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Reference: Level J Cells and Genetics Chapter 1 Section 1

1) A living thing that exhibits characteristics of life is

a) Organism
b) Meadow
c) Mountain
d) Environment

2) Which of the following are essential needs of animals?

a) Place to grow
b) Rocks
c) Nutrients
d) Water

3) For each statement, write growth or development

a) An organism increases in size: …………..
b) An organism changes in appearance over time: …………………….
c) New structures appear in the body of an organism: ………………..

4) List the six characteristics of living things. Grid

a. …………………………………..
b. ………………………………….
c. ………………………………….
d. ………………………………….
e. ………………………………….
f. ………………………………….

5) List the six needs of living things.

a. …………………………………..
b. ………………………………….
c. ………………………………….
d. ………………………………….
e. ………………………………….
f. ………………………………….

6) An organism must control its internal environment because

a) Chemical process take place under certain conditions
b) Nonliving things do not control their internal environment
c) It is unaffected by changes in temperature
d) It cannot reproduce

7) Order the levels of organization from smallest to largest

Organ, cell, organ system, tissue, organism

8) Compare between unicellular and multicellular organisms.

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 1

Yeast-seaweed-microscopic-larger organisms-composed of many cells-composed of
one cell- The single cell must carry all basic functions- Cells are organized and
specialized to perform specific functions
Unicellular Multicellular

9) Summarize the three parts of the cell theory.

1. …………………………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………………

10) What unicellular organisms are shown above?

a) Bacteria
b) Protozoans
c) Fungi
d) Plants

11) What is a stimulus? Grid

12) What is a response? Grid
13) What is homeostasis? Grid
14) What is a cell? Grid
15) How does a unicellular organism survive even though it is made up of one cell? Grid


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 2

16) What caused early scientists to conclude that all living things are made of cells that
perform all life functions?
17) Why do growing organisms need to take in raw materials?
18) What instrument can be used to observe a paramecium?
19) Name two materials that animals get from the food they eat?
20) What does a palm tree need to spread out its root and leaves?
21) What does a palm tree need to do photosynthesis, chemical process, building body
parts and transporting material? List 4 needs

Reference: Level J Cells and Genetics Chapter 1 Section 2

1. What are the basic compounds found in living things? GRID


2. Fill in the following table

Elements Importance/Function




Nucleic acid


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 3

2) Which molecule holds the genetic information for making proteins that a cell needs?

a) Amino acid
b) DNA
c) RNA
e) Water

3) Small structures in the cytoplasm of a cell are called

a) organs
b) organelles
c) cytoplasm
d) cell membrane

4) Choose the functions of the cell membrane in a cell. Grid

a) building up proteins
b) holding the cell together
c) separating inside of a cell from the outside environment
d) accelerating chemical processes within the cell
e) controlling what enters and leaves the cell.
f) giving the cell its shape

5) Which of the following is true for only bacterial cells?

a. It does not have a nucleus.
b. It does not have organelles with membranes.
c. It has a cell wall.
d. It has genetic material.
e. All life processes take place in the cytoplasm.

6) In each case, tell if the statement describes mitochondria or chloroplasts.

a) Change the energy from sunlight into food: ………………..
b) Change the energy in the food into a form that the cells can use: …………………
c) Present in a green plant cell: …………………………

7) Compare the animal cell to the plant cell by placing check marks

Cell part Plant cell Animal cell

Large central vacuole
Cell membrane
Cell wall (grid)
Chloroplast (grid)

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 4

8) Which of the following is not true about the endoplasmic reticulum?
a) It consists of a network of passageways
b) It is the highway system of the cell
c) It breaks down sugars to give a form of energy the cell can use
d) It can have ribosomes attached on its outer surface

9) Which of the following is not true about the Golgi body?

a) It resembles a stack of flat pancakes and vesicles
b) It is the cell’s power plant
c) It receives materials from the endoplasmic reticulum
d) It sorts materials to where they are needed in the cell

10) Fill in the table to show how a cell wall an cell membrane compare. Write Yes or

Function Cell membrane Cell wall

Surrounds a cell
Protects a cell
Allows only certain materials to pass through
Is thin and flexible
Is thick and rigid
Present in animals
Present in plants

11) Proteins that speed up chemical processes in an organism Grid

a) enzymes
b) water
c) carbohydrates
d) nucleic acid
e) RNA

12) A nucleic acid involved in making proteins Grid

a) DNA
b) water
c) MNA
d) TNA
e) RNA
13) What is the function of the nucleus in a cell? Grid

