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1. Various terms are used to describe different regions in the body.

These terms are used extensively

when performing clinical examinations and medical procedures. To help solidify your knowledge of
the locations of these regions, color the figures below as described.

● Patellar area: Green ● femoral area: Pink

● Pedal area: Yellow ● Gluteal area: Orange

● palmar area: Orange ● Digital area: Green

● Scapular area: Pink ● Inguinal area: Green

● Axillary area: Blue ● Sacral area: Red

● Brachial area: Pink ● Deltoid area: Green

2. Test your knowledge of the plasma membrane by filling in the blanks in the following
sentences. Choose from the words listed in the Word Bank below. (Hint: Words may be used
more than once; also, not all the words will be used.

a) Besides defining the boundaries of the cell, the plasma membrane regulates the……………………..
b) ………………………. into and out of the cell.
c) The plasma membrane consists of………………………………. And…………………………..
d) The heads of the phospholipids are water…………………………causing them to face
…………………………the fluid in the cell’s interior and exterior.
e) The tails of the phospholipids are water………………………..causing them to face…………………….the
fluid in the cell’s interior and exterior.
f) …………………………….molecules stiffen and strengthen the plasma membrane.
g) ………………………………..are embedded in various spots in the membrane and fulfill a number of
h) Because some substances can easily pass through the membrane, while others cannot, the
plasma membrane is called……………………………………………

3. Unscramble the following words to discover the names of the four phases of the cell cycle.
Then use lines to link each phase to its particular characteristics.

1. NESTISSHY a. The cell is busy performing the tasks it was created to do.


2. CODENS PAG b. Cell division occurs.


3. TICOMIT c. The cell synthesizes enzymes necessary for division.


4. RIFTS PAG d. The cell accumulates materials necessary for DNA replication

e. The cell makes an extra set of DNA.

4. Following are illustrations of four cells in various stages of mitosis. In the blank to the right of
each cell, write the name of each phase and describe what is occurring.
5. Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences about the different types of epithelial
tissue having one layer. (Hint: Some blanks require more than one word.) Next, color and then
label each of the sample epithelial drawings.

1. Epithelial tissue having only one layer is called……………………………

2. …………………….epithelium consists of a single layer of flat, scale-like cells.
3. …………………………epithelium consists of a single layer of cube-like cells.
4. ……………………………epithelium consists of a single layer of irregularly shaped columnar cells;
the different cell heights make the tissue appear to be stratified.
5. …………………………epithelium consists of a single layer of columnar cells
6. Firm up your knowledge of epithelial membranes by coloring the structures in the figure as
● Outline the mucous membranes in pink.
● Outline the cutaneous membrane in yellow.
● Outline the visceral pleura in blue.
● Outline the parietal pleura in purple.
● Outline the peritoneal membrane in green.
● Outline the pericardial membrane in red.

7. Color these parts of the long bone in the following figure. Use the colors suggested.
 Bone marrow: Yellow
 Medullary cavity: Gold
 Periosteum: grey
 Epiphyseal line: Brown
 Draw a red line along the endosteum
 Draw a bracket around each epiphysis
 Draw a bracket around the diaphysis
 Articular cartilage: Blue

8. When you visit biochemistry lab which General test you perform for detecting carbohydrates.
Write its complete procedure.


9. During the oszone test which you performed in lab, Sucrose does not form osazone crystals.
Why this happen?


10. Make a scheme for the detection of an unknown carbohydrate solution. And write it here.

11. During the biuret test what is the reason for using 40% NaOH with filtrate obtained after half
and full saturation with ammonium sulfate.


12. During the visit of biochemistry lab which tests you perform for detecting proteins.


13. From reading in your textbook, you name two other types of microscopes? Is their magnification
range higher or lower than that of the compound light microscope?

14. During the working with microscope in lab you did what with the iris diaphragm? To what part of
the human eye would you compare it?

15. When you work in lab what would happen when plates poured with agar that is too hot?

16. Suppose that you have been asked to design a one-page information on parasite-host
relationships. Identify the types of parasites, hosts, and parasite-host relationships that you learn
from your book.

A. Types of parasites -----------------------------------------------------------

B. Types of hosts--------------------------------------------------------

C. Types of parasite-host relationships--------------------------------------------

17. A technologist performs an O&P examination and detects the presence of Entamoeba coli cysts.
The report that is sent to the physician reads: “E. coli detected.” Why is this inappropriate reporting
and how should it be corrected?


18. Suppose that you and a friend are studying for parasitology class together. Your friend is having
great difficulty visualizing the concept of parasite life cycles, including the difference between the two
common phases and the information derived from each phase. Your friend has asked you for help.
Using Figure 1 as a guide, construct your version of a generic parasite life cycle in a format that is easy
to read and follow.


19. What do you think about thrombolytic therapy in cases with typical chest pain and De Winter ECG


20. Can a person recover from sick sinus syndrome (bradycardia) without a pacemaker? Why or why


21. Which ECG limb lead misplacement most commonly occurs in clinical practice?


22. What tools help to analyze and address cardiovascular problems while integrating the
physiological side?


23. What strategy you could apply to validate your ECG device output data?


24. Your friend has entered data in a worksheet. Now, he wants to edit some cell entries. Which key
should he press to open a cell in edit mode?

25. Which option will you use to save an existing file with a new name?

26. When you work on computer what difference you notice between a workbook and a worksheet?

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