has therefore gainw favor among blood plasm. rise 'Ieeply. A plateau is then main-
primate physiologists (sec Fig. IS-lOB). tained until the cells begin 10 show signs of detcrio-
J. Third Concepl: The Ihero is Ihf major Sile for ration. Progesterone biosynthesis (hcn falls off rap-
eSlrogen biosyMht'sis: This idea has been proposed idly. and low levels persist from the lale IUleal phase
largely on the basis of 'ltudies of buman. monkey. to the time of the next ovulation ,
and mare follicular cells in culture (sec Fig. 15·
IOC). It is 00\ oonsistem with dala oblained from
rats. hamsteT). sheep. and cows. Same investigators
believe that it docs not apply 10 the pig. but others
reporl estrogen production by the thecal cell' of the I n reproductively competent females, the ovaries arc
sow (78). the major souree. of plasma e.trogens and proges-
The h)'poln.sis does not rule 0111 limited emogen 10geltS. The concentralions of those , teroids are
production by follicular cells for release imo the an_ higher in ovarian veoous blood than in (he general
trum. Such aClivity may be required to maintain an· system ic circulation. and Ihey fall off rapidly if Ovar-
drogen:cstrogcn ratios. iectomy i, performed. Same androgen is also re-
4. Modified Two-Cell I/ypothesis: Studies on leased on a rcgular basis.
human and monkey cells 'upporllhc belicfthat both The steroids perform certain functions wilhin the
cell Iypes make progeSlogens. androgens and eSlT<)- ovaTi", and others outside those organs, There is
gens. and Ihal each enhances (he functions of Ihe poor correlation between Ihe intraovorian and pe-
other. Nonfollieular stromal cells may cootribute 10 ripheral plasma ooneentrations, Same hormone is re-
tbe cell-to-cell interactions (127) (Fig. 15-10D). Co- tained within the follicles. "'hile a frac-
operative activities could include release by onc cell tion of Ihe circulating is obtained from
type of growlh or proliferalion factors for another. extragonadal sourees (195), Moreover, each molee.
F'r"I ..... . . - ........
Fig. ' 5· " .
"" ."""*".,. . .
01 _oleic g.- .. oioo
1 1 ' _ '_ _.c,o.. I + 2.
Gr..-·. • I,.!If .... 01 _ , _
prow",,, _ ... "" ...-_"""
pooducIioft. 3. _
lO .... k... di"g." .• + 5. G f . _
""'" 10 " . ., _ , ...,
.-. 01

_. 0/11-". 8 . E"'Ir<>gen I."",

o.anul<>Sa "imullt.1 I!WCI
_,",,,''''''. 1. "to :01n fr"", , - . .
lIimu11'"II""'- 'J""
,.'1 01
_ , ...""". e. 131_ uptak • ...,

_ ..."... _ ..... 1.'

ESTROGEN ............ "'1""; 'w""" .... _ .

ular Iype: displays i\$ m'e 0( rcmova l 'he dominant follicle or ;IS corpus IUleum;s
from Ihe circulatory pool. by rapid d.cline of lhe steroid le,..I•. (Some estrog.n
is eviden'ly also produced by "rohorl" follicles. since
the eJllO&en eoment of the ovarian ve ins continues
Verletl o na In Pillsmll Eebo gen
to cx«cd that of Ihe peripheral blood plasma.)
Con ce ntra n o n s during the Mens trual C ye le
After the mcoopllusc, tMr"C i. very lillie cslrndiol
I S-12 is a stylized di.Srlm lhat pcorlrn)'s the in Ihe drtula,ion. The smalilmounts present ariso:
patterns of chango for cslradiol. cslrone. progc:ucr- extrqonadally (195). (EstTOOC then be<:omes the
one. ,00 ] 7.... hydt"OJlyprogc:steroM. For convenience, major plasma ,..Itogen.)
it is usumcd ,hat the cn'i re n:<juire:s 28 daY' Sevcral follicles commclltC ,1OYo·,h during ,he firs,
aOO lilal (/Yulation occurs on day 14 .... hen the Dmet we<:k of ,he C)"C1c. Those 'hat aequire antra accu·
01 menstrual bleeding;s laken as day O. The Curves mu late eslrogen. but they do 001 release it (and
have been "imOOlhed" 10 show D:)t\lrasts. f requenl plasma levels arc low). As ,h.
dominant fol licle de-
$ampling of individuals reveal s numerous brief. ir- rapidly during th e sccond weelt. the increment
"'8ula rly recurring small peaks and troughs in antral es'rogen con,ent corr"Clates with Ihe num·
throughoul both follicular and luteal pha5CS. bers of s",nulooa layers added (129). A, 1M gor_
Sin<:e ptO/lcsleroM is prescnt in much higl>cr con· minal vC$icle s,age . val ues ,>-crage 465 n8lml. Es-
«ntrlltions, ,he v.llucs arc cxpl"cssed in nanograms ltogen is ""dually released in amounu.
per mimliler (while ,hose for CSlfO$eRS ,,'" ;n pico- and 'his aceounts for ciCv.ltion of ,he plasma level.
,rims per milliliter). Estradiol syn'hesis peaks shortly befo", ovulalion.
Sevenl dilfe",nt tcchniques are used 10 obtain the Anlral fluid conocntra,ions au ain oom<:thing
data. and this probably "CC(l<mt$ for minor discrep- like 1019 na/ml when lhe polar body forms. bul con·
Inci cs in the absol ute values ...::portcd by various lab- up to 40.000 times tbose of peripheral
oratories. There scem' '0 be I range of levels consis- blood plasma have been f{lund. (C{lhort follides ae-
tenl with feni1ity. Peaks attained by yonnger cumu lal. much less.)
.ubjc:tl.! 'end '0 be higher than thOllC of old. r ones.
and tt..: concentralions can vary from one eycle '0 Si""" 1I0""d. lo..inl ,be owa,ics 'r"C dilu,ed by ,be
'he nUl. blood. J>C,ipberat _lei be '0 bc
low. o.he. fac:,ors ,hal a«oun' fo< ,he higb ....
tral: pl...... Cf'rot<n """'" indotdc ,h •• * ..... of biood
PLASMA ESTRADIOL- 17{j: ROLES O F THE YCSS(I$ in ,be ,ranYIosa. II hM b«n suUCSted ,hal folli·
eles con,. in pro ..;... bind ,be 1,<TOid wi,h h;lh allin·
i,y. 1I 0we •• r. the pn;>1cin'"Te no'"' known to ' CKmblc ,he
Throughout the fenile years. I single "dominan"· OtICS in ,be circula'ion. Mortevc •• ,be <t.roid •• ,.
follicle and Ihe corpus luteum ,hat forms from it pro- cud th. b indi nS eapaci'y by 2o...100.fotd (! 2S).
vide nl()$l of the circulating estradiol in nonpregnant
females of monolOCl.lUS .pecies (ones in which a sin- Plasma estradiol peaks sbottl)· before Ihe onse' of
gle per cycle is the rule). A. will be dis- o. ula tion. T bil is attributed 10 "lea kage" of mole-
cussed. Ihe follicle is before day 8 ;n cules as ,h. fol licular walls under,o ch:tngcs. bul
nlOflkeys. blood flow is also modified al that ,im<:. Jus, before
"The blood vessels Ihat d rlin ,he ovary with 'he the ooeyle is cx, rudcd. 1100 follicle begins 10 make
dominant follicle have higher es,radiol concentra· more proaesterone and \es$ es'rogen. Thc...:: is. usu·
lions than the contralaleral Ot\C:I (210). Removal of ally a concomitant lowering of plasma eslradiol.

/ -,
II '\ "
I \
\ "
- - - - P'oge'l8fQOO
I \


, , I

, f
I \
• I \
h I
I \
I \\ •
, ,-,,
, /"
, ,
1/ 0°.

__ Lr __

/ 1
" 01,°,,"
\ '
'- °0
... ...... -.: ,
' ' ' ' ':=::::: , / • ..
_____ __ • / •J
___ _ _ _ _• _
, "i
--- °0 °
" 0"
, '•••••••••••••••
' •

, • • " ,.
" "
0 2Q 22 24

t Ovulation
Fig. 15·12. Oioll'ammatic rep<Mf>ntatOon of
blood COI'IU(IUotions of ewOQ8f1" IIId _
(<>goon> <ll<inII
and .'"'''''' .r."'
pieogrom. po< m;t!;(;t6l". ,..,.,.••• tI>O. .
tor protllSt6l"""" and
'M """,$1",. 1ey<;Ie. Not. thaI lha unit. 1", tile eStfadiot-, 71l nanogram. pO< millm'6I".

A secondary, rise in plasma estrogen oc- stated that close to 60% of the steroid associates witb
cnrs when (he corpus luteum begins to function . Fi. albumin. and another 36'lt-39% binds to the testos-
nally, the CQrpus IUleum rogresses. and the plasma tcrone-<:str<Jgcn binding globulin (Te BG. sec Chap .
estradiol falls 10 Ihe low lovels that a re maintained 14). The importan<;<, of Ihe binding 10 globulins has
until a new dominant follicle matures. I"<'ccmly been questioned (219).
Very lillie of the estradiol derives from Hcpatocytcs av id ly take up estrogens and uSc
other 5OU!'CCS. St romal cells can release small them to ma ke most of tbe circulating metabolites.
amounts. EstrOIlC is a potential precursor, but the es- (Target organs form estrone. catechol estrogens, and
tradiol = cs\ronc reaction proceeds mostly to the other derivatives. but they rdease only small
righl under physiological conditions. Plasma lestos- amounls.) The hepatic en1.ymes calalyze hydroxyl-
tcrone averages arou nd 0.3 nglml during mOSI of Ihe ations at positions 2, 4. and 6: conjugalions with glu-
cycle (91). Most of it is bound to protcil\S, and prot>- curonaie. sulfale. glutath ione, peptides, and othcr
ably no more than 0.2% of it is aroma ti zed (2 10). substances, mostly at positions 3 and 17; and oxida_
lion to estrone (Fig. 15-13). Pr<:>ducts of the reac-
tions Can be acted on by secondary cn?ymes. (Fig.
Peripheral Metabo li sm of Eatradiol
15-14). {For example. cate<:hol estrogens al"<' often
Binding 10 plasma proleins retards uptake by deg- methylated (1981. and much of the estrone is
radation si ttS as well as targel organs. ESlrogenS a re conjugated.)
major inducers of Ihe proleil1$ (153). II has Ixcn The catechol cstrogens are among the products
o "o
, I J.

'" I I '" I
" "'- 0' "'-

o, o o
A " "
C -- 0
'" I
,,,,- I I "


o "
"o o

• o J. <,,0 ",A ,

-0 I I

" J.

1- '"
17·QXQ· pQUINQL· , Oi'

o I",

"0 "'-

1<. Widths 01 ."OWS ind"ate reial,'" quant"'"

01 Sler""'s ,"",''''''''
.,, - ----_. ,.I _ 2·C H,Q·E,
::- .f!·QH·E, - 4-CH,o-E,
6,, ·OH·E, 6,rI-OH-E,
OKA E, _ _ _ _,
4!J"Of-J./;, _
_ 2·CH,O-E ,
i),, -OH -E. OO,o-E, 6jl-OH -E,



17·Epicslrio! / "
(1& ••17u-E5triol) ' / './' 16·EpieSlfioi
(1 6!J, 17/j ·E."ioI)

" "'-
IS-O,oestradiol·' 7" 16·0,,,,,'1, ;>dOll. 171J

I '6/1.1 7w Estrioll (I 50,. I 7 r'.::>I)

B. Major fC/lCliom iflVOlve<l;" e.II<>gerl Iorm.lio<1 a<>d deglaciation

(coni"llaloons olM, 011ll3IOO •• re not sI»wf»

Fig. 15· 14. Fact"'. """lrOOO1;og to ma;n'enaoc. oj

pia""", " 1<008f' le>Iell.

thai are biologically activo. They find '.,,<,pIOTS in others arc scnt on to the large intestine. Some free
the uterus. mammary gland. liver. and pituitary. estrogen appears in tnc urine if a large dose is in-
The ones mad. in the brain Can act directly and also jected. bUI the kidney usuany excretes mostly me-
compete with norepinephrine for catechoJ.()·meth- tabolites that form in th. liver. It also has sulfatases
yllransferase (I 54). a nd other enzymes that act on the molecules. (Most
The liver releases mostly conjugates to the blood of thc urinary steroid s are sulfates. "'hereas most of
(and close to 90% of circulating metabolites arc in the OneS released by the liver arc glucuronates.)
that form). Substantial quantities of the hormones Erythrocytes. gastrointestinal cells. adipose tissue.
a nd their dcrivati""" al"<' secrcted into the bile. Some and reproductive organs metabolize the estrogens.
are reclaimed by the "tntcrohepatic circuit," whi le Some derivatives recently identifIed in target organs
are not released (179). They may perform special bi· Ihc plasma progeslerone rises somewhat al that
ological functions. lime . When Ihe corpus luleum assumes ils secrelory
funelions. plasma progesterone builds up 10 a mid_
IUleal plateau Ihat is maintaincd for seveml days.
OTHER CIRCULATI NG ESTROGENS Wilh regre'!sion of Ihe corpus luteum. Ihe conceRlm-
follicular cells ma ke estrone (E,) as well as estradiol tions decline rapidly. They remain low throughout
(E,). The E,: E, ralio in the dominant follicle is most of Ihe next follicular phase . Thc levels of
around 20:1 shortly before ovulation. II i$ much plasma 17a-OH·progeslerone can be equivalent 10
lower in Ihe oohorts and it declines to unily when or grealer Ihan Ihose of progesterone during Ihc fol-
Ihey begin to undergo atresia. licular phase . bUI they do nol rise as high aflerward
E, roughly parallels E,. but it is moro var' (23).
iahle. Concentrations during Ihe follicular phase can Since bolh ovaries oontinue to release SOme pro-
be lower than. "<iuallo. or slightly greater Ihan those gesterone after Ihe oorpus IUleum is cxcised. somc
of E,. T here are wide pfC<)vUlalOry "uel.lions. and plasma progeslerone probably dcrives from the
the preo,"ulalory peak is lower than that of E" stroma (43). Although Ihe adrenal releases pregnen·
The oorpus luteum releases smail quantities of es· oIone su lfate and small amounts of pregnenolone
triol (210), bUllhe ,mall amoum, in the follicular throughout the cycle. il probably has little inAuence
phase plasma. and virtually all of Ihe minute on the plasma progesterone. Most of Inc steroid is
amounts of cpiestriols and other derivalives are pe- rapidly mctaholizcd to prcgnanediol and excreted as
ripheral melaholites. such (or aftcr oonjugalion) by Ihe kidney (sec figs.
15-15 and 15-1 6).

PERIPHERAL PRODUCTION OF ESTROGENS Nonpregn"l ra". mice. and Olher mammal, wilh
'hott ovarian very lillie proge"erone. U,u·
Adipose tissue is a major si le for aroma ti,.ation of ally. ther. i, • 'mall preovulatory or Ihe pla,ma
the DHA. DHAS. and ;l'-androstenedione (tl.') reo levels and a limited. secondary one: during lhe abbre"i·
leased from the adrenal oorlex. When Ihe aging aled IUloal ph .... At the end of eaeh cycle. Ihe <<>rpora
ovary Slops making E , . most of the circulaling estro- lute. persiSt and $Core.. $(lme 20a-dihydroproge"eronc.
gen is E, formed in this way. The steroid Icvels arc Circulating progeSterone anaches most closely to
hiih in obese human adults. They are rePOTted 10 e<>rtico<\croid binding globulin. and i.. cle.","c.
decline during caloric reStriclion in ra lC is affected by glucocortiooid as well as gonadal
men. even whcn Ihcre i, jusl a small reduction of hormones (IS). Somc also with the plasma
body weight (204). However. since Ihe ae· albumin The steroid is rapidly taken up by many
tivity is highest in Ihe stromal cells (ralher Ihan Ihe cell types. Mo.t of the urinary derivalives ha"e re-
adipocyles) (I). and stromal cells persi't, the eircu· duced A rings.
laling steroids do nol always return to the normal Luleal phase plasma 17«-OH-progeslerone origi·
range in obese women who lose weight. The mech· nales primarily in Ihe ovary. Thc midphase platcau
ani'!rns whereby eslrogens affecl lumOr growth is lower Ihan Ihat of progeslerone. bUI Ihe brief preo-
(101). as well as interrelationships among hormone vu lalory rise can be of grealer magnilude.
Icvels. hormone receptor numbers, and the tenden. The adrenal releases only minute quantilies
cies to develop malignancies (187) are only dimly of 17«-OH-progesterone. but human glands put OUt
underslood. Nevertheless, Ihere arc reasons to sus- 5 mg/day of 17a-OH-pregncnolone. The laller
pect thaI Ihc high incidences of breasl and uterine serves as the precursor of 20%-100% or Ihe eircu-
lumors in women who have hccn obese arc linked laling 17-OH metaholilC during the follicular phase,
with chronically elevated eSlrogen levels (39). Slress and the blood levelS can exceed Ihose of progesterone
is believed 10 be another predisposing faclor, and (210). Mler the menopause, the adrenal pfOlIides al-
glucocorticoid. arc implicaled as indu""rs of adipose most all of Ihe 17«·OH-progesterone. Pregnanetriol
tissue aromalase (196). is Ihe major urinary melaholile.
Human ovaries seerele less 20a-dihydroprogesler·
one Ihan progesterone. but lhe amounts can be
Plasms Progestogen Changes during the
cquiva lentto those of the 17«·O H metaoolile. Some
Ovarian Cycle
2O«-dihydroprogesterone is also made from eirculat·
Very lillie progeslogen ac¢um.lates in ovary or ing progesterone. Although Ihe blood level changes
blood during most of the follicular phase. Granulosa resemble those of progesteronc. thcre is a lowcr mid_
cells acquire the ability to makc large amounts IUleal plateau. All of Ihe 2op-OH·progeslcrone i,
shorlly before ovulalion, and Ihe le.·cls within Ihe formed outside Ihe gonads (but oow ovaries secrele
folliclcs Ihcn increase lOO- 2{)().fold (22). Usually Ihe melabotite).
... PRE ·2(ljI.{)l·3·0NE'

·20I!·OL·3·01'1 E
t 50,·






Ad<ooal -


15_15. MMabolic """"",,sion. doolit>g pi..m.
OOt>OI<1trotiono, Allot .n. . _ . can ""-110

The rabbil i, an "induced ovula«>r" whose inl ...!ilial prior to resumption of meiosis. Progesterone forma·
sto.nd, ..1... ", Io.'l!c 'l"u,;"" of 20a dihydroproS" 'ct ti,," >o<>n increase •• bu. the 10, remain. high,
0110 in ''''ponle to maling "im"1i (73). Lillie progester_ The coneentr3tions of T and DHT in the antral
one i. mad. o.for. establishmenl of a p"'Inancy or fluids are only 7%-9% and 0.4%-0.8%. respectively.
pseudopregnancy. of those for ,).' (23). and very little DHA and an-
drostenediol a re accumulated or secreled. Stromal
cells rdcase sman amount. of the androgens and
BloOd Bod Foilleular Fluid Androgens
lheir precursors throughoul lhe cycle and after the
Ovaries secrete il.', testosterone (T). DliAS, and an- meoopause.
drQSlencdiol (110). Usually, the plasma concentra- The adrenal major contributions to
tions show a preovulatory peak and a second eleva· the cireulating androgens and their precursors ,
tion during the luteal phase (91).6,' is the major Pla,ma concentr3tions of DHAS fluctuate belween
precursor of estradiol (214). lis production rales 1600 and 2600 ngfmlthroughout the .yde, with 00
(aboolme and also relative to other sieroids) vary consistent relationship to Ihc chang.. in other Ole-
with Ihc stage of follicular maluralion (23). Anlr31 roids. In women given dexamethasone t" ,uppress
H"ids of small vesicular follicles conlain approxi- the adrenal component. the values can fall as much
mately 167 ngjml. Thc concentrations rise 3-fold in all 4O-fold , The ovarian contribution can then be es-
follides that undergo substantial development but limated. A peak of 190-200 ngjml is atlainoo at
never anain Graafian sialus. This is attributed \0 a midcycle. whereas levels during thc early follicular
malur3tion-linked increase in lhe.:al cell conversion and late luteal phases are lower Ihan 100 (23) ,
of progeslerone to 6,'. At Ibis slage. much of the 6,' In addition 10 servi ng as Ihe major eSlronc pre-
is made into E,. When atresia begins, Momatase ac- cursor. DHAS may provide sul fated steroids thaI
livity declines sharply as the 6,' CQncentrations rise perform special funclions. (Androslanediol-sulfate is
10 times those of the sma ll vesicular follicles. reported to inhibit LH secrelions in some 'peci..
E,:6,' ratios tben fall from midfollicular values of 9 thaI do oot respond to androslanediol [49] .) DHA
to as low as 0.5 , CQncentrations range from 2.5 to 5.3 ngfmllhrOllgh-
In contrast, aromatization ace(:\erates rapidly in OUt the cycle. Dexamelhasone rcduces them by
Ibe "selecled"follide, and Ihe E' ;il.' ratio can reach 75%-80% (9 1).
32. The E,:progcslerone of a ntral Auid is also high Tbe adrenal continuously releases enough to
"' ",,--" ---


, ",

, ",


00"'",--",1"-/ " ,

, ",


, ,
, ",
HC-0H c=o
"' A

,• • "
5j'I-PRE GNANE .ro.. ·OL ·3· ON E "

FI;. 15·15. $10<01<1$ 10 "'_or_.

maintain plasma levels of 0.6 ngiml by itself. second dcvation to 0.4-0.6 nslml often OCCurs 3-4
Stromal celi, of the ovary add 10 this, and normal days before ,,",el of the menseS. Inhibitors of adre·
plru;ma ooncemralions vary from I to l.5 ng/ml dur· nO<.:ortical steroidogenesis have lillie innuenee. Cy·
ing the follicular phase 10 2.1 at midcycte. A dccli"" cling women have something li ke 0 .2 ngjml of DH T.
in plasma tJ.' with advancing age is attributed to half of whieh is released from the ovary.
more rapid conversion 10 E, (210). Circulating androgens bind with higher affinity
Plasma testosterone rises from 0.2-0.3 n8lml dur- than estrogen, to the TeBG. The metabolism was
ing the fnl1icular phase to O.S n&lml at midcyclc. A described in Chapter 14.

• , • • • 14 16 '8

Days 01 Cyele_ I 0.,,1;01;00

Fig . 15· 17 . PII""", ooncentratioo. of 1000 itrOpin aoo

,wop;.. dur;"g 11>0 mens'"'''' eye...

Gonadal Steroids In Peritoneal Fluid troughs of small amplitude are superim posed on Ihe
general trends.
Sh"p ;no,.O$<, in E, and Pros"".'''". ¢OnceOl,al;on. (10 The concentrations are low al the beginning of the
44 and 3000 ni/ml. , •• ""eli"ely) soon .fter "v.IOIion arc
attributed to .. lea.. from the corpus lul.urn ,hat is
follicular phase . T hey rise somewhal during the nrsl
undergoing v..cula,izal;on (11)6). It has been propo>ed week, and anal FSH plateau is often Scen during
Ih .. peritone.1 nuid sieroid, play rolo. in 'he fina l S1agC$ days 4-6. GonadOlropin kvel. then rail and remain
of oocyte mOluralion. in oocytc lran.porl, and in low unlil afler Ihe estradiol pea k that occurs on days
f.rlili"';on. 10-12 (sec fig . 15·12). i\ sharp LH peak. accom·
panied by a less steep FSH devation. preecdesovu·
lation by one day. The gonadotropin levels then fan
off sharply at first and more slowly afterward.
Some obser>'ers of human and monkey cycles de·
THE MENSTRUAL CYCLES seribe a brief elevalion of FSH shortly aflcr Ihe
Figure IS-I 7 is a slyli?cd representation of lhe FSH omet of the menses (91). while others find either a
and LH changes lhat re<:ur during the menstrual cy- very gradual rise and fall (41.105) or an increase
cles. Smooth lines arc obtained when melon values during the laIc luteal phase followed by a continuous
for large numlxl'S of subjects arc used. However, dceline thl is completed just before the surge (30).
sa mples ta ken a1 frequent inlofllals from the FSH levels during most of the foll icula r and luteal
subje<:( reveallhat the hormones are relea.ed episod. phases a re variously repone<ilo be slighlly greater
ieally. and that numerOUS irregular peaks and (30) or a bit lower (91. I 05) than those of UI
HORMONAL REGULATION OF OVARIAN the recruited group during the early fo!!icular phase
1. FSH binds to its granulosa cell receptors. It
Mosl of Ihe follieles of the adult. reproductively
competent ovary are of the primordial type. Some then promoles grow/h. pol,/tra/ion (proliferation I
in Fig. IS·IS) and spedalizations Ihat indude the
primary follicles are universally pre)Cnt, along with
inductioo of oromalOSt enzymes, One consequcnce
oe<:asional secondary ones. The cell s acquire limited
is an augmenled rate of t s/radio! production.
numbers of FSH receptors al an early slage of
2. Estradiol alone can promote $Orne proliferation
of the granulosa cells (proliferation 2). The elfects
arc limited. but rapid increases in cell numbers are
achieved when the sleroid acts in concert wilh FSH.
Recruitment 3. FSH induces ils OWn recrp/Or$, Estradiol mark·
During every ovarian cyele, a small group of follicles edly enhances its ability to do "". and it also pro-
is ··recruiled." Each then enlarge, a. the cell, of the motes formation of tSlrogen rtrtplors, Many of the
granulosa grow, proliferate. develop vesieles into acti;)"s of FSH can be mimicked "'ith cAMP. Estra·
which steroid hormones are secreled, and acquire diol FSH-slimulaled cA MP generation.
surrounding coalS of theca . FSH provides thc pri· but il cannot al'l alone to eilher increase cAMP or
mary stimulus. Additional FSH administered during induce FSH rec<:pto ....
the few days can increase the numbers of folli- 4. At this stage. the granulosa cell docs IIOt con-
des recruited. tain detectable LH receptors. and that hormone af·
Only follides that have become ··competenl·' re- fttts the granulosa only indirectly. It with
spond fully to the FSH stimulus. Immature ones ar. receptors on the theral cell s, and it stimulat es their
believed to undergo preparative procc!.Se, Ihal in- production of andmgens, The lalter are taken up by
elude acquis ition of FSH and estrogen rec<:ptors and the granulosa. in which they serve as eSlrogen pre·
estrogen accumulation during the follicular phase, cursors. In addition, testQ:Sterone enhances aroma_
Some never achieve Ihc state in ,,'hieh they can re· la .. activity via mechanisms unrelated to its sub-
spond, whereas others may require se.'ernl follicular strate funclion (114). A direct interaction with
phases to do "". androgen receptors has been proposed (87),
Figure 15_18 summari"". currenl concept> of 'he When 'he follicle reaches • mOre advanced >lase
hormonal imeractions inV<llved in the maluralion of and acquires adequate E, st(>fes. the steroid supporls



New FSH ,e<:e ptots

Fig. 1 5·t8. Ho""on.1 rogtJla';o. of foJ;cutor grow"'. FSH roco-p,,,, • . " n<!<og.., entOf$ .. cell. to
o;.oc' eIIOC1. 0' FSH on gr. ""Io.. "-,,• • ,. ;n,t;ca1O'd b'! I.... lynerQiz. wi'" FSH lor a,omat . .. induction. I, " 00 ........
<Iouble .,rows , Oy"..-g;. es with FSH to indu<:. as 1M . . tr. cIio! p!OCU'SOT.

ability of fSH \0 indue.:: granul()S;l cell ,«oplon; heG. Granulosal (ralher than Iheeal) cells are of
for LH. One. Ihis process is well under way. lH primary importance. since thesc make mosl of Ihe
binds to those rce<:plQrs and ;\ furlher estrogen (57). The ovary on lbal side has a richer
numbers of LH receptors. ( I nhibilOrs of sleroido8cn. blood supply and it releases more estrogen Ihan Ihc
csis impair receptor induction. Their effects are eonlralaleml organ.
counteracted by exogenous E" progesterone. (II" Rapid conversion of androgens to estrogens strves
DHT [164).) several purposes: (a) Protection is provided against
The fUnc1ioo. of Ihe gonadotropins are supported by on the atrCBia'promoting elTe<:ts of androgens; (b) eSIr<>-
a$SO(lment of "growth facto"," and mitogens deliverod gen released inlo the blood afler sdection contrib-
by Ihe blood . O"oulO$<l. cell' maint.ined in monolaycr uteS to inbibition of exeessiV<' FSH and LH release.
cullure wi'",,"l serum require insulin. bul (hi, hormone Therefore. the gonadotropes can store up re<erves
can b<; replaced by $Omatomedin C. FGF. EGF. and for the LH surge (FSH suppression may also pre--
high-deruily lil"'1',<)Io ;n. stimulale in lhe prekoc<: of vent cohort follides fr<om completing maturalion
either insulin Or <Om.tomedi" (177). Ttan.ferrin (177) [229]); and (c) circulaling E, laler inVOkes the LH
and oortilCl (30) may .Iso be n:quiwi. of (hi,
surge. In the lale follicu lar phase. LH contributes 10
kind seem to .(fecl mostly gro"'lh .nd proliferation.
("ood ividing ""Ii, .,posed 10 FSII in monolayer cullure
lowering of the androgen levels. since il reduces the
17,,·hydroxylase activity (122).
Can . urviv •• nd 'C<juire LH ,"""ptOfS when they are no!
, upplied (1081,) FSH and LH EGF receptors (A· Gonadolropins can facilitate selection of addi·
'l. lional follicles if given early. probably because Ihey
Thus. early maturalion steps involve gradually in· proteCI against atresia. They canoot "re<cue" folli·
creasing abilities to make eSlrogens. consequenl el· cles thai have already begun delerioralion. If Ihe
evations of the sleroid hormone concemralions. and dominant follicle is I'(:moved after it has undergone
the gradual of new hormone receptors, substantial developmenl. il is nol ",placed by a co-
hon. In monkeys. ovulation is delayed for IWO weeks
(exactly the time required to complctc a new round
Selection of recruilment. selection. and preovulatory prepara-
U.ually. ju>! one <If Ihe maturing follicle. i•• ingled tion [43]).
oul 10 complete maturalion and go on 10 ovulation, Although some gonadolropin muSI be continu-
A prevailing hypolhesis Slates that the ""Icc led fol- ously prescnt. Ihe plasma levcls arc low during Ihe
licle is initially mol'(: sensiliV<' to slimulalion, and final stages of follicular maturalion. At Ihat time.
that illhel'(:fore more rapidly accumulales eSlrogens Ihe number of functional reaplar$ arc Ihe major de-
and gonadotropin I'(:CCptors. It may be equipped 10 lerminants of the r,,-,pons ...
indirectly interfere with the maturation of neighbor· In al le.S! some species. prolactin facilitates in-
ing foil ides. sinee il can more elfeetively "capturc" duclion of LH and estradiol receptors. and il cn·
Ihe limited numbers of FSH molecules presenled to hances gonadOlropin-stimulated progesterone pro-
the ovary. Another concept is Ihal Ihe selected fol· duclion (5.142). Estrogens promole prolactin
licle has a slightly greater blood flow. and it is there- secretion. They also act locally to al first suppress
fol'(: presenled Yo'ith mol'(: stimulams. A diffe",nC<' of and laler enhance PRL influences (218) .
this kind could occur by chance when the capillaries
proliferate. Or involve the release of vasculari1alion
promoters (230). Final Stages of Domlnent Follicle Maturation
It has also been suggesled Ihat the dominant fe>!· In preparalion for ovulation. granulosa cells undergo
lieie I'(:ieases faCI01'5 that aCI bolh locally and on Ihe both morphological and biochemical changes, These
contmlateral ovary to inhibil the maturalion of Ihe may require activation of a luleiniling stimulant. in·
other follicles (43). Alternalively (or in addition). it activation of a luteinization inhibitor. or both (186).
may be endowed with Ihe abilily 10 overcome the ef· The mechanisms whereby progesterone accumulales
fecls of intrafollicular inhibitors. The ftuid of small.. as estrogen produClion declines arc complex.
follides contains something that blocks the forma·
tion of Ul I'(:ceptors (30) and subslances Ihat Initially. both FSH and LH acl o>n Ih. granulosa cells
10 a""elerate cholesterol ,idc..:hain cleavage aod
impede the binding of FSH (166). fore progcslero!IC ,ynlhes;s. Som. o>f Ihe proge'terone ;,
Evidently. the selection is made belween days 5 released to th. antrum. but . ,ub"anlial fraction getS
and 7 (43). Although the reigning follicle is usually inlo Ihe blood. LH also accelerales side .. cleavage ;n
larger than all others. it Can be identified before this the<:a cells. but the proge. terone made Ihere i. rapidly
occurs by its ability to bind subslantial quantities of cOlwerted to androgen . The is tr,",ferred to the
granulo.. cells. in whkh with FSI!. The ",0- g.. nul"", cell production of estrogen
,etid bind. 10 i" 0""'. reeep''''' within the granuk& cells. dedine. for seve,ol .. uon •. The cell. now recei,. very
aOO ;, dinai [Ollie cAMP generalion ,'ep (47), h , liltle androgen . ub$u'a le f,om the theca . and Ihe)' 10$<
Off.cliven ... ;0<1'<:''''' a, 'he follicle mal ures (217) (Fig. Iheir . bilily to inc ...... romata.., aClivity in ,esponse 10
IS·19Aj FSH . 1I0,",'.oe,. FSH . till accc!eral.ssid...,hain
L.ter. the 'a'gtt coil 'O$pon= cha nge, The gonadot ro- and il .1so incrc3S<:$ lhe 3/J·hydro,y>tC!oid dehyd roge-
pin may ., fors, invoke limited "d... nsitizat;"n:' bUI nase aCli,ity. Therc!o ... even more progesterone accu-
$<lme chang.. ore re,.,ed to. decline in !oo.dol ropin ,._ mulate •. Thc decline in estrogen levels f.cilital<, lhi.
ere,;"", Now, LH cont inues 10 ,id«: h. in (.;0<0 estrogens i"nibit proge ...",.. prod uclion . p",ba·
clea"age, bu, ;1 also 10""." the J 7,..h)'drox)'I• .., and C 17. bly by aCling on the 311·hyd""y.. eroid deh)'d rogcn ...
C20 Iya .. activiti« in [be ,hcc. (30) . TttcrcfOfC. less of (217)). Some of the Change. in granul"", cell funclion
lbe proge'te rone i. """,. rted 10 and"'l\<n, . nd f'OOI'<: ac- a .. attribUlc<i 10 ··down "8uialioo"' of FSH ..ceptor
curnulal" . "S ilS concentration. ,i,e, progesterone it..,lf numbo .. by FSH itselr. bUI also 10,",'<" the FSH re-
contributes 10 inhibilion of t hose cn,ym« (Fig. 1 ceptor nu mbe,s, . nd;1 'educes e.trogcn .. ceplO' form.·

,, _ l UW;"''"t'"'' inr.itlitor
• lute,,",.t"'" Oli"",t3Ot

>'-',7 FSH
0<' .....

A. j


17".hydroxyl .... ",
I FSH 'e<;ep\Or$ " ,

I j. C 17. C20 lyase, :

/ ,::.
J PflOl.ACTIN recepl",'
dehyd'oge\ / PROGESTERONE '

\ +FSH ,,",op!<>!S-
j. lH ,,",eptols

FI; . 15·1;. "',,,,,. biosynthesis in p@riOvul.l<>ry FSH. B. FSH incrN_ gra""IO" _'erone by . ctiog
II. "'<>11<1 accumola'" In .. cella "" tI>o sec . ncl3j:i .... ydr"-'yot ....oKI TlI<I
_ou'" bOth FSH one! LH . cc.Jer .... """"sterol_ In _torono decr ....... FSH and lH 'oe.p1",'. LH
Clea"ao- (seC) , n.. p<oOII.I.,,,,,, is ....1 to lhf1 ... ,.,._ ptoge ......on.o syntheSi. in thO t"-"' . """'.....
"nt,,,,,, .nd 'hfI bloOd. LH .Iso sec ;" ,"-'" . ndrogen iO"""llon. and regula ••• roe.p1"" of thfl
cello. How ....... lhe ptoge<tor"". ;s mo.dO' into granulo .. , ProgeSlerono con1rib<J'•• to """y,.,.and
and'O\IIH1s tha, "allel1o ' 1100 gra""lo .. to Oy_;i!l .. iltl """'pt'" numt>or- contrors.
lion as well (170). In addiliO/1, progesterone m.)' comrib- O n Ihe other hand. oocyte maturation may be
ute !O Iow<ring of bot h FSI! and LH recep''''" "umbers cootrolled in different ways (161 A). cAM!' probably
(2 11). act;vatesor caus", forrnation on OMI (A- I). It has
There is Srowing recognition of the impon oflC<' of pr.,. been dernonstrated that the nucleotide. it. analogs.
lactin in regulation of ",producli •• funclions in the pri-
and phosphodiesterase inhibitors directly arrcst 0o-
males (liS). The hormone i. a potent stimul.nt for pre).
cyte maturation even when presented to denuded 00-
S..ler"". production in many speci •• , and it has this
cytcs. At least undcr SOme experimental conditions.
effcol when presented to cullured hum •• cell.
(200)_ lH ind"oes gronulool ""II prolactin '=ptou. and FSli inhibits ooc),te maturation when it is presented
FSH i. abo implica1«1 in thi' function. to ovarian follides.1t has been proposed that the ac·
tions require palent gap junctions bet",,,,,n granulosa
cells. Estrogens Can retard oocyte maturation. and
Oocyte Maturation Ihey are known to promole the formation and regu-
The primary oocyte grows 3$ the follicle enlargo._ late the maintenance of such junctions. The path·
but il does !lOt yet resume meiosis. Studics of oocytcs ways of communkation may in some way direct
rCl11Qvcd from follicles !Usses! that the ""lis go cAM!' 10 the oolemma. Androgens antagon ize the
through a phase d uring which lhe)' are unable 10 FSH inhibition . possibly by disrupting the coupling
mawre spontaneously. Later. Ihey acquire Ihe bet",een oocyte and cumulus cdls and thereby bring-
"compel.nce" to resume meiosis, but oocyte malu_ ing about functional denudation. (The androgens en-
ration inhibitors keep them from realizing Ibeir p0- hance the cffe<:ts of cAM!' presented in vi1ro.) LH
tential. Once freed of that inAuenee. tbey prepare for de<:reases estrogen production. and it increascs an·
di.ision but may have to go through an additional drogen concenlrations. It also aceelerate< progester-
maturation step before they can complete the pro- one produclion, Pros"'tcrone facilitates ooc)' te mat-
CeSS (30). The cells are highly responsive 10 the mi· uration. and it antagonizes estrogen influences On
cl'QCnvironment. and this seems 10 be conlrolled to gap junctions. Oocytes may also make cAMP (A·I).
SOme extent by the cumulus oophorus.
Meiosis I is completed shortly before ovulalion. Perloyulelory Chenges In the Cumulus Cells
T he secondary oocyte Ihcn proceeds to the met,,·
phase of rnetQ:$'S II . while the f,rsl polar body mi· The unJergu expansiUH and
grates toward the zOna pellucida. tion when Ihe oocyle prepares 10 complete ils first
division. The cells possess bolh FSH and LH feeel>'
tors. bu t thcy differ from bolh mural and anlml
FACTORS REGULATING OOCYT E granulosa cells (A-2),
MATURATION FSH is a potent stirnulant for progesteronc bio-
A peptide with a molecular weighl of less than 2000 synthesi'. for produo;:tion of hyaluronic acid. and for
(oocyte maluration inhibitor. OMI) has been iden· induction of morphological changes in Ihe cumulus
tified in the antral fluids of developing [<)j lieles. It celts , The effects Can be demonstrated in .itro. Pro-
acts directly on oocytes in vilro 10 arrest meiosis. but gesterone is a less poIent progeslerone stimulant. and
it may additionally exert influences on the cumulus. it fails to invoke the other changes in the cumulus
It can also decrease prog"'terone accumulation even cells. However. it decreases their oxygen consump-
under conditions Ihal permit meiosis 10 procecd tion as it increaSC!l oxygen use by the oocyte (85 ).
(30). It is likely thallhe peptide functions for a time There arc somc indications that relaxin is involvcd in
in all ma turing follicles. but something assoc ialed the cumulus changes, butlhe mecbanisms remain \0
wilh the gonadotropin surge renders it ineffcctive in be defined (24).
the dominant follicle preparing for ovulation. FSH accumulates in amral fluid prior to the onset
LH stimulation of ooc)'te mawration may in.olve of the mucification. Howev<:r. it may not become ef.
OMI degradalion or inactivation. There is some ev- fe<:ti>'e before the LH surge. since antral Huid hep-
idence thai it promotes Ihe biosym hesi s Or activation arin and related gl)'cosamiooglycans seem to reduce
of an oocyte maturation factor (OMF) that antago- the ""nsitivity (58).
nizes OMI (30). The GnR H·li ke peptidc a lready de- J ust prior 10 the lime of oocyte extrmion. the cu·
scribed may be this factor. GnRH an· mulus cells arc highly responsive to gonadotropins.
alogs i>OSSCss such' (51). and the same or a The)' may stimulale prod uclion of prostaglandins in
related pcp/ide is implicated ;n initiation of 'pcr_ the vicinity of the oocytc (but PGs do not acccierate
malOgono,i, (155). LH d<IC' 0101 antagonize OMI if sleroidogenesis at this time),
it i. added 10 oocytes u p<l'ated from cumulus Cumulus (coronal) cells oonlinue 10 perform en·
rells, docrine funclions as thcy accompany the oocyte on
ils journey 10 the oviduct_ They now make PGEs collagenase to collagenase. LH can to some eXlenl
(but nol PGF .. [85]), and Ihe PGEs now Slimulatc increase plasminogen aelivalor aClivity. FSH is
stcroidogentsis. Roles for PGEs in ()Xyte and sperm more pOlenl. and cAMP mimic;s ils effects, PGEs in·
transpOrt, sperm capacitation. and fcnili7.ation nave duce lhe entyme. bUl PGFs do not (17). LH pro-
betn proposed (182). The cells may also be involved mote, ilS secretion by granulosa cells (A·2).
in the ()Xylc activalion that follo"'s fcrtili7.ation. in The contractile effects of PGF .. include vaSOCOn·
creating condiliOnl; favorable for early cleavage. and str iction (which may contribute to the development
in promoting degeneration of ()Xyles that eseape of hypoxia near Ihe site of stigma formation) and
ferlili'.alion. contraction of the follicular walls. as well as ()Xyte
extrusion (231). Roles in thinning of the ",aHs have
also been describe<i (60). Scrolonin le,'c\, ris.e shorlly
before ovulalion is completed. and Ihe amine syner-
Similarities between ovulation and inflammatory re· gi7.cS with the prostaglandin.
actions have been cited (59). Both phenomena in·
volve (a) loealized hyperemia (which is not associ·
ated with increased cardiac OUtput or generalized
readjustments of the circulatory <ystem); (b) release
of proteolytic enzymes and of mediators lbat include The term iUleinizatiOl1 is used by some au thors to
histamine . PGs. and ehemOluins; (e) increa..d designate the morphological changes involved in
iIlary permeability. along wilh accumulation of transformation of the follicle inlo Ihe corpus lutcum.
formed clements of Ihe blood: and (d) fibroblast and by others 10 mean acquisition of the ability to
proliferation. secrete copious quamities of progesterone.
E, production is high during Ihe preparalive When an ()Xyle premalurcly removed from its
phase. The steroid within Ihe anlrum protects follide. the granulosa cells begin 10 luteinize. It has
against at resia (22). and Ihe eireulaling hormone therefore been suggested Ihat Ihe germinal cells re-
promotes LH and FSH release. (Although estrogens tard Ihe events (137). Howe,-er. it is difficult to rule
are pOtent mitogens for many cell types. they do I10t OUI Ihe possibility thai either Ihe process of removing
seem to directly affect ()Xyte meiosis), Ihe oocyte Or something in thc culture medium pro-
LI-I elevate.lhe cAMP I"'ck and nuciOOlidc that vide< a <t imulus_(Oocyte.. are nol believed to make
escapes from the cells probably causes hislami"" re· luteinl'-"Iion inhibitor [301_)
lease from the mast cells and basophilic leuk(lCyles LH Ihe =1 obvious regulator. but somc FSH
Ihat enter the follicle. There are good reason, for be- must "" present (186). "Luteal pbase defects" as-
lieving that histamine invokes most of the early hy- socialed with inadequate progesterone production.
peremia. Ihe increases in capillary permeabilily. and shortened and nonfertile c}'cles. and spOntaneous
the entry of both granular and thrombo- abortions have been with preovulatory FSH
cytes. Exogenous amine mimics the effects (226). deficiencies (42). On the other hand. ... lvcly
Moreover. Ihe levels of norepinephrine (a hi$tamine high FSH: l H ratios may account for the reduced
antagoniSI) fall (14). and the ovary is graduall)' de- progesterone secretion eharacleristic of perimellQ-
pleted of hislamine. pau,al cycles (118).
Both gonadotropins and emogcns accelerate I'G
production. and estrogens also aClivate an
So me Problems Involved In Dellnlng Corpus
thaI converts PG Es 10 PG Fs. PG Es eontribute to tlle
Luteum Properties
vasodilalion and progestCTOlle production. and pro-
gesterone is implicated in ()Xyte maturation. (Roles The corpus Meum (eL) has been called "a fo!liele
in germinal veside breakdown havc been established whose alresia has been tempOrarily arrested " (172);
for amphibians.) PGFs arc Ihen present in cquimo- and Ihe lerm "corpus lutea of atresia '· is some ti mes
lar concentrations. and they Slimulate comraolion of applied to follieles Ihat devclop bUI fail to extrude
the myoid cells involved in oocyte eXlrusion. After tlleir OOCyles , It may be more constructive 10 regard
the Follicle ruptures. PG F Ie'-els drop precipitously. the CL as an organ that performs special functions
bUI PGE synthcsis continucs_ once ovulalion is accomplished_ In almost all of Ihe
Once begun, tlle events are self.perpeluating_ LH mammals. the progesterone it seC'""teS contributes to
and histamine activate thrombocyte$. granular leu· the preparations for implantation a nd tbe mat ura-
kocytes. and fibroblasts. as Iculoeylc. release ma,ro- tion of Ihe mammary glands. In mOSt. progesterone
phage activators and hydrolases that calalyze weak· "quiets" Ihe myometrium and thereby protects
ening of Ihe follicular walls. More PG, are made. against premature expulsion of the fctus. The CL i.
and macrophages secrete a plasminogen aetivalor a major site for production of relaxin (134). a hor-
that promotes conversion of f,broblasHlcri,-ed pro- mone that funcllons in both maintenance and ter·

mination of pregnancy_ The C l may additionally,;e_ the sole sources of ste roid hormones in rabbits. cows.
crele foUid. maturation inhibitors (42). J n several of IIorses. and shcep. The CL of humans and other pri-
Ih. repliles and other eClolherms. lh. CL is nceded mates. and probably also of rats. additionally 000-
for retemion of young embryos wilhin Ihe female lain thecal cells.
lracl. Since birds release Iheir eggs soon afte r fcrtil- 3. The mechanisms for increasing progesterone
izution. 00 CL are nceded and none arc formed. production: This Can involve mostly hypertrophy of
The mammalian corpus may well deserve the cells initially present. hyperplasia with limited
ilS reputation as "Ih. weirdest endocrine gland of Ihe growth and specializat ion, 01' both h)'pertrophy and
body" (172). It undcrgocs II series of timc..:lepcndcnt hyperplasia.
changes thai alfec! its ability tQ sccrete hormones. 4. Accessory u llt}'pu that .,imu/lanfflusly engage
and it is programmed to participate in its own de- in steroidogenesis: The rnbbit has especially well-de-
mise. Progesterone secretion is controlled mostly by veloped interstilial glands. and these release copious
int rinsic factors that include positive feedback. The quantities of 2Oa-dihydroprogesterone evcn before
steroid content is highest at the vel)' linte when the the corporn lutea are formed . Smaller amounts of
release is maximaL When IWO "crops" of corpora sim ilar tissue are found in mice, min k, and olh-
IUlea are present within the same ovary each behav,,", ers. but domestkated farm animals sllow little or no
in its Own way . hormona l dependence on such accessory cells (79).
btrinsie hormones some inHuences. but nei- When oonception occurs. the felOplaccntal unit
ther dClSC-related stimulation of steroidogenesis nor either ta kes Over 01' supplements the work of the COr-
the operation of negative f«dback oootrol. can be pora lutel in humans and in guinea pigs. H"msters.
demonstrated . The «"ponses invoked by pituitary mbbits. and some other species depend on Ihe C L for
gonadotropin. vary with the concentrations and the the entire gestation period, and rat. and micc n«d
time of presentation. A ,ingl e. chemically defined it for most of the second trimester (86). In horses,
extrin,ic regulator Can be "l uteotrophic:' " lute<>- "endometrial of maternal origin sccrete
static:' or "Iuteolytic" when presented to the same estroge ns.
CI.. under different oonditions. .5. The kinds of steroids sN:mNi: The bovine CL
Specie. variation. are numerot... nd oom('lex. make. mO<tly proge<Ierone. along with some of it<
The oorpora lutea of closely related animals such as pregnenolone precursor and the 20a-dihydroproges-
sheep and goats differ in important ways (38). For- terone metabolite. Rabbits_ sows. and mares addi-
tunately. the CL of monkeys are similar to those of tionally produce sma ll quantilies of 17a-OH_proges-
women. and studics performed on them are broadly terone and (176). In humans and other
applicable to human physiology. The following kinds animals in wh ich thecal cell. are inoorpora ted. estro-
of species variations have been obseroed. gens as well as progestogens arC secreted.
I. Tht numbers ofeL present 0/ any OM timt: In 6. The of progeslerO'le made and Ihe
primates and most other mammals in which a single peak plasma com:tntration.,: Rats. micc. hamsters,
fetus i, commonly nurlured within the utenrs. there and other animals with very short estrous cycles
is JUSt one C L. Rats are among the spccies in which make only limited quantities of progesterone if they
multiple ovulations are followed by the formation of do not mate. However. stimulation of the uterine
numerous CL during each nonferti\e cycle. The cervix during the periovulatory period invokes a
structures persist throughout 2 01' more subsequent state of pseudopregnancy that i. as.wciated with 001)-
eydes. The CI.. that suppon a pregnancy arc re- ious secrction of the hormonc. Primates. guinea pigs.
tained until the end of the lactation period, and a and other ,pecies with longcr luteal phases make
new set is added after the pOStpartum ovulation (86). substantial amounts of progesterone during nonfer-
The mouse forms One CL for each follicle t ha t tile cycles. In domestic dogs and other carnivores.
completes ovulation. If conception does n<ll follow. high sec retory rates can be maintained for months
the CL r<:gress wit hin two days. In marsupials_ a CI.. at a time. Each elephant CL probably synthesi?.cs
is formed for each oocyte shed. but the numbers of vcry small quantities. The animal accumulates cor-
embryos that undergo de""lopmenl are limited. (In porlliu tea for many months a pregnancy can
One species of opossum, 22 germinal cells and 22 Ct.. be cstablished. It has been stated that the
but only 15 embryos complete maturation [121].) contains barely detectahle amounts of progesterone.
Elephants release one germinal cell per cycle and with no elevations during either lu teal phases or
form one Cl. They must accumulate the CI.. from pregnancy (81.194). but recent studies on Asian el·
several cycles before establishing a pregnancy (194). ephants contradict this (84A) .
2. The kinds of cells im:orporared: Granulosal de- The pea k plasma concentra tions atlained a rc in
rivatives are universally present. and they seem to be the neighborhood of 3 nglml for the guinea pig. 5-
ngfml for the human. SO "tl ml for tlte mt .• 1>d LVTEOTROPINS
ovt:r 250 n'lml for the r.quirrel monkey (172). No
clear relationships bet .... .,.,n the progesterone LH may be univt:rsa lly I"(:quired to achieve full de-
and either the lengths of the gestation the vt:IOpmenl in eutherian mammals. There arc Q)ntro-
numbers of developing embryt15 are apparent. vt:rsies Ovt:r tile lime period during ... hich it mlill be
7. rondilions "'hkh rorf'O'o IUleil for", ." pl"(:sent to maintain human CL for their usual 2.
I-Iu mans. rats. rarm animals. and many others .... life during nonfellik: e)-.:Jes. A ftcr hypophysco.
form C L durin, each eyde. In coo- tomy. C L that form in response: to exogenous I'SII
trail. domestic cat •. and ferret$ 80 throogh and LH continue to make procesterone for 3-4 days
1M follicular bul usually do not ""ulale .... hen after the injection. are stOJlpcd. It is not kllO...-n
deprived or mlilling slimuli. (Their follicles event ..... .... ""Iher this occurs because iIOfIIe gOnadotropin is
ally deteriorate., "amsters are among the mammals ;tlointd in th. CL. The question of whether t1ll: d.
Ihat uadergn seasonal ehanges Ihat irw.:lude feCIS of hCG for a 10n8cr lime b«ause the
in which no follicles form. hormone ilKlf 1Ia. a Ion.gcr duration 01 action Iw
S. Tht /ijNP'JrI of CL tonupllon dOl!$ 'IOf also 00\ been (172).
O«lIr : Thi. Can he as shorl as 1 days in the mouse The need for LH is gl"(:3te5t SOOn dter Ihe C L
al>d hamster. al>d as long as 10 months in the roc forms and commences proecslerone An
deer. Huma n SlruetP!l:S fu""'t ion well fOO' 12_ 1J LR H analot: Ihat lowers gonadotropin le-.:ls invokes
da ys. and they sbow regressive cha nges for 2 lutcolysi. if it is given to !llO!lke}'5 days afler
before undc:rtoing atresia. Guine. pig CL persist for ovulation. and it can do this without elevaling the
apprw;i matdy lhe same lime_ In hamsters (with 16- PGF: PGE ratio (IO). hCG «II{nteracls the effects.
day gestation periods). thc CL of pseudopregnancy The CL persisls if the 3r>aiott is gi-.:n 3t 7 days
se<:rete progesterone fOO' 8- 10 da}'s. In mice (.... ith JlO(itovulation.
19-20 day ,estalion periods). the secrelion is main- LH can trans;cnily augment progestcrone sec .....
tained for 10-12 da)'s. Carnivorn "ilh lu. tKM:" It .poobobly Ille time period duri"t
teal phllSc:! Spontane(lusly ul>dergo chan,t5 that in whIch hIgh rntes of aCl1vi ty are maintain<:d. but il
many "'3.)"S rtscmble p$Cudopre&na"",y if lhey do 1101 doto$ not seem to direclly stimula te steroidogcncsi$.
mate. As discUSKd above. ele phanls a«:umulatt CL The cells soon bewme Sil'lC1: proges-
from many successive eyclcs before conception be. terone I"(:leased to the bloodSll"(:am inhibilS LH re-
comes possible. 1C4K. it/v",• • reiatioruhipo bc:lwlOGn
P. TM IIorn,,-s st- and LH <:CIrt«nlralions In: usually found in intlct
(rtltd by Iht rorporo I,"M: These al"(: prominent fema les.
amoog Ihe eutherianl bUI may be of lilll. or 00 im. LH acceleratcs androgtn production in primates,
portance in marsupials. rats. and other species in which the CL contain theca
10. Thr rXlriNi( I/o,n!O#Jn rtqui;td 10 ntoi1lloilt derivativu. TIle: 51oroid funct ioros as a n estradiol pre.-
SlrurlU;t ond SltroidogrM$is: Most corpora lutea cursor, and there al"(: conditions under which lestos-
displ.y "aulonomy"' (i.e . they CilIn persist for a lime terone can sUbstilute fOO' LH (71).
and ileCl"(:le progestetOi"lC: whon litprived of utemal H i'" CUiKXntrnlions or lH Ire /ultOIflk. Ali",
stimulati(lll). Lfi is "luteotrophic" for al l.a.n a lim. corpora lutea or ral$. hamslers, ami are es-
time in most pla}"S pecially sensitive to Ihis influence . In LH
mapr role:. '" rodents and it _111$ 10 be or some may contribute to physjologjcal C L regl"CS$ioo. Pro-
imporlarw.:e in most olher mammals. The rdbbit re. posed mccl\;tnisms '"",Iulit 5\imulal;on of PGF:r.
quires estrogens, while some otho" necd FSH alone generntion. acceleration of enragen produclion or
or FSU plus est,..diol. Chorionic aonadotropins reg. usc:. and elevalion 01 the progesterone
ulate tho CL of pn:gnancy in mOil mammals. within the CL. When hCG prolongs Ihe life of lhe
II . m«honism. involvtd ilt of Ihe ror- Pn:8n3""'Y, it may do so by eXCMing ac-
pt)I"Q IUIN: The most marked dift"tr<,OCd are secn in tions d,ffCl"(:nt from tho5c of LII. or by syncrgiling
I"" upon the UI"u.J. Th is has been C$-
tablished for sheo p. guinea pigs. mice. rabbi!!.
wilh other K&ullltors.

pigs. aad CO""5. but not for primates.

Gen . ral Attrlbut.s
Lu i ••
0' Mammalian C o rpo ra Luteal cells ha vt: al>d CStroac n-rcccptor
complexes arc transported 10 the nuclei. The steroids
prOmOte growth and progesterone synthesis. and
A universal cllal"llcteristM: is limited life "PIn they may be universally required . In some species.
(172,231 ). Wilh fow .xceptions, the CL also display estrogen is made direclly by gran ulosa-<lorived CL
autonomous ability to secrete P"'Jesterone (172). ocll •. The rabbit C L cannot ma ke estrogens. and it
;5 dependent on neighooring preovulatory follicles genase. and it inhibits the 20a-hydroxysteroid de-
for ilS supply. (Estrogens alone maintain the Cl in hydrogenase. Moderate amounts presented early de-
hypophysectomized rabbits [88J.) In species requir. press POF .. generation, probably via stabilization of
ing FSH, 3 major function may be acceleration of membranes that contain the precursor.
estrogen production. In contrast. the long_term presence of high con-
It has been proposed thaI Ihe rabbit is especially centrations increases the ability of estrogens to pro-
sensitive 10 the IUlcolylic influences nf LH because mote POF .. synthesis (172). and it may also lo"",r
the gonadotropin {al promotes ovulation and the numbers of gonadotropin receptors (211). It ad-
thereby depletes the supply of estrogen·producing ditionally contributes to inhibilion of gonadotropin
follicles; (b) aclS on thecal cells 10 reduce estradiol; secretion,
and (e) lowers lhe numbers ()f CL estrogen recep-
IOrs. Exogenous estradiol can counteract the lUll»
lytic cffe<:\sQf heG (227).
In contrast, high concentration. of estrogens 3re ?GF.. is the major factor (112.231). It deprw,," gO"
luteolytic. especially for aging corpora lutea (69). nadotropin secretion. but it is also effective in hy·
Estrogens labil;,c lysosomal membranes and Ihe pophysectomized animals. Although it does not
consequenl releas<:: of hydrolase! may contribute di. lower basal adenylate cyclase activity in the CL. it
re<;lly to cdl destruction. High coneen!ratiollS of es- blocks the UJ stimulation and also impairs the abil-
trogens also clc'ate the PGf and progesterone Ie,· ity of cAMP to accelerate progesterone synthesis.
els. and estrogens can synergi,e with progesterone to Since it is more effective in vi,othan when presented
inhibit LH SC<'!'Ction (181). to cultured cells. it may exert additiona l indirect ef-
fects (94).
Progesterone biosynthesis falls off markedly
ROLES OF PROLACTIN within an hour or less aner ?GF .. presentation.
PRL has 1000g been recogniled as an "essential" There is an associated decline in hCG binding un-
luteotropin in rats. T he levels rise during pseudO" related to changes in receptor numbers. Altered
and exoee1>O'" PR t . C"fl """<, physical properties of microsomal membranes have
of the responses. PRL provides the precursor for prO" also been described (27). Although direct effects on
gesterone synthesis by activating cholesteryl ester- the blood flow 10 the CL have been ruled OUt, inAu-
ases. It decreases the activities of en7.ymes that uti- ences on capillary permeability Or on diffusion
lize progesterone as a substrate (20c>_hydroxysteroid through the ovary may limit gonadotropin availabil-
dehydrogenase. 17a·hydroxylasc. and 5a-redue- ity(l52.231).
tase). It stabilizes lysosomal membranes, and it in_ T he uterus is Ihe primary source of POF .. in
duces LH and estrogen rcceptors (5). PRL may be s heep, guinea pigs, rats, mice. rabbits, pigs. and
more importan t for preserving the morphology and cows, and in these hysterectomy prolongs the life of
SC<'retory capacity than for actually augmenting th e CL. In primates, most of the PO is made by the
steroidogenesis. eL
Hypophysectomized primates maintain their CL In addition to inhibiting PG synthesis. indometh-
when no PRL is injocted. However. the CL can re- acin interferes with PGE binding to receptors of the
tain previously presented hormone for l(l!lg tilm" pe- C L (231). It prolongs pseudopregnancy and elevates
riods. and they may even maximize its elfectivcn= plasma progesterone in mice via mechanisms that
via intercompartmental transfers (143). Agents that arc antagoniled by POF .. but not PGEs. At least
block PRL secretion can bring about luteal phase some of Ihe actions arc extra·uterine, since PO s
defects ( 118). J n most (but not all [IS]) mammals. exert effects in hysterectomized animalS (37). In
estrogens stimulate PR L secretion , rats, indomethacin Can block the rise in ovarian .'ein
hydroxyprogesterone:progesterone ratio that pre-
cedes CL regression (45). It also antagonizes estro-
PROGESTERONE INFLUENCES geo-stimulated CL regression in monkeys. Related
Progesterone seems to exert positivc feedback con- inlluenees ha'e been reported for humans. but
trol Over its own secretion (172). CL levels arc high- women are less sensitive than most mammals to eX-
est when the release rate peaks and when concentra- ogenous PGF .. (17).
tions of the pituitary lutcotropins are low. The Dcmise of the CL can probabty b< invoked by different
steroid increases the activities of lipoprotein lipase. mechanisms. In pseudopregnant rabbits. h)'"erectomy
cholesteryl esterase. and dehydro- re",onSiven.., of C L .denylatt to
heG. When corpora lut<a a« transplanted 10 the kidoey of the gonadotropins from sequestration to :;.ccretory
capSule. they «,ress al Ihe ... me lime •• the ""e. in Ihe sites within Ihe cells (100.139). The :;.ccond process
ovary Ihal r•• eive PG. from th. ut.m. (although cireu· may involve changes in hormone glycosylation. lH
lating PGF .. doe. not ri.e) (103) . Dome'licaled cals are .tor<:d in the pituilary differs from the circulating
amo", th. f.... animals that may be insensit;.c to the PC. hormone. and a .hift in the ratios of twa FSH s!,«,ies
distinguishable from each other by concana.alin A
binding is reported to take place in namstcr glands
just prior to the proestrus gonadotropin surge (31).
Relaxin (RlX) is a name applied to a group of Pulsatile pallerns for lRH release pr<::;.crve the
clOISely r.lated peplides best known for Ihe effects functions of the gonadotropes . In humans with hy·
they exert on the birth canal prior to the onset of pothalamic defects and in experimental animals with
parturition. these hormoncs perform othcr hypothalamic lesions Or under the influcnce of
functions (160.184) (:;.ce also Chapter 16). agents that block LRH secretion, continuous admin·
Evidently. thc Cl must allain a certain age or istration of the hypothalamic hormone descnsililcS
maturational state bef<>re it produces substantial the cells. Reco.ery can be accomplished by present·
quantities of RlX. The hormone can be detected ing the lRH imermillently (105.199).
during nonfertile cycles in humans and others ... ith
long luteal phases (193), and ovarian vein concen· ha.e been .tudi.d inten,i.ely in mono
tralion. fall pr<:cipiloosly in monkeys subjOClcd to lu- d(ll\ilge. of LRfI are continuously
tcoctomy (160). In rats and many other species ... ith , , .rise transiently. Both re-
short ovarian cyclc.o;. mcasurcablc amounts accu· f" hormone.rc<:op'or inter·
mulale during late gestation. Gonadotropins ae<:el· the gonadotropin COIl<:ontra·
tion. r.1I below 'he i I ..Iu ••. Modorato d""ago'gi"on
crate RlX synthesis in pr<:gnant wamen (74). and hourly can maintain high FSIl and LH lo.el. for days.
U I stimulates its production in cultured granulOS<l The same .mount< pro .. nted at half·hour inte..als first
cells obtained from large porcine follicles (120) . .<Iimula(e ""d I... r • . Purther shor1ening of the
Roles in ovulation and in prolongalion of thc li.cs of in, ..."I•• e<:olera,os tho;zation (223). Pulse. of
the Cl h..e been suggested (A-4). low fro<iucncy oI....e 'he FS fI :LfI '"'ico. This i. ex·
plained in by the mueh longer plasma half·lir. of the
fSH (S3.223). flowc •• r, it h'$ also been sUUO<'ed that
REGULATION OF PLA SMA CONADOTFIOPIN ,he Ul r<>j>OO"" i. m<lre ••• ily de,ivated.rtd m<lre '"p-
CONCENTFIATIONS idly He.haustibk·· (9).
Ovarian cycles depend upon rcgularly recurring Gonadal steroids affect both thc amplitudes and
changcs in the plasma levels of FSH and lH. Our· frequencieS of the lR H pulses . but they arC not eS-
ing the follicular phase, small increments in the hor. sential for maintaining h)·pothalamic rhythmicity.
mone level! promote r<:cruitment. selection. and O,·ariectomized monkc)·s and sheep continue their
maturation of the dominant folliCle and the secretion circhoral (approximately I-hour) and
of steroid hormones . A rapid and mass i.e gonado- ovarieetomilcd cats retain their 20-30-minute pat-
tropin "surge'· must pree<:de o.ulation and <!Stablish- ternS (92).
ment of the corpora lutea . In some species. a ·'second Intracerebral administration of norrp;nel'hrine
FSH surge·' permits folliclcs that will ripen during a and its agonists increases thc elcctrical aelivities of
subsequent cycle 10 undergo preliminary mat- neurOnS involved in lR11 discharge. Inhibitors of
uration. norcpinephrine and a (but not fJ) adr<:_
The prima ry r<:gulators of FSH and lH synthesis nergic blocking agents abolish the rhythms in rats
and release are hypothalamic gonadotropin releasing and mon kcy. ( I02. 113). LH is not much af-
hormone (GnRH. lRH). and (Warian hormones. fected when warnen take a hlockers, but the dosages
uscd arc much smaller than the
keys (165). At leaSI in rats.
GonadotropIn Relea sIng Hormone
tion is presented
The structure of LRH. the widely held belicf Ihat
this hormone serves as the major r<:gulator of both I to exert tonic
FSH and lH secrelion. the me<:hanisms of lRH ae- i and t ore evidently
tion (34.199), and some orlhe influcnccs of LRH on accomplished at least partly via counteraction of the
gonadOlrope r<:ceptors (139), Were discussed in effeclS (97). Morphine blockS ovulation, whereas na-
Chapter 14. (a morphine antagooist) stimulates LH re-
lRH seems to exert one influence on discharge of lease. Altnougn the con:;.cquenccs of administering
a "readily r<:leasable poor· and another on transfer apomorphine and other dopamine agooists have I10t
been consistent (102). DA is believed \0 funclion a5 ofcndoge11Ous LR H and are then given LR H pulses
a physiological inhibitor (149), ScrOl()l!in is impli_ of unvarying amplitudes (105). The LR H is said to
cated as a modulator_ Fibers ascending from Ihc exert ··pcrmis.ivc·· efTecls. The gonadotropcs cannol
brain Slcm mediale inhibition (113) thai may in· funclion without it. bUl ovarian hormoncs regulale
volve both dopamine and SCfQlonin. Ihe scnsitivities of the gonadOlropcs and thereby the
quan tilies of LH thai arC released.
The observalions do 1101 rule OUI tha I possibility
Gonadotropin Surges
that phy.<ioJogicol control of the menstrual cycles in-
Under physiological OOIldition., Ihc mounting of volves some preovulatory elevation of the LRH lev-
preovulatory gonadotropin surges involves complex el,. In One stud)" On monke)'s. the concentra tions of
in!eractions between gonadal hormones and central tbe pcpt ide in portal blood rose from 23 pg/ml dur-
nervous system neurons_ Very marked 'pecies diffcr- ing Ihe follicular phase to 103 pgJml following an
CII<:<'S in the mechanisms have been artificially eliciled gonadotropin surge (91 ).
In wOmen. the delic"te bal.nces arc e.sily disrupted.
Food deprivation can lower the LRH kvel' Ixlow the
RATS, HAMSTERS, AND RELATED MAMMALS threshold, requi",d to support ,onadotrope functions
without impair,", rospon ..s to e.ogenou. LRH (124).
The mechanisms have been imensively studied in
Women who "'gul.rI)" engage in .. h'.Sli"3 exerci..
small mammals, and especially in rats. The conclu- h."" Ix.n . hown to .uffer luteal ph..c defec!> Ih.t arc
sions drawn have profoundly inllucnced lhe work of associated with inadequate LRH rele ... and elevated
invcs\igatprS of ()\her species. and il has only re- mel'lOnin level. (28). The pine.1 gland i. known to me-
cently bocn recogni7_cd thai Ihe findings do not apply di.te Ihe elf.. " of food deprivation on ",productive sys-
to primates. tem maturation in rodenlS. and mcl.,onin C.n inhibit
In these rodents, steroid hormones act on nCu rOnS LRH relea .. in many 'pcei",.
within the preoptie and antcrior hypothalam ic re-
gions that ma ke functional conne<:tions with Ihe
LRH cells. After appropriate hormonal prep.u"dtion
of bolh neurons and pituitary gland gonadOlropcs.
messages from Ihe rostral regions elicit a rapid preo- Pdmates, rodents, ungulales. and SOme olhers are
vulatory diseharge of LRH into the portal blood ves· classified as ",pOIttaneous ovulatorf' because .11
sds. This is soon followed by a massive release of LH phases of the ovarian cycles are con trolled by intrin-
into Ihe systemic circulation . The rise in portal blood sic mechanisms. In contraSI . cats. fcrr<:ts. rabbits.
LRH is essential for accomplishmenl of the LH and llamas arc among Ihc "reAex" or "induced'" Ovu·
surge. Lesions that interrupt communications be- lators. Under natural conditions. they go through the
tween the medial basal hypothalamus and other folliCular phase and then Tetain ripcned follicles for
parts of the brain abolish the m idcyde surges. and a time Wi lhin the ovary. LH surges and ovulation do
agents such as barbiturates that impair LRH dis- not occur until mating and the associated stimula·
charge h"e similar effe<:ts. In animals subjected to tion of = ptors of the uterine cervix leads to
such proccdul"<'s, the pituitary rctains responsiveness activation of the LRH-secr<:ting neurons. Thc surges
10 LRH. can be artificially invoked by mechanically stimulat-
The neural circuits are complex . and it may be ing the l"<'CCptors with a glass rod. Ovulation can also
necessary to activale more than one pathway (62). be accomplished by injecting LH without providing
The LR H l"<'lease can be accomplishcd only during such stimulation.
certain hours of the day. and this is atlributcd to rcg- Differences between spontaneous and l"<'flex ovu·
ulalOry inRuences exerted by thc suprachiasmatic lators may be qualitative rather than quantitatiV<'_
nuclei. DemonSlrated inRuences of estradiol and pro- Rabbits have been known to ovulatc without the me-
geslerone on muscarinic l"<'cepIOl'S imply involve- chanical stimulation when they are str<:sscd. The 0b-
ment of acetylchOline (201). servation that conception often occurs at ina pprc>-
priatc times during the menstrual cycle in rape
victims has been cited as indil"<'c( evidence Ihal
WOmen ovulate in l"<'sponsc to stress. Conception also
In contrast. primales relain the ability 10 accomplish OCCUl'S at times in women who practice
LH surges when communica tion between Ihe medial Ihe "rhythm method of birth conlrol." Rats cXjXlSI:d
basal hypothalamus and other parts of the brain is to continuous bright lighl enter a Slatc of "pcrsislent
disrupted . Monkeys Can ovulate if they ar<: deprived estrus" not unlike the condition !ecn in unmated
rabbits. and Ihey ovulate in response to cervical mone_receptor interactions. The innuc necs on
stimulalion. tion oflcn precede the OneS On receptOr numbe .... a nd
maximum ratcs of LH release Can be achieved when
LRH binding reaches a low point.
In" sludy of proeslrus rats, a low dose of LR H
Two differences belween the menSlrual cycles of pri_ invoked prompt release of LII. Soon afterward, a
males and the eslrous cycles of Olher mammal. are second dose of Ihe same sile elicited a Io-fold
known. Firsl, although mood, the level of sexual in_ greater secrelory response, and a Ihird dQSC further
Icrest. and behavior are innu.nced by hormones in elevated Ihc rale. There was a concomitanl 30%-
primates. members of such can be receptive 40% reduction in receptor numbers (64). This
and engage in coitus at any phase of Ihe ovarian "down regulation" of receplor numbe ... docs not de-
cyde. In othe r mammals, a period of "behavioral es- pend on persistent receptor occupation. The half-
Irus" coincides wilh periovulalory events, and the fe- lime for dissociation of the LRH-receptor complex
males arc receptive only at Ihal time (sec Chapter in vitro is only 3 minules (64), and receptor loss can
13). Second. in primates. Ihere is much more elab- follow occupation of fewer than of Ihc receptors.
orate preparation of Ihe endometrium for implanta' LR H can also "uncouple" hormone binding to acti-
tion. If conception does 1101 occur. sloughing of I"e valion of the secretory re'ponses.
uterine lining is acrompanied by rupture of small
blood ve...::ls and the blood no'" that constitutes the
LH and FSH negltive inAuenots on their
own secr.l;ons (109). h has been ,ugge'ted Ihal high
Pitu itary Gland Reeeplof1l for LRH
conotntration. of LH in the piluilary gland. portal blood.
Regularly recurring changes in receplor numbers or per;pheral cireulal;On.,m n.galive fcodbad control
aC«lmpany the changes in ovarian activities. These over the LRH reCOPlO'" "' well (34). Obso""lion, con-
are imponant (but by 110 meanS sole) determinants ,i'tent with Ihe notion i"cludelhe following: (a) LRH r.-
of Ihe sensitivities 10 LR H slimulation. cePlot numbers rail soon .fler the nalurally occurring
LH ,urge: (b) a barbilur.te .dministercd ,IIo'tly before
In reproduetivdy competcnt female rats. the maX- the ",ual lime of Ih. , urge blocks both the I.H relea,e
im.1 n"", ochieve<i i"<t rrior '0 .he on"J or and lhe dectine in """'J>l'" numbeD; and Ie) """,alion
the preovulatory gonadOlropin surge. A precipilouS le.d.1O in reCePlor "umlx... wilh lTl"imal val_
dedine soon follows. Similar patterns have been de- uc,,d after 24 hours.
scribed for the hamster (3). Lactating ralS ha,-e rel- There are .. rong .rgurnenl' QgQ;nsl the CQncopt Ihal
atively small numbe ... of LRH receptors. and they LH i. an important regulator. The .ffe<t' of b.. biluralc-<
s.ccrete only small amounts of gonadotropin (34). Can be explained on the bui, of their inhibilion of LRH
r.l ..... and Ihe .elio", <.n be .nlagoni,-<d wilh exoge-
nou' hypothalam;c peptidc. Gonade<lomy liso affects
AUTOREGULATION LR H secrelion. In a sludy of ",,"riCOlOrniud e... s. recep-
lot numbers were oot loweml by inje<ting hCG for 10
LRH plays major roles in thc regUlation of its own
day. Slight reduction. c.n be acbic,'ed by giving
receplON. In castrated ewes. an injection of the hy- LH to int.ct animal •. bUllhi, i•• llribuled 10 Slimulalion
pothalamic hormone is soon followed by the appear- of pfOi.Olerone secr.lion and .teroid-mediated aug men-
ance of larger numbers of functional receptors. T he l31iQn Qflhe LRIi (4).
proleill$ have been identified on Ihe membranes of Sub'lance. within lhe hypothalamus and Qlhcr part. of
the granules within and it lhe brain th. l have LH-lil:o propertie, (54) are impli-
hu been prOp<.lS"d that the early "self_priming" ef_ cate<! in functions other th.n LRH COn1rol. The level< fall
fects involve translocations to the plasma membrane after hypophy..ctomy. but removal of lh. pitU ilary doe.
(139). nol1Olaily deplete the brain conlcnl.
When LRH is given repeatedly at appropriate in-
tervals. TCceptor numbers become chronically ele-
Steroid Hormone Influences on
vated. The delayed responses are probably depen-
Gonadolrope Receptor Numbers and
dent on new protein synthesis. Agents that
endogenous LRH relea,e, and hypothalamic lesions. Functions
invoh LRH receptor deficiencies. Each of the storoids Can aCl at many sites to elicit
Although acu te administration of LR H i, SOOn monophasic. biphasic, Or multiphasic responses. The
followed by LH discharge. the rate and magnitude consequences of changing the concentrations of any
of the LH release depend on factors other than Ihe one of them depend on the magnitude of change . Ihe
numbers of LRH binding ,iles (3). LRH ean in- duralion, the concentration, of other ,Ieroids, and
crease the abilily of gonadolropes to respond to hor- the endocrine hislory of the subject.

ANDROGENS in differ<:nt W>I)'$ 10 exen fccdbolck ronlrol

TcstOliterone is a major regu lator of plasma LH in over LH .. Icue (2). They augment Ihe numbers of
males. The earliest effect of uogenous hormone i, pituitary binding sites and Ihe responses 10 hormone
inhibition of gonadotropin t hat is ae«>mpa. binding. In primates. Ihey also curt inHu.
nied by transient elevation of the pituitary ,land enccs on gonadotropc$ previously uposcd to but
content. Laler. ,onadotropin s,"tl,lttsis is deprew:d. t.mpo;nrily deprived of LRH (222). E.$trosellS ad-
Sin«: DHT is "'lually eFrective, the D", not
ditionally promote LR H secretion. This effect .. es-
bel ieved to rcqllire aromali7.lltion (115). senlial for accomplishing the LH lurges in rodents
Castration of adults is soon fol lowed byelevalion but not in primates.
of Ih. plwna Lli. accelerated LH b;osynthcsis. a TlM: positive feedback.;an be demonslraled in re-
rise: in porIal blood LRH, a nd augmentation of LRH rnales ova riectomized as adults. bul IlOl in nonnal
numbers. TlM: "down regulation'· cffecu of males. At ICI$\ in rodents. it evidently depends upon
LRH are diminished bill "<)I a bolished (48 ). ea rly '°oond itioninJ" of lhe hypothalamo-hypophy.
leronc injected soon after thc s urgery blocks a ll of sia l sy$!em .
Ihe effecls. I r fil1t administered $Ome boul11aler. Ihe The faelors involved in terminalion of the gona.
flcreid revt:1'$CS changes thaI occurn:d. WIK:Il dotropin surge evidenlly include down regulation of
tn:3tmenl is delayed for many days. only repeated LRH rcotptor numbers and lass of gonadotropc sen-
large doses reslore the parameters. sitivity (100). During the IUleal pha$C. cstrogcllS
LRH is widdy dislributed throughout the brain again actions s imilar to tltosc dcscribetf for an-
(20. 156), and Ihe hormone made by drQiellS. They aCI in eon«rt wilh progesterone to in-
lamic neurons is implicated in the regulation of r<:. hibit LH sy nthesis and r<:lease,
productive behavior. Highly potent. Iong-aeting
LRH agonisu impair tbe functions in nils. presum- PAOGESTERONE
ably because Ihey I",,'''c r the receptor numbers. Tes-
tOliterQnC is not an important regulalorofsuch activ- The elTccts of progesterone vary wilh Ihc slage of Ibe
ities, and the effects of lite LR H-like peptidcs cannol ova rian cycle. in part because lbe responses arc m0d-
be overcome with tCSIOlilerone injcclions (4H). ified by the prior and concomiton! pre.en •• of estro-
The pituitary gland cells of females sbow similar gens. Estrogcns indUe(: J>rOieslerone receptors in Ibe
respollSCS to ellO&cnous DHT (34). HO'I''CVC1. pla$ma pituitary gland. hypothalamus. and eJttra-hypolha.
tt::Mosteron<: 1....15 I re low in healthy adults. and the lamie brain (as "dill in (lIber target otgIns such
steroid is not believed \0 be an important r<:gulalor as the uterus and mammary glands) ( 136). AI-
of either LH secretion or LRH ",eeptor numbers. lhough certain neurons do not r"'luire such ··.-stf()-
In Ihe species tha t have a Ii mall po$tovu latory in- gen pri ming:· there ar(: others in which progesterone
c ....."" in FS H secretion (M$«Ondary FSH s urgc··). receptor induclioo it a n _ r y (but not sulflcienl)
ovarian androgellS are believed to mediate the Iilim- oondition ror achievin, sensitivity 10 pl'O$CSlerone
ulation (SO,11g). AndrogellS from both tbe adrenal (61 ).
and ovary also increase inleresl (I 48). P'Q8.-sterone docs not bind 10 .-strOSCn
but il both directly and indirectly affects the re-
sponses 10 that . teroid. It Ca n impair tStr{)gen ind uc-
ESTROG ENS tion of its Own receptOfli and also interfere witb es-
trogen binding to those proteins. [ It has been
These steroids are evidently tbe major in SU&/l.-sted thai Ih. eslfQ8en targets have tWO kinds of
females. Tbe sensitivity of the pituitary ,000do- higl\..aftinity siles. and that prtIIcslerone $<elcct ively
Iropes 1(> estrogens varie. widely across Ihe s pecies affeel$ one of them (32).1 In addilion.
and at ditTerent limes in the !<'Ime individual ( 133). exertl cen tral aClions th ai leeondarHy innuencc the
T he acute effects of raising estrogen oonccntra. responses to estrogellli.
lions durina the midfollicular phase resemble lilose
dc$cribed for a ndrogens. Since LH synthesis oonlin- ift v<:ry hi.h C<W"""' ..... ioM. atradd
Ue$ bUI ilS release .. inhibiled. tbe: piluitary gland receptors. ..... i. is for
acellmulates Ihe gonadotropin stOfU it will necd for some of the .)"n!II<,;'" PfOIcst",ons
the preovulatory su rge. The,c responses are s«n in eltobli,hed 'hot Ihe ctreel$
both spon ta neous and roRex O\'ulalors (93).
, t be cONidered
However. fcmales build up high eslrosen levels
during the late follicular phase and lUSuin them ;
unlil !.ht>rdy befor.: ovulation. The steroids the ll act
not con,i'tently associated with dimini'hed res""",ive_ They additionally indu.. hypothalamic progesterone
ne$$ to Ihe hormone (136). receplors. Shortly before the LH surge, estrogen Icv-
cls decline a nd progeslerom: is released in small
In primates. plasma progesterone is low during amounts. The estrogen change probably lifts Ihe in-
the early and midfollieular phaw;. Exogenous hor- hibition Over gonadotropin release. as the progester-
mone can at Ihal time delay or tota ll y block Ihe one amplifies the effects of GnRH on the pituitary
prwvulatory gonadot ropin surge. It acts centrally 10 (215). Proovulatory progesterone also oonlributes to
decrease LR H !;tcretion (83). and il can direclly in_ Ihe estrogen-invoked behavioral eSlrus.
hibi l gonadotropin secretion without cha nging Ihe Rats have very shorlluteal phases. and the ovaries
sensitivity to LRH. h also reduces Ih. nuclear reten- secrete very lillie progeSlerone during nonfertile cy-
tion for the occupied estrogen reccplor. possibly by cles. Gonadotropin se<:retion is not inhibiled 10 Ihe
inducing an eslrogen ree<:ptor regulatory faclor same extent "-' in primal", and il is therefore pos-
(l47). sible to acoomplish preliminary maturation of new
Primale follicles begin IUleini7.ation s hortly before follicles. This is important. since the follicular phase
Ihe lime of ovulalion and they Ih.n release small is very slmrt.
amounts of progeslerone. The steroid now exens Ja- In calS, cSl radiol level! rise as the animals prepare
cUirarMy inA utnees On the estrogen·prepared pitu- for ovulalion, bUI there is no increase in plasma pro-
itary gland (224). It is probably needcd to aS'ure re- gesleTOne. The animals release LRH in response 10
lease of sufficient quantities of LH to acoomplish mating stimuli. and an LH surge SOOn follows . Pro-
ovulation and the establishment of fully funetioning geslerone neither enhances nor diminishes the elfeels
oorpora lutea , Exogenous progesleronc presented of estrogen and neural stimuli (93). Plasma proges-
late in the follicular phase can advan .. the midcyde terone rises only aftcr ovulation is completed (221).
su rge and increase its magnitude (212). The facili_ The rabbit is also a "reflex-' Ol'ulator. In animals
talion is probably excrled al several levels. In posl- of this kind. mating is followed by rapid discharge of
menopausal estrogen-primed WOmCn 20a-dihydroprogesterone from well-dilfercnliatcd
(1 41). in monkcys wilh hypothalamic lesions rCl:eiv- "interstilial glands" of the ovary. The progestogen
ing LRH pulses of unvarying ampliludes. and in es- may conlribUle to the lI-I release that follows .
trogen-primed ovariectomi,-Crl animals. progester-
one-invoked LH surges probably depend hcavily on
Nonst"ro ld". R"9ul"to.s o f Gonad o tro p In
augmentation of pituitary gland sensitivity to LRH .
However, addilional are evidently exened
centrally. In women. lhere is an associated elevalion Folliculostalin is a peplide (or group of closely re-
of prolactin levels which can be blocked wilh meth- lated ones) wilh biological properties similar to those
yldopa. In intaci rodents. progesterone has been 0b- of inhibin (sec Cha pter 14). The question of chemi -
served to promotc LR H accUmulalion within Ihe hy_ cal identi1y with hormones made by Serloli cells is
pothalamus (97). It has been proposed that slill under investigation .
progesterone elevales lhe norepinephrine levels and II eurrenl ly belicved that FSH promotes pro-
thereby oountcracts opioid inhibition of LR I I (96). duction of folliculostatin (follicular Auid factor, FF)
During the phase Ihat follows, progeSlerom: by granulosa ..lis. Higher con.. ntrations or Ihe pep-
synergizes with 10 inhibit gonadotropin se- lide in non3lrclic than in ng
cretion . The conditions created facilitate prolonga- foil ides. and roles in folliculogenesis as well as in in-
tion of Ihe life of t he oorpus lute um 10 the lime when hibition of FSH release have been proposed (lll).
i! will be needed 10 support implantation if fcrtili1a- The "second FSH surge" in rats docs not require
tion occul's. an increase in LR H secrelion. and it is unaffccted by
In cattle, increments in LRH are essential for ac- antibodies directed against the hypothalamic hOT_
oomplishing the mideycle surges. Therefore. the mo"" (gO). It has been amibuted to a lihing of in-
stim ulatory cffc<:1S of estrogens on the hypothalamus hibin oontrol after the foll icles have undergone lu-
during the preovulatory period are of greater impor- teinization . Exogenous FF can totally block the
tance than in primates. However. the effeclSon gon- su rge. Although low cone<:ntralions of FF preferen-
adotrope sensilivity are also required (100). LH tially depress FSH synlhesis and release. large ones
surges arc not progesterone dependenl. and no facil- presented al the appropriate times also block the
ilalory elfects on Ihe pituitary cells of cows have midcyde Ul surges in rats (l75). The mechan isms
been observed during in vitro studies (15 1). involve dim inution of gonadolrope responsivity to
In rats. follicular-phase estrogens Ihe pi- LRH.
tuitary . They a rc also bel ieved to invoke sufficient Pineal gland hormones contribme to Ihc regula-
LRH release 10 acoomplish "self-priming" elTC<:ls of tion of ovarian cycles as well as to seasonal danges
Ihe hypothalamic hormone on Ihe gonadotropcs. in reproduc tive functions in at least some sjlC<'ies .

The LRH -like gonadocrinins affC\:1 'coth receptor phase. it invokeS changes that culminate in the for-
numbe ... and responses to gonadotropins ( 123). mation of small volumes of fluid that arc highly vis-
oous and hClStile 10 spe rmatoroa. Glyooprotein fila-
ments form networks Ihal impede sperm pas<agc.
and progesterone-invoked relaxation of the cervical
walls permits drainage of Auids from the uterine
Since primales do not undergo behavioral estrus. cavity.
other mechanisms are necded to achievc optimal The progesterone influences decrease the chances
liming of fertilization and the events that follow. that spermatozoa will gain access to the fertiliz:lIion
si te after the oocytes have undergone some deterio-
ration but are still capable of accepting the gametes.
Glands 01 the Uterine Ce rylx
Doring the early follicolar phase. the cells of the
The Endo metrium, My ometri um, Bnd Uterine
oterine are small. They release small quan·
Flui ds
lities of acidic fluids Ihat a re hostile to spermatozoa.
and muCoS production averages 60 mg per day. Es- Estrogens sec reted during the follicular phase pro-
trogens secreted during thc mid- to late follicular mote growth and proliferation of the cells of the en-
phase stimulate growth. proliferation, and secretory dometrium a nd underlying stroma. elongalion of the
activities. The cdl sizes and numbe ... peak shortly tobolar glands of the endometrium. and augmenta-
before the gonadotropin surge. and mucus produc- tion of uterine blOXld flow. They alo;o stimulate the
tion increases up to ten_fold. The fluids are then wa- production of copious quantities of.n alkalino fluid
tery and voluminous but low in sialic acid and hy- that contains proteins and othor macromolecules im-
drogen ion oontent. They are rich in certain plicated in supporting sperm survi .. al and capacita-
electrolytes. and Ihey may additionally oontain fac- tion (6). The fluids distend the uterus and thereby
10rs Ihat prolong survival of the spermat07.0a. oontribute to stromal cell maturation (202). and
Parallel alignments of the glyooprotein filaments they stimulate uterine oonlraction.
facilitate rapid paS5llRe of motile spermatozoa to the Spermatoroa travel short distances in rodents. and
body of the uterus. and the direction of the ciliary preovulatory "ballooning'" of the uterus seem. to be
beat propels the mucus inward (161 J. However. the especially important for the .wimming movement •.
spacings of the filaments may retard the entry of ab- In larger mammals, sperm movements are aided by
normal spermatozoa (e.g. Ihose with 11'10 heads Or oontractions of the uteruS. Estrogens promote my-
tails) and ones that have limited motility. ometrial cell growth and proliferation. they increase
Cervical fluid taken at this time forms mucus the levels of PGf,. and other smooth musele con-
threads if it is stretched betW<'en two glass slides. It tractants. and they sharpen the sensitivities to stirn-
is therefore said to display spinnbarHeil or fibrosily. olants. In rabbit uterus, catecholamines and other
The Auid also displays crystal1i71!1ion regulators limit the formation of ,,_adrenergic recep-
pattern. (ferning) if it is permilled to air-dry. The to ... (36). Estrogens increase the r<:ceptors, possibly
observations are sometimes used to estimate the tim- by antagoni1ing some catecholamine actions.
ing of ovarian cvcnts. the time for ovulation approaches. the prelim-
Estrogens may additionally increase the ability of inary preparations for implantation are completed.
the to respond to relaxin. In at toast some spe- HoW<'vcr. the endometrium is not yet receptive to
ei •• they exert influences On lysyl oxidase and olher blastocysts. and uterine contractions can promote
enzymes involved in oollagen synthesis (150). of conceptuses that arrive prematurely.
Stiffening of the cervical walls contributes to re- During the luteal phase. progesterone aCtS only On
tention of uterine fluids oondocive to upward migra- tissues that are estrogen primed (107). Progesterone
tion and survival of that traverse the then terminates .,trogen influences on growth a nd
cervix. proliferation. It invokes changes that include glyco-
All of the preceding factors favor entry of sper- gen accumulation, inward migration of the nuclei.
matozoa shortly before and for a very brief time coiling of the endometrial tubules. and further de-
after ovulation. Since they take time to develop. pre- velopment of the small blood (161). In many
malure passage of spermatozoa that witt have time species (e.g. rabbits) it "quie"" the uterus and
to deteriorate as they await the ovulation is blocb organized contractions. This is accomplished
discouraged. in part via membrane hyperpolarization. There a rc
Estrogens also induce progesterone rec<:pto.... controversies ooncerning whether progesterone di-
When that hormone is r<:teased during the luteal rectly relaxes primate myometrium. It may amago-
nizc the cffe<:ts of stimulanl$ such .Ii oxytocin and Since ciliated coils have limited lif•• pans. dirTer."t
reduce PGF,. biosynthesis;. Guinea pig mYOlI'\etrium """trot. ar. ne.ded by refte. oyulators. In rabbin. 20«·
is not inhibited by progCJ;terone. hydro,)'prog.slerone i, a major "imulanl oIei1iosenesi.
tn a nimal . ... ilh ytty iJIon OY;Irian cyclel, lhe ... is lim · EstrogelHlominated luminal cells seuCtC fluids
ited "I.rine specializalion, 1I"",'.""r. hi"oIoCical chantu that su pport sperm and oocyte su\'\';val. sperm ca-
CIo" be: dc_ral.d. a.d ... lIIut"" of the c..... i. permi ..
dr1Oi....,. oIlbe ulerine ftuids. pIlcitation. and fertiliu.tion. Contraetion of s mooth
m\!5Cle in the region of the ampul1ary-tslhmie junc-
In humaros. the preparalions for implantalion tion IICOOmplish.. retention of germ; ... 1cells and 7.y.
compleledaround a week afler lhe timeof ovulation. gotcs in the upper pan of ,he fallopian luk
If the oocyte is the zySOtc ckvelop' into. C .... nges in cstrogcn:progcsleronc: ratios can pro-
blastoc)"Sl thai sl_1y lraycis d,oY.'" the oviduel lO ar· foundly affect the: smooth muscle fullC1ions in rats
rive in the now fully receptive uteru,. T he conceptus
then makes its own provisions fot rCllining the: en-
dometrial spc:cial;u.11ons (sec Chapter 16).
"" laler. progesterone contributes 10 formation of.
lIu id that sU PfX'IU carly deYClopmcnt of the concep-
During nonfertik: the endometrium soon It is also belieV<:d to regulale mUKIe contrac-
underBOt' deterioration. may initiate lions a nd to thereby assure alTi..,.1 of Ihe blastoc)..
the PHICCM by reduci ng t1M: numbel$ of est'Olen and al the appropriate lime. Although estro-
progesterone receplors (107. 136). Soon .fle....."rd. ratios are imporlant. OIher regu'
corpus luteum regrc::ssion cuts off the supply of Sle· lators arc involved in control of the Smooth mu..:le.
rQid horfl'>ON:5. The roiled arteries suppl)'ing blood TIte cells havc tlll'O kinds of PG recepto($ and $Cvcral
to the superficial la}'('1$ eonwict. and this leads to forms of innervation. Vawa"ive int($t;",,1 is;
hen>O$tasis in the aner;oles. capillaries. and v.nults, implicated as a neurotran:smiller or neu.ornodulator
The resulting ischemia and pH change wntribute to that II'\edialcs relaxatkln of the It may
cell necl'\l5is. 5<lmewhat later. the arteries and also the cervix, but it does not stimu late my·
blood escapes as the superficial endometrial cells ometrial pfep3ratioos in vitro (82).
slough 01T. Blood 1005 usually 27-36 ml. but vol·
urnes of S-80 ml hayc Ocen reported for healthy Th .. V... gln ...
women (lg9) , The menses occupy something like
15%-20% of the ovarian cycle F.strogcn. stimulate growth and proliferation of the
Physiological sloughing results from the iiCqucnec vaginal mucosa, They also promote production of
of \0 tstrogen and then prQiesteronc. fol· acidic fluids that !(["\'C as lubricants. The low pH
lowed by ste roid withdrllVllll. If e'trogen alone is providts prote<:lion against bacterial invasion. and
given to ovariectomized females. the endometrium tstrogeM arc sometimes used 0011)' ror that pur·
unde'lOC$ growth and cell proliferation. but progts· pose: in children and in p<)St rnenopauS31 women.
terone-dependent is oot s«n . With·
In luinea pigs. the nginai membra .... undel'!o at .....
dfll ..... l of the estrogen is followed by some sloo,hing s.lHIepcr>dent opcAin& durin, tach .....rilln cycle. In
of the superficial .:.::11s. If estrogen is Ii""n first. but rail. <:Slrogcn is n«ded to a«omplisll the pcr""'..."t
the progesterone administflltion is proIon&cd fa. be- openi", thaI pubeny.
yond the usul limc. sloughing is; dela)-.:d: howeyc •.
ev.:ntuaUy occurs CV<:n if tile pro- lllc C)'('lical chall8ts in rats are 10'(:\1 eharaclcrized
(228). and vaginal smears are widely IUCd 10 c:sti-

gesterone is still prCSCnl. P:tOSUterone alone cannot
promote substanlial endometrial buildup. IrQlte the timing of ovarian events ami the effects of

Figure 15020 prowides a rough indica tion of the

The Fallopian Tube. appearances of the smears during t1M: four Stages of
tlte rat C)'('le.
EArogcns aCI on t1M: .:.::11$ linin, lumen to pr&
mote growlh. prolifention. and specitl)izations that f'ROESTRUS: Grwp' of panially maMod ova.ion fol-
inelude eiliogenesis. They also regulate the aClivily (16--22 hooI..) Iidcs ur>derco preparations for ".......
tion. Plasma <1t"" •• k:.cls • • e low .t
of t1M: smooth muscle (19). The ciliated epithelium
first. bOll they ,radually rise. TM utcru.
of fimbria directs the oocyte and surrounding cu-
slo.'ly becomes h)'ll.rcmie and dil-
mulus into the infundibulum and tlten downward tOo tended ,.ith ftuid. 1.$ !he endometrium
ward the ampulla. In primates. cilia located inferi- be,ins its spcc:iali .. tions for impb ...
orly later ,uide the conceptus to the uterine cavity. 'at;c,n.
In many other species. smooth muscle contntctions Initially. lhe thin valina\ mucOlll por·
are more important. milS th. escapo of I.ukoxyt.s via diapo-

, ' '€?"

' ",
the .uperficia l ones . re oot dose to blood
• ....1., they be.""", keratinize<! (corni-
fio<!). lose their nuclei, and soon . Iough
off. The .aginal sme.r i. crowded with


Q large. flaltened cell remna." thaI ha.e
iIfegul.. outlines.
METESTRUS: Thi. phas< begin, soon ,f1el o,ulalion .

(10_14 h"",..) The ulel.' conlinu" preparation fM im-
plantalion. Sexual recepti.ity i. ler-
minated .
Proge .. erone prorTK>lcs mucification
of the thickened .aginal muc.,..., and Ihe
.... Pro- •• "", e. .me.r, mucus .hrod.. ,,>
.Ioughing continues, Ihe numbe" of cor-

, ®
• nified ceil, fall, and large. nucleated
on .. appea r a lonll with limited numbers
of leukocytes.

• • DIESTRUS: Th il ph... la>t. I,.., day, in 4-<I.y cy-

clers (and 3 in 5-<1.y cyclers) if concep-
tion dotl not occur. The ,mc.. contain,

(V @ large n"mbe ... of quile .mall, nucleated

epithelial cell., many leukocyte •. and
SOme muCu l .nd dobris .

C. M eteWu$ O. Ditt.uu.
Fig. 15-20, "'ppea'af>Oe 01 • .,g;,ol ..,...... 01 "'" ,01 at Much of the generalized discus.sioo of the me<:ha-
four pho . .. of !he e",r<l'" cycle.
nisms of action of steroid hormones presented;n ear-
lier ehaptc," con be applied to thc ovarian hormone.,
The study of eslrogens presents a few special
desi$. A ,moa, la ken at \hl\ lime con-
lains many leu kocy!es and also problems.
numerOUS .mall, rounded. "uolealed ep- I. Target organs such as c hic k o,iduct. mamma-
ithelial cell •. A> cmolleru pronwto cell lian ulerus, a nd mammary gland COIltain more than
prolifera1ion, the vaginal woll gradu"lIy one kind of estrogen·responsive cell. It is difficult to
lbicken •. make quantitative measurements of the responses if
ESTRUS: Follicular ","lura1ion i. completed, and OIl ly one of the componenlS is invol.ed, if opposing
(9-IS M>Il ..) Ihis is 1011"",0<1 by o"olalion. Hi&h eStro. inAuences arc exerted, or if the time CO\Irses vary
gen levels promote secretion of uterine with the cell types. The problems are not easily
nuids and coomiction of lh. cc ... i • . wilh >o1'ed by Out a single celltypc. The pro-
con"'qucnt bollooning of the ul<ru$. To- cedures in,oke injury. and they destroy normal cell-
ward Ih. end of lhe phase. e'trogen ley·
el. dedine and SQme prog¢$lerone re-
to-cell interactions. Moreover. agcnls used to maKe
loased . Co ..;o.1 rclantion Ihen permi ts the separations can exert pharmacological effects.
drainage <>f tho uterine ftu id. Soxua! n;- 2. Data obtained wilh one kind of preparation are
ccpti.i,y d".lopS a' thiS limo_ h i•• t- often not applicable to hormone functiollS in an-
tribuled 10 em<lg.n Slimula!ioo.oo pro. mher. Chick oviduct ma kes very large quantities of
,,,,(erone facilitation., estrogen-induced proteins and it also displays growth
OltrOgell$ rromote prolactin seCreI;"". and proliferation responses. Utcrus undergoos differ-
and role. for this hormone ho'e re<:enlly ent kinds of specializalion, its proliferative responses
been dern<>n$traled (79A)_ M.. ing wilh are unlike those of chick oviduct (206), and il makes
a fertile male u.ually lead. to OOI'I<eption very little spedfic new prolein_ Kidney en?ymes are
and Slimulali"" by an infertile ""e affected by estrogens, but the cells neither grow nor
bring. on p:<cudoprognancy_ In either
case (and also without mating). eM""ra proliferate when the hormones act On Ihem.
lutea form and secrete .mall.moun" of 3. The Same kinds of organs show speci es 'aria-
progCSterone_ tiorn; in response to pharmacological agents. For n-
The .aginal rnuCQO.a i. ""w mull ilay_ ample, tamoxifcn exerts mostly estrogen-like actions
ered, and il Ihe",fore bhxh leukocyte when presenlw 10 mouse uterus. but it has anlics-
escape. The cell. continue to srow. Since trogcn influences on rat uterus (140) .
4. EslrogellS play impOrtant roles in regulalion of cytoplasm is supported by the rapid accumulation of
Iheir own receptors and the receptors for other hor. radioactive molecules in that compartment following
mones. These effe.:ts vary with the target cen type. the presentation of tritium-labeled hormone, and by
Ovary. uterus, vagina. and mammary gland are the recovery of hormone-receptor complexes after
among the orgal\S in which estrogen can increase its cell fractionation.
own re<.:cptors and induce ones for progesterone. Pro- The molocular weights and sedimentation con-
gesterone tends to reduce the numbers of estrogen stants (5 values) of the estrogen bindins proteins
and progesterone receptors in SOme of the cells. Only (EBP!. eslrophils. estrophilillS) vary with the toch-
some parts of the brain are affected by pretreatment inques utili1.ed as well as the tissue sources. An im·
with steroids. In other regions, neither estrogen portant determinant is the concentration of inor.
(174) nor progesterone (136) receptor content is af· ganic salIS used to stahilize the proteins.
fected by estrogcn "priming."' The infiucnces of ex·
tragonadal hormones on the receptors also va!)' with RoCCpl"" for glue<><orl;<;<>id, ..em 10 r¢quire "'oct;va-
the cen type. In some largets. the receptor numbers lion" before tbcy can bind to ,teroid, w;lh high affinity.
even undergo diurnal variations (136). The f.cililalory of ATP. and "'her con-
In many studies, uterine preparations from im_ sidcral;on •. oUPPOr! sugge.tions that the receptor mu'tl><:
phosphorylated. There arc eonlroversie. over ..-hether es_
mature females Or from ovariectomized adults thaI Irogen receptors undergo activahon (or phosphoryl'lion)
have undergone long-term hormone deprivation are undcr phy,iological condilions (76AJ.
suddenty to fairly high concentrations of es-
lradkll-17p. The findings may not provide good in- A 4S (70.000-80.000 dalton) oomponent cx-
formatiQll on the roles of the steroid under more tracted from uteri in thc presence of 0.4 M KCi i,
physiological conditions. In the animal, the target stated by some to be made up of the "true" receptor
cells are gradually presented "'ith slowly rising hor- associaled wilh a Y protein that blocks receptor in-
mOne concentrations in the presence of many othcr leraction with nuclear "acceptor sites:' Jt is pro-
regulators. The rates of hormone uplake are affected posed Ihat the constiluents must dissociate to permit
by plasma proteins. and the respOnses are modified formation of an estrogen_receptor complex . Thc lat-
by such things as testosterone binding to cstrogen re- ter thcn undergoes a time and temperalure depen-
ceptors and interaetklns. dent "transformation" that could inV<llve dimeri7,a_
5. A single hormone can exert a series of influ_ tion, or association "'it h SOme other macromolecule
ences that 3re time-dependem . The earliest effeclS of and/or changes in oonf.guration Or chemical ma ke-
estradiol on the uterus of an intact female include up. The process culminates in production or a 5S
augmentation of blood flow. release of (I 140.000 dalton) derivative thaI (unlikc its
and generation of cAMP. Some actions may be ex- prccursor) binds with high affinilY to the chromatin
erted directly on surface receptors or on lysosomal (145). The concept is consislent with
membrane, (159), and others can inV<lI\'C the gen- tbat the I""ddioactive marker shifts from C}'loplasm to
eration of prostaglandins. Certain of the metabolic nucleus, and that tbe progressive reduction in cyu>-
effects have been linked with phosphorylations or plaimic 4S compOnent is associatcd with a parallel
other mechanisms for activation of preexisting en- rise in the nuclear 5S concentration.
zymes. whereas others the formation of new Proponents of the lIOI;on that the 4S ESP is the
proteins. Some delaycd actions depend on carly ones. "truc" 1'Cceptor regard an 8S macromole.:ule that is
Others take time to devclop for different reasons. in thc of KCI as either a I'Olymer
of the 4S protein or as receptor loosely asSOCiated
with other cell compOnents. (The 8S form could .
Estrogen Binding Proteins
thereforc, be an artifact produced during the extrac-
The target cells oontain macromole.:ules thaI bind tion process.)
estrogen, wilh high affinity and specificity. The term Different ideas have cmcrged from other labora-
"receplor"' is applied to the ones directly implicated tories (32) . It has been repOrted that when modcratc
in mediation of the responses. Although androgens concentrations of eSlroge!l$ are presented in vitro to
must undergo melabolic conversions before thcy can uterus and several other targets, half the hormone
act on some cells types. and many tissues melabohe binds to a "Type [" macromolecule to form a slowly
estrogen,. are good reasons to conclude that es- dissociating \IS steroid-protein complex. Since that
tradiol. eSlronc. and estriol bind directly. complex is translocated to the nudcusand this is fol-
11 is widely assumed that all of the effect, on cell lowed by changes in cell function that <:an be dircctly
growth and proliferation are preceded by the for- related to Ihe horITlOlle 3ctions, it is concluded that
mation of e$lrogen-receptor complexes that are sub- the 8S substancc is the "true" receptor. A rapidly
sequently translocated in modified form to the nu- dissociating 4S complex forms when the steroid aI-
elei. The no!k1n that the receptors are present in the taches to a '"Type 11" cytosolic protein that binds

with spedficity but lower affinity and greater &lime cell undergoing changes in function. Nude<>-
capacity. Since it is IIOt Iranslocated to the nucieus, somal "'gions are rich in proteins of this kind. and
it is proposed that the 4S complex serves to C<lncen· they may be si tes of active transeription. It has
trate the estrogen within the vicinity of the true re- therefore been proposed that the protcins serve as
ceptor. The possibility that it resides in the extracel- the acceptors.
lular space has been considered. In contrast. histones are remarkably similar
Two different complexes haV<' addilionally been across the species. and oncs found in plants and in-
identified in nuclei studied in vitro. The Type I nu· vertebrates are !lOt very different from mammalian
clear compOnent is believed to be derived from the proteins. Therdore. there has been a tendency 10 re-
Type I (85) eytosolie complex. It appears SOOn after gard histones as "generalized" regulators of nucleic
the steroid is presented to the cells. A Type II nu· acid function. However. it has been shown that es-
clear compicx docs !lOt appear until later. It is rwI trogen receptors derived from rabbit uterus intcract
derived from the 4S substance (which does !lOt u/uliW'ly with histones of the H2B and H2A types
undergo translocation) , The origin of the Type II (95), DireCI binding of estrogen--receptor complexes
complex is not known. One possibility is that it is al· to Ihe DNA has also been suggested. It is possible
ways present in the nudeus in a form that makes it that hormone actioM invol", associations of the re-
undetectable until after I(>ng·term nuclear residcnce ccplor complexes with multiple nuclear components.
of the 8S complex leads to its "activation." Another
is thaI the Type [I component is derivc<! from the 8S
Earl!f Co nsequences 01 Estrog en-Rec eptor
macromolecule . It has been demonstrated that a
Comple)! Association within t he Nucleus
" KCI resistant" material (one that can!lOt be ex·
tracted with KCI but requires the use of protcolytic RNA pOlymerase II (B) activity rises rapidly and
enzymes) can form from a "readily extractable" peaks within one hour. This is associated with the
precursor. formation of DNA_like (p",messenger) RNA. It
The Type I nudear compkx is implicated in me- may therefore be necessary for the cell 10 make
diation of hormone effects that are manifested in 6 sman quantities of one or more specific mRNAs and
hours Or less. whereas the Type II seems to be proteins that mediate the subseq uent events. Since
nceded for ddayed stim ulation of cell growth and the changes in enzyme activity can be blocked with
proliferation. «-3manitin but !lO1 wilh cycloheximide. the finding..
Thc traditional conceptsof steroid hormone action are consistent with "unmaskin8" of new initiation
have been challenged on several grounds: (a) Since sites but nol with V<'ry early induction of the poly.
extraction of unoccupied receptors (i.e .. ones not merase, Small quantities of specifoc estrogen-in-
bound to 'teroid) "'quires elaborate procedures, it duced proteins ( IPs) can soon be detected, and they
has been ,uggested that the receplors of unstimu. are believed \0 be symhesi,ed on preformed ribo-
lated cells arC sequestered, possibly in Iysosomes somes. The functions of the IPs arC not known. At
(208. 2(9). and that Iysosomes participate in the this stage. there is no gtltf'raliud increase in cell
transport of complexes to nuclear sites. (b) Jt has RNA Or prolein content.
been pointed out that a 4S molecule may be more RNA polymerase I (A) is u-amanitin_insensitive.
suitable than a 5S for translocation, since it is Its acti_ity rises after the first hour, and high levels
smaller (136). and the the 4S to 5S conversion pro- a", attained within 4 hours after the hormone is pre_
ceeds morc rapidly in the presence of DNA (116). sented. The RNA directs the formation of rRNA.
(c) Early reports that unoccupied receptors are p",s- and its production in the target cdls is associated
ent in target cell nuclei (191) have been followed by with increases in the numbers of polysomes. There-
more recent ones indicating that mosl of the mole- fore, this effect increases the efficiency of the pro-
cules are. in fact. in the nuclei . and the cystolic 10- machinery.
cali7.ation is an extraction artifact (lOlA). It is now
suggested tbal rcceptors of unsti mulated cells are
Delayed Effects
loosely associated with nuclear compOnents, and the
steroid binding leads to tighter association (101 A). The eSlradiol-t7.8 (E,) complex is retained within
the nueleus for many hours. The delayed conse-
quences include sustained elevation of RNA pOly-
Nuclear " Acc eptor Sites "
merase I acti_ity and a secondary increase in RNA
There are conllicting thoughts about the nalUre of polymerase II (33). Very small increments in DNA
the "acceptor sites," Nonhistone ("acidic") proteins synthesis can also be detected . but the cells do not at
differ from one cell type to another. and also in the this time p",pa'" for mitosis. More rapid DNA sy".
thesis is Sten 18 or mOre hours after thc hormone has onstrate that the delayed actions of the cstrogens re-
been presented. and the f,rst signs of cell prolifem- quire reecptor replenishment and multiple cydes of
tion appear after 24 hours. The delayed responses in- hormone-receptor allachments. Nafoxidine elicits
clude accelerated glucose uti1i1.ation and increased all of the early E, effects and also "one round" of
activities of both DNA polymerase" and thymidine DNA ,ynthesis and cell division . Its subsequenl
kinase. Thoy a,. evidently dependent on the earlier "anti""trogcn" activity i, amihuted to failure 10
changes in RNA and protein synthesi •. since they bring about receptor replenishment (33). Tamoxifcn
can be prevented with actinomycin D Or puromycin. is more like E, in that it fails to sustain tbe RNA
The increases in DNA polymerase and thymid ine ki· polymerase I activity or invoke delayed responses.
nase activi(ies occur when these agents arc omitted However. the antagonism persi.ts in the presence of
but inhibitors of DNA synthesis arc used. In the E, and free receptOT. It has therefore been suggested
presence of aminopterin (which imerferes with mi_ that tamoxifcn-reeeptor combinations ei ther block
\osis), the cells undergo hypertrophy (206). Maosivc the formation of the Type IJ nudear complex (im-
doses of eStrogens can directly increase DNA poly_ plicated in mediation of the delayed actions) or pro-
merase activity in SOme eclltype •. but it is not known mOte production of an inhibitor of the effects exerted
if the actions a re purely pharmacologicaL on Ihe genome (140). The mechanisms could involve
Estriol (E,l binds 10 the E, receptor. and the COm- binding 10 nuclear sitcs different from Ihe ones that
plex formed lranslocates 10 the nucleus. However. mediate estrogen stimulation.
the E, complex dissociates rapidly and E, soon re- Different pharmacological studies rai,e the possi-
IUrnS 10 the cytoplasm. When a single dose of the bility Ihat some influences of E, do not involve at-
steroid is given to animals. only the ea rly estrogen tachments of the hormone_receptor complexes to nu-
responses arc invoked , The RNA polymerase I ac_ c lear components. binds
tivity returnS 10 pretreatment levels within a few only to microsomal molecules, but it mimics E, in_
hours, and there are no dcla)'ed effects On DNA 'yn- fluences on uterine groWlb without increaSing RNA
thesis or cell proliferation. It seems, therefore. that polymerase [activity (136).
the late changes require long_term retenlion of the Progesterone does nol bind 10 the unoccupied es-
steroid-receptor complex within the nucleus. The ac- trogen receptor or affe<:t the cstrogen binding allin-
tions of E, Can be mimicked with frequently re- ity. It may. however, interfere with estrogen uplake
peated dosages of E,. or be convened to a metabolite that binds the EB P
(136). Its ability 10 rapidly and sele< y lower the
numbers of nuclear estrogen-receptor complexes is
Estrogen Influencell on E8irogen Reeeptor8
dependent on new RNA and protein synthesis.
Receplor proteins are made by the target cells of Thyroid hormones are e.idenlly addi tional modi-
both immature and ovarieclomized animals. When fiers of estrogen actions. In deficiency states. the latc
estrogen presentation leads to accu mulation of hor- (but not the carly) responses to estradiol are im-
mone-receplor oomplexes in the nuclei. the cytosolic paired (1M) ,
conlent of the protein falls, and new synlhesis is ac-
celerated. Re<:eptor replenishmenl of this kind can
Anti-Mitotic Actions 01 E8trogens
be blocked with protein synthesis inhibitors.
Stimulated cell$ ulilize two otber me<:hanisms for Chick oviduct undergoes sustained proliferalive rc-
n:ccptor n:plenishment. (a) When the hormone_pro- SPOIISCS to long_term E, admin istration. Pituitary
lein oomplexes aeoomplish their missions within the glands undergo marked hyperplasia. and they can
nucleus. the receplors dissociale from the steroids double in size during normal pregnaneies. Chronic
and undergo changes that lower the affinity for the overdosage invokes tumor formalion. In cont rast,
hormone. Some of the "used" receptor is Ihen "re- 'o'llgina, and cerlain other targets soon be-
activated" via mecbanisms that do not involve new come refractory to the milogenie actions. In some
protein synthesis. (h) A steroid-receptor complex forms of breast cancer, pharmacological dosages ini-
Can bind transiently to a low·affinity nuclear binding tially stimulate but subsequently arrest growth.
site. When it leaves the nudeus. the complex disso- Delayed anli-rnitotic effec" may result from in_
ciales, and lhe receptor prolein undergoes direct"re- duction of substances thaI block the entry of cell,
cycling." Progesterone and pituilary hormones have into the S (DNA replication) phase of Ihe cycle. or
been shown to retard estrogen reeeplor replenish- of chalones (140,206). Anolher possibility is that
ment (136). Newly synthesized RNAs have been prolonged stim ulation depleles Ihe cells of constitu-
implicated in release of the receptors (76A), and il ents rt{[uired to sustain the proliferative responses.
has recently been shown that RNAs can function as Tissues that continue to divide rnay depend on estro-
catalysts (l14A). gen.stimulated provision of other regulators. Growth
Pharmacological agenls have been used to dem- hormone. prolaelin. and prostaglandins accelerate

of many c:elltypcs, El nlcas:lthcm. h hive been anributed to oompclil ion with other
also induca EGF reaptors <,.·2). Mlbslratts.
In IIIe presence of proi<:UeS 01' the kinds found in
cells. receptor fragments thlt rClain progesterone
e ,trOien Induction of Proieslerone binding sites arc formed. The
Recepto r' fragmcnts may he physiologically relevant metabo-
liles or degradation products whOllC formation ron·
The responus of Ulerus, uteri ne cervix, vagina. pi·
tributes to terminalion of the horlllOll<' actions.
tuitary gland, alld some: olh., targets \0 progester.
(However. sil\Ce they have ba:n studied in vitro, the:
0lIl: nquirc estrogen "priming.·· Estrogen ill(\ucl ion
poMibility that they arc hu not been ruled
of progCS\CI'OJIoC receptors is an early e\'enl t hal can
0111 1132].)
be &COCOfTiplisbc:d ..·jlh E)-
AI least some: actions 01' p1Q&<stcrone. for cum-
The bo:ncficial .FreelS of exogenous progesterone
pie. ones utned on amphibiln oocytes (ISlA) may
in puienu "'jlh breast <:lInce. have been linked with
m()(iIIlalion of estrogen 5timuiaLiocI (57). However. 00' involve inleraclions witb 'he classical kinds 0(
progeSterone probably eXC'1I estrogen-independent
elrects as well. h has been pointed OU1 thai steroid
em cdl proliferation can involve changes GONADAL STEROID ACTI ONS ON OTHER
in blood supply, cc!l'IO<CU inlcrnclions. rates of cell TISSUES
destruction, and both production of and 1(1
EstfOlCn .clions on hoM arc physiologicaLly impor·
immul\C faclDn (101).
lant bul not .. ell defined (sec PIon IV). Alihough no
eslroccn receptors bave been found. Ihe bormooc
can accelerate linear gTO'<O·th in jUVi:ni\C:S and pr0-
mote epiphyseal closure .flc.....ard . It also inHuc:1\CCS
On the basis of studies wjlh chid oviduct, the fol- vitamin D parathyroid hormone [1Inc-
lowing OOllCC plS have been presen ted (216): The pro- lions. some Upeclll of ca lcium me tabolism !lOt di.
IICSt.ront is a heterodimer oomposed of a ' '''' tty wi l h onrl form.
3.65 subunil A wilh a w<=iaht of approxi· of behavior (e.g. food intake and tendency to engllge
malely 79.000 plus a 4.25 subuni t 8 with a weight in physical activity) thai indi'eclly affect 000c. Ad·
01' lI'ound 117.000. Each COITIpOIICnt pew...... an al· ditionany. il is an inhibitor 0( $Omalomedin produc-
Uochment sile for one molecule of procesleroroc. tion ( 162).
Afler Ihe progcstcroncs bind 10 the dimer. lhe Girls Sttreling u«:ssivelmounlS early in life may
complex underJOCS activalioo and lr.tnsloc;ues 10 Ihe be lall for age. but lhey underllO premature Clkifi.
nucleus. The B COmponenl out" and 31· calioo of ille Women OV3riectomi1.Cd duro
tuhCli 10 Ihe appropriate site on Ihe g"lIOmc. possi. ing carly adulthood suffer rec!uctioo;n bone mw if
bly by re.:ognizing nQIlhitlonc proteins. rcplacemenllllernpy is not provided. After the men-
The A subunil muS! from the romplex Opause. reduced rates of estrogen production arc said
before it binds to Ihe ae«ptOf si te. Th is may be ac· to acce lerate tlte bone loss litat accompanics normal
complished via activation or release of a protease in agina. Ilo,,'ever. Iher.:: are problems with lbe can-
response 10 the inilial bindi", of the whole complex Bone kt5s lhe menopause. Moreov<:r.
10 lhe chromatin. many women secrele sub5tantial qllantitics of adre-
The A component (which holds Ollt 01' Ihe pr<.>gc:s- nal andfOlCftS and CORVi:rt the steroids 10 estrogens.
terone molecules) then binds direct I)' 10 the DNA Although e.<OgcOOU$ estrese", are reported to retard
sel'Mnllo which it is directed , It is believed Ihatlhe bone loss in menopausal women. they evidently tan-
ratc of R NA synthesis that follows re- not re5lorc depicted tissues (13) (sec Part IV). The
sult! from "unmasking" n\:W for RNA Jleroids ore sometimes useful for acceleraling tile
merase a tlachment. hca ling of fractures in older women.
Ma ny aspects of progesterone me<:hanisms rc· In the liver. estrogens stimula te sy nthesis of
quire fu rlher inVeSliglltion. Targe t cells can metab- seve ra l important plasma prote;lI$t hat incl \lde CBG.
olize progCSleronc to Sn- and 2Oa-rcduced metabo- TeBG. TBG . renin subslrate. and
liles •• nd weh molecules are also pratnl in blood some coagulation faclon. Under certain conditions.
plasma. The me\.abolitcsuen actio ... somcwhal dif· lhe o;onccntrati ..... of lotal hoi " .....,es are adjusted so
ferenl from lhose of p1ogutcront. but only a few 01 thai the Ie,'cis of free (bioIogicIlly le' ;vc) steroid are
the fu nctions are know n. The« sev· not changed. In ot hcrs, lhe: estrogens affe<:' tbe en-
enll reael ions. and some progCllteronc influences docrine functions . In some women. negative feed·
back controls ()\Icr angiotensin production arC def:c· clearly defined small elevation of the rectal temper·
tive. and high renin substrate concentrations invoke atu re can be detected around thc time when the cor·
hypertension during pregnancy or the use of onl pus lutcum begins to secl"<'tc progesterone.
oontraceptives (99). Estrogens also alfect lipid me- Ovariectomized animals of ma ny slXX'ies gain
tabolism and the circulating levels of cholesterol and weight if they are not given estrogens. This is attrib-
triglycerides. They contribute to regulation of biliary uted to 'ooth reduction in physical activity and an in·
excretion. Although sexual dimorphism is invoked crease in food intake. It may involve inAuences e x·
mostly by different regulators (see Chap. 14). estro- erted On catccholamine mcta'oolism. Changes in food
gens are major modulators of thc activities of en· preferences have also been described (112 ). In
7.ymt-< involved in intermediate meta'oolism and ste· women. estrogens can alleviate psychic depression
roid hormone degradation. Hepatic re<:eptors for (A·3).
are controlled by complex mechanisms
that invol"e growth hormone and glucocorticoids as PUBERTY ONSET IN FEMALES
well as the ovarian steroids (44) . Progestogens
exert limited inAucnces on the glucocorticoid recep- I n juveniles, thc hypothalamo-hY!Xlphysial system is
tor<, and they are also believed to alfect insulin exquisitely sensitive to the inhibitory influences of
functions. the small amounts of steroids released from the ova·
The have estrogen receptors, and re- ries. The quantities of gonadotropins secreted are
s!Xlnses to the hormone include changes in the activo then inadequate for promoting substantial matura·
ities of ornithine dc¢ar'ooxylase and SOme other en· tion of the gonad •.
zymes . However. most estrogen influences on renal The sensitivity is attributed at least in part to in·
excretion are indirect. (For example. water retention fluences exerted by ex tra·hypothalamic neuroos. and
has been linked with production of renin subs trate; it probably involves the release of opioid peptides.
th: chnges in calcium and phosphate excretion re- Precocious puberty occurs in children with some
sult mostly from effects exerted on calcium absorp- kinds of brain tumors. and it can be invoked in ex·
tion and calciferol metabolism.) perimental animals by placing lesions in certain
Progesterone probably contributes to the water re- pam of the brain. Possible roles for the pineal gland
tention experienced by many women during the laiC arc suggested by several observations. As diseussed
luteal phase. Among other things. it is oonverted to in Chapter 20. the activitie, of the pineal are regu·
deoxycorticosterone in the kidney a nd at SOme other lated by changes in envIronmental hgh\lng. ' r he
siteS (225). The kidney is not known to contain pro- gland has estrogen receptors, and the melatonin it
gesterone receptors. When the cone<:ntTl\tions rela· seCreteS affects LRH release. Children ""ith pineal
tive to aldosterone are very high, progesterone can tumOrs often suffer precocious or delayed pnbeny,
act like a mincralcorticoid by binding to aldosterone and blind girls tend to mature earlier than sigh ted
receptors. Ho",·ever. since the ovarian hormone ha< ones. Stalistical studies indicate that menarche (the
limited potency, its competition for aldosterone re· firsl menstrual cycle ) oc<:urs with highest frequency
ceptors can actually diminish water a nd salt in June in normal girls residing in the Northern
reabsorption. hemisphere. In healthy children. nocturnal blood
ProgeSlogens are sometimes used to treat "pre· melatonin levels decline with advancing age. and low
menstrual syndrome." a oondition associated with !Xlints arc attaincd at the end of pUberty (1041\). In
uterine cramps, edema. and often also anxiety or rats. undernutrition delays reproductive system mat·
depression. Limited numbers of patients respond uration and pincalcctomy prevents this.
well to Ihe steroids. Others are either unaffected or It has been widely stated that the age at menarche
more troubled by the "sidIXffects" than the original rell steadily from something like 17 years during the
symptoms (207). It is likely that the benefits reali7.ed nineteenth century to around 12.5 years in the
result from loweri ng of prostaglandin levels and ! 950.. This hs been amibuted to higher levels of
from actions curtcd on the central nervOuS system. "'I>:$ychosocial stimulation" (provided by television .
(Ma ny clinicians report higher SucceSS rates with educational and recreational faci!ities, and SO forth) .
prostagland in synthesis inhibitors.) Most of the ef· to "longer days" be<:ause of artificial lighting. and to
feets on neurOnS are depressant. The drowsiness ex· improved nutrition. The data have recently been
perienced by many women during early pregnancy. reexamined and found to be inaccurate. It now ap-
and the psychic depression that accompanies the use pears that th. mean age at menarche of 12.5 years
of oral oontraeeplives in some individuals, are attrib- is not very different from the timing two centuries
uted to progestogens. Pharmacological doses of a ago (25). It has been pointed out that genetic factors
rew synthetic agents mimic the actions of general are major determinants . Although some girls
anesthetics . Progesterone can also act on body tem· undergo pubertal changes at the age of 9, others st ill
perature·regulating neurons . In 'lOme subjects. a do IIOt do so until after age 17.

