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Intellectual revolutions that defined society

Greek speculation about “nature”

Known as “Pre-Socratic” or “non-theological” or “first philosophy”

Three characteristics of this philosophy

1. The world is a nature whole- supernatural forces do not make anything happen because the
world is natural whole
2. There is nature ‘order’- there are laws of nature (law of gravity etc.)
3. Humans can discover those laws

Define paradigm shift

 Copernican
Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) astronomer and mathematician that propose that the sun was
the stationary in the center of the universe and the earth revolve around it- heliocentric model
First thinkers were Thales first principle the earth has the basic substance is water.
Published an essay “On the revolution of the heavenly spheres”
Aristotle, however, believed that the earth is the true center of all the orbitals carrying the
heavenly bodies and all motions are uniform and unchanging.
 Darwinian
Charles Darwin, Theory of evolution
Suggested that all organism is related and have descended from a common ancestor. Darwinian
revolution, life came from a single celled organism and muted and acquire several features.
Explains that complex creatures evolved naturally from simplistic ancestors over time.
Presumes the development of life from non life and stresses a purely naturalistic descent with
Spontaneous Generation
As random genetic mutations occur within an organism genetic code the beneficial mutations
are preserved because they aid survival which is a process of natural selection
Proposed the “natural selection”, organism survived due to random genetic mutations leading
to the preservation of their descendants. Organisms which has favorable traits are produced
due to random genetic mutation which leads to preservation. Survival of the “fittest”, the better
adapted a species is, the more fitted it is to reproduce.

 Freudian
Simon Freud father of psychoanalysis
Believed that when people explain their behavior, they rarely give a true account of their
motivation, not because they are deliberately lying but because they are more adept at self-
deception. Rationalization of people’s conducts are there for this guy seeing the real reasons.
Freud’s structural theory of personality emphasizes the role of unconscious psychological
conflicts in shaping behavior and personality.
Personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s
indistinctive or individuals distinctive character
3 major components of the mind affecting human behavior
ID- made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic need, urges, and desires.
Only part of the personality that is present at birth and that is this primitive component of
personality that existed wholly within the unconscious.
Super Ego- composed of people’s internalized ideas acquired form parents and society. Works to
suppress the urges of the id and tries to make the ego behave normally, rather than realistically.
Ideas that contribute to the formation of the super-ego also includes the ideas of right and
Ego- mediated the demands of the id, the superego and the reality. Works to satisfy the id’s
desire in a manner that is realistic and socially appropriate.
 Information Revolution
Accompanied the history of mankind and began as early as 3000 BC with Sumerian pictographs.
Some of the milestones of this information revolutions are Gutenberg’s movable type printing
press in 1455.
Work of agusta and babbage on analytical in early 1830s
Invention of first telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1870
Alan Turing’s work during WW2
Allan Turing is a British mathematician who considered information revolution as the fourth
revolution following the Copernican, Darwinian.
He provided a fundamental contribution to computer sciences by refining the concepts of
and computation with what came to be called the Turing Machine, development of artificial
intelligence. He contributed Turing test concerning the possibility of developing conscious and
thinking machine in artificial intelligence.
Information revolution triggers profound changes in both the way we conduct our lives and the
way we perceive ourselves as human beings.
1. Mesoamericans
Was a region and cultural area in the America extending from approximately central
Mexico to belize Guatemala El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua and Northern Costa Rica.
And there and was well pre- colonial societies flourish. Pre- colonial societies are the
Aztec, Mayan and the Incas. Archeologist have dated human presence in in
Mesoamerica to possibly early 21,000 BCE by 11,000 BCE hunting and gathering
communities occupied most of the new world.
Regions and cultural area in the Americas extending to the countries in SOuthe America.
Major contributions or advancement in the Mesoamerican civilization
They contributed greatly in agriculture because as early as 7000 BC the cultivation of
cacao, corn, beans, tomato, squash and chili as well as the mid domestication of turkey
and dog made the transition from paleo-indian hunter-gatherer tribal grouping to the
organization of sedentary agricultural villages.
Three Sisters, the main food sources including beans, corn and squash
Cotton plants were used to make textiles, and rubber tress were used to make rubber
balls (for performance, games, rituals)
Advance cultivation techniques were done by the mesoamericans farmers to combat
lack of usable land and poor soil conditions.
Combined crop rotation and slash-and-burn technique to retain soil nutrients
Formed terraces along the mountain slopes
First to use irrigation techniques
Known to be the first to create the calendars. CIVIL CALENDAR(HAAB), AGRICULTURAL
2. Asian
Two of the world’s great city or great civilization, one form India and one from China
Civilization arose in the Indus Valley 4000 years ago
People used weapons and utensils made of bronze and copper
Shops are established around Mohenjo-Daro
In addition the region served as birthplace of two of the world’s known religions:
Hinduism is based on the four sacred books, Vedas. This holds the record of Indian
history and beliefs, which were written by the Aryan people who invaded the region
from the north around 1500 BCE
Caste system: priests called Brahmans ranked the highest and lowest “untouchables” as
Buddhism embraces followers who praise Buddha (The Enlightened One), in the person
of Siddhartha Gautama (a wanderer who believed that human greed and selfishness
lead to human pain)
Confucianism is based on teaching of Confucius. Emphasized personal and governmental
morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity.
Great wall of china was built to protect themselves from the invasions of barbarians
from other parts of Asia
3. Middle East
The home of the Cradle of Civilization, many of the world’s oldest cultures and
civilization were seen. Mesopotamia, fertile crescent, Sumerian, Babylonia
The history started from the earliest human settlement continuing through pre- and
post-Islamic Empires
Developed the following:
 First writing system in the world (cuneiform)
 Potter’s wheel, vehicular and mill wheel.
 First generalized governments and law codes
 Foundation of astronomy and mathematics
Earliest writing simply evolved from pictures on clay tablets which turned now
into symbols and gradually transformed into phonetic elements

