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Interviewer: Aprilia Dwy Hastuti

Interviewees: Waizul Anzhari
Day: Monday
Date: 12th of April, 2021.
Time: 8.16 PM

Observer : Halo Assalamualaikum. [Good evening]

Waizul : [Waalikumsalam] good evening.
Observer : Oke. Okay. Mohon bantuannya ya untuk diinterview. Untuk observasi kami.
Jadi, saya akan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. Nanti boleh dijawab pakai
Bahasa inggris atau Bahasa Indonesia, ya. Sudah siap?
Okay. Please help us to become the interviewees for our observation. So, I will
ask you several questions. You can answer it using Bahasa Indonesia or English
later. Are you ready?
Waizul : iya, silakan.
Yes, please.
Observer : okay. Eh first question is (.) what do you think about psycholingustics courses
that require students to interpret, explain, and presentate the material by
themselves to their friends? (3.0) Apa perlu diartiin pakai Bahasa Indonesia juga,
Okay. First question is what do you think about psycholingustics courses that
require students to interpret, explain, and presentate the material by themselves
to their friends? Should it be translated to Bahasa Indonesia as well?
Waizul : Ngga usah. Tahu.. tahu.
Don’t worry. I know, I know
Observer : alright
Waizul : coba tadi ulangi. Kok lupa sih saya.
Can you please repeat (the question)? I forget
Observer : what do you think about psycholingustics courses that require students to
interpret, explain, and presentate the material by themselves to their friends?
Waizul : I think it- that’s good. Because, eh (.) the student can learn (1.0) by himself or
themselves and it makes uh (.) what is it eh (2.0) enhance their knowledge. Jadi,
kayak (.) gimana ya uh (.) kalau kita nyari materi sendiri jadi kita paham gitu nah
materi tersebut .
I think that’s good because the student can learn by himself or themselves and it
enhance their knowledge. So, it’s like when we searching for the materials by
ourself we can understand the materials.
Observer : so, discover by themselves about the material itself.
Waizul : yeah. That’s right
Observer : okay. Next question is do you think it’s effective?
Waizul : for:: the: For the presenter it is effective. Because (2.0) they can uh (1.0) apaitu
For the presenter it is effective. Because they can, what is it
Observer : kalau pakai Bahasa Indonesia juga nggak apa-apa.
It’s okay if you use Bahasa Indonesia
Waizul : kalau misalnya itu. Untuk dari pihak presenternya itu lumayan effective karna
dia jadi tahu materi yang dia [bahas]. Kalau misalnya. Apalagi harus
dipresentasikan mereka harus betul-betul mengerti. Jadi, menurut ku itu efektif
untuk presenternya. Tapi, kalau untuk (.) anunya (.) audience nya atau untuk
yang lain yang menerima um (.) apa. Presentasi tersebut itu tergantung dari
anunya lagi. Tergantung dari presenternya mampu menjelaskan dengan baik
atau engga. Mulai dari pronouns nya atau eh (.) intonasi mereka dan:
sebagainya lah. Jadi, kalau untuk pihak um (.) apa Namanya yang
mempresentasikan jelas efektif (serta) menambah wawasan mereka. Tapi kalau
untuk. Menurutku untuk audiencenya itu tergantung dari presenternya dia bisa
menyampaikan dengan baik atau engga.
For the presenter, it’s kinda effective because they know the materials that they
discuss. Moreover, it must be presented, they must understand very well. So, I
think it's effective for the presenter. but for the audience or those who receive the
presentation, it depends on the presenter being able to explain it well or not.
starting from its pronuns and their intonation, and so on. so, for the presenter it is
clearly effective and adds to their insight. but for the audience, it depends on the
presenter who can convey it well or not
Observer : [oh iya]. Oh iya. Oke. Jadi, keefektifitasannya itu tergantung berdasarkan
bagaimana cara si presenternya itu menyampaikannya tadi, ya. [Okay]
Okay. Alright. So, the effectivity is depend on how the presenter convey it, right.
Waizul : [iya]. Depend on the presenter.
Yes. Depend on the presenter
Observer : okay. Next question. As a student, how do you prepare your material before the
Waizul : (3.0) eh (.) jelas I read the references from the lecturer and then eh (3.0) what is
it (2.0) Memahaminya. Memahaminya sampai: kita betul-betul paham. Jadi kita
tahu apa yang mau kita sampaikan nda asal ngomong gitu aja