The of nutrition has received a great animals undergo vaginal opening or f,rst estrus when
deal of allenliQ" in recem studies. II has been pro- Ihe body weights and fat contents are lower than
posed thai an adequate fat:lean body maSS ratio those of well·fed controls. Growth rates, OOdy pro-
must be attained bofor. the ovarian cydes can be tein stores. caloric intake, and growth hormone lev.
established and maintained (67.68), Acoording to cis ail affect the timing when the rat contcn t is con·
Ihis conC<'pl, neither age OOr height is of major im- trolled (146). In one study of underfed male rats,
ponanC<'. fk,th "early" and "latc" maturing females low plasma FSH was linked with the seerelion of
develop when they have 3C<juircd sufficient fat large quantities of inhibin (12). In mice,
SlorCS. Controls of this kind make "physiological arc major regulators Chapter I), Othcr
sense." When females acquire the ability \0 produce are markedly affectcd by the composition (other
fertilizable ova, they also require preparation for than caloric content) of the diet and by enViTOnmen·
pregnancy and lacl3lion. This includes slorage of tal factors such as temperature and rainfa ll. The 01·
metabolic reserves. /I. poMible wont.ling link is lhe factory apparatus makes important contributions in
high aromatasc activity of adipose ti ssue, and there- some animal types, and anosmia can delay puberty
fore Ihe buildup of higher estrogen levels in states of in children .
adequate nutrition. In prepubescent boys. change. in Ihe central ncr·
The fat:lean body ralio hypothesis is on sta- vous system lead to accelerated LRH release, AI
tistical data for hUnlans, and on the effects of ad- first there are small nocturnal "surge'" and these
ministering diets with varying On fat ae- lead to corresponding LH pulses. In time, tbe pulses
cumu lation in experimental animals. It is become more frequcnt and they have grealer ampli·
by observations that undernourished young tudes. The gonadotropins promote testicular matu-
tend to develop laIC, that adolescents woo ration and testosterone secretion. and bolh LRH and
restrict their caloric intakes can undergo LH receptor numbers increase, After a long series of
maturation or become amenorrheic if the stepwise changes, the testes mature to the point
loss is postpubertal, and that anorexia nervOSa is as' where they begin 10 suppon spermatogenesis.
sociated with reversible lowering of gonadotropin In females, development of reproductive compe-
levels. Professional ballet dancers and athletes tence similar cycles. However. il is also nee-
have been koown to menstruating while Ihey essary to achieve positive feedback control •. In ad-
arc active, and 10 reestablish cycles when tbey dition to gonadotropin stimulation of the gonads. this
take vacations Ihal permil elevation of fat: muscle requires ewogen participation in the formation of
ratio. FSH and LH receptors. The entire system =ms to
Some other observations said to su ppon thc find· gradually advance to higher and higber states of de-
ings can be interpreted in different Rat pups velopment until maturity is eventually attained
raised in very smalllillers grow rapidly, acquire sub- (163). Cyclical buildup and sloughi ng of the endo-
stantial OOdy fat stores. and mature early. However. metrium precede the establishment of fertile cycles
it is obvious that they obtain more than a rich milk ( 146). It may lake time for thc hypothalamus and
supply. They are licked and stimulated frequently by pituitary gland 10 develop sufficient se nsitivity to
the mothe r, and they arc kept warm during the io- mount the midcycle gonadotropin surge. However.
tervals between feeding. They may a lso derive some- observations on suggest that thc period of
thing from the milk that pups from large lillers lack adolescent sterility is more closely lin ked with the se-
(since the mother easily satisfies her own nutritional cretion of estrogen in amounts tOO smail to fully
!"C<luirements). stimulate the system
Body llimulation and freedonl from SI,os< probably a{· Human females undergo changes in adrenocorti·
{cct pubeny limil\i. Pups that are .nd otherwise cal function ("'adreMrehe") during the peripubertal
gently handted malure earl i., than control. o{ the .. m.
strain and lill., ,ize. No, i"". Slimuli can delay the period, and the adrenal androgens promote growth
development. of axillary and pubic hair. The steroids may contrib-
ute in other ways to puberty onset. (Adrenocortical
Not all of the nutritional studies support the "fat· insufficiency delays pubeny, but it so profoundly af,
ness" concept. There are conditions under which di· fects metabolic runctions that the roles in reproduc.
etary manipulation does not affect pUberty timing tive system maturation are difficult to define. Ste-
(as determined by time of vaginal opening in ro- roid·secreting tumors can advance pubeny onset.)
This seerm; to be especially lrue for strains in Several indication. that prolactin plays important
which controls malure late for genetic reasons. roles in reproductive system physiology have been
There are others in which "late-maturing" underfed cited, and estrogens stimulate prolactin secretion .
Estrogens also growth hormorK: secretion. gen. The plasma CQncentrations of both fSH and
and growth hormone deficiency delays reproductive LH risc and remain elevated. The hormonal chnges
system maturation. are usually accompanied by a varie ty of bodily
changes. Ihe most prominent of whiCh is vasomotor
instability. The blood pressure can undergo wide
flucluations, a nd most womcn experiencc " hot
Aging females of most mammalian species show loss flushes" (or bol flashes), during which there is
of fertility and ullimate cessation of ovarian cycles. marked vasodilation of the peripheral vessels supply.
In rats and $Orne animal types with short life ing the face and upper pans of the body_ An unoom·
spans. the ova ries still CQntain substant ial numbers fortable ..,n>alion of warmth i. characteristically fol·
of germinal cens and follicles when this occurs. Ova_ lowed by sweating. the evaporation of which leads 10
ries of older rats can continue to function if they are feelings of CQld Or clamminess. Nocturnal sweating
implanted into young ovariectomi,_cd animals of thc is also common . The symptoms can be relieved by
same slrain. The oormal dccline in reproductive estrogen adminislration.
functions in these has been lin ked with changcs in Similar changes in card iovascular functions follow
the areaatc nuclei and the associated ability to re- ovariectomy in young women who are IIOt immedi_
lease sufficient quan tities of LRH. It ha. bc<;n pro- ately given replaceme nt therapy. Therefore, they arc
posed that emogens playa role in hypothalamic nO! dire<:tly related to aging. The concept that they
aging. since females gonadectomized $O(In after are caused by elevalion of the plasma gonadotropin
achieving reproductive competence can support the levels is inconsistent with Ihe failure to find such
funclions of ovaries implantcd at a laler time. symptoms in hypogonadal individuals who have
whereas those permined to retain their OWn gonads neVer secreted large quantities of ovarian steroids
into "middle age" cannot do this (180)_ but maintain high plasma concentrations of FSH
I n humans. cessation .of Ihe merul!rual cyclcs oc- and LH . Although temporal associations between
curs relatively early in the life span (usually $Orne the Onset of the flushes and the release of "bursts"
time between the ages of 48 and 52 but often $O(Iner of LRH hay. been described, it is unlikely that LRH
in women who may survive for 90 or mOre years). In per so: is of the problems Agcnts that abol.
many, the ovaries are sevcrely depleted of germinal ish Ihe LRH pulses do 001 relieve the symptom... and
cells as the time of menopause approaches, buI in it has therefore been proposed that e.tradiol with-
some, scattered fothctes wtth oocytcs can be found drawal anects Ihe funcl10ns of estrogctl--SCnslI!ve
decades later. neurons within regions of the brain linked 10 si tcs for
There have been sugges tions that the relatively regulation of both body temperature and LRH se-
early loss of fertilily in women CQnfers three advan- cretion (29).
tages for the species. First, Ihe oocytes that are fi- Other CQmrnon symptoms include fatigue. a sense
nally released entered the prophase of during of muscle weakness, insomnia. difficulties maintain.
fetal life. There is probably an upper limit 10 th. ing attention span. headache. weight gain. and
time they can remain in good condition. Therefore. psychic depression. A widely perpetraled nOlion Ihal
termination of ovulalion lessens the cnances that de- such conditions are in origin seeks
Icriof1\lill8 oocytes will enter into the formation of support in Koowlcdge that women such
abnormal gametes_The concept finds some support problems may be sim ultaneously undergoing poten-
in Ihe observations that the incidence of birth defects tially distressing changes in lifestyle. Their children
is greater for older than for younger mothers. A re- may have reached ages at which they 00 longer re·
lated concept is tbat the "recruitment" and "sclee- quire maternal nurturing. and much has been madc
lion" processes provide for maluration of only thc of the "empty·nest syndrome." HU5bands of middle
healthiest of the germinal cells, and that the pool of age or beyond often become preoccupied with prob-
oocytes wilh normal characteristics faUs off sharply lems of career or aging thaI can add to the difficul-
with advancing age. Second. human infants and chilo ties. It has also been claimed that peri menopausal
dren require extended periods of parental Care . It is women respond favorably 10 treatmen t with tran-
therefore advantageous for mothers 10 be healthy quilizers or placebo<!. The concepl.$ arc difficult to
and vigorous when the children are young. Third, reconcile with the appearance of symptoms of simi-
since humans haY(: highly developed mechanisms for lar intensity in women busily engaged in work and
communication, older and more experienced females other activities. and with the failure of nu)SI to re-
can advise the women of childbearing age. spond to placebo<!. Tranquilizers that reduce the
When follicles no longer mature, CQrpora lutea are overaetivity of $Orne neuron groups can also decrease
oot formed. The plasma estradiol ieY(:ls fall sharply the mOli_ation 10 CQmplain or to seek out help.
and progesterone concentrations are substanliall y Since estrogens Can alleviate suffering in some
reduced. E51rone then becomes the primary est1"O- subjects, there are clinicians who believe that the
'" 10., R. H.. $iler·KhQdr. T. M.. Smith. C. G ..
steroids should be prescribed for all women who de-
rive benefits. However, Ihe "side-cffccts" of estrogen and Scholly.A V, lut.olylie Effect of D·Tryp··
therapy can include nausea, "'-alor relemion, br<:ast luteinizing Horm""".Rcleasil13 llolOlOne in the
RheSu$ Monkey ( Mac ••• mnl.1ta). J. Clin, 1;.'".
tenderness. and incr<:ased susceptibil ity 10 develop-
dIX,inc/, M£rab. 51: 565-71. 19SI.
ment of liver tumors and endometrial canc<:rs. There I I. R. H., Van Sickle, M" ReHori. V.. lIalma·
are claims that addition of progestogen! averts the ceda. J. p .. Eddy. C. A.. Coy. D H.. and $chally.
sequelae. Another point of view is thaI A. V. Ahstnce of UI·RH Binding Sito, in Cor-
estrogen withdrawal is physiological, and that natu- pora I.ulea from Rh .. u, Mon. ey. (M•••"". mu·
ral adjustments should be permiued lQ proceed when lOll.), J. 53: 215-17.
the problems can be managed without medication . 19S1.
12. Allardi. B. Faeililation . "d Inhibit ion of Estro-
s.n.lnduce<! luteinizins Hormone Surge in the
ROI by PrOBesl.rone: Err•• " on Cytoplasmic Ind
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Conception, Contraception, Pregnancy, and Lactation

PREPARATIONS FOR FERTILIZATION surface glycoproteins and glycolipids. and in stain ing
properties. Alterations of the head r<:gion are also re-
When spermatozoa enter lb. 1raCt. they Can
ne<:ted in differences in electrophoretic mobility, an-
swim but they arc nO! yet capable of penetrating thc
tibody binding . and agglutination reactions
prote<:!;". layers that surround the oocy1e. Their
Some of the proteins that arc re-
head regions arc covered with glyooprOlcins provided
moved have been identified (62.67 ).
by the Icsticular and seminal Huids. and lhose mol-
0'Y8cn uptake and glucose U1ili7.ation increase.
ecules block further maluration as they confer sla-
and thc cAMP that is generated contributes to the
bility (102) . Sialic acid-rich compounds increase Ihc
ability to perform directed (40). (The
surface cha rge negativity and lesse n both suscepti-
motility chanle< can b< elicited by prcscntin2 the
bility to deSlrUctlon by phagocytic leukocytes and
nUcicotide in combination with phosphodiesterase
the tendencies to agg'utina!e (lOS).
inhibitors_) E'tracellular Ca h is needed, and one
function is support of adenylate cyclase activation.
Allempt. have been made to study the pbcnomena
Capacitatio n under artificial conditions. Capacitation-like
Further preparations for fertiliza tion. COIle<:livdy cbanges can be accomplished by exposing cells to
known as capacitation. arC oomplctcd in thc female media containing ,II-amylase. ,II-glucuronidase. neur-
trac\. These involve modifications of the head region aminidase. papain. tryp$in. eosinophil" or certain
thaI will be nceded for interaction with thc oocyte, viruses (lOS). It has bo.n proposed that the physio-
and acqui.iti\m of the ability to engage in forceful logical prOCCS$ involves a sequence of en7.ymc-con-
"thrusts" that facilitate passage through it. Sur- trolled event. which culminates in uposure of r«Cp"
rounding cells. The acrosomal membrane. enelose tor .ites for molilily factors and other regulator!
protea,cs. phosphatases. phospholipase A. arylsul- (102).
fatase. neuraminidase. and other en7.ymeS impli- Relationships between the changes occurrins in
cated in fertili7.ation. Capacitation prepares at least vitro and the physiological have not
some of those proteins for activation or release . Con- boen fully defined. The cstrogcn-<iom inalcd uterus
comitantly, the relatively hardy immature gametes, secretes copiou, quantities of fluids Ibal .upport ca-
pre"iously capable of wilhsta nding a period of Stor- pacitation. The fluid, contain glyeerylphosphoryl-
age in thc epididymis and of surviving the mechan- choline (GPC) diesterase that releases glycerol for
ical punishments associated with ejaculation and use by the 'perma to7.<la. a number of anticen, that
successive to seminal nuids and the female bind to tbe sperm head when the appropriale ,iles
tract cnvironments. are noW converted 10 delicate are exposed. and several enzyme, implicated in the
gamctes wilh vcry limiled life spans. capacitation (2). A neuraminidase removes sialic
Transmission electron microscopy does not di, acid groups (218). and the uterine ,8,gl ucuronidase
re<:tly r<:veal obvious morphological specializations level correlates dir<:ctly with capacitating potency
of the spermat01.Oa of primates. However. it Can be (l02).
used in conjunction with other techniques to dem- The maturation seems 10 require 7 hours in hu-
onstrate changes in the densities and of mans. 5-6 in rabbit'. 3- 4 in ferret' and cows. 2- 4


in sows, ralS, and hamsters, and less than I hour in fore reabsorplion, and by relaxing the cervix to per-
cal!; (39), It may procoxd mOSI rapidly when sper- mit drainage (2). In some spe<:ics, relaxing effects on
malozoa are brieAy to ulerine fluids and arc thc myomctrium Further retard sperm passage 10 Ihe
Ihcn transferred to the oviduci. oviducts.
In the oviducts, progesterone limits the ability of
spermatozoa to gain access to the fertilization site by
exerting innucnces On cil;ogenesis and Ihe COntrac-
When capacitated sperm arc suspended in seminal tility of the smooth muscle. However, the cyclical
fluids, Ihey \(lSC thdr abjjjty to enter into the acro- variations in nuid are insurr.·
some reaction . This ha' been auributed to surface cienl for blocking capacitation (39) .
binding of decapacitaliOll faclors (OF,) that origi- During the early follicular phase, estrogen levels
nate in the Cowpds (bulbourethral) glands, seminal are st;lIlow, and Ih. female traci is not yel prepared
vesicles, and epididymis. "Anti-fertility factors" in for receplion and transport of the spermalozoa.
seminal fluid include protooglycans and small pef>" Therefore, the chances that the sameles will cnter
lides (62,184), but it has oot been establishcd that and undergo deterioration as they ""ait for ovulation
Ihese arc Ihe subSlances removed during capacila_ ar<: lessened.
lion. Spermat07.0a subsequently returned 10 Ihe utcr-
inc Huids 3r<: said 10 undergo "recapacitalion."
Roles of the Cervix In Transpo rt of
An Opposing concept is thai spermatozoa cannot
go through a secondary activation. Rather, il is the Sps rmatozoa
cells which have not }'et undergone Ihe capacitation In horses, ,-"bras, pigs, guinea piss, dogs, rats, mice
Ihal malure when Ihc suspension is placed in the and SOme others, the spermatoloa ar<: catapulted di_
uterus. rectly into the uterine cavity. Humans.. monkeys,
rabbits, cows, and sheep are among the mammals in
which insemination is vaginal (21,238), and in these
Ho rmonal Preparation of the Female Trac t
the uterine ce .... ix performs several functions.
for Sperm Tran sport and C apacltallon
Spermatozoa deteriorale rapidly in Ihe femalc trac\.
They go Ihrough a phase in which they can still pen·
etrat. oocytes but are likely to enter into the for-
mation of abnormal zygotes. Aging oocytes also During the estrogen-<lominated preovulatory pnase,
transiently retain the ability to engage in ferlili7lt· glycoprolein filaments within the ce",ical canal align
lion, but Ihey soon undergo surface modifications in parallel arrays. Well-Formed, vigorously motile
that confer resistance to sperm entry (130). Since spermatozoa can pass between Ihe oolumll$ and
primates mate during all phases of the ()\Iarian cy· enter the uterine cavily. Since the swimming move·
cles, moxhanisms are required to increase the prob- menl!; are randomly dir<:cted, the filaments probably
ability thaI male and female gametes will meet at orient Ihe migration (92). Few spermat07.Ga with
optimum times. Some of the adaptations were dis- two heads, two tails, swollen heads, and other de-
cussed in Chapler 15. formities are admilled. Degenerating and dead cells
are probably excluded because they seldom achieve
random pqsitioning of the head at the entry site and
canoot swim even if this occurs. The preFerential
barring of healthy spermal(71)a from other spe<:ics
Unfenilizcd oocytes deteriorale during the luteal may result from interactions between the surface
phase. At that lime, the progestcrone-dominated components and the cervical mucus.
uterine ce .... ix secreteslimiled quantities of a highly
viscous muCuS that is hO$til. to spermalozoa and that
impedes Iheir passage through Ihe cervical canal.
(Similar Huid provides a barricr to th. entry of mi-
and spc:rmatozoa during pregnancy.) The first part of Ine ejaeulale contains the largeSI
Progesterone also acts on the uterus to create an numbers of spermaI071)a. In and many other
environment which disooul"ltges both capacitation spe<:ies, a coagulum is formed . Direci contaci be-
and sperm m(lvemcnts. It decreases Auid volume by tween the coagulum and the mucus al the surface of
inhibiting the activily of Ihe glands that produce wa- the cervical canal averts loss of spermatozoa to Ibc
tcry secretions, by increasing endocylosis and thcre- walls of the vaginal cavity (2!),
Contractions of the vagina and during coi· ian vertebmtes depend upon a singic insemination
tus. and of uterine and respiratory muscles. may fa· for multiple succ<:ssive The oviducts of
cilitate sperm entry by creating positive prcssur<: on birds store spcrmatoroa, and spcrmatoroa of """. of
the outside and a nega tive 00(: within 1he uterus. the reptiles retain their functions for up 10 six years
However. although female traCt prostaglandins stim-
ulate smooth muscle (87). and spermatOl-Oa appear
in the utcrine cavities within 90---180 seconds after
vaginal inscmination (39). some in.'estigators ques· Sperm Transport through the Uterus
tion the imporlan-x of such me<:hanisms in humans
The large volumes of fluid secreted by the estrogen.
dominated uterus distend the organ and provide a
medium for sperm migration, Observations on the
RESERVOIR FUNCTION swimming pallerns and rates. the lenglhs of
the palhwa)'s. and the times required for arrival at
Most of the spermatow.. arC detained in the -xrvix
Ihe oviducts. indicale that the activities of the spero
for periods ranging from minutes to days. Their ten·
mat().loa are of major importance in small mammals
deneies to engage in reversible agglutination in·
crease the chances of entrapment within mucus- such as the rabbi!. In cows, the spermatoz03 rapidly
lined crypts. Cervical fluid enzymes are believed to travel long distance" Coitus leads 10 release of oxy·
subsequently promote of limited numbers of tocin (92) and the U1eruS contracts in a mannCr con·
trdnsicntly captured gametes. Although the ability sistent "'ith roles in facilitation of the migration.
Moreover. uterine stimulants promote upward pas-
to fertihe is lost within 48 hours in many species
sage of inert particles.
(39), (and full viabili ty may be retained for just half
The palhway is also long for humans. but the sper·
that time in primates 192)). motile spermatozoa
have been recovered from human cervices as late as matozoa can arrive at the ferlili711tion site within S
minutes afte r inscmination (39). Estrogens promote
six days aFter coitus. The reservoir function may
ovarian and uterine generation of PeF,. and pitu-
therefore be of gr<:ater physiological importance in
sheep and certain other species in whiCh the spero itary gland secretion of oxytocin. They a lso directly
matozoa are hardier, stimulate the myometrium and increase the sensitiv·
ities to the otber regulators. Since healthy sperma·
t0700 tra"e! more rapidly than deteriorating ones.
ADVANTAGES OF STAGGERED ENTRY OF spe rm surfaces may interact with uterine secretions
SPER MATOZOA INTO THE UTERINE CAVITY in a manner that eilher facilitates Iheir passage di·
re<:tlyor provides a myometrial stimulant (w he reas
Pre,entation of limited numbers of gametes at a timc
degenerating sperm surfaces sc:cm to show greater
SCems to confer several advantages: (a) The healthi.
"stickiness"). PGs are also prescnt in seminal fluid.
est spermatozoa enter first and these ean complete
but these are of the kinds that mostly inhibit uterine
fertilization before the laggards arrive. (b) Protec-
motility. The magnitude of inhibition has been cor-
tion may be CQnferred against polyspermy and fer·
rclated wilh fertility (176 F).
tili7.ation of polar bodies. The surface properties of
tbe oocyte change soon after a spermat07-Oan enters.
The membrane then resists penetration by additional
Transportation to tha Fartllizatlon Slla
gametes. The pr= nee of very large numbers of
spermatozoa increascs the chances that polyspermy The uterotubal junction provides a mechanical im·
will OCCur before the reaction has been completed, pediment. The lowermost end of th. oviduct iSlhmus
Morcover, although the first polar body usually de- is dilated. but annular folds of Ihe uterine mucosa
teriorates rapidly, there is 3 brief interval during form a Slruclur<: tnal guards th. open.
which it can be fertili7.ed: and (c) capacitation effi· ing of the thread·like lumen (97). Locali,ed end<»-
ciency is probably increased. since spermatozoa can metrial edema Can further delay spe rm entry. Me-
affect the composition of the microenvironmcnt and chanical factors may be especially important for
compete for limited numbers of enzyme molecules. spe<:ies in Which insemination intraulerine. The
Genetically determined properties of the cell sur· junction relaxes intermillcntly to release small num·
faces. the volumes and compositions of the seminal bers of Since the cilia lining the isth·
"uids, and the conditions within Ihe female tracts all mus Can reverse the direction of beat . they probably
affect sperm longevity. Mammals with long estruS also play important roles (22). The me<:hanisms ao-
periods generally present environments that prolong complish delivery of freshly prepared gametes to the
survival. Motile spermatozoa ha'.. been recovered fertilization and provide prolection against the
4-6 days after mating in horses, at II days in dogs, accumulation of too many at anyone time (168).
and after 156 days in bals (39), Som. nonmammal· Movements through the isthmus of the oviduct are

aided by perillaltie of the ovid uctal The Ae roeome Reac t io n

musculalure and by fluid currenlS. The aClivily
When lhey enter the vicinily of fre$hiy ovulated 00>
undergoes cydic changn and is lI\0II1 villorous duro
c)'lcs and their layers, capacitaled 'per·
inll thc periovulltory period (98). Estrogens incl'CI.lIe
matoma undergo irrcV(:rsible morphological and
lhe activity. the numbers of cilia. and thc numbers
biochemical chanlles lhat are es..enlial for fertiliu·
of cNldrcnel'Jic reoeptors. Pro.l.IgJandins, Vll$Oactiv<:
lion. It is widely believOO thaI some factor pn:wi<kd
inlC$lin.a1 peptide. a nd other rellulators conu ibute to
by the follicular cclls. the follicullr fluid, or lhe Willi
lhe complc.-. control muhaniSITI$ (sec also Chap.
pellucida the aerosome reactiorl. and thaI
Fertili1.lltioa usually occurs in the rellion jlUl
alxwc the ampullary-iSlhmic j unction (A U ). C0n-
tal fluids iiUppor! the PI" =
lite high calcium contenl alld high pH of lile oriduo-
ProIeil'l$ rornmon to
blood 5crum and oviductal fluids may abo be
striction in ,hi!; re&ion retenlion of lhe 00-
C)'tcsand their surroundi", cumulus. h is not known
Tbc ehallJCS <:an be mimicked in vilro wilhout 00>
whether an impediment is presented here fOf sper·
cytes when the ' permalOlOlll of some specicslre sus-
malozoal entry. II has b«n sp«ulatc:d that fQmC
pended in calcium-rich mcdi:o with p Hs llreatcr Ihan
product of OVIIlation (the oocyte, cumulus cells. fol-
those found in the female InCI (1 10). The addilion
licular nuid, steroids) provides a sigllllithal synchro-
of llerum shorten> the lime required. Components of
nizes the arrivals of sperma tlm)l and oocyln (39).
scmilllli "uid. iocludinll sugars. are inhib;'
10f)'. (The sugars do not enler Ihe oviducl. bul lhey
may CQIllribule 10 SlabiliUlion of spe rm surfaces a t
Tre n e p o rt 01 Ooc ytee to the Am pu ll ery· lhe lime of ejaCUlation and passaiC inlO lhe ulerillC
le lhmlc Ju nction lumen £1].)
The tips of thc Ambriac at Ihc upper end of Ihe ovi. The morphological ev<:nlS have been described in
duct direct newly released oocyles and thcir Sur· detail (9). Before the reaction bellins. il is poiSible
rounding cumulus loward thc lumen. Cilia Ihat line 10 identify a plasma membrane and both inner and
Ihe fImbriae and ampulla direCI Ihc cell masses outer acrosomal membranes (Fill. 16-IA). Vesicle.
downward 10 tho AIJ. (Asen" that im!""r their form when Ihe plasma and Ouler acrosomai mem_
functions decrease fertilily or increa$!: the of branes fuse at scveral poinls (Fig. 16-18). En1.ymes
feniliunioo 100 hillh wilhin Ihe ovid ucl.) Glycoca. are released Illroullh the spaces between lhe vesicles.
lyccs al Ihe lipS of the cilia also form IooI.c "adhniv<: along with inhibitors of different enzymes Ihal ad·
bonds" wilh Ihe cumulus cell surfaces (160). In ad· here 10 tnc head. uWhiplash" nagelllr movo-
dition 10 providing more sitn fOf in leraction wilh lhe ment, stir Ihe surrounding "uid, and these racilitate
cilia. Ihe cumulus cells enlarge the largel fOf sperm both removal of Ihe discarded sperm CXlmponenlS
approach. Spa= belwe<:n 1M C<llls orient spcr ...... and interactions belween the gamelcs and lhe ovi.
IOZOO Ihal make COlItacI (161). ductal epithelium (II 8).
In ralS and mice. estqens secreled during the The _icles subsequently detach. and lhe now ex·
periovulatOl)' period $limulatc lhe sphineter and pooed inner acrosomal membrane fuJeS wilh what is
IlIcrcby promote relenlion dIlle OtXylcs above IIIe ldt of the original plasma membrane (Fie- 16- ID).
AU 10 provide time for fertiliution. ( Moderate The inner membrane is belieV(:(j 10 play special role$
am(Mlnl$ or exogenous hoIhKIIlC lnYOke utu ballot:k. in penetralion of the spcnn bead. and 10 panicip:lle
ing.") After rcniri7.ation. progesterone from the oor· in the first attachmenl 10 the oolemma (161) (Fia.
pus lu teum rclues the mUJele, dilates the lumen. 16-1E).
and llradually lowers tile resistanoc 10 downward
of lhe oonttplUIIeS (169).
Species diffen:nces are encountered (249). lilt-
mans .how limila r responses 10 nlroscns. and in The bolief lhal Ihis serine protease is essenlial for
both primale$ and rodenls. pharamac:ological fertilization is supported by observation< Ihal illCts
amounts of wr<tgcns stimulate lhe Iongiludinal on lhe zona pellucida. Ihal activily ca n be detecled
muscle and promote eU,,"sion of oocylcs or conocp- in Ihe slil made by Ihe penetrati nll spe rm:Il<nOa n,
lUstS. In rabbits. eslr<tgCI'l$ constrict lhe AIJ moslly and by Ihe anti·ferti lity cffec" of in hibil,," (91). II
by involtinll ,ur'acc ccll edema. In most of the mam- may CJltsl in "pool.... e3ch of which performs specia l
mals. larlle doses of progesterone: reduce oviductal functions. Enzymes associaled wilh Ihe OUler memo
muscle lone (249). brane 3rc implicated in mediation or lhe acrosome
reaction. whereas the ones that transiently adhere to tract unde rgo deterioration. Dead and degenerating
the inner membl'llne probably contribute to the reo cells can display a "false" acrosome reaction that in·
lease of spermatozoal chromatin after penetration volves enzyme release but no 1C>ss of It.. plasma and
has been accomplished (7). OlIter acrosomal membranes. The enzyme inhibitOl"S
A zymogen (proacrosin) is initially present The may protect the female tract against proteolytic de-
sperm heads of the various species contain sut>. struction (91). (Fructose and other seminal fluid
stances that block the conversion. inhibit thc activity eomponents inhibit acrosin, but they never SCI 10 the
of the acrosin that is formed, or both (17). Some oviduct 17] .)
may be released to the surrounding fluids during ea· A role for hyaluronidase in depolymeri7.ation of
pacitation or the acrosome reaction. The inhibitors the cell matrix is consislent with observa·
can dolay lhe acrosome reaction until the appropri· tions that follicular cells disperse when 10
ate time, and thcy may additionally prote<:t thc en· that enzyme, and that inhibitors impair fertilization
zyme that adheres to the inner membrane. when the cumulus is present but not when Ihe oocyle
The vast majority of spermatowa in the female has been denuded (184). Enzyme reloased from ""V·

_ . '"::: oc!Osomat
; ",.mbr . ..
I........ '«050"'"
"'."'br .....

>,"_",_, "",mbrono

A. Bo!",. oc.ooome 8. Fuston 01 pI.. m.

,ooct_ . .nd ""to, . «000",.1
membr. ne l",m"io<>

C. R...... of oc,,,,,,,m,, D. Det.ohme,." of ••• " ...

,rvO<.lgh ." . ... . nd "PO'U," of inner
bo,w..,n . .."', •• oc,osom" "'embr . ..

E. Contoc, of .".,"'"o«>On F fu."", of ><>«",010'0'''' during the aero_ ,.,actio<> ar.:1

.."h oofe mm. w,th.,..,m . w;,hthe_.

eral spermatozoa may be neroed to accomplish effi. The high K ' CQIIcentrations in both IlUlIe and fe·
cient dispersion of the follicular (20). IlUlIe reproducti"" trael Au id. can facil itate
Neuralninidase sialic acid, and it lation and the acrosome reaction. However, they do
reduce:! the ""ptivity 01 d><: charte , DilTcr. 001 seem to be essen!ial for citller of the processes.
ent hydrolytic enzymes rtmove gly«lllyl romponents and excessive amoon" inhibit . In ((Intrast. K ' is ab-
of zona pellucida glyooprotciM and al)'CCIUmiM- solutely TC(juired for sperm-<:gg fusion. and uccssi""
alycaros. possi bly fOt tM PUrpo5C of uJl(l'ina ««=p- a}ROCntolllions permit polyspermy to ooc:ur (188 ).
tors invoh'Cd in sperm-oocytc binding (219).
The Zona Reaction
FERTILIZATION When the sperm head attaches loosely to the micro
villi that protrude fn;m Ihe ookmma (9). SIIIlK 01 the
In spec:ic:s in whiel> boch the ew and re-
microvilli extend upward 10 clUj! the .... rm. The 0o-
Ic:ascd to an aqueous «tcrnal environment fOf fcrtil·
cyte membnt"" immediately begi ... to bu lge in Ihat
i•.ation., mechaniSITI$ may be mjuircd to attract t he
.icinily. Clear cytoplasm moves in 10 form a Mfertil.
spem.luoz(ll. to the 081 «1I,.nd provide proieetion
i,alion conc·· (illCOl poration coot) (161) that is usu·
against tbe joining of IM:tcroiocous gametes.
specit«: alywprotcins alied/mil/zlN are produced ally e)'lindrical bul bas pseudopod·like projections in
and released from I he jelly eom of the (aasol some ',II"e sJ>I'<'ies (II). Cortkal granules are then ex·
pelled (limited numbe .. by human oocytes, bUI all in
animals. Can It chemotactic factors for
se'"ral other animal types).
lhe sperm. and the: actual fort ili:ta.tion p'OCt;$$ seems
It was fortmrly belkvcd that 1M granule di$-
to begin with an antigclHntibody·likc combinallon
eharae and Ihe subsequent elaboration of a ··fertil.
of the fertilizins wilh onl/fmllirlns on the su rface Qf
izulion cn velopcM provide the blocks to polyspermy.
tile sperm head (11).
Mammal ian spe rm atOJOa move in random direc- It now <cx:ms thai the changes in surrace charae are
lions. but a few eventually achicve Ihe orientation more imp<:>rtant. (Enlry of new spermalOl.oa is af·
fected almQSt inslantaneously. wherel5 Ihe ot her
needed to penetrate the cumu lul. Ihey have
eve nts require a full minute to go to complelion ,)
been observed to swim p.ast oocytes th" t thcy ap-
proach closely in vitro, it is unlikely that chemotaxis n", .. iou>ly ci ....I<oncgali vc inle!;", I>o:c<;u"". .,0.-
is involved ( 125). However, once conlaCI is madc. ilivc with respect to the cxterior. and the ··fcrtili .,a·
lion pote ntia l'· is maintained for several minutes. AI·
multiple "recognition si tes" or "r«cptors·· <;oo trib-
lhot.tgh as.<;ociated movements of pola<$ium ions Ire
ute to the binding. (The proeess is imp.aiml by an-
probably imponanl, a rapid inAux of Na' is held ro:-
tibodies directed against spe rm su rface mol"u les
[165] .) Penetralion of the zona pellucida 11 a sepa· spon!.iblc. Unfertilized eags exposed 10 e1cctrial
rable event. T he ZIlIU show¥ speeies v..iations in currentS do not permil sperm penetra tions ( I I).
comJl(l'ition (64). h>OlStitidc pho<phorylalion (A-4) may precede d ·
evation of lhe cytosol C.l ' . M ost of the ion comes
It has bt:<:n pointed OOt that mam mals do not re-
qu ire protection alainsl M(I'OSS fettiliu tion. K $lnce flOm in tracellular S<:qucstration sites. The chan&CI
beharior.ll plltlerns pr«ludc: the entry 01 foreign Ire believed to initialc the aranular discharge. Soon
arlerward. the qtosol Ca" returns 10 lhe initial
spcrmat01.OOl (199). bindi". I;:In be
!lctrK.lR$lral<:<i for jusl a few lpcCics (0:.1- mioe and
hanwers). II is not COIISistently (oIlowcd by
pcnc:lration. CytoplasmIc FUSion
Sanni". electron microscopy has K'U\cd that The plasma membranes or the oolemma and fen il-
protei ns .. ithin Ihc aCIOSOOlle Ire used to ntpidly as- Will spermatOl:OllD fuse rapid ly .• nd tbe spe rm />cad
semble a 100, filamenl which makes 11M: fi"l «IntaCI is drawn inward. The !.ail projccu.1 fi .. t into the
with tIM: oocyte by functior>ing as I MhlrpOOn" perivitclline space. In humans. it enters the forming
lylQle and soon deleriorates ( I 2S). but il is excluded
ElItraccliula r eaf, is ""eded for sPClllHilI fu· in many ot Mr mammals (9).
siOft. for the 1.ona reaction tllat follOW$, and [Of tile
subsequent swelling or the sperm llead that pn:cedes
Oocyte " Activation"
formation oIlhe zygote. The eventl seem to be ini·
tiated by Cal. entry across tile cell membrane <>f I he In add ilion to <;OOlri buting its 'hare: of the aellClic
'perma tOJ;Oan, and the: reluse of H ' to the su r· materia l. thc spermatozoon stimulates Ihe oocyte
rcunding Auids. The spermlt07,OO.n Ihe n injecls ca l· (possibly by changing the nalure 01 or promoting ex·
cium and .Ikaline eyloplum inlO the oocyle (197 A). lrusion of a ·' cytQSlatie faelor'" thai is also impli.
eated in a",:s\ing meiosis prior to fertilization). Cy- DEVELOPMENT TO THE BLASTOCYST
IOplasm from fertilized eggs can rapidly "activate" STAGE
unferliliw:l ones Ihat are "ripe." the
Very young conceptuses of all cUlherian mammals
reaction is oot essential. Activation occurs when fer-
arc remarkably similar (138). The zygotes of hu-
tili,.cd <:><x:yteS are prevented from undergoing thc re-
mans. cows, and rabbits are identical in volume, and
action by exposure to NH'. and when unfenili"oo
there is only a two-fold variation aCross the entire
ones a«: stimulated in sc"eral ways.
subelass of vertebrates. All of the zygotes attain the
CytOSOlic Ca" elevation change:., the permeability
2-.:ell stage within day. after fertilization.
of the plasmalemma. Hydrogen ions arc extrudoo as
They retain the zona pellucida, but soon free them-
Na ' enters. and the consequent alkalinity is belicved
selves of the cumulus cells and undcrgo successive
to provide a stimulus fOf protein synthesis. Ribo-
cleavages to form a clUSler of very small cell •. They
somes become organized into polysomcs. and there
gradually make their way down the oviduct and ar-
is "unmasking" of pre-formed mRNA. In most spe·
ri,"C in the Ulerus by the end of thc 4th day (29). The
cies. oxygen consumption increases (II).
migration may involve special intcractions with the
luminal epithelium. since conceptuses can be trans-
Nuclear Fusio n ported when unfertili,ed <:><x:ytes 3«: retained (241).
At JO hour; postfertili7.ation. the human concep-
Soon after activation commences. the <:><x:yte com-
pletes meiosis II and becomes a "true" ovum. The tus co.,.i,ts of twO Ullcqual"i"ed blaslOmeres. The
larger One divides first. and the smalter One within
ehrumosomes rearrange to form a vesicular female
hoors afterward. The G-I phases of the cell cyclcs
pronucleus that moves loward the Center of thc cell.
are extremely short, and a I0-12.;;ell morula is soon
The ooplasm shrinks. and a clearly dema«:ated
formed (125) (Fig. 16-2).
space'ICpllMes thc oolemma from the zona. The 001-
Membrane permeability Ihen changes. and aero-
ema may Iransiently contain thc second polar body.
bic supports active uptake of inorganic
The sperm head migrate> toward the female pro-
nucleus and the nuclear cap separates from the our_ iono (15). As watcr enters. f1uid·filled spaces appear
between the surface and inner cells . and by 4-4)0
face as small vesicle. form in the adjacem ooplasm.
days the spaces join to form the blaS/(xo..le. The
The male pronucleus then undergoes "decondensa-
conceptus is now a biastocysl containing /lO1 much
tion," increases 4-5 fold in volume (161). and SOOn
than 100 cell •. Mo<t of the cell' make up thc
looks like its female counterpart. The tail detachcs
surface Irophobiasl thai will become involved in im-
and degeneratcs, but the anterior cenlriole may give
rise to the centrioles of the 7.ygOte (125). plamation. formalion of the placenta, and produc-
tion of hormones that act on thc maternal ovary.
DNA replication proceeds in both of the pronu-
Just a few (Ihe inner cell mass or pro-
clei. pores form in the nuclear membranes. and fu-
vide the fo«:runncrs of the organs of the ncw
sion occurs. The zygote then almost immediately
individual .
prepares for entry into mitosis.
If fertilization is delayed (because of an inade- tn primates. many of the b1astocy,ts .how abnormali·
quate LH surge or when the oocyte «:mains too long ties. Large number. doteriorate, and the , uTviVOt". often
in the oviduct before the spermat07.03 arrive). the have ""me malformed «11. (66) . It h.... been ."imated
<:><x:yle may fail to complele meiosis or to rapidly ac- that some uf YQuni en\br)·os die hef.,.,.. or.<OOfl after
complish the changes in surface properlies. The con- implantation. and grossly defective coneeptu... have
sequences can include polyspermy, incorporation of heen recovered from the uteri of women who livo birth to
heatthy infan" (125).
polar body DNA inlO the lygote. or changes in the
zOna pc:ll ucida that block .perm entry (174). Both Most of the componems of the morula are derived
lhe low fcrlility and the increased incidences of chro- from molecules that were presem in the zygote.
mosomal defects of aging females have been lin ked (These include nUCleic acids and proteins donated by
with oocyte deterioralion. the sperm) . However, a hypoosmotic environmem
that supplies calcium. potassium, and small amounts
of phosphate and magnesium is required. Pyruvate
Fertlllzalion al Olhar Silas
is used as the principle energy source during the first
In eutherian mammals it is unusual for fertilization 1-2 days (138), and some is also used to
10 occur at other sitcs. It is theoretically possible for make glyoogen and alanine. When hexokinase and
spermatozoa and <:><x:ytes to meet in Ihc abdominal other enzymes accumulate and the mitochondria as-
cavity, but the rare cases of abdominal pregnancy sume their metabolic functions. additional substra tes
are allributed to upward migration of conceptuses. are utilized . Oxygen and glucose consumption rise
Ovarian pregnancies have been reported . but thosc. dramatically by the 4-cell stage. and upta ke of RNA
too, probably result from implamation errors. precursors then begins to accelcrate. A second steep
10: &
"re ·:.,

A, . Two-cel l stlge 8. Four-cel l Slag" C. M<>rul .

'""" ,,"" m,.. lembryoblaotl

, , "

, cells

, "
E. Beginning of
D. Bl ulocyst
impt.ntati on

Fig. 16·2. EIolly <Ie'''iOp(rIeol of 'h. •.

(RaprO<!uOO<l with permission. ftom lAl'Igmlln. refor....,.

increment in metabolic activity oo;<:urs shortly before Although a blulocyst can eventually "hatch" (i.e.
implantation. when Ih. mn! pellucid. is shed. The shcd its zona pellucida). cxpose its trophoblast cells,
membrane is believed 10 contribute to the regulalion and invade almo&l any kind of liMnC (even the tes-
of fluid uptake and to) protect the oonceptus against tis), thc endometrium is believed to release enzymes
premature implanta!ion in the oviduct. that accelerate the
Unlike other liMues. how;o,ver. the ulerus i. "*
Specie. difference. firs t become "bvi".,s 0' lh. bl.,,<>- «Plive" during only a very brief part of the ovarian
cyst .tag •. All conceptu... "' • • up water, bU'lhe cycle. Shortly before lhal lime, il provides nutrients
i. highly limited r", prim.Ie>. Rabbit embryos can in- and other subslances C<)nducive 10 survival of the
cr.... 4000-fold in volume during da)'14-7. Implanta_
biastocysi. However. concepluses thai arrive during
lion occurs at day. in mice, 5- 6 in raj ••• ft., Sl>-6
days in humans. al day. 7_8 in rabbit<. bill only after 9_ lhe follicular phase Or too long after the corpus Ill-
I I day. in ,lie monkey and 17-18 in 'he d<>meSlic cal. In teum is established . do not implant . It is believed
CO"" >' associalion. wilh are made early. that Ihe cyclical changes in the endometrium protect
bUI""e impiantalion i. unlil 30-55 day. (20). thc uterus against potential damage by the tropho-
blast, and that they also lessen the chances that a
C<)nteptus formed from oocytes that arc not fully
mature or that have had time to remain in the ovi_
duct long enough to deteriorate before fertili'.I\lion
Under normal conditions, implantation occurs only will nol implant. (Trophoblastic cancer «II. are lhe
in the uterus. It involves complex interactions be- most invasive of all koown malignancies.)
twecn the blastocyst and thc endometrium. and both Much of OUr koowlcdgc of the preparation of Ihe
structures must achieve the required maturational endometrium is derived from st udies of species in
state. which pseudopregnancy can be accomplished (249).
Animals of this kind have been used because they and contribule to blastocyst expansion . whereas ()th-
make it possible to study uterine respones when ers may be needed f()r Ihe .ubsequent implantation.
there are no conceptuses. The cells evidently require NAD kinase activity in<:reases funher, and new ly-
preliminary exposure to estrogens. subsequent pre- sosomal en:<ymes are made (146).
sentation of progesterone, and then a S«Xlnd expo- The slromal arteries elongate . become highly
sure to CStrogCTlS. In rodents, blastocy.1S that have coiled, and send branches upward \() form an eXlen-
attained the appropriate stage of maturity will im· sive subendothelial capillary network. Fibroblast-
plant into the uteri of females pre- like cells within Ihe Siroma enlarge. and a mucoid
pared in this way (but not in uteri exposed to JUSt matrix accumulates. The Slroma takes up large
one of the hormoflC$ or given thc regulators in thc quantities of Auid, and the resulting edema aCCOUnts
wrong sequence). for approximately 3 mm of the increment in endo-
Ulerine mucosa comprises (pi/helium that in· metrial thickness, Ihe disporsion of Ihe IXlls, and the
cludes both glands and luminal cells (which can be bulging of the endometrium into the uterine cavily
stimulaled to enter into gland formation) and a sup- so that tbe lumen is almost totally occluded (185).
porting that contains blood vessels. a mucoid Progesterone also nens innuences on estradiol me-
matrix, and both collagcnous and elastic fibers. Thc tabolism thai lead to lowering ()f Ihe level. of that
dceper layers of Ihe stroma (the basallaycr or bas- stcroid. (Excessive amounts of e.trogen at this time
alis) remain permanently in contact with the myo- result in very marked reductions in the numbers of
metrium. The mor<: superficial layers" eslrogen receptors if progesterone i. also prescnt
(functionalis, d(Cidua/is) undergo eXlensive changes [48]. ) Ahhoogh most actions of progesterone re-
during the ovarian cycle. The deciduali •• pecializes quire estrogen "priming." progestemne is reported to
mostly during the luteal phase. If conception does act indcpondcntly 10 accelerate proliferation and
OOt occur. it is cast ofT along with epithelial compo- speciali7.3tion of luminal cells (48).
nemS. If the oocytes arc fertili1.ed, the dIXidualis de-
velops further 10 support the pregnancy, and it is dis- Protein. iOOueed by P"'IIesterone inctude hhmoklnln
carded during panurition. (ulcroglobin). This is made in large by rabbil
At the beginning of the f()llicular phase, the entire endometrium, and a comparable . ub.lanee ha. been de-
scribed for human, and olber .peeie,. It may be idenlical
muc()Sa of the human adult i. only I mm thick . A
wilb an ewogen.indueed "«me prole in" of the rabbil
,i"ile layer <of cpit),elium h<>Tde ... I),C lumen .• n<! u>iduC l an<! • pruldn ill tunll> an<! ulhor Ii»,,", lhal .r<
simple. tubular glands extend downward toward the oot prog..teronc-<le.,.,ndent.
stroma. Estrogens secreted by maturing follicles The rabbit bl.. tocy" take, up uleroglobin . Since lhe
stimulate glandular cell proliferation (48). a nd the protein binds proge.terone. one funclion eOlltd be pr<Wi,
glands elongale. Meanwhile. aneries of the basalis sion of emadiol pn:cursor. i\lIOlber may be ,..,sulation or
send up coiled branches to the top of Ihc .troma, and the 8Cli.ili.. of uterine or trophoblastic (2).
the entire mucosa thickens 10 around 5 mm. The i\ntibodie< direcled againsl uterogtobin impair imptan_
uterine lumen becomes distended by alkaline fluids tation aOO cau.e embryo " .. tage.
i\ "purple protein" .. creted by pig endometrium can
released from the glands.
Activily of the hexose mollOphosphale palhway f.cilil.le th. uptake of iron and olher inorg.nic , ul>-
acceleratcs. and the NADPH formed support. syn_ Slanee •. Human endometrial fluid also contains consid·
.cable 4"onlitie. of protcins lh. t resembte tho<c fOllnd in
thesis of new macromolecules. However. the blood pl.. ma .nd of , mailer PfOIlesterone-inducod mole-
NADP, NADPH ratio is low. and it i. believed that cut.s lbal may be unique 10 the uterus (227).
this scrves to maintain high activity of the NAD-ki·
nase em.yme (needed to catalyze conversion to The progesterone-regulated phase requires al
NAD ' 10 NADP -) (248). An ewagen-induced pre- least 48 hours. Toward the end of it. the endometrial
tein (IP) possesses phosphoprotein phosphalase ac- cells the hormone and convert il 10 prod-
tivity. It probably acts on histone. (2) and in this ucts of lower potency (232). (On an equimolccular
way facilitates gene transcription . Olher new pro- basis, 20a-hydroxyprogesterone is only lIo as effec-
teins include progesterone ree<=ptors. tive as its precursor in SOme tests on the uterus
The corpus luteum later sccretes substantial quan- [2S2].)
tities of progesterone. The hormone arrests the mi- Finally. the second exposure to eslrogen completes
toses in Ihe glandular cclis (in part by lowering the the preparations. The hormone is provided by the
numbers of estrogen receplors). Under its innucnce. corpus luteum of humans a nd many olhers. and by
the glands enlarge, and they become tortuous and maturing follicles in some species. On. of Ihe func_
dilated. They make and release glycogen, several tions is ()f lysosomal membranes to re-
proteins. and copious quantities of glycosaminogly_ lease protoolytie enzymes that will be u",d during
cans (especially mucin). Some of the products pre- implantation. Aoother may be interference with the
vide nourishmen1 for the preimplantation blastocyst formation of an implantation inhibitor. (The uterus

Can be made receptive if actinomycin D is presented 214), and makes estradiol from progesterone (81).
instead of Ihe of [177).) In these. estradiol may be the initiating factor. r;.s-
In ralS and mher animals with vcry shon ovarian tradiol promotes histamine rolease, and histamine
cycles, the endometrium undergoes changes compa - accelerates endometrial estradiol uptake.
rable to (hc ORCS described for (hc follicular pha'le in Implantation can be hastened by exposing bias-
primales. HoW<'vcr, very liule progesterone is se- tocysts briefly to estrogen-rich environments and
creted. and luteal phase spedalj'.8tions arc minimal then returning them to the uterus. Subthreshold
during !IOnfcrtile cycles. Such animals Illordore do amOUntS of estrogen and histamine synergi>.e to in_
not "wa,(e their timo" making elaborate prepara- voke a response. The prc.",TIC<: of H,_type reoxptOl"!l
tions for conc<=ptuses that never arrive. Ir oonception in the endometrium and of Hr type receptors in the
oc<:urs. the corpus IUleum survives. undergoes devel- blastocyst suggests that tne amine functions at both
opment. and provides (hc progesterone nceded (0 sites.
complete the endometrial preparation. Similar Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity increases
changes occur if thc Ulerine cervix is stimulated dur- just before ccll growth and proliferation begin in
ing the periovulalory period. Messages carried by many cell types. Histamine increases pr0<5taglandin
thc pelvic nerveS !,avd to the hypothalamus and generation, the PG augments cAMP production.
they invoke release of prolactin and possibly other and tne cAMP activates the OOC. (Activity of the
luteotropins (249). When progesterone secr<:lion is enzyme is high in the oonccptus during embryo-
in either way. the endomctrium incrcases genesis [741.)
its oxygen use. accumulates glycogen, lipid. and al. Trauma and estrogens increase cAMP and PC ac-
kaline phosphatase, accelerates DNA, RNA. and cumulation (and PC ieyeis are highest at the sites of
protein synthesis, and shows higher ATPase and injury rI 201). PC synthesis inhibitors delay implan-
acid cathepsin activities (180). tation. and their effects are by hista-
mine (114) or PG E (120). The same inhibitors im_
PIIir cAMP generation and oeD aClivati(lll (47). If
they are presented 8 hours after the initial stimulus.
The blutocy.t e'p"nd. and oontraet. a. it make< they block d.",ation (120). Cros<ly pharma_
physical contact with the reoxptive uterus. The en- cological dosages of estrogens are believed to inter-
dometrial blood vessels then dilate, the capillaries fere with implantation by impairing responses to the
show incroased permeability, and the mucosal oxlls PG,.
soon undergo rapid proliferation. Although roles for eStrogens in regulation of adc-
Decidual responses can also be invoked by OOn- nylate cyclase and PG synthesis have been demon_
specific stimuli such as pricking the surfaox with a strated for many speeies (240). it has been observed
needle. superficial traumat;1.ation with a sharp knife, tnat rat blastocysts do not release estradiol (133).
or chemical irritation. Inserting thrcads, glass beads, Therefore. the initiation mechanisms probably vary
heparin, or air bubbles CQntaining high CO, will all with the species.
initiate elaboration of cdl CQnglomerations (deci- When the blastocyst sheds the zona pellucida. ;t
duomata, placentomas) (252). "'allachment sites" and a negatively charged
surface that ;s attracted to the more positively
charged mueosa. Physiological '"hatching" seems to
be PG-dc,.:ndent (109) and to involve release of a
uterine enzyme. The denuded trophoblast also seems
The natural and artificial stimuh invoke histamine to exchange different signals with the endometrium.
release. Histamine alone Can start deciduali7.ation, CO, may be a major one, since carbonic anhydrase
and some anlihiSiaminies block implantation. It has inhibitors block implantation.
therefore been proposed that the biochemical Blastocysts preferentially implant at endometrial
changes supporting cel! growth. proliferation, and sites with good blood How and high oxygen tension.
s,.:cialization are seoondary to histaminc-dcpendcnt Estrogens, and histamine are all implicated in
changes in the blood vessels. their preparation (79) . In humans. implantation OOr-
It is now that histamine interacts with mally oceurs along the posterior surface of the oor-
several mher regulatOl"!l. and that some of illl effects pus of the uteru s. When it is too close to the ee,....ical
take hours to develop (114). In many species. the os. the usual consequence is plaoxnta previa. a oon-
trophoblast steroids. oonvcrts pregnen- dition associated with hemorrhage during late preg_
olone to progesterone and estrone to estradiol (192. nancy Or parturition. In animals with large lillers.
conceptuses beCQme spa«d alon, the uteri"" an important contribution. However. ;t Cannot acl
borns. Redistribution oocurs I'lIpidJy if several blas- .Ione. large doses are ineffective when they are
tocyst, an: inserted into a small SoeJmC:nt ol one uter- given to pn:fl!Qlnt mothers 0( their lillers
ine horn. 12151·
In • nonlacllli", mother. ,he _pOra formed
Delayed Implan tation afte. o-ulalton and eslabli, hmenl or I p.eln'''''r are LH·
Although unfertilized oocytes deterioratc rapidly, dc:po:nclent. Allhl. lim<. the <wary make' lxl'h P"'Ie'te.·
"ne a nd som< o.t"'len . Around r, •• dl)'s Ifter implan.
Iber<: are CQnditions under which blas tocysls arc
maintained in "dormant"' states ... i(hin the ulerine
tation. the 0:0...,.. IUln shift their depo;ndc""y 10 a
plo«nlll lulea\ropin (228). The corpora IUlea are reo
tl"ity for nterlded time periods. late r develop tained well inlO Ihe lactal;""'1 po:.iod. If a .. cond prel·
into normal o/fspring. Both (he enlry into dormancy nIO""Y occurs. a n.ew cmp of LH-okpo:ndc:nl CQrponl.l..
• rId the sub$cquent emergence from it In: controlled fot1ll$ Ind co..i$I$ ... ilh.he old.. ones.
by uterine fact'" and reproductive system PRL lell on tbe oIder .. t of eorpon lulea. Ind it ....
«lerales product"'" of 2On.h)'llro:.YP'"oeulemne. n..
or thaI "'e,<>id in lhe mlle.nal bkMxl .'" high '0<
Ihe 6_7 dlYS of lact.tloft. PR. L additionally atlS on
DELAY ASSOCIATED WITH LACTATION the ncwly forna<! corp"'" lUln. Incllhe.. make maotly
Rat blaslocym implant days postfertilization if
H the pu"" art ,. "", •• d during """Inatal day.
the mother is not lactalin,. is arrested
mlle'nll PRL falls. LH rises. Ind implanillion """,uro
durin, lhe Ihrce-...... gestalion period. but the fe- ... ;thin d hou ..... Implantalion .an Ilso be ba.tened in a
male romes into cstrus ... ithin 48 hours afler partu. laclllin, _her by injcclin, atres.... It ;. dell)...:I b<:-
rition. A. fenile maling at Ih31 time is followed by rand Ihe ull&llime by ovarieclomy (S6).
the: formation of a new sel ol blastOtysu.. If the There art "'ber ..... mmal$ in which di.p...... is linked
mother is not suckling a liller an(\ she is well nour· ";th Ihe '""I)" IarAc amooonu QI at_n. In
ished. implantation again takes plate 4-5 days polSt- tM ... , proccsle..,..., lessens the eff(ct' •• "''' of the estre-
fertilization. If she is ca ring for I or 2 newborns. tbe Aen. Impl.ntalion i. hlstened by either ...... ,ie.tomy or
second implantation occurs at either the usual time Pffllc. lcrone injccti.,.,.
".. wi.hin ? rl.y<.
When lhe lilter is larger, the second sct of bias- LACTATIONAL EFFECTS ON FERTILITY IN
tocysu enters into a state of dormancy (diapau.llC), WOMEN
tile duration of which is dircetly .elated to the num-
bers of p"p$ sutkled. 11 ean continue for up to 19 Diapause ;. IlOl k"" ... n u) in humans. How·
days when then: an: 8 or more PUp$. second sel ever. lactation can influence IVlllif),. especially in
of lhen completes development. a nd the women with just OOn:ly adequate nutrition wOO
)'00"1 are born around tbe lime that the older sib- nu. . chei. infants for extended time periods and do
lin" are weaocd. DO\. offer other forms of food (2)7). Prolactin le"tls
Diapause confers advantages on tlle molher. Ihe a re hiah around the time of parturition. In women
nurslings, and the new conceplUSCS. t\ healthy rnl who brelSt·feed. the concentrnt ion, ,how Substantial
pupp, from 4 a at birth to around 40 a by the time further clnalions for periods of up 10 60-90 days
ofweanin,. A 260-300 a mother may bcealled upon polSlpartum. The suckling rellcx arid the hiah PRl
to provide food arid nuids for up 10 19 young. AI· both contribute to suppression 01 gooadotropin :Ie-
thous.h she very markedly inereues her food alld <:rct;o., by the piluitary aland. O ne c:onscqucnec is a
walt' inlake. ,he cannot simultllltOU$ly cope with delay in follicle maturation and ovulation. AI11Iougb
lhe metabolic demands of lactation llId I new PR l CQnOenlrations r,1I .flt. tllal I;me. tbe period
pre,naney. ol infertility is ntended if the infant is pennitted 10
Lactational diapause in ratS has been linked wilh nu . . at frequent intervals and is not given other
th811f1C$ in Ihe endocrine system thlt ;nelude fa ilure food. In wcll-noorished ...omen. the period of lacla·
to produce adequale amounts or cstro,cn to) support lional inferti lity is usually brief. In monkeys. latla-
implantation. and altered progesterone metabolism. lional amenorrhea is allributed to a combination of
It may also in\lQlve transmiloSion 01 neuronal elevated prolactin leve ls and the secondary CQose-
saaC$ to the hypothalamus and inere.se4 setn:lion of quences of mammary gland stimulll;o., ( I%).
prolactin arid OlIytocin.
Sowt us..l1y SIlCkJe Ia"e liuCt$. and lhey 100 sIKrw
T he PUp$ initiate a suckli", reA" that leads 10 Ihe hi. h PRL low pldotropin Ie.. b. a"" IlOtSItuI duri",
releas-e 01 both OlI)"tocin and prolactin. Prolactin lhe LacllliQot po:riotI. H""",ver. in Il\q& mammals. the ro-
presses lRH and LH release. and it probably mak... lease of I.... of foJlinkiflltin (inhibin) Ind lhe

consequent .UW'''';''" of FSH ",lease may b< of m;ljor s ide whe re ovulation has occurred. ovulation reo
importance on). su mes in the con tralatera l ovary (211).
The marsupial blastocyst comprises a single la)'cr
of protoderm that endoses a sphcrical . Huid·filled
cavity. (There is 00 iMer cdl mass.) The protooerm
In these animals. the diapause is used in remarkable is surrounded by in a rona pellucida, a more super.
ways 10 incr<:ase reproductive efficiency. The gesta- fieial mucoid COOt, and an OUter shen membrane
lion pcrio<b arc shOrlcr than. equal to, or just .lightly (209.210). The protective layers are shed before in·
longer than Ihe ovarian They do not interfere timate contact is made with the endometrium ,
with oocyte maturation or ovulalion. The mother
comes into estruS!iOOn after giving birth. Different time scales for fertiliutiQn. lactatiQn. and
impla ntatiQn have been describe<! for OIhor kangaroo spe-
The adult male red kangaroo stands 6 feel lall. cies. There are some in whieh implantation is delay'"
but it weighs just 0.8 g when it leaves the utcrus during ecruin seasons. even when the pOuch i, empty,
(211 J. The nconale (joey) migrales to the pouch, al· Diapau,," I•• t, 83 days in the ..... rn gray kangaroo and
taches to a leat. and undergoes developmental stages up to 365 days in the tama, wallaby (131), Some rna"
comparable 10 those of a eutherian fetus during the ,upials rai", large lille" .nd do not undergo implantation
nUl 7 [t Can then detach intermittently delays.
from the nipple. but ;1 requires milk and Ihe protec-
lion of the pouch unlil il is 253 days old. After thai.
illeaves the pouch but it puts its head in for feedings
for an additional 130 days, In a seosc. thc first de.- Diapau:;e serve, different purposes in eutherian, that
tachment from the nipple is like passage from fetal can mate only during TCStricted times of the year.
to nursling status. have relatively short gestation periods. but must de.-
Two days after the first joey is born. the mother liver their young when climatic condillOns and the
conceivC$. and a new blastocyst develop:;. However. availability of nutrients are optimal ,
the suckling st imulus and the associated secretion of Badgers are among thc mammalian groups that
prolactin and oxytocin prcvent a new implantation undergo seasonal chan2C$ in reprodUctive system
and they alSQ arrcst oocyte maturation, If the joey functions. The European varicty becomC$ capable of
continuC$ its aUaehmem to the tcat and suckles vig- mating during January or February, bUI implanta·
orously. the second blastocyst remains --dormant"' tion is delayed until the following December and the
for 204 days. (If the jocy dies or is forcibly removed. young are born in early wintcr. The American
the blastocyst soon implants.) badger has a different time sealc. Copulation occurs
The lactational innuenoxs wane as the joey mao in July Or August. and implantation in January or
tures. and implantation OCcurs around day 204. 33 February. Roe deer mate in July or early August.
days later (when the joey 00 longer n:quires perma- but implantation is delayed until January. Bears
nent attadment to the teat), the new neonate leaves oonceive before going into the winter tOrpor and
the uterus and makes its aswc.:iation with the unused delay implantation so that the young are born in the
teat. It receives its Own private supply of protein-rich spring. Bats mate before the hibernation period, but
milk as the older sibling is provided with nourish- implantation does not occur until shonly before the
ment t hat is richer in fat and lower in protein con- awakening, The long list of other eutherians known
tent. Conditions prevailing around the time of thc to have delayed implantations includes armadillos.
second implantation permit resumption of ovarian skunks. and shcep (46). In many cases.
activities. and the mother again comes into estrus changes in environmental lighting provide the sig-
and matC$ when the younger joey is 2 days old. A nals for timing of the reproductive functions. It is
lhird conceptus oow develops to the blastocyst stage, then ofltn possible to advance or delay implantation
but it does not im plant for 204 days if the second by exposing the animals to artificial illumination.
joey is healthy, The spacings of fertili:z.ations and im- Some species use di!fen:nt signals that can include
plantations make il possible to fully utilize the re- nutrilional status. changes in environmental temper-
productive capabilities of the mother. ature or humidity, Or the presence in edible plants of
Evidcntly. the entin: scheme rC<]uires special ad· specific chemicals. There arc mammals living near
aptations of both the ovaries and the blastocysts, The the equator in which diapause oc<:urs regularly.
corpus luteum that cannot sustain implantation and The mechanisms for accomplishing diapause
pregnancy during the first 204 days of the suckling probably vary with the species. In badgers. seasolllli
period is not totally inactive. If it is removed on the changes in thyroid gland functions may he of pri-
mary importance (36). In the mink, the prolactin produce fewer and smaller litters if they are food·
levels are low, and PRL injections can rapidly bring deprived Or exposed to severe cold. (They are more
about implantation (149). The effects of PRL are sensitive to low temperatures when the humidity is
usually assumed to involw: stimulation of the COr- also high [179J.)
pora lutea and augmentation of progesterone secre-
tion. However. although maternal progesterone lev-
els rise rapidly around the time of implantation in FORMATION OF THE PLACENTA
mink. stoats. skunks. and EUropean badgers. neither
progesterone or estrogen given alone. nor a combi- The placenta is the site of chemical communication
nation of the steroids. hastens implantation. It has between Ihe mother and the conceptus. [t provides
therefore been proposed that an additional stimulus the embryo and fetus with nutrients and oxygen, re-
must be provided by the blastocyst (46). mow:, metabolic wa'tes, and secretes hormones. The
The corpora lutea of roe de<:r maintain their se- type of Slructure formed varies widely with the spe-
cretory functions throughout diapause. The blasto- cies (159,238), and it is most elabora te in animals in
cysts undergo morphological specializatiom shortly which implantation occurs early.
before the time of implantation. The embryo elon-
gates. and its surface microvilli be<:ome tran,formed
into interlocking ridges. Simultaneously. changes Placental Typesln Noneulher[an Mammala
take place in the endometrium (46). During Ihe dia- Monotremes have 110 need for placentae. Endome-
pause. the uterus ae<:umulales large numbers of ves- trial glands secrete a ·'uterine milk·' that nourishes
icles. but it releases litlle protein or earbohydrale. the conceptus du ring tbe time whcn yol k-laden eggs
Shortly before implantation. the glands begin to se- with albumin covuings and leathe ry Shells are
crete copious quantities of a wMe. viscous nuid formed. After the eggs are laid. stored nutrients are
(, ·uterine milk"') (2). The uterine naid then contains utilized. and gas e.changes occur across the shell
suboitantial quantities of calcium, hexose sugars, al. membranes. The young soon halch and they then at·
anine, and special proteins. In sponed skunks. pr<>- tach themselves to milk glands whkh arc. in some
gesterone has been shown to affect the quality and species. contained wi thin pouches.
quantity <>f th e protein. The incorporation of labeled The duck-billed platypus produces two oocytes.
leucine Can be inhibited by giving estrogen along each 3 mm in diameter . After fert;!iution.
with progesterone (46). the eggs grow within the uterus umil they are 16-18
Mammals utilize me<:hanisms other than implan- mm. The eggs arc la id in a and the mother
tational delay to assure that the young are born dur- tends them for a incubation period. When
ing the optimal times of tbe y<:ar. Some undergo sea- the young hatch, they are like embryos (but they
. ,·na\ ebanges in reproductiw: organ struc tures and breathe air). Spiny anteaters rear one cooe<:ptus at
functions. and they become fertile during just lim- a time in a temporary brood pouch (224.238).
ited intervals. In most cases, Ihe pineal picl:s up sig- Pregnancies as short as 12!> days have been de-
nals from the environment and mediates changes in scribed for marsupials (131). and the marsupial cat
functions. Usually, variations in PRL levels can neonate weighs just 12 mg (211). Other members of
be demonstrated during both involutional and recru- this group have gestation periods that last up to 35
descence phases . Some animals vary the gestation days, but there are no direct relationships between
periods after implantation hall occurred. (North the dnr3tion and the kind of formed. Th.
American spotted skunh living in the east mate in bandicoot elaborates a quite comple. chorioallantoic
"'pil and have a gestation period of 5(1-65 days. structure. whereas the American opossum gets along
Those living in the west mate in September. delay without anything comparable to a eutherian organ
implantation until April. and have a gestation period (131).
of only 28-30 days [46 J.) Some of the bats mate just
before going into hibernation. but the females StOre
the spermatozoa and delay fertilization for several
Eutherlan Placentas
months (193).
A single animal type can utilize more than one All members of this subclass form a structure that
Stralegy. [n mit<:. implantation occurs promptly includes a conceptus-deriw:d chorion and endome-
under ordinary conditions, but it is delayed during trial components. One system of classification i.
lactation. The presence of an ·'alien" male, or of his based on the nature of the maternal component that
pheromone. can delay implantation. It ha. been sug- makos dire<:t comael with the trophoblastic surfat<:.
gested that this provides protection again'l delivery Pig, horse. and donkey conceptuses undergo ex·
of young that may be killed by that male. Mice also tensive development before making permanent at·

to) the endometrium. Some of the tropho- gitatioru;. The trophoblastic cdls undergo rapid
blastic cells become specialized for ingeslion of growth. proliferatioo. and spccialil.ations. By the 9th
hystrophc. a of secrelions and cellular debris day after ferti1il.ation. it is possible to distingui sh a
provided by the uterine glands. Eventually. the tro- cylwvphoblasl made up of a large. jXllyhwral. rap-
phoblast sends oul ribbon-like extensions that iiI into idly dividing mononuclcar cells. and a more periph-
grooves and depressions of the endometrial epithe- eral syncytiotrophoblast that docs not show distinct
lium and serv<: as sites for the exchanges of nu- ccll boundaries.
(rients. «'spiratol)' gases. and metabolic waslcs. T his New syncytiotrophoblastic cells derive from the
type ()f diffuse placenta is also cytotrophoblast region, but some enlargement of the
rornled in lemurs and whales. layer is allributed to nuclear divisions .
Somewhat more elaborate (but still superficial) protrusion. (cotyledons) burrow into the endome-
Jyndesmrxhoria/ placentae arc found in sheep. trium and penetrate the stroma, partially via cell
goalS, canle. and deer. Trophoblastic oolyIOOo"" in. separations but al,;o as a result of ,;orne destruction.
vade endornmial allachmcnt si les (ca- The conceptus gradually sinks into the uterine mu·
runcles) and extend to the vicinity of the malernal cosa. and a fibrin clot seals the initial lesion site (Fig.
blood vessels. bUI ther<: is only minimal destruction 16-3A). The uterine epithelium then spreads and
of uterine tissue. Sine<: the cotyledons retract proliferates until it totally endoses the conceptus
shortly before parturition, delivery of the young in- and separates it from what remains of the uterine
volves neither uterine tearing nOr substantial blood lumen.
1=. The syncytiotrophoblast acquires numerous ribo-
!n dogs, cats, fcrrets, elephants, beavers. and SOme somes and an extensive endoplasmic reticulum. It
other species, trophoblastic invasion involves more begins to secrete chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
extensive destruction of the endometrium. The sur· while it is still differentiating.
face cells make intimate contacts with the endothe-
lium of matcrnal capillaries. but the vessel walls
are preserved. Some shedding of the uterin. tissues FORMATION OF THE LACUNAE
accompanies the parturition in species making this
intermcdiate-lypc endothdiochorial arrangement. Some of the stroma l cells enlarge. accumula te gly-
cogen and lipids, and secrete glycogen and mucin.
Others degenerate . and their remains arC incorpo-
rat.d into the syncytiotrophoblast. Plasminogen ac-
The Human Placenta tivator and other substances made in the trophoblast
H umans, monkeys, and ratS are examples of animals contributc to the cell destruction (and fibrinolytic in_
that form a hemochorial placenta. There is exte nsive hibitors block implantation) (6J). However. decid-
trophoblastic invasioo of the endome trium that in- ual cells may be "prograrnmw to self-destruct," and
volvt.5 destruetion of endothelial as woll as stromal they are believed to release stimulants to the invad·
cells . The surfaces of the embryonic membranes es- ing trop hoblast. The invasion procC$.S shows similar-
tablish dire<:t contact with maternal ities to phagocytoois. However, it has also been
blood. and the maternal tissues ma ke subslantial enw to cell fusion, since endometrial components
contributioll$ to placentation. During parlurition. all engul fed by the trophoblast maintain ,;orne struc-
of thc endometrial tissue above the basalis tural integrity.
torn away and bl(l(.ld vessels are brQI:.n. In a As the syncytiotrophoblast burrows deeper into
woman deliveri ng a heallhy full-term infant, pow- the endometrium. the maternal bl(l(.ld vessels dilate.
erful postpartum contractions of the uterine muscle Spiral arte ries join up with endometrial veins. and
usually limit the blood loss to around half a liter. sinusoids de.elop at the sites of anastomoses. Sub--
released by the conceptus probably contrib-
ute to the processes (125).
Vacuoles appear in tbe rapidly c:<panding cyto-
plasmic mass of syncytiotrophoblast. and they fuse
Soon after shedding the rona pell ucida, the pari of to form la ke-like lacunae that fill with matemal
the trophoblast closest to the inner cell maSS estao. bl(l(.ld. Early in tho 3rd the lacunae mergc to
lishes contact with an endomcuial site located close form an intercoonecting network. The labyrinthine
to a bl(l(.ld capillary. Cells of both blastocyst and en· cavity is then called the intervillous space (sec Fig.
dometrium Ihcn cooperate to form intimate interdi· 16-4) .
Primitivv ,0'"''"'-


Exl" -emb<yoo"
meSOde,m mmo.'''' repreWu.,ion 01 ;"'plan,.,;on_

Fig . 11:\·3.
(Rep.-Od"""" wiln "..-miHion . "om La"9"'on . ...If,<""""
125. )

lacunar pofio(!- villous pcrOd

(9·13 days)
begnrw.g 01
elabQralion P8riod
(1 3-21 days)

Fig. 16-4. Oi.g<ommolic 'tj)I'eHrtlation ollhfl

_Iopmeot 01 the humon 'rom the 9ttI day to the
21s1 day. (From Wi"'in. 241 . )

CHORIONIC VILLI lular layer closest to the endometrial stroma deteri-

orates to expose the syncytium.
Tongues of rapidly proliferating cytotrophoblast
push into the outer layers \0 form primary chorionic
villi that projc<:\ toward the uterine stroma. (Each
villus has a cylotrophoblastic COrC and a surrounding ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FETOPLACENTAL
region of syncytiallissuc.) CIRCULATION
The cellular layer now gives rise In the cxtraem· rntravillous capillaries join capillaries Ihat appear in
br),<:,",c mesoderm (mesoblast) Ihalgradually forms the chorion and conne<:ting sta lk to form an ex·
a ring ""pa raling Ihe cytotrophoblast from the ex- traembryonic vascular system which is separated
traembryonic celom (Ihe chorionic cavily, Fig. 16- from the maternal blood by the trophoblast. Func-
3B). Mesoderm invades the villi, and when Ihis i. tional oommunicalion with the deVeloping fetal va:;.
completed the structures 3re caUed secondary clur cular system is gradually established. Eventually,
rionic Villi. Close to Ihe embryonic pole, other cords branches of the fetal internal iliac arteries giwo rise
of mesoderm form the connecting Jlalk (body to twO umbilical arle ries that carry fetal blood \0 the
that is the forerunner of the umbilical cord. placenta. The blood relurns to the fetus in a single
Terllary oil/I develop when blood vessels that form umb ilical vein.
in the mesoblast invade the proje<:tions. The term Initially. the villi are found along the en tire Sur-
chorirm (chorionic membrane) designates the ring of face of the chorion. Later. Ihe ones in the adem·
mesoblast plus the oV<'rlying regions of cytOlropho- bryonic region degenerate. whereas those closer to
blast and syncytiotrophoblast. the body to form a
With continued proliferation, the cytotrophoblast (Fig. The uterine ti:;sue in that region (de-
forms a "shell" that separates the "definitive sYlICy· cidua capsularii) and it eventu·
tium" front a ntorc peripheral la)'er that soon giV<'s ally deteriorates. As the fetus the small
rise to a ji/;rillQid coating. By separating maternal cavity the capsularis and the decidua par·
and fetal components. and perhaps bc:cause of ad. ictalis disappears.
sorption of substances made by the maternal im· When fully formed, the human placenta is shaped
mune system. Ihe fibrinoid is belie,oed to oonfer pro- like a d isc . It is about 3 Cm thick and can have a
Ie<:tion against rejection. The described changes are diameter of 15-25 em (125). Since the syncytiotro-
oompleted by the end orthe 3rd week. later. the cel· phoblast is close to the maternal blood. ils secretory

f ig. 16-5. Sch"""'t>c d, ... ing u.o.. itIg t!>ll ''''''tioo 01 trw. third month. The 0lMi0n and <:ho<ion /10 • • tusecj . "" I""
1.,.1"*",>,.,,.,. and !he ... 1 oJlhe Ul ..... 0. .... Eoct 01 the lIloril"le """"ty i. .... t!ld by lu.ioo ollh/t Ohorioo 18,"""
.ooond monlh. NotA thf yOlk .... e "' Ih/t <:ho<iOnic ca.ity and the d&oidua lII" illotil. (F,om langman. ,et",,,,,,,,,
tIIIt",..., tr.t amnioo ,oct <:fIOhon. "'" '_yOnic pOlfI
trw. .illi ha • • d isoPJ>9.l.'.oI (""""iool ..... ). e. End oJ thf

products rapidly gain aocess to and can accumulate Jl'OISition is affected by that diffuse in both
in the mother's cireulation. Many kinds of rTlQlecules directions aero:ss the placenta and the fetal skin.
pa» frum (he m,,(h« lU the tr"ph"blaSl and .ub..,. When the feml orgam develop. the feIUs swallows
quently enter the extra-embryonic capillaries or the some of the Huid and it releases urine into it.
conceptus. Some penetrate the amniotic cavity and Thc blastocoel of the young conceptus is bordered
are then taken into the fetal capillaries. partially by entoderm while the remainder is en-
cklSed by 9totrophoblast. As the extra-embryonic
mesoderm gro .... , it compr=cs the cavity and a
Early Deve lo p ment o f the Embryo and the
la)'er of mesothelial cells from the cytOtrophoblast
Associated Membranes
joins with the "mod.rm to form 3 continuous ring.
The inner cell mass form s an tmbryoni( di!c that What is left of the blastocoel is nOw called the prim-
borders the part of the blastocoel most rerTIQvcd from ith'e yolk $0( (or extracoelomic cayity).
the implanting trophoblast. The struetur<: is said to Extra-embryonic mesoderm continues to invade
be bilaminar as soon as it becomes possible to distin- the space between the cytotrophoblast and amnion-
guish a layer of small mlodermal cells bordering thc ectoderm-primitive yolk sac region. SO that most of
blastocoel rrom the larger «Iooermal cells that arc the original blastocoel is obliterated. The entoderm
closer to thc cytotrophoblast (fig. 16-3). grows downward. and it soon completely lines a neW
Clefts then appear between the e<:toderm and thc cavity called the stcond(Jry, or dtfinitivr. yol k sac.
cytotrophoblast. and these to form thc am- (It ii not defmitely known whether the secondary
niOtic cavity. The amnioblasts are believed to be de· yol k sac is a small remnant ofth. blastocoel or a new
rived from the cytotrophoblast and to secrete the cavity made within the mesoderm.) The pinched-<lif
am niotic Huid. The cavity e nlarges rapidly, comC$ lower portions of the r<:mainder of the blastocoel can
into contact with the developing chorion. and S<.>on rersi'!t as one or more exocoelomie cysts. Spaces
encloses the embryo (Fig. 16-5). Even tually. it then form in the mesoderm. coales<:e. and become
presses against and obliterates the cavity . the extra-embryonic coelom (chorionic cavity).
coV<'rs the conne<:ting stalk. and forms a componcnt The secondary yolk sac extends brieHy into the
of the umbilical cord. The amniotic fluid bathes the cavity. It becomes vascularized. and the roof portion
embryo, servC$ as a shock abwrbcr, provides useful contributes to the diifCr<:ntiation of the embryonic
molecules. and collects embryonic wastes. Its gut. As the lauer grows. a constriction develops be·
t ..... een
the embryo proper and the yolk sac. II clon- the digestive system and accessory structures that in-
gates into Ihe yolk stalk. which is incorporated into clude Ihe liver and panc reas. the e pithelial lining of
the umbilical oord. The remainder of the sac the respiratory Iract. parts of the urogenital system.
deteriorates. and parts of the thymus. thyroid. and parathyroid
The sac neVe, performs nut,ilh'c functions in glands.
humans, bUI primitive germ cells first make their al'" The embryonic mu odfrm that begins to form
pe.rane<: within it. [t undergoes more extensive de- during the third week aner ooncepti(lll is the source
velopment in species in which the fctuses project into of major components of the ciKulatory. skeletal,
the uterine cavity. I n oviparous vertebrates (includ- muscula r. urina ry. and reproductive systems. the fi-
ing monotremes). it provides nutrients during the in- brous and fatty connective tissues and the blood
cubation period. cells. and Ihe adrena l cortices.
The ol/(lntrXf begins as a small outpocketing of
the posterior end of the yol k sac. Although i1 receives
blood vessels and ;s brieHy associa ted with the de- CHORIONIC GONADOTROPINS
veloping urinary bladder. this membrane is probably The trophoblas t begins to make heG almost u SOOn
tolally ''eslisial in humans. lis remnants are inoor- as it forms. After the ditfertntiation into tWO layers.
porated into the umbilical cord. the syncytiotrophoblast bcoomcs the primary SOurCC
In oviparous vertebrates, the allantois spreads of the hormone. Production rale peaks when the cy-
over the inner surface of the shell. dcvelops a rich totrophoblast altains its maximum thickness (214).
capillary circulation, provide. the membrane for but tbis is auributcd to release by those cells of a
change of gases. and 'iCrves as a reposi. synqtiotrophoblast stimulant (167). A chorionic lu-
tory for urie acid waSlCS made by the embryo. teinizing release factor (hCl RF) in the cy-
totrophoblast seems to be chemically identical with
The ectoderm gives rise 10 the central and I"'ripheral hCG Concentrations In the Conceptus and
nervous systems and the adrenal medulla. parts of Mother
the eyes (which grow out of the brain). the epithe- heG is rapid ly ta ken up by the maternal blood ves-
liu m of the sense organs, the pituitary gland. the ep- sels. The plasma ooRCemra tions peak during weeks
idermis of the skin, and the epi thelial linings of some 10-11 ( 192) Or 13-14 (167 ) (wilh ditferen!:<'s re-
ot her organs. The caicitoni n-se<:reting cells of the lated in part to whether day I is the first day of the
thyroid gland and some other endocrine oomponents last menstrual perioo or the assumed dale of ovula·
migrate wtward from the ""ural ectoderm. tion). The lev.:ls then fall. and they remain low until
The entoderm provides the major oomponcnts of term (Fig. 16-6). The hormone is cleared slowly. and

• //' --
• r.PL /

"" //

Fig. 1&-&. Ma,,,,,,,,, Mrum
oone.ntr.,ion. 01 hCG ( 1
- 20 'lI) arM! hP\. . (-'<!oPled from Dr.
s. s . C. y"". wilh PMmi"""'.) (From
10 20 30 40 0"1""_ and Tu1<::!Mnsky ... I..""""
it Can be detccted for up to two postpartum Or maternal factor may exert inhibitory in Aucnccs
(233). Absolute .alues Can" substantially. but during the seoond and third trimesters and thereby
they are oonsistently higber in wOmen carrying more account for the lower heG levels at that time. How-
than one conceptus (214) . evcr, reduction in trophoblast volume is probably of
A seoondary eb·alion of the hCG levels that is grealer importance. Dopamine (214) and prosta-
associated with resumption of eytoblastic prolifera- glandins (167) can inhibit in vilro. but physiological
tion has been known to occur when the mother is af- roles have not been eSlablished for either of them.
meted with diabeles mellilUs Of lhe felUs is al\acked
by malernal Rh antibodies (214). The hormone lev_
Func tio ns
cis in amniotic fluid "3ry in parallel with those of
maternal blood plasma. but they are only 1/100 to hCG promotes oonversion of the ·'corpus lutcum of
1/40 as high. Tenfold yet lowe r concentrations arc ovulation·· to a ··corpus lutcum of pregnancy:· and
recorded for umbilical cord blood. The r,ndings sUI>" it supports the secretion of large <juantities of ovar-
port the belief that hCG is transferred from the rna· ian hormones during the first 5-6 woxks of the ges-
ternal blood to the amniotic compartment (14). tation period. Stimulation of oorpus luteum growth
Some of lhe amniOlic fiuid l1ormone enters Ihe fetal has been linked with elcvation of the ornithine de-
circulation. carboxylase activity (175). Some evidence has been
presented for a pulsatile palleTn of release. and this
may explain the failure of the ovary to "down regu-
Chemistry snd Biosynthesis
late'· its receptor numbers (170).
The biosynthesis of glycoprotein hormones has al- Later, heG accelerates placental production of
ready been discu<sed (Chap. IS). The alpha subunit pregnenolone and progesterone from cholesterol and
of hCG is almost identical with lhat of pituilary the of CI9 steroids (167). II is prob-
FSH. LH. and TSH (Fig. 16·7A). The bela subunit ably needed 10 promote testOSlerone secretion by the
is similar to that of LH.but il oontains an additional fetal lest is. and it additionally increases the forma-
carboxy terminal amino acid S(<jucnce (fig. 16-7B). tion of dchydrocpiandrostcronc by the fe tal adrenal
Antibodies directed against thai se<juellCC can be glands . Only some of the actions are believed to be
used to distinguish hCG from LH. mediated via cAMP.
Both oubun it< a"" The car· Although the effects exerted mo<tly I.H_like.
bohydrate prolongs lhe biological aCCOOnls the trophoblastic hormone has some FSH-li ke p<>-
for much of the molecular heterogeneily. and may tency and it is also a weak stimulator of the thyroid
affect hormonal functions. glands. It has been suggested that hYP"ll-Ccrction of
hCG accounts for lhe manifestations of hyperthy-
roidism in small numbers of womcn wlto show this
Regulation of hCG Secreti on
only during pregnancy. However. the TSH·like ae-
Before implantation. heG secretion is controlled by tivity is probably not important under physiological
the cells that make it. Later. hCLRf assumes im_ conditions.
portancc. Its aClions are probably partially mediated
via cAM P. (The nucleotide . its analogs. and phOS-
phodiesterase inhi bitors increase the secretion rates
when presented to cultured placental cxplants or
choriocarinoma cells. eGMP is inelfoxtive.) Epider·
mal growth factor and TRH can also stimulatc, but Maternal immune sySlems function throughout
hormones found to inelfective include insulin, oor_ pregnancy. The mother resists infcetioM. reacts to
tisol, and epinephrine (167,2 I4). implanted tumors. responds to histooompalibility an-
More alpha tha n beta subunits are made (75) . and ligens on sperm heads and paternally derived anti-
the ratio of free alpha: tOlal hCG rises sharply duro gens of conceptuses. and rejects skin grafts of em-
ing late pregnancy. Production of the fJ oomp:.ment bryonic tissues. Examples can be ciled in which the
is rate-limiting (167), and only this portion of the aClivities or product.'; of maternal cell. damage the
hormone is alfected in a dose·related manner by lhe or prcmaturely terminate the pregnancy. Er-
hCLRF (213). There is no evidence for negalive thyroblastosis fetalis is of the disorders known to
fcedback oontrol of hCLRf by hCG. Neither estro- result from fetal slimulation of the matcrnal system
gens nor progesterone inhibi\. This is bener,cial. and the subsequent deli"llry of maternal antibodies
since high ooneentrations of hCG and of both of the that CrOSS the placenta. Substantial numbers of bo-
steroids are needed during the early gestation period. .inc and swine embryos have been shown to be killed
Death of the embryo is not consistently followed by immunologic attack (206).
by a rapid decline in maternal heG. Some placental Despite the potential for

,n "

, $
Nfl, .... - Pro "Asp - Val -Giro _A.p -CY' -l'to-GIoJ -Cys - 11.- -leu -G!o - Glu - Aop -

p,o _ -PIle -Scr - GIn -P,o - Gt/ - "" -1" 0 - lie -le u - GIn- Cys - Me ' - Giy -
35 '0 '5
Cys -<:ys -PIle-So>< - Arg - Ala - Ty' -Pro-TI.- -P,O-Leu - A'9 - Se, -L yo-l. ys-
.. 55 60
TItr -Me' -leu - V. ' - GIn-L ys - A"" - V01 - TI.- - Ser - GIoJ - Ser - Th, - Cy. -Cy.-
65 70 7.
V.. -Ala - L ys - Se< - T Y' -Asn - Atg -VaI- TI>r - Val - Met - Gly - Gly - Pho>-Lys -

30 "5 \10
Val -Olu- Asn - His - Ttv -Ala -Cys-H;s-Cys- Se, _ ll.- _ Cys _ TY' _ Tyr _Hi._

B ' • ,0
NH, - Se, -l yo - Olu - P'o-Leu - A'G - Pro - "'g -Cy. - Ar9 - Pro - 110> - Asn - Ala - TI.- -
2Q -;;-
lc>u -A" -Val - 01 u -L ys -Glu -Oly _ Cys _ PIO _ _ - lie - Thr - Vol_A .... -
35 '0 .,
lhr - Th' - lie - Cy. - AI, -Gly - T)'f' Cys - P'o -TOr -Me' - Trw - Atg - Val - l eu-
50 55 .0
Gin - - Vo: -le u -Pro - Ala-leu - Pro -Gin - V.,-V. 1- Cys -ASII - Ty' - Arg-
" '0 u
A,p -V.'- - Pt>e - Giu - Se, - U" -"'g -Leu -P,o -Giy-Cys - Pro- Atg - Gly -
I. \10
Ty,-Ala-Var-Ala -Lou-Ser -Cy. -Gln-Cys-
.. 100 105
Ala -le u -Cys - Atg - Atg - Se, - TI.- - -Asp-CY' - Oly - Giy- PIO - LY' - Asp-

FlO. 111_7. A. Lin&ar 01 amino a cid' In the " positions of the .... dillJl_ btidges flO"" no! yet _
so .....! of hCG. l la poSit""'. of ,he d;.ulso. bridge_ .. tablisheef. The _ . rod tn. lost 32
lave roo' Yl t been e.tobl;sher;l. lIMo 'hr" N·... mi"., ,-...os. w hiCh . r. roo! pre_t in hLH6 . • e<:oUn11or thO
"'sld\Je . .'" roo! pre ..... , in hUla, B. LIne.r ....... urooIOgic 01 1>CG6, (From O"U,,"nondh arod
01 .mlne _ _ In the 6 su"'-'"", 01 hCG. l he re/oronc4l ' 67.)
can survive: until after the usual time of fertili7.ation, 4. Antigens are present on trophoblastic surfaces,
and fetuses are permitted to complete their intra- but they are "masked" and thereby rendered inca_
uterine development. 11 ;,; even to raise: pable of initiating rejection reactions. The s ub-
healthy CQlIC<'ptuse:s of cenain species within the statlCC$ implicated include transferrin, antipatcrnal
uteri of different OliOS. antibodies. a-fetoprotein, and hCG. Uteroglobin has
It has been suggested that antigens expressed on been said to coat the antigens. or 10 interfer<: with
the surfaces of sperm heads do not often impose se· their actions by cross-linking with e·2 microglobu-
rious problems because seminal plasma contains im· lins . Deficiencies of transglutaminase (which cata·
munosuppressivesubstanccs that exert short-term ef· Iyzes formation of the cross-links) have been associ-
fects. The possibility that progesterone provid« ate<i with pregnancy failure in humans (2t2A).
additional prote<:tion has also been considered S. Hormones exert speciftc influences on the ma-
(212A). Dilferent explanations are required for the ternal immune system during pregMncy. They may
long·term retention of fetuses. especially in humans invoke highly localized changes, Or responses specific
and olhers with hemochorial placentae, since thc tro- for the antigens presented by the conceptus. They
phoblast comes into fairly cl= comact with mater- may synergize with other substances produced only
nal immunocompetent cells. Several hypotheses are at that time. High molecular weight proteins sus-
CQnsidered below. They are not mutually exclusive. pected of participation in such reactions include ones
and more than one mechanism may be required named early pregnancy factors (EPFs) (247A).
(l3A.212A). Progesterone has received the most attention For
I. The trophoblast surface c\oscslto the maternal several reasons (2 12.212A). It could easily act
system does not usually accumulate high CQlIC<'ntra_ within the endometrium without exening serious
tions of fetal antigens. Thi s idea is not easily recon- generalized jnHuenees on the maternal system. since
ciled with indications thaI the maternal system be- the placental concentrations are around 2000-5000
comcs se:nsiti7.ed to paternal histocompatibility nll/ml whereas the plasma levels are in the rangc of
antigens. How.:ver. the actual numbers of ant igens 100- 1SO nslml. It has been demonstrated to act lo-
presented are oot known. cally to decrease granuloma formation and prolong
2. The antigens are prescnt, but barriers are im- the li ves of skin grafts. The high concemrations in
posed between the fetal and male mal systems. A '·f,- lhe uteri of pseudopregnant rabbits arc associated
briooid lareety of "yp'ophan.rkh with inerused s,.,ceptibility to infection. 'ho'
sulfated glycoproteins is visible under high magnifi. time. Progesterone is to inhibit T cell acti-
calion. It is usually cspecially wide when the preg_ vation by plant \ectin5, transformations of lympho-
nancy inVQlves CQnsiderable genetic differences be- cytes to blast cells, thymidine incorporation. and
tween Ihe CQncepws and the mother. The fibrinoid DNA synthesis; and progesterone receptor:! have re-
contains ,ialic and hyaluronic acids. and glycosidic cently becn idemified in glands (InA). Pro-
enzymes can under some conditions prematurely ter· gesterone may also alfeet macrophage Functions and
minate the pregnancy. However. Ihe layer is discon- reduce leukocyte number:! within the uterus. and it
tinous. and indications that Ihe maternal is known to induce proteins that affect the matcrnal
system is affected by the pregnancy sugg« t that no immune syste m (206). When injected syste mically
really effective barrier is established. Other tissues in combination with estrogens. it ean prolong skin
with glycocalyxcs do not deter the passage of anti- graft survival. II is additionally said to aCt On the
bodies and of immunOCQmpetent cells. Moreover, preimplantation endometrium to reduce the num-
production of the fibrinoid seems to result from cel- ber:! of ciliated cells. One consequence could be a
lular interactions between the trophoblast and the change in immunological properties (13). since thc
endometrium. A related concept is that the antigens nonciliated cells become involved in '·hybridiza-
do not come into close contact with immunocompe- tions" with trophoblastic cells.
tem cells, because trophoblastic invasion does not es· Estrogens are also present in high concentrations
tablish direct connections with the maternal blood in the placenta. They have not been shown to
vessels and trophoblaslic cells are said 10 shy away progesterone·like actions. but can retard stem cell
from maternal lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. proliFeration in bone marrow, decrease the activities
Progesterone is implicated as a regulator that pre- of nalural killer (NK) cells (212A). and interact
vents fibroblastic penetration and establiShment of with receptor:! in the thymus gland.
dOlle associations with the materMI system (13A). 11 has been stated that hCG depresses maternal
3. The Ulerus functions in other ways as an "im- immunoreactivity, invokes thymus gland involution.
munologically privileged site." This idea is difficult and nxluces the w.:ight of the maternal spleen.
to r<:coneile with the ability of blastocyls to implant Neuraminidase renders the trophoblast immuno-
and develop in many nonuterine tissucs. genic. and it has been reported thaI hCG counteraclS

Ih. eifecls if;\ is presented before lhe tissue is eX- assay of moot hormone. and of a variely of other bi-
posed to Ihe enzyme (24). However. oonlaminanlS of ological molecules. While SOme demand consider-
impure beG preparalioll$ are now believed 10 ac- "ble skill and experience. the on which
OOUOI for Ihe immunosuppression (214) . beG is also they arc based are relatively simple.
said to increase lhe n.galivilies of both trophoblastic hCG is collected from pregnancy urine. conecn·
and lymphocytic surfaces and 10 thereby bring about trated and purified . When injected inlo a foreign
muw.1 repulsion. 11 can also accelerate progesterone species (.-_g .. th. rabbil), il stimulates production of
secretion (212). ,(>Ccific antibodies which are then reoovered from
6. Another point of view is that s)'nclio(rophobla'· the blood plasma ( Fig . 16-8A).
lie invasion invokes a delayed· hypersensitivity «'- Purified hCG Can be lat>ckd with radioactive
spons. that limits Ihe reactivity of malernal tissues. markers. When bbckd hCG is added to anti·hCG
The interaclions may contribute to oon1rol of re10;.. antibody. a reversible is formed ( Fig, 16-
placental uni! development. since placental size cor- 7B). The radioaclivity of Ihe complex can be
rdates with Ihe magnitude of disparity between measured,
mother and conceptus (13). If unlabeled hCG is then added to the complex,
some of the radioaclive hCG will be displaced by Ihe
unlabeled hormone (Fig. 16-8C). The greater Ihe
Pregnancy Teats quantilY of unlabeled hormone, the greater the
heG is excreted into malernal urine in a biologically displacement.
active form. Most of the oldcr t:sts were based On Tbe complex can be precipitated. and its radio-
activity measured . Standard curves are constructed
the LH and FSH ·likc properties.
relating amount of unlabeled hCG added 10 loss of
The Asebbeim.Zonde. (A.Z. mouse) leol developed in radioactivity of Ihe wmplex (Fig, 16-8D). An alter·
t928 use-d the formation of bemorrha,ie foUid .. in the nale procedure inVOlves measurement of the amount
ovaries of immalure mice a.< i.. endpoint . It can t>c pcr· of labeled hCG displaced from the complex; in Ihis
formed 3 or mor. we ... aher fertili 7A1rioo. and it i. said case. radioactivity of Ihe medium is measured after
to be 98% dependable. H""ever. il involve. repealed in· removal of the antibody complex (Fia. 16-8F.).
jeetioJI$ of maternat urine and Ihe sacrifIce of 6 moder· Once the curve has been an esti male
olely expen.i"" Inimal •. The resul" cannot be obla ined can be made of the hCG content of a urine sample_
before 96 lIoul"$. Since urinary hCG i. uJI$l.bte. a fresh
It will be appreciated that the outlined melbod·
sample must be ta ken if the re. ul" are incondu.ivc and
the test must t>c repeated . ology requires facilities for purifieal;"n and labeling
The Friedman modification use. fewer (bul mOre CJl· of the hCG, obtaining and purifying the antibodies.
pcnsive) rabbit'. bCG promotes ovulatioo in Ibosc '"in· separation of tbe antibody and measure-
duced" ovulator. wi'hin 48 lIourS. A problem wi th this me nt of the radioactivity. (However. kits are avail-
te .. i"hat stre"ed rabbi .. can rel.ase pituitary lH a nd able to test laboratories so that procedures there are
therefore ,ive "fll«: positive" responses. minimized.)
The Galli·Mainini "frog" tesl i. baud On tbe ability of A logical extension of Ihe melhod is Ihe labeling
bCG to Slimulate spermiation in male f1"Ojls or loads. Tbe of the hCG with a dye that changes oolor ru; the bCG
o.imal. are chuper and e•• ie, to maintl in Ih.n mam· i. displaced from its combination witb the antibody.
mals. they can be used more than once. and tbe result.
Dete<:tion of pregnancy would then involve purchase
Ire oblained within 2_4 hourS. The .. me ",inc specimen
can be u,ed if it i, "C<elSar)' to repeat the proc<:dure . of the dye-Iat>cled hCG-antibody and ob-
"False .egative·· re,ul1. are oflen<!. especially servation of color changes wben Ihe urine is
during limes of Ih. ye., when tb. anima l. show low sen· added. At the time of Ihis writing. an adequale dye-
silivity to the hormone. T he Hogben t.. t involve. hCG labeled preparat;"n is nQl available.
Slimulation of ovulilion in lhe fem.le Af,i.,n load. The "Home-use" kits based on aggl utination reactions
ew are rel.ased wilbin 8 hours after Ihe !Io,mone i. in· are, however. being sold.
jected. false negalive. are. problem ,,"'ilh lhis procedure AgglutinatiGtl-inhibitlon lost. are the most
a, well. oommonly used today. They are less sensitive than
the radio-immullOalSaYS . I'owever, they do nol re-
quire expensive equipment or advanced Ie>:hnical
Immunologic al Tea ta
training, and Ihe results Can bo obtained wilhin min_
I mmunological methods arc sensitive. do not require utes (whereas Ihe radioimmullOalSays require 12-24
direct of animals. and are quite specific. Detee· hours) (167).
tion of hCG can be accomplished rapidly. "Scnsitized" erythrocytes or latex particles are
Quantitative have been developed for coaled with hCG . The cells or partieles agglutinate
o ))) (clump) in the of anti·hCG antibody (Fig-

-o --m ure 16·9/\ and Bj. urine from nonpregnant subjects
docs not alTeet the agglutination. If the urine COn-
tains hCG. (he hormone binds 10 (he antibody and
thereby prevents (he clumping (Figure 16-9C). The
hCG "'lIi-heG aol;/>od .. s
u.ine-antibody combination can be added to a sl ide
A. Produc,,,,, of .... Iiboej". to hCG containing hCG-cooled particles, The test can also
,.bb;I blood pia"",")
(oollected from
'00 perrormed by adding the components in a test

•• + » )
tube and observing the accumulation of agglu tin ated
at the bottom. Some commercially availa·

> ble test'; involve the formation of "pr<'cipitation
) When pregnancy a sever<' threat to tlte
Lat>ele<l ""IH.CG Ubele<l hCG· mother. Or when the prcsence of a trophoblastic
"" ontit>oC-t complex
B. ReverSible lotmal;on of complex of laoeled
ncG with rabbil antitlOCy
tumor is suspected. methods that can pick up very
low heG concentrations in blood or urine may be
needed. The radi <>-reccptor assay (194) is 10 lime,;
o ., o_ .0 as sensitive as the asslutination-inhibition te.<t. and

o +_
_ - o.
_ 0
the results are obtained within an hour. The proce-
dure is difficult to perform. requires skill and special
equipment. and is expensive. It purified hor-
mOne receptors. and a problem is tltat it docs no1 dis-
Unlabele<l her;· o;spiacement 01 IICG not ting uish between heG and L H. A cytochemical
flCG amibo<ty some I _1M <:<>mttinM bioassay 200 X more sensit ive than the radio-recep-
complex heO with tor assay is also available. but much more time is
un'abe1o<l !>CG
needed 10 obtain the responses (167).

hCG Inlluences on Oocyte Maturation and

i. Ovulation
;1 It is unusual for a scoond fertili7ation and implan·

H tation to procecd when a fetus is dcvdopinS in the

uterUS. The most widely accepted explanation is ste·
roid hormone suppression of gonadotropin release

" L::::::::,,"o-:-
Incre.sing quant"ie' 01
and oonsequent arresl of follicle maturation and ovu·
lation. heG sti mulales the ovaries. but it has lim iled
activity and it falls to low levels after th.
unlabeled hCG a<kled fIrst fcw weeks of the sestation period. It has hccn
reported that heG preparations contain contami·
D. Effect 01 """itkln of unlobeled hCG,., ,ad""",ivity
01 hCG-anliboc!-j oomple' nanlS Ihal inhibit oocyte maluration in rat< . AI·
lhough no physiolosical role has been established.
the potential uSe of suelt substa nces as contracep-
tives has been consider«! (58).

hCG-Like Hormones In Other Mammil is

Specie, difference, in chorionic sonadOlropin func-
lions have been linked with variations in dependence
on the corpora lutea for presnancy maintenance and
in the mechanisms for achievins CL survival.
In many animal types. there is a need to provide
I"<:sulators that suppress the seneratian or oppose the
actions of lutwlysins rcieased by the uterus. Btro-
E. Ehe<t of _ ilion of LlIlIef>eIed!>CG on radioactivity sens stimu late, whereas prOSCSlerone inhibits the
<>11factkJ<l conlaining hCG F>:)t romt>ined antit:(Jdy
formation of Ihe major lutwlys;n. PGF"". LH aug·
fig . 1W. Principr. 01 r.dioimmuoo ...... y prOC«!",. lor ment, progesterone accumulation by aeceleratins
formation of the precursor and by slowing conver·

Appea'3nc<l on
A. Appea'_" 01 erythrocyoe. bol<>r8 addition 01 anl;-hCG an';oody


.-...'., .."
,. . ...,.- .
...... ' ;.. .

lI, ... with U,j.. wit"

.mal' """""" '''90 """""n'
""'" Fig. 1(1.9. AggI\l'it>o';o" ',"1 lor hCG_

of progesterone to 20a-hydroxyprogcsteronc nancy. hPL does 001 so:¢m to be tsscntial for fetal
(121). Chorionic g<lnadOlropins si milar ac- (214).
tions. walegies are employed by The hormone can be first dcttcted 5-10 days after
SOme species. In sheep. PGEs and PGls may be Ihe implantat ion. Its conc.::ntrations in maternal blood
major luteolytic antagonisls (132). In mares, much then rise in direct proportion to the placental mass,
of Ihe PGFlo- is shunted away from the ovaries and and Ihey remain elevatcd until term (Fig 16-6).
dire<:tcd toward the uterine lumen (240). There are controversies concerning whether compo.-
RalS, mice and some other species aecc1.ra.te LH nents of placenta l extracts such as estriol, progester-
and prolactin seeretion soon aftcr ovulation. and one. cortisol, :;omalOStalin, and
they Ihe luteotropic actions of tbose hor- accelerate the synthesis. cAMP is effective
II'KIncs 10 establish and maintain a How- in the presence of extracellular Ca' · . Some glucose
ever, the depc:ndenc.:: shifts 10 chorionic gonadotro- is but high concentrations inhibit.
pins during Ihe later stages. PG F,. depresses the if it is injected inlO
the amniotic Auid. and it may function as a physio-
logical r<:gulator. Catecholamincs also dccrease the
synthesis ( 167.214).
Human plac.::mal lactogen (hPL. human chorionic hPL is a linear protein dcvoid of
growth hormone prolactin, heGP. chorionic SOma- that closely resembles human prolactin. The most
tomammotropin. hCS. somatomammotropic hor- abundant form has 191 amiw and shows 85%
II'KIne, hSMII) also synthesized by the syncytio- homology with hOli. It, growth horll'Klne potency is
trophobla,t. 11 is primarily to Ihe maternal only .. that of the pituitary regulator. but enough (The very small amounts foond in am- can be made 10 facilitato lipOlysis and nitrogen
niotic fluid probably gOI there via diffusion from the retention.
maternal system ( 14).) Although il for hPL production is high in poorly nourished preg-
10% of total plaeental protein in torm preg- nant v.omen. It is ketogenic during fasting. bUI il
also stimulates insulin releaK u d Iowcn the blood A humin placental uteNl"""" hormono( hPUTH ) h..
glueosc. hPL has been klKlWn to in..xe a tl'llnsient boeto identified in the blood 01 lI«'.... nt -.en. It can
diabetes-like syndrome: in women who have normal 1"00""te proliferation (boo, not hypcnlq>lly) of ute ....
glucose: tolcl'llllCC when thty a re not pregnant (214). Ind Nmmary Cia "" cells .. bcft tested in r"de.lI. (161).
The anli.inwlin actions may be opposed by A hi", "-"&ht prcCUI1Ol" 01 no"", ,rowtb
Gluo;ose is a major fuel for the fetus. It has been (NOf) yickh.n aClive ",sulltor or hi.h potency impli.
proposed that the lipolytic actions of h PL reduce .Ited in diucting the _Iurl tion of 'he 'ympa,hc';'; sys-
tem Ind brain adrener,i. ncUtO/'lll of tIM: ret us. The pia_
maternal UK of the sugar and ther<:by provide more ecntl h•• ucepton for $eYeral other Srowth fac,on tbat
for thc fetus. The GH·like activity may promote mao mlY be mlde by the ,,,,!,bob!"'t. The cytotrophob! ..,
te rnal sloragc of nut rients that will subseq uently be readily •• ehlnges molccule$ with the syncytiotropl>o-
needed for lactation . blast. the Imoiot;.; fluid. and the fetal blood.. It makes
In the mammary glands. hPL can sync'1liu with TRH-likc moIccule$ (in addition to lhe re,,,_
pituill.ry PR L to promocc cell specialiZiliOll. II lator) .•I>d it cnpgts in Steroid hormone bioay.'bais and
ens direct PRUikc effects in monkey$ given c:lcg- moeutbolilm.
CIlOU$ ovarian hormones (161). However. it is far less Ahbool.h the fetal bcsil>fto make PRL quile
potent than PRL foc stimulating milk production. It earl,. the decidu is bclie<e<l,o be the pti_ry SOOrC<: of
hall tllerefore been suggested tJu.t by competing witb amniotic (85,8.6),
PRL for receptor binding. hPL acts physiologically
to lactation. (M il k production is permitted to
proceed soon aflcr parturition. whe n the maternal SYNTHESIS AND METABOLISM OF
hPL levels f,lI . nd P RL secre tion increases !233J.) STEROIDS
Rodent placental laetogens can promote mammary
,land differentiation in animals. ()¥arian steroids prepare Inc endomctrium for im-
However. the OOl"lnoncs arc luteotropic in these ani- plantation. facilitate formation of the pIa«-nta. and
mals. and this may be IlIcir primary function (21 4). play roles in maintenance 01 the blood supply tlla t
I n mice. rdated hormones are anti-lutcolYlic (51). supports fetal growth. Estrogens do not promote
Subnormal felal size is associated wilh low hPL growth of the myometrium during oonfenik cycles.
leve ls. Since the conccn tra tiOll$ of tnc hormone in but their effects during pregnancy aCCOUnt rar most
hum an plasma correlatc with placenlal siZ<'. it has of the 10-foid increase in we igh! and SOO-fold in_
been proposed that they can be used to estimate Ihc c rease in uterine volume. New musel. fibcrs are
gC$tation stage (161). It has l iso been suggested that made during thc first Irimester, and tile cells soon
dopamine tonil:ally dcpm.scs placental production of acquire high RNA :DNA Tatios. The large quan-
hPL a nd fetal S)'nthesis of gfO'to'th hormone. How-- tities 01 proteins synthesized include intracellular aO-
ever. tbe notion is inamsistent with Andings in other tomyosin and coIla,en ( 103). 1lle steroids di-
sped.. (134). rectly ptOlllOle muscle contraction and tlley:scnsitiZ<'
The view has been exprclo$Cd that hPL is a 'TIl;" tile m)'Ollletrium 10 otller stimu lanu. They acceler-
tlal hormone for affluenl prelnant .... omen. since ate prostagland in generation. oxylocin a nd relaxin
fcta l fuel requ irements an: easily met by maternal secretion, and the induction of receptors for proges-
food intake. while hCG and pitui tary PRL preclude terone. oxytocin. and other hormones, Thc
the nc<d for the luteotropic and mamma tropic ao- permit the Ulerus to ae<:ommodate to tile growing
t ions. A suggested role of hPL in regulatioo of fetal fetus .nd to later engage in the panurition. EstI'Q-
W3ter balance is inconsistent with the low levels in gelUi are also believed to play essential roles in the
tile amniotic Huid and the hi,h PRo L concentrations. development oI tnc fetal pituitary gland. cenlnll ner_
vous s)'Stem.liver. and other structures.
The functions of progesterone an: less ,"-ell do-
ADDITIONAL PEPTIDE-TYPE fined. Ind lhey show greater species variations. n.:
TROPHOBLASTIC HORMONES human placenta produces 250 or more mg per day
whe n there is a single fetus and up 10 800 mg/day
The n. me, chorionic <XlrtiCClropi n (hACTH). when there a rc multiple concep tuses (161), In
hijman eborionic thry-'otropin (hCT). I nd human cho-
rionic follicle "imuil lin, I>ormono (hFSH) hive been Ip- perilllental animals. removal of the sources of pro--
plied 10 pl.cental extract componenl$ poucssinl the bio- gcsterone leads rapidly to abonion, This ca n be
Iclf]ical Ict;.ita of the cotU$pondi", Jbl>d avened with cxosenoos pnlgCSterone butllOl with cs--
... ,ulllon. Endorphins ..... bo ptUCnt_."" they are be-- tJOgCIIS (192). In all species, progesterone contrib-
ti • ..,d 10 deri.., from pre.","",," that proride the IlACfH . utes to the re,uiatlon 01 receptors for esttogcllS. pro-
lillie It kI...... or possible functions or Iny or the g<:stote .... and other hormones. and .t afl"CCIS tbe
preCcdinl- secretory activities of SoCw:ral end<xrine glands. In
rabbits, rats. and some other species. progesterone it lowers the sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle to
hyperpolarizes myometrial cell membranes and in- angiotensin II. However. progesterone also a pre-
vokcs relaxation . The direct depressant clTcets are Cursor of DOC ]96].)
prominent in humans and many other mam- Progesterone concentrations in amniotic fluid
mals, but progesterone evidently blocks the contrac- reach 30-60 ngjml during weeks 10-20 (14). The
tion sylll:hronization and thereby protects against amnion and chorion 5a-red uctase and both
premature expulsion of the fetuses. No influence on If:l· and 20f;1·hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase en·
uterine contractility ha5 been shown for the guinea 'ymes. Fetuses take up substances from the amniotic
pig. fluid by swallowing and via diffusion across the skin.
They send metabolites into that compartment when
they urinate. The fetal blood progesterone concen-
Role s 01 t he Corpus luteum
trations are 7·fo!d greater than those of the mother
The human corpus luteum (Cl) is an essemial (14)_ Fetal liver conjugates much of the steroid it
source of Meroid hormones during the first 5-6 takes up with sulfate. glucuronMe. or both. Fetal
weeks after conceplion. Ovariectomy Or lutcectomy adrenal glands are at forst directly dependent on
is rapidly followed by abortion. The placenta grad· plasma-derive<.! progesterone for their biosynthesis of
uany acquires the ability 10 make progesterone and corticosteroids, but they latcr acquire the ability to
to panieipatc in estrogen synthesis. Pregnancy Can utilize choleslerol as well (55) . Placental enzymes
be maintained after Ihe end of the second month if hydrolYle the sulfate conjugates. bUI they canTlOt act
thc C L is removed . However. the structure normally on the glueurOllatcs.
persists and se.:retes relaxin. The transition from CL
10 placental provision of steroids can be fOllowed by
Feto pl acenta l S ynthesis of Es tro g e n s
measuring maternal 17a-hydroxyprogesterone lev.
els. The placenta docs not have a 17a-hydroxylase The human placenta cannot convert pregnenolone or
(but the fetal adrenal later acquires one). progesterone to androgens or estrogens. It utilizes
dehydroepiandrosteronc-sulfate (DHE AS) as the
major precursor of estrone a nd estradiol, and 160·
P roges tero ne Synthesis by t he Pla centa
OH·UHt::AS to make est"ol (hg_ Approx·
Maternal blood supplies substantial quantities of imately 50-60 mg of estriol is produced each day.
cholesterol. and the rate-limiting factor for ilS use but only 15-20 mg of estradiol.
seems to be the numbers of high density lipoprotein In monkeys, and probably also in humans, estra·
receptors on the surfaces of the placenta l cells. Small diol is selectively transferred to the maternal system
amounts of plasma.ocrived pregnenolone may also (so tbat fetal levels are low). but estrone is more
be taken up. The ability to synthesize cholesterol equally distributed to fetus and mOlher. 11 been
from acetyl-«lCnzyme A is very limite<.! (214). proposed Ihal the syncytiot rophoblas t cantains a
Side-<:nain cleavage and If;l·hydroxysteroid dehy· protein Ihat spceificatty binds the e!\radiO! . while a
drogenasejl-ketosteroid isomerase complexes simi· 17f;1-hydroxystcroid on the felal side of the placenta
lar to previQusly described catalyze conversion rapidly converts estradiol to estrone (242). Fetal
of the precursors to progesterone. roles liver cantains a 15·hydroxylasc. and it provides the
for hCG have been both proposed and questioned placenta with the 15a-. t6a-dibydroxy-DH EAS pre-
(214). cursot' of estetrol. Since that steroid is not made by
Some of the progeMerone is taken up by the ma- the maternal ovary. its levels have been used to
ternal blood. and the levels arc maintained in the gauge liver function of the fetus. hCG accelerates
120-180 ngjml range. (1n contrast. they are 8-17 conversion of Cl9 steroids to estrogens Md it may
ngjml durins thc midluteal phasc of the ovarian also serve as a tropic hormone for the fetal adrenal
cyclc.) Progesterone metabolism follows pathways (55) and teslis (Chaps. 13 and (4).
shown in Chap. 15. However. the steroid diffuses
more rapidly from the vascular compartment during
pregnancy (despite the high concentrations of The Fetal Adrenal
plasma proteins)_ Progesterone is believed to aug· This gland is very large when compared with either
ment 5a-reductase activity when it is prescnt in high the body weight at that time Or the absolute sev·
and maternal blood 5a.oihydrop..,. eral months afler birth. The weight decreases from
gesteron. is high. (h has been suSgcsled that that 8 g at term to 5 g by Ihe end of the nrst postnatal
metabolite provides some protection against the de- month. as the volume diminishes by 50%.
velopment of hypertension during pl'<'gnancy. since A "fe\al zone" that is believed to be the major (or

to"" r-- Cholo"",01



;=" E.., _ _
' - - (E. """" ESIr"""" . E,,,,,,,,,
, 6 " OH·OH!;A$
'6 .. OH· Ot<EA
'6 '. OH ·(o" """
Es1rlol ",.,;
Eo" ",
I ,
15 t 6 d,·OH OHEAS_
( '" 6 "' ·0H·DH EAS

1C''''''' P'''Il'''IC'''''''
• P'''Il''"cr"",, .

Fig. 16·10. PI.OM'" biOsynlhesiS of progo.....""".
eOlfone • • 'trodiol...trio!, a.o .

for .y",h",i. of DI·IEA$ ab<>o.u sui""" 1';8>. ACTH, il .1", ,timulalQ

SO% of Iho gland Qf Ihe noonate (216), wllile a proliferalion.
smaller "definitive zone" rontains the en •.yme, GluCQCorticoids CI"Q:Sj; placenta in both direc-
nocded 10 make oonicosteroids, It was formerly be- tions. The felUS OOn!ributes to maternal cortisol, and
lieved that Ihe fetal zone ondergoes involution and Ihe maternal s)'stem can supjKlrt gluCQCQrticoid
necrosis. as the definiti"e zone forms new cell, and functions in anencephalic fetuses, The levels of free
acquires delineated glomeruklSa, fasdculata. and re- are higher in the felus. sillC(; Ihe roncc ntra-
ticularis >-ones (55). A more recent concept is that tions of CBG are 10,," (55), The maternal system
tile felal zone is "reroodcled inlQ tile 10na fascicu- rapidly converts cortisone to cortisol, whereas the
lata of the mature gland (207). fClal one preferontially oxidizes the cortisol \Q corli_
Cortirosleronc synthesis begins within 10 weeks sone. CQngenital deficienciesQf 11/:i·hydroxylase and
after ronception, and both pituitary hormone stim- 21-hydroxylase enzymes impair the abili ty of the
ulation and negative focdback control are estab- felal adrenal to synthesize gluoocorlicQids. Large
soon afterward. 10---20 week-{)ld human fe- UlI"IQunts of androgens arc then madc, and this leads
tU!leS release cortisol. corticostcrQne, aldostorone, to emergence of the adretlOgeni/a/ .•yndrome (see
and DOC imQ cu lture media. ACTH sti mulale. glu_ Chapler 13).
eoconiooid synthesis. It also accelerates low dellSi!y Lung matmat;"n includes lhe ProdUCliQn of large
lipoprotein degradation. and it may in this way pro- quantilies of surfaclamS. These arC rompl.x mix-
vide large quantilies of DHEAS and eslriol precur- lures of lipids (especially dipalmitolyl lecithin) and
so.. (171). I)cxamethasone inhibilion of ACTH and proteins that lo,,"er surface tension and PI"<»
glucOCQrticoid ,;ccrelion has been dell"lQn.strated in leet against collapse of lhe air sacs. GluCQCorticoid.
monkeys. hut steroids other than gluoooorticoids are facilitale surfactant accumulalion (po:s.s ibly by aug·
implicaled in the negalive feedback oonlrol (207). mcming triiodothyronine synthcsi" [82]) and they
pi!U;lury glands comain ,...MSH. Cl..I P, and play addiliQnal roles in lung maturat;"n, Glucocor-
,:!-endorphin, but it is not known if substantial quan- ticoids are also needed for malur31ion of liver,
tities an: released. ",-MSH can accelerate gluoooor- intestine. pancreas. and some other organs (12). In
tiroid production by fClal (but not adult) adrenal at least some species. Ihey promote accumulalion of
slands of humans, monkeys, shocp. rabbits, rats. and liver and cardiac glycogen, augmont insulin re-

sponses to glucose, increase lhe activities of intes- The maturation raleS can vary widely. Thus. kan·
tinal disaccharidases. decrease the permeability of garoos born after 35 days arc more like embryos
gut mucosa 10 immunoglobulins and other maera- than hamsters deliver<:d afler 16 days. The guinea
molecules. and induce ,/kIdr<:nergic receplors in the pig born a liule ovcr 2 monlhs after conception can
lungs. They induce the PNMT entyme (which cat· survive wilham maternal care, whereas the puppy convcrsion of norepinephrine 10 epinephrine). wilh a comparable gestatiQn period is al fITS! blind
and their inAuences Qn thyroxin melabolism arc im· and helpless. Newborn whales of Ihe larger varielies
plicaled in acquisilion of adaptations to cold environ· weigh mOre Ihan clephant neonates, but the gesta·
ments (207). Influences on parturition are oonsid· lion period is shorler for Ihe wh alcs.
ercd later in this chapler. Within a species. the nutrilional and endocrine
MineralClCOrtieoids ar<: produced In large S\atus of both the mother and fetus and Ihe numbers
amOUnl$. bm the cOntrol mechanisms are unknown. of ooncept uses have ",me influence On geslalion
The steroid, arc belie'-cd to regulate fetal sah and time. Human twins lend to be born earlier than sin-
waler balance. Angiotensin levels are high in fetal gle infants. and triplets earlier than Iwins. Pituitary
blood. and the peptides can promote adrenal cell hormone deficiencies tend 10 delay parturition.
proliferation. Additional hormones implicated in
regulation of the felal adrenal gland include fibro-
blast growlh faelor (which al'" aCl ive in Ihe adult)
and epidermal growth faclor (207). Tlte uterus can acoomplish powerful, organized oon-
traclions thaI expel the fetus long before the time of
parturition. The probability that il will manifest
such aClivily riscs during laic pregnancy. since Ihere
Genctic factors arc the major delerminant' of ges- are progressive changes in lhe properties of thc mus·
tation period length and Ihe associated malnrali","al cle a nd in the numbers of receptors for stimulanl$.
Slale of the newOOrn. Slrain differences within a spe:- There is concomitant reduclion in the sensilivity 10
c ie, arc kllOwn. Large animals that develop one at a inhibilors and Ihis i, associaled in at least SOme spe-
time usually have the longest gestation perioos. cies with lowered rateS of secretion and/or .ceder·
However, Illere arc no oonsistent relalionships 10 the ated rales of inactivation of myometrial depressants.
lengths of Ihe ovarian cydes. Sows ar<: among Ihc Slo""ly developing changes seem to be at leasl as im·
mamrnal$ thaI have large lilters and moderately portant as rapid discharge of parturition "Iriggers"
long pregnancies (sec Table 16·1). (6.119).

TObto 16--1 "",,"ox;mare VA""," !Of Du-Al""'" Of Ovation C)'dM and Pr _ _ in Som. 01 the
o..,i" Cy<1< i" F'Miti"""", to ParMi!""
Ani""t US",t t.i'''' Si" in 0.)'>

,he,", ,
I (oom<t ;.... 2) 19 (24-40) lSl-27$
, "" tl9-t74
"wro,i""'tciy 163


Ch;mru"'-'''' H 111_24()

,-, "
19_,) App<o.<;m.,.ty 336

Ap]>ro)<;rnotcl)' 151
H 20--11
••M""" 3_t 2 " , App<o>.im."ty t 12
1 t_lJ
H •• > 19_23
11."",0. ,-.
,-, •t 6-11 t._t
Gu ;"". P;1I
R,bb;! ,-.
,-, ".

