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YDT -2

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Öğrenci Numarası : ...........................................................

SINAV SÜRESİ : 120 Dakika

• Bu testte 80 İngilizce sorusu bulunmaktadır.

• Üniversiteye geçiş için uygulanacak olan sınav Almanca, Arapça, Fransızca, İngilizce ve
Rusça dillerinde yapılacaktır. Her dil için ayrı soru kitapçığı bulunacaktır. Sınavda adaya
başvuru esnasında bildirdiği yabancı dile ait soru kitapçığı verilecektir.


Yabancı Dil Testi............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Bu testte 80 İngilizce sorusu bulunmaktadır.

1 - 14. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 4. When you are away from home for a long time, it is
uygun düşen kelime veya ifadeyi işaretleyiniz. inevitable to be - - - -.
A) fickle
B) blissful
1. The city is full of historic sites and famous for its
C) delirious
- - - - fountains and pools which can be seen on
D) homesick
every corner.
E) enthusiastic
A) odoriferous
B) ornamental
C) tawdry
D) wicked
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
E) vulgar

2. A good rehearsal means a good - - - - on the stage 5. Trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose, and
and smiles on the faces of audiences. the hardest thing in the world to - - - -.
A) story A) abuse
B) fitting B) betray
C) preview C) restore
D) scenario D) exist
E) performance E) administer

3. Although she inherited $100 million from her 6. European Football Championship, being one of the
grandfather who died of an incurable illness, she - - - - biggest sports organization in the world, - - - - every
about $75 million of it only in five months. four years.
A) splashed out A) held
B) sealed off B) holds
C) stood up C) is held
D) took on D) holding
E) drew in E) is holding

7. There was an awful atmosphere in the classroom. 10. If the players do anything - - - - the rules, they will
The students - - - - an argument just before the be ejected from the game which means going to
teacher came in. the locker room and staying there until the match
A) have been having finishes.
B) had been having A) about B) beside C) around
C) will be having D) against E) without
D) will have had
E) have had

Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü

8. Sean is out of breath. He - - - - for the last twenty five 11. Babies who receive comfort and security from
minutes. parents in the early months of life will become
A) has been running more optimistic, - - - - those ignored will develop a
pessimistic attitude.
B) had been running
C) will be running A) otherwise B) provided C) unless
D) had run D) while E) since
E) will run

9. If I had taken the correct route to the concert area, 12. Cycling is a great way to burn fat; - - - -, it strengthens
we - - - - in the traffic jam right now. your muscles without too much risk of injury.
A) would not be standing
A) nevertheless B) furthermore C) therefore

B) would not have stood

D) although E) however
C) will not be standing
D) have not stood
E) will not stand

13. Despite losses to many young players during the 16.
year, Jack should be given credit for not losing - - - -
A) funeral B) march C) ceremony
of his enthusiasm for tennis.
D) anniversary E) festival
A) each B) any C) every
D) either E) neither

14. - - - - the sun had risen, than the rooster started

crowing. 17.
A) No sooner A) typically B) disorderly C) untidily

Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü

B) Just as D) hurriedly E) sizably
C) Before
D) While
E) When

15 - 19. sorularda, parçada numaralanmış yerlere

uygun düşen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.

A) was B) are C) will be

A commencement speech is a speech (15) - - - - to D) is E) has been
graduating students, generally at a university although
the term is also used for secondary education institutions.
The “commencement” is a (16) - - - - in which degrees
or diplomas are conferred upon graduating students. It
is (17) - - - - given by a notable figure in the community,
during the commencement exercise. The person giving
such a speech (18) - - - - known as a commencement

speaker. Very commonly, colleges or universities will

invite politicians, important citizens, or other noted
speakers to come and address the graduating class. It is
less bound (19) - - - - the structure found in other forms A) with B) via C) through
of public address, like eulogies or wedding speeches.
D) on E) by
The speaker accordingly enjoys a unique freedom to
express him or herself.


A) gave B) give C) gives

D) given E) giving

20 - 27. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 22. Psychology is an academic discipline and an applied
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. science - - - -.
A) although it aims to explain the cultural systems
B) which seeks to understand individuals and groups
20. Though the term “tourism” means travel for
C) provided the doctors prescribe psychiatric treatment
pleasure, - - - -.
D) since it is more enjoyable than other fields of science
A) the high tax rates may hinder growth in the tourism
sector E) though many famous psychologists are from Russia
and the USA
B) the bed capacity in holiday resorts has increased
C) there has been a surge of investments in the last
several years
D) it is also the business of attracting, accommodating,
and entertaining tourists

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E) it is always preferred by people whose incomes are
high enough to afford a good holiday