4. African Civilization
Savages whose only contribution to the world were farming and slaves
Lineage and culture achievement include in the field of Mathematics, Astronomy,
Metallurgy, Agriculture and Engineering, Navigation and Medicine 40,000 years ago in
In math, they developed the Yoruba system- based on units of 20 instead of 10 and
required impressive amount of subtraction to identify different numbers.
First method of counting is developed in Africa, people in present day Zyra and Yoruba
people in what is now Nigeria develop their own numeration system 88,000 years ago
In astronomy, African Stonehenge was considered as remarkably accurate calendar. In
present day Kenya which is constructed around 300 BC.
People from Dogon of Mali have various astronomical discoveries wherein they knew
the Saturn’s ring, Jupiter’s moon, spiral structure of the milky way and the orbit of Sirius
Advances in Metallurgy and tool making
Steam engines
Metal chisel and saws
Weapons nail glue carbon, steel and bronze weapon and arches
Advances in Tanzania also surpassed those of the Europeans, were astonishing to
Europeans when they learned from them in ancient Tanzanian furnaces could reach
1800 degrees Celsius warmer than those of the romans
African empire of Egypt developed diverse structures and great architectural
monuments along the Nile river
Great pyramid of Giza and Great sphinx of Giza were located
12 century hundreds of great cities in Zimbabwe and M--- made of massive stone
complexes and huge castle-like compounds are existed
Used plants with salicylic acid for pain, kaolin for bacteria, and extract to kill Gram
positive bacteria
Medicine in Africa is more advance than in Europe, which performed medical
Limp traction
Broken bone setting
Bullet removal
Skin grafting
Filling the dental cavities
Installation of false teeth
Tissue cauterization
Brain surgery
 Cultivation of cacao, corn, beans, tomato, squash and chili
 First to use irrigation techniques
 Most accurate known calendar
 Invention of rubber

 Hinduism and Buddhism

 Confucianism
 Great wall of china
 People used weapons and utensils  made of bronze and copper

 First writing system

 Potter’s wheel, vehicular and mill wheel
 First generalized governments and law codes

 First method of counting

 Accurate calendar
 Discovered Saturn’s ring, Jupiter’s moon, spiral structure of milky way
 Advances in Metallurgy and tool making
 Steam engines

 Propose that the sun was the stationary in the center of the universe
and the earth revolve around it.

 Suggested that all organism is related and have a descended from a

common ancestor
 Life came from a single cell
 Natural selection

 3 major components of mind affecting human behavior

1. ID-wants
2. EGO- conscience
3. SUPEREGO- right and wrong

 Analytical engine
 Telephone
 Turing machine- possibility of developing conscious and thinking in a
machine (AI)

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