V.ri.or<. up 106(>
C. 2_6 ". ll ..M
l - t1 V.,i.Ot. ' • t-4l

A", .. , .... """0".1>' ....

The human uterus and uterine cervIX are mains low until arte r the corpus luteum regres<cs
equipped with intrinsic neuronal '}'Stems tha t can and the placenta begins to make steroid •.
function indepondently of external 'timuli. and they O varian follicle!! make small amount'l during thc
receive adrenergic input via the hypogastric pkx· periovulatory pe riod . RLX is found in follicular
uses. The a·type re<;eptors mediate sti mulation and nuid. and it has been implicated in ovulation (33).
the types depression. Since epinephrine interncts Moderately high levels in human peritoneal nuid
with roth. its effe<:ts can vary (142). The cate<:hoi· during the early to midlu(cal phases are aHributed
amines are more important in $OI11e species than in to cxuda(ion from the ovaries (230). Pcptidcs with
others. similar chemical and immunological properties have
been identified in human scminal plasma (68). and
these are implicated in regulation of sperm motility.
Roles of Relaxin
Rl.X is also evidently present in boar. armadillo. and
Relaxins (RLXs) arc species-specific peptide, witb rooster tcstis. and it seems to be made in armadillo
"",Iecular weights of just under 6000. They arc prostate gland (34). The hormones bave been ex·
made up of A and B amino acid chains oovalenlly trac(ed from several nonmammalian ver(cbrates.
linked by disulfide ronds, 20 K·P'o-rela. ins with and shark R LX is biologically ro(ent in mammals
long oonnecting (C) peptidcs and 3K signal se- (124,201).
quences havc also been identified (80,153).
The hormones resemble insulin in tertiary Re.son.bly good correlation, bet"'ocn immu"""... )·,
structure . and me<:hanism, of cleavage from tbe pri· and bioa"'Y"'" obtained under ""me rondi.ion" How·
mary RNA transcripts (20 I). The "",Iecular config· ever, it i. no •• Iway. possible to determine whether pep-
urations 3re also similar to those of insulin·like tid .. . howing immuOQreactivity art ""uc" RLXs. altd
growtb factors (somatomedins) and ncrve growth the biologicol aCliviti", are often not predictable. " pcp-
tide from one specie. ma)' ,bow highe, .ct ivit)" whon
factor (26), tCltcd on "'gel organ, of .nolher than when used in the
same animallype. 0"" form of RLX Can Ix potent at
It ha, been . peculated to.t an '"ancient" gene under· ccrlOin site. but l0tally inactive when presented to cell ,
went duplications and mooif1catlon' du,ing the course o>f th.t respond to a chemicoll)' related peptide. The biolog·
evoluti(H! to give ri.e 10 a "family" of related peptide reg· ical ... ponse. are affccred by receptor "umb<rS (wbieh
ulators. The concept ha, been ,ecently challenged (200). can undergo large chonges) .nd .Iso bj' Ihe pre.e""e of
II M. betn pointed ou, tMt (a) tne memDcrs of tne hOr· several other '.gul.tors. (It has Ixcn shown. fo, c. ample.
mone ll'ouP ' how limited amino acid 5equen"" homology: th.t $Orne cell type. become re.pen.ive onl)" aft.r exJ>O-
(b) no .tepwise changes in the composition can be demo 'u," to ."'<>gen,. and Ih. t ""TVe growth raCtor and in·
onma'ed one ".scend$"' tbe scale from da$mobr3nch' ,ulin·li' e growth bo,mo"", compcte fo, binding (2211.)
to human.: and (e) the hormone. large dilfor· Tissue, that make the RLX. al'" contain prot«Jiytic en·
enee< in biological properties and ,eocptor allinitie<. It i. ,yme. that dcgrade the peptide<. They may male enough
therefore possible th.t each of the peptide t)·pes dori"e, hormone to act locally without contributing to ei'cul.ting
from its own p,ecursor. RLX. Othe, tissue, containing small amoonlS can have
r.ceptorS th .. bind Rl X. m,de clscwhere (8).
In humans. the primary SOUrlX'S are Ihe corpora
IUlea of pregnancy. Malernal plasma conccmration$ CANAL
fall precipitously if lute.ctom}· is performed (245). Guinea pig fetuses are very large in comparison with
Corpora lutea granulosal cens are also the primary the sile of the mother. Delivery must be preceded by
sour""s in SOws and in some other mammal •. Most chang.. in the symphysis pubi<. In other
of the circuialing R LX of the pregnant rat mayorig· mammals. the changes can be of much smaller mag·
inate in the ovary. but a placental factor (not present nitude •• but in all $OI11e ",ftening and dilation of the
in pseudopregnant animals or in ones bearing de- cervix is required. When the hormone was ftrst stud·
cidua) seem. to be essential for secretion (88). In ied. the impression waS gained that it fUlICtions pri·
several other species, the feto-placental unit makes marily to prepare the binh for passage of term
most of the Rl.X (223) . The endometrial gland. of fetuses. It is now recognized that RLXs have other
the pregnant guinea pig make substantial quantities. important elfects. For example. they act ()11 utcrine
and the peptide can be extracted from rabbit pia· muscle. and they may funclion in some specics to
centa (72). decidua (18) and sheep placenta bring about scparation of the placenta from the
contain tbe hormone. In ""'n ke}'" the placenta may uterus and weakening of the fetal membmncs (245).
be the primary source. since the plasma concCntra· Tbe earliest bioassa)'S were conducted on the
tions do not rise to detectable levels until after the pregnam guinea pig. Thi, animal is stili a favorite
3rd week of pregnancy (246). In mares. RLX ro- subject because tbe symphysis pubis is sclISitive to
RLX and ;1 is possible \0 obtain ,<,producible data . oomplishcd. Guinea pigs also show the laiC fall in
Sow ovaries the largest amounts of RLX of RLX levels. and pregnant animals of certain other
all species tested (201), and porcine hormone i. species become unresponsive to RLX very late in the
widely used as a standard against which other prep- gestation period.
arations arc tesled. RLX is a myometrial depressant. In guinea pigs.
When treated with porcine RLX. the symphysis it is probablyth. most imponant agent that provides
pubis of the guinea pig undergoes marked cbanges protection against premature or the fetuses
in structure that culminate in conversion ()f a com· (25). Unli ke the findings in rabbits and many other
paCI, cartilaginous ronneci;vc tissue imo a more nuid species, guinea pig myometrium is tota lly insensitive
Hcxiblc type and Ihe formation of a ligame nt be· to the inhibitory influences of proge.teronc.
tween the pubic bones (201). There i. an associated In the steroid-sensitive species, RLX probably
rearrangement of the collagenous filaments. ron...,r- plays supporting roles. Its .ffects Can be distin-
sion of some folaments 10 microfibril •. collagen digcs- guished from those of progestcronc . Exogenous RLX
tion, and loss of "ground substance." Fibroblasts arc acts within minutcs after presentation. and it aCCOm-
probably the primary target cells. While individual plishes its functions without influencing responsive-
differences in the patterns of change of hormone lev. no", to stimulants such as oxytocin or prostaglandins
els have been obscrvcd. there is consistent elevation (38) (ahhough uteri of QVQr;«Iomized ralS may
of plasma RLX prior to ligament formation (25). show some loss when presented with RLX [441>. It
The level's are high beginning at least 10 days before is thcrefore possible for RLX to exert its inAuences
parturition. on thc birth canal very late during the gestation pe-
Pubic ligaments are formed in many other mam - riod and to be by oxytocin and prosta-
mals. In mice. RLX may synergize with estrogens to glandins in ju,t the myometrium (245). In contrast.
additionally bring about selective erosion of the progcsterorK: relaxation develops over thc course of
pubic bones. (Estrogens exert dilTerent influences on several hours and it is aeoompanicd by both loss of
bone in other partS nf the body.) Tbe two hormones sensit ivities to lhe stimulants (38) and inhibition of
interact 10 pramolc induction of specific lyS050mal their secretion (191) . Whereas progesterone in some
protcases that include cathepsin Band dipeptidyl cases reduces muscle tone and brings about mem_
peptidase I (but not dipeplidyl peptidase II). Either brane hyperpolarization, relaxill$ seem to mOStly di-
hormone aCling alone can bring aboutlimitcd induc_ minish the amplitudes and frequerlCies of the con-
tion (I 3?). It has noted in several contexts that tractions. Roles of R LX in regulation of ccl1-to-cctl
estrogens directly labilize lysosomal membranes. oommunications have been proposed for rats, sows,
and that thcy also promote generation of POs that and some other mammals (6 1).
act on the membranes. RLXs additionally act slowly
in mice to bring about gradual "softening" and di-
In women. "pelvic relaxation" u,ually entails In primates, relaxin is implicated as a synergist wi th
oomparativdy minor structural change.. However. estrogens and progestogens for preparation of the
there are individual, in whom it can be exaggerated endometrium for implantation. in placentation. and
to the point where it causes substantial pain and dis- in delivery of Ihc blood supply to the
oomfort . Several findings are consistent with roles (20 I). II also exerts insulin-like influences on glyoo-
for RLX in t' - processes_ but no consistent prepar- gen and protein metabolism in rat utems (44). A rise
tum changes in the con<xntrations have been found in plasma levels can be detccted soon after coneer>-
(l81). tion in women (182).


In many of the mammals, RLX levels rise sharply In nonpregnant guinea pigs, the changes in cireulat-
during the last few days of pregnancy. This is espe- ing RLX arc oonsistcnt with roles in lutcolysis and
cially notable in sows, in which plasma val ues as in the regularly recurring opening of the vaginal
high as 150 pg/ml may be anained during a "pre- membrane during estrus (25). However, PO F,. is lu-
pa rtum surge." In most . RLX declines rapidly teolytie in sows. whereas RLX is not. Some obser,·-
shonly before the uterine oontractions begin. This crs find thaI POs are lutcolyticin guinea pig.' (IOn
suggests that RLX performs some other functions but OIhcrs find no influences nf PO synthesis,inhibi-
that must be inhibited before parturition can be ae- tors on corpus luteum regression (25).
Relaxin may contribute to stcroid-stimulated secretion (245)_ and the plasma RI.X changes par-
growth and differentiation of the mamma ry glands allel those for hCG during pregnancy , hCG does nol
in primates and some other specie<. but it can reduce increase plasm" RlX (201). In rals. Rl.X
milk production. atlea<t in rats and goot. (201) . Re- increases along with placcnlall uleotropins. The con-
lease or rdaxin into the maternal plasma has been tributions of pilu;tary gland hormones are difflcull to
dCSl'ribcd for human,. and sows. and in all of aSseSS. Both lH and prolactin may be involved in the
these. lactation can delay the reestablishment of stimulation.
o"arian cycles. The guinea pig shows neither lacta· When ral corpora Imea are maintained in mono-
tional delay nor relaxin release during nursing. layer culture. neit her estrogen alone flOr eSlrogen
Rebxin docs no! bind with high affinity to insulin plus hCG is clTective. Howner. RI.X synlhes is is ac-
receplors. and it docs not exert insulin-like actions celeralcd when lhe cells are presented with certain
oulside Ihe ulerus. However. it acts on adipocytes of olhcr hormone oombinalions, for example. hCG.
estrogen-p rimed rats to increase the affinity of insu· prolactin (or hPL) and progesterone (89). Prolacti n
lin for its own r""eptor, No comparable elTeets ha"c alone may nol be important in intact females. sin""
been found for adipoo:ytes of male or immature fe- RI.X levels fall after parturition in women who
male animals or for other largets tesled. such a< Iym- breast-feed their infants. Oxytocin has been impli_
phocyles. It has been proposed Ihat the relaxi n se- cated in some species. and PGs are also effe<:live in
creled throughout much of human pregnane)' cerl"in OneS. It is possible Ihat e10ge1lOu< regulators
provides most women with protection against Other do nOI ael directly on the biosynthetic machinery.
hormones that confer insulin resistance . Exogenoos The)" may instead maintain cell growlh and viabilily
RLX may therofore f,nd some use in the trcatmem and thercby permit the emergence of an "inherent"'
of wOmen who develop a diabeles mellitus-like con- ability to make Ihe peplidcs.
dition during pregnancy (163).

The Progesterone Block Hypothesis for

MECHAN ISM OF ACTION Initiation of Labor
Some evidence has accumulated for the presence of Progesterone -'lrQngly inhibits rabbit myometrium
RLX receptors on the plasma membranes of the tar- throughout Ihe gestalion period. The steroid le,,,ls
ee' ",,11.. l .i"le i. knnwn nf wh., h' rf"'.n< . f,c.-""rn ran sh"" ly befo,e the contractions begin. and
Sinee many of the influences involve changes in re,_ eoouS progesterone can dela)' parturition. It is be-
ponsitivity to olher hormones. RLX may alter the lieved thai Ihe birth process in Ihese anima ls is de-
membrane propeT1ies. Some elTeets may be me- pendent on Ihe fall in progeslerone levels (or on the
diated via cAMP, risc in the cstrogen: progestero"" ratio).
Progeslerone levels also fall sh<.lrdy before panu-
rition in sheep. goalS. pigs. and rats. and the con-
tractions can be delayed wilh cxogenous sleroid. In
these animals. the deeline in progesterone probably
The cell types implicated in RLX synthesis take makes a physiological contribution but it may not be
lime to develop the ab ilily 10 make Ihe hormone. It absolute ly essential.
is likely that Ihe)" musl acquire a certain malura- There are controversies over the importance of
tional state and Ihal the proccsSC!l arc dependenl on progesterone de<:line in primales, Somc investigators
other regulalors. Each cell Iype seems 10 have its report thai Ihc hormone levels decrease SOmewhal.
unique requirements. For reasons that have been whereas others do not ( 191). The possibility Ihal
cited. changes in secretion rateS are not necessarily progesterone becomes less effecrive even when tne
associated with corresponding changes in blood or ooocenlrations do not change has been considered
tissue concenlralions. (52). Those favoring the concept tht a progesterone
Estrogens are implicaled in both stimulation of block muSt be liftcd have suggested the foIlOl'o'ing
the synthesis and in induclion of Ihe receptors. mechanisms (96): (a) "programmed" aging of thc
Guinea pig uteri make their lar8",t amountS during placenta leads 10 decrea$Cd progesterone synthesis;
estrus when no conception OCcurs. The produclion (b) the blood supply to the uterus diminishes shortly
rate accelerates during pregnancy (although ovarian before parturition. and smaller amounts of choles-
levels fall). Exogenous estrogen (alone or in combi- tcrol substrate are presented to the cells: (c) a pro-
nation with progesterone) can inerease ulerinc RlX tein thai binds progesterone with high amnity and
production. raise the blood level s. and bring about thereby interfe res with sieroid-receptor interanions
changes in Ihe symphysis pubis (\50). In IlOnpreg- is made laic in thc gestation period: and (d) the
nant women, repeated injections of hCG augmenl numbers of progesterone receptors decline (38). An

earlier belief thut progesterone is more rapidly oon- All of the preceding findings are consistent with
¥crted to inactive metabolites has not been substan_ the notion that OT "triggers" the onset of labor.
tiated for However, the possibility that en- However,OT levels do not rise in all of the mam_
dometrial oonccntralions fall as pla:sma levels are mals, and parturition can proceed in hypophysecto-
maintained has not been ruled out. mized animals. In guinea pigs. OT increases a good
week before dc1ivt:ry. Therefore, the trigger coneept
ROle s 01 Estrogens could apply only if it is assumed that an inhibitor is
removed during the final few hours.
Estrogens act directly on the myometrium to aug- A more widely held belief is that OT functions to
ment contractile force and synchroni 7.e the activities hasten expulsion of the infant. to promote delivery of
of fiber groups. They promote the release of oxytocin the placenta, a nd to stimulate postpartum uterine
and PG •. and (in at least SOme species). they addi- contractions that provide protection against exCeS-
tionally cbate the norepinephrine:epinephrinc rJ- sive bleeding, It may not be important for ;rririalion
tios. The numbers of estrogen rcceptors can increase of the contractions. (Roles in lactation arc described
during late gestation (4). later. OT has also been implicated in ovulation [5],)
Large doses precipitate the onset of premature
labor in rats, mice. rabbits, cats, and other mam-
mals. Pharmacologica l dosages of synthetic estro-
gens have been used as "postooitul contraceptives" PGF ... and PGE l are extremely potent stimulants in
in humans (144) . and it has becn reported that es- most mammals. Unlike they a re elfeetive at all
trogens increase the sensitivities to endogcnous oxy- gestational stages. They have been used to induce
tocin (113). and to PGs. On the other hand. whereas labor at term and to achieve first or second trimester
injections of oxytocin and PGs baSlcn labor at term, abortion. Lower dosages are actually required dur_
estrogens are ineffective. ing the early months (II 7).
Amniotic Auid concentrations ri,e a bruptly
Roles of Oxytocin 'hortly before the onset and during the progress of
parturi tion , The suspccted sour.::es include myome-
Oxytocin (OT) is a small peptide that is syn thesized trium. decidua and chorion, The fctal pituitary is in-
in the maternal hypothalamus. It is transponed to volved (since the rise is nOl seen in anencephalic con-
the neural lobe for storage and subs«J uent release, ceptuses) ( 14). Some observers fond that maternal
The peptide may addit ionally be made by the fetus. plasma PG also rises. Aspirin. indomethacin. and
since it is prcsc:nt in amniotiC Auid (14). other PG synthesis inhibitors delay or prolong par-
OT leve ls in mate rnal bl<X>d and endometrium turition. However. each of the agents tested exens
bavc been observ:d to rise abruptly short ly before additional innuences on the myometrium that arc
the onset of parturition in rats (4), rabbits (78). not antagoniled with exogenous PGs (6).
and other species (145)_ Some authors re- While there is evidence for PG contributions in
port a rise in amniotic Auid concentrations in monkeys. rats. sheep, and other (38, 162), the
humans, but others do nOl r.nd this (1 4). Uterine major meehanisms of action can vary with tbc spe-
stre tching by an expand ing oonceptus approaching cies. Luteolysis seems to be important in animals
term, and dilation of the cervix during the early that derive their progesterone from the ovaries. and
stages of labor provide pelent stimuli for hypotha- inhibition of placental production of the steroid has
lamic release of OT. Either estrogen alone Or a fall been described for others. In women. dosagcs of
in estrogen:progesterone ratios Can promote OT rc- PGI, that do not affect the myometrium arc re-
ceptor induction (4). and the receptor numbers in_ jXlrted 10 bring about "cervical ripening" (176F).
crease late in the gestation period. The changes ac- Some elfeets arc probably exerted on lysosomal
count in part for the increa sing sensit ivity of the membranes of both mother and fetus. In addition to
uterus to the actions of the hormone. However.OT "song estrogen titers and falling estrC>-
is reported to promote PGF ... release. and PGs are gen;progestcronc ratios. roles for hPL in accelera-
said to increase the responsiveness to OT (117). tion of PG production have been proposed (38).
When OT levels are low because of naturally oc-
curring e"entS or ex!'<'rimental intervention. partu_
Roles of the Fetus
rition is dela)'ed and prolonged, and this is aswciated
with fetal distress or mortality. In women thr.::atcncd Fetal lambs a nd kids release substantial quantities of
with premature labor. administration of ethyl ako- gluC<lConiooids j ust before the onset of parturition.
hoi is believed to be beneficial at lea" in part be- In these, the steroid may "trigger" the uterine oon-
CauSe it inhibits OT release (78). tractions (38. 128.129). In sheep. cortisol induces
and it thereby lowm the levels of (176£). For reasons. it is not considered aC-
placental proge$terone (207). The progesterone i5 ceptable by most couples.
rapidly converted to androgens and ultimately to ey CoilUs interruptus (withdrawal of the penis before
trogen!. The resulting rise in e!ltrogen:progcsterone ejaculation) is regarded by some as a n10dified form
ratios may augment myometrial activity both di· of abstine nce . It is probably the oldcst known
rectly and via PG generation. The thyroid system mcthod. and it is still widely practiced in SOme parts
matures very late. When it does. oxygen ronsump- of the world. One of the problems with it is the un·
tion aOC<'lerates, and the anoxia that develops may avoidable escape of small quantities of sperm-rich
serve as a .timulus for thc release of ACTH . In semen prior to the release of the obvious ejaculate.
goots. the oortisol must act in diffe rent ways. The Even whcn the withdrawal is accomplished. the es·
ovaries supply the progesterone. and PG-associated timated pregnancy rate for fertile women during a
lutwlysis accounts for the fall in progesterone levels year of use is 18% (10).
In humans. amniotic fluid rortisol ooncentrations
rise somewhat just before parturition. The glucocor. " Rhythm" Methods
ticoid is not known to be e.'iSential for initiation of All rhythm methods are modified forms of absti-
labor, but there have been recent indications that it nence based on the following assumption.: (a) the
makes a physiological cootributicn (216). Glucocor· time of ovulation Can be predicted; (b) spermato1""
ticoid injections do not bring on premature oontrac- and oocytes remain func tional for .-ery limited time
tions in monkeys. and they have little effcct when periods; and therefore, (c) there are ·'safc periods··
administered to women at term. Ho",·cver, they are during which ooitus will not lead to fenili7.ation.
reported to be useful for induction of delayed labor The most widely used procedure involves deter·
(191.225). and also for quieting a uterus that has mining the lengths of previous menstrual cycles . Pre·
begun premature oontrnctions. sumably. ovulation occurs regularly a t midcycle, and
Anencephalic fetuses and OneS with brain damage ooc)· tes remain in a fertilizable State for up to 48
that impairs ACTH secreticn are ecmmonly born hours afterward. Since spermat010a arc viable for 3
either prema turely Or very late. Jt has therefore been similar time period. the "fertile period·· exte nds from
ronsidered that glucocorticoids play roles in fine con- two days before tc two days after the mideycle.
trol of birth As has been noted. the steroids Some practitione .... abstain from ,exu.1 interoourse
influence fetal growth and maturation. and they af· for 3l!-4 days before through 3-4 days after the ay
fect the release of myometrial stimulants. However. sumed ovulation lime. More oonservative cnes ad-
acoording to some observers, it is a steroid secretcd vocate abstention for two or moT<: weeks of each
in association with oortisol (possible DHEAS or an· cycle "just to be sure."
drostenedione [207]) that aSSume, impoortance in It has been variously estimated that for every 100
primates. women using the '·calendar'· method for one year. 24
A low molecular weight lipid that stimulates PG (10). almost 29. (139). Or mOre (l76E) become
symhesis has been identified in the urine of term fe· pregnant. There arc these wlto believe that thc
tuses . Since urine i, into the amnictic fluid. rhythm method "works" only for couples who are in-
this substance may play roles in the initiation of par- fertile or nearly SO (226).
turition (224A). Although the interval from ovulation to onset of
In rats, the thyroid system matures after birth the menses is fairly ronstant in healthy women, the
(73). No roles for glucocortiooids in parturition ha.·e one: from menses to the next ovulation is not. Vari·
been established. ations of up to eight day" are not nnCCmmon under
normal oonditions . Larger ones are seen when SOmC-
thing perturbs the hormonal balance. since stimula-
tion of the central nervous systcm can affe<:t LRH
Binh oomrol Can be achieved by (a) interfering with release. Coitus·induced ··pamcyelic·' ovulation is
gametogenesis, implantation . Or the progess of an cy ,,-ell documented in laboratory animals, and there
tablished pregnancy. Or (b) preventing contact be- are good reasons to believe that it occurs in WOOlen
twecn mature spenn and oocytes. (95). The strCS5 associated with rape is believed to
account fOf the high incidence of conception that fol-
lows. The very abstinence can be the factor that
Abstinence end Releted Methods
heightens sensitivity to vaginal or cervical stimula·
Tota l abstinence from se.ual intercourse is the most tion and thereby accelcratcs ovubticn. It is also p0s-
obvious way to avoid pregnancy. It is the primary sible for spermatOzoa to be retained in an uncapa-
method used in some societies, both before marriage citated. viable oondition within the cervical crypts
and for a proscribed interval after the birth of a child for several days after insemination.
Many couples obje<:\ to the close aswcialion be- that loRH taken at the wrong times will disruPI Ihe
1ween sexual inlerCQursc and Ihe fear of pregnancy. cycle. so Ihal the timing of Ihe next ovulation will be
and \0 in\cf\'ais of abslincnC<llhal may coincide wilh totally unpredictable , The peptide may also invoke
the period of lhc woman's mOS! intense sexual inler- discharge of immature oocytes thai can subse·
est. There arc temptations to "take chances," quently fail to undergo normal meiosis but retain the
Women have also complained \0 fertility program ability to unile wilh spermato7.0a.
dir«:\Qrs in some locales lhal Iheir husbands rcfuse
to adhere 10 Ihc schedules. especially ancr drinking
" Ba rrier" Metho d s
alcohol (I 16E).
It is established in laboratory animals thai when Proponents point QUl Ihat Ihe use of barriers d()Cs nOI
"overripe" gametes engage in fcrtihalion, large imerrcre with functions of the reproductive syslem
numbers of abnormal '-ygOl •• arc formed. Although or with social interactions, The condom is the oldest
some oOse ... rs doubt lhal Ihc incidences of birth de- of the devices used and it can additionally providc
feelS arc greater in couples practicing lhc rhythm protection against transmission of venereal infec·
method, others have presented impressive stalislics tions. The costs of distribution have limited ilS use in
to support tbc belief (I 76E). some of the "developing" countries, Failure rales
Allempts ha<'c Ix:tO made \0 improve lhc rhythm have been estimatcd at 4%-10%.
but there is no good evidence that modified Oiaphragms and cervical caps are used in con-
procedures lower thc failure rales, The "symplO- junction with spermicidal agents. When properly fu·
thermal method" (STM) aSSumeS that ovulation Can ted and inserted. thc ··,uccess" rate approaches Ihat
be prooicted from a progesterone-reiated elevation of of the oral contraceptives. Acccptance rates dcclined
the body temperature, The woman is required to somewhat when the steroids beeame available. How·
mcaSure her rectal temperature each morning. to ever. Ihe use is rising. since many women are now
keep records. and to refrain from intercourse from concerned about the ··sidc-clTects·· and possible dan·
Ihe time of onsel of the menses until the end of the gers associatoo with oral contraceplives (139).
third day after the rise. (Usually, this means that Foams, jellies, creams. suppositories, and oJther ve-
only around 10 days of Ihc cycle can be considered hicles containi"R spermicidal aRents offer uncertain
"sa k") However, Ihe influences Ihal progesterone protection when used with()Ut the mechanical de-
exerts on lemperature·regulating neurons are oot di- vices. Human Semen coagulates immediately afler
rectly linked with ovarian events , wOmen have ejaculation. and ;t thereby traps the spc:rmatozoa-
"textbook" pictures of tcmperature changes. and ex· some in the immediate "icinity of the uterine cervix,
perts in reproduclive physiology cannot always pre- Some Chemicals that immobilize Or kill spc:rmat07.oa
dict ovulation times from the dala. The elevations in vitro do not penetrate the coagulum. When liq·
that do occur are only O.4-O.S · F. The neurons arc uefaction occurs. spermatozoa totally unaffected by
inAuenced by many factors, and responses to mild the surfaCtanlS Can enter the Ulerus. Transiently im-
infections. psychological stress. or physical exertion mobilized spermato7.011 that retain Ihc ability to fcr_
can invoke chanse of far greater magnitude. tili,-" can also be transported . In .ivo slud-
The "cervical mucus" variation requires that the ies on monkeys and women are mOre reliable for
woman examine her secretions each day and refrain screening agents of this kind than commonly per·
from intercourse during all but the ··dry" I"'riods. formed in vitro Sludies (25 I), bul not all of the prob-
The procedure is even less dependable than the lems have been solved , Sensitive individuals have de-
STM . Many women find the examination distaster ul veloped irritations Or and there is concern
and soon abandon it. Others do nOI find large oVer possible systemic toxicity absorption
changes in the mucus or are unable to interpret the from Ihe vagina can oc<:ur) (I 76A). Adverse effects
findings. (The subjcctive nature of Ihe interpreta· on young animal embryos ha\'e also been described
tions may account for the higher pregnancy re· (60). The methods are unsuitable for women who do
porled by in which the husband in· not have accesS to running water.
volved in the decisions.) The active ingredients include nonoxynol·9 (Del·
Yet anotber variation involves the uSC of exoge- foam. Onhoforms. Encare). Trilon X·IOO (Ortho-
nOuS lo RH Or its analogs. It is assumed that if the gynol). Menfegol (Neosampoon). and OC!oxynol·9
peptide is administered when follicles are mature, (17M).
thcn loH release and ovulation will OCcur. It there·
fore be<:omes "safe"' to indulge in scxual intercourse
from two to Ihree after the induced ovulation
until weli imo the next cyde (205). The method has
nol been extensivdy tested . It can be amicipated
A re.:ently introduced contraceptive sponge blocks blocked. pressure can build up within the testis and
thc cervical opening and releases a spermicide, but damage Ihe barrier_ Anlibodies 10 spermalowa
it is les. effective than the diaphragm (176A). been found in the blood of humans, monkeys, and
Spermicidal agcnts are incorpora ted into COmmer- other mammals after vasectomy. Gencrali7.ed im·
cially available douches_ However, they are quite in- pairment of immune functions has been observed to
effective when used postco;tally. since some sper- increase the severity of atherosclerosis in baboons
mat07.ol! gain access to the uterus wilhin a minute or and in cynomologous monkeys (3). while immun<)-
less after entering the vagina. logical destruction of Ihe lestis has occurred in
guinea pigs. Some physicians are concerned ovcr
Slerll lutlon possible immunological anaeks against the intersti-
tial cells of the testi, ( 151). However, some men who
The numbor of adults undergoing vasectomy or have not undergone sterilization ha.'e circulating
tubal ligation increased rapidly until JUSt a few years sperm antigens . Morever. long-term Sludies indicate
ago { I 39. I 76G). It has been estimated that 660.000 that vasectomy does not adversely affeel health
vasectomies arc performed annually in the United (1768).
States (60). and that 33 million couples in the For anatomical reasons, oviduct ligations are more
United States. United Kingdom. China. and India complicated and more ha7.ardous. Laparotomies are
use this form of conlraception (1768). In some lo- best performed SOOn after parturition. New "mini·
cales, this has clearly led to reductions in the num- laparotomy" and vaginal approaches promise to re·
bers of abortions and in improved condilions for duce Ihc dangers. but thc st ruclures arc difficult to
mothers.nd existing children. Objections have been visualize (187). fiberoplic hysteroscopcs can in·
raised by religious groups. and by men who look crease Ihe safely and compleleness of the procedures
upon the result. as a threat to "masculinity." (31). However, it is nOI yel possible to fuUy control
Interruption of the vasa deferentia Can be aCCOm- bleeding. injury to neighboring structures. adhe·
plishcd via the scrotal route in 1()'!5 minutes undcr sions, and infc<:tions. Electrocautery . freezing, and
local anesthesia (60). Usually. no il l effc<:ts are ex- thc injection of sclerosing agents a rc used to mini-
perienced after Ihe discomfort during Ihe first two to mize the bleeding. There has been vel)' limited suc·
three postoperative days is overcome. In the over- cess in the use of microsurgery to revcrse Ihc steril-
whelming majority of cases, permanenl sterilily is ization
achie"ed a rew weeks later (after spermatOlOO left
behind in the lTaCt have deteriorated). Alternate
The Estrogen-Progestogen "Pili"
procedures involve inserling valves imo the vasa. but
progress in accomplish ing reversible blockage has It cstima ted that 50 million women use oral con·
been slow (32). Siliconc plugs that Can be easily in- a regular basis ( 148.1760). When Ihe
sertcd and removed have been lesled in laboratory regimens arc followed. thc conception rate ap-
animals. and they hold neW promise. Nonsurgical proaches lero. Usua11y one pi11 is taken for each of
n,cthoos for accomplishing permanenl vas occlusion 20 or 21 consecutive days. Then, either no medica·
are also being developed (176B). are now tion or a placebo is used for Ihe next 7 to 8 days. and
being made to store spermatozoa for men who may the cycle is repeated. Fertilization can occur if the
change Iheir minds aboot having children. but user omits two Or more successive dosages . In most
human semen not easily preserved (243). and women. fertility is tota11y restorcd within 2- 3
there is corIC<'rn over the possibility that frozen. months after the trealment is terminated.
thawed spumatozoa will form abnormal zygotes.
The incidence of infections and surgical compl i-
cations in men who do 00\ have access to med-
ical facilities is estimated at 1% (176G). There are Only steroids are prescribed. si nce the nal-
thooretieal grounds for concern over secondary ef- urally occurring hormones are dcgra<kd by lhe live r
fects on the immune system, but such problems arc soon after they are absorbed. The agents are phar-
001 prevalent among humans (100.140). macological, both in their biological properties and
Under normal conditions, the blood-testis barrier in the dosages requi red 10 achieve the results. Ethy-
protC<:tS the rest of the body against sperm antigens nyl estradiol and mcstranol (Fig. 16-11) arc the
that would be recogniw:l as "foreign" if Ihey entered most commonly employed "estrogens." Most of the
the bloodstream (71) . following vasectomy, sper- "progestogens" (Fig. 16-1 2) have dirC<:t cslrogenic
matozoa trapped within the epididymis and proxi- or androgenic polency or ar<: metabolized to steroids
mal portions of the vas deferens deteriorate. The an· wilh such aClivities. Megestrol acetate has been
ligens can then_ be released to the surrounding fluids withdrawn because of observations that it promOlCS
or be taken up by macrophages. Since the passage- development of breast nodules in beagle dogs (28).
ways for testicular and epididymal Auids arc Since there are individual differences in responses

"o days rnore closely mimics Ihc "physiologieal" COn·

dition. However, highe r toxicity and rnore Irouble·
some sidc--clfects arC associaled with Ihe ·'sequen·
tial"' regimens. and the original preparations are no
longer used. '"Triphasic" medications containing rei·
atively low sleroid dosages are now being tested
(176D). The need to maintain artificial menstrual
cycles whose timing mimics the natural ones has
been questioned. and thcre are those who believe
thai extended periods of amenorrhea Can be benefi-
cial (60). Some dosage schedules are designed to

bring about endometrial shedding only OnCe every
three months. A drawback is uncertainty concernill$
whethcr pregnancy has occurred.


I When introduced in 1960. it was assumed that the

oral contraceptives blocked fOllicular maturation
and ovu lation by inhibiting Ihe secretion of pituitary
B. EllYyny! estrad.,. (Progynon. f'<ol) gonadotropins. However. the very fact that concep-
lion often occurs when two or more pills are omitted

"oL, =CH
indicates thaI follicles can mature and Ihat thc pi-
tuitary g land retains respomivity. The concept that
the agents act moslly on the hypothalamus is consis-
lent with observalions Ihat womcn taking them re--
lease gonadotropins in response to LRH.

I " Moreover, brain levels of gamma aminobulyric acid

(GA6A) are el evated in laboratory animals given
comparable dosages, and plasma prolactin is usually
high in the animals and also in women using the pills
C. MeSiraool
(EII'Iyny!·estradioi methyl ester)
(2S). GABA is believed to depress gonadotropin reo
lease and to promote secretion of prolactin (which
Fill. 18- 11. Comparison 01 Slfuctur. ot .. ,,,,.1Iy occurring secondarily impairs gonadOiropin release). !n
. SIr."",, will> . . 01 .ynt ..,,,, •• trog.". \>$..:I in .,..., women. both FSH and LH are present in Ihe blood
c<ln"8C&pli ..... plasma. but thc levels arc low. A major of Ihe
steroids is prevention of Ihc midcyele gOMdotropin
"surge" (43). Therefore. ovulation docs 001 ordinar·
to the various steroids. and there is COntern Over CS- ilyoccnr.
l!'(Igen toxicity. preparations Ihal vary widely in es- The contraceptives arc also believed 10 interfere
trogcn:progC!logen ratios are available. Many con· with preparations for implanlation. to affect {he
tain 0.05 mg of ethynyl plus a progestogen qualily of the cervical mucus. and to change the pat·
(0.5 mg of norgeslrd in Ovrnl. 1 rng ethynodiol di· terRS of oviduct contraction. The ones with low stc-
acelale in IXmulcn, and I mg or norethindrone in roid contcnt may act mostly in Ihi' way, since they
Ovicon-50) (148), Lo-Ovral (0.02 rng clhynyl estra- do not consistently block ovulation. (Failure rates
diol plus 0.3 mg norgestrel) and Loc"';n 1/20 (0.02 are higher with these agcnts.)
rng clhynyl estradiol plus I mg norethindrone) arc
"Iow-.,strogcn" tyP"" Mestranol i. less potent than
cthynyl estradiol. Ovulen contains 0.10 mg along
with I rng of othyrnxliol diacetatc , has a Nausea, vomiting, malaise, breast tenderness and
high total steroid COnlent (0.15 mg mestraool plus pain, waler retention. body weight gain, somnolence,
9.g5 mg oorcthynodrel). faligue, headache. "ncrvousness:' psychological
It was belicved for a soort timc that Ihe uSC of depression . and loss or interest in sex are commonly
eslrogen for 14-16 days fOllowed by an eSlrogen· experienced not on!y by pill users, but also by sub-
progeSlogen combination during the ensuing 5-6 Mantial numbers of women going through Ihe early
stages of pl"<'gnancy. A low incidence of chloasma they canl10l efficiently dispose of hemoglobin degm-
(irregularly shaped brown patches on the skin) is as- dation products. Values rewrded for bromsulfa.
sociated with both conditioll$. Some women using phthalein (BSP) excretion tests can be Ol.Itside the
low...,strogen preparations have "brea k·through·· normal mnge in women who do not ha", overt
blooding. symptoms.
Although many women have few difficulties Or ex- Many women have small clcV3tioll$ of the sy,,"
perience mild symptoms that disappear when they tcmic blood pressure that are rapidly reversed when
continue to ingest the ste roids. othcrs a re distressed the medication is stopped . In at least some. the ef'
to the point that thcy seek out other forms of COmra· feelS a re lin ked with production of too much I"<'nin
ception. Reduction in thc estrogen content may al · substrate, Or with impaircd formation of a naturally
leviatc the breast and gastrointestinal disturbanccs. occurring renin inhibitor (2g). More serious prob-
while lowering of the progesterone contcnt ortcn re- lems arise when estrogenic innuences on lipid metab-
lieves the psychological dcpression and loss of libido. olism (which include ele"ation of plasma trigly<:er-
One point of view is that the symptoms are ides) oontribute to blood vessel wall injury. Small
"harmless" and that measures can be taken to min- numbers of women de,'<:lop irreversible kidney dam-
imize the discomfon. (For example. nausea may not age and malignant hypertension (28). A few acquire
be noticed if the pill is taken at bedtime.) Thel"<' are estrogen-linked venous thrombosis, and emboli can
those who belicve that the side...,ffects are mostly travel to the coronary and cerebml as well as the pul-
psychogenic. It has been suggested thal depression is monary vessels. Unfortuna tely. Ihe thrombi can ap-
mol"<' likely to occur in a woman who would really pear without "·aming. No rclationships to thc dura-
like to becomc pregnant but avoids this because of tion of steroid use have been found.
economic status or the wishes of her husband. Thc It has becn recogniledthat progestogen!
notion is difficult to ree<mcile with the changes seen contribute to the development of myocardial isch-
when a pl"<'paration of diffel"<'nl composition is sub- emia and arterial stroke (30). The incidences of
stituted. Few wOmen who hve experienced nausea m)'ocardial infarction and stroke are I"<'latively high
during pregnancy Or whilc taking the pill agree with in women over 35 who smoke, and those individuals
the idea that "it is all in the mind:' should see k other forms of contraception ( 176D) .
A "cry differem concept is that the body is receiv- Progestogens can also augment salt and water reten,
ing a mes>agc that something is wrong. tion by interacting with mineralocorticoid receptors.
Fasting glucose concentrations are not orten af·
fected, but deterioration of "glucose tolerance" is
common, and diabetes mellitus is a proposed con-
The term "toxicity" i, applied to the effeets that traindication for pill usc. Progestogen! can alfeet
bring about permanent da mage or thrC3ten health metabo1ilm and insulin secretion, "'hereas
and even life (254) . Fortunateiy_ the incidence is estrogens mOre commonly increase the secretion of
low, and the pills can be less dangerous than closely growth hormone and other insulin antagoni'ts.
spaced pregnancies. Estrogens a", mitotic stimulants. Diethylstilbes-
The liver has high-alfmity binding sitcs for estro- trol (DES) is believed to inerea,e the incidences of
gens. and the naturally occu rring hormones alfc<ot endometrial and canCer if used for extended
receptor and entyme synthcsis (178). time periods by postmeTl<.lpausal women. Children
They regulate the production of corticosteroid bind- born to mothers taking DES during pregnancy are
ing globulin, sex 'teroid binding globulin, cerula. at risk for development of vaginal adenoses. some
plasmin. renin substrate. some blood coagulation rare forms of vaginal and testicular and ep-
factors. and other hepatic protein •. In Auences ex_ ididyma l disorders. Estrogen, are dearly implicated
erted directly on the liver and on prolactin secretion in some forms of bl"<'ast cancer. and there are con-
are implicated in the etiology of SOme kinds of liver ditions unde r whiCh ovariectomy is Thel"<'
tumors (166). are indications that the steroids e.acerbate preexist-
The synthetic steroids travel directly from the gut ing breasl disorders. possibly by increasing prolactin
to th e liver via the hepatic portal vesscis. and they levels. (Estrogens Can impair vitamin B. melabolism
are also present in the hepatic arteries . After com- and therefore the synthcsis of dopamine . a physio-
bining with l"<'eeptOTS. they can mimic the effocts of logical suppressant of PR L secrction. High dClSCs of
high concentrations of ovarian hormones and addi- the vitamin have been used with some success in spe-
tionally exert androgenic actions. Pill use is believed cial cases [217J.) Some women with no cvidence of
to predispose to development of gall bladder disor- pree xisting disease develop galatorrllea when they
ders and impairment of biliary Aow, along with ele- use the pill.
vation of biliary cholesterol concentration, (2S,90J. Despite the preceding observations, many authors
Small numbers of WOmen develop jaundice because have concluded that oral contracepti,·c usc does 1101

, ,",
c==o C""O
A A---
r "I

o? "
a.HydfoxyprO<,/e$[crl)(le caproate

A---,= A--"
r '"
r ,
o? o"
C. Norethin<;lrone D. Norethynodrel
lNorelhiste roM. "",ICIt;")

A 0 k--

o? ,, o
E. Me<lroxypr<>gest"""'" F. Mege5trol ace1al. (M<tgoce )
(Pro"" a)

FIg . 16· 12. Progesterone o<>d Iyn!l>ot;c

increase the incidence of brc:aSl and «,productive to mOthers have been reported for nursing rat pups,
system cancers in young women. and S<;Ime stale thaI but related studies On have yielded negative
the steroids actually pro' ide protection (176 0) . On data (156). Some clinici ans believe tht nursing
the other hand. very recent work raises the possibi l- mothers should use other forms of contraception.
ity that women who take Ihe pills at early ages and Progestogens alone are effective antifertility agents
cont inue the practice for many years increase their at this time (In). Sincc the progestogens do not
risk of developing cancel'$. The p reparations with enter the mil k in substantial quamities, use of a pro-
high progeslogen content may be more da ngerous gestogen pm has been advocated (155).
than those with greater estrogcn:progcstogen ratios Rarer conditions altributed to use of thc pill in·
(1 42A). clude isolated cases of pancreatitis. massh'C colonic
Estrogens are transferred 10 mil k. and nursing in- bleeding (whi ch in one instance was corl'(;cted soon
fanls have Ixen known to develop reversible gyne- after discontinuing the steroid ingestion). ischemia
comastia. Adverse effeets of administering estrogens of the limbs, and thromboembolic destruction of the
J. - - C C>< k --

CH,cOO // o // //
G_ EthynodOoi diacct.,e

>< ><
o o
k -C --' ---

// //
I. J. Norge"'"'
. ( L vnestrflnoi ) (Ov,e""1

, o

o o //
K Dyci<oge<;.eron<>
l . O....tmte rone
(Se<;roo'c,,,,, I

retina (28). Some userS have found il necessary to teenagers may interfere with maturalion of the hy·
change the shpes of their lenses. but ther. po! ha la mo-hypoph ysi al·gonada I SySle m.
do not s«m to be any widespread deleterious influ-
ences On the eycs. frequencies and inten-
sities of migraine headache have been reporled. Al-
though the steroids can bring about enla rgement of In addition to providing an aesthetically
the pituitary gland and tumor growth in rats. related dependable form of oonlraceplion lhat e n-
problems do !lOt S«m 10 be prevalcnt in women. joyment of from fear of pregnancy. and possible
Small numbers of women have protracted periods protection against the development of some of
of amenorrhea when they discontinue uSC oflhe pill. malignancy. some women the following
There are good reasons to believe that they ha,.., benefits (176D): (a) menslrual bleeding
medical problems unrelaled to the steroid ingeslioo. (which can be associated with anemia) is oorrected;
However. use of the contraceptives by very young (b) premenstrual tension and dysmenorrhea may be
alleviated; (e) some protection against pelvic inAam- (X)Se the dual problem. of systemic toxicity and in·
malO,), disease is provided; and (d) the incidence of complete elTeetiven.,.. (205),
rheumatoid art hritis is lower in pill users than in
oonlrol pOpulations.
Prostag landlna
Since rG s stimulate uterine muscle during all stages
" Mlnl" · Pllls
of gestation. it "'a. at one time iIoped that they could
Proges!Ogen<>niy piUs were developed when it wa, be used routinely 10 accomplish fi .. t-trimester abor-
believed 1hat estrogens caused ITI()S\ of the health tion and poo;ibly be developed into agents for self·
problems. The major actions may be exerted on the medication. However, the other effoct. include
endometrium and uterine cervix. The sieroids "flal- cramping. diarrhea. nausea, vomiting, and cardio-
ten" bUI do not abolish miclcydc elevations of go- vascular and respiratory problems. T he naturally 0c-
nadotropin levels. Since ovulation sometimes oocurs. curring regulators are very rapidly metaboli:w.l and
the failure ralcs are substantially higher than the must be given by C<lminuQUs infusion.
ones with combination steroids. Analogs thai resist rapid degradation and silow
ProgeslOgens can be more effective if adminis- greatcr specificity for the reproductive tract (such as
tered in different ways. Dep<)-medroxyproges!crollC invoke less pain and inflammation.
is a microcrystalline suspension thai can be However. fetal may not be accomplished
implanted under the skin for continuous release of for hours or even days. and evacuation of the pla-
steroid 0"'" three- to six-month periods (141). Good centa is not always oomplete, Unfortunately. anal-
results ha,'e been described , but th. preparation has gesics. antiemetiC!. and anticholinergics do OOt COun-
not been approved for C<lntraceptiv( usc in tbe teract the unpleasant sid.xffeets (176F). A reCCnt
United Stales. Progestogcns inC<lrporated into vagi- approach to the problem shows promise. Single in·
nal rings and released can also prcvent C<lnception tl"l\museular injections of one PG analog that aCls on
for three or more months (204). the utcrus. in combination with another that aCts on
Nonoral routes assure that the medication will be the ovary. aN: reported to effectively interrupt very
C<lntinuously available. and high concentrations do early pregnancy in monkeys witiloUl invoking ob-
nOI accumulate in Ihe liver. Some implants proteel viou, disturbances in other body functions (2478).
for 5 yea .. (A-7). Irregular bleeding pallerns. un-
toward effeclS On carbohydrale melabolism, rCCur- Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
rent headaches. weight gain. psycnic depression. loss
of libido. and long periods of amenorrhea wnen use legend has it that the earliest IUDs WCN: pebbles
is discontinued can occur. inserted into the utcri of camels by Arabs and Turk!;
preparing for caravan trips , The objeels used today
vary widely in size, shape. and texture. They do not
Post-coital Contraception and Interception
block passage of spermatozoa. but a single insenion
Very high doo.ages of estrogens can interfere with can provide contraception for months or yea .., The
fertilization by stimulating the secrelion of oviductal method is widely accepted in the People's Rcpublic
and uterine nuids and promoting C<lntractions of th. of China. in Korea. and in many Western countries.
smooth muscle. They also act as imerceptives Fifty 10 sixty million IUDs were reported to be in uSC
(agents Ihat block development once fertilization has in 1979 (176Cj,
occurre<l). rn rats. Ihey probably accomplish the sec- Unfortunately . theN: arc numerous drawback!;
ond effect by invoking premature expulsion of the (136). Many WOmen experience recurring or persis-
young conceptuses. The estrogens arc elTective in tent pain and uterine cramps afte r insertion. Men·
women if they aN: administered before hCG levels strual bleeding can be excessive. and the incidence
rise. An endometrial site of action is 1TI051 likely of pelvic inflammatory disease i. high. Cervical per-
(205). Blastotoxicity is another poo;ibility. The SIC- foralions Can lead to hemorrhage and nccrOliis. and
roids .licit extremely unpleasant (e.g. uterine perforations have been followed by the for-
nausea. vomiting. and cramps). they have the poten. mation of adhesions and bowel oceulusions. The
tial for damaging young embryos that are not ex- chances of ovarian pregnancy appenr to be in·
pelled. and it is suspected that repeated u<c ad- creased. Several observers ha,'e reported high inci·
versely affects the pituitary gland. dences of tubal pregnancies. but it has been pointed
Estrogenic substances that have been used to in· oul that some may be linked with olher factors
duce early abortion of pine needles. (I90), Unnoticed expulsions are said 10 account for
subterranean dover. and the Mexican ,,aOp<ltle. All up 10 5 pregnancies per 100 wOmen per year. Uterine
pregnancies are infrequenl when Ihe device is re- ilOr of LH binding 10 corpus luteum (41) ,
lained, However, when Ihey do occur, midlrimesler Substances Ihal alter Ihc properties of Ihe oolemma
septic abortion (XIS •• a danger even afler Ihe device and Ihereby inlerfcre wilh sperm penetralion are
is removed. beingsoughl (204), but il will be necessary 10 assure
The IUDs are believed to invoke sterile inAam- thaI Ihey do nol increase Ihe chances of polyspermy.
malOry and consequent generalion of pros· Use of fol\iculoslatin (inhibin) during Ihe follicu lar
laglandins Ihat interfere with implantation. Thc PGs phase has been considered. but a problem is thaI it
also act on SmOOlb to promote expulsion of may dc1ay (ralher th an block) oocytc maturalion.
oocyte,. rygotes. and young embryos. Report, thaI Something lhat increases the luleini7.alion inhibi-
beG levels frequcnlly rise transienlly are con.istent tor:luteinization stimulant ratio may also be effro-
wilh Ihe suggestion Ihal IUDs addilionally bring live (202) .
about delerioralion of blastocysts just prior 10 or GnRH antagonists arc polenl of r<:pro-
vcry SOOn arter the initial slages of implanlalion duclive fUn<:lions. They cannot be given on a
(195). Chronic use of salicylates. indomelhaein, Of regular basis. since they acl on Ihe gonads as well as
agems can decrease Ihe on the piluilary gland , [Among Olher Ihings, Ihey af-
PGs. histamine, and bep- fecI phosphalidylinositol melabolism in granulosa
arin released from mast cells lbat accumulate. sub- cells (55A).] Early \rials in humans suggcsled Ihal
stances released by plalelel', and Olher small mole- Ihe agents are 100 powerful for use as contraceptives
cules have been implicatcd as elevalors of menstrutal becausc they in"okc serious "side erreets" Ihal in-
blood volumes, Fibrioolysin aClivily is also elevaled clude inhibition of sleroidogenesis (77) and loss of
(19{I). libido. Howe"er. since lhey arC rapidly degraded. Ihe
Recent advances includc the development of IUDs peptides may al some future time prove 10 be safer
wilh improvt:d shapes. better insertion procedures. Ihan Ihc synlhetic steroids. Allempls ar<: being made
add ilion of Slrings Ihat eXlend inlO Ih. vaginal cavily 10 give low dosages during Ihe follicular phase Ihal
and indica le 10 Ihe user Ihal Ihe device is in place, do nol block OVulalion bUI lead 10 Ihe formalion of a
and incorporalion of progeSlogens. copper or zinc for defeclive corpus luteum Ihal canOOI support implan-
,low releaSt. The progestogens probably arreel lation (16A) , Aoolher (XISsibilily is Ihc administra-
mostly glandular secrelions bul Ihcy may also lion of small quantities soon after conceplion for the
dampen myometrial contractions and Ihercby lessen purpose of inhibiling hCG secrelion. since LRH ag-
discomfort and Ihe probabilily of eApulsion. The onists can terminale pregnancy in rodents (16).
metals were inilially believoo 10 Ihcir primary Several naturally occurring and inhibi-
inAuen<:es on spermalozoa and on ulerine enzymes 10rs of spcrm enlyme, are under in,,,sligalion (70),
involved in pr<:gnancy mainlenancc (229). Recent and some promise 10 provide proteelion against con·
studies indicate thaI copper inhibils PG degradalion ceplion withoul invoking unu<xcplablc 10Aicily
(119A). In experimenlal animals. il has been ob- (251) . .'.1 0<1 are being considered for inlravaginal
served 10 bring aboul blastocoel collapSe by presentalion, but a rew may be suilable for syslemic
ing the tighl june lions belween n<:igbboring lrophec· administralion and for use hy males as well as fe_
todermal cells (239). It is baclerioslatic in vitro. and maics. Some arreel sperm molilily and energy me·
it may protecl against infection. Very high concen· tabolism , Hyaluronidase inlerfere with
lralions inhibil OVulalion. bUI nol enough is released sperm passage Ihrough Ihe cumulus layer. while.e-
from IUDs 10 acl in Ihis way. rosin inhibilors are believed 10 acl al sevt:ral siles.
Zinc is a weak inhibilor of enzymes Ihal degradc Some of Ihc planl derivalive< that have been used for
PCs (119A). 11 can also reduce Ihc fertiliution rale many ycars contain vinhlastine or vincristine . A rew
by inlerfering wilh Ibe acrosome reaclion (25 1). bring aboul irreversible 'Ierilily by exerting loxic ef·
Both metals may antagoni,.e PC stimulalion of uter· fccls on Ihe gonads.
inc muscle (239). Corrosion and breakage arc prob- Reproductive phys iologists have been accused of
lems that a re said 10 be OverCOme wilh Ihe use of concenlrating Iheir errorlS on developing agcnts for
silver COreS. use by Ihe female because Ihey prefer 10 delegale Ihc
respon$ibiHtic.' 10 women, 10 leI Ihe women worry
abou llhe loxicilies, and 10 permil men 10 "relain full
Newer Chemlcel Approaches
masculinity.·' I,owever, Ihere are more logical rca_
Ideally. we should have a conlracepli,.. that specifi· son. for Ihe approach. It i, much easier 10 disruPI
cally affeclS one aspeCI of Ihe reproduclive process Ihe delieale bormonal balance, r<:quired 10 support
wilhout disrupling Ihe endocrine sySlem, impairing Ihe formalion and funclions of a single oocyle than
sexual performance Or enjoymenl. or incurring lOX· 10 interfere with thc production of billions of sper-
icity. Agents curre ntly under investigalion include malOZoa while maintaining overall hormonal bal-
an oocyle maturalion inhibitor (OMI) and an inhib- ances in Ihe male. Perhaps Ihis accounts for Ihe

greater diffICulty encountered by investigators at· largely or totally rcV<'rsible (135 ). According to
templing 10 obtain funding for ro&earch on the male. some observers. its effectiveness approaches I()()')I,.
One hormonal approach to fertility control in the and there i. no indication that it increases the inci-
male is based on the koowledge that spermatogene· dences of birth defccts in children of former users.
sis and epididymal maturation rc<juire ooncentra· The side-effects are disturbing in some individu-
tions of androgens higher than thooe in systemic als. They can include fatigue. gastrointestinal prob-
blood. Administration of synthetic androgens (alone lems (especially diarrhea). skin rashes. somnolence.
or in combination with progestogens) can maintain hair diseoloration. defects that impair use
oormal metabolic functions while suppre."ing lH of dietary nutricnts. and circulatory di<orders that
release and therefore testicular synthesis of the hor- may be aswciatcd with hypokalemia.
mones. Reversible infertility has been achieved after Chloroquine is used 10 troat malaria. SQme amebal
several weels in humans. but SOme individuals are infections. and lupus erythematosus. It suppresses
evidently resistant to the treatment (53 ). The side- spermatogenesis. but it is tOO toxic for regular use.
effects ellOOUmered have ocen lin ked with influences Antimitotic agents given to patients with neoplasms
exerted by the sleroids on the liver. In studies thus similarly oombine unacceptable toxicity with
far C<lnducted with lRH agonists and antagonists. suppression of spermatogenesis.
the dosages fe<luired to arrest spermatogenesis in-
voke unacceptable suppression of testosterone pro- ,
duction and loss of libido. ($ce rI). p. 741.)
Ejaculated spermatoroa derive their energy from
glyC<llysis. Oral administration of enzyme inhibitors
C'o) H
has achieV<'d infertility without significant systemic HN - C -(CH,), - N _{C,,.,,»
toxicity in ratS. Agcnts that compete with glucose: for ,
hexokinase arC effective when tes(ed against bovine ce,
spermat01.Oa in vitro. No applications have as )'et
been made in humans (59) .
c,n,,.y pnl i<" rom""nent "f partially purifIed cot_
ImmunOlogic al App rOaCl'tea
tonseed oils that have lx:<:n ingested by individuals
living in some parts of the Pcoplc's Republic of Certain practical problems must be solved before Ihe
China. Observations of the occurronces of amcnhor- high specificities of immunolOgical reactions can be
rhea and of male infertility in those regions led to used to achieve safe and effective oonlrnceplion
inve-tigation of po<sible uses of the compound for (140). Most of the molecul.. against which it would
contraception. Gossypol is also a component of the be desirable to obtain antibodies arc poor antigens.
root bark of some collon plants that have been used Some aro chemically similar to physiological rogu-
in other parts of the world to induce abortion (253). lators that must be preserved. and cross-reactivity is
fre<[uently encountered. 11 is often difficult to get the

,eo " " anlibody 10 the antigen. Immunological stimulants

° 1
(and depressants) must be used with caution to avoid
interferonce with normal defense mechanisms and
the mounting of autoimmune attacks against
hcalthy cells.
"- Antibodies raised against seminal plasma compo-
"' CH, CH, 0"
nentS can promote sperm agglutination. However.
some fail to bring about infertility because the anti_
/ gens are shed during capacitation (140) or because
ce, ce, ce, ce, the elfeets of the antibodies 3re antagoni1.ed by uter_
ine cervica l gland se<:retions. Ones directed against
GO$$ypol enzymes of the inner membrane of the acrosome
may fail to gain access to the binding sites, There arc
It is a highly potent inhibitor of an iso1.yme of lac- concerns that agents capable of attacking testicular
tate dehydrogenase that is found exelusively in testes spermatozoa will disrupt Sertoli cell j unctions and
and spermatoZCI3. In primates. it se<:ms to act mostly bring about nonspecific damage to the immune sys-
by damaging spermatoroa before they cnter the epi- tem or permanen t destruction of the gamete-produc-
didymis. but it has variable elfects on gonadotropin ing machinery.
levels in other mammals (70) . The infertility is On the other hand . immune affecting
the spenn plasma membrane: componenlS may be ef- parturition. bUI individuals show widely varying free
feclive, and it i$ suspecled that naturally occurring glucoconiooid concentrations (83) . In mOSI cases, a
ones accounl for !KIme forms of hun'an sterility . subslantial bUI transient devation is found. Accom_
Spermatowa can also be recruited to carry sub- modations must be made to deelines in SSBG and
.tance. that arc cytotoxic to oocytes. associaled testosterone. and to changes in DHEAS
Some animal studies indicate that development of melabolism. Some WOmen seem 10 make large quan-
safe. effe<:tive immunological methods for contracep- tities of Ihyroid hormones during pregnancy (ij4).
lion i. feasible. Anlibodies dire<:ted against LDH- and all show a fall in plasma TBG . Parathyroid hor-
C •• a sperm-specinc lactale dehydrogenase iso1.yme mone levels also falL The ovaries usually do not PUI
Ihat nrst appears in mid-pachytene spermatoC}'tes. OUI much estrogen at firsl. but progesterone may be
can inV<lke infertility by impairing energy mctabol- secreled during Ihc first week.
oism and Iherefore sperm mobility. and by mcd ial-
ing both sperm agglutination and oomplcmcnt-de-
pendant cYloxicity. Female animals immunized
syslemically and then re<:<:iving intrauterine or in- Psychological depression is so common during the
tr.toviductal anligcn build up anlibody lilers in Iheir firsl rew weeks thaI !KImc regard i\ as "normal" if
reproductive tracl nuids (86A) . Ihe condilion i< mild and transient . It seems to be
Thcoretically, anti -hCG antibodies should be usc- more pronounced in women who report Ihat Ihey felt
ful, since Ihey acl on a hormone present during preg- especially well during the pregnancy. Most caseS arc
nancy. Some suCcess has been achie ..d in prepara- self-limiting. and olhers respond to various forms of
lion of proteins Ihal bind 10 the C_lerminal 3mino treatment. A few progress 10 "postpartum psy-
acid sequence which is not present in LH . When ad- chosis:' There are conlro'.. rsies concerning whether
ministered in combination wilh adjuvants thaI in- this happens only in women wilh pre..,xiSling !'Sy.
crease antibody produclion. they ha .. invokcd Iran- chological illne...
sienl infertililY in monkeys (126) . It has been Proponents of the belief that Ihe depression is
pointed out . however. thaI damage 10 hCG-produc· "psyChogenic" point out that nighltime feedings and
ing lrophoblastic tissue may lead seoondarily to the other aspects of infam care impose fatigue. that
release of substances thaI can iniliale immune-com- many women are adversely affected by being oon-
plex di<eaies (35). p",btem< may "'" onC<Kln_ fined \0 the home and dep,ived of adull companion-
lered wilh antibodies directed against placental lac- ship or pleasurable aClivities. and that a few reacl
logens (which bave also proven \0 be efl"e<:li .. in Slrongly to the shifl of allcntion from them to the
mon keyS) (205). It i. not yel known whether an ef- infant.
fecti .. vaccine witt cau.e permanent damagc if it is However. the depression is also experienced by
repea!C,dly injected. Monoclonal antibodies dire<:ted WOmen who soon rClurn to work thaI they enjoy, and
against progesterone hn .. recently been demon- by ones who can afford to relegatc household chores
straled to block the establiShment of pregnanc)' in to servants. 11 i5 wen recognized lhal changes in Ihc
miee (247C). of glucocorticoids. gonadal steroids, parathy-
roid, and thyroid hormones can all affect mood and
the "sense of well-beins.··
Plasma ooncentrations of hPL. estrogens. progesler-
one. and certain "pregnancY-5pecif!c" prOleins fall Laclation may ...... 11 be the most complex of all en-
soon after separation of Ihe placenla. hCG and Olher doerine funclions. Several hormone oombinalion.
substances with long balf.lives may stitt be detecta- act sequentially to prepare Ihe mammary glands,
ble al the end of Ihe seoond week (233). and different ones are required to maintain milk se-
The pitnitary gland is transienlly insensili,.. to crelion. Each of the regulalors aCIS at more Ihan onc
LRH, and LRH secretion is minimal. This probably site.
aewunts for Ihe postpartum infertilily Ihal persists Human mammary glands undergo con,iderablc
for around seven weeks in most (but 001 all) "'Omen grOWlh and during fetal life in both
who do not breast_feed. Prolactin ooneentrations are males and females. They regress during the first rew
high for IWO weeks poslpartum. They undcrgo fur- weeks after birth and Ihen remain relatively quies-
Iher substantial elevation in nursing molhers. and cent until the lime of puberty. No further deYelop-
the oonccntrations are mainlained well above the ment is =n in IlOrmal males. bUI in females a Slep-
prepregnancy le"els for up to Ihree months. wise maturation process oontinucs For several ycars.
Cortioosleroid binding globulin (CBG) is high The final anatomical p1'Cparations for lactation a1'C
during pregnancy. The production rate declines after made during pregnancy. and Irue milk fim appears


A. Portion 01 ma ..... a'Y

rOdge-7 WOOk$

. L""",n 01

C. LacidOfOUS ducts O. L.oc1dorous """'. conr>ect

1<:><ming-7 ...,."hs alveOli nippl&--po$tnatal

Fig . 1ij-13. St'gM" _&Iopmenl 01 tho "..".....ry • . C. Lacti!<trous <luCls for .. ,ing 7 months . O.
glIJnds. A. F'o<1ion oj m. ....... r)' ,k;Ige_7 _ so B . Bud lactil..,.ous cluel. e<>nn«:1 a Weoli nippla POSllllllal.
arod f>fIoginning

2-4 days aflcr parlurWon. In women who breast- to the inguinal regions. Usually, all but small pec-
reed their infants. milk prod uction increases over lhe toral portions soon degenerate and disappear (12S).
6 montlts. It can b<' maintained 31 somewhat The component On each side that persists sends a
lower Tales for many Y".rs if nursing continues. In single bud downward into Ihe underlying mesen-
WOmen who do not breast-feed. and when lactalion chyme. but the superficial attachment is retained .
is terminated in the OIhers, Ihe glands rapidly revert The bud grows until it assumes a globular form by
to the nonprcgnancy adult condition. Further rcgr<:s- the end of the sewnd month. Development is then
sion follows cessation of the ovarian cyclcs. arrested for several weeb.
The term mamrnogenesis designates the differen- During the fifth fctal month, each bud elongates
1ialion, growth, and maturation of the mammary to form a solid cord of epithelium . The cord then
glands. is Ihe production of milk. while branches and gives rise to some 15-20 "sproots."
go/aropoeisis is lhe maintenance of lactation that The sprouts cnlargc. penetrate more dC<'ply into
has become established. Milk rj« lion (rekase from what has !lOw become skin dermis, acquire lumina,
Ihe storagc sites within the glands) is a separate pro- and become the lactiferous duelS that will lalOr
cess that dcpends on thc functions of wntractilc transport milk if lactation is established. Mcan",·hile.
components. GalactotThea is inappropriate secretion an visible pit gradually becomes
of a milk-like substanox that can occur in both males diseernible, and it marb the site for future forma-
and females suffering certain hormone imbalanoxs. tion of the nipple (Fig. 16-138 and C). Many lacti-
ferous ducts unite into galaerophores that to
thc s urface in the region of the pit.
Mammogen esls
When dense and adipose tissues grow
The mammary glands arc derived from the epider- around each of the lactiferous ducls. the breast is di-
mis and underlying eonnectiV<' tissues of the skin . vided into 1000.r. The lower ends of the duets undergo
Differentiation begins with the formation of bilateral "arborization'" and give rise \0 secondary buds. The
epidermal bands just below the ventral skin surfaces laller become separated from each other by a highly
(Fig. 16-13A). In human embryos seven weeks old, cellular connective tissue. and Ihere is subdivision
the band s (mammary rjdges) extend from the armpit into lobults.
The tips of the secondary buds grow and evaginate ,ions to the b.d, of the .... seen ;n SOme of lhe
10 bc<:ome rudimentary a/vroli (the future sites of rodent •. Rus and mice have 3 pairs. and lhe parenchy.
milk synthesis). There arc controv..rsies eonc..rning maltiuue <)Coupies of the region below tho ventral
the extent to which alveolarimtion progresses (23). surface <>f the 'kin <>fthe Rabbits h.v.. 4 or S pa;rs,
cow, oan have .. many a. 9. Odd numbers arise in
Late in fetal life. dermal papillae carrying blood
marsup;.ls through fU$ions. The <>pOI$um has I] (12
vessels and nerves invade the region of the epithelial ronged in a circle. with 1 in lhe cenler).
pit. The connective tiS5ye proliferates until it pro- In goats and $h«p. the connective ti,",u, "'l!ani,e' an
trudes above the surfa'X' . Pigmented epitltclium Ihen that h""",,, 'ingle of d osely op"""ed gland$.
covers the surface and forms the nipple. A secondary where .. ;n 00.... t"'·o pairs are incorponted. Udders store
pigmented region, the surrounds the central quont;tics of milk and deli""r i, through teat.
parI. Just beneath it. each galactophore develops a differ in .truetu,e from primale nipple,. Olher '3rialion.
dilation (fart'luous $iI/us) as it passes toward the in nipple arc found among the mammalian spe-
cenler (Fig. !6-13D). Small glands of Montgcme'Y ci... 1\ poueh prOtecl, teat< in $OIl\O ¢f loc marsupial,.
(intermediate in structure belwct:n swcat and mam- Monotreme, have milk.seeret;ng muclu"" devoid of nip-
mary glands) grow into the pigmentcd arcolar re- ples that clO$e\y re$<mbk 'wea' gland,.
gion. and true swtat and se\la'X'ous glands develop
around the periphery.
Regulation of Prenat al Mammogenea la
Myoepilhelia/ cells differentiate from subcuta-
neous epithelial components that arc adjacent to By thc t;me they can be identified and for
connective tissue. These contractile elements can be slndy. the anlage have already been eXpOSed to very
distinguished by their fusiform s hape. small irregu- large numbers of hormones. and they have had time
lar nuclei, and cytoplasmic fibrils. They form basket- to accumulate them. It is therefore difficult to deter·
like n.twor'" around the lobules. mine the importance of specific regulators . Mesen-
The fetal mammary glands can differentiate to chyme seems to be the primary sitc for reception of
the point where they elaboratc small quantities of se· early stimuli. and it plays essential roles in directing
cretory and release a fcw drops of "witch's the epithelial cell differentiation (52A). Combina-
milk" &oon aftcr birth. They thcn regress. In mal es. tions of mesenchyme and epithelium taken from the
the nipples are retained but moot of thc underlying mammary regions of the cmbyro undergo mammary
.m.l"I:(M''< .lifferentiation when cultured in
!Xvelopmenta! defects during fetal life occasion· media. and when mmsplantcd under renal capsules
any permit development of supernumerary nipples in micc (193A.231). Renal mesenchyme does not
(polythelia. hypenheciism). excessive Or inadequate support mammary epithelium dcvelopment. Salivary
growth of one of the glands. or. more rardy. poly· mesenchyme stimulates growth but promotes Ihe
mastia (growth of more Ihan IWO breasts). Nipplc formalion of structureS that resemble salivary
inversion ean begin prenatally or result from pres- gland •.
sure exerted later by tumors. Gynecomastia and Although eJrly differentiation in females probably
other bilateral disorders are usuall y linked with cn- docs not require stimulation by hormones formed
docrine imbalances. elsewhere in the body. rodcnt mammary and salivary
glonds androgcn-scnsitive during a critical
period known to begin around 13 days postcon'X'l'"
MAMMOGENESIS IN OTHER SPECIES tion ;n micc. The mesenchyme evidently receive. the
Diffcn:n<e$ are encountered in the locati"", Qf the mam· testooterone signal (S2A). Postnatal maturation is
mary ridge •. the region. lhat undergo diffen:nliation. lhe bormone-dependent. and the stroma (which devloops
numbers. si,e<. and posilions <>f the adult gland •. and the from mesenchyme) plays essential roles. On the
specioli''''ti''''' of lhe moot" (SO,S7). Tho ... oro stra;n •• other hand. cells transfer gl}'cosaminog-
well ". 'peeie, difference, in lhe 'e<pen... ,,> Ioorm<)llCS Iycans and other moleculcs to the mesenchyme. and
(23 1). GcoeraUy. est"'"' C)"cles aTe a."",i.led with these direct both morphologicial organiUltion and
_ery limiled alveolarization. but further maluration oc· acquisition of the charactcristie biochemical fca·
ours if pseudopregnancy i, invo. od. lUres. The salivary-Iype glands that form when sal-
A linglt pair or m.mmary gland< form< in monkey$.
ivary mc,cnchyme is cultured with mammary epi.
wholes. horses. goat •. ,heep. guinea pig •. and many oth..
'peeie<. Tlte struct."" are peetonlly located in thc _n· thelium retain the ability \0 make milk proteins
key and elepbant. obd"",i",,1 in lho wh ale. and closer to when the appropriate hormone combinations are
the inguinal region in the 00 ...... moot dQT$3 Uy 10- presented (231) .
eated gland' are round in tOe dimorphism is seen in rodent, but not in
Species th.l produce large litters usually have several primate fetuses. In mice. teSlosterone delivered by
pairs of glands located on the ventral ,u,faoe,. but ox, en· the fetal testes invokes regression. The connections

belween Ihe lactiferous duct pre<:ursors and the body ent responses to the presentation of several
surfaces are 10:';\, no nipples form, and the subeuta- hormones.
neous tissue undergoes atrophy. Similar. but less ex- Insulin elicits a single wave (}f cell division, eVen
tensive androgen-invoked changes are seen in nor- when it is continuously present. DNA synlhesis in_
mal XY rat fetuses (50.231). If the testes are creases. peaks at around 24 hours. and then tmally
destroyed b}' X-irradiati011 before they have relea$Cd subsides by 96 hours Since supra physiological can-
substantial quantities of testosterone, males develop cent rations arc needed. it is likely that the insulin
female-type mammary glands. XX fetuses can re- interacts with receptors for some other regulator. In-
spond to exogenous androgens. but ovarie<:tOOly doos growth factors (IGFs) and multiplication
not impair dilferentiation. stimulating activity (MSA) are among the pcptides
that can exert such activity (111) . The regulators
are present in blQOd and they are known to affecl
Postnatal Msturatlon
other aspects of fetal growth.
After the ovarian cycles arc established. the duct< The mammary glands of virgin adu lt mice bind
grow and acquire more branchcs. Ihe nipple and al- insulin with high affmily, but they are resistant to illl
veolar regions undergo some developmenl, and Iherc actions, They acquire sensitivity during normal
is limiled alveolari1.ation. Adipose tissue accumu- pregnancy. even when no hc:>rmone is presented.
lates in all species, but it is Ibe most pronounc.::d for (Mammary glands of diabetic mice and rabbits
humans. The breaSls are stimulated during Ihe laIc underg(} dUel growlh when ovarian hormones are
follicular and early luteal phases. and Ihey show lim- given [231].) When lactalion is established. insulin
ited regression around the time of the menses, If con- alfects carbohydrate metabolism .
ception does nol occur sooner. maximal specializa- Growth hormone accelerates progression from the
lion is altained by the 20th year. G, 10 the S phase of Ihe cell Onee this is ac-
During pregnancy, most of Ihe connective tissue is complished. fo\l(}ws. The hormone is re-
replaced by se<:retory epithelium. The limited e!l- quired 10 supp<:>rt duct growth in many species. Post·
iargemenl of the breaSIll does IIOt fully refleellh e ex- natally. it may act mostly indireclly by stimulating
terudve 31veolari .... tion. A. term appl'Mehe •• • mall hepatic pr-oduetion of .om.. tomedin •. Although in_
quanlities of a watery tluid (colostrum) may be ex- ftuenees of grOwth hormone on several fetal
pressed, and much larger amounlll arc secreted soon systems have been demonstrated (86). anencephalic
after parturilion, The breasts become engorged with fetuses Can make substantial quantities of somato-
Irue milk 3-4 days later. even in mothers who do not medins wilhout il. Insulin. prolactin, and pla""ntal
nurse their infant •. lactogens may be the major prenatal stimulants
An (}ld conCept that estrogens promote duct (85).
growth and induction of progesterone receptors. that In common with insulin. GH elkiujust a
acts on the eSlrogen-primed gland to wave of mitosis when it is presented in .itro (236).
stimulale al.eolarizalion. and that prolactin can It seems 10 be required for normal matU!'l\tion in pu-
then invoke milk 'ynthesis has the advantage of sim. bescent females (I 9JA). Prolactin exerts similar in-
plicity. However. it is now that mam- fluences, but usually oot ellOUgh is seereled at that
mogenesi. and lactogenesis have more complex r.. time.
quircmenlS that vary widtly with the species. Epidermal growlh jaclor is a polent. insulin-like
Most of Ibe increases in size and weigbl of the er>- mitotic stimulant Ihat is elfe<:tive when presentcd in
ithelial componenls are accomplished via cell prolif- physiological concentrations (8 X 10- '0 M). Thus
eration (236). A relatively undifferentiated popula- far. it has been found in the plasma of only cerlain
lion engages in the mitosis, and thcre are only species (e,g. mice. ralS, and rabbit.) (236), and in
certain stages of the cell9'cle during which spox;ifie these it can influences On cell. that do IIOt r..
changes in gene aetivitie. can be influenced by ex- spond to insu lin (231).
lernal regulators. T he more ,pox;ialized alveolar c.::lls Prolactin concentrations rise somewhat during the
do not divide. Some as yet undefined "growth fac- late follicular phases. and one function at such limes
tor" is evidenlly needed to support the recurring may be induction of estrogen re<:eptors (197). It is
waves of DNA synthesis and mitosis. A heat-labile doubtful Ihal prolactin can acl alone to promote cell
protein of low mole<:ular weight present in serum is proliferation d uring !l(}nfertile cycles (235), but it
implicated in SUpp<:>rl of processes when explants probably makes contributions during pregnancy.
arc grown in culture (236). Cells maintained in Estrogens secreted during the ovarian cycles seem
serum_free "defined media" show somewhat dilfer- to be uniyersal stimulants of duet developmenl. Ex-
ogC1l<lUS steroid attelerates cell proliferation in ovar- have high prolactin levds. The major effects may be
ie<:tomi>.c:d females and also in males. Ahhough exerted on maternal glucose. lipid and protein me-
mammary glands ha"e estrogen receptors. the ste- tabolism. on calcium metabolism. and On erythro-
roids are ineffe<:tivc in hypophysectomil.c:d anima ls poiesis (167). Since they can compete with PRL for
and in tiSllue culture studies in which no peptidc reg- rc""ptors but are less potent than the pituitary hor·
ul ators 3'" added. The functions in pubeseent ani- manes. placental lactogens may aetually limi/ ac-
mals probably include inAuen""s exerted on TSH. quisition of mil k_producing function and contribulc
PRL, and GH secretion and on induction of mam_ to oolO$trum production, as they permit the mam·
mary gland PRL re<:epton (231). The actions are mary gland to fully prepare for lactation. Milk pro-
dose dependent and they can be triphasic. Prepuber_ ductk>n can then proceed postpanum when the
tal plasma oonccntrations are around 4 X 10- " M. plasma hPL falls (2)3).
and such levels inhibit cell proliferation in vitro.
Mid· to latc follicular phse levels (4 X 10- 1• M)
stimulate (236). Pharmaco logical doses inhibit.
Althoogh inAuen""s on ",,11 proliferation may be Wnen suitably prepared and then stimulated by
"permiSlli""."thcy are physiologically important. In PRI.. the alveolar cells undergo regularly recurrins
hypoph)·sectomi1ed<lvarie<:tomi1.d animals of most changes in structure and function ( I 57,15S) . Durins
species. an estrogen·growth hormone combinatk>n is the '"active" phases of the cycles, the cells assume
required to stimulate growth. Estrogens act on the oolumnar snapes with microvilli projecting into the
neW cells to bring about tubuloalvoolar differentia· lumina. They have wc1l-developed Golgi regions and
tion. Progesteronc probably contributes under phys- endoplasmic reticula. mitochondria. and lipid drop-
iological oonditions. but some differentiation can be lets. As Ihcy begin to release their products to the
achieved with eSlrogen alone. lumen. that cavity dislends. The cclls change succes-
Glu(O(OI"/i(Qids act on newly formed cells to pro- sively \0 cuboidal. flallened. and finally squamous
mote differentiation that includes claboralk>n of the forms. and the luminal surfaces become smooth. As
endoplasmic reticulum (IS7A ). Thcy induce re<:ep- soon as Ihc secretion. travel from the alveolar lu·
tors for other hormones and modify the actions of mina to the ductules the "quiescent" cells resume
other regulators. However. they arc rI\II mitotic stirn. elonsation.
ulMU Some ductal growth be in
naleetornized animals. but full development requires
the glucocorticoids (231). Thp·Qjd h()l"mones are es-
sential for alveolar growth in somc species. and they The first se<:relory prooucI is a yellowish, translucent
can also enhance the effccts of PRL. They scern to Auid rich in rome milk proteins, salts, immunoglob-
be: absolutely rcq uired in dwarf mice. but they may ulins. prolactin and other hQrmones. and substan""s
exert mostly actions in other animal •. that stimulate the sastrointestinaltr3cts of the nur·
While adipost lissue is anolhu universal require- sling> (186). It oontains Band T lymphocytes.
menl. (Brown adipose tissue cannot substitute for mononuclear macrophages. and polymorphonuclear
il.) In nonpregnant females. the epilhelium evidently neutrophils. T ne lipid content is low. and there is no
produce.sub'tances that restrict invasion of the adi. lactose. Small quantities of ool(l'ltrum arc often re·
pose tissue by mammary gland parenchyma. The during parturition. and mueh larger Ones du,,"
oonstraints are lifted during pregnancy. ing tnc first 1-2 da)'s postpartum.
ProgmerOfl(! is clearly needed by most species,
but littie is known of its mechanisms of actk>n . Its
effe<:ts arc enhanced by glucocortiooids. insulin. and
PRL. Only limited al""olari14tion occurs in non- True milk oontains caseins. lactalbumins, several
pregnant animals with short IUleal phases. Thc Ihy- other proteins, lipids, lactose. hormones. and se veral
muS gland is not needed for duct growth. but Ihy_ kinds of cells. The rolati"" quantities of the oompo-
me<:tomy is reponed to impair alveolar development nenlli change during the OOU!""!le of the day (112). In
in mice (231). women. the fat OOnlent rises between 6 and 10 A.M.
Most mammals make plalYnlallactogf"lu during and falls during tne nighl. The milk first taken by
pregnancy. Hormones of this kind have bc:cn identi· the infant is low in fal. The higher lipid conccntra·
fied in humans. monkeys. OOWS. shccp. goat,. rats, tion of '"hind·milk"' is believed to oontributc 10 sa-
mice. guinea and ham$ters, but not in rabbits. tiety. The frcquencyand inlensity of stimu lation by
dOg:!, Or pigs (197). Although they can stimulate the infant conlroltbe rales of production of some of
mammary sland growth, they are probably not the constituents. The mother's diet affects the vol·
needed for thi, purpose in humans and others that ume, protein , susar, and lotal fat content. but PRL
induction of medium-chain acylthioester hydrolase HORMONAL CONTROL OF MILK PRODUCTION
probably accounts for the predominance of fally
acids with 8- and l()..caroon chains (231). Extra- Prolactin is :laid 10 be capable of acting alone in suit-
neous factors. including psychological WC$S, also in_ ably prepared rabbit glands (164.197). but it must
nuence volume and composition. interact with other regulators in most species. Mke
Wdl-nourishe<! women produce up to 600 mllday and rats require gluoocortico;o;Is as well. and goots
during the first month of lactation. The vC>lume grad- additionally need growth hormone (164).
ually increases to 1.50-1100 ml/day by the sixth The content of specific milk proteins declines rap-
month. If lactation is continued long afterwards, the idly when mammary gland explants from midprcg·
quantities gradually decline. The caloric oontcnl can nancy rats are supplied with just insulin and bydro-
range from 45 10 119 C Iday. and i1 averages 75 oortisone in defined media. PRL can then increase
when the diet is adequate. (See (2) . p. 741.) casein mRNAs within I hour and invoke a 7-fold
Human milk is almost 87% waler. and il conlains cbange by 24 hours. Evidently. PRL accelerates
approximately 1%, 3.8%, and 0.4% law,)se. fal, and transcription and also prolongs the life of the
casein. respectively. In COntrast. fur .eal milk has mRNAs. (The actions are !lOt associated with gen-
less than 35% waler and more than 35% fat. The eralized changes in nucleic acid metabolism [189].)
milk of dairy cows resembles thai of bumans in Hydrocortisone is ineffective alonc. but it p010n-
water and fat content. but it oontains relatively more tiates PRL stimulation. The steroidal influences on
protein. mOre sodium. and sugar (186). Al- casein production arc altributc<:l to posltranserip-
though it is rich in calcium. the somewhat low cal- tional changes and to a lesser extent on elaboration
cium:phosphorus ratio and lower lactose are be- of the endoplasmic reticulum (187A). Progestcrone
lieved to contribute to thc tendencies for some antagonittS PRL stimulation . The mechanisms may
infants receiving it to develop hypocalcemia (I 98). include adcnylate q-dase activation and interference
with PRL induction of its own receptors. The steroid
inhibits only when it is presented along with the
PRL or soon afterward (189). Dibutyri cAMP and
SYNTHESIS eholera,oxin have oimila •• ffeet •. Th. dedine in pro-
Protei ns a re elaborated on polysome-rich endo- gesterone influences after 4 hours may result either
plasmic reticula. Tbe molecules arc transportw to from loss of progesterone receplOrs or diminishc<:l
the Goigi. in which concentration and packaging coupling of receptor binding to cyclase activation
into proceed (186). Lactose made in Golgi (231).
lumina i< incorporated into prote in-wntaining vesi- Thc observation that PRL is effective when it is
cles. and it osmotically draws watcr into those vesi- covalently bound to large sepharose heads has heen
cles so that the milk becomes isotonic witb the blood cited in support of the cl)nceptthat tbe hormone in-
plasma, Vesicle impermeability to both lactose (on teraclS with receptors On the cell surfaces (235).
the inside) and sodium ions (outside) probably aC- PRL does not affect adeny late cyclase synthesis or
counts for the high sugar and low salt collttntrations cAMP generation, It may induce certain cAMP-<le-
of human milk. (Parac<:llular sodium transport has pendent protein kinases and other cAMP-binding
been described for some OIher species [172J.) proteins (236). but cAMP can antagonize the influ-
Fats ae<:umulate in droplets that are not mem_ ences of the hormone on the synthesis of lactose.
brane-endosed. As the droplets travclto the ""II pcr- fatty acids. RNA. and DNA (1 87A).
ipheries. they cause the plasma membranes 10 pro- PRL binding to surface receptors leads to activa-
trude. When the protrusions are pinched off. the tion of phospholipase A, and the oonsequent gcner-
droplets, surroundw by SOme plasmalemma . enter ation of prostaglandins. Both inhibitors of the phos-
the lumina. They usually carry along bits of the cell pholip3l;e and indomethacin are PRL antagonislS,
cytoplasm (186). Immunoglobulins a re believed to whereas exogenous enzyme and PGs mimic some
be inoorporatcd into the droplets, but the concentra- PRL actions. Acoording to one hypothesis. PGs ac-
tions fan soon after lactation is established. Most of tivate guanylate cyclase. and the cGMP generated
the IgG and IgM seem 10 originate in the blood. then activates cAMP-<lependent phO$phodiesterases
whereas [gA is probably synthesi7.ed locally. (Large (187A).
numbers of mesenteric Iymphoblasts commined to Spermidine can with tRNAs. and has
IgA synthesis have been observed to migrate into rat been implicated a, a stabilizer of mRNA that is
mammary glands during latc pregnancy and bound to ribosomes (189). [t probably contributes to
throughout lactation.) T I)'mphocytes probably both PRL actions. si nce all of the enzymes involved in its
migrate from othcr region, and proliferate (203). biosynthesis arc activa ted by hormones that promote
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lactogenesis (Fig. 16-14). PRL is also said to acti- leinl· A·protein alone catalyzcs Following
vale Na +/ K· .ATPasc and (0 innuence Ca" reaction.
During the "act;.-." phase of the sc:cretory cycle, U D P·galactO&e + N·acctylglucosamine _
Ibc cells internalize PR L and transport it to Ihe nU- N·acctyllaClosamine + UDP
cleus. The hormone is later transferred to the lumen
as the laueT fills with mil k and the cells HallOn. I n the presence of B·protein. glucose replaces the
N·l\cetylg\ucosamine. and lactose is made (164).
"Resting" (squamous) cells do nol contain PRL but
they have hormone receptors. The belief thaI PRL UP P·galactosc + gluwse '" lactose + UDP
exerts inAuences inside lhe cells is consistent with
observations Iha! it can aCI on isolated nudei in vitro It has Ixcn widely assume<l that progesterone se-
(158). and that dosages of estrogens suffititnt to im· creted during the gestation period inhibits prolactin
pair \atlogcnesis .Iso impede PRL intorp<:>ralion and induction of the ,,·lactalbumin. and that the rail in
dist ribution (1581 . PRL, in turn. oontributes to ste· progesterone concentrations aCCounts for the appcar-
roid ree<:plor regulation (147). ane<: of t he en7.yme S<XIn after parturi tion. Curiously,
however. progesterone is implicaled in bringing
about the differentiation that permits PRL \0 induce
the enzyme (1541. Changes in glucocofliooid <:on·
The IaClose synthelase s)'Slen, consists of gaiaclo&yl centratioo$ probably wntributc \0 the regulation
transferas. (A·prmein) plus ,,·Iactalbumin (S-pro- late in pregnancy and S<XIn afterward (164). 10- 1 M
concentrations accelerate ".lactal bumin synthesis. small amounts of Ihe hormone are essential for
whereas higher ones (\ 0-' 10 10- ') innibit. maintaining laclalion. Milk produclion Can Cease al-
Each of Ihe I\Qrmoncs involved in mammogenesis most abruptly following the administration of agents
and laclalion performs other functions. PRl can that block PR L. release (54). In rats and some other
dampcn responses \0 stressful stimuli (106) and re- small mammals. s uckling consistently promotes
duce gonadotropin socret;on. Adrenocortical steroids PRL. secretion during the lactation period .
play essential roles in maintaining walcr. electrolyte. The dilferences are probably accounted for by the
carbohydrate, and protein metabolism, while insulin early weaning (after 21 days in the rat), and by the
and growth hormone afTcc! appetite and food u1ili- need 10 nourish large lille rs.
lation . Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin affect The predominant form of human PRL. is a protein
milk wmposition, but the major eff...:!s arc exerted monomer devoid of carbohydrate that contains 199
outside the mammary glands. amino acid moieties. It closely resembles the PRLs
of other mammals and ,hows 77% homology with
porcine PRL. Despite overlapping biological prop-
The Suck ling Reflex
erties. the amino acid sequences have only 13% and
By stimulating nerve endings in the al'CQlar and nip. 16% homology wilh hPL. and with human growth
pic regions. Ihc infam initiatcs a suckling The hormone, respe<:tively ( I06). evidently
messages \ravd along afferent ne ...'., 10 the mid- follows patterns described for Other secretory PI"(>-
brain and hypothalamus (127 .233). Oxytocin (OT) and a prepl'Qlaetin 2000-3000 daltons heavier
from neurohypophysis is delivered by the than the 23.510 molecular weight of the mol>Qll1er
bloodstream to myoepithelial cells of the breast has been identified.
and to ulerine muscle. The cireulating hormone comes mostly (or tOially)
When the myoepilhelial cells CQntract, preformed from the pituitary gland The small quantities found
milk is discharged from Ihe mammary gland. The in the brain may originate in part in nervoos tissue.
is essential in humans. rats, rab- Molecules with PRL.·like activity released by some
bils, dogs, pigs, and SOme other mammals, but it is tumor cells can have weighuof up to 100.000. Some
of limiled importance in SOme of the ruminants are belie"ed to be aAAre;:ales or polymers. The PRL
(197). It waS first olls<=rvcd by dairy farmers. and of fetal amniotic fluid is now believed 10 be made
OT is still sometimes referred 10 as "milk let-<lown mostly in the decidua (g5).
factor." Because of the anatomical arrangements. ! eslrogen administration increases the
contractions of ulerine muscle lessen the dangers of numbers of pituitary gland lactotropc!. This change
postpartum hemorrhage. They also contribute to partially accounts for the higher rales of PRL SOCr.,..
physiological in''alution of uterus. Women who tion. The cell numbers also increase during preg-
do nol nuT$C their infants are routinely ergo- nancy and lactation. and they decreasc following
novine (which exerts OT-like elfects on Ihe weaning. Sleep-associated circadian palleTns of hor-
myometrium). mOne have been described for males and cy-
After lactation is eslablished . OT release cootin- cling females, and some agents that inlerfer. with
ues to be important for some spe<:ies. In women. the REM sleep disrupt the rhythms. Although blood
quantities se.:reted soon diminish (42), and then concentralions during most of the day are in the 10-
breast stimulation can invoke milk release without it 20 nglml range, brief noclurnal and early morning
(54). Suckling twins can double the volume (A· 4). peaks of up to 45 ngfml are typical (76).
The .up .... chia.matic nuclei of the hypothalamus con-
Proluctln Secretion tribute 10 the controls in rodent .. but their i.flueoce. in
primat.s hav. not been studi.d . Stimulation of the ut.r-
The suckling renex provides a strong slimulus for in. cervi< of a .... t in e. trus is followed by the app<a .... nc.
prolactin secretion during the first few postpartum of nocturnal .urges that conlinu. for 12-14 The
weeks. The plasma PRL. concentrations rise stecply tim ing can be n,ied by manipulating the environm.ntal
within I minute. and the levels remain e1evatoo for lighting. PRL promotes progC$terone secretion. and Ihe
the next 20-30 minutes. They can exceoo 300 ng! 51eroid. in turn. co"tributCl to th. PRL surges. H"".vcr.
ml. (The average values for nonpregnant. nonlaetat- ovariectomy. e>en wh.n CQmbin¢<! with ad renalectomy.
ing women o[ the same age are around 10-20 ngl blu"" and shortens but doe. nol abolish the response •.
Hy.'ler""'omy protong> and augment< th.m ( (52).
The "surges" gradually diminish. and after some In addition to increasing lactOlrope numbers, es·
months there are times of the day when Ihe PRL. trogens augment PR l ,ynthesi" increase the num-
concentrations fall to prepregnaney levels. However, bers of binding siles for TRH and other stimulants.
and act On Ihc hypothalamus 10 decrease dopamine ing whelher il aCIS directly on Ihe pituilary gland.
contcn!. The estrogens certainly contribute 10 Ihe es· antagonizes the influences of DA. or functions in
trus-related PRL surges. but there are no simple re- both ways (152).
lationships belween the steroid levels and the aCliv- PR L can be releasod in response to Siress. Usu-
ities of the hypothalamic neurons (1 S2). ally. Ihcre is simultaneous discharge of ACTH and
As discussed elsewhere, PRL secretion in nonlac- of fi-endorphin. Endorphiru; promote PRL release in
tating mammals is tonically inhibited by the hypo- many species. In primates they may inhibit dopa-
thalamus. Dopamine acts at hypotlla lamic and pi- minergic ncurons (244). whereas in rodents there is
tuitary levels to decrease PRL secretion. some evidence for stimulation of Strtonincrgic ones
Dromocriptinc (a dopamine receptor agoni'l) and L- (183).
DOPA affect REM sleep and reduce PRL secretion. Glucocorticoid, act direclly on the lactotropes to
Although Ihe importance of dopaminergic neurons is inhibit PRL hio:synthesis. When present for long
established. there arc ciear indications that it is not time periods. they lower sensilivily 10 TRH. They
the onl)' regulator. No simple dose-response relation- may also synergize with dopamine. PRL is a regu-
ships are found, and even higllleveis of DA do not lator of some adrenocortical enzymes. and il can ad-
totally inhibit ( IS2). Some observers believe tllat ditionally decrease ACTH secretion (220).
DA promotes the release of a prola,tin inhibilOry
factor (P IF), which may be a peptide. PII. L release from deciduat tissue is controned in .ery
Gamma aminobutyric acid acts centrally 10 in- different way •. Neither TRH nor DA ..em, to be errec_
live. Moreove,. cAMP inhibits deciduot Steretion.
hibit the activities of tuberoinfundibular DA neu-
wherea, it 'Iimul.t.. pituitary Sl.nd relealC of PRL. Ar'
rons and thereby accelerale PR L release. However. achidonic ac id and -lOme of its prec"rso ... inhibit the ' yn_
studies wilh ethanolamine-O-sulfate (which pro- thesis of Ihe decidu,l hormone. HolVtver, neither tho
long' the aClion, of GABA by inhibiting GABA prost.glandin, tested ( POE .. PGE, .• nd PGF .. ) nor in-
lransaminase). museimol (a GADA receplor agc>- hibit"" of Iheir biosynlhesi. from orachidortic .cid wore
nist). and bicuculline (a receptor antagonist) indi_ found to exerl simila, .ctions ( tOt).
cate thai GABA also exe rts opposing influcnces by
directly depressing lactotropc functions (31). Scrc>-
Terminat io n of Lactation
tonin stimulation of PRL release probably involves
inleractioru; with (;ARA at the hYJ'OIhaiomic level The aClivitie.. of the alvenlar cell. nf rhe
Since PRL Icvels risc "ery rapidly following suck- gland arc not synchronized . When milk aoxumulates
ling stimuli during early lactation. il is li kely thai Ihe in some of Ihe lumina because Ihe infant does nOl
hypothalamus one or mOre prolactin releas- nurse, olher cdls continue making new milk. Pres-
ing factors (PRFs). In birds. hypotbalamic stimu_ SUrt rises within the breasl, and this eventually ini_
lants the major controls. t;ates regressi"c changes. Some of the alvcoli rup-
The nature of the hypothetical mammalian PRF ture. while others collapse. Proteolytic en,smes are
is not known . TRH is a highly effective stimula nt released. and many of the cells become necrotic.
when il is presented in low concentT3tions (143). and Much of the debris is resorbed. In womcn. the
laclotrope sensilivity to TRH is high during early breasts become ,mailer. bu t some adipose tissue
lactation . DA concentratioru; affect lactotrope re- builds up. Reversion to the nonpregnant state is usu-
sponses to T RH in vilro (69). PRL must undergo ally accomplished within around 2 weeks. If lacta-
two intracellular transformations before it Can be tion is terminated al. time when PRL secretion rate
discharged from the pituitary gland (see Chaptcr 8). is high. autophagic changes in the pituitary gland re-
According to one hypothesis. DA suppresses the first duce the numbers of laetotropes.
process. whereas augments the second. An-
other suggestion i$ thai a fall in DA levels leads to
"unmasking" of TRII receptors (69).
TSH levels do not rise in 10 Ihe suckling The factors associated wilh high incidences of breasl
stimulus. This has been cited as evidence aga;ru;t Cancer in women include early menarehe, lale men-
TRH participation in the prolactin release. While opause. and obesity. A full term pregnancy com·
the argument may be valid. it is recognized that sev- pleted before Ihe age of 20 markedly reduces the
eral factors inAuencing prolactin secretion also affect probability thai breast cancer will develop. whereas
TSH release. Moreover. TSH secretion is eas- a first pregnaney begun after the age of 3S is asso-
ily inAuenced by changes in thyrotropc sensitivity cialed wilh higher risk than nulliparity (l75A).
than hy variations in TR H levels. Each of Ihe factors has been linked in
Vasoocliw imminal peptide (VIP) is another hy_ some way with prolonged eXjXlSure of the breast
pothalamic component Ihat has been proposed as a to high levels of estrogeru; or high estr()-
physiological PRF. There arc controversies COncern· gen:progestcrone ratios. but obesity additionally

augments insulin secretion. The tissues that give' glucocorticoid levels are diffteuh to assess. The stc·
risc to the tumors initiaily (XISSCsses r(CeplOrs for eS- roid, can have adverse effects on immune mecha·
Hogens. progesterone. probctin. and OIher hor- ni,ms used to attack tumor cells. They often aug·
mones. In many C3sel;. neoplasia is associated with ment growth hormone secrction but lower the
loss of sensitivity to one or more of the regulators. prolactin levels. Stre.. is sometime, associated with
The mechanisms whereby estrogens affect tumor interference with thyroid gland functions, and hy-
growth ar<: not known. Several authors have sug- pothyroidism may enhance sensitivity to proiactin ,
gested that the major effects result from stimu lation It is certain that both growth of hormone-<!epen·
of PR L secretion . However. SOme antiestrogens that dent tumors and responses to steroids are associated
are used clinicaily for other purposes lillie Or with the presence of estrogen receptors, but the re-
no influence on circulating PR L levels (173). and lationships are oot clear, The pineal gland may in
agcnts that block PRL seerction have proven bene- some way contribute to physiological regu lation of
ficial in only very limited numbers of patients. More- emogen receptor synthesis. a nd it has been reponed
over. estrogen. arc known to exert at least some anti· that patients with estrogen receptor breast
PRL acti(}n'l on mammary glands that can be reo cancer tend to ha.'c nocturnal melatonin levels that
versed with anticstrogens (12JA). are lower than those of both tumor·free cont rols and
Another concept is that cA MP protects against patient' with estrogen receptor negative tumors
tumOr growth . and that estrogens either oppose the (228A). On the Other band, melatonin can invoke
influences or lower the nucleotide levels (45). A dif- dose-dependent augmentation of e'trogen receptor
fe rent idea that comes from studies of emogcn·re- numbers in human breast Cancer cells (5JAI.
sistant human carcinomas is that bl<Xld ordinarily It waS at One time belie"ed that the elTects of hor-
contains different kinds of growth inhibitors "'hose mone therapy often cannot be sustained beca use
actions are opposed byestrogens. poorly differentiated cells survive and proliferate as
In SOme patients with estrogen-<!ependent tissue. the more speciali1.ed ones die off. The concept is not
ovarie.:tomyat least tra nsiently arrests growth oi the easily reconciled with observations that a second
tumors. and it can even invoke regression . Very large course of therap)' with a different hormone often in·
d<><agc< of <ynthetic estroeen, vo. "" '"mor "'e!"C«inn.
beneficial. Thi, has been widely altributed to inter_ It is difficult to obtain experimental models for the
ference with the replenishment of estrogen receptors, study of breast tumors. Thc numbers of mammary
However, pharmacological amountS of even natu- gland cancers that arise spontaneously in laboratory
rally occurring hormones can exert nonspecific ef· a nimals are small, and we have no assurance that the
fects on cells that do not po<.<e<.< high-affinity binding pathological proccs,<cs arC ,imilar to the OneS that
sitcs. They can. for e xample, affect the properties of occur in women. Most investigators use hormone Or
cell membrane.< and the growth of small blood carcinogen invoked tumors. There have been several
vessels , indications that observations made on mice (104)
Since progesterone antagonizes some cstrogen ac- are mOTe usef ul than those obtained from rats (I 73).
tions. it has been suggested that pregnancies during In mice. ovariectomy is reported to either reduce
early adulthood confer protection by elevating the the numbers of tumors that form after carcinogens
progesterone concentrations for several consecutive ar<: administered or to delay their appearance. In
months. If this is the case. it must be assumed that many cases. it can also arrest growth of established
progesterone cannot have similar e/fccts 00 breast tumors or invoke regression. There are conditions
ti ss ue that has undergone long· term to es- under which further benefits arc derived from hy_
trogens during nonfertile cycles. The lo"'er inci. pophy,e.:tomy. Glucocorticoid injection. and proges-
denees of breast cancer in women ta king oral con· terone-estrogen combinations may also provide pro-
traceptives have been linked with both the tection. whereas estrogen alone or progcstcrone
simultallCOll, presentation of progestogens and eStro- alone can have opjXl5ing effects. Injections of prolac-
gens and the treatment regimes that include with- tin (123), growth hormone or insulin. administration
drawal of thc steroids for one week of each month. of agents that augment PRL se.:retion. and thyroid
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tain progcsterone receptors have bene fined from increase tumor growth. Athym ie animal.. develop
progeSlagen therapy. more mammary tumors than animals with intact
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eaSe. The mechanisms could include aceel· these ovariectomy protects whereas estradiol and in_
crated relea,., of prolactin. The elTeets of elevated sulin exacerbate the problems (20S). In rats given
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I II T1I< i"hibilOr)" inHucnc." c, ".rre" or rev."", p«<OCiou. soon .fI" ,he IMrlh ol. prem.t"," infon, (A-I). flor-
pub<rl)' .nd in""" " ..,die.1 <.11 .. ,;.,."' in palieo" "",. changes pfObol>lr oe",,"", for the .ller«! """pooilion ,h.1
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1OO<'I<..:t,pe ••;ko, '"""'" (A-2). foil"". of ...."''' ••1 erele. or pr<J,n'ncy (A""').
In poorly "",<fi.hed "ornen, dietary '.Wle"'"",, OOn " is< lOe
11 ] tocOnlplcle mal."I;"" of,o< m.m""'t)' m. )" " vitam,n !<vel., flQ"·e""r. lOe)' ore lOOI"e e!T«li .. r", 00«1e"""8
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___ PART VI _ __

Hormones Affecting Body Size and

Thyroid Hormones, Thyrotropin, and Thyrotropin-Releasing

Genetic factors determine whether a 1.ygOiC can de- rior and middle ecf'ieal ganglia terminatc on both
velop into a small frog. a long-necked giraffe. or a 9· blood vessels and glandular cells . Parasympathetic
banded armadillo. Nutrients permit realillllion of fibers are supplied by the vagus nerves.
the po\cnlial. since they provide both Ihe building The glands collectively contain $Orne 3 million fol-
blocb and the energy souree:s- but diets deficient or licles. cach made up of a single layer of epilhelium
overabundant in one or more CQmpOnents can impair that encloses a central lumen (Fig. 2-1). Follicular
de.cklpment and bring about imbalances in body diameters range from 50 jJ. or less to 500 jJ. (96). A
CQnst;tucnts. All of the hormones affcct nutrient use, typical epithelial cell is columnar. with a height of
and many exert innucnces on nucleic acid functions. 201'. but the shapcS vary from squamous to high c0-
The iodinated thyroid hormones arC major regula- lumnar (even within different follicles of thc same
tors of metabolic raiC. food intake. and the dilTcr- gland). The ba>ophilic cytoplasm of an active cell
cntialion and mmuration of numerous cdl types . contains a woll-dcveloped endoplasmic reticulum
with numerous f')Iysomes. many mitochondria. Iy-
sosomcs. and inclusion droplets, but 110 "truc" secre-
tory granules. The large Galgi apparatus is near the
The thyroid glands of healthy human adults weigh apex, while the also large nudeus is centrally 10-
20-40 g, and they lend to be larger in females than ClUed. Stimulated ceU. extend microvilli and pseu-
in males. The right and left lobeS straddle the tra- dopod-like projections toward the lumen. A thin
chea and extend upward from the 5th ring 10 the lamina separates the basal surfaces of the cells from
sides of the thyroid eanilages. A thin isthmus joins th. blood and lymph capillaries. The small numbers
the lobcsanleriorly. and a small pyramidal lobe may of parafollicular cells engaged in calcitonin synthesis
project above il. were described in Chap. 12.
The rich blood supply enlers mostly via the supe- Thryoid anlagen are present in 16-17-day-old
rior thyroid artery branches of the external carotids human embryo&. The enzymatic and structural C<)m-
and Ihe inferior thyroid vessels that originate in the ponents required to synthesiz<: thyroxine arc ac-
thy=rvical trunkli of the subclavians. The blood quired by day 14. The early differentiation, which
drains from the superior and middle thyroid veins includes organiUtion of thc cells into follicles. can
into the jugulars. and from the inferior thyroid veins proceed without pituitary hormone stimulation (5!).
into the brachiocephalics. The flow rate has been es-
timated at 4-6 ml/min/per gram of tissue. but it Thyroid glands of rat', mice and many mher specie, .1..,
can exceed 1 liter/min in seVere hypenhyroidism have right and left l<>bes joined by an i'thmus. Some
(75) . The parathyroid glands are embedded within other mammals have a $ingie. ventrally located o,son,
and yet different anatomi",,] a"ansements have been do-
the posterior portions of the thyroids. and they are $Cribed (64). All vertebrate> have tccognitable
enclosed within the connective tissue sheath. They but they take tbe form of dilfu.. cell clumps in
receive blood from the inferior thyroid an.ri.s. An cyelostomes.
extensi", lymphatic vessel network takes up $Orne of
the hormone •. Thyroid glands are among the largest of the en-
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers from the supe- docrine Structures. and they po::;sess several unique

fcaml'd. They produce a hormone that CQf1tains a The increased oxygen needs, weakened respiratory
special dement (iodine) and \yrosyl moieties joined museles, and diversion of blood to oxygen·poor s kin
in clher (rather than peptide) lin kage. Much of the probably all OOntribute to the dyspnea that is often
bi<lSynthesis is extracellular, and a precursor thai manifested (75) .
can rapidly be converted to active horm()ne Slored Although appetite and food intake Can increase
in the lumina in quantilies sufficient 10 support met- dramatically. both dehydration and depletiOll of fat
abolic needs for many week!;. Bits of thyroid tissue stores tend to lower the body weight. Gastrointes-
a. well as thyroid hormones can be administered tinal motility is stimulated. and some individuals de-
orally 10 correCt deficiencies. The superficial loca- velop nausea and or experience boUIS of
lions of tbe glands make it possible for untrained diarrhea. Digestive system cn7.yme secretion can be
observers \0 detect goiters (thyroid gland enlarge- but stomach acidity tends to be low and
ments), and lhe beneficial eifc<;\s of fceding iodine- there is poor absorption of lipids. Hepatic glycogcn-
rich seaweed have been recognized since antiquity. olysi. and rapid sugar absorption Can elevate the
A single, moderate sized dQ'ic of thyroxine exerts blood glucose.
metabolic effccts for 2 or mor. weds, and 4-6 Skeletal muscle weakness is attributed to a com-
weeks of continuous (...,almcnt may be required to bination of accelerated protein degradation, defec·
fully ,<,Slore the metabolic ratcs of thyroid..Jepleted tive creatine metabolism. and neuromuscular tranS-
subjects. Many of the actions havc long latcnt pe- mission impairment.
riods. and Ihe elfecls of thyroidectomy develop [.(lng-term oonsequences include disruptiOll of re-
slowly. Thyroxinc cnters cells and &OITIe of ils producti ve systcm functions. (Amenorrhea is com-
actions within the nucieus. but no cytoplasmic recep- mon.) The hair becomes excessively fine, the finger·
tor is required. nails are brittle. and the skin may show patchy
Although hormone deficien9 can profoundly af- pigmentation.
fe<;t rTI05t bodyccll types, lhere are those who believe
that thyroid hormoncs are not essential for survival.
cV<'n some of Ihe pioneers of thyroid phys· OBVIOUS MAN IFESTATIONS OF THYROID
iol02Y Questioned the notion (7). Hormone-like ac- HORMONE DEFICIENCY
tivity has been detected in the livers of rats 4 months Adults become apathetic, sluggish. and somnolent.
after oomplete thyroidectomy (long after the hor- Hearing defects and other sensory impairments are
mone has disappeared from the blood and thc ani- COmmOn. The term "myxedema madne .... has been
mals have developed severe symptoms). At 6 appl ied to the psychological symptoms that often de-
months. the substance can no longer be found. and velop. Some patients hypoventilatc.
most animals die (98). The heart tends 10 be Habby and dilated, the force
and rate of cardiac oontraction are depressed. the
blood volume is low, and both systolic and pulse
pressures are subnormal. T he diastolic pressure
often remains within the normal range.
Palients secreting excessive quantities of thyroid An inade{juate metabolic rate lowers the body
hormoncs are -restless. hyperactive. irritable. and temperature despite CUiallCOUS vasoconstriction and
emotionally labile. They have shortened attention decreased sweat gland activity. The skin feels cold to
spans. and they usually sulfer from insomnia. In cx- the touch, and the patient cannot cOpe with oold en-
treme cases. there are signs of psyeholosical disor- vironments. Depressed sebaceous gland activity dries
ders. T he mO\lements are rapid. the reflexes are ex- the surface while other influences on the ski n deriv·
aggerated, and fine, involuntary tremors are atives account for the spam:. coarse facial and body
hair and the brilt1e fingernails. In se'-cre. chronic hy-
The hormones inerea,. the fOKe of myocardial pothyroidism. hyaluronic acid and mucoprotcin s ac-
contraction. hastcn conduction, and may elevate Car- cumulate under the skin and bind water. The hands.
diac output and systolic pressure . Howe,""r. Severc feet, face, and tOllgue become puffy. and specch may
can shorten diastole to the point where be impaired. The term myxedema designates the
filling is inadequate . while influences On the electri- condition. [t i. associated with loss of the normal in.
cal system can bring on atrial fibrillation . hibitory inHueoces of thyroid hormones on glyoosa-
The high metabolic rate elevates body tempera· minogtycan accumulation (I 25) .
ture, despite cutaneous vasodilation and sweating. Gastrointestinal functions arc inadequate. Some
The victim feels warm at environmental tempera· individuals eat more than Ihey can metabolize. but
tures judged to be comfonable by normal persons. many sulfer from appetite loss. Constipation is com-
mono ReprQductive system can include Ihe acinar are rich in iodide and are
menSirual bleeding. electronc,ative wilh rcspecllO lhe interslitial fluids,
Ihe ioros must traverse the basal pI.sma membranes
Crellnl.m a8lil"dl bot h concenlflliion and eleclriQlISflldients..
Olycol)'$is can provide some of lhe A TP energy lhal
Ahhough the symptoms of adult thyroid d)'$fuoction IUppol"lS lhe prooesses, but alenl' such as amylal,
can be 100aily l"<'versed with appropriate hormone IOICIIOIlC . an limycin. and oI ilomycin (",hich aCt on
suppkmcnts, thyroid deprivation thnt begins in fetal mi tOChondria 10 impair A TP formalion). uncouplers
life and eonti nues through infancy Icads to rrelinism. or phosphorylation. and all imerfel"<'
The .micted individuals fail to undergo nervous, "'ith iodide accumu lalion and use.
skeletal. and reprQduclive s)"Slem maturation. and
they may not 211 feel in height if no treatment I - e••f}' probably in ..... vcs N.' <>O-.rllllSjlOt1. low n.
is proo'ided. Delay«! administralion of th)"ro;d hor- tra«llular N.- depc l", ,h. uptake (14). AgenlS 'MI
mones can heave dramatic elf«u 011 the bones and .poIlriu may iocTeaK it by .. 1'01. ' en, ry_
reproductive organs. but the bnlin damage is
n. """ibillty Itt.a, ]- is .""""tlP l<lf HPO'- lw; also
betn consi.rcd (lS). Roles l<lf plasma .... mb"'M-aDO-
perlT\f;ncnt. cilled N. '/ K '-ATPa.. are W1ltn»emal. DIIaboi. de_
preson bu' docs 001 '01.1Uy block iodide accumul'lion
THE BIOSYNTHESIS OF THYRO ID (lOI. hs elfects .re r.versed b)" hi,h e"'.. cellula r K '.
HORMONES Extr. c.llul . r Mg" i. no. absolut. ly r.quir«! in .cut<
Iludies. bU .lh. cell may "or•• """Ih aft hat ion.o main-
The follicular OI:lIs iodide. iTl<Xlrporale lain .he 1\ TPI.. aClivily
the ions into high molecular w<:ighl gl)"COproteins. The tran.port evidently invol"es. "l"'c;i!\c iodide car-
and store hormone precursors ",jlh in the lumen. "The rier. I, .... y be. lecithia.
pr«:' sses arc inlerdependenl. and Ihey occur simul- COftOCtI,ra,iono . ilhin ,he lumea .xcoed .hose
laneously. but il is convenient to discuss lhem as so:p- blood pl.$frUI. bul Ih.y .... 'han ,,- ";,hitl lhe
arale cven15. cells. It hI$ bet. "'""'tcd lhal 1- dilfuscs
clown. _ntralion .radi.n, lrom c.II,o I..... n. lIow-
... ilh perehlora.e I nd some ot her ag.n .. ,ha,
Uptakl and Concentration ollodlna iodine metabolism suuest Ihatt h. uehange. be-
""0<:. cell, and lumen a re ca rrier-m.dialed and
Allhough the clcmenl is avidly con§crved. the supply regUlated .
must be rcncwed from dietary $O<IICCS. Human The thyroid ,land. tonilin some 9()';\ of totll body io-
aduhSlolcrate intakes lhat range from 0.5 to several di ... """'". mostly in orpnic: molecules. Oeiodic\aSC$lib-
milligrams daily (75). and they can withstand ic>- erat. small amounu.. and free ion CIt" "leak" to tM l ur-
dine-frw diets for brief periods. roundi", lIuids.. Studies "" .....
I is rapidly and efficienlly absorbed from lbe: "'won lhe i• • IMI there is """ pwI ••i.... from bko>d
small ;ntesline and trarosponed 10 Ihe th)·raid. Ex- plasma IIIaI .«011"'" or
f<lf 4'1. Lht "orcs .nd hI$ •• ur...
over rot. of 8 days. A sccond larger .nd sto-I)" .e....... bl.
tlmcellul ar nuid concentrations are in the range of pool i, linked with lhe d.indina,>ons
1.0-1.5 !'I/d). BI<xxI plasma 31$(/ cOlllains 3.5-8.0 The rll.s of lransfer from blood 10 e.II."" from cell
I'a/dl of iod ine Ihal is incorporated inlO organic '0 lumen arc affec •• d by Ih. relaliv. ptrrncabHitk. of .h.
eom.,aunds. buI such molecules canOOl be directly bas"land .pical m.mbra ..... M extracellular and in. ",_
utiliw:l. cellular co ..... ntr. 'ion$ of several ions. and .he .c.i.itk.
When the diet is adequate a nd er.docrine func- 01 ....ymcl'hat tatl lyz;c I- il\COfpoution into and r...
lions are normal. folli<:ular 01:1 1$ aOl:um ulate the ion lea .. from <><pn;" motccules. A,en" 'M' reduo; boAl
and aChieve th)"roid:plasma (T/ ft) or lliyroid:serum .... mbra ... permeability tan r:aisc: ,he in.",cellular iodine
(TIS) ralios of 20 or 25:1. In iodine deficiency by relordin, "", .... rd leakaI"C ( 30). Bitar_,. iono are
Sla le$. T / P o;an CJlC«d 300: I. belic..d LO compete ";th iodide f<lf membn"" tbn ... b.
and <:arbonic .nh)"d ..... inhibi.ors may ineru.. lumi ....1
wi.h bu. lw impress; •• lbi]i.i<;$ to and d«n:ase cellulor I by Iow.rina Lhe inlracellul ••
inor"" nic iodide include ,,$lrk mucosa. in_ HCO, . h i. fIOI k"""n if.he requiremenl lor e ..",ce\-"lC. Illi •• r)" and mammary , lands.• kin. hli r. eryth_ lul>l C. " i. rel •• ed ' 0 en'ymt ICl ivotion. m.intenance
rocytes. choroid pl.,u •. cil.,y bodie,. and pl acen,.. They or .h•• I«.rical potential •. <If both.
COlI"ilaote to iodine COtISCrv.liod by dellyin, loss into 'l>c
urine (S). (The 0( Ki lO "Iooocn" a dry COIIlh depends 8r -, AI - . perchlorate (CIO; ), pertechnela,e
"pool tcC1Imulll ion 0( ion I nd the . uo.:iated ,"at,,, "p" (T<:O i), and nilrile (NO; ) arc among the mooo-
lI te by purynsul m _.) Uowe ..... . he 'hyl"Oid valenl anions that Ql n be con«nlraled in Ihyroid
,I.nd,an: in tha. d••y . ,.. in hilltoer 1- """"""" aland,. They promote release 0( inorpnic iodidc. in
1'"lioN.. ..... the ions '0 make borrnorccs. Ind ha", uptake pi" because lhey compele for tmnspon. At least
r..".".,ive ' 0 thyrotlOll"in and some other some additionally interfere wilh iodine incot"pO<lltion
"imulanll. into proteins.

Circulating 1- is freely filtered by the renal glc>- thcy acquire additional iodine and become increas-
meTal; . While much oflhe ion is reabsorbed. urinary ingly resista nt to hydrolysis. Only some 70% of the
excretion usually parallels dietary intake and ac- tyrosyls can be iodinaled because of the folding.
oounts for most of the iodine loss_ Minute Quantities Un:a and Olher denaturing agents facilitate addi-
of iodine: leave the body via the expired air and tional iodine attachment,
sweat. Larger ones 31"¢ 5(:nl into the milk during lac-
tation. The feces remove around 12 "8 of iodine per Incorporation of Iodide Into Thyroglo bullna
day, almost all of it in organic form.
The 1- must first be oxidized. The form of the ac _ n

t;vate<:l" intermediate i. not known. It has variously

Blo8ynthesls of Thyrog lo bu lin. been prol'O"d to be elemental iodine. iodinium (['),
Thyroglobulins aTC spe.;ies-spccific giyroprotcins hypoiodile (01 - ). Or a free radical, but a rguments
with molecular weights of 650,000-670,000 that against the first of these have been presented ( 137),
contain 8%-10% carbohydrate. Microheterogenci- The o,idali,," i. associated with the generation of hy.
lies, even within a single gland (42), are attribute<:! drogen peroxide (H,o,) from molecu lar 0, plus h)'dr'"
\0 variations in carbohydrate and iodine conlent and gen. donated by pyridine nuciCQtides. The cells
to the numbers of cr<)SS-iinkages. Human glycopro- have a heme<ontaining peroxidase which probably par·
leins have molecular weights of aroond 660,000. ticipates in iodine incorpor.tion as well as H,O, gener.·
With rew exceptions (e,g. guinea pigs. which a lso lion. The enzyme acts in vitTO to ellalyze pero.ide-de·
make unusual insulin!. growlh hormorn:s. and Olher peodent iodinali,," of a wide variety of proteins, Agents
proleins). Ihe amino acid sequences art remarkably lhat with H,o, generation block thyroglobulin
similar across Ihe speeies. iod in3tion . and 000$ used 10 block iod ide organification
Biosynlhesis begins wilh poIypeplide ehain assem· retard iodide o.idalion_ The I"'ro. idasc been 1«.1·
i,cd to tbe .pic.1 (luminal) membrane. and. ring of ra·
bly. Allhough "gianl" polysomcs have been de-
dioactivity apl""r$ thtre when labeled iodin< i, p=nted
scribed (140), each of the subunils seems to be made 10 the follicles (150).
on its own organelle. labeled 125 proteillS can be It has been propo$<d that the pentooe pathway provide'
identified soon after the cells are presenled with la- NADPH. Ind lhal a flavi n'<'Onlainine NADPH.."idase
beled amino acids. These evidently combine to form Catalyles the transfer. A vitamin K, cof.ctor may react
175 "prethyroglobulins" (75). Protein synthesis in· directly witb molecular oxygen to form frec radical.
hibitors block formation of the 125 nt()\ecuies but (137). Ascorbic acid. reduced glutathione, and othe r rc·
not the associations into larger ones (140). duct"nt. within the folliCular etn eytoplll$m art impli.
Galacto:;c is rapidly incorporated when the wm- caled a. physiological inhibilOr$ that .ct on either the io-
pleted amino acid chains enter the cisternae of the dine intermedi.te or the hydrogen peroxide (75).
endoplasmic reticulum. Mannese and fucose are The iodine combines wilh tyrosyl moieties of the
added as the protein traverses the Golgi region. The thyroglobulin to form mostly 3-monoiodo and 3,5-
"core" oligosaccharide undergoes processing, and diiodo derivatives. The glands contain small quan·
sialie acid is then added. tities of monoiodotyrosine (MID and diiodotyrosinc
The glycosylation seems to be essential for secre- (Oln. but these are formed when the iodinated pro.
tion of thyroglobulin into the lumen. II may addi· teins are hydrolyzed , Iodine does not attach 10 free
tionally be required for a&.soeiation with amino acids. and no iodinaled amino acids arc in-
idase, a glycosylaled enzyme that i$ described later eorporate<:l into Ihe thyroglobulin _
175-185 forms recovered from the cell$ contain
Couplin g ReacUons and Fo rmat ion of
many exposed tyrosyl moieties. Iodine attaches to
lodothyro nlnes
them and increases the molecular weights when the
protein reaches the apical membrane-luminal border While still attached to the glycoprotein. thc iodi·
interface (75). Or possibly just after the molecules nated moieties interaCI 10 form elher linkages, Thc
enter the lumen (69), Within the lumen. the iodi- reaclions culminate in Ihe production of the pr«ur-
nate<:l glycoprotcins undergo "maturat ion" that in· 501'$ of thyroxine (tetraiodothyronine, T. ) and T,
volves peptide chain folding and the formation of di- (triiodothyronine). The molecular mechanisms have
sulfide bonds. ( Iodinated glycoproteins are the major not been defined.
constituents of the "colloid" within the lumen.) One hypothesis for the coupling reaction Ihat
''True thyroglobulins" contain 4 polypeplide leads to the formation of Ihe T. precursor prOpOSes
chains. At first they are 195 proteins with approxi. that peroxid(ll;c catalyzes generation of diiodytyrosyl
mately 120 tyrosyl moieties. As they mamre, they free radicals. which combine to form a quinol ether
incrcase in weight to 27S (and sometimes 325). as intermediate that is subsequently hydrolyzed.
Splining of the quinol ether intermed iate would The peroxidase may Ihen catalyze o.<idalion of
then yield ei ther a serine or dehydroolaninc ",sidue DIHPPA to DIHPPA-hydropcroxide, and i( is pr\l-
at the site formerly occupied by one diiodotyrosyl posed that the latter combines
moiely. wilh a diiodolyrosyl moiety of thyroglobulin 10 yield
a lhyroxyl residue. By-products of the reaction
I II would then be ammonia (inoorpor3ted into other
amino acid,) and pyruvate.
" I
I (:= 0

o , C1l
, II I
' C_
, O
Formation of T, presumably follows a similar
pathway, but different amino acid ..,quences are in_
volved in tlte coupling reactions (A-I) .
Very small amQunts of DIHPPA (and of its mQn_
oiodinated analog, MIHPPA) have been detected in
thyroid tissue.
11 is unlikely that thyronine formation evCr pre-
cedes iodination. since no uniodiMted thyronine has
ever been found in the gland.
When the iodine supply is abundant. mostly diio.
dotYl"QSyl and tetraiodothyronyl moieties are fornled.
'I"".' " ...,
,,"" ",,<I,... In deficiency states, the quantities of mQnoiodOlyro-
syl and triiodothyronyl components increase.
The Fnllnwing "'luMinn< <hnw , . I.. inn<hil'" ht,_
, tween M IT. DIT. and the thyroid hormone precur-
, "
::':11 sors. They do not, however. depict reactions that aC-

C _ II c _ (; tually take place within the gland .
"0 I According to some estimates. the T.:T, ratio is
", " " ", " 10: I in iodide-replete states Small amounts of diio.
dothyronyl moieities may also be formed.
",." I " , .h., I,.h"," I " ,.h.,
An alternate hypothesis is thaI a diiodotyrosyl res-
idue is first deaminated to yield 4-hydro.y·3,5-<1iio- Proteol ysis and the Release 01 Free
dophenyl pyruvate (DIHPPA) which is then ta UI<>- Hormones
mcrized \0 Ihc enol form. Although some thyroglobulin seems to be taken up
I );H, 0 by the major mechanism is macro.
pinocytosis, Thyroid stim ulating hormQne prOmQtcs
, II 1/ the formation of til(, pseudopod!; that from
the apical surface, of the follicular cells into the lu-
mina. The pseudopods engulf small quantities of wl-
'"' laid, and "oolloid SOOn appear in the cyt<>-
plasm. The fUM: with Iysosomes to form
"phagolysosomes" oomaining cathepsin D a nd other
hydrolytic enzymes. Microtubules and mierofila-
ments direct particle translocations, After disulfide
.. ,,' UUI,'I'A
and peptide bonds are broken. free T •. some free T"
jT."'"....." and smal! quantities of iodinated peplide$ are "'-
lea..,d to the extracellular Auids for uptake by the
blood capillaries.
Newly synthesized and newly iodinated thyro-
globulins form rings that border the peripheries of
the lumina. with the poorly iodinated components
IllIll'l'A ,001 r,.", closest to the mcmbrane-col!oid interface. Because
of the location and Ihe presence of fewer disulfide bl.. albumin) and SOme Othor ;odin. ted prOt.ios.
bonds, recemly synthesized 195 thyroglobulin is No functinns for the,e ,ubstance, ha •• been establi.hed
"preferentially" up. Since the pseudopods ex- (and the iodination may be: fortuitous). SUrgical manip.
tend several microns beyond the luminal border, ulations of the gland •. infection •• and ",me pharmacolog.
ical agenu .ccelerat. lhe r.I .... of ,u.h prot.i ... Som.
they bypass the region that contains uniodinated
are bclieve<lto initiate aulo-immune r.action. ,
molecules {48A). Intracellular deiodinascs conV<'rt
minute quantities of T. 10 T, (and to traces of re.
verse T,. which is described laler). However, the en- Thyroid Hormones In t ile Blood Plas ma
zymes function primarily 10 recover iodine from bi-
Normal human adull blood contains around 8(l()O
ologically inactive mokeul.,..
(4000-11.000) ngldl of T. and 120 (SO-I 80) ng/dl
Small quanlili .. of poorly iodinated thyroglobulin of
ofT) (75). Since it binds wilh high affinily to plasma
10... mQl«:uiar weight are present in the blood. They a,. proteins. only some 2 ngldl (0,03%) of Ihe T. is pres·
enl in Ihe "free" or "aclive" form. T, associates
belie.ed 10 get there via direct pa ..... ge from the COUS10
lit<: lymph v....,ls without prior entry in10 lhe lumen (13). more loosely wilh the proteins, and 0.4 ngldl (0.3%)
Thyroid glands ,ynthe,;ze lhyralbumin (which rOSem- is readily available for ew)' into the cells.