23. - - - -, sometimes in combination with physical

21. Safe drinking water is essential to humans and other exercise, to reduce body weight.
life forms - - - -. A) The average individual maintains some weight loss
A) even if water can increase satiety and boost after dieting
metabolic rate of the living things B) Poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for the
B) as there is no predictable effect of fluid loss on the weight gain
feelings of anxiety and fatigue C) A restricted diet is often used by those who are
C) however there are many safe drinking water sources overweight or obese
on earth D) Some weight loss groups aim to make money, others

D) although our brains are strongly influenced by work as charities

hydration status E) Sugary drinks and fruit juice are the most fattening
E) even though it provides no calories or organic things you can put into your body

24. The latest reports reveal large firms are most at risk 26. Schizophrenia is marked by a range of distinct
from cybercrime, - - - -. symptoms, - - - -.
A) due to the fact that they lack even the most basic A) although schizophrenia affects how a person thinks,
protection feels and acts
B) as regulations will increase their responsibilities to B) which may be the first to test the idea that it arises
protect personal data from disruptions
C) despite the rising danger of attacks and increasing C) while the researchers choose to focus on calcium
publicity about the threat imaging techniques
D) however cyber-attacks risk companies’ finances, D) in addition to preventing scientists from improving
confidence and reputation diagnosis and treatment
E) provided that information technology service E) from hallucinations and delusions to memory
providers resolve issues after an attack problems and social withdrawal

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25. Early reports indicated that a few dozen people had 27. Be sceptical of ads declaring you can improve your
been killed in a car bomb, - - - -. brain’s performance - - - -.
A) the rebels may be responsible for the bombing A) which is a popular approach to protect cognition
B) when they are distributing food near the front of a B) if there’s little evidence these games can improve
bus your life
C) and the attack has taken place in an agricultural C) by challenging it with products from the braintraining
district industry
D) which causes big trouble in the western outskirts of D) because brain games are available online and
the city through mobile apps

E) but the confirmed death toll rose to 126 by the E) as people believe brain training helps protect them
following day against memory loss

28 - 33. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca 30. Google is an American multinational technology
en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. company specializing in Internet-based services
and products that include online advertising
technologies, search and software.
28. The London Eye which is also known as the A) Google, çevrimiçi reklam hizmetleri, arama ve
Millennium Wheel was the world’s tallest Ferris yazılımları içeren internet tabanlı hizmetler ve ürünler
wheel when it was opened in 1999. konusunda uzmanlaşan çok uluslu bir Amerikan
A) 1999’da açılan ve Millennium Wheel olarak da bilinen teknoloji şirketidir.
London Eye dünyanın en yüksek dönme dolabıydı. B) Google internet tabanlı çevrimiçi reklam teknolojileri,
B) London Eye olarak da bilinen Millennium Wheel arama ve yazılım hizmetleri veren çok uluslu bir
1999’da açıldığında dünyanın en yüksek dönme Amerikan teknoloji şirketidir.
dolabıydı. C) İnternet tabanlı reklam teknolojileri, arama ve yazılım
C) Millennium Wheel olarak da bilinen London Eye hizmetleri veren Google çok uluslu bir Amerikan
1999’da açıldığında dünyanın en yüksek dönme teknoloji şirketidir.

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dolabıydı. D) Çok uluslu bir Amerikan teknoloji şirketi olan Google
D) Millennium Wheel olarak da bilinen London Eye internet tabanlı çevrimiçi reklam, arama ve yazılım
1999’da açılmıştır ve o zamanların en yüksek dönme hizmetleri konusunda uzmanlaşmıştır.
dolabıdır. E) Bir Amerikan şirketi olan Google çok uluslu olarak
E) Dünyanın en yüksek dönme dolabı 1999’da açılan internet tabanlı çevrimiçi reklam, arama ve yazılım
ve hem London Eye hem de Millennium Wheel teknolojileri konusunda hizmet vermektedir.
olarak bilinen dönme dolaptır.

29. Yeşilçam is an important part of Turkish culture, 31. Feng shui which is closely linked to Taoism is
and has flourished over the years, delivering a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing
entertainment to audiences in Turkey. people with the surrounding environment.
A) Yeşilcam Türk kültürünün önemli bir parçasıdır ve A) Taoizmin bir kolu olan Feng shui insanların kendisini
yıllar içinde gelişerek önemli bir hal almıştır. kuşatan çevre ile uyumunu sağlayan bir Çin felsefi
B) Türk kültürünün önemli bir parçası olan Yeşilçam sistemidir.
yıllar içinde gelişmiş ve Türk izleyicisini eğlendirmiştir. B) Taoizm ile yakından ilgili olan Feng shui insanların
C) Yıllar içinde gelişerek eğlenceyi Türk izleyiciyle kendisini kuşatan çevre ile uyumunu sağlayan bir
buluşturan Yeşilçam Türk kültürünün önemli bir Çin felsefi sistemidir.

