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Thank you for using SazInjector !

Made by Saz

WinRar Password : 123

--How to use--

- Turn off any antivirus on your computer

- Extract all the files using WinRAR
- Launch the .exe file
- If you get an update check error, please use a VPN (Do not use a browser VPN but
a desktop VPN)
- Select a type of injection (Manual Map recommended)
- Choose a process
- Add a dll (every dlls added with Load Library option are stocked in
- Set up settings (top left corner)
- Run VBL (VAC-Bypass-Loader) (Optional)
- Press Inject button
- Enjoy !


If you want to avoid VAC ban :

- Run the injector and the .dll file from an external disk or USB
- Run VBL (VAC-Bypass-Loader)
- Clear Temp Files (Settings or manually)
- Clear recent dlls (Settings)

Join us on Discord :

SazInjector Download link :
VBL Download link :

If you have any problem, bug or recommendation, open a ticket on the discord

Good to know :
Some dlls aren't working with the Manual Map injection (For example : Osiris.dll).
If the game crash after the injection, try to use Load Library option.

Don't forget to put the "DiscordRPC.dll" and "Newtonsoft.Json.dll" in the same

folder as SazInjector when you execute it.

.Thanks to Keji ;)

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