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W1 W2 W3 W4

agua, limón, chía + wake up poses + full warmup doc
x pull ups TRX pistol squat front lever scap raises + holds 1L RDL
one arm push ups + TRX one arm band RDL reverse muscle up goblet paused squat
one arm pull ups 1L Hip thrust floor band dips 1L lounges
TRX row + band band ham flexion + hip flexion pull ups + band lat pulldown TRX flexion
TRX curls + band + tricep ext + b 10 min calves TRX rotcuff + TRX Y + band Y 10 min calves
long stretch + foam roll + WH + meditate
full warmup doc + rope + handstands* after every set
pike push ups ab wheel + full planch l-sit (balance; yoga hard poses) TRX + ex
shoulder raise + seated db press superman push ups + incline band db press angels and devils
jeff rot band 4 traps bed glute raise bb curls + db curls pron to sup GD bed glute raise
face pulls lateral leg raise wallys + reverse flyes lateral leg raise
long stretch + foam roll
relaxed stretch + foam roll + WH + meditate
SETS set 1 set 2 set 3 set 4 set 5 set 1 set 2
pike push ups 5 4 3 3 2
pull up 8 8 8 9 10
archer push ups 6 6 6 6 8
push ups 9 8 12 13 10
squats 17 15 20 12 13
pistol squats 7.3 7.3 6.2 6.4 6.4
lounges 12.12 12.12 14.11 11.12 12.12
hip hinge 9.12 6.9 8.7 8.10 9.10
set 3 set 4 set 5 set 1 set 2 set 3 set 4 set 5
2 3.n 3.n 3.n 3.n 3.n 3.n
10 9 10 10 9 8 9
8 8 8 8 8 8 10
12 12 13 12 11 11 10
12 12 12 11 12 12 14
5.4 5.4 6.3 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4
12.13 12.13 12.12 13.13 13.12 10.11 13.12
5.8 6.9 10.10 9.10 8.10 8.8 8.9
SETS set 1 set 2 set 3 set 1 set 2 set 3 set 1
B pull up + g 9 9 9 8 8 7 8
archer push ups 10 10 10 10 10 12 12
B aust rows 10 10 8 7 7 7 8
B bed push ups 7 8 7 10 8 8 9
BB squats 18 16 20
A pistol squats 8.5 7.6 7.6
BB lounges 10.11 10.10 10.11
hinge 8.9 9.9 10.8
set 2 set 3
7 7
12 14
7 8
8 9

SETS workout 1 - push focused workout 2 - balanced workout 3 - pull focu
pull up 5:40 30 reps
archer push ups 2:31 30 reps
neutral chin up 7:54 30 reps
push ups
1l lounges
FUCKING INJURED 10:02 20 + 50 rep
3:49 50 reps
4:59 50 reps
pistol squats 4:30 20 reps
1l hinges 5:16
workout 3 - pull focused
5:40 30 reps
2:31 30 reps
7:54 30 reps
10:02 20 + 50 reps
3:49 50 reps
4:59 50 reps
4:30 20 reps
SETS workout 1 - push focused workout 2 - balanced workout 3 - pull focu
pull up 5:14 9:33
dips 2:31 9:14
chin up 4:27 7:34
ex + push ups 12:37 6:35
squats 9:03 4:08
1l lounges 7:00 na
1l hinges na na
pistol squats na na
workout 3 - pull focused

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