parçası olmuştur. C) Feng shui Taoizm ile yakından ilgili olduğu için Çin
D) Yeşilçam Türk kültürünün önemli bir parçasıdır felsefi sisteminde insanların çevreye uyumunu
ve yıllar içinde eğlenceyi Türkiye’deki izleyiciye sağlamıştır.
ulaştırarak gelişmiştir D) İnsanların kendisini kuşatan çevre ile uyumunu
E) Zaman içinde gelişen Yeşilçam Türk kültürünün irdeleyen Çin felsefi sisteminin temeli olan Feng shui
önemli bir parçası olmakla kalmamış aynı zamanda Taoizm ile yakından ilgilidir.
Türkiye’deki insanları eğlendirmiştir. E) Çin felsefi sistemi, Taoizm ile yakından ilgili olan
ve insanların kendisini kuşatan çevre ile uyumunu
sağlayan Feng shui akımının temelidir.

32. Alacahöyük where the capital city Hattusa of 34 - 39. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca
the Hittite Empire was situated is an important en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
archaeological site.
A) Alacahöyük, Hitit imparatorluğunun eski başkenti
olmasına ek olarak önemli bir arkeolojik yerleşim 34. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde Hüdavendigar
birimidir. ismiyle anılan Bursa, modern zamanlarda Yeşil
B) Hitit İmparatorluğunun başkenti Hattuşa bugünkü Bursa takma adı ile bilinmektedir.
Alacahöyük’te kurulmuş önemli bir arkeolojik A) Bursa, known as Green Bursa in modern times, was
yerleşim birimidir. called Hüdavendigar in the time of Ottoman Empire.
C) Hattuşa Hitit İmparatorluğu’nun başkenti olan B) Bursa is known as Green Bursa in modern times
Alacahöyük’teki önemli bir arkeolojik alandır. but during Ottoman Empire period its nickname was
D) Eski başkenti Hattuşa olan Hitit İmparatorluğu Hüdavendigar.
Alacahöyük’te yer alan önemli bir yerleşim birimidir. C) Bursa, called Hüdavendigar during the Ottoman
E) Hitit İmparatorluğu’nun başkenti Hattuşa’nın Empire period, is known with its nickname Green

Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü

bulunduğu Alacahöyük önemli bir arkeolojik alandır. Bursa in modern times.
D) Bursa which is known as Green Bursa was called
Hüdavendigar in the Ottoman Empire period.
E) Bursa, called Hüdavendigar in the time of Ottoman
Empire, is known as Green Bursa in modern times.

33. The Baroque which began around 1600 in Rome is 35. Dünyanın en tanınmış kurgusal karakterlerinden
often thought of as an artistic style which used some bazılarını yaratan Charles Dickens birçokları
details to create tension, exuberance and grandeur tarafından Viktorya döneminin en büyük romancısı
in work of art. olarak kabul edilir.
A) Barok sanat eserlerinde bazı ayrıntıları kullanan A) In Victorian era many people thought that Charles
sanatsal bir stildir ve ihtişamı 1600’lere kadar devam Dickens was the greatest novelist with his fictional
etmiştir. characters.
B) Roma’da yaklaşık 1600’de başlayan Barok, bazı B) Charles Dickens is regarded as one of the best
ayrıntıları ihtişamlı ve coşkulu bir şekilde kullanan novelist of the Victorian era as he created world’s
ve genellikle sanat eserlerinde gerilimi tercih eden best-known fictional character.
sanatsal bir stildir. C) Victorian era’s best-known novelist is undoubtedly

C) Genellikle sanat eserlerinde gerilimli, coşkulu ve Charles Dickens since he created some of the
ihtişamlı ayrıntıları kolayca kullanan Barok yaklaşık world’s greatest fictional characters.
1600’de Roma’da başlamıştır. D) Charles Dickens was regarded as the best-known
D) Yaklaşık 1600’de Roma’da başlayan Barok novelist of Victorian era by some of his readers and
genellikle, sanat eserlerinde gerilim, coşkunluk he created great fictional characters.
ve ihtişam yaratmak için bazı detayları kullanan E) Charles Dickens who created some of the world’s
sanatsal bir stil olarak düşünülür. best-known fictional characters is regarded by many
E) 1600’de Roma’da başlayan Barok tarzı genellikle as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.
sanat eserlerinde gerilim, coşkunluk ve ihtişam
yaratmak için ortaya çıkmış bir dönemdir.

