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Gene 627 (2017) 72–78

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Research paper

Rapid prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidy for chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X, and MARK
Y using segmental duplication quantitative fluorescent PCR (SD-QF-PCR)
Lei Suna,⁎,1, Zuqian Fanb,1, Ju Longc, Xunjin Wengc, Weijun Tangc, Wanrong Pangc
Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Qinzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Guangxi 535005, PR China
Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Qinzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Guangxi 535099, PR China
Qinzhou Key Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Biology on Endemic Diseases, Qinzhou, Guangxi 535099, PR China


Keywords: Background: In our previous studies, the rapid diagnosis of aneuploidy has been achieved using the segmental
Quantitative fluorescent-PCR duplication molecular markers-based SD-QF-PCR technique. However, it is also insufficient due to the drawbacks
Chromosomes including less detection loci and incompetence in single-tube detection.
Segmental duplication Methods: In this paper, we developed 13 new segmental duplications as molecular markers, as well as designed
13 pairs of primers and 1 fluorescence-labeled universal primer, which could detect chromosome aneuploidies in
Prenatal diagnosis
one PCR tube.
Results: Two hundred and thirty samples were detected using SD-QF-PCR, the samples were collected from
individuals with trisomy 21 (n = 16); trisomy 18 (n = 4); trisomy 13 (n = 3); 45,X (n = 3); 47,XXY (n = 2);
47,XYY (n = 2); suspected mosaic 46,XX/46,XY (n = 2); and unaffected controls (n = 198).
Conclusions: The detection results of SD-QF-PCR were consistent with those of conventional karyotype analysis.
SD-QF-PCR based on the newly developed segmental duplications enables the single-tube and multi-locus si-
multaneous detection on the number of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y. Therefore, this technique offers a new
alternative for the diagnosis of chromosome aneuploidies.

1. Introduction syndrome), trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome), 45,X (Turner's syndrome),

47,XXY (Klinefelter syndrome), triploids, mosaicism, among others,
Genetic diseases induced by chromosomal abnormalities are re- which together account for > 80% of prenatally diagnosed chromo-
sponsible for over 50% of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth and pre- somal abnormalities (Hochstenbach et al., 2005). Existing heavy mental
mature deaths and exhibit an incidence rate of about 1% in newborns and financial burden to the society and the family, these diseases
(Yusuf and Naeem, 2004; Driscoll and Gross, 2009). Being important cannot be effectively cured at present, and the only feasible approach is
causes for sexual abnormality as well as male and female infertility and to reduce or avoid the birth of such children via prenatal screening or
sterility, they also act as one of significant origins leading to congenital diagnosis. Consequently, it is particularly vital to perform prenatal di-
heart disease, intelligence hypoplasia and other disorders. Chromo- agnosis against chromosomal disorders.
somal abnormalities consist of numerical abnormalities and structural Currently, as the main diagnostic methods for chromosomal dis-
abnormalities, where chromosomal aneuploidy abnormalities prove to orders, cell culture and karyotype analysis method is accompanied by
be one of the most common human chromosomal aberrations, which shortcomings like complicated operation and long diagnostic reporting
seriously threats human health considering the severe mental retarda- cycle (Caine et al., 2005). With the development of molecular biology, a
tion and malformation of tissues and organs generally developed in the number of rapid diagnostic techniques and methods have been devel-
sufferers. The most common chromosomal numerical abnormalities oped and reported in succession, such as fluorescence in situ hy-
include trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edward's bridization (FISH) (Ho et al., 2012), quantitative fluorescent PCR (QF-

Abbreviations: FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; QF-PCR, quantitative fluorescent PCR; qPCR, real-time quantitative PCR; MLPA, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplifi-
cation; HGQ-PCR, homologous gene quantitative PCR; PSQ, paralogous sequence quantification; HRM, high-resolution melting curve; aCGH, array comparative genomic hybridization;
NGS, next generation sequencing; dPCR, digital PCR; SD-QF-PCR, segmental duplication quantitative fluorescent PCR

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (L. Sun), (Z. Fan), (J. Long), (X. Weng), (W. Tang), (W. Pang).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 13 January 2017; Received in revised form 23 May 2017; Accepted 8 June 2017
Available online 09 June 2017
0378-1119/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Sun et al. Gene 627 (2017) 72–78