, , , ,
I O\J---{! "II hX)lt + 1 1 0
II :>.'11, 11 "II ,

, ""
, ""
C_ (· - C()(JII

"'9 "-0 " " ",''0'''"' .T"

( '- ('

A I,",",

0, "" "
• ('

"._",.. ""
"U, + III

9 ""..
- C
('- looll
V 9-"'",
" ,_ _()_. _ Irii- COOII
Tn .... .. ' " " .. "" .,," . A I. . ,,,.

The plasma proteins perform "reservoir" and that block synthesi' of the proteins can be euthyroid
"buffer" functions. protect the hormones again't ex· (110).
cessively rapid degradation and excretion. contribute The proteins are made in the liver. Physiological
to control of the targct cell uptake. and may also fa- amounts of thyroid homoncs are needed to maintain
cilitate normone transport through the bloodstream. normal concentrations in the blood. but toxic OneS
Some extrathyoidaltis.sues produce substances that lower the levds ( II 0). Stress. glueocorticoids. acro-
impair the binding. There are pathological condi- megaly. and some debilitating illnesses lower the
tions under which they arc released in large amounts production rates. and salicylates are among the
(28). pharmacological agents that decrease thc binding af·
finities. TBG is higher in children than in adults.
Since estrogens accelerate the production in humans
THYRONINE BINDING GLOBULIN (TBG) and monkeys. the plasma concentrations are high
following the ingestion of oral contraceptives and
15-77% of the circulating T, is associated with neu·
during normal pregnancy. Androgens lower the lev-
raminic acid-rich a-glycoprotcins with molecular
els. but men and women have similar concentrations
weights of around 60.000. (Relatoo molecules
of unbound hormone.
"'eighing 58.000-63.000 and contain ins 15%--22%
Control systems differ in other mammals_ Estro-
carbohydrate have been identified in IIOnhuman spe-
cies 131ll. The proteins were 3t collectively gens do not affect the levels in rats. The protein' do
1101 bind thyroid hormones with high affinity in most
known as thyroxine binding glohulins. hut the name
IIOnmammalian vertebratcs (149).
was changed when it was dcmonstrated that there is
interaction with T, and with some other T, metab-
olites. Each molecule bears One hormone attachment
site. but u,ually there is only 30% occupancy. The
total TBG concentration is 1.5-2.0 mgfdl. Although These are I.tramerie proteins with molecular
the functions 3rC regardoo as important, they are ev- weights of around 54,000 that bind an additional
idently IIOt essential. Humans with genetic defects 15% of primate T. but have liltle affinity for T,. The
tW<l binding sites differ from other, and kinetic when Ihey are in short supply. However. the concepl
studies are consistent with m:gati'e cooperativity that that there is "d iversion'· from the T, 1(1 the rT,
(I I 0). Usually more than 99% of the T, pathway under Ihose cond ilions has been discarded.
sites remain (31). Plasma The rT, ie,els rise moslly because fasling slow. Ihc
al"<' around 30 ngjd!. melabolic clearance of Ihal metabotile (47).
Seriou. ilt n..... depreu TBPA prodUCI;OO (\ 49) . • nd rT,lack. calorigenic pOtcncy. It hO$ be. n cla imed Ih ..
salicylales. ba rbilurates . • nd penicillin are among Iht rT, enhances erythropoielin-f.cilitated erythr"""ie,i. in
agenlolhat decrea .. lhe binding to T. (75). ..... mice. ' limul..., a minQ acid uptake by thymoeYI<1. pro-
trogen, d""rea .. while androgens Slimulatc proouetion. moleo growlh hormone "«<lion. incr..... T,·.mi..,.
and the levels arc low in thildren. tran.ferase acti,ity in liver. and in hibitS phosphodiester-
TB PA. may perf.".m other funetiooo. R.tinol bindinll ases or ral <.Ivari •. Howev.r. lhc t!fcc" Seen only
proteino (R BP.) h.I'<' molecular _ightS of 31.000 00<1 when very high concentration, are u..d (27).
single attachment .ite, for vitamin A. Each TBPA mol· The deiodin .... require solubl. <Xlf)eIOr< th. 1 include
""ule complcxes wilh 4 of RBP. Retinol stabilius lhe reduced glutathione (GSH). According to one hypothe·
<Xlmpiexeo. whereas T, is wi tbout influe""e . sis. an S f! group on Ihe reaelS directly wi lh lhe
iodothyrooine. The II i. exchanged for the iodine atom.
and lb. <n,yme lransit nlly be." a 'ulfcnyl·iodide ( - SI)
PLASM A ALBUMINS llrouP. Tbe en,_}·me then inte raCIO ,,"ilh Ihe GSII. and l-
These prote ins bind with low affinity but high capac- is liberaled (i5) _ The dccre.std ...... of T, proouctioo
ity. Each molecule has $everal altaehment siles for during fasting.". carbohydra1e r." riclion has been .ar-
iously allributed to GSH deplelion. decrea ..d .)·nlhesis
T" one wilh much higher affinity than the of lhe cn.yme. Or lcssened stcretion of lhe T, ,uhl"..e
(31). The prop.. ties of the prolein facili tate rapid (5). Glucose can a<celerate induclion il
aSSOCialion with Ihe hormone when T,levcls ri.e. but is pr.sen l<d to hepatocyte! eilher in viyo", in ,itro (even
also rapid transfer to thc la rget cells. AlbumillS have when GSH levelo are low). Protein fe.ding io less effeclive
molecu lar weighls of around 69.000 and thcy arc lh.n glucose for promoting enz)"me induction. bUI it can
prescn t in 3500-5500 I'gjml concentrations. Usu· to some exlenl augmenl deiooinase aClivily (57).
ally thcy bind around 8% of the circulating T,.
food deprivation. earbohydale rest riclion.
and pharmacological agents such as propylthioura-
Ma la bo ll , m or Thy ro )(ln. cil, salieylalc" lOO""""lale, and diamidc .Iow all of
Normal human thyroid glands $ectete approxi. \he deiod inasc in liver. ;\ has been sug-
mately 90 I'g of hormone dai ly, most of it as T,. gesled that a single kind of en'.yme is involved and
Small amounts of T, a re also .. lealed . and minUle that microen'ironmental faClors such as pH affecl
qua ntities of other iooi nated thyronincs and of M IT the various substrate utili,.ation ra les (29,1)2).
and D IT arc present in Ihe venouS em uent. However. are indications for Ihe existence of
gO% of the secreled T, undergoes sequential de· several enzymes. each with its d ist ri-
iOOinations Ihal in the forma lion of the bution. Some act on phenol derivativel; (A-4).
metabolites shown in Fig. 17-1 (7 5). 35% of the IOtal In ralS. eel"<'brocorlical 5'-<leiodina.. promoles rapid
is converted to T, a nd around 40% to '·reverse T,·· <Xl"verSion of T. to T ,. Thyroidectomy i. followed wilhin
(rT,). The liver is Ihe major site for 24 bout""$ by 2-4·fold tlev'lion of lhe aClivily. bUI lhe
and il releases substanlial quantities of Ihe products same operation retards 5-<l.iooination. Such ... Iective
10 the bl<X>dstream. Kidneys have lower variation. in en,yme aCli . ily would be .Xpecled 10 def.nd
activity. bUI they. too. CQnlribUle to the plasma T, cerebrocortkal T, I..·els when Ihere are .ub>lanlial
levels. Hypothyroidism lowen; Ihc ,clivilies (A·2). Chang.. in the Circula ting T, (g7). In immalure .. imal.,
Most observers that T, is thc primary (and the activities of hypolh.lamic deiodinases do nOI folio,,"
,imilar pallerns (80).
po:ssibly Ihe only important) iodinated thyroid hor·
monc. Targel cens that take up T, contain dciodi- Both T, and rT , undergo successive dciodinations
nases. and also proteins Ihat bind T, with high Ihal lead to the formation of diiOOo and monoiOOo
affini ty. thyroninel; and ult imalely 10 Ihyronine (To). Small
rT, is widely regarded as a degradation product. amountS of T, and ils melabolites undergo deami-
Its forma tion may provide proteclion against hyper· nations and (see Fig. 17·2).
thyroidism. since the T, used in Ihe rellctions is no T RI AC binds to Ihe nuclear receptors for T) and it
longer available for T, production. Food deprivation. can therefore hormone-li ke However.
carbohydrate rest riction, and febrile illnesses lower it has low in vivo potency because of both tight bi nd·
plasma T" in,rease rT" and elevate the rT ,:T, ratio. ing to Ihe plasma proteins and rapid degradation.
It ha. therefore been suggested thai se lecl ive deio- Sulfation pree<:des and ae<:eterales diiodolhyronine
dina\ion pcrmia CQn$ervation of metabolic reserves deiOOination (A-6).

" "'

,, ,, " "


" "

" "\""
" "

I" "\"",
" "

F ig. 17- 1. o.;omnotO<l me1aboH!. . Of thyrox ... _

, ,

Tcl,ac (lelr.ioOolhy,oacctic acid)

T, ·amine (',;ioOOlhyroanW>e)


0' ,

° ,
Fig . 11 -2 . Ihyr<>id fl<)r""""" mma bol;u,. ,otrMd "' IivOf
.1'>(1 _ Olht< ' ;SS"H ,

T. -Sulla'"
, T. -Amine

3'5' · T,
T, ·SulI310

Fig. 11·3. UltCls ollhytOidee1omy .od Idmi" . t,ation oj

ItI"c>id rIOrmonel on ba ..1metebolOo rat••

All of the metabolites citoo can be: conjugated T. or T,. There was a time when many
with glucuron3lC and to a lesser extent "'jlh sulfate investigalors believed that all Olhcr actions of the
(142) (Fig. 17·3). The products and small amOONS hormones could be linked wilh such and
of free hormone arc secreted into the bile_ Some of when metabolic rate meMurements were the only
the molecules arc los! !<l the feces (eilher dire<:tly or lools available for clinical assessment of thyroid hor·
after modification by bacterial enzymes). However. mone funClions. We can now determine the plasma
conjugates can be: hydrolyzed by intestinal enzymes. conc.:ntrations of thyroid hormones and thyrotropin
and there is substantial reabsorption via the "cntero- the rates of iodinc upta ke by thyroid glands.
hepatic circuit." T, enlers the bile some 20 times as and the response to injected TSH and TRH. Meta-
rapidly as T,. bUI it is also more completely bolic rates are, however. used to a limited extent in
re<:laimed. conjunction wi lh other diagnostic aids .
Intestinal motility and dietary oonstilucnls .(fOXl
the ",wrption rales. Fecal less increases when the
Measurements of Basal MetaboliC Rate
tOial food intake and the COntem of unabsorbablc
(BMR )
residue are high. and it decreases in iodine deficiency
states (142). The BMR of a whole organism is the quantity of
heat produced pcr unit time under standardized con·
ditions that are designed to minimize energy needs.
tt is usually expressed in Calories (kilocalories) pcr
HORMONES hour per square meIer of body surface.
The basal metabolic rate falls after thyroidectomy, Ta avoid the variable incremems in heal produc-
and it can be raised in dosc-.dependcnt fashion with tion 3!SQ1;iaied wil h the ingeslion. digestion. absorp'
\ion, and utilization of foods. the subject is studied museles along witb augmentation of cardiac output.
in the pDSlabsorpliw SiGle. For humans, this meanS Adjustments to cold Or hot environments and emO-
that food is withheld for at least 12 hours before the tional stress also elevate the metabolic The sub-
test is performed. It is then assumed that an endog- ject is therefore required to remain at rest in a quiet
enous mixture of ploteins, carbohydrates. and lipids room maintained at approximately 20 · C and is pro-
of predictable composition is use<:! to support vital vided with a light blanket. Theoretically, it could be
functions such as circulation and respiration . preferable to do tbe measurements when the subject
Exogenous nutrients raise the metabolic rate, even is asleep; however, few individuals can attain such
when they are administered via a catheter place<:l in status "on command."
a large vein and presemed to subjects unaware of the
timing of tbe injections. The terms $(HXific dynamic
acrion af foods (SOA). si'U.jic dynamic
(SDE). and dielary-induu d Ihermagerwsis desig-
nate tbe changes thai are unrelaled to ingestion. It is poSSible to meaSu", heat production directly,
digestion. Or imestinal absorption. Some observers and this has been done. However. it is easier and
find greater responses 10 amino acids and proteins more convenient to look at oxygen consumption .
than toother nutrients and allributc this to heat pro- When appropriate corrections 3'" made for environ-
duction associated with deamination, urea forma- mental temperatures and atmospheric pressures. the
tion. and related reactions . However. carbohydrates amount of consumed is quantilat ively related
and lipids are also effe<:tive. and the changes associ- to the numbers of Calories released.
ated with the amino acids arc blunted by simulta- Whon a fuel is burned, the heat release<:! per gram
ncous presentation of sugars. is 1101 affected by the chemical pathway. (Each gram
Since fasting depresses. whereas feeding aug, of sugar converted to CO, + H,O releases 4 Calo-
ments cate<:holamine release (157), some of the SDE ries when the ",action occurs in vivo or in a calorim_
is allributed 10 stimulatory influence. exerted on eter.) However. the oxygen equivalent of a Calorie
adipose tissue (61) . Thyroid hormones do not bring varies with the respiratory quotient (ratio of CO,
about substantial acute increases in metabolic rale. produced to 0, consumed.) The following equation.
but they support the actions of catecholamincs in a demonstrate that the burning of pure glucose is as-
"""rmi<-,ive" (t L'I). The Sr>F. VMie.< widely sociated with a re<pi"tory quotient (RQ) or t.
from individual to individual. the burning of pure stearic acid with an RQ of close
Skelctal muscle contraction is associated with pro- to 0.7. The quotient rises above unity when sugar is
duction of largc amounts of heat. Exercise addition- madc into fa\. It is assumed that a previouslyade-
ally stimulates Ihe sympathetic nef\'OUS system. and quately nourished subject burns a mctabolic mixture
it demands increased activitics of the respiratory with an RQ of 0.82 in the postab!Orptive state.

C. H,,o, + 6 0 , - 6 CO, + 6 H, O + 4 Cal/g CO, :o , = 1.0

C " H"COO II + 260, - 18 CO, + 18 H,O + 9 Calls CO, :O, - 0.692

It has been determined that, under standard con- hypothyroidism and ones <>vcr + 20% as signs of hy_
ditions, 4.825 Cal are released per liter of oxygen perthyroidism. Howevcr, factors as cmotional
consumed when RQ .. 0.82. (The Caloric equiva- stress, anemia, cardiac decompcllSation, and some
lents for RQ .. I and RQ .. 0.7 are 5.047 and endocrine disorders unrelated to the thyroid gland
4.680, respectively [411.) can elevate the BMR, whereas malnutrition and
Asdomonstrated in Table 17,1, BMRs for many adrenocortical insufficiency lower it.
mammals are similar if the dala are corrected for
body surface arca (but no! for body weight). Since
Latent Periods Assoe lated with Thyroid
heat loss varics with body surface, and sinc<: adipose
Hormone Regulation
tissue metabolism differs from that of "lean body
mass," spuriously low values are obtained for obese When the thyroid glands are excised and no hor-
subjects when the data are expressed in terms of mones are administered, the BMR can remain at
body weight. Charts rel.ting height. weight, and presurgical le_els for two or more "'Ceks. The term
surface arCa are available for humans. absolute latent period designates the time inIO"'al.
It has been assumed that a healthy wOman 30-40 During the "relative latenl period" thaI follows, thc
years of age gives off around 36 Cal/hour per square BMR declines slowly and finally stabilizes at somc
meter of body surface. while a healthy man pro- 35%- 40% below the initial values (Fig. 17-4). The
duces closer to 39.5 Cal / h/m .l Deviations of slow rates of change are only partially allri butable
- 20% or greater have been ta ken as indications of to the long plasma half-lives of the hormone •.

Tab .. 17-1 MoI_ Rate M.... ·.......,ts Rec><>rted by Variouo .t.utnors ''''
Ma..-wnals ' - - - . . . Conditions
BOO)' C.Iorie< 1><' Color"'/ .. Cak>ri<.,m >

Sh ......
per day pcrday

M_ O.Olg-O.025 180-210 1W-! SO
Go;"". piS
0 .4$-0.\\

1.8_2. 3
". 65-10

M<>nkC)' J.O-J.J 6»-100

lI um"

I :roo-1700
25- 26

"" 1200-1800
"- n,
14-16 ".-

A single large dose of hormone very transiently in- some of its component pans. Skeletal muscle gen_
creases the metabolic rale. However,;1 Can take 6- erally 3CC(1unts for around 40% of body maSS of ac-
8 weeks of treatment to normalize the values in tively metabolizing tissue. and it is not Sur-
myxedematous patients. prlsmg that samples taken from animab
thyroideCtomized long before the lests show low
rales of oxygen consumption when studied in vitro.
T issues Involved In the Calorigenic
Liver, kidney, and hean weigh less. but they utilize
large amounts of oxygen. and these. 100. show re-
The oxygen consumption of the whole anima l nec- duced rales of uptake in vitro. Skin epidermis. pan-
essarily n:fleCIS the oxygen consumptions of al leaSI creas. salivary gland, and gaslric mucosa arc among
the additional body components thaI respond in (his
way. All but epidermis show supernormal rales of
oxygen utiliation when they are 1aken from
chronically overoosed with the thyroid hormones.
In contrast, adu lt brain, lung, thym us, spleen, der_
mis and male and female reproductive orgaru; are af,
rected by thyroid hormones but they do not show re-
lated changes in oxygen consumption. The
adellOhyJ)Ophysis its metabolic rate in thy-
roid hormone deficiency "ateS (7) (See Table 17-2).

Influences of Thyroid Hormones o n

Weeks 01 STudy
ThyroO:l More than 90% of Ql;ygen consumption can be di-
reclly linked with the functions of these organelles
aM'Iin iStc,e<l (71). The ea rliest studies oonducted on them were
fig, 17·4. J>r()\lOMd po.II1WAy' for /ormation ollh.,.,.,
performed before it was recognized that "free" thy.
h<>fmonemtllll>01ites. (ft) _ S"I; (b) - 51; (0) roid hormone levels in the blood arC low. that
(d) - 31; ( I ) _ f'.jH,: (t) _ NH,. +0; ( g) -00,: T, is oonverted to T) before it oombines with most
(h) + glucuronatl ; (I) +",,""1&. r.:.:epten, and that thyroid hormones bind to "lIOn-
physiological" sites when they are presented in redueed pyridine nuc\eotides) to mole.:ular oxygen is
grossly pnarmaooiogical concentrations. trapped for the synthesis of ATP rrom ADP + Pi.
The P:O ratio (numbers of ADP molecules phospho-
rylated for each 0 used) can auain a maximum
valuc of 3. The overall "coupling" of oxidation to
phosphorylation can be summarized as follows. (The
Under normal conditions. some of thc energy re- chemical bond energy released thaI does nO! go inlO
leased from the transfer of hydrogen (provided by A T P symh",i, is lost as heaL)




Very high ooncentralions of T. can "unoouple ox- rates of heat production, nutrient utilization. and
idative phosphorylation" when they are presented to body weight loss of severely hYl"'rthyroid patients.
liver mitochondria preparations. NADH oxidation. and possibly al", the skeletal muscle weakness.
oxygen consumption. and water formation continue.
Stud i•• ",ilh dinitroph.nol (DNP) w.r. cited in .up..
but some of the energy that would otherwise be di-
pOf!. DNP is widely used as a I.boratory '00)1. 'incc il
verted to ATP synthesis is dissipaled as heat. There' "unoouplcs" both in vi_o and in v;lro. h. t"", inc' .....
fore. the P:O ratio ralls. as the heat loss per mole of hea, production and metabolic ra,.(71).
0, consumed rises.
When the ftndings were first made. it was sug, H 2,4,Dinitrophenol (DNP)
gested that such "uncoupling" explains the high
° NO,
T.".. 17· 2 E.--, '" Th"""""",,,,,,," ond Thyro ....
lrlo<:IionS on Oxygen>trn I
Pcr Cenl e,",nle Pfodu«d by
Ti" ., Thy'oOlo<'''''Y Thy'O<''''
Di.p' ..
Soli •• ry «I."<l

The agent wa. admini'tered briefly f'" the Ire.tmOnt
of obesity. However. it was <00" found lhat DNP can .1,
eVate body temperature abo •• 106' F. damage th. liver
f'aoc",.. - ro ", and kidney •. and invoke cotaract formation.
-H ,
+ 132 We now recognize that tb. unooupling achieved
with T. has liule connection with thyroid hormone
-, .,., runctions (45.135). Grossly pharmacological 00""

S .. in
.., centrations are needed '0 achieve the effect. and sub-
stances chemically related to T. but unable to mimic
T .. ,i,
Somio,l "".,01, -,
-, 0 its biological actions (including the D i",mer of thc

-, -,
Pro,,"" H natural hormone) can be equally potent. Moreover.
U..,., -, T. does not unoouple when tested on Skeletal musele
lymph nod,

mitochondria .
Mitochondria taken from animals gTO$Sly o_er_
G.mic • ..,."h mo",,1<

Soor«o FK>II'I /b,ko, ... T...... 1.

0 ,
dosed with thyroid hormones retain the ability to
synthesize ATP. In fact, the hormones actually ac,
eelerale ADP uptake and ATP symhesis in vivo
without impairing the coupling (129). Alrno:st all of
the physiological actions are associated with prOtein
r ...... "h. f. - 'o!' " leu, on< """"h [>0", io
r'" t.y""'" "",. 0" "",",'''''' _ d.&y alt" t....,... h ""',,..., . . . synthesis (a process that would be blunted by ATP
,", 'Iy ;.i«t,,- of '_1 ....... of ,b,.,...; ... depletion). Even the catabolic effects or overdosage
• 1<,. ...1«1 011,h"" .... _ . 001 •• 1<.;,11" .p;d<,m;" _ do,"", depend on production of larger quantities or prote<>-
I""" ioj«l<d
,,,><, ,,'... h ,..,_ • ' ''''''' rOo. ____ , "'n<"
lytic enzymes (63).
"LOOSE COUPLING" the ions. Some cells additionally employ the enzyme
to aC<:OOlplish net transport of $Odium iom from one
Altllough mito<,:bQndria can rominue \0 engage in
fluid comparlmenl to aoother.
oxidative activities under ronditlons that preclude
The activil ies of the A T Pases arc linked in scvera l
ATP biolynlbesis. the fUllClions a rc usually
ways wilh <lJIygen consumplion. phosphor-
Laced r'l ightLy controlled ") by the availability or
ylalion. thermogenesis. and the funclions of scvera l
ADP. conc:cnll'luioll$ or T. (Iow<:r
mitochondrial enzymes thaI are not components of
than the ann 11K<! 10 "uowupk") ma.y brina about
the electron lransport chain. M ilochondrial synt l!c-
"Iooseni"," of the conllob. Then. lhe rales of sub-
sis of ATP is coupled 10 the transfer of protons and
strale ulili7.lllion 'e«kratt. bul lhe a bility 10 make
elCCtrons 10 molecular <lJI)'gen, a nd heal is liberaled
ATP is The whercb)' this is
during both ATP synlhesis aM ATP lIyd'oI)'Sil.
l«Omplished. and the physioloa;inl relevance: of lhe
delivel)' of ATP can be rale-limiting for todium
findings. have been holly debated.
transport. and the ADP rO' lhed by Ihe pump 00II-
"«Ordinalo observeI'$, the bioloaical effectS
lributts 10 the regulation of the phosph<lr.
or thyroid t..." ,IVnc:s in<:l udo: I very rapid. lra",,;'n!
ylalion. When protons and elect rons a re obtained
stimulation of OJtYSC" QOtI$U.mption thai can be
tinked. wilh Ihe "loosening" in hepalOCYIts. Much
rrom cytosolic substrates, the quamities of mito-
chondrial no-glyccrDfihosphatc (no-
later, very different mechanisms account for the sus-
G PO) can affect the Talts of ATP production.
Uline<! increases in mygcn oo'1!u mption by skeletal
mU$CIe ... ..-ell u liver (71). Cytosolic NADH does not eros< tlte m'l""bond".1
membra ....... bul ,I can uoed 10 reduce ,Iyccrophol·
phate in a , •• etion by a cy'opl:l$mic ,,-<;jDP:
Glycorophospha,. + NADH + H ' -
Mitochondria undergo regularly recurring variations Dib},dro,pCC10...... + NAD '
in water contem. Ph armacological o;(lncenlratlons of
T. pmmote mitochondrial swelling tht is aSS<lC iatod Afte, en'o"n, tho m,t""Iiond,ion, the dihydro,yaco.
with ehanllts in oxidative phosphoryla tion, ae<:cler- ,one'phospho,. i. oxidi""d by mi1<xhOlldri.l""OPD:
ated "leakage" of pyridine nucleotides and proteins
DihydroxyacelOnC'phosphate + "AD -
from the organelles, and reductions of the
Glycoroploosph a'. + FADIl ,
NA DH :NAD' raliOS, '::x<lI!cI\<)u$ NAD ' and cyto-
chr<l111e C are to n<)rmali7.c the respiration (71). TIM: hydroten :I$<Oeialed ,"'ilh Ihe "ov"l', cnle"
Hyperthyroidi sm is rep<)rtcd to decrease milo- Ihe electron IranspOrt chain. and the ,Iycoropbosphale
chondrial l:()IICentratlons <If NAO" NAOH, returns to th. There/OTe, the",.rc conditions
NA DP·. and NADPH, 10 decrease the ratios <If rc- uock. which induction of mitochondrial ""(;PD til" be
duccd:<lJIidiud f<)fm! of Ihe pyridine nucleoridC$, \0 linked ",;th accelerated ATP ' _not sodium
tighten the binding belwcen redU«d pyridir>e nu_
elc:olidC$ and dehydrogenase enzymes. and 10 in- Ou.abain inhibits lhe plasma mo;:mbotno: No '/ K ' "
crease hepalic ftavukinasc aClivity, Ni<Xllinamide A TPascs, bUI il has little or fI<) influence on many
fteding aon elevate Ihe hepal ic NAO·. other enzyme SyslemS (1 2"). It has been used 10 . .
il is doubted Ih,u T.';nduccd mito- scss the incremo;:nts in <lJIYJC"n c;onsumption directly
chondrial swcllin, upla;'" lhe h<lrmone actions. attribulable to sodium traQ:SP}l1 when celli are Slim·
Pharma<:Olot!;,;;,1oonCCntratiOlll are required. and fI<) ulated with TJo calccholami..... and other agents.
positive c;orrcllti<)ns Ire f(lllnd when effecls of T. an- According to some .... plasma membrane-
alogs on s".. lIin& are compared wilh lhe lbilities to associaled ATPucs account for vel)' substanlial
mimic T , biologieol Ictions. Inorganic iodide op- fractions of the '"basaI heal production. and calor·

posc1 some effects of thyroid h<lrmones, bUI il pro- igenic responses 10 Ihyroid hormones Ire mediated
mot.,. mitochondrial swelling, M<lrC<M:r, T, antA,- primarily induction of nc .... sodium pumps (124).
oni7.<:S lhe inHl>C11CCS of DNP on lhe wlter uptake, T ile ();)nclus.ions lire based lar&ely on Sludies of lis-
and thcre are coodilions under which the hormone sues laken from adult hypothyroid and eUlhyroid
brings about milochondrial coolraclion ( I JJ). adult Tats. but measurements have also been ffillde
00 cultured hepatocylts and on perfuscd livers. II i,
rcp<)rtcd that OIIabain-scnsit;'.. respil"1lt,on
for much of the increased 0 , production by livcr,
Plasma membranc-associaled Na '/ K '-ATPascs skeletal muscle. and kidney Ihat follOWll ,,·ho1.,
are used locxtrude N a', facililate K ' uplake. mal pretreatment wilh Ihyroid and Ihat
thereby maintain oplimal cytosolic concentrations of Ihere is an associated increase in skeletal mu sele
Na+j l< +-ATPase activity when !lQ ouabain is ad- hormones (e.g. liver. kidncy. myocardium. and skel·
ministered. Increments in ouabain ..... ",itive me tab- etal muscle). but not for on<:s that fail to display the
olism have add itionally be<: n found for jejunal epi- changes in oxygen consumption (adult brain. spleen,
thelium . but not for brain tissue. or testis) (130). It has also been reported that phys-
In newborn animals of ma ny mammalian spc<:ies, iological concentrations of T, rapi dly aceelerate 0'_
cold eXp05ure accelerates oxygcn use. thermogene- idative phosphorylation by mitochoodrial vesicles
sis. and the Na ' II< ' -ATPase activity of brown adi- obtained from hypothyroid rats (I 29). However, the
pose tissue (BAT). The responses are attributed to concept that the mitochondrial components thai
sympathetic nervous system stimulation and the re- bind thyroid hormones are true receplOrs involved in
lease of .atecholamines. and cxogenous oorepincph- the mediation of biological responses has been qu ....
rin<: (NE) can directly increase the oxygen con· tioncd (116).
sumption. Involvement of thyroid hormones is
suggested by observations that deficiencies blunt or
abolish, and T) administration restores, the sensitiv.
ities to both cold and NE in young rats. When thyroid hormones invoke slowly developing.
The coneepttha t the calorigcnic actions of thyroid sustained elevation of basal metabolic rates. they si.
honnones arc di rectly linked with ATPase induction multaneously increase the mitochondrial conccotra-
is not universally ae<:epled (129). Many investip- tio", of enzymes and cofactOr!; involved in oxidalive
tors believe that the plasma membrane ATPases ac- phosphoryla tion (114). Some of the effects arc at·
count for only a small fraction of cellular oxygen tributed to induction of new mRNAs that direct the
consumption and heat production. Some of the mea- assembly of proteins on cytoplasmic ribosomes. It
Surements cited above were made on tissuc slices, has been proposed that the hormones additionally
and it hs been suggested that sodium leakage into promote the release of a mitochondrial "translation
injured cells located along the cut end, artifactually acceleration factor" that travels to and acts on the
augmented AT Pase acti vity. It has also been ob- ribosomes (126). Actinomycin D and puromycin
scrved tha I thyroid hormones Can rapidly change rn<)Oit of the delayed calorigenesis.
ATPase activity in kidney via mechanisms that are A problem with puromycin studies is that the an-
not affected by protcin synthesis inhibitor.;. tibiotic aCtS centrally to invoke hypothcrmia. Its ef·
There arC conditions under which Ihyroid hor- fecls arc blunted when the body temperatures arc
increase oxygen consumption without mark· maintained within the normal rangc (129). The fmd-
ed ly affecting Na ' IK +·ATPase activity. and others ings may be related to observations made on eeto-
in which ATPase-linked incrcases in usc arc therms. T hyroid hormones elcvate the mctabolic
unaffe<:ted by thyroid hormone injections. In new- rates of those animals when the environmental tem-
born rabbits. T) pretreatment markedly augments peratures are very high. but not when more ordinary
"basal" oxygen consumption and ....oPD activity of conditions are provided.
BAT. but ouabain does not affect Ihe oxygen con_ Thyroid hormones may additionally accelerale
sumption in either control Or T)-exposed lissues. NE mjlochondrial DNA and protein synthesis (134).
accelerates the oxygen consumplion in BAT from Long-range effects on cell maturation in homce-
both control and T)·treated rabbits. and Ibe changes therms. and on amphibian metamorphosis. evidently
arc markedly diminished by ouabain. However, T, require the formation of wholc new populatio!15 of
does not alter the responses to either NE alone or cell organ<:lIes. The mi tochond ria Ihat appear after
NE presented in combination with ouabain. More- several days of trealment are larger and more nu-
over, although T , accelerates Na - / K --ATPase ac- merou. Ihan Iheir predec"",sors, the endoplasmic re-
tivity in th. livers of neonatal rabbits. il doe.. not in_ liculum is more elaborate. and the polysomes more
crease the oxygen consumplion in those organs (SI). efliciently support amino acid chain assembly (136) .
The influences of thyroid hormones On non.hiver· II should be pointed out, however, that some of thc
ing thermogcnesis invoked by eXp05ure to cold cnvi- changes in mitochondrial components arc CO<l'C-
ronments have been attributed to effects exerted on qilM{"(>,< rather than mediators of the increases in
the rC';ponsivencss to beta adrenergic stimulation ygcn consumption. The ubiquinone conlent rises fol.
(53). Thyroid hormones may additionally play "pcr- lowing lhe administration of DNP (which docs nol
missive"' rol"", that are essential for normal function stimulate protein synthesis).
of the Na ' / K+-ATPascs.
Although T, probably interacts dircctly with other
Specific. high·affinity receptors for T, have been de- cell components (129). there is universal agreement
scribed for the inner mitochondrial membranes of that high-amnity. low-<:apa.cily receptors within the
cell types implicated in thc calorigenic actiOn! of thc nuclei mediate most of the hormone actions.

Charac teristics of the Nuc lear Recepto rs eeplOTS has been demonstrated for amphibian
(55A. 93A).
PrOleins with molecular weights of 50,000-60,000 Apparently. the functioning molecules (holoreccp.
have ocen identified in liver, kidney, heart, lung, pi, tors) comprise (a) rore subunits Ihat directly bind
tuitary gland, brain, circulating leukocytes, and the iooothyronines, and (b) regulatory components
other The properties are similar (and pos. (probably his tones) that modify the binding affinitics
sibly identical) in all of the tissues. The numbers of lhe corc subunit',
of protein molecule. are reduced in SOme (86) (but The core protein, a", asscmbled in the cytoplasm,
I'IOt all 123]) patients .howing target organ insensi· and they may aCt there to concentrate T. for subse·
tivity. No mch substances have ocen found in inver· quent tra nslocation to the nuclei. When present
tebrate cells that are to thyroid hor. without the regulatory component', they bind T.
mOne •. more tightly than T" and they display other ",.em·
When presented in 10- " M concentrations. T, is blances to TB PA. Unbound COre proteins enter the
avidly taken up by Ihe molecules. T •• some other nudeus even when no hormone is present. They sui>-
lhyronines, and several T, analogs attach with I=r sequcntly cntcr into the formalion of holoenzymes
amnities. The lightness of binding and the biological that have much higher affinilies for T" (T. is biolog-
potcncic. are closely correlated in vitro. When fae. ically active only when presented in very high COn-
10rs such as the associations with plasma proteins cenITations [1 OJ J.]
and the degradation rates are considered. there are The regulatory COTnJXIncnts are separately lrans·
also high in vivo correlations. Certain analogs that located. They arc implicated in directing the holo-
lack halogen interact with the receptors. 3.5- protein-hormone complnes to the appropriate DNA
Dimethyl·3'·isopropy)·lhyronine is one of the most segment'.
potent and 3. 5-dii()\lo.3'·isopropyl-thyronine is bio- Cal> and Mg l - may play roles in maintaining the
)ogical1y more active than T,) (54A), colIC<'ntralions of hormone·frec receplors within the
When rcsJXInses of a single cell Iype arc examine<!. nucleoplasm (111). They augment holoreceptor·
the sensilivity 10 lhe hormone is direclly relaled 10 chromatin binding, but they decrease holoreccptor·
the numbers of nuclear .ite. for T,. and the
magnitude of thc ""ponse varies wilh the numbers
of T. molecules bound. These and other ob$crvation.
ar. consistent with the concept that the nuclear pnr Transport of Thyroid Hormone s to Nue lear
teins arc true hormone receptors (45.103). T) also Aec eptor Sites
altaches to the nuclear membra ne whcn the COncen- T. and T) rapidly enter cell •• traverse the cyto-
trations are high. However. Ihis association is re- plasmic compartment. and penetrate the nucleus.
garded as nonspecific and unrelated to hormone: ae. Phannacologieal agents that impair the functions of
tions (86). microfilaments or Iysosomes, or interfere with enoo.
Evidently, the nuclear receptors are acidic (non· cytosis. relard uptake across the plasma membrane
histone) protein$ implicated in the regulation of gene but do not affecl translocation of internali7.<:d hor·
transcription (10,45,I02). They a", made by eut hy_ mOIl<' 10 the nuclear compartment (67). The plasma
roid. hyperthyroid, and thyroid hormono-deprived membrane is one of the cell ,ite. inVQlved in COIlver_
• ubjects. It has been stated that . the numbers are I'IOt sion ofT. to T) .
closely regulated by hormonal statU.<. However, The binding of thyroid hormones to cytosolic pro-
some effects of thyroidectomy, hypophysectomy, and lei"" does nOt accelerate tran.location to the
glucagon and insulin deficiency have been found (86). (In fact, T) binds more rapidly to c hromatin
(3S). Morever. T, induction of thyroid hormone re- when it is presented to isolated nuclei than to intaci

Dimelhylisopropyl1 hyron ine

cells.) Holorcceptor attachment is brief under phys-- se"e the needs of the organism as a wholc. Toxic
iological oonditions. a nd labeled T , easily «,places d<Ji!.ages disrupt the balances. In some cases. they
unlabeled hormone. (In One study, 50'% of the la- augment the activities of protoolytic enzymcs that
beled T ) returned to the cytoplasm within 15 min- CQIInteract the usual anabolic elTects (4). They de·
utes 11021.) The released T) may be either re<:ycled plete skeletal muscle and hepatic protei"" (63), and
or extruded across the plasma membrane. Some cdl Iltey aceelerate Cholesterol degradation in the liver.
types deiodinate (and thereby inactivate) T,. but Physiological concentrations of T) facilitate glyco-
many do not . gen storagc in brain and myocardium, whereas toxic
levels invokc depiction.
liver cells can resist changes when the hormone
RelationS hips Between Nuclear Rec eptor
levels rise somewhat above the physiological range.
Occupancy and Biological Res ponsa
They thcn show very limitcd increases in the I'dtes of
In euthyroid subjects. most ta rget cells have some ,,-GPD and malic en'yme synthesis. Howcver.
10%-15% of the total T) altached to nuclear recep- grossly pharmacological concentrations overpower
tOr sites. However. only around 3% of tcsticular cell the control mechanisms, and "amplification" of Ihe
T) is found in thc nucleus. whe«'as the value can ex· effcct, occurs when critical level, are at·
cced 50% in adcnohypophysial somatotropes. tained (103). In contrast. somatotropes di'play al·
The numbers of total and occupicd nuclear recep- most linear «,sponses (116). They ma ke excced ingly
tors vary widely. A typical neuron nucleus contains large quant ities of GH as nuclear receptor occu-
half as many receptors a$ a kidney or liver ccll nu· pancyapproaches 100%.
cleus, a nd a tcsticular cell only around 1/25 that
amount. The percentage occupancies have been rCo-
DeYelopmental Changes In Racaptor
poned as 35. 39. 44. 47, 50. and 90% for kidney,
brain. hean. liver, and testis. «'spectively (103). Numbers
No evidence has been obtained for the existence Thyroid hormoncs a«, essential for supporting the
of "sparc" receptors or for "down regulation" of re- maturation of brain. lung, heart, and intestine dur_
ceptor numbers. Chronic elevation of the plasma ing late fetal and early post natal life. of skeletal
hormone levels leads to increased receptor occu· structUI"C$ mOSt obviously during juvenile stages, and
pancy and exaggerated responses to the hormone . of reproductive structul"C$ afterward.
There are cell types in which close to 100% occu- In thc lungs. T, contributes to the regulation of
pancy can be achieved. Chronic, severe hypothyroid- fally acid synthesis and the production of surfactant.
ism drastically lowers the pereentages. The receptor numbers are highest when the felU' is
Certain cell types have mechanisms for "defend- preparing for air breathing, and they fall after birth .
ing" their T J level, (87). When brain i$ presented In liver. maturation is associated with a steady in·
with too much T•. it convens most of it \0 rT J. When crease in receptor numbers.
plasma T. is low. conversion to T J is accelerated. The fetal and neonatal brains have more T, receptors
protection is. however. limited . Ultimately, T, dep- than thc adult organs. and the qua litatiye «,'ponses
rivation or excess impairs the functions. In pituitary \0 tlte hormonc change with age. There is an early
soma totropes. hypothyroidism has liltle inHuence on stage during which effects on oxygen consumption
the «,ceptor numbers, but toxic doses of TJ slow re- can be demonstrated . Many of the influences on the
ceptor replenishment (86). The somatotropes seem brain muSt be exerted during time-limited "critical"
to have two pools of receptors that differ from each pericxls. and the hormones must also tlten be prcsent
other in locali7.ation and turnover rates but not in in the right concentrations. Thyroid-deprived human
chemical makeup. T, Can lower the numbeT$ byap- fetuses and infants suffer impairment of brain mal-
proximately 50% by acting on the OneS with rapid ura tion that is unresponsive to hormones adminis-
(2\ hour) turnover rates (1 16). tered later.
Some forms of malnutrition slow T. entry into thc Under ph)lSiological condition', T, panicipatcs in
cytoplasm, and they thereby red uce nuclear occu· regulation of ce«,bellar neuron proliferation, synap-
pancy (100). The adjustmentS can contribute to the tagenesis. and the accumulation of muscarinic re-
conservation of nutrients. ceptors (13). It elevates the nerve growth factor and
levels and lowers substance P concentrations
(43) . It also affo:cts catecholamine metabolism and
Consaquaneas 01 ExeaSSlye Oceupaney 01
may be involved in determination of the numbers of
Nuetear Raeeplors «,coptors for the amines. Influences on the "SC t-
Under normal oonditions. thyroid hormones e'crt points" for pituitary-thyroid feedback have also been
greate r inAuences on some en>.ymes than on others. described (107). Excessi" T , during the critical
They thereby accomplish metabolic balances that stages invokes special kinds of defccts. Although de-
YclQpmen\ can be precocious. learning ability is a nd more numerous mitochond ria. whole new p0p-
impaired. ulations of ribosomes and other organelles, along
with marked changes in the structures and comp<>-
sitions of intracellular membranes (I 36).
Mechanisms of Action 01 T. within the
Actions Outslds the Nucleus
Information in this arca is limited, in part because
the respollSe$ vary wilh the cclllYpe and there are Most observers belie .. that at least .orne of the ae-
interactions with other regulators. It is proposed by tions are extranuclear (129). The possible e xistence
some Iha1 T) binds \0 very restricted transcription- of mitochond rial recepton was earlier. High
ally active siles (79), whereas others suggest wide concentrations of the hormones accelerate glucose
distributions of chromatin aoccplors (86). and a mino acid uptake by certain cell types. and
T) seems to be absolutely essential for induction they rapidly augment plasma membrane Na+ / K '-
of growth hormone mRNA. It excrts d-.rc1ated ATPase activity. Accelerated passive K ' efflux (A-
inftuen= OIl G H production without bringing about 3) may indirectly invoke enzyme induction.
generalized increases in pfO!ein synthesis. It also aC- T, can rapidly activate Ca"-ATPases. and the
celerates GH rclea.e and affects target C<'II responses targcts include fully differentiated (nonnucleated)
to Ihe hormone (45). T J additiona ll y suppresses pro-- erythrocytC$ (37). Both membrane and cytosolic
loain synthesis in cells that make both hormones proteins bind T). and the hormone may eXert some
(116). and it regu latcs hepatocyte upta ke of pro lac- influences on mmslation. However, binding to he-
lin (44). moglobin can s.crve the purpose of removing exces-
The dose-response Curves for induction of GH sive amounts of T 1 from the blood (156).
mRNA paralellthose for acceleration of glucose and The direCt incorporation of thyroid hormones into
nucleoside upta ke and glucose oxidation. They are proteins (40) may have funetional significance. In
affected by glucocorticoids. The steroids cannot act the brain. cytosolic proteins that bind T) differ from
alone to promote GH biosynthesis, but they amplify ones fou nd in other edl types. The regional distri-
the effect. of T," et"cocorlimirl< butions of the proteins. and the developmental
nizc GH actions on target ce lls, and they decrease changes in the levels. suggest potential roles in me-
thyroid hormone secretion. diation of some specia l functions (58). Neurotrans-
GH levels rise within I hr and pea k after several mitter or neuromodulator roles for thyroid hormones
hrs. Liver enzyme induction follows longorlatent pe- have also been considered (39).
riods. but T) affects some mR NA precursors 10 min
afler it is presemed (A-S). Liver eellsar<: &aid to "re-
member' that they have been previously exposed to
T,. They cannot make the enzymes when protein
symhesis inhibitors are administered along with the Thyrotropin (thyroid stimulaling hormone. TS H)
T). but the clfects of the thyroid hormone are man- stimulates growth of the follicular cells and it ac.:eI-
ifested if the inhibitors ar<: subsequen tly removed erates both synthesis and release of the thyroid
(103). It is likely, therefore. that the treated cells hormones.
contain long-lived mRNAs. [t is probably needed during fetal life 10 assure
In some cell types. thyroid hormones augment the that the thyroid glands attain optimum si?.e and s.c-
activities of RNA polymerase! I and II (75, I03) . aCt crete sufficient hormone 10 support maturation of the
on phosphokinases to increase nuclear prOiei n phos- lungs and other structures (45) . It can be detected
phoryialiOll$, a nd accelerate the use of orotic acid for in the blood by 10 weeks pOStconception in humans.
RNA synthesis. The possibility that T) lifts inhibi- but the levels do not rise sharply until weeks 18-22.
tions OVer gene transcription otherwise by Thyroid gland are reported 10 increase from
unoccu pied recep tors has been both considered and 251 mg during days 145-165 to 1430 mg at term
questioned (116). (51). Amniotic fluid TSH leyds do not show such
Some rapidly developing responses have bee n time-related variation. Concentrations of O.15-1.1
linked with innuences on Ihe processing of pre· I' M/m! and 0.15..{).S5 pM/ml have been found 3l
formed nucleic acids-possibly via production of 16-19 weeks and during the 3rd trimester. respC<:-
sP«' ial forn-u; of R N A that serve as regulators within tively (82). hCG has been said to exert some TSH-
the (60). Responses with the latent like activity. but the phenol used for its extraction
periods are associated with the appearaoce of la rger may account for Ihe effects ( IA).
Sec retory P atte rn s In Ad ults Physlolog le el Actions
Normal pituitary glands release some 100-165 mU In untreated, hypoph)1'eetomizcrl animals. the follic-
daily. The pattern is pulsatile. and diurnal variations ular bewme flattened. and the apical surfaces
permit the blOCld concentrations to range from 20 to are smooth. The lumina are distended "'ith colloid
300 mUjdl. The levels peak during th.late evening tbat contains tbyroglobulin of bigb molecular weight
(127). and a "no<;:turnal surge" can precede slcep and iodine coment. Within 5 minutes after TSH is
onset. The lowes1 values are found during daylight injecled. the apical membranes eXlOnd microvilli and
hours. but they can rise if naps are taken . Some au- pseudopodia toward the lumen. Within 10 minutes.
thors reporl lTIQre pronounced rhythms for men than the follicular cell cytoplasm fills with colloid droplets
for women, while others find 4-6 A.M. peaks only in and phagolysosomes form. as plasma T. begins to
women (111). Estrogens increase the numbers of rise. The and durations of Ihe responses
TRH receptors. and this may acrou nt for the larger arc dose related (138). Intense and prolonged stim-
quantities released during periovulatory than during ulation raises t!te T): T. ratio of the emuent. This is
luteal phases of tbe menstrual cyde ( 149). Rats atlributed to uptake and proteolysis of newly formed
(which are nocturnal) have their highest concentra- thyroglobulin that is low in iodine content.
tions during daylight hours. No diurnal variations or TSH also augments incorporation of iodine into
sle<: p-associated elevations have ocen found in rhesus proteins, oxygen consumplion. and NADPH oxida-
monkeys (59). The plasma half-lifc is around 54 tion. probably via activation of the peroxidase. Blood
minutes. T. rhythms do not follow those of TSH. How to the gland improves, and usually this is ac-
Humans usually show nocturnal T. declines (117). companied by accelerated glucose uptake and use
and monkeys have similar patterns (59) . via glycolytic and hexose monophosphate pathways.
However. alternate fuels can be used. (Glucose--de-
Che mis try end Biosynthesis prived cells with minimal glycogen storage respond
\0 TSH.)
The subunit structure and thc biosynthetic pathways Nuclear volume increases after 2 hours. and SOme
are similar to the ones described for FSH and LH new mRNAs arc made. The first new proteins are
(Chap. 14). The mosl commonly fou nd TSHs have enl.ymes used for hormone biosynthesis. Total cel-
molecular weights of 28.000-30.000 and they con- lular RNA not rise substantially until after one
tain 7%-8% carbohydate. "Big TSI U' tht wdgh day. and rapid incorporation of am;,1Q acids into thy-
up to 200.000 have also been identified in normal in- roglobulin can then be demonstrated. TSH seems to
dividuals. and some are biologically active (36). affect the chemical oomposition of the thyroglobulin
They may be aggregates of hormones or their sub- a5 well as the quantity produced (66). It also pref-
units. or TSHs with other molecules. Mi- erentially induces the RNA in volved in thyroglobu-
are attributed to .ariations in car_ lin (118).
bohydrate content." and (J subunit precursors with later. ornithine decarboxylase acti.ity increases
weights of 14.000 and 17.000. respectively. have (109), and the cells grow and accumulate nomhy_
been obtained in studies utilizing mRNA. derived roglobulin proteins. Some augmentation of
from mouse tUlTlQrs (25) . dine incorporation into DNA can be detectcrl at 24
There are species differences in the amino acid hours. but rapid DNA symhesis and entry of the
makeups. However." subunits oonsistcntly comain cells into mitosis require two days of stimulation.
five disulfide bonds a nd the (J subunits six. Prepara- As dis.:uSI;e<! earliu. hormones that promote cell
tions from one animal type are biologically active in specialization do I10t ael directly as mitotic stimu-
another, but native hormones can show differences lants. Pituitary preparations rich in TSH probably
in potencies a nd clicit responses t!tat have different contain growth factor "contaminants:' TSH may
time courses (149). also induce substances that accelerate endQlhelial
The rate at which Ihe (J oomponcnt is made is cell DNA synthesis and the formation of new capil-
probably rate limiting. a nd sepa rate controls may be laries ( 146 ).
exerted o_"(:r not only production of each of tile sub-
units but also their combination. Under I10rmal con-
ditions. both the gland and the pituitary venous ef-
Huent contain some frc<: alpha (but 110 free (J ). Thyroid gland cells have low-affinity TSH binding
Severe hypothy roidism can be associated with up to sites believed to concentrate the hormone in the vi-
51).fold increases in total plasma TSH, and doubling cinity of smaller numbers of high-affinity receptors.
of the free alpha levels. The appearance of small Binding to the high-affini(y receptors is rapidly fol-
amounts of free \lela (149) is attributed to produc- lowed by dose-related activation of cyclase
tion of a TSH with low biological activity (49A). and an increase in cAMP-<lependent protein kinase

function (55). Exogenous cAMP and its analogs TSH aClions without interfering with cAMP gener·
mimic several actions of TSH. and phosphodiester- ation (95). The effects can be exaggerated wilh fl·
ase inhibitors enhance the effectiveness of both the receptor antagonists. There arc other species in
hormone and lhe nuclcotidcs. Epinephrine and tI-ad- which ,,·adrenergic agonisls decrease cAMP pro-
renergic agonists 1ha\ promote cAMP gcncMion duction (119). In calf and mouse thyroids. they an·
also increase thyroid hormone :;ccrelion. All of the tagonize TSH-slimulaled secretion of T. but acoxl·
preceding observatioru; are consiSlen! with Ihc con· crate organification of Ihe iodine (90).
cepl lhat cAMP serves a. a second messenger.
TS H doe. nolseem todi ... ctly affect eithercGMP for-
TSH PrQhably accelerate, the interaction of the regu_ mat;on or the fUnClKUl$ of cGMP-deperKIent protein ki·
1.lOry prole;n of lh. adenyl.te cyclO$c system wi1h GTP. However, il may int.",ct with .celylcheli". and
However (although such effect. II ••,. betn described f<)r Dlher regul>!o .. Ibat affect the ,ua nyl .. e cyctue. Guan·
other cell types). GTP doe. not oeem 10 ;nHuence the ooine is laid to acl on a cAM P·i"dependent protein kin • ..,
binding of TSH to its ,e""ptc ... (115). 10 antagonize the effeclS of TSH on ornitbin< decarbox·
Membra"" gangliOSide, lIa .. been implkated in lh. ylasc (55).
hormone-receptor binding,ms. According 10 one
concept OM, is a compo""nl of the receptor, wile ....
other ganglioside< inl.rf.... with hormone-receptor int.r· TSH REGULATION OF IODINE UPTAKE
action$ A mod.1 hu been pre$.n ted in whi.h the (J
W hen TSH is first presented to thyroid glands prt:)-
subunit <>I" th. TSII allach .. directly to a gly<:<>protein
viously deprived of the hormone, T , sceretion accc!·
C<lmponent of the receptor. The ganglioside then bring.
about C<lnf",mational cha!lj!e. in the", subunit. after crates, small amounts of MIT and DIT leak from
which the" component penet ,.... Ihe plasm. membrane Ihe cells. and Ihe plasma membrane danges facili·
to >clivatethe ad.nyl". cydasc. It has been pointed OIIt. tate Ot.Ilward diffus;on of iodide ions. Therefore, hoth
ho ..... er, that .11 .vid.nce for 0 M, in.olvemont has bee" the organic and inorganic iodine content fall.
obtained uockr """phy,iolog;.;.1 condition •. In rat thy. Physiologically impOrtanl aeceleralion of iodide
roid celb, neuraminidase, al1.r structure of the OM,. uplake and accumulation requireS 2 or more hours
yet lhey inc ... ase the cAMP ""pon« 1o TSH. Mor.ovcr. Qf stimulaliQn, and maximal T:S ralios a ... allained
the interact with lo,...,.ffinity .itO$. T hey at around 30 hou ... Chang.. detected during the la·
do not .cem to alfe<t cAMP ilene ration or cell sc"";ti,,- tenl period include accelerated inoorjlO .. tion of la·
tion in wheJe.ce1l preparation, (12).
beled phosphate into phospholipids and RNAs. and
TSH probably acts at ,,<,v.rallnei. Low C<lncc:nlra· increases in Na ·/ K· ·A TPase content. One of the
tions can accderate T. secretion wilhoul aff«:ting new phospholipids may be a lecithin iodide carrier.
organificalion of iodine. There ar<: indicalion, Ihal
cAMP accumula tes in distinct "pools,'· each in·
volved in m.dialion of specific responses. The glands
also contain cAMP·independent protcin kinases Ihal Chronically high TSH levels eventually bring about
arc activated by TSH. down regulation of the TS H receptors. Substantial
Stimulated cdls make prostaglandins. and those reductions in binding capacity (but not affinity) are
of the E type are implicated in both augmentation of apparent at 24 hours. The sensitivily 10 TSH stirn·
cAMP produclion and acceleration of blood How to ulation can d«:linc before this happens. probably be-
Ihe gland. Pes may additionally aClivate ornithine cause of effects relaled 10 rec<:plor occupancy (148).
(109). However. TSH can still stirn·
ulale in the presence of indomethacin. (Salkylates
decrease responses 10 TSH (149) . butlhey may Acti.",ion of the .d.nylat. C)"cla.., is :wooi.tcd with
act via mechanisms olher than inlerference with PG clustering of the surface receptors. Very early changes
cannot be detecled by el.ctron microscopy. but ··patche,··
that are e.,ily visualized develop wilh time. High ""neen-
Thyroid function is often poor in palie.IS wilh unC<ln- t ... tions of cA MP are proposed 10 .xert a form of ··neg.
trolled diabeles mellitus. In insulin-defici.nt mice. hor· Iti.e feedback C<lntrol·· that lowe ..;.i1y to TSH
mone secrelion il impaired de,pile Ihe gencra1ion of large involves some inftu.nce< on the clust.ring (21. Inter·
.mounIS <>I" cAMP. The defecl con be C<lrre<:t.d witb in· n.lilation of the hotmone·receptor clusters undoub1edly
suli n (3). contribute. to thc down rcgulation. II may «rYe olher
function •. since TSl-! binds with bigh affinity to cytO-
T he thyroid glands of humans, micc. and some plasmic components. TSII facHiI.tes ADP·ribosyla1ion
other speci es arc richly supplied with adrenergic fi· of scveral pla.m. memb ... ne components, and the hor·
bers and they rossess at =epwrs. In these. norepi· roone itself beC<lmes ribosyl.ted. Th • .., rClclion. m.y be
nephrine and other "'t agonists can anlagonize some retated to ··de..,n,itilation·' (t 43).
THYROTROPIN RELEASING HORMONE pathway of this kind has been C!ltablishoo for gluta-
thionc and a few other small molecules. It been
Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH. thyroliberin)
reported that labeled glutamine and glutamic acid
needed to maimain the Structures and secretory
are incorporated into TRH at rates that parallclthe
function. of the thyrotropes. Antibodies directed
TRH synthesis. and that neither cyclohexim ide r.or
against the hypothalamic hormone reduce basal
puromycin retards the reactions (108). Labeled pro-
TSH secretion. and they impair the responses to oold
line is also said to be incorporated into TRH in the
environments and other stimuli (149). Exogenous
presence of either cycloheximide or chlorampheni-
TRH can tlieit prompt rclease of TSH when testcd
col, but this process can be blocked with ribonucle.-
in vivo or in vitro. However, there are only 10000e re.-
ase A. One intcrp«'tation is that an aminoocyl·
lationships between TRtI and TSH levels in intact
tRNA p«'cursor is utilized but ribosomes are not re·
MOOit thyrotrope regulators affect the .cn-
quire<! (93), Different invC!lligators find that proline
sitivitiC!l of thc cells to TRH (rather than the TRH
is into TRH but the other two amino acids arc
conC(:n trations.).
not (9).
Studies have been conducted on cell-free systems
ONTOGENY containing bacitracin or peptides Ihal prevent rapid
TRH degradation. In these, labeled proline was in-
TRH is present in developing human brain at 4)1 corporated into a variety of small molecules, SOme of
weeks postconception. The hypothalamo>-hypophy. which comigrated with TRH On chromatographic
sial portal system does not bc<:ome functional until columns , Certain of thc findings are regarded as con·
after 11 week!; . but it has been suggested that TRH sistent with the belief thaI TRH ;5 cleaved from a
exerts "paracrine" control in very young larger pre<::ursor. However. it has been pointed out
fetuses. Ihat hypothalamic tissue contains at least 11 differ_
TRH concentrations rise rapidly during week!; em peptides that include the TRH ,equence. More.
16-20, a nd TRH·like activity is present in the am· over. the fact that TRH Can be released from them
niotie nuid (62). It should be pointed out. however. does not prove that the pcptides are physiological
that the TRI'I may perform functions other than TRH precursors (93) ,
stimulation of the tnyrotropes. It can, for example.
promote prolactin secretion.
In rats, the portal blood vessels complete their de· SECRETORY PATTERNS
velopment after birth . The thyrotrope$ of In common with other hypothalamic regulators.
and «,lease TSH, bear TRII r«,eptors. TRH is released in pulsatile fashion. and the most
and respond to the negative feedbadc inAuenees of recently synthesized molecules are preferentially se-
thyroid hormones. At this stage. they do not «,quire creted (93). Neurotransmitters and other regu la tors
hypothalamic stimulation to maintain their func· affect Ihe liming and magnitudes of release.
tions. but they are exquisitely sensitive to exogenous In heallhy human adults. the plasma COnCentra·
TRH (131). tions rangc from 0.5 to 20 ng/dl. Some of the cir·
eulating hormone comes from extra-hypothala mic
site •. TR H i. present in extra·hypothalamic brain.
Chemistry. Biosynthesis, and Metebollsm
spinal cord, pineal gland, panc«'as, reproducti.'e or-
TRH was the first of the hypothalamic releasing gans. lactating mammary glands. the gastrointes-
hormones to be characterized and synthesized. It is tinal tracI, and elscwhe«, (94). It has been estimated
a pyroglutamyl-histidyl-prolinamide that of plasma TRH of newborn rats originates;n
(Fig, 3·5A). Since the bonds resistant allack by the pancreas. (In SOme amphibians. the poison
system enzymes. TRH is effective when it glands of thc skin are the major sources of the eir-
is administered orally. culatory peptide [77).)
Some c(mtroversies Over the biooynthetic path- The half·life in human blood is around 6.2 min·
ways (94) are difficult to «,solve. The neurons that but it is affeetoo by several hormones. IXgra·
secrete the hormone a«' not organized into morpho>- dation occurs ;n plasma as well as in cells. IXam;·
logically ident ifiable duners, only minute amOunts da5C$ removal of the NH, group of
of the peptide arc synthesized. and both intracellular prolinamide to yield "acid TRH" (Fig. 17-5). The
and cireulating enzymes cleave the bonds. The tri- product (pyroglutamyl-histidyl-proline) lacks thyro-
peptide sequence is a component of proteins that do trope-stimulating potency, but it is a. effe<::tive as
not «,gulate TSH secretion. and it is difficult to sep- TR H for eliciting behavioral e/fe<ot' in rats referre<!
arale TRH from some of those substances. to as "wet dog shakes."
It has been suggested that cytoplasmic en',ymes A pyroglutamyl peptidase separation of
assemble the peptide directly from amino acids. A thc pyroglutamyl moiety and the formation of hi!-

.... iOINE
OM'...,"" •• " •
, . p.
'''' I AAOI.H:A" Q[ I

" SU)1c -PROI.IN£


FI;. 17-5 . 01 TRH .

ridyl-proli/UlQmide. The laneT can either undergo cy- itary cells are bathed in eakium-<:ieflcient media
di7.3.tion to histidyl-prolinc dikc\ (eyelo. (26). When the ion is supplied. calcium ionophore •.
His-Pro). or be acted a histidyl prolinearnide ouabain. and depolarizing concentrations of K + all
imidopcptidase that deavcs the molecule in10 free promote Ca l + uptake and TSH secrelion in the at>--
histidine plus f= prolinamide. ;ocoee of TRH. D600 and phenytoin act in diffcrent
Since is biologically active. TRH ways to block Ca 1+ uptake. and they antagonize the
can be classified as a prohormone as well as a hor- effects of bolh TRH and K+.
mone. The derivative decreases PRL secretion and it Some investigators implicate cAMP as a second
lowers lhe activities of gU\ 3_hydroxy-J.mclhylglu_ messenger (117) and report that physiological con-
\3ryl cocnl.ymc A reductase and brain Na' / K' - centrations of TRH generate smali quantities of the
ATPase. It anlagon;?.<:! pharmacological depres· nucleotide (75.84). Howe'"Cr. TRH has not t>een
sants and analgesics, and j{ may play role, in ther- shown to directly aClivate adcnylatc c}"Clase (117).
moregulation and aPl"'ptilc suppression (94). Others sec Ihc cieyations only when pharmacological
amounts arC presented. and they find flO increased
cAMP binding to protein kinases. Actinomycin D.
TRH Regulation of Thyrotropes
cycioheximide. and puromycin are among the agents
Soon after binding to high-affinity receptors of the that can raise the cAMP levels without promoting
plasma membranes. TRH invokes Ca" uptake and TSH secretion (94).
TSH release. The hypothalamic horm<lne is believed On Ihe Olher hand, cholera toxin. some cAM Pan-
to elevate cytosol Ca" . to interact with calmodulins. alogs, and some phosphodiesterase inhibitors do ac-
and to bring about intmcellular redistribution of the celerate TSH secrelion. It is therefore JlOS$ible (hI
calcium ions. Calcium emux accelerates soon after there are conditions under which high TRH levels
the hormone is presented. act via eAMP to enhance other actions of the hor-
TRH cannot prom<lte TSH secretion if the pitu- mOne . Tritluopcrazine d<xs not lessen the effects of
g·Br-<:AMP (52). although it interferes with depo- mal (:(lnditions. It does perform this function in birds
larization-mediated Ca" upta ke. calmodulin func- (77). and possibly also in callIe. Nonspecific stimu-
tions. and both T RH and K· stimulation. lants of TSH release have been observed to increase
PGEs enhance the effects ofTRH. but Ihey prob- Ihe formation and release of gonadotropin subunits.
ably do not act via cAMP. augment but TS H is not known to exert important influences
cAMP production in many cell types. but thcy d(l on gonadotropes.
not promote TSH release. PGI stimulation has been
attributed to direct actions on the thyrotropes (152)
Centrel Nervous System TRH
as well as to vasodilation.
It is poosible thaI TSH release and new synthesis In rats. 75% of brain TR H is oulside the hypothal-
are lin ked under physiological CQndition •• and one amuS. The content is not affected by hypothalamic
suggesti(ln is that lowering of the intracellular T RH deafferentation (24.46). Substantial amounts arc in
in some way promotes production of new hormone. the ce rebral cortex and brain stem. and smaller ones
TR I1. calciu m ionophores. and depolariling COnCen- OCCur in the cerebellum . Thc peptide is also present
trations of K· accelerate TSH synthesis as well as in the ce rebrospinal flu id. Related distributions nave
release (49). However. removal of extracellular been described for othcr mammals.
Ca" affects mostly release. whereas protein synthe-
sis inhibi tors selectively block the synthesis.
It is important to reoognize that CI and p subunits
can combine 10 increase IOlal intracellular TSH con- TRH-secrcting neurons are located close to the an-
tcnt even when no new peptide chain assembly oc- terior hypothalamic neuron$ tht ,<,gulate body tern_
curs (92). and that glycosylation Can affect the (:(lm- pct'J ture. When TRH is injected into the region. it
binations and thc hormone release rates. Species elevates the body tempera ture in rats and rabbits
differences in Ihe relatiV<' quantit ies of the CI SU\>- (22) and in several other species. 11 also counteracts
unit" fJ subunits. and TSH have been found (26). It the temperature·lowering influences of a variety of
has been reported that TRH accelerates TSH gly- agents.
cooyla tion but run proline incorporation when it is Rats a nd human neonates increase their T RH re-
presented to rat pituitary cells in culture. Mon.min lease when eXjXIScd to cold envi rooments. Thyroid
(which interrupts transit of vesicles from Ihe Golgi hormone activity inc reases in goalS in response to
...,gioo to the plasma membrane and terminal gly- hypothalamic cooling (91). jXlSsibly because larger
cooylation buI not protein synthcsis) antagonir.cs amounts ofT RH are secreted. In many of the mam-
TRH effects on both labeled glucosaminc incorpo- mals. adaptations to CQld environments are blunted
t'Jtion and TSH relcase. Tunicamycin. which aITccts following the administra tion of antibodies directcd
the OOre glycosylatioolhat OCcurs at the (ime of pro- agains( TRH (I 17). Callie a lso secre(e more thyroid
tein synthesis. decreases the inCQrporation of labeled hormone when exposed to cold. but adaptation. can
glucosamine into intracellular TSH but it docs not be made without this (1 4 7). Humans depend heavily
antagooize the TRH effects ( 104A). TRH docs not on behavioral responses to avoid body cooling. Most
stimula te thyrotrope prolife ration in (92). observers report ,mall acute increases in TRH re-
T RH is slowly internalized by thyrotropes (94). lease. but others do not (1 4 3A).
High-affinity binding sitcs haV<' been identined in TRH interactions with temperawre-regulating
nudear and microoomal fractions, but most observ- neurons are CQmplex. The hormone is implicated in
ers belieV<' the internali'.3tion is linhd with receplor accomplishing arousal from winler hibernation and
down '<'gula(ion . the associated elevation of body temperature in
ground squirrels. However. exogenous TRH lowers
the temperatures of ground squir...,ls that a rc fully
awake. and it is mOre effective in animals that are
TRH acls on laclOtropes to accelerate production of behaviorally active than in ones that arc resting
the mRNA that codes for PRL precursor (105). it (128) . In calS. TR H lowers the body temperature,
is equipotent for stimuiatioo of PRL and TSH re- presumably because it acts on Ihe medullary respi-
lease. but the effects on the laclotropes occur more ratory neurons to increase panting (22).
rapidly (94). T he question of whc(her TR H is a The effects of TRI-l on "arousal" are probably
physiological prolac(in ...,leasing h(lrmone was linked with the ones on body temperature. The gen-
cussed in Chap. 16. eralized slimulatory influences on (he central ner_
TRH promotes growth hormone secretion in pa- vous system arc accompanied by changes in electro-
tients with acromegaly, but it i, nol belicV<'d to be encephalographic patterns (94). The hormone can
an important regulator of G li sec...,tion under nor_ invoke some forms of behavior (such as body sha k-
ing), augment Ihe cffcet$ 0( mythn' .... and other Soma loltatin ( SS )
stimulants. antagoniZll: ,he .<:tions 0( dt.p.. BanIS
w<:h as blrbitur:ues and Opiates, and interfere with
SS leIS dir«tly on lhe pituitary gland 10 decrease
$Ie<:p. On tile other hanel. TRH uer\s "quieting" in· basal TS H secrelion and to dampo:n the responses to
00 behaviorally aClive ground squirrels TRII. II probably mediates lIrt1s·,ssodated inhibi-
(128). tl<m efTS11 release (117). In humaM, 55 infusions
aboliSh the nocturnal "surges" and they lower
thc plasma TSH in hypot hyroid patienls (94). The
receptors differ from tbe ones that bind TRH (84).
In ralS. thyrotropc I"CI'ponsivellCSS to SS appears
When injtttod into the bfain. TR II ;"...xes pupil· earlier than TRH depcndenec (101). The median
lary coosuic\ion. and it c:oIonic motility emilK'llCC eoncentr.l1ions are as hi,h as the ones
and the secretion of gasnic acid. nudcd 10 act in vitr(l on piluilary cells.. l esions of
«lis ""idely dimibulcd to pe.- the pcriventricula r nucki lower SS levels in the
ripheralorgam. II was al one time believed INII 11M: brain and they invoke 10000·term elevation of the
cells originate in the embryonic neural cmt$. How. plasma TSH. Antibodies directed against SS al$O el-
ever, they appear so early in the C(IU= of deve lop- evate the TS H . and they cxaggerate the responses 10
ment thaI diffcrcnaat;on from endodermal compo- cold en_iron mentallcmpcratures (9 4).
nenl$ of the gut and from other cell types ""ems SS-iCcreting cells within the thyroid glands a re
more: li kely (104). Some or the peripheral effects 0p.- implicated in Ioca.lited inbibitory o::untroi over thy·
pose the cenlral ones. Systemic administration or roid hormone secretion (149).
TRH decreucs gastric He l. depresses pancreatic nervous 5y$tem 55 antagonizes several
enzyme secretion. and de«eucs JUtroinleslina l mo- central actions 0( TRH . It enbaRCC$ lhe effectiveness
tililY and &iuoose absorption. lIowever. it increases of barbiturates a nd other deprcssanu. It inhibiu
glucagon ('14). When inj«ted intra-;e- growth hormone secretion, and it blunu 50rtlC influ·
nously, TRH can also cardiovascular fune- ences on the gul. Ho,,·cver. belh TRH and SS op-
tions in o::unscious rats subjected to or hcm- p06C the hypothermia invoked by carbachol . neuro-
oflha,ic .hock (72). or .s..,ndorphin in raU


The wide dill ribution ofTRH in species in which no Both TRH and TJ seem to be in wolvcd in negative
inft uen<;CS a.n be derllOrl$tl"lllcd on Ihe pituitary f«dbilck conlrol or lhe SS secretin, ncunlJlS.. Acute
alarld (and even in ones that lack such a Slructure) Up05ure TRH his been reported 10 in·
underlies tM: con<:cpllhal TRH is an "aDCK:nt" m0l- creasc, and chronic treatment to decrease, IIIe num·
ecule Ihat was "'oo-optcd" only late in evolutionary bers ef SS receptors on the thyrocropes. Hypotha·
deve lopme nt for use as the ""suialor of thyrotropes SS is subnormal in hypothyroidism a nd
(77). cle_ated following Tl admi nistra tion (94).
TR H is PfCS"nt in hi,h concentrations in Ihe pi-
nalgllnds of 'lOme of tM: venebrate$. and the levels
are I fI"e<:tcd by environmcntallighting. (The lripep- Oplold, and Other Peptide,
tide his also been found in tl>c reli nas of the eyes.)
In some amphi bians. TRli Sttms to fu nction as a Endogenous opioid pcplidcs probably exert Ionic
releasing hormone for "MSH (mela nocyte stimulat- stimulalory control (111). Mel-<:nkep/lalin all<llogs
ins bormoru:J, and it al$(! promotes PR L release. augment TS H secretion in eUlhyroid humans, and
Bolh MS H and prolactin have been implicated in naloxone depresses it in hypothyroid patients. AI-
the ""gulation of wa ter and electrolyte baiJnce . lhough il has been assumed tballhey aCI exclusively
on the hypolhalamus, di,..,ct stimulation of dispersed
pituitary cells and supo:rfused pituitary fragmenu
NEUAOENDOCAINE CO NTROL OF THE TRH- his been shown for leu--cnkephalin,
TSH-THYROID SYSTEM and ./kndorphin (18A). On the hand, opiates
imp*ir TS H responses 10 cold environmenl$. p<.>SSibly
Sevel"lll hypolula m ic pcplides and aminco act on by acting on dopaminergic neurons (94). Lcu-<:n-
TRII ne urons. thyrotTOpc$. or both. kephalin ha$ abo been reponed 10 diminish TSH re-
sponses to TRH via moxhanisms unaf- large doses of catecholamincs invoke several of
foxted by naloxone (117). the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. including tachy-
Neurotensin. cholecyslokinin, and calcitonin arc cardia. hypermetabolism. rapid lipolysis. and also el-
addilionalpeptides implicated in 11>< control of TSH evation of Ihe plasma rcnin activity (I S). Dosages
secrelion or effecliven.... However, since the sitcs of easily 10lerated by euthyroid animals can be fatal to
administration and the conditions of Ihe teSt subjects hyperthyroid ones.
alfect both the direclions and magnitudes of Ihe re-
sponses. the roles have not b«n defined (94).
Effects of Cold Enviro nmental Tem perature s
Catecllolamines play major roles ;n both acute and
Dopam ine ( DA)
Iong-Ierm responses to cold exposure (70). It has
DA is believed to exert tonic inhibitory controls over been proposed thal lhe elfectivenessof Ihe regulators
TSH secrelion in humans and other species. and to is enhanced by concomitant activation of the
be involved in regulation of the diurnal rhythms TRH-thyroid sySlem. Hypothyroidism is associated
(121). It probably acts mostly On the Ihyrotropes. with low metabolic rate. low body temperature.
The cells have DA receptors, and DA concentrations poor resislance to acute cold exposure. and impaired
in the median eminence and portal blood arc nigh. ability 10 can lotally abolish thermo-
When given systemically. DA does nolpenetrate the genic responses 10 catecholamines. and restoration
blood-brain barrier. but it d<:>es decrease Ihe release is accomplished within 3 hours after T, injection
ofTSH and its subunilS. Receptor agonists mimic ilS (20). In some spedes. TRH secrelion increases
.rrects (94). Anlagonists are more elfective in hy_ if the hypothalamus is cooled bUI Ihere are
pothyroid than in euthyroid subjects (111). no changes in body tempcrature (95).
Some influences are additionally excrted on the It has been reported that cold-expose<l rats have
hypothalamus. L·DOPA (which does penelrale) can high thyroid hormone and prolein-bound iodine
elevate hypothalamic TRH and lower plasma TSH. le'-els (154). and that larger quantities of the hor-
Opiates are believed to dampen the TSH n::sponses mone are present in free form when catecholamine.
to cold environments by accelerating DA rdease. elevale the plasma free rally acid concentrations
Some stimulatory innuences of norepinephrine arc (53).
linked with inhibition of DA release. However. other f,ndings arc more co",istent wilh
The greater responses 01 women than men to the bet,ef that phySlOloglcat concentra\tons of thy_
TRH administration. and Ihe increased sensilivity to roid hormones exert "pcrmissive" innuences, and
TRH during the preovulalory phase of the men_ that no rise in thyroid hormone levels is required .
Slrual cyde. have been lin ked with influences exerted These include the following: (a) TRH are not
by over brain DA turnover. consistently elevated during cold c<posurc (II 7): (b)
There are complex interactions wilh prolactin. As theelfeets of hypothalamic coolinS may not be phys-
waS noted earlier. TRH promotes prolaclin secre- iologically relevant. since stimulation of cold recep-
tion, DA inhibits it. Hyperprolaetinemia ex- tors on body surfaces soon leads to Ihermogenesis
aggerates DA-medialed inhibition of TS H release, and heat conservalion that avert cooling of the brain:
and it antagonizes se,-eral peripheral actions ofT). (c) TRH can act centrally to raise the body tcmper-
ature without inereasing TSH secretion; (d) if TRH
release dae5 lead to increased Ihyroid hormone se-
No repinephrine end Epinephrine
er'lion. T. SOOn decreases thyrotrope sensitivity to
NE increases TRH se<:rction when it binds directly TRH: (e) ahhouSh thyroid hormones alfect Ihe
10 <>, receptors in the hypothalamus or inhibits tne basal metabolic rate in Ihe brown adipose lissue of
DA ""urons. It can. however. decrease T RH release young rabbits. levels do not en-
by interacling with <>, receptors (83). hance eateeholaminc-5timulated thermogenesis
Peripherally. NE tends to decrease T. secretion. (81): (f) thyroid hormone levels in the blood do not
since the thyroid gland also hu <>, rc<:<:ptOl'$. Epi_ consistently rise in rats exposed to eOld in the labo-
""phrine opposes this by binding to /I-type receplors ratory (53). and cows cope with cold environments
and promoting cAMP generation. The calechol - without incn::asing the socrelion (147): and (g) ani_
amines also act at postn::ccptor sites to exaggerate mals that aeclimatize under natural conditions tend.
Ihe elfeclS of cAMP (7S). One mechanism seems 10 if anything. to lower Iheir eirculaling Ihyroid hor_
be lowering of ph05phodiesterase activity (54). Thy- mone conccntralions as they aequin:: more efficient
roid hormones modu late Ihe elfecls. They augment control over heat conservation. They respond to nu_
the numbers of {J receptors and may reduce the num- mcroU'l stimuli provided by the winter environment.
bers of Ihe '" type. including shortening of Ihc photoperioo. Many grow

heavier fur COOlS and acquire thick insulating depos· plasma TSH (although it does not penetrate the
its of subcutaneous fat (154). blood·bra in barrier). but the findings are not consis-
M05t commer<:ial rat laboraIQry chows are high in tent. Histamine also interacts with thyroid gland 11,
fiber content and they often contain thyro.ine. Since receptors. and il promoles cAMP generation ((49).
cold-exposed ralS cat more. and fiber bil. It may additionally increase responsiveness to TSH
iary excretion. T. lurnoV<'r and fecal excretion ac- by improving the blood now 10 the gland.
celerate. When rats are fed diets lower in fiber and
devoid of T •• they cope ""'" efficiently with the cold
Gamma-Amlnobutyrlc Acid (GABA)
but they do not raise their plasma thyroid hormone
levds. Cold Stress is usually associated with accel· Some studies with GABA. agents affecling its me-
crated release of glucOOJrticoids that contribu te to tabolism. and agents affecting its receptors. suggest
the adaptations. However. glucocorticoids act in sev· thaI this regulator acts On dopaminergic neurons to
eral ways to depress thyroid hormone functions. bring about lowering of TS li. Howevcr. observations
These and other findings are consistent wilh the be- that bieueulline alone has no effect (although it an·
lief that hyperthyroidism impoir$ Ihe responses 10 tagoniles the action. of exogenous GABA ) are con·
cold (154). sistent with suggestions that GABA participales in
a negative feedback control that in_olves TRH neu·
ron collateral •.
The addition of small quamities of serOlonin to suo
perfused rat hypothalamic fragments Can ac<:derate
TRU secretion via mechanisms that are blocked Estrogens decrease TSH secrelion. probably
with 'pecific receptor antagonists (24). Earlier stud· by affecting DA turnover. "&cape" from the inhi·
ies indicating that the amine fails to affect or that il bit;on that occur.j within 1- 2 da)'s is amibulcd tt>
decreases TRH release may have involved the ac- induction of new TRH receptOr$ in the pituitary
cumulatic>n of so much TRH in thc media that out· gland (75). Estrogens also accelerate production of
ward diffusion of additional hormonc from Ihe neu· the thyron ine binding globulins. and they are rCo
rons was blocked . tn al leasl some SpeCIes. serotonIn ported to slow T:)H (as well as T.) dcgF.;dation in
dirc<:tly stimulates the Ihyroid gland. and the T. reo mon keys (149) , The higher incidence of goiter in
leased se<:ondarily brings about TRH in hibition. women than in men may be related to the findings.
but estrt>gens also promote the secrelion of growth
Serotonin may additionally act on thermoregulatory (38) t I , ( In rats.t
neuron. and oppose the eWcclS exe'ted by r-.:E (16). The
on pitui tary glands, but i1 probably
dcoes 001 affcct1hc thyro1ropes (78). lillie
i have been used In conjunction
Pineal glands make large quamities of .. rotonin. with other agenls 10 alleviate the symptoms of hy·
They convert much of it to melatonin. especially duro perthyroidism. While some effects may involV<' the
ing the nigh\. Both mdalonin injections and pine· immune system, the 'Ieroids decrease thyrotropc
alcclomy have been reported to affecI Ihc thyroid scnnivities to TRH and to SOme other stim ul ants.
gland directly. to innuence TSH sccrelion via T RH· and they thereby 10"'cr the circulating TSH and T,.
independcnt mechanisms. and to modulate Ihe fune· They are also reported to lower plasma T) and ele·
of neurons involved in regulating TRH release. vate rTJ in adults (143A). to decrease circulating
The physiological implications are not clear. since TBG but elevate the TBPA. and to diminish thyroid
the pineal makes several other regulators, its a,tivily hormone binding in the liver (75). Howe_cr. the SIC,
chang.,. wilh the season of Ihe year. and Ihere arc roids accderate th e T. - T) convenion in human
marked speci.,. variations in the responses, infants.
The antipyretic aClions of glucocorticoids. and
similar effecls of ACTH in adrenale,tomi7.ed ani.
Hi stamine
mals. have not been .hown tt> be mediated via the
The hypolhalamus is in histamine. and thc cells TRI-I·thyroid .)'Stem (88).
have both H, and HI recepton. The amine i5 a pro-
posed ,egulator of thermogenesis (89). Exogenous
histamine can promote TRH release from incubated EFFECTS OF STRESS
hypothalamic fragments and TSH release from pi. Glucocorticoids exert "permi.sive" innuen..s Over a
tuitary glands (94). II has been observed to elevate wide variety of hormonal functions. The blood levels
rise in res""nse to cold uposure. food depriva tion. protein thaI directly inhibit.s or an enzyme that re-
forced exereise, a nd other forms of stress, and there moves a physiological stimulant (56).
arc good reasons to believe that the steroids then Under ordinary conditions, thyrotropes take up T.
participate in the adaptations that must be made . In from the bloodstream and rapidly convert half of it
contrast, pharmacological dos.ages of the hormones to T). When plasma T. concentrations fall, less T, i.
impair thc res""nses. made in the pituitary. Thyroid gland. seCrete mostly
During fasting and thc anti·insulin T •• and small changes in the aelivities of the follic-
effects of the glucocorticoids contribute to thc ability ular cell, affect plasma T. {but not T, ) cOncentra-
to mobilize and utilize fuel reserves. However. food tions . Therefore. thyrotrope.s readily detect changes
deprivation and insulin deficiency can act in other in thyroid gland functions.
ways to diminish thyrotrope sensitivity to TRH (3). In contrast . most other target cells take up T) as
Glucocorticoid inhibition of T. conV<'rsion to T ,. and well as T •. They can maintain their functions when
of TSH secretion. facilitate conservation of meta- T. levels fall transiently. since T) tends to remain
bolic reserves when they are limited. These inAu- within the normal range for a much longer time pe-
ences arc usefu l during fasting. but they may OOt be riod. Some important differcnces between thyro-
following cold exjX)Surc. tropes and other thyroid hormone target cells can be
It is not known whether the effects of forced ex- demonstrated with pharmacological agents that af·
ercise on thyroid system functions arc mediated via feet total thyroid hormone secretion and T. cOnver-
glucocorticoid s. Women voluntarily submitting to sion to T,.
"end",""nce training'" that depletes thc fat reserves
Propytthi(>Uraeit is widely used in 'he laoo..,ory to de-
despite food inta kes that maintain body weight. have
crcase thyroid hormone function •• and il has also be.n
been (}b:o;crV<'d to show augmented thyrotrol'" re- given to patie n" with cenoin fOTms of hyperthyroidism.
spon""s to TRH.lowering of the plasma T,. and low- It .ct. <>II Ihe thyroid gland to block thyroid hormone .yo-
ering of the circulating T,: rT, ratios (19). th"i'. and i, atso ae" periphefOlly '0 slow eonve,..,;on of
The clinical literature contailt!' numerous sugges- T. to When given alo .. for extended time period •. it
tions that hyperthyroidism makes its appearance invokos hypothyroidi,m (.ince it cir_
500n after an individual subjected to seve re stress is culating T. and T,). Th)'rolropes ",nse the fall in T. a nd
relieved of the stimulus. (The earliest symptom! ,hey $Cerete more TSH . Although the thyroid gland can·
nol make much hormone under such conditions. cdl
have been observed. for example. in patients heavily
burdened w'th the care of a n invalid parent soon g",""h i. ""',kcdly "im.l.'o<! by ,h. high TSH levet,.
Propylthiouracil doe. 1101. !)ov,'e""r, .ffoelthe aelivily
after the death of the parent) It is jX)Ssible that the
of tb: pi,uitary gland d.iodin .... Th<refore. if T. is iliven
thyroid syste m becomes disrupted as a result of pro- along with the drug. the thyrolrOpe$ lake up lhe T" COn·
longed glucocorticoid-mediated inhibition and the .ert it to T,. ond reduce their TSH secre tion. At the same
subsequent lifting of the inhibition. It is also known I;mo. periph.ral cell, dependenl on btood sour= of T, Or
that glucocorticoid! suppress immune functions. and on intracellular T. to T, conve",ion. affected by the pro--
that hyperthyroidism is frcquently associated with p)'lthiouracil continue to show the effects of hor mone
autoimmune disorders. Catecholamines release thy- depriv.,ion.
roid gland amines and affect T. production (A·7). By contr.. t. iopanoic acid impairs dc;ooina, ion ,..ilhin
They also elevate body temperature. On the other ,he pituit.ry ,land as ""ell as in the liver. When it is given
hand. many clinicians do nQt believe that stress is an in combina'ion wilh T. '0 th)'roidee,omi,cd .nim.t$. the
important factor. T. fail. to suppress TSIl ..erclion (99). Very h;llh can-
contration. of T, can 'hen '0 some ."en, inhibit the
TRH-TSH-THYROID H ORMONE topanoic ac id (tetopaque) is a radiopaque substance
INTERAC TION S that i. used in diagnostic procedu"," such as
T, directly depresses Ihyrotrope function •. Although
some inAue""",s on unstimulated cells have been CH, -CH,
demon"'ated. physiological inhibition involves
mostly lowering of the sensitivity to TRH. Within
" ,
30-60 minutes after T, binds to its receptors. the
thyrotrope.s release less TSH. and they become in· , ? "
sensitive to TRH and certain other stimulants. TSH
synthesis declines after some time. and the numbers
of TRH receptors fall markedly within 6_12 hours.
Since the .ffects of T, are blunted by protein syn-
thesis inhibitors. it is likely that the thyroid hormone Thyroidectomy leads. in time. to elevation of both
exuts its innucnces via induction of either a labile plasma a nd pituitary TSH . Continuous infusion of

T, mosl of Ihc peripheral efTe<:ls of thyroid bers and Ihe funclions of Ihe regula/ory components
hormone dcfLciency. However, since liuk T ) is di- of Ihc aden)'laIC cyclase system. Methimazaole
rectly laken up by Ihe thyrotropcs when the CQncen- (which blocks organificalion of iodine) prevents i0-
tralions are low 10 moderate. Ihe TSH levels remain dine, but nol TS H desensitizalion (50A) .
high (32). Continuous infusion of T. is somewhat
less for oorrecling Ihe peripheral deficiency
(since the T, 10 T) oon.ersion is suboormal in somc EFFECTS OF IODINE DEFICIENCY AND
of the targels). However. it inhibits the thyrotropcs. EXCESS
Humans can main tain endocrine balance when the
Despile these fioding$. thel'<' '1'<' limiled numbers of po' daily iodine intake ranges from 100 I<g 10 20 mg.
tient< who "'I'<'le lorac amount< of TSH when thc cir· Some pans of the world al"<' called "goiter belts" be-
culating T. co"ccnu.lion. are high. It i. $u$pccled that
Ihoy suffcr e;lber receplor defeels Ih.1 ""'or Ibo .0ns;li ...
ily to T, made in!racellalafiy, Or thatl.ey ha •• impairod
Cause the soil. vegetables. and livestock contain only
minute quanlities of Ihe clement and locally availa-
abilily 10 con.. " T. 10 T, within Ihe piluitary gland. In ble foods do oot supply enough iodine to meel the
.uch ca.... very lorge dose. of T, can have b<neflcial ef- minimum requiremenlS. There was a time when
feoIS(12). most adulls living in those I'<'gio"s developed en_
larged thyroid glands (simple. iodine-dcficiency, or
endemic goiters). The <.:Ondilion i. less prevalent
TSH and Thyroid Hormone Influences on
today. because KI is usually added 10 lable sail. Io-
TRH Secretion
dine deficiency is sometimes seen in patients On salt-
Thel"<' is no <.:Onvincing evide""" thaI the concentra- restricled diets. and in ones wilh renal and hepatic
tions of TSH within the sySlemic blood. piluitary diseases thai aecelerale iodill<' 1<M via the urine Or
gland, portal system, or hypothalamus have impor_ Fc"" •.
lant dil"<'cl influences on TRH secretion. (The cir- It is eslimaled Ihal persons residing in the Uniled
culating can bring aoout small changes in Stales ingesl 240-740 "g of iodine daily. This
TRH by on the thyroid glands.) greally exceeds the requirements. bUI it is well tol-
Small quanlilies of T) to required 10 erated . In some coastal regions. Ihe soil is exceed-
maintain normal hypolhalamic functions. A mOder_ mgly nch in iexline a nd it is Ihe custom to eat large
ale. transient increase in TR I-I Out",,1 may follow quantities of seafoods. A different kind of goiter can
the administralion of low dosages to previously de- develop under such condition •. It is rare among oth-
prived animals. When very large amounts of Ihyroid erwise healthy populations. but the high intake
honnones are given 10 euthyroid subjects. th e TRH causes problems when it is associated with genelic fall somcwhat. II has becn reported that nor- defects thai impair thyroid gland iodine melaoolism
mal individuals have only minute quantities of TRH (149). Iexline toxicity also occurs in SOme patients
in Ihe blood. thaI Ihe be<.:Ome undetectable in taking certain medications for asthma and other re-
hyperthyroidism. and that Severe hypothyroidism el· spiratory ailments (97).
evales the plasma TRH (75).
Direct Effects 01 Iodine on the Thyroid
UIUllshort Feedback Control 01 the ThyroId Gland: Autoregulation
Gland Activities
Normal Ihyroid glands COOlain only small amounts
Following prolonged stimulalion by high levels of of inorganic iodide. Soon after 1- enters thc
TSH. and whcn exogenous thyroid hormones are ad- lar cells. it is oxidized and incorporaled into thyro-
ministered. Ihc follicular ",,11$ become refractory to globulin. Some of Ihe iodine rel=ed by deiodinase
snbsequent presentation of TSH. The responscs of reaclions is "I"<'cycled"-i.e. used 10 make Il<'W
the adenylate cyclase. protein kinase, phospholipid thyroglobulin.
synthesizing, and glucose oxidation systems can be If the exlracellular iodide concentralion rises. the
blunted without significant impairment of TSH levels also rise transiently. T, se<:l"<'tion
binding to its l"<'eeplQrs (149). Evidently. Ihc accu- can then accelerate for a very brief period. However,
mulalion of iodinated proteim brings about irrever_ the rale of iodide uptake soon diminishes. and 1- ex-
sible changes in the catalytic component of Ihe ad- trusion incl"<'asts. "Auto-I"<'gulation" can be demon_
onylate cyclase thai can be corrected only by new stnned in hypophyseclomized animals tOlally de_
protein synlhesis. The cell. Ihen become insensitive prived of TSH, and in animals given <.:Onstanl TSH
10 other agents that affect cAM P generation. In oon- dosages as the iodi ne levds are varied. It is believed
traSl. TSH desensitization can affecI receptor num' Ihal high intracellular 1- leads 10 the production of
a transporl inhibitor. Since agents that interfere to thyroid gland dysfunction by ad"crsely affecting
with iodine incorporation into organic molecules im· the irnmune system (92A).
pair the autoregulatory mechanism. the inhibitor
may be an organic iodine compound dilTerent from
Effects of Chronic Iodine Deficiency
thyroglobulin (106).
In iodine-defieicney states. the follicular cells in· At first. the autoregulation accelerates iodide uptake
crease their rates of iodide uptake. The iodide is rap- and accumulation, and the iodide i, rapidly incor-
idly incorporated into thyroglobulin. and iodide re- poratcd into thyroglobulin. The T :S ratios Can rise
leased during thyroglobulin hydrolysis is avidly above 250-300: 1. The glands become highly sensi·
conserved. live to TSH. Thyroglobulin is taken up by the follie-
ular cells and it is hydroly'.cd 500rt after it is synt he-
sized. Therefore. the colloid within the lumen is
Effects 01 lodlns Excess In Intact Organisms
depleted, but the plasma hormone levels are main·
Chronically elevated iodine levels reduce follicular tained for several weeks. The T,:T. ratio of the ef-
cdl sensitivity to TSIi. Even when TSH binding nuent rises. Since many peripheral cells utilized T,
continues at a normal rate. less cAMP is generated directly. nearly normal thyroid functions arc main.
(139). The cells then make smaller amounts of thy· tained for an even longer lime .
roglobulin , and they incorporate iodine into other The thyrotropcs sense the fall in plasma T •. and
protcins. The thyroglobulin that is made is retained eventually more TSH is secreted. The follicular cell,
for longer times within the lumen. and it become grow. and they become more efficient at synthesizing
heavily iodinated. The rates of endocytosis and thy· the thyroid hormones as the capillaries in their vicino
roglobulin hydrolysis decline. and most of the hor· ity proliferate. Increases in gland size arc limited
mone that is released is T•. during the early stages. since the lumina arC
As was discussed earlier. thyrotropes take up shrunkcn.
mostly T •• and they convert about half of it to T,. With continued iodinc deprivation and TSH hy-
When thc plasma T. is high, the T, formed inhibits persecretion, the follicular cells proliferatc (38), and
TSH release. In time, the follicular cells undergo a thyroid-{!cficiency goiter develOpS. In $Orne individ·
atrophy (but the lumina become distended with col· uals. lhe compensatory changes Stave off hypothy·
Ioid). The reduction in cdl size is anributed in part roidism for many months. In others, thyroid bor-
to decl"<'ased nudeic acid synthesis. However. SOme mOne dcfieiency develops rapidly. (AS has be<=n
of the regression may be rdated to lessencd produe- discussed, TSH is probably not a direct mitotic
tion of acid metabolites that invoke vasodilation sli mulant.)
(149). In rats. repeated administration of large doses When first formed. the goiters are easily treated
of iodine lowers thyroidal ATP and pyridine nuclo» with iodide salts. However. the cells eventually
tide content (97). undergo degenerative changes that include nccr05is
In patients with goiters that make exte$Sive quan- and cyst formation. The glands become nodular and
tities of thyroid hormones, shon courses of treatment resistant to iodine replacement therapy. (In limited
with Lugors solution (KI + I,) often rclicye some numbers of indiyiduals. some of the nodules enlarge
of the they lower the plasma and ma ke thyroid hormone but become TSH
T, and T,. The carliest effccls arc linked with less· insensitive.)
ened sensitivity to stimulants. Endocytosis and hor-
mone secretion decline. In some cases, the goiters
al.o regress.
Chronic presentation of I'harmacologica\ dosages This term is used loosely to encompass all agents
of iodine can invoke different responscs. The glands that interfer<: ,,'ith thyroid hormone synthesis, sec-
sometimes become hyperplastic but lose their ability ondarily asumenl TSH secretion. and ultimately
to make thyroid hormones. "Iodide has bring about thyroid gland enlargement. It is some-
been known to develop in patients ta king iodine·rich times restricted to the ones that impair iodine organ_
medications and in individuals with genetic defects ification, the coupling reactions, or both.
thai permit the glands to accumulate very high 1-
concentrations because the iodide is 110\ incorporated
Small Ions
into proteins at the usual rateS. It occurs in pans of
Japan in which $C3weed $Oup (which contains 80- Thiocyanates inhibit iodide upta ke and promote dis-
200 mg of iodide per bowl) is a regular component charge of 1- from the cells. They are too toxic for
of the diet. In addition 10 disturbances in iodine me- clinical use, but they are widely emplo)"d as labo-
tabolism invoked by chronic consumption of large ratory tools.
quantities of the element, the diets may contribute Vegetables of the cabbage family conta in small

of thiocyanates, and several OIher plam! Tapa'.ole. MMI ) and carbimazole (which is COn·
have cyanogenic glycosides. Diets rich in casava verted to MMI) are highly potent. In humans, 6-n·
meal have been known 10 cau,," problems (149), bUI propylthiouracil (PTU) bas greater effec15 Ihan
most Olher edible plams arC wen wlerated when thiouracil . but the i5 true for ra15.
laken in moderate alllQUnlS , (The food. can. how- PTU , methylthiouracil. MMI, and carbima7.ole
ever, aggravate Ih. elf of iodine deficiency.) Cig. are used to alleviate human hyperthyroidism. When
arctte smoke conlains enough nitrile 10 elevale blood given alone, they increase the sizes and vascularity
and urinary eNS - . of goiters. This ean be advantagrous if the patient is
Perchlorate. (C10 ;). perrh.nate (ReO.). and being for treatment with rad ioactive io-
pertechnetate (TeO;) interlere wilh organifiC31ion d ine. However. the agent.s are usually administered
as well 35 uptake. and they can CQmpelo wilh thyroid a long with iodides to decrease the sensitivity to TSll
hormones for plasma prOlein binding siles (155). Ni. and other stimulants. PTU is more effective in hy·
ITate exerts sim ilar. bul less polent influe nces. and pcrthyroid than in euthyroid sybje<:ts (34). Goitre-
cobalt may act in the same ways. II is 001 known also affcct the immune system (A·7).
whether Hlhium ions decrease thryoid functions pri· In some cases, the goitrogens control the hormone
marily via inh ibition of ad.nyblt cydase. problems for weeks or montbs at a time. In Others.
tbey arc used for temporary suppression of the car·
diovascular eifects of thyrotoxicosis. so that the pa-
Agents Affecting Iodine Exc retion tient Can beller withstand thyroid gland surgery.
rkh in fiber and other that The side effects indude nausea and loss of appe tite.
late bile flow accelerate loss of iodine to the fe<:cs. rarely, influences exerted on the bone ma rrow
The goiters that develop in infants given soy mil k lead to agranulocytosis.
formulas, a nd in la boratory given large
It ha, been .ugge'ted Ihat MMI i. more poIontthan
quantities of walnuts. have been all ributed to this. PTU bec.ousc i\ inhibit' bolh oxida lion of iod ido and us<
However. soy products also contain component.s that of the "octive form" fo< iodolhyronine synthe,i,. wberea.
bind intestinal iodine and thereby block absorption. PTU . !fCClS mostly lhe formation of iodolyrosyl moielie.
They may additiona lly have goitrogcru; that affe<:t of the thvTORlobulin. Howo.or. PTU btocu ""'iphoral
the thyroid gland (92A). The cfie<:tsof the foods arc conversion ofT, to T" wherea, MM I do.. 001 (751.
exaggerated when iodine is inadequate. It is therefore ;nte""ti"g that Oragrafin (I he sodiu m
Agents that bind T. can also limit the usefulness of sail of ipodale) i, on. of the most elfeet;ve of all agents
trea tment with the hormone. for short·term U-.:alment. It is mort polentth" PTU for
blocking T, form.lion (t53), and ;t markedly elevate, the
rT, le.el •. (It has been .ugge"ed lhalthe SlI me en7.yme
Naturally Occurring "Gol trogens" ealaly,•• eonverSion of T, to Tr• and of rT, 10 3.3'·T,
Cabbage, kale, kohl rabi. rutabaga. cauliflower, and
mustard contain pregoilrin. A plant enzyme
(myrosinase) catalyzes its cor.... ersion to goitrin (l·S· !pod"le
vinyl·2·thiooxa wlidine). Intestinal bacteria contain
enough ofthe enzymc to liberate goitrin from cooked
foods (see Fig. IHi). Rabbits fed cabbage diets de·
velop goiters and thyroid hormone deficiencies. On-
ions contain several s ub.tanccs. the mOSt importan t
of which may be n· propyldisulfide. There are locales
in which the preva lence of goiter has bttn linked
with consumption of very large quantities of that Goitrogens are often used to make laboratory a n·
vegetable. Goitrogen! are also present in imals hypothyroid. Dosages can be adjusted \0
and pine nut.s (92A). achieve the desired 'uppression of thyroid hormone
function. and the animals can also be siudied during
the recovery period that follows withdrawal of the
Pharmacological Agents
agent. The stress and trauma as.wciated with ,urgi.
Thionamides inhibit peroxidase activity. and thereby cal thyroidectomy a re avoided, a nd parathyroid
iodine organification and iodOthyronillC synthesis functions are maintained .
(48). Some additionally impair conversion of T, to Figure 17·7 shows the Structures of some agents
T). Thiourea is less effectivc than the thiouracils. that affect thyroid functions when they arc used for
whereas methylmercaptimidnole (methimazole, other purposes.
N -OSO,· ,

I "
, ,,
""C=C- C-H
-. H, C= C-C- O
" ,
, B. 00<"" (5 ·V"",'·2·
JI" P"'OO'l"o
N-C =O
/ S=C/ "CH
C. H,;o",ea

s=< N-CH


(mothyl;m;oa:rolc· 2.1hioI,
rneth;,y,azole. MMI. Ta"..""'.
,, m(!lcaplQltl.omlo I

C- OC, H,


Fig. IT·e, S!IUCIvI.' o! 01 some

"''''''''_ goillogen' .

11,); - 0 (;0011

0 11
FIg. 17·7 . Arom.!C C<)mI)OI.'I>dI W;'"
anWhyroid 'C'''ity.

HUM AN THYROID SYSTEM DY SF UNCTI ONS eye condition can develop before. ak>ng with. Or long
after changes in thyroid hormone se<:retion be<:ome
Thyroid system diseases are among the commonesl
Obvious. and il has even been known 10 appear after
of the endocrine diwrders. In most cases, Ihc pro\).
Ihe symptoms of hyperthyroidism have been amelio-
lems a", linked wilh malfnnclionl of Ihe immune
rated by treatment . It can improve or worsen when
'}"tem (11), bUI nine major inherited biochemical
the circulaling T. levels arc OOfmalizcd. Since hy-
disorders have been identified (S1A).
perthyroidism is associated wilh sensi-
Less common cau,e, o>f d)'sfuncti"" in<ludelhe fnllow- livity to <:alccholamines, norepinephrine may COn-
int: (a) fai lure of Ihe thyroid glands to undergo diffeT' Iribule 10 lid retraClion. However, the innammation
enliation; (b) inadequate production o>f the e.'yme, thot and proliferation of rctro-orbital lissue. Ihe lympho-
cataly,," thynlid hormone biosynthesis; (c) gcnetie de· cytic infiltralion, the fal aceumulalion. the hyperlro-
fec .. that impair plasma membrane iodine lTanoport; (d) phy of the exlrinsic musdes of Ihe eye. and Ihe
[Grmation of abllQTn\l1 type. of thyro&lobulin; (e) pTo- buildup of osmotically aClive hyaluronic acid. arc all
duction of TSH that is biologically ineffectiv. but dc- allribuled 10 autoimmune distinel from
tected in radioimmuooassay. (151); (f) receplor defect. Ihe ones Ihal invoke hyperthyroidism (99A).
thot Tender T, Gr TSH ineffective; (1) of thyroid It was alone lime believed that when pituilary
.timulant. fTom tropllobla.tic tumors and fnlm some glands arc stimulaled 1<> make excessive amounts of
types of lung cancer cell, (120); and (h) ..eretion of th)".
roid hormone, by tumor cells that bewrn. independent of TSH, the celli also release an exophthalmos produc-
TSIl. Some patient' mako excessive quantitie, of pro- ing suh5lanee (EPS). Howevcr, oh5ervalions Ihat
tein. that bind cireulating lhynlid MTmone,. However. palients' sera affect Harderian glands (but not ocu-
compe... toty inc rea ... in TSH and T...crction u,ually lar muscle) and thaI TSH digests invoke exophlhal-
then maintain mons in animals are not related to the clinical di,_
orders. TSH secrelion is usually stnlngly inhibited in
The term Gr(lV<S' distllst is applied when a dif_ palients with Graves' disease (A· 7).
fuse-type goiter is associated wilh hyperthyroidism
and exophthalmos (bulging of the eyes), bUI ;1 is also
u$Cd to de. ignate condition. in whichju.ttwO of the Hu m o ra l Anllb o d les
features are obvious_i.e. diffuse soiler with exoph- Several techniques are used 10 daraclerize Ihe cir-
Ihalmos but euthyroidism. Or diffuse goiter with hy- culatins anlibodiel found in patients. In SOme cases.
perthyroidism buI no exophlhalmos. Thyroid gland proteins known under diffe",m nameS have similar
growtb and hyperfunction arc allribuled 10 the pro- or idenlical chemical properties.
duction of anlibodies directed against the TSH re·
ceptors_ The anlibodies mimic Ihe actions of Ihe pi_
tuitary hormone, butlheir synthesis is not dep"'ssed
by high concentrations of thyroid hormones_
Thyroiditis (inAamrnation of Ihe gland) is associ_ Circulaling antibodies of the IgG dass thaI stimu-
ated with the formation of differenl kinds of anti- laIC suitably prepared mouse or guinea pig Ihyroid
bodies and Ihe mounling of aUloimmune allaeks glands were among the firsltO be discovered . Unlike
againsl glandular lissue. The consequences can in· 1"$1 [, Ihey manifest thei r effects after long lalenl pe-
dude eilher goitrous or alrophic changes. Thyroid riods, and their 'Iimulation conlinues for hours. The
hormone s,,""'lion is often impaired in advanced proleins a", fonnd in suh5lanlial quanlities in af'"
cases. but in some patientlthe plasma T. remains proximately half the palients wilh Graves' disease.
within the normal range. It has been Slated thaI eUlhyroid clo5e relatives of
The lWO diseases can coexisl. PalienlS wilh Ihe patients also often have the LATS. bul this has
Graves' disease and Ihyroid gland inOammation been recently queslioned (6). In other palients, an·
have been known 10 progress spontaneously from hy_ libodies thaI stimulate human (but nol moose Or
perthyroid to hypothYnlid Stales. or 10 develOp severe glands have been delectcd . It has been
hormone deficiencies following Ihe administration of with aClive Graves' disease
goilrogens which lransienlly control Ihe clinical
symploms. Thyroiditis with impaired produclion of r I I It.
Ihyroid hormones can be followed by the appearance i act On Ihyroid gland ",cePlOrs
of TSH·independenl nodules Ihal secrete excessi,e in SOme cases interfere with Ihe bioassays (99A).
quantities of T._ Since half the patients do not have lATS thai
The links between exophthalmos and thyroid aets on rodent thyroid glands, and no correlations
gland dysfunctions arc only dimly understood. The belween Ihe tilers and the severities of Ihe diseases
have been found in patients with positive sera. most roidism have elevated plasma HTg before they re-
observers doubt that the proteins invoke Ihc ceive Ireatment. When the endocrine condition can
thryoid gland dysfunctions. The antibodies can. be corrected in Gravcs' patients who retain
however. serve as markers for immune system high IITg lilers are the ones most likely to sulfe r re-
disorders. lapses (I40A).
In IlashilYlQlo's thyroiditis. lymphocytes infiltrate
and Can deSlroy thyroid tissue. It is common for Ihe
gland to enlarge but lose ilS abilily to maKe thyroid
When serum IS preincubated with hormones. The sera of most palienlS ha.,.e high anti-
loses its ability to subse- thyroglobulin liters. and Ihe B lymphocytes ca n be
It is believed Ihat stimulated \0 produce Ihe antibody in vitro (11). II
receptors during the is. ho,,'Cver. unlikely Inal the antibodies arc a pri_
of LA TS-posilivc mary cause of the thyroid gland disorders. For O!1e
subsequently incubated with same human Ihy- thing_ B-cell-medialed destruction usuatly inVOlves
roid tissue also fails to stimulate. presumably be- activation of the complement system. and anti-thy-
cause the TSH are Ihen occupied by Ihe roglobulin is a poor activator. Most patients have an-
LATS previously presented . However. Ihe second limicrosomal antibodies and T cell Or immune net-
serum retains the ability to aCI on rodent glands. ,",ork imbalances (A-7).
When LATS_n.gative serum is incubatcd with
the human thyroid tissue. a positive serum subse-
quentlyadded to the incubate continues to be active
in rodent assays. The negative serum is sa id 10 con- Immunoglobulins thaI bind to non-receptor compo-
lain LATS-P. an immunoglobulin different from nenl. of lhe Ihyroid ccll membranes. 10 lipoprolein,
LATS that binds LATS. However. there are some of the Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum. and to non-
disagr«'ments over this interpretation. Some 90% of iooinc<ontaining components of the colloid have
the sera taken from patients with Graves' disease are been in various laboratories. Some patients
said to contain LAT$-P. also maKe proleins tllat interact with the thyroid
hormones. The latter do 001 necessarily impair hor-
monal function •.• inee eomp<>n.atory inerea.e. in
TSH secretion can accelerate T, and T. synthesis.
Sera taken from almost all hyperthyroid patients The coexistence of euthyroidism and supranormal
contain components that TSH from thyroid thyroid hormone levels is probably explained on this
gland membrane preparations. Some of the antibod_ basi •. Hypothyroidism in patients with hyperplastic
ies aclivate just human thyroid celts. others addition- glands ha. been 311ributed to the production of im-
ally stimulate mouse celts. and yet different ones dis- munoglobulins with growth-promoting but no TSH-
place TSH but do not mimic its actions. Antibodies like activity. or 10 postreceptor defects.
that mimic TSH but do not displace the hormone
have also been described.
The that Ihe immunoglobulins
made by one patient can be different from Ihose Anlibodies directed against the Ihyrolropcs can de-
made by anolher. even when the endocrine abnor_ press TSH secretion. However. Ihe effects will not be
malities arc similar. Evidently, SOme proleins alter obvious in patients producing antibodies thaI di_
the affinity for TSH by binding to non-receptor sites rectly stimulate Ihe Ihryoid glands.
on the membrane. Others se<:m to affC<;t mClSlly POSI-
receptor evenlS.
T an d K Celt Contributio ns to Thyroid
Birds are often used to study immune functiO!1s be-
cause neonatal bursectomy permanently impairs the
It was at one time believed that were humoral immunity syslem without seriously affect-
totally sequestered by normal glands. and that im_ ing ""lIular immunity. whereas noonalal thymec_
mune attacks againsl the thyroid were initiated by tomy cripples the ""nular immunity mechanisms.
release: of the proteill$ to the bloodstream when the Obese (OS) chickens have genetic defect. that pre-
gland becomes inflamed. It is now recognized Ihat dispose to tbe development of a form of thyroidilis
normal human serum contains SOme thyroglobulin that closely resembles the human discase. Since neo-
(I-ITg). and thaI the levds are high in fetuses. There natal burseclomy prevents the disease, links with the
are data indicaling that all with hypcrthy- production of circulating antibodies are suggested.
THYROtO THVROTROPIN AND TRH, neonatal thymectomy accelerates the locytopcnia . Patients with Hashimoto·s disease com-
onset of the thyroid gland disorder. bursal monly have hypergammaglobulinemia. (d) Cyclo-
cells from either healthy Or OS chickens Can inV<lke phosphamide. an immune suppressa nt. sometime,
the disease in OS birds. but the cells do not do th is corrects the thyroid dysfunction (76). The beneficial
when injected into healthy birds. In contrast. healthy effects of glucocorticoids are also attributed in part
chickens irradiated to deplete T lymphocytes dc- to influences excrted on T lymphocytes. (e) Circu-
velop thyroiditis when they are injected with T lym- lating lymphocytes taken from patients with Graves·
phocytes from the genetically defective birds. These disease havc been observed to bind to TSH I"<:ceptors
and other observations ha •• led investigator.; to con_ (145).
clude that spontaneously developing thyroiditi, in
OS chickens can be .xpres.scd only in the presence
of functioning B eens_ but that the genetic defect in-
volves inadequate suppressor T cell fUll<:tions_ a thy- HeredltarV Factors
roid gland abnormality, and certain major histocom- The major histocompatibility ( MIIC) lo-
patibility characteristics (123B). Nwnalal cated on human chromosome 6 dire<:ts the formation
thyme<:tomy has also been shown to predispose to of cell surface antigens and some components of the
the de.elopment of thyroidits in beagle dog.., mar_ complement system (144). It contains genes thaI
mosets. and Buffalo rats. A somewhat differenltype ",gulate immune responscs and also immune
of thyroiditis that develops in rabbits. guinea pigs. suppression (50). Four separate loc i (each with nu-
and mice is linked with ove ractive helper-type T merOuS alleles) determine the natul"<: of the antigens
cens. (HLAs) that appear on Ihe cells. These a re usua lly
The relationships betwecn T lymphocytes and K transmitted together as halotypes. Statistical studies
(natural killer, NK) cells are just beginning to be have revealed that certain HLA combinations al"<:
appl"<:ciated. The K cells may be determinants of associated with a high prevalence of thyroid gland
thyroid hormone production in patients with anti- dysfunctions. The hereditary factOT$ can affect ma-
bodies affe<:ting the thyroid glands. K cell activity i. crophage. T, and B cell activities, and they probably
n;ported to be dcp""""d in paticnlO with thyrotoxi- impair the responses to uteraal factOT$ such as viral
cosis associated witlt either Grave.' or Hashimoto's infections. Differences in the patterns lin ked with the
disease. within the normal range in the patients that disease, arc found when Caucasians are compared
al"<: euthyroid despite the presence of thyroid gland with Orientals. or wben individuals of one type ;n a
abnomalities. and elevated in the hypothyroid pa- certain geographical locale are compared with simi_
tiems(I). lar persons living elsewhere.
Some investigatOr1 find that when studies are re-
stricted to a uniform popula tion. the balotype pro-
vides information on the susceptibili ty to develop-
ment of Grnve·s disease (141). report that
kllOwledge of both the halotypc and the TSH-I"<:cep-
Indirect evidence includes the following. (a) Rheu- tor antibody titer.; at the time of d;seontinuation of
matoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis. pernicious an ... drug thernpy permits them to predict the chances
mia, diabetes mellitus, and adrenocortica l insuffi- that a patient will suffer relapse.
ciency can all be caused by immune system A whole new dimclISion has recently been added
dysfunctions. The incidences of those disorders are to our concepts of endocrine-immune s)"'tem inter-
high in patients with thyroid disease. and in their eu- actions. It has been demonstrated that mitogen-
thyroid close relative •. Hashimoto's thyroiditis can stimulated lymphocyte< a glycoprotein that
OCCur in One identical twin and Graves' disease in the appears to be chemically an d immunologically iden-
other. (b) -'Immune remiss ions'· invol ving Iower;ng tical with TS H (123A). The st imuli differ from the
of antibody titers have been observed to follow cor_ kind. that cause lymphocytes to make an ACTH_
rection of thyroid gland problem with surgery, ra- like peptide. Phagocytic leukocytes cleave T. ether
diooctive iodine, or goitrogen •. (c) The thyroid bonds and act on iodotyrosines (A-2). iodine re-
glands of patients are usually extensively infiltrated leased is bactcricidal. Morcover. T, is reported to en-
with lymphocytes. Many patients ha...e lymphade- hance K cell activity. The auto-immune thyroid
nopathy. enlarged spleens. or enlarged thymus gland disordcrs may therefore result from defecti.e
glands. Some have absolute lymphocytosis or normal regulation of normal leukocytic functions Ihat arc
total white blood cell numbers with relative granu- directl)" lin ked with the endocr;nc secretions.
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Additional references in proof will be fo und On page 894.
Growth Hormones and Somatomedins

The mOM obvious effects of growth hormone (GH. gland enlargement. Coarsening of the hair.
somatotropin, STH) are exerted on the long bones of sweat and sebaceous gla nd activities. growth of the
j u""niles. Fetuses unable to make the hormone a re larynx. and cardiac enlargement are additiona l char-
usually of normal length at term. and they are often acteristic findings (41). The metaoolic derange-
above average in weight. Infants Ihrive for a time. ments include hyperglycemia and insulin resistance.
but young children totally deprived of Ihe hormone Preacromcgalic symptoms are occasionall y encoun-
soon lag behind their contemporaries. They ,''<'OIU' tered in very tall juveniles.
ally devclop into miniature adults, some of woom Rats a1"<' among thc speCies that grow during
never altain heights of more than 2\1, fC<'1. If the en· adulthood. Their long oones cominue 10 respond to
docrine system is otherwise healthy, pU!>.rly is de_ GH. but the sensitivity declines with advancing age,
layed but reproductive system maturation is
achieved and full intellectual potential can be real·
ized. Normal a dul ts se>:relC substantial quantities of
GH. but no serious problems have been linked with
deficiencies that begin late in life (15). Clearly. a hormone that promotes growth of the
The connecl;ve tissues develop thcir highest sen- skeleton must affect virtually every other aspect of
$iti. ity to GH during the preadolescent )'cars, and lxldy function. Larger. Slrongcr muscles are nceded
most hormone-<leprivcd juveniles respond well to re- to maintain attachments to the bones and to function
placement therapy at that time. When too much GH as efTectivc levers. The1"<' must be enough skin and
is se<:rcted during ehildh()(:Oj, the obvious conse- underlying connective tissue to covcr lxldy strue-
quence is giganlism. One man is known to have at- tures. Accelerated erythryopoeisis. cardiac hypertro-
tained a height of 8 feet . ! I inches (41). phy. roore extensive development of the respiratory
Since gonadal steroids promote calcification of the and an expanded capillary network are all
epiphyses of the long bones of humans and most needed to provide and and to carry
other mamma ls, li near growth ceases during early away metabolic wastes and heat. More f()(:Oj is eaten.
adulth()(:Oj. However, many eelltypes continue t(} re- the IraCt. liver and aSSOCiated organs
spond to GH $tim ulation. Too much hormone then enlarge. and thc kidney weight adjuSts to the greater
invokes acromegaly. The victims sufTer thickening exc rctory demands. Although brain size is not much
(and deformities) of the jaws. !l{)l;e, orbital ridges. affccted.the high GH levels influence the functions.
fingers, elbows, a nd knees. The changes a re usually Moreover. periphcral extensions of the central ncr-
associated with a rthralgia, foot ailments. and de- v(}uS system must elongate to reach their targets.
creased ability to perform tasks requiring fine move- GH increases the appetite. elevates metabolic
me nts of the fi ngers. Hyaluronates accumulate rate. plays roles in maintaining the immune system
under the skin . phosphate is retained. interstitial functions. and interacts with other hormones to reg-
edcma devclops. and the ribs elongate. In'''ard ulate carOOhyd rate. protein. lipid. nucleic acid.
growth of the cranium can pressure on the Water. and electrolyte metaoolism . I "ftuence!) are
brain and cause headaches and visual disturba nces. erted on plasma membranes, ribosomes. mitochon_
These problems are often eucerbated by pitui tary dria . nuclear components. and other cellular struc-

tures. The targets include not only bone and In contrast, only microgram quantitics of the other
cartilage. but al!:O bone marrow, liver. kidney . heart. major hormoncs are found (92).
endocrine pancl'Uli, mammary glands, ovaries,
Somatotropes and l.ctotNpes are d . .. ified a. acido-
\C!l\CS, gland, adipose tissue, and hypOthala·
ph ils. Morphologieal characteri.tic. haYe been used to
mns (80,124). distinguish the two cell type. (>eo Chaps. 2 and 19). but
Each cell type undergoes its u nique forms of 5pe- rat ""m'MtN1"" can conlain prolaclin (along with addi·
cialiuuion (160), and Ihis must be CQnsidcred in as- tioo.1 .ubsl, nen of biologieat int<fest 'hat i"duM met-
sessing the dTe.:ts of stimulation. The brain acquires en"ph.lin and protein. th.t bind .nti·renin antibodies
;1$ major characteristics early in life and attains full [SS)). 5Qme pituitary lumor eetl. make both PRL
during childhood. Differentiated neurons cannot GH when first cultured, and others initially secrete on<
proliferate. but they retain some ability to repair of the regulaton but later .cquire Ihe .bility 10 ,he
themselves and to vary Ihe connections with other other.
celis, the sensitivities to regulators. and Ihe quan. Pcplides Ihat share immunological properties with
tilies of ncurotransminers «,leased. Skeletal muscle adenohypophysial GH have been identified in the
fiber numbers arc also established early, but the cells neurohypophysis and in several "'<'Il-defined 1"<'gions
can at any lime afterward undergo •• vcrsible of the brain. Sinox TRH is distributed 10 the same
changes in size and conlractile propertics. The long region •. it has been suggested thai the two horm(H1cs
'oonc& of large mammals grow through(>Ut the juve- a1"<' cleaved from a common precursor Ihat plays
nile period. Linear growth is tcrminated when the roles in neurotransmission and ncuromodulation
epiph}'5cs calcify, but 'oone cdl populations are rll- (87). The observation Ihal brain GH concenlrations
ne"'<'d throughout life, and the borlC$ undergo fall after deStruction of the paravemrieular or peri·
ehangcs in shape, thickness. and mineral oontenl. ventricular nudei (but no! after hypophysec tomy) is
The liver maintains a fairly oonstant size in healthy. consistent with the belief that al leas! SOme of the
welt·nourished adults. but it does so by regularly re- molecu les a re synthesized by hypothalam ic neurons
placing cells. Thc organ shrink.s during starvation (88). Fibroblasts make a PR L·like factor (A-8).
and enlarges when certain k.ind s of stimuli are pre-
sented. If a portion is removed or seve rely damaged. GH·like p'nt.ins are present in higher cone.nlr.tio..
repairs that rccstablish functions can usually be in live,. lung. kidney. a nd SOme other li$$uCSthan in blood
made. T he kidncys also maintain constant sizes pl",ma . Allhough the possibility thai Ihe peripheral cell.
.. idly accumulale Itormone relea..,d by the pitui tory
under usual oonditio1l$, but one of the organs will
gland has not heen ruled OUI. il is believed likely that the
undcrgo "oompensatory hype rtrophy" if the other i$ regulator. are made by nonpituil3ry cells (8S ). 5Qme
removed. In this ea,"", much of the growlh results lung careinom", rele • .., very large quonlities of relate<!
from ctll elongation. Epidermis, gastrointestinal mu- moteeul ...
cosa. and hemopoietic tissues provide examples of
structures Ihat engage in oontinuous ctll renewal
Ihroughout lik Reproduclive organs completc a Chemi stry and Blosynthasls
preliminary form of differentia tion duri ng certain
GHs are species-specific globulin-like proteins de-
time-limited, "critical " periods o f embryonic and
void of carbohydrate. Monomeric forms iSOlated
fetal life. They then enter a "dormant'· phase and
from seve ral species have molecular we ighls of
resume maturation only when pres.:nted with the ap"
19,500--22,000 (170). The "apparent molecular
propriate hormonal milieu. Precocious or delayed weight" can vary with the molecular configuration
maturation of the associated endocrine glands af-
and measurement lechnique. as well as witb the
fects many other cell types.
amino acid content.
It is now recognized that "purified" preparations
conlain C<Jmplex mixtures of related molecules
(SO.92) . The best known human hormone (oflen re-
felTCd to as "Iinle hGH") is a singlc.. haincd prOlein
wilh a weight of 21.500 that contains 191 amino
Slle s lor Biosynthesis
acids and bonds connecling the cysteine
Somalotropes are Ihe TIIO!il numerous of the adeno- moieties at positions 53 to 165 and 183 to 189 (Fig.
hypophysial cells. and they are the major SOurceS of IS-I) .
GH. A Iypical human adult pit uitary gland contains Three components of extracls from human glands
around 8 mg of the hormone, and the protein ac- that have electrophoretic mobilities different from
counts for up 10 10% of the dry weight of the gland . those of the major type have been caUed "slow-slow-
Fig. la·l . Amino oCd $8QUMCe of ""';0. h""",n grOWlh