36. Güneş Sisteminde Dünya’dan sonra yaşama en 38. Cambridge Üniversitesi’nden uzmanlar, farelerden
uygun yerlerden birinin Satürn’ün Enceladus alınan kök hücreyle dünyada ilk kez “yapay
uydusunun olabileceği ortaya çıktı. embriyolar” yaratmayı başardı.
A) It was reported that Saturn’s biggest orbiter, A) In a study at Cambridge University, experts have
Enceladus, could be one of the best places to live in already tried to create “artificial embryos” with stem
the Solar System. cells from a mouse.
B) It was revealed that Saturn’s satellite, Enceladus, B) Experts from Cambridge University have managed
could be one of the best places to live in the Solar to create “artificial embryos” for the first time with
System after Earth. stem cells from mice.
C) Enceladus which is one of the satellites of Saturn C) Some experts from Cambridge University have
could be one of the best places to live in the Solar failed to create “artificial embryos” with stem cells
System after Earth. from mice at their first attempt.
D) In the Solar System there are many good places to D) Scientists from Cambridge University have managed
live such as Saturn’s satellite, Enceladus, in addition to create “artificial embryos” for many times with

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to Earth. stem cells from mice.
E) Enceladus which is Saturn’s satellite was a better E) Professors from Cambridge University have
place to live than Earth in the Solar System. managed to produce “artificial embryos” for many
times with stem cells from a mouse.

37. Teyit edilen en erken dinozor fosilleri, dinozorların 39. Uzmanlar, antibiyotiklerin bakterilere karşı etkisiz
atalarının timsahlarla aynı özelliklere sahip olmasının kanserden daha tehlikeli olduğunu iddia
olabileceğini ortaya çıkardı. ediyor.
A) The earliest fossils of ancestors of dinosaurs might A) Experts say antibiotic resistance of bacteria is as
have the same characteristics as crocodiles. dangerous as cancer.
B) Some dinosaur fossils indicated that ancestors of B) Experts say overuse of antibiotics makes bacteria
dinosaurs might have the same characteristics as resistant to drugs in time.

crocodiles. C) That’s why experts claim it’s more dangerous to get

antibiotics to cope with the bacteria than cancer.
C) The earliest confirmed dinosaur fossils showed

D) Experts claim the ineffectiveness of antibiotics

ancestors of dinosaurs might have the same
against bacteria is more dangerous than cancer.
characteristics as crocodiles.
E) According to some experts it’s more dangerous not
D) Ancestors of dinosaurs might have the same to be able to cope with the bacteria with drugs than
characteristics as crocodiles according to a cancer.
research on dinasour fossils.
E) The earliest confirmed dinosaur fossils might have
the same characteristics as crocodiles according to
a recent research on the ancestors of dinosaurs.

40 - 42. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 41. It can be clearly understood from the passage that
- - - -.
Shanghai with a population of more than 24 million A) its container port plays a crucial role in Shanghai’s
as of 2014 is the most populous city in both China economy
and Asia as well as being the most populous city in
the world. With the world’s busiest container port, B) foreign investors are flocking in Shanghai due to its
it is a global financial center and a transport hub economic potential
located in the Yangtze River Delta in East China. As
a major shipping and trading city, Shanghai grew in C) the city’s glamorous restaurants and hotels make it
importance in the 19th century due to its economic the best one in Asia
potential. Today, it has also been renowned for D) Many tourists from all around the world visit the
its Lujiazui Skyline, and museums and historic
buildings which have also attracted many local and Yangzte River every year
foreign tourists. It is replete with glitzy restaurants, E) Lujiazui Skyline is the only place which is visited by
hotels and shopping centers which compete with
the foreigners in Shanghai
the ones in rival Asia cities such as Hong Kong and

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40. We can understand from the passage that - - - -. 42. It can be understood from the passage that - - - -.

A) Shanghai is not a crucial transport hub in the world A) Asia owes much of its economic growth to Shanghai

B) Shanghai is not a developed city in terms of tourism B) Lujiazui Skyline came to prominence in the 19th
and economy century

C) there isn’t any city in Asia which is more crowded C) Shanghai is a famous travel destination as well as
than Shanghai being a financial center

D) Shanghai was a center of trading and shipping D) what makes Shangai different from other Asia cities
before the 19th century is its unique shopping centers

E) Shanghai, located in the western part of China, has E) neither Hong Kong nor Singapore has as many
no connection with rivers tourist attractions as Shanghai

43 - 45. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 44. It can be inferred from the passage that - - - -.
A) patients shouldn’t desire long-term outcomes after a
cosmetic surgery
B) one cannot have a cosmetic surgery anywhere on
The goal of cosmetic surgery is to improve a person’s
appearance and, thus, self-esteem by changing the way the face and the body
she or he looks. Cosmetic surgery can be performed C) a cosmetic surgery can affect a patient not only
on any part of the face and body. Before making
an appointment to see a cosmetic surgeon, people physically but also psychologically
should consider their motives for wanting to change D) the vast majority of patients have reasonable
how they look. As cosmetic surgery can bring lasting expectations for a successful surgery
and dramatic changes to the outside appearance, it is
important to understand how these changes may affect E) good candidates may choose to lose some weight
people on the inside. Many physical characteristics six months before the operation
can be successfully changed through cosmetic
surgery; others cannot. Good candidates for cosmetic
surgery have realistic expectations about what can
be accomplished. They understand the medical risks,

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physical effects during healing, how the surgery will
affect them personally and professionally, what lifestyle
changes may accompany the recovery period, and the
expenses involved. They also need to have a stable
weight for six months to one year. All surgeries, including
cosmetic procedures, carry risk. Those with a history
of cardiovascular disease, lung disease, diabetes or
obesity have a higher risk of developing complications
such as pneumonia, stroke, heart attack or blood clots
in the legs or lungs. Smoking also increases risks and
interferes with healing.

