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I. Move these sentences below into a passive voice!

1. Rudi visits them

Answer : They are visited by Rudi
2. Rina waters the flowers.
Answer : The flowers are watered by Rina.
3. Vita finds a wallet.
Answer : A wallet is found by Vita.
4. Jonathan is buying some books.
Answer : Some books are being bought by
5. He doesn't describe the good painting.
Answer : The good painting doesn't
described by him.
6. Mother has just made orange juice.
Answer : Orange juice has been made by
7. The farmer is planting the paddy.
Answer : The paddy is being planted by
the farmer.
8. A teacher has explained the lesson too
Answer : The lesson has been explained by
a teacher too much.
9. Has a child learnt how to make a paper
Answer : Has how to make a paper plane
been learnt by a child?
10. My sister hasn't translated an English
Answer : My sister hasn't translated an
English story.
11. Dio embraces Celly tightly.
Answer : Celly is embraced by Dio tightly.
12. The policemen are guarding the
Answer : The president is being guarded
by the policemen.
13. Does the factory produce many kinds
of plastic?
Answer : Are many kinds of plastic
produced by the factory?
14. Are some people cutting those big
Answer : Are those big trees being cut by
some people?
15. Have many children fed the cats today?
Answer : Have the cats been fed by many
children today?
16. Mr. Farhan is scolding Nandito.
Answer : Nandito is being scolded by Mr.
17. Who seldom drinks green tea?
Answer : By whom is green tea seldom
18. How many tickets does Adam buy?
Answer : How many tickets are bought by
19. Who has paid the tax?
Answer : By whom has the tax been paid?
20. Why do the students learn this lesson?
Answer : Why is the lesson learnt by the
21. What does the cat play?
Answer : What is played by the cat?
22. Whose pencil does Talita take for
Answer : Whose pencil is taken by Talita
for writing?
23. Whom has the teacher advised?
Answer : Who has been advised by the
24. Whom does your mother help?
Answer : Who is helped by your mother?
25. Who writes this article?
Answer : By whom is this article written?
26. How many magazines have the
children torn in the living room?
Answer : By how many magazines have
been torn by the children in the living
27. How much water has your sister
Answer : How much water has been drunk
by your sister?
28. Where do they plant the trees?
Answer : Where are the trees planted by
29. Has Andy stolen your bike?
Answer : Has your bike been stolen by
30. What is father reading?
Answer : What is being read by father?
31. When do they return my book?
Answer : When is my book returned by

II. Translate into English !

1. Apakah uangmu sering digunakan dengan baik oleh keluargamu?

Answer : Is your money often used well by
your family?
2. Baju-baju itu dijemur di belakang rumahku.
Answer : Those clothes are dried behind
my house.
3. Fredy sedang diburu polisi karena kasus narkoba.
Answer : Fredy is being hunted by the
police because of a drug case.
4. Kitab suci ini ditulis dalam bahasa Arab, iya kan?
Answer : This holy book is written in
Arabic language, isn't it?
5. Ikan-ikan ini dipelihara di kolam ku..
Answer : These fish are maintained in my
6. Mengapa pelajaran sulit ini sering dilupakan?
Answer : Why is this difficult lesson often
7. Mobil siapa yang biasanya diparkir di depan rumahku?
Answer : Whose car is usually parked in
front of my house?
8. Apa yang sedang dimakan oleh kerbau-kerbau ini?
Answer : What is being eaten by these
9. Lemari di kamarmu telah dikunci, iya kan?
Answer : Cupboard in your bedroom has
been locked, hasn't it?
10. Nama siapa yang belum disebut?
Answer : Whose name hasn't been called?
11. Siapa yang sedang dihukum oleh pak Amat?
Answer : Who is being punished by Mr.
12. Apakah mereka dibayar setiap bulan?
Answer : Are they paid each month?
13. Soal-soal ini dijawab dengan sempurna oleh Bima.
Answer : These questions are answered
perfectly by Bima.
14. Apakah kalung ini sedang dicari hingga sekarang?
Answer : Is this necklace being looked for
until now?
15. Anak siapa yang telah diajak ke pesta itu?
Answer : Whose child has been invited to
that party?.
16. Siapa yang telah diwawancarai di ruangan ini baru-baru ini?
Answer : Who has been interviewed in this
room recently?
17. Pelajaran ini baru saja dijelaskan oleh pak Hary.
Answer : This lesson has just been
explained by Mr. Hary.
18. Sepeda rusak itu sedang diperbaiki oleh pak Anam.
Answer : That broken bike is being fixed
by Mr. Anam.
19. Sebuah masalah penting sedang didiskusikan dalam rapat itu.
Answer : An urgent problem is being
discussed in that meeting.
20. Nikita tidak ingin diganggu oleh siapapun.
Answer : Nikita doesn't want to be
disturbed by anyone.