GH:' "slow-GH:' and '·fasl-GH." All are linear whereas others are casily converted to smaller
peptide:s with two S.S bonds per molecule and wmponenlS.
weights close 1021,000. Ddelion of amino acids in In common with other proteins prod uced for
134_150 po<ilion< ",<u il. in "opening" of the port,"' the GH. are initiall)· .ynthe.ized a< "pre-pro-
peptide to yield a IWo-<:hain derivative Ihat has been tcins:' and a 26·amino acid "signal sequence" with
ealled 24K GH because of the altered physicochem· a weight of 4500 has been identified for humans
ieal properties. (The modifiealions have been likened (15). The molecules travd through the cisternae of
to the removal of the proinsulin conne<:ting peptide.) Ihc endoplasmic reticulum 10 the GoIg; region, The
Although 24K GH is found in pituitary gland 110- hormones are Ihen packaged into secretory granules
mogenates. it is not known whelher the protein is for slorage and subscqucnl release.
presenl in inlact glands or in the circulation. Human growth hormone: genes contain at least 3
A "20K varianl" lacking amino acid moielies 32- intervening sequences. One: Q<X:urs belween the seg-
46 accounlS for SQme 15%-20% of Ihe GH in Ihe ments that direclthe inse .. ions ot amino acid moio-
normal human pituitary. and Ihis form is seereled. ties 31 and 32. Since Ihc 20 K hormone lacks amino
A chemically unrelated "diabetogenic fac tor" acids 32-46 of the 22 K form. one possibilily is that
prcscnl as a separable contaminant in Ihe a si ngle primary transeript is processed in different
In addition. the pituitary makes and releases ways to direct production of the IWO major GHs
growth-promoting substances of different kinds. (50). However, although most observcrs believe that
Proteolytic enzymes within the piIU;lar}" and pe. a single gene codes for both thc 22 K and 20 K GHs
ri phery cleave Ihe peptides at specific siles. The orig- (113). others suggesl that an hGH t gene directs Ihe
inal molox:ules and Iheir dcrivalives ma kc noncova· synthesis of the 22 K whereas an hGII, promotes
lem al1ac hmcnlS to olhcr prOieins. Endogenous and production of Ihe 20 K variant (120).
injected GHs alSQ undergo dimerizations and aggre- The growth hormones are regarded as members of
gat ions. a nd il is believed that some of the high mO- a "family" of chemically and biologically related
lecular weight "big GHs" are formed in this way. proleins. At lnst 7 different human DNA sequences
The changes OCCu r rapidly. and they are associatcd thai code for produclion of th. mRNAs have been
with loss of im munoreactivity (45) (although SQme identified . Human chorionic somatomammotropin
growth·promoting aclivily may be retained). Com- (hCS I-I. human place nlal laclogen) has 191 amino
with weights of 160.000 ha''C becn described acids. 85% of which arc sbared with the most com-
for humans, and ones ranging from 70,000 to mon form of hGH. Its mRNA shows 92% homology
200,000 for rats. 5<.>me of Ihc arc slable, with the hGH messenger (113), Human prolactin

1= dosely ""sembles hGH, but tht PRl gene is bI:. sights into the natu""s of thc disorders that affect
lieved to bI: situated dose thc one for GH (144). A some children displaying growth retardation (121).
growth hormone·like gene (GHl). and the DNA se· Those with immunoassayable GH levels in the IIOr·
quences directing production of hGH and hCSH mal range may secrete proteins that cannot interact
have all been localized to chromosome 17 (117) . effectively with the re<:eptors (137). They arc be-
Multiple genes bave also been iden tified for sev· lieved to possess a defective hGH·N gel!<' (which
eral other mammals. Although each species otherwise codes for 12K hGH) along with an hGH·
its own kind of GH proteins. th."" hal; bl:en "strong V genc tbat directs the synthesis of the 20K variant.
evoluti onary conservation" of the primary structure. In onc study, all family members homozygous for
11 has therefo"" been suggestcd that all vertebrate the DNA irregularity we"" short, whereas the het·
genes coding for the production of growth hormone- crozygotcs had normal stature.
like mole<:ules derive from a common ancestral Since the normal 20K variant i. made in substan-
DNA (13). However, the concept that sUC<:essive lial amounts and is known to possess growth-pro-
mutations we"" made and "passed up tht evolution· moting potency (50), Ihe child""n may additionally
ary scale" is not easily ""conciled with observations suffer a second genetic defect that alters th. amino
that thc GHs of cartilaginous fishes more closely reo acid composition of the 20K prolein. the Structu""s
semblc the mammalia n counterparts than the regu· of the receplOrs. or the cell components involv.d in
lators found in teleosts. post""ceptor events. However, other possibilitics
[t hal; bl:en stated that rats possess a single GH have """n considered. For example, mixtu""s of two
gene, but 3n additional protein that closely resem· or mo"" different GHs may be ""qui""d to achieve
hies hGH is present in rat brain (S8). Thc differ· normal growth. 20K does not raise serum glucose or
ences in chemical makeup are not of the kinds that fally acids (A·9), and there a"" dear indications
can be related to alternate mechanisms for process· that 20K and 22K binding affinities to ""ccptors dif·
ing a common mRNA. According to some observers, fer (71). Failure to respond could also result from
the production of two different forms of a hormol!<' the production of antibodies directed against the en·
within the same individual can be auributed to the dogcnous proteins. In laboratory animals, different
presence of dissimilar alleles on homologous chro- kinds of tenetic dcfects can impair production or
mosomes. This would ""quire that the mutations processing of mRNAs or block the development of
leading to the appearance of human and rat GH somalmrope cells (29).
mR NAs oc<:ur""d bl:fore the species followed diver· Posttranslational processing begins in Ihe pitu-
genl evolutionary palhways. Rats could then possess itary gland. but it is probably completed after the
both alleles but express only one of them in their pi· hormone is released to the bl<X>dstream. Enzymes
tuitary glands. that clcave the molecules at specific sites a"" present
However. many other hormones appear in multi. in plasma membranes, and GH may function in part
pie forms within the same individual. Alternate in- al; a prohormone (A-6). Glutathione and other sui-
tcrpretations been offe""d, and tbey may be fur.containing molecules are implicated in the pro-
mo"" appropriate when (a) one molecular species is cessing (95), a nd dithiOlhreitol promotes lhe for·
produced in much larger quantities than the other; mation of some of the derivatives in vitro. Th."" a""
(b) the twO kinds of mole.:ules arc distributed to dif· probably some children with retarded growth who
ferent parts of the body: and (c) the variations in make GH but canoot process it properly (I 37).
chemical makeup a"" associated with dissimilarities Although most of the protein found in "purified"
in binding affinities for receptors. The following se- pttunary gland extracts has a hioassay:
quence hal; been proposed.. The ancestral gene du- immunoassay ratio of close 10 unity. the circulating
pHcatcs. The newly formed genes separate . Muta- proleins include C<lmponents with ratios ranging
tion of one or both leads to the production of similar from 50 10 lOOO. Antisera that totally block the bi·
but nonidentical proteins. Each gene is CQnserved ological actions of injecttd GHs may have little or
and maintained, although only One may control the no effect on the potencies of endogenous hormones.
synthesis of the active hormone (133). Thcre is a 4·fold greater incidence of GH defl·
Biological methods are still used to determine 0 H ciency in boys than in girls. This may be related to
concentralions in human subjects. since thc various thc roles of othcr hormones affe<:ting Gil synthesis
mole.:ular types differ from each other in immu_ and release. Glucocorticoids and thyroid bormol!<'s
noassay:bioassay ratios. and values obtained with act in diffe""m ways to accelerate the mRNA tran·
receptor techniques parallel those of the immunoas- scription (48) and affect the biological half·lives of
says (SO). DNA recombination studies used in coo' secreted GHI. low concentrations of
junction with such measu""ments have provided in- tend to increase. whereas high ones de¢rease GH so-
cretion (8). Estrogens also antagoni,.c rome of the serum rise to exceedingly high levels between the
peripheral effects. Testosterone with GH 20th and 24th w..:'-'. Pea ks of 132 ng/ml are com·
10 promote linear growth. However. although it ac· mc)n. but normal fetuses can have 250 ng/ml. The
cclerates growth in gonade.:tomized rats, it ii incf· hormone evidently orisinates in the fetus. Maternal
fe.:tive in gonade.:tomized·hypophyse.:tomized ones, plasma GH rarely exceeds S ngl ml during preg-
even if some G H is given (74). nancy, and there is good evidence that the hormone
Tumor cells that «,lease large quantities of GH does not cross the placenta (6).
usually show atypical «,sponses to regulators. Al-
though responses to the major regulalOrs (somato- It is difficul! to ."e.. G H funetions in fety.., with long
statin and growth hormone «,leasing hormone) are gest.tion periods fo, $Cverat rea$Qns. M OSt of the proce·
dures introduce e,tranwus fact"'" (37). No method for
predictable (168), glucoconicoids and thyroid hor- setectively de51foying somatotropos has been devised. tn·
mones Can exert inhibitory innuenees (3). jection, of regulators or inhibitors into eitber the fetus or
the ttt(lther invoke poorly defined dysfurlClions in both.".·
Secretory Patterns ganisms. Fetal hYIX'PhY$C(;\Omy il not <uity performed
without interrupting the p«,gn.ncy. and some invest;ga·
GH is released episodically. The lowest ('"basal") tors the,efore reson to fetal decapilalion. Some inf.".·
plasma concentrations of 3 ng/ml or less have been mati"" can be obtained from subjects with defects that
recorded just before breakfast in well-rested human btock GH productto. . Stud ie, of progrc"ive chang", in
adults that have not )'<'t begun daytime activity (41). infant rodent. can provide in.ights. since the animal. are
Typically, there are small spi kes 2- 4 hours after very immature at tbe time of birth. Measurements have
also been made of GH 'elease by pituita,y gtand$ <>b-
meal ingestion, and these: tend to be more pn>-
tained from rat fetuses killed at various ages. and of hy·
nounced when the food is rich in protein . Intra ve- GRIl·tike ,eti"il i.,.
nQUs injection of arginine (and also {}[ glucagon,
which is released in response to protein feeding) It has been demonstraled that high GH levels
stimulates G H relcase. Muimal values approaching maintained during the late prenatal and early post-
40 og/ml gencrally OCCur soon after the OnSCt of natal periods in rats. a nd that the hypethalamus ex-
deep (slow.wave) sleep. even when day·night envi· erts stimulatory control evcn before the hypothal·
roomental light pallerns are artificially altered Or amo-hypophysial portal system matul"<'s (70). The
when subjects voluntarily shift the timings of meals glands respond to the hypothalamic factor. and the
and physicat aCtivities. Daytime naps al"<' also asso- brain contains very liute somatostatin at that time.
ciated with high rates of GH I"<'lease. The link with The need for high GH levels SO early in life is not
sleep can be established as early as the first postnatal known . Since fetuses unable to GH Can be of
year, and it persists throughout life. It is also ob- normal length at the time of birth (52). it is possible
served in blind individuals (lIS). However, the that tbe hormone is used for purposes other than
neural mechanisms that control the slow-wave sleep skeletal system Srowth. For example. it may be
dilfer from the ones that alfect secretion. and needed for induction of the brain growth factors de-
the two pbenomena are dissociable (I (II). Studies on scribed below. for neuronal maturation. or for regu·
humans subjectw to Hjet lag'" or sleep deprivation lation of glycogen .ynthesis and adrenal steruidogen·
point to negative correlations with tbe amounts of Cl;;S (?9). However, it is also possible that fetuses
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (54). normally depend on the growth-stimulating actions
In well·nourished adults, the peaks are believed to but possess the ability to accomplish ··compensa·
contribute to tissue repair. In healthy children. they tory" synthesis of other stimulants when they are
come at times when glucocorticoid levels are low. GH-dcprived. Fetal fibroblasts display PR L as well
and they would therdore be expected to be impor- as GH receptors. and they produce media tors ofG H
tant for growth stimulation . In GH-dcficient ehil- actions whtn exposed to either of the hormones
dren, treatments administered at bedtime are far (liS).
more effeetive than the same dosages presented in It has been observed that when fetal rat paws are
the morning. On the other hand. G H levels risc duro transplanted to older hos ts, growth and differentia·
ing times of food or prolein deprivation. As discussed tion can proceed even when host growth is severely
later, the hormone then quite diffcl"<'nt ac- retarded by hypophysectomy. W hen small amounts
tions, and it is believed to play roles in the mainte- of GH are injectcd . the fetal tissues show gl"<'at sen·
nance {}[ the blood glYCOlie levels. sitivity to the hormone (37). They may therefol"<' be
capable of responding to ext remely ,mall amounts.
A problem with the interpretations is that the hosts
Age-Related Change8 In Secretory Patterns
do not supply the environments normally uperi·
GH has been identified in humans as early as 7(1 enced by the immature cells.
days postconception. The coneentrations in fetal I n prepUbertal and pubertal boys. the "basal"' (i.e.

early morning) levd. are DOl very differenl from tional tall Slature" show "paradoxical" increases in
those of adul!$. However, Ihere are mOre peaks GH sccrelion in response 10 glucose loading and
Ihroughoullhe day, and Ihe IIOCturnal ones during TRH (47) .
Ihe latter tWO-Ihirds of the sleep phase are generally
much greater than those of men. Growth responses
in juveniles and peri pubertal individuals may depend Re lease Mecha nisms
On greater stnsirMly to the hormone as well as the Bolh cAM P and Ca" may serve as mediators.
allainment of high and more frequent peah. Aging Those regulators are known to affecl mierofilament
is said 10 be associated wilh wme decline in bolh "". and microtubular S}"Stems and to act in olher wa)'1
cretion and sensitivity (58). to stimulale (xncytosis in mauy cell types. Dibutyryl
The abilily to respond to sleep, exercise. and other cAMP and M IX are polent Slimulanu. When PGE,
Sl imuli is, h<.>wever, relained in older individuals. functions as a secrctagogue, it raises the cAMP le ..-
Generally. changes in nutrition fail to disturb the re- ds. The nucleotide Can elevale Ihe cytosol Ca" by
lationships between sleep and hormone release accderating ion uptake from the environmenl and
(118). They modify (but do nOi initiate) Ih. daylime ion release from Ihe mitochondria. It is ineffective
rhythms (102) and they infiuence the peripheral when presented 10 cells bathed in ealcium-deficient
responses. media. A23187 (a calcium ionophore) promotes GH
release when Ca'· i. pre""nt, evidently without ele-
vating Ihe cAMP levels. It may acl in part via innu-
Species Differences In Rel e a s e Patterns
enc.::s exerted on mitochondrial membranes (83).
Rats display 3.1, ( 118) or 4.hour (102) periodicities Very high extracdlular K' stimulation is atlributcd
Ihat are synchronized with photoperiods hUI are nOI to plasma membrane depolarization and consequent
obviously linked witb sleep/wake cyclcs. The augmentation ofCa'· i"nux.
··bursts'· of GH release appear to be independent of
fluctuations in corticosterone. PR L. TSH. insulin. or
Me te b o llsm
glucose levels.
Rhesus monkeys hve patterns Ihat superficially The plasma half_life in humans is around 20-25
resemble the ones desenbed for humans. However. m,nUles for both ,nJected and endogenous U H. Jt is
these 100 seem to be synchronized wilh changcs in OOt known 10 be affected by age. sex. or acromegaly.
environ menIal lighting ralher Ihan with sleep, and but i\ is changed in hypothyroidism and in other con-
they are affected by the feeding cycles (I 23). In con- dilion, that affect the aClivilies of hepatic enzymes.
lnlSt, "chair_trained" baboons behave mOl"<' like The liver is Ihe major sile for cleavage. Some of Ihe
humans. peptides produced are biologically aClive, and they
II has been suggested thai rats. dogs. and other may perform special functions. The kidney also de-
mammals do not show sleep-rdated release because grades GH. Only minute amounts of Ihe hormone
such animals remain fully alert for only a few hours appear in normal urine (15.41). but multiple molec-
at a time. Dogs subjected to prolonged periods of ular forms have been identified there (4) .
forced wakefulness release large amounts of GH
whcn they are finally permitted to Fall asleep (I 54).
Abno rmal GH Secratlon Petterna In Humens
The prodUClion of a growlh h<.>rmone release faclor
Some acromegalic adulu; have plasma GH levol. was ,u'pecled long before sub:stances such
only slightly above the normal range ng/ml) activity were isolated from Ibe hypothalamus
when le.ted under "basal" condilions. bUI tbey sbow (22,114). Pituilary glands deprived of tbeir usual
greater and sometimes also more frequent Jl"aks. COntaCI with ponal blood put OUI only minUle quan-
Othcrs bave anained conccnlration. of up to 1000 litiesofGH, and Ihey can be stimulated bolh in vivo
ng/ml (41). The severity of the symploms correlates and in vitro by components of hypothalamic
poorly wilh values measured by immunoassay. pos- tracts. Hypothalamic injury has been known to
sibly because altered pathwa)'1 for posllransiJtional cause growth retardation in childrcn. to interfere
processing affect Ihe active sites. GH-sccreting tu- with sleep-related GH ··surges." and to blunt the se-
mors are known to show atypical=ponscs to phar- crelory responses to hypoglycemia, argininc and
macological agents and to ph)'1iological regulators DOPA. Electrical stimulation of the vcntromedial
(103,128). Some children said to have "conslilu- nuclei augments GH secretion in rats. Lcsions in the
same region impair grow(h and lower (he plasma smaller peplides are derivatives. Thc name
GH levels(lOIJ. crinin waS then proposed (24).
In other studies, it waS found Ihat a peptide con-
taining the first 40 amino acids of the hpGR F is
Growth Hormone-Releallng Hormona
highly potent for .. leasing GRH, Ihat ilS actions
(GRH) parallellhose of dibutyryl CAMP. and tha( all of (he
Difficulties were encountered in altemp(S 10 isolate biological activity is contained within the 1_29
and characterize the GRH. in part because only amino terminus "'gment (130).
minute quantilies of the regulalOr are present in hy- Anti"'ra direcled against synthetic hpGRH_40
polhalamic ntracts. bind tn the nerve fibers of Ihe median emi nence re-
gion and the areuate nuclei of humans and monkeys.
A decapeptide with tbe fo]lQwing $" uCtu", wos pr<>- Limited binding In the ventromcdial nuclei nf ma-
posed to be the regulator. bUI il ,"'as subsequently found caques and monkeys has also been detected.
to be identicat ",ith the N_ttrminat fragmcnt of porci ... The distribulion of imm unoreactive sitcs dilTers from
hemoslobin jl..,hain and i"dr.ctive for SOmat01rope that of somatos(atin. LRH. and corticotropin (19).
Val-Hi,-Leu-Ser-Al.-Glu-Glu-Lys--Glu-Ala Other investigators have found (hat peptides ob-
Additional ,uMtanc",ull8e,ted inetud. the 1ripeptide tained from abdominal carcinoid tumors exert
p-Glu&r-Gly-NH, (S9), highly polent, Ca" -dependent, slimula_
lion of GI-l release (hat differs from the clTec(s of
Interestingly, progress was advanced by the iso- hypothalamic--derived stimulators. The careinoid
lation. identification, and subsequent <ynthesis and peplides also stimulate human GH-stcreting pitu-
lesting of peptides found in the extracts of pan_ ilary adenoma cells (168) .
erea(ic and careinoid tumor cells. hGRH (A-7),
which is idenlieal to a tumor pep(ide isolated from a
Roles 01 Catecholamlnes
patient wilh acromegaly has the following amino
acid scque!l(e (60): Although subsets of alpha adrenergic receptors Were
initially defined on the basis of their sitcs of action.
H-Tyr-Ala-Asp-Ala- Ile-Phe-Thr-Asn-Ser-Tyr-Arg- they are now dislinguished by their affinities for ag-
Ly._ Val_Lcu_Gly-G In_Lcu_Ser_Ala_Arg_Ly •. Lcu_ o"i,,, and antaeonists (Chap. 8)
Lc u-G In-Asp-II e- Met -Ser -Arg-G In-G In-G ly-G Iu- NE is believed (0 promo(e GH releasc.
Ser-Asn·Gln-Glu-i\rg-G Iy-Ala-i\rg-Ala-i\rg-Leu-N 1,1, conlribu(e to the hormone secre(ion rhYlhms. and
mediate the influences of other physiological regu-
Concentration. as Iowa. 3 X 10-" M can pro- lators by interacting with pos(synaplic receptors of
mOle release of GH from pituitary cell s maintained (he a, type on eilher GRH-secrcl;ng neurons or on
in monola}'er cullure, and One. of 5 X 10- 11 M in- cells that synapse with them, Generaliled alpha ad-
crease GH rclease into perfusates wilhin less than 30 renergic blocking agents such as phentolam ine blunt
seconds. The peptide has been shown to prom<ote GH the stimulatory effcets of hypoglycemia. exe rcise. va-
secretion in eonsdous ralS and dogs. and in rats with sopressin. and several forms of noMpceifie stress in
icsion, of Ihe ventromedial nuclei. It shows struc- humans (128). Yohimbine. whkh preferen tially
tural homology with Ihe ",cretin.glucagon "family." binds to (he "" reeeptors. decreases basal GH levels
and is chemically even more closely rela(ed to a in rats and blocks the surges (84). How.,'cr. it has
newly discovered porcine intestinal peptide given the been proposed that NE additionally exerts less im-
name PHI-27 (155), High doses release PRL (A_I). portant inhibilory inAnenees by interacting with at
Low Ones alTect exocyloois and generation of cAMP. reccptors.
They arc specific for G H (91). The roles of dopamine (OA) are difftcult to define
In addilion 10 the 44-amino acid peptide (human because (a) DA is converted 10 NE; (b) therc 3rC at
pancreatic growth hormone releasing hormone, least twO different kinds of OA rec<:ptors in the
hpGRF-44). smaller peptides with similar activit ies brain: (c ) DA is believed to act on both hypotha-
but lower po(encies have been idefilified. These in- lamic neurOnS a nd adenohypophysial cells: and (d)
clude hpGRF-40 and hpGRF-J7. OA promotes the release of somatostatin (a major
hpGRF-40 is a stronger stimulanl of pa!l(reatic inhihitor of G H ",cretion).
acini (A-IO). but after comparisons with a compo- Systemically administered DA travels to the me-
nent of hypolhalamic extracts and studying other dian eminence and pituitary gland but it does nOI
properties tha t include anlagonism of the aetioos by readily cross thc blood-brain barrier. Although il
somatostatin, it was concluded Iha( the hpGRF-44 usually augments GI-l secretion. it is less effective
i. Ihe "true" phy,;iological stimulant, whereas Ihe than L-JX) PA (which enters Ihe brain and serves as

a OA precurwr). Carbidopa inhibits Ibe peripheral. lolanline thaI oppose hypoglycemic, vasopressin or
but not the central. DOPA decarboxylase. increases l-DOPA stimulation do I10t affect sleep-",Ialed GH
the production of DA wilhin Ihe brain, and surges (102).
the effectiveness of systemica lly administered I.-
OOPA. It has been concluded from observa-
Opiold Pe ptldes
tions tltal DA is a more polent c.nlmllhan p<:riph-
eral sti mulant (11). However. lite central actions p-endorphin is rclcas<:d during stress. and it may
may include conversion of DA to NE (128). since contribute to GH elevation at such times in humans
neither pirnozide (a DA receplor antagonist) nQr and other primates. The effects a rc believed to be
apomorphine (a DA agonist) substantially alters the exened on the hypothalamus. since P-endorphin
magnitude of DOPA stimulation {I 14). does not seem to directly slimulale the somalotropcs
Apomorphine does not affect NE production. (26). However. a lthough they a", blocked wilh na-
Small doses injected into lite cerebral ventricles in- loxone, they may involve inftucllC<'S on GABA lur".
crease secrelion. The proposed mechanisms in_ over. The stimulation thaI follows the administration
clude binding \0 presynpalic OA neUI"QIIS, wilh con_ of a synthetic me\-enkephalin analOg is antagonized
sequent inhibition of Ihe firing and blunting of the by bieuculline and picrOloxin (18). The opioid recep-
elfe<:ls exerted over somatostatin release (114). High tors differ from the ones that mediate PRL rcleas<:
doses can dircctly release somato:;talin. (151).
Acromegaly is often caused by GH-secreting IU-
II has be.n .uggested Ihal Gil U regulaled by choli".
rnors that have receptors ditTerent from the ones ergic mechani,m. and Ihal Ihe opioids exerl fine eonlrol.
found on normal somalOtropes (100). l-DOPA low- Over them. Melilooeopolamine affecl' moslly muscarinic
ers plasma GH in mosl of Ihe pal;en($, and DA d;· Iype recepton.. and il decrea$C$ the mo", of Ihe
re<:tly inhibits GH release when it is presemed to slecp4ssocialed .urges. Piperidine is a nicotinic rec<:pl<>r
cultured lumor celis (ll). TRH stimulates GH se- aiOnist us<:d os. pharmacological 1",,1, bU I $Orne is made
crelion by tumor cdls. and il has comparable effec($ in Ihe brain. It I>J>POSCs Ihe influence. of ..Iicholinergic
in some of the patients. Bromocripline (a DA ago- agenls (108). Auopi .. ean affect oolh musc.r;nic and ni·
niot) bloc ... Ihe TRH ",muiat ion (159). colinic receptors when pres<:nt in hilh concentraiions. It
Epinephrine (E) may interact with p·typc adre- blunt> =ponsUl0 opioid"
nergic receptors to inhibit GH release. Isoproterenol HUlamine mediation of opioid aCI;on. is another po>-
sibilily. Diphenbydram;ne i. an H, an,ogoni'l thalexerl,
(a P agonist) depresses GH secretion, whereas pro-
some influences on cholinergic neurons. while demOSline
pranolol (a P enhanees the responses to glu· blo<:ks jusl the H, reeeptors. Both blunt the opioid effects.
cagon, vasopressin. and L-DOPA (1). However, the eim.tidi"" (an H, blo<ker) is wilhout effect.
findings are difficult to reconcile with the effects of
PNMT inhibitors. These agents lbe conversion
of NE to E. but they intene'" with both the episodic other Ho rm ones
release of GH and the stim ulatory effe<:ts of mor_ TRH decreases GH release when presented in vitro
phine (38). to fetal or adull pituitary cells, and it is implicated
GABA is believed to stimulate GH secretion by as a physiological regulator. As noted earlier, it die-
promOling DA rcleas<:. The effe<:t$ are anlagonized its "paradoxical" GH secretion from tumor celb.
by bicuculline (a GABA ",ceplOT On the When vasoactive imestinal peptide (VIP) stimula·
other hand, GABA can di",ctly accelerale somato- tion was first demonslraled for tumor cells. it wM
stalin ",lease. suspected Ihat Ihe actions purely phannOC<lI·
ogical (31). However, VIP is present in the hypo-
thalamus and portal blood. Moreover. its potent in-
Serotonin fluences On the adenylate cyelas<: activity of
The slcep-associa tcd GH surges have been attrib- somatotropes are antagonized by somatos tat in (43).
uted to s<:rtonin (5-HD rciease (28). Oral admin· Vasopressin, ACTH, and ",· MSH a", all released
istration of tryptophan OT 5·0H·tryplophan (sero- in response to stress. and all incrcas<: GH secretion
tonin precursors) smail elevations of the GH when present in high concentrations. Glucagon Ie"-
levels in humans and monkeys (10 I). However. s tud· cis a'" elevated during and "'hen blood glu·
ies with 5·HT blockers such as cyproheptadine have cose levels faU. Although that hormone may directly
yielded conflicting data. The relationships to cate· stimulate somatOlrOpes. the fact Ihal its effect.s are
cholamines have not been defined. The pharmaco- potentiated by p·adrenergic receptor blockers has
logical effects of S-HT include displacement of NE been cited as evidence for an aClion on monoami.
from secretory granules (114), but d06agC!l of ph.en- nergic neurons (101).
Melatonin (MLT) is made from serotonin. and pi- probably contributes to growth in children and to tis_
neal gland production of that amine increases during sue repair.
thc night. According to some authors. MLT contrib-
utes to the nocturnal GH eie_ation and is involved in
the rapid growth of children. According to others. it
competes with serotonin for receptor sites and by
thereby inhibiting GH secretion accounts for the The names growth hormone inhibitory factor (G [F),
growth retardation commonly seen in blind children somatotropin release inhibitory factor (SRIF), and
(40). growth hormone inhibiting hormone (GI F) ...ere ini_
PGE, cie_atC!) pituitary cAMP and it may tially given to a hypothetical component of hypotha-
act in this way to promote GH secretion. [t has also lamic extracts that decreases GH sccretion. A tetra-
been suggested that PGE , facilitates GRH re[ease decapeptide ... ith a molecular weight of 1638 was
(105). latcr isolated. and called somatostatin
(SS). The same peptide is now more commonly re-
ferred to as SS-14, since longer pcptides with related
biological propenies have been found. Substances
Arginine is commonly used to assess the ability of that display somatostatin-like immunoreactivity and
the pituitary gland to release G H. It invokes greatcr SCem to be of similar size are known as 1.6 SUs.
elevations in women than in men. and its effects can Native SS-14 hal a disulfide bond; the termS cyclic
be enhanced with estrogens (41). Leucine, lysine. and midiUlI arc applied to this form . Thc reduced
and phenylalanine similar actions . GH secre- (lincar. sulfhydryl) derivalivc is also biologically
tion following the ingestion of protein·rich foods potent .
Ala-G Iy..c ys-L'fS'"A sn-Phe- Phe-T rp- Lys-Th r_Ph e-Th r·Ser-C ys

A more recently recogniz.,d member of the group molecular weight of 3145. and the following amino
is an octocosapeptidc. SS-28 (3 . IK SU). [t has a acids attached to thc NH, end of S$-[4.
SS-2g was initially called prosomatostatin (140). ADH on toad bladdcr (49). and is implicated in thc
It is cleaved in vivo 10 yicld SS-14. and it probably regulation of renin release. Interactions with calcl-
serves as the SS-14 precursor in many cell types ferols in the modulation of bone function s have been
(73) . Howe_cr. Iherc arc good reasons to believe thai suggested (146). Some actions ha .. been linked with
it acts directly at olher sites. Morwver. the lime PG generation. but olhers ha_c not (94).
courses for appearances of labeled large proteins, The highest SU concentrations are found in the
SS-28, and SS-14 following the presentalion of la- hypothalamus and median eminence. Neurons con-
beled amino acids. arc consistcnt wilh Ihe concept laining the peptides are present in the ventromooial,
thaI a large precursor is processed in alternate ways arcuate. para .. ntricular. and suprachiasmatic nudd
10 yield several small. biologically active forms of s0- and in components of thc limbic systcm (amygdala.
matostatin (163). hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, and olfactory tu_
Aocording to some reports. SS-28 binds with bercle). Substantial amounts have been found in the
3.2X greater affinity to receptors involved in the OVLT (organum vasculosum of the lamina termin-
control of GH =relion. and it acts there without alis) (106). and smaller ones in lhe preoptic a;<:3,
prior cleavage to the smaller molecule (I 53). In one cerebral cortcx. cerebellum. brain stem. spinal cord.
study, it was found to be equipotent with SS-14 for and pineal gland (10 I). as well as in the neural ret·
inhibiting GH secretion. but 10 times as effeclive for ina. sciatic nerve, pancreas. stomach, duodenum. je-
blocking insulin ll'lease (110). [n others, il proved to junum. ileum. and colon (1 19) and in the thyroid
be 400 times as potent as SS-14 for arresting insulin glands.
secretion and lOX as effective as SS-14 for blocking The SS-14 of the hypothalamus and pancreas of
bombcsin-invoked hyperglycemia (73). mosl vertebrates seems to be replaced by a n-amino
Peptides that share immunological propenies with acid form (2.6K SU) in teleost fishes. In rats, 14K.
SS (SUs) are widely distributed. Among other 3.1 K. and 1.6K molecules are all present in hepatic
things. they inhibit the secretions of glucagon. insu- portal blood. whereas the 14K form predominates
lin. TSII. thyroid hormones, cakilOnin. gastrin. cho- peripherally (119).
lecystokinin. pepsin. gastric acid. and pancreatic bi- Receplors thaI prcfell'ntially bind one of the types
carbonatc (140). SS also de<:reascs the aClivity of have also been described. Evidently. SS-14 is of
gastrointesti nal muscle. antagonizes the effccts of greater potency Ihan SS-28 for cenlral nervous sys-

tern effects (153). and Kveral $OI1Iatostatins are RELEASE OF HYPOTHALAMIC SS

made by cultured forebrain .:.:l1s (131). SS is the major physiological inhibitor of GH re-
PreprOiorrnuostatins and tIM: genes coding for [ea!.C. Antibodies directed against the peplide elevate
them have also been identified (I 56). and one gene
the basal GH levels and they blunt the resp0nsc5 10
component is known 10 code for an l&-emino add
stimuli (151). The inhibitory effects of melalonin
"leader sequenec:" (H). The pos5ibililY that 11M: very and of bombcsin on G H ",Icue are a\tributed 10 SS
large molecules give rise 10 bioloaically active peP"
discharge (1). and DA s«ms to blunt the response
tides allM:r than SS h" b«n considered. to hypogtyocmia in Ihis WIly (1 I). When serotonin
increases GH scetction. this is associated ... ilh l0w-
MECHANISMS OF ACTION ering of tM SS levels (129).
The release is episodic. In ralS, I>OIIrly pulses
SomatOlUtins evidenlly lei at multiple $ites to i... under basal condilions deliver 1-3 pa/min inlO the
hibil boIh basal mild stimula ted GH w:retion ... ith· median eminellOC. Slress and the adminislration of
OIIt alfcaina GH They are efl'caive pharmacologkal stimulanu increase the amounts.
boIh in vivo and in vitro. and they opp;ISC tIM: stim- Catecholamine injections !'\lOse il to 10 p&!mln,
ulation by GRH. VIP. dibulyryl cAM P. MIX . while e1carical stimulation of tM median ptOOp1ie
PGE .. AllIS1. DOPA. arginine. illWlin-inYOked region can ctkit rales of up 10 30 PI/min ( \(i).
hypogtyocmia. barbiturates. exercise. and electrical G H CJCens ncgalive feedback conlrol its "",'n
slimulalion or tIM: ventromedial nuclei or dorsal or
w:retion. and it limits the masniludes the !l()Ctur·
amygdala (lg.43.IOS). The rcsponses are dose-rc- nal surges (107). The mechanisms clearly include el.
lated. Although Ihe SS is rapidly dearaded (83). evation of tM S5 levels. (Portal blood SS rises
continllOlls presentation of the peplide sustains the promptly when GH is injected into thc 3rd ecrebral
actions. ventricles of ralS [30J. and it falls aflcr hypOphysec-
The inHuenees on baSllI G H secretion have been {161.) However. Gil also promolCf Ihe acncr.
altributed to depression of cytosol C." levels and ation of somatomedins. and l!Iofe peplides d«rUK
interference ... ith exocytosis. T hey may involve in· G H release when they are into thc ve""kles
hibition of both C.1o uptake from extracellular (2). by 'Clint on bolh .Mr>i11tha ry (A-4)
lIuids and lransfers of ions from milochondrial to cy-
toplasmic compartments. The changes in calcium
metabolism contributc to the ability to antagonize CHANGES IN NUMBERS OF SS RECEPTORS
tIM: actions of sevcralsccreta801uC$, Glucocorticoids have been observed to "do... n reau·
GR H. VI P. MIX. and 5Cver'll1 other stimulants in· late·· the 5S rectpton of GH<sccrctina tumor «l1f.
voke rapid. sustained elevation of tile Intracellular but to illCrease the numbers of TRH receptors. Some
cAM P levels. and some: actions of PGE, may be ac-
of the effects on Gil secrelion may de-
complished in Ihis WIly. SS is a potent inhibitor of
pend upon such mechanisms. The aluooconicoid in-
cAM P generation. aoo it may additionally acaler·
fluences on the rettplOl'S arc not blunted by
ale cAMP efflu:t. However, altlo:)u,h. major c0m-
ponent of SS anlapism involves Io>vering of 1M TR H also down regulates SS re<:cplo", but ilS ac-
nueleOlide oon<;Cntnnlons. SS does not fully return lions can be blocked ,,·ith cycloheximide. It is Ihere-
tM cAM P to biisallcvcls ... hen it i$ in dosages
fore surprising that Ihe effects of gluoocorliooids and
tha t 10001ly block GH secretion. Tbcrefore. some: ef· T RH are 001 addilive (141). GH-sccretin, oclls also
fe<:ts mUSI be on 10 the nucleotide.
have aldosterone receptors. but Iheir roles are not
It has been SU&&csted Ihal cAMP performs !lIher known (86).
funclions thai include 51imul.tiol'l of GH synthesis.
and lhat these a rc unaffected by $OI1Ilt(ll$tatins..
Synlh.. i<: .... Jots thai dil'CClty Brain Reglon l lnvolved In Contro1tlng GH
pituilary Oe\l$lnd )\f')/IIOte Ihe ",leu< of Gft wilhoul ar· Secretlon (102 )
f"'lin, the KeretionJ III TS II. ACTH. PR L 01' I\W'do- Most of the GRH thai reaches the ponal blood it
In)pi", III"" bc<:n 10 $Iu dy .dditional interre,lal"" believed 10 Griainate in ventromedial (VM) and
ships bctw«n GRllind 5Ss. It hll bc<:n proposed tllll
GRH must as.oo< with t ... o \>indin. $>to< OIl the..,.
arcuate {A) nuclei of the "The major
mnOl.ropes. Ind Ihlt SS bind. 1(1 one of them. It i$ P'l'- studies of GH release have been performed in !'lUS.
sible thai SS .els alone 10 sl")fI.lerm in hibi· bUI similar p3 th"'ays !item 10 in the other
lion. but ilS continued occupation 01' Ihe r«eptOl' mammals.
interferes ..,ith GRH bindina for Ioo,er lime periods V M stimulation is followed by accelerated G H re·
(22). lea!.C .... hereas bilatera l destruclion of the nuclei )0 ... •
crs plasma GH in young animals and relards SOME SPECIAL PROBLEMS INVOLVED IN
growlh. When connections between the hypothala· THE STUDY OF GH PHYSIOLOGY
mus and other regions of tbe brain are severed. the
1. 11 Is DiffIc ult to Achieve GH Deficienc Ies
pulsatile patlun for GH release is maintained. The
plasma GH and the growth rates of the animals tend and Excesses
to increase. but responses to several regulators are There is no technique available for selectively de-
blunted or lost. stroying the soma tot ropes without disrupting all
Axons from hippocampal neurons travel through other adenohypophysial functions. Antibodies di·
the medial corticothalamic tracts to the VM-A com· reeted against GH bave th us far proven to be more
plc x. Stimulation of the neurons accelerates GH re- effective against injected than endogenous hormone.
lease. Excitatory neurons also arise in the basolateral There is no target gland that stores and secretes a
amygdala . whereas inhibitory pathways originating specific negative feedbaCk regulator Although 55
in thc corticomedial amygdala and passing through depresses GH sccretion. it also affects many other
the stria terminalis have been found. Plasma GH endoxrine funClions. Spontaneously occurring GH
rises when the inhibitory pathways are disrupted. deficiencies in laboratory animals arc almost invari·
55 coexists with GRH activity in thc VM·A re- ably accompanied by othcr defects. ISOlated GH de-
gion and amygdala. Therefore, stimulation can pro. ficiency is rare in humans. When it is diagllO$-Cd, rc·
mote the discbarge of both stimulants and depres· placement therapy is usually promptly instituted.
sants. It is not unusual 10 find that stintu lants More information regarding the molecular nature
become effective aftcr a lalent period-probably be- of GHs is required before injections of the hormone
cause SS is firsl discharged and the GH secretion Can be used to fully define the effccts of overdosage.
involves a '·rebound·' phenomenon. When agents Most of the preparations ·now available come from
promote GH release more directly. there can also be animals with large pituitary glands that are slaugh·
"oompensatory'· discharge of the SS. Further oom- tered for food. Since the glands oontain limited
plications arise because the VM-i\ region of the hy- amounts of hormone. the studies are usually per.
pothalamus contributes to tbe regulation of insulin formed on small laboratory animals. GH seems to
se<:retion and to food intake. pose more problems of species specificity than olhcr
Although primates. sheep. and many other species regulators. Implantations of multiple pituitary
increase their GH secretion when stressed. rats and glands into other animals of the !an,c species have
some other rodcnts do not. In rats. there are high been tried, but the structures arc removed from hy-
concentrations of SS in the prcoptic regions of the pothalamic sources of GRH. They usually secr<: te
brain. Lesions at such sites remove the blocks to more PRL than GH. Autonomous GH-seereting tu-
stress·associated GH release. mors have limited usefulness. since many release
SLI is widely distributed to other brain regions products that differ from the nat ural hormonc. along
that include the cerebral cortex (148) . No links wilh with othcr agents that oomplica te interprctations of
peptides in those areas and GH secretion have been the cffeets. Proteins thus far obtained from micro-
established. liowever. it is now well known that organisms also differ from the natural GHs (166).
··psychosocial deprivation·· impairs growth in chil_
dr<:n who are offered well·balanced diets and arc
2. Many Factors Affect the Res ponses to GH
otherwise maintained in good health (28).
Age. sex. nutritional status. endocrine balance. past
Glucocorticoid and Estrogen RegulatIon of endocrine hi$tory, and time of day arc among the
the GRH-GH System factors that affoct the responses to the administra-
tion of a specified dose of GH. Spee ies differences
In addition to directly promoting the synthesis of are encountered in the chemical makeup of the hor-
mRNAs that code for GH. glucocorticoids enhance mones. the usual plasma eoncentratioru. the sensi tiv·
somatotropc responsiveness to G RH (169). and they ities to exogenous preparations. and the reactions \0
decrease the sensitivity to somatostatins (152). The agents that inHuencc GH secretion.
catabolic effects of high levels are allributed to in_
terference with (a) GH release in response to other
3. Many 01 the Responses Cannot be
stimuli; (b) somatomedin functions; (e) calcium me-
StudIed In Vllro
tabolism; and (d) protein synthesis in the target or-
gans. Estrogens can 3ceelerate GH synthesis and Many GH actions arc secn aftcr long latent perioos.
augment thc pituitary hormone content. They also and some require the release of secondary mediators.
incr<:ase somatotrope sensitivity to certain stimu- There is only limited information on the events that
lants. However, some effects are blunted in the pres- proceed during the lalen( periods. In most cases. it
ence of gl ucocorticoids, and roles for estrogens III is neeessary to administer the hormones to whole an-
Gil release ar<: controversial (166). imals and to then remove the tissues for in vitro stud-

Since preparations from intact animals are often lion into cartilage proteoglycans. and the term thy-
insensilive. it is common \0 C<lmparc tissues of GH- midiilt factor (TF) was used to designate the sub-
treated hypophysectomized an ima ls wilh oneS stance that stimulated DNA synthesis. It was soon
tained from untreated operated controb. The \iSliuCS recognized that the tWQ kinds of activity oou ld not
have been deprived of regulators Olber than GH. be sepa rated . and that the same serum oomponents
additionally act on bone, promote the $ynthesis of
oollagen and other proteins, exen insul in_li ke effects
4 . Blphsslc Actions
on adipose tissue and skelctal muscle. and support
The dr.cts SCen soon after presentation of GH can thc proliferation of several kinds of cultured ceils .
be oppOSite in direction to the ones observed 31 a The term somalomeriin (SM) was then introduced
later lime. This is especially li kely to occur if the lar· to designate GH4ependem peptides possessing all
gels are obtained from hypophysectomized animals. of the a Clivities (40).

5. Disc repancies Between Bloasseys and Observatlona ConSistent with SM Mediation

Immuno888ays 01 GH Actions on the Skeleton
Bioassay, are often difficult \0 perform, dependenl animals have undctectable lev-
on subjective judgments, and limited in reproduci- els of circulating S Ms. The peptide concentrations
bility. Most of lhe lest systems require the presence are low in most cbildren of short stature with low
of regulators other than GH to dicit responses. and plasma CH. and they rise when there are good re_
olhers wnlsin nonspecific inhibitors (50). The esti- sponses to hormene re placement therapy. Dramatic
mated potency of a preparation differs from target elevations acoompany the "STOWth spurt"" in normal
type to target type. adolescents (97). The concentrations arc high in
Radioimmunoassays are generally more sensitive, most acromegalies. and they fall following treat-
mOre easily standardized. and more reproducible . ments that lower the G H (40).
They have been widely used for diagnosing GH de- Animals infested with cat tapeworm la rvae gTOW
ficiencies and excesses in patients. However. they rapidly and display metabolic changes similar to the
measure antibody-combining sites that may be t(» ones elicited wit h exogenous G H. The effects arc as-
tally unrelated to interaction s with CH receptors. sociated with elevaled SM levels. but with low cir-
Some preparations have high "growth_promoting," culating growth hormone. The terms "WQrm factor"'
"insulin-like," and "diabetogenic" activities but low and ple,ocercoirl g,owth fac"" (PGF) have been
affinities for the antibodks. Some give high values on given to the component thai stimulates SM
the antibody tesll; but have lil1le influence On intact genera tion.
animals . The liver is believed to be the major site for syn-
thesis of the circulating SMs. and liver ext raelS can
st imulate growth (165). Concentrated plasma de-
THE SOMATOMEDIN HYPOTHESIS rived from nonnal rats acts en tibial cartilage in
AI least some of the influences of GH on the skeletal vitro, even when an tibodies directed against G H are
syslem seem to require the intermediary production added (81) . Few stud ies of purified peptides have
of peptides that are collectively known as been conducted. since il ;s difficult 10 obtain ade-
oomatomedins. quate quantities of the hormones. (No organ is
known to concentrate SMs. and only minute quan-
tities can be: extracted from large volumes of blood.)
History of the Hypothesis
It has recently been reported that purified prepara-
During early attempts to elucidate the meChanisms tions administered via infusion pumps accelerate the
of CI·t actions, it was observed that (a) sera from grow th of young hypophysectomi'.cd rats (142).
intact animals stim ulate growth of cartilage ex- Proponents of the SM hypothesis have offered sev-
pla nts. whereas sera from untrea ted hypophyseet(» eral explanations for tbe failures to demonstrate di-
miled ani mals are ineffective; (b) GH does not re- rect effects of the peptidcs in tbe early studies: (I)
stOre the activity when it is added in vitro 10 the amounts presented were inadequate; (b) impure
hypophysectomy sera; and (c) the sera of hypophy- preparations oontain proteins tbat ma.k the rece!"
sectomized animals pretreated with GH stimulate lor-combining sites of the SMs; (c) exogenous SMs
cartilage growth . are rapidly degraded; and (d) the test systems oon-
The term fac/or (SF) was given to the tain factors thai interfere with Ihe responses to the
serum component that ae<:elcrated lSSO. incorpora- peplides.
Some Clinical Applicatio ns piluitary hormone markedly elevates plasma S Ms in
older juveniles, il is minimally effcctive for this pur·
by the hypothesis, some children of
pose in youngsters 5 years of age (132).
stature low Ie"ds of both GH and
Several kinds of for the discrepancies
and the inCI'<'3SC when =cive and
have been offered. The most important of them may
respond to GH. Others have immunoas-
be the production of "embryonic somatomedin,"
sayable GH within the normal range but low SMs.
which stimulates growth during the fetal period and
Tho ones in this group who show SM ele\llltions and
is proposed to continue to exert influences postna·
growth respOnses to replacoment therapy are be-
talty. The levels are high in fetuses, but they fall soon
lieved to make a defectiveGH that does not interact
aftcr birth in huma ns. They do not crOSS"react in
in a normal manner with GH I'<'eeptors. Their prob-
bioassays for adult SMs. Birth weighls correlate pos.
lems are, however, difficult to define. The 20K GH
itively with the [evels of the fetal peptide (138).
variant is made in large amounts by wme of the
Fetal lungs evidently and usc S Ms (A·3).
short child ren, and that protein Can promote SM
AnOlner possibility is that infants and ve ry you ng
generatinn in hypOphysectomized rats (149).
children arc more scnsitive than older One!; to the
In a different Form of dwarfism. circulating GH is
adult forms of SMs induced by GH arter bi rth.
high. SM. arc tow, and the patients arc reFractory to
Bioassays For the SMs are routinely conduc ted On
GH. The amietcd individuals arc believed
to have either defective Of-! receptors Of some other pl'<'parations obtained from fetal and neonatal ani·
mals because the responses are mOre reproducible
abnormality that interferes with SM generation.
and of greater Other explanations or·
fered indude the rollowing : (a) It has been suggested
Some Problems with t he Hypothes is that SMs are ntade dose to the target but that
lillie of the regulator i. released into the blood·
I. The faci Ihal Gil can elnau the drculming stream; (b) qualitative Or quan titative differences in
SM dOt!s IlOl prove Ihal SMs medime Ihe efffiCts of plasma SM·binding proteins may shonen the half·
Gil on the skeleton, It has been suggested by some lives of the peptides in the circulation; (c) clinical
that the rise in plasma SM is hut OnC manifestation laboratories routinely take their blood samples in the
of a generalized stimulatioo nf protein synthesis early morning. Although some investigators do not
(50,8 1). find diurnal variations, others repOrt higher SM lev·
2. GIf m(1), p/tWn{1 .<OM by ml!Chanr.m .• el> in the arternoon. Ihan in the morninp , The con·
Olher Ih{1n Slimulaling SM genfr{1l1on. SMs have centrations may be higher yet al night in actively
Inng circulating half·lives, bc<:ause they travel growing young children: (d) glucocorticoid and S M
through the bloodstream as components of macro- plasma levels arc inversely rciated , The venipuncture
molecular oomplexes (21). Under normal conditions, and other clinical procedures can invoke stress and
most of the SM associates with a 150K BP that dis· the releasc of sufficient quantities of the steroid 10
appears from the ""rum of patients. transiently lower the SM concentrations; and (c)
The binding protein is restored by hormone replace· other than OH and SMs play important
ment therapy, and il is therefore believed to be in· roles in the stimulation of growth, ".MSH h3.'l such
duced by Gli (33). [nj«:teci SM, rapidly leave the effects in rats, and there are indications thaI it also
blood of hypOphysectomized ralS. acts in human fetuses (1 58). TS H and thyroid hor·
mones stim ulate in young hypophyseclomized ratS
Human blood plasma d,.... however, C(lntain a 40K BP (51). Clinically elfeetive preparations may contain
that bind. SM. with high .ffinily, It i. u.ually mootly un·
"contaminants" tbat act via SM·independent
.. turalcd. In GH deficieney>latcs. Ihe affinity or lh. 40K
for SM. increase., and il is normalized by GH replace- mechanisms.
ment (34.61) , (The small., protein may provide 1«. d· 4. GN {1nd S M in Ihe blood do IlOl rise and
feeti"e protection agaiMt SM degradation Of in some way fall in par{1llel. The possibility that changes in the
r.cilitate more rapid tran.rer or the SM. to their plasma proteins that alfect S M plasma half·lives ao-
,«:<:ptOT$.) count for some of the d ifferences has already been
J. are no direct quantitative relationships mentioned. It has also been observed thaI heparin
/)elwun plasma SM concentratiQIlS and linear and some other substances made under physiologica l
growth raleS. Between birth and 2 years, the mean condition' Facilitate the releasc of S Ms from high
values for pl3.'l ma SMs are only 0.4-0.5 Ujml in molecular complexes (33), and the plasma
normal humans. Aduilleveis of 1.2_1.5 Ujml arc levels can vary over wide ranges. Several other ex·
attained during the 10th-11th year. In both very planations for the failure to find parallel changes in
)'<lung and older children, G H deficiency causcs GH and S M concentrations have been offered; (a)
growth retardation, while hormonc usu· Regul.tors ol her than GH affect SM production.
ally accelerates the growth , However, a lthough the Prolactin has received the most a ttention , bUI insulin

and nutrients are koown to be important (65). Food· to understand some of the interactions and species
dcprived children make liule Or no SM. despite high variations in functions.
GH levels. Their retarded growth can be corrected
by refeeding alone. and Ihe GH level$ then fall.
Nonsuppresslble Insulin-Lik e Activity
Obese children oflen show accelerated growth and
high SM levels, bUI Ihey have low circulating G H,
They are usually hyperinsulinemic. (b) The", is Long befwe any of the SMs was characterized. it
good c.. ideocc that SM, exert negative feedback was recognized that blood scrum contains ··insulin·
conlrol over the secretory functions of the somato- like" components whose actioities are ··not sup-
lropes (2). The high GH in food-deprived juveniles pressed·' by antibodies that totally block the
with low SMs is attributed at least in pari to loss of of exogenous insulin. The substances can be ex-
this function. (c> Hormones other Ihan GH alfect tracted with cold acid ethanol and separated into sol·
skeletal system growth. Child",n often resumc bonc uble (NS l LAs) and precipitable (NS llAp) frac_
elongation when craniopharyngiomas are surgically tions. Different tcchniques have been used to
removed, although the plasma may not contain de· separate growth factor I (IGf.l) from
tectahle amounts of GH. (d) Factors other than GH insulin·like growth factor II (IGf-II ). both of which
determine the effectiveness of the SMs. 1nsulin can may be components of NSILAs.
prolong the plasma half·lives of the SMs by compet- Iluman spinal nDid contains a peptide resembling
ing with them for protcolytic enzyme, in the kidney the blood [Gf·1 1. It also has another pcptide with a
(164). In somc cell types. insulin enhanoX' the bind· IIlQlecular weight of around 9000 with similar bio-
ing of Ihe SMs to Iheir ",ceptors (75). The pan· logical activity known as ··hig IGf·II," but no IGf·
creatic hormone also seemS to decrease production [ (62).
of SM inhibitors. Streptozotocin·lr\:ated rats have
higher inhibitor levels than healthy controls (64).
Somet o medin Cs
5. GH probably exuts SOme direct aCliom On shl-
eral structure growth. Some of the early studies in· Human somatomcdin C (hSM-C) is a pcptide found
dicating that GH cannot act directly may not have in sera that is indistingui sha blc on the basis of im·
4WlOp,i4tdy ,J""i,ncd. T he lar,et prepara- munological and rlAOeplor binding propert ies from
tioM could have contained inhibitors of the responses IGf_1 (136). It has 10 amino acid, and an alkaline
to G H. Morcover, if tbe GH molecules require some isoc lectric point. The molecular configuration resem·
form of metabolic before they can stimu- bles that of proinsulin. There are amino acid se·
late tbe cells. this step is bypassed by the in vitro quences similar to Ihe ones found in insulin A and B
techniques (81). It has been pointed OIIt that the chaim;, but the connecting peplide is different , A
demonstrated effecls ofSMs may be too small to ac. similar subslance (rSM-C) is present in rat blood.
count for the in vivo effecls of GH on the skeleton. The tertiary structures permit binding 10 insulin re_
When GH was administered locally to cartilagc ceptors, but not to antibodies directed against insulin
growlh plates of hypophysectomized rats. longitudi· (20). The peptides have high sulfation activity. Pro-
nal growlh fOllowed On the presented side but not in duction is strongly GH-dependcnt. The prohormone
the contralateral limh (72). it has also been demo has a long c·terminal peptide.
onstrated that GH binds with high affinity a nd spec·
ificity to canilage cells (44). and that it stimu lates
Somatomedln As
DNA synthesis when added to cartilage cultured in
defined media (99). However. although no similar cr- These peptides are similar in size to the SM-Cs. but
feets of prolacti n are obtained. the need to preincu- they differ in immunological properties and have
hate the tissue and to avoid frequent changes of the more neutral isoclcctric points. HUman SM-A may
media are consistent with the possibility that the be identical with IGF·IL The la tter is a 67 amino
cells produoX their own S Ms. acid peptide with a connecting peptidc quite differ.
ent from the one found in the SM:'C. (66). (Antisera
directed against that component do not crQS'Heact
with biologically relaled peptides f(HInd in the blood
of juocnile and adult rats.)
Several growth-promoling peptides whose synthesis The insulin-like potencies are greater than those
is directed by G H have been identified in the blood described for the SM-Cs, but th. sulfation activities
of various mammalian speci es. We still do not know ar<: lower. Although SOme GH is needed to maintain
how many SMs are made. and we are just beginning normal blood concentration •. high levels of the pi·
luita')' hormone do IIOt further elevate tbe pla telet-derived growth factor. and it stimulatcs
trations (66). DNA syn thesis. A 10K peptide that promotes col-
Studies in botb bumans (21) and rats (42) support lagen synthesis is simi lar 10 SMs described above.
tbe concept that SM·As may play special roles in thc Yet a different, 17K regulator has been called bone
regula tion of fetal growth. whereas the SM-O; as- morphogenetic protein (BMP) sin.. it persuades
sume greater importance aftcr birth. Tight as.'IOCis- mesenchymal etlls to differentiate into bone cells
lions to carrier proteins usually block in vivo inllu- (104).
on the blood glucose concentrations (20).
Brain Growth-Promoting Activity (BGA)
Multiplication-Stimulating Activity (MSA)
Growth of the fetal brain appears to be regulated by
Calf serum has bttn widely used to supjXlrt thc pro- a peptide (BGA) that resembles SM -As. and the
liferation of culturW cells. Mixtures of peptides pos. levels rise in response to GH. BOA is a potent mi_
sessing IIOt only such capabilities, but also Sf and togen for rat and human neuroblasts, and the num-
TF potencies and insulin-like activities. arc collce-- bers of binding sites rise rapidly around the time
lively called MSAs. The components seem to range when much of the brain shows its rapid fetal growth
between 7tXX1 and l3,tXXI in molecular wcights. phase (wcek, 16-19 aftcr conception in humans and
Since the levels found in Ihe sera are related to th= around day 20 in the mt) . NGF cannot substi tute for
of GH. thc peptidcs are properly claS$ified as SM •. BGA in the affected cells (139). A motor neuron
One componcnt d=ly resembles (and could be growth faClOr has also been identined (A-II).
identical with) SM-A.
"Conditioned media" in which rat hepatocytes
Growth-Promoting Peptides That Are Not
have been grown contain peptides known as condi.
tioned rat liver MSAs (CRL-MSAs). The peptide, Classified As 5Ms
are biologically similar to the serum-derivcd MSAs. Blood contains several substances that supporl the
Although it differs in molecular weight. biological proliferation of various kinds of cultured cells and
potency. and immunoreaclivity. rat SMA is believed somc that promote differentiation. Certain of them
to be Ihe physiologi<;:al counterpart of human IGF- exert broad.spectrum actions. while the domains of
II . i, i, (V a. rlO F_1I. TI" others are very limited. The peptidcs arc not claS$i·
level, are high in fetal serum. They fall after birth lied as SMs bttause they lack certain biological
as the rlGF· 1 conce ntrat ions rise. eharacteristies as Gil dependency, insulin_like
Some rat fetus fibroblasts release substantial potency. Of sulfation a"ivity . Ho,,·evcr. thcy contrib-
quantities of Ihe rlGF·]] into culture media, but ute to GH functions. Thc ones that accelerate thy·
v<:ry li\1le rIGF· 1. Placental lactogen increases pro- midine incorporation into DNA do not necessarily
duction of just tne 101'-11. whereas OH is without comparable changes in mitotic rates (25).
effect. Fibroblasts from oldcr rats make large
amOunlS of IGF-I but lillie IGF- 11. In adult cells.
both placental lactogen and GH induce the IGF·I "SO MATOMED IN B"
(4). Tbe peptid.. of ,hi. group ate .imilar in oi1.• to the
"truo'· SM., butthcy have more aoidie i$OCleelIie pOints.
Human Skeletal Growth Factors
They are inappropriatel)· named .• illte they do oot .tim·
A protein with a mOlecular weight of 83.tXXI that ulate cartila," grow,h or ero.....eact ", ith SM·C. or SM-
stimulates the growth of both human and chick em- A. in immunotOjlic.1 .tudie •. Moreover. their produC'ion
b')'o bonc cells has been isolated from human bones is 00' .. ro",l), Git dependent. They were orisinally cited
and named human skeletal gro,,·th factor (hSGF). It for the ir "imu\ati"" of the proliferation of glial cell •. The
mitosenie activity has been recently attributed to c<>n·
is known that bone resorption is coupled under nor·
.ami.ation "ith epide,malsro""th facto, (6l). The IG F-
mal conditions to new bone synthesis. and it is p0s- II of e.rebMpinal nuid is no"" belie.ed to be a major reg·
sible that hSGF is the coupling factor. Paget's di5- ulator of gli.1 cell proliferation (62). A differen, peptide
ease is linked with ex..ssively accelerated new bone ""ith an apparent molecular weight of ]1.000 that "im·
formation. and thc levels are high in the bones of the ulates Sch""an" een proliferation has been given ,h.
patients. The protein acts On bone when it is pre- name glia/ g",,,,,h f(J(:'or (GGF) (89).
senled in very low concentrations, and among other
thing •• it acceleratcs DNA synthesis and cell prolif·
eration. It ha' lillie effec t on othe r cell types that NSILP
have becn tested. Related factors with lower nlOlee- Proteins with molecular weijlht> of amurt<! 90,000 that
ular weights have been isolated from cultured em_ exerl >orne imulin·li\;O action. bu,lock o.lfation potency
bryonic rat bone. The 25 K component rosembles arc pre.ent in human sera. They may be SM' comptexcd
with prot.ill$ tha' mali: ,h. Nld or When presented to culture<:! rat pituitary (O H, )
.,.be, ...a)'l 10 inl.,f...... ith lbe obilily 10 .. imula,. cells. EGF al$O aClivales cyclic nuclCOl'do-indepen.
ca'tila,•. proIein kinascs. However. although the reccp-
tOf'S resemble ones found in nc)rma,]lissues. the hor·
EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTORS (EGFS) mone inhibits cell prOIiferalion as il oecdenltes
PR L production and inhibilS O H secrellon (6 1).
EGFs are fOllnd in high conttntration, in rnl)U$Csal. EO F stimulatcs 0 II secte\ioIt by nannal cells (A·S).
ivaI')' glands. is augmenled wilh both en-
dogenous and androcens. and the levels
are mueh hijher in normal .... Ies than in IIOmIaI fe.>- NERVE GROWTH FACTORS (NGF)
males. InteUSling:]y, hI).."CVCr. lhe " , _ JocIn5 to
Structural homologies "" ith proinsulin. and influ·
be controlled primarily via adrenergic te«pu:..... nd
.nca on lhe survival and matu ration olsympathetic
there a .. 110 sex diff... n«S in the of
ne,""""" system ncurom (l4S) were discussed in
mollSC EG F in Ihe blood plasma . It has b«n
Chaps. 1 and 8. The funoction cannoc be mimicked
ported lhal hG H inC1U$eS lIN: releuc _lid lluit EGF
wilh BGA (and NGF substitu te for EGA in
stimulates SM production by eultured fibroblasts
the suppon of brain growth).
(SO). Iluman urine rotItlins • related SUb$tlntt
cate that NGF does not aff«t the survinl cJ para.
(h EGF) ..... hieh may be similar to or idenlical w,th
sympathetic neurons. but it does promote neurite
,6-uroga<tron< (an inhibitor of gastrin secretion).
outgrowth in the ciliary g'lIfIlia (36). Androgens
EGFs promote epidermal growth. keratinizati"". alld thyroid hormones are major regulatOfS of NGf
and differentiation. When sivcn 10 ,nfant rodents,
production .
thcy acC(:lcrate open'ng of the eyelids and eruption
of the teeth. At earlier SIIg<:S of development. they
exert inRuencos on Ihe formation of the hard palate FIBROBlAST GROWTH FACTORS (FGFs)
and on the epithelia of Ih. moulh, esophagus, and
cornea. They a re 1 1$0 said to promote the formation Pituitary gland FG!'s arc basic proteins with appar.
of lung .u,f•• lant. ",1301"' h•• be.n found to ae«l· ent moleeulM "'eight< of 13.400. belief thol
craIe proliferation of chick embryo skin a nd mam- FGF serves as the major stimulant for the prolifer.
malian mammary gland epithelium. hEGF acts on ation of adrenoc<Jrtical cells was discussed in Chap.
human fibroblas\.S. on rat and rabbit kidney cells, 7. However. it was also noted Ihal the innervalion to
and On rabbit epidermal eell,."The e!Teets seem to be the remaining gland contribules 10 the compensalory
organ (bul 1101. species) .pecifu;:. I nfluenecs have also hyperplasia thaI follows unilateral adrenalectomy.
demonslrated for bovine granulosal eell. and Reoc:nt findings raise the pos!libilily Ihat FGF t ync ...
for human lun,. btlt not for adrenocxmical or v.... gius with .,.her facton released from the hypOthal.
cular endothelial cclls (2S). The erfects of EGF and amus. lhe pituitary gland. Or both. Peptides located
of scv<:ral other growth faelon have been linked with at the N-terminal reg:ioo of proopiomclanoeortin ev·
activa tion cJ protein k'lII$<:$ lluit atlllyzc phospho- idently accelerate DNA, but not R NA synthesis.
I')'lations cJ tyrosyl moietic$ of specifIC proteins They are to be secreted in a n inacti ... form.
(147). The .ubstrates ma,y include plasma, mem- along wilb ACTH, a nd to undergo
brane components that undergo eonformatlornol cleavage (96).
NIICC tlN:re is very rapid aecderation of FGFs also stimulate vascular endothelial eell.,
Na ' /H ' ueha",cs. wilh consequent elevation of .nd they additionally act on myoblasts and on am-
cytosolic pH . The alkllinity may. in lum. a ffect aJ)'" niotic libroblam. Roles in wound heali/li and rege.
oolytie cnq'mcs (especially p!tosphofructo/r;inase). eration ha ... been proposed. The funoctions require
synthQis, Ind eytOiokelet.a1 reorpni1.atiolt the presence of other stim ulants thai SMs
(1 12). In fibrobllStJ. insulin docs not di'"tly (128). Brain FG!'t d iffer chemically from the pitu-
affe<:t tIN: eell pH. btlt it potentiatcs lhe effeelS of itary gland hormones.
EGF syn.ramm w,th growth hormone may be
linked with activation of a proIein kinase that cata· PLATELET·DERIVED GROWTH FACTORS
lyzes phoilphorylalion of 12K The 20 K variant
lacks the reaion affecled by the en1.ym •• and the fail· Serum supports the growth of connective tissue eeili.
ure of the 20K form to display early insulin· like ao- ,s
btlt plasma does IIOt. This tlIplained by th. release
tions may be related to Io$s of the phosphorylati"" of several PDGFs from platelets when the blood
sile (10). clots. Two hc:al-Slable pcplides. PDG F· I and POG ".
J J, .... ith molec ... lar "'eights of BPI'f<lxima!ely 32,000 to.oOO-1 3.000 produeed by piluilary ,lands. It proIorIJS
and lS,OOO, lUpec1ively, have: b«n identified for h ... · '0
,he li"",of lOn>C ..... rian celt. """ .... y be ..,laled FGF.
mans. (9). In common with seven,l other (VOWIh GH is needed fOf _ ....1 development of the immullC
stimulanu.. the molecules Qontain polypeptide chains system; and Ih)"lIlOltq>ic propenia I\a"" been dcKribed
linked by disulfide bonds.. In a dd ition to promoting (1't). S."" ...1 pepticlcs produced by Ihe Ih),mll' pa"
lrowth of fibroblasls. anerial smooth musele cells, IU , d'ect various a.peets of ma,oralion,
and Ilial cells. PDGFs nim ... la!c cell migration, proliferation. Ind func.ions h.a"" been iden'ified A,
leu, IIOme peplldel 'r<: imp]i.ated in
amill() acid tl'"dnspor!. art<! Ihe synthesis of chol.,.. more rcSulalion or cell,row,h and ,cptici'
lerol, pTOStacyclin and proteins. They also affect Ihe 'ion, In,crleukin II ( by T Iymphocy,es) and inler.
receptors for low dcnsilY lipoprOleins. serotonin, Ie"kin J .. d from "'""fO!'>bl iCl) arc lmong the leu·
EGF, somatomedin. and IUlein;,jlll hormone. kotillCl kr.own 10 conlrol the proliferation of celli
PDG Ps have: been shown to affect several endocrine ia'-'Olved in responses.. fI«1t proliferation ""rae-
func!ion$. and i! is suspected Ihat the peptidcs con· torr U"" .tso been i<kIWitied ('9).
tribute !o some of the PIIthoiosical consequences of T_j(}<"tinl """,d j«•.", (TGFt) Irc acidic, h... t·
blood vCS$Cl injury. In rommon with EGFs. they ae- ... bl. pep,idcs , induce
tivate pluma membrane Na o/ H uehangc. but the
'ro.... h in ",,""nocopllSlic .""horaa«!cpc!>dcnt cells.
POOF effeclS are seen after a longer talcnt period Some ;n,er.el ...·ilh EGf •. • nd these contribute '0
""",nd h•• linK (IJ t i\),
PDGFs have been classified as "competence fac·
lors·' which "Iriggor"' (he enlry of Go-G, cens into
SM Blolynthe sil and Met. boUl m
lhe S phase and prevenl cyelinl cell, from entering
lhe Go phase. They evidenlly induce proteins lhat a!l- are reasons for believing thaI lhe liver
S<Xiate wilh nuclear COffipoMnlS a nd render lhe cells is 1M major sile for GH-stimulated SM synlhesis
. esponsive to MprogrtsSion (116). !'GF is (1&5). HepllocytC$ h3ve G H n:ceptors. a nd SM ae-
abo classified as a competence factor, whereas EG!' tivity has been found in both dos li,cr "<:00IlS d·
and insulin are included in the prOiression factor "ucnts and media in which hcpatoxytes havc been
group. Cerlain actions of PDGF may require the re- cu ltured. The quantities of and SM binding
kase of different kinds of mediators. It has been pro- proteins that are into perfusates or can be
posed, for exantple, Ihal the innuences on bone re- cxtracted from rat liver arC increased by G H pre-
sorption Ire medialed by proslaglandins. lreatment. They are decreased by puromycin. and
they are undetectable afler hypOphysectomy. The
blood SMs fall following partial hepatectomy. and
lbey rise as the li""r regenen,tC$. Palients with se-
vere liver diseases have low circulating S Ms. Some
T1Ioe trythropomin isollned rrom hu ....n .ri"" is U ea rty UR$Uccessful altemP!S to demonslf'ltle SM ac-
acidic 'illopr9lein .. i,h a molecular "ei,hl of 39.000. tivity in liver an: ,lIrib\lled to tM presence of ... b-
The hormone is believed 10 • .,. On bone marrow '0 p,o- stances thai with Ihe bioaMay •.
mote both "em cdt prQlifer>lion and Ihole'mi""1 waves SM"r<: presenl in extf'l!CIS of hearl. pancreas. pi-
of mil(lf.i, lhal Iud 10 Ihe rormation of ,uitary gland, and brain. Howevcr, since all of Ihese
The levell rise during hypo>i. (e.l. when Ini mllo . ..
contain SM receptors cireulating peptidcs may
kep' II hi.k .lli 'udes, ,ubjec,ed '0 h. """"hale . or in
od .. r WIYS I'«",,"ttd from (..""portinl'iM: <lUI .... be laken up and c:oncenlrDled. Although thc possi·
tilies of 0, in lhe blood). Additioluol f.ctOTs in'-'Olvul in bility that the cells make SMs (or Io<:a! USC has not
Ih...,ulation hue;ntty been deKribotl. Gil .. been ruled OUI. il has IlOl been dCmons!f'l!ted that
....... "'mula'''''' direClly...... its powoh-promoIi", at. any of th06C SifUC1ures contribute to blood SM .
.iOftJ inc",... Ihe needs fen o:<Y&en , (160). The po _ _ Kidocys abo contain SMs. but suggestions that
of IGF '''«plOTs on YOU"' (bul no! 011 'Ii".) erythro- ' hI;)' synthesize and secrete the peptides are dillkuh
cyles ,",,",IS Iha, IGF, a>ntribule to "is C(Ift- 1(1 rtCOncik: with obiServatiOllS lhat ""illter renal di!l-
lrol (122). 0 3$ nor n<:prhrectomy consistently affecls Ihe
Co/Of!)' Srirnulaling FarrO', a,e I lycoprOicin. wjlh mo- pluma (164). On Ih. olher hand, Ihe
tcoul. , ",.iahls of a'(lUnd 10.000 lhal promote 'he pr<>lif. kidney affecu SM functions, a nd i! is probably Ihe
e .. 'ion of ,ranuJoe)"e. and of mc)I\()Ilu"lear phagocy'es.
Inlaconi •.e ,he effcots or erylhropoietin on bone major si le for degradation. An as.$(lCialed
"'"'row. The ftI«f'OPMf:t """'·.Aj«.O', ....y be .... il h renal plasma membn,nes shows high specificily
eIIl "';th lhem. bu, .My loa •• been detected in diffe .....1 for SM-c.. aDd. C",10s0lic enzyme thai acu mostly
I... t)" The aclivilles I .. hiJ;h It si,.. of inlla .... on insu lin .nd glucagon also anlcls S M! ( 164). The:
"'"'ory ","elions. SM. ca n lherefon: retnrd insulin degradation. IGF·
o...rlan G,"""",A F«IOI" is 10 be a carbo- II is more potent lhan IGF·I ( I l l ), Since uremic pa.
hy<i ..,e-f,.. buic polypeptide with I "';Ahl of lien!1 of!tn have high immUnoa.5S;l)'able but low

bioassayabl. levels of SM.A.. it is thaI Ihe cytes or liver. [t IG F-[ wilh high affinily. has
kidneys make SM inhibitors. Children with renal a [ower affinity for IGF_I I, and associates only
disease have been known \0 resume growth when the weakly with insulin. A smaller I'<'c<:ptor of dilferent
kidney problems are corrected. even if the SMs do configuration that docs OOt have disulfide bridges is
not return to oorrnal values. The orlh. kidneys pr=nl in rat liver and adipocytes_ [I displays high
arC difficult \0 define for reasons. Renal in- affinity for tGF-t I, $Omewhat lower affinity for IGF-
sufficiency is associated with elevated plasma sulfa te I, and no tendency to bind insulin . It dilfers from thc
levels, metabolic acidosis and impaired appetite. Nu- receptors for NGF, EGF. TGF. and PDGF (which
trilional deficiencies decrease SM production. aci- are al$O believed to lack the S-S bridges). It has been
dosis afrom binding. and sulfate interferes with SF observed that tissues containing the receptor for
bioassays. [GF-II invariably also have receptors for either in-
No organ that cone<:nlrates SM. has be<:n identi- sulin or IGF-I. and that insulin augments IGF·II
fied. However. it has been observed that V<'ry large binding affinity (39), bUI insu lin and [GF-I lower
amourns of MSAs bind 10 vaSl'ular endothelium (al IGF·[ receptor numbers. [t has also been demon-
least in heifers and steers) (12), and tile cells per- strated that an IGF-I stimulated protein kinase cal-
form "reservoir" run.lions. Targe! organs through- aly"es phosphorylations of the p-subunits of both the
out the body take up and internalize SM" Most COn· IGF-I and the i!!.!ulin receptors ([35).
tain lyS050lllal enzymes that degrade the peplides .
Prolactin sc.eral GH-likc actions. and it
SM Stlmulatlon o f Ca rtlla g e G ro wth
probably contributcs 10 SM production. The oormal
SM levels in fetuses unable to make GH are allrib- [I has been proposed thaI SMs initiate a series of
uttd 10 the presence of PR L and placentallactogcns. interrelated cascading •• ents ([ 64). The peptides in·
Liver is richly supplied with PRL rec<:ptors. but thc voke prompt, K' ..::lependenl acceleration of amino
hormone may also aCI at e1lra-hepatic sites. [nsulin acid uptake. When they arc preyemed from doing
is implicated as a I'<'gu[aw of bolh SM and SM- this. e.g . by presenting the cells with ouabain or de-
inhibitor concentrations. When given in combination priving them of eilher K' Or Na', the subsequent
with protein-rich diets to nutritionally deprived sub- influenccs on sulfation arc blocked. SMs also aocel-
jects, it can restol'<' SM levels without stimulating crate amino acid incorporation into proteins. Puro-
GH secretion. mycin acts at this sile to abolish the SM e/focts on
sulfate incorporalion into cartilage protcoglycans.
Delayed, sustained inAuences require new RNA
SOMATOMEDIN A CTIONS synthesis. Actinomycin promptly retard, uridinc in-
Very large numbers of SM I'<'c<:ptors are distributed corporation into RNA. Lalcr, it brings about paral·
throughOUlthe body, and links with oncogenes haye 101 inhibition of leucine use for protein synthesis and
been suggcsted (A-2). The physical and immunolog- of sulfate incorporation inlO the proteoglycans.
ical properties vary from one tissue to the next Thyroid hormones and SOme other (as yet uniden-
within the same individual (127). Certain of the tar- tified) Serum components are needed to suppan the
gets conlain mulliple componenls, each of which in .ilro actions of SM in some cartilage bioassay sys-
hinds with specificity to one of Ihe peptidcs. Others tems. Canilage is believed to lack insulin receptors,
have a si ngle form of I'<'c<:plor capable of inleracting and thaI hormone has not been shown to substan-
with twO or mOl'<' different regulators (77)_ Many of tially contribute to the SM stimulation.
the cells additionally have insulin I'<'CCptors. enzymes evidently cO!llribute to
In contrast, insulin receptors appear 10 be of a si n- growth of Ihe tissues. GH increases the activities of
gle type within a specics. and there are OII[y small calhepsin D and of acid phosphatase. and its actions
species variations among mOSt mammalian groups. Ihcre may be mediated .ia thc SM •. Thc activities
Both resemblances 10 and dilferences from IGF re- are higher in young, rapidly growing rats than in
have becn found ([7). There are targets s uch older animals (70). (The GH stimulation is specific.
as human fibroblasts in which insulin and IGFs com- No influences have been found on canilage cathep-
pete wilh each other for binding siles and others (e.g. sin B Or on hepatic acid hydrolases.)
adipocytes) in which insulin increases SM binding
A "type I growth faclor receptor" with a molec- Infl uences on Bone
ular weight of around 350.000 Ihal closely I'<'sembles The mechanisms whereby SMs sti mulate bone
the insulin receptor in si1.e and subunit SlruClure has growth are not known. Some effeclSon collagen syn-
been identified in skeletal muscle, but nOI in adipo. thesis have been found. The peptidcs also a<xelera te
the oonversion of 25-OH·vitamin D to 1.25-dihy. subunilS has been described for the rabbit.) Some ef·
droxyvitamin D in the kidncys of hypophysecto- feclS nf GH are seen after very brief latent periods.
mized rats ( 150). They may thereby increase Ca'" In vitro responses are obtained when cells are bathed
availahility. in media that arc serum·free or oontain serum from
untreated hypophysectomized anima ls. In many
cases. they can be blocked with antibodies directed
Insulln·Llke Actions against GH butllQ\ SMs. it is unlikely that the ac·
While the described influences of SMs on amtllQ tions are mediated via locally produced S Ms. but it
acid uptake and protein synthesis in cartilage are is difficult to test this.
reminiscent of insulin actions on SOme other targets, Since only a brief in vitro exp<.>:mre to G I1 is re-
insulin does not mimic SM when it is presented to quired and washing the tissue soon afterward does
cartilage. not impair the responses. GH may "trigger" early
Both hormones act on skeletal muscle and adipose changes in the membranes or promote rapid gener·
tissue to accelerate glucose and amino acid uptake, ation of second mess.::ngers. No specific mediators
glucose and the synthesis of glycogen. have been found. but interrelationships with Ca"
fats. and Each acoomplishes this after bind· and with cAMP are described later. &:veral of the
ing to its own, specific receptors. There are reasons promptly invoked responses are insulin-like. and this
to believe that certain responses invoked by very raises the possibility that GH utilizes mechanisms
high concentrations of insulin presented for long similar to the ones proposed for insulin (68). The
time periods involve insulin binding 10 SM receptors pancreatic hormonc interacts directly with plasma
(75). membranes. and it has recently been .hown that the
insulin receptor possesses protein kinase activity
(I 34). MClSt of the delayed responses oppose those of
Other Aellons of GH That May Be Medialed
Via SMs
GH is belieoed to play physiological roles in repro-
Carbohydrate And Lipid MetabOlism
ductive system maturation. Children with GH defi·
cieney and retarded growth typically undergo de· Within minutes after Gil is injected into in tact an·
layed puberty. Whcn Gil is implanted into the imals. glucose release from the liver diminishes. and
median eminence. the negative feedback inhibition the blOCld sugar concentration falls (98). Although
of GH sccretion is associated with delayed ovarian G H affects the secretions of insulin and pancreatic
maturation in young rats (5). The gonadal defect polypeptide (172). no acute elevations of the insulin
can beovercome with a cal tapewerm facior that de· Ie"el s are associated with the hypogl)'ccmic reo
creases GH secret ion but invokes S M generation sponse. On the oth.r hand . some prior exposure to
(126). insulin is required (7). Within half a n hour. the
GH exerts long·range influences on sevcral other blOCld glucose returns to Or exceeds the IIQnnal
cell types. It reStores gastrointestinal muCOSa that range. This is attributed in parI to compensatory reo
has undergone post·hypophysectomy atrophy. in- lease of hyperglycemic hormones.
c reases the sizes and weights of spleen and thymus When G H is presented in vitro to skeletal muscle
gland and the mass of lympha tic tissue (mostly by taken from hypophyscctomized animals. glucose up-
increasing cell proliferation). and accelerates pro- take accelerates within 20 minutes. However, al·
duction of red blood cells (125). G H is also a potent though muscle upta\.:e of glucose accounts for most
stimulant for liver growth. It can enlarge the organ of the early hypoglycemic effects of insulin. it prob-
in intact animals and accelerate regeneration aher ably ma\.:es lillie oontribution to tnc blood sugar
partial hepatectomy. In skeletal musele. the delayed changes that rapidly follow G H injection into intact
elfeets on growth involve stimulation of RNA syn· animals. The stimulation not seen when tissues are
thesis. Since most of the preceding effccts are first taken from either intact or GH.pretreated hypoph·
scen afte r GH has had sufficient time to elevate thc animals. Moreover. hypophysectomy
SM SM mediation has been suggested. tissues develop refractoriness to the stimulation
within an hour. and they then ta\.:e up glucose at
lower rates than tissues nOt presented with the
GH probably participates in glucose homeostasis
The plasma membranes of many cell types havc under normal conditions. Hypophysectomized ani·
high·affinity receptors for GH that are distinct from mals and GH-deftcienl humans tend to become hy·
SM binding sites. (A sialoglycoprotein with a melec· poglycemic when fasted. and antibodies directed
ular weight of 300,000 comprising foor nonidentical against Gil Can lower the sugar of inlact sub-

jects. Most acromegalies display mild hypergly- the observatioMluggtst that cAMP inhibit' gluCQ!.C up"
cemia and at least limited insulin resistance. Mod- take. and Ihat the effect' <>f both 'Mulin admini.trati¢n
dosages of GH decrease glu= tolerance and GH-deficiency are linked with cAMP dcstructOon.
within 2 hours in healthy humans. Chronic o.erdas- 1I",,·ever. Ihc conc lu,i<;Hl$ arC in<:QMisten, ",ith ",hcr
age in\'Okes sustained hyperglycemia in laboratory find ings.
Cha"3c, in cAMP do nOt dirc:<:tly affcct the glucose
ani mals. The delayed effects involve increased secre- traruporl. Moderate amount. of 8-bromo-cAMP do oot
tion of insulin. changes in hormone receptor num- affect glucose uptake rat<>, and epincphri .. can acceler_
bers and and post-rece ptor defects (23). ate Ihe tran'port when il arlivar .. adenyllte cycla ...
Older animals of some species addili<mally su ffer In,ulin 'Iimulati¢n of gluCO$C uptake i< calcium-depcn_
islet cell "exhaustion". II is agreed Ihal young ani- dent. The hormone i< believed to rai .. cytosolic C.'- by
mals rarely develop diabeles mellituS-like inhibiling a plasma membrane u"u<ion pump. Its influ_
syndromes, but there are controversies over the rea- ence, on the PDE moy be .econdary,.ince high cytvSolic
sons (7). c;,.'- alone affeel< the enzyme. The PDE may then aug-
GH tends \0 increase glyoogcn storage in s keletal ment the insulin dfecls by further "'evating Ihe calcium
muscle when it is gioen moderate amounts. Studies Io>cl •. (1'0£ inhibitOr$ are known to promote calcium
on fat cell. indicate that it can augment glycogen C."
It is likely that cytosolic i, high in GH-depdved
synthase aelioity and antagonize the glycogcnolylic cell •. GIt may rC'(ore glutos. ratC$ and ;Mulin
effects of other regu lators (68) via mechanisms that .. nsitivity by a.lin8 on the PDE to cause .econdary
differ from the ones attributed 10 insulin secrelion. depression of the el leium le>cls.
It may elert similar effecu on muscle cell,.
When the hormone is administered to food-de- Some of the elfects of GH on fat stores are prob-
prived hypophysectomi1.ed animals, the animals ably linked with inhibition of glucose uptake. How-
have higher blood glu= leve ls tha n untreated con- Cl'er, there are rcasons to believe that the hormone
trols. They also lose moTe fal but display bener pro- additionally accele rates lipolysis. The concept is con-
lein oonservation. Sine. OH is lipolytic (56), it has sistent with obsero8tions that children who respond
been suggested that high free fatty acid ooncentra- well to GH replacement therapy "Iose thei r pudgi-
lions in the blood pla$ma retard glucose uptake by ness" even when the growth is associated with body
skeletal muscle cells. However, moderate dosages of weight gain and increased food intake.
GH do not substa ntially elevate the fatty acid COn- Whc n G H is prtsenled in vitro to adipose tissue
centrat ions (23). As noted earlier, certain effects of freshly isolaled from young adult rats, it accelera tes
GH preparations on carbohydrate and lipid metab- lipolysis after a lalent period of 1-2 hours. T he ef-
olism a re altributed to lhe presence of a "diabeto- fects can be potentiatcd with glucocorticoids and
genic" contaminant that is lipolytic and also keto- with thcophylline_ Preparations from weanlings dis-
genic (92). play qualitatively simlla r rtsponses. bUI they are
Some e.idence for early, transient stimulation of more senS;live. The latent periods are shorter, and
gluoosc uptake by adipocytes of hypophysectomio<cd lipolysis is also easily invoked with epincphrine (5S).
animals has been presented (68)., whcn In contrast, tissues taken from GH-<leprivcd ani-
ra ts are chronically of Oli, the transport mals display insulin-li ke responses to exogenous hor-
rates become maxi mal and they cannot be further mone t hat include antagonism of epinephri nc-stim-
st imulaled by insulin. OH admi nistration normalizes ulaled lipolysis. The effects subside after some hours
the "basal" rate of glucose uptake, and it also re- of exposure to OH, and lipolytic responses can then
SloreS insulin seru;ilivit y. It has therefore been pro- be demonstrated in the presence of potentiators.
posed thai GH induces (or activates) a factor that Adipose tissuc taken from intact animals tha t is
limi ts gluoosc uplake under physiological conditions preincubatcd in a GH-free environment for 2-3
(141). hours behaves like tissue from untreated hypophy-
sectomitcd rats.
The relalionships to cAMP au; comple._ In.ulin It can be argued that the insulin-like effects arc
augments the acti.ity of • 10", Km phosphodiesterase: nol important under normal condilioll$> since OH is
(POE) in .dip<>:« tissue (46), and it lowers the cA MP. secreted and il invokes However>
h s effeel$ on t lue= uptake are by paraUel
change. in the POE. GJ[ inhibit, the POE,an<! il' abmty stress LlSua\ly inhibits OH secretion in rats. and lis-
to antagonize in.ulin effects on glucose traruport are SUts from inlaCt. stressed rats display the antilipol-
probably relaled to this mechanism. In chronic GH-defi- ytic response (35). The changes can be rapidly in_
eieney $IlOlts POE activity i, maximal and unaffected by .oked in intact anima ls, and they are eMily blochd
in,ulin. GH treatment relu,,,, the POE activity to basal with nalOlone. Moreover, since OH is released epi-
levelland r.,tOfU rC$poMi .. ncu to in,ulin. Taken alone. sodically under nQrmal conditions, there are times of
the day when the levcls low. The amilipoly,is tie effcct on hormone-replete rats. The changes in ri-
may therefore represent a physiologically relevant bosome activities deseribed for skeletal musele are
reaction wl\Qsc importance remains to be defined. nOi observed (82).
In liver. G H induces SMs and some other special
proteins. It is also said to increase the numbers of
Influence s on Protein Metebolis m
GH receptors, although the h(lrmone "down regu-
The physiological effccts in well· nourished juveniles lates"' in other target organs. Chronically elevated
inelude lowering of the plasma amino acid levels. ae· GH levels an: aswciated with enlargement of the
celerated amino acid incorporation into proteins, el. organ, and GH is believed to play essential roles in
evation of the body protein: fat ratio. nitrogen n:ten- regeneration following hepatic injury or partial
tion. reduction of urea production, and lowering of removal.
the plasma and urinary nonprotein nitrogen concen-
trations. True growth also requires delayed slimu-
lation of RNA production and aC<:umu lation. In ad-
dition, GH sharpell$ the appetile ($2).
W hen presented in vitro to skoletal muscle prep. In \V01I·nourished children. GH levels peak and glu_
arations from hypophyseetomi,-"d animals. GH aC- cocorticoid concentrations fall around the time of
celerates the uptake of certain dietary amioo acids, slcep onset. [t is probable that G H then exertS its
and it also affects some artificial ones that "r" OOt major, SM-mediatcd stimulation of body growth.
metabolized. The selectivity differs from that ob- During times of food or protein deprivation. mct-
served for insulin (7). Thc latent periods and dura- abolic reserves are limited. It then becomes physio-
tions of responses resemble those for glucose uptake. logically appropriate to divert the available resources
but the mechanisms are different. Amino adds an: into pathways that support vital functions and to
transported against concentration gradients. Protein temporarily arrest growth. The elfects ofGH on SM
synthesis inhibitors block the 5Iimulatory effects of generation are allenuated during fasting (32), and
GH. It is therefore possible that the hormone pro- the IGF-l (which exerts the most prominent effccts
motes the formation of labile proteins rC<Juired for on bone elongat ion ) is more affected than thc IGF_
transport via mechanism, involving utili7.ation of II (109). fasting also leads to the production of in_
long_lived mRNAs. Alterna!ively. the inhibitors in- hibitors of SM actiom;. and this probably contributes
terfere with an ongoing pT"<ICCSS of protein synthesis further to the arrest of skeletal growth (162).
that is to support amino acid uptake. The GH secretion is accelerated, an elTect attrib-
Glu= deprivation and RNA synthesis inhibitors uted in part to loss of the negative feedback inllu-
prolong the stimulation . They may interfere with the eocesof SM. on the somatotropes. Then. GH seems
production of trarulport inhibitors. Another possibil- to facilitate maintenance of the blood glucose con-
ity is that they slow the synthesis of en7-ymes that centrations. increased use of lipid fuels, and the
degrade transport proteirul. "sparing" of body protein.
Gil additionally accelerates the rate of amino
acid il\COrporation into proteins via mechanisms dis-
sociable from the ones on transport. The
small (4OS) subunits of the ribosomes may be the
primary sites of action. Organelles taken from GH-
deprived rats the amino acids at suhnor-
mal rates. GH pretreatment of the animals II<)rmal- SM I <"",ation "nd SM I''''''''!'''' d<pr<SKd.
iles the function, and the hormone also some $.\1 ... I",med
effects in vitro after a latent period of approximately SUPPOfl of •.
half an h(lur. Once begun. the effects persi,t for 24 lipid o.<Hl ......... "" ptOl<io
hours or longer. Repeated injections of GH into hy- 'pa ri08
pophysectomized animals bring about increases in
the quantities and activities of RNA polymerases
and in cellular RNA content . In very immature an- REFERENCES
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_ _ PART VII _ _

The Hypothalamus, Hypophysis,

and Thymus Glands
Hypothalamus and Hypophysis

The pituitary gland (hypophysis) barely half heat or cold, or the presentation of the kind, of nox-
a gram in Ihe human adult male (23) and 10-1 2 mg ious stimuli that are easily tolerated by intact or
in a 400., aduh male rat Despite the small this sham-<>pcrated controls. The roproductiveorgans in-
organ exertS major influences over carbohydrate, volute, the ability to engage in demanding muscular
prOiein, lipid. and nucleic acid metabolism. waler activity is severely impaired. and there is high sus-
and electrolyte balance, cdl differentiation. body ceptibility to infc<;tion .
growth and maturation. metabolic rate and body The hypothalamus of a healthy man weights 4 g.
temperature. waler and electrolyte balance. cardi". oc<:upies 5-6 em' and accounts for around of the
vascular functions. reproduction and lactation, brain mass (3). Yet, as will be discussed. it is vir-
pigmentation, mood and behavior, and Ihe rc.. iSl311C1' tually impossible to cite a bodily function that is not
1<, 51re.. and infection. controlled by thi. part of the brain. The neu",n. "'t;-
Sin« ils hormones tonically stimulate the thy- ulate the secretions of all of the pituitary gland hor-
roids, adrenals. gonads. and other components of the mones (89), and they synthesize chemically related
endocrine system. the pituitary hM been referred \0 substances. They receive inputs from gus-
as Ihe "master gland." However, it would be dillkui( tatory, pootic. thermc-, osmc-. and prcsso-
to find a more rtguiOled organ. The morphology and receptors, and they thereby link the endocrine sys-
secretory activities are alfected by androgens . estr<r tem with both the outside world and the autonomic
gem. progestogens. glucocorlicoids. thyroid hor- ner.ous system. They also information
mones, somatomedins. melatonin. insulin, glucagon. with other parts of the brain and with the spinal cord
and calciferols; by substances obtained from the diet and somatic ncrves. Some of the cells respond di-
that include gluoose. amino acids, and minerals; and rectly to changes in blood temperature and compo-
by the very products that the pituitary produces. The sition. while others are "protected" by the blood-
celis also respond to hypothalamic ··releasing hor- brain barrier. Every known hormone, neurotrall.'i-
mones,'· to somatostatin. dopamine. norepinephrine, miner, and neuromodulator seems to alfect the hy-
serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and to other pothalamus. and mQj;t nutrients have some effects. A
neuroactive molecules. The functions vary with the partial list of the regulators made in the region in-
nutritional state. sex, and age of the subject, and cludes (a) hormones that ,timulate adenoh)"pophy-
with the time of day and the ",ason of the year. sial cells (e,g. TRH , CRH, LRH, GRH. and PRF);
Adenohypophysial celis begin to synthe>;ize hor. (b) hormones that inhihit the adenohypophysis (s0-
mones during early fetal life. and the regulators play matostatin. dopamine, and others); (e) hormones
roles in prenatal development, If the pituitary glands that directly enter the s}'stemie blood (oxytocin and
are excised during the early juvenile stages, the an- vasoprcs5in); (d) the better known ncurotransmillers
imals remain permanently delicate. stunted, and im_ (norepinephrine. dopamine. serotonin, acetylcho-
mature. Animals hypophysectomized after attaining line); (el substances usually classi fied as ncuromo-
adulthood can survive in protected environments. dulators (GABA, substanC<' p , enkephalins, endor-
but they are ever poiscd on the brink of disaster. phins. histamine, angiotensin. prQj;taglandins.
They cannot withstand even brief periods of food or neurotensin, melatonin, and several amino acids);
water deprivation, sudden or sustained exposure to and m molecules related to MSH, ACTH. GH,


Sub<livi.ion> P:a .. di",Ii> Modi.n .mi ... nce

Pan i.t.rmedi • Infundibulo. "em
.,.,. tube,.h, 1' ...., lobe
Embr)dOli<" ",iei" Rl1h);.', pOOoh N...., <Ot<>k,m
Mojor «II types P... di",'i. coo,.i", thyNlrop<., Blood ",,,,,I. ".,,1 th""",h m«Ii,"
""ticotr(If><J, """. '''' r(If><J, emincnc., ....... e "0011 throogh
IoOt.trop<' JOI'IO<IOIropeo. ond i.fundibul.r mm
P.,.. i."rm.dto. con,.i .. m.lo_ropes
Nou ral lobe ha ... on ,ndings .nd
ond .,"'" 1<rmi",,10
C.vit"" R.. i<!u."'''''' (hypophy.iol "eft) lol\ondibul.< (,,",) oIo1'!
Major . rr,,,", blood .....1. "",ori« or supcrior hypophy.i.1 ' ''ori.. P",,,ri« or inr,rior bypophy.i,I .r1.rieo
M,jor hormoo><. P... di".Ii. .ynlh ..i" ond ,<0,<1. N.ural lobe «<,i, .. , ,,<>US, o.d
TSH, i\CTH, Endofphi ... ...-MSH., "I..... V......... in.nd O. )100:i.
GH, PR L , F$I!, LH, and some th .. ori! in01' in the hypolhalomuo
I ,,"'th /o.t""
M,I.oooy'" ,y",h«ito.nd ... , ...
MSH and ",,,",, .m.1I pcpt;"",

TSH, CCK-PZ. and other "peripheral" hormoncs. At around six weeks postconception in humans
The classification is artificial, since a singlc molecu- (and at a comparable stage in other mammals), the
lar species can function as a hormone, neurotrans- ectoderm of the roof of the mouth (buccal, stoma-
miller or oeuromodulator_ and a hypotha lamic fac- deal ectoderm) grows upward and evaginales to
tor that inhibits one cell type can stimulate another. form pOuch. The pouch soon dcvelops inlO
Certain neuron groups have been impl icated in a vesicle that gives rise to the adenohypophysis. It
the control of appetite and food intake; the storage transiently retains attachment to the pharynx, as the
and l"<'cruilmenl of fuels; Ihe l"<'guialion of cardio- anterior walls thicken more thn the posterior ones
vascular, respiratory, and digcslive syslem funclions; and both acquire the ability to makc pars distalis
Ihe generalion of circadian rhythms; arousal, slcep- hormones.
wake cycles, and Ihe levels of molar aClivity: body Thc neural ectoderm along Ihe noor of tbe 3rd
lemperature; l"<'productive behavior: the physical ventricle of the embryonic brain grows downward as
e>:prcssion of emotion and the associatcd the sacculus infundibulus. The saccus elongates into
with suack and territorial defense: and thc appre.:i- a funne!-<lltapcd infundibulum that cstablishes inti-
ation of both l"<'ward and punishment mate oontact with the vesicle. It is widely believed
An overview of the anatomical and function fea- that the honnone-se<:l"<'ting cells of Ihe adenohy-
tures of the hypothalamo-hypophysial system was pophysi s belong to Ihe APUD system, and neuronal
presented in Chap_ 2, and thc chemistrics_ bio- elements may wander in at this time.
syntheses, and functiO!l$ of the various hormones The neuroectoderm evidently releases an inducer
have been described in several sections of thc text that slimu lates diffel"<'ntiation of oontiguous portions
The subdivisions of thc hypophysis al"<' summa- of the vesicle inlo a specia li zed ring of tissue, the
rized in Table 19-1. paFS inltFmedia (PI). (No PI forms in birds, or in
whales, porpoiscs, and other mammals in which the
oonlact is not made. Artificial barriers to the passage
of Ihe l"<'gulator can block PI fonnation in othcr
Mammalian pituitary glands show marke<:l specics spec ics.)
variatiO!l$ in slructure, but they possess common fca- As the pars distalis oontinucs to enlarge, the orig-
tures (33,37,96). The developmental stagcs for a inal cavity of t he vesiele persists in some species, and
"typical" hypophysis are summarized diagrammat- it is then known as the residual lumen or hypophy-
ically in Fig. 19-1. sial cleft. In humans and olhers, Rathke's cysts form

A. Nev,.l lbla ;") anti bo.Jtcal
Irnouthlll'Cl(>derm S. For"",'"", o j
Rathke's poocn

C. FOtmalioo 01 oC$icle
Pars ' t
." " ''¢l:

rl '""e ••

, , I i
Fig. 1\1· 1. Oio ...... mmat;c
i Ii , repre ....,lalion 01
.... erl\;' lion.

and they partially or totally occlude the space. Con- lobe also contains specialized neuroglial
comitantly, the pars inlermwia undergoes atrophy , oomponents. Ihe piluicylts.
The sphenoid bone grows whil e the pituitary gland The Hoor of Ihe brain located between the optic
develops. and eventually the hypophysis of humans chiasma and lhe mammilla/)' bodies 101m! an extel'
and some others QCcupie$ a dep,es,sion within it nal1y visible, longitudinally directed bulge, the Mitr
known a$ the sella lureica. The connection with the cille'eum. As Ihe blood vessels develop, the posteliol
pharynx i. broken. but SOme glandular tiSliue may exlension thickens most obviously in humans.
oc<:upy the pharyngeal side. whereas the anterior region becomcs more promi.
The d istal portion of the neural ectoderm becomes nent in ralS. The term median of Ihe tuber
bulbous. The expanded region is then called the /,.. cinereum (M E) is applied 10 the thickened portion.
j um/ibuiar proctJS or Murallobt. Someau thors pre- The M E has been defined as the zone of the infun·
fer lhe terms posrer/Oi' or pars l!el'WJSa; how- dibulum exclusive of Ihe infundibular stem and in·
ever, others use posterior lobe to mean both fundibular process that conlains Ihe prima/)' eapil·
infundibular pI'<J<XS/i and pars jnt.Tmedia. and pars laries of Ihe hypolhalamrrhypophysial portal vessel
nervosa 10 designate tile enlire neurohypophysis (sec Syslem. [I is a compone nt of bolh Ihe hypothalamus
also Chap. 2). and the neurohypophysis. In Ihis conleXI, the tenn
wilh cell bodies in hypothalamus stem (neural Slem. nerve slem) refers
send long axons into Ihe neural lobe. 10 the lissue thaI joins the infundibular process with
travel in bundles. th. hypolhalamrrhypophysial Ihe ME (77).
nerw Iracts. which in perivascular spaces. Sma ll laleral projeclions of the wall of Ihe pitu·

111-2 o.lII j lioo'sO! T_ 0 " .iDOng eo""".,ts01

Abo"llobe of R.,hke'. pOUch Embryonic """,(un: ,hat Ji= ri>< to of """', p;'.;" 'Y Ilan<l .. ,I>< , ..d,1
lobe of _ . an<! ,he """""""""'ypophysi. of fi'l>cs.
"'",eriOl' pi'.i" ,), (Som<tj""" 01«1 .)'",",y""""ly ... j,h pa .. d;".lis.) I. 110001. "'toinint ,h. hYMhy,i.1
ddt. tho: aRterior pit.;,.,y ''" be .."" .... ,ed r""" the pooto' iot p;'oi"I)'. C.,.,,,;,,, . 11
of po" di".li. and pons of pon ,ube .. l;" lic . <><1 ".d.1 lobe. Sub<!;,;,ioo>$ of ,he po" diM';, ;n '1>«'""
in ..-hi<h 'he embryonk oral lob< 1><";''' '0
form the «ph,lie pori"" (I)'pical of 1h,,1<). In moo' mamm.'" ..,If 111< ."""'1
de""Iop< 0.0 i< JJ\On: oIO$<ly ,dOled I. 1he "" udol lobe.
Cone of Wul,.en Co-'''''pod mw of <p«;.Ii<ed «II. de,;.«1 ftOtO p><l<nor wa ll of Roth);,', pouch. May
be in COIl'''''' ,.ith pars i.torrr.<di. but dilf... in «11uI.,
few .. hOI ' 1>«;", bu , noI in Il10>, •• im. I•.
SU_ in .k«p I n<! •

Hypophysi.1 cl.ft R.. idutl l."",.: l><lw •• n po" di".li, . ocI PO" in'cr"",dl." ",mnan' of tu""," of",
Hypoph)"i., rue .. infundibular or """,,;,,ul,, rec< .. ,
1.("<><I ibul" process US«! by "'h<r ,.,hor;
10 des.i, .. « ,he b,lbou. ,n<! of 'he r><urohypoph)"is. " hOch "om<
on<! ..., ...... pepMe 1\0,0'>00'<0, This ., "'",,, i. "ro,,,d '" • • ,he ne,rol lob< i. ,hi,
E"e •• ion of ,he "",i 'y of ,he ,hi,d ""."lele i.,o ,II< os s."'"
hypoph)";., """"'-
N.,ral 'i ..... from ,he ,.bo,
c i.. ",m
to ,he ",.rallob<. s."", •• "0",1 ",m
.n<! no"","'m.
I.fuooibut.m Uoed he" .)'nonymousiy wi'h infun<!ibular "em. "'I"".oed ' 0 d",iJlU" ,he fu.", ... h.ped
,",i,y of ,he i.fundibul., ,,, .. of.1te pi"i""
CI.. ,ly "'m.. relion of >okoollypophpis 'hat ...,,,... MS I!. or,," ust<I
'y_y""",. ly " i'h po" i.."",o.H. ,
Medi .. emi""",,, ('p.ood<d upp"' .• upo'("'" po<1ioo of pi',i"" . ..11 , C....i .. blood .....1. of ,he pott.1
U"d her< '" desi""", .1 1of ,he hYP<lllhysis dori....! from ,be ..,,.1 «""'"., I n<! ,ho:
ouooi.. ed blood ,....,,, tho: medi. n emi"' .... 1""I.des ,he neu ..11ob< . nd
i.lunditlou l. m. Som, , ., """ ,nc'UO, J>l'"(II ' . . . ypoth.l.mus ,." 'Y""""':
n•• ro/Iorrnorres.
Bul""" . ..... , "po "'ion of ,he ncurohypophys;. 'ho' .krrU .nd "I..... ne'rohypophpiol
pop'id«· """, ", I"d inf,<><Iibul., ]><0<:e$0. Sorn, .uthors i.<:I. do ,ho: , .. i"
no. rohYJ>OI'h)"i •.
No"'.I .... lk S11"o,",e ktdill£ f,om tube, d", .. ,m '0 neu,,' lobe; incl.d.....",1 ",... <><1 _ion
,.,i,..,nco. M.y eon,.i. i.f,odibolo, ,"',"" """",i"", ust<I 'y_y""",.ly "i'h
i.f.<><Ii tIou I. m.
No ..,' ",m N,ur, 1 , ..... e",<><Iin, from .. t.:, eineroum '0 infuooitloulor ?"""'" ( ......1 lobe).
N<u ral (i",m. l) component of ne. 1I1 .ulk.
1',.. oi"",rncdi." St"'''''' lor .... d by f.,ion of pt" i.te,modi, " i'h neurohypophysis. Typic. 1of
. mphibi . ... urd ("ho<,
Or.I A'IO,ior po<1ion of ",,"oh 'ho' dol'""""" i. ""'"' ..imolo: in OIh'" i, Ii'''''
ri .. '0 ,Ire cop"'Oc '" ..,.",1 lobe. ""'. lUbe",'''' or l'fOO""oohypoph)'>is.
Po" .n,.,"" Som<1i.,.. usod '1",,"ym<lll$ly .. i'h p.>t$ dist.l i.. """.,i,lIy i" 'PO""" i. .. hOch Iocotkrlt is
,"'i"ly .."rior ' he neurohypophysi •. O::cu .... Uy .,..d me . . . . '0 ",lor pi" i,,'Y,
Pa" di".li. LorS"'. "",,<><led .,.".'ion of ."'ooIIYJ'Oilhyoi" ",,,,,.. . 11 of ,he es' ablished
. d,,..,h)'J>OI'hys;.l hot""""" "cop! M$Il , 01"", ,.. '0
t< desi, .. " , ",,,io< pilUi"rr is
booi., di,."niod. ("'",o,io< pi"'''')' .1", i.dud" pan. of ,Ire "",,',be,'li")
Pars i.f.<><Iib."ri. U.. d he" . n<! el .."",,, '0 deoiJ.rg." 'h, J>l" of ,II< J>l","boo", li. (,,,,, .. ) ..-ithi. ,Ire
mod;" ,miner.<:< •• d "1<<><Ii', lor 0 '"'Yin& di"."e . i<>n.J! 'he ,uboor cine""m. Uoed
by 01""" '0 d""n"e ''''' PO" i"'"m.," •.
Pa .. i.termedi. OlIO. ooed .y,"",y""",.ly w;'h inl.rm«li ... lobe. M.y 10< used '" dooif .." M$H ·
...,,,li nl cell. ''''' • ..-h.. no ... ,... i<.lIy i." ,medi ... lob< i. pre .. n\.
Po" of ,Ire pi,"i",),.
Pa" "",,,,•• Used by """' . Ulhors '0 d"";,",,, ,he <n1,re lIC.rohYJlOPhy.i. 000 by ",Ire" '0 de'i. ""
t ho n<urollol><,
De,i, .,i" <1 1.".-.1 porlion. of R.. hk, pOU'h: co"i.. blood " ....1. of 1'Ol",,1 ')'OllO",.
Also ",10<1 pa"
P;a" IUbe"l;, "',,.. The I."" po<1ion of 'he par. ,."'roli. ,ha,carri .. ,10< 1'Ol"'" blood ' .... is. I. moot
oolr ,he "',,•• pr=nt ••• d tho: ,,,,,, i• • oed ' 1",,"y""""'r with p.>"
T.ble o.Intionsoi Termo 0" ';t>io'll A_ypoptr,......... Neo.rohyp<lphyo

"" .. ,.be.,I" in .. ' .... 1\ .,• • lIy .m.lI. "., ..1 p. " of ,h. , p",,"" in ' p"ci ...

Pi, ,,i"'y En,ire "'.".re by ...·hieh ,iI< 11<.""

lobe i•• ,,,,,,,ookd Irom ,he ,.1><,cine",,,m. inel"din,
,he i.I"""io.l., "'m. ,iI< med"," eminence. ,..s or ,he ,."",,.Ii.,
Sam< ..
.,."ral ",I •.
S,,,.d. of cell. &<O<>mpo.yi", ,he ,.."..,. lrom ,he ... ,,,be.. li. c• .., ... to 'he
POtto,ube ..1 "oc'
poT> ,.""'",Ii. in4<r .. , Secn ""'""y in . " ·Ioyi,,, .... mm ... , bird •• • rod rep'iles. in ",hieh
,he po,. ,.beroli, e'''''' <10<.1>01 I<.d dir..,.ly 10 'he po,. di".h.,
f'>.t1 01 hypophy>;' """ ",main. wll<. ,ho ".n'.,io< pit.i ...ry" i. "''''''''t<!. ,.,.Iud .. ""u,.1
lobe. po ... i., .. m«!i ••• "" po'" of PO" ,."", .. Ii •.
p,.,.. me..,.. met,· S"Wi.i,.",. 01 ,ho 'ypie.ol 01 I"he,. Til< ....".d.""hypOph)1io sc.m, 'Q
• dcooh ypofOh)"i' "'" """" c,,,,<ly ",I.'ed '0 ,ho po ... di,,,ti. or .... m""," Of to ,ho e.ud.l 10"'" (...
.bovc). ,iI< '0'he eeph.,i. lobe •• "" ,tto met . ...dcoohypOphy>i. '0
'he i.'ermed"'" lobe.
K.. h);e·, pouch Embr)'''''ic "'"".'" form«! lrom roof or phory', ,h .. Ii ... risc '0 ,II< oclcoohypophy,i •.
R=s>" hH'Ophl'''' ' tlyf>OPh)·,iol Q< inl.""i,,,,., "'<eo<.
R"id.,"u"",n lIYf>OPhy.iol cl<n,
inl.OOi"",., (.. 0<., C.-ity formed .. "".,,1 .."oderm 01 embryo from Roor of ,hirO
inl""" ib" i,,.) ve""i,l<. 1.>10' becomeo hypophy-li.1 'eceS>,
So",," lu, .,.<.Iou. (.,,,,e", 1""'«""
Folded. >'> scul .. i",d "'u"u'" in Roor 01 ,hi,d ..,."",1. or fi,h ...
\'uc" I",",)
T.Io<,<;nc".", Tl>c PO" of ,tto Roor 01 ,h. 'h;,d ..,."",1< ,h" .n,." in,o 1"'.... ';0" of 'he inl.""i .... l..
".m. It ,,"00, lrom ,ho op'ic ehios ..... to ,to< mammillary"""....
V•• "oll_ A "',,"UJ< """",Ii'l lorw.rO lrom ,tto "''' di".Ii, or d»rnobfOn<h" bd;."", '0 be
lormed lrom ,he 1"" ,,,Io< .. li,.
A defined. 0""'''' por,;"n 01 ,II< PO" di".Ii, <)1 ....... "imol,. beli •• ed '" "i.. r,om the
"",11_ of R.. hk.·, pouch. Abo co lted """.1 ,,,",,, ....... " i.",. l i,..If... " ....

itary 'csiclc ,,"iV<' risc to Ihe par< /,dxrali.< (which BLOOD SUPPLY
carries blood In many specics. Ihe proje<:-
lions grow and fuse to form a oollar around Recent studies have demonstrated that the vascula-
Ihe saccus infundibulus. The pars lUbcralis can tu re is highly complex (Fig. 19-2). A simplified sum·
eilher extend over rncrs\ of Ihe tuber cincreum or tor· mary is presenled firs!.
minale more ventrally. In humans. it appears as a The imtn",1 carotid arteries give olf branches
thick cloa k around the anterior ,urface of the neural known as and inferior hnlOph,'sial arlelies
stalk (23). The term infundibularis is used by in upright creatures and as ameriQr and p<JSurior
some to the pars tubcralis. but by others counlerpartS in olhors. The superior (anlerior) ves·
10 mean the inlermediate lobe of the adenohypoph. sels lead inlo capillary beds wilhin the hypothala-
ysis (par> imermedia). muS. In addition to supplying oxygen and nutrienlS
and carrying away wastes. they take up .. leasing
In :lOme of the vertebra,. •• orol 00<1 Q/xH-al di,i,ion< 01 hormones made by the hypothalamic neurons. The
pouch de'elep in,o rostral (<<ph.lie) .nd clud.1 blood is into wmponents of the hy-
region, 01 Ih. pars distalis, respecli"el),. whi!c 'hc proj"'" po/halam£rhypophysial porlal syslem. and il enlers
lion, ,ha' form 'ho pars tuberali. ar ise 'hem. In a sewnd set of in pars distal;'. Thus.
<>thers. 'he oral component i, ve"igiol or roduoed 10 a the pituitary cdl, rec<:i ve most of thcir blood supply
,man remnant. as ,h. major pari of 'ho pa .. di".li, de-- indirectly. There are unresolved oontrove",ies oon-
rive, from 'he aboral COmponenl. cerning whether small amountS of arterial blood pass
directly to the pars distalis in at least somc specics
The term pi/uilary stalk often sign ifies Ihe infun· (73). The posterior hypophysial arteries go directly
dibulum and ils associated ne!,\'e5 and blood vessels. to the neurohypophysis.
However. it is also used synonymously wilh infun·
dibular $ICm.
In humans. ""silar ar/t,i.. lormed by the union 01 vcr·
Usually. the entire nourohypophysis is said 10 be tebral branches of Ihe $"bdavian . r.eriC$. divide into
made up of the infundibular process. the infundibu· 'iShl and lcfl pM/trior of which
lar and the median eminence. kad, in,o a communicating 'hat COnnect<
Table 19-2 lists the various definitions lhal have up wi,h II>< internal carotid on that ' ide . The in'er •• 1ca·
been given for oornponents of the hYf"JPhysis. rmids give off onterior ctrt'bral ar/erits Ihat are joined by

Anler.o< commu,,;caling


anery - - POM"""" eommuniea,inS


- \_ _ _ Basilar artery

FIg. 111·2. Diag.....mmalio ,,,,,,_.uon 01 ""perior.

_ . I nd ;m",io/ hypophysial arterie_ ( ...... <Sood) 1 00
,,;rei. 01 Willi •. (Only ,"- ......... ,6Iev.nt 10 tile disouo.aion
. r. ohown.)