43. It can be clearly understood from the passage that

A) a cosmetic surgery aims to enhance a person’s image
45. It’s clear in the passage that - - - -.
B) a cosmetic surgery cannot affect a person’s selfesteem
A) during the recovery period patients may meet some
C) cosmetic surgeons must consider the patients’ additional expenses
motives for an operation
B) an obese doesn’t develop any medical complications
D) patients who undergo a cosmetic surgery shouldn’t after a cosmetic surgery

expect dramatic changes

C) a cosmetic surgery carries more risk than any other
E) after a cosmetic surgery patients can generally be surgeries for those who smoke
unsatisfied with the results
D) a heart attack is one of the possible outcomes of a
cosmetic surgery for a diabetic
E) patients have a higher risk of developing
cardiovascular disease during the surgery

46 - 48. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 47. It can be inferred from the passage that - - - -.
cevaplayınız. A) all smartphones have a touch-enabled keyboard
B) all cell phones can connect to Wi-Fi and 4G at the
A smartphone is a mobile phone (also known as cell same time
phones or mobiles) with an advanced mobile C) people didn’t use to play video games on smartphones
operating system that combines features of a
personal computer operating system with other D) older generations have difficulty in using smartphones
features useful for mobile or handheld use.
E) features of other digital devices are widely available
Smartphones typically combine the features of a
mobile phone, such as the abilities to place and in smartphones
receive voice calls and create and receive text
messages, with those of other popular digital
mobile devices like personal digital assistants, such
as an event calendar, media player, video games,
GPS navigation and digital camera. Smartphones
can access the Internet and can run a variety of
third-party software components. The display of a

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smartphone is almost always a touchscreen and
sometimes additionally a touch-enabled keyboard,
which enables the user to use a virtual keyboard to
type words and numbers and press onscreen icons
to activate “app” features. In 1999, a Japanese firm
released the first smartphones to achieve mass
adoption within a country. Smartphones became
widespread in the late 2000s. In the third quarter
of 2012, one billion smartphones were in use
worldwide. Global smartphone sales surpassed
the sales figures for regular cell phones in early

46. It can be understood from the passage that - - - -. 48. It is clear in the passage that - - - -.
A) mass adoption of the smartphones is still not A) smartphones were not demanded much by Japanese
achieved by Japanese B) the extensive smartphone use has many impacts on
B) it’s not possible to create a social media account people
with smartphones C) smartphones started to be common among people

C) one cannot send and receive text messages with before PCs
smartphones D the rate of smartphone sale was higher than regular
D) smartphone technology is thought to be more cell phone in 2013
dysfunctional E) more than a billion people experienced smartphone
E) smartphones include some features of both a PC technology in the late 2012
and a mobile phone

49 - 51. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 50. We can conclude from the passage that - - - -.
A) King Louis preferred indoor tennis
Amazingly, the historical development of tennis B) tennis was invented with the death of King Louis
dates back several thousands of years. The game C) tennis was played only in palaces throughout the
was developed from a 12th century French handball
game called “Paume” (palm) in which a ball was history
struck with the hand. After some time “Paume” D) the only way to have fun in ceremonies was playing
evolved into real tennis and the players started using tennis
racquets. The game was first created by European
monks for entertainment roles during ceremonial E) the game became popular among monks in the 13th
occasions. At first, the ball was hit with hands. Later, century
the leather glove came into existence. This leather
glove was replaced with an adaptive handle for
effective hitting and serving of the ball. That was a
birth of tennis racquet. Tennis balls also underwent
frequent modifications. First tennis ball was
from wood. Then it was filled with cellulose material

Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü

to give way to a bouncier. The game became very
popular when it was adopted by a royal family in
France in the 13th century. Louis X of France was a
keen player of the game and became notable as the
first person to construct indoor tennis courts in the
modern style. Louis was unhappy with playing tennis
outdoors and accordingly had indoor courts made
in Paris around the end of the 13th century. In due
course this design spread across royal palaces all
over Europe. In June 1316 at Vincennes, following
a particularly exhausting game, Louis drank a large
quantity of cooled wine and subsequently died of
either pneumonia or pleurisy, although there was
also suspicion of poisoning.