I. Move these sentences below into a passive voice!

1. Anton visited grandmother.
Answer : Grandmother was visited by
2. Amanda returned my book last night.
Answer : My book was returned by
Amanda last night.
3. My father bought this car last year.
Answer : This car was bought by my father
last year.
4. They were cutting a big tree.
Answer : A big tree was being cut by
5. Jono had edited ten articles last month.
Answer : Ten articles had been edited by
Jono last month.
6. Marchell was watering the plants.
Answer : The plants were being watered
by Marchell.
7. The police picked them up in a cafe
last night.
Answer : They were picked up by the
police in a cafe last night.
8. The seller offered some discounts to
the buyers.
Answer : Some discounts were offered by
the seller to the buyers.
9. Who borrowed your dictionary?
Answer : By whom was your dictionary
10. Which book did they hide?
Answer : Which book was hidden by
11. Whom did Ridho remind?
Answer : Who was reminded by Ridho?
12. What book was Elma looking for?
Answer : What book was being looked for
by Elma?
13. Who disappointed you?
Answer : By whom were you
14. How many books did Farida cover?
Answer : How many books were covered
by Farida?
15. Why did the teacher leave the meeting
last night?
Answer : Why was the meeting left by the
teacher last night?
16. Why did Mr. Rozak scold you
Answer : Why were you scolded by Mr.
Rozak yesterday?
17. Whose secretary stole an important
Answer : By whose secretary was an
important document stolen?
18. How many coconuts did Angga send
to the market?
Answer : How many coconuts were sent
by Angga to the market?
19. How much water were the villagers
taking on the desert last week?
Answer : How much water was being
taken by the villagers in the desert last
20. Where did Anita bring those kittens?
Answer : Where were those kittens
brought by Anita?

II. Translate into English !

1. Monas dibangun pada tahun 1986 oleh Presiden Soeharto.

Answer : Monas was built in 1986 by
president Soeharto.
2. Perhiasan bibiku telah dicuri tadi malam.
Answer : Jewelry's aunt had been stolen
last night.
3. Gedung-gedung tua itu diledakkan seminggu yang lalu.
Answer : Those old halls were burst one
week ago.
4. Temanku sedang diwawancarai oleh pemilik perusahaan tadi pagi.
Answer : My friend was being interviewed
by the owner of the company this morning.
5. Sapiku dibeli oleh seorang perempuan yang baik hati hari Minggu lalu.
Answer : My cow was bought by a kind
woman last Sunday.
6. Apa yang sedang dibicarakan oleh mereka semalam?
Answer : What was being talked about by
them last night?
7. Apakah mobilmu sedang dicat jam 8 kemarin?
Answer : Was your car being painted at 8
o'clock yesterday?
8. Buah apa yang sedang diperas oleh kakakmu ketika aku datang tadi malam?
Answer : What fruit was being extracted
by your sister when I came last night?
9. Apa yang sudah dimakan oleh adik perempuanmu kemarin?
Answer : What had been eaten by your
younger sister yesterday?
10. Baju-baju siapa yang sedang dijemur di atas rumput kemarin siang?
Answer : Whose dresses were being dried
on the grass yesterday afternoon.