,h. uterior communicatin, . nery. The of Willi, an: the counterparts. ""'pec'i'ely.orlhe ".'erior and pos-
tbu. formed permits the mixing of arlcrial blood. from 'erior hypophysial arten .. of other speeit$.
different $OUr=. The $upcrior hYPQph)'Sial aner;es lin'
'he oi,d. of Willi, .... ilh the infundibulum. while Ihe in- The arterioles of the superior (anlerior) hypophy-
rerior hypophysi. ' arteries go 10 the infundibular proc .... sial arteries lead inlO a thin OUter capillary shell. the
The .mall middle IIypopkysial ar/eries are probably iden-
txlertllli (superficial. mantle) of Ihe median
,ical with th. /"'0/ (l,abee"lar) "'.ries said 10 b .... nch
from the superior hypophysial vessels (l I). They supply
eminence. Some of the blood flows from Ihere 10 the
bloOO (0 the lower portion of the infundibular $Iem. Nu- imertllli (deep) pltxu. Ihat toward the tan-
m.roII. anaOlOJfKl$C$ klw •• n ,h. hypophysial arteries cytCS that border the 3rd ventricle. Capillary coil.
have been described . and Olher formations variously known as vascular
Simi lac haY<' been found i. mam· lufts. vascular spikes, and gomiloli. consisting of
mils. The infundibular and peduncular arteries of raol. shQrt. muscular arte riolcs surrounded by
finely ;nneNated capillary networks. are present COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGY O F THE
within the decp Blood from the two plexuses HYPOPHYSIS
is roIlcaed into long that u ;avel moslly
10 the uppcr and anlerior pans 01 the pan distalis. Pituiu,ry &land Structures vary widely, I'lOl only
Blood from lower paTU of the in fundibu lum enters amana the species. but often strik;ngly belween
s/w,r pOrltll that su pply the lower and more stnoins .nd individuals of the strain. The fol-
posterior !'t,ions. Capillary networks ""ithin the pars lowing information is drawn from studies of large
tubera1is provideadditional connections between Ihe numbers 0( tat.!, rabbits, ca lS. doss. cows. frogs.
hypothalamus and adenohypophysis. The vessels monkeys, and other readily available animal Iypes.
that lcad inlo the secondary capillary bed within the and from very limite<:! examinations of thc more ex-
pan dillalis are often called port.1 veins. [t has been otic forms (33,37,46.99).
pointed OUt that this is inappropriate br:causeof the
fenestrated (o:apillary-like) endothelium (II).
Pars distalis eelk receive a very nch blood supply.
The Pan Inte rmedla
The capillaries have a discontinuous. fenestraled ep- This re,;on it ... ly defined in """,t ' .ndw..,. r<1 ........
itl>clium •• conti nuous buemcnl membrane. and a in humans. ",tilbs. and cbimpanlCCS, il ""d-
perivascular connective tii\llue space . The fealures ually muJU ,,;th the ""ur.lllobe, Ind only $Cluer«! •• 111.
are consistent with the belief Ihat the prolein and pel'lill a fterwl rd (Fi" 19.1A). I" tome other m.amm.I.,
,tyooprotein hormones Can easily gain to the po.rt int.rmedil·type cell. "'e found moolly in 11K PO'"
blood. T he earlier li lerature wnllins numeruus ,ef- disllli,. In f."is .• Iumob .... ""h f,shes, and many of th.
erences to "sinusoids." However, electron micrQo r.ptiles. lhe port inte.medil ruses ""ilb Ih. "" .....1 lobe,
,raphs support the concept that those highly dilated
0't$S(1$ arc lrue capilarics (27).
It ....s assumed for many ye'l$ thaI the blood
from the pars d istalis is collected by lateral veins
that drain into the cavernous sinus. lIowever. such
veins have not been found in rccenl tludics. The
blood evidenlly pai.SCS first to the neural lobe, or it
drains inlO adcnohypophysial branches of Y-shtlpW
veins Ihal also pick up blood from thc capUlaries of
the neural lobe. Small amounu 0( blood llso se<:m 10
be transferred from lhe neural lobe \0 the

The inferior bypopbysial arteries lnovel directly 10

lhe neural lobe. Therefore, this pin 0( the piluitary
"and rc<:eives some blood thaI has not first entered
the hypocllalamus.
The operation of "shon feedback loops" requires 0, O.
that blood leaving th. pituitary gland rel urn to the C. Wild cal
hypothalamus. The details of the pathway have not
been fully defined, bul it has been e5lablished that
blood tan !low from the median emincnoc: to the
uppcr inrundibula, stcm (68). In at Jcast iOIIlC spe-
cies, it may feed a subepcndymal o:apillary nct""'lfk
and provide a possagc"'lIY for communication be-
IWttn the capillaries and the ocrebrospinal ftuid.
, ... _ _ PI .. '-tenT.cIio
IlthOllgh $OInC of the Madcnohypophysial"
1;;;",0<,'1 • "'-'''OI'YPOPhy''''
hormones within Ihe brain originate in the hypoph·
ysis. others are synthesized by bllin neurons tllat do o . lutl</ralis
not directly make COIIlaCI with palhways fed by Ihe Para O;lIaJ4
hypophytis. When Ihe pituitary gland is removed,
lhe hormone concentrations in tho5c brain regiorus do
not diminiSh.
In contrast 10 other componcnlS 0( tbe hypopbysis. O. lOn
the pars intennedia is mostly avasc:ular. The cens de-
' 19. lIN!. Di....'.'.lic r... " .... _01
pend heavily on diffusion for their supply of nu· _ .... p' pl morp/.-g, 01 ....
trients and removal 0( wasle and ("-,=",,,,,, ..1\h 1*" '3" "" f<otn _Item. .....,. 28_)

Hypotl\alarnlJ. Ju,laOfl",al
1<IlI<I,ali. ,;
I'acl r - Ne",ol1ob<l

, ,
par. dlslali.
,, - i I
A. Sperm whale
- _ Pars di'lali,

A, Goose
Pars lube'all,
j I I

8 . Cpo • .....,

Fig. HI·5. Sornoo unusual m.,.,...".lion piluitl ry gll _,

(Redrawn permission !rom Hlma1f¢m. ""ortnOll 29, )

6 . Spa'row
19·4A and H). but scamred cell' wilh cha,acleri"ic
S1aining propertie •• ,e p'esenl •• ithin the pi tui13ry gl. od .
In conlra". Ihi. pall of Ih •• denohypophysi, i. e.p"·
eially "',eloped in the camel and llama. in each of
which it can occupya full orth. gland 19_
) 8), It i. also la rge in the rabbit . • hrew. rat, and mou ..
(Fig, 19·JF). and in mQ$t of the replile•.
The , i,e of the P[ Kem. 10 be closely linked with the
abilily 10 w;lh.und O l>soroations con-
. i"cnt " ilh the concept include Ihe re.,ark.blt adapta-
tion. of camel. and llama< to aTid cnvirQn ment>. the abil·
iti.. of ,nake. 10 go for Iolli periods without drinking. and
Median the ,.lali.ely pcoor tolcr ..lCc, of most prim.,.. '0 w" "
,hortages , MSH i, implicaled .. a regulalor of w.ter and
RooII.1 electrolyte balance . and it i. kIlO"'" Ihal ..,me fibe rs of __ the ' " p,"opliro-hypophysia[ traets lermin"e on the pars
(cephalic) , inlc ,,,,,,di• . On the olher hand. (a) many bird. c.n with_
, "and ""'ale, deprivalion , (b) alt hough whal •• and por-
poi... arc su rrounded by Wale r. thai water i.loaded wi th
salt.; (e) hormones other Ihan intermedin. play ;mpor·
t.nt Tole. in Ihc regulalion of water and eleclro[yle bal ·
Fig. 19-4. Diagr.""""1ic "'1>' .... 0111;0" 01 IIOnII ance; and (d) MSH perfOfms other funct ions. Ihe be"
k"""n of wh ich i, .,i mulatOon of Ihe pigment cells,
nonma""'alian pilulla'y Qlarod • . (_.wn w11l> perml_
110m W;"gs" . rMI. 'elorenoo 99 [pan. A and 8). arMI T",,,",, The .hape and loc.tion of the P[ can
,he oi>e (37), II
caudally and do .... tly 10 com·
100 Bagn.,•. ,ej .."""" 7T (part. C arMI 0) . )
p[ele[y encircle Ihe neural lobe in dogs. wol.e •. poIa,
bea". OjXISSUTnS. ealS. giraffes. and horu, (Fig. 19·)C
and a 10M i, thu, formed (Fig. 19· and II ha, rosu.[ fold. in lb. dog. while the polar
4C). bea r PI extend. een column. inlo Ihe ""ural lobe. There
The pars intermedia (PI) ;, very 'ma ll in Ihe baboon. i, a dO .... lly located lumen withi n ,he PI of the .,olf.
gibbon. Hying [emur. a nd opossum (Fig. 19.58). II scem, mink. 3nd 1"'1«31. The d"""'Slic COl. wild gray cal, mier-
10 be lotally aboenl in Ihe pangolin and nine-banded ar- cal •• od molliOOK all h."" a cauda lly ioealed double
madillo. There i. re ..on 10 bel ie'. Ihat il ne,e r uodergox:; layer of li"ue that parlially enci,d.. the hypophysial
enn preliminary for malion in porpoi,e. and whale, (Fi! , den (Fill. 19·3C). [n 10110;1« .nd salamanden. Ihi. pan
19.5A). •ince the adenohypophy.i. and "". rohypophy.i, of the pituitary B[and i. thickened laterally ,
ore separaled by connec1i>e li"ue. However. bormone. [n mosl .pec ie •. Ihe PI i, separaled from the pa" dis-
a..odated with the region are preoent in those mammals. talis by the hypophysial clefl . In ..,me, the «II, spread
No distinct , t",ol.", has been ;de.lifted in bird> (Figs. o"er bolh surfaces. In addilion 10 the u, ual compone nt •.
tbe PI can contain C)',a li ..d wilb ciliated epilhelium end of the neurohypophy.i. (Fia. 19.3F) in ral" hros<:-
and .treaks of colloid.1 malle .. bogs . •loth., shrews, and mice. It grow. dorsally 10 pa,-
The"""" 0/ Wulzm is. deriY"liye of the posterior ,,'.11 tially <>r completely .urround the neuIlII lobe in dogs,
of Rathke', pOuch tht i, found in .h.ep. ""en. and a few, seal lion" borm, and gi,alfes.• nd I .imilar a,'
otber 'pccie, (Fiji. 19.3D), II e.tend, for"'ard from tbe rangemenl i. d=ribed for Ihe opossum (fia. 19_5B). In
PI to th. di,tali •. bu' its cell. are of 1he pan di,tali, amphibial1$. the PD ()C<:upies a mO$ll)" Cltud.1 posilion
type. No 'pecial funclion ha. been .ssijlnro to il. (Fig. 19-4C),
In ,nake. Ibe hypOphysis is asymmetric. ",ith Ihe pa rs
The Pars Tuberalls di,lali. on <>ne .ide and lhe neuroinle,medi.t" lobe on thc
OIher. Both left- and righHidc 1<><:81io", of Ihe di.·
Tb. "typical" pars luberali. ari .., from laleral proje<- tali. have been found.
tion. of Rathke', pouch Ihal grow do ... lly and caudaUy Cepla.lic (rostral) . nd caudal (prOJ;.imal) lobe. or Ihe
10 form I coll.r around the infundibulum bUI mainlain pars di"ali. Ire clearly di,cernible in the more primiliv.
conlaCI with the pars dillali., In $Ome of the mammal •. mammal. and in bird,.nd reptile •. The .ubdiyi.i<>n Of Ihe
lhe pars tuberali. (PT) is conlinuous wilb Ihe PI, bUI il pors di.lalis is highly developed in OpO$$um (Fig. 19·
differs from that pari in ",uctu ,e. 58).
Th. colla, can .'Iend I . far •• lhe optic chiasma (in The zona luberali. in Ihe roslral pari of the pars di.-
fe"els), eomplctely C<We, nol only Ihe en,ire infundibu· tali. of Ihe human, bovine, and airalfe pituilary i. be-
Ium but much of the lube, cinereum (in giralfes). Or ap- 10 be embryologic.lly reJalro 10 lhe cephalic klbe.
pear 10 be totally mi .. ing (in .IOlbs) , taking il> oriain from the oro l lobe of Rathke', pouch.
In .U·loying mammals ('piny anlealers. plalypu ..s). I nd;vidual. of many .pecies relain • con.eclion belween
"'me marsupial. (includina Ibe wallaby), in lhe domeslic lhe hypophy.i. and the pharyu, e>lending ", a rem"".,
cal. all known birds. and mosl of the reptiles (but oot of Ihe o,allobe. The ,emnanl may later .. pa .. te from Ih.
,na'e.). the PT consist. of a chief pari Or pars luberali. pars di,tali. and persi.1 as a pharyngeal hypophy'i'.
extern., which resembles th. pars tube .. lis of other In Oyei<:l5lOO1es and fi.he •• pnr. mm>-, and mt/
mammal•. and an addil ional pars tuberali. inte,na that ""hYpOphysial TOaion, can be di'lingui,hed. The meta
lend, to grow r(l$lrolly to fuse with Ihe anlerior pars dis- poriion i. embl)'Ologicallyand [" notionally 'elaled 10 the
tali. a, a solid strand or a. i",lated nonvaseular cell. that pars inte,media of olher vertebrates. The mesoadenohy_
accompany lhe por,.1 ...,I.
y• and form. fIC"OIub,,/aT Or prOXimal pars di$ ",sembles Ihe pars dis-
!TIKI (Fii. 19·4A). talis of higher mammal. and the caudal pari of that
The PT Ihe n'IO<' hiahly d•• eloped in in whiCh ,l'uClure in reptiles and bird>. MO$I associale the
i, may con,i" of • l"beraH. in'erna dooely pr""denohypophy,;. (also known a. 'he """,.1 P<01'> di. ·
wilh 1he pars di, •. a ju'taneural pori ion .'Iending lali') wilh Ihe cephalic region of bi,d. and reptil.s, .J.
.klna Ihe tuber doereum. and. connecting porloluberal Ihouah a homology with Ihe pa" luberali. has aloo betn
lraOI (Fig. 19·4A). A prominent pof1()1 uberallract i, aloo proposed.
widely found among reptiles. The pars distalis of many rlShes and of cyclostome, i.
In those mammab (OpO$$um. airalfe, 0', .nd man) in a dilfuse 'Iruetu re Ih.1 in' ordigilatc.s wilh Ih. neurohY·
which there is . hislologically dislinguishable '''''lral re- pophysis and may .. ceive axon. from hypothalamic nu-
gion of lhe pars di.tali. kno",-n .s the ron, luberali., the ciei, (The,efoTO. funclional in,errelation,hip< amona
tuber,li, iOlema .'IOnd. inlO lhe region. Some .ulhors pm. of Ihe hYpOphysis and belwe.n the hypophysis and
belieyelhat Ihe zona tube,ali. derives from the luberali. hypothalamus differ f'om Ihose of tClrapod •. ) T he .de-
inlcrn •. bUI mO$I trace ill to Ihe .nl.rior pari of n<>hypophY'is of eyciO$I"",e, deyelops in dose associ'lion
Rathke', pouch, The pars may a lumen wilh Ihe <>Ifaclory organ. and an epitheli.1 'talk continu·
0' C)-'I$ linro wilh eilialed cells. ou . ..-ith 'he proadenohypophy,is pe"i.".
In eU lhe rian ant.alers. I'1ngolin •. I"ngr..he •. and bony
fi.hes. Ih. PT i. well definro du,ing deyclopmenl, bul il Th a Infundibulum
disappears with malurity , It probably ne"e, appears in
..akes. I n the etOlmQb"n<h fishes. ventr.lgTOwlh of 'he T fle infundibulum is long. Ihin. and hollow with a T·
,egion, 10 formalion of Ihe yentrallobe of the ade- shaped Cayil)' in "..,.1 replile •. bird •. and egg· laying
nohypophy,i. (Fig. 19-4[»). a '''uClure identifiro only in mammal, (Fill , I9-4B). It is al"" long in ",me eutherian
this "oup of """ebrotes. mammal •.• uch a, the lion (Fig, 19.)G). bu, in <>tho"
(camel. deer. manal •• ). il and difficult
The Pars Olstatis ( PO ) 10 define. In ",me ;1 i, compact fo, T1'IO$I of il> length (pia.
,abbit. dee,. IIlma ....1. walrus. badger). bUI in oth ....
This c<>mponenl aCCOUnl. for 9&% of the piluilary gland Ihe hypophysial clefl i. "'ell deyeloped (a. in Ihe pOl.,
weighl in wl"lcs (Fig, I9-SA) and f<>r close 10 80% in be ... anlcater, cal. liger. lion. and ,Iolh).
mO!1 other spoeies_ However. il i. "'lual in si"" to the The mammalian infund ibulum i. typically .u rrounded
ncural lobe in Ihe rhinoceros. In loads, 'he .. urointer_ by Ihe pars luberali.; bUI the ayian pars distali. is scpa'
mediate lobe i, larger th.n the PO_ r.tro from lhe neurohypophysis by • clefl bridged only
The PO can be re.triOlro to Ihe roslral ,egion of Ihe by the porloluberoll.. <I .• nd the pa" tuberali, may .x·
hypophysis"$ in tigc". lion •. and camels (Fig, 19·3G). tend far oUI,ide the mroian eminence ,
or .xt.nd. in a hoti,.ont,1 pl ... 10 thec,udal bave a medi,n eminence bUI no tuberolis,

An ""differentiate:<! portion of the infundibulum. the pars norma l pregnancies, Estrogens a re among the best
orali. tuber; •• separa,es the median eminen<. or oome known of the growth Ilimulants.
rept iles ud birds from th. third v<:mricle.
In fish •• the medi.n eminen« develop< along the "en·
tral w. 1l of the .. cculu, infund ibulu •. but a $Irucluno pe- MICROSCOPIC ANATO MY OF THE PARS
culiar 10 fi'hes. lhe ..""ulu. >uculosu, (fit. 19.40). DISTAUS
forms from the dorsal ",an. The lalter reloins ""ural COn-
nection, 10 O1her parI> of lhe bro;n.
The various cell types identified by lighl and electron
micrO!;copy (43) and by other lechniques are sum·
mariz.,d in Table 2·2. h was initially assumed Ihat
T ile NeuraLLobe each morphologically distinguishable entity Ihat
COIltains granules synthesizes and releases a single
The ne.mllohe of most ve'tebrates contain. p;luicytes
(which are modified neuroslial cells). and U<H\S that
kind of hormone. The OOnCep! "'as bascd on severa l
brin, in .. cretory granul.. f,om neuron cell bodi.. of the kinds of observations, Labeled antibodies directed
In cyclostome<. however. the enlir. neu- agai nst specific hormone types were found to b ind to
rohypophysis is nothing mOfe than a $Iighllhickening of certa in ccll types but not to olhe!'$. In large animals,
Ihe floo r of tbe thi rd "."lfiel •. Secretion. moy be poured cells with common structural feature, cluster within
directly into lh. vent ride. The of fish"" restricted regions of the pituitary gland. It has been
i. diffu$C, It iolerdigi!'les with Ihe adenohypophysis. into demonstrated thai the gran ules collected from Cer·
which i\ sends neurosecretioM. and i. ,hares, blood Sllp' tain zones contai n rdatively high conc<:ntra tions of
ply wi !b the pa .. intermedi •. l H whereas tho:se oblained from other sites contain
The neural lobe of ler,",1I'",1 vertebralC$ il more highly different hormones. Thyroidectomy leads to the for·
de .. l<>ped lhan Ihal of aqualic form" In mammals. il mation of enlarged thyrotropes (thyroidectomy
may be ,urrounded by the pa .. inle rmedia, and some-
limes parlially or surrounded by Ihe pa .. di. · cells). and thyroid hormone administration can pre-
\3li, . , well (as in d08$, be .... lions, and giraffes). It can vent Ihi•. Gonadectomy is followed by the emer·
e.. n be deeply embedded within the pa .. distalis (Fig. g<'nce of "signet ring" (gonadectomy) cell,. and
19·58). bUllhe blood supply;' largely independenl of , he early lac talion i, associated with the presence of
one 80;n8 to the pars di". lio. In;le< and in <omo of large number< of laelolrope<, Somalolro!"'. are
the more primitive mammals (e.g. ante. te,,), Ihe neural mi.sing or scaree in ani mals wi th congenital
lobe is .imple and hollow; and • similar arrangement is dwa rfism.
secn in lhe ,Iotll (Fig. 19-310). II may be completely sep' It is now tha t Ihe "one cell_'m c hor·
araled from. or intimately associated wilh the mooe·· hypothesis is invalid. ACTH. lipolropins, en·
. denohypophy$il. dorphins. and MSHs are all cleaved from a large
The axi. can be horiwntll (Fig. 19·3n vertical (Fig,
19-3G), Qr bent (Fig. 19·38 and C). II may s!ant in ei ther precursor. and a single cell can release two or more
an anterior Of posterior direclion, of lhose regulators. FSH and LH /l·subunits are
made on d itTeren t ribosomes. bUI some gonadotropes
Itercte both of the glycoproteins. Cens that make
The Ph ary ngeal Hy pophyais ACTH as well as gonadotropins ha.e also been
A remna n, of Rath ke', pouch often develop' into I small identified ,
.Intcture witbin Ihe .ubmuOOlJl of the posterior pharyn. Pitu i!ary cells probably undergo fu nct ional
geal roof bellind Ihe nasal septum. Thi, epithelial sta lk changes when their microenvi ronments are varied,
remn.nt becomes .nalomically separated from Ihe hy. Tumors initially secreting large amounts of j ust G H by the sph.""id 'oo"e, but extcll$ioru of the or just PRL often eventually acquire Ihe ability to
portal btood vessels can penetrate the bone. The strueture make both of the proteiru;., GH is One of
i. quite consistently found in humans, butlher. are few several regulato!'$ known to OCCu r in mu hiple molec-
reports of it. presence in OIher .pecie•. Both GH and ula r Wben normal pituitary gla nds are re-
PRL have been fou nd there in human eadaver1,and GH· moved from Ihei, associations with the hypothal·
",ereling tumO" can developal Ih.1 .ito. arrlO'hypophysial porta l system and a re implanted
inw anot her site within the same an imal, they usu·
ally secrete large amOU nts of PRL bul little of the
Size of the Hypop hysis
other hormones. In time. they "learn" to make some
The of the gland ranges from 0.1 mg in the of the othe r adenophypophysial products.
shrew to more than 50 g in the whale. h is usuany h has re« ntly been shown that gonadotropes
arou nd 10-12 mg in the rat and 450-500 mg in exert pa raerine controls over the lac tot ropes (25).
adult men. Wome n have oomewhat he:!'ier glands. and il has long been recognized that thyroid hor·
and enlargement to I g Of more is common during mones, glucocortiooids. estrogens, and other regula·
tOrs alTeet the secretion of growlh hormone. More- reprod ucibility is achicved only wh.n Ihere i.
over, each of Ihe hypothalamic peptidcs alTecu more strict adh.r.nce to a specified proc.dure. The orangeo-
than One kind of pituilary gland cdl. Th us, thryOlro- phils of e>ne lab<>ratory Can be the carminophil. of an·
pin releasing hormone Can sti mu lale the lactOlropcs. other. Ther. are speci •• in which the distinction. eantJOl
and somatostatin alTccts the Ihyrotropes. he made. Nonpregnant ewes seerete large quanlities of
PRI. ond they bave larg. numbers of cells ident ified in
other "a)·s as lactatropos. When differen,i. 1 Staining i.
Light Microsco py and Olfferentlal Staining usod , I(}m. granul.s are said to appear ""'ng.·.. d and
others red""",nge. It h.s also been claimt<l 'hat
Much of the early work on adenohypophysial cens ereting cell. take up both of the .cidicdy.type•.
(80. 81) was canducted with Ihe light microscope. The manner in which the data are usod to cla$$ify cell.
The te<:hniques are still used for some purposes. also varies from labon,ory 10 lah<>r.lOry. Some investi_
Eleclron microsc<Jpy provides much more in forma- gat"" apply the term «-«II (or ·'ordinary "ciclopb ir·) 10
tion on the sizes and shapes of Ihe cells. on Iheir in· ,,/I somatot'ope$. Oth ... uSC carminophil 10 designate
terrelationships with other piluitary gland campo:>- .ny cell that binds Ihe o<sociated dye, ,egardlt$s of its
nenlS, and on the changes in appearance of Ihe hormonal produet . There are those who laclotrope,
organelks under varying condilion s. HoweY<'r, a of nonpregnant mammals < cells. and rtoe've tbe desig.
major disadvantage is Ihat only a liny fraclion of Ihe nation cell) fo, the acidOphil' that appear
during pregnancy and lactation. Othe" use < cell to mean
population can be studied. Moreover, electron mi-
any lactOltope. and yet diffe,ent authors ha.e adop,ed
croscopy re<juires special skills and elaborale e<juip- the term cell. In some laM. tori., .• 11 orangeophils
ment. It is timc-c<lnsuming and expensive. arc. cells.

When sections of adenohypophysis are stained with
any of several mi xtures of acidic and basic dyes Cells wilh smaller grannIes that bind basic dyes are
under specified candi tions, Ihe granules of cerlain of known calleelively basophils. The periodic acid·
the cell types preferentially take up Ihc acidic cam- Schiff stain ( PAS) has been used 10 distinguish the
ponents. Those cells are known as acidophils. eosin- mucoprOleinoCOmaining granules Ibat SIOre FSH,
ophils, Or oxyph ils. The granules are large. and they LH, Or TSH from the seroprouin-comaining gran·
Call lJe by dilfcrential and grad icnt cen- uie. that hold Mnglycosyiatcd itor""""" such a.
trifugation and Ihe uSC of milliporc membranes (94). MSH. (The slides must be pretrealed with carbo-
Stareh and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis have hydrases, since PAS reacts with glycogcn .)
proven useful for separation of the granule proteins, In SOme species, tenain e>f the basophilic gran ules
and il is known that the grnnules contain GH and take up aldehyde fuchsin (AF) under speeified con-
PRL. ditions. and the cells containing them are said to be
Two me>rphe>logically distinguishable acidophil AF- , AF I. or {J cens. Changes in Ihe sizes and num·
subgroups have been identified. One Iype is missing bers are e>bserved following thyroidectomy and the
in individuals with congenital dwarfism and unde- administration e>f thyroid he>rmones. For these and
tectable plasma GH but present in large numbers in other reawns, Ihe cells are beHeved to be thyro-
those with high GH le.·els and symptoms of acro- tropes. Cells oonlaining barophilic granules thaI do
megaly. II is therefore evident ly Ihe somate>trope. nollake up Ihe AF are known as AF- , AF 2, or 0
The OIher type (laelotrope) assumes prominence cells. and these seem to be gonadotropcs.
during laIC pregnancy and early laelal;on. The cells
Although thyrotrOpes and gonadotropes are diSlin·
undergo degenerative changes in lactating females if in tbis way in mOISt mammals. exceptie>n> are
the pups are laken away. encountered. Thus. ham.ter thyrotrope • • re evidently
Attempts have been made te> disti ngu ish the tWo AF- , "hereas hamster gonad01ropes are AF · .
Iypes by means of differential staining. Cells con- The species in which AF can he used 10 separa'e th.
laining granules that preferentially bind e>rangc-G cell Iypes haY<' heen called ·'fave>rable.·· H""eY<'r, even in
and take on an e>range or golden cale>r ha.e been lh .... the condilions under which the reactio", are car·
called ()I"(Ingtophils or Quranlopnils. whereas Ihe ried out must he rigidly controlled. It has been .how. lhal
ones whose granules preferentially lake up 3ZOCar· a highly concentrated preparati(}n of AF SI.ins ,,/I
mine and appear red are known as CQrmjrwphiis. chromophil. (i ncluding the PAS·negative .cidophil.). A
somewhat les' concentr"ed solulioo stain> In basophils
The ability to in this way somatotrOpes from inctuding the one • .."reling MSH. but no acidOphil ..
la<t01ropes is limited. The technique in.l>lves ' 1.;ni"3 With fu"her di lution, Ihe dye is ta ken up by juStlhyro-
wilb on. preparalion. _ntersl.ining wi,h the other. and trOpe' Ind MSH cells (but not by gooadotrope.j. A rei·
observing Ih •• xte ntlo which Ihe second dye can .t iY<'ly weak AF preparation stains ju>! Ex_
,he firsl. Since the order of prt$Cntati(HI offccl$ the end tremely dilute dye is not bound by Iny of the granules.

Several flCt(>r$ aff.ct th. dye affiniti••. p ... t ... alm.nt move one of the lonadotropin. and .ff.ct a»ociated
of Ihe cells ... ith chromate roduce •. wher... pn:t ... atment ch.nse. in the appearance of one type of gonadotropc
... ith pennanganate enhances the binding. whil. lea ving the othc r type and its ho,mone ""nlenl rd-
In human. and other .""ci<:$ in which MSH-sec"'ling in tact.
cell' are found in Ih. pan dist.lis. all c.lls oontaining Some investigatot1O have reported ' uccess with 'peeial
granule< that stain with t!le second-high." AF concen· 'Iaining method. based on the ... Iotively more intense
tration but ""t the Ihird ..... called l' cell •. Th..., arc pre- PAS ... action of Ihc ""ntral gonadOtNpcs. Th u., with a
sum.d 10 be mela""trope!l. but ol h. .. use the urn. Gr •• k oombination of PAS and methyle .. blue. thc c.ntral cell.
leller to designal' "neutrophils" or "ch romophobes" .. in red and ,h. peripheral 0.... pu.ple. With PAS and
that. at I. ... t in some <:a$C$. appeu to be oortiCOlrope •. ... kian Blue at pH 2. the interstitiolrope. are sa id to .tain
Human celis ,h., .. ain wilh the 'hird conctntration a, red .nd the folliculolrop<S violtt. while at pH 3 the ccll.
w.ll .... called fJ cell' by $(Ime authors. bUI <>Ihen use the appea, green and violet.
leller to designate just thyrolropc •. Cu,r.tion l•• ds to hyperl rophy of the gonadotropc.
and an early rise in both ,be FSH.nd LH Contenl of the
hypOphy.i •. T he term has been appli.d to
DIFFERENTIAL STAINING OF GONADQTROPES all enlarged gon.dotrope. regardlcu of location witbin
the gland. Some of the cell. a""um"late 0 hyalin • • "b-
It is casicr to distinguish between gonad(}\ropcs as a . Iance and ... um. an appe.ranct which has led to the
group versus other basophilic types than to identify designation sig"'" Ting According to certain authors.
sped Oc gonadotrope type,. T hi, is not , urprising, allllonadodotNpe. can .how Ih. arrangel1'l< nt . but <>Ihe"
since some cells are known to make both FSH and "ate that only folliculotropesdo so, Distinction. have also
LH. and thcre are indications thaI a ,ingle cell can been made btt ..... n ",ruc" ,ign.t ring c.II •. peripherally
vary thc qualitative as well a, quantitative nature of located and pre.umabl)' foll kul<>lrope,. in which granule<
the secretory products. a... coarse a nd confi ..d to ,h. cell edges. Yersu' "filigre'"
I)'pe co.trati"" cells that are centra lly .ituated a nd con-
In the bat. adva nlage i. taken of seasonal changes in toin more uniformly di.l ributed. f,ncr gran ulation ,
... productive c)·de •. of lXInation. and of dilfeT<ntial stain- The tendency to form .j gnet ring cell. i. far greater in
ing re.ction. , It has been possible to subdiv ide th. baS<). SQm. , peci.. than in olh .... Such c.llure f roqu.ntly en-
phil' "" the ba.i. of amnity for the d)'e Alei.n blue (AI countered in pituitary gland, of castrated rats. but thcy
H) T hy""'"!"" •• k. up ,h. dye """,t .vidly ond hovt . 1"" he.en r""nd in in. oCl •. or. ""t._
called AI 8 1 cell, (or cya"""hil. ,i nce Ihey appear blue) . .ioOlllly seen in human 'peCime .. but . ... rare;n 'he ca$-
AI 82 cell. or amphophil. with intermediate affinity ap- "ated mouse.
pear purple. Thcy arC believed to be since When di$\inctio", be,ween the two gonadotrope' .rc
lhey seem to be most acti.. when ripe follicle. ar. p...sen t not e•• ity made in intact anim.I•. the diff.... nce •• r. said
in the ovary. They di»ppc., arter OVulalion. AI B3 cell. to be accen tuated by castration. Soon after the 'urgery in
with the ,,' •• ke't affi nity for the dye appear brick-red r.ts. both the FSH and LH ""ntentof lhe pituitary gland
whcn dye miuuro< are are most during increase, La,or. LH may be mOT< abundant than FSH.
p"'g"ancy. and .... bel ieved to be interstitiotrope •. and this can be assoc i. ted with the appeara nce of .n-
Simil" till<:toria! reIIction$ have been de.c.ibed for the I'rged. ce nt rally I<xated gonadotrOpes.
dog pars •• but e,·id.nce . upporti", relation,hips IIo"'"e r. c.,(ration alfects the .i .... and weights of the
between .",ining and hormone function is I... ",,"vincing. ad... n.1 gland. of moot opeci.. and augments ACTH $<_
Cat gonadotNpcs respOnding "rongly to tho PAS pro- .... tion, Estrogen level • • fftet not only corti"""Ope', but
oeduT< h... been d ... ifi.d as GI <ell. and .... believed al.., I. ctotropes.
'0 be folliculotrope •. The m.genta-eolored g,"nule. of G I Gonadotropel are inHuenced by nutritional deficien-
cell. ean be distinguished fNm the purpl. one. of G2 cies. chronic illn .... and cha nges in thyroid function.
cell. , The laller re'pOnd only wea kly '0 the PAS and while pregnancy aff.cts the entire erni<x,ine 'yilem.
seem to be interstitiotropcs . Th. centrally I<xat.d gonadotNpe. betQmt prominent
.;.cell. a ... ea.ily found in the hypOph)'SC1of ad ult hu- before th. onset of . exual mat uration in the rat.
m.ns but are infrequ. nlly seen in child ... n, They ha .. and Ihey a re rapidly degranul.ted ju" befo ... ovulation.
been cl.arly a$SOCia ted with gonadotropin .. cretion. but They allO ,how evidence of increased activity du,inll
no def,niti". separat ion into folli<ulotrope. and inlersti- pregnancy and .ft.r .strogen injeclion. All of the prcced_
ti<>lrope' has becn accomplishod . ing fi ndings arc co",i .. ent wit h tbe view th .. cent ra lly 10-
In the rat . 11 g""adotrope. of the m.l. and ""npreg- c.. cd gon.d<.>trOpe' are inlerSlitiot.ope., Further evi.
nan' female .imilar staining propertiC$. For rca- dcn<. i. obtoined from injcction of female rats w;th
SOIl. cil.d below centrally located gonad<>lropes are be- to"ostcrOne p,opionate. Thi, i, followed by prompt cle-
lieved by wme to be in.erstitiotrope •. ",h.rea. mOre ".Iion of the FSII oont.nt and ;n< ...... d granul.t ion <>f
peripheral cell. m.y be folliculotrope., The lIranulation tftc pe riphcral gon.dotrope., . 'ong ",·it h lo,,·cring of tOe
of the inte rstitiotrope i. described a. fine, and more Ltl content and degranulation 01 the centr.1
",'e nly distributed within the <ytopl.,m. Th«e . ... sug- gon.dolrope<.
gcsl;ons th.t ",Ivents can be used to pr.f.T<nti.lly rc_ AccQrding 10 some authors. ,h. findings , uPpOrt the lhal Ihere arc. in facl. Iw<> .. parale Ind di"inCI changes in adcnohypophysial morphology. More-
Iypeo of gonadolrope in Ihe ....1. buI Ihal diff.rences be· over, glucocorticoids exert negative feedback con-
Iween Ihem Ire <HII .a.ily d.monmaled wilh differenli,l trols over melanotropes as well as corticotropes. In
Slaining Ie<:hniqucs in normal mIle. or in nonprellnanl fe· at least some species, Slress affects the functions of
mal ••. Olhers fa.or Ihc .iew Ihal i. jU'1 on. kind of melaoolropes (69.70) and also of laClotropes, soma-
gonadotrope th.t .. ri •• il' function. when the mieroen-
• ironm.nt chang... totropes. and Ihyrotropes .
E.idenee fOT the exi.tence of a singl. type of ganado- A y-cell Ihal in SOme ways resembles chromo-
trope i. convincing for som. of Ihe fi.hcs_ Otber fi.h", phobes bUI contains PAS ' vesicles has been de-
sc.m 10 have tW<> type<. Diff.... nc •• betw.en follie"IO)- scribed for human pituilary glands. The numbers
tropes and inl'''litiolrope' have been d'$CTibed f'" .... and si1.cs increase after adrenalcetomy. and they de-
.....1of th. r.ptiles and amphibians. crease after long· term administration of gluco-
In dog •• cells c.lled lKulrophii. may corlicolrope.o;.
Attempt. to Identif y Co rtlcotrope. By light Ho.... ver. the neutrophil. of Other 'p<eie$ SCem to be
Mi croscopy idenlieal with Ih. r..,ell •. tn diff.... n1 •• rt.b .... Ie •. ACTH
Corticolropes were the most difficult of adenohypo- activity can be d.lected in barophitie cells of the par.; tub-
eraH •. In 1.leosl fi.he •. th. "X" cell. wilh;n Ih. "",Iro-
physial cells to identify by light microsoop)' and re- medial r'gions of the adenohypophysis have been impli,
lated techniques. Early suggestions that they are •• Ied in ACTH ..eretion.
chrQnJophobes derive from observalions that (aJ pa-
tients with Cushing', disoase and high ACTH levels
often have chromophobic adenomata, or large, clear.
hyalinized "'Crooke's cells"'. (b) Chromophobe sizes
and numbers inereaso afler Ihe administration of When it is prescnt as a clearly demarcated structure.
amphenone in cats. and afler adrenalectomy in rats. the pars in(ermedia is the major sour<;e of
Thc chang.s ean be reversed with glucooortiooid but Endorphins and some ACTH are also made. It is
not thyroid hormone administralion. (c) Some non· usually poiSSible 10 distinguish type I (light) cells
granular tumor cells release ACTH-like substances. from Iyp< II (dark) celis w;lhin Ihe cen(ral region.
(d) ACTH·like activity has bcen found in the ··mi· However, although the dark cells arc said to
crosomal". but nOl In Ihe acidophil or basophil gran· more ACTH, Ihe IwO Iypes may be members or a
ule fractions of pituitary glands taken from normal OOmmOn populalion Ihal undergoes reversiblc
animals. it is now recognilCd that thc clear changes in form and Nongranulated chr<>-
Crooke's cells do not take up antibodies directed mophobes within the cenlral region may be relaled
against ACHI, that they form following chronic eX- to the mc1anotropcs. Cells quile different in appear-
p:;tiure to elevated glucocorlicoid levels, and Ihat ance border the hypophysial cleft. Some are ciliated.
very small granules are nol visible under the lighl There are several reasons for suggesting Ihat the
mtcroscope. intermedia docs not function like a ··Iypical"
Indications that ACTH is made by b(1sopho/ic endocrine gland. The secrelory cells of Ihe pars dis-
cells include {aJ of basophilic dumps talis are grouped into cluslers Or follicles. and lhey
in some of Ihe Crookc's celts; (b) Ihe presence of are richly supplicd by capillaries. The rew nerve end-
highly vacuolaled cells with basophilic granules in ings in that parI of tbe pituitary seem (0 terminate
Ihe glands of dogs; (c) baso- cxclusi"clyon blood veoscls. In contrast. pars intcr-
philic lumors in Ihe piluilary glands of SOme palienls media cells occur in layers. Thc blood supply is
with Cushing's disease; (d) some reports Ihat the ba- sparse, but the thcre are many n.rlle endings. Neu-
soph ilic zones within the anterior portions of the pars rosecretory subslances of origin
distalis of a few species contain ACTH-like activity. accumulale in Ihe pars inlermedia eclls_
and that Ihe cells bind anti·ACTH antibodies. In humans and olher mammals Ihal do not have
AI! of the observations arc difficult to interpret. a dislinet pars intermedia. r-cells have been found in
ACTH is leached from cells during preparalive pro- Ihe neurohypophysis as well as in the pars distal is.
cedures. and this raises questions concerning the The funclions are not known . Human blood plasma
origins of the substances that lake up antibodies di· evidenlly docs not oontain MSHs of the kinds se-
rected against the hormone. ACTH shares a 13- creted by animals with inlermediate lobes. It is sus-
amino acid sequence with ",·MSH (which is found pected thai some cleavage product of the large pro-
in basophils). and some antibodies bind to both hor- lein thal gives risc to ACTH and related PCPlides
moncs . Adrenalectomy and stress have been used 10 (possibly a -y-MSH) stimulates the mclanocyles.
artificially stimulate the corticotropes. but the ad- Perhaps the t-cells sccrete ACTH, while the -y-cclis
ministration of saline and nutrients Ihe (corticotropes) release a pigment-regulating hor-

II1Qne. Reversible hypcrpiament3ti(}n or the skin is a tion of the region bordering the pars intermedia
C<,lmmon finding in Addison's disease. and glucoco,- (whcn this component ;s present). Typically. clusters
tiooids correct the condition. Human brain contains of three. four. or five occupy regions around the
MSH·li):e pc:plides. but ;\ has not been demon- blood "sinusoids"
strated that Illey originate in Ihe pituitary gland. Somatotropes are usually medium_sized. They
can be rounded, oval. or polygonal. The nuclei are
In birds (wilh "" pars i"termedia). lh. MSH. are con- eccentric. and round or nearly round elcctron-dense
centrated in lhe ,oslra J zone of the pars distal i., ",hieh granules of fairly uniform ,iz. are scallered
oomain, orangoophil" thy'01ropc$. and ",<>bably c<>ni· Ihroughout th. cytoplasm. (Most observers report
cotropes. Auempts to define a <-<ell (or molanolrope dif· diameters of 300-350 ml<, but ones ranging from
fe",nt from l "V" celL or coniOO1fOpe) ha •• b«n made
100 10450 lllI' have been described.) The endo-
in the duck.
plasmic ret iculum often forms a narrow band, but it
Aleia" blu" has been used., different pH. 10 "'1''''''. is well developed and shows characteristic parallel
out basophil type,. One technique i"\'(llon prior oxidation
",ilh "",formic acid 00<1 dusification c.r ba"'pbils inlo R arrays. Some of the ct:lIs may be ciliated.
(performi. acid r.,istanl) .nd S cells (wilh cyst.;"" . ul· The changes in appearance: that follow thyroid-
fUHoot"ining 8ranules). Aldehyde Ihioni"" has .1.., ectomy. castration. and adrenalectomy support con-
b«n used becauselhe numbers of granules th.1 Slain in· elusions drawn from light-microscopy studies. No
cr.... progressively with the amount of preoxidation. somatotropes have been found in the pituitaries of a
1\ lermin(>iogy oom .. imes used Ih.t is .. with strain of dwarf mice, whereas hypertrophic cells
the one described abovo de,ignate< follicuiotropes a. It· abound in a strain of diabetic mice known to ,eerete
cell'. ;ntCtStit;OIrope, a. ,)"«:11., and thyrotropes as .. large quantities of G H. SomatOlropes rC5pO!ld to hy_
polhalamic extracts rich in GRH, and they are af·
fected by food deprivation and other forms of StreSS.
ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OF THE PARS The population remain.! stable throughout reproduc-
OISTALIS tive cycles. All of the preceding are consistent with
Electron miel"\lSC()Jly, in combination with a utora· the concept lhat somatotropes are morphologically
diography and immunological tcehniqudJ, has pro-- distilllluishable from lactotropes.
vided insights into Ihe StruCtureS and funclions of
par distalis Cl:lls that cannot be obtained with Ihe
light microscope. (5,20.35.46,100) In many cases Lactotropel
the findings have confirmed and extended the ideas
Cells ela.. ified as lactotropes are large and numer-
obtained from the earlier work. The structures of
ous in pregnant and lactating animals. but only
several of th. cell types are shown in Figs. 2-D small numbers are seen in other females. Even fewer
through 2-17.
ce lls of this kind are found in males.
When it first became posIlible to determine the di· The cells are considerably larger than the soma-
ameters of the secretory granules, it was hoped that They have oval or irregularly shaped gran-
the measurementS could be directly linxed with Ihe ules that are most abundant along the peripheries.
horlllQne chemistry. However, considerable overlap Although granule diameters are often reported to
in hormone COnlen! was found when the granules average 100 mp (range 400-9(0), immature organ-
were separaled On the basis of size. More(lver, im· elles as small as 2SO mil can also be found. The en·
ma ture granules arC smaller than mature ones, and doplasmic reticulum is broad, and it bas the kinds of
up to 4·fold variations in diameter bave been de-- para llel arrays seen in the somatotropes. Even when
scribed for a single cell type (26,42.67).
numerous, the lactotropes tend to OCCur singly. seat-
tered Ihrougbout the pars distali •. Many either bor-
der the capillaries Or extend cytoplasmic projections
So matotropet toward them. Tumors that release large quantities of
These cells are the most numerous oflbe found PRL, and PRL-se<:reting pituitary explants, contain
in the pars distalis and Ihe most resistant 10 post_ ,ubstantial numbers of such cells. Thc lactotropes
mOrtem deterioration. In the glands of healthy non· respond to estrogen administration and to compo-
pregnant . oonlactating adults, fully half the secre- nents of hypothalamic e xtracts. Crinophagy (lyso-
lOry cells arc somatotropes. Although they arc more somal destruction of the granules) has been de-
concentrated near the peripheries. the cells can be scribed for the glands of lactating ralS deprived of
found in all of the pars distalis with the excep- their pups (26).
Thyrotrope8 the processes. The granule diameters Can range from
Except for laetotropes in males, th= arc the least SO to 200 mI'. but most arc very small. Some authors
state that they are surrounded by dear regions
abundant of the pars distalis Stcretory cells. They
("halos··). but others believe that the formations are
congregate in the oxntral regiOll$, and they arC al·
artifacts that arise when the ce lls arc prepared for
most always located dose to capillaries. Thyrotropes
ean vary in size. but all are relatively small and an· sectioning. The mitochondria are long and narrow.
and they can appear to be bent or twisted. It is likcly
gular. with spars<: cyloplasm. Most of the gmnules
that the cells with vcry small granules arC the ones
ha,-e diameters of just 100-200 m)<, and some can
classified as chromophobcs by light microscopists.
be as small as 40 mI'. In animals subjected to thy-
(However. "true chromoph<:>bes do not have any

roidectomy or the administration of propylthioura-

granules.) The corticotropes are affected by adre-
cil. the cells become degranulated and can attain
naicctomy and the administration of glucocorticoids
siles 2-10 times those of normal controls.

Gonadotropes (27,30) Melanotropes

These cells are rounded Or oval and almost invaria- The type I cells fou nd in rats and some other species
bly associated with the capillaries. The granules are are abundant and cuboidal. Tltey have granules with
less dectron4ense than the ones of somatotropcs Or diameters of 300-350 mIl. T ypc II cells are angular
lactotropcs and intermediate in sizt. Most have di· or Slellale. and they have smaller granules. Both
ameters of 150-250 mI'. but a few are considerably types undergo changes in animals subjected to ad,
smaller (around 75 m)<). Much variation in both size renalcetomy. The "Crooke's cells" found in the pi_
and dcnsity is observed within a single cell. The mi- tuilary glands of pat ients wilh Cushing·s disease and
tochondria are elongated, and chains of vesicles can in animals overdosed wilh glucocorticoids are be-
usually be identified in the Golgi region . Structures lieved by some to be enlarged, mclano-
related to the signet ring cells found under light mi- tropes. In species that do nol pos.sell5 a pars inter-
croscopy appear in gonadeclomi,.cd animals. Gona- media. cells with similar characteristics are widely
dOlrop<:s are also affected by conditions such as per- distributed 10 Ihe pars distalis. and lhey can also be
sistent estrus and Ihe administration of gonadal present in Ihe neural lobe.
steroids. CyClical changes foUow the ovarian cycles.
According to some repans, folliculOtropes can be
distinguished from interstitiotropes. The former are Chromophobes (26)
said to have prominent endoplasmic reticular vesi-
des that contain a substana that appears lighl gray Several cell types that differ in sizes, shapes. and lo-
in the photographs. They have pale nuclei and evenly cations. but share the COmmOn property of being de-
distributed granules 150-200 m" in diameter. [nter_ void of secretory granules. have been described.
stitiotropes. in contrasI. have smaller electron_lucid They have been called ctllj in some spe-
cisternae. granuks with diameters of 200-250 ffij.I cies, since they surround colloid-fIlled follicles into
aggregated into clumps. and a sparse. ftoc.:ulent pre- which they send microvilli and occasional cilia. For-
cipitate within the cytoplasm. The cells are said to malions Oflhis kind are found in the pituitary glands
have a "filigree·· appearance. The lilerature also of humans. cattle. dogs. and rats. Rabbits are among
contains descriptions of cells intermedialC in type the species that do not have them. In these. the term
that cannot be dall5ified as either folliculotropes Or interslilial (t ill has been applied 10 clusters of stel-
inte rslil iot ropes. late cells thaI appear to have similar properties (30).
Scveral funclions have been aseribed to the chro-
mop hobes. Since the numbers are greater in young
tha n in older glands (up to 40% of the total popula·
tion in the former and mOre like 25% in adults), and
Electron microsoopy has provided some since they decrease when other cell types increase in
for the difficulties encountered in allempts 10 iden- response to adrenalectomy and other conditions, it
tify the ACTH·secreting ceil,. Conicotropes have has been proposed that at least some arc "stem cells·'
highly irregular contours that can range from Stel- or undilTcrentiated chromophil precursors. However.
late to U-shaped. Many send out long processes that young pitui tary glands contain large numbers of
extend toward the capillaries, and $Orne of the pro- heavily granulated "dark" cells that are rarely seen
jections totally encirde neighboring cell,. The nuclei in mature glands (7). Moreover. granular cells can
are often located at some distance from the ends of divide by mitosis when they are maintained in cul-

ture. At\Qther conccpt is that chromophobes are dc· e xtend long processes bet,,'c.::n the axon cndings. and
granulated or degeneraling chromophil$, It has also the tips also reach the peri capillary spaces. Many
bc<:n propo&<d that chromophobes perform nu tritive contain pigment granules. The pituicytes arc widely
and phagocytic functions. Roles related to hCTI-! regarded as speciali7.ed neuroglia l cells that perform
secret ion have been considered. supporti .. and nutritive functions. However. it has
been proposed that they play roles in regulating thc
release of the neuroh)'poph)lSial peptides. Many
large. intercellular spaces are secn in stained
Capillaries of the pars tuberalis carry regulators
from the hypothalam us to the pars distal; •. The ves-
sels have a flallened , fenestrated appearance consis-
tent with high permeability to peptides. Cords of The hypothalamus forms the floor and lower lateral
"""mingly undifferentiated cells Ottupy spaces be- walls of the 3rd ventricle of the brain. It extends
twecn the capillaries. Some of the cells a rc grouped from the optic chiasma backward 10 include the
into follicles. and microvilli Or cilia can extend to- mammillary bodies. The separation from the thala·
ward the lumina. There arc also large intercellular mus is marked by a usually horizontal groove, the
spaces , hypothalamic sulcus (which is prominent in some
Whcn hormonc-sccreling cells were r.rst identified species and inconspicuous in others). The cerebral
wi thin the pars tubcralis. some observers suggested ganglia, optic tracts. and subthalamus provide the
that thei r appearance resulted from "invasion'" by lateral boundaries , Demarcations from the ante-
pars distalis components. However. substantial riorly located olfactory rcgions and the posteriorly
quantities of gonadotropins can be made there in an· situated central gray and tegmentum of the mid·
imals subjected to "hypophysectomy" (36). Histo- brain are indistinct.
chemical studies. investigations of the biological Anatomically. the preoptic region of the brain be·
properties of pars tuboraH. and observa- longs to the telencephalon (whereas the hypotha la·
tions or the etTe<:ts of manipulations of the endocrine mus, thalamus. and related structures arc compo-
un pars tubl;ruli, hi.tulvgy .upport the nents uf the <licnccphalun). Huwever. be<;ausc ur the
that some TSH and ACTH along wilh sma ller intimate interrelationships. the prcoptic region is
amounts of GH and PR L are secreled. It has also often regarded as part or the hypothalamus. The
been suggested that tropic hormones unique to th. term pmrhalomlls is also used to designate the
region are synthesiled. preoptic anterior hypothalamus (47).
Most of the ncuron cell clusters are located within
or jUM above a longitudinal bulge (the tuber ci ner·
c um) that extends from behind the optic chiasma to
the mammillary region. Some of the n"uroll'S ex·
The neural lobe is populated mostly by the dilated tended long axons downward through thc infundi.
axon terminals of thc hypolhalamo-hypophysial bulum to tb" neural lobe of the pituitary gland. Oth·
nerve tracts, sinusoid·m,e and pituicytes. crs communieate with the adenohypophysis by
limi ted numbers of r.broblasts are also present, and releasing regu lators intO blood vC5SCls that pass
in some species scallercd me1anotrope-likc ..,lIs Can through the median eminen"" at the upper part of
be identified (13,46). the infundibulum (89). The median eminence be·
ElectrolHlense granules with diameters of 100- longs to both the hypothalamu, and the
250 m" f,lI many of the endings. and the term neurohypophysis.
Herring body has been applied to large granule ago
gregates. They contain neurohypophysial pc ptidcs
Component Perts
and neuroph}'sins. Most of the structures arc as.<a-
ciatoo with pericapillary spaces. This part of the brain (a) magrwcel/Illar
Synaptic vesicles 20-40 Ill>' in diameter are also fllleI..i, i,e. clusters of mostly large perikarya that
present within the uon terminals, These. and micro- send long axons to the neural lobe: (b) icss uniform
tubules. are more easily seen in animals that arc de- clusters of mostly smaller neuron cell bodics. the
hydrated before sacrifice (since much of the !lor· par>-icelllliar (parvocellular) fludei: (c) axon bon.
mane content is then discharged). Small uon d ies grouped into wrw /rllC/S; (d) diffuse lit/warts
endings d.-oid of granules ean usually be found. of mostly fmc nerve fibers: (c) several kinds of Mil·
The pituicytes vary widely in si7.e and shape. They FOglia that include the ependymal "'lis (taneytes)
f ig. 19-6. o;ogrAmmII'ic
of hypothalamic """I";.
11ft oMelior hypothalamic; AR, .r"".,.;
OM, dot""",o<IiOI; OC. optic c/"Onrna;
PH, postor;o, hypothalamic; PO.
p'''''Plic; PV. para • • otricula r; SCH ,
supr.<:Ili.aom.tic: SO. oupr.optic; VM,

bordering the 3rd ventricle of the brain; and (f) grams, and photographs are available in the lilera-
blood ,-,,".,(,/s.
The term "hypothalamic area" is ap- \Ufe (
plied (0 in which groups of impli·
cated in common functiollS do nOi form clearly de·
nlarcatcd struCtures. Hypothala mic " Centers"
The,., are mMked <pec;e< variation, in Ihe <i"e<, It i< often to elicit predictable rcspon<c. 10
shpes, and ge<>graphical orientations of Ihe hypo- stimulation of circumscribed regions of Ihe hypo-
thalami as a wilole, in the oontours of the 3rd ven· thalamus, and 10 invoke changes opposite in dire<:·
in the relative shapes, and locations of tion when the same loci are destroyed, Pituitary
Ihe major ccn clusters. and in the cxtents to which glands implanted into certain regions retain Iheir
the nuclei are analomically defined. For example, ability 10 make hormoncs in the relative amounts re-
the rat has a moslly longitudinally direcled hypo- leased by in situ organs. wherea' glands embedded
thalamus. dearly identifiable supraehiasmalic nu- elsewhere synthesize only minimal quanlities of go-
clei, and a single mammillary protuberance. In oon· nadotropins, ACTH, and TSH , The invesligalor can
trast, Ihe human h"s a more ve rt ically arranged "selcctively" modify the se<:rction of insulin, sluca·
poorly defined suprachiasmatic cdl gon, GH, and other hormones, affecl [ceding Or
clusters. and paired mammillary bodies. The infun- drinking , invoke aggression Or somnolence, alter Ihe
dibular of primates is the oounlerpart of the responses to environmental temperatures. and oon·
paired arcuate nuclei of rodenlS. trol other functions.
Figure 19-6 provides some gencraliled indicalion It was therefore proposed Ihal the hypothalamus
of the locations of most of Ihe major cell groups . The conta; n S "h)' pop h y,iotropic", .. feeding". .. d rink_
figure is somewhai distorted. since il is not possible ing'", "satiety'", "temperature· regulating",
10 oblain a thin of hypothalamus Ihat con- a rou 'a I". "sym pa Iheti c". "parasym pa t heli c". "re'
lains all of the nuclei shown. Periventricuiar nuclei product ivc behavior". .. pi eaSure·rewa rd". "c mol ion·
have oot been included. Thesc are oolumns of cdl. ality." and other "conters," Some observers suS'
located ... ithin Ihe gray mallcr Ihal is close 10 the gested thai. with refinement of the techniques. it
lining of the ventricle. The fornix passes through tbe would soon be possible to draw hypothalamic maps
hypothalamus, and tbe term nucleu. is showing the oontrol siles for each of the aclivilies.
applied \0 associaled neuron cluslers. It has since been reoognized that (a) a single kind
For purposes of discussion, it is often oonvcnient of re.ponse can be eliciled when mOre than one brain
to divide the bypothalamus into longitudinal and region is stimulated; (b) the smallest of lesions can
transverse sections, One scheme is s hown in Table affect uons passing through Ihe arca as well as the
19-3, but most aulllors include Ihe supraoptic nuctei perikarya targeted for deslruction; (c) Io...·;ntensity
in the medial group. More detailcd descriplions, dia· stimulation with eVen Ihe finest electrodes can affccI

llbl. local"'" of NIlI.<on CfII Groups

Preoptic pO. ;"".u;cui>, 00<1,",

Suprachi..",.I;, "ucl •••
p.,.,.n,,;cul., nuclou,
A","", "ucl,.,
I'o<,«00f "uok .. 0< " ..

Mcdi.I _,ie "ud<u,

V••"....di.l """'0.'<di.1 "ud,.,
An'<"'" Of<.
l."", 'ube",l ""ck.,
Rwochi .. mOli< .,ea

L. ,<",' L.""I _tic ""ck..

L...,. I hypOlh. l. mic "uol<u,
Tub<romommillary "uol."
S'P<*<'P'i< ,,,,,Ie.,

Pr""",", J'O""".,,;cul .. ""<Ie ••

M.dial "ucl,u,
La,,,.1 _ i c nucku,
SUp"op<i< "",Ie.,
Supr>chi,,,,,," ic "o,iou,
Po ... ","""" lOt "uclo.,
Ante';"" h)' mic.!'U

M iddl<. ,.bora l. 'o/"od'b.l" Dotoom«li., nuclou,

V.,t""",diol nucl,",
"'"",,1< .......,.,., ill"y"ucl,.,
La",. 1tube ..1 nuck.,
La" .., kypolh. l. mio "o"k • •
C •• d" . pos«,;or. m.mmill. ,), p.,.'crior lIypotb.l.mic """Ie..
0< ... .
Prcmammill.'Y ouol,.,
M.di.1 rnammillory noeloo,
In,..m,d;'" m. mmill.ry "oel, o,
Lo'e ..1 ""mmillary nod,.,
S.prom. mmiUary . rea

the activities of distantly neurons; and (d) lated pans that communicates directly Of indirectly
the response to manipulation of a highly circum· with all other body components. It receives inputs
scribed locus can vary witb tbc species. the sex. the from the en"ironment as well as from inleroreceplOrs
age. the endocrine status. the nutrit ional history. and and other neurons. it proctsses the information in di.
the past of the subject. as well as with the verse ways. and it IrallSmils signals to. among other
time of day, the simultaneous stimulation of extero- things. the integument. the organs of the digestive.
and interorcccptors, and thc context in which the cardiovascular. respiratory, renal. and reproductive
stimulus is presented (47). .ystems. the spinal cord. the skeletal muscles. the
It is thercf= more realistic to thin k of the hyflO" adipose tissue. and the other pam of the brain. It
thalamus as a highly c()mplex ()rgan with interre- can even affect the immune functions (29). The hy-
pothalamus activities of other con- The Ma gnoeellular Nu c le i
trol sites, and it affccts the tendencies to iniliate,
conlinue, or terminatc many forms of behavior. As the name suggests. the magnocellular nuclci con·
The responses 10 slimulation are not as simple a. lain clusters of very large ncuron perikarya. They
some of Ihe early reports suggest (47). The topic is arc major siles for the production of hormones th:ll
considered in detail in the section em regulalion of arc transported 10 and released from the neural lobe
food intake at Ihe end of this chapter . Some other of the piluitary gland.
examples are ciled. The struclures and their relationships to Ihe hy_
If eleclrodes are implanted bilaterally within ap- pophysis were described in Chap. 2. The hormones
propriate partS of the lateral hypolhalamus. and a and the stimuli for Iheir release were discussed ;n
tube of watu is provided. Ihe animals can be ex- several sections of Ihe leXI (sec especially Chaps. 7,
pected 10 drink each time the current is turned on. 10, and 16).
The response can be inV<lkcd in ovcrhydratcd sub- The supraoptic nuclei (SON) stra ddle the rostral
jects as well as in ones with good waler balance. and la teral surfaces of Ihe optiC tracts. They conlain
However, if the drinking tube is removed. the ani- mQSlly giant perikarya with characteristic features.
mals eventually display different forms of behavior A Iypical SON cell has a prominent. centrally lo-
when the same electrodes are repealedly aClivated. cated nucleus, with numerous membrane pores, that
The new responses arc not predictable. and they may is surrounded by a clear ring of cytoplasm. The nu-
be totally unrclated to waler intake. eVen ,,·hen a cleolus is large. the e ndoplasmic reticulum and Golgi
dish of Huid is for the drinking tube. apparatus are well developed. and many darkly-
Once the new patlern has become cslablished, Ihe staining Ni!sl granules arc distribuled along the cell
animals no longer use the drinking tube if it is again periphery. In some species. clusters of similar peri·
presenled al the time of stimulation. karya can be found nearby.
When lesions are made in the same part of Ihe Most of the vasoprtssin and ils associated ("-ni-
hypolhalamus, dehydrated animals slOP drinking, cotinNlimulated··) neurophysin that enter the sys-
and Ihey oflen refuse to s",.. llow water placed di_ lemic blood are synthesized in the SON. However.
rectly in the mouth. If Ihey are kept alive by foreed Ihe paraventricular nucle i supply some of the hor-
administration of Huids, many recover some ability mone. and the peptide is also present in the supra·
to drink and 10 respond 10 osmotic stimuli (a lthough chiasmatic nuclei. in other parts of the brain, and in
the lesions are evidem al the time of autopsy). the cerebrospinal ftuld. CoeXISts
Laboratory animals have been provided with wilhin Ihe same cells, and it is rcleased in response
mechanisms for V<lluntarily aClivaling Or inactivat· to slimuli such as Ihe administration of large quan·
ing electrodes placed in the lateral hypothalamus. tities of NaCI. The pentapeplide can inhibit vaso-
Since they usually show strong ··motivation" to self· pressin release, and it is believed to contribute to reg·
stimulate. the loci have been called ··pleasure cen· ulation of the sec ret ion of Ihat hormone (84). Leu-
ters.·· However. iflhe animals are either force-fed Or enkephalin may additionally act in Olher ways to af-
chronically overfed until Ibey become obese before feCI water balance.
being placed in the test situalion. they make strong Vasopres!in (antidiurelic hormone) is probably
e(forts to avoid the stimulalion . The same regions best known for ;IS actions on the collecling duelS of
can Iherefore be called ·'aversion cenlers:· Olher the kidney. The stimuli for its release include angio-
pam of the brain have been classified as '·pleasure;· tensin. a hormone produced in large amounts when
"aversion:· or ·'silenC· regions on the basis of the an- Ihe extracellular Huid volume contracts. Osmorec<:p-
imals' responses 10 Ihe opportunity to self-stimulale. IOrs, pressoreceptOTS. and thermoreeeptors cOmmu-
Parts of the anlcrior hypothalamus have been nicate with the magnoceilular nuclei. and there have
called "parasympalhetic centers·· and loci within the be.::n recent suggestions that some of the hormone-
posterior region been named ·'sympathelic cen- producing cells respond directly 10 osmotic stimuli
ters." Refinement of Ihe teChniques for identifying (39).
neuron cell bodies and their associaled axons has re- Vasopressin acts via different mechanisms to stirn·
vealed thai there is no absolute separation of the ulate smooth muscle contraction. When presented in
funclions. Moreover. il i. 10 activate one physiological quantities, it sele<:livc innuences
acetyleholine-dependent target without affecting on blood vessels. It also contributes to blood pressure
most others. regulation by inhibiting renin release. and it may ad-
On the other hand, since responses to stimulation ditionally act cenlrally to control cardiovascular
Or destruction of a few hypolhaiamic loci are repro- funclions (10). High concentrations promote Ihe
ducible. fUllCtions linked wilh certain of the cell contraction of uterine musc le, and roles in parturi·
groups and fiber tracts are described. lion have been proposed. Vel higher levels 51imulale

intestinal The vasopressin that acts eemrally the SON. In rats. fibers have been traced from the
probably originates in neurons located within the PVN to Ihe amygdala, Ihe band of Broca, the locu.
paraventricular nuclei and other parts of the brain. ceruleus, and the spinal cord (47).
Ind ications that vasopressin contributes to re- The cell populations are more diverse than those
sponses to stress come from several sourcC$. of the SON. Half are of the magnocdlular types al·
stimuli accelerate release of the oormone, and vaso- ready deseribed, and most of this group synthcsi1.c
pressin with CR!! to promote the !;Cere· oxytocin in rodents. cells account
tion of ACTI!. Antibodies directed against CRI I for substantial but smaller proportions of the mag-
cannot fully suppress ilrcss·associated "CTH dis- nocellular components of the PVN in primates. The
charge, and vasopressin antagonim lower the oormone stimulates thc smooth muscle of the uterus
ACT!! levels (83). of mammals and the myoepithelial components of
Influences on learning and memory were dis- the mammary glands. and it Can act on the oviducts
cussed in Chap. 7. The"" may be mediated mostly of ",me nonmammalian vertebratcs. II innu-
by metabolites that do not stimulate vaseular smooth enees on blood pressure, water and brain
muscle. A highly potent with the follow- functions different from the ones associated with va-
ing st ructure has been identified (I g). sopressin, and it facilitates expression of maternal
behavior in some laboratory species. ne secretion is
H·Cys-OH accelerated by C!itrogen$ and by Slimulation of the
I female reprodUctive tract and mammary glands.
pGlu-Asn-Cys-Pro-Arg-Gly·NH, The plasma concentrat ions rise somewhat around
Vasopressin is additionally implicated in the modi- the time of ovulation and to a greater extent during
fication of reproductive behavior (g8), and it is pres· parturition. The highcst levels can be attained soon
cnt in parts of the hypothalamus that regulate cir- after lactation is instituted.
cadian rhythms (Chap. 20). Rats with genetic Conditions such as waler depriva tion and hemor-
defecls that block vasopressin synthesis suffer para· rhage can promote the release of some oxylocin.
doxical sleep defecls. but it is nOi known how much while activation of the receptors of the reproducti .. e
of the diHieully is linked with the TlCCd 10 drink at tract or mammary gland has been \.:nown 10 elevate
frequent in tervals (22). Ihe vasopressin levels. Acetylcboline is one of Ihe
There are controversies concerning the physiolog- neurotransmiuers that stimulat.. both types of mag·
ical significance of the effects of high concentrations nocellular neurons.
on melabolic funclions such as glycogenolysis in the Oxytocin is present in Ihe spinal cord, in the thai·
liver and lipolysis in adipose tissue. amus. and in other pans of the hrain.
Noomammalian venebrOle magnoceUular nudei do Fi.he. do not posses. pa ... ventrkular nuclei. but the)"
001 make v""'Pressin. but they synth..i>e related make chemically r"lated peptide. in th,,;r preoptic nuc lei .
tides that include arBi";". va"'tocin. The latter play. Tht$<: h••e a unique . trueture located otthe
role. in water balance regulation and it.timul.... smooth caudal end of the spina l cord known 0$ the urophYJiJ.
musele. Regulators produced there indude peptides thot affect
the systemic blood pressure.
Different SON cells make oxytocin. ·'estrogen-
stimulated·· and met-cnkephalin . but The hypothalamo-hypophysial nervc tracts that
the relative numbers of oxytocin cells arc much course Ihrough Ihe infundibulum and tcrminate in
greater in the paraventricular nuclei. Brattleboro the neural lobe of the pituitary gland carry the pep-
rats have genetic defects that include inability to tide hormones and Ihe neurophysins that arc subse·
make vasopressin. Their SON contain and quently released to the systcmic blood. They com·
both of the enkephalins. ($cc A·2 and A.3.) prise moslly axons that originate in the SON, but
The paravtnlricular nudd (PVN) are ncar the they also receive fibers from the PVN.
top of the 3rd ventricle. The cell clusters arc dON<lI. The magnocellular axons that terminate in Ihe
caudal. and medial to of the SON. and they palisade lOne of the median eminence (55) and in
can extend in broad. vertical bands toward Ihe hy- the vicinily of the pars intermedia of many species
pothalamic sulcus. In humans. Ihe cell columns may arise mostly (or exclusively) from Ihe PV N. In
begin near the dorsal margin of the anterior com· addition 10 releasing hormone. into the portal bl<Xld.
missure, just behind the part of the fornix that gOCl; PVN neurons arc believed 10 engage in retrograde
to the mammillary complex. Pressure exened by the transport of molcculc;s upward to the brain (68.84).
fornix can cause the PVN to bulge into the 3rd ven_ The pars intermcdia is rich in tI-cndorphin as well
tricle (24). The most inferior portions curve toward as in (l'-MSH. Although it receives innervation from
Olher sour<:cs, Ihe magnocellular nuelei probably acetylaled forms. It has been sbow n in amphibians
play very important roles in the control of its. secre- that the PCPlidcs are atetylaled just before or during
tory functions. It is not known whether comparable release from Ihe pituitary glands. and that the re·
mechanisms regulate the mcianotropes of humans action is inhibite<.! by dopamine (65). In mammalian
and other species in which no distinCI pars interme- brains. the acctylaled molecules are more potent
dia persists. regulators of behavior (72).
Vasopressin can promole the release of endorphin. Smaller neurons within (he PVN are implicated
and endorphin. in turn, accelerates vasopressin re- in very different functions. Elcc(rical stimulation can
lease. Endorphin also aClS peripherally 10 alfcct lead to the release ofTSH and FSH . TRH is present
waler balance and ",sponses to some forms of stress. in the neural lobe, and it is probably made in Ihe
AI leasl some of the endorphin travels to Olher siles PVN. According 10 some aUlhors. a specific FSlI-
10 perform dilferent functiollS. However, although ef_ Rli is also
feelsof the peplideon a variely of largCls have becn Other regulalors identifie<.! in Ihe neurohypophysis
cSlablished, ;1 is also recognized Ihat endorphin is include oomatOlOlalin and molecules Ihal bind anli-
synthesized by dilferent neurons and by pars distalis bodies directed againsl eholeeyslokinin and neuf\)-
cells. lensin. Although some of the peptides may originate
Endorphins imeraci in several ways with the glu- in Ihe PVN. it is known that the non terminals Can
cocorticoid system. Thcy inhibit ACTH secretion in up small molecules from the microenvironment.
humans, possibly by acting directly on the pituitary The PVN also make functional conncctions with
gland (92). bUI opioids promote CRH ",lease in rats the sympathetic nerVOUS system a nd with the en·
(17). Glucocorticoids and adrenalectomy are kephalin·rieh dorsal motor nudei of the vagal
to alfect the release of hormones derived from nerVes. Lesions of the PVN invoke hyperphagia that
POMC that alfect pigmcntation. and they arc re· leads to the development of obesity in mature rats.
ported to aCI on endorphin·releasing neurons tbat and norepinephrinc injections into the PVN increase
terminale in the median emincnce. Glucocorticoids the appc(ite. The manipu latiollS probably a lfect food
exert influences on food inlakc. and rolcs for cndor. intake in ways different from Ihe one, secn aflcr Ie·
phins in this function have been suggested (84). In· sions arc made in Ihe ventromedial nuclei. For one
sulin is also a major regulator of food intake. and a thing, PV N lesions have not been observed 10 inAu-
peptide cleaved from POMC (ACTH" .,,) identi· enCe lipid ntelabolism (or food intake) in weanling
fled in Ihe pars intermedia of genetically obe.,e mice rats (12).
has been shown 10 funelion as an insulin secreta·
gogue (9). Endorphins are also cleaved 10 smaller
Parvicellular Nuclei
peptides that exerl inAuence, on Ihe brain very dif·
fe rent from the OneS invoked by Ihe precursors (74). The parvicellular nudei contain diverse populations
The idea that oxylocin is cleaved to" pentapeptide of mostly small perikarya. Some arc less well define<.!
Ihat stimulates MSH secretion. and IwO tripeplides Ihan others. and the term hypmh%mir 0"'0 is used
Ihal inhibil (51) was discussed in Chap. 3. However. when thc arrangements are diffuse.
the subsla nces have 110\ lived up to their early prom- The (infundibular) nuclei form masses of
ise. Although M1F·1 (Pro-Lcu·Gly·NH,) Can de- gray mailer near the bollom of the 3rd ventricle.
crease MSH release under ccrtain conditions. it is They lie below the vcntromedial nuclei. and Ihey cx-
now doubte<.! thaI this is its physiological function tend from the middlc of the hypothalamus to the
(SO). Both M1F·1 and T yr-M1F·1 (Tyr·Phe-Leu- premammillary area.
Gly· NH,) are made in vertebrale brains. and they Some authors deseribe two distincl cclllypes and
have been shown to exert SQmc antidepressant ac· olhers cite threc. Mosl have a highly developed
tions. Central ly synthesiled dopamine and GARA Golgi with numerous sacs and vacuoles. T he clee-
may be the major inhibilors of MSII sec"'tion (91). trolKlense vesicle" abundant ribosomes. and prom·
As discussed in Chap. 20. homootherms and poibl. inent endoplasmic relicula 3rc all consistent with
o(herms have different uses for pigmen( cells. MSH · high ralCS of protein ,ynthesis and secretory activity.
releasing faclors probably vary across the species. The arcuale nudei a", major sources of the LRH
TRH is reported 10 be effeclive in frogs bUI not in lhal enters the porlal blood. If connections between
rats. the medial basal hypolhalamus and other parts of
MSHs dearly regulate pigmcntation. but they ad· the brain are disrupted. enough LRH is released to
ditionally alfect waler and ciectroly(e balance and mainlain leSlosterone secretion in adult males and
appear to funclion within the centralncrvous system Ihe function, of some ovarian cells in fcmales. How_
as ncurotransmitters and neuromodulatOfS (71). ever. loss of inputs from the preoptic region leads 10
Several dilfe",m kinds of MSH molecule. are lermination of the pfC<lvulatory LH surges in mam·
known to be made in ooth N-{lcel}'lated and non· mals with estrous eyeies. The pathways may conlrib-
ute tQ of the menstrual cycles of primates. growth hormone hormone. and the
but monkeys can ovulate when the culS are made. ;s also rich in substance P. Ventromedial "'gion$ of
LRH is widely dis\ributed , and ther<: is good rea- the hypothalamus probably send in regulators that
son 10 believe thai i( is 31 many sites. It inhibit LRH release. Lesions there Can invoke pre-
alTccls reproductive behavior. even afler gonadec- matur<: onset of puberty.
tomy Or hypophysectomy. and ;1 exerts other inllu- The ""ntromedia/ nudei (V MN) complex
ences on the brai n. An LRH-lil:e mole.:ulc performs structures whose functions overlap to some ex tent
neurotraosm;Ucr functions in the sympathetic gan- with those of the areuate. In many species. they
glia of bullfrogs (48). and some components of mam- sCX' m to be the major SOUrceS of GRH and of soma-
malian reproductive systems oontain receplors that tostatin. They also contribute to the regulation of
can in1CraC! with the peptide. TSH. ACTH. and other hormones. Along with the
Immunocytochemical sludies have revealed that arCuate a nd paraventricular nuclci. they are com·
one cluster of LR H neurollS o<xupies Ihe lateral por_ ponents of the hypophysiotropic ar<:a (HTA) . Pitu-
tionl of the arcuate nude; and extends rostrally and itary glands implanted ther<: retain the ability to se-
laterally 10 lhe internudear regions in rals. A see<;>nd Crete adenohypophysial hormone, in relative
clusler is loosely distributed 10 the prooplic septal amounts that approximate those of glands in their
the bed nucleus ef the anterior commissure, normal locations. VMN neurons also alfect the s.,.
and nucleus ef t he diagonal band cf Ilroca (54). cretion of ins ulin and of glucagon, and they interact
The axens not grouped inte defined fiber tracts. with autonomic nervous ,ystem afferents and elfer-
but beth clusters send prcjectiens te the median em- ents involved in the control of digestive system
and to the organum vasculosum of the lamina functions.
torminalis. In somc species. additional projections On the basis of cell densities. the nudei have been
have been traced to the periventricular thalamus. divided into de>fSOmedial and ventre>medial portiC>ns
and to parts of the midbrain. Some LRH is also ap- that are separated by a c.::1I-poor center (54) . A
synthesized in cells of the ventrcmedial "capsule of axons·· formed mostly by fibers from the
nuclei. stria terminalis but containing a fcw from the medial
Different arcuate nuclei components provide most forebrain bundle and lateral hypothalamus has becn
01" tbe C3te\:oolamincrgic neurons of tbe inlundibular described. There are elterent oonn<:ctions with tbe
tracts that terminatc on the median emincnce. Other lateral hypothalamus. the anterior area. thc mam-
axons havc been traced to the ventromedial nuclei. millary complex. the septum. and the amygdala.
Much of the dopamine is rdcase<J to the palisade Roles of the VMN and related parts of the hypo-
zone. whereas nor<:pinephrine is dis- thalamus in the regulation of food intake dis-
charged to the internal wne (54). Species differ- cussed later.
ences in the r<:lative amounts of dopamine (OA) and The suprachiosmatic nudt i (SCN) of ratS ar<:
norepineprhine (NE) have been dcscrilxd. made up of prominent. densely packed cell clustcrs
DA from the arCuate nuclei function, more like a situated cloo: to the 3rd ventricle. They lie abeve.
"true" hormone than a ""urotra nsmitter. It i, such and a re partially embedded within. the <>ptic
a potent inhibitor of prolactin sec retion that many chiasma. Although wdl defined in many other mam-
believe it is the major PI F. It also affects the seer.,. mals. the cells are diffusely arranged in humans.
tion of growth hormo"". of gonadotropins. and of The SCN from the
other adenohypophysial regulators (see Pans V and thalamic tmets. the lateral geniculate nuclei. the ser-
VI). Estrogens excn important innuences over pro- otoninugic neurons of the mesenceph alic raphe. and
lactin. growth hormone. gonadotropin. and melano- other parts of brain. Efferent fibers have been
cyte stimulating hormone and some of its traced to the peri ventricular area of the hypothala·
effeets ha'e been linked with changes in DA mus. and to the dorsomcdial. ventromedial. and ar-
turnover. cuate nuclei. Some axons go thc median cmincn<:c
Preoptico-tuberal system course through and to the medial forebrain bundles (47), and there
the anterior hypothalamus on their way to thc ar- a re connections with thc pincal gland.
cuate nucleus. but fibers of thc corticothalamic The SeN are believed to function as biological
tracts first enter the suprachiasmatic nuclei. The me- clocks that regulate sleep-waking. locomotor. feed-
dial corticohypothalamic tract carries fibers from ing. drinking. glucocorticoid. pineal enzymc . and
the hippocampal formation and the amygdala. other body rhythms (49). Diurnal variations in the
ACTH and ,e..,ndorphin have been identified within concentrations of serotonin. catecholamines, and
the arCuate nuclei (41). In at least SOme species. other regUlators have been found in animals
there is strong binding of antibodies directed against to natural changes in environmental lighting. De-
struction of the afferents from the retina docs not the associated nucleus aecumbens. the amygdala.
abolish the rhythms. but it destroys synchronization the preoptic area. the habenula. and a midbrain
with the photoperiod. SeN lesions seriously impair component oomposed of the ventral tegmental area.
many body functions. including estrous cydcs, the central gray. the raphe. and the interpeduncular
The dorsomediol nuclei are distinguishable from . nucleus (3) (sec Fig. 19·7).
but less prominent than. the VMN in rodents. and When the mammillothalamie tracts arc se"ered.
they are pOOrly defined in primates. They are func- animals display changes in behavior that ha,'e been
tionally oonnected with the amerior hypothalamic described in various way•. They arC said to show ex-
area. and with some parasympathetic and sympa· aggerated tendencies to "freeze" when stressed. to
thetic preganglionic neurOnS. be reluctant to begin new behavioral acts when ron-
The mammillary bodies arc oollections of neuron fronted "'ith unFamiliar stimuli. and to respond in-
cell bodies that vary in si7£ and number across the appropriately when placed in sit uations ;n which
species. The medial mammillary nuclei are the larg- learning is linkcd with punishment (47).
est of the group. and in humans these occupy mOSt The mammillary nudei also communicate wilh
of the VQlume of the mammillary bodies, Int erme. other pam of the brain via the mammillOlegmental
diate (intercalated). lateral. and small. more dor- traCts and Ihe mammillary peduncles. They receive
sally located supra mammillary clusters can be idcn· inputs from the olfactory regions and probably also
tified in many species. The tuberomammillary and from parts of the midbrain involved in taste
premammillary nuclei of the posterior hypothalamus perception.
are not usually incl uded in the designation "mam- The amygdala of the fore brai n arc made up of
millary complex:' They are functionally related to neurOn clusters embedded within the dorsomedial
the periven\ricuiar syStem that is described later, regions of the temporal lobes in most of the mam_
The medial mammillary nuclei give rise to the mals. They are regarded as eQmpOnems of Ihe cere-
mammillothalamic tract' that travel to the ante rior bral ganglia. and they receive dopaminergic input'
nuclei of the thalamus. from there. information is from the nucleus a(Cumbells, olfactory tubercle. and
transmitted to the cingulate gyrus of the forebrain, other parts of the telenC<':phalon. They arc therefore
The latter. in turn. sends axons to the hippocampal inVQlvcd in striatal and autonomic as well as limbic
formation, The "Papez cireuit" is completed by fi· functiorul. Damage to certain componenls has been
boo .. that go from the hippocampu. 10 the mammil· observed to be followed by change. in behavior in
lary bodies_ The circuit waS initially implicated in humans and in laboratory animal" Fibers leading
the mediation of overt expression of emotion (but not out of the amygdala via the stria terminalis are dis-
with the associated conscious experiences). Accord- tributed 10 the medial prooptic. supraoptic. and Ven-
ing to more modern concepts. the "limbic system" tromedial nuclei and to the anterior area of!he hy_
includes the orbitofrontal cortex. the septal area and pothalamus. Ventral amygdalofugal axons pass to


MocH,,) r"",b,.in

h),pot""l.",u, h)'poI h. t"mn,
& infu nd ibulum
Fig. 111· 1. 0..-.1 01 I""bk: cir<:Wry OS to

more lateral parts 01 Ihe hypothalamus_ Stimulation small neurons thaI run the length of Ihc hypothala-
of some paTls of Ihe amygdala has been .epoTloo to mus. close to the ependyma . The cells contain only
exert influences on g1"Qwth hormone and gluCOCQrt;· s mall amoonts of cyloplasm and have been said to
ooid se<:relion opposite 10 Ihe ones seen when loci resemble lymphocytes (3). This dopaminc·rich re-
within the hippocampus are stimulated. However. gion implicated in regulation of adenohypophysial
although hippocampal neurons avidly bind oorlico- functions.
sterone. Ihe roles of Ihis brai n region in conlrol of An extcnsive periven\rieular system comprising
CRH have nOi tx.en defined (47). mOSlly fine, unmyelinated fibers courses through Ihe
The anterior hYpOlha/amic " " " merges with the length of the hypothalamus in the region close 10 Ihe
preoptic region, and i1 exte nds caudally beyond Ihe lining of the 3rd ventricle. It ",ceivC!; inpulS from Ihe
infundibulum. It contains neurons thaI sense small posterior and dorsal hypOthalamic nuclei and from
temperature elevations. Its roles in adaptation to thc tuberal and supraoplic regions. Fibers thaI run
warm envil'{lnments a nd in control 01 lhe parasym- up and down conneCI Ihe hypolhalamus with Ihe
pathetic nerVOUS Iy>tem depend in part on tra nsmis- vcntricular and dorsal pans of the thalamus and
sion of inhibimry impulses to the hypO/ha- wi th Ihe lower brain ",ern. Some terminations haY<:
la",le area. Indications thai the posterior region been identified in Ihe leclum of the midbrain and in
regulale, sym pathetic functions come from obser· the relicular formalion of the medulla oblongata.
vations thaI stimulation there can invoke cutaneous Specialiwl ependymal cells (ta neytes) border Ihe
vasoconstriclion . dilation of the pupi l. lowering of 3rn ventricle and projecl microvilli into the lumen .
muselc lone in Ihe gut a nd urinary bladder. and They scnd out long cyloplasmic processes to neurons
Olher elfeclS associa ted wilh Ihc "fight Or nighl" reo and 10 perivascular spaces (17). and Ihey thereby
aClion. wherea. lesions lead 10 the development of providc avenues of oommunication among tnc cells.
hYpOlhermia and lethargy. On the other hand. an old Ihe cerebrospinal fluid. and Ihe capillary blood .
concepl Ihal Ihe anterior and posterior regions COn· Complex conglomerales of neuronal. neuroglial, and
lain Ihe "centers" for parasympathetic and sympa· vascular clements within the median eminence form
Ihelic funclions. respectively. is outmodcd. Neurons eireumventricular organs (Chap. 2), The neurons
tinhd with the twO com""""n\< or the aUlonomic wilhin them are nol "protected" by .he btood·b",in
system do not show discrete anatomical separation. barrier. Some have ",ceptors for hormones "'leased
Moreover. when finc electrodes are used it is possible into the sySlemic cireulation.
10 affect OrK: parasympathetic aClivity without af·
fecting Ihe others. Stimulation of some parts of the
poslerior hypOthalamus Can invuke ej.cul.tion and
attempls to copulale. Those respOn= arc androgen·
dependent. This subje<:1 i. discus.'cd at some lenglh beeau,," it
The anterior pillars of the fornix separate the me- dcmonstratcs thc kinds of difTocuhies thai arc en·
dial from th.lateral zones ofl h. hypOthalam us, The countered when attempt. are made \0 assign a spe-
lateral hYPOlhalamus contains the hypOtha· cifIC function to an anatomically defined brain locus.
lamic. lateral preoptic. and tuberomammillary nu· Some aspects were considered earlier in Ihis chapler
clci. It is dominated by ascending and descending and in Chap, S. The literatu", is eXlensive and COn·
nerve fiber compOnents of the limbic·forebrain·mes· lroversial, and JUSt a few nf the reviews and "'cent
encephalic reticular forebrain circuit. Fibers oollcc· papers arc ciled,
tively known as the medial fOf'ebToin bundles ( M FB) There is lillie doubt that the ventromedial and lal'
connect this region with the forebrain and midbrain, eral regions of the hypothalamus make contributions
They contain large numbers of catccbolaminergie \0 Ihe regulation of food intake and bod)' weight.
and serotoninergic fiber!<. and they receive inputs However. widely divergent Opinions have been ex·
from the basal olfactory regions. the periamygdaloid pressed concerning (a) Ih. physiological importance
complex. the septal nuclei. and also the magnocc!· of Ihe"e regions rel alive to other parts of the brain;
lular. arcuate. and ventromedial nuclei, Visual. gus- (b) the relationships between the changes in these
tatory. and trigemina l projeclions bave been identi· parameters invoked by stimulation Or damage to the
fied . Efferents are sent to Ihc pcriventricular nuclei hypothalamus and the roles of the Same brain re·
and to parasympathctically innervated structures gions in regulalion of other bodi ly functio ns; (c) the
lhat include the gastric glands (61). The MFB also kinds of information thai arc fed into the hypothal·
carry information from retinal photore<:eptors to the amus, the palhwa),s for transmission. and the ana·
pineal gland, tomical loci of bolh the and the ta rgets;
The periveniricllloT nudei contain columns of ''Cr)' and (d) the chemical natureS of the mediators. Ihcir
sites of synthesis. and the mechanisms whereby thcy fend" the higher weight. They transiently red uce
acl. their intakes if subjec ted 10 a period of foree·feedi ng.
and they take smaller quantities of f<XXI, rich in Car·
bohydratcs. fats. a nd calories than of diluted diets.
Ventromedial " Satiety" and Lateral
Animals that are food deprived before being sub-
" Feeding" Centers
jected to lateral hypothalamic injury often cat after
As already discussed. it has proposoo that Ihe the surgery. The ones Ihat bec:ome hypophagic but
venlromooial hypothalamus contains "satiely" neu- are maintained for a timc with force-feeding may re·
rons Ihat provide prote,tion against the ingestion of cover the ability to voluntarily take f<XXI. They. too,
exces$ive quantitie, of nutrients. whereas the lateral "stabilize" and "defend" a low body weight. The
hypolhalamus contains a "feeding ccnter" that as- "set·point" in such subjects can be elevatoo if yen·
sures the inlake of sufficient nutrientl to stock the tromooial injury i•• uperimposed. "'hereas the ani-
rescr'o'e depOts and sustain bodily funclions. Obser- mals wilh just ventromedial lesions lower the sct·
vations supporting the hypothesis inClude the follow- point if the laterall'<'gion is later damaged.
ing: (0) After destruclion of the VMN and sur- Proponents of both concepts commonly assume
rounding regions. animals of many mammalian thai each part of the hypothalamus exerts inhibi tory
species cat enormous quantilies of palatable food influences ovcr the other. The notion is supported by
and they become grossly obese. They h3'e been ob- anatomical evidence for the passage of adrencrgic fi-
served 10 head for thc food cup before fully reCOVer- bers from the YMN 10 Ihc lateral hypothalamu:s and
ing from the aneslhclie. (b) Injection of anesthetics for indirect pathwaY' that lead from the lateral to
into the same region in nonlcsioncd animals can also the ventromedial region (47).
invoke overeating. whercas stimulation can termi· There are disagreemcnt' over thc locali7-3tions of
nate feeding in f<XXI-dcprived animals. (c) Electrical the "saliely" and "fceding" neurons. While some in-
aClivities of some ventromedial neurons increase fol· vesligators have ide ntified specific sitc. wilhin the
lowing glucose administration. and they dccrease ventromedial region thai affeci food intake (15).
during fasting. (d) When lesions are made in the lat- othcrs have emphasized the importance nf the elfecl'
eral hypothalamus. the animals become hypophagic of experimental manipulations On nerve traelS pass·
or totally refuse palatable food that is readily accey ing through the regions. It is also kno"n that several
sible, They lose weight and may evensta",<, to dealh. other parts of the brain affcct fceding behavior.
(eJ If the lateral hypothalamu. i. elcctrically .tim· The conceplS eited ar.: not unive,..,.rry accepted.
ulated. previously force·fed animals will take food. and they are dimcult to reconci le with SOme dilferent
Thc response is terminated when the is findings.
lurned olf. When are fcd ad libitum , they
gain ",<,ight if Ihe lateral region is repeatedly
What 18 "Satie ty" ?
ulated . They .harply reduce their intakes when Ihe
lrealment is slopped (6.44,93). Saticty is subjective. We can observe the behaviorof
A "hypothalamic obe.ily .yndrome" in humans an animal and make assumptions. but
has been linkoo with ventromedial injury (76). It is we cannot know what thc animal is actually experi·
nol known why patients wilh anorexia nervosa so encing. To some investigators. the term implies con-
dra.tically limil their intakes Ih31 some sla rve to tentment . These biologists go 10 great lengths to
death. Some therapisl' nave emphasized the impor- demonstrate thai the procedures they use to decrease
tance of psychological a nd factors (16). bUI meal size or frequency do not bvoke aversions or
others have pointed out that gonadal loxicities. They that animals subjected tothem
and other signs of hypothalamic disorders precede groom and become sleepy when Ihey .top eating. and
the changes in feeding behavior (52.93). According that they show other sign. of comfort and '3ti,fac-
to one hypolhesi" the brain is oversensitivc to endog- lion, Others regard aversion as nOlhing more than an
enous estrogens. The steroids are koown to alfec t exagge ralcd form of satiety. The point of vic'" be·
food intake (34 .93). They may directly imeraci with come' especially important when attempts are made
neuron receptors or alfeclthe feeding by exerting in· to interpret observalion. made on animals fitted with
Auences Over dopamine metabolism. electrodes in certain brain regions and given the OJ>-
A concepl related 10 the foregoing fondings is Ihat portunilY 10 "self-stimulate."
the ventromedial "satielY" neurons set the upper The lateral hypolhalamu. is one of Ihc region' in
limit for buildup of fa t r.",rves, while the "fceding" which animals seem 10 "like" 'Iimulation, If Ihc ex-
neurons c:ontrollhe lo,,'er one. It bas been observed perimental setup requires that the subjects run back
thai animal. with ventromedial damagc steadily and forth through long tunnels 10 oblain repeated
gain weight for a lime. However, they not only "sta· slim ulation. the animals will forgo food. water. and
bili'c" at a supernormal level bUI subsequently "de_ needed reSt to do so. Since f<XXI deprivalion faeili-

tates the behavior, it has been suggestcd that the an- It ha'l been suggested that the ventromedial Ie·
imals self-stimulate to obtain an "electrical meal sions impair the abilily to sense or respond to "inter-
(6 I J. Lcsioos of the ventromedial hypothalamus al.., nal hunger." Therefore. Ihe motivation to eat de·
increase the "motivation" (45). Animals that are pends on environmental stimuli that include Ihc
force·fed before the do not self-stimu- sight and aroma of good food and the pleasure as-
late. In fact. they will 80 to great lengths to inacti. sociated with the ingestion. [t has even been pro-
vate electrodes programmed to periodically deHver posed that obese humans suffcr similar defects (85).
the current Intact animals that are obese also avoid In one st ud y, obese and normal-weight human
the stimulation. It is not known whether the differ. adult.s were asked to complete lengthy question'
ences are linked with changes in blood and/or cere- naires. Excuses were made to temporarily deprive
brospinal Ruid chemistry, or whether some kind of the subjeelS of their wrist-watches. and the studies
neuronal signal is initiatcd whcn the fat depots arc were conducted in rOOmS wilh prominent clocks that
"overstuffed."' The behvioral effects of the obesity ran eilher too fast or too slowly. Sine<: the experi·
subside when the body weight is lowered to the nor- ment spanned Ihe hours prec<:ding and following the
mal range. The ventromedial hypothalamus ,,,,-,ms to usual dinner lime. the subjects were provided with
be a site for "aversion."' food and invited to hdp themselves when they felt
Aeeord in8 to one point of view, the animals hungry. The lean subjeet.s ate at their usual dinner
"enjoy'" hypothalamic stimulation. since "satiety" Or times, without rC8ard to information imparted by
"pleasure"' neurons are located within the region. the docks. However. the obese subjects ate early
When animals are deprived of the ventromedial hy· when the docks ran fast, and they delayed the meal
pothalamus. they "lose" much of their ability to ex- when the elocks ran slo,,·ly. In another
perience pleasure in normal ways. They are there- 1,2 or 3 sandwiches were placed on the lable and
fore '"driven'" to seck out compensatory stimuli that the subjects were invited to take additional ones
include the ones associated with ingestion of palat· from a nearby refrigerator. Most lean subjects ate 2
able food. The aversions of intact. overfed animals to sandwiches under aU three experimental conditions.
hypothalamic stimulation are auributed to "exces- Most obese subjects ate aU of the sandwiches placed
sive satiety'". They may be mediatcd by inhibitory on tbe table (I. 2 or 3. depending on the test condi-
influence, that ventromedial satiety ncurons ucrt tions). but they did not open thc I"Cfrigcrntor.
over more laterally located brain regions which oth· According to the investigator, the fond ings indi-
erwise facilitate ingestive behavior and the motiva· cate that lean humans cat when they arc hungry,
tion for self-stimulation (45). and they consume JUSt enough to feel satisfied. [n
Although reasons can be advanced for associating contrast. obese persons respond primarily to external
feeding with pleasure. the relationships must be stimuli. They cat when the clock annOunC<:s dinner
complex . Animals "like" to stimulate different parts time. and when they can see or smell palatable food.
of the brain that do not affect food intake. The mo- Other observers have linked "finickiness" with dif·
tivation to activate electrodes placed in parts of the ferent factors. One idea is that ventromedial lesions
posterior hypothalamus that invoke ejaculation or sharpen the sense of taste. Most of the studies pur-
a ttempts to copulate is abolished by castration. and ported to demonstrate Ihe phenomenon can be inter-
it can be restored wilh androgens. preted in different ways (47). It has been deter·
mined, for example, that the quinine used to make
food bitter exerts postahsorptive toxicity. Animals
Re latio ns hip s betwee n feed ing and
with ventromedial lesions retain some ability to as-
, ' Emotionality "
sociate the intake of certain foods with subseq uent
Animals wilh venlromediallesions arc often said to illness and to develop aversions that are unrelated to
be "finicky" and "lazy." While they eagerly take the taste.
large quantities of palatable foods that are readily The "laziness" that foUows hypothalamic injury
available, they may food tainted with unpleas· has been variously attributed to direct effects of the
ant navors c>r odors . [ntaet Or sha m-lesioned controls lesions and to secondary consequences of the obesity
offered the same nutrients usually eat very little at that foUows. However. "'hen animals are trained to
first. but in time they acc<:pt enough of the food to work for food before they are subjected to the dam-
maintain body weight. The lesioncd animals are also age, they continue to do so afterward. Therefore, the
"reluctant'" to "work"' for food. whereas intact COn· ventromedial lesions may in some way impair learn.
trois soon learn to bar-press many times to obtai n ing. On the other hand. if animals arc food deprived
pellets. They "'ill also lift heavy lids placed Over the after they are damaged. they do work for food even
food cups, or cross electrical fields if they cannot 0b- without the prior training. It can be suggested that
tain food in other ways. the "motivation to eat" is sharpened by the hunger.
A very different idea is that the obesity body (4). prolactin (66), somatomammOlropin, t hyrox·
temperature regulati()/l. The lesioned animals may inc. endorphins, enkephalins. dyllQr·
suffer excessive elevations when they are required to phin (79). prOStaglandins ( 4), acetylcholine. IIQrepi·
work. They would not be e.pected to have the prot>- nephrine (4.64). epinephrine. dopamine. serotonin.
lem after weight loss. glucose. glycerol. fatty aCids. and some of the amillQ
Obese humans may ta ke their food when the acids, Most of the preceding. and pharmacological
the hour is appropriate for very special rea_ agents alfceting their levels or functions. exert innu·
sons. Many report that they always feci hungry. enCCS On lipid metabolism. A few additionally invoke
They restrict food intake to avoid beooming even changes in the numbers of adip(lC)'tcs (19). Recer-
more obese, and they are often subjected to criticism t<m implicated in the release of the endogenous reg-
by others unaffected by their problem. Therefore. ulal<m or in mediation of their actions may be pre ...
obese subjects may "feel entitled" to cat at the din- ent in the mouth. pharynx. stomach. intestine. fat
ner bQur but IIQt before. Because of repeated sugges- depots. liver. skeletal muscle , brain, and elsewhere.
tions that they are gluttollQus, they may hesitate to Some arc said to sense chemical changes, others
open someone else's refrigerator. Obviously. they pressure. and yet different ones temperature or de-
have no difficulty thinking about food contai ned h}'dration. It is possible to set up C<lndilions under
within enck>:sed compartments of their own kitchens. which cases can be made for physiological contri-
butions by any of thc proposed factors. h is often IIQI
much more dinicult to demonstrate that each of the
Factors Affec ting Food Intake in Normal
experimental findings e"n be interpreted in a differ·
Subjects ent way (A-I).
The quantity of food that a healthy animal will lake The dir«lion of change invoked by a en-
before it voluntarily terminates the meal ca n vary dogclIQus entity can vary with the setup. Thus. al·
widely with the test situation. This complicates the though sugar ingestion and elevation of blood glu-
problems of assessing the changes that oc<:ur after cose levels by other means usually depress the
experimental manipulations, More food will be eaten appetite, rapid infusion of glucose into the duo-
when the diet is palatable and varied than when it is denum can actually increase food intake (32). When
only minimally ae<:eptable in navor and texture and the food is swee tened, bungry animals often take
is monotOIlQU'. More will be eaten in familiar .ur· larger meals but well-fed animals tend to take
roundings. and only limited amounts of 1IQ''ei sut>- smaller ones, Norepinephrine deplet;on increases.
stances may be sampled the first time they are of· and NE administration decreases nocturnal f<XXI in·
fered. fear. dehydration, endocrine disorden;. takes in rats. Changes opposite in diTC<:tion "re in·
previous overfeeding, and distu rbing environmental voked by similar imposed during the day·
stimuli arc among the factors that can discourage light hours. Serotonin depletion and administration
eating. Some forms of stress reduce (he intake, affcct mostly daytime intakes (47).
whereas others can it. A\1empts have been Fasted rats given .8-adrenergic blocking agents
made to linx the direction of response with the rcl- such as isoproterenol stock diet pellets suhsc-
alive quantities of glucocorticoids or endorphins that quently presented , and they also milk that has
arc released, Animals can also be C<lnditioned to cat a bilter taste. However, they ta ke more sweetened
in response to cues unrelated to the kinds of external milk than untreated hungry animals, Well_fed rats
stimuli provided by food (98). given .8... drencrgie agoniSlS eat more pellets than
Nocturnal animals such u rats and mice take well-fed comrols. Hungry animals injected with the
larger and more frequent meals during the night same agents also accept bilter milk, although (hey
than during the daytime. and it is perhaps unfonu· take less swcetened milk than hungry controls.
nate that many of Ihe experiments performed on When a specific substance consistently invokes
them were restricted to the W<lrking day. h is worth changes in just One direction. there can be disagree·
IIQting in this connection that animals with ventro- ments over the underlying mechanisms. Some inves·
medial iesi()/ls do almost all of their "overeating" t;gators believe that CCK actS mostly on the brain
during the daylight hours (61). as a physiological "satiety factor." Intracerebral ad-
ministration of the peptide is reported to decrease
meal size in sheep, and it has been stated tha t the
Fact ors Affectin g " Hunger" a nd " Satiety "
CCK levels in the brains of rodents with SOme forms
The lisl of substances proposed to contribute to the of hyperphagia and obesity are subnormal. A prot>-
physiological control of food intaxe includes chole- lem with the hypothesis is that mechanisms whereby
cystokinin (CCK) (87), glucagon (60). calcitonin fceding affects brain concentrations of CCK are not
(31). gastrin, secretin. pancreatic polypeptide. neu' known. Different investigators note that the de-
rotensin. bombesin. substanct: P. growth hormone scribed responses to intracerebral administration of
(14), sol1llltomedins. insulin. estrogens. progestogens CCK are not elicited in several other species. More-

over. low brain CC K concentrations are not consis- maintain their body weights also acquire high
tently found in obese animals . It has be<:n pointed fat: lean ratios as they lose protein. Despite the fexxl
OUt that fe<=ding invokes peripheral release of thc restriction. they become hyperinsulinemic. It has
pcptide and that systemically administcred CCK been suggested that the hormonal imbalance causes
docs OOt enter the brain even when it de<:reases meal lesioned animals of both age groups to shin excessive
size. One proposed effe<:t of the peptide is delayed quantities of nutrients into lipogenic pathways and
gastric emptying with resulting distension. Messages to suffer impairw ability to recruit thc reserves (61).
may then be relayw from the full stomach to thc The adults may then be motivated to overeat be-
brain. Vagotomy has been reported to abolish the cause they suffer "tissue hunger". and the hyper_
"satiety" effects. If CCK does. in fact, function as a phagia has been linked with attempts to provide thc
physiolOSical "satiety factor;' il must do SO on ly on body cells with adequate fuel. When fed ad libitum,
a short-range basis. Tolerance to exosenous peptide the animals rapidly become obese. The fexxl intake
develops rapidly. and repeated administration has and body weight 5tabili .. e as the adipocytes enlarge
little influence on bod)' weight (21). and insulin resistance develops. Weanling! probably
Amphetamines are among the best known of the do not overeat bcQ.use growth hormone and Olner
"appetite suppressants", They act in sevcral ways to regulators so profoundly affect the appetite that fur-
profoundly alter catecholamine metabolism (Chap. ther stimulation cannot be achieved.
S). Sine<: severing of cenain dopaminergic pathways It should be pointed out. however, that some in·
in the brain leads to changes in fexxl intaxe, the an- vestigators believe that the appetite-control1ing and
orexigenic cffe<:ts are widely anributed to disrup- insulin-regulating neurons are distinct. It has been
tions of dopamine functions. The concept i$ con_ reponed Ihat very small lesions can invoke the mo-
sistent with observations that the chronic tivation to ingest more food. but that hypc:rinsulin-
hyperglycem ia associated ,,'ith insulin deficiency de- emia does OOt develop if caloric intaxe is restricted
presses dopaminergic neu rOnS and the anorexigenic ( IS ).
actions of amphetamines (63). However. the drugs A yet different concept is that lesioned animals
evidently interact with receptors different from the become obese because thcy utili .. e nutrients "more
oneS that bind catecholamines (75). Insulin defi- efficiently" than controls. The abilities of mice !X&
ciency effccts on fexxl intake probably involve mul- ""ssing certain genetic defccts to bc<:omc obese when
tiple mechanisms . Insulin-receptive nerve terminals pair-fed with healthy animals of this same Slrain
have been identified in the rat mcdian eminence re- have been linked with low NE turnover in brown
gion, and insuli n injections into that region reduce adipose tissuc and low ra tes of heat production (53).
fexxl intake. At least some of the actions require cho- However. although animals wilh ventromedial Ie-
linergic tl'3nsmission. Additional neurotransmiltcrs sions suffer catecholamine dysFunctions. low cnergy
implicated in mediation of thc insulin effe<:ts include output is not a major Factor during the dynamic
neurotensin. G ABA and endorphins (97). pbase ofwcight gain. In human subje<:ts. obesity can
Amphetamines have also been said to directly be associated with elevated metabolic ratc (28).
stimulate thc ventromedial hypothalamic neurons. The bypophagia of an imals with lateral hypotha-
Thc notion is not easily reconcilcd with observations lamic lesions has been linked with the loss of inputs
that the agents are more dfective appetite suppres- from many kinds of receptors. The lcsioncd animals
sants in animals with lesions in those r<:gions than in are said to suffer "sensory neglect" that leads to fail-
sbam operatw controls. Moreover, there arc condi- ure to appreciate both the "pleasures" of eating and
tions under which amphetamines augment fexxl in- the internal siSnals that arisc from fuel dcpot depic-
take (47). tion. In some cases. central nervous stimulants can
augment the appetite.
Differe nt Concepts o f Hypo thala mic Neuro n
Fun c t io ns So me Con c lusions tha t May Be Dra wn from
the Pre c ed in g Find in gs
The idea that the ventromedial hypothalamus con-
llIins "satiety'· ncurons has been totally rejected by In ass=ing the overall picture. it must be recog-
some investigators. When th e region is destroycd in ni?-cd that although life can be sustainw only when
",ronfing rats, the animals neither Overeat nor gain nutrients are conlinuously s upplied to the cells. eat-
more weight than sham operatcd controls, They do, ing is intermit\ent. Animals must be motivatcd to
however. suffer growth impairment that is rtAected ingest more than Ihey require for immediate needs
in thc acquisition o f high fat: lean body rna .. ratios. SO they can store up reserves. During much of the
i.esioned adults permitted to eat just enough to day and all of the night. the typical diurnal animal
lives off those reserVes, Severe depletion of the stores During thc paSt several years, ;1 has ocen recom_
th,..,atens survival. whereas "overslUffing" of th. fat mcndw that patients with diabetes mellitus eat
depots does 001. Controls Over a function as vital as polysaeeharide·rich foods which presumably release
food ingestion cannot be entrusted to any single gluoose slowly. and that they avoid candy, ice C,..,am
group of re<:eptors. and other substances Ihat contain "rapidly availa-
Under natural conditions, mo,.., than one food is ble" sugars. Contrary to previous beliefs. it is now
ncedw to supply all of the required amino adds. rccogni1.ed thaI blood glucose levels rise sharply fol-
minerals. and vitamins. It is therefore fortunate that lowing the ingestion of some polysaccharide·rich
animals tend to eat mOre when they are presented foods. whereas only minimal elcvations result from
with mixed diets than with monotonous oneS. The eating certain common foods high in sugar coment
mixtures of aromas and textures enhance the appe- (5 7).
tile di,..,clly. Moreover, since smaller quantities of Many animals do m(Jl;t of Iheir drinking at meal
the individual nutrients are taken, the,.., is 1= sen· limes. "Prandial drinking" has ocen linked with sen-
sory adaptation. sations of dryness in thc moulh and wilh Ihc neW to
On the other hand, animalS feeding in the wild moislen food, It is now known Ihat eating leads 10
must be wary of nutrient< containing pathogenic or- the release of hiSlamine. and that the amine stimu-
ganisms. toxins, and irritants. They depend heavily la tes drinking via mechanisms that can be blocked
on ordinary receptors for guidance. The "good" with specif,c receptor anlagonists (58).
foods a"" the ones Ihat usually invoke plcasu,..,able Studies ha"e been performed on the elTects of obe-
sensations. For uample. ripe fruits that supply sug- sity itself on parameters such as basal metabolic
ars and vitamins arc swcet, sueeulenl. and aromatic. rate. Ihe increases in oxygen consumption followins
whereas unripe ones that irritate the gUI Can be pal- food ingeStion, and the "metabolic costs" of work in
lid. dry. sour, bitler. insipid. or nauseatingly pun- obese subjects (28). The,.., a,.., clear indications that
gem. II is also necessary 10 recognize substances that humans with strong tendencies 10 a"umulatc fat dif-
appeal to the olfactory and sustatory receptors but fcr from those who usually mai ntain normal body
contain substances that cause illness. Animals pro- weights, but we nced 10 know mOre about possiblc
lect Ihemselves to some exlent by laking only minute relationshipS to dilTercnces in hypothalamic
quanlilies of novel foods. and by remembering the functions.
events thaI immwiately precwed Ihe onset of It is likely thaI many additiona l regul ators will be
'IIn=. implicated in the oontrol 01 l00d intake and body
Even the hungriest animal must ••'oid exposure to weight. We have not yet fully defined the roles of
predators. The tendency to take only minimal quan· subslanCe P. neurotensin. and other molecules
tities of food presented in unfamiliar surroundings is known to be present in substanlial concenlrations.
probably related to this. Fear and the ehangCC'l in Moreover. new peptides (including a subsla nce
hcrmonal and nervous system functions that it in· chemically relaled to pancreatic polypeplide 12)) are
vokes probably directly impair stimulation of the being idcntif,w on an almost regular basis. and Ihey
brain regions that facilitate feeding. may make as yet unSUSpeCled contributions. "ESlab-
It therefore seem. rea"loable 10 take a multifac. Ii'hed" hormones inOuences that pre'iously
torial approach 10 the study of food int?kc reglliation unrecognized . (For example. in addition to
under normal a nd pathological condilions (78), Re- stimulating ACTH release. C RH is now known to
cenl findings suggest that much remains to be activate neurons in several part. of the brain [I],
learned. and that entrenched ideas should be rIXX- and to inhibit gastric acid secretion [90] .)
ami ned. It has ocen observed. for example, that the "II of the preceding observations lead us to won·
hyperglycemia thaI immediately follows food inges- der about tbe roles physiologists will a.,;ign to the
tion results from hepatic glycogenolysis. and that the hypothalamus in the coming decades.
response is manifested before sugar is absorocd into
the bloodstream (59). The reaction. which has occn
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The Pineal and Thymus Glands

The pineal gland has intrigued physicians and phi- that disseminate information on the endocrine sys--
losophers sinc<: ancient times (7.8). Attempt,; to re- tern. reproductive ph)'liiology, or biological rhythms.
place old superstition, with scientific coru:eplS of its Il<:cause of ilS size and location, early endocrinol-
funclions can be traced to the seventeenth century, ogi.1S found the thymu s more ac..,,,iblc than the pi-
and interest in Ihc pineal accelerated during the laIc neal for manipulation and st udy (38). It was recog-
ninetccnth and early twemieth centuries. However. nized that the gland allains maximum absolute si7'<:
the rapid ascent Oflni, part of the brain to respect- and thymocyte content shortly after the time of pu-
able status within Ihe society of endocrine glands did berty onset. that it enlarges after castration. and that
001 begin until the 195Qs. The journey ,,"'as difficuh. it involutes in response to stress. However. the con-
since the pineal docs not behave in a manner OnCe sequences of thymectomy were not easily defined.
UPCCled of Ihc members of Ihal organl7.iulon, The Animals subjected to the surgery suffered stress. se-
consequences of pincaicctomy arc not easily rccog- vere trauma, and infection. and many of the changes
nizcd by investigators lacking prior knowledge of the reported can be ascribed to nonspecific factors.
function •• and they arc not readily rcvcrsc<:l by im- When the operation was performed under ideal con-
planting a new gland. Moreover, hormones made by ditions, "deficiency syndromes"' observed in one lab-
pineal""y!", are also while oralory wcre not easily reproduced in another.
biologically potent components of gland ar<: There were several reaSOnS for suspecting that
derived, in pari from microenvironment. The rc- thymus and pineal gland functions are interrelated
spo!l5<sto the administration of pineal hormoncs can (26.122. I 54, 166). Both organs werC thought to pro-
vary with (among other the manner of pre- vide protection against prematur<: maturation of Ihe
sentation, the sex, age and species of the subject, the reproductive systcm. to regulate water and clectrer
time of day, and thc season of the year. Iyte balance (86.122), and to be involved in the
/u recently as ! 973, the pineal was referred to as mechanisms for coping with neoplasia (91_1 80A).
"a rudimentary gland whose function in the adult is During the 1950s. immunologists began to dis--
not fully known" ( 183). r\ major investigator in the cover essential roles of the thymus in the establish-
field selected the title "Possible Functions of the Pi- ment and maintenan.., of lymphocytic functions.
neal Gland-' for his contribution to a twermlume When they demonstrated the devastating conse-
publication that appeared in 1967 (85), and a widely quences of nt<>natal thymectomy in laboratory rer
used lextbook rcvised in 1976 relegated the topic to dents, most endocrinologists lost interest in other
a section on "othcr hormone candidates" possible functions of the gland. They began to study
There were reporlS that the pineal undergoes age- humoral mediat()l'$ of immune processes or pursued
related changes in appearance and that childr<:n investigations in Other are.s. Several other reasons
wilh tumors often suffer either precocious Or delayed for turning away from earlier kinds of research on
puberty onset (86). but the relationship to reproduc- the thymus gland are discussed later. However. a
tive s)'litem maturation was not easily demonstra ted few :;cientist. d id demonstrate inHuences on ovarian
in the laboratory. Today, we understand some of the differentiation. the secretion of adenohypophysial
functions. and it is more the rule than the uccption hormones, and the control of electrolyte metabolism.
to find one or more papers on the pineal in journals Some new reasons to further examine possible inte,-


relationships with the pineal were also presented pearance . This may aCCOunt for ropOrts that human
(39.115.153,170B) a nd it is now reoognized that glands weigh 88-1 12 mg (200). 100-180 mg (146).
bolh undergo circadian and season-linked Or 50- 400 mg (62) . The counterparts in rats rarely
changes (83.171). I mg.
Pineal glands derive from the ependymal lining of
the third ventricle of thc brain (146). and in a few
species they cansist of lillie more than thickenings of
the ventricle roof. The same tissue gives risc to the
The marked variations in structures arc mOSt ot>- subcommissural organ. and opinion is divided on
vious when one compares Ihc "simple" pineals of whether the IWO brain compOnents interact. Bilateral
mammals wilh Ihe "complexes" of some other ver_ projections of the neuroectoderm fuse to form a mid-
tebrates (141AJ, The laner include Ihc parapincab line StruclUre that is hollow, but the opossum is the
of fishes, Ihc frontal organs of amphibians. and the only mammal known to retain such a form when de-
parietal ("third") eyes of hlardi. Many of Ihe nOn- velopmenl is completed. In nonmammals, parapi·
mammalian glands contain phOloreceplors that rom- neals and related compOllents of the complex seem
munica!. via synaps<:s with olher parIS of the brain. to originate in different anlagen. Some mammalian
mammalian pineals respond only indirectly glands have distinct anterior and posterior regions.
to light and atTut other organs by releasing secre- and the possibility that they arise from separate pre-
tory produca . cursors has been considered.
Closer examination reveals Iha\ mammalian In humans and many other species. the matu,""
structures differ from each other in gross and fine gland is a campaet, conical knob that lies between
structure. One system of classification provides us tbe superior colliculi and beneath the posterior bor·
with 5 different categories (194). Variations arc en· der of the corpus callosum. It retains allachment to
cauntered among strains of a singles species. and the ventricular roof by means of a slender stalk. The
even among individuals. 3rd ventricle extends into the stalk for a short dis-
All animals adjust their physiological activity lev_ tance as the pineal reCess. A thin tectal plate sepa·
cis to changes in the external environment . The can· rates the gland from the cerebral aqueduct (146).
cept that tbe pineat is a major mediator of tbe syn- In rats and other rodents. most of the tissue mi·
ehroni7.ation tn vertebrates is supported by grates upward 10 form the "pineal proper:' while
camparative studies of gland size (131). The largest small numbers of cells remain behind as the very
organs are found in seals, walruses, and other ani- much smaller "deep pineal." In some species, a dor.
mals living in pOlar regions. Some of the smallest sal evagination of the 3rd ventricle forms a suprap;.
occur in equatorial species such as the rhinoceros. el· neal that is separated from the gland by
ephant, and red kangaroo. Alligators and crocodiles meninges.
are among the OneS that totally lack even embryonic
rudiments (although they make pineal gland hor-
mones and synchronize their biological functions
Release of Pineal Gland Regulalo rs
with changes in the environment) (165). It has been A major source of controversy is the question of
pointed OUt that those reptiles evolvcd during an era whether mammalian pineal glands send hormones
in whiCh Ihe seasonal cbanges in climate were min_ directly into the cerebrO$pinal Huid. It has been
imaL Anteaters. sloths. and armadillos are m[uired stated that a transition can be traced from the
to make only Ihe most limited of seasonal adjust- "'primitive" organs of lower vertebrates that secrete
ments, and they seem to totally lack pineal tissue. directly into the cerebrospinal Ruid (CSF). through
Most other vertebrates evidently have at least small "'intermediate"' types that utili ,.. both ventricular
pineals, although certain of them (e.g. dugongs) and vascular routes. to Ihe "advanced" structures of
we'"" once not believed to possess them (2(0). lam- mammals, sna kes, and some olher species that pOur
preys are equipped with well..developed complexes, Iheir secretions into the bloodstream. There has been
but myxenoids (which belong to t he same class) ev- a growing tendency to aceept the belief that even if
idently have, at most. some sca ttered cells. In this products di=tly enler the CSF. mammalian
case. it is possible that tbere is a relationship toother pinealocytes secrele mostly to the perivascular
features described for such animals. Hagfishes lack spaces. The choroid plexuses contain high concentra·
true thymus glands (100). and they are also the only tioll$ of melatonin and other pineal gland hormones.
vertebrates that do not osmaregulate. and thcy are believed to very rapidly transfer Ihe
Pineals undergo reversible changes in size and ap- molecules from the blood plasma to the CSF (ll0).
Subslances inj«Oled inlO either the blood or CSF chiasma. and terminate in the suprachiasmatic nu-
soon enler Ihe pi""al gland. (Blood-borne molecules clei (SCN) of the hypothalamus. The SCN send
arc: also taken up by the neurohypophysis. the su- projections to the perioem,kular and IUbe,al regions
praoptic crests. and the area postrema [200J.) One of the hypothalamus. The tu!Jeral neurons oommu-
difficulty encountered in the studies is Ihe produelion nicate with the lateral hypothalamus. and the mes-
by choroid plexus e<:lIs of hormones thaI arc also sages then lravel via the medial jort'brain bundles.
synthesi"ed in pincalocytes. through the rostral part of the mesencephalic leg-
On the other hand. canalicular systems that may mentum. to the imeromediolateral cell columns of
dir«Otly communicate with the 3rd ventricle have the Ihoracic spinal cord.
!Jeen descri!Jed for hamsters (187). and regions in Prtgangfionir MUrons originating in
which pincalocytcs penetrate spaces !Jetween the the spinal oord synapse wilh posrganglionir neurons
ependymal cells thaI line the pineal reCeSS seem to in the supnior N''''ical ganglia (SCG). Po:ltgan-
be: present in guinea pigs, monkeys. and some other glionic sympathetic neurons Ihen ente r the pineal
species. Moreover. although serotonin docs not read- gland via eilher the ("CHary Mrvt'S Or the blood vessel
ily cross the blood-brain barrier. marked nocwrnal pathways (61.1l?186) (fig. 20-1). The terminals
elevations of CSF serolonin oonccntrations Ihal arc do not form true synaptic contacts with the pineal-
paralleled by changes in melatonin ooncentralions ocytes. Rather. the fibers end in the parenehyma!Je-
have been observed in monkeys (58A). The circa- tween pinealoe)"les. or in precapillary spaces. There-
dian rhythms are abolished by 10 bright fore. the oorepinephrine that is released gelS to its
light. and by propranolol-factors that suppr= pi_ targelS by diffusion .
neal gland synthesis of melatonin. Olfactory. aCOUSlic, thermal, and magnetic stim -
In human fetuses. a hollow evagination of the 3rd uli all modify pineal gland functions. Some of the
ventricle can !Je identified around 2 months postcon- information is probably relayed by the SC!'.'. while
ceplion. During the next 3-4 w«oks, a system of tu- additional signal, arc believed to follOW a habenular_
bules gradually fills Ihe space formerly occupied by pOSlerior oommiS$ural route that docs nOl inVOlve
the lumen. Parenchymal cells then proliferate. and either the SCN or the sympathetic ganglia .
Ihe pineal aSSUmeS a compact appearance by Ihe 6th There are indieatioru; Ibat the paravemricular nu-
prenatal month (62). Since meninges cover the su- clei of the hypothalamus send axOn! through the pi-
perior surfae<:. and ependymal cells line the small pi- neal stalk and also to Ihe SCN (24). They can
neal receSS that persists, mature pinealocytes may!Je thereby provide the gland with vasopressin, oxytocin.
unable to oommunicate directly with the 3rd ventri_ and the associated ncurophysins. Those peptides a rc
cle. Human glands are much less sensitivite to light consistently fou nd in Ihe pineal and it has !Jeen pre>-
than the monkey counterparts. and it is possible that posed thatlhey mediate physiological adjustments to
anatomical features accoum for some of the seasonal changes in humidity and rainfall. Some dif-
differences. ferences !Jet",een magnocdlular neuron and pineal
gland neurophysins have. however. !Jeen descri!Jed.
In at least some species. Ihe pineal receives pa,a-
Bl ood Flow $ympatheric innervation. A pathway leading from
Blood now through mammalian pineal glands is the superior .alivatory nuclei that Ira'''",s the
brisk. Posterior cerebral arteries lead into dense cap- greater petrosal nervell and enters, in part, via Ihe
illary netwc>rl<s that drain via numerous pineal veins conary nerves has been described for the rabbit. Ac-
into the great cerebral vein. The arteries give off cording to some observers. mammalian pineal, con·
branches to the choroid plexus, but anatomical find. sistently comain cholinergic intramural neurons.
ings are not oonsistem with early suggestions that However. it has been asserted that the "choline-ace-
tyltransferase" descri!Jed by some investigators is, in
there is backfiow from the great cerebral vein to the
fact. carnitine acetyltransferase (95). Moreover,
choroid plexus (71.194). Peptides are believed to
rapidly lraverse the highly fenestrated endothelium. much of the acety lcholine disappears after destmc-
tion of the adrenergic innervation. Fetal pineals of
humans and many other species possess innervations
Ihal degenemte as the glands mature (118). Sero-
looinergic supraependymal fibers thaI degenerate
Most of the information tran5mi ned from the eyes following destruction of the raphe nuclei ha .. e also
to the pineal gland traverses multisynaptic pathwaj'5 been found in lalS and humans.
that involve the sympathetic nervous system. Fine The terms "efferent" and pinealopctal have been
rtlillO-hypOlhalamic IraclS originate in the ganglion applied to fi!Jers that enter Ihe pineal. Afferent or
layers of the retinas. leave the optic nerves at the pinealofugal systems arc: well developed in many

__ -------Aelin..
Primary OPIio "",,(0 - +
Opo'" .... "'es Ae< •• ""Y <>pbe ,racl.

Opt", chiasma - - - I
I Atli<>;>I\Y""'fala",", I, ac,s

- - --·-Sup...,"'.smahc raphe 01

o.her Pe,wentri<;ulo'
e lle<et'ts hypoOMI."",.

Tuber.1 hypolhalamus

Solitary tracl
Uleral hypOlMI""""
(1/II51.tio<> )
Madial Tor""";" buM,,"

MeS<>""Op/'lalK; tegmentum M>dl>fa," Mocular
j t
OliaclOl'y '09'0"0 .
pathwOy' In to,ome<IioIatera, cell columns
kom oplic roe"",. lha' o( lho/atic ",",a l cord amygda1.1, SO'PIal nuclei
"", •.,. "'" SCO
I ,
Super;':' """'"., ganglia _.- - ' - - - Magnc'ore<:<>p'o<'

c.,.,ary .......... and bIood _
"".... , p.,hways

Pineal gland

fig. 20-1 . Estoblion.<! . .... purportOOd C<>nnIIClioos

bftlw- . _ piooa l g ...... A.... 01 ..... oompon«>lS Of the

nonmammalian vertebrates. Assert ions they do synchronize the activ ities with environmental and in_
not exist in mammals have recently been questioned. tcrnal cues, and several hormones modify ihc func-
Efferents from the SCN ar<= believed to regu-
latc secondal)' osc illators as well as structures tht
The SupraCIiJasmetlc Nuclei
would otherwise function on a more continuous
The nuclei (SeN) are paired wue- basis. T he ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus
lures that possess intrinsic rhythmicity and evidcnlly are among the brain regions implicated as secondary
function as independent but coupled biological oscillators.
docks ( 119). Neural input. front numerous $Ourees In rodents and other small mammals. the SCN
arC probably Ihe primary regulalors of cireadian with an oscillator different from the one thaI alfeets
funclions. They show higher electrical and melabolie 10 reason and remember (liSA). In pri-
activities during Ihe daylighl hours lhan al nigbt I t after the
The pallerns persisl whcn eUIS made belowlbe Oplic i the ad-
chiasma destroy pupillary reflexes and behavioral re- vances to I cycle. and th.
sponses to visual signals. if Ihe retioobypothalamic more eXlen,ive development of lhe cerebral cortices
coonectioru; 10 tbe SeN are preserved (119). If path- necessitaled specializations of the hypothalamus
ways connecting the retinas and SeN are seve red . thai included Ihe eme rgence of more oomplex con-
and when an imals are mainta ined in continuous trol mechanisms.
darkness. the rhythms become free-running. i.e .. The two systems arc mu tually ooupled, but Ihey
tbey follow an inlrinsic cireadian pallern that is no have somewbat different free runnins periodicities.
longer synchronized with changes in environmcntal Under normal condilions. they are in phase with
lighting. Although the possibility Ihat Ihe rhythms each otller because they are inHuenced by the same
require cyclical changes in humoral factors made envirOnmenlal cues. Volunteer human subjeets
elsewhere is !IQ\ easily rule<i out, il has been dem- maintained in rooms without windows. clocks or
onstrated thaI single cells removed from the SeN OIher lime indicators who eat and sleep when Ihey
continue 10 discharge for up to 14 hours when main- choose display desynchron imtions. It is virtually
lained in vitro. Moreover. Ihe aClivitie, are grealest tain Iha\ much of the discomfort of "jet lag". and
when the are laken from intact animals during some of the difficulties encountered in attempts 10
the daylighl hours (62i\). adjust to irregular W<lr k schedules a re directly at·
Deslruction of the SeN in adult rodents perma- tributable to disruplions of normal patterns. and it
nently disrupts or abolishes the cireadian pe riodici- has been demonstrated that sleep-wake ad-
ties of scveral funclions. These ineludc not only just more rapidly than body temperature changes
growth hormone and glucocorticoid secretion. renal (! ISA). There are clear indications thaI rnanic4e-
elcclrolyte excretion. drinking. pineal enzymc. and pressive disorders in humans arc linked wilh (and
reproductive system pallerns. bUI also Ihe daily vari- rna)' even be caused by) dysfunClions of the rhythms
ations in Ihe numbers of brain receptors for ". and (1968.199)_ In some of Ihe palients, delibe rale rear·
,8.adrenergic. musearinic. cholinergic, dopaminergic flIngem"nt of the timings of sleep and awakening has
and opiate agonists (78A). been observed to lift de pression. and it can even
Electrical stimulation of Ihe nuelei in inlaCI ani. cause the subject to go from a depressive to a manic
mals alters the phases. and the effecls elici led var), phase. l ilhium and other pharmacologica l agents
with the time of day during which the stimuli are that have proven beneficial are now known to affect
presented. the patterns. Patients wilb severe sleep disorders
Diurnal varialions in rales of glucose ulili1.lllion who do not suffer mood swings of such magnitudes
have been detecled in rat fetuses even before Ihc have been trcated with regimes involv-
neuronal connections are fully eslablished. Maternal ing isolation from the usual environmental cues and
cues synchroni"" the patterru; with photoperiods and artificial lengthening of Ihc days (199). T he "cure"
prepare the structures for development of mOre ma- persists after the subjeet returns to a conventional
ture control meehanism! (158A). If Ihe SeN of rat. schedule. bUI lreatment i< again oce<ied following a
are destroyed before the 3rd postnatal week . most long east-west airplane trip or Olher inler_
circadian rhythms never develop. fereoce with the newly established panern.
However. although the SeN and their conncc- Although Ihe secondary oscillators seem 10 be less
lions with the eyC$ have been identified in proloth- important in rodents, it i. known thai SOme circadian
erians, melatherians, rodents, carnivores, primatcs. rhythms can be developed after the SeN are de:-
and all Olher vertebrale groups in which they have stroyed. The animals do. however, differ from intact
been investigaled. (119) it is recogni1.ed that tile Or sham operated oontrols in their abilities to
brain also C(lntain, other o:;eillators. A second (X) undergo pbase shifts when the timings of Ihe oc""
pacemaker whose locus has nol yel been determined. stimuli are varied .
seems to be mOre important in primates than in ro- Most of the SeN cells functionally associated
dents. It evidenlly oonlrols plasma cortisol, urinary with the relinas bave been called "light-activated".
potassium, core body temperature and rapid eye sinee they increase their electrical activities in re:-
movement (REM) sleep. whereas the Y pacemaker sponse to the illumination. A smaller population o[
(which is probably Ihe SeN) directs slow wave sleep "light-supprcsse<i" cells decreases the firing, and the
(SWS). skin temperature. plasma growth hormone, cells become lotally quiescent wllcn lhe I1ght is very
and urinary calcium rhythms (119A). It has also bright (62A)_ The effects of short.term trealmcnt
been suggested that peak performance for repetitive arc reversible, bUI chronic exposure to brighl lighl
lasks that require simple manual is linked can damage Ihe system.

