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How to Sign Up for Zoom Court Hearings at

U.S. District Court for Eastern Michigan

Go to the court website:

Click on the Court Calendar on the lower right side of the home screen:

On the next screen, select the hearing date with the left/right arrow keys or the
“Jump to Date” calendar.

Duty Court Hearings (before Magistrate Judges)
To register for an arraignment, initial appearance on a criminal complaint or
indictment, detention hearing or preliminary examination, go to “1 p.m.
Magistrate Judge Unassigned” and click on the appropriate “Access Attendance
Information” button. If you can’t find the defendant you are looking for, clicking
on any of the access buttons will get you into any of the hearings.

On the next screen, click on the drop-down menu to select the hearing. Fill in
your name and email address, seating type and fill in the numbers in reverse
order without spaces. Check the “I have read and understand the rules stated
above” box indicating you are aware of the prohibition against recording,
photographing, videotaping, broadcasting or publishing court proceedings.
Violations result in automatic 90-day suspension for attending Zoom hearings.
Click on Submit.

The next screen provides the Zoom access link for the hearing. Copy and save it.
It also may be sent to your email address. Do not share the code with anyone –
everyone must register separately. Do not record, photograph, videotape, or
broadcast or publish the proceedings. Violations result in automatic 90-day
suspension for attending Zoom hearings.

The link likely won’t be active until five minutes before the hearing. Cases are
taken in order and it may take several minutes or even a couple of hours before
your case is called depending upon the number of cases on the docket.

Click on “Public Access Team” if you encounter problems.

If you can’t find the name of the defendant, contact: with the court, with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, or

check PACER, the federal docketing computer.

District Court Hearings (before District Judges)
Go to the date, time, judge and case, and click on the “Access Attendance
Information” button.

On the next screen, fill in the numbers in reverse order without a space Check the
“I have read and understand the rules stated above” box indicating you are aware
of the prohibition against recording, photographing, videotaping, broadcasting or
publishing court proceedings. Violations result in automatic 90-day suspensions
for attending Zoom hearings.

Click on Submit.

The next screen provides the Zoom access link for the hearing. Copy and save it.
It also may be sent to your email address. The link will not be active until about
five minutes before the hearing.

Remember that court rules prohibit recording, photographing, videotaping,

broadcasting or publishing court proceedings. Violations result in automatic 90-
day suspension for attending Zoom hearings.

Click on “Public Access Team” if you encounter problems.

If you can’t find the name of the defendant, contact: with the court, with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, or

check PACER, the federal docketing computer.

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