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In order to intensify health and nutrition among grade school children, at Barangay Villa Gonzaga

Santiago City as per headed with nutrition coordinator in running targeted supplementary feeding
program for wasted and severely wasted childrens in this barangay. The project which was launched last
of november. In this program we prepare a lot so it will become sucessful

They assigned us jn different task to do. Our group in RLE assigned us in foods and I also help giving
nametags to the childrens and before they start the program our classmate prepared zumba for their
exercise and our group demonstrate how to do toothbrushing and other group assigned to
demonstrate handwashing after having discussion of my classmate have and they get a price. This
program also is to share some of our knowledge for health teaching that needed by children who are in

Theres a lot of parlor games that the child and their mother joined and you will see in their eyes the
smile of happiness. The program start at around 9:00 am in the morning and finised at 11:00 am

After the discussion and parlor games, we prepare the food “ lugaw “ to them and you will see in their
eyes have a happiness. The program lead me how to deal with mother and the child. How to
communicate with but also helped in health and nutrition are promoted you can see the joy in them
because of this the feeding program becane successful

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