14)What is the main function of the ribosomes in a cell? Grid


15) Where are chloroplasts found? Grid


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 5

16) Where does most of the cell activities take place

a) in the ribosome
b) in the mitochondria
c) in the cytoplasm
d) in the nucleus

17) fill in the table for carbohydrates and lipids

Cholesterol - starch - stored as fat - provide energy

Carbohydrates Lipids

18) which of the following is false about DNA

a) it holds the genetic information

b) can be found in the cytoplasm
c) it builds protein on ribosomes
19) compare and contrast animal cell and bacterial cell use the word in the box

Ribosome- chromosomes-cell membrane- DNA is suspended in cytoplasm -

DNA is inside nucleus- mitochondrion

Animal cell Bacterial cell Both Animal

and bacterial

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 6

22) Which of the following captures energy from sunlight and uses it to make food

23) List the functions of water

24) List 2 functions of the central vacuole
25) What happens to partially processed lipids and proteins that leave the ER?

Reference: Level J Cells and Genetics Chapter 1 Section 3

1. Fill in the table

Cell Structure Adaptation

Nerve cells

Plant leaf cells

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 7

Smooth muscle cells

Red blood cells

Sperm cells

Plant roots

2. List the levels of cell organization from the most complex to the simplest level.

3. Give examples of each of the following

Plant tissue Animal tissue

Plant organ Animal organ

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 8

Plant organ system Animal organ system

4. Arrange the following with the correct cellular organizational level within an

…. Eye
…. Nervous system
…. Nervous tissue
… Nerve cell

Reference: Level J Cells and Genetics Chapter 2 Section 1

1. Why is a cell membrane considered as “selectively permeable”? Grid


2. Describe Osmosis
3. In which direction will water move?


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 9

4. What happens to a red blood cell placed in pure water? Explain.

5. What happens to a red blood cell placed in 20% salt solution? Explain.
6. What happens to a plant cell placed in pure water? Explain.
7. How do transport proteins help plants?
8. Which of the following requires energy?
A. Diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Endocytosis
D. Exocytosis.
9. Which process is shown by the following figure?.............................

10. Which process is shown by the following figure? …………………..

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 10

11. A cell needs to take in large protein molecule. How will this molecule enter
the cell? Order the steps below.
….. A pocket forms inside the cell.
….. Part of the cell membrane wraps itself around the particle
….. A vesicle forms
….. The pocket containing the particle pinches off into the cell.
….. Energy is used during the process.

12. Compare passive and active transport, by choosing the correct feature(s).

Feature Passive Active transport


1. Requires energy grid Yes / No Yes / No

2. Does not require energy Yes / No Yes / No


3. Moves material from the region of Yes / No Yes / No

higher to a region of lower
4. Moves material from the region of Yes / No Yes / No
lower to the region of higher
5. Diffusion and osmosis are Yes / No Yes / No
examples of it.

13. What allow materials to diffuse in and out easily in the cell?


14. How are the following transported?

a. Proteins secreted by the cells of the stomach ……………………….
b. White blood cells engulfing bacteria ………………………..
c. Secretion of salts by marine fish ……………………..
d. Absorption of salts by the roots of plants ………………
15. An animal cell is placed in distilled water (pure water without solute)

a- what is the name of the process by which water molecules move across the cell

b- In which direction do the water molecules move across the cell membrane?


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 11

16. In order to keep its shape and function, a cell must be in an environment in which there
A. a higher number of solute molecules than the cytoplasm.
B. a lower number of solute molecules than the cytoplasm.
C. a higher number of water molecules than the cytoplasm.
D. a lower number of water molecules than the cytoplasm.
E. the same number of water and solute molecules as the cytoplasm.

17. Which of the following are reasons why a cell must be small?
A. to get the needed materials as fast as required
B. to get rid of waste fast enough
C. to prevent water molecules from entering the cell
D. to fit inside the body tissues
E. to allow the growth of other cells

18. Plants take in minerals from the soil by

A. transport proteins (active transport)
B. endocytosis
C. osmosis
D. diffusion
E. exocytosis

19. Which of the following statements is true for passive transport?

a. Small molecules such as glucose and amino acid can pass freely through the
b. Small molecules such as oxygen and water can pass freely through the membrane,
without the need of energy
c. Large molecules such as glucose and amino acids pass through the membrane with the
help of transport proteins. This process is passive because it uses energy
d. Small molecules such as oxygen use energy to pass freely through the selectively
permeable membrane
e. Large molecules such as oxygen can freely pass through the membrane with the help of
a transport protein