PCR) (Mann et al., 2004), SNP melting curve analysis (Pont-Kingdon 2. Materials and methods
and Lyon, 2003; Nagy et al., 2005), real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR)
(Zimmermann et al., 2002), multiplex ligation-dependent probe am- 2.1. Ethics statement
plification (MLPA) (Schouten et al., 2002),homologous gene quantita-
tive PCR (HGQ-PCR) (Lee et al., 1997), paralogous sequence quantifi- This study was conducted according to the principles expressed in
cation (PSQ) (Deutsch et al., 2004), MLPA/qPCR (Guo et al., 2010), the Declaration of Helsinki. The protocol for this study was approved
high-resolution melting curve analysis (HRM) of segmental duplication through the Research Ethics Committee of Qinzhou Maternal and Child
(Guo et al., 2012), array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) Health Hospital. Written informed consent was obtained from each
(Hung et al., 2012), next generation sequencing (NGS) (Norton et al., participant for the collection of samples and subsequent analyses.
2015), and digital PCR (dPCR) (Fan and Quake, 2007). All these
methods have the ability to diagnose aneuploidies, and exhibit re- 2.2. Samples
spective disadvantages or shortcomings, such as complicated operation,
poor locus specificity, high requirements for technical conditions, and A total of 230 samples were collected in this study, of which 16
expensive costs. samples were obtained from individuals with trisomy 21, 4 samples
In order to pursue a more fast, simple and stable method, an in- from individuals with trisomy 18, 3 samples from individuals with
vestigation was carried out regarding the existing techniques and trisomy 13, 3 samples with 45,X, 2 samples from individuals with
methods. We found that the HGQ-PCR developed by Lee HH et al. 47,XXY and with 47,XYY respectively, 2 samples of suspected mosaic
provided an excellent detection method for the rapid diagnosis of 46,XX/46,XY, and 198 samples from unaffected individuals. All sam-
Down's syndrome (Lee et al., 1997). However, in-depth exploration on ples have been verified through amniotic fluid karyotype analysis.
the study found that there was an incompletely matched nucleotide in
both upstream and downstream of the used primer, so it is difficult to 2.3. DNA extraction
maintain the original ratio in PCR amplification providing incomplete
binding of the primer to the target sequence. At the same time, with DNA was extracted from uncultured amniotic fluid samples and
single agarose gel electrophoresis as the quantitative method, the umbilical cord blood samples using the DNA extraction kit (Tiangen)
quantitative accuracy and stability could not be guaranteed in different according to the manufacturer's instructions. The concentration and
laboratory tests. Nevertheless, the study did exhibit a highly promising purity of the extracted genomic DNA were determined via spectro-
prospect in the homologous gene-based detection of gene copy number. photometry (Quawell); with the concentration adjusted to 30 ng/μL,
In 2012, Guo Q et al. developed the segmental duplication molecular the DNA samples were stored at − 80 °C for subsequent molecular de-
markers based on the same principle with homologous genes, whose tection.
integration with the high-resolution melting analysis of segmental du-
plication (SD-HRM) permitted the rapid diagnosis of aneuploidy (Guo 2.4. Development of segmental duplication molecular markers
et al., 2012), thus markedly simplifying the assays and reducing costs.
Regrettably, this method required a multi-tube operation, and 6 tubes The segmental duplications used in this study referred to the in-
would be involved in order to detect 3 chromosomes. At all events, it terspersed repeats with two copies in their genome rather than the