The pIGPeni.s of the SeN cells arc under acti ve or interstitial eompOnems, neurons, and capillaries
invcstigation. The localizations of 11 different ncu- ( I 33).
mlran,miners have been idem ified (119) . The list Mammalian pineal(lC}'tes have b«n called para-
includes VIP, SS, substance P, CCK. and leu-en· neur()flS ( 188), since they derive from the neural ec-
as well as norepinephrine. acetylcholine. toderm, eontain synapt ic vesicles, produce sub-
and serotonin. Studies with carbachol, a-bungaro- stances that function as neurotransmitters, and
toxin, and other agents support lhe belief thaI an- secrete their products in res ponse to plasma memo
ry/choliM mediates inhibitory inHucnccs exc/too on brane stimulation (95). Thcy a rC regarded as corn·
the pineal gland when light hining Ihe relina a!fecls ponents of the APUD neuroendocri ne system
the SeN. The e/fecls of carbachol are opposed by (141A). It is usually possible to distinguish "light"
nicotinic bU1110l muscarinic an tagonists (62A). The and "dark" types.
SeN are espe<:iaUy rich in serolOnill. and lhe rales According to SOme investigators, all pinealocytes
of scrolonin uptake undergo circadian changes. The belong to a si ngle population that can undcrgo re-
nuclei additionally contain tryptophan and versible ehanges in morphology and function. An
amine oxid!lS<', and the >hydroxyindole acetic acid evolutionary pathway has been traced from pho/Ir
10>,<,1$ vary with Ihe lime "f day_ However, although reap/OF ails (PCs) that resemble the rod s of the
studies with pharma<:(llogical agenl$ are consistent retina and synapSe with neurons, through interme-
with serotonin-mediated inhibitory eontrols exerted diate types (RPCs) that have only ruditm'n/ory phI>-
by the raphe nuclei, and interference with SCN syn- /or«tplOF components and releasc their products to
thesis of the amine disrupts the rhythms, the ser<:>- perivascular spaces, to mammalian·type pineal<>-
toninergic innervation does not sum to be essential cytes that totally lack photoreceptor elements (35).
for oscillatory activity (62A). Vasopl"f'ssin may be Some support for the hypOthesis derives from .lUdies
involved in some ki nd of fine control. Brattleboro of pineal gland differentiation in reptiles. However,
rats unable to synthesize the peptide display normal although lampreys hav" rod-li ke pinealocytes and
entrainment of drinking, locomotor and reproductive mammals have the more "advanced'· cdltypes, the
system rhythms. but the freNunning periodicities of intermediate forms are found in fishes and the ma m-
the SCN are elongated. 55 and substa/lCt P regulate malian·type cells in snakes.
noradrenergic functions in the SCC (83A). and thcy The preceding concepts are not easi ly reronciled
may perform comparabk functions in the SCN. with cona in observations (1 07). Elcctrophysiological
Most observers bc:lie\'Cd until quite recently that .lUdies have revealed heterogeneity among ccll types
mammalian pincal g lands rcceive all of the photic classified as PCs. Moreover, some PCs eviden tly
inputs via the retin<:>-hypothalamic-$CN-SCG path· make melatonin whereas others do not. It has there-
way. II is now reeogni7-<,d that the \/tn/rallo/trol ge- fore been proposed that the pineals of "lower'· vcr-
niculolt nudei contain light-activated and lighHup- tebrates eontain at leMt two different pinealocyte
pressed cells of the kinds found in the SCN. Many populations, both ofwhich may have undergone cvo-
of the lateral geniculate nuclei fibers project to the lutionary changes, and both of which may be repre-
SCN. Components that bind antibodies directed sented in the mammalian glands.
against ""ian poncuOIic have b«n iden- There are also disagreements over the numbers
tified (62A). However. it has a lso been repOned that and kinds of "in terstit ial" cells that are present. The
the inputs from these nuclei are not nuded to main- elongated cells located between pinealocytes differ
tain SCN fun<:tions. Pineal glands Can respOnd to morpllologica lly from the epe ndymal cells thaI bor-
photic and other stimuli when both the SCN and the der the 3rd .. ntricle. However. they are believed to
SCG are destroyed (7 .176). The information may be derive from the samc cmbyron ie precursors, a nd
transmitted via habc:nul<>-pineal tracts. Fibers from thcy ha\'C been referred to as ependyma-likt or glial
both thc habenulae and the striae medullarae have cells. They perform special functions that may in-
been found in a fcw spe.;ies (64). Moreover. limited dude secretion of hormones 10 the perivascular
numbers of pinca locytes TC$pond to electrical stim- spaces as well as regulation of pincalocyte functions .
ulation of the habe nula. and babenular ncuron firing Calcareous eoncrctions (corpora arenacea . acer-
pallerns are affected by dcctrical stimulation of the vuli, psammoma bodies). made up mostly ofhydrox·
pineal gland (176). yapIl\ite and some carbonitc apatite (1 41), are eon·
sistendy found in the glands, and their numbers
increase with advancing age. It was at one time be-
Cell Types lie..d that their presence denotes degenerati\'C or
patllological changes. Howe\'C r, a more =ent !l()tion
Most of tlte cel ls are pinealocytes (parenchymal is that they are formed under physiological condi_
cells), but the glands also <:(Intain neuroglial tions (132).
REGULATORS SYNTHESIZED IN PINEAL The amino add concentrations in the pineal are af·
GLANDS feete<;! to some extent by the plasma COIleentrations.
In animals expoSed to natural photoperiods. they
Pincalocytes make very large quantities of ser()tonin. peak at the end of the day.
Most of it is converte<;!to melatonin, tryplOphols, and Tryptophan is rapidly converted to 5-OH-/rypto-
other derivativ«. Although the amOUnts released to phan (5·HTP). This step. which can be rate limi ting
the systemic blood do nOt substamially affect the for the production of se rotonin. is catalyzed by the
total circulating serotonin. the pineal may supply tryptophan hydroxylase that is prescn{ in the mito-
much of the amine found in the CS F. chondria of lhe pincalocytes. Pteridine. ferrous iron.
The biosymhesis begins with avid uptake of and NADPH are required cofactors (Fig. 20-2).
lophan. which is supplied by the diet and delivered Tryptophan hydroxylase cone<:ntralions are
via the blood vessels. Uptake rates of 0.5-0.6 "gfg greater in the gland than in any other part of the
have described for rabbits fed the usual diets. body, with the possible exception of the raphe nuclei,

" I


I >}'<Iro,,·t...
,'<AOPH, ",,,/o,d_",;,


I II l!

>- OH _T,>'""""ho.

,,,,ho. ",.mo",." ,..." .....,,<
' ·OH_,,, ..
.m","",,'" "","-

''''():::T'"' " G----c- I!


" r"...", iM

I "'''''" """"0'1''''
s."""";,-...·...,,·/" ... r"_

I liy.l "''' ,,001<.0..,<th,U" "rtf... t II '0.\' TI


I ,
Ii 0

Mt"""';. Fig. 20·2. Major pathwly tot

... ...-.t,I" ,p .. m;",1 biosynthesilof mel.ton;".

and the ptcridinc levels arc also remarkably high the APUD cells of the intestine. Minule amounts
(88). It is claimed by some observers tbal the pineal haV<' also been delectw in the cerebellum. Erythro-
gland enzyme neve, saturated with (al- cytes can conV<'rI NAS to MLT in vilro. bul it has
though such saturat;on occurs elsewhere in Ihe not been established Ihal they COnlain H IQMT.
brain) (95). However, others report thaI Ihe activity Allhough Harderian glands MLT. Ihe
is augmented by feeding Iryplophan-enrichcd diets Chemical propertiu of the enzyme differ from those
(88). NOCturnal iocl"<'ascs in tryptophan concentra- described for the pineal protein (29). Interestingly.
tions may aCC(>um for the modest elevations of en· HIOMT activily in Ihe regressed c)'<:s of Ihe mole is
zyme acilvily reported for some species at thaI lime. 2-10 times higher than in the pineal glands oftbose
5-HTP never accumulates, since Ihe pincalocyle anima ls (7) .
cytoplasm contains very large quanlilies of 5-HTP Similar light·regulated systems for Ihe produclion
de<:arboxylase (aromatic acid of melalonin have been identified in the eyes of am-
ase). The enzyme catalyzes Ihe conversion of 5-HT phibians (I 3A). They display imrin'ic rhythmicities
to .,erO/on;" (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5- HT), bUI it that persisl for up 10 3 day, in culture. The struc·
also acts on Olher substrates. The cofactor is pyri- tures arc directly affc:<:ted by ligh t, are entrained by
doxal phosphate. In at least SOme species. exogenous photoperiod,. and Can undergo phase shifts. NAT
5·HTP very markedly aoxelerales serotonin biOl;yn· activi ty peaks in the dark. The melalonin produced
thesis. whereas exogcoous trYPlophan is ineffeclive is implicaled as a regulator of both photoreceptor
(121). disk shedding and relinomotor movements. Mam-
Serotonin that is oot directly utilized. released. Or malian eyes may also con tain circadian clocks that
degraded is stored in boIh pincalocytes and sympa· oomrollocalized production of MLT. but rat sludies
thetic nerve endings. The concentrations can be sev- indicate that phase shifts in response 10 environ men·
eral-fold higher during daylight hours Ihan al night. tal manipulations require the presence of intact optic
and up to 250 times Ihe levels found in other pariS nerves.
of Ihe brain. The accumulation is widely atlribuled
10 the very low rales of conV<'rsion to other hormones Tryptophols
during Ihc daytime, but the rates of biosynthesis and
release can vary over wide ranges . Recentlechnological advance. ha'e made il po,;siblc
to measure the levels of several pineal gland indole·
amines (161), and it is now known that substantial
Melatonin quantities of serotonin are metabolized in olher ways
(Fig. 20-3). A "type A" monoomitU' oxidast
Serotonin N-acetyltransferase (NAn calalyzes Ihe
conversion of 5-HT to N-acelylscrotonin (NAS) . (MAO) in sympalhe tic nerve lerminals disposes of
The pineal gland enzymes (which differ from the ex=s amine. It catalyzes Ihc conversion of 5-HT to
an unslable intermediale. S·hydroxyindole-3.J1cetal-
NATs found in olher parts of the brain and in the
liver) arC regulated by the sympalhetic innervation. dchyde. Most of the product i, then aCled on byan
aldehyde dehydrogenasc that converts it \0 5-hy-
Aoxtyl-coe(7)'mc A <eNes a. a siabilircr a. well as
droxylndole-3-actlir acid (S·HIAA). Pinealocytes
a oofactor.
conlain both A a nd B Iype MAO. thai ca n be dis-
The reaclion is believed to be rale·limiting for Ihc
biOl;ynlhesis of melatonin (S-melhoxy-N-acetyltryp" tinguished from each other on Ihc basis of suscepti·
tamine. MLT). Changes in NAT oomenl and aCliv- bilities to inhibition by clorgylinc and Catron
(a-melhylphenylethylhydrazine). respectively. and
ity account for the diurnal varialions in MLT pro-
in other ways. Aloohol dehydrogenases in the cells
duction in rodents. In sheep. Ihe availability of the
reducc much of the aldehyde to biologically ac(iV<' 5-
serotonin precursor can assume major importance.
hfdroxytryptophol (S· HTol). HIOMT Ihen pro-
Thc final step in MLT biOl;ynlhesis requires hy-
motes thc formation of 5-methox)·tryptophol (S-
droxyindolo-O-mcthyhraO'lfcrase {HIOMT} and S-
/-lTol), wh ic h is more potent.
adenosylmelhionine (SAM). Thc pineal usually oon-
The MAO concenlrations are not known 10
lains high concentrations of the methyl donor. but
Ihe SAM levels can be fUriher elevated by feeding undergo circadian changes. The rates at which thcy
mcthionine..,nriched diets. The enzyme calalyzes serotonin depend upon thc substrate
trlnsfers of melhyl groups 10 5-OH-tf)·trophol and levels.
10 other substrates.
Other Indoles
HIOMT has a limited dislribution. In m(lSl mam·
mals. subslantiallevels are found only in the pineal. The preceding enzymes can act on Olher substrates
Smaller quantities are found in the retinas. and in (Fig. 20-3). for example. H IOMT promotes meth·
.• '- • • .•• ""' ......,
1 Fir---r

' / -. . ..

• .......",.,.,..,...... N '" N

_........ - O::T" . H I
"" .. H

-. 0--..._
l.....-A) " "
.......",., no . ...

" "
" "

. ,., ,,,,,. .' .. . , .. ,'<' .... _ _ .


yialion of 5-HTP. while I·amino acid oxidase Cata- terminals that also take up serotonin. Tyrosine is im-
lyzes the de<:arboxylation of tryptophan. The plicated in the regulation of pteridine biosynthesis in
tamine formed in the reaction is acted upon by the brain (200A) and it may perf()rm similar func_
MAO to yield indoleacetic acid (fAA). The laUer tions in the pineal. Alternate pathways for catechol·
no known function in animals. but il contributes amine biosynthesis may account for the presence of
to phOlolropism and growth in plants. octopamine in the pineal gland.
An Q.acetylase catalyzes the formation of Q-ace· Circulating catecholamines are taken up, bUltbey
tyi·S·hydroxytryptophoi from 5·HTol (180). and of do not accumulate for several reaSOnS. The mole-
().acetyl·5·methoxytryptophol from 5·MTol. cules can diffuse away. be sequestered in nerve
terminals. or undergo degradations t hat are eata-
Iyzed by MAO. catecholaminc-O-methyltransferase
Metabolism of Melatonin and other Pineal
Or both enzymes. The very rapid removal
Gland Indoles
of catecholamines probably acoounts for the failure
ML T is 001 believed 10 be fuoher metaboli,.cd of systemic stress to markedly inH ucnce tl1Ctabolic
within the pineal gland. However, sine<: neurons out· eVents within the gland. COMT activity is higher
side the gland convert MLT to N-acety!·5·methoxy- during the daylight hoors. and it may assume espe-
kynurenamine (88) (Flg. 2()..4), and since an indole cial importance at that time (95).
2.3-<1ioxygcnase cataly>.cs substantial conversion of It is not known whether phenylalanine competes
pineal tryptophan \0 kynuKnine, the possibility that with tryptophan for the tryptophan hydroxylase. Ac-
there is some direct degradation cannot be ruled out oording to some authors, a single en?yme acts on
(l63). both substrates, but only the affinity for phenylala-
Plasma ML T concentrations rise during the night nine is affected by the pteridine levels (88). Others
(when pineal MLT production is high) and they fall state that there are twO separate enzymes (95).
during the daytime. In intact rats exposed to alter- More NE is usually made 3t night and more S-HT
nating periods of light and darkness, ooneen trations during the hours of daylight.
of around 50 pgjml and 5 pgjml have be<::n found NE binds to Il, -type adrenergic receptors On the
for night and day. re'P"<'tivcly. hoprotereool in_ pinea toc)'le •. This lead. to the g<'ne<ation of cAM P
jected during the day can raise the values to 30 pgl and the activation of cAMP-dependent protein ki-
ml. Following pinealectomy. 00 MLT is foond duro nases (87). MClSt of the cbanges in pineaiocyte en-
ing either the day Or night. zyme activity that follow ean be mimicked with iso-
MLT that is released to the bloodstream is taken proterenol and cyclic nuclootides, and most can be
up by many cell types. In the liver. it is hydrox ylated blocked with propranolol. However. the existence of
at the 6-position. and the product (6-OH -MLD is smal l numbers of a receptors that intcract with
then oonjugated with sulfate (and to a lesser extent phentolamine. phenoxybenzamine and related
with glucuronate). Urinary 6-0l-l-MI.T·sulfate ex- agents has recently been demonstrated (l SI) . Evi-
cretion rises and fall s with the changes in plasma dently, the binding affinities are of thc tI", type. It is
MLT. Humans show similar cyclical patterns, but believed that such receptors are located postsynapt-
MLT metabolism islcss sensitive to light in humans ically and that they regulate Il, receptor functions.
than in rodents (96). Octopamine behaves like NE, but dopamine does
Pineal gland tryptophol levels are ""ry much not interact directly with the receptors.
lower than the MLT ooncen trations. Cireadian The sensitivity to N E undergoes ma rked circadian
changes in the pi neal Can para!1e! the OnCS described variations. only some of which can be attributed to
for MLT. but plasma 1.""ls of 5-MToitend to rise '"down regulation" of Il, receptor numbers. Pinealo-
during the daytime and to fall at night. Some of the cyles display intrinsic rhythmicities that affect Ihe
circulating S-MTo] may arise from peripheral me- responses to NE (16), even when they are main-
tabolism of O-aeetyl-5-methoxytryptophol (30). tained in culture.
Postganglionic neuTOns that originate in the SCG
release NE. In animals exposed to alternating pe-
Catecholamlnes: Biosynthesis, Metabolism,
riods of light and darkncss each day (LD). the firing
and Functions rates accelerate during the nighttime, and the activ-
Sympathetic Il<:uTOns take up phenylalanine. and ities of several pineal gland enzymes are thereby
they utili?.e tryptophan hydroxylase to oonvert the augmented . Althoogh NE turnover also increases,
amino acid to tyrosine (29). The tyrosine is then me- the pineal NE content rises somewhat. Undcr ordi-
tabolized to norepine phrine ( N E) along pathways nary conditions. messages conveyed by the retino-
described in Chap. 8. The prOOUCt is stored in nerve hypothalamic tTacts synehronize SCN activities
" ..
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with changes in environmenlal lighting. and im- probabl y make no COIltribution to the diurnal sen:.>--
puls.s from Ihe SeN, in turn, control Ihe diurnal tonin and mclawnin rhythms (88).
change, in SCG firing panern •. The effects vary
with the intensities a nd wavelenglhs of the photic
signals as well as with the sensitivities of the pineal. REGULATION OF N-ACETYlTRANSFERASE
ocyles . Bright light decreases NE ,..,Iease, pouihly ACTIVITY
because it the rdease of acclylcbolinc from NAT is a highly labile In LD rats. the ac·
Ihc light-activalcd SeN cells. Dim lighl can have varies a 30-70 range, and it peaks at
very different effects. As discussed earlier. oontinu- night when the NE levels arc high. Lighl
(lUS 10 very bright light ( LL) irreversibly both the synlhesis of new protein and the activity of
damages Ihc SeN. The rhythms controlled by the enzyme. The pineal glands the
hypothalamic nuclei arc disrupted, and Ihe ability 10 polential for rhythmicity during fetal life. and they
laler 10 LD is 10K express il during the second week when Ihe norad-
The SeN al:;o regulate SCG firing in animals Ihal renergic innervation i, established (147). Pups main-
a rc blinded or maintained in continuous darkness tained in continuous darkness display the diurnal
(OD). They receive information from IIOn-relinal rhythms, and they re,pond vigorously when sud-
wurces and it to synchn)nizc pin(al en7_yme ac· denly eXpOSed to light.
with light-independent physiological func_ Under normal conditions, noradrenergic receptor
tions. The SCG are 001 totally cantrolled by the numbers are high at the beginning of the dark pe-
SCN. The neurOnS receive innerva tions fn)m OIher riod. The SCG then release large amounts of NE.
parts of the brain, and they may pOSSeSS intrinSic and both NAT coment and activity rise rapidly. Tile
rhythmicity. However. the photic signals that reach effects of NE can be mimicked with isoproterenol
the pineal glands o f animals with SCN lesions are and cyclic nucleotides. and thcy are exaggeraled by
not believed to pass through the SCG . Sineesome of MAO inhibitors and pbosph<Jdiesterases. A short
the effects are st imulatory. it has been suggested burst of light deliyered during thc nighnimc rapidly
that a special pineaiocytc population is affected. lowers the enzyme activity but docs not substantially
aff""t the protein conlent. In contra<t. a period <>f
darkness imposed during the usual daylight hours
REGULATION OF TRYPTOPHAN has lin]c immediate effect because Ihc NAT content
HYDROXYLASE ACTIVITY of gland is low and thcre arc few hormone
Tryptophan hydroxylase (Til ) has a half_life of
around 75 minutes. It i, therefore believed that pi- NAT rhythms persist for at least two weeks when
nealocytes continuously synthesize the enzyme. In at the animals are maintained in darkness and when
least SOme species, the activity rises to 1.5 times the retinas are destroyed. The changes in NAT lev_
basal val ues during the middle of the dark period. cis are attributed to cyclical variations in noradrc-
The diurnal rhythm persists in DD animals. but il i, nergic receptor numbers.
abolished by LL. Propranolol can block the noctur- NAT act ivity is differently in birds. The
nal elevation. However. suggestions that the enzyme pineal glands of chickens pOSsess intrinsic rhythmic.
is controlled by cAMP have not been subslantiated ity that persists in culture (16). They are
(88). Serotonin levels are high during the daytime. sensitive to light. and blinded chickens msintain syn-
The possibility that they then exert some negative chronizations wilh the photoperiods
feedback control over TH docs not seem to have cAMP probably exerts several effects. Some evi-
been investigated. dently involve the production of new mRNAs and
protcins. sinee they can be bloc ked with cyel()hexi·
midc or actinomycin D. However, it has not been es-
AMINO ACID DECARBOXYLASE ACTIVITY tablished that Ihe nucleotide directly induces NAT
(88). cA MP also hype,polarizes cdl membranes,
The activity of this en7.yme is twice as high in rats
and it s/(Jbili;es NAT molecules.
exposed to LL as in rats maimained in continuou,
darkness. Since NE release declines during the day-
Pineal glands conlain a protease thai rapidly inacti·
time. while destruct ion of the sympathetic innerva- vole. NAT (3t). The effect' becomo apparenl soon after
tion has effects similar to those of LL. it has becn tho gland. afe and oXl'\l&Cd t Q ordinary C"tt"rC
suggested that NE exerts inhibitory influences. modia. Althouah ttlc decline i. unaffecled by aelirlO!lly<in
However, thc effects of LL take days to develop. D. il i, aeeeleTa\.d by cyclone. imide High coneen·
changes in Ihe activity of tbis Iration. of acetyl-CoA (bul nol Co-A) prole<1 the NAT
aga;nsl lhe prOlease_ They do nOI. bowever. rellOre aeli.· about enzyme depiction. When animals arc main-
ily that has been lost. The quantities required arc Broatcr tained in continuous darkness. the Ml T levels aro
than Ihc one. round in thc glands. It i, therdore intermediate between ones seen during the day and
IhOl the maintenance of NAT aCliv;ly depends on cont;n- the night in lD controls.
uou. pl'\Xluclion of a I.bil. prOtein IhOl eilber interacts 11 is suspected that the sympathctic innervation
directly with Ihc enzyme or affects acetyl-Coi\ mela\»
li,m . cAMP may regula,. proouction of Ihe prOlein. regulates the HIOMT. since destruction of either
the SCN or the SCG can block the effects of dark-
NAT activity is modified by several other factors.
ness. However. in cultured glands. neither norepi-
nephrine nor cyclic nuc1eotides have been observed
NE augments thc taurine content of the pinealo-
to incf<'ase the activity (although tho!;c agents stim-
cytes. and high levels of that amino acid stim-
ulate NAT production)_
ulatory influences (12). Taurine binds to ,6-adrcncr-
IHOMT is also rcsponsiV<' to several s/eroid h,,-
gic receptors. and its actions can be blocked with
propranolol (gg).
mones (27). The consequences of manipulating thc
concentrations vary with the species, the time of day,
VIP immunoreactivity has been demonstrated for
the quantities administef<'d. and the influences ex-
pineal gland nerve fibers. and exogenous peptide can
erted (Wer pituitary hormone leV<'ls_ It is tberefore
augment NAT activity via mechanisms that do not
not surprising that connieting data arc found ;n thc
depend on the adrenergic receptors. The responses to
VIP are affected by both environmental lighting and
PinealocyteS have u tradiol rt crprars. and these
prior exposure to fl. agonists (203).
are translocated 10 the nuclei when tbe steroid i. pre-
Severe forms of stress can somewhat elevale Ihe
sented. The hormone nerts biphasic inAuences on
NAT activity during daylight hours. The cffects are
HIOMT activity. but il also affeets several other as-
exaggerated by agcnts that block NI3 into the
pects of pinealocytc function (29.152). Low ronccn-
nerV<' terminals.
trations usually aceelerate M LT production. as they
dopamine i, believed to requif<' con-
elevate RNA polymerase activity and promote in-
version to NE before it can affect NAT acti.ity. His-
corporation of labeled amino acids into proteins.
tamine, gamma-{lminobutyric acid. and somc other
While this is consistent with H 10MT induction. the
pineal components do not obvious influenees
(204)_ synthesis of different proteins is also affected. The
innuenees on ML T can be blockcd with actinomycin
D. a-aman;l;n. cycloheximide. or puromycin (27).
HIOMT tends to decline after ovariectomy
in rats. and low doses of estradiol can restore the
Melatonin levels are highest during the hours of normal levels. (The ages of the animals at the timc
darkness in both nocturnal and daylight-{lctivc spe- of surgery. the gonadotropin and the interval
cies. and they also rise gradually during the winter that elapses between surgery and the enzyme mea-
months in animals cxposed to natural photoperiods. suremcnts can all affect Ihe f.ndings _)
Although HIOMT activity usually increases some- Somewhat bigher dOSCiS inhibit. In intact
what at night. thc diurnal variations in MlT depend HlOMT activity and urinary MLT tend to decline
primarily on the changes in pineal gland NAT oon- during when estradiol peaks. In
tent in most mammab. Sheepaf<' among the speeies women. plasma MlT is f<'portcd to be high at lbe
in which the availability of serotonin substrate limits time of the menses and to fall prior 10 QYulation
MLT production (121). When light is presented (\52).
during thc night, MlT does not show Ihe The inhibitory inAnences are not blocked witb the
abrupt change de:;cribed for NAT activity. How- cited. It has been suggested that they result
ever. linte M l T i, stored. and the concentrations in part from interference with NE activation of pi-
$001\ decline to daytime levels ( 161)_ ncalocyte adenylate cydase. Ovaricetomy augments.
Up to IQ.-fold increases in pineal MLT content wllereas estrogen injections depress. NE-directed
can be accomplished with linl. change in the cAMP generation. However. problems with this ex-
IHOMT activity in rats exposed to regularly recur· planation include the to innuence NAT aC-
ring periods of light and darkness. On the other livity and the low H IOMT aClivity of (Wariecto.
hand. stilson,,/ changes in MlTare at least partially mi1.d animals.
with variations in rates of HIOMT syntb""is. In intact females. very high concentrations of es-
The quantity of enzyme increases gradually during tradiol Can depress H IOMT activity by inhibiting
the wimer. It Can exert rate-limiting influences when FSH and LH release. They also romplete with N-
very large amOuntS of N-acctylserotonin aCCumu- acctylserotonin for COMT. as they undergo 0-
late. Exposure to long photoperiods leads to gradual methylation . On the other hand. they inhibit MAO
reduction in H10MT, and Ll eventually brings and elevate the .. rotonin levels.

The estradiol receptors arc regulated by the ad- where thai bind Ihe antibodies. A substance
renergic innervation. They fan to low levels (but arc that closely resembles but can be diSlinguished from
not totally losl) following destruction of the SCG. TRH has al&O described .
The numbers arc als<> affected by estrogens. Arginine vuotocin is in the pineal glands
Progesterone seem. 11} exert mostly inhibitory COn- of that synthesize the peptide in their
trols ovcr H IOMT activity. However. small amounts neurohypophy=. The peptide was tentatively iden·
can <:ounlcraci the decline> secn afler ovariectomy. tified in mammalian pineals. Subsequently. several
The effects evidently do 1101 require estrogen "prim- inv<:stigators suggested that the immunoassays uti·
ing" (29). although SOme progesterone influences on lized were actually measuring a differem peptide of
other aspc<:1i of pineal physiology arC dependent on approximatcly the same size that has an identical
prior cXp<):'lu,e to estradiol. terminal tripeptide (134). Others believe that very
There is only limited information on the effects of small amountS of A VT are synthesized (20). and
androgt/U, Pincalocylos lake up teSIOSterone and that the peptide performs physiological roles. It hu
DHT, convert testosterone to x.-roduccd metal><;>- r<:cently been reported that rat pineals contain 1.8-
lites (induding DHT), and aromatize teWlSteronc 10 7.7 pg during mOSt of the year, but dramatic changes
estradiol. Biphasi. influences On H10MT similar 10 in Augusl can raise the levels several hundred fold
the ones described for estrogens have been reported. (139). Although some state that AVT is made by
HIOMT activity is additionally said to be in- ependymal cells of the pineal recess. olhers regard
creased by glu=rticoids, mineralocorticoid., and the pinealocytcs as more likely sourees. There is con-
ML T, and to be affected by pituitary and hypotha- siderable interest in the controversy. since exogenous
lamic hormones (19,202) and other regulators. A VT is highly potent. As few as 60 molecules in·
Lilli e is known of the factors that control HIOMT jected into the cerebral ventricles can inhibit CRH
activity in OIher tissues. There are indications that release. Morcover. systemically administered AVT
these differ from the ones described for the pineal. affects reproduclive system functions that are he-
lie.ed to be regulated by the pineal gland (54).
VIP has been consistently found. and il is believed
PINEAL GLAND PEPTIDES to be biologically important. However. it is distrib-
Several biologi.:ally active peptide.. found in pineal uted to neurons and is therefore probably
gland extracts have been impliCated in mediation of derived from extrapineal sources (131). Angioten·
the endocrinc functions Or in regulation of hormone sin-like substances and renin·likc activity have also
biosynthesis. They are difficult to study because (a) been reported to be present. but synthesis of A-II
most are prescnt in small amounts; (b) soveral arc within the gland awaits confirmation.
similar in chemical makeup 10 peptides made else- Thre<lnyl-seryl·lysine (TSL) has been i&Olated
where and they therefore cross-react in immunoas- from pincal glands and shown to antireprod·
says; (c) some of the neurons deliver peptides to the uctive and some other activities with potencies thai
pineal glands. and ependymal cells of the choroid vary markedly with the species of test animals (193).
plexus synthesize a variety of potent substances; and A different peptide of unknown strocture with re-
(d) the pineal avidly takes up molecules of compa- lated biological properties hu been given the name
rable sizes from the bloodstream. pineal antigonadotrophin (PAG). It may be similar
Arginine vasopressin (A VP). oxytocin. and the as- to gonadotropin-inhibiting substance (G IS) found in
sociated ncurophysins arc believed to originate in the human urine Ihat is biologically effcctive in labora-
paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus. Thcy tory animals. Related urinary components that dis·
are easily identified in mammalian glands. but no appear after pinealeetomy Seem to he present in
A VP seems to be present in chickens and other ver- other species. A peptide similar to. but not identical
tebrates that utilize arginine vasotocin (A vr) as with. hypothalamic LRH has al&o been described
their antidiuretic hormone (65). In pigs. the hypo- (114).
thalamic magnocellular nudei make lysine Ya&opres- Although information on peptide secretory prod·
sin. and in these the pineal contains LVP. LRH. Cf- ucts is limited. it is certain that pinealocytcs actively
MSH. MSH releasing and inhibiting honnones. and engage in the biosynthesis of regulatory proteins.
enkephalin! are probably also taken up. rather than The rates are affected by NE and by gonadal hor-
synthesized by the parenchymal cells. However. an· mones. and they are infiuenced by pbotoperiods. It
tibodies directed against a--MSH, LRH. and SS has been proposed that the "Irue" pineal gland pep-
bind to distinct populalions of pinealocytcs. There lides are cleaved from large precursors that are
arc unrooved questions concerning whether the sembled on the ribosomes. The names pre-propi-
are identical wilh peptides made else- nealin. propinealin, and pinealin have been given to
hypothetical substances that serve, respectively, as cline. Usually, there is concomitant depr<,:SIlion of the
the primary RNA transcript, the prohormone that is plasma FSH and LH, but gonadal regression Can
formed from it when the signal sequenU' is removed, proceed when the concentrations remain high. In fe-
and a protein or peptide fragment of the prohormonc males, estrous cycles are arrested. and the uteri be-
that is $Ccr<,:ted along with the other biologically ac- come infantile. The ovaries do not form preovulatory
tive endocrine products (34). follicles Or corpora lutea. but growth of the intersti-
tial components can actually increase the "'eights of
the organs. Circulating PRL declines. but FSH and
Other Pineal Gland Co mponents LH levels do not (148). (While low estrogen levels
Prostaglandins are implicated in the regulation of depress PRL pineal innuences do not de-
MLT secretinn (28). are present in very pend on this [92J.) Both to continuous
high concentrations. a nd it has been suggested that darkness and blinding can invoke similar responses
in add it inn to serving as cofactors for hydroxylase at other times of the year.
reactions. they perform other functions. Exogenous Once under way. the regreSllion cannot be rapidly
molecules have been shown to affect H IOMT reversed by lengthening the pltotoperiod. In fact. the
ity (II). Fine control may be aecomplished . sinec en· involution continues evcn when attempts arc made
zymes that differ in isoclc<:tric points and sensitivi· to mimic springtime environments. Ultimately (afler
ties to pteridines have been described. Morcover. 14-20 or 30 wee ks for the Djungarian and golden
light adaptation seems to affect the rdative concen- varieties. respectively [33]), insensitivity to the in·
trations of the isozymes (37). Pteridines arc also re- hibition is manifested. Hibernating hamsters
ported to exert influences on the reproductive system undergo testicular and ovarian recrudescence while
(46). Little is known of the functions of still confined to Iheir winter burrows, and they arc
melanins. and several other substances consistently reproductively competent when they emerge. Nei-
found in pineal glands ( 141) . ther blinding nor continuous darkness can block the
recovery. Some 22 weeks of exposure 10 long days is
then r<:quir<:d to r<:gain responsiveness 10 light dep-
rivation. It seems, therefore, that endogenous factors
are important modifiers of the respon$CS to Ihe
Seasonal breeding patterns increase the probability environment.
that the young will be born during limes of the year Golden hamste... Can hibernate even when labo-
when faeton such as e nvironmental temperature, ratory temperatures exceed those experienced out of
humidity. and the availability of food are conducive doors during the winter. Orchiectomy prolongs,
to survival. In many the absolute amOunt of whereas both endogenous and administer<:d testos-
light per day. progreSllive changes in photoperiod tcrone can shorten . the time spent in that state.
length. Or both . provide signals for the synehroniza· However. since the effc<:ts of ovaricctomy and eStro-
tions. It can often be demonstrated that the pineal gen injections are inconsistent. the photoperiod proh-
gland mediates or modifies the responses. However. ably cxerts steroid-independent influences on hiber·
it is important to recognize that (a) light can exert nation (67).
pineal·independent and (b) reproductive Some lestieular growth and testosterone sccrctinn
functions are affected by nutritional status. non· can be achieved by administering prolactin (P RL) to
photic $Cnwry stimuli. social interactions. and OIber "winter"' animals. However. the stimulation is not
factors. Some animal types are much more $Cns;ti'e sustained even when plasma PRL remains elevated.
than others to changes in en.ironmental tempera- S uitably timed LRH injections augment FSII and
ture, specific food CQmponents that may be influ· LH relea$C and restore the plasma gonadotropin
enced by rainfall. and population densities. concentrations. but such treatment docs nOl over-
come the effects of light depri vation. On the other
hand, when animals LR H injections are
Studle& Performed on Hamste...
also provided with PRL-sccreting pituitary implants,
Hamsters have been favorite subjects, since: they reproducti.e functions are recovered. The PRL may
react in obvious ways to changes in day length, pi. be needed to promote the formation of adequate
nea lectnmy, and the administration of pineal gland numbers of testicular LH recepto ....
hormones. When adult males experience: fewer than Pinealc<:tomy, SeN or SeG lesions, and r<:tra-
12.5 hours of light du ring each 24-hour period, the chiasmatic knife Cuts that interrupt the pathways
testes regress. spermatogenesis ceases, teStOSterone from the retinas to the pineal glands all interfere
and prolactin (PRL) levels fall . and lhe accessory re- with (but do not totally abolish) the dark-invoked
productive organs undcrgo atrophy. Pituitary gona· regression. Hamsters subjected to such surgery he-
dotropin content and hypothalamic LRH also de- fore exposure to short photoperiods can remain alert

and reproductively competent throughout the year. noon MLT injections in animals exposed to long
However. light deprivation and blinding can still days.
somewhat decN:ase lesticular size and hormonc se- Proponents of the MLT hypothesis have made thc
eretion. ln hamsters that have undergone regression. following suggestions (148). first. MLT is. in facl,
subsequent pinealeetomy has very differenl conse.. the mediator of thc gonadal regreSliion. but high con-
quences. It retards Ihe recrud=nce that occurs centrations and/or fairly long periods of expo&ure
during the next long photoperiod (73). arc required. Intact animals secrete large quantities
al nighl, even when the days are long. ML T that i.
injected in Ibe afternoon sumntates with endogenous
Meletonln Medletlon 01 the Effects of Light
hormone. and threshold levels are thereby auained.
However. ,ince M LT is metabolically degraded. ef·
It has been proposed that MLT is the primary me- fective levels do not build up when the hormone is
diator of Ihe responses to short photoperiods (148). given to imaet animals in the morning. or to animals
M LT production and release accciera te during the that have been subjected to pinealeetomy or SCG
hours of The time period during which pi- destruction . The conccpt is supportcd by <>bserva·
neal MLT levels remain high is extended by short tions that three ML T injections per day that arc
photoperiod! (59). and H10MT activity increases properly spaced can invoke regression in pinealec-
during the winter under natural conditions. When tomizcd animals (59). SCN lesions disrupt endogc-
intact animals receiving 12.5 or more hours of light nous ML T rhythms. and thcy may reducc total hor-
per day are injected with M LT every afternoon for mone production. 3 M LT injections per day arc
several week.!, the reproductive organs involUle. The effective in Ihese animals as wen. eil her because of
hormone is reported to excrt inhibitory innuences OIl the greater total dosage or the in.",ased probabili ty
the hypothalamus, the pituilary gland. the gonads. that a t least some of Ihe adm inistered hormone ar·
and other target organs. rives when the secretory rate or sensit ivity is high
In the white-footed mouse. which shows similar (Ig). The phase of Ihe photoperiod during which pi-
responses to photoperiods. il has been demOllstrated nealeClomized or SCN·lesioned animal, receive Ihc
that implants releasing 45 ng of molalonin per day inject ions does not seem to be important. Second. in
over extended time periods invoke complele gonadal intact animals. ML T injections may be more efTee·
regreSliion when they a'" placed in the medial p"'Ojr tive in the afternoon. because some target cells
lic. suprachiasma tic or retrochiasmalic regions. al· undergo circadian variations in sensitivity. Not all
Ihough Ihe anima ls are exposed to 16 hou .. of light observers agree on this point. but diurnal cydes for
in each 24-hour period (5gB). The quantilies of the nu mbers of brain MLT receplors have been de-
MLT "'leased are not too different from the scribed. Third. the pineal gland is onc of the targets
amoums that can be secreted by the pineal glands of for both endogenous and injected M LT. Recepto ..
unoperaled an imals. Neither beeswax implants at have been identifIed there. a nd ML T can exert p0s-
those sites. nor melatonin implants in other brain re· itive fcedbaek inHuences on its own secretion. Ex·
gions mimic the effects. Sine<: the sensiliv.;: struc· ogenous hormone may be more potent if il arrivC$
tures are all siwated close to the 3rd ventricle. some during the hours when NAT and HIOM T activity
melatonin could be transported via the CSF. The be· pea k. and sensitivity to the inhibitory influcnces may
lief that tile SeN are major targets for the hormone also be high at that time. ( In rats. MLT is reported
arc consistent with ol.>scrvations that lesions in lbat to dcpressserotonin metabolism when it is given duro
region abolish some responses to ML T injections. ing the middle of the light period but nol al night
In hamste .., the described rcsponststo exogenous [55]). fourth. MLT promotes the release of. and/or
M l T are markedly affected by the conditions under synergi,.C$ with. other pineal gland regulators.
which Ibe hormone is administered. Dail y injections Therefore, a single injection should be: more effecti"e
of dosages thai are effe<:ti ve in the afternoons fail to in animals ... ith normally funetiOlling gland,. Fifth.
promote gonadal regression if they are given in the intact hanISters usually have very low MLT
morning. Single daily afternoon injections are inef- during the light phase. Implants that continuously
fective in animals subjected to pinealectomy or pi- release ML T could exc rtpharmtu%gica/ innuenccs
neal gland denervalion. as well as in oneS with SCN Ihat indude ex treme down regulation of receptor
lesions. Moreover. implants that continuously re- numbe ... Animals receiving them may therefore lose
lease M LT are sa id to be: '\:ountemntigonadolrupic" sensitivity to darkness because they arc "chemically
(or progonadmropic). since they block the effects of pinealectomized.··
short photoperiod. in intact animals. and of a fter· A major effect of both short photoperiods and
MLT ..emS to be exaggerated .. nsitivily 10 the neg- for uninterrupted produclion of large litters. (It has
alive feedback influences of gonadal steroids, Min_ been reported Ihat Ihe durations of adull rat estrous
Ule amounts of exogenous testosterone block FSH cycles arc affected by the amount of light presented
and LH ..crclion in caSlraled hamsters exposed to during Ihe neonalal period [72]. Ihat hamsters brcd
Shorl days, but relatively large doses arc required for many generations under artificial conditions re-
when the days a'" long. Castrated animals pre- quire longer periods of light deprivation to initiale
I,.,alcd wilh MLT become as sensitive as uninjeeled gonadal regression than was formerly the case
controls Ihat are light-deprived (118). Intraventric- [148J, and that laboratory-raised progeny of wild
ular injections of MLT are believed to inhibit FSH mice are more resistant than their parents to the in-
and LH re!case by aCling on hypolhalamic neurons hibilory effects of bright light)
that secrete LRH. but the responses oould involve When to natural pholoperiods. ralS tend
neurons wilh MLT ree<:ptors in other parts of Ihe to produce feW<'r and smaller lillers during Ihe win-
brain, I nlrapituilary implanlS decrease gonadotrope ter monlhs. The )'QUng have low birth weights. and
sensitivity 10 LR H, pos;sibly because of direct effects Ihey mature slowly. Blinding, light deprivalion. food
on those adenohypophysial celis. The gonads seem to ,.,striClion. destruction of the olfactory apparatus.
provide addilional target sites, sine<: systemically ad- and neonatal androgen injections can all retard Ihe
ministered MLT exerts inhibitory influences in hy_ maturation at any time of the )'ear. Blinding com-
poph)'sectomizcd animals (19). Diminished ovarian bined with olfactory bulbeclomy reduces pituitary
responsivity 10 gonadoHopins may partially explain gland weight and prolaelin secretion. and it can in-
Ihe cessalion of eSlrous cycles in light-deprivcd fe- voke gonadal regression in adult rats. Pineaketomy
male naltl$lers (in which Ihe eirculaling gonadotro- attenuales and reverses the effecls of food and sen-
pin levels arc usually high [151 j). At leasl $Orne ac- sory depri vation: and it can acceleratc pubertal mu-
tions of MLT do IIOt depend on the releaiiC of Olher turation in p,.,viously healthy ju,·cniles.
pineal gland regulators. As in hamsters. gonadal involution is associated
On the other hand. it has not been firmly eSlab- with low PRL levels. The pineal evidently exerts in_
lished that all the major cffects of lighl deprivation hibilory influences Over the laetolropeS. A mela-
arc linked with MLT. Pineal gland lipids. prOieins. tonin";.nsitive dopaminergic syslem Ihat inhibits
and other components undergo photoperiod-as>oci- PRL release has been identified ncar the SeN
ated ehanles in concentrations, Peplides. pterdines. (58B). and pinealectomy has been shown 10 accel-
and Iryptophols arc among the products shown to erate PRL secretion in some mammals (33). Estro-
possess antigonadotropic potencies. and it seems rca- gens usually stimulale the lactotropes, and ovariec-
$Onable to believe thai those molecules have physio- tomy lowers the plasma PR L. The combination of
logical roles. Certain of the changes in blindness plus anosmia (whiCh inVOkes increased
gonadotrOpin secretion that Can be reve .... d by pi- MLT produclion) depresses laetOirope aClivity in
nealectomy arc steroid independent and the)' both intact and o_ariectomized females (92) , On the
may be linked with other mediators. Some observers other hand, PRL the hypothalamus to the
altribute rocrudesccnee to the re1eaiiC of stimulants. negative feedback innuences of gonadal sieroids. and
Moreover. Ihe possibility Ihat many of the described il can (at least under $Orne circumstances) deprCSll
effects of exogenous M LT are pharmacological re- FSH and LH levels. Moreover. PRL augments pi-
quires further investigalion. neal H 10MT activity (33).
The "sensitizing" effecls of neonatal androgen in-
jeclions have been lin ked with exaggeration of ste-
Some Observations In Other Species
roid-negative focdback. When male rats Ireated in
Laboratory rats retain year-round fertility. and they this way mature. their accessory reproduclive organs
arc much kss affocted by darkness and pinealeetomy undergo $Orne wintertimc involution (192).
than many other mammals. It is Iherefore some- Rats have pineal gland Ml.T rhythms oflhe kinds
times stated Ihat these animals arc suitable subjocts described for hamsters. and they evidently undergo
for the study of pineal gland functions in "non sea- diurnal variations in rcsponsitivity 10 Ihe hormone
$Onal breeders." However. many of the differences (150). Plasma MLT concentrations fall 10 undelocI-
between rats and hamsters rna)' be quamirmi"l'. able levels after pincaloclomy. Peptides with anti-
II is nol known to what extent the gaps have been gonadolropic potencies are found in the urinc< of in-
artificially widened by daily uposurc of inherently lael bUI not pinealectomized animals.
noclurnal animals to breeding room Or laboratory ML T aClS at several siles to decrease reproductive
lighling from the limc of birth. the ad libitum pre- systcm functions, and il can invoke 80nadal involu_
sentation of processed. enriched food of unvarying tion in anosmic rats. MTol, HTol, and other com-
composition, and many decades of geoctie iiClection ponenl! of pineal gland extracts have been reported
to exert spocia] innuences. For example, whereas in-

Superior cervical ganglionectomy abolishes most

injections of ML Ton thc morning of of the responses to changes in photoperiods. II also
proestrus block the subsequent LH surge. MTol lowers plasma MLT to undetectable lcyeb. Not sur-
seems to be a more effeelivc inhibitor of FSH se<:re- prisingly, pinealectom)" has similar e!fcc",. The rc-
lion in rats than in hamsters. Subcutanwus injec- productive cycles can also be disrupted by continu-
lions of MLT do not substantially affect the gona- ous administration of ML T.
dOlropin, but they have been ""pOrted 10 bring Ewes become anestrOuS during the SUmme r and
about reductioll.'l in ovarian and u{orin: weights and they lose the ability to accomplish the LH surgcs re-
10 retard testicular and accessory reproductive organ quired for ovulation. They, too, have low FSH and
development (6). high prolactin levels at that time. Their responses to
Decr. sheep and goats have much longer gestalion photoperiods can be disrupted by SCN and SCG
periods Ihan small rodents. Most species breed in the
autumn and deliver their )'Qung in the spring or early As in other mammals, MlT production acce ler·
summer. ates during the hours of darkness. Howevcr. tOla124-
Partially domesticated $Qay rams maintained out hour production of the hormone seems to be highcr
of door:; in tem!""a!c zone, undergo leslieular in summer than in winter. This is attributed to much
,..,gression when thc days a", long. and they became higher nocturnal peaks in animals to long
,..,productively active as the photoperiods shorten. photoperiods (3). It therefore possible that MlT
The annual regression/recrudescence cycles can be is thc major mediator of the summertime gonadal
shortened to 8 months by exposing the animals to regression. However, some investigators believe that
artificial environments that alternatc 4 month pc- pineal peptides ma ke suh:\.tant;al contributiollS to the
riodsof l6-hour days and 8·hour nights (16:8) with control:;.
4 month periods of 8-hour days and 16·hour nights Sheep differ from rats and hamsters in other ways.
(8: I 6) (97). However, rams ront;nuously eXpOSed to They respond to in photoperiods as well as
16:8 "'fractory to long photoperiods and re- to absolute numbers of daylight hours. Moreover.
cover testicular functions by the 16th week . fertility in rams is improved during late summer by
Reerud ..""nc-e Can be ha<tened by abruptly pro- falling environmental "mf"'r(t/""s
senting an 8:16 lighting scbedule. The elfects of
Fe .. ets display yet different reSpOnse plIll"ns (70).
g:40 are sim ilar. probably because the signals are
Under natural conditi"" •. females in England ha.,
perceived at the "right"' time of the day. In contrast. been observed to begin ,he bre<;ding sea.on in M.. Or
g:28 fails to accelerate. although it provides "more April. They rarely O'o"lliate without matins. Endogenous
dark" than 8:16 (3). factors accoont largely fot the termination of
The regression phas<: is associated with low cir_ tive acti.i ty. which can as <arty Juty Or as tate
culating FSII and testosterone and with decreas<:d a. September. The phot"""riod «ert. some limite<.! influ·
LH discharge frequencies. The animals Can be stirn· enee. on the timins· "Long days" (12 or more hours of
ulated by LRH, but both the pituitary gland re- light in 24) acce lerate the onset of estru •. even when Ihe
sponses and the secondary ehnges in testicular inten.ity of the .timutus i. low. lIowever. 'hey are elfec·
functions dilfer from the ones secn when LRH is li.e only when presented fOf seve,.,.l wttb to animah
given during recrudescence. (In regressed animals. receptive. (Sensitivity pea'" .fter a lang interval
of ...,tru •. ) ··Short d.y."' terminate the
only small increments in testosterone level$ arc elic- estru" but prolonsed exposu", i. al"" needed for inhibi-
ited, and the testes resume inVOlution soon after the tion. Ferrets ",em to be affected mostly by the .timuta_
injections are terminated (97).) tory elfect. of long photoperiods. (In contr;lIl. hamster
U nlike the Situalion described for rams 0),<:1" respOnd mO$tiy to lhe inhibitory influence. of .hort
sccrete mQff PRL when they are sexually inactive one •. )
(33). h bas been suggested that high PRL levels When ferret. are .ubjocted to pinealoctomy or demuc·
markedly exaggerate hypothalamic sensitivity to the tion of the SeG. it i. no I"",er pOS$ible 10 .coekrate eS-
negative feedback infiuences of gonadal steroids. tTII. with Ions photoperiod, or 10 delay it with .lIort one •.
Since PRL rises soon after exposure to the long pho- Howe .. r. 'pOntaneou. annual eyc les pcrsi.l.
toperiod. it probably contributes to Ihe gonadotropin MLT injected during lang photoperiod. ean invoke .neS·
tTII' in estrOuS femates. Thi. effect also wee ... to
d«:line. On the other hand. in common with rats and
accompli>h. Under dilferent conditions Mt T can termi·
halmters, sheep decrease their PR t when they nate the '·pllotorefractorine.. '· that develops when the
respond to light restriction. Sharp reductions follow animal • • '" eXpOSed to tong dlIys for txtended time
switches from 16:8 to 8:28, 8:40, or 8:16 lighting periods.
schedules (3). Eviden'ly, the pineat ,l. nd e"erlS fine eontrol. over 'he
witb en.ironmenl,1 Ho", ... r, il 5·HT prceursor and Olher as yet undefined artifacts
has liule C>r no influence on rtproducti •• 'ystem matura- of the in vitro system, 3$ well as the pammeter se·
tion or the initiation of "\'lIrian cycl«.and it. rol •• in ltg- lecled for measurement. may account for discre!>""
ulalion of Ibe timing and duration of e,lru. art highl)' andes between predicted and measured changes.
limited. Neurotransmiller COntrols are superimposed in in·
In ",allabies. th. pineal is implicated a. a regulalor <>f
tacI birds. NAT activity rises before the beginning
sea,.,nal delays in (I $71.
of the dark phase, and it falls before dawn when
Pineal gland functions in birds diffcr in many rc- thcre are regular changes in the environment. The
SpeClS from the ones described for mammals. Gen· glands recei"e cholinergic as "'ell as adrenergic in·
eralizations can be made. but species differences in nervations, and they are affected by electrical stim-
roth morphology and physiology arc much grealer ulation of either the habenula or the SCG. Unlike
in this class of vertebrates (108). thc findings in mammals. superior cervical gangli.
The cells utilize the same biochemical pathways onectomy has lillie inftuence on the MLT rhythms
to make ML T. and NAT activity i, oflen rale·lim. of birds exposed to ordinary photoperiods. It dOC$,
iting (16). In inlact birds maintained under wndi. however. alfect Ihe spontaneous frring rates of pineal
tions resembling natural environments, M LT levds oomronents. It also hastens the 1000s of NAT
in tll(, pineal, brain. and blood are higher at night cycles in birds maintained in continuous darkness
than during the daytime. The imerval during whiCh (142)_
NAT activity remains elevated Can be prolonged by Cyclic nucleotides, cholera toxin, and phosphodi-
limiting the numbers of hours of daylight. Howe''';:r, esterase inhibilors can all increase NAT activity
th. absolute concentrations of MLT can vary widely when they are presented to organ-<:ultured pineal
with the devc\opmental stage and with the level of glands (108). However. NE predominantly
reproductive activily. probably because of gonadal inhibilory The suggestion that pinealocytcs
influences on HIOMT aClivity (142). The retinas have mostly <>-type adrenergic rtC(PlOrs docs not
convey information to tile pineal glands. and roth fuUy explain the dilfer-.::nces between birds and
light Hashes to the retinas and blinding affccttbe en- mammals. since isoproterenol (a ,8-agonist) also lnw_
zyme activities_Different kinds of pbo(oreccptors are ers NAT activity.
present in Ibe brain. Although at least some are Qut· The SCN are functionally associaled with the pi-
side that orian, thert arc controversies concerni", neal gland•• buI the relalion,hip< differ from the
whether substan tial numbers art in the pineal ones found in mammals. It is possible that the nuclei
(Newly hatched birds have more photoreceptor type are major targets for pineal gland hormones (108).
pinealocyles than older birds_) DestrUClion of (he Their destruclion invokes changes of the kinds that
eyes fails to arolisb synchroni7.ation, of NAT cycles follow
with photoperiods or NAT and HIOMT responses There arc indications that I/IOMT activity is reg-
10 photic stimuli (16). Direct retinal contributions to ulated primarily by gonadal hormones,
pineal hormone levels seem to be important in some NAT responds mO:$tly to the photoperiod. Some in
species but not in others. The NAT rhythms of vitro studies involving the presentation of androgens
retinas parallel those of the pineal. They persist and Qr estrogens to cultured glands provide some support
continue to respond 10 light afler pinealectomy. but for the notion. In quail and some other birds,
they do not maintain the plasma MLT level s. HIOMT activity is reported to be high in juveniles.
Tbe glands also display jmrjnsjr rhythmicity tbat to decline during the rapid ovarian growth phasc.
i$ oot abolished by denervalion. When the pineals and to rebound in malUrt birds that are reproduc·
are aulouansplanled \0 the eyes. the absolute ML T tively active (142). However. the pineal may be an
concentrations in body fluids decline bUI the diurnal important regulator of reproduclive cycles in only
changes continue (142). In sparrows, heterotrans- limited numbers of species. Even in Ihese. the major
plants impose donor rhythms On pinealecotmized funclions of pineal hormones have been lin ked with
hosts (l08). Cullured organs relain previously ac· the regulation of locomotor and other diurnal
quired timing, and tbeir cycles persist longer when rhylhms. Depending on the species and ages of
to alternating periods of light and darkness tcst subjeclii. pinealectomy can stimula!e, inhibit, or
than 10 either LL or DO (80). Explanted chick pi. exert no obvious effec\.S on the reproduClive
neals show higher NAT activity in the dark than equally variable effects of MLT and MTol injec-
when exposed to light. Some other in vitro responses lions have been encounlered (142)_
have been categorized as For example, On the basis of the few observations made. it has
cultured pineals obtained from ducks are reported to been suggested thaI Ihe pineal exerlS fine oontrols
mOre rapidly oonverl 5·HT to ML T when they are Over the reproductive systems of otber vertebratcs_
directly illuminated. Exogenous presentation of the The influences may be progonadal in cyclostomcs

and anurans. but antigonadal in lizards and oIas- from the time of birth. possibly because sustained
mobranchs (45). high MLT invo,,"s loss of serISi!ivity 10
Ihe inhihitory effects. MLT levels vary with the
menstrual cycles in sighted women, and shon bums
Studies on Humene
of bright light pres.ented to subjects during the night
There are for questioning the widespread be- can affect the timings of the cycles. nCr-
lief that human reproductive systems are oot af- V<.>Sa patient. put Out subnennal quantities of gona-
fectoo by pbotopcriods. However. the sensitivities to dotropins, and a t least some have atypical MLT
changes in environmental lighting seem to be lowcr rhythms. Intensive athletic training can affect both
than in many other mammals. In nort hern Finland. menstrual cycles and MLT rhythms. The effects of
the days arc V<'ry short in winter and very long in the both and training have been linke<! with re-
A four·year survey revealed that concep- ductions in body fat content or fat:lean weight ra_
tion rateS for single births peake<! during J une-Au- tios. and obesity is known to inAuence the ages at
gust and fell to the lowest points in January. The which puberty and menopause occur. It is therefore
seasonal differences for multiple-birth concepliom interesting to oole Ihat MLT levels in healthy hu-
were similar in timing but of grealer magnitude mans Can vary with body weight (5). Pineal gland
(152). Relationships to changes in gonadotropin lev- functions decline with age in laboratory animals
cis are suggested by the ease wilh which supel"OYU- (161). and some investigator.: repOrt de<:reases in pi-
lat;on can be achieved wilh hcmn<.>ncs in neal. plasma, and CSF ML T in aging humam. Ev-
laboratory. farm. and 7.00 animals. and with the high idently, daytime blood levels arC only moderately de-
incidences of multiple birtlu; in wome n giV<'n high pressed. but nocturnal elevations are severely
dosagcs of such agent. to achieve oonception. II has dampene<! (75). Parallel declines in reproductive
also b«n reported that Eskimo WOmen living in na- system functions are common .
tiV<' habitats do not menstruate during the 4 da rkcst Many children with pineal gland tumors suffer
months. Less imprtSsive, but real. differences in con- either precocious Or delayed puberty. and surgical
ception rates have been reported for women in more oorrection has been known to restOre normal repro-
teml"'rate •. All of the preceding a rc consistent ductive function. (ISS). The," have been reports
with the ootion that pineal-me<!iated effects of short that changes in ML T secretion during the peri pub-
photoperiods lead to lowering of human fcrtility. The ertal period are consistent with some inhibitory innu-
need to exereise caution when using statistical data enCO of the hormone on reproductive system matu-
has been pointed up by surveys showing cor- ration. A gonadotropin-inhibiting peptide (G IS) has
relations between conception rates in Germany, been detected in human urine. and other agents ex-
Sweden. and England and the circulation of library tracted from pineal glands of different species are bi-
books in IhTtt large cities (10). However. are ologically active in humans. Although some recovery
additional reasons to implicate the pineal. of the functions can occur after their removal. the
Humans have ML T rhythms of the kind. de- SeN are clearly involved in Ihe regUlation of prj·
scribed for other mammal •. Blood are highest mate MLT rhythms (158). and both lesions and tu-
during bour.; of darkness, and urinary excretion mors of the suprachiasmatie region are associatcd
(which varies with plasma concentrations) with disturbanccs In gonadotropin secretion
can be 7 times greater during darkness, and palleTns.
re<.:umbency than during waking in both mcn and These and other observations strongly suggest that
women. The timings of the daily cycles sbift slowly the pineal gland exertS SOme inhibitory
when artificial photoperiods are imposed. Annual that contribule to fine control of reproductive pro-
rhythms that include January and July pea ks have cesses in humans. If this is true. we may be harbor-
also been observed (I 55). ing harmless (oot necessarily beneficial) character-
Environmental light. rather than sleep. seems to istics inherited from OUr forebears . At least in
be the controlling factor. ML T production can be in· amuent societies, the advantages of clustcring births
hibited by to bright sunlight (but not by during the springtime and summer arc not obvious.
presen tation of photic stimuli of lower inten.itics There are additional reasons for questioning im-
tht are effective in laboratory animals). The re- portant innuences on human reproductive systems .
sponses are greater during the winter mOllths. prob- Some recent studies fail to support roles for mela-
ably because of adaptation. to the tonin in timing of pubertal onset (47 .I 82.A-4). Since
MLT producti<.>n can also be inhibited with propran- gonadal hormones affect HIOMT activity. some
olol (95). Blinding disrupts MLT rhythm. (96) . changes in MLT levels associated with reproductiV<'
Puberty ()Ilset is often accelerate<! in girl. blind functions may represent effhCl$ rather than causes.
Abnormal or dampened ML T rhythms have been phaus appear yellow and orange to red, respeclively.
auribu\ed to changes in adrenergic re<:eptor func- because they accumulate pteridin.. and ca rotenoid•.
tions, and si muhaneously occurring modifications of The pteridincs a rC synthesized by the cells and col-
such in other parts of the body may ac- lected in ptcrinosomes. Carotenoids are obtained
count for concomitant variati<>ns in gonadotropin so- from the diel and accumulated in vesicles that a re
Similarly. destruCti<>n of SeN can have di- called erythrosome.s. Since the pigments
verse effe<:ts on the neuroendocrine that do not an: lipid·soluble. chromatophores of this group
necessarily in volve intern:lationsh ips with the also known as lipophores. A single cen can contain
gonads. IWO or more differenl kinds of pigment organelles
Since the skins of most endotherms a re covered
wilh fea thers. fur, or hair, cens that function in this
way could serve no obvious purpose. h is therefore
Ven-brates utilize changes in the quantities. quali- not surprising Ihal birds and mammals do 001 have
ties. and a rrangements of integumentary pigments ehromatophores. Thcy possess ch,omll/(JCytes that
for eamounage. aggression. thermon:gulation. con- sy nthesize the same kinds of pigments and package
trol of uhraviolet ray penetration. aUraetion of scx- them in to granules, but there an: no movable organ-
ual partners. and signaling of !<'adi= to mate . elles. Epidermal melanocytes lransfer Ihe pigments
They possess sc,'Cral kinds of effectors. along with to cens thai do 001 ma ke them, and s ubSlantial
diverse me<:hanisms for controlling their functions. quanlities can accumulate in structu res such as Ihe
It has bttn known for a long time that mela"""yte- fealhers and fur. The '"morphological" responses
stimulating hormone. (MSHs) Can darken the skins media ted in this way arc linked with changes in pig·
of SOme e<:totherms and that pineal glands contain ment content. They develop slowly. and they persist
substances that oppose Ihe effects. The identifica tion for long time periods. The melanocyte i< in many
ofMLT as a potent " lightening" agent (94) is often ways a mOre primitive cell type (196A).
cited as a major landmark in Ihe hisWy of Melanocytes an: found in all classes of vertc-
pinealology. brates. and Ihe epidermal pigment cells of amphibi-
ans an: of this kind. They arc present in developing
pineal ilands (14 I A). in the eyes. the choroid pie,.
··PhySlologlcal" vs. "Morphological" Color
uscs. the basal ganglia of Ihe brain. the a drenal
gland. Ihe carotid and aortic bodies, the gut. and
EClotherrns have dermal chromalophOl7' with mov- along blood vessel walls. Amelanotic mclanocytes
able. pigment·laden organelles that mediate ··phys- are unpigmented cells with similar fealures thai rap-
iological" resp::mses. The color changes involvc idly darken when presented with e' DEenous DOPA.
reversible translocations of pn:cxisting cell comp:;>- (They diffcr from melanoblasts. the din:ct precur·
ocnts but no synthesis or loss of pigments. Usually. sors of the colored cells.) Melanophage.< ta ke up but
then: an: 2 01 mOle different cen lypeS. and these can do not sy nthesize melanins.
be organized into functioning unils (6 1). All pigment cells except Ihc ones in Ihe head orig.
Me/anophOl't" are the darkest of Ihe chromat<>- inate in the embryonic ntural crests. They may
pho!'CS. They have long. dendrite-li ke processes thai undergo preliminary differentiation to chromat(>-
e xtend over Ihe of other types. How- blasts priQr to migration. but there reaSOnS to be·
ever, when their organdies (mdanosomes) :u;sume lieve peripheral cues from the destination sites de·
perinuclear positions (i.e. an: consperscd Or aggre- termine the maturation pathways. The possibilily
galed). the skin appears light. When the melana- that transdiffen:ntiation can OCcUr has been consid·
somes migrate toward the cell peripheries (disperse) . ered (lOA).
the skin looks dark. Although the underlying events Unfortunately, Ihe terminology in the field is not
are ordered . complex. and in somc Cascs timc-con- consistent. Some a Ulhors usc the tcrm chromataqlt
suming. Ihe darkening has been li ke ned 10 blowing 10 designa te pigment ce ll, and me/anQSome to
on a spoonful of chareoal initially placed in the cen· mean an organclle that accumulales mclanins even
ter of a white cloth. I, idophore. (lcukopllorcs) con· if it cannot engage in conspcrsi<>n..:lispersion rC-
lain geomelrically arranged plates (reAectosomes) sponses. Malure mclanin-containing organelles of
with white. crysta lline substances that reflect and melanophores have also been referred \0 as
scalier light. They can thereby impart whitish, sil.
very. golden . pink. Or blue tones and iridescence. The The appeara nce of the integument a t any given
darkening actions of MSH often include si muhanc- time depends on combinations of light adsorption,
conspersion of iridophore organelles and dispcr· d iffraction . and interference. It is affected
si<>n of mc1anosomes. Xamhophores and erylhro- by Ihe intensities. dire<:tions and wavelcngths of thc

light, numbers and kinds of pigment producing .nzym. inhibit"". MSII. a re implicated in Ih. "swileh·
and accepting cells, the associations they make wilh ing" from indole-bloc king 10 indole-convetiion acti.ilies
neighboring structures. and the qualities and quan. and from phcomelani. to .umelanin production. They
tities of the pigments. The anatomical arrangements may play additional roI •• in acceleration of the tral1$f.r
can be quile In frogs. xantbophores arc of m.lanin. \0 other ceillype" The cell. liso enlarge Ind
ut.nd long d.ndritic proc ... cs. findi"" con,i.tent with
dosest \0 the surface. A single layer of iridophores Ih. growth·promoting function. of MSH. in feluses. C.1I
separates them from Ihe underlying melanophores prolif..... tion is soon .timula t.d in some tissu.s. but it con
(198). More elaborate pallerllS have bun described be reta rd.d in oth....
for some of Ihe fishes and reptiles. Tyrosinase Icti.ity is del.rmin.d by genelic faCIO..,
.nd it Can by modified by the""m.n!. Humal1$ that
.r. dark . kinned have high.r activities in .pidermal
Melanins and Other Integumentary Pigments ""Il •. and ther ..... indi.idual difference, in "'pon, •• to
Eumelanins are high molecular ",<,ighl polymers of the $Iimul.ting eff«I' of ult raviolet radiati"". The char-
tyrosine metabolites thaI associate wilh proteins. .ct.rislic markings <>f Siamese cal. have be.n aliribuI.d
10 temperature.mediat.d augmentation <>f Ihe otherwise
Most a ppear dark brown or black, but ascorbic acid low aCli.ity in Ihe ""nip$ .nd other cool pan. of lh. body
and other reducing agenu can lighten the color (9).
(79). Phaoomelanins differ from the "true" mela·
nins in thaI they comain sulfhydryl groups deri ved lridophores C(ln(ain crystalline deposils of purines.
from cysteine or g]utathi""e. They Can appear yel- Guanine is the most abundanl of them, and cells con-
lew, gelden. crange. er red. The quamities f",mod taining large amounts a re sometime. called guano
can vary with the availability of cysteine. Some cells ophores. Olher iridophores C(lmain
<:<lntain both pigments, whereas olhcrs have jusl ene. uric acid. adenosiM. or isoguaniM (Fig. 2Q.6A).
Trichromes are chemically relaled 10 phaeomclan· The lipid-soluble pigmen ts of lipophores indude
ins, but they have lower molecular weighl5. pleridincs, carotenoids. and ribonavin (Fig. 2Q.68).
Melanin biosynthesis begins wilh Ihe of Xanthophores appear yellow or orange when prescnl
tyrosine-first 10 DOPA. and then to dopaquinone alone. but they can impart green colorations 10 ani·
(Fig. 20·5). Bolh of Ihe reactions Qre ""talyze<i by mals thai would olherwisc look blue. Erythrophores
<:<lpper-dependent lyrosill(lSts Ihat arc usually pres- are red .
enl in large amounts.
Pigment Organelle Migration
Three iso,ym.. Ihat differ in carbohydrale cootenl
h;>ve \><;en idontified in pU'ified preparations. Dopaqui. Chromalophores have large numbers of micrQ/u-
none and some of il$ melaboliles can polyme,ize in vilro bullS Ihat run parallel to the direction of granule
to form black pigment<. In mel.nin'producina cells, transport; a ctnlral apparatus containing centrioles
much of Ih. dopaquinon. sp<>nlancously rurrang.. 10 and the amorphous, el«lron-dense matter to which
I.ucodopachromeand dopachrome. CySleinyl_DOPA and the microtubles are anchored: inltrmedialt-lypt; fil-
<>Iher pheome lanin preeu....,... or. ""'de when c)'$t<in. or amems; and fine. actin-wnlaining microjilaments. It
glutalhione .... p.... nl in hiah concentrations (129). is certain thaI the microtubules and filaments partic-
The formation of 5,6-(lihydro.yindote from dopa· ipale in Ihe migralions, but lhe mechanisms are nol
chrome i•• cctle .... ted by • dop«hromt oon",,,;OII/oX/Of".
An iNlQ/, .:iJJ!vt,,'on/aClor then prGmQ1" the production ",<,II understood. Colchicine, an agent widely used to
of 80th of the conv... ion facIO .. ar. disropt microtubule polymerizations and functiom,
associated with th. ty,,,,,in,,... and may be id.nlic.1 with markedly diminishes but docs not totally abolish
lbe described iso"yme •. An indole-blocking /",ror op- granule movements. It ltas theref",. been suggested
po$Cs the ,eaction (129). Th. indole quinone can p0.- that the tubules orient the directions of the transpOrI
lymerize di ... ctly or lirst be _ .. rted to molanochrome. but do not exert "push·pull" effects. The granules
The cndopl.umic reticulum and Goigi app;oralu. C<>- are said to behave as if Ihey are embedded in a re-
operate to form pt<mdanosomes thai take up thc int.r_ versible clastic or COlllractile <:<lntinuum devoid of
m.diate •. When association. with the proteins and pOly· microtubules thai collapses during aggregation. The
mcri,.... tion$ at< com pleted , th. org.nell •• ore ",,1I.d filamenl5 are comlXmcnts of a microlrab«ular MI-
m.lanosom •• or pigment g .... nul ••.
or lattice that interconnects pigment granUles,
Melanocyto stimulating hormones bind 10 rt<.pton on
lbe pigmenl cell plasma membranes. The hormones .re microtubules, and cell membranes. Cytochalasin B
intern.lized and t .... nsport.d 10 p... melanosomes. Within interferes with actin Iilamenl organi'..(Ilion. [t uerts
a rew hou ... the tyrosinase activity increases and ,""I.nin reproducible innucncos on dispersion and <:<lnsper-
production (m.lanogene,i.) proceed. r.pidly. This i. at- sion, bUI Ihese vary with the species and C(:11 Iype
tributed at IWt in parI to ... <>f natutllly occurring invesligated. Dispersion evidently differs from <:<In-

- "'"
- -
C 7 " ....

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• I .." ".
Fill. 2M. (A)
(8) .. ,
spersion in seV<'ral ways that include a reQuirement ducticn of tyrosinase. Calcium ions are believed to
for ATP energy (171 A). mooulate transduction of the hcrmone signal$. Thcy
It was forme rly believed that dispersion involves may contribute to adenylate cyclase activalion, the
cell depoiari1.ation with oonsequent uptake of events tbat follow, and to PG gener3ticn . (Calcium
cellular Na · . and gel--ool changC1J in the cytoplasm. ionophores promote melal1050me dispersion when
Extracellular Na' i. reQuired. and both hypotonic presented alone in the pr=nce of Ca", and thei r
environments and high hydrostatic pressures (which efTeclS arc blocked with verapamil. Mcreover, agents
lower cell visC()City) facilitate the movemenlS. How· that lower cytosol Cal< promote conspersion.) How_
ever, melanocyte stimulating hormones of pituitary ever, although MSH accelerales Ca'" uptake frem
crigin do nol depolarize the membranes. and depo- the surrounding fluids, cAMP probably exerts eal-
larizing ooncentrations cf K+ cannot mimic the hor. cium·independent influences. Calcium ehelalors
mone actions. The Na - is now bo lieved to bo 1'<'- block the effects of MSH but not of cAMP. Prosta-
quired fcr hormone·rcceptOT binding (124), glandins. methylxamhines, and catocholamines can
promote dispersion when cells are bathed in calcium_
froc media. The agents may release the ions from
Melanocyte Stimulating Hormones
intractllular sequestra tion sites that include mela-
Melanocyte stimulating hormcnes (MSHs. mdano- nosomes as well as mitochondria .
tropins, intermedins) arc the major stimulants for When MSH promotes melanosome dispersion, ;t
mciallOS'Jme dispersicn in noninnervaled mdano- usually simultanoously brings about l'<'f1ecrosome
phorC1J, and also the promolars of melanogenesis conspersion. In at least limited numbers cf species,
(melanin synthesis). a- MSH is secreted by the pars MSH has been observed to promote dispersicn of
in tcrmedia cr neurointermediate lobe of mOSI verte· xanthophores and crythrcphores (124A). ACTH
bnlles. and it is the primary hormooc.I1-MSHs ""'ere contains all thirteen amino acids found in n--MS I!.
discussed in Chap. 3. They have boen identified in It interacts weakly with MSH receptors On melano-
pituitary gland However. it is now bolieved phom, and it has been observed to exert inHuences
by at least some invesligators that thc peptides al'<' on carotenoid droplet" Endorphins have been re-
formed a rtifactual1y during the extractions (170A) . ported to potentiate MSIi cffoclS in lizards. The ter-
Additional peptides oontainc<i within POMC that minal tctrap"ptide derived from was
can act on pigment cells include ACTH, endorphins. named lm!/uiI()tropin potentiating jac/or because il
and ,,/·MSHs. Melanogenesis·l'<'gulating hormones enhances MSH·stimulated melanogenesis in mouse
in humans are still not defined. a-MSH is made in skin, Naloxone can cause pigment aggTCgation in
the central neT'o'oUS system, but it is probably not se- gcldfish xamhophores via mechanisms that are an·
creted into the sy:stemic blood in appreciable quan_ tagonized by On the other hand. it
tities. As !lOtcd in previous chapters, it is bclie.-ed to has also been found that although endorphins sensi·
serve as a neuT(ltransmiller. neuremooulator. Or tize amphibian melancphores to isoproteronol, they
both. Influences On memory. bohavior. lipolysis. and decreases the responsivity to MSH (124A).
other functions have been described for laboratory In SOme species. eGMP mimics the effects of
animals. and the hormone is addilicnally implicated MSH. In others. il exerts opposing actions, possibly
in the regulation of fetal growth and adrenOC<:lrtical by interfering with cAMP·mediated phosphoryl -
functions. Several POMC that alTect pig- ation of tubulin. Acetylcholine acts On SOme cell
mentation have been identified in human tissues types to promote oonspersion, and cGMP may Ihen
(18IA). serve as the second messenger,

MSH Regulation of Pigmentation Melatonin Regulation 01 Pigment Cells

MSH promotes melanosomc dispersion and melan- M LT promotes mclanosome conspersion in many
ogenesi5 when it is added to extracdlular fluids. but species. Its ability to oppose MS H has been linked
intracellular administration is ineffective (I 24A). wilh lowering of the cAMP levels. It inhibits melan-
The hormone elicits dose-(]cpendent elevation of ogenesis in the hair bulbs of Siberian hamsters. p0s-
cAMP levels, and its acticns can be with sibly via activation of the indole·blocking factor de-
cxogcnouscAMP Or dibulyryl cAMP (170A). Phos· scribed earlier (129). It is also believed to act
phodiesterase inhibitors exaggerate or prolong the ef· physiologically to inhibit MSH release in at least
feelS. PrOlein are and th=, in !;Orne spe<:ics. Studies on male weasels are consistent
turn, catalyze protein phosphorylation •. One or more with this concept. Those animals changes in
of Ihe affected proteins i. implicated as a promoter pelage coloration for camouflage. They grow white
fer Ihe synthesis of the mRNA that directs the pro- coots in preparation for the winter. Intact animals

acquire brown fur aflcr lhe springtime moll. but by- Melatonin and MSH Regulation 01 Amph ibian
pophys«\omy prevents Ihis by removing Ihe 500= Melanopho,es
01 MSH. ]( intaCI animals are givcn ML T implant&,
Very young llIdpoles blanc h when lhey a re placed in
Ihey acquire "winter-type" coa ll in the spri1l& (168).
the da rk. mostly because they re lcuc MlT (185).
presumably because MSH secretion is inhibi ted..
" Pinealeclomy" (cautery 0{ the diencephalic roof)
Some in_lipton rqIOrt IIIaI both constanl ill u·
mill3 lion ;nlla animals and pi roealec:lomy el",lt abol ishes lhe n:sponse..... hile feedinlJ pineal ,lands
the pituitary MSH COIIlcnl of nu alld mi«. How- can in..xe paling in intaci animalJ exposed 10 li,ht
(198). M LT acts on dermal (but not
ever, mhcl'$ do not observe changes in pigmentation
afler either pineal gland dcncrvalion or M LT ad· on epidermal melanocytcs) when it is presented to
ministration in those 1'Odcnu ( 143). tadpole skin in vitro. and it ant"oni,es the da,ke'"
ing effecuo{ MSH . AI this stag<. Ihe ILlve
Ol.lecholaminc:s in(mla wilh /HdrcnerJic recep-
not yet acquired the physiological mechanisms fOf
tors on melanophonJ. promote cAMP generation.
and invoke mcla/lOl5Ofne dispersion. They act via .... inhibiti", MSH secretion. and their la teral eyes are
type n=plors 10 brint abou t conspersion. II is likely
Ilia! MLT inlcracu wilh .... , ypc =eptors on some W ith advancing maturity. the response becomes
men: wmplc:ot. The laleral eyes now relay mcssatcs
cells. since Ihe effects Ire anlapiml by alpha
that lead to MSH inhibition. MlT still promotes
blockers such as phentolamine and Ihymoxaminc.
consperion, but it may additionally act on the hy·
Serotonin receptor blockcl'$ arc inefl"C<:live (1241\).
pothalamus 10 promote release 0{ an MSH inhibitor.
Small peptide! cleaved from OlIyloein ha ve been
It is likely thaI ladpole blal>l'hing occurs because
implicated as rcgulatort or MS H $Ccrelion (66). but
the animals synthesize M l T in Ihe dark. but Clnno!
their roles are contro.ersill (see C haps. 3 and 19) .
yel use pholic signals 10 inhi bit its 'c lease . Most
The pineal gland contai ns and il make
adult a mphibians d<l not become pal. whe n they Ire
active peplides of t his kind. It has also
transferred to dark environm. nu. Their melano-
been suggested tha t MLT affeelS the release of
phores lose the se nsitivity 11) ML T, and adapta lions
MSH regulators made elsew here. pineal
to backgrou nd involve mostly ch.nges in Ihe MSH
choroid an d th e ce rebrospi nal flu ids
level<_ G ..... frog< maintoiMd for in
of some SpeclCS {i ncluding humans) are reporled 10
tanks with black bottoms and sides have high MSH
contain melanotropic-lipolropic peplides thaI differ
chemically from ACTI{ a nd MSH (167). leve ls a nd black skins. Ones thaI are brigh tly ill u·
minated and kept in wbile tanks ha . e pa le skins and
kI ..... MSH lev. Is. Sil>Ol: blinded fl"OlJO with inla" pi.
Melatonin eloa... nea l and pituitary glands d<l not make the adapta_
lions (lgS), the laleral eyes probably pick up mQSt
Bioassays tlLll dete<;( minute quantilies of
of the s ignals ( 198).
inlJ" agenli were dc",iopcd long before the chemical
of pincallJland hormones _ known. They
ha\'C been largely rqIlaocd by men: tOphist icated
OUte r RlI9ulalors of Pigmentation
techniques (99).
The S-poinl ITItla noc:yte (M I). which is The «IfItroi mechanisms vary widely aCf"()$$ tbe ipe-
baud on the Ippea,..1>OI: of the cells following Ire,n · aC$. Suggestions that the a mphibian pars t ubcrllis
menl ,..jth the tesl Blcnt, provides I scmiqulnlilati\'C 1eCn:ICS a "W sllbs/ona" or ITItlallOC)lle<onccnt,..t-
measure of Ihe potency. Cells ,..jth muimlll1y Ig· ing hor"""", (MCH) distinct From MlT come from
gregated melal105Olt>eS I rc Aid 10 be punclolr. studies inyulving selective removal 0{ hypophysial
whereas ones with maxilTlllJ dispersion I re c lassifM:d components (140). ACTH _msto be lhe primary
as "lieu/tilt. The three intermed iate stages In: .... imulatOf of melanogenesis in some 0{ the filhes.
punctatMtellate, $Ie llate, and slellltc:.reticulale PR l is implicated lL'Ia regulalor 01 ACTH secrelion
(74). in cenain of them and Il$ a difC(:t stimulant for u n·
tbopllores in others. PRL .nd ca n innu.
TIle obvious drawbocks 01 the Melhod include subjec-
IIv;ly nd Impreeis;"". f'hoIometr;C t.chniq .... lhll w«e ence molting in some animal types, and thyl'QJ.ine
subsequenlly inlroducod did IlOl .lim;"'I. III or Ih. pr0b- Iw also been observed 10 promote melanosolTlt di$-
lems. It was 500d lhal infllKnct$ of lhe tesl persion in a few. promote consper.
5ubslll'leet 01\ iric!ophotCl IlI"eet the readilllS. I nd Ihl l sion in mOSt of the CC10thcrnu, and paling reactlon$
variable. such as lhe li lol from which Ihe colll",e laken. to frigbt have been linked with thit, However, the
the agel of the Ini mal •.• nd thc "".son of llIe ye.r same substances disperse melanosomcs in certain
markedly Iher Ih. """,i,i.ities. species. Additional regulators thaI can affect the
functions of pigment cells include g()nadal steroids. functions that undergo diurnal variati()lIS. There is
gonadotropins, and prostaglandins. good evidence for pineal gland participation in the
I3ct()thernts capable of engaging in rapid or elab- fine controls. at least in reptiles, birds, and
orate responses often possess chromatophOfel; that mammals.
are singly or dually inncrvated. Catccholamines are It has been suggested that desert li7.ards use their
the major neurotransminerll, and ..... and ,8·type ad· epiphysial complexes primarily for thermoregulation
renergic receptors can he present in varying propor. (123). Their se nsory systcms inelude well..cJevelopcd
tions. Generally. activation of the ,8 types to "parietal eyes" that sefVC as "photothermal dosim-
cAMP genemtion and melanosome dispersion, eters." "true" pineal organs that arc highly sensitive
whereas the a types mediate oppo$ing effeclS. 10 red light. lateral eyes that pick up yet different
In some cases, the cells lack hormone recept()rs. J n forms·of photic information. and thermoreceptors
others, those regulators Can either modify the that are affected by both internal and environmental
of neurotransminers Or affect mostly pigment pr(l- temperatures. Projections to the hypothalamus. thai·
duct ion and cell growth. Vertebrate chromatophores amus. and other brain regions relay signals that
that are not innervated Can display pha rmacological modify behavior as well as pbysiological processes
responses to neurotransmitters. (For cxample. frog (143). The circuitry is complex. and it is only par-
cells are not believed to be physiologically acted tially understood.
upon by acetylchol ine, but that agent promOtes me. The parietal eyes evidently provide protect ion
laoosome dispersion.) Tail-fin ehomatophorcs of am- against the development of hyperthermia. l.izards
phibian larvae are among the cel1lYpes that are di_ deprivcd of their functions bask in the sun for longer
rectly affocted by light (l96A). time periods than sham.operated controls. even
Photoreceptor! sense much more than intensity when environmental temperatures are maintaincd at
and wavelcngth. light that directly stri kes Ihe lat- constant levels. They also seek out warmer surround-
eral eyes impinges on parts of tbe rctinas different ings when the illumination is controlled. Parietalec-
from the ones affected by background rcn.ction. The tomy is additionally reported to affect panting
term albedo designates the ratio of thc intensities thresholds, to invoke thyroid cell hyperplasia, and to
from the two SOurceS. Yet signals may be interact with the lateral eyes in the regulation of
perceived by the pineal complex and other parts of metabolic rate (143).
the brain. A rapid change in the environment can The "pineal proper" is an oscillator that seems to
promote Ihe simultaneous discharge of twO Or mOre be involved mostly In the regulation of several bio-
regulators. and it can invoke responses very different logical rhythms and the synchronizations of the pat-
from the ones that follow chronic stimulation . The terns with environmental factors. Howevcr, its func-
pigmentation systems of a few of the vcrtebrales are tions cannot he separated from those of the parietal
highly sensitive to environmental temperature. hu· eycs. Since it is impossible to remove one component
midity, or both. Many ectotherms undergo diurnal of the epiphysial complex without damaging the in_
changes in coloration, and in some these ron- nervation of the other. it is difficult to investigate the
tribute to the regulation of body temperature (140.) interactions.
MSH interacts with catocholamine receptors. and Parietalectomy is reported to disrupt (but not
pharmacological agents affecting the receptors mod· abolish) pineal_regulated daily and seasonal loco-
ify responses to the hormone. There are species with m()tor rhythms. It also removes one source of Ml T,
innervated ehromatophores in which both MSH and as it elevates HlOMT activity in the pineal gland.
cAMP promote mclanosome dispersion. others in Pinealectomiled lizards tend to seck out ccoler sur·
which they cause conspersion. and yet different ones roundings than intact and 10 have lower in·
in which no Te!lponses are secn. Killifish continue to temal temperatures. Although parietal.ctomy acts
display responses to changing backgrounds after hy- in the opposite direction in otherwise intact animals,
pophysect()ll1Y, but their melanophores respond to it the effects of pinealcctomy. Addi·
MSH if they are first denelVllted. Chameleons (with tional indicat;()ns that the pineal contributes to par-
innervated cells) do not ehangc color whcn MSH is ietal eye regulation of body temperature include the
administered in vivo. observed effects of both pinealcctomy and Ml T in-
jections on pant ing thresholds and thyroid gland
PINEAL GLAND INFLUENCES ON OTHER lizards darken when the environmental temper-
PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS ature falls. and this facilitates beat absorption across
the skin. The respon .. probably involves inhibition
Thermoregulation. locomotor aciIVity. oxygen COn· of MlT secretion. since HIOMT levels are reported
sumption. electrolyte metabolism. acid-base balance, to drop t() their lowest levels on the coldest days. (AI-
and cardiovascular adjustments are interrelated th()ugh the hormone probably does not contribute to

camouflage reactions in these animals, it can pro- nal corle."< ( 120J.) ML T injections havc less consis-
mote mclanosome C(lnspersion.) tenl effects. They have been reported to elevate the
The thermoregulatory roles of pineal glands differ temperalures in some species and to lower Ihem in
across the species in birds. Sparrow. have marked others (61).
diurnal variations in body temperature thai are syn- Sin<;c thryoid hormones affect activilY level s, ox-
chronil-cd with lhe photoperiods. Pineal.elomy do. ygen consumption, and body temperature, inftuenccs
creases the cycle amplitudes (so thai both p<:ak and on the TRH·TSH·thyroxine system are probably
trough values approach the daily mean). It alSQ abol. imponanl . Although the lilerature contains some
ishes Ihe " free-running" cycles that would otherwise apparently conflicting data, several authors have
persist in subjects kepi in thc dark. Diurnal 10;><:<,>. concluded that thc pineal exerts mostly inhibitory ef·
molor activity rhythms are also disrupted. However, feets (110. 152). The major targets may be
although the heat generated by muscular activity acting neuronS. Hamsters treated with moderate
normally contributes to daytime temperalure eleva- amounts of M LT display parallel inh ibition of repro-
lions, there arc indications Ihat the tWO functions ductive systcm and TRH functions. However. phar-
can be "uncoupled" (17). If the gland of another macological regimcs invoke down regulation of both
bird is implanted afler lhc surgery, donor rhythm' receplor types (196). In addition to reversing effects
are imposed (lOS). Dcwuclion of the SeN has COn- of blinding (A-4), there have been reports that pi-
sequences similar to the ones invoked by pinealee- nealectomy affects the Ihyroid glands of hypophy-
torny. There are findings consistent with the concept sectomized ralS.
that the SCN act in ways to regulate the Some of the links between thermoregulation and
functions. Evidently. the nuclei serve as I(1Fgels for water and electrolyte metabelism have been dted in
MLT and require intermittent stimulation. Contin- carlier chapters. The pineal gland may funct ion as
uous administration of the hormone disrupts the both a regulator and a target organ, sioee it receives
rhythms. magnocdlular nuclei projection,. It also affects Me-
The pineal gland may perform comparable func- reid metabolism and the secretion of Gil (A-4).
tions in chickeru and quail under normal conditions. It was at one lime suggested that thc pineal gland
However. the SCN can evidently utili>.e alternate synthesizes and secretes an "adrenoglomerulotro-
signats 10 maimain locomotor rhythms if the pineal pin·· Ihat directly sti mulates '.ona gtomerulQ&a <;cns
glands are excised. PinealCClomy drxs impair lhe of the adrenal cortex. 1\ is now widely believed that
ability to rope wilh heat streS$, at least during the the componenl of pineal extracts reported to e."<ert
night (143). In s/orlin8$. pinealeCOlomy disrupts but such activity is an artifact that arises in vilro from
does not abolish the rhythms, and the timing can be eyclization of 5_HT (200). Serolonin is present in
manipulated by administering MLT intermittenlly high con<;cntrations, and it Can stimulate the adrenal
(108). glands, but the observation is probably not physio-
Body temperature eydes in mOSt mammo/.r are logically relevant. Very little (if any) of the cireulat_
synchronized with Ihe p/lQtoperiods. Pinealectorny ing serolonin comes from the pineal.
can affect the synchroni1.ations to ordinary stimuli, Some other suggestions that the pineal augments
and it al$O inAuen..,s the ability 10 shirt the timing mineraloconicoid activity rome from reports that
when the environment is manipulated (even in spe- (a) pineal extracts elevale aldosterone secretion in
cies in whiCh it docs not disrupt locomotor rhythrrl$). humans and aldooiterone produclion in rats (b) pj.
At least some of the influences of the pineal gland neal glands accelerate regeneration of aldooterone-
hormones are exened on neurons involved in the reg_ secreting (but not glucortiCQid·producing) cells
ulation of glucocorticoid and growth hormone whcn they are implanted into enucleated adrenal
rhythms. The pineal gland is also affected by those glands (c) pincalectomy reversc, the sodium·retain_
and other endocrine secretions. Exposure to cold in ing effects of reserpinc; and (d) pincalcctomi1.oo ralS
some way alters the activities of pineal gland en· would rather drink a 3% saline solution than tap
zymes in rats and bats. O ne consequen.., could be water. On the other hand, different laboratories re-
modification of the signals sent to the hypothalamus port that a component of pineal gland extracts in_
(113). vokes hyperkalemia. that ML T depress .. aldoste-
MLT and MSH may both act On hypothalamic rone production, and that pinealectomy can lead to
neurOnS directly involved in thermoregulation. MSll sodium retention. Studies with ext racts must be in-
has been shown to bind to those sites in mammals. terpreted with caution. since the glands contain bi-
and exogenous hormone can lower body tempera- ologically potent substances that are not true hClr·
ture. (Glucooorticoids reduce fevers, but the doses of monCS. Ubiquinones are present in
MSH used in the studies did not stimulate the adro- quantities, and they ar<: said to inhibit aldosterone
secretion {I 52). The same substances arc made by crowded into the intersticies of the networks. They
many cell types. are more abundanl in Ihe cortex than in the medulla
Since mammals deprived of their pineal glands (Figs. 20-70 and E).
usually manage to maintain "'asonably good electro- In much of the thymus. the blood is separated
lyte balance:. it is lihly that the gland oxen. only from the stroma by nonfenestraled endothelium,
fine controls. the natu", of which may vary with the pericytes, endothelial basement membranes, perivas-
physiological stalUS. Cular spaces (that can C<)ntain macrophages, mast
The possibility that the pineal also contributes to cells. eo:;inophils, adipocytes, fibroblasts, and plasma
the "'gulation of caldum metabolism is C<)m;istent cells. as well as lymphocytes), reticular cell base-
with observations that fishes deprived of the glands ment mcmbranes. and extracellular fibrils. Although
display defects. and that hyperplasia of the calei- circulating macromole<:ules do oot readily gain ae-
tonin-sec"'ting cells and of the conse- cess 10 the stroma. cells can enter and ex it via dia-
quences of parathyroide<:tomy can oc<:ur in other pedesis. and some vessels that arC not su rrounded by
Y(:nebrates (143). perivascular spaces have fenestrated endothelium.
M LT injections have been reponed to invoke sleep The f,ndings have sparked controversies over the
onset in cats and to enhance the eife<:ls of barbitu- possible existence of a '·thymus-blood barrier"· in Ihe
rates in rats. They are also said to bring on sensa- fully developed gland.
tions of fatigue and to facilitate sleep onset in hu- The morphological diversity of the epithelium
mans. Manic-4epressive illness has been linked with probably has functional sign iftcance (17 5). The cells
abnormal MLT cycles and light sensitivity (191). differ in sizes, shapes, nuc1ear:cytoplasmic ratios,
Chlorpromazine dcpresses HIOMT. and MLT Can and associations with fibrils. Many have lysosome-
worsen psychotic symptoms (A-4). Cenain patients like bodies and nestS of vacuoles and vesicles. Some
may benefil from inc reased exposure 10 bright sun· possess granules that resemble the OneS found in
light. but administration of pincal cxtracts is said to cells Ihat secrete peptide-type: hormones. and others
help others (l5). contain smaller granules. The dilTerenccs in elcctron
densities displayed by "light"' a nd "dark'· rcticular
cells are related to the numbers of ribosomes and
tonofilaments. the chromatin distribution, and the
nature of the cytoplasmic "ground subslance·· (115).
The human thymus is a somewhat ftaltened. bilobed Myoid cells with concentrically arranged. striated.
lymphoepilhelial organ located in the antcrior me- actin and myosin containing filaments are also con·
diastium . A thin C<)nnective tissue capsule that con- si'lem ly found. (At least in birds. these are often
tains fibroblasts and collagen f'brils surrounds the dose ly associated with the cells that contain small
gland, leads into the interlobar septum. and sends granules (82{.) In the medulla. concentric arrange-
out fine extensions that subdivide the gland inlO l0b- ments of epithelial cells that can become kerati1.ined.
ules (Fig. 20-1A). Each lobule comprises an outer calcified , or cyslic form Hassal!'s corpuscles with di-
cortex and an inner medulla (Fig. 20-7B and Cl. ameters of 20 to several hundred mi11imicrom; (Fig.
Branches of Ihe internal thoracic aneries enter at 20-8).
Ihe hilus, course along the septa. and terminate in Similar glands are found in most other mammal,.
capillaries within both Ihe medulla a nd cortex. Most but there arc variations in sizes. numbers. and loca-
of the postcapillary venules drain Ihe medullary re- tions. Guinea pigs have two separate organs located
gions. There are elferent, but no alTe",nt.lymph ves- in the neck region. whereas Ihe Australian quokhs
sels{I60). possess both cervical and thoracic thymuses (Ill).
Tb<: stroma is a three-dimensional network made Birds typically haY(: 14 lobes arranged in chains on
up mostly of epithelial (fils that contain tonofibrils. eilher side of the neck. Reptiles, and
They send wtlonl!> branching cytoplasmic processes fishes also possess multiple organs. Some findings in
that join those of their neighbors. Desmosomes and "lower"· vertebrate, underlie speculations thai the
cell interdigitations strengthen Ihe stroma (which is thymuses may perform functions taken over by lhe
more abundam in the medulla than in the mammalian lymph nodes. The capsules of amphib-
The term ,."tieular is applied to the epithelial cells. ian thymuses provide only partially effective bar-
but phagocytic cells of the stroma that are derived riers, and pigmented cells commonly en ter the
from mesenchyme and lack the desmosomes and glands. tn leleost a si ngle layer of cells often
tonofibrils are called interdigitating reticulum cells separates lhe stroma from the pharyngeal lumen.
(82). The stroma additionally contains fi ne collagen- The glands can merge with neighboring muCuS-SO-
ous and relicular fibrils situated mostly in the vicin_ creting epithelium, and lymphocytes may be ex-
ity of the blood vessels. and an aSSOrtment of limited changed with IhClSC of the adjacent kidneys (lOO).
numbers of OIhcr cell types. Thynwcytes are La mpreys form unencapsulated. loosely organized
Fig. 20-7 . Sttuotu .... of thymus . KiNon. A. ",ilh 0..-. .. mIIrg .... lfIod n...e",/" Chromalin. (6) lumen 01
L.M. X 22. (I)\8 "t S<Jo1.... OJ glV><!. (2) w.,..;tlve blOod ... pillary . E. OJ thymic eone •. E.M , X .500.
septa. (3) blood v •• NI• . 1obIJ.... 8 . Port of ( I) Nuclei or """,II Ihymic Iymphocyt.... (2) "'-'OM< oj
thym;c _ . ErQ, _ t ot . '.. .....1.' to recl • • in A.
L,M. X 215. (1) Co.psule BI ourlace oj '<>00". (2) cort• • , ,.'me<lium-siu
ioJ1a, ...11,d (4)
(3) """'- or ep;th@tial
in rnito,*" ( 5)
(3) r"I'lfIoduIll. ( 4 ) H.Mall"s (tnymir;) C. SU",ey """ ...... 01 small IhymiC Iymphocyle ",ith matginalflod
ot thymic _ , 011'''' s imil", 10 ,o<:IangIo in
S. E, M , X &30, (1) Co.poulfl. (2) cortex. (3) medulla . (4)
nucleoplasm. indicating .",."",1"""
.actlOla 0< seoo<>da ry Iyocsomo in
<lMl h. (6) <lig<rsIMr
Hissall '. OOI'P<>*' .... ( 5) blOod c.P11a, ..... O. s...v.y 01 F. Sma" Ihymic Iymp/>Xyta (T oeIt) Itom
thymi<: cone • . Enlaf\l9lT>8n1 01 _rea simil. , 10 to<:llogto A in con .. 01 thy"", • . width E.M . X 16.000. (1)
C. e .M . X 1800. ( 1) Small thymic Iymphocyll •. ( 2) Heterochtomolin. (2) euchromatin. (3) nucINt perM. (.)
medilHn-sized Ihymi<: lymphocytes, ( 3) nuclei 01 ep;u..Iial
.... Iioul .. ' C<tlI • • ( 4) ma"'Ophag • . ( 5) 1hymi<: lymphocytes
""""If ",ambo'" ,,". (5) ,iboSOl'l'lU. (6) GotQi zono. (7)
milOCflOrM1rIa . (6) surl .... (Coli ) m.mtx."..
,- 1;' ...... ..... --
, So
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Fig. 20.8. Porn"" ot tfle """MI. ot 11>9 thymus gil"" ot

an 8-ye. r<>l<! bOy . An ""sinopI'OIic myeloCyte Ia iuot OIJI_
the lelt·h.,>d ot H. ... boay. EosirHIz",,, st"." X

clumpS of epithelial and lymphopoietic tissues (hal INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER EMBRYONIC
are SQmetimes referred to as "protolhymuscs." The CELL TYPES
hagfish.s 3re thc on ly members of thc subphylum
The primordia of the thyroid. parathyroid. thymus.
known 10 totally lack oomparablc cpithelio-Iympho-
aoo cells are initially in close
cytie associations. Those animals do, howe"cr. p<.l5' proximity. The extents to which thc various cell
sess some ability \0 engage in cellular immunity re·
types intermingle during the migrations that folio'"
sponses (100). differ among the vertebrate groups. The most com-
plex patterns have been described for mammals
Develop ment and Maturation
In humans, the beginnings of the medial portion.'
T hymus glands dilTcrentiate from cp itheliomcscn· of the liWroid glands can be identifIed in the pha-
chymal rudiments of the embryonic pharyngeal ryngeal noor as early as I? days postconception.
pouches in all of the jawed vertebrates. During Ihc Most of the cells lie between the ventral borders of
early slages. they closely resemble olher developing the 2nd and 3rd pharyngeal pouches (the former of
endocrine glands. They are then colon;7.ed by he- whiCh swell and provide the pharyngeal tonsils).
matopoietic Slem cells. and in most mammals lhey Small amounts of thyroid tissue appear later in the
arc the first of the "lymphoid organs" to undergo 4th pair of pharyngeal pouchcs. These can con trib-
maturation (110). Howe,·er. the hormone-secreting ute to the latera l regions of the fully formed gland.
epithelial components are retained throughout life. but most of those cells regress. During the 5th pre·
natal the inferior para/ ny,old gland primordia dicate that mesenchyme from Olher parts of the body
bewme reC<Jgni7able in the dorsal wings of the 3rd can be substiluted. Epitheliomesenchymal interac-
pair of pOuches. as thymic anlagen begin their de- tions lead to the production of an eXlraceliular mao
velopment in the venterolateral extensions. The su- trix (78) , The conneClive tissue Ihat form. the cap-
perior parathryoids arise from the 4th pair of sule and sepia originates in mesenchyme, but
pouches, along with some thymic cell precursol"$ and components from olher sources arc later in·
the aforementioned thyroid cell •. The small 5th pair corporated.
of pouches give!< rise to the fUlure calcitonin-secret- Thymic primordia are at first hollow. As the epi.
ing cells Ihat will be incorporated into Ihe thyroid thelium proliferates, cell cords oblilerate the lumina .
gland (184), Invasion by hematopoielic stem cells begins al this
By the cnd of the 61h week, hoIh the thymic and slage (before Ihc vasculature is established) (78).
parathryoid primordia lose Iheir connections with Colonizalion is well advanced beforc the end of thc
the pharyngeal wall. bUI IhymuHhyroid ligaments 3rd month in humans. at 16 days postconception in
form . As each of Ihe bilaleral clumps of Ihymus tis· the mouse, at 12 days after fertilization in the chick.
sue migrates medially and caudally towaro the me· and even o:arlier in amphi bians. In contra.l. although
diastinum some paralhyroid cells are dragged along. the palatinc tonsils accumulate precursors during
Cell segregations follOW, but these are often incom· month, 3- 5, the human spleen does not become lym-
plete (so that parathyroid cells Can be incorpOrated phopoietic unlil lhe end of Ihe 5th prenatal month.
inlo the thymus. while thymic clements may reside whi le the lymph nodes developafler birth. Siudies in
in the parathyroid and Ihyroid glands) . ne main which developing glands ,,-ere removed from toad
portion of each developing thymus component fuses larvae JUSt 5 days )lOSt·fertili1alion arc consistenl
with its counterpart 10 form a midline struclure, but wilh Ih. belief that cellular associations leading to
the caudal regions elongale. beC<Jme narrow. and the establishment of thymus funclions can precede
undergo fragmentation . Although most deteriorate. obvious accumulalions of Iymphocylic elements
SOme fragments can form small. independent masses ( I00). (Thymocyte precursors do, however. require
of tissue Or become inC<Jrporated into the thyroid considerable time to undergo the ncc<:ssary matura·
glands (90). This probably explains the frequent oc- tion once the contact is made.)
CurrenCe of small clumps of Ihymus lissue in the jaw, Pluripotential hemalopoietic stem cells can be
the base of the skull. and Ihe deeper regions of the identified in the yolk sacs of young embryos, and it
mcdia.tinum. wa. believed umil lhal lhc,c arc tho ""Ic
In biros. reptiles. amphibians, and fishe!<, the vcn, precursors of the thymocyte •. liowcver. evidence has
tral borders of the 51h pair of branchial pouches been presented for the of blood-forming
the forerunners of true ultimobranchial bod· sites within the embryonic mesoderm (93.195). The
ies. while the thymus usually develops from the dOT· cells enler the developing liver. and thcy proliferate
sal portions of one or more of the pouche •. Bird Ihy· rapidly. They may also undergo somc preliminary
muses Iypically originate in the 3rd pairs of pOuches. differentialion into large. basophilic "prethymic pro-
and Ihe parathyroid anlagen in the 3ro and 4th. In genilo,," before via the hepalic blood Ve!<Sei5.
some of the amphibians and fishe!<, pairs of thymic The cells must then leave those vessels to enter the
form. bUI some undergo regrcs;ion developing thymus. It ha. been <uggcsted that Ihe
have parathyroid gland •• and in mesenchyme produees diffusible chemOiaxins thai
these and the amphibians. Ihcre is little or no inter· act directly on the endothelium 10 facil itate the pro-
minsling of the various cell types (61 J. cess (78) . They then auract the cells to Ih. gland.
Afler the initial "seeding." the thymus enters a
"nomeeeptive" phase. during whiCh it Stops admit·
ling new thymocyte prOgenitors. The residents make
The rapid migrations of embryonic lissues that occur associations wilh Ihc epilhdium and prepare for cell
during early development make it difficult 10 resolve division, as the blood vessels for the Ihymus dcvdop
all of the controversies Over the natures of the pro- and the gland continues to grow. After an appropri·
genitor eeillypes (93). The epithelial Stroma of the ale time period has elapsed. a 'econd "wave" of pre·
thymus originates mostly from the branchial pouch cursor cell upta ke Can be demonstrated. (When
mdodeFm. but ectoderm may make a small C<Jmri· glands from One animal are implanted into another.
but iOfl in at least some species. Underlying mnr ". they become populaled by host cells al Ihis time.)
chyme plays essential roles in the support of epithe- The scC<Jnd phase of cell upta ke may be needed
lial dilTercmiation , However. although neural crest moslly to balance Ihe ralios of the various cell types
cell s migrute into the mesenchyme and participate in within the Ihymus. Another refractory period fol.
the formation of Iht tissue. slUdies with explants in· loW!; . Some of the residents proliferate rapidly. but
population growth is restricted in tWQ ways: (a) up differentiation. while others will be used later when
to 95% of the progeny die within the gland, and (b) Ihe cells perform their immunological functions. The
the thymus supplies cells to the periphery. Some- molecule:s can be induced in vitro by presenting the
thing like 1-2% of the developing cells eventually cell$ with substances obtained from thymus glands
colonize '·Ihymus-dependenf· rogions of the spleen and with some pharmacological agents. No addi_
and lymph nodes. Therefore, although a few lym- tional cell divisions a re required. Several hormones
phocyles may be long lived, it becomes necessary to have been identified and a few have been chemically
renew the populations on a regular basis. The gland characterized (2,42). However, it is not yet koown
accomplishes Ihis by undergoing how many regulators are produced under physiolog-
uptake and nonroceptivity throughOut life. Late in ical conditions.
gestalion and poslnatally, most of the progenitor The processes have been studied most intensively
cells are supplied by the bone marrOw and these are in mice. Studies on other species support the belief
delivered via the bloodstream (201). tbal the general patterns are similar for all of the
The timing of the evenlS may be necessary for as- mammals (although the specific macromolecules in·
suring that the optimum numbers of thymocyle prc- volved are different) (7S). The Tlry-I (theta) antigen
cursors are always present. According to one hypolh- appears on mOSI "prethymocyte:s (bul nOlon B-type
esis, the progenitor cells wilhin the Ihymus exert lymphocyte precursors). It can be identified on sma ll
negative feedback in"ucnces over the production of numbers of cells in the glands of mouse embryos at
the chemolaxins (93). As Ihey mature. they lose the 13 days postconception, and On 95% (including large
ability to do this. and re«ptivity is temporarily dividing ones) by day 17. During the next "age of
restored. differentiation. the cells within the cortex retain the
The demarcation of Ihe thymic lobules into cortex Thy-I. and they additionally acquire the TL antigen.
and medulla is well advanced by the 14th gestational At this stage. they are known as immatuTt Ihymlr
week in humans (77) and at a comparable develop- cy/es. The.. ce11& are highly sensitive 10 cortisol. but
mental stage in other mammals. Most of the progen- they do not display immunocompetence. Some cells
itor cells accumulate in the cortex. The epithelial within the medulla acquire immunocompelence. and
cells in that region provide conditions that favor they are referred to as "ma ture thymocyle:s." They
nopid Thi. i. ill part, \0 tho loa ouly 'lIlal! alIl<)UBI> "r TII)·_I, alld arc TL-
release of stimulanu from the epithelial cells and/or negative and resistant to cortisol. They may differ·
to the crealion by those cells of a highly special ized entiate directly from prethyrnocytes via a special
microenvironment. In time, the large cells mature pathway, but the pos.sibility that they are at some
inlO medium·sized and small lymphocytes that ac- stage TL·positive has not been ruled OUI.
Cumulate at the corticomedullary junclions. How· The Ly/ anl;8'!1IS are linked wilh funClional char-
ever, Ihere are good reasous \0 believe that a differ- acteristics. All Ihymocytes that become immuno-
ent population of proliferating cells that is limited in compelent are believed 10 be Lyt-I positive al some
size takes up residence in the medulla. stage. The T. (helper) cells relain this marker. Cy-
The onset of the proliferative phase is associated totoxic (T,) and suppressor (T,) are Lyt-2. Lyt·3
with the appearance of a nuclear terminal positive, and they are believed to differentiate from
deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdD. The Cn7.yme is Lyt-I,2,3 precursors (78). (Related, but somewhal
implicated as a mulagen that may be involved in dilTercnt Lyt antigens (109) are found on the $ur-
production of va rieties of cell types that differ in faces of "nalUral killer"' INKJ cells (69) that eon-
their abilities to make specific proteins. [t is also tribute to $Orne aspects of cellular immunity.)
presenl in bone marrow lymphocylic procursor cells
(but not in stem cells Ihat will eventually give rise to
erythroid or myeloid progeny). Hormonally active
Hu m ora l Me d letor, o f Th ymocyte Ma turatio n
thymus gland eXlracts and &OllIe purified fractions
e nd F un ction,
obtained from them can induce the enzyme in vitro.
In studies of normal human infant Ihymuses. some Early in life. the thymus plays essenlial roles in the
60%-85% of eortical cel1& (but only 3% of the mcd- devt/opmenl of the immune system. Laler. it per·
ullary ones) were observed to contain TdT (77). forms moslly mainlenanct fUnClions. In mice and
As the cell' stop dividing and undergo maturation, many other small animals with short gestation pe-
they no longer interact wilh antibodie:s directed riods. Ihe gland is mOSI obvioosly needed for a lime
againsl Ihe TdT en7.yme. Their further maturation period thaI inlo the first postnatal week.
wilhin Ihe thymus is associated with Ihe appearance Neonatal thymeClomy permanently impairs the abil-
of speciftcsurface antigens. Some are linked with the ities to rejecl foreign tissue lransplants and 10 cope
with viral and certain bacterial infections. If the sur- it is identical with a regulator formcrly called Iym_
gery is delayed until the 2nd postnatal week, the con- phocyte--activating factor (LAF)_ It is a member of
sequences are far less seriws. The animals eventu- a group of agents known as m()nokines.
ally become Iymphopcnic, but they do quite well 2 is a product of antigen activated T cells (A--6), and
under ordinary laboratory oonditions. However. they it therefore belongs to the Iymphokines. Its other
cannot restore the immune system arter it has names include thymocyte-dependent growth factor
artificially damaged by X-irradiation Or antilymph<.>- (TDGF)_
eytic sera. In humans. the --critical period" oc<;urs There are also problems involved in determining
before binh. Infants bom without thymus glands suf- the roles of '"second messengers" generated by the
fer defects oomparablc to those of noonatally thy- regulators. since a single substance can stimulate
mectomized rodents. when presented at one time and inhibit at another.
The very first humoral mediator may well be a 11 can also simultaneously stimulate certain cells
chemotaxin secreted by the cells. The types as it dcpresses the activities of others. Cyclic
epjlhelium is then believed to release substances that nuelootides have been implicated in many of the re-
promote proliferation and differentiation of thym<.>- sponses (191). and prostaglandin invoh'emcnt has
cyte progenitors. It is pc&ible. however. that cell«11 also demonstrated (58)_
oontacts are also essential for early development.
The immune functions of neonatally t hymectomi1-cd
rodents (and of oldcr ones whose glands ha"e been
destroyed) can be f"<'stof"<'d with thymus implants. Humans are said to allain thcir maximum thymus
There af"<' indications that donor tissues eneloscd in weight:body weight r3ti()S during late fetal Or early
millipore chambers permiuing movements ()f mac- pooltnatal life. As the TC.';t of thc body grows during
r()molecules but not of cell' only inoompletely sub- infancy and childhood, the glands continue to en-
stitute f()r tissue that Can be directly colonized by large-especially during the two years and
h()St Ihymocyte Pf"<'cursors. Macrophages within thc again at ages 7 through II (81). The greatest abso-
thymus are probable SOurCeS of additional Iympllo- lute weight is reported to be achieved around the
cyt..activating factors (126) . The '"education" of time of puberty.
thymocytes also requires to macromolc- Androgens and C!ltrogen, regulate immune func-
cules whose producti()n is di=ted by histocompat· tions (A-2). and they limit thymus gland size. Small
ability genes. doses of those hormones can normalize the hyper-
The epithelial cells relcase hormones to the blood· plastic thymuses of castrated animals. and larger
stream. These act on rone marrow and lymph node ones shrink the glands of intact animals. However,
cells as well as on circulating "post-thymic cells" "age involution" is said to begin as early as the 5th
(which do not return 10 the gland). Some of Ihe mol- postnatal year (when circulating steroid levelS
ecules may be identical with (lIlCS that act within the arc low)_ It in"()I,,es reductions in the thym<.>-
thymus_ The best of the circulating h()rm()nes cyte:micular cell number and oortical:medullary
include "veralthymosins. thymopoictin. thymic hu- volume rati()S. Aceumulations of adipose and
moral factor (THF). and S"rum thymic factor connective tissues in the interlobular septa beoome
(FTS) (2,42). The concentrati()llS in the blood vary obvious in young adults. They gradually invade and
with age. and the decline late in life is linked with replace much of the lymphocyte-laden cortex. Lipid-
the higher incidences of immune disorders at that rich '-foamy" cells (believed to be macrophasges) in-
time. Blood also oomains hormone inhibitors. Crease in numbers. as epithelial cysts lined with cil-
Thymocytes that leave the gland require activa- ialed or mucus cells and mast cells appear in Ihc
tion before they can perform their functions. Thc medulla.
cells respond to MHC-<::oded molecules (A-3) (as Concepls ()f Ihe magnirude of age involution in
well as to specific antigcns). There is still consider- healthy individuals have been revised in recent years.
able oonfusion concerning the numbers and kinds of The initial data Wef"<' obtained from hospital autop-
stimulants that arc required. Onc problcm is that a sies. M()St of the older subjects had been chronically
single agent can bave several names, and it may be ill or poorly nourished, and it is known that infec-
produced by two ()r more cell Iypes. An()ther is that lions. stress, food deprivation. and a wide variety of
the actions of a regulator can vary with the condi- therapeutic agents can cause shrinkage of the
tions under which it is preS"n{ed. AllemplS are DQW glands. In contrast. children and adolescents who
under way to systemati1.e the nomenclature. The come 10 autopsy are more frequently victims of ac-
term interleukin is applied to substances that are cidents or acute fulminating infections. Recent ob-
produced following leu kocyte--!eu kocyte interactions. servations made on the glands of adults who were
Each type may consist of '-families" of molecular healthy shortly before the timc of death. and on
species. Interleukin-I is made by macrophages, and biopsies of patients undergoing surgery. indicate that

substantial amoonUi of epithelium and some lym- oombined gonadeclomy·ad renalectomy have never
phocytic components al'<: present 3S late as the 71h been observed to invoke suffocalion. MorC()Ver, when
decade (8 I). infanlS do in facl have very large thymuses. the find·
Studies On other ve rtebrates demonstrale lhat ings may reflecl adrenocortical failu re. The causes of
many physi(}iogical facton inHucnces that arc SIDS are not known, but most clinicians now link it
superimposed OvCr the ones associated wilh aging with autonomic system defel:IS Ihat aff...:t the f unc·
(83) . In some spe¢ies. thymus weights undergo 0b- tions of respiratory system neurons or with fulmi·
vious seasonal cycles that have bc<:n linked wilh Ihe nating infections of the kind. Ihat are TlQt easily de-
numbers of hours of sunlight pcr day. Adul! and ju. lected by ordinary methods.
venile mule decr, fox cubs, and frogs are among the In addition to growlh hormone and prolactin.
animals observed \0 bve lowesl weights during mid- physiological rcgulators that can increase Ihe of
winler. The glands shrink during Ihe m()lling ....,awns the thymus include progcsteroll<' and mineraloconi-
in birds. and Ihe enlargements that occur during Ihe coids. These may act. in part. via interferenl:<' with
post-breeding periods 3re oflen uninnuenced by gon- the binding of glucocortiooids to tlleir reaptors. hut
adectomy. Ther<: are also diurnal variations in thy- high-affinity progesterone receptoTS have been
mus "",ighls (I 71 ). Tadpolc metamorphosis is pre- idenlified .
ceded by a sharp reduction in thymus tissue. In trinsic characteristics modify the responses to
Extreme involulion has been described for salmon Ihe microenvironments (43). Glands la kcn from in·
during spawning. and s imilar cbanges can be in· fant donors conlinue to grow in hoots whose own thy·
voked in nonspawning individuals by performing muses 3re undergoing involution. whereas glands
gonadcclomies. laken from old animals fail to undergo "rejuvena·
Glucocorticoids consiSlenlly invoke dose.depen. tion" when Ihey arc implanted into young hosts.
dent reductions in the weights of mammalian thy· Each lobule possesses some aUlonomy Ihal is mani-
in many species, and Ihe phenomena have fested by the persistence of a fairly constanl corti ·
been uiled for bioassays. (Ther. ar.. bowever. cal ;medullary ratio. When one lobe is destroyed.
marked differences in the responsiveness of "corli· there is no ooll!;istenl compensatory hypeTlrophyof
and ··corticoid·resistant" mammals; the Olher. If many young thymus glands arc im-
humans belong 10 the second category.) Tbe eff...:1S planted into a single =ipienl. each can continue 10
differ in some ways from those that follow eslrogen grow as if it were pre.sent alone, The thymuses of old
or androgen administ ration . and combined adrenal- adre nalcctomized. gonadectomized. or doubly oper_
...:tomy·gonad...:tomy invokes more impressive Ihy- ated animals arc larger tllan those of age-matded
mus gland hypertrophy than either proc<::du re alone. sha m-operated oont rols, but they are smallcr than
Involulion associated wilh food deprivalion is re- ones found in operaled young adults.
lated in part to elevated gluCQCOTlicoid levels. How. The phy.iologicol signijicanl:t' of involu tion is !lOt
ever, chronic conditions also 10l'l<:r Ihe concentra- 1'1<:11 underslood. It has been suggested Ihal older
tions of (or responses 10) growth hormone. prolactin. persons need smaller thymuses because they have
and of other regulators that promote thym us gland accumulated more peripheral "memory" cells. How·
enlargement. Un kTIQwn factors can affect the influ· ever. certain problems such as the increased tenden·
enees otherwiile associated with the nutritional StalUs cies to develop autoimmune disorders and to bar'oor
and steroid hormone levels. It has been reported that malignant tumors have been linked with deteriora·
the glands of marmots undergo involution during tion of the glands. and hormones obtained from thy·
preparations for hibernation that are associated with mus extracts Can exert beneficial effects (A·I),
gonada l inaelivity. decreased secretion of glucocor· Although it ileems reasonable to oonclude that
liooids. and ac<:umulation of fat reserves (g3). "age involution" is associated with decreased func-
Pa thologica l conditions in which the gland en· tion. gland Si1.c and lymphocyte content in younger
larges include aUloimmune disorders such as myas- individuals may be inwrst ly related to Ihe ability to
thenia gravis and some forms of hyperthyroidism. exert some important influences. It has been sug·
Sudden infant death syndrome (SlOS. crib dcath) gested that thymocytes or their precursors inhibir
was at one time believed to T<:$ult from suffocation the release of hormones made by epithelial cells and
ileoondary to thymk hyperplasia (status Ihymolym· thaI the hypertrophied glands of castrated animals
phaticus). The idea has been discarded for several con/ain. but do nol se<:rete. large quantities of cer·
reasons. Studies on large numbers of infants re- tain regulators (36), The presenee of steroid hot-
vealed that thymus glands are normally within thc mone receplors in the glands, the sex-related differ_
range found at autopsy in many victirru; of SIDS ences in Iheir numbers, the changes in the numbers
(22.23). Hyperplast ic glands of animals subjectcd to with age and following experimenta l manipUlations
of the endocrine system. the existence of a popula· low concentrations, some regulators may be secreted
tion of ceils that responds to androgens but is !'<:Sis- in physiologically significant amounts only when Ihe
tant to gluOOCOTtiooids (130). and the sex·related dif· glands are strongly stimulated.
ferences in immune responses (191) 3re all
oonsistent with the oonc<:pt that gonad-<liroxted in-
volution is physiologically important.
Anempts have been made to link glucocorticoid Indications that the thymus glands play important
cffecl$ with the ability to cope with stress (Chap. 6). roles in differentiation of the ovaries were presented
It has been suggested that (a) the epithelial cells re- in Part V. Abnormalities described for congenitally
lease mOre of SOme substance that contributes to sur· athymic mice include low pituitary and blood levcls
vival during limes of emergency; and (b) thymocytes of FSH and LH, delayed vaginal opening. reduced
discharged from the gland mediate as yet unspeci· numbers of Functional ovarian follicles. and prema·
fied functians by either carrying chemica! messen· ture loss of fenility_The conditions can be corrected
gers to peripheral organs Or interacting with the cells by implanting thymus glands SOOn after birth ( 145).
that they contact. One problem with the concept is In previously healthy mice, thymectomy performed
that lhyme<:tomy performed after the critical period 2-4 days after birth invokes ovarian dysgenesis.
for immune system maturation exerts only subtle in· depression of the gonadotropin levels, premature
Huences over the ability to cope with acute s tress. aging of the reproductive system. and tendencies to
Another is that sustained influences of glucocorti· develop ovarian tumors (11 2) . The surgery is !lOt ef·
coids that lead to extreme shrin kage of the gland and fective if it is delayed beyond that time. Related in·
lymphocyte depletion Can impair the ability 10 resist fluences of thymectomy have been described for rats.
infections. In severely debilitated patients, there are and ovarian dysgenesis been found in women with
circumstances under which the administratian of congenital athymia.
glucocorticoids can be beneficial. even though the As discussed in Part V. neonatal injectians of an·
thymus glands 3rC involuted . The enlarged thymuses drogen. Or estrogen. interFere with reproductive sys-
seen in adrenocortical insufficiency States are often tem maturation. Female rats treated in this way do
incapable of carrying out their immune functions. not establish normal ovarian cycles after attaining
It has been widely assumed that chronically ele- adulthood. injections of thymus gland cell suspen·
vated steroid levels account For stress·associated im- sions are reported to provide protection again't the
pairments of immune responses. However. adrenal· effects of those Slcroids {84).
eetomi"ed ralS gi"en corticosteroid pellets that Several findings suggest links with the immune
release constant dosages of hormone during control functions. The ovarian follicles of neonatally thy·
and Stress periods. and even stressed hormonc-defi· mectomi ,,,,d mice become heavily infilirdtcd with
cient adrenaloxtomi"ed animals show some suppres- lymphocytes. and antibodies directed against oocytes
sian of immune responses (although they do not be· can be identified (112). Moreover. thymosin fl. can
come Iymphopenic) (80A). Moreover. stimulate Ihe release of LRH (144). (Thc same pep-
proliferation responses to mitogens were observed to tide affects lymphocyte differentiation, but other
be in rats given no control over the elec- thyrn(ll;in with higher potencies for s uch ac-
trical shock stress. whereas ral! exposed to stimuli of tivity do !lOt stimulate LRH
lhc same intensities but given the opportunity to Thymus-gonad interaetions may be exerted at
thcn terminate the stimuli did not display the severalleveis. and the possibility that thymus glands
suppression (9IA)_ Different kinds of interrelalion' secrete hormones that seioxtively regulate hypotha·
ships are suggested by observations that athymic lamic. adenohypophysial. or gonadal functions has
mice havc adrenocortical deFects (135). In SOme pa. not been ruled out. Indirect effcets are suggested by
tients with adrenocortical insumciency. generalized observations that thymus glands takc up estrogen
cach •• ia acCOunt, for some of the immune system conjugates and release Free estradiol (159), while
dysFunctians. In others. the steroid deficicncy is neonatal thymectomy alters the secretions of growth
known to be caused by autoimmune destruction of hormone and other regulators that modify responses
the adrenal glands. to gonadotropins. The estrogen receptor< of fetal
The name rhymoslalin has been given 10 a sub- thymus glands are believed to play roles in thymus
Slance that can inhibit thymosin aClions (98). AI· differemiation. while those of adults are known to af.
though it has not been established that thymostatin fcct immune functions (174).
is a true hormone. its discovery raises IWO possibili· Very young male rats and mice secrete androgens
ties: (a) the qualitative nature of the thymus emuent that "condition" the hypothalamus For it, Future
can vary under physiological conditians; and (b) roles in regulalion of the reproductive Nec-
since high conecntrations of thymus gland extracts natal castration "feminizes" the hypothalamus. but
can exert effects different from those obtained with steroid hormone injeetions during the fin! week after

birth do not block reproductive systcm development. ratories that are temperature-eontrolled but exposed
I n animals with intact gonads, neonatal thymectomy 10 natural sunlight. Animals born during the sum·
lowers plasma FSH and Llllcvcls ( 144), but sper- mer months and autopsied at 7 weeks have greater
matogenesis is established after puberty (137,1 38). body weights and heavier 3<xessory reproductive or-
The growth of thymus glands after the gaM with higher enzyme activities and citrate con·
"critical periods" for establi.o;hmen t of e<=llular im- tents than ones born during the winter. Thymectomy
munity and the persistence of androgen receptors further increases the parameters when it is per.
throughout adulthood suggest that interactions with formed on 31-33 day old sum mer animals, but it
the reproductive syStem extend faT beyond the peri- does I10t have this effe<:t in the winter (115). The
natal period. Somc indications for regulatory roles (XlSSibility that piMal glands exert inAuenccs in the
that may involve interactions with the adrenal cortex winter Ihal limit growth and mask or oppose the ef.
and pineal gland are cited later. feets of thymectomy has been considered. (Since rats
Hooded male rats enter a rapid phase of accessory do not undergo the kinds of reproductive system in-
",productive organ gTOwth when thcy arc approxi- volution described for hamsters and SOme other spe-
mately 6i1 weeks old. If they are subj«ted 10 skarn cies, such influences of the pineal gland could favor
thym«tomy at that time, maturation is transiently survival of animals born at times of the year when
arrested (102). T he response is pmoobly physiolog- food is scarC<!. in part by reducing food rcquire-
ically appropriate, since the surgcry involves sub- ments.) Other indications of pineal-thymus interac-
stantialtrauma, and metabolic reserves should be di- tions come from observations of adrenale<:tomized
verted to the processes of recovery. animals maintained in continuous light. In these.
The rne<:hanisms ntay be linked with the release melatonin injections alfe<:ted feeding and urinary ex-
of glucocort icoids. si ne<= animals that arc also unilat- cretion rhythms in thymectomized. but not in sham-
erally have prostate glands. semi- thymectomized rats (68).
nal vesicles. and other structures similar in sizc to Thyme<:tomy performed after day 34 does 1101 ac-
those of unoperated controls. Moreover. inje<:tions of celerate reproductive system maturation. As was dis-
moderate amounts of corti$Ol\e delay the maturation cussed. a diffe rent kind of reaction can be invoked if
in both operated and unoperated rats (101). In con- the surgery is delayed until around 45 days, after
trast, rats Ihymecmmized at 610 weeks continue their which refractoriness is again manifested. Age-de-
reproductive system maturation. When they receive pendenee has been demom;tra ted for thymeclomy in-
the same cortisone d(l:!.ages, wound healing is de- fluences exerted on the ovaries and On the immune
layed. However. altered "'ponses to the glucocorti- system. Similar phenomena have been observed for
coids, rather than changes in plasma levels, are sug- responses to pineal gland hormones. For example.
gested by other observatioM. Although all operated ML T injections affect rat reproductive systems duro
rats tested a few times after surgery had plasma cor- ing pOStnatal days 20-4(1, but nOt before or after
ticosterone levels greater than those of controls, the that time (89). While the underlying me<:hanisms
differern:es between thyme<:tamized and sham thy_ may be differe nt (162), inhibitory influences on the
mectomized rats were not statistically significant rcproductive system arc also age-linked in hamsters.
(177). It is likely that only the right combinations of cir_
The d=ribe<i effects of both Ihyme<:tomy and culating hormonc level5 and target organ re<:eptivi.
sham operation are =n only in animab prepared to ties can support the responses .
entcr a rapid phase of reproductive organ growth. Additional indications of thymus-adreoocortical
They are not seen in the SlIme Slrain if the surgery interactions have been providcd by different kinds of
is performed at 4i1 to 6 weeks of age, or if it is de- studies (25.36,41.44,52).
layed until after the 7th week. tn Wistar rats that
undcrgo the maturation somewhat later. the effects
of the procedures can bedemonstrated at 7-8 wuks. THYMUS GLAND INFLUENC ES ON OTHER
The thymus may exen different kinds of inAuences
on aging animals. siru:e prostate glands (but nOI The early literatu", contains numerous observations
seminal vesicles) can be very much enlarged in consistent with antagonism (38) .
hooded ralS several months after thymectomy at age Thyroid hormones promote tadpole metamorphosis
(104). Zinc rates and some re· (49), and it has been reported that adding bils of
sponses to gonadotropin inje<:lions are also modified thymus to the food counteracts the effe<:1S (63.190).
in adults (164). Thyroid gland hyperplasia and reduction in colloid
&ason-<lependent inHuences of thyme<:tomy have COntent. along with elevated serum protein-bound io-
been observed in younger male rats raised in labo- dine conient and elcvated metabolic rate. have
described in thymeclomized guinea pigs (36). More· functions of adel1Ol1ypophysial somatolropes (14).
over, it has been stated thaI thymus gland extracts Mice born without Ihymus glands grow slowly. and
can counteract some signs of hyperlhryoidism (such they have IOVI circulating growth hormone COnCen·
as creatinuria). Thym us feeding also opposes T. cr· trations ( 112). The bone defects in nc<>natally thy-
fe<:ts in chickens. However, T, increases Ca l. up- mcctomi'.ed have been linked wi th defective so-
lake and cAMP production by thymocytes (A-5), malotrope functions (13). It has been suggested thaI
and some of the more reCent Sludie, ,uggesl that when exogenous Iymphocyles ameliorale Ihe condi-
thyroid funclion i, depressed in athymic mice. The tions. they do so by acting On the endocrine a. wen
condition, under which the measurements are made as the immune s)·stems ( 136). Growth hormone, in
probably profoundly alTect thc kindsof data Ihnt can turn. is said to be "thymolropie" (191) . si nce it pro-
be COllected. In the Ihymcctomi7.ed rats cited previ- motes growth of the gland.
ously. '''1 uptake was observed to be sign ificantly el· Suggestions that thc thymus affccts calCium "Ii>-
evated 18 days after the su rgery but 001 at seve ral lobo/ism come from studies performed in many spe·
other times investigated (105). cics. Salamander larvae are said to develop hypocal·
The concept thaI the thymus gland plays roles in e<:mic tetany if they are fed bits of thymus tissue
the regulation of .f()malic grow/It and dtllf/opmenr of before, but not after. they have acquired functioning
juveniles grew oul of observations that the gland is parathyroid gland, (189). Weak. fragile skektons
large relative to the body si'.e during the times when have been described for tadpoles. puppies. mice. and
bones are rapidly elongaling and body weight is in· rabbits .ubjected 10 thyme<:tomy at early ages (38 ).
creasing. Some early anatomical studies of the d- but not all early studies in mammals can be ac-
fects of thymectomy performed during the juvenile cepted. It has been pointed OUI that puppies were
period failed to support the notion (127.128). i\ few often raised in cagCl that did not permit adequale
studies purporting to demonstratc that fecding thy· exercise.
mus tissue aeecierates growth must be discarded be- Thymectomy performed during Ihe juvenile pe-
cause of unsalisfactory designs. I n the riod slows Ihe rate of removal of injectcd calcium
days when investigators worked withoul commer· gJuconale in rats (50). a nd it increases the suscepti-
cially prepared diets and research grants, control an- bility 10 development of cardiovascular nccr05is in
imal' were often underfed (as judged by modern rats with secondary hyperparathyroidism resulting
standard,). Therefore. Ihe effects 01 Ihymus supple· from renal inju ry (1 03). Patients with myasthenia
ments may be related solely 10 the nutritional con- gravis and en larged thymus glands have calcium and
tent of the preparations. phosphate metabolism defects, and thymic extraCIS
Unfortunately. some publications Ihal appeared can affcct the hlOXld cone<:ntrations of tbose minerals
in the 1930s caused so much oonfusion Ihat research (172). Thymus glands arc reported 10 contain calci·
in Ihis area was _ir!Ually arrested for a lime. Exper- (57) and other hypocalcemic peptides
iments were deseribed in which rats were thymec- (116). Interrelationsh ips with calciferols were cited
tomized, permitted to atlain adulthOXld. and Ihen in Part IV.
bred. The procedure was repeated several timCll. and Thymus glands have additionally been linked with
it was Slated thaI with each s uccessive generation, the regulation of sodium. polassium, chloride, and
the offspring .howed progressive reduclions in birth water balane<: (76). Observations that they synthe-
weights, vigor. and rates of growth and maturation. heparin·like mucopolysaccharides (32) have
In contrast. when thymus gland extracts were given been linked with immune functions. However. il has
to successive generations of intact animals. there been found that heparin injections affecl water and
were progressive changes opposile in direClion . ele<:lrolyte in rats and
(Eighth·generation "Mnales were .<aid to average that the effects are exaggerated by thymeclomy
6.5 gram. in body weight. 10 possess teeth and (Chap. 10). Mast e<:lIs of many species contain hep-
opened ears. to open their eyes at 1.5 days, grow hair arin and histamine. and responses to stress are re-
by day 2. and have descended testes by day 2 or 3. ported to include the conversion of cenain of the
In contraSI. newborn controls weighed 4.6 gram s. lymphocytes 10 such cells (40.41). Thymcctomy se-
Their ears opened on days 2.5-3.5 and their eyes on verely depletes plasma heparin levels (53), it affccts
days 14_17. Teeth began to crupI at days 8-10, hair lipoprotein lipase activity (51). and it enhances the
growth be<:ame visible at J2- J6 days. and the lesles tolerances of rats to eXOgenou s histamine (169 ).
descended on days 35-40 [166].) It was addilionally Several hypotheses can be advanced \0 explain the
staled Ihat pineal gland extracts invoked dwarfing. involvement of the thymus gland in so many differ·
NOI surprisingly, numerous attempts to reproduce enl physiological processes. first. the roles in e<:llula r
the findings were unsuccessfu l (122) . immunilY require that Ihe thymocytes make proper
More reCent investigations in othcr laboratorics distinction. between " se lr' and ··l1On·self:· In addi·
revealed that the Ihymus affects the maturation and tion to engaging in the destruction of what is "for-

eign." the cells aClively maintain self-tolerance M.thoxy.lndol." Cu".nl Statu, and Usefuln ...
(173). The pr<)CeSSCS may involve interactions with in Physiotogical aod Clinicat tigatiOIl$. pp.
247-60 of Oksch. and PhC1, .d$.. ,.rerence t25.
all OIher cell types within the organism. Second. it is
6. Kappers. J. A Su .. ey of Ad.a", •• in Pi·
now rerognizcd that cell differentiation is closely Rese.rch. Chap. t. pp. 2-n of Reitct, ed .•
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stimulation: Synthetic and Biological Modulato .. tion$ and Clinical Correlalion •. t·nt/"",. Rn. 5:
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Major references appear in bold type.