20. Choose the statements that describe endocytosis

a. It is a type of active transport
b. It allows large molecules or particles to enter the cell
c. It is used by water molecules
d. It uses transport proteins
e. It requires the use of energy

21. Choose the statements that describe exocytosis

a. It is a type of active transport
b. It allows large molecules or particles to enter the cell
c. It allows large molecules or particles to leave the cell
d. It uses transport proteins
e. It requires the use of energy

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 12

22. Which of the following statements relate to the size of the cell in order to perform its
proper function?
a. Cells are small so that the surface area to volume ratio is high enough for materials to
pass into and out of the cell
b. Cells are large enough to have a high surface area allowing the diffusion of substances
across the membrane
c. As a cell grows, it increases in size and its volume increases much faster than its
surface area does. The cell’s surface area becomes too small to bring in materials
needed by the cell.
d. As a cell grows, its volume decreases and its surface area increases in order to allow
diffusion across the membrane
e. Cells are small so that surface area to volume ratio is too small, which allows materials
to pass in and out of the cell.

23. What will happen when a red blood cell is placed in a drop of pure water?
a. It will shrink
b. It will become turgid
c. Water will move into the cell
d. It will swell and may burst
e. Nothing happens

24. Which 2 cell characteristics determine how much material can enter and leave?
a. Mass
b. Color
c. Volume
d. Age
e. Surface area

25. How will this molecule leave the cell by exocytosis? Arrange the steps of exocytosis

The vesicle moves to the cell membrane

The contents of the vesicle are released outside the ell

Large molecules of waste are enclosed in a vesicle

The vesicle fuses with the cell membrane

26. The table below shows few molecules. Some of these molecules pass through
the cell membrane while others do not.

Molecules Passes by diffusion through the cell membrane

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 13

Oxygen/carbon dioxide




27. Fish living in the ocean might absorb excessive salt due to the higher salt
concentration in seawater compared to their cells. How do these fish manage to
survive in such environment?


28. Fish rely on oxygen for their survival. What happens to a fish when the oxygen
concentration in the water decreases?


29. Compare and contrast endocytosis and exocytosis



Reference: Level J Cells and Genetics Chapter 2 Section 2

1. The following figure shows a chloroplast.

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 14

a) In which type of organisms is a chloroplast found?

b) Which reaction is carried out by a chloroplast?


c) Write the chemical equation for this reaction.

….……+……… …………..……+………………….

d) Name the sugar produced in this reaction?


e) How does this sugar store energy?


f) Label A, B, C, D from the figure above

g) In what form does the tree store sugar for later use

h) Name a plant part that stores sugar for later use?


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 15

2. Grasshoppers are animals that feed on plants. Many grasshoppers are green in
color. Is a green grasshopper considered a photoautotroph? Explain.


3. Where is the site of photosynthesis?


4. What happens in part 1 of photosynthesis?


5. What happens in part 2 of photosynthesis?


6. What is the main function of stomata?


7. When does the stomata open? Why?


8. When does stomata close? Why?

9. How does each of carbon dioxide and water enter the plant?
10. What happens to the sugars that are made during photosynthesis?

Can be converted into:

-Amino acids for ……………………

-Stored as …………………………….

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 16

-Wood in ……………………………….

11. Identify the form in which plants store starch

12. A large molecule made up of thousands of glucose subunits linked together is

A. water.
B. carbon dioxide.
C. oxygen.
D. granule.
E. starch.

13. choose the correct answers: the rate of photosynthesis increases in

A. dim sunlight
B. bright sunlight
C. warm temperatures
D. small quantity of carbon dioxide
E. large quantity of carbon dioxide
14. What is photosynthesis?


15. What is the role of the chloroplast in photosynthesis?


16. What are the 4 needs and the end products of photosynthesis?

Needs: ……………………………………………………………………
end products: ……………………………………………………………………

17.Arrange the sequence of the events taking place during photosynthesis.

Choose the answer.
Chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight.
Chemical energy that powers the second part of photosynthesis
is produced.
The energy from the sun is used to split water molecules into
hydrogen and oxygen.
The cell uses the energy, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide to
produce sugars.

18. The magnified picture below shows some starch granules found in potatoes
that were photographed through a microscope.

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 17

Which two statements are true about these starch granules?

a) They are made of lipid molecules.

b) They are the form in which excess sugars are stored.
c) They are mainly used to store water.
d) They are formed from a chain of glucose linked together.
e) They help capture sunlight energy.