49. We can understand from the passage - - - -. 51. We can infer from the passage that - - - -.
A) tennis balls are still made of wood A) the death of King Louis is a mystery

B) first tennis players used only their bare hands B) tennis was first started playing indoors
C) Louis X of France was the inventor of tennis C) outdoor tennis was popular among royal palaces
D) first tennis players in the history were all royals D) the first modern tennis court was built at Vincennes
E) leather gloves took the place of racquets in time E) there were only outdoor courts in Paris in the 13th

52 - 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 53. It can be inferred from the passage that - - - -.
A) coffee cherries always contain a single seed

A coffee seed, commonly called coffee bean, is B) pea berries are tastier than normal coffee beans
a seed of the coffee plant, and is the source for C) most of the coffee produced worldwide is Robusta
coffee. It is the pit inside the red or purple fruit often
referred to as a cherry. Even though the coffee D) Arabica beans contain more caffeine than Robusta
beans are seeds, they are referred to as “beans” beans
because of their resemblance to true beans. A
E) coffee beans aren’t considered as an important
small percentage of cherries contain a single seed,
instead of the usual two. This is called a “pea berry”. export product
The pea berry occurs only between 10 and 15% of
the time, and it is a fairly common (yet scientifically
unproven) belief that they have more flavour than
normal coffee beans. The two most economically
important varieties of coffee plant are the Arabica
and the Robusta; 75–80% of the coffee produced
worldwide is Arabica and 20% is Robusta. Arabica

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beans consist of 0.8–1.4% caffeine and Robusta
beans consist of 1.7–4% caffeine. As coffee is one
of the world’s most widely consumed beverages,
coffee beans are a major cash crop and an important
export product. The United States imports more
coffee than any other nation and the value of coffee
imported exceeded $8 billion. As of 2015, Americans
consumed approximately 400 million cups of coffee
per day, making the United States the leading
consumer of coffee in the world.

52. It can be understood from the passage that the 54. It’s clear in the passage that - - - -.
seeds of the coffee plant are referred to “beans” as A) there isn’t any country in the world which consumes
- - - -. more coffee than the USA
A) they are source for coffee B) coffee has no importance for the USA in terms of
B) they look like true beans economic growth

C) they consist of two stones C) the value of the coffee the USA exported is more
D) they are so-called stone fruits than $8 billion
E) the pit inside it is called cherry D) coffeehouses in the USA sell 400 cups of coffee
every day
E) is not as popular as any other beverages in the world

55 - 60. sorularda verilen cümlelere anlamca en 57. Breastfeeding is not an option if the mother has
yakın olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz. cancer and is being treated with anti-cancer drugs.
A) It’s not forbidden for a mother to use drugs for cancer
although she still breastfeeds her baby.
B) Breastfeeding is not an alternative for a mother to
55. When you realize that your life isn’t as good as you feed her baby if she is receiving treatment of cancer
want, it is the time to change your direction. with drugs.
A) After you realize that your life is worse than you C) A mother should breastfeed her baby no matter what
imagine, you have to change yourself. type of cancer she has and which treatment she
B) Whether your life is great or not it is always better to receives.
change your direction for your own good. D) A mother can continue breastfeeding her baby
C) If you appreciate your life much, you don’t need to even if she suffers from cancer and is treated with
change your routines to make it better. chemotherapy.
E) It’s unnecessary for a mother to breastfeed her

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D) Your way of life must be changed if you think it
is not the way you want and you deserve better baby when she is in treatment of cancer and takes
alternatives. anti-cancer drugs.
E) When you aware that that your life isn’t in the same
class as you need, it is an ideal opportunity to alter
your course.

56. It’s expected that the interview results will be

58. Although it was a cold and stormy night, campers
announced by the committee within the next few
enjoyed themselves next to the huge campfire.
A) As it was a freezing night, campers couldn’t help
A) The results of the interview that a committee has
themselves gathering around the big campfire.
done for a few days will be announced.
B) Unless it had been cold and stormy, campers could

B) It’s clear that the interview conducted by the

have had fun next to the huge campfire.
committee will end within a few days.
C) The enormous campfire made the campers happy
C) The interview results will unlikely be announced by
as it was a freezing and stormy night.
the committee for the next few days.
D) It was such a cold and stormy night that campers
D) The committee will probably announce the interview
had a good time around the campfire.
results during the next few days.
E) Despite the cold and stormy night, campers had fun
E) It’s announced by the committee that the interviews
next to the enormous campfire.
will last at least a few days.

