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Juan Luna St. Hindang, Leyte

Tel. No. 09262601022, e-mail:

18 April 2020
Via E-mail


221B, Baker St.
Manchester, London

RE: Demand to provide support to spouse, Mrs. Christina Dela Cruz, and their child.


Abadiez law office is tasked to represent Mrs. Christina Dela Cruz. We are sending you a demand in writing that you provide t he
support due your spouse Mrs. Christina and as well as to your child Joana Dela Cruz.

You tied the bond with or married Mrs. Dela Cruz on March 5, 2017. Because of your work abroad, you had to leave a week
after your marriage. Around a month after you left, Christina discovered that she was pregnant. You came back around the time
your spouse Mrs. Dela Cruz gave birth to your offspring, and then returned abroad. You kept close contact and sent support to
Mrs. Dela Cruz up until December 2019 when you halted on sending her the support that she needs and on top of that you cut off
your correspondence/communication with her. Mrs. Dela Cruz made efforts to reach you, but to no avail. Now your spouse is left
without a choice but to file an action against you to provide the support due her and your child most specially because your
spouse is in financial distress and it is for your child’s best interest that you provide for what is being demanded to you.

The provisions on support under the Family code provides specifically Article 195 that spouses are obliged to give support to
each other to the whole extent set forth in Article 194. This would mean that you Mr. Dela Cruz is obliged for all intents and
purposes obliged to provide support to your lawful spouse Mrs. Dela Cruz. Further Joanna Dela Cruz, being your legitimate child
she is entitled to receive support pursuant to the mandates of Article 174 of the Family Code which says that legitimate children
have the right to receive support from their parents, ascendants, and in proper cases, their brothers and sisters. And therefore you
being a husband and a parent is obliged to give support to both Mrs. Dela Cruz and Joanna Dela Cruz.

For these reasons, It is of their demand that you provide regular support to your spouse Mrs. Christina Dela Cruz and your child
Joana Dela Cruz in the exact amount of P30,000.00. To defy this demand would amount to an action filed in court directed
against you. Should you have any clarifications or questions on the matter please feel free to contact our law office. Thank you
and have a good day.

Very truly yours,

Raymund C. Abadiez
Legal Counsel


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