Of course I read the references from the lecturer then understand it until we
understand it very well. So that we know what we want to deliver, not just plain
Observer : okay. Jadi, learn more about the material?
Okay. So, learn more about the material?
Waizul : iya. Atau nanti misalkan materinya. Materinya tersebut (kurang) kita jadi lebih
bisa (.) apa Namanya tuh. Cari informasi lebih di internet
Yes. Or maybe if the material is lacking, we can find out more (the materials) on
the internet
Observer : iya. Okay. Okay.Uh (.) Next question is related to your feeling. What did you
feel before the presentation?
Waizul : I feel (10.0)
Observer : nothing? Or maybe feel
Waizul : (4.0) apa ya. Saya merasa:: Merasa anu sih, merasa agak [khawatir] saja
What is it. I feel a little bit worried
Observer : [nervous?]
Waizul : bukan. Ini apa yang kita rasakan pas: mendengarkan presentasi kan?
No. is this about what we feel when we listen to a presentation, isn’t?
Obsesrver : No. No. before. Uh (.) How do you feel before you presentate. Misalnya kamu
dapat giliran presentasi gitu. [Kamu] rasanya gimana
No. No. before. How do you feel before your presentation. For example, you get
a presentation turn. How do you feel?
Waizul : [oh iya] Uh I feel Uh I feel. I feel nervous. absolutely
Observer : why?
Waizul : because uh (1.0) what I (2.0) uh apasih ((giggles)) Apa yang saya sampaikan
itu tidak dipahami dengan apa namanya itu. Dengan audience
Because (I’m worry if) what I said was not understood by the audience
Observer : You feel worried if your:: uh (.) presentate is not being well-delivered, gitu?
Waizul : Iya. Takut pronuns nya banyak yang salah, takut terbata-bata.
Yes. I’m afraid if the pronuns will go wrong, afraid of haltingly
Observer : Okay! and then. Uh (.) Is the material describe by your friend in this courses is
difficult to understand? Materi-materi yang dibawain teman mu, yah. Bukan yang
kamu bawain. Ini pertanyaannya agak loncat-loncat mohon maaf. ((giggles))
Yang menyusun agak-agak loncat juga mungkin. Gimana?
Okay! And then is the material describe by your friends in this course is difficult
to understand? The materials that delivered by your friends, not you. We are
sorry if the questions somewhat disordered. Maybe who compiled the question
was a bit confused. So, how?
Waizul : no. I think it’s easy to (1.0) understand because the language is simple not (.)
Gak terlalu Bahasa academic gitu. Tapi, uh (1.0) the (.) the (.) (disadvantages) of
the references is (2.0) there are many words that (.) Banyak kata yang terpotong
di (.) apa itu yah. Di tengah-tengah kalimat. Dia banyak kalimat nya yang gak
lengkap dari references yang dikasih dosennya. Jadi agak mikir sendiri gitu
maksudnya apa
No. I think it’s easy to understand because the language is simple not using so
many academic language. But, the advantages of the reference is there are
many words which many words are cut off in the middle of the sentence and are
incomplete, so we need to interpret for ourselves what it means
Observer : okay. Last question ya, ijul. What are the main. Uh what is the main thing that
must be considered during the presentation?
Waizul : huh?
Observer : jadi apa hal utama yang harus diperhatikan ketika presentasi?
So, what is the main thing to consider during presentation?
Waizul : Oh. Ya jelas uh (.) The material.
Oh. Of course the material
Observer : Okay
Waizul : And: (1.0) terus (.) Our mental.
And our mental
Observer : Okay
Waizul : Jadi, pas presentasi gak gugup, gak nervous gitu. Yang terutama itu tadi itu tadi
jelas materinya ((harus)) siap. Habis itu apalagi yah (4.0) Mungkin itu aja sih.
Kalau sudah maju, nantikan kalau misalnya materinya sudah siap, mentalnya
sudah siap, jadi uh (.) bagus gitu nyampein materinya.
so that during the presentation is not nervous. The main thing is clearly the
material that must be well prepared. then what else? maybe that's it. when it's
time to presentate, if the material is well prepared, and mentally prepared, it will
be good when delivering the material
Observer : Okay. I’m agree too, Ijul. Okay! I think our interview is. Uh (.) sampai disini saja.
Terimakasih sudah membantu. Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb
Okay. I’m agree too, Ijul. Okay. I think our interview ends here. thanks for
helping. Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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