59. More than half of the candidates who attended the 61 - 65. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam
audition for a place at the drama school failed. bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi
A) The majority of the candidates who went to the bulunuz.
audition for a place at the drama school were
61. The origin of the word “travel” is most likely lost
B) A lot of people attended the audition but none of them
to history. The term “travel” may originate from the
succeeded in getting a place in the drama school.
Old French word travail. - - - -. It also states that the
C) Most of the candidates were very successful at the word comes from Middle English travailen, travelen
audition while the others were unable to pass. (which means to torment, labor, strive, journey) and
D) Candidates had to pass an audition for a place at the earlier from Old French travailler (which means to
drama school but it was almost impossible. work strenuously, toil).
E) Most of the candidates could find a place at the A) There are many borrowed words in world languages
drama school after they had attended to the audition. B) In today’s world it is not hard to find the origins of the

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C) Etymology is one of the most important fields in
linguistic research
D) If you want to learn about the origin of the words, you
need to do some etymologic studies
E) According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the
first known use of the word “travel” was in the 14th

62. Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder in which the

60. Two of the players were expelled for violating the
sufferer has an irrational fear of having no escape
team’s “no fighting” policy.
or being closed-in. It is one of the most common
A) According to the team’s “no fighting” policy the phobias. If you experience claustrophobia, you
players must not argue with each other. may feel like you’re having a panic attack, although
B) Although the team has a “no fighting” rule two players claustrophobia isn’t a panic disorder. - - - -. Others

didn’t obey it and left the team. may need therapy to manage and cope with their
C) The team followed a “no fighting” policy in order to symptoms.
keep the peace among the players. A) The sufferer dreads not being able to breathe properly
D) Two players were kicked out of the team for breaking B) For some people, claustrophobia may disappear on
the team’s “no fighting” rule. its own
E) The team made a major change in “no fighting” C) It can be triggered by things like being locked in a
policy and fired two of the players. windowless room
D) Symptoms of claustrophobia can include sweating,
trembling and hot flashes
E) Many situations can trigger claustrophobia such as
being in a packed elevator

63. Being physically active is a ‘must’ to lead a healthy 65. Calligraphy is a type of visual art which is related
life. A person needs at least 60 minutes of physical to writing. The word means “beautiful writing”. In
activity a day. - - - -. Five or ten minute sessions of East Asia calligraphy has been a “high art” form. In
physical activities throughout the day will be enough the Western world it has been always considered as
for a person. These may include walking, jogging, a minor art and stayed as an interest in decorating
running, and riding a bike. words on the pages. - - - -. Ottomans adopted it with
A) The benefits of physical activity outweigh the risks of religious fervor and inspiration, taking this art to its
getting hurt pinnacle.

B) Regular physical activity reduces your risk of developing A) Turkish calligraphists have always made their own
diabetes paper, pens and ink

C) A dietician at any hospital can help you with your diet B) Tibetan calligraphers generally prefer using chisel
tipped pens and markers as well
D) It’s a type of exercise based on yoga and dance
C) However; Turkish calligraphy is one of a kind artistic
E) However, this does not have to be done at once
creation although it is not of Turkish origin

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D) Islamic calligraphy is associated with geometricIslamic
art on the walls and ceilings of mosques
E) It still continues to have a high status among the arts
and it is practiced by many people including school
children today

66 - 70. sorularda verilen durumda söylenmiş

64. Gymnastics is a sport which includes doing exercises olabilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
which need strength, flexibility, balance and control.
This may also include running, jumping, tumbling,
somersaulting, flipping and balancing. Gymnastics
teaches gymnasts how to move, roll, jump, swing and 66. A friend of yours wants to go abroad for holiday but
turn upside down. So, it is an exciting activity and he can’t find any place to go and asks your advice.
sport for its unique contribution to general fitness, What would you say?
coordination, agility, strength, balance and speed. A) First, you should decide where to visit.
- - - -. This allows everyone to develop their whole B) If I were you I’d definitely visit Balkans.
body which is useful in all other sports and activities.
C) You should prepare your luggage beforehand.
A) Gymnastics was used by soldiers to prepare for D) I don’t understand why you want to go abroad.
warfare in Greece in ancient times

E) It’s nonsense to save money for a vocation alone.

B) Gymnastics provides a sound foundation in
movement for boys and girls of all ages
C) Most forms of competitive gymnastics events are
governed by the Fédération Internationale de
D) Gymnastics evolved from exercises used by the 67. You want to join a summer camp but your father doesn’t
ancient Greeks that included skills for mounting and let you as he thinks it’s too expensive. What would you
dismounting a horse say to convince him?
E) Gymnastics was included as a key part of physical A) I’ll pay half of the fee with my pocket money.
education and the sport curriculum at many male
B) Summer camps are open to parents as well.
private schools in 1946
C) You don’t have to be too strict with me.
D) Come on dad, all of my friends will go.
E) You always lose your temper easily.

68. Your friend tells you that her grandfather has just 70. You are at a restaurant with a friend and the bill comes.
passed away. What would you say to express your How would you tell your friend that you’ll pay for it?
sympathy? A) It’s on me.
A) It’s very surprising news. B) Bless you!
B) I hope he feels better soon. C) Good luck!
C) I think there might be a mistake. D) Same to you!
D) Sorry. You’ve caught me at a bad time. E) Here you are.
E) I’m sorry to hear that. My condolences.

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71 - 75. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş

69. Your friend offers you some food but you don’t want bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
it because it doesn’t look delicious. What would you
say to refuse politely?
A) I didn’t order a salad. 71.