I. Move these sentences below into a passive voice!

1. A manager will interview the applicants next

Answer : The applicants will be
interviewed by a manager next week.
2. My father will buy a paddy field tomorrow
Answer : A paddy field will be bought by
my father tomorrow morning.
3. Hasnah will tell an interesting story in front
of the audience.
Answer : An interesting story will be told by
Hasnah in front of the audience.
4. The committee will hold a beautiful contest
next month.
Answer : A beautiful contest will be held
by the committee next month.
5. Mrs. Dani will punish Reno if he doesn't do
his homeworks.
Answer : Reno will be punished by Mrs.
Dani if he doesn't do his homeworks.
6. Will visitors read all my articles?
Answer : Will all my articles be read by
7. When will she return my money?
Answer : When will my money be
returned by her?
8. Whose boy will she love?
Answer : Whose boy will be loved by her?
9. What will they look at?
Answer : What will be looked at by them?
10. Who is going to guide us?
Answer : By whom are we going to be

II. Translate into English !

1. Pesan anda akan dijawab segera.

Answer : This message will be replied
2. Suratmu akan diposkan besok pagi.
Answer : Your letter will be posted
tomorrow morning.
3. Apakah candi ini akan dipugar lagi?
Answer : Will this temple be restored
4. Teman lama biasanya akan terlupakan.
Answer : Old friends usually will be
5. Nomormu akan diganti secepatnya.
Answer : Your number will be replaced
6. Kertas-kertas ini akan dibakar besok
Answer : These papers will be burnt
tomorrow morning.
7. Apa yang akan dibangun di kotaku?
Answer : What will be built in my town?
8. Akankah dia tertipu lagi?
Answer : Will she be deceived again?
9. Siapa yang akan dianugerahkan
sebagai siswa terbaik?
Answer : Who will be awarded as the best
10. Siapa yang akan ditemui ayahmu nanti
Answer : Who will be met by your father


I. Move these sentences below into a passive voice!

1. They can finish the homeworks well.

Answer : The homeworks can be finished
well by them.
2. My father is able to fix this radio.
Answer : This radio is able to be fixed by
my father.
3. Lastri has to sweep the floor everyday.
Answer : The floor has to be swept by
4. They must be able to apply the rule.
Answer : The rule must be able to be
applied by them.
5. Anto might visit this house last week.
Answer : This house might be visited by
Anto last week.
6. Must they remind you?
Answer : Must you be reminded by them?
7. Could Arman invite a singer to
entertain us?
Answer : Could a singer be invited by
arman to entertain us?
8. Who can operate this machine?
Answer : By whom can this machine be
9. What do the students have to buy?
Answer : What has to be bought by the
10. How many books does Anggita have
to cover?
Answer : How many books have to be
covered by Anggita?

II. Translate into English !

1. Kebutuhanmu tidak harus dipenuhi oleh orang tuamu.

Answer : Your necessity doesn't have to be
fulfilled by your parents.
2. Bahasa Inggrismu harus diperbaiki.
Answer : Your English must be improved.
3. Barang-barang antik bisa ditemukan di museum.
Answer : The antiques can be found in the
4. Sampah harus dibuang di tempat sampah.
Answer : Rubish must be torn in the
5. Barang-barang ini harus dikirim tepat waktu.
Answer : These goods must be sent on
6. Bolehkah tas-tas mahal ini disimpan di lemariku?
Answer : May these expensive bags be
stored in my cupboard?
7. Berapa waktu yang bisa digunakan sebaik mungkin?
Answer : How much time can be used as
well as possible?
8. Haruskah pekerjaan-pekerjaan itu dikerjakan dengan segera?
Answer : Must those works be done soon?
9. Buku mana yang boleh dibaca oleh mereka?
Answer : Whose book may be read by
10. Mengapa anak-anak seharusnya bisa dibimbing oleh orang tua mereka?
Answer : Why should the children be able
to be guided by their parents?

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