19. After taking good care of a poinsettia plant, Sam removed one of its leaves
on which he placed a few drops of iodine solution. A few minutes later, the
orange-brown color of the iodine solution turned dark blue.
Which substance caused the change in the color of the iodine solution?
Sam places the same poinsettia plant in the dark until its leaves turn red. Then he adds
a few drops of the same iodine solution.
What is the expected color of the drops of iodine after a while?
20. Circle the organisms that obtain energy from the food that they make
and underline the
organisms that obtain energy from the food that they eat.
Cactus tree dog frog

Reference: Level J Cells and Genetics Chapter 2 Section 3

1. The following figure shows a cell containing a structure X.

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 18

a) Label the
following parts:

A. ……..

B. …………..

C. …………………

D. …………..

F. …………….

X. ……………….

b) Which reaction is carried out by a structure X?


c) Write the chemical equation for this reaction.


2. Where does part 1 of cellular respiration take place?


3. What events take place in part 1 of cellular respiration?


4. Where does part 2 of cellular respiration take place?


5. What events take place in part 2 of cellular respiration?


6. Compare how do plants and animals obtain their glucose to perform cellular

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 19


7. Anna’s mother was baking bread. She put the dough in a warm place to rise.
Alcohol and Carbon dioxide were produced during this phase. After baking the
dough, Anna noticed small holes in the bread.

a) What caused the dough to rise and the bread holes to appear?
b) What happens to alcohol when the dough is baked? ……………………………….

c) Name the process that produced alcohol and carbon dioxide.

8. Compare photosynthesis and cellular respiration.


9. The cells in your body rely on cellular respiration and not lactic acid
fermentation to fuel your activities. Explain why.


10. A) Name the process that your body uses to provide your muscle cells with
energy when oxygen is missing.


b) What causes muscle pain?


c) How can you remove lactic acid from your muscle cells?


11. Yeast is usually added to the mixture of flour, water, and sugar to bake bread.
After a few minutes of adding the ingredients, bubbles of carbon dioxide start
appearing. Choose the process that leads to the gas release knowing that
oxygen is absent.
a) Photosynthesis
b) Cellular respiration
c) Alcoholic respiration
d) Acid fermentation

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 20

12. The diagram below shows the cellular respiration and photosynthesis

produces: A+ B

Cellular respiration
produces C+D

Identify A, B, C and D

A: ………….

B: ……………

C: ……………

D: ……………

Describe the 2 processes:


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 21

13. label the below diagram

16. What is cellular respiration? (Grid)

17. What is fermentation? (Grid)
18. compare Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 22

19. give one condition necessary for lactic acid fermentation:

Reference: Level J Cells and Genetics Chapter 4 Section 1

1. Which three statements are true about scars and dyed hair?

a. They are not controlled by genes.

b. They are present since birth.
c. They are acquired traits.
d. They are inherited traits.
e. They cannot be passed to offspring.

2. Label the figure using: Gene, Chromosome, DNA, Nucleotides.

A ………….

B …………..


D …………….

3. Consider the following two figures:

a. Which process is shown by figure a?


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 23

b. Which process is shown by figure b?
c. Where does process a take place?
d. Where does process b take place?
e. What are these two processes used for in the cell?
f. What is the function of tRNA?
g. What is the function of mRNA? How many mRNA nucleotide code for one amino

4. Identify whether each of the following steps belongs to the process

of transcription or translation. Choose the answer.

a. The genetic information in DNA is copied onto a

molecule of messenger RNA.

b. DNA molecule unzips and forms a single strand …………………..

c. In the cytoplasm, molecules of transfer RNA pick up

amino acids and carry them to the ribosome.

d. Genetic information is converted into protein


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 24

5. Label the following diagram

A= …………………….
B= …………………………

6. Order the following steps of transcription.

___ Nucleotides of mRNA pair with exposed DNA bases

___ The DNA molecule unzips and forms a single strand

___ The mRNA molecule carries the information put of the nucleus to the ribosome

___ The mRNA attaches to the ribosomes which is where protein synthesis takes place

7. Identify whether each of the below properties

describes dominant or recessive alleles. Choose the answer.

a. cannot be covered up ………………….

b. represented by a capital letter ……………………

c. homozygous and heterozygous individuals have

the same phenotype

d. homozygous and heterozygous individuals have

different phenotypes

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 25

6. The diagram below shows different processes that cause genetic variations
within living things. Complete this diagram using words from the box below.
Fertilization – meiosis – multiple gene traits – multiple alleles

• Union of human sperm and egg cell ……………….

• Several genes controlling one trait …………………..
• Different sets of alleles for the same gene ……………
• Production of different gametes ……………….

