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Drug Couriers Punishment


The drug courier problem is a huge challenge against our government, especially for the
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency. Over the years, the emerging trend in transporting
illegal drugs using “drug couriers” has become a worldwide concern because it poses
serious threats to health, it violates human rights and it cultivates illegal activities and other
crimes such as trafficking and prostitution.

Drug mules or “drug couriers” are individuals who transport dangerous drugs in exchange for
a huge amount of money, depending on the amount of drugs to be delivered and the
route/distance to be traveled.

Alarmingly, the number of Filipinos victimized as drug couriers by international drug

trafficking syndicates is increasing. In 1993, there were only 2 recorded Filipinos arrested
abroad for drug trafficking. At present, the figure ballooned to 710:

It has been a noticeable trend that more female Filipino drug couriers are being exploited by
drug trafficking syndicates: Of the 710 arrested, 265 or 37% are males while 445 or 63% are
females. Women are usually targeted by syndicates since they generally generate mild
suspicion from authorities and the female body has more cavities possible to insert the drugs
in, therefore posing less detection risk.


Methods of Concealment of Arrested Couriers Abroad

 Hidden in luggage/suitcases (38%)

 Ingestion/Swallowing (29%)
 Placed in shoes (7%)
 Placed in bottom part of luggage (5%)
 Placed inside handbag (4%)
 Others (17%): Undergoing minor operation, placing in
shoeboxes/books/bottles/parcels, etc.

Drug Seized from Arrested Couriers in the Philippines

 Heroin    (1%)
 Cocaine  (18%)
 Shabu    (81%)

Arrested Drug Couriers in the Philippines had a similar method of concealing illegal drugs;
hidden in side panels of their luggage and false compartments


Filipinos are usually enticed by the offer because of the syndicates’ promise of
love/marriage, as have been recorded in several arrests involving Filipina drug couriers.
Others are lured by the opportunity to travel and the promise of a comfortable life while
others want a high-paying job and easy money.

 The drug courier problem can also be attributed to the following factors:

1. The prevalence of poverty

2. Poor educational background
3. Easy money
4. Unemployment
5. The idea of traveling


Couriers are usually recruited by casual acquaintances they meet in key cities here or
abroad, mostly fellow Filipinos connected to drug syndicates like the African Drug Syndicate
(ADS), offering plane tickets, hotel accommodation and huge amounts of money. In some
instances, members of syndicates befriend/marry potential recruit then later turn him/her into
a courier or cohort. On the other hand, unwitting victims were duped by acquaintances into
carrying packages in exchange for money, not knowing that drugs were placed inside.

Opium Poppy - Couriers may also be recruited through the internet and social networking
sites like Facebook, MySpace, Tagged, etc. Syndicates also engage in travel & tours
businesses/agencies to arrange airline and hotel bookings of the couriers and use fraudulent
documents/fake credit cards.

The ADS is believed to be behind the alarming increase of Filipino drug couriers arrested
abroad. They deliver drugs to their connections in different points around the world by
employing drug couriers to prevent the risk of getting caught themselves. They also use
Filipinos as cohorts to recruit fellow OFWs.

The ADS is an international syndicate involved in drug trafficking and cyber crimes. They
use stolen and/or falsified documents to go about with their transaction (i.e. purchase of
plane tickets, hotel bookings) and usually communicate with their cohorts thru phone or the
internet. Members are proficient in English and well-versed, very persistent and are
generally friendly which makes them recruit potential victims easily.

When arrested, the punishment given to arrested drug couriers may vary from repatriation,
imprisonment (ranging from 6 months to lifetime imprisonment), payment of fine, confiscation
of personal belongings, and/or death penalty.


The Task Force Drug Couriers (TFDC) was created on February 08, 2010 by virtue of
Administrative Order No. 279. It is an inter-agency team tasked in the deterrence, prevention
and protection of Filipinos from being victimized as drug couriers by international drug
trafficking syndicates. The Task Force is composed of 13 agencies, chaired by the Philippine
Drug Enforcement Agency and co-chaired by the Department of Foreign Affairs with the
following agencies as members:

1. Bureau of Customs
2. Bureau of Immigration
3. Commission on Higher Education
4. Department of Justice
5. Department of Labor and Employment
6. Manila International Airport Authority
7. National Bureau of Investigation
8. Philippine Information Agency
9. Philippine National Police - Aviation Security Group
10. Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (formerly Philippine Tourism

Office of the President thru the Office of the Executive Secretary

To address the problem, the Task Force prepared the TFDC 3-year Action Plan composed
of 19 doables and focused on the key areas of Prevention, Law Enforcement and
Prosecution, and Coordination.

Since its creation, the TFDC has done several accomplishments which includes the conduct
of international operations leading to the arrest of members of the ADS, seizure of millions-
worth of dangerous drugs and rescue of Filipinas who were utilized as drug couriers. It also
developed and distributed posters and IEC materials in strategic areas nationwide as part of
the information dissemination and conducted lectures/seminars on the issue.

However, execution of some of the plans and programs has been hampered due to the large
amounts needed to fund international operations. The Task Force is currently increasing its
efforts by tapping key sectors and coordinating with different institutions to support the full
implementation of said action plan.


 Avoid bringing other people's luggage/packages especially when you do not know
what is contained inside. Do not trust anybody, even acquaintances, when you are
traveling abroad. Big amount of money is not worth it.
 Be vigilant on people offering easy money and work abroad especially when you are
unsure of the nature of the job.
 Check if your recruiter's/recruitment agency's papers and documents underwent the
proper process.


 In the country, victims can seek help and report illegal drug activities to authorities
like PDEA, PNP or NBI
 For Filipinos abroad, they can go to the Philippine Embassy in the country where
they are staying


The underlying poverty crisis has lured Filipinos to take jobs with high salaries despite the
harm/consequences that it may bring just to provide for themselves and their families.
Because of this, drug trafficking syndicates target Filipinos, usually OFWs, as drug couriers
in exchange for a huge amount of money, taking advantage of the situation.

Syndicates like the ADS are well-organized, well-funded and continue to expand. The drug
courier problem’ global scope due to the syndicates’ vast connections and mobility makes it
hard for law enforcement agencies to trace and apprehend members and cohorts.
In order to address this problem, concerned agencies and key sectors need to intensify its
anti-drug courier campaign through the production of IEC materials, publicity/media plan
development, and conduct of lectures/seminars. Filipinos need to be aware and at the same
time take a proactive stance in sharing to others what they know about the issue.

Considering that other countries especially China and Saudi Arabia impose very strict
punishments to persons with drug-related cases, information dissemination as a preventive
measure is better than having to provide legal and financial support to already arrested drug
couriers which in the end may prove futile once offender is proven guilty.

The government also needs to have an active and strong cooperation with foreign
counterparts. Strengthening of bilateral, regional and multilateral coordination is crucial in the
conduct international operations, profiling and development of a comprehensive database on
syndicates, and monitoring of cases. Embassies and consulates should undertake tighter
screening of visa applications of nationals who are known to be involved in drug smuggling
activities and immigration officials should closely monitor track down activities of these
aliens. This could only be achieved if concerned agencies have sufficient administrative and
financial support.

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