once again highlighted the advantage of segmental duplication-based tandem repeats in the form of unique sequences, such as satellite DNA,
detection methodology. We started to develop segmental duplication minisatellite DNA and microsatellite DNA. Such segmental duplication
molecular markers considering their potential application prospects. In included two sequences with highly similar bases (similar sequences)
the early development and application, we combined segmental du- and were blasted against the human chromosomal segmental duplica-
plication molecular markers with STR molecular markers, which were tions in NCBI; we selected two copies: one copy must be located on the
used to simultaneously detect aneuploidies and showed the advantage target chromosome, and the other must be located on a chromosome
of mutual diagnosis and mutual verification (Long et al., 2013). Un- other than the target chromosome (Fig. 1A). For the screened similar
fortunately, STR required several fluorescent labels, so the labeling segmental duplications, both the high base similarity and the differ-
costs were higher; besides, STR's requirement for multi-locus detection ences in the number of some bases were required, since the identical
could easily cause the reduction in reaction system stability. In addi- bases could be used for subsequent universal primer design while those
tion, we further combined the developed segmental duplications mo- with numerical or structural differences for subsequent capillary elec-
lecular markers with QF-PCR technique. The detection system consisted trophoresis analysis (Fig. 1B). Using capillary electrophoresis to acquire
of two tubes, which could enable the aneuploidy screening of 5 chro- the fluorescence ratio between the PCR products of two similar se-
mosomes (Kong et al., 2014). However, the less detection loci, excessive quences of segmental duplication, their ratio on the initial template
fluorescent labels and incompetence in single tube detection, may lead could be determined, thereby allowing to judging the number of target
to reduced stability and accuracy of the experiment. chromosomes (Fig. 1C).
In view of the shortcomings in the previous detection system, we re- Primers were designed according to the selected segmental dupli-
screened and verified a series of new segmental duplication molecular cations respectively, followed by the single-primer and multi-primer
markers. The new molecular markers can realize the single-tube and verification. After that, the segmental duplication molecular markers
multi-locus simultaneous detection of the abnormalities in chromo- and their amplification primers were finally developed.
somes 13, 18, 21, X and Y, thus providing a new theoretical basis and
diagnostic alternative for the diagnosis of prenatal common chromo- 2.5. SD-QF-PCR and capillary electrophoresis
some aneuploidies. In this paper, 230 cases of routine clinical amniotic
fluid samples were further detected using SD-QF-PCR, whose clinical The PCR amplification was performed using PCR System 9700
application value in the diagnosis of aneuploidy abnormalities was (Applied Biosystems) in a total reaction volume of 25 μL containing
explored via a more in-depth comparison with the conventional kar- 1 × Reaction Master Mix (CWBio Biological Technology Co., Ltd.),
yotype analysis. 30 ng genomic DNA and 0.5 m mol/L of each forward and reverse
primer. The reaction mixture was preheated at 95 °C for 3 min, fol-
lowed by 28 cycles of 30 s at 95 °C and 30 s at 60 °C, an extension step
at 72 °C for 10 min, and the final preservation at 15 °C for subsequent
1 μL of the PCR product was mixed with 23 μL of formamide and