A. ,I"" •. «II. (... GIUCOJ.OII). 3S. for a""""'""""""",p,,,' <omplc,c>. "",,,,,pill pou<hc .. 508
"".rm>eokl$i<al.",." u>«l '"
for <'''oc<fl-tC«:P"" c-..",pk, ... 666
for pr<lJC"'l<rono·""",pIOr compte ....
"",Io""ion of. ..., p"b<ny OIl ...
Ih),m".. ""'''.
11l-4. 38'
"",,,,,,,,,,icoid, . nd.

A,. <1<1 .. . D. «II. (>« Som01","'in,).

3S.57. ISS. 1$9 ••
for Ih)'ro;d i"K>nnono •• 7S9- 762
"CE (..., ",","",n,in conveninl
F.llopi.n _.6. 16.
107. 509. 5 IO. 5U. S2.l. Hi.
A23187. 011«" OIl SUo 150. SS I. 611. 611·1. 6H
Acnl bindin, '" """'p'C.... 113
",("TH "i",olo';", of ""o;doc<lI<>i .. "'<<"<SO')' ",()o"O<lucli,.. o...,n.
<n,y"",). 18·9. 3<11. )43
,<. <K). m. 501.
684. 715. 716. 8).4
p;n<.I . nd.669.847

'" '" <.... 1.0<. '" I •Ow"'" '" 1,."-"".,,••.

• lOO>lCron< >CCfC\;on. l so. I
caldum "'''' .... 411
ond,,,,,,. "im.lotion. /r01
pr<1>U,i,1 ,t,nd .. 509
",,,,ium up .. "'.'po" ""'''''
. nd"""nodiols.nd ""II
proIil<rolion. S15
r>rol..,lin =<pIO.... 197
prO$l'l< ,t.nd. %. 509. 51), SI '. S19.
m;'octlon,hio.190 CO"""n''' I;'''' required 10 S19. S84. 601. 6Ol-l. 603·
vow,h ...,"";0'. 1\10. 79<1
in,ol;. =reI iOll. 19l
PTH ><>:«1"". 4(>7
m. inlO;n. SJ5-1i.
II«reI;"n. S)S
.n" 9.709. 834
",,,,,urn. S08. Si l. S19.
S1I. 609.

""pon ... '0 hormon<s. 111 1<".,.,,"'.... Sl6. 601 .. ",;n. 1 96. 106.12J. 509.
"'''Sil. ad",n. 1.odtO$<n ...,,...,i.. .. <ndocrin< ",nd,. m -Io SIt. S3S. S79. sro. SIll. S%'
"'I. A ·I!. A ·IIl. ...,An,iQlOn.;n.!. II
bulbou,...,h",1 (CO",,,,,,',) ".nd•. m . ,.,.,.i<s601·2
v.ri.,ion,. 5(17.\ 10
• odlll.11·9.3<l1 <h,"'; .. 5(19. 51 l. "S. 52_ rd'l;"n,hi.,. '0 pm<1< numbo ...
"'AG. doo<>. 508. II S. S13. Sl9 5(17-510
blOO<l «>O«.">I Oon .. eorti>Oi biod i. &. copol.lOI)" <><pn •• 507 ,,<roO:! m<"boI i, m in. % . IlS
""ni,. \08. 511 . SIS. 519. Sll. S41. "1<,... .l4'. .148. 16 I. .108. 5(19. SI0.
",bort;.,. indll<1io.·O<I .•ynlhc' i< 1./0
S49. lSI. 609
<rc1ic. 1 <"""I<' in <"*2_
S 13. SB. S40. 621. 621. 634.
66Z. 664. 665-3. 681. 68s-1lO.
PO •• aloe>. 112. 710 dep<n<l<n« "" ",nadal hormon<>. Q91. 101. 703. 8)1
Abortion . • pon .. "..,... W, "/llin •. 509. SIO. Sil. S15. 513. 533.
.neuploidy. pOI»,oid)' ond. 5(ls. <i;ff<"'"t;O(;"" of. 6. 513. 601 661·1.667·8. 711.114
<lhyl .1<0lI01 ">«I to .vo>id. 712 i nd;ff<rc'l 'I>£<'. S I I ·1 IJ "'«I• • oI,m ide. J27
10,..1 ph . .. <kf«I" FSH. nd. 6S3 ;n rom,lo 12l-4 PTH·li);< o<lion .. 410
o,·. ri«tomy.I.,eC<1omy .nd. 706 in m• ., m. mnul •. S I&-S1(l ,"os)'n, h"";" 1M. 167
PfOI<"os<n, ovoid. drew "" fclo'.
",I.. in prol«1ion .p;n". 710 ;n Tfm
in oo,,,,",m, I;•• "'''<OCoI<>' 124-

add",i .. nd. 1.1
d<hyd .. ,;on and. 166
""'''')'icbol in<
"l>O i<. IUDs 'od. 721 cpicnd)'",i .. .108. Si l. \ 16. \35. 5J6. action •
•," oui", of <mbr)"os. f01 50(; 11S·s(). 136. 601·2. 621 . 68l. <ak,"m . nd. Il1. 410
",liP (..., "'odt<lS<" bind in, pro'ein.).
M::" T. o<eI)'I-CM-ocyll r.ln.f<r.lS<
o,,"'!rn'" S(11·SIO
in m.1<>, 601
"'mat", .. ,in .nd. 61
aJOO;"" ,n"ron;,.. (... "'I"",n<).
n. 261 . 26.4. 331. 19S. 768.
;n 0<11'< • • 1eon«. 2» m,m",",,), ,tand' 6. ll. 16. l11. 121 . 79!.852
i. 0" >1)". 6)S 3.10. m. 386. 393. 430. 440- 1S
""'«pt",,- no<"'''. r.,.. h.,..",o .. I J9- 449. \08. S4S. S49. 644. MS. i«;,hi n .nO. IJ
68, . 70S. 711. 112. 11S. n 4-'. 5«()nd m<",<"I<' . 13-4. l83.

",ici"m .nd. lJ9 7)0, 800, 83<1 164. 811

"c<t)'leh<>li"" l«lm_l fa")" :Kids, 169 morpholo&icol ,"'nge •. 6S4-S

rompo,"" with lIormon<>, 5 kOlon<S. 16(;. 1.7 zinc.nd.121
de",n,iti»t"" to, 141 melatonin, JS ,poe,,", ditro",nces. SW
"<"<I)'I ..",tcoin. ro.'AS. (sec N_
<>10,"= ACT II. IIdrenocortirolropin.
in h)'poIh, .. iH """')'I,,,noni n). S, 306. S_B. <oni<ol""";n. 4, 41
in nu<Icl, lSi .nti",,,,, dr"", of. lSI
;nhibi,."..,r. )(IJ Ao<" 'II ... n.f...,, . NAT. sec N· bi ndi", to """''''.".. ""lei"",. nd. 2 J 3
in pi"".1 &land" 849. US " '01) i,,,,
",fo",,,, to MSII =<pi.".. 8 J I
in SCro.' .• nd liJh' e!lt<" 00 pine.1. Mid-Rase Ral,""" biN,say.l5S

i nfi """...,. CO
catochol.min< ')"nth<si .. 291
f"'ton .1f«1i".
cal<i"m l26. 40'), 41l'"
« II
82. 8(,.7
"'u"'''. lS9. 591
O<1;">lo<llymphoC)" ... II*
,h'<""'ato()hort$. 811. 873 d;OI. lJ2 porS, 'yo«. 824. 827
dopami .. into,ocuron •. "u,,,,,,,,,iroid,. III , 22 2. III chromophobo-s and. 8:10
'Y"'pothet ic ')'''0''. 23 1·2 in."li",161.165-163 pOrS lub<: ... 827. 8:10
food in11k<. 841 teton<>, 166.1, III ffiMC , 0<1. 258. 824
"..clei. 8).4 al<los"""'" on(\. 33 I ,hemi"ty. '),pOS. 8l
.mooth mu",l<. mioo .. locortiroid., 321 pop<i"'" ",I.. "" '0. 49. 253
.n.....,i."'.274 , Ido."""",. HI. 332 c"""",,ic ACTlt, h"CTII, 70S
"",ium tn n$pOn. 38) pa"'lh)'mid hormor.c, ll,!l MSI!. 817
inRuon"".,. rele,se . ...,.,ion of
"OH .)88, Ol
""t... iu",. 326. }l7-$
>tn".. 221
])O<oncies or v.,iou. fom". 88
function. 1S<e inn"" .... on lId",nol
CRH. 261. 16-0 h)""".n. "'.lOboIic ""'1«$ of. 3lS 2Sl
doparnin,.131 inn""n",. on ""'in. 258. 390-1
bon< """"n"" 10 !'Til. 469 ph.rrn>«>kllkal .,.,nlS . lI«1i".
<>,«hobmi .... nd, 194 <>leif"",1 """.boIi.m. 437. 453 O)'.""'oto ... m01)..."])OII<.l4O,
I ",h )"d",,)"Ia>< act i, ity. 411
v<>Wlh hormone. 192
ooid. 310
insulin , 19S. 1%-1.101
<>lei"m bal,""". ,,""'tion. 40'1
PTH .nd, 488
'" 239. 240
in o", ... to nucH &.\6
59H cole,u," ioni",i"". 431 in J"'. 153
"'fJ"<.6S8 ,,"ron<q<l\<'Oi,;n ,he I:idn<y. 183 in 1"'" ;ntcrrno<lia. S)
ox)''''''in.U4 1»'''''.10 «Jnve";"" '0 l"tolO, 185. inn""
panereat;'; poi),pop<id<, 1&9. 101 m adon)'I." ... lSS
proloo'in.l9! "'n in""nJio"n'in .,.<om . 339 ad", .. 1 cone,. so.
4, II S.
somalo·""in ,101
in<ono,ion, wi,h
""""n"" to 1.25-0.437
rnc<-hani'''. fe, .,.inlOini .... l22-J2'o'
Kid I nd, l55. 292
271 . mmon'''t'ncsi •. 327.9 blood lSl
dopami"". lSS. S98 blJtro,,)'''cm •. lll. 326 <>leiu", "",.k<, Intn.iocotion.
kinin ....... m. 357 e..,.,hroc),«. I" "" .nd. J1S..,
opi<>id poplidcs, J92 mitochondria .nd. l26 <>lmoo"l;n . . nd.254
ptOSU&landin.. Z94 Acidic<>' ])<Olein .. 9 <AMP JC'I<rSti"., 2S(1, ll5
",",,,tonin. J09 .nd "croid """"""" 141 «II dilf.",n,i .. ;"n. pnllir.",'ion.
som.1O. .. ,i •. 61 A<idopIIiI (0' yP/!il . ..,,; """"it) 0011.
1311. 16-0 "f 8lS. 826 cGMP I nd, 21S
"""'PI.,.... ""'in. dium.ol ,,,·Union .. of pa,.,h)'fOid ",nd., 34. 46S 'Oo""<o,ot .ide-< 01e"1I<,
SCN.nd,851 M",,"<ply. 18S
.-01<. in retu lOtion.,r
><Iren.1 medull •• S9. Ill. 2JI
bone J'OWIh. 438
<>leiferot m<"boli,m in, 440
DNA '" lS6.1
aJ""oronkoid .)'nth",.,
,u,,,,",,,,ic bolanee. 271 honno"" 790 ""''<lion. SO. 51-3, 111.151·'
pancreatic 192, 101 h),poraiJ'C'mia. in,"lin ",i."""". in foto,. LDL dqrod.ot;on .nd.

lrophic l. J4-5
"o<t)1 Co-A. A«'yl «><nz)'m. A in," 1in rocevt'" n um \>orS. offini,;e" lipopt<>tei. """'PlO .... 2S3
AtOt)'1 Co-A .,.!box)'I . ..
acti.i t y, f:Ktors .i'f«;ti", '"
m;ne,.loconiroid ooc'<lion. l41·

biolin.oil"'lc.169 ",m.tomed" 1e,,1.. 7%

181 """OIotrop< numb=, 82S
in .ulin. 169 "","atO'ropo ",,])On ... to T R II in.
p/l<><P/>Or)-lIt ion_
<l<""""phorj'lation, 169 ToBG ,yn'hni" 7lO
retulat;". off.ttY:Kid .,'n'he.i ..
"<"<, yl «><n,ymc A. Ot<¢1yl-CcA
tumor cdl ",,])Ono<> '0 TRH.
dopa"";"". J92
ro-lOctor, .lltbtlim of N" T. 85<1 formation from _rosin, SSO, 68S
ptQt •• se i"""i""ico .nd. 858·9 inh ibito" .. """t"""p<i.".. III
",ncoui"" from f. ttY :Kid .. 166 Aero",mo, 576. l78, sao, 681
"' ..... Iion f,,,," p)'",,",,<o. in,ulin .nd. ,n,ibodi .. ",i'" m.mbra",

u'" in ')'ntl><>i, of
",m])O""n", 7ll
.n,p"" "",iv.ted by",,_itotion.
U, PNMT.2'!3
cI,ole<.!<ife<Ol., I 9 ""'t;on. 6.!2. 684-t> boh • • ior. hrni .... ll8
choics"roI. H 169·7t), 131. f:KtOrS ,uPJ>(IninJ. 6.!4 bod)' <om""nlu"'. 770
in.ulin .nd, 171 _Z
h),.lu",nidue 'nd. 6.!S
blood "oco«, lIS
<.1<i"", m'lOboIi,,,, in fe,u,. 4SS
,hok>,,,,01 "", .. boli,m, 93, 2J4, U5· 1) con,roI of ","';"rn ,... n.pot!. GTP.11P
,ndom'''''um. J>«". ... 'io •• f",
h"'m" ....-c«:pl<)t o;o4i"" 119
lH 00<""'01>. S91 .... 'i"".
6-&9.90 li'hium. 370. 174
2S8 ,,,,...,io3 «toTo'ion of "",IOtonin ,
". ,"*.,,,''' m¢mlm "" p ""i"",<I<I.. 76-4
"""",,,., )"i' l>io4i.$. J37 mom br>n< p/Io<pllol ipi<!" III
""""&landi •• 102, 251 ¢'''OCCn of ",prod"""", ",¢m\H'ttn. pro, ...... 6J6
pIOtidi"" ,y"hosi •. 190 b<l,•• "", SS4 """ h)'"""),,,mie ... n'" 198
",ni. 'ut»'ra', lev,", 148 F'SH ind""'ion of o",ma,. ",. $o"oh ac,i"., io•. I tS- In
.. " ap""i,¢. J<,O «II" S32 ad",o<rP< """pion ' 00, 180
>l; i. pi"", ... ,;.,. &luoOOotl ioid .,r,m on di"'ibu'ion. 114
"<!di"",·. di ... ",. 49. 229. 2s! . .... ;n Imi •. lS8
;n o,·.ri,. (., .. , ""II" 5n
." &lu¢oooniCQid .,..""" M
som .. "m«!i. ni"'ol.,iM of
in ,pemt' lO>OO. 681
h<>m\OT>O in",,"";on, in "1ul .. "", of.
.. ni....,. SOl
s"'fOidoson,i" 253
'hyroi..! hormo .. "im"'atN
.. 1)9
poptHl<>. 133.

Mh".,iolUl honnon<>. 7. 560

"""ro''''n.m'''''rs, IS.
"tpn;20';o,,"1 androt< n" IhJ
M.mon<>, SS3--.\ ' nsiot<n,in .. J.\O
",ami"" «porion«.• nd ""pon"", "'. ",! 4J8. 4lJ. 481·3

M 'on'I)'.,.in
;n . k.k,.1 "'0",1<, 'II
<o'crhol'mi0C>.1ro 21'. J.46. 812.

'" 131. 273.114. 16J.

dopomiru:. 28S. 281, 288. 468
,yo'!I<,i, in u"''"'' """",n. '00. 70S "pi..",.,""".
Adap"'ion. to <.-ironmen' (... SI"'''. 769.804
, ,
("old. " •. S
Addi",n', di .....,. 216. 2l2. 219
."",pi""".,nnc. 119. 461.8)(;
CR H,259
"efl! 00<"" ioo.258 ¢nd........ 11H. 141.8
, ",,,immoni'p.d,77S """"'." ,'3 . .\J9. 649. MS. 690.
oo<""io. h),,,,,,,al«mea. m
di umal 26-4 i. po,kn", ",I .. i...... wi,h ,hyro'" FSH. S12" . .\J9. 649
,n,)'m.'ie <kittt •• nd. 219·241 di",... , 778 &1 ....'0 •. 119. 120-122. 184. 4S)
ad",""*,.i",, .,od.."., •. 21. .. in pi,mm"'io .. 49. 229.1S8. 818 I'o""h homI"",. i. '"'in. I 27
hyd.o,)'''''' <klici<ney. HO Menoh),poph)" i, (00< !'i,.;",),. ,o>«ifi¢ G RI!. 1'l4
"""I<i . 04. 8J6 IIonnon<> , od J9·s(! hCG. 53S. 6)6..7
I«f<,'o. , f.<I"" .1I"«,i.1. 259-260 blood 'OWl),. 41. 819·21. 824. hi".m, .... 119.161. J 14. 69Q 77(1
Ami (",,,,,,,,,,,,0), 5S. 259.260. «II 'Yl><" 41"8. 'It.. 824·830 LH. 119. HS, S91. 6).6, 6S3
384. In, 834 co"' ..... 'i.. "'<>fl>hol<>ty. 82)·824 l RII .5'16
'-';ol<o,io. J21.l4S. J59
''lini"" ... ""ocin. 1S9
<..«hol.mi.", sa
componen' "."" .uMi,i.ion •. )9"9. I)'.in< ..

MSH. 119.371

dovoiopm,.'. IJ3. 1hJ. 698, SIr.. 7.

". """",,,,,,,,,,.728
CRI!. 5J.2S9-OO. SJ.<. 843 funetion., "n,,,,' nOt"",. 40.14 PT"'''&I. odin" US. 214.346, 461,
OAMP and, 2.\9 O...,.,on. ««1>lon 'n. J2(. 35( • .\<lO, 4ll. 676, 164. NQ 19J. 794
l S2 SSS. )94. 6-44. W). 160. 191. !'TH. 119. Ill. 4l8. 4Sl. 468. 472.
GAB .... 261 801. Sil <82·.1. 481
&lo<o<:oni<o"'" 262-16<1 honno"" ""","ion. (s« ,o>«iil< ""ro'oni •. .109. II 4, 3 11
","-,omy, 816
4O.S4 som .......'i"•.
'hrombo...... 767
380. 794
miero>ropic ,.",om)'. 41 ......1. 824-
"""'otran,m i".", 161 TRI!. 119.760
pi""., rio<:. 259. 26 I
&laoo. 61. &II
«tul.,;on of. s« 'rii<>do'h)",ni"". 88.\
TIH.' (9. 76J..4. 171
taTS" ""U """,,ono<, Pl,uito')'
PtQIO¢,in.871 "om ",,'l,or. 47. 82'1 •• ..,...,i"" ;.",,,inal poP'i"". 281.
.. ro,onin , 261 . .10.1. J51 A<kno<1n< m
""... 65.152. 731. 192 <Io. mi ...... inn .....,.. on _nyl. ", .o«o.d m"",,"6' h)'po'f><>i . . nd, 119

CRF. 260
14J "",(a .. ""i,i'y, 127
doriv«l from ,AMP. 121
".l.i"m. ",'moduli .......\\P
;n,<rxt;"n .. 1}6, 214
"ro",.,in" J99 i. pl£mcnt 8611 ",m"".. n" of G. GIN. N
.".'" '«Opton fOr. 1,\,\
A<lid;" .. (... Q<1oh<,imid¢). 117
"<Ii. (00< M iorofi I."",.,,)
",k> in kid .. y ,u,,,,"*,,' .. io • . J5J
Adon""i"" 'ripho'phat< (S« 9(1.1,
161. 161. I Jl. 1"16. 180.
<_;., ,,",.od.,,,,.12S.6
&I,","", •• nd
<ok:i'onin «11 •. 100
",l<I<>mo. and. 1J6 21S, 291, ))3-6, 380. 409. 412, "'DlI. a.,;di u""ic hermon<.
a lmodulin. and. lJ7 42J . .\1$.690. 147. 1SH. 8611. " . _..i•. ' J. 58·9, 76. :169.
i. ,hrom.,,,,,l>otn. U3 m
in ;.,,,,,i.,1 bnah bonl< •. al if<",I,
and. 448
Adon)ia", ¢)<To... "'" 00< ."MP
"",iono of. 119 ,i,.. 381--6. l1S·7
of.4, 1. JJ. >4. 37, lS8. 160.
i. >1;<1<,,1, Smoo,h m",,1e. 411. 411 O¢,i.a, ''''. fO¢'on olf""'i'l 8l1, 834
"'''i''''''')'t,n D ""ioo, ..... el\«'" 117. _n""inc. 'hrophylli.,. 12 J \>100<1 k"cI ... .,..",.,in ond. J60
m ¢''''if<''''.,471 cll<mi,,'Y. 18.9, 77. 31 1
infl"n«' on colcium. I J.<. no. 410. 681, 8JI <Iolkic"")'. di.b¢I .. ;.,ipido, (00<
ao4 'oscn '<1ion., 60S ,1101"", 'O"n. r""' olio. n_ f); . ",,,,, in,ipid",). 369-10
, AMP ""","'ioo 01 N... T. 858 ion" 111 .. uoq<nic, """'tQtCnie. 310

ADH (COlli.) ,'.!COIo, ')'llom. lSS 386. 8ll

"".. n,;,;,.,ion 10, 379 .... ,.... I.""" i. ft,u..,.. 391 GAllA. aJotam>le. 318
16. 386. 39(1. IH.. \ .... ,..... "'n,'on. 346. ,l(i9·1I1. 373. 384
o",,1<i .0<1. 260. )n.)85.833 hypcrtly«mi • . 160
lU. 1.14 '."'txtion. krlJO,io,390
MIF.. 19J
PO" i.,,,,n«ll •• 49, 8.14 '''''''", If. ).46. ,I(i I
pi"..1. W.l <aki.m. ",Imo<lulin .. l8O, 19J, 431 _"iom . 389
po.'''"Cnlri<lIlor "uclei "d. 809 <at"'hoJ. mi .... od",,,,,rP< J><'<fII'II<'y.370
'"Prochi ..
.,,,i< nuct<i. 39)..;1. >36, rcttpton .nd. 385. 391
enlorido ion .. 37()
"""" 160. ).46. 792
IhcmlOO><tp"'''' 58. 133
elf""" of o«=. J7().!. 382 CRH. 260. SJ.4 ....,cr d<pri-.,ion, .... ,.., loo<Ii"..
cocop<, Jll. 382 """"""'iooids. )84 Sa. 260. 835
SIAml.310 ,l(i9.l8l·4 Adipoqla ("'" Adipose Ii..... ). 4
fllll<';onO, n 260 OOr:othyr<>id. thyroid 394 <AMP ,"ncr>lion
inn ....... "'" I'''n' period' for ...... n.. 317. J1S """,pj""phrin< •• d. III
ACTH >«reI;., •• 16, m«h. ni,m,ofac,ion. Il. JJ7.9 proIl.,.t.ndi., ond. 128
1)9,260. W. 192, 334 <A MP ,"..",ion .nd. 370. l19. fructo>< .pt.k• . 169. 120
ad", • • 1 ror\<, lSO.381 aJ..."..,o, idalion.174
. Idomrot>e ...,.."ioo, 332. JS4
Jlucoconiooid """rction , 76, 384.
<al<ium .nd. l70.)85
pI'tQop/1or)'lation Qr membta ..
"urooo upta.c. I J. 180
"ococorticoid. o!>d, 183-4. 220
In. 393 proldn •. 380 ""''IMn< and i ••• I;.
trophic ..... ion .. 384 K>I":'A TPa..,.. lS5 804
o"'pM,i, ... in. bI.<Id<:,. 317-S """ium .!>d. 319 in,olin'I<$olo"", botricr. SO. 16l
oom,"."";. o.,._i,m. 193 <omooIW ... i'h aid", ......... )69 mi<1o'illi. pi"""'>'''''' 180
• ,0n'.";"1 en'y .... ).<9 <)"oIosinl en.n"" . """i.,ed wilh • ")'C<1'OI·)..phosplt .. c f"""ation i•.
.nll""' •• ; in _ . .\46 l7H IM,220
_ 110 .... d;"ribll,ion. 112. :lSI. dOli ttotri<, h)'1>O'he<i .. )81 ")>:0$0" .y.'h . ... hormone
JU, III mi<1ol ubolos. ",",,,,f.I.m<nl.. and. .nd. 800

_ &]t>«»<. m ))9. 380 in Ih)'m.,. ;.,'ol",ion .nd. 875. SSI
blood )49. :161. 371 . lJl. 00"";.0'1 ond. l70 Ii"... acli ,i Iy. )'$i'
181.381.381.390. UJ proItqI.ndin .nlqoni.m.l46, 357. fi..'ins. . nd. 163
bod)' Itmp<""",.. lS3, 391 """"".000.
Ih)'lhrn ...... p. J9J. 134.
SC"'R P.nd. 3S4
"";ium ellect' on '«<plO< "'ndint.
""",pj.. phri .. ond. 120-1 . 1-14.
m ""ion .. 1I9 TSH.nd.l-14
C RH =ion. JS4 $Om.,O>I.,i. " nl ...oni.m.lSO lOIIIatomcdi ... OOi .... in,oli. and,
DNA mi'o>io, 191
010<.«>1)'1< m... boh...,. "'ytO<in
,"""o.;.m, 392
phorrn>«>l<>$ic>l ...
=00."" 10. 313
. ftWi",

u ....
IriO<')'",)"«,oI m<t. boli"" in. 16.1-4,
• "tOoC<llub, nuOd .01 ..... 346. 384 of. l85 di<ttrylipid . . nd.161
(lRH,lfOW\h hor",,,,,,, ...,,,,.ion. Adipose Ii ...... olso «< Fot di"ribulio ••
Yll. 191. 792 313 Adipol'\"1«
h•• rt. lIS. III "'ndin,tO. """ium ond. 379 .rom..... onlym.,. i •. '16. SSl.
in,..';,.,., 833-4
leomin" memory. bch. ,i"'.39Q.
di"ribulion. 316. 317. 378
1),P<'S.Ip;I"" lJJ
M' ••)'.the';.. 96.
'00 .,.,""'
In. 3)4 """",ion 581. 031
ADB ""'tabolilo. .nd, 8)4 """i. «$ion. i.vol,"" i. .n<I o>,ooporo.i .. 450
h."..)',; .. ><Ii(>OS< ,i .."". In. 3,. ""ulolion. 388. 8lJ """"ibtllion . I" blood "'"",,n. i.
Ii....,.. lIS. )93 b,a"""""P'''' ><lui' m.l<: .. 58l

ono, roI, ..1XS. ,190.
.. 134. m. S)4 m "rom.1 «II •• nd, ... 5
metabolic ""'. 392
!>lSI! o«",,;on. 192
n>1numic hormon< ",1<0«. )85
.;i",um,· •• ,ti<ulo, orp ••• nd. 383.

OVI.T. ).89
",own (8A T). . . nd. 759
<o1""'<>Iam i!>C. Ih)'roid 110"""""
""u"'." 76
po!>C,...... Ii,'. ry ".nds. 391
noci<cpt= 389. 834 <okif<rol """'I< in. 411. 4,l()
"''''O<O«t>lon. sod ,um I<nlO<$. SI. <01«koI'min". . nd.277
""<1uril"'n. 335. 833
pl>oopholipo..,.. 380
389. ilJ
1"iolo,;ool prol>l<m, ol>OC'i"""
COMT ;n.1'I7
nd. JJ. %
00"'''; ' ,. metaboli'm. lS2. 334. wilh. 3.88 ",.,ribulio., 10 body rn,t>boIic ""0 .
PR,... 332.)8<1
«<relio •. [..,,,,,,, .tIe<ti",
""",)'khoJin<. J88
(... Fa! di"ribu'io.). SO.
prosl2.£landin ')'.,..,.i..
>80 ad .. n<:rP< re«plOf "'mulolio •• 216. 220. 603
<¢n.I,Io>r"""li. p,<"im.1 ,"\>utes. 280. J89 ''''''1<. m... boli,m in. 644". 321 f.t:I<a. bodr ""i<><
< rtl<.... ,.7. 3S4. 3ll 'nP>"n,;n II. 321. 345 . .1<16. 361. ""ben)' timi"" 0'10."",,1
"'l'rooioc,ive ""n";,,,.I34 384. 388·9. 390. i3l . nd. o7()
.apollO<> '0 "'cu. 388. 834 .. )(il ,',nlromcdi.1 h)""lhol,moli<1ion,
r. ..I. 192 <hcmor<c<ptoa. pharm><oIosinl . nd.842
.mOOlh mLI>Cte. l71. 833 ",.IS " """" ."",k o,idalion Il. ISO
$Odi.m meuboli"". '''"'pot!.
331. ""lI'<ill<. 390 phoophooi<>'c=. cAM P .nd.
382. 188. 392 C'h)'IOkonol. l7Q 190 M,
..i ... )88. 19! lilhium,37() ",,",tom«li • • and. 80l
TRH 5<CfCtion. 392 0<01 170 """,'h horrnono "'SuIOlion. 786. 80S
u .... ,,,.,,,,,,,. lSI
unn< ""um<. 369. 377
<hlori<k ion .. 370
ond""""i ••. 33S
hi"", • .,i,," , >«u",ulatio. pr«cdinl-
, _ " 2JO inl<1'>C1ion. with 18.
""""nl<'< 10 .nod• .,,,,,, .n<!. 230 ,nvolu,ion followi"l
"",ret;on of PfOCCS .. ron<. J.«
,roph;c "<,ion,, 2.lO. J.«
ADH ('''5Opf<"inJ f<lohnion of, 60,
iwr<n i., in. 342
.non",m; •• o,ida ... in. 199
JS4 rqui"ion of. S99. 600
,""" .nd.219 om;,hi"" decarbo.)' .....
1q"1. 'i"" of. )2 1. )24. 'IOro;doson<si" )SI
}t9·51 """.."in r=P"'''$. ,SI
," f"u" 108 fq<n<r> ' ion follo";"I"nu<1• • ,ion •
• . dd in. D.2M
.u,,,;mmunc des,,,,,,,,,,,, o( 88, hyp<rtcn,",n a nd, 142
• If"",'", food ;.lOk•• C. BI'! in. 449 ",ptOtI",,; ". ')'I1<m """ ... ,ion .
",II "",hf... ,i."... "' ...... 1. lXi
ACTIt . n<!, 67
"'OS• • nd of. 220
.np.,1<n.'" 11,108 "ructUr<. (= Zona &Jom<:rulo<o.
<AMP. 214 F."'"",I . .. 36. 1:\0..111
fOF. ,,"OWlh fllt1= 67, 214 ,"mon, """,-",nioal.yndrom< .nd.
i","lin, U4
!'OF,.. 114
Ad«n.1 mod"lI. 110< N_pin<phri"".
,1I0I0>.. ,,,, m."bo.);.m ;0. 9llJ2· 4. 1
>«1)'loholinc f<I"Ja,,,,,,of. 19. 171
<ompt" ..",.,. h)''''''''''''')'. lS7 ><I"'n.l"o""".,,,,"
inn\OO<>«:o on Acrt! .nd, 2S2 f""",ion, . nd, 2JO, 271·2
""leium mcubohm>, <16. ' IHi ADf! ''''.260 ' )'mpO,h,"i< ,,11>."1'"
imo..,", gSl
piluil>'Y «11 mO<Pholo$Y. 1m.
cAM I' • ..,. 2S4

o1<>olopm<n' of
."';.2S1 ._..,id fOllowin,. 272
;0. 1l). 292
blood 1lJppli<d by CO<1<'. 2lS
pt.,,,,a Pro\cin CUP.nd.49 ",II. of. APUIl hYJ>O,h..i, and.
l4J honn""" ",<I, 11;9 "".",1 cr,,"
oriai., 11I
prmoe.i. f"""tion,. 600 MSH,""' • • 9.611 CG){P in. 41)
"""".... 10
211 ,,,
"""imi'),10 "">'<Iopi", JO""''' 01<><101>"'<0'.
"ucoroni«>id •• nd. 211
...",,,>On of PQMC-<I<,j>'oo Ih)'mu. '00.114. au NGF ..d. Ill. 18), 290-1
""plick •. 8ll dcl"«1. in .. h),mi< onimol•. 88) 011"«1, of6-0f!·DDPA. 0..011.

><",i';,-;'y 10 "OSCow, f,u I. 132 , 2,9. 706-7 dop;imin<.l11
243 ACTIl.nd , 2J.6.1. 111, 612 •• in. 181
","ium .,<,,,,ion. ",lei",,,,o •• d. ,horio.i< 1OO..:I"\<OI>i..."d. 253. Ji&Io,..,.-.n 'V>' """"'''. 214·S
m function, COO1po.r«! . ym",,'Itc1;<
'oI<ran<'<. 3)9 EGF. FUF f<I""tion of. 70s hormone ".s. 189·194
'."'i,'o l ,nc-<. sa l, i.lOk< .<>d. ))1-, in. 706 &I""""",Koid . . nd, ,91
.. I, <f'l,,';nl ,00. 111
blood ,uwly. 255
Ii JXll)<01<i ,00 . 2SS
min<r.lloc<lniooid. '<1.1.,;", WOO\.,.
NGF .nd. 190-1
f.... I. In 1)9. 70(,.7 .. I' bol'n«. 708 ""'''''ion. 59. 7_
mojo.- ).4. 50. 232 . 1J4-3. MSlh . nd. 49. 107, ST' ,n\i<'p;t\l>f)" ","",>I.II 3
11(>1 ...,oi<Iov..... 158. 107 broin "U<'OI'«'<plor> . Ik<;'irq. 27 •
>p«i<> ,·..
.... l••oq«. in. S67
lJO. l hCG , nd.1HI
. ulf.,ed 1Ionn0«l.1)9
r,,'ins ."d.274
ki.i" •• nO.))1

14. )6,37, 2JO.l12 lrop;C of ItCH. 106 ",I.,. .. of <pin!"<h,.inc.
""m"n i" inn""o<e$ on. 814 X.f<,. I>OrI<.611 m
,j«, and. 816 DII EAS, "LKOCorIiroitl, . .d , """'. ",,,,,,i,,, , "d. 271
Ad", .. I,lO.d" . nd"'l""" 41. lJl i",",n'.,ion , }71
ro",'m;"n to olher III ">e, perin. ul <h.n",. 1()6.1
JCn<1;c dcl«,,, "",""",<tOid
MAO< in, 299
inn""",", on ""'Opomio< in. 196
um..)". h.i, IfO"" h, SSt ')" 'h<>i • • nd.2)9-41
612.670 ",pro<!lK1;" < m".,,-,ion ')'mpo'I1«'omr .nd. !71
bon< """.",ion. 481i ..d. 1)9-41 "ructo",.)4. )7
hINd<>. lSI. 66Q i>oTm<>nc> of. 93-6. Bl·l45 VIP ill. Xl
"product;" 'l'''.m <I<",lopmon,. . nO,,,,,,n,. 41. 1)1. 136-1
bioo)'",h";,, 136-1
Ad",n.l;n, OM Epinephrine
M", ..",h<. 612, 610
limina ofpuhcrly, 5Sl. horrno<>< ,00. 789 M"'nc<Ji< """ron, («<
in .,.,.,m.,,,,,,,"...1 wOm'n . SS l llS·8 o.""hol.m i..,.
I«""ioo. "'ASII. CASU .n<!. 612 DHEA. DIlEAS- 'n. 611. 1>4). io .""",t. oucl<i. 'ob<ro1nfundib"l.,
>«ftl;"", ACTH , 00, 239. 140 W ,)... om , 836
<<>nC' 110< AI<Ioo""o".. """""", lll, 237·8 i. I'to,,-I
GIlK'O<oniroitl" <1e.), SO blood "'vel.;. ><lui' 0'1.10<. SSl m""",,ion, NOF o"'. 105
A("T1t ",*"1 .. ",,, of. 4. l S1-2S7. 1.
"*"·<1<,,,."<I<n, .hon"" i n
""",1<roid.I I'TH ,nac<>ni", 486
P'OI<11000"<. 93. 234. 2)1. 237
11,..OIt ·I'fOI"'I<rtm<. 9). 234.
roI" in "'Iul.,;on of
EGF >«""ion ...1,,-.1)' ".od•.
",n,i'ivi')' '0. 611 23). 2}7. 646 opidid,mi,. S79
,ulf.. ed BO·I f. llopi.n ,ul><$.
cCi MI' .n<!. )SO
diolll.1 ,'ori.,ion,;n ",n,i';"i'l· '0.
'P«i<. d ilf.",,,,,,,, 2JO.I pi""., ."rodiol m:tpt"'" 859
in nocrK'<' 0" I'TIt «<"""",,. 468
1>4. 11>4 10<"',;"•. ))1 ""o<1<ron< """," """, 600
LDL r=pIOn, mem""'"" ..I, . ppc'ito. 16O 'h)Toid 11'00. 764
•• ,31 inno"'"ion.2S7 "'0'"" "I<rin< ",,,,,. 109

M",,,"'l;O ««fI!"'" (se< O'o<hobmin< r«tt>W>. 610 i. "".1.,., ","",I<, Ji",,,,,,,,,iroid,

r<ecfl!on), 215-6. 177·281 hi",,,, in< d i"ribution. 30'1 ...0. 187, 211
d i"ribu,i.,.. 197. 219. 2so. 1n 1&4. .. ...,,,,,i,,., u.. in 118
346. )Ii 1. 791. 851. 1S6. !/is, . nd"""n .. 584, 6Ol. 6O\l.1O AI"", pheromone>. II
m ,<0,0>'0",,,..53 • . 611 "'bumio. pI.. m.
facto" . lI"«1inJ. 141. 143, 281. 2&4, cald' oni ... 477.• 8Q.1 calciu m bind inl-415
76'1. SSO. 3S8. sn ,,,.d,ol' min< 1) .... ",I<a«d. 295 <OneC"'' ' ;O"' in t>lood. 108.243
.. ,ri"" binolill£ '0. 8S9 "'"",,0'. 610 fa tty.dd ,,,,n,po<!. 163. 169
'H"', 276. 211. 279. 2SO. 2114 FSH, S93. 61 1 J1)«I'yia'ion. oone",,''''';o. 161
Ad"'r>OroI1kot"",in . ... ACTH J1""""n.191 . nd .ffini' y for fOl' y acid" 16'
Adrcnodo,in. B4. 254 1'O"1h Itormo"". 612. 789.90 Itonno". bin<Ji0l- pIt)>ioIogi<.1
Ad""""".i\.01.yndrome. 519, 5SO. 107 1'O"·,h honno,", ",,,,•• i,,C im"""'n«.

Ad""IOI.lo",orulo'ropin. 374 hormo"". 789 .Id<»'eroll<. lJ9
AoqOOtio .• 1'
AFt' he" 5SO. 5J.8, 101
AI<. ",o,.""i.,.. ,n,nW' •• S>O<io«<l
inhibin. iohibi. f."",;on •• od. 533.
LH. 593. 1\09.6"
.n<J"""n .. ",lea>< fmm ,,,,,i• • nd.

... i'h lRH.1\09.10.610 roni .... 108,242·3
body , h.n", • • fIo, PVN nou,ohypoph)1;" P<i>lidcs. 372 es,...
Inion.. 835 _".",no:. I»' plx<n... 711 ,hy",.i"". lSI
!>n,n dopam,"" <<>nICO,. 281 rd .. in.657.1 11 Al<ioo bluc. pi,.i"l)· cdl .... ininJ. 816.
CoIIP$. cald.m , ... n • .,.,n, 447 Io<omotor b<h",'ior. 288 m
",k ilhol m<\.Oboli.m. 441·2 mel.,onin 872 "l<I>lo<,oll<.3JO.I
",II. "'l'0. 'Hto'" "rue'"'" f."",ion """"" .... ",n.i,; >it)' lQ AlOChl<i< fuch,;n. pi'"i",)" 0:11 ... ini.,.
. "'.." n ooI<i. ""po"ICS '0 ACTH,612 82H
.. ,,,,,,,n'.67 1 O<l ",".I«1om y. 3.10 AlOOme!
chromoph"",,, of .denob) •. ca!<irero". 442. «0 ellomi"'}.19)
m ,>k'lQoi n.. mx: inh ibition, 292
",...... '.'<0. 655·7
IlIlIo",,". ,"00 •. o.domctri" m. S44
dihrdrotcs,o<, ..on<. 527
FSH. 530. 53 1, Hoi, 539. 611 . 621
Aklooteron". SO. 93
•• ".-ohotmo".. 332
h HXl,h.lamo-h)'popIt)'1i. , ')'''' '''. homlon<. 6Ol. 785. 7<10. to $lu<o<on;oO)i<l ,"",,,,on..
TcBG TIIG. T OPA prO<lv<1;On.
195.791. !I05
i1l<, ""I] o. ha."ion. di.btto,
lZl. l.lo
'0 pI • • m. PfO" ins. 10'!. ))9
""d. 804 1>iO$y "'hc,is. 95. nl·1J5, 3Jl
k'.. 602. 150, 751 ,"ow,h "im"'."", 601 in f<l. , adren.l. 707
0"00 in,ulin, 602. 726 blood 1e,·0I •. n <l. 339
_)'I< ""puIOl;on .. 531. 67 1 ..... ;" . """ 10 de",..", ...", of 0:1" ,ynth<.izinJ. 2)(1
>l"roidoc<ncsi. in. 637 201 eIICct. of .. I, de"";>"ion .nd
po",' h)',oi\l $I.nd .. """."'. -!(is Lit. 534. HO. 621 l30
pi"". 1", . d. I11<I"o" in. <l'r""" on ",prodU<l"'" eilo:mi",)". 9S,:tl.l. 130
cako """" co""",,;"n. .)·... m. 847, as. <1," "'00:.339
(.,..mlOOm. bodieJ). IS2 MSII. mol"""io <hi. on 3:10. ll3
011"«1. of o... riec,omy Ott MLT .mphi .... " ,kin. 812 Addison', di"".... IId. 229
in. 86S
DOC '''''''01<0'. 311
..It CfO" ins. 323
pI"",n\.O. _ "oro .. """"" i.,.. PDCF.602 """"nd.1)' ron",,!u<n«>. 330

'" pItosplt ..e in diet, 4)1i <!I'«" of e.",SS. Jll

""" $la lld .. 602. 60J ..,;". 602 ....P< pMnom.non
"'m inal "<sick<, 602
"'010,01 441
!'Til , H 8
som.lO",o<Iin .. 8(12
. nd. 394
PO ..nd, ll2
00 .. m.... f,..gili,y. ",mO<l<:lins. teSto".",n". S27 "atriu,.." i< itonnollCO .nd. )&)
.nd. 19 , imm",", '),''0''. 222- f""",ions oompoml wi,h I.25--D. 4)5
ionuc ..... 0 "
ADH """"'ion. 12l
6O\l-611 ,hymo:,omy. "'I"oo""'i", ')1' 0",
So""'i 426 '." ', prO<luction.384
,hym.'J1.n<J . '")'rojd honnones. 161 bicatbonate tno""", in kidllCY,

prO<l ... 'iOl1, 881
0:11 <on'On'. 67. 341. 181·)
r=p'<>r.< in, 812
"im uTi
rek.",. !94
,,,,,0" R.iO .. 663
at«bo!. m;no
",o ,mlll«li., o uclei. IS3 ')""<>' n"mbt .. oflbnormol f<><m«l.
<oncen,,;uion, of"'lula,,,,, in biood
1<'0 .... I."roi<l .. duri"C m.o"ru. '
.... 641
"",utin.tion of >pOtm. """"
•• ,ibodi". Ol3in" LDft.
"",Ia,,,,,'o. S66 ron'raception .nd. 113
pone...,.,i< 191 "",.'i"o'ion , .." for t>JtSIIo"'Y.

somotomc<lin .. 797
som' IO$ .. ,in. 739 Agression, "'"
ro"",n"otlon. of"'lul .."" in o,hot _ • • nd. H7 . .I(;)
".iO, pI>c""",one •• "d, 23
m<l.,,,,,i •. ",,,,brospin. ' 866 pi ..... o'.. ion <h..... . $SOOi.1«I wi'h.
1>0\.0""." , 00 ..
• nz' ......
,,,,,,,.\.0>< distrib.'ion in
AlB. AlBA. olpho .mi no i"""',),"< ooid .
in, ulin .nd tlOn>pOrt, In
583-4. 586".. 'yn,hooi, from P),,," 162.
s,,·r<dLOCU>< oo,; .. ily. 607. 61 1
p,,,.,,ium ..,,,.,,ion. 111_8. 1J9 Allomon< .. 20 Am inosl"''''himid<:.24O
proI<in 336 MIo,"n. 19'1-200. 101. 103. b(I;, ew.x.. Q'
..Ii ,",)" N",K .. ,io. l18 Alpha A("T1l =mion, 239
..It 'ppeli'e,)32
SCA RP. 334
><k""" fpo-p/'t).;, (ocidO])hi
.",<Ht>i< ..HI. 219
«II p<<>Iif<r:"ion. 257
m"scl<.lJI """""'.", ;>10" ($C< A. A, «11.1. 11 <l>oIes.Iorol >«umuI1lion. 211
$OCI; um ",,,,,,;0.. l39 Alph.·mo'hyi po,,"' j'rooino. 'j·""i ... 2l-)} 431
I" ..port;n kHln<y. )31·6 . .. 'nM';,ion. 290 l'",,,,.nicoKi tHo.)·n' .... i., 2)9
;" <0100. 336-1 Alph.> ,"bun;" of IIyroprol<in Amioopoptida",.
Ihi,..,. III !>or1llOOC1. $C< FSIl. Lil. TSIl. "", .. boI; .... 78, 3-41 . 349
;n' • ...,';on' hCG .• nd Subuni"
" !l idi. oon,o"ion to I>radlk;n;".
ADH .182, 33:1. 384
""porin. ,hfm ••. 39S-6
prQt<""'>II<. 144. 212.11 1
ALS, . nl ii),mphocj1ic e,pori"","'"
"",lIi,u, 00<1.:101
... tion .. 117. 61>6
Am;.OIl"n".'" " ''''*''''
.)'n,lIe.i .. 061
ooOlroi <>lUNA

probo';n.393 ;"n ... """,on Amm"" '.m ion.

\mnl ""nod. fOtorr""... lJ). 1M. I.lS·1ht;mula, io n ofC. <<In''<man to "'-':' . 181. 329
m«h. ni.m,o[lI<1ion obootJ>!;on. 447 .'.<e'
;"n. al<!ostor<>n< defo.:ic ... ), ,11<1.

.... ;, .. n' olf«;" on

.teroid. wdiom
,""," Ia'ion of m<Ia'oni"
.)·n' .... ;•. 8S9
'<JlIlation of IHoM
f""" .. ion;n IS). 327·329
l i"""""iroid •• nd. JJI
'ron,port '00.3)4·)36 b6 "".... 'om and, 311·9
• I<l.,.,.",,,,, ;OO""ed pro",;n, " imol.'«1 oodi"m d'rale adm ini""''''n .nd .

)4l. 134.
M «II, 'ock;n, """to; ..
l'uoo"<"os<ne,; .. 219

an,. d;"",",;" 0;.' " .-.1 '"

",,""i , m ,"e"';on .0<1. 329
mi...,,, loron;w;d PO"'''''Y. 2" <00,,..,.,,,;.«.119 ,o,ici\)'. lal. 329
ph.>fmaroloci<>' "",nl> .lfwi",
f."", ;on,. 330-311
""'j' '''' .nd. 722
h)·ponhYI<>ioli.m .nJ . 746
Am""," , f""" ..;on .......,,"1<.
.toroid mctaboli,inl "",)m<> in. 706
bindi", '0 . ndrot<n m:<pton.1JO 1"",.,,,,,,. 1. nu,riti.,., .nd. 69' Am"""i< auiol
r=",,,," 'n""", ;".. 330-' "u,nt;""....lti", ""d . 610 """iool in. 11)
"""'pto,," d i",,!>o,ion of or.ol ron,,,,,,,:,,,;'o> u>«l 10 i"vok<, fu"""",,,,, 691
br"in. H8
«>I<>n. <oop/t>£u ... m a ll into"i .... proIII<1i" '", 00. S99
&Of"d>l >to,oid. in. 636
0" "","""" boh","Q'.
337. 3JS Am ilond •.
Cll •...,,.,,'" '"motS.
794 .ldo>loronc lI<1"'n., sodium """"""'. ;" n... """ on .-.:".-0<1",,;," ')'" m
..... n.338 lJ7. 3S1 nu, u""ion. Is.!
kiolncy. ))1-3 «ln "",ion of 1'f'O.. 1I rei n tG ho,mo .. , suppl ,ed by ,rophobI"t.
",OIj'p<>. "croid
•. JS4
Am;no typo hotnton., ($C< .po<;;k I1CG "'""-<,,.

'" bill<l;".. 1<4. 2l2. 194.

\);O$)'n'IIe,'" ollem;," ),.
=00<1 """"'otCf hypo' .... i. "d.
n ...
Q"'0<;', ;n.1I2
Pl<'I<''''ror.< in. 636. 106
1>'OIoo';n ;n . 730
11 3_9 p,o"ql.II<I'n •• pr<:pOnum n",. 712
Ami"" .dd. (= 'p<Oific . mi"" T R It ;n.
' 1. Il TSH in. 762
po$! "'" "",i,.., by <"<II .. <oni<n for. AMP. adonosin<
m form .. "", f,om <AMP. III
fll<1,," . Ik<'in, m.",k phosr/lO<)'la", an<! .
II 112
"1><>£O'!, 181 phMhof"",ob".", ><1;'·;')·. l',.rol)'O;,
IIu<oconiro;d .. 21S . nd. 171>-7
in,o li•. 114. 8Ol. 805 Am",",""", B. 241
PDGF. WI elK"" Of! pi'";"!)" 3.27
sodi"m. In 802 Am]>I"",m;1'>C$. 286
..,m1l0med;0 •. K .rId. 302. Wl
Ih)roid horrnon... 76l
,If«" Of!
b<h.,·;",.. l88. 2%
.. hotmon< p<o<"non. 72·14 ..,«hQl.ornino ooq"'''''' ion. 291
blood OH and. dopami"" ",Ie.",. 118
c.",",iol. 12. 172·3 fo>o<l in .. ko. """'pion for. 842
<",'O,ion. PTIl .nd. 469 """'Oo',mi "e" h)-poIJl)ttmi. ,
;ml»l.""", .If«;"
l'l>«IS<nio. I), (87. 21 3-9
on ptOt.;n
.)' nl....;.. 172. 218
;n,olin .nd. 841
MAO ac';,i' y.297
Am(>h;bi. ".
'" "''''''0.
i.fl"" """ on
ADH .. ,ion. on . ki •. urinl!)" bladder.
fQO(l;"take.'. ' . Id""",,no elf« .. on "ri ..!)" bI.dd<,
>«fOlio • • 197. , ... n.porI. ))4. ))7
19). 794 <1-...• porm r=",""'.
jlon .boorpl""'.
LRII >ttf<l;on, 196
12 507. lO8
<ok;'",,;n f"n<lion .. 48}
po..".... i< i>lol" insuho ><t"""'n. m,.. m<><ph.,.;,. !>or"",,,,,.
. nd. 398. SS4
I'TIl "'$"lalioo of N• . P ,,-«<lion. oroIa<1'" ,.t."",;,... )93
'hymuo . n"'Bon i.m. in'oiu''''n
k",,,,,,nic. 117 i>«tto.I;nt- S34
m<taboli,m, l'uroclM1i<oid. . nd. I), ",.,...'in elf«l. on a. metalloli.m.
. I,imooran<hi., bodi ... 4SS

A m"" it.;. n
prol.C1;n ,Ifm, on $\;, •. ..
and ,<v".lik, ><Ii,ity of ""ndiol.
."..1 ""0'_""',,,. 602. 717
in fem. k>.
.",.'1. I'bido. 51l. 603. 621. 660
'nd. }'IS bindi"1 '0 bo .... 150
proo'.iJand,. <Ife(:l> "" blWde, "81'. S!7 486-7. 607
sOOi"m '",n.pon. )11 .."minol 6(:(1 heoli ... mincn.1 ront."t.
. j; 'n. ".,",,"', •• Til. II ; n. $ I. 16S pI.,ma pro .. i." lOA. 58S m".""io". 441
""n. "",n"... col", MSH. MLT .nd. bias)'",h",i" 94. 96 ""' ... Wi .... 14J. 60'1

ao"n"",ni"I,yndrom< . nd. 119.
'" . 6. 41. )98 di,o,;"
wa"" dri,·, S50. 101 EGF 6>6. goo
Arn",,<>p/1,1 cdl>. 326 .,inc ""d. 602 rood, ';"m;n. m;nmll me"boI;,m.
Arnpt,o .. rici. B. »S-b .>' . .>' ... S18, 534
"'mpl.. "'trosen, .nd. 510 FS H a<1ion.. 6>6
Am"M,eo,'on of ...."',,n ... b'I FSU ....1..... S9<

", 837 lQ.h)"'r<>.)'lat«! """,id. 000.

in 0<1=.1 00,,"' . 1J6. 7

po>to,.I .. "'1". scrond.
."oc'ot","", o,he, ... i. "'lion,. in .pK!id)·mi" 60 1
in 1<"1 o"'ry, SlJ.
""wth .""n. 50. 607
hoi' JrO'O,h , 150. 607
., rompOn<n' ofl,mbi< ')'''000. 837 in tc,,1 t .. Ill. H4. 610 "".n. ""I.
""" ;<alh.I, mk "....;..:tion. 10. 8>6
pa,.,.on,rkula, nucki projo;;'ion.
'0. U4
i" Ij,Ct. 110
i. o"ri" or "".It.
621. 63>. 6)1.
40. ()016.7, MI. 612
.Il00., m... """ndi, ,on in,"
imm ... [."";on,, 608. 831
'0 ,ubofoi.r"ndibul .. "10 ....1«II •. S40 LH ..... tio •. 194. S'XI. 609. 721
' .... 0.01.,;"" and. 113 liv<l.606. 722
.ontrom«li.l nucki . nd. &>6 in ,,,,,i,,in'."';lial ""II .. S81·584 r<mi_"",,". 607
eo_)"'''''' .... '.ooli... in. 131 ;n So""'i 516 I,RIl "'10 . ... 594
ru"",;o." mOlionohil" '0 ••
'onom", blood 194 llS-b
0<1.00' 'Y"'''.
337 ,i",O<I ,o. ' ·oriltion •. 58. ',om"""ion .nd. 608
hil'f>OC3m"". and. 838 i n \OIOIl"I< •• ()016. 1 o,·.rio>. llS
""ul .. ,on ofGH ...1<1;on. 794. o[ ... 25 formOlion. 634
7'JS. 838 ;n domi". n, ., •• b.,i .. i" """"- eo,,,,,,,. ,)·n,"".i •.
"'I"I .. ion of
" aroma .. ",. 649

lO<r<1ion. 838 ,' ..... ' ion. wi,h "*". !c• .".. 1S4 [o>Ilkl. .""" •. SJ8. 5000. 61S. 650
&lococor1iroid ><I;on. "". ll9 che",i"I)'o 94. %. 237 o" . ri. n 604
,n""",,,, on body
i.n""""", "" ".I,
'pp<\i'c. J60 ,
ronco",,,,, io", i n "",i<" lor I),m pt,. "",n"nul e)·ck •. S50
p<nilc ..fie.... 5S)
LH in , 591
"""""" .. In In. 791. 7'Jl
""""'n "oIPn',60'·2
.. j"", ""I.'red by ",*", pi""'l. KIOMT ><I;vi'y. 860
In ..,
..... oolio '"'''''''1''' Androt<"'). J94. i" 17<1 pit"i"!),. l55
604. 605 to ""'oro .," sro
IIoha,'ior. ","""",,,,pi. """'PI.,.... lU. S91
...... I$CS,. (... "";. J>e","fIlion). 6. 58- """, .. ...;,,,-, to dih)·d "",,,o,,<ron<". pI •• m. TOG. T<OG. T arA.
61.67. 229.281.161
AnoJ>/l)'lui .. RC"S. SII.SJI ..d. lOS. lOS ,n " '"
rmi"al 600
"rOO""io •. 186. 750. 111
!>O'«ri<>r h)'poth, ron"'" of
,\<>«" ..1 " ..... n<i<nt .nd Prot<".ro"" "",""",ition ['" "prod ..,;,. """"vi.,... S)3
IIorm<>roc """',."'. 80. 89. 473 "n,)·"",. !-IiI proIa<1;n r«<ptors. 602
hormones. }!;9 ron ..... ;on to 231·8. 637--40 »<OIO<Ii • ...,..,;on. 59\1
facwn. .. I., in. i •• vlin. 70'1 FSH .nd. 539 ,)'n, ...i.. 602-606. 601
""wth h"""""'. 788 in """",1."'.01. 6SS "''''''.... 10 eolei,oni • . 48)
TRI!. in dominan, fQlli<k>. 650 ","ntion or N•. K. CI. SO•. C• • P.
Aoo"""n bindins pro'.'m.. AOl'$ in r,101 Sono>li. fQll"",!a, ""II •. S39
bindi", '" "",mOlOIDl.!J2
biosyn,,,,,,i, i. So<1o>1i ""II .. 527
FSH .nd.
hypOph)""""'r .nd. S33
. nd. SlJ
DHT. and""" nOO;ol,
''''0",,1'''010<> Ind. 2. 1
ronv<nio" to otllo, """,ido in "'$Ii..

dcl<mini .... ion b'I. S6()
.roo""" h)'pO'''''';' .nd. SSO
d'V"'>tio" .• «",ion. 131. SM·9
",Ih"ry eland .. I«n' ,I. nd,. 60S
•• S50. 601
>Orond'I)' ... eh.rao,,,ri,,ko. 550.

,lelc"l m"><Ic • • 87
m)Ql....,,;c "",ion .. 604
niH .nd. lJ3 b)' ron!t£""'" t<1u""," SS8 . kin Ie".",. 601
di"'iootion.'ro",pon. l32 in o,·,ri.o [olli,., .. AuK!, ()016.7 'p<rm"""'nes'" lU. 600
in 532. S7'J infloc""" on 600
in ",,","la , 178 ,,81' ."O;Ii,..ion. 5JJ 22J. 539.
"ndrot<nir.,., •. ""'....1 .cr.",o,)' ",prod L>C1; '" "'P" 608. 8" . S82. 881
on o"ry. S)9 ",,,.,,,,ion. [""",ion. 601 TSIl h<1o in blood. 770
",nod",,,,,,, ....""ioo """',,,, .nd. r."",ion .. 60) in .."k.l.. ft"id. III 178
proo,. ,.. «II proM""",,,,,. 131
"""""'ro",, """"",ion "*",i 0". S61.
",",in.1 vffido "",toi". RNA.
i"" ",,,,,ion>
eotocllQlami .... 561

l>'Ol«1ioo "*",io". 2lJ.
"rom.1 ''''''p:n
.n"",.i. m.601
<AMP. 652
JllK'O<Or1i<Oid.. 229. 604. 60Ii
Androt<n. (... T<>,o".rono. adipMC ti""". 60S ""v.," 1Iorm<>roc. 606. 789

Dih)'drot<".,,"ron<. DHM. 'rom. "", indL>C1;"". 649 in,"li • • 60)
....). 9<. 59< IIohaviot.001 prolac,in.003
, ". W k )94. 486. S6). 604. 'we";"". 606. 607
'1'I><,ilO. food '."l •. 3'1-4. 486 . I""n' pOriOO. rOf ><lion •. 608
ni'"",," bol.n«. 601 k '"" I p<""". 1i, y ,00. SO)
""",h.n i,m of oction. 6OS·9 biO<I'"("";' .ubs'",.. , 348
";"" m'.....b<>.0010",,"''''
.... 609
in <p;did)''''i" 601
in Senol;, follkula, SJ9. s.oo
,n ' <plI."n,- 341. JS2
in",Ii •. 348

oyol.",. PDE> cll<mi"<),. S30. HI
.. """,,,.Iik. "",ion •. 127. 140
. " "um;" hormon",. )83
Anliol.n'; . . ..... 18. 341
RNII , proIc;n ,)·n,I><>;'. 60S inn""""", on «Idi,m .nd . 349
..<1."",i,,,, in I;..", SS8. ;niliOlio" of ,penn.,,,,,,,,,,,,"
600 ""IioI,nsill<>S<n •. _ lIo";n ",bo,,,,,o.
'h;'roi<l hormone> ,.d, 600 kidocy.60l-604 Anliolon,;n" SOC . ,'" [. II •
...,...... , o<Imini"""i<)n
,h,mu. « II •• "" , 121 Sl9. SOl.
pro ... " JIa"d
d ill".",n,i"io.. .I I 9
fu",,""''' 60l
'"o.)',,( .... 79. 3-41. )-I3·9.l(i1
i""""in.. nd.342
o'P.i.a,;O""" oo,i, .. io",'
""bony 'iminl- sn
.. <Ictal "''''''I<. 60S
PRII. PRR and. 343
,i,,,, of. 35
l!)..1 ,,'f"ed. inhibi,ion of LH «1<>.". i. br1i •. 31S.361
po,m;"i,.., oction .. 60S
phoromon,,,nd.2S bj· .pctm.,owo. 602 in kidn<)'. 3lJ
"<1<>< .. .-0""
'"to",ni" \>i.d;". '0.
..nedio",,. Sl'. S30
"""'o<l.nolon<. 518. S89
in neoroh)·l>Qph )'.i •• l(i1
i. pineol. &60
'W 97. S31. SUo S$9 u","'''
Aoo"" .. 361
551 r<t:ul.,i<)n or <pidid)·mi,. proIto"'. <homi",.,.. (n"',- 18. 341
orOm ... .. i.d..."iO" "i. bindi", '0. .. mi ..1 ,'<Si<I< •. 601
""",ed by O"f)" 645
rom ",ti",". of", i"""
'I"'ci<s diil".",,,,,,,_ 13
)-19· SO

do[«,i,", S09-.I(). 6OS-6 ,..M.... of. .lS3 <k&<*I ..;"". ",o.. bi>li.m, )-I ). 349
. nd. S60 IIndfO",,,,,,,ionos fu .... ion •. S$.9
Tfm ro<i<nt<, 5.1() ' nd',*nl< !>01'o<y. 236 inn"",.,., 0.
..,,""'" binOi • • '0. .1\00:1. "", 601. bio<)'n,,,,"",, 94. % . 181 '_.-00< """p,....... 3lS
00' i. o<Iren.1 ""n... 236-1 . 1doo(OfOnO .",,,.,ion • .19
in "",,'ou' in i nf. nt<, iu von il< •. 61 0. I I b!ood """,. f<. S9
in Seneli. foIl;"u l., 139 blood ",".me. So
.. , .. , 1><110";.,, .nO. tH .nd. 598 PGf, an,>son;.m. 105
in <oi<lidl'ni;. DI!T oo"""",,,,,io •.

in .,tol u,""," S40

<lI<mi>lf)" M. 231
<1<>.""",. SS(i
"""".,,,,.,,,, in .n(",1 fluid. 6-f(i
".. i".61
,hi",. 59
ACE inhibi,= .nd. 319
in Ih,.... w.-. "".,·<,.iO" 10 ""0<10.-00<.'''"""".
i. 'h;'mu" ",FIld«,om), onO. S40.

PfOlC"CfOn< biodi". '0.

""",",""', i""""i<)n of. 602
231·8. 128. .120. SJI.
sn 64S.
ion..,,,,,,,. on ",n uri(ion ,i '" in,- 11l
""""d by o'-.ry, 646. 6-<1
phosph,";"." A, .. (i,'"",,,. 1'(;
'I'o''''',i., 10J
....p''''' in ;"",,,;ne. o' ...... l(il
<lJbl<>ml<., OtP" .nd. r,t;
A", io"n,in" I (A·I)
.. i"" of. 148
,tr"", on , )) I
p<>" m,nor»""'. 17 """ ,."ion '0 A· II. ) 11. 34 1. 34S
AMrosto.-on<. 'li. '1' , ,}9 (o"'''und. j4!
"''''''. <lill'•• ;oo. m;"ro,ubuh .nd. chem ;",-;·.S39 form .. ion.lli. J40. 34 1
,1\00:1. ""
TcllG. , '''''mi. ,.d. S36
'0 foil iou,,, fluid. 6l1. 630. 640
in Son",i «II" 18f>.&
Anom;,. soc H,m"ol>Qiooi,
i nfl """"" on

biood ,· ...d,. 31l

'0 "'>I ;,u I., flu id. Senol; «II. ,R<!, A<I<Ii"",,', di ..... , 222. 218 kidney. ;13
"".rian (h«> «II .. 63S. 640_ 649
<n<et,on m".bol;" ""0. 1'5
m< •• """_i",, orol
",n'oxopli"" . nd. 119
,,)coin dilf""noo, in

"""",,, 324
.ngio!< n,in II (A·II)

",om. 1« II.. 631

,,,,. rian ,.m ..... 6)7
",'I<n" ,,'i,h ,hy",;d di ......
of. 11'
,,'.Ii.'," ",",patt<! w;(h A·I. JI3
, nlalOOi" •. 340
,,,,,i,, .111·2 An<uploidy. I>ios)·n( .... i•. rel< .... 7<1. 31 1. 341. 348
«<""ion. f><ton .1ICe(i", ,hromooomo Ia,- d.l<1ion • • OO SOI·2 f,("\ol...
,horion;" ",.oOO"o(>1n, . KG , S3S ch.-omosome "".diliu"",io" .od. ACE inh;bi,,,,,- 349
o."i"", ... n,., foo'OfS. S41·2 ""H.m
126. SJ3 ,",co'qc.nd.141·3 hcmorrhO£•. 381
Ul. S34. S3S. 6S2 [",ili , .. ioo ' nd. "(OXOllu'" nuid ,,".,,,,,.324.
in ,"""''' •. 6.1.\ panh<noern<>i, ' nd. SOl m
pi .. m. pr<>1<i.,- S36
'''''''"''''0<, potOOri". "".'.-0'.
W, <",,,,",¢ri,,,,,
""""OO.ry .. ' .nd. proI(", •• di"" lSi>.
.oo iu", «"rio,;"". 314
•.,..,, dimorphi,m .nd. SS3 .pon"."",I> .bortion ".d. S05
An,io1< 'onvenin, .n,),me. ACI;.
""". 34<>
i. h)·I>Q(,. 260
"'u",," 34.
'"'f..... S8l in .. Ii'·of)· 83.nd •. 361
,)·n,h<ll< .• ",boll<. 60S. 60S oo,i<)n •. 341. 348 Jluroronl<oid. and. 211. l38·9
.)'",,,,,,1<. "oed ., 722 I>ra<i), in"",i, .. ion. 11 tonin . . nd. J41
"fIO' "'""bj'.603186
);.Ilidi" iooo<i'·"""'.314.)SO
oo(i"i(y. IIDH .nd. 346. 348
biood·OOoin barrio,. CVo. .1Id.
<k&rod"""'. 341 . 349
upl. l<. m ... boli,m i. ,"""". ""i, i')·. <hl<>rid<:. «>d i"nt. zin<. )43 influ,,,,,,, on
M di>lribu(io". J.4I! ACTH k<re,ion. }41. J59
')'P<"- "" .. i," III in br3in. JIS ADJI "'1<. ... 260. 321. WI, 313.
"",sb"""'l'n" 94 ,'"""""n;""id indu"ion. 121 '00
viril i,OIio". ",.",ulini",ion by i<i<n(i()' "'i' h kinin ... II. JSO. ])TOO,..,.ndin, .nd. 361
0"4n • • <i<vdopm<n' . nd. 555 i"hibilO .... 1'. J.Il\.9 . 1dos'<fOnc·i nde""""," ' ",*"'01 ion
0>1"",.", ,,,,,,fo, (0 fem. " ,iblinl- o/fec" on of o1«lrol,'<>, 3SO
'" reOO.
"""ro.... ""diol ..
kinin holf·lik. HIS
,ulO«J,ta,ion in kid""y. JS3
.Idostomn< ." ".,ion. 321.324 J.49..

calcium . nd. 35Q.1

An,iQ«"".' (<,.,,) A_mio IOn i•. l51. 186

in r.,u," 708
po••,.,iom and,
""'OttJUlao"m in kidr><y.
blood P"",Ott, 221. 324.lS2
",",,.1 ",.,,01. 3SS
o:omtMn«! " ';,h bI ;nd".... mol .. onin
occrclion.lo<i01ropc f.... I'''''''

inflocn«. on lM'b<ny liming. 610

i.floc""". ",,,,""oc,,,, •• ),.tem
.. m;nal pI"m. rom""""",,.
ronl",,"p,ion ond. 722
",matomed;." 198. $Ol
' pe"" """". deh),droscn'"
JI """"",,;wid •• 0<1. 12 I m"."lion.863 <om"o""i.,, 768, 7') • • 860
bfai • • lSS ",produ"'ivo ,)',,,0'1 ""pon .." 10 Tdl. ,.,..,; ..1
<. k'urn. "..,"Olio.din nt<taboli,m. mol"on;' .863 dc<>,)""",,<>Iid)'1 ' .. n.f......
m 111.180.191. .W
"pi nary Oil i.y. 352 220-1. 2J1. 294, 291. 3OS, )90. ""0$1'"",,-,, 0.40
«"In.1 ront,..,. of <10<11'01)'10 Ih),rolropc>, 117
lS8 An"boo<. di.ulfiram. 192-3 TRH. 761
,i«um'"C"'ricob, O'P"'. SFO. Anloriof <ommi".",. LRH in. 835 I,)'ploph. n h)'dro,)'I.oc, 303
OVLT. lS9 A.rorior h)'polh.l.mi< . .... 8)1 . 838 .'OtOtIoI>i •. 689
011.111, TSII se< ..'",". 3S9 ...o";1I'on, "'ilh ,'<mromcdiol "."ri. ""'" '0 blod horrnon< <11"""" 118
sI<lCorof1iroid """",ion.)48
in,"lin >«,..,;0.. 197
bean. III '"
do=m.di.1 nudoi projo<Iion' 10. 136
'nflocn«. on
o$cd to iderr'ify ho""<>ne-oe<n:lion
.i.... :l4, 47
h)'pol"'I.",;., honnonc .. 13
cCMP. C'lo .nd. ll3 FSH ><erolion , 193 NGF.61
.."•• LRH "'I ..... 611 peplide "",mone< ",,,,,rali,,,
pO""' .m <W<1;,,".).<6
prolactin >«"";00.351. lS9
",,"'.)'m ""Iholie. 'ympalilclic <"M P. 118
pil"itary al>nd «I I• • 824
'1"Iom,. Il)' 138
proslaJlandin ,),nlhffi .. 321. 3S1. 'nl ...... l;oo. ,,';'h fIO'lOrior "nli<iPlllo'y ront"" of hormone ..1<....

lS.l. )SS hypolh.lamic oro,. 838
«onin "'.,.,.,. J.4<; ,<>I« ;n IhormolO!:ula,'Oo. 838 <aleilonin, '80
JGA. Aim 'nd . )..06 An",iot pilUil1ry, 41. 019. 818 • • I"'hol.m; .....
«on in '" 0.''''.
C'_imid, an<l.).48
"rOO """on. 348 Anl,bodi..
" 'i,,,n ... nli body rom ,nd
pstrin. lIO .nd, 471
in,.I,o. 60.
.. II • r>l)Cl il •• 32 I. .lOO .omplemo., O<1iv,, ;on. 226 pin<. lhor""""", Sbl
>Odium "",«ion, I<\<n,ion. 346. d;.t:<:,., 0'1,1 1;,.,,1,12 Anl,di.lOlie """"on<:. ><e ADH
m hi". mi"" .. ""><, 309 Anli·infurmm,,"'l' ""nlS
. ympa'h<1k ,),<lom. 160. 311. 324. iOIO,10."'.·1.101 Infl.m",,,'on). 108
JjI·9 .nti·th)' ro&lOOuli.>. .n,i _m icrosom.l. A",iljntph.,<·,.,ic ..... ALS, cellu l1l
(hin', 311 . :W;. lSt Ihl"'oid d),r.""ion and. 111 imm"n"y and. 67
'''<''IDOJ''"' lS9 . """iated wilh 0,. ,... · di ........ 77.-..1 ,h),m«kHn)'.nd KmVory rrom, 221.
""II.. o:on",rv."".. J60 UTS. HTS, TSIg. n'-"6 U,
,"". lIo""rulo ... 146. )49·35 1 U TS-P. (TDIo). An I;· M ;;IIori,,, """"0"". A M lI.
<AMP. No, K ""d,l50 m Miillorian duel inhibi,o< ho.
inlor>ction, with <roM·mr"l iv 'I y. I"<'bi<,," ."""i"cd MOl), 20. 116. 51 S. 513. 11'-"
AllH.346 w;'h.122 7. 136.
dopam'''' ..,m.,O$"';•. lS9 dir<:<.1cd qain" Anlio,id •• ". oh)'ioIot.ical. '3. I S- 19
1'1 • • C•. prootap.nd in" lS2 ..,,_m.1 m,mi:>n" compo"".I .. ,,""Iithyroid ."." {..., Th)1"<>id
l>1onl peri<><!. fo< act",n>. Jro m 711·1
r«<pO'" OCC.""I1<Y .nd, 146 "Cn!. 251. 591. 327 ,,""Itum fonnOl ioo (..., Ov.ri. n
.ffmilic<, <ff«" of A·II. K. 3$0.
ADIt . 391
oar.. 449
",Icilonin. 416.. 411
foll icl<.). 621. 629. 630
10".0'1 f.OCI;on . nd. 6)1_J
'''lO&<n" <!omi .. nl folliol... 60<1
., blood .'....,1., Iocol oclion • • n<!. CRIl.8.).4
<"ym •• uoed in """'holami""
follicle.""., ...
o,·,ri ••q'" and. 6:l4
11<."'' '.
J><Ilrohypopily;>i>. :l46. 388
.ynl""''' 271, 272 "oroid. in, 640, &t6
An"ely. <11<<Il0l001; .. , and , 211.

offix" of .ldoOloro.... N. 00 <>1f()l<n •. S37 Apofoni' ;n, 12
numbor>,312 *,,,,",,0'..0.,;,,>. 592 ApomOr-pO'''''' dopom; ... ' Ion;".
off«" of ..""",n,. P«'C<"trt>n<. FSH. LH. 191 <homi",",'.186
OnRH. 591 •.1. 594 M honnone ..1<_
A",;olons'n" ,nli<>tcn" n III (A· III) LR H. MI. 860'I'1h iIonnono. ",malo""in. 192
341 . )49-j() LRH.617
r"...,.,ion. :l48, )(9 VOW'h hormor>c, 138. 7')5. 7%. $03 lute;n;,;n, hormone. 191
inflocnces on hCG. WI serotonin. 191
.100.1O"'n< .ynlh.. i,,)l) inlO!'COP"on ond. 12l vomi(" 1 ,.d, lSS
blood 3j() pr<&n.n<y "", . nd. 71)1·3 Apoproloiru; of VLDu, 168
"'''''''''', nli .. . ynlh«i>.)j() !l ·Y onl'''.' 51!. 111 A"",tOn,fotri •. 11
... n;n 349 in,ulin, in PIl'i"',, 191 A!>PO';Ie (00< Food in lOk Sail 'WO(".)
,on. &Iom< ...I0... :l49· ro NSILA, .nd, M, 7')8 roclon .II«Iinl- J2. 67
inIO"""io .. "'ilh A·II,)j() in'olin r«<P\O<$. 134, 180. 191 394. 4U. 136. 61)4, 607
Anor..,i . ... "''''''
MSH. 827. 860
NOF. immo_j'mPllIhOClomy .nd.
j(), S36
.bnottnaJ ,.,.lalonin rhylhm .. 866 2)1.212 an",,'oni,in 11 . 121
r."""n body " ,io> .nd, 866 ",,""r.:ali< pOi)'l><pl i<k. 8 12 JI-OH·bolj"'" 181
"nodOl",";. I<vd. and. 610. 888 PNMT.29.H ",I<i'on; •. 4Ja. 476, 418.480
h)'polh.l. mic d)-.fu""ion ptt<<<!;n. lIfoin,,,lin oonn<ni .. pepl;de.">eo ",leium.476
0""" ')'m",om .. 139 of. 191 CCK·P"L
''''''I>'n •. do""mi It< .nd, 839 "",. )86 food rompo""n". 343
•• SI '"",";.."",;. e. 270 "",,,,,,,.,,, hrOO1he,i •. dcf<mi";,,,;on.
&lu<o<oni<:nid •. 11 H "''''"'t'''''''n. S4. 7'13, 7'11 116.160
II>"'''''. IS1. 188 ,.b$l''''''' P. Slb 'nli<"roc<n •• od. j6().1
VO""·,h hormon •. 488. 1)0. 78S. SOl infl""","" on prot>\<m, wi, h <o"""p'. j6().]
h>'p<>, h. Jamu. FSII. I..II """,';on. j93
III ",,,,,,, ion and. SlS-6
L.-"""".. i< ocid .m;no ""ida... n.291.
injo'Y. 18l. &40 30'. S}I
Pln'·m,ncol., "uclei. i",.h. """";"". food inl>.l <, ]<).1 """,..I. foc,,,,, ati"e<, ;"'
""",pinept"i ... 'n. 811 mo,,,,,,,,1 <"}d... pnm ..... lIS "CTIt , od ",1",«1 pepti<!oo. 391
,n,ulin, Ill, 18l. 130 loc.,ion. fi .. .,rue'"",. 40. 11.1 ".""OOl>m in,,'. "(h' -or. fti(ht
i,,,, I;, 0$<1\(;<0<)'. lOC'> prrop1iro1UOCClI. roni<othal.mi< ,,...,, .... po."'. 274
olfactory. ""< pe=ption. 8oo.IOl
"",I hn>ocJ)",mi<: "", ... 2(11 A",.
PGO,«ma, 66
hi'''mi"" and , 1 14
"norioO<leros; ..
ph<ochromocylom •. III h<>rm<>'"" ,.kon"p ffOm ('SF, $49 PTIl ,00. 41>4. ggS
61 AOJ,ini .. ,hrm", and. !23. 8S1
PTH. 463 .. "",," ,i,1 ,,,,;no acid. 171 "",hheim·Z<>ndck. "·Z. mouse 1<".702
",,,,,I i",.ffi<;eO<j'. SOl 'nR"",.... on hormonc >«,...,...." 13 " oc:o<bi< >cid
ood'um. 476. 4SO "o_,h hormo ... J19. 1'I(l 7'13 JO"""" f""",ion., 13·14
,h)T';'; •. 1. j. 146. 147 ",,,,,,,,.u nd.794 .. ""ummodoIOlOt. 111
TR It m."rotil ... J66 'n,u"n. 1% in ><l",nal ron«.
,;"". 11 "'" ;. 1 I _ " " , i , mi<1"",.,.1 c),,,,,hrom,,.P450
"",ot,n,n ,llI<ocon""';d •• nd. 2 ' S a..o,2SS
dimi!>,nioo.341 u" a, ,permi nc .• perm'd inc I>'«U"". i" ad1'<:.ol m«lul lo. 2SS
<11'" ,,, "'" no Aellf .nd. 291
""dioinhib;,,,, foe,<>n. " ..... A'l;n;"" ' ..Of"·. . .i •. "vp, ... "DIt ;n bone
.. """. II I
!"Cu ll i k"'; n OCt;,·., ion ..UI . 31<
A'l,n,,,,, .,"'toein, "VT, 66
bioo)·n,hcs; •. m..""""lIula, nuel<i.
OO IO£On .. 41 9
m; """,t; 'a' ",n. 1 J. 024
PTO<I'nin """ " >1ion. 341 .. 134 <>strobIa" 426
,\PUD ehemi,,'Y. 77. J71 , k;" pi*meno" ell(:(" "'.
"" """'''''ve< of
1Id"'n<>m<du II.')'. 61
dh,ribu"on. 06. 312. 19a
fo'",io •• i. no.momma"an
""''' , 00. ll.l
'h)'roid honno"" .)·nt ...... . .d. 748
",l<i"""n....,"'tiO£. 1. 62 .• 74·j 'on"bral<' . 377. 397 A",...I ",prod",,'ion (0«
" ,,,oin,.,,in,161 . 2
'n. ,n f.,
;" 00","0«><";",, 1 n"id.)1l
o>c<. ; "I<raet;""" " i 'h <0<1;",1.
49\1. 50Q 5Q6. 7
A,ponic acid. l RII ="" ion . nd. S%

mol""",,)"'" 62. 86J PRL. J91 ",lie)']"'" 67
po""hyroid S<cr<'o,'! protein in. ,n pi"". 1lIand. 66, l73. 860 inn"""",, on
",.","",'. ",",,;e. ,·.n" "'n•.SOO ADIt.." iOn'.380
pi"""IOC1t<$ aod. ill ,nn""""" on <1I(:(,h'on"" of IU D>. 711
pi,u''''I)'. 40. 816 APH (,·• ...,.., """,,",". 21>0 ponuriti.n. 711
,h)'mo, &1>00 <ornpo .. 819 ad", ...1cor\<,. 219 ""hm • . bronchiola,
,h,.,oid lIond 'Q"'I>O'"'"". <6<. Wi «"",,","'''')' h, ..",o",", of. .".n*'n •• and. 2"
h l"po>lh<si •• • 1·2 M hi,"mi"" . od.11. 11lI!. ) 10
Araehidoni< oeid. "A. >r&Chid"".", CRIl ",1< ..". 66. WJ Ie>J kOtricno:' and. 11lI!. 310
PlttUI'$OI". '19. 102 hypo'''''lamic 7. 66 ki"n, and. ll7
biQl.)·nt ...... . '19. '03 l7J. 19l "T·lo. d;')'drola<k)·"""". "1·l
",\e... from 113 «prod"",;vo fun"''''''' 860 A,h<,,,,,,\e,<>s"
obem,,,,,,.. IOl "ro'o"inerei' .. 66. l60 diab<tC'l m< 11;lu,.nd. 2()S
con'·......., lQ \e"ko'""n, .. 107. lOS ,mOOlh mu .. l<. 834 ;ooul;•• "d. WS
101 Ul<rin<: m ...I<. l72 in InOnkC)'Uod, 71 S
die,,')' .,,,=s. '19 "th,.mi<:.ude mi«. "" Thym"' &1. ""
calcium <h,,, .. I.. lSJ
. ."",ph)';",
bola"",. 7, 37l.
,,,,,,,,,'<d ";'h.
"Tr. >oXn",ine tripI'\<KpIl"'.
.. CA MP "","01'$01". 119
honnont """"io •. 91 ",ka ... MIF, and. 19J bIDs rnlh",i,
1)0>1",,; •. 1)1 Aroma,. .. % from ,I...,.. m,"bQfi,m.
.. 168 IlF'f"I>Iod "h.nt' •• SS6 in,ul in '<>d. 161 . Ill. 176
mom!:>n"" nuidi')'.21l ,n ""',.c"MP and. SIl-4 ....,"'i.. """, afl<l , 162
"",,'a,lnd,n ",od",,'io •. ll3 &lu<o<oni<:_ ."" ;nd,.:<;on. 64j &lucoron;eoid. and ",,,,,,,,,,,,n of. 118
lI'O";' k;n ..."i,y. Il'I lOr1.Idolropin, and . 131 ;on ... """ on
1<q1lCi''''';o" in cdl lipid<. 102 FSl! ioduotion. lJO. 1l9. SSl. jU. odcnrl",o <)"la5<. 310
,hromi>o>" <$ and. 101 636 . ..", .kIosl<ro.. ",*0 1.,...., of N"
A"'''I<. infuodibulor nU<i<i, <0. Ill . aodroten' and. 636 '",",pon. B.J.6
lB. h('(; and. ISo! hone mi.o",t; ... ,io •. • 23
a, compo""n" of h)'lloplt)'>io, ,<>pic in adip<>« Ii" ... and. %. 1<0. j3J ",,«hol.m'n< upUt.. 2'/7
''''•. S36 ;" ad",,,,1 <one•. 131 JT>.0\e d;,po,,;o'.
Cltocholam 'T>< ",1<0",. 836 ,n !:>n,n, .nd,,*n oc'ion. and. 608. U8.871
""pomi.. '0 poh...,. .0,.. of <leh)<I""" ..... 71S
m«li •• om'ne"",. 831 ,. fc,.1 0>01)', S2l in,ul; .·",*u l>tcd &I <K'O>C borrie,...
'0"'" ""pit,; .. '0 ;n ,em,,1 >OTte. ;. f"II;e"Ia, eoll•. .139. 631-40. 609 'W
i. ; nl<"t;' i.1 «II. ofado". 1M ;od;& ,,,,n,pon. 'h)'roid &I.nd. 74J
fo '"<0""''';'''''' wi,h
!>'<Optic '1><I<i, SSS
;. 1",·dif«lIlumon. S84
i. pineal. 860 m
due' inhilli,o< ",,',on ..

'otnCh;"matie ".""i. in Sertol i «II .. 1l9. SSl-4. lU. ",0",1, 1I)'",*n p/lt»p/l<>r)'1 .... 131

$ )6
v,"trom«!,al nl><l<'. 136 phoophofructO\';; ..... 111'>.7
;n.)7 >..0. SM ,n ...,t<1;Qn ""ules. 91).1
"CtH.<ndorphin>,336 sn wi,h ".I<i.",. 4(19. 41l
GRit 794·1, 836 ofjuve. il... lSl ')'"ho.i .. o';d.,' .... p/losflh<>rylation.
""""h hormone. 14 inhibitOR of. SSO, 556. 551 ,h)T<>id h<>rrr>-. aod. 717·8
lRIl. Ill. 671. III no ",..,;0
<l<f«" ,,11"«1;0$. .ISO u" ;n "",te,n ruction .. 119

II TF\"" (= NojK. Ca,/MI ATP. In) A",,,;on , ".ven.;on «nl<,,- in f"",on 'ltl'''''''''''''.
in bono. mi ..... Ii ..';.m . nd. 423 hypo'h,la"'.'.53) l<'nodQ\roptS. S2S. 326, 127
in .ndom<lfium. _ '<'<>II< and. fOr«d ""dio, Orod, all. 840
.... ,ion.lti!>' '0..
,o.'y. 1 39
muropro1<in. ",,,,pro1<in ' YI'O$.125
penodi< acid·Schill". PAS. ,uini"*"
;.h iM""
117. 423. 74J
"" i •• i" f""" •• '"*"'"
rod, SOO
AV,V. " ' «0'..,0,,..1 ofJ'"
82S, 816. 817
lI>"",oi Ii< kuk.,.,)1<1
.pmni.,ionaoo, 511 hi," rni"" '),0'''''';' in. 71
,h«'mos< ....;.. n..t. III «n,,..1 con' '''' of _ Jm$.u .... in 0" 01)'. ovula,ion .rod, 631. 6SJ
,0.11'<>;' ofl<f1l1inal "dl" ov.';"n ""'OT bol.n«, ""'nure,ic IIAT . brown odipooe ,i"""
foil"'''''' 510. 521. 611-4, 0>1() oo,",on<. 159 """"hot,min<. thyroOd honnono:
Avid;. 'l'o ,hesi,. 67 ""ul.. ion. JIfJ
"'"""",,,.... 625 "vp, . ",nin< " • ..",.. .. i.. ... ADII mcUlboti< nol< of, 71fJ
. ",m.ta'" "",jv; 'r'04. AVT. "'" a",.;"" va"" ",in ,Ocrm_nc>i.. od.1l9
0$"'<1$<"' .1Id. 6Sl A·Z. A"'hh<im·7..(l .... """",II<)' "'''. BDGF. 1>one-<ktiV<d \I.r<Iwth r"",or.
f""",ion. of, 521. 531·1. 632
JOl"(\(I'fOIIinund 97. MO
Atrial p<pticleo ond ""n",..,.; .. 333
A.-permia. S<6
IkMv;Ot. mood (. )", ... Ps)'<hi<
nd. 486

inn"""",,. on ."""",ion. lS3. 861

att1)'kholin. feC<ptOt>. 333. 792
C RH """"ion. 26 1.l64
B. boo .. «II. of pane"",,", i""s. (00<
P''''''ellIi< io1<1 •. lo",lin) S7.
a"""i"ed <'"' ' ' '
in d<in
"""'h """,,on< "", ... ,;on, 192
lRH """"ion.
po'.""""' ""')T",,,,i<I< s«mion. 57
"""",,ion of
Ii"""'" . nd. 201
CRH a nd. S60
"....".landfOBOlIUrod. SS9
"''''''''''''''''' .nd, S4'
"," ,>«>ids, 19·20 in di.he,., melli'us. 203 .mpl\ctami .... rod.219
1w>nnOl'l«. )
",mpott<j " ,;th faclOr> .... ul .. i"'" 2(1;').1 an,i"",i.1
Au,ocri"" functiono, lO. 3l
<>'roc<n., 'c"""<"," . nol. Wi
in po"",.,.'"' id•.,., 4
B ",II" B 1)'mp/loc)'k'I
uki.m. iO i.",lIit<t>C< "d. S<l l
Klind;'I,,,,', .)'nd"""" ond. 546-7
X YY <h,om""""'" ,nO . SOl
in P;'"'''')' &l>nd. 659 Ilo"'imo,o', orod. JJ7 apomorphine ' nO , 188-9
in ,""i •. 531. 399, 600 in ",Io"'.m. 721
• •_iated wi,. 'hcrmorq.ula' ion .
LRIl.nd.659 U"7 on
""""''''''''''' . nd. W).I <>fiJin of. in m.m ...... 226 a.,odoted ""'ith .... "T ron", .."",.
AU' oOmmu"" ",action" d;s<• ..,. ...... <>f 216 3%. 397
. If<<1i III odf<noronicol. ",prod"", j,,, ,.) ",idi,i, in nd. 777·1 . voidan«. po.,;",.nd "",ivo. 39]

.,functioo .. SSt
Add;"",', di..,."". 216.222. 778.

diOO«l<n of.." .. ion. 541

,,<';h,y. rompb", .Ik<!i"ll . perm
inn""""" on
,,"o.n. hormone ><cr<,ion, 7'14
honngno bind;", ptOt<in,. 110
rondi' ioninl. im"";.' inl.
"'1>'"".,;"',.1<11<0< ,,,
duri!l£ """ponom poriod. 123
<aliol.'" ."".,i"'. food
m<ml>ra .... nd. 112-3 T BPA birodi", to ,hYfoid 0110<1. "" oc,",vior.!J9-40
".5«1omy .nd, 715 OOrmn .... 751 .... followiol
.11«1;", thyroid function. LR II f<:CCplO< num"" ... 6SQ hypoth," mi<: inju T)". 18).
.",'boOk> dif«1ed "pin" LRII ... 1< . ... MS
IhYroi'op«.71J mcl,nonin of h)'po'h.]. mi< <On''''''''
<.optholm<» onod. del»U$Ol.' 0<' ;""0, S7S 01'<<1. of IIofmon<>. 6. 61
O.. ' ... ·di.....,. 202. 17 ..1 """.."".,in """""nll'",n. 168 ACTIl.nd ",toted P<!>1ideo. 37·S.
H••hi"",,,,·, th)ToO<Iit i.. 202. 776. T RIt " ,",oni,m. 768 lS8,391 , 8J4
m Bo",...,.,,,,ors. "re'ch =<p'on AI)H (,'ol<>l>'=in). ,d.,«1
hiltorompotibi lity """pi<, and ADH ,..,Ieuo. lS. 3SS. 390 76. 391·2
,,,,,,,po"".'H nd.7JI .nd "'To,onin ",;1ion. on IIcon. 304 aldos'«One.l29.2:lO
m)". "h<ni. ' '''' ',. "",.,Iei"",
'M""" in pa,k., .. ",I.. i",••
i" fl",,,= on .... ," .rod .. I, in.. ko.
lS9. 36()
.m nioti<: R"id
.n.:.I"'II<"" 5(1, SSl-9. 60). 600.
no 60S, 601. 8)1. 840
en"r&<m<., . """,,'ed ofrrnin..anJio,on';n ')'>1<1'1. 14S di h ydo'OO"""".Tone me .. l>oli1<l.
" 'i'h. 7J8. 882.S3S i" JG « II .. 340. l4J
and , 7'>(}
J.",,,,,. o.,i.M:(;. ,,.
"'nin ..."",ion. "' ... "'. S9. 346. in (¢tit ......

onti·H PL.nd .72) IIlfT boO i... )4S, ) 40 caki(cro". <.16um Orod,
di.betel ",<lIi,u •. 202. 773 1Il",1 CRIl .1S9
cndoo<ri..,·immunc ')'"''''
' .
m' n< 'n._w 7<. 273. 2S8
inl<roc,ion •• nod. 773 Po .... in",n·, di",.", . nd. 2M OIIinophn..,.177
aJoroooniooid. and. 221. In. 170<y",,- in. 3(;7 O>''''II<n,. SJ.4. SS9. 19t, 661. 72J
5<, SJI Bonicr m<thod, fOf """'r3«"pOion (>e< in prima1<l. 563
rhc"m ..oO<I.rtltri,i.
in pa,i<.!> ..;,It thyo<>id & ..1 "",,,t>olic no'o, 8 MR (0«
7t 4·S """ooon
i<oid<. 1. 2 IS. 2' 6. 229.

."..1 <o.,ra«:pti_ arod 'Y"''''''''''
ho""o,.,.. orod.
7.... S l<'" ark<,omy . nd. S33
.i " .min<.314

"ot()flQm;" bob"",
!Iasophi I (C)""nop/1 ill ",II. of

ol<i, " blut . • l<I<h)<Io f"" h, i. (AF)

i • • • 'i •. 160
Lt • . l6t
.. 271 .tainio," MSI" . 88. lli. S7I
h)'po'ha"",k qio., .fl<ctin*" 133. bet>. dell •• pmm ...... ,)'pe$. 821. oXl'lO<in. 76. 561
m 826. 821. 811 29l
_.Ie"'''''. )}4. SS9. 1\Ii9.567231 wbmi .. ;ven<SoS. Sl)
!O'« ""fottO«>. hormo ..... nd. l jol
Biph.,ie. moltip••• k ..... ion. of
...." .. \oro. 114-1
in primot... S63 ,i"","""""", for acti vO!iornIl .o<t)'1<1101i0<.19l-6
pro,ec,ion oca;n"
olf«,.. loll
'"'0><'0' ' ' ' hormo .... Sj4
lie,. ""II. of 1<I<noIIy_h)..... 12l-.!
I>'o><u".oo'o,. 561. 699 lie,. ecll, of ",,,,,,,,.. ie ;,1<:" (0« <"M P, III
PTH. 411).-4. Jl3
thyroid h<>rmonos. S}4. 723. 7411
i'ancn:o,k i"",..
\7. 117.200-1.103.410
In,. I 2. 1.2S·D. "6-1. 488
..""",n.. LH """';<>11 ."d. 1901. 1060.
T RH . j1. 761 Iloto ondotl>hio, (0« F.n<lorphio.1. 49. 66S. 72J
TR H m<taboli,cs. 16S 61.86-1. Ill·8. 191. 263. 217. slucoconiooi<l .. 192
';n< meu bo!ilCS.)OS In. 1()1. 1()7. HI . 761. 191. 10nad.1 ",roid •. 619-60
o.,·iron mon'al . ..,.;.1 f.<tors all«'inl- 824. 134. 3lS. 836. 842. 171 _ " r o ... , 660
561.563 BGA. oono """"o'i,,, act;.ity, """,1<<<''''',191.660
fl.i d in13k o<c Drinkioq..
in,ak Th;n,
II[)II. '""'<>«"";n.II . .l4II. W)
!!GP. bon< Gla pro'';n ( ...
Qs'co<>lein). 19
&row,h""""""". 114.196, SOl
)l IOMT act;"i,),.
Lit S91
"''''II<n. '00. 319

liCE innibi,,,,, and. 349 Ai<.. bon.lO ion. prol"' in.l97

",mpois;'" .... ,or dnnkin,. J10 roo<"<n,,., ioo.;n 1>0<1)' nuid •. lZS 101
dnnl<;n,. a"""iOlro ,..' inJ. A V ) V <11"""" ofN. ."d O. 325 ,h)'mid 'om"",... 761
and. )l9 ","""";"" from fOO<l .. 311 Bird .. 'P<'<",I f,ato"'. of ondo<ri",
h,.porton'" .. Ii .. . nd. JS9 ;nfl 000«0 on iod ;do ' r.on .port. ,)""m •
..I, <ldici<nq. 122 thyroid. 747 Ond"",", .y",..,;.o<I. Si4
tilom""on", <lnn"n,. JS94) ;o«,,;n.I't>o,por!. ,..1e;IO"io , 00. b."" ofF, brid ... 226. 771
food deprivation . nd ( = food m <. Ie;"m ,","1><;"1 pro«in .. 439
dcj)ri,·.,;on). 167 ",n.1 ",.\>s<)<pt;<>II. O.,,'.,,;on. 32 .. 7 "'leilonin fu""tion .. 484-l
hom.n. p«n ...1 oo.monc> '00. }OJ .kl",tcrone and. l)7 oIoaca, ««PI""'" uf>""",,,omo.. SOlI
)I. Yon, ... " '00. }41 PTiI .rid. 438. 46-4. 469. 410 orop ..c. 6. 47
hIporp),<"<mi • • hHIOII)",mi. , 00. .ooi.m . nd . 436-7 eu Pto<l""'i"". 6. m
'W Hk"".II;n<. GliB"
inno'O«O on
'"''to"'''''. 13 I .,';d ;" .rnt... i.. 67
<JJ >11<11 .. _00. 484
h)"po>pilr>«''''''I· . nd. 391
hypoOh.l.mie ··ecnle"··. 8)1·3 &rowth OOfTflOO< "",... , ioo. 192 ",';dll<1. ""II "aoo. SO'!
"',"'m ill. o)· .... ion •. 8J(;
-",.!e •.. ··fcmole-. SOl. S.l
;n,.hn ""'t01ion. 197 <s'roc<n ,fr<ct. on C. ""LObolli"".
lactottop<>. prol""' ;n sec",,;"". 131 bon<:.441.487
-m"'oli ...•·• -f,m;n; ... ··. SSJ T RII :oxt01ion. 110 h)'potll1"mie ronlrol of PRL. 197.
m.. orn.l. 6. III H;,. bi,·bit J<J. 80 m
Q')'lO<in and. 191. 334 BiIU,"ido • ., .",1 h)'!)osly« mics. 198-9 "'Ol;", I><""'w... 6
prol .. ,;n.nd. 47. S99 <I(l min<ra loronkoKh . nd .. It d.nd•.
ontl ron'oxcp'i,'<> . nd. 669. 116, <hok'1lOroi in, 169-10
pIl<romol>< •• M. l' ·1 1. >t>J
."""ion ofl\omlon< • • nd
m<1.boIit<>, ,W
po"" ... tk 189
"',,""n<>C000 .... :107
-plc.......... ""';" ......... If. IS3 ";11<.1

"i",."';"", 31 1. 8)). 839-<10
'00. 61'
Cllieiforo!" 4)0. 433·S
<"'"",n ..
d;= 1'ho!O"n';,;v;'r. 818
intn".", NAT 'il)"hm •.
"'''l'''OC)' '00, 71 f>. 7 141 t,..n,pl.n'ati"" , 00. 818. 86S
probkm. of ;n"'·.tip';oq.. SB. ).6, th)'mid bormof>C'. IS4 ... prod "'" ;"0 ho, mo ... ,""ul""",
... ual ("'" s." ...1 boh»';o,.) d"" 'oo, no of, i6\
A DH and. 814 Row. <n<ct, of ,horm""'lUI,,;on .nd. 814
.. h."·;O"'I ......... (sec E" ..... ("CK·PZ.60. 81 pi'oi"!), &1>00" 812. 813. 814. i18
I><ho';0... 1).118. 119. 619, <1""'1)' lip;d" I) prolact in ron,,01 of Ca. P. ",ldfcrol
662. 66-! <"roc<n., 669 ",."bo!i. m.44O
bi ... ual . .,.".ho;.. ,;oo. Ii "" ron IOn, of diet. 1 J(I prolact in. con"ol of """'tion . 191.
""femini,.tion .nd. ISJ <>fal ""","",pli"". 1 17 m
,<>tw.""", .nd. lb() sec ... ,;". 60. 81 PTII·lik "",ion. of inwlin. 481
",Ie;to.;n 11<"" ",1.. 0<1 pop,Mk. 473 <n<ct. on aboorp,;on of 10,- sc, 'hromooornc>. 506
ecn ,,,,1 ""wo' ",lOrn ......on. ><>I"bio ";!O"';"" 14. 42i .. ' dotormin" ion ... t"'ll<n •• nd. l11
""ola' ioq.. III ""<rom 0"'" i n. 11 u·y prod"",;.", by f, .... 1es,
ond"'ll<n.. oo, SSJ
prroptie "",<>II in prim ..... 1S8
..It •. HMG-CoA ..,t;"i'y .nd. 11()
.oo;.m ;n. 31l '"
o,'an. n do"ok>pmcn'. o"OI<>,i.
«"'001 ,""<, "'Pt.,;on. IS9
dihrdro'o"",,,,ron<. 561
li,"do, pros<S1<ron< ;m plan, .. nd.
LR H .nd. 1. 11. 59(;. 1>60. Sll
S;olotical <locks
"",)'""hroni .. ,;oo .. di<Ordrn
."",;.. t<J wi'h. 8j I
,,;ne.I , •. ;n 818
f","",,,<on. 12_
thl'mu. Jla oo" f..,of> , 1I"«1i ... sil<.

" Iti_n<hi. ll>odi ... 4!l4-1

Hinh <on. 1(sec I'>,..n,;on)
!>OS'<rior hn""h.lam.," 81%, 340 .0prKh; ....... ie n..,oIo; ... 6J-4. , 6J-4, in .. SO'!
ptOropul"O'Y vocal; .. ,;on,. 836-7.850-1 ",I.,;n, . nd 709·10
, 00'<II<n, . nd. IS8·9 ,'.ntfom«l i.1 n""lei. 26<1. 3SO Illaoo";"..;n 872
. .,..."..«t()ne .nd. Sl9 X. Y Pll«OUk,,,. second. ry 01.,,0<)'''' (. 1", ... 6. 61(1
prolactin . nd. )99. _ ",dilator>. iSI bl."""",Io. om bfyol>l. ". ,rophobI.<1.

rro::pli"i'r, ("RH and. j.6() Bioloj.i<.1 ,h),th.,. (SOC O",ad;. ".
''''''II<n.. _"orone .nd. 664
in prim"",. 123. 6)9
O",.rn. nn,,",l. s.,.",n.1
dol;,'<o)' '0 "'",U" e>'roc<n.
_'''tOne. 1'(;.. VIP ,00. 663
",I.,'on,h;p '0 'll<'« "u",bo". S07 <."",n"" •. onJoso_" ultrodi.n. 62 <I<",OO""ioo of
",rotonin, Sj9 ftc< ,"oni ... 03. ill .... 0"",;d)',nd.687
00<;01. O",';ron",.n ,.1 fae,,,,, 0;"';0. IJ «>I>I"'tt".ieit)·.72 1
. ft«tinJ.l18 f.ltl' .dd O)'nth. ", .nd. 169 im plon"'io" 'im;n, and. 688
",o,.;nJ. J.Ol "", 0)'1"00),<1>" 'nd , 13 lUDs,nd.721

HI."oc)'''. ("",'.) ""10";,,, hn""h.l.mi< Sl8 dr..,,,oo

donn.n" di." , u.. ,.d,
691-3 PfOC<',orono.7 10 ADiI ",1<• ..,. 389. 390
e,I'O";"'" 689. 690
[""".,ioo. 663. 687
""""<ye""" 3S7. 767
.....,hol."'i.. rek.s<. 29S
",nin-an"", s)'''om . 319
h.!<hill£. 688. 690. 694 PGE>. lOS. 2l2. l62. JS7. 6.\3. 164 ,nYol<n,ln·11 p1oo.<lion. 3S!
hi"'mi"" ««p, .... 690 PGF,.. 1). l)7 reni. =,ioo.)43
impl,.,",,,, •. m«h, .i,m .. 694 !'TH.41>4 men0I'O.'" 'nd. 611
i. m.""pial .. I.... ' ion.1 di.p.O""'. rel.,;n.710 Blood-\.,,;, borrior. of
.""urio,or. S09
endom<lrium. 688
"'''''on;n. J04
""m>t"".,'n. 139
. nd.722
"'1«'010)' 71 I
., •• 399 FSH . nd. lll
h)" "'''''P/>C,694
"I,,""" ··mil1<-. 693
689 Blood on,)'me>
ACE. )48
f."",,,,... S31. S7.
OPO"" "'''Uf. ,ion .nd. 600
ulefine ««pli"ily l<>, 688·9 hormone <kJruIallon. 110 Blood "c",fs. "'" .1", alood now
PI."oki. i•. u'etosJobin C OMT.197 .n"uk".in producllon in. lSI
l'f\I&C>l<ron< bind in" cuos<n IipoprolO in Ii""",," 168 0"';010.,;.·11 ««p'"".I<><.1 "",ions
,),n,""", •• d.689 prek. llil<re'n ><Ii ... 'o .... 317 .nd.361
pro,«tioo "",in" '",phobl." BIoo<l &1 U<OiC. I« GI"""" in blood. ,00 ruMP, 150
n:i«'ion , 701 IIl""rsJr.. mi , COMT i • . 297
81i ndi Il£. blind""". ,1I"<ct. on 'ndocri "" Blood p!ol<l<t.
.pl<m .arene"," ««I'""," 230 d;o"',,, ",.Ih,u, .nd. 161
,Io«><""i«:>id. ";0..1 ,h),'hm •. 64-S.
.w<&>'i"n. foelO'. .
• .. cclIo1.m;n«.27.
I'I«1'' ' 0 ..1ooot'""""lIIi, ... PfOfI'''os<n.,
,mol; ", o.d. 7)1
""".,h _".
mdoto,in .nd. 793
•• 189 in re,in •. oral ront""'pli", .nd.
hi>!.min<.6ll 71S-9
hum • • "", .. "",i. rh)1hm.ond. 8(,6
",dOlO.i. =,ion in bird .. 86S
non·photic "im"1i 10 SCN. li",'
pro>!."" ndi" .. 61. 226
>cro,on i•. )03
''';'')'I&1)<oro1 •• nd. 717
f""on .rr...
Ailil. 3S4. 833
<I<:"";,'"ioo .nd. ISS Ih",mi:>o,"""". """,""y<;lin .nd. ADIl """I. ,nd >cn,i'iv,y '0 "'DH.
piu"n""m ;'
la<'O\fOj)< fuoclion'. 363
,,; ....1 _ " " inn""n<C<. &63
hi, ...,i,.. in.m
in o ... ri. n folliel<o. 631
hi>!, mi ... 12
Ih)"oid [unc,ion. ";nulond. 874 ",ul.,ioo .nd. 6S3 PIX'F. SOl
li",io, of """'' 1" 00 .. '. 610. 669 mo,""mln< o,ida"" in . 2'19 HH. 463

dc><n,i,il11ioo 10 M I.T ond. 866 PGH, .rr..... 100 'h)'roid I>omt ....... 7.....
reprod."ive 'y'lO'" ",,,.,,,,ion . piot<l<I do,.;.'w VO""h ("""'. PDGF. TSH.163
592. 602. 0).6, 800- 1 , ""'1h or. «UOSCn •• nd. 732
BIood·bai. bomef. 150. 838. 849
.nd Jiu""", "", .. boIi,m in \>rOin . 181
.."""nin """'k """'C<.
thromOO..... )n'Mosi, in. 10l
n. 303 hi".",i".. hl ... minc ,.,"", in.
,.d in,ulln 1<>,,1. in b<oin. 181 Blood 1'...... 1<. 4. SS, .19 I,"",.in, in.
a.d Jio<OCOtlkoid i.hiMion of CRH. ",",,,,I cO.lIoI of mcl'noxyl" in """,,,1 .... 11 •• 867
0<"'\00; ••If.", On • .l(U
oo\o<l>ol,ami". •• ,,')'. 213. 117
• rr<ct. of.=. 389
' .I i""n'i" ond. 351
Av, V.nd.3S9
<II«" or
",matorne<lin bindinl
' as<.lori,o,i.."
'0. S02
honnonc ond •
", •• do\rop;n "" ••pon .nd. 591 ADH. 58. 16. 371. 38S. 833 48S. 78l
m.tu",,"" or. 319 "DII.1\1loal. JH Blood ,01.""
prol..,'ioo "",i." ,., iOle.,i" n. 11. 3S2. 3S8 OJjUSl""'. lS '" .""""IIUI., lOlIi.m.
imm un."" 'm "",h«tomy 00d)' we .... ,. 3lJ 321·2
dc'''''''''ion.212 b",d)'k'ni • • 78 orr..,,, of
",pi<! <h.0J<' in "",i. cak;iu"', 463 ""I<i"",. 324. 43 I ADII (,""""""in). 18
Blood <OaII.I"ion "",..,holom'.". 14S-6. 27 •• 27S. old".l<,oll<. )30
",k;.",.nd.410 m JiUCOCOt1i«:>id .. I S. 211
"" ..ado. III f,l", ''''n''''in' .... 303 h)'porsJ)<omio.l60
OOI&."'ion foeoon .nd
... iv .. ion. 3S7
CGRP ... "i""". "'..
""plide.473 ADH ""''''tion. 58
prol<nin acti.-.tioo.)41 60S .llIi<>lOn.i. II pro<iu<1ion. 160
."'OI<n, • .".1 .""",lIula' n"ld .'<>Ium •. )23 ..11 in .. . .. J.6(I
"'nl"""ptl .... nd.714 Ji""oc<>n'coid" " ..... 215. 220 11000 IOOfJIhopone'ie protein. 799
"",,-or·niv., ""po"", VO""h I>omto... JM.i B.'-iR (... 110..1 m... boIi, "' ...
w ocllol.rn; .... . nd. 6. 174 h,morrhap:. l8j M,"boIic ""0). 7S4·1
&1 """"'" iooid • • nd. 2 IS lS7. 35S ,h)'roid hIlrmonos and. 7SS-9
hoporin.39l mi ..",loCOr1koid •• 321 . 383'" BOOy 'empo" '."'. f""on olf«ti". 5. 6
pr"" .... ndl ... 216 aldo"""",,,. 330. l31. 33"1 dread,'n "...,m.k .... to<
,i,..,inKond,19 .".1 <oot"""lIIil'«, 717 .ore. ' kin. 'll
lliood di>tribu,ion. now. f"""", oxyloci., 3JI. 8)4 ",ntrol - .. nl<,,- in hYP<l,h.lomu<.
ACE ;nhibi"m, 3-<9
MlH. 76. 382. 38S
Sa-dihydro _ _ '.",no.1Ot\
. nloriol'. "",«riOT f<l,ion • • nd. 838
""..,hol.min",.211 ","","fIC)' .....1"'.'",""pli,'" 669 md.,..,i •• MSIl .11«" 00. 814
""""mi,... 273. 187. 3Sl prol""ln.393 .";ph)'Si.1 ",mpl... SH
epiocphri ... 214-S !'TH .•"" r"" ",<1i,..
""01<0" 66S. 710 sodium. 32,·)24 ACTH.770
121 ·l, 228 Ihyroid _nos, 746 ADIl. II. 388
hi".m;,.., lO'J. 110 urop/ll'i" U"'ton,in .. 398-9. 01 eok;i"",. 409, 431
auccoobmillC>. 22S. 27S- 769. 77 1 &.
OOI<pi .. p.n"",I20 >#". "",,;',0<1 "h.n" .. 487
cndo<phin .. "",,*hoI. ",lc ifcm) "",umuIOl ioo. 428. '42, OSO
Ow..:11 "f dc1i<i<ncy. 431
calc ium ronlen', "',",V<T , 41 S
Jlo<o<otticoidl, 11 5. 11!. 770. 87. caki"m in""""io", wi,h
.i"amine, 314. 110 ""ki1<rok.4SI
in\crl,cu'in-1. 126 die .. ')' .lI'«t.. 4SO
_no "Ie,,,,

ncurole".i" .nd, 60 cak ium
p;nc.i .. n:plo,,,, ,nd .."'" <oki'ooin and. 477, 4&0
"sol"bili,y p<O<i."c .nd. 47<)
I'MN p)·,occn., 22S PTH .nd. 470
])«IlC$loc<n.. ""II ",""",.1. «9
.• ). mptotl>crm.1 """" morphoccnCl" pro,dn Ond,
,h)·,hm mctllo<! ond. 714 ;W
prostq!.ndin .. 67. 102 cold'<lnin and. 483
PTH.464 """,c<n. and. 441
.. rotonin.110 Ilucoconko.h . nd, 486
.o",.'0... ,in. 763 PTH o"".OJI, 470
,h),roid h<>,mon<> . .12. 394. 7 <16, ""II ')'''''' Is« O<'robI ..... OIC,), 42l-
7S7. 169, S74 m
nH. 7.7. 7b8. 769 Mr.",,,, ,,,ion, ",mao"""in a nd.
TR H ""'10""li1<l, 766
,,,;,,,)·IJI)''''rot<. 13 bont ..."."hotcnt,", ",..,1< ;n .nd,
vcntromcd"l n",ku, k'lion>. 841
lin" to WIlle'.
m.t.oboli,m, '"
fibmbl •• ". PTII ,If« .. on 471
fu"",ion .. mOO"IOI i"".
N'/K_A TI'> ... and Ihcrm<JtC"",il. ;."""Ia,;oo$.hil"-

'" .. k i,onin .nd, 48!.J

JI .. 'c dchyd"",n, .. I'TH .nd, 47Q.1
' nd.7.18 PTI! a"d CT i" noc"""
o"''';,n 669 corn".fCd. 484
' kin !M&rncn"'ion and. 861 <011.",,, I"" Col ...... o.l<obI.."1
ch.rIF'. li"m>. 87J-4 corn"",i'ion.417
tern",,,,,.,,, ,Ifcct • .,. ,)·,..,.in"., <owe"nd. II
"ti.i'y. h)·J fQ""tion,419-420
8o<lr Is« 01", Food in" •• ) . S<'O,bI< "' ... Fc and. 4 19
di.b<tc. mell i,u, mdli," •• nd. WI ca kir"rol> . nd, 419-420
cw..:" of "!>ril,. 417-$
/I-OH·but)'f:I",181 .)'nol>c.i., 418 .... 22
d<>N!mi ... 289. S39 Jlu<OC<l"i<oi<Io ond. 486
"'rovn.. 0(;9.139 ",'<Obia>" . nd, 426
JI ...",n. ISS P,,,,, .. ,,,ndi.,, 4116
JI)WfQl. 182 som .. orn«lin .. 802.
""W," dd",,, in "'"rmi< mi«. Gil ""d.
h""""nt. Sl)4
""I ron",,,:cpt;,·c.. 716
Ifmpt,OC)·' .... nd,S8S
" "oc<" <O<Itcn, .nd. 717 l S-I) In-h)'<lfOX)I'1< in. 43)
Pf'llC"CfOrt< implon", 720 2S-D 24·h)·dro»·losc in, 4SO
proIo"J«! f."in" 16S l.l S- D ...""",,.. in. 4SO
,h)''''';d hormone> . .II , 746. 7S1 1<101 bone ph)'>ioIosY, 441·2
011«" on ... ' nd"""nl and. 441
l>1oOO i>«"u". 32J &io<o<ottiooid <11'«,., ll8
..,rotc" ",<>duo,i",
cflkk",), oHood u,ili,., ion a nd, S42
,,"0"'" and tom
"';"it),. ",,"i'y. mechonic. 1"""
h)1>O,ha"mi< ,,,,,,rot.. ISI-3. 8).8-343 and. 4SO, 487
<O"lto"''"'''' o"cf<"<ln'roI "".. 839 ",leal<, 472
..... 'k'r·· centen in. U9 and"",,". and. 416·7, 603. 607
".,..,n,, """lei ,,,<1. 8)) "".. dcril'C<l JfO'"·,h r.oW. 416
.cn,romcdi. l. "'ml ""on. and, ",kifcr,">. 009. 43J. 481
S18. 839 cakium.4S7
""'nopou", and, 671 ,,·,.cl<>. e,.. ri.n "l"1ct; and. 441
pNwchromOC)'''''''''nd.273 Jluoorortiooid' ond. 487
pr<p''''y and. 716-6 melli,u,. 198
I<'·""'n" rot. I S2, 09
·<lcfcn.... of. !'oIlowin,
If""'. and. 486.1. W8
hormon<, 488, 7!1i,
m. n ir>ula''''.',839 788. 7%--9
,'''lu, "'".... nd. 183 .S(lF .M. 799
Bombesin.61 0<31 ron"t<.pti ..... "d. 487
inn",,,,,,, o n PTI!. 47(). 471. 486
l>1oOO ,,"'.,... oom .. ", .. ,in and. Jlucorortiooid d roco. on
m ",,,,en,,, 10.486
catCCOolomin< """"ion, 29S >ta",nol "arialion<. 4J3
food ,,,, .... «1 ",matom«!i".. 66. 7%--9. 3Q2-3
JlucaJOl' "",""ion. 192 fa"i",a nd. SOS
JrOWI" 00"""", ",te'l<. 794 beali"l- "",o<Ial "oroI4. and. 4S7
IOm""" .. in ",le. ... 794 '''fDiCn .. 441. 6U

Bonc (canl.) blooyn' ...... ofpcptid", rd.,nllO ",t CO ; ·I'Z. 60. 189
""wth tlctot. SOl bonnones. n. 33. 61 C1I.It. 259. 843
Pf'Vh'f'I<"i o!>d. 481 dev<lopmon'. m"u""ion. ro<1or> dipeplide>. 75
pm""lin.481 ofkcti., ,ndorpItin-do;riv"" ""plid<>. 83S
Pfoo"Jlanol in. ond. 67. 412. 481 . brltin p owth PfOfn"'inl o<1;.i,y. <>Irot<n,. 4. 563. 598. 6ll

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