B) I love your new haircut. Usain : I guess I am getting old.

C) I’d like them scrambled. John : Why do you think so?
D) Thank you. I’ve just eaten.
Usain : Because I am getting tired very easily and I
E) Sorry. I just need another minute. can’t concentrate on my work.

John : - - - -, so you can be more effective in your job.

A) I think it is the time for you to retire


B) Getting tired is not about only getting old

C) If you feel too bad you should seclude yourself
D) I don’t believe you are old enough to stop competing
E) You should get some advice about your working style

72. 74.
Fred : Do you know any place in the town of Max : Which team do you think will win the
Bedrock for bungee jumping? European Championship?

Tony :---- Tim : I am not sure but France may be the champion.

Fred : No, not anymore. I want to do something Max : - - - -.

A) Would you like me to join you? A) Actually, both of them are my favourite

B) But you are a bowler not a jumper. B) That’s why it’s all about the championship

C) Do you want to play bowling with us? C) Then let’s wait and see who is going to win

D) Do you think bungee jumping is dangerous? D) For some watching the matches is breath-taking

E) Bedrock is a perfect place for bungee jumping. E) I think people take no pleasure in watching football

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Carla : Why was Judy so angry yesterday? 75.
Jackie : Do you think Chinese cinema will be more
Sally : As the coffee machine she bought didn’t work.
popular than Hollywood?
Carla : - - - -?
William : Maybe when pigs fly.
Sally : She demanded a refund.
Jackie : - - - -.

A) Isn’t she a little bit quick-tempered

A) I am not interested in Hollywood
B) Has she bought a new one instead
B) I am not really into popular cinema
C) What did she do when she found out
C) I hear a little sarcasm in your voice
D) Why didn’t she examine it beforehand
D) I want to see something remarkable
E) Did they take the coffee machine back
E) I see you’re a fan of Chinese cinema

76 - 80. sorularda verilen parçanın anlam 78. (I) The fairy tale, a product of verbal anonymous folk
literature, is a kind of narrative. (II) The heroes in fairy
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. tales can find extraordinary persons or creatures. (III)
The events described are completely unreal and flight
of imagination. (IV) That’s why fairy tales are one of the
76. (I) The first modern bungee jumps were made on 1st most interesting narrative types for little ones. (V) The
April 1979 from the 250-foot (76 m) Clifton Suspension place and time are always uncertain.
Bridge in Bristol. (II) The jumpers were David Kirke and
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Simon Keeling, both members of the Oxford University
Dangerous Sports Club. (III) The jumpers were arrested
shortly after, but continued with jumps in the US from
the Golden Gate Bridge and the Royal Gorge Bridge.
(IV) This kind of incidents can be seen anywhere in
the world. (V) By 1982, they were jumping from mobile
cranes and hot air balloons.

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A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 79. (I) Soccer is a team sport played between two teams,
each of them consists of eleven players, one of whom
is a goalkeeper. (II) All players must use their feet,
head or chest to play the ball. (III) Only the goalkeepers
are permitted to use their hands, and only within their
designated goal area. (IV) The aim of the game is to
score a goal, which is achieved by kicking or heading
the ball into the opposition team’s goal. (V) If the players
insist on breaking of these rules, they may be sent off.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

77. (I) American basketball league was founded in New

York City on June 6, 1946, as the Basketball Association
of America (BAA). (II) The league adopted the name
National Basketball Association on August 3, 1949, after
merging with its rival National Basketball League (NBL).
80. (I) Major depressive disorder, also known as depression
(III) There have always been legends in this league. (IV) among public, is a mental disorder. (II) It is characterized
The league’s several international as well as individual by at least two weeks of low mood that is shown across
team offices are directed out of its head offices located almost all situations in daily life. (III) Major depressive
disorder affected approximately 216 million people in
in the Olympic Tower at 645 Fifth Avenue in New York 2015. (IV) The disease is not related to the “depressive

City. (IV) NBA Entertainment and NBA TV studios are state” that is used among the people, but it is a type of
directed out of offices located in Secaucus, New Jersey. disease which is separated from this mood completely
and in many ways. (V) It is often accompanied by low
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V self-esteem, low energy, loss of interest in even normally
enjoyable activities, and pain without a clear reason.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V




1. B 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. D

11. D 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. E 20. D

21. E 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. E 26. E 27. C 28. C 29. D 30. A

31. B 32. E 33. D 34. C 35. E 36. B 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. C

41. A 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. D 46. E 47. E 48. D 49. B 50. A

51. A 52. B 53. B 54. A 55. E 56. D 57. B 58. E 59. A 60. D

61. E 62. B 63. E 64. B 65. C 66. B 67. A 68. E 69. D 70. A

71. E 72. B 73. C 74. C 75. C 76. D 77. C 78. D 79. E 80. C

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