L. Sun et al. Gene 627 (2017) 72–78

Fig. 1. The principle and process of SD-QF-PCR.

(A), The segmental duplication molecule markers located on Chr 6 and Chr 13. (B), A single pair of primers was used to simultaneously amplify a 129-bp sequence on chr6 and a 132-bp
sequence on Chr 13 from segmental duplications. (C), Normal samples with a 1:1 pattern ratio of chromosome dosages, trisomy 13 samples with a 2:3 pattern ratio of chromosome

Table 1 ratio between the segmental duplications was calculated based on the
Information for primers and amplicons. fluorescence signal height of two similar sequences, and the changes in
copy number between two chromosomes were identified via the
Segmental Primer sequence (5′ → 3′) Amplicon size
duplications (bp) quantitative ratio. The detection results of SD-QF-PCR were recorded
and compared with those of karyotype analysis.
3.1. Development of segmental duplication molecular markers and primer
SD5QF18 Tail-GGGCCAAACCCAACCCT Chr 19: 177 Through blasting the segmental duplication of target chromosomes,
ATATCTGTGTTTTGTCCCACACC Chr 18: 181 a total of 13 new segmental duplication molecular markers, located on
different loci in chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y, were developed in
SD7QF21 Tail-AGCTCCAGATCACCATGCTC Chr 21: 214 this study. With the screened segmental duplications of chromosomes
AAAACTGGCCCGAAGGGTAG Chr 2: 218 13, 18 and 21 as target sequences, three loci were screened out for each
SD8QF21 Tail-AGGCAAACATTATACACACAATGG Chr 9: 227 chromosome to detect the number of chromosomes 13, 18 and 21.
TCTGCTGCCTGTCAATATTTGT Chr 21: 233 Segmental duplications SD1QF13, SD2QF13 and SD3QF13 were used
for the number detection of chromosomes 13, SD4QF18, SD5QF18 and
SD10QF1Y GGTTGTGCTAAAAACACTCTTTGC Chr 1: 273 SD6QF18 for chromosome 18, whereas SD7QF21, SD8QF21 and
Tail-TCTGGAATGTGGCTGCTGT Chr Y: 277 SD9QF21 for chromosome 21. With the screened segmental duplica-
SD11QFYX Tail-ACTGTCTAGACAATCACCCCA Chr Y: 284 tions of chromosome X and Y as target sequences, four segmental du-
plication loci were screened, i.e., SD10QF1Y, SD11QFYX, SD12QFX16
TTTCCCTCCAGGACCACCTT Chr 16: 306 and SD13QF3X, which were used for the number detection of chro-
SD13QF3X Tail-GGTTTTGCCTAGGTCCAGTG Chr 3: 335 mosomes X and Y.
CCTGGTAATACAGCTCAGTGTCA Chr X: 341 With the developed segmental duplication molecular markers as the
FAM-tail: FAM-tgcacgctgacgactggtac target sequences, we designed and synthesized the corresponding seg-
mental duplication amplification primers, one consensus tailed se-
quence, and fluorescence-labeled universal amplification primers. The
1 μL of the size standard (Applied Biosystems). The mixture was de-
sequence 5′-tgcacgctgacgactggtac-3′ was used to tail the upstream or
natured at 95 °C for 3 min and placed on ice to prevent re-annealing
downstream primers in the segmental duplication amplification primers
until further analysis. The electrophoretic analysis was performed using
(Fig. 1B), that is, 13 of 26 primers were tailed (Table 1). Meanwhile, the
a POP4 gel (ABI) on the ABI 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (Applied
FAM fluorescence-labeled tailed primer was used as the universal am-
plification primers to co-amplify 26 segmental duplications. Table 1
presents the specific primers and product length of segmental dupli-
2.6. Results analysis
cations. Fig. 2 presents the loci and electrophoresis results of segmental
The PCR products of the segmental duplications with different
fragment sizes were separated using capillary electrophoresis, and there
were also differences in capillary electrophoresis fluorescence signals 3.2. The sensitivity and stability of SD-QF-PCR
between the amplification products of different concentrations.
GeneMapper ID Software V3.2 (Applied Biosystems) was used for the A serial dilution of template DNA was used to evaluate the sensi-
data analysis of product length and amplification volume. The peak tivity and stability of SD-QF-PCR. Genomic DNA was extracted from

L. Sun et al. Gene 627 (2017) 72–78

Fig. 2. The loci and electrophoresis results of segmental duplication.

