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EXP202- AL5

Jie Xu

Professor : Mary Wright


Critique Writing Assignment

Hello Jie….You wrote an effective critique that covers the main ideas of the author…and you

gave some credibility comments about the author. Good job! That is the essence of a good


Please rewrite each corrected sentence below making a list of rewritten sentences to email to


Prof. Wright

Critique Writing of “Advertising Makes Us Unhappy” article

 The article “Advertising Makes Us Unhappy” (Put quotation marks(parentheses) around the

titles of articles.) is a business review which was published by IdeaWatch, Harvard Business

Review, January-February 2020. The article is based on a the research of the relationship and

connection between the annual advertising spending and the satisfaction of citizens. The

research is conducted by Andrew Oswald (Year of publication?) who is a professor at of the

University of Warwick and his team. Andrew Oswald's work lies mainly at the border

between economics and behavioral science, and includes the empirical study of human

happiness. They applied survey data on annual advertising spending in 27 European countries

from more than 900,000 citizens from 1980 to 2011 over the same period, and they got the

conclusion of the relationship between the two that the he higher a country’s ad spending was

in one year, the less satisfied its citizens were a year or two later. The purpose of this article

is to defend the research mentioned above.

The format of this article is Q&A, each question corresponds to a different answer, and these

answers support the entire article. I think this format can make the structure and context of

the article clearer. (Yes, good observation!)A section of the topic is a natural paragraph; the

beginning of each natural paragraph is the topic of that paragraph, and the first sentence of

each paragraph is marked in bold. As a reader, we can quickly capture the content of each

paragraph in seconds. As we review the content of the article after reading it, we will

remember some of the points put forward very clearly, because this format forms some

memory points. (That is a good writing technique!)

The bolded questions and opinions raised contain s various viewpoints such as explaining the

purpose of this article, the reasons for the phenomenon of the research conclusion, the source

of the research data, clarifying the interference factors, eliminating the interference factors,

giving e examples to compare similar social phenomena, etc.(Keep the consistent “ing” for

on verbs if you started with “ing” endings.)

Through the points put forward in segments, the cause, process, results, influence of the

experiment are effectively explained. The credibility of the research is increased, the readers

are more convinced, and the purpose of the researcher professor Oswald- to defense his

research- is successfully achieved. (An effective conclusion.)

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