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William Loman
January 18, 1880-April 14, 1940

On Tuesday, April 20th, I invite you attend the funeral services for Mr. William Loman. As
attendees, you are to prepare some kind words for Mr. Loman in honor of his memory. Flowers will
be collected at the beginning of the service as well as sympathy cards for the family.

Student Roles: Your roles are assigned below with your specific assignment for the funeral.
Examples of your assignment will be posted on Canvas for reference. Characters will speak in order
of appearance on the list. For ambience, feel free to wear darker clothing and bring some flowers if
you feel like it! Students, if you are uncomfortable with your role, you may trade with a
classmate. Everyone will have a part to play, just make sure that you do have a part.

Linda: Cayce McCall (we will Zoom you in)

1. Write and deliver a eulogy of 1-2 pages for your husband.
2. 3-5 minutes in length

Biff: Carlie McGough

Happy: Brooke Martinage
1. Write and deliver a eulogy of 1-2 pages for your father.
2. 3-5 minutes

Bernard: Bryce Connor

1. Find a poem to read for the funeral.
a. For extra credit, memorize your poem!
2. Write a one page reflection for why you chose this poem and how it fits with Death of a
Charley: Griffin Christ
1. Find a poem to read for the funeral.
a. For extra credit, memorize your poem!
2. Write a one page reflection for why you chose this poem and how it fits with Death of a

Stanley: Hannah Roberts

1. Write and read aloud a poem inspired by a Bible verse that you believe best fits your view of
Willy Loman.
a. For extra credit, recite from memory!
2. Write a one page reflection about your poem and why you chose the Bible verse.

Students without a role

1. Write a one page reflection on Willy Loman’s character
a. Use one quote from the play.
b. What does Willy Loman represent to you?
c. How does Willy’s role as a failed salesman affect your perspective on pursuing a
2. For the funeral, prepare a haiku poem to read aloud about the play or Willy Loman.
a. Haiku poems are just three lines and follow the 5-7-5 rule.
i. First line is 5 syllables
ii. Second line is 7 syllables
iii. Third line is 5 syllables

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