blood samples of six normal individuals which have been analyzed by detected using SD-QF-PCR, of which 16 samples were obtained from
karyotype analysis. Each template DNA was serially 10-fold diluted individuals with trisomy 21, 4 samples from patients with trisomy 18, 3
from 300 ng to 3 pg, and tested for SD-QF-PCR for three times. samples from individuals with trisomy 13, 3 samples with 45,X, and 2
Although the signal could be detected when 300 pg DNA was used, it samples from individuals with 47,XXY and with 47,XYY respectively.
was not quantified exactly. Therefore, the expected values can be ob- Two samples of suspected mosaic 46,XX/46,XY in amniotic fluid
tained when the concentration of template DNA was between 300 ng karyotype analysis, only one sample was identified as true mosaic
and 3 ng. sample by SD-QF-PCR, the segmental duplication ratios of 46,XX/46,XY
sample were X:Y = 1008:710 = 1.42, which was consistent with the
3.3. Judgment on the detection results of autosomal aneuploidies using SD- results of cord blood (the cord blood karyotypes 46, XY/47, XXY with
QF-PCR the mosaic proportions of 18:82) and amniotic fluid karyotype analysis
(the amniotic fluid karyotypes 46, XY/47, XXY with the mosaic pro-
In normal samples, the amplification volume ratio of the segmental portions of 17:83) (Fig. 3I).
duplications (two similar sequences) between the sequences of chro- In the detection of aneuploidies and mosaic from clinical samples,
mosomes 13, 18 and 21 and the sequences of reference chromosomes the detection results of chromosomal aneuploidies using SD-QF-PCR
was 2:2, that is, the ratio was 1:1 (Fig. 3A and B). In the target trisomy were consistent with those using conventional karyotype analyses.
chromosomes, the ratio turned to be 3:2, i.e., 1.5:1 (Fig. 3C–E). Significant differences in the SD-QF-PCR results regarding chromo-
somes 13, 18 and 21 were observed between normal samples and
3.4. Judgment on the detection results of sex chromosomal aneuploidies trisomy samples (Fig. 4), and the statistical results of means and stan-
using SD-QF-PCR dard deviations of chromosomes 13, 18 and 21 using SD-QF-PCR have
been shown in Table 2, indicating 100% sensitivity and specificity of
In normal male samples with X:Y = 1:1, the ratio of autosome to sex SD-QF-PCR in the diagnosis of clinical samples.
chromosome (X or Y) was 2:1 (Fig. 3B); in normal female samples with
Y = 0, the ratio of autosome to chromosome X was 2:2 (Fig. 3A). In 4. Discussion
47,XXY samples with X:Y = 2:1, the ratio of autosome to chromosome
Y was 2:1, and the ratio of autosome to chromosome X was 2:2 SD-QF-PCR is based on the co-amplification of segmental duplica-
(Fig. 3G). In 45,X samples with Y = 0, the ratio of autosome to chro- tions located on two different chromosomes using a single pair of pri-
mosome X was 2:1 (Fig. 3F). In 47,XYY samples with X:Y = 1:2, the mers. The PCR products of different sizes were subsequently analyzed
ratio of autosome to chromosome Y was 2:2, and the ratio of autosome through capillary electrophoresis, and the aneuploidies were de-
to chromosome X was 2:1 (Fig. 3H). termined based on the relative dosage between the two chromosomes
(Fig. 3). The detection over 230 clinical samples showed that the results
3.5. SD-QF-PCR detection results of chromosomal aneuploidies using SD-QF-PCR were consistent with
that using conventional karyotype analysis, demonstrating 100% sen-
Two hundred and thirty clinical amniotic fluid samples were sitivity and specificity for both. Therefore, SD-QF-PCR is able to quickly

L. Sun et al. Gene 627 (2017) 72–78

Fig. 3. The electrophoresis results of segmental duplication.

and stably detect the abnormalities in common chromosomal aneu- amplification temperature. Therefore, the segmental duplication mo-
ploidies. lecular markers with two copies exhibit favorable application ad-
Human genomic repetitive sequences exist in two organizational vantages and promotion prospects in the clinical diagnosis of gene or
forms, tandem repeats and interspersed repeats. Tandem repeats in- chromosome number.
clude satellite DNA, minisatellite DNA and microsatellite DNA, all of In order to ensure that the relative dosage of segmental duplication
which have been widely applied in the field of biology (Neusser et al., amplification products between two chromosomes can be detected via
2015); interspersed repeats refer to those sequences whose repeated SD-QF-PCR, the selected segmental duplications should not be entirely
units are not coterminous but interspersed on the chromosomal loci identical but those with identical primer ends and exhibiting different
throughout the entire genome. At present, research on interspersed base number in the middle segment (Fig. 1). Meanwhile, since the small
repeats mainly focuses on their structures, functions and homology fragments of DNA are amplified preferentially during PCR, the base
(Sethi et al., 2016), while studies on their applications appear to be few difference between two similar sequences should be not > 8 bases in
in the clinical diagnosis of genetic diseases. In our study, the segmental general; excessive base number difference may lead to imbalanced
duplications with two copies in the genome, as new molecular markers, number of amplification products and further affect the final results
were found to have an unparalleled advantage in relative quantification judgment. In our previous studies, each primers of segmental duplica-
detection. Because of the identical amplification primers, these two tion were labeled, so there would be 13 FAM-labeled primers in the
sequences are always capable of maintaining almost identical amplifi- present study according to the approach. In order to save the costs for
cation efficiencies and the exact same product amplification volume reagents and facilitate the preservation of primers, one of the segmental
upon the changes in DNA concentration or purity, PCR system, or duplication amplification primers was tailed by a segment of the