7. Compare and contrast a DNA and a RNA molecule. Complete the following Venn
diagram with terms from the box below.
Single stranded – made up of nucleotides – has the base uracil – double
stranded – involved in protein synthesis – has the base thymine


8. The chain below shows nucleotides of a nucleic acid molecule.

A: ………..
C: …………..

a) Does the given chain represent a part of a DNA or RNA molecule? Explain
your answer.

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 26

b) How many amino acids can be assembled by this chain? Explain your


9) Answer the following questions

1) What is an inherited trait? Grid


2) What is an acquired trait? Grid

3) What is a gene? Grid
4) What is an allele? Grid
5) What is a dominant allele? Grid
6) What is a recessive allele? Grid

7) What are the sex chromosomes found in human gametes? Grid

8) How are traits passed from parents to offspring? Grid
9) How do both parents contribute to the genetic makeup of their offspring? Grid


Reference: Level J Cells and Genetics Chapter 4 Section 2

1. Why did Mendel use pea plants for his experiment?


2. How did Mendel produce the F2 generation of pea plants?

a) He allowed purebred pea plants to self-pollinate
b) He crossed purebred pea plants with purebred corn plants
c) He allowed the F1 generation to self-pollinate
d) He allowed purebred plants to cross-pollinate

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 27

3. A____ plant is a plant that has two different alleles for a trait
a) Purebred
b) Hybrid
c) Homozygous
d) Dominant
4. Round seeds are dominant over wrinkled seed.
Which two statements are true about the resulting offspring of a cross between
two pea plants with wrinkled seeds?
a) They cannot have round seeds.
b) They only have homozygous genotypes.
c) No offspring can be produced.
d) They have both round and wrinkled seeds.
e) They only have round seeds.

5. The diagram below shows a cross between two purebred plants.

Parents Green pod purebred X yellow pod


F1 generation green pod

a) Which trait is dominant?


Explain your answer.


b) If plants of F1 generation are self- pollinated, what is the phenotypic ratio of the
offspring in the F2 generation?

c) give symbols that represents each allele

Green: ………

Yellow: ………

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 28

6. Explain why two parents with type AB blood cannot have a child with type O
blood. Drag and drop.

7. Given that short hair is dominant over long hair in cats, what is the probability of
two cats with homozygous long hair having a kitten with short hair?

a) 100%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 0%

8. Chicken with white and black checkered feather pattern are the offspring of a
crossing between a white feathered rooster and a black feathered hen.
BW is the genotype of the offspring
a. What is the pattern of inheritance of the given trait? Explain


b. Write the genotype of each parent.


9. Which two statements are true about Mendel's hybrid plants?

a) They showed a recessive genotype.

b) They showed a recessive phenotype.
c) They were heterozygous for the trait.
d) They showed a dominant phenotype.
e) They had two identical alleles for the trait.

10. P represents the allele for purple flowers in peas that is dominant over p that
represents the allele for white flowers. The below Punnett square shows a cross
between two pea plants.

Pp Pp

a. One parent has the gene combination Pp while the genotype of the other
parent is: ………
b. The phenotype of both parents is: ………….
c. All the offspring have ……………….. as a phenotype.

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 29

11. The table below shows a cross between a male and a female dog

x x

B x xx xx


What do X and Y represent? ……………………

which of A and B is the female dog, and which is the male dog?



12. choose the correct answer about phenotype

a. it refers to the way a trait appears

b. it refers to the allele combinations in the cells

c. it involves expressed gene only.

d. it can be determined just by observations

13. What is phenotype? Grid


14. What is genotype? Grid


15. What is homozygous? Grid


16. What is a heterozygous? Grid


Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 30

17. A mouse with brown fur mates with another brown mouse

the allele brown is recessive with a symbol “b”

a) what is the phenotype of offspring? why


b) what is the genotype of offspring


18. Purebred dog with black hair crossed with purebred yellow hair. all offspring had

which allele can be represented by capital B? why?


what is the genotype of parent?

black hair : …………..

yellow hair: ……….

what is the genotype of offspring? ………….

19. Smooth hair is dominant over curly hair.

a) Give symbols for each allele
b) A heterozygous Smooth air is crossed with another heterozygous Smooth
I. Give the genotypes of each the parents ……………………………
II. Give the genotype of offspring with curly hair? …………….
III. Give the genotype of heterozygous offspring: …………………
IV. Give the phenotype of heterozygous offspring: ………………….
V. What is the percentage of heterozygous for smooth hair: ………….

Date 17/9/23 | Level J | 31

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