L. Sun et al. Gene 627 (2017) 72–78

Fig. 4. Individual relative ratios of chromosomes 21, 18 and 13 in

normal and trisomic samples.

consensus sequence 5′-tgcacgctgacgactggtac-3′, while a fluorescence- theoretically expected values when the DNA template concentration
labeled tailed primer, FAM-tgcacgctgacgactggtac, was added to the ≥ 3 ng.
reaction system. With the help of this fluorescence-labeled primer, 26 In conventional cytogenetic method, it is often necessary to differ-
segmental duplications can be co-amplified with their products labeled entiate the true mosaic or pseudomosaicism. True mosaic are mainly
by FAM fluorescence. The peak ratio between two similar segmental induced by cell mitotic nondisjunction or chromosome loss (Wieczorek
duplications can be thus calculated based on the fluorescence signal et al., 2003). By contrast, the pseudomosaicism may be generated by
height, that is, the changes in copy number between two chromosomes maternal cell contamination or in vitro culture aberration of fetal ex-
can be identified through quantifying the fluorescence ratio between foliated cells (Eggermann et al., 2015). The true mosaic may seriously
two segmental duplications. affect fetal growth and mental development (Ferguson-Smith and
In previous studies, it is difficult to make the designed primers ar- Bianchi, 2010), while the pseudomosaicism may trigger incorrect pre-
ranged in a certain order due to the limited loci for developed seg- natal interventions, both of which may exert great mental and physical
mental duplication molecular markers, so an assist from product re- damage to the pregnant women. In order to identify whether the am-
ference diagrams is required for the results judgment; furthermore, niotic fluid cells are true mosaic or pseudomosaicism, two or more in-
considering the incompetence in the co-amplification in a single tube, it dependent media would be required to be established in the conven-
will involve multiple tubes, thus leading to relatively complicated tional amniotic fluid cell culture approach, and the operation and
judgment procedure. In our study, after screening a large number of interpretation should be performed by two technicians parallels. Cur-
sequences, 3 sets of detection primers were designed respectively for rently, the molecular methods capable of mosaic detection are limited.
chromosomes 13, 18 and 21 and arranged in order; 4 sets of detection Although FISH can be applied for mosaic identification and ratio con-
primers were designed for chromosome X and Y. Consequently, the firmation, it is restricted by the relatively complicated detection pro-
detection results could be intuitively judged according to the electro- cedure and expensive costs. According to our experience in prenatal
phoretogram (Fig. 3). diagnosis, SD-QF-PCR can not only realize the rapid diagnosis of an-
A serial dilution of the DNA template concentration was used to euploidy but also effectively suggest the mosaic samples. Two cases of
evaluate the sensitivity and stability of the SD-QF-PCR. Although the mosaic were identified in amniotic fluid cell karyotype analysis. Of
low template DNA concentration might led to imbalanced amplification them, only one sample was identified as true mosaic sample by SD-QF-
due to the Poisson distribution of the template DNA, overall the results PCR, the segmental duplication ratios of 46,XX/46,XY sample were
demonstrated that all samples generated average values close to the X:Y = 1.42, which corresponded to mosaic proportions of 17:83, when

Table 2
Specificity and sensitivity of chromosomes 13, 18, and 21.

Segmental duplication Chr13:Chr6 Chr13:Chr15 Chr13:Chr9 Chr18:Chr8 Chr18:Chr19 Chr18:Chr5 Chr21:Chr2 Chr21:Chr9 Chr21:Chr15

Mean control 1.02 1.05 0.92 0.91 0.93 0.99 1.00 1.04 1.02
SD control 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.05
Control samples 227 227 227 226 226 226 214 214 214
Mean trisomic 1.43 1.65 1.37 1.41 1.45 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
SD trisomic 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.04
trisomic samples 3 3 3 4 4 4 16 16 16
Total samples 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
Sensitivity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Specificity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

L. Sun et al. Gene 627 (2017) 72–78

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